#I don’t feel responsible enough to have kids even knowing all I do about psychology and child development (I took both classes in HS
Oho boy she has a son?!
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Who would you think would most likely to baby trap their barling in Obey me? Take your top four pick and why?
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The tactic of baby-trapping is a hefty one. One that pales in comparison to these devils' powers and connection to you with their pacts. In the devil dom, they already have an advantage over you anyway so this is more of a psychological thing. Whether it's to satisfy his psyche or to control yours these are my top picks…
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He is the avatar of greed 
who better than he to own you in a way that actually manifests a child
“Better off sticking with me! You’ll need my help to raise the coolest little copy of me!” 
Its honestly probably an accident 
But as long as he gets to keep you by his side so be it
At first, he’s just not fully aware of the responsibilities that come with having a baby
And boy is he winded
He can’t run out because you and Lucifer are willing to chain him down to help
So he’ll suffer the long nights and the wailing as you both just get used to raising an infant
But once he gets past the dread he’s elated
Not only does the love of his life stay by his side forever but he has a cute kid to prove it
He won’t tell you that though
“Hah?! Love ‘em? I tolerate the little booger at best! Hey! Don’t hold him like that, you’ve got to be gentle!”
A doting father to the max 
and even being more attentive if not more obsessive with you
“I bet you thought the great Mammon would leave you to rot! Fear not I only left to get takeout…and diapers.”
“...and the heads of those demons that were talkin’ bad about ya…”
“What?! It was on the way!”
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Oddly enough he does it because of self-esteem 
Whether it's yours or his it's up to you
If it's yours he’s just tired of you looking down on yourself
And using it as an excuse not to be with him
Well if you're so certain you're not the most gorgeous human in existence then why are you pregnant with the child of the most beautiful devil in devil dom
If it's not your self esteem it's his 
Your divine.
He knows it you know it
And so does everyone else 
He’s not afraid of you beating him
He’s afraid of the crowd that follows
“Wow (Y/n)-chan your so popular…they seem to like you an awful lot...”
He’s never felt so insecure about himself before
How will the world know your his 
…better than with a product of your bond
“Wow! Aren’t they the cutest?! They’ve got my looks!” 
Youtuber kid all the way
Your child is more likely to be on more magazine covers than their father himself
Which makes it harder to escape if that was ever an option in the first place
But that doesn’t mean he still doesn’t feel the need to pick off your most avid fans
Especially the fans and theorists that notice your worried gaze and the possessive hold on your hip
“Oya you really captured their emotions that way! Too bad we can’t have you ruining their Winter debutant. Don’t be too sad! You are having the most beautiful demon be the one to end your worthless ugly life.”
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Even with your summoner status, he’s a tough demon to beat
The power of time and teleportation are on his side
Which can make for a maddening punishment if you try to escape him
“Oh, so you insist on running, then? Fine but I’m not privy to keep doing this with you.”
Its also just easier to keep your mind on him this way
Since you're so insistent on trying to run he might as well make it impossible for you to do so 
Emotionally at first
This doubles as his claim to ownership and a way to halt you from running ever again
As a butler to the king, everything he has is to serve his master
Even you are allowed to be in his possession its because his master lets him or doesn’t know
But a child
His and your child 
That's something he can fully own
It works with your mind as well
Leaving you to either make the heartless decision to abandon your child 
or to stay and have no choice but to grapple with this constant piece of him 
That is if he lets it get that bad
Again with time as a tool, he can make it so everything he says and does makes perfect sense
“Let’s have a baby, my love. It’d be death all over again if you won’t indulge me.” 
“Oh Barbs, I was thinking just the same!”
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Has to be given the idea
It's not going to be his first thought
“Won’t that be cool! Then we could be together all the time! Just the three of us!”
Whether its Barbatos or you scoffing at his behavior something gives him the bright idea
Like most things, he’ll be upfront
He doesn’t really need to stake his claim 
He’s the prince of devil dom 
The very clothes on your back say you belong irrevocably to him
it's more like he believes it’ll make your relationship better
You’ll be more willing to have fun not run if your child demands it
“Wow! Good job you managed to get them all in perfect order!” 
“Good job!? They killed half the staff for a demented dominoes game!”
“That's a bad thing!”
“R-right! That's a bad thing just like your mother says!”
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sunflower73498 · 3 months
I literally can’t stop thinking about Young Royals S3
I have always been fascinated by Wille’s relationship with his parents, or lack thereof. Specifically his mother, because until this season, his father was little more than a cardboard cutout. In S1 I strongly disliked Kristina. In S2 she seemed to be trying a little more, though her efforts were specifically aimed at achieving her own goals for Wilhelm, not his. In S3, I once again dislike her, but I feel bad for disliking her.
Because truly, her grief, the extreme psychological and physical manifestations of losing a child that she is experiencing, is all completely valid, and within the spectrum of what is expected of a parent who has lost a child. I feel sympathy for the physical and mental health problems she is experiencing, and I think it’s OK for her to be experiencing it, to take a step back to deal with it. 
What I don’t think is OK, however, is expecting her 16 year old son, a first year HS student with his own history of mental illness, who is also deeply grieving, to take over all of her responsibilities. Yeah, they don’t really mean for him to take over everything, because he’s a kid and still in school, but they’ve also really stepped up the pressure on him without offering much additional support (Farima offers some, she’s the most present adult in his life this season, and really the one who seems to know him and care about him most of the adults on the show). They ask him to start a foundation and support a cause, but neither of his parents show up to support him in doing that, even knowing that he has sometimes extreme anxiety regarding public speaking/public appearances. They don’t walk him through the process or offer guidance, just constantly remind him that he’s expected to step up, and may have to fully take over within a year or two, and send Farima to deal with him (which in my opinion is much better that Jan Olof, because Farima actually seems patient with Wilhelm and to know how to handle his emotions with sensitivity). 
While I’m mad at Kristina, despite her legitimate grief, I’m more mad at Ludvig, I think. Yes, he also lost a child and is grieving, but he’s holding it together enough to support his wife, so why isn’t he offering any of that support to his son, even when said son starts reaching out more, and clearly wants to talk? 
I also think this is all complicated by the fact that Wilhelm didn’t have a good, close relationship with his parents to begin with. Kristina was harsh and dismissive of him even before Erik died in season 1. If Kristina had only started neglecting Wilhelm, putting excessive pressure on him and comparing him to Erik after Erik had passed, I would be a lot more forgiving. But I get the impression that Wilhelm has always been compared to Erik, has always been made to feel that he isn’t good enough in comparison and needs to be more like Erik, and his parents have never made much effort to understand him. I think he often only got attention when he was in trouble, and toddlers and teenagers are similar in the fact that if their negative behaviors are what get the attention the desire, they will keep doing that as long as it is reinforced that negative behavior leads to attention. His outburst at them in episode 5 had been building a lot longer than the few months since Erik died. 
I think his parents both desperately needed to hear what he was shouting out them. I think that shouting and getting angry and destroying things wasn’t the best way to go about getting them to listen, but as discussed above, I think it’s the only way he really knows how to get their attention. And yeah, the timing isn’t great, when his mother is suffering so much, but Wille is suffering, too, and he has reached his limit. It seems like a relatively little thing, to get mad that his parents talked too much about Erik on a day that’s supposed to be about Wilhelm and that his mom didn’t feel up to sticking around for cake, but that was really just the final straw on a long history of trauma, turmoil, and emotional neglect, the last Jenga block being pulled out before the tower toppled. 
(Admittedly, this is young royals, it’s a show about Wilhelm, and we viewers have come to love him over the 3 seasons, it’s his struggle that is being portrayed, so of course I’m on his side and want better for him rather than siding with his mother even though I do feel some sympathy for her.)
Anyway, I will probably keep reflecting on this aspect of the show for a lot longer. Maybe I’ll even feel some inspiration to write fan fiction in response. We’ll see where it goes. 
I also have a lot more thoughts about August, and about Farima of all people to share at some point.
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daenerysies · 5 months
I’m thinking about how Alicent screamed at Jaehaera to kill Aegon, urging her to not make the same mistake she did. Because that’s the real Alicent Hightower, if she could go back in time she would have killed Rhaenyra when she was still a child. I am so worried the show will do a 180 and have her kill Aegon II to “avenge” Nyra, coo to Aegon III and Jaehaera about what a lovely couple they make, Ryan Corr will declare A&J are paralleling Rhaenicent, she then dies in her sleep holding the torn page from Nymeria’s book wishing she can see her bestie again.
Don’t even have to be an Alicent fan but just knowing this is most likely what the show writers will do to her makes me so mad. Alicent Hightower is an ambitious woman who raised a coup to put her son on the throne. They want us to believe she’s Rhaenyra’s no.1 supporter instead of her abuser.
oh for sure. the writers have lost the plot with almost every single change they’ve made from the source material. alicent is still a victim of the patriarchy in the book (because every woman in this universe is in some way), but she takes advantage of her position rather than constantly wallowing in self pity and refusing to take a stand for herself. viserys granted her a fair amount of power, more than a regular queen consort even, enough to gain supporters and wage psychological warfare on rhaenyra in her efforts to crown aegon. she learns nothing by the end of the war. it’s not until near her deathbed she really begins to understand the consequences of her actions. she lost all of her family, besides jaehaera, because of ambition.
i have a feeling that they might not have alicent kill aegon ii, but they will have her at dragonstone when he murders rhaenyra. they’ll try to dig into how this once friendship came to this, and still try to have her ‘protect’ or ‘make amends with’ the ten year old who will be forced to watch his mother be eaten alive; which alicent is at least partially (if not mostly) responsible for. they’re trying to make the war about two women torn apart by the men around them rather than the consequences of not allowing women to inherit or have power (there’s a reason the dragon’s stopped hatching after her death and why rhaenyra’s story is so important to daenerys’). alicent’s death is supposed to be ironic; she stole the throne to ‘protect’ her kids and instead got them all killed, with only herself and one grandchild surviving the conflict. i think having her ruminate over her decisions is the correct choice, but if they have her anywhere NEAR aegon the younger in a positive manner i will riot. the motive behind her urging jaehaera to assassinate him is rooted in her conviction that the war will only be over once rhaenyra’s line is dead. if the writers try to reignite sympathy for alicent over some petty friendship that ended two decades ago the plot will truly be lost.
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tatomikat · 2 years
[Insert generic commercial music]
Hello! Do your kids constantly get into trouble? Do they have dangerous hobbies or leave the house when they are not supposed to? Is the natural development outside simply not safe enough for you little ones? Then “Gothel Corp.” has the solution for you.
With this newest achievement in child safety lock technology, you too can imprison your child indefinitely. Just ask our satisfied customers.
<>-<>-<> <>-<>-<> <>-<>-<> <>-<>-<>
Frederic: “My daughter was constantly getting into dangerous situations whenever she left the castle. But thanks to this amazing product, my wife and I can finally sleep well, knowing that our baby is safe.”
Rapunzel: shouting from her tower balcony “Help! Help! Someone call CPS! Oh sun, the walls are closing in again. Eugene, hurry up!”
Frederic: “At first Rapunzel wasn’t very happy about it. But now she loves it! And our relationship is stronger than ever before.”
Rapunzel: “Dad I swear. When I get out of here, I’ll make you wish I’ve never come back!”
<>-<>-<> <>-<>-<> <>-<>-<> <>-<>-<>
Quirin: “For years I had to worry about my son blowing up himself or someone else, whenever I left the house. But thanks to “Lock-em-up”, I can now work in the field all day without fear.”
Varian: banging on storage room door “Dad? Are you there? The door fell closed and I can’t get it open anymore. I think it’s stuck. Hello? Please let me out! It’s so dark in here...”
<>-<>-<> <>-<>-<> <>-<>-<> <>-<>-<>
Lance: “The last time the girls went outside, one of them got turned into a werewolf. But thanks to this, that can not happen anymore!”
Catalina: clatters metal cup against barred tree-house windows
Angry: pressing herself against another window “LET US OOUT!”
Lance: “Good bye you two! See you tomorrow.” Turns to camera “Thank you Gothel Corp.!”
<>-<>-<> <>-<>-<> <>-<>-<> <>-<>-<>
“Lock-em-up”! Tested and approved by Coronan fathers!
<>-<>-<> <>-<>-<> <>-<>-<> <>-<>-<>
Edmund: looks at product with interest
Eugene: currently trying to scale the castle tower with two kitchen knives “Don’t even think about it!”
<>-<>-<> <>-<>-<> <>-<>-<> <>-<>-<>
“Lock-em-up”! It will change your life!
Gothel Corp. does not take responsibility for any psychological damage, trauma and/or broken relationships caused by the usage of this product.
<>-<>-<> <>-<>-<> <>-<>-<> <>-<>-<>
Meanwhile outside of Corona
Cassandra: feels a foreboding shiver run down her spine “Does anyone else hear boss music?”
Captain: appears behind her
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Thoughts on Teru's none exsistint childhood?- XD
*evil laughs*
SCREAMS. SOBS. BANGS FIST AGAINST FLOOR. IT’S SO FREAKING SAD DEAR LIRD OMG. i swear, if/when we get to see the minamoto dad i will literally make so many hate posts about him. it’s just so unfair. he’s been proficient at exorcising since he was at least 8, which means he likely started at the age of five or six. FIVE OR SIX. have you seen the average five or six year old? i have a few cousins around that age and i can’t even imagine them handling a kitchen knife. as well as this, it’s a known fact that he doesn’t get enough sleep, so if he also didn’t back then while he’s still growing, then that… wouldn’t be very good. also, imagine the pressure. he’s not only a part of the esteemed minamoto family, but the firstborn child as well. to have such expectations put on one’s shoulders at such a young age surely must have made him feel at least a little inadequate back when he was still learning. now, can we PLEASE talk about this art?
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oh my god… this art… i am sooo normal about teru i swear. the blank expression on his face as he looks away from the game park, like he knows there’s no use in longing to go to such a place because his duties as an exorcist prevents him from doing so… and don’t get me started on the bandages on his hand. he’s been injured, on his dominant hand at that, yet he’s still being forced to work. i’d also like to bring up his sword. it’s clearly too heavy for kou to carry, even with two hands. even though kou’s physically weak, he’s definitely able to lift than the average eight year old. and yet, in the flashback during chapter 9, teru wields it easily. just think about the physical toll that would have on him, once again, especially considering that he’s still growing. as well as this, becoming an exorcist at such a young age surely had a psychological effect on him. i mean, even though supernaturals usually aren’t humanoid, they still bleed. they still move and act generally ‘alive’, in a loose sense of the word. as well as this, there are definitely humanoid supernaturals. all of the seven mysteries are somewhat humanoid, even the ones that aren’t ghosts. teru’s likely encountered supernaturals like this before. just think about how you would feel if you had to see someone beg for their life as you killed them, even while knowing that it’s your duty and they’re not even human. i think that all of this definitely has an impact on how teru acts now. first of all, he wears the winter uniform. now, i know, it seems perfectly normal, right? well, IT’S THE MIDDLE OF SUMMER. even when he’s not in school, we literally never see him wearing short sleeves— oh, right, except for in one place. the picture perfect arc. you know, the fake universe where he isn’t an exorcist. it’s definitely not just a coincidence. he’s likely gotten injured so many times that it’d be suspicious if he wore short sleeves. as well as this, the childishness that he wasn’t allowed to display as a child came back after the severance. take chapter 72 for example. here, we see that teru’s clearly never been to an arcade or done karaoke or any other things that teenagers his age do. he seems really excited throughout the whole chapter, acting hyperactive and generally like a child. on top of this, he explicitly states that this is his first day off. he’s been working as an exorcist literally every single day for nine years AT THE VERY MINIMUM, no matter the circumstances. i literally cried during chapter 72 because it hit me just how much he’s missed out on. while all the other kids his age were out playing, he was learning how to fight to protect them. he’s had so much responsibility put on him, it’s absurd how the other exorcists applaud it and act like it’s a good thing instead of a tragic thing. to add onto this, he had to deal with his mother’s death at the age of twelve. he didn’t even get any time to properly mourn her because he was too busy exorcising. i think that teru deserved a proper childhood, and it’s unfair that he spent it all seeing things that no kid should see.
once again, thank you for asking. i have so many thoughts about this boy’s childhood, it makes me so sad… i’m normal guys i swear. also he had mo business being so relatable (i’m not elaborating on that because if i do i’m gonna get dragged to therapy lol)
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eduminatti · 1 year
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Do you recall those books being hurled at you because you didn't finish your homework? Your replies were marked down because they differed from what the teacher had taught everyone? 
Or being pushed to solve issues without regard for whether or not you fully comprehended the concept? For millions of students in India, this is the situation. 
In today's world, popular opinion holds that higher fees, better teachers, more challenging curricula, and more rigorous assessments are the best ways to improve student learning. 
As per research conducted by schools in Bangalore parents send their children to school hoping that they will grow up to be successful and happy adults. But what if I told you that the real issue is with the school? Here are a few things that are currently harming and failing our children psychologically.
Subjects like history are now confined to rote memorization of dates and locations. Children are taught the dates of conflicts rather than why they occurred or how they may have been avoided.
It's all about Rahul having more apples than he can eat, or finding triangle angles without being told why they're useful.
 Another survey done by schools in Mumbai shows that when it comes to English, students are pressured to remember selected poetry and write down the teacher's notes rather than being questioned what they understood. Writing the longest, most intricate responses to simple questions has always been more about scoring higher.
It is obvious that a student's achievement is judged in grades. It is reassuring to know that some schools encourage pupils to pursue other interests such as music, dancing, and athletics, yet even this is repressed by the system. These activities almost never assist students in gaining admission to a higher education institution.
 Exploring talent appears to be a pointless endeavour because a bright future is contingent on good grades. Most schools consider all of these extracurricular activities to be a waste of time.
 As a student, you must either be the brightest or there must be something wrong with you. In most institutions, this appears to be the case. 'Okay' grades are never good enough, and kids are trained to feel bad if they don't get good grades.
Teachers have been more permissive in areas such as peer respect, bullying, and teamwork, while becoming more rigid in areas such as useless dress standards, grooming regulations, and enforcing discipline. Everything in school is about following the rules. 
Simply put, if students are bright enough to come up with fractions without sketching odd visuals, they are shunned by their schools! Instead of providing a mentor or a helpful hand, they provide a watchman or an iron fist. 
Schools merely deliver a punishment that is extremely comparable to solitary confinement in prison, rather than making a pupil learn and become conscious of his mistakes. 
Schools have been pressuring children to spend more time on campus in recent decades, and there is clear evidence that this is inflicting substantial psychological harm to many of them.
Schools, as we all know, are historical artefacts that were not designed with the goal of teaching students to learn. In today's schools, the ancient design is still in use, and youngsters are taught to obey authority people without challenging them.
 Schools as a place to foster critical thinking, creativity, self-initiative, or the ability to learn on one's own — the kinds of talents most needed for success in today's economy — are essentially non-existent. Wilfulness is wickedness in Indian schools, and it is taught or hammered out of youngsters rather than fostered.
Various reform attempts have repeatedly failed. Though the government has tweaked various institutions and curricula, the core pattern has remained unchanged.
 The top-down, teach-and-test technique, in which learning is motivated by a system of incentives and penalties rather than curiosity, has repeatedly failed children. Today's method is well-suited to indoctrination and obedience training, but it lacks in other areas. 
It's no surprise that many of the world's greatest thinkers and trailblazers either dropped out of school early (like Thomas Edison) or said that they despised school and learnt despite rather than because of it (like Albert Einstein). It's no surprise that even the best students frequently describe feeling "burned out" by the educational process.
As a result, I am not surprised when school pupils find learning to be an unpleasant experience. In India, parents regard it as a bitter medicine that is difficult to swallow but beneficial to children in the long term. To summarise, while Indian schools do a lot of things well, they also do a lot of things incorrectly. 
They teach pupils 'What to think' and what the solutions are, rather than 'How to think' and 'How to solve issues.' It's the equivalent of providing pupils fried fish rather than a fishing pole or instruction in fishing. Substandard teaching, or, in many cases, a teacher shortage, is to blame for much of the damage done by Indian schools.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
When Obi-Wan gets to AotC, there's also about two dozen Anakin clones on-site. They're all girls because... IDK Anakin is trans. They have a hive mind and are developmentally a few years younger than Anakin himself.
It's incredibly unsettling to Obi-Wan.
It's almost definitely a "fuck with Anakin's already fragile mental health" ploy by Palpatine, along with a "what if Jedi Black Widows, for me, a Sith Lord. Wouldn't that be neat? That would be neat."
Anakin is torn between "this freaks me out" and "GANG OF BABY SISTERS LET'S GOOOOOOO."
(I just finished reading Like Real People Do by glimmerglanger, so this is definitely inspired by that and the obligatory 'lay back in bed and daydream variations on plot points of that fic you just really enjoyed,' and also a little by Same Heart, Same Blood by loosingletters.)
They're physically like 14-16 on average, and Anakin's vibrating out of his skin with a million conflicting emotions, but when he tells Padme she's just like "oh, you have a handmaiden gang!"
I told this to @willowcrowned and she suggested:
Once Anakin decides to repress the part of him that’s weirded out and just regard them as baby sisters he gets. A little strange about it The first time one of them dies he may or may not slaughter every person he can [in response to Padme's comment] Anakin starts worrying that he needs to get them cool matching outfits
I also chatted about it with @firebirdeternal and they said:
Gang of Unsettling Smol Siblings is exactly the Karma that Anakin deserves
Do you think the Clones have a kind of Collective Name that they use at first that eventually just kind of morphs into a new last name? Skysisters or something? Like Palpatine was trying to be clever and name them like the Nightsisters.
I initially went with "functionally one person" hive-mind but I'm torn.
I think maybe they're BASICALLY one person on Kamino but drift into Separate Consciousness once they're far enough apart physically that their minds don't blend from proximity anymore.
Then they start Dating (like half of them are dating Fett clones because they grew up with these dudes, it's like childhood friends romance), and Anakin loses his mind about Protecting Them and They're Too Young.
Padme: You're nineteen and we just got married, they can date. Anakin: THEY'RE EIGHT. Padme: And the Fett clones are ten and dying for us in the field. Get them rights before you panic about their love lives.
it could be worse, one of them could imprint on Obi-Wan. "Anakin I promise I won't yell at you for the next five stupid things you do if you can figure out a way to stop this baby from having a crush on me" (I like the idea of Obi-wan bargaining not with "I won't be mad at you ever" because they Both Know That's Not True, and instead haggling with specific allowances. Like he's handing out Stupidity Coupons)
Please imagine Mace and Obi-Wan's personal responses to the idea of suddenly having to deal with not one, not two, but OVER TWENTY SKYWALKERS.
Plo is delighted to take one off their hands.
So is Yoda.
Mace is like. okay suicide isn’t the Jedi way but on the other hand. i physically cannot deal with this Yoda: a skywalker, you say? one who is tall enough to reach the top shelf, you say? such a skywalker, bring me
Anakin would be given at least one because fuck you, suffer with us, but he's still a padawan so Ugh, fine, no.
I want to say one stays on Coruscant to hang out with the Guard, and ends up half-adopted by Padme. She keeps dressing up the Aniclone left with her in handmaiden outfits and sending selfies to Anakin.
"Hanging out with the little SiL!"
Anakin has so many issues about WHEN his genetic material was acquired.
And there's some confusion from the Fett clones about how much of a hive mind is normal for Jedi. They are confused that the answer is basically none, and "this is WHY nobody clones a Jedi"
"I have followed in our progenitor's footsteps and acquired a sibling." holds up a struggling Boba "He bites."
Ooooo okay so if they have a sort of hive mind then they probably don’t have names other than their designations on Kamino right BUT When they SEPARATE The one that picks Boba up on Geonosis gets a name specifically for that. Okay what if the one Padmé picks up gets some variant on ‘pretty’ because she’s always being dressed up BELLE Maybe Yoda’s Ani has a name that means thief? Because obviously Yoda is using Anakin to steal sweets
So, to make the timeline work...
I don't think anyone would give Anakin one of his sisters until after he's knighted at least.
So obviously when they're doing initial placements none of the sisters go to him or Obi-Wan.
Once he's knighted, of course they're already all placed with someone, and Anakin instead gets Ahsoka. He loves Ahsoka. She is also a little sister. He said so.
At some point afterwards, one of the sisters is left without a place because the Master that was in charge of her died in the field battle.
That sister then gets placed with Obi-Wan, because he's already mostly-successfully raised one Skywalker, so he can do it again.
Anakin gets to hang out with her basically all the time.
Ahsoka is very very jealous of this girl stealing Anakin's attention.
Anakin is oblivious to the rivalry.
He asks Barriss to look after them while he's discussing Adult War Things with Luminara and Obi-Wan, and Barriss gets an eye into This Mess, which is quickly colored by Ahsoka growing a puppy crush on the lovely Miss Offee herself.
Ahsoka: Ah yes, my nemesis. Anisister: Ah yes, my new older sister whom I want to impress so bad.
"I will impress her by being Stoic and Competent" "Oh my god she must think she's so much better than me what a bitch"
Anakin is oblivious to most things to be fair Anakin: Laser focused precision fighting machine who can read the tiniest body movements and predict your moves seconds in advance, who also cannot understand even the most basic social nuance. I was originally writing this as to Dunk on Anakin but then I made myself sad, because none of those things are really his fault.
So you know that post about like, Sasuke and Brooding, specifically in the context of "Brooding" as it's used to refer to Nesting Chickens? Grouchy and protective and sitting on a tennis ball trying to hatch it because they're just. "These are my Babies." Anakin Broods. Baby sisters. Must protecc. "I'm actually fine and extremely deadly in combat." "MUST PROTECT."
Bad Guy: [catches Ahsoka in a Trap] Aniclone: Must rescue sister! Aniclone: [fights, is not winning fight, gets ouched] Ahsoka tearing her way out of Trap: I lived bitch. Also: stay the fuck away from her. [murders so hard]
Ahsoka catches the Protective Older Sib feels by the traditional method: "Hey, only I'm allowed to be mean to them."
Oh Anakin has no clue what’s going on. He walks in on Ahsoka glaring at the Ani and is like!!! Little sisters!!! Bonding!!! When Ahsoka was about three seconds away from tossing her out of the airlock. Ahsoka mistakenly assumes that Barriss has a crush on the Ani, and gets even MORE jealous.
Obi-Wan is like oh god. I can’t take care of an Anakin going through puberty again. He’s great with periods and other stuff because he read about a billion books. He is TERRIBLE with everything else, as he was the first time.
IDK how old Obi-Wan's Aniclone is, probably physically the same age as Ahsoka?
Per @atagotiak on discord:
Also something something, similarities btw Anakin and Obi-Wan where like. "Am I a parent? That seems uncomfortable, I'm too young to be a dad to a kid this age, I mean I'm cool with being a mentor/caretaker but..."
Obi-Wan can't even sidestep parenthood this time.
"Is Anakin basically your dad?" "Uhhhhhh" [Muffled discussion] "So Obi-Wan is your dad." "Okay!" "WAIT NO I DIDN'T AGREE TO THIS"
Ahsoka: She's stealing my brother, that BITCH. Obi-Wan's Aniclone: new sister new sister new sister gotta make a good impression
I feel like the Sister Squad would make very effective interstellar espionage agents Even like, kind of by accident. They just get encouraged to branch out in their interests and figure out what they want to do with their lives and end up all over the dang place, and since they're all pretty dang competent they tend to gravitate towards Important Positions wherever they end up. Except for one sister who just retires to raise Space Sheep.
I like that in this AU Palpatine is just like "I will create an army of Loyal Murderers who will obey my every whim and also be a big psychological lever on my Other Pet Murderer," and then they all just Baby Duckling imprint on the first Jedi to be nice to them instead and he has to just be like "Wait no not like that."
AND one of them Steals Boba
I want Obi-Wan's Aniclone to start dating Fives. All the sisters judge her for it, because he's a Goof. A very competent, ARC Trooper goof! But a goof.
Not as goofy as Anakin, though.
Who expects a clone of Anakin Skywalker to not make questionable lifelong romantic choices impulsively?
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justminawrites · 2 years
Aggretsuko Season 4 and why it was so Brilliant but so Awful at the same time?!
The shipping, oh god, the shipping.
Listen kids, I’m not the most avid RetsuHaida fan out there but even I know how to read the road signs they’ve been putting up since the end of season 2.
It was obvious that Haida was going to end up being Retsuko’s love interest at some point, the man never got any characterisation besides lovesick puppy (literally), and since he was still pining for her even after she politely rejected him it was only movie logic that they would end up together, especially since they had Fenneko pulling through for them in so many ways.
But man, was that payoff completely not worth it.
Don’t get me wrong, the side cast were wonderful: the show’s commentary on the way companies use psychological tactics to push out honest, hard-working people was on point and the struggles faced by working mothers was incredibly well done, and I was very, very happy to see Himuro getting his ass kicked even if he did have a point about the sinking ship that this company is. Ton’s arc was the best thing to come out of this whole season and you can fight me on that, but the actual storyline fell a bit flat for me.
Honestly with so much set up I thought I would feel at least a smidgeon of catharsis when these two finally got together in season 4, but I was just fully confused. To the point where I thought that whole road trip of theirs was some kind of fever dream he had or something, because it was so chaotically crammed in with the rest of the episodes that it just threw off the whole flow of their dynamic.
We spent a good chunk of the season exploring Haida and Retsuko’s flirtation, and it was weird as shit? For no logical reason at all? Wasn’t it supposed to be an advantage of their relationship that these two were friends?
Walking home together was cute and it was the perfect opening for Haida to get in her good graces and confess to Retsuko that he couldn’t see himself ever loving anyone besides her. It should be more natural this time because let’s not forget that he’s already confessed to her twice before this, once after her breakup with Resasuke and (basically) in the Karaoke bar– so it’s only fair that he gets a solid Yes or a flat out Never Gonna Happen. Instead we get Haida panicking and chickening out so hard, which was funny the first time but ohmygod he singlehandedly fucks up even his friendship with Retsuko to the point where it is no longer humorous.
He does it for the weirdest reasons too. Look I get it if they started dating and then he starts feeling like he’s not enough for her; i.e., if people recognise her on the street or ask for autographs or if she keeps getting calls to do interviews due to the rising fame of OTM Girls - it can be a little disheartening to be called The Boyfriend Of So and So - but none of that happens. We just see Haida get into his own head about what is good for Retsuko, like she’s not capable of making that decision for herself, and it’s not a good look for him. At all.
Speaking of Retsuko, I feel like there was a certain character regression that happened with her, that I just couldn’t put my finger on, so I went back and rewatched the other three season for good measure, until I finally figured it out.
Retsuko has gone back to being completely uncertain about her life and what she really wants.
Now I’m not sure if this was supposed to be a trauma-response (would explain a whole lot more if it was but I didn’t pick up on any subtext there) after everything that happened with that crazy fan of hers, but regardless, sis has gone back to being just as uncertain as she was during the first half of season 2, when she was forced to confront her reality of growing up and getting hitched and all that jazz.
It’s what completely puts her off from making a decision about Haida. When Washimi and Gori prod her about what she’s going to do, Retsuko doesn’t even give them a straight answer— brushing it away by saying that she hasn't thought about it because she doesn't really know Haida well. This is fair but not completely true and we know it.
Knowing someone isn’t really a requirement to want to date them, especially in her case. She barely knew anything about her last two boyfriends (Tadano and Resasuke) and was down to try speed dating for a while too. Retsuko’s pattern is obvious when you start looking: she falls in love as she pursues her affections, but first she needs a spark to set her off. [That spark wasn't really there with Haida even by the end of season 3.]
Later, when Haida actively pushes Retsuko away (much to Fenneko’s absolute horror) with his miscommunication and all her friends pressure her to take the first step, Retsuko reluctantly responds with “Why do I have to do it?”, which is the same behaviour she displayed around her mom back in season 2.
She’s being petulant, she’s being childish, she’s uncertain wether she even wants to date Haida in the first place, and that’s actually a normal thing to feel, for her.
In the previous season, it’s clear that she never wanted to be an idol, she just got roped into it because of that damn Hyoudou (Producer Leopard), and then ended up paying the price for it heavily. While Haida did have good intentions, his feelings about her got in the way when he tried to bring her back, and instead of being grateful that he was trying to help her keep her job, Retsuko got irritated with the way he kept clinging onto her instead.
So her feelings for him are complicated to say the least.
I’m not mad about her hesitation at all. Retsuko deserves to take a breather after everything she’s been through. What I am mad about, however, is how the show kept pushing them together against her will. From Fenneko (best girl) to Tsunoda (also best girl), to Washimi and Gori (who never forced her about matters of the heart, mind you), it seems like all everyone wants is for these two to be together, for no goddamn reason. Fenneko, I get it; she’s been putting up with Haida’s pining for five excruciatingly long years, she’s sick of it— but Tsunoda? And Gori??
Tsunoda could just be helping Fenneko out for whatever reason, but Gori is 100% just projecting in this case. She created an app with Tadano’s AI that she still hasn’t managed to market, despite being a marketing manager, and wants to set up her only two beta testers.
To make matters worse, we never get to see the effect of this relationship on Retsuko at all. We never see her feelings for Haida change in any way or evolve– she blushes once during their road trip and posts a picture of her food with his hand in the background, but that’s it.
We don’t see her feel particularly happy or sad or anything really. They spent half the season rehashing their whole I-don’t-know-you-enough-to-like-you spiel only to continue not getting to know each other at all? What? Was it all done offscreen?
Look the audience doesn’t need to be spoon-fed the details, we just want to see why she fell in love with Haida after everything that happened, and we didn’t get that at all. (Side note, I sincerely doubt it’s because the guy can parallel park; the bar is low but not that low).
What we do get is about half of an episode of them on this road trip, before we cut straight back to office drama and a completely Haida-centric arc. This, coupled with the fact that Retsuko is still very uncertain, lessens the impact of the relationship altogether and makes it feel really incomplete; like something’s not quite there yet.
We also get to see Haida in a relationship, and it is just.. yikes. It’s something alright.
We were blessed with a lot of Haida character development this season— the corruption arc was just *chefs kiss*, literally all his interactions with Himuro were charged with incredible Bi Energy but oh how his love for Retsuko suffered.
Haida isn’t happy about his job, he’s made that clear at every opportunity, and he desperately wants to be valued, despite not being good at valuing anyone or anything else.
Thanks to Inui (bestest girl) we find out that he’s this absolute paradox of a man who wants someone to see him, to really see him, to not end up a faceless worker bee in the crowd of people of his life. Someone who wants to be noticed so badly but refuses to notice what's in front of him in the first place.
He didn’t know Inui was a temp, which is insane, because that’s one of the first things they would’ve talked about, you know, since they met in the same office. You can argue that this is just because Haida didn’t love Inui the same but we see him actively blow off Retsuko when she’s trying to confess to him about her involvement in Ton’s banishment too. Haida isn’t very observant, in a relationship or otherwise, and it’s pretty clear throughout the season as he slowly transitions from her boyfriend to her boss, constantly shutting her out in order to win Himuro’s approval.
At first, this seems like a great foil for Retsuko. One of the main conflicts of the show is that Retsuko bottles up her emotions to the point of needing a whole Death Growl to properly vent her feelings, and as the seasons pass we see how she manages to slowly fix her stressful situations until she learns to react to things without it, using external love and support instead.
In season one; this support came from Friends: Gori and Washimi who she met in Yoga class. They helped her understand that she didn’t need to conceal her emotions all the time and that they aren’t some kind of big secret— it's okay to feel things and let other people know, you don't have to hide who you are. This was shown very nicely with Resasuke, where she hid her feelings deep, deep down and gave more than she had left to give, and eventually realised that isn't how she wanted to live at all.
In season two; this support came from Family: her Mother; while Retsuko spent most of this season trying her level best to adult - driving, cooking, speed dating - it was her mother who encouraged her to come out of her comfort zone and live or else life will pass you by before you know it. Here, she learned from yet another relationship; Tadano with his brilliant ideas and his desire to change the world, and when she found out that they had different pathways in life she made the most adult decision she had so far. Instead of clinging to the idea that somehow love would be enough, Retsuko let him go and moved on with her life.
In season three; the support came from her Talent; she began considering what she actually liked and wanted to do, and when life presented her with the opportunity to showcase her love of Metal to the world, to quite literally, come into the spotlight– Retsuko thrives.
As the show progresses, we see that Retsuko gets more and more comfortable with her feelings and refuses to remain her doormat self. Until the season finale, of course, and she’s back to a shell of her former self. Understandable when you consider the very real impact of what she’s been through.
Dating Haida could’ve been great for her.
Here we have a man who is dense and unable to communicate properly, so it would’ve really helped Retsuko come out of her shell, stop beating around the bush, and have her not apologise for her feelings for once. It could’ve brought her character arc in a full circle. But it did not.
Instead in season four; we see her try to support someone else: Director Ton. We see Retsuko fuck up, blindly trusting someone like Himuro who will never have her best interests in heart, and drown in guilt once she realises that her actions have very real, very awful consequences. Even as everyone around her tells her it’s not her fault, he made his own choice, etc etc this is the only time we see Retsuko actively trying to change the situation she’s in. For most of the show we’ve watched her get thrust into drama or unable to decline it out of politeness, but we’ve never seen her seeking it out of her own volition, until now.
This is because Ton is the first and only character Retsuko has bonded with in her workplace. Gori and Washimi? She met them in yoga class and even then almost screwed it up bc work hierarchy. Puko? Highschool friend. Tadano? Driving school. Manaka? Idol Group. Even well into season three we get Fenneko calling out how secretive Retsuko still is about her life, pointing out how even though it’s been five years, she only sees them as “work friends” and nothing more.
But Ton has been there since day 1.
He asks her to consider the value of what she was giving vs receiving with Resasuke in season one. He refuses to accept her resignation, in season two, telling her that she needs to start figuring out where she wants to go before she drops everything for a guy like Tadano. He even offers to pay off her debt (200,000 ¥) because he thought she was being blackmailed into staying with the idol group in season three.
Ton’s is this half-foil, half-mentor figure to Retsuko and he ends up giving her advice at her most crucial points throughout her life, and it’s fair to say that she wouldn’t have grown into her full potential of it wasn’t for him.
It’s usually his plain speech and tough love that spurs her into action most of the time: when Ton points out something about Retsuko, the man is honest, and brutally so. He goes from office bully to begrudging father figure in Retsuko’s life and this is the first time we see her value him for it.
Retsuko really wants to fix her mistake and save Ton, and so she ends up going to the last person we’d expect: Tadano of all people, bracing herself for rejection. Instead she’s finally met with someone willing to help out, for the first time in the whole season. And not just someone willing to help her, Tadano insists that she take the lead, stating how he “..can’t be the hero this time. It has to be you.”
This is some interesting character development from our billionaire tech-whiz, who, the last time we saw him, was hell bent on being said hero. [He wanted to save the workplace environment from drudge work and believed that creative pursuits were the keys to unlocking human potential, to the point where he came off a little preachy and tone deaf when he agreed that his work would put a lot of people out of jobs].
His breakup with Retsuko seems to have changed the both of them; once a carefree and irresponsible insomniac, now Tadano’s.. probably still an insomniac, albeit a more thoughtful and intuitive one. He’s able to read Retsuko’s thoughts even as she keeps them in her throat, surprising even Retsuko herself. This is a large improvement from the last time these two saw one another, when he was completely blindsided by her ambushing him during karaoke.
Tadano’s advice proves to be exactly what she needs to save Ton, and even though these two have grown as people, their cute dynamic remains unchanged— he still teases her, and she still scolds him and it’s wholesome af.
While their breakup was essential to both of their arcs, there still seems to be a little magic left between the two of them that blossoms even under these conditions— platonic or otherwise, Retsuko and Tadano are clearly always going to have something going for them.
As her relationship with Haida grows colder and more distant, her support system grows, adding Ton, Kabae, Fenneko, Anai, and nearly everyone else from the office, to stage a coup and wrest control of the office from Haida, and by extension Himuro.
The heist was Everything.
Kabae’s vent game was strong and the fact that Fenneko knew all of Haida’s passwords had me shaking my head. He really doesn’t appreciate how she easily she could ruin his life smh.
But the ending is where it fell a little flat for me again.
Committing tax fraud is romantic and all but it was really irking to see how blatantly Haida was lying to Retsuko when she dragged him off to karaoke. Sure, he might have been telling himself it was for her, but it was obvious to anyone with eyes that Haida was hooked to his new boss, and that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing.
Himuro had a few decent qualities that were never really touched upon in depth, and I would’ve liked to have him stay on as the new CEO for another season at least.
On that note, the whole reset thing at the end didn’t sit right with me. It felt like a cop out tbh; why did everyone go through so much pressure and stress if the old CEO was done and going to be coming back anyway? Why did Haida resign?? What was the point of it all???
After much deliberation I propose an alternate ending instead:
We’ve already established that the company had been sinking because of the previous CEO’s wacky ventures.
Now that they were forced to window-dress statements, the only logical path to have everyone win is to blackmail Himuro into reinstating Ton and Kabae back into the office under a foolproof contract or else they release the real statements to the public. Blah blah blah, the company loses the trust of the shareholders, stock prices plummet, it’s the end of the world so he has no choice but to give in.
This would keep Himuro as the CEO (possibly teasing a Washimi arc in the future) and bring back everything to it’s morally neutral terms while still having a new and unique villain in the story— how will Retsuko butt heads with a master manipulator, where her rage might get the better of her instead?
It would still keep everyone on their toes while providing a permanent shift in the office, which, let’s be honest, it definitely requires.
Haida can still quit under these circumstances (after properly saying bye to Fenneko bc WTF WE DIDN’T EVEN GET A FAREWELL AFTER EVERYTHING SHE’S DONE FOR YOU??), and it makes more sense now since he’s a liability; his relationship with Retsuko can carry on until it fades out, or completely vanishes into the background idk I stopped caring a while ago.
Either way, I’m not going to say that keeping Himuro as CEO would’ve saved this season because I did enjoy some parts of it, but a few dynamics and the show as a whole did start feeling a little stale about halfway through, so I think resetting everything isn’t going to magically make things better.
TLDR: Season 4 wasn’t bad but it wasn’t good either and I blame RetsuHaida, I’m not sorry.
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miekasa · 3 years
bad romance
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+ pairing: levi ackerman x reader
+ genres and warnings: friends with benefits au, friends to lovers au (well i guess that’s open for interpretation lmao), modern au—college au?, explicit smut, mentioned/implied virginity
+ summary: friends with benefits with your best friend since middle school is probably a bad idea. friends with benefits with your best friend since middle school who you’ve also been in love with for the past seven years—all for the purpose of her gaining ‘experience’ so she’s not nervous to do it with some other guy she has a crush on—is probably a really bad idea. levi ackerman is not known to make great decisions.
+ word count: 3.5k
+ notes: truth be told, i don’t even know if i like this; i took this from an outline/draft of a series i’d planned but know i’ll never complete. it’s kind of unedited too heh, also if you’re a minor pls do not interact 
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Levi doesn’t think anything of it when he finds you on his doorstep on a rainy Saturday evening. It’s very much like you to show up unannounced and attempt to drag him into whatever activity you want to do that day. He’s fairly certain that Hange picked that up from you. Someone should tell her that it doesn’t work so well unless it’s you tugging on his arm sleeve and interrupting his otherwise peaceful evening. 
So, for a while, everything is normal. You make fun of him for his use of, admittedly overpriced, organic butter when he toasts you a bagel; he makes jabs at you shuffling around his apartment like a semi-wet chihuahua, and all is right with the world.
Until it’s not. Because half-way into whatever stand-up comedy Netflix special you’d persuaded him into watching with you, Levi’s had enough of your nervous ticking. He doesn’t know if you think that he wouldn’t notice, but he does. And he knows it’s not the result of you still being wet or cold from the rain, seeing as you’ve long since dried off and warmed up. 
You’re focused on the show (ironically, focused to a point of distraction), you’ve been twiddling your fingers since it started, and you’ve been fidgety since you stepped foot into his house. Quite frankly, he finds it insulting that you think he wouldn’t know something’s up by now.
So, he bends his knee, turns his body towards yours, lifts his elbow to rest atop the edge of the soft, and presses his cheek into his palm: “Alright, spit it out.”
“Huh?—What do you mean?” You look at him with wide, startled eyes. He looks back at you with unamused, expecting ones.
You crack a nervous smile, attempting to laugh off his command as incredulous, but instead, your voice comes out in what sounds like a pathetic attempt to cover up a lie—probably because it is, “What? Can’t I spend sometime with my favorite, surly psychology student?”
Levi scoffs at your batting eyelashes. The look he throws you seems to do the trick as you drop your facade with a sigh and shift yourself to face him on the couch too, your bent knees almost touching.
“Alright, fine, you got me,” you sigh, hands resting in your lap, “You, um... you know how you said you’d help me with, like, uh... sex and stuff?”
Levi raises an eyebrow. Of course he does. He watches as your eyes dart around the room waiting for his response. It’s cute as heck, and if the topic of conversation at hand weren’t about to get so compromising, he’d have probably teased you about it.
“Yeah, why?”
“Well… okay, so, you remember Jean, right? The guy I told you about?”
Levi hums. Yeah, he remembers Jean, but only because you can’t seem to shutup about him, not because he’s particularly memorable otherwise. He seems to be kind of a prick and a huge idiot, if you asked Levi; but, that’s kind of his default impression of most people. 
“Jean and I hung out yesterday, and it was normal, you know? We just talked and ordered food and watched a movie,” you rub your palms along the fabric of your yoga pants—another nervous tick he’s been observing, “I don’t know if it was a date or not, because he didn’t say it was, and I don’t want to assume, but Marco keeps saying it was, and that Jean wants to actually ask me out.”
Levi blinks. “And?”
“And if he does ask me out—or even if he just… I don’t know, wants to try something the next time we hang out, I don’t want to look like a complete idiot!”
He refrains from letting a noticeable grimace take over his features; and washes away the unsettling feeling in his stomach with a nonchalant comment, “I doubt he’ll try anything on your first date.”
“But what if it’s not a date! People hang out just to hook up all the time.”
“I thought you wanted to date him?” Levi questions, but his it comes out as more of a deadpan statement.
“I do,” you answer, your response a little delayed and drawn out, “But, I wouldn’t mind just sleeping with him, either.”
“Bold statement from someone who’s never slept with anyone before.”
“Have I told you today that you’re an asshole?” you roll your eyes at him, “Come on, Levi, you know what it’s like to just want someone, but not want them, don’t you? You’ve had one night stands before.”
That’s true, Levi knows it, but it’s different. He wasn’t actively seeking advice from his friends about how to pursue and potentially please his one night stands because none of that mattered—well, the pleasing part, probably, but not the pursuit, or the feelings that came with it. Besides, Levi hasn’t felt the desire for any of that in a long time.
“That’s not the same,” he responds, trying to dismiss the muddy feelings crawling up his throat, “Look, if your Jean guy gets horny when you’re hanging out, just make out with him—make him jizz his pants or something.”
“That’s terrible advice,” you frown, “Plus, he’s probably done that with a million other girls.”
“Probably. Sex tends to repeat a few basic actions here and there.”
“For a psychology student, you sure are a terrible makeshift therapist, do you know that?”
“That’s not even the kind of psychology I study, never mind that I never asked to be your therapist.”
Levi takes great amusement in your huffing and the frustrated pout settling into your features, though he does his best to not let his own smile shine through. It’s probably futile; you can probably see through his facade, anyways.
“I just don’t want to bore him, Levi.”
Any trace of his smile vanishes as those words leave your mouth. Levi doesn’t retain much about this Jean guy you keep going on about, and he doesn’t care to in all honesty—but maybe if he did, he could understand why you’re so hellbent on pleasing the kid.
Levi doesn’t like it, not one single bit. His own feelings for you aside, he doesn’t like how Jean has managed to worm his way into your head and make you think that he’s deserving of any kind of affection from you, whether it be platonic, romantic, or sexual. Because he isn’t; Levi might not know him, but he knows that much. 
Still, he sympathizes with you. He understands the pressure of navigating dating and hookup culture, especially in a university setting; never mind the additional expectations set on you as a girl. It’s shitty, all of it; the stupid feelings, the sense of uncertainty, the dumb-ass college pricks. You shouldn’t have to deal with any of that. 
“You won’t,” is Levi’s simpler response, “Just don’t crush his dick in the process.”
“I wouldn’t do that, fuck you.”
“I’m just saying, you’ve never been the most coordinated person in the world,” he taunts, “If that’s what you came here today to ask me to help you with, it’s fine.”
“Really?—I mean, okay, I know we said that’s okay, and stuff, but I didn’t know if—well I don’t know what’s on the table or not? I do want to do that with you, but I also wanted to know if we could do… more? But I didn’t want to ask for too much and make you uncomfortable! Do we need a lesson-plan of sorts, because I can make—”
“You’re doing it.”
“Doing what?”
“Stalling,” Levi tells you, “You know, how when you get all nervous and ramble, then run out of breath or things to say, then get super quiet, and let the conversation die and be awkward again.”
You throw daggers his way with your eyes, and Levi has the audacity to smirk. “Forgive me, it’s not every day I ask my best friend if I can suck his dick for practice.”
“You can,” Levi replies, a little too nonchalant for the situation at hand, “If you want. I don’t mind. As for a lesson plan, that’s weird as shit, so don’t do that.”
“Really? I can?” you question again, an ironic child-like glimmer of joy in your eyes.
Levi chuckles lowly at your enthusiasm—your appreciation is so genuine, he finds it nothing short of adorable. And oddly enough, he’s a little turned on by it, too.
“Yeah,” he nods his head shallowly, “You can.”
You still have that gleam in your eyes, but Levi can feel the hesitation creeping up on you, and offers his guidance before he loses you to a shell of yourself. He shifts over to you just a bit, loosely holding your right wrist in his grip; holding eye-contact, he carefully pulls you up to stand in front of him.
“You can start,” he says, slowly tugging on your wrist, “By getting on your knees and taking off my pants.”
By the time he’s finished speaking, you’re already kneeling in front of him, and the sight is already enough to have Levi semi-hard in his pants; an almost embarrassed flush washing over his body as he comes to terms with the fact that he’s thought about this visual more times than he cares to ever admit.
You fumble with the zipper of his jeans, pulling them, along with his boxers to pool around his ankles. Your actions are careful and calculated, but you seem comfortable—maybe not with your skills, but with Levi.
His eyes stay glued on you, when you finally hold his length with a single hand, the other resting hot on his thigh. He leans over again, this time to rest a comforting hand on the back of your neck, eager to wash away any remains of your nervous resolve.
“Start slow,” he instructs, feeling your thumb swipe along the head, “Just move your hand up and down a bit, like—ah, yeah, like that.”
You seem follow his words carefully, focusing on the way his dick jerks in your hand. Levi observes you carefully and mentally notes that while he’d have liked it, not making out with you before this was probably the right call—he’d probably have creamed his jeans before this could have begun.
“You can grip it harder,” he tells you. You listen, applying slightly more pressure to your grasp; and it makes Levi groan, short, but strangled, above you.
“Okay?” you question, the genuine concern in your voice enough to make Levi’s gaze soften.
“Yeah, that’s—you’re doing good,” he says, rubbing his thumb against the nape of your neck habitually, “Twist your hand a little when you go up, you can—fuck, okay, yeah, that, like that.”
You snap your head up to look at him when he lets a moan slip through; nothing but pure enthusiasm and satisfaction dancing in your eyes. Levi grits his teeth when you do it again, your thumb sliding over the tip when you reach the top of his dick, and, Christ, you’ve got to stop looking at him like that.
You work your way into a steady rhythm, letting Levi’s moans guide your movements. You feel him harden to full length under your touch; and when he does, you move your hand faster, twisting your wrist around the length and squeezing just a pinch harder at the tip, without instruction.
He watches through lidded eyes, using his thumb to press lightly into the back of your neck. You move your free hand from his thighs, eager to add it to the mix, but Levi freezes.
“Nuh uh,” he shakes his head.
It prompts you to stop your actions, tilt your head and look up at him, and Levi doesn’t think he’s ever seen something so sinful. Your complete focus on him, neck craned obediently, eyes twinkling under your lashes; your position makes him want to kiss you or choke you or something in between.
“What—did I do something wrong?” you ask with wide and innocent eyes that make Levi feel bad for worrying you, yet send an erotic pulse throughout his body.
“Not at all,” he reassures you, fingers treading into the hair at your nape.
He’s setting himself up for failure, and he knows it, too—because, really, who agrees to teach a friend how to suck dick? Having you on your knees in front him, crane into his touch, and keen to all his desires, does nothing to mask the painful fire in the pit of his stomach.
It’s stupid to be this hungry, this possessive over you when he knows you come to him in hopes to learning how to please another man. But one, precious thought is enough to cloud over all of that, enough to put that sadistic smirk back on his face.
“You said you wanted to give me a blowjob, right?” he questions, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth at the shallow nod of your head, “Okay. Open your mouth for me, yeah?”
He barely pushes the tip past your lips when your head dips forward, tongue peeking out to lick the very top. Levi sucks in sharp air between his teeth, relaxing into the couch when your head bobs further, enclosing the tip of his dick in your mouth.
“Fuck,” he groans, voice hoarse when his hardened cock rests against the velvet wet of your tongue, “That’s it—just keep going, like that.”
He watches intensely as your head bobs onto him. It’s hot and wet and so much more than he’d imagined it would be; and he’s not too shy to admit he’s imagined this with you. He moves his hand to brush away the flyaways of your hair, smoothing them back and tangling his fingers at the back of your head. He carefully guides your movements.
It’s slow and steady, and normally, it’d take him a while to cum like this, but with the visual of having you on your knees for him, Levi can feel a faint warmth of his orgasm already beginning to bubble inside of him.
“This is okay, right?” you pull back, a thin line of spit trailing from your mouth.
“Yes, yes,” he answers immediately, unaware of his tightening grasp on your hair.
With a shy smile, you continue, taking more of him this time and carefully gauging his reactions. You move your head further down, testing your own limits, until you feel like you’re choking. You pull back again, with an embarrassed cough.
“Don’t push yourself,” he says softly, rubbing soothing circles into your neck with his fingers, “Guys can’t actually tell the difference between a regular blowjob and being deep throated, no need to choke yourself.”
“Wait, really?” you ask, resting you bum against your heels.
“You seem so surprised.”
“That’s just so… disappointing,” you crinkle your nose, “Men and porn make deep-throating seem like the end all be all of giving head.”
Levi chuckles in genuine amusement, “Well, it’s not, trust me. If any guy insists on being deep-throated just to cum, he’s a fucking liar. He’s getting off on the submission, not the actual feeling.”
“The submission?”
“Getting someone to be willing to listen to them, telling them what to do, how to please them,” he shrugs, “Makes you feel like you’re in control.”
“And that… that works?”
“Yeah,” Levi says, “But, judging by the tone of your voice, and how willing you were to suck my dick three seconds ago, I’d say the idea of being dominant doesn’t really appeal to you.”
You scrunch your nose again, “Does it appeal to you?”
Levi pauses, thinking over his answer, before giving you a simple, “Yeah. Most of the time.”
“Oh,” you hum, “I… I don’t think I’d like that.  I think I’d rather be told what to do, seeing as I don’t really know what I’m doing, anyways.”
“Ironic, considering you’ve never once listened anything I tell you do.”
“I was listening when you told me how to suck your dick,” you correct him, “You seemed to enjoy that.”
Levi pauses with a raised eyebrow. You don’t seem to back down, that matter-of-fact smirk on your face still mocking him. He leans over slowly, using his right hand to guide your head closer to him, and uses his left hand to grab your jaw between his fingers.
“You can be such a fucking brat, you know that,” he all but whispers, pursing your lips together in his hold, “Since you like listening to me so much, then shut up, and we can finish what you started.”
You blink, staring at him with a wide-eyed expression. He’s right that under any other circumstance you’d probably run your mouth off about him telling you what to do. But something about the way he knows what he wants and tells how he wants it makes you listen without an argument.
You nod, slowly wrapping your lips around the tip again, and bobbing along his length. Levi’s breath hitches when you hollow your cheeks slightly, a rough hand pressing down on the back of your neck.
“You’re really—god, okay, you’re good at this, you know,” Levi praises you, letting his right hand resume its position at the back of your neck.
If you had any doubts before about being submissive, the look on Levi’s face seemed to have wiped them away. Watching him throw his head back, his fingers gripping at your nape, his cock in your mouth—pleasing him seemed to be enough to please you, too.
“I wanna make you cum, Levi,” you voice your thoughts, letting a hand lazily jerk him off in the mean time, “Tell me what I have to do to make you cum.”
“If you keep going, I’ll cum,” he answers too quickly, a groan slipping through his words, “Trust me.”
“Come on, Levi,” you push, rolling your thumb over the slit of his dick. It makes him inhale sharply; you’re getting a little too good at that; at all of this. “Can—I mean, do you wanna cum in my mouth?”
“Shit, shit. Don’t say shit like that,” he curses, blunt nails raking and scraping at your scalp, “You don’t have to—I can just—”
“I want you to,” you tell him earnestly, “Please?”
Fuck, he was pretty fucking certain he’d told you to stop saying shit like that. Levi bites the inside of his cheek, paces himself; uses both of his hands to hold your head gently, while you use yours to wrap around his cock.
He grunts with a shake, and rolls his hips up, pushing himself further into your mouth, but not so much as to hurt you. It’s soon after that hot strophes of cum wet your tongue, and Levi lets you lazily jerk him off until you’ve milked his orgasm.
The room is silent save for his low moans and the squeaking of his thighs against the leather couch. When he’s finished, he slouches back, looking at you through hooded eyes, sweaty and panting, when you close your mouth and swallow.
You use your fingers to collect any remaining cum from his softening cock, and hum contented as you put your fingers in your mouth. Levi locks eyes with you again, cheeks flushed as you pull your digits out of your mouth, and he has to grip at his own thigh to gain the self-control to not get hard again.
You’re going to be the fucking death of him some day.
He shakes his head when you move backwards with a cute smile and pulls his boxers up, then his pants as best his can, not bothering to zip them up. When he’s done, you stand to your feet then straddle him on the couch, laughing lowly at his post-orgasm haze.
He doesn’t think twice about the way your hands clasp at the back of his neck, or the way his find their way to rest on your hips. You grab ahold of his jaw with both hands, holding his face in place. He thinks you’re going to lean in, but you don’t; just stay like that, your eyes roaming his glassy eyes.
“Are you gonna kiss me or just stare at me all day?” he questions, lips pulled into a knowing grin.
“Can I?” your question makes him frown in confusion, “Dunno, I heard some guys don’t like that after getting head.”
“Bunch a fuckin pussies,” he grumbles, leaning forward to close the gap between your mouths. He can feel you smile into it, and mimics your grin when you begin to press short, repeated kisses against his lips.
“You’re the best, you know that?”
He laughs when you continue to press quick kisses on his lips. “You’re not so bad yourself.”
You kiss him on the cheek, wet and dramatic. “Love you, Levi.”
Your face is right in front of his, but he averts his gaze, a different kind go warmth spreading throughout his chest when you flash a smile at him. He lets you kiss him again, longer this time, but still slow and sweet. He likes the feeling of you resting against him, affection lingering on your tongue when you kiss him.
It’s dangerous, but he likes the way you spark a fire in him. Sweet or sinful, it makes him feel boneless, wanted, loved.
Levi leans forward, rubbing his hands up your sides, and captures your lips in another languid kiss before pulling away to peck the corner of your mouth. “Love you, too.”
And he means it of course, but if Levi thought he had it bad before, he’s in deep shit now.
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mochegato · 3 years
Even the Losers
Chapter 8
Chapter 1     Chapter 7
“Your father is Bruce Wayne and now he wants to reconnect,” Nino recapped as though anyone involved in the call was unaware. From the look Chloe gave him, he was particularly happy she was in New York not Paris and couldn’t actually smack him upside the head.
“Thank you for that waste of time and breath,” Chloe grumbled.
“I just… don’t see the problem.”  Nino did actually move away from Alya before she could swat him.  “What?  Your dad is Bruce freaking Wayne!  Even if you don’t connect with him, you can totally draw on that Wayne money.”
He wasn’t fast enough to move away from her smack that time.  “Ow!” he pouted at Alya.
“It’s not about the money!” Alya groaned, already exasperated by him.  “It’s about him not wanting to have a relationship until the press found out.  It’s about him cutting her out but taking in a gaggle of other kids.”  Nino lightly shoved Alya’s shoulder and motioned toward Marinette’s expression on the screen.  Alya grimaced and gave him a nod of understanding.
Marinette looked down and pursed her lips to keep from frowning.  It was bad enough thinking it in her own head constantly, but hearing it out loud, repeated back to her?  That made it so much worse.  That made her feelings real.  That legitimized her feelings.  She couldn’t pretend like she was just overreacting.  They were justified.  Which meant she couldn’t just freeze them out.  Or rather she shouldn’t.  She had to face them.
She focused her energy on not changing her body language so she didn’t worry Adrien any more than he was already.  Keeping her body relaxed instead of tensing up.  Adrien had gone into a frenzied panic when he and Max had returned from their apartment search to find her collapsed on the floor, blocking the door. She’d missed the worst of it according to what Tikki said, but she still remembered the terrified look in his eyes when she woke up.  He hadn’t left her side since, keeping constant physical contact.  
Max seemed to inherently understand the situation and was jumping up to get anything either of them might need so they didn’t have to abandon each other for even a few moments.  She was eternally grateful to him for it because she wasn’t sure who the physical proximity was having more of a calming effect on, her or Adrien, but regardless, they both needed it.  
Her attempt to not react didn’t seem to have been as effective as she thought it had been judging by the way Adrien hugged her closer to him.  Marinette lightly bonked her head into his chest and returned her attention to the laptop screen.  “It’s okay, Nino,” Marinette assured him weakly.
“No it isn’t,” Chloe said over her.  “Both of you need to stop talking.”  She flipped a page in her magazine and looked up at the screen.  “I mean, that’s true in general, but especially during this call.” Her eyes were sharp when she looked up but Marinette could see the concern she was trying to hide by focusing on her magazine.  She wasn’t sure what Adrien had told them about how he found her but she could tell it was enough to scare them too.
Marinette rolled her eyes at Chloe.  “Yes, it is.”
Chloe groaned.  “This is the way we work Dupain Cheng.  You and Adrien let people walk all over you, Nino keeps the peace, Alya starts trouble, and I tell people the truth and to back the fuck off when it’s warranted.”
“Which never starts trouble,” Alya snarked.
“I do not let people walk all over me!” Adrien objected, looking around for support. Marinette gave a curt nod of agreement, but Max was avoiding his eyes and Chloe was staring at him flatly.
“No, you don’t let people walk all over us,” she motioned toward the screen, trying to indicate the rest of them.  “But you let everyone walk all over you.”  Her eyes moved slightly and her eyes narrowed slightly.  “You both do.”
Marinette wrinkled her nose at the screen with a pout.  “I stood up to you,” she groused.
Chloe scoffed.  “And it only took you like ten years to do it.  So proud of you.”  She rolled her eyes so strongly, her entire head moved as she did it.
Marinette’s mouth dropped in offense.  “I’m better now.”
“Are you, though?  Really?” Chloe deadpanned.
Marinette pouted.  “Yes!”
“Statistically, she is accurate,” Max added.  “She does stand up for herself more now than when we were younger.”  Marinette pursed her lips at Max, unsure how to respond to his comment.  On one hand, it defended her.  On the other hand, she did not at all appreciate how he stressed the word ‘statistically’ and she was certain everyone else caught that as well.
Chloe opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by Nino. Marinette sighed in relief until she started processing his words.  “I get that it’s hard and it hurts, I guess I just thought you wouldn’t take it this hard. After Jagged with Luka and Juleka and your grandfather… you forgave all of them.  You helped Jagged with Luka and Juleka, making sure their relationship didn’t go bad.”  He motioned vaguely at nothing.  “You seemed to brush it off and take it as a challenge.  So why isn’t this?”
Alya dropped her head in her hands.  “Tact, Nino.  God.”
“No, he’s not wrong.”  Marinette frowned as she thought about his words.  “I went after Grand-père and convinced him to reconnect.  Papa never held it against him so I guess I didn’t either. Luka never held it against Jagged, just moved forward.  Maybe it’s just me.  Maybe…”
“No!” Adrien interrupted before she could follow that train of thought any further. He gently turned her toward him to focus her attention on him.  “There’s nothing wrong with you or how you’re reacting.  There’s no wrong way to react to news like this.  If you feel sad, that’s fine.  If you feel annoyed, that’s fine.  If you feel frustrated, that’s okay.  If you want to just move past it, there’s nothing wrong with that.  If you feel angry, that’s okay.  And if you feel like you need space, that’s okay too. There’s no wrong way to react to this,” he repeated.
“Except however Chloe would respond,” Alya added with a smirk.
“Hey!” Chloe objected loudly, glaring at the screen, but with no real heat behind it. “For the record, how I would respond to news like this is to spend all my new found father’s money, pressing my boundaries until he finally said something.  And if he didn’t say anything, I’d use those billions to do whatever the fuck I wanted and never see him in person.”
Marinette blinked at Chloe, as did the rest of the group.  That was certainly… an option.  Not one Marinette would ever choose, but it was…  Marinette started giggling at the idea.  Adrien joined her quickly while Max, Alya, and Nino watched them worriedly.  Chloe rolled her eyes and flipped the page in her magazine, but the corners of her lips quirked up.
“He is correct,” Max added, bringing them back to the original point.  “There are a variety of ways people will react to finding out they have a parent they didn’t know about.  Markov found hundreds of studies on psychological responses to similar news and responses are extremely varied.”
“Juleka had a harder time with accepting it and connecting to Jagged than Luka did, remember?” Adrien pointed out.  “And there’s nothing wrong with her.  She wasn’t wrong to react that way, right?”  Marinette shook her head reluctantly.  It wasn’t that she thought there was anything wrong with the way Juleka reacted, but in agreeing with Adrien’s observation, she would have to agree with his point that she was allowed to freak out about this instead of ignoring it like she wanted to.
“Marinette,” Alya raised her voice to bring attention back to her.  “You can do anything you want here and we’ll support you. You know that.  No matter how this ends we all love you.  No matter how you react, we’ll love you.  Nobody is going to judge you for any decision.”
Chloe scoffed.  She waited until everyone was looking, or in Alya and Adrien’s cases, glaring at her. “What?  You want me to lie to her?”  She looked incredulously at the other faces on the video call.  “We won’t judge.  Hell, I’m willing to scratch his eyes out in public for you.  But, your name was already getting out there and his name, now yours, is on the largest corporation in the world.  Every news and gossip organization is going to be talking about it forever if you guys don’t make a good show of it.”
“So?” Alya demanded incredulously.  “She should just do whatever is best for publicity?”
“Did I say that?” Chloe scoffed.  She finally put her magazine down to show how serious she was taking the conversation. “When have I ever let the threat of bad publicity stop me from doing something?  I just said it would be out there, not that she should care.  It’s a factor, a big one when she’s figuring out what she wants.”
“What do you want?” Adrien asked gently, turning his attention back to Marinette.
Marinette looked at Adrien for a few seconds while her brain whirred at high speed thinking through all the options.  What did she want?  None of this. That’s what she wanted.  After a few seconds she took a breath and let it out. “What I want is to not have to deal with any of this.  What I want is to not be his daughter.  What I want is to figure out where we want to live and work and start a company there like we planned.  What I want is to live a normal life now.”  She ignored Chloe’s scoff.  “What I want…” she sighed and looked away.  “What I want doesn’t matter.”
Chloe huffed almost loudly enough for it to echo.  “Of course it matters, it just doesn’t change the past or the current situation.  But, you control your next steps.  So Ladybug this bitch.  Some egomaniacal, rich, pampered megalomaniac has created an utterly ridiculous problem that you now have to fix.  This is your specialty.  Show this bastard who he walked out on.  Make him regret not dying with his parents.”
“Woah! What the Hell?” Nino exclaimed. “Too far.”
Chloe scoffed and looked back at her nails.  “If you think that was too far, you should have heard what I wanted to say.  I toned it way down for your sensitive ears,” she added condescendingly.  She just barely looked up when Marinette started giggling.  Chloe’s lips quirked up the more Marinette tried to stifle the slightly unhinged sounding giggles.
“Dude, that’s her grandparents…” Nino whisper shouted.  Marinette suddenly sobered and paled in realization.
“Or!” Adrien interjected with false excitement positioning himself between Marinette and the screen.  “Or, you could, you know, try to build a relationship with him.”  He looked decidedly away from the incredulous looks from Alya and Chloe and the doubtful look from Nino on screen, trying to pretend like they weren’t judging him.  He moved closer to Marinette and took her hands in his giving her a sincere, serious look.  “You have someone, your father, who wants to connect to you.”  
He ignored the loud scoff from the computer and continued as though Alya or Chloe, or both, hadn’t verbalized their opinion.  They clearly weren’t that opposed or they would have said it instead of making a noise.  He “accidentally” closed the video chat and gave Max a pointed look.  
Max nodded slowly.  “I’m just going to go to my room for a few minutes.  Let me know if you want to talk.”
Marinette and Adrien both shot him thankful smiles.  Adrien waited until his door was closed before looking back at Marinette with a concerned look.  “You got screwed in this deal.  Nobody can deny that, and however you feel, that’s real and valid.  It’s okay to be hurt.  It’s okay to be scared.  It’s okay to say this is too much for you right now, or ever.  But, do you really want to walk away?  Not connect to him?  Not try?”
“He didn’t want…” Marinette started weakly.
“Maybe he wasn’t ready,” he cut her off before she could spiral again.  “Maybe this is the universe’s way to saying it’s time. You got the embodiment of luck in your pocket.  Is it really so farfetched to think luck played a role?”
“Bad luck,” Marinette scoffed to the floor.  Adrien gently rapped her on the top of her head with his knuckle.  She looked back up and caught his unimpressed look. Marinette sighed and looked away before looking back up at him uncertainly.  “I don’t know…”
“Do you think you want to try?” Tikki asked floating out of her resting spot. “It’s your choice.  But I don’t think this is going away, so whichever decision you go with you’ll have to face the consequences.”
“Or I could just cataclysm him,” Plagg offered rubbing his paws together.  He darted away from Tikki before she could shut him up.
“No!” Marinette and Adrien chorused at the same time.
Adrien glared at Plagg but made sure to soften his eyes before looking back at Marinette.  “Okay, maybe things don’t work out with him.  But it sounds like you have siblings.  You already like Jason.  Maybe you’ll like them too.”  He gave her a small smile and rubbed her arms soothingly.  “You always wanted siblings.”
Marinette gave him a weak smile back.  “I don’t need siblings anymore.  I have you.  That’s more than enough.  I don’t think I could handle more of yous.”
Adrien scoffed good naturedly at her.  “If anything I’ve made having siblings more appealing.”
Marinette scoffed playfully.  “Keep telling yourself that,” she muttered.
He pulled her into a hug.  “You always wanted more.  And it sounds like you might have sisters.”
“More people he adopted after walking away,” Marinette groused into his shirt.
Adrien hugged her tighter.  “Maybe he had a reason?  Or maybe he just royally messed up.  Maybe he hates himself for the decision.  It’s something you won’t find out unless you stay.  And you can just talk once and see how you feel about it. If it doesn’t go well, you can walk away and we can find that bar Roy mentioned.  If it goes well, you can decide to stay or we can decide to move to New York or Metropolis, like we were thinking and you can still see him every so often.”
“Even if it doesn’t go perfectly,” Tikki added softly, “it’ll give you closure.  You deserve to have that.”
“And you’ll wonder what could have happened if you don’t,” Adrien nudged her gently.  “You know you’re going to regret not trying.”
“So is that an absolute no on the cataclysm idea,” Plagg popped up between them.  “Because I’m still willing.”
Marinette rolled her eyes at him but shot him a grateful smile.  It was as close as Plagg got to admitting he cared.  She scratched him on the forehead and looked back to Adrien with a frown.  “I don’t think I can handle this.”
“I’ll stay with you.  And Max will be here.  Tikki will be here for you.  Plagg will be here, but don’t let that deter you…”
“Hey!” Plagg pouted.
Adrien continued without acknowledging him.  “Chloe could be here in a few hours if we needed and she’d drop everything to get here, no matter what she says.  Alya and Nino will only be a phone call away.  We will support you no matter what you want to do. But we can’t make this decision for you, so, the question is what do you want to do?”
Marinette groaned and pouted at him.  “You sure you can’t do this for me?”
Adrien gave her a sympathetic look and shook his head. “Not this time, Bug.”  He waited a few minutes for her to think through her options.  When she looked just as lost after another few minutes after that, he spoke up gently. “Do you want to talk to Sabine and Tom first?  They might have some answers you need to make your decision.”
Marinette looked back up at him with a pathetic looking pout.  “Can’t I just sleep through this instead?”
Adrien chuckled and shook his head, relieved she was now in a light enough mood to make jokes.  “You could,” he nodded and put on a mock serious face, “but your problems will still be there when you woke up.”
“What bullshit,” she scoffed in a weak voice.
Adrien nodded.  “Yep, utter bullshit.”
Marinette kept eye contact with him for a few moments waiting for him to impart some kind of insightful wisdom upon her.  When he held silent and let her make her own decision, she whimpered and looked away.  “What if it isn’t him I cataclysm,” Plagg asked, flying between them.  “I could do it to his house instead… a few of his cars?  Rich people always have too many cars.”
Adrien grabbed him out of the air and shoved him in his pocket with an exasperated groan.  But Marinette giggled again.  When her laughter had settled, she took a deep breath and motioned toward her phone. Adrien smiled at her as he placed it in her hand.  She took a deep breath and pulled out the paper M. Wayne had given her.  She dialed one of the numbers before she could talk herself out of it, which knowing herself could happen if she was given more than a few seconds to think, and looked up to Adrien, letting his soft smile ground her.  “M. Wayne? It’s Marinette.  Would you be free for dinner tonight?”
Chapter 9
@maribat-bdbwm @jayjayspixiepop @redscarlet95 @alice-hazelwood @deathssilentapproach-blog @unoriginalmess @alyssadeliv @emotionalsupportginger @frieddonutsweets @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks @toodaloo-kangaroo @colorfulmongerpsychicranch @iloontjeboontje @wolf-for-life @maribatserver @aespades @prettylittlebutterflie @imarivers8  @ certainmuffinbagelcalzone@ritacrow-blog @unoriginalmess @demonicbusiness @kking13 @lady-bee-fechin @blur-of-colours @kittenmywaythrulife @kashlyn @loysydark 
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mariaiscrafting · 3 years
no, you know what, I’m going to stop vague’ing on the dash. my anger is about to get extremely direct and enraged, so fair warning, but I don’t care about anyone’s comfort right now. I’m going to get fucking mad, and you all will fucking deal.
not a single one of us has the right, or should even have the option, to guess about ccs’ sexualities. I’ve kept my mouth shut when it comes to people analyzing george/dream and guessing they’re some kind of queer, but I’m fucking done. I’m going to go into every single reason “truthing” about ccs’ sexualities is just so beyond fucked.
first of all, this is in response specifically to ranboo and tubbo truthing. being a kid and getting thrown into such a massive spotlight, where you will undoubtedly be subject to some fuck shit eventually because the internet is full of thousands upon thousands of people, is already terrifying and anxiety-inducing and damaging enough. but for their own audiencemembers - their own supposed fucking “fans” - to take it one step further and speculate about their sexualities? oh, for the love of god. I can barely believe I even have to explain how fucked that is. it is one thing to be friends with or close to someone in real life and recognize your own queer struggle in them, to approach them with sympathy and support in case they are questioning. it is another thing entirely to speculate about the sexuality of someone you don’t even know, and to then take it a step further and “truth” about your fucking theories. you are not an expert, you are not their friend, and you are not a fucking oracle. you can guess all you want about a cc’s sexuality, you can comment on how their actions or behaviors or words resonate with you when you were questioning or closeted, but to go ahead and take your own speculation as truth is arrogant, presumptous, and damaging as all hell. 
I can just imagine what it would’ve been like if I’d grown an online platform that ripped me of my privacy when I was a teenager and trying to figure out my own sexuality. if I had a section of my audience analyzing my every social media post, the inflection in my voice and the nature of my laughs, my every interaction with my best friend, you know what I would’ve done? retreated so far into the closet that I would probably have tricked myself into thinking I was heterosexual. I would’ve been so fucking terrified and felt so stripped of any privacy or control I had over my own goddamn thoughts; do you understand how fucking vile that is? have none of you ever been terrified of giving away your own sexuality through your mannerisms and facial expressions and words, while you were closeted? have none of you ever experienced that utter fucking terror when you notice someone start to question your sexuality, the immediate urge to retreat and back up and act and believe the complete opposite just to prove them wrong and go back to the safety and security of them believing you were straight? for fuck’s sake, now imagine that feeling amplified a hundred fold, applied not just to one instance or one person in your life, but to thousands. do y’all not understand just how a) morally fucked it is to inflict this same kind of practice onto someone you supposedly care about and support, and b) potentially psychologically damaging this could be to ccs who are closeted, especially the fucking minors? oh my fucking god.
that isn’t even to point out why people do this shit - which is to project and find solace and derive some kind of enjoyment out of cc’s. that’s what cc’s are there for; they are entertainers, first and foremost, which continues outside of streams and bleeds into fandom culture and the kind of enjoyment fans can make out of interacting with other fans and creating their own fan content. the problem with this fact is that fans take it too far, like 85% of the time. cc’s aren’t just there for our own enjoyment. they are fucking people, oh my lord. they are real people that we will never know, and while we may have our fun with our little theories and talking to other fans and making and watching cute compilations and writing fanfiction and making fanart, we are just deriving entertainment from the parts of themselves they choose to show us. that persona they put on for the stream, that is not 100% them. they are real, rounded, 3-d, full people who we only ever get the privilege of witnessing a small sliver of. and we need to fucking remember that, because we can’t just keep running with the ideas of ccs that we have in our heads and treating them like they’re malleable characters for our own entertainment. 
anyways, specifically about truthing (and mind you, this is the point in the rant where a little of my anger starts to seep out because I’m tired and it’s 1:40 AM and I have class tomorrow): there’s so many things that can be said about gaydar. I’m not here to argue whether or not it exists, or the details of the morality of straight versus non-straight people engaging in the practice of truthing. I’m just here to say that, even if you believe gaydar exists and can be accurate when employed by non-straight people, that still only applies to people you fucking know. what you see of a cc is not “getting to know” them. what you are seeing is one face of a multi-faceted jewel, cut in far more ways that you can ever hope to one day perceive. your theories are just those - theories. whatever you might think of the giggles you heard or the pickup lines you saw uttered or the softness you imagine between x and y, human interaction is far too complex and laced with meaning for some rando on the internet who watches youtube videos and twitch streams to fully grasp from two entertainers working from behind a screen. your gaydar is not going to fucking work through a screen, fuck off with that shit.
another thing that’s fucking bothering me so much is this assumption that comes with being at all open about queerness when you yourself are not queer. ik this is just one of the many factors “truthers” use to justify the findings of their totally infallible, prophetic gaydar, but it’s a factor nonetheless, and it bothers the fuck outta me. someone being willing to express support for lgbt people or donate to lgbt chairities or open to conversations with other lgbt people about lgbt endeavors is not evidence of queerness. to say that it is contributes to the harmful belief that cishets still have that they cannot be any of those things - that is, exceedingly open about and to queerness - without being perceived as queer themselves. 
anyways, and now we are at the bottom line, which is that, this entire conversation wouldn’t even have to be had if people just fucking listened to cc boundaries. ranboo and tubbo do not like being shipped. it is that fucking simple. i know that it is tempting to ship two people you think are cute together. i know it is tempting to indulge in a dynamic you find comforting. but idgaf. temptation is not an excuse. find some fictional characters to ship, and kindly fuck off.
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Day 64: Shower
There were a lot of benefits to living in a muggle flat in London.
Draco never had to worry about being recognized, it was delightfully noisy (always an added bonus when you woke up from a nightmare, it was very grounding), and one of his neighbors was always leaving him baked goods just outside his door.
But there were definite downsides as well. Mostly that when things broke (which pretty much seemed to be always) he couldn't use magic to fix it and had to wait for the muggle repair man.
"You're sure you can't get here any sooner than Friday to fix the shower?" he asked the maintenance man over the muggle mobile he'd purchased shortly before moving in.
"I'll get there as soon as I can but it's Friday at the earliest," the man replied, "right now I have a busted toilet, a broken garbage disposal, a kitchen light repair, a cabinet door replacement, a window that won't open, a door knob that the lock sticks on, and an ac unit that is pumping in hot air."
Draco resisted the urge to tell him to hire some help and sighed, "Right. Thank you."
The man grunted in response and hung up.
After a moment of contemplating his options, he gathered up his bath supplies and marched down the hall. When he'd moved in a girl named Amelia had told him if he ever needed anything just to come knock on her door. She'd said that she and her boyfriend would be happy to help, and she had even mentioned a shower breaking specifically.
Steeling himself he knocked, "Amelia?" he called. "It's Thomas from 116," he added, he'd almost gotten used to calling himself that. "I'm so sorry to bother you, but my shower is broken and-"
"Just a minute!" a distinctly male voice called back.
And he waited, feeling more embarrassed since couldn't recall having ever met Amelia's boyfriend. He hoped that he wouldn't think that Draco was a creep.
"Sorry," the man called, and Draco heard the locks being slid from their places, "Amelia and I broke up but I'd be glad to help wi-"
The door opened and Draco felt the bottom of his stomach drop out. "Potter?" he spluttered
(Read more below the cut)
"Draco Malfoy, what the actual fuck?"
"What are you doing here?" Draco hissed.
Potter drew back like Draco had slapped him, "What am I doing here? What are you doing here?"
Before Draco could respond, Delores from the room between their rooms emerged and Potter grabbed him by the front of his tshirt and dragged him inside of his flat.
Draco barely had a moment to notice that his flat was surprisingly cozy before Potter was standing in front of him once more, arms crossed over his chest. "What are you doing here?"
"I live here!" Draco exclaimed. "I've lived here for six months!"
"Well I have lived here for almost a year!" Potter replied. "How did you find this place?"
"Do you know how hard it is to find a flat to rent in London?" Draco asked.
Potter paused, "Actually, yes," he replied. "And this place is enough of a shit-hole that there is a rotating tenant-base."
"Where's Amelia?"
Potter's brow furrowed, "How do you know Amelia?"
"I don't," he said with a shrug, "I met her when I was moving in and she told me if my shower ever broke I should just come knock on her door."
Potter sighed, "Damn."
"What?" Draco asked, feeling like he'd missed something.
"Oh nothing," Potter said, waving him off, "I'd just really been hoping that the guy I caught her cheating on me with was the only one."
Draco spluttered, "I was not romantically involved with your girlfriend."
"No," Potter replied, "No, I know. Just we worked opposite shifts so she was home in the day and I was home at night, and," he shrugged, "Well, you know how it goes."
Draco pinched his arm, he must be dreaming.
Potter turned and wandered toward his kitchen and Draco couldn't help but wonder if he was meant to follow him. "Tea?" Potter called over his shoulder.
And really, Draco had just meant to beg to use the shower but that little part of him that desperately loved gossip decided tea was a better plan. "Please."
The other man sent a smile at him over his shoulder, dimple popping up and Merlin, when had Potter gotten this attractive?
"So," he said as he put the kettle on, "What do you do?"
"I'm going to a muggle university, actually," Draco replied as he found a seat on a stool at the island, "studying to be a solicitor."
"Huh," Potter said, pushing his glasses up higher on his nose, "That suits you."
"I don't know what that's supposed to mean," he said, brow furrowed.
"Oh, nothing," Potter assured, "Just you're clever, good at arguing, and good at finding loop holes, I imagine."
At the earnest look on Potter's face, he decided not to take offense. "What is it that you do?"
Potter smiled at him, "I work at an animal shelter."
Draco blinked, he'd never expected that answer.
"I know," Potter laughed, "It's not what anyone expected but it makes me happy and it feels like good work."
The kettle whistled and Potter turned around to fetch down a couple of mugs and make them tea. "How long have you been living out of the wizarding world?"
"A little over a year," he replied. "It was just too difficult," Draco said, "I was mobbed everywhere I went, sent death threats," he added, "Not that I don't deserve them-"
"You don't," Potter said sharply, spinning around to face him. "Godric, Draco, you were just a kid. We all were."
He swallowed and looked down at the island, "Be that as it may," he said carefully, "I think it's easier for people." He made a vague gesture, "Not to have to see me."
"The pressure in the wizarding community is unreal," Potter said, setting a cup of tea along with the sugar bowl in front of Draco before he made his way to his refrigerator, "You still don't take cream, do you?"
"No," he replied with a little smile, pleased that he wasn't the only one to still remember oddities about the other.
"Why don't we go into the living room?" he suggested. "My furniture in there is much more comfortable."
Draco followed along behind him and settled onto what appeared to be the least squishy piece of furniture, a beige chair. Potter seemed to have no such qualms and sunk into a cozy rocking chair. Draco cleared his throat, "You've been gone for how long now?" he asked.
"Almost two and a half years," Potter replied before taking a sip of tea.
"Do you miss it?" Draco asked.
Shrugging one shoulder he answered, "Sometimes. I still go to the Weasley's most Sundays and I go for birthday parties and holidays. It's enough." He took another sip of tea, his eyes glued to Draco in that piercing way of his and it felt like it had been ages since someone had actually seen him. "What about you? Do you miss it?"
"At the beginning," he confessed, "But less now."
Potter hummed, seemingly waiting for Draco to continue
"Did you go to-"
Potter waved him off, "My life is exceptionally boring, I assure you. Tell me about you," he said. "Tell me about school, about what you want to do with your degree, tell me about acclimating to Muggle life," he chuckled, "tell me everything."
And so Draco did. He talked about his classes, talked about how difficult certain parts of living like a muggle were, talked about doing work with children, talked about doing a double major in law and in psychology. Draco talked, and talked, and talked while Harry listened; and he realized it had been a really long time since someone had done this with him.
He was in the middle of a story about how he hadn't understood how pens worked when Harry's mobile rang. With a wince he pulled it out of his pocket, "Sorry," he said, silencing it only for it to start ringing again a minute later. He huffed, "Sorry," he repeated. "It's Hermione and Ron. They'll just keep calling if I don't answer, give me just a minute."
"Of course," he said.
Harry gave him a little smile, "I'll get some more tea," he added before picking up.
Over the tiny little speaker Draco could hear cheering and hollering before a rousing chorus of Happy Birthday was sung and Draco felt the blood drain from his face. He pulled out his own mobile and clicked the wake button. July 31
He felt like such an arse, here he was blabbering away at the other man when Potter probably had a million things he'd rather be doing.
"Thank you," Potter said over the phone from the kitchen. "I'm a bit busy just now," he broke off to listen to some chatter. "Yes. I'll be by on Sunday to celebrate." Another pause, "Yes. Love you all, too. Kisses to Rosie and Teddy."
When he returned he said, "Sorry, you were saying about the pens?"
"I feel like an absolute clot," Draco said.
"What? Why?"
"It's your birthday!" he exclaimed, "and here I've sat for the past two hours talking your ear off about..." he trailed off, "Complete nonsense!"
"Oh, it's fine," he said, waving Draco off, "This is way better than the way I was planning to spend my birthday."
"Oh? Why don't I believe you?" he asked.
"No really," Potter said earnestly. "I was just going to go for a walk and then hang out around the house."
"But why? Don't your friends want to see you?"
"Oh, the Weasleys are away. They went on a trip to Spain; when they made the plans, I'd planned to be on a beach in the Galapagos with Amelia."
"I'm taking you to dinner," he said firmly.
"I couldn't impo-"
"I insist," he interrupted. "I'm not taking no for an answer."
"Well if you insist," Harry said with a laugh.
"Good. I'm going to use your shower and then go get dressed and we're leaving in twenty minutes."
He chuckled, "It's a date."
And it really had felt like a date, Draco reflected as they strolled back toward their apartment building after a long dinner with multiple courses and dessert.
"Thank you, by the way," Harry said, his shoulder bumping lightly into Draco's when they were just outside of their building.
"Don't mention it," he replied. "It's the least I could do."
Harry stopped and looked over at him, so Draco stopped next to him, "It's not, though," he said. "You didn't have to do any of this."
"I wanted to," he huffed.
He started to lean in closer, "Tell me if I'm reading this wrong," he whispered.
"This," he murmured before his fingers cupped Draco's cheek and his lips pressed, soft and dry, against Draco's lips.
Harry drew back, "Alright?" he whispered.
Draco's fingers clenched in the front of Harry's shirt and he tugged him back in, slotting their lips together once more. The fingers on Harry's right hand slid through Draco's hair and his other slipped around Draco's back, drawing their bodies flush against one another as Harry's tongue brushed over Draco's bottom lip.
They stood on the sidewalk and kissed for a long moment before Harry pulled back and murmured, "Come home with me?"
"Are you sure?" Draco asked, brow furrowing.
"Never been more sure of anything in my life," he replied, pecking Draco's lips again.
He couldn't help but smile as he nodded his consent and Harry grabbed his hand and dragged him inside and straight to his bedroom.
Later, when they were still lying in bed talking about whatever nonsense came into the heads, Harry said, "Draco?"
"This was probably the best birthday I've ever had."
He rolled onto his side so he could see Harry's face illuminated by the moonlight. Harry reached up and brushed his forefinger over Draco's cheekbone and Draco responded, "You've not had many good birthdays, then, have you?"
Harry laughed, "I've had some good birthdays."
"Next year," Draco said before he could think through what he was about to say, "Next year I will give you the best birthday you've ever had."
"Oh?" Harry said, grinning widely at him.
At the sweet, innocent look on Harry's face, he let himself dream, let himself imagine what life could turn out like. He nodded, "I'll wake you up with lazy morning sex, you seem like the type to really enjoy that."
"I am," Harry affirmed, his dimples showing.
Draco leaned in and pressed a kiss to the nearest dimple and said, "Then, I'll take you to Paris for breakfast."
"Ooh, Paris?"
He nodded, "I'll get you strawberry crepes with mounds of whipped cream."
"Sounds delicious," Harry said.
"Then I'll take you to a beach somewhere, Bora Bora maybe," he added, enthralled by the pleased crinkle around Potter's eyes.
He hummed, "I've never been to Bora Bora."
Harry shook his head.
"Right, then we'll spend the whole day there, I'll sit under an umbrella all day and pretend to get annoyed when you come to kiss me and get sand and ocean water all over me."
He laughed, "As long as it's pretend."
"Then," Draco said, "I'll bring you back to a little villa that you can see the ocean through the floor and I'll cook you dinner. We'll eat together, then go swimming in the dark."
"Sounds lovely," Harry sighed.
"And then we'll come back and try out the bed that's under the stars," he said, brushing a hand over Harry's waist.
"That sounds really nice," he murmured.
"It's a date, then," Draco said.
He smiled back and echoed, "It's a date."
And, true to his word, one year later Draco took Harry to Paris for breakfast and then to Bora Bora for the rest of the weekend. Harry proposed to Draco the very next morning.
Day 63: Hair | Day 65: Question
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tomatograter · 3 years
What are your Thots on jake’s pq route?
I already wrote some about it in this post where I discuss the problem with taking dirkjake as a literal parallel to tavris (Mainly, that it’s inaccurate to both situations and misrepresents the dynamics at play) but it’s been long enough since release that I feel like I can talk about it without that criticism being taken as a personal witch hunt. TL;DR: As a general rule of thumb I don’t cite Jake’s PQ as part of his characterization, and I think basing your Jakewriting on it will only lead you astray.
I liked a lot of the Pesterquest routes and the alphas were among some of my favorites, but I think when you play the four of them in sequence Jake’s really... stands as the odd one out. It’s almost as if he’s afforded way less sympathy from the get go for some indiscernible reason, or like MSPAR took a day to say ‘I can’t stand this kid in particular’ after dealing with waaaaaaaay more mindboggling troll customs or stupid dangerous situations that tested their patience and their limits. When it comes down to it, it’s mostly an issue of framing.
Let’s go with the “Just the Alpha routes” example, because I think that makes the overall context clearer and the response/reactions it gathered (or the lack thereof) easier to understand. The alpha kids were the last 4 Pesterquest episodes. They were also afforded entire volumes just for themselves, which cemented our expectations on “oh, they’re going to really dig into unexplored territory!” and for the most part, that’s what we got! It was really nice to see the internal mechanics of Jane as someone raised within a corporate echochamber, Roxy as a grieving, isolated kid, deprived of all human contact, and Dirk as a nerdy doomsday prepper haunted by private flashes of himself as a supervillain. It all works! Those are things the alpha kids were dealing with on the background of the broader Homestuck story, things we were only hinted at as the *larger* problems played out. It makes you understand their point of view. Except on Jake's route, where nothing about his life seems to be relevant at all? 
With Jane we get discussions about HIC and her family, with Roxy beautiful passages about a mother they never met and growing up alone— Same for Dirk, who gets a whole brother zapped from an alternate timeline. But on Jake's route there's not even an expansive dialogue path dedicated to Grandma English, Skaianet, the rebellion, or the giant red ship that came and murdered her in the night and then bombed his house, leaving him trapped inside his only surviving tower. No understanding passage realizing that this kid has had to fend for himself in an island full of Actual Giant Alien Monsters trying to eat him alive, or that he cremated his guardian specifically to avoid attracting predators to the scent of fresh blood drying on her mutilated corpse at the age of an actual toddler. The text refuses to dig into any of the psychological implications or impact an environment like this could have on a kid, which is even weirder when you consider MSPAR has met and helped Vriska get out of a similar situation. The whole thing with Jane in the previous volume has just happened, even, while Jake's particularities go unremarked. He was just supposed to deal with it. And that's because a choice was made to portray all of Jake's problems in this route as sort of... single handedly Dirk's fault? Something he should have Just Dealt with?
There's not even a hint that Jake knows Hal exists. Which is important! Jake can pick out Hal from Dirk based on *verbal cues*, and the fact that he considers Hal a barrier between him and his "real friend" getting to communicate with one another is a whole point of contention (and even comedy) in the story proper. Instead of examining Jake's isolation, or grief, or how he literally locks himself in his room and plasters it with cinematic posters to pretend he's just the main lead of a wacky adventure movie in the face of the immense shitshow outside, we get brobot acting nonsensically and threatening to break into Jake's room to beat him up. 
A general reminder on brobot: He was programmed to scout the jungle and deal with predators so Jake could a) Be allowed to safely leave his room (something he simply didn't do before age 13 out of sheer terror, and we know this because dirk and jake talk about it on his birthday conversation, when he first gets brobot) and 
b) Learn how to defend himself in the case of a surprise attack, with different combat settings adjusted to his level. The brobot has a novice mode Jake feels patronized by, but pushes him up levels quickly enough. In Homestuck proper, the brobot only enters "stalking mode" after Hal gets pissy with Jake for finding him out, and forcefully switches the setting on to make Jake work for the Uranium inside it. When you take Hal out of the picture, this plotline makes no sense! Jake's route is set way before the Alphas even think of entering the game, so this particular event hasn't even happened. Jake goes on to text Roxy and she turns the stalking setting off remotely anyways, so even if brobot was programmed to murder Jake in his sleep, or jump him inside the safe zone of his room (he's not) he has literally no reason to be acting like that when he's been set to Baby Buff Up Mode.
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(Brobot does end up spontaneously pulling himself apart to give Jake his reward after this)
Which brings me to my other problem with the general framing of this volume; the alpha kids don't feel present in Jake's life as friends at all. It's all "romantic options" and "shipping discourse" and MSPAR making these silly logic jumps to justify insisting on this line of query, and all it does is completely flatten out anything of interest having to do with Jake as a Person, to build up an image of Dirk as being suspicious and shady for his volume and more or less come to the conclusion that Jake sucks because he just Cant Choose Who To Date Between All His Friends! And that's why jake is just like tavros… and dirk is just like vriska! Or something. 
And just as a reminder, here's Jake talking with Roxy so I don't have to explain why that feels like a weird choice to me. (click to zoom)
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And then there's the endings. On the vriska ending, MSPAR just ends up weirdly angry at jake for being such a piss baby and not getting that he's tavros and dirk is vriska so he had to… uh… take all his anger out on this 13 year old alien girl he has never met and teach her a lesson to prepare to do the same on dirk, or something. And on the other ending Jake mentions his pen pal, is zapped to meet jade, they have some non-committal greetings and then a cosplay party where Jake insists that he totally likes Lara croft not because she's a femme fatale and he relates to that, because he's never ever in his life thought of anyone being interested on him. Or Something. He likes Lara croft for normal reasons only. He wears really tiny shorts and does sexy poses because he's not aware at all of how other people find him attractive. He's just too dumb to get this, or the shipping thing, or that he's tavros and Dirk is vriska (who the hell are these people?).
Jake feels like an afterthought in the grand scope of events. Sidelined on his own episode. This volume is busy with rehashing age old fandom arguments that have little to do with his character, because said arguments were started and maintained by bored teens engrossed on fighting online instead of analyzing Homestuck; we introduce vriska for no interesting reason at all (thank god at least Jake has enough decency to say he's not into hitting on 13-year-olds, because that would have been particularly rancid.) And aside from catchphrases and old slang sprinkled liberally into his dialogue like a fog making machine, none of the motivation for the character is there. What does he want? What does he fear? Why does he act like the way he does? What would accommodating him look like? What would helping him look like? We get this on Jane's volume, Roxy's volume, and Dirk's volume. To really heart-wrenching and dramatic results, too. You get to know who they are, where they live, what they want, what they fear, what might help them get better, but Jake is just sort of There. He's a burden. MSPAR either ends this volume berating him for not doing what they want or finding him weird and confusing and like they don't know each other at all, and the fact both of those were marked as dubiously bad ends in the game files speaks for itself, I think.
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infernal-fire · 3 years
TAU (1/2)
Summary: Steve Rogers traps you inside his mansion. Your only means of escape? The naïve A.I., Bucky, that is designed to kill you if you ever step out of line. 
Pairings: Dark!CEO!Steve x reader, A.I!Bucky x reader, Bucky x reader
This is part of a series of works (not interconnected). I highly suggest you read the description of the series master list to better understand the premise of this story. 
Warnings: swearing, kidnapping, mention of sedative, technical Lima syndrome, psychological abuse, violence, blood, character deaths, injuries, mention of depression, suicide & poverty
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The chair was on the brink of collapsing, yet Martha folded her arms and leaned back into it anyway. You internally grimaced, waiting for her to fall flat on her ass or give you the bad news. It had to be bad news. You had done this enough times to know that she periodically bounced her right leg only when there was bad news. These days, that was often. 
You huffed once, loud enough for her to hear, hoping to hint that you were hanging by the threads of your patience. She took the hint, finally throwing open the drawer in front of you with excessive force. Pens rolled and a notebook slid towards her amid the force. Again, another piece of furniture that was ready to give in. For someone as stingy as her, you aren’t surprised that it hasn’t been replaced - just wondering why she’s treating it like it won’t disintegrate any second now. 
Martha’s plump fingers slapped a couple of bills onto the table, her seedy eyes challenging you to pluck them from under her hand. You wrestled the bills out of from under her palm and diligently counted them, only to shake your head defeatedly. 
“That’s it?” you snarled.
“Steal better shit next time,” she replied, shrugging. 
You slowly sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose, refusing to open your eyes and face her.
“I really need the money.” 
When you open your eyes again, it’s because you hear the roll of her weathered chair. Now standing full height, the middle-aged woman shook her head softly, a hint of a smirk playing out on her lips. 
“Like I said; steal better shit.” She turned to leave before facing you again. “You could always come and work with our girls.”
She glanced through the door that was cracked open, eyes resting on the table situated in the corner of the adjacent room. Around it, a group of girls set down cards while pushing poker chips around. 
“Sell my body? I’d rather die,” you scoffed. 
“Suit yourself. Now, get out.”
“Was planning to.” You flipped her the bird, knowing that she was watching you leave.
“Real classy,” she called after you. “You gotta come back here for your next week’s dinner, you whore!”
“That’s all you,” you smiled at her before slamming the door closed on your way out. Oh, the satisfaction of pissing someone off; unparalleled. 
Placing your measly wage into a makeshift purse, you made your way back home. You hugged your frame tightly, keeping your head down and pacing through the dilapidated neighbourhood. 
Once upon a time, when you were new to the shadier areas of town, you affirmed to yourself every day that this situation was temporary. The hope for a better job, better apartment and better tomorrow kept you going for a long time. Deep down though, you knew it wasn’t temporary, and now you were being proven right every day. What was keeping you going these days? Multiple times, you delayed the contemplation of that question, knowing that if you thought about it… well, it’s better to not go there. 
You were careful to double-check the lock on your door and windows when you stepped into the cramped shower. Today, you thanked God for hot water, even though you were sure he didn’t exist. Mind empty like a brand new chalkboard, you shuffled around your one-room housing and put together something edible to appease the churning stomach.
Your ear perked up at what sounded like the creaking of the fourth floorboard from your bed. You locked the door. You were sure of it. 
Still, you peeked over the short dividing wall that hid the view of your bed from the kitchen. Nothing. You shook your head at your paranoia and turned back to get to the less-than-appetizing meal waiting for you. 
Steve jammed the needle into your neck, expecting you to fall back into his arms. Instead, your forehead hits the edge of your counter and you slump onto the floor. Your eyes shutting down and head throbbing, you reach out to feel your attacker and touch Steve with saucy fingers. He groans in annoyance as he picks up your whimpering form. 
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Thump, thump, thump.
The nightclubs you frequent were full of snobby, rich kids who didn’t know the value of wealth. You stole to survive. They could survive without their wristwatch for one night. 
Thump, thump, thump.
Music turned the speakers inside out, deafening those closest to it, but the youth are resilient to damage in any form. For you, though, it was too loud; too much. It wasn’t uncommon of you to walk away from the scene with a pounding head. 
Thump, thump, thump.
The inside of your head resembled the thumping of club speakers. Jaw slack and eyes foggy, you tried to rub your temples. But your arms wouldn’t move. 
Sitting up the best you could, you looked down at your hands to see them bound by zip ties, sitting on your lap. It was joke-worthy how your captor thought they could bind you with zip ties, of all things. He would have to do better than this. 
You tugged on the end of the tie using teeth and tightened it some more before huddling your knees up to your chest. Bringing your hands down as hard as you can against your kneecap, you awaited the snapping sound of the zip tie. Nothing came. You look at your hands again, realizing that they were still bound.
“Don’t do that,” a voice piped up from the dark corner of the room. Startled, you look to the source of the voice but no light fell in that direction. For the first time, you took in your surroundings: half of the room was divided by a set of bars. The other side had large machinery with wires running towards the jail section. As you trailed your eyes across the wires, you noticed a closed door. 
At least you knew it was possible to escape now. 
Quickly turning to the place the voice came from, you scooted backwards some more and anticipated the arrival of your captor. 
A woman crawled forward slowly with bounded legs and arms like yours. 
Seeing that it was just another prisoner, you tightened the strap of your zip tie again and tried breaking it one more time. It snapped. Rubbing your wrists where they were bound, you got straight to undoing the bind on your legs. Beside you, the girl moved closer and repeatedly begged you not to free yourself. 
“Shut up, Brit,” you mumbled, referring to her accent.
The bind on your legs gave away and you stood up and stretched. Tentatively stalking around the cell, you noticed the toilet and sink. Why would he have those amenities in here if you were tied up anyway? When you went to touch the bars separating the room, the girl cried out again. 
“Stop! Don’t!” 
You rolled your eyes and touched it anyway. Electricity surged through you and you yelped, pulling back immediately. 
“Could’ve told me it was an electric gate,” you snapped. 
“Don’t try to escape.” 
You looked at her incredulously. “And sit here like ducks, waiting for him to kill us?”
“Someone will find us!” she pleaded. 
“Look at me! Look at you! No one is looking for us. The police won’t blink twice if people like us are gone. And he knows that.” You eyed the door that was inside your cell and looked to the other one outside the bars. 
“Do you want me to remove your binds or not?”
The girl sheepishly looked down before sticking her arms out for you. 
“My name is Peggy,” she offered as she stood up. She held your arm for support when blood rushed to her head. You shot her a withering look in response and she took her hand off. 
“I don’t think we can leave. He can probably hurt us with these implants.” Peggy pulled her hair to one side and showed you the nape of her neck. A glowing red triangle shone from under her skin. 
Your eyes widened, immediately reached for the back of your head. You felt around and touched the area that stung a little when you touched it. You compulsively hissed, realizing that your implant was fresh and the skin around it had not healed yet. 
“Has he done anything to you using the implant?” you held and shook Peggy’s shoulders while you questioned. 
“No, no, but he said it collects brain data and that it was connected to my spinal column, so I shouldn’t try anything.”
“He spoke to you?”
“Once. It’s Steve Rogers, the inventor guy on the cover of all the Forbes magazines.”
“Brain data,” you silently repeated as you look to the other side of the cell again. 
“I have an idea. Rip your clothes like this,” you demonstrated.
Using the rags ripped off from both of your prisoner uniforms, the pair of you created a long rope-like contraption with a loop on the end. You stuck your hand through the gaps in the cell and tried to fling the loop to a nook in the machinery. Failing hurt, your arm accidentally brushing against the metal once or twice before the loop finally caught onto a crevice. 
“That’s the wrong part,” your fellow inmate breathed.
“Yeah, but that’ll work too.” You pulled as hard as you could and a section of the machine broke off, sparks flying from the source. It crackled and caught on fire. 
Peggy was pulling the cell door open, grunting as she tried her best. It gave way and you both looked at each other briefly before dashing out of the room. The jail room went up in flames behind you. Peggy looked over her shoulder, but you yanked her arm, signalling her to keep running. 
You flew up stairs and through doors, finally making your way into a clearing. Peggy rushed to what seemed to be the entrance door and frantically banged on it. 
“That’s not gonna work!” you rushed to the door and inspected the lock. On the right side, there was a screen that displayed a handprint. 
Do not try to escape. Only Steven can leave the premises. 
“What?” you whispered. The new voice was coming from all around you, seemingly through fixtures in the ceiling and walls, but you couldn’t be sure. The situation was tense and you were scared the whole house was going to burn down.
Before you could catch her, Peggy planted her hand on the screen which scanned and turned red. Suddenly, all the lights emanated red, accompanying a booming alarm that blared through the house. 
In the distance, what you assumed was a statuesque décor piece, came to life. It reminded you of the spiders from the Maze Runner. A motorized killing machine. It stalked towards Peggy and you with pincers appearing from its side. 
Screaming, Peggy ran. So did you, but you weren’t sure if you were screaming. You couldn’t hear through the noise your friend was making on top of the deafening alarm. 
The spider machine stuck out its knife-like hands, trying to stab you. As you ran into another room, you frantically searched for an exit. Right now, your priority was to survive this thing.
You pulled open a cupboard in what appeared to be the study and instructed Peggy to climb in. The monster was coming. There wasn’t much time to hide. 
You shut the closet door and hid behind a lounging chair in the corner. 
The machine came in and scanned the room, looking for your heat signatures. It could see Peggy.
The cupboard door flung open and Peggy shrieked, crawling out of it in attempts to move out of the line of attack. She took 4 steps on her knees and looked straight into your eyes. 
You screamed when she was dragged back towards the machine. You couldn’t save her anymore. You mobilized and ran back to the living room area, not even turning back to address blood that splattered across your back. It wasn’t in your best interest to find out how she was killed. 
Frozen in fear, you look to your right to see the entrance door open. There stood your captor, staring at the machine that was now hovering over you. 
“Stop,” he muttered and set down his briefcase. 
Aries retracted its pincers, making its way back to the little pedestal it was perched on before. It powered down just as the CEO stepped into the house and glared at you.
For a split second, the doors were open, and you considered tackling past him. 
“Don’t even think about it.”
You collapsed onto the floor where you were already lying down. Getting out was going to be a lot harder than you anticipated. 
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Your hands were bound again, but this time, behind you. You were seated on a pedestal like the one Aries was on, except this one had an ugly glass décor piece that extended to the ceiling. You tugged on the bonds, hoping for some leeway, but Rogers had learned his lesson. 
You shook your head side to side, trying to get pieces of hair and blood off your face. Eventually, you had to give up, slumping into the post your arms were tied to. 
“You cost me 7 million dollars worth of tech,” Steve’s voice sounded from another room. 
“If you let me go, I swear on my life I won’t tell anyone. They won’t believe me anyway.” 
He appeared in front of you and placed both hands on either side of your thighs. 
“Things will work out for you, if you just… shut up.” 
You exhaled and turned your face to the right, hoping he’d stop invading your personal space. 
“Just… please, untie me.”
He stood back and considered your request before rounding the side of the pedestal and untying you. 
Yes, Steve.
“Activate Aries if she moves a single inch from her spot.” He eyed you at the end of his command and sauntered away to god-knows-where. 
You hoped it wouldn’t be pushing your luck to stand up and stretch, so you did. You mentally considered the various stretches you did as a child, during gymnastics. It had been years since you recalled those, so you did them to the best of your ability. It’s funny how life works. One day you were among a row of girls, learning how to do a cartwheel and before you know it, you’re in a psycho’s mansion as a lab experiment. 
About 30 feet away from this pedestal was Aries.  
Cautiously, you took a few steps away from your place. No reaction from Aries. That meant ‘Bucky’ and Aries weren’t the same thing. You could also deduce from Steve’s command, Bucky was capable of conversing.
Do not take another step forward, Subject 10. I have been told to inflict pain if you move from your position.
You took another step anyway, wondering how much you could test the limits of this A.I. 
Do not take another step forward, Subject 10. I have been told to inflict pain if you move from your position. 
You considered making a run for it but reconsidered. Aries would activate in less than 5 seconds and Steve was still in the house somewhere. You needed to play this better. Besides, you didn’t even have an exit point. 
You went back to your pedestal and sat down, drawing patterns on the ground with your feet. It would help to know the time or date. A part of you wondered if anyone was looking for you, but you yourself had answered that question long ago. No one looks for people like you or me. 
It could’ve been hours or minutes, but finally, Steve called you into a different room. You observed your environment as you stalked towards the kitchen area where the inventor was seated. 
“Sit,” he motioned at the chair that was on the other end of the table. 
As soon as you sat, tiny robots flew to your seat and placed food in front of you. It was some sort of soup with a side of bread, the only utensil he gave you being a spoon. Smart bastard. 
You wanted to hold off on the food; you really did. But you didn’t even get to eat the sandwich that you were putting together before the kidnapping. So you began devouring the meal, ignoring his pointed stare at your lack of table manners. It was only when you were halfway through the meal did you realize that the food may be drugged. Too late now.
“You killed my only other test subject and rendered her data useless.”
“I didn’t kill her.”
Steve dropped his steak knife and fork, shooting daggers into your eyes.
“Here’s what’s going to happen,” he began. Clasping his hands together, he leaned forward, supporting his weight on his elbows. You could tell by the way he talked that he was used to getting what he wanted. He relished in it.
“Every day, for the next two weeks, I’m going to leave for work. And every day, you’re going to complete the puzzles and tasks that Bucky tells you to do.”
“And if I don’t?”
“It won’t take me more than 10 minutes to kill you, clean up the mess and dispose of your body.”
“If you could kill me, you probably would’ve. I know you considered it,” you remarked, leaning back into your chair and folding your arms.
“Now, why would I waste a perfectly good test subject?” It was his turn to mimic your body language. 
“If you want me to do what you need me to do, I need three things,” you announced. 
“It’s funny how you think you have any leverage in this situation.”
You kept your face stoic, trying to prove that you were serious about the negotiations. If he didn’t allow you these requests, you would never escape. 
“Okay, go on,” he said, clearly amused. 
“I need clothes. Regular clothes, not prisoner uniforms. I need to shower. And I need proper food, like what you’re eating.”
“That’s quite the list.” he laughed. Abruptly, his features turned serious. “I hope you know that you don’t hold any cards against me right now, and if I allow any of those things, it’s out of the kindness of my heart.”
It was your turn to laugh. “The kindness of your heart,” you wheezed between laughs. “Sure, okay. Yeah.”
He swallowed the last piece of his meal and gestured towards the sofas. 
“Bucky will be guarding you throughout the night. Don’t think of trying anything.” 
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you beamed at his sour expression right before leaving the table.
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nelson-et-murdock · 3 years
Home - Luke Alvez
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*not my gif*
One-shot detailing the reader’s time with Luke and the BAU as they return from a 6-month sabbatical
Warnings: angst mixed with fluff, BAU! Reader, fem reader.
Didn’t proofread so possible occasional errors
Other Details: Reader has PhDs in Psychology and Anthropology with masters in Sociology and Criminal Justice
Pairing: Luke Alvez x fem BAU! Reader. Platonic team x reader. Maybe some mistakes here and there
Flashbacks/memories are in italics and bolded
Word Count: 4.6K
As you drove to Quantico, a familiar feeling started to consume you. It had been over 6 months since you last saw the inside of the BAU. As much as you missed the people you had grown to know, you were unsure of how smoothly your return would go. It wasn’t long before you pulled into the parking lot and made your way into the building and to the elevator. You weren’t officially reinstated to the unit yet due to delays in paperwork and had therefore only been in contact with Emily about your return. The feeling in your stomach as you approached the 6th floor was very reminiscent of your first day with the unit.
Despite having been part of the FBI for years, you still got first-day jitters when you approached the building. You had met with Emily Prentiss a few times prior when your name had been put in for the open position, but you had no idea who anyone else was or how they’d react to a new agent joining the team. You knew full well that the BAU was the crown jewel of the FBI and that there was going to be a lot of pressure to live up to any expectations.
As you made your way to the BAU, you fidgeted with the messenger bag you kept your things in, being in the FBI you found it much more useful than carrying around a purse. After calming your nerves you slowly made your way to Emily’s office, with the help of who would later learn was Spencer.
As you walked towards Emily’s office, Luke spotted you far before you spotted him. Quiet murmurs around the bullpen speculating who you were and what you needed to see Prentiss about were just out of earshot. The conversation with Prentiss was short before the two of you walked out of her office and into the conference room for Prentiss to introduce you to the team.
“As I’m sure you’re all aware we have a new agent joining us. This is Dr. y/n y/ln and I believe she’ll be an excellent addition to the team,” she stated. Quick individual introductions were done and the entire atmosphere was generally accepting yet professional. That was until you got to Luke and had to act like it was the first time you had met, well aware that no one on the team knew about your time spent with him.
“Luke Alvez, I look forward to working with you,” he said coldly, in a way that the team would chalk up to him having a bad day but that you knew was residual anger he had for you.
“Likewise,” you responded with a small smile despite the slight pang in your chest at the sight of the man you once knew.
Not long after you joined the BAU, Penelope had become suspicious of the way you acted around Luke. You had warmed up to everyone in the unit, except for him. One day she had wanted answers and the most she would get from either of you was “We just don’t get along Garcia it’s nothing important.” Even without being a profiler, Garcia could tell there was more to the story than that.
When she got a few spare minutes during a case she did a deep dive into your personal history, looking for anything in your past connecting to Luke.
Garcia didn’t know what to expect when she went digging into you, but it definitely wasn’t that you previously had an over 2-year long relationship with Luke. Garcia had gotten so caught up in finding out what went down between you and Luke that she didn’t hear footsteps approaching in time to close her search.
“Hey Garcia..” you started but tapered off as you saw the screens before you. “I - Prentiss needed - shit sorry I uh,” you tried to get Garcia back on topic for the case but fumbled on the words.
“No no don’t be sorry. I’m so sorry I did this. I know I shouldn’t have looked into your past with Newbie but I couldn’t understand why you guys don’t get along. I mean I get not liking him because he’s Newbie but you. You’re this little ray of sunshine girl wonder. I can’t believe he broke your heart like that-” she started to ramble on but you cut her off before she could continue.
“I left him,” you said hoping it would satiate her curiosity.
“Details? You can’t just drop that on me and not give me details. Did he do something? Was he a bad boyfriend? Should I hate him for it?”
“No, he did nothing wrong, it was all on me. I was scared he started talking about marriage and kids and he had the right to we had been together for nearly 3 years and I wasn’t sure if I was ready so I requested a transfer to a California field office and when it was approved I told him I got a job offer I couldn’t pass up and I left him.”
“Do you still love him?”
“I think part of me always will but Garcia this stays between us. I mean it, don’t tell anyone.”
“My lips are sealed. If you need anything the batcave is always open to have you,” she said as she stood up to embrace you in a hug.
Little did you know, Luke was having a very similar conversation with Matt down the hall.
The ding of the elevator signaling your arrival on the 6th floor shook you out of your thoughts. The closer you got to where you needed to be, the more anxious your return was making you. While you had come across a few bad cases, a few stuck out to you in particular, including the first one you had with the unit, which ultimately allowed you to reconnect with Luke.
The first difficult case for the team since you joined took more of a toll on you than you would like to admit. Once everyone was on the jet you took a seat and hoped to avoid any conversation about how you were feeling that day. You flashed a few small smiles at your colleagues in an attempt to let them know you were okay without actually saying anything. For the most part, your plan had been successful. That was until Luke had noticed the way you had been acting.
“Is it okay if I join you?” he asked motioning to the empty seat beside you. You silently nodded and avoided looking at him as he took a seat beside you. “I know we aren’t exactly close anymore but you can still come to me if you need anything,” he told you as you silently nodded.
“I know - I just. Can we talk about it later? I’d rather not talk about it right now,” you responded, finally looking his way.
“Of course. If you feel comfortable coming over tonight we can talk at my place. I know Roxy misses you,” he said with a smile.
“I’d like that. Thank you.” The rest of the time on the jet was spent in comfortable silence.
Upon getting back to the bullpen, you and Luke decided it would be best for him to drive you to his place after the two of you were done with the reports you had to write. As you sat at your desk and took out the files of papers you needed to complete, you couldn’t bring yourself to concentrate. As your mind kept replaying the events of the previous week, it was apparent you were becoming frustrated. It didn’t take Luke long to see that you were struggling and to tell Prentiss he was going to take you home for the night to make sure you were doing okay before heading over to your desk.
“You’ve done enough work today, let’s get out of here,” Luke whispered to you as you nodded. “I’ll meet you at the elevator in 5 minutes so no one thinks anything about us leaving at the same time,” he told you, knowing you wouldn’t like the idea of any possible attention on you that could come with the two of you leaving together.
The ride to Luke’s was much quicker than you had remembered it to be. Neither one of you two said very much and just let the radio play at a low volume. For most of the ride, you watched out the window while Luke focused on driving, occasionally looking your way to check that you were okay. As he pulled into his driveway, you realized how much you missed Luke and the sense of safety and comfort he provided for you.
The two of you talked about why the case had bothered you so much more than you had expected, and it soon turned to talking about whatever came to your mind. “I miss you. I know we work together now and that I’m the one who left but I really miss you, Luke. I miss spending time with you and the random updates we gave each other when you were gone and overall I just miss you. I think that’s why I struggled so much with this case when I didn’t hear back from you when you were in the field because I couldn’t live with myself if something happened and you didn’t know how I felt,” you started to ramble on.
“I’ve missed you too y/n,” Luke responded as he draped his arm around your shoulders pulling you closer to him, “I miss waking up and knowing you were either right next to me or that you were a phone call away.” Checking the time, Luke placed a kiss on your temple before whispering “Let’s get some sleep it’s getting late”
You nodded in response before the two of you got ready for bed. After changing into a pair of Luke’s sweatpants and an old shirt, you crawled into the bed the two of you had shared so many times before and eventually fell asleep in the arms you had previously grown to associate with comfort and safety.
As you walked down the hall, you passed the spot you were standing when you got an offer to lead a study and return to anthropology. It was a temporary out from profiling but it was something that you had missed doing. Upon getting the offer, a range of emotions flowed through you, yet it took nearly 2 weeks to tell Luke and another 2 weeks to tell anyone else.
The day started like any other day-off with Luke. The two of you slept until around noon and laid around just enjoying each other’s company. Working together didn’t allow for much personal time together as you had to remain professional when on cases. Prentiss didn’t mind when it was a paperwork day that you guys spent time at each other’s desks, so long as PDA was kept to a minimum, which it always was. However, it wasn’t the same as getting to just spend time together without having to worry about catching an unsub or fill out a report in time with no errors.
While laying in bed, the offer to lead an anthropological study at the University of Michigan kept eating at you. You had limited time to make a decision and respond to the offer. However, you couldn’t bring yourself to bring the topic up with Luke and you couldn’t make a decision without informing him of the offer first.
“Is everything okay princesa?” Luke asked, noticing the sudden change in your emotions.
“Yeah, there’s just something I need to talk to you about,” you responded looking up at him. “But I need you to hear me out and keep in mind that I haven’t made a decision yet and that nothing is final.”
“You’re beginning to worry me,” he started, “Are you sure nothing is wrong?”
“I was offered the chance to lead an anthropological study,” you stated, leaving him speechless. Memories of when you left him flooding back. You could tell by the look on his face that he was worried this was the beginning of the end for the two of you once again. “I know what you’re thinking and it isn’t like that this time. I know I did something similar when I left but I promise I’m different now. The study is through the University of Michigan and it’s only slated to take 6-months if not less. It’s primarily overseeing graduate students as they conduct a study. I’d be able to set my own office hours so that we can talk as often as possible. I just don’t know if I want to take the offer.”
“You sound invested in the study already. What would be keeping you from taking it?” he asked, his voice full of support for you. All he ever wanted was for you to achieve your dreams. When you didn’t immediately answer he spoke again, “Is it me? Is that why you might not take it?”
You slowly nodded in response, “I feel like I just got you back and now I might be leaving, and what if things don’t work out with us not in the same state?”
“Princesa, listen to me. If you promise that this is nothing like last time and that you aren’t doing this in an attempt to leave then I trust you. We can figure out us as the situation comes up and I’m confident we can work out this time around. Whatever you decide I am forever proud of you and in awe of all that you’ve accomplished.”
“I love you,” was all you could think to respond with.
“I love you too princesa,” Luke said, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
Two weeks had passed since you told Luke of the news when a really difficult case had seemed to take a toll on pretty much everyone. After the case, it was decided that those who were able to would come over to the house you shared with Luke to decompress. Spencer and Garcia came and spent the entire day, and much of the night, with the two of you. Having extended the invite to significant others, Matt brought Kristy by to visit with everyone after they found a sitter around 7:30.
Once everyone who planned on coming was there, it didn’t take long for everyone to get caught up in conversations about personal lives. The conversation started with asking Matt and Kristy about their kids and eventually, everyone started talking about overall changes in their lives. “So girl wonder,” Matt started, referring to you by a name originally bestowed on you by Garcia before it caught on to the rest of the team, “Luke said you got an offer to lead a pretty interesting study is that right?”
“Yeah. He wasn’t supposed to tell anyone I haven’t made a decision yet. The department I’d be overseeing for it ran into some problems and the start date has been pushed back. It would be nice to get away from the dark and scary parts of this job and back to what I started with but I’d miss you guys too much.”
“Would it be permanent?” Spencer asked. The two of you had grown close since you joined the unit and while he wanted to be excited for you, he would be lying if he said the idea of you leaving didn’t upset him at all.
“No,” you started to say, “It’s slated to last 6-months but there’s no guarantee the study will be finished in time.”
“Are you still going to work at the BAU when you come back?” Garcia questioned.
“I’m not sure. If I’m being completely honest, I’ve been struggling with deciding lately if I’m a good fit for the unit, but I plan to stay with the bureau somehow,” you answered hesitantly.
The rest of the night was spent answering questions about the study and getting support from those around you. By the time everyone was ready to leave, you felt completely comfortable knowing that whatever decision you came to, you would have a support system of amazing friends.
Looking back, you should have noticed that the number of times you were having trouble with cases was more of a problem than you should have was a sign you needed to step away from the job. The cases themselves weren’t getting harder, but you personally were having a harder time with them. The longer you were with the unit, the more issues you had been having an increasingly difficult time coping after them. You would have thought they would have gotten easier to manage, but you found yourself struggling every time you felt a decision you made could have changed the outcome of a case. In your previous position before the BAU, you felt powerless as the victims were long gone and often one-off crimes and you felt switching to the BAU and being able to get killers off the street would make you feel better as you’d be helping get active killers off the street. However, you were extremely wrong, and the feeling that you could, no that you should, have stopped their killers before it was too late became too much for you and you decided to take a step back from the unit.
“Y/ln, we need to talk in my office,” Prentiss said as you entered the bullpen.
“Yes ma’am,” you responded, setting your go-bag down on your desk before you made your way to where she was standing. The entire team knew exactly what Prentiss needed to talk to you about and a few members even gave you sympathetic looks as you crossed the bullpen.
“Before we start I just want to say I’m sorry. I know what I did was against protocol,” you started.
“That’s not why you’re in here,” Emily cut you off. “While what you did was unacceptable, you’re here because I’m worried about you. In these past 2 cases, you’ve shown reckless behavior, as if you’re trying to get yourself hurt. I’m not mad at you, but I do need you to let me know if anything is going on that is affecting your ability to do this job.”
You silently nodded as she spoke. The more she said, the more you began to question your place in the unit. “Thank you. I’ve just had some personal problems the past week but I should be good to go now,” you said lying through your teeth.
“Just let me know if anything changes. Your health and personal well-being are more important than this job.”
The next week the BAU was called in to help with another tough case. While it wasn’t the first tough case you encountered in the time you had been with the BAU, this one was worse than others.
The victims are similar in both age and appearance to a close family member of yours and it had made it difficult for you to concentrate in the field the way you needed to. At one point you had even froze and almost didn’t get to a victim in time. For the entirety of the case, you were closed off from everyone when it didn’t involve work.
Upon returning to the BAU, everyone slowly dispersed their desks and you made your way to Prentiss’s office. Her door was open but you still knocked quietly before entering. “Can we talk?”
“Of course, come in.”
You could tell from the sympathetic look on her face that she knew what you needed to say. As you sat across from her she waited for you to speak. After letting out a small sigh you found the confidence to admit what was happening, “I think I need to step away from this job.”
With a silent nod, she grabbed the appropriate paperwork from her file cabinet, “I knew this day was coming. Luke told me you had been having nightmares lately. Fill out these papers and return them to me as soon as possible. If you opt for a sabbatical instead of completely leaving it should take roughly 2 weeks for it to be approved. In the meantime, you would still be a member of the team but be able to use the vacation days you have or you can be solely a desk agent and assist Garcia. Whichever one you choose I, as well as the rest of the team, will be here for you and have enjoyed working with you.”
Fighting tears that had started to form as she spoke, you nodded and said a quiet thank you before leaving her office. Setting the papers down on your desk on the way, you headed towards Garcia’s office to let her know you planned on leaving.
Once you were out of earshot, JJ had peeked at the papers you had set down. “What is it?” Spencer asked, almost not wanting to know the answer.
“Y/ln is leaving the unit,” she responded, voice full of confusion. As she spoke everyone turned to Luke and he nodded slightly in response, confirming you were leaving the family you had grown to love.
After your sabbatical was approved, you accepted the offer to lead the study. Much to your dismay, the team was insistent on throwing you a going-away party, despite knowing you were going to come back in 6 months. You told the team that if they insisted on having a gathering at Rossi’s place that it needed to be something that the members of the unit with kids could bring them with, feeling there was no point in, “saying goodbye to a family member” as Rossi had put it, without all of the family members being there.
“Remind me again why we have to make a big deal of me leaving? I already said goodbye to the team and I’ll be back and with the unit again in less than a year,” you wondered aloud to Luke as you pulled into Rossi’s driveway.
“Because princesa, it’ll make Rossi happy to get to throw you a party and its tradition, regardless of how long the leave will be. And besides, the kids want to see you before you leave for 6 months,” he reminded you.
“You got me there,” you said with a smile before kissing his cheek. “Let’s head in before we’re late.”
Shortly after you guys made your way inside and to the backyard, Matt and Kristy had arrived with their kids. The kids knew why you were having a going away party and instantly ran to you when they saw you. When you noticed the kids running up to you, both you and Luke knelt to prepare for the number of hugs you were about to get. Due to offering to babysit when Matt and Kristy needed time to themselves, the kids had grown to see you as an aunt and Luke as an uncle. The same could be said for Henry and Michael, who showed up with JJ and Will shortly after the Simmons had arrived. The next couple of minutes were spent answering any questions the kids could think to ask you, in the most kid-friendly way you could.
“You’ll be back by my birthday right?” David asked looking up at you. In the time you had known the kids, you hadn’t missed a birthday for any of them.
“Of course I will buddy,” you responded. 
“What about our stories?” Chloe asked.
“Yeah who is gonna tell us our stories while you’re gone?” While they had the Simmons Stories, the ones you told were different. You told them stories of the different cultures you studied and the different ways parts of the universe were believed to have come into existence.
“I have them all written down. I can leave them with Luke and he can read them to you,” you reassured all of them. 
As the night went on, many memories from your time with the unit were shared with the group. Even though you planned to come back as soon as the study was over, knowing they would spend the next 6 months without you seemed to make everyone nostalgic.
Near the end of the night, everyone started saying their goodbyes. It was particularly hard to say goodbye to Spencer, knowing nearly everyone else he had gotten close to had left him as well. “I’m sorry,” was the first thing you managed to say to him. “I know you hate goodbyes and struggle with change but I promise I will come back and if not to work with the unit at least for our weekly coffee shop visits.”
“You don’t have to apologize. You’re doing what you have to do,” he responded as you opened your arms to offer him a hug. You were always the first to initiate hugs and he usually accepted them.
“I’ll miss you, Spence. You already have my cell phone number and the phone number for my office for the next 6 months. Call me anytime you need me,” you told him while hugging him.
“I’m proud of you. I’ll miss you too y/nn,” he said as you pulled apart.
“See you in 6 months.”
As you made your way into the bullpen you took note of the date. It was 6 months and 4 days since you had seen any of the team face-to-face. While you kept personal contact with the entire team while you were away, you hadn’t told anyone except for Emily that you were planning on coming back to the team. Luke knew when the study would end and was expecting to see you at home later that night, assuming that the team didn’t get a case that pulled him away.
When you entered the bullpen, Matt was the first to notice your arrival. He was already standing at Luke’s desk to ask him a question related to a report he was writing and flashed a small smile in your direction before nudging Luke on the arm, “Why didn’t you tell anyone y/n was returning today?”
Not thinking you were actually there, Luke brushed off Matt. “She isn’t coming home until later tonight and told me even if she does return to the unit it would take some time for her to be reinstated,” he responded, not even looking up from his file.
Knowing he wouldn’t look up from his file right away, you talked quietly with everyone else before approaching his desk. You brought back small trinkets for everyone and placed a small handmade miniature Roxy in front of him. “One of the students I was overseeing made it when she saw a picture of you and Roxy as my phone background to help me cope with being away from you. I figured since I’m home now you could use it more,” you explained as if it wasn’t the first time you were seeing your boyfriend in over 6 months.
Luke watched silently as you spoke, a smile creeping onto his face when he processed you were actually there in front of him. As he stood up from his chair, he quickly wrapped his arms around you before pressing a kiss to your forehead. “You’re home?” he asked, trying to comprehend your arrival. 
“I’m home,” you responded with a smile as you looked up at him. 
“I’ve missed you so much, you can’t leave me for that long again,” he said with a smile.
Before you could respond, Garcia came speeding out of her office due to having heard of your return from JJ. “Girl wonder! You’re back! Are you staying with us? You can’t leave me with Newbie for that long ever again,” she exclaimed as she approached you.
“Yes, I’m back. Weaning back into the job and will be on desk duty here and helping you for the first 2 weeks but I’m back,” you told her.
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