#I don't CARE if they look like they have a bald spot btw
justthemoonz · 1 year
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I love this tweet so much
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prototypelq · 7 months
I needed some self-therapy this month, and my chosen method has been a monster-hunter genre game, cause I've been severely missing it for the last two years at the very least. This time, I've decided to bite the bullet and give Monster Hunter World a try, despite my very picky and allergic reaction to most of eastern titles, cause I had the feeling I could stomach some of my frustrations with the incentive of monster-hunting, and I was not wrong. (though some things still greatly frustrate me)
Here be my impressions of the first 10 or so, hours into the game (strictly solo experience for Reasons):
The weapon variety is honestly overwhelming for a newcomer to the series, but the katana, bow and insect glaive have definitely caught my attention. Their movesets are a joy to fight with, the glaive especially, plus you get a bug buddy))) and insane mobility options, what's not to love about it. From experience, I can guess that the chargeblade would also bring me much joy to fight with, but that is a weapon for more skilled players, I can see myself trying to check it out later.
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(I think this gameplay is mh rise and not world, but all of these moves for the glaive still exist in world)
I can finally see why the fans were talking so much about ecology. Just watching videos is not enough to really show it, but you feel all the little things when you play the actual game. Before playing, I was thinking that 'dino-dragons that breathe fire do not exactly fit your standard ecology', that people just didn't know much of actual ecology to speak like that and at best, they meant that the monster design was influenced by irl animals. However, I understood what those fans meant when I saw that Anjanath, whoose pink and bald skin greatly resemble a vulture, mostly just patrols around and steals food from other monsters.
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(watch me hang on for my life when he came around xD)
Pukei, the horrible trashchild that I grew to adore, is quite nimble and agile to fit through the dense forest canopy, which it HAS to do, as there are bits of the jungle where the hunters have to force themselves through tight vines, a dragon of larger size has to be flexible. The chameleon and gecko inspiration is very strong in this little bastard, and it fits perfectly into the jungle, where it resides. Also, the game doesn't have to explain to you that this guy changes the colour of his feathers when aggressive, and it works not just on a gamedesign level, but on the creature-design level too.
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Barroth (?I think?) lead me to a large mud pit, in the lowest part of the map, down the riverbed, which, is, y'know, Logical, as water flows down the slopes. It fits so perfectly into that zone, it was clearly the monster's lair or favourite spot, as that monster has a few mud-related attacks and an armour buff.
These little things really ground the weird dino/dragon whacky designs and make the whole world really vibrant and come together wonderfully, they also make the that ecology aspect really shine. You don't normally see this attention to ecological detail in games, and it is clear that a lot of care went into making them.
(btw the binoculars are great, they also work as intended, because the colours of this game, while muted a bit, still are very distinct and bright, unlike otheR games that haD binoculaRs in them)
So yeah, I've been enjoying exploration and the world of this game a lot. On that note,
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look at this toad. he is perfect. he deserves the world. I am very happy you can keep little guys in your tent (it's also the only reason to visit said tent)
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I also really love that you can make your cat into a literal little gremlin. I adore him now, he too is perfect.
Now for the things that frustrated me.
Controls. The inability to remap inputs and clutch claw controls are atrocious. Apparently the game has walrunning, but I have no idea how to distinguish which surfaces it works on and which it doesn't. No manual jumping is very confusing at times, there are a few very specific places that I'm sure I should be able to climb, but the jump is automated and it didn't work, which just leaves me shrugging. That said, vine swinging is cool.
There are far too many menus with very overwhelming rpg stats, it's very hard to make sense or reason of any of them.
For the amount of tutorials the game just keeps Bombarding you with, which is annoying as hell, the weapon&armour upgrade and progression system is not explained at all. The upgrades seem to unlock at finding specific materials, but not All of them. This makes me feel like some weapons have better viability for new players, because they can be upgraded with materials from early monsters, and my go-to weapons apparently don't fit into that category, though I can't be certain of this. There are no perk explanations, so I gotta guess which perks are more useful and which aren't, though I'm not that far into the building anyway, so for a beginner it's not a big problem.
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These are just inconveniences the new player has to deal with, but they are not gamebreaking in any way. The ten hours I've spent with the game have been very enjoyable, and I'd love to play more of it.
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blackat-t7t · 5 months
Hey man, I was doing some research for transmasc folks dealing with polycythemia and came across your post (this one tumblr.com/blackat-t7t/738252703648661505/cw-medical-talk-self-harm-mention-as-a-hyperbole?source=share) and I was wondering if you ever found a solution or experienced an improvement with this? I know at least one person has tried anti-allergy medicine with some effect, but polycythemia is one of my main concerns going on t (which is potentially on the horizon).
I really hope you are feeling better btw!
[link to original post, for reference]
Hey there. I'm not sure how helpful it will be, but I'll tell you my experience. I was able to find a solution in the past, but in the last year it stopped working.
I started T in 2016, and started having those symptoms about a year later. I also read that antihistamines helped, so I took benadryl as often as the label allowed. It helped but didn't eliminate the symptoms, and it wasn't really healthy to continue long-term. I also read that while polycythemia was most common in people taking injectable testosterone, it could also happen to cis men not on HRT, mainly when under massive amounts of stess. I ended up starting antidepressant/anti-anxiety medication and going off T for about a month. When I started my injections again, I had no more problems.
Until part way through 2023.
I was still taking the antidepressants, but under some major stress. At the time, I was putting 100% of my income towards 100% of rent for a 3 bedroom apartment, and dipping into my savings for everything else, with no support from the people I lived with. However, even after I moved into a much better situation, the symptoms continued.
I did have a blood test run looking for signs of autoimmune disorder, because I thought that if antihistamines helped it might be related. The initial test was out of range, but not any of the follow-up tests the lab automatically ran looking for specifics. I had ordered the test myself and didn't have a general doctor to suggest further tests or next moves, so that didn't really go anywhere.
For the last few month I've been taking my T shot only once every several weeks, instead of every week like I'm supposed to. The symptoms clear up after a few weeks, but come back when I do my next shot.
The last 2-ish months I've been changing my medication, cycling off the antidepressant and onto a mood stabalizer. I also started ADHD stimulants less than 2 weeks ago. I'm hoping all that will help lower my stress levels enough that I can go back to my regular dose of T, but I don't know yet.
Ultimately, the symptoms have such a negative effect on my quality of life, I've decided that if I can't find a way to permanently get rid of them, I'd rather go off testosterone entirely. In June I'll be exactly 8 years on T, and most of the changes I wanted (bottom growth, voice change, facial hair) won't be undone if I stop taking it (hell, it might even improve the bald spot!) My biggest concern is starting to menstruate again, but even that would be less distressing than the itching.
I'm sorry I don't have any more answers for you. For what it's worth, I've never heard anyone else talk about this, at least not with symptoms as bad as mine, so it must be a very rare side effect. I hope you're able to get whatever medical care you need to have the life you want.
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sleepy-achilles · 1 year
Funny that you describe Shawn and Bret as toxic in the 90s when they were actually friends for most of the 90s, as confirmed by both men. It was really only in late 96-early 97 that things really went to shit between them. Taker has also been very open about how much he hated Shawn until much later…much like Bret. So really the two relationships have a lot of similarities.
Oh no
I've upset a hartbreak fan.
I just said that's my personal point I take when writing them. You can't really compare hbtaker and hartbreak as what happened between bret and shawn was much more angry and violent. I have nothing against hartbreak, that's why I willingly, willingly btw I could of told that person no, wrote that sweet, sweet, fluff, fluff, filled fic.
Taker, just like most everyone back then, hated Shawn because of his dickish attitude. And they also made up a lot sooner than Shawn and bret did. Taker also goes on in many interviews to talk about how much love and respect he has for shawn and how he really cares about shawn. I haven't seen none of that from bret. 🤷‍♂️ I could be wrong. I don't search for it so.
I mean we are talking physical backstage, no camera fights. You can see a bald spot on shawns head from where bret pulled his hair out during one of these fights. We are talking screwjobs and bret saying some pretty homophobic things towards Shawn and implying shawn slept to get where he was. We are saying shawn publicly saying bret is having an affair.
Like. That's toxic if you ask me.
Bret even goes out of his way to call some of shawns legitment injuries fake on live TV and bascially call him a coward.
Taker did nothing in the public eye. He said in an interview, once they were friends btw, that he wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. Both him and shawn talked about multiple times how taker hated Shawn because he was a cock and shawn basically says he doesn't blame him. Like I said, taker always says good things about shawn now. But even back than he respected shawn, he just didn't like him. He respected how hard he worked and how he worked.
You wanna talk about kayfabe, which is what I focus on, hartbreaks kayfabe relationship is a lot more toxic than hbtakers. Multiple times during shawn and takers careers before they ever went on to fight each other, taker and shawn would constantly come to each others aid and even tag team a few times. Bret and shawn had what, one tag team and I'm pretty sure it wasn't aired? Or they took it off air or something. I can't remember. But their kayfabe relationship has always been toxic. Hell I mean bret tried being nice to shawn once, helping him when marty was interfering and shawn basically bit his head off. Taker helped him when goldust and Paul Interfered and shawn wasn't angry about it at all.
I'm sorry to pop off but I will defend hbtaker with my life, lol. I'm just joking I'm not that kinda guy. It's just, when you focus on kayfabe you can see the relationships are different and even if you do look at the real world taker never did any of his negative shit public whilst bret? Bret had a fuckin field day.
I genuinely mean no harm by this. I'm cool with hartbreak existing. Each to their own. I even have my own hartbreak child oc. Like I'm not against them I just think they'd be toxic, which can happen. Soulmates can end up like that sometimes, trust me. I've proven I'm willing to push my view aside to write them positively. I have. Idk why this ask was necessary.
Also thank you to the love and support that hartbreak fic got btw. I didn't think people would like it as I don't write bret but apparently I did good. So thank you :)
Back to hbtaker fic writing I go. Byeeeee 👋 👋 👋
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Dear queen, could you please supply thy brain with a bit of hojo smut? Maybe him and his s/o are caught red handed in the work closet by on of his co-workers? You don't have to do this btw.
[Bold of you to assume I won’t do it, ESPECIALLY since I need this opportunity to push out my very first Hojo smut. Thank you so much for requesting this, I’m so excited!!!]
-Yu Hojo smut-
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Impatient- restlessly eager
You trailed up and down the confines of the underground base of the Hassaikai, carelessly running your fingers along the walls while being careful to not run into Overhaul as well. It wasn’t like he’d ban you after all. You had a certain charm about you that made you too likeable towards all the people you interact with. This was why you probably landed Hojo but also why his boss allowed you to visit him so often while working. No one seemed to say anything bad to you because they all had a good opinion of you. Perhaps it was a quirk (or maybe its just y/n fanfic ability yknow). This being said, yet and still you didn’t feel like hearing a long-winded lecture from Overhaul about why the walls had filth and why you shouldn’t be touching them so carelessly.
You sighed in bordem before heading west in search of Hojo. When you found him you immediately went to annoy the shit out of him. 
It was your favorite past time after all.
“C’mon Y/N, I know it’s you so just cut the shit already.” He groaned in annoyance while you used your fingers to pretend to walk across his head. “It’s bald as hell. It’s like the moon without craters or a milk dud that someone sucked all the chocolate off of.” You teased him and he sighed. Hojo stood up and quickly towered over you (unless you’re tall af, then disregard this reader), enclosing you between his arms after placing both palms on either side of you on the wall. You simply smirked at him unbothered and he shook his head. “Why do you gotta be so damn annoying all the time, huh?” You knew he was annoyed but not upset. Despite being so well-received by those around you, you were still a nuisance sometimes. A menace to society but he loved it. “Cut the shit and go sit over there in the corner until I’m done will yah?” He moved away from you and dropped down to the floor to finish the repairs on the vent he was working on. You darted your tongue out to his turned back and flipped him off with double fingers before turning to sit in the chair across the room from him. After a while of mindlessly scrolling on your phone and rereading the same page of a book over and over again, you could feel yourself almost melting away from the bordem of it all. There was literally nothing else to do but to fuck with him. Usually when you were here, it wasn’t so boring. Sometimes he would even allow you to help with business to which Overhaul was keen on allowing the extra hands working for free as well. But today was just one of those dead days you suppose.
You were plotting on the next way you could pull him from his work until you noticed your eyes getting drawn more and more to his upper back. The direction of your appeal dramatically shifted when he stood up to take off his shirt for a moment. He kneeled back down and started working again while you started to drink in the sight in front of you. Muscles clenching while a thin veil of sweat began to appear, no doubt from the work. His cologne was wafting its way through the room and the nail in the coffin was the way he grunted when he finally got a bolt unscrewed from it’s spot. “Damn thing...” Hojo grumbled as he worked away. Now it was too much for you so you found a way to get his attention in the most annoying way possible. You started slipping off clothes. By the time you finished, he peeked back at you to see why you were so quiet. His eyes caught your form to check that you were still sitting there. Then he turned back to his work before swiftly turning back around and staring. He dropped his tools and immediately scooped up your clothes with one arm and pulled you gently yet firmly with his other. 
Hojo lead you quickly to a utility closet and glared at you. “ Y/N have you lost your mind! Put these back on right now!” He whisper yelled. You laughed quietly and began tracing his broad chest with a single fingers. “Oh? Why should I? You took your shirt off so I figured it must be a party.” You teased him and he groaned. “Stop fucking around before someone catc-” His words got stuck in his throat when he noticed your knee had travelled up his leg and was resting comfortably against his junk. You pressed into him for good measure and his fists clenched. “Hojo?” You gazed up at him with a type of false innocence. In all honesty it was insulting that you were trying to pretend to be a sweetheart right now when you were literally making him hot and bothered.
At work of all places, nonetheless!
It was hard to trace exactly where things shifted, but now you were bent over in the cramped closet while he was slowly pushing in and out of you. The space warranted just enough for him to pound you but this was just his way of torture for you behavior. “H-hojo please...” He smirked at just how compliant you’ve become to behave when cumming was on the line of it all. “Oh now you want to be good for me? I don’t think that’s gonna fly with the way you acted today.” It was his turn to tease as he slowly slid into you all the way until your hips met. His grip on your ass was firm, and he leaned down every so slightly to nibble at your neck just the way you liked it, before he pulled back slowly and repeated the process. “Hojo...please I can’t~” He ignored your plea and kept the pace strict, relishing in the way you shivered and begged for him. Hojo was considering fucking you harder when suddenly the door swung open. Poor Irinaka was just looking for the damn mop but instead he caught an eyeful. “Look you two, as much as I enjoy the free show in front of me could yah please get a fucking room, ugh!” He groaned and rushed out of the room leaving you two to scatter and get yourselves together. You were lucky it was Mimic that found you instead of Nemoto. Surely he would’ve snitched to the boss immediately lol.
“Where do you think you’re going huh?” Hojo grabbed your arm on the way out of the room. You were heading to get something to munch on when he met your eyes with the most lust you’d seen him carrying in a while. “I just want you to know I get off in about 30 minutes. When we get home, I’ve got a real situation in store for you~”
Instagram: @pastelbattydraws & @pastelbattystore
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRNMJH7vHL7APNobUykhK4w?view_as=subscriber
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dylanxmin · 4 years
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A Little Serendipity
part 21 - Final
before /
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pairing; min yoongi x reader
genre; fluff, smut, slight angst, strangers to lovers au
rating; M
warnings; fingering, slight dom!yoongi, slight sub!reader, cum play(f), pet names, light dirty talk, aftercare, mention of having sex once again, soft yoongi, 
word count; 5k+
a/n; okay,, i’m little emotional ‘cuz this is the first time im ending a series, and i don’t know what to say,,, thank you for reading and waiting for me to drop another episode all this time. i’m thankful to who read and enjoy this fic. i really like to write this fic, even tho it’s not be my best one, but it’s my first fic so, i really like this fic,,, thank you for being here with me on this journey!!! ♡ ♡ ♡
btw; feedbacks are always appreciated
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After all these times, waiting for him to notice me -which it was really hard not to feel pity for myself-, finally, we were a 'thing'. An actual thing. Despite me calling it a 'thing' and not giving this situation a proper name was all on me, and my anxiety to be honest. Well, if I have to defend myself, he didn't say anything, neither did I. It was just casual meetings, eating and going out, just the two of us. And, obviously, I couldn't call it as a 'relationship' as he didn't do it, either. Aish...
I couldn't be lamer than this, and still, can put it in my logic that how he got feelings for me. First of all, I was anxious about everything, shy around everyone, and not that beautiful. If he wants, he can be with someone way better than me, but still, he was here, giving the best kiss I ever had, poting before pull me into a hug because he misses me a lot, and being a big fanboy over me. It was a big surprise for me that he was reading my works from the first time I saw his bookshelf, having all of my books. Even, he had a private spot for placing them in order. Both because I never thought of him as a fan of science fiction, and because they were my book, my works.
Later that night, when he came to my door while wasted and heavily smelling alcohol, we both confessed our feelings, curled in each other on my bed, and talked about every little detail. Mostly it was about how we were so stupid for not confessing these feelings before. Not to be dramatic, but he literally kissed every inch of my face and told me how he was dreaming to do this, over the past weeks. And then, out of blue, his drunkness occurred once again, and he started to blabber about how he was into my works, and make me swear that signing them all.
He said that he was still upset about that day when I only signed one of them and he couldn't ask me to sign the other ones, due to his nervousness. He was nervous around me all the time and irritated how I was close with Taehyung and Hoseok, but not with him. He spilled all of these things that night, and mostly because his filter on the mouth was all blocked by the drunkness. But I couldn't be happier to hear all of these things from him, remembering how my eyes were wide open in astonishment.
And I did, signed them all by the way, and write little fun facts for every one of them. Which he responded to these things by whimpering and giving me lots of kisses and hugs, after reading all of them.
Instead of what I think about him, and how he was so distant and cold. They were all become false news. Because he was the softest person that I ever met, and he couldn't take his hands from me for even one second. Yes, I did have no idea about what was this thing between us, but for the past three weeks, he always finds an excuse to come over or making me going over his place.
Sending glowering looks over the boys if they try to hug me or, pull me from him. And I can't lie that I enjoy these things. He even let me bleach his hair, and for god sake, I didn't burn them all and make him bald. And for the records, he would look amazing even after becoming a bald man.
He even showed his new mixtape and played for me. Oh god, his voice was angelic, and after a couple of times, me insisting to hear his voice live, he even sang. I was stunned to hear his music, how he could open up his feelings, and show his true himself in music, just amazed me. And, of course, I cried after he told me his past memories.
This man, I have right beside me, who I waited for almost five months, was the strongest and the softest person that I ever met, without any exaggeration. All the struggle, and all the pain he had in his past, just made me fall in love with him harder, deeper.
And the best part about being with this man was hearing his laughs, seeing the cutest gummy smile and his hand clapping but in tiny. I did surprise and confused at first, as he was acting like a stranger, rather than himself. Because I never see him like this before, not this lively, and giggly.
''Okay, where is your mind again?''
''Oh god!'' I had no choice but to scream after him getting near me sneakily and scaring the hell out of me. ''Yoongi-ah... you scared me,'' his mischievously shining eyes gazed on mines, his cocky smirk standing on his lips. Even though, I know that he was doing this all purposely. Scaring, and teasing me while having lots of fun with that.
''Well, I have to jump here and yell at you because your attention was nowhere to be found. So, what were you thinking?'' he pulls me after wrapping his arms around me, putting a soft, but long kiss on my cheek. Heaven. This must what heaven feels like, as I feel the butterflies in my stomach, divine peace right beside him, and of course security, as well. Whenever he was around me, the anxiety that eating me, and old habits of thinking too much would just go away, when he is around.
''It was nothing. I just... just lost in... thoughts, you know?'' after responding with a very low voice, just trying my best to give him a reassuring smile, but it was weak, and probably worried him more than before. ''Hmm... what kind of thoughts?'' he inquired, smile starts to fade.
''Well, just thoughts. Nothing serious or important and-''
''If these thoughts taking my girlfriend's attention from me, then I would like to know about them.'' he was looking serious, while all I could do is, gulp. I tried to hold back the urgent needs to look behind me and seeing the 'girlfriend', but even I shouldn't be this dumb. So, I hold back and stare at him with wide eyes.
''Your g-girlfriend?'' palms start to get wet with the anxiety sweating, and mouth dried while watching his face, eyes examines mine with furrowed brows. He gives a 'hmph' as an answer before leaning and taking me in a kiss. Overwhelming feelings start to grow in me, as my heart was overjoyed at the moment, beating at speed of light.
''What did you take you by surprise this much? Am I not your boyfriend?''
Boyfriend. My boyfriend. Starting to nodding my head in slow motion, as this was all too much at the same time. More, his hands cupped my face, thumbs rubbing by the cheek. It is obvious that he was trying to kill me. In a need of a moment, I closed my eyes, taking three deep breaths before opening them again. The heat spreading from his hands, turning my cheeks pink between them.
''Yes. Yes, you are... my- my boyfriend.'' his face covered with a blissful smile. The gummy smile that I adore so much, and dreamed so many times. While my cheeks start to burn under his touch with the sudden confession, his eyes now stated on me once again, questioning something. I could understand that as his eyes now narrowed, knitting one brow.
''You were thinking about us, right? If we were in a relationship, or not?
''No! I mean, yes. Uhh, I don't know... You didn't say anything, and I couldn't ask anything. And I was... you know?'' now I was talking nonsense, babbling as the tension start to confuse my mind, and I was expecting him to make fun of me, saying how stupid I was, but he just stood inches away from my face, softly smiling.
''Do you have any idea how much I love you, Y/N?'' his words have left me with wide-opened eyes, heartbeats flinching as his voice echoed in my mind, euphoric feelings sending tears to my eyes. He said the word. He did not only admit that we were a 'thing' but also he said the word. The 'L' word where I could only hear it in my dreams, sliding from his lips. This wasn't a dream.
He was standing an inch away from my face, and saying the word.
''I know. I know that its too soon, but I do, Y/N. I do love you, and I waited for this moment for months. So yes, I love you.'' once again he proclaimed, searching my face with his radiantly sparkling eyes to see any kind of response from me. Besides wanting to tell him the exact same thing, my throat goes dry, words gathering on there only to cut my breath.
Do I love him?
If getting all hyped up whenever seeing him, -breathing gets hard to achieve, only with a glimpse to his face heart goes crazy, beating in an incredible speed, and butterflies twinkling on the stomach-, means love, then yes, I love him. I never felt this relaxed and free around someone, and never had been cared from someone like him. His affections, cares were real, and I was more than thankful to him.
''Although, you don't have to say it back. I promise it's okay.'' his soft, caring smile appeared on his face, still rubbing my cheeks with his thumbs. But I did want to say it back. I don't care if its too soon, even if he is wrong, misunderstands his feelings and thought that he is in love with me, but not. The only thing that matters for me at this moment, his blissful gaze on me, telling me that he is in love with me. I need to push aside all these depressed, anxious thoughts and say back that I love him, too.
''It is really too soon, and probably others would think that we are all stupid for telling this, but I love you, too, Yoongi. In a way of more than you can imagine.'' His grip tightened around my face, letting a sigh in relief. Despite his words, I knew that he hopes for me to say it back, hearing me while I confess my love, as he is such a soft soul.  ''Oh, just come here,''
His lips pushed to mines, hands of him start to trails to my waist, gripping there tightly to pulls me to him. I opened my legs to give him better access, to become more and more closer because it never feels enough.
''You are... so beautiful,'' he whispers between in the kiss, not stopping it completely. Both because of his words, and his rim touching my core, grinding between in my legs, I start to heat on my cheeks and all over me. Sudden thirst starts to build in my stomach, melting to lower parts.
''Yoon-gi,'' a whimper slips by my lips, as the kiss gets deeper and deeper, his tongue conquering over my mouth, and feeling his hands everywhere, the mind starts to get numb with this overwhelming situation. As the intensity stirring up in both of us, his thrust starts to get harder. ''Fuck,'' he growled while covering his arms around my waist, and changing the position.
With the new angle, now I could feel his member clearly. ''Much better,'' although hearing his words, the passion now I felt both in my core and my mind, blurred my sight. Only thing I want to do now, grinding on him, and giving him more joy and satisfaction. His grip, loosen up from my waist to landing on my legs, very close to my nook, dangerously close. ''Give me a kiss, angel.''
Without hesitation, I let my body to lean on him, giving him a wet, yearning kiss. Shame is now long forgotten, as the pleasure takes all over my body. ''Y/N,'' a grumble left his lips, after moving my body on him, pressuring enough to make him moan.
He fixed his posture, holding me with one hand on my waist, another finds my breast and cupping it, softly. When his finger starts to rub against the nipple, with a sob, I push my head to the back, and immediately his lips meet with my neck as if he planned this. Sucking, twitching with his teeth, sending shivers to my core viciously.
''Ahh.. shit,'' a sob gets out by my lips, as his fingers find their place on my entrance, rolling them on there one time.
''Imm, you like this?'' he chuckles, repeating the movement once again. While struggling not to lose myself and fall from his lap, I opened my eyes lightly, which couldn't realize that they were close until now.
The scene under my sight was very delightful to look at. His completely ruined hair, lips all red because of the harsh kisses, and eyes full of lust. Looking so mesmerizing, all hungry for me which filled my heart with love, and desire. My attend to lean on him to give another kiss, cut by his fingers, taking my short and panties aside to earn better access. When his fingers played with my slit, intentionally moving far from the clit, I gasped.
''You want this angel, yeah?'' I hissed when his fingers teased my entrance, pushing them only inches, and it was enough to give me a shiver, stimulating my greed.
''Yoongi... j-just.. please,'' begging, the only thing I could manage to do now, as his thick fingers teasing, and driving me to my edge.
With the sudden moves of his finger, I clenched his shirt's collar, head falls on his shoulder. One of his hands, holding my waist, keeping me at the place, which I couldn't appreciate it less, as my legs were unable to hold me.
''Does it feel good, angel? Do you want me to stop?'' he leered, keep thrusting his fingers inside, stretching my walls.
''N-no don't... don't stop,'' I cry out. There is no way that I want him to stop right now. His instant pokes start to burn, but it felt pleasingly good. ''All wet, all greedy for me, yeah?''
His words only provoked me more, building the climax on my lower stomach. But I wanted more, wanted to feel more of him. ''M-more,'' my grip, tightened around his collar, as he adds another finger inside of me, and his thumb finds my clit. 
''Good?'' I only gave him a quick 'hmph' and a weak nod. It was unbearable.
''Close... I'm close,'' his three fingers inside of me, dipping and moving deeper, while his thumb pitilessly assaulting my clit, everything felt so much for a moment. His severe fingers, the pressure he applied on my clit, brings me on the edge of my euphoria.
''Mmm, cum on my fingers baby. You'd like that, yeah?'' His filthy whisper, hot breaths was enough for me to sob in delight, clenching for one time before leaking around his fingers, legs shaking viciously. His names fall from my lips, constantly in a whisper, eyelids filling with tears with the sudden relief.
''Imm, all creamy,'' he chuckles once again, but his fingers won't leave at once. He takes his time on there, playing with my ruined pussy. Moving his fingers for a couple of times, while I struggle, and pant under his lap, only able to say his name.
''Yoongi-aah!'' a cry leaves my lips, when he touches bruised clit, causing me to shiver with my whole body. Hasty sting appears where he touches to the stomach. ''Too sensitive, huh?'' he mocked, but his fingers stayed there.
''It stings, Yoongi,'' his fingers immediately leaves there, and relief takes over me after that. The other hand cups my chin to pull me up, face me with him. Thirst starts to awaken in me once again, as his fingers find their way to his mouth, while my drip still leaking on them. His tongue licks his fingers, cleaning all of the remainings of my cum from them.
Oh, boy. It was so aphrodisiac, and suddenly I start to feel hungry all for him. 
''You like what you see, huh?'' his brows moving, teasing me with the grin on his lips. Under his shady gaze, cheeks feel hot again, and desire starts to build once again, even though I did cum for a second ago.
''Then we should take this to bed right, angel?'' after I nod, his arms wrap around my waist once again, and I was grateful that he embraced me, rather than making me walk because my legs were all sloppy. While taking us to his room, he puts soft kisses on my shoulders, whispers how he loves me so much, and patting my hair softly.
Urgent tears start to fill in my eyelids, both because of his aftercare and the intimate scene we just played. ''I love you,'' sniffled, while my head resting on his shoulder. It was true. I never loved someone this much. He was the only man who didn't find me weird or far too anxious.
He did really love me with all of these things, bad and good.  And made me sure of this with every word, move and look. I wrapped my arms around his neck, squishing him until he starts to laugh. ''H-hey, what is now?'' he protests, but won't stop laughing.
''Nothing,'' I simply shrugged one of my shoulders, ''I just love you so much.'' he giggles once again, putting a kiss on my forehead, hand still patting my hair.
''I love you, too, angel,''
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''Wake up, sleepyhead,''
I normally hate when someone tries to wake me up, turn into a grumpy person. But, hearing his whispers, feeling his kisses all over my cheeks is just a blessing. How could I hate this, or be grumpy about it? His hand brushing against my hair, caring and putting little kisses, just felt like waking up a Christmas day. Where you know that you’re going to have a present and lots of cookies with milk. Peace. It was definitely felt like peace, but of course, no one would feel that Christmas feeling at my home, just like me. Because there was none.
It was always horrible to be around, where my own family always criticized and told me how lazy I was. How I need to study more to be a good doctor and represent our family name. I couldn't think about that possibility of me, never running away from here and going far from my home. What if I become a doctor, choose to stay here? Would I meet these people earlier than this, or would Soobin never meet them if I hadn't left?
Would I meet with Yoongi earlier than this?  But what if we wouldn't last together, like right now? Would he still love me? Who am I kidding? Of course, he wouldn't love me because I was the weirdest person ever, even weirder from today. Oh god, why he is with me now?
''Okay, I can see how your forehead all wrinkled. Stop acting like you are sleeping and depressing yourself, baby. C'mon, open your eyes and kiss your boyfriend, huh?''
I opened one of my eyes, wasn't waiting for his face inches away from mines, all staring. Heat starts to reach all over my cheeks with embarrassment. His bleached wild hair fell on his forehead, thick lips slightly curled up. And of course, his warm dark browns focused on me. ''Morning, angel.''
''Hmm, morning,'' instead of opening my eyes, I only decided to keep them shut once again to lean over his arms, getting lost on his hug.
''We need to wake up, baby. I have a surprise for you. You want to see it right?'' he offered, obviously knows that I would be all over the surprise.
''What is it?'' I grunted over his chest. Intense vibrant of marine reaches through my nostrils, only to last on oakmoss. He did smell so good, so fresh and intense at the same time.
''If you want to learn what it is, then you have to stop smelling and start to get ready.'' he mocked, under his chuckles. Heat starts to rise once again on my cheeks, tried to cover my face in embarrassment but he was fast to hold my wrists.
''Hey, look at you. All blushed and looking cute,'' he told before leaning to kiss on my forehead, then continuing to kiss my face through taking a track. He always finds a way to distract me from being embarrassed over his jokes and my attitudes. All worries would slide away, leaving only good feelings and serenity on my chest. Never had to overthink about our relationship or, his feelings because he would easily understand what I am thinking at the moment and would be there to brush them away just like before.
''Okay, okay. I'll get ready but I want something in return,'' I said with a fond smile.
''Surprise isn't enough, I guess.'' he chuckles, eyes narrowing before continuing. 
''What if I get down on here, and make your day a little bit brighter, huh?'' His fingertips start to play with the sleeve of my shirt, reaching the skin on the stomach. The idea of wanting something in return wasn't exactly this on my mind, but his touches awakened the desire, sending shiver to my spine. His sheepish smile and keen on his gaze, only push me to the edge already. And how could I say no to this, even if it's not what I meant at the beginning. The damage has already been done.
''How stupid I look that you think I would say no to that?'' his loud laughter filled in the room, head dropped to back, serving his neck and collarbones to my sight. Fair skin lightening under the sunlight, looking so fascinating and unreal. His beauty causes me to quiver every time I stare at him. And, the biggest twist about this, he doesn't know how handsome he is. He has no idea about how he could make someone flinch by only his look and it is so frustrating sometimes.
And, as a side note, he looked very attractive between on my legs, lips all wet by the touch of his tongue. He is one charming man, and he has no idea.
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I may, or may not bother him with all of my questions during the car ride. But in my defense, I wasn't good with surprises. Both preparing and receiving.
Patience just isn't my best quality. 
''Remind me to not prepare any surprises for you, baby,'' he said with gentle remonstrance while trying to find a good parking space.
Even though I know that he had his reasons to say this, little pout takes its place on my lips. Yes, I did ask a lot of questions about where we were going, or what was the surprise, but still, I had zero patience. That's why I always had those moments before we got together. I hate for waiting for something, or someone.
''Maybe you should say before preparing me a surprise,'' I uttered innocently while playing with my nails.
''You just can't hold your curiosity, don't you?'' he lets out a chuckle, before stopping the car, and taking the handbrake off.
His brows raised in sympathy, eying me with a smile on his lips. I would love to stare at him, watching his soft hair, plumpy cheeks, and sheepish smile all day. But he cuts the exchange look, leaning for a kiss instead. 
Familiar soft-lipped kissing, feeling his press, brushing my lips like an artist, smooth, intense, and head-spinning kiss. His thumb throbbing at the hollow of my neck, pulse beating under it. It always felt so mesmerizing, and too good to be real. But in the end, it was real. He was there kissing me and weakening me on the knees.
''Does the view looks familiar to you?'' he announced, after breaking the kiss, breaths of him still close enough for me to feel against my skin.
With a knitted brow, I take my eyes from him. Still feeling little lightened because of the kiss but I gasped after what I saw.
It was beautiful, looking eternal, and the best way of mixing the colors of blue, white, and grey. Heavy blue sea sparkling under the dim sunlight, hitting to the wide grey coast of mountains. Nude sands laying on the ground, an uncrowded place filled with the voice of seagulls. Wonderful beauty, rolling on and on to the end of my sight.
''Oh my... god,'' I hardly take my gaze from the sight to Yoongi, which he was looking at me with wide-spread eyes, waiting for me to understand. ''It's almost the same beach from my-''
''Your book, yes!'' he rejoiced, end my sentence for me. I blinked for a couple of times, couldn't believe his thoughtfulness. He did not only read my books but also remembered the beach that I described.
''You have no idea how I wanted to take you here when I first met you, Y/N. That was all I could think,'' he continued, while I could only stare back at him. ''After I found this place, all I could think was your description. They fit each other so good. Look at this sight, you must have seen here before.'' his eyes were shining while talking, lips opened wide with a pout, excitement can be read by his gestures. He looked like a child, who was talking about his favorite game or a toy. So cute, and irresistible.
''Do you want to go down?'' he asked, and I nod immediately. Of course, I wanted to go down there and feel the hot sand on my feet, kissed by the sun.
''You go. I'll follow you.'' he notified after we both get off from the car. He disappeared from my sight, heading to the car trunk. And I obeyed him. It was hard for me to jump from the little bump, but luckily I did it without breaking a bone. Fortunately to my judgment, I wear my purple floral sandals. As I wanted to feel the sand, sandals left my feet swiftly.
Uhh, felt so soft!
It did really felt so good to feel sand on my bare feet, dipping them under it.
''Little help over here!'' after hearing Yoongi's call, I turn my back to him.
''What are... these?'' I hesitated while taking the basket from his hands. It was heavy, but not much. Covered with red and white tartan, having little daisies on the handhold, separately placed.
''Well, it's a picnic?'' he sends a look that saying 'what were you thinking', and I decided to bury my surprise. He planned a picnic, for two of us? Yes, I got a good one over here.
It was such a surprise for me to see him like this, preparing a surprise picnic for us, driving all the way here to show me this place, only because he knew that I would love here, as I exactly described here in my book. He was the sweetest, caring boyfriend ever. Not the cold-hearted, rude person I thought who he was, and he never stops surprising me with his gentle heart.
''Another one?'' his voice distracted me from my thoughts, shaking the wine bottle in front of my face. ''Yes, please.''
''What were you thinking again?'' he exposed, smiling while filling my glass.
''How lucky I am.'' but this time, I didn't try to hide my thoughts. ''I am the luckiest girl in this world as I have you by my side. And I'm so happy about it.'' Normally, I would go shy, blush all over after saying these words, but today, after realizing how he was trying to make me happy, I couldn't hold myself.
''I think we are both so lucky to have each other,'' he said in a soothing tone, thumbs caring against my palm. ''I have to admit that I dreamed about meeting with you after finding this place. I literally stalked you for thousands of times but never had to courage to reach you. And then, bam! You came here, all looking so beautiful and innocent. I waited for you for so long, angel.''
Pet name softened my heart, melting through my stomach. His sudden confession fired up the butterflies, sending wriggles to my chest. I wasn't the only one who suffers through these times. Actually, he did wait for more than me, but it was all so unreal.
Numbing the mind, causing a shake on the body, kind of a way unreal.
Nonetheless, I couldn't open my mouth to say a thing. Anything that would match his words. So, I decided to go with a kiss. Pulling him by the sleeve of his shirt, feeling his warm, soft lips on mines, kissing him passionately, open-mouthed. Delight blossomed like a flower on my chest, hand of him heating my cheek, from where he cupped.
''I... love you, Yoongi,'' breathlessly, I manage to talk, cutting the kiss. I did love him so much and wanted him more than anything. I loved how his hot breaths brushed over my face, fingertips cared my hair, my cheeks. How he pouted when he was talking excitedly or simply, how he looked at me in the eye and told me that he loved me. Every memory, both sweet and bad ones, every word and every gesture of him, made my knees weak. The heart starts to beat fast and strong, every time his gummy smiles appeared on his face.
''I love you so much, angel.''
His hands cupped my cheeks, pulling me into another kiss. This time rougher, tongues conquering each other, soft moans leave both mouths as the kiss deepened. He cuts the kiss one more time, for saying something that would leave me totally shocked and amazed. Heart flinches with his words, but won't let me give any response, and pulls me into another kiss. Only his words beat in my mind, over and over again.
''We will marry in here, Y/N,'' he said with determination, and I believed him.
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tags; [ @mochiloverbts ]
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