#I don’t like asking ppl to reblog but if no one does no one’s gonna see this :
aceofstars121 · 1 year
I’m making my own version of this poll by @proudfreakmetarusonniku because why not :D
….tries to reunite him with the guy who abused him and murdered him multiple times
DSMP fans please don’t vote (:
(Also I lied the thing I made up was actually a scrapped idea)
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leprecornio · 1 year
I saw your post about the clarification that Touchstarved wouldn’t have explicit sexual content and was gonna reblog w what i thought but then realized it might be better to send it via anon ask.
Touchstarved not having explicit sexual content isn’t a dealbreaker for me, but I don’t blame other ppl for being slightly disappointed. At the same time though, I’ve seen a few people on Twitter being so disappointed that they say the game and the Kickstarter was misleading and scammy for having key words like “spicy” and “touchstarved” and labelled as 18+ and yet the game won’t have any explicit content. And it’s like… I get being disappointed, but being so disappointed that you think the game is trying to scam people??? That’s wild.
Words like 18+ and spicy does not equal hardcore sex scenes, and if someone assumed that the game would have p*rn for being titled “touchstarved”, I think that’s entirely on them. While the labelling system for media is kind of wacky admittedly, the idea that media will have boatloads of explicit sex stuff in it for being labelled 18+ is kind of false. I think the devs chose that label because of the horror-related content within it, like an npc losing control and trying to strangle the mc??? The mc losing an arm???? A love interest explicitly snapping the mc’s neck and killing them in a bad end route??? All this in just the demo alone? I think that’s enough for the devs to put an 18+ label on it just in case.
Sorry for the rant but I think a few ppl are being overly dramatic ab this whole situation and I think the lack of explicit content will have much less of an impact then a few ppl think it’ll have.
i totally agree with you anon! it's a very bold and unfair statement saying the game devs are trying to scam people just because of the 18+ rating. it's clear in their site and in the "campaign" tab on kickstarter, where they state the themes, in none of them we can see "explicit sexual content". i think people just saw 2 things, put them together and now want to blame the game for their own misinterpretations. i mean, it's okay if you misinterpretate what someone said, but then you're the one to blame, not the other person
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getoswhore · 1 year
since y’all friend venus didn’t want to answer what does this reblogging fics mean for ppl who have aesthetics blogs?? are they going to be blocked for only liking y’all fics and not reblogging it because they don’t want to mess up their aesthetics?? y’all are such bullies to y’all readers. and when mfs start reciprocating that energy y’all gang up and have a boo-hoo moment. don’t even take their shit into consideration it’s all abt y’all because “i WrItE fOr FrEe.” like somebody is asking u to. to all the silent reader you don’t have to listen to them. y’all are trying to dictate how we run our pages. these ppl get a little bit of tumblr clout and start living their mean girl fantasies. fuck outta here. like y’all are literally saying, “if you don’t repost this on ur page i’m blocking u.” like wtf. the power dynamic between readers and writers is getting so fucked up because of ppl like u and venus and that old crackhead who’s writing smut abt a minor.
DAMN, i wish i had this much time on my hands like you do running to blogs with all this mess PHEWWW!! no life alert!! wee woo!!! but damn bitch nobody was talking about aesthetic blogs which clearly you seem to be one, and you seem to run an ugly ass AeThEStIc bLOG that fetishizes kpop groups I BET! 🥱🥱 since you got this stank ass attitude about authors who simply AND POLITELY ask for their work to be more widely spread instead of being ghosted is being rude??!! man if we started doing what y'all do and ghosted y'all and POOF no more fanfics, who's gonna be boohooing? YOU BITCH PAHHHHH LMFAO. we are not forcing you to do anything with ur blog, we are asking and reminding you, like hey! there's a built in system tumblr made for you to use and show support with ur fav blogs, you should totally use it because it helps us and gives us more of a boost to want to write seeing good feedback and recognition which drives us more to create things for others to enjoy! nah, instead we gotta resort to this and we don't rlly like it! clearly you don't see an issue cause ur dumbass doesn't write 🥱🥱 get ur head out ur ass, we are talking about blogs that literally don't do shit with them, not ur stupid ass aesthetic blogs that can reblog about the SAME THING over and over again cause it's so quirky uwu!!!
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fqiryspit · 1 year
Hey love so thank you smmm <3 it helped a lot and I literally noted everything down!! If you don’t mind I got a few questions :(( so obviously its dumb but how would I make a master list and and what are ideal first posts I could do and how could I attract people to my writings? im sorry my questions dumb but im slow… tysm !! 💕💕
I literally was like...blink..blink. when i saw people making masterlists for the first time
guide on how to make links:
SO! Just like how you color text (by highlighting over the text like you're gonna copy and paste it) a bar of commands will pop up
so, the fifth bubble that looks like 2 chat icons will be there click it and it should say https:// . now, have a separate tab open with your fic on it, make sure it's on your profile and not your dashboard lmao. go up to the search bar and copy it, go back to the other tab, into the chat icons, and paste it into the bar with https:// on it.
now, you have a link
guide on aesthetics:
a quick and easy way to an aesthetic master list is going and typing "eren headers" obvi eren doesn't need to be a part of it but ya'know. "white headers, green headers" and stuff like that, that should look like this:
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be sure to tag the person who made the header or at least reblog it, it's the right and nice thing to do because you're using it.
you can do this for your pfp, just type in "pink icon" and you'll find some cute ones :3
now, your masterlist should look like this (again, highlight text, go to the little separate bar that says (Regular) and change it to bigger or biggest if you want your intro to your masterlist to be bigger:
💁‍♀️'s masterlist
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fic 1
fic 2
fic 3
header from: @hyugasite
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and boom. of course, if you have any more questions don't be afraid to ask!
now, for your first post, if you're really truly blank make some headcanons. I wouldn't recommend smut right away because it's really embarrassing when you're just starting up and the field is competitive. obviously, post whatever you want. smut is the most attractive genre but is also very bloody!! (lmao) I kinda think its slow right now so post some smuty hc if you have the guts!!!
hc are suuuuuuper easy and fun! short attention span readers love it and blank writers love it!
lets say it's about fluff, you'd have it be like this:
eren x fem!reader
cw: just fluff
bf!eren who does this and that and this
bf!eren who is so cute yada yada
and you'd do a couple more of those, it's super nice if you're just trying to test the waters, If you want recognition I say do something a little different than just "bf!eren"...something like "rockstar!eren" or "model!eren" and format them like, "rockstar!eren who takes you to all his concerts" or smth
another way to attract people with your writing is, again, banners! it's what catches the eye, humans love pretty images!!
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bf!eren headcanons <3 header from: @winknono
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bf!eren who does this and that and this
bf!eren who is so cute yada yada
also, get mutuals! reblog posts and go to some writers' asks box and ask to be mutuals or smth!! mutuals arent ppl you talk to a bunch, its just people you cant talk ideas to and just be cool with.
anywho, I think thats all! Don't be afraid to ask anything else and your questions arent dumb!! <33
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othramblings · 5 months
Ok gonna share my response to the person who I recently replied to a post of. They responded to me and then blocked me so I am going to share a screenshot of what they wrote before I do because I can't reblog it. I honestly mean no hate. As I have made clear I have a hard time sitting silently as Nathan is put on a pedestal and Haley is criticized (which is what the original post did even if they didn't mean for it to be that way which triggers me more bc it's such a MS thing to get his audience to feel that way against a female). Before I do though, I wanna acknowledge that they they blocked me, which is their call, but it's kind of funny because 1) ppl blocking others for not blindly stanning Nathan Scott is 100% a common theme amongst OTH fans, and it's worth pointing out and 2) a post or two down from the original one the OP made says they want Haley haters to come at them lol. I don't want to come for anyone, but I can see how it seems that way. Probably inadvertently it is, but like I said I really can't stay silent when people criticize Haley and put the blinders on and excuse Nathan's actions.
ALSO I had to search for their original post, which is why I came across the other one they made. I then also saw a post they made right after about how weird it is that I responded to them, considering I never engaged with any of their other posts. This is my side blog girl! Come on now lol. I don't interact with anyone because it's hard to when it's your side blog.
Their response to me:
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My response:
I don’t want to minimize your experience and it’s so uncomfortable to even be talking about real-life experiences in comparison to this show, so I really don’t want to say much further. I am sorry you had to endure that, and anyone who’s been in a similar situation to yours knows how awful and difficult it can be and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. This conversation is about the show and that’s what I’m going to focus on. I think it is worth saying though that it seems like there’s some projecting onto Nathan from your own experience. We all relate to characters differently and everyone’s entitled to do their own thing. But again this conversation is about Nathan and Haley, and how the fandom overlooks what she had to go through because of him.
Anyway, back to the point, that’s not the experience Nathan had; as he says on the show he knew Carrie was getting attached, and he liked it. Nathan is Carrie’s boss. We females know the power our male bosses hold over us. We have been arguing to legitimize this in the U.S. Why when it's Nathan does none of that seem to matter all of a sudden? Suddenly his being male and a boss is what makes him vulnerable according to Nathan stans. How?? I am not implying that men can’t be abused, or that men who are bosses can’t be abused. But by their nanny? Really? That’s been hitting on him and he’s been engaging with it? That is a reach at best. It's uncomfortable to have this conversation and I think that's why so many don't challenge it. But Nathan is antagonistic. He just also is passive when women hit on him. That doesn’t mean that Carrie didn’t assault him in the shower because she did. But SO much until that moment, Nathan was complicit in BECAUSE he liked it. We saw him like it. That doesn’t go away just because of what Carrie did. Again he knew what Carrie was doing. She was flirting with him and he flirted back. He watched her swim naked with Haley waiting for him in the bedroom, playfully calling him her hero! He told Carrie she looked good at the bar. I don’t know why this is all getting overlooked.
That’s the thing about a lot of Nathan story lines with other women, including Rachel. The show gives him some throwaway scenes where if you just look at those it does seem like he’s not interested—like when he tells Rachel ‘not for a second’ when she asks if she’d have a chance had it not been for Haley being pregnant. But he still entertained her. We as an audience were made to feel like there was something happening there. Back to the Carrie storyline, James did a good job of being confused, but he’s bad at giving nuanced expressions when it comes to his acting a lot of the time. He struggles with it. We should not be wondering if Nathan is confused…that’s not how a faithful loving husband would behave. Especially not when his wife just forgave him in the blink of an eye for being borderline abusive. How about delving into that for a change. Why doesn’t that bother people as much as Haley not firing Carrie sooner? Again, focusing on what Haley could’ve done to prevent Carrie from doing what she did is not OK. There’s an implication here that we can’t critique Nathan but we should be saying that everything Carrie did rested on Haley’s shoulders because she didn’t fire her sooner…. That’s a big no from me. Nathan is the one who led Carrie on. That doesn’t change because of anything else in your post. And I’m gonna call out all of these posts that I see that blame Haley because it doesn’t matter if you’re a Scott Stan. He messed up huge in his marriage in season 5. This is not the time or place to be critiquing Haley. His wife who stood by him and ran their home and took care of their child alone for months. Who had faith in him when the nanny started to act up. Deflecting the blame onto Haley is a copout so that Nathan doesn’t get as much of the blame. If people can’t see how dirty he did his wife here, regardless of how Carrie treated him, then they are essentially saying that Nathan’s suffering matters more than Haley’s. It doesn’t. Especially on a show made by Mark Schwan, who neglected Joy as an actor. I’m not gonna overlook what Haley had to endure like Nathan the character or Mark the showrunner did.
I also personally think people defend Nathan so much in season 5 because it is so hard to stomach all the nonverbal weirdness that goes on between Nathan and Carrie. To accept it is to come to terms with him not being the dreamboat people project him to be. It is also so gross to me that Mark Schwahn would create all this nonverbal weirdness between Carrie and Nathan so that we as an audience feel uncomfortable, question what's happening, and are afraid of what will happen between them but at the same time have the Male character toe the line of cheating but to some he *technically* didn't and that's all that matters.
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cyberfreaky · 6 months
Hey sorry I hope you’re having a good day and this weird kinda gooey ask ik you don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to !!!!😭 but do you ever feel like insecure about your own writings compared to others? It’s just that you’re one of peopleon here I idolize. I’m in love with all your works and I think you’re a great writer and person! But wdyd when/if you personally feel like your own contributions aren’t that great/if you feel like that at all? I’m sos sorry for this DUMPY in your inbox😭
this is so sweet first of all hello?? thank u omg ily ??/&3!/@
and YES i feel extremely insecure abt my writing all the time 😭 like i am constantly comparing my work to other writers, down to the detail & how they describe the character i’m writing ?? that’s why i barely write nowadays because im jus so iffy abt my work, esp when the fandom im writing for is already saturated with such talented writers UGHHH
and ik ppl alway say “it’s not abt likes and reblogs!!” but like….if no one’s supporting my work….why should i bother posting it???/&/$ bc while i write partly for self satisfaction, i also do it for others. and when the support isn’t there, it’s obviously rlly disappointing and a bit of a hit to my motivation rah
when i do feel this way, i truly jus force myself to write something and post it. bc at the end of the day, it’s not that deep 😭😭 if i flop, i flop. if it does good, it does good. im never gonna stop comparing myself to other writers bc that’s just inevitable, but im still gonna put myself out there y’know ?? idk. that’s just me, my mind is like a puddle of goo
this went on way longer than it had to LMFAOO im sorry bae i hope it helped a lil bit ?? and don’t apologise for anything, i’ll answer any questions you have or if you jus wanna yap away in my inbox U DO IT <3
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ewinya · 2 years
things i’ve learned about tumblr
please correct me if i’m wrong i have no idea what i’m doing help
reblogs are everything
likes are fake. you cannot like reblogs, the likes just go to the original post
if you like or reblog someone else’s reblog both them and the op get notified
unless your likes are private in which case i would assume likes don’t give notifications?
look it doesn’t matter. likes are bullshit
having multiple blogs is not the same as having multiple twitter accounts
a blog just holds its posts, i think?
like you can’t like a post as a different blog. which is weird to me. but ok
do you like + reblog or do you just reblog? i do not know. i did not learn this
look different social sites have different standards for this sort of thing
i come from mastodon where people boost or favorite but not both
but also twitter where you do do both
the dork who introduced me to this site seems to do both so im gonna do both i guess. hopefully i don’t commit a crime
hey by the way what the fuck is the reblog flow on the website. why do you have to scroll so far to hit the “reblog” button if you want to reblog without a comment.
is this a thing the beta editor does better? i don’t know
the beta editor is broken for markdown editing so i don’t care and won’t use it
hey while i’m talking about markdown why do you have to indent by four spaces but the syntax highlighting for list bullets only works if you indent by two spaces i feel misled
people use ask boxes a lot more than i thought?? how does one get popular enough to have people sending stuff to your ask page consistently
what even do you put in an ask. what do you say. i don’t use the internet because i know how interacting with other people works why is this such a core part of the website i hate it.
how do you have a conversation with someone otherwise. are your options to either reblog with comments back and forth or just dm each other
oh my god i just realized this is yet another website with a DM feature i have to keep track of. my singular social brain cell is going to explode help.
funny internet ppl :)
the site is fine i guess
i mean i should be happy that a social platform even has a markdown editor in 2022 so like.
overall: good website 8/10 would website again
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decembermoonskz · 2 years
(feel free to reblog)
honestly in context with jas’s post. I want y’all to know I see all of you who simply like my fics and nothing more (as jas called them serial likers/silent readers) and I think enough ppl already tell you how likes don’t do jack shit so I won’t reiterate it. I just want you all to know that I personally check my notifications all the time, like literally I look and see you guys simply liking and that’s great that you “liked” it but pls talk to me or any cc in general (fic writers, gif makers, artists, etc.) about our stuff, you do it with literally any other topic be it anime, video games, etc. that’s what fandom is supposed to be right? a place where people can communicate and share their love for a certain thing? (that’s what it is supposed to be hopefully) we are not robots putting out content for your leisure, we are people just like you and like you we would like feedback on our work. feedback does not have to equal “xxx was good but xxx could be better” every single time it can be “HAKSHDKSJ THIS XXX WAS AAAAAA” and people would still be happy. this whole situation doesn’t have to be “oh well that’s just how it works so I’m doing what everyone else is doing” that kind of mob mentality is dangerous and as we’ve seen, very fatal to creative communities. anon feature is there for the people who don’t want their url seen, if for some reason you’re shy, embarrassed or for those people who don’t want others knowing they read fic(?). whatever your reason is, just click the anon button it’s easy, just one click/tap. now will this single post make a difference? who knows. I’m just chipping in some commentary on a growing issue. why do you think so many writers and ccs make nets, one of the main reasons is to get members’ content out there for the world to see, and the other reason is that we wanna support each other when our audience won’t, when people are so silent it feels dead and quiet on our blogs when we aren’t doing things. that’s me, since I haven’t put out a new fic the most interaction on my blog rn is through my concert videos, it’s very rare I get asks or interaction with my fics after they’ve been out for a while and I’m so thankful when I do. at the end of the day, I know I’ve been so disappointed and sad to find authors I liked deactivating (for any reason not just lack of interaction) and one of the main reasons is that either they take lack of interaction personally, or they find they’ve lost the motivation to keep up with a hobby they used to enjoy and that’s heartbreaking. it’s not like those people are asking for much they just wanna know what your fave part about a story is? you do that all the time with published books and series right? so let me ask you this: why is a fic any different? they both have words on a page. one thing you may not realize is that once that author you liked is gone it’s very rare that they may come back, for all you know they could simply keep their writing to themselves or share with friends but you’ll miss out. you’re not gonna find another one like them even if you think “meh one author leaving is fine there are plenty of others” trust me you’re not gonna find another like them they’re special and one of a kind. me included. you won’t find another like me. (maybe you think that sounds conceited but it’s true) so be kind to fic authors and just ccs in general bc if they leave you will miss them; subconsciously or outright.
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ut-girl666 · 2 years
Okay, okay. So we have (basically) canon Poet!Megatron. but, hear me out here - what about Author!Megatron?? Like, writes books, not just poetry.
Personally, I think of Fantasy Genre being what he writes, and he ends up with a good couple books. And like, they’re really well written. Beautiful plot, fantastic characters, gives plenty of development to each of them, and whole arcs, usually completed before the book ends.
Even better; he specifically tries to make them LGBTQ+ friendly. He makes lots of diverse fun characters, with different identities of all kinds. Particular interesting thing he does specifically for his repulsed readers, is he actually warns when there will be smut or something close in a chapter. This is because he’s a Repulsed!AroAce. And further more, when scenes like that actually happen (not in the first two, only implied), he actively admits, no, he didn’t write them, one of his ‘editors’ did.
He also tends to write his books with lots of warnings, and usually puts a page between each chapter, specifically so readers aren’t immediately tossed into something they weren’t alright with, because he knows that people have trauma, and PTSD, because he does himself, and doesn’t want to put his readers into a bad spot, because of his writing. He’s a very friendly writer.
And now into the funnies of Author!Megs.
One day Elita drags him onto Twitter and Tumblr. He effectively does normal twitter stuff, and he talks to some fans/readers, lets them ask stuff, etc. Tumblr, he talks, interacts a little more, and reblogs a lot, he also has a few little blogs - one for reblogging things, one for just his own talking and stuff (inc when he comments on his weblogs outside of tags - those go on both.), one where he is magical author man. Readers can talk to him there, and see when he makes new content just for fun. They love it!
And when they do the asking, it depends which he’s on. Twitter - he’s serious, mature, and very adult. Tumblr - it’s like he looked at his full ass inbox, and did some drugs before answering them. He is so fun on Tumblr.
“You said [Character] does [Hobby] in the first book, and they still do in [Later book]. Did they get any better?”
Twitter Megs: It depends. Time may only tell if they did. Full answer on tumblr - [link]
Tumblr Megs:
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lol they still suck ass.
Also, Elita, being an Artist on Tumblr with her own characters, world, lore, and stuff, knows him. She loves to make him things, and has read his books. She likes them. Eventually once Ariel and Orion were bondmates, and she started having to spend more time with him (Orion and Megs shared a house for like, their v. of six years, basically- and they were gonna be in-laws, gotta learn to get along with the family. kinda. at least for dinner.), they got along. She became his beta-reader for the third book, and his editor. (She suggested the smut, and wrote it. The explicit part is on her tumblr/ao3, megs didn’t let that go through, only suggestive/implied! He got really hot and bothered by it… in the negative way. He likes it, until the actual sex. Then *scream* SLAM! So it all goes on ao3.)
She also stands up for him when people steal his shit. He doesn’t really do much besides say ‘hey, please don’t copy/steal my stuff’, as he’s new to the internet. She’s been around since he was fourteen, and she used to be like that, but now she’s aged up, and she will not tolerate theft!! So she screams it from the rooftops, and alerts people “hey! They steal/copy other ppl’s content! Stay away from them! >:(.” it’s something she does for a lot of people, and Megs is included bc she knows that just like her, he hold his blorbos close and dear to his heart.
Ppl also hate him in the second book/prequel, he does the thing, and kills a character for the first time, especially one that had become so beloved!! He didn’t like doing it. He cried, a lot. He hated having to bring them back home to him. But he happily put them out into the world for ppl to make fics about them.
That being said, he doesn’t like it when people make fics where they mess with specific established stuff (sexuality, race, etc.), but otherwise, if it’s just an AU (Cafe!AU, Royalty!AU, Highschool!AU, etc.), other little things, (fluff, angst, etc.), or even something else (fix-it fic, song-fic, slice of life, how a pair may have got together, etc.) he loves them!! He loves all of that, to see people being inspired, tossing his babies into scenarios, making what-if?s about them, maybe letting them have a break with some fluff, or whatever! It’s his favorite! And he loves to scroll and see the things. So every time his kills a character, he puts a tag around their neck, and gives them back to the fan base to play with.
I’m begging you lot, think about it!! Just an idea, but what if?! Wouldn’t it be fun?
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rusmii · 2 months
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#( 𝑻&𝑪 📓. )
** please read, i will know if you’ve read them or not. RULES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE UNDER A CHANGE OF OPINION.
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( 𝐆𝐄𝐍. 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 📒. )
꒰ メᵎᵎ ꒱ this is a nsfw + [heavy] dc blog. ppl who do not like dc—i do advise you to BLOCK EVERY TW/CW TAG you can think of. most common ones on my blog would be;
tw omegaverse / cw omegaverse
hybrids… etc. / cw hybrids… etc.
꒰ ✦ ꒱ INTERACT with my works/writings IF you’re going to spam like me. REBLOG OR COMMENT. it does not matter, do either one if ur gonna like 3+ posts in a row. if you like them enough to spam, spread it.
꒰ ✦ ꒱ i treat you like how you treat me 🤷‍♀️. if i ever come off as rude, please tell me in the nicest way possible 😭🙏. i promise i'll try to fix wtv has made you upset [if it is a major inconvenience/genuine issue]. please be respectful at all times, and know that any rude, disrespectful, or derogatory things you say will have you blocked.
꒰ 𓂃ᵎᵎ ꒱ i heavily dislike minors + smut, so please try to be discreet about it without letting me know if u do read/write it. minors can interact with me on this blog [I'd prefer it since it's my main], but if I catch u reading my hard-nsfw smuts then it's a block [idrc if i see u write it as i'll just ignore and scroll past it]
꒰ 𓂃ᵎᵎ ꒱ AGE SOMEWHERE!!!!! PFPLESS + BLANK BLOGS = BLOCKED from now on. I'm not gonna sift through my followers but if you have no pfp then I'll block you [unless you actively post/comment/interact on things, bc that'll tell me that you're not a bot].
reposting on a different platform (i only post on tumblr).
plagiarism/plagiarizing my works/writings.
claim my hard written works as your own.
translate into a different language w/out my permission.
feed into any type of ai (i will litt hate u 4 this).
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꒰ ✦ ꒱ INTS; come by my ask box and chat with me! please feel free to send as much asks as you want, it makes me giddy knowing the fact that you wanna talk to me and it won't feel like you're bothering me, so don't worry abt that <3 go ahead and send anything! tiktoks, links—mention me in posts you think i'd like and other stuff :).
be RESPECTFUL and use kind words when interacting with one another.
i will have unhinged behavior so try to match the energy!!
do not break any of the blogs boundaries.
i’ll gladly accept — chats;thoughts;rambles;brain riots;suggestions;thirsts !!!
my ask box is open for VENTING/RANTING not trauma dumping. tell me abt your day and i’ll tell you mines :))!
꒰ ✦ ꒱ FOR MUTUALS; i would absolutely love to be moots with you! just know that i will unfollow/unmoot you if ive noticed that youve unfollowed me for a day or two. if you happen to think it's a glitch, please refollow so that i can do the same (will take a couple of hours for me to refollow).
if you want to be mooties, please send an ask via the ask box! i will check out your blog to see your interactions (if u have none i’ll assume ur nice) and see if you’re someone who isn’t rude or disrespectful. DONT ASK VIA DMS. i will not respond. don’t subpost abt me if you have a problem with me. take it straight to the dms. hard block to break the moot or dm me to break the mutual, do not leave me as a follower. i will soft block/unfollow to break the mutual unless youve stated somewhere that u want to be hb.
please spam my inbox with shit u wanna talk abt! send/tag me in stuff that you'd think i'd like <3
i am now picky/selective of who i mutual with. if i haven't answered you within 2-3 days, unfortunately it means that i don't want to be mutuals with you :/.
꒰ ✦ ꒱ FOR ANONS; same goes for anons! i would absolutely love to chat with you guys <3 but if you wanna be held in the secrecy of this blog, go ahead and give yourself something to identify yourself with; ie. emojis, characters/letters, etc..!
your anon identity will be added to my mutuals/anons list as soon as i answer and confirm your ask.
your anon identity will be removed from my mutuals/anons list if you suddenly stop interacting with me out of the blue. the only reason why I'm doing this is to give others the chance to use the identity they like! however, if you've stated that you're going on hiatus or something, then i will not remove your anon identity.
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( 𝐃𝐍𝐈 + 𝐁𝐘𝐈[𝐅] 📋. )
꒰ メ ꒱ DNI if you fit the basic criteria: racist, homophobic, xenophobic, zionist (support israel & russia), transphobic, shota(loli)con lovers, sexist, minors who can't respect the spaces of adults (& vice versa), etc...
꒰ メ ꒱ you associate yourself with someone HEAVILY problematic. slightly problematic is fine, but not someone who literally everyone has beef with/hates with burning passion. listen, i couldn't give yall a double doggy style damn if you subpost abt people. i skim over the tags anyways.
꒰ メ ꒱ HARD dni if ur the type to make unnecessary callout posts
꒰ メ ꒱ HARD dni if u support/reblog posts that go against blogs like mine (yes i will unmutual you if i see you doing it). you can disagree with my views as long as you don't make/reblog posts abt it.
꒰ ✦ ꒱ i am severely guilty of ask hoarding unfortunately. it's mostly due to the fact i run out of social battery and don't wanna answer people dryly, so i wait until im able to answer people without sounding like i don't wanna talk to them <3
꒰ ✦ ꒱ LATE RESPONSES TO EVERYTHING: asks, comments, mentions, and i barely answer dms so i wouldn’t recommend communicating with me through there unless we’re close/it’s VV important. my core responsive time is: spontaneous.
꒰ ✦ ꒱ i shit post a lot, and i’m a hyper person by heart. so expect me to ABUSE the hell out of the emojis whenever we’re chatting <3 ask anyone who follows me, and they’ll tell you that you won’t need a tone indicator to know i’m joking around lmao. i’ll try to be a kaomoji girl on my sfw blog tho😭..
꒰ ✦ ꒱ i am a chronic ghoster :( it’s why i don’t recommend chatting w/me through dms as i have a VERY low social battery despite being text loud. only chat through dms if it’s serious, all casual chatter are to be through asks (unless i feel like answering your dm. remember, i am not obligated to answer even if it seems rude).
꒰ 𓂃ᵎᵎ ꒱ MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES : my mental health is in a huge decline (when isn't it?). i WILL do/say something impulsive and bounce back like nothing has happened. this behavior has been something that concerned me when i was younger, but i didnt/dont have the money to check it out. be warned. you're dealing with someone who's;
emotionally unstable/overly emotional.
is really impulsive and do/posts things that'll make me regret it later.
craves validation and attention.
gets envious over things easily (nothing personal abt you, just a me thing).
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꒰ メ ꒱ NO REQUESTS. i’ve stopped taking requests simply bc i’m busy and get too overwhelmed. i’m not someone who easily commits to their projects/fics so expect a lot of drafted abandoned ones. i 100% take suggestions/thirsts/brain riots/thoughts abt something u wanna talk abt!
꒰ ✦ ꒱ send all your suggestions and rambles via the ASK BOX. not through my dms please <3.
꒰ ✦ ꒱ NO CONSISTENT SCHEDULE. i’m a sporadic writer—write and post so irregularly, i might not post for days or even weeks on end.
꒰ ✦ ꒱ AUTOMATIC FEM/AFAB if the readers gender isn’t specified in your ask. im a female, born a female, so i will write whatever feel’s most comfortable to write for me. ofc i also write for: male/amab readers, trans readers & gn/nb readers!
꒰ ✦ ꒱ i hate proofreading/editing my nsfw works, but I'll proofread/edit my sfw works :)
꒰ ✦ ꒱ i make constant grammar mistakes/errors simply bc i don’t check or proofread/edit my shit.
꒰ ✦ ꒱ i write mostly abt/for chuuya (and dazai). i’m literally a chuuya centric blog atp, with a drizzle of dazai and sprinkles of other charas.
꒰ 𓂃ᵎᵎ ꒱ this blog will consist of the dirtiest smut ever. short and of multiple charas of my choice <3
WILL NOT WRITE: scat, snowball play, raceplay, watersports, piss kink, pegging (JUST NO. ok.) loli/shotacon, minor + adult (pedophilia is fucking weirder than weird..) wound fucking or anything like it (probably will write it for april fools day though), noncon (gangbang etc)
WILL WRITE: pretty much everything else <3 (genders, kinks, and all!)
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𓂃ⵌ ©ʀᴜꜱᴍɪɪ 2ᴋ24 :: don't steal, plagiarize/copy, steal my works, or feed it to ai (¬`‸´¬)
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19 notes · View notes
getoswhore · 1 year
TRUST we would be fine without y’all. let’s not pretend like y’all are the only ones writing shit. again y’all are just ADULTS who sit on the internet thirsting and clenching ur coochie to minor anime characters. i’m not a kpop blog but ur weird for coming for blogs who support koop groups and stereotyping them. and i’m not an aesthetic blog but god damn do i love their pages cause they don’t talk as much as u dumb weirdos do. again. readers don’t have to do shit for u. it’s THEIR page. they don’t need reminders what to do with THEIR page. and no y’all didn’t ask kindly at all. do y’all even ask yourself WHY these pages are silent? maybe they have anxiety and don’t want to post nothing? or don’t want ppl on their page. sometimes ppl just want to scroll peacefully and silently and there’s nothing wrong with that u entitled cunts. leave readers alone and maybe they’ll leave u alone. and don’t let them moots get to ur head. i promise u they’re just a bunch of sheep who don’t have a thought for themselves. my last anon post. (ik you’ll miss me🤭😘) especially after seeing other readers on my discord agreeing with me. there’s a huge disconnect between readers and writers and it’s mostly y’all fault. next time i come back i’m coming for ur friends who think it’s okay to sexualize minor characters idc if u grew up and that’s why u age them up (mrs venus ) they’re still minors at the end of the day. y’all too damn grown to be thirsting over midoriya of all ppl. u be in college thirsting over characters in hs how does that sound??
girl gtfo cause now you are doing the most, giving 15yr mindset rn!
this just proves to me ur brain running on a half brain cell, NOT EVEN cause ur too stupid to fully read something and grasp onto it, giving vv much "im a dropout 🤡". girl, if i could explain myself a little more clearer and slower for you to understand i rlly would :(((((( gtfo and get a life too for coming to my blog about others and what they do, IM MINDING MY DAMN BUSINESS AND YOU SHOULD BE DOING THE SAME TOO BOO! treating me like i write for those said characters... smh... if you so bothered BLOCK DUMB HOE! like i said IF ALL writers disappeared not just us, you'd be pissing all over the place cause YOU yourself reads fics too, like what in the fuck is this hypocrisy??? you grown too (don't seem it the way ur scratching ur pussy so damn hard like you don't know how to clean it) over some fiction on some fake men TOO. so don't even, i write shit you fan over boo, you love me and my work, no need to lie, stay a ghost and fuck around before i come across ur blog and BLOCK U. then ur gonna make a new blog and fan, like you couldn't have before and reblogged works instead! ur treating ghost readers as if we can actually find out who they are and track them down! gtfo, it's the fucking internet and ur on tumblr, do not associate urself with the internet if you have anxiety over shit like this cause it's not for the weak. i got heavy anxiety and i deal with it cause ik y'all can't track me down, so piss off and hope off before i actually get sturdy with ur mom piss baby xoxo!
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angelplummie · 3 years
mostly fluff, but also nsfw
part 1 part 2 shiratorizawa
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• Denki likes crooked teeth!!!
• he thinks they’re charming and whimsical
• doesn’t fully trust ppl with perfect teeth like.. what are u hiding??
• loves when you wear lip tints with it, thinks ur mouth looks so kissable
• gives u a judgmental look if u talk bad about them, he’s proper like 🤨🤨🤨
• he gets why u might feel bad about them, but like,,,,, he can’t relate
• kisses ur pretty mouth until u forget about it either way
• i’m gonna say what were all thinking.
• Bakugou loves hairy pussy .
• can’t tell me this man doesn’t gobble up bushy vagina like it’s a fucking pudding cup LMAOOOOOOO
• naw but he will whine like a bitch when you shave, he thinks it looks way better with hair
• doesn’t care if u trim it, but like... he needs a little something
• all round katsuki likes his women hairy 👍
• when asked why he’ll just go ‘cuz it’s fuckin hot ok? will u get off my ass?’
• doesn’t know why he likes it, just does
• he thinks it makes u look ‘healthy’... yeah don’t ask me
• if u ever say “we can’t babe i haven’t shaved”... get ready lol
• “good. get on the bed. now.”
• loves the feeling of your pubes against his pubes, just hits the spot
• likes big arms on women
• could b muscle, could be fat, he doesn’t mind
• he likes to see them in those tight little baby tees, something about them is so cute to him
• the way the material pinches them, even if it’s just a tiny bit, the way ur shoulders look, it’s just perfect to him
• they make him wanna grab on to ur arm like a school girl getting taken to prom, it’s really quite cute
• whenever u go shopping with him he always picks out short sleeve shirts, n ull b like “shoto we’re shopping for trousers” but then he’ll be like “but ur arms would look so pretty in this.”
• offers to pay so who r u to deny him?
•Wants the around his neck when he’s rutting into you, loves feeling them press against his skin
• if he’s got u i’m doggy he’ll hold you by ur upper arms and grip the soft flesh so tight his finger prints leave marks
• likes to mark them up so that when u wear the pretty little t-shirt he bought u everyone can see who u belong to <333
•(fyi if i see a SINGLE short person in these comments saying “COULDNT BE ME IM 5’0 😭😭😭😭” i will personally rip your throat out. short girl behaviour is not welcome on my page)
• so he isn’t the tallest guy, he’s not tiny but he’s not huge either, he’s a very average height
• homeboy is OBSESSED with tall women
• istg hes one of those dudes that is like 7 inches shorter than u, craning their neck 90° to chat u up LMAO
• and maybe you laugh at him a little, not because of his height but because of his eagerness, and yet u still hear him out, and you two really click
• thinks ur so majestic and graceful
• pops a STIFFY thinking about ur fucking long ass legs
• he wants to BITE THEM
•Also thinks it’s hot that, even though you’re so much taller than him you still look tiny when your under him getting ur brains fucked out, still complaining about the stretch, still going dummy stupid on his cock
•Even though you’re taller than him, he loves that he’s still bigger than you
•he’ll say stuff like “you look so cute, little girl” and “where’s all your attitude now? thought i didn’t know how to handle you?”
• but no ya if ur tall deku is ur short king END OF DISCUSSION
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hey guys tysm for reading! i hope u enjoyed, lmk if u want more of this series i think it’s a pretty cute one!! reblogs appreciated!! bye love you bye!!
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ickymichi · 3 years
various haikyuu boys x reader
<3 includes: iwaizumi hajime, miya osamu, matsukawa issei, hanamaki takahiro, kuroo tetsurou
<3 things to know: set in the timeskip
<3 warnings: swearing
<3 note: i should be writing more important things, but they can wait. REBLOGS ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED <3 <3
© all contents belongs to k1ttykawa 2021. please do not repost/modify on this or any platform.
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𝐢𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐞
.: you better pray mf will make you a victim.
.: his car is his pride and joy pls.
.: this how it go:
“remember 9:00 tomorrow nice n’ early” iwaizumi told you while leaning across the console. “I know haji, I know. I gotta go love you!” “love yo-” mf didn’t even get to finish the sentence just got faced with you slamming the door with all your might. “OI! (Y/N)!” you quickly turn around to see him in the same position but his facial expressions make it look like he’s about to commit arson. He ushers you back with a flick of his head and rolls down the passenger window. “open the door and close it again” You look at him confused but do what he says anyways, again slamming it. “PROPERLY THE FUCK?!” “I am doing it properly!” “NO YOURE FUCKING SLAMMING IT!” boy looked like he was about to flip the lid so you had to cave in and tell him it was a prank. Was not a happy camper and drove off with his middle finger out the window. But after texted you saying he loves u 🥺
𝐦𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐮
.: my baby pls.
.: he had a long ass day at work and is just trying to get to his bed.
.: so when he tries to tell you goodbye love you blah blah and is met with a slam of his car door he Is literally like 🧍‍♀‍ tf?.
When you slammed the door and walked away trying not to burst out laughing the sound of his voice calling your name made you turn to face him face him. He rolled down his window to stick his head out and was like “are you okay?”pls someone my heart. “yeah i’m fine, why?” you ask tight lipped and holding back laughter. “I dunno, ya just slammed the daylights outta my door. Thought somethin’ might be wrong” you literally couldn’t hold back anymore, had to take him out of his misery. “‘m sorry ‘samu i was just pranking you, but you were too sweet I couldn’t keep going.” To your surprise he started laughing with you and thought it was pretty funny.
𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐢
.: this could go two ways really.
.: if it’s you that does it he’s like hey now don’t hurt the goods.
.: if it’s one of the boys, they catching multiple of his fists
.: wait okay setting!! Mf sitting with one arm across the wheel, yk that seggsy thing ppl do? Yeah that. N the other elbow on the console his fist holding up his head . Okay setting finish.
“So you coming over later yeah?” he asked watching you gather your things to leave. “of course, just-” “yes makki is at work don’t worry, we’ll be alone” he butt in already knowing what you’d say. “okay then i’ll see you then love you!” “yep love you to-” you literally slammed it as hard a you could and walked off. Not hearing a reaction you look back and see him sitting leant over the console as he was waiting for a little goodbye kiss and was met with the slam of the door. He rolled down your window and asked, “how cruel of you to leave me without a kiss and slam my door.” You held back a laugh and opened back up the door to place a peck on his lips and shuffled back out, once again slamming the door. “(y/n)” you heard him through the open window. He now had a serious look on his face and was staring right at you. “watch it yeah? Know your all strong but don’t want you breaking my poor baby.”
𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨
.: this fucker is about to be facing my slander once again😭
.: I love him I swear I do
.: but if you try slam is door there���s a very high chance shit is just gonna fall off.
.: would get so heated cause he knows it’s falling apart and it’s not cheap to fix.
He had parked up outside mcdonald’s and you said you’d go in to get the food, after a small bit of bickering from him. “be careful yeah? Just call me if some weirdo tries anything, these aren’t just for show baby.” He told you while flexing his biceps and kissing each one. You laughed at his silly antics and pushed the door open to get out. You swung your arm back and used as much force as you could to slam the door. The scream he let out could probably be heard from inside the restaurant as well as your laughter that you just couldn’t contain. “the fuck was that for?!” he shouted in distress while getting out to check if there was any serious or even minor damage. “what are you on about? I didn’t do anything” you argued and watched him bent down and inspected the car. Whipping his head to where you stood above him he let out a noise of disbelief “didn’t do anything?! You nearly took the fucking thing off the hinges!” he shouted again and stood back up with a hand on his forehead. “one of these days I swear, your gonna give me a heart attack.”
𝐤𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐨 𝐭𝐞𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐮
.: pls do not slam his car door, for your own sake.
.: he will drop dead on the spot
.: you don’t think his ass wouldn’t own a sports car with all that bank?
.: think again my friend.
He was dropping you off at work after you went to lunch with him for your break. “alright, see you when i’m picking you up yeah?” he said parking the car outside the building. “mmhh i’ll see you then tetsu, love you.” Kissing his cheek and stepping out of the car slamming it on your way. at first he couldn’t even shout or call you out his face and heart just dropped on the spot. “hey hey hey (y/n)! get back here!” he shouted and unbuckled his seatbelt for some reason. “what’s wrong did I forget something?” you asked faking your innocence to the distressed man while opening the door again. “yeah you forgot this costs more then the fucking house, careful with the door okay?” “oh yeah sorry, okay then i’ve to go!” you quickly responded and once again, slammed the door before quickly walking off while laughing. He rolled down his window and stuck his head out while yelling out to you, “your fucking getting it when I pick you up!”
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-end <3
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hunni-pen · 3 years
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Reblogs appriecated❤️❤️
Thank you guys so much for 500 followers. This is such a big achievement for me even tho I hardly upload here. Hopefully this event will get me back on my feet.
All your support makes me so happy I wanna give back to all of you in the best way I could think of. So I organized 75 of some of my favorite pronto starters that I could find, and organized them for you all to choose from.
There’s three catagories, Angst/Hurt, Fluff/Confort, and Smut/NSFW. The max amount of starters one person can choose is three. It does not have to be one from each. I’ll list the fandoms this is open for down below as well as the rules.
Must be 16+ to send nsfw prompt
To avoid hate I don’t write ships this is an x reader only event.
Three starters max
1. “When will you be back?”
2. “Please stay, just for a little longer.”
3. “Who hurt you?”/ “Who did this to you?” (Your choice)
4. “You can’t leave me yet!”
5. “What don’t you get, I don’t love you anymore.”
6. “You changed...” “I had to.”
7. “What happened to you?” / “Hey are you okay?”
8. “I’m scared about the future, and I wanna talk to you.” (Song fic-ish, up to you. Talk-Coldplay)
9. “I just wish you listened to me.”
10. “Lie to me.”
11. “I don’t care if you start crying I’m telling you what you need to hear.”
12. “I regret everything.”
13. “Leave.”
14. “Stay.”
15. “I’m done trying to help you.”
16. “I can’t do this without you.”
17. “Don’t make me think you care
18. “I’m sorry.”
19. “I let you down.”
20. “If you’d asked me years ago, I would’ve said yes.”
21. “I can’t do this anymore, not with you.”
22. “Are you going to talk to me?”
23. “I’m fine stop asking.”
24. “We need to talk.”
25. “Don’t avoid me.”
26. “I was made to love you.
27. “I’ll never leave, promise.
28. “Waking up to you is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
29. “Dance with me.”
30. “I just decided that I’m gonna marry you.”
31. “You’re like the sun to me.” “Wow so poetic.”
32. “Kiss me again.”
33. “Wanna hear a secret?”
34. “Can you picture it? Is? Together?”
35. “Tell me about you’re day sweetheart.”
36. “Wanna shower with me!” “If you wanted to-“ “-not like that pervert!”
37. “You look so cute in my clothes.”
38. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
39. “Sshhh go back to bed. It’s okay.”
40. “I’m not moving, your lap is comfortable.”
41. “It’s too cold, come back.”
42. “I’ve never seen you this happy before, is it cause (Y/N)?”
43. “Could you hold my hand?”/ “Quick hold my hand!” (Your choice)
44. “You’re and idiot, a cute idiot, but still an idiot.”
45. “You’ll catch me right?” “Always.”
46. “Mmm... you’re warm.”
47. “I love you, that’s all.”
48. “You’re my other half
49. “I bought this cause I thought you’d like it.”
50. “I’ll always be here for you.”
51. “Show me how you like to be pleasured.”
52. “I’m not wearing any panties right now.”
53. “Behave.”
54. “Wanna show everyone who’s (pet name of your choice) you are?”
55. “Don’t you wanna see me naked?”
56. “Cum in me!”
57. “Watch me/yourself.”(your choice)
58. “Don’t play dumb, you already know what to do.”
59. “Don’t make me have to hold your legs apart.”
60. “Please keep going! Please...”
61. “Don’t tease me while I’m working.”
62. “I know you love letting me hear those noises but you gotta be quiet.”
63. “I’ll give you anything you want.”
64. “Beg for daddy/mommy/me/it”(you’re choice)
65. “Say my name, again.”
66. “First we’ll fuck in the bed, then wherever else you want.”
67. “Touch yourself, wanna watch.”
68. “Can’t wait to me inside you.”/“Can’t wait for you to be inside me.”(your choice)
69. “You said you’d fuck me.”
70. “Mine.”
71. “You always look so good under me.”
72. “I hate you.”/ “I love you.” (Your choice)
73. “Let me play with you.”
74. “You’re in no place to make demands.”
75. “Good boy/girl.”(your choice)
Once again, thank you guys for all your support, don’t be afraid to send in asks, and if I’m not getting much, send in 2💀💀
70 notes · View notes
deadmunds-ghostbee · 2 years
I’ve been re-looking at the pap photos of Kate & Anthony at the races, and I’m just so excited - it seems these take place in an earlier episode based on the trailer.
The main thing I wanted to point out, and which is why I looked at them, is there Edwina is standing behind Anthony but he is basically blocking her out while him & Kate excited about the race. You can see her peeking over his shoulder at one point.
Firstly, I feel Edwina, I’m short so that is me at all concerts and sporting events, number two, it makes me feel better about the triangle, like I have felt fine, but Anthony is clearly ignoring Edwina because he can’t help but have fun with Kate. Also Danbury is behind them which makes me think they are sticking with her thoughts in the book (not understanding why Anthony ever went after E instead of K)
I’ve seen people speculate that Anthony & Edwina her engaged or even get to the church before fate intervenes and I would hate that (also they keep saying there is lots of drama and I was kind of hoping for an 8 hour romcom), so this has cheered me up anyway.
Anyway I just had to tell someone about it, and I cannot wait to see it
Yes I agree this ascot episode seems really early on and it’s exciting bc those pap photos really had the vibe of the book. Ppl have pointed out that we will be going from that petty nod he does to the two of them jumping and him HOLDING HER ARM all in the matter of a few scenes. We’re gonna get fed so good 😩
And the implications of Danbury behind them are so interesting. I really want to know the extent of her meddling. Like is she aware/helping the queen use Edwina as a pawn or does she have her own agenda? Either would be interesting imo but she has eyes so she’s instantly gonna know what’s going on is that K & A are the real thing here.
As for theories about an A/E engagement—I think it would be lazy writing and the most low-hanging fruit tactic to amp up the drama. They should strive for better writing because the only time I can really recall that interrupted wedding trope being good was in Shrek (sorry to Speak Now by ts but I’m different 😤). I don’t this theory is as far out of the realm of possibility as some might think it is, but it is so overdone of a trope that it can’t exist nowadays without being subverted, which they can’t do here. and I think the writing room knows that, at the very least?
However, in order to manage my own expectations I’m going to assume they would be that obvious and would consider it as a plot point. If I get comfortable with the idea of them going that route then I personally can never be disappointed with what we get 😂
And we can maybe guess there’s a bit of a bigger wedding than last season based on some pap photos, but we don’t know whose wedding either. A big kathony wedding (even if it makes more sense for a scandalous one like theirs to be rushed) would be interesting bc I think Kate would feel very out of her element in that environment. It would usher in her life as Viscountess aptly which we know was hard for her bc she didn’t feel worthy. It could also be some kind of featherington wedding too (🤪🤪pls ignore me) which I would like to see. Or maybe even Edwina almost marries someone else who knows.
But like we discussed before the A/K + E dynamic at the ascot seems on point! And talk of silly tea time between the three of them makes me think we’ll be okay, whatever happens. Perhaps my methods of expecting and becoming okay with my least favorite scenario for this season is extreme but imma do what I have to do 🤷‍♀️ I don’t really want to be convinced away from this perspective either because if/when we get a better storyline I’m gonna feel so blessed.
Y’all do what you have to do to manage your anxiety about release. If that’s completely dismissing the theory then ignore me and do that.
(Also sorry about turning on and off asks like a maniac I like discussing but sometimes I just wanna reblog gifs instead)
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seek--rest · 3 years
If you dont write irondad or spideychelle then no one looks at your fics. I've tried all the "tips" to generate interest and encourage comments (comment on other ppls fics, ask games, questions at the end of chapters, moodboards etc.) but theres just crickets. No one cares if it's not romance or white guys. It's a real bummer and at this point I'm ready to give up. Is there something I'm missing?
There’s a short answer and a long answer and they both are disappointing.
Short answer:
You’re right.
For all the cute reblogs and “omg I LOVE ‘insert side POC character’ here” posts or the call for more ‘platonic’ fic people pass around, at the end of the day people read what they’re interested in and fandom by and large doesn’t put their money where their mouth is.
The long answer is a bit more complicated.
You’re still right. But there’s some nuance.
There’s the greater fandom problem of what people “say” they’re interested in seeing (Gen fics, not white Dude fics, etc.) vs what people actually show up for. This is something that can’t be ignored and speaks to how performative as hell people really are. People like to talk shit and then don’t do shit. And that’s honestly a problem that can’t be fixed as much as I’ve tried. You can only do what /you/ can to make it better.
Practically, moving aside the blatant racism or preference for platonic “but only white guys”, there’s also actual practical things that prevent people from reading fics:
Popularity. Fandom prioritized white guys. Plain and simple. Doesn’t mean you have to. Doesn’t mean it’s right. It’s profoundly wrong. But if you know this, use it to your advantage. I 100% would write solely irondad fics with MJ as a central component (and vice versa) and wouldn’t always tag the relationships because… I know my fandom. Especially in IronDad, people will GOBBLE up a fic with MJ so long as she isn’t a tagged relationship under the pretense of not liking romance when it really can be boiled down to racism/sexism. Leveraging your expectations will go a long way because it’s a simple fact that if your fic doesn’t feature the popular characters, it’s just not gonna get play.
Timing. If you’re posting a fic for the first time for a niche pairing at 2am on a Tuesday, unless you’re the most popular, beloved author in your fandom (and not even then), the chances of literally anyone seeing it are next to nothing. Made even more difficult if it’s a pairing (because regardless of romance, writing without tagging pairings is a death knell for most fandoms— especially Marvel) and it doesn’t have a RSS Feed or a popular tag.
Name recognition. I know no one likes to talk about ✨ popularity ✨ and pretend we’re all equals when we’re not. There’s such a thing as name recognition, of stability, and of trust. Someone being popular does NOT mean they’re a great writer or a perfect storyteller, nor do they “deserve” to be read more than anyone else. But I call bullshit on anyone saying that if you had the choice between reading a pairing you never have before from an author you’ve read and loved before vs a random name from nowhere, that you wouldn’t be more inclined to try the former.
Content. This can range from the plot, the characterization, the grammar, the actual way the fic is formatted. Stylistically or practically, some fics just aren’t for everyone. And if you’re writing a niche pairing on an even more niche topic, there’s every chance that a fic that would already be glossed over will be even more so.
Now, idk where those tips came from and they’re not… bad advice per se but that’s a very transactional and ultimately unfulfilling way to participate in fandom tbh.
I’m not dumb enough to say ✨ write what you love and it won’t matter ✨ without a note because… sure, if you write what you love it DOESN’T ultimately matter because you created a story and now it exists.
But it’s stupid to argue that we just write only because we love it and not for feedback— otherwise we wouldn’t post it online.
I’m not into the idea of “comment so people will comment back” mentality cause it’s such a profoundly arrogant, tit for tat, transactional way to view fandom IMO. It positions /you/, not the author you’re commenting towards, as the center. There are people that I LOVE reading their work, who never read or comment mine, and that’s not any indictment on me or what I do. And vice versa. Thinking that way will only lead to disappointment IMO, especially if you’re supposedly sharing love to people and their work not with the intent of loving it— but only to get something in return.
Plus, Idk my dude, I’d rather have someone who comments on my stuff because they genuinely enjoy it and not out of some weird contractual obligation or guilt because I’ve commented on their stuff.
There is absolutely a problem of people just… consuming without any feedback and that’s a conversation for another day. But I do think if you want my advice/some other tips:
Continue creating. There’s something to be said for consistency. You may be the only one writing the novel length meta and fanfic of Ned and his family but dammit you are carving out the NICHE for it. Write it because you love it, first and foremost. The rest is easier to manage when you do.
Find fan spaces that celebrate the characters you love. Discords. Tumblrs. Twitter. Find the people who love the characters as much as you do.
Promotion. Tag the characters in a way that’s appropriate for the fandom you’re in. Don’t spam the tags or your blogs. That a sure fire way to just annoy people. But you can’t be the only one who thinks Flash deserves a world and history. I’m sure you’re not. But if people can’t find it, they won’t see it. And the way to see if they can find it is by already knowing what the fan space is like for those characters.
Interest. Maybe no one cares about Ned like you do. That sucks my dude and I’m sorry. But this is where the love of it comes into play. Love writing what you do. Keep doing it. I got advice a long time ago that still hits: if you write it they will come. They may not come in droves. They may not come all at once. But if you’re letting the love of the thing drive you— the rest of it does become easier to manage. Plus, if you’re consistent enough, people might be bothered to see what you’re into and who knows? They might end up loving (and creating) for it too.
Hope that helps my dude. Happy creating. Keep your head up.
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