#I come on here and regularly look at my blorbo tag
imwritesometimes · 2 years
lmao how is this shit just over 5k when I haven't been able to work on it with any real consistency omg
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lilbittymonster · 1 year
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It’s been a year since my original pinned post for my WoL was made so it’s probably time to update.
Edit: Updated for 2024!
About the Blorbo
Name: Kitali Moonblade
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Main Job: DRG/NIN hybrid
Age: Mid 30s
Her tag is #kitali moonblade. Her inspo board tag is just #kitali. Her wolmeric ship tag is #pure azure and her wolstinien ship tag is #bastards in arms. The triad tag is #the ot3 agenda.
Kitali is the daughter of two mercenaries, part of the Xaela diaspora who left the Azim Steppe before the tunnel to Yanxia was sealed off. She has no memory of living on the Steppe and instead grew up in Doma. She lived in Othard for almost two decades before splitting off on her own, eventually finding herself in Aldenard by way of Gyr Abania.
In a word, Kitali Moonblade is unsettling. At first glance, she’s stoic and standoffish and spends more time observing than participating in a conversation. Even people who’ve known her for years are still surprised by her. She doesn’t make friends very easily but once she’s decided she likes someone, they’re stuck with her. Her trust is hard to win and easy to lose.
About the Blog
-This is an 18+ only blog. No exceptions. Minors will be softblocked, come back when you're older.
-Empty blogs with default icons will be reported as spam and blocked. No exceptions. I will not check your likes or your following, if you look like a bot you will be treated as a bot.
-This is my main account and will not be FFXIV exclusive! I try to tag alternate fandoms but am inconsistent. You get what you get.
-This is not a follow4follow blog. I have not done and never will do follow4follow as it is the antithesis of curating your space. Nothing personal.
-I do try to keep FFXIV spoilers to a minimum, but it is not a guarantee. I will tag expansions pretty regularly, and will tag spoilers as "[expansion/patch] spoilers". There is no 2 week embargo bullshit here, it's extremely rude to both new players and to people who don't have the time or energy to blast through a new expansion in only 14 days.
-I don't do RP with Kitali but I do enjoy doing ask memes, writing, and gposing. The best way to interact and learn more about Kitali is to send asks from lists or go tag diving. I don't do well with open ended questions like "tell me about your WoL/ wolship", being precise and direct is the best option for me.
-I do have other OCs as part of a shared canon with some friends and they can be found under #the GAP tag, #the allagan tempest, #magiposting, and #into the blorboverse.
-You are welcome to draw art of my characters! If anyone were to draw art of a scene from one of my fics I'd actually cry and probably put it on my wall. (SFW only, no lewds/nudes/sexual content. If I wanted that for a character I would commission it myself.)
-You may not write any fiction of any kind of my characters. This is a hard boundary. Unless I am heavily involved, I am not comfortable with my characters being used by other people.
Other Socials
AO3 | Twitter | Pillowfort | Bluesky
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essayofthoughts · 1 year
🦋🕯️💌 for the emoji ask game!
🦋what are you most insecure about when you post a fic?
Not really insecure about anything these days? I've posted a truly absurd amount of fic and my previous fandoms include Harry Potter (TERF author can go rot) and MCU (... character roundabouts abound and the tonky stans refuse to admit it) so ... fandoms don't scare me much, I'm liberal with the block and delete buttons and I'm pretty confident in my own writing ability and general standing as a fanfic author.
I think the only thing I tend to worry about is my tags? I always either miss something, or tag something in a slightly weird way there's probably something better for. If you ever notice a fic of mine that could do with either tag pruning or an additional tag - please do let me know. I once managed to forget to add Whump to a fics tags and only remembered when a commenter mentioned it, I promise, I will not be mad.
🕯️how do you think engaging with each other through tumblr, twitter, comments, kudos, creates healthy fandom experiences? How do you deal with that if you’re not a social person/experience social anxiety?
See, I am Bad At People. I had very few friends going up and whether or not I have any neurodivergency (unknown, not unlikely, Dad almost definitely is, but I also have trauma from bullying and a shitty ex to complicate matters) I don't always socialise so good. I tend to observe social interactions and write them well, but outside of my close friends I get very antsy about interacting with new people.
This is why, generally, I stay in my own lane on tumblr; I'll post my metas and analysis here or in response to asks and only occasionally add them to other posts - and then posts by either people I know or, for whatever reason, feel comfortable enough to add to. I used to be a lot more fighty but frankly that intersects with my social shit badly and I am trying to keep to things which spark joy, even if people being wrong on the internet regularly makes me want to fight them.
Anyway. Comments are also easy because like - an awful lot of people don't respond to your comments? And it's a massive load off my anxious back to know I can just leave a comment and probably won't get any response. And then, if there is a response, it's often delightful because I wasn't expecting it and it's to a comment I probably put way too much thought into which means there's often something fun to discuss. Likewise - I love when people comment on my work with clearly thought out considerations and I know, from my own experiences, that many don't expect a reply and it'll be a nice surprise for them.
And, like I said - I'm trying to keep to things which spark joy. Spreading that joy in fandom is one such. World sucks enough - lets not add to it.
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
So uh.
I reblogged a meta from @exhaustedwerewolf a lil while back and it's because of that meta that Kash is now eating my brain apparently? I have gained a new blorbo. I will be resuming my other WIPs soonish - the intense rush of writing has definitely tapered off some - but uh. Now I have 2(.5) new WIPs, centring on Kash and Zahra.
Look I just really like poking at characters and their trauma and Kash and Zahra are both fun and drastically different examples.
Anyway so uh.
From what we hear of Kash's backstory, that boy was raised in a cult? I'm so glad I've listened to the Gangster Capitalism series on Liberty University and read/watched/listened as much as I have to stuff about cults and cult-like entities and abuse within those structures because uh.
Boy has some shit to pick through!
(It's extremely engaging.)
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There's something that's been weighing on me for a bit, and I don't know who to turn to to ask for advice. Like I don't even know if there's a tag I could use for that.
This is about zines! Like fandom zines, draw-your-blorbo-for-this-zine zines. As a hobbyist digital artist who Posts Drawings Online, I often hear that participating in zines is great for practice and to get your name out there.
I definitely don't believe I'm consistently good enough to make it to the Cool Zines with the Popular Artists but there are zines that are open to all levels, right? I've been a bit shy about it, but every now and then I took a look. At this point, I've still never participated in one.
Last time I had hope was when I ran into a zine for a character with a small fandom, whom I personally like and have drawn a couple times before. The rules for the zine said it was beginner friendly, so it seemed ideal - if it's friendly to full-on beginners, it's probably friendly for an adult who just happens to be a slow learner when it comes to drawing... right?
But I completely lost hope when I read something along those lines: "We will be checking in regularly over the months with every artist to make sure their pieces are coming together. Our goal is to encourage every artist, even beginners, to spend time on and produce their best piece for this zine." I don't know if I'm transcribing this well, because it was a long time ago, but the implication was that you're supposed to work on your piece over the span of multiple months.
I don't know how to explain that this is not an option. The way I practice drawing is by finishing my piece all at once - and for bigger pieces (which may be what applies to what I'd produce for a zine), over a few days in a row. I don't like to play the I'm a Major and Neurodivergent card, but I know for a fact that when I have to spend a long time on a project, it actively ruins my life. Like think inability to be productive at all during the time I'm not working on a piece. Think exhausting myself mentally to the point it causes my work to be worse, not better because I spent a long time on it. Think heightened depression.
This is why I limited my commissions slots to 6, for example. When someone pays me to draw an entire cast of characters (which is usually what interests my clients), I know for a fact that my quality of work goes down the more I work on it. I know myself and I know that to be healthy AND produce my best work, it needs to be a one-and-done thing. (Pieces I've spent multiple days in a row on include this and this. But I've also completed fullbody pieces in a few hours, like this. Basically what I'm trying to prove is that I know and understand my own abilities.)
If I refused to comply and actually spend months on a piece to keep adding to it and "make it better" as expected, I would probably be perceived as a bad element, and that would make me Feel Bad because I Don't Do It On Purpose. I'm also not sure how I'd feel having someone who expects me to be able to continue working on a piece give me criticisms on a drawing I'm done with and honestly can't touch up anymore for the life of me? (I'm not really good at correcting a piece once I've rendered it lol.)
I don't know how to explain how depressing it was to me to read this line. It really made me feel like zines, even those open to hobbyists, are inaccessible to me. I'm not gonna sit here and call the creators of this zine ableist because I'm wondering if this isn't just... what is expected for every zine. It makes me feel awful and like I have no chance to ever participate in one. I don't know how to explain that I'm not rushing and being lazy, but I would in fact make my life a nightmare if I spent too much time on it, and I thought hobbies were for fun?
So this is my actual question for anyone who's familiar with fanzines: is this in fact the expectation for all zines? Are there zines that are known to be open for different working styles? Are there ways I can efficiently communicate my issue and be accepted without bothering the creators too much?
The pressure of performing well would already be a lot of stress for me, so if on top of that I weren't able to do the type of work expected of me, I'd feel like trash. If I'm accepted into a zine because my art level seems proper for it, can it be also accepted that I won't in fact spend a really long time on my piece? Like I'll take the time it needs. From my point of view.
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fandom-hoarder · 3 years
🖤 Welcome to my Hoard 🖤
18+ fandom content | to follow: don't look like a bot 🥴
If you believe in thought crime or thought crime cooties, DON'T FOLLOW ME. You will not like it here and I will wonder why tf you're here.
Call me hoarder or ry. Asks are open, but replies happen sometime between immediately and my death.💜😅
Tumblr DMs are open to anyone for now, but the icebreaker stage needs to be fandom related. I might post about my real life, but I'm not here to DM about it if I don't already know how your blorbo likes to be bred or has munchausen by proxy tendencies towards their beloved, etc.🤷‍♀️
A tumblr follow is not a friend request. It's an opt-in to see my reblogs on your dash.
I am not here for personal romantic or sexual relationships. My horny posting is fictional. I'm married and ace.
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[Banner credit: @corpsedean ]
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[Banner credit: @lovetheirloves ]
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This is a multi-fandom, multi-shipping blog currently focused on Supernatural. Proshipping bibro, SamDean focused, finale positive. I know the difference between canon and fanon. ❤
I post and reblog: gencest, wincest, weirdcest, aroace qpr samdean, headcanons, imagines/thoughts, dark stuff, angst, fluff, fanfiction, queer Sam, trans Sam, 'genderswap' edits, winkline, sastiel, most Sam ships really, daddycest, mommycest, weecest, 18+ fan content, spn crack, j2, rpf, occasional fandom wank, other fandoms, and random shit.
Previous pinned post here.
Another pertinent post.
And another.
I'm ladygizarme on AO3. I write fanfiction and record podfic.
🔮Witch!Sam Bingo Masterlist
Tag List Signup
My Rec List Masterlist
This blog supports trans people and trans rights.
My tags are kind of messy, but I try to tag for common triggers, squicks, and content warnings.
Sexual content or erotic visuals are tagged: 🍋
Wank is: #fandom wank #fandom wank adjacent
Sometimes there’s: #u.s. politics or #u.s. bullshit
Most pairings are tagged, however assume to see SamDean content here.
Some things to know:
Not a tinhat, but tinhat adjacent. I rb j2 tinhat stuff regularly. Tags to block: #j2 tinhat #j2 tinhat adjacent
I post crit sometimes, but it's out of love. 💕💔 Tags to block: #spn writers critical #canon crit #dean critical #misha critical #castiel critical #mary critical (I think that's mostly it???)
I also use #john winchester’s A+ parenting  --however it’s not always negative, and often discussing canon or headcanons
(Actually there's more now) Walker tags to block: #cordri neg #cordri squick #geri neg #geri critical
I started SPN in 2013 as a bibro that shipped destiel. The thing that finally brought me to the fandom was the podfic of Two Boys From Kansas in King Uther’s Court (a BBC Merlin/SPN gen crossover), and I binge-watched s1-7 a couple times with my baby bro until new episodes started coming out and watched those as they aired until s10. Came back to fandom in 2020 and couldn't enjoy much destiel content. The culture of heller fandom and my preference for a canon-adjacent aroace relationship that doesn't sideline Sam or change Dean's character has made my enjoyment of most deancas content a thing of the past. (Also I'm like 200% more obsessed with SamDean since the finale.)
On the very rare occasion I rb something destiel related, I will tag it so people can blacklist.
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[Banner credit unknown: please lmk if you made it]
~Discord~ IF WE'RE ALREADY MUTUALS/FANDOM FRIENDS: (Since a lot of mutuals have been shadowbanned lately and can't use messaging) My discord: fandom-hoarder #6220 (or fandom_hoarder since the stupid username update?)
No random friend requests, please. I honestly don't really DM on discord except for one-offs of things that can't go in a server discussion. If we don't already interact or exist in overlapping interest circles/servers... I'm pretty much already at capacity for conversation about real life.
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