#I don’t drive and neither does my roomate
asset35-maya · 3 years
I am sleepy but I gotta make a request before the busy tomorrow so 2 things on my mind! Sleepy and the 'oh my god they were roomates' vine xD with any characters and aus I love everything you write anyways xD Happy timezones and best vibes your way >^<!! 💖💞💕💕
Oh my god, they were roommates…
“The rental market in Detroit is absolute shit! How dare these bloodsuckers charge such high rates for the most under-developed properties! This city’s going to the dogs!”
“You have to pay your own weight in gold just to live in a shoebox for a year. Nonsense!”
“Are you even listening to me, Tina!
Goddamnit Tina!”
Gavin thumped his fist on her desk, but Tina’s eyes barely flicked up from her phone.
“Oh my god, you sound like my grandpa…”
Gavin turned red and his brain buzzed with a thousand colourful retorts. He was just about to pick one when Tina stopped scrolling and turned her phone screen towards him.
The suburban paradise for executive androids and humans alike. Located 25 minutes drive from downtown Detroit, with a full amenities.
Gavin’s eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. He balked at her.
“You’re joking? How could I possibly…?”
“Get with the times, boomer…”
Tina lazily skimmed her thumb over the screen. The webpage promised plenty of greenery, good infrastructure and modest but spacious rooms. The extremely reasonable price tag was Gavin’s dream come true. He’d spent weeks apartment hunting in the wake of an early lease termination by his cantankerous landlord. Gavin knew he’d never find a better deal.
“Shit, this is so good, T! Why the phck does it have to be in that- that place!”
His friend arched a sceptical eyebrow.
“What place?”
“The Tincan ghetto!”
Tina smacked him on the arm. None too gently.
“It’s subsided public housing located in an android-friendly estate… because they’re the ones that need it most right now. And frankly, you seem to be in just as much need, so you should really get off that high horse.”
“Fine, fine. You’re right. I should seriously consider this place, even if my neighbours are gonna have more in common with my car than me. But damn, it seems a little too good to be true. There’s probably some fine print, hidden costs that’ll come out later.”
“Hmm… let’s see…”
Tina scrolled further and then let out a half-laugh. She held her phone up again.
“Nothing shady about the rates, but there is something you should know…”
At the risk of being called old again, Gavin squinted at the screen and read aloud.
“Bearing in mind the founding principles of New Jericho, all human occupants may only apply for tenancy in co-habitation with at least one android citizen of the United States of- JESUS PHCKING CHRIST! Absolutely not! I am not going to live with a plastic prick!”
Gavin had to get through half a bottle of wine before he could bear to scroll through the rental listings. Unlike other humans who had happily moved into New Jericho with their android friends or partners, he had to find an android who was also looking for a flatmate.
Some listings came from ardent supporters of Markus. These were the androids who wanted to ease the post-revolution transition by reaching out to humans. Some listings were put up by the android equivalent of frat boys. These individuals were clearly looking for someone on the fringes of human society, someone who could show them a good (if not illegal) time.
Other posts came from eccentric androids who craved company but had likely been rejected by their own kind. Gavin felt a strange twisting sensation, almost like pity, when he came across a post written entirely in third person by someone called Ralph.
He had almost given up hope when he came across a simple little listing for a two bedroom apartment in Cyberscalia.
RK900 #313 248 317 - 87: Seeking a neat, self-sufficient co-renter. Human or android, no preference. I spend most of my time working and will be out of your way for the better part of the day. I only ask for silence during my nighttime stasis cycles, timely payment of dues and upkeep of cleanliness.
Gavin sighed in relief.
“Your room is the first door on the left, mine is the second. The bathroom, laundry and kitchenette are shared, as is the living room. I scarcely find use for the latter, so you need not worry about my intruding on any of your social gatherings, or vice versa. As long as you adhere to the terms of the agreement, our paths will not cross much.”
The tall, stiff-necked android dropped a set of keys, both mechanical and digital, into Gavin’s open palm.
“Er thanks.. RK… sorry I forgot your full model number…”
“You may call me Nines. Although, I’d rather you didn’t call me much of anything. Now if you’ll excuse me.”
In a swish of black fabric, the android turned on his heel and disappeared into his room. Two rapid clicks indicated the shutting and locking of his door.
Gavin sighed and looked around the open-plan living room. It was nothing fancy, but it was far beyond any of the other properties he’d viewed in weeks of unsuccessful house-hunting.
He sat down on the simple black couch with a huff and contemplated his situation. He’d ended up where he’d truly never expected to go, but objectively speaking, things were good… barring the high-handed manner of his robot flatmate, but who gave a shit about that.
He pulled out his phone to text Tina his thanks.
“I can’t! I refuse to! It is a violation of my personal ethics and I will simply not take this assignment any further. Good day to you sir!”
Gavin nearly dropped his bowl of cereal one morning when his roommate burst out of his door and rushed into the open balcony.
He hadn’t seen Nines in days, which was perfectly normal. The android came and went at odd hours and made hardly any noise. It was almost like living alone. The only reminder of Nines’ presence was the sight of several dark shirts and trousers regularly hung out to dry on the rack above the washing machine.
Gavin set his bowl down and watched the android tightly grip the bars of the railing and take several unnecessary breaths to calm down. He’d seen deviant colleagues express emotion many times before, but this was the first time he witnessed such a potent mixture of rage and sorrow from a synthetic being.
Out of empathy, but mostly curiosity, Gavin approached cautiously.
“Hey Nines… is everything alright…?”
There was no response for several moments. Then Nines turned around with a grimace and hands held upwards in a placating gesture.
“I apologise for the disturbance. It was hypocritical of me to disrupt the very peace and quiet I demand of you.”
“Uh… no worries…? Are you okay?”
There was a flash of steel blue eyes.
Gavin kicked himself mentally as he realised too late that he’d broached uncharted territory. Their interactions didn’t extend beyond curt nods on the rare occasion they found each other in the same space. It was almost as if Nines engineered the lack of contact, which wouldn’t surprise Gavin at all if it were the case.
“I’m fine. I merely experienced some frustration with my work.”
Perhaps it was boredom, perhaps it was his usual lack of self-preservative instinct… Gavin threw caution to the winds.
“What do you actually do?”
Nines’ expression remained stoic but his LED went through a spectacular series of colours and flashes. His next words were reluctant.
“I’m a private investigator.”
“Oh shit! I’m actually a cop.”
Gavin pointed dumbly at himself and then let his hand drop when he saw absolutely no surprise cross the android’s face.
“I know. That’s why I let you stay with me.”
“For safety?”
“Certainly not for your fashion sense.”
“Wow okay, I didn’t think I’d be much protection for a big scary droid like you.”
Nines hummed dismissively and started to move out of the balcony, body language fully indicating the end of the conversation.
Unable to help himself for some strange reason, Gavin blurted out another ill-advised question.
“What pissed you off so much?”
Nines paused halfway through side-stepping the human. A thrill went through Gavin at the shards of ice he observed for the first time up close in Nines’ irises.
“If I tell you, will you promise to stop asking pointless questions?”
Gavin nodded earnestly, and frankly… rather foolishly.
“I helped a client gather evidence to initiate divorce proceedings on the grounds of infidelity. I provided ample photo and video evidence for his lawyers to work with. Now they want me to keep following the spouse to capture more details that could gear any future settlement in his favour.”
“So what’s your problem?”
“They’re offering me an incredible amount of cash to follow her 24/7. To stake out her workplace, her gym, her parent’s home. They want me to crouch under the window of the bedroom where her children sleep. I can do a lot of things, but not that. It’s deeply insulting that they even asked. That’s why I was so… pissed.”
Nines slipped past and was nearly back to his bedroom when Gavin spoke.
“I respect that.”
“I didn’t ask.”
“I know, but for real though, I think ethics are important in our line of work. Not just because of we need morals or a sense of right or wrong blablabla, but because we need… clarity.”
Silence floated through the hallway as Nines paused with a hand on his doorframe.
“Yeah, like a sense of direction. We don’t just take cases right-left-centre because they make us money. I mean, we could, and people do… but they never become specialists or experts of any kind. You gotta strategise if you want a career. Ethics helps with that. I think…”
Gavin wasn’t sure what made him say any of that. He was neither one for small talk, nor a man of many words… but something about Nines prompted that unusual level of introspective discourse.
“Sorry that was weird. Never mind.”
“That was actually… very astute.”
Their eyes met and Gavin could’ve sworn he saw the hint of a smile.
“It’s good to see that not all humans are as one-dimensional as I thought.”
The door clicked shut, but there was no locking sound.
Since the morning of Nines’ uncharacteristic outburst, the frequency of their encounters in the common areas of the apartment increased. Wordless nods became hellos, and hellos eventually became full sentences.
Not that he’d admit it, Gavin actually looked forward to enquiring about the android’s day and the cases he was working on. It was utterly fascinating to hear about legal investigations without the constraints of police procedure.
For his part, Nines would share as much as he had the patience to, before disappearing into the confines of his room. Though the time he spent outside steadily increased every day.
Another morning, while Gavin was making his coffee, Nines emerged from his room, still in his pyjamas and looking as livid as he had the time before. Gavin had never seen him in anything but crisply ironed businesswear. Before he could voice any concern, Nines stiffly asked Gavin to keep a lookout for a homicide suspect.
He nodded and immediately reached for his phone to text the sergeant on duty at his station. By midday, there was an arrest.
That evening, when Gavin settled in front of the TV with his usual glass of wine, he heard the familiar sound of Nines’ door opening. The couch dipped beside him.
“Thank you.”
“Just did my job. I should thank you for the tip.”
Gavin chanced a glance at his roommate, and found him looking right back.
“Nothing… I just had the realisation that much of my work is impotent without the authority and means to take any kind of action.”
The sitcom began to play and Gavin thumbed the remote to reduce the volume.
“Takes all kinds to keep the streets clean. PIs can do things cops can’t. We rely on guys like you for intel all the time, you know.”
“I know.”
No words were exchanged for a while thereafter. Gavin found himself unable to focus on the TV show with all the brooding energy emanating from his right.
“If you feel like being a private eye doesn’t make enough of a difference, then why didn’t you… um… you know…”
“Join law enforcement?”
“Plenty of my fellow androids have done so. I know for a fact that my predecessor model chose to remain there. You might know him.”
“Connor? Yes. Very annoying.”
“He is, isn’t he?”
“Totally. But why didn’t you join too? You’d be brilliant on the Force.”
“My skillset is certainly well-suited, but I didn’t want to become another puppet of the state.”
Gavin really didn’t know what to say to that. He nodded uncertainly and looked back at the television. He wasn’t sure why Nines was suddenly this social.
“What are you… watching?”
Androids could scan and detect just about anything in the world, so there had to be something else to the question. Gavin, strangely, was happy to oblige.
Nines made an appearance every evening, without fail. He would sit through the TV shows if they were of interest, or he would bring his case material and notes to the coffee table to work in silence beside Gavin.
Sometimes Gavin liked to work on jigsaw puzzles on the dining table. Nines would sit beside him, pretending to read a paperback novel, but actually scanning the puzzle and passing the right pieces over from time to time.
Against all odds, an evening ritual and a tentative friendship developed. It was simple, but it was warm. Comfortable. Like nothing Gavin had ever had before, even with humans.
He awoke one morning with a slight crick in his neck but the feeling of being very well-rested.
His eyes flickered open and fell upon the window. Familiar greenery came into view… but wait… had everything slightly shifted to the left? And was that the New Jericho Capitol building? He couldn’t see that from his room! There was a tree in the way! A tree that was now a few feet away from where it used to be.
Gavin sat up in alarm as he realised that he was not in his own bed. His heart flew into his throat as Nines walked through the open doorway. Shirtless and carrying a mug of blue liquid.
“Oh good, you’re up.”
“Wha-what happened!?”
Nines frowned and sat down on the edge of the bed. He set the mug on the floor and pulled on a plain black t-shirt.
“You passed out on the couch last night. I think you finished a whole bottle waiting up for me? Sorry, I was out working later than expected.”
Gavin looked down and sighed in relief as he found all his clothes still on him.
“I didn’t want you to injure yourself sleeping at an odd angle so I brought you here. Your door was locked.”
“You could’ve easily opened it.”
“Yes, but that would’ve been an invasion of privacy. I reserve that for working hours alone.”
Gavin looked deep into the sparkling blue eyes and as usual found no trace of humour.
“Don’t mention it. Now get out. You’re ruining my silk sheets.”
Against his best efforts, Gavin could not keep the thought of being carried to bed and tucked in safely out of his mind. How many years had it been? Since something like that had been even remotely possible for him?
He knew that Nines was just being kind in his own pragmatic little way… but Gavin found that he wouldn’t mind the prospect of waking up in the android’s bed in a wildly different context.
He realised he had it bad when Tina caught him smiling to himself at work one day.
“Why so happy?”
“Oh… nothing. Just remembered something my roommate did… He’s a… funny guy.”
“Huh. Well, look at you getting along so well with androids.”
“Android. Singular. Just him.”
“Wowwww… he sounds special.”
“Who did this?”
“Gavin, the damage is merely superficial-”
“Who phcking did this??!”
He reached forward and gingerly touched Nines’ split cheek. His synth skin was smeared with blue blood and glitching in and out. Nines winced at the contact.
“Shit, sorry. That must hurt like a bitch.”
“Androids do not feel pain.”
“I’m merely experiencing a surge in sensory input wherever my chassis is exposed. I’m fine.”
“Shut up and give me your first aid kit or whatever toolbox equivalent you tincans have.”
A shade of embarrassment appeared over the android’s features.
“I… actually don’t have one. I didn’t think I’d ever need it.”
“Didn’t think anyone could kick your ass, huh?”
“No… I didn’t think anyone would ever spot my hiding place.”
“Huh. How’d that happen?”
Nines’ eyes dipped, but as always, he answered the question.
“I was… distracted.”
Something in the air solidified and both of them felt it. Gavin cleared his throat and slapped his knees like an old man about to stand up.
“Right. Let me go check if the neighbours have anything that might help with your face.”
“So who’s this dapper young gent you’ve brought to the party, Gavin?”
“Er… he’s my uh… roommate.”
Captain Fowler nodded and winked.
“That’s what they called it in my day too.”
Nines shifted beside Gavin and cleared his throat.
“He’s a PI. But I think he’s wasting his talent taking pictures of cheating spouses. He’s quite interested in police work. Maybe we could get him to assist on a couple cases now and then?”
Fowler put down his drink and extended a warm hand to Nines.
“Oh thank RA9!”
Nines came running to the cluster of police cars and enveloped him in a giant hug. Gavin laughed as he patted him weakly on the back.
“Watch the ribs, big guy.”
“I was so worried.”
“Why? Your info was good. No chance of error.”
“I meant about you.”
Gavin pulled back and regarded Nines with confusion. The flashing red and blue lights of the cars made it hard to read his LED.
“I can’t believe you have to ask.”
The android pulled him into a bruising kiss. The officers standing nearby broke into wolf-whistles and applause.
“What the-”
“Oh I take full credit for that, sir.”
Fowler glanced at Tina.
“The case, Chen?”
“Oh of course. I solved the whole thing. But I mean that specifically.”
She waved a hand in Gavin and Nines’ direction. The two held each other tightly and seemed unlikely to come up for air anytime soon.
“Like I helped Gav find an affordable place in New Jericho and then he met this handsome investigator droid and they were roommates.”
“Oh my god, they were roommates…”
“Yeah legit.”
Thanks so much for the request @jude-shotto
This ended up being a lot longer than expected, but I couldn’t help it. Your prompt just took me on a whole journeyyyy <3
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moodymelanist · 3 years
hey can u please do roomate au for elucien?
hell yeah, anon. I also got these prompts so I’m gonna combine them if y’all don’t mind!
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let’s say Elain and Lucien are living together after graduating college, they were hooking up, they stopped, ✨tension✨ ensues
also I HC that Jesminda is Indian and you can take that from my cold dead hands ok!
Elain thought she could handle seeing Lucien bringing his new girlfriend home after they’d stopped doing whatever it was they were doing, but she learned rather quickly just how wrong she was.
They’d been living together for a few months and had tried the whole friends with benefits thing, but then Lucien had met Jesminda, and Elain had pretended like she didn’t have feelings for him. She’d even smiled as she’d told him Jesminda was beautiful and that they looked good together.
It wasn’t Jesminda’s fault that Elain had kept her mouth shut about how she really felt about her roommate — no, that was purely Elain’s fault. She’d been debating saying something to him for at least a week and a half before he’d approached her and told her he’d met Jesminda, and then she couldn’t say anything without looking like a vindictive bitch. Especially because Jesminda was nothing but friendly towards Elain.
It had been absolute torture every time Jesminda came over, especially at night when Elain could hear sounds coming out of Lucien’s bedroom. She knew perfectly well how good he was between the sheets and he was unintentionally twisting the knife with every quiet groan and curse and headboard slam.
Elain woke up early on a Saturday morning, well rested for the first time in several weeks. Something about hearing Lucien and Jesminda fool around made it impossible for her to sleep until they were done, but for once Lucien had gone to bed alone. She didn’t want to read into things too much, but she secretly hoped that things were winding down between them. Then she immediately chastised herself, because Lucien was a good person and deserved to be happy, even if it wasn’t with her.
She sighed before quietly leaving her bedroom and making her way onto the balcony. Her plants waved gently in the soft breeze as if they were saying hello and she lost herself in the routine of taking care of them. Her plants might not be able to talk to her, but at least they’d always be there for her.
She briefly considered calling one of her sisters to complain but immediately dismissed the idea. Feyre would try to play the world’s worst matchmaker and Nesta would try and actually give her a solution to her problem. She loved her sisters, but neither of their responses were what she wanted or needed right now.
She eventually finished her gardening and went back inside, took a shower, and made herself some breakfast. She was finishing up her pancakes and sitting at the kitchen island when she heard Lucien’s bedroom door opening; she debated trying to hide but there was really nowhere to go.
Lucien sighed as he walked into the living, and Elain couldn’t help but notice how dejected he looked.
“What’s wrong?” Elain asked. He sighed and pulled his auburn hair into a messy bun before replying.
“Jesminda dumped me last night,” he said. He wandered into the kitchen and returned with a glass of water, taking a deep sip before continuing. “I mean, we weren’t dating for that long, but it still kind of sucks.”
“It does,” she agreed. Even if she’d hated seeing him with someone other than her, she wasn’t a monster. He was still her friend no matter how complicated her feelings were for him and she’d he there for him. “Do you want to talk about it?”
She half-hoped he wouldn’t want to talk about it, but he took her up on her offer. “She said my heart wasn’t really in it.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Elain asked, confused. Lucien was one of the most caring and thoughtful people she knew, and anyone lucky to have him would know that.
“I don’t know,” he said. He refused to meet her eye and took another sip of his water. “Well, she said she thought I liked someone else.”
He liked someone else? Another someone else? Elain worked hard to keep her face neutral even though she wanted to demand who this other person was. She pushed down the urge to tell him how she actually felt once again and took a deep breath. “Well, it’s her loss. You’re a catch.”
“Thanks,” he replied dryly. She got the sense that she’d said something wrong, but she wasn’t sure what she’d done. Did he think he wasn’t a catch? Or maybe he’d wanted to talk about this new mystery crush? She wasn’t sure.
“I’m serious,” she insisted, deciding to go down the path of convincing him of his worth. “You are a catch. You’re funny, you give great gifts, and you give great head. What’s not to like?”
Lucien choked on his water, launching into a coughing fit before Elain got up and ran over to pound on his back.
“Jesus, Elain,” he said between coughs. She gave him one last pat on the back before grabbing a napkin for him to wipe his face. “Give a guy some warning.”
“What? I would know,” she said, laughing. It was so easy to laugh with him and it was one of her favorite things about him. “I’m just trying to convince you of your worth. Isn’t that what friends do?”
Lucien sobered up almost immediately. “Yeah. Friends.”
“What?” Elain asked. The sudden shift in tone was jarring and he seemed to be staring right down to her soul as he studied her. “Are we… not friends?”
“Of course we are,” he said with a smile that looked forced. “I just…”
“You just what?” she asked. Her stomach was doing flips from the way he was looking at her. “You know you can tell me anything, right?”
“Yeah, I know,” he replied. He seemed to be debating something and she waited anxiously for him to continue, her heart beating so loudly in her chest that she wondered if he could hear it. “Jesminda broke up with me because she thought I wanted to be more than friends with you.”
Elain could barely breathe in anticipation of what he might say next. “And what did you tell her?”
“That it didn’t matter, because you’d never felt that way about me,” he said.
“What?” She wanted to laugh at how wrong he was. “What do you mean I’d never felt the same way about you?”
“What?” he repeated, just as shocked as her. “You — we’ve — I mean, we’ve been friends for so long. Why would you feel that way about me?”
“Friends don’t agree to have sex if there’s absolutely nothing there,” she replied. She wanted to laugh at the bizarre turn this conversation had taken. “I wasn’t having sex with you out of the kindness of my heart, babe.”
“Don’t ‘babe’ me,” he said. “I said I’d fuck you because you were sad about Graysen, but—”
“Gee, thanks. You’re a saint,” she said sarcastically. She’d dated Graysen for a few months before he’d abruptly dumped her, and she and Lucien had gotten drunk watching movies on the couch. One thing had led to another and she’d asked him to help her forget about her shitty ex, and the rest was history.
“If you’d let me finish,” Lucien said, giving her a pointed stare, “I was going to say that I never asked you for anything more because I liked you so much I’d take whatever you were willing to give me.”
Elain stood there in silence and processed his words. He liked her? He liked her.
“Then why did you start dating Jesminda?” she asked, confused. “Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to watch you with her? To listen to you fuck her night after night?”
“I thought I could handle the sex, but I couldn’t.” Lucien took several steps closer to her and she backed up until she felt the island behind her. “I thought about you every second of every day, Elain. Your smile, your perfume, your laugh… it was driving me insane to have you without really having you.”
“So instead of telling me this, you decided to date someone else?”
“I thought you’d never feel that way about me. What the hell was I supposed to do?”
They stared at each other for a moment before Elain spoke. “You should’ve said something. You have no idea how long I’ve wanted you.”
“Well, I’m saying something now,” Lucien said. He reached down to tuck a stray wave behind her ear and she felt her heart speed up. “So what do you want to do about it?”
“I want you to kiss me,” she said. She’d barely gotten the words out before his lips were on hers, hungry and desperate, and she stood on her toes to bring them closer together. He groaned into her mouth and leaned down to wrap his arms around her waist, hoisting her up on top of the counter so he didn’t have to bend down so far.
All her brain could think was Lucien, Lucien, Lucien, especially when he was kissing her as if his life depended on it. She was on cloud nine as she kissed him back just as hard because she finally had him all to herself — she was the one he’d wanted all along, and damn if that wasn’t the best thing that had ever happened to her.
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Evak Fics - Friends to Lovers
The Friends to Lovers list. Includes tropes: Roommates, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Friends with Benefits. Some of these overlap. WIPs. Childhood friends fics are in a seperate list. Under a read more:
***** ROOMMATES *****
i could not want you more than i did right then by chasingflower (1.4k words) - “Isak?” Even calls, sounding faintly amused. Isak groans again in response, and he hears muffled snickering by the door frame. “Any particular reason that you’re on my bed?” Isak groans again. "I’m not moving.” Even moves and sits at the end of his bed, gaze fixed on Isak’s face. “But, as I’ve said, it’s my bed.” “My day was fucked, Even,” Isak whines, and rolls over to give Even a pout. “I’m tired and I don’t want to move. It’s my bed now.” 
I'm Yours by verlore_poplap (orphan_account) (1.7k words) - Another Friday night, another shitty date. 
a little crazy by wyoheartsmusic (3k words) - Isak is shipped off to boarding school by his parents but he doesn't mind all that much. Maybe his new roommate has something to do with that. 
Falling in Love under twinkle lights and blanket forts by Bellakitse (4.5k words) - Where Isak and Even are roommates; Isak is in love and Even is a romantic nerd who builds blanket forts.
loving you to sleep by orphan_account (5.3k words) - Even and Isak cuddle a lot, and love each other a whole lot. 
Make me like you by TheGirlNoOneKnows5 (7.7k words) - There are five things to know about kollektivet; 1. Eskild (thinks he) knows everything. 2. Linn steals food. 3. Even steals clothes. 4. Isak is never home. 5. Not a straight person in sight. Even would be fine with four if Isak weren’t so cute 
and they were roommates! by evak1isak (8.7k words) - Isak has never been that fond of Even Bech Næsheim, although all of his friends adore him. Will being roommates change their relationship? 
This Means Nothing to Me by cuteandtwisted (10k words) - Isak and Even are friends and roommates who don't believe in love anymore (after they both get dumped by other people) until they do. 
Don't you let me go by shinystar66 (12k words) - In this universe, Isak and Even are roomates and nothing more. Except that there is something more between them and they both know that but are too stubborn to admit it. Too bad it takes a very unfortunate event for them to face the truth. 
never make him (love me) by pansexuaIeven (14k words) - Isak is in love with Even. Even isn’t in love with Isak. Or so Even thinks. Includes Julian Dahl 
Evoke by TheGirlNoOneKnows5 (16k words) - Isak and Even are roommates attending the Norwegian Academy of Music. Isak is an enigma until their sleepless nights are no longer spent alone. 
And after that and after that by Teatrolley (18k words) - It's working for them. In some sense of the word, at least, it’s working for them. They’re exes, sure, but they’re friends first, and Isak can ignore the feelings and the jealousy, too. It's working. Then Sonja and Even break up. 
Guess for once i can't pretend by henriksen (19k words) - Even started to go to the gym and Isak was totally cool with it. pining. isak has a dildo 
wait for me to come home by allyasavedtheday (35k words) - New Girl au
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas by Teatrolley (48k words) - Isak moves out of his parent’s house when he’s sixteen and it’s fine, really, most of the time it’s fine. It’s just Decembers. Goddamn Decembers. They’re not exactly his favourite time of the year. This time, though: this time he think there’s someone who has it worse than he does. On the first of December that year, Even moves in. 
***** Fake/Pretend Relationship *****
In the Eye of the Beholder by HazyCosmicJive (2.3k words) - After weeks of Even using him as a 'muse' and refusing to let him see it Isak is attending Even's first art exhibit. And to make it all worse he's going as his fake boyfriend, which wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't hopelessly in love with him. 
let's pretend into forever by Bellakitse (2.3k words) - “Let me get this straight,” Even starts. “You lied to your boss about having a boyfriend, told her it was me, and now you need me to go with you to your science nerd dinner?” 
Family Dinner - SKAM Fic Week Day 1 by bashfulisak (2.8k words) - Isak needs a date for a family dinner and he kinda lies, telling his parents he'll bring a boyfriend. Even is his one option. 
I'll Come With My Boyfriend by bashfulisak (3k words) - wedding guests. isak is kind of in love with even -- isak kind of asks even to be his pretend boyfriend 
with you i'm in warm water by shadesofcool (4k words) - Even might've gotten himself into a situation where he has to pretend to be in love with Isak. It wouldn't be so difficult if he hadn't been trying to pretend like he wasn't in love with him for years. 
Every Day You're Here, I'm Healing by foryouareeverywhere (4.1k words) - also roommates. Isak having a health scare causes Even to reevaluate exactly what he wants in life. 
my longing drives me crazy for you by orphan_account (7.7k words) - pining. isak’s mum worries, Isak makes bad life decisions and Even loves Isak 
would it be a sin if i can't help falling in love with you? by cosetties (18k words) - “I mean, I already have a thing with – “ Isak waves his hand in the air. Conjuring up a girl should be way easier than this. Magnus had a girlfriend at Bakka for three months, and Isak doubts that she ever existed. All Isak has to do is make up a name, but his mouth dries up. He clears his throat. “A thing with – “ “Even,” the guy says, extending his hand for Emma to shake. 
Homecoming by DickAnderton (82k words) - Even has a habit of making a mess out of things. Isak is just a little bit too idealistic. Neither of them has felt at home in a long time. Until they meet each other, jump into a fake relationship, and suddenly there's nowhere they'd rather be. demisexuality 
***** Friends with Benefits *****
I want to love you (in my own language) by fauu_stine (4.1k words) - a Friends with benefits to Lovers AU. 
It's time for us by kaleidxscope (10k words) - “What are we?” Isak asks, looking up at Even from behind his eyelashes. Even's frowning like he hasn’t heard Isak. Maybe he hasn’t with how low his voice was. “If we’re not best friends, what are we?” “So we’re just Isak and Even?” “We’re just Isak and Even.”  DELETED i think :(  
you're the shit and i'm knee-deep in it by cosetties (11k words) - After Even has already rejected him once, after Isak is aware of Even's reputation for meaningless one-night stands, the last thing Isak should be doing is sleeping with the guy. But it keeps happening, and there's no way Isak is getting out of this with his heart intact.
Creatures Of Habit by NeonViolet (18k words) - Even gets hurt and ends up in the hospital. pining. 
Alright, hold on by nofeartina (24k words) - neighbors. 5 times Isak and Even accidentally have sex and 1 time it isn’t so accidental. 
A Fucking Bet by Crazyheart (32k words) - Isak and Even are just friends. They make a bet and decide to fuck only five times and then go back to being friends again. Isak hopes that he might be able to fuck his crush out of his system, once and for all. Who knows what Even’s motives are. 
if i knew it were true by smokeshop (orphan_account) (52k words) -  They've both been broken. Even hates his brain and Isak hates his life, and the past is always lurking. Friends With Benefits AU where Isak loves Even and Even loves Isak, but they're afraid to make it work. 
It'll never mean the same to you by Zabn (79k words) - Isak and Even became best friends within just a few weeks, they simply kind of clicked from the very first second - after Isak had embarrased himself of course. Everything goes fine between the two boys 'til three words mean suddenly more to Isak than they do to Even. 
***** FRIENDS to LOVERS *****
Like A Champ by wyoheartsmusic (1k words) - Even sends Isak a link. 
Sometimes Taking A Risk Will Turn Out Just Fine by isakspeach (1.3k words) - Even and Isak are best friends. he's dating Sonja but loves Isak 
Slowly Starts Sinking In by bri_ness (1.4k words) - After a Christmas party, Isak and Eva consider their feelings for their friends. bonus Nooreva 
powerslide by evak1isak (1.6k words) - Summer is boring and Jonas teaches Isak how to skate. And at the park, Isak meets Even. 
What picking cherries will get you by nofeartina (1.7k words) -  - “Do you have plans this weekend?” Isak asks. Even squints at him, isn’t really sure why he’s the one Isak’s asking when the rest of their friends are there. They’ve never really been the best of friends. Even knows why that is, knows why he’s kept Isak just out of reach. He’s pretty sure Isak isn’t doing it for the same reasons he is, though. 
souls tend to go back to who feels like home by mels (1.7k words) -  - Isak and Even are crushing on the same boy, trying to get his attention and win him over in various ways - and some might go to more extreme lengths than others. 
Don't you see what you are finding? by kaleidxscope (2.4k words) - This is Heaven in hiding. Three times Isak gets frustated by Even and one he makes a move. 
when i’m close to you (we blend into my favourite colour) by Behindthecities (2.5k words) - 5 times Isak forgets that he’s not dating Even and the 1 time he does something about it. 
Schroedinger's Safety by Stria (Asia117) (2.6k words) - trans character. In the end, even if Isak has always kind of been the one setting the pace of their relationship, it’s Even to make that step. 
Date? by frenc (2.7k words) - Even has a date on Sunday. And he asks his best friend Isak for help. 
Please Know That I'm Yours to Keep by pressurerin (2.9k words) - Hogwarts au. "Remember how I was making amortentia for my final potions project? Well, Isak ate some. And now…” Even gestured towards the way Isak was currently trying to lick his neck. 
Only You Can Feel What You Feel by dvorahbee (4.3k words) - Even has been dating Sonja for two years now and everything is great. Except they haven't had sex yet and Sonja is persistent. What if Even is not actually as in love with his girlfriend as he'd first thought? What if instead of going through having sex with her, he falls for a boy? And what if this boy makes Even realise he might not be entirely straight, after all? Alex Strangelove au 
Handcuff Your Way To My Heart by sugarbeat24 (4.3k words) - Isak and Even work at Buzzfeed and are roped into doing a video together. Lots of "oh my gods" and eyerolls ensue.
underneath the shooting stars by evenskindness for starslag (4.6k words) - Even can’t exactly pinpoint the moment he fell in love with Isak Valtersen. He just knows that it happened. Somewhere between late night talks, stupid memes, walking instead of taking a tram because that way they’d have more time to chat, friendly touches, comforting each other when life sucked the most, laughing at the most ridiculous inside jokes and friendly banter, somewhere between all that, Even just fell. And boy, it just happened like it was the easiest thing Even had ever done in his life. stargazing 
cracks in our foundation by towonderland72 (4.8k words) - “You know, like a thousand years ago, men used to wear makeup?” Even asks, as Isak gapes at himself. 
Just Kids When We Fell In Love by wyoheartsmusic (5k words) - Isak and Even go to university 3000 km away from each other. Luckily, it's Christmas break and they had the brilliant idea to go on a cabin trip together. 
It's just a little crush by samgreenstorm (6.5k words) - Even is not staring, he is not. Isak can talk to whoever he wants, even when the other guy looks like a model and they seem to be having the time of their lives. featuring a couple of remake characters 
Addicted by endlessandinfinite (8k words) - They’re both completely, overwhelmingly, and incredibly...addicted. 
Just not right now by cuteandtwisted (8.1k words) - Isak settles into an unhealthy longterm relationship with his busy lawyer boyfriend and convinces himself that happiness is not for him. Enter his boyfriend's childhood friend: Even. MedicalResident!Isak and Artist!Even. no cheating 
bloom by Skamtrash (8.2k words) - Isak talks too much and likes Even, Even smokes too much and likes silence. shameless flirting, defending against bullies, a lot of making out and a lot of love. 
Make the Yuletide Gay by Sabeley (8.4k words) - Isak has been pining after Even for months. Jonas and Eva decide that a romantic getaway at the cabin is exactly what the two boys need to confess their feelings to each other. 
5 Star Review by hannahhhunt (8.9k words) - Isak stays in Even's Airbnb, but Even accidentally comes back a day early. Banter, pining, and months of flirty texting ensue.
I'm Always Here by nofeartina (9.3k words) - “Did you know that Even is working this summer? At that pool at the Plaza?” Jonas says. Isak actually sits up in excitement at this. “Fuck yeah!” lifeguard Even. 
a garden for your love by eggsntoast (9.3k words) - He’s learning to breathe with them, even if he ends up with a floor full of violets by the end of it all. They remind Isak of him, and that’s all that matters. That’s what makes it worse. or: a Hanahaki au ft. Isak heavily pining after Even. Lots of angst. 
I wrote an angry letter to the void, and the void responded (9.5k words) - Monday comes, and the book is still there. Isak looks around, content to find the floor practically empty, before giving the book the finger. Fuck that book. - a book finds it's way to Isak's sacred study spot. this proves to be a major distraction. 
Merry Kiss My Ass (under the mistletoe) by TheGirlNoOneKnows5 (9.8k words) - Working in retail during the holiday season is a nightmare. Especially when Isak has to work right alongside his just friend and not at all crush, Even. Among freaky customers, secret santa presents and constant reminders of his one night of passion with Even, Isak doesnt know if he'll make it to the new year. If only he could figure out who was behind all the random mistletoes he keeps finding... 
finding where the sun sleeps by noeller (10k words -  Isak’s heart is broken. Even thinks his brain is, too. Running away from their problems seems like the obvious solution. Road trip au 
my tiny heartbeat in his ear by riyku (11k words) - Now, about a week after the longest day of the year, the empty house across the street has stopped being empty. 
it's mostly butterflies by hippopotamus (11k words) - “I’ve told you before,” Isak says, without looking up at Even. “The modern world relies on science and technology, Even. There’s no place for magic, it’s dangerous and unnecessary.” Little does he know, Even’s a witch. 
Get Rid of Her by cuteandtwisted (14k words) - "Even was angry and Emma was tugging at Isak’s sleeve demanding attention. Even had never been angry at him before, not even when he spoke recklessly of his mother’s mental health, or when he threw up on the older boy’s bed that one night he got too drunk and couldn’t make it home." Even still transfers to Nissen in his third year, but Isak and Even get introduced through their parents. 
Never be the same by nofeartina (14k words) - It starts with a bet - one of those really stupid ones: can they last an entire month without any kind of sex? It’s been 22 days – and Even is dying. 
Dancing In The Dark by marileal (16k words) - Isak moves to Bakka and Even must be his friend. They're in love but don't admit it. Lots of study dates, kebabs and stolen kisses. 
Don't Hold Your Breath by bechvaltersen (16k words) - Isak hates how he feels about Even, knows it could possibly ruin his friendship forever if he was to ever find out. But he doesn't ever wonder, what if Even feels the same? 
turn my blue heart to red by allyasavedtheday (16k words) - “Did I scare you?” Even asks teasingly, waggling his eyebrows as he leans casually against the counter beside Isak. “Never,” Isak scoffs, sending a fierce scowl in Jonas’ direction when he catches him smirking at them both. Jonas is under the ridiculous impression he and Even have a crush on each other which is not true. doctor au. pining 
Sliding Doors by ultimatelawrence (18k words) - In one universe Isak just misses the train, in another he just makes it on time. Who knew that a split second, a pair of sliding doors, could send his life going in such dramatically different directions. But what if there’s something that’s always meant to happen in every universe? Sliding Door au. multiverse theory. set in london. parrallel universe 
something sweet (to mend your heart) by cuteandtwisted (22k words) - In which Isak becomes jaded after he gets cheated on and copes using sarcasm and humor. He's determined to end the school year without drama and avoids his ex and all his awful friends at all costs. Well, all of them except maybe half-decent Even Bech Næsheim, who's somehow determined to earn his friendship and fix his heart. 
Nothing Softer Or More Flexible by colazitron (27k words) - strangers to friends to lovers. Even is suffering from writer's block. Given that he has to write and film a short film on love (Love! A subject he loves!) that's not ideal. He finds unlikely inspiration in an old essay from one Isak V. 
You say good morning when it's midnight by Aceteroid (28k words) - It sucks, when your best friend is on a student exchange at the other end of the world for three months. It sucks even more, when you fall in love with the step-brother of his exchange student. 
I am Yours and You are Mine by dvorahbee (28k words) - Isak's starting his second year at Nissen, his friends, Jonas, Mahdi and Even, are back from their summer holidays, everything is completely normal. Except. Even's got himself a new girlfriend. Isak doesn't know how to deal with these newborn feelings he seems to be having for Even
Fate is Just Like That by KeriJoh1515 (29k words) - Isak spends almost every day with his mom at the hospital where she is being treated, what if one day he sees a boy another patient and his life is never the same again. 
Under the mistletoe by mazarin01 (29k words) - Isak (23) and Even (24) have been best friends since junior high. The holiday is upon them. Isak hates Christmas, having lots of bad memories attached to the holiday. Even on the other hand loves Christmas, but because of an appendix removal and a closed off mountain pass, he never gets home for Christmas. Being the best friend Isak is, he invites Even to celebrate Christmas with him. Circumstances have them kiss under a mistletoe and neither of them expected the kiss to feel that good... 
we can hurt together by skam2607 (35k words) - Isak is an actor and Even is a director. They both worked together in a film which also launched them. They are friends but Even wants to be more than friends. Isak does too but is afraid and insecure. 
This Love Has No Ceiling by photographer_of_thoughts (45k words) - On his seventeenth birthday, Isak did three things. He cut his hair, he gave himself a new name and he changed his gender from ‘female’ to ‘male.’ In his third year, Even finds himself needing his wheelchair more days than not. It’s the year his supply of optimism begins to dwindle. But it’s also the year he meets the man of his dreams: Isak Valtersen. 
Can it Stay Between Us by photographer_of_thoughts (46k words) - Before Even starts his last year of high school, he moves to a farm in a small, remote town well outside the city limits of Oslo. Even's father thinks the country life will help him escape his past - the chaos of last year - but all the move has done is make him feel isolated. But then Even meets Isak, the pastor's son who lives on the next farm over, and life suddenly doesn't seem as lonely anymore. 
stay a minute by grinsekaetzchen (50k words) - In which there is a tumblr fandom that is dying every time new information for said version of 'Romeo and Juliet' drops, Even is a beloved director and Isak - well, Isak would just really appreciate it if his mind would stop surprising him with memories at the worst moments possible. 
Though our parts are slightly used by Teatrolley (54k words) - Isak is pining for Jonas, and Even is pining for Mikael. Jonas and Mikael are dating. Isak and Even meet.
a risk worth taking by panshambles (69k words) - Isak starts a new graduate programme after he drops out of med school, and meets other grad entry, Even. They’re colleagues but they can’t date. Right? Runner Isak. Remake characters appear -  DELETED 
Therefore I Am by smokeshop (orphan_account) (98k words) - The one thing Isak wants is to move on from his high school mistakes. Even spends his time pining after a boy who will never like him back. The last thing either of them expect is to wind up in bed together, but that's exactly what happens. 
til slutt så er du helt alene by panshambles (112k words) - Even transfers to Nissen. He’s still friends with the balloon squad. he hasn’t been diagnosed with bipolar -  DELETED 
The Cuddle Snuggle App by Crazyheart (124k words) - Halfway through Even's third year, he is diagnosed with bipolar disorder. When Isak is 16, he moves away from his troubled mother. Both boys have turned their lives upside down, and their new lives are more or less lonely and touch deprived. They meet when Even downloads a cuddler app (mostly for his film project, but also because he needs the touch) and Isak becomes his professional cuddler. They are both determined to keep the cuddling friendly and platonic, but it proves to be difficult... 
********** WIPs **********
Storm Before The Calm by NeonViolet (88k words) - last update Sept 2018. Coming of age story as Isak navigates what he’s been taught to believe and what he actually believes. Learning to love himself and falling in love in the process 
take me to the stars by iriswests (230k words) - Isak thinks Even is pretentious and impractical. Even thinks Isak is arrogant and uptight. They’re not each other’s biggest fans, even if they do happen to have spectacular sex on a very, very drunken night. And Isak doesn’t mean to do it again, but he does, anyway, so now they’re establishing ground rules and deciding that maybe they can keep doing this, no strings attached, no commitments, no feelings, and, most importantly, no need to stop disliking each other. And then it’s not quite that simple anymore. (LOVE THIS FIC!)
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natashastarkotp · 5 years
Ok but imagine this: Tony has the super soldier seurum. It was injected in his bloodstream while his mom was pregnant. Because of this, the changes that happened to him were a lot different than the ones that happened to Captain America, he ages a bit slower, sure, but he’s not that strong (Rhodey opens the pickle jars). His sperm though, pretty potent.
And so one night while the other Avengers are asleep, they get really drunk on his workshop. Natasha tells him she can’t have kids even thought she really wants them, because her body kills any sperm that enters it. Tony tells her he literally has super sperm which could probably bypass that. And just like that they have an idea.
The next morning they wake up in bed together, in a cozy (a.k.a tiny) apartment. They have no idea what happened the night before, where they are, or how they got there in the first place.
Nat starts exploring the place and Tony goes to the bathroom to freshen up, and when he looks at the trash can he notices that there is no condom. Which means they probably didn’t use one.
He goes back to the room and Natasha shows up and tells him they’re in Queens. They talk about the previous night and decide that they need some time to rethink their relationship and how they see it.
Anyways, four weeks later she starts feeling sick when she wakes up. But she can’t be pregnant, that’s ridiculous. So time passes and she keeps quiet about it. She tries changing her diet (doesn’t work), adding more time to her yoga routine (doesn’t work either), taking three times the amount of days off she took in her entire lifetime in the span of four months, but nothing works.
And then she felt it. Something was wrong with her body, seriously wrong. So she rushed to SHIELD and asked Coulson if she could do a full medical checkup, that way it’d be kept under the wraps.
The doctor tells her there is nothing wrong with her body, her baby kicking is just a sign of a perfectly healthy kid. She almost broke the woman’s neck. I mean, she doesn’t know why, but she did gain some weight lately, not enough to people think that she’s pregnant thought. Helen Cho got scared by her tone, but said that she can prove Natasha is indeed pregnant. Nat’s reluctant but she does the ultrasound anyway. And surprise surprise, she’s having a baby.
Suddenly, the memories from that night came back to her. They decided they’d get pregnant and take care of the kid, they’d be parents together but not involved in a romantical way, and they’d only have sex to achieve that goal. And then they drank more and more and she joked about them moving in somewhere else. So Tony bought an apartment for them, fully furnished with an extra empty room they could make a nursery out of.
She goes up to his room to give him the news but he’s not there, so she goes back to her room to rest and think. When she gets there, guess who’s spreading lotion on his chest wearing her almost transparent light pink flowery robe?
He’s estactic to hear the news and they decide to follow through their plan. Of course, they don’t really leave the team, they’re still there for meetings and stuff, but they don’t go to missions anymore. Natasha is not going to risk her baby for anything in this world, neither is Tony.
They call themseleves roomates. That’s all. That’s all they are. Nothing more. Aboslutely nothing more. Right?
They drive each other crazy, and anyone who saw them would think they hate each other. May and Peter Parker, the people who live on the apartment in front of theirs, are certain that that’s not the case. The first time he heard their lame excuses to Mr. Jenkins, the landlord, he couldn’t help but say from the other side of the room “oh my god they were roomates”.
And then the kid comes and Nat presses her lips against Tony’s on the way to the hospital. When her contractions start hurting like a bitch he calms does his best to help by leaving all the kisses he can on her forehead, cheeks and nose. Then when the labour is done and they meet their beautiful daughter, he lays next to her on the hospital bed, and as Nat holds their sleeping baby they whisper about how gorgeous she is, and amazing, and incredible, and perfect.
Tony loves them both so damn much. And Natasha loves them both so damn much.
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youaretoosmart · 7 years
For Stydia prompts, maybe: Getting a puppy/dog Lingerie shopping Honeymoon in Europe Possessive!Lydia Outside POV of stydia (my fav) Lydia getting that fields medal The aftermath of the ghost riders
birthday prompts 4/7
I went with outsider pov! Enjoy :)
Alex has three brothers and two sisters, and two siblings who were or still are in theatre club in high school.
That is to say, he’s used to sharing a room and weird behaviors.
Not that his roommate at college is abnormally weird, or outwardly obsessed with, like, foot fetish or something, but there is something definitely off about the guy he’s been paired with.
First of all—who the hell names a child Stiles?
“It’s a nickname,” Stiles explains the first time they meet—literally within the minute. “My real name is Polish and even weirder.”
He doesn’t tell Alex what it is, but Alex can respect that, especially since Stiles can’t miss the fact that Alex has to go to the administration building three times before the classes begin to change the deadname on his ID.
Still. Stiles is weird.
In a nice, out-of-the-ordinary, I’ll-have-stories-to-tell-at-Thanksgiving way, like his obsession with mythology and his way too broad knowledge on the history of male circumcision.
“That’s nice,” Alex says the first time Stiles tells him about it from his bed on the other side of the dorm. They don’t have classes yet so they went out on campus, came home agreeably buzzed, and crashed on their beds to stay up for hours after that. Stiles’ voice is hoarse from speaking, and his diction a bit sluggish still, despite the fact that Alex has been gradually sobering up for the last hour or so. Apparently, he takes meds to sleep, and they’re starting to quick in. “So, how much’d you get on that paper?”
“I got an A on the make-up test,” Stiles says. “It was for econ.”
Alex laughs so hard he almost falls off his bed.
Another time, Alex finds him browsing some sort of digital encyclopedia with weird drawings and words that are definitely not in English, but he sees the panicked look on Stiles’ face when Alex looks over his shoulder, the way he almost knocks over his mug in his haste to change the tab, and he doesn’t say anything. Alex isn’t the prying type, and despite the fact that Stiles obviously is, he’s yet to breach Alex’s privacy, so the favor is easily returned.
Of course, it’s impossible not to live with Stiles and not find out about his high school friends.
He spends his time on Skype with a guy named Scott, who, to the best of Alex’s knowledge, seems to be both eighty percent Stiles’ impulse control, and his enabler. There is the fond way with which Stiles says his name that Alex has only ever really heard in his mother’s mouth when she calls Alex and his siblings.
There’s Liam and Mason, who are still in high school and on the same lacrosse team Stiles was on. Stiles and thus Alex have no opinion on Mason but one memorable phone call leaves Stiles agitated and restless, pacing the room like he wants to dig a hole in the carpet.
Alex, who has a test in the morning and was stupid enough to listen to the siren call of an 8am class, gathers his patience and asks: “What is it?”
Stiles went outside to make his call, so Alex didn’t listen to it, but a stressed Stiles is a distracting Stiles, and the library is on the other side of campus.
“That was Liam,” Stiles says, scowling at his phone. “That little fucker. I wanna fly back just to shake him until his brain starts working properly.”
“You have a midterm next Friday,” is all Alex can say. College, he’s found, has a way to suck your soul through your ears and fill the void with pointless academic worries.
“I know, that’s why I’m not gonna do it, I just—” Stiles collapses on his desk chair, leg bouncing, and rubs two hands through his hair, messing it up even more. “What an idiot.”
He looks at his phone with disgust.
“You know what you should do?” Alex types on a few keys to wake up his laptop. He doesn’t want to let the screen to go dark: if he does, he’ll give up studying for the night and fail the test. “You should—Give me your phone.”
Stiles raises his eyebrows.
“Yours is nicer than mine.”
“Not like that, idiot. Just—here.”
He finds Liam’s contact easily, angles the screen so Stiles can see what he’s doing—he’s fiercely protective of the information in his phone and his laptop, like he has a double life or something—and changes the name from Liam to “little fucker”.
“Here,” he says, handing it back to Stiles. He doesn’t throw anything to him anymore. It’s a wonder how he got on the lacrosse team at all. “Now everytime you look at his contact you’ll feel like you’re insulting him. Good?”
“Nice,” Stiles says, then he opens his laptop and Alex goes back to studying.
It works, because he gets a solid 88 on the test.
Then, of course, there is the matter that Stiles has a girlfriend—five feet three, strawberry blonde haired, green-eyed Lydia Martin who is gorgeous and a genius. At least that’s what Alex gets from the numerous mentions of her Stiles can slide into every conversation and the pictures Stiles pinned everywhere around his side of the room. Alex always seems to catch the end tail of their conversations, for which he is grateful, but it means that by the time Thanksgiving rolls around, he hasn’t met or talked to the certified genius once.
The Friday afternoon before break changes that fact: when Alex comes back from his History class, he finds Stiles’ bed made and his suitcase open on the bed, slowly being filled.
“Hey,” Stiles greets, dragging the syllable like he always does. “Have you seen my—?”
He trails off and ends his sentence with weird, purposeful flailing, which probably means laptop charger, because Alex has learned that neither of them can ever remember that word.
“Under your bed,” he says, dropping on his bed next to his bag. “No, behind the clothes.”
“Gotcha,” Stiles says to the charger when he locates it. “Thanks.”
“Mmmm. Hey, wait, you’re flying back tonight?”
“Nah, tomorrow morning. But Lydia is picking me up—we’re flying together.”
Couples, Alex thinks.
“I thought she was in Boston.”
“Yeah, she’s driving down.”
“Wait, she’s staying here tonight?”
Alex sits up on the bed: the room is a mess. He doesn’t think he wants anyone to see it in the state it is, much less someone who actually matters.
“No,” Stiles says, gesturing to his bags. “Clearly she got an expensive hotel room and I’m going in, like, thirty minutes.”
“You can say thank god, it’s okay.”
“Thank god.”
Stiles laughs, closes his suitcase and picks up two books, looking at them quizzically.
“Which one should I take?”
“Homework?” Stiles nods. “Both.”
“Both due in three weeks,” Stiles protests. “I’m not breaking my back for that.”
Alex eyes the books, then his roomate. “Which one are you actually willing to do this week? Be honest.”
“You’re right.” Stiles looks put out but he places both books back on his desk. “I’m not gonna do any long-time work this week.”
“This is not exactly the point I was trying to make.”
“No, you’re right—only fun this week, stress and all nighters for next Sunday.”
“I give up.”
“I work better with pressure,” Stiles insists. “Plus, insomniac, remember? I should at least do something with all those wasted hours. I get anxiety from staring at the ceiling hours on end.”
Alex gives up, rolls on his side, and asks: “So how did you even meet? Lydia and you,” he adds when Stiles prompts him to explain.
“Well, I’d been obsessed with Lydia since, what, the third grade?” Stiles’ tone is falsely casual. “And she wouldn’t even acknowledge my existence.”
“Yeah. But—I deserved it a bit, if you ask me. Like—it was bad. But anyway, our sophomore year, her best friend Allison started to date my best friend, Scott.”
“Wait,” Alex says. “Your best friend is Scott?”
Stiles turns around, visibly confused, and sighs when he sees the look on Alex’s face. “Oh, shut up.”
“No, please, tell me again who Scott is. I didn’t know you had a best friend. Do you two speak often?”
Stiles rolls his eyes but doesn’t take the bet, lying on his bed. “Seriously,” he says, “sorry if I’ve been,” he gestures helplessly, “you know, too much with them. It’s just—small towns, you know? I’ve known the same three people my entire life.”
Alex hums like he knows what Stiles is talking about, even though he grew up in the extensive suburbs of DC.
Just then Stiles’ phone buzzes, and Stiles picks up faster than Alex has ever seen any human do.
“Hey,” he greets. “Already? Okay, you remember the way? You turn left on—yes, that’s it. Okay, I’ll wait outside. Lydia’s barely two minutes away,” he tells Alex when he hangs up. “Hey, you wanna meet her?”
After months of hearing about the elusive Lydia Martin, Alex isn’t going to miss his chance. “Sure,” he says, rolling on his feet. “C’mon, I’ll give you a hand.”
He takes Stiles’ backpack and keeps the door open while Stiles pats his pockets for his keys and student ID.
“You forgot anything, I’ll bring it to you tomorrow,” Alex suggests as they wait for the elevator.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I’m not going home until Sunday.”
“Thanks, man.”
Alex’s parents live forty-five minutes away, in a house that’s never really empty, unlike the campus library will be tomorrow, so Alex has decided to do the total opposite of his roommate and do all of his homework over the weekend, so he can be peacefully pestered by his siblings, parents, and relatives during the rest of the break. It’s genius, really.
When the elevator finally arrives, it’s so crowded that they just cram Stiles’ suitcase in on someone’s toes, and run down five flights of stairs to beat it to the ground, managing it just so. It’s a relief when they finally step outside away from the crowd in the lobby.
“Which one’s her car?” Alex starts to say, squinting for a Massachusetts plate. He turns to find that Stiles is already walking towards a bright blue car and the woman just getting out of the driver’s seat.
“Lydia!” he calls, but he didn’t need to: even from afar, Alex can see the way Lydia’s face brightens at the sight of Stiles.
By the time Alex meets them, walking very slowly and letting a lot of pedestrians and cars speed before him, they have yet to come up for air and Stiles is pressing Lydia against the car just enough to lift her half an inch from the ground.
She really is tiny, Alex thinks fleetingly as he busies himself with the birds in a nearby tree.
When he hears voices, he turns back and gets closer, placing Stiles’ backpack on top of his abandoned suitcase.
“Oh,” Lydia says, looking at him. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know—” She presses a hand on Stiles’ arm and extends the other to Alex. “Hi, I’m Lydia.”
“Alex,” Alex says, shaking her hand. Lydia’s makeup is somehow intact, but her hair is a little mussed, which Alex charitably decides to believe is from the wind. “I’ve heard a lot about you. Nice to meet you.”
Lydia’s hand slides from Stiles’ arm to his hand, so that they’re standing next to each other, the height difference only highlighted by Lydia’s heeled boots.
Lydia’s smile is easy, bright, and clever; it’s not hard, in retrospect, to see how she can have been both the most popular and intelligent person in school.
“Sorry for the display,” Lydia says.
“It’s okay, I get it.” Alex shrugs. “Long distance and all.”
“Yeah,” Stiles says. “Worse three months of my life.”
“Three months?” At his confusion, Lydia shoots him a surprised look.
“Yes,” she says. “We started dating last June.”
“But.” Alex’s mind in reeling. “You got together when you were a senior.”  He points to Lydia.
“And now you’re a junior in college,” he says.
Alex looks at them, lost. Stiles has a little smile like he knows the punchline. “I don’t get it. I thought you were older than Stiles?”
“By three weeks, yes,” Lydia says. “We were in the same grade.”
“Three weeks? But—MIT—”
“Offered me to get in as a junior,” Lydia says. “I had enough credits to graduate two years ago, but I stayed in high school, so we got an arrangement.”
Alex’s head is spinning. Suddenly his major in poli sci at GWU doesn’t seem like such an accomplishment.
“So you actually are a genius,” he says stupidly.
“You could say that, yes,” Lydia says with the same easy smile.
Stiles is biting his lip so hard not to laugh that he’s turning red. Alex has the sneaking suspicion that his confusion happened on purpose; Stiles’ own way to show admiration for Lydia, maybe.
“I can’t believe you,” he tells Stiles.
It doesn’t seem very sincere, but neither was Alex’s complaint: Lydia is laughing, but not at him, so in the end it doesn’t matter so much.
“I should let you go,” Alex says, stepping away from the car. “You’re going to hit rush hour otherwise, and also, I don’t have a coat and I’m freezing.”
“I’ve been cold for you for the past ten minutes,” Stiles admits. Lydia slides in the car to pop open the trunk and he goes around to stuff his suitcase in.
“Good meeting you,” Lydia says, one hand on the car’s door. “Have a nice break.”
She manages to make banalities sound earnest. “You too,” Alex says, meaning it. “See you in a week!”
Stiles waves back and slides in the passenger seat. By the time Alex makes it on to the curb on the other side of the street, he can just see the car round up the corner and disappear toward one of the campus’ exits. Then the wind almost blows him over, and he hurries inside to get some rest before starting on his work.
16 notes · View notes
What are the different kinds of car insurance, and how do they work?
"What are the different kinds of car insurance, and how do they work?
Im 15 and missed a drivers ed class. I know the collision insurance, thats pretty basic. Its pretty much all of the others that I'm confused about. The main things I need to know about is Liability Insurance.     Thank you for all input!
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Has anyone got car insurance with the Cooperative?
what are they like?, good service etc? would you recommend""
What is the cheapest auto insurance for 16 year old boy?
Thanks in advance
Why is my insurance qoutes so high!?
hey all, I am a 17 year old male, live in cumbria. i realise this is a c rated insurance post code, i understand that. what i do not understand is why when i put in qoutes for the exact same car, exact same details all bar the name, my insurance skyrockets. i get qoutes of 3200 on a corsa 1.0 and the like (small, 1.2 or less cars) whereas friends, even 1 of which lives 5 doors away from me, get qoutes of about 2400. why is this? i understand the post code part, but the thing is all my friends being qouted live in the same area, in the same town, same estate in fact, our first four letters of our postcodes are the same, i thought this was what determined the post code factor. im currently a student, ive put down i have held my license for 4 months, i am the registered owner and keeper of the car, i am the policy holder, even added a parent with 30+ years experience on (which by the way only saved me 100) and i got 3200. my friend on the same street got 2400. why is this? also, can anyone recommend a cheap insurance company, as a young driver? eg. under 19 really, because i know car insurance has almost doubled in like 3 years. no wonder people are illegaly driving with this daylight robbery scam called insurance. thanks""
""Best insurance for my small business? im 25, non registered business 0-10 jobs per week.?""
Best insurance for my small business? im 25, non registered business 0-10 jobs per week.?""
""I have three inflatable jumpers, do I need to have liability insurance?""
Well I just bought three jumpers to start my own business, but I'm wondering if I need liability insurance and permit? In the state of California, please help""
""My parents are in the process of putting my name on the car insurance, can i drive it in the meantime?""
My parents are sending the paper work out tomorrow, it'll take a few days for the insurance compant to get it, does this mean I can't drive the car until they get the papers or can I drive it now?""
""Cheapest Car Insurance in Houston, Texas?""
Okay I am 21 will be turning 22 this October, I have a 1989 Chevy Blzaer, never had any violations can you guys give me a hand here please. Thanks.""
Looking for health insurance for a parent?
I have a parent that was dropped from her medical insurance in nov. 07. She recently just found out about her coverage. She is disable, and medicare states she do not qualify for medicare. My job do not cover disable dependents. What are some affordable plans she can enroll into or what can she do?""
Can you get life insurance on a non-relative?
I am legally still considered a minor child, although I am 16. My parents are divorced and I live with my Mom in Georgia. My natural father is dying of cancer, and lives in Illinois. Is it possible to get a life insurance policy with me as the benefactor even if me and my father live in 2 different states? Technically my Mom & Dad are divorced and she would not be able to get a life insurance on him on her own, as she is a non-relative. But I am his only son, so couldn't I get one on him? Even though by law children cannot legally engage in any sort of contract.""
""If I never had a car (or car insurance) before, do I need to buy car insurance before buying a car?""
So I'm getting ready to buy my first car. It's located in the next town over. But if I just go over and pay cash and get it, there wouldn't be any insurance on it. It's illegal to drive without insurance. Don't I need to drive without insurance first? If so, how would I explain to them that I don't exactly have a car yet?""
How do you get what you need with no medical insurance?
Hello. I am 25, recently kicked my roomate (ex boyfriend) out of my apartment, and am having to switch jobs in order to make more money. The new job surprisingly offers decent health and dental, and I am going to get it asap. But as everyone knows, it takes a good long while. I am entering a new relationship and need to get on the pill so I can have sex without making babies lol. Does anyone know of any decent, somewhat affordable options?""
What are the benefits of Antique Car Insurance?
Or Collectible Car Insurance, whatever you want to call it. And is it cheaper than typical insurance? (Though I doubt it)""
Fake insurance??
Hello my friend want to register his car under fake insurance. He wonder wat will happen if he go register it with that fake insurance?
A question about car insurnace?
Hello, I just paid my car insurance......the lady said I should get my own insurance so I can start getting my own discounts , I am 30 years old and both my sisters (32 and 28) are on my mom and dad's insurance plan too, we get a multi line and multi car discount that adds up to about $40 dollars every 6 months for me.....I was in a hurry so I didn't really ask why but was wondering about it after I left.....I pay $112 every 6 months so $40 extra would be kind of crazy wouldn't it? Just wondering why......thank you.......""
Where can I get scooter insurance?
I am looking for insurance for a 150cc Scooter. I can not find any companies that want less than $1500 a year. Geico quoted me that, but I think they thought I had a motorcycle. Any ideas on companies?""
Car Insurance for Young Driver (UK)?
Hi, I'll get straight to the point, I'm 17 almost 18 and am looking 2 buy my 1st car. I live a upper class life, and when it comes down to cars i do get to travel in in style. e.g. my dad drives a Jaguar S-Type, my mother a brand new 2008 Land Rover Freeland, and i do know people with Bentley's and this one guy i know will take me out for a drive in his Aston Martin Vanquish. I do like to stick out from a crowd and this is a amazing opportunity to do so at college. My 1st car is definitely goin on my dads policy, and by then i will have my full license. I have seen Jaguar XJ's for sale which i can afford, but my greatest question is how much would the insurance be. If someone who is a young driver who drives a Jaguar or something similer could give me a rough guess to how much insurance wud be?, i wud be greatfull or someone who has insured a young driver on there Jaguar?.""
Car insurance price?
Does car insurance price depend on the safety of the car? Like a car that has 5 star crash test rating, does that mean the premium will be lower than a car has 3 star rating? Thanks.""
Best Car Insurance For young Couple ?
Me and my fiance are starting to get estimates for major bills we'll know will be high (rent,car insurance, etc) What's the best car insurance for a young couple (20 year & 19 year old) for just basic coverage Im in the process of getting just a plain normal 4 door car like ford Taurus (1998-2000).. He has a ford 86' truck without 4wheel drive Neither of us have tickets, nor pricy sport cars But I've almost 20 and only been drving for 2 years (due yo bein homeschool, it was hard to get into drivers ed_) He's 19 and been driving less than year (cause hes school schule didnt allow for extra class like drivers ed)""
Car Insurance?
Can anyone recommend any cheap insurance companies? Thanks in advance. :)
""Average car insurance for 17 year old in ON, Canada?""
I'm a 17 year old female, no problems with driving, and with drivers ed course completed and certified. I have good grades going from 70s-90's. I'm looking into getting the new 2012 Ford Fiesta once I get my G2. How much would I pay a year/month for car insurance? Thanks""
My insurance say I have to pay for the other parties repair costs and hire costs?
Do I have to pay for their car hire costs? I thought their insurance paid for it as you have that option when purchasing insurance whether you want courtesy car or not?? please help
Young drivers car insurance?
Okay i know this has probably been asked alot but here here it is, im 19 and passed my test last month, ive been searching round on some sites but cant find anything for under 5000. Does anybody know what car is cheapest and through which insurer?""
How do I get a car registered which has no papers/plates and has sat for years?
I responded to a newspaper ad recently and bought a 1971 vw beetle. The car had no plates and no paperwork that I could find. There were several telltale signs that the car had sat a number of years, but I understood it to be a project. The seller said he had originally bought it at auction with the intent of using its (good) engine for a sand rail dune buggy, but that like many other good plans requires time. Once paid for, I was provided no bill of sale which I feel I was owed. It was as if the seller felt that since he had let the car go very cheap, that he owed no person any more, and if he did, he should've either charged more or wrecked it instead. Like he could have gone to the trouble but would be put out for something extraneous. The seller has a shop in an easy to find location, so it is not as if I cannot find him, and he doesn't appear to be trying to hide, hes just a strangely irritable and crotchety person.""
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old female?
how much is car insurance per month or year? i have a 1995 model volvo. how much would it be when im 18? i had my license since i was 16 1/2.
Co-signing insurance for car?
Can a person who doesn't have a car Co-sign for my car insurance (Like My Mom)?
What are the different kinds of car insurance, and how do they work?
Im 15 and missed a drivers ed class. I know the collision insurance, thats pretty basic. Its pretty much all of the others that I'm confused about. The main things I need to know about is Liability Insurance.     Thank you for all input!
Whats a good insurance for an orthadontist?
I want to get my teeth fixed and straightened, but I don't have insurance. I'm 20 and I work part time so I don't get the full benefits like the full time employees. I could always apply for medicaid but I'm not sure if it will cover the costs of the kind of surgery I need.""
Which car insurance company has the lowest rate?
Does state farm have the lowest car insurance rate?
Does any1 know what the cheapest insurance is for someone aged 17-19?
Does any1 know what the cheapest insurance is for someone aged 17-19?
Lower cost health insurance recommendations needed?
I'm hoping to be working in a few more days thru a staffing agency but their insurance isnt very good, over $800/month for my son and I and VERY limited medical. He has ADHD and has to have coverage. I doubt if we qualify for any state assistance too. But I've looked at a few individual plans thru various carries and they arent much better... for just over $350/month we're both covered (not including dental or vision) but the deductible is SUPER high does anyone know of any insurances with individual plans with a decent price and coverage. We're in California""
How much does Mercury insurance cost for new teenage drivers?
my family already is on mercury (4 people)...how much more is it with mine included? (im going to have to pay for it)
Insurance change? Nissan 350z to Pontiac GTO?
Alright, Well I have a 2005 Nissan 350z 35TH Anniversary edition, And I am going to trade it in on an 05 Pontiac GTO. What would the changes in my insurance be you think?""
Sports car insurance... Wil it be cheaper if...?
Well im 18 years old and still live with my rentz. I have a job and i make 1400-1600$ a month. I have only a few minor bills. Here in about 3 weeks im buying a 1996 pontiac firebird v6 coupe from a dealership. Before i buy the car i need some insurance info. Iv been to over 10 of the leading insurance companies and gotten rate quotes and there all 400$+ a month.. This is suprising because i only payed 120$ a month for my old car ( f150). So im wondering if my insurance will go down if my parents add me and my car to there insurance? If so how would i go about this? And how much of a price difference would it be? All answers are appriciated.. **No Spam Please**
Just started boxing.. health insurance?
I am 21 and just started boxing again.. I know the basics and i can take a punch... but i am a little nervous about getting my nose or jaw broken.. even with headgear on... what is ...show more
How much are car insurance usually cost in texas?
I would be a first time driver. I am 25 year old. how much is the cost for any car insurance now in the market?
What reputable health insurance companies are out there?
What reputable health insurance companies are out there My mom doesn't have health insurance and my job doesn't give insurance to family members. I would like to pay monthly to a health insurance company so my mom could get health check up when she needs it. Do you know any health insurance companies that can accept low monthly payments since I don't get paid that much?
""What is the average price of Nissan Micra and Tiida (including tax,insurance,etc...) in India?""
What is the average price of Nissan Micra and Tiida (including tax,insurance,etc...) in India?""
Cheap car insurance with 1 conviction and 1 claim?
I'm looking to renew my car insurance with myself (26) and my partner (24)on the policy. Since last year we have got one claim and one conviction between us so our current insurer is doubling our annual premium!! Does anyone know any companys that give a decent quote for people with claims etc
""Do professional race car drivers have life insurance and if so, how much does it cost?""
Do professional race car drivers have life insurance and if so, how much does it cost?""
Looking for cheap & crappy life insurance.?
I am looking for sources of *REALLY* cheap life insurance. I have to have life insurance for the next six years (declining each year), while I pay off a structured legal settlement. I don't care about financial stability of the company or a history of hassling the beneficiaries to collect. I don't care about guaranteed renewability, as if I'm not insurable, I don't have to buy the insurance. All I care about is price and that the policy comes with an official receipt that will satisfy their lawyers. Websites such as INSweb typically only offer 5-year term or longer, and I want cheaper than that.""
What is insurance expense and preaid insurance ?
A review of the ledger of Khan Company at December 31, 2006, produces the following data pertaining to the preparation of annual adjusting entries. 1. Prepaid Insurance $9,800. The company has separate insurance policies on its buildings and its motor vehicles. Policy B4564 on the building was purchased on July 1, 2005, for $6,000. The policy has a term of 3 years. Policy A2958 on the vehicles was purchased on January 1, 2006, for $4,640. This policy has a term of 2 years.""
Is there a medical discount plan for surgery?
I have a friend who dislocated his shoulder and torn some ligaments and needs surgery. He does not have medical insurance, so I'm looking into a medical discount plan for this procedure. Does anybody know of a good one? Thank You.""
Can i claim auto insurance or an auto loan from the bank on my taxes?
is tihs possible?
How to get out of a ticket? I did not have insurance card?
Basically, I was pulled over for talking on a cell phone. I'm not going to fight that in court but I had an expired insurance card which i also got a ticket for. I had been warned months prior by another officer who pulled me over, to get one that isn't expired. That cop let me go I did get one, but left it at my house when pulled over last night. Do I have a chance to fight this off? I really don't feel like paying 180$""
How would i go about getting a hypothetical insurance quote?
I haven't even started to learn to drive yet, but just out of curiosity i want to get a rough estimate for insurance for a car that i found, are there any website where i can do this anonymously?""
So I'm 18 years old and i have a 2001 mazda protege. what's the cheapest car insurance i can get in Georgia?
please be honest because i really need to know.
Whats the cheapest car insurance company?
in your opinion?
Cheaper insurance car under 25 years?
what is cheaper incurance car under 25 years
What is the average cost of replacing a water heater? Which would you choose insurance payment or heater?
My water heater needs to be replaced (electric) I have a warranty insurance that will replace it however there are a few non covered costs - the pan, the permit, some other part, it will cost me $512.00. They have given me the option to cash out which means they cut me a check and I try to figure it out on my own. Problem is the cashout amount is unknown and it will take up to two weeks for me to find out what the amount is before i can even decide - two weeks without a hot shower is HELL! But I'm not sure what to do. What would you do? Can anyone guess as to what amount they MIGHT give me? The insurance company is American Home Shield. ANY advice will help. I'm a new home owner and don't know a thing about house stuff! Thanks!""
""How much does American spend on average on car monthy payments, insurance, gas, and maintenance each year?""
How much does American spend on average on car monthy payments, insurance, gas, and maintenance each year?""
MG ZR 1.4 Car Insurance for 18 years old boy?
Hello Im 18 years old just passed my Test. My dad have MG ZR 1.4, his insurance ends in september and he would liekl to add me to his insurance, can he add me only for that couple of months? Does any one know any good insurance companie that is cheap and how much it cost to insure me for that 5-6 months ?. Thanks!""
What are the different kinds of car insurance, and how do they work?
Im 15 and missed a drivers ed class. I know the collision insurance, thats pretty basic. Its pretty much all of the others that I'm confused about. The main things I need to know about is Liability Insurance.     Thank you for all input!
State insurance car o.O?
hello i am from new jersey nd i have heard about a car insurance something like state insurance the person who told me said that they give a contact for one year nd the payments are 200 hundred every 2 months :O does anyone know something about it?? thank u
What is a sporty car that won't kill a teenager in insurance prices and is good on gas?
Also I prefer American made, but it doesn't necessarily have to be.""
Did you know that Geico could save you 15% or more on car insurance?
Did you know that Geico could save you 15% or more on car insurance?
What do you belive is the best insurance agency for teens?
I am a 16 year old who needs insurance. I plan on get a new car in a month which is my 17th birthday. The only problem is, I need to know what agent is the cheapest.""
Cheapest motorcycle insurance in Utah?
I am a first time rider, what is the cheapest inurance I can get in the Salt Lake area?""
How much is car insurance?
for 17-25 yr olds ... approx..
Temporary car insurance california?
So im spending my summer in california, my unbcle lives here and has a car and maybe ill hae the chance to drive it. I was thinking that I need an insurance, I come from france and only have an international drivers license, so I was wondering is it possible to get an insurance in here? Thanks, no mean answers plz""
I got a speeding ticket and the car has insurance but i do not.?
I got a speeding ticket in California. I was doing 65 in a 50 zone and was wondering how much the ticket would cost. Also, the car i drove has insurance under my sister and mom's name but i do not have insurance, but he did not write me up for not having insurance. How does this work? Will my license be suspended and will i have to pay another fine?""
Is there such a thing as divorce insurance?
My parents are getting a divorce and, since it's California, the courts favor the female. Even though my mom and dad earn about the same money, my dad has to pay this huge amount to my mom for child support because she got more time with my younger brother. He's 12 and he told the mediator that he would rather live my dad full time, but the court gave my mom more time and made her the custodial parent. How old do you have to be to tell the court which parent you want to live with all the time? Also, just like there is medical insurance, has anyone ever heard of divorce insurance? It would kick in if you're ever stuck with child or spousal support. I haven't found anything on the internet yet.""
Where can a 17 years old female find the cheapest car insurance?
ok, so I am turning 17 in march, and I am looking at car insurance. I am getting my sisters old citroen saxo which is a 1.0 engine size 3 door car, very much like a ford fiesta. I was looking at insurance a few months back, and it was around 1,800, which I was prepared to pay. However, looking now, its around 4000!! what is going on!?!? I have saved up around 1000, but this is ridiculous! I was hoping to be able to buy my own insurance policy rather than go on my parents, as I'd like to be able to take my car away with me to uni next year! Does anyone know how I can get cheap car insurance?? I have tried apllying for third party only, with minimum annual mileage, etc... before you ask. Thank you!""
Health Insurance and Pre-existing Conditions?
What kinds of pre-existing conditions can give you a problem when getting your own health insurance?
Whats a good insurance out there that would cover prenatal care?
i am looking for type of insurance that would cover prenatal care.. but i don't know where to start from!!
Cheap health insurance for college students?
Hi im a college student who is broke. Can someone help me out with cheap heath insurance? I cant even afford the insurance that the school offers. Please help me out.
Car insurance?
how much would it cost to insure a car. if the driver was sixteen. it wouldnt be a fast car. so how much for third party insurance. and how much to get my car insured
Switching Auto insurance company?
Hi, I want to switch my auto insurance company to a cheaper company. my renewable starts Sept 25, can i cancel my current insurance and switch to a new cheaper one now?""
Insurance and std testing?
A friend told me my previous partner was shady and shared needles, etc... so, now I want to get tested for everything as soon as possible. I was going to go to planned parenthood. But im also considering just going to my doctor since I need a physical anyways or even my gynecologist.. Aetna is my insurance. Which way would be more affordable? Would it be roughly the same for all 3? Would they cover more as part of a physical? Seperate? At all?""
Can I buy a car without car insurance?
Hi, I am trying to purchase myself a Mazda, but after I checked the car insurance quote offered by RBC and other companies, things get ridiculous-the quote calculated my insurance to be more than 5000 per year-that's much more than my car! I am 19 years old and this is my first car. I just got my 5N license in Halifax. I didnt take the drivers course, so can I get my car without insurance? Or can you guys recommend a low-price insurance company? Thanks for helping!""
""Cheap, affordable health insurance for a college student?""
I don't dorm for college being how I live within the vicinity of my school. So that already kills off a few suggestions being how there's more insurance coverages out there for dorming students. What are some websites or companies that would have fairly priced insurance? I'm on a low income & I've tried applying for medicare, but that's a whole another issue I'd rather not discuss here. I've heard someone tell me something about Obamacare? & I also tried getting insurance from my jobs union but they have YET to send me my medical card in which I've just about given up in trying to obtain in the number of attempts I've called them about it... So please, if you know ANYTHING based on the above criteria, thanks.""
Can I be covered under my girlfriend's insurance plan if we have lived together for a year and a half?
My girlfriend works for AT&T and is enrolled in their insurance plan. I just graduated from college, and have not started employment with my job yet. The insurance coverage I had with ...show more""
Car insurance for college?
I'm going to start college in a little while and i have an insurance question. i'm probably going to start at a community college that isn't too far from where i live but when i transfer It's going to be a good 300 miles away. The insurance on my car is under my dad's name and we pay next to nothing for it. Does my cars insurance have to be under my name when i transfer? It was under mine in the beginning but the payments were a lot more than they are now.
Auto insurance estimate for 5 points?
Hi i have 5 points on my license i live in Baltimore city and drive a 1985 Chevrolet corvette with historic tags insurance with it in my dads name is very cheap even with me as the listed driver but i think my insurance company some how missed that i have 5 points on my license so i am just wondering if anyone has any ball park figures as to what my insurance might be when they see that i have 5 points thanks.
How much should we ask the insurance company for when settling a car accident claim?
My boyfriend was recently in an accident. His chiropractor told him that when settling his claim, he should ask for three times the amount of all his total expenses. My aunt was also told the same thing by her doctor. I was wondering if anyone knew if this was a law or something?""
Can somebody give me an estimate on the price of car insurance in NY?
give me an estimate on average price?
Car Insurance Question?
I'm going home for the holidays in December and want to borrow my dad's truck for the 3 weeks I'm there. Does my insurance policy (currently drive a Prius) cover me for driving my father's vehicle? Does his policy cover me driving his vehicle?
""Found a Cheaper Car Insurance, What to do?""
Dear Mate, My car insurance is just started 5 days ago. I have paid them around 300 as deposit. I have found somewhere more cheaper then recent one. If I want to finish my policy with them, How much do they Refund me. Please help me if you knows. Thanks""
What are the different kinds of car insurance, and how do they work?
Im 15 and missed a drivers ed class. I know the collision insurance, thats pretty basic. Its pretty much all of the others that I'm confused about. The main things I need to know about is Liability Insurance.     Thank you for all input!
Why my insurance is expensive?
my dad will buy me new insurance. also he will get me new mazda3 hatchback. auto insurance agent sent us a message. i was suprised because my new insurance costs me 1,927.00 dollars for 6 months! it will be close to 4,000 for a year. and im 18 why?! i never had car accident, no tickets, and more! im good driver for 3 years and have good grade. and i live in orange. why?! tell me please. thank you! :)""
Car insurance and name transfer
Hello everybody, I have a car (well, it's under my husband's name), there are no payments on it, since it was bought cash, the insurance on it (from LA, CA) is under my name, and his name now, I'm thinking of getting a divorce, and was wondering, if I were to get a divorce, and have the car under my name, will the insurance be more expensive, I have less than 2 years experience in driving, and get a lot of discounts through the insurance. So of course If I leave, a lot of those discounts would go away, but still, just for the name change, will the insurance go up? Thank you.""
I'm about to turn 16 and I'm wording how much will my car insurance be on a Mercedes and escalade both 2002
Ill probley be taking drivers ed. The cars will both be under my name and both be under my own insurance.I live in Oregon. also if you know a good car insurance place please let me know.
Will my insurance agent report to my car bank that car is not covered no more.?
I'm with state farm. I been playing 190 monthly. Now they want me to pay 450 dollars. I just paid yesterday and my agent said my next due payment is due on 7th this month for 450 dollars. He said it was to be paid when I first got with state farm but I switched agents and now I am expected to pay next week. This is unfair and without fair notice. My insurance is going a cancle if not paid in weeks from now. What do I do. Is my car bank gonna find out car insurance got canceled. I was told it was 190 per month. I thought deposit was high but why 400 ?
Will my car insurance rate go up?
so yesterday, I rear end into someone car but damage at all. His car still look new and my car still remain the same. But he said he will go check up his car, if there are some damage inside. He will claim my insurance. Suppose he claim my insurance, how much will my car insurance rate go up?""
Shopping for individual health care?
am 22 and am shopping for AFFORDABLE health insurance could someone please point me to the right direction?and please dont tell me US health plans coz their customer service really sucks
What are the cheapest cars for car insurance in England?
What are the cheapest cars for car insurance in England? I am just about to pass my test and don't care if the car looks like a piece of ****. I want it to have cheap car insurance. I'm thinking Peugeot 206 or something but I have no idea about cars? Thanks guys.
Low car insurance monthly payment for a teen?
Is there any way to get a low car insurance monthly payment? I'm 19yrs and want to get a 09' Challenger. My friend told me I could maybe put the car under my moms name or something but I don't know what to do. I don't want to pay a crap load for car insurance.
What is the best and the cheapest car insurance in ontario?
What is the best and the cheapest car insurance in ontario?
Does a parking ticket effect my insurance?
I received a ticket today for not cramping my wheels to the curb while parking uphill. Will that effect my insurance? And will my parking violation appear anywhere on my insurance statement or any car paperwork? Thank you :)
""Got in a car accident driving someones elses car, they had no insurance.?""
got in a car accident driving someones elses car, they had no insurance.im 26 ive never been in any trouble and have a clean driving record. i was terrified and i left the scene and got cought, whats going to happen at court?""
Classic Car Insurance for Young Drivers?
Always been a fan of Old Minis. Always been in the family. Uncle has had various Mini projects. I've read so many different things about classic car insurance. I'm 17 Years old, recently passed. I've heard that you get get classic car insurance at this age for close to and under 1000. I may not be driving until i turn 18. Won't be driving much. Odd weekend's and to Sixth form a few late days when i can't get a lift off my parent. My Sixth form has it's own car park and the car will be parked on the drive. Just wondering how true the claims are of the cars being cheaper to insure. If so which companies should i go about contacting, and is it best via website or phoning them. Also i would be looking at any Mini, would prefer a 1275 GT. However realise this would cost more. Not bothered about having a Mini 850 or a normal Mini 1000, as i know the Special Eds will cost more.""
Car insurance.. help please?
I got a 2000 Dodge Neon a couple days ago and i was wondering how much the insurance will be a month? I'm a sophomore girl in highschool and i usually maintain a B average (you get about $25 off insurance for maintaining good grades). And how much will it be to get it licensed? I payed $1300 for the car (they were desperatly trying to sell it) and it's in perfect condition.
Women Only Car Insurance?
Are the companies that offer women only car insurance actually cheaper than normal insurance companies or is it just a trick to get women to use them? Why should women get cheaper insurance anyway? Is it not discrimination to offer different insurance prices based on gender? Surely you couldn't offer cheaper insurance to white people?
Car Insurance for Salvaged Vehicle?
Does anyone know if I can buy full coverage insurance for a salvaged vehicle?
i am looking to get car insurance.
Low Insurance Car For Teen Boy?
I am turning 16 in a couple of months and I need to know what USED vehicles would be best for low insurance. Nothing lower than 1998 and nothing higher than 2007. Please give me some suggestions. NO ugly cars either...
600 sport motorcycle such as the r6 or zx 6r insurance quote in Ontario?
Could anyone tell me roughly how much the insurance will cost for a 600 cc motorcycle in Ontario? I'm 20 years old and i will get my M1 really soon. Also I've had my G1 in August 2006, G2 in June 2007, and my G in april 2009. I'm a university student living away from home. Never got a ticket or an accident. also, I've never been in an insurance before. I really appreciate anyone who could answer the question.""
Where can I purchase affordable dental insurance that is effective immediately?
I would like to get braces or Invisilgn=]
When you get a license do you need insurance? Or is that only when you own a car?
Hi, I live in New York State. When I turn 17, I plan on taking drivers. ed. and getting my license (i think it's normally 18 years old for licenses, but if you take classes you can get it at 17). Do my parents have to pay insurance for me once I get my license? Or is that only if I own a car? Thanks P.S. Extra question - what is the usual/average rates for 17 year old drivers with good grades (i just need a estimation no specific numbers necessary) thanks""
Car insurance?
which insurance provider gives the cheapest insurance for 18 yr olds
Why does my car insurance cost too much?
I am 19 and just passed my test (UK). I have a 1.0 liter Micra and I have put my details in confused.com comparison website. The quotes I am getting are around 4000. Is this right ? it seems too much. Any ideas?
Rover75 rear hit by a 4x4. Garage says not repairable what do I do? how much will the insurance pay?
The 4x4 damaged the rear end of my Rover 75, impossible to shut boot and lights not working. The garage and insurance now say it is not repairable. - but even after the accident, the car was driving perfectly. How much will the insurance company pay? Will they? Is there any way I can get the car fixed?""
What probably are the causes for increasing health insurance rates?
Is it due to inflation, lowering standards of medical care, insufficient government control, deteriorating human health, environmental degradation or other factors?""
Best car to insure for a provisional driver?
I want to change my car, but the next car will have my son as a provisional driver. I have been driving for 20years, am female, and have not made any claims. Live in the uk. I have tried the insurance comparison sites, but you need to put a make and model in. Would like to know what others have found to be the cheapest. I would prefer an mpv, or crossover, but am open to suggestions. Many nanks""
What are the different kinds of car insurance, and how do they work?
Im 15 and missed a drivers ed class. I know the collision insurance, thats pretty basic. Its pretty much all of the others that I'm confused about. The main things I need to know about is Liability Insurance.     Thank you for all input!
0 notes
Evak Fics - Fake/Pretend Relationship
Fake/Pretend Relationship List. Twist on fake dating, faking to fool the family, roommates, for an event. And WIPs. Under a read more:
Boyfriend! by smilexdarling (1.1k words) - Even and Magnus wait for Isak at a bar.
Even's "fake" boyfriend by radiantsilver (2.4k words) - Is this a twist? I don't know. Even's friends don't believe Isak is real 
last night by bbyfruit (2.7k words) - Isak wakes up beside Jonas 
But the prettiest sight to see by imminentinertia (3.2k words) - Even deeply regrets doing Eva a favour for Christmas, but it might not be so bad 
stars collide by bbyfruit (3.7k words) - Isak is, objectively speaking, the dumbest bitch alive (that's the actual summary haha) 
The best boyfriend by champagneleftie (3.8k words) - "Hey man, what's up. I'm Isak." The guy still looks confused, like he has no idea what's happening, so Isak decides it’s probably best to be as obvious as possible. “Vilde’s boyfriend.” This is the possible love of Even’s life, the most perfect boy he’s ever laid his eyes on, with the perfect height and perfect lips and sometimes he does this little thing with his tongue that reduces Even to a puddle of feelings -- and he has a girlfriend. 
how to get a guy in seven days by thekardemomme (5.3k words) - Even and Yousef won't make a move, so Sana and Isak take matters into their own hands. It doesn't go exactly as planned. 
Ground rules by Kollakolan (24k words) - The Travel-AU where everything is not what it seems. I don't want to spoil the twist so this is all I'm saying 
four movements on a first wedding by chevythunder (47k words) - Isak's spent years keeping his distance to Even, worried that any kind of closeness could trigger feelings he won't be able to suppress. Waking up married to Even after a blurry night in Las Vegas throws a slight wrench in those plans. 
Twice by intothewind (101k words) - Even’s in a punk rock band. Jonas and Isak fake date because Jonas wanted to be in said band. 
***** TO FOOL THE FAMILY *****
first dates by princevaltersen (1.8k words) - Isak asks Even to be his fake date to an engagement party. 
Family Dinner - SKAM Fic Week Day 1 by bashfulisak (2.8k words) - Isak needs a date for a family dinner and he kinda lies, telling his parents he'll bring a boyfriend. Even is his one option. 
I'll Come With My Boyfriend by bashfulisak (3.1k words) - isak is kind of in love with even -- isak kind of asks even to be his pretend boyfriend to his aunt’s wedding. 
with you i'm in warm water by shadesofcool (4.1k words) - Even’s sister is coming to visit and he has to pretend to be in love with Isak. It wouldn't be so difficult if he hadn't been trying to pretend like he wasn't in love with him for years. 
A Grump for Christmas by Schedazzle (4.3k words) - To a dinner with Even's family 
How to Get Your Man - A Plan By Even Bech Naesheim by Evakkk (6.1k words) - When Magnus drops a big secret in front of Even... Even comes up with a brilliant plan to get Isak to reveal his true feelings. All it takes is one little lie, and one crazy family reunion. 
my longing drives me crazy for you by orphan_account (7.7k words) - Isak's mum worries, Isak makes bad life decisions and Even loves Isak. 
79 Percent by wyoheartsmusic (13k words)  - Isak helps even out
Late December With My Heart In My Chest by LavenderWater (23k words)  - In order to stop his mother's fussing since he left for college, Even tells her he's dating his roomate, Isak.
In this bed of snowflakes we lie by MermaidsandMermen (SophiaSoames) (49k words) - Follow Isak and Even in this University Dorm life AU, full of snowflakes, fluffy pillows, and people who are nothing like they seem on the outside. Is this fake/pretend? Maybe more like accidental or things were assumed trope. 
Vivid in Black and White by Fxckxxp (62k words) - In a Hei Briskeby video prank taken too far, Isak meets Even for the first time down on one knee
***** ROOMMATES *****
friends don't treat me like you do by hippopotamus (1.7k words) - Isak’s going to humiliate himself in front of Even’s friends because he has no idea how to be - pretend to be - in a relationship. What is Even expecting him to do? Hold his hand? Kiss him? Hold eye contact with him for more than two seconds? Isak can’t do any of that. And he also can’t sleep. 
let's pretend into forever by Bellakitse (2.3k words) - “Let me get this straight,” Even starts. “You lied to your boss about having a boyfriend, told her it was me, and now you need me to go with you to your science nerd dinner?” 
Ring On It by TotallyTinkerbell (2.4k words) - Isak's room is the biggest mystery of the kollektiv, and only the guys that Isak hooks up with from time to time, get to see it. Even is very jealous and pretends to be isak’s husband. 
Feng Shui by champagneleftie (4.9k words) - “Even!” Isak says, indignant, affronted. “I miss kissing. Kissing is nice.” Even misses kissing too. That was nice. Kissing Sonja was nice. She smelled nice. Isak smells nice. Even has a brilliant idea. “You could kiss me!” 
Homecoming by DickAnderton (82k words) - Neither of them has felt at home in a long time. Until they meet each other, jump into a fake relationship. bed sharing. demisexuality. slow burn
***** TO AN EVENT *****
In the Eye of the Beholder by HazyCosmicJive (2.3k words) - After weeks of Even using him as a 'muse' and refusing to let him see it Isak is attending Even's first art exhibit. And to make it all worse he's going as his fake boyfriend, which wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't hopelessly in love with him. 
just one look and i'm out of touch by ihatefindingusernames (3.1k words) - Halloween party. Isak needs a date because the theme is couple/pair costumes
Something Borrowed, Something Blue by BluebeardsWife (10k words) - Even hires Isak to pretend to be his boyfriend at his ex's wedding
Come and paint the world with me tonight by LostInAdmiration (10k words) - "If he had been smart and sober enough to say no, he wouldn’t be stood in a church he definitely shouldn’t be in, wearing a suit that was far too tight and a rainbow coloured bow-tie."  A dare and a wedding. 
***** OTHERS *****
Tram Boy by evak1isak (1k words) - Even is on the tram and sees a cute boy without a ticket and goes to his rescue
I May Have a Little Crush on You? by mittliverskam (1k words) - Even helps Isak out of a tight spot. Emma is involved 
Hopeless by waitineedaname (1.2k words) - There was no way in hell Isak would be able to talk to Even. He was tall and cool and handsome, and Isak was pretty sure talking to him would make him spontaneously combust. He was hopeless. 
makin' me a mess by itjustkindahappened (3k words) - Isak gets stood up where his ex works
gloom boys by theyellowcurtains (3.5k words) - they want to annoy Emma
This feels like falling in love by ForEvenAndEver (yuraxchan) (3.5k words) - Even needs help at the club
Adrian and Markus by ufologies (3.9k words) - Isak and Even go undercover on a case that unexpectedly ends up bringing them closer together. 
Every Day You're Here, I'm Healing by foryouareeverywhere (4.1k words) - Isak having a health scare causes Even to reevaluate exactly what he wants in life.
might become my lover, for real by evamohns (orphan_account) (4.2k words) - It’s Even who finally does it, hooks his finger around Isak’s before turning his hand over and nudging at Isak’s palm with his until they’re holding hands, Isak flexes his fingers in the grasp – still looking at the floor. Festival. Sonja is here 
Draw The Line (Need To Know That You're Mine) by thesoulsailor (8.8k words) - Five times Even pretends to be Isak's boyfriend, and one time there's no pretend at all  - DELETED 
Let‘s Pretend by wematch (10k words) - Isak has been trying to get rid of Emma for weeks, luckily for him Even has a plan. Bed sharing. Truth or dare
FOCUS by LiliMane (10k words) - Isak and Even fall in love before even attempting to fake-date
Lost & bound by hjertetssunnegalskap (Crazyheart) (16k words) - Even has been in a bicycle accident and he has lost his memory of the past three years. However, Isak gets a shock when Even tells him that they’re bonded soulmates, and expects them to be a couple. 
would it be a sin if i can't help falling in love with you? by cosetties (18k words) - the kossegruppa meeting goes another way
Wish You Were Mine by cuteandtwisted (18k words) - Even is Isak's favorite bartender and there's some mutual pining involved. 
You're a different kind of new by LostInAdmiration (23k words) - Even has had a hopeless crush on Isak for months now, but has never been brave enough to talk to him. And then Isak rescues him. 
I wanna hold you like you're mine by giraffingallday (24k words) - Isak is often nervous and just trying to get through his required semester of Theatre. Emma makes it a little harder until Even comes along and makes it too easy.
They do not love (that do not show their love) by rumpelsnorcack (28k words) - the one where Even finds himself in need of a fake boyfriend and Isak offers to help.
The edge of the earth with you by TheGirlNoOneKnows5 (29k words) - A romantic Arctic cruise along the west coast of Norway provided the perfect setting for Even to woo his crush. Accidently ending up in a fake relationship with a cute stranger, while the real object of his affection was in the arms of another was not at all in his plans. 
latching onto you by Behindthecities (31k words) - model Isak and director Even get caught by the paparazzi and the only solution to it is to pretend to be each other’s boyfriends.
Come out, come out, to the sea my love... and just, drown with me by GayaIsANerd (32k words) - In which Even saves Isak from an asshole ex, and from himself.
let's talk about love(to me, it's only you) by vitane (37k words) - they become friends. Pretend to date once and just kept on pretending.
To all the boys I've loved before by janewritesstuff (Jane_de_Plaine) (46k words) - A "To all the boys I've loved before" AU
Masquerade by Sabeley (53k words) - Isak and Even were best friends before one botched mission tore them apart. They are assigned to go undercover as newlyweds.
***** WIP *****
Runaway Boyfriend by stories_and_dreams (15k words) - last update Aug 2017. Isak runs into Even at the airport. 
Feel the Lightning by briennejamie (15k words) - last update June 2019. Twist on fake dating. Isak and Sana have a plan. 
run boy run by pansexuaIeven (29k words) - last update March 2017. Eva and Even fake date to make their exes jealous. 
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