#I don’t want intestinal damage and GI symptoms
consolecadet · 6 months
Here’s a new one: I had to ask the grocery cashier to stop eating donuts at the same time as she scanned my items. I already assume that someone who’s recently dunked their hands in a bucket of flour has touched the outside of everything I buy at the supermarket, but I’m not usually a direct witness to the gluten -> hand -> my groceries pipeline 😬
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certifiedceliac · 1 year
“Developing a food allergy/intolerance/restriction as an adult is very hard and everyone's process in adjusting is different. Even if you feel like things won't get better, it will become more normal, and you will be ok. I promise I promise I promise.”
I have a question. How long should it take for things to feel more normal? Maybe I have a few things conspiring against me, but I just can’t feel normal. I was diagnosed with celiac without ever having symptoms (or at least without having symptoms I ever tied to consuming gluten). I was so skeptical when I got the call from the doctor that I laughed. The reason I was tested was as part of diagnostic work up for type 1 diabetes diagnosis that landed me in the ICU at age 35. My DGA and TTG were through the roof but I was very skeptical. I’d been eating bread every single day! The endoscopy came back as Marsh 3C so I started coming to terms with the fact that I was, indeed, in danger.
That traumatic series of diagnoses was all in summer of 2020. I’ve had to use insulin, started eating low carb, and have been avoiding gluten. The first two I got used to. The gluten avoidance through is honestly the one bothering me more. The fact that I can’t really eat out anymore, not without worrying a lot, because even if the place has a gluten free menu or markings, restaurants have been in a pinch since Covid and have taken a lot of shortcuts. I don’t really eat at friend’s houses. I don’t want to go traveling to places where I can’t know for sure that I’ll be able to find gluten free food. It’s just been miserable, I’ve been waiting for it to get more normal, but isn’t 3 years a long time?
I’m paranoid because I don’t have symptoms (I don’t know what it feels like to get glutened) but my antibodies have plateaued above the normal range and I can’t seem to get them to go lower. I’m sick and tired of having my world feel so small because I can’t eat most food. It doesn’t feel like it’s getting more normal, it feels worse and worse as the world slowly goes back to pre-lockdown socially while it feels like I’m the only left in food lockdown.
Thanks for any advice :(
Gosh that sounds like a ride and a half. I'm so sorry that your journey so far has had so many challenges. My answer is a little lengthy, so I'm putting it under a break.
To answer your question anon, it's really something that just depends. In my case, I was initially diagnosed with celiac in 2014. At the time I was also dealing with diagnosis and removal of a pituitary tumor, so because of that I kind of treated celiac as an afterthought--I already felt terrible in a million other ways, so I was pretty lax the change. I wasn't really given any education on how to adjust my diet or eating habits, or the risks associated with continuing to eat gluten. I sought a second opinion from a doctor that ended up knowing jack about celiac disease, and was given an IBS diagnosis instead (because I'd been eating GF for a year, they found no damage to my intestines, and I wasn't eating gluten at the time). From 2015 to 2020 I was back on eating gluten, but after I started having severe symptoms (again) I was rediagnosed by another (much better) GI team.
I have a few additional problems now because of the untreated celiac that I probably wouldn't have had I been better educated the first time around, and I'm pretty bitter about that sometimes. But I've also been very lucky to have such a good support network of people that understand and care about me, and that makes a lot of difference.
What I'm trying to say is that, while it will get better, it doesn't always feel like it. There are days that I really struggle with anxiety around eating in front of others, frustration over the lack of convienence, and the feeling of exclusion (or at least seperation) from meals with family, friends, and coworkers. I relate to you with the lack of symptoms--I've only been truly glutened once to my knowledge, but additional GI issues I have always have me on high alert. I'm also currently dealing with unexplained elevated TTG/IGA levels, despite being extremely strict nowadays.
Doing my own research and starting this blog really helped me to focus on the things I can do rather than the things I can't. I also just kind of brute force my way through things that gave me anxiety before, like taking my food with me to friends' houses or restaurants. I've been through so much, I no longer care what people think lmao
Basically your mileage is going to vary. I wouldn't say that these things have a set timeline, and I personally think the mental part of dealing with a diagnosis like celiac takes twice as long to heal from compared to the physical part. It sounds like you're struggling especially hard with feelings of loss and detachment. That's not uncommon, but you may benefit from talking about all of this with a therapist, or just reaching out to a friend to say you're struggling.
Give yourself credit--you've gotten so far from where you were. And remember, even if you feel isolated, you're not dealing with this alone.
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queerautism · 2 years
I have celiac disease - none of the tests in the store will do you any good. If you think you have a gluten intolerance or celiac disease, you should see a doctor about it and ask for, specifically, 1. A referral to a gastroenterologist. The GI doctor should be knowledgeable enough to take you seriously about it. And 2. A blood test for antibody markers associated with celiac disease. And if you do see a doctor abt it, don’t stop eating gluten beforehand. For the tests they do they want you to do a gluten challenge beforehand, bc it ensures that you’ll have the antibodies and the damage to your intestines will be evident. But if you won’t be able to see a doctor for a while, it might do you some good to try eating gluten free, as an experiment. That’s what I did, since I diagnosed myself (my doctors were useless. I had to convince them to even run the test. 🙄) and it made literally all my symptoms go away. I ended up not doing a gluten challenge bc I get so incredibly sick from it. Like weeks of rashes, pain, brain fog, the works. I straight up refused to do it and my GI doctor recognized that it wouldn’t be worth it since I already had the blood test results proving it. Anyway, I hope you get answers soon. Good luck.
I've had a gastroenterology referral for a year now, it takes fucking ages. I'm eating a gluten free diet now, since a couple days ago, because yeah there's just not telling when I'm going to actually get an appointment :/
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a-specialk-stuff · 4 years
Nobody talks about colitis. I have been battling this for 6 months. It started in the summer of 2019. I know I was under a great deal of stress because I was getting my new home ready for a party of 30. I remember feeling tired and my energy level was low. I figured because it was July and hot outside it was just from fatigue.  I was extending my patio, planting landscaping and power washing the exterior of my home. I am a girl who likes to do home improvements on my own. Fast forwarding to my party at the end of August, one hot Saturday, I remember waking up and feeling sick. I had a low temperature, was exhausted and just felt hot. I managed to get up out of bed anyway with the feeling that maybe I was just overworked. I threw on some clothes and went outside and sprayed down the trees and landscaping so we wouldn’t have mosquitoes at our party.  I started to feel a little better but my energy was still low so I went inside and took my shower and then ate some breakfast. I spent the afternoon greeting my family and friends and even had a drink or two. Early evening came as I was sitting out on the stoop I developed a headache. I went inside the home to take some aspirin. My friend said "your face is very flush, I think you should go lay down." An hour later my temperature was back. I was having severe cramping in my abdominal area and felt the constant urge to use the bathroom. I felt like I had to go to the bathroom almost every 20 minutes or so. I also lost my appetite. 
It was now September and I continued to try to enjoy my summer and I went on a vacation with friends. I didn't want to miss out on any other special events. I have to admit, it became so uncomfortable with having to make sure there was always a restroom near by. I also hatted worring about what I should eat or what will trigger a reaction. My symptoms remained the same but now I was constipated and I felt like I was having labor pains. I thought I was still dealing with the parasite.
I drove to Canton Michigan to paint my friend's condo mid October. I was looking forward to the change of pace and I love to paint and what made it even better my sister met me at the condo and we worked together for the week. I still was taking my medication to kill the parasite but it didn’t seem to work. I called my doctor and told him that I still had the symptoms and he asked me to stop taking the medication and sent me to go pick up a new medication. His new medication is what he referred to as a 1-2 punch. This means there were three pills that I took at one time to kill what was presumed to be the parasite that was causing the damage. I drove back to Ohio still with this illness. 
I had my annual follow-up with my gynecologist. I told her the symptoms I was having and it was unique because we discovered that my doctor had similar symptoms but not as bad as what I had. She went into great detail to tell me her symptoms and her treatments. We were leaning towards an IBS diagnosis baseed on this conversation. I have an excellent doctor. She called me on a Saturday evening to find out how I was feeling? I expressed to her that my condition seemed to have gotten worse. She had me go on a certain website and book an emergency colonoscopy with her doctor friend on Monday, a GI doctor. I met with my new GI doctor and she booked the colonoscopy that next Tuesday. When the test results came back it was determined that I had ulcerative colitis. It was a clear cut, classic case where the bottom one third of my colon was destroyed. I had several colonoscopies in the past. I neglected to mention that I have had these flare ups for about a decade off and on but these same symptoms usually disappeared after a few weeks. Apparently, you have to have the colonscopy in the middle of the flare up to really see what the issues are.
What is Ulcerative Colitis... The large intestine becomes inflamed and develops sores (ulcers), leading to bleeding, diarrhea, foggy like liquid, severe stomach cramping and loss of appetite. The inflammation almost always affects the rectum and lower part of the colon it’s been known to also affect the entire colon.  There is no cure and can usually be controlled.This can be categorized as mild, medium or severe. At first, we thought it was medium so I was given one steroid at a certain dose and after 2-3 weeks, my symptoms were not getting any better. My GI doc quickly realized I was closer to medium/severe and given that I had been bleeding and not sleeping for 3-4 months now, she changed my steroid to prednisone at 50 mg a day. She said "we have to put the fire out now then we worry about next steps." Prednisone was our hope to put the fire out. After many many weeks of pain, no appetite, bleeding and lack of sleep, the fire slowly started to go out. Prednisone can cause a increase of appetite, weight gain, swelling of the feet and hands, mood swings and acne. I haven’t experience any side effects whatsoever. This steroid is not the same type of steroid that is commonly used by bodybuilders. It took almost 8 weeks at 50mg to just quiet the fire. We could finally start talking about next steps....INFUSION! Given how bad my colitis was, my doctor thought this was the best treatment. There are other treatments out there. Every case is unique.
My treatment consists of something referred to as a Biologic treatment and with the use of IV infusions rather than pills or injectibles. The medication is called Entyvio. The steps are to front load the IV infusions with (3) infusions time incrementally over several weeks then every 8 weeks continuously.
For the rest of my life every eight weeks I will have to have a infusion. I chose this route because I don’t have faith with the medications that are out there at this time. Even though taking a pill is the easiest way to go I have to worry about the side effects and what these medications can do to your body. If the FDA approves a pill version of the Entyvio as opposed to taking an infusion every 8 weeks then I will look at that.
Because I just had my “front load “infusion, my doctor will now slowly take me off the prednisone while carefully monitoring my symptoms.  
To be taken off the prednisone is not something you can do overnight. My doctor will adjust my intake per week by minimizing the milligrams of the medication. I am someone who does not like to put anything in my body not even aspirin. I am very excited to be taken off the prednisone.
My next colonoscopy will be sometime in May or the beginning of June to actually see if the medications have helped the ulcerative colitis. I can’t imagine that the medications are not working because I feel totally normal without any signs of still having the disease.
My friends often ask me, "how did you get colitis?" When I asked my doctor I was told genetics and environment. Ulcerative colitis tends to run in families, suggesting that genetics have a role in the disease. A sibling or parent with inflammatory bowel disease may have either ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease.
People with ulcerative colitis will have diarrhea, blood and mucus in the stool and abdominal pain and pain in the rectal area. Some people have mild to moderate to severe symptoms. Some people may have flares. This is when the symptoms are under control and the colon is not inflamed. People with mild symptoms have no idea that they have ulcerative colitis and do not get treatment.
Though there is no cure and no one knows what brings on the ulcerative colitis, watching what we eat and if we exercise we can help control the ulcerative colitis!
Keep following my blog for updates on my journey.
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About my GoFund Me Campaign
Update: 22/09/2019
I am a proud Mummy to beautiful Miss Shyloh-Marie & Future Wife to Craig Daniel Van Oosten, A Rare chronic Illness Warrioress...
Excluding Certain area's of my childhood I feel a need to share with my friends what I could never say. Now 35+ year's on, the monster remains, hauntingly near me. I have battled, struggled & lost because of Eating Issues for the majority of my life. But more recently due to factors beyond my control, the choice to eat has no longer become of my volition. My entire GI system is progressively becoming paralysed. The consequences of this are not clear enough to be treated as they are a direct complication of both severe Anorexia leading me through both Cachexia & at times Sarcopenia & a rare condition called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. Some no'one have guessed Would have anything to do with either conditions. But why? is this, it's because People perceive what that Will, Little is actually Told of the true insurgient truth's, People Don't take the illness Seriously due To how common or fashionable these illness's had become, apparently.... (that's not saying they don't care), they do, their feelings have been tuned out & their frequency has been muffled by their own pain in life. Eating Disorder's have dated back to when whale bones were used as corsage & before bra's were invented & "Eating" & "Disorder" are a poor use of words as the causes have very little to do with actual "Disordered" Eating & everything to do with accepting who we are which is a symptom of a very deep underlying problems with emotional health that have nothing do with eating at all. But what for me came first, the chicken or the egg???? I’ve spent time donateing my body as a guinea pig so to speak for invaluable research to discover a strong correlation with both GI disorders & Anorexia Nervosa, more research is on the way!
I recently was diagnosed with an umbrella of rare & debilitating illnesses Firstly Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, the types have recently been recategorised to help medical teams distinguish between the symptoms loft better as research is being done wherever it can be afforded. However, unfortunately many beautiful people have lost their fight whilst they have tried to seek appropriate treatment & management for this insidious condition.
I have the rare form of two kinds that crossover, an even rarer occurrence of when Vascular type is seen alongside the most common form of classical. Because collagen makes up at least 85% of our bodies in each systemic function of the body all organs, vessels & connective tissue are in effect "Falling apart" these two words have been said to me by many Dr's & yet at the same time they've said do everything you want to do. Do it now before you age more & subsequently lose more ability. Back when I was born so very little was known of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, my parents cannot be blamed for not knowing about these conditions. Regardless, they just couldn’t have understood my behavioural reactions to the troubles I kept silent, but that has literally torn our family apart on so many levels, we are estranged & this crushes me in ways my existence could never have been imagined.
I have Dysautonomia which causes Gastroparesis & more recently Intestinal Dysmotility & paralysis, where I'm certain my years of anorexic behaviour, due to dreadful emotional trauma had a huge impact on the manifestations of my health.
haven't helped at all & strange in contrast now is the fact that now I want to live, eat & grow my stomach has given up on me & to do so isn't beneficial.
I can however feel hunger, so it's a form of torture. I've also been in CCU for many smaller scale MI's that have lead to being diagnosed with LongQTsyndrome (Brugada) which is frightening, because it is the same type of sudden Arrythmic death syndrome that sports people have been found to suddenly drop on fields from. Lately other conditions that are linked have been exacerbated by Each other genetically. Once the systems of the body are damaged From Starvation & trauma, they then start affecting the genes. Nervous system Starvation leads To Myeln sheath or epithelial Cells To be destroyed because the Complex fatty acids that protect the Nerves are eaten away Once the mitochondria has digested all available sources of fats in the body this then destroys Brain tissue which is fatty acids From Omega 3 amongst other's. As a result of Being starved/neglected as an infant, I developed Anorexia. As a consequence of Anorexia I now have autoimmune disorders, (Lupus) these flare Inflammatory responses to sugars & proteins making it even more difficult to stay reasonably healthy. Collagen cannot be replaced, restored by re-feeding, as I found out the hard way. Anyone That eats can become unwell, These conditions are extremely rare, estimated around 1/500,000 people will be born without the gene to make their own collagen.
Every living thing must consume to survive Life whether they are young, old, thin, gay, or ethnic background.
Ahhh, so that's done for now...
Regardless of what my physical vehicle in this life causes me though, I feel I'm growing stronger in my soul... I don't hold grudges or allow negativity to stop me chasing my dreams, I love theatre (I miss it) & have many similar media skills, a patent called ZeraphicGraphics© Aspirations to touch as many lives with humanity & unconditional love as possible & travel to spend time with the most inspiring people in the world! I love being where the thrill of art in many forms helps people live. My one dream mentor (of almost 20 years) still inspires me today, even more in recent times when with amazement she was cast in a wonderful show on pay TV.
I chose to not allow my illness to be the main focus though, It's hard with a feeding tube not to feel that this is what people see... I feel often that I'm invisable behind the stripes of these conditions. So escape is rather important in the form of Arts!
Update 5/04/2018
Almost a year ago, after being fed by tubes directly into my intestine (after some proper nutrition) I found out I was expecting my miracle baby, Shyloh-Marie... So many turns, twists & tribulations! But we are all alive, grateful & looking forward. Still being a warrior, being a pin cushion like a pro & trying to make things more visible for those like me in the world... We are currently struggling with bubs sleep pattern, but other than that she is more joy than life itself! I have been able to see my now “friend in the theatre” Pamela Rabe at least twice more since our first meeting in Melbourne & I’ve finally found one of the most important people to me from my Carramar year’s... I cannot believe it’s been over 25 years ago that I was a teen, I am very privileged to be able to say this. Maybe, I will write that book! Maybe it will be a best seller lol....
Sarah-Marie Seraphic-McFarlane (Van Oosten)
My darling fiancé is my rock, we are twin flames, we met in a children’s home for adolescents, we have found each other again as we always had hoped might be possible & if possible, we hoped to have healed in the time apart. In these times precious relationships for Craig, were formed & he had a beautiful son as well to a former partner in our time apart. To such pride he was a wonderful dad but sadly, his sweet first born son passed away from a rare condition known as Menkes Disease. Since we have formed our own little family & are wanting to be married next April, we have a fundraiser to help us, as medical cost are exorbitant with my being on peptide pump feeds for nutrition, medication & treatments for a blood disorder yet to be diagnosed officially.
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Why Are Lots Of Senior People Are Asking For CBD Oil?
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Issue worrying damaging effects of narcotics as well as passion in extra lawful medical options are causing a lot more seniors checking out marijuana options.
According to the National Research Study of Substance Abuse as well as Wellness, between 2011-14 in Washington state, the number of individuals that have made use of cannabis over the age of 65 raised from 0.9 percent to 2.4 percent.
Elders are picking to make use of marijuana for professional conditions, like pain, in contrast to prescription medicines. With the raised popularity as well as decreased preconception of the plant, elders are added open than ever to try marijuana.
A 2018 research study of seniors discovered 93.7 percent of customers really felt enhancement from indicators like pain after taking marijuana for 6 months. What's more, 18 percent of participants stopped or decreased, taking opioids by using cannabis.
The opioid epidemic has actually struck elderly people as well as various other age demographics. In 2013, 55 percent of opioid prescriptions probably to elders although they just represented 13 percent of the populace. Opioids can be additional damaging for seniors as a result of the truth that they boost the risk of dropping, mental confusion, and dependence, according to the World and also Mail.
Intend to recommend cannabis as a different treatment for your parents or grandparents? Look at our listing of the top elements senior citizens are making use of marijuana. Even Better CBD Oil
LEADING Factors senior citizens are depending on CBD Oil.
1. Relentless Pain
From fibromyalgia to joint inflammation as well as likewise nerve pain, consistent pain cripples lots of senior citizens. Nevertheless cannabis for senior citizens is changing that. Cannabis can aid take care of neuropathic pain as well as pain brought on by arthritis along with inflammation as a result of the body's endocannabinoid system. When cannabis is consumed, its compounds, including THC as well as likewise CBD, prevent pro-inflammatory particles in the body and also get in touch with different other natural pain-killing systems, like the body's endogenous opioid system.
Elders don't need to smoke a joint for discomfort reduction. If your not seeking the psychedelic influences of marijuana, you can go with a hemp-derived CBD product for all the clinical advantages of cannabis without the high. Attempt providing CBD oil or CBD tablets to your grandparent and also see precisely just how they feel. As well as also, hemp-derived CBD products can be provided to all 50 states.
2. Glaucoma
Glaucoma is the leading origin of loss of sight for people over 60. Glaucoma is a problem of raised stress in the eye prompted by liquid accumulation that damages the nerves. To fight Glaucoma, individuals call for to soothe that stress, which is usually finished with prescription eye lowers. Yet, these eye goes down can be expensive and additionally have to be made use of occasionally throughout the day.
This is an added technique marijuana for senior citizens is a video game changer: cannabis naturally reduces that stress and anxiety as well as additionally the outcomes last for hours. Among the most significant supporters of marijuana for glaucoma is Whoopi Goldberg. She made up a short article for the Cannabist called, "My vape pen as well as I, a love story" where she explains specifically how vaping marijuana aids with her glaucoma and the migraine headaches it generates. Bear in mind that you do not need the THC for the health and wellness and health effects. We suggest HemPiDiol as well as it can be delighted in via a vape pen if so desired.
3. Alzheimer's Illness
Cannabis has actually revealed amazing capacity for both the therapy and likewise avoidance of Alzheimer's as well as psychological degeneration.
Extra research is seriously needed, however that's the catch in the UNITED STATE Due to the federal government's "Organize I" category of the plant, carrying out professional research studies and tests is basically difficult. Meantime, however, numerous elderly people are obeying the motto: "A decrease a day keeps mental damage away." So why not call our group if specialists as well as see what our company is executing in this division. We go to the facility of HPD oil reasurch along with would enjoy to talk to you concerning what would fit your needs or the requirements of your suched as one.
4. Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson's Condition is a degenerative condition that develops dopamine-producing mind cells to die. Because dopamine helps the body control muscles in addition to action efficiently, Parkinson's is specified by irrepressible tremblings, trembling, and muscle mass convulsions. Dopamine scarcities additionally create signs and symptoms like:
Stringent muscular tissues that are difficult to move
Rest problems
Loss of cognitive functions
Memory loss and also psychological damage
The details origin of dopamine-producing cells to die is still unknown and there is no effective therapy for Parkinson's, only medicine to help decrease signs.
However, a research study in Israel on the effects of cannabis on Parkinson's uncovered signs like drinks and also toughness were significantly decreased after people smoked cannabis. Testimonial Herb's full insurance coverage of marijuana and Parkinson's disease right below.
5. Cancer cells
Among the key variables professional cannabis legislations were come on The gold state in the 90's was the plant's capability to assist cancer cells clients. Initially, marijuana clearly assisted negative effects cancer cells treatment, like radiation therapy, set off, including discomfort and also a sick stomach.
Yet, added research has actually additionally shown that cannabis gets rid of cancer cells. And also, the plant's compounds have really been revealed to slow down the spreading of different kinds of cancer cells, consisting of breast, prostate, as well as lung cancers cells. What's more, scientists from Vanderbilt College of Medication located marijuana to prevent "transition", which is the spreading of cancer cells to healthy and also balanced cells.
Although we would not encourage replacing your mama or gran's cancer cells treatment completely with marijuana, it can be an useful enhancement to their routine. It's just an additional way we want to reccomend HemPidiol a risk-free as well as trusted enhancement to deal with symptoms and also for senior citizens this non THC alternative is changing health care.
6. Sleep
Numerous elderly people find they rest much less than they did when they were more vibrant. What's even more, the senior handle resting problems as well as problem remaining asleep. Nonetheless rest is necessary to living a healthy and balanced life as well as for recovering from illness as well as injury. That's where cannabis for elders plays a part.
Details type of marijuana, like indica-dominant stress and anxiety, are identified to sit back the body as well as make people sleepy. Also "highless" cannabis products, like CBD oil, have sleep-inducing houses. Tons of individuals are relying on marijuana to aid them sleep, young adults in addition to seniors alike.
Actually, according to one of the most current Eaze State of Cannabis Record, 95 percent of sleeping tablet users checked in The gold state have really decreased their sleeping tablet use by utilizing CBD oil. Unlike resting tablets, cannabis is natural as well as doesn't leave individuals feeling groggy in the early morning.
8. Crohn's Illness
Virtually 800,000 Americans fight with Crohn's Disease, an inflammatory bowel problem that triggers tummy pain, bloody looseness of the bowels, along with weight administration. It's a challenging problem to manage and likewise does not have a remedy. Really, it seriously influences victims' lifestyle. Yet marijuana support for seniors and additionally more youthful grownups alike. Cannabis aids to take care of Crohn's condition symptoms and signs as well as provide much-needed reduction throughout flare-ups.
What's much more, there is some preliminary proof to suggest cannabis can actually aid send out Crohn's Health problem right into remission. That's since Crohn's is normally a swollen intestinal (GI) tract and likewise cannabis fights that with its anti-inflammatory domestic or commercial properties. Actually, there are cannabinoid receptors throughout the GI system. As well as additionally, according to a 2014 research study, Crohn's people that utilized cannabis had no unfavorable side effects along with increased cravings. Cannabis such as CBD oil/ HemPidiol for senior citizens is definitely worth considering for Crohn's.
9. Depression
Anxiousness amongst seniors prevails. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), worrying 7 million Americans over the age of 65 ended up being depressed each year. Regrettably, according to the same record, seniors made up for 16 percent of self-destruction fatalities in 2004. Nonetheless once again, that's another use cannabis for seniors. Cannabis is recognized to enhance state of mind and reduce stress and anxiety.
Cannabis oil is a quicker option to antidepressants. It sets off the endocannabinoid system and increases the development as well as growth of distressed tissue with little to no negative effects. Dealing with anxiety with HemPiDiol a natural solution that offers clients guarantee.
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slimetoad67 · 5 years
Kitchen Hazards for Your Dog
We all know that raisins, grapes and chocolate are off-limits for our canine companions. But did you know that there are other kitchen items and foods that can pose a risk to your beloved pet? For instance, you’ve just left a loaf of bread to rise on your counter. The house is filled with the scent of warm yeast. You come back a few minutes later to find an empty bowl and a guilty-looking dog. No bread dough in sight. Uh-oh, you think. Is bread dough toxic to dogs?
Surprisingly, there are many common things in your kitchen that you might not consider a threat. Yet these can pose a significant risk to our canine friends. As an emergency veterinarian, I encountered all of these at some point in my nine years in the ER.
Rising bread dough.
Most dog owners don’t know this poses a threat. Rising bread dough is filled with yeast. When in a warm, moist environment (like a dog’s stomach), it will continue to rise and ferment. The fermentation process results in two problems: significant abdominal bloating and discomfort, and the production of ethanol alcohol. Not only will your dog be bloated and painful, but also drunk! Bread dough ingestion requires immediate veterinary care to prevent serious consequences. Other, yeast-free doughs (such as biscuit and cookie) do not present the same concerns, although cookie dough frequently contains raw eggs, chocolate chips and/or raisins.
With the rise in popularity of home brewing, hops toxicity is becoming more and more common. While you may have heard about “spent” grains being used in dog treats; these should not be confused with hops. The “spent” hops cause a condition called malignant hyperthermia, in which a dog’s body temperature can reach 108 degrees or more. Other symptoms include restlessness, panting, drooling and abdominal pain. It is a life-threatening illness if not recognized and treated rapidly.
Empty chip bags.
It’s hard to believe that this could pose a risk to your canine buddy, but empty chip bags have been implicated in several asphyxiation deaths recently. Make sure that your dog does not have access to these in the trash or elsewhere in the kitchen.
We all want to do our part to preserve the natural environment, so many households are now composting food scraps. While this is an excellent idea with many benefits, compost can pose a significant risk to dogs. Compost piles often grow molds of a class called mycotoxins. When ingested, these can cause vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, tremoring, and severe, seizure-like activity. Supportive treatment with IV fluids and muscle relaxants is very successful, and most dogs return to normal within 1-2 days. Always make sure that compost piles are fenced off from your canine friends.
As an emergency veterinarian, I’ve removed more than one corncob from the GI tract of a dog. These can be especially damaging in the small intestine and lead to perforation. If ingested whole, corncobs rarely make it through the intestines on their own and must be removed surgically. All corncobs should be disposed of in a sealed trash bag outside of the kitchen in a can with a locked lid.
Macadamia nuts.
While many nuts are not toxic to dogs, macadamia nuts can cause significant illness. Much like raisins and grapes, the toxic agent is not known. Symptoms can develop within a few hours to a day after ingestion and include vomiting, weakness, tremors, elevated body temperature, and even seizures. Dogs are the only known species to exhibit this response to macadamia nuts. With supportive care, most dogs return to normal within 1-2 days.
Xylitol has become a common sugar substitute used in both store-bought goods and at home. In diabetic humans, it prevents large increases in blood sugar. In dogs, however, it causes an overwhelming insulin release leading to a precipitous drop in blood sugar. This can lead to weakness, tremoring, stupor, seizures and coma. At doses high enough, xylitol can also cause liver failure. Treatment is supportive and symptomatic and should be started as soon as the ingestion is noted. Of particular implication in xylitol toxicity is candy and sugar-free gums.
Onions, garlic and leeks.
These vegetables are all members of the Allium family. Allium species can cause oxidative damage to the red blood cells in your dog—which are critical for carrying oxygen to tissue. Toxicity is dose-dependent, so the more your pet eats, the higher the risk for problems. Symptoms include pale gums, weakness, lethargy and anemia.
Dirty knives and skewers.
It’s hard to believe that a dog would ever swallow something so sharp, but it is shockingly common. Dogs, when tempted by the smell of delicious food, will grab a knife or skewer from the counter without thinking twice. Sometimes, they swallow those sharp objects, necessitating surgery.
With care and forethought, most of these toxicities and injuries can be avoided. Always keep counters clean and clear of food or food containers. Dogs are tremendously adept at climbing onto counters and opening cabinets, so keep particularly tasty treats on a high shelf away from curious noses. It’s a good idea to keep the number for ASPCA’s Poison Control on hand, as well. When in doubt, if your dog ingests something, you can always consult with the experts!
Source: https://thebark.com/content/kitchen-hazards-your-dog
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vanessa-0188 · 7 years
I feel like you make up stuff for attention. Like there's ALWAYS something going on with you to make others feel bad for you.
I wish you'd messaged me with your URL so I could answer this privately, but alas... For clarity, and transparencies sake I'm going to clue you in on a little bit about my life story.I was born at 24 weeks gestation to teenage parents who, frankly, weren't ready to be parents (though I don't know what teens WOULD be). My mom got her shit together pretty rapidly after I was born; my dad was a different story but we'll jump back to him in a second.I, because of premature birth, was born with two underlying conditions that have caused the rest of my health problems. I am not a medical professional, so I am going to google/copy-paste the definition of these conditions here, and then relay to you how they've informed my life.1. Cerebral Palsy: While Cerebral Palsy (pronounced seh-ree-brel pawl-zee) is a blanket term commonly referred to as “CP” and described by loss or impairment of motor function, Cerebral Palsy is actually caused by brain damage. The brain damage is caused by brain injury or abnormal development of the brain that occurs while a child’s brain is still developing — before birth, during birth, or immediately after birth.Cerebral Palsy affects body movement, muscle control, muscle coordination, muscle tone, reflex, posture and balance. It can also impact fine motor skills, gross motor skills and oral motor functioning. (Source: cerebralpalsy.org)2. VATER Syndrome: VACTERL or VATER association is an acronym used to describe a series of characteristics which have been found to occur together... Babies who have been diagnosed as having VACTERL association usually have at least three or more of these individual anomalies. There is a wide range of manifestation of VACTERL association so that the exact incidence within the population is not exactly known, but has been estimated to occur in one in 10,000 to 40,000 newborns. (Source: cincinnatichildrens.org)Cerebral Palsy has left me permanently wheelchair bound (I have 0% walking or standing capabilities), and sometimes causes me motor issues with my hands (I.E. they shake during activities, are never fully non-spastic). As far as VATER I've tried to spare myself a little dignity by omitting the exact definition of the acronym, but google it for your own knowledge if you'd like; I don't have all of the conditions in the acronym, but this syndrome has caused me a lifetime of debilitating gastro-intestinal issues, furthered orthopedic problems, and most damningly- it KILLED my left kidney completely when I was two days old. Suffice it to say my life has never been medically easy.I mentioned before that my dad never really got his shit together to be a dad. My parents never had a formal custody agreement. But my mom did what she thought was right in trying to give my little brother and I opportunity to maintain a relationship with our dad. She'd drop us off with him at our paternal grandmothers house every-other weekend. I could sit here and tell you countless stories of abuse and neglect, but I'll just give you dear-old-dad's greatest-hits:* 1:00a.m. one night when I'm about eight years old (this would make my brother about four). My dad has friends over playing dominoes and drinking. We're awake still. I pipe up, "dad, we're tired, please take us to bed...", He threw a pillow and my head and said "if you're so damn tired make beds for you and [your brother] on the floor. When I protested he came over, knocked me down to a laying position, got inches from my face and screamed "shut the fuck up!"* Again, another friend-gathering. I really REALLY had to pee. He was in the bathroom on the phone. I waited HOURS for him to come out (there was only one bathroom I could use, and I needed his help). When his friends begged him to come help me. I ended up having an accident on the floor. He violently shoved my nose in it like a dog.I never told my mom or teacher or grandparents about any of this because I didn't know any better; I thought that was what all dads did. Until I was 10.* At age 10, on my dads birthday, we wanted to have a dinner for him. My mom obliged, inviting him to our apartment. It was also Super Bowl Sunday... he agreed to come over after he watched the game with his friends. My brother and I were so excited- we made cards and helped my mom bake a cake. That night we picked my dad up from a friends house, drove through and got dinner, and on the way home he and my mom started arguing. We got inside, they served us dinner, my mom set me up on a dining chair to eat, and they went to her room to "talk". Sometime later I heard violent screaming, and instructed my brother to go investigate. I'm sparing my own-psyche and the dignity of the other victims by withholding too-many details but that ended in holes in walls, my mom almost dying in front of me, injuries to my brother,a grade-three concussion for myself, and threats of death for us all by gun violence.I didn't talk to my dad again til I was 22. At that time I was struggling emotionally, longing for a relationship with him, and there were growing-pains at home as I was a young-adult who wanted to live a certain way that didn't conform with my moms house-rules. My dad and I had been in contact again for a short time. After a heated argument with my mother and stepfather (she married when I was 13), my father offered to let me stay with him. Things were great living there, until* One night he decided to push my boundaries, taking a trivial disagreement over taxes and house payments of all things, and bringing my mother into it. My anxiety flaired, and I tried to flee to my room. He followed me, grabbed me by the wheelchair, and held me in place, grabbing my hands and imploring me to hit him. He continued antagonizing me for hours, at one point when I called my mother terrified for my life, he taunted her as well. Through ingenious planning by Sheriffs and family, I was saved with only a split bottom lip and chipped-tooth.(And I guess I should note here that my sperm-donor of a biological father has spent time in jail for abusing us.)I spent time after that trying to heal my soul. Got to a good place in life where I was happy. Moved to my own assisted-living apartment. Then my bladder failed, resulting in me needing a permanent catheter. A month later my remaining kidney failed, resulting in my need for dialysis (for your reference, "The main purpose of dialysis is to help impaired renal function. When your kidneys are damaged, they are no longer able to remove wastes and excess fluid from your bloodstream efficiently. Wastes such as nitrogen and creatinine build up in the bloodstream. If you have been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease (CKD), your doctor will have these levels carefully monitored. Before dialysis, patients often felt weak and ill. Dialysis brings relief from these symptoms. This is the primary benefit of dialysis.Dialysis is done by using a special fluid called dialysate. Dialysate, a mixture of pure water and chemicals, is carefully controlled to pull wastes out of your blood without removing substances your body needs. A semipermeable membrane (one with microscopic holes that allow only certain types of particles to pass through) keeps the blood apart from the dialysate. This membrane lets the wastes and fluid in your blood flow through into the dialysate. Your blood cells and larger molecules, like protein that you need, cannot fit through the holes. There are two main types of kidney dialysis: hemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD). [Source: DaVita]). I do hemodialysis: three days a week, four hours each time, I go to my dialysis clinic where they hook me up to my dialysis machine. My blood is filtered through a catheter that has been surgically connected to my heart. As I mentioned in my concert post, this process makes me vomit, and can sometimes induce symptoms that make me feel like I'm having a heart-attack. I'm on the transplant list, but due to my various GI surgeries I may not be a viable candidate. Time will tell. If not, I will have to do dialysis for the rest of my life.I had a best friend who, due to things that were my own fault, I've now lost my friendship with. In areas where I lacked support, she was my number one. This loss has been so hard in conjunction with my health issues; I'm grieving it right now.So yes, I'm aware it seems there's always something; that's because unfortunately there is. My life is messy, and complicated as hell. I'm very emotional, and I require a lot of support- something I'm not afraid to reach out for here on tumblr (even if it's in the form of fic distractions). If that bothers you, please scroll by- and if you feel the need to say something on anon, it's probably best left unsaid.Oh, and because we're at this point where you've got me airing dirty laundry, I'll be posting picture proof of some medical problems in my next post (I'm on mobile so I can't do it here 😉)Love Always,Vanessa
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January Health Update!
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I can’t believe it’s only the first month of the year and already so much has happened with my health. I have had more done this month than healthy people have done in years. Haha! #ChronicLife
I think I’m going to start doing monthly health updates just because it’s helpful for me to look back and have a timeline of what was going on with my health, 
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Right now I am feeling very overwhelmed and need a place to clear my head. As I write this I am emotionally exhausted. Within the past 3 years, and especially in the last year, my health has changed a lot. 
Anyway, here’s what happened in January in regards to my health. 
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I saw a new Rheumatologist this month. I had an Anti-nuclear antibody test come back with the NAB titer at 1:1280 with a homogenous pattern which usually indicates Lupus or another autoimmune disease. This test came back when I started working with the specialist who treats my chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction when he was doing a lot of blood work looking into what (if anything) could be the cause of me getting this rare disease. Many times CIPO is due to another illness like Diabetes, Mitochondrial disease, Lupus, Scleroderma, Parkinsons disease, Mixed Connective Tissues disorders, Amyloidosis, and so on. We still don’t have answers yet on if I have something else causing all my issues. 
We talked about the severe pain that I’ve been getting in my hips and pelvic area. This pain is so bad it wakes me every few hours in my sleep and I have to roll over to my other side because I can’t lay on one side for too long. My hips also seem to lock if they’ve been in one position for awhile and I have a lot of issues with my legs going numb. My back and neck also always hurt. This has been going on for over a year and sadly it took me awhile to bring up since I just get so used to living in pain or thinking it’s just a part of having my other diseases. Because of this she ordered several X-rays. 
I had about 35 X-rays done on different bones and there were some abnormalities seen on my Sacroileac joints and lower spine. She ordered me to get an MRI on my pelvis to get a better look. 
She referred me to physical therapy and I have to set that up. 
I had my MRI two days ago and now I await the diagnosis. 
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^Getting a zillion X-rays of my bones. 
IBD Specialist. 
I saw the GI who treats my Crohn’s disease. Believe it or not Crohn’s has been the least of my problems when it comes to my health lately. Not that it’s a walk in the park but it’s been way better than it has been in a very long time. 
We changed my Humira from every 2 weeks to every week. 
She ordered an MRI of my intestine which I will have done in March. 
She prescribed antibiotics for SIBO. I don’t have a confirmed hydrogen breath test for SIBO but I do have a J-pouch and chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction, both of which make SIBO more probable. We are just seeing if antibiotics make any difference in my symptoms and how I feel each day. 
I haven’t had an abscess since late November but I have had some mouth sores. 
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^Can’t go to an appointment with a GI without my intestine socks!
Maternal Fetal Medicine. 
This requires a longer explanation than I am able to give right now but for the purpose of this post I’ll just let you know that there is nothing I want more than to be able to have children and currently I am working against a lot of obstacles. 
They took me off my regular prenatal vitamin (my PCP prescribed last August) and instead prescribed a higher dose than average of folic acid to take. He was concerned the iron in the prenatal vitamin would constipate me and with a motility disease already that it wasn’t a good idea. I will get iron infusions instead if/when I need them which I have done before. Right now my levels look decent which is nice. 
We talked about my rare disease, Chronic Intestinal Pseudo Obstruction and how it’s a big concern because in healthy women their motility decreases to about 40% of what it normally is which is why many pregnant women get constipated. With me he’s super worried about how dilated my bowel is all the time already and that I have to be super alert in pregnancy because he doesn’t want it to rupture. 
We spoke about how we’d handle things and that my CIPO would still be treated the same when it gets bad where I’d be hospitalized, given an NG tube for decompression, pain meds, and fluids. If I ever get pregnant he wants me to come in at once if I start feeling worse than I normally do because he really is worried about me perforating my bowel if the dilation gets really bad. 
We talked about delivery methods. Not only do I have a J-pouch to worry about but I also have had more surgeries than just my J-pouch surgeries and I have Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-obstruction and something going on with my hip/pelvic bones (as mentioned above) so I’ll be a high risk pregnancy and will need a team and a plan. He is fine with most J-pouch patients delivering vaginally if they want to but with me he really feels a planned C section is best. This way we can pick a date to deliver and have the colorectal surgeon and all the other doctors and surgeons I need there. If I tried to deliver vaginally and then ended up needing an emergency C section there is no guarantee my team of specialist will be around and available and in that case my J-pouch could get damaged in an emergency situation. Plus genetics are not on my side. My mom had to have a C section with all 3 of us because her hips were too narrow. I really would like to have vaginal births but I think he’s right about me. 
He referred me to a reproductive endocrinologist. 
I had labs done to check if I have a good supply of eggs (yes) and to check some hormone levels which came back good. 
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Reproductive Endocrinology. 
The biggest concern with why I might not be able to get pregnant is if my Fallopian tubes are blocked or damaged due to the surgeries I have had. I have to call them on day 1 of my period so they can get me on the books for an Hysterosalpingogram which is a test to look at my reproductive system and see if my fallopian tubes are blocked or damaged. If they are then getting pregnant naturally is pretty much out of the question and I will have to do IVF. 
I have to get labs for infertility drawn on day 3 of my period. 
I have a LONG list of other labs she wants me to get drawn to check for many other things that could be causing infertility. 
They want to do an ultrasound and count my eggs. 
I will follow up after all that is done for more of a plan. 
I’m sure you’re all like WOAH where the heck is all of this coming from since I’ve never talked about infertility on this blog before or mentioned anything about trying to have kids. I know this posts seems very to the point and unemotional but in all honesty this is a very difficult topic for me and something that I have been struggling with for months behind the scenes. I have wanted to talk about all of this but it affects more than just me so I haven’t known whether I should share it since it involves Dan, our families, etc. 
The worst news I received yesterday is that my insurance does not cover anything related to infertility so I’m not even sure that I can do any of this. I did nothing but cry and then hold back tears yesterday at my MRI after receiving that news. I just don’t know what to do... 
So that is my update for the month of January. Tomorrow I see the doctor who treats my Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-obstruction so I will talk about that in my February update! 
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2016: My Health in Review. 
Follow my Chronic Illness boards on Pinterest. 2016 WEGO Health Activist Award winner for Best Pinterest boards. 
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lauramalchowblog · 4 years
9 Signs You Aren’t Digesting Fats and What To Do About It
If you’re on a high-fat ketogenic diet and running on a fat-based metabolism, you need access to fat. Some of it comes from your own body, but not all. A good portion of your body’s fuel will come from dietary fat, or the fat you eat. Especially if you are eating more fat than you’re accustomed to, you need to be able to absorb and then digest the fat you eat and turn it into useable energy. If  you aren’t digesting fats, you may be in for some discomfort.
What are the signs and symptoms of poor fat digestion?
Signs You Aren’t Digesting Fats: What Does Fat Malabsorption Look Like?
Running a fat-based metabolism just doesn’t work if you can’t digest fats. Here’s what it looks and feels like:
Abdominal Pain and Discomfort After Fat-rich Meals
What happens to fat—or anything, really—that goes down the “wrong pipe”? When you consume fat but aren’t able to effectively digest it, that fat has to go somewhere. That fat goes where it isn’t supposed to be, and sometimes that causes pain and pressure.
Greasy Stool
Some misbegotten fat loss plans involve the active inhibition of fat digestion, either by consuming artificial fat-like substances that feel and taste like fat without providing any calories or taking lipase inhibitors which deactivate the intestinal enzymes that digest and absorb dietary fat. In both cases, the fat or “fat” is excreted when you go to the bathroom. Yeah. That’s not a good look, but it is a sure sign that you aren’t digesting fats.
Instantly access your FREE download: Guide to a Healthy Gut
Floating Stool
Fat is buoyant. If your poop is festooned with the fat you ate but didn’t digest, it will float more readily.
Passive leakage into your underwear is another common sign you aren’t digesting your fat. One of the most infamous processed “food” disasters was a line of “WOW” branded snacks that contained an indigestible fat substitute, which caused people to leak stool without warning. Same mechanism.
Productive Flatulence
Apologies for the visual, but there’s no easy way to say it. People with poor fat digestion will often produce tangible, lasting results when they fart.
Unexpected Weight Loss
Not absorbing or digesting dietary fat will reduce your calorie absorption, and it may very well cause weight loss. But if you don’t have weight to lose, or if the weight loss comes with unwanted side effects (one study found that Orlistat users indeed lost weight, but they also lost more lean mass), you may want to pay attention.
Low Energy Levels
Trying to run on fat without actually being able to access dietary fat is a miserable exercise in futility. The boundless energy, the steady even keel, the ability to go for hours without eating or crashing—all the promises of fat-adaptation will elude you if you can’t digest the fat you eat.
Oxalate Accumulation
Orlistat users are at an increased risk of oxalate-induced kidney damage.1 Normally, oxalates bind to calcium to form calcium oxalate, which we excrete in the stool. With impaired fat digestion, the undigested fat binds with calcium, leaving oxalate adrift and more readily absorbed and accumulated. Less lipase, less fat digestion, more oxalate accumulation, more kidney danger.
Fat-soluble Vitamin Deficiencies
This isn’t an easy “sign” to watch for. You can’t really “feel” it. But if you were to go to a lab and get tested for vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, and vitamin A, having low levels despite a steady intake could indicate a problem with your fat digestion. Orlistat research confirms this.2
But it’s a real issue. You absorb fat-soluble vitamins alongside the dietary fat you eat. If you’re not absorbing the fat, you’re missing out on the nutrients. All those studies which find that eating fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin E and vitamin K2 alongside dietary fat improves nutrient bioavailability assumes that you’re able to digest the fat. If you can’t digest the fat very well, you’re missing out on the rest of the stuff you eat.
Not all of these are individual markers of poor fat digestion. It’s normal to have some floaty stool now and again. You aren’t always going to digest every bit of fat you consume. Everyone can name a time they felt bloated and had a stomach ache after eating. There are many other reasons why you could be losing weight without trying. But if they are co-incident, you might be dealing with poor fat digestion.
And you should probably do something about it.
How to Improve Your Fat Digestion
Okay, so any, some, or all of those symptoms are signs of poor fat absorption and digestion. It’s always a good idea to rule out larger health problems with your doctor. Until then, what can you do about it?
Chew your Food Thoroughly
Most fat digestion occurs in the GI tract, but it starts in the mouth with something called lingual lipase, the oral form of the major fat-digesting enzyme. To produce lingual lipase, however, you have to chew. The simple presence of fat in the mouth isn’t enough—you have to get those teeth and that tongue going. In one study, eating almonds and coconut triggered the release of lingual lipase, while eating almond butter (the same amount of fat) did not.3 The only difference was chewing. Chew more to give your digestion a head start and improve your fat absorption, even if the food you’re eating doesn’t seem to require chewing. Do your best.
Check Your Gall Bladder
The primary role of the gall bladder is to collect bile from the liver, concentrate it into potent super-bile (my term), and release the concentrated bile to break up incoming dietary fat into smaller molecules that lipase (see above) can attack and digest.
If you gall bladder isn’t working properly, you still have bile—as that’s produced in the liver—but it’s not the concentrated stuff that’s really good at breaking up fat. You have “lesser” bile, bile that isn’t as strong or effective. Your dietary fat tolerance will drop unless you fix the gall bladder issue.
Address Your Gut Health
The gut is linked to just about everything in the body, and fat digestion is no exception. If you have an excessive amount of bacteria in your small intestine (remember, the bulk of your bacteria should reside in the colon), bile doesn’t work right. The bacteria start breaking it down, which inhibits the bile’s ability to break down the fats into the micelles that your lipase can digest.
I recently wrote a guide to fixing your gut health. Read that and employ some or all of the recommendations if they apply.
Take Extra Fat-soluble Vitamins
In studies where subjects have trouble digesting fats, they have to take extra fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamin E, vitamin A, and vitamin D, to avoid deficiency. This is a safe bet for the duration of your problem. I’d even throw in some vitamin K2 just to be safe—it’s really important but doesn’t get enough attention in typical studies.
Try Exogenous Digestive Enzymes and Bile Supplements
You can actually take exogenous lipase and bile supplements (like ox bile or bile salts). These aren’t as effective as the real thing (producing your own in-house), but they can give you a little help in that area.
If you have had your gall bladder removed, supplementing may be crucial to digesting fats. Run it by your doctor to see what he or she thinks.
Have Something Bitter After a Meal
Bitter flavors after a fat-rich meal enhance bile production.4 It doesn’t have to be some arcane bitter herb mix; even an espresso after a meal—that classic Italian custom—can improve fat digestion by increasing gastric acid production.5
Focus on Shorter Chained Fatty Acids
Shorter chained fatty acids like MCT oil and coconut oil are literally shorter and easier to disentangle for digestion. They don’t require as much bile to break apart as longer chained fatty acids. They are easily digested, head straight to the liver for oxidation or ketone generation without dealing with the lymphatic system, and can be utilized by cells for energy without the enzymatic processes needed to utilize longer chain fats.
I’m usually a proponent of listening to your body to tell you when you’re thirsty. “Drink when thirst ensures” works pretty well. But, since about 97% of bile is pure, unadulterated water, and one “silent” cause of fat malabsorption and trouble digesting fats is poor hydration status, this is something to consider. If you don’t have enough water, your bile production, texture, and function will suffer. It’ll be thick and sludgy, no good at all.
Drinking some water (perhaps with electrolytes) is an easy thing to try and it might actually be a missing piece.
Try Taurine
Taurine is a conditionally-essential amino acid. We make it, just not enough. One of the essential roles it plays is as substrate for bile production. Without adequate taurine levels, bile production—and, thus, fat digestion—suffers.6 Luckily, it’s an easy fix. Take a taurine supplement or eat more meat, especially hearts. Chicken, beef, lamb, turkey hearts are all great sources of taurine.
There you have it, folks. 9 signs and symptoms of poor fat digestion and 9 potential solutions to address the issue.
Do you have any problems digesting fat? Have you tried any of these recommendations? Do you have any recommendations of your own that weren’t listed here?
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The post 9 Signs You Aren’t Digesting Fats and What To Do About It appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
9 Signs You Aren’t Digesting Fats and What To Do About It published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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jesseneufeld · 4 years
9 Signs You Aren’t Digesting Fats and What To Do About It
If you’re on a high-fat ketogenic diet and running on a fat-based metabolism, you need access to fat. Some of it comes from your own body, but not all. A good portion of your body’s fuel will come from dietary fat, or the fat you eat. Especially if you are eating more fat than you’re accustomed to, you need to be able to absorb and then digest the fat you eat and turn it into useable energy. If  you aren’t digesting fats, you may be in for some discomfort.
What are the signs and symptoms of poor fat digestion?
Signs You Aren’t Digesting Fats: What Does Fat Malabsorption Look Like?
Running a fat-based metabolism just doesn’t work if you can’t digest fats. Here’s what it looks and feels like:
Abdominal Pain and Discomfort After Fat-rich Meals
What happens to fat—or anything, really—that goes down the “wrong pipe”? When you consume fat but aren’t able to effectively digest it, that fat has to go somewhere. That fat goes where it isn’t supposed to be, and sometimes that causes pain and pressure.
Greasy Stool
Some misbegotten fat loss plans involve the active inhibition of fat digestion, either by consuming artificial fat-like substances that feel and taste like fat without providing any calories or taking lipase inhibitors which deactivate the intestinal enzymes that digest and absorb dietary fat. In both cases, the fat or “fat” is excreted when you go to the bathroom. Yeah. That’s not a good look, but it is a sure sign that you aren’t digesting fats.
Instantly access your FREE download: Guide to a Healthy Gut
Floating Stool
Fat is buoyant. If your poop is festooned with the fat you ate but didn’t digest, it will float more readily.
Passive leakage into your underwear is another common sign you aren’t digesting your fat. One of the most infamous processed “food” disasters was a line of “WOW” branded snacks that contained an indigestible fat substitute, which caused people to leak stool without warning. Same mechanism.
Productive Flatulence
Apologies for the visual, but there’s no easy way to say it. People with poor fat digestion will often produce tangible, lasting results when they fart.
Unexpected Weight Loss
Not absorbing or digesting dietary fat will reduce your calorie absorption, and it may very well cause weight loss. But if you don’t have weight to lose, or if the weight loss comes with unwanted side effects (one study found that Orlistat users indeed lost weight, but they also lost more lean mass), you may want to pay attention.
Low Energy Levels
Trying to run on fat without actually being able to access dietary fat is a miserable exercise in futility. The boundless energy, the steady even keel, the ability to go for hours without eating or crashing—all the promises of fat-adaptation will elude you if you can’t digest the fat you eat.
Oxalate Accumulation
Orlistat users are at an increased risk of oxalate-induced kidney damage.1 Normally, oxalates bind to calcium to form calcium oxalate, which we excrete in the stool. With impaired fat digestion, the undigested fat binds with calcium, leaving oxalate adrift and more readily absorbed and accumulated. Less lipase, less fat digestion, more oxalate accumulation, more kidney danger.
Fat-soluble Vitamin Deficiencies
This isn’t an easy “sign” to watch for. You can’t really “feel” it. But if you were to go to a lab and get tested for vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, and vitamin A, having low levels despite a steady intake could indicate a problem with your fat digestion. Orlistat research confirms this.2
But it’s a real issue. You absorb fat-soluble vitamins alongside the dietary fat you eat. If you’re not absorbing the fat, you’re missing out on the nutrients. All those studies which find that eating fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin E and vitamin K2 alongside dietary fat improves nutrient bioavailability assumes that you’re able to digest the fat. If you can’t digest the fat very well, you’re missing out on the rest of the stuff you eat.
Not all of these are individual markers of poor fat digestion. It’s normal to have some floaty stool now and again. You aren’t always going to digest every bit of fat you consume. Everyone can name a time they felt bloated and had a stomach ache after eating. There are many other reasons why you could be losing weight without trying. But if they are co-incident, you might be dealing with poor fat digestion.
And you should probably do something about it.
How to Improve Your Fat Digestion
Okay, so any, some, or all of those symptoms are signs of poor fat absorption and digestion. It’s always a good idea to rule out larger health problems with your doctor. Until then, what can you do about it?
Chew your Food Thoroughly
Most fat digestion occurs in the GI tract, but it starts in the mouth with something called lingual lipase, the oral form of the major fat-digesting enzyme. To produce lingual lipase, however, you have to chew. The simple presence of fat in the mouth isn’t enough—you have to get those teeth and that tongue going. In one study, eating almonds and coconut triggered the release of lingual lipase, while eating almond butter (the same amount of fat) did not.3 The only difference was chewing. Chew more to give your digestion a head start and improve your fat absorption, even if the food you’re eating doesn’t seem to require chewing. Do your best.
Check Your Gall Bladder
The primary role of the gall bladder is to collect bile from the liver, concentrate it into potent super-bile (my term), and release the concentrated bile to break up incoming dietary fat into smaller molecules that lipase (see above) can attack and digest.
If you gall bladder isn’t working properly, you still have bile—as that’s produced in the liver—but it’s not the concentrated stuff that’s really good at breaking up fat. You have “lesser” bile, bile that isn’t as strong or effective. Your dietary fat tolerance will drop unless you fix the gall bladder issue.
Address Your Gut Health
The gut is linked to just about everything in the body, and fat digestion is no exception. If you have an excessive amount of bacteria in your small intestine (remember, the bulk of your bacteria should reside in the colon), bile doesn’t work right. The bacteria start breaking it down, which inhibits the bile’s ability to break down the fats into the micelles that your lipase can digest.
I recently wrote a guide to fixing your gut health. Read that and employ some or all of the recommendations if they apply.
Take Extra Fat-soluble Vitamins
In studies where subjects have trouble digesting fats, they have to take extra fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamin E, vitamin A, and vitamin D, to avoid deficiency. This is a safe bet for the duration of your problem. I’d even throw in some vitamin K2 just to be safe—it’s really important but doesn’t get enough attention in typical studies.
Try Exogenous Digestive Enzymes and Bile Supplements
You can actually take exogenous lipase and bile supplements (like ox bile or bile salts). These aren’t as effective as the real thing (producing your own in-house), but they can give you a little help in that area.
If you have had your gall bladder removed, supplementing may be crucial to digesting fats. Run it by your doctor to see what he or she thinks.
Have Something Bitter After a Meal
Bitter flavors after a fat-rich meal enhance bile production.4 It doesn’t have to be some arcane bitter herb mix; even an espresso after a meal—that classic Italian custom—can improve fat digestion by increasing gastric acid production.5
Focus on Shorter Chained Fatty Acids
Shorter chained fatty acids like MCT oil and coconut oil are literally shorter and easier to disentangle for digestion. They don’t require as much bile to break apart as longer chained fatty acids. They are easily digested, head straight to the liver for oxidation or ketone generation without dealing with the lymphatic system, and can be utilized by cells for energy without the enzymatic processes needed to utilize longer chain fats.
I’m usually a proponent of listening to your body to tell you when you’re thirsty. “Drink when thirst ensures” works pretty well. But, since about 97% of bile is pure, unadulterated water, and one “silent” cause of fat malabsorption and trouble digesting fats is poor hydration status, this is something to consider. If you don’t have enough water, your bile production, texture, and function will suffer. It’ll be thick and sludgy, no good at all.
Drinking some water (perhaps with electrolytes) is an easy thing to try and it might actually be a missing piece.
Try Taurine
Taurine is a conditionally-essential amino acid. We make it, just not enough. One of the essential roles it plays is as substrate for bile production. Without adequate taurine levels, bile production—and, thus, fat digestion—suffers.6 Luckily, it’s an easy fix. Take a taurine supplement or eat more meat, especially hearts. Chicken, beef, lamb, turkey hearts are all great sources of taurine.
There you have it, folks. 9 signs and symptoms of poor fat digestion and 9 potential solutions to address the issue.
Do you have any problems digesting fat? Have you tried any of these recommendations? Do you have any recommendations of your own that weren’t listed here?
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The post 9 Signs You Aren’t Digesting Fats and What To Do About It appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
9 Signs You Aren’t Digesting Fats and What To Do About It published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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milenasanchezmk · 6 years
Focusing On My Gut Health Has Transformed My Life
It’s Monday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Monday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!
I am so excited to share my story with you, and I hope you enjoy reading it! I have always been the health researcher, fitness enthusiast and nutrition-focused one in my family. My whole life I followed the “healthy diet”—low fat, whole grain, lots of fruit, etc. I did research in nutrition as an undergraduate at the University of Maryland, and published a paper in dental school on the dangers of BPA. I have always been investigative and wanting to know the truth behind what is told.
It was during my second year in dental school when my good friend and colleague, Jake, introduced me to CrossFit and the paleo lifestyle. After a workout he said, “OK I’m off to eat half a dozen eggs!” He recalls the look I shot him was one of disbelief and disgust. Shocked was an understatement. “EAT SIX EGG YOLKS!?!?! Have you lost your mind, Jake, seriously, all that cholesterol!” I am sure he tried to reason with me, but I was so skeptical. So that night, I’m sitting in my apartment studying, and Jake sends me a link to www.marksdailyapple.com. It was the first paleo blog I ever read, and is still my go-to today. I remember that I got so caught up reading that I got less studying done, but it was one of those monumental life shifts for which I will always be grateful.
However, I did not immediately jump to 100% strict paleo in 2010. I chose to eat mostly whole foods, but would eat gluten and wheat a few times a week, which I considered balanced. I had graduated from dental school, and I was practicing dentistry in a small boutique, traditional dental office. I was placing and removing significant amounts of amalgam fillings. I had also gotten married, moved in with my husband, and we had bought a house. The emotional, financial, and physical stress I could handle had surpassed my threshold, and in 2015 I became very sick.
After months of bloody stools, running to the bathroom for the tenth time in one day, I finally got over my denial and went to a GI doctor. A colonoscopy confirmed that at age 27, I had ulcerative colitis. My doctor proceeded to recommend that I start six medications. One of them had a chance of landing me in the hospital for months from internal organ swelling. He also said that I had an 80% chance of needing surgery in my lifetime. I looked at him, and said, “Well, wait, what if I change my diet?” His response, “No, changing your diet won’t do anything. All your large intestine does is reabsorb water.” I just stared at him in disbelief. I worked at the opposite end of the body, but even I knew that your gut housed your immune system, and did WAY more than just absorb water!
I refused to let a bunch of drugs and surgery be my fate. I was not going to let anybody put me in a box. I was determined to find another way. And I did. I went 100% paleo, even focused on AIP for a few months. Within 2 weeks of transitioning to a whole-food, gluten-free diet, I came out of my terrible flare and have not had one since.
Getting a grip on my UC symptoms was a miracle, but I still had a long way to go with my healing. I was still sick, malnourished, fatigued all the time, had amenorrhea, couldn’t exercise, always wanted to rest, became socially anxious, etc. I saw multiple doctors from 2015-2016, even getting into National Institute for Health in Bethesda, MD. The top endocrinologists and fertility specialists in the world looked at tens of thousands of dollars of tests, and told me I was the “healthiest unhealthy person we have ever met” and “they didn’t know what was wrong with me” and to “just go back on birth control to make sure you don’t develop osteoporosis.” I refused. I was determined to get to the root cause of my health problems.
I finally found Jessica Flanigan. I did not understand why my Candida antibodies were so high, since I was not eating sugar. I asked Jessica this during one of our appointments, and she said, “Well you know, Mercury feeds off of Candida.” The lectures at dental school had reported that amalgam was safe, and that the mercury becomes “inactivated” once you burnish it. Jessica proceeded to give me information on biologic dentistry through the IAOMT and IABDM. I felt like a precious secret had just been revealed to me, one that I knew was going to change my life forever. I discovered that conventional dentistry was not safe. In fact, mercury is one of the most dangerous neurotoxins on this planet. I still wonder if mercury was the environmental trigger for the UC diagnosis. On Mark’s Daily Apple, you talk about the dangers of amalgam fillings. My functional medicine doctor, as well as Chris Shade from Quicksilver Scientific, confirmed my mercury poisoning. In addition, my functional doctor diagnosed hypothyroidism, HPA-axis dysfunction, vitamin deficiencies, chronic infection, certain genetic snps, and more.
I felt terribly guilty that I had placed amalgam and unsafely removed amalgam fillings in patients. As a doctor you take an oath to do no harm. It was impossible for me to continue working in a conventional office after seeing how damaging mercury was to my health and to my patients’ health. As quickly as possible, I moved from a conventional office to a biologic dental office. In 2016 I pursued additional degrees, graduating from American College of Integrative Medicine and Dentistry with certifications in Integrative Biologic Dental Medicine (IBDM), and as a naturopathic physician (NMD) in 2017. Since working with my functional practitioners, and getting into a safer working environment I am well on my way to being healed from a long list of diagnoses.
I have been so moved and transformed by my journey, that I am launching my business as a functional dental and holistic health practitioner consulting with patients who have not been able to find healing through conventional medicine. I focus on using the latest research and scientific protocols to help my clients heal autoimmune conditions, adrenal dysfunction, diving in deep to the microbiome, and the oral-systemic connection at www.beyondpearlywhites.com. The gut is the largest organ with multiple common insults that can lead to dysfunction. Normalization of the gut results in the most effective clinical outcomes across all disease states, which is why I am focusing on the gut, head to tail. Focusing on my gut health has transformed my life, and I am back to my energetic bubbly self, sharing my knowledge, helping my friends and family, exercising, socializing, and enjoying every moment of our beautiful world.
I often think back to that day that Jake introduced me to paleo, and how God blessed me with information on where to go for the truth. My sickness and my journey have been an absolute gift, for I would not be where I am without these difficult experiences. My mission is to help as many people as possible overcome what appears to be impossible, as I have overcome it. Thank you, Mark and Mark’s Daily Apple for being a cornerstone in my journey, providing life-saving information, and for creating delicious whole food products that keep us all living, loving, and enjoying life. I am so hopeful and excited to see what our futures hold in shaping the lives of our readers!
The readers featured in our success stories share their experiences in their own words. The Primal Blueprint and Keto Reset diets are not intended as medical intervention or diagnosis. Nor are they replacements for working with a qualified healthcare practitioner. It’s important to speak with your doctor before beginning any new dietary or lifestyle program, and please consult your physician before making any changes to medication or treatment protocols. Each individual’s results may vary.
The post Focusing On My Gut Health Has Transformed My Life appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
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watsonrodriquezie · 6 years
Focusing On My Gut Health Has Transformed My Life
It’s Monday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Monday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!
I am so excited to share my story with you, and I hope you enjoy reading it! I have always been the health researcher, fitness enthusiast and nutrition-focused one in my family. My whole life I followed the “healthy diet”—low fat, whole grain, lots of fruit, etc. I did research in nutrition as an undergraduate at the University of Maryland, and published a paper in dental school on the dangers of BPA. I have always been investigative and wanting to know the truth behind what is told.
It was during my second year in dental school when my good friend and colleague, Jake, introduced me to CrossFit and the paleo lifestyle. After a workout he said, “OK I’m off to eat half a dozen eggs!” He recalls the look I shot him was one of disbelief and disgust. Shocked was an understatement. “EAT SIX EGG YOLKS!?!?! Have you lost your mind, Jake, seriously, all that cholesterol!” I am sure he tried to reason with me, but I was so skeptical. So that night, I’m sitting in my apartment studying, and Jake sends me a link to www.marksdailyapple.com. It was the first paleo blog I ever read, and is still my go-to today. I remember that I got so caught up reading that I got less studying done, but it was one of those monumental life shifts for which I will always be grateful.
However, I did not immediately jump to 100% strict paleo in 2010. I chose to eat mostly whole foods, but would eat gluten and wheat a few times a week, which I considered balanced. I had graduated from dental school, and I was practicing dentistry in a small boutique, traditional dental office. I was placing and removing significant amounts of amalgam fillings. I had also gotten married, moved in with my husband, and we had bought a house. The emotional, financial, and physical stress I could handle had surpassed my threshold, and in 2015 I became very sick.
After months of bloody stools, running to the bathroom for the tenth time in one day, I finally got over my denial and went to a GI doctor. A colonoscopy confirmed that at age 27, I had ulcerative colitis. My doctor proceeded to recommend that I start six medications. One of them had a chance of landing me in the hospital for months from internal organ swelling. He also said that I had an 80% chance of needing surgery in my lifetime. I looked at him, and said, “Well, wait, what if I change my diet?” His response, “No, changing your diet won’t do anything. All your large intestine does is reabsorb water.” I just stared at him in disbelief. I worked at the opposite end of the body, but even I knew that your gut housed your immune system, and did WAY more than just absorb water!
I refused to let a bunch of drugs and surgery be my fate. I was not going to let anybody put me in a box. I was determined to find another way. And I did. I went 100% paleo, even focused on AIP for a few months. Within 2 weeks of transitioning to a whole-food, gluten-free diet, I came out of my terrible flare and have not had one since.
Getting a grip on my UC symptoms was a miracle, but I still had a long way to go with my healing. I was still sick, malnourished, fatigued all the time, had amenorrhea, couldn’t exercise, always wanted to rest, became socially anxious, etc. I saw multiple doctors from 2015-2016, even getting into National Institute for Health in Bethesda, MD. The top endocrinologists and fertility specialists in the world looked at tens of thousands of dollars of tests, and told me I was the “healthiest unhealthy person we have ever met” and “they didn’t know what was wrong with me” and to “just go back on birth control to make sure you don’t develop osteoporosis.” I refused. I was determined to get to the root cause of my health problems.
I finally found Jessica Flanigan. I did not understand why my Candida antibodies were so high, since I was not eating sugar. I asked Jessica this during one of our appointments, and she said, “Well you know, Mercury feeds off of Candida.” The lectures at dental school had reported that amalgam was safe, and that the mercury becomes “inactivated” once you burnish it. Jessica proceeded to give me information on biologic dentistry through the IAOMT and IABDM. I felt like a precious secret had just been revealed to me, one that I knew was going to change my life forever. I discovered that conventional dentistry was not safe. In fact, mercury is one of the most dangerous neurotoxins on this planet. I still wonder if mercury was the environmental trigger for the UC diagnosis. On Mark’s Daily Apple, you talk about the dangers of amalgam fillings. My functional medicine doctor, as well as Chris Shade from Quicksilver Scientific, confirmed my mercury poisoning. In addition, my functional doctor diagnosed hypothyroidism, HPA-axis dysfunction, vitamin deficiencies, chronic infection, certain genetic snps, and more.
I felt terribly guilty that I had placed amalgam and unsafely removed amalgam fillings in patients. As a doctor you take an oath to do no harm. It was impossible for me to continue working in a conventional office after seeing how damaging mercury was to my health and to my patients’ health. As quickly as possible, I moved from a conventional office to a biologic dental office. In 2016 I pursued additional degrees, graduating from American College of Integrative Medicine and Dentistry with certifications in Integrative Biologic Dental Medicine (IBDM), and as a naturopathic physician (NMD) in 2017. Since working with my functional practitioners, and getting into a safer working environment I am well on my way to being healed from a long list of diagnoses.
I have been so moved and transformed by my journey, that I am launching my business as a functional dental and holistic health practitioner consulting with patients who have not been able to find healing through conventional medicine. I focus on using the latest research and scientific protocols to help my clients heal autoimmune conditions, adrenal dysfunction, diving in deep to the microbiome, and the oral-systemic connection at www.beyondpearlywhites.com. The gut is the largest organ with multiple common insults that can lead to dysfunction. Normalization of the gut results in the most effective clinical outcomes across all disease states, which is why I am focusing on the gut, head to tail. Focusing on my gut health has transformed my life, and I am back to my energetic bubbly self, sharing my knowledge, helping my friends and family, exercising, socializing, and enjoying every moment of our beautiful world.
I often think back to that day that Jake introduced me to paleo, and how God blessed me with information on where to go for the truth. My sickness and my journey have been an absolute gift, for I would not be where I am without these difficult experiences. My mission is to help as many people as possible overcome what appears to be impossible, as I have overcome it. Thank you, Mark and Mark’s Daily Apple for being a cornerstone in my journey, providing life-saving information, and for creating delicious whole food products that keep us all living, loving, and enjoying life. I am so hopeful and excited to see what our futures hold in shaping the lives of our readers!
The readers featured in our success stories share their experiences in their own words. The Primal Blueprint and Keto Reset diets are not intended as medical intervention or diagnosis. Nor are they replacements for working with a qualified healthcare practitioner. It’s important to speak with your doctor before beginning any new dietary or lifestyle program, and please consult your physician before making any changes to medication or treatment protocols. Each individual’s results may vary.
The post Focusing On My Gut Health Has Transformed My Life appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
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cristinajourdanqp · 6 years
Focusing On My Gut Health Has Transformed My Life
It’s Monday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Monday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!
I am so excited to share my story with you, and I hope you enjoy reading it! I have always been the health researcher, fitness enthusiast and nutrition-focused one in my family. My whole life I followed the “healthy diet”—low fat, whole grain, lots of fruit, etc. I did research in nutrition as an undergraduate at the University of Maryland, and published a paper in dental school on the dangers of BPA. I have always been investigative and wanting to know the truth behind what is told.
It was during my second year in dental school when my good friend and colleague, Jake, introduced me to CrossFit and the paleo lifestyle. After a workout he said, “OK I’m off to eat half a dozen eggs!” He recalls the look I shot him was one of disbelief and disgust. Shocked was an understatement. “EAT SIX EGG YOLKS!?!?! Have you lost your mind, Jake, seriously, all that cholesterol!” I am sure he tried to reason with me, but I was so skeptical. So that night, I’m sitting in my apartment studying, and Jake sends me a link to www.marksdailyapple.com. It was the first paleo blog I ever read, and is still my go-to today. I remember that I got so caught up reading that I got less studying done, but it was one of those monumental life shifts for which I will always be grateful.
However, I did not immediately jump to 100% strict paleo in 2010. I chose to eat mostly whole foods, but would eat gluten and wheat a few times a week, which I considered balanced. I had graduated from dental school, and I was practicing dentistry in a small boutique, traditional dental office. I was placing and removing significant amounts of amalgam fillings. I had also gotten married, moved in with my husband, and we had bought a house. The emotional, financial, and physical stress I could handle had surpassed my threshold, and in 2015 I became very sick.
After months of bloody stools, running to the bathroom for the tenth time in one day, I finally got over my denial and went to a GI doctor. A colonoscopy confirmed that at age 27, I had ulcerative colitis. My doctor proceeded to recommend that I start six medications. One of them had a chance of landing me in the hospital for months from internal organ swelling. He also said that I had an 80% chance of needing surgery in my lifetime. I looked at him, and said, “Well, wait, what if I change my diet?” His response, “No, changing your diet won’t do anything. All your large intestine does is reabsorb water.” I just stared at him in disbelief. I worked at the opposite end of the body, but even I knew that your gut housed your immune system, and did WAY more than just absorb water!
I refused to let a bunch of drugs and surgery be my fate. I was not going to let anybody put me in a box. I was determined to find another way. And I did. I went 100% paleo, even focused on AIP for a few months. Within 2 weeks of transitioning to a whole-food, gluten-free diet, I came out of my terrible flare and have not had one since.
Getting a grip on my UC symptoms was a miracle, but I still had a long way to go with my healing. I was still sick, malnourished, fatigued all the time, had amenorrhea, couldn’t exercise, always wanted to rest, became socially anxious, etc. I saw multiple doctors from 2015-2016, even getting into National Institute for Health in Bethesda, MD. The top endocrinologists and fertility specialists in the world looked at tens of thousands of dollars of tests, and told me I was the “healthiest unhealthy person we have ever met” and “they didn’t know what was wrong with me” and to “just go back on birth control to make sure you don’t develop osteoporosis.” I refused. I was determined to get to the root cause of my health problems.
I finally found Jessica Flanigan. I did not understand why my Candida antibodies were so high, since I was not eating sugar. I asked Jessica this during one of our appointments, and she said, “Well you know, Mercury feeds off of Candida.” The lectures at dental school had reported that amalgam was safe, and that the mercury becomes “inactivated” once you burnish it. Jessica proceeded to give me information on biologic dentistry through the IAOMT and IABDM. I felt like a precious secret had just been revealed to me, one that I knew was going to change my life forever. I discovered that conventional dentistry was not safe. In fact, mercury is one of the most dangerous neurotoxins on this planet. I still wonder if mercury was the environmental trigger for the UC diagnosis. On Mark’s Daily Apple, you talk about the dangers of amalgam fillings. My functional medicine doctor, as well as Chris Shade from Quicksilver Scientific, confirmed my mercury poisoning. In addition, my functional doctor diagnosed hypothyroidism, HPA-axis dysfunction, vitamin deficiencies, chronic infection, certain genetic snps, and more.
I felt terribly guilty that I had placed amalgam and unsafely removed amalgam fillings in patients. As a doctor you take an oath to do no harm. It was impossible for me to continue working in a conventional office after seeing how damaging mercury was to my health and to my patients’ health. As quickly as possible, I moved from a conventional office to a biologic dental office. In 2016 I pursued additional degrees, graduating from American College of Integrative Medicine and Dentistry with certifications in Integrative Biologic Dental Medicine (IBDM), and as a naturopathic physician (NMD) in 2017. Since working with my functional practitioners, and getting into a safer working environment I am well on my way to being healed from a long list of diagnoses.
I have been so moved and transformed by my journey, that I am launching my business as a functional dental and holistic health practitioner consulting with patients who have not been able to find healing through conventional medicine. I focus on using the latest research and scientific protocols to help my clients heal autoimmune conditions, adrenal dysfunction, diving in deep to the microbiome, and the oral-systemic connection at www.beyondpearlywhites.com. The gut is the largest organ with multiple common insults that can lead to dysfunction. Normalization of the gut results in the most effective clinical outcomes across all disease states, which is why I am focusing on the gut, head to tail. Focusing on my gut health has transformed my life, and I am back to my energetic bubbly self, sharing my knowledge, helping my friends and family, exercising, socializing, and enjoying every moment of our beautiful world.
I often think back to that day that Jake introduced me to paleo, and how God blessed me with information on where to go for the truth. My sickness and my journey have been an absolute gift, for I would not be where I am without these difficult experiences. My mission is to help as many people as possible overcome what appears to be impossible, as I have overcome it. Thank you, Mark and Mark’s Daily Apple for being a cornerstone in my journey, providing life-saving information, and for creating delicious whole food products that keep us all living, loving, and enjoying life. I am so hopeful and excited to see what our futures hold in shaping the lives of our readers!
The readers featured in our success stories share their experiences in their own words. The Primal Blueprint and Keto Reset diets are not intended as medical intervention or diagnosis. Nor are they replacements for working with a qualified healthcare practitioner. It’s important to speak with your doctor before beginning any new dietary or lifestyle program, and please consult your physician before making any changes to medication or treatment protocols. Each individual’s results may vary.
The post Focusing On My Gut Health Has Transformed My Life appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
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cynthiamwashington · 6 years
Focusing On My Gut Health Has Transformed My Life
It’s Monday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Monday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!
I am so excited to share my story with you, and I hope you enjoy reading it! I have always been the health researcher, fitness enthusiast and nutrition-focused one in my family. My whole life I followed the “healthy diet”—low fat, whole grain, lots of fruit, etc. I did research in nutrition as an undergraduate at the University of Maryland, and published a paper in dental school on the dangers of BPA. I have always been investigative and wanting to know the truth behind what is told.
It was during my second year in dental school when my good friend and colleague, Jake, introduced me to CrossFit and the paleo lifestyle. After a workout he said, “OK I’m off to eat half a dozen eggs!” He recalls the look I shot him was one of disbelief and disgust. Shocked was an understatement. “EAT SIX EGG YOLKS!?!?! Have you lost your mind, Jake, seriously, all that cholesterol!” I am sure he tried to reason with me, but I was so skeptical. So that night, I’m sitting in my apartment studying, and Jake sends me a link to www.marksdailyapple.com. It was the first paleo blog I ever read, and is still my go-to today. I remember that I got so caught up reading that I got less studying done, but it was one of those monumental life shifts for which I will always be grateful.
However, I did not immediately jump to 100% strict paleo in 2010. I chose to eat mostly whole foods, but would eat gluten and wheat a few times a week, which I considered balanced. I had graduated from dental school, and I was practicing dentistry in a small boutique, traditional dental office. I was placing and removing significant amounts of amalgam fillings. I had also gotten married, moved in with my husband, and we had bought a house. The emotional, financial, and physical stress I could handle had surpassed my threshold, and in 2015 I became very sick.
After months of bloody stools, running to the bathroom for the tenth time in one day, I finally got over my denial and went to a GI doctor. A colonoscopy confirmed that at age 27, I had ulcerative colitis. My doctor proceeded to recommend that I start six medications. One of them had a chance of landing me in the hospital for months from internal organ swelling. He also said that I had an 80% chance of needing surgery in my lifetime. I looked at him, and said, “Well, wait, what if I change my diet?” His response, “No, changing your diet won’t do anything. All your large intestine does is reabsorb water.” I just stared at him in disbelief. I worked at the opposite end of the body, but even I knew that your gut housed your immune system, and did WAY more than just absorb water!
I refused to let a bunch of drugs and surgery be my fate. I was not going to let anybody put me in a box. I was determined to find another way. And I did. I went 100% paleo, even focused on AIP for a few months. Within 2 weeks of transitioning to a whole-food, gluten-free diet, I came out of my terrible flare and have not had one since.
Getting a grip on my UC symptoms was a miracle, but I still had a long way to go with my healing. I was still sick, malnourished, fatigued all the time, had amenorrhea, couldn’t exercise, always wanted to rest, became socially anxious, etc. I saw multiple doctors from 2015-2016, even getting into National Institute for Health in Bethesda, MD. The top endocrinologists and fertility specialists in the world looked at tens of thousands of dollars of tests, and told me I was the “healthiest unhealthy person we have ever met” and “they didn’t know what was wrong with me” and to “just go back on birth control to make sure you don’t develop osteoporosis.” I refused. I was determined to get to the root cause of my health problems.
I finally found Jessica Flanigan. I did not understand why my Candida antibodies were so high, since I was not eating sugar. I asked Jessica this during one of our appointments, and she said, “Well you know, Mercury feeds off of Candida.” The lectures at dental school had reported that amalgam was safe, and that the mercury becomes “inactivated” once you burnish it. Jessica proceeded to give me information on biologic dentistry through the IAOMT and IABDM. I felt like a precious secret had just been revealed to me, one that I knew was going to change my life forever. I discovered that conventional dentistry was not safe. In fact, mercury is one of the most dangerous neurotoxins on this planet. I still wonder if mercury was the environmental trigger for the UC diagnosis. On Mark’s Daily Apple, you talk about the dangers of amalgam fillings. My functional medicine doctor, as well as Chris Shade from Quicksilver Scientific, confirmed my mercury poisoning. In addition, my functional doctor diagnosed hypothyroidism, HPA-axis dysfunction, vitamin deficiencies, chronic infection, certain genetic snps, and more.
I felt terribly guilty that I had placed amalgam and unsafely removed amalgam fillings in patients. As a doctor you take an oath to do no harm. It was impossible for me to continue working in a conventional office after seeing how damaging mercury was to my health and to my patients’ health. As quickly as possible, I moved from a conventional office to a biologic dental office. In 2016 I pursued additional degrees, graduating from American College of Integrative Medicine and Dentistry with certifications in Integrative Biologic Dental Medicine (IBDM), and as a naturopathic physician (NMD) in 2017. Since working with my functional practitioners, and getting into a safer working environment I am well on my way to being healed from a long list of diagnoses.
I have been so moved and transformed by my journey, that I am launching my business as a functional dental and holistic health practitioner consulting with patients who have not been able to find healing through conventional medicine. I focus on using the latest research and scientific protocols to help my clients heal autoimmune conditions, adrenal dysfunction, diving in deep to the microbiome, and the oral-systemic connection at www.beyondpearlywhites.com. The gut is the largest organ with multiple common insults that can lead to dysfunction. Normalization of the gut results in the most effective clinical outcomes across all disease states, which is why I am focusing on the gut, head to tail. Focusing on my gut health has transformed my life, and I am back to my energetic bubbly self, sharing my knowledge, helping my friends and family, exercising, socializing, and enjoying every moment of our beautiful world.
I often think back to that day that Jake introduced me to paleo, and how God blessed me with information on where to go for the truth. My sickness and my journey have been an absolute gift, for I would not be where I am without these difficult experiences. My mission is to help as many people as possible overcome what appears to be impossible, as I have overcome it. Thank you, Mark and Mark’s Daily Apple for being a cornerstone in my journey, providing life-saving information, and for creating delicious whole food products that keep us all living, loving, and enjoying life. I am so hopeful and excited to see what our futures hold in shaping the lives of our readers!
The readers featured in our success stories share their experiences in their own words. The Primal Blueprint and Keto Reset diets are not intended as medical intervention or diagnosis. Nor are they replacements for working with a qualified healthcare practitioner. It’s important to speak with your doctor before beginning any new dietary or lifestyle program, and please consult your physician before making any changes to medication or treatment protocols. Each individual’s results may vary.
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The post Focusing On My Gut Health Has Transformed My Life appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
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sublimotion · 6 years
The Benefits of Collagen & Gelatin
We’ve been fielding many questions about collagen lately so we thought it would be helpful to write a blog article on this popular supplement and it’s counterpart, gelatin. Touted for their ability to heal everything from our gut to our joints, while improving our skin, hair and nails, you’ve probably seen gelatin and collagen used interchangeably. While they’re similar, there are some key differences. We will explore the benefits, indications, and what you need to be aware of when choosing these supplements.
COLLAGEN can be compared to a scaffolding that provides structure, elasticity and strength for our connective tissues, specifically: bones, tendons, cartilage, hair, nails, skin, and the lining of our digestive system. Collagen is the predominant protein in our bodies and in the tissues of the animals we consume. When we cook down these animal proteins (typically when making a broth), the collagen breaks down into gelatin.
Eating raw collagen in the form of tough ligaments and connective tissues are not only difficulty to consume but highly unenjoyable. So in order to best break down and absorb collagen, it is put through a process to extract the essential nutrients so that they easily metabolized in our system. The most common form is referred to as completely hydrolyzed collagen or collagen peptides.
GELATIN, is cooked collagen, and is the form of collagen found in bone broth. The partial hydrolyzing and drying of the bones and tissue is what forms gelatin powder. Because gelatin has not been broken down into individual peptides, its protein structure elicits an adhesive quality, causing it to gel when cooled. This is how Jell-O gets its signature jiggle, and why gelatin has many culinary uses such as thickening gravies and sauces, making marshmallow, fruit snacks, jams, etc..
If you take gelatin and hydrolyze it even further, breaking the amino acid strands into individual peptides (though the amino acids themselves still intact), you are left with completely hydrolyzed collagen, which can be easily digested and absorbed by the body. This is the form that is most commonly found in collagen supplements, both in capsules or powder.
Simply put, the differences between collagen and gelatin come down to how they’re processed. The processing method is what gives collagen and gelatin different textures. Whether you choose gelatin or collagen comes down to how you want to use it  and which form of your body responds best to. That being said gelatin can be harder to digest for some and at higher doses may cause digestive distress.
Collagen and gelatin are similar in terms of their benefits because they contain the same amino acid profile. Amino acids are the “building blocks” of proteins that play a key role in our health and well-being. The most predominant amino acids that comprise collagen are glycine and proline. Glycine and proline not only give connective tissue throughout the body its strength and durability, but they are also anti-inflammatory, which benefits our systemic health in many ways.
  BENEFITS – The Research:
(Compiled by Dr. Dori Engel, ND in Toronto)
Joint Health:  Collagen can regenerate the synovial fluid that cushions joints, repair and rebuild cartilage weakened through overuse, impact and stress – thereby reducing joint pains & reversing degeneration – its natural gel structure is the element that allows joints to glide & move without pain.  (Bruyere O, 2012)  In people with Rheumatoid arthritis, it decreases swelling and pain in tender affected joints. (Trentham DE, 1993) (Barnett ML, 1998)
Osteoarthritis: This is another area where this product has been studied extensively for both treatment and prevention.  (Crowley DC, 2009)  Collagen can help combat your genetic predisposition to degenerative diseases.  (Bello AE, 2006)
Sports Performance: It’s not only for the old and deteriorating. Many studies have been done on healthy, young  athletes. The results show that collagen supplementation can reduce the incidences of pain from repetitive use in otherwise healthy individuals and reduce the risk of joint deterioration in this high risk group. (Clark KL, 2008) (Zdzieblik D, 2017)
Skin health: By increasing collagen levels, skin cells are repaired and renewed and skin looks firmer & smoother. The appearance of cellulite & stretch marks are reduced. (Oba C, 2015) (Proksh E, 2014)
It improves elasticity, barrier integrity & hydration in sun exposed skin too. (Yoon HS, 2014) (Inoue N, 2016)   
Hot tip – Although collagen is present in many topical beauty products, it is of mild benefit in this form as does not we can’t absorb it sufficiently through the skin. It must be ingested to get the ultimate benefit. Save your money for the powder; don’t spend it on the creams!
Bone Health: Osteoporosis is when bone mass is lost more rapidly than is typical. People over the age of 70 generally have decreased bone density and increased risk of injury. Hydrolyzed collagen stimulates chondrocytes – human cartilage producing cells – preventing age-related bone density reduction. (Bello AE, 2006)
Digestive Health: Leaky gut or Intestinal hyperpermeability –  This protein soothes the gut lining, reducing inflammation and healing damaged cell walls, sealing & regenerating the tissue that lines the GI tract. Long term effects include being able to digest more foods and absorb nutrients more efficiently. (Koutroubakis IE, 2003)
Hair Health: Actual reduction and reversal of hair loss – 180 days of collagen supplementation in women with thinning hair resulted in improvements in hair volume, scalp coverage, shine & thickness. (Glynis A, 2012)
Our body’s collagen production begins to slow down as we age, causing the tell-tale signs of aging, such as wrinkles, sagging skin and joint pains. Collagen content in human skin decreases by 1% per year beginning in our 20s.  Sun exposure, smoking, stress, lack of sleep, high blood sugar, diabetes – all of these decrease collagen and make the collagen that we are left with less pliable. Some autoimmune disorders can also target collagen, lending to a decrease in the amount of collagen secreted, or to the secretion of dysfunctional collagen (called keloid formation – thick scarring).
Foods both high in vitamin C and sulfur contain nutrients that are essential to collagen production. Omitting or limiting sugar is helpful in preserving collagen, as sugar destroys collagen and elastin.
Beware that not all brands are the same. Since collagen and gelatin are procured from animals, it is essential that it is organically raised and ethically sourced. Look for grass-fed, organic, hormone-free beef or chicken sources. Also, many collagen and gelatin supplements are not well absorbed based on how they are processed. My favorites are:
Great Lakes Hydrolysate – powder (mixes in hot or cold water) sourced from 100% grass-fed bovine. Look at recipe ideas on their website.
Arthred by Allergy Research Group – ethically raised bovine (powder) sprinkle it on oatmeal, blend it into smoothies or bulletproof coffee.
JS Collagen by Pure Encapsulation – chicken sternum cartilage (capsules)
The last two are available through our online dispensary, Fullscript.
When it comes to gelatin, the chemically-made and vaguely fruit-flavored packs of gelatin you typically find in the supermarket aren’t going to provide you with the health benefits of real gelatin.  I would recommend Vital Proteins gelatin, made from non-GMO, grass-fed bovine.
And don’t forget, in addition to supplements, you can also get collagen and gelatin in your diet the original way: by drinking bone broth. The simmering time of the bones (up to 24 hours) allows collagen and gelatin to be released into the broth.
Collagen is safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It’s safe for kids, the elderly and people with chronic health conditions. There is no risk with long term use. It is a whole food product – so it’s more food than supplement or protein powder. It is an animal product however, so not suitable for vegetarians.
While there are many health benefits to taking collagen and gelatin; keep in mind, thinning hair, brittle nails, GI distress, joint pain, etc. could point to an underlying health concern. Work with your health team (we’re happy to assist you here at HCH) to further assess and address any underlying condition that may be contributing to your symptom picture.
Bone Broth Recipe:
The best bones to use are those from pastured animals, as they will yield the most gelatin-rich, mineral dense and flavorful stock with far less toxins. To get bones to make your stock: Save leftovers from a roast, ask around at your local farmer’s market or inquire with a local butcher.
Any vegetables and flavourings can work.
3-4 lbs bony chicken parts (necks, backs, breast bones, wings).
4 qts  cold water
2 Tb  apple cider vinegar
1 onion, 2 celery stalks, 2 carrots
4  whole cloves garlic
2-3 pieces of sliced fresh turmeric or ginger or both
Place bones and vegetables in a large pot.
Cover with water. Add apple cider vinegar. Let stand for 20 minutes to 1 hour. This acidic solution helps release the nutrients from the bones.
Bring to a gentle rolling boil. Remove scum that rises to the top, discard.
Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 8 to 24 hrs.
Let cool, strain the stock carefully.  
Drink hot mugs of it or pour into glass jars and store in the fridge or freeze for later consumption.
  [Read More ...] https://www.hosmerchiropractic.com/blog/benefitsofcollagen/
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