#I don’t think she’s someone who really cares about shaving I mean look how confident she looks
grilledcheese-savage · 5 months
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@emperor-pavoom as much as I love cyber-punk Tox… I’m okay with the new punk Mohawk Tox 😁
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femsolid · 2 years
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“We’re in 2019. Female hair is CENSORED everywhere. You don’t see it on TV. You don’t see it in magazines or adverts. There is an injunction of society for women to remain 'soft' and completely hairless. Just like a little girl. I don’t believe that’s a coincidence. Young, skinny, hairless girls have been very popular in the media for years and it makes me wonder. Who's behind it all? Who's perpetuating this message about women looking like adolescent girls? It sometimes feels rather paedophilic. It worries me.” – Camille Alexander. Musician (2019)
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“Years ago I did think about getting laser hair removal for my navel hair, but then I realised I'd be paying a couple of hundred pounds just to conform to expectations that I don't even care about– I'd much rather use the money for a holiday or circus lessons! I think that's one of the things which annoys me so much about society and the media's expectation for women to be basically hairless– they're pressuring us to invest serious time and money and endure pain. It's a double standard and it's unfair. Being able to accept your body– hair, scars and all– is freeing. I remember seeing my Aunt Glynis dancing to reggae in the 90s with her armpit hair showing– she looked so confident, happy and free. As a child, I couldn't put my finger on 'why', but I can now. On a practical level, it feels pretty darn good when I consider how much time, money and pain I've saved by accepting my body as it is. I like to think that that memory of my aunt being free and totally comfortable in her own skin is one that I can emulate and pass onto other girls and women. It hasn't always been received well though. At Lambeth County Fair one year, a friend of a friend was seriously freaked out when he saw my armpits. He asked me "what's wrong with you? Why would you do that?!", which was pretty amusing but bewildering. It reminded me there will always be people out there who may react and judge me like that. Thankfully, the opinion of people who think like that means very little to me! For me having hair and not caring is a bit like being part of a secret club. When you notice someone else who is resisting society's expectations and staying hairy you feel solidarity and respect. It's nice to be part of that.” – Isabel (2019)
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“As a teenager, I remember trying to stuff myself into a box of what a girl should be like. It always felt uncomfortable; padded bras, shoes that hurt and shaving rash. Running, swimming and climbing have helped me to see the strength and resilience in my body and to love it for what it is. Growing my armpit hair has been a recent experiment and the longer it gets, the more I like it! I like the way it looks & feels. It has given me a new respect for myself. So I say, embrace growth & if it pleases you, let it all grow!” – Jess (2018)
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“Shaving, epilating or waxing hurts. I was tired of suffering, trying to adapt to the image of a ‘beautiful young woman’ society is selling us. Everybody told me to shave. As a teenager, it’s a huge subject among girls; where do you shave? What method are you using? It takes so much time and costs so much money (the majority of hair removal products are also not recyclable). All of these reasons coming one after another motivated me to stop shaving. I would often have irritated skin after shaving and being a very sporty person, the sweat and the friction of my clothes would cause pain.The worst thing was having sex on the second day after shaving my vulva. I didn't understand why women would suffer and waste so much time on hiding who they really are. By showing my body hair on stage, I would like to stimulate and change people’s point of view. I’d like to motivate women to make their own choices.”
– Darian Koszinski. Circus artist (2018)
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“I stopped shaving completely when I was a teenager because of two instances. The first? I got tired of all the time wasted on maintenance and the discomfort that came with it. The second was when I went on a few multiple week-long backpacking trips; it would have been extremely inconvenient to spend hours ripping my hair out, so I let things grow. Being so close to nature let me dive deeper into and re-examine the relationship with myself and the world, acting as a mirror. In nature, there is wild; it is as beautiful as it is untamed. How could it be anything other than that? I felt so relieved and free when I let it grow out. It felt like being able to breathe. It was incredibly comfortable too. I felt a confidence and boldness returning, like I was replenishing some kind of primal power. I will say that a very pleasant side effect of having armpit hair is its ability to ward off rude people whom I wouldn’t care to interact or associate with anyway. Because the people that care about that sort of thing and make it a point to say how disgusted they are, are precisely the kind of people that I don’t want in my life.”
– Kyotocat (2017)
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“At this point in life, I feel that the real question shouldn't be 'why did you let your armpit hair grow?' But actually, 'why did you shave in the first place?' Please celebrate your body! Own who you are and be that! Those who celebrate who and what they are, are creating a much open and safer space for those who are struggling to understand who and what they want to be in life. It might be easier said than done but give it a try. We'll then help create a healthier and understanding society with less bullshit than there already is...”
– Alex Wellburn (2017)
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“I never stopped shaving because I never started. I do remember my mother shaving when I was younger and I thought that was pretty unnecessary since she was a strict muslim. I later realised it's a thing women do to look more desirable to men. It really irritated me that the people who reacted negatively to my natural armpit hair were men. Like it was the most disgusting thing in the world. It really gets on my tits. This is just one more reason that I don't shave it off. It belongs to me and I don't make noise about the "ugly"; hair on men which are sometimes pretty painful in the eye... But you've got to get over it and don't let these idiots get under it. I would recommend growing it to any women.”
– Ayan Mohamed. Graduate architecture student (2014)
Natural Beauty Photoshoot
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Season 4, Episode 6: An Extremely Chaotic and Incoherent Review
The Good:
"Kicks Get Chicks" *is the gayest episode in the entire season* Kicks get DICKS more like
"Sure, we're good for the occasional inspirational moment, but we're not exactly center mat material" HA, love that this fucker is self aware
He knows he's the Comic Relief Guy and he embraces it fully
"He who shall not be named" absolutely LOVE how Demetri just fucking despises Robby now but is trying to be lowkey about it so as not to stir the pot
If he could I'm pretty sure Demetri would pummel this man six ways to Sunday
Once again reminding everyone that Robby paralyzed and nearly killed Demetri's best friend, betrayed his and Demetri's dojo, and then held down and forcefully shaved Demetri's other best friend
Yeah he wants to like...murder Robby at this point honestly
I can't blame him, either--if someone fucked over my bestie, my dojo, AND my crush??? I would indeed be out for blood, yes
The way Demetri looks CRUSHED when Daniel's like "I know you're missing your friends but we have to put the past behind us" :( :( :(
He just wants his boyfriend back god bless
Wow no wonder Tory's fucked up, with an aunt like THAT
This season is kinda making me love Tory, I'll admit
I never thought I'd see the day but here we are
Could this man BE any more delightfully unhinged
Johnny Lawrence's dojo marketing will never NOT be hysterical
"Smack-dab between the pipe supply and the burned-down Chuck E. Cheese" SIR
"I'm asexual" WELL at least we exist on television, right???
I guess this is the queer rep we get for Season 4, RIP
"I can't do the whole physical aggression thing" Remind me again why she and ELI FREAKING MOSKOWITZ are meant to be compatible at all??? Literally what even would they talk about??? Well REGARDLESS, can't help but admire her staunch determination to be a pacifist in a high school singlehandedly spearheading the local karate wars
"She's the best athlete in school and she's not afraid to get into a fight" Okay don't get me wrong, I'm still seething over Moon and Piper breaking up, BUT I do find it absolutely HYSTERICAL that Moon apparently has a type
Even funnier that Yasmine lowkey fits her type too, which is apparently mean, cocky bitches who don't take shit from anyone
Oh SHIT, Sam catching Amanda talking to Tory??? This boutta get JUICY
I've got a lot to say here but I'll try to organize my thoughts somewhat
FIRST OF ALL, I am absolutely delighted that my headcanon that these two have been friends since kindergarten and can easily let themselves into each other's houses is correct!!!
Also Demetri's gay ass is obsessed--I have a lot of long-time childhood friends, and I don't have the location of their spare house keys memorized XD
"You should really think about increasing your security given, you know, THE KARATE WAR???" Not Demetri still being the most overprotective goddamn boyfriend I've ever SEEN
He gets pissy at his friends whenever they do (or suggest) something dangerous that could get them hurt, and it's kind of hilarious but also adorable
He cares so much but has like 0 tact in showing it, bless his soul
The overprotective pissiness is turned up to eleven with Eli though, which is pretty gay
I knew so many dudes in high school who were obsessed with and idolized Batman to a weird extent so like
A very confident "YOU'RE BATMAN!!!" from a guy who seems to be one of those Batman-obsessed boys is uh
Basically a love confession
"Oh, I forget, you're not a DC guy" losing my MIND, I can't believe absolute edgelord Eli Moskowitz isn't into the kind of dark, gritty shit DC is constantly putting out XD
Plot twist of the century honestly
"Forget Batman, you're The Hawk!!!" Hey um check and fucking MATE, haters who threw shade at Demetri for being a bad friend because he never fully accepted the "Hawk" persona
He wouldn't use that as a means of trying to build back Eli's confidence if he hadn't learned to embrace "Hawk" at least somewhat????
And like even if he's still not the biggest fan of "Hawk," he thinks talking about that is what'll make Eli happy and help cheer him up and feel better about himself
He just wants Eli to be his best, happiest self ;__;
"I just proved I was an asshole. To Moon, to Miguel...especially you." Gonna point out that he listed what I think are the 3 most important people to him and he emphasized Demetri
And I could swear his voice cracks a little, like he's legit getting choked up just thinking about all the fuckery he subjected Dem to
This dude still has so much guilt festering in him about what he did to Demetri, fucker loves Demetri so much ;_;
"I forgave you, remember?" Dem of course we remember you giving in to Eli's puppy dog eyes in all of 2 seconds because you're deeply in love with him
OPE my homebody Demetri literally says he doesn't give a fuck how Eli does his hair, he still thinks he's the shit regardless
Sorry "Demetri only accepts Eli and not Hawk" truthers, y'all are wrong again
He loves all versions of Eli Moskowitz, he just doesn't want him to be an asshole actually
Which seems reasonable to me
Tfw when you say "Miyagi-Do needs you" but what you really mean is "I need you"
Gay gay homosexual gay
Okay I read some steaming hot takes about Demetri coming to emotionally blackmail Eli to join Miyagi Do or whatever, but...no??? The dude is clearly just panicking and venting and also has no filter at all when he's stressed
Like everything here just seems like panicked word vomit to me, he doesn't seem nearly controlled enough to come in with some devious plan to trick Eli into joining his dojo :/
The whole ramble when Demetri first comes down into the basement reads like he's having an anxiety attack tbh
Can't really blame him, since he's dealing with the stress of worrying Cobra Kai is gonna wipe the floor with him AND his recently-traumatized best friend going totally fucking AWOL
And Demetri seems like the type who snaps and lashes out when he's worried and/or stressed, and like I said, that could account for the absolute lack of any filter he has here
Hence "WHO CARES WHAT THEY THINK??? IT'LL GROW BACK!" Certainly not the most tactful thing to say, but Demetri is way too anxious to think before he blabs, it seems
Ah, so it's the "That's just great, you're choosing Eagle Fang over your best friend" line that everyone's getting hot and bothered about
Honestly I chock this one up to anxiety-induced word vomit, too...like Demetri is kinda just rambling and speaking his mind and his panicky thoughts are going BRRRRRRR so fast that he's definitely not stopping to consider if he's coming across as an ass
And anyways, like...considering Johnny DID help mold Eli into a dude who fully embraced toxic masculinity and bullied the shit out of Demetri, I...don't think it's that unreasonable for him to have reservations about Eli going back to Eagle Fang :/ Like I don't blame him for not wanting Eli to go back to a situation that brought out some of the worst in him
And also like??? Eli fucken dragged Demetri through the ringer and Demetri only just got Eli back in his life a few months ago, of course he would panic if he thought Eli was gonna leave him behind again!
And maybe even lash out and be a bit of a dick, cuz ya know. Homeboy's not perfect
So Eli saying "I'm not going BACK to Miyagi-Do" instead of "I'm not JOINING Miyagi-Do" implies they've discussed Eli joining MD before. I do feel like this needs to be its own scene to clarify, but it's still important to note
So no, he's not tryna guilt trip Eli into joining MD out of nowhere, he's following up on something he and Eli seem to have previously talked about
The "OH SHIT" look on Demetri's face when Eli says he quits KILLS me. Like that's his wakeup call that oh fuck, this is THAT serious and he looks absolutely horrified that Eli has hit rock bottom so hard he's resorted to quitting that has essentially become his favorite thing in the world ;___;
"Yes I will be awake" "NO SENSEI BE WOKE" Johnny Lawrence you are literally always going to make me just lose it
"What about nonbinary and genderfluid?" "Yes fluids are CRUCIAL, if you don't hydrate, it affects performance" He a little confused, but he got the spirit!!!
Also headcanon that Moon is genderfluid but isn't publicly out yet--Piper was one of the only people Moon came out to
Hence why Piper is so quick to make sure Johnny is including genderfluid people! You dun best believe she’ll still defend her ex-girlfriend’s honor
My main reasoning here is that Moon is the most transgender name I have ever heard in my entire life
Highkey love seeing Miguel and Johnny's relationship at its best again. I missed them so much!!!
Honestly good on Sam for standing up for herself!!! She's highkey right that her parents haven't really been listening to her or trying to properly address her trauma
Like for FUCK'S sake, the girl has PTSD!!! Put her in therapy!!!
Oh HELL yes, Amanda backstory!!! Let's fuckin GOOOO!!!
Oh shit, she got arrested??? PLOT TWIST OF THE CENTURY
I mean given that she married someone as chaotic and hotheaded as Daniel this shouldn't actually come as a surprise but STILL
Oh damn, I was wrong!!! I thought Amanda took pity on Tory because she saw some of young Daniel in her, but she actually sees a lot of her younger self in her ;___; Okay okay okay okay I need a minute
Lowkey they're right that "bad kids" just get told the same thing over and over and it's never gonna help course-correct
"She's not the only one who needs a wake-up call" *cuts to Eli in a depressive funk fully believing he can never do karate again* CIMENA
"You put me in a situation where I had to join the dojo" this is probably the kindest possible way to put it, considering said "situation" was "threatening me and then attempting to beat me up over a Yelp review" XD
Ah, so I see Demetri has regained some semblance of tact! Guess the worst of the anxiety attack finally passed, now that he's had the chance to take in that Eli is in fact safe (if having quite the Sadboi Hours) and not kidnapped and beat up by Kyler and co.
Uhhhhh not Demetri telling Eli that him getting Dem into Eli's special interest was the best thing that ever happened to him
Like you telling anyone that them getting you into something they liked is the best thing that ever happened to you is just so Extra and over-the-top that it's extremely difficult not to read as romantic because like
I've had a lot of friends get me into stuff over the years, and I never looked them dead in the eye like "YOU INTRODUCING ME TO THIS THING WAS THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME"
Anyways tl;dr Demetri is in love
ALSO Eli's wide-eyed, pleasantly surprised look when Dem says karate is the best thing that ever happened to him, MY HEART
Oh god oh why oh no Eli looks SO FUCKING SAD when Demetri starts talking about Yasmine
Thanks I hate it
I know that look, that's the EXACT expression I make when my crush starts talking about their crush
*Bart Simpson voice* "You can pinpoint the exact moment his heart rips in half!"
"It's not gonna be as exciting if you're not there" I stg this fucker Demetri just sees the world through this sad, destitute, mopey lens when Eli isn't around and then Eli shows up and suddenly everyone upped the color saturation by like 500% and everything is all vibrant and fantastic
Again, this dude is in love
Also the way he looks at Eli when he says it, MY GOD
"Scuse me" *Eli proceeds to have 0 issues with Demetri getting all up in his personal space and practically cuddling with him* Yeah, these dudes are GAY
Like Demetri is LEANING on this man like a giant cat and Eli is just like "I have no problem with this"
"I say a lot of things" God you sure do
I'm going feral actually
You tellin me this dumb video has 15k views??? I'm betting this is a viral meme in certain niche circles
And there's definitely some YouTube community who ships them
Also are you telling me Demetri made his codename "zer0" and Eli's codename "the 1" and he's NOT in love with Eli???? Uh HUH
Like it's the perfect manifestation of Demetri's cripplingly low self-esteem (wouldn't be surprised if the dude really did consider himself a "zero" of sorts) and him fully indeed believing Eli is in fact The One (romantic)
And he's right!
Also can we appreciate just how INTO IT Eli is getting in the video??? Like this dude has literally always had a hammy, overdramatic side, it's just that prior to them meeting Miguel, Demetri was the only person who could bring it out ;__;
Absolutely HYSTERICAL that Eli is still so deeply and personally offended at the mere idea of being a "loser" XD
The utter HORROR on his face when he says it, I can't with him
"Because this is who you are" "A loser?" "My BEST FRIEND" *sobs*
Also I'm very certain that Demetri could potentially have made other friends and wasn't actually "stuck" with Eli before Miguel showed up, but he just straight up never wanted anyone but Eli as his best friend
"I know you think that mohawk defined who you are, but it didn't. Not to me. Eli, Hawk, hell, call yourself Cornelius for all I care. None of that changes the fact that you're my Binary Brother." ONCE AGAIN CHECK-MATING YOU FUCKERS WHO THOUGHT DEMETRI NEVER ACCEPTED THE HAWK PERSONA AND ONLY WANTS TIMID SADBOI ELI
He LITERALLY just said "I don't give a shit what you go by or how you wear your hair, nothing can ever change what you mean to me"
ALSO "Eli, Hawk, hell, call yourself Cornelius for all I care." basically confirms that Demetri would be down to call Eli Hawk if that's what he really wanted!!! And the hopeful look Eli gives Dem when he says "Hawk"!!!! Like I think this is the first time Eli truly realizes that Demetri fully accepts him no matter what he goes by and how he chooses to present himself and he's so euphoric about it and I think that's beautiful
Also they deadass did the "I'll take care of you." "It's rotten work." "Not to me. Not if it's you." convo with Demetri and Eli I am SCREAMING
Also ALSO my headcanon is that Demetri actually started calling Eli Cornelius as a joke and then it turned into a legitimate pet name when they started dating
"Whether you're number one...or zero" My homeboy Demetri really just said "I will take you at your best AND your worst" in Nerd
The way he looks at Eli during this entire exchange kills me, this man is so in love I'm getting secondhand pining just from looking at his big sad eyes
Actually kind of loved the Daniel-Robby interaction here because like. Daniel isn't trying to make excuses for Robby here or be like "it's okay, I know you still have a good heart!!!" Like he's done trying to be a "savior" guy and he's basically saying "do what you want, it's your life" but at the same time, he still cares enough to give Robby a warning
"I heard what you did to Eli" (threatening)
Hell yeah, Scary Daniel has entered the chat! EXCEPT
"I'm not here to judge you." Okay, well I am. Get over here Robby, I'm going to beat your ass
I know she's only going to be here for like 2 minutes but her presence fills me with an overpowering calmness and serenity that somehow convinces me that everything will be all right
"I broke a kid's nose" Legit forgot what an incredibly badass queen this woman is. I stan
Okay I've seen some people complaining that the writers seemed to forget that Tory and Aisha were friends too BUT I raise you that after Tory tried to basically murder Sam in the school fight I feel like it's not that whack to think Aisha would side with Sam
Like Tory went after Aisha's childhood best friend with lethal-seeming intent TWICE, it's not all that unreasonable to assume Aisha would cut ties with Tory after that
"But Tory was a better friend to Aisha!!!" Okay but Aisha and Tory were friends for like...a couple months at most, and Sam and Aisha had been friends for years and just happened to be going through a rough patch when Cobra Kai came to town. I feel like a few months of on-and-off falling out aren't really enough to cancel out a lifelong friendship, or make you suddenly not be concerned about your estranged friend's actual safety. Or side with the girl relentlessly attacking said estranged friend.
Like this coming from someone who does indeed enjoy Tory x Aisha, yes, but I do think it's important to keep things in perspective yn
"These are the same overprotective LaRussos who made me wear a helmet on your trampoline" OKAY THEY WOULD
"She's my bestie. My new school bestie, you'll always be the OG" SCREAMING CRYING SOBBING
We were ROBBED I tell you ;___;
Okay I fuckin love that Aisha went "I'm gonna take all this karate bullshit I learned and use it for the POWER OF FRIENDSHIP"
And she's right!
When will Aisha return from the war??? I need her
Pretty sure she has one of the only brain cells in the valley and they desperately need it right now
I want Sam and Aisha to keep in touch and bond over their appreciation for Johnny's chaotic yet proactive life advice
PLEASE I need it
Also this fucker Johnny Lawrence really wanted to crossdress Mitch and thought no one would be fooled
As of last scene I NEED to see Sam and Aisha's reaction to this
All of Miyagi-Do chanting "MEAT MEAT MEAT MEAT" is so funny because we know damn well none of these guys are the ones who truly want Demetri's meat
If you catch my drift
"DAMN IT" I’ll bet Demetri's more anxious and high-strung than usual because he feels bad about having to leave Eli to wallow in his sorrows in his basement and go to karate practice ;__;
OH so Eli decides to join Miyagi-Do to be with Demetri, despite literally all his other close friends being in Eagle Fang??? Fellas, is it gay to join your Totally Platonic Bro's dojo full of people who are still kind of mad at you because you want to help your Totally Platonic Bro out in the AVT that bad????
Not Demetri looking at him with huge doe eyes in the background ;___;
"Is it Eli or Hawk?" "Doesn't matter, I'm just here to do what I can to help out the team" Nice to get an official confirmation that basically throughout S4 Eli has never fucking minded when Demetri called him Eli instead of Hawk
Legit have seen people upset he's cool with going by Eli again, and like??? I'm pretty sure him not feeling like he has to have a cool nickname to kick ass at karate is a good thing actually???
Like ffs let him embrace softboi Eli!!! Let him be gentle and vulnerable and true to himself, even the parts that aren't all hardcore and macho!!! He can cry at sad movies with his boyfriend Demetri and still pound your whiney toxic masculinity-obsessed ass into the ground, actually!
I SWEAR I heard Demetri's voice crack at "it's good to have you back, man"
Do I see tears in his eyes??? Is he HAPPY CRYING???
Demetri stop being so in love and so painfully unaware of it, it's making me embarrassed for you
But in the BEST possible way
Still feel bad for Tory, but like...SAM. QUEEN. Taking 0 shit from Tory and I am HERE FOR IT
"I'm coming for you, bitch" *evil smirk* YOU ABSOLUTE SAVAGE
Aisha was like "respond to your problems with love!" and Sam actively chose violence instead, kind of love that for her
The Bad:
Damn, these fuckers really dedicated 3 whole minutes of screentime to an AVT board meeting instead of. You know. Hawk's trauma. Or why the fuck Moon and Piper broke up. Or what Yasmine actually does with her time aside from being thirsty for Demetri. Or Daniel tryna deal with some recent manifestation of his Terry Silver trauma. Or Demetri hunting down and beating the shit out of/attempting to beat the shit out of Kyler and Gang. Or Carmen getting to do something independent of her son-and-boyfriend-related storylines. Or literally anything else
Can you tell I'm a little pressed
Also I stg they're just using the separate gender division thing as an excuse to milk even more drama out of the AVT
Like the stakes are already high enough, y'all don't need to kick them up even HIGHER and complicate the plot even more, like
We already have like 7 arcs going so let's introduce a new conflict/arc instead of working on resolving the ones we already have going
Also it's like
"What hamfisted excuse can we use to introduce more badass female characters for Woke Points so we don't have to give the ones we already have any depth whatsoever?" (Yes I'm talking about Moon and Yasmine)
Literally would not even be hard to flesh them out A TINY BIT but the show just said "no thank you, they don't properly exist as people outside of their relationship to these two gay nerd boys"
Also they’re depriving me of a Demetri-Tory fight and this is an unforgivable crime
Demetri was literally so ready to throw hands with her when she threatened Eli last season, and now we shall never perceive it
I just want overprotective boyfriend Demetri to fight everyone who threatens his mans
ALSO Sam deserves to beat the shit out of Kyler. As A Treat
Yeah I sure do remember that shit he pulled in S1
You try to feel up my girl and slut-shame her??? She deserves to beat yo ass like never before
And anyways we’ve seen multiple times that Sam and Tory can and do hold their own in fights against boys
So what gives, Cobra Kai???
I definitely feel Robby hatred emanating from Demetri but I would like to feel even more
This man has grievously wronged Demetri thrice now, as discussed above, and I think it would be fun if Demetri got on a warpath to absolutely destroying Robby Keene
Is it OOC, considering that Demetri is often rather violence-averse? Perhaps, but consider: I want him to find his inner darkness and become very scary
Speaking of which, why is Sam the only one who is super pissed and vindictive??? As if Demetri WOULDN'T be
Listen, being fight-averse doesn't extend to when your best friend who you're in love with gets pinned down and shaved
Ah, so the LGBT rep this season is acknowledging that asexuals, nonbinary people, and genderfluid people...exist???
Wow, such great rep, I'm shaking and clapping and cheering
Very convenient for the writers that their rep didn't include actually writing any LGBT characters
Also we still haven't gotten any fucking reason or explanation as to why Moon and Piper broke up
Like if they're gonna split up the only LGBT couple in the show, the very fucking LEAST they could do is tell us why :/
Was Piper becoming too much of a jerk for Moon to be okay with??? Did they clash because of Moon's staunch pacifism and refusal to get in a physical brawl ever??? Who the hell knows??? Definitely not us
Probably not the showrunners either
They just needed to set up the stupid Hawk x Moon plot that they're dragging out of the grave like a horrible gross heteronormative zombie
Okay as much as I love the basement scene I 1000% feel like there was a scene missing between the hair-shaving reveal and the basement scene
Like are you really telling me that Demetri didn't check in on Eli once until after he'd already been AWOL for a cool minute??? I simply do not buy it
And like it doesn't even have to be an Eli-Demetri scene, it could be something as simple as Demetri talking to Chris and being like "hey have you seen Eli? He hasn't been at school and he's not answering his phone. And he hasn't been to a single practice since...well, you know." And Chris is kinda confused like "No, I haven't see him at school, but wouldn't he be going to Eagle Fang practice???"
Cue Demetri explaining that he and Eli had previously discussed Eli potentially joining Miyagi-Do if the dojos split, so Demetri expecting Eli to join Miyagi-Do doesn't lowkey come out of nowhere
THEN Demetri asks Miguel if Eli's been at Eagle Fang practice, and Miguel is like "No, actually...I'm starting to get really worried tbh" and reveals Eli hasn't been answering Miguel's texts and calls either
And THEN Demetri busts into Eli's basement like "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN"
They seriously could have replaced that AVT board meeting scene with this bit and it would have made everything 4000x better
ALSO like. Why is Miguel not concerned at all about Eli regularly bailing on practice??? They're buddies--I'd expect ONE line of worried dialogue being like "Where's Hawk at?" at the very LEAST
Anyways like I mentioned before I feel like there needs to be some kind of explicit confirmation that Eli and Demetri previously talked about Eli joining Miyagi-Do if/when the dojos split, because otherwise Demetri being fully under the impression Eli's going to come back to MD instead of EF seems a little out of left field
Okay, wow. WOW. They seriously could not let Demetri and Eli have ONE scene
Without having Demetri bring up Yasmine to very insistently remind us that he's straight -___-
How even is Yasmine "the girl of your dreams" dude, her only personality traits are "hot" and "makes a sassy comment once every 7 years"
"None of that changes the fact that you're my binary brother" Damn they're seriously trying so damn hard to convince us these dudes have a "brotherly" relationship and simply will not accept it's never, ever going to work
Also did they seriously No Homo Demetri and Eli twice in one scene
Of course they fucking did
They know damn well there's gay tension but still deny it at every turn to appease the creepy homophobic conservative fanbase
For shame, homophobes! You've messed up a perfectly good queer-coded karate show is what you've done!
Look at it, it's got heteronormativity!!!
Regardless I can't help but get some amusement out of the fact that the writers are constantly trying so desperately hard to convince us Eli and Dem aren't gay because their interactions are just that inherently fruity
Y'all fighting a losing battle, we all know damn well they're gay
Hey Daniel I know Robby is your ex karate son but you absolutely should judge him for the shit he pulled with Hawk actually
Forceably shaving someone's head in an attempt to destroy their self-esteem is not very punk-rock at all
Also they really be treating Daniel's Terry Silver trauma like Trauma Lite
Like they're barely doing anything with it at all :/
If it's meant to be the reason he's being kind of a self-righteous jerk this season, then like??? They could talk about that??? They could explore it more and what the long-term effects Silver had were???
But nah, just one uncomfortable convenience store confrontation and that's all we need I guess
They GAVE me my Aisha Robinson??? Only to take her away again??? This is unspeakable cruelty and I am going to scream
Okay so like. Devon seems cool, don't get me wrong. But also can this show fucking CHILL with introducing new characters???
Like we are on SEASON FUCKING FOUR we have PLENTY of characters and arcs to work with already!!!
Also Cobra Kai Writers Stop Introducing New Female Characters Because You Don't Know How To Write Your Existing Ones Challenge
WHAT is this weak-ass bro-hug shit, I know my boy Demetri and he would absolutely CRUSH Eli in a hug, sorry
Maybe he doesn't wanna be TOO gay in front of all his MD friends but boy it is FAR too late for that
Damn the gayest episode is behind me now, idk what to do with myself :O
Guess I’ll have to create some Elimetri and YasMoon content
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Cabin Leader Zukka AU
Credit to @im-a-sokka-for-you, @waywarddork, @king-bumi-for-president, @sokkaseboyhair, and @crying-at-ikea for helping out with this monstrosity of a post!! Stupid Squad™ ily ❤️
This is long af but I promise it’s worth it 🥺🥺
Sokka and Zuko are rival cabin leaders at a summer camp
The camp has sort of a 4-elements theme because I say so
Eight Cabins. Two Water-Themed, two Fire Themed, two Earth-Themed, and Two Air-Themed.
Sokka leads the Southern Water Cabin. Yue the Northern. Aang leads one of the Air Cabins, and Suki leads an Earth Cabin. Zuko and Ty Lee lead the Fire Cabins. (Ty Lee shamelessly flirts with the assistant camp director, Mai...)
Sokka and Zuko’s cabins, along with all the other cabins, are competing in the yearly camp competition. There are different challenges, like water balloon fights (water), mud runs (earth), zip lining (air), and s’more roasting (fire).
Zuko’s cabin wins most years, and Sokka’s like “not this year. This year WE take the trophy” and he’s got his heart set on it.
Sokka thinks Zuko’s obnoxious. He sees him as hot-headed and snippy and arrogant. And he’s almost militaristic with his cabin kids. (And yet they love him. Even more annoying.)
Sokka wants to be the ✨fun cabin✨, he usually does, but he starts pushing harder to advance to the next round of the competition and win.
Sokka and Zuko have multiple confrontations. They’re snarky and sarcastic “good luck out there😈” kind of things (which Sokka HATES)
The two cabins pull pranks on each other all the time. Very Parent-Trap-esque. Sokka and Zuko plan a lot of them, but that doesn’t stop the kids from doing a few on their own (I imagine some very lovable OC campers).
Sokka wakes up with a shaving-cream beard more than once.
Zuko wakes up wearing makeup once...
Then, as the story unfolds with whatever subplots a writer may put in, Sokka catches more and more glimpses of Zuko acting more human... and hey... Zuko’s sort of sweet when he’s like that...
No. This is a competition. Zuko bad. Winning good.
Sokka confides in Aang and Yue one night after a staff meeting.
“You don’t understand, guys! He’s—he’s infuriating! He’s good at everything, and the kids all like him, and I know I’m supposed to hate the guy but I don’t anymore! And I don’t know why! And part of me feels like he deserves to win every damn time even thought it’s ridiculous that he does-”
Aang looks at him almost sympathetically. Sokka tilts his head in confusion.
“Have you considered that maybe you just have a little crush on him?”
“Oh. Shit.”
Anyway Sokka has a bit of an awakening and is like “OH NO I LIKE ZUKO I’M SUPPOSED TO HATE ZUKO.”
After panicking about that for way too long, Sokka winds up telling Suki about this revelation and Suki is like:
“Well... I don’t know if I should be telling you this, but I think Zuko’s had a crush on you for years.”
Suki sort of awkwardly admits that she’s picked up on it. She and Zuko are friends (something Sokka could never fathom why but he left it be) and she tells Sokka how Zuko talks about him... an absurd amount. And how Zuko, on more than one occasion, has accidentally called Sokka cute.
(i.e “just because he’s Mr. Cute and Friendly doesn’t mean he can walk around like he owns the place!” “You think he’s cute?” “What? Uh-”)
Leading up to the final face off where Zuko and Sokka’s cabins will compete against each other, Sokka leaves his campers with Suki for a few minutes and approaches Zuko’s cabin one night and asks to speak with him. Alone.
There’s a unanimous “oooooooooooh!” from the campers.
The two step outside, and Sokka’s freaking out, but he’s gonna do it anyway.
He’s really awkward about it and keeps beating around the bush.
“Just get to the point, Sokka!!”
“Um. Do you like me?”
That. Was not what he meant to say.
In all honesty, Sokka meant to say that he likes Zuko, and THEN ask him if he liked him back, but he panicked, give the guy a break.
Zuko’s face goes completely blank.
“Wait, what?”
Sokka, now suddenly convinced he and Suki were wrong, chickens out and bolts, Zuko calling after him. (He can’t chase him because he can’t leave his campers unattended.)
Sokka freaks out silently as he leads his campers back to his cabin for the night.
He doesn’t get much sleep.
Day of the big competition. The campers are getting ready for the final showdown. Zuko’s team is a few points ahead of Sokka’s, but not ahead by many.
Sokka avoids Zuko all morning. Aang, Yue, and Suki are worried about him but he brushes it off, saying it’s no biggie (it is).
Right before the first challenge he overhears one of his campers talking to someone from Zuko’s cabin. The kid from the opposing cabin says “Zuko was in a bad mood last night. He didn’t wanna tell us why, though.”
Oh no. It’s worse than he thought. Zuko is angry at sokka. More than usual.
The games begin. Both teams tally up points after each round of whatever they’re doing (three-legged race, canoeing, etc).
The final score is kept secret—the camp director (accompanied by Mai<3) says the final score will be announced that night at the campfire.
Sokka makes sure he doesn’t run into any scar-faced boys on the way to his cabin. Or at dinner. Or on his way to the campfire.
Everyone is gathered around outside, fire blazing, hot-cocoa and s’mores present. Sokka doesn’t even care about winning anymore. In fact, he hopes Zuko wins, so he doesnt get any more angry.
The Southern Water Cabin wins.
Sokka’s campers jump up and scream with excitement. And though he isn’t feeling quite himself, he still offers hugs and high fives and congratulates them all on their hard work.
Then, suddenly, while kids are mingling and cheering, Sokka feels a tap on his shoulder and spins around.
Sokka can’t find words to say. He just stares. Is... is Zuko gonna yell at him?
“Good job.” Zuko’s holding out his hand for Sokka to shake. Sokka does so, hesitantly.
“Uh... thanks.”
After a moment too long, they end the handshake. There’s a beat of awkward silence and Sokka’s heart is racing.
“Look,” Sokka begins. “About last night. I-”
“Don’t. Me first.” Zuko looks really uncomfortable, but he still keeps talking. “You were right.”
“I like you. I have liked you, I mean. For a long time. Like, three years.”
Sokka’s dumbfounded. “I thought you hated me.”
Zuko sort of nervously admits that he’s not very good with people (and that he takes great enjoyment in riling people up). And he apologizes like:
“Sorry I was a dick. Me being a fucking gay idiot who can’t ask people out doesn’t excuse me being mean. So I’m sorry.”
Sokka’s sort of touched by all of this. Zuko apologized for being an ass and he has a crush on Sokka?
Sokka figures he should apologize too, since he was pretty much just as mean to Zuko as Zuko was to him. “I’m sorry, too.”
Eventually, the stilted conversation gets sort of quiet and even more awkward, and Sokka realizes he still hasn’t confessed. And, well, better late than never.
“I like you, too.”
“I like you. As in. Like. I have a crush. On you. So there.”
Zuko has no idea how to react, but eventually a giant grin makes its way into his face and it looks beautiful in the firelight and he just sort of goes:
“Um... do you wanna get coffee or tea with me? Or something? Now?”
“You mean the shitty camp coffee and tea?” Sokka quips.
“Hot Cocoa it is.”
They walk up to the kitchen building and hang out at the counter and actually get to know each other for the first time in years. And Sokka thinks that becoming a cabin leader is the best decision he’s ever made.
(They may or may not have kissed sometime during the rest of their stay. A couple of times. A lot of times. Okay, they made out in the pantry a ton, but that’s nobody’s business but theirs.)
If anyone wants to write this, lemme know!! And again thank you Stupid Squad™ <3 @chaoticidiott @appa-bottom-jeans @soft-zuko you’re also Stupid Squad™ so this is your child as well now. Enjoy.
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planecrashdreams · 3 years
Take My Breath Away
Peter Parker x Stark!daughter
Summary: The Avengers are close to unveiling The Vulture’s plan to destroy the city. They uncover that his son is throwing a ball with all of the most notorious villains within the city. It is decided that you, along with Peter, must attend to gather intel.
Warnings: *violence* *swearing* *fight scenes* *mentions of blood/wounds*
Peter & Y/N are 18
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“F.R.I.D.A.Y., call everyone into the lab in 5 minutes, I need to have a meeting.” Tony announces while peering at the screen in front of him.
F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s voice floods the entire compound inviting everyone to meet with your dad. You however, were busy doing your homework with the boy you’ve had a crush on for what feels like a century.
“Ughh, not again. What does dad want this time?” You whine getting up from your chair.
“Come on, Y/N, it sounds important, he said he wanted us in the lab.”
“I’m not even an Avenger, why do I have to be involved?” You say slightly annoyed.
You and Peter were the last ones to join the meeting and your dad started talking almost immediately.
“I found a new lead on Vulture, his son Dimitri Toomes is having a party for all of the mafia bosses and criminals and that roam the city. This party is taking place tonight at 8pm. I’m going to get you Nat, and you Steve, to attend this party as a couple to uncover more intel as you can—“
“Wait, but, how old is this Dimitri Toomes anyway? Isn’t he just a kid?” Bucky interrupts.
“Yeah, isn’t he like 18 or 19?” Nat also jumps in.
“I don’t think sending Nat and Steve in for this mission is such a good idea, Tony. He would know not to trust them once he saw them. We need someone younger.” Bruce suggests.
“No, I’m not sending Peter in to do this mission. Peter hasn’t done many missions, and this one involves the mafia and every criminal in New York!” Tony says sternly.
“Well, we weren’t thinking Peter exactly...” Bruce says very quietly.
“NO! I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU WOULD EVEN THINK TO OFFER MY DAUGHTER TO GO ON A MISSION!” Tony yells loud enough for the whole city to hear.
“Yeah, uh, Bruce, I don’t know how much you’ve had to drink but sending me for this? What!??” You say very frightened and shocked.
“Tony, I know you would never want to do this in a million years, but hear us out. Dimitri is a young man, he’ll be easily persuaded if something strikes his interest. If we send Y/N, she’ll intrigue him and make him lower his guard and he could reveal his father’s plans. If we do this, we won’t send her alone. Someone will be there to watch out for her.” Bruce explains.
“I can’t believe I’m actually having to consider this plan.” Tony confesses.
“I’ll do it if you guys keep a close watch of me. I just want to get it done and over with.” You agree to Bruce’s plan but almost regret it.
“Y/N wants to go through with it, Tony? Are you okay going through with this?”
“Ok. But she goes in and she’s coming back out as quick as possible.” Tony finally agrees.
“We need to get ready now, the party starts in a couple of hours.” Tony leads the way out of the lab.
“Y/N, you’re going to need a dress to wear to this party. Steve, you’re going to be her chaperone and you’ll need a suit. Nat, Bucky, Thor—“
“Mr. Stark? Can I come and help keep watch of Y/N?” Peter interjects.
“Peter I’d feel more comfortable with you staying here in the compound.”
“Please, Mr. Stark, my spidey-sense can be helpful for this and I want to help keep Y/N safe an I kno—“
“Okay! Peter, fine, you can help Steve keep watch. Just be careful, and if I feel you’re not safe I will pull you out from the mission. Got it?”
“Yes! Thank you, Mr. Stark.” Peter beams, now he can keep watch on you to make sure you stayed safe.
Everyone headed off to help prepare for the mission and you headed up to your bedroom to get ready for what you thought was possibly the worst party ever.
Nat hung a few dresses on your closet door for you to wear tonight. But one caught your eye. It was gorgeous, it was a shade of dark blue. The fabric was silky and vibrant. The colour made your mind wander to a certain boy whose favourite colour is blue. Peter. “Well, I guess the night won’t be as terrible.” You thought to yourself happy that you got to feel pretty at least. The dress was a ball gown and sparkled in certain lighting.
You put your dress on and had Nat help you style your hair into a princess braid updo. You did your makeup, a few layers of mascara and a layer of pink peach tinted lip gloss. A simple look, but still radiated beauty. Your wore a pair of little black heels under your dress and went on your way downstairs.
Peter dressed himself in a simple black suit that he wore to the last school dance. He even shaved and gelled his hair a bit. Steve also dawned a suit, but dark grey. They went over a plan of how they would surveillance the party while keeping an eye on you. In the middle of their conversation, you start coming down the stairs. Step by step, Peter comes into your view and you smile taking in how handsome he was, especially in a suit.
Peter gasped looking at you, he couldn’t believe how gorgeous you were and wished he could’ve been the one spending the night with you. Just thinking about Dimitri being with you sent him into an internal rage. But looking at your smile takes him away from that thought. He realizes you’ve been standing there for almost a minute and he hasn’t said a word to you.
“Wow, you look... pretty.” Peter says rubbing his arms.
“Yeah, you really are beautiful, Y/N.” Steve adds.
“Aw, thanks guys. And you both look very handsome.” You say shyly.
Peter looks up at Steve with an annoyed look, jealous that he made a comment about your appearance. Steve just laughs messing with Peter.
You, Steve, and Peter all drive to Dimitri Toomes’ party and discuss what the game plan will be.
“Ok, here’s what I’m thinking, Y/N goes in and scopes for Dimitri, she talks with him and get him comfortable with her. She’ll lead him on with questions about his family business. Once we get enough intel, she calls it a night and we get her out of there. Y/N, you’re going to go by a fake name and say you’re the daughter of the mafia boss, Lorenzo Bianchi. Just make up answers the best you can to his questions. We’ll be in your ear the whole night and we’ll help you talk to him. Peter and I will walk around the party to look for any suspicious behaviour and to keep a closer eye on you. If at any time you don’t feel safe anymore, say “my head hurts” got it?”
“Yeah, I think so. I’m still really nervous about this.” You say scared about the whole situation you were about to enter.
“Don’t worry, Peter and I are with you the entire night. Just act natural and you’ll be okay. We are here.”
The three of you enter and immediately disperse. You enter the ballroom and turn heads as you move towards the bar. As you get to the bar, your eyes meet with a seducing glare. It almost made you uncomfortable but it was oddly alluring. You notice this man is young and clean cut. He was wearing a lighter suit with a dark black shirt. He was very tidy for a criminal.
“That’s him, Y/N. Across the bar from you. Make your move.” Steve says in your earpiece.
You instead have a better idea. You made sure his eyes were still fixed on you and flutter your eyes slightly and order yourself a drink. Just as you predicted, he got up from his seat and made his way over to you.
“Excuse me, miss, I don’t think I know you.” He says with a dark masculine voice.
“You’re right, you don’t know me.” You say slightly shocked at how unintentionally confident you were coming across.
“Beautiful and funny, now I’m sure I haven’t met you before.” He chuckles.
“Dimitri Toomes.” He says now leaning on the bar bench beside you.
“Francesca Bianchi.” You say now making eye contact with the man.
“You’re Lorenzo Bianchi’s daughter? Wow, he never said he had a daughter. A sexy one too.” He says looking over you with a venomous sound in his voice.
Peter was listening to this entire conversation and he was starting to get annoyed by Dimitri’s tone with you. His fist was squeezed tight and his knuckles turned white.
“Y/N, flirt back with him. You’ve got him attention and he’ll be easier to pry if he’s getting your attention back.” Steve suggests.
Peter is now dying inside, having to hear the conversation that’s about to happen. He wants to pull you away and not have you be flirted with by someone who only looks at you as a piece of meat.
“Well, I’m his little girl after all, he wants to protect me as much as he can. He wouldn’t want me to go out and find myself a new kind of daddy.” You say looking deep into his eyes and slightly biting your lip.
Both Peter and Steve stood still, mouth agape at what they just overheard you say. Peter was slightly turned on by your confident tone and how on the nose you were. He was still of course bothered that you were talking to Dimitri. Peter tried to keep his cool for the sake of the mission and your safety.
“Careful what you say, sweetheart. Wouldn’t want to say something you don’t mean.” Toomes says towering over you now with a very condescending tone.
“Who said I didn’t mean it? And any way, how do you know my father?” You ask, trying to push for information.
“Lorenzo is a friend of my father’s. My father is working on a plan to run the city better for the mafia. And how do you not know this? Does your father know you’re here?” Dimitri asks slightly suspicious of you.
“My father doesn’t like women being involved with his business. I just want to look out for my father, I don’t want him getting into trouble is all.” You say hoping this puts him off your scent.
“Ah, the delicate princess, of course, I mean, if you were mine, I wouldn’t let anyone touch you, except me of course.” He says now trailing his fingertips along your forearm to your hand.
Unsure of how to react you just play along with him hoping Steve or Peter will help direct your next move.
“You’ve got him wrapped around your finger, Y/N. Try getting more info out of him. He’s buying it.” Steve guides you. Peter at this point is speechless, he was stuck in an internal rage. He wanted to kill this guy just because he touched you.
“Dimitri?” You say with a higher pitch now hoping to sound too cute to decline.
“Hmm?” He hums in response.
“Could you tell me what my dad is planning on doing to make the mafia run better?” You ask fluttering your lashes, not breaking eye contact with him.
“I don’t know, Princess. I think it’s best to keep you out of it. Your father thinks so.” He says looking at you, now taking your hand and pulling you up from your seat.
“We can talk over by the balcony, it’s more private there, and I like my privacy.” He says very ominous. You were now feeling pale, unsure of what he meant by that. As you both move towards the balcony, your eyes meet with Peter’s and he looked concerned. He followed close behind the both of you, not daring to let you out of his sight.
“Now, Princess, I’ll tell you just a little bit to give you piece of mind about your your father. Your father works by conducting drug runs across the borders and selling drugs to smaller criminal groups within the city. Lately, the drugs have been resurfacing and the police have been finding out what groups are in possession of these drugs. Your father made a business deal with my father to make these weak groups disappear. My father in turn, had your father invest in most lethal warfare for taking over the city. As of now, our fathers have almost successfully taking over a stronghold, and they’re not stopping there.” He says, taking pride in his father’s work.
“Wow, I never knew my father would actually be helping take over the whole city.” You say in fake awe.
“But enough about that, I haven’t been able to take my eyes off of you tonight, darling. In the moonlight you are just mouthwatering.” He says, moving closer to you taking a handful of your hair to move away from your neck. He leans in to start kissing your neck. You jitter from the sudden touch of his hand. As he kisses your neck you step away from him. You could sense Peter was near.
“What’s wrong, princess? I was just kissing you.” He says deep in lust.
“Oh, I.. know it’s just, I’m really thirsty, would it be possible if you could get me a drink?” You ask hoping he would so you could catch your breath and talk to Peter.
“Okay, I’ll be back, don’t move.” He says as he makes his way back to the bar.
You exhale deeply and Peter appears almost out of nowhere.
“Y/N! I can’t believe that guy! I want to kill him, if we weren’t on a mission right now I would do it right now—“ Peter whispers loudly.
“Pete, I’m okay, he’s creepy, but harmless. I got so much intel for him. This plan is working well so far, I’m going to try for a little more, and then we’ll get out of here.” You say trying to reassure Peter, but also starting to blush at how much he really cared about you. Does he maybe like you back?
“You gotta go before he comes back.” You tell him almost shooing him away.
A few seconds pass and Dimitri appears with your drink just in time that Peter wasn’t stood beside you.
“Thanks.” You say taking a sip from the glass.
A few minutes pass and your head starts to spin. Your vision is blurry and and your eyelids feel heavy. You tried to remember what Steve said to alert him.
“My head hurts.” You say mumbling, losing control of your voice.
“You know, you really shouldn’t trust people you don’t know, Princess.” He says darkly. Why did he do this? Did he hear you and Peter?
You lose control of your body and start to tumble forward, but a pair of strong arms catches you before hitting the hard ground.
You wake, arms and ankles tied in a dark concrete room. Where was this place? Am I still at the party? You ask yourself.
Moments later you hear footsteps approaching the door to your concrete room. You close your eyes hoping that whoever it was would think you’re still unconscious.
The footsteps approach closer and closer until they stop directly in front of you.
A hand hits you across the face, you shudder from it and find that it is none other than Dimitri.
“Hello, sweetheart.” He says with no recognizable tone in his voice. You almost revaluated if the man even was Dimitri.
“So, you think you would just stumble into my party hoping to steal all of our information? And by the way I know your fucking name isn’t Francesca Bianchi! Bianchi has no children!” He says now very angry at your attempt to deceive him earlier.
“I saw you arrive at the party with those two men, as soon as I saw that, I knew to pay attention to you. Women who show up with bodyguards aren’t good news around here.” He scolds you.
“Now, do you want to tell me who you and those men are? Or do you want me to beat it out of you?” He says bringing his face down to meet yours, taking your chin in his hand.
“Go fuck yourself!” You shout, heart racing at your courage.
Dimitri laughs and suddenly slaps you across the the face. You can feel blood starting to drip from your nose now.
“Talk like a bitch, get slapped around like a bitch!” He yells at you even angrier.
“Do something stupid like that again, I’ll have kill one of your boyfriends.” He says with a sharp tongue.
Did he actually have Peter and Steve captive? You couldn’t help thinking it was your fault, he must have heard you talking to Peter before he drugged you.
“No! Do whatever you want to me but don’t hurt them!” You yell back at him.
“Aw, does someone have a little soft spot for them? I’m thinking you like the little one. He was so bothersome, following us all night. I just couldn’t get you alone could I?” He says with an irritated tone.
“It’s too bad too, I was really starting to like you, you’re quite the flirt.” He says as he shifts closer to you. You try to move away from him but fail, he picks you up and takes you out of the concrete room.
You now find yourself in tied in a chair in a room with mob men. All of them look intimidating, these men were decorated in scars and appeared quite muscular.
“Now princess, I’m leaving you here to think about what you might want to tell me. I’m going to visit your little boyfriends, if you try anything stupid I’ll fucking kill you instantly.” He says sharply and disappears.
You were beyond scared, you didn’t think much of Dimitri when you met him. You just thought he was a rich kid who thought he was a top dog. But now being at his mercy you were so terrified. You were even more scared thinking about what awful things he could be doing to Steve and Peter.
“Steve!.... Steve, are you awake?” Peter asks quietly hoping that the cap was okay.
“Yeah... I’m fine, my head is spinning a bit.” Steve reassures Peter.
“We gotta get out of here, Y/N needs us, I hope she’s okay, I don’t know what I’d do if she was hurt.” Peter cries out.
“It’s okay Peter, relax, we’ll figure something out and we’ll get Y/N. Just let me think of something.” Steve says now thinking of an escape plan.
Peter struggles in his ropes and realizes his knots were not as tight as they should have been. “Hey, Cap? I think I can get out of my ties.”
“That’s great, looks like someone underestimated you.” Steve says struggling in his ties hoping his were loose also.
Peter got his wrists free and is now working on his ankle ties. As he finishes freeing himself, the door starts opening and Peter resumes to his position when tied.
“Boys, you’re awake now?” A dark voice emerges from the black doorway.
“Why are we here?” Steve boldly replies.
“To answer my questions, that little girl certainly had a lot for me tonight. Now, you have the option to answer and be good boys, or, you can dodge my questions and have her get beaten again. Your choice.” Dimitri says coldly.
“You won’t put your damn hands on her you piece of shit!!!” Peter says, now having a nerve struck after hearing that you have been beaten.
Dimitri laughs at Peter’s reaction, “And what? You think you’re going to do something about it? You’re just a kid, and you’re tied!”
“Am I?” Peter says pouncing onto Dimitri, punching him in the jaw.
“Poor choice little boy.” Dimitri says pulling out a knife.
Dimitri lunges towards Peter with his knife and tries slicing Peter’s arm. Peter dodges Dimitri and elbows Dimitri in the face. Dimitri stumbles behind Peter and takes the opportunity to stab Peter in the shoulder. Peter gasps and lands on a knee in front of Steve. He slowly pulls the knife out of his shoulder and drops it on the floor. This only sets more of a fight in Peter, Peter grapples Dimitri and pulls him to the ground. They both wrestle and each try to knock each other out.
As Peter and Dimitri fight, Steve is in arm’s reach of Dimitri’s knife and uses it to cut the ropes from his wrists. A few moments later Steve has now freed himself and helps Peter knock Dimitri out. Peter exhausted, can still only wonder if you were alright. He didn’t want to take a breath, he needed to save you.
“We have to find Y/N!” Peter tells Steve, now running out of the room.
“Peter hold on, we need to be careful, we don’t know what are doing with her. And what are we going to do with Dimitri? We can’t just leave him like this.” Steve warns Peter of his reckless behavior.
“Do you want me to finish him? Cause I’ll do it!” Peter says very dominantly.
“No! We can’t kill him! We need him for more information. We should tie him up and come back for him once we find Y/N.” Steve explains.
Steve and Peter tie Dimitri to a pipe, making it harder for him to remove himself if he were to wake up.
“We should split up, listen you can climb quietly along the walls and the ceilings and not be seen. I’ll go search areas around here.” Steve leads.
Before Steve could even finish his thought, Peter was already on the ceiling making his way to a room.
“And Peter, be careful!!” Steve’s voice echoes.
You were sitting in a chair with five mutants surrounding you in a circle. Your wrists were bruising from the restraints and they wouldn’t budge no matter how hard you tried.
“Stop struggling, sweetheart.” You hear one of them say. “We don’t want to hurt your beautiful face.”
“Why am I tied up when there’s five of you? Is Dimitri afraid I’ll overpower you.” You question.
The same man turns around and slaps you hard across the face. You cheek stung and became numb in a matter of seconds. What the hell? Why did he hit me?! You think to yourself.
“You don’t talk about Dimitri Toomes like that. Show some respect.” He says enraged.
You decided to push him some more. You didn’t know if it was out of pure courage or pure stupidity.
“Why the fuck would I respect him? He beat me!” You scream.
“That man is the son of Adrian Toomes, he’s among the strongest men in the city!” He defends.
“He’s a child, he’s not strong, I know plenty of stronger men and women than him!” You argue.
The man grows more annoyed and tired of your stubbornness. He pulled his arm back and whipped his hand hard across your face. Your cheek burned and you could taste blood on your tongue. You barely let out a whimper.
“You keep talking, and I’ll fucking end you right here.” He says very seriously.
As Peter is crawling along the walls and ceilings of the concrete hideout, he feels the hairs on his arms stand. His spider senses were going haywire. He sensed you nearby. He could hear muffled voices coming from a room ahead of him, he rushed to the doorway and listened for your voice but instead he only heard cries of pain from you. He crawled into the room and met eyes with you. You smile now knowing you were going to be okay. You wanted to help Peter have a better chance at freeing you. You needed to come up with a distraction and fast.
“Hey, do you hear that?” You say curiously.
“Hear what?”
“There! Did you hear it now? It was a loud slam! It sounds like it’s coming from outside of this room!” You say trying to sound as convincing as possible.
“You better not be lying, Dimitri will torture you and your friends even worse than you imagined.”
“Fine. Don’t believe me. Dimitri might be fighting off both of my friends right now.” You say coy.
The man scoffs and slowly leaves the room not breaking eye contact until he fully leaves. Another man follows for reassurance. Only three men remained in the room. Peter could handle them, these men were much scrawnier compared to the other two men.
Peter slowly crawls down the wall behind you and plans his attack. He looks over to you and makes a web shooting motion with his hand. You nodded, knowing exactly what his idea was.
Peter stuck his wrist out and shot webs at man leaving him stuck on the ground. The other two men were now aware of Peter’s presence and began attacking him.
Peter shoots his webs at one of the remaining men’s wrists, removing his knife. Peter then punches the man’s jaw and swings him down. The other man was more difficult to fight. He was much stronger than Peter anticipated.
Peter swung his fist to make contact with man, the man dodges and makes a quick hit to Peter’s ribs. You could see the pain oozing from his face. You cried for Peter, wanting him to be okay.
“It’s okay, Y/N.” Peter says staggering in his place trying to get his momentum back. Peter tried to take another swing and hits the man in the cheek. The man is slightly fazed, but kicks Peter off his feet. The man puts Peter in a chokehold. You yell at the man to stop.
“You want me to stop? I don’t know, I think loverboy could take some more.” The man taunts.
As the man taunts you, Peter loosens the man’s grip from his neck. “It’s going to take a lot more for you to take me down that easily.” Peter huskily replies to the man.
Peter then elbows the man in the ribs, knocking the wind right out of him. Peter removes himself from him and reverses the positions between them. He then grabs the man’s collar and punches the man hard, knocking him out.
Peter steps back still looking at the man. He is breathing hard. You look Peter over, glancing at all of his wounds. His neck was already bruising, his fists were bloody, his clothes were ripped and bloodied, his jaw was bruised. You also notice a large stab wound in his shoulder. When did he get that?! Peter was a mess and you blamed it on yourself.
“Peter... you’re hurt.” You say with tears in your eyes.
“Y/N, I’m okay, please don’t cry.” He says as he quickly makes his way to you.
You could see him breathing deep and hunch in pain when he makes certain movements.
“No, you’re not Peter. Every time you move I can see it hurts you. You were also stabbed, how long ago did that happen? This is all my fault, if I had been better at lying and not trusting Dimitri none of this would have happened.”
“Y/N this is not your fault at all! Please don’t blame yourself for this. Dimitri tried to fight me and he ended up stabbing me. You don’t have to worry about him, he’s not going to hurt you again. We’re okay, and we’re gonna get out of here.” He says now untying you from your chair.
“I put you into a situation where you got hurt, I couldn’t bare to watch that asshole choke you. I don’t know what I would’ve done if he actually killed you.” You say now sobbing thinking of what the outcome could’ve been.
“He didn’t, you’ve still got me. I would’ve chosen for him to take me down over you getting hurt.” He says comforting.
“I really don’t know what I would’ve done if one of those assholes had you like that. I could hear you crying. That’s how I found you. They’re lucky I didn’t kill them.” He says now getting very tense. You could feel it, being the only one with him.
“Peter?” You say interrupting him.
“Yeah Y/N?
You lean in wrapping your arms around his neck gently to kiss him. He takes control fast and kisses you deeply and sweetly.
“I’ve been wanting to do that since I walked down the stairs back at the compound.” You admit aloud.
“I’ve been wanting to do that since I met you, I just never knew how to tell you and I thought you only liked me as a friend.” Peter says now very shyly.
“And, you kinda took my breath away when you came down the stairs in that dress. You know blue is my favourite colour.” Peter admits.
You cut him off and kiss him again, reassuringly.
“I know! I picked that dress out of Nat’s options for you. I’ve had a crush on you for a long time, Pete.” You confess.
Just as you were leaning in again. Your dad busts the door in finding the both of you in an embrace.
“Y/N! ARE YOU OKAY! THANK GOD I FOUND YOU TWO!” Tony says very relieved.
Steve, Nat, Bruce, and Bucky enter behind and relax finding the both of you safe. Once Steve and Bruce see that you’re both okay, they breakaway from the group to find Dimitri to bring back for questioning.
“Dad! We’re okay! How did you find us?” You say beaming.
“I put a tracker on your bracelet so we could locate you in case of an emergency.” Tony says.
“Wait, I’ve had this bracelet for over a year now. You did just put a tracker on it now right?” You say suspicious.
“DAD! There’s a thing called privacy! You can’t stalk my every move!!..” As you get mad you slowly realize if it weren’t for your irratic father, you may never have escaped.
“Thanks, dad.” You say running up to him hugging him tightly.
He squeezes back, then realizes who you were hugging moments before when he broke the door down.
“Hey Peter, do you want to explain to me why you were hugging my daughter?” He says protectively.
“Dad! Stop! He saved me, if it weren’t for Pete I wouldn’t have made it.” You say defending Peter.
“And, I love him.”
“Ok.... And we will have a discussion about this later young lady. I don’t like the idea of you using the L word.” He says now leading the way out of the room.
The Avengers follow Tony, you and Peter are left alone for a moment in the room again.
“Thanks for defending me, Y/N. Did you mean that also?” He says softly.
“Yeah I did.” You say placing your hand in his.
You both follow along still hand in hand. “Also, my dad will get over us liking each other. He tells me how great of a guy you are all the time.” You chirp.
“What if he doesn’t? I don’t think he’d think I’m a great guy if I’m dating his daughter.” Peter says slightly concerned.
“Then it’ll be our little secret.” You say whispering to him.
“That’s a secret I could keep.” Peter says now smiling looking back at you.
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We keep missing each other (Johnny/smut)
NCT/WAYV masterlist                        Group Masterlist
A/N: This is loosely based off of Love, Rosie and it’s what inspired this because it’s my favorite romance film and I adore it. 
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Tags:  Johnny x female reader, best friends to lovers, a little bit of heartbreak, the smut is not the point but we know that by now, I have no self control so this will be long, Cursing, arguments, mentions of cheating, college, adult life 
Smut tags: Grinding, oral sex (giving receiving), Mild hair pulling, Unprotected sex (wrap it up kids), teasing, Johhny being a bit possessive
NOT PROOF READ (none of my work is I’m sorry)
Word count: 8430 words (I’m so sorry) 
“Are you two dating?” It was a common question to both you and Johnny. A question you were both so incredibly used to hearing. No, you two weren’t dating and no you never dated. Not in all of the years you knew eachother, you never dated. 
That was a lot of years. Elementary school being where you met. You remembered it like it was yesterday. The feeling of someone significantly bigger than your 6 year old self, shoving you to the ground. Turning around you saw a head of bright red hair and a boy that was older than you. As you opened your mouth to say something, the boy fell over himself and revealed a smaller dark haired boy. “Don’t push people!” He said to the red head, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“But you pushed me too!” The boy retorted and you pushed yourself off of the ground. “Because you pushed me!” You defended your savior, crossing your arms as well. “Johnny! Y/N! What are you two doing?” The teacher called and you both ran away giggling. 
You really could never forget that day, Johnny came to your defense. He always came to your defense. The bigger kids never dared pick on you with him around and since that day, you were inseperable. 
Even through highschool, no especially through highschool. You would say you were the closest throughout highschool. `Walking into the big building for the first time, hand in hand. Everyone thought you were together, but no, you were eachothers moral support. 
Until you weren’t. Although you were the closest during highschool there was a wedge. Johnny wasn’t just Johnny to you anymore. No, Johnny was now Johnny and you cared for him in a way that wasn’t just as friends. 
“What are you doing?” You asked, looking up from your magazine and at Johnny as he stared at himself in the mirror. “I think I need to shave.” He said and you started laughing. “Shave what? You have maybe one hair on your chin.” You commented and he turned to you. “What do you have to be so cruel for?” he mumbled, walking back to your bed and crashing onto it. 
Glancing over, he noticed your focussed face as you read. “What are you reading anyways?” He asked, snatching the magazine out of your hands. “Give it back.” You reached for it only for him to pull it just out of your grasp. “’Kissing and what you’re doing wrong’ that’s an interesting title. What are you doing wrong with kissing? Maybe you should kiss someone first before finding out what’s wrong with your kisses.” He teased and you snatched the magazine back. 
“Now who’s being cruel?” You pouted, closing the magazine before tossing it onto the floor. Johnny laughed and pushed you back onto your bed, laying on top of you with his head on your chest. You were so glad he couldn’t see your face, or how red your cheeks were. “I just can’t believe you’re eightteen and have never kissed.” He remarked and you pinched his arm. “HEY! It’s not a bad thing. I didn’t mean it like that.” He lifted his head, looking at you and lifted his hand. 
You could feel his fingers over your cheek and you could feel your own cheeks heating up. “I just- why haven’t you kissed anyone yet or really dated? You’re pretty, you’re smart... a bit of a smartass-” His voice trailed off as you laughed, cutting the odd tension. Johnny meant those words, he always saw you like that and he loved that about you. 
“I’m not gonna kiss just anyone. It needs to mean something. At least to me.” You mumbled and Johnny sat back up. He looked down at you, you looked so pretty to him. So close, but so distant. You were his best friend, just his best friend, right?
You pushed him back slightly because he was still on top of you and got out of your bed. “Which that should be soon. Matt asked me to the dance coming up.” You said, fiddling with the stuff on your nightstand. Johnny felt a pain in his chest, it was brief, but it didn’t go unnoticed. “Matt? And you said yes?” Johnny asked, looking anywhere but at you. He didn’t completely understand why he was feeling this way and he didn’t want you to think something was wrong. 
“Yeah, I said yes. I wasn’t really getting any other offers and well, Matt is nice.” You said and glanced back at him. He was fiddling with a loose thread on your blanket, staring at your posters on the wall. “Matt’s nice.” He laughed and you sighed. Matt wasn’t the nicest to other’s around him but he was kind enough to you. “Well, nice enough... What about you then? I heard you’re going with Kimberly. She’s not particularly nice either.” You retorted and he shrugged. “She’s pretty though.  She can be nice when she wants to be too.” Johnny admitted, Kimberly wasn’t his first choice but she wasn’t his last.  
“I guess we’re both going with ‘okay’ people.” You said and he finally turned to look at you, eyes locking with yours. “I guess so.”  He said softly, mouth turning down into a frown and you couldn’t help but reciprocate it. 
The dance rolled around and there you were with your date, Matt. He cleaned up nice enough, sporting a tux and he even managed to find a corsage for you. It was completely the wrong color, but that was alright. Afterall, it was the thought that counted. 
You loved your dress, your long dark blue dress and thought you looked absolutely amazing. Until you saw Kimberly, walking arm in arm with Johnny towards the venue from Johnny’s car and well, your confidence faltered. 
Johnny was right, she was pretty, no she was gorgeous. Her dress color matched yours but it fit her so nice, her hair was done beautifully, her makeup was absolutely perfect. She was perfect
But Johnny, Johnny looked like a dream. So much so it made you stop to take a deep breath. His hair was pushed back out of his face, aside from some strategically placed strands that fell into his face. His full suit made him look so adult, something you two definitely weren’t yet. He was smiling so big and his eyes were sparkling, you could tell that even with the large distance between you two. 
However he could feel eyes on him and found you and Matt still standing by the cars. He smiled at you and your returned it, knowing you would be able to talk to him when you got inside. 
“So are you sure you and Johnny have never been together before?” Matt asked, offering you his arm to escort you inside. “Very sure. He’s my best friend, nothing else.” You lied straight through your teeth, you’ve said it so many times you were starting to believe it. “Does he agree?” Matt asked as you walked inside and you laughed. “I assume so.” There was no way Johnny had feelings for you. “You both are dumb.” Matt mumbled, entering the hall your school had rented out for evening. 
Your night was good, spent dancing, chatting, laughing and for the first time in a few hours you sat down. Matt had an arm around your waist but you felt that grip loosen. “I’m going to go talk to some of my friends for a while, if you don’t mind?” He asked, smiling at you. “Oh yeah, go on ahead. I’m just gonna sit here a minute.” You smiled back and watched him disappear into the crowd. 
After five minutes, you were fighting to keep your eyes open a sudden wave of exhaustion hit you. But you weren’t ready to go home just yet, you hadn’t even talked to Johnny at all. That little witch Kimberly was glued to his side the whole time, made it harder to approach him. It was already hard enough with him looking like that. 
“If that ass Matt left you here, I’ll hurt him.” Johnny’s voice knocked you out of your thoughts. He was standing in front of you and smiling down on you. “He went to talk with friends. I’ll have you know he’s been really sweet all evening.” You said and glanced around him. Kimberly wasn’t there. “Where’s your date then?” You added and he sighed. “She went to go hangout with her girls. So I came to check up on you, I saw you were sitting alone.” He explained and you nodded your head in understanding. 
The quick upbeat music in the background faded slowly, starting up a slow song meant for a slow dance. “Come on, let me dance with you.” Johnny said, extending his hand towards you. “Are you asking or demanding?” You laughed and took his hand. “A little bit of both.” He squeezed your hand and pulled you up. 
His hands quickly moved to your waist and yours wrapped around his neck, he was very much guiding your movements. You started swaying to the music, your chest pressed to his and you looking everywhere but his face. Boy your cheeks were warm. 
“I didn’t get the chance to tell you yet, but you look so pretty.” Johnny complimented and you finally looked at him. “Thanks John. You clean up pretty good yourself. I can see you shaved the hair on your chin.” You joked, moving your hand to stroke over his chin as he laughed. But the action was more intimate than you planned and his laughter stifled. The air turned serious and you could feel Johnny pull you even closer into him. Your hand moved from his chin to his cheek and your eyes were still locked. You weren’t sure if you were moving closer to him, or if he was moving closer to you but you were definitely moving closer together. 
But the tapping on Johnny’s shoulder ruined the moment and he was so mad for it. “What?” He turned around, voice a bit scarier than what he meant. But his expression grew soft seeing Kimberly there with a big smile. “What? I’m your date. Mind if I steal him back Y/N?” She asked, fake smiling in your direction. Your heart felt incredibly heavy, wanting to say no and wrap your arms around him. You know, claim what was yours. But you decided against it. 
“Of course not. You’re his date after all.” You returned her fake smile and removed yourself from Johnny’s touch. You removed yourself from his general vicinity, you didn’t want to be near him. Not if he was with her. 
You two had gotten so close that evening, so incredibly close that evening that it made you wonder what would have happened if you said no to her. 
Making your way back to your seat, you were visibly sulking on your way. This was your chance and you blew it. You brought yourself to glance back at Johnny, noticing the incredibly close proximity between him and Kimberly. This was your first heartbreak. 
“Hey there you are.” Matt said and joined you at the table. “What’s wrong?” He instantly noticed your down expression. You couldn’t help but look at Johnny and you really wish you didn’t. His lips were locked with hers as they swayed to the music and it looked so incredibly sweet. That could’ve been you and him. 
Matt grabbed your chin lightly and made you look away, he could tell. He could absolutely tell that your heart was broken, it was your expression. The way all the color drained from your face and the way you were biting back tears. “Come on, let’s get you home.” His voice was soft, fingers catching the tears that managed to spill over. You nodded softly, not having the energy to stick around any longer. 
He slipped his jacket over your shoulders and wrapped an arm around you. That was all Johnny saw at least. He didn’t see your heart breaking over him, no he only saw you leaving wrapped sweetly under Matt’s arm and it made that ache return in his chest. 
That night started your relationship with Matt. He knew you weren’t over your best friend, but he promised to be there for you and he promised he would do what he could for you. Which you greatly appreciated and slowly, your feelings for Johnny sank to the background. Not being completely gone, but not being the main event in your life. 
That hurt Johnny, but he understood. You were both getting older, relationships were natural and you were slowly growing apart. But you still considered him your best friend. But he did take a back seat, he was with Kimberly and you both seemed happy. 
It remained that way until college, you and Matt had a small apartment off campus. Johnny lived in a small apartment with Kimberly... until he didn’t. Until he found her cheating on him in their shared bedroom. Until he showed up at your apartment at midnight.
“Here.” You handed him a glass of water, pulling your sweater sleeves down as you sat down next to him. “Thanks.” He mumbled and refused to look at you. Johnny looked sad but not as sad as you should be in a situation like this. 
“Johnny, it’s you.” Matt said, rubbing his eyes sleepily. He had went to bed early and missed the phone call explaining Johnny needed to talk to his best friend. “Yeah, it’s me. Sorry to be here so late, man.” Johnny apologized and finally looked up. His eyes were glossy and it was obvious something was wrong. “It’s alright, I’ll leave you two to talk. I have big exam in the morning.” Matt explained and placed an arm on your shoulder. Leaning down he pecked your lips and you reciprocrated the action. 
Johnny knew what Matt was doing, that was just a small way of Matt reminding him that you were with him and not Johnny. Johnny shook his head to himself with a small knowing smile. Fuck, you would never cheat. Johnny knew that, he knew you were too good for that. He was mentally beating himself up for his choices. But you looked happy and he couldn’t ruin that. 
“So she was just, screwing some other guy. In your bed?” You asked, pulling your knees up to your chest. “Yep, right on our shared bed. I’m pretty sure they were on my side of the bed too.” He almost laughed, making you snort. You never did like Kimberly and he knew that.
He glanced at you with a sad smile. “Sorry, I shouldn’t laugh.” You said, covering your mouth as you laughed even harder. You didn’t even know why you were laughing, maybe it was because you knew she wasn’t nice and he didn’t listen. But hearing your laughter made him also break out into laughter. “Fuckkkkk, I should have known. I should have listened to you.” Johnny rested his elbows on his knees and put his hands in his hair. 
“The men in my life never believe me when I say I’m always right.” You joked, but turned serious. This was a serious situation and as much as you were joking now, Johnny was hurting. Leaning over, you wrapped your arms around his waist and tucked your face onto his shoulder. “You’re too good for her. You deserve better.” You absolutely meant it and something in the back of your mind said “I can be better for you!” but you pushed it aside. 
His hands grabbed yours and just held them for a moment as you hugged him. He was just thinking at this point. Thinking about how not upset he actually was at Kimberly and how upset he was with himself for making that choice to be with her. 
“I love you.” He said and the words didn’t catch you off guard. You told eachother this frequently, but Johnny meant it differently this time. You just didn’t pick it up that way. 
“I love you too.” You mumbled into his shoulder, hiding your yawn. It was midnight after all. Johnny held you against him a little longer, needing the physical comfort but also just enjoying the feel of you against him. 
“You don’t mind if I stay here tonight right?” Johnny asked, breaking the silence. You shook your head no. “You know I don’t mind.” You mumbled and he sighed, leaning back. The position made you switch the way you hugged him. Your head resting on his chest and his arms around you. 
“Y/N, you coming to bed soon?” Matt called from your bedroom, ruining the comfortable silence. “Yeah, I’m coming.” You called back and pushed yourself off of the couch, “You need anything before I go?” You asked, looking down at him. His hand was still holding yours and he was having a hard time letting it go. “No, I should be fine. Thanks again.” You nodded, looking at your hands. 
“Goodnight, Johnny.” You said softly and quickly walked away, needing to remove yourself from the situation. “Goodnight.” He said softly, knowing that you couldn’t hear him anymore. 
The next morning, Matt walked into the living room completely ready for the day. However, he had not anticipated Johnny laying on his couch. Rage bubbled up in him, Matt knew Johnny was single now and Matt knew your feelings for him had never really gone away, you had just been distracted. 
He stormed back into your bedroom to see you making the bed and you looked at him in surprise. Matt looked angry and hurt and you had no clue why. 
“You let him stay the night?” Matt asked and you nodded, still being confused at the situation. “You could have at least asked me, at least. But no anything for Johnny.” Matt said, letting things go that he had been holding onto for a few years. 
That was what Johnny woke up to, Matt yelling and he shot off of the couch. “What do you mean anything for Johnny?” You asked and he could hear it from his position in the living room. “Don’t be stupid, you know exactly what I mean. You’d do absolutely anything for him, any time he calls you and says he needs you, you’re there. Even if it means leaving me in the middle of dinner, or in the middle of the night.” Johnny felt a wave of guilt wash over him at Matt’s words. You never told him that you left Matt in those situations, you never told him and it weighed on his chest like a ton of bricks. 
“That’s bullshit, Matt. He’s my best friend and -” Your words were cut off. “Well what am I then? I’m just the boyfriend.” There was a pause and Johnny was almost too scared to breathe. 
He stood there in the living room absolutely frozen as Matt stormed past, not even giving him a second look before leaving your apartment. Johnny felt guilty, he felt so guilty. 
“You’re still here.” You commented, seeing that Johnny was still standing there. He turned to look at you and noticed the streams of tears down your face. “I’m-” You cut him off, raising your hand to tell him to stop. “No, just no. I’m not in the mood.” You cried and covered your eyes. You felt his hands on your arms and you moved away. 
It bugged you immensly that Matt was right, it bugged you immensly that Johnny had such a big hold on you still. 
“I think it might be better if you leave.” You said the words, you didn’t mean them but you said them anyways. Johnny took a step back, looking at you with confused eyes. “Wh-” “Just leave, please Johnny.” You looked up at him with teary eyes and trembling lips. He wanted nothing more than to hug you, wipe your tears away and tell you it would okay. 
But that was counter productive and he knew this wouldn’t fix the situation. However he couldn’t help but wonder why you always came to his aid when he needed you. 
Johnny grabbed his things, finding it hard to look at you again because he knew if he did, he wouldn’t be able to leave. You watched in silence aside from your sobs, you didn’t want to do this. But you didn’t want to lose Matt. It wasn’t fair to him, he was always so good to you. 
As the door shut behind Johnny, you felt yourself completely breakdown. It was hard coming to terms with the fact that you still loved Johnny. Yet here you were and things weren’t easy. 
He had called you throughout the week after, but you never picked up. Things with Matt were good, Matt could be your forever and you wanted to make it work. Johnny was now on the backburner now more than ever. It hurt him deeply, he felt so incredibly guilty.  
It was obvious you didn’t want him around and he didn’t want to be a burden. So after about a month, the calls and the texts stopped. He would see you on campus, laughing and smiling with your friends and Matt and you would spot him with his own friends too, smiling and laughing. 
Life without eachother was do-able. But it wasn’t fun. 
That was when you heard about the engagement about a year later. You didn’t even know Johnny was seeing someone at all, let alone getting engaged. But the news crippled you, especially after you sent the simple text (and the first one in almost a year) that read ‘Congratulations’. The words made you crumble onto the floor in your bathroom, into a crying mess. You were inconsolable and nothing could make you stop crying, not even Matt coming home. 
Not even Matt asking what was wrong, especially not Matt seeing your text to Johnny and it really didn’t help when Matt told you that he couldn’t do this anymore. That he couldn’t be second to Johnny, that he tried and that he did his best to get over it. But he just couldn’t, he couldn’t be with someone who was emotionally with someone else. 
You simply let him go, watched him walk out the door without saying anything. All you could do was cry and that was all you did for days. You cried when Matt came to pick up his things, you cried when your friends came over to see if you were okay and you cried when you saw the engagement post on social media.
But at one point your tears run dry and well by that time you were graduating from college. Due to your friendship with Johnny, your parents had become great friends with eachother and well it seemed neither of you informed them of your falling out. So you were bound to group family activities and it was the first time you would have spoken to him in about a year. 
“Long time no see.” His voice came from behind you as you waited for your parents to show up. Your heart was pounding in your chest, less nervous about him scaring you than you were about seeing him again. Turning around, you put on a forced smile. “Hey!” You sounded happy, you think. 
Johnny looked great, as always. A black leather jacket covering his arms, with a grey shirt underneath and simple jeans and sneakers. He looked like Johnny and he hadn’t changed at all. Why hadn’t he changed? 
He was surprised at seeing you so close again. You looked tired, forcing a smile as you looked at him. But you still looked like you, absolutely beautiful and he was now remembering everything from a year prior. 
“Hi! I don’t think we’ve met.” A sweet voice knocked you both out of your trance. What you hadn’t noticed, or refused to notice was that he was holding hands with someone. A beautiful someone, a girl who stood tall with a slim figure and long flowing hair. She was the typical beauty queen and you didn’t expect anything less. 
“I’m Madison, Johnny’s fiancé.” You shook her hand, swallowing thickly. “I’m Y/N, Johnny’s childhood friend.” You introduced yourself, avoiding eye contact with her because you couldn’t bring yourself to it. “Nice to meet you.” She said and smiled brightly. She seemed sweet too... fuck. 
“Where’s Matt, I don’t see him anywhere?” Johnny asked, looking around the general area to see if he was near. The last time Johnny saw him it seemed like he was ready to rip his head off. “Oh, uhm we broke up a few months ago.” You explained softly, looking to the ground and silently thanking God that your parents’ car pulled up. 
Johnny felt his chest tighten. Was that his fault? Was he the reason that things didn’t work out with Matt? The argument he overheard now replaying in his head like it did the days after it happened. 
“Son!” His mother broke the silence, wrapping him in her arms. “Y/n!” She called, noticing you as you helped your own family with their things out of their car. “Mrs. Suh!”  You said in return, seeing Johnny’s mom put the biggest smile on your face and for a moment you forgot about everything. You ran over, hugging her tightly as she pet your hair. “Ah, just as pretty as ever.” She said, taking a step back and looking at you. She was so sweet. 
You watched your mom hug Johnny, looking at him the same way his mother was looking at you. “So handsome! And your fiancé, you’re absolutely beautiful!” She said and you and Mrs. Suh turned to look at them. You didn’t even notice that Johnny’s mom hadn’t acknowledged Madison. 
Her hand rubbed over your back as your mother doted over them, the ring, her hair, Madison’s face. “I always thought it would be you two getting engaged.” She said softly, looking at you. She was making sure no one else could hear the conversation. “I don’t know if I’m ready to accept her to be my daughter in law, I kind of already accepted you as my daughter in law.” Her words made you tear up and you looked at her. “I love you Mrs. Suh, but I really wish you didn’t just say that.” You said and dried your eyes quickly before anyone could notice. 
“I say, we all go out to dinner tonight. All of us.” Your mother said as your fathers joined you all. “That sounds like a great idea! I would love to hear more stories about Johnny.” Maddison said and you couldn���t have hated an idea more. This evening would quite possibly be your own personal Hell. 
You tried everything to try and get out of going, the last thing you wanted was to sit across from Madison discussing napkin colors for her wedding but that’s exactly what you ended up doing. 
Your parents were deep in conversation with eachother, Johnny getting roped into it as well. That left you and Madison to talk and boy was she talking. You were exagerating and you knew that. She was such a sweet girl, she was just so excited about her wedding and you really couldn’t blame her. You would be too. 
“I know his favorite color is blue so I wanted to have small blue details throughout the venue, that’s cute right?” She asked and you looked up from your pasta. “Yeah. I guess so.” You weren’t really listening but she couldn’t sense that. You were good at pretending.
“Johnny, why haven’t you asked Y/N to be one of your groomsmen? You’ve been friends for so long.” Johnny looked at you with apologetic eyes. He could tell you didn’t want to be there. “I just didn’t think she would want to be a groomsman. But if you want too, the spot is yours.” His words were serious and his eyes were drilling holes into yours. “I- I-... I need a minute.” You quickly pushed your chair away from the table and made your way to the bathroom. 
All the tears you had been holding in throughout the day managed to spill over and there was no controlling it anymore. Turning into the hallway where the bathroom’s were situated, you pressed yourself into the wall and let it all out. You didn’t care if anyone walked out, you didn’t care. You were still very much in love with Johnny. 
He watched you walk away and he could see that look in your eyes, the one that meant you were about to cry. The look on your face that you had when you kicked him out of your house that day. 
“Excuse me.” Johnny said and stood up, leaving the table and Madison. He wasn’t just going to leave you alone again. He couldn’t do it. 
Walking through the resturaunt, following your steps he made his way to the bathroom. However he wasn’t expecting to see you crumbled against the hallway wall, crying and breathing heavily. He didn’t think twice before wrapping his arms around you. 
“Johnny you can’t do this. I can’t have you do this.” You said between sobs and he looked at you. “Go back and sit with her. Please.” You added, pushing against him slightly. He didn’t realise this but he was crying himself. “I can’t.” He mumbled and he wasn’t lying. How could he get married while still feeling this way for you?
“You can. Johnny you’re getting married. We missed each other again.” You cried, speaking the words out hurt. You kept missing eachother. Taking a deep breath, you wiped your eyes and stood up straight. Pushing against him to do the same. 
Johnny looked at you, his head was a mess. He didn’t know what was right anymore. He was engaged and he loved her, but not in the way he loved you. Not the deep love he had for you and always had for you, he didn’t feel that for Madison at all. 
“You’re getting married, Johnny. Go back out there. Please. Madison is a great girl.You’re going to have an amazing life with her.” You held his hand, squeezing it comfortingly. You meant those words, he didn’t need to ruin this for himself. He chose to propose to her for a reason, he needed to remember that. 
“I haven’t seen you since you kicked me out about a year ago. How do you expect me to just go back and leave you like this again?”  Johnny asked and you looked up at him. He looked so hurt and you never regretted previous actions more. “I shouldn’t have kicked you out like that then, but that was then. I can’t turn back time. But I can support you now.” You explained, forcing a smile and you weren’t really happy. But you were going to be, you were going to be supportive because you didn’t want to lose him again. 
Johnny’s mind was blank as you reached up and dried his tears. “Now, let’s go back out there and celebrate the fact that you’re getting married.” You added, just looking at him. “Okay.” His voice was barely audible and you pulled him out of the hallway slightly, just to get him to move because he wasn’t going to take the step on his own. 
Making it back to the table, Madison was staring at you both. “We needed to talk about groomsmen things.”  You forced a smile, sitting down again and watched Johnny do the same. Madison looked between you both, trying to register everything that just happened or trying to piece things together. But things were starting to get more and more clear to her when she started noticing how Johnny was looking at you. Mrs. Suh couldn’t help but watch the scene unfold in front of her with concern. 
You made it through dinner, avoiding Johnny’s eyes, avoiding Madison’s and avoiding all conversation. You made it through and then, you made it home. You were going to give yourself a few days to grieve, it was what you needed. Johnny had been the only man you had loved in your entire life and it was time to let him go. Or so you had thought, until the rapid knocking on your apartment door disturbed your crying session. 
“Johnny? Why are you here?” You were angry to see him there, especially after the events that had unfolded at dinner. Johnny leaned against your door frame and he had a small smile on his face. “Can I come in?” He asked, examining your face and the tears tracks going down your face. “Is that the right thing to do?” You asked, not wanting to open the door to heartbreak again. “It is, trust me.” Johnny was smiling and you couldn’t say no to that smile, you hated yourself for it. 
Moving to the side, you let him wander into your apartment. He was still wearing his clothes from earlier that day and he looked tired, but happy.
“Madison called the wedding off.” You stopped dead in your tracks and just froze. “What?” You choked out, looking him dead in the eye. How could he say that so casually? 
“She called off the wedding.” Johnny was smiling and you were just confused. This day had been a whirl wind of emotions for you, so you were having a hard time comprehending how he was so amused at the situation. “How can you say it so happily?” You asked, voice sounding so amazed and confused at the same time. 
“Because I’m happy. For the first time in a long time, I’m happy.” Johnny moved closer to you and grabbed your hands. You were starting to put things together, realising that for the first time you and him and actually had a chance. Your hand squeezed his and you smiled slightly. “Why’d she call off the wedding?” You asked, not being able to hide the happiness in your voice but also being genuinely curious. 
“Apparently, I’m not as good at hiding my feelings like I thought I was.” He started, pulling you closer to him. He wrapped your arms around his waist so that you were fully pressed against him. The close proximity wasn’t awkward. After all the years of liking eachother, it didn’t feel awkward anymore. It felt like finally, it was supposed to happen. 
 “After dinner, we went home, she sat me down and just said ‘you love y/n, don’t you?’ and well she wasn’t wrong. So I told her ‘I thought I loved you, I thought I was over it all. But seeing Y/N again made me realise, I love her. I have always loved her and I think I always will. I’m sorry’  and well, she called off the wedding and now I’m here.” Your tears were coming again and well, you were scared to look up. “If you’ll have me... I’m not missing you again.” Johnny added, his hands moving to cup your face. 
His lip was quivering, nerves running through his body as he looked at you and your teary eyes. Were you gonna push him away again? You hadn’t done it yet, but were you going to do it now? 
Your hands slowly moved up, wrapping around his neck slowly. “I’ll have you.” You said softly, moving to stand on your toes as you finally pressed your lips to his. For the first time ever, you were kissing Johnny and it was better than anything you had ever experienced before. Not because he was the end all be all of kissing but because it was him and it was right. 
Johnny hummed against your lips and allowed his arms to wrap around your waist. His lips were moving in perfect sync with yours and he was craning his neck to be as physically close to you as possible. 
Your kiss deepened and Johnny grip on you tightened, feeling his tongue slip into your mouth. A small moan left you and felt a burning in your stomach and inbetween your legs, you had wanted this for so long and now you felt needy. Your hands moved, pushing his leather jacket off of his shoulders and he helped slipping it off. It dropped to the floor with a thud and you both smiled, your hands cupping his cheeks before kissing him again. 
Johnny’s arms wrapped around your waist again, picking you up easily and catching you off guard. His hands now cupping your ass as he held you up and moved you both to the couch. 
He sat down and held you in his lap, straddling his waist. Your kisses were horribly agressive, making up for lost time and Johnny moaned against you. “Fuck, I love you.” He said, feeling your fingers tangle into his hair and your core grind over his. “I love you too.”  You said, the conotation being way different than the way you had ever said it before. 
Johnny moved his lips to your neck, taking his time nipping and sucking at the skin. “I remember the night of the dance.” He said inbetween kisses, his finger inching up your shirt slowly. You sighed feeling his teeth graze against your skin and at the painfull memory of the highschool dance. “I should’ve kissed you that night.” He mumbled into your skin before going to leave a mark. You were finally his and he was going to make sure people knew it. 
“Yeah you should’ve.” You were breathless, hips rolling over his. “But hey-” You pulled his lips off of your neck and looked at him. “I have more experience now anyways.” You laughed and he bucked his hips at your words.
 “You can’t just say that and not expect me to fuck you into this couch.” His lewd words caught you incredibly off guard and almost made your jaw go slack. Flipping you both over, your back hit the couch cushions as you felt his weight press against your denim covered core.  Your hands moved to his ass, pulling him against you harder because you needed some relief. 
You tugged on his shirt, pulling it up as he grinded against you as you wanted it off. He helped you pull it off completely, balling it up and throwing it on the ground. You looked at his bare torse as he sat up between your legs, your hand trailing over the muscular ridges. “When did you get so built?” You asked, more admiration than an actual question. Johnny was absolutely beautiful. 
Laughing, he grabbed your hand that was trailing over his body to lace your fingers together. “That tickles.” He said seriously, other hand by your head to support his weight. His eyes were scanning over your face, the way your hair spilled over the couch pillows and the slowly forming marks on your neck. “How have you not changed after all these years?” Johnny asked but you could tell he was talking to himself. Running his finger over your facial features lightly, before moving it down your neck and dragging it over your clothed chest before reaching the bottom of your shirt. 
His finger hooked under the fabric and lifted it up slowly. You helped him pull it off, smiling at his dramatics as he took his time. “Don’t mind me, just admiring the view.” You laughed at his words only to shut up instantly as his lips kissed the skin just on the edge of your bra, just to tease. 
Your hands moved back to his hair, wanting him to finally touch you. You had only been waiting for a few years. 
He tugged your bra down roughly, revealing your nipples. He placed hot open mouth kisses, again with the goal of leaving marks before taking your nipple into his mouth. You tugged his hair with a satisified moan as his tongue over the bud, his other hand moving to your back to take your bra off fully. He didn’t want his mouth to leave your skin so the action was messy, but he didn’t care. 
Discarding your bra fully now, he moved over to the other side and took your nipple between his lips again. Johnny glanced up at you to see your eyes shut and soft sighs escaping your mouth as you toyed with his hair. 
His hand moved down, swiftly unbuttoning your jeans and slipping his hand into them. You gasped at the sudden contact on your clit, making your eyes open wide and he chuckled against your skin. 
“Catch you off guard?” He asked, moving down your body further and kissing over your stomach. “You talk too much.” You gasped out feeling him apply more pressure to your core. It felt like you had electricity flowing through you. 
Smiling to himself, he tugged your jeans down your legs and struggled slightly around your ankles. You sat up, helping him with a little laugh as you finally kicked them off. As Johnny was about to push you back onto the couch, you got onto knees on the floor and he looked at you with wide eyes. 
Especially as you started undoing his jeans, his eyes followed you. You sat inbetween his legs, pulling his jeans down quickly before focussing on his very obvious hard on. You grabbed his cock through his boxers, running your tongue over your lips and Johnny was absolutely mesmerized. You could hear his sharp inhale as you freed his cock, making you smile before kissing the underside gently. 
Looking up, your eyes locked with his before you took the tip into your mouth. Johnny would have been lying if he said he hadn’t imagined you like this before. But his imagination was way off of the real thing, he never imagined you being so confident and well the confidence was incredibly sexy. 
“Shit baby.” He choked out, gripping your hair and leaning forward as your head bobbed on his cock. Making a makeshift ponytail in his hands, he guided you gently, still giving you enough space to do what you wanted. You looked up again, just watching him grit his teeth as you took him as far as you could. Hitting your gag reflex but you pushed through, pulling back off while running your tongue over the underside of his cock. 
Using your ponytail, he pulled your mouth off of him completely and he simply looked at you while breathing heavily. “Where did that come from?” He asked, still holding your hair. His other hand came up, wiping your lips and making you smile. 
“I was going to go easy on you but now I just can’t.” Johnny said and pulled you back onto the couch. But this time he sank onto his knees on the floor, sitting inbetween your legs and looking at wet patch that had formed in your panties. “You’re all talk John, you always have been.” You teased, looking down while taking your finger between your teeth. 
He shook his head with a small smirk on his face, just looking at before running his finger over your slit. He couldn’t help but smile though, your banter was still the same after all these years, even while he was between your legs. 
His hands pulled your panties down harshly, making you jump slightly and his hands moved to grab your thighs. Putting them on his shoulders, he leaned forward and kissed your clit softly, teasingly. You hummed softly, enjoying even the slight touches as his arms wrapped around your thighs. Then he dipped in fully, tongue running over your slit before wrapping his lips around your clit. Your back arched, making your legs pull him even closer and you moaned. 
Johnny’s fingers dug into your thighs, holding you down as you moaned his name. This was a dream. 
“Johnny stop, I’m gonna cum.” You moaned, trying to push him away but he held you down. Not moving his mouth anywhere, he sucked your clit harshly. The coil in your stomach tightened immensly and you gripped the cushions, looking at him watching you. “John-ny.”  You stuttered, being thrown over the edge and arching your back off of the couch. Your body was on fire and covered in a cold sweat as he rode out your orgasm on his tongue, but his eyes didn’t leave you for one second. 
“All talk huh?” He asked, wiping his mouth before hovering over you. “Just fuck me already.” You moaned in response, your body still being in a high from your orgasm. “No thank you?” He tutted before leaning down and capturing your lips for a messy kiss. You could taste yourself on his lips, wrapping your arms around his neck as your legs wrapped around his waist. 
“Please, Johnny.” You whined, placing your lips by his ear. “Fuck.” Hearing you beg was practically enough to make him cum on the spot, so he didn’t really have time to tease. 
He ran the head of his cock over your slit before slowly pushing into you. You let out a shaky moan and pressed your forehead to his, feeling him stretch you out was a lot. Johnny moved his hand by your head for support, groaning as he fully sheathed himself into you. Your nails dug into his shoulders and you placed light kisses by his ear. “Please fuck me, Johnny.” You begged softly, bucking your hips as you did so to taunt him. He said he wasn’t going to go easy on you and you wanted to test that. 
He drew back his hips without a word, slamming into you harshly and making you gasp. He continued to do so, moving his hand so that he could wrap his arms around you and press your chest against his. This gave him even more leverage, hips pistoning into yours faster. Your moans went silent, not even being able to say anything let alone something of value. 
“You’re so quiet now, cat got your tongue?” He asked, sounding breathless himself but he didn’t care anymore. You choked out a whimper, nails now dragging down his back. Your eyes were shut, finding it hard to keep them open as he hit your g-spot repetitively, making your legs shake. 
“Look at me.” Johnny said softly, his forehead pressing to yours. Opening your eyes, they instantly locked onto his. His hair was sticking to his forehead and his eyes were noticeably darker with lust and he looked so good. “You’re mine, right?” He asked, hips slowing down slightly but thrusting deeper than before. “Yes.” You were absolutely breathless, feeling another orgasm right around the corner. 
“I’m not losing you again, right?” It was a bit of insecurity that Johnny was starting to show, but he needed to hear it. “No, I’m all yours.” You moaned out, gasping as his hand moved down to your clit. 
Satisfied with your responses, his index finger rubbed circles on your clit and he could feel you tightening around him even more than you already were. You did your best to keep your eyes open, your nails digging into his skin helping you focus on that. 
“Cum for me.” He said softly, his own hips stuttering as he felt himself on the verge of cumming. “I- I love you.”  You whined, clenching around him as your orgasm washed over you. Johnny’s hips stuttered at the words and the feeling, cumming inside of you with a groan. He burried his face into your neck as he stayed still and your body relaxed underneath him. Your fingers now moved over his back as you both caught your breath, however he stayed inside of you making you shiver as he moved. 
“I love you too, by the way.” He said softly into your skin, making you laugh. He leaned back, looking down at you with a smile before slowly pulling out of you. You sighed, still holding onto his shoulders as he did so. He moved you both to lay down on the couch and catch your breath, not being nearly energetic enough to go shower or cleanup just yet. 
He held you as your head rested on his chest, fingers playing with your hair softly. You kissed absentlmindedly over his chest, something you had thought about doing alot when you two weren’t together and he just watched you. 
“Why did it take us this long?” He asked, disrupting the silence. “I like to believe it’s because of fate. But in reality it was probably us just being too blind and stupid to realise that we liked eachother.” You smiled at him and he stretched, placing an arm behind his head. 
“Yeah, you’re probably right. Mom told me to ask you to that dance in highschool, but I was convinced you didn’t like me like that. I thought you thought of me as a brother.” Johnny explained and you hid your face in his chest. “I thought you saw me as a sister. Until you almost kissed me the night of the dance. But then Kimberly just had to come and snatch you from me... little witch.” You ranted, making him let out a hearty laugh. “Well, watching you go home with Matt wasn’t easy either.” He admitted and you kissed over his chest again. 
“Your mom told me something earlier too, which almost made me cry then but now I can laugh at it.” You started and he looked at you with a cocked eyebrow. “What did she say?” He asked and you smiled. “She said she wasn’t ready to accept Madison to be her daughter in-law, because she already considered me as her daughter in-law.” You smiled triumphantly and he started laughing again. 
“Yeah, she’s going to be absolutely ecstatic to hear that this finally happened.” Johnny smiled, moving some stray hairs out of your face. You sat for a second just looking at eachother and smiling, this was what you both had wanted for years and normally an ending like this would have been anticlimactic, but it absolutely wasn’t. This was it, Johnny was it for you and you were it for Johnny. 
“I’m sorry it took me so long.” You said softly, tearing up a little just thinking about it all. “I’m sorry too. But we’re finally here.” He said, brushing away the tear that escaped you. “I’m not missing you again, not ever.” Johnny reassured, leaning forward to kiss your forehead. 
“Never again.” 
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Tag list (my first ever tag list yayyyy): @keonaforever21​ @heroesfan101​ @alreadyblondenow​ 
A/N: I’m so so so sorry that this took so incredibly long to post. I got sick and then really unmotivated to write. But now I’m here and I have finished this and am excited to write some more now! Please give me some feedback!! ♥♥♥♥
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Groupchat pt. I
CW// recreational drug use, group sex, poly dynamics, virgin reader, queer reader who uses she/her pronouns and feminine descriptors, intoxicated sex
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It was an interesting group of friends that you had. Well, 'friends' was a stretch, but you had a groupchat. The name was simply 'fuckers' because for some reason Bakugou was allowed to name the chat. You had the same group of stoners you ended up partying with every weekend, getting high off the strongest shit you could buy and letting loose to work off the stress of the week. It was cliche but true, you blew off steam getting high and dancing like a slut-- self care. Somehow it had evolved to more of a four person party that wasn't really a party, but you played music, smoked, and the boys watched you dance while devouring the healthy but tasty food you prepared because when you're high everything tastes 100 times better and you'd been on a restricted diet because of your chronic health issues since you were a teenager. When you'd explained this in the group chat, the most concise response you got was "so you'll cook for us?" Stoners were just your people honestly. Or maybe it was these stoners.
Bakugou mellowed out considerably after a few blunts, and he offered to blow up whoever made you cry the first time you met coming out of a party to smoke after you had a call with your best friend from back home. He'd told you that your dynamic as friends only worked if he was single. You didn't know if you'd ever have another friend like him. And there was Bakugou, offering you a blunt and violence that seemed like just the kind of friendship you craved in that moment.
Shinsou was one of the few people who came to the party simply to find people to smoke with. He rarely talked, but he was really good company you thought. He always brought indica strains-- your personal favorite as well as his you found out. Sometimes you guys talked about how it was cruel to have so many dreams but so little energy to pursue them. Sometimes you guys went back to his place and smoked yourself into a sleepy haze that always ended up in the warmest cuddles you've ever experienced.
Dabi had a viper's tongue and an even worse attitude than Bakugou. But he was cool, you bumped into him at a party when you were looking for another smoker to borrow a light from. You were feeling caustic after a phone call from home. "You got a lighter bro?" He seemed a bit amused by your masculine energy wrapped in a lush femme presenting form, like he was relieved to finally seeing someone interesting. "You look like you got all sorts of daddy issues, why haven't we met before?" His tone was both flirtatious and condescending at the time. "Whatever gave it away?" You snorted as you lit up your blunt, white grape game wrappers. But your tone was flirtatous as well as you handed your blunt to him, "We're meeting now. To shitty dads who deserve to sleep in the bed they made."
Shoto was the anomaly. You saw him around your department, guessing he was an upperclassman in your major. And one day he was at Dabi's place when you all got together to celebrate finally getting an off campus hangout spot. Apparently Dabi was an old friend, kind of like an older brother to Shoto. They definitely had a thing going on, but thinking about it too long made your face burn. His preppy appearance was shattered when he wore a short sleeve shirt instead of his usual button downs, and you saw the traditional japanese tattoos that made a full sleeve in white ink. You also noticed his silver gauges that were almost hidden by his white hair and when he pushed his hair back you saw more piercings on his ears. But when he smoked you under the table you decided you were almost in love.
If you happened to hope that one day at least one of the hot but dumb fuckers you smoked with took the hint of your many personal dance shows and fucked you, that was no one's business but your own.
You worked through the week, bullshitting assignments- but well because you were a fucking genius in your field, and on friday you decided to just wear a bra, shorts and an over shirt to the party with a beanie on your shaved head to complete the look. The pregame was at Shoto and Dabi's place this time, a short walk if you thought about the liquor and weed waiting for you. You weren't prepared for the brisk wind to meet you when you stepped out of your dorm.
"Hoes don't get cold." You chanted under your breath as you started walking. Your construction boots kept your feet warm, but the black booty shorts that were frayed at the edges left your lush thighs and your entire legs exposed to the cold wind. But after a few more minutes of walking you gave up- you weren't a good enough hoe, and you were cold. So you bit the bullet and put into the group chat:
smokerdeepthroat 11:19pm
Someone come pick me up, I'm freezing my literal ass off.
blueflamer 11:22pm
Walk bitch.
boomboi 11:24
Cash gas or ass, you know the drill.
smokerdeepthroat 11:25
Y'all can run a train on my ass if someone just picks me up before I freeze to death.
sleepystoner, icyhot, boomboi, blueflamer | read
Shit. You hadn't actually meant to send that. And of course the one time Shinsou checks the chat had to be now. "Fuckers," you grumbled under your breath. At this point it was almost like calling them your boys in a fond tone, and that thought had you almost puking onto the concrete. The fact that you were blushing was completely irrelevant.
Before you could freak out too much- internally of course, you were not going to be caught simping with one of them on the way to pick you up- you heard the familiar roar of Bakugou's car coming down the street. The bass of his emo ass rock music shook the street and you were climbing into the car before he could yell at you to get your ass inside.
You might have moaned at the heated seats, rubbing your hands over your freezing thighs. "Thanks Bakubro. It's cold as fuck and I was too excited to pregame to bring a jacket."
"A jacket isn't the problem. Your ass is hanging out." His words as usual were followed by a plume of smoke. His crimson eyes trailed over your body and a heated smirk curved his lips. "But that just means easier access for us."
"Y'all dusty ass hoes know I was joking-" You tried to bluff, tried to deflect with bravado as you took the blunt from him. But your hands shook, and Bakugou met your gaze with a quiet intensity that was somehow worse than his explosions.
"You dance like you need a dick in you. And only for us. We waited for you to make your choice, but this is less complicated." Damn it, he was smoking the horny weed. But if you were honest all weed was horny weed to your squad. There was an eroticism in the craving just one more hit. Just one more epic high. Just one more shudder of pleasure, as touching yourself to the thought of the boy's eyes on you when you got back to your dorm was as much a part of your friday night ritual as the weed.
Whenever you started smoking you felt yourself happily descending into hedonism. Bakugou's voice certainly wasn't helping. Your throat was impossibly dry- from the smoke, from desire- as you admitted quietly,
"I'm a virgin." You weren't going to apologize, compromise or argue. It was a statement and he could take it or leave it.
Bakugou wasn't an idiot. But he also was a possessive bastard in a way that made you wet even though you rolled your eyes at it.
"I'll make it good for you when I pop your cherry. I met you first, I'll take you first. I got you." It wasn't a promise, it was confident statement you knew he would stop at nothing to make a reality. His relentlessness was something that drew you to him in the first place if you told yourself the truth. He shifted gears smoothly and rested his warm hand on your bare thigh as he drove you back to the off campus house. You smoked half the blunt listening to his music and getting wet from his hands wandering higher and higher up your thigh.
You walked in to the house and realized how much you'd underestimated how serious Bakugou's words were. It seemed like it was a long time coming when you walked into Dabi's low lit living room to find him with his hand on Shoto's dick, Shoto's hand on his, and Shinsou lazily palming himself.
"It's about time you got here, you can't just drop shit like that in the chat when you're not here to bend over for us." Shoto's white and red hair was a mess, and given that it looked like the two of them were edging each other (sadists), his fucked out face made sense.
"She's a virgin, Icy Hot, you're gonna have to wait. I gotta open her up first." You in the mean time were going to start the music while smoking a bit hurriedly, hoping you were well and truly high before they actually started to run a train on you.
"Play the dick down playlist." Shinsou rasped from the couch and you wanted to cry at the head assery you had to put up with from these morons. (/s) But they're your morons, some lonely part of you whispered.
"It actually better have good music on it." You griped, but yeah, you were feeling the impact of whatever Bakugou had given you to smoke because your words weren't as harsh as you meant them to be.
"I call dibs on her ass cherry." Dabi's low voice cut throat the soft grunts from Shoto.
"Next time." Bakugou muttered watching the way you started to dance, having shed your overshirt to simply dance in your shorts and bra. None of the boys danced with you, a rule you'd had to put in place when they literally started fighting like children over who's turn it was to dance with you. Somehow it hadn't gotten better, these jealous bitches would sulk if you didn't give them all equal attention during your provocative performance. You solved this by closing your eyes and not looking at any of them while you let your body follow the nasty beat of the playlist. Sometimes you murmured lyrics if you remembered them and all four men were enraptured by the sight of you surrounded by smoke and dancing like a ancient goddess that could command them all in an instant.
It was moments like these that made you think maybe you were all a little more than friends by now. More than just groupchat contacts. But friends. Maybe more?
The blunt you finished yourself, until you were light headed and craving more. More music, more bass to move your hips too, maybe something to move your hips against. You didn't hesitate when Bakugou patted his thighs.
In fact, the weed in your system convinced you it only made sense to take your shorts off before straddling him. Better that than having to stop just when you're finally getting what you want right? You forgot you were just wearing some lace boyshorts with pale pink roses framing your luscious curves and dusky skin until you heard;
"Slutty girl." It was a groan as Shoto's grip on Dabi's cock tightened from the view of your fat ass sitting on Bakugou's lap.
"Nah, not yet. She's just needy." Katsuki smirked when you blushed from his words, even as you started grinding down on him in revenge. The choked moan that escaped him and the cocky glare you turned on all of them made all of them crave you that much more.
"You're needy to fuck me too, you all are. Don't forget that, explosion bitch."
"Point made. But watch it, little girl. It's gonna be a long night." His words were low and raspy from smoke, and even thought it should have been a threat your pussy gushed and soaked your panties anyway.
Four pairs of eyes watched your every move, drinking in the sight of you half naked, boldly staking your claim on all of them-- which only made them want to return the favor. Claiming you over and over until you wouldn't deny you belonged to them.
A long night, huh?
To be continued.....
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apolloloki97 · 3 years
“Gay Judas” Mickey Milkovich x Ian Gallagher
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Summary: When Mickey hears about Ian’s Gay Jesus bullshit, he decides it’s time to intervene.
Word Count: 2235
Warning: Swearing, Bipolar Disorder
Song I Wrote To: “Heat Waves Stripped-Version” by Glass Animals
Note: I really needed Mick to show up and shut this shit down and so I wrote this.
Mickey Milkovich had uprooted his life for Ian Gallagher and he was happy to do it.
That is until it involved Ian being a complete moron. 
Mickey had been at a random bar somewhere outside the main city he was staying in while in Mexico when he had caught a shot of his ex-boyfriend’s face on someone’s phone nearby. All it said was Chicago’s Gay Jesus and Mickey knew something was very wrong. It didn’t take him long to find the articles about Ian’s new crusade and that was when he had risked a call to Svetlana.
Hearing that Ian had become some kind of gay symbol was one thing, but the way he was doing it told Mickey another: Ian was in a manic stage and nobody was helping him. That was how he found himself back on the streets of the Southside with an angry Russian hooker by his side. “This one,” Svetlana said as she pointed to a church on the corner. 
Both Svetlana and Mickey paused as they stared up at the banners that hung on the outside of the church. “Fucking hell, Ian,” Mickey swore as he saw the ridiculous illustrations of the ginger on banners and even t-shirts. 
“What’s the plan? Punch moron till he stop?” Svetlana asked. 
“Depends on if his little cultists swing first,” Mickey said as he scratched at his nose with his thumb before taking a deep breath. “Alright, Svet, take me to church.” 
Ian was in the middle of a sermon, sort of, when Mickey burst into the room, Svetlana following right behind him. “Alright rainbow warriors, take a fucking seat!” Mickey yelled, announcing himself. Ian stared at the man in front of him, unable to think clearly. Trevor, who had begrudgingly gone to this specific meeting was looking between the two in confusion. 
“What the shit!” Ian exclaimed, unsure of what else to say. 
“Svet, grab him,” Mickey ordered and then all five-foot-seven of pure Russian confidence was charging down the aisle towards a surprised Ian. Mickey watched as Svetlana grabbed Ian and nearly tackled him to overpower him. Ian was strong, always had been, but Svet was just as pissed at him as Mickey was.
“You idiot,” Svetlana said as she grabbed Ian by the back of his neck and took his arm, dragging him off the dais. Ian stumbled after her, still trying to get the right words out. 
“Hey! Let him go!” one of Ian’s disciples said as they moved to follow them. Svetlana pulled her knife and leveled it at the girl. Trevor stood then, ready to intervene. 
“Fucking hell, Svet! Put the damn knife away, we’re in a fucking church,” Mickey said as she lowered the blade and continued to push Ian towards the door, but Gallagher was starting to resist.
“Come, Orange Boy, we need to talk,” Svetlana said, hooking her arms around Ian’s biceps. 
“No! Ian! You can’t just take him!” Another girl said as she cried out for her "savior". 
“Ah, don’t worry your little gay heads about it, I’ll bring your pariah back in one peace,” Mickey said, flipping her off before going to follow Ian and Svetlana. 
“Who the hell are you?” a younger man said, trying to step into Mickey’s path. Mickey just grinned at him before punching him in the face. The guy fell amongst the pews and Mickey turned to the rest of the room, splaying his arms wide. 
“Just call me Gay Judas,” Mickey said with a wink.
“Mickey!” Ian screamed, causing Mickey to roll his eyes. Trevor began to move toward as Mickey’s name fell from Ian’s lips. He knew immediately that this was the Mickey and Trevor was not about to let the convict take Ian away from him. 
“Svet, get the bag!” Mickey said as he ran off after them. Trevor followed, bursting through the front doors just to see Svetlana throwing Ian into the back of an SUV with a black bag over his head. Mickey slid into the front seat and started up the engine. He gave a salute to Trevor as he hit the gas and sped off.
Ian swore from the backseat as Svetlana kept him contained, holding down his arms. “You fuckers!” Ian yelled. “Let me go! What the fuck ever happened to Mexico!” Mickey ignored him, not wanting to answer any questions just yet. Not until they were alone. Mickey didn’t have a lot of time and he needed to make the best of it before his deadline. 
They arrived at the Alibi soon after and Svetlana helped Mickey drag Ian into the basement that Kev usually used to store weed for his and Lip’s “ice cream truck”. Now it was mainly used for interrogations or in Ian and Mickey’s case, interventions. 
Svetlana and Mickey threw Ian down onto a chair and then tore the bag from his face. “Again with the fucking bag!” Ian shouted, nearly growling at Mickey. 
“Shut up, Red,” Mickey said with a warning look. Ian looked around and began to settle down as he realized where he was. Still, it didn’t comfort him to know that his ex had essentially kidnapped him.
“Thanks, Svet, I owe you,” Mickey said. Svetlana leaned over and kissed him on the cheek before sending another glare at Ian as she turned to leave. As soon as the door closed and locked behind them, Mickey walked forward and landed a punch to Ian’s jaw. 
“Fuck!” Ian yelled. 
“You’re lucky that’s all I did, you fucking idiot,” Mickey said. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” Ian asked. 
“I’m here, you moron, to shut this shit down,” Mickey said, grabbing at Ian’s Gay Jesus t-shirt. “Do you know how many fucking busses and trains I had to take to get back here? Fuck, Gallagher… what the fuck are you doing, man?” Mickey said, lowering his voice a bit more as Ian also began to settle. 
“I’m helping,” Ian said, still trying to grasp the fact that Mickey was in front of him, that Mickey was home. 
“Helping who, Ian? The fucking loons who want to lick your boots? What about being an EMT?” Mickey asked. 
“It wasn’t enough,” Ian argued. 
“Says who?” Mickey countered, but Ian just remained quiet. Mickey swore again, rubbing at his temples as he began to pace in front of Ian. He had planned out this whole speech he was going to say, but now he could barely get the words out. He couldn’t look at Ian without thinking about how the man had left him at the border, alone and heartbroken. However, he knew that Ian was always going to be dealing with bullshit like this. “You’re off your meds, aren’t you?” Mickey asked though he didn’t really need an answer. He knew what it looked like when Ian was manic. 
“Fuck you,” Ian said. 
“Uh, no,” Mickey said, crossing his arms. “I didn’t get back across the border for this shit or for you to be all dismissive when I ask about your fucking well-being. Nobody has fucking noticed have they?” Mickey asked, knowing damn well the Gallaghers forgot Ian existed half the time. Ian didn’t respond, but that was an answer in itself. “Fucking Gallaghers,” Mickey swore causing Ian to look at him with recognition, seeing his Mickey again was making his heart ache. “Get it together, Ian,” Mickey said. 
“Right,” Ian scoffed and Mickey began to lose it. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you? And don’t give me all this 'woe is me bullshit', you’re smarter than this.” 
“These kids need my help!” 
“There are other ways to help them, Ian! Social workers, cops, hell a fucking walk-a-thon, but not this! This is unrecognizable.” 
“Maybe you don’t know me as well as you think you do,” Ian challenged.
“That’s a bunch of bullshit and we both know it,” Mickey said. “I know you inside and out. I know your soul like the back of my fucking hand. Don’t you tell me that I don’t know you, Ian Gallagher. Don’t you say that shit to me.” Ian was quiet then, trying to keep it together. “You want to mean something? Start by setting a decent example for these kids that are following you like a bunch of gay ugly ducklings.”
“You wouldn’t understand,” Ian said. 
“Stop,” Mickey said, approaching Ian. He leaned over and braced his hands on either side of the man below him, his hands digging into the armrests. “You mean something to this world, Ian, but you don’t need to go off the rails to prove it,” Mickey said with a desperate tone to his voice. 
“Why do you care?” Ian asked, staring up into Mickey’s eyes. 
“Why do I care?” Mickey echoed. “Did you forget everything that fucking happened at the border?” he asked as he pushed back from Ian. “I fucking love you, you idiot and I’m worried about you.” Ian was quiet for a moment before he finally sighed and ran a hand through his hair. 
“It got out of hand,” Ian admitted. 
“Yeah, no shit,” said Mickey. “Fuck, where the hell is your family?” 
“Busy,” Ian said with a shrug. That also didn’t surprise Mickey. The time Ian left to join the military, Fiona had barely looked for him. In fact, Mickey couldn’t remember anyone actively looking for Ian until the Army came looking for Lip. That had pissed off Mickey to no end, even if he never told the Gallaghers that. 
“And what about that boyfriend of yours?” Mickey asked, remembering Ian talking about his relationship when Mickey had escaped. 
“He saw me losing it,” Ian divulged with another shrug. 
“And he didn't do anything like drag your ass to the clinic?” 
“No,” Ian said. 
“Fucking hell, Gallagher, you need better friends,” Mickey said, running his hands over his face. His stubble was growing out again and he desperately needed a shave. “This shit stops now, okay?” Mickey urged and Ian nodded, trying to keep it together. Mickey kneeled in front of him and from his jacket, produced the familiar orange bottles that held Ian’s meds. “I picked these up on my way.” 
Ian stared at the pills with disdain but didn’t shove them out of Mickey’s hands to the latter’s relief. “You broke into my house…” Ian said. 
“I still have a key, moron,” Mickey said and then softer, “Come on, baby.” Ian stopped at the use of the pet name. Mickey never tended to use anything but the more insulting nicknames, but there were times when they just slipped out and the gentler side of Mickey was revealed. A side that Ian loved the most.
Ian opened his hand and Mickey doled out his dosage before grabbing a bottle of water from the storage crate and handing it to Ian. With a deep sigh, Ian took all his stabilizers and antidepressants in one go, following up with a few swigs of water. Mickey relaxed as soon as the meds were in Ian’s system, feeling exhaustion weighing on him from all the days he had spent worrying about the love of his life. “Stop trying to fuck up this life you have, Ian,” Mickey said, reaching out to hold Ian’s face in his hand. “You’re so much better than this.” Ian leaned into his palm, savoring the small moment. 
“I missed you,” Ian said, closing his eyes. 
“Missed you, too,” Mickey whispered. Leaning in, Mickey rested his forehead against Ian’s and tried not to let the tears that threatened to spill cascade down his cheek. He didn’t need to get emotional now, he didn’t have much time left. 
“You better get back to Mexico,” Ian whispered. 
“I ain’t going back,” Mickey admitted. Ian pulled back just enough to see Mickey’s face. 
“Why?” he asked. 
“I made a deal,” Mickey said with a sad smile. “I rolled on a cartel back in Mexico. Told the Feds I’d finish my sentence here as long as they gave me the afternoon to finish something up. I took down some pretty fucked up dudes so they agreed. I gotta turn myself in in about twenty minutes.” Ian seemed to deflate then as realization set in.
Mickey was going back to jail because he came to save him. Again. 
“I’m sorry, Mick,” Ian said. Mickey was shaking his head already as he ran his hands over Ian’s shoulders and up to his neck, relishing in the feel. 
“Don’t apologize,” Mickey said, “but fucking visit me this time, will you?” 
“Every week,” Ian promised without hesitation. 
“Soft,” Mickey teased, and that caused Ian to laugh finally. He then turned serious. 
“Thanks, Mick,” Ian said. "Thanks for coming to get me.”
“I always will,” Mickey promised. “Especially when you’re going all psycho-ginger on me.” Ian laughed again and then surged forward to kiss Mickey, crushing their lips together. Mickey savored every taste and feel of Ian’s lips on him, knowing it was going to be a while before they had another moment like this. He didn’t think Beckman would offer conjugal visits anytime soon. When they separated, Ian smiled again. 
“Stop kidnapping me, Milkovich,” Ian said as he kissed Mickey quickly again. 
“What can I say?” Mickey said. “I’m a whore for the dramatics, Gay Jesus.”
“Oh, shut up, you fucking convict,” Ian said as he grabbed him again.
Regardless of what the future held, they still have twenty minutes. 
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thenovelartist · 3 years
A Blanc Slate, Chapter 10
28. Domesticity
The following months were hard, but that was to be expected.
The big difference was that Marinette was over at Adrien’s place far more often than not. Whether she was cooking for him, helping him try to keep his thoughts straight, or just working on her fashion commissions in the background, she was there. And while he did complain that he felt like he was taking advantage of her by depending too much on her, she constantly reassured him she didn’t mind. He was her partner and her friend, both in and out of the suit. Helping him get back on his feet was hard work but something she was more than willing to do.
Once, the thought popped into her mind that this was what the vow “in sickness and in health” meant. And while they were nowhere near thinking of marriage—heck, even a romantic relationship wasn’t even on the table at the moment—Marinette couldn’t help but think on it anyway. After all, she’d certainly had a plan to marry Adrien at one time in her life, and she can’t say she hadn’t considered what a life with Chat would have been like. And if a possibility of them being together surfaced in the near future…
She shook the thought from her head. This was no time to be thinking on things like romance and domesticity. That shouldn’t have even been on the table, even if her heart throbbed every once in a while in reminder that she did love the man she was taking care of. Her best friend and partner. No, now was the time to focus solely on helping him recover.
Which, much to Marinette and Adrien’s relief, he was.
It was a slow process, but his appetite had been returning. He’d been able to stomach more food as of lately and keep it down without looking green in the face.
The fog over his eyes had also cleared up for the most part, and he no longer walked around in a haze. The exhaustion still persisted, and his mind still wasn’t fully on point again, but with the progress he had been making, Marinette was sure they regulate in no time.
And she was extremely thankful for it.
29. Roses
“That… is a lot of roses.”
Marinette couldn’t help but gawk when she entered Adrien’s house. She’d been given a key back before he’d even revealed himself to be Chat, back when she had forced herself into the role of Adrien’s caregiver. He’d given it to her one day out of exhaustion of the “game” she played, one titled “I do not care if I stand at your door for an hour, I will knock every thirty seconds until you open the door.” So, an agreement had been reached she’d always come over at a certain time and let herself in to check in on him.
Currently, the boy in question was nowhere to be seen. Instead, she was left staring at a large bouquet of deep red roses speckled with brilliant white lilies in a glass vase tied off with a lovely pink ribbon. In the middle of the bouquet was a glittery plastic stick that held a card that read “Marinette” on the front of it. It was a stunning sight.
Where did you even get those, Adrien?
And why?
After putting her purse down by the front door, she walked over to pluck the card off the stick, carefully opening the back and pulling out the pink card. Inside was a familiar handwriting, one that was steady now after months of recovery.
I don’t even know where to begin. I guess with a thank you. Thank you for everything. From staying by my side as Marinette and caring for me to insisting I’m still your partner as Ladybug and refusing to let me go to every other thing in between.
While these flowers don’t even put a dent into the debt I owe you, I felt they were a great place to start. Something beautiful for someone beautiful. I want to say that I’m ready to spend the rest of my life by your side paying you back, but that’s likely getting to ahead of myself. I have been in love with you for years, as you know, and have confessed my love to you as Chat multiple times. My love for you is still true, even though I know you’ve drawn your lines.
Maybe I’m reading too much into this and only seeing what I want to see, but lately, it feels as though those lines aren’t as hard as they used to be. Or maybe I’ve just gotten Nightingale Syndrome bad for you. Either way, I want to take the chance and put myself in your debt a little more by selfishly asking you to let me take you out on a date.
If your answer is no, I’m prepared for that. I never want to pressure you into something out of responsibility for me or out of guilt. I will still stand by your side as your partner and friend, forever.
But if your answer is yes, it would be one more thing of the countless you’ve done for me that I will be eternally grateful for.
Forever yours, in whatever way you’ll take him,
When she finished reading, her hands fell to the table, letter still clutched in them as she tilted her head upwards in a vain attempt to keep the tears at bay. “Don’t cry,” she warned herself.
But even then, she knew it was too late.
With a beaming grin, she looked down at the card once more, scanning over the contents yet again. She only looked up again when she caught movement out of the corner of her eye.
Adrien, looking better than she’d seen him in the five months since she’d taken his ring, was leaning against wall. He’d somehow cleaned up with a haircut—how he had managed to keep an appointment like that a secret from her was beyond her but also gave her confidence that he was feeling well enough to manage on his own again—shaved, and dressed up in a pressed button down, a vest, and slacks. His eyes were now clear, clear enough for her to see the fragile hope shining in them, even from across the room.
With a smile she couldn’t suppress is she tried, she dropped the card on the table, scurried over to him, and threw her arms around his neck. He caught her easily, no longer unsteady or requiring the assistance of a wall or other solid object, and held her tight.
“Yes, I’ll go out with you.”
She felt the tension leave his shoulders as he squeezed her tighter, clinging to her like a lifeline. “I thought I was might have been asking too much or springing that on you too suddenly.”
“No!” she quickly assured. “I mean… it was sudden, but I don’t mind. Not at all.”
He sighed with relief. “Good. Good; I’m glad.”
She giggled. “You’re not normally so speechless.”
He chuckled awkwardly. “You have no idea how terrified I was of your answer.”
“You? Mr. Confess-on-a-daily-basis was scared?”
“Of this one, yeah. I think this was the scariest confession to date.”
Worried, Marinette pulled away a bit, just so she could face Adrien and meet his gaze. “Really?”
He nodded. “Yeah. Because this time… it felt like I really had the most to lose compared to any other time I’ve confessed. You’ve seen the worst of me, and you’ve faced my darkest side. You could have easily said no now that you knew that about me.”
Pursing her lips, Marinette considered his words. “The thing is… I… don’t mind,” she eventually sputtered out. “Because I’ve seen you at your worst, and yet I also know there’s no one else I’d rather be with. There isn’t anyone in this world who doesn’t have that hidden ugly side of them. But yours doesn’t scare me in the slightest.”
To say Adrien was speechless was an understatement. For a moment, he gaped like a fish on land before he finally grinned, letting loose a chuckle before blinking away tears in his eyes.
Marinette was quick to cup his cheek, gently swiping away the tears. Adrien reached up, laying his hand over hers. “Well,” he murmured. “Guess I really can’t let you go now, can I?”
Marinette grinned, her own eyes prickling with tears. “Who said I was going to let you let me go?”
“Fair enough,” he said, grin growing. “You’re stubborn like that. I should know by now you’re way too stubborn to let me go.”
“You better believe it.”
30. Trust
It had been one year since the day Adrien’s father’s mansion had caught fire, and although Adrien had officially been cleared of suspicion of killing his father, the public was still skeptical of anything involving the Agrestes, especially with Nathalie Sancour having suddenly and mysteriously passed as well.
After struggling with the company for a year, it had officially dissolved and Adrien was finally able to be free of that burden. Yet, the burden of guilt still weighed on him.
“We’ve been over this,” Marinette assured. At the moment, Adrien was laying across her lap while she gently stroked his hair, a habit both of them had come to enjoy very much. “It was an accident. You fought your dad as Adrien and ran, but then went back as Chat when you thought he was out of the house so you could snag the book that wasn’t even there. You ended up pushing him off you when he tried to choke you out. The fact he fell and cracked his head open on a fallen statue was not your fault, nor was it your fault a fire started.”
“I still don’t know what happened,” Adrien muttered. “I don’t think he had any candles lit. I thought I heard glass break, so did a lightbulb break and send sparks flying? Or maybe he was cooking in the kitchen and something happened there? I really don’t have any clue.”
“See? So you can calm down. It was all in self-defense. Don’t feel bad for Nathalie, either. You were the one that called an ambulance for her when she suddenly collapsed.”
“I realized why she did,” Adrien said. “Same reason my mom collapsed. They each had the same symptoms, and they both wore the peacock miraculous. It was likely broken the same as my ring.”
Marinette’s hand stilled in his hair. “They what?”
Adrien froze, his body suddenly becoming stiff. “Did I not tell you?”
“No!” she cried. “Excuse you, but when did you come to this revelation?”
“I really never said anything?” Adrien asked, panicking as he scrambled to sit up so he could meet her eyes. “I swore I did!”
“No, you did not.”
With a groan, Adrien rubbed his hands down his face. “I’m so sorry.”
Marinette sighed. “Well, at least I know now. I’ll be sure to work on that one next.”
“You’re fine,” she dismissed. “I guess it’s understandable considering how out of it you were. There were days you did not know left from right.”
“I’ll take any excuse you let me have,” he said with a sigh, still looking disheartened. Marinette was sure that if he was transformed as Chat, his ears would have been drooped low.
“On that same note, how is the ring coming along?” he asked. “I know you’ve been working hard. Have you made any headway?”
A grin suddenly spread across her face as a sudden urge to tease him struck her. “Oh? Did I not tell you?”
His eyes almost got misty as he pouted at her. “I said I was sorry.”
“I am, too,” she continued. “Because otherwise, I would have already told you I fixed it.”
Adrien’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head as his jaw dropped. “Y-you did?”
She laughed at the sudden shift in his expression, his hope being squashed as he glared at her, completely unamused. “You are cruel, ‘bug.”
Her laughter subsided as a warmth spread though her. “Did I also mention I’m really glad you started using that nickname again?”
His previous irritation faded as he returned her smile with one of his own. “I won’t lie: I missed saying it.”
“I’m up for hearing it for as long as you’re up for using it.”
“Good, because I don’t intend on dropping it any time soon.”
“I’m really glad to hear it,” she said. “For that, I think you deserve a reward.”
“Kiss?” he inquired excitedly.
A warmth blossomed on her cheeks as she giggled. “Well, that wasn’t what I had in mind, but I’d be willing to give you one of those, too. First, close your eyes.”
“Only one?”
She rolled her eyes. Kisses rarely stopped at one. She was very much okay with that, though. “Fine, two. Now, just close your eyes.”
He shut them, but then immediately cracked open one to steal a peek at her. “What do you have planned?”
“Just trust me.”
He shut his eyes all the way. “You know I do.”
“I do,” she confirmed. With that, she took his hand in hers before sliding a ring from her pocket onto his hand.
She didn’t get the ring halfway on his finger before he looked down at his hand in shock. “My ring.”
“Yeah,” Marinette said, lacing their fingers together. “I really did fix it. It took a lot of trial and failure, though.”
“How…?” He stared at his hand in awe before turning to look at her, then turning back to his ring.
She shrugged. “Magic and time. I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to fix the peacock in no time after this experiment.”
She swore she saw tears in his eyes. Whether he did or not, she still reached up to cradle his cheek.
“Hey,” she said. “Promise me one thing?”
His green eyes locked to hers, and she swore her breath caught in her throat at the intensity in them. “Anything.”
“Next time you have a problem like this, one so big your emotions get too much for you to contain, come to me first, and don’t push me away.”
She was right; he did have tears in his eyes, because at her words, they began to fall.
He grasped her hand tightly. “I promise,” he said, nuzzling her palm. “We’re partners, and I promise that I’ll trust you to be my partner and help me through the next time anything like this happens. But I just hope there won’t be any more surprises like that. Once is enough, and I learned my lesson.”
He meant it. Marinette could tell by his tone and gentle expression and the way he held her hand: tightly as though he was afraid to let go.
“I’m really glad to hear it,” she said, her heart fluttering as a warm, fuzzy feeling floated through her. “Now, I believe I promise you a kiss.”
“Two,” Adrien said, reaching up to cradle her cheek while he leaned closer. “You promised me two.”
“I doubt you’ll be able to stop so easily.”
“Since when do I ever?”
31. Soulmates
His black suit never looked so good.
“Well, well, Chat Noir,” Marinette purred, leaning against the railing of her balcony with a cattish grin. “I thought you said I wasn’t going to see you again.”
“Unexpected surprises do happen, Princess,” he returned, shooting her a wink as he took a seat on the railing.
“And it’s such a purr-leasure to see you in your black suit.”
His own cattish grin widened. “For your purr-usal, princess,” he said with a wink.
Oh, how wonderful it was to have her cat back. She’d even keep up the stupid puns for him. “Hmmm, I sur-paws that you’re the cat’s meow.”
Dramatically, he threw a hand over his heart—
And nearly fell off the railing.
“Chat!” Marinette snatched his wrist, catching him in case he couldn’t catch himself, which he thankfully did.
“Heh, uh… looks like it’s gonna take a little more time before this cat can land on its feet one hundred purr-cent of the time again.”
“Not funny.”
“Relax, Marinette,” he said, sliding off the railing and onto the balcony so he could stand in front of her and wrap her up in his arms. “I’m almost totally back to normal.”
“Don’t push it,” she warned. “I still worry about you.”
“I won’t.”
“You almost did.”
“We were having a good time with my pun-hating girlfriend throwing them back at me. How could I not be awestruck and caught up in the moment.”
She snorted in amusement. “Well, the fun and games end when my kitty takes a fall he can’t recover from.”
He sighed, propping his chin on her head and beginning to purr, settling her down.
“That’s unfair,” she muttered, happily snuggling into his embrace. “You know I like your purrs.”
“I know you do. And it’s only fair for me to take responsibility for every heart attack I give you.”
She grinned. “I’ll hold you to that.”
“I’m more than happy to,” he assured.
With a sigh, Marinette relaxed completely against him, grinning like the lovesick girl she was. She was more than content to play around with him, but she was more than content to snuggle, too.
“Have I told you today how much I love you?” he asked, smile audible in his words.
“I think you have, but I’m always happy to be reminded.”
“Let’s see… I love you more than my cat puns.”
She gasped. “Impossible.”
“I know it seems that way,” he teased. “But it actually is possible, if you can believe that.”
“I’m not sure I can.”
He chuckled. “Well, let me put it this way: puns are the bread and butter of my life. But you’re my other half, and I really can’t live life to the fullest without you.”
“But you need bread and butter to survive. So wouldn’t they be more important?”
“They are an inherent need. I didn’t choose the pun life; the pun life chose me.”
She snorted, burying her face against him to hide her growing grin. “You’re such a dork.”
“Yes yes, I am. I’m a package deal, but you seem to accept that.”
“I do.”
“Which I’m so glad for,” he continued. “Because as I was saying, unlike the puns, I chose you. You came into my life and completed me in ways I didn’t realize I needed to be completed, and if you disappeared, I would be only half the person I once was.” He pulled away just enough to look down at her, his joking tone gone in favor of a serious one. “You’re my soulmate, and the biggest blessing I have ever received. And I’m so so thankful for you.”
Her heart felt like it could burst from her chest. “I love you, too, my kitty. You purr-fect me.”
He grinned, his green eyes shining and his expression seeming to brighten the night. “That was a good one.”
She giggled. “I learned from the best.”
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HASO, “A little Race.”
So this is a little story setting up for some stuff in the future.
A few of you on the discord server mentioned an interest in learning more about the criminal element within my universe as well as a couple other ideas which I would love to incorporate, so I hope you like where this is going :)
Adam turned heads as he walked through the station. Glowing, grungy neon lights lit him up from either side though the forest of bodies parted before him like a sea. Everyone here looked more than a little unnerved at his presence, and hurriedly scampered away into the dark allies upon the station.
It wasn’t a big place, A trading hub  not so far from the metallic belt, so many of these people probably weren't here for illegal reasons, but based on his time getting to know the criminal underbelly of the universe, he also knew the station’s real reputation. And he knew the man he was looking for was likely to be here. 
He would have disguised himself as Kell, but thought better of it. He wanted to keep that disguise in his arsenal if he ever had to go undercover again, and this wasn’t a moment  he needed to be undercover.
Behind him Sunny walked at his shoulder, holding her pearlescent spear in one hand.
She really made an impression on people these days, and he found it more than useful to have a saint on his side.
He walked down the hallway through a set of doors and then into a wide cargo bay. Someone was playing rap music somewhere, and he could hear it echoing  off the rough metal. Graffiti tagged the walls on almost every surface, including the floor, and the rattle of metal on metal drowned out whatever lyrics there might have been. He stepped further into the room as out of place as he had ever been.
Adam had never been involved in criminal affairs. Beside his brief stint as Kell and his  accidental time in the Turma Prison, he had been a straight arrow all his life. He had never done drugs, never stolen anything, never been arrested. And it certainly didn’t help that he had to run here from an appointment with Admiral kelly, and so was still wearing his UNSC uniform, which was pristinely pressed, light grey  and caused him to stand out like a drop of white paint against a black background.
The music crew louder as he stepped inside.
The room was full of shuttles, or some of them were shuttles and others were more accurately jets. Some of them were old, held together by paint and duct tape, while others glowed sleek with outlandish new paint jobs that included skulls and flames and chains. A group of men and women sat off to one side. The women wore very little, just string bikini tops and cut off jean shorts. One of the women, with long dark hair tied back in a ponytail was wearing jeans and a spoked leather jacket.
A lot of the men wore baggy pants tank tops, with lines of tattoos crawling up their arms and necks.
Similar looking people loitered around the ships tinkering with the engines and polishing surfaces already too shiny to need polishing.
The  woman was the first to see him, sitting up straight with the rattle of leather and spikes, “You don’t have any business here, Get out.”
That caused the others to turn and look, and the group of people bristled like an angry dog, forming into a tight group shoulders wide, arms out chests puffed up.
Adam stopped a few feet away.
“I want to speak with the man called Donovan Red.”
“Ol Donni ain’t here.” One of the men said, spitting onto the floor, “New git!”
“I know he’s here. His ship is parked in the hanger on deck E.”
A couple more men had wandered up to join, and he spotted the tell tale sign of weapons shoved hastily into their pants.
He held his hands out to the sides, “Listen, I just want to talk.”
“Then come  back with a warrant, pig.” ONe of them snapped. The guy was an ugly looking thug with a completely shaved head and bare chest. He had a pot belly from drinking, but he still had one of the girls hanging off his arm shying behind him from for protection.:
He sighed, “I’m not here to talk with him about any of his activities as legal or illegal as they may be. I’m not interested in what he does or who he does it with. I am here to ask him a favor.”
There was a shift about the room, and the woman from before stood up resting a hand on her hip, “The golden boy of the UNSC wants a favor from old Donni.” She barked a laugh and the men and women behind her laughed too.
“”In your dreams, boy.”
The group turned laughing and he felt his insides churn a bit with rage. He went to take a step forward but took a deep breath and stopped, “He will want to reconsider.” they ignored him, “If he does me a favor that means I owe him, Think about that, one of the most powerful men in the GA or the UNSC and I will owe him a favor.” he raised his voice, “Your boss would have to be pretty stupid to avoid an offer like that.”
There was a pause around the room, and then Adam felt something cold press up against his temple, “And you have to be pretty stupid to call him stupid.”
Adam turned his head just slightly feeling the barrel of the gun pressed below his ear.
As he moved the gun moved. Sunny hadn’t bothered to deal with the guy, and he knew why almost immediately.
WIth one lightning fast move he reached up and slapped the gun out of the man's sloppy grip. It clattered to the floor and went spinning away under one of the shuttles. Adam then stepped back and elbowed the man in the face. The man staggered back and Adam finished him off with a kick to the sternum that sent him flying back into  a barrel, which tipped over with an echoing thud and rolled slowly away.
He turned back to the others who were hastily reaching for their weapons, “The next person who points a gun at me is getting a spear through the throat.” Sunny stepped forward with a hungry look on her face.
The group paused, “You’re UNSC, you can’t do that.”
HE crossed his arms, “I won't be doing anything, but I can’t guarantee that my partner here won’t.” 
There was a pause in  the room as everyone nervously looked between each other.
“Why don’t we all just calm down.” The voice echoed in from the back, and the entire group turned to see a man walk up through the isel.
Donovan Red was shorter than Adam had expected, but still fit. He wore a tight black T shirt that bulged around his biceps, and when he walked he walked with the confidence of a man not used to being out of control.
The man walked right up to him, unperturbed by their height difference  slowly looking him up and then down. 
“You shouldn’t have come here, Cinderella.”
Adam raised an eyebrow, “Cinderella/”
The man shrugged, “Yeah, you got that vibe, all dressed up like a princess.” He nodded to Sunny, “And hanging out with woodland creatures.”
Sunny did not look amused, 
“Actually that would be snow white, or sleeping beauty, as I recall Cinderella only talked to mice.”
The man snorted, “My apologies for now knowing my princesses better, Cinder-ellla.”
Adam didn’t respond, didn’t back up. Instead he inched forward so he was towering over the man, “Look I’m not here to bother you or your men-”
“Too late for that don’t you think, princess.”
The men and women behind him laughed.
Adam sighed, “If you will let me finish. I assume that you got off your ass and came over here because you heard what I was saying to your cronies?”
Adam stood his ground as the entire group inched in. It was partly out of show, and partly because he knew sunny and him together could take this crowd easy.
Red looked up at him with his head tilted to one side, “Tell you what.”
He stepped back and turned to look at his men, “I’ll talk to you about your little favor, but-” He held up a finger, “Only if you prove yourself worthy of my time.”
Adam sighed. This was going to be good.
“And how, exactly do I do that.”
“Simple,” The man said with a smirk, “You just have to win a little race.”
Eris looked up at the pictures on the wall. There were a lot of them to choose from, and she spent some time wandering around the living room looking up at all the images. She knew these people, or at least it felt like she did.. Through Adam’s memories she knew Martha: intelligent and protective, Jim: strong and loyal, Maya: sweet and adventurous, Jeremy: friendly and changeable, Davide: perfect and charming, Thomas: a general hot mess, but someone who cared deeply about things.
She remembered all of them, but at the same time that felt like invading their privacy. 
They didn’t know her, so it wasn’t fair of her to claim to know them.
She sensed someone behind her and turned to find Martha looking up at the pictures with her. She pointed up at one and Eris followed, “that was last christmas together before Adam went to space.” She sighed and shook her head, “A lot has changed since then.”
Jim followed behind and held out a cup, “Can you eat human food? Sorry if you can’t I just assumed.”
She took the cup, “No its ok, myst of my  insides are human.” She had taken off her hoodie and now let it rest on the back of Martha’s rocking chair.
Jim went to stand next to his wife and looked Eris over with his head slightly tilted.
Eris hid behind her long dark hair, hair that reached past her butt. She wore it long, not only to hid behind, but because she thought it might help to cover the starborn ribbons which trailed from her back.
“You know what Martha, she looks a lot like Maya doesn’t she.”
Martha turned to look and Eris shuffled her feet, “You know what, I didn’t see it before but she does. She elbowed him, definitely has the Vir family nose.”
He grunted, “Be glad she got the nose and not the ears.”
Martha motioned her to take a seat, “Why don’t you sit down and tel lus what brings you all across the galaxy.”
Eris sat shyly on the edge of her seat nervously running her hands through her hair.
“Well….. um , nothing really it’s jus that. I had been taking care of the other hybrids and…. And well I kind of got burnt out and couldn’t do it anymore, so I…. wanted to start living for myself you know?”
The two humans nodded sagely
“But I didn’t know where to start. So I thought I would get to know my roots a bit better. I am half human….. Well DNA says a little bit more than half human, so I thought I might start with you.  Iwanted ;to see Adam, but he seems to be gone, and I can’t reach him.”
Martha nodded, “It has been harder and harder lately especially after.”
Eris’s eyes widened as she read the thoughts forming in the woman’s mind, “Someone is trying to kill him!”
The two paused, but then got back into stride without so much as a look between each other. Eris kicked herself. People always hated being around her when they knew she could read minds. 
Here she was driving people away again.
“Yes…. someone has attempted to kill him in the past. We aren’t sure if it will happen again, but we dor worry about him.”
Eris felt her insides go cold, she could feel it through the mental link to his parents, and she could feel it inside herself as well.
Adam Vir couldn’t die, not before she got to know him better, and certainly not if it was going to hurt his parents, who were some f the nicest people she had ever met.
She had to do something.
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write-orflight · 4 years
Like Real People Do. (Spencer x Reader)
Chapter 1
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*Gif not mine*
Prologue Chapter 2
Rating: M, eventually will be smut.
Words: 2.5k
Warnings: regular CM crime stuff. brief mentions of previous assault. vomit. 
A.N Thanks for the love on the Prologue, message to be added to taglist. much love Cia
        Chapter 1: However scary 
You start to follow Hotch outside his office, barely containing the smile on your face. You couldn’t help it, the job you’ve been dreaming about for a decade was yours now. As you left the office, you couldn’t help but notice the short Italian man exiting his. 
“Rossi?” You smiled. The man in question turned and grinned upon seeing you. 
“Bella!” He opened his arms to hug you which you automatically accepted. 
“I thought you retired, old man.” 
Rossi scoffed. “You know me, can’t stay away for long.” Hotch stepped up, joining you guys. “So am I correct in assuming you’ve taken the job?” Rossi asks. 
“You would be correct.” You smile. “And now, since I have a big girl job and can take care of myself. I’m hoping those mysterious money drops into my bank account will stop.” You gave him a knowing look. Though you and Rossi were not as close as you and Hotch, you still revered him as a father figure as much as he did you a daughter.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He says holding up his hands. 
“Sure you don’t, old man.” You laughed. “How’s… Krystal?” You say trying to remember which wife Rossi was on now. 
“Divorced.” Rossi smirks. 
“Aw, I’m sorry, Dave. I thought 3 would be the lucky number.” 
“So did I.” Rossi smiled. “How’s Persephone?” David smiles widely at the mention of your adoptive mother's name. 
“Still not interested in becoming number 4.” You laughed, inducing a boisterous laugh from Dave and a small chuckle from Hotch. “She’s currently backpacking through India and building eco houses along the way.” 
“Sounds like Persephone.” David smiles. You guys continue to catch up for a couple of more minutes not noticing the team staring up at you from the bullpen.
“Do you guys know who she is?” Emily asks 
“No but Rossi and Hotch know her by the looks of it.” Derek replies. 
“I met her in the elevator.” Spencer speaks up. “Her name’s Y/N.” 
“Wonder what she's doing here.” Derek says as Penelope walks up with a tin of her famous cookies that Spencer is already reaching for. She pulls back so it’s out of reach from his perch on his desk. 
“Well, if she took the job then that is your newest team member.” Penelope smiled. “Hotch asked me to do a background check last week so I assume he’s hiring her. Which means these cookies are for her.” She says pulling even more back as Spencer continues to make grabby hands at the tin. 
“Why does she get cookies her first day? I didn’t get any on my first day.” Spencer points out, not caring how much he sounds like a child. 
“I’m not really allowed to talk about it, but let’s just say I think she could really use the kindness.” 
“What did you find out about her, Baby girl?” Derek asked. 
Penelope frowns slightly, she never liked keeping secrets, especially from the team. “I’m really not allowed to say, but what I can tell you is that she’s smart, like really smart. Maybe not Reid’s level but smart enough to make dean's list at an Ivy League every year.” 
“Which school?” Spencer asks. 
Spencer nods. That would make her pretty smart, that or just good at school. As he’s exiting his thoughts, JJ walks past them, throwing a “We have a case.” Over her shoulder before heading to Rossi, Hotch and the new girl. 
We all begin filing into the conference room, Rossi, Hotch and Y/N walking in last. Hotch clears his throat. “This is Agent Y/L/N.” He says gesturing at you. “She will be joining us this case. I’m sure you guys will get around to formal introductions later.” Hotch says before taking a seat nodding at JJ to start. You hold up your hand in a small wave before taking a seat next to Hotch. Everyone else regards you with a small nod except a brightly dressed blonde woman who excitedly waves back at you. 
“We’re heading to Nashville.” A blonde woman, you assume, is JJ says pulling up images of victims on the screen. You swallowed the lump in your throat, you were used to crime scene photos, you studied several in the FBI academy but kids would always get to you. “3 boys ages 10-13 all have gone missing on their way home from school, all found 5 days later buried arms across chest, heads shaved.” 
“Signs of remorse are obviously there but the hair...is something different.” A dark haired woman pointed out. 
“Could be trichophilia.” You pointed out. Everyone looked at you, you cleared your throat under the scrutiny. “Trichophilia. It’s the fetishzation of hair.” You provide. Everyone nods and JJ continues to provide information on the case before Hotch announces wheels up in 30. You go to grab your files and notebook when the brightly dressed blonde woman ambushes you a tin fully extended to you. 
“Hi, I’m Penelope Garcia, and these are for you!” practically shoving the tin into your hands. 
“Thank you, I’m Y/N.” You smiled, you weren’t really a sweets person but you weren’t going to turn down the kindness. A brown skinned man and the dark haired woman from before walked up to you both. 
“I’m Emily Prentiss, this is Derek Morgan” she says both holding their hands out for you to shake. You shuffle the cookies and files into one arm to shake hands with them.
“Y/N Y/L/N.” You say back. 
“So you seemed to already know Hotch?” Derek pointed out. 
You had been prepared for someone to ask about that so you rattled off your prepared speech. “Yes, Hotch is a family friend.” That seemed like the easiest way to explain your relationship. 
“So that’s how you were able to steamroll in here, huh? Friends with the boss?” The man laughs. 
“No, I think it might’ve been one of my several degrees, merits or letters of recommendation, one of which from the director himself.” You point out. “Though I suppose knowing Aaron didn’t necessarily hurt things.” 
Derek holds up his hands in surrender. “That could be true too. I guess we’ll see out on the field.” He says before him and Prentiss walk out. 
You sigh heavily and start heading out the same way before a small voice pipes up behind you. 
“They’ll come around.” 
You turn your eyes onto the man you had met in the elevator before. “Sorry?” 
“Morgan and Prentiss. They’ll come around, they acted like that towards me when I first started too. It’s-uh because you’re young.” 
You nodded. He had a point and so did Morgan in a sense. You were very young, seemingly too young to be starting in a field like this. You knew it’d be hard to believe Hotch didn’t pull some strings for you. 
“I knew my age would probably raise some questions. But I worked really hard, and it sucks I have to prove myself 10x over just because of my age.” 
“I understand.” He says, following you out of the conference room. 
“I felt like you would. You introduced yourself as Dr. Reid before but we look around the same age.” 
“Yes, I hold 3 doctorates.” 
“Three?!” You said incredulously. “What were you like, eleven starting college?” 
“12, actually.” He smiles. He has a nice smile, instantly crosses your brain. You dash that thought immediately. 
“That would have to make you some sort of genius.” 
“I believe there’s not quantifiable way to measure intelligence but I suppose by societal standards, I am. I have an IQ of 187.” 
You let out a deep whistle. “And here I thought I’d be the smart one.” You laugh. 
He fumbles a bit over his words. “I-I mean you still could be. L-Like I said, there’s no way to accurately measure intelligence.” 
You laugh before rounding your new desk grabbing your go bag underneath it. “Thanks for the vote of confidence but we both know that’s not true.” You smile before turning to head towards the jet. 
You and the team had been in Madison county for 4 days now and you were hitting a wall. The day you arrived there had been a 4th body found, same cause of death, same shaved head only this time the word HELP was carved into the boy’s back. You knew this was a part of the job, going to crime scenes and having to see bodies but you couldn’t stop the thoughts. His hands were on your neck again, his knife grazing your sides. You felt the bile rise up. 
“Pull over.” You all but scream to Morgan he nods, zipping the car to the side of the road. You instantly hop out and release your lunch. 
Morgan steps out and pats your back. “It’s alright, kid. First one’s never easy. Especially when it’s children.” 
He thinks you’re sick from the crime scene You think. That’s probably for the best.
“Thanks.” You mumble.  He nods as you guys wordlessly walk back to the SUV. 
Since then you’ve been at the police station working on the geographical profile with Spencer. You know Morgan had probably said something to Hotch about your upchuck and that was why you were stuck here. But still, you couldn’t think to complain. Spencer was incredibly smart and great to work with. 
“There’s something we’re missing.” He says off handedly. You nod agreeing. You take in the circle like pattern the unsub seemed to be going in. It didn’t make sense. You had profiled him as a socially awkward loner with an overbearing parent. He wasn’t good with adults but could somehow get kids to trust him. Enough to get into the car with him late at night. It hit you a second later. 
“Oh my god.” You said scrambling for your phone to call Garcia. Spencer looks over at you, raising an eyebrow questioningly. 
“You’ve reached your high priestess.” You hear Penelope’s voice come through the speaker. 
“Hey Garcia, it’s Y/N.” You say. “Can you tell me what business is near the first dump site? I have an idea.” 
You hear the faint sound of clacking as she finds the information for you. “Looks to be a bus lot.” You fought the urge to pump your fist in the air. You were right. 
“Alright Garcia. I need a background check on all school bus drivers in Madison county, cross check it with anything that would fit the profile so minor stalking charges, assault…” you train off. “How long do you think that’ll take?” You ask. 
“If I get started now, a couple hours.” She says. “Penelope out.” She says, hanging up. 
You look up to see Spencer looking right back at you. “A bus driver.” You say smiling. “Think about it, everyday you ride the bus home from school and play outside with your friends until late. And when you're heading home your bus driver approaches you in his car offering to take you back. You have no reason not to trust him because he’s brought you home safely so many times before.” You explain, a brief frown grazing your lips. These children met an untimely demise all for trusting someone they were supposed to trust. 
Spencer nods, taking in your words. “Good work,” he says. “You figured it out.” 
You flushed under the high praise. “I’m sure you would’ve come to the same conclusion given more time.” You say. 
“But I didn’t.” He says. “You did, and you probably saved another kid's life in the meantime.” He smiled and patted your shoulder before turning back to the board. 
You looked at his back for a while. You knew since you stepped on the elevator that first time you were attracted to Spencer Reid. He was tall with a lean build and a nice set jaw and incredibly smart. You’d be lying to yourself if that wasn’t your exact type. But on top of all that, he was nice. Almost sickeningly so. 
Suddenly you felt a lot more at risk than before. 
William Davison was arrested September 7th. You were right,  he was a bus driver for Madison county. Police caught him in his car full of things that pointed him directly to the abductions. 
You and the team were now back on the jet heading home. While the rest team was playing cards you opted to sit in the back. Textbooks laid out on the table as you tried to take notes from them. You were so engrossed. You didn’t see Spencer come take the seat in front of you. 
“What’re you studying?” He asked. 
You look up. “Uh, I’m in my doctoral program for psychology right now.” You say. “Right now, I’m working on an essay about nature vs. nurture effects on the killer's mind.” 
“And what is your theory?” He asks.
“That while I do believe nurture plays a role somewhat, if someone has a predisposition to kill, hurt or maim that is something they are born with. Primates and to some effects humans are naturally empathetic creatures so I think people with the desire for violence are defects. Now even though that’s the case it’s still your own conscious decision to kill.” You say pausing. “Some people are born with natural predispositions they don’t follow all the time. Like your hands for instance.”  
“What about my hands?” He inquired. 
You swallow, clearing your throat. “Well you have fairly large hands, with l-long fingers.” You stutter. Nice going, Y/N. You think. Way to tell the guy you’re starting to develop a crush on that you’ve been staring at his hands. “In the primitive stage, that would’ve made you good at hunting and gathering. In a more modern sense, you’d be good at piano. Though I imagine, you don’t do either.” You say, already knowing the answer. You were a profiler now after all. 
“No, I do not.” He smiled widely at you, he always appreciated intelligent conversation when it came by. “I disagree with your theory though.” 
“Really? Why’s that?” You question. He begins to go on a long winded explanation why he thinks Nature vs. Nurture is outdated, taking several detours to talk about some other theories he’s found interesting. You watch him intensely taking in the words. You try to pay attention, you really do. But your eyes keep going back to the mouth the rapid words are coming out of and the hands that are also gesturing widely. You just had tuned back in when he suddenly stopped. You tilted your head at him. 
“What’s wrong?” you asked. 
“Nothing.” he says, looking mildly uncomfortable. “It’s just… no one lets me talk for this long.” 
“Really?” You question, he nods. “Well, I was listening, I find it interesting. Actually…” you trail off picking up your pen, flipping to a new page in your notebook. “Do you mind if I write some of this down, might come in handy when I write my paper later.” 
He nods enthusiastically as he continues his thoughts from before. You start writing fast now to keep up, interjecting here and there to ask him to expand on some stuff. Eventually the rest of the team drifts off until it's only the sound of his soft voice and the scratch of your pen filling the plane.     
Taglist: @haylaansmi​ 
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the-romantic-lady · 3 years
Surprised to hear you like Henry VI and Margaret of Anjou, given that you're a fan of Richard, Duke of York. Isn't that a conflict of interest or something? Lol. What's your opinion on Elizabeth Woodville and the Woodville clan, Margaret Beaufort, Warwick and the Neville clan, and George, Duke of Clarence? (Basically what's your opinion on the rest of the players of the Wars of the Roses lol.)
Gosh, anon you are encouraging me!! I love that you care about my thoughts <3. Alright then, let's start.
I used to be very anti-Margaret of Anjou. Until I started to look at things from her perspective. York was dangerously popular with a lot of children and a formidable wife. Margaret must have felt insecure. Also, there is this theory that Margaret's mentor and confidant William de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk was murdered under the order of the Duke of York. That must have been a tipping point. But I still think that York was the better ruler and person. I will get a lot of hate for this, but women in general were not suitable rulers for the Middle Ages. They were often driven by more personal ideals (Empress Matilda vs. Stephen is a great example and Margaret was no different). Ofc there were men like that too but women seemed to always be like that. As a woman, I understand and the later periods were more suitable for female leadership. York was a much better ruler. He was driven by the stability of the realm rather than his personal issues (he put his own son-in-law in prison and Margaret wouldn't even budge on her failure advisors). And her entitlement was mind-boggling. I love how messed up she was. And Henry...I just feel sorry for him. The Middle Ages also were not a time for artistic and kind kings lol.
Elizabeth Woodville and the Woodville Clan:
As I have said, I pretty much like everyone before 1485 lol. But Elizabeth Woodville was annoying af. That made her interesting but I can't get over how incredibly greedy she was. She was the daughter of a minor gentry and widow of a Lancastrian knight. Edward makes her queen and she abuses that power so much. She has problems with everyone. Warwick, George, Richard, any noble who didn't kiss her arse and even Edward. Queens were meant to level the mind of King. Edward III's queen famously saved French clergy by going on her knees to beg the King for mercy. Ofc that was a bit dramatic but many Queens did this. It was called the Queen's mercy or something like that. But boy was she a hell of a woman. Despite being raised in a pretty privileged household, she was shrewd and survived to the end. She could have learned a thing or two from Cecily Neville about how to put that strong personality to better use but regardless. Also, I love how she was shunned fron Henry Tudor's court when Richard welcomed her to his with open arms. I mean...karma. But all in all, I like her. Its as they say "well behaved women seldom make history". She had flaws (so did the everyone else!) but her character is interesting and admirable. And despite that shaved forehead, she is a gorgeous woman. So I get where Edward was coming from XD The other social climbing members Woodville..not so much. The shameless way that they tried to push themselves in and take hold of power when they had literally fought on the losing Lancastrian side is embarrassing and oh so disgusting. Like Warwick secured the throne for Edward and they were given precedence over him. I just...yeah. John Woodville legit married a 65 year old duchess (he was 19) for money and power. They were a hungry bunch and courting them was Edward IV's biggest mistake and towards the end of his life, I think he saw that.
Margaret Beaufort
I will keep this short since I don't know much about her but I dislike her. I understand that she went through a lot. Her father apparently suicided when she was 1 and that is traumatic. And back then suicide was mocked and disgraced. She ofc blamed the Duke of York....cause at this point why not? She ofc went through a really young and traumatic birth at 13. Her husband was gross and that's that. And we know that Edward kept her son exiled so she couldn't see him. But despite all this, I just don't like her? I suppose its the super impressive Plantagenet women who just make me look at the sleezy and dull Margaret with disdain. And she gives me real phony vibes. Like at times, she just seemed to cosplay Cecily Neville lol. When you see women like Cecily Neville and Margaret of Anjou taking charge in the way they did, Margaret and her deceptive ways are just cringe worthy.
The Earl of Warwick
This man. Just this man. The way that England seemed to revolve around his whims is amazing. He was a real Duke of York stan and so I have to appreciate him. But he was so fearless. Henry VI, Edward IV, Margaret of Anjou, you name it. He stood against them. The Duke of York seemed to be someone he admired but other than that, he fought for himself. He helped Edward take the crown and worked hard to keep Edward's throne. He was embarrassed with the whole secret marriage saga but still stuck by. But Edward clearly forgot who he owed his success too. The man escaped an assassination by Henry VI's men and saved his father and uncle from it. He actually took charge in the first Battle of St. Albans in 1455 because his rivals the Percys were mocking him. I just love him. Ngl, sometimes when I read about him, I just blush. A man if there ever was one. There were so many attempts at disgracing him. He was the Captain of Calais and in that role fought Medieval pirates! And he was ruthless at it. People loved him and he carried that popularity well. I should stop fangirling over a dead guy. I think I made it pretty clear that I love him XD.
Neville clan
I like them too. Warwick's father was pretty much York's best friend and I love him for it. They were also social climbers like the Woodvilles but so much better at it. They didn't have the entitlement that the Woodvilles did and managed their powers well. Cecily Neville was ofc a Neville and she is one of my favorites. One of my favorite thing about them is how courageous they were. Like all of them. Unfortunately, Anne and Isabel are both obscure figures. I wish we knew more about them. They were pushed around like prizes. Good on Richard for giving Anne a position to make her own decision. I feel bad for those girls. Although the York brothers were known to be good looking so lucky them?
George, Duke of Clarence
Ah, George. I love this man. If there was one son of York who inherited his father's glamour and charm, it was George. And I love that he stood up to his brother and sister-in-law. He was sometimes too problematic but I still love that! Glamourous and problematic. How can one not love the man? Although his betrayal of Edward is kind of sad considering that Edward really tried to be like a dad to his brothers. George took Edward's love for granted for too long. His breakdown after his wife's death is really sad too. Interestingly, this seems to be a pattern with the Plantagenet men. They all have breakdowns and downfalls after the death of their wives. Their women are so much stronger emotionally.
I know this was long! I hope you enjoyed the post :D. I would love to know your thoughts too and if you agree or disagree. Seriously, thank you for letting me talk about this. Nothing makes me happier than to discuss these people!
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cinna-wanroll · 4 years
Obi-Wan’s Unusual Behaviors Towards Satine Kryze
Ft. 2am character analysis notes
 Obi-Wan Kenobi is hardly a people-pleaser. In fact, it is speculated in Wild Space that he may never have told a single flattering lie in his entire life. Prime examples of this trait would be in the TCW movie, where he has tea and friendly banter with the enemy general- he even winks at his opponent. He unashamedly flirts with Sith assassin Asajj Ventress multiple times throughout the series- even in front of others. He lets himself lose terribly in a fight during the Kadavo arc to buy Anakin and Ahsoka time, and constantly makes snarky/sarcastic commentary. He can be rather blunt, and isn’t afraid to contradict other people’s ideas, views, or tactics. He does this with Anakin throughout the series, with Count Dooku in the Dooku Captured arc, and even with Captain Tarkin in the Citadel arc. All in all, Obi-Wan is a confident man who doesn’t let the judgments of others affect the way he operates. 
That is, until mid-season two. 
Why, Cinna? You ask, voice full of curiosity. You have no idea where this is going. You’re on the edge of your seat, waiting for me to tell you. Are you ready? Do you wanna know? I’ll give you one hint- I never shut up about her.
Yes ladies and gentleman, I’m talking about Satine Kryze. 
You gasp, shocked. 
When she shows up, Obi-Wan suddenly displays multiple uncharacteristic habits. He constantly touches her, constantly checks to be sure she’s safe- which shows doubts in his own abilities as a protector, and he even seeks affirmations of friendship from her. 
He isn’t afraid to look into her eyes, but is shy at some moments, which we almost never see from him in any situation, ever, unless he’s being touched. See: the moment he’s being hugged by a Talz. 
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Examples of his shyness around Satine would be the way he looks down after she teases him about falling and dropping her, or when she comments about his beard ‘hiding too much of his handsome face.’ He doesn’t instantly make a snarky or light-hearted comment back to her gentle teasing here like he normally would, instead he asks her seriously why she doesn’t like it. 
“Why? What’s wrong with it?”
Although I would like to note he never truly looses his Obi-Wan characteristics here- he doesn’t shave after she makes the comment, but his questions show that he cares not just about what she thinks of him as a person, but physically as well. 
This adds a softer, sweeter side to the Jedi Master/ my husband, and is an indicator of a difference to all of his other relationships. Upon further analyzation, I have broken Obi-Wan’s stages of relationships into six stages of companionship.
Stage 1- Puts up walls, distant, stiff, snarky/witty, deflective, non-emotional, sometimes chiding. An example of someone in this category might be Sugi, from the Trouble on Felucia arc. (although I mean there is some sexual tension there, its probably because shes also played by Anna Graves who plays Satine, but-)
Stage 2- Friendly, cheerful, lets his guard down a little. Dex would probably fall under this section.
Stage 3- Still a little distant but will show he cares about you in some ways. Will defend you. This is probably where all his work friends go- Yoda, Mace, etc.
Stage 4- Listens to you, checks on you, jokes with you, will give you advice. Ahsoka is a good example of someone in this category. 
Stage 5- Basically Anakin. Will confess his flaws and internal struggles.
Stage 6- Satine Kryze. Cares about what you think. Probably thinks about making out with you a lot.
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Now there is another important component of their relationship to discuss- their PDONAs, or public displays of non-affection. 
The over-the-top argument on The Coronet in front of the senators is a perfect example of this. While Obitine may butt heads on occasion alone, their squabbles are usually tedious and are centered around one thing: tension.
Whether it’s the tension of a dangerous situation, physical attraction, or things left unsaid, they take every opportunity to deny their tensions to both one other and themselves. This of course is aided by their intellectual and stubborn personalities, however their private disagreements are a lot more about their concern for one another than they are grandiose like the aforementioned Coronet argument. A good example of this is when Obi-Wan responds to Satine’s comment on him hurting people by fretting:
“You don’t seem troubled that I could’ve been killed back there.”
Obi-Wan could have said so many different things to counter what Satine said, like ‘Would you have preferred I stood by while they ground me/you to bits?’ But no, instead he very directly asks the question, ‘don’t you care about me?’
This is the heart of their personal arguments. However in public, not only are they trying to convince themselves they aren’t in love- they also have an audience. And since they are both stubborn, passionate, and very extra, things explode. 
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Obi-Wan isn’t really disputing Satine’s beliefs- he’s known about her political views since they were young. So the argument they’re having only makes sense to me as a young Obitine argument. No, he’s convincing those around him that he could never be with her because they have different interests. 
Satine doesn’t think Obi-Wan is war-hungry, she knows that he’s almost as dedicated to peace as she is, and she’s intelligent enough to understand he just has a different opinion on how peace is achieved in the first place. So when she is accusing him of such things, she is attempting to erase their history and understanding so that their audience won’t know what is going on between them or what went on between them. 
In that episode (Voyage of Temptation) the inner turmoil felt by both Obi-Wan and Satine is palpable, and driven by the rekindled emotions which were never properly burnt out- only unhealthily buried by two emotionally constipated and overly-responsible young people. 
Their desires are coming to the surface after all these years of repression faster than either of them knows how to deal with. So, they attempt old methods of burying their emotions from when they were apart- i.e. convincing themselves they are too different, they have different goals, one of them is incompetent, etc. Except no it’s not just themselves they are dealing with, and the truth is in front of their faces so it’s harder to deny their chemistry and compatibility. 
This eventually dissolves into Obi-Wan becoming more physical with Satine, constantly needing to be around her and not being able to get her out of his mind. 
He is seen watching her defend her world when he’s admitted to disliking politics and has different views. He attempts to comfort her afterwards, even running to catch up with her and grabbing her arm, then later attempting to grab her hand. He seeks her out after she’s been avoiding him to make sure she’s okay and when she says she “didn’t want to worry him,” he replies, “on that count, I’m afraid you failed spectacularly.” 
He doesn’t say, ‘Well, I was,’ or even ‘on that count, you failed.’ 
No, he adds spectacularly, which shows that most likely all he’s been doing is worrying about her. He grabs her by the shoulders and leans his face in way too unnecessarily close just to talk with her.  
He’s shown gazing out the window worriedly while Satine is on the run. He stares at her (which is technically putting her in more danger the longer he waits!) just to watch her and how good she looks in her disguise. He even smiles like a fool at her. He only comes to his senses when police pass by. He sits with his hands close to hers and then when he’s about to enter the senate building he looks back to make sure she’s okay. 
They both touch each other like crazy in every episode, and as I mentioned before, Obi-Wan has expressed how uncomfortable he is with physicality, which shows how comfortable and trusting he is around and of Satine. 
In conclusion: Obi-Wan is soft for Satine.
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aerielz · 3 years
Oh please could you do “just take my hand” for j/d?
Last one was so angsty I decided this one would be just straight up post-canon fluff!
The night is cold, but pleasant, and he’s enjoying himself, which is not as much of a rare occurrence as it used to be. Relaxing still doesn't come naturally, and Josh figures perhaps it never will. But he’s learned to push aside the press, and the threats, and the pressure, and congress. It's there, in his pocket, a phone call away. But for now, it is tame.
At this moment all that worries him is the air of amused understanding Toby has about him.
Donna walks ahead of them, almost bouncing on her feet, leading the way across Central Park to some place Josh’s not sure what it is, and Toby watches as her giddy form guides them to… wherever. He keeps glancing between the two of them, something clearly on his mind.
Up until Josh can’t take it anymore.
“What?,” he asks, eyes darting to Donna, mirroring Toby, as some structure starts to become clear.
Toby just shakes his head.
“I’m just surprised you’re okay with this.”
Josh shrugs, legitimately confused. “With what?”
“You really don’t know,” Toby lets out a genuine laugh, “Your obliviousness truly is dumbfounding.”
“What the hell are you even talking about?,” he answers, just in time to look up and see what it is that they’ve been approaching all along. “Oh.”
They catch up to Donna at the edge of an ice skating rink, as she’s hooking her thumb over her shoulder to indicate the both of them to the woman behind the counter.
“Oh,” he repeats.
It’s a big and loud place, not packed, by any means, but it is tourist season: there's enough of a crowd inside the rink to lose someone in, and families and couples stand outside, too, just as entertained to watch as the ones inside are to skate. The harsh lights that light up the attraction mark a big spot in the night, making it stand out from a great distance.
It’s an impressive feat that he managed to completely miss it.
“Why did you think we were coming to the Park at this hour?,” Toby asks.
Josh takes a second. Shrugs. “Sightseeing?”
“Without an agenda…? Her?,” he points to Donna.
If she’s offended by the take, she doesn’t let it show. Donna doesn’t even turn around — she just hands the woman in front of her a few bills and thanks her when she motions for them to enter a waiting area.
Toby follows Donna into it, and Josh stays where he is, brow furrowed in a grimace.
He opens his mouth to protest, but closes it immediately.
If he thinks about it, it was rather obvious, wasn’t it? It’s entirely expected that she’d drag them into this along with her — it’s Donna, they’re in New York in the middle of winter and she’s asked him for skis that one Christmas, for crying out loud —, it’s not like it’s a stretch.
If it’s her leading the way, he’ll follow. He doesn’t care where they’re going anymore. But it’s not his blind trust in her that takes him further this time, it’s her excitement about the whole thing. There’s something different about it, something he can’t quite grasp. Josh can understand how he got himself into this position. What he can’t understand is why, when he looks at her, he sees her face light up like Time Square.
She sits down at the bench and takes off her boots to put on the skates with an ease that spells practice, and Josh observes her motions, a tad mesmerized, following suit even if the familiarity in her gestures is something he can't copy. It’s just tying a shoe, but he feels like he’s fumbling.
Donna enters the rink tentatively, but quickly glides away from the edge, gaining an easy confidence in her footing far faster than Josh would think was possible. She’s out a few feet, being soon joined by Toby, before realizing he’s not beside her. She angles her body sideways and skids to a halt, looking back to wait for him.
It's his first mistake, really — having waited for her to look back. He should've just gotten it over with while she was distracted, but, alas, now he has a proper audience.
Josh takes his first steps into the ice with way too much confidence and both his legs decide to go opposite ways, sending his butt to the ground.
Donna’s eyes widen. She tries very hard not to smile.
(And fails.)
“Oh my god, you can’t ice skate,” Donna glides back to the entrance and bends down to help him get on his feet, “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“You were making it seem easy, I thought it couldn't be that hard."
"You've never done this before?,” Toby says from beside Donna.
Josh shrugs, taking Donna's hand.
"I don’t understand, you're from Connecticut.”
"What, and that’s a requirement, now?,” He has a good grip on Donna's hand, but he can't decide how exactly to stand up. Josh tries putting both his legs under himself, and they won't stay put where he wants them, sliding everywhere no matter what he does, “Jesus, why do people think this is fun?!"
“I don't know, I’m having quite a lot of fun,” Donna teases.
“Yes, but you're a sadist,” he replies.
“She's a masochist, is what she is,” Toby chimes in, taking enough pity on him to help, “Nothing else explains willingly being around you for this long.”
With Toby pulling him by his other hand Josh finally finds enough purchase on the ice to more of less stabilize himself on the blades.
It's a fragile balance. To say the least.
“Oh, god, I’m gonna die,” he all but gasps, tightening his grip on Toby's and Donna's arms, “I’m gonna die or— or— I’ll fall again and then someone’s gonna go over my fingers and. I don’t know, chop them off. Look at these things, they're deadly.”
“They're rentals, they're blunter than Lou on a Friday night at the podium,” Donna remarks.
Josh looks at her, “Bringing Lou into this will not make me feel any safer.”
“What were you doing your entire childhood?,” Toby asks.
“That’s just sad.”
“Yeah, well, I know that now.”
“It takes a while to get used to it, but it's not that hard,” Donna says, “Just… baby steps.”
Both Donna and Toby let go of Josh and he stays upright, which, as far as the three of them are concerned, looks like progress.
He tries to take a step and his balance fails him, again, having him make a wild grab at whatever’s closest.
He ends up throwing his entire weight on Toby, who says, “Or perhaps just… try to stay upright for a couple minutes, you know, get used to that.”
“Well, you do it, then, if it's so easy.”
“I am doing it, in fact my ability to stay on top of ice skates is the only thing separating you from certain death, right now.”
“God, you’re both insufferable,” Donna complains.
Josh disengages his grip on Toby’s arm and defiantly leans away, falling to the other side, instead, to the safety of the rails, “—I'll need five minutes tops, you'll see, I'll be skating circles around you—”
“You wanna spend the time we have on ice arguing, fine,” Donna continues, “I'm gonna try something else.”
“—I'm adaptable, it's my whole thing. Tell him, Donna.”
He turns to her for support and it's just in time to see her floating away from them.
The annoyance he feels at the insignificant betrayal doesn't survive watching her as she skates, though.
Most of the people doing rounds around them look clumsy and unsure on the ice, but Donna looks like she’s home. There’s a unique freedom to her movements, a confidence, that looks good on her. She has the turn of a smile tugging at the corner of her lips, like she does when she convinces senators to shut up and listen, but it’s lighter, here. She leans her body away from the railing to take a turn and it’s almost like there’s not a single tense muscle on her body, like she’s gliding without any effort.
Josh stays where he is, gripping the guard rail with both his hands, watching dumbly as she does not much else then make a full turn around the rink. When she’s not too far away from where she started, Donna diverts to the center of the ice, where there’s no one and the ice is even. She brings her feet closer together and her arms closer to her chest, which sends her body into a slow spin around its own axis. It’s not fast, but it’s graceful, and she looks focused on her own movements, enjoying each second, purpose behind every move — like when she kisses him, when she unbuttons his shirt, when she’s drawing her own name out of his lips.
The comparison is a little out of place, and makes him blush, but the truth is that Josh knows her joy like he knows his own. Both are, after all, intimately connected. So as he watches Donna’s happiness from afar, he lets himself feel it, too.
His mouth hangs open, when she comes closer to where he is with Toby.
"How did you—” he says, a dumb smile on his face, “How come I didn’t know you could do that?”
He sounds giddy, almost innocent in his laughter. Donna’s cheeks burn red with the effort and the effect of his gaze.
She shrugs, and turns around to face him, ”You never asked.”
“I’ve known you for eleven years. We’ve been married for two of those, how come I didn’t know you can figure skate, this is ridiculous.”
“I can’t figure skate, Josh, it's just really basic stuff.”
“You should’ve shown me this when we met, I’d have married you on the spot.”
“Would’ve shaved off six months tops,” Toby chimes in.
“I’m serious.”
“We work every waking hour, Josh, not a lot of skate rinks open at three in the morning in DC.”
“We met in New Hampshire, there’d have been a lake. Or. Something.”
“I’m sorry, I’m... processing.”
“It’s not anything impressive.”
“From where I’m standing it looks pretty fucking impressive.”
“Can't believe I'm saying this,” Toby says, “But I'm with Josh in this one.”
“You're not helping, Toby. C'mon, it's really easy,” she extends Josh a hand, “I’ll show you.”
“No, I,” Josh gives her a nervous laugh, “I think I’m fine here.”
“Come on,” she insists, “Take my hand.”
He’s curious enough to consider, but, still… “You really think that’s a good idea?”
“You wanted to be a ballerina, there has to be some sort of body awareness in you.”
“You do know I never took a single ballet class, right.”
“Just take my hand,” she insists, “You’re gonna be fine.”
“Yes, take her hand, Josh,” Toby says, and his is the face of a man who knows he's about to have an inordinate amount of fun at the expense of someone else. “You're going to be absolutely fine.”
Josh gives him a look, to which Toby's smile just widens.
That silent and childish challenge is more than enough to convince Josh to actually do it. He takes a deep breath and leans away from the railing, taking both of Donna's hands, one in each of his.
“Oh, god.”
Donna brings him closer to her and grips him at the elbows, so they're more safely linked. She sinks the brakes in the ice and pushes back and takes him with her when she slides back.
“Oh, god. Oh, God, Oh god,” Josh keeps saying.
“You’re stiff as a plank, you’re gonna break something,” she says, laughing.
“Oh, God, I’m gonna break something.”
“No — oh my god — here, just—,” Donna takes one of her hands away from his elbow.
“Shh, just calm down. Look here, look at me,” she says, gently laying her hand over his cheek, “Josh?”
He looks up, locking his eyes to hers.
“Just keep looking at me, okay?”
He nods, a bit frantic.
“Just relax, honey,” she says, moving her thumb over his skin.
It’s like each stroke removes something from him, something that should never have been there in the first place. The tension in his jaw instantly vanishes. He breathes a little slower.
Donna smiles, her eyes still on his, and slides her hand down, over his neck. He releases the tightness there, too.
They’ve been here before, they both have this program down pat.
When he had panic attacks in the middle of the night, a decade ago, she’d calm him down like this. She couldn’t call him honey back then, and he didn’t know she tasted just as sweet, but the routine is the same. It's Donna gliding her fingers over his skin, giving him something to focus on, taking him out of his head.
Following this practiced dance of their own creation, Donna’s hand slide down again to his chest, his heart right below her palm under layers of clothing. Josh’s entire upper body relaxes.
Less rigid, he feels less like he’s about to topple over. He can focus on the cutting winter wind on his face instead, then; and this nice sensation under his feet that's almost like floating, which is the closest he'll ever be to flying.
It's a clumsy taste of a freedom she knows a lot better than him, yes. But a taste of it, regardless.
He feels more stable, more confident, and she notices it.
Josh is not paying attention to it enough to know how she does it, but whatever it is, it sends them both spinning, like she did before. It feels good. He can almost pretend he knows what he’s doing. Josh laughs, and he's not sure why, or where it came from, but he knows it's the right thing to be doing right now.
Snow starts to fall over them, showering them in white very lightly; very slowly. Flakes dust Donna’s hair and the harsh white lights of the rink hit her from behind and cast a halo around her frame — she looks downright angelical, it’s absolutely ludicrous. He can't stop smiling.
When they come to a halt, Josh pulls her closer, touching his forehead to hers.
He thought the ridiculous part of being in love with her had been over years ago. So naive of him.
“Not so bad, huh?,” she whispers.
Her nose is cold when he kisses it. Her lips too. He lingers, her face touching his, and feels the space between them warming up.
“You’re both disgusting.” Toby screams from not very far.
Donna kisses him, this time, and he takes her bottom lip between his. There's nothing else beside the feeling of her, then, that tentative way Donnatella Moss— not being a fan of this sort of public display of affection — nibbles at his own lips, as if she doesn't have his ring around her finger.
Josh never feels his phone vibrating in the pocket of his coat. Not then, and not five minutes later when it rings again.
He’ll only remember it exists after he takes it out of his pocket when they're back in Toby’s guest room. Donna is pulling a fluffy, horrid, Christmas sweater over her tank top when he notices the screen cracked beyond repair.
“That wasn't like that this morning, was it?,” she asks, noticing it too.
“Yeah, no. I think repeatedly falling on my butt this evening has something to do with it, though.”
“There has to be some place that can get it fixed, we can ask Toby.”
He thumbs the glass and watches the mess of lines and lights flicker under the pressure. There's nothing recognizable coming through.
He shrugs. “You know how the Secret Service is with these things.”
Donna comes behind him to put her arms around his midriff, watching him play with the useless cellphone over his shoulder.
“What if it's some sort of national emergency?,” she asks.
“Sam would've called you and asked for me,” he says, “Or just let you solve it. God knows by now everyone knows you can do this better than me.”
“Damn right I do,” she plays along, kissing the nape of his neck and getting a hum of appreciation out of him, “But, seriously, honey—”
“It's our weekend off,” Josh says, turning around to pull her into his arms properly, “I have other priorities.”
He can tell she's trying to hide her relief, but Donna melts against him, a little, and a smile tug at the corner of her lips as she rests both her hands against his chest. He can still feel the lightness of watching her do spirals or swizzles or whatever-the-hell-those-were-called — can still taste that freedom he found in her smile.
(A couple of years in, but they’re both still getting used to this. To the enormity of this thing they do, and the things they’re building together, which, somehow, feel bigger.)
“I'll get it fixed when we come back home,” he tells her. Donna nods, fits herself in his embrace. “And then we'll find you some skates, and a rink, and you'll show me exactly what it is that you've been hiding from me all these years.”
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tillthelandslide · 4 years
Jersey Love (Part 3) : Life With You is a Walk in the Park
Authors Note: Ah! Part 3 is here and I hope you all like it, I have to see part 4 and 5 are my favourite parts so far so I hope you are all as excited as I am :). I really hope you like it, I appreciate any feedback.
Tag List:  @harrysthiccthighss @thereisa8ella @magdelen69 @henrythickcavill @hc-geralt-23 @kissthatlifeaway @darkbooksarwin @august-w-princess @speakerforthedead0 @pixie1484 @constip8merm8 @tigerbroadwaybaby @agniavateira @summersong69 @aestheticallywinchester @stephartrave @al-wiisa​ @henrycavillfanpage​ @intenselikes​ @anat2507​ @ellixthea​ @aguspalazzo​ @1ookatthestars00​ @wintersoldierslut​ @michelehansel​   @cavill-sass​​
(if you would like to be added to my tag list, feel free to message me,   if you are new to my blog then I post Henry Cavill fanfics and make  Henry Cavill fake Instagram posts, my requests are open so feel free to  request anything  and I will try my best to make your vision come to  life)    
Part 1
Part 2
The next morning you woke up early, feeding your cats, making yourself a healthy breakfast all before hopping in the shower. You washed your hair with your favourite shampoo and conditioner, you then shaved and washed your body, cleaning your face with an exfoliating gel. You turned the shower off, wrapping your hair in a towel and drying your body, you walked to your bedroom, humming as you went. You chose to wear some comfortable workout clothes as you were going on a walk, before drying your hair. You put on some moisturiser before curling your long eyelashes, you were comfortable not wearing any makeup so decided against it, you brushed your hair up and put it out of your face into a high ponytail, the usual strands fell in front of your face so you decided to curl them with your tongs. You put on your shoes and packed a bag with some water, a jumper, your phone, keys and purse.
A little while later you heard your doorbell ring so you walked to the door. You opened the door seeing Henry standing there in workout shorts and a tank top, you had no idea how he wasn't cold. He was holding a lead which was attached to a gorgeous American Akitta.
"Hey handsome" you said, making him smirk at you.
"Hi, are you talking to me or Kal?" which made you laugh, he then leant forward to kiss you before speaking again. "the cats aren't here are they? Wouldn't want Kal chasing after them" he said making you chuckle.
"They left." you said, kneeling down to greet Kal. "Hey buddy. Oh my god, you're gorgeous" you said, massaging behind the big dog's ears making him pant at you.
"Seems like he likes you already" Henry said looking down at you, your eyes met briefly before you looked back at Kal.
"Are you excited?" you said, holding your palm out to him to which he placed his paw in yours. You swooned at him, he truly was the cutest dog. You stood up and smiled widely at Henry, leaning forward to kiss him again, you just couldn't help it.
"Ready?" he said, making you nod, you took your keys off the table by your front door, and grabbed your backpack from underneath it, placing it on your back. You closed the door behind the both of you, locking it securely.
"The place I'm taking you to is about a 15 minute drive from here" he said leading you to his car, he walked to your side first, opening the car door for you and sharing "my lady" which made you chuckle.
"Thank you kind sir, I think that deserves a kiss" you joked along with him, placing a peck against his cheek. You sat down in the seat as Henry opened the back door for Kal.
"Go on Kal" he said to the dog who was stubbornly not getting in.
"Sorry, he usually sits at the front with me" he said, making you chuckle.
"Let him sit here then" you said, opening your door and calling Kal, who came and sat on your lap straight away. You closed the door and Henry walked to the driver's seat.
"Are you sure that's okay? He's a big dog" he said making you pet Kal.
"He's fine." you said, making Henry shrug as he turned the engine on. 
His hands rested against the steering wheel, running along it making you gulp. He looked over at you.
“Like what you did here” he said gesturing to the pieces of hair you left in front of your face.
“Couldn’t get them in the ponytail, they’re stubborn” you said, tucking one behind your ear making Henry pout, he wanted to do it.
“You look beautiful as always darling” he said, beginning to drive.
“You’re too kind” you said, blushing a deep red.
“Just telling the truth,” he said, shrugging. You thought back to when you first met, he was a nervous wreck and you were the confident one, well now that had changed, every word he said made you blush, sure you had your moments and they surprise him but for the most part you were the nervous wreck. He still had a confident demeanor, even when you complimented him. The drive was quite short and the nearer you got the more excited Kal got in your lap. He was fidgeting loads and kicking your face excitedly making you giggle which made Henry's face ache with how much he was smiling.
"Kal calm down" you said, to which he listened straight away, much to Henry's surprise.
"Surprised that worked" he said, his eyebrows furrowing as the corners of his lips folded downwards.
"Just need to be dominant, you know? Assertive" you said making Henry gulp.
"You know a lot about being dominant then?" he said jokingly.
"You'll have to wait and find out" you teased, making him cough to clear his throat. You looked out of the window smirking to yourself, Henry looked at you and shook his head. You really were full of surprises he thought. 
A little while later, Henry pulled up next to another car in a small parking lot. He undid his seat belt and got out, running to your side of the car to open your door for you, Kal instantly jumped out and up at him, Henry quickly grabbing his lead, knowing the dog well and knowing he would run away out of excitement. He held his hand out for you to take, which you did, getting helped out of the car. You looked in front of you at the beautiful site, beautiful shades of green as far as the eye could see, the sky a bright shade of blue. You took your backpack from the car, closing the door behind you.
Henry grabbed Kal's lead before holding your hand again, beginning to walk with you.
"What was it like growing up being the only girl? And the youngest" he said, looking at you as you walked.
"I actually enjoyed having 3 brothers, felt like it made me who I am today. I wasn’t afraid to do things that were seen to be boyish, I really didn't care, I grew up doing the girly stuff but joining in with my brothers too, it was nice. Felt like I had the best of both worlds" you said, making him nod.
"How was it for you? 4 brothers is a lot" you said, to which he chuckled.
"We joked around a lot. Still do. They're my role models honestly, they really are the true superheroes. We still mess around and tease each other which is nice" he said, glad you were both opening up to one another.
"Was your parents split hard on you?" he asked.
"Um, I was very young so I don't think I fully understood what was going on. The split itself wasn't too hard, what was hard was my eldest brother tried taking my dad's role and I didn't really like that. I always felt like a martian in my family, I was the only girl so got treated differently because of that, and I was the youngest. We got closer as we grew up, we all found our place within the family. The two brothers who are closest  to my age, are my best friends. And my oldest brother, I love him a lot, sure we never used to get along but I now see the position he was in must have been so hard so I really respect him for that" you said, Henry's fingers were absent-mindedly running against the back of your hand making you smile to yourself.
"What made you want to become an actor?" you said, the both of you stopping for a minute because Kal was sniffing around.
"When I was at boarding school I got teased and bullied by the other kids. But then I started acting in the school plays and I just felt comfortable, felt like they couldn't bully me because I wasn't me, I was playing someone else, embodying someone else" he said making you frown at the fact he was bullied.
"They used to call me fat Cavill." he said laughing."That's so nasty" you replied, making him shrug.
"It was an accurate term, I was indeed a Cavill and I was kind of fat, it's just sad because they were probably getting bullied too, and by someone far more malicious then a school kid. I just find it funny now" he said.
"Yeah, because you've come so far. Look at you now, I mean c'mon. You're this amazing, kind and talented guy, everybody knows, wants to know you or wants to be you. And you're good looking so that helps. And on top of all of that, you’re so humble about all of it" you said, nudging your shoulder against his. He thought it was sweet how you were trying to cover up the fact you were being serious, trying to lighten the situation.
"Thank you" he said, offering you a sweet smile as he brought your hand up to his lips.
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"This is lovely" you said looking out at the skyline.
"So, I know it's your birthday party next week but when's your actual birthday?" he asked.
“The 21st of November” you replied, making him smile.
“Do you have any plans?” he asked politely.
“My mum has organised this family thing at her and her partners house, my brothers will be visiting for the day” you said, excitedly, you hadn’t seen them in a while and was beyond excited.
“That sounds amazing, I’m sure you’re looking forward to seeing them.” he said, making you nod in reply.
“I really am, I haven’t seen them in what seems like forever, they’re my best friends” you said, smiling at all the great memories that came into your mind. Henry smiled back at you, wow this girl...she’s so cute he thought, pulling you tightly into his chest for a hug. You wrapped your arms around his waist as he rested around your shoulders, you chuckled when you heard Kal huff and soon after you felt his head nudging the back of your legs. You looked up to Henry whose hand came to rest against your jaw as he placed a sweet kiss against your lips.
You really wanted to invite Henry to your birthday celebrations with your family but were scared it was too soon.
“You really don’t have to come to my birthday bash if you don’t want to. I would understand, I know it might be a little overwhelming, with all my friends there. Wow I’m really not selling this am I?” you said, physically cringing that you called it that again.
“It’s okay, I want to be there”
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“I told you yesterday, I want to be a part of your life, your world… So I want to meet your friends… Besides we have to celebrate your birthday” he said, holding your hand as he spoke.“Okay, but be warned my friends can be really crazy and they like to go all out, like suits, dresses, champagne all out” you smiled.
“Sounds amazing, I’ll be sure to wear a suit” he said.
“I’m sure you’ll look dashing” you said, continuing walking hand in hand with Henry, Kal walking ahead of you.
“Do you get along with everyone at work?” Henry asks politely.
“Yeah, I do. I’ve made my closest friends through work, the guys you saw at the pub, they’re the best” you said, making Henry smile.
“They all seemed nice. You’re quite close with Lewis right?” Henry said.
“Yeah, he’s my best friend, him and Amy. You should know that when I first joined Durrell he asked me out on a date” you said, slightly laughing, looking at Henry who nodded.
“I don’t blame him, you’re amazing. What happened there then, he’s an attractive guy, no?” Henry asked. You appreciated that he wasn’t protective and it didn’t bother him. Henry did get a little bit jealous at the thought of this but then reminded himself that you were just friends so there was nothing to worry about, something must have happened.
“We went on one date and there was no spark there, we got along really well, but I dunno… it felt like he was just another one of my brothers” you said laughing “he still is affectionate but he’s honestly like that with everyone” you said hoping to ease any doubts Henry may have had, even he didn’t show it.
“That’s nice though, nice you have someone like that in your life” Henry said making you smile widely at how understanding he was. You started to slow down and Kal began to tug on the lead making you laugh, he looked back at the both of you, huffing and tugging the lead.
“Pass me the lead for a second” you said, making Henry furrow his eyebrows before handing it over. You held it in your hand and began running, Kal getting very excited and running with you, you laughed as you did so making Henry jog after you, laughing at how cute the both of you were. If Kal likes her then that must be a good sign he thought.
You caught up to Kal and he jumped up at you excitedly.
“Yeah, you’re excited aren’t you big boy?” you said, ruffling the fur on his head making him look up at you, his mouth moving into a big smile.
“You’re really good with him.” Henry said, catching up to the both of you, his hand landing on your lower back as he stood over Kal.
“You like her huh?” Henry said, petting his head and he swore he nodded at him, making the both of you laugh again.
“Me too buddy” Henry replied, looking at you, making you smile and lean forward into him slightly. He kissed your head and took your hand in his again, walking again, the lead now in your hand, Kal walking by your side which made Henry smile widely.
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“Do you take him everywhere with you?” you asked, making Henry nod.
“Yeah… he’s my best friend, my companion” he replied looking down at Kal and shaking his head, a smile on his face.
“How does he cope with travelling?”  you asked, petting Kal’s head. Henry began absent-mindedly swinging your hands back and forth, making you want to giggle at how cute it was, you were shocked that such a simple gesture had you wanting to smother him in kisses. 
“He’s okay with it, mostly just sleeps on me the whole time” he said, chuckling. You walked for a while longer, talking about lots of things, stopping when Kal wanted to rest. About an hour later you decided to sit down together to eat some food.
“What do you brothers do for a living?” Henry asked, eating a sandwich, Kal resting on his thigh, his big eyes flicking up to Henry, hoping to get some of his food.
“My eldest brother Shaun, he owns his own plumbing business, then Glenn works for Mind, the mental health charity, is the head of the digital team and then Harry manages a history museum” you said, running through your brothers by age.
“Wow, impressive family” he said, smiling.
“Yours?” you asked.
“Piers is a former army officer, Nick is a major in the Royal Marines, Simon works in financial services and Charlie works in marketing” he said proudly.
“Now that’s impressive, and your parents?” you said, wanting to get to know everything about him.
“My Dad served in the Navy and then a stockbroker, and my mum… she was amazing, is amazing, she took care of us for years and then worked as a secretary in a bank” he said, you loved hearing him talk about his family, you could tell how proud he was of them and how much he loved them.
“How about yours? You said your mum is retired now?” he asked.
“Yeah, she looked after us for years, in between jobs in childcare for years and then started working for the MET police in London. Then she met her partner and a few years later they retired here. My dad is retired too now, he owned the business my brother now owns” you said making Henry smile, he too could tell how important your family was to you.
You then spoke about what it was like to become an actor when his brothers had done something so different, his favourite things (including Salted Caramel cake, red velvet cake, rugby, Guinness, gaming and fantasy books).
“I appreciate this. Haven’t really spoken to people about this kind of stuff” he said, holding your hand.
“I just want to know everything there is to know about you” you said, you had both finished eating and Henry pulled you into his lap making you giggle, leaning into him, his hand grasping your waist making you sigh, the smallest amount of attention had you responding to him and he loved it.
“Then you should probably know I’m crazy about you” he said, it seemed like madness to you, you hadn’t known him that long but fel exactly the same way.
“I know” you said, making him laugh and kiss you gently.
“I’m crazy about you too Hen, it's scary” you mumbled against his lips.
“What are you scared of?” he asked, his lips moving against yours again.
“Falling” you answered honestly. He pulled away from you, smiling sweetly at you, his forehead resting against yours for a few seconds before he placed a kiss to it.
“I think that’s the point love” he said, laughing at you, making you pout for jokingly teasing you.
“I promise I’ll catch you” he said and you could tell he cringed at his words “sorry that was cringy” he said making you shake your head ‘no’ and place a firm kiss to his lips.
“It was perfect, tad cringe but it's fine” you said, laughing. You stood up from his lap, sticking your hand up for him to take, you pulled him up easily making his eyebrows raise.
“Ooo look at you, very strong” he jested, making him shove him lightly
“Haha, come on love” he said, the both of you began walking, Kal following behind you, his lead in Henry’s hand. 
“Back to work tomorrow?” he asked, making you sigh.
“Yeah” you said, you thoroughly enjoyed your job but it was tiring.
“Then off for the weekend, got a movie night tomorrow evening with Jess and then my friends are dragging me to a karaoke night on Saturday” you said, making Henry smile.
“Would you like to join us?” you said, he looked at you and nodded, he wanted to spend as much time with you as possible.
“For both?” he said, making you nod.
“Of course, you can properly get to know my friends before my birthday and Jess would love to have you there for the movie night, I’ll ask her first, don't want her hyperventilating on us” you said, the both of you laughing.
“Good idea”
“Be warned though, she’ll probably want to watch one of your films. Well maybe not if you were there” you said laughing.
“I don’t mind that, I’m up for anything” he said, making you smirk .
“Anything aye?” you joked, poking him the ribs making him laugh and squirm away from you. 
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“Her favourite film is Man of Steel but I doubt she'll want to watch it again, she texted me after she finished work yesterday saying she went home and watched it” you said, Henry smiling at you.
You carried on walking, nearly back at the carpark when you heard a rumble above you, suddenly rain started falling rapidly making you and Henry gasp and run to the car. You finally made it, all three of you totally soaked. Henry paused just before the car, pulling you flush against him.
“I’ve always wanted to kiss someone in the rain, would you do me the honor?” he said, making you nod, you both leant in slowly, you didn’t care that you were getting soaked, or that you would both probably feel a bit ill tomorrow, all that mattered was Henry, his lips moving closer and closer to yours until they merged with yours. You never believed in fireworks before, but in that moment, you swore they existed, maybe it was that you were truly falling for this man, maybe that it was the perfect moment, something from a movie screen. You didn’t know what it was but you knew you loved it.
“Wow, that is different from the movies” he joked “much better than the movies actually, cold though” he said making you nod and run into the car.
“Where the hell did that come from?” he said as you both got into the car, making the both of you laugh.
“Typical of the UK” you said, making him nod. The only positive was that because it was a clear day, a rainbow appeared. Kal was now sitting in the back, shaking himself to try to get dry which in the process managed to get you and Henry more wet.
“I’ll drive you home.” he said, nodding to himself and turning on the engine.
“Sorry our day got cut short” you said, making him reach out and hold your hand.
“Ended it perfectly though yeah?” he said, glancing at him.
Part 4
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oooh could you do protective headcanons for the golden deer too??🥺
{I most certainly can. Y’all know I love these tropes so keep ‘em coming. Hope it’s to your liking! :3}
Neutral, with just a tad bit of nerves. 
Look. Claude has bigger fish to fry than what you’re gallivanting on about during the day. The man has a dream to catch with literally a country and 1/3 (woot woot alliance) on his shoulders. 
First, the future. Then, you. Can’t have a life together if there is no place for it to be had, yeah? 
This doesn’t mean that he never worries about you. Quite the contrary, if he begins then he can’t stop. So he doesn’t tinker the thought. 
Instead he has his most trusted allies at your back. During the Academy days you were left under Hilda’s watchful eye, and during the war you are always nearby (courtesy of matchmaker Prof.Byleth) 
Once he puts a ring on it you’ll have guards. No problem. 
He also trusts your own capabilities. One doesn’t train every day to walk out with nothing  
You make me laugh if you think Claude believes you’ll ever cheat on him 
Not that he’s cocky okay, maybe a bit  but no one would dare put the moves on “The Master Tactician’s” s/o
Any suitor coming your way is peasant fodder. If not to him, than to your own personal retaliation. 
Yupp, nothing to worry about. You’ve got it covered. He’ll only step in if you physically come ask him 
and with a bit of teasing he’ll comply 
However, Claude is very sensitive to illness for obvious reasons. This is why he’s listed at a six. He always insists on tasting your food
It was a gimmick at first, and in the beginning he’d make banter to sneak a bite while you remain all unknowing of his true intentions 
He’ll be damned if someone ever poisons you. They won’t ever get the chance
Let us face it. Iggy is a worry-wart.
He freaks out over the most minuscule of situations. The poor lad nearly gets a heart attack at least once a day 
And no, i’m not just referring to his pre-timeskip self. Ignatz may have grown a head taller, got a backbone, fancy harem artist pants--but no, he did not lose his inner anxious zealot. That trait will cling until the day he dies sadly 
Having you at his side only makes things worse (in a good way. The trouble is worth it to him) 
Especially if you’re more of the risky sort. Expect him to mother hen if you cause ruckus around the monastery. He can and will lecture you to death (only to apologize and hide away after)
Now not only does he worry about his own issues, but also yours. I swear Ignatz acts like you are his second being. If someone scolds you, hurts you, etc. he acts like they did it to him 
Can be a bit dramatic, not gonna lie. He gets so worked up that his ears go red. Like, you can just t e l l he’s holding so much back because he doesn’t want to go too far
Don’t even get me started on if someone tries to make a move on you 
He becomes t o r n. It isn’t his place to tell you who to hang around, but ohmygodwhatifyourealizeheisn’tgoodenough 
iggy no, bad iggy. don’t think like that
He feels threatened so easily and not many would peg him the jealous type. He is, but hides it very well. 
If need be he will talk out his feelings with you. That’s something noteworthy of Ignatz: he uses his words. He may find communicating such thoughts aloud difficult, but if he truly is concerned then he will be honest with you.  
Raphael believes in trust. He expects you to be honest and to not keep anything important secret. In return he’ll do the same. 
This is why he doesn’t care if someone is flirting. He could give less of a thought on gossip, rumors, or anything really. That effort can go towards training 
He truly, honest to Sothis, trusts you with all his heart. There isn’t any time to spend doing otherwise. Raph just wants to live happily and that means having you by his side 
Nor does he feel intimidated by anyone else either. I’m not saying that he reeks of resolved confidence, but Raph believes that you love him. Love topples any mindless flirting that other people throw your way 
but let’s get one thing straight 
If anybody, and I mean ANYBODY, tries to hurt you 
This guy’s having them for b r e a k f a s t. Pounded, sliced, and Smoked. The same way he liked his bacon. 
You are his family. Raphael protects his family, and those he cares about. 
You will never be alone. Goddess if you cry and someone else is the cause then he will take action. One fault of Raph is that while he’s a sweetie, he doesn’t think before acting a lot. Similar to Caspar, he just goes for it 
It takes a lot to get underneath Raph’s skin. 
In short: do not f*ck with his loved ones. He would take on Nemisis himself mono-e-mono if it meant protecting them 
Y’all going to sit there and try to convince me that Lorenz Hellman Gloucester doesn’t try to establish dominance? 
Key word: try
He’s quickly shut down
“Lorenz if you tell one more person that we’re betrothed, I swear that I’ll shave off your eyebrows” - You, one month post-confession 
Saying that you’re his perfect match is no excuse. Considering all the preaching he does on noble humility, you’d think he would want your private affairs off the notice board? 
It doesn’t take long for your peers to start complaining. Claude finds his behavior entertaining, but not a day goes by that someone doesn’t beg you to make him shut up 
Lorenz is also a bit old fashioned. He doesn’t like the idea of you fighting more than necessary
Once again, shut down 
Best way to deal with Lorenz is to let him think he has his way, then just do whatever. He gets upset, pouts, spouts his normal lecture, but then relents. All in due process with him 
Never thought I’d say this, but perhaps requesting not to be in the same troop together is the best option? You’d think he would fight better with an S tier relationship at his side? Nahhh. HE TAKES YOUR KILLS IT IS NOT FAIR 
He gives too much attention to what you’re doing, and not the enemy. Best if you stay separated
Ugh pray no one hits on you in front of him. Just... *screams* I don’t think anyone will, just to avoid him getting defensive. I swear the other deer take extensive preventative measures to avoid it.  
C’mon. This is Hilda we’re talking about 
You two most likely grew closer because she “asks” you for help so often 
Just like Claude, she has bigger fish to fry. The last type of person she wants to be is Holst (she loves him though don’t misinterpret that)
She does worry though 
Not enough to make her take the front lines, but a smidgen. Just to where you’ll get periodic check in’s 
Nothing obvious. A simple “what’s going on?”  as she inquired about your well-being 
A precarious scan-over as she checks for any new scars
She does get jealous though. There’s an entire castle full of available people and someone chooses to flirt with you? 
That just doesn’t make sense. Perhaps the “once something is taken it becomes more desirable,” saying has some truth 
She’s quite the clinger. You’ll just be walking and suddenly, BOOM, bubble-gum pink arm-candy in the corner of your vision
Once you two bypass the ‘puppy-love’ early stages, she changes. 
Despite her negligence beforehand, she does become overprotective   
Will fight if needed. Say you have a paralogue? Just so happens she was nearby and wants to tag along 
She also has to protect you from Holst. My dear, you cannot do that yourself. Brotherly wrath beseeches you, my god. Run dude run 
A possessive streak is nonexistent in her blood. Such thing is a personal fear of her’s. Marianne refuses to conform to the stereotypes associated with her crest 
However, she does believe that one day you may leave her side. Marianne isn’t the most confident person. She...doubts 
Often does she wonder if you’re there solely to make her hurt. To love her and then one day disappear without a trace 
Anxieties like so will not go away overnight. She will not seek reassurance, which makes her more uncommunicative than most partners 
but no one is perfect. Neither are you. All you personally can do is politely decline any advances, and do your best to let Marianne know that you love her 
She isn’t particularly protective in any other sense either. She’ll heal you if needed, but special attention isn’t there
Marianne treats being a healer like how an ER doctor operates. On the field, everyone is equal. She is needed everywhere and cannot stay by your side. Otherwise lives will be lost, and that won’t be good for her conscience.
The same goes for all other aspects. If you’re gone, then you’re gone. If you’re sick, then you’re sick. She cannot give you special attention and acts in accordance to severity of the situation. Patients cannot be weighed in value via personal bias 
She has a surprisingly strong sense of self control, let me tell ya.
She...does not have much time. Entering a romantic relationship was not a possibility that crossed her mind once before you 
Why bother when the ending is certain? Why leave someone brokenhearted, or a widow? Why give herself that extra stress when she’s already under so much as it is?
You can’t blame her for being extra cautious. While her life may be hanging on a string, that doesn’t mean yours has to end 
After some time she develops a resolve. If needed she would gladly lay her life down if it meant you could live another day 
A problematic conclusion. You two will argue often over how she cannot trade a ‘life for a life,’ just because of her special circumstances. Her mind always enforces that it’s the logical decision, and has trouble recognizing her own value
I suppose that comes with being a know-it-all, huh? Once her mind is set then there is no changing it 
Despite her brain sending all the signals that acting on jealousy is wrong...well, we know Lysithea 
She won’t come out and say she gets protective for your sake. Apparently anyone flirting with you already had business with her
Business that miraculously unfolds once you leave. Then suddenly they no longer have an interest? 
What’d she do? Threaten to shove a thoron up their rectum? No one knows 
She is the mom who’d create a strict morning routine for her kids to follow before school 
Or a thorough itinerary on a vacation 
Not a moment or bullion to be wasted! 
Cannot express enough how much this girl cares. She can become annoying from all the interference, but you’ll never become a bum with her in your life 
You might want to ask her to butt out. Remind her that you’re not one of the kids from her village, and that you can handle yourself 
Sometimes you’ll joke and say “yes mom,” because she gets b o s s y 
Which will earn you either: a) a glare, or b) her playing along and confusing everyone else 
So in a sense, yeah she’s protective. Overbearing in her own Leonie way 
Not the jealous type. Leonie doesn’t look at what other people have, and instead focuses on her own life. If someone wants to shamelessly throw themselves at your feet then that’s their issue. You know better than to cheat on her 
I can see her complaining to the captain or to Byleth though. Why waste time when the issue can easily be solved? Obviously someone with the time to flirt has time to do training drills  
Bonus! Cyril: (because during my first play-through I kept expecting GD to take him under their wing. They did not, and Nintendo missed out.) 
He personally hates being treated like a child. When someone doesn’t take him seriously Cyril’s self restraint goes b o o m 
So he won’t do that to you. You’re a capable individual and that’s that. Nothing more for him to interfere with 
His only protective streak lies when you’re incapable of doing things yourself. Aka: injured, ill, resting, etc. 
He’ll nag you for not being careful, but it’s not hard to miss the tears pricking his eyes 
He’s also very perceptive towards break-in’s. Many people have tried to kidnap/assassinate people of higher standing. He’s witnessed many attempts towards lady Rhea. I see him taking night shifts for patrol often, and after the war the habit sticks with him.
He takes a lot onto his shoulders often. It’s not bad. Being dedicated is an admirable trait, yet if you’re down someone will have to stop him from picking up the slack. 
He’s no healer, and leaves that job to the professionals. However he doesn’t want anyone to disturb you with the work your missing. So he’ll do it in your stead 
Manuela lets him stay in the infirmary past visitation hours. Mostly because he’s so busy during the day that he can’t come by 
He won’t return to his room those nights. He prefers to be by your side, just in case. 
Other than this type of situation- no, he’s not protective in the slightest.  
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