#I don’t envy Twi
webhead3345 · 4 months
LU Chain in Volleyball
I spent another day watching my siblings play volleyball and this appeared. XD
“What’s the matter Ledge? Afraid Twilight’s gonna clock you on the head?” The captain laughed.
Legend scowled and pulled his hands down from where they were resting on the back of his skull. “It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had it happen.”
Warriors laughed again and turned to face the net.
Legend spit his tongue out and missed the whistle announcing time to serve.
The high-speed jump serve slammed directly into the back of his head and knocked him forward two paces with a shout.
Warriors guffawed in surprise.
“OW!” Legend slapped a hand to the back of his head and spun around.
Twilight stared at him with wide eyes and hands up. “Oh man, no. I’m so sorry, Vet! I didn’t mean to hit you! I’m sorry! Are you okay?”
Legend’s temper melted into irritation instead and he waved a hand in dismissal. “It’s fine, it’s  fine. Just quit apologizing.”
Twilight cringed and nodded, backing into his position. “Sorry.”
Legend turned back to the net but Warriors caught his eye and he raised an eyebrow at him. “See? Never let your guard down.”
He held eye-contact just long enough to see the ball come over the opposite side of the net and slap into the team captain’s face.
Legend couldn’t hold in his laughter.
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pykanico · 7 months
Day 17 - Silly Arguments
Fic if you want to read every posted day : https://archiveofourown.org/works/51386731/chapters/129854215
In normal time, Cameron was not the worried type….
No, he was a totally a liar, As far as he knew, he was always very nervous, nervous about nearly everything he did or would do. The nervousness was always there, and he could never escape it even if he did get better these last few years, especially after he became a depot agent under his two Boss.
He was still not very confident in his own skill as a trainer because of how he was usually feeling, but even so, Emmet and Ingo’s reassurance helped him a lot.
So it was an understatement to say that he was worried sick at the moment about his boss, The reason? He was simply walking to go to the break room when he suddenly jumped at the sudden raise of a familiar voice not that far from him.
He know, he shouldn’t have eavesdrop, but it was rare to hear his boss, nonetheless Emmet of all people, being that loud was abnormal, That was rapidly followed by Ingo’s own voice who was seemingly arguing with Emmet?? the voice was suddenly less loud but.. .
That was worrying to say the least, so against better judgment, he decided to get closer and see what it was all about….he was unable to see the scene, not wanting to go into his boss office uninvited, but he was able to pick up on some of the discussion….
“...How dare you!….You …. wrong….You know that….Bad…..Why….. listen to me!!” That was definitively Emmet talking right now, whatever was the subject the two boss were talking about, that seemed to strongly upset Emmet.
“…..Don’t you see…You….too…...stubborn---” and by the sound of it, the anger was shared too, Cameron never thought that he would be the witness of hearing such a scene and even more between his two boss.
“…..Can’t….believe...you….looks….I am going…..to Leave…..You can’t stop me!!!” there was a sudden noise that the depot agent couldn't describe at all, Are they getting physical with each other now!? no...no that was not the only thing who made him stressed right now, Did he hear it right? Did Emmet say that he was going to leave!! He didn’t stay any longer, he ran immediately into the break room trying to proceed the information and what was going on, He needed to search for more agents to stop their fight first and then convince Emmet to not leave the Gear station!!
“...How dare you!” Emmet put his hand on his table strongly, glaring at his brother with as much seriousness as he could. “Tynamo should be placed in the S-tier of the ranking!! They are adorable, how can you say that they are under Litwick!!”
The two of them were supposed to work on some security change in the subway system, It wasn’t urgent, but they needed to think about it before taking a break …. but they may or may not have accidentally deviated from the track of their work at the mention of a Pokemon he and his brother fought in the morning, From there, things escalated as they started to debate who could be considered the cutest Pokemon, their ranking put on a white board that his older brother decided to place in the middle of their share office.
Most of their choices for the ranking were the same, but when it was the turn to decide the Pokemon that should be the best of the best, the two disagreed strongly, him first, “You want to know why you are wrong!? Well here are all my point, Tynamo are cute, they are strong, and verrry cuddly and you know that!! You have a bad view if you can’t admit it! Why do you not accept the truth like it is, They are perfect, it is nearly like you don’t listen to me!!”
Ingo shook his head, frowning slightly more as he immediately responded, “It is not that I don’t listen to you Emmet, but it is evident Litwick are better, don’t you see how beautiful their lavender flames are? How their small eyes sparkle with the envy of winning a future challenge, You are yourself ignoring the sign of how perfect this Pokemon is!” His older twin did not let him the time to say anything against him before he continued.
“Tynamo is too difficult to find in normal time anyway, any passenger with a minimum of good sense would not go find them, I may also add that there are far from the most safe Pokemon in a station with their electric attack, as well as being too stubborn--”
Emmet can’t stop himself to dramatically gasp at what his brother said “Ingo you did not go there!! I am Emmet and I Can’t said if I am wounded or impressed by the audacity, It’s unbelievable, I don’t believe my ears, did you really say this!”
As he started to walk around his part of the office, he continued to glare at his very smug twin “It looks like you are not giving me a choice, I am going to do what you did to my feeling, pound them” Ingo did not look impressed by what Emmet said, that do not stop him to say his point.
“Litwick do not look great safety wise, they are just verry dangerous candle, They are going to leave a passenger dead if we are not careful”. Without hesitating, Emmet tried to grab the marker of the board to mark that Tynamo had won this argument, And of course, Ingo tried to intercept him before he could do anything “Tynamo are the best, I won, You can’t stop me!!!”
As Emmet was trying to get to the marker, he accidentally tripped on his own feet, falling on the ground before he could catch himself, The two twins stayed silent for a moment as the chaos of before seemed to have stop.
“….Are you okay Emmet?”
“I fell on the ground, but I am fine”
and then they just laugh, laughing at the ridicule of the situation as the older twin helped Emmet to get up on his feet.
“It seemed that we derailed ourselves quite a bit, don’t you think it would be better for us to stop this debate with a tie?”
“It is a satisfying result, yup, I like that, Litwick and Tynamo are both the best, so no more argument”
As they were going to put the two Pokemon at the top of the ranking, the door of the office suddenly opened with a loud noise, revealing most of their depot agent looking in panic.
“Please stop whatever fight you two are having!! That is not worth it if the end result is Emmet departure!!” said loudly Cameron, sounding more than scared.
…..Every single Depot agent looked at the twins in silent, then the white board were the ranking was made, then yet again Ingo and Emmet as the two started to feel embarrassed…. Finally, Jackie broke the silence, his face hinted how much he wanted to laugh.
“….Is that a tier list?”
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skyloftian-nutcase · 3 months
Mwahaha then
A customer gave me a little necklace at work today, it was sweet!
Also I’m stealing one of the boys…. Idk who would be best but I have a retail au to write
Aww, that is sweet! LOL who would be best for retail, hmmm, Twi or Sky would be the most patient at least 😂 I don’t envy anyone working in retail
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silvercaptain24 · 1 year
Only the Beginning of Our Problems
@goosekee @ludoluck @echoing--stars
Have a random out of context snippet becauseI WANT THIS THING TO BE REAL DANG IT.
The man in question turned, looking around for whoever called him. He spotted Time in the doorway, waved towards him.
“Daruk let me in. I brought your coat,” He grinned, handing the item in question to Twi. He let his hand run across the faux fur lining the hood. 
“You doing alright? Wild still need a ride home?” Time asked. It was one of the few times Wild and Twi’s shifts didn’t line up. 
“If you could ple- hold on a second,” Twilight said, moving away. He’d noticed something at the bar. 
Warriors looked tired. More than that, he looked like he was about to pass out from exhaustion. He’d already gotten to work five minutes late and obviously even more stressed than usual. And now…
Twi reached out and gently shook Wars’ shoulder. Wars shot up with a gasp. 
“Sorry, sorry. Just me. Didn’t want you to get in trouble.”
Wars shook himself and rubbed his eyes hard. 
“No, no thanks, thanks. Sorry. ‘M sorry,”
“Hey, it’s okay. Are you doing okay?”
Warriors made a sort of humming noise.
“ ‘s been a long day,” He said, gently swaying. Twi grabbed one of the bar stools and made him sit on it.
“You sure you’re okay? When’s the last time you ate?”
“ ‘ll eat on my lunch break,” Wars said. 
Twi’s brow furrowed, and he leaned over to check the break list behind the bar.
“That’s in two minutes…” He said gently, “You should head back there now, it’ll take that long to get back there.”
Teba came up to them.
“Sorry I’m back late, got caught up with a customer,” he said, making a face. Twi gave him a sympathetic wince. 
“Wars? You okay?” Teba asked, noticing his coworker. 
“Would you make sure he gets back to the break room and gets food? I can watch the bar,” Twilight said in a low voice, “He’s not doing so hot.”
Teba’s mouth flattened in worry, and he nodded. Twi would count it a win if he didn’t go full dad mode until they got to the break room. 
“Everything alright?” Time asked from behind him.
“Not sure,” Twi said.
“Was he alright?”
Twi shrugged, “I don’t know. He’s been having a rough time of it for a while. This is his second job. I think he might work with Sky at his other one. He’s trying to support two younger brothers.” Time nodded in acknowledgment. Raising siblings was hard, but in this economy? He didn’t envy the kid.
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freneticsir · 2 years
apparently I’m going to abuse the unlimited txt feature asf and fill this platform with sudden self-reflecting depressed essays :’)
Honestly, it’s really saddening and frustrating that artists who love (!!) or don’t mind (!!) to draw fanart, or simply have mental resources (!!) to ‘produce this sort of content’ - are getting that ‘cheatcode’ for audience growing in comparison to OC artists (ofc there are nuances in terms of art styles, fandoms, etc. But the obvious undeniable advantage for fanart-artists - exists)
When I had my first attempt in tumblr in 2018 with some Hellsing & Trigun fanart supplies in my pocket - those my posts have been getting up to 1.5k notes, and my audience have been growing pretty fast. But my OCs barely have gotten 10 notes. Like, that fanart didn’t even help my OCs to get any attention, at least a little bit. Everyone just ignored my OCs and praised that fanart.
And now - it’s just the same. My OC (Isay) animation got 28 notes so far, while the fanart drawings of my art moots - are getting up to 1000. I’m not a fanart person. Moreover, drawing fanart feels like a torture for me (unless it’s a sudden inspiration once a few years, like it was with Hellsing & Trigun).
I just.. don’t want to draw fanart in general. I’m fulfilled and satisfied with creator’s representation of their own characters and the story told/shown. I have interest in discovering, headcannoning and shipping my own OCs only, and I want to draw them and them only. And.. I just want to have an equal chance in growing as my fanart-loving colleagues. But I never had, and apparently never will. 
It just feels so unfair. And because of this inequality - I’m starting to feel annoyed by fanart as a thing. Like if world whispers me on the ear: ‘yeah, look, that’s the only way to grow’.
But I DON’T WANT to get audience this way. Even when my fanart have been getting those 1500+ notes in 2018 - I felt nothing but frustration, like: ‘these are even not my OCs, why should I be happy? there should have been my OCs’. All that experience just repulsed me from drawing fanart forever. Probably my autistic, ADHD & RSD traits also played their roles, like: ‘my special interest got rejected? well then I PRINCIPALLY refuse to satisfy everyone in this case’. As a result, I can’t ‘force’ myself to draw fanart for ‘gaining audience’. I’m just unable to force myself to do the things which I have NO motivation to do. When you draw commission - you’re getting payment as reward. But nothing can reward me fanart wise. I will be frustrated & exhausted in any case: ‘viral’ or ‘flop’.
At the end of the day.. I kinda envy those folks who love / don’t mind / have mental resources for drawing fanart. Because I can’t be like them. So I will never get that equal chance to gain audience as they have. And it makes me so sad and frustrated. Especially in terms all that chaos with twitter.
I’ve spent 5 HARD WORKING YEARS growing my 2 twi profiles: SFW with 4000 followers and NSFW with 4200 = 8k in sum. I’ve grown both of them on my OC content, I have been getting my only income there by drawing commissions and getting tips, and I just reached the point when my drawings are finally getting those 100+ likes regularly. I even have been going to sell my first Adopts of my closed specie, Sirises, and folks were excited. Everything was just good and turning even better. And now.. It has a huge chance to just get burned down to ashes. And if it will - this is going to be the end for me. I don't feel like spending another 5 years on growing new social in my 27, especially where my OCs are simply ignored. It feels like I have no future at all.
Summing up this essay: I feel doomed.
ALL my hard work might be destroyed in one moment by that ASSHOLE. I see no future for myself. I can’t go to ‘normal’ job due to mental & physical health issues. So I’m relayed on my art entirely. And now - there is no hope on the horizon.
Thank you for coming on my depressed TED talk.
Please, if you ever see my drawings in your feed, give them a reblog.
You will help one person to survive. 
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bokettochild · 3 years
So, I was wondering if you could write a one-shot of Linkle(HW) and Wild having a crossbow/archery competition?
This ficlet could be read as taking place after Chapter 14 of The Blood Between Us, or can work as a stand alone. Either way works!
(If you have fic requests feel free to shoot them over, I'm always open!)
The kid had a bow.
He was sitting out in the courtyard, looking between the standard maintenance kit and his bow with a confused expression on his face as he sat on one of the resting benches spaced around the edges of the shooting range.
A smile pulled at her face.
Link was back home, but he was in the infirmary, recovering from injuries and a panicked faint that resulted in his being ordered to rest for the next few days. That of course meant that she couldn’t torture her twin, but he had brought along eight other heroes with him, two of which she knew on sight and few others she had recognized from illustrations and paintings that could be found throughout the royal studies.
It was good to see Mask again, and the Sailor too, but they weren’t her targets right now.
No, she wanted to talk to this one.
Link called him ‘Wild’, and while she wasn’t sure how she felt about calling him that, she was eager to get to know him. Link had said that the kid was more difficult than her (it was said fondly, but she saw the exhaustion in his gaze) and she was eager to see who could have possibly pushed her brother further than she herself had.
“You know how to use that thing?” She called, strolling over with a grin pulling at her features. Cornflower blue hues turned to stare up at her, curiosity shining clearly as he took her in.
“I’m a decent shot.” He shrugged, noncommittal. “I handle most of the shooting and hunting for our group anyways.”
She cocked a brow. Link had definitely said the kid was a master marksman, and the arrows hanging from the targets positioned around them seemed to confirm that.
It’s nice, Linkle chuckled to herself, that there was finally a hero who used a bow more than a sword. Take that Link! Heroes don’t need swords to win a war!
“I’m partial to a bow myself.” She muses aloud, noting the way the kid looks up at her with sudden interest. “Best shot in Hyrule in fact.” She smirks. “I can kick my baby brother’s ass.”
Wild chuckles softly. “Baby brother, huh? I thought he said you two were twins?”
She waves a hand dismissively. “I’m the older twin, not that he’d ever agree on that point, but even so,” Her grin stretches even wider. “I know for a fact that he can’t shoot straight to save his life.”
The kid is full on giggling now as he nods, leaning lightly on his bow as the laughter shakes his body. “Oh, he’s terrible! Even Time can outshoot him, and he’s only got one eye!”
“Huh, why aren’t I surprised?” Linkle shakes her head, hands coming to rest on her hips. “Say,” She’s been meaning to direct the conversation this way since she stepped out here to find the kid, but she’s still a bit jumpy about it. She wants to connect with these heroes, the younger ones especially, and if Wild is a special case, then, well, who’s to know that? “How’d you like to compare skills? One on one, my bow against yours?”
She’s said something right and she knows it, at least if the tell-tale glimmer in the kid’s eyes is to be believed.
“What’s the target?”
“’Targets’, you mean?” She arches a curved brow, a smirk pulling at her features as the kid’s grin grows in kind. “Let me think...”
Link would kill her. Link would absolutely scold her and demand that she ceases her recklessness, but he’s always been the more- law abiding of the two of them. And a goody two-shoes. Anyways, Wild seems on board with it!
(She can almost hear Link scolding her for corrupting the kid.)
The two of them start on the roof of the castle (yes, the roof), her logic? Link is less likely to see them if they are above his head and therefore won’t be there to stop them (he’s supposed to be in bed, but even if he is a law-abiding citizen most of the time, he’s terrible about listening when he’s told to rest).
Their course will take them over the roof, their targets being the various targets set up below them in the various training yards of the castle. There is no pattern to follow when hitting the targets, but they aren’t allowed to stop in order to shoot, and if either one pauses for more than ten seconds than they immediately lose a point.
There’s the usual scoring system for the targets themselves of course, but they’ve agreed to have trick shots count for more.
Hero and heroine exchange grins and a handshake as they stand on one of the spires, and then they’re off.
She has the advantage of familiarity with the territory, the roofs being her chosen path of getting around since the halls of the castle itself are too twisted and confusing for her to actually bother with, but Wild lives up to his name, and he’s an agile kid, with balance better than a cat and speed that she envies. Never mind, she’s got the advantage of a crossbow, he has to do everything manually with his hunter’s bow.
Their first shots bolt down at almost the same second, colliding midair as a scowl is shared over the rooftops. She almost stops right then, but she forces herself to keep moving, repositioning and shooting again, her arrow flying true and landing near the center of the first target.
Wild doesn’t bother trying again, he moves on to the next target, shooting and hitting with an ease that assures her that she’ll actually have some proper competition for once.
After the fifth target is hit the both of them are already antsy to show off their skills, and the trick shots begin. There’s all sorts of flair and fuss she can use to make a show of herself, and below them, soldiers have gathered to cheer them on. Most know her, and they cheer as they watch her land from a backflip after hitting a target from midair, but there's a good few who cheer on Wild too; most of them have grudge against her for some reason, but there are a few she recognizes that simply seem genuinely impressed by the kid’s skills.
She can’t help but whistle in appreciation herself when the kid lets off three arrows in one shot, hitting an equal number of targets from in the air before he drops down to the roof below, skidding only an instant before he lets off another shot and takes off across the towers.
A cackle rises in her throat as she watched his duck and weave about the rooftop.
She’s claiming this kid, never mind if Link is already attached. This kid is her absolute favorite now.
Link had Mask anyway, he’ll be fine.
The targets below are full of arrows by the time Wild makes a mistake, the kids foot sliding too far off of the rooftop as he makes a landing. Below them, soldiers and servants alike gasp and shout in horror as the kid scrabbles for a hold on the roof, bow falling to the side as his nails scrape across the smooth tile.
Link is gonna kill her.
Linkle’s feet skid against the tile as she rushes over, a tower still sitting between them on the corner of the roof, but if she aims right, she might just...
Her feet barely clear the edge of the roof as she leaps the gap, and a heavy breath escapes her as she does so. They don’t need two people hanging off the edge.
Wild’s face is screwed up in a combination of irritation and fear as he fights for a hold, but he only has a moment longer to wait before her hands are catching ahold of his and pulling him up. The kid may be around her size, but he’s light, and she’s strong, he shoots up over the ledge, slamming into her and sending both of them tumbling along the tiles.
A heavy breath sounds from beside her as a few cheers echo from down below.
“Thanks.” Wild smiles at her, face flushed but beaming as he looks over to her. “Sorry about that.”
“No problem.” She waves him off. “I’ve done the same thing too many times to count. Link’s chewed me out for it more’n that though.”
Cornflower blue twinkles with mischief. “Thank Hylia he doesn’t know what we’re up to then, huh?”
“Don’t go thanking the goddesses too soon.”
Two blond head shoot up at once as the voice calls out from below and the kid pales considerably.
“The two of you want to get down here, or do I have to try and climb up?” The voice is deep, deeper than her brother, and it vibrates with the country twang that she and her brother had long since lost in their years in the city (not that he’d ever admit to having an accent).
“Coming, Twi.” Wild calls down, flushed and still shaking a bit, but there’s a tremor in his voice that she somehow knows isn’t from fear. His shoulders shake slightly as he turns a manic grin to her. “Last one down takes the blame.” And before she has a chance to respond or even pull herself up the kid is climbing down from the roof he had just been hanging off of, hands letting go of the ledge suddenly as a soft ‘thump’ is heard from below.
“Heeey, Twi...”
“Kid, what the heck?”
“Linkle did it.”
She suppresses a snort, jumping up and darting off across the roof. No one can scold her for this if they can’t find her, and it looks like Wild’s got the situation covered just fine.
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mika-13 · 4 years
So, with the help of the wonderful @wandering-horizon, I came up with a Legend of Zelda / Linked Universe AU where every Link is a Zelda species that isn’t Hylian So here’s what I came up with and how it influenced their respective stories
Sky - Rito
When Skyloft was raised above the clouds by Hylia, the Rito were already there
The Rito helped the Hylians get accustomed to life above the clouds and the two species quickly came to rely upon each other
Link is born a Rito and grows up on Skyloft, where things are pretty similar to the original story, he is best friends with Zelda and studies at the academy to become a knight
When Zelda disappears beneath the clouds, he draws the goddess sword and follows her
Things continue on quite the same way as in the game, just with Link wielding the sword with both his "hands" and foot claws, because him flying around and cutting down enemies at the same time is just really neat
He also pecks out one of Ghirahim's eyes at one point because he can
Four - Minish
I've had this headcanon, that the Hero of Men, the one before Four who made the picori blade, was actually a Minish who came through the Minish door (which transformed him into a Hylian for the time) to protect Hyrule
So yeah, basically that
Link is Ezlo's grandson who is also an apprentice with Melari and when Vaati goes rogue he helps his grandfather in defeating him
I imagine him being really confused by being so tall at first and that he still retains some Minish like traits
Time - Kokiri
Link is an actual Kokiri in this, with Navi as his fairy
His life in the Kokiri forrest is pretty peaceful, though Mido still bullies him, because he's best friends with Saria and Mido is jealous, until the Deku Tree calls for him
The Kokiri Emerald allows him to leave the forrest unharmed and so he goes to help Zelda
The rest of the story is pretty much the same, except that he doesn't age when he goes into the future, because he really is an immortal forrest child this time around
Let's just say that Ganondorf is pretty angry about being beaten by a 9 year old
At the start of Majora's Mask when Skullkid steals the ocarina and Epona, he also imprisons Navi in a bottle
Tatl is kind of shocked about that and that plus the fact that she can sense his Kokiri nature result in her trusting and liking Link much sooner
Link manages to free Navi when he gets back his ocarina and from then on it's another adventure, this time not just with his mom but also with his newly acquired older sister Tatl
Twi - Twili
His story is quite different from the one in the game
With him growing up in a completely different world and such
In the beginning he lived a relatively simple life, getting by by doing odd jobs for other people
When Zant staged his coup and started turning helpless Twili into Shadow beasts, Link tried his best to help people escape in time
Zant really didn't like this and sent the beasts after him
Not wanting to fight his people, he ran, stumbling onto the portal to Hyrule
Eventually, Zant caught up to him and tossed him out into the light in the hopes of killing him
Instead of dying, Link is saved by the triforce, which transforms him into a wolf which let's him survive in the world of light
He knows he needs to defeat Zant before the usurper can destroy both Hyrule and the Twilight realm and so he sets out to free Hyrule from the Twilight
The light spirits give him their protection and with the master sword he gains the ability to keep his Twili form even in the light
Of course he also travels with Midna, though he meets her later in the story
Also he obviously knows who Midna is, since the name and the vast amount of magic she possesses is kind of a giveaway
Legend - Zora
He's a sea Zora, so he's different from the rather mean ones in his Hyrule, since their tribes lost contact a long long time ago and he looks more like an ocarina of time Zora
A pink one
He washes up at the beach one day when he's still a tiny little kid and a Hylian man (his uncle in the game) takes him in and raises him
He has to deal with a lot of crap from people because he's Zora and most Zora in his Hyrule just really like spitting fire balls at people
It's also why people don't believe him when he goes out to help Zelda and say he's kidnapped her instead
As for Kohilint, the storm hits him when he's out looking for his family and Marin is also a Zora
He ends up being afraid of storms at sea after that whole debacle and just kind of avoids the ocean after it
Hyrule - Fairy
What can I say, he's the original fairy boy after all
He's not just a regular fairy though, but a very young great fairy, young enough that his usual form isn't that different from a regular fairy
However, he possesses a lot more magic and even has the ability to grow to Hylian size for a time, enabling him to wield sword and shield and fight the various monsters and Ganon
One of the reasons he travels so much is the fear of being bound to a single place once he's grown up, being a great fairy and all and he wants to see all much of the world as possible before that
Wind - Korok
He lives in the forest on outset island and is best friends with Aryll
Once Tetra shows up and Aryll gets kidnapped, he decides he needs to go out and save her
So he asks Aryll's grandma for the sword and shield (grandma is kind of surprised since it's the first time she's ever seen a Korok and she wasn't quite sure Aryll didn't just have an imaginary friend) and sneaks onto Tetra's ship
She discovers him, being able to see him even when he doesn't want to be seen, triforce of wisdom and such, but she's so impressed by him being able to sneak onto her ship that she lets him stay
He has fun with the crew, flying over Nico's obstacle course with Korok magics, and infiltrates the forbidden fortress
From there on it's much like in the original stories though everyone is really surprised and shocked that a usually peaceful forest fairy can wield a sword with such devastation
Needles to say, Ganondorf is even more surprised when he's stabbed in the face this time around
Wars - Gerudo
He's Gerudo, he's trans and he's here to end Ganon's whole career
He isn't a Hylian soldier in this but a Gerudo warrior and the first part of the war takes part without him
Which also means that it isn't going too well for the Hylian forces and Ganon revives way faster
The Gerudo haven't dealt much with the rest of Hyrule for many decades, but they take the return of Ganon in the form of a Gerudo as a personal insult and immediately join the war, turning the tide, especially with War's proving himself to be an unrivaled warrior as well as the hero
Wild - Sheikah
With all the Sheikah tech in his game it only makes sense
Before the calamity, he was Zelda's personal bodyguard, the way Sheikah often are for the royal family
Him and Zelda got along pretty well, having known each other for a long time, but they sort of drift apart once he draws the master sword, as Zelda envies him for his easy his destiny came to him, and he kind of struggles with the burden of the whole world, as his life was kind of all laid out for him before the master sword
Once the calamity strikes everything goes pretty much the same way, but his interactive with the yiga clan are way more intense this time around, because he's a Sheikah as well as the hero
So yeah, there you have it, my personal Zelda AU
I hope you like it
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ceruleanmusings · 3 years
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Fandom: Big Time Rush Pairing: James Diamond x Mickey Mason (OC) Rating: T (for some cursing) Word Count: 11.3k Summary: When James gets a secret admirer gift on Valentine’s Day, he drags Mickey around the Palm Woods to find the sender – not knowing the sender is closer than he thinks. Contents: mentioned social anxiety, angst, idiots who like each other being idiots, semi-reluctant pining, show-standard humor and highjinks, implied disordered eating, valentine’s day, envy, self-loathing A/N: I was going to wait until the 14th to post this but I need to get it off my hands so I can stop picking and editing it to death. Have at it! Hope you like it! ALSO! Someone please let me know if it gets truncated at James’s text. On mobile it says the post is too long and cuts it off at the end but on desktop it’s fine. If I have to delete this and make it a two-parter I will! You need to see the proper ending! Also please leave comments on the fic if you liked it and feel so inclined (no pressure obvs), I’d love to read them on the body rather than tags so I can save them somewhere. :) Happy Valentine’s Day! Tag: @mystic-scripture​ @foxesandmagic​ @witchofinterest​ @juliesdahlias​ @raging-violets​ @ocfairygodmother​ @lareiism​
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Propping the large wicker basket against her popped hip, Mickey knocked on the door right beneath the square 2J placard. Her knuckles briefly touched the wood on the fourth knock when the door swung inwards. She quickly stopped her extending arm in its tracks, her fist resting inches from Kendall’s face. Eyes crossed, staring at her knuckles, he took a step back.
“Oh! Sorry Kindle. I didn’t think you’d get to the door so fast,” she apologized, wrapping her arms around the basket, bringing it to her front.
“You know, the door’s always open. You don’t have to knock.” As Kendall spoke, he moved to the side and brought his arm back in a sweeping gesture.
“Excuse me?” Mickey’s eyebrow popped upwards and she walked past him. “Kindle Knight, my momma’d have my hide if I just barged into someone’s home!” She carefully set the basket down onto the nearby table. Leaning her weight against one palm on the tabletop, she placed another on her hip. “I know there’s such a thing as being ‘Minnesota Nice’, but y’all’re asking for it.”
Kendall scoffed. “What do you mean? The only person who’d come right in is Bitters—and I see your point,” Kendall said. Mickey winked and made a clicking noise out the side of her mouth. “Is that it?” He gestured to the basket as he approached.
“Yep!” Lifting the lid, she removed a gallon Ziploc bag and set it aside as she leaned forward to review the contents. Not that she needed to, she made double-triple-quadruple sure everything she’d prepared the night before and that morning was in its rightful place before she snuck out. Jazz hadn’t noticed beneath her flurry of helping Mel pick out something for her date with Dak to Malibu. “If you don’t mind, I took a few liberties with what you wanted.” When he’d originally pulled her aside during a recording session asking her to make a picnic for him and Jazz, he’d merely shrugged and suggested that she put in anything “Valentine-y” when she asked if he wanted anything specific. So, she zhooshed it up a little; her sister deserved the best and that’s what she was going to ensure Kendall gave her. “You have a bottle of sparkling cider, strawberries, smoked salmon, caper, and goat cheese topped crostini, spinach and feta cheese pastry spirals, barbeque bacon and chicken bites, and, for dessert, slices of strawberry rhubarb pie and two flutes of beignet tiramisu with chocolate ganache.”
Kendall’s nose wrinkled. “Chocolate guh-whaaa?”
“Goodbye!” Mickey shoved the basket into his arms. Tilting her head to the side, she studied his red plaid shirt and reached out to fix the collar. “Keep the cold stuff in the insulated bag until you’re ready to eat it or else the beignets will start to get soggy.” Her tongue stuck out the side of her mouth when she went for the fringe of hair poking out from beneath his beanie. Ordinarily she’d balk at the sight of him wearing it, on a date no less, but Jazz liked him in his beanies so she could let it slide. Taking a step back, she surveyed the rest of his appearance and nodded her approval. “You’re all set! If you’re worried about your breath, I threw in some Ice Breakers and mini floss. Jazz is waiting for you at the park.”
“Thanks so much for this, Mickey,” he said, flashing a dimpled smile. His green eyes crinkled in the corners. “I really appreciate it.”
She beamed and a rush of satisfaction sent a pleased flush to her cheeks. She rocked back and forth on her navy Docs. “What are friends for if they can’t help you woo their sister?”
“…To give me free food?”
She pinched his cheek. “You’re lucky I like you.” Making a ‘shoo’ gesture with her hands, Mickey pushed Kendall towards the door. He flashed a finger guns sign at her and hurried away. Shaking her head, she turned on her heel, her locs cascading over one shoulder with the turn. “Okay Katie, he’s gone,” she called up to the loft above.
With a thumping commotion, Katie spilled out the open mouth of the swirly slide. Rounding the table, she crossed her arms. “You got the stuff?”
Mickey mimicked her gesture, raising a brow. “You got a cooler? I’m not letting all my hard work go to waste.”
Katie lifted her chin. “Yeah, I got a cooler.”
“Then I got your stuff.” Mickey picked up the Ziploc bag and handed it out to her. “Homemade chocolate turtles, at your service. I think seven per bag is a good amount. If anyone tries to push for more, remember that they’re the ones who are trying to get candy at the last minute on Valentine’s Day.”
“Got it!” With an eager—and almost manic—grin, Katie snatched the bag out of Mickey’s hands and shoved them into the small red cooler sitting atop of the breakfast bar. She dragged the cooler off the counter and hurried past her, making a beeline for the door. Calling over her shoulder she added, “And we’re splitting the profits 55-45.”
“Freeze, Kid!” Mickey squinted at Katie’s back, her hand gripping the doorknob. “We agreed on 50-50.” She wiggled a finger in the space between herself and Katie’s back.
Katie whirled around. “Yeah, but I have to think about my college fund. Between your band and playing bass for Big Time Rush, you have all the money you could need.” Mickey snorted. With widening eyes and a pout to her lower lip, Katie said. “Do you want to be the one to tell my mom you’re denying me the funds for a college education?”
Mickey pressed her lips together, doing her best to keep a smile off her face; partly in awe at her gall, and also partly with pride. The kid was good. Too good. Or else Mickey was a sucker for a well-placed pout. She poked her tongue into her cheek, dragging it against the soft, smooth surface and exhaled a sigh. “Fine! But if anyone asks where you got the candy from, make sure to mention my name. I want to try and get Mickey’s Morsels off the ground while I can. Guilty pleasures can be a good cash grab.”
“Then I want 10% of any future profits for the promotion.”
“Deal!” Like Kendall, Katie pointed a finger gun gesture at her and hustled out the door.
When it slammed shut, Mickey dug her fingers into the side of her head. Geeze, this holiday. She didn’t mind making treats for her friends to use at their discretion, but she wanted no part in the holiday itself. It made people crazy, trying to find ways to profess their love for people. And for just that one day? The idea had never sat right with her. Why contain their appreciation to one day when the other three hundred and sixty-four were available? Not to mention the price gouging on flowers and candy—the turtle prices were reasonable!—and society’s penchant for making the single people feel like losers for not having that special someone for the one day.
Not that she was a loser. Okay, so maybe she had been slightly irked when she learned Mel and Jazz had plans with their boyfriends for the day. Her other sister, Sammi, had already flown to Nashville to be with her long-standing boyfriend for the occasion. Hell, even her aunt Kelly had a blind date for the night, a double with Miss Jennifer. (It wasn’t a blind date for Miss Jennifer, she was going out with Fabio. It was who Fabio was bringing for Kelly that attached the ‘blind’ classification. When Jazz offered up the suggestion Gustavo was her date, Kelly nearly broke her neck with how fast she denied that claim.)
She wasn’t envious, not at all, it’s just…well, it was a bit odd to be the only one without plans. They were supposed to do everything together, right? Wasn’t that the point of being born with them? How’d she miss the memo on getting a boyfriend? Not that it mattered. And she got over it anyway. Helping her sisters and her friends have special days was all she needed to feel fulfilled. With Kelly’s apartment empty, she had a pint of Häagen Dazs, a few pop-punk playlists, her pet ferret, and Legally Blonde to keep her company.
Or not.
Eyebrows crinkling, Mickey turned only to yelp at the sight of James stretched out on a black and white checkered blanket, one arm resting on a propped-up knee, the long stem of a deep red rose clamped between his smiling teeth. The orange couch had been pushed aside, allowing for the blanket to take its place on the floor. Plates of heart-shaped candy, brownies, soft pretzels, cookies, and cinnamon rolls covered the surface, nestled near two cans of Diet Coke, all beneath a crackling fire.
Mickey’s eyes widened and her thoughts raced so fast they nearly collided with one another. When did he get there? How did she not hear him? How did he set that up so fast? Where did he hide it? Where did he manage to find heart-shaped cinnamon rolls? He had to go for the pretzel too, didn’t he? Darn her appreciation for bread. And—was that a fireplace? Where the hell did he get a fireplace?
She sucked a breath in through her nose, fighting to ease the twitching to her lip and the racing of her heart and the quivering in her legs. Upon closer inspection the fire was only a setting on a tv screen propped up on the floor. Okay, that was good. Why he didn’t just use the one hanging off the wall she didn’t dare ask. Like with Carlos, sometimes it was better to not ask questions.
James removed the rose from his mouth, his smile not budging an inch. “I was just thinking, since we’re both here, and we’re both single, and it’s Valentine’s Day, how about you and me”—he gestured to the space between them with the rose; Mickey watched as a petal fell off and fluttered to the ground—“spend the day together. We could even make-out—ow, thorn.”
Oh, dear god. She had a feeling God wouldn’t help her if he came up with this form of torture for her to walk into. But it was enough for her to grab her wits—not that his deepening voice shook them loose or anything—and look him in the eye. Away from his smile. He had a nice smile; she could admit that. Okay, it was a great smile. But that wasn’t the point!
“No thank you,” she said shortly, managing to find her voice after swallowing the lump of panic rising in her throat. “This…” she gestured to the scene in front of her, “this was nice but…no. No thank you.” Turning to the door, she jumped when she spotted James blocking her path. What the…? A glance over her shoulder showed an empty blanket. Facing him, she jerked her thumb over her shoulder and asked, “How did you do that?”
James ignored her question. “Maybe we can go see a movie instead. They’re replaying Kiss and Tell.”
She didn’t know which was worse: his suggestion or her traitorous mind considering it for a second. A fleeting second, it shot out of her brain faster than it came in, but it existed. And that was enough for her to shut it down, banish it away and keep a tighter hold on herself. In fact, she wrapped her arms around herself, as if she needed to hold herself back from doing something she couldn’t take back, something ridiculously stupid. Because she knew what he implied with that suggestion; the switch from his frank sharing of his intentions to a covert suggestion nearly knocked her off kilter. She really needed to get a grip.
“No thank you,” she repeated, firming up the three words. She moved to walk around him when he took a large step to the left, blocking her path. She took a step to her left and he mirrored her, still standing in her way. She allowed a smile through, remembering he did the same when they first met nearly a year ago. Some things changed, including the cut of his long shaggy hair (thankfully!), and some things stayed the same.
“What else do you have to do today?” The roll of his shoulders, the shove of his hands into his pockets, and the relaxed ease as he offered up the question, as if he knew the answer, rankled her.
Shifting her grip, she crossed her arms and lifted her chin. “Stuff.”
He squinted. “What kind of stuff?”
“Important stuff. It’s…” she stretched out the last letter, sounding much like a hissing snake as she quickly thought. “It’s my hair day.”
“Your hair day is usually the third Sunday of the month. It’s only the second.”
Shit. She should have known he’d know that. He was the only other person outside her family who had dedicated hair days and she may have asked his opinion on scalp detox treatments once or twice. “I need the extra work. My locs are dry.”
“I can help.”
Help by touching her hair? Help by erasing any sort of space between them? Help by being close enough for her to spell the warm ‘Cuda man spray clinging to his neck? (They’d changed something in the formula, so he didn’t swell up into a hive monster anymore.) No. Nope. Bad idea. Her eyes darted to the oven nearby, displaying the time, and her pulse thudded at the time. 12:30? Crap, crap crap!
“Again, no thank you. I just want to be alone. Oh, is that the time? I have to go!” Finally, she managed to get around him and made a quick beeline for the door.
James followed her. “Who wants to be alone on Valentine’s Day?”
“I do.” She had to get out. She had to leave now. Good thing they never locked their door, she could make a quick exit. Just had to open the door and make her escape and get to the bus and—shove her face into the fronds of an aloe plant. She lifted her brown eyes, zeroing in on the name stitched into the navy shirt: Busy Bee Florist.
Oh nooooooo.
“What’s up? I gotta delivery for’a James Diamond.” The deliveryman’s strong Brooklyn accent threw Mickey for a loop. Yes, that was the reason she still stood in the doorway, gaping at him, rather than making her escape. She may as well have closed the door in her own face. Escape was futile.
“I’m James Diamond.” Out the corner of her eye, Mickey saw James point to himself. She needed to move, she needed to leave, but weights in her legs kept her rooted to the spot despite the alarm bells going off in her mind.
“Sign ‘ere.” The deliveryman shoved the plant into Mickey’s hands and removed the clipboard from beneath his arm. James quickly scrawled his signature at the bottom of the paper and handed the clipboard back. The deliveryman lifted his cap in a halfhearted gesture grumbled, “Have a bee-utiful day”, and walked away.
Humming, James closed the door, pinching the sleeve of Mickey’s white and navy stripped shirt to tug her out the way. With puckered eyebrows he took the plant out of her hands, turning the cream-colored base side to side, studying the long blades of the plant. “Oooh! What’s this?” Eyes settling on the white card wedged between a few blades, he set the plant down on the dinner table and plucked it. With a twist of his wrist, he turned the card around, eyes scanning the line of text on it.
Mickey took the chance to tiptoe towards the door. She knew exactly how long it would take him to read the short note written on the cardstock. She knew exactly how long it would take him to read it again. And if she moved fast enough, she could be out the door and safe and be back at her apartment cuddled up with her ferret and he’d be none the wiser and she’d be safe.
James’s hoot of excitement dashed her hopes when he raced over to her, grasped her shoulders, and shook her, sending her blue and black locks shooting forward and back. “Do you know what this is?” She didn’t get a chance to get a word out when he continued speaking, “It’s a secret admirer note! I have a secret admirer!” She stumbled away when he let her go, grasping onto the dinner table to keep from falling over as her world tilted and swirled. Blinking a few times, she waited for her eyes to stop rolling and her legs to keep her firmly planted on the ground. Only when she righted herself did she notice the smirk curling on James’s lips and the sparkle shinning in his hazel eyes. “Well, I wonder who the lucky lady is getting a first-class seat on Air Diamond. Destination: love!”
…Huh. Mickey pressed her lips together, straining to keep away the curl of…something she didn’t want to name which fought to appear on her face. Not only ten minutes ago he tried to put the moves on her and now he was up and ready to find some other girl? Then what was the whole point? Something stirred in her stomach, a sour bubbling led to a crackling beneath her skin. A livewire, making her fingers twitch against the table.
“—Okay, let’s go!”
Crap. She hadn’t been listening to him. She looked up at him from behind her curtain of hair. “Go where?”
“My secret admirer is out in the Palm Woods somewhere and you’re gonna help me find her.”
Her breath knocked out of her all at once when his words landed on her. No, no, no! He wasn’t supposed to do that! He wasn’t supposed to try and trail it back to the sender. The note was anonymous for a reason! Wasn’t that the whole point of a secret admirer? The idea stoked her panic and had her uttering in a pitchy squeak, “What!? Me!? Why me?”
“Because you’re a girl and you can send out your girl signals to help me figure out who it is.” He wiggled his fingers in her direction as he spoke.
She stared at him, an eye slowly closing to a squint as his words registered. “…Girls aren’t bats! We don’t have some sort of…girl…echolocation radar!” Make him change his mind, get him off the trail, do something!
“Maybe not. But you can’t say no to this smile.” James pointed at his face, as if she somehow forgot what his smile looked like when his lips pulled back to let the dazzle shine through.
She swore she heard a record scratch sound off in her head. And she stared. She didn’t plan to, she didn’t want to, but it just…happened. The staring. When he smiled at her like that, it was if her brain went to mush and needed time to power down and process that a smile like that was directed at her. And the worst part? He knew how to work it and get her flimsy resolve to crack. It scattered at her feet, useless. “…Godammit.”
If possible, James’s smile shined brighter. The boy could light up all of Vegas with the wattage powering him. Mickey looked away, or else she’d do something she’d regret to wipe away that self-satisfied look in his eye.
The smug jerk.
Okay, okay, don’t panic Mickey, don’t panic! It’s just…a matter of putting everything into perspective. You sent James a plant. Just a plant. People send people plants all the time. No big deal. Okay, so there was a note too, but it was just a note. A nice note. Just something you’ve been thinking. People share thoughts all the time! It’s not a big deal! …But now he’s dragged you around the Palm Woods because he wants to find whoever sent him the plant. Because of course he wasn’t going to let it go, you big time dumbass! You could probably tell him that you sent it and end this…but then he’d probably blow that out of proportion and—
“Okay! Do you remember the plan?” James popped out from behind the line of bushes around the Palm Woods pool, a tree hat sitting comfortably on his head.
Lifting herself up next to him, Mickey spat out a few leaves coating her tongue and brushed away the few sticking to her hair. “Is the hat really necessary?”
“Yes! All of our good plans involve tree hats!” Mickey’s mouth turned to the side. Since when have their plans turned out well? Or could be called good? The boys somehow manage to turn doing nothing into complete chaos and James thinks their plans work? The boy really did float along on a cloud of his own ego. “By the way, I got you one too.” James pulled a hat from seemingly out of nowhere.
Mickey frowned at it. “You know I can’t wear it. Hats don’t fit over my hair.”
“Oh, I thought about that. I got it a size bigger. And!” He flipped it over, pointing at the interior. “I custom ordered it. The inside is lined with satin so it won’t pull on or damage your hair.”
Stunned, it took a second for her to reach out and take the hat, carefully placing it over her hair and, whaddya know, it fit perfectly. “Thanks James,” she said with a soft smile.
His shoulders bounced in a jaunty shrug. “No problem.” Then he reached out, wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and drew her into his side. A strangled sound rumbled in her chest and a flush darkened her cheeks, the one squished against his pec. Electricity shot down her arm, right beneath his soft grip, but that was nothing to worry about. Just a static shock. “Now remember: you go over to the Jennifers, strike up a conversation, and then I’ll slip in and close the deal.”
“Yeah, but James, this is the seventh girl you’ve tried.” Mickey lifted her hand and started counting on her fingers. “You’ve already called that Annie girl who you thought was a mermaid, you called Heather Fox, you texted Mercedes—”
“How could she not want this”—he gestured wildly to his face—“as one of her potential boyfriends? How could she not pick me? Huh? How?”
“—then there was that Muffy girl who you say tried to kill you—”
“Yes, but that was only when I was a vampire,” James supplied.
Mickey studied his face, trying to find any hint of jest only to come up empty. Anyway! “After that you tried some Penny Lane girl who you say was a spy.” She jerked her thumb over her shoulder. “You just tried with Sunblock Girl—”
“Yeah, that still stings,” James mumbled, rubbing at a slightly reddened eye. “She has good aim with that sunscreen.”
“—and then there was that contest winner. Tiffany? Or Jeanette? …Which one did you end up calling anyway?”
James made a face. “I don’t know. Tiffnette?”
Mickey slapped her palm against her face and pulled her features down. This boy. “I’m just saying, you’re zero for seven. Why don’t you quit while you’re behind? Isn’t the secret admirer part supposed to be kept a secret?”
James swung his head around to face her, his bottom lip pulled up into an angry pout. “If I wanted someone to make things make sense, I would’ve brought Logan with me.”
“Logan’s on a double with Carlos.”
“I know!” he all but shouted, eyes blazing, “Don’t remind me! Everyone else gets to be so happy! When’s it gonna be my turn, hmm? Don’t I deserve to be happy too? It’s not like pretty people don’t have problems!” Mickey bit the inside of her cheek. She wasn’t going to touch that. “And right now, my problem is that I’m not dating a Jennifer. Now get over there and help me.”
“Which one do you want me to ask?”
“Yes!” He pushed at her shoulder and she stumbled sideways, catching her balance before eating it on the cement around the pool. Grumbling, she yanked off her tree hat and tossed it over to James.
Curling and uncurling her fingers, Mickey counted every step she took as she got closer to the Jennifers. They sat around their table by the cabanas as always, drinking identical pink smoothies, scripts held up to their faces. Mickey blew out a breath through her pursed lips. It wasn’t that she and the Jennifers didn’t get along, they were nice…enough. She liked Jennifer 3, sometimes they talked about hair treatments or what skincare products to use for dark marks. But it was hard to get her away from the other Jennifers so their conversations were few.
In unison they arched their brows, lowered their scripts, and removed their large, round sunglasses from their faces. Mickey’s attempt at a smile stalled halfway beneath their perfect, poreless, pristine auras. They sat cast in a golden outline, as if a permanent spotlight illuminated them. And there she stood by comparison, rusted silver, barely. It’s no wonder James insisted it had to be one of them.
“Hey guys,” Mickey greeted them, shoved her curled hands into her pockets. She rocked back and forth on her heels and used her chin to point towards the bound pages on the table. “New scripts?”
“We have an audition coming up for Savannah Louisiana: normal girl by day, singing spy by night,” Jennifer 1 explained, her lips curling in a pleased smile.
“Yeah, but why are you studying them today? I figured you’d have some sort of date or something. It is Valentine’s Day.”
“We need to give the boys of the Palm Woods time to think they have a chance with us,” Jennifer 2 said. With a sweep of her arm, she motioned to the piles, buckets, and of flowers, teddy bears, and wrapped gifts surrounding them. An easel nearby held looked like a large poster of the three Jennifers but was really, upon closer inspection, made out of M&Ms in varying colors.
Mickey let out a low whistle at the sight of it. Talk about dedication. “…Don’t know how I missed that,” she mumbled. Out the corner of her eye she spotted James removing his tree hat and whipping out a handheld mirror to check his hair. He winked at his reflection and cocked a finger gun. A flash of irritation coursed through her. “So…you have a lot of admirers.”
“Of course we do,” Jennifer 3 said, shoving her sunglasses into her hair. She spoke as if the notion was obvious. Which it probably was for them. They probably got mountains of cards and gifts back in school, being the envy of the hallways. Mickey knew that type well; her sister Sammi was one of them.
“Did you give any out?”
The three girls shared a look and burst out laughing. Mickey tugged at her hair again, fighting off the familiar unsettling pooling in the pit of her stomach at their laughter for asking such a question. “We don’t give out admirer notes. We just get them,” Jennifer 2 corrected, a slight sneer curling her lip and wrinkling her nose. “We have a reputation to uphold. We’re not desperate.”
She ignored the sting of their unintentional dig, spotting James walking towards the Jennifers with an odd pattern to his steps. As if he listened to bouncy disco music only he could hear. Oh no, oh no, oh no! Clearing her throat, Mickey lifted her voice, eyes darting back and forth between the Jennifers and James, “So…you’ve never sent out admirer gifts to anyone? Ever? Not even today?” James continued his approach. Geeze, how could he not hear her? Even the Jennifers caught onto the stilted wave of her questioning.
“No,” Jennifer 3 replied, eyes squinting. “And even if we did we wouldn’t wait until the last minute.”
“Besides, we have dates with the Owens Brothers tonight. They’re taking us to Nobu,” Jennifer 2 added, rolling back her shoulders.
Mickey’s head tilted to the side. “Weren’t they just cast in Savannah Louisiana?”
Jennifer 1 smirked. “Yep.”
“Ladies,” James trilled, sliding into view. Their faces remained unimpressed. “Don’t you look beautiful today. You know I really admire how you get your hair so shiny. I can even see myself in it. And I look good.” Mickey elbowed him in the side when he reached up to fix his hair and hit him with a hard stare. Just get this over with, please! “Right! Yeah, so, anyway, speaking of Valentine’s, I’m going to offer one of you ladies the chance to ride on Air Diamond, non-stop express to Love Island.” He reached into his back pocket and pulled out the note. Mickey lifted her thumb to her mouth, raking her teeth against the edge, taking great interest in Buddha Bob powering up his hedge clippers. “By the way, thanks for the plant and the note. Maybe we can break out the aloe and pamper each other.” Mickey put her hand up to her face, hiding the way her mouth twisted.
“We didn’t send you a secret admirer note, James,” Jennifer 2 told him in bored tones.
“What?” James’s face immediately fell. “You didn’t?”
“Of course not!” Jennifer 1 said with a scoff.
“You heard her, it’s not them, let’s go!” Mickey heard how shrill her voice had become around her thumb, but she didn’t care. She grasped his arm to move him; he didn’t budge, save for the muscle bulging beneath her hand. She snatched her hand away as if it were on fire, much like her face.
Frowning, James looked over the card again. “Well, if you didn’t, who did?”
Don’t look at me, don’t look at me, don’t look at me! Mickey bit her thumbnail so hard it popped and cracked between her teeth. Jennifer 3’s eyes slid over to her, her eyebrows lifting. Mickey’s eyes widened and she turned her head a couple inches to the left and then to the right. An amused expression passed through Jennifer 3’s face only to be replaced with a mask of indifference in the blink of an eye.
“Do we look like we care?” Jennifer 2 asked. “Now move, you’re blocking the views of the envious girls who wish they were us.” She waved her hand in a shooing gesture, putting her sunglasses back on. Jennifer 1 and Jennifer 3 mimicked her gesture.
“See? They didn’t send it. You’ve tried every girl at the Palm Woods. Now can we go?” Mickey turned to leave, stopping only when James grabbed her by the crook of her elbow.
“Yeah, every girl at the Palm Woods,” James repeated. Lifting his finger, he continued, “We haven’t tried the Palm Woods Park yet.”
The alarm bells returning, clanging louder than before. “I don’t want to go to the park. I want the ice cream that’s waiting for me.”
“I’ll buy you some. Cookie dough’s your favorite, right?”
“Right, but—”
“Do you dare try to stop me on my love quest?” he demanded, pointing a finger in her face. Her eyes crossed trying to keep his finger in focus. Geeze, how was she supposed to answer that and not sound like a jerk? …Then again, that was probably the point. “Let’s go!” She watched James’s retreating back as he marched around the pool, heading for the exit.
Mickey slowly turned to the Jennifer’s. Her eyes flickered across their faces, shoulders sagging. “…Who told you?” she slowly asked.
“Carlos,” they replied in unison, smirking all the while.
Mickey’s head lolled back as she groaned. “Should’ve known.” He couldn’t keep a secret to save his life. And it wasn’t that she wanted to tell him in the first place, he wore her down with his questioning when she called to ask, hypothetically, what kind of flowers the guys would want if they were to get them. It was a gamble asking him, she knew, but they were buds and she’d get a straight answer from him regarding James. She took too big a risk and had to tell him something to keep him from talking. Bribing him with four vouchers to whale watch clearly only worked for so long (Aunt Kelly got showered with gifts from potential clients trying to sway her into making an offer all the time).
“Don’t be embarrassed,” Jennifer 2 said, “it’s cute that you’re trying to shoot so far out of your league.”
Mickey didn’t have time to address those wounding words; realization landed with a heavy thud, dragging her attention with it: if the Jennifers knew…who else knew?
“—And now, and now, he’s dragged me up and down and all around accosting some poor innocent girls trying to find his secret admirer and I don’t think he’s gonna quit!” Mickey paused her ranting to shove another spoonful of tiramisu into her mouth. She chewed the beignet piece, swallowed, and continued, “See, see, it’s this…this stupid holiday. It makes everyone go crazy. Hallmark just haaad to go and make people read into everything and think that this one day was super important and everyone had to go and choke one each other’s love fumes. What ever happened to people wanting to be nice to other people? I don’t need one day to do that. Okay, maybe I could’ve picked a better day to send the dang plant, but I wasn’t supposed to be there when he got it! And who said Valentine’s Day is all about relationships anyway? It’s for friends too! James is my friend. I, as a friend, was trying to cheer a friend up! You’ve seen how Uncle Gustavo has been on him lately!” Jazz and Kendall stared at Mickey, taking long drags of the sparkling cider bubbling in their glasses. Mickey glared at them. “Are either of you going to say something?”
The two glanced at each other and simultaneously removed the straws from their mouths and leaned forward to set their glasses down on the red and black picnic blanket. Kendall leaned back on his palms, crossing one ankle over the other, and gave her a hard look. Jazz, instead, chuckled and shook her head. “I only have five words for you.” She held up a fist and extended a finger with each word. “I. Told. You. So.”
Mickey’s nose wrinkled. “That’s four words.”
Jazz leaned forward and smacked her open palm against Mickey’s forehead. “Dumbass!” Smiling sweetly beneath Mickey’s glare she added, “That’s five,” and popped a salmon-topped crostini into her mouth.
“Why don’t you just tell James you sent him the plant?” Kendall asked.
“Why do people keep asking me that?” Mickey said through gritted teeth. Because it’s the obvious solution, dummy, her thoughts screamed back at her; she shoved it aside. “You know James better than I do,” she said, jabbing a spoon in his direction. “You know what he’s like. If he’s this rabid just trying to find his secret admirer, he’ll be worse if he found I sent it to him. Because then he’ll want to know why I sent it to him and then I’ll have to say—”
“That you like him?” Jazz offered. She held up her hands when Mickey brandished the spoon in her direction. “I’m just sayin’.”
Mickey dug the spoon back into the glass of tiramisu, the utensil clanged against the side of the glass. It sounded so simple coming out of her mouth but it just…wasn’t. She wasn’t even sure what name to put on her feelings for James. They were positive, mostly. She could admit that. He was funny and fun and sweet and loyal and supportive. But then his ego swelled and all that got eclipsed by his narcissistic, shallow, and self-centered tendencies. Though that wasn’t what made her pay attention to him in the first place, his advances aside.
No, it was that look in his eye when he hit a particularly difficult note with ease. That satisfied smile on his face when he completed a dance sequence with moves so sure it was like he floated on the music. It was the drive powering him through recording sessions, take after take after take, even though he nailed it back on the third because it wasn’t up to his standards and his level of perfection. It was the pride burning through his chest and the passion shining in his smile when he wrote and composed a song, pouring his heart into the process. It was the ease of which he laid out his vulnerabilities and didn’t apologize for it or for his existence.
But he made it complicated. Baseline, she did like James. She liked all the guys of Big Time Rush, even if they came with a hurricane of chaos. But liking James and liking James were two different things and it was much easier to face one than the other. That’s what the aloe plant was for, to say what she couldn’t and didn’t want to face. She could give away any sort of feelings she had for him with the plant and didn’t have to look at it ever again.
Besides, it wasn’t like James was serious with his come-ons. The advances were just to bide his time; she knew that; it was how he worked. He bounced around from girl to girl like a bee searching for pollen. And she was just one flower in a field, a baby’s breath next to a rose. No, this was much easier.
Well, as easy as things could be when she spent all afternoon hovering around girls sitting in the lobby waiting for a thumbs up or a thumbs down, pretending to get candy from the vending machine to scope out potential suspects, and sitting by the elevator with a hockey stick waiting to trip up any guy who could get in the way of James and his “destiny” with guilt rolling a bigger rock in her stomach as time went on.
See, this is why she hated Valentine’s Day.
“And why an aloe plant?” Kendall asked.
Mickey dragged the spoon around the remnants of the empty dessert flute, licked the chocolate ganache off the scoop, and set the glass aside, wiping her mouth off with the back of her hand. “Because you can cut open an aloe plant and use the extract to heal scrapes, treat burns, and for basic skin care. Plus, if you want, you can add it to your smoothies for an extra boost of Vitamin C or for an aid in digestive health,” Mickey replied.
“So, it’s perfect for James.” Kendall nodded. “You must really like him.” Kendall laughed when Mickey swatted at him.
“Thanks for keeping it a secret, sis,” Mickey said, turning to Jazz.
“Hey, I don’t keep secrets from Kendall. Especially not about this,” Jazz said.
“Why is this the exception?”
Jazz smirked. “Because this is fun for me.” She took another long sip of cider, turning her eyes skywards. Mickey made a mental note to look into getting a rubber snake for their next birthday. See how Jazz liked that bit of fun. When Jazz reached for the plate holding the pie piece, Mickey snatched it away from her. “Dude,” Jazz uttered.
“No pie for you!” Mickey made a show of stabbing the pie piece with a fork and shoving the broken section off in her mouth. Dang, she was good. She mentally patted herself on the back for having the foresight to leave an entire other pie in the fridge back at Aunt Kelly’s apartment.
“You can share mine,” Kendall said, offering Jazz his plate.
“Don’t be mad at me because you’re too much of a chicken shit to tell James,” Jazz said, sticking out her tongue.
Mickey scoffed. “Easy for you to say! You and Kendall have been dating basically since you met each other!” The thing was, at the time, Jazz and Kendall didn’t realize they were dating. But what else could it be called when they spent nearly every day for the past year texting, facetiming, and emailing each other when they were apart and then going to the movies, going skateboarding, scheming, playing guitar at the recording studio, and going for walks when they were together? If you wanted one, you’d find the other. By the time they jointly announced they were dating, it was more of the sake of convenience than a need. None of them—Mickey, her sisters, and the rest of the boys of Big Time Rush—batted an eyelash about it. As far as they could see, it was inevitable.
“Look, James is my bud,” Kendall said, “And I want him to be happy. And I think you two overdramatic weirdos could be happy together.”
Mickey scoffed, not bothering to hide the offense on her face. “I’m not overdramatic.”
Kendall’s eyebrows rose. “Oh really?” He reached out and smacked the pie plate out of her hands.
“My pie!” Mickey screeched, watching in dismay as it landed upside-down on the grass. “You monster!” Kendall pressed his lips together, giving her a pointed stare with his green eyes. “There is no such thing as being overdramatic about food,” she grumbled, crossing her arms.
“Mickey, why is it so bad for James to know how you feel?” Jazz asked.
Mickey pulled at a few blades of grass, twisting her mouth to the side. Sheesh, where could she start with that?
“Well, it’s not Katie,” James announced, dropping onto the blanket next to Mickey. Three pairs of eyes swiveled in his direction as he rocked from side to side, grasping two small cups of ice cream. “She even laughed in my face, which was kind of rude.” Speaking out the side of his mouth, in a stage whisper, he added, “I think she’s in denial.” With a little laugh, he shrugged his shoulders and held out a cup for Mickey.
“No luck then?” Kendall asked. Mickey squinted at him. He stared back innocently. She didn’t buy it. He was a planner for a reason. What was he up to? The nudge of James’s elbow to her side broke her stare. She accepted the cup with a fleeting smile and dug into the ice cream for a large chunk of cookie dough near the surface.
“No. She’s really hiding. And I don’t get why. I mean why spend the day alone when you could spend the day with this?” Using his spoon, James gestured to his body, from crossed legs, up his torso, and in circles around his face. His head jerked back in a recoil as a bit of ice cream flew off the spoon and landed brushing ice cream against his nose. Mickey chuckled at the sight, reaching out to brush it off his nose. James in turn flashed an appreciative smile. She caught Jazz’s eye and dropped her hand to her lap.
“Well, it can’t be hard to trace the delivery back to the sender,” Kendall said nonchalantly.
A spike of fear shot down her spine. What? Mickey shoved her spoon too far in her mouth, scraping the back of her throat. A series of coughs made her double over, reddening her face, bringing tears to her eyes. Jazz and Kendall, the traitorous traitors, merely stared at her. If Mickey looked hard enough, she’d be able to see identical devil horns on their heads. James at least had the decency to rub circles between her shoulder blades. Not that his attention could be delayed from his love quest for too long.
“Keep talking,” James said.
“No, James, we should…we should get going,” Mickey said, pushing his arm. Her voice now took on a slight rasp. “We’re interrupting their date.”
“I mean call the place,” Kendall hurried, a sparkle in his eye. “Ask for the person who delivered the flowers and get a name from them.”
“Or at least get the name of the person who paid for it,” Jazz added.
“Isn’t there some sort of privacy in place?” Mickey asked, silently sending them mental waves to shut up! “You know, for nosy busybodies?”
“Not if they have a kid who just so happens to like Big Time Rush and wouldn’t mind getting free tickets to our next concert,” Kendall said with a simple shrug of his shoulders.
“Jazz, your boyfriend’s trying to sell his soul,” Mickey tattled, jabbing her finger in Kendall’s direction.
Jazz made a meh sound. “As long as the outside of him stays the same I don’t think I’d notice a difference.”
“Nice,” Kendall muttered. His brief frown turned into a smile when Jazz leaned over and kissed his cheek.
James dug into his pocket, removing his phone with bright eyes. Mickey’s eyes darted around, searching for any sort of escape from the gnawing hole in her stomach. Do something, do something, do something! Lunging forward, Mickey grabbed James’s phone, drew back her arm, and threw it. Silence settled over the group like a thick, heavy, wool blanket. Calmly, Mickey scooped another spoonful of ice cream into her mouth. Only when she swallowed did she look at their bewildered expressions and said, “Spasm. Sorry.” Then she sat up straight. “Oh look! There’s Jo!” Internally she cringed at foisting James off onto one of her friends but, well, desperate times, desperate measures. He scurried away in the blink of an eye and Mickey repeatedly hit her forehead with her fist.
“You know what I think?” Jazz asked.
“That I’m in Hell?” Mickey replied, her dull words directed down towards her lap.
Jazz snorted. “No, but you deserve however this ends.”
Mickey peeked up at them from beneath her lashes. “How’s the air up on your high horse?”
Kendall and Jazz grinned. “Sweet.”
“I’m not your secret admirer,” Lucy said the minute she opened her apartment door. Looking up at James, she crossed her arms and quirked an eyebrow, effectively killing the expectant smile on his face in one shot.
“How’d you know that’s what I was gonna ask you?” he asked.
Rolling her eyes, Lucy said, “Because it’s all over the Palm Woods that you’re asking every girl if they’re your secret admirer. Honestly, I don’t blame them for keeping it a secret. You’re getting a little intense.” Lucy was going to get a fruit basket, Mickey decided. The swell of pride growing within her for having such a sensible friend ebbed away as fast as it came when Lucy’s eyes shifted over to her. “And why’re you helping him?” Lucy continued, pointing a finger in James’s direction.
“…I have girl radar or something,” Mickey replied, cringing at the rasp still affixed to her words. It was a lot easier to verbalize that than her spine being as soft as Jell-O.
Lucy blinked and shook her head. “Okay, even if that were a thing, that doesn’t make sense.”
“You know I don’t make sense,” James said. “Besides, love doesn’t have to make sense. I just want a Valentine. Why is that so bad?”
“You can’t coerce people into being what you want just because you want it,” Lucy said.
“…If I knew what that word meant I’d say ‘yes I can’!”
“You realize you’re encouraging this right?” Lucy asked Mickey.
She nearly laughed aloud. Maybe Lucy was right on paper but the lengths she’d gone through the whole day would say otherwise. Aside from throwing his phone any time he got it out, she nearly had to tackle James to keep him away from Logan, Camille, Carlos, and Stephanie when they crossed paths in the lobby (of which she then had to dodge another make-out offer as she got off him), she got a nasty shock to her foot kicking out the plug to the computers, and nearly blew herself into the pool with Bhudda Bob’s industrial leaf blower in her attempts to blow James away from Sandy and Mandy Simms (honestly that was for his own good. He wasn’t going to address them by the right names, and she knows firsthand how annoying that was).
Instead, Mickey mumbled. “Trust me, his one-track mind doesn’t need any of my help,”
“Yeah!” James nodded.
“So, you don’t find it odd you haven’t had any luck finding this girl?” Lucy asked. “Assuming it’s a girl.”
“It’s a girl!” James insisted, his voice tightening.
“Fine.” Lucy leaned against the doorway, eyes shifting between the two. “Still. It has to be someone around here, right?”
“Lucy,” Mickey all but growled through clenched teeth.
Lucy ignored her. “I don’t know why they’d want to be shy about it. I mean, you are James Diamond of Big Time Rush, after all.” Out the corner of her eye Mickey spotted James standing up straighter, propped up by her words. “Then again, girls know not to step on another girl’s territory…”
Mickey wanted her fruit basket back.
“What do you mean?” James asked.
“I mean you’ve been hanging out with Mickey all day, right? Girls might think she’s called dibs on you. Give them more of a reason to stay anonymous.” Mickey strained hard to keep her head facing forward, the expression on her face neutral beneath James’s penetrating gaze. She tucked her shakings hands into the crooks of her arms and evened out her breathing. And Lucy, all the while, held the tight-lipped smile of someone guarding a laugh. Waving her hand, Lucy stood straight, “But I could be wrong. What do I know? I don’t have a Valentine”—James moved to open his mouth—“not that I’m looking for one! You’re already taken.”
“There’s plenty of me to go around,” James insisted.
“I’m not into sharing.” Snickering, Lucy grasped her door and moved to close it. “Well, have fun on your little date.”
Mickey’s relieved sigh of “Thanks” quickly shifted over to her indignant shout of, “Wait, no! This isn’t a date!” Her words bounced harmlessly off Lucy’s closed door.
“Whatever!” Lucy called from the other side.
Pulling her lips inwards, Mickey slowly turned, steeling herself for…something. A suggestive comment, a flirty smile, swagger pouring out of his, well, pores. Not…this. The rounding of his shoulders, balancing an invisible weight, the shadow blanketing the sparkle in his eyes, the sharp rise and fall of his chest rather than the steady sureness and puffed preening. Releasing her lips, they fell into a soft frown. “James?” She reached out, her fingers grazing his arm. His head snapped up, eyes settling on her face, and with a blink of his (unfairly!) long lashes, the light returned to his eyes.
“Hey, no, I’m good. Let’s take a break. I'm getting hungry.”
She didn’t bother to point out he’d already eaten ice cream, because eating sounded like a good idea. She needed food. She needed to stop the gnawing in her stomach in ways only food could satiate. The hole opened, allowing more room for guilt and shame around the pie and tiramisu and ice cream she’d already consumed. Better to eat something else before the black hole ate her. At least that way, if she was full, there was no room for anything else.
It wasn’t that she didn’t want the sandwich James prepared. He even remembered not to put mayonnaise on hers; not even the guys at Subway could manage that. (Okay, so she kind of mumbled when she had to place orders so it was easy to confuse ‘tomato’ for ‘mayo’ and she could have corrected them but that was more trouble than it was worth.) Despite the clawing deep in the pit of her stomach she couldn’t make herself eat, not with the waves of despair rolling off James, threatening to drown her. He kept his smile, but it was tight lipped, half-blown, wrong.
He leaned against the refrigerator, one leg crossed over the other at the ankle, shoulders pressing against the glass, holding his weight up, taking steady sips from a juice box. One arm wrapped tight around his torso, as if trying to hug himself.
Mickey picked at the sandwich, tearing little bits of bread and turkey breast and lettuce only to smoosh it into little spheres, littering her plate. James left his untouched.
“Is there something wrong with me?” James had lifted his mouth from the straw; the red from the juice darkened them. He wiped his mouth with the back of his palm, he set the juice box down. “I mean, there can’t be much wrong with me, right?”
“Uhhhh….” Mickey flicked a few of the sandwich spheres around her plate.
“I just don’t get it,” James continued as if she didn’t say anything, as if she weren’t in the room. “Why is it so easy for everyone else? I mean, Kendall. Right? We move here and right away Kendall gets Jo. And then Logan gets Camille…” He held his hand in the air and waved it side to side. “Kind of. And then Carlos has his thing with Stephanie. And then Kendall and Jo break up. But then we meet you guys and, well, you know Kendall and Jazz.” James drummed his fingers against the cardboard on the juice box. “…Kendall has it all. You know? The family, the friends, the girl.” Mickey zeroed in on that one word. Girl. Not girls. “And he didn’t even try for it. Not really. It falls into his lap.” The gnawing in her stomach grew though she couldn’t bring herself to eat anything, no matter how hard it screamed for food. A lump rose in her throat; she curled her trembling fingers into her palms. “Yeah, maybe I’ve been with girls. But lately I see Logan and Carlos and Kendall and they’re with girls. And I want that, I guess. And then this plant came…” Setting aside the juice box, he shifted and leaned forward, resting his elbows against the breakfast bar Mickey sat at, peering at the aloe plant. The minute he reentered 2J he picked it up and turned it around and around in his hands, as if searching for some sort of hidden compartment on it and discarded it as if it had personally offended him. Now he stared at it so hard she swore it’d eventually catch fire. “I thought maybe this was my chance for…something. I mean, my parents didn’t care much about spending time with me until I got out here. And even then, I don’t see my mom much. She doesn’t ask about all this.” He spun his finger in the air, encircling the room. His cheeks squished when he propped them up on his fists. Mickey’s leg bounced against the footrest of the bar stool. And even as her body tensed, begging her to run, she sat, enthralled, in a sick game of chicken. “Maybe it was a joke. Or I’m the joke, for thinking…” Silence ticked by, each pulse pounding Mickey over the head: say something do it, do it now, talk!
Her lips trembled, whether from the onslaught of his words, the ease and content of laying himself bare without a second thought, or the pressure rising within her chest. Lowering her head, she dug her fingers into her hair, curling them around the shafts, tugging hard. The pain was a brief relief, sharp and pointed; something to focus on than her whirling thoughts. Except for one, niggling at the back of her mind, roaring louder until she pinpointed Jazz’s voice:
Why is it so bad for James to know how you feel?
It wasn’t that. It was the after. What happens afterwards, what he would do, could do, with the feelings she gave for him on a platter. And she hated it, the not knowing, not having control after the words left her mouth, having to just stand there and open up her chest and hope and pray he’d be delicate.
You don’t know anything about me, she’d always say, a perfect deflection to his inquiries on her constant rebuffs. Shorthand for what she really wanted to say: you don’t care. But he did, he proved it all day: he knew her hair schedule, he knew her hair was important enough to her to get her a cap she could wear, he knew her favorite ice cream choice, he knew her sandwich preferences, he put aside his goal to check on her well-being, he prepared her favorite snacks when he knew she’d be alone. Even if it came with a string attached, he thought about it, thought about her. She rejected it but it didn’t stop him from laying it all out there, from going after what he wanted, from trying again and again and again, diving in with both feet without apologizing for it, without apologizing for feeling and being.
That’s truly why she hated the occasion, Valentine’s Day, because it gave everyone else the courage to be raw, be real, and she couldn’t manage it.
But as she sat there, simmering in James’s admission, wondering how someone like him could think he was a joke for allowing himself to be hopeful, she still admired him. How could she not? He was James Diamond, unapologetically.
“James.” She heard the shake in her voice and made herself remain steady, even as the bounce in her leg increased. He looked at her, face so open. Her heart sighed. “…I sent the plant.”
He didn’t react right away, just stared at her, hazel eyes meeting russet. She clasped her hands, bringing them up to her mouth, biting down on both thumb nails. He blinked, sucked in a breath, and slowly leaned back until he stood tall.
“…You’re my secret admirer.”
Mickey leaned back, dropping her hands into her lap, skin lightening beneath her hard grip. “Yeah.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
She let out a little laugh, sheepish and incredulous combined. Because she was a jerk? Because she was an idiot. Because she was scared. All of the above? “Because I was the only person you didn’t ask, dummy!”
James blinked. “Oh.” He looked at the plant, at her, back at the plant, and got the note out of his pocket. His thumbs smoothed out the creased and bent cardstock and then held it out to her. She took it and put it aside; she didn’t need to read it. She had the words memorized; she’d agonized over what to add for days until she came up with the finished product. She didn’t care about that, she cared about now, what he would do now. As his lips parted, ready to speak again, she forced herself to stay put. All instincts told her to run, to hide, she still had time to save herself. She stayed still. “I guess…I didn’t think to ask. I mean, I never thought you’d…admire me.” He said the last part slowly, as if testing the weight of the words on his tongue.
Her shoulders sagged with her accompanying sigh. Okay, that wasn’t too bad. She tugged on the ends of her hair, pulling from mid-length down to the ends, over and over, avoiding his eyes. “James…I-I admire a lot about you. I don’t know how people can’t. I mean you…you have this drive that I’ve never seen in anyone before. And you have so much passion behind it. Even with Gustavo being hard on you lately, you still come back the next day ready to work with this…this fire. I’ve seen you go through so much and the whole time you’re…you’re you. You’re so comfortable being yourself, wholly, fully, and you don’t feel the need to apologize for it. I wish I was like that sometimes.”
“Oh.” He sure liked that word.
Head tilted downwards, she still stroked her hair, but peeked up at him. His eyes had widened and something in his face stilled. Did she say something wrong? God, this was why she didn’t do things like this, didn’t put herself out there. Crap, she messed everything up! The paralyzing hold on her eased, allowing a painful stab to hit her right in chest. She swiveled her hips to the side, turning the stool top, ready to jump down.
“Hold on.” James reached out, hand resting on her shoulder. She stopped, held her breath, and watched with crinkled brows when he walked stiffly to the bathroom and closed the door. What the…? Her eyebrows bunched even further at the flurry of movement on the other side of the door. If she closed her eyes, she could almost see him flailing. The door swung open and James walked back out calmly, cheeks reddened.
Her eyes ping-ponged between him and the bathroom. She was almost afraid to ask. “Did…did you just do a happy dance?”
“What? Me? No! Of course not!” James scoffed, waving his hand in the air, failing at keeping the smile off his flushed face. “Can I give you your gift now?” His words collided in a rushed slur.
She blinked, jarred from the conversation whiplash. Oh. Oh. She thought…And to be sure she glanced over her shoulder where the indoor picnic had been left. “Was that not…?”
“No. I got you something else.” His long fingers gripped the countertop; he practically vibrated.
“Ok…ay.” This…was not what was supposed to happen. Was it?
James scurried off to the bedrooms and Mickey prepared herself for the usual gifts she received on such occasion, a card or oven mitts or an apron with Mickey Mouse decorated all over it because, well, it was obvious. Her name and her hobby in the same, how original! But she’d mastered the pleased smile years ago. It wasn’t that she didn’t like the gifts, clearly the thought was behind it and that’s what counted, but sometimes she wished people didn’t go for something so easy.
When James came back carrying…some white structure, which at first glanced looked like a miniature shelf, she didn’t know what to do with her face. She bet she looked half constipated and half bewildered. How attractive!
“It’s an indoor herb garden,” he supplied, filling in the large blank in her head. She gaped, heart thudding a steady rhythm against her ribcage. “You always said you were upset Kelly’s apartment didn’t have a place for you to grow stuff. Now you can. Look!” He turned the box around and pointed to a list in small print. “It comes with spices too. It has basil, parsley, oregano, rosemary, thyme, and mint.”
A low buzzing sounded in her ears. It took her time to place it, that thrumming content. But when she did it amplified, an electric current running through her, so palpable that when their fingers brushed as she accepted the box, sparks popped at her fingertips. “Thank you.” It was soft and tender; all she could manage while trying to contain herself.
“You’re welcome. I’m glad you like it.”
Like wasn’t the right word but she wasn’t ready for that, nowhere near it. Hugging the box to her chest, she chanced a glance at him. “What happens now?” She hadn’t meant to blurt it out so suddenly, but she had to know. Needed to know. “I’ve never…I mean, this thing…” Words failed her. Instead, she dragged a finger in the space between them.
Luckily, James caught on. “Neither have I,” he admitted. “But I want to try. I like you.”
A buzz thrummed within her at his directness. “I don’t get why considering I’ve been lying to you all day.” In fact, he was strangely…calm about it. Why wasn’t he angry with her?
“Well, yeah, that part kind of stinks,” he admitted, head bobbing from side to side, “but, the way I choose to look at it, you also went along with me all day when you could have left. Figured you have to like me a lot to go through all that trouble.” He paused and then his eyes widened.
Her pulse spiked. “What?”
“I just realized: this whole time, you were trying to keep people away because you want me all to yourself!” The swagger came back when he reached out tapped the tip of her nose; she almost missed it. “Not that I blame you.” Pointing at himself he added, “I wouldn’t want to give this away either.”
James’s beaming smile returned, eyes sparkling as if diamonds nestled within.
A wild sensation hit her at the sight of it: a sort of breathless elation, like climbing to the top of a mountain, being caressed by gentle winds only to sink into the crackling livewire of being so alive.
Mickey’s mouth opened and closed a few times, attempting to make words. Defeated, she pressed her lips together and rolled her eyes, her lips curling up into an unrestrained smile.
Mickey lifted her head from the sink; droplets of water rolled down her cheeks and curled beneath her chin. She dapped at her face with the hand towel nearby, set it aside, and turned to see Jazz leaning in the bathroom doorway, grinning from ear to ear. “So what?” she asked.
“You know what.” Her grin grew. “How did things with you and James end up? You didn’t say anything when Kendall and I came back to the apartment and you didn’t say anything on the bus ride back here. I want details. Spill.”
Mickey’s eyes rolled to the ceiling as she mulled it over. Jazz crossed her arms over her Richmond Braves pajama shirt. Mickey’s shoulders shook with suppressed laughter, stopping only when her phone vibrated in the pocket of her lounge pants. Holding up a finger, she removed it only to experience a flutter in her stomach at the sight of James’s name on her screen next to the blinking text icon. With a swipe of her thumb, she opened the text.
James: See you at the studio tomorrow! Mickey: I’ll be the chick with the bass behind ya
“I’ll tell you after Kelly gets back,” Mickey said. At Jazz’s annoyed sigh she added, “Look, I don’t want to tell the story three times.” Reaching over, she flipped off the light to the bathroom and brushed past her, running to jump on her bed. Jazz landed next to her a second later, cuddling a large stuffed teddy bear to her chest. On the other side of the room Sammi and Mel crowded onto Sammi’s bed. Sammi’s fingers deftly twisted through the braids in Mel’s hair, adding new length with the fresh purple extensions. Mel carefully lifted a forkful of strawberry rhubarb pie to her mouth, balancing the plate on her knee. “Besides, I want to know who her super-secret date was.”
“It’s Gustavo. We all know it was Gustavo,” Jazz insisted.
“Yeah right,” Sammi said with a shake of her head; her new clover earrings shook with each turn of her head. “That’ll never happen.”
“It could!”
Mel grabbed a pillow off Sammi’s bed and threw it at Jazz, nailing her in the face. Beneath their laughter, Mickey snuck a look at her phone again. James had texted twice, one with a smiley face and another with a video attachment. She tapped her thumb against the screen. The video pulled up, filling the screen, and in seconds she watched a mirror shot of him dancing and celebrating in the bathroom.
She grinned.
The smug jerk.
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ratchedspeach · 4 years
ANGST 9 & 46 WITH WHOEVER YOU FEEL LIKE WRITING FOR 🥺 hope you’re doing okay, i love u💗
“Did it mean anything to you? Did I mean anything to you?”, and “I can’t keep playing pretend.” A little Mildred/Edmund angst for your TL, some much needed relationship development, and a little of Huck being a puppy dog. Set directly following S1E6. TW// for very light mentions of child abuse. 
Night Light
“Get him out of here.”
Mildred turned before she could watch him be whisked away. There, clad in a leather straight jacket and muzzle, he looked more like a caged animal than a man. Not just any man, Mildred thought, her brother. The little boy who had come to her rescue all those years ago - the man who she had sworn an oath to protect. One and the same, and yet ... Mildred shook her head, swallowing hard against the tears prickling her lash-line. She honed in on the sound of her heels clicking against the pavement, on the way her breath hitched in her throat and pressed out through her lips. Under the guise of her nurse’s cloak, she could fold her arms across herself and pinch the skin near her elbow, and will Edmund’s shrill cries out of her head.
“Nurse Ratched! Mildred? Millie!”
Mildred slammed the door to the hospital behind her, pressing her back against it and shutting her eyes. Lucia State had an eery stillness to it at night. With patients confined to their rooms and most of the nurses and doctors on duty convening in the break room, she stood alone in the grandiose lobby. Mildred’s eyes flickered from the marble floors, to the blue trim of the curtains, to the windows just beyond which swallowed an entire wall. It looked more like a hotel than a hospital, Mildred thought, or like the last house her and Edmund had stayed in. It was too grand, too inviting a place for the horror she knew took place here -- the horror she herself was victim and proprietor of. It was then that Mildred realized, with a great deal of horror, that the past which she had worked so desperately tried to leave behind had found her, here, in the overbearing warmth of Lucia State Hospital. She could never be free, not really, for this hurt was the only life she knew. Something surged in Mildred’s belly -- warm, and heavy, and carrying with it the weight of remembering. No, she could never be free, and what’s more, she was still seeking exactly what it was she was running away from. So long as she felt tethered to Edmund, this hurt would remain.
“So they found him?” A voice, gentle and steadfast, pulled Mildred out of herself.
She shuttering a gasp while Huck was still out of earshot. “They are taking him to the cellars.”
Huck nodded, the puckered skin near his jawline twisting unnaturally at the disturbance, and yet a gentle smile graced his lips. Mildred envied him for his tranquility.
“And Dolly?” A beat. Mildred shook her head. Huck’s smile fell. “God. What a mess.”
Mildred could do little more but murmur her agreement before excusing herself and brushing past him. Huck took her wrist as she did, fixing her with a placid gaze and a knowing grimace. “Mildred,” he said, “I know that something is eating at you. I don’t know what, but I know it is no accident that you ended up here, and ... well ... what I’m trying to say is ...” Huck sucked in a deep breath, “should you need someone to talk to, I’m happy to listen.”
“Thank you, Huck.” Mildred smiled in spite of herself, small and perhaps a bit dishonest, but still warm in its feeble attempt.
Huck nodded, giving her wrist one more gentle squeeze before releasing her. Mildred, in her turn, did not move - not right away, at least. She held his gaze, as if to steal some of the tranquility there. In many ways, he reminded Mildred of Edmund. A younger, antiquated version of him; one which did not hold the vitriol of the man her brother had become. It dawned on Mildred what she must do.
“Would you ...” A false start. “There is something I need to do. Would you consider -”
“Name it.”
And so Mildred did.
The hallway to Edmund’s cell stretched before her like a funeral procession. It felt somehow longer to Mildred, though she had walked this same corridor countless times before. A leak from one of the pipes dripped a vicious taunt at her: your fault, your fault, your fault, it seemed to say. Huck stole glances at the woman, eyes flicking to and fro as though he were tracking a fly. He daren’t stare at Mildred, for he knew it would be met only with defense, and perhaps even offense.
“I’ll wait here for you.” He said instead when they reached the last security check. Mildred smiled her thanks.
Edmund sat where he always did - on the floor near his bed, trailing a finger through the rust colored dirt and debris on the ground. He did not look at her when she approached, but Mildred knew that he could sense her, as she would have were the roles reversed. They were conjoined in some way, sewn together by the string of experience. He was part of her, like an extension of her thumb, or the heel of her foot.
“That was quite a performance you put on out there.” Edmund drawled, finger still scraping the ground.
Mildred straightened a little, shifting as she clasped her hands in front of her. She fixed him with a glare, boring it into the back of his skull, but she did not speak. She would not treat him like a child, petulant as he may be. She would not be roped into this charade any longer.
“You even had me going for a minute there.” Edmund peeked over his shoulder, a smile simpering his features.
He was bating her, and she knew it.
“I suppose I should thank you, really. If it weren’t for you, I never woulda gotten out of here in the first place. You’re a miracle worker, Millie, an angel of -”
“Don’t you dare.” Mildred seethed when she could no longer resist his pinches. “Look at me.”
He didn’t not at first.
“Edmund. I said look at me.”
With a snort, Edmund shifted on the ground. He turned to look at her, sitting with his legs crossed and his hands on either knee. “Alright. I’m looking at ya. Now what?”
Mildred’s mouth gaped, pursing for a moment before she pressed them into a thin line. Now what? What had she expected from coming down here? What had she hoped to gain from this meeting with him? Did she think that he would apologize? That he would grovel at her feet? That she would take him in his arms and offer them both some reprieve from a world which had been so cruel to them? Mildred couldn’t say. Her eyes flicked to where Huck still stood, leaning against the security desk with his back turned. Her chest loosened, slightly, and only for a moment. It was short lived, as comfort often was for Mildred Ratched.
“So what is it, then?” Edmund breathed, eyes glinting, “Did you want me to apologize? Is that it, Millie?”
It snapped something in her. Mildred’s dark eyes went black and dull. Her palms squeezed tighter against one another so that her knuckles were white. Her mind began to race, and she was a little girl again - small and meager and utterly helpless, utterly taken by Edmund once more. He could swallow her whole here and now if he so chose, and she would be powerless to stop him.
“You killed a security guard.” Mildred spat the words like acid. “You endangered the wellbeing of countless patients, of the staff. You shot Gwendolyn -”
“Dolly did that.”
“Well you might as well have.” Her voice was breathy and unsupported. Mildred swallowed the lump in her throat. “We had a plan, Edmund. We had a plan, and it was foolproof; and you threw it away for what? For some girl. For some fanciful, naive imitation of love.”
“It was real.” Edmund snarled.
“It was not. It was not real, Edmund. It was ...” Mildred’s arms gripped across her waist. She knelt in front of him. Were it not for the bars that separated them, Mildred thought she might pull him onto her lap and stroke his hair. “I have spent years - years - searching for you, worrying about you, trying to save you. I have risked my life just to make sure that you were alright.”
“Awe, Millie.”
“Don’t you Millie me.”
The nickname felt like a black hole. It bore the remembrance of wooden spoons splintering across adolescent shins, of calloused hands over her stomach, of blood trickling down his face and neck and seeping into his clothing. Too cruel, the nickname felt, too seeped with history, too comfortable, too safe.
“You left me, Mildred.” Edmund smiled, full of vitriol and mirth. “You left me to take the fall for you.”
“You told me to run!”
“Yeah, well I didn’t think you would!” Edmund’s voice rose.
He pounced towards her then, sending Mildred teetering off her heels, and onto her hind, and skittering away by the palm of her hands. She could feel the thick must of the air suffocating her, could hear Huck shuffle a little, and then think better of moving closer. Mildred’s eyes stayed trained on her brother -- the boy in the cage -- the boy who had always been shackled to something or another for as long as she had known him. Only now it was different, because now it was not to her.
“Did it mean anything to you? Did I mean anything to you?” Mildred asked, and it dawned on her then that it was more rhetorical than earnest. She knew the answer, though she wished herself wrong.
Edmund didn’t respond. His fingers curled around the bars, nails eliciting a sinister scrape. He smiled again, a lowly, devious smirk that was more telling than anything he could have said.
“No.” Mildred chuckled humorlessly. “No, I see that now. I see that it is my folly. It was never about me, was it Edmund? It was always about you - about some silly fantasy you were trying to fulfill. I loved you, Edmund, and you threw me away. You lied to me.”
“I killed for you, Mildred. For you.”
His brow creased incredulously. It looked like he might try and push himself through the bars, and oh how Mildred wished it were to comfort her, to beckon her close, to fix the shattered parts of themselves, to glue them back into a whole. Even with this frivolous hope, Mildred saw the hunger behind his eyes - the dark, twisting selfishness with which he spoke.
“I can’t keep acting against my own moral compass for you. It’s too much, I don’t have it in me.” Mildred stood, brushing the dirt from her nurse’s uniform only to have it smudge streaks down the front of the canvas material. “Well no more, Edmund. I can’t keep playing pretend.”
And with that she was gone again, whisked away in a rush wind which seemed to carry her body separately from her soul. She could hear Edmund’s calls from behind her, could hear the way he slammed his fists against the bars echoing faintly somewhere in her mind, but it was too far away. It was too far, and she was too tired, and Edmund meant too much and too little all at once.
Huck pushed off the security desk as she approached, his good eye wide and searching. “Are you alright?”
Mildred’s breath dropped a little lower, a little more centered. Huck was all smooth lines and soft bends. He held none of the sharp corners which she or Edmund had.
“What was that all about?” Huck asked when she didn’t respond.
“I ...” Mildred started, but the words choked in her throat.
There was nothing she could say, really, for she knew the truth was that she was as culpable as Edmund was. Any indication towards him pointed in opposition towards her. Mildred’s breath went shallow and she swooned, eyes fluttering as her knees began to buckle. Huck caught her with strong, grounding arms. He murmured her name, held her up until she had regained strength.
“I’m fine.” Mildred brushed him off, but it was too forced, too urgent.
“Alright.” Huck said, swallowing his concern. He realized suddenly that he knew very little about the nurse, but still, he knew enough to deduce that she would not tell him anything. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”
With a final glance behind her, Mildred nodded, straightening and fixing a thin line across her lips. There was nothing left for her here, she thought, nothing left to keep her in this place, or anywhere else for that matter. An orphan once more, that what she was. Orphaned from her mother, and then Edmund, and now herself. A child lost in the dark. 
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badsithnocookie · 4 years
ok im curious about how ur OCs feel about party members i consider less likeable :P Eirn how do you feel about pierce and broonmark? Bestian how do u feel about corso?
Eirnhaya Illte, former Empire’s Wrath, on: Lieutenant Pierce, Imperial Special Operations:
Eirn frowns to herself as she chews on the question. ‘I… never saw eye-to-eye with him. Or- him, with me. He- wanted to fight. Enjoyed it.’ She winces guiltily, before adding, ‘I mean- the adrenaline rush, I- I get that. That’s not….’
She pauses, frowning to herself for a long moment as she tries to organise her thoughts. ‘He wasn’t- isn’t- an idealist. He didn’t care about the war - it was an excuse to fight.’
‘But,’ she sighs, ‘He knew his way around the ship’s ordnance better than anyone. He always knew what tools to use for the job. He was- useful,’ she finishes, wincing at the admission. ‘And…  I think he enjoyed the freedom I had from the Imperial bureaucracy. We could hit enemy targets without having to wait for permission from Moffs and Darths.’
She pauses again, before adding, ‘I don’t think either of us would have chosen his assignment. But I guess we were… useful to each other, for a while.’
On Broonmark:
‘I think,’ Eirn starts, slowly, ‘I always admired Broonmark. He knew what he was,’ she adds, ‘who he was, and he- relished in it. He followed me because he respected me-  that’s what he said, anyway, but- I think he would have left, if he hadn’t. He didn’t take orders, or suffer fools.’
She pauses, before adding, ‘I guess he was… very Sith, like that. I think… I envied that, too. He was- unchained,’ she finishes, her choice of words quite deliberate. ‘He was free.’
There’s another long pause, before she adds, ‘It was- what I was trying to explain to Jaesa, when I had her train with him. Except- looking back,’ she sighs, ‘She already knew that. I just- couldn’t see it.’
She chews on that for a moment, before changing direction entirely: ‘I think that- he would have left, eventually, even without Zakuul. He was- a lot like the Lieutenant, in a way. He enjoyed to fight - not just the hyalasha, but- the violence of it. The challenge of it. He stuck around because I found him fights. Worthy opponents. If I’d stopped doing that….’
She trails off, shrugging. ‘Maybe he’d have left. Maybe he’d have- really been like a Sith, and tried to kill me for it. I envied him a bit, but… I don’t think I ever trusted him.’
Bestian Myrric, proprieter of Port Nowhere, on: Corso Riggs
Bestian leans back in his chair, laughing to himself at the question. ‘Corso Riggs. Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a while. Not a bad kid. Strangely naive for a vet. I always got the feeling he would have been happiest on one of those farm planets, you know? Dantooine, somewhere like that. Wide open fields and village fairs and all that rural idyll crap.’
‘Fair play to the guy, he helped me out in a tough spot. Hard to be a spacer when you’re grounded, you know? And without him, I wouldn’t have…’ he pauses, gesturing around him to his private offices in Nowhere. ‘But between you and me?’
He smirks a little, before adding, ‘I never met anyone so square outside of Imp customs. Guy worked for a gun runner, but got squeamish at the first hint of danger. And then there was Miri. Contact of mine, thumbs her nose at the Imps a lot. Bumped into each other on Narsh, and we spent a few hours talking shop in a cantina. Farmer boy is scandalised that a twi woman runs on the wrong side of the tracks. Starts talking about how she deserves better and- well, you know how it goes. Long story short, that’s why you won’t find him around here.’
‘Last I heard, he was off doing some patriotic shit for the Republic. Good for him. Maybe he’ll get that farm he wants, some day. Might even get some sense knocked into him. Stranger things have happened.’
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I got the dea of the vessels because they were made by Seth (at least the sword and the key were) so they should have magical capabilitys. Do you know if what the wiki says aout the "Cursed Twi Swords" it's true? That they belonged to the Li's famliy? Then it shouldn't have more abilitys than that of the Demon. Or maybe the Li's being a "new rich" were gifted by Seth one of his magical items. The swords truly maximize Ly's envys, towards being the less magically talented in Survival MA.
Just because the swords weren’t made by Seth doesn’t mean that they wouldn’t have magical capabilities. I don’t know where the glass came from, but as we said earlier that also has powers independent of contracting. So it’s possible that even the ones Seth didn’t have a hand in have their own abilities for various reasons.
I don’t remember where it says that the Li’s owned the swords--I don’t doubt it, but as I don’t remember the context I can’t say much on that. Whether or not they had an effect on the family also remains to be seen. There’s no evidence that it made Ly envious, either--the sins associated with her in the Ma PV are vanity and gluttony.
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asthmatic-dodongo · 5 years
Fuck my life.
I can’t separate feelings of what I’m lacking vs what I want.
I’m not in a relationship. Why:
I’m trying not to fuck up my last AA semester. I will not be my father. I will finish this in a reasonable time frame.
I’m busy taking care of Ma, who’s being a bitch as usual.
I’m prepping for my move to Jax and UNF.
I’m trying to get my head sorted out better. I need to bemore stable for... stability. That makes no sense. But the PTSD needs to be manageable.
I’m embarrassed because I’m 27 and still live at home with no degree and no job.
I have no extraneous funds. 
I have difficulty meeting new people. I keep trying to go to different college clubs, but stop after someone recognizes me.
How the fuck do you flirt.
I want to be in a relationship. Why:
Twi moved to Oregon; I can’t hang with them any more. I miss our camaraderie.
I’m tried of focusing on my physical health. Emotional needs matter. They need to matter.
Facebook envy. R got married and has a kid. He was worse than I was for speaking to people.
I lost almost all of my friends because of the ESRD years. I need people. I am a social creature even though it scares me.
Fuck it. Batteries don’t cut it. I want actual sex. This scares me. How much was me being mentally ill, how much was me being physically ill, and how much was me being A-spec. I don’t know any more and this was one of the few things I thought I had figured out.
Along with prev point, at what point is it wanting a romance from just chatting with someone. I started talking with J again because we were friends before. Having just looked it up, I send out my first “Twi help pls” re J 18 August 2018. So maybe it’s an actual thing? Alexythemia sucks ass. J is in Orlando and I don’t even have a car to see if it’s a thing in person, instead of just because we’ve been talking. FML.
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the-spinnybois · 2 years
Alter intros (191):
Some unnamed
Minecraft (youtuber/game based) alters:
Fundy, 17, taken, he/him
Sally, 20s-30s, single, she/her
Dream, 21, taken, he/him
Drista, 14, taken, she/he
TapL, 15, taken, any
Alex, 19, taken, he/him
Nick, 19-22, taken, he/him
Smajor, 21, taken, he/him
Solidarity, 20, single, he/him
Grain, 28, taken, he/it
Ghost, 12, single, they/them
Phoodu, 19, taken, he/him
Callahan, 19, taken, he/him
Cam, ?, taken, he/him
Quackity, 15, taken, he/him
Mumbo, 22, taken, he/him
Friend, ?, single, they/them
Myth, ageless, taken, he/him
FWhip, 27, taken, he/him
Minx, 24, single, she/her
Baby innit, 10, he/him
Zak, 13, taken, he/him
Skeppy, 21, taken, he/him
Den, 17, taken, he/him
Twi, 18, taken, he/him
Joel, 23-24, taken, he/him
Stampy, 21, taken he/him
Ender, ageless, taken, they/them
JellyBean, 15, taken, she/her
Stranger things alters:
El, 13, single, she/her
Mike, 13, taken, he/him
Nancy, 18, single?, she/her
Johnathan, 19, taken, he/him
Will, 12, taken, he/they
Lucas, 13, single, he/him
Dustin, 13, taken, he/him
Steve, 17-19, taken, he/him
MM, 14, single, she/her
Why don’t we alters:
Corbyn, 20, taken, he/him
Jack, 18, taken, he/him
Jacket, 18, single, he/him
Daniel, 17, take , he/him
Jonah, 18, taken, he/him
Zach, 16, taken, he/him
5 seconds of summer alters:
Ashton, 25, taken, he/him
Luke, 26, taken, he/him
Calum, 21, taken, he/him
Micheal, 23, taken, he/him
Sam, Colby and friends alters:
Sam, 13, taken, he/him
Colby, 22-23, taken, he/him
Jake W, 23, single, he/him
Haikyuu alters:
Kenma, 15-16, single, he/him
Okiawa, 16-18, single, he/him
The owl house alters:
Hunter, 16, taken, he/him
Vee, 14, single, she/it
Amity, 14, single, she/her
Percy Jackson alters:
Nico, 12-13, single, he/him
Percy, 15, taken, he/him
Tyson, 8, he/him
Grover, 16, single, he/him
Tv show our sister watches alters:
Sal, 29, single, he/him
Q, 30, single, he/him
Murr, 29, single, he/him
Joe, 30, single, he/him
Random sources/won’t share:
Danny, 16, taken, he/him
Connor, 14, taken, he/him
Jimmy crist, 14, single, he/him
Gavin, 16, single, he/him
Riley, 15, single, he/him
Derick, 15, taken, he/him
Dillion, 13, single, he/they
Chaos, 14, taken, he/him
Harry, 23, single, he/him
Craig, 9, he/him
Mr. Jimmy, 22, taken, he/him
Jojo, 16, single, he/him
Katrina, 16, single, he/him
Spencer, 24, taken, he/him
Corey, 15, taken, he/him
Jack(septiceye), [blank],taken, he/him
Remy, teenager I think?, taken, he/him
Lavender, 18, taken, he/him
Alec, 19 I think, taken, he/him
Jack Frost, 16, taken, he/him
Finn, 17, taken, he/him
Nathen, [blank], taken, he/him
Serenity, 20, taken, she/they
BNHA alters:
Bakugou, [blank], taken i think, he/him
Sero, [blank], taken, he/him
Denki, [blank], taken, he/him
Eddsworld alters:
Tom, 18, taken, he/him
Tord, 19, taken, he/him
Edd, 21, taken, he/him
Matt, 20, taken, he/him
Phineas and Ferb alters:
The food men:
Dylan Lemay,
Dani Razooqi,
Milad Mirg,
Harry Potter alters:
Andi Mack alters:
Jonah B,
Marvel alters:
Peter, 16, taken, he/him
Original alters:
Mace, 16-18, taken, he/him
Wild, 16, single, she/her
Winter, 16, single, he/she
Zoey, 21, single, it/it’s
Levi, 15, taken, he/they/she
Leon, 16, taken, he/she/they
Jacob, ageless, single, doesn’t care (he/it/they)
Turquoise, ageless, taken, sea/seaself
August, 21, taken, he/him
Simba, 0-2, he/him
Val, 0-2, she/her
Star, 13-16, taken, they/she
Iris, 14-15, taken, any
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Late Rex (minific)
When Fives and Echo walked in the mess hall to get their breakfast, only the higher ranks had gotten there yet. Commanders and ARC troopers were supposed to be up earlier to inspect the troops and take care of their affairs, not to mention they should set an example - Fives wasn’t particularly happy with this aspect of his job. Lucky shinies and lower ranks got to sleep a little longer and he’d always envy them for that.
“Hope the caf is decent today.” he yawned “Wait, no. I actually would love to play the Dogma.”
“Won’t you leave the man alone already?” Echo raised an eyebrow at him
“When he manages to unclench his ass, yeah.” Fives snickered, grabbing a tray “Now wait a second. Commanders Cody, Wolffe, Fox, Gree, Bly... where the kriff is Rex?”
Echo looked around as Cody approached the two of them.
“Huh. Odd.” Echo agreed “Where is he?”
“Fives, Echo.” Cody nodded at them “Where’s Rex?”
“We don’t know, sir.” Echo shrugged “We... expected him to be here about now.”
Fives stroked his beard.
“Hm. Okay. Okay, we manage it until he arrives, all we have to do is not alarm the men about his tardiness and...”
Cody was drawing in a deep breath. Oh no.
“Captain “Follow the Codes” Rex is late for the very first time ever!” he boomed in the silence of the first hours of the day “What do you guys think that happened?”
Wolffe didn’t even look up from his coffee, grumbling something about “here comes that little shit again”. Meanwhile, Cody erased the board with today’s food menu and wrote in large aurebesh letters: THEORIES FOR WHY REX IS SIX (6) MINUTES LATE. Wolffe groaned, but Bly snickered as Fives and Echo facepalmed.
“C’mon, you guys, i’m waiting!” Cody demanded “Fifty credits to the man who gets it right!”
Bly shrugged.
“Uhhh... He had a massive hangover and is still asleep.”
Cody wrote “massive hangover” on the board.
“Real nice, but not very plausible. That asshole can drink like a full bucket of beer and can still shoot a clanker dead in the face. Next?”
Gree was supporting his elbow on the table and his chin on his hand, visibly still a little sleepy.
“Eh... He slept through his alarm.”
“All three of them?” Cody raised an eyebrow as he wrote it on the board “Hardly. C’mon, be creative. Let’s get the 501st opinion here, Fives, Echo.”
Echo put his hands up, backing up.
“Uh, sorry sir, but to talk behind our Captain’s...”
“He picked up a twi-lek at the bar,” Fives theorized, furling his brow “took her somewhere and is still there getting some.”
Cody threw his head back and goddamn cackled as Echo smacked Fives on the back of his head with a muttered “dude!”.
“Stars, yes, we’re getting somewhere!” Cody wrote ‘Gettin Some’ as he wiped genuine tears of joy off his eyes “Okay, next?”
Fox shrugged.
“He’s in sick, poor sod couldn’t even leave his bed.”
Cody wrote that and practically swayed his way to Wolffe, sitting right next to him and raising one of his arms.
“Wolff, my good friend...”
“Put your arm on my shoulders and you’ll lose it.” Wolffe growled, eating his breakfast like nothing was happening; Cody slowly put his arm back down
“Oookay.” he sighed “C’mon Wolffe, be a good boy.” Wolffe glared at him “Okay, no dog jokes. But please. I must know.”
Wolffe sighed too, rubbing his forehead.
“You won’t let me eat in peace, will you?”
Wolffe shook his head to then cross his arms over his chest.
“Fine. I think Rex has been having an affair with a civy for like 1 year. He just managed to get someone to make him a new ID under the name “Wrecks”, which honestly sounds just the same so he won’t have problems getting used to it. He got a facial surgery not to look like a clone anymore and he took the opportunity to give himself the chin dimple he always wanted. He and his secret partner just had their secret wedding and are heading to live in hiding in a small farm in the countryside of Lothal. They even have a pet lothcat named Hissyfit, and Rex plans on having four children with his secret partner. The men who gave him the new ID and the facial surgery? Dead. Can’t leave any evidence. The man is off the radar. We’ll never see him again.”
Silence followed the sound of Wolffe’s theory as he took another sip of his coffee. Echo hesitated.
“Uh. Uh, Commander Cody, what... What was your theory again?”
Cody was just staring at Wolffe like someone looking at a black hole inches from obliterating your entire ship - in awe, shock and a good amount of fear.
“I...” he cleared his throat “I just thought he did got drunk yesterday and ended up sleepin in the wrong dormitory, like” he gestured vaguely, still stunned “the 104th, and is taking long because his locker and his uniform are all the way in the 501st building. Like, ha ha. Classic. But... But I don’t know anything anymore now.”
Wolffe put his cup down and gave Cody a terrifying smirk.
“Maybe you never knew anything, vod.”
“Stop scaring me!”
That was when a voice came from the doorway:
“What is going on here?”
Everyone turned to see Rex standing there, and Rex looked from his brothers to the chalkboard where Cody had placed the bets. The entire place when completely silent and Rex walked in. His steps echoed in the silent room - if one of Tup’s many hair clips were to fall on the floor, they’d be able to hear it, so silent it was - Rex walked past the long tables, past the piled up trays and closer to the board. Without uttering a word, without moving a single muscle of his face, Rex grabbed the piece of chalk and placed a single tally mark right beside “massive hangover”. He took a step back and frowned like he used to when he’d consider military strategies with General Skywalker and then he placed another mark by “gettin some”.
He put the chalk down, wiped his hands and turned to the men to then politely nod and walked out without a single word. Although it seemed impossible, the silence was even thicker now. Slowly, very slowly, Cody got up and reached for the pocket of his blacks. He walked to Bly, placing fifty credits on his hand and then he walked to fives, placing fifty more on his hands. The soldiers looked at each other, unable to break the silence, and finished their breakfast without another word.
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authoralicesprings · 7 years
Twilight’s Love Volume Two: Rainbow’s Love
by Stormbringer
This story is a sequel to:
Twilight’s Love Volume One: It Begins
Six months into wedded bliss, Rainbow is having nightmares because of a hidden past.  Something she hadn't shared with anypony other than her school best friend Fluttershy.  Now just as Twilight helps get a handle on her wife's issue, tragedy strikes which threatens Rainbow's new happiness and Rainbow must confront her estranged sister.
Meanwhile, Scootaloo loses another foster family.  In the middle of her sorrows, an unlikely pony comes to comfort her.
Rainbow and Scootaloo learn about the strength of family and love.
PART ONE: Rainbow’s Dream
Rainbow was sitting in the park.  Her friends were there all happy and joyous.  They were eating picnic lunches, romping on the green or engaged in games.  They were also accompanied by foals and stallions or other mares.  The stallions Rainbow didn’t recognize but somehow she knew these were her friends’ husbands and partners.  The foals of varying ages, their children.  They were all different; Rarity and Applejack had a very beautiful filly with which Rarity was constantly fussing over.  Pinkie and her stallion were perpetually and happily chasing after no less than half a dozen fillies and colts.  It was the same with the rest of her friends to differing degrees.  
“I’ve begged you not to come here,” said a familiar voice.
Rainbow turned and there stood her beloved Twilight, tears in her beautiful purple eyes.  Rainbow was at a loss, why would Twilight ask her not to come to the park?
“Why Lover-Pony?”
“Because it always makes you sad,” said Twilight starting to cry, “you get so upset you married me, because you’ll never have children.  I’m afraid one day you’ll not come home from here because you went off to find somepony else so you can have a foal.”
“Upset I married you?” said Rainbow in unbelief; “I want nothing else in life.”
“Nothing?” asked Twilight.
Rainbow looked around; she felt the seeds of envy looking on her friends and their children.  
There was one little foal that was away from everypony else, a little Pegasus colt of brown with a red, yellow and blue mane and tail.  He was just sitting on a blanket by himself looking sadly at Rainbow.  The sight of him was tearing her heart out.
“I thought as much,” said Twilight sadly kissing Rainbow, “I’ll give you what you want.  Goodbye My Love, remember your wife always loved you.”
There was a flash of magic and then on the lawn was now a grave, the Headstone read:
                                         TWILIGHT DASH     SHE COULDN’T LIVE WITHOUT RAINBOW’S LOVE                                  AMICITIA MAGIA EST
Rainbow fell to her knees, she could see the soul of Twilight ascending to Elysium.  Rainbow was wanting to die as well.
“OH FAUST, TWILIGHT! PLEASE TAKE ME WITH YOU!  DON’T LEAVE ME TOO!” screamed Rainbow sitting up in bed, a cold sweat drenched her.
“Honey! Honey!” said Twilight shaking Rainbow.  “It was a dream!  I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere.”
Rainbow wrapped her forelegs and wings around her purple wife and buried her face in Twilight’s chest.  Rainbow was weeping uncontrollably.
“That dream again?” asked Twilight.
Unfortunately, Rainbow had been having this dream every week or so for the last couple months, Twilight was starting to be concerned.
All Rainbow could do was nod her head; she wasn’t in any hurry to let go of Twilight, not even a little bit.
“Calm down my Love, there no such thing as suicide spells.  Despondent and depressed Unicorns have tried, but it doesn’t work, so don’t even think it.  
Besides, I love you and I’m not leaving the greatest thing to ever happen to me.” Said Twilight reassuringly stroking Rainbow’s mane, as she held her close.  
“Honey, Honey, I’m not going to go anywhere, not without you!”
Twilight held Rainbow and rocked her gently.  Soon the blue Pegasus had her fears under control.  The two lay back, Rainbow folded her wings but still holding each other.
“Honey, may I ask a question,” said Twilight timidly.
“You can always ask me anything Lover-Pony,” said Rainbow, looking in her wife’s eyes.
“Don’t be mad at me for asking, and I don’t mean anything by it,” said Twilight, “but because of the dreams, do you have any regrets marring me?  It was sprung on us.”
“Don’t even think thoughts like that,” said Rainbow.  “I truly wish I could’ve known how you felt all along, we could’ve been married sooner.”
“I know, my Darling,” said Twilight snuggling closer, “but I’m wondering why you’re having dreams about foals.  Did you think you’d want foals when you were growing up?”
There was one thing Rainbow hadn’t told Twilight, that one thing.  Fluttershy was the only other pony who knew.  But if Rainbow really loved Twilight, she needed to tell her, maybe she should’ve told her before now.  Perhaps it was time to bring it out to everypony.  
Maybe a part of her life can be made right if not whole.
“The only other pony who knows this is Fluttershy,” said Rainbow with a faraway look in her eyes, “but when I was in high school in Cloudsdale, a little older than Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle or Scootaloo, I got pregnant.  I wasn’t even sure who the father was.”
‘That explains the ample breasts,’ thought Twilight.  
“I wasn’t going to go through with it,” said Rainbow, “but my sister talked me out of it.  She convinced me my stupidity wasn’t the baby’s fault.  She said I had to show responsibility.  If I was ‘adult’ enough to get pregnant, then I should be ‘adult’ enough to be there for the child.  
So I went through the eleven months and it put a kink in my high school life.  I didn’t get to play sports and it made me mad.  It made me think if I was single and kept the child, I could never be the athlete I wanted to be, I couldn’t be free to be the ‘wild’ Rainbow Dash I enjoyed being.  So I decided I’d give the baby up at birth, I didn’t tell my sister, I knew she’d stop me.”
Rainbow paused; her voice was getting shaky.  She swallowed hard and continued.
“When the time came, and the child was delivered, they took him almost immediately.  
         I did get to hold him...  
                   One time...
                             Only for a minute...
He was so beautiful, I almost couldn’t go through with it.  But the nurse carried him out of the room and as far as I know, I’ve never seen him again.”
Tears were pouring from Rainbow’s eyes.
“My sister was furious with me and threw me out.  She’s had nothing to do with me since.  
Fluttershy was my closest friend at the time and luckily her parents took pity on me and let me stay with them.”
Rainbow looked into Twilight’s eyes, it was the most pitiful and heart rending look Twilight had ever seen.
“Twilight,” said Rainbow, choking back the sobs, “I miss my baby!  I... I... I never even got to name him.”
Twilight held Rainbow close; it was hard to tell which pony was crying harder.
“Oh Rainbow, My Love, My Love!” said Twilight sobbing, stroking Rainbow’s mane, “I’m so, so sorry!”  
The two eventually got their crying under control.  Twilight held Rainbow and gently stroked her mane until she went back to sleep.  
Twilight’s mind was racing, trying to figure how to make this better.  She knew if the foal had been adopted, the adoption records were sealed and normally would be impossible to get information on where the foal would’ve went.  
She then thought perhaps with her connection with Princess Celestia she could use some leverage to find out about where the colt may’ve gone.
But this would be improper for her to ask her mentor to do, and even if the princess did, it’d be unfair for any adoptive parents to have the princess invade their privacy.  
‘I’m now a ‘Dash’,’ thought Twilight.  ‘I need to do something more aggressive than I would’ve normally done...
But what?’
That morning both ponies woke with difficulty due to interrupted sleep.  But the two and Spike ate breakfast, Rainbow kissed Twilight as she left for her daily weather duties and Twilight busied herself with the business of the library.
Later, almost like clockwork, about thirty minutes after school had let out (long enough to stop by Sugarcube Corner for a treat) the Cutie Mark Crusaders entered the library.  They’d come to work on their homework and get help understanding the harder concepts from Twilight.  
But today, they were one Crusader short.
“Hi girls,” said Twilight, then noticing there were only two, “didn’t Scootaloo go to school today.”
“She was there, Mrs. Dash,” said Apple Bloom, “but she had to go home to finish packin’.”
“Her foster family is moving to Baltamare and now Scoot has to move back into the Children’s Home,” finished Sweetie Belle.
“Oh dear!” said Twilight, “that’s like the third time this year.  
Oh and girls, I keep telling you that you can still call me Twilight.  I may be married to Rainbow, but I’m still the same pony who’s been a friend to your sisters and to you.”
Twilight helped the girls with their homework.  Then when they left, Twilight thought about the issue of Rainbow’s dreams.
‘I said I need to just do something aggressive and I think I know what I can try.’ Thought Twilight, ‘if it works it might solve two problems.’
“Spike!” shouted Twilight to her assistant, “watch the library and if Rainbow comes home early, tell her I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
“Sure thing Twi,” responded Spike from a different room.
Twilight vanished with a flash.
It was a hard day getting ready for the big storm due tomorrow.  Rainbow was so looking forward to a great meal and evening with her beloved Twilight.
Rainbow was met at the door by Twilight; she was excited to have Rainbow home, almost more than usual.  After a kiss she’d been waiting for all day, Rainbow went and washed up for dinner.
As Rainbow sat at the table she noticed there was an extra place set.  Twilight sat by Rainbow and gave Rainbow a kiss and then she called out.
“Time to eat, get down here while it’s still hot.”
PART TWO: Scootaloo’s Dream
Scootaloo was disappointed, once again.  She was just getting comfortable with a foster family, and this time she had her own room.   Now she’d be put back in a room with three or more other fillies.  
For the first time in a long time, Scootaloo was dreading school ending for the weekend.  She had to go get the rest of her stuff and carry it back to the Home and have to start the process of getting used to being back in the group setting.
Suddenly Miss Cheerilee interrupted her funk.
“Scootaloo,” said the teacher, “didn’t you hear the bell?  Time to go home.”
“Sorry Miss Cheerilee,” said Scoot, “I didn’t hear.”
“Aren’t you wanting to go home?  It’s the weekend.”  Said the Teacher, then she remembered, “oh yes, sorry Scootaloo, I’m sure it’ll work out.”
Scootaloo smiled but really she wasn’t so sure.  Gathering her things she left the school and walked to Sugarcube Corner.
“Hi ya Scoot!” said Apple Bloom, “I thought you weren’t comin’.  We would’ve waited on you.”
“I’m not staying,” said Scootaloo quite down. “I thought I’d see you girls before going to get the rest of my stuff and then take it to the Home.  I don’t know if I’ll get to see you this weekend, I have to settle back into being in a group.  They always have chores and other things to do.  So I’ll probably not see you until school on Monday.”
“It’ll all be okay,” said Sweetie Belle, “you’ll see.  It’ll all work out.”
Scootaloo tried to smile.
“Sure,” said the Pegasus filly, “maybe I’ll get my cutie mark for not having a home.”
Despite her act in trying to be cool and not mushy, Scootaloo accepted the group hug from her friends.  Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle each gave Scootaloo one of their cookies, which brought the first real smile to her face.
“Thanks girls,” said Scoot, “see you later.”
The saddlebags were heavy, but Scoot didn’t want to make two trips.  The Hayfields were waiting for Scootaloo to collect all her stuff so they could say their goodbye.  They really were a good family and they liked Scootaloo a lot.  But with their move to Baltamare, it was time to let Scootaloo go back to the Home, they hadn’t planned on any long term commitment.  They did have a quick snack prepared for her and helped get her saddle bags packed, it was an hour and a half which went by both too fast and too slow.
As Scootaloo trudged through Ponyville, she saw a shadow pass over; looking up she saw Rainbow Dash fly past.  Ever since the camping trip, Rainbow had tried to make as much time as she could to see and do something fun with Scootaloo.  Scootaloo was afraid at first with Rainbow being now married to Twilight, Rainbow wouldn’t have the time to spare for her.  
But it was a pleasant surprise that Twilight had made sure that Rainbow had kept up the get-togethers.  And in spite of wanting to spend time with Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo found it was just as enjoyable when Twilight came along also.  Scootaloo never realized Twilight could be so fun!  And in spite of being so reserved, Twilight could tell some spooky ghost stories.  But if Rainbow married her, then there must be something to the brainy mare.
As she turned the corner for the last half mile of her walk, she came to the part she dreaded worse.  She had to go past Rich’s Barnyard Bargains, and sure enough, there in front of the store were Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.  They just looked at Scoot.   Silver Spoon said something to Diamond Tiara, it appeared a conversation was taking place.  Diamond nodded her head and dashed into the store, she was soon back out.  Then she and Silver were walking her way.  Scootaloo was too weighed down by the bags to rush past and she had enough dignity to not run away, however, Scootaloo was surprised.
“Scootaloo, please wait,” said Diamond in a normal voice, not her snide condescending voice which she normally used when talking to Scoot and her friends.
“I have to get these to the Children’s Home,” said Scootaloo, confused what her frenemies were up to.
“Please wait Scootaloo,” said Silver in an equally civil tone.  “Just rest a bit, we brought you a cold drink.”
Diamond offered Scootaloo a cold bottle of soda pop, Scoot accepted with a ‘thank you’.  Scoot was also surprised it wasn’t tainted with pepper or vinegar.
“Here,” said Diamond, “we know you’ve carried those bags a ways, let us help you the rest of the way.”
“Why so nice?” said Scootaloo.
“We might kick you when you aren’t looking,” said Silver Spoon, taking one of the heavy bags from Scootaloo and putting it on her own back.
“But we won’t kick you when you’re down,” said Diamond Tiara, taking the other bag.
“Thank you girls,” said Scoot, “they were getting a bit much.”
“No problem,” said Diamond with a smile, “but if you tell anypony we were nice to you...”
“We’ll deny it!” finished Silver.
The two laughed to let Scootaloo know they were only half serious.
“I’d have it no other way,” said Scoot, joining the laughter.
As they walked along, they talked about school and the summer vacation was coming up soon.  There were no talks of cutie marks or ‘blank flanks’.  Scootaloo was starting to regret Diamond and Silver held animosity against the Cutie Mark Crusaders, she was finding the two fillies, down deep weren’t bad, but she’d always suspected it.
When they got to the Home, Scootaloo thanked the girls who actually gave her a quick hug.  
As they left they called out.
“See you at school, blank flank!”
But they all laughed.
Scootaloo dragged the saddle bags into the reception area.  To her surprise, all of her things which had been brought over already, were sitting out there on the floor and not in her new room.
“Oh Scootaloo,” said Candy Mane, the mare who ran the Home.  “I’m so sorry we didn’t catch you before having to bring that all here.”
“What do you mean?” asked the filly.
“There’s already a family who wants to take you in, they’re in the office filling out the paperwork to start the adoption process,” said Candy Mane with a smile.  “A wagon will be by soon to pick up your things.”
“Adoption? Who?” said Scootaloo, excited but cautious.
“That’d be me,” said the voice of a pony coming into the reception area.
Scootaloo turned and saw the very familiar mare and understood what living with her would mean.
“No way!” replied Scoot, her face about to split from the smile.
The mare’s face beamed as well.
It was a hard day getting ready for the big storm due tomorrow.  Rainbow was so looking forward to a great meal and evening with her beloved Twilight.
Rainbow was met at the door by Twilight; she was excited to have Rainbow home, almost more than usual.  After a kiss she’d been waiting for all day, Rainbow went and washed up for dinner.
As Rainbow sat at the table she noticed there was an extra place set.  Twilight sat by Rainbow and gave Rainbow a kiss and then she called out.
“Time to eat, get down here while it’s still hot.”
“Do we have a visitor, Lover-Pony?” asked Rainbow.
Twilight levitated the dishes of food to the table.  Rainbow levitated the glasses to the table; two wine, one water and one which looked like a hay smoothie.
“No visitor,” said Twilight, “more like a long term guest.  I hope you won’t mind, but now that I’m a ‘Dash’, I kind of wanted to be like you and be proactive.”
“About what?” asked Rainbow intrigued.
“There’s a pony who really needs our help,” Twilight said with a smile which lit up the room.
“What? Pinkie Pie didn’t get enough dinner at Sugarcube Corner again?” laughed Rainbow.
They both laughed.
“Probably not,” said Twilight, “but she’s isn’t the pony.”
Rainbow then heard claw and hoof steps on the stair.  First entered Spike then a well know filly.
“Hello Rainbow.”
“Squirt!” said Rainbow excitedly.  
“She had to go back to the Children’s Home,” said Twilight, “I think she needs to have ponies devoted to guide her with a long term commitment.  And I think you need to have some distraction Honey.  I think this could take care of two problems.  
If it’s okay with you, I told the Home that we wanted to start the adoption process.”
Rainbow looked at Twilight then Scootaloo and then at Spike.  They all were looking hopefully at Rainbow.
“Do you want to live here,” asked Rainbow almost as excited as Scoot, “with us?”
“Yes please,” said Scoot.
“Would you want us to adopt you?” asked Rainbow.
“More than anything!” said Scootaloo excitedly.
“Come over here,” said Rainbow holding out her forelegs.
Scootaloo rushed to the hug Rainbow was offering.  Twilight and Spike joined the hug.
“Welcome to the family, Squirt.”
Scootaloo was in Elysium, past foster families were friendly enough, and to a small degree, loving.  But to a pony, they were just helping to keep the Children’s Home from being overcrowded.  
But here she could feel love being offered to her as part of a family.  Not just a random filly to help out the Home.  
Scootaloo was chosen...
They wanted her!  She didn’t care about being uncool right now.  There were as many tears of joy in Twilight and Rainbow’s eyes as her own.
It was a happy evening, Rainbow and Twilight helped Scootaloo settle in.  Rainbow even went and retrieved a cloud bed from her cloud home.  Scootaloo was beside herself.  A real piece of Pegasus furniture!  Spike didn’t mind sharing his room with Scootaloo and the little filly had no problem with being in the room with Spike.
As the evening progressed, Twilight suggested they should get some rest and despite the impending storm, they’d take a ‘family outing’ the next day.  Never before had any of her previous foster families did any outing for just her.  
Spike told Twilight he’d already volunteered to help Fluttershy with some correspondence and suggested they have the shy Pegasus stay at the library.  That way they could give Scootaloo more attention.
Twilight woke up later that night to find Rainbow wasn’t in bed.  She got up and went to look for her wife.  Twilight found Rainbow in Spike and Scootaloo’s room.  Rainbow was sitting at the foot of Scoot’s bed just looking at her.
“Honey, is there something wrong?” whispered Twilight.
Rainbow turned and looked at her purple wife, there were tears in her eyes.
“I’m just thinking of what might’ve been,” said Rainbow in a low voice, “and I’m so afraid of what might happen.”
“Like what,” said Twilight, still at a whisper.  She walked to Rainbow and put a foreleg around Rainbow’s neck.
Rainbow leaned her head against Twilight; she was still looking at Scootaloo.
The little filly appeared to be sleeping soundly.
“I’ve seen all the fun and joy other parents show and I think being a single parent might not have been so bad.  Just look at Muffins, Amethyst Star and Dinky.  They always look happy together.  And me, I just threw my child away as if he was empty drink cup from Mac Donkey’s.
Now I’m so afraid I’ll screw up Scootaloo’s life.  I don’t exactly have the greatest track record as a parent.”
“Oh Honey,” said Twilight, stroking Rainbow’s mane, “you’ll be a great parent.  You’ll be at least 20% cooler than any other parent.”
Rainbow and Twilight chuckled softly.
“Let’s go back to bed,” said Twilight, looking in Rainbow’s eyes, “I know a way guaranteed to wear you out and get you back to sleep.”
Rainbow smiled at Twilight and got up to go.
The two started to leave the room when they heard the little voice of Scootaloo.
“Please don’t go,” said the filly.
Rainbow and Twilight stopped and turned around.
“Is there something wrong Sweetie?” said Twilight.
Twilight and Rainbow went and sat on either edge of Scoot’s bed.  Scootaloo sat up and was surprised to see that Twilight could sit on a cloud bed, but this wasn’t the time for that.
“I had a dream,” said Scootaloo, trying not to sound too troubled.  “I dreamt I was asleep in this bed when I heard a pony come in the room.”
“It was us,” said Rainbow.
“No,” replied Scootaloo, “I looked and it was a Pegasus colt about my age.”
Rainbow and Twilight looked at each other.
“He walked up to me and said, ‘I’m so glad you’re here.  Please take care of my mommy for me, I’ll never get the chance now.  
Tell her it’s not her fault, I’m not mad at her and I’ll always love her.’
Then he smiled and just disappeared.  Next thing I knew I heard the two of you whispering.”
Rainbow looked troubled.
“What did he look like?” asked Rainbow.
Scootaloo thought for a moment, then she said.
“He was brown with a red, yellow and blue mane and tail.”
“It was him!” said Rainbow, tears starting to form.
“Who?” asked the filly.
“I think you should tell her,” said Twilight, “especially if she’s to be a part of this family.”
Rainbow looked at Twilight, her purple wife saw the sadness and guilt on Rainbow face, but Rainbow slowly nodded.
“Scootaloo,” said Rainbow, “you have the right to know this.  It may affect your decision to be with us.
When I was in high school, not much older than you, I was very stupid.”
“You’re not stupid!” said Scootaloo in defense of her hero.
“I think Twilight might argue that point sometimes,” said Rainbow, Twilight was nodding but a pony could tell she didn’t mean it, Scootaloo giggled, even Rainbow smiled.
“But I was stupid then.  I know at your age and what they teach in school you’re aware of what sex is and what it’s all about.”
Scootaloo nodded her head; both Rainbow and Twilight were glad they didn’t have to have that talk with their foster daughter.
“I never paid attention to the warnings, I only thought it was just for fun.  With as few colts as there were, it was a way I could get colts to like me,” said Rainbow, swallowing hard to fortify her nerves.  
“Well, it caught up with me and I found myself pregnant.  I was a freshman in high school, no parents of my own, and only an older sister.  I didn’t even have a good idea who the father of the child was.”
Scootaloo’s face was blank not knowing what to think so far.
“After the eleven months, I had a beautiful little colt,” continued Rainbow, tears streaming from her eyes, “a beautiful little colt I gave up for adoption right away.  I only saw and held him once.  He was brown with a red, yellow and blue mane and tail.”
“Why did you give him up for adoption?” asked Scootaloo, tears starting to form and feeling the pain again of being an abandoned child.
“I told you,” said Rainbow, “I was stupid.  I was only thinking of me and the ‘right now’.  I wasn’t mature enough to think of the pain to come.  
The pain I caused him when he was old enough to know his mother didn’t want him and just gave him up.  
The pain I’ve felt for the loss of my only family at the time, my sister threw me out because I was so stupid.  
The pain of guilt and loss I’ve felt inside every day since the time I only thought of myself.  
And the pain I can see in your eyes now you know now what a monster I am.  I only hope one day you can forgive me.”
Scootaloo always played the ‘act now and think later’ member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, but she was no dummy.  Like Rainbow, there was more to her than the dumb filly act.  
She could see the pain she was feeling for herself and a fellow abandoned child was nowhere as great as the pain Rainbow was showing.  It actually gave her some comfort to think her birth mother may pine for her.
Rainbow was crying hard, Twilight was holding her trying to comfort her.  Scootaloo knew if she had a foal right now, or even a few years from now, she could in no way handle it.  With the pain of her abandonment put into perspective, seeing there really can be another side to it.  Scootaloo found it easy to forgive Rainbow, and somehow it made her hero a more real pony.  
The thought of her dream came back to her.
‘If he can forgive her and still love her, so can I,’ thought Scootaloo.  
She realized what all this could mean.  She could have something she’d never had before and never thought she would have.
“I’ll forgive you under one condition,” said Scootaloo with tears in her own eyes.
“What’s that Sweetheart?” asked Twilight, still comforting Rainbow.
“I’ll forgive you only if I can call you both...
I’ve never had a mom.” Said Scootaloo choking back a sob.
Rainbow spun around so fast neither Twilight nor Scootaloo saw her do it.  But she scooped up Scootaloo and was holding her close.
“I’d be honored to be your mom,” said Rainbow kissing the little filly on the top of her head over and over.
“As would I, “ said Twilight joining the hug, she was starting to cry as well.
“I’ve never had a mom before, and now I have two!” said Scootaloo, tears of joy streaming down her cheeks.
PART THREE: And Scootaloo Makes Three
The sound of the rain against the window slowly roused Scootaloo from a very pleasant sleep.  She could feel a pony on each side of her; they were lightly holding her.  It felt so nice.  Scootaloo opened her eyes, she was in Rainbow and Twilight’s room.  Both Rainbow and Twilight were looking at her.
“It wasn’t a dream?” asked Scootaloo.
“No dream Squirt,” said Rainbow, “you’re stuck with us.”
Scootaloo reached out her forelegs and put them around Twilight and Rainbow’s neck and pulled them close in a hug.  Then she gave each one a quick kiss.
“I love my moms!” said the filly.
“We love you too, Sweetheart,” said Twilight.  “But we need to get up and get going, we’ve some place to go before we go for a ride.”
“A ride, where?” asked Scoot.
“Are all Pegasi this impatient?” Asked Twilight to Rainbow.
“Get used to it, Lover-Pony,” said Rainbow with that smirk of hers, “you’ve got two to deal with now.”
“You’ll see,” said Rainbow to Scootaloo, “so get up, take a shower.  And don’t leave a mess.”
“I won’t,” said Scootaloo scrambling over Twilight, who tickled the filly as she passed.  Apparently, Scootaloo was ticklish as Twilight.
“And don’t get used to this,” said Rainbow, “it was a special occasion.”
“I know mom,” said Scootaloo giggling all the way to the bathroom.
After, Twilight and Rainbow shared a shower; Twilight got Scootaloo to help make breakfast.  Twilight was pleased Scootaloo knew how to cook.  She explained at the Home, the kids shared all the chores.  This included assisting in cooking the meals when the filly or colt is old enough.  
Rainbow had Spike make a quick run to Fluttershy.
Twilight and Rainbow were dressed in nice dresses; Rainbow was even wearing makeup.  Scootaloo had to admit it wasn’t so sissy looking on Rainbow or Twilight for that matter.
Twilight had a couple of saddle bags packed and waiting by the door.
After they’d eaten, Spike returned with the yellow Pegasus.  Fluttershy had an entourage of woodland creatures with her.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” asked Twilight.
“I’ll be happy to watch the library,” said Fluttershy, “and I’m so happy for you, Scootaloo.”
“Thank you Fluttershy,” said the filly, “I still can’t believe it’s real.”
“Well, it’s real,” said Rainbow, “but we better get moving.  We’ve a pony waiting on us.
Spike, Fluttershy, there’s breakfast in the kitchen.  If you need us while we’re gone, have Spike send a message.”
Twilight cast a protection spell which put a shield of purple around the three ponies as they walked, Scootaloo was so excited.  She’d never been around a lot of Unicorn magic, and now she was living with the most powerful Unicorn in Equestria.  Plus, she was surprised Rainbow could us magic to levitate objects.  Rainbow reassured Scootaloo her moms would teach her this.  
‘Sweetie Belle is going to be so jealous,’ thought Scootaloo.
They walked the short distance to Carousel Boutique.  As they approached they saw Applejack leaving, Rarity gave her a kiss and then Applejack trotted off in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres.  As you would expect from a farm pony, she was oblivious to the rain.  
Applejack had moved in with Rarity soon after Twilight and Rainbow’s return as Mrs. and Mrs. Dash.  
Rarity saw the trio and waved them to hurry in out of the rain.
“I understand congratulations are in order Darling,” said Rarity to Scootaloo, “Twilight sent me a message last evening letting me know the good news and gave me an idea of what she was wanting.  I have to tell you, when Sweetie Belle heard, she squealed with joy for a half hour.
Now if you’ll step into the changing room, I’ve some dresses for you to try on.”
“Yes, dresses,” said Rainbow, “they’re cooler than you might think.  Give it a try.”
“But I’ll look like a sissy!”
“Do I look like a sissy? Does Twilight look like a sissy?” asked Rainbow.
“Well... No,” admitted Scootaloo.
“Don’t you want to make a good first impression when you meet your new grandmother and grandfather?” asked Twilight.
“Grandmother! Grandfather!” Said Scootaloo, almost in shock.  The little filly had never even considered such a thing, another answer to her dreams and prayers.
“Where’s those dresses?”
All the ponies laughed as Scootaloo went with Rarity into one of the dressing rooms.  The white Unicorn would come out of the room after some pins, needles or thread.  Then would return to the dressing room.
Soon Rarity and Scootaloo came out of the dressing room.  Scootaloo was wearing a lovely little dress with lace trim.  The filly was looking like she was feeling out of place but she had to admit it was comfortable and it didn’t look all that bad.
Although Scootaloo was uncomfortable with the thought of wearing dresses, she was actually thrilled to have brand new clothing which were for her only.  No hand-me-downs or charity.  These were made and fitted for her!
Rarity levitated a bag to Twilight.
“These all fit well,” said Rarity, “she looks like a little doll.”
Rainbow levitated a bag of bits to Rarity, who levitated them back to Rainbow.
“This is on me,” said Rarity, “call it a ‘Welcome To Your New Family’ gift for Scootaloo."
There were hugs all around, the bag with the dresses was added to Twilight’s saddle bag and the little family headed back out.
“Thank you Rarity,” called out Scoot as she and her moms walked away from the Boutique with Rarity standing in the doorway waving.
The three walked to the train station.  As they waited, Twilight went to the ticket window and was back to them in no time.  They boarded the train, and Scootaloo took a seat by the window.
“Hold on Squirt,” said Rainbow, “we aren’t sitting here.”
“Where’re we going to sit?”
“Up front,” said Twilight.
“The engine?” asked Scootaloo confused.
“No you silly filly,” said Twilight with a chuckle, “we have a First Class cabin.”
“First Class?’ said the filly, “That’s cool!”
“Yes it is, so come on,” said Rainbow, “the train will be leaving soon.”
They found their cabin and settled in, Scootaloo was in awe.  She’d only ridden in the coach section and usually with a lot of other ponies around.  Here she had one whole bench to herself.  Her bench faced the other bench where Rainbow and Twilight were setting.  The benches were soft and padded whereas the coach benches were always padded but hard.  
The two new moms were holding hooves and gave each other a small kiss after they sat.  There was a window Scootaloo didn’t have to share with anypony but her family; it had a small table mounted under it.  She’d never traveled in this much comfort before.  
Almost as soon as the train was going, a cart stopped by to ask if any refreshments were wanted.
“Want a treat Sweetie?” asked Twilight.
“Yes ma’am,” said Scootaloo.
“We’ll take six oatmeal cookies and three fruit juices.” Said Rainbow.
The three sat nibbling on the treats, Scootaloo watched out the window as the world went by.  
As they reached White Tail Woods, they left the zone of rain and the sun was shining.  They were soon done with the cookies, Twilight spoke up.
“I know this has been fast, and I hope you’ll continue to like us once you’ve lived with us for a while.”
All three ponies chuckled.
“We’ve a couple hours until we get there.  So do you have any questions, now the initial shock has worn off and you’ve had a night to sleep on it.”
“Uh... No...” said Scootaloo almost uncertain.
“Okay Squirt,” said Rainbow, “we can hear there’s something, we’re your moms, so spill it.”
“It’s kind of personal,” said Scootaloo.
“For you or us?’ asked Twilight.
“You can ask anything within reason,” said Rainbow, “we’re family now.”
Scootaloo smiled at the statement then took a deep breath and then looked at her moms.
“Not that I really care, but if the two of you are married and sleep together, does that mean that you’re  filly-foolers?”
Rainbow looked at Twilight, she was unsure of the term.
“Sweetie,” said Twilight, “filly-fooler is and old term.  It was once used as a label by more narrow minded ponies for mares attracted to mares.  It was then and is still used as a more derogatory and insulting name.  It gives the impression that the mare in question molests young fillies.  
Putting a label on anypony could always be considered insulting.  
If you have to have a term to separate a group, then it becomes easy to think yourself better than the group.
But if you need to have a more accurate name for our lifestyle, we prefer mare-lover.  After all, it better describes what our tastes are.”
Rainbow and Twilight looked lovingly at each other, Twilight held Rainbow’s hoof and continued.
“I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed but mares outnumber stallions in Equestria ten to one.  
So what do the ninety percent who haven’t any chance at a mate do?  
Sit around and be sad and lonely because of something they haven’t any control over?  
Do stallions take more than one wife?  No matter how committed, there’d always be one pony that’d be loved more than the others would, so there’d be animosity and jealousy.  You can’t have a healthy family like that.
Wouldn’t it be more logical if the ninety percent be allowed to find friends, companions or even lovers among the rest of the ninety percent?
And to answer your question; yes, I’m a mare-lover, I’ve always been attracted to other girls.  And there’s nothing wrong with it.”
Twilight looked at Rainbow as if for her to put in her take on this.
“I consider myself a mare-lover, now,” said Rainbow, “because I love Twilight more than anypony ever.  
I’d dated stallions in the past and even had ‘relations’ with them.”
Scootaloo smiled and blushed remembering the talk last night.
“Before Twilight, I never ever thought about being with a mare.  Now, it’s the only thing I want, as long as the mare is Twilight.”
Twilight and Rainbow smiled and kissed.
“That’s the way of it,” said Twilight, “some ponies appear to be born that way like me.”
“And for some ponies, it’s a choice they make, like me,” said Rainbow.  “Do you ask because it bothers you?”
“No mom,” said Scootaloo, “but I do have a question.”
“No!  We’re not going to tell you how two mares have sex with each other,” said Rainbow with a wicked grin, Scoot could tell she was only kidding.
“Gross, no!” said Scootaloo laughing, “I want to know by my living with you...
Do I have to like girls too?”
“No you silly filly,” said Twilight with a chuckle, “you’re free to like anypony you want, boys or girls.”
“But only when you’re older,” said Rainbow.
They all laughed and had lighter talk the rest of the trip.
The mare was getting ready to go grocery shopping, she preferred to do this early on Saturday morning.  Being a manager at the Weather Factory, the mare was privileged to have the weekends off.
She was touching up her mane when she heard the doorbell.
“Now who in the hay could that be?” she asked herself out loud.
She was afraid there was an issue at the factory and her weekend was going to be blown.
When the mare opened the door, there were two stallions wearing black business suits, white shirts and black ties.  She’d never seen them before, they looked grim.
She’d heard rumors from paranoid ponies about the dreaded PIB’s, Ponies In Black.  But they were always connected with stories about UFO’s and little green ponies.
The mare never believed in such nonsense.  
“Rainbow Dash?” asked one stallion.
“No, I’m her sister, Sunshine Dash,” said Sunshine, “Rainbow hasn’t lived here in years.  And I haven’t heard from her for about the same time.”
Suddenly Sunshine was curious.  What could anypony looking like this want with her sister?
“Is she in trouble?  Is there something I can do for you?” asked Sunshine.
The two looked at each other, the silent stallion nodded.
The stallion handed a photo to Sunshine, the picture shocked Sunshine.
“Can we come inside and talk?” he asked.
PART FOUR: Unexpected News
The train stopped at the Canterlot station.  Scootaloo was excited; she’d only been to the Capitol City on field trips.  Now she was here with no rush, no herding along with other students, just her and her new moms.  
They walked the streets with no sense of hurry.  Scootaloo was in open-eyed awe of the magnificent city.  As they passed the castle, several of the guards saw them and greeted Twilight and Rainbow by name.  Scootaloo was impressed, she knew Twilight and Rainbow were well known for their adventures.  But this put into focus how much her moms were known.  
Twilight also let Scoot know they would visit the castle while they were in Canterlot.
They walked on past the business section until they reached the residential section.  The house they stopped at was at least as large as the Children’s Home.  It wasn’t the largest house in the neighborhood, but it was larger than most of the houses in Ponyville, as were most of the houses in the area.  Twilight and Rainbow walked to the door, Twilight opened it and Scootaloo followed her moms in.
“Mom! Dad!” called Twilight, “anypony home.”
A light purplish gray mare with purple and gray mane and tail (Twilight Velvet) and a blue stallion with darker blue mane and tail (Night Light) entered the room.
“Twilight! Rainbow!” said Twilight Velvet. “Why didn’t you tell us you were coming?  We would’ve met you at the station.”
The two came over and gave Twilight and Rainbow hugs and kisses.
“We wanted it to be a surprise, ” said Twilight.
“Two surprises actually,” said Rainbow.
“And who’s the cute little filly?” asked Night Light.  
Scootaloo blushed at the recognition.  
“She’s the second surprise,” said Rainbow.
“Meet Scootaloo,” continued Twilight:
“Your new Grandfilly.”
Twilight Velvet and Night Light looked at each other, then at the little filly.  Scootaloo was becoming uncomfortable with the two ponies gazing at her so intently, but then smiles grew on the older ponies’ faces, tears of joy were streaming from Twilight Velvet’s eyes.  A violet aura formed around Scootaloo as she was lifted to Twilight Velvet who embraced the little filly and kissed her on the forehead several times.  Night Light had his forelegs around Twilight Velvet and Scootaloo.
Scootaloo had never been raised where she was cuddled.  There was some affection and Candy Mane tried to show as much attention as she could to all the children...
But now!  
Scootaloo had heard from Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom about being held and fussed over by older siblings, parents and grandparents.  Scoot had tried to act cool about it but she was so envious and regretted her place in life where she had to do without close affection from adults...
But now!  
As Twilight Velvet held her, it was the next to the greatest feeling in her life, next to the hug when Twilight and Rainbow welcomed her to the family.  If she was dreaming, she never wanted to wake up.
The older mare looked into Scootaloo’s eyes; Scootaloo couldn’t tell which of them was smiling more.
“You’re just the most darling little thing I’ve ever seen,” said Twilight Velvet.  “But you look familiar, where’ve we met before?”
It struck Scootaloo what the older pony was asking.
“I was a Flower Filly for Princess Cadence and Shining Armor’s wedding, Mrs. Sparkle.”
“Mrs. Sparkle!” said the mare, taken aback, “I’m Grandma and the handsome stallion right there is Grandpa.”
Scootaloo couldn’t hold it back any longer, she was glad she wasn’t in Ponyville where Apple Bloom or Sweetie Belle might see her, she broke down in tears.
“Oh Sweetie,” said the grandmother pony, holding Scootaloo close and comforting her, “what’s wrong?’
“I... I’d never had a mom and now I have two,” said Scootaloo with the tears still coming down, then looking into Twilight Velvet’s eyes, “I never had grandparents and now I have the best grandparents ever.”
Twilight and Rainbow were standing to one side, just observing.  The two had their heads resting against the other; their hearts were overflowing with joy.  
Twilight felt more complete at this moment than she’d ever felt before.
Rainbow felt her heart healing; so much pain was leaving her body.  She now had a full family with love and acceptance.  
There was one other thing which would make it complete, but this was as close to closure as she could come for now.
“Come with me Sweetie,” said Twilight Velvet to her new grandfilly, “I think I have some fresh cookies in the kitchen for you.”
“Mom,” interjected the younger Twilight, “she hasn’t had lunch yet!”
“Don’t be such a mother,” said Twilight Velvet with a chuckle.  “Don’t you two have business at the castle or something boring like that to do?”
“We promised Scootaloo we’d take her to the castle,” said Rainbow.
“I can bring her there in a bit,” said the elder Twilight.
“Okay mom,” said Rainbow with a chuckle, “we suspected something like this would happen.”
“Come with me Sweetie,” said Twilight Velvet.
“Okay, grandma,” said Scootaloo with a smile and taking her new grandma’s hoof.  Night Light followed the two.
Everypony laughed as Rainbow and Twilight Dash left Scootaloo to the mercy of over affectionate grandparents.
Rainbow and Twilight walked to the castle and entered without any challenge from the guard except a good morning or two.
They walked directly to the Throne Room where they found the doors open.  They were acknowledged by the princess and entered.
“Rainbow and Twilight Dash,” said the princess, “to what do I owe the honor?”
“It’s always our honor,” said Twilight, “Your Highness.”
“Enough of the formalities,’ said Celestia chuckling and shaking her head, “come here and tell me what you two have been up to.  I want to hear gossip.”
Rainbow and Twilight related the circumstances with Rainbow’s dreams, her history and Scootaloo’s need for a stable family.
“How marvelous!” Exclaimed the princess, “I must meet my new niece.”
“You aren’t going to test her are you?” asked Rainbow kidding and winking at the princess.
“Are you never going to forgive me for that?”  said the princess laughing at the question.
“My mother is bringing her here after she finishes spoiling the child,” said Twilight.
The three laughed, as a guard entered the room.
“A moment, Your Highness,” said the guard bowing.
“What is it?” asked the princess.
“A pony seeks an audience with Your Majesty,” said the guard, “she states it’s very important.”
“Do you mind?” asked the princess to the Dash’s.
“We’ll just go stand over there,” said Twilight as she and Rainbow walked to an alcove out of sight and looked out the grand window.
A lavender Pegasus mare with a pastel rainbow mane and tail was led into the room.  She had a cutie mark of a white cloud with a sun shining from behind it.
They stopped before the dais and bowed.
“Rise and tell me how I may help you.” asked the princess.
“Your Highness,” said the mare, “I’m looking for my sister, we’ve been estranged.  But now I must find her, I’ve heard she’s well known to you.”
Rainbow’s head jerked in the direction of the mare.
“Rainbow?” said the mare in disbelief, only now seeing her sister off to the side.  She never thought it could be that easy.
“Leave us guard,” said the princess.
The doors closed and the princess used her magic to secure them.
Twilight and Rainbow walked to the new mare.  Rainbow gave her a very formal hug, not a lot of emotion but she was surprised Sunshine was actually hugging her with some warmth.  Rainbow also noticed there were tears in Sunshine’s eyes.
Sunshine was shocked, Rainbow was in a dress, wearing makeup and her mane styled.  It wasn’t the pony she’d expected to find.
“Can we talk in private,” asked Sunshine.
“We can talk in front of the princess and especially in front of my wife about anything.”
“Your... Wife?” asked Sunshine in total amazement.
“Yes, my wife,” said Rainbow in introduction, “this is Twilight Dash.  Twilight, this is my sister, Sunshine Dash.”
Sunshine nodded her head in acknowledgment.
“You’ve something important to say,” asked the princess.
Sunshine looked at Rainbow, there was a great deal of pain on her face.  She drew a deep breath.
“Rainbow, Storm Cloud is dead,” said the sister sadly.
“Storm Cloud?” asked Rainbow confused but fearful.
Sunshine gave Rainbow a photo of a brown Pegasus colt, about Scootaloo’s age.  He was laying on a bed, he had a lot of Rainbow’s features and had the most beautiful smile.  He appeared to be sleeping, but one could tell he wasn’t just sleeping.  The colt had a red, yellow and blue mane and tail.  His cutie mark was almost like Rainbow’s except the Cloud was black instead of white but the lightning bolt was the same.
“Storm Cloud,” said Sunshine sadly, “your son.”
Twilight had never heard Rainbow scream like that, nor had she ever seen Rainbow faint.
The world started to become real again.  There was, at first, only the color gray and a distinct buzzing/ringing in her ears as everything slowly came into focus.  The shock of what her sister had told her was nothing Rainbow Dash was ready for.  
On the deepest of levels, she was devastated.  She literally felt as if part of her had indeed died.  Before opening her eyes, she was already accusing herself if she’d been a proper mother and kept and loved her child, he might still be on Celestia’s good earth.  
These thoughts shot through her mind as she struggled to consciousness.
As she was able to open her eyes, she felt she was laying on something soft, both her fore hooves were being held.
The world came into focus and there on either side of her were her sister and Twilight.  Both had looks of concerns on their faces.
She recognized she was in the castle’s hospital ward.
“Are you okay Honey?” asked Twilight, stroking Rainbow’s forelock.
Rainbow looked at her purple wife then her sister, all the sorrow hit again.  Her eyes filled with tears.  She released the hooves holding hers as she turned on her side and buried he face into the pillow and wept hard.
Rainbow felt a small hoof on her shoulder.  Apparently Rainbow had been out long enough for Twilight Velvet to have brought Scootaloo to the castle.
Scootaloo realized what her new mother and hero was going through.  She felt Rainbow’s pain as soon as Twilight had told the filly the bad news while Rainbow was out.
“Mom?” said a little voice.
Rainbow turned over and saw Scootaloo looking at her, there were tears in her eyes as well.  Rainbow’s eyes glowed and the filly was levitated to her, Rainbow held her tight.
It was another shock for Sunshine, her sister, a Pegasus, doing magic.
“I’ll be okay Squirt,” said Rainbow.
“I love you mom,” said Scootaloo holding tightly to Rainbow.
“I know,” said Rainbow tightening her embrace, “I love you so much.”
Both were crying.
“Let’s give them some privacy,” said Princess Celestia.
In a nearby waiting area, Twilight and Sunshine had a seat to wait.  The princess excused herself with duties to take care of, but she had tea sent to the two mares.
“Did the filly call Rainbow... Mom?” asked Sunshine.
“Yes,” said Twilight, “Rainbow has been Scootaloo’s hero and mentor for some time now.  But when Scoot lost another foster family, and the third one this year, we decided we should take her in.  
Especially since Rainbow started to have nightmares about her foal.  She’s been suffering guilt and pain from her decision to some degree from when it first happened.  She’s been lamenting the loss of her foal from the time she gave him up, and to be honest, the loss of her only family, you, has been hard on her as well.”
Sunshine looked ashamed at this revelation, Twilight continued.
“She was just starting to feel good about her life, but I’m sure this’ll knock her back down.  
But Scootaloo and I love her and we’ll be there to support her.”
Sunshine was surprised, she had some preconceived notion Rainbow was still reckless, irresponsible, unreliable and most of all unfeeling.
“So how did this happen?” asked Twilight.
“I received a visit early this morning from the Medical Examiner’s Office.  Apparently the colt had been found dead in his bed at the Cloudsdale Children’s Home.  
It was determined he must’ve had a congenital heart defect.  They said there wouldn’t have been any pain, it would’ve been peaceful.  
It did bring something to mind when they told me this.  About four years after Rainbow graduated high school, there was a colt Rainbow had... Had...‘Been with’ many times.  He died of a mysterious heart attack at a young age...”
“Moon Chaser,” said Rainbow who had walked in while her wife and sister were talking.  Scootaloo was at her side. “I always suspected he might’ve been the father.”
“Rainbow!” said Twilight, rushing to Rainbow and giving her a hug and substantial kiss.
Sunshine was surprised but pleased to find Rainbow had a pony who obviously loved her so much and a foster daughter who adored her.  She was also happy to see Rainbow returned the emotions in kind.
“I’m okay Lover-Pony,” said Rainbow giving Twilight another quick kiss.
Twilight led Rainbow to a sofa, Scootaloo sat with her, holding her hoof.
“Sunshine,” said Rainbow, “I’m so, so, so sorry for my decisions in the past.  I realize I’ve made many ponies lives miserable.  I always thought I’d get away with everything, but they always came back to ‘bite me’.  
I thought the nightmares and the pain of missing you were punishment enough.  
But now...”
Rainbow’s eyes were starting to mist over again.
“Now I have the guilt knowing if I would’ve kept him, Storm Cloud might still be with us.”
“Oh Honey!” said Twilight putting a foreleg around her neck.
“Rainbow,” said Sunshine, “to tell the truth, I half expected to find you and tell you the news and you wouldn’t even react.
But to see you with a wife, although I never expected you’d be married, especially to a mare.  And I mean nothing by that, just with your past it’s a bit of a surprise.  But I’m so glad you have a wife like Twilight who obviously loves you so much.  Plus you having a daughter who loves you as well.  I see you’ve become a pony mom and dad would’ve been proud of.  
And after the way I’ve treated you, it probably doesn’t mean anything to you.  But I’m proud of you too.”
Sunshine started to cry, Rainbow looked at her sister got up and walked to her and hugged her tightly and kissed her.
“I’m so sorry sis,’ said Rainbow, “I’ve missed you so bad.”
“I’ve missed you too,’ said Sunshine, “I should’ve been there for you.”
“I love you sis,” said Rainbow.
“I love you too,” said Sunshine.
The two just held each other as if trying to make up for all the missed hugs of the past.
The photo of Storm Cloud, Sunshine had brought with her, was by her seat.  Scootaloo saw the photo.
“That’s him,” said Scootaloo, “The pony I saw in my dream!”
“What’s she talking about?” asked Sunshine.
“Last night,” said Scootaloo, “I had a dream.  In it, I was asleep in my new bed when I heard a pony come in the room.  I looked and it was a Pegasus colt about my age.  He was brown with a red, yellow and blue mane and tail.  
He walked up to me and said;
‘I’m so glad you’re here.  Please take care of my mommy for me, I’ll never get the chance now. Tell her it’s not her fault, I’m not mad at her and I’ll always love her.”
Sunshine was taken aback, the time and description was exact.  Could it have been the spirit of Storm Cloud giving his blessing to Scootaloo, and forgiveness to Rainbow?  She never really believed in such things, but this was hard to discount.
A guard came to the door and told everypony the princess requested, if they could, to see her in the Throne Room.  The guard did express the princess said it was a request and not to be taken as a command.
The group was led to the Throne Room and the guard left them alone at the door.  There on their thrones were Princesses Celestia and Luna.  This time Sunshine was in enough frame of mind to realize Twilight and her sister must have some close connection to the princesses.  Once again, Sunshine was impressed.
Celestia saw the group and beckoned them in.  They bowed before the dais, but before they could say anything, Princess Luna flew down to Scootaloo.
“There’s my little dreamer,” said the princess, giving Scoot a hug.
“Hello again, Princess Luna,” said Scootaloo returning the hug.
The rest of the ponies just looked.
Scootaloo had to explain the dreams she had had at the camping trip.  Rainbow knew about the bad dream part, but because of her being afraid of being thought a liar, she’d omitted the part about Princess Luna.  
Plus Luna had checked in on her dreams from time to time enough to make it feel she and the princess were really friends, this verified it wasn’t just dreams.
“There are special dreamers,” said Luna, “they have another kind of sight.  They’re able to see things and know things which aren’t normally perceived in the waking world.  Ponies like Scootaloo are rare and their dreams must always be taken seriously.  
It’s my duty to watch over these special ponies.  Especially now that she’s my niece.”
Scootaloo was surprised.  She suddenly realized that she had not only mothers and grandparents, but uncles and aunts including Princesses Celestia and Luna.
Luna then hugged Scootaloo again, kissed her on the forehead, then flew back to her throne.
“Rainbow Dash,” said Celestia, “are you doing any better?”
“Yes, Highness,” said Rainbow, then looking at her sister.  “With the help of all my family, I’ll be okay.”
“I’m glad to hear it” said Celestia, “I know such a thing can be devastating, but it’s good to have family to help.  I hope, despite the gravity of the event, you’ve patched up things between your sister and yourself.  
I know just how hard it is to be estranged from a sister.”
Luna and Celestia looked at each other and smiled.
“At least I didn’t have to wait a thousand years,” said Rainbow with a smile.
Sunshine looked lost.
“It’s a long story,” said Luna with a giggle.
“So,” said Celestia, “was it just a social visit when you came here this morning, or was there something else I could do for you?”
Twilight was about to say it was just a get acquainted visit for Scootaloo when Rainbow spoke first.
“It was just a visit to introduce Scootaloo to you.  But now, I’ve something I need to ask.”
“What’s that, Rainbow my Dear?”
“Twilight and I’ve done a lot in your service, Your Highness.  And often at great risk to ourselves,” said Rainbow, “I also know you, as princess, don’t owe us anything, and we owe you our respect, loyalty and obedience, which we’ve steadfastly given.”
“But?” said Celestia with an eyebrow raised.
“I know it probably isn’t right or proper.  And I know I’ll get a lecture from my wife later.  But with our helping to save Your Highness, your sister and Equestria on several occasions, I’d like to call in a solid; ‘You Owe Me’.”
Twilight, Sunshine and Luna gasped at the audacity, but Celestia only smiled.  She did appreciate boldness.
“We shall hear the petition,” said Celestia, reverting to formal and official speech to show she was taking Rainbow seriously.
“I know the adoption process is often long and drawn out,” said Rainbow, Scootaloo’s ears perked up.  “So I’m formally requesting, in light of our service to you, Twilight and myself be granted immediate adoption, and permanent guardianship of Scootaloo.  
I swear on my life and by my love of my family and of Your Highnesses, I’ll be the parent I should’ve been.”
Celestia smiled.
“I’ll make a pronouncement on this in just a moment,” said Celestia.  “Sister, will you have the guard summon my secretary please?”
“Right away, my sister,” said Luna leaving.
“There’s one pony I must talk to before I make a decision.” Said the princess, “Scootaloo, please come with me.”
Scootaloo looked at Twilight and Rainbow, they both nodded to say it was alright and there was nothing to fear.
Celestia led Scootaloo to a small anteroom and closed the door behind them.
“Please Scootaloo,” said the princess, “don’t be afraid and don’t worry about how to act around a princess, I’m sure Twilight will teach you proper ceremony and rituals later.  For now, just relax and be yourself.  After all, I’m soon to be your aunt.”
Both Celestia and Scootaloo smiled at that.
“Yes ma’am,” said Scootaloo, still trying to be on her best behavior.
“I want to ask the most important question first.  Do you want to be adopted by Rainbow and Twilight?”
“More than anything!” said Scootaloo almost shouting, then remembering herself, “I mean, yes ma’am.”
Celestia smiled;
“Don’t worry about it,” said the princess trying to get the filly to relax.  “I said to be yourself.
I do want to know if you have any conditions you wish to impose upon this compact?”
“I beg your pardon ma’am,” said Scootaloo not quite following the more formal speech patterns.
“Is there anything special you wish to add to this?” Said the princess with a smile, trying to make it easy on the filly.
Scootaloo thought for a moment then she smiled.
Celestia and Scootaloo came back into the Throne Room, the princess told the filly to go back with Rainbow and Twilight.
Raven was waiting on the dais between the two thrones.  Celestia took her seat.
“Rainbow,” said Celestia, “because of your service to the House of Celestia, I’ll forgo the executioner...
This time.”
Rainbow looked shocked, Luna snickered.
“There hasn’t been an executioner in Equestria for at least twenty centuries,” said Twilight leaning over and whispering to Rainbow.
“Shh!” said Celestia to Twilight with a mischievous gleam in her eyes.  She may be the absolute co-ruler, but she did like to mess with ponies’ heads sometime.
“I’ve considered your petition, and I’ve consulted the one pony this will affect the most.  She’s made a request.”  Celestia then turned her gaze to the little filly;
“Mama Rainbow, Mama Twilight, I’ve never had a family name, and I’m excited I’m goin’a have one.  But I’d also like to have a middle name.”
“A middle name?” asked Rainbow.
“Yes, a middle name, Rainbow Anne,” said Sunshine giggling.
“So funny, Sunshine Marie,” said Rainbow.
It was Twilight’s turn to snicker.
“What’s so funny about middle names, Twilight Louise?” asked Celestia.
Twilight lowered her head sheepishly.
It appeared Luna was about to add something to this but Celestia looked at her sister and said;
“Remember the moon, little sister.”
Luna got the message, but she smiled at the bogus threat.
“I do, I remember it very well, Celestia Mildred,” snickered Luna.
“That will do, Luna Hildegarde!” said Celestia, as always getting the last word in.
Luna blushed, she hadn’t thought this through.
“Mildred? Hildegarde?” said Rainbow and Twilight quietly to each other.
“Continue sweetheart,” said the princess.
“If it’d be okay,” said Scootaloo, “I’d like to be Scootaloo Storm-Cloud Dash. The Storm and Cloud would be hyphenated.”
Twilight and Rainbow looked at each other, then they looked at Scootaloo.  There were smiles on all three.
“It’d be our honor,” said Rainbow.
“I concur,” said Twilight.
“Raven, take this down:  
I, Celestia Rex, do hereby grant full adoption and custody of the Pegasus Pony Scootaloo Storm-Cloud Dash to Rainbow Anne and Twilight Louise Dash.  
(Celestia had to get that dig in and make it official!)
However, the Crown reserves the right to check in on the family to make sure of the propriety of her upbringing.
Given this day, under my hoof, etc...etc...”
There was a strange feeling which came over Scootaloo,  It was love, pride, joy and something else she’d never felt before.
The princesses came down and there were hugs all around.
“Raven will have a copy of this with my official seal before you leave.  She’ll forward a copy by courier to the Ponyville Children’s home as well.”
PART SIX: Dreams Come True
Rainbow and Twilight invited Sunshine to come with them to Twilight’s parents’ home.
They talked and ate and just enjoyed getting aquatinted and reacquainted.  The news of Scootaloo being officially adopted was a great thrill to the elder ponies and they lavished all the love and attention they could on their new (official) grandfilly.
Scootaloo was in Elysium, so many ponies wanting to hold her and fuss over her.  It appeared as if all the attention she’d grown up without was trying to be remedied in just one evening.  She never knew she could love and be loved by ponies like this.
As the evening wore on, Scootaloo couldn’t stop yawning.
“Okay Squirt,” said Rainbow, “you need to take a shower and go to bed.”
“No problem mom,” said Scootaloo who was still so stoked about really being adopted and having a real family she actually belonged to.
“You can sleep in my old room,” said Twilight.  “It’s nice and comfortable for a filly.”
“Just don’t drool on any of your mom’s dolls,” said Twilight Velvet.  “She gets upset if anything is out of order.”
“Mom,” exclaimed Twilight, “not in front of my daughter!”
Everypony smiled at the statement.  Twilight, Rainbow and Scootaloo not the least.
The Sparkles loved their daughter, but when she confided her sexual preference to them years ago, they took it with no more reaction than if Twilight (the younger) had just asked for cereal for breakfast.  
But because of this, it appeared that Twilight would not likely have any foals.
But now she’d given them a granddaughter!  It mattered not in the tiniest she was adopted, she was sassy yet sweet and loving and wanted grandparents as much as they wanted a grandchild.  
“Don’t listen to grandma,” said Twilight, “you’re welcome to play with or sleep with any doll or toy in there you choose.”
Scootaloo had never given much thought to kissing, it was either a romantic thing she had no interest in as of yet, although she secretly loved romance novels and romance movies.  Or it was something mushy she’d seen other colts and fillies do with parents or siblings.  It didn’t appear to her to be important.  But now she had a love in her heart she never thought she’d have.  She gladly gave every pony a hug and kiss, even her new Aunt Sunshine.  
Sunshine was beside herself, not only had the rift between she and her sister been repaired, the pain in her heart she’d denied for so long was gone.  And the reward was she now had a new extended family with a very charming niece.
The adults were sitting around and sipping some wine.  
Rainbow was interested in what Sunshine had been doing all these years, but not as much as much as Sunshine was hearing all of the exploits of Twilight, Rainbow and their four friends.  Sunshine had heard of Rainbow winning the Best Young Flyer Competition.
But she also had heard stories of a group of six ponies who were basically the heroes of Equestria.  She wasn’t sure, but now it was confirmed her sister was one of the six.  But as Twilight and Rainbow were talking about those adventures there was a shout of exclamation heard from down the hall.
Scootaloo came running into the living room.
“Look at what I found when I took my dress off,” said Scootaloo all excited, turning her flanks where they could be seen.
“Your cutie mark!” said Twilight and Rainbow together.
Then they all realized what it was at the same time.
“I don’t believe it,” said Rainbow.
The cutie mark was like Rainbow’s except it had a black cloud with a red/yellow/blue lightning bolt.  Just like the one on the picture of Storm Cloud.
“Well, if that doesn’t prove Scootaloo was supposed to be with you two,” said Night Light, “then I don’t think anything else could be better proof.”
Rainbow’s aura surrounded Scootaloo and lifted the filly to her where she hugged Scoot like there was no tomorrow.
“Honey,” said Twilight with a smile, “you need to share, she’s my daughter too.”
Scootaloo stuck out a foreleg in Twilight’s direction, the message was clear.  Twilight joined in the family hug.
Scootaloo went off to bed and the adults visited into the late evening.  Finally it was time to turn in, Twilight suggested Sunshine use Shining’s old room because she thought it’d be too weird to sleep in her brother’s bed.  As Twilight and Rainbow were heading to the guest room, they saw a light coming from under the door on Twilight’s old room.
Twilight let Rainbow know she wanted to say something.
“Okay, young filly,” said Twilight loud enough to be heard through the door.  She was having trouble not laughing, “get out from in front of that mirror, turn off the light and go to sleep.  You can look at your cutie mark in the morning.”
Rainbow was about to comment when a voice from the room cried out.
“How did you know, mom?” asked Scootaloo.
Twilight opened the door and looked in at her daughter.
“I’m a Unicorn,” said Twilight very cryptically.  “Now goodnight and we love you.”
“Love you too, moms,” said Scootaloo turning off the light and climbing in the bed.
As the two walked down the hall to the guest room, and she was sure Scootaloo couldn’t hear, Rainbow asked:
“How did you know?  And don’t give me the ‘I’m a Unicorn’ horse-apples.”
Twilight kissed Rainbow and replied:
“But it’s true, I’m a Unicorn.”
“Yes,” said Rainbow, “but how did you know?”
“I stood in front of the same mirror,” said Twilight snickering, “almost all night just looking at mine when I got my cutie mark.  
My parents always used that line to keep Shining and myself guessing if a Unicorn had powers of awareness that we hadn’t discovered yet.  Like they knew what we were doing, even out of sight, it kept us in line, ”
“Not only have I married the most beautiful pony in Equestria, I married the smartest,” said Rainbow.
“Was there ever any doubt?” Asked Twilight with ‘that look’ in her eyes.
Rainbow got the message loud and clear.
“Just keep the noise down,” said Twilight Velvet’s voice from the next room, “we’ll be trying to sleep.”
“How did you know?” called out Twilight the younger.
“I’m a Unicorn,” was the response.
Twilight and Rainbow got a good laugh out of the statement.
The rest of the weekend went great.  Rainbow and Sunshine reconnected and both promised to visit the other and write often.  Twilight told Sunshine she’d make sure Rainbow and Scootaloo would stay in touch.  
On the second visit to the castle, neither Celestia or Luna were surprised at the news of the cutie mark.  They told the Dash’s it wasn’t unheard of for a child to receive the cutie mark of a deceased sibling, it was considered a very special and mystical honor.  But it was the first they’d heard of it happening to an adopted sibling.  
But as Night Light had commented, it only gave credence to this was to be and the visit of Storm Cloud to Scootaloo’s dream should be taken seriously.
In the afternoon, Sunshine, Twilight Velvet and Night Light saw the little family off at the train station.
The trip was a happy one.  Scootaloo said she couldn’t wait to tell her friends about being adopted and show them her new cutie mark, such good news!
“May I wear a dress to school so I can surprise the class with my cutie mark?” Asked Scootaloo, who almost couldn’t believe she was asking to wear a dress.
“School,” said Twilight, “that’s right, we’re going to have to go with you in the morning to register you.”
“She’s already registered in school,” said Rainbow.
“Scootaloo, who resides at the Ponyville Children’s Home, ward of the Crown is.  But not Scootaloo Storm-Cloud Dash, daughter of Rainbow and Twilight Dash.  
This brought smiles to all ponies.
The next morning, Twilight, Rainbow and Scootaloo walked early to the schoolhouse.  As they got there, to their surprise, Candy Mane was arriving as well.
“Scootaloo! Rainbow! Twilight!” said Candy Mane, “I got the official paperwork from Canterlot yesterday.  Congratulations to all of you.”
“Thank you for everything, Ms. Candy Mane” said Scootaloo.
“You’re quite welcome,” said the official pony.  “By the way, you look quite lovely.  Your new family has already had a great influence on you.”
“It is amazing what love can do for a pony,” said Rainbow, “I know only too well.”
They all smiled.
“Well, I’m only too glad when we can place a special needs child,” said Candy Mane.  “They tend to be the hardest to place.”
“Special needs?” said Twilight and Rainbow together.
Scootaloo just looked confused.  She didn’t really understand what was being said.
“Perhaps we should go inside,” said Candy, “I have Scootaloo’s health record.  I need to give it to you anyway.  I knew you’d have to come here to register Scootaloo, we can go over it with Cheerilee.”
Cheerilee looked up from her desk, she was drinking some coffee and going over the day’s lesson plan.  She saw Candy Mane enter along with Scootaloo, Rainbow and Twilight Dash.
“Hello,” said the teacher, “what can I do for you?”
“We’re here to register our daughter for school,” said Twilight.
A smile raced across Cheerilee’s face when she realized what was being said.
“That’s wonderful,” said the teacher, “congratulations to all of you!”
“I just wanted to give the Rainbow and Twilight Dash, Scootaloo’s health record,” said Candy Mane, “and I wanted to make sure everypony was up on her condition.”
“Oh yes,” said Cheerilee, “I’d almost forgot.  Please have a seat everypony.”
Cheerilee took out a registration form and started to ask questions.
“Name... Scootaloo,” said the teacher.
“Scootaloo Storm-Cloud Dash,” said Scootaloo.
“The Storm-Cloud is hyphenated,” added Twilight.
“Thank you,” said Cheerilee, “It’s a very nice name Scootaloo.”
Scootaloo smiled.
“Home address?” asked Cheerilee.
“Golden Oak Library,” said Twilight.
“No excuse not to do your homework now,” said the teacher kidding.
They all chuckled.
“Name of Father and Mother,” said Cheerilee, then correcting herself and blushing slightly, “Sorry, Mother and Mother.”
“Rainbow and Twilight Dash,” said Rainbow.
“I assume the age is the same,” said the teacher with a chuckle.
“Cutie mark...,” said Cheerilee, “none.”
“Sorry Miss Cheerilee,” said Scootaloo getting up and raising the skirt to reveal her flank.
“Oh my,” said Cheerilee, “that’s a wonderful cutie mark.  Have your friends seen it yet?”
“No ma’am,” said Scootaloo, “I want to surprise them.”
“I’ll surely let you,” said the teacher, “and by the way, would you do me a great favor and stand on the porch and let me know when the students are coming?  If you do, I’ll let you ring the bell when it is time.”
“No problem,” said Scootaloo getting up, giving her new mothers a quick hug and left.
When Scootaloo was out the door, Cheerilee continued.
“I suppose her condition is unchanged?”
“What condition?” asked Rainbow.
“What condition?” asked Twilight.
“I assumed you two knew,” said Candy Mane.  “Scootaloo has diminished growth plates in her wing bones, her flight muscles are as strong as any Pegasi her age, it’s the reason she can get such great thrust on her scooter, but can’t get enough lift to fly.”
Rainbow took a moment to put together what was being said, but Twilight recognized the condition immediately.
“That means...” said Rainbow.
“Scootaloo’s wings will never grow right, she’ll never fly,” said Twilight, “does she know?”
“No,” said Candy Mane, “but she’ll need to know soon, she’s old enough.”
“Do you want me to talk to her about it?” asked Cheerilee. “that way she won’t lash out at you, if she doesn’t take it well.”
“No Cheerilee,” said Twilight, “it’s our responsibility as parents to work through this with her.”
“We want our relationship to be built on love, honesty and trust,” said Rainbow.
PART SEVEN: Revelations
All the students were surprised to see Scootaloo in a dress.  Sweetie Belle knew about the Dash’s taking Scoot in and she’d shared it with Apple Bloom, but the two hadn’t had any time to talk to their other friends about it.
“Good morning my little ponies,” said Cheerilee.
“Good morning Miss Cheerilee,” replied the students.
“I trust you all had a good weekend and are ready to get to work,” said the teacher.
Groans were the reply.  The teacher just smiled, it was as much part of the ritual.
“Before we get to today’s lesson, we need to welcome a new student.”
The kids looked around, not seeing any new faces.
“Come on in,” said Cheerilee.
Rainbow and Twilight Dash entered the class.
There were pleasant murmurs, both Twilight and Rainbow were very popular ponies, well known to even the children.
“We’d like to introduce our new daughter,” said Twilight.
“Come up here,” said Rainbow.
The kids looked around again. Scootaloo waited a moment then got up and walked to her moms with a big smile.
“We’d like you to meet, Scootaloo Storm-Cloud Dash,” said Rainbow proudly.  “She was officially adopted this weekend.”
There were some happy murmurs from the class but then Diamond Tiara spoke up.
“She’s not a new student, she’s the same old blank flank!”
Scootaloo turned sideways and Twilight levitated the hem of Scoot’s dress to expose her flank.
“No way!” said Apple Bloom excitedly.
The rest of the class cheered, all but Diamond Tiara.
“We’ll let you get back to your class,” said Rainbow.
“I’ll be right back,” said Scootaloo to the teacher.
Cheerilee nodded.
The three exited the class, Scoot gave her mothers a kiss and had them take the dress home so it wouldn’t get dirty at school.
Scootaloo walked back to her desk and the class started.
All the ponies would glance at the new cutie mark, such a thing was always the subject of excitement with the school kids.  Four ponies in particular kept looking at it.  Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Silver Spoon looked in admiration, Diamond Tiara looked in disbelief.  She was certain it was a fake just like when Apple Bloom tried to fake a cutie mark with the Heart’s Desire potion.  Diamond thought with Scootaloo living with that freaky Twilight, then there had to be some fake mumbo-jumbo going on.
At recess all the ponies circled Scootaloo congratulating her.  Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were beside themselves.
“You said you’d get your cutie mark by not having a home,” said Sweetie Belle.  “But it looks like having a home is what did it.”
“I’m so jealous!” said Apple Bloom, “I wanted to be the first.”
The way she was laughing a pony could tell she wasn’t upset.
“It almost looks like Rainbow Dash’s,” said Sweetie Belle.
“And it’s how you can tell it’s a fake,” said Diamond Tiara, pushing her way through the crowd.
There were some murmurs.
Scootaloo knew the nice Diamond Tiara who helped her just this last Friday wouldn’t last.  Scoot also couldn’t help but notice the look on Silver Spoon’s face showed she wasn’t in agreement with Diamond.
Scootaloo thought about what would be the best comeback, then she realized her new family would be of help.
“My new aunts are convinced it’s real,” said Scoot.
“You don’t have aunts,” said Diamond, “you’re an orphan.”
“I’m the adopted daughter of Rainbow and Twilight Dash,” said Scootaloo proudly, “their families are now my families, including my aunt Sunshine Dash, uncle Prince Shining Armor and his wife aunt Princess Cadence, but the aunts I said were convinced are my aunts; Princesses Celestia and Luna.”
All the kids looked at Diamond to see what her comeback would be.  She looked lost and started grasping at straws.
“I... I still don’t believe you,” said Diamond, “you’ve no proof of what you’re saying.  I bet it’d rub right off.”
“You’re welcome to try,” said Scoot with a smile Rainbow would be proud of, “if you think you’re filly enough.”
“Oooo...” said the ponies.
“Gross! I don’t want to touch your flanks,” said Diamond.
There was a moment of quiet as the ponies were waiting on the next move.
“I will,” said Silver Spoon.
Scoot was about to comeback with something, but something in the way Silver had said it and the look in her eyes showed she was wanting to prove it real, not fake.
“Go ahead,” said Scootaloo.
Silver walked up to Scootaloo and whispered:
“I believe you.”
Silver gingerly reached out and stroked the cutie mark, Scootaloo noticed how gentle Silver Spoon was touching her flank.  She wasn’t trying to rub paint off as much as caressing her flank.  It felt odd but not unpleasant.
Silver held out her hoof to Diamond, no trace of paint, ink or dye.
“It’s real,” said Silver Spoon, in the snooty voice she had used on the CMC in the past.
Diamond slunk off, she looked back at Silver Spoon, who just shook her head and stayed with the rest of the class mates.
After class, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle walked to Sugarcube corner for their after school snack.  They had to hear every detail of Scootaloo’s weekend.  They were so envious Scoot got to be around and now be related to Princesses Celestia and Luna.  But they were beyond happy for their friend now she had a real family.
As they sat there, another pony entered.  Everypony looked at who had entered.   The pony walked to the CMC and greeted them.
“Hello everypony, would it be okay if I join you?”
The three friends looked at each other, not sure of this turn of events.
“No problem, Silver Spoon,” said Apple Bloom.
Silver Spoon went to the counter and ordered then sat down next to Scootaloo, it was hard to tell if she was sitting a little closer than just being friendly or not.  None of the three friends had been around Silver Spoon in a friendly way to know her habits.
Soon Pinkie Pie brought four milkshakes to the table and left.
“I hope you don’t mind, I bought these as an ‘I’m sorry’ gesture for today and for much of the past,” said Silver Spoon.
It was almost strange to hear Silver Spoon talking to them without the condescending inflection in her voice.  Everypony found her voice to actually be pleasant, especially Scootaloo.
“Why the change of heart?” said Sweetie Belle.
“Diamond Tiara has been my only friend for some time,” said Silver Spoon, “because of that, no other pony wanted to be around me.  Diamond always told me it was because I’m so homely.  And I was lucky she wanted to be around me.
Because I believed her, I always followed her lead.”
“You aren’t homely!” said Scootaloo, “that’s mean even for Diamond!”
Silver Spoon looked at Scootaloo and smiled a very warm smile as if appreciating the acknowledgment.
“So what changed?” asked Apple Bloom.
“For about a year now,” said Silver, “Diamond had been getting more and more pushy.  Especially now she has a coltfriend she’s seeing a lot of.  
We used to go to the movies on the weekend or out shopping.  But now she wants to spend all her time with him, a high school pony.  Plus she wanted me to go out with her coltfriend’s friends or relatives and do things they do.  But I have reasons why I won’t go with them, aside from the fact I don’t what they’re doing is proper at their age.”
Silver blushed knowing her new friends should know what she was saying, she hoped she didn’t have to explain.
“I started to feel left out of everything.  Our classmates wanted nothing to do with me, especially you girls, because of the way Diamond and I acted.  
I’m not perfect, I listened to Diamond and so I believed she and I were better than everypony else.  But then I started to see how much it was isolating me just because I wanted to fit in with my only friend.  
Plus there was one other thing she held over my head.  A secret she was sure if exposed I’d be disgraced, but I’m willing to face that possibility now.  
Especially if I have real friends that’d be there for me.
So lately Diamond has let me hang out with her once in a while as if doing me a favor.  Now I see she just wanted to make sure there was at least one pony to back her up.”
Silver then turned to look into Scootaloo’s eyes.  
“Then last Friday, when we gave you a hoof in getting your bags to the Children’s Home, the respect and warmth you showed in gratitude did something for me.  I could see ponies could respect me for me and not just because of Diamond.”
Silver Spoon put a hoof on Scootaloo’s shoulder and smiled.
“It’s why when you showed your new cutie mark and it put Diamond in her place, I knew it was time for me to make the break and get out of her shadow and see if I couldn’t find friends who’d let me be in my own light.”
“Thank you for the treat,” said Sweetie Belle, “and we’re always open to making new friends.”
“And we’d want Diamond to be a friend if’n she ever wanted,” said Apple Bloom.
“I think what we’re saying is,” said Scootaloo, looking into Silver’s eyes. “Would you like to hang out with us?”
Silver Spoon started to cry.  Scootaloo put a foreleg around Silver’s shoulder.
“You’d really want to have me around after the way I’ve treated you?” asked Silver, “I’m so ashamed.”
“Don’t be,” said Apple Bloom, “forgivin’ is what friends do.”
The three fillies got up and hugged their new friend.  They’d never seen this kind of smile on their onetime adversary.
The rest of the snack time went well and they told Silver Spoon she was welcome to join their study group at the library.
About a half hour later, the little group entered the library for their study time.  Twilight heard the bell at the door and came into main room, there she found her daughter and friends plus one pony.  They were setting up their table for their study time.
“Hello mom,” said Scootaloo seeing her mom enter the room.  It still gave Scoot a thrill to have a ‘mom’, two in fact.
“Hi Sweetie,” said Twilight, “who’s your friend?”
“Mom,” said Scoot, “this is our new friend Silver Spoon.”
There was an odd look came over her face at the recognition of the name.
“I thought...” said Twilight, but she caught herself.  She didn’t want to hurt the filly’s feelings if she was wrong.
“Yes, Mrs. Dash,” said Silver, blushing at being remembered for what she’d done in the past.  It was nice Twilight was trying to spare her feelings.  “I’m afraid I’m the pony you’ve heard of.  And I’m sorry; but things have changed.  Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle have shown me what real friends are.”
“I’m glad to hear it, and it’s okay to call me Twilight.  All my friends do.”
Silver Spoon smiled at the acceptance.  
Twilight couldn’t help but notice Silver Spoon was sitting close to Scootaloo,  it appeared her daughter didn’t notice or at least, didn’t care.  But she made a mental note to talk to her daughter later.
“So who needs help with their homework?” asked Twilight.
The friends worked through the word problems Cheerilee had assigned.  Twilight was pleased her daughter’s new friend appeared to be quite intelligent and was able to help the others with some of the concepts.  
In about an hour, they were finished and packed up their school things and were heading out.
“Mom, we’re going to the clubhouse,” said Scootaloo.  
“Okay,” said Twilight.  “Don’t be too late, your mother and I need to talk to you about something.”
“Okay mom,” said Scootaloo, going out the door.  She was still amazed she had parents who cared for her.
At the clubhouse, the four just sat around and talked about the fate of the Cutie Mark Crusaders now they had one member with a cutie mark and another friend with their mark who wanted to be part of their group.
“So now what do we do?” asked Sweetie Belle, “our club was to help each other to find their cutie mark.  But now Scootaloo has hers, does she no longer belong?”
“And Silver Spoon already had hers,” said Apple Bloom, “We don’t wan’a be friends who exclude friends from hangin’ out.”
“We created our club to help each other find our cutie marks,” said Scootaloo, “just because some of us have our cutie mark, it shouldn’t stop us from trying to help the others find theirs.”
“It might even be an advantage,” said Silver Spoon, “don’t you go to somepony who knows music when you want to learn to make music?”
They all found logic in what Silver Spoon had said.  They were all glad to have a reason not to exclude their close friend and their new friend who they welcomed to the CMC.
“I never thought I’d be so happy to be considered a Cutie Mark Crusader!” Said Silver Spoon with a tear on her cheek.
They held their CMC induction (now abridged to be of a more reasonable length) and gave her a CMC cape.  Silver Spoon was beside herself with pride and joy.  She was being accepted as an equal and not just a toady.  
There was a group hug with a pony they never expected to belong to the CMC.  With so many forelegs around each other, it was hard to tell whose was whose.  Scootaloo was not sure if it were just somepony having to adjust the position of their foreleg or if one of her friends was actually feeling her flank.  However, it wasn’t enough to embarrass anypony, so she said nothing.
They sat around and gossiped for about an hour.  It was nice to have a new pony to tell old stories to as well as hearing ‘dirt’ on Diamond and even some confirmation from their new friend about the truth of some of the things she was involved with.
Soon it was time to head home for dinner and everypony went their own way. Silver Spoon’s house was on the way to the library so Scootaloo walked with her.  
Silver Spoon was walking very close to Scootaloo, she and Scoot were laughing at funny stories and Silver was enthralled by Scoot’s story about her trip to Canterlot, the relationship with Princess Luna.  And was even was mesmerized but slightly frightened by the visit of her late ‘brother’ telling her to take care of Rainbow.
Soon they arrived at Silver’s home.  It was impressive in size, a pool in the back and lots of yard.  It was missing the wall of hedges and gate Diamond Tiara had at her home.
“Well,” said Silver, “this is where I live.”
“Nice,” said Scootaloo.
“Maybe you can spend the night one night,” said Silver.
“I’d like that.”
“So would I,” said Silver with a smile.
Silver gave Scoot a warm hug, which she returned.  Silver loosened her grip, her foreleg still around Scoot’s neck.  Silver looked into Scootaloo’s eyes and did something completely unexpected.
Scootaloo had seen movies and tried not to appear too sappy about emotions, but secretly she enjoyed love story movies, along with romantic books she’d hidden from other fillies at the Home.  
So Scootaloo knew the mechanics and motivations when Silver Spoon kissed her; she wasn’t without guidance, although she was without experience.
It was a respectable kiss, held for at least a good minute.  No tongue, but it wasn’t just a peck on the lips.  Scoot didn’t fight it, she actually found herself liking it and tightening her embrace, to the thrill of Silver.
Silver broke the kiss and continued to look in Scoot’s eyes.  Her smile would’ve lit up a darkened room.  She was overjoyed that Scootaloo didn’t fight the kiss or become angry with her.
“See you at school,” said Silver Spoon who gave a slightly shorter kiss then turned and went into the house.
Scootaloo watched as the door closed.  Then she noticed a curtain in a ground floor window open and Silver Spoon looked out.  She blew a kiss and then waved; Scoot found herself returning the blown kiss.  She’d never, in her short life, ever blew a kiss to anypony!  Scoot waved back and the curtains closed.
Scoot stood there for another minute looking at the window, actually hoping Silver would look out it again.  Then she turned and to walk home.
Scootaloo was so lost in her thoughts; she was halfway to the Children’s Home before she remembered she didn’t live there anymore.
It started to form in her mind what Silver Spoon was talking about Diamond Tiara ‘holding something over her head’.  
Was it Diamond knew Silver liked girls?  Was Diamond so closed minded she had convinced Silver Spoon that her sexual choice was something shameful or unnatural?  With Diamond’s actions in the past, Scootaloo wouldn’t put it past her.
‘I think I might be able to help Silver out from under that assumption.  But does me liking her kiss make me a mare-lover too?  
My mothers are mare-lovers, my best friend’s sisters are mare-lovers, so what if I’m a mare-lover!’ thought Scootaloo.
It was starting to get dark outside.  At the library, Scootaloo saw the closed sign on the door and she went to knock.  But then she realized she didn’t have to knock on her own door.  The bell rang as the door opened and Twilight came into the room.
“Sweetie,” said Twilight, “I was afraid you were going to miss dinner.”  
“I was just about to go fly and look for you,” said Rainbow.
“I’m sorry Mama Twilight, Mama Rainbow,” said Scootaloo.  “We spent longer than normal just talking.  We were getting to know Silver Spoon better and making her a Cutie Mark Crusader.  
Then I walked Silver to her home.  
After we kissed, I got confused and almost walked to the Children’s Home before I remembered I lived here...”
Scootaloo froze, her face went blank, and her eyes went crossed.  She realized she was so distracted, she’d just confessed something she wasn’t sure of how to explain further.
“After you what?” said Rainbow and Twilight in unison.
“Oh, horse-apples!” said Scootaloo.
“First, young filly,” said Twilight in her best motherly voice, the one she could remember her own mother using.  “Respectable young ladies don’t use crude language like that.”
“Yes mom,” replied the filly sheepishly.
Rainbow was snickering, but stopped when Twilight shot an annoyed glance at her wife.
“Second,” continued Twilight, trying to tone down her reaction, she didn’t want to alienate her daughter after only four days of being her mother.  
“What do you mean ‘after we kissed’?”
“It was just that,” said Scootaloo.  “It wasn’t anything I was expecting.
From the movies I’ve seen and books I’ve read and watching you two, I don’t think it was a ‘romantic’ kiss.  She was probably happy to have friends who were real friends.”
“Did you or she use your tongue?” asked Rainbow.
“No,” said Scootaloo, “it was just a kiss.  I don’t think anything was really meant by it, and I’ve no plans to do it again.  As I said, I just think Silver Spoon was being grateful for real friends.”
Twilight and Rainbow accepted and knew they had to trust their daughter.  After all, she did tell them up front.  Even if it were a slip up, she didn’t try to cover it up.
Even if Scootaloo did kiss Silver Spoon voluntary, Twilight or Rainbow didn’t want to appear hypocritical.
Dinner was, as always at the Dash home, delicious.  Even though it was so much better than what they served at the Home, Scootaloo wasn’t hungry.  The thought of the kiss with Silver Spoon kept replaying in her mind.  
Twilight and Rainbow did notice that Scootaloo appeared to be distracted, but they knew that it was something their daughter needed to work through.  If she wanted them to help, they were sure she’d ask.
It was true what she had told her moms, she didn’t have any plans to do it again.  But she wasn’t at all averse to letting it happen on its own.
After dinner was done and all the family helped clear away and wash the dishes, pots and pans, they went into the front room, which after library hours doubled as the family’s living room.
Spike was reading the latest Power Ponies comic book, Twilight was making out a list of things to do tomorrow and Rainbow was getting the plans together for tomorrow’s weather.  After about an hour, Spike said he was going to bed, he was still a baby after all and needed more sleep than the other ponies there.  Scootaloo was reading one of the Daring Do books her mothers had recommended.  At first, she balked like Rainbow had.  But, like Rainbow, when she got to the part where Daring found the temple, she was hooked.  
But for now her mind wasn’t on Daring escaping from Ahuizotl.  In fact, she’d stared at the same paragraph for the last hour.  She was starting to realize that she was wanting to get another kiss from Silver Spoon and wondering what it would be like if tongue was involved the next time.
But as Spike was heard going into his and Scoot’s room, Twilight interrupted.
“Scootaloo,” said Twilight.
Scootaloo knew it must be important; her mom didn’t call her any endearment.
“We found out something today and we need to talk.”
“Okay,” said Scootaloo putting down the book.
“Has anypony ever talked to you about your wings?” asked Rainbow.
“No,” said the filly, becoming more curious than concerned.  “I know I’ve been taken to the public clinic a couple of times when I was at the Home.  They’d take x-rays of my wings and chest.  But they never said anything.  I just assumed it was a normal physical the Home was required to have the kids do.”
Twilight levitated a book to Scootaloo, it was an anatomy book and it was opened to a diagram about bones, the different parts were labeled.
“Do you see the section on the bone between the head and the shaft?” asked Twilight.
“Yes,” replied Scootaloo reading, “the growth plate.”
“Yes,” said Twilight, “it’s the part of the bone where the growth happens.  If damaged, abnormal or diseased, the bone will not grow properly or at all.”
“Okay,” replied Scootaloo, “why are you telling me this?”
“Scootaloo, Sweetheart,” said Twilight, “that’s what Candy Mane wanted to talk to us about.  Apparently the growth plates of your wing bones are diminished, or should I say, not what they should be.”
“I looked up the term ‘Special Needs’ Ms Candy Mane used,” said Scootaloo, “it said something about ponies who are disabled either mentally or physically.”
Tears were forming in Scootaloo’s eyes as she realized what they were telling her.
“So that’s what she meant.  I’m a cripple, a Pegasus pony that’ll never fly.”
Scootaloo was never one who dwelt on the negative in her life.  She always held out hope whatever came, it would work out eventually.  Having these new mothers was proof of this.  
But this hit her hard.  
“I’m so sorry I’m a disappointment, Mama Rainbow.  You’re the greatest flyer in Equestria if not the world and you’re now stuck with a Pegasus daughter who’ll never fly.”
Scootaloo started to cry uncontrollably.  Rainbow’s aura formed around the filly and lifted her to Rainbow.  She embraced the filly and cried with her.  Rainbow’s actions made Twilight think of something, she bolted upstairs.
“You aren’t a disappointment,” said Rainbow, “and we aren’t stuck with you.  We fell in love with you and chose you without you ever flying.  And you aren’t a cripple.  Your flight muscles are as strong as any other Pegasus your age, if not more.  How do you think you’re able to go so fast on your scooter and pull your friends along without much effort?  I’d bet none of your Pegasi friends who can fly could manage it.”
Twilight had returned and went to join the comforting hug.
“And who says you’ll never fly?” asked Twilight.
“My wings, you said they’d never grow right,” said Scootaloo.
“So?” asked Twilight.
Scootaloo’s crying was slowing as she became curious about what her mother was saying.
“What do you mean?” asked Scoot.
Twilight walked to the other end of the room.
“I can’t fly,” said Twilight, “right?”
“You’re a Unicorn,” said Scootaloo.
Rainbow was starting to understand where her wife was going with this.
“So?” asked Twilight.
“You have no wings,” said the filly.
Twilight just smiled, her horn glowed and the purple aura surrounded her.  Then she lifted off the floor almost to the ceiling.  Her legs outstretched just like Rainbow’s when she flies, Twilight zipped around the room, twisting and turning and even doing one loop.  Then she settled down by Rainbow and Scootaloo.
“That wasn’t flying,” said Scoot.
“What’s flying then,” asked Rainbow.
“Flying is being able to make yourself travel through the air,” replied the filly.
“So I went through the ground?  Or perhaps I walked over here?” asked Twilight.  There was a flash and Twilight disappeared but quickly reappeared on the other side of the room. “Or did I teleport?”
Twilight walked back to her wife and daughter.
Scootaloo thought about it, there wasn’t any reason to say her mother didn’t fly just because she used magic.
“Okay,” said Scoot, “you flew with magic, but you’re a Unicorn.”
“Am I a Unicorn?” asked Rainbow.
“Of course not,” said Scootaloo.
Rainbow held her wings folded close to her body.  Then Rainbow’s eyes glowed and her aura surrounded herself and she went through the air, just as Twilight had done.  But perhaps a bit flashier.  Then she landed beside her wife.
“Showoff!” said Twilight snickering.  But she gave Rainbow a little kiss.
Scootaloo was starting to understand where her mothers were going with this line of reasoning.
“Can I learn to do that?” asked Scootaloo, starting to become excited.
A book Twilight had brought from upstairs floated to Scootaloo.  It was the same book Cadence had given to Rainbow in Canterlot when she was learning to levitate.
“You’ll teach me levitation?” asked the filly.
“No,” said Twilight.
“But...” stammered Scootaloo.
“I could easily teach you, if you were a Unicorn,” said Twilight.  “But the only pony who can teach a Pegasus to do levitation is another Pegasus who can do levitation.”
It wasn’t quite the truth, but Rainbow and Twilight understood what this would mean to Scootaloo.
“We’ll start tomorrow,” said Rainbow with a smile.  
Rainbow had wanted to be the pony that’d teach Scootaloo to fly.  But those dreams were crushed when they found out about her ‘condition’.  But now she had a chance to teach her to fly and do so much more.
There were hugs all around.  Scootaloo was so stoked, she was now certain she would ‘fly’ soon!  
Plus she had her first real kiss today.  
She couldn’t wait to tell her friends...
About the levitation.
“So who’s the cripple?’ asked Twilight.
“Nopony I know,” said Scootaloo all smiles.
“That’s right,” said Rainbow, “the only thing special needs about you is your mother and I will have to start watching you closer.”
“Yes,” said Twilight, “kissing another filly, who ever heard of such a thing?”  
“What happened to: ‘Do I have to like girls too’?” asked Rainbow.
They all laughed.
Scootaloo had gone to bed about an hour ago.  Rainbow and Twilight were deep into their lovemaking.  They’d been married for over half a year now but it was still like new.  Their love continued to grow as did their desire to please the pony they loved so much.
“Oh Celestia! Right there Lover-Pony, right there, don’t stop!” said Rainbow, backing away from her wife’s marehood enough to speak.
“I won’t if you won’t,” said Twilight muffled with her tongue in Rainbow.
The orgasm was rapidly approaching, it was going to be a good one for both when there was a knock at the door.
Scootaloo heard her mothers panicking; she knew it wouldn’t be appropriate for her to chide her parents for the mild curses they were whispering.  Scoot snickered and blushed a bit, knowing what she’d just interrupted.  
“Yes?” called out Twilight.
“May I come in for a moment?”
“Sure Squirt,” replied Rainbow.
Scootaloo opened the door and entered.  Twilight and Rainbow were sitting up in the bed.  Both were trying to get their heavy breathing under control.
“What’s up Sweetie?” asked Twilight.
“I can’t sleep,” said Scoot.
“Come up here,” said Rainbow.
Twilight levitated the blanket so their daughter could get in with them.
Scootaloo climbed up on the bed between her mothers, she figured she wouldn’t ask why the blanket was so messed up, she already knew the answer but didn’t want to embarrass her mothers...
This time.
“Are you having bad dreams?” asked Twilight.
“Is Spike snoring too loud?” asked Rainbow.
“We weren’t keeping you awake,” asked Twilight, slightly afraid to hear the answer, “were we?”
“No moms,” said Scootaloo, “I just keep thinking about this evening.”
“You’re excited about learning to levitate so you can fly?” asked Rainbow excitedly.
“I’m excited about that,” said the filly, “but it isn’t what I’m thinking about.”
“It’s Silver Spoon,” asked Twilight, “isn’t it.”
I think I really like her,” said Scootaloo.
“Well she’s your friend,” said Rainbow, “why shouldn’t you like her?”
“I don’t think that’s what she’s saying,” said Twilight.
“Ohhhhhh!” said Rainbow.
Even in the low light, it was easy to tell their daughter blushed.
“I can’t stop thinking of Silver; I can’t stop thinking of her kissing me.  It confused me at first.  But now, I think I really liked it.  
Is it wrong of me?  I know we’re young.”
“I was younger than you when I kissed my first colt,” said Rainbow, “it started out as a way to mess with his head.  But I found I really liked it too.  
But you see where it led.”
“So you think me kissing Silver Spoon is going to get me pregnant?” asked Scootaloo kidding.
“Hardly,” said Rainbow rolling her eyes, “but we’d really like it if you put thought into with who you become involved with and how deep.  
It’s fun.  But it can carry some emotional baggage which will stick with you for the rest of your life.  
You’re young and have time to discover these things.
At least your other mother never had to be concerned with those things, I was her first.”
“Yes Honey,” Said Twilight, with a snicker, “you were the first pony I ever gave myself to...
But you weren’t the first pony I ever kissed.”
There was a quiet moment as it sunk in.
“Oh yeah?” said Scootaloo with a smile.
“Oh yeah!” said Rainbow, taken aback.
“You know Minuette,” asked Twilight.
         “The blue Unicorn with the hourglass cutie mark?” asked Rainbow.  
                   “The one you call ‘Mini’…
                             The one you meet for tea sometimes?”
“Yes, we were at the School for Gifted Unicorns together,” said Twilight.
“I thought you didn’t have any friends there,” said Rainbow, not sure if she should become jealous.
“I didn’t have friends there the same way I do here.  However, there were ponies I’d go to movies or other activities with.  We weren’t as close knit as Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie and Fluttershy but you could have considered Minuette, Lemon Hearts, Twinkleshine, Lyra Heartstrings and Moon Dancer as friends.  They’d go for the entertainment; I convinced myself I was only going for social interaction research.” Said Twilight, looking down in Scootaloo’s eyes and stroking her mane.  
“However, I don’t remember ever telling anypony I never had a...
Rainbow’s jaw dropped, Twilight continued:  
“One evening Minuette talked me into going with her to a very adult move;
                                             50 Shades of Hay...
Several years earlier, before Twilight had graduated from school...
Two ponies are walking through the castle grounds, they’re on their way to the school dorm after watching a late feature at the movies.
“Oh Twilight!” said Minuette, “wasn’t that the most wonderful movie ever?”
“I guess,” said Twilight analyzing the plot devices in her head. “It was a complicated interaction between two ponies.  The level of emotional expression was puzzling however.  Especially the reaction starting with the physical contact with the lips.”
“Twilight, you make it sound like a science project or physical exam,” replied Minuette.
“Well I hope I never have a physical exam where the doctor tries to stick their tongue in my mouth.  The implications of the exchange of bodily fluids sound most unsanitary.  
Especially the exchange of bodily fluids which came after the kissing.  Kissing and orally stimulating another pony’s genitalia and anus.  (Twilight gave a full body shudder.)
I almost had to leave; the thought was making me sick.  And don’t get me started about using of the act of copulation for recreation.”
“You’re a mess, Twilight Sparkle,” said Minuette, shaking her head, “I truly hope one day you’ll loosen up and enjoy life.”
“I enjoy life,” exclaimed Twilight.  “When I discover a new fact, it can keep me up all night as I appreciate the deep logic the universe has to offer.  
It’s just emotional reactions get in the way and I find it has no real appeal to me.
Especially when you put the mixing of genders into the equation.  I’m afraid the thought of a colt doing anything physical to me at the level the movie was showing, well it disgusts...
No, it actually sickens me.”
Minuette thought for a moment, and then a small smile crossed her face.  She started to think how to put it into terms to catch Twilight’s attention.
“Let’s try an experiment,” said the blue Unicorn.
“What type of experiment?” asked Twilight, Minuette was speaking her language.
As the two had been walking, they were now by the formal statue garden.  In the garden were benches for ponies to sit and rest or just admire the art.  But this time of the late evening, when it was dark, they made nice private spots for rendezvous.
“Come with me,” said Minuette leading Twilight to a secluded bench at the very back of the garden.  “Have a seat and get comfortable, we could be her a while.”
Twilight sat, Minuette sat by her very, very close.  Twilight didn’t mind, it was starting to get cool and the warmth of Minuette was welcome.
“Let’s analyze the theorem, but let’s change some of the variables,” said Minuette, “how does that sound?”
The way Minuette phrased it intrigued Twilight.
“Okay,” said Twilight, “I’m listening.”
“Good,” said Minuette, scooting a little closer to Twilight.  The softness of Minuette’s flank felt nice against her own.  Then Minuette took Twilight’s hoof in hers.
“Now,” said Minuette, “close your eyes and think of the movie again, but in your mind replace the stallion...
With a mare.”
Twilight closed her eyes; she could see what Minuette was saying.  The thought of the two mares in most of the interactions, though awkward when trying to figure some of the later interactions, didn’t disgust her.  
In fact, she found it appealing.
She didn’t realize it but she was starting to smile.
“I thought as much,” said Minuette.
“What?” said Twilight, opening her eyes.  Not knowing to what Minuette might be referring.
Minuette’s face was close.
“You’re a mare-lover,” said Minuette.
Twilight was shocked, she never thought of herself as any kind of lover.
“It’s nothing to be ashamed of.  I’m a mare-lover.”
As Twilight thought, it started to make sense.  She’d never been comfortable around colts; her brother was a different thing.  But mares she found to be visually pleasing.  She knew if a colt sat as close as Minuette was doing now, actually touching or holding her hoof, she would’ve moved away instantly.  Whereas the physical contact with Minuette was pleasant.
“Perhaps,” said Twilight, “but I still don’t get the reaction to the kissing.  It just doesn’t appear to be sanitary.”
Minuette laughed at the stubborn refusal of Twilight to think in emotional terms.
“You need advanced field research.”
“What?” asked Twilight not sure where Minuette was going with this.
“You need somepony to kiss you,” said Minuette, “and I mean a good kiss!  Not a motherly goodnight kiss, peck on the lips either.  
Then you’d understand.”
“Like that’ll ever happen,” said Twilight chuckled.
“I was hoping you’d say that,” said Minuette with a twinkle in her eyes.
Minuette just smiled and before Twilight knew it, Minuette had put her forelegs around Twilight.  She drew her close and proceeded to instruct Twilight in the fine art of kissing.
Twilight tried to resist but her forelegs had a mind to their own.  They pulled Minuette close as Twilight gave in to passion for the first time in her life.
The feel of Minuette’s tongue was doing something to her.  Her body was feeling hot, flush and parts were aching for more stimulation.  The world around was vanishing.  All Twilight could see in her mind’s eye was Minuette.  The thoughts of earlier where she had, in her mind, replaced the stallion in the movie with a mare, the mare was now Minuette and the first pony became Twilight.
The world of emotional release opened for the first time in Twilight’s mind.  Things that’d been thought unnecessary or useless were coming into focus in this new frame of reference.
When they broke the kiss, Twilight didn’t even consider the exchange of saliva, even with the string of it still connecting the two mare’s tongues.  The two were breathing heavily.
“Not bad for a beginner,” said Minuette.  “You’ve no idea how long I’ve been looking for an excuse to do that.”
“I never knew,” said Twilight quietly and smiling.  “And now, I wish you’d have done it sooner.”
Minuette smiled as Twilight gently pulled Minuette closer to resume the kiss.  She couldn’t believe the joy she was feeling.  Minuette was very pleased with Twilight’s actions.
This continued for about an hour.  
Finally, they realized it was getting late and they had to return to the dorm.
“Minuette,” said Twilight, “thank you for the instruction.  It truly opened my eyes to something I never considered.”
“My pleasure, really.  You appear to be a fast learner,” said Minuette.  “But with any new skill, you do need practice to perfect it.”
“Are you suggesting follow up sessions?” asked Twilight hopefully.  “I hope you’re saying you want to be my research partner.”
“I think that would be agreeable.  And the term, to be precise, is marefriend.  And call me Mini.
I even have some novels which might help you with some research,” said Minuette with a smile and giving Twilight a small kiss.
“I think I’m going to like this marefriend stuff, Mini,” said Twilight.
“Me too, Twi,” said Minuette.
The two fillies smiled at each other, kissed a short kiss then hey continued back to the dorm, hoof in hoof.
Back in the present...
We continued the relationship for about a year.  Things were getting serious, we'd often explore each other but we never quite ‘went all the way’.  We came close oh so many times and at times, it was hard to stop.  
But after that we both made a vow to not give ourselves to anypony at the level we were interacting again unless they were a pony who truly and totally loved us.  We figured what we were doing was more lust than love.  Mini is still a dear friend, but she has her own relationships and I have you.  
But she was so happy when she first heard about us.”
Rainbow sat dumbfounded.
“So that’s why you’re such a good kisser,” Rainbow said.  
Scootaloo looked up at Twilight and smiled at something she had never ever considered about the reserved Unicorn, now her mother.
“Thank you,” said Twilight leaning over and giving Rainbow a little kiss.  “I’ll give Mini your complements.”
“And I guess I’ll need to go with you when you have tea with your research partner Mini,” chuckled Rainbow.
All three ponies laughed.
“Well, at least I was second,” said Rainbow.
“You were,” said Twilight with a gleam in her eye, “if you don’t count the technique comparing research session at the sleepover with Mini, Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts.  Oh Luna, that was some party!  Pinkie Pie would’ve been impressed.”
“Lover-Pony!” exclaimed Rainbow.
Twilight just giggled.
Scootaloo thought it best to change the subject before she became a member of a broken home.
“So what do I do?” asked Scoot.
“Sweetheart,” said Twilight.  “You’re young, but you’re getting older and it’s normal for you to be curious about such things as relationships and intimacies.  But you need to be careful if you do any ‘exploring’ with somepony.  You may be driven by your feelings but you need to remember, their feelings have to be taken into consideration.  
And for Celestia’s sake, never force or allow somepony to force you to do anything you don’t want to.  If they try to bully you or threaten to hurt you or your family, remember all you need to do is come to me or your other mother.  Nopony, NOPONY, can do anything to us with impunity.  
Your mother Rainbow is a pony to be reckoned with.  She may be a mare, but with her speed and agility, I’d bet there isn’t a stallion who would come out the winner in a confrontation with her, not even Bulk Biceps.”
“And I’d not like to be the pony who thinks they could outdo your mother horn to horn.  She isn’t Celestia’s protégé for nothin’.” said Rainbow.  “Just ask Trixie Lulamoon.”
Rainbow and Twilight looked lovingly into each other’s eyes.
Scootaloo’s heart swelled with pride at the realization of just how awesome her mothers really are.
“Silver Spoon says Diamond Tiara calls her homely and she has a secret she’s held over her head to keep her as a friend.” said Scoot.  “I think it’s the fact that Silver likes girls, and Diamond thinks if she tells ponies then Silver would be hated and nopony would want to be around her.
I know it’s just to make Silver Spoon feel inferior because I don’t think Silver is homely.”   Then blushing, “I think she’s cute.”
Both Twilight and Rainbow smiled.
“You need to help your friend and let her know what a terrible thing it is for somepony to try making her be what she’s not.” Said Rainbow, then kidding; “personally, I think it’s disgusting having two girls liking each other and kissing.”
Then looking at Scootaloo with mischief in her eyes, Rainbow started in a Pinkie Pie sing-song voice:
“♪Scootaloo-has-a-marefriend!  Scootaloo-has-a-marefriend! ♪”
That was met with a love tap from Twilight and Scootaloo.  Then the three laughed and lay back on the bed.
There was a group hug; Scootaloo laid her head on Twilight’s shoulder with her forelegs reaching out to Rainbow.
“I’m so lucky, thanks for understanding, I love my moms so much,” said Scootaloo as she started to drift off to sleep.
“It’s what moms do,” said Twilight, as she and Rainbow kissed her on the cheek. “And we love you just as much, my lovely daughter.”
Scootaloo smiled as Rainbow and Twilight held the little filly as she went to sleep.
“I still can’t believe we have such a special daughter,” said Twilight.
“A special daughter and a special wife,” said Rainbow, “even if she’s kissed half the fillies in Canterlot.
So by the way, who’s the better kisser?”
Twilight chuckled softly, and kissed Rainbow lightly.  
“Goodnight Honey,” said Twilight.
They held each other and Scootaloo, and then drifted off to sleep.
PART NINE: Secrets That Shouldn’t Be
It was about two months later, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle had continued to cherish Silver Spoon as part of their group.  Silver was so happy to have a group of friends who accepted her as herself.  
As a result, the rest of her classmates had opened up to Silver Spoon as well.  Where before she’d had only one friend (and for the last year, in name only), she now had dozens of friends who wanted to have her on their team at recess, they wanted her to help with group activities at school, she even received invitations to birthday parties, she’d never before received any but from Diamond.  And those weren’t the most fun of events, just Diamond, her mother and father their butler and herself.  
But most importantly, ponies liked being around her.  It was like she was at a new school or she was a new pony.  And to tell the truth, Scootaloo made her feel like a new pony.
Silver’s parents appeared to really like Scootaloo also.  They could tell here was a friend who treated their daughter as an equal.  Scootaloo was respectful to Silver and to them as well, no airs in trying to act superior.  Silver’s parents wished Silver had hooked up with Scootaloo and this new set of friends before she’d fallen in with Diamond Tiara.  
But because of past interactions with their daughter and Diamond Tiara, they were worried at first about how much of a friend this new filly really was.  Especially after they found out this was one of the fillies she and Diamond would rank down so badly.  They feared this might be some trick to build Silver up and then hurt her in an act of vindictiveness.  
But when Soup Spoon, Silver’s father, looked out back one day and saw Silver and Scootaloo on the garden swing kissing, he was about to rush out to break it up.  But Tea Spoon, Silver’s mother, stopped him saying she’d rather Silver have a friend with true affection for their daughter, than one who only used her as some toady.  And if her friend was being tender and affectionate, then it was a good sign her feelings toward Silver were genuine.
And if it was a problem with her kissing another filly, then she told Soup to have a talk with his older sister, she being a mare-lover herself.
Plus, the kissing didn’t appear to be too deep, they mostly appeared to sit, talk and just hold hooves.  
And they made a cute couple.
It was Friday morning; Silver had been getting ready for school.  She was looking forward to this weekend.  The CMC were going to go to the movies together and then have a picnic at Sweet Apple Acres at their clubhouse.  They were even talking about it being a sleep over.  That made Silver nervous, but Scootaloo and the rest informed her Big Mac and Applejack would make visits in the night to check up on them, so it was safe.
Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted by Diamond Tiara.  She was so desperate to get Silver Spoon to come back to being her friend, only.
“Why won’t you hang out with me?” demanded Diamond Tiara.  “Why do you choose to hang out with those losers.  You’re better than they are.  You used to not be able to stand them.”
Diamond had just walked in without asking and stormed into Silver Spoon’s room.  Silver was just sitting by her bedroom window, which from this second floor vantage she could see Golden Oak Library.  Silver fantasized one of the second floor windows in the massive tree was Scootaloo’s.  She believed Scootaloo was looking out window at her (which at the moment, she was).
“I acted that way because of you,” said Silver, “but they’ve forgiven me without question and have accepted me as an equal and not some pony to push around.  I do something with them that I never did with you, I actually have fun around them.  We laugh and play and just have a good time.
And what happened to your coltfriend?  Did he get tired of an elementary school filly?  I doubt he’s found a high school filly that’ll do what you do for him.”
“He still loves me!” exclaimed Diamond.  “It’s why I’m here.  Spinner’s cousin is in town and he asked me to find a date for him.  So I figured I’d try to bury the hatchet between us and get you back in my good graces.”
Silver chuckled, she could see right through this.  Spinner wouldn’t go out with Diamond unless she could provide a date for his cousin.
“You know I won’t go out with some random colt.  And I won’t do what they’d expect me to do...
Unlike you,” said Silver.  Then continuing after she let what she had just said sink in:
“I now have friends who I don’t have to earn their friendship.”
Diamond almost panicked, she hoped Silver’s parents weren’t listening and would want to know what Silver was talking about.  
She then noticed the CMC cape hanging behind the door and decided to get off that topic.
“Oh don’t tell me you’re now a Cootie Mark Crybaby.  You have your cutie mark.”
“So does Scootaloo and she’s still a Cutie Mark Crusader.” defended Silver.  “They band together to help each other, and not just to find a cutie mark.  And their friends don’t have to earn their friendship, especially Scootaloo.
You think you’re a hotshot because your father is big in business, here in Ponyville.  Both of Scootaloo’s moms and Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom’s sisters are wielders of the Elements of Harmony.  Plus Twilight is Princess Celestia’s right hoof pony.”
“Oh,” said Diamond snidely, “and do they know just how sick of a pony Scootaloo’s homely little friend is?”
“I’m not a sick pony,” exclaimed Silver, “and I’m not homely!  Just because you say it, doesn’t make it so.”
“To prove I’m not a closed minded pony,” said Diamond, trying to sound magnanimous, “I’ll give you one more chance to change your mind.  Otherwise I guess I’m going to have to let your friends know what kind of pony their homely little friend is.”
“Please leave,” said Silver, “you aren’t welcome here anymore.”
Diamond walked to the room’s door, grabbed the CMC cape and tossed it into Silver’s trashcan.
“You’ll rue your choice,” said Diamond leaving.  “Enjoy your day with your friends.  Because it’s going to be the last day they’ll want to be around a sick and homely pony like you.”
Silver Spoon ran to the trashcan, pulled her cape out, and cuddled it.
Silver heard Diamond leave, slamming the door behind herself.
Silver held the cape close to her cheek.  She was crying but trying not to be too loud about it.  She didn’t want her parents to have to ask what was going on.  She was unsure how they’d react.  She didn’t want to be deceitful but she wasn’t ready to tell them everything, not without first talking to Scootaloo.
She was sure Scootaloo had figured out her secret...
Scoot would walk her home from their study sessions at the library; they’d go behind Silver’s house to the little garden swing. Silver Spoon was thrilled at the new talent of Scootaloo, doing levitation.  Nothing the size of a pony yet but it was a constant source of laughter.  Before, Diamond and Silver only laughed at ponies and not with them, this was so much better.
They would sit and talk, hold hooves and occasionally kiss. Neither Silver nor Scootaloo had worked up the courage for a real passionate kiss, yet.  
Then Silver would rest her head on Scootaloo’s shoulder and Scootaloo would rest her head lightly on Silver Spoon’s and then gently swing.  It was a feeling neither filly had ever thought they’d feel, and for a pony not too long ago would’ve been unthinkable.  
But the little pet names they called each other in private somehow strengthened her knowledge that Scootaloo really did care for her as much as she cared for Scootaloo.
But would the rest of her friends react badly.  Would her parents, her friend’s parents or the world see it from Diamond’s point of view?
Silver knew Scootaloo would stand up for her, and be there for her.  But would their parents try to keep them apart?
Silver finished getting ready for school.  She couldn’t wait to see Scootaloo and all her friends, but mostly Scootaloo.
It was a normal school day; Scootaloo had her desk next to Silver Spoon’s.  They would glance at each other, smile and then quickly return to work, they didn’t want Miss Cheerilee to think they were cheating.  
It was funny, Scootaloo was using levitation to write like Unicorns do, it was an exercise given by her mom Twilight to hone control of her levitation.  But when Scootaloo would glance at Silver Spoon, her concentration would be broken and her pencil would clatter to the floor.  Scootaloo would blush and levitate it back to her desk, Silver Spoon would giggle.
In fact, Sweetie Belle was a little jealous Scoot’s levitation was much more advanced than her own.  But not too jealous.
At lunch and recess, she was glad the CMC always hung out together, by hanging out with their friends, it wasn’t so obvious she and Scootaloo were trying to stay close.  She was happy Scootaloo was paying as much attention to herself as well.
They were at the library for their final study session of the week.  The four friends were doing more talking about the coming weekend than studying.  It was getting warmer and Silver had suggested they plan a pool party soon.  Summer vacation was just a month off, and it looked as if it was going to be the best one anypony had had yet.  It was such a kick for all four ponies.  More friends meant more laughs, and having a friend with a pool was killer!
There was a knock at the door.  During regular hours all a pony had to do was enter, it was a public library.  Only after hours did it become a private dwelling.
Twilight went to the door and opened it.  There stood a very formal looking, older pony.
“Randolph?” said Silver in recognition.
“Good day Mrs. Dash.” Said Randolph in a very proper voice.
“Good day, won’t you come in?”
“Thank you, no,” said the formal pony.  “I am here to deliver an important request.  
My mistress requests your presence at the town square in thirty minutes.  You, your mate and your daughter.  I was also told to convey the same to Miss Spoon if I were to see her.  I was also to communicate it was of the utmost importance.
Thank you and good day.”
The pony turned and walked away.
“Who in the hoof was that?” asked Twilight.
“That was Randolph,” said Silver, “the Rich’s butler.”
“Do you know what it might be about?” asked Twilight.
Silver looked panicked, she looked at Scootaloo with fear on her face and tears forming in her eyes.
“My moms know and they’re fine with it.” Said Scootaloo with a chuckle, “why wouldn’t they be?”
“You mean that Silver Spoon likes girls,” said Sweetie Belle, “and Scootaloo and Silver really like each other?”
Twilight, Scootaloo and Silver looked surprised at the Unicorn filly.
“We know,” said Apple Bloom.
“I thought we were secret about it,” said Scootaloo.
“Pbbbt,” went Sweetie Belle, blowing a raspberry, “you’ve been quite careful but we’ve been friends long enough to know you Scootaloo.  It was obvious, at least to us.”
“We’re your friends,” said Apple Bloom, “it’s why we ain’t said nothin’.  We fig’erd you’d tell us when you wanted us to know.”
Again, Silver Spoon marveled at the respect between her friends.  Here was something they could have held over their friend, but instead they respected Scootaloo’s and her privacy.
“Sweetheart,” said Twilight to Scootaloo, “go upstairs, get your mother and tell Spike to watch the library while we’re away.”
Then turning to Silver Spoon:
“It’ll be okay Silver, you’ve nothing to worry about and we won’t let anything happen to you.  We all love Scootaloo and so we love you as well.”
Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle nodded their heads in agreement.
Silver was still being amazed by the treatment she received from Scootaloo and her family and friends.  It wasn’t like there were any issues with Diamond’s parents.  But they were never around much to pay attention to their daughter and what she was up to.  
Perhaps the real root of Diamond’s behavior.
The Dash’s along with Silver Spoon, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle walked to the town square.  There waiting were Silver’s parents along with Diamond’s parents.  Rarity and Applejack were there as well.  Most of the ponies were known to each other, although Silver’s parents weren’t as well known.  
Everypony knew Rarity as a designer and dressmaker and who didn’t know the Apples?
“Hello,” said Twilight to Silver’s father, “I’m one of Scootaloo’s moms, Twilight Dash, and this is my wife Rainbow Dash.  Scootaloo and Silver are friends.”
“Yes they are,” said Soup Spoon with a knowing smile.  “I’m Soup Spoon and this is my wife Tea Spoon.  It’s so good to meet you, I can’t tell you how much we appreciate the way Scootaloo and her friends have treated Silver.  It’s so refreshing she has friends and not just some pony who tries to dominate and control her.”
Filthy and Spoiled Rich looked surprised at this revelation.
“Soup Spoon?” said Rainbow.  “You run the restaurant, Chez Pony.”
“Owner, operator and Executive Chef,” said the pony proudly.
“Our compliments,” said Twilight, “my wife and I enjoy eating there when we can.”
“You’re too kind,” said Soup, beaming at the praise, “next time you’re there, let me know, I’ll make sure you’re well taken care of.”
“That won’t be necessary,” said Twilight politely, “but it’s great to meet the parents of our daughter’s friend.”
The small talk was cut short with the arrival of Randolph and Diamond Tiara.
Diamond climbed up on the older pony’s back, at some obvious discomfort to him.
“What’s this all about,” asked Filthy Rich, Diamond’s father.
“I’m glad you asked daddy,” said Diamond, glaring at Silver Spoon.  
Diamond could imagine the horror Silver was feeling, she was sure her ex-friend was going to be so crushed when she gave her announcement, it would silence and shame her forever.  All her new friends would avoid Silver Spoon like the Palomino Plague and have nothing to do with her ever.  
How apropos, even the detested Cutie Mark Crusaders will be against her.  Maybe Silver’s own parents will turn her out.
It was a delicious revenge, how dare anypony choose somepony else over her.
What she didn’t realize was this was making her careless.  All she could think of was her spiteful revenge.  She had in her mind exactly how it’d all turn out.
Unfortunately for Diamond, things don’t always turn out like you plan.
“For some time now,” continued Diamond, “there’s been a shameful secret going on.  I’ve tried to protect a pony I thought was a friend.
But it turns out things have gone so far out of control I can’t, with a clear conscience, continue to protect a pony who needs help and shouldn’t be around normal ponies.”
“Diamond has a conscience?” whispered Apple Bloom to Sweetie Belle.  The two fillies snickered, but anything else was cut off by the disapproving stares Rarity and Applejack was giving them.
“What are you saying,” asked Filthy Rich.
“Apparently, Silver Spoon has hidden it well,” said Diamond, her voice starting to drip with venom like a viper.  And like a viper, Diamond was coiled for the strike.
“But it’s time for everypony to know Silver Spoon...”
Diamond paused for dramatic effect.
“Likes girls!”
Looks of hate, repulsion and disgust...
Failed to cross the ponies’ faces.  They all just stood there looking at Diamond as if there were Breezies flying out of her ears.  Even through her pink coat, a pony could tell she was starting to become quite flush.
“Didn’t you hear me?” asked Diamond, stomping her hoof, causing Randolph more distress.  “Silver Spoon likes girls!  She’s a sick and homely pony and she needs to be locked away!”
“You like girls?” Scootaloo asked Silver, feigning shock.  Silver saw Scoot wink the eye on the side where Diamond couldn’t see.
“Yes,” replied Silver Spoon without any trace of guilt, “yes I do.”
“Well I know exactly what to do about that,” exclaimed Scootaloo.
Diamond smiled for a moment at Scootaloo’s reaction, but then...
Scootaloo put a foreleg around Silver Spoon’s neck, drew her close and kissed Silver their first passionate kiss.  It didn’t matter their parents were there watching.  The feeling of the other’s tongue was as much a thrill as they’d hoped.   They held the kiss as long as they dared; they were trying to make a point without getting too carried away.
“Go Scootaloo!” said Apple Bloom.
“Hush,” said Applejack, trying not to laugh.
The two broke the kiss and embraced for a moment.  Then Scootaloo turned and looked at a dumbfounded Diamond Tiara.
“And Silver Spoon isn’t homely,” defended Scootaloo, “she’s a beautiful pony with a heart to match.
Do you want to know what homely is?  Homely is a pony who thinks she’s better than everypony else.  A pony who thinks the only way to keep a friend is to threaten them with something to embarrass or humiliate them.”
Silver beamed from the praise.  Their parents also were proud of the stance Scootaloo was taking.
“I hope you don’t plan on being a musician or politician,” said Filthy to his daughter, “because you’ve no idea who your audience is.
Apparently, Scootaloo’s parents, Twilight and Rainbow are mare-lovers.  As are Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom’s sisters.  As is your mother’s sister, your auntie Ruby.”
“And my sister,” said Soup Spoon, “Silver’s aunt Golden.”
“You tried to hold something over me I was afraid of anypony knowing as a way to control me.” Said Silver, actually feeling for the first time in a very long time she was empowered and wasn’t obliged to Diamond Tiara, and it felt good.  
“Now I know a secret is only as powerful as you let it be.  I guess your secret is just as powerful.”
The last part came out without Silver meaning to.  She really didn’t want to start something, or be seen as trying to get Diamond back.  
But it was too late.
“No!” exclaimed Diamond wild eyed, “you wouldn’t!”
“What secret, young filly?” demanded Filthy Rich to his daughter.
Diamond looked terrified.  She didn’t think Silver would really take it this far.  She’d thought Silver would still be under her hoof and would be silent at her whim.
“What secret,” asked Tea Spoon to her daughter.
“I didn’t mean to say that, I don’t want to be like Diamond and tell something just to hurt somepony,” said Silver.
“Sil,” said Scootaloo, “some secrets are innocent, like Sweetie Belle drools when she sleeps.”
“Hey!” exclaimed Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom giggled.
“But some secrets don’t need to be secrets.” Continued Scootaloo, “if it’s what you’ve talked to me about, then you need to share.”
“Please don’t,” said Diamond, jumping off Randolph’s back and on her knees before Silver Spoon and Scootaloo.  “I promise I’ll stop!”
“Silver!” demanded Soup Spoon.
Diamond Tiara lay prostrate on the ground crying.  She knew she was done for.
“What Diamond doesn’t want anypony to know is she and her coltfriend Spinner have been having sex for some time now,” said Silver looking uncomfortable as Filthy glared down at his daughter.  “She’d even tell her parents she was spending the night with me but she and Spinner would be spending the night together.
Spinner would try to get Diamond to make me go out with them and some friend or relative of Spinner’s so I would too.  But I wanted nothing to do with it, even when I still thought Diamond was my friend.  It’s probably why she was so upset I only like girls.”
“Diamond didn’t think this ‘n’ through very well,” said Apple Bloom.
“Apple Bloom, Hush,” said Applejack.
Filthy looked at his daughter, trying not to lose his cool in front of these other ponies.
“Is this true,” asked Filthy, “and know your actions have already answered me.  But I want to give you the chance to confess.”
“Daddy!’ pleaded Diamond, “I’ll not do it anymore, I swear!”
“You’re right,” said Filthy, “you’ll not.  And I’ll be having a talk with my lawyer and Spinner’s parents as well.  He’s way too old to even be going out with a filly your age.”
Filthy looked around, feeling the shame his pampered daughter had brought on herself, and by extension, his family.
“I’m sorry for this everypony,” said Filthy, “know she’s never been taught by myself or my wife to think like this.  As I said, my wife’s sister Ruby is a mare-lover.  And Ruby has always been a kind and loving pony to Diamond.  
And Rich’s Barnyard Bargains has always catered to anypony, regardless.  
But as father, I take full responsibility; I guess her mother and I have spoiled Diamond too much.  But this is our fault and as such, we’ll make sure the mistakes will never be repeated.”
Then turning to his butler.
“Randolph, take Diamond home.”  
Then Filthy addressed his wife:
“Spoiled, I think it’s time we look into the boarding school in Manehatten we discussed.”
Spoiled Rich just nodded her head.
It was the last time they saw Diamond until Hearth Warming vacation.  
The Rich’s left but the rest stayed in place.
“Now, as for the two of you,” said Soup Spoon, “what’re we going to do with you?”
“Us?” said Silver Spoon and Scootaloo in unison, not sure why the attention was on them now.
“What’d we do?” asked Scootaloo.
“I don’t know,” said Rainbow, “boarding schools on opposite sides of Equestria sounds like a good idea.”
“Don’t do that,” squealed Sweetie Belle.
“Be quiet Darling,” said Rarity to her sister.
“Mom!” exclaimed Scootaloo.
“No! Please,” said Silver, “we’ll do anything!”
“There’s a we?” asked Twilight.
“Don’t separate us!” said Silver Spoon.
“Please don’t,” begged Scootaloo, “I love her!”
Silver and Scootaloo looked at each other.  There was a look of inconceivable joy on their faces.
“Beg pardon?” said Rainbow.
“We’ve never said this before, not even to each other,” said Silver Spoon, “but I do love Scootaloo.”
“Well, this is a time for revelations,” said Tea Spoon.  
There was a moment when everypony was quiet.  Silver and Scootaloo took the other’s hoof, bracing themselves for the worst.
“But I believe we already knew this.” Said Twilight with a smile.
“This isn’t the first time we’ve met with Scootaloo’s parents, we only acted like it was the first time meeting as not to get the two of you concerned,” said Tea Spoon.  “We’ve talked about your relationship and came to the conclusion we can trust you two.”
“But we do have to ask,” said Twilight, more serious than Scootaloo had ever seen her.  “And we know you’ll tell the truth...”
“No,” said Silver Spoon anticipating the question, “we haven’t had sex.”
“We haven’t wanted to,” said Scootaloo.  “Yes, we kiss, we hold hooves and we like to be together.  When I’m not with Silver Spoon, I’m thinking of her.”
“And I think of Scootaloo as well,” said Silver Spoon.
“Good enough for me,” said Twilight.
The other adults agreed.  Silver Spoon and Scootaloo looked confused.
“I guess we’ll have to keep an eye on you two,” said Soup Spoon.
“It’d be easier to trust them if they were together,” said Rainbow, “that way we can watch them both at the same time.”  
“Less chance of them feeling like they have to sneak around.” Said Tea Spoon.
“You can trust us,” said Scootaloo.
“You can trust us,” said Silver Spoon still holding Scootaloo’s hoof.
“We know we can trust you,” said Tea Spoon.  “We have so far.  But you understand there are limits on how far you can go at your age, even if it’s between two fillies.  If we find you’ve gone beyond those limits, even the slightest, then we’ll separate you two.  And boarding schools on the opposite sides of Equestria might not be too farfetched.”
“Let’s go to my restaurant and we can talk about the rules and how we can handle this.” Said Soup Spoon.  “Miss Applejack, Miss Rarity, you’re welcome to come too.  And I think we can use Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom to help keep an eye on these miscreants.”
Scootaloo and Silver suddenly realized they weren’t going to be kept apart.  In fact, their parents were going to be working out how they would be allowed to be together.  
They kissed again out of joy.
“Oooo, Gross! Fillies kissin’,” said Apple Bloom laughing.
This was met with Rarity levitating Applejack’s hat and swatting Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.
“What did I do?” squealed Sweetie.
“I’m sure we’ve missed something,” said Rarity, replacing Applejack’s hat to its rightful place.
“Thanks Sugar Cube,” said Applejack to her partner, giving a kiss to Rarity’s cheek.
“Come along girls,” said Twilight chuckling, “there’ll be time for that later.”
FINAL PART: Unexplored Territory
It had been a month since the big revelations.  There were rules laid down on how Scootaloo and Silver Spoon were to act.  
Like now, it was late Friday night and Silver was spending the night with Scootaloo.  It still wasn’t a constant thing, but occasionally one filly would stay the night on a Friday/weekend with the other.  Their families were getting to know their daughter’s marefriend and their family well and all were becoming close friends.
Silver was thrilled when, with her parent’s permission, Twilight had put the Walk On Clouds spell on her so she could share Scootaloo’s cloud bed.
The main rule was the door to the room must stay all the way open and at all times.
Especially when they were in the bed.  
But this was no problem.  They were telling the truth when they told their parents they’d no desire to have sex, not yet at least.
Oh, there were certain deep kisses their hooves just happened to brush against the other’s nipples or marehood, but they didn’t linger...  Too long.  They didn’t want to give any reason for their parents to separate them.  And the joy of being together was enough for the moment.
They were looking toward the end of the school year in just days and how their relationship will evolve.  They knew they couldn’t spend the entire time together, there were plans with family, with their fellow Cutie Mark Crusaders and as with any relationship, there would be time apart to rest.
But to everypony, their love was certain, and they knew it would continue to grow.
By now, they’d worked out a bedroom for Spike so he didn’t get too weirded out.  Especially with Scootaloo getting much more in touch with her feminine side.  Just as Rainbow had decided to so she could please Twilight, Scootaloo was trying to be herself, yet trying to please Silver Spoon as well.  Silver Spoon noticed and really appreciated her marefriend’s efforts.
Spike especially liked the arrangement because now he could put as many pictures of Rarity on the walls as he liked.
Rainbow and Twilight were getting ready to turn in.  As always, they checked the ground level to make sure doors and windows were secure.  Crime wasn’t a big concern in Ponyville.  There were rumors in lands across the sea where wild ponies still lived, where things were lawless.  But here, it wasn’t as much of a concern.  But it was better safe than sorry.
The couple then went to the living level to check on Spike and then their daughter and her marefriend.  
Spike was never a problem getting to sleep, except when he got a new comic book and would try to read it late.  But usually he was asleep before his head was on the pillow.
Checking in on Scootaloo, Twilight just stood at the door peering in.  From the light of Luna’s moon pouring through the window on the couple, Twilight could see Silver Spoon lying on her side, her glasses off and on a side table, with Scootaloo embracing her from behind.  It was the classic ‘spooning’ position.  Both fillies had such a look of peace and contentment on their faces.
Rainbow came up to her wife and put a foreleg around her.
“What ‘cha thinkin’?” whispered Rainbow.
Twilight reached a foreleg across and put her hoof on the hoof around her.
“I was thinking I know exactly what they’re feeling,” said Twilight quietly, then turning her head and gave Rainbow a little kiss.  “How the right pony can completely change your life and bring joy which wasn’t even imagined before.”
“For a pony who, in the past, I never really considered to be an emotional pony,” said Rainbow, tightening slightly her embrace, “you’re truly a romantic.  I don’t even think Rarity could match you.”
“Honey,” said Twilight, “when it comes to you.  Nopony could match the way I feel.”
“I think Scootaloo might argue that point with you,” said Rainbow.
“Maybe,” said Twilight, “but we don’t have to keep our door open.”
Rainbow got the message and the two walked to their room and closed the door.
With the sound of the door closing, Silver Spoon turned over and looked into Scootaloo’s eyes.  They held each other close.
“I thought they’d never go to bed,” said Scootaloo with a giggle.
“Me too,” said Silver Spoon.  “I love you Scootie.”
“I love you so much Sil.”
Silver Spoon’s response was her tongue hungrily exploring Scootaloo’s.
“Don’t get too carried away,” said Twilight’s voice from down the hall.
“How’d she know?” asked Silver.
“I’m a Unicorn,” came Twilight’s voice.
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