#I couldn’t stand up straight and eventually caved and wobbled over to sit on the meager shade with my head between my knees
Hello, first of all, I love your work and I am so thankful that you literally keep this ship over water (lol). I would like to ask if you could write a fic where Sirius and James are enemies and Sirius then tries to seduce James (for whatever reason, maybe he tries to get something?), but falls in love on the way. When James finds out he's obviously angry, so bit of angst. I leave it up to you, but I would like a happy ending!
((A/N: Most of this fic is dealing with the fallout of James finding out, not the build-up to it, just fyi. This is a vague historical AU, where they're both lords at court or somthing. Bit of a warning for starting a relationship under false pretenses.))
Sirius didn't start his day with it in mind. He didn't sit alone in his room and come up with a scheme for how he could achieve his goal.
He was going about his day as normal, and when him and Potter traded insults, he ended it by whispering in his ear. Sirius didn't get close to people. Physically, he didn't get close. He liked his space. He didn't want people to touch him. Potter knew this, so he knew that it was out of the ordinary when Sirius leaned in and put his mouth by his ear.
He did it to throw Potter off. He didn't have any intention behind it other than that. He left him behind with a smirk and called it a victory. He thought that would be the end of it.
The next time he saw Potter, he was looking at Sirius warily, like he expected for something else to happen.
Looking back, Sirius had no excuse for it, other than that he thought it was amusing. It didn't take long after that for Sirius to fall head first. He knew that it was a mistake while it was happening, but he didn't do a damn thing to stop it.
"What the hell is this?" James asked.
Sirius blinked, closed the door, then squinted to try and make out what James was holding. Paper, obviously. Maybe they were letters? But there was a black seal on some of the envelopes on the desk behind him, and the only people that used black wax-
He stopped cold, all the blood draining from his face and leaving him ghostly pale. The only people that used black wax was in his family. Sirius thought he'd burned those letters when he couldn't find them later, but evidently, that had been a failing of his searching skills. He swallowed thickly. "It's not what it looks like."
James looked down at one of the unfolded letters in his hands and started to read. "'Sirius, good work on keeping the Potter heir distracted. Do whatever you need to to ensure he doesn't learn of-'"
"I know what it says," Sirius interrupted, his fear making him rude. "It's not true."
"Have your lies always been so transparent? You've been making a fool of me for months, and these letters are the proof."
"James, I swear it's not what it looks like," Sirius pleaded. "I know that it seems unbelievable, but if you would let me explain, I swear you'll understand."
James looked at him, expression unreadable. Then he said, "Fine. Explain."
Sirius opened his mouth, and nothing came out. He didn't know what to say. All he'd had in mind was that he couldn't let James walk out of here, because if he did, it would be for good. "I- okay, when it started, it was- I didn't know you. You were an enemy of my family and I didn't think about it, but-"
"So when you said that this wasn't what I thought, what you meant was that it's exactly what I thought," James interrupted, voice hard.
"It started out that way, but I fell in love with you."
He hadn't said it to James before. It wasn't really something that was said in their family. It was supposed to be implicit. He was pretty sure that James knew how he felt, but he'd never said it to him until now. His heart was beating a mile a minute in his chest, nerves making him jittery. He already regretted saying it, sure that something horrible was about to happen, simply because he'd said it. "Ever since this stopped being casual, I haven't... I haven't been manipulating you this entire time. In the beginning, yes, I- I had ulterior motives, but it's not like that anymore."
James kept looking at him, expression unchanging. "That's it?" he asked eventually.
"What do you mean?"
"That's your entire explanation? That the letters are all correct except for the ones you've gotten in the last month?"
"Well..." Yes, honestly. That's all he had in his defense. "It's been more like a month and a half."
James tossed the letters behind him carelessly, allowing some of the letters to fall to the floor as he got to his feet. "How marvelous of you to correct me," he said flatly. "Instead of five months of you pretending, it was only four and a half." His throat worked, but it was several seconds before he said anything. "Consider your work done. I'll be leaving the capitol in three days."
"What?" Sirius said numbly. Surely he'd misheard. "What did you say?"
"I'll be leaving. I will no longer be in a position to hinder your family's plans. You can pretend we never met."
There was a ringing in his ears, but he knew that he'd heard every word precisely as James said it. "In three days? No, it will take you more time than that to make the preparations."
"My staff was instructed to prepare two days ago. Rest assured, I will be gone when I say." James started to brush by him for the door, but he stopped when Sirius clamped a hand around his upper arm so they were standing right beside each other.
"Two days ago?" Sirius repeated. He hadn't known about the letters then. He'd had no reason to suspect that there had ever been anything amiss in their relationship, and yet he'd still made the decision. "You told me you loved me," he said, voice wobbling as tears sprang to his eyes. Before he'd had reason to doubt Sirius, he'd still been planning to leave him.
"Don't- for fuck's sake, don't do that," James said, sounding upset for the first time since Sirius had walked into the room. Before had been a cold anger, but he'd been in perfect control-- like a mask. This was real, and Sirius knew how to talk to James when it was real. "You played me perfectly, I admit it. You don't have to rub it in like this."
"I'm not rubbing it in!" Sirius screamed, turning to face him instead of letting their shoulders go in a straight line across. "You told me you loved me, but now you admit that you were going to leave me? After promising to always be by my side? You made these plans before you found out. I lied to you, and I tricked you, and yes, it was horrible of me but I thought you were my enemy and I acted in accordance with that. You spoke of love and still ended it in betrayal."
"I did not," James snarled, whirling to face him in kind.
James had never been angry with him before, and he relished in it. If this was to be the end, he would have it be memorable.
"You were supposed to come with me. I came here to ask you to come to my home with me, and instead I found that," he said with a violent gesture to the desk.
"It doesn't matter anymore," he said dismissively. He made to leave, but Sirius grabbed hold of him desperately.
"It matters to me."
"I don't care about that anymore, either. I don't have to tell you anything. I don't owe you an explanation. I'm going to leave and then- I won't see you ever again."
"That's not what you want," Sirius said. Then, anxiously, "Is it? I mean, we-" deep breath, don't puke "-we love each other. You can't throw that away."
James took in a shaking breath, sounding as if he were about to cry, though his face didn't look the part to match. "I don't trust you anymore."
Sirius flinched, hand jerking away from James.
"It doesn't matter that I love you as if nothing's happened, because I wouldn't be able to trust you."
This time, when he tried to leave, Sirius didn't stop him.
Sirius knew that if this didn't work, he'd be completely humiliated. A Black did not get on their knees and beg, but that's exactly what he did.
"Don't leave me," he pleaded, looking up at James.
James's eyes were wide in shock as he looked down, and his mouth was agape. Clearly, he hadn't expected for Sirius to do something like this.
"What do I need to do for you to forgive me?" Sirius asked, and he was sure he sounded as desperate as he felt. "I will do anything."
"You-" James stopped, eyes darting around. People were staring. "Get up," he hissed.
"I will stay down here for as long as I need to prove to you that I'm serious about this and about you."
"Fine, you've proved you're serious about this, not get up."
Sirius narrowed his eyes. He wasn't sure he believed him. The choice was taken from him when James reached down and drug him to his feet.
"What the hell are you doing?" he asked in an undertone.
"You're the best thing that ever happened to me," Sirius said honestly. It made him feel a little jittery, but not half as much as saying the word 'love' had. Besides, James already knew that he was the best hing to happen to him. He'd known that from the first time they spent the night together, even though Sirius had still been trying to manipulate the situation to his family's benefit back then. "I will do whatever it takes to make sure you don't slip out of my life." He swallowed thickly, worried that, despite his best efforts, this wouldn't work. "I mean it, James. Whatever it takes. Tell me what to do, and I'll do it. Whatever you want me to do, name it and it's yours. Give me a chance, and I'll be able to prove that I'm capable of regaining your trust."
James wanted to believe him; Sirius could see it in his eyes. He wanted to accept, but Sirius didn't know what else to say to make him believe that he was being sincere. He had nothing else to add. He'd told James everything that he'd meant to.
"Please," he whispered. It couldn't make the situation worse, but he didn't really expect for it to do anything. After all, it was just one word, and it was one that he'd ignored plenty of times when someone said it to him.
But James caved. Not much, but it was enough. A little dent. His defenses had the slightest crack, and he was letting Sirius through. "You'd have to come home with me. I can't cancel my plans; I already wrote home and said that I'd be-"
"That's fine," Sirius said, pairing it with a weak smile-- weak, because he didn't know how happy James would be if he started grinning like a loon. "I'd be happy to go with you. You don't need to change a thing for me."
"I need to know one thing," James said. It was late, and Sirius had been half-asleep when he answered the door.
"When we started talking about the future, did you mean it?"
Sirius had avoided all questions about what they were and how long they'd be doing it when he hadn't cared about James. It was only after he'd fallen for him that they'd talked. He didn't need a single second to think it over before answering, "Yes. Every word."
"You don't make this easy, you know that?"
"I thought me caring would make this easier."
"Well." James cracked a smile. "It does. It's easier than if you didn't care about me, and I know I prefer it this way."
"I do too," Sirius said, rubbing at one of his eyes. "But like, it's late, and I'm tired, so can we finish talking about this in the morning?"
"I don't think we need to talk about anything else." He hesitated, then asked, "Can I stay with you tonight? Just sleeping, I promise."
Sirius nodded, a bit too enthusiastically.
James didn't say anything about his overly happy reaction, but his smile widened knowingly.
Once they settled in, he pressed a kiss to Sirius's hair. "I love you."
“You too,” Sirius said, because it was easier to say, but he did mean it.
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Riding On
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Ch 19- Everyone Loves A B-J…
Summary: It’s Frank’s birthday and the Adler-Gallagher clan enjoy a family based weekend that brings Frank several surprises along the way, whilst both him and Fliss get a gift that money simply can’t buy.
Warnings:  Bad Language words, Smut (NSFW, 18+)
Pairing: Frank Adler x Fliss Gallagher
A/N:  LONG update here guys, and sorry, I really couldn’t resist the Trump bashing again. For what it’s worth, I cannot WAIT to write Frank’s reaction to that election when I finally get there. All together know “F**k Donal Trump!”
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding On Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 18
Well, you done done me, and you bet I felt it, I tried to be chill, but you're so hot that I melted. I fell right through the cracks, now I'm trying to get back.
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Given that Alex's stay at his grandparents was a success, Fliss felt much happier about her planned surprise few nights away for Frank. She had already booked most of it in early January, having roped her parents, Mary and even Frank's colleagues into her plotting to ensure that the days she had selected- Thursday to Sunday over the second weekend in March- were booked as leave and factored into the rota at the shop without him knowing. Mary, being her usual googling genius self, helped Fliss to find the perfect place to stay in the area she had selected along with a number of activities and she’d booked the whole thing on her credit card so that Frank wouldn't see anything suspicious showing up on their bank statements. That said, despite all her secrecy, Frank could tell she was up to something. He knew her too well not to spot it. And being the impatient little shit he was, he tried everything he could to coax it out of her to no avail. She wasn't for cracking, and neither was Mary. All he kept getting told from both his girls was "wait for your birthday" which was driving him insane. He even tried to catch Fliss out mid sex one evening. He lay over her, languidly dragging his cock in and out of her at a torturously slow pace, promising her he'd let her come if she told him what she was up to. She'd simply panted out that he was an asshole and then looked up at him with those eyes, wide and bright, shining with love and as usual he'd caved. He never could resist when she looked at him like that and a few minutes later she was crying his name whilst Frank was still none the wiser as to what was actually going on. The morning of his birthday rolled around much the same as any other Saturday morning, except Mary had opted to stay home the night before instead of going to Roberta’s as they were going out for breakfast. The morning sun was warm on Frank's face as it spliced through a crack in the curtains, but that wasn't what had woken him. It was Fliss, kissing and nuzzling all around his shoulders and the back of his neck as she snuggled into him from behind, her hand snaking around his waist and dipping into his boxers.
He gave a croaky little groan as her hand wrapped around his semi-hard cock, lightly stroking him as she continued gently kissing his neck, the heat from her body radiating into his as she pressed her chest to his bare back. Frank turned his head so he was looking over his shoulder and she met him with a cheeky smirk which turned into a slow, gentle kiss, perfect for the lazy, slow strokes she was giving him.
"Happy birthday baby." She whispered, nudging his nose with hers.
“You can say that again.” He choked as her grip tightened around him.
“Happy birthday baby.” She chuckled and Frank rolled his eyes giving a huff of laughter but before he could reply Fliss had gently pushed on his shoulder, coaxing him over onto his back. She moved so she was hovering over him, kissed him again before her mouth made its way down his chest, nose and lips tracing a path down his happy trail and across his Adonis belt. With a soft moan of her name, Frank’s hand tangled in those soft, morning-tousled waves of bright, auburn hair he adored as she glanced up at him with her deep, brown eyes, the polka-dot bed covers peaked around her head. She gave another cheeky grin as her hands reached for the side of his boxers and he shifted his hips to allow her to pull them down. Her eyes locked on his she wrapped her hand round the base of his cock and gave a few further flicks of her wrist, causing him to sigh before she adjusted herself, pulled her hair over one shoulder and took him in her mouth. Frank moaned, totally blissing out as Fliss licked and sucked her way around his dick, the hand that wasn't in her hair fisted around the bed sheets as he felt his pleasure mounting the more she worked him. His hips bucked slight as she took him all the way to the back of her throat, a motion she repeated for 3 or 4 times until he was gone. With a hiss and a croak of her name Frank spilled himself down her throat, his fingers tightening around her hair as he sighed, laying back, eyes closed, chest heaving.
With a smirk Fliss pulled his boxers back up and crawled the length of his body, laying on top of him, her chest pressed to his. He smiled, his eyes still not opening as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close for a second, basking in what a fucking amazing wake-up call that had been, until the baby monitor on the nightstand suddenly emitted a loud gurgled screech signalling Alex was awake and sure enough, as they both turned to look at the screen they could see him attempting to roll over in his crib.
“It was a lot easier when he was right here.” Fliss pouted, her chin on Frank’s chest as she peeked up at him and Frank gave her a stern look.
“We’re not having that argument again, Liss.” He shook his head, “He’s 6 months old now. He can sleep in his own room.”
“I know, I know…” She sighed, pushing herself up away from Frank and climbing off the bed. He watched her go laying back on the pillow, giving a roll of his eyes at the ceiling. That had been one hell of heated discussion earlier in the week when he’d suggested it was time Alex moved into the nursery at night instead of just taking his daytime naps in there. Fliss had protested, shown him all this stuff on the internet about how it was better for kids to be in their parents rooms until they were 12 months old, which Frank and countered with articles to the contrary he had found and stated Mary had never slept in his room from the moment he’d had her. She’d gotten upset, teary, but he wasn’t caving in. He’d hated being so damned forceful with her but the fact was as much as he loved the kids he selfishly and unashamedly wanted his private space back, a space where they got to be alone with one another to allow them to be Fliss and Frank, not mom and dad. Plus he also knew the longer Alex stayed in their room the harder it was going to be to get him to settle in his own space. Eventually, after Fliss had realised this was one thing she wasn’t getting her own way with she’d given in, and spent most of the night tossing and turning, sniffing a little, and when he’d tried to cuddle her she’d told him to piss off. Frank had merely taken a deep breath and backed away, knowing full well that when she got up in the morning and saw that Alex was fine, she’d feel like an ass. And he’d been right. She’d been up at the crack of dawn, straight into the nursery and come back a few minutes later, sidling up to him and hugging him from behind whispering that she was sorry, and the entire thing had been forgotten.
A thud on the bed jolted Frank from his thoughts and he looked down to see Thor had hopped up on the foot of the bed and he flopped down, his head on the peak that Frank’s feet were making.
“Oh, it’s like that is it buddy?” he asked and the dog merely looked at him before giving a contented sigh, his tail thumping on the bed. Then his head perked up as the door to their room pushed open again and his tail grew even more frantic as Fliss entered with Alex in her arms. She placed him down on the duvet and climbed into bed again, both watching as their baby promptly rolled from his back onto his tummy, his head raising to look at Frank as he gave a loud gurgle, grinning up at his daddy.
Frank gave a huff of laughter as he sat up against the headboard and hooked his hands under Alex’s arm pits, standing him up on his thighs. Gently he moved his hand so the baby could grab onto his fingers and Alex stood, looking around the room as Frank helped him stay in place.
“Mum thinks he’ll be crawling soon.” Fliss smiled as she lay back, watching the two of them “I mean he’s already sitting up and bum shuffling on the floor so…”
“God help us…or more to the point God help Thor!” Frank snorted as Alex gave a loud shriek as he spotted the dog led on the bed. Thor once more thumped his tail but made no effort to move. At that point, Alex’s legs gave a little wobble and he plopped down onto the soft duvet, sitting up and grabbing at the pattern on the cover before he looked up, grinning once more at Frank.
“He’s always so happy.” Fliss beamed at the baby who waggled his arms excitedly as Frank once more helped him stand up.
“He does nothing but sleep, eat, drink and mess in his diaper.” Frank shrugged “What’s there to be miserable about?!” Fliss snorted as Frank cocked his head and studied his son. “His hair is definitely going darker.” He mused.
“I know.” Fliss smiled “I’m glad his eyes aren’t though.”
“Glad?” Frank turned to her. “How come?”
“Because they’re just like yours.”
Frank smiled as Fliss leaned over and kissed him softly. They spent a little more time in bed, watching Alex’s various attempts to shuffle over the top of the bed towards the german shepherd at the bottom, before they heard Mary’s door open. She headed into the bathroom first before she knocked on their door and when Frank told her to come in she dive bombed on the bed singing Happy Birthday and demanding that he get up to open his gifts.
It was only since being with Fliss that Frank had really had Birthday or Christmas presents to open since he had left Boston. Granted, Roberta had normally gotten him a little something from her and also Mary but now it was different. And not that he was materialistic but he loved the fact he felt a little spoilt. He sat on the couch and unwrapped each one in turn to reveal a couple of new shirts, a pair of sneakers and a framed photo of the four of them which had been taken by Bill at the last Competition Mary had been in. She was sat on Monty in her full show gear, rosette attached to the pony's bridle as Alex perched in front of her, held safely in place by Fliss's hands. Frank stood at the other side of the pony, his arm round Mary all of them beaming at the camera. "Thanks guys, I love it all." Frank looked up smiling, before he paused as Fliss handed him an envelope "More?"
She nodded from where she sat on the floor with Alex who was stood on shaky legs, hanging on to her fingers just as he’d done with his dad earlier. Frank looked at her suspiciously before he slipped his finger under the flap and tore it open. He pulled out the piece of paper, which was a flight itinerary and his eyes widened as he looked at the destination. "We're going to Vermont?" He looked at Fliss and she grinned, giving a nod. "3 nights, next Thursday to Sunday, just the 2 of us"  She informed him as Frank quickly scanned the details, his eyes flicking back to hers as he registered the fact they were going to be alone "Nice little cabin in the Moscow area of Stowe and I booked us a few things to do..." "Please tell me one of those things is the Ben and Jerry's tour!" Frank groaned as and Fliss gave a chuckle.
“Well you know what they say…” she looked at Frank whose eyes flicked back to the printed itinerary before they raised once more to hers, questioningly. She grinned and licked her lips “Everyone loves a BJ.”
Frank gave a snort, followed by a little sigh of delight looking back at the piece of paper in his hand, his eyes shining with happiness as he took it all in. “Lissy, this is amazing." He beamed "Thank you." "Wait..." Mary suddenly piped up "You're going to Ben and Jerry's?" "Yeah." Fliss nodded.
"So not fair." She rolled her eyes "I wanna go."
“Tough.” Frank shot back “It’s my birthday not yours.”
“Well can we go for my birthday?” Mary asked.
“That’s so mean Frank.” She whined.
“Go call someone who cares.” He looked at her. She narrowed her eyes and then held her hand out.
“Give me your phone then.” She demanded and Fliss laughed.
“Yeah? And who you gonna call?” Frank eyed her “Ghostbusters?”
Marry grinned “Nope. Poppa Bill. He’ll kick your ass.”
“Oh please!” Frank snorted “I’m not scared of Bill.” He shrugged “I could take him down.”
Mary pondered for a second before she looked at him, a positively wicked smirk crossing her face “Fine, I’ll call Uncle Steeby then. I know you’re scared of him.”
“No I’m not.” Frank scoffed and Mary snorted
“Whatever Frank, you’re only lying to yourself.” She said, standing up “Imma go get dressed. When we going for breakfast?”
“Soon as we’re ready.” Fliss smiled and Mary skipped out of the room, humming something to herself, Fred and Thor both following her as she went.
“You’re a liar.” Fliss looked at Frank.
“What?” he asked, picking Alex up and settling him on his knee.
“Saying you’re not scared of Steeby.”
“I’m not.” Frank shook his head, before his face rearranged into a little smile “I’m petrified of him.”
Just over an hour or so later they were settled in a booth at Keke's Breakfast cafe on Gulfport. Mary announced loudly that she didn’t need to see the menu, telling their server that she wanted her favourite, the apple and cinnamon waffles with a side of bacon. Frank rolled his eyes at her hyper nature, a soft smile on his face as she chatted away to the teenager who entertained her ramblings with the patience of a saint whilst he and Fliss gave the menu a cursory glance before they too opted for their standard order. Frank took the large French toast combo with his eggs over easy as always, whereas Fliss chose the raspberry stuffed French toast. They also ordered a side of plain pancakes for Alex, the baby now at the stage of holding various food items in his little hand and gumming them half to death with his few teeth. It kept him quiet and entertained whilst they ate, even if more of it did end up round his face and in his hair than his mouth.
Their food didn’t take long, Frank filling the 15 minute or so wait gently teasing Mary about a boy she had mentioned from school, causing her to narrow her eyes at him, protesting that they were just friends. When Fliss then pointed out that was how her and Frank started off she paused, pulled a face and then informed them that their accusations were both baseless and gross, causing Frank to laugh and lean back in his seat, taking a large drink of his coffee.
Their food arrived and Fliss cut up the pancakes, handing a large piece of one to Alex as they all tucked in, eating with gusto, a happy silence falling over the table which Mary broke a few moments later.
“Can we grill tonight?” she asked, her mouthful of food. Frank looked at her, where she was sat on the bench opposite him, next to Fliss. He shook his head “What?” she asked.
“Seriously, it’s breakfast time and you’re asking about what we’re eating tonight?”
Mary shrugged “You need to be more organised, Frank.”
Fliss gave a snort as Frank looked from Mary to her “Seriously, I’m 39 getting sassed by a soon to be 10 year old.”
“39…” Fliss sniggered and Frank nudged her under the table with his foot.
“So can we or not?” Mary demanded.
“Jeeez.” Frank rolled his eyes, picking up his coffee “It’s my birthday, don’t I get a say in what we do?”
“I’ve actually booked us a table somewhere.” Fliss spoke, cutting across the argument. “Thought it might be nice for us all to go out.”
“Where?” Mary turned to her.
“1200 Chophouse.”
Frank let out a groan of delight at the same time Mary punched the air “Seriously?”
Fliss nodded “It was going to be a surprise. Mum, Dad, Steve, Sian and the kids are coming. Oh, and Roberta.” She turned to Mary “So when we get back you need to ride then bath Monty and load the wagon ready for tomorrow. The table is booked for 6:30 so we can feed Alex before we go. He should be happy enough in the chair.”
Mary nodded “Am I on the 1pm class?”
Fliss shook her head “No, I told Joanne to take you off. I’ll teach you later once the class is done ok?”
Mary grinned “I like it best when we do that.”
Fliss smiled at her and then turned to Alex who had enthusiastically banged his fist on the little plastic tray of the high-chair. “You ok baby?” he grinned at her then let out a loud shriek. “Ok, hang on…” She tore another pancake in half and then handed it to him where he shoved it in his mouth straight away. She watched him for a second then looked at Frank “He’s got your appetite.”
“He’s a growing boy.” Frank shrugged.
“What’s your excuse?” Fliss teased and Frank swallowed the last of his breakfast and leaned back against the bench, arm resting along the back of it as he drank his coffee.
“I burn a lot of energy.” He said after little deliberation, shooting her a wink.  
 About half an hour later they finished their breakfast and headed home, Mary and Fliss both changing into their riding gear and heading over to the yard for the afternoon. Fliss was apologising to Frank about not spending the full day with him but he chuckled, assuring her that he some peace and quiet and one-to-one time with his boy was celebration enough, earning him a soft nip on his arm in retaliation. He spent the afternoon in between making sure Alex was happy and settled enough flicking through trash TV, drinking beer and scouting the internet for a couple of boat parts some of which were needed and others, like a surround sound digital entertainment system complete with satellite TV, were not. Nevertheless, he marked the catalogue number down along with the stuff he actually did need so he could see how much cheaper it would be when he ran it all through the system at work.
At just gone 5 Fliss and Mary came back through the door, Thor hot on their heels, Fliss face bright red and Mary’s streaked with tears.
“What…” Frank stood up and Fliss held her hand up, telling him to stop. He did as he was told, observing with a frown as Mary kicked off her boots and gave a sniff.
“Fliss, I didn’t…”
“I’ve nothing more to say on the issue.” Fliss cut her off.
“No buts Mary.” Fliss shook her head “What you said was really mean and I won’t tolerate it ok?”
“Kay…” She sniffed again.
“The horse world is full of nasty bitches.” Fliss looked at her. “I don’t want you becoming one. You know, you’ve done spectacularly well for your first ever season and now and you’ve pretty much just ruined it for yourself because frankly I’m not sure letting you go tomorrow is appropriate given your behaviour.”
“I’m sorry…please, Fliss. I can’t miss the last show!”
“Enough!” Fliss voice rose and Mary shut her mouth hastily. “No more. Now go get showered and changed, we’re late, we need to leave in an hour.” Fliss spoke with a finality to her voice which Mary clearly picked up on as she didn’t argue or plead anymore. Instead she simply wiped her face and headed through the room to the hall, eyes focussed on the floor as she walked. When she shut the door behind her to the hallway, Frank turned to Fliss, his expression puzzled.
“Ok, what’s going on?”
Fliss groaned, heading to the fridge “She was practicing over a few jumps and couldn’t quite get Monty to make the turn on the last one right, he kept tripping or knocking the pole down so she started to get frustrated. And it didn’t help that Sally was stood watching. Mary carried on getting really annoyed and distracted, and basically screamed at Sally saying that she was putting her off and then called her an asshole and told her to leave because no one on the yard liked her.”
Frank arched an eyebrow “She said that?” Fliss nodded and he groaned “Jesus.”
“And then Sally’s mother started.” Fliss sighed heavily, shutting the fridge door and cracking open the bottle of water she’d retrieved. “She was accusing Mary of being a spoilt brat and a spiteful little witch so then I ended up arguing with her, you know, pointing out that they’re kids and they say stuff, and that Sally is no angel as she has an acid tongue too…not that that excuses what Mary said.” She took a long drink of water “The upshot is her mother served her notice and they’re leaving next weekend.”
“So you lost clients?” Frank folded his arms, shaking his head in frustration, “Because of Mary’s mouth?”
“2 boarders.” Fliss shrugged “I’m not too bothered about that side of it, I have a waiting list so I can fill them straight away, I just don’t want Sandybrook getting a reputation, you know? Livery Yards can be horrible places and I work so hard to nip any bitching and bad feelings in the bud before they can spiral.”
“Did Mary apologise?”
“Oh yeah.” Fliss swallowed some more water. “I tore strips off her. As soon as she said it I told her to get straight off Monty, put him away and we were done. I made her apologise in front of everyone who’d been watching and then told her I’m not sure if I’m gonna take her tomorrow. I also told her if it wasn’t for the fact it was your birthday and we had no one to babysit, she wouldn’t be going anywhere tonight either.” She paused and bit the inside of her lip and looked at Frank “Was that too much? I mean…”
“No, absolutely not.” Frank shook his head “And besides, even if I thought it was harsh, which I don’t, I’d never undermine you anyway.”
 “Thing is Frank, I really want her to go tomorrow.” Fliss rolled her eyes, “She’s worked so hard and she’s not a bad kid. It feels such a shame to let all her hard work and practice go to waste.”
“Well you didn’t say she couldn’t go for sure, just that you were debating whether or not to allow it.”  Frank shrugged “So, let’s see how she goes tonight when we’re out. Then we can decide.”
Fliss nodded “Okay.” 
“Honey, don’t think on it.” Frank cocked his head to one side, the look on Fliss’ face betraying the internal conflict she was feeling “You did the right thing.”
“I know, I know but doesn’t stop me feeling shitty about it Frank.” Fliss sighed as Frank walked towards her “I hate having to tell her off. She’s a good kid most of the time and I know deep down she didn’t mean to be so cruel.”
“Well, we all say things at times we don’t mean. I’ve told her that a few times myself.” Frank smiled, wrapping his arms around Fliss.
“It was frustration more than anything.” Fliss melted into his arms and Frank gave a hum of agreement. “Frustration at not being perfect at something.” He said wisely “Monty isn’t an equation or a problem she can work out with maths or logic.” He shrugged “Maybe it will do her some good to learn a little humility.” He dropped a kiss to her head. “Now, no offence but you stink of horses and we have 50 minutes until we need to leave. Go grab your shower, I’ll feed Alex and then get ready. Won’t take me long.”
Fliss chuckled and pulled back, looking up at him, narrowing her eyes “You’re not wearing one of those shirts are you?”
“It’s my birthday.” Frank shrugged “Surely I can wear what I want?”
Fliss rolled her eyes “Whatever.”
“I thought you liked them?”
“They’re hideous”
“But endearing.”  He dropped another kiss to her lips “At least that’s what you say.”
She chuckled “I’m only teasing, I kinda like you in them.” She kissed him again and then pulled away, giving a little jump as Frank slapped her ass as she turned around to walk away. She tossed him a look over her shoulder which he met with an innocent one of his own before she walked into the hall, heading up the stairs.
20 minutes or so later, complete with Alex who had enthusiastically wolfed down a generous helping of Fliss’ home-made cauliflower, broccoli and cheese puree, whilst simultaneously smearing it all over his face, he headed up the stairs and into their bedroom. Fliss was wrapped in a robe, finishing off straightening her once hair and she gave a smile as Alex grinned at her.
“He really likes that stuff you made him.” Frank smiled and looked down at his son as he gabbled away in his arms. “I’ll get him cleaned and dressed before I take a shower.”
“I got his outfit ready.” Fliss smiled “It’s on the changing mat.”
“Don’t you trust my fashion sense?” Frank teased and she grinned.
“Your fashion sense is exactly why I picked it.”
“Trust me, when you see it…you’ll understand.” She smirked.
“Okay…” Frank pulled a confused face before he dropped a kiss to her cheek and turned to head across the hall to the bathroom. 5 minutes later he’d managed to give Alex a quick bath to clean him up and after a little wrestle as the baby really was becoming a wriggle worm, he finally got him wrapped him in his little bear towel with the hood pulled over his light brown hair.  Emerging from the family bathroom he made his way towards the nursery, pausing as he heard a little sniffle coming from Mary’s room. Taking a deep breath he moved towards that door instead and gently knocked.
“Stack?” he asked, and when she didn’t tell him to either ‘go away’ or ‘wait a second’ he reached with one hand to open the door and pushed it gently inwards. Mary was sat on the huge bean bag which was situated underneath her raised cabin bed, a book on her lap, her hair damp from the shower. She was dressed in a smart denim skirt which was printed with little white stars and a red plaid top with lace trim down either side of the column of buttons and round the collar.  “That new?” he asked having not seen the top before.
“Fliss bought it me last week in Target” she said quietly, wiping her eyes. “I liked it so she said I could have it as I’d done well with Monty”
“Well, you got good taste.” he smiled “Take after me.”
At that she gave him a scathing look and he chuckled a little as Alex let out a little gurgle, his arms outstretched. Mary held her arms out for him so Frank crossed the spacious room and handed the baby over.  Alex grinned and made a grab for Mary’s hair, making her smile as Frank sat on the floor in front of them both, his back leaning against the ladders that led up to her bunk.
“You gonna shout at me as well?” she asked after a little pause and Frank inhaled deeply.
“No.” he shook his head, letting his breath out slowly “I think Fliss said everything that needed to be said. I’ve nothing more to add really.”
“Are you mad?”
“No, just disappointed Mary.” he said honestly “I thought I’d taught you better than that.”
Mary looked down, her shoulders slumped “I didn’t mean it. I was just angry. Sally makes me mad.”
“You make me mad sometimes but I don’t say nasty things.” Frank sighed, “Well, I hope I don’t.”
As he spoke those words his mind strayed back a few years to the incident in his apartment when he’d stood on the lego bricks. It seemed like a life time ago, Mary had been so little compared to the girl that sat before him now.
“Hey, look at me.” he said gently and she raised her eyes to his. “Did you mean it when you said sorry?”
Mary nodded “Yeah, I did. But her mom started calling me names and she was so mad at Fliss. Fliss told her to shut up in the end but then she told me off too.”
“Well, that’s because Fliss…” Frank paused, swallowing a little as the words formed in his mind “Well, Fliss is your mom and she loves you, so she’s gonna defend you. That doesn’t mean she agrees with what you did or that what you did was justifiable.”
“I know.” Mary’s voice was quiet “Is she mad? Sally’s mom said they were leaving.”
“Yes they are but…” Frank shook his head “No, she’s not mad. Perhaps a little disappointed in you too, but you know the rules, no one stays mad in this house. We say our piece, we apologise, we move on. And we try to be better in future.”
It wasn’t quite a flat out lie, whilst he and Fliss could argue and stay pissed at each other for days, where Mary (and in the future no doubt Alex) was concerned it was a different story.
“Do you think she’ll let me go tomorrow?”
“Depends on how you behave tonight.” Frank shrugged, moving his legs as he made to stand “I honestly don’t know.”
Mary took a deep breath and Frank pushed himself to his feet with a slight groan as his knees clicked. Fuck this getting older shit.
“Will she dry my hair for me?” Mary looked at Frank.
“Go and ask.” Frank replied simply, taking Alex off her. She followed him out of her room and made her way over to their room, knocking on the door. He paused in the doorway of the nursery, watching as she pushed it open timidly and he saw Fliss look up from where she’d been doing her make up.
“Lissy…” she said quietly “Please could you do my hair for me?”
“Course I will.” Liss smiled, beckoning her in. “Come on.” As she stood up so Mary could sit at the stool she caught Frank’s eye and he gave her a wink before he turned into their son’s room and made his way over to the changing unit at the right hand side. As soon as he saw the outfit he gave a loud laugh and shook his head taking in the tiny little yellow palm printed Hawaiian shirt, almost identical to the one he owned, and jeans.
“You’re momma thinks she’s so funny.” he snorted, dropping a kiss to Alex’s head as he lay him back on the mat. “And to be fair, as far as jokes go, that one’s pretty good.”
The managed to depart just 10 minutes after their aimed for time and arrived at the restaurant 5 minutes or so late, but all things considered that wasn’t a huge issue. They walked in, Frank pushing Alex’s buggy as Fliss gave them the reservation name.
“Ah, yes, Mrs Adler, the rest of your party are in the bar area. If you head through I’ll let your server know you’re all here and she’ll come show you to the table.”
“Thanks.” Fliss smiled, and the 4 of them headed to the left. Mary spotted Steve and the twins first and gave a little yell, running over towards them, Frank, Fliss and Alex following.
“Mrs Adler, huh?” Frank teased, his voice low as he leaned down to speak into Fliss’ ear, the warmth that had flooded his chest at hearing the guy essentially calling Fliss his wife evident in his eyes which were bright with love.
Fliss gave a shrug, grinning as she turned her head to look at him. “I just gave Adler as the name for the table, he just assumed.”
“Well, you will be soon enough.” He smiled, pressing a soft kiss to her lips.
He expected some sarcastic response about how there was still time for her to change her mind but none came. Instead she merely beamed at him, her hand gently reaching up to cup his cheek “Can’t wait Sailor.” She bit her lip and Frank could do nothing but smile back like a complete love struck idiot, his forehead pressing to hers as he kissed the tip of her nose.
“Get a room!” Steve bellowed over the bar area and Fliss merely turned her head to look at him, raising her middle finger.
“Felicity Rose Gallagher!” Verity scalded “Stop being so uncouth. I brought you up better than that.”
Fliss rolled her eyes “Dad didn’t”
Bill scrunched his face up and shrugged “Touche Titch.”  He chuckled as he reached out for Frank, grabbing his hand and pulling him into a manly hug “Happy birthday, Son.”
“Thanks Bill.” Frank smiled, turning to Steve next who did the same before he then greeted Sian, Verity and Roberta with hugs and kisses to the cheek before he ruffled Charlie and Joel’s hair as they came over and hugged him round his waist. “You two grown since last week?” he asked, looking at the 2 boys whose heads were both now almost level with his ribcage.
“Feels like it.” Sian mumbled “Mind you, not like their father is a small man is it?”
Steve opened his mouth, grinning to make a dirty comment no doubt about his size so to speak but instead he gave a yelp as Verity reached up and slapped the back of his head “Don’t even think about it Steven.” She pointed at him.
“Mum…” he wailed as Frank chuckled, moving to the bar after checking if anyone else needed a drink.
“This is on us tonight.” Bill pushed up next to him, waving his hand at the bar tender “Yeah, on the tab for table 20, thanks…”
“Bill, there’s no need.” Frank began the usual protest whenever either of his future in-laws insisted on paying but as normal Bill shook his head.
“I know but we want to.” He shrugged “I mean what’s the world coming to when I can’t treat my kids to dinner huh?”
Frank sighed a little and smiled “Thanks.”
Bill nodded as Frank placed his order- a pilsner for him, lemonade for Mary and a tonic water for Fliss who had said she would drive home. They’d debated getting a cab but as she had assumed she would be up early in the morning to drive to the Competition and said she’d prefer to drive. Now that was all hanging in the balance due to Mary’s earlier behaviour, or lack of more to the point.
Shortly after they were shown to their table, Mary taking a seat next to the twins in between Verity and Bill. When both Steve and Frank began to tell them to sit where they could keep an eye on them, Verity scoffed and waved them away, her arm dropping round Mary.
“My pudding can sit next to me if she wants.” She pouted and Frank rolled his eyes before shooting Mary a look.
“First sign of any nonsense…”
“I know.” She cast her eyes down before she looked at him. “Please can I have my Tablet?”
Frank looked at Fliss and she nodded, reaching into the bag under the stroller for it and handing it over.
“Volume down.” Frank instructed as he passed it round and she took it with a thanks. The three kids huddled round it as Mary turned it on, no doubt looking at their latest Minecraft game or whatever the hell it was the three of them seemed to spend half their lives connected to one another over the internet for. Whilst Frank was conscious most people might consider this lazy parenting, he saw it as being no different to them having a toy or colouring book at the table and so left them to it, as they began to chatter amongst themselves, only being interrupted when they were asked to pick what they wanted to eat. Once the orders were placed and another round of drinks appeared, Frank was handed 3 gift bags over the table, blushing slightly as he took them with thanks. Bill and Verity had bought him a bottle of 15 year Barrell Craft Spirits Bourbon and a new pair of Ray Bans after his had met a sticky end when Alex had pulled them off his face and then dropped them onto the floor where Fliss had accidentally stood on them, cracking the lens. Fully aware of how expensive both those items were he thanks them, whilst reprimanding them once more for spending too much money on them to which Verity hushed him and Bill merely rolled his eyes giving a shrug. Roberta had gotten him a new tool belt for him to use when working on the boat which he was really pleased with. As he showed it to Fliss she cheekily quipped in a quiet voice that he could finally get rid of the spanner in his pocket which had made Sian choke on her drink when she overheard. Steve pat her on her back as she sorted herself out, and then Frank reached into the final bag from Steve, Sian and the boys. He thanked them for the 6 pack of Sam Adams, which could sometimes be hard to find in the stores in Florida, nodded in appreciation at the new Patriots Jersey they’d gotten him with ADLER arched over the back, and reached in to pull the last item out, which was a blue baseball cap.
“What the…” he scoffed and looked at Steve who had broken into a huge guffaw of laughter at the look of disgust on Franks face. Bill and Verity also started to chuckle and as Fliss reached out to turn it towards her she snorted as Roberta slapped the top of the table in utter hysterics as the white letters MAGA stood out clear against the dark navy.
“That was his idea, not mine.” Sian protested as Frank looked down, shaking his head at the joke before he spotted the small writing under the larger letters. “Make the Asshole Gone Again.” He read, and at that he gave a loud laugh. “Wonder if I’ll get away with wearing it for work?”
"I thought you said you were voting Trump?" Roberta’s voice was serious and Frank shook his head, taking a swig from his beer, as she gave him a cheeky grin.
"Don't start him off again, please Roberta!" Fliss groaned "I had to stop him putting his foot through the TV last night when they showed that Jordan Klepper vs Trump Supporters section on the Daily Show."
"He’s an ass clown." Frank replied and Steve laughed.
“Suppose being a Democrat is part and parcel of coming from Mass, huh Frank?”
“What, like being Anti-Tory is part and parcel of being from Merseyside?” Frank shot back and Steve gave a grin, raising his glass in his direction.
“Correct!” Steve nodded enthusiastically.
“Damned Tories…” Bill shook his head. “Johnson doesn’t know his arse from his elbow.”
“You know, I seriously think you should be IQ tested before you're allowed to vote.” Fliss shrugged and Roberta leaned forward.
“Yeah but, how can you test what ain’t there?"
Everyone at the table laughed as Frank reached for his beer. "Actually, if you think about it, it’s pretty simple." he swallowed a mouthful of his drink and looked at Roberta "One question- are you voting Trump? If they answer yes then they clearly have the IQ of a goldfish, right to vote denied."
The table laughed again and it wasn’t long then until their starters arrived and the chatter slowed as everyone tucked in, Fliss taking a minute or so to settle Alex who had woken up with perfect timing as ever.
“You want me to sort him?” Frank lay a hand on her thigh and she shook her head, handing the baby a teething ring.
“No, I got it.” She smiled, “Besides he’s good now.”
Frank gave her knee a squeeze and then glanced across the table where Bill was looking at Mary.
“So, you all set for your last competition tomorrow?” he asked and Frank let out a little groan.
“I err…” Mary’s eyes fell down towards her food “I don’t know if I’m going.”
“Why not?” Verity asked.
Frank looked at Fliss, who had been about to open her mouth and gently shook his head. He wanted Mary to be the one to explain, she was the one that had misbehaved after all.
“Because I was naughty.” She shrugged “So Fliss and Frank said they don’t know if I can go.”
Verity and Bill looked at one another before they both glanced over the table at Frank and Fliss. Fliss raised her eyebrows a little as Frank reached for his drink.
“Oh, well, I’m sure you’ve learned your lesson.” Verity looked at Mary and she nodded again, her eyes still on her plate, brimming with tears.
“It all depends on tonight.” Frank spoke softly “Good behaviour over dinner and we’ll think about it.”
“Really?” Mary asked, looking up and he nodded.
“What did you do?” Charlie asked.
“Never you mind.” Sian cut him off, looking at him.
“It doesn’t matter what Mary did.” Fliss stated simply “It was dealt with and that’s that. No need to talk about it anymore.”
“Charlie, stop.” Steve said sternly. Charlie narrowed his eyes at his dad and Steve pointed his fork at him “Carry on mate, see where that attitude gets you.”
Threat received and understood, Charlie went back to eating and the talk struck up once more about Frank and Fliss’ trip to Vermont the weekend after. The more they talked about it, the more Frank found himself getting excited. 3 nights alone with Fliss in a cabin in the middle of what he was hoping would be a decent covering of snow sounded like his idea of heaven.
Dinner passed with no more talk of misbehaving children and at just gone 9pm they finished desert and Frank sat back, the waistband of his jeans feeling a hell of a lot tighter than they had when he arrived.
“Think I’m having a food baby.” Fliss groaned besides him and he turned to her, raising his eyebrows.
“As long as it’s not a real one.”
She snorted into her lemonade, shaking her head “Oh no…”
“You not fancy another?” Sian, who had heard the exchanged asked and Fliss looked at her, hesitating a little.
“Not at the moment, no.”
“Well that’s a step up from the ‘Oh,Christ no’ you spluttered last time the subject was raised” Frank teased and she nudged him with her elbow as Steve sniggered.
“You can shut up as well!” Fliss glared at him
“Ah come on Titch, another baby in the family would be great.”
“Well you have another, if you want one so bad!”
“We are.” Sian spoke and at that the table fell silent. All eyes turned to her, Verity and Bill exchanging a glance with one another as Fliss looked from Sian, to Steve who leaned back in his chair, arm falling round his wife’s shoulder, a smug smirk on his handsome face.
“No, are you…really?” Verity’s hand fell to the hollow of her throat as Sian blushed a little, nodding.
“We found out last week.”  Sian smiled, looking at Steve “We wanted to get you all together and…”
The table fell silent before there was a sudden flurry of excited voices and the scraping of chairs as everyone stood up to hug one another and offer congratulations.
“What’s going on?” Joel piped up and Steve smiled as he sat back down having just received a huge bro hug from Frank.
“We just told everyone about the baby.” He smiled and the twin’s faces fell into identical expressions of understanding.
“What baby?” Mary asked.
“The one Aunty Sian’s gonna have.” Frank looked at her.
“You having a baby?” Mary looked across the table.
“We sure are.” Steve beamed.
“That’s so cool!” Mary grinned.
“So, when are you due?” Fliss asked and Sian smiled.
“Middle of October.” She said “So I’m gonna  be huge at your wedding.”
“Especially if its twins again.” Mary chipped in and Frank turned to look at her, before he bit his lip and glanced back up at Steve who’d paled a little.
“You know it is a possibility…” Roberta grinned “Happened to a friend o’ma sister’s. Two sets of twins.”
“Oh, just think Bill!” Verity beamed “Another two grandkids…”
“Mum, shut up!” Steve groaned as the table laughed.
Not long after the happy news, everyone agreed that it was time to be heading home. After another mini argument between Bill, Steve, Roberta and Frank about the check, which Steve and Frank both lost, the party all gathered their things and headed out to the parking lot.
“Roberta, you need a lift?” Fran asked but before she could answer Verity shook her head.
“She’s coming back to ours. We have a bottle of Rioja to crack open.”
Bill let out a dramatic sigh “Can I come sleep in your guest place-ow!” he yelled as Roberta reached up and slapped him round the back of the head.
With a snort Frank clipped Alex into the baby seat and after another goodbye to everyone they headed home arriving just before 10.
“Did you have a nice night?” Fliss asked Frank as they walked up towards the door and Frank nodded, dropping a kiss to her head.
“It was fantastic, the whole day has been great. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Shame your mom couldn’t make it.”
“Well she’s still getting over that virus but I was thinking. Maybe near Mary’s birthday we could head up to Mass? We haven’t been since…” he trailed off and Fliss instantly understood why, the last time they’d been in Boston had been when Mary had been taken ill and John had attacked Fliss.
“I think that’s a great idea.” Fliss said as Frank unlocked the door. “It’s a short enough flight for Alex and it would be nice to go.”
Frank smiled as they all stepped inside and Thor came charging out of the kitchen to greet them all.
“Do I have to go to bed or can I watch TV?” Mary asked, looking up “It is Saturday…”
“Well, I would say yes but we have an early start tomorrow.” Fliss looked at Frank and he instantly understood.He rolled his eye softly before giving a concessive nod and Fliss continued “I mean that is if we wanna get to the show on time.”
“I can go?” Mary’s head whipped to look at them both and Fliss nodded.
“Yes, you can go.”
“Oh my god thank you, thank you!” Mary shot over to hug her, her arms wrapping round Fliss’ waist “I’ll behave, I promise.”
“I know.” Fliss dropped a kiss to her head. “Now skoot, we’re gonna be up at 6.”
Mary hugged her again, then turned to Frank who swung her up with a groan “Stop growing will ya?”
“I’ll try!” she giggled, squishing his cheeks between her hands. “Love you dad.”
Frank felt his stomach twist, and he glanced at Fliss whose hand had flown to her mouth, her eyes wide. She hastily swallowed, recovering herself, her eyes glassing over as she shifted Alex’s car seat in her arms before she turned to place it on the coffee table.
“I love you too.” Frank cleared his throat, as he dropped Mary to the floor “Go on, I’ll come tuck you in in five.”
She skipped off up the stairs, Fred hot on her heels and as soon as her door shut Frank turned to Fliss.
“You ok?” she asked and he nodded, his eyes full of unshed tears as he sank down onto the arm of the couch. “How do you feel?”
“I don’t know.” He replied softly, and he truly didn’t. “Shocked, a little. I guess, that even despite the adoption I never…well, I never anticipated that because she’s not actually mine and…”
His face screwed up a little, and Fliss stepped in between his legs her arms wrapping around his broad shoulders. He pressed his face into her chest, his arms curling around her waist as she gently stroked one hand through his hair and down his neck.
“Of course she’s yours.” She whispered, dropping a kiss to his head. “I keep telling you this. In every single way possible bar biologically, she’s your daughter Frank. We got the paper work to prove it.” At that he spluttered a little laugh and Fliss pulled back to look at him, her hands cupping his face as she wiped away a single tear that had fallen down his cheek.
“We just never talked about it.” He shrugged a little lamely and Fliss smiled.
“Somethings you just can’t prepare for, no matter how much philosophy or logic you try and apply.”  Her brown eyes locked onto his “This was just, well, it was a natural thing. I can’t explain it any better than that. The question is, did it feel uncomfortable?”
“No.” Frank answered honestly as he shook his head, taking a deep breath, his lip quivering. “And that’s what shocked me the most. I always thought I’d hate it but…”
“But you didn’t?”
“And are you gonna be okay if she keeps calling you dad?”
He nodded and Fliss gently bent down to kiss him softly, before pulling away “Then roll with it. Like Dad did with me. You know, if you wanted to you speak to him then I’m sure he’d-“
“I already did.” Frank shrugged a little. “Months ago, just after we’d moved in here and we’d decided to adopt her. He told me about how you’d made that wish at your birthday and…” Frank took a deep breath “And I know Mary’s always said she wishes I was her dad and I guess, well if I’m honest there’s always been this part of me that wishes I was, despite Diane.”
“Diane would be happy, I’m sure.” Fliss looked at him “Frankie, I know this is probably gonna sound so shit, but, well there’s a reason she came to you to…well to do what she did, because she trusted you with her daughter. And you’ve done her proud baby, so proud.”
Frank felt the burning in his nose as he scrunched his face up in an attempt to stem the tears that were threatening to overwhelm him and once more Fliss wrapped her arms around him, gently rubbing between his shoulder blades. “What do I do now?” he whispered “How do I react?”
“You don’t “Fliss replied, kissing his head “You take a minute, then you go upstairs and tuck her in as usual. Don’t make a big thing about it or she’ll start to worry. Chances are she hasn’t even realised she’s said it.”
“And if she has?”
“Well then be honest. Tell her its okay.” She felt Frank nod and then she stepped back, her hands on his shoulders. “You good?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m okay.” He stood up, wiping his face. He took a deep breath and glanced down at Fliss and smiled, “I love you.”
“Love you too.” She smiled “Now go on, I’ll check the doors and be up with you in a second.”
Frank climbed the stairs, taking a deep breath before he knocked gently and walked into Mary’s room. She was already in bed, Fred curled by her feet and as Frank crossed the room he almost tripped over her discarded clothes.
“Seriously?” Frank pointed them as they lay on the bedroom floor. “Wardrobe, not floordrobe Stack!”
“Oops.” Mary grimaced and Frank rolled his eyes, picking the items up, tossing them onto the bean bag under the bed.
“If they’re clean put them away, if not put them in your laundry hamper.” He instructed, leaning against the rails of her bed.
“Sorry, I’ll do it tomorrow.” Mary shuffled onto her side to look at him. “Did you have a good birthday?”
“The best.” Frank smiled honestly “Got to spend it with all my favourite people. And you.” Mary shoved him gently and he laughed, “Joking, joking!” he smiled, brushing her hair back off her face “You know you’re my best girl.”
“What about Fliss?” Mary narrowed her eyes suspiciously.
“She’s my best woman.” Frank answered easily. Mary looked at him before she smiled, accepting his explanation. “You excited about tomorrow?”
“Yeah.” Mary nodded “And nervous.”
“Nothing to be nervous about.” Frank shook his head “Just go out there and enjoy it. You’ve done so well for a first season, Fliss was saying that earlier. We’re proud of you sweetheart.”
“Thanks.” She grinned “Hey, Frank?”
“You know what I said before...downstairs?”
Frank took a deep breath “I do.”
“Did it bother you?”
“Not one bit.” He smiled and Mary grinned.
“Good, because I think I’d like to say it more going forward.” She reached out, her fingers fiddling with the buttons on his shirt. “Unless you annoy me. And then you can be Frank again.”
Frank chuckled “Sounds like a deal, Stack”
“Okay, you can go now. I need to sleep.” Mary snuggled down into the covers and Frank smiled, pulling them up round her chin, dropping a kiss to her head.
He turned to leave the room, throwing a last glance over his shoulder before he closed the door behind him.
***** “Mary, are you paying attention?” Fliss looked at her as she sat astride Monty, grinning ear to ear.
“Yeah, sorry.” She turned her head, “I’m just so happy!”
“I know honey!” Fliss chuckled, “And you did so well in your other two classes and yes we’re gonna celebrate that later but focus on this one now, yeah? You’ve gone clear so all you need to do is get round the jump off. You remember the order?”
“Erm…” Mary spun in the saddle looking round “Yeah its two, six, nine, double back to twelve, across to five and then you send him quickly down the line to finish at eight.”
“Good.” Fliss smiled “Remember, let Monty find his way. Don’t mess too much and if you think you can make that sharp turn after nine and cut through instead of round four then do it. If not, take the safe route and aim for clear.”
“Ok, yeah, got it.”
“Glad you did.” Frank mumbled, gently pushing Alex’s buggy to and fro as the baby dozed “’Coz that all sounded like a different language to me.”
“That’s because you don’t get it, Dad.” Mary turned to look at him.
“You’re right, I don’t.” Frank agreed
“You would do if you spent more time watching me instead of faffing with the boat in the garage.” Mary shrugged. At her words Frank narrowed his eyes and turned to Fliss who was biting her lip, a faint flush on her cheeks.
“Don’t look at me!”
“Oh, I’m lookin’ at you Cowgirl, because no one else I know uses the word faff.” He arched an eyebrow. “Well apart from your mom, dad, Steve and Sian…damned British slang!”
Fliss snorted “Ok, busted. But that’s not exactly what I said.”
“Well what was?” he dropped his voice a little and Fliss started to laugh.
“I just said to Jo when she commented she hadn’t seen you in a while that you were busy with the other woman in your life aka the boat.”
Frank rolled his eyes. “Hey, that engine was giving me trouble.”
“I’m sure it was.”
“And you weren’t complaining about me faffing too much when you were up there with me a few weeks back.” Frank dropped his head as he spoke into her ear and smirked as Fliss shivered at the feel of his bearded cheek scratching slightly at her neck.
“Well that situation benefitted me.” She muttered back, her eyes hidden behind her shades as she kept her face turned towards the ring, watching the first of the ten kids through to the jump off go.
“Very selfish of you Miss Gallagher.”
“Well when it comes to you I don’t like sharing.”
Frank gave a chuckle and pressed a kiss to her cheek “No worries on that count, I’m all yours baby.”
She smiled, and then winced as the competitor in the ring misjudged the turn between two jumps and the pony slammed on, sending her flying over its neck. Frank swallowed as Mary turned to look at Fliss her eyes wide.
“Why did she undercut that turn then?”
Fliss shook her head “If she’d have hugged tighter to the corner she might have made it but as it was she only got a two stride run up.” She bit her lip then frowned “Don’t you do that!”
“I wasn’t gonna!” Mary snorted, rolling her eyes.
“Good.” Fliss nodded “Like I said, you can make your time up between nine and twelve and then five and eight, if you need to.”
Frank groaned “Why couldn’t you pick a nice safe hobby…like swimming or something?”
Mary looked at him reproachfully “Frank, I could already swim.”
“Yeah but…”
“And Swimming can be dangerous, people drown.”
“Not if they’re supervised.”
“And besides, if I hadn’t wanted to go horse riding, you’d have never met Fliss.” Mary looked at him, fixing him with a maddening smug look because she knew that was the absolute ace card.
“Okay, you got me there.” Frank grumbled “Smart ass.”
Fliss chuckled as the three of them turned their attention to the ring and eventually after the other nine riders had finished, Mary’s name and number was called having been pulled last in the random order draw.
“Good luck.” Fliss smiled as she walked Mary to the gate of the arena before she set off, trotting Monty around the outside of the arena before the buzzer sounded. And then she was off. Frank hated this bit, and always found himself torn between desperately wanting to watch and also wanting to look the other way. He normally settled for a combination of the two, watching for a second, looking away, glancing back…but this time he found himself watching Fliss. Her face was set in utter concentration as she watched Mary’s round, her head tilting left to right, her hand making a pulling motion as she was willing Mary to slow Monty down and then suddenly she perked up completely, her lips curling upwards.
“She’s cut the corner, she’s gone for it.” She whispered and Frank’s eyes snapped back to the arena to see Mary clear the second to last jump and Monty picked up the pace. “Not too fast.” Fliss muttered “Pull him up, just take a check, a little one. Oh, shit!”
At Fliss’ last words Monty took off, clipping the pole with his front feet. It rolled in the cups and Frank held his breath before it rocked a little too far and fell to the floor. There was a collective sigh of disappointment around the ring from the spectators and then applause rang out as Mary crossed the finish line and turned to see the pole on the floor. She hung her head a little, shaking it before she trotted out and stopped by Fliss and Frank.
“Hey…” Fliss beamed at her “That was really unlucky. He only just clipped it.”
“It rolled?” Mary grimaced and Fliss wrinkled her nose as they set off back to the wagon.
“Fraid so.”
“Bummer.” Mary shook her head.
“What?” Frank asked, utterly puzzled.
“It means that the pole simply rolled off, it wasn’t taken straight down with the knock.” Fliss explained “Believe me, It’s the most annoying thing in the world.”
“But it’s the same result.” Frank looked at them both and Mary groaned exasperatedly.
“Don’t talk about stuff you don’t understand!”
“That’s me told.” Frank scoffed as she jumped off Monty and proceeded to remove her hat.
“Can we go see who won?” She turned to Fliss who had just taken Monty’s saddle off.
“Sure, let’s get him loaded up and then we’ll go.”
Once Monty was back on board, the ramp shut they headed back down to the Arena, Fliss pushing Alex’s buggy as Mary slipped her hand into Frank’s. They arrived back just in time to see the placings.
“Oh, that’s cool.” Mary shrugged “Saffy won the class.”
“You know her?” Fliss frowned.
“Only from when we were waiting in line before.” Mary shrugged “She seemed nice. I wonder who’s won it overall.”
“We’ll check online later.” Fliss said, before she grinned “You know, I’d kinda like to know who won the Junior Rider class for the season. Any idea Frank?”
“Oh, some blonde kid with an attitude problem.” He shrugged as Mary looked up at him, her eyebrows arched, hands on her hips.
“Well everyone says I act like you so any attitude I do have…” she drew a circle in the air with her index finger of the hand that wasn’t holding his before pointing at him “…is one hundred percent your fault.”
Fliss spluttered out a laugh as Frank blinked, looking at Mary then to Fliss. “I…wow.” was all he could bring himself to say.
The three of them politely applauded as the top six riders took a lap of honour before the winner took her own and as she emerged from the ring Mary let go of Frank’s hand and stepped forward.
“Well done.” She smiled at the girl who sat atop a chestnut pony and Frank watched, the pride in his chest almost stopping his breathing. He felt Fliss slide an arm round his waist and he moved, dropping his own over her shoulders as she leaned up to kiss his cheek.
“Thanks Mary!” the girl grinned “You were so unlucky with your last pole.”
“I did my best.” Mary shrugged “That’s what my mom and dad say matters the most.”
Frank felt Fliss stiffen a little besides him “Did she…”
“Yeah…”he whispered, dropping a kiss to her head.
Fliss took a shaky breath and hastily blinked back the tears as Mary turned back towards them “Hey, can I go get a drink with Saffy from their van? I’ll be like 10 minutes?”
“Erm…” Fliss wiped her face and looked at the woman next to Saffy who smiled and nodded.
“It’s fine.” She beamed “Fliss isn’t it? You run Sandybrook?”
“Yeah.” Fliss smiled.
“I’m Jenny, Saf’s mom. And we’re just parked right there.” The woman spoke “I wouldn’t mind a chat with you actually about a horse I have. He needs backing and you came recommended.”
“Sure, just…” Fliss looked at Frank and he gave a grin
“I’ll set off back with him.” he nodded to Alex who was fast asleep. “See you at home, take as long as you need.”
“You sure?”
“Course.” Frank gave her a kiss before he called to Mary “Hey Stack, I’m gonna go.” She turned and ran towards him, hugging him tight as his hand dropped to the back of her head. “I’m proud of you.” He said softly and she beamed.
“Thanks Dad.”
He gave her another hug before he turned and took the brake off the stroller, turning it round. As he made his way back towards where his truck was park he tossed a glance over his shoulder to see Fliss now in a full on laugh at something the woman called Jenny had said, head tipped back, shoulders shaking, her pretty profile simply radiating happiness.
And right there, Frank knew there couldn’t possibly be ANY man in the world who felt the sheer contentment and love that he did right then.
***** Chapter 20
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hay-389 · 3 years
Oooh Maddie/Madney + passing out from pain 😈
It started 20 minutes before her shift was due to end, her stomach feeling uneasy, but quickly growing into what Maddie could only guess, and dreaded, had to be the stomach bug going around. She should have known it would eventually reach her. The bug had been spread throughout the entire firehouse, all starting with Buck who claimed he was perfectly fine to work one shift when Bobby so clearly saw straight through that lie. He could barely stand without swaying let alone running into burning buildings, so not even an hour in Bobby sent Buck home to rest up and get well.
And then Bobby came down with the bug only a few days later, and he ended up giving it to Eddie, who gave it to Hen, and of course with her being partners with Chimney he was bound to get it. Maddie spent the better part of two days nursing her boyfriend back to health. Everyone bounced back rather quickly she had to admit, but Maddie really isn’t looking forward to spending her foreseeable future hunched over the toilet just as Chimney had not even a week ago.
20 minutes is usually nothing for Maddie. She can help between 2-4 people in that time frame depending on the situation on the other end of the phone, or if it’s a slow day she’ll lean back in her chair and usually chat with Josh. Now though, each minute feels like an hour as the discomfort she feels in her stomach builds to a small pain. It’s with a sigh of relief her shift finally ends and she practically runs out of the building and gets in her car, she just needs sleep. Maybe a good night's rest would halt whatever she felt coming on.
But the minute she walks into the apartment Maddie feels just a little guilty for wanting to head straight for the bedroom when she spots two takeaway containers from her favorite Chinese restaurant. The idea of eating is almost enough to make her throw up on the spot, but she knows Chimney has barely eaten anything that wasn’t soup for the last 3 days and probably decided to order in now that he’s finally feeling great and can keep it down. Maddie doesn’t want to admit she isn’t feeling well either when Chimney comes walking down the hallway from their bedroom with a grin on his face, happy to see her. She can suck it up and spend an hour with him, she decides.
Not even 15 minutes in though Maddie finds herself not only with an upset stomach, but a headache too. It’s already been a long day for her with calls that just kept coming and coming and not allowing Maddie to take a much needed break to compose herself before moving onto another one. Listening to Chimney explain a weird call the team had today, of course through Buck’s perspective because Chimney’s first day back is tomorrow, is becoming harder and harder, until eventually the only thing Maddie can actually hear is the pounding in her head.
“Maddie, are you okay?”
“Huh?” She looked up from her still full container and knew she was caught. Chimney is looking at her with concern in his eyes. He seems to hesitate at first, but moves his hand to her forehead and Maddie leans in to the cool touch. “Oh my god Maddie you’re burning up. Are you not feeling well?”
“No.” She caves, finally dropping the plastic fork in her hand, and rubbing her temples instead to try and give her head some relief. “I think I’m getting what you had, I’ve felt it coming on about halfway through the day.”
“Why didn’t you say anything? You should be in bed right now.”
“Well I was going to, but you looked so happy when I came in I didn’t have the heart to tell you I wasn’t feeling up to dinner.”
“Maddie, you feeling better is more important than anything else. Now you go lie down and I’ll clean up out here and meet you in the bedroom.” She nodded, giving him a soft smile. By the time Chimney actually did come back she was out cold.
And Before going to bed, Maddie hoped that’s how it would stay all night. Sleep was the only thing anyone really wanted when sick. So shooting out of bed at 3 am isn't exactly ideal, especially when Maddie knew what was coming next. She threw back the covers, not bothering to reach for any lights, and headed straight for the bathroom. She reached the toilet just in time for her to expel the remaining little food she managed to keep down the day before. And if that weren’t bad enough, that small pain she experienced earlier is now way bigger, and if she weren’t already curled up on the floor vomiting into the toilet bowl she most definitely would be from the pain in her side.
Out of the corner of her eye she can see the hallway light flick on and Chimney appear in the doorway, not moving straight away just a bit dazed from sleep. But when it finally hits him he’s bending down right next to her. “Maddie?” He’s rubbing a gentle hand up and down her back, using his other one to hold her hair out of her face, and only let’s go when she’s more dry heaving then vomiting. Chimney knew this was coming because he had just gone through it, but the way Maddie is holding her right side and doubles over in pain is enough to make him worry more than he feels like he should be. “Maddie is it your stomach or your side that hurts?”
“My side, it hurts really bad.” This suddenly feels like more than a stomach bug, and that makes things feel so much worse because if it isn’t something as simple as a stomach bug than what is it? Chimney has a few guesses actually, but his brain can't really focus on anything but his girlfriend on the floor in pain, and it’s enough to make him announce he’s calling 911.
He shoots through the bedroom door and fumbles through his nightstand looking for his phone, his panicked state only rising when he doesn’t find it. He takes a moment to let out a breath of air and run his hands through his hair, the memory of leaving it on the coffee table hitting him full force. He left it there after ordering the Chinese food but forgot to bring it back to the room after Maddie announced she wasn’t feeling well.
Sure enough it’s still sitting there in the exact position he placed it in, and he picks it up and dials 911. As he’s telling his address to the dispatcher he sees Maddie exit the bathroom and slowly walk down the hallway towards him. She’s still clutching her side and is wobbling a bit, as if standing is an effort. The look on her face is enough for Chimney to let the phone crash to the floor and dash towards her.
He manages to reach Maddie a second before she faints.
That is the best way to describe how Maddie feels at this moment. She couldn’t move her legs or arms; any part of her body for that matter, it felt more like she is struggling against a restraint that she’s pretty sure isn’t even there. Even opening her eyes feels like too much and while the darkness is calling out to her once again, she forces herself to feel past the heavy eyelids and actually manages to open them just a little because a voice is telling her to; and she can’t quite make out who it is yet, but she knows that voice and can practically feel the urgency, worry, and relief coming off of them in one big wave.
For just a moment she sees the color white, before the blinding bright lights that hang above are forcing them back closed. A few more blinks and Maddie is finally able to keep her eyes open, and she can see Chimney standing by the right side of her bed holding her hand, which she hadn’t even felt until then.
“God, Maddie. You scared the hell out of me.” And she’s sure she did, because he looks like hell at the moment. His hair is pointed in every which direction and...is he still wearing the same pjs he had on when...well actually she realizes she doesn’t know how long it’s been or what happened to her. The last thing she can remember is being in a lot of pain on their bathroom floor and then...nothing. “What happened?”
“Well, you passed out on me that’s what happened. The ambulance came and rushed you to the hospital. It turns out that the stomach bug was actually appendicitis.” Oh, well that suddenly makes sense in the span of things. For a few weeks, every so often, her back would have these sudden sharp pains for half of a second and then disappear, and she hadn’t been eating as much as she usually does this past week. Then there was the pain in her side, a clear sign. She kind of just deduced it down to stress, but the nurse side of her should have caught on quicker.
“Just great,” she mumbles. “I think I would have preferred that stomach bug.” Chimney let’s out a small laugh, finally relaxing after almost a whole day of worrying.
“I would prefer neither happen to you. I’m just glad they caught it and you’re safe. I love you so much.” Chimney leans down and gives her a small kiss which she reciprocates, only pulling back when his phone starts to vibrate in his pocket. “Who’s that?”
“Your brother, who says he’s on his way up from the gift shop right now.”
“Oh boy, I don’t want to imagine what Buck is going to bring through that door.”
“Me either. Having to walk out of the hospital with that many balloons after my rebar accident was a nightmare.” Maddie smiles, trying her hardest not to laugh as it hurt when she did.
“Okay, he says he needs me to open the door. You ready?”
“Nope, but let him in.”
Fun Fact: I actually had Appendicitis the summer going into 9th grade. It was not fun. The symptoms I wrote for Maddie was pretty much what I experienced. A whole summer on bed rest was AGONIZING. My siblings and cousins were all going outside, swimming, playing sports...I’m not still bitter. I swear. 🙃
Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this, my first @badthingshappenbingo prompt. Thank you @maddieandchimney for suggesting it, and I hope it somewhat meets your expectations! I’ll update my bingo card with my next post, feel free to leave prompts!
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Riding On
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Ch 19- Everyone Loves A B-J…
 Summary: It’s Frank’s birthday and the Adler-Gallagher clan enjoy a family based weekend that brings Frank several surprises along the way, whilst both him and Fliss get a gift that money simply can’t buy.
 Warnings:  Bad Language words, Smut (NSFW, 18+)
Pairing: Frank Adler x Fliss Gallagher
A/N:  LONG update here guys, and sorry, I really couldn’t resist the Trump bashing again. For what it’s worth, I cannot WAIT to write Frank’s reaction to that election when I finally get there. All together now “F**k Donal Trump!”
Thanks to my wonderful gals @icanfeelastormbrewing​ and @southerngracela​ who let me bounce a few ideas off for this...
Chapter Song: I’m Yours- Jason Mraz 
Series Masterlist //  WIYPT Masterlist
 Well, you done done me, and you bet I felt it, I tried to be chill, but you're so hot that I melted. I fell right through the cracks, now I'm trying to get back.
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Given that Alex's stay at his grandparents was a success, Fliss felt much happier about her planned surprise few nights away for Frank. She had already booked most of it in early January, having roped her parents, Mary and even Frank's colleagues into her plotting to ensure that the days she had selected- Thursday to Sunday over the second weekend in March- were booked as leave and factored into the rota at the shop without him knowing. Mary, being her usual googling genius self, helped Fliss to find the perfect place to stay in the area she had selected along with a number of activities and she’d booked the whole thing on her credit card so that Frank wouldn't see anything suspicious showing up on their bank statements. That said, despite all her secrecy, Frank could tell she was up to something. He knew her too well not to spot it. And being the impatient little shit he was, he tried everything he could to coax it out of her to no avail. She wasn't for cracking, and neither was Mary. All he kept getting told from both his girls was "wait for your birthday" which was driving him insane. He even tried to catch Fliss out mid sex one evening. He lay over her, languidly dragging his cock in and out of her at a torturously slow pace, promising her he'd let her come if she told him what she was up to. She'd simply panted out that he was an asshole and then looked up at him with those eyes, wide and bright, shining with love and as usual he'd caved. He never could resist when she looked at him like that and a few minutes later she was crying his name whilst Frank was still none the wiser as to what was actually going on. The morning of his birthday rolled around much the same as any other Saturday morning, except Mary had opted to stay home the night before instead of going to Roberta’s as they were going out for breakfast. The morning sun was warm on Frank's face as it spliced through a crack in the curtains, but that wasn't what had woken him. It was Fliss, kissing and nuzzling all around his shoulders and the back of his neck as she snuggled into him from behind, her hand snaking around his waist and dipping into his boxers.
He gave a croaky little groan as her hand wrapped around his semi-hard cock, lightly stroking him as she continued gently kissing his neck, the heat from her body radiating into his as she pressed her chest to his bare back. Frank turned his head so he was looking over his shoulder and she met him with a cheeky smirk which turned into a slow, gentle kiss, perfect for the lazy, slow strokes she was giving him.
"Happy birthday baby." She whispered, nudging his nose with hers.
“You can say that again.” He choked as her grip tightened around him.
“Happy birthday baby.” She chuckled and Frank rolled his eyes giving a huff of laughter but before he could reply Fliss had gently pushed on his shoulder, coaxing him over onto his back. She moved so she was hovering over him, kissed him again before her mouth made its way down his chest, nose and lips tracing a path down his happy trail and across his Adonis belt. With a soft moan of her name, Frank’s hand tangled in those soft, morning-tousled waves of bright, auburn hair he adored as she glanced up at him with her deep, brown eyes, the polka-dot bed covers peaked around her head. She gave another cheeky grin as her hands reached for the side of his boxers and he shifted his hips to allow her to pull them down. Her eyes locked on his she wrapped her hand round the base of his cock and gave a few further flicks of her wrist, causing him to sigh before she adjusted herself, pulled her hair over one shoulder and took him in her mouth. Frank moaned, totally blissing out as Fliss licked and sucked her way around his dick, the hand that wasn't in her hair fisted around the bed sheets as he felt his pleasure mounting the more she worked him. His hips bucked slight as she took him all the way to the back of her throat, a motion she repeated for 3 or 4 times until he was gone. With a hiss and a croak of her name Frank spilled himself down her throat, his fingers tightening around her hair as he sighed, laying back, eyes closed, chest heaving.
With a smirk Fliss pulled his boxers back up and crawled the length of his body, laying on top of him, her chest pressed to his. He smiled, his eyes still not opening as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close for a second, basking in what a fucking amazing wake-up call that had been, until the baby monitor on the nightstand suddenly emitted a loud gurgled screech signalling Alex was awake and sure enough, as they both turned to look at the screen they could see him attempting to roll over in his crib.
“It was a lot easier when he was right here.” Fliss pouted, her chin on Frank’s chest as she peeked up at him and Frank gave her a stern look.
“We’re not having that argument again, Liss.” He shook his head, “He’s 6 months old now. He can sleep in his own room.”
“I know, I know…” She sighed, pushing herself up away from Frank and climbing off the bed. He watched her go laying back on the pillow, giving a roll of his eyes at the ceiling. That had been one hell of heated discussion earlier in the week when he’d suggested it was time Alex moved into the nursery at night instead of just taking his daytime naps in there. Fliss had protested, shown him all this stuff on the internet about how it was better for kids to be in their parents rooms until they were 12 months old, which Frank and countered with articles to the contrary he had found and stated Mary had never slept in his room from the moment he’d had her. She’d gotten upset, teary, but he wasn’t caving in. He’d hated being so damned forceful with her but the fact was as much as he loved the kids he selfishly and unashamedly wanted his private space back, a space where they got to be alone with one another to allow them to be Fliss and Frank, not mom and dad. Plus he also knew the longer Alex stayed in their room the harder it was going to be to get him to settle in his own space. Eventually, after Fliss had realised this was one thing she wasn’t getting her own way with she’d given in, and spent most of the night tossing and turning, sniffing a little, and when he’d tried to cuddle her she’d told him to piss off. Frank had merely taken a deep breath and backed away, knowing full well that when she got up in the morning and saw that Alex was fine, she’d feel like an ass. And he’d been right. She’d been up at the crack of dawn, straight into the nursery and come back a few minutes later, sidling up to him and hugging him from behind whispering that she was sorry, and the entire thing had been forgotten.
A thud on the bed jolted Frank from his thoughts and he looked down to see Thor had hopped up on the foot of the bed and he flopped down, his head on the peak that Frank’s feet were making.
“Oh, it’s like that is it buddy?” he asked and the dog merely looked at him before giving a contented sigh, his tail thumping on the bed. Then his head perked up as the door to their room pushed open again and his tail grew even more frantic as Fliss entered with Alex in her arms. She placed him down on the duvet and climbed into bed again, both watching as their baby promptly rolled from his back onto his tummy, his head raising to look at Frank as he gave a loud gurgle, grinning up at his daddy.
Frank gave a huff of laughter as he sat up against the headboard and hooked his hands under Alex’s arm pits, standing him up on his thighs. Gently he moved his hand so the baby could grab onto his fingers and Alex stood, looking around the room as Frank helped him stay in place.
“Mum thinks he’ll be crawling soon.” Fliss smiled as she lay back, watching the two of them “I mean he’s already sitting up and bum shuffling on the floor so…”
“God help us…or more to the point God help Thor!” Frank snorted as Alex gave a loud shriek as he spotted the dog led on the bed. Thor once more thumped his tail but made no effort to move. At that point, Alex’s legs gave a little wobble and he plopped down onto the soft duvet, sitting up and grabbing at the pattern on the cover before he looked up, grinning once more at Frank.
“He’s always so happy.” Fliss beamed at the baby who waggled his arms excitedly as Frank once more helped him stand up.
“He does nothing but sleep, eat, drink and mess in his diaper.” Frank shrugged “What’s there to be miserable about?!” Fliss snorted as Frank cocked his head and studied his son. “His hair is definitely going darker.” He mused.
“I know.” Fliss smiled “I’m glad his eyes aren’t though.”
“Glad?” Frank turned to her. “How come?”
“Because they’re just like yours.”
Frank smiled as Fliss leaned over and kissed him softly. They spent a little more time in bed, watching Alex’s various attempts to shuffle over the top of the bed towards the german shepherd at the bottom, before they heard Mary’s door open. She headed into the bathroom first before she knocked on their door and when Frank told her to come in she dive bombed on the bed singing Happy Birthday and demanding that he get up to open his gifts.
It was only since being with Fliss that Frank had really had Birthday or Christmas presents to open since he had left Boston. Granted, Roberta had normally gotten him a little something from her and also Mary but now it was different. And not that he was materialistic but he loved the fact he felt a little spoilt. He sat on the couch and unwrapped each one in turn to reveal a couple of new shirts, a pair of sneakers and a framed photo of the four of them which had been taken by Bill at the last Competition Mary had been in. She was sat on Monty in her full show gear, rosette attached to the pony's bridle as Alex perched in front of her, held safely in place by Fliss's hands. Frank stood at the other side of the pony, his arm round Mary all of them beaming at the camera. "Thanks guys, I love it all." Frank looked up smiling, before he paused as Fliss handed him an envelope "More?"
She nodded from where she sat on the floor with Alex who was stood on shaky legs, hanging on to her fingers just as he’d done with his dad earlier. Frank looked at her suspiciously before he slipped his finger under the flap and tore it open. He pulled out the piece of paper, which was a flight itinerary and his eyes widened as he looked at the destination. "We're going to Vermont?" He looked at Fliss and she grinned, giving a nod. "3 nights, next Thursday to Sunday, just the 2 of us"  She informed him as Frank quickly scanned the details, his eyes flicking back to hers as he registered the fact they were going to be alone "Nice little cabin in the Moscow area of Stowe and I booked us a few things to do..." "Please tell me one of those things is the Ben and Jerry's tour!" Frank groaned as and Fliss gave a chuckle.
“Well you know what they say…” she looked at Frank whose eyes flicked back to the printed itinerary before they raised once more to hers, questioningly. She grinned and licked her lips “Everyone loves a BJ.”
Frank gave a snort, followed by a little sigh of delight looking back at the piece of paper in his hand, his eyes shining with happiness as he took it all in. “Lissy, this is amazing." He beamed "Thank you." "Wait..." Mary suddenly piped up "You're going to Ben and Jerry's?" "Yeah." Fliss nodded.
"So not fair." She rolled her eyes "I wanna go."
“Tough.” Frank shot back “It’s my birthday not yours.”
“Well can we go for my birthday?” Mary asked.
“That’s so mean Frank.” She whined.
“Go call someone who cares.” He looked at her. She narrowed her eyes and then held her hand out.
“Give me your phone then.” She demanded and Fliss laughed.
“Yeah? And who you gonna call?” Frank eyed her “Ghostbusters?”
Marry grinned “Nope. Poppa Bill. He’ll kick your ass.”
“Oh please!” Frank snorted “I’m not scared of Bill.” He shrugged “I could take him down.”
Mary pondered for a second before she looked at him, a positively wicked smirk crossing her face “Fine, I’ll call Uncle Steeby then. I know you’re scared of him.”
“No I’m not.” Frank scoffed and Mary snorted
“Whatever Frank, you’re only lying to yourself.” She said, standing up “Imma go get dressed. When we going for breakfast?”
“Soon as we’re ready.” Fliss smiled and Mary skipped out of the room, humming something to herself, Fred and Thor both following her as she went.
“You’re a liar.” Fliss looked at Frank.
“What?” he asked, picking Alex up and settling him on his knee.
“Saying you’re not scared of Steeby.”
“I’m not.” Frank shook his head, before his face rearranged into a little smile “I’m petrified of him.”
Just over an hour or so later they were settled in a booth at Keke's Breakfast cafe on Gulfport. Mary announced loudly that she didn’t need to see the menu, telling their server that she wanted her favourite, the apple and cinnamon waffles with a side of bacon. Frank rolled his eyes at her hyper nature, a soft smile on his face as she chatted away to the teenager who entertained her ramblings with the patience of a saint whilst he and Fliss gave the menu a cursory glance before they too opted for their standard order. Frank took the large French toast combo with his eggs over easy as always, whereas Fliss chose the raspberry stuffed French toast. They also ordered a side of plain pancakes for Alex, the baby now at the stage of holding various food items in his little hand and gumming them half to death with his few teeth. It kept him quiet and entertained whilst they ate, even if more of it did end up round his face and in his hair than his mouth.
Their food didn’t take long, Frank filling the 15 minute or so wait gently teasing Mary about a boy she had mentioned from school, causing her to narrow her eyes at him, protesting that they were just friends. When Fliss then pointed out that was how her and Frank started off she paused, pulled a face and then informed them that their accusations were both baseless and gross, causing Frank to laugh and lean back in his seat, taking a large drink of his coffee.
Their food arrived and Fliss cut up the pancakes, handing a large piece of one to Alex as they all tucked in, eating with gusto, a happy silence falling over the table which Mary broke a few moments later.
“Can we grill tonight?” she asked, her mouthful of food. Frank looked at her, where she was sat on the bench opposite him, next to Fliss. He shook his head “What?” she asked.
“Seriously, it’s breakfast time and you’re asking about what we’re eating tonight?”
Mary shrugged “You need to be more organised, Frank.”
Fliss gave a snort as Frank looked from Mary to her “Seriously, I’m 39 getting sassed by a soon to be 10 year old.”
“39…” Fliss sniggered and Frank nudged her under the table with his foot.
“So can we or not?” Mary demanded.
“Jeeez.” Frank rolled his eyes, picking up his coffee “It’s my birthday, don’t I get a say in what we do?”
“I’ve actually booked us a table somewhere.” Fliss spoke, cutting across the argument. “Thought it might be nice for us all to go out.”
“Where?” Mary turned to her.
“1200 Chophouse.”
Frank let out a groan of delight at the same time Mary punched the air “Seriously?”
Fliss nodded “It was going to be a surprise. Mum, Dad, Steve, Sian and the kids are coming. Oh, and Roberta.” She turned to Mary “So when we get back you need to ride then bath Monty and load the wagon ready for tomorrow. The table is booked for 6:30 so we can feed Alex before we go. He should be happy enough in the chair.”
Mary nodded “Am I on the 1pm class?”
Fliss shook her head “No, I told Joanne to take you off. I’ll teach you later once the class is done ok?”
Mary grinned “I like it best when we do that.”
Fliss smiled at her and then turned to Alex who had enthusiastically banged his fist on the little plastic tray of the high-chair. “You ok baby?” he grinned at her then let out a loud shriek. “Ok, hang on…” She tore another pancake in half and then handed it to him where he shoved it in his mouth straight away. She watched him for a second then looked at Frank “He’s got your appetite.”
“He’s a growing boy.” Frank shrugged.
“What’s your excuse?” Fliss teased and Frank swallowed the last of his breakfast and leaned back against the bench, arm resting along the back of it as he drank his coffee.
“I burn a lot of energy.” He said after little deliberation, shooting her a wink.  
 About half an hour later they finished their breakfast and headed home, Mary and Fliss both changing into their riding gear and heading over to the yard for the afternoon. Fliss was apologising to Frank about not spending the full day with him but he chuckled, assuring her that he some peace and quiet and one-to-one time with his boy was celebration enough, earning him a soft nip on his arm in retaliation. He spent the afternoon in between making sure Alex was happy and settled enough flicking through trash TV, drinking beer and scouting the internet for a couple of boat parts some of which were needed and others, like a surround sound digital entertainment system complete with satellite TV, were not. Nevertheless, he marked the catalogue number down along with the stuff he actually did need so he could see how much cheaper it would be when he ran it all through the system at work.
At just gone 5 Fliss and Mary came back through the door, Thor hot on their heels, Fliss face bright red and Mary’s streaked with tears.
“What…” Frank stood up and Fliss held her hand up, telling him to stop. He did as he was told, observing with a frown as Mary kicked off her boots and gave a sniff.
“Fliss, I didn’t…”
“I’ve nothing more to say on the issue.” Fliss cut her off.
“No buts Mary.” Fliss shook her head “What you said was really mean and I won’t tolerate it ok?”
“Kay…” She sniffed again.
“The horse world is full of nasty bitches.” Fliss looked at her. “I don’t want you becoming one. You know, you’ve done spectacularly well for your first ever season and now and you’ve pretty much just ruined it for yourself because frankly I’m not sure letting you go tomorrow is appropriate given your behaviour.”
“I’m sorry…please, Fliss. I can’t miss the last show!”
“Enough!” Fliss voice rose and Mary shut her mouth hastily. “No more. Now go get showered and changed, we’re late, we need to leave in an hour.” Fliss spoke with a finality to her voice which Mary clearly picked up on as she didn’t argue or plead anymore. Instead she simply wiped her face and headed through the room to the hall, eyes focussed on the floor as she walked. When she shut the door behind her to the hallway, Frank turned to Fliss, his expression puzzled.
“Ok, what’s going on?”
Fliss groaned, heading to the fridge “She was practicing over a few jumps and couldn’t quite get Monty to make the turn on the last one right, he kept tripping or knocking the pole down so she started to get frustrated. And it didn’t help that Sally was stood watching. Mary carried on getting really annoyed and distracted, and basically screamed at Sally saying that she was putting her off and then called her an asshole and told her to leave because no one on the yard liked her.”
Frank arched an eyebrow “She said that?” Fliss nodded and he groaned “Jesus.”
“And then Sally’s mother started.” Fliss sighed heavily, shutting the fridge door and cracking open the bottle of water she’d retrieved. “She was accusing Mary of being a spoilt brat and a spiteful little witch so then I ended up arguing with her, you know, pointing out that they’re kids and they say stuff, and that Sally is no angel as she has an acid tongue too…not that that excuses what Mary said.” She took a long drink of water “The upshot is her mother served her notice and they’re leaving next weekend.”
“So you lost clients?” Frank folded his arms, shaking his head in frustration, “Because of Mary’s mouth?”
“2 boarders.” Fliss shrugged “I’m not too bothered about that side of it, I have a waiting list so I can fill them straight away, I just don’t want Sandybrook getting a reputation, you know? Livery Yards can be horrible places and I work so hard to nip any bitching and bad feelings in the bud before they can spiral.”
“Did Mary apologise?”
“Oh yeah.” Fliss swallowed some more water. “I tore strips off her. As soon as she said it I told her to get straight off Monty, put him away and we were done. I made her apologise in front of everyone who’d been watching and then told her I’m not sure if I’m gonna take her tomorrow. I also told her if it wasn’t for the fact it was your birthday and we had no one to babysit, she wouldn’t be going anywhere tonight either.” She paused and bit the inside of her lip and looked at Frank “Was that too much? I mean…”
“No, absolutely not.” Frank shook his head “And besides, even if I thought it was harsh, which I don’t, I’d never undermine you anyway.”
 “Thing is Frank, I really want her to go tomorrow.” Fliss rolled her eyes, “She’s worked so hard and she’s not a bad kid. It feels such a shame to let all her hard work and practice go to waste.”
“Well you didn’t say she couldn’t go for sure, just that you were debating whether or not to allow it.”  Frank shrugged “So, let’s see how she goes tonight when we’re out. Then we can decide.”
Fliss nodded “Okay.” 
“Honey, don’t think on it.” Frank cocked his head to one side, the look on Fliss’ face betraying the internal conflict she was feeling “You did the right thing.”
“I know, I know but doesn’t stop me feeling shitty about it Frank.” Fliss sighed as Frank walked towards her “I hate having to tell her off. She’s a good kid most of the time and I know deep down she didn’t mean to be so cruel.”
“Well, we all say things at times we don’t mean. I’ve told her that a few times myself.” Frank smiled, wrapping his arms around Fliss.
“It was frustration more than anything.” Fliss melted into his arms and Frank gave a hum of agreement. “Frustration at not being perfect at something.” He said wisely “Monty isn’t an equation or a problem she can work out with maths or logic.” He shrugged “Maybe it will do her some good to learn a little humility.” He dropped a kiss to her head. “Now, no offence but you stink of horses and we have 50 minutes until we need to leave. Go grab your shower, I’ll feed Alex and then get ready. Won’t take me long.”
Fliss chuckled and pulled back, looking up at him, narrowing her eyes “You’re not wearing one of those shirts are you?”
“It’s my birthday.” Frank shrugged “Surely I can wear what I want?”
Fliss rolled her eyes “Whatever.”
“I thought you liked them?”
“They’re hideous”
“But endearing.” He dropped another kiss to her lips “At least that’s what you say.”
She chuckled “I’m only teasing, I kinda like you in them.” She kissed him again and then pulled away, giving a little jump as Frank slapped her ass as she turned around to walk away. She tossed him a look over her shoulder which he met with an innocent one of his own before she walked into the hall, heading up the stairs.
20 minutes or so later, complete with Alex who had enthusiastically wolfed down a generous helping of Fliss’ home-made cauliflower, broccoli and cheese puree, whilst simultaneously smearing it all over his face, he headed up the stairs and into their bedroom. Fliss was wrapped in a robe, finishing off straightening her once hair and she gave a smile as Alex grinned at her.
“He really likes that stuff you made him.” Frank smiled and looked down at his son as he gabbled away in his arms. “I’ll get him cleaned and dressed before I take a shower.”
“I got his outfit ready.” Fliss smiled “It’s on the changing mat.”
“Don’t you trust my fashion sense?” Frank teased and she grinned.
“Your fashion sense is exactly why I picked it.”
“Trust me, when you see it…you’ll understand.” She smirked.
“Okay…” Frank pulled a confused face before he dropped a kiss to her cheek and turned to head across the hall to the bathroom. 5 minutes later he’d managed to give Alex a quick bath to clean him up and after a little wrestle as the baby really was becoming a wriggle worm, he finally got him wrapped him in his little bear towel with the hood pulled over his light brown hair.  Emerging from the family bathroom he made his way towards the nursery, pausing as he heard a little sniffle coming from Mary’s room. Taking a deep breath he moved towards that door instead and gently knocked.
“Stack?” he asked, and when she didn’t tell him to either ‘go away’ or ‘wait a second’ he reached with one hand to open the door and pushed it gently inwards. Mary was sat on the huge bean bag which was situated underneath her raised cabin bed, a book on her lap, her hair damp from the shower. She was dressed in a smart denim skirt which was printed with little white stars and a red plaid top with lace trim down either side of the column of buttons and round the collar.  “That new?” he asked having not seen the top before.
“Fliss bought it me last week in Target” she said quietly, wiping her eyes. “I liked it so she said I could have it as I’d done well with Monty”
“Well, you got good taste.” he smiled “Take after me.”
At that she gave him a scathing look and he chuckled a little as Alex let out a little gurgle, his arms outstretched. Mary held her arms out for him so Frank crossed the spacious room and handed the baby over.  Alex grinned and made a grab for Mary’s hair, making her smile as Frank sat on the floor in front of them both, his back leaning against the ladders that led up to her bunk.
“You gonna shout at me as well?” she asked after a little pause and Frank inhaled deeply.
“No.” he shook his head, letting his breath out slowly “I think Fliss said everything that needed to be said. I’ve nothing more to add really.”
“Are you mad?”
“No, just disappointed Mary.” he said honestly “I thought I’d taught you better than that.”
Mary looked down, her shoulders slumped “I didn’t mean it. I was just angry. Sally makes me mad.”
“You make me mad sometimes but I don’t say nasty things.” Frank sighed, “Well, I hope I don’t.”
As he spoke those words his mind strayed back a few years to the incident in his apartment when he’d stood on the lego bricks. It seemed like a life time ago, Mary had been so little compared to the girl that sat before him now.
“Hey, look at me.” he said gently and she raised her eyes to his. “Did you mean it when you said sorry?”
Mary nodded “Yeah, I did. But her mom started calling me names and she was so mad at Fliss. Fliss told her to shut up in the end but then she told me off too.”
“Well, that’s because Fliss…” Frank paused, swallowing a little as the words formed in his mind “Well, Fliss is your mom and she loves you, so she’s gonna defend you. That doesn’t mean she agrees with what you did or that what you did was justifiable.”
“I know.” Mary’s voice was quiet “Is she mad? Sally’s mom said they were leaving.”
“Yes they are but…” Frank shook his head “No, she’s not mad. Perhaps a little disappointed in you too, but you know the rules, no one stays mad in this house. We say our piece, we apologise, we move on. And we try to be better in future.”
It wasn’t quite a flat out lie, whilst he and Fliss could argue and stay pissed at each other for days, where Mary (and in the future no doubt Alex) was concerned it was a different story.
“Do you think she’ll let me go tomorrow?”
“Depends on how you behave tonight.” Frank shrugged, moving his legs as he made to stand “I honestly don’t know.”
Mary took a deep breath and Frank pushed himself to his feet with a slight groan as his knees clicked. Fuck this getting older shit.
“Will she dry my hair for me?” Mary looked at Frank.
“Go and ask.” Frank replied simply, taking Alex off her. She followed him out of her room and made her way over to their room, knocking on the door. He paused in the doorway of the nursery, watching as she pushed it open timidly and he saw Fliss look up from where she’d been doing her make up.
“Lissy…” she said quietly “Please could you do my hair for me?”
“Course I will.” Liss smiled, beckoning her in. “Come on.” As she stood up so Mary could sit at the stool she caught Frank’s eye and he gave her a wink before he turned into their son’s room and made his way over to the changing unit at the right hand side. As soon as he saw the outfit he gave a loud laugh and shook his head taking in the tiny little yellow palm printed Hawaiian shirt, almost identical to the one he owned, and jeans.
“You’re momma thinks she’s so funny.” he snorted, dropping a kiss to Alex’s head as he lay him back on the mat. “And to be fair, as far as jokes go, that one’s pretty good.”
The managed to depart just 10 minutes after their aimed for time and arrived at the restaurant 5 minutes or so late, but all things considered that wasn’t a huge issue. They walked in, Frank pushing Alex’s buggy as Fliss gave them the reservation name.
“Ah, yes, Mrs Adler, the rest of your party are in the bar area. If you head through I’ll let your server know you’re all here and she’ll come show you to the table.”
“Thanks.” Fliss smiled, and the 4 of them headed to the left. Mary spotted Steve and the twins first and gave a little yell, running over towards them, Frank, Fliss and Alex following.
“Mrs Adler, huh?” Frank teased, his voice low as he leaned down to speak into Fliss’ ear, the warmth that had flooded his chest at hearing the guy essentially calling Fliss his wife evident in his eyes which were bright with love.
Fliss gave a shrug, grinning as she turned her head to look at him. “I just gave Adler as the name for the table, he just assumed.”
“Well, you will be soon enough.” He smiled, pressing a soft kiss to her lips.
He expected some sarcastic response about how there was still time for her to change her mind but none came. Instead she merely beamed at him, her hand gently reaching up to cup his cheek “Can’t wait Sailor.” She bit her lip and Frank could do nothing but smile back like a complete love struck idiot, his forehead pressing to hers as he kissed the tip of her nose.
“Get a room!” Steve bellowed over the bar area and Fliss merely turned her head to look at him, raising her middle finger.
“Felicity Rose Gallagher!” Verity scalded “Stop being so uncouth. I brought you up better than that.”
Fliss rolled her eyes “Dad didn’t”
Bill scrunched his face up and shrugged “Touche Titch.”  He chuckled as he reached out for Frank, grabbing his hand and pulling him into a manly hug “Happy birthday, Son.”
“Thanks Bill.” Frank smiled, turning to Steve next who did the same before he then greeted Sian, Verity and Roberta with hugs and kisses to the cheek before he ruffled Charlie and Joel’s hair as they came over and hugged him round his waist. “You two grown since last week?” he asked, looking at the 2 boys whose heads were both now almost level with his ribcage.
“Feels like it.” Sian mumbled “Mind you, not like their father is a small man is it?”
Steve opened his mouth, grinning to make a dirty comment no doubt about his size so to speak but instead he gave a yelp as Verity reached up and slapped the back of his head “Don’t even think about it Steven.” She pointed at him.
“Mum…” he wailed as Frank chuckled, moving to the bar after checking if anyone else needed a drink.
“This is on us tonight.” Bill pushed up next to him, waving his hand at the bar tender “Yeah, on the tab for table 20, thanks…”
“Bill, there’s no need.” Frank began the usual protest whenever either of his future in-laws insisted on paying but as normal Bill shook his head.
“I know but we want to.” He shrugged “I mean what’s the world coming to when I can’t treat my kids to dinner huh?”
Frank sighed a little and smiled “Thanks.”
Bill nodded as Frank placed his order- a pilsner for him, lemonade for Mary and a tonic water for Fliss who had said she would drive home. They’d debated getting a cab but as she had assumed she would be up early in the morning to drive to the Competition and said she’d prefer to drive. Now that was all hanging in the balance due to Mary’s earlier behaviour, or lack of more to the point.
Shortly after they were shown to their table, Mary taking a seat next to the twins in between Verity and Bill. When both Steve and Frank began to tell them to sit where they could keep an eye on them, Verity scoffed and waved them away, her arm dropping round Mary.
“My pudding can sit next to me if she wants.” She pouted and Frank rolled his eyes before shooting Mary a look.
“First sign of any nonsense…”
“I know.” She cast her eyes down before she looked at him. “Please can I have my Tablet?”
Frank looked at Fliss and she nodded, reaching into the bag under the stroller for it and handing it over.
“Volume down.” Frank instructed as he passed it round and she took it with a thanks. The three kids huddled round it as Mary turned it on, no doubt looking at their latest Minecraft game or whatever the hell it was the three of them seemed to spend half their lives connected to one another over the internet for. Whilst Frank was conscious most people might consider this lazy parenting, he saw it as being no different to them having a toy or colouring book at the table and so left them to it, as they began to chatter amongst themselves, only being interrupted when they were asked to pick what they wanted to eat. Once the orders were placed and another round of drinks appeared, Frank was handed 3 gift bags over the table, blushing slightly as he took them with thanks. Bill and Verity had bought him a bottle of 15 year Barrell Craft Spirits Bourbon and a new pair of Ray Bans after his had met a sticky end when Alex had pulled them off his face and then dropped them onto the floor where Fliss had accidentally stood on them, cracking the lens. Fully aware of how expensive both those items were he thanks them, whilst reprimanding them once more for spending too much money on them to which Verity hushed him and Bill merely rolled his eyes giving a shrug. Roberta had gotten him a new tool belt for him to use when working on the boat which he was really pleased with. As he showed it to Fliss she cheekily quipped in a quiet voice that he could finally get rid of the spanner in his pocket which had made Sian choke on her drink when she overheard. Steve pat her on her back as she sorted herself out, and then Frank reached into the final bag from Steve, Sian and the boys. He thanked them for the 6 pack of Sam Adams, which could sometimes be hard to find in the stores in Florida, nodded in appreciation at the new Patriots Jersey they’d gotten him with ADLER arched over the back, and reached in to pull the last item out, which was a blue baseball cap.
“What the…” he scoffed and looked at Steve who had broken into a huge guffaw of laughter at the look of disgust on Franks face. Bill and Verity also started to chuckle and as Fliss reached out to turn it towards her she snorted as Roberta slapped the top of the table in utter hysterics as the white letters MAGA stood out clear against the dark navy.
“That was his idea, not mine.” Sian protested as Frank looked down, shaking his head at the joke before he spotted the small writing under the larger letters. “Make the Asshole Gone Again.” He read, and at that he gave a loud laugh. “Wonder if I’ll get away with wearing it for work?”
"I thought you said you were voting Trump?" Roberta’s voice was serious and Frank shook his head, taking a swig from his beer, as she gave him a cheeky grin.
"Don't start him off again, please Roberta!" Fliss groaned "I had to stop him putting his foot through the TV last night when they showed that Jordan Klepper vs Trump Supporters section on the Daily Show."
"He’s an ass clown." Frank replied and Steve laughed.
“Suppose being a Democrat is part and parcel of coming from Mass, huh Frank?”
“What, like being Anti-Tory is part and parcel of being from Merseyside?” Frank shot back and Steve gave a grin, raising his glass in his direction.
“Correct!” Steve nodded enthusiastically.
“Damned Tories…” Bill shook his head. “Johnson doesn’t know his arse from his elbow.”
“You know, I seriously think you should be IQ tested before you're allowed to vote.” Fliss shrugged and Roberta leaned forward.
“Yeah but, how can you test what ain’t there?"
Everyone at the table laughed as Frank reached for his beer. "Actually, if you think about it, it’s pretty simple." he swallowed a mouthful of his drink and looked at Roberta "One question- are you voting Trump? If they answer yes then they clearly have the IQ of a goldfish, right to vote denied."
The table laughed again and it wasn’t long then until their starters arrived and the chatter slowed as everyone tucked in, Fliss taking a minute or so to settle Alex who had woken up with perfect timing as ever.
“You want me to sort him?” Frank lay a hand on her thigh and she shook her head, handing the baby a teething ring.
“No, I got it.” She smiled, “Besides he’s good now.”
Frank gave her knee a squeeze and then glanced across the table where Bill was looking at Mary.
“So, you all set for your last competition tomorrow?” he asked and Frank let out a little groan.
“I err…” Mary’s eyes fell down towards her food “I don’t know if I’m going.”
“Why not?” Verity asked.
Frank looked at Fliss, who had been about to open her mouth and gently shook his head. He wanted Mary to be the one to explain, she was the one that had misbehaved after all.
“Because I was naughty.” She shrugged “So Fliss and Frank said they don’t know if I can go.”
Verity and Bill looked at one another before they both glanced over the table at Frank and Fliss. Fliss raised her eyebrows a little as Frank reached for his drink.
“Oh, well, I’m sure you’ve learned your lesson.” Verity looked at Mary and she nodded again, her eyes still on her plate, brimming with tears.
“It all depends on tonight.” Frank spoke softly “Good behaviour over dinner and we’ll think about it.”
“Really?” Mary asked, looking up and he nodded.
“What did you do?” Charlie asked.
“Never you mind.” Sian cut him off, looking at him.
“It doesn’t matter what Mary did.” Fliss stated simply “It was dealt with and that’s that. No need to talk about it anymore.”
“Charlie, stop.” Steve said sternly. Charlie narrowed his eyes at his dad and Steve pointed his fork at him “Carry on mate, see where that attitude gets you.”
Threat received and understood, Charlie went back to eating and the talk struck up once more about Frank and Fliss’ trip to Vermont the weekend after. The more they talked about it, the more Frank found himself getting excited. 3 nights alone with Fliss in a cabin in the middle of what he was hoping would be a decent covering of snow sounded like his idea of heaven.
Dinner passed with no more talk of misbehaving children and at just gone 9pm they finished desert and Frank sat back, the waistband of his jeans feeling a hell of a lot tighter than they had when he arrived.
“Think I’m having a food baby.” Fliss groaned besides him and he turned to her, raising his eyebrows.
“As long as it’s not a real one.”
She snorted into her lemonade, shaking her head “Oh no…”
“You not fancy another?” Sian, who had heard the exchanged asked and Fliss looked at her, hesitating a little.
“Not at the moment, no.”
“Well that’s a step up from the ‘Oh,Christ no’ you spluttered last time the subject was raised” Frank teased and she nudged him with her elbow as Steve sniggered.
“You can shut up as well!” Fliss glared at him
“Ah come on Titch, another baby in the family would be great.”
“Well you have another, if you want one so bad!”
“We are.” Sian spoke and at that the table fell silent. All eyes turned to her, Verity and Bill exchanging a glance with one another as Fliss looked from Sian, to Steve who leaned back in his chair, arm falling round his wife’s shoulder, a smug smirk on his handsome face.
“No, are you…really?” Verity’s hand fell to the hollow of her throat as Sian blushed a little, nodding.
“We found out last week.”  Sian smiled, looking at Steve “We wanted to get you all together and…”
The table fell silent before there was a sudden flurry of excited voices and the scraping of chairs as everyone stood up to hug one another and offer congratulations.
“What’s going on?” Joel piped up and Steve smiled as he sat back down having just received a huge bro hug from Frank.
“We just told everyone about the baby.” He smiled and the twin’s faces fell into identical expressions of understanding.
“What baby?” Mary asked.
“The one Aunty Sian’s gonna have.” Frank looked at her.
“You having a baby?” Mary looked across the table.
“We sure are.” Steve beamed.
“That’s so cool!” Mary grinned.
“So, when are you due?” Fliss asked and Sian smiled.
“Middle of October.” She said “So I’m gonna  be huge at your wedding.”
“Especially if its twins again.” Mary chipped in and Frank turned to look at her, before he bit his lip and glanced back up at Steve who’d paled a little.
“You know it is a possibility…” Roberta grinned “Happened to a friend o’ma sister’s. Two sets of twins.”
“Oh, just think Bill!” Verity beamed “Another two grandkids…”
“Mum, shut up!” Steve groaned as the table laughed.
Not long after the happy news, everyone agreed that it was time to be heading home. After another mini argument between Bill, Steve, Roberta and Frank about the check, which Steve and Frank both lost, the party all gathered their things and headed out to the parking lot.
“Roberta, you need a lift?” Fran asked but before she could answer Verity shook her head.
“She’s coming back to ours. We have a bottle of Rioja to crack open.”
Bill let out a dramatic sigh “Can I come sleep in your guest place-ow!” he yelled as Roberta reached up and slapped him round the back of the head.
With a snort Frank clipped Alex into the baby seat and after another goodbye to everyone they headed home arriving just before 10.
“Did you have a nice night?” Fliss asked Frank as they walked up towards the door and Frank nodded, dropping a kiss to her head.
“It was fantastic, the whole day has been great. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Shame your mom couldn’t make it.”
“Well she’s still getting over that virus but I was thinking. Maybe near Mary’s birthday we could head up to Mass? We haven’t been since…” he trailed off and Fliss instantly understood why, the last time they’d been in Boston had been when Mary had been taken ill and John had attacked Fliss.
“I think that’s a great idea.” Fliss said as Frank unlocked the door. “It’s a short enough flight for Alex and it would be nice to go.”
Frank smiled as they all stepped inside and Thor came charging out of the kitchen to greet them all.
“Do I have to go to bed or can I watch TV?” Mary asked, looking up “It is Saturday…”
“Well, I would say yes but we have an early start tomorrow.” Fliss looked at Frank and he instantly understood.He rolled his eye softly before giving a concessive nod and Fliss continued “I mean that is if we wanna get to the show on time.”
“I can go?” Mary’s head whipped to look at them both and Fliss nodded.
“Yes, you can go.”
“Oh my god thank you, thank you!” Mary shot over to hug her, her arms wrapping round Fliss’ waist “I’ll behave, I promise.”
“I know.” Fliss dropped a kiss to her head. “Now skoot, we’re gonna be up at 6.”
Mary hugged her again, then turned to Frank who swung her up with a groan “Stop growing will ya?”
“I’ll try!” she giggled, squishing his cheeks between her hands. “Love you dad.”
Frank felt his stomach twist, and he glanced at Fliss whose hand had flown to her mouth, her eyes wide. She hastily swallowed, recovering herself, her eyes glassing over as she shifted Alex’s car seat in her arms before she turned to place it on the coffee table.
“I love you too.” Frank cleared his throat, as he dropped Mary to the floor “Go on, I’ll come tuck you in in five.”
She skipped off up the stairs, Fred hot on her heels and as soon as her door shut Frank turned to Fliss.
“You ok?” she asked and he nodded, his eyes full of unshed tears as he sank down onto the arm of the couch. “How do you feel?”
“I don’t know.” He replied softly, and he truly didn’t. “Shocked, a little. I guess, that even despite the adoption I never…well, I never anticipated that because she’s not actually mine and…”
His face screwed up a little, and Fliss stepped in between his legs her arms wrapping around his broad shoulders. He pressed his face into her chest, his arms curling around her waist as she gently stroked one hand through his hair and down his neck.
“Of course she’s yours.” She whispered, dropping a kiss to his head. “I keep telling you this. In every single way possible bar biologically, she’s your daughter Frank. We got the paper work to prove it.” At that he spluttered a little laugh and Fliss pulled back to look at him, her hands cupping his face as she wiped away a single tear that had fallen down his cheek.
“We just never talked about it.” He shrugged a little lamely and Fliss smiled.
“Somethings you just can’t prepare for, no matter how much philosophy or logic you try and apply.”  Her brown eyes locked onto his “This was just, well, it was a natural thing. I can’t explain it any better than that. The question is, did it feel uncomfortable?”
“No.” Frank answered honestly as he shook his head, taking a deep breath, his lip quivering. “And that’s what shocked me the most. I always thought I’d hate it but…”
“But you didn’t?”
“And are you gonna be okay if she keeps calling you dad?”
He nodded and Fliss gently bent down to kiss him softly, before pulling away “Then roll with it. Like Dad did with me. You know, if you wanted to you speak to him then I’m sure he’d-“
“I already did.” Frank shrugged a little. “Months ago, just after we’d moved in here and we’d decided to adopt her. He told me about how you’d made that wish at your birthday and…” Frank took a deep breath “And I know Mary’s always said she wishes I was her dad and I guess, well if I’m honest there’s always been this part of me that wishes I was, despite Diane.”
“Diane would be happy, I’m sure.” Fliss looked at him “Frankie, I know this is probably gonna sound so shit, but, well there’s a reason she came to you to…well to do what she did, because she trusted you with her daughter. And you’ve done her proud baby, so proud.”
Frank felt the burning in his nose as he scrunched his face up in an attempt to stem the tears that were threatening to overwhelm him and once more Fliss wrapped her arms around him, gently rubbing between his shoulder blades. “What do I do now?” he whispered “How do I react?”
“You don’t “Fliss replied, kissing his head “You take a minute, then you go upstairs and tuck her in as usual. Don’t make a big thing about it or she’ll start to worry. Chances are she hasn’t even realised she’s said it.”
“And if she has?”
“Well then be honest. Tell her its okay.” She felt Frank nod and then she stepped back, her hands on his shoulders. “You good?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m okay.” He stood up, wiping his face. He took a deep breath and glanced down at Fliss and smiled, “I love you.”
“Love you too.” She smiled “Now go on, I’ll check the doors and be up with you in a second.”
Frank climbed the stairs, taking a deep breath before he knocked gently and walked into Mary’s room. She was already in bed, Fred curled by her feet and as Frank crossed the room he almost tripped over her discarded clothes.
“Seriously?” Frank pointed them as they lay on the bedroom floor. “Wardrobe, not floordrobe Stack!”
“Oops.” Mary grimaced and Frank rolled his eyes, picking the items up, tossing them onto the bean bag under the bed.
“If they’re clean put them away, if not put them in your laundry hamper.” He instructed, leaning against the rails of her bed.
“Sorry, I’ll do it tomorrow.” Mary shuffled onto her side to look at him. “Did you have a good birthday?”
“The best.” Frank smiled honestly “Got to spend it with all my favourite people. And you.” Mary shoved him gently and he laughed, “Joking, joking!” he smiled, brushing her hair back off her face “You know you’re my best girl.”
“What about Fliss?” Mary narrowed her eyes suspiciously.
“She’s my best woman.” Frank answered easily. Mary looked at him before she smiled, accepting his explanation. “You excited about tomorrow?”
“Yeah.” Mary nodded “And nervous.”
“Nothing to be nervous about.” Frank shook his head “Just go out there and enjoy it. You’ve done so well for a first season, Fliss was saying that earlier. We’re proud of you sweetheart.”
“Thanks.” She grinned “Hey, Frank?”
“You know what I said before...downstairs?”
Frank took a deep breath “I do.”
“Did it bother you?”
“Not one bit.” He smiled and Mary grinned.
“Good, because I think I’d like to say it more going forward.” She reached out, her fingers fiddling with the buttons on his shirt. “Unless you annoy me. And then you can be Frank again.”
Frank chuckled “Sounds like a deal, Stack”
“Okay, you can go now. I need to sleep.” Mary snuggled down into the covers and Frank smiled, pulling them up round her chin, dropping a kiss to her head.
He turned to leave the room, throwing a last glance over his shoulder before he closed the door behind him.
***** “Mary, are you paying attention?” Fliss looked at her as she sat astride Monty, grinning ear to ear.
“Yeah, sorry.” She turned her head, “I’m just so happy!”
“I know honey!” Fliss chuckled, “And you did so well in your other two classes and yes we’re gonna celebrate that later but focus on this one now, yeah? You’ve gone clear so all you need to do is get round the jump off. You remember the order?”
“Erm…” Mary spun in the saddle looking round “Yeah its two, six, nine, double back to twelve, across to five and then you send him quickly down the line to finish at eight.”
“Good.” Fliss smiled “Remember, let Monty find his way. Don’t mess too much and if you think you can make that sharp turn after nine and cut through instead of round four then do it. If not, take the safe route and aim for clear.”
“Ok, yeah, got it.”
“Glad you did.” Frank mumbled, gently pushing Alex’s buggy to and fro as the baby dozed “’Coz that all sounded like a different language to me.”
“That’s because you don’t get it, Dad.” Mary turned to look at him.
“You’re right, I don’t.” Frank agreed
“You would do if you spent more time watching me instead of faffing with the boat in the garage.” Mary shrugged. At her words Frank narrowed his eyes and turned to Fliss who was biting her lip, a faint flush on her cheeks.
“Don’t look at me!”
“Oh, I’m lookin’ at you Cowgirl, because no one else I know uses the word faff.” He arched an eyebrow. “Well apart from your mom, dad, Steve and Sian…damned British slang!”
Fliss snorted “Ok, busted. But that’s not exactly what I said.”
“Well what was?” he dropped his voice a little and Fliss started to laugh.
“I just said to Jo when she commented she hadn’t seen you in a while that you were busy with the other woman in your life aka the boat.”
Frank rolled his eyes. “Hey, that engine was giving me trouble.”
“I’m sure it was.”
“And you weren’t complaining about me faffing too much when you were up there with me a few weeks back.” Frank dropped his head as he spoke into her ear and smirked as Fliss shivered at the feel of his bearded cheek scratching slightly at her neck.
“Well that situation benefitted me.” She muttered back, her eyes hidden behind her shades as she kept her face turned towards the ring, watching the first of the ten kids through to the jump off go.
“Very selfish of you Miss Gallagher.”
“Well when it comes to you I don’t like sharing.”
Frank gave a chuckle and pressed a kiss to her cheek “No worries on that count, I’m all yours baby.”
She smiled, and then winced as the competitor in the ring misjudged the turn between two jumps and the pony slammed on, sending her flying over its neck. Frank swallowed as Mary turned to look at Fliss her eyes wide.
“Why did she undercut that turn then?”
Fliss shook her head “If she’d have hugged tighter to the corner she might have made it but as it was she only got a two stride run up.” She bit her lip then frowned “Don’t you do that!”
“I wasn’t gonna!” Mary snorted, rolling her eyes.
“Good.” Fliss nodded “Like I said, you can make your time up between nine and twelve and then five and eight, if you need to.”
Frank groaned “Why couldn’t you pick a nice safe hobby…like swimming or something?”
Mary looked at him reproachfully “Frank, I could already swim.”
“Yeah but…”
“And Swimming can be dangerous, people drown.”
“Not if they’re supervised.”
“And besides, if I hadn’t wanted to go horse riding, you’d have never met Fliss.” Mary looked at him, fixing him with a maddening smug look because she knew that was the absolute ace card.
“Okay, you got me there.” Frank grumbled “Smart ass.”
Fliss chuckled as the three of them turned their attention to the ring and eventually after the other nine riders had finished, Mary’s name and number was called having been pulled last in the random order draw.
“Good luck.” Fliss smiled as she walked Mary to the gate of the arena before she set off, trotting Monty around the outside of the arena before the buzzer sounded. And then she was off. Frank hated this bit, and always found himself torn between desperately wanting to watch and also wanting to look the other way. He normally settled for a combination of the two, watching for a second, looking away, glancing back…but this time he found himself watching Fliss. Her face was set in utter concentration as she watched Mary’s round, her head tilting left to right, her hand making a pulling motion as she was willing Mary to slow Monty down and then suddenly she perked up completely, her lips curling upwards.
“She’s cut the corner, she’s gone for it.” She whispered and Frank’s eyes snapped back to the arena to see Mary clear the second to last jump and Monty picked up the pace. “Not too fast.” Fliss muttered “Pull him up, just take a check, a little one. Oh, shit!”
At Fliss’ last words Monty took off, clipping the pole with his front feet. It rolled in the cups and Frank held his breath before it rocked a little too far and fell to the floor. There was a collective sigh of disappointment around the ring from the spectators and then applause rang out as Mary crossed the finish line and turned to see the pole on the floor. She hung her head a little, shaking it before she trotted out and stopped by Fliss and Frank.
“Hey…” Fliss beamed at her “That was really unlucky. He only just clipped it.”
“It rolled?” Mary grimaced and Fliss wrinkled her nose as they set off back to the wagon.
“Fraid so.”
“Bummer.” Mary shook her head.
“What?” Frank asked, utterly puzzled.
“It means that the pole simply rolled off, it wasn’t taken straight down with the knock.” Fliss explained “Believe me, It’s the most annoying thing in the world.”
“But it’s the same result.” Frank looked at them both and Mary groaned exasperatedly.
“Don’t talk about stuff you don’t understand!”
“That’s me told.” Frank scoffed as she jumped off Monty and proceeded to remove her hat.
“Can we go see who won?” She turned to Fliss who had just taken Monty’s saddle off.
“Sure, let’s get him loaded up and then we’ll go.”
Once Monty was back on board, the ramp shut they headed back down to the Arena, Fliss pushing Alex’s buggy as Mary slipped her hand into Frank’s. They arrived back just in time to see the placings.
“Oh, that’s cool.” Mary shrugged “Saffy won the class.”
“You know her?” Fliss frowned.
“Only from when we were waiting in line before.” Mary shrugged “She seemed nice. I wonder who’s won it overall.”
“We’ll check online later.” Fliss said, before she grinned “You know, I’d kinda like to know who won the Junior Rider class for the season. Any idea Frank?”
“Oh, some blonde kid with an attitude problem.” He shrugged as Mary looked up at him, her eyebrows arched, hands on her hips.
“Well everyone says I act like you so any attitude I do have…” she drew a circle in the air with her index finger of the hand that wasn’t holding his before pointing at him “…is one hundred percent your fault.”
Fliss spluttered out a laugh as Frank blinked, looking at Mary then to Fliss. “I…wow.” was all he could bring himself to say.
The three of them politely applauded as the top six riders took a lap of honour before the winner took her own and as she emerged from the ring Mary let go of Frank’s hand and stepped forward.
“Well done.” She smiled at the girl who sat atop a chestnut pony and Frank watched, the pride in his chest almost stopping his breathing. He felt Fliss slide an arm round his waist and he moved, dropping his own over her shoulders as she leaned up to kiss his cheek.
“Thanks Mary!” the girl grinned “You were so unlucky with your last pole.”
“I did my best.” Mary shrugged “That’s what my mom and dad say matters the most.”
Frank felt Fliss stiffen a little besides him “Did she…”
“Yeah…”he whispered, dropping a kiss to her head.
Fliss took a shaky breath and hastily blinked back the tears as Mary turned back towards them “Hey, can I go get a drink with Saffy from their van? I’ll be like 10 minutes?”
“Erm…” Fliss wiped her face and looked at the woman next to Saffy who smiled and nodded.
“It’s fine.” She beamed “Fliss isn’t it? You run Sandybrook?”
“Yeah.” Fliss smiled.
“I’m Jenny, Saf’s mom. And we’re just parked right there.” The woman spoke “I wouldn’t mind a chat with you actually about a horse I have. He needs backing and you came recommended.”
“Sure, just…” Fliss looked at Frank and he gave a grin
“I’ll set off back with him.” he nodded to Alex who was fast asleep. “See you at home, take as long as you need.”
“You sure?”
“Course.” Frank gave her a kiss before he called to Mary “Hey Stack, I’m gonna go.” She turned and ran towards him, hugging him tight as his hand dropped to the back of her head. “I’m proud of you.” He said softly and she beamed.
“Thanks Dad.”
He gave her another hug before he turned and took the brake off the stroller, turning it round. As he made his way back towards where his truck was park he tossed a glance over his shoulder to see Fliss now in a full on laugh at something the woman called Jenny had said, head tipped back, shoulders shaking, her pretty profile simply radiating happiness.
And right there, Frank knew there couldn’t possibly be ANY man in the world who felt the sheer contentment and love that he did.
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oneshots4u · 5 years
The Crumpled Range Rover
SUMMARY - after Y/N’s car breaks down, she uses Harry’s, but some paps think it’s her famous boyfriend in the car and will do anything to find out where he’s going.
WARNINGS - we love angsty Harry 
“Harry?” you spoke timidly through the phone, nibbling your lip nervously.  Your boyfriend was so looking forward to having a lazy day in the house, and you hated to disrupt him.  In his living room, Harry’s brows furrowed as he sat up straight.
“What’s wrong?” his question came out more like a statement.
“My car broke down.  I’m at the garage, can you come get me?” he smiled slightly in relief.
“Of course.  I’m on my way, gorgeous.”
Walking through the door, you pecked his cheek again.  
“Thank you for rescuing me,” you giggled.  He smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist loosely, placing a soft kiss on your lips, then your forehead.  
“That’s okay, want me to drive you to work tomorrow?  You’ll have to take a cab home though, I have a meeting in the afternoon.”
“No, no,” you smiled.  He knew you never wanted any favours from him, which was why you still worked a minimum wage job and drove a twelve year old car.  He had offered to buy you a new one countless times, but you had always point-blank refused, not wanting him to throw his money around, no matter how much he had.  
“I’ll insure you on one of mine for the week until yours is fixed then, yeah?  So you can still drive yourself about?”  You sighed in defeat.  “Come on, even normal boyfriends would do that!” he laughed, tickling your sides.  You laughed and swatted his hands away.
“Fine, fine!” he stopped, grabbing your waist and pulling you in for another kiss.
The next day, you were all set up to drive Harry’s Range Rover, knowing you’d feel safer in a bigger car than a little sporty one.  Even so, a Range Rover is much, much larger than an old Mini, so you were still a little cautious.  In the morning, as you buttoned up your work shirt and picked up your apron, Harry lay in bed watching you, hair ruffled and messy, chest tattoos poking up from under the duvet.  
“Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you?” he asked you for the fourth time since the prior evening.
“I’ll be fine, babe, I’ve been driving for years!  Just in much smaller cars!” you smiled, sitting on the edge of the bed and running your fingers through his unruly curls.  His green eyes searched yours for a second, as if trying to see if you were certain.
“Okay,” he whispered eventually, sitting up to see you off to work.  He kissed you through the window of the car, as he did every day.  “You look kinda sexy in a big car, you know?  Like one of those rich mums, or a sugar baby,” he laughed.
“Wow, thanks!  Even more of a reason to want my own car back,” you laughed back, leaning up again to plant a final kiss on his lips. 
“Drive safe, have fun at work, I’ll see you tonight!” he shouted after you as you pulled out of your garage.
Cruising to work, humming along to the radio, you felt okay!  Obviously you were more careful than usual, because not only was this car like a freaking monster truck compared to yours, it was a LOT more expensive, and the first big purchase Harry had made with the money from his album, and he loved it.  You couldn’t help but notice, however, that the same car had been following you all the way from Harry’s.  This wasn’t uncommon for you, paparazzi often followed Harry’s cars, but you had never been the one driving as it had happened.  You remembered a corner you could cut off, which usually managed to get some distance between the cars, but you’d have to swing in at the last minute so they couldn’t follow you.  As you grew closer, your knuckles whitened around the steering wheel, and you took a deep breath as you spun into the side street.  So far so good.  At the end of the road, you rejoined the main road to the city that the paps were still on.  Stopping at the junction, the whole road was clear.  You pulled out as the same car whipped around the corner at an unreal speed.  Neither of you could break on time.  You heard the crunch of the side of Harry’s favourite car, before you span a couple times, brakes screeching.  You hadn’t realised you had been screaming until the car finally stopped moving.  Your hands were still firmly planted on the steering wheel, but your eyes were squeezed tight shut, too scared to survey the damage to the car, or yourself.  
“Harry?” you whispered into the phone.
“What’s wrong?” he questioned you again.  Your lip wobbled and eyes shut again.
“Harry, I’m really sorry,” you started to cry.
“Love, what’s happened?  Where are you?” you couldn’t speak.  All you could do was sniffle deeply.  “Babe talk to me, I’m coming to find you.” you could hear fumbling on the other end of the line as he gathered some of his things and told the people in his office he had to leave urgently.  
“The car,” you whispered again, pulling your knees to your chest from the stretcher in the ambulance.  “I crashed your car, I’m so sorry,” you heard a gasp from him.
“What?!  Are you hurt?  What happened?”
“A little,” you wiped your eyes roughly, glancing down at your bruised body.  “I’m at the shortcut, there were paps and I was trying to lose them, and they hit me, and your car is ruined.” you borderline cried out, looking up at the completely wrecked side of the Range Rover.  “I’m so sorry, Harry!  I think they’re going to have to scrap it-”
“I don’t give a fuck about the car, Y/N.  Don’t worry, yeah?  I’ll be there in ten.”
The expression on Harry’s face when he arrived was a hurricane of emotion.  He looked angry, scared, and upset as he searched around for you, taking in the sight of both wrecked cars, ambulances, and police cars.  Eventually his eyes landed on you, sitting on a stretcher in an ambulance, wrapped in an aluminium blanket, bandages peppered down your body, tears streaming down your face.  He stood amongst the wreckage, frozen and completely overwhelmed.  You were right, the Range Rover was completely caved inwards, and the door was lying separately on the ground.  He let out a dry sob.  They had had to cut you out of the car?  He needed to be with you.  Now.
“Babe?!” he shouted, running through the carnage to be closer to you.  Your head whipped around, eyes landing straight on your wonderful boyfriend.  His arms wrapping around you felt like home.  You started crying into his chest, taking in loud gasps between sobbing fits. 
“Shhhhh, it’s okay, you’re okay, I’m here,” he whispered, kissing the top of your head, eyes flitting over the bloodied bandages on your arm.  “What’s all this, darling?  Why are you crying?  Does something hurt?” he stroked your hair gently, trying not to let you see the tears in his eyes.
“I was so scared,” you cried, breaking down into another batch of sobs.  
“Hey, hey, shhhh.  I’m here, yeah?  Everything is okay,” he told you, kneeling in front of you to wipe your tears.  
Almost too quiet to notice, a camera shutter sounded off in the distance.  
You felt Harry harden around you for a second, before letting go of you and spinning abruptly to the paps gathered by the scene.  “Oi!” he started.
“Harry, don’t,” you grabbed his arm and looked up at him pleadingly, but he was beyond stopping, yanking his arm from your grip.
“It’s people like you that caused this!  Look at this!” he gestured to the wreckage around him, seeing red.  “YOU ALMOST KILLED MY GIRLFRIEND!” he shook with rage, storming closer to the small crowd.  “GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HERE!  WE AREN’T A FUCKING SHOW.  WE AREN’T ENTERTAINERS!  YOU’RE LITERALLY ENDANGERING OUR LIVES, AND STILL STANDING HERE PLASTERING PHOTOS OF US ON THE INTERNET LIKE IT’S NOTHING!” he glared at them, taking deep breaths, tears in his eyes, before turning back around to see you.  He scooped you up in his arms, sat down on the stretcher, and cradled you softly.  Brushing your hair off your face, he looked at you guilt ridden.  “They thought you were me, and they followed you,”
“That’s not necessarily true, Haz,” you mumbled, holding his hand.  You both knew, however, this was more than likely the truth, and they had tried to follow Harry somewhere, not expecting to hit his waitress girlfriend.  If anything, they were probably relieved that they hadn’t hit Harry and it had just been you.  You were disposable, replaceable.  You weren’t a global treasure, nor were you talented, or famous, or cared for by many people.  Even if this did make the news, it would be forgotten about in a week.  If Harry had been hit there would have been total outrage, revolts from fans, news coverage for weeks until the paps were behind bars.  You looked up at him and cupped his cheek with your hand.  “Can you take me home?” 
You tried so hard to hide how hurt you actually were, but even walking set your aching muscles on fire.  You thought Harry wouldn’t notice, but his eyes barely left you for the rest of the day.  He took his meetings over the phone, refusing to even leave the room you were in.  He even cooked you your favourite food and you ate under a blanket in front of the TV.  
“Harry, you don’t have to do this,” you had started, taking the plate from him when he had brought it over.
“Yes, I do.  Honestly, Y/N, so many things that happened today made me feel so sick.  Seeing all the cars wrecked, hearing you crying on the phone, seeing those people taking photos of us, the sight of you in that ambulance…” he paused and you glanced up at him.  He was staring into his bowl of food, tears brimming.  “You just looked so… so broken.  You keep saying you’re lucky to only have bruises but I see you wincing every time you move.  You could have died, babe, and it literally all would have been because of my job.” you stayed quiet.  Not only was he probably right, he wouldn’t have allowed you to argue any differently.  He reached over and squeezed your hand softly.  “I love you,” he whispered.  You smiled softly, tears now dancing in your eyes.
“I love you too,” he smiled back at you.  After dinner, he carried you upstairs, lying down on the cool sheets with you.  You snuggled into him as closely as you could, as his fingers traced up and down your arm.  Suddenly, you had a small revelation.
“Shit,” you whispered.  Harry leant back slightly.
“What?  Am I hurting you?”  His eyes searched your body quickly.  You shook your head, running your hands through your hair.  
“I didn’t call work,” you started.  Harry looked confused.  “I didn’t tell them what happened.  To them I just didn’t turn up, they don’t know.  I was on a final warning anyway after the last time I missed work.”  Harry smirked slightly, remembering the day you spent in bed nursing a colossal hangover after a party.  “I’m so fired.”  You looked up at the ceiling, brows furrowed, quickly trying to work out how you were going to afford to survive while you recovered.  Harry stroked your hair softly.  
“I’ll call tomorrow and explain, yeah?  But honestly some time off will be good!  You’re going to have whiplash from hell, darling, and you’re gunna be in pain for a while, I’m sorry to say.”  You nodded in defeat.  Harry leant down to kiss your forehead softly, then stood up.
“Where are you going?”  You looked up at your stretching boyfriend, glancing at the tattoos that peeked out from under his t shirt.
“I’m making us tea, and I have to make a few calls, yeah?”  You nodded sheepishly, remembering the meeting Harry had to abandon to come get you.  
Harry returned to your bedroom ten minutes later, with tea in your favourite mug and his phone jammed between his shoulder and ear.  
“Okay, thank you.  Also, redirect all my emails for the next week please?  Thank you, thanks, bye.”  
“Why are you getting your emails redirected?”  You sat up, taking the tea from his ringed fingers.  He smiled slightly.
“I just called in and said I was taking two weeks off work, and I don’t want emails for some of that time,” you looked up at him, an expression of confusion etched across your face. “We’re suing the tabloid that those paps work for and making sure they change their training so more dangerous things stop happening.  I also left your work a voicemail saying you needed at least two weeks to recover from a car accident.  We’re going away this weekend.”  Your eyes widened.
“But, Harry, the album-”
“Fuck the album.  If anything positive has come of this, it’s put a lot into perspective.  I need some time with my girl, okay?”  You softened slightly, seeing his slightly flushed cheeks, messy hair, unbuttoned work shirt, and eyes filled with love and still carrying the ghosts of fear and concern.  You smiled, opening your arms for him to come back to bed.
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You against the World
Senhaku (Senku x Kohaku) from Dr. STONE fic. ~3000 words. Written for kissing prompt #11: “I almost lost you” kiss. Manga spoilers up through Ch. 127 with slight canon divergence. Cross-posted to AO3. Enjoy!
It was dark. 
So, so very dark. 
Kohaku had no idea how long she had been encased in stone, but she had been having the weirdest sensations since she had been petrified. Tingling sensations, throughout her lower torso and legs, almost as if she still maintained some sense in them. She had tried moving them a few times, but had no way of knowing whether or not she had been successful.
Look at her, conducting her own scientific experiments, rudimentary as they were.
She had eventually given up on trying. She couldn’t tell whether she was moving, or even whether her bottom half was petrified, but the last thing she wanted was to draw attention to the fact that she was still alive, because until Senku and the others came to save her and released her from this stone prison, she had to assume she was among enemies. If what she had seen done to Ginro was any indication, she had no doubt they would simply hack off any limb that was still moving. She didn’t even know if she’d be able to feel it at this point.
She knew Senku had counted seconds during his imprisonment. For literal millennia he had counted seconds. Kohaku kept getting mixed up around the 10,000 mark, and then she eventually would start over hoping to do better the next time. It was mind-numbingly boring, and as she had no practical reason to count the time like Senku had had, she eventually just stopped counting and instead counted on her friends to tell her how long she had been out of commission when she woke up. 
Instead of rote counting, Kohaku filled her time thinking of her fellow members of the kingdom of science. Everything had changed when she met Senku, in the best way possible. Ruri was no longer sick, the lives of her people were infinitely easier, and they all simply had more fun. For many years, Kohaku hadn’t really been able to consider fun, with hunting and training and going to get water for Ruri. But she was glad she had time for it now, in and around the endless work Senku had for them to do. 
Goodness this was boring. How did Senku and the others do this for so long. She felt like she would almost rather die than spend another second encased in this sightless, soundless world. 
She still had some sort of sensation in her legs and torso, but no feeling at all. She could still be sitting on the master’s roof where she had been petrified for all she knew. 
She really hoped her top half being encased in stone didn’t have a bad effect on her lower half. After all, Senku had mentioned once that your heart and your brain are essential to keeping the rest of the body moving. If both her head and heart were encased in stone, could the legs survive?
For a few minutes, Kohaku began to panic. What if her legs didn’t work when they brought her back? She was one of the village’s strongest warriors! Being stuck at camp doing mindless science work intended for Gen or the children would be torture.
But Senku will find a way. Her deeper thoughts gently reminded her, and this thought calmed her like nothing else. In the three years she had known Senku, he had told amazing stories of people gaining back lost limbs through science. Maybe he could make one for her if things went poorly. 
The remaining time of her petrification was spent thinking of comforting science stories Senku has told her. Usually around a campfire or even on the Perseus on the way here. She felt warm and comfortable, even in her petrified state. 
And she quietly thought to herself that if she had to stay encased in stone for several more years, she had plenty of stories of Senku to keep her company, and the assurance that someday, even if it takes him a lifetime, he would save her. 
Some time later (Kohaku wasn’t sure how long exactly, she was only sure that she refused to count), light returned to her eyes, and sound to her ears. She felt the distinctive thump thump of her heartbeat return, and drew her first breath in who knows how long. Tears sprung to her eyes in relief. All of her friends stood before her in some sort of underground bay. Ginro was alive and depetrified next to her, currently ensconced in a teary-eyed, crushing embrace from Kinro.
And right in front of her was Senku. He was holding a small clay jar over her head, and he seemed to be frozen in place. His facial expression was part shock but overwhelmingly full of relief, and Kohaku wasn’t sure, even with her incredible eyesight, but she thought his eyes were shinier than normal as he turned away to continue fiddling with some sort of device made with what looked like feathers. 
Before she could register much more than that, her legs buckled beneath her, and she collapsed to the floor. Chrome was the first to reach her to help her up, and he slowly helped her wobble over to a chair. 
Looking down at her legs, she could tell even in the dim lighting of the cave that her legs were the wrong color. They looked nearly as gray and dark as the stone that had once encased her top half. She couldn’t seem to get them to work the way they used to, but she hoped that was simply a side effect of not using them for so long. 
“How long was I out?” She asked Chrome, who was still standing beside her.
“Almost three weeks.” He grimaced, “ we had planned to get you guys back much sooner, but Ibara stole your earring and figured out our drone plan.” He pointed over to the device Senku was still fiddling with. Senku paused to wipe something from his face, maybe even his eye, before returning to work, “So we had to turn tail and figure something else out. We ended up having to build infrared binoculars, which took longer than expected. Senku hasn’t slept in almost a week and a half.” 
Kohaku had no idea what binoculars were, nor what infrared meant, but the drone thing looked complicated enough all on its own. The comment about Senku’s sleeping patterns was really what caught her off guard though. For as long as she’s known him, he has always preached the values of getting a good night’s sleep. For Pete’s sake, one of the first conversations she ever had with the man was him telling her to go to sleep. If what Chrome said was true, what could have had Senku so on edge that he felt the need to sacrifice his sleep?
Over the next couple of days, color slowly returned to both Kohaku and Ginro’s legs. Regular bowel movements returned, and movements that had been so natural before the petrification were becoming easier by the minute. A few times since reawakening, Senku had come to her and given her body a very clinical appraisal, mainly to make sure all of her regular bodily functions had returned. Despite the fact that she was technically seeing him and talking to him, Kohaku could feel the distance Senku was placing between them. And even when she didn’t particularly want to see him after an especially awkward questioning regarding her monthly cycle, she still missed him. Although she had nothing on Taiju, she had spent the last three weeks basically sustaining herself on thoughts of him, and now that she was reanimated, she was having to come to terms with the implications of that fact. 
When several more days passed and even the excruciatingly clinical checkups had ceased, it became glaringly obvious that Senku was avoiding her. What was especially disarming was that he didn’t share the same attitude towards anyone else, least of all Ginro, who logically, since that was Senku’s thing, should have been receiving the same treatment as her because they shared the exact same circumstances. Except that oh wait, Kohaku saved Ginro’s life! 
Senku’s behavior made no sense. And so after nearly a week with no words spoken between the once close friends, Kohaku chose to act. 
The mobile lab was still parked up the beach from the coast line, absurdly high to be honest, since the entirety of a camp of nearly 50 people were positioned far from the tide’s reach between the lab and the ocean and the lab was still out of hearing distance from the camp… maybe even for Ukyo.
Amaryllis and several of her friends from the village were visiting before the kingdom of science shipped off in the next couple days, so the entire crew were engaged in campfire storytelling and drinking, and generally having a good time. But as per usual, a certain green-haired man that couldn’t hide if he tried was strangely absent. 
Approaching the lab, she heard sounds of science coming from the mobile building. Even to her own non-Ukyo level ears, however, the rustling and clanking sounded more agitated than Senku’s usual amount of frenetic energy. 
Approaching slowly, she leaned on the door frame and knocked lightly to alert him to her presence. He started slightly, which she couldn’t help but find adorable, obviously not having noticed her approach. 
“Kohaku!” He said tightly, before quickly averting his gaze and returning to whatever he had been working on, “what do you need?”
Kohaku wondered whether she should just come straight out and ask him why he’s been avoiding her. Then she wondered where this newfound timidness came from. Pre-petrification Kohaku wouldn’t have even wondered whether to come right out and say it, she just would have. 
She realized she was hesitating for too long right around the time she realized her new found shyness comes from her recently discovered feelings for their resident head scientist. 
Feeling a flush start to crawl up her neck, she stammers out, “N-nothing. You just weren’t at the party.” 
“Oh,” he still hadn’t looked at her again, instead peering into his microscope critically, “ I just didn’t feel like it one millimeter, had more important things to do. You should go though. Have fun!” 
Kohaku may not be a mentalist like Gen, but she can recognize a dismissal when she hears one. She doesn’t take the bait though, instead she stays silent before finally just getting it over with, “Senku, why are you avoiding me?” 
Senku froze. He stopped twiddling with the stubby knobs of the microscope. He stopped twisting his finger in his ear. If Kohaku didn’t know better, she would think he had been hit with the petrification weapon. 
He seemed to have no intention to answer, but Kohaku was no quitter. She waited him out. 
It couldn’t have been more than a few minutes, but Kohaku could have sworn it felt like 3700 years passed again as she leaned against the counter with her arms folded across her chest to wait out this stubborn man. 
Finally, Senku let out a humorless chuckle, still not looking up from his microscope, “Ha, I don’t know what you’re talking about Kohaku, I’m not avoiding you.”
Kohaku felt a flash of anger surge through her, “Look at me, Senku.” 
Senku froze again, but this time he came to sooner, only taking a couple seconds to recalibrate before turning and looking her dead in the eyes, daring her to look away first. 
Normally, Kohaku was intrigued by Senku’s eyes, as they normally had some sort of gleam in them, whether it be the gleam of a scientific breakthrough or the gleam of a madman. But these eyes were not those eyes. Senku looked at her with a blank expression, almost cold in its inexpressiveness. She held her ground. 
“Yes, Kohaku?” Senku said with heavy sarcasm. There wasn’t quite venom in his tone, but he was obviously growing frustrated with this conversation. Kohaku hadn’t the slightest idea why, but she wasn’t leaving until she had an answer. 
“Why are you avoiding me, Senku?” He opened his mouth to speak, but she cut him off, “And don’t tell me that you’re not. You haven’t spoke more than two words to me in over a week, and I’m tired of it. I miss you.” 
There was a flicker of something on Senku’s face before he pulled himself together, “I’ve been busy, that’s all.” His gaze dropped to the floor. Not in an attempt to avoid her eyes, but it appeared, in shame. Kohaku could only guess what for. 
“That’s a lie and you know it, Senku. You’ve had plenty of time to talk to everyone else this week, and you even went scuba diving with Taiju a couple days ago, completely for fun!” She paused, realizing that in her hurt and anger her voice had risen. 
Senku looked thoroughly scolded, and it was honestly a welcome relief to see emotion enter back into his eyes. Senku claimed to be immune to emotion, but Kohaku knew that was just a façade. He cared deeply about everyone under his command, he cared about his science, he cared about the natural world and food and Sagara the wild boar. He tried to maintain an air of impartiality but Kohaku could see through it. 
“What’s wrong with me all of a sudden, Senku?” She could hear the tears forming in her voice, and it broke as she said, “was there something I did that we’re not friends anymore?” 
As she watched, Senku’s face morphed slowly from shame and sadness to anger. He didn’t seem to be angry at her per say, but he was definitely frustrated, “Nothing! You didn’t do anything.”
“Then why…”
“Look, Kohaku, I…” he took a slow step towards her, “I don’t…” another step, “I can’t…” and another, bringing him within arms reach of Kohaku in the small confines of the mobile lab. He froze once again, but it was different this time. While last time he froze because he had been caught, this time he froze because he was caught off guard. Senku and Kohaku were mere inches from each other, eyes locked on the other, barely breathing.
Several seconds passed before Kohaku breathlessly asked, “You can’t what?”
For the first time in her life, Kohaku fell victim to a surprise attack, because the next thing she was aware of was the press of Senku’s mouth against her own. He was warm and solid, despite his lack of physical strength, and Kohaku melted. 
It lasted far too short. Kohaku had barely begun to respond, reaching her hand tentatively upward to hold his jaw, when he was pulling away. He began to pace the floor in the small room while desperately tugging at the roots of his hair. 
“I’m so sorry, Kohaku. I shouldn’t have… I didn’t even…” he groaned heavily, leaning against the counter facing away from her and hanging his head. 
He seemed so distraught, like he didn’t know what to do with himself. 
“Senku?” She asked gently, wanting to give him the space he so obviously needed, but also needing answers for the way he was reacting. Regardless of whatever just happened between them, Senku was her friend, who obviously was going through something. 
He murmured something under his breath, and Kohaku wasn’t able to quite catch it. She still wasn’t Ukyo after all. 
“I can’t hear…” 
“I said I was scared to lose you!” He turned halfway around so that she could see the tears clearly forming in his eyes, and her heart broke. She knew Senku experienced emotions, but she had never in her years of knowing him seen this caliber of feeling on his face. She waited for him to continue. 
“Getting you and Ginro back was such a rough patch with several failed plans along the way, and I knew we’d win with science but I hated you being in enemy hands. And then when I saw that your legs and lower torso weren’t petrified I didn’t know whether the two of your would ever be able to walk again, because according to science, limbs are ten billion percent useless after around six to eight hours without blood supply, and it had been nearly three weeks. And when you were able to stand again, and came out of the petrification with no problems, I felt such a huge sense of relief that I didn’t know what to do with myself.” He paused, finally meeting her eyes once again, “I’ve never felt as intense of emotions as I do when it comes to you, Kohaku, and I don’t know what to do with them. Psychology is such a lame science.” 
He chuckled slightly, and Kohaku followed his lead despite not getting the joke. There were a couple moments of comfortable silence as they contemplated each other, before Kohaku slowly stood up from her place leaning against the counter, and came to stand next to Senku. She gently placed her hand atop his where it rested, and when their eyes met again, she knew that their friendship wouldn’t suffer from this, everything could go back to normal, at least for now. “It’s ok that you don’t always know what to do, Senku. The important thing is that you did save Ginro and I, and I know we can always count on you to save us with science.” 
She averted her gaze, still not quite brave enough to meet him head on as she said the next part, “And it’s ok that you don’t know what to do about your feelings either. Someday it will get clearer, and if it doesn’t,” she met his eyes again, “you always can come to me for help.” 
Realizing how self-centered that sounded, she tried to backpedal, “Or Taiju. Or Chrome. Or Gen. Or even Ryusui for all I care. You really can ask whoever you…” She trailed out because Senku was laughing. She removed her hand from atop his, happy to see him in good spirits again. 
“You’re too funny, Kohaku.” He smiled at her for a long moment, before nodding his head towards the door of the mobile lab, “Come on, let’s go celebrate with our friends.”
Smiling, she nodded, and together they walked back towards the bonfire where their friends were drinking and telling stories, the two of them laughing and talking like the friends they were the whole way. 
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christylove94 · 5 years
Just Like Those Autumn Leaves
Although I’m not writing for the Nnt Zine this year, I still felt compelled to write yet another Seasons themed fic. This one represents Autumn. If you haven’t checked out Winter, you can check it out here(NSFW). Thank you @jacklynnfrost for looking this over for me! She’s one of the Zine writers and her work is pretty stellar, so go check her out. Without further ado, please enjoy!
Elizabeth offers her hand and he takes it without question, this touch between them now ingrained into his being. It causes a funny rise in sensation across his skin. Pleasant like a spring breeze or maybe something more like the sound of her tinkling laughter on the wind. 
He's loitering at the peak of the feeling when she tugs him into the throng of dancing bodies. He's stiff and uncertain, limbs wooden and jerky as she urges him into a sudden dance. 
“This’ll be fun! I've always wanted to join one of these but since I don't know how to dance and never had a friend like you... Well, I couldn't,” she explains hands clasping his as she leans in close enough to remind him of how bright her blue eyes are, like fractured gems in sunlight, and the way her silver hair flows like rivers of sheeny silk. 
He tries to follow as best as he can when she begins to move, the thought of denying her this not once crossing his mind. They fall into a bumbling dance, horribly mimicking those around them with bent arms and curved palms coming together as a fiddle hums out an even pace. It's awkward and she gives a laugh as breathtaking as she before transitioning into something more flowing with her hands twining back with his.  
He finds his mind drifting from trying to succeed in this dance to the way she moves around him. Pure radiance, putting the sprinkling of stardust across the inky velvet of the night sky to shame. Rosy cheeked and head tilted to the sky as she twirls with arms spread wide and her hair forming a billowing arc which reflects the amber of firelight in a warm glow, he stands rooted to the spot overcome with blooming emotion. His heart is a prominent beat pulsating from his head to his fingertips and toes. There are feathery soft flutters in his gut, his cheeks feeling warm in the autumn breeze. So used to the cold, this brewing of warmth cracking his icy innards is overwhelming.  
His breathing escalates, his hands begin to shake. She stops her spin, stumbling into his arms with a delighted giggle. His hands fall to her back over the rumpled sheet of her hair, his head landing on her shoulder where jasmine and sweet nectar perfume in the air. He doesn't calm, experiencing another burst of sensation exploding in his gut as she wraps him close in their impromptu embrace.  
“Hugging you has to be one of the best things I've experienced in this world,” she sighs, voice easily resonant to his senses even swallowed in the crowd. 
He quivers, nerves becoming overloaded in a different kind of numb, and all he can think is, ‘What is this human doing to me?’ 
Like a bow pulled taut, she suddenly goes rigid, his head jerking back to observe her features in response. Her eyes are fixed on a presence behind him. He throws his senses out in a shadowed blanket over the festival to find out exactly what. “We have to leave,” her eyes fall to his, desperate and shaking. 
His maelstrom of confusing emotions is exchanged for the familiar ice of calculated precision. He snags her waist in the bend of his arm, leading her from the crowd at a smooth pace. Out of the mass of unremarkable humans, he feels two keen points as bright as stars mixed in; one lingering in the crowd and one weaving in their direction. Goddesses. He doesn't question it, guiding her shivering frame towards a darkened alleyway between two cozy homes. He could effortlessly sweep her up and take to the skies with his shadow infused wings, but that would draw the eye and reveal his origins as well. Even the use of blind speed regardless of how miniscule, the sharp surge in power would be detected. So he doesn't risk it, tugging her past a couple into the hardened shadows where he eventually pulls them to a stop. 
She resists, trying to keep their momentum going, her skin ashen like a snow white corpse having given all her blood to the dress framing her curves. “We have to keep going. Please!” her plea rushes forth all in one breath. 
He shakes his head once. “If they're going by sense they'll easily notice us fleeing. We stay put.” he asserts coolly. 
Her grip on his hand blanches the color from it, though he hardly notices, watching the way liquid swims across the pink rims of her eyes. As he deduced, he feels a goddess approaching their alleyway. His pulse ticks up several notches oddly, his eyes beginning to scan their surroundings for something to make them appear less conspicuous. No doorways to dip into leap into sight, just a lopsided table and the twined couple at the entrance of the alley.  
An idea unfurls as strange as his urgent feeling and he guides her rigid body into sitting on the rotting wood. Her eyes round impossibly further as her breathing moves into being audible to humans. A tear streaks down her cheek, cracking through him in a different sort of pain than he's used to, one that doesn't blend with the rest as it digs in deep like a trunk sized splinter. 
He thumbs the tear away carefully and whispers, “You trust me?” 
“Yes,” she hiccups with no hesitance. 
Moving his arm to the gritty wall behind her so he can hide as much of her face as possible, he holds her rounded point of a chin between his thumb and forefinger. They had promised to discover why others pressed their mouths together. Now will be the time to find out.
He presses his lips to hers.
They both jerk back at the spark of crackling warmth. His mind does a wobbly spin, his breath caught somewhere in his lungs and he sees her eyes are focused, expectant, eager even. He leans into her again, lips aligning with hers where he holds steady, letting the crackling warmth burst into flames and melt his thoughts into mush. Her lips are smooth silk, plump and warm delicacies that stir up sensation all over again. Their lips separate and connect without rhyme or reason, their noses bumping and breaths hitching as they create their own addicting kind of magic. He wants more of it, the tingles rushing in his gut and palms, the wild and frantic thumps of his heart, and the feeling of something greater taking the reins, driving him towards the light of awakening.
She delves her hands beneath his coat, the heat of her touch through the cloth of his tunic nearly scolding to his overly sensitive flesh. He leans into the burn, dizzy and lightheaded, their kiss becoming harder frenetic presses. Their lips slip and slide together as she digs her nails into his back, tugging him between her legs as the lapels of his coat swallow her. The movement throws him off balance and he winds up sucking her bottom lip between his own. So close he feels the violent shiver that rocks through her. She’s not quiet in the least with the honey smooth sound that follows like a line of fire shooting south.
He parts their mouths fully with the willingness of taking a sword to his own limbs, their lips brushing as her breath becomes his own heady sustenance. Her eyes are unfocused and dark beneath lead gray lashes. He lifts his thumb to her lower lip, sweeping over its damp, swollen swell, and her eyes flutter shut as she makes another unrestrained response, this time a heavy sigh. He shivers, and all at once he notices what’s become of the volatile node of emotions she's brought to life, feeling its rigid presence nudged against her belly.
He pulls away from her, gasping and spine ramrod straight, recalling vividly feeling like this in adolescence so long ago and how he had jerked the feeling away. He assumed this would never happen again with his curse.
She sits where he left her, leaning towards him, head tilted and lips parted like an irresistible invitation. “So that's a kiss…?” she says under her breath and slowly pulls back before he can lose his sense again.
Her words stir him back into awareness and he mentally hones in on the goddesses, finding them both on the other side of the festival, the couple at the entrance of the alley having vanished as well. His eyes connect with hers as clarity begins to dawn in her trembling gaze. “We can slip away now. They shouldn’t suspect us,” he tells her, out of breath.
She nods in jerky motions before rising to her feet. He’s swift to grab her waist when she wobbles on her feet. They freeze with a bundle of tension sizzling the air between their lips which snaps deliciously when she leans down to peck his mouth. His eyes flutter shut as he struggles to grasp what he’s feeling.
And then she whispers, “Thank you,” and he feels something tenderly stitching together the yawning wound which had allowed the blustering ice in.
Something in him resists with violent thrashes, not wanting to be without what he’s endured for years and years. But instead of giving in, of pulling away and creating distance, he takes a shaky breath and peers into her eyes, “No. Thank you, Elizabeth. You make me feel alive. For the first time ever, I feel like I can breathe.”
She blinks at him in that innocent way of hers that makes him flush with happiness. It’s exhilarating. 
It’s devastating.
That moment over a century ago in a forest full of amber, ruby, and golden leaves, he remembers that girl’s smile as she thanked him and how he’s ached and yearned to find her again; how Elizabeth has an identical pull; how Elizabeth is breathtakingly, enchantingly mortal. It’s going to happen again. Elizabeth is going to disappear from his life within the bony, cold claws of death and the fullness he’s been gifted with will drain away. He’ll be left empty and hollow. 
He nearly caves into cowardice, the biting pain of nothingness looking like bliss in comparison, when she finally settles on her response. “I’m so happy to have you in my life, Meliodas,” she clings to him in a sudden tight embrace he returns with equal fervor. “Never leave me. Please.”
And just like that his fate is decided. But then again—
He nuzzles against her bosom, hearing her fragile, human heartbeat with a thick knot forming in his throat.
—he wonders if there ever really was a choice.
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thinkyoureholy · 6 years
Blood Lust [5]
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Pairing : Oh Sehun / Reader
Genre : Angst, fluff, suggestive language Vampire! AU
Words : 2.8k
Pt 1. Pt 2. Pt 3. Pt 4. Pt 5. Pt 6. Pt 7. Pt 8. Pt 9. Pt 10. Pt 11. Pt 12. Pt 13. Pt 14. Pt 15.
-Y/N’s P.O.V-
I hid behind the woman I called my mother, hoping that the monster would eventually go away if I hid behind my mother. She was able to make anything scary go away so I believed she’d be able to make this monster go away. I clutched onto her skirt tightly, burying my face in the fabric as I heard the man start to slowly make his way over to us. I felt my mother place her hand on my back, trying to make me feel safer by letting me know she was there and she wasn’t going anyway.
I trembled at his voice, a small whimper falling from my lips as the tears started to flow. I clung onto my mother with a vice grip, knowing that the man had crouched down next to me, completely ignoring my mother. I let out a small shriek at feeling the man grab at my arm. His grip wasn’t tight or anything, it was actually quite gentle but that did nothing to minimize my growing fear and anxiety.
“What have I told you about disobeying me?” He asked, his voice deceivingly sweet.
I kept my gaze on the floor, sniffling as I tried to keep the tears at bay. I knew the longer I cried the more severe the punishment would be.
“Y/N...you know I expect an answer when I’m talking to you. Now, tell me, what have I told you about disobeying me?”
“I-I’m sorry….I won’t do it again.”
“You promised the same thing last time.” He said, an evident frown on his face.
“Please don’t hurt mommy.”I pleaded with him, my tears coming back full force as they cascaded down my cheeks.
I cried harder at feeling his hands on my face, his thumbs wiping the tears off my cheeks.
“Now go on upstairs, little one.”
I shook my head vigorously at that, a deep sigh leaving him. He placed his hands on my shoulders before speaking again, “We just went over this Y/N.”
I hiccuped as I continued to sob, shaking my head. My sobs had only gotten louder until I felt my mother grab me and wrap her arms around my body tightly. I clung onto her like my life depended on it, shaking my head at the things she whispered in my ears.
“Go on, sweetie, mommy will be right behind you.” She said as she kneeled down so she could be eye level with me.
I awoke with a start, sitting up in bed abruptly. As soon as I realized what was going on this searing pain washed over me, starting from my chest. I could literally feel my chest trying to cave in on itself as I was reminded of that painful day. My mother had promised to be right behind me but she wasn’t. That day she didn’t come back to our room minutes later like she usually would, that was the day she never came back and I never got to see her again. That was the day a part of my shriveled up and died and I know I’ll never get it back. That day my soul felt broken and since that day it’s never been whole.
As the sobs came full force I started gasping for air, the memory too painful. Not a day goes by that I don’t blame myself for what happened to my mother. If only I had listened, if only I had obeyed his rules she’d still here. Now not only am I left alone in this cruel world I’m now a servant to the son of the very man that killed my mother in cold blood. I clasped my hand over my mouth as I curled up into a ball, bringing my knees up to my chest. I knew he could hear me, I wasn’t stupid but in this moment I wanted to believe that no one knew how I was feeling, no one was here to witness me at my weakest.
“Do you have everything ready?” Sehun asked, having gotten a few servants to help with banquet.
I looked down at my clipboard, seeing that everything was checked off. After my little breakdown I rebuilt the walls I had let crumble to dust and as a result my eyes looked dull. I knew Yoseob could tell something was off but everytime he asked I simply brushed it off. It seemed like the one that didn’t notice was Sehun but I were being honest I wanted keep it that way, whether he only pretended not to notice or simply didn’t care enough to didn’t matter to me.
“Yes, sir.”
Sehun looked surprised to hear me address him as sir without him having to force it out of me. I didn’t catch the faint frown on his face as I bowed before turning my heel and started walking away from him. I didn’t get very far, feeling a hand grab onto my wrist. I could tell who it was before I even turned around so I didn’t. I kept my back to him as I sighed heavily, waiting for him to either let me go or say something.
“Go to my office. I need to talk with you.”
I said nothing and waited for him to let go of me. He squeezed my wrist in his grip, not liking that I didn’t give him an answer. Once again I let out a heavy sigh, grinding my teeth as I nodded slowly. He seemed to be okay with the way I answered him as he finally let me go. WIthout wasting another second I walked away, heading straight for his office.
I didn’t have to wait long for him to arrive. As soon as he walked into the room I could sense how annoyed he was. I kept my eyes on the ground, even when I felt him stand directly in front of me.
“Okay you’ve been dead inside for the past two days. Tell me why.” He said none too kindly.
He didn’t bother beating around the bush or even ask nicely. I don’t know if I was relieved he brought up the subject the way he did or pissed off, maybe a little of both. Nut to be frank I think I was more pissed off than anything. Ever since I found out Sehun was his son...I couldn’t help but let my anger out on him for being that monster’s offspring.
“Is there something else that’s actually important that you’d like to say? If not I have things to get done.”
“I thought you got rid of that damn attitude of yours.” He sighed out, leaning back against his desk while crossing his arms over his chest, “Now tell me before I get tired of asking.”
“It’s none of your business.” I said through gritted teeth, annoyed that he kept pushing the subject.
With that I turned around to leave but stopped in my tracks at what he said next.
“This all started the day my father came over. Is he the reason you’ve been like this?”
I have no idea why but suddenly something snapped at hearing the concern in his voice. It wasn’t a snap where tears streamed down my face, no it was a snap of pure rage. I turned around and marched over to him, stopping when our faces were mere inches apart.
“You know what you’re right. It’s because you’re his son. Happy now?” I all but sneered out, watching the surprise spread across his face.
“What’s that have to do with anything?”
“You really are clueless aren’t you? Do you even know who was my ‘master’ when I was a child? It was your father.” I had to pause to regain my composure, feeling myself start to lose it.
“So what, you’re saying I’m like him? Is that it?”
“Yes! Every time I look at you I’m reminded of what I went through when I was a child. My mother. My mother was taken from me, I was only five when I lost her. Wanna know who took her from me, who killed her?” I stopped to catch my breath, well aware of the tears that streamed down my face.
“Y/N...I’m nothing like him…” He said softly, trying to reach out for me.
I stepped back and out of his reach, “But you are. The way you lash out, the way you’re impatient when things aren’t brought to you quick enough, the way you belittle us, your eyes. God, your eyes are identical.”
“Shut up…”
“You think you’re above everyone, even your own kind. You’re arrogant beyond belief it’s laughable. You’re an exact replica of your father.”
“I said shut up!” He yelled, lashing out as he threw the lamp on his desk to the side.
I watched it shatter into a million pieces, my knees wobbling at the fear that started to settle in my bones. I stumbled back into the wall as he made his way towards me slowly, his anger and irritation evident.
“Don’t ever compare me to that wretched old man do you hear me? I am nothing like him.” He all but growled out, his eyes changing as he let his temper get the better of him.
I tried backing away from him but I already had my back pressed up against the wall so there was nowhere for me to go. At seeing the unadulterated terror in my eyes I could see the fire in his eyes die out immediately, a look of worry flashing in his eyes. He stumbled over his words, not being able to form coherent sentences. I took this as my chance to move away from him and headed straight for the door without even so much as looking back at him.
-Sehun’s P.O.V-
“If I knew you’d be here I would’ve brought out the good stuff.” I mumbled out, swirling the red substance in my glass around as I looked over at the slightly taller man that sat next to me.
“You telling me you have better stuff than this? Man, the life of  pureblood sure is one to envy.” Chanyeol said with a smirk, taking a sip from his own glass, his fangs catching the light for a split second before disappearing.
I couldn’t help but let a small smile cross my features. The smile on my face didn’t last long as I met eye with a vampire I’ve grown to hate immensely in just a few weeks, Andrei. I ground my teeth in annoyance, watching him smirk at me from across the room as he beckoned a servant over to him. My annoyance grew at seeing that servant was none other than Y/N. I could tell she was hesitant, her hands picking at the fabric of her jeans. She had no choice but to go to him, Andrei forcing her to bend over so he could whisper in her ear. I could see her visibly shake, taking a step back from him before nodding and running off to get whatever he asked for.
“Loosen that grip on your glass before it shatters.” Chanyeol said, his voice breaking me out of the staredown I was having with Andrei.
I sighed heavily, cursing under my breath as I chugged the liquid from my glass, having it be refilled immediately by one of the servants standing by. And like the first I chugged that one too, placing my hand on the top of the cup to stop them from refilling the glass. I never if I had too much I’d go past the point of no return, already feeling my eyes start to change.
“If this night doesn’t end soon I swear I’m going to rip that smug smirk off that bastards face...and it won’t be pretty.”
Chanyeol chuckled at that, motioning over t where my father and Andrei’s own father were sitting, “I’m not sure those geezers will like it very much.”
“You say that as if I care what those bastards think. This is my house, they should consider themselves lucky that I even let them set foot in it.” I scoffed out.
“Don’t think we can’t hear you, boy.” Kir said, not even looking in my direction.
“Oh I know you can. You may be old but aging means nothing to our kind...isn’t that right?”
“Watch your mouth, Sehun. I may have stood by a century ago to you disrespecting my father but I won’t stand for it now.” Andrei hissed out, butting in.
“Pipe down unless you want me to finish what you started just a few weeks ago. Don’t think I’ve forgotten.”
“When will you two grow up?” My father asked, exasperated with the both of us.
Andrei completely ignored my father, rising from his seat as he stalked slowly over to me, his glass in hand. I stayed seated, watching as he stood directly in front of me, taunting him with my eyes. It seems like he took the taunt, a smirk playing at his lips as he suddenly poured the contents of the glass over my head. The blood coated my entire head, staining my white shirt. I let a small chuckle fall from my lips as I rose from my seat slowly. I closed my eyes for a second before reopening them, my black and red one on full display. I could see Andrei waver momentarily at seeing my eyes but he quickly regained himself, his own eyes changing to a simple red color.
“I’m going to give you three seconds to turn around and walk away….before I show you what a pureblood is truly capable of.” I threatened him, my voice lowering significantly.
Andrei only smirked, flexing his fingers before clenching his hands into fist.
“One.” I counted, trying to give him a chance to back down.
He stood his ground, his fangs starting to peak out.
“Sehun-” Chanyeol said, trying to intervene.
I brushed his hand off, taking a step closer to Andrei. Before I could even get to three Andrei threw the fist punch. I stumbled back, knocking down a few chairs in the process. I laughed humorlessly, wiping at the blood that collected at the corner of my mouth. I let a wicked grin cross my face, letting myself shift completely. I felt my fangs elongate as well as my claws start to come out. Before anyone had a chance to stop me I charged at him, hurling him back into the far way. The wall cracked from the force, Andrei letting out a groan. Before he could recover I was standing directly in front of him, I smirked at the look of terror that crossed his eyes, bringing my hand up to his neck, digging my claws into his flesh. I squeezed hard, hearing something in his neck start to crack. Just as I felt like his neck was going to break in my hand he somehow managed to push my away from him. I hit the opposite wall with a thud, a growl leaving my lips at seeing him run towards me. I did the same, meeting him halfway. I got the upper hand, slamming him down onto the floor roughly. I managed to flip him over so he was on his stomach, my clawed hand digging into the back of his neck where I grabbed onto his spinal cord.
“Sehun stop!” I heard his father call out.
I paid him no mind, a smirk on my face as I looked up at his father. I could see the fear and anger in his eyes and before he could say anything else I pulled Andrei’s spine out of his body, killing him instantly. All that was heard was Yeseul’s screams, Andrei’s blood now covering the entire hall. I tsked, forgetting how messy it was to kill one of my own. You see the only way we died was if our spine were ripped entirely out of our bodies. We had hard skin so almost nothing was able to penetrate it, that is except our own kind. We were the only ones that knew of the small space behind our necks that was a little more...tender. With the right amount of force applied we were able to penetrate the skin, knowing to attack the spine to kill the other.
I heard glass breaking somewhere off to my right, breaking me out of my thoughts. I turned to see who it was, my heart dropping to my stomach at seeing Y/N standing there with complete and utter terror in her eye. I tried taking a step towards her, my heart breaking at seeing her stumble back, She looked like she was on the verge of crying, turning on her heel and running out of the room. I stumbled back myself, looking down at my hands to see Andrei’s blood still dripping from them.
She was right.
I’m exactly like my father, no, I was worse.
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boymeetsweevil · 6 years
The Min Booty Diaries - 03
Grouping: Reader x Yoongi, kinda NSFW
Word Count: 2.8k
Summary: Min and the Booty finally make contact
prologue, part 1, part 2, part 4
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You’re watching the sun start to set from your spot on your bed and feel the weight of another vacation day wasted on vegging out wash over you. You let out a sad sigh and attempt to burrow your face further into the mattress and under your pillow.
Yoongi is flossing in your bathroom when he hears yet another sigh from you. This has to be the twentieth time, he thinks to himself. He finishes up in the bathroom and goes to investigate.
“What’s wrong, shrimp?” He approaches the bed with his hands on his hips. When you don’t withdraw from your cave to glare at the use of your least favorite nickname, he knows something is really bothering you. “Hey, what’s the matter,” he implores again.
“Nothing,” your voice is muffled from underneath the pillow, “I just feel like I’m wasting time.”
“How? You’re on vacation, and you have a whole 2 weeks. It’s not even half over.”
“Yeah, but I don’t have much time with you, and I want to use it well. Like on a date.” You sound hopeful, and when he doesn’t protest, you keep going, “Maybe we could finally go dancing?”
It’s his turn to sigh at your proposal. “Un-choreographed public dancing, huh?”
“Never mind, I’m sorry. I know how much you hate getting put on the spot. I just figured it would be lame if we didn’t go out during your only week on break for who knows how long.”
“Babe, I’m always down for a night in. We can order take out and catch up on TV. Nothing about that seems lame to me.”
“Okay,” you say, glad for the cover of your pillow so Yoongi can’t see the mild disappointment marring your face.
“Great,” he grins at having narrowly avoided dancing.
He flops down and ends up facing your back. You’re wearing those scary tights again—the ones you cut the feet out of. The material is dark in color but doesn’t do much to hide the boyshorts you’re wearing underneath. Feeling particularly amorous, he scoots over so he can rest his head below the small of your back, his upper cheek meeting your lower one.
“You have no idea,” he says dreamily, eyes already fluttering closed and throwing a casual arm over the backs of your thighs to squeeze you closer.
You remove the pillow and crane your neck as best you can so you can catch a glimpse of him. You’d seen famous ulzzang boys take instagram pictures with their shapely girlfriends in similar positions to capture the generous curve of their backsides. But Yoongi had never done anything like this, even on the days where he was half-asleep and couldn’t give a damn about what he used as a pillow. You reason it must be because of his new-found obsession with your ass and feel a sense of pride swell in your chest.
When you chuckle at his antics, he relaxes fully onto you. Truthfully, he didn’t know if you would be alright with him getting so comfortable with your body after the weight gain. He’s glad, of course, that you’re becoming more at peace with your body again.
This is so much better than going to a club and having to dance, he muses. The least painful scenario he can come up with involves sitting down in the VIP section (because he’s not getting up to dance unless his life is at stake) while you go off to dance. Watching you dance is always a pleasant experience for him. You have a way of moving your hips that he just can’t replicate in a club setting. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, he supposes. Sipping on a cold beer while he watched you sway. It would have to be a craft beer, with spicy chicken wings on a plate somewhere. You’d probably be wearing something tight and—
“We should go dancing,” he says suddenly, startling you. You drop your phone and lose your spot on the article you were reading about the history of pickle relish. His words don’t register until a moment later, after you’ve given up trying to grab the phone given the limited movement you have with Yoongi weighing down your legs.
“I thought you didn’t want to go. What happened to eating take out and watching Food Network?”
“I’ll be honest. It weirds me out that you can only ever watch Chopped while eating food at the same time.”
“Because if I eat at the same time, it’s like I’m eating what they’re making. Hold on a second—what made you change your mind?”
“Nothing. I just figured I should get out of my comfort zone more often. We always do what I want to do, anyway.”
He gets up and mumbles something about running over to the dorms to change clothes. He’s spinning his car keys the whole way, something he only does when he’s excited but trying to hide it.
You’re left sitting confused on your bed, but glad you’re finally going out.
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An hour later, you’ve showered and are moisturizing in the bathroom when your reflection grabs your attention.
Perhaps its just because it’s been a while that you don’t mind your body so much. Or maybe its that you wouldn’t have ever minded if you didn’t think other people would shun you for it. And now that it’s clear the people around you aren’t only around you for some fixed idea of what your body should look like, you can rest a little easier.
Normally, you had a pretty average self-esteem. If you stood in front of a mirror long enough, you would stop picking at flaws and start to check yourself out. It didn’t take long for that to happen this time. You find yourself posing, testing sultry looks in the mirror and smiling at yourself. It’s good to be content again. The extra weight does you some good, you think. You turn and crouch to emphasize your butt in all its glory.
“Wow, I’m so cute," you note to yourself.
Although you were enjoying yourself in the bathroom, you forgo your usual tiny clubbing dress. Instead you opt for one of the pairs of leggings Yoongi gifted to you to go with your top, still feeling sentimental about the gift. You choose a pair that has tiny reflective jewels sewn into the dark velveteen material. It might be fun to look at in club lighting. A few minutes after you finish dressing, you get a text from Yoongi saying that he’s on his way to pick you up. With the time you have left, you grab a wine cooler and run back into the bathroom to take a few hundred selfies.
When Yoongi lets himself back into the apartment you’re too busy dancing to your pump up playlist to hear. But you left the door cracked, so when he pokes his head in to let you know he’s ready to go, he’s greeted with the sight of you shimmying in the mirror with an intense expression on your face. He laughs silently before knocking, but loses his composure when you jump at the sudden noise.
“Ready when you are. Make sure you bring a jacket.”
“Didn’t you bring your car, though?”
“Sorry, kid, I gotta drink if we’re doing this. Odds are you’ll drink too, so no driving tonight. I just brought it so we wouldn’t be hungover and stranded in the morning.”
“Always the practical man,” you joke as you hunt for a jacket appropriate for the weather.
“Damn straight. Plus, who doesn’t love taking the subway,” he counters while he turns up his hood and draws up his face mask. He waits until you leave the apartment building and start to head to the station to put on his dark sunglasses as well, even though its night. Better safe than sorry when it comes to his identity.
As the two of you wait for the train to slow to a stop, you notice that its crowded with a lot of other young people who must have had the same plans you did. Yoongi steps on first, not realizing you’re watching the crowd instead of the doors into the car. He spots a pair of seats in the corner and hastily snags them. You step in a moment too late and can only watch as a wrinkled old woman steals the seat next to Yoongi with a quickness. The rest of the seats fill up too quickly and you accept your fate as you move to hold the railing next to Yoongi.
“Trade with me,” he eyes the sizable heel on your shoes, worrying about your feet now that you’re standing.
“I’m young, healthy, and not pregnant. I can stand.” You would sound more confident if your voice weren’t wobbling when the car jostles a little harder than you’re prepared for.
Scowling, Yoongi reaches out to wrap a hand around your hip and pulls you into his lap without another word. You look around to see if anyone is watching. The old woman sitting in your spot looks shocked at what seems to be a display of public affection. Your face heats up when you realize you look like a pair of hormonal high schoolers and try to get up, but the shakiness of the car and the arm he has thrown across your thighs keeps you seated.
The ride couldn’t have been longer than 15 minutes, but it stretched on forever as more passengers got on and took note of your seating arrangement. Yoongi seemed content to have you rock with the motion of the car against him and buries his face in your neck. Perhaps he’s doing it to further conceal his privacy given the compromising position he put himself in. Or maybe it’s because he’s embarrassed by how much the feeling of you shifting in his lap affects him. When its your turn to get off, he takes extra care to walk close behind you and hide any...excitement.
He’s thankful for the dark lighting of the club and the semi-intimate VIP booth he’d managed to get with a single phone call. Although there are no cold craft beers on the table, but there is a complimentary bottle of Rosé. He takes the full glass you pour him in stride and drinks it down a little too quickly. With only the slightly elevated placement of the booth and the scattered velvet ropes around the perimeter, there’s not much privacy and he starts to regret not staying home. You sense his nervousness and grab onto his hand while you drink the champagne.
It soon becomes palpably clear how uncomfortable Yoongi is, so you decide you won’t make him dance with you if he doesn’t want to. You only hope that he’ll come around eventually. Especially since you don’t plan on leaving until you’ve danced for at least an hour. And you’re not dancing until you’re buzzed. You fill your glass once more and empty it again before standing up and checking out the prospects. There’s a group of drunk girls dancing in between the space between your booth and the next one over. They look friendly enough, so you give Yoongi’s cheek a pat and walk over to see if they’ll let you join them for the night. Yoongi watches with mild fascination and smirks when the group practically swallows you with a squeal.
At some point he calls over a nearby attendant to ask for a beer and settles in for the night. The déjà vu is startling when he takes a sip of the beer and watches you gyrate against one of your new friends. Granted, he only imagined the scenario before; he didn’t think the night would unfold this way. But he certainly wasn’t complaining. The dimmed and colored lighting in the club gives you a mysterious and otherworldly vibe and the gentle, carefree smile on your face is infectious. He has to stop himself from smiling so he can properly drink from his bottle. Yoongi is admittedly having a nice night until it seems like other people were enjoying the same view he was.
3 tall guys approach your group with clear intentions and Yoongi puts down his beer with an exasperated sigh. He sees one guy who looks like he’s wearing too much cologne leer at your ass (Yoongi can’t smell it from where he’s sitting, but some things can just be intuited). He adjusts his black face mask and pulls his hood back just enough to reveal an icy glare, ready to get rowdy if he must. But the moment never comes. Two of the three guys whisk away two girls from the group and back to their own booth. The other remaining girl gets asked to dance and that leaves you by yourself.
If you weren’t drunk, Yoongi would be feeling secondhand embarrassment for you. But you simply glide back in the direction of the VIP booth. Your eyes are closed and there’s still a smile on your face, but you’re swaying with your arms around yourself and the image gives him a twinge of guilt. He supposes, as he empties his glass before standing up, it’s not a real date if all he does is watch you from across the room.
You’re enjoying the warmth that’s settling in your belly from the Rosé when you feel arms wrap around you. Yoongi nuzzles his cold nose into your neck and you lean back into his frame.
“Hey, stranger,” you fire off some finger funs not in the direction of his face, but you know he’ll get it.
“Hey. You having fun dancing by yourself?”
“I kind of was, yeah. Are you gonna dance with me, is-is that why you’re over here?”
“I’m at your mercy,” is all he says and your eyes widen in surprise.
Yoongi has presented you with a rare opportunity. You have an immense amount of power and could potentially ride the good vibes of the evening. But things could also go wrong and the mood could dissipate. You’re determined to try, though. The song that’s playing is a ballad, so you do the least awkward backwards two-step that you can do with Yoongi still wrapped around you back into the privacy of the booth. He relaxes a bit and you continue to sway while you gauge the music.
Once the song changes to something more appropriate and the beat drops, you press your back to his front and guide his hands to your hips so he can get a better idea of how to match your moves. You go easy on him, starting with simple figure eights. He gets it quickly enough when he stops worrying about how he might look to others. From there, he starts to meet each roll of your hips with a loose one of his own. You grind against him a little harder to the beat of the song and he leans against the side of the booth for support, his head lolling forward as he takes your onslaught. You feel amazing rocking against him. It becomes too much towards the end of the song when his knees get a little shaky.
“Shit,” he says with defeat in his voice. He sits down in the booth and you quickly move to straddle his lap before he can look up at you and apologize for not being able to make it through one song. You give him a reassuring smile and watch him settle more into the cushion of the seat.
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” You card your fingers through the shorter hair at the nape of his neck. He doesn’t say anything, instead he shows you a scrunched nose for comic effect. You rock against him to counter the snark and he lets out a shaky breath. He plays with the hem of your shirt before surrendering.
“It actually wasn’t bad,” his hands smooth up and down your thighs and fingers the little gems embedded in the plush fabric. “Did you have fun with your new friends over there?”
“I did. I had more fun with you, though,” you whisper like it’s a secret. His hands make their way down your back and you arch to make things a little more fun for him.
“Yeah?” He grins up at you through slightly sweaty bangs. His gaze is verging on lewd but its kept in check by the soft sheen of fondness.
You’re reminded once again how you fell for him. There’s something very charming about his subtle charisma and softness. When you first met at his birthday party, he only looked unapproachable because he was so beautiful. You’ve heard some people say he seemed unkind upon first glance, but you couldn’t ever understand that. He was like a misunderstood alley cat or a domesticated tiger or...something. You try come up with a better analogy but the feeling of his large hands skimming too low to be decent distracts you.
“Hands where I can see them, Min. There’s nothing for you down there, anyway.”
“I don’t know. I think I’ll be the judge of that.” But you just bat his wandering palms away, not ready to be “that couple” in the club.
“I’d like to see you try.” One hand attempts to retrace its path and you squish his cheeks in retort. “Yoongi, not here,” you balk. He bites his lip to hide an impish smirk and suddenly you’ve danced enough and you’re ready to go back to your apartment.
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reylo-in-the-dark · 7 years
The Search
Chapter three: Back to the Edge
A couple of days passed since the whole incident with the ex-hunters. Heather and Dagur stayed on that little island, monitoring the markets. Taking note of how many of Viggo’s ex-goons still operated in that area. If they wanted blood with Heather and Dagur, they’d want it with Hiccup and the rest of the dragon riders. Heather was trying to embrace her Berserker roots but she was still a dragon rider.
Dagur helped out quite a bit with her wound. He knew things that she didn’t about healing it. And it did help. It felt numb at first but it helped a lot. She now was missing a sleeve but better that than an arm she thought!
The pair journeyed back to the Edge to think about what they were going to do next and make a plan of action and tell Hiccup what might happen to him. Dagur remembered that once he had a bounty on him and he didn’t want that again.
They were in the club house, talking to Hiccup. Hiccup made a small fuss over the arm, telling her to be more careful. But when Fishlegs came in and saw the red bandage around her left upper arm it was like the fury of Odin had just came out. “You said you’d keep her safe! This is not safe!” He exploded. This was a side Heather hadn’t seen to Fishlegs. It was almost like he went Berserk. What was more surprising was that Dagur didn’t really blow. It seemed that he felt bad about it.
“Fish, it’s fine. It was my fau-”
“This is not alright!” He cut her off and moved over to look at her arm. Heather was a bit shocked and by the looks of Hiccup’s face so was he. “You could have lost your arm! Or have gotten infected and then you’d die!”
Heather thought Fishlegs was being a bit over the top. She had had cuts like this before. He had never seen her without her clothing and hadn’t seen the few scars she bore from over the years of being out in the wilderness. “You promised Dagur! You promised and now, only a couple months on she’s hurt!”
“I’m sorry but we were surrounded. An eight against two. They must have intercepted my letter. They do that. Take terror mail.” Dagur explained. She could hear the sincerity in his voice. But she didn’t fully believed that he had changed. There was still that thought in the back of her head that he’d revert back.
Fishlegs went on for about ten minutes. No one could interrupt him. They tried and she heard her brother say he was “sorry” at least twenty times.
“Fishlegs!” Heather snapped. Hiccup then decided to intervene and he put his hand on Fishlegs shoulder.
“I think we should let Heather and Dagur rest for a bit. They’ve been traveling for a bit. Must be tired.”
“I’m fine, brother. Gonna have Shatter-”
“Yes Dagur we are tired. We need rest.” Heather cut him off and shot him a look that made Dagur laugh.
“Ohhh-oh-haha. Very tired. Poor Shattermaster was almost falling asleep!”
Dagur was only digging the hole they was in deeper with every word. Heather pushed him out of the club house. “Sleep well Heather.” Fishlegs said lightheartedly and the raven haired viking smiled at her.
“Who knew Fishlegs had that in him! Hahaha!” Dagur laughed when they got in her small and plain hut. “Good ol dad would say he had the blood of a berserker in him with that fury!”
Heather was sitting on her bed and she pulled off her boots and dropped them to the floor. “Yeah who knew…” She murmured absentmindedly and as she got up to and went over to her drawer she stubbed her toe on the corner. “Thor’s sake!” She exclaimed grabbing her foot.
And just then she fell over with a thud and landed on her bad arm. That there made her curse loudly and Dagur went over to her and crouched.
“So clumsy sister.” Dagur muttered with a chuckle and helped her sit up “Nothing broke.” He said looking at her toe.
“I’m fine, Dagur.” She muttered, pulling her foot from his hold and batting him away so she could stand. But landing on her arm partly reopened her wound. Blood trickled out but she ignored it and took out some more clothes. “Can you give me a minute? Need to change.” She told him. And once he was gone she changed into some new clothes. “Dagur?!”
“Yes sis?!”
“I’m going to have a nap!” Windshear was in the room with her. Heather decided to sleep with her. The armour plating of the dragon was never really comfy but she laid a blanket on her. But there was a different warmth from the dragon. A loving one. She was Heather’s companion. The one she could totally rely on.
Hours passed and the night came and along with it, the cold of the northern winds. Heather was hardly without her dragon plate armour but that night she decided to leave it off. No need for armour when not out and in danger.
Everyone was in the central room eating and Dagur was being entertained by Tuffnut and chicken. Tuffnut was showing ass the new moves that he had taught chicken and Dagur was very amused by it. Clapping and laughing as chicken did her tricks. Chicken even hugged Tuffnut.
Hiccup was the first to spot the raven haired girl. “Good evening, Heather. Dagur made food. Mutton.”
“With a pinch of salt!” Tuff exclaimed standing up with chicken in one hand. “Perfection!”
That made Heather shake her head as she sat down next to Astrid. Fishlegs noticed the spot of dark red in her sleeve. “Your arm! I’ll clean it for you!”
Heather couldn’t get a word in before he was out and getting water. And he was soon back with warm water and a rag and a new bandage. He rolled up her sleeve and took off the bandage. The cut hadn’t opened up much but he still made a fuss and muttered about Dagur and his fault. “Fishlegs, thank you. I’ll be fine.” She kissed his cheek and made him blush. Astrid intervened.
“Here I’ll do that.” The blonde told Fishlegs and took control with putting on the bandage, making sure it was on tight. It made Heather hiss. Fishlegs was holding her hand and she squeezed it.
“Fishface! We were playing maces and talons over here! Don’t get lost in her doughy brown eyes!” Snotlout shouted from his stool.
“Go. I’ll be fine. Plus I want to talk to Astrid.” Fishlegs smiled and hurried back over to his stool and the game resumed.
“Things not go to planned then.” Asked Astrid.
“Not a bit. Back to where we began. But we did find out Viggo’s men aren’t happy.” Heather told the blonde and began to chow down on the mutton.
It was like they never left the Edge. They were all laughing and Hiccup was helping his cousin play maces and talons. Giving him tips.
And as the night grew later Tuffnut and Ruffnut unveiled their newest thing. Mead. But with a fruit in it that they couldn’t remember the name of. They all tried some and it was quite nice. And Heather was enjoying it. After the northern markets she wanted to just relax and the mead was helping. Everyone drank, but Fishlegs didn’t drink that much. He was still on his first while most were on their second and third.
They were all around the middle table now, drinking. Heather noticed out of the corner of her eye that Hiccup and Astrid were holding hands as they sat next to each other and drank. Occasionally they kissed which was good to see. About time they got together she thought!
An hour passed. They were on their fifth, Fishlegs on his seconds. Heather had a good buzz from the mead. She felt relaxed, very relaxed. She got up with her mug in hand and fell backwards with a thud after tripping over the stool. But she was only laughing from the floor, mead spilled next to her. That made them all except Fishlegs laugh. Tuffnut fell off his chair laughing and chicken dove down on him. Fishlegs made a fuss and helped her to her seat as she was a little unsteady on her feet.
As the time went on everyone started to disperse. Dagur the first, the Snotlout, then the twins and eventually Hiccup and Astrid went, hand in hand and giggling to each other, leaving Fishlegs and Heather alone. The fire in the club house was burning low. She took his much larger hand in hers and kissed the back of it softly. “I think it’s very sweet that you worry about me getting hurt. But I’m fine.”
“I don’t want you to be hurt. And he promised that you wouldn’t be-”
“Sshhhh…” Heather shushed him by putting a finger on his lips. “I’m fine. I’ve had them before.” She told him and moved a little closer to him, eyes lidded. Fishlegs felt nervous. A couple of months ago they almost shared a moment when Dagur went into the cave but now they were about to have another one and Fishlegs was nervous and sweating. It was like time slowed for them. And her eyes closed and she pressed her lips against his and kissed him but Fishlegs didn’t kiss back… He didn’t do much. It was like he was a wall or a rock. Heather expected something. Some movement from him. And she was expecting sparks to fly. But there was none. She pulled back feeling very awkward. “I… uh… bed.” She said awkwardly and played with the braid in her hair and stood up.
“Yeah.” Fishlegs said quietly. “Want me to walk you?”
Heather shook her head, a hand on her forehead. “No I’ll be fine…” She answered. Fishlegs looked a little down about it. Like he was beating himself up. She was a little wobbly on her feet as she made her way out of the clubhouse. She needed someone to talk to and the first person that came to mind was Astrid.
It took her a little longer to get there. She went up to Hiccup’s and took the bridge across to her hut. She was thankful for that bridge that night made it easier to get to Astrid’s hut.
She didn’t knock and walked straight in and into Astrid’s room. Her eyes went wide at the sight and she gasped. The blonde was straddling Hiccup’s lap. Her armour was on the floor, and so his shoulder pads. They were kissing heavily and his hand were under her sleeveless tunic at her back, caressing her back softly.
“Heather?!” They both exclaimed and both went a shade of red on their cheeks.
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