#I do fucking love it when fantasy series say fuck gender and people of the same sex can have children and no explain is needed
feelingtheaster99 · 1 month
Again Gorgug fucking killing it with asking the good questions because it never occurred to me whatsoever that Ankarna and Cassandra might have had a child
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nellasbookplanet · 3 months
Book recs: Queer fantasy, part 1
A note: queer here does not necessarily mean “guarantee of an f/f or m/m ship with a happy ending”, but rather simply a significant presence of queerness. Some of the books feature no romance but has a same gender attracted/trans/a-spectrum lead, or features an m/f relationship with bisexual, trans or aro/ace characters, or simply features a world-building which is heavily queer inclusive in ways that don’t always compare to our own ideas of sexuality and gender. I have however disqualified works where the only queer presence is along the lines of “gay best friend” or a blink and you’ll miss it confirmation that never comes up again.
For queer sci-fi recs, click here! For a masterpost of book rec lists, click here! For more details on the books recommended here, continue under the readmore. Titles marked with * are my personal favorites!
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The Spear Cuts Through Water by Simon Jimenez*
AKA the book the killed me. Two boys travel throughout their land with the body of a god as her horrible, horrible children try to hunt them down. It’s hard to explain more than that, but trust me when I say the narrative voice and literary techniques are incredibly unique in how they blend past and present, reality and story, lead and bystander. Truly an experience. Features an m/m romance.
The Unbroken (Magic of the Lost series) by C.L. Clark*
Tourraine, who was stolen as a child and trained as a soldier for the empire that conquered her home, is recruited by Luka, the future leader of the conquering country, to root out a rebellion. A game of twisted loyalties and attraction is soon to develop as the two must decide where their priorities lie: with each other, or with their respective countries and people.
Sing the Four Quarters (Quarters series) by Tanya Huff*
Though a royal by birth, princess Annice renounced her throne to become a bard, a musician who through training can Sing elemental spirits to do their bidding. Ten years later, she goes on the run for two counts of treason, first by imperiling the succession order by becoming pregnant, second by helping her ex, and the father of her child, escape the palace dungeons and a death sentence. Bisexual lead in an f/f relationship. When I first read this book I described it as, and I quote, 'a fucking delight', and I stand by that.
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The Unspoken Name (The Serpent Gates duology) by C.L. Clark*
The sort of portal fantasy you get when all the worlds connected by portals are fantasy worlds, and none of them are ours. The portals themselves become simply a part of the worldbuilding that the characters use to travel between fascinating places, and it’s all really cool. It follows Csorwe (lesbian orc assassin whom I love), who grew up in a cult, indoctrinated as a child sacrifice to a god. But on the day she was meant to die, she instead chose to follow a powerful wizard and train to become his loyal servant and sword. Aside from being an excellent fantasy, it’s also a close look at the hard path of unlearning indoctrination and the search for love and validation where you’ll never find it, and learning to live for yourself. Multiple queer leads.
The Jasmine Throne (The Burning Kingdoms series) by Tasha Suri
A princess held captive by her own brother, who wants to see her dead, tries to trick a servant into helping her escape, but with undeniable attraction growing between them and the servant having her own goals of liberation things quickly get complicated, both between them and in the country at large as rebellion and dangerous magic brews. Sapphic romance.
The Priory of the Orange Tree (The Roots of Chaos duology) by Samantha Shannon
Queen Sabran's lineage has protected the country of Inys from dragons for a thousand years, but now the safety of their land is threatened as Sabran is yet to conceive and assassins are closing in. Lady-in-waiting Ead is secretly part of a society of hidden mages, and is using her position to protect her queen. Meanwhile, on the other side of the sea, dragonrider Tané is faced with an impossible choice. The fates of all three are intertwined as they attempt to stop the rise of a great dragon. 800+ page epic fantasy. Sapphic romance.
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The Raven and the Reindeer by T. Kingfisher*
Young adult, fairy tale retelling of the Snow Queen. When Gerta's friend Kai is stolen away by the evil Snow Queen, Gerta must depart on a mission to save him. On the way, she encounters, among others, a talking raven and a pretty robber girl who become her allies. Sapphic romance.
The Rise of Kyoshi (Kyoshi duology) by F.C. Yee*
Young adult. Set in the Avatar universe, but aimed at an older audience than the animated series. Though she will one day be one of the most well-known avatars of the land, for now, young Kyoshi is but a humble girl who has yet to find out her true destiny as the bender of all four elements and keeper of balance of her world. When betrayal strikes and a dear friend is lost, Kyoshi goes on the run alongside fiesty firebender Rangi to find out the truth of her destiny and power. Sapphic romance.
Legends & Lattes (Legends & Lattes series) by Travis Baldree
Viv is tired of adventures and bloodshed - now she wants a peaceful life, and decides to go after it by opening a café. But going from warrior to small business owner is easier said than done, especially when Viv's old life comes knocking. Best described as a cozy fantasy, with a largely low-stakes but heartwarming plot and a sapphic romance.
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Phoenix Extravagant by Yoon Ha Lee
Gyen Jebi is an artist, but making a living is difficult. When offered a job by the Ministry of Armor to paint the magical sigils that animate their automaton soldiers, they have little choice but to accept. But as Jebi sees the dark depths of the government, especially the shocking source of their magical paint, they must find a way to resist. Perhaps by freeing the Ministry's mighty automaton dragon... Nonbinary main character.
Crier's War by Nina Varela
Young adult. Who says sci-fi has monopoly on robots? In Crier’s War, artificially created automae have defeated and subjugated humans, who live as second class citizens. Young Ayla goes undercover as a servant, meaning to assassinate automae girl and Sovereign’s daughter Crier. This would be easier if the two weren’t quick to develop feelings for each other.
Black Sun (Between Earth and Sky trilogy) by Rebecca Roanhorse
In a pre-columbian inspired world, sea captain Xiala, gifted with an unusual connection to the sea, travels with a mysterious scarred and blind passenger toward a dangerous goal as prophecy heralds the return of a god. Features among others bisexual and nonbinary leads.
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The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin*
In a world regularly torn apart by natural disasters, a big one finally strikes and society as we know it falls, leaving people floundering to survive in a post apocalyptic world, its secrets and past to be slowly revealed. We follow a mother as she races through this world to find and save her daughter, stolen away by a father who just murdered their son after having discovered a terrible secret of their family. Does feature multiple queer characters and a main polyam relationship, but DO NOT read this expecting happy queer relationships as this series handles many dark subjects (you should still read it though, it's incredibly good).
In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan*
Young adult. Kids who can walk between our world and a magical one get recruited into a magical school that trains them to be either fighters or diplomats. Our lead decides that fighting is stupid and that he’s going to peacefully solve every conflict ever, all while being the most delightfully obnoxious little brat possible and getting involved in the most bisexual love triangle imaginable. Very good, funny, and heart-felt coming of age story.
Our Bloody Pearl D.N. Bryn
A siren who’s been held captive by a pirate is freed, but too injured to survive on their own as their tail has become paralyzed. Another pirate captain decides to help them out and has to work to win their trust. Fairly fluffy and light on world-building and plot (though there is a bit of a revenge story in there), with a focus on character and recovery. m/nb romance with an asexual love interest.
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A Master of Djinn by P. Djélí Clark
Set in an alternate 1910’s steampunk Cairo, where djinn and other creatures live alongside humans. We get to follow an investigator as she races to catch a criminal using a powerful object to control djinn and stir unrest. Fantastically creative and fresh, and also features a buddy cop dynamic between two female leads as well as a sapphic romance.
Black Water Sister by Zen Cho*
As a toddler, Jessamyn Teoh left Malaysia. Now a young adult, she’s broke, closeted, and moving back. There she’s faced with the ghost of her estranged grandmother, Ah Ma, who was a medium and avatar of the deity the Black Water Sister in life. Now she demands Jess' help in exacting revenge against a gang boss that offended her god. Meanwhile, all Jess wants is to get her life back on track.
Heaven Official's Blessing (Heaven Official's Blessing series) by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Once, Xie Lian was the beloved crown prince of a kingdom. Then he rose to godhood at a young age, and was expected to take a step back from his land and his people, but in his inability to do so ended up losing everything. Now, eight hundred years later, Xie Lian has ascended to godhood for a third time, forgotten by mortals and the laughing stock of Heaven. Trying to rebuild his reputation, Xie Lian sets off on a mission, and on it encounters an infamous demon king who inspires fear in all of heaven. M/M romance.
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Jane, Unlimited by Kristin Cashore*
Young Adult. Jane is invited by an old acquaintance to an extravagant gala in an island mansion, stranding her among the rich and glamorous. But being surrounded by rich people is the least of Jane’s problems: the mansion is housing secrets, some of them tied to Jane’s own family. The mansion offers her five choices, all of them leading her down different paths and different answers. Jane, Unlimited is a choose-your-own adventure story of sorts, featuring five different endings in five different genres, each more off the wall bonkers than the next. It also features a bisexual main character!
Every Heart a Doorway (Wayward Children series) by Seanan McGuire*
A tumblr favorite, the Wayward Children novellas feature a school open to children who have returned from adventures in other realms and now have trouble adapting back to regular life. Some installments are set in our world, others follow children as they have their otherworldly adventures. The main characters vary between books, but are generally pretty diverse with among others asexual, trans, intersexual and sapphic leads. Both funny and dark, it takes a closer look at the trauma many endure growing up different.
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern*
Surreal and fairy tale-esque, The Starless Sea is stories within a story, following graduate student Zachary as he finds a strange book which, in-between other tales, tells a story from his own childhood. Trying to find out how this came to be, Zachary gets involved with a pink-haired woman and a handsome man who are doing their utmost to protect a strange, otherworldly library available only through magical doors. It’s a book hard to put in words, but which I once described as “romantic without being a romance while stile having a love story at it’s core”, and which can be summed up only as “an Experience”. It’s also quite gay!
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Not Even Bones by Rebecca Schaeffer*
Young adult. Nita isn’t a murderer - technically. She just dissects the bodies of supernatural beings her mother brings home and sells for parts on the black market. But when her mother brings home a still living victim, Nita has had enough and frees him. As it turns out, no good deed goes unpunished as Nita is betrayed, her own nature as a supernatural entity outed as she’s kidnapped and placed behind bars. Now she must find a way to escape before she's sold for parts. Features two aroace leads and a queerplatonic relationship, though it isn’t made textual until book 3 and briefly masquerades as a romance, which is pretty hilarious.
The Last Sun (The Tarot Sequence) by K.D. Edwards
Urban fantasy. Rune Saint John is the only survivor of the massacre against the Sun Court years prior. Now he’s been hired by Lady Judgement to find her missing son, Addam. Alongside his companion and bodyguard Brand, Rune goes on to question Addam's family and business contacts all over New Atlantis, island city and home of the Atlanteans after their original home was destroyed by ordinary humans. But the more he digs, the more Rune finds clues that Addam's absence is connected to Rune's own tragic past. M/M romance.
Gossamer Axe by Gael Baudino
Centuries ago in Ireland, Chairiste Ní Cummen was trained in the secrets of music and magic. But her pride was her downfall, trapping her and her lover in the land of the Sidh. Only Chairiste escaped, hoping to one day win her lover's freedom in musical battle with the fairy that holds her captive. Now she is Christa Cruitare, harp teacher in the modern world and all but resigned to her loss. Until she comes across a great new music: heavy metal. Taking one last chance to win her lover's freedom, Christa sets out to gather other skilled musicians and bring them with her in her final battle. Sapphic romance.
Bonus AKA I haven't read these yet but they seem really cool
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Pantomime (Micah Grey trilogy) by Laura Lam
Young adult. On the surface, Gene's life is that of a noble debutante. In reality, she has secrets: she's both male and female, and has magical abilities that hasn’t been seen in an age. In the face of a betrayal from her parents, Gene runs away from home, dresses up as a boy, and joins a circus. Intersex main character.
Ghost Walk by Kay Solo
Maaya Sahni can see ghosts, and does her best to survive in her small isolated town by keeping her head down. But when an entire street full of people is spirited away by faceless specters that scares even ghosts, Maaya must find a way to stop the specters. Lesbian main character.
Swordspoint (Riverside series) by Ellen Kushner
In Riverside, duels are the way to settle disputes, and Richard St. Vier is the undisputed master of the sword - at least until a death is met not with awe but with outrage. M/M romance.
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anthurak · 2 months
One thing that always feels so funny for me when it comes to the Rosebird Parents Theory isn’t when people simply disagree with the theory, but rather people apparently seeing the prospect of a ‘Raven is Ruby’s real father’ reveal to be this totally unthinkable thing and how could anyone ever think this could happen?!
Because once you get past the whole ‘two ladies making a baby’ hurtle, Raven being Ruby’s dad really fits into so many well-known fantasy/sci-fi tropes. Many of which RWBY notably has not done yet, or have already been tied to Raven herself.
I mean, the mysterious villainous and/or anti-heroic loner with ties to the family pulling an ‘I am your Father’ reveal on the protagonist? That’s a fucking CLASSIC. Hell, let’s consider a few things about Raven:
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Big, intimidating helmet.
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Clear Samurai inspiration.
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Wields a katana-like sword that technically has an energy blade (dust=energy) which is generally RED-colored.
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Possesses mysterious and terrible over-worldly powers.
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Has a mysterious past tied to our protagonist’(s) family.
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Was probably in love with our protagonist’s (apparently) dead mother.
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Yeah I’d say Raven makes for a pretty good Darth Vader-expy.*
Beyond that specific case, we’ve already seen the story connect Raven to a BUNCH of ‘mysterious and angsty deadbeat dad who left their kid for unclear reasons’ tropes when it comes to Yang. Why not have those apply to Ruby as well? People have been clamoring for years about wanting to see Summer’s narrative dynamic with Yang explored as much as the one she has with Ruby, so why not have the reverse be true with Raven and Ruby as well?
After all, it seems that the story has now given Ruby a reason to seek Raven for answers just as Yang once did.
And as I’ve noted in previous Rosebird Parents posts, No I don’t believe Raven also being Ruby’s deadbeat dad would be somehow ‘redundant’. Particularly because the context is completely different: Yang has known that Raven is her birth-mother for most of her life, whereas Ruby would only just now be finding out that Raven is her birth-father. Far from being redundant, this would allow the story to explore two very different responses of kids to an absent parent: One who has had to live with the knowledge of that absent parent for years, and one who hasn’t and has to deal with this NEW information suddenly getting dropped on her.
Plus, as I alluded to earlier, it’s rather notable that RWBY hasn’t done some big ‘dramatic parent reveal’, given how much of a staple it is to the genre. And given how reimagining, twisting and flipping classic and well-worn fairytale/folklore/fantasy tropes (often via playing with gender-roles) is basically RWBY’s bread and butter at this point, I’d say giving the series heroine an ‘I am your father’ reveal from a woman would fit PERFECTLY in this series.
And if you’re going to ask ‘but how do two ladies make baby?!?’,
Raven can be intersex. Boom. Done.
Alternatively, magic.
As an aside, yes Summer being trans is a perfectly viable alternative. I just think logistically speaking, Raven being intersex and being Ruby’s ‘father’ makes a dramatic reveal a bit more streamlined. Also, the idea of Raven managing to be BOTH a deadbeat mom AND a deadbeat dad is just too funny XD
*Of course, this comparison gets even more fun when we consider Summer having her own Vader-parallels, ie; Summer almost certainly being taken by Salem and given what we can probably assume to be a Vader-esque makeover via grimm-hybridization in setup for a big reveal. So when we combine this with Raven, I think we can view what happened on their last mission as ‘What if Padme/Obi-wan got turned into Vader INSTEAD of Anakin?’ Like Raven in the present is basically Anakin doing Obi-wan’s traumatized hermit shtick, except all angry and edgy because it’s still Anakin.
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Do you ever think about how Geralt of Rivia’s journey started off with him desperately trying to be what society wanted him to be, a cold-blooded, emotionless paid killer who never takes any sides based on morals? And how his refusal to take sides ends up with him being forced to kill a bunch of people who really didn’t deserve to be killed, but who were driven to horrible villainy by his original refusal to help them? And how the framing device of the first short story collection is him going mad with guilt over the fact that he essentially sided with a murderous eugenicist through inaction?
And how the main theme of the entire saga is fighting against pre-determined destinies that try to force you into a role you’re not comfortable with? How Geralt constantly struggles with witcher traditions and, let’s call it by its name, toxic masculinity? How Yennefer’s arc is about trying to hold on to her humanity while functioning in a cutthroat world of backroom politics? How Ciri’s entire story is about how everyone wants to use her in some terrible way and force her into some role because of the accident of her birth and the only reason she manages to overcome them all is because of her adoptive parents who love her for who she is and are trying their damn best, despite being deeply flawed people, to keep her safe and happy and free?
How Leo Bonhart is what Geralt is expected to be and what he tried to be, and he’s unambigously the most repulsive monster in the whole series, matched only by Vilgefortz, who’s basically the same thing for Yennefer, and they both serve to contrast the kindness and the moral backbone both Geralt and Yennefer manage to develop in themselves because of the healing power of their unconditional love for their daughter that drives their actions throughout the novels? And how the saga ends with Geralt dying while trying to defend local non-humans from a pogrom, in direct contrast to how he fucked up the situation in Blaviken at the start, and Yennefer dies trying in vain to heal the man she loved, in a final act of defiance towards her role as an unfeeling realpolitick ghoul? Because the whole book series was about how in a cruel and cold world, in the Time of Contempt, love and kindness, and willingness to take the side of the victim, and the side of freedom are the only things that matter?
And do you ever think about how the reason Andrzej Sapkowski started writing the Witcher stories was because he was asked to write some fantasy by his gender non-conforming kid, Krzysztof Sapkowski a.k.a. Catherine Frene?  And what new meanings this brings to this story about a bisexual teenage girl who refuses to become what various creepy fuckers claim she’s destined to be because of the circumstances of her birth? (By the way, I can’t find the source now but I distinctly remember reading some years ago about them straight-up saying that Ciri was recognizably based on them.)
And how then CD-Projekt rolled in and all they took from all that is that Geralt is a cool, snarky killer guy who FUCKS and their game starts with undoing his final sacrifice, and there is no mention of Ciri or Yennefer whatsoever, and the narrative heavily pushes the idea that neutrality is the best choice in a conflict between fucking fantasy fascists and the Scoia’tael? And how when Sapkowski expressed that he dislikes the games, the whole fucking world mocked him?
Because I do. A lot.
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frociaggine · 1 year
What is wheel of time and should I start it tomorrow?
Wheel of Time is an epic fantasy series by the late Robert Jordan. It's epic in scope, in length, and in its insanely large cast of characters. It's fascinating. The worldbuilding is insane, but also familiar (partly because it relies on widespread fantasy tropes, partly because it made many of those tropes popular for many books published later). The characters are exasperating but deeply human; I love SO many of them and appreciate so many others. It's very Of Its Time in some regards, especially re: its handling of gender roles and sexuality, but it's also surprisingly progressive and queer in intent even when the execution falters, and I really appreciate a lot that it even tried to Go There, because it was Very formative for me as a young teen. It's also one of those books where you can see the author's kinks all over the place (both narrative and otherwise) and tbh? it's a bit cringe but lots of fun. Also it’s very well written; the plot is as Epic as epic fantasy gets but it’s really the character moments that make the reader invested in the story. I just love it a lot, ngl.
Fun fact: I am now today on tumblr dot com, blogging in english, because sometimes around age 15 even though I fucking hated english class in school I just couldn’t wait for the latest books to come out in my country so I had to become fluent enough to read a 700-pages novel by myself. THAT is the grip this series had on me.
Some things I am now into because of reading WoT starting at age eleven.
codependent magical bonds with loyalty kink thrown in (if you’re familiar with TLT, think necro/cav but usually f/m. Not always though :) )
femdom. both F/f and F/m varieties
Propesized Savior trying to kill their humanity to become a figure larger than history (before realizing that's bullshit)
what if monastic(ish) order of sole women but also we had sex about it
unfortunately. a lot of weird kinks. I will elaborate on request but it’s better if I don’t right off the bat.
no, I lied. It wasn’t unfortunate. I appreciate it when authors are brave enough to let the banner of their id fly high
ruined civilizations and newer, less advanced civilizations rising from the wreckage. the collective understanding that you live in a post-apocalypse world. old scientific principles becoming magic
confronting your alternate dimension self, as a treat
dream sex
devil-may-care rogues who actually care a lot
alien morality, or cultural differences so big that they fundamentally are the same thing
people who are SO Wrong about everything but are 100% committed to their own personal moral code
whatever the fuck Mat’s luck had going on
“I know what my destiny is but I say: fuck you”
I can’t stress enough how many of my kinks (narrative; sexy in fiction only; sexy in RL) came directly from this series. Like, I know I’ve already said that but putting together this list made me think and. Oh my god.
More practical information: there are 14 books. Yes, I know. The first book is The Eye of the World - it's fun and probably not exceptional even though you can feel the hints of how grand and insane the greater worldbuilding will be, and some characters really shine (Nynaeve!). The second book is where it really gets original, the third book is where I went from "books I like" to "series OF ALL TIME". If you don’t like it by book 4 then give up. If you like book 4 as much as I did you will never ever want to give up.
There's also an Amazon Prime show, currently S1 has been released! I haven't watched it beyond the first ep, but plan to do it soon; it's a lot more f/f than the books and the back half had some pacing issues (partly due to COVID fucking with the production) but definitely very iddy from what I've heard, and I’m very excited to check it out in time for S2.
tldr PLEASE read wheel of time!
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cbk1000 · 8 months
Hi there!
Ive recently stumbled across your works, and I just wanted to say that I enjoy your writing soso much!! Each time i read any of ur pieces, i feel ever so blessed that i can read them for freee,,, ??like wow!! I absolutely love your characterization of arthur, and any piece of banter you write never fails to make me laugh!
Your writing style is so addictive, ive honestly found myself missing it when I read anything else. Because of this, id like to ask if you have any book recs? hehee anything that inspired that brain and writing of yours seems like it would be a worthwile read!! From ur alltime favs, or recent favs, comfort books, or books that gave u personal epiphanies, pls feel free to not hold back !! (If its not too much trouble)
And once again, thank you soso much for all your lovely works!! 💗
I LOVE talking about books, so thank you so much for this ask. This is a very truncated list of some of my favourite authors and books because if I wanted to talk about all of them, that would be a post as long as one of my fics.
First up is Terry Pratchett, who I came to rather late; I just started reading Discworld in 2020, despite @clonemaster-general and @jinxedwood telling me years earlier I should read him, so they should feel free to be smug about the fact that I ignored their sound advice for a long time and then went, "Ok, where do I sign up for the cult" after reading approximately one (1) Pratchett novel.
Discworld is a fantasy satire series that's over 40 books long, but those 40+ books simply take place in the same world and do not have to be read in order, although I would recommend reading any subseries featuring the same characters in order (the City Watch books starting with 'Guards! Guards', the Witches starting with ''Wyrd Sisters' etc.) Pratchett did write some non-Discworld books, although the bulk of his very large body of work is that series. He was a very gifted writer who was able to present the stupidity and injustices of humanity in a way that made you laugh and feel that it's bearable to live alongside these things. No other author has made me laugh so much at dumb little puns or dick jokes and then suddenly slapped me with a banger of a line about human nature.
'The Once and Future King' by T.H. White. A retelling of Malory's 'Le Morte d'Arthur'. It's silly, it's touching, it asks why humans go to war. If you're tired of relentless grimdark, this book shows you that a novel can explore serious themes and ask serious questions of its readers while also being a bit silly and stupid, because like suffering, silliness and stupidity is an intrinsic part of the human experience.
'The Left Hand of Darkness' by Ursula Le Guin. I could really just say, "All of Ursula Le Guin's stuff" because I've read several novels, a ton of her short stories, plus most of her essay collections and I've loved them all, but I wanted to mention this one particularly because Le Guin was examining our ideas of gender and society in the fucking 60s and I'm tired of hearing right-wing nutjobs bang on about trans people like they're some alien species newly landed on our planet to kidnap our children. Also, what I love about Le Guin's sci-fi is that she was concerned primarily with the culture of alien societies, not laser guns, and her world building is incredibly deep in that regard. Her father was an anthropologist, and you can see how his studies shaped her writing.
'The Lymond Chronicles' by Dorothy Dunnett. I love me a good swashbuckler, and these are some good swashbucklers. There's also some really beautiful prose that really evokes the landscapes of 15th century Europe, and her action/battle scenes are some of the most gripping I've read. The caveat with this one is that I actually don't like the main character all that much; he's a real special guy who speaks all the languages, is good at all the things, is a master strategist at 20, and is hot to boot. But the story is told mostly through the POVs of other characters that get caught up in his exploits so you're not stuck in his insufferable perspective, and I found the books overall (there are six in the series) very hard to put down.
'The Count of Monte Cristo' by Alexandre Dumas. The OG swashbuckler, really. Shipwrecks! Duels! Poison! Revenge! People just don't do dramatic adventure novels like Dumas anymore.
'War and Peace' by Tolstoy. I can't not mention this; I've read it twice so far in English and once in Russian. Tolstoy was an amazing observer of human nature. Also, he clearly thought Napoleon was a little bitch and reading about him from the perspective of a Russian novelist is quite entertaining after reading about him from Victor Hugo's perspective.
'Les Miserables' by Victor Hugo. I also have to mention this one. Yes, there are very lengthy asides on the Parisian sewer system. In the middle of a chase scene. But tbh, Hugo was curious about everything and while maybe he talked about every single one of those things a bit too long, it still endears him to me. Also, he was known more as a poet than a novelist by contemporary readers, and even in translation I think the fact that he was a poet really comes through in the prose.
Also, really anything by Patricia McKillip if you want dreamy, poetic fantasy that feels like being dropped right into the middle of a fairytale where magic has no hard rules and is something a bit wild and dangerous and beautiful.
I also read a lot of non-fiction, so I'll just list a few of my faves: 'Survival in Auschwitz' by Primo Levi; 'The Gulag Archipelago' by Alexandre Solzhenitsyn; James Herriott's 'All Creatures Great and Small' series; 'Landmarks' by Robert Macfarlane (but really any of his nature writing; this one I liked particularly because it's about the power of language to evoke a sense of place and how our vocabulary for the natural world is slowly being subsumed by our increasingly technologically-driven world). 'The Demon-Haunted World' by Carl Sagan, which was written in the 90s but if anything is even more relevant today as we struggle with parsing the mythology of pseudoscience and the real-world harm it perpetuates.
And I read a fuck ton of poetry, so I'll just rattle off a list of some of my favourite poets: Wilfred Owen, Isaac Rosenberg, Siegfried Sassoon, Rupert Brooks, Edward Thomas (I also love his nature writing), Alexandre Blok, Pushkin, Ursula Le Guin (she's primarily known as a novelist, but she has some very good poetry as well), Mikhail Lermontov, Anna Akhmatova, Alexander Pope, Tennyson (particularly Idylls of the King), Seamus Heaney, and Yeats.
Anyway, this is a small sampler of books I've read and loved.
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bropunzeling · 28 days
☕️ fav fantasy books/series and what makes them so good and so For Jess. bonus for thoughts on what makes a less good fantasy fall flat
oh Boy okay alright!!!!
fantasy series i love/are excellent/peak For Jess: radiant emperor duology by shelley parker-chan (point: is it fantasy or just historical-ish fiction with some supernatural elements? counterpoint: i fucking love it and this is my list). the lumatere chronicles by melina marchetta. the daevabad trilogy by s. a. chakraborty. queen's thief my beloved!!!!! piranesi aka one of the best novels i read in 2020. tortall series by tamora pierce (but protector of the small quartet is the best of them).
honorable mentions: the raven tower by ann leckie; sharon shinn's elemental blessings series isn't like, as sharp as the top tier, but i really enjoy every reread; earthsea (but mostly the ones about tenar); it feels like cheating to say discworld but again: my list; the divine cities by robert jackson bennett; the stravaganza books were not quote unquote good but they did change my brain chemistry when i was 13; goblin emperor books (but more witness for the dead bc u kno me, i love a murder mystery). lotr would be here except i read them all once as a 6th grader and have yet to return. i still need to read the oleander sword but the jasmine throne kicked ass.
ok what is the unifying factor here lol. strong world building is very important i think; a real sense of a distinct place and culture/mix of cultures rather than Generic Medieval European City. there was a really good post going around that was like, where does the food come from (aka have you thought about how all of this actually works?), and a lot of these series think about Where Does The Food Come From. differences in cultural norms among different groups within the world AND from the audience. plots strongly rooted in politics/the inherent people-ness of people rather than everything relying on magic (not to say i don't love me some magic/divine plaything stories!!!! but they hit so much harder when the conflict comes from a place of innate human foibles). a dash of wonder and the inexplicable. if an answer is needed, it fits in the schema of everything else, but you don't feel the author trying to answer literally everything (when an author is sweating to show their work u can tell imo). most of these have at least one set of people where i want to see them kiss on the mouth, but most of the time that is not the Point; the best fantasy for me treats romance as a subplot/b-plot where it informs the stakes but is not the stakes itself. and ur basics of a good book in general: good writing, good pacing, et cet er a!
what makes them fall flat? world building inconsistency; new magic springing up because well, the author NEEDED it (aka those moments when you can see the seams lol); when the romance is the a plot (sorry but romantasy = not for jesses!!!!!); i think also authors get tripped up both by not planning ahead enough AND planning ahead too much when doing series (if you get a deal for one than one book you should have more than one book's worth of material; however if you can’t change and move then you can be stifled! see ursula le guin revisiting the gendered magic of earthsea in tehanu years later, or tamora pierce going oh shit there are normies in tortall in protector of the small). also this is a ME thing but i fuckin hate purple or twee prose. fantasy does not mean break out the thesaurus.
sorry for the novel. im gonna think of like six more books as soon as i post this
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a-fantastic-time · 1 year
Guide to a Fantastic Time!
Hello everyone! Thank you for coming, I hope we have a grand old time. First things first, this is a 18+ Rp area, so I hope you please respect that we should do just fine. Rps do not need to go down that route, I am 100% down for SFW rps, but I mainly prefer NSFW. Just pointing that out now. Also I will absolutely will not do anything with anyone under age, characters or people.
Muses! Unfortunately I do not have a set listing for muses. I actually love to play as many characters as I can from different fandoms, or OCs that I have sorta made up and never really put them to pen and paper. So feel free to ask me about them, and I will gladly talk your ear off. Note that I do play any gender, be it Male/Female/Herms.
Fandoms! I will do my best to get as many of my favorite Fandoms/interest listed down, I will be editing this when I can, so if you ever have an interest, or show, or game that you like and you do not see it on my list. Please feel free to ask me about it, and maybe I can add it to the list.
List of Interests-
She-Ra The Dragon Prince Glitch Tech Transformers (series, not movies) TMNT(series, not movies) Steven Universe Big Hero 6 RWBY Marvel(Comics/Shows) DC(Comics/Shows) Halo Pokémon Digimon Mortal kombat Mass Effect Dragon age Final Fantasy (Any game/series) Boku no hero UnderTale DeltaRune Sonic(Series) Ben 10 Diablo League of Legends Wakfu Miraculous Ladybug Bleach D&D Yu-Gi-Oh Gargoyles Aliens(Franchise, and in general) Kaiju(Monsters in general, not just the franchises) Gundam (any series) Hazbin Hotel Helluva Boss Murder Drones Starwars Critical Role Destiny Warframe Panty & Stocking
RULES: More may be added at a later time. But for now please read and follow.
I absolutely do not "one line", I have told many people this and sometimes I do make exceptions depending on the situation like if you are tired and its late, or you are not feeling up to rp. If you continue to one-line after I give you a warning, After that, I will simply not reply.
I do not in any shape or form condone rape. I am ok with rough sex or maybe being dominate with my partner, but I will not participate in rape of any kind sorry.
I will do my best to message you first as soon as possible. If you do not get a message from me right away, its most likely because I thought I did or I forgot. So please let me know if I have yet to talk to you yet. I do not treat anyone as a number.
If you have a problem with the way I RP, then please let me know. I have no problems changing things to make the rp more pleasant for both parties. Whether it be either grammar, or possibly with how you prefer actions or talking to be placed in either ** or "". Please just let me know, and I will see how I can change it to make it more pleasing to you.
I am completely fine with rough to kinky sex, but I hate abusive sex. Examples: forcing me to suck, ride, fuck you when I do not want too. cussing me out while we fuck for the sake of demeaning someone during it to make yourself seem superior or saying you can do that just because your Dom/alpha is bullshit. If you do this I will tell you to quit it, but if you whine about not being allowed to be yourself you will be blocked enough said.
I enjoy futas/shemales/dickgirls as much as everyone else. But if you plan to stick anything in me, you will get the same treatment in return. Its how I see its fair. I do not care of your "DOM" or "Your only comfortable with giving". With that said, I do have a preferences towards woman, and futas. So, sorry guys, not into you. Especially not into femboys, sissies, or traps.
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johannestevans · 1 year
Lots of new work, some comedy, and an upcoming pub quiz for Galway Pride!
Good evening!
You can get these updates direct to your email inbox here.
So much to cover this week. I have a bunch of event announcements and several media recs - just scroll down to the bottom if you just want my round-up of new works published.
First things first - I've started playing with some buttons on Zazzle, trialling some badge designs for when I'm selling books at conventions next year.
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These, and a few other designs, are available on my Zazzle store now! They're obviously quite expensive for individual badges because it's a print-on-demand store, but I'm planning to experiment with some designs over the next year or so, with the hope of selling these sorts of pin badges (as well as stickers and so on) for cheaper later on.
Secondly, I did a comedy set at Ireland's Smallest Comedy Club last week, and I'm going to do another set at Basement Jokes, also here in Galway City, on the 17th of May. If you're up this end of Ireland, come along at 8pm! Basement Jokes is a free entry comedy club, and it's in the basement of The Cellar Bar. Here's the show info.
Thirdly, if you're not in Galway next week but you can make it down the week after, I'll be hosting a pub quiz to help fundraise for Galway Pride this year. There'll be a big quiz with a bunch of rounds, and there'll also be a raffle with prizes from local businesses - there'll be a few signed copies of Heart of Stone in with the other prizes. Quiz entry is €5 per person, and you can find the info here on EventBrite.
A few people have recently approached me about doing book clubs and so on, so I just wanted to state explicitly here that I'm more than happy to answer questions and chat on stream at queer or fantasy book clubs via Zoom or similar! If you're going to have Heart of Stone or any of my other work as your book club pick in Ireland, the North of England, or Bristol, depending on where you are, I might be able to come along in person and sign books and so on! You can reach out with that sort of enquiry at [email protected].
Media Recommendations
Maintenance Phase - Maintenance Phase is a great podcast that Lewis got me into, and I've been catching up on a bunch of their old episodes of recent - Maintenance Phase is put together by Aubrey Gordon and Michael Hobbes, and it's a podcast where they unpack common myths and outright lies told in the wellness and diet industries, especially common fatphobic rhetoric, bad science, and conartistry by fitspo and health "experts". They get so catty with unpacking this stuff and it's so cathartic to listen to, but it's all backed up with good, robust tear-downs of the shitty science behind a lot of what they're tearing apart. If you want to listen to just one episode to see how you feel, I would recommend, Is Being Fat Bad For You?, from 16/11/2021.
Yellowjackets (2021--) - Presumably everyone and their mother has been telling you already to check out Yellowjackets - let me just add to the cacophony of voices and say, absolutely, do it. It's got cannibalism, it's got lesbianism, it's got toxic codependency, it's got mental health issues out the wazoo, it's got all the trauma, it's got a breakdown of the effects of misogyny on young sports women in the 90s, it's got cults, it's got the wildest gore, it's got bears, it's got a classic plane, it's got everything! It's fucked up and it's pretty fucking harrowing, especially in the second series, but I'm very much enjoying it.
Lawn Dogs (1997, dir. John Duigan) - This is such a fun flick, and one that I think I related to a lot in regards to the childhood emotions depicted - this is about a young girl growing up in an isolated gated community and her friendship with a guy who mows lawns and is an outsider to that community. I really fucking dug it, I loved the fairy tale aesthetics contrasted with the miserable reality, loved the unpacking of class and gender feels, loved the trauma, love the particularly scathing depiction of emotional neglect. I did review it, and I also watched the same director's 1994 film, Sirens, which stars Hugh Grant. I was planning to go through Duigan's back catalogue and watch some more of his work, but I just want to forewarn that Thandiwe Newton has accused him of sexual abuse - this has obviously put me off going back through it and has tempered my feelings about the art to say the least. Obviously I believe Newton, and if you are going to watch Duigan's work, make sure to do it in a way that won't give him further payment or aplomb where you can.
For new releases, I watched The Pope's Exorcist (2023, dir. Julius Avery) and Dungeons and Dragons: Honour Among Thieves (2023, dir. John Francis Daley & Jonatham M. Goldstein). These are obviously very different films, one a supernatural horror about an Italian exorcist on a silly little mopend and the other a fucking A++ adventurous romp of a DnD party on a disastrous and delightful campaign - I recommend them, glowingly and with love, in the same breath because both of them feel so completely sincere and earnest in their shameless love of their subject. There's no ironic self-effacement, there's no sarcasm about the plot from within the plot iself, there's no attempts to imply that the characters or the plot are above or superior to others in their genre. Everyone in these movies goes fucking ham, they camp it up, and it's absolutely glorious. I am so tired of Joss Whedon-esque quips about how shitty the tropes are while we're doing the trope - this sort of return to open sincerity is where it's at. I also watched Renfield (2023, dir. Chris McKay), which unfortunately is not nearly as good - I mention it because it's Nicholas Hoult and Nicholas Cage hamming it up as vampires, and there's some fun aesthetics even though the broader execution is unfortunately pretty shit.
I was in a mood for classic musicals this week, and so I went back and watched Fiddler on the Roof (1971, dir. Norman Jewison) which is obviously one of the best film musicals ever made, and also Guys and Dolls (1955, dir. Joseph L. Mankiewicz) and Hello, Dolly! (1969, dir. Gene Kelly). They're fun, silly films, and I'm planning to dive deeper and watch a few more old musicals if I can stay on this kick. If you're in the mood for classic movie M/F/M threesomes, there's obviously Cabaret (1972, dir. Bob Fosse) and Singin' in the Rain (1952, dir. Stephen Donen & Gene Kelly).
I've also been replaying Xenoblade Chronicles (2010) this week, and I really recommend it if you've never played it before! It's a gorgeous game with a beautiful soundtrack and some really fucked up themes around body horror, cannibalism, and war alongside the central fantastical plot, and I love it a lot. It's on a few platforms, but I'm playing the original on the Wii.
New Works Published
Firstly, for some Tumblr stuff, I had:
Some notes about casual sex and hook-ups as a disabled person, for which I would love if people do have resources to contribute!
I gave some advice about approaching the introduction of new characters, especially when coming from a background in fanfic.
And if you're doing Monstrous May, I put together some header images for use on your social medias!
Movie Review: Lawn Dogs (1997, dir. John Duigan)
I talked about this movie a bit in my media recs section, but this review is a more extensive dive into the film's themes, especially class, childhood neglect and isolation, queerness and going stealth, and the social dynamics at play in the film.
On Medium / / On Letterboxd
Erotic Short: Hypnotised
Monstrous May Day #3: Hypnotised - An assistant bartender is drawn in by a vampire.
1k, M/M, rated M. Some sexy hypnosis for the purposes of public blood drinking — no sex. An entry for Day #3 of #MonstrousMay.
On Medium / / On Patreon
Erotic Short: The Tentacle Beast
Monstrous May Challenge Day #5: The Tentacle Beast - A priest makes a pledge to his chapter's master. 
Cis M/tentacle beast. Just 600w, short and sweet! For the Monstrous May Challenge 2023.
On Medium / / On Patreon
Fantasy Short: The Many Deaths of Baldr the Undying
One of Odin’s record-keepers interviews the god Loki.
Here’s a big one! 13.6k, rated M for violence, featuring some Loki and Baldr, some Odin scheming off-screen. Lots of delving into and playing with the stories, but with an angel thrown in for flavour.
On Medium / / On Patreon
Fantasy Short: The Injured King
A king seeks out the healing services of a local witch.
Just a little 800w piece.
On Medium / / On Patreon
Fantasy/Romance Short: Paper Houses
A train conductor begins a relationship with a regular passenger.
7k, rated M, M/M. Some sweet autistic 4 autistic love and affection with a build to the relationship and some fantastical elements on the side. Adapted from a TweetFic.
On Medium / / On Patreon
Fantasy Short: Luca's Monster
Cute fiction short! A boy talks to the monster that keeps coming out from under his bed.
1.2k, rated G. Sweet fantasy piece. Adapted from a TweetFic.
On Medium / / On Patreon
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hikari-ni-naritai · 1 year
@vivi266 CRUELLY REFUSED to tag me in this but she said anyone could do it if they wanted to so im going to.
Name? emily. you can call me hikari too unless youre two very specific people for a very specific reason.
Pronouns and gender? she/her girl<3
Sexuality? lesbian
Country? usa u_u
Top 5 fandoms? ffxiv, otherside picnic, pmmm, arknights, limbus company despite not playing it
What is your Most forbidden snack? what cruel mistress is forbidding snacks....? spoon of peanut butter.
Would you pet a bug? depends on the bug.
Share a weird fact/story about yourself with the class. uhh. heres a weird fact, ive only ever had dreams about sex twice, and neither time was with a person id ever consider fucking in real life.
What does the color blue taste like? unsaturated. you could put more flavor into it but you didnt and i appreciate it.
What is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen? ive seen a lot of beautiful things but i think possibly the most beautiful was the sunset over the pacific ocean when my family took me to hawaii in high school.
What is the stupidest thing you've ever done? uhhh. damn what would it be. ive done a lot of stupid shit in my life. staying with my college girlfriend for so long, maybe?
Stupidest thing you've seen/heard someone else do/say? i could not even begin to rank that. yesterday i stopped a job to take my lunch and marked clearly where to pick up, and the girl who picked it up from me couldnt figure out where id left off and ended up working from about 7 pages before i stopped, leaving a bright pink pickup point 5 pages later. absolutely nothing was accomplished.
Hyperfixation song? if you mean what song am i hyperfixating on right now, its the whole album 'still a Sigure virgin?' by ling tosite sigure. but if i had to deem one song a "hyperfixation song", it would be 'Between Two Worlds' by Mili, which is the song i listened to nonstop for 7 days straight, causing the entire plot and world of a dnd campaign to spawn in my brain like a fungus.
Is there any meaning behind your profile picture and/or username? 'hikari ni naritai' is a personal creed i have. i need to become better and brighter and warmer. there is no goal, only continually surpassing my current self. my icon is my final fantasy 14 character of the same name.
Dream career as a child? ice cream man. in middle school through part of high school i wanted to design a robot you could control with your brain like in a book series i really liked at the time about a boy who was born on mars and became paraplegic after they gave him Control Robots With Your Brain surgery.
Dream career as an adult? would love to work on visual novels. studioelan if youre hiring hmu the only thing i can reliably do is proofreading/quality checking.
Thoughts on cilantro? put it in my salsa please.
Have you ever been banned from a location and if so, why? uhh i dont think so.
What is your cursed food combination? idk how cursed it is but the #1 thing you can put on a hot dog is crushed doritos. not even a fuckin contest. however the most cursed food combination ive ever tried was a chicken nugget with chocolate sauce in it. the flavors refused to combine in any way and it was like i was eating a chicken nugget and also chocolate sauce separately not at the same time. it was a weird experience.
Trans rights? we're on the trans rights website. im different tho i support trans wrongs too
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bronanlynch · 7 months
this one has a muffin recipe which hopefully makes up for the extended discussion on gender in a disappointing YA novel. anyway. happy wednesday
listening (podcast): keeping up with Palisade, where the table friends are as usual entirely on their bullshit. love a story that asks the real questions like, what if you follow some guy into a public bathroom and then it turns out he's in charge of the fucked up evil intelligence organization that used to kind of be in charge of the entire planet.
I'm also going back and listening to the Great Gundam Project episodes on original Gundam, which they did at the very beginning since they're going in chronological order and it is so funny to go from later episodes where I'm like "wow these people are so smart and know so much more about Gundam than I do" to "wow these people are so smart and are doing some incredibly insightful analysis considering they don't know shit about Gundam"
also this was a Media Club Plus week. Jack made lots of fun observations about Killua and his relationship to violence and also Gon that will be very interesting to revisit in like a hundred episodes. god I love dramatic irony
listening (music): for once in my life I'm listening to new music, from a self-described "flaming queer power pop" band from New Jersey called Teenage Halloween (I would say they're more punk than that description implies to me, the lead vocals especially are very classic punk, by which I mean rough and hoarse and shouty in a good way). here's their bandcamp, I think my favorite tracks are Takeaway and Getting Bitter, but they're a fun band and they have a sound that I enjoy. and also for normal reasons I like when people sing about New Jersey and/or living in a shitty suburban town
reading: finally finished Leigh Bardugo's Rule of Wolves (last book in the Grishaverse series). some wild tonal dissonance at the end because it's supposed to be a hopeful ending where the future is going to be better and maybe Ravka as a country can change and be better, except the main characters spent the past two books inventing industrialized warfare and that is not something that can just be undone?? they have missiles now??? sorry but once you introduce missiles to your fantasy setting I no longer believe that the future will be kinder & less violent than the past. also, the gender. it's time to talk about gender again. Nina's love interest Hanne, who has repeatedly been uncomfortable presenting as feminine, kills a guy who sucks and steals his identity, and talks about feeling more like themself because now they're not seen as a woman. this is the part that I like, it's fun and interesting and I think it's cool when trans people do regicide (the guy was a prince). the parts I feel conflicted are the way Nina reacts with such disappointment that Hanne no longer looks how they used to (though she does come around to the idea), the fact that all of this comes from Nina's perspective (when Nina has spent the entire duology waxing poetic about what a beautiful woman Hanne is, when Hanne is explicitly uncomfortable with being seen as beautiful or a woman) with nothing from Hanne's point of view, the fact that this reveal happens at the very end leaving no space to see how this changes their relationship moving forward or to see Hanne exploring what their transition means to them, and the way it ties to something Bardugo said, back between the Six of Crows duology and this one, where she said that the next time she wrote Nina, her love interest would be a woman. and don't get me wrong, I love that Nina's bisexuality is very present on the page. however. Idk. that doesn't seem accurate and it feels clumsily handled like. sorry that's a transmasc butch who deserves a girlfriend who isn't constantly thinking about how pretty they were when they were forced to have long hair
however, in books that I'm enjoying much more, I'm reading The Death I Gave Him by Em X. Liu, a near-future sci-fi Hamlet retelling about trying to create a scientific cure for death in which Horatio is the AI of the unethical science lab and also (I think, based on what I've read so far) in love with the Hamlet figure. it fucking rules. I'm a known fan of Hamlet & Hamlet retellings, and also when the setting is alive & sentient & loves you, and also relationships between people and like, non-humanoid intelligences (it's kind of like the reverse of a possession romance, instead of the god/robot/etc inhabiting the human the human is the one doing the possession). also, I think the sense of paranoia & claustrophobia from the original Hamlet is done really well here, in a way that works well thematically and also feels. Idk. I'm trying to figure out a way to say this without psychoanalyzing myself on main but it's a very compassionate depiction of the Hamlet figure's mental state that's just. nice to read. anyway. structurally I love that it's framed as though it's someone's thesis about an incident that they've researched, so there are bits that are excerpts from phone logs and trial transcripts and things like that. I'm partway through but it's extremely good so far
watching: continuing to keep up with the TGCF donghua (for once I've seen the newest ep before posting this), which continues to be a good fun time, even if the cr*nchyroll subtitles are pretty awful (both in terms of typos and also the way they sub gege as Lian). but I do like this arc! it's fun! Hua Cheng and Xie Lian are in love!
watched a few more episodes of Hunter x Hunter to keep up with MC+ and I've gotta say, I enjoy Hisoka as a character a lot more than I did the first time I watched this. I am not immune to when a fucked up guy with a cool design murders people with playing cards. however, even though Kurapika didn't do much in the assassin/battle royale bit of the Hunter Exam, Kurapika is still my favorite
moving on to the normal amount of Gundam we watched, we finished Zeta! god. Zeta my fucking beloved. I think the ending pays off a lot of the stuff about Newtypes as a stand-in for human connection, by which I mean it fucking rules that the Zeta Gundam has ghosts in it and that Kamille can defeat Scirocco, who does not form equal partnerships with anyone or listen to their advice, by listening to the advice of his (dead) friends who live in his brain & his robot. also like, I still don't like Reccoa's plotline overall but her confrontations with Kamille & Char do a lot of good characterization work for both of them (Kamille refusing to believe that she's not just really deep undercover! Char uninterested in hearing her reasoning and attacking immediately but still unable to kill her and surprised by that!) and also I love her final fight with Emma. her and Emma killing each other is yuri, to me. on a design note, I think I tend to prefer the mobile suits in 0079, because under no circumstances do you have to hand it to the Principality of Zeon but they knew how to make a grunt suit with some fun shapes in a way that the Federation/Titans simply do not apparently. however! shout out to the Qubeley. what a neat-looking robot
and of course, immediately after finishing Zeta we started ZZ so. that also is a thing I watched. the tone whiplash from the ending of Zeta with a bunch of people dying and a kind of bittersweet victory to the beginning of ZZ was wild. Judau is so much more of a plucky YA protagonist, and there's so much more of a tone of, these kids are going to do some wacky shenanigans. like, Yazan goes from horrifying to a comedic figure. which is not to say it's bad! I am enjoying it! but sometimes it kind of feels like an entirely different creative team (which I know it's not, I know this is still very much still Tomino. but there's such a major vibeshift). my favorite thing about ZZ so far is all of the class stuff, it's nice to have that as a lens to view this setting (an extremely predictable thing for me, guy who loves stories about class conflict, to say). but I like having protagonists who are concerned about their own economic stability (though it does raise questions of like, is Bright getting paid?? by whom??? is he getting paychecks from the Federation still/again?? who is paying for Kamille's hospital bills??? Tomino please show me the Argama's budget spreadsheets). my other favorite thing is that Bright is still here, even though he is very tired and deserves a vacation. he has Such big single parent energy now, good luck to him. my other other favorite thing is that Roux Louka exists, she's a lot of fun so far
playing: still working my way through Ace Attorney 5. Aura is back and I love her! also I'm becoming invested in the concept of Clay/Apollo, partially because I am not immune to Apollo wearing Clay's jacket and partially because I love when you go to Aura's lab and Apollo is there talking to her, and he immediately realizes that Aura and Metis were in love even though Aura denies it, and her loss of Metis is paralleled with Apollo's loss of Clay. there's something compelling to me there as a story about queer grief, and mourning someone's loss even when you can't talk about exactly what they meant to you
making: we've made a couple of recipes from the Skyrim cookbook (cheese fondue, glazed carrots) (not at the same time to be clear. those were different meals) and they both turned out pretty tasty. however, the most exciting thing we made was the muffins from this post. they are, in fact, extremely good. we doubled the recipe because what would we do with an extra half a can of pumpkin
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drinking: one of Lamplighter's pride beers from this summer was a sour ale with butterfly pea flower & lemon, and I'm trying to drink through the summer beers in our fridge to make room for all of the autumnal ciders. this one's tasty! again, love it when beers are citrusy & floral
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writing: still working on a zine fic that I can't share yet, and also the extremely Palisade spoiler-y Integrity fic from a few weeks ago (to be fair I haven't gotten to the spoiler-y parts yet, instead I'm continuing to be possibly the only person in the fandom who cares about Orbit Shard). also, predictably, I've started writing Gundam fic. predictably, it's Emma/Reccoa and instead of getting to the kissing part Emma is introspecting about ideology
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ghostybreads · 11 months
Hi....If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
hello!! i absolutely don't mind! this is such a cute question, i love talking about my interests 🥰 the top few are my absolute all time favourites, but otherwise no particular order! Put under a cut because I rambled a bit!
How to Train Your Dragon
I'm so so obsessed with this franchise, I'm not even sure where to start on why I love it. I actually have a toothless tattoo! and like, six toothless plushies that my friends and I call the council. The show race to the edge for it is one of my favourite parts, but nothing will top the first movie for me. There's just something so magical about it. It's truly beautiful, every time I watch it I genuinely feel like my heart is soaring <3 A lot of people don't know that the shows exist but I think they're so good and silly, they're such a comfort for me.
This is a manga I always end up going back to again and again. I'm sure people have put it better than i could, but it reflects a very real and flawed human experience (despite the vampires lol). It feels like each and every side character gets so much depth, and everyone has their own journey, and its a very sympathetic and nuanced with its antagonists. The main pair grow SO much as people over the course of the story, and they build up plot twists so fucking well, ive watched it unfold and still felt like it was all planned from the very beginning. Also has british vampire catboy who goes 'meow' in the most serious deep voice ever, my beloved.
The Legend of Zelda
I'm counting this as one because I feel this way about most of the games, they're all so special to me in different ways. Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom I've loved playing, I felt so immersed in the world in such little ways, and all the small interactions with the people in that world felt so real and made me care about it. Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask are also so incredible and such wonderful stories, and I have such a soft spot for Skyward Sword, idk I couldn't choose a favourite if I tried. I've loved them since I was a kid so its hard to pinpoint what exactly it is that draws me to them.
Jing Wei Qing Shang/Clear and Muddy Loss of Love
TOXIC LESBIANS. I fear that since i've read JWQS no sapphic media will ever be good enough for me again, its insane how perfectly to my taste it was. The main chara can telepathically communicate with horses in an otherwise normal non-fantasy world and there's no explanation or even plot necessity for it, its so perfect for me. Qiyan, the MC, has so much gender. She's a malewife, she's a pathetic boyfriend, she's a lesbian, she's a boygirl, she's everything. The premise is that Qiyan, in her quest for revenge, ends up accidentally in an arranged marriage to the daughter of her enemy. And despite falling in love with her, she continues with her revenge anyway, prepared for the love of her life to kill her with her own hands when its over. There's so much emotion on both sides, its overflowing love and hatred and anger and bitterness and affection all at once. It truly is a whole journey to get through and I've been a changed man since.
Scum Villain's Self-Saving System
Another one I'm so batshit over that I don't know if any series will ever replicate. They're so insane. Shen Qingqiu's unreliable narration is so funny but also so fascinating to unpack, there's so much to read in what he doesn't say. It's so funny, but then when you think about what's really happening, it's kind of horrifying, there's this constant whiplash. The whole premise of one persons impact changing the story, the very narrative itself, is sooo important to me on so many levels. Bingqius dynamic is so incredible to me too, they're just so insane and so much fun to read. They've always stuck with me.
I LOVE MILGRAM it's a song story project told through music videos and audio dramas! The producer is one of my favourite artists, DECO*27, and every song is consistently a banger. Every character has such an interesting, nuanced story, and as the audience you're challenged to figure it out yourself based on the clues, and your interaction decides where the story goes. It's so much fun seeing a new MV come out and everyone come together to theorise and discuss. It's still ongoing, and very easy to get into, so I always recommend it! My favourite prisoner is Fuuta :)
Okay look. The question said favourite media, not explicitly media I thought was good. It is a show that is very very dear to my heart, and I think it fucking sucks after a certain point. The PREMISE is so so good, it had so much going for it on concept, and the characters carried it. I got so attached to them, I love their silly dynamics and they're so funny. I really do love the first few seasons, and I love the potential for what it could've been :') I very frequently text my best friend to rewrite parts of the lore.
That's 7 in detail, and the bonus additions are: Natsume's book of friends, good omens, and word of honour!
Thank you for asking!!! 💖💖💖 I don't think my thoughts were very comprehensive but I had fun, I hope they make some sense??
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returning-spring · 2 years
10 Characters, 10 Fandoms, 10 Tags
I was tagged by @blackwatervial :)
Tankhun (KinnPorsche) - when it’s too hard to pick a single KPTS character, one must go with Tankhun. I don’t make the rules, he does
Shen Qingqiu (SVSSS) - silly clown, cunning bitch, and pretty malewife all in one. he’s perfect, no notes
Gu Xiang (SHL/TYK) - everybody loves Gu Xiang, our purple terror
Martin Blackwood (The Magnus Archives) - what do you even say about such a good character. I could listen to 10 more seasons just to have more of his insecure self-deprecation and his subtle manipulations
Wei Yingluo (Story of Yanxi Palace) - I would kill for her. fin.
Abbie Douglas (Unwell Podcast) - they’re such a complex character, and I love characters who are allowed to be endearing and unlikeable and vulnerable. chef’s kiss
Will Darling (Will Darling trilogy) - I! love! traumatized gays who fall in love with the wrong person, aka the spy who fucks you and uses you for his missions but also loves you very much, and that’s why you keep falling for his tricks
Fei Du (Modu) - I love a broken boy consumed by self-hatred and all too willing to do something about it!
Oh-aew (I Told Sunset About You) - he’s perfect and sweet and so vulnerable, and also he’s very gender
Irene, Queen of Attolia (The Queen’s Thief) - reaching deep into the memory vault this morning for a character I’ve loved for years in a long-running fantasy series. she cuts off the hand of the boy she captured, he falls in love with her, and they get married. yes, I’ve been thinking about her ever since I watched KPTS and fell head first into VegasPete, what can I say I have a shipping pattern
I don’t know many people on here yet! not sure who’s done this already, but no pressure if you don’t want to!! @asterdust @pastelcheckereddreams @vegaseatsass @aaawhyme @andrewmyniard
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Hi bestie I'm here I'm queer I'm going to ask you what's your favorite book (or if I've already asked this, what's your ultimate dating deal-breaker or maybe just relationship deal-breaker in general doesn't have to be romantic). Also, Killian is my second favorite character because Emma is my absolute favorite character on that entire show. Their relationship was EVERYTHING to me, I love sunshine v darkness trope so much, hence sterek and destiel as well. I love teen wolf but idk how much of that is because I was like 13 when I started watching it tbh. I would watch it just for dylan's performance in season 3 because HOLY SHIT he should have won a fucking Oscar.
asldjkflsdkjf oh my gosh are we meant to be best friends?? Ugh yes Emma is absolutely fantastic I just personally relate to Killian just that smidge more I think. They are both so special to me 😍 Ugh yes that trope is the best. Everlark was another couple that had that dynamic for me. Man now you're making me wonder if watching it for Dylan would be worth it. My only concern is that it might be too YA for me (I get very turned off by highschool stories). That's why I haven't picked it up yet. I'm afraid I missed the boat on that show. Now I tend to enjoy my YA stories to be fantasy because then the characters are more likely to be less immature (and potentially traumatized by the stakes of the fantasy world which is also fun - looking at you TFOTA trilogy and Grishaverse books).
Whoooo boy okay a favorite book is really hard because books mean a lot to me. I think you know that about me by now so you're getting a list from the last couple years lol:
TFOTA trilogy - the politics was so fun and the twists and turns kept me engaged. I read all 3 books in 48 hours and have reread them multiple times since in the last couple years because they were so good.
The Hunger Games trilogy - that series is straight up literature. There is so much to unpack.
In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan - idk what to say about this book except that the characters are so loveable, the take on portal fantasy is unique and the way she flipped sexism on it's head was so thoughtprovoking.
A Taste of Gold and Iron by Alexandra Rowland - excellent anxiety rep, top tier slow burn without a lot of drama or miscommunications, beautifully written fantasy world with no homophobia
Captive Prince trilogy by CS Pacat - um this is a more problematic pick but if you're down for a high fantasy slow burn true hate to love romance this is where it's at man. You will have such a good time you won't even know what you signed up for until you are embroiled in the middle of it. Gosh Laurent's character arc gives me life.
Anything in Alexis Hall's Spires Series + Boyfriend Material - what this man has to say about gender and queer identity changed my mindset about what it is to be queer and I love it so much. His books made me feel so seen especially Pansies, For Real, and Boyfriend Material.
What Is a Girl Worth? by Rachael Denhollander - The only nonfiction book on this list lol. I loved how eloquently she spoke about her story and how she included the problems she's seen in the church around sexual assault. We need someone who has the legal and Christian connections to advocate for survivors but she's doing it and that really inspires me.
If I have to pick just one though - I pick Boyfriend Material and here's why (x). It's really personal to my insecurities and it made me feel very seen and loved. It's the epitome of a comfort book for me. Whenever I need a pick me up I go to that book and listening to Joe Jameson's voice gives me hope that I too will be loved in this precious way.  Honestly this is why the Spires books and Boyfriend Material are so special to me: These are stories about people who think they are broken and the men that show them that they've never been broken actually. They get to hear "I love you however you are. But also who you are is a person who can do things so you don't have to stagnate like this." It was so healing to read about I cannot even tell you.
If you're looking to check Boyfriend Material out you need the audiobook I promise you!! I will hook you up bestie just let me know 😉
Oh also my main platonic or romantic deal breaker is a combination of apathy and lack of thinking deeply about things (the reverse is also true - I find people who are passionate and think deeply about art and life super attractive. Those are the people I keep in my life).
thank you for these questions I clearly loved them lol. now i want to know all of these things about you! what are your favorite books? what do you find most attractive/unattractive in a person?
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llycaons · 4 months
lot of fun opinions on that homophobic shonen protags poll
the debates over yusuke rage. he was openly transphobic on screen, but is also friends with kurama so..hm.
#but I can't believe yusuke has votes when he canonically kissed his bestie#he's a transphobe not a homophobe
obviously there's overlap but! much to consider. he's also someone who grows up a lot during the series and is notably more chill as an older teenager. he definitely said slurs as a 14 yr old tho
ichigo is barely developed but his series is full of stereotypes of gay men as overly concerned with appearance, evilly effeminate, and sexually predatory. 'he has gay friends' says one tag but um citation FUCKING needed! wait shit
#ichigo doesn't understand but he's got the spirit you know? like he thought uryu was gay and tried to be supportive
oh fuck this might have actually happened. okay maybe ichigo isn't the worst but I'm leaving up my earlier thought bc im not a coward
#ive never seen bleach but that guy looks like he'd be an iphone user
ichigo actually predates iphones! but this is not relevant to the discussion
also the tags calling edward a smug atheist bastard vs. his 'love is love' edit lmao
#who the heck slandering Edward Tho!? This boy ain’t give a crap about homo he got better things to worry about. you go little atheist boy.#He the bane of the military existence for a reason that he works for that only keep him around because he good at alchemy. KNOW THE SERIES.
first of all the way this is written is insane. second of all what does being homophobic have to do with being the bane of the military?!
#who the fuck is calling edward elric homophobic???? yeah he's an annoying atheist but he's so so antifa
The amount of people saying "edward isnt homophobic" is so funny. The "love is love i see no difference) meme is not the actual edward elric hes a libertarian military brat. Get a grip #''hes so antifa'' you gotta be smoking dick
I see why people call yusuke and naruto bi or gay but edward I never really saw it...his friendship with ling seems very hetero to me. fma always came off as a a very cishet series (lest we forget arawaka's 'men are muscular and women are va-voom' doodle + the heteronormative nuclear family ending). and deku and ichigo too I think they're just straight kids
#also izukus homophobia comes from his bully being a fruity bastard
'most of these protagonists would never be homophobic' I think you've wildly overestimated the average early 2000s 15 year old shonen boy ngl
#kirito vouldnt care less about anything but his friends/harem#he dropped fighting to live out his little nuclear family fantasy#being homophobic isnt on his radar
wow I wonder if having a nuclear family fantasy would predispose you to certain regressive ideas about gender roles and sexual orientation. it's not like most people consciously make an effort to Be Homophobic it just arises from a set of assumptions and stereotypes you're exposed to in a homophobic society....I feel like the person who wrote this may be stupid. this guy is sweeping the poll currently and at least half of the tags that mention him fucking hate him so it sounds like he's a piece of shit. some people are defending him saying he's bi tho. tbh I didn't even think people liked sword art online, famous harem incel incest fantasy about a chronically online gamer boy, in the year of your lord 2024 anymore
back and forths about deku. as a more recent shonen protag he seems less hateful to me but he also seems very het and the author is nasty so. hm
#wtf voted Luffy? he would never. he's literally a pirate
GOOD NEWS EVERYONE PIRATES CAN'T BE HOMOPHOBIC. like I agree but also what an argument, it's kind of nice to see luffy so low since I liked his vibes in the live action but WHO IS VOTING GON??!!!!! you're saying gon is more homophobic that YUSUKE??!!! I don't think gon even knows what homophobia IS and if he did he'd think it was messed up! not a single tag here is disagreeing so maybe they were mistaken votes
goku struck me as foolish yet well-meaning which is what everyone is agreeing.
#also. Goku is aroace spectrum in my hearth. just throwing that out there
god I wish I lived in a world where that meant he wasn't homophobic.
naruto seems to be a mixed bag bc he almost definitely is gay (even tho some ppl in the tags are like umm it's only POSSIBLE) but nobody can agree if he ever stopped being internalized homophobic about it or if he's a more 'confused but he's got the spirit' kind of deal
yuji ranks very low, which also makes sense bc jjk is a newer series and most shonen in the mid-00s had a lot more homophobia in general than they do now. he seems like a decent kid, tho I never finished s1. the pink hair makes him seem chiller than most
kagome is getting mixed reviews but mostly landing on the not homophobic side. having seen nothing of inuyasha I cannot comment. some tags saying she's a fujoshi some saying shes bi some say both
lots of people saying lucy fairy tale so I'm obligated to mention her but idk shit about that show except it looked kinda misogynistic so if she WAS homophobic I'll give her a pass/s
#kirito is the only answer here because everyone else is gay
im sorry but edward and ichigo are like some of the straightest guys in shonen like please
and FINALLY arguments about whether death note should be included, since it was run in shonen jump. it's not a purely action/fantasy series, so that's probably why it was left out, but it WAS targeted towards teenage boys so I guess it would technically count. anyway everyone is saying light would win by a landslide if he was listed
thanks for coming to my breakdown I will probably revisit this in a week when the poll ends
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fun8869 · 8 months
So how do I explain myself usually when you think of pegging stories you think of guys fantasising about it not a woman like me and certainly not a young girl like me, im 19 now but this story happened when I was 18. My name is Eve Im short at 5’7 from Manchester, England im naturally a brown haired girl but as I like the gothiclolita style I dye my hair raven black. Im not particularly busty id say my best feature is my bum its usually the thing guys comment on i guess. They say it sticks out a bit.
I guess I like Anime and the goth style art that goes with it i mention this purely cause it kinda explains where i got into this fetish. I discovered hentai comics on the web and i was searching for ones where the girl takes the lead. One of the earliest ones I came across was one called secret plot if you haven't read them its about two horny female teachers having sex with their pupils and one in particular where she makes a pupil suck the tip of his abnormally (it is anime) large penis she teases him a little then licks his ass, she then makes him ejaculate in his own mouth by sticking her fingers in his ass.
At first I was kinda confused but really turned on by what i was seeing. I remember cumming a couple of times to that image. I read the others and later in the same series one of the teachers meets a student who is cross dressing. She then uses a double ended dildo to fuck herself and his ass this was cool to me she was dominating him and doing the fucking i was so used to the idea of the gender norms where the boy has to be the one in charge of the girl if that makes sense.
By this time id had lost my virginity and had a couple of meaningless relationships something felt like it was missing with the boys i was with. My parents were well off enough and had bought me a flat in town so i can attend university without needing to go into student dorms. They did warn me that should they have guests over i might have to let them stay in my spare room which happened occasionally usually my dads work acquaintances but sometimes family too.
Its at this point my cousin Adam comes into the picture. My mother asked if I would mind Adam staying in my flat for his last year of uni as his flatmates had all finished ahead of him by a year and he needed a place to stay. It wasn't a hard choice Adam was a quiet boy always had been but an unaware dreamboat imo. Tall dark athletic he was studying sports psychology. I guess I can honestly admit to being really attracted to him from the off but i knew he was a cousin and that was kinda a barrier.
He was lovely really very quiet but always wanted to know i was safe when i went on nights out and even waited up to make sure i got home ok. He didn't seem to go out himself. By this time I had mostly discovered my fetish and its names I was into light femdom and especially i was into the idea of making guys cum through pegging. I was never into whips, chains and gimp masks i kinda just wanted to gentle fuck a guys ass… I know its complicated to understand and very specific. I had my favourite vids, storys and online groups where people would discuss it all.
What I didn't know is that Adam had inadvertently discovered all this when he used our computer I was really naïve when it came to computers I didn't know about search histories and whatnot so when i left it logged in and Adam took the chance to read his emails he discovered most of what i was into. Credit to him he never mentioned anything to me or anyone else. He told me later he was at first confused about it all thinking it was someone else's computer but once he discovered the reddit account he read about my fantasies and my frustration about finding a partner and that's how it stood until i came home and Adam was drunk, like really drunk.
Adam - Hey Eve you alright!
Eve - Uh… im fine are you ok! You seem drunk?! That's not like you
Adam - Sorry (he always was apologising) I decided I needed a drink to.. Uh relax i guess.. Exams you know..
Eve - Yeah i get it, no need to apologies Adam proves your human
Saying this seemed to upset him a little
Adam - I am human, he smiled, It just im shy. It sucks I never meet friends because of it never mind girls.
This was the most he’d ever spoken about himself I knew i had a chance to dig a little deeper
Eve - Sorry I didn't mean to upset you, why are you so shy,
Adam - *Shrugs* pause sometimes i wish i was like you. Your so outgoing you know what you want and try and take it. Me I gotta hope someone guesses what I want. You know a girl that just gets me.
Eve - You really think I'm like that? I said pouting
Adam - I don't mean it like its a bad thing some guys like their girl to be uh.. Dominant.
Eve - *giggles nervously* Sounds kinky, not entirely wrong I guess but I'm not out to completely dominate a guy I kind of want it to be part of a loving kinda thing.. You know.
Adam - I get you more than you know..
That comment perplexed me slightly i decided he was flirting with me and if im honest i was gonna take a chance on it i stepped up to him really close
Eve- Do you like the idea of me dominating you. I said with my best smouldering smile
He genuinely look scared, up close to his face i could feel his breath on me
Adam- but… were cousins… im not sure
This was not a no i noticed, i was really enjoying this and i had the first frill of knowing I had control
Eve- well.. I said putting my hand on his neck… sometimes its good for cousins to experiment together, it’d be good practice for you eh?
Adam just looked at me for a second mouth slightly open
Adam- are you teasing me
Eve- only slightly
This is when I kissed him for the first time he didn't even try and resist and to my surprise he was a great kisser. When we finally parted I put my finger to his lips and asked
Eve- You ok if I just take charge?
Adam- Yeah you can dominate me..
Eve- I like that thought.
I knew i was gonna give him a blowjob I was pretty good at them and i loved the feeling of controlling his orgasm. I grabbed his hand and lead him to the sofa and sat him in the middle. I stood up and took my top off and my bra, He shyly looked at my naked top half then away then back then up to my eyes It was such a thrill and i could tell i was dripping wet and briefly i thought about straddling him right then and there but I kinda decided to get to that later.
I kneeled down grabbed his gym shorts I tugged them down his cock sprung out and the first thing I noticed wasn't the size it was shaved. I loved it Adam always shaved his body hair due to his athletics course he said he though body hair was kind of gross with all the sweat. I instantly wondered what his ass looked like but again i was gonna show patience. His cock was about 7 inches nothing dramatic but it was thicker than the ones id seen.
Eve- that's one hell of a thick looking cock you have, i love that you shave that too.
Adam was struggling to look at me he was bright red in the face though
I gently blew air over his tip and his balls just to extend the time with him being out in the wind he let out a little moan and his brow furrowed and he leaned back slightly looking at the ceiling and anywhere but at me. I decided this was adorable but i knew he wanted to watch and to be honest the idea if him watching me while he was reluctant turned me on.
Eve- Adam?
Adam - Yeah…
Eve- I expect you to watch me do this ok? Keep your eyes on me as best you can ok…
Adam forced himself to look at me and even gave a imperceptible nod i loved that he was shy but obeying me so i slowly keeping my eye on his at first made my way to his balls i stuck out my tongue and started to flick the bigger of the two then the other i took one into my mouth and gave it a suckle. At this his eyes melted and he involuntarily moaned. I wondered what noises he would make if i went a little lower and licked his asshole but again I restrained myself. I moved to the base of his shaft and licked all the way up to his tip.
Eve- You like?
Adam - God yes
Eve- you want more?
Adam - please (I liked that)
Eve- you want me to suck on it?
Adam- Yes…. m..m...istress (the last bit was said under his breath but i caught it)
I gave the tip a good long lick using my hand to stroke his foreskin back
Eve - Mistress eh? I like that you deserve a reward… Adam Layback and cum when you are ready
Now this is the only time I've ever done this before id, given blowjobs as part of foreplay before but this time i was determined to make him cum in my mouth. I would normally tease and try and make him enjoy it for a while but this time as I sucked the tip into my mouth to gauge the size i was going to show him no mercy. I took his thick cock all the way to the bottom of his shaft I felt it hit the back of my throat about the same time. I felt his head hit the back of the sofa as he reclined back with a moan. I began to bob my head slipping on hand down to one of my nipples which was really turned out then under my skirt to play with myself through my drenched panties. It was great I could feel him pulsing in my throat in no time and holding back his cum. It really took no time and I was sure it wont take long to break his resistance. A naughty part of me wanted to stop just to see his face and maybe see if he would beg but it was to much more tempting to force his ejaculation. And it came with a bit of a muted warning from Adam
Adam - I'm really close.
This made me double my effort and i was rewarded with a load into my mouth which i swallowed with pride. The salty musty taste was enjoyable to me, I licked it all up and enjoyed the fact he looked so spent.
Eve- Ok stay where you are, i said taking off my panties but my long striped socks (black and white) were still on and i kept my skirt on. I smiled at him
Eve- your turn Adam.
As i stepped onto the couch and kneeled over his face he looked at my shaven pussy my only regret was i couldn't see his reaction for my skirt but there was a second and then I felt his face come up to meet my hole he pressed his tongue against it and i bore down trying to get as much in there as possible I was already pretty close from rubbing
Eve - mmmmmhff that's good lick my pussy like a good boy Adam.
He pulled his tongue out and that was momentarily disappointing but he began moved up my slit towards my swollen clit my breath caught at he circled it.
Eve- Hey no teasing it Adam get to it
I felt a breath on me as he clearly smiled at my order and he got stuck into swirling around my clit with his tongue i was close and then he surprised me again as i ground against his face he brought up a finger from underneath to enter me… Adam was good at this within less than a minute i was bucking my hips in an intense orgasm. I climbed off his face smiling my ass off.
Eve- God that was good Adam…?
Adam- You love being dominant, i love it too.
Eve- If only you knew haha you’d probably run a mile
Adam- Eve… uh i need to tell you something. I saw your stuff on the computer the other week there. I mean by accident you left yourself logged in
I looked up at him at first dumbfounded then I kinda needed to know what he knew… I mean he is a member of my family.
Adam- At first i was confused I thought it was maybe someone else's thoughts then i saw your reddit posts. Oh… don't worry “he picked up on my thoughts” I wont tell. I guess im saying I liked what I read.
He was getting redder saying it. I suppose the admission was a big thing for him as big as his discovery was for me.
Eve- All of it?
Adam- I definitely get turned on from being dominated slightly I'm also not into all the super S and M stuff that comes with it but you know the other stuff I wasn't sure at first but the more I looked the more I thought I might be… you know… i guess id need to try it to find out… some guys like it some find it not for them.
There it was the longest amount of words Adam had ever said to me and it mostly a ramble about it maybe possibly wanting to try but stuff. I was delighted.
Eve- but were cousins
Adam- I guess cousins do experiment.
I smiled at him throwing my words back at me, he was right as well. The thought of me fucking Adam and his face begging to cum really sparked in my mind. At this point i noticed he was hard again.
Eve- well lets find out turn over
Adam looked up in askance unsure what I was asking
Eve- get up on all fours and face that way
I removed my skirt I didn't have a strap on but I wanted to roleplay a little. Adam did as he was asked shyly still unsure what i had in mind. I move to stand behind him my skin around my crotch hard up against his ass. I used my hands to feel his skin up his back and back down towards his hips.
Eve- so Adam you want me to try fucking you like this?
As i said this i grabbed his hips an pulled him towards me, again i had no dildo but just the feeling of my flesh slapping against his was a massive turn on for us both.
Adam- yes mistress
Eve- you think you could cum hands free
Adam- I don't know
I pushed and pulled him back and fourth making that slapping noise
Eve- I think when we buy a strapon were gonna have to find out huh?
I gave his ass a spank and i was intending on giving him a rimjob but Adam spoke
Adam- Mistress i bought ahhhh…. Uh…
Eve- Speak up honey
Adam- Butt plugs…. I bought some to try…
This was a welcome revelation as you can imagine i immediately asked where they were and then grabbed his hand and took him to his bedroom to continue this.
Adam- I've not used them yet, I'm not sure how.
Eve- You have lube?
Adam- yeah and pulled out a bottle.
Eve- can i put one in you?
Adam- I guess.
Eve- ok lay down on your front, yeah like that now i want you to spread your cheeks.
Adam went red in the face but did as he was told
Eve- wow you have done a great job getting all the hairs, your asshole is beautiful.
Adam- Th-thanks
I put the plug to one side and the lube. I lowered myself to his cheeks gave them a little kiss to give him the idea of what was gonna happen.
Eve- pucker up big guy
She was amused when Adam tensed his hole and wondered if he had meant to do it or was it just a reaction to the realization but it didn't stop her as she first kissed him directly flush on his shut hole he moaned a little so she tongued around the wrinkly hole.
Eve- relax honey. Let me in
Adam with a clear effort relaxed his sphincter and Eve immediately started to lick around the rim for a bit she could feel Adam squirming under her.
Eve- You like?
Adam- It tickles but I kinda like it.
Eve meantime had grabbed the bottle of lube and the smaller of the plugs. Ok now relax honey lets see how it reacts to this the lube went around his hole first i was a little cold at first but he didn't complain. I pressed the tip up against it
Eve- Any pain and i will back off and try again later just relax.
No such worries it went right in
Eve- well how does it feel
Adam- I can feel it holding me open.. Feels like I could push it out if I wanted…its not sore
Eve- you think we try a bigger one.
Adam- Sure
Eve- Well lets see you push that one out first then
Adam reddened but then she could see it push out his anus
Eve- god Adam your great
Eve- i think this one
Adam looked it was the second biggest
Adam- Sure… if you think… it’ll fit
Eve- I'm sure you can take it honey.
Eve lubed up the bigger plug not sure herself if this would go in but boundaries were to be tested. She began to put the tip in but saw Adam had tensed up.
Eve- Oh relax honey open your ass to me you know you want to.
Adam with an effort of will loosened up and eve began to push it in it went in slowly at first and then past a halfway his ass swallowed the rest.
Adam - ugh! Oh that weird
Eve- told you, you could take it. How's it feel?
Adam - Wider and i feel full? Does that make sense? Its not a bad feeling. When it was halfway in it felt like i needed a poop for a sec but it feels ok.
Eve- cool can you get on all fours for me
Again Adam obeyed I think he was curious about how it would feel himself as he arose his face expression changed and he let out a little gasp.
Eve- You ok big guy?
Adam- yeah for a sec there it felt really like aaaahh. Pressure on a good spot… I guess.
Eve grabbed his cock pleased it was still hard
Eve- wow your rock hard, i heard many boys don't stay erect during this stuff.
Adam- Its weird its meant as a complement but I find it hard to take it
Adam smiled at the last part. Eve began stroking his cock then pulled out the plug slowly Adam gave a jolt when she got it halfway out the pushed it back in and moaned a bit. Eve made a decision.
Eve - turn over big guy
Adam as always did as he was told getting used to the sensations of the big plug inside one on his back Eve gave him a kiss and then moved back down to the plug this time pulling it all out slowly and watching his face whilst she did so. She loved it when his brow furrowed and his jaw opened. She began to suck on the tip of his cock again. Then she grabbed the lube again and put some over two fingers. Adam knew what was about to happen and automatically lifted his legs to allow access. Eve smiled from ear to ear at this.
Eve- Good boy, imma try and find that prostate spot they talk about.
Adam relaxed again to allow her access after a few moments he fingers were in all the way. It was like a funny game of marco polo as she searched. When she touched it she had it and Adam moaned with pleasure at it but it felt just our of reach.
Eve- its there i just cant reach it with my fingers…. Oh well i guess we will need to try something else. Move up the bed a bit.
Adam moved up eve slowly straddled him allowing him to enter her even with him penetrating her she was in charge and he loved it she stopped for a second and put the smaller plug back in. with her back on top it kind felt like he was bearing down on it and then she removed it and put in the bigger one.. That was something else it was the first time he was having the sensation of being fucked occasionally it would touch the spot. Eve grabbed Adams hands and encouraged him to fondle her boobs she raised her hand to her hair and let him go at it she was enjoying it.
Eve- suck on my tits Adam there's a good boy
Adam immediately obliged whilst one hand dropped to her butt he helped her go up and down on his cock he sucked on her red nipples as she moaned with pleasure all the while that plug was doing work on his ass. Adam had to admit this was easily the best sex he had ever had not that he was experienced.
Adam- Eve I'm gonna cum
Eve- Not inside this time…
She stopped got off started to lick his tip whilst jerking off with one hand and without warning she grabbed the plug and began playing with it. Adam came all over her face in what was the biggest orgasm he had ever had. Eve for her part let it cover her mouth and face loving every part of it….
She grabbed a towel and cleaned herself.
Eve- Well how was it.
Adam- I loved it, I wouldn't mind trying it… you know your pegging thing
He blushed the biggest amount he had and could feel his face burning
Eve smiled- Well if were gonna lets do it properly. Would you mind uh… wearing a cage this week.
Adam- I can do it on days and nights I'm not at uni which to be honest isn't much. He was only scheduled 2 lectures that week one of which he was already planning on ditching.
Eve ok I'll buy the strapon and some more plugs. Can you buy the uh… vitamins and things that help men get a massive load…
That conversation was a whole thing for Adam but he bought a few he had looked into the science behind it he never know but apparently there are certain things porn stars take to produce more sperm.
The next day he was caged up. You would think that would be it but Eve was determined to do this right they watched the odd video together eve put buttplugs of different shapes and sizes in him and occasionally teased the hell out of him outside his cage never letting him climax.
By the end of the week Adam was sweaty moody and most importantly desperate to cum.
Adam- Eve… I don't think i can wait much longer… I've been having the odd wet dream nothing and waking up cause of the cage.
Eve- Ok go take a shower I'll get ready.
Adam obeyed quickly glad this was gonna be over when he got back though there were cameras set up (well mobiles on tripods) around the sofa.. This hadn't been discussed but he was kinda ok with the idea so long as their faces were not put on the net. He trusted Eve speaking of she was on her way down the stairs he heard heels which was odd for her but when she came into the room his breath caught she was in a full stocking suspenders with a bustier she had ribbons in her hair and in her hand was the strapon. It was big but he knew compared to the big buttplug he had inside him the day before it would fit no problem.
Adam- you are so beautiful Eve
Eve- Thanks I kinda want to look the part, oh yeah the camera’s I kinda like the idea of recording it for personal viewing later, maybe even put it online if we can figure out censoring our identities or something… I hope you don’t mind.
Adam- I'm ok with it, i trust you
Eve- I should hope so haha now sit on the sofa and lose the towel
Eve took her time starting the camera’s whilst Adam strained against his cage, when she was satisfied she pulled out the key and unlocked him. She instantly gave him a wink and then a long kiss then began kissing down his body by the time she reached his cock it was already more erect than it had ever been. She ignored it entirely focusing her tongue on his balls before giving his tip a tiny lick smiling and winking at the camera all the while. Adam was enjoying the fact she was clearly enjoying being filmed and showing off knowing what she was going to do to him. She then pushed his legs back and smiled.
Ok big guy time to play with the ass of yours a bit, she began by gently lapping at the entrance which brought a moan from Adam. She then stuck her tounge deep inside as deep as she could get. Then came the fingers opening his hole up and spreading it further. The thick lube easing them in.
Eve- So big guy you like it in your ass
Adam- *coyly* Yes mistress
He knew this was for the camera’s too and he really liked it.
Eve- Do you want me to fuck your little hole?
Adam - God yes!
Eve- say it honey
Adam- I want you to fuck my ass mistress
Eve- What with?
Adam- The strapon Mistress
Eve- Oh you mean my girlcock
Adam- Yes mistress your Girlcock!! please ….
Adam was desperate at this point she completely ignored his dick and he wanted to cum, he wanted to please her but he was in desperate need of her attention. It took all Adams willpower not to touch or stroke himself. Eve took away her fingers and slowly put on her harness and blue dildo. She felt a little strange suddenly having a cock but it was a good feeling it. The strap itself was designed to have a some pressure put on to her clit and the harness also had little part that she inserted into herself. This was no problem as by now she was dripping wet the part went in easily. She looked down on her prize and lubed up the cock slowly as he watched on. She knelt before him putting the cock ring around his ballsack and cock which both moves it out the way and increases blood flow to his penis not that he needed it he was drooling with precum it looked amazing to her she then gave his cock a touching gently with her finger just teasing him all the more. Adam moaned at this a moan filled with part despair part ecstasy. Then he felt something touching his entrance it was the girlcock. At this stage he was on the verge of screaming for it he knew he wanted to be fucked and he knew he was going to enjoy it.
Eve- Well big guy I'm not sure who is looking forward to this more, me or you?. Are you ready?
Adam- Please…. Ev… mistress
Eve heard the almost slip and decided to tease just a little longer holding the tip against his anus. The had decided to not use names for the video. She began playing with his balls with her fingers.
Adam- Uh please fuck me…
He said that with such a pleading face and was looking directly into her eyes that Eve knew this was the moment he was quite literally begging for it.
Adam- Ok honey since you asked so nicely i think you have suffered enough and she began to apply pressure to the strapon his ass accepted her cock slowly resisting only a little before going through and almost popping in slowly she passed halfway looking at his face which was a picture she will treasure as he frowned taking it all inside slowly and all it went in and Eve felt her thighs contact his ass. It felt so good Eve had a mini orgasm but she knew she had to wait.
Eve- Wow you took it all big guy I'm so proud of you, how does it feel?
Adam- It feels good mistress it doesn't hurt i feel really full, you can try moving if you want.
Eve slowly moved back pulling it halfway out and then back in whilst Adam moaned then decided to up the anti as she pushed his legs further back as she stood still inside him.
Adam wasn't expecting this change of position but a sudden touch of his spot and he loved it enough to moan loud for the first time he then felt her push in and she was face to face with him and they kissed cutting off his moan. She then started to move a little faster pulling back from his kiss just to constraint on moving she was able to pound together a little, hearing the delightful melody of there skin slapping and Adams moans.
Adam- Oh god yeah.. Fuck me…. Make me cum… please…
Eve knew he was close at this point and was sure if she stroked him he would explode but she also wanted to try another position and maybe even go for the mythical hands free ejaculation. She stopped pulling out.
Eve- Ok Adam time for some proper fucking turn over and spread that ass.
He was eager to obey and in moments he was on his knees hands spreading his cheeks ready to be entered. Eve took her time lining up aiming at where she thought his spot as he called it was. She was rewarded when she got halfway and felt him shudder. Sinking the cock all the way to the hilt she grabbed his hips.
Adam - oh god that spot i think I feel it.
Eve smiled at one of the camera’s
Eve- time to see if i can pound your ass and make you come
A she began taking long deep strokes revelling in the feeling of making him feel pleasure she spanked him a couple of time and then she grabbed both hips and began to pound fast.
Adam - Oh god… fuck…. Me…. I'm gonna cu……..m from my ass….
He erupted and eve could feel the shuddering going on inside his ass through the girlcock it pushed her over the edge and she came. She had enough presence of mind to reach around grab his erupting cock and with a few strokes help it on its way, this set off a new wave or eruptions and Adam was lost in the moment… they both were.
Afterwards Eve asked Adam if he would take the lead and give her a good fuck which he did after a short recovery time first going down on her and even licking her ass as she had done for him. She enjoyed it but wasn't ready for anal herself somewhat ironically he admitted to her he had always wanted to fuck her doggy style thanks to her fantastic ass and she let him. It for Adam and for Eve felt like a opportunity for Adam to reclaim a bit of male pride… we don't know if that's the right term for it but we couldn't come up with something better.
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