#I don’t like calling him ticci toby it seems rude
macabrelinguine · 1 year
hihi!! can you do some cuddling headcannons w/ toby? like if you’ve had a bad day and you just want to watch some shows together. male reader pls!!<33 love ur writing!!
hi! Thank you so much <3333 I don’t remember if I did this before but I’m going to be doing gender neutral readers for everything. Just so everyone can enjoy, sorry :(
hope you like it!
I feel like Toby’s the type of guy to have 17 blankets and use them all. He has a cupboard full of them and will just bring them out due to level of severity. Okay day? A couple blankets. Bad day? 12 blankets. Horrible day? Every single blanket and a couple pillows. And possibly a weighted blanket (depending on your preferences)
And if you had a bad day then he can tell immediately when you walk through the door. He sits you down on the couch, hands you the remote and gets some blankets and a couple snacks. He lets you pick some shows to watch and sits down next to you, after arranging the blankets. If you end up watching tv for a while, he might fall asleep with his head on your shoulder. He doesn’t mind if you wake him up, or fall asleep yourself.
If you want to talk about the day you had, he’s all ears. He’ll listen to you and give you advice if you want. If not, he’ll just listen to what you have to say. He’s very good at comforting, and if there’s anything you need to fix, he can help you with it. He’s happy to help, in fact. And if not, he’s happy to just be there for you
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hit-me-with-a-ladle · 4 years
This is Ch.2 for my creepypasta story.
Now this is the second chapter to my story and its description can be found in my blog, i manly update on wattpad does i still will be putting these chapters on tumblr (not as frequently doe :/). so yeah have fun and hope u like it.
A sharp pain was the first thing felt by the girl the moment she woke up from her coma. Laying on a dirty, ruined couch, she put a hand on her head and softly groaned. At that moment she heard the light murmur of male-sounding voices near her and tensed up. She was confused and dazed. She didn't know where she was or why she was there. Not knowing what to say or do she just overheard their conversation, hoping they wouldn't notice she was awake.
" I-I don't know what the-they were thin-king, bringing a young h-human girl to be the next middle-m-man. A-a-are the elite becoming that desper-des-desperate?" One of the men said. He sounded considerably young, around eighteen years old. The boy appeared to have a stutter. His voice was also soft, almost sounding more like a whisper than anything else though still audible. ' What is he talking about?' The girl thought to herself, her train of thought was abruptly stopped by another voice speaking up.
"I don't think it's smart to doubt the elite's decision Toby, even so, she seems to hold some attributes required in a middleman." A monotone voice spoke. A soft "yeah" was soon hear from one of the men and it sounded forced. Then a bone-chilling chuckle came from the same monotone man. "What's so funny?" One of the men spat, their voice was deep and husky. "Well if you must know," The other man said sounding amused "It's kind of funny that out of all of us you should know just how capable she is." He rudely remarked snickering. The other man seemed to growl under his breath "Wasn't she the one that knocked you down and stabbed you in the leg?" The monotone man finally said in a provocative tone.
"Well, now you're just begging me to kick your ass." The irritated man spoke in anger and stood up but promptly cringed from the shooting pain from the injury to his leg and sat down. "I'd like to see you try," The monotone man replayed amused by his comrade's actions. The irritated man was about to say something when another voice spoke up, "Can you guys stop fighting already, I mean there's an unconscious girl in the living room that we have to prepare for her inevitable death." A boy said, he also sounded young similar to the first man, but this time his voice was much louder and sounded naval.
When overhearing what the boy said, she loudly gasped in shock without thinking, that seemed to catch the men's attention and they quickly went quiet. The atmosphere was so tense you could cut it with a knife. An awkward and unbearable silence fell upon everyone. But soon it was ended by the rattling of chairs getting put aside and the pattering of loud footsteps approaching the room she was in. Not knowing what to do, panic was the only thing she could feel at that moment. As she laid there, not moving a muscle the first that spoke was the man in a white mask.
"So now you choose to wake up? Took you long enough." He said to her annoyed, she looked at his masked face and then looked around the room. It seemed to be a log cabin by the walls being constructed from wood, and by the general look of it, it was pretty big. The couch she was on was in a rather rough shape, and right across from it was a scratched up wooden coffee table. Then she noticed one of the men resting on an armchair in a similar state as the couch she was on. He seemed to be looking right at her, though it was hard to tell from the blue mask that covered his face.
"Where am I? And who are you, people?" The girl spoke in a harsh tone trying to seem strong, though, in reality, she was terrified, and the men appeared to notice. "Aren't you a snarky one? But don't try to act tough or else." The man in the feminine mask said boredly. "Now, as for who we are, my name is Timothy Wright, but you will call me Masky." He hardly spoke while pointing to himself. The girl scanned him from head to toe and noticed that one of his legs was wrapped in a now blood-stained bandage. 'Did I hurt him that badly? Well serves him right.' She thought while glaring at him. "That guy over there," He continued and pointing to the tall man sitting on the armchair with his legs crossed, "Is Jack or as he's better known, Eyeless Jack." The man, named Jack nodded his head in her direction. "That shorty over there." This time he pointed to a short boy whit blond hear leaning on the door frame to the room, "Is Benjamin Lawman or Ben Drowned." Ben waved at her and smiled, but the smile was more creepy than anything else. "And lastly," Masky said while pointing to a boy with orange-tinted goggles " That's Tobias Erin Rogers or Ticci Toby." The boy then spoke up, "Ju-just call me T-toby."
"You're in your new home." He emphasised. "Here you will live till the day you die. Now, as for your purpose, you have been assigned the role of a middleman from now on." He said while looking at her dead in the eyes. "You're kidding, right? Is this some sick joke? A middleman? What even is that? You must be insane if you think I'll believe you." She responded hysterically while frowned and glaring at the man even harder than before and crossed her arms. "Oh, but you will, you don't have a chose in the matter." The masked man responded, looking at the girl sternly, he then sighed "I guess I should explain your new job shouldn't I." What he said sounded more like a statement than a question, and he carried on explaining.
"You will be the middleman of this forest," He said while pointing to the windows and sure enough, on the outside, there was a forest ' How didn't I notice that before?' The girl asked herself. "You have the job as negotiator, judge, executioner, errand boy and among some other things. But that won't be as easy as it sounds, because in this forest reside evil monster, creatures, demons, killers and different mythical being. Things that you humans thought were only in legends and tales." He said that as if he'd said it a million time before and continued "Now, we four were ordered," He moved to point around the room, gesturing to the men. "To get you and bring you here. So in the range of the next six months, we can teach you everything you need to know about being a middleman and how to do it right. At the end of those six months, you will go thru a four-stage test that will prove just how much you have learned, but if you were to fail, you will get executed. Do you understand?" He finally finished while looking at her and tilted his head. The girl was baffled and couldn't believe what she heard, better said she didn't want to believe it.
"You can't be serious right? I mean do you expect me to accept everything you just said as fact" The girl protested while immediately standing, "I don't know who you think you are, but I'm certainly not staying here any longer." And as she was about to head for the door, Jack suddenly spoke up. "And where will you go? You don't have any clue where you even are. Do you think you can just go out of this forest like that? Well, I'm sorry for ruining your parade, but that's not going to happen." He responded to her in his usual bored voice that seemed to be laced in a thin veil of sarcasm. 'He has a point,' She thought while looking at him. 'But it can't be that hard to leave a forest, right?' She reassured herself. "Oh, and another thing, this isn't a normal forest. No, it's a portal between the human world and underworld." He smirked through his mask when he noticed the girls face turn pale, "Though it doesn't look like it, you are in a branch of hell, and the only way to get to the human world is by knowing where the portal is, and we certainly won't be telling you of its location anytime soon." He remarked this time in a way that was much more malicious, almost seeming like he wanted to make her mad or provoke her.
But the girl didn't budge 'Is what he's saying true? I hope it's not, but I can't afford not believing him.' Still not moving from the place she was standing, she glanced down, "Why me?" She said, defeated. Those two words seemed to catch the men off gourd. " W-well," The boy named Toby spoke up. "You we-were chosen b-b-by the Elite." He said softly. "Who are the elite? And what do you mean by they "chose me"." The girl was quick to ask. "The El-elite are four o-o-of the strongest creatures in the underworld, they are the on-ones that choose the midd-middlemen for every branch and reg-ion of hell." Toby said, "We were als-also told m-m-many thi-things about you, your n-n-ame, hobbies, what you aspired to b-be, your dark-est secret, and mu-much more." He finished. "Better said we know everything bout you, Y/N." The boy named Ben stated calmly while smiling. Hearing her name come out o his mouth sent shivers down her spine.
The girl collapsed on the couch in defeat and put her arms to her head, 'Is everything that they're saying genuine? It can't be, can it?' She was in a state of dread and didn't want to belive what they were saying. 'I need to calm down, there has to be a way out of here somehow, and I'll find it.' She kept reassuring herself." Now, as I was saying, we four will be teaching you everything you need to know," Masky spoke up again with his hands behind his back." Your room is upstairs to the left. You should get as much sleep as possible we will start training tomorrow at nine-thirty am," He said while looking into the girl's eyes, "Do NOT be late, or else." He finished while going near the front door of the cabin, "Oh, and don't even try to escape, someone will be standing guard to make sure you don't." And with that, he and everyone else left. She was left alone whit her thoughts in the empty cabin,
'I should go and check out my room shouldn't I, maybe I'll find a way out.' and with that, she went upstairs.
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Can we please have some Toby x Jeff or Nina x Jeff head canons? ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
YES YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN. you have EXCELLENT taste these 2 ships r some of my favorites
Ticci toby x Jeff the killer
While most of the major injury is handled by ej, or in extreme cases slenderman himself, tending to each other wounds is a sort of tender bonding thing for the both of them
gently cleaning and bandaging a cut or picking glass out of each other or doing some very small stitching for each other after a tough job is part of their typical routine now . they mostly do this while sitting together quietly, just as a de-stress thing. its actually very nice yknow. having someone you love take care of you . and after its taken care of, giving it a kiss to make it feel better…
jeff kind of gets on tobys case for no caring if he gets injured. i mean he cant feel it anyway so he doesn’t give a fuck, but jeff does . and toby calls him out for being a hypocrite, because he’s not exactly the most careful person either. they both get mad and kiss each other about it 
toby is usually known to be more…friendly? normal? than the others. more upbeat. but being with jeff brings out his bitchy cruel side . he’s still not as bad ! but he definitely has this sarcastic mean bite to him now. when they team up to get on someones case theyre pretty much insufferable LOL, but they love it . real teamwork .
they sit outside at night and talk to each other about whatever. from a distance it doesn’t even look that romantic. tobys probably carving a stick into a sharp point, jeffs smoking his lungs out, or sharpening one of his knives. theyre both sipping from the same bottle of stolen beer, but theres something very calm about them you don’t really see from either any other time. it feels toned down . no harsh words other than the occasional biting joke , always said with a smile followed by them both laughing of course, maybe one of them grabs the others shoulder for emphasis on something they said and it lingers there for a few seconds longer. 
They talk about work, sometimes jeff will pull up his sleeve and show off a new particularly gnarly scar to toby, and you can just see him soak up the attention . toby will do the same sometimes, but his never seem to get as messed up looking. he talks about masky and hoody and the things he sees out in the human world, as he’s sometimes sent out on day jobs, and jeff only ever steps out at night. about what it’s like up there during the day. 
theres a lot of moments of stretched out silence. it feels very nice. very calm and friendly and natural . then they both lay down in the grass and maybe….hold hands. or lean over and kiss a little …or a lot
theyre both pretty highly respected as guys who are good at their jobs in their own way . they go on jobs together Sometimes, but they tend to fight over who gets the actual final kill on a place . jeff is a lot more brutal and show-y with it, and tobys more of a ‘just get the job done’ guy. they both…admire each others work and technique. both are a little shy about admitting it though  
They both would die protecting the other for sure if they had to, so i guess its good they can both handle themselves pretty well. its nice to have someone ride or die for you like that though, when theyve both felt totally solo for most of their lives.
rough mean beat up boyfriends. theyre both rude bitches love each other and it really shows
Jeff the killer x Nina the killer
Jeff loves his baby so fucking much. he’s absolutely like, her guard dog basically lololol and she absolutely soaks up the protective bad boy boyfriend thing 100% even though she really doesn’t need it 
she’s very cutesy and sweet with him, and is always reeling him back and gently telling him to calm down , which he does…reluctantly, and she really doesn’t mind she just doesn’t want him all worked up all the time even if she does love and appreciate it and everything hehe :)
nina loves to go into demon city and party!!! and jeff goes with her as often as she wants him to, which is most of the time . she drags him around and makes him dance with her . and he keeps weirdos away from her, very forcefully and harshly might i add. every time he scares off some creepy loser she’s all over him being all “oh my sweet protective jeffy baby!!!” giving him kisses and praising him for keeping her safe and you know he loves that :’) 
Theres been a few times she’s gotta a little protective over him as well though . he pretty much shuts down anyone who approaches him with , bad or overtly romantic intentions, but a couple times shes had to pull him away and snap at someone getting a little too friendly. once they get out of there he laughs a bit and pets her head lovingly a little, reassuring her its fine and to not get stressed about it. but yknow, he doesn’t mind being on the receiving end of having a protective s/o once in a while. he kind of likes that his girlfriends got a backbone and a strong spirit like that. theyre both pretty mutually defensive and protective of each other, which happens to work out perfectly for each other!
he’s much more of a “DIY frat house” party guy than a nightclub or private party guy but …he doesn’t mind it that much, and really up for whatever nina wants. besides he loves playing body guard for her . he loves how much she dresses up to go to a party and how pretty she always looks. it makes him kinda blushy hehehehe. she also helps him get ready a lot :)! just wants her boyfriend to look good too, but to her he always looks good. she likes that they both have cut in smiles. its like a matching couple accessory in her eyes. sometimes she outlines hers in red and pink eye shadow and asks to do the same with his, which he msotly agrees to when she asks
theyre both high profile Killer Employees Of Slenderman so theyre always getting attention and special privileges wherever they go in the city they’re a very glamorous almost celebrity-couple type pair . nina loves it so much, it’s everything she’s ever wanted !!!! jeff can’t say he doesn’t like the attention and the constant ego boosting . theyre kind of made for this lifestyle . the scary evil underworld killer version of socialites if you want to think about it that way 
besides that though, theyre still very sweet and cutesy at home, though jeff gives her a little more space. but he definitely doesn’t have to since she follows him around all day at home mostly! shes a bit clingy, but he doesn’t mind at all. he loves having his sweet girl by his side as much as she wants. and she’s always all over him. she likes sitting next to him and holding onto his arm, or brushing his hair and putting little clips in it when she’s bored, or sitting on his lap, or laying on it, or making him sit on her lap, you get the picture
she asks to do his makeup sometimes, and he usually agrees though it’s not normally his thing. he has to admit, he does look pretty good whenever she does !
they both love each other very much and are a very cutesy loving pda couple. he’s so loving and protective with his sweet gentle pretty girlfriend and she absolutely adores her sweet loving and patient boyfriend so much!!
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