#I don’t think I can haha silly my way out of this adhd one guys
ohitslen · 1 year
Honestly I was writing for the fic i mentioned once and lost all interest midway. So um. Haha silly me will only do two parts instead of three like I originally planned :)
I don’t feel bad about it, I just figured I’d say it here anyways because my utmost respect goes to the long fic writers
What do y’all consume to do the ones that are over 15 parts and are also LONG, with an average of about 3k (usually more) words per chapter???
Ily btw because what the fuck you little weird and sick creature let me kiss your forehead what the fuck
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poly co headcanons/tiny mini drabbles
nobody asked but i care :)
very important: george is the radiator of the group. lucy and lockwood r constantly cold & hissing at each other across george’s shoulders
also very important: george doesn’t like being compressed/touched too much, especially when he doesn’t initiate it or have a plan. but likes cuddles bc he can adjust how much contact and pressure he gets
meanwhile lockwood like ohhh my god. i need to be put in the fucking Hydraulic Press. i must run into walls. i have an insatiable need to claw and scratch and jump off of things. i Must vibrate at high frequencies. (george and lucy go nah you just need to be cuddle piled and they lie on him and he goes hnfnfhdggh yep it was the adhd again)
cat coded lockwood. draped on furniture. squint. twitch. blink. bonks head on someone’s shoulder for attention.
lockwood has a small breakdown over something one night and george makes sure he gets to bed. brings him food and sits with him. talks quietly. brushes the hair out of his eyes. lockwood says “thank you” quietly as he’s falling asleep and george kisses his forehead before slipping out of the room and then twenty seconds later lockwood sits up so fast the fucking soup goes everywhere
lucy and lockwood: literally do anything
george: oh my god get a room jesus christ on a cracker
but fr lucy and lockwood?? silly and goofy? sad and melancholy? would do anything for each other? nah i’m out i’m gone i can’t deal anymore.
lockwood and george go on a walk one day and are casually linking pinkies or lockwood has an arm around george’s waist or something and they run into barnes and he goes “wait. are you-??” and they go are we what. barnes says “are. are y. uh. wh?” ten full seconds pass. lockwood and george say “oh shit” simultaneously. these dumbasses hadn’t realized they’re in a qpr (or dating idc). they look at each other. “huh.” they keep walking
LUCY AND GEORGE!!! god the way they went from distrust/dislike to besties just like that….their relationship is everything to me and, like the other two pairs, they don’t bother to define it very much but there’s a lot of casual, grounding small touches and big smiles and gestures of care that pass between them.
migraine lucy….THINKING about her…she is sensitive to sound especially and her proprioception can get out of whack so she needs to lie down with noise cancelling headphones and a glass of ice water next to her. the boys know not to disturb her for at least two hours, up to a day if it’s bad, and after the worst has passed they can help by being in the room quietly and grounding her by lying next to her
lockwood: abandonment issues
lucy: trust issues
george: self esteem issues
the three of them: well look what kinds of issues being poly tends to bring out. haha
yeah i feel you guys, poly is harddd. but they make it work <3333333
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kat-got-lost · 3 years
can be interpreted as poly but there's no big blurb abt all of them together like there normally is, just separate little scenarios/blurbs for each of them :]
warnings: couple nsfw jokes but for the most part it's all sfw
dream team with a partner who has trouble filtering what they say. whether it being because of ADHD or they're just hyper and have trouble fully thinking abt words before they come out of their mouth you can decided. admittedly it's not always the best thing since sometimes the stuff that comes out can come off as rude or mean, but the boys know you don't always mean the stuff you say and it just happens. (doesn't mean you don't apologize and reassure them though, because remember everyone, things like troubles thinking before you speak or anything like that can be an explanation but never an excuse, if you've accidentally hurt someone's feelings apologize and talk it out :)
dream is very understanding, and if you dont like him teasing you about it he won't and will instead smile whenever something slips past your filter and give you a little kiss. if however you are okay with him doing a little bit of teasing ooh boy are you in for a ride. he likes to do things to fluster you to see what you'll do. his personal favorite thing to do is to sneak up behind you while you're doing something, grab your waist and whisper into you're ear. it's never really anything explicit, normally just a "hi sweetheart" or a "my hoodie looks really good on you" he then turns you around and grabs your chin to make you look up at him. he kind of just looks you up and down while smirking and goes "whatcha thinking about baby?" to which you reply with "HAHA NOTHING YOURE JUST REALLY FUCKING HOT 😀" your eyes go wide realizing what you just said and dream is folded over wheezing. you start rambling about how "PFFT- WAIT NO I DIDNT MEAN- WELL YES I DID BUT WAIT,,you know what let me just shut my mouth." after dreams finished deflating he hugs you and presses a couple chaste kisses on your face cooing about how adorable you are.
sapnap is relatively chill about it. doesn't tease you much but also can't help it sometimes. again very cautious about your boundaries and makes sure you know to tell him if he ever takes it too far. although he teases you, the second someone who isn't him teases you? ooh boy he's on their ass. when he does tease you he does it somewhat similarly to the way dream does, in the way where he tries to fluster you to see what happens. he'll probably flop on your lap, get all close to your ear and go "hey sugar, you're looking very pretty :]" but he'll purposely put on a like,,thicker southern accent because he knows it kind of makes your brain malfunction. you laugh at him and go "you sound like a middle-aged cowboy. hot middle-aged cowboy." before immediately hiding your face in your hands on embarrassment taking in what you just said while sap just dies of laughter. there was probably a time where you and him were like rearranging his streaming room and you got bored and went "hhdggh this is taking too long to rearrange, why don't you rearrange my guts instead 🙄" before going "oh- wAIT NO I DIDNT MEAN-"
George is very sweet about it. actually doesn't tease you at all, sometimes he does but it's very rare. he's more likely to laugh about it with you or say something equally as odd to make you laugh even harder. likes to let you have appearances on his streams because you're very funny. definitely defends you if someone in chat is saying your "attempt" at being "random" isn't funny. on the rare occasion that George does tease you it's more of his reaction mixed with pops into his head at the moment. one time you guys were shopping and passed by the art isle and you went "hmm, I wonder what these crayons taste like microwaved,," George burst out laughing and immediately went "PAHAH WHAT?? ehehe 'ah yes, look at these crayons, I will now proceed to imagine how it tastes after being microwaved." you probably jokingly glare at him before laughing yourself. "you're so silly :)" george then presses a kiss to your forehead and you guys continue on shopping.
a/n: I fixed it :DD anyway this has been sitting in my drafts for like months so :]]
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neighbourskid · 3 years
Dave? Dave.
It's been quite a bit since I've written anything here, huh? Well, I guess as it has been for pretty much everyone, life has been kinda strange for a while now. Despite vaccine roll-outs and continually changing safety regulations, there's still a global pandemic on, and everyone is trying to navigate this reality the best they can. For once, we are all, generally speaking, in the same boat now (sure, there are huge differences between countries because capitalism fucking sucks and rich greedy humans are once again proof that things need to change asap, but overall, we all have to deal with this pandemic).
But I don't actually want to talk about the pandemic, it just exists as a frame of what I do wanna talk about.
As I have mentioned before, when the pandemic hit, I was in the last semester of my undergrad studies and writing my Bachelor thesis. Or that's what I was supposed to do, anyway. I did do a lot of reading for it, early in the first lockdown after university closed and we were all attending from home. I was lucky, I had no classes, I only had like three scheduled meetings to check in on progress of the thesis, but otherwise I was free of zoom calls and attempting to attend university digitally. So I read.
After a while, reading became taking a book with me into the sun, glancing at one or two pages, and then just napping for most of the day, and spending my evenings either playing video games or watching some tv show or movie. At some point, I felt like now was the perfect time to rewatch all fifteen seasons of CRIMINAL MINDS, so I did that, instead of writing my thesis. I still occasionally read, but most of the days I just felt exhausted and unmotivated so I stayed in bed and binged my crime show.
As the deadline for the thesis started approaching, and the time I had left fell under a month, a switch in my brain seemed to be activated and, oh, hello, suddenly there was a certain drive there for that thesis again. Which lasted exactly until an email from university dinged into my inbox a few days later, informing me that I would get another month for my thesis, due to the pandemic. And away that motivation and drive went, immediately.
Not much later I had a session with the therapist I was seeing at the time, because of the hormone treatment I had started early that same year. I had talked to him about my concern that I might have ADHD before because I didn't feel like there was anything we needed to talk about related to my transition, so I brought it up again here. I told him how my thesis was going -- or rather, how it wasn't going at all -- and finally, as I told him about some of the issues I experienced while trying to do work for it, he acknowledged that I may indeed have some attention regulation issues. He prescribed me medication to try out, and -- wonder oh wonder -- suddenly I was writing my thesis. I ended up finishing it on time (even though a week before I had a moment of "all of this is garbage, I will never pass, I should start the whole thing from scratch") and got a decent grade for it, too. I've been on those meds since.
Over the last, I don't know how many years, I've always known that there was something a bit wonky about my brain. There were always these things that seemed to come so easy to other people, and try as I might, I just couldn't make them happen. I, presumably, had a lot of neurotypical friends. I also have friends with depression, BPD, anxiety disorders and other neurodivergencies. I have family members with autism. I know my mom suspected I might be on that spectrum as well.
Reading up on many of those things I never felt like any of them described what I was experiencing. There were certain traits, sure, but mostly there was a lack of what I actually did experience in most of them. Even ADHD, when reading about the "required" issues and traits, doing those self-diagnosing questionnaires, I just never saw what I felt represented. And then I started reading about what people with diagnosed ADHD had to say about how they experience things. I ignored the more medical or clinical information, and just looked for people talking about how they navigate their lives with ADHD. And then all of a sudden it was, oh, yeah this, this is relatable. This is where my brain's at.
Suddenly it made sense that caffeine didn't do nothing for me, that a nice, warm cup of coffee put me right to sleep. It made sense how, after only a month, suddenly a well beloved hobby or tv show was suddenly of no interest whatsoever. Staring at the wall for three hours instead of doing a simple task. Drawing in class so that I could pay attention to what is being said. The inability to remember much of my life before 6th grade. Having to bounce my leg so I could read a simple text. Needing to visually break a book down into chapters with colourful post-its to keep me from being overwhelmed by the length of the book. And so many other things. Suddenly, there was a reason for that.
I've always liked doing personality quizzes. Or doing stuff related to my zodiac sign even if I don't believe in astrology per se. Finding out what my Enneagram number is. Or my Myers-Briggs type. Not because I think those things define me or describe me to a T, but because they give me a vocabulary. They give me options. I love answering a bunch of questions and then getting a wall of text telling me This Is Who You Are and then I get to pick out what is accurate and what isn't. It gives me words to describe who I am that I didn't have before.
And it is the same thing with posts or videos of people with ADHD. It gives me a vocabulary for the things I experience and it lets me express those things in a way I wasn't able to before. Before, I was like, doing things that my brain doesn't want to do, feels like running headfirst into a wall because there is no way above, around, or underneath it. There is no door, no ladder, no tunnel, no nothing. There is only running headfirst into it until maybe, hopefully, it cracks. Preferably before my head does. But that is exhausting and most of the time, I prefer to not get through the wall at all, if what it takes is going headfirst through it. Now, I know that what that is, is a dopamine deficiency. The task that needs doing, the task that this wall is, doesn't give my brain enough dopamine. There is no satisfaction, there is nothing to gain from that task, so the brain isn't interested.
One of the things that I recently discovered and helps me a lot in this quest of figuring out how my brain works, is this guy Connor on tiktok, who also has ADHD. His videos are both hilarious and informative. And also incredibly relatable. They might be silly haha funny videos on the dear old internet, but I walk away from most of them going, oh! oh that makes sense, good to know.
He occasionally talks about how ADHD is completely misnamed and how Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder does not actually accurately describe what exactly people with ADHD lack. In one of his videos, he calls it DAVE instead. It's silly, and sounds a bit dumb, but I kinda like it. Dave. Dopamine Attention Variability Executive-Disfunction. Dave. I like Dave.
Y'know, I don't mind having ADHD. Presumably, I've lived with it my whole life so far. And it's annoying as shit some of the time. Especially when things need to get done and they just won't. But I don't mind that, especially now that I know that this is what it is. I've always feared that if I finally do go to a therapist and try to figure out what my brain is up to, they'll just tell me that I'm fine and there's nothing to worry about. And at first, my therapist did say I was psychologically unremarkable. But I guess if you've lived like this your whole life and nobody has really picked up on it, even a therapist doesn't notice (it's called masking, I've learned, thanks Connor).
But knowing is good. Knowing means I can learn things that help. I can take medication when needed. And, looking at the grades I'm currently getting in my graduate studies? Hells yeah, taking that medication and knowing how to deal with certain aspects of my brain helps a lot. It is incredibly funny to me that the best grades I have gotten in my entire academic career have been achieved in my Master's studies during a global pandemic. There is currently an actual real possibility that I may graduate summa cum laude. In my MA. That is insane!
Anyway, I am avoiding tasks by writing this right now. Oh, the irony. I'm gonna try and do those tasks now. Y'all take care. Cheers!
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avenger-hawk · 4 years
Hey hawk, did you observe a pattern among people who participate in Woke-ism culture, they seem to have similar "traits" and "personality"? Dislike the "straight" orientation (usually identify themselves as gay/lesbian/bi and brags they are LGBT every second), they seem to think gender identity is a personality trait etc therefore "I'm holier than thou because I list myself as she/he/they/it". I bet they are gonna scream at me for being whatever "phobic" just because of this post lol
*clears throat* yeah they gonna scream at you but they can’t scream at me because it’s been a year that I am in an lgbt relationship soooo xD
Ofc I noticed this kind of behavior, these woke ppl really like be ‘different’ and tbh the thing I find more irritating is when they define themselves ‘autistic’ or ‘asperger’ or ‘adhd’ whathever other mental illness/condition, because these are serious things that should be diagnosed by a specialist and not an online tests, and usually ppl who have a real problem are not so incredibly vocal about it. Sure they don’t brag with it....”but I don’t have money to take a test and my parents don’t let me!” they say? yeah. could be. but it also could be that you just wanna look special and since you’re socially anxious or shy or just a b*tch, you like to play rude and then justify yourself with those labels, and if someone dares tell you you’re a piece of shit you can call them ableist lol
Same for race or country. Not taking anything away from populations/countries/cultures/religions that have been oppressed, but sometimes I cringe cause some ppl try so hard to fit in this. Like, at some point 99% of populations were invaded by others and oppressed, and I’m sorry for welsh ppl, to just name one (no offense it’s the first that came to my mind cause I read a post recently lol) but if this continues we’re gonna have to seek justice for the victims of the vikings’ raids lolol
Anyway, back to what you were saying. I partly get that lgbt ppl are vocal about what they are bc maybe they can’t tell their families or friends, and they use social media as outlets. but like you said, your personality is not defined by who you f*ck and/or love (It’s not even defined by the fiction you like, actually, but they think so). So while I understand ppl describe themselves in their profile and specify their gender identity and sexuality, for me it’s cringey when they take it too far. Like when they start with all the labels ever, or they make combinations...demisexual panromantic/asexual demiromantic/trans nonbinary aroace spectrum...sounds like a competition of who’s less ordinary. Bonus points if they also add race and illness. Bonus points if they pretend they’re experts and activist and they shit on ppl who ship something or speak of top/bottom bc they’re fetishizing gay mlm/wlw and how dare they, dirty cishets (cause Anon, straight is a too banal word lol).
(also...not to offend ‘aroace’ ppl out there but...when someone is like 12...couldn’t it be that they’re just...too young for caring about sex/love? asking for a friend lolol)
I mean, tumblr has a lot of lgbt ppl and it’s cool, and I know it’s hard to live as an lgbt person cause you can’t do what het ppl do normally, like kissing in public or holding hands or writing cute posts on fb bc someone might bitch or be even worse, so this creates a bitterness and aggressiveness on social media I guess, especially here where minorities are the majority lol. And I too, on my personal blog, occasionally ranted about things like internalized homophobia and queerbaiting, but only very rarely lol and no one paid attention to me, guess I am not lgbt enough hahahah
But, it’s stupid to use sexuality labels as a shield to shit on ppl and then call them --phobic when they react. It actually happened to me a couple of years ago, I wrote something about bottom Sasuke and this self defined aromantic+asexual+autistic+gay american dude attacked me for fetishizing gays. Back then I was in a relationship with a guy so for him I was only a boring straight person I guess, a gross fujoshi who dared like mlm haha. fuck him. If I were the same type of person as him I would have pulled the oppressed card, I could have attacked him reminding him that his country treated italian immigrants like animals, and that they had this veeeery big problem of being unsure about our ‘race’ so in their papers they often wrote ? cause they couldn’t understand if we were poc or not...but it would have been kinda off topic and I cartainly don’t waste time talking about me to ppl I don’t even trust to be what they say.
Also because I was raised by parents who were very politically involved, so I remember them doing activism, like, getting out of the house, going to protests, doing volunteering, even taking me along when I was little. So even tho now everything happens online first, and even tho posts can spread awareness and change ppl’s minds, I still don’t trust when I see those blogs full of angry woke activism, because they seem fake and even those ppl seem fake. It’s easy to scream for justice from a keyboard, in a comfortable house. It’s less easy to protest in the cold, risking to have problems with the police, the government, the pandemic, whatever else.
It’s irritating that wokies want to take the right to like smth in the right way or whatever, telling everyone else who don’t fit in the minority group that they can’t like the thing. Idk, I just wish ppl were like in Eastern Asian fandoms, not making everything about themselves, being open minded enough for whatever ‘different’ thing whether they are into it or not, and if they’re not ignoring it only.
And I do get wanting to fit the minority, as a teenager I was veery punk/gothic, depending on the moment, and I never fit in the majority opinions or habits anyway. And I was kind of fluid with my identity and sexuality, but silly me, I kept it for myself, even tho I discussed with those who insulted lgbt ppl and I wrote stuff where everyone is bisexual by default, thinking that it was how people were born before society conditioned them...I could have bragged but I had no idea about ‘fluid’ or ‘pan’, silly me.
I am so irritated at everything, like the words they use, even the english language that is not mine, is getting on my nerves because it’s the vehicle for their crap, but these periodically trending words are disgusting like these ppl to me.
I migth have gone out of topic again lol.
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bitches say they’re gonna write up a list of things that would be cool to see in s6 of jamie johnson and then don’t follow up with that for like 2 years
it’s me. i’m bitches
as a preface this is just kind of a shitpost from start to end and they’re not really fully developed ideas but yeah, it’s something at least
jamie and dillon at northport
- see friendship strengthen, still with same dynamic that they’ve always had, very playful and with a lot of sarcasm
- jamie struggling with taking risks after injury - since you start learning to drive during these years in the uk, maybe fear of driving now?
- jamie defends dillon with homophobia that may arise, no wavering from that
- elliot has to fucking come back, dealing with a romance there, where dillon is really shy at first, doesn’t reveal his feelings for a little bit
- maybe foxborough make a comeback, tension with homophobia there? i don’t know if they seem like the homophobic type
- both finding their way as the youngest on the team - how do the older players handle it? are they pretty vengeful and jealous or are they impressed? maybe one of them has some kind of backstory that will intertwine with jamie or dillon’s, like a real-life mentor
- will we get a comeback of the guy who wanted to steal jamie for some team in china, i believe it was?
- maybe seeing some stuff from hawkstone with their new prodigy, highlighting that they never really cared, they only were worried about the money, which in turn makes jamie feel bad
- okay, not likely, but like lowkey it makes sense to bring her back because duncan is going to be a more significant figure in this season, it would be nice to see him improve as a father and strike the balance between handling the club but also taking care of his daughter, who is going through a lot in her teen years, it would be nice to see them have nice moments at home together
- but like actually give her a valid storyline besides social media, what does she want to do when she gets older? i can see her almost doing something artistic, like designing outfits or something, but whatever we does, it would be nice to see her not feel so restricted by her father’s work and go along her own path outside the club
- sienna and dillon become friends again and people are like, “oh my god you have a gay best friend” and she becomes really vocal about that being literally the dumbest thing ever, the show can demonstrate this type of homophobia that’s kind of “in disguise,” not as in your face as dillon’s dad
- progressive queen and then realizes she can use her platform on social media to spread awareness, since that is what she enjoys doing
- but at the start of the season wanted to step away from it, reminded her too much of everything with her dad and wanted a break, she thought it was toxic but realizes she could do good with her voice
- jamie and jack reunite, even if it’s not playing against each other (i don’t think that would work), but meeting each other now when they’re both where they wanted to get to
- can we finally get that romance between them
zoe and kat at hawkstone
- talking about body image for women in sports
- it would be really cool to have transgender girl on the team, and some of the struggles she faces being an athlete while also being trans
- or talking about disabilities in sports, that would be really nice to see
- zoe falling in love with kat, but like no comment on sexuality, it just is what it is
- like zoe’s very private because she’s worried that kat won’t like her if she talks about her mom, which is silly, but then seeing kat support her and learning how to be in a relationship with someone with a lot of responsibilities at home
- maybe her mom’s situation interferes with her place at hawkstone
- do they meet up with jack’s team again? would they even play against her (like are hawkstone and st. george’s even compatible?)
- exploring more of kat’s backstory, maybe why she’s so superstitious and what kind of an impact her grandmother had on her
- i believe she mentioned having a brother who plays (gave zoe his old boots) so it would be interesting to hear how having a sibling doing the same thing has affected kat, in a different way to the whole competition between dillon and liam
- watching kat lose some of her superstition in that she’s able to believe more in herself and her abilities and allow herself to make mistakes
- they’ll probably have a lot of pressure on them since hawkstone just started this new women’s team, maybe there could be a lot of competition with the boys’ team
- zoe is not going to do the whole, “being jealous of other girls” thing anymore, okay? she’s grown out of it
- honestly would like to see some dillon and zoe moments, wlw mlm solidarity
boggy our absolute hero
- boggy finding his passion outside of helping sports, unless that is his passion
- friendship between him and jamie struggling at first when he finds what he wants to do, but proving that you can stick together even with not exactly aligned interests
- schoolwork getting more intense with whatever tests they have to do at his age (i have no idea how the british education system works haha)
- check in with his therapy, see how that’s going, we actually see him get to go to one appointment, maybe, hopefully he’s built a good relationship with his therapist and we see the show promoting finding professional help if you need it
- maybe tries to get through a panic attack himself, with coping mechanisms he’s learned in therapy, i don’t know if the building pressure of school would be what induces it or not, but if his storyline is more about getting to see him outside of football, i doubt it would be because of anything related to the sport or stats or whatever
- anything about his family? like how they react to his diagnosis (unless he’s already told them what’s been happening), how close he is with them, if some of the pressure in school comes from at home, whether he has any siblings - we want to know more!!
- would he and nancy cross paths after he finds the thing he’s interested in, since it might be the same thing, or at least something similar, they realize they’re really good together and supportive of each other
- i can see them really pulling through, and it would be nice to see nancy being there for him with his panic attacks and learning how to be a supportive girlfriend to someone who does have problems with anxiety, panic attacks, etc
u14s at phoenix
- i want them to get a comparable opportunity as the gothia cup, something else though, so that they get the experience they missed out on with the whole duncan situation, the season will center around them working towards that thing, i don’t really have any suggestions since i don’t know football but i’m sure there’s something else for them out there
alba and ruby
- her and ruby get further apart, doing their own respective things, now that ruby isn’t playing football anymore, for some reason i feel like she’ll be into either art or psychology, but i can also see her trying to do some activism-esque stuff after her experience growing up in foster homes and now finally being adopted (!! i’m still so happy for them)
- now that she’s not playing at phoenix, we have no idea who ruby’s friends with, maybe she has some at school? i would like elliot to come back and the two of them to bond
- i can see ruby wanting to know more about her background but alba not being so much into that, which causes tension between the pair, ruby just feels like she doesn’t have a solid idea of who she is and wants to know where her roots are, whereas alba is in a good place at phoenix with a sense of being in a family there and doing what she loves
- alba’s anger management is poor, her and ruby bond over futsal or whatever after a period of time not talking after whatever issues come up between them
- the trio made up so it doesn’t seem like she has any issues with freddie or eric, but i want to see her grow more into the captain’s role and take on the responsibilities and stresses of getting the team to whatever opportunity they’re doing, maybe working more with duncan and him being more willing to help the team
- i want to get a look into his home life, maybe how that affects him at school and just in general the emotional impact it has on him
- what happens to his family after the team get that comparable opportunity to gothia, compared to what ryan was doing? 
- we’ve just heard little snippets of his life and it sounds like a really complex story to explore which i think would be really cool, dealing with grief and the loss of a family member, and how it affects day to day life
- once they get this formal opportunity, freddie would be asked to be more serious on the team, kind of always the jokester and not fulfilling his full potential
- he doesn’t know where he fits in and who he wants to be, was there something in his past that made him feel like he had to feel that jokester role (like how wozza with adhd always wanted to crack the jokes and make a fool of himself so people were laughing with him)?
- it would be great to see him get a bit vulnerable and open up about some of his motivations, but eventually he finds the balance between putting in effort and not getting distracted and also being his normal fun-loving self
- please keep commentating because that was lots of fun, freddie
- i want to see him bond with one of the three when they’re in a bad spot, happened to be there by accident and they’re going through something that maybe he can relate to, that’s why he is able to help, that way it isn’t a planned way to get people to forgive him, but rather, just natural, now that he’s growing up a bit
- does he even want to do football anymore? or was it always a pressure from dillon being so good, and he’s found other interests? or maybe he just doesn’t want to be as good as dillon, i feel like there’s a lot of emotional manipulation from the dynamic at home, and i can see him realizing that he never liked football for football, he just liked winning and making his dad “proud”
the johnson family
- is karen dating someone new? i would like to see her on her own and she absolutely doesn’t need anyone to help her, but i also feel like she deserves someone that truly would be there for her and support her, especially after everything that’s gone on with ian
- i also want to hear more about her own career endeavors, and how that intertwines with jamie now going pro - she’s always been there to support him but it’ll be interesting to see how family impacts professional players in general, and ones that are really young like jamie as well
- is mike staying at phoenix? literally what’s the point of his character, does he even want to be with the now u14s? or is he going to try and interfere too much in jamie’s career, which he wouldn’t want because he’s now pro? maybe i’m just still kind of annoyed at mike and have a very negative view of his intentions, so ignore this
- ian can just disappear forever, please, unless he comes back for one episode because that’s what ian does
- what about feeling guilty for literally running his own son down bitch, i thought we were going to get a whole arc with that but maybe the point is that ian is such a flawed character and sometimes people don’t change and -
- who would teach jamie to drive, karen? new boyfriend? depending on who it is, it might present different issues with jamie learning to drive if they do want to explore him being a little nervous after the accident
i just kind of want to see more of the characters in their own individual element, bring in school more (season 2-3 vibes) and get a more well rounded view of some of the characters we don’t know a lot about. i think they’ve left it in a place with a lot of interesting storylines to be explored, i just hope we don’t get another freddie-eric-aisha love triangle situation
i was going to say stan stormzy for clean skin but it took me way too long to figure out what her name was so that is no longer a valid statement
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hatsoffiguess · 4 years
Writing idea? Writing idea.
Story where there's a secret organisation, formed to deal with paranormal events, that all the members also have to be qualified electricians. All members are electricians, but not all electricians are members.
The protagonist is also a electrician! But not a member- or aware- of the secret society. But due to a mix up, many members keep mistaking them as a member. The protag keeps getting dragged into these adventures and most of the time, the people don't realise that they're not actually one of them by the time they all part ways. The protag? Does not actually realise this is paranormal stuff. For the longest time they just finding themself in these situations and sometimes they're helpful because it turns out that electrician skills are actually useful when dealing with ghosts! This other electrician they meet is just like... hey I've got this big job a block over, my partner was meant to be helping me but he's come down sick, can you give me some back up? And they're like, yeah sure, that's no problem- and of course they both get to the house and we've got flickering lights, the temperature keeps changing, and the power keeps cutting out. Our protag is asked to wait by the fuse box and manage it while the other guy goes around the house and sorts things out.
Because the secret group is not allowed to talk about the paranormal outside of designated safe areas! So everyone just assumes that they know what they mean and what's going on. They do not.
Fast forward, this goes on for a while. At least once Mx. Protagonist will unknowingly deal with a supernatural situation by themself because the situation looked similar to one time they helped another electrician out.
The whole thing would be pretty funny, specifically because the reader knows what's going on. Like, haha, isn't that silly, and frustrating in a fun way that protag hasn't worked it out yet??
Eventually, they'll start figuring out that something is up. There's a slowly building sense of horror for the reader as it's understood just how dangerous the jobs are, how many times protag comes unknowingly close to death. Our protag, who does not have the protections to keep the ghosts from finding them.
The protagonist finding out the truth acts as a catalyst for a tone shift towards darker themes. Mx. Protag now knows the truth, and has to cope with the understanding of just how close they've come to dying or horrible injury, knowing what really exists in the world, and deciding where to go from there without the support of the organisation, who they're still not a member of.
I'm not sure what format I would want to have the story in, or if I'd want to flesh it out at all. My default is comic because I'm very visually oriented, and while I love writing, my adhd ass really struggles to stick with non fanfic writing, which sucks because I also like reading a lot.... but, yeah, I'd probably make a comic out of it, I do like the idea of playing with mundane vs. paranormal visuals and settings in art. Because the whole point up to the Realization, I'd have to show that paranormal stuff is happening without actually showing it most of the time, because while protag could, in theory, see it, they don't. Otherwise I just don't do urban settings often and I think it could be a nice challenge and also have the potential for some lovely aesthetics. The other option would be to put it in my "much later" folder and plan it as a series animation....
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frizzyanya · 4 years
The Untamed Episode 12, My Commentary!
Spoilers coming, you’ve been warned...
Okay……..so they’re at the summer camp from hell (Emily’s words, not mine) though I’m just going to call it summer camp from now on.
Okay so JC found a hidden comb in his stuff…..I assumed it was his sister’s but then he started asking about Lady Wen…? 
Aaaaaaaand they’re locked in their dorms. Juuuuuust lovely. 
But how ever will WWX and LZ reunite to save the day?
Okay they’re all back together and being asked to recite the Wen encyclopedia. Greeeaaat.
Everybody is standing dead still and then there’s WWX fidgeting like crazy. He’s seriously the poster boy for ADHD.
And now WWX he VOLUNTEERED to recite it all……….when LZ said he would not. Oh dear. Please don’t get yourself killed, my love.
I mean I know he’s like this epic savant, but still…..he’s got a mouth on him and it’s always a little nerve wracking waiting for him to speak in a situation like this…..
OMG he’s pretending to stretch to get ready. 
I’d love for him to rap it, since I saw Zhao Xian rap on youtube once and it was my favorite thing ever. LMAAAOOOO
I recognized what was happening right away actually when he started reciting the Lan Clan rules. 
The fucking nerve of him, I LOVE IT.
He’s a fucking ballsy BOSS and I love him for it.
Oh no, who all will have to go down for this??
Okay just the three of them! So WWX can try to talk to LZ again!
Nevermind, I shouldn’t have thought that!
I mean I love him and all but this man literally has a death wish. No weapon on him and back talking Bad Guy telling the guy that he smells like the dung. You dumdum!
Not that he deserved to be whipped of course, but if anyone in history has ever asked to be whipped, it was him, in that moment.
LZ is literally holding WWX’s arm to support him staying upright. 
GAWD, to think of how he stayed so far away from him before and now THIS.
“Take him to the dungeon.” 
They’re way outnumbered but WWX having LZ as like a guardian angel is Too Much. 
Also LZ still has not said one single word.
Wen Ning’s love for WWX is SO FUCKING PURE in its own right. 
He’s so sweet.
That is quite possibly the fakest faked tv effect I’ve ever seen. But still, poor WWX.
“If you survive the night…” yeeeaaahhhh he’ll have that thing domesticated by sunrise.
“If you don’t it’ll be your own fault for being a smartass.” (paraphrased) ACCURATE. Bad Guy is right…..
Lady Wen! She came to see JC?!?!?
Awwww I swooned a little bit when he said her name so delicately. I will go down with this ship. (And I know I will go down, because they are extremely star crossed.)
His fight with this animatronic is sooooo silly. 
Did Lady Wen tranquilize it…?
Okay now WWX is basically on death’s door. Okay then. He can fight off every evil person or animal, but not an animatronic that’s not even good enough to be in Disney World…
Good thing Wen Ning has a magic potion for him.
Oh! WN is telling WWX about poor LZ’s Cloud Recesses!
Wait, so they DID break his leg. 
How much time has passed?? How is he moving like normal??
WN’s actor is PERFECT for the role. He seems so innocent and lovely.
By the by, Zhao Xian is KILLING this half dead scene. A+++ acting here imo.
HE TOOK OUT THE TRANQUILIZER DARTS. I thought they’d leave that as a plothole, but instead he’ll use them as weapons, right????
Why’s he have to be a smart ass and ask to fight him. Dumdum!
The moment where the Lan Clan came up in conversation (when they were all supposed to be silent, but they’re all casually talking like nbd? Ummm okay?) was soooooo sad. Poor LZ.
JC bringing WWX food is lovely and I’m a fan. Brotherly love. <3
LZ not being forced to read during the recitation of the encyclopedia makes me wonder if they really did silence him. 
He’s said like 3 words so far I think, but this is nuts.
“There are probably monsters.” “Good, send the summer campers there.” Lol
Okay yeah, LZ IS injured. It wasn’t as visible before I guess,
“How bout you let me carry you.” My first thought was haha as if, LZ would NEVER allow that. My second thought…...all thought was wiped from my brain by WWX’s cute open expression. <3
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Angolmois 2 - 3 | BnHA 52 - 54 | Lord of Vermilion 1 | Angels of Death 2 | Cells at Work! 2 - 4 | Planet With 2 - 4 | Phantom in the Twilight 2 - 3 | Holmes of Kyoto 2 | Tsukumogami Kashimasu 1
The lineup isn’t set until Muhyo and Roji’s comes along later on...
Angolmois 2
Ah, I got that explanation of what “Angolmois” is from ANN earlier but now I see how they learnt it.
Someone on ANN showed me the way to a Wikipedia page…which says Sou Sukekuni will die and the Mongols will invade.
There’s something silly about how straightfaced everyone is about chucking Kuchii out…haha.
This mut be the period Kimetsu no Yaiba is set in…because that shiitake boy seems to be similar to Tanjiro (of that series).
“Ah, even the great Jinzaburou-dono is weak at the knees for a pretty princess”…at least, that’s a fairly cliched line if it’s coming from the mouths of one of the characters.
Dang, this man is too much of a shonen hero for a show involving chopping heads off enemies.
There’s a small spotted cat (?) on the roof of one of the houses (?).
“The older you are when you have children, the more you love them.” – Uh, and the more likely it is that they’ll have genetic abnormalities. Just sayin’…
Okay, so Gontarou is the one with the small black moustache. Got it.
The lines on the filter move with the camera! Yikes! That’s going to be a bit distracting…
Oh, Sou Sukekuni’s middle name means “on top of a horse” if I’m guessing the right kanji. That’s exacty where he is now.
I see…so that strategy (shooting arrows straight into the air) would require minimal training and not that much time to pass around verbally.
Uh, was it just me, or did some soldiers look like they were in CGI?
Oh, so Yajirou is the one in the purplish armour. Okay. Update: Nope, Umajirou is his name.
Welp, historical records said Sou Sukekuni  would die (like I said at the start of the episode). I just didn’t know it was going to be so soon.
BnHA 52
After a 1 week break, let’s get back into the fray!
I love this OP already! It’s much better than “I keep my ideals! Sorezore no jinsei (etc. etc.)…” at the very minimum already! (Peace Sign is my favourite BnHA OP, by the way, after listening to it a bunch on Spotify.) Interesting how you see Deku through Tooru though…
Iida’s waving in his usual way, I see…(LOL)
Interesting that they call their gyms “alpha”, “beta”, “gamma” etc. At least, that’s the assumption from seeing “gym gamma” in the subs.
The D in TDL stands for daidokoro (kitchen) in Japanese. Alternatively, it could refer to Tokyo Disneyland, which is why Deku refers to a certain mouse.
Ashido was so doing a Kamehameha…or a hadouken…one of them, anyway. I’m not that well-versed in Dragon Ball, y’know.
There’s something kind of sad about how All Might goes “I am here…because I didn’t have anything else to do today!” now that he no longer can retain that muscle form for too long.
“…ask an expert.” – Y’mean…Hatsume, right?
I…can’t believe I’m laughing at this stupid boob joke…(LOL…?)
“Likes: Steampunk” – I was reading a non-fiction book on steampunk and apparently the main appeal for some people is the ability to make everything yourself, as a form of “raging against materialism” and whatnot. Never thought I’d have to mention that in the commentary, but here we are.
Power Loader seems a tad small in comparison to Iida (and probably All Might as well), huh?
Wait…this powered suit…reminds me of a Gundam first and then Wallace’s pants next. *starts humming Wallace and Gromit theme tune*
I kind of read ahead because of my duties on the BnHA wiki, but Deku’s going to end up using a kicking move, right? Right?! The only thing better than a punching move is a kicking move!
I really like Long Hope Philia already…but what is a “philia”, though? Update: It’s the opposite of phobia. It means “brotherly love”.
Lord of Vermilion 1
Also known as “Dude of Red: The Red Dude”. According to the opinions I’ve seen around, this show is probably going to the drop pile, but on the offhand chance it does survive, I’ll have to probably put it on hold anyway…
There’s something funky about those designs…like someone tried too hard to be edgy with the red lines.
Where’d the bubbles come from? Oh wait, he trapped her in the big bubble and that’s how there are smaller bubbles…ohh. Okay.
“Cut the bullshit!” – Welp, you read my mind. How the heck did we get here???
…and Tokyo Tower. Just because we can go there too.
Why is Chiyu monologuing when she has a weapon pierced through her body???
Okay, why are these guys implying there’s a nationalist slant to all this?
Wait, explosion butterflies? C’mon, Buso Renkin did that better!
“A secret arrow. I see.” – For some…reason…I can’t stop myself from laughing! Hahaha, he’s been impaled in the eye and yet he says, “I see,” wahaha!...okay. I’m calm now.
Something tells me someone wasted Dude of Red: The Red Dude’s budget on the OP. Also, all of their storytelling ability went there too…
The ep title clearly ends in a ka, so it’s a question. It should be “Are Our Lives the Debt We Pay to Our Enemies?”, then.
Kote and men appear to be two different strikes in kendo, but also their strike areas...? I’m not sure…
C’mon, if the show started with the high frequency noise, then we wouldn’t have to have suffered through the in medias res segment going too long!
No wonder they call this Dude of Red: The Red Dude…this fog is very red!
“Don’t tell me you have amnesia.” – Oh, great. That’s at least the third amnesiac this season…Island, Planet With and now this! Update: Nope, it was jumping to conclusions…
Jokei…is there a Keijo Uni? (Not to be confused with the T & A sport.)…Nope, the closest thing I got was in Korea…
How do Chihiro and Kotetsu even know Kakihara, anyway?
LOL, somehow that was so chuuni. I feel like I want more but there’s too much of a talent gap between this and the other shows, so it’s going on hold.
Angels of Death 2
Hanebado went on hold since Dude of Red ranked above it.
Isaac Foster, huh? Is that Bandage Man’s name?
I swear the rainbow puke is the most colorful thing in this anime…
Lemme guess…this passage is from the Bible. The show’s holding my interest, it’s just that it’s kind of waning because Satsuriku no Tenshi has been getting some real bad talk all around and yet it’s pretty popular. At least, that’s according to Prattle…
The comedic beats seem out of line with the rest of the show. Like someone was trying too hard to make the show “mainstream”. I’m finally able to put my finger on what I think Satsuriku reminds me of now – it reminds me of The Dog Island, a much more relaxing game. Then again, this is because of all the talk about finding triggers – that game is all “find to complete quests”, so it’s easy to see how the comparison came about.
Gloves? Was someone here earlier?
From far away, the dots on the grave blueprint seem to be Chinese or Japanese, but up close…they’re just dots.
Alright, I get it already…*eyeroll* this is based on a game, Rachel’s said she’s going to die about 4 times already, this scene with the red background is a cutscene yada yada yada…
Oh. Y’know what? This reminds me of ol’ Nancy Drew CD-ROM games! I love those! Plus the banshee scare scene in one of them is poised like a huge jumpscare, that probably would make a better anime than this…
I headcanon Zack is ADHD or something of the sort.
Wellllllll…if there’s one thing I agree with this show on, it’s that suicide is bad.
“You can cry…or something, can’t you?” – Come to think of it, Rachel does come off as a bit of a Rei Ayanami sometimes.
How the heck is he dry enough to be tromping around like that in front of the graves when he just stood in water for so long??? Isn’t he drenched?
There’s something vaguely nostalgic about this show and yet I don’t think it’s good enough to keep on the commentary, so on hold it goes…
Cells at Work 2
Is it just me, or are the background characters CGI…? (Oh man, last time I complained about this was Tsukigakirei…that didn’t go down well, let’s just say that…)
This is a joke from Plyasm, but…don’t lewd the platelets!
It’s the Abyss from Made in Abyss!
There was a segment on the news about how deadly sepsis was recently, so…I’m kind of scared of that bacteria now…
I guess you never wanted to ask for WBC fighting a shark…well, it’s just as weird as Sharknado, only…it’s happening.
*sees “brachial artery”* - This particular RBC likes working near the lungs, huh?
I don’t think we’ve seen the eyecatch for this show before, so…that’s an interesting way of handling things.
Don’t tell me…it’s those adorable lil’ platelets, right??? This is an abrasion, they’ll surely come!
Von Willebrand factor.
The serious WBC made a joke! Amazing!
Planet With 2
I’m calling it now – secretary woman with green-blue hair is the real bad guy! (You can tell by the enthusiasm in my voice that it’s Epileptic Trees time!)
*cue cat faces and masks* - Imagine if they used that censorship in 18+ material…it would be a riot just to look at…
But blue-green haired lady, aren’t there 7 Nebula Soldiers???
…Oh, so that’s what happened to the money Takezo spent…haha.
Geesh, enough with the panties, Sensei…also, couldn’t Souya just go and nick some money, then use it to purchase some meat? Or just beg for food money or ask for an allowance or something in order to get real meat?
Hmm, come to think of it, most of the people have colours in their names – even Souya – but Sensei doesn’t and same with Hideo. But Hideo has the character for “wisdom” in his name and the character for “tiger”, which is the theme of his mecha.
Those meat buns are huge! The size of an adult’s palm! Then again, I’ve been having a bunch of meat buns for breakfast lately and they are that size…sorry, false alarm.
Oh my gosh, this pig Weapon’s even weirder than the bear one!
(muffled laughter in the background) – They wasted perfectly good art on a one-off gag about bean jam…not that I minded, of course, but…hahaha…
Phantom in the Twilight 2
The sign’s Tahoma font is…kind of awkward, actually. I thought that last episode, but haven’t said it in these notes until now.
“You’re such a lazy count.” – Hmm…now if someone removed one of the Os in that sentence…that would be a sketchy sentence indeed.
Notably, Luke’s surname is Bowen.
Toryu was a jiangshi. Called it!
There’s something on Ton’s phone that says “picture”, I’d presume it’s the Chinese and/or Japanese equivalent to the “Pictures” app or folder.
This guy with the glasses – Haysin, I think the guy with the partially-shaved head called him – looks like Chopin from Classicaloid…
To be honest, I’d never actually heard of vampires needing to be invited into places until Shiki came along, so this is only the second time I’ve witnessed it, so to speak.
Who knew a ghost was good enough to be a hacker in the modern age? (smirks with how inventive this is)
All that blue text is definitely not any coding language I know. In fact, it’s mostly gibberish…
Mhmm…a mingling of the supernatural with the technological. Me likey.
…What the heck did Ton just tackle?
Oh my gosh! I’m laughing so hard! A vampire doing karate! I love it!
Is this the beginning of a Haysin x Shinyao ship? Update: His name is Chris, not Haysin. Haysin is the other dude.
Garfunkel though…what a stupid name. Sounds like a cartoonist (Arbuckle), a cartoon cat (Garfield) or a singer (Simon and Garfunkle) though…
I didn’t realise this at first, but Vlad has two spots on the side of his face. Probably beauty spots.
I love how they only put the grainy filter on Vlad while he was reminiscing.
Angolmois 3
I find it interesting that Kuchii uses the armour as the thing the Tsushima people should follow, rather than following him. They probably revere the armour more than the man…
Where’d Kano go, anyway?
The reliance on panning over stills is kind of annoying…
Welp, there’s Kano, right when the plot needs her…or is that one of the exiles…? Kano looked pretty boyish to me.
Koorogi means “cricket”, methinks.
Holmes of Kyoto 2
This is the lowest ranking show right now, so its spot is currently being threatened by the late debuts…not to mention I’m currently one spot over capacity, so something has to go.
The Saio-dai is like a May Queen, apparently. Not that I really know what that means…Update: Oh, there’s an explanation, just when I thought they wouldn’t give it…
“There’s lots of things named Aoi here!” – That’s what I said…last episode.
Saori and Kaori…I’m going to get so confused between these two…
Hmm…well, obviously, if the person were physically close to Saori, that might mean they know each other.
“Sissy” is an insult to me, so I’m surprised to hear it being used as a substitute for “sister” here. (It’s probably “nee-san” in Japanese, or “ane”.)
Hanamura, LOL. (Hanamura = “flower garden”.)
I find it funny that Holmes has LINE stickers of his own. Plus that Aoi’s got his number in as “Holmes-san”.
There is quite clearly some sort of romantic subplot here. Also, why is it that Aoi only ever seems to be motivated by either personal matters or romantic ones???
Noticeably, Kaori’s the only one of the trio which is wearing pants…
The backgrounds in this show are so pretty! Too bad there’s credits over the top…
Mt Kurama is known for its tengu legend…but the “you may meet a handsome man filled with overwhelming arrogance” made me LOL hard.
The thing about this show is that it’s giving me flashbacks to Detective Conan, both good and bad, which makes it hard to comment on. On hold it goes.
BnHA 53
Why is the title “THE Shiken”, though? (Emphasis on “the”, since having the title half in English doesn’t seem to make sense…)
The different characters that appear on the screen are variants of koi, which is one of 3 ways to say “love”. However, the three are different types of love.
Inasa is to enthusiasm like Bakugo is to anger…uh…
Oh dear…is this another Christmas cake lady???
This black spikyhead is You Shindo, right? He and Midoriya looks kind of similar…
1540 divided by 2 is 770…yowch, 770??? That’s kind of small when it’s one of 3 locations for Japanese students, plus whoever else in the state is training to be a hero.
Cells at Work 3
Naïve…? Oh, it’s a naïve T cell! I forgot about those guys!
I love how the naïve T cell is actually naïve, plus the zombies have hats that aren’t brains, but bits of cells.
100 degrees…C or F???
Why does this T cell give me RBC flashbacks???
Cyotoxic T cells…man, those words bring back memories. I had to memorise stuff about T cells and B cells for biology way back when. In fact, I think I learnt this entire process. If only I had Cells at Work then…
Would the normal person even know what a dendrite is, though??? They wouldn’t know it has protrusions if they don’t know what a dendrite is!!!
Aw, the Naïve T Cell’s gotta be protected. Not as much as the platelets, but still…
Helper T Commander is eating dango! That’s too cute!
Ohmigosh, it’s like Gon from HxH, you know, the meme version of him with the long hair? It’s so silly and yet so perfect for this purpose!
The Effector T Cell’s face looks familiar…Then again, this is David Production so that would explain part of it…(For those who don’t get it: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure.)
Apparently the eccrine sweat glands are the major sweat glands…
2/10. Platelets only appeared for 2 seconds at the end (LOL).
Tsukumogami Kashimasu 1
You probably didn’t know this, but I became a fan of Lily Hoshino through Kigurumi Guardians…
Ooh, I like the titlecards already! By the way, obiage is something used to hide the obi.
What’s with this song…? It sounds like someone put traditional music into a pop music blender and put female vocals over the top…oh, Miyavi. That might explain something.
Well, there you go…I didn’t need to Google netsukes after all.
That flower there is a morning glory…the one with the white centre.
Why does there seem to be a vibe that the sister likes the brother in ~that~ way???
This is kind of like Toy Story…isn’t it?
The transitions are kind of disorienting…I almost felt dizzy right there…
“So the letters Sanae-sama was receiving are from someone else that she loved before getting betrothed…?” – No duh. That’s how it always goes in Detective Conan.
“So he believes that ultimately humans never cherish us curios.” – There were your Deep Themes of the day, folks.
Hmm…that’s a tough one. On the one hand, I’m kind of squicked out by potential romance between Seiji and his “nee-san”. On the other hand, there was a lot of talking (which I don’t mind), but the logic behind these mysteries didn’t quite make sense because the emphasis for this show is the supernatural (also not a dealbreaker). The narrator’s helpful, but a tad intrusive to the story’s flow, plus it’s kind of hard to see where conclusions were made due to even more problems explaning logic (in parts that are meant to explain the logic) than Holmes of Kyoto. It’s meant to be charming, but if I keep going through the show with not that much emotion, it’s probably destined fo the drop pile…
Planet With 3
Kumashiro…panda in Japanese is “panda”, but kuma = bear and shiro = white…if not castle, that is. Update: This “shiro” is neither of those...
Kigurumian, huh? Kigurumi = mascot suit, so…uh…
Who was the girl with the blue dress…? Another Mizukami heroine, I presume?
These bathroom jokes are bad…but I’m laughing at them…
So Nezuya…is just a chuuni??? Wuh???
It’s a parody of Mu again…? Is that magazine really that popular in Japan?
The other girl (not Nozomi) has a senbei rice cracker in her mouth.
Phantom 2
I love how Wayne detaches his hand to scratch his head. It reminds me of zaShunina frim Kado and what he’d do with his hands…*gets flashbacks to zaShunina strangling Shindou* Uh, yeah, maybe that’s not the best comparison though…
Fought Dracula? Wasn’t he from Romania though?
Wayne King everywhere…it’s more like self-wan-oh, I’ll spare you the dirty joke, okay?
Wait, are the Twilights meant to stand in for something in the real world if they have government and international support? Refugees, maybe?
Hmm? Luke’s pasta…? What’s this (owo)?
Luke reminds me of Impey from Code:Realise…I think this is the second time he’s done that.
I love how Ton takes Shinyao’s rescue into her own hands. It shows how strong their friendship is.
*Luke howls* - What is that idiot doing now???
*sees burnt cookies* - Welp, at least we don’t have ourselves an invincible heroine who can do everything, either.
Is it just me, or when Ton runs out to protect Luke, are her booty shorts longer??? Update: When I looked at them later, they seemed to be the same length…
When did Chris get rid of his glasses???
Toryu’s raison d etre is “more dakka”, as they say.
Okayyyyyyyy…”jumping across water” is just a bit over the limit of what I think a werewolf can do…
Toryu’s plait seems to move with his emotions…and was that an eye I saw glowing in that fringe of his? Ooh…interesting.
Angolmois 4
Why do all Mongolians in media sport the Fu Manchu moustache, anyway…? Either that or the Chinese (the official in Mulan had a similar kind of moustache)…
Matouqin. It looked like a Chinese word, but it was actually Mongolian…
There seems to be unrest among the Mongols, huh. Jurchen…seems to be racial discrimination of some variety.
Dantsuke mochi. The link is to an academic PDF which discusses the Mongol invasion.
Huh? Apparently Holmes of Kyoto references sashimo grass…but apparently in English the grass is called “moxa” or “mugwort”.
Oh, post-credits segment. Keep watching…
Oh, wow…you can really see the parallels between Teruhi and Sasamaru now…when everything burns to the ground.
BnHA 54
Ite means “archer”, IIRC.
Shindou = oscillation, tremor, vibration (different kanji though). Once he released that earthquake, that made me realise why You Shindou’s powers make a lot of sense. Plus the “You” matches the yu in yurasu (Vibrate).
Oh! The “arashi��� in Yoarashi means “storm”…ah! I understand now!
This Camie lady is bascally Catwoman with sludge…
Cells at Work 4
I bet the segment at the start of this episode is the same as every other episode’s…
You can see a female platelet checking out how food is dissolved…she’s so adorable!
Capriccio…then again, why does the basophil speak in riddles???
Those two platelets staring at the basophil with his umbrella…LOL!
Emesis = vomiting.
Seriously though. This basophil’s so chuuni, it’s pretentious…
This was probably the least funny of the episodes so far due to the threat level…and of course, platelets were only in the background this time.
Planet With 4
Who was it that wanted a harem of high school girls again? Actually, that’s Imamura from Grand Blue, isn’t it…?
Mont St Michel. Heard of it before (I think it’s in Lupin III even), but it didn’t ring a bell for a second…
Seriously, how self-centred is Nezuya, anyway?
Hmm…this team-up reminds me of when Team Rocket would team up with Ash (Pokémon) somehow…but that’s because the “good” and “bad” guys (as much as we can call either side that) are joining forces.
“What’s a hangover?” – LOL, Souya really is such a kid…
*dragon eats Ginko and Miu* - Wow…’tis the season for vore…  
Even Souya got a hangover, LOL!
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raelenel · 5 years
The mean reds
05/08/19 So this morning, I woke up with Avalanche by Bring Me The Horizon in my head. This is starting to get a little weird that small quotes or lyrics are just immediately on my mind when I wake up for seemingly no reason. No dreams that I remember. Didn't listen to that song or BMTH at all yesterday. I've been pretty sick with the plague of a cold the last week or so and last night was the first night I haven't taken what is probably way too much Nyqil to sleep. I also relieved some stress if you catch my drift ;-). Lets look at this song, maybe we'll have some profound reason it's in my head. Sidebar; I never figured out why that GoT quote was in my head yesterday so heres to hoping. The hook of the song goes: It's like an avalanche I feel myself go under 'Cause the weight of it's like hands around my neck I never stood a chance My heart is frozen over And I feel like I am treading on thin ice And I'm going under I know there is likely a meaning to the songwriter himself (Ollie Sykes) because of his struggles with ADHD and whatnot but, what does it mean to me? I mentioned before I have depression and anxiety and it can sometimes be debilitating. Maybe my subconscious is trying to tell me something. My axiety overpowers my depression by a longshot. I really am just a ball of nerves 94% of the time. So. Maybe I've been in my head lately and I don't even realize it. A case of the mean reds if you will. Points to you if you know what movie that reference is from!!! The mean reds are like the mean cousin to the blues. The blues are when you're just down or sad. The mean reds are when you're afraid and you don't know why (ANXIETYYYY). I don't really think i've been anxious lately but maybe my spirit is. One silly thing that stays on my mind a lot is my relationship status. Which yes i know i know, pathetic. "You're so beautiful, and such a good mom and you're so funny, and you have so much to offer blah blah blabhhhh" I hear some rendition of this constantly. Constantly. But here I am, still alone. Back to the song. Maybe my subconscious is telling me that I really am struggling with something. A particular thing I'm anxious about and whatever it is, is going to take me down here soon. I guess only time will tell. Anxiety is a bitch. Like a big one. It sometimes leaves no survivors and can push some of the best people away. I'll never forget this one time I was just beat down. My then boyfriend was living with me and he was off work that day so we'd been texting back and forth all day but he could tell sometihng was off. I'm a talker, big talker if you haven't noticed. I guess I was just being short and monotoned with my responses and the conversation which isn't like me. He kept asking what was up and of course I'd say nothing. By the time I got home I was just defeated, the mean reds had won. I kissed him, grabbed a bottle of wine, and went upstairs to our room and ran a bath. I cried in that tub for over an hour and then cried more when I got out and laid in the bed in my robe. He finally came up and was panicked at what he saw. I'm a small girl. Chubby but very petite. And he said I looked even smaller laying there with tears in my eyes and snot on my face. He laid next to me and tried to hold me and console me. When I get low like that, I can't be comforted, I can't be loved, held, kissed, talked to, I just need to get it out and then let it go. Bless him for trying, really but I eventually told him to go back downstairs and I would be down soon. About another hour later I was makeup and hair done and downstairs ready to go out like nothing happened. Why was I low? What triggered me? I couldn't tell you. This is anxiety at some of its worst for me. Last night my bestie came over to blow off some steam and talk for a bit and I tell you, those are my favorite times. I love when we're out and being social and having a blast but being able to talk about everything and unload is such a relief. You can't do that with just anyone nowadays without the fear of them spilling your demons and secrets to everyone else. We joked that I am the best at giving relationship and marriage advice. Like literally top notch but I can't manage a relationship or marriage of my own. It's like all that solid advice goes out the window or something. Or maybe I end up attracting the wrong guys. Is there actually such a thing as a "wrong" person? I was talking to this guy for a few weeks recently and when we went on our first date he told me that he was a recovering meth addict. Yeah with my history and my very weird need to fix everyone broken, I had to end that. So once, again. Allll by myyyyseeeelllffffffff. Did you sing that to yourself as you read it because I definitely sang it as I typed it haha. The remainder of the day was relatively uneventful. My oldest, Kenadie, has therapy on Wednesdays so Emery and I get to goof around in the car for an hour while she's in there doing her thing. I also decided to give the old online dating a try again so I made those profiles for the Tinder and Bumble last night. I swiped for a minute and then passed outttt. This cold is legitimately kicking my ass. Yay for no immune system!
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