#I didn't grow up with the dub ok
raposarealm · 2 years
Watched through the Exe presentation during the Tokyo Game Show this year, and yeah, online battles and all are cool as hell, but
I forgot how Rock’s English VA (Andrew Francis) sounds. 
And no disrespect to Francis, but.
I am in pain.
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hamletshoeratio · 11 months
"But no new content 😭!!" that means jack shit. We have several literal decades worth of content we can watch or rewatch. The writers and now the actors too are not only fighting for their livelihoods but for the futures and the soul of their industries.
Fuck new content, fuck the executives and producers and powers that be who make millions upon millions while the people, who create the content that make them rich, can barely make ends meet.
Here's some suggestions to anyone who doesn't know what to watch;
Nostalgia rewatch; watch old favourites, shows and movies you haven't seen in years but that stayed with you, the ones that mattered to you.
Watch the shows your parents didn't let you watch growing up because they thought the show was "too mature" for you.
Watch the shows and movies people have recommended to you that you never found time for before.
Watch indie films!!!
Look at different genres than what you've watched before and give them a go.
Try films and shows from other countries and/or in other languages. There's dubs and subtitles available and these shows and movies can be just as good if not better than their American and/or English speaking counterpart.
And remember when watching shows, that you do not have to binge them all at once, you can have your own personal tv schedule and watch say an episode a week like you would've done when/if they aired before streaming
Look at some older films and shows, why does it matter if it's in black and white or the camera quality is lower than 4k and hd, so long as it's good? And so many of those shows and films, while not perfect, have aged better than shows that have come out in the last decade, like the golden girls for instance has aged so much better than say glee (ok many many many shows aged better than glee but let's be real for a second, music was better when artists were terrified of the Glee cast doing a better version of their song on the show. I do still wish it was a show my mom didn't let me watch tho, lmao glee was fine but no, her twelve year old being obsessed with Les mis and rewatching it religiously was cause for concern 😂😭 I was just as obsessed with glee for seasons 1-4 especially).
It's ok to indulge your inner child and rewatch the classics tm. The shows and movies you grew up with. Rewatch the shows that got you through sick days from school, the tv movies you remember watching premiere, the cartoons that MADE your Saturday mornings, etc.
On the topic of animation, that's literally an unlimited genre you can tap into, which rarely gets the recognition and respect it deserves.
Don't be afraid to watch the one season wonders, the shows that networks and streamers cancelled after one season in spite of strong reviews and good ratings. Or the shows that ended abruptly around the season 3 or 5 mark because networks and streamers cancelled them because they didn't want to negotiate contracts and have to pay the actors and writers more. Get angry, remember what the actors and writers are fighting for.
The privilege of older shows that either concluded naturally or that writers were given a heads up on might be on it's last season is that you get closure, unlike with the above. That might not mean an ending is good but a bad ending is better than a cliffhanger. There's always fix its fics for a bad ending. And if the ending is good, it's typically GOOD in my experience. The fear of a cliffhanger and zero closure has already turned many against watching new content until the show is renewed for another season or is fully wrapped (and fans don't hate the ending).
Watch the shows that were in their day or are popular or critically acclaimed, they usually hold up to the hype.
Watch the old shows and movies your favs were on/in before they were your favs.
Try a soap or a telenovela, they can be entertaining af (holby city my love, Tuesdays have never been the same since the BBC robbed me of you).
If you liked a reboot or a revival of a show, try the original (in certain cases, the og is even better, see boy meets world v girl meets world).
If you like period dramas, try shows and films from other countries based on their history. A lot of times when people are telling their own history it goes far better than when Hollywood tries it (see the many times Hollywood has actors brought in because producers think they're good for box office and they then go on to butcher the accent their character should have, see Cameron Diaz, Julia Roberts, Meryl Streep and so many others who have absolutely butchered the Irish accent over the years for instance. There's also many many instances even recently of just blatant whitewashing see Matt Damon as the last samurai...).
Listen to recommendations, watch the shows and movies you know your family and friends loved but you never got around to watching.
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kykeee · 11 months
After re-watching the digimon dub I have compiled a list of my favourite quotes;
Matt: because I'm the MAN
Agumon: Something's not right. My nose ALWAYS knows
Some evil digimon: you've become quite a nuisance
Joe: of course i'm a teenager
Tai: Those black gears are RUDE
Tai: c'mon Izzy let's move out
Izzy: Roger!
Mimi: He forgot his name!
Joe: Could you please stop taunting the deranged android!!
Agumon: they really do come from another world
Gabumon: that is why they're depressed
Tai: We all had to grow up really fast. Except Joe. He just threw up really fast.
Matt: has anyone noticed we talk a lot about food?
TK: What if you get like dead or something?
Patamon: I am not here to raise babies!
Izzy: You creamed him!
Apocalymon: HAHAHA wait what am I laughing at? I'm supposed to be depressed!
Kari: The light inside me is for everyone
TK: and my hope!
Izzy: KnoWLedGE
Tai, crying: Stupid Matt and his harmonica
Cody: here's your hat TK. I didn't want anybody stepping on it.
TK: That's ok I have six others just like it.
Matt: I gotta go, grandma fell asleep on TK again.
Izzy, reading out emails dramatically: Be home by six, oh wait that's my mum.
Ken: We have a verdict you're ugly
Ken: Why are you keeping me here tied up like a pretzel?!
Cody: he's stealing your energy!!
Little girl: mind your own business it's cool!
Random student: so how bout it Guz you ready for that big anatomy test today?
Guz: yeah I spent the whole night looking in the mirror
Izzy: according to my calculations it's all your fault
Cody: I wonder why TK gets so emotional when he talks about the powers of darkness
Ken: Nice friends you got there Davis
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winterlogysblog · 2 months
I think my brain just glitched...
Ok so... Camelot. Arthur made Camelot through the power of Chaos right. At first, I found it weird that Arthur even needed to steal parts of Britannia to make Camelot. Chaos is incredibly powerful, it literally made three powerful deities that made their own realms for their own created races. So... why can't Arthur just make Camelot on its own. Then, it was later established that these places and people in Camelot are made through the wishes and wants of the people, without it there's nothing. If Chaos is so powerful, why is Arthur limited through that? Then it clicked.
The Sacred Tree is still alive
The Sacred Tree is essentially an embodiment of Nature. Disaster, a power granted by The Sacred Tree to the Fairy Kings is an ability that grants control over life and death.
The 'people' within Camelot function like a physical illusion. They're 'alive' but not really. They're just there, fueled by a wish. They don't even grow old, they just stay like that because that's all they are an illusion, they're not alive because there's no life.
The Demon King's power is darkness. The Supreme Diety's power is light. The Sacred Tree's power is life.
Notice how unnatural-looking the Chaos monsters are. Almost demonic even. That, to me, shows that Chaos is unstable.
The Demon King and his Commandments and The Supreme Deity and her graces are somewhat of an extension of themselves, it's their power passed to others. If we correlate this to Chaos creating the DK, SD and ST as Chaos sacrificing parts of their power, that power is lost or weakened because they have it. But the DK and SD are no longer present and since they are created by Chaos, that power most likely goes back to it. That is my assumption at least. But the graces are still out there. Ludo, Sariel, and Tarmiel died with their graces so they'll just go back after a few thousand years with their graces so that part of the SD probably didn't even go back to Chaos.
I made a post way back and on that, I compared the Commandments and Graces to Disaster as all three are just an extension of the DK, SD, and ST's power, in there I noted how Disaster is different as all three Fairy Kings can use it even if they're all present, it's not like the Commandments and Graces that only one person can use it. So that is also interesting.
There is also a complete lack of Sacred Tree information and just now, in 4kota is literally the first time we ever step foot inside the Fairy Realm and we got more Fairy Lore which is really nice. Now, what if the reason behind the lack of information about the Sacred Tree is because of Chaos. Nakaba doesn't want us to know anything about Chaos up until the very end because of 4kota, because he wants to keep Chaos a mystery.
In Chapter 140, Tioreh told us about these giant mushrooms that grow on top of the Sacred Tree's roots that are called "God Seats". The DK and SD are the only ones primarily dubbed as Gods. So that part is also interesting.
This is the Demon King's last words to Meliodas.
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"You will regret this..."
In Cursed By Light, before Meliodas and Zeldris beat the Supreme Deity, she says that the only way to maintain balance in the world is by continuing the Holy War.
Before Chaos is established, this is just nonsense. But now that we know... I have a feeling that the DK and SD sealing away Chaos has more to it than what we know. Also, isn't it fun that two beings born to be in conflict with one another worked together to seal Chaos? Now, we don't get to know more because they're gone but the Sacred Tree is still around... so there's that.
I have a huge feeling that Nakaba will give us some juicy lore about the Sacred Tree in the future. Either that or I'm high on copium.
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sevikasangel · 1 year
Tetella for your event can we get demon au but reader being a succubus and topping the arcane ladies? Dub-con would be nice but if it makes you uncomfortable ignore it! And congrats for 1k you're my mommy 🥳🥳🥳❤️
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ the ladies face a very sinful, tormenting visit from a naughty succubus who wants nothing but feasting from their pleasure
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including: vi, sevika, cassandra, renata glasc, vayne.
— contains: n sfw, f!afab reader, top reader, sub/dom dynamics, bd / sm, praising, degrading, dub-con, overstimulation, use of toys, forced submission.
— a/n: my switch brain going brrrr in this. thank you so much for the request, sweetheart...and since i am your mommy, take your coat outside, or else you'll be cold. tetella...ok, that's super cute.
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𝐕𝐈 ♡
vi did expect punishment in prison for being a troublemaker. throwing punches and drowning the face of another detainee in the boiling soup weren’t encouraged behaviors by the guards. she would usually get thrown into solitaire, get roughed up, and be beaten when the shift was harsher. it doesn’t matter. vi could take it. however, what she didn’t expect was to end up in this tormenting predicament.
the mystery surrounding the unknown aisle of the prison was well-known to the inmates. the ones who were sent there for misbehaving returned rather stunned and traumatized. their attitudes were cured. it always seemed as if someone had broken them into mere docile, leashed dogs. surely, they didn't want to return to wherever they were sent. they quivered at the slightest mention of aisle 666.
vi found out in the worst way possible what was truly kept in section 666. it was a high-security underground designed to imprison dangerous supernatural creatures, such as vampires, werewolves, demons of all classes…even this one succubus tormenting her right now.
vi was entirely stripped from clothes, her hands were handcuffed behind her back, and her thighs were bent on the knees as ropes secured them spread. it was quite cruel to expect her to beg you to stop pressing the vibrator against her clit with a ball gag in her mouth. she whined and whimpered, trying her best to squirm away from you. she could feel your breasts pressed against her back as your hand abused her soaking hole, the sloppy noises of her wetness filling the room. her eyes were glossy and wide, pupils dilated as she felt another upcoming orgasm growing in her core.
"come on now, sweetie. don't squirm too much, it'll be worse for you. can you feel this delicious vibe on your princess' parts while your new mistress abuses your slutty pussy? your pathetic whimpers are music to my ears. am i making you cum again? awww, poor little girl. gonna make you into my perfect bondage whore. the guards spoil me way too much…they always bring me the best girls!"
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sevika was used to cheating whenever she gambled. her eyes were trained to scan the cards on the hand of each opponent. she threatened a waitress or two to peek over the shoulders of men and women who were bound to lose mountains of dirty money to her. with her influence, even if she was caught, nobody would be courageous enough to confront silco's right-hand woman. after all, her reputation of being the queen of zaun didn't appear from nowhere.
however, things didn't go according to plan when sevika attempted to trick a seemingly dumb and defenseless woman. an eye candy like this surely didn't belong there. easy money. easy fucking too. what she didn't expect is that she was messing with a gambling addict succubus that didn't take the loss very well. and cheating...oh, that was unacceptable. the red gleam in your eyes and the way your claws tapped against the wooden table would forever hunt her nightmares. the cold wolf-like grin on your lips was terrifying.
now it was too late for regrets as the same grin faced her. the bar was empty as the few people who were previously drinking felt terrified of the black fog that suddenly engulfed them. sevika was on top of the gambling table, arms chained on each side of her body. she grunted and cussed at the sensation of the cold breeze fanning against her bare wet pussy.
sevika cussed you out and growled as you passed the tip of your sharp-bladed knife around her nipples, teasing them as you watched them become perky. the heel of your free hand rubbed her clit as you used two digits to pump in and out of her, smirking as you felt her tight pussy squeezing your fingers, yearning, begging for more. sevika wanted to disappear whenever a pornographic pleasure moan escaped her. she wouldn't be caught dead admitting it, but she loved being used as your fucktoy.
"ugh, fucking bitch, i said i'll pay you back! do you really have to finger me like some disgusting pervert!? fuck! u-ungh...mmmm...shut the fuck up! i am not en-enjoying-...mmmmph...damn it. fuck. i will kill you when i'm out of here!"
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as a counselor, cassandra expects the citizens of piltover to respect her undeniable authority figure. the enforcers ensured the politicians were well-cared for, as no one wanted any scandals surrounding poor security. piltover was a city that breathed reputation and order. they would never allow themselves to be so sloppy. and usually, criminals feared doing anything against piltover’s powerful people. the big fish. they were well aware of what happened to those who stained their honor.
with that clarified. politicians would be careless sometimes. they were used to the feeling of being untouchable. sometimes they didn’t have to be accompanied by an enforcer to intimidate criminals. the invisible threat engulfed and shielded them as if they were in cold war. it was one of those days for cassandra. her day on the council had been quite exhausting. arguing and voting for projects were not what she needed in order to untangle her mind from her homely issues. she was stressed out and drained. and her job didn’t help. yes, it was indeed well-paying and she wouldn’t trade it for anything. she could use some vacations, though.
sighing, cassandra opened the door of her black car and slipped into the driver’s seat. her gloved hands stroked the steering wheel and she cussed under her breath. as soon as she pushed the key in order to activate the engines of her car, a hand came out of seemingly nowhere and pressed a chloroform-drenched rag against her face. she screamed beneath her assaulter’s hand, but it came out muffled. the counselor was caught by surprise, so she didn’t have any reflexes to defend herself. all she could hear were giggles and shushing noises as the world around her became black.
when she woke up, she wasn’t very pleased to be in the backseat of her own car. her hands were bound behind her back and her legs were tied spread, bent on the knees. she had nothing but her elegant, white lace panties on. she couldn’t question anything with her mouth taped shut. her breasts were being abused by the nipple clamps that pinched and tormented her sensitive skin. looking down, she widened her eyes upon seeing the rope between her legs, securing a thick dildo inside her pussy. her eyelids shivered and her thighs trembled as natural, slutty moans escaped her throat. she tried to rub her thighs together, gulping and staring at her driving captor with big, prey eyes. she hated to admit it, but she was so turned on. her mind never consented to this, but her body loved it way too much.
“you woke up, darling. do you like my cock inside of you, hmm? that big, thick rubber cock stretching you out while that rope rubs your clit, make you all nice and wet for me…aww, i know you do. i couldn’t help it when i saw you all alone in that parking lot, honey...i had to take you all for myself. you made me want you so fucking much. nothing is getting in my way, sweetie. i always get what i want, there’s nothing you can do about it…gonna take you to my nest and just feast from you, you’ll be nothing but a whore for me, councilor.”
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renata’s reputation was being a loyal, generous woman. she had no problems finding new business partners or forming alliances in order to achieve what she wanted. her smooth talk, clever choice of words, and wicked intelligence had gotten her where she is nowadays. ms. glasc was a woman who lived from propaganda. she needed it in order to maintain her image intact. she had to prevent at all costs people from finding out that she was not as loyal as she manipulated them into thinking she was. she would do anything to get even richer. she would do anything in order to get her way. this is how business works. either learn it or be devoured by the suited crocodiles.
you weren’t very happy when you found out renata had scammed you into buying your part of a company for a cheaper price. she promised it was for show and you trusted her words. renata glasc stole from you, but she had all the false evidence to prove otherwise. it was your word against hers, and let’s say she had much more charisma to offer. you phoned her countless times to try a particular meeting so you could give her a second chance into fixing her mistake, but she barely acknowledged you, just ordering her secretary to lie about her current activity status. she was always busy for you. that was until you had enough of her attitude and decided you no longer wanted to be so generous.
renata regretted her choices. she indeed messed with the wrong partner. how could she have guessed that her quietest business partner was in fact a powerful demon? now she found herself on her knees between your legs as you were sitting on her office’s big leather chair. your suit tie was wrapped around her throat as you tugged at the end, using it as a leash to keep renata’s face buried in your pussy. you ordered her to use a vibrator on herself and hump against it like a dog in heat. she begged you not to do this, anything but this. but if you weren’t pleased, you would ruin her. you would tell everyone how renata glasc is a scam and you would use your demonic disgrace to ruin any chance of rebuilding herself. she had no other choice, it pleased you to watch her submissive state as she devoured your pussy like her last meal. her hand that held the vibrating wand shook and she rolled her hips, whimpering and moaning against your heat as she felt another orgasm building up, a third of the night.
“aw, you gonna cry? that’s cute. can take no more, huh? that’s too bad, isn’t it, little puppy? you are a stupid slut, renata. you thought you could just be so naughty to me with no consequences? you bad dog. oh yeah, can’t talk back with my pussy in your mouth. at least, you are good at that. don’t squirm away from your toy, stay still and take your punishment, doggy. hump it. harder. yeah…there you go, that’s it. do as you’re told unless you want everyone to know what a liar you are."
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dealing with demons was nothing new for vayne. the night huntress’ routine was tracking and hunting those who had fallen into darkness. her crossbow had ceased many more unholy lives than she could possibly count. actually, she stopped counting on the hundredth. and that was over a decade ago. shauna vayne knew what she was doing. she dealt with viego himself and his army of ruined souls, there wasn’t much she couldn’t fight. hence why she wasn’t fearful at all of a succubus she had caged behind iron bars. she knew iron was a weakness of succubus. you weren’t dead yet because she needed more information from you. she had to find a local nest of more dangerous demons. you were nothing but a low class for her.
vayne could fight and defeat her opponents. but her arrogance was something that happened to shoot her in the foot. she was so sloppy for leaving the key of the cage in your reach to pick up one of her torture weapons of choice. usually, she was wary and careful around the disgusting creatures, she knew what they were capable of. her years as a huntress created a false sense of safety where she thought not all demons deserved so much apprehension and care on her part. but silly little humans should know their place. the weakest of the demons was better than the strongest of the men.
this is how she found herself tied in the middle of her torture room. you escaped your cage with ease and tackled vayne, attacking her and easily overpowering the unprepared huntress. you chained her arms to the ceiling, stretching them as her whole nude body was displayed to your red, burning eyes. she hissed and bit her bottom lip out of rage as your hands groped her big breasts so shamelessly, feeling them up, tugging the nipples with the tips of your fingers. your snake-like tongue licked stripes on the crook of her neck and your hot breath fanned against her sensitive skin. a shocked moan was blurted when you took one of your hands to her core, digits having no problem in finding her clit and rubbing it so deliciously. vayne gulped and curled her toes, sucking in a breath as her body betrayed her. she had never felt so horny in her life. this pleasure was overwhelming. it got so much worse when you pushed two fingers into her soaked cunt and fucked her rough and fast like it was nothing, pumping in and out of her tight pussy as her body welcomed all the pleasure you were giving her. her face burned in embarrassment. this was wrong.
“stop lying, i can see how much you love this. you can cuss me out as much as you want, pet. your body doesn’t lie. can you hear this? this is how a slut’s wet cunt should sound like being abused by a demon. is this all you wanted all this time, shaune? getting fucked and reduced into the pathetic fucktoy you are? if you keep struggling like that i’ll just have to spank you harder, tie you up tighter…is that what you want? i love watching you squirm, you were only making me more pleased and making it harder for yourself. look down…look, shauna…look at my fingers disappearing inside your pussy…you like being my slut, huh? i don’t care if you like it or not.”
TAGGING: @slutformommy793 @mukurosbracup @enforcermoss @compressedwaterbottle @minaay @petitedeer @tatesmorgue
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zeevoidlight · 21 days
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(Janemba - Latin Dub)
Goku- Vegeta! are you ok?!
Vegeta- (struggling)...
Goku- ...
Vegeta- Even in the Other World I have to depend on you, Kakarot... (cries) NO!...
Goku- I know it's something irredeemable, Vegeta. Because they didn't took my body away and I keep training arduously in Great Kiosama's planet... Is just natural that there's a great difference between your soul and mine...
Vegeta- I don't need you to console me! I'm not a looser nobody!
Goku- mmh... I knew it. It's impossible to do the fusion. Because you are the Prince of Saiyans, and I know it pains you to hurt your pride.
Vegeta- ...
Goku- It's ok, Vegeta. We have to find another place to take refuge in anyways. Come on, take my arm... Hurry, Vegeta! He doesn't have the patience to wait for us.
Vegeta- Don't you dare touch me!
Goku- ... Vegeta...
Vegeta- ... Kakarot... Alright... do the fusion as you like.... If you keep feeling compassion for me in that case i prefer to...!
Goku- Vegeta...
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(growing up with this kind of Dub how am i not going to believe that Goku knows Vegeta quite well and cares a lot about him :(. And Vegeta ultimately accepts because he notices)
(also the image quality is so bad, holly s)
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spaceless-vacuum · 1 year
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Fandom‧˚。゚・° 。✎ Legend of Zelda
Pairing‧˚。゚・° 。✎ Yandere!Time x reader
Word count‧˚。゚・° 。✎ 2456
Summery‧˚。゚・° 。✎ another forced cuddling post based off of a prompt? It’s more likely than you think! This time Time breaks into your house for some cuddles while youre sleeping and it does not wind up going to plan.
Misc‧˚。゚・° 。✎ first person pov, dub-con cuddling, fighting, being overpowered, being tied up, Time wins the fight, reader is forced to deal with it all as they cant get away
After everything I wouldn't have called Time a ticking time bomb out loud, but some part of me always knew it was only a matter of time. Between the way he took the time to always watch what I was doing, carefully examining my every move to the way the townsfolk whispered about how the day before he threatened someone who got too close to me. I knew it was only a matter of time before something fell loose but I figured I would have seen a warning sign. Never had I expected it to be something like this. He stared down at my face twisted in a crazed smile that stretched ear from ear as he held me to the ground. I wasn't too aware as to what was going on since I had just woken up, but he was the one to wake me. Picking me up and moving me around in my sleep to make himself comfortable on my bed was the final straw.
It wasn't like him to act like this I was sure of it. I watched him pull me closer while shushing me, dipping his head low to plant a kiss on my lips before resting his forehead on mine. Feeling more adrenaline start up I kicked and tried to get him off of me. The scuffle earlier had brought us to the floor where he had managed to hold me against his lap for the most of it. I bit his arm to see if that would net me any ground in the struggle. Time’s ears went flat and he hissed in pain. Not letting go of my grip on his arm I dug my teeth into his flesh harder. The rest of my body wasn't being held down yet so I kicked and dug my nails into him, raking them across his flesh in an attempt to make him let me go.
“Shhh hey- hey- hey- no need to freak out baby it's all ok you're fine. I’m not going to let you go.” His voice was quiet and soft, as if saying he wasn't going to let me go free was supposed to be comforting. The way he spoke sounded like a man trying to calm a wild animal, and with the way I was biting him I supposed it fit. Moving around he situated both of his legs around me to help contain my flailing body. He wrapped himself around me tight enough it hurt and I released him from my bite so I could gasp for air in his tightening grip.
My heart raced and my head kept sending me warning signals but I couldn't understand a single thing going on, again, why was he acting like this. None of what he was doing made sense. Before I hadn't been a witness to his actions and as such I couldn't say whether they seemed out of character for him or not. This was not reasonable or calculated actions, this was the thought process of a lunatic who broke into someone's house at an ungodly hour for a bargain. I knew no one was around to help. No guards patrolled this far away from town; and even if one did decide to walk by I wasn't sure how much help they could be.
“I never came in here with the intention to hurt you! I only wanted a bit of a hug.” he whined as he spoke and the last few words came out a bit choked. I wanted to tell him where he could shove his ‘hug’ but I knew this wasn't a fight I could win. Time was a trained and hardened warrior who had been in fights far worse than this against much stronger opponents than me. I didn't have any training. I wasn't even that sure what I was supposed to be doing right now. My brain yelled at me to do something but I didn't know what it was I was supposed to be doing. My heart rate started to slow and I felt myself growing more aware and weaker as the adrenaline wore off. If I gave up the fight now there would be now way for me to break free. 
“So you broke into my house-” I raised my voice hoping that for an instant someone may be passing by who could hear and go get help. I wasn't close to the road but I had to try- “Just so you could tell me that?!” Was this part of Time always there and I had just missed it. Most of the time he hung back, arms crossed watching me go about my day while he smiled and glared at anyone who got too close. I always figured he was antisocial- as none of the townsfolk had reported seeing him very often until he came around to see me everyday. I knew there had to be a plethora of red flags I missed but what could I have missed that would have given me enough time to avoid whatever this was?
Taking the time to think took away a few precious seconds that I could have used to fight back. After I let him go with my teeth, a terrible idea that sealed my fate, he regained his composure and started moving back to plan a. With no warning he lifted me up in the air, reversed his grip, and flipped me over onto my stomach. My body was pressed on the floor with a knee on my back and it felt like the fight was already over. He won. Grabbing both of my arms he forced them behind my back and held them there with one arm. In one fluid movement he went from my friend Time to Link- the hero who slayed the half beast Ganon and saved Hyrule. Mentally I beat myself up. Of course there was no way for me to win. As long as this stayed a fight there was no way he could lose. I could not escape.
“Are you ahoy now? Did you get all of that out of your system? Things will only get better from here on out if you listen to me- starting with now.” Straddling my hips while holding me onto the floor the strongest warrior in Hyrule leane over and whispered words into my ear. Confused and trying my best to not cower away while he towered over me. His condescending tone did nothing but wound my pride and make me want to erase myself from this situation. I had lost. The precious blanket of adrenaline had worn off and I missed its comforting presence. I cowered into the ground hoping to, for an instant, move away from Link as he leaned into me. He moved his knee off of my back but held my arms in place.
His heart rate rosed as he pressed himself firmly into my back. Being this close to me meant I now had the chance to dig my fingers into his flesh and tried to make it hurt. If it had any effect he didn't say anything or try to move away. Instead he buried his face deep into my hair and breathed in deeply. Laying a kiss on the back of my head as he moved his free arm down to a pocket on his pant leg to retrieve something. My breath caught in my throat as I could feel woven rope being wound around my wrists.
The rope he was using was the same one he showed me weeks prior; it was meant to be used to scale cliffs because of how strong it was. He had shown it to me weeks prior when I found him carrying it around, and now it was being used to keep me immobilized as this villain threw his power around for his own amusement. With my hands tied behind my back he deemed me no longer an immediate threat. Standing up he walked over to my face and kneeled in front of it. I refused to meet his eyes but I could feel the weight of his on mine. I just didn't have the strength in me to see what my friend had become. His boots were more interesting anyways.
“I know you're not exactly happy with me right now but that's alright! The worst of it is all behind us, and now we can get back to where we were. With no hard feelings.” He said the last part through clenched teeth so I guess my bites did hurt more than he showed. Time picked me up and set me down on the bed. I was facing the wall which spared me the humiliation of having to make eye contact. My back was to him as he laid down next to me. Even though I couldn't see anything I could feel him pulling me close to his chest. He was right. We were now laying in the same position as we were before I woke up. 
Getting comfortable was a bit difficult for Time; he wound up settling down once his legs were entangled with me. Spooning me was probably more for comfort than it was to hold me in one place. It didn't make me feel any safer knowing that I was going to have an even harder time getting away now. Not that I had any chance once he laid his eyes on me. Stuck between a figurative wall and a literal one there was no way to go. If I wanted out I would have to use my head. Playing into his delusions and giving him what he wanted was the only way to get out of this. 
“It was impossible to say I enjoyed what was going on; rather I would admit it could have been worse. I knew enough to know that no matter what happened I would be safe even if a little lovesick. All of this was a far cry to what I would have wanted from a relationship yet the way he hooked himself around me was so reminiscent of lovers holding one another. After a lot of quiet days and lonely nights I was glad he came into my life; this just isn't how I planned for it all to go. He had his thumb hooked around one of my sore spots.
Thoughts like these could never be put into words. If I ever told this lunatic that I even thought anything related to how nice this would have been under different circumstances he would never come down from his power trip. Time was a lot of things but content to give up he was not. Even admitting I wasn't able to fight back would just make him that much more snug. Not that I even was trying to fight back at this point. It hurt to let go but I finally gave up fully. My arms went slack and I took my nails out of him, I had forgotten that they were still digging into him. No wonder he sounded so upset when speaking earlier.
“Thank you sunshine.” Something sweet like honey dripped from his voice and I knew he had the biggest grin on his face. That much was clear from his smug demeanor. One of his hands slid its way up and down my waist before wrapping itself around me again. A shiver ran down my spine from the contact. Was he trying to press my buttons? Was he trying to see how far he could go before I fought him again, or did he really enjoy this?
There is no fight left in my body regardless of the reason why. Pieces fall into place as I stare at the wall and think. I wasn't a social butterfly but I wasn't a stranger either. The people in town loved to chatter and gossip and I found myself partaking in idle chatter when making my trips for supplies. Stories are always told about what's going on. Noth small town gossip and wider spread news about Hyrule as a whole made its way to my ears. Even if no one talked about the hero anymore the memory of what Hyrule was like still rang clearly in our minds. Link, the hero himself, had attacked me. My spirit was crushed. I was doomed to fail the moment he became set to attack me.
Maybe attack wasn't the right word. Forced to cuddle with? What did one even say or do in this situation? It was criminal, sure, but being feverishly in love wasn't a crime I knew how to talk about. Assuming getting away was possible no one would be around to help. Getting away meant I would be chased down, and even after I did succeed in my escape attempt, I would still have to go to the guards for help. I had a sneaking fear that just walking up to them to clear up this little ‘misunderstanding’ wouldn't actually help. I was too weak to fight back and too stupid to figure out how to ask for help.
Time knew this too. He had to know what the end game was. Pulling me closer I heard him yawn as he settled into my side. Getting ready to stay there permanently as a shield by wrapping himself around my body. This way he was acting as a protector and personal heater. It was nice if you ignored all the red flags littering the bed I slept on. Without every other factor in play I would have butterflies in my stomach. This made  thought pop into my head. Playing into his hunger was always a  plan. If I used this to gain the upperhand I could figure my way out of this. Nothing too hasty or dramatic or else he might catch on, but it is my one true hope. No one could keep their guard up forever.
So I set myself on a path. Who knew where this road would lead me but regardless it would keep me in his arms until the time was right. Just keep swallowing your fear and allow yourself to enjoy this for long enough that you could escape. It sounded like a good plan to me. At least I had a plan now. I grabbed his shirt with my hands and pressed myself into his body. I chose not to speak because I was worried that the fear in my voice would somehow give me away. I had to find as much comfort in this moment as I could. Even if just for a second I needed to feel like I was the one in control.
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fishyyyyy99 · 11 months
OK, I seriously can't believe someone actually thinks this about season 4 of Never Have I Ever:
"In 2023, the message of the show suddenly turned into *"racism, white supremacy, patriarchy, and class inequity doesn't exist anymore. Devi did a Bollywood dance, got into Princeton, and a racist white guy said he loves her at the last minute, so everything is going to be okay (for Gen Z)."*
This is the opposite of the premise that the show started with in 2020, which acknowledged the brutal unfairness in the world."
Firstly, it wasn't a Bollywood dance. They danced to the Tamil dubbed version of a song that is originally Telugu. Tamil cinema is known as Kollywood, and Telugu cinema is known as Tollywood. Maybe people who comment so much on racism should learn a little more about not clubbing all of Indian culture together. As a Telugu woman who lives in Tamil Nadu, I'd like to say that I was really happy with the dance number. I was especially happy because it wasn't a Bollywood dance (season 1 just used Hindi songs, and that really annoyed me because Devi is Tamil).
The show literally acknowledged that Devi ("our little hothead from the valley") was happy in that moment. There was no claim about everything being okay forever. It's just that she is better equipped to deal with problems now. She will continue to grow non-linearly, just like she did throughout the show.
Of course, the show became less about dealing with intense grief as it went on - time heals. But they did portray that grief still lingers, despite that.
Also, the portrayal of familial relationships was great - Devi talking about how it's cool to live with three generations of women in her house, Nalini having to deal with empty nest syndrome, Nalini talking about her own struggle with having to start over in the US after being a top resident in India (but of course, the last season does not acknowledge how brutally unfair the world is /s) and how she was just trying to protect Devi from being devastated, Devi setting her mother up (showing how much she had healed and grown since season 2), Kamala being too attached to her family to move away and Nalini telling her that change is good (and even Kamala's coping mechanism of becoming overprotective of Nirmala), Kamala and Devi's sweet moments, the family's acceptance and joyous celebration of Nirmala finding love again, Nirmala calling Nalini out for being mean to Devi, and of course, the heartwarming scene of Nalini helping Devi pack and telling her she's proud of her. Devi's final monologue focused primarily on how much she cares about her mother. Did all of that mean nothing to some people?
Never Have I Ever is not an unproblematic show. But I still can't believe it's being reduced to this. I. Seriously. Just. Can't. Devi was so much more comfortable in her skin than when the show started, and was no longer obsessed with external validation. Her relationship with Nalini had improved greatly. She embraced her culture so much more. She was okay with not getting into Princeton, and realised that she'd always be connected to her father no matter what. I don't mind that she didn't completely give up on her Princeton dream. I don't think she needed to, to show that she had healed. She was able to tell her dad's story in a way that felt true to herself, and did not feel exploitative (she reclaimed her power from a racist white guy). She was truly happy when she prayed to the gods before leaving to Princeton. She was surrounded by people who cared about her and loved her, as she said. And she was happily in the middle of a fun game of Never Have I Ever before Ben showed up. She had learned to love herself and her life. The show having a happy (for now) ending does not equal them saying that everything is going to be okay forever. The world is still brutally unfair. Devi is just a little better at dealing with it.
I don't know who needs to hear this but Never Have I Ever had a TEAM DEVI ending! Just because Devi was not single at the end of the show/ended up with someone you dislike, it doesn't mean that the ending wasn't a win for team Devi.
I'll acknowledge that there were issues with the show throughout all four seasons. But I can't see such an empowering show being dismissed in such a ridiculous way.
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a-dirty-secret · 8 months
Johnny's Girl - Part 14
There's a bit of fluff but no smut in this chapter, just some suggestive stuff. Wanted to give the smut a break. I'd be ok with having it in every chapter, but I'm not sure how others feel about that. I can only change the language up so much. 😂
tw: dub/non-con, hematolagnia, dacryphilia, blood, violence, stalking, rough sex
After finally peeling yourselves away from each other you asked Johnny for a shower. He agreed, insisting that you'd need company, and you happily accepted. There was no hot water by the time you were done.
After your shower you decided to push your luck, asking Johnny to take you outside for some fresh air. It was late, but he agreed. He wasn't tired, and at that moment he wanted little more than to be close to you.
You took in a deep breath, basking in the warm Texas air. Your prolonged time in the basement made everything outside feel much sharper. The stars felt brighter, the air smelled fresher, and the crickets sounded louder. You wondered how well you'd be able to handle sunlight after being in the dimly lit basement for so long.
You stood there, staring at the starts, lost in your thoughts. You didn't notice how Johnny was staring at you, mesmerized by how beautiful you looked in the starlight. Just looking at you evoked emotions he'd never felt before, emotions he thought somebody like him was incapable of feeling. Is this really weakness?
You look over at Johnny and smile when you notice his eyes are already on you. "So, do I still have to stay in the basement?" You ask, grinning.
"Well that depends, are you gonna try to leave again?" He spoke the words lightly, not wanting you to see what he truly wanted to ask. Were you going to leave him?
"If I was planning on leaving, do you think I would tell you?" You tease, but notice Johnny isn't amused.
"Look, I wanna start givin' you some freedom around here. I don't want you to feel like a prisoner anymore, but I can't just let you walk outta here." He says tightly.
Despite his tone, you sense more discomfort than anger. You position yourself in front of him and wrap your arms around his neck, pressing your body against his. You press a soft kiss to his lips, then another just below his ear. "I guess you'll just have to keep a really, really close eye on me." You whisper.
"Mmm... I think I can manage that." You step away and turn around, pressing your back against him and looking back up at the stars. Johnny sighs and wraps his arms around you tightly. "Tomorrow you can start helpin' out around here. Cookin' and cleanin'. Sissy is gonna be beside herself." He says the last part with a bit of irritation and you giggle.
"How do you think everybody is gonna react to having me around? I'm a bit nervous."
"Well Sissy already likes you, and Drayton doesn't like anybody. You'll get along with Nubbins just fine, and big boy ain't bad to be around."
"And... Your mom?" You ask nervously.
Johnny hesitates. "She'll just have to get used to you, that's all."
"Who are you trying to convince, me or you?"
He laughs and gives you a squeeze, "Both, I guess. You don't have anything to worry about. As long as you're here, I'm gonna take care of you. I promise." He runs a hand down your stomach and below your shirt, rubbing the letters he'd left on your skin. "How's it healing?"
"It itches like hell, but it's healing fine. I kind of like having your name on my skin." You say, placing your hand over his.
"Oh really?" He says, sliding both his and your hands beneath your shorts and panties. He rubs your clit gently, and the feeling of his hand under yours as he touches you drives you wild. You moan softly, the feeling of him growing hard on your ass making you want to feel him inside of you, despite already being sore.
"C'mon darlin', I'm gonna fuck you to sleep." He says, removing his hand and leading you to his bedroom.
*** Johnny was standing in the doorway, waiting for you to finish getting dressed. "C'mon, we're gonna be late for breakfast." He says, irritated.
"Don't get an attitude with me, you're the one that started grinding your hard on against me."
He smirks as you walk to the doorway. "I just couldn't resist." He says, smacking your ass as you walk out of the bedroom. You make your way to the dining room to find that breakfast had already started.
Drayton sees you and narrows his eyes. "What the hell're you doin', boy? Didn't your mama tell you to take care of her?"
"She's stayin'. She can help out around the house, cookin' and cleanin'. Sissy's been complaining about needin' help around here for a while, and you're always bitchin' about how dirty the house is." Johnny says firmly.
"Oh, how excitin'! I just knew you'd come around, Johnny! It's gonna be so nice havin' another woman around the house!" Sissy chimes in excitedly.
"Ooooh! J-J-Johnny's letting his g-girlfriend stay!" Nubbins shouts, earning a happy grunt from Bubba and a sneer from Johnny.
"Your mama's gonna tan your hide when she gets back! I oughta take care of her myself!" Drayton shouts, standing up and taking a step towards you.
With no hesitation Johnny's in front of him, hands balled into fists. "If you so much as THINK of layin' a hand on her, I'll make sure you don't have a hand to use." He growls.
"What's gotten into you, boy? You're gonna let some floozy come between the family?" Drayton responds.
"She ain't comin' between the family, she's gonna be helpin' us out. You're the only one opposed, old man, you're outnumbered." Johnny says, stepping back and taking his seat at the table, you do the same.
Drayton huffs and sits back down. "She'd better make herself useful 'round here!" He shouts, returning to his breakfast.
After the meal Johnny and Drayton left for the gas station, leaving you with Sissy. She showed you around the house, telling you where to find everything. You made a mental note to ask Johnny about getting some more cleaning supplies, this house could use a good scrubbing.
The rest of the day passed quickly. It felt good to be moving around again, and to have something to occupy your time. Sissy kept a close eye on you, though she tried not to be too obvious about it. Nubbins and Bubba kept to themselves, you hadn't seen them again after breakfast.
Now you were in the kitchen, listening to Sissy talk as you prepare dinner together. So far you've gathered that she was in various cults before she came back here. You asked what made her return, but she just gave you a sad smile, saying she prefers to think about positive things.
"So you don't like it here?" You ask.
"Oh it ain't that I don't like it, I just get lonely sometimes. That's why I'm so glad Johnny's lettin' you stay! Come on sugar, let's go set the table."
As you're setting the table you hear the front door open, and Johnny soon enters the dining room. You lock eyes and he smiles, letting you know without speaking that he's happy to see you. You smile as he passes you to go to his seat, being sure to nonchalantly rub against you when he did so. You couldn't wait for dinner to be over so you could have some alone time together.
After everybody finishes eating you get to work on the dishes while Sissy goes outside to get the laundry off the line. You hear Johnny's footsteps behind you and soon feel his arms wrap around you. "Come out back when you get done." He says, planting a kiss on your neck before walking away.
You finish the dishes hurriedly then make your way out the back door. You go through a gate and follow a path by the sunflowers, finding Johnny leaning against one of the old cars, smoking a cigarette. You stand beside him and he puts an arm around your waist, pulling you to close to his side.
"Well, how was your day, darlin'? You miss the basement?" He says, and you can hear the smirk in his voice.
You laugh, "I didn't miss the basement, but I missed you." You say, resting your head on his shoulder.
"Yeah... Had you on my mind all day." The words felt awkward for him. He wasn't used to being open about his emotions, but with you he wanted to be. He sighs, thinking about what his mom is going to say. She's going to say he's soft, say you're making him weak.
"What are you thinking about?" You ask, sensing that something's on his mind. Johnny tenses, and you can tell that he's uncomfortable. "You can tell me anything, you know. You don't have to, but you can." You say, wrapping your arms around his waist.
He hesitates, thinking of what to say. "I've been slackin' around here since you came around. My mama always told me family comes first, everything else is a distraction. I'm meant for killin', it's what she raised me to do. She's not gonna be happy about us. She's gonna say you're makin' me weak, and part of me wonders if it's true." It felt odd opening up this way, but also relieving.
"You're allowed to have a life outside of your family, it doesn't mean you're any less committed to them, it just means you're also committed to yourself. She raised you to kill, but you're still human. Humans have emotions, they fall in love. That doesn't make you weak, Johnny."
After that you stand in silence, watching the sunset in each other's arms.
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mushiemellows · 1 month
Character ask game: Robin + 8, Jinbei + 23, and hmmm Nami + 25?
oh yesss thank you so much!!
Robin- 8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
When they call her old. It's one thing to like, call her old-er in text when she's having like, a convo with Nami, but it's another thing when they go FULL Milf mode. I think some people don't realize what 30 like, actually means? (ok maybe i have a soft spot for a milfy Robin in like, certain settings wink, but some people go overboard. 30 isn't old)
Jinbei- 23. Favorite picture of this character?
This one!
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When he's reintroduced post-timeskip sitting on the forest floor meditating in front of Otohime's grave. FMI is all about reintroducing everyone, and Jinbei's such a special case because he's actually the one we've seen the most recently, but his context gets to change now that the Summit War is long in the past. It really amplifies his position as just peacekeeper really early on, and sets the tone for his character going forward. He has this capacity to be really strong, to kick ass, to get riled up (as seen by his fight with Sanji not long after this) but he needs the peaceful reintroduction. He feels like he properly seeks solace, he still holds mourning in his heart, he sits in his feelings.
Nami- 25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Ohhhh I'm so glad you asked this one. So technically, my first impression of Nami I remember comes from 2004. I wasn't allowed to watch the 4kids dub when I was a child (misogyny kept me from catching that stray bullet), but I would see ads for it on tv and I loved loved loved Nami. If you asked me what one piece was when I was 9, I would have said its the story of a cool pirate girl and maybe some other guys are there too. One Piece, in my head was Nami's show more than it was anything else. I could pick out Nami from a lineup before I knew that the main character had stretchy powers. EB Nami sits in this pocket of 00s Beach Girlies that I looooooooved growing up (think like, KH Kairi, etc. Skorts and water shoes and a cute little haircut). Actually watching the show in my late 20's shifted my opinion (I'm obv more Robin aligned, but that's because 2000s Me didn't even KNOW what was in store. I think if me and my sister had been allowed to watch op as kids + the dub wasn't shit + merch was plentiful, my sister would have been Assigned Nami and I would have been Assigned Robin, which is a correct alignment to make.) When I actually started the show, she really captured me Orange Town through Arlong Park, I actually don't revisit AP very often because it's so emotional, OOF.
Currently, I'm having a lot of fun with Nami. She's mid Ulti fight in Wano for me rn, loved her trying to manipulate Big Mom, anxious to see how this Zeus sub plot pans out?? This Prometheus/Hera/Zeus/Nami abusive love square is currently my favorite driving conflict, it's so weird and funny to me. I'm excited to see her properly fight Ulti, I feel like she hasn't had a GREAT fight of her own wits for a while. Sometimes I wish she got to use some of her science smarts, I think they've been dulled a bit to just "weather magic" but she's really so smart. Thanks for letting me Nami ramble.
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glitter-lisp · 4 months
Au game but I’m making you au your fandom into mine — give me a tangled dragon rider au (doesn’t have to Napoleonic wars related bc I’m a nice person)
jaylia this is so funny because literally in the last chapter of multiverse i sent them to a dragon rider world specifically with you in mind omg okay so this is less of a 5 fun facts and more of 1 setting and 4 character sketches ok SO
think typical high fantasy there are Kingdoms and the the Kingdoms have Magic and also some of the Kingdoms have Dragons and and the Dragons have Dragonriders and when a newborn Dragon picks a human to be their Dragonrider they are shipped off to a multination Dragon School Up In The Mountains To Learn How To Do It also worth noting for this world im stealing the eragon thing that dragons can choose their riders from inside the egg so if you touch a dragon egg sometimes that bitch will hatch on the spot for you and oops now you gotta deal with that. so anyways our cast of character in the ya novel i am dubbing the dragon thief:
hugo. the eponymous dragon thief. part of a thieves guild, stole a dragon egg in transport to sell to the highest bidder because that shit is EXPENSIVE if the sale went through he'd be set for life, except oh holy shit what the fuck it fucking HATCHED, and since dragon bonds are considered sacred across all nations (dragons are too Wise to choose random shitheels obviously) he's immediately pardoned of all crimes and shipped off to dragon school with his hatchling, but being pardoned of your crimes doesn't mean your fellow trainees have forgotten them and everyone at the school knows you once tried to kidnap and sell the baby dragon that is now bonded to you for life, and they treat you accordingly
nuru, a young princess who's descended from a long line of both nobility and dragonriders, but always like, yknow. the eldest daughters. the only-kind-of-joking family motto is "first on the throne, second in the saddle" and nuru is the fourth child so the best she could hope for was a decent dowry and a husband who let her keep studying astronomy, but then at her family's hatching ceremony the hatchling stumbled out of its egg and trotted right past all of nurus sisters and into her arms, so now her family is furious even though she really, really, really didn't mean to buck tradition and steal her sister's dragon, and all of her sister's friends who expected her there after the egg hatched are instead stuck with her pesky baby sister instead
yong. tiny baby child whose parents are trainers at the school, and was therefore raised on the property, and was therefore raised as much by dragons as people. is accidentally EXTREMELY magical by virtue of growing up around so much magical energy. his parents keep him the fuck away from any eggs because of that, for fear of him accidentally pulling an unhatched dragon into a bond because of his power instead of the dragon actually wanting to bond with him as a person. yong somehow manages to find, befriend, and bond with a young wild dragon ("young" by dragon standards at least) instead, leaving him half a decade younger than his mostly teenage and young adult classmates, and his dragon close to a century older than their hatchlings
varian. the first dragonrider trainee from his kingdom invited to study at the school. At least, the first in close to 30 years, since his uncle the king and his dragon were both defeated in battle a few years ago after waging war on the rest of the world for a quarter of a century. edmund is gone and his son eugene, varians older cousin, is doing what he can to fix the wreck of his own kingdom, make amends with their neighboring kingdoms, and restart the dragonrider corps in the dark kingdom, since edmund demanded all other dragons and riders be banished a few decades ago. varian never had anything to do with the war, never fought in it and barely knew his uncle or his dragon, but that doesn't stop people from treating him and his dragon like they're also going to go insane and start murdering people any second
soooooo yeah that's all i got band of misfits at magic school sticking together because everyone else hates them so they might as well
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minijenn · 6 months
Jen Tortures Herself With Every Dreamworks Animated Movie Ever: Monsters Vs. Aliens
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So you might be surprised to learn I never really watched this movie before now. And yeah... I don't think this movie was really a major part of too many other peoples' childhoods either. Because uhhh we got a mid in an otherwise banger era for Dreamworks.
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We focus on Susan, who is struck by a meteorite at her wedding and mutates into a 50 foot tall woman, now dubbed Ginormica. She's imprisoned alongside a group of other monsters, including Dr. Cockroach, the Missing Link, B.O.B, and Insectasorus, who are all recruited into fighting an encroaching alien menace in exchange for their freedom. It's a simple story, one that's clearly harkening back to classic monster and alien movies alike, sort of as a blending of the genres of sorts. It presents moments of strong emotion, but idk, they just didn't really land for me? This whole movie as a whole really didn't, tbh.
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Our characters are fine enough. Susan is an ok protagonist, initially a very normal woman who comes into her own and grows strong both physically and emotionally as the plot goes along. The other monsters are ok, not as annoying as I thought they'd be, but not the best either. I did enjoy the friendship they had with each other, and with Susan though, you really do get the sense that all these weirdos genuinely care about each other. Our villian is Gallaxhar, a power-hungry alien, and he's your usually silly antagonist who is just... ok. Like everything else abuot this movie.
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The animation is... again, ok. I believe this movie was initially made to be shown in 3D, so there's a lot of weird stuff going on on that front. The character designs are also kind of ugly, especially some of the humans, though I think that might have been intentional given that How to Train Your Dragon only came out a few months after this and the humans all look fine in that. There's a good mix of action and comedy here and both are again, say it with me now, just ok. Nothing laugh out loud hilarious here, I kind of didn't react to much of anything at all while watching this.
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So yeah, Monsters Vs Aliens isn't really a bad movie, but I can't call it anything other then just ok. It's not very memorable, not when matched up against its contemporaries, and I can see why it never really garnished any sequels (I know it does have TV show though, I have fever dreams of seeing it on Nickelodeon while home sick from middle school). It just... doesn't leave much of an impact on you (ironic, given the film starts with a literal meteorite impacting a woman).
The timing for this movie is so weird because it really is just a very meh movie sandwiched in between some of Dreamworks' absolute best. Personally, it didn't do much for me, but I'm not much of a sci-fi buff in general so maybe I'm just not the right audience for it. Idk ya'll, at the end of the day, all I can say about Monsters Vs. Aliens is that... well, it certainly exists. And that's about it.
Overall Rating: 5/10
Verdict: Get wrecked by a radioactive meteorite
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Previous Review (Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa)
Next Review (How To Train Your Dragon)
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timetoddddavis · 10 months
how would you suggest getting into ultraman? i see stuff you and others post/reblog and it looks cool, but it also seems, uh, all interconnected? and i dunno what a good jumping-on point is!
Hi!! Ok so Ultraman SEEMS really interconnected, and in some cases, it is! The first seven or so shows are all one continuity, and then Mebius shows up all the way in 2006 to be the capstone to that story.
It's also the case for "new gen" shows, those being Ultraman Ginga (2013) to Ultraman Decker (2022), where any Ultra from any era can kinda just show up for a few episodes!
But the extremely cool thing about Ultraman as a franchise is that even though these shows can call crossover, you REALLY don't have to have any extra knowledge to understand what's going on! In every case that I've seen, any reference to another show will be well explained, regardless of if you have any knowledge going in, or otherwise totally understandable. They work really hard to make Ultraman accessible for everyone, especially newcomers.
If you've watched any toku, I'm sure you've heard 'you can start anywhere, just pick one you like the vibe of!' and that's also true for Ultraman! Every show is a great place to jump in!!
For my personal picks, I should start by saying I've only watched one Showa Ultraman. Sorry Showa fans, I just haven't gotten there yet!! So these recs will be from recent series.
I think I would say Ultraman Orb is a great starting place. The overall story is one about the guy who is Ultraman, and the guy who is his nemesis, their very long journey towards self forgiveness and self empowerment, and the human woman who looks at a centuries long cosmic ballet of spite and hurt and says "no. you aren't nearly as scary as you think you are." I think it has a very accessible, relatable story!
My first was actually Ultraman Ginga, which is a VERY low budget, low key entry in the series. It's about being in highschool, and being friends, and also sometimes you are Ultraman. Ginga gets a bad rep in some circles that prefer more spectacle, but for me it was like, ok so this show was made for NO MONEY, but somehow even with very very little to work with, it got across the IDEAS of Ultraman so simply and so well that it hooked me on the whole franchise.
A third option would be Ultraman Mebius! "Davis you just said Mebius is a capstone to the first like 7 Showa Ultras" yes i know but Mebius is. So good. It's just bursting at the seams with love for the series, and totally understandable for a newcomer. It's the story of a very young alien coming to Earth with no knowledge or experience, and how he frankly fucks up?? But then about how he learns, and grows, and fucks up, and tries again, over and over.
Oh oh oh I would be remiss if I didn't say the current show, Ultraman Blazar, is not connected to any other show, and it's coming out Friday nights, and it's really good so far! It's all on the tsuburaya productions youtube, and simulcasts with both subs and a dub!
SO..... I hope that isn't too much information!! I could keep going, is the thing. Do you want more sympathy for the monsters? X! Do you want a story about fighting the stigma that you're inherently evil because of your birth? Geed! Do you want that same idea but made for no money and more about a found family? Mega Monster Battle! Do you like family shows? R/B! Do you want to watch one of the most influential pieces of Japanese pop culture from the last century? ULTRASEVEN. Do you just want to watch a movie? Revenge of Belial!
Have fun, and let me know if you find one that clicks with you!
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aoxizu · 4 months
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day 81 of saving for jing yuan rerun: 326 wishes (this is the only jing yuan part of the post)
ok. so. somewhat long very rambly post beware, also spoilers probably
i have not yet completed the companion quest or any other side quests but i have done the main quest
i don't get firefly like i just do not care about her
we met her for 3 hours and i'm supposed to have developed a bond already? and i'm supposed to believe that she's dead? sure she's pretty and all but i just don't get it
i don't know maybe there's subtext i'm missing as a person who is pretty much allergic to romance i just don't understand why i'm supposed to care so much about her "death"
though i will say that sam's fight was pretty good. i liked that.
i also really want to trust aventurine and give him the benefit of the doubt but it seems like he's definitely a major driving force behind everything
why did you have a corpse in your bathtub, aventurine??
i really like aventurine and dr ratio's dynamic with dr ratio being one of the few people who can actually cut through aventurine and aventurine playing up the idiocy and mediocrity
i strongly believe as of right now that the dead people are not going to stay dead and some may even be killed again
i've never played honkai impact 3 but it appears that on the hsr subreddit there are memes of people starting to understand otto now that firefly is dead and i just still don't really get it
did we really manage to build that close of a relationship in those 3 hours of running around? personally i'd argue that i'm closer with black swan even though you were only a part of her contract
going on a different note here but i keep getting distracted whenever they bring up contracts and the fact that aventurine is a merchant
zhongli and liyue just float up from the recesses of my mind and i'm just there going "cOnTrAcT?? liyue reference???" in the middle of important dialogue
anyways image dump incoming
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the architects just look like wizards and they just stand there with their arms outstretched
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i like sam's boss fight but his animations feel a little off to me? somehow i don't know quite how to explain it and his model also feels a little weird
good music though
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also there was the whole thing with robin's voice being off and after welt pointed it out i tried to listen for it and i couldn't tell the difference, but that seems to just be a me thing
the other question with robin is was she sparkle from the start? when you initially entered the dream and landed in a unique pose slightly reminiscent of other media and sunday and robin come up to you and robin helps you adjust to the dream, was she already sparkle then? if so then how did sparkle do that, isn't that like a xipe and fuli exclusive thing?
i've also seen people who play with the english dub talk about how sampo's voice is different now compared to his voice during belobog, though i don't know if that's a result of real life interfering or if it was specifically directed to sound that way by devs
i also don't play in en so i wouldn't know
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i also feel like gallagher was not what i expected
he's the head of security and he just let firefly go because she was pretty? i don't know why gallagher would make that decision just based on appearances and i am growing increasingly concerned for the safety of penacony if the head of security can just let people go for looking like they're innocent
or am i just used to living in a part of the world where the police are almost never on your side? maybe elsewhere police do usually give people the benefit of the doubt, and i'm just used to police always being this force you have to be cautious of and the idea that in an encounter with them you need to be careful of the answers you give
anyways that was a plot point i didn't really like but who knows maybe his character will change in the future
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i didn't expect that duke inferno would be playable but him dying is still a little sad. but i have seen so much of his relic set recently that it feels like i already have him (and his artifacts absolutely suck i got this really good hand piece with attack %, crit rate, and crit damage as the substats so there's no way it could go wrong right? no it went all into effect hit rate.)
my personal vendetta against duke inferno's artifact set aside, i still feel like firefly shouldn't have been killed this early
i feel like i had no chance to develop any sort of relationship with her and at most we were acquaintances when she died
and also the whole deal with acheron's red text is a little unsettling but i definitely felt safer with her around as she hasn't tried to kill me or use me yet while other characters have
i went into 2.0 thinking i wouldn't like black swan but i've come around to her and honestly she is nice when she doesn't have to be
i don't mind that she only brings you to aventurine to fulfill her part of a contract, though i wish literally all of the characters would explain their actions clearly for a person like me who has no ability to read subtext
and also her exploration mechanic is really nice
i don't like to play dot teams but i'm considering it now, though it will have to wait a while
what i really want is a character that works similar to the quake mechanic in the simulate universe and the captain dunn enemy kind of
like clara but preservation
basically i want a battle cleric but like a dps shielder
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this guy might end up replacing gepard if i get him
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i wish there was a way to rewatch cutscenes because there is probably so much foreshadowing hidden in the details that i couldn't catch the first time around
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can galaxy rangers be emanators of the hunt? i think all the generals of the xianzhou ships are and so is the marshal, but i don't know if the galaxy rangers are also like officially endorsed by lan
they seem to be another group that also travels the path of the hunt but doesn't necessarily have lan's blessing in as much of a direct way as the xianzhou does, like how the luofu generals get lightning lord and stuff
i really hope we get to see more of the other xianzhou ships (i need more jing yuan content)
but personally i don't think acheron is an emanator of the hunt, far more likely to be destruction or finality
also i'm absolutely taking 仙舟旧纪 as canon despite the fact that it is entirely fanmade
it is my canon now
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who killed the...
ominous title aside, i get the feeling that robin is more likely to stay dead than firefly
her death feels like something that the plot will revolve around at some point in the future, and it feels oddly fitting
so also fun fact there is a 10 images per post limit. sad
but i think that sums up most of my thoughts on the main quest so far, though there probably is more that i haven't touched on
at any rate, i am looking forward to 2.1 and aventurine's banner. i need to collect all the preservation characters or as many as i can with the welkin and not spending any additional money
there are 22 days left until jing yuan's rerun
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ireblogtrigun · 1 year
Some thoughts I wanna scream about my experience watching the Sub and the Dub.
Ok I finally rewatched the Dub version of Trigun, and so far I'm already liking it way more than the sub.
To me the dub tries to be more humorous with the way the characters speak and how they react to situations. And to me it's giving me the same vibes the og Trigun did with its way on how it handled humor mixed in with seriousness.
Another thing that I like about the dub is the subtle changes it made with the dialog of the characters. And to me, the changes it has made, had helped the story flow a lot better than what I saw in the sub.
In episode 1. Roberto asks Vash "What are you afraid of?" in the dub, instead of "Who are you afraid of?" like the sub.
To me the sub was too confronting about Vash's fear at the start. How could Roberto even guess it was a someone instead of a something in the first place? There were no indications that Vash was afraid of a person beforehand (until way after when Vash defeated the military police guy, and they all talked again in the bar and Vash gives the spiel about his brother in episode 2)
But when Roberto asked "what" instead of "who" in the dub, it helped show that Roberto is a perceptive character that notices something is bugging Vash, but doesn't know what it is yet. ("You didn't show any fear against the guy that was trying to kill you. But when you saw the red plant, you immediately choked up. What are you afraid of?")
But then in episode 2, Roberto does learn about Vash's brother. So then, Roberto confronts Vash again and repeats the same question he asked before from episode 1 "What are you afraid of?", but then follows it up with "Oh wait don't tell me. It's your brother, isn't it?"
And to me that revelation and build up FLOWS SO MUCH BETTER THAN WHAT THE SUB DID.
I'm screaming. It's all so good!
I also love how the dub is attacking Meryl's sheltered life in the city. At first I thought Stampede was butchering Meryl's character a bit, but after watching the dub it made me realize something. They're not butchering Meryl's character. They're addressing the "sheltered upbringing" of hers THAT THE OG ANIME NEVER ADDRESSED.
We're gonna see Meryl grow from her sheltered self into the badass she always was from the original.
It's gonna be so good! AAAAA I can't wait to see her development!
So far the dub has been giving me a much better experience than the sub, so I'm really looking foreward to watching more of the dub episodes when they're released, and I'm gonna show my friends Stampede through the dub instead of the sub, first.
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trickster-archangel · 2 years
I don't do tag games because I'm the worst, and since I never have time, or right mood, or both, and in this fuckingoodammitcursed time of the year even less than ever, I postpone until six months have passed and it's too late 😂 Also, I'm the most boring person so it's better if I keep the mystery around….
Anyway, I feel called out because, let's see... @chaosrising451 @stephmcx @mayberrycryptid tagged me so, here it is.
3 Ships: alright, this is easy, even if the ship grows on me only after I watched the show and not the opposite, probably I'm some sort of demi-ship-sexual. So it's Steve McGarrett/Daniel Williams aka McDanno (Hawai'i Five-0), Helen Magnus/Nikola Tesla aka Teslen (Sanctuary), Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens).
First Ever Ship: of this I'm sure. I was 7 years old, Saint Seiya was airing for the first time in Italy, and I decided Hyoga and Shun were a perfect match for each other. Friendship-wise and romantic-wise, even if I couldn't care less. But the resuscitation scene is famous not for nothing. I didn't even know I was shipping them but I did 😂
Last Song: uh, so, I'm in a really BAD spot right now, so I'm not listening to music. Just some endless playlist of rainy coffee shop with bossa nova piano ambience stuff, to shut the world outside. Or lofi. Lofi is always a safe haven.
Last Movie: honestly? Too many years ago to remember. I'm not big on movies, I cannot watch tv in peace and after 8 hours drawing maps on pc for work I surely won't turn mine on. Probably it was my 56th rerun of LOTR trilogy, ten years ago.
Currently Reading: a book I purchased years ago and never read, like always. Compulsory shopping, especially if I find used books. It's If Cats Disappeared from the World by Genki Kawamura. It's a bit disappointing so far, some banality about the important things of life, but since I can only read while commuting and I'm having difficulties getting back to my usual standard of a book per week like before I started university 8 years ago, if it's not some essay or handbook or textbook, it's ok for now. Anyway I just finished reading the marvelous essay by Rifkin, Hydrogen Economy, which I purchased exactly 20 years ago and which predicted exactly what would become of our fossil fuel economy today.
Currently Watching: eh, same as before. They were airing again the Italian dub of H50 during pre-dinner time so I tried to catch up, but now it's stopped at s3 finale to air something else, so nothing specific.
Currently Consuming: just finished dinner, consisting of broth soup, breaded fish, salad and fruit :)
Currently Craving: .....let's skip this, it's just too sad.
Not tagging anyone, but feel free to spread and maybe join!
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