#I decided how i want his revealed and its achivable
evermorethecrow · 11 months
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ryahlii · 4 years
The Hound of Baker Street
Part 1/? from ryahlii on achive of our own
John Watson got a therapy dog for Sherlock. In secret.
A secret dog.
A secret fucking therapy dog.
Standing in front of the apartment’s chipping door, John is clenching the leash and a shiny plastic bag trailing a crinkly reciept, his fingers slick with sweat and his heart beating fast, too fast. It’s like a little hummingbird trapped in the cage of his ribs and as he winds the ridged fabric around and around his palm, he hesitates. Doubt is like a spider creeping up the nape of his neck and his thoughts are suddening a thousand tiny bugs buzzing pinging inside his skull.
What if he doesn’t like dogs? Why didn’t he ask? Oh god, he should’ve asked!
You’ve reached a new kind of idiocy, John. A bloody new kind of stupid.
Because this— This was stupid. He crosses his arms over his body in a sort of self-hug, feeling the contents of the bag knock together in a little chime of discomfort. Goddammit, it's too late to go back now. And looking at the floppy brown dog standing next to him, he's not even sure he wants to.
Open the door for Christ sakes. Explain yourself!
John pushes the door, watching as it swings open to reveal the room, empty save for the remnants of some sort experiment that had been left to stew in the compacted kitchen. The smell wafts over like some sort of unwelcome moth, and he groans, running a hand through his hair.
“Utter cock.”
Sherlock’s not even there.
The dog looks at him, tail wagging hopefully and he pats the top of its fuzzy head, trying to calm his exasperation. Of course, he’s not here. Why did he think he’d even be here? Now he had to wait there for who-knows-how-long, with the horrible anticipation festering in his gut as Sherlock pranced around in who-knows-where, doing who-knows-what. Maybe that's a little unfair, but John isn't really feeling fair anyway.
“Mrs. Hudson?”, He calls down the stairs.
There’s a beat and he had just begun to suspect that she wasn’t home either but then a delicate tinkle sounds from the kitchen. Startled, his heart jumps into his throat and he rushes in, the dog padding alongside him. In the messy room, he finds Mrs. Hudson standing over a broken teacup, dismay painted over her face, her hand poised in astonishment. She takes several steps, backing into the overwhelmed cupboards before meeting John’s eyes. She smiles, looking sheepish.
“Oh, hello dear.”
“What…” He looks at her, nonplussed. “What are you doing in our kitchen?”
“Ah well, Sherlock just left. You know how he is, always dashing about! But he was in a bit of a state—” , She ignores John’s expression and rambles on. “So I decided to just pop on in and have a look, see if he was back up on his habits, you know.”
“Christ. Did you find anything?”
“Couple of needles, but it wasn’t much. I reckon he just got bored again. I was going to fix him a cuppa, for when he gets back but…” She trails off and looks at the porcelain shards scattered on the floor. A severed finger is just visible, peeking out from the white powder. “There was already something in it.”
John frowns, worry creasing his brow. He wanted to go out to find Sherlock and make sure he was alright. Despite the lack of drugs in the kitchen, there were sure to be more stashed away in the crevices of the apartment. Once he had found a syringe, already fitted with its sharp counterpart, tucked away in the folds of the couch. He had nearly sat on it.
However, a small sense of reason tugged on his sleeve. If Sherlock was, in fact, far gone to the junky limbo of morphine or cocaine, Mycroft would have been sure to tell him, already immersed by shiny screens and fingers tap-tap-tapping at keys. Sherlock had been getting better, too. Slowly, painstakingly, and littered manic highs and lows, he had actually begun to try.
Sighing John ran a tired hand over his eyes. He gestured meekly towards the shattered pieces and sighs. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll clean it up.”
His cell phone pings.
John jams his hand into his pocket so fast that a thread pops loose, hooking under his nail. Shaking it free, he opens the message, hoping for news about Sherlock. The message fills his screen but brings forth nothing but disappointment in the tense room.
Hospital. Emergency, come now.
“Oh no, no, no. Bugger off will you?”, John yanks his coat off a chair, mumbling. “I am so so sorry, Mrs. Hudson. Can you watch the dog till I get back?”
He hardly notices as she twitches slightly, giving a stiff nod that seemed to tell the opposite of what a nod should, instead hiding the fact that she would much rather leave the dog to its own doings, in the upstairs flat. John thrusts the leash into her hands and hastens for the door, apologetically. Nodding at the dirty finger of which the dog was looking a little too keen on, he shudders. “You don’t have to clean that. Just keep the dog away from it.”
“Bye, now!”
Read more on ao3! My username is ryahlii
and please please if you do read it, I live for those kudos. Also I’m open for requests! xxx
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Why she disappeared ( part 3 )
Today was the day of Taylors materinity announcement photoshot. She got up before Joe, got ready. She picked out her favorite pastel pink dress that hugged all of the right curves, her baby bump in all of the right areas. She picked out a few more dresses to change into. She combed out the curly rats nests in her blonde hair, as it waves in 50 different directions no matter how she tried to flatten it. She got a text from tree with more details. The photographer was going to meet them at the house. She was going to have the shoot set up in the backyard. She picked out two tiny pink shoes to do the reveal, along with the very first ultrasound picture. She still couldnt believe that in a few short hours the entire world will be meeting there newest addition to there growing family. She decided on adding her cats in the shoot but only if they behave. Joe woke up a few minutes later, rubbed his tired eyes. He rolled over and saw his girlfriend who looked radiant in that dress. He crawled out of the covers, puts his favorite pair of slippers on, walks over to her, kisses her neck and shoulders. She closes her eyes, already feeling turned on by the slightest of touches. She needed to focus and not be late for this photoshoot. "Babe, you need to get ready." "Can we delay it for five more minutes,drag you back into that bed with me instead." She was tempted to have a quick makeout session before hand, but there wont be enough time. She didnt want to feel rushed or pressured. Though her hormones were driving her insane. She rubbed her belly, ignored his attempts. "Babe, the photographer will be bere in less then two hours, get ready." "Oh alright, I better get ready. Is there any chance you want to join me in the shower?." Taylor laughed as she rolled her eyes at him, points him directly to the bathroom. She went downstairs and made a pot of cofee, eggs, baccon, for breakfast. She ate like a horse to keep this baby girl of hers satified. She was trying to hide her nerves the closer the time got. Joe joined her in the kitchen, wraps his arms around her neck. "Whats wrong love?. you seem tense." "I dont know if I want to do this. I mean we have kept this pregancy a secret for almost 5 months. Im scared." Joe rubs her shoulders, she tensed up almost every musscel in her body. She stepped away from the media scene. She did not miss the rummors, or speckulations, or choas that surrounded her. She was going to bring this baby of theres into this world, before she is born. she flips the baccon, eggs over before they burned. "I can always call tree, cancle it if your not ready to do this." "No dont do that, he went through a lot of trouble for us. Besides I owe my fans this. I promised them that they would be the first to know." "Just relax, focus on all the fun youll have. I hear that this photographer is amazing." Taylor was not sure if this photographer will know what to expect until they walk through the door, stare at her big belly. She needed to trust joes words, relax and just have fun. She couldnt wait to post this on her instagram and share the news with her fans. After breakfast, The photographer showed up. The woman set up in the backyard, talked momentarly with the mom to be. She did Justin Timberlake and his wife Jeessica Beils birth announcements. That made her feel more comfortable. The woman was excited that her publicist told her that this shoot was with Taylor swift. She was a huge fan of the popstar. She kept things very professional. The singer was kind, gnetal and very hospitable. She was glowing in her pregancy, it was pretty obvious. "Miss Swift are you ready to get started?." "Yes, I am. Sorry I took so long, I was scared to do this." "Its okay, A lot of first time mothers get scared. Just relax and have fun." Thats exactly what joe told her to do. Its like this photographer can read her mind. She took off her coat, sat on the pavement with her legs crossed together, smiled. She leans up against the fence, tucked her long blonde hair across her shoulders, as the wind blew. After the first half of the photoshoot, Joe joined Taylor, did a couple of cute pictures of just the two of them. He wrapped his hands ontop of her belly and held the soft pink shoes, ultrasound. He enjoyed doing his with his girlfriend. They were a natural at it. They took over 50 pictures. they could pick out which ones they liked most. Taylor liked the one of them kissing, he liked the one where she is holding her cats, She agreed that one should be added to the hallway. Her favorite one was the one where He held the pink shoes ontop of her belly as they snuggled into each others necks. They picked out a few more to give out to there friends and families. He wanted to mail some to his parents. They could not be here to see this. She even did a sit down interview, talked about her music, and her pregnacy. How they managed to keep it a secret for almost 5 months. *** No ones point of view. "So Taylor, how are you feel so far?." "I am getting better, but the morning sickness likes to ruin my day and kick me down for several hours. I have a lovely boyfriend who has been here for me through this whole thing." "Why did you and Joe decied on keep this a secret?." "We were not trying to keep it a secret from everyone else, It was a choice that we made so I can just focus on the pregancy, avoid getting stressed out from fake stories, hatred that can have negative effects on my confidance. I wanted to thank the fans who have been so paitent and loyal to me all these years. I promise them that there will be new music coming after my daughter is born." "When are you due?." "Decemeber 13, Ironic right?. considering that is my lucky number, I am praying that I dont go into labor on my birthday." She giggled like a little school girl. "How do you plan on balancing your carrer and motherhood?." "Im not exactly sure on how I will handle both, but there is a balance to everything that all natural mothers have. I am sure that I can juggle this and my carrer. I have my families support and my manangers, my boyfriends love and passion for me to succeed in anything that I choose to do. I want to show my daughter that she can do anything your heart desires to achive." "Do you and Joe plan on getting married before your daughter is born?." "I dont plan on answering that question, but yes we have talked about getting married down the road." "Im so sorry, I should have asked before my filter interupts our interview with all of these personal questions." "Its okay, you are just doing your job." "Thank you Miss swift, thats very sweet." "No problem." **** Taylor was proped up on her bed as a white-fluffy cat sat beside her, as Oliva purrs happily. She watched curiously while the singer goes through the number of photos on her laptop. How can people narrow this down?. She has like over 50 to pick from. You may as well be deciding on which one was your favorite. Joe came into the room, with a tray of his girlfriends favorite foods. He did not want to interupt her creative process. She needed to eat. The smell of food got her attention. "How are things going in here?." "I can decied on which pictures to use." He climbed on the bed, snuggles besides her and Oliva. He scrolls through the file, points to the one where he is holding the two pink shoes. She liked that one as well. Taylor uploads the picture on her twitter, instagram, and tumblr. She captions it "I am so sorry I have dropped off the map. I wanted to let my fans know that there is a new addition on the way. Joe and i are expecting our first baby girl together on Decemember 13th. I cant wait to go on this amazing journey with you guys." XOXO Taylor. She copied and past the note and shared it on her instagram and tumblr accounts.
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drunkwalkhme · 7 years
Tagged by @kombuchaitea (thank you <333)
The Proust Questionnaire has its origins in a parlor game popularized (though not devised) by Marcel Proust, the French essayist and novelist, who believed that, in answering these questions, an individual reveals his or her true nature.
1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?
being able to enjoy every tiny moment without being sad about something that’s passed or nervous about something yet to happen, and also sharing the happiness with people i love.
2. What is your greatest fear? Being so lost i have no ideia what to do\ that the effort i put into life will have no results
3. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? not being able to be fully myself around people and really just being such a fucking coward
4. What is the trait you most deplore in others?
lack of empathy
5. Which living person do you most admire? I think anyone who fights to be who they are and face life every single day as hard as it is. 
6. What is your greatest extravagance?
the books i don’t need and am always buying
7. What is your current state of mind? anxious and kinda trapped inside something, wanting to be free of my own mind probably
8. What do you consider the most overrated virtue? the concept of honor seems a little ???? to me sometimes
9. On what occasion do you lie? usually something small about myself that i think people will find unpleasant?
10. What do you most dislike about your appearance? my hands and arms
11. Which living person do you most despise?
toxic people who blame others for everything and make them feel unworthy of love 
12. What is the quality you most like in a man? (that was so hard to think of i swear) humbleness i think
13. What is the quality you most like in a woman? bravery, kindness, softness, empathy 
14. Which words or phrases do you most overuse? “like???????” anything with ????? “amazing” “tho” “ughh” “aww” (good vocabulary, i’d say)
15. What or who is the greatest love of your life?
music that is able to get inside your heart, finished fanfics, fresh flowers, THE OCEAN
16. When and where were you happiest?
The question immediatly reminded me of florence’s concert on lolla last year because ??? bitch i was there can you believe? i can’t either. I’m also my best when i go to the beach or some place with a lot of nature and not much noise
17. Which talent would you most like to have? Playing piano, singing well (i do like to sing but singing well is something else), paiting on canvas, acting
18. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? i wouldn’t complain so much and would be able to put my feelings into words
19. What do you consider your greatest achievement? i think i understand a lot more now than i did before, and i’ve learned how to treat people better and be kind. i still have a lot to learn tho, but i also speak musch better than i used to.
20. If you were to die and come back as a person or a thing, what would it be? A horse or a dolphin
21. Where would you most like to live? I like living where i live, but i would love to travel everywhere
22. What is your most treasured possession? my plants and books and rings 
23. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
not having energy to do even the things you love most
24. What is your favorite occupation?
25. What is your most marked characteristic?
introverted, not getting angry easily, anxious, smile and laugh too much, boring
26. What do you most value in your friends? everything
27. Who are your favorite writers? Virginia Woolf, Clarice Lispector and William Shakespeare
28. Who is your hero of fiction? hamlet?
29. Which historical figure do you most identify with? All of those who were burned as witches, bye
30. Who are your heroes in real life? I’m not sure i have one
31. What are your favorite names? Helena and Arthur
32. What is it that you most dislike? onions (i was going to awnser something more serious but i decided to go with this because it’s serious enough)
33. What is your greatest regret?
Not doing or saying tings i wanted to when i got the chance
34. How would you like to die? content with my achivments and sleeping
35. What is your motto? “I am the sea and nobody owns me” or “It’s always darkest before the dawn”
I’m not going to tag anyone this time, but please feel free to do it! <3
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