#I didn't expect webber to be that cute
ultimateanthropoll · 11 months
Massacre Round 5: Bugs...?
Bug (bug; Starship) vs. Webber the Indigestible (spider; Don't Starve Together) vs. Kani Maki (crab; Sushi Pack)
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Submitters say:
"This was originally for Wortox from the same game, but then I thought about Webber and realized I don't care jack compared to Webber. Webber is just a little guy, he's so innocent and precious and doesn't deserve to be in The Constant. His favorite food is Ice Cream, is best friends with depression incarnate, Wendy, and for his character refresh, he got the ability to GIVE SPIDERS HATS, DECORATE DENS, AND MAKE SPIDER THEMED COOKIES!!! Just go to the gallery section of the wiki, I BEG YOU" (Webber)
"yeah she's obscure but I've been obsessing over sushi pack recently and it won't leave my head" (Kani Maki)
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the-valiant-valkyrie · 9 months
(Same Webber anon AGAIN I’m so sorry)
You were so right for saying how post/present constant Webber wouldn’t want to turn back. Old Webber never got any attention from his father, Old Webber lived on a farm, getting most of his company from his mom, his grandpa, and the goats. New Webber. Spider Webber has friends, he has family, he has over 7 adults all concerned with his survival and safety. (Assuming all the survivors live in 1 camp) he has at least one canonical friend in Wendy, they have tea parties and dress up to look like each other (Wendy’s quote for the top hat and the switcherdoodles), Wendy dares him to drink growth formula.
In the Wurt short we see the spiders are at least sort of like cats!! They bat at each other and hiss like 2 cats fighting because one was just a bit too close to the other. And we see a spider leave to the den, TO GO HANG OUT WITH WEBBER!!!!! His spiders are happy to be his allies!!! They’re happy with his decorations on the den!! Hell, in Don’t Starve, he probably died with his spiders, and they just ate the corpse, because that’s what spiders do!!!!
So yes. You are so right in saying that Webber wouldn’t want to turn back into a non-hybrid.
Again. I am so sorry for ranting, have a good day
no youre so real. you have to speak ur truth. i don't hear anyone else talk abt webber very much so i'm willing 2 support webber propaganda
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lovelytsunoda · 5 months
nation of two // oscar piastri
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summary: a camping trip in perth, and a set of missing sleeping bags brings together a pair of childhood friends in a way neither of them had quite anticipated
pairing: oscar piastri x female reader
warnings: lando being a little shit, wee lil' age gap (reader is a year and a half older than oscar is), general outdoorsy activities, forced teambuilding. for all intents and purposes, this is in the very beginning of lando and oscar's time as teammates and they don't know each other well yet.
authors note: I was so tempted to make this a fic for a different fandom but knew y’all would hate me if I started dropping top gun fics out of nowhere instead of the f1 goodness you’ve come to expect, and then this prompt was just so perfect for oscar and now here we are
the australian sun beat down as she trekked up the rocky hiking trail, rugged outdoor shoes digging into the dirt and mud beneath her feet. sweat soaked through the back of her concert shirt, her black bucket hat concentrating all of the sun's rays on her scalp.
"jesus, piastri! how much further?" she whined, taking oscar's outstretched hand and allowing him to pull her up the trail.
oscar laughed, looking over and grinning at how ridiculous she looked with her massive backpack and sweat stained shirt, the hot pink of her sports bra showing through the white fabric underneath the words 'duran duran'.
"don't be such a baby!"
"i'm older than you!" she shreiked, feeling the burn in her legs as she rested her weight on the younger boy. "carry me the rest of the way?"
"no! you have to get to the lookout yourself."
she groaned, rolling her eyes. "then where are lando and will? i'll sit in the damn wagon if i have to. how are you not winded?"
she hadnt planned to even be here. oscar had phoned her late the night before, asking if she would be up for a hike. she'd agreed, searching for a reason to get out of the house. it wasnt like she had anything better to do.
she'd known oscar all her life. in elementray school, they waited for the big yellow bus at the same stop, and were in the same homeroom for most of secondary school with oscar taking advanced classes for his age and y/n sinking down a level in maths, despite oscar's many absences. their mothers were in the same knitting club, and many a night teenage oscar would apologetically come to her house and collect his wine-drunk mother from the knitting circle. (despite it all, she loved nicole. how could she not, the woman was an icon)
"because i'm an athlete and you're out of shape?" oscar guessed jokingly, prodding at the cute pudge of her stomach.
the action gave her butterflies, a feeling in her stomach that wasn't welcome when thinking about the younger man she was leaning against.
they'd always been friendly. too friendly, some may say, eyebrows raising when people heard about the age gap. what did a sophisticated older woman want with oscar piastri?
it was simple: she liked stupid men with hearts of gold. and so far, nobody had compared to the 21-year-old. she was 22, so the gap wasn't even that bad.
and oscar didn't really think she was out of shape. he might joke, but that small bit of pudge on her stomach was so adorable, like a kangaroo pouch in his head, and he dreamed about the day he could cuddle up behind her and wrap his arms around it, skin to skin between cotton sheets.
"shut up." she whined, relieved that the group had finally stopped. she flung down her badly-packed and underprepared rucksack and slumped against it, pulling her hat over her eyes. it was getting cooler, though still humid, as the sun began to sink below the horizon.
"i think it's time we think about making camp." mark webber suggested, stretching out his old man limbs, tapping the giant stick he held as a walking aid against a rock. "this is as good a spot as any. lando, do you have the sleeping bags?"
"do i have the sleeping bags?" lando repeated jokingly. "what kind of muppet do you think that i am? of course will and i have the sleeping bags!"
the mclaren driver sidestepped towards the wooden wagon, dramatically ripping back the tarp on top to reveal the cardboard tent box (which had been duct taped back together so many times that it was more tape than cardboard) and the clusters of rolled up sleeping bags.
one by one, lando and will started tossing the bags at the hikers. in almost no time at all, everybody had a sleeping bag.
well, everybody except y/n.
"oi, orlando, what the fuck!" she shouted, deliberately getting his name wrong. "where's my stuff?"
not looking sorry at all, lando shrugged his shoulders, eyes hidden underneath the brim of his bucket hat. "i guess i miscounted."
"you didn't miscount shit." she glared at him, using both of her hands to flash the man her middle fingers.
lando stifled a laugh, looking over at oscar. "are you sure she's the older one?"
"lando, shove off." oscar defended before turning to her. "my sleeping bag is a double, we'll be just fine. as long as lando hasn't lost the second tent."
y/n chuckled darkly, using the rock behind her to push herself to her feet. "the tent is in my rucksack. there's no way in hell that i'm sleeping on the dirt floor."
"princess." lando coughed into his fist, hoping that neither oscar or y/n noticed.
see, lando norris had a plan. a plan that was formed out of one too many rom com nights with his girlfriend, and an impatience born from watching y/n and oscar run circles around each other like horny dogs too nervous to get to humping.
the way lando saw it, hiding the sleeping bag was just going to help that along.
"anyways, im heading out." y/n sighed, getting to her feet and brushing the leaves and twigs off her thighs. "you freaks better not follow me into the woods and watch me piss."
oscar watched her leave with a dreamy expression as she pushed branches out of the way, stumbling over tree roots and branches. he saw her loose her footing in the mud , scraping the side of her knee on the tree bark.
"you okay?" oscar shouted, ready to jump into the woods after her.
"i'm fine!"
when she came back from the woods, legs slightly scratched up from the way she stumbled, hat dangling from the chinstrap around her neck and her sweat-matted hair falling down her shoulders. oscar was setting up the tent, shirtless as he hammered the tent stakes in place. all in all, the tent was fairly well constructed considering that oscar had done it all himself.
"so, your new teammate is a jackass." she laughed. "who suggested this trip?"
"i did. against my better judgment." oscar rolled his eyes, straightening up at dusting off his hands before peeling back the zipper door to the orange tent. "welcome to my humble abode. ladies first, your highness."
"oh, shut up." she laughed, her face turning pink as she ducked into the tent.
it was a large space, backlit by the battery powered lantern from oscar's rucksack. the soft yellow lighting made their shadows dance as she sat down on the double sized sleeping bag, unsure of what to do next.
they hadn't shared a bed since they were sixteen years old on a joint family trip to fiji and they had been so drunk that they fell asleep together on a sun lounger.
it's okay. you can do this.
"can i have the right side?" she asked timidly as oscar followed her in, zipping up the door behind him.
"knock yourself out." oscar said, avoiding eye contact as he reached into his backpack and passing her a bag of cheetos.
the proximity and the rising heat in the tent was starting to make him uncomfortable. no doubt he was also thinking about the sun lounger.
"i'm glad that you came. i missed spending time with you, y/n."
she laughed, popping the bag open and cursing when she spilled orange cheese dust on her leg. "me too. i've been at a loss lately. a crossroads, if you will. this is exactly what i needed to get out of my head."
"remember what mark said? leave your problems at the bottom of the mountain!" oscar laughed. "just put one foot in front of you and keep moving.''
she grinned, popping a crispy cheeto into her mouth. "easier said than done when thinking about the future paralyzes you."
oscar moved his body along the sleeping bag so that he was sitting directly next to her, his thigh touching hers. the sleeping bag took up most of the floor space, neither of them wanting to lean back, lest they cause the whole tent to topple over.
the feeling of his skin against hers made the hair on her arms stand up, goosebumps following in its wake.
"you'll figure it out. i know you will. have some faith in yourself."
the way the led lantern highlighted every pore, every contour of his skin should have been reserved for the film crew on fifty shades of grey. he looked so breathtaking in the dark that it had just that effect: taking all of her breath away. she felt like she'd been hit in the lungs, unable to think about anything except the greek god in front of her.
and she was going to have cheeto breath when she kissed him.
outside the tent, their silhouettes danced in the half light as she leaned towards him, lips moving to whisper something inaudible but that the aussie seemed to understand instantly, wrapping his hands around her waist to pull her closer.
and when oscar kissed her? she forgot all her worries, this airy feeling spreading throughout her body. the skin around their lips would be stained from the cheetos, as would the sleeping bag where the bag toppled over, but neither of them could find it in them to care, too lost in the others touch as oscar's calloused fingers ran up her t-shirt, gently squeezing the part of her stomach that made her the most self-conscious,
"you're beautiful. and smart. and brilliant. and i'm sorry that nobody has ever told you that." he whispered in his kiss, his tongue licking into her mouth. he growled at the taste of cheetos, something that was suddenly so much sexier than he had ever believed it could be.
"shut up." she blushed, kissing him again.
outside the tent, lando and will sat by a crackling fire, watching the embers rise in the air and wondering if the pair knew that the lantern allowed them to see everything through the tent walls.
"i knew he had it in him." lando laughed. "look at the little guy go."
"should we tell him about the lantern?" will chuckled, popping a marshmallow into his mouth.
"nah. they'll figure it out in a minute when we all start wolf whistling."
@magnummagnussen @httpiastri @sidcrosbyspuck @twinkodium @thatsdemko @userlando @libraryofloveletters @diorleclerc @lorarri
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junkiespromise · 2 months
Jake Webber x rockstar reader
also, remember that requests are open !!
jake webber x fem!rockstar!reader
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You guys totally meet at a gig your band does at some random venue in LA.
He has been listening to your music for a while but had never gone to a show
When he finds out your band is performing at like sunset strip he is getting tickets right away
He's dragging Johnnie with him too
After some songs, he ends up front row right infront of you
Literally a wattpad story, you would find yourself looking right to him throughout the entire show.
You wink at him from stage, and he literally thinks he is hallucinating.
He leaves the venue to smoke a cigarette of course while Johnnie is probably fixing his hair in the bathroom
When you come out of the venue you see him leaning against a wall and you knew that was your chance
You go up to him and start chatting with him while your bandmates wait up for you
You guys end up exchanging numbers because besides from super cute he was hilarious too
You probably text him first because after two days he doesn't text you
He didn't text you because he was literally afraid of fucking it up
But when he gets your message, he is relieved
If you hadn't felt a connection before, you definitely felt it now.
You hang out like three or four times a week usually just listening to music and talking about life
Never getting bored of each other's presence
When you finally get together, both of your fans can't believe he pulled you
For real surprised
But the moment you both record a vlog eating food in his car everyone is obsessed with your dynamic
Everyone thinks you are so cute
Writing love songs all the time about him and being super obvious about it
Getting him and his friends free tickets to your gigs
Going to classic rockstar parties but never leaving each others side
He WORSHIPS you, like every little thing you ask him to get you he is doing it right away
You BETTER expect him at every single gig your band does, he will be there, backstage, front row doesn't matter
Surprises you on your anniversary when you can't make it because you are touring around the country
All in all a perfect relationship, he is your number one fan boy.
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sh4wty18 · 4 days
can you please do jake webber best friends to lovers. like jakes been y/ns best friend since they were kids and neither of them knew they liked eachother until they went to a party and all that. and then add some cute lil smut in there as well but theyre both virgins. ❤️thank uuu:)
omg im so sorry for the delayed response, i was not motivated to write for a while! i hope you enjoy :)
best friend.
pairing: jake webber x reader
summary: same as request except i didn't include the smut <3
cw: fluff, language, alcohol, some spice/suggestive ending but nothing too crazy
word count: 2.5k + edited
Since your childhood, Jake has been your best friend. You’d grown up together in Kansas, and being the only two “alternative” people at your middle and high schools, you stuck together. He’d always been the person you leaned on, and you were the same for him. Time didn’t seem to exist when you two were together, you could talk for hours and never get bored. Both your parents had expected you to end up dating eventually, and were shocked that after over ten years, it still hadn’t happened. But everyone always said you were soulmates, in one way or another. 
When Jake got famous, you were so proud of him. It had been his dream for years, he’d been posting little vlogs for a while, and sometimes you were even featured in them. But meeting Sam & Colby had caused his career to skyrocket. Then he moved to LA to keep pursuing his dream, and of course you supported him. You wanted all the success in the world for him, so you said goodbye. 
You made a point to visit him as often as possible, which he loved. You loved seeing him, and sometimes being featured in his videos. Being a side character in his on-screen persona had garnered you your own little fandom, and people loved seeing “with y/n!” attached to his video titles. Being famous was never your “thing”, though; it was Jake’s, and you respected him for it. You were happy with your small subset of fans, and couldn’t imagine constantly being scrutinized by millions of people. Jake’s rising stardom had no effect on your friendship, and now, after many long years of hard work, he is finally gaining the recognition you had hoped he’d receive since you were kids. 
With his newfound rise in fame came more money, and in turn, a bigger house in LA. Some time after his break up with Tara, Jake had asked you to move in with him and Johnnie. You worked from home, and had been visiting him so much that you practically lived with him part-time already, so of course you’d said yes. 
What he didn’t know was that for the last three years, you have been completely and hopelessly in love with him. You didn’t know why or when it started, really. You just knew that one day, seeing him kiss Tara made you want to rip your heart out. Obviously you never told him, you could never do that to him. He was in love with Tara, and you loved and respected him too much to ever come between them. You had also become friends with Tara, and would never want to hurt her. So you yearned in silence, fully believing you were going to go to take your feelings to the grave. Their breakup was unexpected, and despite being irrevocably in love with Jake, you weren’t happy about it. Seeing your best friend in pain was the worst feeling ever, so you made sure to help him through all the ups and downs until he and Tara were comfortably friends again. 
Moving in with him may not have been the best thing for your romantic feelings, but your friendship is stronger than ever. You are constantly together, and knowing how affectionate the two of you are, you’re always touching, too. Whether it be a finger linked through the belt loop, hands intertwined, leaning on each other’s shoulder, hugging from behind, or cuddled up on the couch, you always have to have your hands on each other. Jake wasn’t very drawn to physical touch with many people, only his closest friends, which made you feel special. You loved that the only people he acted like this with were you and Johnnie. And even though he was touchy with Johnnie, it was nowhere near the level of touchiness he had with you. Some people say your relationship is weird, too close, or codependent, but you guys just laugh it off. You didn’t care if people understood, you loved each other, full stop. 
For the past three years you have wanted more, desperately so. But you knew that Jake didn’t feel the same, so learning how to separate your romantic and platonic feelings for him was a challenge. You would never want to do anything to potentially ruin your perfect friendship, though, so you learned quickly.
This would all change tonight. 
You and Jake had been curled up in his bed together under a mountain of fluffy blankets, watching one of your favorite movies, when he turned to you.  
“Tara is having a party tonight at her place, if you wanna be my plus one,” He smiled, always excited to ask you to be his plus one to events.
One of the many life changes that occurred when you moved to LA was that you were now roped into “events” way more often than you were used to. Whether it be casual parties, brand deal socials, or filming videos, you were involved in more social interaction than you’d ever been exposed to back home. You were much more introverted than Jake, and the changes were sudden, but you were slowly getting the hang of it. Plus, Jake loved when you were involved, he wanted you to be there. You loved making him happy, so you were hardly one to say no. That being said, the once small group of fans you’d garnered from being featured in Jake’s early videos was not-so-little anymore, and you were gaining quite the following. This had never been the life you’d wanted per se, but it was growing on you. 
You turned your head towards Jake’s and smiled back at him, “Of course I’ll go with you.” 
He blushed, “Yayyyy, I love my best friend!” He squealed in a silly high pitched voice, and you giggled. You wrapped your arm around his waist and buried your head against his neck, spooning him for the rest of the movie. 
After it ended you let go of his waist to go get ready for the party, which elicited a whine from Jake, “Aww, I was comfy,” He pouted and let out a huff. 
You laugh, “We can cuddle later! I have to go get sexy for tonight,” You joke. 
“You always look sexy, we’re wasting valuable bestie nap time,” he gave you puppy eyes, and you blushed. It was the first time he’d ever called you sexy. 
“Don’t look at me like that,” You giggle, and look away, trying to hide your pink cheeks and hot ears. 
“Look at you like what?” He asks innocently, continuing to give you his biggest, prettiest puppy eyes. 
“Shut up,” You laugh, swatting your hand at him as you walk towards the door. 
“Hate you!” He shouts after you as you walk across the hall toward your bedroom. 
“Hate you more!” You yell back. 
Two hours later, you’re finally completely ready for the party. You took an ‘everything shower’, applied a full face of your favorite glam makeup, painted your nails, and put on a brand new lacy, skin-tight, black dress. You emerge from your bedroom and walk back across the hall to Jake’s room, knocking on the door.
He opens it and stares at you in awe. He could hardly stop his jaw from dropping as he got his first look at you, and you giggle with embarrassment.
“Hi,” You say, cheeks blushing.
“Hi,” He responds, still looking you up and down, unable to tear his eyes away from your body. “You look incredible.”
You let out a modest scoff and look away, “Stop it.” 
“I mean it, y/n! You are… stunning.”
He makes eye contact with you as he thoughtfully lands on the last word, stunning. You feel a wide grin spread across your face, the rosy hue in your cheeks definitely deepening even more, but for some reason, you weren’t embarrassed anymore, only confident. 
“Thanks, Jakey. You don’t look so bad yourself,” You say, finally eyeing him up in the same way he’d done to you. He was wearing low waisted baggy jeans and a cropped baby tee, showcasing the star tattoos traveling down his v-line. Your eyes lingered there for a second too long, and you couldn’t stop yourself from imagining kissing each of those stars before wrapping your mouth around his cock. 
He caught the glint in your eye and leaned against the door frame, smirking down at you, “Like what you see?” he teased, casually placing a hand in his pocket.
You feel yourself blushing again, but you stay strong, taking a step closer and smiling up at him, “Maybe I do.” 
He maintains eye contact with you for a few seconds, and before you know it you’re competing, seeing who will break the awkward sexual tension first.
He breaks, and his smug smirk falls into a grin as he playfully pushes your forehead away from him, “C’mon ya freak, let’s go to the party,” He laughs. 
You walk the few blocks to Tara’s house, listening to Jake rant about one of his recent hyperfixations. You loved listening to him rant. He wasn’t a big talker, and usually you were the one who did the majority of the ranting in your friendship, but sometimes Jake would allow himself to rant about something he loved. He only did it with people he was super comfortable with, and it wasn’t too often, even then. But tonight, he must have been in an extra good mood, because he talked the entire walk. You smiled, and nodded, and asked him questions, which he loved, both because it signified to him that he wasn’t boring you, and because it meant he got to keep talking about something he enjoyed. You loved seeing him like this, bubbly and excited and blabbing on and on about a show you’d never even heard of. When you finally arrived at Tara’s house, he turned to you and said, “Woah, I really just talked that entire time about Peaky Blinders, didn’t I?”
“Yup. But don’t worry, I love hearing your voice,” You smile, and he grins down at you.
“I love hearing your voice too, y/n.”
You knock on Tara’s door, and she opens within seconds. “Jake! Y/n! Welcome!! It’s so good to see you guys, you both look amazing!” She pulls you both into quick hugs and you follow behind her into the packed house. She had cleared out some of the furniture for a makeshift dance floor, and people were definitely putting it to use. She led you to the kitchen where you spotted bottles of liquor littered throughout. “Help yourself!” She shouted over the loud Ice Spice song that was currently playing, and walked away to greet more guests.
You and Jake shared a look, already knowing this party was going to be overstimulating unless you got some alcohol in your systems ASAP. He poured you both a shot of whatever was closest and shouted “Cheers!” before you both downed them. 
It only took a few drinks for you both to start feeling warm and buzzed. You grab his hand and begin leading him to the dance floor, social anxiety be damned. 
“Y/n are we actually about to dance right now?” Jake asked from behind you, and when you turned to face him, you saw a big, stupid grin on his face.
“Yes, Jake! I want to throw ass with my best friend, since when is that a crime?” You shout back dramatically, still tugging on his hand. 
He suddenly yanks your hand, pulling your body closer to his. In one swift motion, he’s wrapped your arm around the back of his neck, while his hands grip your hips tightly, steadying your body in front of him. He leans into your neck, lips grazing your ear as he whispers, “Ya know, I meant what I said earlier… you look beautiful.” 
You sigh at his words, leaning your head back to rest against his chest. You pull his neck closer, forcing his head down so you can whisper back, “I- I don’t just want to be your best friend anymore.” 
“I know,” He says, “I think… I think a part of me has always known. It was always going to be you, I just couldn’t see it yet. But I do now and… and I want you so bad-” You cut him off, closing whatever little space was left between your mouths, taking in all of him. You had imagined this situation millions of times– what it would feel like to envelope your lips in his. Were they soft? Warm? Was he messy or gentle? For years, you had fantasized about this moment, never thinking it’d actually happen. Yet here you are, finally. Kissing your best friend. And it was better than you could have ever dreamed, like a drug. As soon as you got a taste, you craved more. You swiveled your body so you were facing him, and his hands moved up and down your back and further down to squeeze your ass. You lifted yourself onto your tiptoes, bringing yourself even closer to him, hands tangling through his hair, as if in a desperate attempt to swallow him whole. One word rang out in your head over and over: more. 
You broke away eventually, gasping for breath, but he didn’t stop. Instead he moved down your jawline, sloppily kissing anywhere his lips landed, letting out soft grunts as he made his way down your neck, stopping to suck on a particularly sensitive area where he noticed your breath catch. 
“Wait,” You said, and he immediately stopped, placing a hand on your cheek.
“What is it? I’m sorry, did I do something wrong?” He asks, genuine concern painting his face.
“No, no! I just… I wanna make sure you mean it. You’re not just saying this because we’re tipsy, right? Because it’s real for me. You’re my best friend, Jake, and you always will be. But… I wanna be more. I wanna be yours.”
His face softens and he leans in to kiss you gently now, his hand still cradling your cheek. “Y/n, I promise, you are mine. And I’m yours. I’ve been yours since the day you moved in. I might be tipsy, but I’m still aware of what’s going on. I swear, I want this. I want you. Only you.” 
Tears well in your eyes and he wipes them away, “Don’t cry, angel.” 
“I just really love you.” You say, and the biggest smile you’ve ever seen spreads across his face.
“I really love you, too. God, I’ve wanted to say that for so long,” He lets out a relieved sigh. 
You lower your voice to a whisper against his ear, “I really think we should get out of here. You look so fucking sexy.” You’re the one kissing down his neck now, and he breathes out “Fuck.” 
You lead him through the crowd again, this time toward the front door. An Irish goodbye would have to do– being socially unacceptable would be worth it to be naked in his arms. 
this piece marks the end of my writing block! i have so many good johnnie requests from you guys that i'm excited to get working on :) as always likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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bklynmusicnerd · 4 months
Catch Up Part One:
- Honestly the "bon voyage" party was nice in theory but the execution was terrible. That being the setting where Trina finds out the full truth of the decision Spencer made was strange and anticlimactic choice. It doesn't make sense for Spencer to trickle truth something like sociopathic mooch getting her memory back when Trina has always been vocal about not trusting her, even with amnesia.
DR giving Joss the majority of the dialogue in terms of reacting to Spencer's decision was also pretty stupid. Cause in the grand scheme of things, this is building up to a tragic story for Trina and Spencer, so Trina's pov is what's necessary here. The most we got was Trina's rightful frustration that Spencer didn't tell her sooner and then some weird plan to have Joss "watch" Esme which we know is not going to amount to anything. So all in all, very poor execution of an important beat in the story.
- These writers definitely forgot the pandora's box evidence as a plot point and that's pretty yikes since they made such a big deal about it. Makes zero sense for Spencer, Trina and Joss to not at least discuss using it again.
- Curtis "bragging" about Trina and Trina basically saying thanks for the party and hugging him really highlights what a mistake it was to disappear Taggert and rush this idea of Curtis as Trina's father. These two don't have a real history to draw from and you can see it in how stilted and short the dialogue between them is.
The bond wasn't earned, it was rushed and so it lacks the warmth of her goodbye with Ava or even, Portia in her messiness. Taggert should be here and his absence will continue to cloud over any attempts to play Curtis like a father.
- The way Portia talks about Trina will always be bizarre to me. She kept talking about Trina being a "local" girl like the Greenland fiasco never happened. She tells Trina that she's in "awe" of her and her "wisdom" but then she speaks about her like she's a naive fool to pretty much anyone who will listen. There's a disconnect there and I'm never sure how intentional it is.
- Trina trying to rescue Spencer from Stella and Marshall's grilling was cute. The little moments where we're reminded that Trina is actually very protective of Spencer are always my favorite. There is no universe where Trina was going to spend a single second in that dorm once Spencer's apartment came through but I understand telling Portia & co. whatever they need to hear.
- The surrogacy story is the worst thing to happen to the Davis girls and it's made their dialogue incredibly boring. Kristina and Molly almost put me to sleep and I never thought I'd say that about Kristina.
- The Ava and Trina goodbye was probably the best moment of the party. Trina crediting Ava for her getting into The Sorbonne and Ava doing her genuine "aw schucks" face she does whenever Trina thanks her was so sweet. Ava definitely lied to Trina when she told her the Parisians won't mind speaking English to her, but I love that she already had Trina set up with a list of galleries to visit.
Again, Ava is weirdly the purest adult Trina has in her life because she's the only one genuinely in her corner with no caveats or talking behind her back. She believes in her in a way her actual mother sadly does not. I actually think it would have made more sense for Ava to throw the "bon voyage" party at the gallery but I digress.
- Heather Webber officially makes more sense than Laura. What a travesty. Heather was trying to put Laura on game about what a danger sociopathic mooch was to herself and others, and Laura spent the majority of the time trying to smugly act like she knew sociopathic mooch better than her actual mother. Clearly Lulu needs to wake up out of that coma soon because Laura is humiliating herself. The positioning of Heather in the leadup to the inevitable calamity is interesting.
I did not expect her to actually be aware enough to recognize that sociopathic mooch is lowkey a danger not just to herself but to demon spawn as well and is better off in jail with her. She also tried to warn Laura that sociopathic mooch was coming for Spencer and Trina.
She actually did more to try to stop what is about to happen than the good guys. If all of this does end up marking the end for her useless daughter like we suspect, this weirdly makes Heather something of a tragic figure herself. Desperately trying to stop her daughter from the violent end she keeps actively choosing.
- Laura doesn't even piss me off anymore. She just makes me cringe. The secondhand embarrassment is overwhelming. The only consolation in all of this is that she's definitely going to regret not listening to Spencer most and always assuming the worst of him.
- I found Kevin and Esme's last interaction sort of lackluster. Her attacking him wasn't surprising, and I wish they had spent less time doing the tired "woe is me" script with her and more time of Kevin and her going back and forth on Ryan.
It could have been interesting to see Kevin try to contrast her with Ryan and tell her how different she is from him, just for her to get pissed at him disrespecting her father's memory and hit him over the head. The obsession with trying to play her like a mother scorned when she doesn't actually give a shit about that demon spawn is why her pov during this latest spiral is kind of a flop.
The main reason she didn't believe Kevin when he said they cared about her outside of demon spawn is because her only understanding of bonds is transactional. She didn't care about any of them beyond what they could do/give her, so why wouldn't she expect the same of them? Her embracing being a sociopath didn't have to be played so pathetically, but that's their (weird) creative decision in this rushed endgame.
- Spencer sort of pulling Trina to the side to tell her privately how excited he was for "[their] future" was sweet. Those are actually the moments that matter the most in the build-up to a tragedy, and it's kind of embarrassing that there isn't more of a consensus in the writers' room about that. Spencer and Trina being excited for a future together that we, the audience, know is destined to be derailed is the entire emotional crux of the story. So it's a strange choice to dedicate less than a minute to that.
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pavlikovskymunson · 2 years
LOSING YOU || Alex Karev X Reader
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Summary: You and Alex have been married for a while and are expecting your first child. But something terrible always has to happen...
Warning: Anguish, cute (at first), crying, mention of death, and mention of medical procedures.
Words: 2.3K+
Author's note: First I want to say that this is my first picture that I post here and second I ask for forgiveness if any word is wrong, English is not my first language. I'm brazilian😊. But other than that, I hope you enjoy the story and prepare the tissues because there will be crying.
Alex Karev, the great pediatric surgeon at Gray Sloan Memorial, is expecting his first child, along with the Goddess of Orthopedics, Y/n Y/s Karev.
Right now the dads are in for a routine ultrasound with Arizona Robbins.
" Look here we can see your daughter perfectly" Arizona turns the ultrasound screen towards you
"She is so beautiful" Alex was delighted with the beauty of his daughter
"Look, she has your nose" Y/n shows on the screen and looks at Karev who smiles all silly
Dr Robbins finishes the ultrasound and leaves the room leaving only Y/n and Karev, with the 3D ultrasound image in their hands.
"Can I keep the photo? I'll leave it in my lab coat for everyone to see how beautiful my daughter is"
"Yes you can, silly daddy" Y/n laughs and hands the photo to Alex
Soon a pager is heard beeping. The two pick up the device and look at its screen.
"It's mine, emergency"Y/n says and gets up from the stretcher in a hurry
" Hey, where do you think you're going running?"
" For the emergency, they are calling me"
"Yeah, I know, but you need to take it easy. Since you are at the end of your pregnancy."
Alex was all worried about the health of his daughter and wife.
"Ok, ok... I'll go slowly to the emergency" Y/n laughs "See you later dear" she kisses Karev and leaves the ultrasound room
Y/n walks to the emergency room, but when she realizes that Alex is no longer behind her. Run away to get there faster.
She arrives panting.
"Did you come running?" April asks
"Yes, yes, but I'm fine" Y/n put the yellow apron on her arms "What do we have here ??"
"Uh, what do you mean??" Karev puts her hand on her belly
" Doctor Webber paged all of us, but said nothing. Maybe it's just training" Kepner says
"Holy shit, so I ran for nothing" Y/n leans forward and leans on the counter
"You shouldn't be running around, it can cause a premature birth"
"Yeah, I know, Alex curses me all the time for that. But it can't be avoided."
Soon after, Avery, Meredith, Derek and Cristina arrive at the ER as well.
"Hey, there's no one in the ER" Derek comments
"Webber paged us and didn't say anything" Y/n and April say together
That said, the boss arrives in the emergency with Dr. Bailey's company.
"Why are we here?" Gray speaks to the doctors who have just entered
"I beeped you because just now" there was an accident on the boat, we have several injured on the spot. I wanted you to go and help the people that are there, while Dr. Bailey and I help the interns with the ones that were arriving here.
"But wouldn't it be better for the interns to go and for us to stay ??" Jackson Avery asks
"Yes and no. Even because, I want the best doctors to help the most injured. And as some will be in critical condition, I need you to make the patient as stable as possible, and then bring him here" Doctor Webber says "And we all know that interns are not well prepared for an emergency type."
"Now go quickly and get everything you will need. If we meet here in 20 minutes" Bailey says and the six of them head towards the supply closets.
Y/n arrives and starts putting everything she will need in a hospital bag.
" I heard there was an accident on the ferry" Alex arrives at the pantry too
"Yes, Webber paged us to help on the spot, while they and the inmates help what's coming" the woman put gauze and syringes in the suitcase
"But because the boss paged you, he knows" that you're at the end of your pregnancy and can't keep making much effort "Alex says worried
"Alex, I'm fine. Look" the wife does a jumping jack and her husband laughs "I'll be fine. We're going to be fine, aren't we Sarah" the girl directs the last sentence to the little girl inside her belly -
"Ok then, but let me help you with that bag" he takes the bag that his wife put the supplies and leaves the room
Both go to the emergency room, where the other doctors were waiting for the woman.
"Great, now get in the ambulance they took you to the scene" Doctor Bailey says and they do what she says
Y/n was about to get in the ambulance, but an arm holds her lightly. And she turns around.
"Promise you will take care of yourself and take care of our baby right" Alex was very worried
" Obviously, I always took care of her and myself, why wouldn't I take care of it today?" The woman tilts her head a little to the side
"Okay now go" Y/n was about to get in the ambulance but Alex pulls her in for a quick kiss
"Alex Karev !!" Doctor Bailey scolds the doctor
"Okay, now you can go"
Y/n gets in the ambulance with the other doctors and blows an air kiss to her husband.
"I love you she whispers"
" I love you so much more" he says back and the ambulance doors close
The ambulance leaves the hospital heading towards the accident.
"Is everything okay, Karev?" Webber looks at the worried man and asks.
"I don't know, I didn't wake up very well today" he smiles fake at the boss and enters the hospital again
While the ambulance did not arrive at the scene of the accident, the doctors were going over what they needed to do at such a time.
"Red ribbon, urgent patients to be treated" April says
"Yellow tape, stable and can wait a while" Y/n reminds you.
"And the ones with the green ribbon, they don't have serious injuries and can wait" Gray says and the doctors who were in the back of the ambulance nod.
Soon the ambulance arrives at the scene, they open the back door of the vehicle and see a total destruction of the boat and several people crying, screaming in pain.
"Badges on the front and let's go" April gets out of the ambulance and the rest follow
Y/n grabs the bag of supplies she prepared and climbs out of the ambulance with Meredith's help.
"Are you sure you don't want help??" Gray refers to patients
"No no, Sarah and I take care of it" Sarah is the name of her daughter with Karev -
The woman straightens her coat and tucks her badge in front. And follows in search of any patient with BONES injuries.
After treating about 2 patients with yellow tape, and 1 with red tape. The woman stops for a while and breathes, because whether she likes it or not, her big belly gets in the way of her movements. And to make matters worse, Sarah was fluttering in her stomach.
"Sweetie, you need to be quiet, mom is working" Karev caresses her belly and notices that Sarah is getting calmer -
After catching her breath, the girl goes after another patient. Until he notices a little girl pulling on his coat.
" Hi, are you lost dear ??" Y/n asks but the girl doesn't say anything
Y/n examines the girl and she wasn't hurt, just a few scratches on her face but nothing so deep that it needed stitches.
"Look, I'll find someone for you to stay until I find your mother ok??" Y/n goes out to look for someone but the girl pulls her coat again
"Hmm look, I need to take care of these - hurt people, and I can't be with you ok?? But I'll find someone really nice to take care of you"
Y/n tries to look for someone to be with the girl again but she grabs her coat tighter.
She was just making the Doctor's life more complicated.
"Okay, you can stay with me, but try not to disturb me ok ??" she says and the girl nods "Ok, let's treat a patient then"
Y/n adjusts her bag on her shoulder and holds the little girl's hand. Both were walking around helping some patients, when they hear a voice.
"Did you hear ??" Y/n asks and the girl says yes with her head
The woman starts looking for the person who had screamed. Until the girl pulls on her coat.
"What's it ??" he looks at the little girl and she shows it with her little finger to the person screaming "Alright, let's go"
Y/n takes the girl's hand and they go towards the man who was halfway away from the crowd and near the water.
"Hello, I'm Dr. Karev and the girls and I will take care of you."
The doctor starts to get gauze, morphine and everything she would use to treat that patient. And the girl couldn't stop looking at the bloody man.
"Hey, is everything ok? I just want you to turn there, because I know this is kind of scary for you" Y/n says
Thus causing the little girl to turn her back to her and the patient.
"I'll apply morphine to lessen your pain, ok??" having said that she applies the drug to the man
He notices that his leg was gushing blood and had a big cut. She squeezes her leg, making pressure, so the blood doesn't come out so much.
"Hey girl, I know I told you to turn around, but I need your help right now" Karev was pressing the man's leg with both hands " I want you to get that syringe and that thing that looks like a belt'
So the girl turns around and starts looking for what the doctor asked for in the bag.
" It must be on the right side, the side facing the water"
The little girl searches some more and finds what she asked for, and gives it to her.
"Thank you very much, angel" she thanks the girl "Look, this is going to hurt a little, but it will pass ok??"
"No no, I'm fine I don't need it" the patient starts to move a lot
"Look, I need you to..."
Without even finishing talking, the man accidentally pushes Y/n, causing her to fall into the water.
Without even finishing talking, the man accidentally pushes Y/n, causing her to fall into the water.
She starts to struggle a lot, she knew how to swim, but with Sarah inside her, it was kind of impossible.
Make a plan. Set a goal. Work in that direction, but occasionally look around. Drink, because that's it. It may all be over tomorrow.
Alex was visiting one of his patients in the pediatric ward.
"Now open your shark mouth so you can see that throat" Alex says with a toothpick in hand to examine "The little patient does what he asks."
"Everything is alright. He's recovering fast, little shark" Alex pinches the child's nose "We'll keep him more tonight, to make sure he's all right" he says to the boy's mother
He writes some things down in the chart and before leaving his patient's mother says:
"And your baby?" she says and shows Alex's lab coat, which was the ultrasound picture of his little girl and Y/n
"It is" he smiles "My little Sarah" he hands the photo for the girl to see
"how cute" he sees the photo and gives it to him again "Congratulations on the little one "
"Thank you" he leaves the room and goes to the pediatric ward counter
He was signing something on one of the papers the nurse had entered for him. Until your page beeps. He takes it from inside his apron and reads the message that was displayed on the screen.
"Y/N!!" He saves the page and runs to the emergency room
Arriving there he sees Jackson and Bailey carrying Y/n on the stretcher, while Cristina was having heart massage.
"What happened to her" he goes to "enter the room more prevent"
"She ended up drowning. A little girl who was with her said a patient accidentally pushed her causing her to fall into the water" Jackson says
Alex goes to enter the room where his wife was but Bailey stops him.
"No family members"
"But it's my wife and my daughter"
"Yeah, I know, but we're trying to save them" Bailey pushes Karev "Stay there. Jackson stays with him"
Having said that, Doctor Bailey goes back into the room.
"We have to take the stop cart" Cristina informs
"We can't, they will harm the baby" April says
"Then apply adrenaline" Bailey says and Cristina applies adrenaline to the woman
Soon they can see beats on the screen.
They started examining the girl while April checked that the baby was all right.
"Call Robbins, I can't hear the baby's heartbeat" Kepner puts the stethoscope on his neck again
While one of the inmates went to get Robbis. Y/n has another cardiac arrest.
" I need to get in there" Alex enters "with everything in the room and starts doing heart massage"
"ALEX !!"
" I'm sorry, but I need to save the love of my life"
"Alex no, he has a signed ONR order" Gray said
"THEN TEAR THAT SHIT, BECAUSE I'M NOT LOSING MY GIRLS TODAY" Karev says nervously and the staff starts to help the same
After 1 hour, he was still massaging the girl.
" Alex..."
"No, she'll get out of it."
"Alex, she's already gone... "April says sadly
"IT WAS NOT NO" Karev was still giving his wife a heart massage "Arizona how is Sarah ??"
Arizona checks the baby for signs but finds nothing. They had already left some time ago. Karev looked hopefully at the doctor. Robbis just shakes his head in denial.
"Alex... "Jackson call him "They're gone..."
Alex stops giving the love of his life a heart massage and leaves the room without saying anything.
"I'll go after him... "Gray takes off his yellow apron and goes after Alex
Gray looks for Alex around the hospital and until he sees him sitting on a stretcher, in the hospital hallway. I could hear their cries of despair, sadness and anger.
"I lost... I lost my girls" he sobbed from crying
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vro0m · 2 years
vro0m’s rewatch - 120/304
2013 Hungarian GP
We're officially in the second part of the season. It's very hot. Which probably won't help Mercedes with their tyre degradation issue.
(also I have like 25 gifs for this race thank god tumblr upped their limit 💀)
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Aha. Lotus has been subjected to a random flexi floor test and they failed it but then the stewards said okay actually it was a kerbs issue?... Right so basically the car porpoised because of the kerb and that's why it seemed like it was flexing. Mmmh. 🤔
Quali report. The Redbulls seemed in control, but Webber had an electronics problem in Q1 then his KERS failed in Q2. He's 10th. Grosjean seemed really quick and he outqualified Raikkonen for the second time this season. He's 3rd. Seb was very quick but Lewis got on pole to the general surprise. Himself included. On the radio we hear Bono tell him "great job there Lewis, er, that's P1." And Lewis answers : "the pole?!" – "yeah! We're as surprised as you, mate." That's his 30th. Rosberg is 4th, Alonso 5th, Raikkonen 6th, Massa 7th, Ricciardo 8th, Perez 9th.
During the drivers' parade, Natalie Pinkham asks if it's gonna be a good day.
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Lewis is not confident. He says pole is the best place to start but it's so hot today… he's gonna give everything, fingers crossed. She asks if he feels like it's going into the unknown given how little they know about the new tyres and with this temperature… he says it's definitely harder for them because the others were able to test the new tyres for three days (remember : they got suspended from the young drivers test because of the Barcelona Pirelli testing they did, which was against the regulations). They have a slight advantage on them but he hopes it doesn't come into play today. He reiterates he's surprised to be on pole given how good a lap Seb did, and he felt like he didn't do such a great lap.
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Let's talk about his pole. We get a nice little montage of his previous poles. He's now ahead of Fangio in the record sheet of pole sitters. Brundle says he seemed more surprised than anybody else about it. He says it honestly didn't feel like a spectacular lap. He admits though he didn't make any mistakes but he thinks he could have found more time. Here ya go he starts explaining his lap like last time I don't understand anything about it but it's okay, I just enjoy how animated he gets talking about stuff he likes.
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He says when he crossed the line he was told he was in the front but he thought people were coming behind him like Seb who would get ahead so he said "are you sure?" and then he started hearing the team celebrate in the background. Cute!
Martin says though that his reaction seems to say he'd be happy to lead at the end of the formation lap. "You're not expecting to win the race, are you?" he says no. He's at the point, he says, but interrupts himself. Firstly, at the beginning of the season, he never expected to have such a good car and he's grateful to be on pole and it's down to the great job they're doing at the factory. However, the tyres overheat and melt. The car is so heavy at the beginning of the race it doesn't feel like it's beneath you and it’s only later, when it gets lighter, that it starts to get some grip, but by then it's too late, you've lost too much time. 
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Brundle says his fans are saying that if he was given a car with rear tyres that stayed with him, he'd disappear in the distance. He says there's no doubt in his mind they could win if they solved their tyre issue. No doubt in his mind they can beat Sebastian, and Fernando, and Raikkonen, and Grosjean. They just have to fix that. He says it's a shame, then smiles, and says they have such a good car but the tyres play such a big part. He'd love to be able to have a wheel to wheel race with Sebastian [this race].
(He's frustrated by something that's not in his control again. At McLaren it was the motivation of the rest of the team. Now it's Pirelli's tyres. But as we said in the last race review : they should rather fix the car than hope for better tyres, because the car is in their hands actually, when the tyres are not.)
"Who knows, maybe we'll be surprised" 
Oh. The cars are headed to the grid and Nico is told they need to get him back into the garage. It's because Lewis' car has an issue? I'm confused. 
The track is 48°C…
They're rolling Rosberg back to the grid. Alonso too. They're quite late. And Massa now. What's happening. Let's hear from Ted. Actually Rosberg reported a weird feeling with the car on his way to the grid and that's why they got him back into the garage. They worked on the front suspension. Now they're on the grid still checking it. His engineer says the car is okay though. Lewis doesn't have any issues with his own car. 
Alright it's time. 
Formation lap 
Lewis is told "engine cooling whenever you can (twice) and now you need to back up the grid".
And they're racing! 
Lewis gets a good start, as does Rosberg who's pretty much level with Grosjean, Seb, the Ferraris and Raikkonen into the straight. Into turn 1, he falls behind Seb and Grosjean who are fighting over P2. It's Lewis, Seb, Grosjean, Rosberg. But the Ferraris catch them and now Alonso is already beside Grosjean. He can't make it stick but he's ahead of Rosberg who is now fighting Massa. Rosberg goes wide! Someone locks up and it's a close call for Rosberg, Massa and Raikkonen. CONTACT! Massa touched Rosberg who loses a piece of front wing and goes off track. He rejoins but he lost many places now. At the end of the first lap, Lewis has a 1.1 second lead over Seb. Then we have Grosjean, Alonso, Massa, Raikkonen, Webber, Jenson, Ricciardo and Perez in the top 10. Rosberg down in P12. At the end of lap 2, Seb is half a second away. The offensive is about to start. A couple of laps later it's back to 0.8 but it's going to get complicated with the DRS on top of it. Now it's rather Grosjean attacking Seb? Lewis is pulling away a bit. Lewis pits and he's out in 8th. It's lap 10.
Rosberg also pits. Lewis overtakes Jenson for P7, it's good he didn't get held up for too long. Lewis is much quicker than Seb who also pits. Oooooh. Yes good, Lewis is still ahead! Seb is behind Jenson which might slow him down a bit. Alonso pits and someone else must also have done so because Lewis is up in P5 now. P4. Grosjean pits from the lead. Raikkonen as well. They're behind. Now it's Webber in the lead having not pitted yet. Lewis P2. Seb still behind Jenson. He's being held up. Grosjean is closing on him too. Now Seb is told to cool the car and he answers to check the front wing. There must have been some contact. There's damage indeed. Grosjean has DRS but it’s not enough! Seb defends so well. Jenson has pulled away a bit. Lewis has pulled away a lot. Alonso however is now closing on that fight. Careful. It's only lap 20.
Lewis is now closing on Webber who hasn't stopped yet, that's how good his pace is right now. There's almost 10 seconds to Jenson now. Webber finally pits, Lewis is back in the lead. Webber is out behind Alonso. Seb overtakes Jenson! Grosjean tries as well but they touch, he's ahead but there's gonna be an issue there. Alonso overtakes Jenson too. Seb has 13 seconds to go to Lewis. Jenson pits. Grosjean pits, he's under investigation. Webber is closing on Alonso who's now P3. Lewis answers to Seb's charge by setting the fastest lap of the race. Now it's Grosjean who sets the fastest lap as he's fighting Massa for P6. It's done. I'm pretty sure they touched? 
It's lap 30. Seb is inching closer to Lewis, but the gap is still 12 seconds. And Jenson also overtakes Massa. Lewis pits from the lead, it's a very good stop. He's out in fourth behind Webber. Massa also comes in from 8th. Grosjean is under investigation again for leaving the track. Oooh Lewis almost passed Webber. Yes gooo! P3! Coming for Alonso. Gogogogo. Alonso pits. P2, and Seb is also in the pits so back in the lead! Let's go! And Seb is again behind Jenson! Lewis sets the fastest lap. We're halfway through! 
Grosjean gets a drive-through penalty. The collision will be investigated after the race. Seb overtook Jenson already. Oh, Webber is in Lewis’ DRS zone. Jenson pits. Seb sets the fastest lap. Webber has fallen back a tad. Hulkenberg gets a penalty for speeding in the pitlane. Grosjean is closing on Alonso over P5. And we're on lap 40.
I mean there's stuff happening in this race so it's cool but damn 70 laps is a lot. 
Raikkonen pits from P3, out in P6. Let's see. Lewis is now 3 seconds ahead of Webber. Seb is 12 seconds behind them and Alonso 11 seconds down on him, with Grosjean still not far behind. Bottas DNF, DRS disabled. Webber pits, he's out behind Seb now. Grosjean pits. Lewis is still 15 seconds ahead. Alonso pits. Grosjean is fighting Jenson for P6. 
On lap 50, it's done, while Lewis pits for the last time. Good stop. Oooooh no! Webber is ahead! Fuck! But Lewis attacks and Webber has to go off track to avoid contact, he joins back in front… no. He joined back behind Lewis. Mmmh. I don't know what to think. Well. With the replay I'd say Lewis had the line, Webber should have lifted up but we'll see if the stewards agree or if I'm biased. The gap to Seb is 7 seconds. Crofty says sometimes you need a bit of luck to win. I'd say Lewis is making his own luck there, by pushing the limit. It's arguable. Oh. Seb pits. He locked up slowing down for the pitlane. Lewis is back in the lead! But the gap to Webber in P2 is only 2.3 seconds. Seb is out behind Raikkonen, in P4. He sets the fastest lap. Bono asks Lewis to make some changes on the steering wheel but he says he's happy with the car at the moment. The gap is up to 3.5 seconds. Webber pits. 
It's the final 10 laps now. Lewis is told to manage the pace, and Ted says it's because they're worried about the engine overheating. The gap to Raikkonen, currently P2, is 11 seconds anyway. He can slow down a little bit surely. 9 laps. Seb is closing to Raikkonen. 8 laps. 7 laps. Webber is also gaining on Seb, but that gap is 8.4 seconds. 6 laps. Seb attacks Raikkonen! But he's not quite there yet. Yellow flags? OH MY GOD oh. Okay so Rosberg DNF but I thought it was Lewis it scared me lol. They really need to sort the yellow helmets out my god. 5 laps to go. Yeah Rosberg's engine blew up like whoever it was in the last race? White smoke, fire. We were just talking about engines overheating, weren't we? Ted says the Mercedes pit wall is extremely nervous now. I am too. 4 laps to go. Both Redbulls are told "22 fail". 3 laps. Seb attacks Raikkonen again but he's struggling with grip. He complains about Raikkonen's defense but there was nothing wrong with it. He wasn't ahead and there was enough room. 2 laps remaining. Come on. Final lap. Seb is not giving up on Raikkonen but he keeps locking up. 
It's the end of the race! 
LEWIS WINS HIS FIRST MERCEDES WIN! Raikkonen immediately stops his car. Seb is third. 
OH MY GOD I'm gonna cry, it's Bono's first "get in there Lewis" like literally I'm emotional rn. Lewis thanks everybody for the hard work. 
Ted is with Niki. "He won the race because he drove sensationally. All the passing he did was his job. He's really the best today, that I've ever seen in my life. The way he passed people, and the way he really got going." Hah, he's about as emotional as I am about this. I love it.
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Niki says they weren't worried about overheating but he doesn't think they were as quick as the Redbull. "But Lewis really made it all up, especially the way he passed people, he was outstanding." 
He was, damn. What a flawless race. Now it's really starting to look like the Lewis I know.
The team hugs him and pats him 💜 he's so happy 🥺
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He already hugged him outside but once he takes his helmet off in the cool down room he hugs Brawn again. "Thank you so much, " he says. Then he shakes Raikkonen's hand. Then Seb arrives and he shakes his hand. "Good job!" he tells him.
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Raikkonen asks him "What happened to you?" and then something else. Seb says "No, I got stuck behind Jenson and damaged my front wing." Lewis is chugging water.
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The Mercedes team is READY. We see them outside waiting for the podium. One of them tells the other "Here we goooo…" and they start clapping slowly "Waaaiiit…" They have huge smiles on their faces. They clap, they're beaming. Here they come. Imagine seeing your guy up there, that must be so great.
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Brundle tells Lewis that when they talked the night before he had a hard time believing he was on pole and he didn't think he'd win. How does it feel now? He says it's an incredible feeling. He thanks all the fans for turning up. He and his team worked a lot last night and they really didn't know it would go that well. The last 20 laps were just managing the tyres and cruising.
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Brundle says there were two key moments. When he overtook Jenson and then when he passed Webber. Lewis says "I think you can tell I was hungry today". He needed to get past these people and usually he gets stuck in traffic and today he was going for every move he had.
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After the two others' interviews we go back to Lewis. Brundle asks how today compares to his other victories. Lewis says it's probably one of the most important wins of his career. Moving to a new team and winning for them is a real privilege. The guys did an exceptional job and he's so glad he can be part of the team. He couldn't be happier and he hopes there's many more to come (oh honey if only you knew… I'm gonna cry istg. This is ridiculous.) He says for the WDC (which theoretically he could still get at this point), they need to work very hard, and hope the tyre issue is solved. But if they can come here and make their tyres last they should be able to do so anywhere, so fingers crossed.
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Brawn and Toto are talking with the journalists and Brawn says surely Lewis was a bit frustrated that Nico won twice and he hadn't yet but he didn't see much change in Lewis, he's just getting more and more familiar with the team and with his engineers, and more relaxed. His engineers are having their photos taken with the trophy in the background. It's so cute. 
Later on, we see them getting ready for the team photo. They make sure Bono is at the front. He has become so much more muscular since then lol. Toto is sitting cross-legged on the ground and Nico is there and they're all waiting for Lewis. He's taking his time lol. Brawn arrives. Everybody goes "aaaaaah!" and claps. He sits down on the ground between Toto and Bono. Lewis is still not there. 
The journalists are talking about him in the meantime saying what an outstanding job he did and praising the way he's able to feel the machine rather than have the engineers tell him about it. Anthony says you can hear over the radio how different Nico and him are, Nico being a "very technical guy" who "understands every nut and bolt on the car" whether Lewis is "a true fighter". (I think since then Lewis has become somewhat of a technical guy as well. I wonder when that happened. We will see.) 
Lewis is still nowhere to be found. They've been sitting here for ages now lol. Ah we hear he's coming? Someone got here but it was Paddy Lowe. Now there's a Marussia truck coming through the pitlane lol. Here he is!
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He's applauded, he shakes many peoples’ hands, finds a spot next to Nico, sets down the trophy in front of them and touches his arm. Nico pats his knee.
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They're finally taking that photo. Lewis gets up and out of the way immediately as they spray champagne. The journalists jump on him for more questions. He says again it’s all down to the team and their incredible job. They worked so hard on the car and the pit stops and are doing an exceptional job and he's just grateful to them. The journalist says he's been through a lot off track in the last few weeks (?) and does it make it even more special that he was able to do what he does best? He gets a bit emotional I think. He speaks more slowly, in less automatic answers. He says he's come here, "I don't know if you've seen", in a completely different headspace. He says it's been one of the toughest weeks to focus on his job (wtf happened?!) but clearly with a pole and a win you can see he's not distracted. Oh god. He says his family has been supporting him a lot, and his voice shakes like I've never heard before. He gets choked up and doesn't finish his sentence.
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He does a thing he rarely does while the journalist praises him elegantly to move on from that, which is crossing his arms. And actually, it's not even that, it's more that he's holding himself. Someone comforts this boy please.
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The journalist asks about the move on Webber which was phenomenal. He brightens up immediately and opens his arms again.
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"I pulled it off twice!" he says excitedly. "I hope he's cool about it, he was very fair." he says he's a great racer and he's glad he got to battle him, especially in his last season. But he needed to pull these moves off, he couldn't get held up. "But who would've thought our tyres would last today?"
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The journalist asks if it really surprised them, and talks about the orders he got at the end to lift up a bit and Nico's engine failure. Clearly there were overheating problems but the tyres were as good as anyone's. Lewis says "the tyres were a dream today, yeah!"
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He really doesn't know what to say about it, "on the hottest track!" He says the first stint was "so-so" and he called the pit stop at the right time because if he had done another lap he would have lost but he came out in front and that's when he knew he had a chance to win. 
Now they move on to talk about the WDC. Does he believe he could go on and really challenge Seb after the break? He says he hopes so, he honestly believes in this team and this car being fast enough to challenge the Redbull, as long as the tyres don't let them down. Then he says he's not taking a break, he's just gonna keep working on it. 
Post-race, Grosjean received a 20 second penalty for colliding with Jenson which didn't change anything because Jenson was over 20 seconds behind him in the standings.
Also Ferrari received a 15'000€ fine because Alonso activated his DRS 3 times without being within 1 second of the car in front. They had forgotten to switch the DRS from pre-race settings to race settings. As soon as they noticed, they told him to only use it when they told him to. It resulted in him actually using it less than he could have, which explains why he didn’t get a time penalty.
I tried to find out what had happened that made Lewis emotional there : he split up with Nicole in early July. After the German GP he said about it "I wear my heart on my sleeve and it is hard to hide my emotions. I try my hardest to be positive. I am going through a hard time at the moment. I have lost someone special in my life and my world has been turned upside down. I am trying to pull my stuff together and keep my head up which is hard to do." Aaaand… apparently he had been planning to propose to her. Anyway. That's it for the gossip.
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Phew. This review took me most of the day to make. Lots of Lewis this time 💜
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mrandmrskarev · 4 years
(another anon) I understand your desire to stay positive and sincerely hope you're right and 2020 will be better for Jolex because I also thought last year sucked. But I personally prefer reading your honest opinions where you also say what you didn't like because I can't relate much when people are only praising the show which most of the fandom seems to be doing. I like reading posts where people openly say what they like and don't like and I miss seeing them in the tags :(
I love being honest with you all and you're right about this, I never shared with you all my personal opinions, soo what I didn't like in season 16a is :
1) The lack of Alex's screentime and a storyline for him.
I can't believe they ignored him...I thought with Parc North he would've had a good storyline but nope. They just put him there and that's it. I really can't accept it. Why writers have to give, for example, to Owen, Link (+Amelia), Maggie,Webber, Catherine and family and others more screentime and storylines than him??? He's an OG and he's the best character on the show and HE DESERVES RESPECT. Justin too. They kept putting him in other characters' storylines when in my opinion HE SHOULD HAVE HIS OWN STORYLINE AND SCREENTIME. Plus this Parc North storyline (it's not a real storyline btw)....when they are going to put an end to this stupid thing? LET HIM BE BACK AT GREY SLOAN AND HE NEEDS TO SHINE HE'S BORN TO SHINE AND I WANNA SEE ALEX BEING THE SWEET PED SURGEON HE WAS AND I WANT TO SEE HIM WITH BABIES AND KIDS.
2) The SUUUUPER lack of Jolex's screentime.
Compared to s15a, we got nothing in s16a. I honestly HOPED that after Jo's storyline last season, things would've changed for them, like, deep conversations, MORE conversations, more scenes, more screentime, A NEW STORYLINE for both of them. What we had? a couple of scenes that lasted 2 seconds and that's it. They didn't ignore Alex, they ignored Jolex too. All the other couples on the show had good scenes compared to Jolex... I know writers have their faves but PLEASE TRY TO GIVE THE SAME SCREENTIME TO EVERYONE.I was sooo excited, I expected a storyline in mid s16a but nothing... do we have a storyline now where Alex is included too? WE DON'T KNOW... We don't know if we have a stoyline too because we have no idea of what will happen, also because Alex wasn't in the mid season finale... I mean, okay, he couldn't be there with Jo because of the stupid cliffhanger, but please SHOW US WHERE ALEX IS. Plus we don't have an opening and ending scene anymore....
3) I'm happy with Jo's storyline for now, I LOVED 16x05 and I wish we have more episodes like that one and like 15x19. But for example, in ep03, her first surgery as attending surgeon, why we didn't see an ending scene with Jo and the patient? AND an ending scene of Jo and Alex (maybe Jo telling Alex about the surgery, he being the proudest hubby ever, cute, sweet, scene etc..)... they do it for other couple, why they don't give these scenes to Jolex too?
Plus there are enough characters on the show, we don't need to bring other characters who steal MY LOVES' screentime. (sorry not sorry, lol)
However I'm super excited for Greys to come back and really hope 2020 will bring us good things, what I would like to see and what I think will happen :
1) Alex comes back at Grey Sloan as ped surgeon and HOPE as chief of ped.
2) Jo gets pregnant by the end of the season.
3) Someone from Alex's familly will visit Jo and Alex.
4) Jo keeps being A BADASS surgeon.
5) Alex and Jo work together again (I miss them)
6) More Jolex screentime. YES.
I didn't include the adoption storyline because I don't know what might happen and mybe they don't adopt that baby and someone else will... I think that storyline was introduced for the topic of Safe Haven Law, hope I'm wrong and that baby is a jolex baby...
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nellie-elizabeth · 5 years
Grey's Anatomy: We Didn't Start the Fire (15x15)
I really liked almost everything about this episode!
Owen came across as a total dick. I mean, I think he was supposed to, to some extent, but it was way worse than I think it was supposed to be. Also, even though Owen was being awful, I was still feeling annoyed with Amelia. Each time she makes a speech and decides to walk away, it seems to make sense in the specific situation. Owen is being horrible, he hasn't been checking in on Amelia's feelings, he's been insensitive about drug addiction, he's clearly jealous about Teddy and Koracick... yeah. Amelia should totally get out of that situation. Except that this isn't the first, second, or even third time that Amelia has made some grand decision to stay away from Owen, and when you look at it all in aggregate, it becomes clear that her words are pretty meaningless. She won't actually stay away from him permanently, so we as the audience are going to have to suffer through the same repetitive nonsense again. It's getting beyond annoying.
Also, Meredith and Andrew accidentally starting a fire in Jackson's apartment was played pretty much entirely for laughs, which I thought was odd and a bit insensitive... could they not have treated that potentially life-ending disaster with a bit more gravitas? I'm glad that this didn't turn in to a total mess with lots of injuries and death, but maybe the characters could have been more sensitive to the possibility of such catastrophe happening?
Maggie's plot thread wasn't the worst thing in the world, but it did make me feel very annoyed. She's upset because the woman she hated from med school wrote an article about how she had to advocate for herself to save her life. Maggie sees the article and feels slighted, so she decides, with prompting from Richard, to write her own version of the story that celebrates her surgical achievement. I get what they were going for here, and I agree that this woman is a piece of work. But honestly? It's not Maggie's story. She's not the one who was sick and almost died. It felt really awkward to have her be so up in arms about this situation. It just further highlighted the fact that Maggie is really selfish.
For the most part, though, I really enjoyed the more light-hearted tone of this episode. It had plenty of serious stuff going on in it, but for the most part it didn't take place in the hospital, and it was just about these doctors hanging out with one another instead of performing surgeries.
Jo and Alex are precious. I love that their relationship is so strong. Alex has been through so much with his mother. In earlier seasons, you might have expected him to retreat into himself when confronted with his past, and shut Jo out. Instead, we see them working together. The most poignant moment for me was when Jo makes a comment about how nice the scarves are that Helen knitted for them. Alex says "she shouldn't have needles." His mind is automatically looking for the potential disaster, and it's so sad. I absolutely loved the moment when Alex realized there was a real fire, and he was overjoyed about it, because it meant his mom wasn't losing her grip on reality. That was a nice dose of comedy mixed in with real emotions. It was also extra-strength adorable when Meredith and Helen met, and Alex got all overwhelmed with love, surrounded by his wife, his mother, and his best friend in the world. He deserves it.
Meredith and DeLuca are giving me the warm and fuzzies. So far, it doesn't feel particularly real or deep, but it feels like something that they both deserve. I liked that Meredith took the time to tell Alex about it, both as the chief and as her best friend. They sort of skated right past the fact that Alex once put DeLuca in the hospital, but I'm okay with that. The speaking in Italian thing is cute, Webber walking in on them was hilariously awkward, and their connection feels like something that could really grow. I was expecting the other shoe to drop in the form of Meredith's children being an obstacle, but instead it's the fact that DeLuca's father suddenly shows up. We know something about this guy's history, and his relationship to his son... so this can only mean more delicious drama coming down the pipeline.
While Amelia and Owen are still bothering me for so many, many reasons, I'll admit that I'm pleased with the wrap-up of Britney's story, and the fact that Leo is coming back to be with Owen. I like that Britney left without saying goodbye at first, and that Amelia, under pressure from so many different angles, kept fixating on it. Then, at the end, Britney is back, and she does say goodbye, and thank you. The hug between Owen, Amelia, Leo, and Britney was actually quite emotional. Amelia might be right that her relationship with Owen was built around the kids. Maybe that's the only thing that was keeping them together. But that doesn't change how important and meaningful the bond between the four of them was, and always will be.
So, this party that Jackson is throwing is supposed to be to celebrate Catherine's recovery. However, Catherine decides to stall going to the party by hanging out with Bailey in her limo. I like that Catherine, who is normally not shy about celebrating herself, is having a hard time dealing with her cancer and the dread that is following her around. Turns out, Bailey was just the right person to talk to about that. I'm not normally a fan of Catherine, but this plot thread between these two women was actually really sweet. I'm glad Catherine encouraged Bailey to treat herself, and I loved what Bailey said to Catherine about not wasting joy while you have it. Yeah, it's a cliche, very "carpe diem," but so what? Bailey remarks that they're still here, and people love them, so that's cause for celebration. That was true of their characters, and also true of Grey's Anatomy, a show that has now surpassed ER as the longest ever scripted medical show.
I really like Koracick and Teddy together. Teddy annoyed me earlier on in this season, but I'm completely with her now. Koracick makes her happy! And he seems to genuinely be in it for the long haul. He's attentive, and he does stuff to help her through her pregnancy without making her feel like any less of a desirable woman. I really root for them, and I hope Owen can stay the heck out of the way.
I always feel like I'm going to forget someone... there are just so many characters! At the end of the day, this was an excellent episode, and I'm so happy for Grey's Anatomy that they've met this huge milestone!
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