#oh sehun ff
baekluvie · 2 years
obsession | chapter 6
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pairing: reader x baekhyun
word count: 13k
genre: yandere au | this is heavily inspired by the show 'you'
tag list: @mayboy @vishary15 @greasywall @loversmantra @cityexos @kavvs @prettyboybaek @byunds
(let me know if you want to be tagged ^^)
warnings for this chapter: murder, mental illness(s), mention of death(s), implied violence, violence, manipulation, mature language, obsessiveness
do not read if: you are triggered by any of the warnings i listed prior. this fic will contain this theme throughout the chapters. if you are not comfortable with that; please skip this post. please remember this is a work of fiction.
viewer discretion is advised
playlist for this chapter:
space song - chanyeol's pov
ylang ylang - chanyeol's pov
heather - junmyeon's pov (this song fits perfectly for junmyeon in this im crying)
doin' time - baekhyun pov
blood // water - baekhyun pov
(a/n): this chapter is waaaay longer than i planned it to be. but nonetheless it was very fun to write. a little evil i won't lie lol. but THIS means i won't be ending it anytime soon, there's so much i need to unfold to you guys hehe. but i hope you guys enjoy this and don't hate me too much for it. love u guys. like always, replies are open. please send me messages, requests, your thoughts! always appreciated! reblog and like as it really helps me out. have fun reading!
Chanyeol POV
He didn't have any motivation to get up. He wanted to simply stay in bed, sulk and complain to himself that he put himself in the situation; there was no going back from any of it. But instead, on a well deserved day off, he was shaken from his dark thoughts with the sound of his phone going off. Chanyeol grunted as he moved his body to lay on his side, facing the bedside drawer next to his bed. He watched as his phone began to light up in the dark room, the only source of light coming from the windows, broadcasting beautiful Seoul within his sight. He could never complain about the view, the tall buildings never seeming to end, the way the horizon broke through the bland identical towers; furthermore proving just how successful he was, living in his own loft in one of the most expensive areas around. 
So he grudgingly picked up his phone, his eyes squinting from the brightness. He lets his fingers trace some of the scratches that were on the screen, doing so while he read the multiple messages he was receiving. 
(4 New Messages)
(7 New Messages)
(8 New Messages)-
"Fuck, I get it." He opened up his phone lockscreen, bringing him to the plethora of texts. 
We need to talk. 
I'm kind of freaked out man 
what the fuck 
Jun is fucking pissed
did you know that?
i don't want to deal with his depressed ass  
are u up 
r u jacking off 
Instead of just replying back, Chanyeol pressed the contact profile and brought his device to his ear. He yawned, stretching out his long limbs on his white bedsheets. This wasn't exactly anything new to him, in fact, he was honestly used to it at this point. Especially when it came to... well, him. 
"What, Sehun." 
"Did you read my texts?" 
"Do you think I'd be calling you on my day off if I didn't?" He scoffed. 
Sehun laughs on his end, making Chanyeol break into a smile as well. 
"We have to meet up. Like anywhere. I don't care. But we need to talk about-" 
Chanyeol suddenly feels flushed, his heart drops, not wanting to even hear the name. 
"No. I don't want to talk about him. I'm done with him." 
He bundles a fistful of sheets in his grasp, his teeth already gritting together. The dull reminder of his last encounter with Baekhyun is still evident in his features. Chanyeol could talk about anything else; anyone else. But even so, in the back of his head, he knew that he could never really escape his best friend. Like he was dreading moments earlier, the truth, moreso, he could never go back. He bites his bottom lip, looking up angrily to his ceiling. 
Sehun doesn't say anything, his breath coming out in ragged breaths. 
Chanyeol's eyebrow raises, frustration building in his chest. 
"What the fuck is it?" 
"Well you said not to talk about him-" 
"Yeah well, it seems like this matter won't be solved if I'm not involved so I don't think I have a fucking choice, huh?" 
"It's about Y/N." 
Chanyeol sits up abruptly as he grips the phone tighter. 
"What about her?" 
"Please... not on the phone. I'm too freaked out by him, dude. He could be listening or something." 
"Sehun, he's not that fucking smart. Don't give him credit for something he can't even do." 
"He might not be that smart, yeah. But he has connections, man. Why don't I just come over?" 
And that's how Chanyeol ended up on his day off; sitting in his living room with his black robe on; drinking some coffee as Sehun poured out everything that had occured a couple days prior. 
"Baekhyun... you have to stop him, Chanyeol. He changed Y/N. I don't even know how- but dude. She's not answering any of my texts- my calls. She always lets me know how she's doing. This is completely out of character." 
Sehun ran his hand through his quiffed up hair, shaking his head slightly as his eyes tore into Chanyeol's. They were bloodshot, dark circles sprinkled underneath them. Sehun was young, just a fucking kid. He shouldn't have to be worrying about someone, he already has enough to deal with; a stressful job, debt, and now another thing to pile on top of that... Chanyeol was afraid he was going to break if he didn't do something. 
He sighed to himself as he placed his coffee mug on the glass table in front of his couch. He notices how Sehun's was left untouched, the steam no longer pouring from the rim. He lets his body rest in the cushions, crossing his arms together as his eyebrows furrowed together. 
"So you're telling me that Baekhyun killed someone- again. This isn't anything new, Sehun. What do you want me to do about a case that's already been reviewed and written off as a suicide?" His foot taps against the floorboards quickly. 
Sehun shrugs, scratching his arm and looking around skittishly. 
"I- I don't know. I feel like there's something different about it this time around. Y/N covered for him. She looked off, there was blood on her too." 
This piqued his interest. He leaned into the conversation, his hands clasping together. 
"She had blood on her? What, so... what are you trying to say? That Y/N killed her?" 
The younger one licked his lips, diverting his attention to his abandoned coffee. 
"I don't want to assume-" 
Chanyeol grabbed his mug and threw it across the living room, the sound of it crashing against the wall echoing in the empty loft. Sehun squirmed in his seat, wincing as Chanyeol walked up to him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. He turns his head to the side as his lips curl up, a quiet sob escaping from his throat. Chanyeol shook him, tightening his firm grasp on the other's shirt, making him look directly at him. 
His own nose was flaring, his teeth grinding against another, the only emotion he felt was complete, and utter desperation. He needed to know what this could actually be about; if it was true, and God, he really hoped that it wouldn't be, so he could possibly save you. He wished someone could have saved him when he got interloped with Baekhyun. 
"No games, Sehun. I'm being fucking serious. If you think that she was capable of doing that- you need to fucking tell me." 
His words came out like bullets, firing each and every single one into Sehun's head. When he still doesn't say anything, Chanyeol yells at him, spit flying in multiple directions. He lets go of him, pushing him back on the chair he was sitting in before. He turns his back to him, bringing his hand to cover his mouth, holding onto his lips as he looks around in anger. Sehun's sobs were getting on his nerves, but not because it was annoying; because Chanyeol knew that they were a submission of guilt, the truth. Sehun knew that you were the one who did the heinous crime, he just didn't want to believe it. Chanyeol was used to the never ending cycle of Baekhyun's killings, fuck, he would be nervous if he wasn't calling him in the middle of the night to help him dispose of a body. But Sehun wasn't like him, he wasn't able to confront the truth like Chanyeol could. He was too innocent, he couldn't grasp the understanding of someone killing another just because.
"I- I don't want her to get in trouble, Chan. You have to understand-" 
He spins around, rushing forward toward Sehun, getting down on his knees and holding the other's legs. The poor kid was a wreck, his lips formed into a pout, tears drenching his cheeks, his nose a shade of red. He tries to relax his features, his voice hitching as he speaks to him slowly. 
"If she did this, we can't let her do it again. You have to understand Sehun." 
He shook his head, putting his own hands over Chanyeol's, his knuckles a shade of white. 
"No, please. She can't go to jail, she's just confused- he's fucking maniuplating her. We just need to kill him-" 
Chanyeol lets his head dangle down, a broken chuckle leaving his lips. 
Sehun shakes him a little, his frazzled state becoming overwhelmed at this point. 
"Chanyeol- we- we can do this. We can get away with it. I've thought about it-"
Chanyeol doesn't bring his head up as he cuts him off. 
"We'd be no better than him. Don't you get it?" 
A beat. 
He looks back up with a heartfelt smile, a single tear falling from his eye. 
"In everything, he wins. He will always win." 
Sehun gapes at him, his tears falling on Chanyeol's hands. He purses his lips together, shaking his head. He pushes himself off the chair, grabbing his phone that was left on the table, pausing to look down at Chanyeol. He was frozen in place still, his knees scraping across the floor, still staring at the empty space that once held another body. 
"If you won't help me kill him, I'll do it myself." 
He starts to walk out, freezing as his hand reaches the doorknob. Chanyeol turns his head then, staring at the back of his friend; his brother. His lip trembles as he blinks back more tears, his vision of him becoming blurry. 
"Sehun. Please. Don't."
"You know. I always looked up to you. You were always so composed, so... unreachable. I always felt like I was close to you though. You're so admirable, Chan. I think that's why I liked you so much, why I wanted to be a part of your life. But now," He turns back to look at Chanyeol, his eyes red as he hesitates. 
"You're nothing to me. I will never be what Baekhyun is to you. And in some, twisted way, you're worse than him. Because I know if I asked Baekhyun; if you, were the one fucking killing innocent women, he would do it without me convincing him. Do you know why? Because that's what friends do. And you're no fucking friend." 
Chanyeol lets out a foreign, uncontrolled crack of his voice. He reaches his hand out to Sehun, crawling towards him as he begins to cry. 
"Please, you have to understand-" 
Sehun opens the door, standing in the doorframe, back once again turned to face Chanyeol. 
"You can't even be loyal to something as small as your best friend." 
And that hits Chanyeol right in the heart. He pauses his movements, his nose congested, his chest tight. The same words his own father distastefully instilled in him over and over again. It was back; the haunting feeling of being nothing but the shadow of his father. The same man who didn't care for his own family, his friends. He was truly, and utterly, exactly like him. 
Everything he worked so hard for, it was all for nothing. He never wanted to be like the man who brought him into this world, but as he watched Sehun's silhouette disappear from his sight, he knew that it was over. 
He starts to laugh now, the dreadful noise bouncing off the walls. His body hits the floor, and he brings his knees up to his chest, circling his arms around them. His tall frame shakes as his laughter shakes his entire being. 
"Like father, like son." He whispers to himself. 
Junmyeons' POV
Junmyeon sat at his desk, plucking through some documents that were placed in front of him moments prior. He licks his indent finger, thumbing through a flurry of white papers, his eyes skimming the words quickly. He pauses his actions as he hears the recognizable voice on the other end of the line, relaxing in his chair and smiling. 
"You okay? I can't talk for long, I'm swamped in a burglary case-"
"I really need to talk to you right now. In private." 
He clicks his tongue, looking at the workload he was about to dive into. His fingers drum against the desk, he brings his left arm up to examine his watch. He was expected elsewhere on his lunch break, but the immediate worry in his friend's voice alarmed him. 
"How important can it be, Sehun?" 
"Too important. Can you meet me or not?" 
Junmyeon frowns. 
"I was actually planning on meeting Y/N at a cafe nearby the station. You could accompany us if you want?" 
Sehun's voice hitched to a different octave, and Junmyeon sits up in his chair, absentmindedly looking off with a concerned expression. 
"T-that's fine. It's better actually. Can you maybe go on your break now?" 
Junmyeon lowers his voice to a whisper, his eyes flickering outside his office, watching his staff behind their own desks typing away. 
"What is this about, Sehun?" 
"I'm going to tell the truth." 
Junmyeon covers his mouth, feeling both unsure and nervous. 
"The truth?" 
"I can't say anything else on the phone. Just trust me. You're going to want to hear this." 
He doesn't say anything else to Sehun, bringing the phone away from his ear and clicking the end button. He sets his device face down on the desk, pushing himself away from the dilemma he knew was unfolding. His eyes go back to the sight of people working, his lips puckering as his mood soured. He got up from his seat, taking long strides to his window, bringing his hand to close the blinds. 
Once the blinds were completely closed, he turned around to face the full length windows on the other side of the room, letting the warmth of the sun absorb into his skin. He sighs as he walks towards them, his eyes watching as cars zoomed by on the street, a couple walking hand in hand together. His lips tighten together to form a stubborn frown, his arms behind his back, hands clasped together. He starts to think about his encounter with Baekhyun. He ponders on him, remembering his scent, the small details of blood underneath his fingernails. He feels his lip twitch as he can almost smell the disgusting stench of death on him; and yet how another human being can simply dismiss it, be almost accustomed to it, could talk so carelessly. 
He then remembers seeing you. A small hiccup of his heartbeat pounding against his chest startles him. He almost feels embarrassed, and he coughs to regain his thoughts. You were overflowing with anxiety that night, the strucken nerves you displayed filled to the brim and threatening to topple over. He could never forget that, most importantly since you have never been like that in front of him. You were always able to talk to him with the utmost confidence, and that was something he admired about you. Most of his employees were too nervous to even look him in the eye. 
But you? 
You got under his skin, interrupted his thoughts. You didn't care for his position of power, in fact you challenged it. He brushed it aside as being proud of you. You were another person who exchanged the same morals as him, the same mindset. You were a person who didn't let any obstacle stand in your way... you stood for what was right. And somehow along the way, he forgot you were his subordinate. That you weren't just someone he was able to chat and get some drinks with. The undeniable feeling that you were different from other women, you were yourself. 
And your own self was captured by him. 
He didn't know exactly when this exact feeling arose in him. He could probably pinpoint one memory, something that he replayed in his mind when work was beginning to become too much for him. He smiles at the sky, reminiscing. 
After a long shift, the two of you decided to go get some drinks. 
"I told you I would get them. And here you were, not believing in me. I'm hurt." 
You sat next to him at the bar, three shot glasses in front of both of you. You had shoved him with your left arm softly, and Junmyeon could already feel his face warming up from the last shot he gulped down his throat. He shook his head, hissing from the bitter taste of vodka left on his taste buds. He chuckles to himself, raising his hand to the bartender, issuing another round of shots. 
You tilted your head to look at him, and Junmyeon cocked his to match. Your cheeks were probably a brighter red than his, your skin glowing. Small lines crinkling next to your eyes appear, and you break out into a large smile. 
"What? Not going to say anything to that? Come on, you have to fight back!" 
He tossed his hands up, smirking. 
"What can I say? You were right. I shouldn't have doubted you." 
You nod, giggling to yourself. The small clear shot glasses are placed in front of them, and Junmyeon grabs it without hesitation. You followed suit, spinning your chair so you were facing him fully. You raise the disgusting poison that would fill your bodies up, waiting for him to do so as well. He gave in, shaking his head and closing his eyes. He suddenly feels your hand on his cheek, and that makes his eyes shoot up to meet yours. He freezes in that moment, fully taking in how the wind blew your hair to the right. You were shaking your head as you laughed, your eyes twinkling like the stars in the sky. 
But Junmyeon thought they couldn't really compare to them anyways. 
His clouded mind doesn't even register what you were saying, so he has to ask you again what you had said. 
You blinked at him, not breaking the smile on your face. 
"I said, thank you for being in my life. You're the best thing to come out of this job, I finally found someone that makes police work something to get out of bed for. I'm happy I can come in and see you in your office. What makes me even happier is knowing that I'll always be by your side." 
He stutters a bit, blinking rapidly, becoming too self aware of his heart beating out of his chest. 
"T-true that." 
You give him a disgusted look then, bringing the shot to your lips and tilting your head back. A small yelp escapes your lips after you gulp down the liquid, closing your eyes as you shake from side to side. 
"Don't ever say that again. You sound like my dad trying to be hip." 
"Hey! Don't compare me to your dad. It's gross." He rolls his eyes as he copies you, feeling lightheaded as he slams the cup on the table. 
There was an awkward silence for a couple of minutes before he mustered up the confidence to speak again. 
"I'm happy too." 
You look at him, your eyelids drooping down as you smack your lips together drunkley. 
He bites his tongue, almost doesn't want to finish what he wanted to say. But with the alcohol in his system, he shakes away the alarms ringing in his head and lets the truth flow from his dry lips. 
"I mean... I'm happy you're in my life. You're quite possibly the best person I've met. I think you're great, you- you're amazing. I want to be the person you can talk to about anything, I want to be there for you when you feel like everyone is against you. I can be that guy that you can call in the middle of the night when you had a fucking nightmare, I- I don't know. You're different." 
Your eyes widen at that, your expression that was onced filled with happiness was replaced with one of curiosity. The way you stared at him made him feel like a creep, and even though you wouldn't be able to notice it through his already red face, a blush sneakily creeped in. He waved his hands off, shaking his head as he laughed it off. 
"Nevermind. I'm drunk. You should probably get home." 
He grabbed his black jacket that was draped around the chair he sat on, reaching for your hand to usher you out with him. You take it gently, and Junmyeon doesn't miss how you had continued to stare at him, not even when you both stepped into the street and began to walk into the night. 
He brings the both of you to a halt when you reach your car. You rubbed your hands over your arms, obviously cold from the chilly night. He raises his eyebrow at you, pursing his lips. 
"Are you cold?" 
You shake your head as you stumble in place, laughing. 
"I'll be fine. I've got thick skin." 
He shakes his head as well, taking off his jacket and wrapping it around your shoulders. You look at him as he adjusts it over your small frame, and he smiles as he takes a step back to get a good look at you. He lets out a snort, his teeth fully broadcasted to you. You squirm as you fit your arms into the sleeves, looking down as they fully sink in. Junmyeon laughs at the sight, the way your hands aren't even visible once the garment settles on your body. 
"I knew you were small but not that small." 
You stick out your tongue, flinging the extra fabric towards him, giggling as he dodges it. 
"Well, I guess I should get going." 
Junmyeon frowns. 
"You're not driving." 
Your eyebrows hitch up. 
"How am I getting home then?" 
He brings his finger up as he reaches in his pocket, bringing out his phone. He brings up the familiar number to a cab service he could almost memorize at this point; too used to calling them when he got too drunk himself. 
With a quick explanation to where they were at, he slips it back into his slack's pocket. He then fishes out his wallet while you stare at him, still flinging the ends of the sleeves from side to side. He takes out a couple of bills, then walked towards you and stretched his hand out. You looked down at it, then back up at him. 
"I could just call Kyungsoo to pick me up. I'd feel bad about taking your money." 
You barely whisper out. 
He shakes his head, his eyes resting on your lips for a mere second. 
"Don't do that. I can take care of you." 
He didn't mean for that to come out so sensually, it just felt normal in this moment to speak to you like that. Maybe it was because he was drunk, the way he simply didn't care. You didn't say a word as you took the money from his palm, and maybe Junmyeon imagined it, but your fingers stayed a second longer on his. 
You took a step forward, looking up at him. Your features softened, a gentle smile delivered straight to his heart. 
"Thank you, Myeonnie." 
He could feel the warmth radiating off your body, the way the both of you were so close to one another. So he offers his own smile, nodding his head. He coughs to break the tension he was feeling, and your smile falters then. He turns around, dipping his head to look in both directions of the street. He waits until he spots a pair of headlights tumbling down the narrow road, and he waves his hand in the air. 
He watches as you walk next to the vehicle, your hand reaching the handle. You suddenly pause, and Junmyeon looks at your stilled body in confusion. Before he could register anything else, he feels your arms wrap around his waist, pulling him into your embrace. He doesn't know what to do with his hands, just keeps them at bay on either side of his torso. The man in the cab looks at him questiongly, then flashes him a toothy grin. He mimics hugging someone, then points at him to do the same. 
"When someone hugs you... you hug 'em back." You slurred against his chest. 
Your words vibrated against his skin, and he's worried that you would feel just how fast his heart was pumping. So he rashfully swings his arms around you as well, pulling you in tighter. He rests his head on top of yours, bringing his right hand to comb your hair. His nose catches the scent of lavender, and he closes his eyes, taking it in. He wasn't weird, not at all. Employees can hug. They could definitely enjoy the smell of their shampoo too; especially since it was probably a great brand. Yeah, that was it. He just was entranced by whatever product you used... not you. Couldn't be. 
You pulled back from him, your arms disappearing from his waist. He almost wanted to pull you back in, but he knew anything more than that could be worse for him. So he doesn't say anything else when you finally get inside the car. He waves you off, watching your face brighten as you wave excidelty back. He shoves his hands in his pockets, the red tail lights staining his face, morphing the evidence of the reddish hue of a blush. 
"I can't wait to see you tomorrow." He breathes out heavily into the night. 
He replays you saying the nickname you gave him repeatedly in his head, smiling to himself as he sinks into his car. He remembers thumping his fingers tirelessly against the wheel, his head resting against the carseat. He fell asleep in his vehicle that night. It was the best sleep he had ever gotten in his entire life. 
And he had a great fucking mattress at home. 
But for some reason the stiff and uncomfortable leather wasn't that bad. He wouldn't mind a bad back if it meant that he was able to see you. Junmyeon-
He snaps back into reality, his eyes focusing on what was once a bright blue sky, now overcast with gray clouds, leaving the city to be shadowed by the rainy weather. He turns around, making sure to keep his composure; not letting his wandering thoughts display on his face. It was Jisoo, Y/N's assistant. She bowed, flattening down her navy blue skirt. 
"Your phone has been going off, sir. Y/N left me a message to let you know she was trying to get in touch with you." 
He nodded, then waved her off. She closes the door behind her, and Junmyeon rushes over to his desk, hurriedly picking up his phone. He opens up his text message inbox and clicks over your contact. 
hey, sehun let me know he's coming. did you know that? 
he also said we'd be meeting sooner than we planned. 2:30? 
see you soon, :) 
He sighs, letting his fingers roam through his hair. He brings his watch up again, 2:00. 
"Fuck you, Sehun." 
Junmyeon let everyone know that he'd most likely be back later, and to his approval, no one fought him on it. As he drove to the cafe, he thought about how you would have angrily combated him, probably stomping your feet as you whined about him being behind on his work. He missed having you in the office; and that was the main reason he asked you to meet him today. Sure, the station was well run on his watch, but he needed the stability for himself back. Which mainly came from you; keeping him on his toes and breathing down his back 24/7. 
He wouldn't lie to himself. He was nervous texting you. The two of you hadn't spoken that much, especially when he had issued for you to go on an extended leave. Sure, he had seen you at the crime scene and chatted, but there was an obvious piece of shit glued right by your side. It didn't feel the same. 
You didn't feel the same. 
He parked his car, running over his appearance in the rearview mirror. He looked beat, but that was mostly because he hadn't been sleeping well. He hated to admit it, but most of his nights consisted of thinking about Baekhyun. The chilling looks he gave him... the way he spoke to him like he was beneath him. Obviously, it didn't faze him in the slightest, he was used to seeing deadbeat criminals on an everyday basis. Not that he was a criminal, but, the aura he radiated was one of them, most precisely. The man was off. 
He wasn't like anyone he met before. 
But there was something that Junmyeon recognized. 
He could recognize it so well. It was like reading a book, the way Baekhyun was able to cover his emotions so delicately, so routinely. He did it himself. The mask of mystery was something he prided himself in, especially when it came to his own feelings towards you. He was able to contain his anger, fester it inside of him and let it diminish whenever he commanded it to. Except when it came to Baekhyun. 
"Get him out of your head." He sternly told himself. 
He was there to see you. Not Baekhyun. 
There wasn't any reason for him to think about your... boyfriend. Which- that was still getting some used to on Junmyeon's part. He didn't understand it, and couldn't accept it. The whole arrangement seemed too forced, even seemed too perfect. Two people who had the unfortunate burden of their significant others passing away. What a tragic way to tell people how you met. 
He stepped out of his car, locking it behind him as he ventured towards the cafe he had recommended. He pulled the collar of his jacket out, the same jacket that he adorned on you the night you both had gotten drinks. Junmyeon turned the corner, his Hermès black loafers clacking against the pavement. His sight lands on the back of his friend; Sehun. 
He stood outside the cafe, looking down at his phone. Junmyeon covers both sides of his mouth with his hands, yelling out his name. The younger man perks his head up, looking in the direction of his name being called. He immediately lets his shoulders drop, Junmyeon taking into account that his stress levels must be high. Once he's at arm's length, he pulls him into a tight hug. Sehun grabs onto him tightly, and Junmyeon has to question again just what this could be about. 
They pull apart, and he notices that his friend's eyes are puffy. 
"Are you okay? You look like you've been crying." 
Sehun looks away, patting his eyes with his hands. His chuckle sounds strained, 
"Yeah, yeah. Don't need to point it out." 
Junmyeon puts his hand on his shoulder, rubbing small circles into it. He feels tense. 
"It's okay. I'm here. We can talk about whatever you need to get off your chest, okay?" 
Sehun looks at him, his eyes showing desperation. 
"Once Y/N gets here. That's when I'll feel okay." 
This raises flags in Junmyeon's head. 
"Is she okay? What the fuck do you mean by that?" 
Sehun seems struck with confusion, then he widens his eyes and shakes his head. 
"N-No! I didn't mean anything was wrong with her. She's fine. She's alive." 
 "Why the hell would she not be?" He spits back. 
The raven haired boy starts to speak, but a plop of rain suddenly drifts down from the sky, hitting him on the forehead. He looks up, and just like he flipped a switch, a downpour of rain spills down on them. They both start to cover their heads with their hands, and Junmyeon has to push their wet bodies inside the shop. He lets a breath of relief out as the small cafe warms up his bones. He eyes Sehun carefully, following behind him as he picks out a table in the back corner. They take a seat, being immediately approached by a waiter. 
"I'll take an Americano," Junmyeon smiles at the young teen before he brings his attention to Sehun, "He'll take a black coffee-" 
"N-no. Do you have anything sweet? Like uh... do you have boba?" 
The waitress laughs nervously. 
"We're a coffee shop. I can get you a Mocha. They're pretty sweet to begin with-" 
Sehun nods, bringing his hand up to wave her off. 
"Yeah. That. Whatever." 
She gives him a disappointed frown as she walks off. Junmyeon scrunches his eyebrows together and extends his hands out in an 'What the fuck was that?' manner. 
Sehun looks frantic, his words coming out so fast that Junmyeon has to ask him to slow down.
"Listen- I'm just really freaked right now, okay? I really have to be honest with how I'm feeling about some things and you're the person I know will fix them." 
"Well that really puts more on my plate. I really want to know what you're talking about though. How about you stop running around in circles and just spit it out?" 
The other takes a deep breath, but before he could let loose what was bothering him, his eyes face towards the cafe entrance. Junmyeon continues to stare at him, his mouth left open with his question still dangling in the air. Sehun starts to fumble on his words, his fingers tapping anxiously on the table, and that was when Junmyeon took it as his sign to turn around. But before he could, Sehun grabbed his hand and yanked him back. 
"Don't. Look." He says dangerously low. 
He smiles suddenly without thinking, your voice immediately calming his anxious thoughts. He watches as Sehun's face pales, and his hold on his hand is let go. Junmyeon finally turns around to wave at you, a smile smeared on his face- but the sudden excitement to see you is shadowed by the person with his hand around your waist. 
"Jun! Good to see you again!" 
Baekhyun smiles devilishly at Junmyeon as he stops the both of them in front of the table. He wore a black baggy long sleeved shirt, joined with light washed denim pants. A gold chain dangled from his neck, bright against his pale collarbones. He pushed his Ray Bans out of his eyes, pushing back his shabby dyed white hair. He looks at Sehun, cocking his head to the side and feigning fake astonishment as he points at the troubled man. 
"Sehun! It's been so long since I've seen you. Y/N here said you wanted to talk about something important. And, well, since I'm her boyfriend and such a close friend with you- I knew that I had to come with. Do you mind if you sit next to Junmyeon? I just like to be next to her." 
Baekhyun's eyes seemingly pierce through Sehun's shocked demeanor, his jaw left unhinged as the question lingers amongst them. When nothing is said, Junmyeon watches as Baekhyun tilts his head up quickly and uses his eyes to look at the empty seat next to himself. It was almost comical watching Sehun rush out of his chair and accompany Junmyeon on his side of the table. 
You... well you looked like yourself. From what Sehun had framed earlier, Junmyeon was thinking the absolute worst. Maybe you got into an accident, or you tripped and broke a bone. But here you were; bare faced, flushed cheeks and twinkling eyes. You looked fine. 
He watches as Baekhyun pulls out the seat for you, kissing your head as you smile back at him. He adjusts himself on the chair, bringing his hands onto the table rather loudly, the impact of his interlaced fingers thudding against it. He looks between Sehun and himself before he squints and lets a chuckle out. 
"I think I know what this is about." He says matter-of-factly.  
You don't say a word, Junmyeon notes. You instead look down at your lap, your lips still formed into a smile. In return for Baekhyun announcing his educated guess, Junmyeon leans in his chair and tilts back so the two back pegs are only on the floor. He brings a finger to his mouth and speaks diligently. 
"I was only aware that Y/N would be coming. She never mentioned you coming, Baekhyun." 
He watches as Baekhyun's expression doesn't falter, simply adjusts to the tone that Junmyeon laced with venom. He shifts his body to face him, using his right arm to drape around your shoulders, squeezing it. You're wearing a shirt that was unfamiliar to him, it was too baggy on your frame. He guessed it belonged to the unnerving cunt that sat across from him. 
"Well like I stated before, Jun. I'm close friends with Oh Sehun. Right?" Baekhyun looks at Sehun, and the boy nods, not looking back at him. Junmyeon studies his body language; it was like he was a cornered animal, unable to escape. And Baekhyun was the hungry predator ready to pounce on him. 
Junmyeon nods at this. 
"Okay. So what are we here to talk about Sehun?" He places his hand on Sehun's shoulder, taken back when the other jumps a little. 
"I- I. I actually forgot." 
You reach forward across the table, your palm open in front of Sehun. 
"Sehun, you could tell us anything. I'm here for you. You know that." 
Sehun hesitatingly brings his own hand on the table, his fingers inches from yours, but he suddenly pulls back, closing it into a fist. 
"I know, Y/N." He says weakly. 
You look at Junmyeon pleadingly, so he rests his chair back normally on the ground. He starts to pat Sehun's back, then rubs it gently.  
"She's right. You could tell us what's on your mind. You did say it was important." 
He looks up, only to stare directly at Baekhyun. The two of them don't exchange any words- but Junmyeon takes into account how your boyfriend licks his lips and starts to smile. 
What the fuck is happening? And why can't Sehun talk about what is obviously bothering him?
"I think you're nervous to talk about this in front of someone who wasn't invited," Junmyeon states blankly, and you give him a sad look before he continues, "But regardless. He's here, and he said that you're close as well. You agreed to it. Are you lying?" 
Sehun shakes his head quickly. Junmyeon knows he's lying. But he doesn't show the discernment that he's feeling inside, and can't give Baekhyun any satisfaction that he's slipping up in his own emotions. They already had one of them crumbling right in front of their eyes. Before Sehun could say anything else, Baekhyun takes the lead. 
"I know what it is." 
You look at him confused. 
"You do, Baek?" 
Junmyeon sneers at that. But as much as that bothered him, his interest was settled on what Baekhyun would say next. He watched as Baekhyun nodded very surely, tapping his fingers to the rhythm of the song that was playing in the cafe. 
"Sehun has been having suicidal thoughts. I would know. He called me and told me about it." 
And for once, Junmyeon was stunned. He was not expecting Baekhyun to say that, but even moreso, it seemed like Sehun didn't either. He gapes, spreading his hands out on the table, looking in a flurry between the three people seated with him at the table. The police officer watches as a bead of sweat travels down the side of his forehead, his lips beginning to tremble. 
Baekhyun clears his throat, then leaned back into his chair, his arms folding behind his neck. 
"Yeah. He told me he was contemplating suicide. He was too nervous to talk about it since he's never had those emotions before, but I get it. It's not easy to talk about wanting to slice your wrists when so many people have died recently," He eyes the paper menu on the right side of him, picking it up gingerly, 
"But I insisted that he talk about it. Therapists are too expensive these days. I let him know that I'm his friend. He could trust me, you know? But he wanted to see you guys today so... I guess he built up enough confidence to say the truth. Right, Sehun? The truth?" 
No one says anything. They stay silent until the waitress delivers the men's drinks, then quickly draws down your order and Baekhyun's. Junmyeon studies him, how he smiled at the young girl; how he was able to say such obscene things and happily order his coffee like normal. He couldn't understand him, couldn't dissect him at all. He was stronger than he looked but Junmyeon knew that he could crack him. 
It wasn't like he didn't believe what he said, but if Sehun was feeling like that, truly, he knew that he could talk to his friend in private. This wasn't something that the younger would do, not at all. There had to be something else that was itching his brain, but he was obviously too scared to speak about it in front of Baekhyun. 
He picks up his Americano, taking a small sip. 
"How do you know Sehun, Baekhyun?" 
You speak this time, which surprised Junmyeon. 
"Baekhyun told me that they go way back. They used to do business together." 
Junmyeon looks at Sehun, forming a tight knit line. 
"Is that so?" 
"We might have hung out a couple times." He mumbles out before he drinks his mocha. 
He returned his sight to Baekhyun, who shrugged as his smile got wider. 
"What can I say? I'm a people person. Everyone likes me." 
"Even Chanyeol?" 
Baekhyun's eyes dim. He leans into the table, the smile vanishing,
"Even Chanyeol, yes." 
Junmyeon starts to smile this time. 
"You know it's funny. Chanyeol just got into a fight a couple weeks back. Did you know about that? Looks pretty awful if I say so myself." 
You look at your boyfriend in a dazed state, obviously not following the tension that was brewing.
"You didn't say anything about that. But Jun," You purse your lips together, "What does that have to do with anything? We're here for Sehun." 
He looks off to the interior decorating the cafe, little potted plants hanging from the ceiling, strings of lights glowing brightly against the tan walls. 
"Just making small talk. You don't have to get defensive, Y/N." 
You push your tongue into the side of your cheek, looking back down at your lap. 
"I'm not getting defensive. I'm just saying if Sehun is feeling... suicidal, we should be conversating about that. Not about how the Deputy got into a fucking fight." 
"Well it's pretty fucking obvious that Sehun doesn't want to talk about it. Come on, Y/N. You know how to detect body language just as well as I do. It's because of him." 
He jabs his finger toward Baekhyun. The accused man flutters his eyelashes bashfully, resting his chin on both of his hands. 
"Me? What did I do?" He says tauntingly. 
Junmyeon flared his nostrils, the familiar heat rising in his chest like the night he flung your underwear around his face. He wanted to slam him against the wall, yell in his face and realize that he was no match against Junmyeon's strength. He settles on slamming his fists on the table, spilling his drink, the hot liquid traveling on his skin. It burned, but it didn't compare to the fire that was ignited inside him now. 
"You know exactly what I'm getting at here, Byun. You scare Sehun fucking shitless, and for whatever reason he can't even maintain eye contact with you. You're nothing but a weak joke. You cascade this macho persona, but I see right through it. You're nothing but an empty shell that draws on masks and puts it on to fit every single situation. I don't fucking like you."
He lets out an aggravated tsk as he finishes, looking down at the table. He knew he showed too much to Baekhyun, gave him too much information just by playing into his game. He knew now that he was easily triggered by his obliviousness. He wanted to slap himself in the face. 
"Junmyeon. Can I talk to you outside?" 
He looks up to meet your distressed state, and he nods in a flash, standing up and following you outside the cafe. Before you got up, you whispered something in Baekhyun's ear that made his facial features twitch. His eyelids drooped downwards, but he regained his once upbeat personality and laid a kiss on your cheek. He could feel Baekhyun's stare burning holes in the back of his head, but at this moment, Junmyeon didn't care. 
He listened to the small chime of the bell go off as the door closed behind them, then turned to face you. The rain beat down on your head, your once dry hair dampened by the merciless weather. He has to break the silence, you hadn't spoken a single word and continued your stare directly into his soul. 
"What? What do you want from me?" He spats out. 
Your bottom lip juts out, your eyes furiously blinking away the rain. 
"Why are you acting like this?" 
He stands still, letting the rain blur his vision of you. He forms his hands into fists. 
"Like what? Like a normal human being? I don't know you anymore, Y/N. You've changed."
You scoff at that, shifting your weight on your right leg. You bring up your hand and shake it angrily. "Me? I'm the same as I've ever been. You're the one who changed," You cross your arms over your chest, "You don't talk to me anymore. You stopped reaching out, you- you fucking made me leave work! You left me alone after Kyungsoo died, and you expect me to be my bubbly happy go-lucky self? Fuck you." 
You shove him, and when he doesn't move from the impact of your soft blow, you strike him again on the chest. He doesn't change his position, just looks down at you while you pound your fists against his body, watching as you begin to cry. It broke his heart. Seeing you like this. The worst part for Junmyeon was knowing that he couldn't be the one to fix this for you, there would never be the same connection between the both of you unless Baekhyun was out of the equation. 
The most sickening thought to Junmyeon was knowing that you would never leave Baekhyun.
Not for Sehun. 
Not for Kyungsoo. 
Not even him. 
He sighs as he stops your actions in a heartbeat, grabbing your arms mid air. You hiccup as you look back up at him, your eyes filled with tears. Your eyes that stole his heart were nothing but a black hole now, and even if Junmyeon wanted to pull you back out, you wouldn't have accepted his hand. He fights his own sob trying to erupt from his throat, putting on a smile for you. You shake your head, your pink lips forming to say something. But you didn't.
"Are you cold?" He mutters out brokenly. 
You scrunch your face up, your cheeks, a beautiful shade of pink. Your eyes shut closer together as you bite your lip to contain your whines, and shake your head. 
"I... I've got thick skin." 
He licks his lips, looking at the stained ground. He releases his grip on you, letting his arms fall back to his sides. "You should head back inside." 
You shake your head more violently now, punching his arms. 
"You're supposed to give me your jacket, you fucking prick." 
It sounded desperate. Like you were hoping that the connection you had could somehow be fused back together with something as pathetic as a jacket. You continue to hit him, speaking in choked sobs, repeating for him to give you his jacket. But he doesn't listen anymore. He just stares at you, watching how devastatingly broken you were. 
"That's enough, Y/N." 
"No. You need me just as much as I need you." You snap back. 
He shakes his head at you. He grabs the handle of the cafe door, turning his back on you. 
"I don't need you at all. Don't bother coming back to work." 
You start to scream a string of obscenities at him, but he silences the hurtful spikes you were throwing at him. He let the door close behind him, watching as some of the people inside gave him incredulous looks, the waitress peering outside while covering her mouth. He fashioned the cuffs of his jacket so they didn't look so disheveled, then cleared his throat as he approached the table in the corner. 
Baekhyun doesn't say a word, but Junmyeon knows that he's holding back some type of resentment. The man's face distorted into pure anger, his hold on the coffee mug making his knuckles a bright red. Sehun huddled into his seat, not daring to look up at Junmyeon. He sighs at that, lazily looking between the two. He clicks his tongue, bringing his now cold drink up to his lips, gulping it down completely. 
Once he finished, he placed it back gently on the table. He pulled out his wallet and pulled a few stray bills, confidently placing it on the table. 
"I think that should cover everyone here. Sehun, are you coming?" 
Baekhyun stands up, inching towards Junmyeon and stopping until he was only inches away from his face. His head bobs lightly, his tongue tracing his lips before he spoke. 
"Sehun and I are going to spend some time together. Is that alright with you?" 
Junmyeon is tired at this point. He's had enough of Baekhyun. Of you. So he chuckles darkly, making Baekhyun look at him with a quizzical expression. 
"Do whatever the fuck you want. You might want to give Y/N a ride back to her house though. She's completely drenched. You should warm him up, make sure she doesn't catch a cold." 
He turns his feet in the direction he came from, but Baekhyun's hand grabs his shoulder. 
Junmyeon doesn't bother looking back, just stands in place as he looks out the window. 
"I'll fuck her good for you." 
And that was enough for him. He had it. 
Junmyeon laughed, closing his eyes as he turned around slowly. He ducks his head down, bringing it up slightly so Baekhyun would only see his eyes. He smirked at him, opening his mouth to probably spit out some other lewd details, but Junmyeon doesn't give him the chance. He brings his fist to connect with Baekhyun's jaw, watching as the smaller man topples back on the table, his hands gripping onto the edges of it. Screams begin to echo in the once quiet shop, and Junmyeon can hear people scrambling out of the chairs, the squeaks of shoes running right out the door. 
The waitress does nothing but look onto the fight unfold behind the counter, her phone shaking in her grasp as she tries to unlock it. Baekhyun spits on the floor, blood painting the washed out gray flooring. He looks back up, and Junmyeon hesitates as he watches Baekhyun's eyes turn into something almost demonic, his white teeth stained with the ruby color, smiling right at him. It almost felt like he wanted this to happen; but Junmyeon doesn't want to miss the opportunity to beat him to a pulp. 
Baekhyun lands a pretty good punch to his chin, making Junmyeon twist his neck to the left. He shakes it off quickly, running back at him and grabbing him by his shirt, pushing him against the wall. He doesn't stop his fist from hitting his face, not giving him any mercy, just enjoying seeing the blood erupt from his mouth. It wasn't until Sehun pulled him off that he let him go. Baekhyun slides down the wall, his hands weakly spread on the floor, the smile on his face never leaving. 
He wheezes, and Junmyeon just stares as Sehun restrains his arms behind his back, telling him, "It's okay, It's okay." He's in a delirious state now, looking down at his own shirt, the vermillion stains looking right back up at him. He watches as you somehow rush to Baekhyun's aid, looking at him and screaming. But it's all just static in his head. He pushes Sehun off of him, grunting as he winds his shoulder back. He stumbles as he walks away from the gore fest he created, cracking his knuckles. 
"Sir! You cannot leave this premise, I already called the cops!" 
The waitress was crying, her phone raised to her ear as she pointed at him. Junmyeon snickers, looking at her frazzled state. He continues to walk towards the door, stopping as he looks back at her, offering her a genuine side smile. 
"I am the police. Go get him some napkins. He'll be fine." 
He opens the door, looking up at the sky, watching the rain pour down. He smacks his lips together, then without a thought in his head, he takes off his jacket. He looks back inside, Sehun looking back at him with shock, and tosses it on one of the tables. 
"Give it to Baekhyun. He needs it more than me." 
Baekhyun's POV 
"Get in the fucking car, Sehun." 
Baekhyun didn't know what was exactly going to transpire today, but it sure as fuck wasn't this. He sits himself in his car, immediately looking at his face in the mirror. His nose was bleeding, one of his eyes was turning completely red- to which Baekhyun scoffed. 
He looked down at his hand, the faint color of crimson staining it. Usually this would be fine, but in this scenario he was disgusted. There should never be a moment where he, Baekhyun, would be the one spitting up blood. He listens to the back passanger's door close harshly, and he looks at a spooked Sehun staring back at him. He's stark white, his legs crossed over one another, his body visibly shaking. 
He licks his lips as he looks away, gripping the steering wheel. 
"Did you know he was going to do that?" He says sourly. 
Sehun shook his head, looking outside the window. 
"No. I've never seen him like that before." 
Baekhyun punches the wheel then, making Sehun audibly gasp. He turned around in a flash, teeth gritting together, aiming his next words towards the young boy. 
"I'm going to take Y/N home, and if you-" He jabs his finger in the other's chest, "say a single thing? I'll make sure you regret it. You got me?" 
He nods, tears brimming his eyes already. Baekhyun chuckles at that, pulling his hand away from him and sitting back in his seat completely. He clears his throat, blood still spewing from his lips. He grimaces, looking outside his own window this time, watching you walk up to his side with more napkins. 
You tap the window, and Baekhyun nimbly pushes down the button to roll it down. You quickly shove the napkins towards his nose, you're forcing out too many words at once, making you stutter uncontrollably. 
"I- I did- I can't believe he did that. Are you o-okay?" You take sharp breaths in between each word, like it hurt to inhale. 
Baekhyun's heart swells at that, and he rests his hand over yours, stopping your frantic movements. He shakes his head and closes his eyes, trying to remain calm for you. He listens to your ragged breathing, then rests his gaze on yours. He smiles. 
"I'll be fine. Let me take you home-" 
"No. I- I have to talk to him." 
And why did you want to talk to him? Baekhyun wondered. He was only one short circuit away from blowing up, but he reminds himself that it's you, that's he talking to. He couldn't have you thinking he was the controlling boyfriend that he knows he is. Baekhyun would be the composed, innocent man in this situation. And God, it really fucking sucked being good. 
"If that's what you think you should do. Go for it." He narrows his eyes, watching as you didn't expect that response. You nod hestitangly, unsure of what to do with the remaining napkins in your hand. He shakes his head softly, taking them from you. 
"Make sure you text me when you get home then. I'll come over." He says in a whisper. 
You give him a sympathetic smile, "Of course." 
You give him a kiss on his cheek, to which Baekhyun makes sure to record in his memories to fond over later. You turn around, but Baekhyun reaches out his window and latches his grasp on your wrist. You look back confused, but he doesn't even need to say it to you now; something that he pleasantly enjoyed. 
"I- I love you." 
He tilts his head cheekily to the side, letting you go. 
"I love you too." 
He watched until you were only a speck in his vision, and then he grudgingly turned back around again, latching his fangs into Sehun. 
"Get in the front with me." 
Sehun shook his head. 
"I'm okay back here-" 
"Get up here." Baekhyun deadpans. 
So there they were, driving in Baekhyun's car, driving aimlessly. He hasn't said anything to the other, just kept quiet as he tapped his finger on the wheel, watching his windshield wipers dispose of the rain on the car. Sehun cleared his throat when they arrived at a red light, and Baekhyun flickered his eyes on him for a second, then continued to stare forward at the road.
"What?" He says in a sardonic tone. 
"Where are we going? I actually have some work I have to go over-" 
"Really? What is it about?" Baekhyun smirks, hitting the gas pedal. 
Sehun fiddles with his hands, "Just some um, you know. Burglary case." 
Baekhyun nods, his voice ringing in the silent car. 
"Man, I hate people like that. They could be so annoying, huh?" 
Sehun forces out a bitter laugh. 
"Y-yeah. They're... annoying." 
"Tell me Sehun. Because I'm really, really, into what you do for a living. How do you live with yourself when you know you have blood on your hands? Do you think you're better than me?" 
He turns a street, slowing down his speed in the empty neighborhood. He waits for him to say something, but just like he knew, Sehun didn't dare say a single syllable. He looks at the dim lit houses and apartments as he continues his drive, pointing at some and complimenting the exterior. He stops in front of one, moving his hand towards the Park shift. He faces Sehun now, observing how he stayed completely still, his shoulders hunched over, his face looking completely in his lap. Baekhyun snaps his fingers, making the other jump in his seat. 
"You see that house?" 
Sehun diverted his attention outside the window. It was an ugly house; seemingly abandoned from the looks of it. It was almost as if it was being held by strings, the paint chipping off the wood, the lawn a complete jungle. The roof was beaten in, some had already caved in, submitting itself over to the undeniable death. He looked back at Baekhyun, his eyebrow raised. 
"What about it?" 
Baekhyun winced, his eye throbbing in pain. He fixates on Sehun through his migraine. 
"It's beautiful." 
"Beautiful? I don't see how-" 
He slaps his face then, immediately grabbing his cheek to look back at him. 
"Isn't it beautiful seeing things struggle to stay alive? No matter how broken they are. They still manage to live. And do you know why us, as people, no matter how battered and bruised we get, we still get up?" 
Sehun shook his head in Baekhyun's hand. Baekhyun rolls his eyes, digging his fingernails into his skin. "Because they think they have purpose. And where does purpose come from? It comes from the undeniable feeling that something or someone created you- that some being put you in existence because they believed you had something to grace this fucked up reality." 
He lets go of Sehun's face, shoving him against the window. He unbuckles his seatbelt, crawling towards his body and pushing his head on the window. He savors seeing Sehun's breath clouding on the clear glass, his breathing short with each one he took. He locks his fingers in his hair, twisting and pulling it, slamming his face into the glass harder. 
"But do you want to know the one thing that people don't know?" 
He snickers to himself as he grins. 
"I am the person who decides people's purposes. Me." 
Sehun pushes him off, saliva dripping down his mouth, his eyes in a crazed state. Baekhyun raises his hands in the air as if he'd been caught, then relaxes as he leans against his seat. 
"So, Sehun. Can you answer my question?" 
Sehun grips the leather seat, tears staining his cheeks. 
"What question?" He lashes out. 
"Do you think you're better than me?" 
"I- I don't know. Why does this matter, why me?" He spews angrily. 
Baekhyun sighs, lazily draping his seatbelt on himself. He resumes his quaint car drive, not answering Sehun's question. He wracked his mind about this for a while; people who knew they were going to die not cooperating with their killer. It never made sense, Baekhyun enjoyed the manipulative mind games he would play with people, much like a kid playing with their food. Deciding which portion of their meal would enter their mouths... which portion would end up unscathed. If you were in the palm of a sadistic killer, would you rather play with him or fight him? 
The choice was fairly obvious. 
But obviously not. 
The gloomy skies turned a shade of purple and black, the moon resurfacing from its slumber. Baekhyun didn't say anything as he parked in front of the apartment building he frequented often. He pushed back the pain that screamed at him, lifting his hand to grab his car keys. Sehun stayed put, glancing up towards the building. When he didn't react, Baekhyun waved his key in the air questiongly at him. 
"You're not excited to be here?" 
"Why would I be?" 
"Because now you won't be alone with me." 
Sehun uttered underneath his breath, "I'm not talking to him anymore." 
Baekhyun jutted his bottom lip out, masking a look of concern. 
"Not best friends with your best friend anymore? Wonder why." 
"Like you fucking care." 
Baekhyun shook his head, reaching over to the glove box. He opened it up, pulling the sharp object out. He grazed his indent finger over the gray blade, watching how prettily it shined in the darkness. Sehun held his breath, watching Baekhyun admire his toy. Baekhyun smiled brightly, his cheeks warming up. 
"I'm offended by that. I care about my friends. And you're my friend." 
Something in the air changed when Baekhyun stated that; and he took into account how Sehun's once scared shitless exterior softened. Obviously something happened between him and Chanyeol, it wasn't like he necessarily cared about what it was about, but if it could make this more entertaining for him, he'll use it. 
"Get out. If you make a run for it, I'll kill you." 
Baekhyun stood behind Sehun as he entered the apartment building, knife embedded in his lower back. An awkward ride in the elevator was fun for Baekhyun, enjoying how Sehun squirmed in discomfort. He felt his phone vibrate in his back pocket, and without his eyes leaving Sehun's back, he pulled it out. He squinted from the bright light coming from his phone, but that soon was replaced with a heartwarming grin. 
i made it home. let me know when you're coming over. i'll order take out. :) love you. 
He shoved it back into his pocket as the elevator notified them they arrived. He couldn't wait to come back home to you, being able to be overwhelmed with your scent, your body, your touch. He almost stumbled in his step while thinking about it, but he covered it up by pushing Sehun ahead of him, towards Chanyeol's door. 
He brushed some hair out of his eyes, gazing at Sehun's closed fist knocking on the door of his life-long friend. He felt his heart race faster as Chanyeol opened the door in shock, wearing only a robe, his hair in complete disarray. Baekhyun brought his free hand up, waving cutely in his direction. 
"We haven't had a guy's night in a while." 
Chanyeol had let them in, stubbornly, but still- let them in. Which was his biggest mistake in his life so far. Baekhyun had grabbed Sehun by his collar and led him towards the couch. He threw him down roughly, flipping the knife in his hand in the air before jokingly pretending to stab him. 
"Quit it, Baek." Chanyeol shouted at him, taking his place on a chair beside the glass table. 
Baekhyun giggled to himself, flashing the knife at Chanyeol. He grunted as he pushed the tip of the blade away, giving a snarling look. Crossing his arms, Chanyeol pierced his gaze at Sehun, the younger childishly looking away. He snorted at that, then watched as Baekhyun sat in his own chair. 
Chanyeol quipped, "What the fuck happened to you? You almost look as bad as me." 
"Your friend. Junmyeon." Baekhyun grunted out. 
Chanyeol widens his eyes. Then erupts in boisterous laughter, hand clapping included. The two men aren't amused by it in the slightest, and after a couple more seconds of his annoying noise, he dwindles down, fully taking in the tension filled air. He licks his lips and brings his attention back to Baekhyun, but more importantly the blade that was adorned in his grip. 
"What's the knife for, huh?" Chanyeol barks at him. He was nervous, Baekhyun could tell. 
So he shimmies into his seat, ready to watch the show unfold in front of his very eyes; perfectly orchestrated by him. "I thought we'd play a game." 
Sehun sits up in his seat, broadcasting for the first time a sense of confidence. 
"A game?" 
Baekhyun nods sweetly. 
"A game. Rules are that you have to play. If you don't- well you know." He says in a singsong voice. 
He watches Chanyeol stretch out his arms, sighing. He flashes a grim look towards Sehun. 
"Thought you didn't want to see me anymore. Why'd you come?" 
"Yeah, like I volunteered to be held at knife point by Baekhyun. I didn't want to come here." 
Baekhyun stifles back laughter, crossing his legs together as he listens to the argument stirring up. He looked down at his knife; the same knife he used on Mina. If he squinted hard enough, he could still see the faint blood on the pristine gift Chanyeol gave him. 
"Well I don't know, this could be an ambush for all I know. You and your stupid fucking choices that you make. You never learn, do you?" Chanyeol's veins popped out of his neck as he spoke to Sehun. 
Sehun rolled his eyes, looking at Baekhyun. 
"What do we have to do?" 
"What, so you're ignoring me now? Prick." Chanyeol spits. 
Baekhyun stands, interjecting as he raises his hands in the air. 
"Now now. Let's not get too excited to play the game. Let me explain the rules, okay guys?" 
They don't say anything so Baekhyun takes it that they're interested. He loved his friends. 
"So, the whole premise is kind of silly," He chuckles as he walks over to the couch, wrapping his arm around Sehun's shoulders, "Basically, the two of you spill your guts about every horrible thing you've done for me. The one who takes responsibility wins. Pretty easy, right?"
Sehun puckers his lips and begins to open his mouth, but Baekhyun shushes him, grazing the knife on his cheek. "I'm not finished." 
"The one who's too much of a self centered cunt, dies. By who? You're wondering? Well," He stands up, dragging the knife on the glass table, making the men in the room groan from the noise, "By the one who wins. I think it's pretty fair." 
Chanyeol gives him the most stomach-turning frown, his lips trembling in distraught. 
"No fucking way." 
Baekhyun walks behind Chanyeol's chair, his hand bringing the knife to his neck. He inches towards the other's ear, his lips grazing his skin ever so slightly. 
"Aren't we friends, Channie? Best friends, right?" 
His friend's hand grips the chair's arm furiously, "Us being friends doesn't have anything to do with this, Baekhyun." 
"Oh, but I think it does. You know why it does, Chanyeol? Because I have something on you. And if I tell the entire world what Park Chanyeol did- well, that wouldn't end well for you, right? But I'm your friend, so I'll give you a chance to not ruin your perfect cookie cutter reputation." 
He slices Chanyeol's skin lightly, looking down to see the small beads of blood sprout from his neck. He immediately hushes his deep rooted snarls, his body settling into the situation that was being unfolded. Sehun gapes, but he slowly closes his own mouth, eyebrows furrowed together as he leans out of his seat. 
Baekhyun smiles. "Okay then. Who wants to be honest?" 
He sits back down in his chair. Of course, he had something up his sleeve. He slipped his phone out of his pocket, cleverly hiding it from view underneath his thigh. He rummaged through his miscellaneous apps, until he finally clicked on Voice Memos. And finally, the game would actually begin. 
Sehun starts it off, which was little to no surprise to Baekhyun. He was the weaker one out of all of them after all. 
"I- I disposed of the body of Baekhyun's girlfriend. I didn't like doing it though. I- I still have nightmares about it." 
Baekhyun gives a light hearted clap, to which Sehun glares. He looks towards Chanyeol, and Baekhyun copies. He looks tired, his arms hanging off the arms of the chair, his eyes fixated on the ground. 
"Chanyeol? What about you? What have you done?" Baekhyun questions. 
Chanyeol licks his lips, pulled out of the trance he put himself in. 
"I... I haven't done anything." 
God, was he an idiot. He knew his friend was prideful, but did he really have to be when it came to his own life? He sighs, shaking his head. 
"No... I don't think that's right. Come on, spill your guts. We don't judge here!" 
His cheerfulness does nothing to the bland environment. Chanyeol covers his face with both of his hands, something of a sob tumbling from his throat. Baekhyun looks at Sehun, giving him a look that reads, "Can you believe this guy?" 
"I didn't do anything. I haven't." Chanyeol repeats. 
Sehun stands up, anger fusing into his features. 
"I should have known you wouldn't fess up to anything. You're just like your fucking dad." 
Baekhyun gasps, placing his hands over his mouth. He tries to fight off the incoming laughter from his chest, but it spills over maniacally. Of course, he knew Chanyeol's trouble with his own father, I mean he issued him to kill him for Christ's sake. But compared to Baekhyun, Chanyeol's sanity when it came to his dad was utterly gone. He knew not to talk about it; only when it mattered, when it was a reminder. Obviously Sehun didn't know about this. So Baekhyun continued his fit of giggles, his eyes latching onto Chanyeol's furious state. 
"You know, I let it go earlier. I mean, you didn't even give me the chance to say anything before you left, you fucking asshole. But you- you don't know anything about my fucking father. He was a living fucking nightmare, he cheated, he lied, he hit me. I am nothing, like him," Chanyeol kicks his chair back, his body moving faster than he could have been thinking, stopping as he stands in Sehun's face, "So shut the fuck up if you know what's good for you." 
Sehun clenches his fists, mustering up a confident face, but failing horribly. 
"I killed Kyungsoo. I am the person who fucking helped. I disposed of a body. Come on, Chanyeol. Fucking take ownership. Don't fucking die because your pride!" 
With a gurgled yell, Chanyeol punches Sehun in the face, his own face bright red with anger. Sehun fights back, grabbing Chanyeol by his shoulders and shoving him into the glass table, shards gliding on the hardwood floor, pieces stopping at Baekhyun's shoes. Baekhyun's adrenaline shoots up, his already widened eyes stretching out even more, his smile so big it's beginning to hurt. He picks up a shard of glass, flipping it around in his hand as he watches Sehun plummeting his fist into Chanyeol's face. 
He stands up, walking behind Sehun and seeing his friend's face go in and out of consciousness. His lip is busted, blood is sprayed on his chin and exposed chest, his eyes are in a dazed, frenzied state. Sehun freezes his movements, taking a deep breath in before he pulls Chanyeol up, looking him straight in the eyes. 
"Chanyeol. Please, say something." 
He spits blood on the younger's face, yet Sehun stays stoic. He whispers this time, 
"Choose me. Choose to live." 
Baekhyun huffs annoyed, giving Sehun's ribs a hard kick, watching him cripple up and fall on the ground. He stands over Chanyeol now, both of his feet on either side of him, crouches down and smacks his lips together.
"What did you end up doing yourself, huh, Yeol?" He brushes some of Chanyeol's dark locks off his forehead, gagging as he touches some of the blood that was painted into his skin. 
Chanyeol's voice is brittle as he speaks, "P-please. Help." 
The words came out weakly, each syllable too painful for him to escape from his mouth. Baekhyun ponders for a moment, then nods his head. He picks up his battered friend, sitting him up and dragging him so he leans on the chair he had kicked back moments prior. He slaps him a little, trying to keep him conscious. When he finally lets up and keeps his eyes open, Baekhyun waves the knife in his face gleefully. 
"You want me to help you, right?" 
Chanyeol nods slowly, his eyes crossing repeatedly, trying to focus on him. Baekhyun let's a small, "uh-huh," out, then walked towards Sehun. He repeats his action, dragging his body and stopping to drop him right in front of Chanyeol's feet. He digs his foot into Sehun's neck, putting pressure steadily, watching him struggle to push him off. Baekhyun looks at Chanyeol with a straight face, eyes dark. 
"What do you want me to do, Chanyeol?" 
Chanyeol, becoming more and more aware of what's happening, gurgles on his own blood, sputtering out drops of the red on Sehun's face. He shakes his hands, getting on his knees and trying to remove Baekhyun's foot from the other's throat. Baekhyun sneers at that, disappointment settling into his features. He keeps his foot on the other's throat and takes a step in Chanyeol's direction, bringing the knife to the side of his neck. 
"You can't save him. But you want to know what you can do?" Baekhyun lashes out in anger. 
Chanyeol shakes, looking up defeated. 
"W-what?" He says brokenly. 
Baekhyun removes the knife from his throat, then points his finger and motions for Chanyeol to get on top of Sehun. It takes him a moment to register what he's asking, but nonetheless, he does it. And Baekhyun feels almost a little bit of pity for him; but it's quickly erased when he hears Sehun wheeze against his shoe. He takes his foot off of him, crouching behind Chanyeol, placing his hands on his shoulders, leaning his head against the crook of his neck as he peered down at Sehun. 
"What do you want to say, Sehun?" Baekhyun asks. 
There's fear in his eyes, and the all knowing feeling that his last words were coming soon. He knew the look all too well, loved seeing it. But in this moment, it felt different. Rather than the impending speech of love being tarnished, a future of marriage memorized and said endless amounts of times to potential lovers, this was Sehun. Sehun, who played the game right, Sehun who didn't let pride wash over him. It made Baekhyun feel... like a God. He was the one who wrote the script, who decided to change the rules if it didn't seem fit to his liking, he was- He Is- God. 
"The answer- to your question." Sehun says shakily. 
Baekhyun shapes his mouth into an, "O '' shape, nodding his head and biting his lip eagerly. 
"Yes? And what is that?" 
Sehun looks directly at Chanyeol as he speaks, 
"I'm not better than you." 
Baekhyun hears Chanyeol's voice hitch, his body trembling. Sehun continues. 
"You win. You'll always win, Baekhyun." 
"Exactly. Now, Chanyeol," Baekhyun slithers his hand down to Chanyeol's, placing the knife in his hand, "I'm going to give you something that you've always wanted." 
Chanyeol replies in a monotone voice, "Which is?" 
"To kill and rid of the obstacle in your life. I won't do it for you this time. Think of it as a gift." 
He looks as Chanyeol slowly but surely wraps each finger around the hilt of the knife, until it is in his grasp most surely. Baekhyun gingerly brings his hand on Chanyeol's arm, pushing it towards Sehun's chest. He lets go once the blade is inches from Sehun's own flesh, pausing to watch what his friend would do next. 
Sehun sobs, "We can still do it. We can still kill him, Chanyeol." 
"Is that right, Chanyeol? You can still kill me? Well look, I'm right here. Do it." Baekhyun lets the last words drip with curiosity. 
Chanyeol doesn't make any movements. He stays on top of Sehun, knife remaining inches from his chest. His troubled breathing is the only sound in the apartment, only until he speaks with the utmost confidence. 
"I... I can be loyal to something as small as a best friend, Sehun." 
Sehun's eyes glimmered with hope then, Baekhyun almost faltering in his own confidence. 
"Yes- Yes, Chanyeol! I knew you would choose me-" 
And Chanyeol followed his words as he plummeted the knife into his friend. 
Sehun's mouth was left agape as he looked down shakily at the knife sticking out of his chest, Chanyeol's body hunched over Sehun's in a ghostly manner. Baekhyun let out a nervous chuckle, putting a hand over his heart, closing his eyes in relief. He doubted- for a second, that Chanyeol would be persuaded by the meaningless words Sehun spouted out. But Baekhyun knew. 
"I knew you would choose me." Baekhyun says sarcastically, mimicking Sehun. 
Chanyeol says nothing as he takes the knife out of Sehun, throwing it away from his sight. He picked up the limp body now, his hand moving behind Sehun's head, pushing it up, shaking it. 
"Sehun? Sehun, please. I- I didn't do it. I didn't-" 
A string of sobs continued after, and Baekhyun walked quietly to retrieve his weapon, cleaning off the blood with his already ruined shirt. He made his way back to Chanyeol, who was attempting to revive Sehun's dead body, chest heaving as snot shot from his nose, his tears cascading on the corpse's face. Baekhyun snaps his finger, earning a devastated and desperate look from Chanyeol. 
"And where's my thank you for saving your ass?" Baekhyun crossed his arms together. 
Chanyeol blinked, his face morphing into one of shock. 
"Thank You? What the fuck do I have to thank you for? You killed my-" 
Baekhyun stamps his foot as he yells, 
"You! You killed him, Chanyeol. Not me. Maybe I should have let Sehun kill you; you still can't play the game fucking right. Piece of shit. You can't even say thank you for the gift I gave you, some fucking stability in your life, jeez. Also," He snakes out his phone from his pocket, waving it in the air, then clicking the button to end the voice memo, "I have it all recorded. I'll just keep it as a reminder for you." 
Chanyeol grips Sehun's body closer to his chest. His left eye was swollen shut now, the blood dried on his face and chest. Baekhyun didn't think Chanyeol looked any better than right now. So he sticks his phone back in his back pocket, slipping the knife in the other. He walks over to the door, but Chanyeol stops him with one last pleading question. 
"Baekhyun. Why... why didn't you kill me?" 
Baekhyun stills. He looks over his shoulder, smiling. 
"Because. You're my friend." 
"Goodbye, Chanyeol." 
And as he closed the door behind him, he listened to Chanyeol unleash a blood curdling scream. He relished in it, humming a tune to himself as he walked down the hallway. He brought his phone out as he entered the elevator. He typed happily, his thoughts finally only becoming about you. 
on my way back. i missed you so much. i'm so happy. :)
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baekxytocin · 2 years
100 Days My Prince
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Part 1 - 100 Days Left, Dear Bad Prosecutor
Part 2 - 99 Days Left, But Mine Is Faster
Part 3 - Can You Hold On? It's 98 Days Left
Part 4 – 97 Days Left in Cyber Chat Halloween
Part 5 - 96 Days Left, What Will You Do?
Part 6 - 95 Days Left, Still, Long Way To Go
Part 7 - Less Than 94 Steps
Part 8 - 93 Ways to The Brand New Hidden Card Street Man Fighter Dance
Part 9 - 92 Days Left, Are They Any New Stories?
Part 10 - More Than 91 Days Have Passed, Mask Off
Part 11 - 90 Last Scenes
Part 12 - More Than 89 Photographs
Part 13 - 88 Days Left For Reminisce
Part 14 - Let's Go Travel! (Side 1 - 87 Suggestions)
Part 15 - Let's Go Travel! (Side 2 - 86 Light Steps)
Part 16 - Let's Go Travel! (Side 3 - 85 Words Are Not Enough)
Part 17 - Let's Go Travel! (Side 4 - 84 Miles To Be With You)
Part 18 - Let's Go Travel! (Side 5 - I Don't Even Mind Though It's Less Than 83 Hours or Days)
Part 19 - 11, 12, Not 13, 14 (Side 1 - 82? I Don't Do Maths)
Part 20 - 11, 12, Not 13, 14 (Side 2 - You're Not 81 Years Old)
Part 21 - 11, 12, Not 13, 14 (Side 3 - 80 Dollars Only?)
Part 22 - 11, 12, Not 13, 14 (Side 4 - 79 Types of Food)
Part 23 - 11, 12, Not 13, 14 (Side 5 - 78 Poses)
Part 24 - 11, 12, Not 13, 14 (Side 6 - More Than 77cm of Decorations)
Part 25 - 11, 12, Not 13, 14 (Side 7 - 76 Dreams)
Part 26 - 11, 12, Not 13, 14 (Side 8 - 75 Seconds To Confirm)
Part 27 - 11, 12, Not 13, 14 (Side 9 - 74th Order)
Part 28 - 11, 12, Not 13, 14 (Side 10 - Not 73 Pairs Of Hands)
Part 29 - 11, 12, Not 13, 14 (Side 11 - 72 Minutes To Shop)
Part 30 - 11, 12, Not 13, 14 (Side 12 - 71 Times, Thank You Again)
Part 31 - Which 70?
Part 32 - 6 To The 9
Part 33 - Season Greetings No. 68
Part 34 - 67%
Part 35 - SMCU (Side 1 - 66% They Will Give You A High Score)
Part 36 - SMCU (Side 2 - 65 From Me)
Part 37 - SMCU (Side 3 - Mine Will Be 64)
Part 38 - 63 Rough Nights
Part 39 - 62 Words Of Baekhyun's Love Letter
Part 40 - 61 Types Of Slimes
Part 41 - 60 Kilometres Away
Part 42 - 59 Excuses
Part 43 - Need 58 More For Mongryong
Part 44 - 57 Mongryong or 57 Kyoongryong?
Part 45 - 56 Teolaegi Trial
Part 46 - 55 Thousand Of Season Greetings Cards
Part 47 - I Want 54 Teolaegi
Part 48 - 53 Minutes Only
Part 49 - Will I Get 52 Teolaegi?
Part 50 - Not 52, Not 51, Just One
Part 51 - 50 Snuggles From Baekhyun
Part 52 - 49 Seconds From Saying Hello
Part 53 - Feels Like 48 Hours
Part 54 - 47 Hertz
Part 55 - 46 Minutes Is Enough
Part 56 - 45 Pieces, Or 45 Trays?
Part 57 - 44 Is April 4th?
Part 58 - 43 Love Bites
Part 59 - 42 Hours
Part 60 - Not 41 Kilometres
Part 61 - 40 Pieces Of Treats Left
Part 62 - 39 Excuses
Part 63 - 38 Mb
Part 64 - 3 Or 7 Tricks?
Part 65 - 36 Side Dishes
Part 66 - 35 Lines: Lyrics Or Teases?
Part 67 - 34 Corners
Part 68 - 33 Reasons To Be Concerned
Part 69 - 32 Thousand Stars
Part 70 - 31 More Minutes
Part 71 - Should Stay At Home For 30 Days
Part 72 - 29 Ways To Be Happy
Part 73 - 28 Missed Calls
Part 74 - 27 Messages
Part 75 - 26 Minutes Of Singing
Part 76 - 25 Hidden Meanings
Part 77 - 24 Thousand Pieces
Part 78 - 2 To 3 Nightmares
Part 79 - 2 Nervous 2 Tell; Don't Fight The Feeling
Part 80 - 21 Benefits
Part 81 - 20 Times Happier
Part 82 - 1 L, 9 ML
Part 83 - 1 Hour 8 Minutes
Part 84 - Love Shot (Side 1 - Not 17 Hours)
Part 85 - Love Shot (Side 2 - Doesn't Feel Like 16 Minutes)
Part 86 - Love Shot (Side 3 - 15 Minutes To A Good Spot)
Part 87 - Love Shot (Side 4 - 1 Song 4 You)
Part 88 - Love Shot (Side 5 - 13 Minutes Performances)
Part 89 - Love Shot (Side 6 - 12 Midnight)
Part 90 - Love Shot (Side 7 - 11 Love Shots)
Part 91 - 10 Times Stronger
Part 92 - 9 Richter Scale
Part 93 - 8 Congratulatory Notes
Part 94 - 7 Only? Where's Suho?
Part 95 - 6 Hours Ago
Part 96 - 5 AM
Part 97 - 4 Hours Later....
Part 98 - 3 Flavours
Part 99 - 2 Years - 2 Months - 2 Weeks - 2 Days Left!
Last Part - 1 Bite
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niawritess · 2 years
❝𝐔𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐔𝐬❞
“A tale of chasing dreams. A tale of nostalgic memories. A tale of yearning bond. A tale of passing decade. A tale of lost love. A tale of unforgettable us.”
Fluff | Highschoolau | Friendstoloversau | pastandpresentau | Friendshipau
❝Oh Sehun❞
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Instagram - Niawritess
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kfans-writerblog · 1 year
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Sehun came back from his schedule of modeling for Gucci he saw you and smiled at you "hey y/n " you nod "hi sehun "
He sense something again "is it hyung again *sigh * he can be difficult but you wanna know something y/n ?"
You look at him "what is it ?"
"I got you cheese cake it's in the fridge eat it whenever you want to be so hard on yourself your doing a good job here "
"Wow cheese cake I love cheesecake !"
He smiled and hugs you "you deserve better" he whispers
" ya oh sehun hurry up come here "
"Coming hyung " he waved at you and left to sehun
Then they played games in the gaming room and you felt sehun liking you and you like him too .
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You did the laundry for them and dry them maybe you sweat to much that night you got sick with a heavy fever and stayed home and sehun asked 'y/n where are you ? Y/n are you ok ? Y/n reply please ? " You got up from a long sleep and told him you were sick and not going to his place for a few days
He was worried and he made you honey lemon tea 🍵
And went to your place next door and knocked and you open it was sehun "y/n hi are you better I made you tea drink it . It will make you feel better " you were so dizzy from the medicine and you fell on him then he was patting you
"Y/n are you ok ??" He put the drink on the kitchen table and carried you to the couch and put a cold water towel on your head so it cools you down
He stayed with you and made you some soup and took care of you
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As sick as you were he trys to entertain you make you laugh while watching a movie together then he wanted to confess but you said it first "sehun oppa I need to say something "
He looked at you worried "what is it y/n ?"
"I like you can we date " he smiles and softly hugs you "of course I like you too we can go on a date when your cold is gone
Sehun went back home smiling all happy chanyeol was suspicious "what happend why are you so happy !? "
"I'm dating y/n we're gonna go out on a date when her cold is gone "
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Chanyeol was not having it after trying to make a good song wich not turn out good then he grabbed sehun and pushed him on the wall
"She is mine don't touch her I swear to God you will regret it "
"Ya hyung she said she liked me why are you so angry "
"I like her she said she wanted to marry me when she was younger I went to the same school "
"OH so what you both were just a kid . Also you treat her like trash hyung your not even nice she won't like you "
Then chanyeol punched sehun on the stomach
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Next day you were all better you went in and them crossed their arms looking at you
"Y/n we need to know who do you like it's me or chanyeol "
"Y/n tell him you said you wanted to merry me when you were a kid"
"Y/N !"
You were annoyed by the fight and went to their work room to clean up and sehun knock and came in hugging you by the back "I'm sorry y/n I know you don't like yelling please forgive me "
You nod and he kissed your cheek
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0 notes
thinkyoureholy · 6 years
Blood Lust [11]
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A/n : hhhhhhh I'm sorry I made y'all wait so long😭 everything I was writing out didn't seem good enough until now. 😞
Pairing : Oh Sehun / Reader
Genre : Fluff, Angst, Vampire!AU
Words : 2k
Pt 1. Pt 2. Pt 3. Pt 4. Pt 5. Pt 6. Pt 7. Pt 8. Pt 9. Pt 10. Pt 11. Pt 12. Pt 13. Pt 14. Pt 15.
-Y/N’s P.O.V-
“I don’t think it’s right to leave her alone with you.”
“Well that’s not really your choice to make is it?”
I woke up to the sound of two men arguing, one voice more familiar than the other. I squinted my eyes as soon as I opened them. I could still hear the two men arguing but I was still too out of it too make out what they were saying. I looked over to see that one of the men was Sehun while the other was the man I faintly remember to be named Kir. I sat up in the bed, my eyes still on them as they immediately stopped talking once they realized I was awake.
“Y/N!” Sehun exclaimed reaching out for me but before he could reach me, Kir stopped him.
Kir had grabbed ahold of Sehun’s arm, stopping him from touching me. Sehun didn’t take too well to being touched as he stared Kir down, Kir glaring right back into his eyes.
“You. What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I asked, looking at Kir with a darkness clouding my eyes.
Kir looked at me hesitantly before speaking, “I was just-”
“Let him go.”
“Now.” I said firmly, flashing him my bright blue eyes.
At seeing them he immediately did as I said, bowing his head as Sehun took the opportunity to come over to me. As soon as he was within arms reach I grabbed at his shirt, pulling towards me as I stood up and engulfed him in a hug. I felt his chest rumble as he chuckled softly, one of his hands coming up to tangle in my hair while the other rubbed my back soothingly.
“You’re safe…” I trailed off.
“I should be the one saying that. You’re the one that took all the blows for me.” Sehun said as he buried his face into the crook of my neck, “Don’t scare me like that ever again, love.”
“I’ll leave you two then.” I heard Kir say before he started to leave.
“Wait.” I called out to him, pulling away from Sehun.
“I need you to answer a few questions for me.”
“Anything for you.” Was his immediate response, throwing me off guard, “But I’d rather not have him in the room.”
I sighed heavily, rubbing my hand over my face lightly, “Look I know he was the one that killed your son but he did it for me. It wasn’t a simple rivalry. Andrei drank from me weeks before the party.”
“He what?” Kir asked incredulously, surprised by the news.
“If it wasn’t for that I wouldn’t have gone so far as killing him. I would’ve simply roughed him up a bit.” Sehun explained.
At hearing this a somber look crossed Kir’s face before he knelt down on one knee, his head bowed, “It wouldn't be enough for me to apologize a million times on behalf of my son.”
I was bewildered to see him kneeling in front of me again so I went over to help him stand, “I’m not asking for an apology. I’m asking for you to put the hate you have for Sehun aside.”
“Anything for you, my queen.”
I furrowed my eyebrows, internally cringing at hear that. I still had no idea what any of this meant so to be suddenly called a queen was a little discombobulating. I couldn’t help but grimace as I repeated the word in my head, bringing a hand up to rub my forehead.
“About that...can you, uh, not call me that?”
“It would be disrespectful of me to call you otherwise.” He said firmly.
I sighed at seeing the look on his face, “Fine. Do what you want. Can you explain to me why I’ve become a queen all of a sudden then?”
“Your father crawled out of one of the eight circles of hell didn’t he?” I asked Sehun as I turned to him.
Sehun simply sighed before nodding. Kir had just finished explaining everything to me; the Knights, their extinction from the vampire world, Sehun’s father taking over as head honcho, and everything else that happened in between. It was a lot to take in but now that I had finally heard everything I was only angry with one man and that was Janghyun. I could care less about what he did to my ancestors but I’ll never forgive him for the shit he put my mother through. Even with all this information there was still one question unanswered.
“Why was he is so interested in us? Why did he keep my mother and I alive knowing we were Knights?” I asked, my eyebrows furrowed as I tried to figure it out myself.
“You’re blood...is very powerful. As a human you’re blood was just tastier, smelled better but as a vampire? If any vampire drank from you they’d get infinitely more stronger, their lifespan increasing another few millennia. Now if not just any regular vampire drank from you but a pureblood? The effect it would have would be tenfold of that of a normal vampire.” He explained slowly, as if not wanting to overwhelm me.
I said nothing as I looked down at my hands, my mind going blank. I didn’t know how to process any of this information. I mean before any of this I was just a servant, doing as I was told albeit I was more on the rebellious side but I did my duties nonetheless. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn’t notice Sehun and Kir having a silent conversation, only realizing what was going on when Kir got up to leave. I looked up at him curiously, frowning when he bowed deeply before turning on his heel and walking out of the room. As soon as he left the room I returned my gaze back to my hands, already starting to dig my nails into my palms. Before my nails could break the skin Sehun reached over and straightened out my fingers, grabbing my hands in his his. I didn’t raise my head to meet his gaze, my mind going through a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts. I heard Sehun sigh heavily before feeling his arms wrap around my frame and I immediately buried my head in the crook of his neck.
“I’m not going to let him have you, I promise.” Sehun said soothingly, his hand rubbing my back in a calming way.
“That’s not what I’m afraid of. Let him come for all I care...that way I can finally finish him off, put him through hell before ending his miserable existence,” I said through gritted teeth, my hands curling into fists before relaxing them, “I-I can’t be their leader...I don’t know the first thing about leading. I was born a servant for fuck’s sake but now I’m supposed to just accept that I’m some almighty vampire? A queen? How-”
“Hey. Hey, calm down. Breathe.” Sehun cut me off as he pulled back to cup my face in his hands as I had gotten too worked up, “You’ll do just fine. I’ll be there every step of the way. Now, c’mon, they’re waiting.”
He smiled softly before nodding, “If they’re gonna follow you into battle they need to see that you’re the real deal.”
I furrowed my eyebrows, unsure about all of this. My feelings of hostility vanished as I felt his lips on my forehead, reassuring me. I was still unsure but knowing he’d be there helped ease my nerves. So with a bit of hesitation I stood up, holding onto Sehun’s hand tightly as we started walking towards the door. As I stood in front of the door my fear started to grow as I was beginning to second guess myself but Sehun was there. He didn’t make a move to open the door, wanting to wait until I was completely ready. After a few deep breaths I mustered up the courage and finally opened the door. As soon as I saw what was waiting outside my face drained of color, my heart sinking to the bottom of my stomach.
Dozens of vampires stood in Chanyeol’s home, hundreds more outside. The crowd of people were talking amongst themselves but as soon as they felt my presence they stopped talking immediately. I noticed Kir and the few people he had inside the home with him were the only ones that bowed their heads, while the others stared at me. Some stared in wonder, others stared skeptically, while a select few stared at me with hostility. With all their eyes on me I started getting cold feet as I stumbled back slightly but Sehun held on tight, keeping me in place. I looked over at him with wide eyes, my body tense. Before I could even say anything to him they started talking.
“You’re telling me this is a Knight?” A man asked, the disdain in his voice clear.
“You really expect us to believe some servant girl is one of them?” A woman chimed in, her tone the same as the man.
“It's not above you to lie for your own gain Kir.” A different man said, his voice slightly disappointed.
“I mean really how do you expect us to believe it when it was Janghyun’s own son that turned her?” A taller man said, stepping forward.
“He’s almost as bad as his father yet you want us to follow the one he’s turned?” A woman said, looking me up and down, “He should’ve just let the poor human die if he was just going to manipulate her into thinking she’s an all mighty vampire.”
“I say we kill them both for lying, start with Sehun so she knows what-”
I didn’t let him finish his sentence, my claws digging their way into his neck.  As their words had progressed I had gotten angrier and angrier. I finally snapped at the mention of killing Sehun. I had shifted and made my way over to the man that had suggested it before any of the others could blink. Now that I stood before him I saw his eyes widen as he stared into mine. I heard the others gasp, a few stumbling back as they saw what I looked like when I shifted. I paid them no mind as I stared down the man in my grasp, squeezing slowly as I began to speak.
“I’d watch my tongue if I were you. Say something as careless like that again and I won’t hesitate to kill you. I won’t even let you beg for your life.” I said through gritted teeth, my grip on him tightening ever so slightly as the seconds ticked by.
Just as I felt like his neck would snap under my grasp a hand grabbed at my wrist gently. I followed the arm the hand belonged to to see that it was Sehun. He gave a subtle shake of his head, my grip loosened immediately at seeing it. I let the man crumble to the floor, his hands coming up to his neck. I turned to look at the others who had spoken so carelessly, watching as each and every one of them lowered their eyes before kneeling. My mouth fell open at seeing everyone kneeling, Kir included. I looked at Sehun with wide eyes, my mouth agape. He simply smiled before doing the same, bowing his head as he kneeled, his right fist placed over his heart.
“Janghyun must already know of the vampires gathered here for you. How do you expect to take him out if he already knows you’re coming. We’ve lost the element of surprise.” A man who’s name I learned to be Minsung said, a frown on his face.
“I want him to know I’m coming. I want him to know I’m not that scared little girl he used to torment.” I said with as much confidence as I could muster, “Besides, this means he’ll just put up more of a fight. It would be pointless to attack when he’s least expecting it and take him out so quickly, I want him to suffer the same way he made my mother suffer.”
Silence fell over the room before a woman named Luna spoke, her voice low, “She speaks like one of them. There’s no doubt about it, she’s a Knight.”
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biaswreckingfics · 3 years
Wild Hunt! Oh Sehun
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Summary: Nobody sees the wild hunt and lives to tell the tale.
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: language, death
This fic is part of my October Event Thrills and Chills.
The night air around you is filled with your panting breaths as you lightly run through the dark streets. This is your favorite time to do your daily run. It’s quiet, there’s no traffic or really anyone else outside, and your only company is the cacophony of crickets and the hoot of an owl every once and again. It allows you time to think and unplug from the technology that now fills everyone’s lives and to reconnect with nature and find peace. Drawing in a deep breath through your nose, a smile fills your face. This is your happiness.
You run another mile before something finally clicks in your brain. Your companions that always join you on your night run are silent. Their chirps no longer fill the air, leaving the night eerily quiet. You’re used to them falling silent when you get too close, but the others in the distance would always continue. This complete silence sends a tingle down your spine, but you ignore it and continue running. It’s not like you’re an expert on crickets. It could be completely normal.
Running on, you see another nightly runner off in the distance. The two of you see each other often, and you always enjoy the little waves you each send to the other as you run past. He’s like a friend that you’ve never talked to but can always count on seeing, and maybe one day, the two of you will actually speak words.
A howl fills the air, causing you to slightly slow your steps. Barks from dogs all over the neighborhood soon follow the howl, and now your nightly run has slowed down to a walk. What the heck is happening? What’s causing all the dogs to suddenly go crazy, and was that a wolf howl? Were there even wolves around here?
As the noise grows louder and more howls ring closer, you break out of your stupor and quickly bring your pace back up to a jog. Something isn’t right. You can’t explain it, but a sudden need to be anywhere else fills you, and you pick up your pace yet again. Running a little faster than you were originally, you try to calm yourself and work through this logically. Maybe there’s a pack of wolves close by, and their howls are setting off the dogs in the area? That’s a thing, right?
A gust of wind blows through your hair, gentle at first but growing stronger with each passing second. You ignore it, continuing to run against it, but with each step, it becomes harder, like the wind is steadily growing stronger with each moment. Leaves whip past you, stinging when they collide with your skin, and you’re forced to stop running. It’s taking almost all your strength to even stay upright.
Putting your arms in front of your face to block the wind, you attempt to look around and get your bearings. You quickly spot your nameless running buddy nearing you and notice that he’s struggling against the wind as well. It looks like he’s almost forced to run because if he slows down, he’s hitting the pavement face first.
He looks over at you, and at first, you think you’re mistaking, but once his arms start motioning for you to go, you know you’re not. Fear is etched all over his face, sending a wave of surprise through you. What’s happening with the wind and howls is creepy, but it doesn’t warrant the amount of fear harboring in his expression. No, he looks like a man afraid for his life.
He becomes frustrated by your lack of movement and begins screaming at you, but the wind carries his words away. Another hard gust of wind follows, and it’s strong enough to knock you and the man on your ass. You hit the road hard, smacking the back of your head against the pavement and nearly knocking yourself out.
Squeezing your eyes shut, you reach up and hold the spot on the back of your head as pain radiates through it. Wanting nothing more than to curl into a ball, you roll onto your side and allow yourself a moment on the ground until you feel like you can stand up without feeling like someone’s slamming a hammer into your head.
Taking a couple calming breaths, you prepare to stand up when you notice something odd. Silence. Complete and total silence. You peek open an eye like you’ll be able to see what’s caused the wind to completely stop. What greets you instead sends chills down your spine.
Legs, not even a foot away from you, and they weren’t alone. When you look past them, you see even more pairs and… horses? Your eyes immediately travel up the legs next to you and then widen in terror. This – thing- isn’t human. It’s… you don’t know what the fuck it is.
Sitting up so fast, a wave of nausea passes through you, you keep your eyes trained on its ghostly, transparent face. Its body is corporeal enough that clothes take form on it, but the being is nearly see-through. You look past it, towards one of the other beings, and see a skeleton in armor watching you closely.
You scramble up from the ground and watch the other beings in terror. Some are like their friends, see-through or completely dead, and others look human, albeit ethereal. They’re all wearing various forms of armor, spanning multiple time periods like they’re prepared for a war to break out at any moment, and they all have their eyes trained on you or your other fallen comrade.
You look over to see him crawling away from them on the ground as they silently watch on, but he doesn’t get far. One of the beings, a skeleton one, grabs him by the shirt and yanks him up as another pulls a sword out and brings his arm back to swing.
A “no” rips from your body, but your scream does nothing to stop them. Seconds later, the other runner’s head falls to the ground, followed soon by his body. You back away in horror as the beings all turn their focus toward you. Whipping your head back and forth, you see these things everywhere, and you continue to back away until you bump into something behind you. A solid figure.
Slowly, you turn and look up into the face of one of them. Luckily for you, this one appears human. His cold, almost empty eyes stare back at you, and his sharp brows make that stare even more intense. His nose rounds out at the end, and his skin appears to be almost too soft. Inhuman. Just like the rest.
In a split-second decision, you attempt to run past him and get away, but his hand quickly shoots out and wraps around your arm. He pulls you back to him with ease and a sob tears from your body.
“Please, just let me go,” you plead, feeling tears slide down your face as you break down. “I won’t tell anyone about this. About you. Please.”
“It’s too late,” his smooth voice says.
“No, it’s not! I swear I won’t tell another soul!”
He blinks a couple of times, but you know your words mean nothing to him. No matter what you say, his mind is already made up.
“You’ve seen us. You’ve seen the hunt. Now, you have to die.”
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Over Cups of Coffees (Sehun x reader)
warning : fluff! flirty sehun! 
"One ice Americano," the tall guy with ominous aura places his order, for a second the café suddenly feels frozen. He looks and sounds cold, but once he steps into the counter in front of you, you feel the blazing sun of summer, the cute shy smile, and a gentle stare.
"One Americano, less ice?" you question him even when you remember his order nicely in the back of your mind.
The man across you smiles, "You remember?"
You smirk, deep inside your heart you wonder how one could forget if thats the only thing he orders in every single visit.
You take his card, swipe the bill, and rush to brew his cold coffee.
Ever since the cold and hot man enters that door last week, you quickly fell for his demeanor aura. You learn his name when he ordered his first cup of coffee in a bubble tea shop. Though you find it weird why he bought coffee when you guys are known for bubble teas, you did not reject his orders; you even wished with all your heart he will be a regular here.
"One ice Americano coffee to go, for Mr. Sehun," you scream out his name, and when he walks to take the bag, your hand swiftly drops in a piece of cookie inside the paper bag. He saw you and almost say you misplaced an order, but your whisper silence him.
"Its a complementary," You panicked, "Special for the customer who has the queuing number 100."
You see him smile and you hear your coworker stifling a laugh.
"Thank you," Sehun smiles and nods his head as he takes his order, "Thank you, see you!"
He leaves the counter with his expressionless face and your shift continues. You take more orders from other customers.
One of your coworker nudges you when the rush hour is over, and the café is a bit empty. "What was that, did you put in your number on the cookie earlier?" the elf-eared tall man teases you.
You blush, when your mind teases you back with the phrase Sehun said before he left.
"Stop it Chanyeol, I did not drop my number in it. Seriously, I just wanted to treat him a cookie, whats wrong with it?" You shrug your shoulder and choose to leave to take a short break. Well, secretly you scream out of joy when you reach the storage room. Sehun, the man who creates butterflies in your stomach is slowly recognizing you.
The next day, your shift starts and as time ticks by, your heart beats faster as you expect the presence of Sehun. He shows up in his regular time, with his regular cold face just that today he looks a bit tired and annoyed. You pull up your textbook-smile and try your best to control your heating face.
"Welcome, Is it another usual menu, or are you interested in trying todays special menu?" You flash a concern look to him. He catches your attention and runs his eyes through the menu. He sighs and inserts his hands into his pockets.
"Do you have any recommendation for a bad day?"
You nod in a second, "Are you okay with Chocolates?" he nods, you type in a menu and he seems to agree with what you call 'House favorite chocolate bomb bubble tea'
Sehun hands you his card and surprises you when he asks for a table number. He brings his number and sits on the corner, the secluded chair near the windows.
You are quite surprise, he never dines inside. With a question mark in your mind, you prepare his drink and once again sneak in another slice of red velvet cake. Chanyeol catches you again and smiles widely while wriggling his brow, "Go, and take that order to his table. Let me take over the cashier and orders."
You thank him and after tidying your appearance, you deliver the drink and cake to the man sitting alone and lost in his thoughts.
"Here's your drink, and I bring you a cake to cheer you up." You move the drink and cake from your tray to his table.
Sehun's cold façade melts away when he sees the red cake and your sweet attention, "Wow! Am I the 100th customer again today?" He laughs at his own words. You feel like melting into a puddle right then and there.
He takes his time enjoying the cake and reviving his mood with your special brew, you are once again busy behind the counter and running over making different orders of drinks. You can still see Sehun from several quick glances, and that is enough to make you energized until your shift end.
After 10 minutes, the tall man in suit fleets from his chair and queue into the line in front of me. You are perplexed when he shows up again with his shy smile,"I'm here to pay the red velvet and I want the cookies you gave me yesterday. I want two of them, all packed to go." You swipe his payment only for the cookies, the red velvet is from you.
"For someone?" You ask when you take out two fresh baked cookies and wrap them nicely inside a bag.
Sehun shakes his head, "It's for me, and Im working overnight today. The cookies will be my acquaintance tonight."
"Have strength! Good luck," you send him off with a wave of hand.
Thats the last time you ever see him. For a good one week, you never see his nose. Chanyeol teases you repeatedly for waiting and hoping like a fool, but you shush him off. One week feels like a month and the nosey customers really drain your energy.
One night when Chanyeol is already mopping the floor and you're already turning over the chairs, the door opens and a young man in a tidy suit surprises both of you. Chanyeol glances at the door sign; it clearly is turned over already, why is he here.
"Sorry, are you closed already?" the man you missed for one week questions the two of you.
You quickly leave your current work and take over the counter, "No, we can make it work for you. We still have 5 minutes to the closing hour, but feel free to take your time."
"Usual order?" You ask while turning on the brewer and cashier, Sehun nods then take a seat at one of the table you haven't turn over.
Chanyeol bids you goodbye after his mopping is done, and you're left alone with Sehun.
"Please make yourself a drink, can you sit with me for a while tonight? Drinks are on me." he sounds hopeful.
You take his invitation, making yourself a cup of warm coffee. You carry the dark liquids and a plate of cake from the storage.
You take your seat across him, he has his coat off already and he looks breathtaking in his white shirt and loosen tie. He is busy with his cold drink, and you preoccupied your nerves with the warm caffeine. Your heart is almost bursting out of joy, here in front of you the man you crushed, you finally get the chance to sit alone with him only. You don't care what your boss will do to you, if he ever finds out about this.
Sehun picks the fork and pokes the cake, "What is this?"
You snap from your daydream, "Oh, thats a new menu. A rainbow cake, were going to release them tomorrow." He raises his brow in curiosity,
"Each color has different flavor. Please try them." You look at him expectantly when he takes the red part into his mouth. He savors the taste, munches, pokes into the next color, tastes them and when he reaches the 7th color he finally makes his comment.
"Hmm it's cool, a nice idea! It also tastes good. I am sure buying this again." Sehun's eyes brighten and he gulps down his coffee to clean his palettes.
"(y/n)," Sehun surprises you by calling your name. You almost ask where did he learn your name, but you realize you wear name tags every day. "Thank you for opening the café for me, and thank you for sitting here with me tonight."
You shake your head and hands, "No, it's not a problem Sehun. Besides, I can probably help you if you need someone to talk and share stories too. Only if you're willing too," You panicked.
Sehun thinks for a quick second and smirk, "You're probably right. I need to share what's bothering my mind. Great idea!"
It sure is a great idea for Sehun, but not for you. Sehun has just finished his story about his break up with his so called girlfriend he loved dearly. You are actually surprised to find out he has been dating for one year and got dumped last week, because poor Sehun caught her kissing another man in the park. She chose the other guy over him. Sehun concludes that he's now traumatized and he will be staying away from falling in love for a moment. He is hurt, and he doesnt want to fall in love now.
You made a mental note about this, and continue to talk about more things. As the night deepens, the cake vanished, and the coffees finished, you learn each others hobbies and favorite singers.
Sehun helps you clean up the table and turning over the chair. He drops in extra tips into the jar, then he waits for you outside as you turn off all of the machines, lights, and lock the door.
"Thank you for listening to me tonight," Sehun bashfully looks into his shoes.
"Its nothing big, Im happy if youre feeling better now. So, good night Sehun," you wave your hand to him when your bus arrives. He waves his hand back at you and descends into his car.
After that night, you remember his words where he did not want to fall in love yet. That morning, you ensure your heart that the feeling must stop. You ask Chanyeol to switch with you and take over the cashier. You choose to work in the kitchen with your other coworker, Baekhyun. You're not going to fall more into Sehun, no you need to stop before you hurt yourself.
You tell Baekhyun why you're here now and the cheerful man just pats your back, "Aw, you're burying a feeling. It's okay you still have me and Chanyeol. We're both still free and available for blind dates." He winks and succeeds in cheering you up.
Weeks passed by, you work in nice union with Baekhyun baking cakes, and preparing bobas. Your life is bright again even without seeing Sehun, until one day Chanyeol barges into the kitchen and smirks, "(y/n), he's here and he wants to see you. I can't hold it anymore, I've been telling him lies that you're not here anymore, but turns out he saw you and he wants to see you!" today.
"Who?" Baekhyun asks
You freeze in your place, is it really the same man you're thinking of?
Chanyeol sees your reaction, "You want me to shoo him off?"
You shake your head, Chanyeol suddenly remembers something, "Ah yeah, he told me to tell you this. He's ready to try it again. I don't know what he means but he told me to deliver that message to you." Your eyes widen and you turn your body to exit the kitchen door, leaving the two men puzzled.
You quickly run your eyes through the customers inside the small café, but he's not there. Your eyes catch him leaving the door with a glass of Americano in his right hand and a small pack of cookies on his left.
You did not meet him yet, but you know when you will see him again.
Thats right, tomorrow.
The last rays of sun lights are slowly fading off, the sky is beautifully painted orange and purple. You tighten the apron over your waist and with the textbook smile youre taking in orders and payments once again.
"Good afternoon, what can I help you with? Maybe a special menu today? Rainbow bubble tea made especially for you." You wink at the man in front of your cashier counter.
He chuckles, "I'd take that as a yes, if you're going to sit with me in that table at the corner."
You blush and punch in his order, "That means youre having Americano today, because I am not free until my shift ends at 9."
He glances at his watch, "Three hours is nothing compared to a week. Please add a slice of rainbow cake too! I am waiting for my date until 9 tonight." He offers you his deadly smile, and you cannot feel your legs.
Chanyeol and Baekhyun heard everything, when Sehun goes away to his chair; the two men take their cue to mess with you.
"What do you want for a drink? Let me prepare it for you." Chanyeol takes over the cup in my hand and makes the order.
"Of course strawberry boba, right?" Baekhyun winks and walks to take a slice of rainbow cake and cheese cake.
"You love my cheese cakes right? Now, go sit with him and we will take over your part." Baekhyun unties your apron and pushes you to Sehun's table direction.
What? you're surprised with the sudden situation.
"Go get your love, good luck!" the two men unite and push you into his direction. Sehun turns his head and sees you walking to him. He smiles and gets up to pull out your chair.
"Guess this is it, I don't have to wait for three hours by myself, and my date is here already."
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chogisad · 5 years
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catch me if you can | detective au
Sehun knows the job better than anyone. He knows what he’s had to sacrifice, who he’s had to leave behind. The memories haunt him on some nights-- crying children, defenseless women, men turned to monsters. He knows better than to dwell on these recollections; he knows they could consume him. So Sehun tucks his heart away and faces down the darkness. He stares straight into the face of God and dares him to get in his way. Sehun is the best detective in town because he’s the most ruthless.
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fadekookie · 6 years
This Could Be Forever (M)
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Pairing: Sehun x Reader 
Warnings: explicit sexual content, strong language, drinking, public nudity 
Word Count: 5.5k
Summary: He’s your best friend and partner in crime until one summer night below the stars, above the water, and entagnled in fate. 
A|N—wow this took me the longest but I actually finally finished something! OH! And the main inspo behind this was Summertime by Vince Staples :)))
It was a time like no other. Each season waning and waxing on you, careful to leave pieces of its shadow behind. Shapes of calm and calamity imprint you by the time winds pick up. Each glorious joy staying to sweetly coat your skin as the season changed for you to shelter under when cold swells outside your window. The saccharine memories of freedom below the watching stars and heavens, mutual freedom among the celestial bodies above.
Summertime when the night sky whispered you wisdoms and the sun bargained. It was your favorite.
Preludes under a saturated sky while the humid air of Miami stretched the walls of your lungs were your favorite. A craving for stories which were told on nights like these was suppressed for three seasons of tribulations. A night like this where the earth caressed you as the constellations conspired your fate right before your eyes. However, on a night like this, the fortunes of the universe were not just your’s to keep. Another pair of orbs sat on a lounge chair behind you, drinking the darkness above so thoroughly you worried the sun would rise early.
On this night your thoughts were shared over wine with Sehun. He sat leaning back on the palms of his hands as he spoke to the stars, “I hope I never wake up.” The blue of the pool next to you reflected on his elysian features and cascaded in tones down the expanse of his neck further carving out his jaw. From your lying position on the ground, you could only make out the familiar pursing of your best friend’s lips. The alcohol has long since tainted your blood a darker red, so, his comment was only usual for such a scene.
A soft laugh escapes you, “And what do you mean by that?”
Even in your adrift state, you could not let yourself get washed away by his beautiful vagueness, which so effortlessly fell from the dangerous curve of his lip. You knew where this would lead as it was not the first night you walked yourself into a maze. This maze was something forthcoming and terrifying when he began to shine in the night. His words carried you so gently before and your head would spin at the magic he mused with you on nights like these. Nights like these his obliviously cruel tongue burnt at the perimeter of your heart and left you exhausted from an incomplete inferno.
“You know what I mean,” his voice was smooth like the untouched water of the pool, “ there’s only such a small chance we actually exist, that you’re real and you’re here listening to what I say.” His expression was soft and submitting to the universe as you examined him more. Your heart howled at you from within with a painful hunger to complete his thoughts, but you didn’t. You couldn’t when you knew a maze awaited you.
“Maybe I do,” you teased sitting up to lean on your forearms, “and that’s why you have to live here and now before this reality ends.” Straightening further, your small hand clasped around the cold neck of the wine bottle. The liquid plunged down your throat and into your stomach, spreading warmth to your organs from the contact as if in an effort to feed the small flames lining you already.
“Let’s live then,” Sehun spoke in a delicate surrender.
“What should we do?” You pursue, hoping for something to come up which will quell the glossy lust clouding your eyes. Your fingers were anxious to touch as you took another filling of the spirit. You best friend’s gaze fixed on the cyan body illuminated by the lights of the walls encompassing it. The powerless expression he wore for the stars shifted into a mischievous smirk. Relief steadied you briefly as you knew he would say something less than intelligent. The deepest parts of his soul which the both of you were unveiling for the sky had hidden again and the heaviness of desire left you. The craving to learn each thing he’s equating in his mind lifted from your limbs when he cocked his brow and fixed on you.
“Skinny dipping?”
Freedom was an awful, terrible thing. Moments ago you relished the cosmos adhering to your fingertips, but now the appetitive soul of you clenched at your mind telling you to discard any sense. The hot embers tickling your chest multiplied as a heavy sigh rushed from your mouth. The tension on your brain released and you answered, “Sure.”
Surprise was an understatement. Sehun was not shocked or astonished. He was concerned when examining you, taking the bottle of wine as if you had too much. He was not alone in confusion. Maybe it was the liquor making you diverge from the comfortably defensive demeanor you wore, but such a response would never have left you sober. Your mind swelled with pressure once again at the brisk realization of what you said and how out of character it was.
“Y/n, I was joking.” He laughed lightly while turning his scrutiny to the pool.
Usually, you wouldn’t have spent a moment thinking over his offer before imploring a ‘no.’ Usually, you would have passed up the opportunity for intimacy with Sehun since freedom was such a frightening feat. When it was just you and the galaxy, your freedom was willed and welcomed. You were loved and glorified by omniscient things existing lightyears away. Sehun attracted contrasting freedom which was adorned in fire. A fire so bright and appetizing it was painful to simply stand and refuse it. Usually, you would stand and hurt, ignoring the goosebumps decorating your soft skin as flames played with your limbs.
But on this night you were too cold and Sehun burnt too red. You were anxious to be covered in flares of him. His watch, his touch, his thought. Whatever freedom would offer you wanted to soak in him and drink him just as he did the sky.
“I wasn’t,” your voice was bright and innocent in the darkness. Sehun looked back over at you, “But the security in your building is so tight, and I bet they have cameras everywhere... aren’t you worried?”
You simply smiled, “I am here, you are here, whether for real or not, I want to stop existing and live.”
With this, the vast expanse of your legs revealed itself as you rose from the concrete. “And I’m pretty sure there are no cameras here anyway,” you affirmed while lifting your tank top and disposing of it next to the hoodie you took off long before. You could feel his eyes trailing the barren terrain of your back, moving down your spine to where your shorts gripped your hips. Your nimble digits slid this article off too and kicked it to the developing pile of garments. Sehun still sat there unmoving with his stare fixed on you and your every movement. Memorizing the way your hands moved to undress yourself and the freckles kissing your skin in various places. He was mastering you and each curve adorning your figure as if you would really vanish. His knuckles turned white as he unknowingly choked the sides of the patio furniture with his clutch. There was a faint shaking in his exhale as your bra joined the pile and then your thong. You were stark before him and you did not turn to see his expression since the tension in your chest was already making your head spin, but you liked it. You relished the way you burnt from the feeling. You liked it so much you feared you’d melt. So, you became enraptured in the cold arms of the water.
Sehun shot up from his seat, impatient to follow you. his eyes never left you as he undressed, haphazardly throwing his articles behind him. The picture of your distorted figure submerged and almost goddess-like under the bending of the crystal surface was unbelievable. Sehun devoured you whole from where he stood overlooking the pool, bare for you like you for him. He watched the way your lips perfectly parted to take a breath as you came up and the way your hair layered on top of the water and on your chest, further making you look like something unreal. Drops of water clung to the high points of your face making you appear regal in the moonlight with your eyes closed the way they were.
Before you could rub the water away and open them, Sehun had disappeared beneath the layer of blue.
His long body made its way behind you into the deep end. The tickle in your chest quelled only slightly when you noticed the stars again. Bright and magnificent even through the light pollution of the bustling metropolis around you.
“You’re not a person to fear leaving this life early.” His voice resonated in the humidity.
“You would know,” your voice was subdued, as if not to let the sky hear, “my motto.”
“Regrets don’t exist,” he quoted you verbatim. His thoughts were with you as he scrutinized the galaxy above, “You are a walking, talking, breathing loop-hole, y/n.” He didn’t turn to you, but you could feel the smile in his voice, “How can you live thinking everything happened for the better so that you don’t regret it if you hate the idea of fate?”
He was right, but you were too buzzed to compete with him like you usually would. The frisson his voice sent through you each time his spoke was pressuring enough. “I must stay sane somehow Mr. Oh.”
He feigned surprise, “And keep living in a euphemism? Miss (y/l/n), how do you plan to solve the universe and get us out of this simulation?”
“As long as it's with you, I don’t mind.” It escaped you but you were too immersed in the feel of the water on you as you floated, body bare and displayed for anybody to see. For Sehun to see.
There was the sound of water moving before Sehun poke again. He’s moving around, moving closer to you as you heard the shift of liquid get progressively louder. As the sheer spur-of-the-moment mentality dulled, a familiar raving thrill rejoiced in your core at the thought of him looking at you. The sound of water sliding past Sehun’s body was overlapped by him speaking, “y/n?”
You hummed innocently in response, standing up in the water to face him. the water peeled around his torso as he approached you. Sehun was built there was no doubt about it. you were the first person he told about wanting to become fit. You’ve seen his chest multitudes of times before, but it has never looked as appetizing as now.
His taut breast caught the moonlight beautifully and at that moment you never thought you’d find a male chest so mouthwateringly gorgeous. Beads of the pool rolled from his front and fell to his abdomen before reuniting with the large body of water. The protruding of his chest seemed contoured for your hand and it took more than everything in you to pull from your spinning mind and stop yourself from touching him.
“Promise you won’t wake up and leave me in this reality, or unreality, by myself.” His tone was steady and quiet, only meant for the two of you. the blue light from the pool sharpened his face as his eyes, lidded, took you in. Meeting his anthracite optics you wished to never see the night sky again, for every constellation and supernova was bursting behind his burning stare. You wanted to name each twinkle in the set and study it. He carried a universe in himself, infinite in knowledge waiting, yearning for you to discover it.
“You’re selfish.” The words were prompt leaving you, incriminating as they collided with the air. “How so?” Sehun returned, his sound the softest it has been.
“How do you expect me to solve this universe if I can’t leave?” His distance from you had become perilous in the time the water shifted while you spoke. You did not notice the subtle ripples being created each time he stirred just as you did not notice how nauseatingly close he was.
“Will you not return for me?” His countenance was pleading and childlike. Something behind his gaze seemed to have detached, let go and succumbed to unknown omnipotence.
“Why should I?” You pushed him, stretching whatever seemed to be expanding in his stare.
“How dare you say I’m the selfish one.”
Sehun didn’t allow you the liberty of retorting. You couldn’t speak. Not because you didn’t know what to say or because the invisible choke on you had become too gripping.
You couldn’t speak while his lips were on yours. His tender, warm, wet lips mellowing into yours. Your legs became stone underwater, weighing you down. You could not move. The duplicity of your nervous system rendering you immobile. A bomb seemed to have gone off in your head because you felt lightheaded. The gaseous toxins effusing to your vessels and blood. You were spinning and yet, the heaviness of your solid legs kept you still.
As the smoke cleared from behind your closed eyes you took him in. Never opening your eyes you took him in and dissected Sehun. His lips were an ambiguity, cold at contact but erupting in a conflagration milliseconds later. His entire being an anomaly which touches you, cold and dripping in pool water but unraveling a scorching hell on your skin. A beguiling touch indicative of Lucifer. A force you could not nor desired to combat. You were afraid he could taste the avarice on your tongue.
His hands found their way gripping your shoulders, keeping you steady, as if you would melt and join the water the moment your lips parted. You felt the same, fearing his own being would dissolve like sugar. Your hand slithered up his bare chest to wrap possessively around his neck. To claim him yours before the water or stars or air could. Before some kind of malign force swept him away, diffusing in the breeze and disappearing. Your other palm pressed to his firm frame.
His hands began to explore the landscape of your body, from the swell of your breasts to the valleys of your collarbones, to the curve of your spine as you arched into him like a tree to light. Your lips were moving together slowly, sensually. You were not rushed, not yet. You were desperate to memorize the flavor of each kiss he poured into you. To ingrain the way his tongue dominated you in your mind.
The empty universe was deafening around you. The sweet song of desperate exhales leaving Sehun got louder and clearer each second. the wet sound of his lips pulling you in was maddening as it swirled around your head. It was, for a lack of better words, hot.
god, he was hot.
Tough features with a steel grip you prayed would leave marks. Your hands scanned his body impatiently, never staying in one place for more than a second. You were the red for him in a world of blue as he set you in an unforgiving fire.
It was when one of his hands ventured to grab the ample flesh of your ass that the beautiful sounds flooding your mind dulled.
“Yes, Hank I’ll pick it up on my way back from work.”
A distant, annoyed dialogue impaled the atmosphere. Instinctively, you tore your body from Sehun’s to assess the scene.
“Shit,” you hissed when you caught sight of one of the security guards holding a phone vexingly to her ear as she approached the gate to the pool.
“Shit, shit, shit,” you cursed flailing in the water to reach the artificial bank and pull yourself from the volume.
Sehun’s reaction was more languid than yours. his head turned slowly, but once realizing the threat he rushed behind you. Neither of you bothered to trudge through the water to the stairs so you briskly pulled from the water using the ledge.
You were a wet mess, chaotic like a hurricane on the once dry pavement as you struggled to pull at least some coverage on. You had skipped underwear all together as the aimless voice of the security guard neared. Sehun did not take much time at all dressing in a nonchalant pair of joggers and throwing on his white button-up. The feeble material clung to each crevice in his torso with the adhesive of water. If it were not for the approaching staff, you would’ve lingered just to test how long your willpower would last. Desiring to stay and tease yourself by tracing each imposing shape on his stomach and chest until you could not take it anymore. Until you crumbled, fingers eager to explore each protrusion and indent in him.
You didn’t though. Instead, you raced to the alcohol which was disregarded when you both submerged, scooping it in one hand with your underwear in the other. You had to get your keys and phone as well, and this posed a challenge. With the approaching voice of the security guard, there were not many ideas you could conjure. You and Sehun had ended up walking back with you holding the wine in one hand and other household necessities in the other while Sehun trailed not too far behind you with your underwear in the pocket of his joggers. At a point, he’d also taken the bottle from your quivering hold.
The couple of you hastened past the guard, both politely nodding knowing she had other cares in the world than why you and Sehun looked as if you were caught in the deluge of hurricane season. The walk back to your apartment seemed prolonged and became grueling at a point when the rough denim of your shorts would rub against your clit.
There was no doubt Sehun turned you on previously, and your clit had been throbbing for him since then, desperate for friction. Your teeth dug into your lip in a needy bite, obscuring your heavy breaths.
Sehun had no problem keeping up with your seemingly impossible pace. But then, why were you in a rush? What would happen when you got upstairs? Would the scene continue beneath the cloak of your home perched up in the sky? Would he have sobered up by then choosing to forget anything happened?
These judgments hung in the air around you, clinging to the ambiance like clouds which thickened the oxygen entering your chest. Their heaviness drifted with you into the contrasting air of the chilled building when you entered.
Certainly, this is the longest it has taken the elevator to get to your floor. Although the same minute and thirty seconds passed between the lobby and the twentieth floor, they were distant and imaginary. Time became something unreliable when Sehun’s sensible eyes focused into your’s the way they did then. His stare was nothing alarming, rather it was smug. There was something in the systems orbiting there, something keen to laughter. His eyes laughed as they were effortlessly lidded meeting yours. It wasn’t something of satire or taunting, but pleasure. Murky pleasure spiraling like galaxies in his stare. You could see his enjoyment in his easy inhales and the hidden quirk in his lip which you wouldn’t have caught had you not been so desperately ogling. Your eyebrows shot up when you saw him lazily tilt his head against the paneled mirror, perpetuating his analysis of you. His jaw looked absolutely magnificent. Gloriously statuesque in his sedated posture. Your focus ran downward, to his broad collar stretching into his wide frame, impossibly perfect. As if molded by Michelangelo, each etching in him was divine and alien.
You did not notice your tongue had been playfully toying along your upper lip in a galvanizing gesture as you suddenly grew envious of the pathetic cloth clinging to Sehun’s body. he was completely maddening in this state, something godly resembling Poseidon.
The elevator slowed to a mellow ping as the steel door slid open to your floor. Your body moved before your mind could, rushing you to your door. A shiny two numbers hanging above the peephole reading “20A.”
You smoothly turned the key, the door releasing a click before you pushed it open. When inside you went to drop the keys off in a wooden bowl neatly place on a small table near the entrance.
The air of your living space was different. It was cold and light and unappetizing when compared to the expansive humidity of outside. Some would savor the contrast swimming on their skin and in their lungs, but you found it rather unsettling and erasing. after all, it had been hot, and you were not ready to lose the embers Sehun left on you to the air conditioning.
“Did you bring the wine?” you feigned, unconcerned.
Sehun was quiet for a moment with your back faced to him. You had walked to stand in the middle of your living room, focus directed on the lively city beyond the line of the ceiling to floor windows.
The shuffle of feet and a high clink followed behind you as Sehun placed the wine on the granite counter waiting in your kitchen.
“You know,” he announced followed by the sound of more steps on the wood floor, “for a strict building you’re pretty reckless.”
Sehun was now behind you, neck craned to whisper in your ear. his hot breath returning the sensations from before. goosebumps blossomed on your skin. You thought that you would freeze and die if he didn’t touch you. If he didn’t scorch you with his hands and lips. You feared it so much you shook slightly, drawing in a shuddering inhale when you no longer felt the heat of his words on your neck.
“Sehun....” the word floated from your lips like water evaporating in the dense air.
“I wish I’d lived sooner,” his voice was hushed yet commanding.
A gasp broke from you when a large hand snaked around you, fitting to your core. His other hand rested on your waist.
“I wish I’d kissed you sooner,” he confessed, voice dark. Weak exhales shuddered from you as a Sehun pressed. The other hand burgeoned beneath the soaked material clinging to your skin just as you wanted to cling to him. Pulling him, touching him, gripping his forearms and biceps then letting your height sink into his broad enrapture.
Sehun had caressed your left breast. “If I were not the coward to fear life,” he forced through nearly gritted teeth, “I’d have made your lips crave me long before.” The words came out heavy as if some kind of toxic gas meant to make the air thick and unbreathable. Hot, damp, thick. Your inhales were a subject of effort now.
You hummed in impatience when he squeezed you, thumb playing with your hard nipple. his palm began to maneuver against your clothed clit in circles.
He spoke again, “I’d have shown you how badly I want you to stay in my life.” He began to leave kisses on your neck as he continued, “I’d have announced you as my purpose.”
“Mr. Oh, I do believe I don’t belong to anyone,” it took your entire strength to tease him this way, a fatally innocent mien.
His low chuckle vibrated against your collar. His hand disappeared from where it was on your sex. Sehun rose to whisper in your ear once more, “My apologies.” As he stretched out these words his hand had slipped down the front of your shorts, continuing its previous job. The raw contact felt like your diaphragm had shrunk too small to support your lungs. You believed you would collapse in his arms there for how weak he made your usually self-sufficient exterior. Your character, usually ruthless in getting what you want, stubborn in having things done the right way, was bending for Sehun.
“However,” his fingers circled around your clit, drawing jagged exhales from you, “I am the only one that can ever be remotely good enough for you…” the hand which had been playing with your breast left to wrap slightly around your neck as his other hand moved in torturously slow patterns. Sehun gently tilted your neck to the side as if like a vampire getting ready for its prey, “I am yours as much as you desire and more” he began to suck on the supple skin of your jugular. You whimpered in response as he continued, “I need you, I’ve needed you… for so long I needed you, and I want you to be mine now.”
“I’m yours,” you declared, taking his wrist and halting his motions, pulling his hand away and turning to face him. Your irises kept his as you took his fingers in your mouth, swirling your tongue around them as you sucked. His face looked hard yet fragile as if on the tipping point of breaking his smolder and capitulating into you.
His other hand rose to caress your cheek as his eyes told you to stop. You removed his fingers from your mouth only to feel his colliding with yours. This kiss was rough, desperate, hungry unlike the sweet slowness you felt at the pool. Fire seemed to bloom from him, encasing you in a cocoon of heat. He backed you against the glass panels.
His lips were as soft as they were before. plump and perfect, catering to your every corner. You pulled him in by his collar as if he could kiss you deeper this way, as if you could feel him closer to you, getting high on him.
His arms roamed the landscape of you, hiking up your shirt in the process as you worked at the buttons on his.
It wasn’t long before you were naked again and all that was left on him were his pants. You slipped those off as well and he kicked them to the aside, your underwear still neatly tucked away in their pocket.
You felt Sehun, hard, and prodding into your thigh as he stuck to your body, his hands perfectly fitting around your ass and in the curve of your waist. “God I have never wanted something as badly as I do you,” he breathed.
At this, your lips quirked menacingly and your hand wandered to wrap around his needy member. “Oh really?” You purred, stroking him at an agonizingly slow pace. You did not meet his eyes and instead stared at his stiff chest, drawing random lines there with your finger. He pulled your face towards his in response kissing you fiercely, proving how much his lips longed for yours. “Fuck, baby, yes—,” his words came out in groans, “You’re everything.”
Your smirk only provoked him into removing your hands to hold them above you as his free hand played with your pussy. “How unfair.” He whispered. His long fingers rubbed circles into your clit earning gasps from you.
Your mind swam and your eyes closed in surrender. A whine spilled into the thickening air of your apartment. Mellow tremors whirled in your stomach and your chest heaved when a finger slipped in you.
His strokes against your sex were torturous and languid, punishing for something you could not decipher. You wanted, needed more of him. Your hips rolled into his hand as if begging with a conscience of their own.
Pulling up to Sehun’s ear you whispered, “Bottom drawer of my nightstand.”
His fingers stopped and you whimpered, but he did not leave at your statement which deemed as more of a command.  “Who said you were in charge, kitten.”
His fingers returned, though only to run them in slow, harrowing paths along your lips, eyebrows knitting in frustration at the lack of him inside you, your core burning as you whined.
“Sehun, please,” you groaned.
“God I swear I’m going to make your moans my ringtone,” he continued to tease, “you’re so fucking hot, kitten.”
The name stuck out, filling your chest with more heat. “Tell me what you want, baby.”
“Y-you, Sehun. I just want you to fuck me,” you cried, exasperated at his taunting fingers still trailing about your pussy. You saw his smirk, sculpted by the light of the moon pouring through the windows. Then, he left, only to return shortly with a foil packet between his fingers. You rolled the condom onto him, leisurely, retribution for what he curtailed prior.
You jumped, legs wrapping around his waist, his long fingers charring where they gripped your hips. His hold on you feels like iron still hot from when it was poured, burning beautiful red into your ass and hips. his breathing was melodic to you, sedating you further. The elegantly sloppy pattern of his exhales as they were cut off by kisses to your bare skin. Sehun had positioned himself at your entrance and you place your arms around his neck.
You looked up to him emulating what you prayed to be the sexiest gaze he’ll see in his lifetime. He reciprocated your cryptic eyes which swam with sins. His eyes shone with the same drunk, tender desire.
He pushed in slowly. Tight and wet around him, he growled at the way your face twisted in pleasure. The pounding of your heart resonated in your ears and swelled in your own head as you groaned for friction. You rolled your hips, whining, begging, “S-Sehun...”
The cool surface of the window collided with your flushed skin as Sehun thrust into you. Softly, carefully, cautious not to break you. Though, you worried more about the panes behind. He continued this way, steadily accelerating his pace as you moaned in approval.
His cock: magic. Him: divine. Filling you in ways you didn’t think possible, stretching you in dimensions you didn’t think could be real. Making love in a way that left no room for anything but love. His soul aching, crying out to get closer, and closer. To touch you and feel you until each centimeter of your flesh was a site of it conquest. Found and felt and forgotten so it could happen all over again.
His deep moan vibrated against your lips between his hot fuck and ravished kiss. The world had never felt this heavy on you, so compressing and tight. the air had never been so full in your chest, overflowing with each breath. Your body unacquainted with the conflagration that was Sehun.
His hips became rapid, snapping in and out of you as your heart raced in your chest. The pinch on your body had never been so consuming with an edge running down your spine in prickles.
He leaned into your chest as your head hit the glass at the sensation. Your toes curling and muscles tensing into knots as your nails dug into his back, sure to leave marks. Sehun’s thrusts were in tempo with his grunts as you rode out your high and he anticipated his. Euphoria seemed to burst from you like light from a beacon. Pleasure pulsing in your temples and swelling in your ears. Coursing through your blood and throbbing in your joints as you cried for the last time with such utter ecstasy pouring out.
With a couple more thrusts he spilled into the plastic and you shivered with the feel of him continuing inside you.
As your pants settled his head rose to look you in the eye. Sehun pulled you to him, locking your lips in a sweet, victorious, reassuring kiss. You whimpered into his lips at the feeling of him still inside you. Detaching from you he disposed of the condom and strolled over to the bathroom, noticing and enjoying the way you ogled him. The sweet smile wouldn’t leave your face as Sehun cleaned you up and got under the covers beside you, turning to face you, to hold you; an arm gripping about your waist to pull you into him. Dropping his head he planted small kisses beneath your ear and under your jaw continuing up to meet your lips in yet another saccharine kiss that you both couldn’t help but smile into, earning gentle giggles from you.
A small hand came up to touch a porcelain canvas. He was ironically pale for Miami you’d always thought. You giggled again at the thought. The alcohol, the sex, and he swam through your blood, lading your limbs and mind. You could drift among those tides running through you. And you began to do so. your hand still on Sehun’s cheek. The corners of his lips stretched as he saw your eyelids heavy, the smile yet to leave your face. an angel you lay before him he thought.
“This while,” he trailed his voice low and quiet not to disturb you, “This while and it's you” you didn’t respond, still smiling back at him eyelids nearly shut and drooping with exhaustion.
“It's you,” he paused to turn and kiss your hand, still resting on his cheek, “God, it's you, I love you, baby.” He’d whispered to himself as you drifted away. Sehun watched you sleep before he too fell.
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baekxytocin · 2 years
100 Days My Prince - Part 3
Part 3 – Can You Hold On? It’s 98 Days Left
Baekhyun and Reader
EXO Members
‘I want to be someone that you can look up to’
641 words
The EXO members gathered in Xiumin’s house.
“Alright, everyone has arrived” D.O. started the conversation.
“Nope. Two members are not here” you slyly answered him, but you then wonder when everyone is laughing.
“Hey, hey! I’m here! I manage to get back here!” you turn your head towards the voice. Your eyes are wide open then rush to give him a hug. “Lay Oppa! When did you arrive? How are you?”
“I’m doing great! I can’t wait to go to the haunted house together this year. Yahh~~ How dare you go to the haunted house last time without me?” Lay answers you, instead you answer him back with a laugh.
“Hyung, it was only Chen hyung, Baekhyun hyung and Xiumin hyung went last time. We don’t get the opportunity” Sehun pouts. “True. And we have to wait for almost two years because of the pandemic. Gosh, so long!” Kai pouts as well. The youngest members are asking for attention, instead, the rest of the members chortle and hit their backs consecutively.
“Aigoo all of you…. We went there without you because we went straight to the place from the concert venue last time. Don’t you remember?” Chen defends himself.
“No, and no. We can just meet at the venue after your concert. Or…. Is there something else that happened last time? Are you trying to beat any record of us….” Chanyeol asks, not satisfied with Chen’s answer.
“Aigoo, Chanyeol. Stop being too competitive. We can go there this year together. It’s not like we’re trying to set a record or something. Let’s just go tomorrow, all, together. Okay? Are you happy now?” Xiumin defends Chen. The other members continue to laugh.
“But I don’t think everyone will be here this year….” you utter softly.
“Hahaha. We can hear you. Don’t be sad, Baekhyun is here too” Suho answers you while D.O. points something at your back.
“Hey sweetie…. Surprise” you take a good look at the hand that hugs you from behind, and you know very well the owner of the delicate hands.
“Yah! Yah! Do it in the room, in the room, you two! I don’t care, I have a few spare empty rooms, just go and do your thing!” Xiumin suddenly pushes both of you.
“Hyung! It’s not like we’re doing anything here. We’re just hugging!” Baekhyun’s pout and his feet stomping make everyone burst into laughter.
The members are talking to each other while you and Baekhyun are catching up in the kitchen.
“I miss you, my love” Baekhyun gets closer to you. He plants a kiss on your forehead while continue hugging you. “I miss you too. You sent me a message yesterday. Is this what you mean by I’ll be home tomorrow for Halloween?” he nods at your question.
“Only one day? I thought your military service part doesn’t need to stay in the camp?”
“I really wanted to focus on my service. This is only done one time, and I don’t want to mess this up. I want to be someone that you can look up to. Plus, it’s less than 100 days, so I don’t want to make any things worst now” he explains more, and you finally understand his reason for staying in the camp instead of going home daily. “Can you hold on? It’s 98 days left.”
You bob your head. “It seems like you’ll be back in the camp, not our house….” You let out a sigh, but you can see him smiling.
“I’m here, my love. Of course, I’ll be sleeping at home tonight and tomorrow since it’s Halloween. We are given a day off, a bit more than a day, I guess. So, we have time to…. catch…. things…. up….” you start to giggle when you hear his voice tone goes down; you know well what is happening next.
To be continued….
Uploaded on: 30th October 2022
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sweet-teeth-mfs · 6 years
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This all started because of a dare, and for once, it wasn’t his idea. 
“What?” he asks, his words a little slurred from the kiss you’ve just stopped, “Here?” 
Sweet boy, you think, looking up into his face and seeing only a smirk, He thinks I’m joking. 
“Here,” you say, kissing him again as you lean against the car bonnet, your hands on the lapels of his leather jacket, “...I thought you wanted to be more adventurous? Didn’t you say you could fuck me anytime, anywhere?” 
He breaks apart from you, 
“I thought you meant IN the car!” he splutters, gesturing wildly at the vehicle now parked in the middle of the clearing, a vast view of the city laid out beyond you both. 
“Well, I guess at least no one could see us in there...” you agree, pretending to consider this, looking at the car and then nodding patronisingly at him, “...that would be safer,...if you’re worried.”
His face changes at this and you can see the stubborn streak practically leap right out of him. He grabs you, hoisting you up and onto the car, your ass hitting the now cold bonnet with a thud. You laugh at him but he’s already kissing you, his body moving to push between your legs, spreading you open. His tongue is deep in your mouth as you wrap your legs around his waist, and suddenly you can feel the warmth from his core as he presses into you, hard. 
His hands are vice like on you, and when he enters you, pushing your underwear aside roughly to make room for himself, it’s hard and shocking, making the breath in your throat disappear as he starts to fuck you. 
“Who’s worried now, huh?” he says, the smirk returning to his face. 
- Ask for Minho Anon ( @anonchoiminho ) w/ Oh Sehun. 🚗🔥💋✨
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kachuwritings · 6 years
They think you cheated on them but the guy you were with is actually your brother - EXO fake texts
anonymous asked: Hi can u do a fake text with each exo member where he think that you cheated on him but the guy he see was yout brother? Thanks
click for better resolution + some got a bit long
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a/n: I hope you like it anonie~♡
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bubblebaek27-blog · 6 years
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multi-fandom-slut · 6 years
What Exo-L’s sleep on
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If you’re not streaming for SOBA, please stream for our oldest member!
Knowing y'all I probably won't even get that much notes for this anyways smh
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thinkyoureholy · 6 years
Blood Lust [12]
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Pairing : Oh Sehun / Reader
Genre : Angst, Fluff, Vampire! AU
Words : 2k
Pt 1. Pt 2. Pt 3. Pt 4. Pt 5. Pt 6. Pt 7. Pt 8. Pt 9. Pt 10. Pt 11. Pt 12. Pt 13. Pt 14. Pt 15.
-Y/N's P.O.V-
I slumped back into my chair, letting the others use that as a sign to leave the room. I noticed two were simply standing there, hesitating for a few seconds. They were Luna and Lucca, a pair of twins. They were quite docile, Lucca more so than Luna. Luna though quite calm will not hesitate to say something if she disagrees with something. So it wasn't surprising to see that it was her that stepped forward. She kept her head bowed but raised it when she heard the sigh that fell from my lips.
“Our people...they're getting restless. They're not used to feeding on animals, the blood not being enough to quench their thirst.” She explained, the frown on her face letting me know just how bad it's gotten.
I sighed before looking down at the papers in front of me, my eyes eventually drifting over to Sehun who was standing by the door. He offered no words but what he did give me was a small smile and a subtle nod of his head. This told me that he trusted my judgment -- told me to go with my gut feeling.
“Let them feed on blood bags then... but not on humans directly. I won't have them harming another innocent human. You are to let them feed from blood bags only, if I hear of them drinking from a human directly the consequences have been made clear beforehand.” I said, my voice oozing with authority, “Use the bags until you can successfully transition them onto animal blood.”
Lucca shifted on his feet, as if he wanted to say something but his sister beat him to it, “I understand, we'll try our best.”
And with a bow they both turned to leave, leaving Sehun and I alone. Sehun still had that smile playing on his lips as he walked over to me. He leaned against the desk next to me as I looked up at him from my seat with an eyebrow raised.
“Y'know you say you don't want to be their leader but...you were born to lead.” He said as his smile grew into a full blown grin at seeing me roll my eyes.
“They're quick to follow anyone they don't know…” I said under my breath.
This caused him to chuckle, reaching over to grab my hand and pulled me up to stand. He moved me so I would stand in front of him, his hands coming up to rest on my waist. He leaned in, his head immediately going to the crook of my neck. I felt his breath on the side of my neck, his lips brushing against the sensitive skin lightly causing a chill to go down my spine.
“We're...simple creatures…” He said softly, his voice low as he planted a gentle and chaste kiss on my neck.
Before it could go any further there was a knock on the door. I pulled away from Sehun, telling whoever was at the door to come in. Chanyeol popped his head in before walking in, a smug smirk on his face as he looked at Sehun for a few seconds. His gaze then moved to me, the smirk on his face turning into a gentle smile.
“Ready for your lessons?” He asked, a frown finding its way onto Sehun's face as he narrowed his eyes at Chanyeol.
“I would've been perfectly okay to teach you.” Sehun mumbled, glaring slightly at Chanyeol, “Pull your punches a little, Park. Go at her like you did yesterday and you'll be answering to me.”
Chanyeol rolled his eyes at him, “And this is exactly why you're not the one training her. She'd learn nothing if you went easier on her all the time.”
“Alright let's go before you two start going at it like yesterday.” I said quickly, grabbing Chanyeol's arm and dragging him out of the room.
I groaned low in my throat as I landed on the ground with a thud, glaring at Chanyeol as he ended the fight with his claws at my neck. I pushed his hand away, getting up on my own as I was hyper aware of the audience that had gathered around us. I took my stance again, watching a small smirk make its way onto his face.
“Stay focused now, Y/N.”
I let out a deep breath, taking the first swing at him. He dodged out of the way, swinging low and hitting me directly in the stomach. I stumbled back but I didn't have enough time to dwell on the pain for long as he landed a blow to my jaw, giving me that little push as I fell to the ground. Before he could even think to hit me again I was quick to get back on my feet, creating a bit of a distance between the two of us. I could taste blood on my tongue from the hit he delivered to my face, spitting it out before I went at him again. I made it seem like I was going for his face again but at the very last second I brought my leg up and kicked at his side, watching him slam into a nearby tree. He took some time to recover, giving me the opportunity to go at him again. This time I aimed a kick at his head. Though he seemed like he wasn't going to be able to dodge or block my attack on time he managed to do so. He brought his hand up, grabbing my ankle tightly and swung me around so my back hit the trunk of the tree harshly. He pinned my back to the tree with his arm going across my shoulders. I tried getting out of his grasp but he was using all his strength to keep me there.
“Is that all you got? Are you gonna let them see you get bested this easily?” He said in a harsh tone, his eyes and fangs on full display, “Show them what kind of vampire you are. Show them you're worth following. Show them what Knights are made of.”
At his last sentence I felt myself shift, a type of growl leaving my mouth as I pushed him away from me. I closed my eyes, trying to get myself back under control but I wasn't able to as I heard him come at me. I opened my eyes quickly, moving out of the way and spinning on my heel, clawing at his back. He hissed out in pain, turning around quickly and kicking my legs out from under me. Before I could hit the ground I brought my hand out, using it to push myself away from the ground and brought my feet up and kicked out at his chest.
“That's it! Fight back! Get angry!”
I shook my head slightly, trying to shift back before he came at me again but like before I didn't get the chance to do so. I heard him run at me again, knowing he was going to hit me hard. My instincts kicked in, as I swiveled around on one leg, keeping the other planted as I moved out of the way of his attack. But he was faster than I thought as he landed a quick punch to my jaw. In my shifted form all logic left me, the only thing on my mind was to survive. My punches got harder, my movements quicker as my fight with Chanyeol dragged on. What seemed like hours was only minutes as our movements started to blur. I blocked out everyone around me, focusing on Chanyeol entirely. As we fought I was picking apart his weaknesses. I noticed he favored using attacks that used his right arm and leg, his attacks using his left arm and leg significantly weaker. He was strong, very strong but his speed was lacking. I felt a surge of energy run through me as I zoned in on his left arm as he was mid swing. I brought my hand up to grab his fist, twisting his arm harshly. A loud crack was heard when I twisted his arm, Chanyeol falling to his knees but I wasn't finished with him. I reached down and grabbed his neck with my clawed hands, lifting him up off the floor and slamming him up against a tree. He tried clawing at my hand but I didn't let up, letting my claws dig into his skin.
“Y/N stop!” I heard Sehun yell at me but I was stuck in some sort of trance.
I wasn't going to stop until his blood coated my hands while I stood over his dead body. I was out for blood and I was going to get it. I brought my other hand up to his chest, just over his heart. Ever so slowly I started digging my claws into his skin, a wicked smile forming on my face at the groan of pain that left his lips. But I wasn't satisfied, I wanted more. I sunk my claws into his skin deeper, a crazed look in my eye as I finally heard his scream. Just as my whole hand was about to go through his chest I felt someone grab my wrist. I turned to them, ready to kill them for interfering but felt my face fall at noticing that it was Sehun. The look in his eyes had me shift back immediately, coming back to my senses.
“I think that's enough for today.” He said softly, pulling my fingers out of Chanyeol chest and neck, Chanyeol collapsing as soon as he did.
I stumbled back, looking at the blood that coated my fingers with wide eyes. My knees began to feel like jelly but before I could collapse Sehun reached out to grab me, keeping me up right. He place a hand on my bicep and wrapped the other around my shoulder, turning me around and led me back to the house. My gaze moved from my fingers to the crowd that had formed, watching as some bowed their heads in fear while others stared at me with a newfound admiration. I couldn't bare to look at them anymore as I bowed my own head, letting my hair create a curtain over my face.
I hadn't even noticed that we were inside already until Sehun sat me down. I kept my head hanging forward, staring down at the blood that stained my fingers.
I felt my hands start to shake, my thoughts beginning to run wild. Just as the thoughts were getting to be particularly bad I felt Sehun cup my face in both of his hands, forcing me to look at him. I wasn't able to look at him for long, my eyes starting to dart from place to place, never staying on one spot for long.
“Hey, look at me.” He said gently, brushing my hair out of my face and behind my ears.
I looked at him briefly before having my eyes dart away. He sighed heavily, opting to bring me into his embrace instead. As soon as I felt his arms around me I brought my hands up, fisting the fabric of his shirt tightly.
“I-I could've killed him…”
“But you didn't.” He responded immediately, his tone of voice soft.
“I-I don't know what happened. I lost myself -- I wasn't me anymore. S-Sehun I could've killed Chanyeol, I...I wanted to kill him so bad.”
Sehun held onto me tighter at hearing that, a shaky breath leaving his lips. I didn't know what he was thinking but I didn't have the luxury of wondering as my own thoughts started flooding my head. If I continued doing this I knew I'd lose the part of me I held precious, the part that still believed I was human. I knew the moment I lost myself and killed someone, someone close to me I'd become the very thing I hated the most, a monster.
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exosanus · 7 years
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Me doing a dubbletake when i saw sehun going shirtless
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