#I don't even know what to say I'm literally crying with laughter over this
weebsinstash · 8 months
I know the show isn't out yet but Stayed Gone is stuck in my head and I'm chugging my yandere Vox juice so hard right now. I think he has the capacity to be absolutely insufferable
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---for starters THE SPYING POTENTIAL WITH THIS MAN. You're telling me he can directly plug himself in to the city power grid and see through all televisions, potentially even phones and computers too? Could he put himself on your phone and start going through your texts? Could he even just put himself on your phone real quick while you're sleeping to check in on you? You couldn't even have privacy in your own home because of whatever screens are around he could potentially shoot himself to or watch you through. Imagine just being in your apartment completely alone and he's suddenly on your tv. Like what if you had just been sitting there topless or with your dick out or something or 👀 I mean. He could see so much, really...
---God honestly like. You know I keep mentioning the Instagram without ever attaching pics or anything because I'm on mobile and I'd have to use the hazbin Instagram archive blogs here on tumblr to go find them back like, you know Val would openly post the meanest shit, would literally post Vox's face being busted up because he woke Val up from a nap or i think it was he literally just brought him the wrong soda (which to be fair was taken from Velvet and was half empty), and then you go over to Vox's account and his pic was taping his pieces back on while being really frustrated and kinda lowkey looking like he would cry
Like Val's out here "women are stupid also men are stupid too" and talking about how he adopted a dog and killed it within like 48 hours and here's Vox celebrating his pet's birthday with cake and a party like. Why are these men together. Why. Why. Don't get me wrong I love to be the involuntary third in a toxic codependency but--
look all I'm saying is... do any of you get really really upset when you see someone being mistreated, especially more so a friend of yours?
READER JUST LOSING THEIR SHIT GETTING FERAL ANGRY SHOUTING AND SCREAMING AT VAL BECAUSE HE PULLS SOME SHIT and like that's IT for you because 1. Valentino might like actually backhand you one as well, do you think he wears rings so it hurts, 2. Vox sees you defending him and like, it's based on your own preferences really but if he wasn't already gaga this CEMENTS it and 3. especially if he watches you have to take a blow for trying to stick up for him. Like what if you cry. I have a low pain threshold, I'd be sniveling and crying at the least. Valentino storms off and Vox is helping peel you off the floor cause you curled up into a ball or some shit and he's sitting there thinking "wow they suck at this but they still did it for me 🥺"
---during his song with Alastor, it's a little confusing because they show an actual camera crew when he's turning the TVs on, but i think it's pretty clear that he can control whatever the screens show visually, thus his little zany sketches and being able to talk to himself and at one point, showed the visual of himself blocking the radio Alastor was projecting on right next door. I can just see him using this to kind of.... fuck with you, really! Or do whatever he wants? He's trying to suck up to you and he's surrounded by roses, or you're his co-host/guest host and he thinks your joke was funny and gives a little audience laughter as a treat
Or you know... you're running from him down the street, passing all these different screens and displays as they power on and show things like, him "jumping in front of you" while demanding you stop or, trying to show some kind of blackmail publicly, or just, begging you to just ACCEPT HIM and showing you all the fun things he could do with you, "cmon, I said I was sorry, stop freaking the fuck out! We can- we can do that thing you've always wanted to do, what about that?!" as he tries to project you two doing something fun, but most importantly, doing it TOGETHER. You're running from him terrified and he's showing you images of like you two smiling and happy or, it becomes scarier as he's more desperate
"Don't-don't make me do something fucked up!! I'm serious, STOP RUNNING" and he's like freaking out, showing shit of trying to hold you down, tying you up, and/or shoving you into a locked room
Sudden thoughts of "what if the more emotional and unstable he becomes, the less he can control his intrusive thoughts and shows his more impulsive darker desires". He's tweeking and the screen glitches and you briefly think you see yourself completely restrained, blindfolded, gagged--
---he's just like OBVIOUSLY so prideful but also immature and whiny ("who gives a shit about alastor?" Well you, mr hes just quietly minding his own business and I'LL start beef because i feel threatened and STILL LOSE, like awww my poor little pogchamp got publicly humiliated in an argument HE started out of nowhere, he's my little sad wet baby lmaoooo) and we already know his relationship with Val can become physically abusive, so, you pair him staying in that kind of relationship, being codependent, with this personality of his, and I can just see.... ACTUALLY FUCKING TRIGGERED LIKE LITERALLY CRYING UPSET VOX BECAUSE YOU REJECTED HIM like he's pissed he's hurt he's lonely he's heartbroken and HELL NO IS HE GONNA ACCEPT THIS
Vox would be over here proudly claiming on his TV show that NO HE REJECTED Y O U, not the other way around! He's not upset! He's totally fine! Meanwhile everyone watching can tell this man is manic and visibly hotboxing copium, "I didn't even really like you anyways!!.... no, I mean, shit, fuck, COMMERCIAL BREAK--" *cut to technical difficulties screen because the man is CRYINGGG*
-- Valentino and Reader bonding over teasing Vox and making him flustered and of course, obviously, the inverse. I still kinda like the idea of "they both think you're cute but like nothing exciting until one night they bump into you unplanned and you're all dressed up". Like Val is from the 70s or 80s so they go to a roller rink disco whatever kinda place because I'm sure the coke game there is INSANE and you're just like, swaying your hips spinning around to Let It Whip or September or something dressed in some shorts that make your ass look just right 🤌
You're sneaking back into the studio after a night out and they're both lounging somewhere and Val's like "uhhhh who is THIS coming in without saying hi to Daddy?" and you pull your sunglasses down like "SIR??? 😳" And now HE'S flustered because he didn't know that was you and Vox is feeling some new kinda way because he's used to seeing you in like, your work uniform or casual wear
Val who then makes your work uniform really slutty and you have to serve him and Vox wearing it 😩❤️
---I have this thought of like lmao imagine walking down the sidewalk with Angel and seeing Vox on TV and Angel is like "ya know he can see everything outta dese things when he's plugged in" and you're like "bullshit, he couldn't possibly process that many screens at once, it'd overload his brain, he wouldnt be able to concentrate" and you're like "here I'll prove it, hey Vox, check it out you fucking dweeb" and flash him your bare titties or you MOON HIM
scenario A would be that he INSTANTLY barks out laughing, "hey Val, that dumb slut who brings you drinks just flashed me!" And he just totally shows it on the air, maybe partially censored, maybe not at all, your phone is ringing IMMEDIATELY, of COURSE it's Val, and Vox is broadcasting your mortified embarrassed expression, "our big story tonight: drunk bimbo fucks around and finds out! More updates after this word from our sponsor!" and the man will noooootttttttt stop bullying the fuck out of you afterwards, because he's got a crush on you and you're like someone weaker than him his insecure ass can punch down on
Scenario B is that he instantly turns pink and about 5 seconds later he blue screens and the entire city experiences a blackout and when he comes back on the air he's like stammering and, glancing at, it FEELS like he keeps glancing at you, but, is he really?
I dunno... like I'm sure Valentino is gonna wind up being unstable in his own way but I guess there's a certain, ALLURE to Vox being a little bratty and whiny while also having these very VERY handy, actually quite scary abilities and resources 👀 like boy show me what that screen do 😫💦
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brayneworms · 2 years
i'll fetch you anything you like.
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featuring. aki hayakawa x gn!reader
content. MDNI, smut, riding, begging, crying, smoking, light masochism, burning (reader puts a cigarette out on aki), mild codependency, pet names (loverboy, darling), gender neutral reader, agab not mentioned, sub!aki + dom!reader, a little angst, pining, kissing, vague love confessions.
word count. 3.2k
synopsis. aki's smoking is a nasty habit, but you're certain you can get him to quit. also, aki pines.
notes. minors don’t interact. anyways how’s this for a first post ( totally normal abt aki hayakawa )
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Aki Hayakawa is an orphan in every sense of the word.
Literally being the one most people associate him with, but—Aki comes to a realisation when he's maybe thirteen or fourteen that the word runs deeper than that. It's not as if your entire life is defined by your relationship with your parents, after all; even people who have ones that are alive become something other than offspring in their life. Husband, brother, uncle, father. But orphan sticks, no matter how many people you fill your life up with to replace the parents you lost. Aki thinks there is something in the word that rings of loneliness; he could father a hundred children, become grandfather to two hundred more, gain friends and a partner, and still he would be Aki Hayakawa, orphan.
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"That's a bad habit."
Aki's fingers don't pause in their ministrations, thumb pressing down on the jut of the lighter as it zips to life. The cherry of his menthol cigarette glows in the blue-dark of the office. The sky outside the thin window is pale with the gloaming, and he breathes a haze of gritty smoke over it, sullying the view.
You've made yourself at home on his desk, legs swinging leisurely. You must be cold in only his work-shirt and boxers that cling to your hips and thighs. You watch him passively, head cocked.
"One of my least dangerous ones," he intones, which is true enough for a man who has three years to live at most.
"Oh? What tops the list?"
Aki eyes you serenely. "I dunno if you've heard, but I work for this place called the Public Safety Division."
Your laughter breaks the delicate quiet like a flock of birds taking off from a tree. "Put it out. I hate the smell."
Aki's dark brows crinkle. "I'm not wasting a perfectly good cigarette. If it bothers you so much, eat it."
"Eat it? You freak."
"At least then someone's getting something out of it."
You hop from the desk, yawning. In the dim light that is starting to grow just a little brighter, Aki can see the beginnings of bruises on your throat and collarbone, vanishing in an ugly rainbow trail down to the hastily-down buttons of his work shirt. Your socked feet pad along the threadbare carpet on your way over to him, and Aki inhales deeply. Maybe if there's enough smoke in his lungs it will encourage him not to breathe; that way, he won't do that god-forsaken embarrassing thing he does when you get close. His heart stutters, and it makes his breath hitch audibly. The worst part is you seemed to be goddamn attuned to it—there seems to be little you like more than knowing you have an effect on him.
Aki doesn't stop you when your fingers come up to encircle his cigarette, brushing his as you pluck it gently from between his lips. He hates that even the smallest kiss of your skin against his still sends liquid lightning zipping through him, like he's that seventeen-year-old he was when he met you, the one full of spite and anger who hadn't been held since his mother died.
You pull the cigarette away, still lit; the butt glows red and angry between your delicate hold, gleams in the reflection of your eyes. When Aki meets them, he feels his mouth go dry; your pupils are large and black, engulfing iris, barely blinking as you look up at him.
"Bet I can make you quit," you say.
Aki snorts. "Better men than you have tried."
"Anything can be unlearned," you counter smoothly. "All bad habits go away with a little punishment."
Aki feels his heartbeat quicken, tries not to let the way that one word sets his blood alight show on his face. "Hm," he says noncommittally, but frustratingly, he doesn't think he's fooled you for a second.
Your serene smile curved into something sharp as easily as breathing. "Gimme your hand."
And Aki does, though he knows where this is going. You turn his hand over gently at the wrist, leaving it palm-up, fingers splayed in your grip. You hold him so gently it makes him shiver. Carefully, slowly—Aki thinks, giving him much time to pull away—you raise the burning end of the cigarette and plant it in the centre of his pale palm, a stinging kiss. Aki hisses, grits his teeth, but dutifully doesn't move even as his hand twitches involuntarily at the contact. Just as tears start to needle at his eyes, you twist the butt and pull away, leaving a shallow pool of grey ash, a black soot mark, and a stinging red welt like a patch of burning leaves.
His eyes are glued to the masterpiece you've made of his boring skin. The burn throbs unpleasantly, but something low and hot has come alive in his abdomen at the lingering kiss of pain. It satiates something inside him just smoking the thing could never hope to touch. He likes the futility of feeding himself his own death, sure—makes him feel like he has marginally more control over it, despite what the Curse Devil might have to say about it. This sort of pain is different; it goes straight for the gullet, and it makes it all the more sweet that it's you doing it.
A stupid, lonely part of Aki—orphan—wants to believe you're doing this because you care for him. Because you want him to live as long as possible. The grown, cynical man he supposes he's become thinks you must be just as fucked up as he is. It doesn't really matter either way; Aki's loved you for years, and he's astonished he's even gotten this far with you, and he'll take anything you deign to give him, pleasure or pain because it's all sort of the same to him anyway.
You unscrew a bottle of drinking water and hold it over your discarded blazer, soaking the lapel before pressing it to the burn. Aki grunts, eyebrows knitting up as a strange cocktail of relief and pain throbs slowly through his body. Your hands holds the wet fabric over his one, like a ribcage encasing a beating heart. Oh, Aki would let you hold his heart in your hands, and who cares what you decided to do with it? It's hardly his business; it belongs to you anyway.
He leans in to kiss you, gets close enough to brush his lips against yours and feel his pupils dilate before you turn your head, ducking. Aki feels his heart stutter anxiously as you turn your serene face up to him.
"Hate the taste," you say.
Aki frowns. "I barely smoked it for thirty seconds."
"It lingers."
Aki isn't stupid; this is part of the punishment. And the goddamn annoying part is that it's working. Even as you take his other hand to hold the soaking blazer against his burn and turn away, every fibre in his body wants to stop you. Turn you back around, pin you against the wall, swallow any complaints with his lips. He wants to make you melt against him, wants to melt himself under you in that way you always manage to do to him. He likes feeling like he doesn't have to think with you; just await whatever comes next, pain or pleasure, and he'll take it because it's you.
But Aki doesn't move. He's not a problem dog. He stands quietly and nurses his burn, tracking you with his eyes as you re-dress yourself, his shirt tucked into your slacks, tie wound through the collar, work boots laced up to the ankle.
"I gotta run home and shower," you say, tugging your blazer on. "I'll see you back here in, like, an hour."
Aki nods. "Okay."
The grin you flash him is little more than poisonous; it makes it heart skip a beat. "How's your burn?"
He swallows around a dry throat, holding your stare with a touch of timidity. "What burn?"
Delight shivers over your expression like wind ruffling a field of grass, and you stride the length of the cramped office and kiss him. Aki grunts, rendered thoughtless the moment your mouth touches his, your hands in his collar and his hair; his hands go slack, blazer fluttering to the ground, and the welt on his palm stings horribly when his hands come up to latch around your shoulders and neck. He pulls you closer, a little frantic, and he has barely a moment to reflect on how worrying it is that he's this desperate for your touch after being denied only once, but before he can think to dwell on it you're parting your lips and he's tugged your body flush against his own. He's so close he could drown in you. For a moment, he wants to.
Far too soon, you pull away. You're delighted. "Good," you murmur, and he hates how his heart leaps into his throat. "You're so good, Aki."
His face is on fire. "I'm not a dog," he manages.
"Sure you are," you say matter-of-factly. "And I'm Pavlov. I'll break that nasty habit of yours if it's the last thing I do. Give you something else to focus on. Okay?"
Aki licks his dry lips. "You can try," he says hoarsely, hoping it doesn't sound as much like an invitation as he thinks it does. The impish smile you give him implies he's shit out of luck.
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Aki is in hell.
He knows this, because every time the two of you have hooked up since your little conversation in his office, he hasn't been allowed to kiss you if you detect even a whiff of smoke on his breath. It's killing him a little, to be honest. Fucking without kissing just feels wrong. It makes him forget it's you, sometimes, his vision of you sliding out of focus 'till you could be just anyone. And Aki doesn't fuck just anyone. He fucks people he loves.
He loves you. But he can't have you. And he can't even kiss you so he can pretend he has you, if only for a minute. It's just fucking, a tumble of sweating limbs and gasps and grunts, of a thrilling cocktail of pleasure and pain and almost-confessions bitten back at the last second, hidden in the crook of your neck.
Your shitty wooden headboard creaks into the shitty thin bedroom wall, and Aki spends a moment in lucidity to send a silent apology to your neighbours. One arm braces against the wood, flexing with every fast jerk of his hips, and you're under him, eyes clenched shut and meeting his thrusts in a way that has Aki wondering why anyone could think being on top had to mean being in control. He's oiled to your machine, matching the rhythm of your hips and trying not to drown as your back arches up from the sweat-damp sheets, stomach curving into his, one arm holding fast around his neck.
You feel so good he could cry. Not that that would be an irregular occurrence, or anything—he'd practically sobbed the first time you fucked, and back then you'd been all fluttering concern, stopping even though he tried to sputter please, Christ, don't stop, I'll die if you stop, please. He supposes you're kind, in your own way. You'd stroked away his tears and kissed his damp face.
"Aki," you groan, bringing him forcefully back to the present; his dark bangs dangle in his eyes as he looks down at you, mouth agape and head cloudy. "Wh-what's got you so wound up?"
As if you don't know. Aki grits his teeth.
Your hand makes patterns on the damp nape of his neck as his rolling hips slow, as he breathes deep to try and regain a semblance of his dignity. "Loverboooy," you croon up at him, your free hand gripping at the junction between his hip and thigh. Aki grimaces; he hates that nickname. "Talk to me."
Aki glares at you. "You know—I want—you know. St-stop it."
He whimpers somewhere high in his throat as your body tightens around him, free hand coming up to scrub down his face. "D-don't!"
"Sorry, sorry," you laugh. "I'm sorry. Why don't you tell me what you want? Maybe I'm feeling nice."
It feels like a trap, like luring his feelings into the light just to snap a bear trap over them. But Aki wants, he yearns so deeply and desperately that he's just about willing to risk it. "Want to kiss you."
Your eyes gleam. "Do you?" you ask, as if this is news to you.
His arms shake. "Please."
God, he's pathetic. He's so used to being in control, to tailoring every facet of his life meticulously, grooming and tidying and cleaning. He knows the exact amount of calories he should eat per day. He puts his shoes on a rack so he never tracks mud onto the tatami mats. His shower utensils are organised in the order he uses them—shampoo, conditioner, face-wash, scented gel. He likes being in control. He thinks, anyway. You make him reevaluate. You make him reevaluate an awful lot.
You toss your head back against the pillows; you have the audacity to laugh. "Saw you smoking earlier," you tell him, and Aki's stomach goes cold. "Mm... full pack, too. A new one? When'd you buy that."
"Th-that was hours ago." And it's true; when Aki learns you're coming over, he puts his cigarettes in a locked draw and puts the key somewhere difficult to reach. "It won't still taste. I've eaten. I brushed my teeth."
That's just good manners.
"It's the principle of the thing, loverboy," you say, and your hand comes up to his chest and rolls him over. Aki gapes, whining at the loss of contact only to choke on his own voice as you sling a leg over his hips and slide him back into you. Your nails scrape red railroads down the pale skin of his sternum at the stretch, and Aki watches, mesmerised as you start to move, the flex of the muscles in your thighs, the vein bulging in your throat as you toss your head back. He wants to be all over you, a hand on your neck feeling your pulse go berserk for him, his teeth in your skin as proof he was there, nose buried in your hair, dirty and rough and the exact opposite of the way he usually wants you. That is—soft and kind, romantic, slow and heady as syrup.
He wants kisses that taste like tears, whispered confessions into bedsheets. He wants, painfully, the constant assurance he can never ask for. I love you. I love you. Oh, Aki, I love you.
"Kiss me," he gasps instead, writhing against the bedsheets, head thrown back at the brutal pace you set him. He's so close, teeth gritting and muscles locking up but without a kiss it feels cold and incomplete. "Please, please, kiss me, please—"
"You're a brat, Aki," you hiss, and Aki's heart twitches in his chest; he can hear his pulse in his skull. "You ignore the one rule I gave you, and you still think you get to ask for what you want?"
"It's a bullshit rule," he snaps. "I—I can't just, hah, I can't j-just turn it, off, oh, fuck—"
"You okay?" you ask in a fleeting moment of mercy. Aki's eyebrows knit up. "Am I—is it too much?"
Aki shakes his head. "I'm okay," he mumbles pitifully. "I'm close."
"I know, darling," you murmur. "It's okay. I'm gonna give you what you want. And you're gonna give me what I want. Deal?"
"I—I..." Aki chews the inside of his cheek till copper floods his mouth. "I'll try? I'll try, I swear."
You still for a moment. "You mean that?"
Aki nods frantically. "Yes, I—if that's what you want, anything, anything you want, please..."
The beam that breaks out on your face is a million watts. "Aki," you breathe, and finally you lean forward 'till your chest brushes his. Aki can't breathe, transfixed by every swoop of your eyelash and chap in your lip as you lean close. When you speak, you're so close that your lips brush his, and he has to keep every muscle taut to stop himself leaning forward and closing the gap. "Aki, I want you to live a long, happy life. You get that, right? Why I'm doing this?"
He feels his stomach flip, can barely comprehend the words through his dazed mind. His glazed eyes follow you, thunderstruck. "What—what d'you mean?"
"I care about you," you murmur. "I want you to live as long as possible. Want you to stick around with me."
With you? It's a wonder his heart doesn't explode. For a fleeting moment, there exists a future beyond the Gun Fiend, beyond Denji and Power and Nyako, one where he can love you freely. Tears needle at his eyes. It all seems so impossible.
Aki forgets himself, surges up to capture your mouth, but you turn at the last second, planting a kiss to his cheek before focusing on his jaw, his ear, capturing the lobe between your teeth and sucking gently as your hips resume their rhythm. You're faster now, gasping for breath, Aki's hands sliding over the skin of your hips and torso for a lifeline. You tongue at the cords in his neck, the shell of his ear and the sensitive divot just underneath till he's squirming.
Your hands are everywhere—scraping nails across his twitching abdomen, running up the valley between his pecs, tweaking a nipple and pulling. And Aki groans and gasps, every hint of pain from your lovely hands sending him rocketing closer towards the edge. Tears bead at his lashline.
"'M close," he gasps again.
"That's okay, loverboy," you say sweetly, words buzzing against the skin of his throat, and Aki shudders, arching impossibly closer to you. He can feel every nerve in his body sawed open and set alight, impossibly sensitive, boiling with love, and as he comes he buries his face into the crook of your neck with a hoarse cry. Two lone tears streak down his flushed cheeks.
You're not far behind, and Aki wouldn't dream of pulling out, so he squirms and gasps and whines with the prickling of overstimulation as you chase your own high. "Sorry—fuck—you okay?"
"I'm, I'm good," Aki whines. He cracks one steely blue eye open. It stands out against his red skin; he's so flushed as to look sunburnt.
"'M almost, fuck, almost there. Hang on for me?"
Aki raises shaking hands to grip your hips in answer. You laugh between pants, baring down at him.
"That's my boy."
You don't kiss him when you finish, but it's alright. You flop down beside him, taking in deep lungfuls of air, nuzzling your lips to the salt-sweat cooling on his chest. Usually, round about now, Aki would roll to reach his bedside cabinet where his open pack of cigs lay in wait. The lighter is right beside him, open and tempting. He can almost hear the flick of it, the zip of the flame bursting to life, the sizzle of the cherry scorching beneath that controlled flame. The grit of smoke in his mouth and down his throat, emptying his lungs of fresh air.
The pack goes untouched. Aki winds an arm around your shoulders and holds you close, your cheek against his thudding heart.
You don’t kiss him, but it’s alright.
Aki’s not a problem dog.
He's going to earn it.
if you enjoyed this, request something.
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leeknow-thoughts · 2 months
hey i’m the 2minjeong anon, can i request jilix to destroy the reader whole since the reader kept on teasing them about being submissive babygirls (but they’re the complete opposite)
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𝝑𝝔 cw : mommy!lix, daddy!jisung, poly!JILIX, mxm action, 3way, degrading, oral (ji and reader rec.), Dom!Jilix
𝝑𝝔 a/n : gang I fw jilix so much I went a LITTLE off my rocker when I read this ask. my dearest 2minjeong anon welcome back into my ask box I missed you bb :3 ALSO school starts up for me on the 8th so I probably won't be as active !! I promise I'll still try and yap on here as much as I can <3
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Your eyes are on your phone, scrolling through TikTok, stumbling across a video about Jisung and Felix, and you can't help but laugh at the way the video portrays them. Their compilation of pouty and sassy moments led the comments to calling them 'the babygirls of skz'. You can't help but laugh at the nickname, it was true at times, but for the most part, in bed at least, they called the shots. "You know-" you begin and Jisung is quick to interrupt you with a groan, "what do you mean ugh?"
"Every time you start off a sentence with 'you know', you're going to say something not very smart."
"That's literally bullshit, I'm smart all the time, aren't I, Pixie?"
"Whatever helps you sleep at night," Felix mumbles.
"You're both so fake, but whatever! I could make you both my bitches so easily," you announce.
"Is that all you wanted to say?" Jisung questions.
"I-uh well yeah?"
Felix, however is more defensive, "that's such bullshit," he scoffs.
"Whatever you say," you pause, "babygirl," you can't help but stifle your laughter as you mock him, "and you too Ji, I could easily have my way with the two of you."
"Yeah?" Jisung's eyebrows are raised in amusement, "sure you could."
That's what started the whole thing, you babying them anywhere and everywhere the three of you went. Cutting their steaks at restaurants, talking to them in a baby voice, and calling them 'babygirl' nonstop.
Honestly, the two of them didn't mind that much, going along with the joke, even playing into it at times. That was until you treated them like that in front of their group mates at dinner. "Here you go babygirl," you pass a piece of steak to Jisung and he gives you a very unamused look.
"Babygirl?!" Jeongin is practically screaming, doubling over on Hyunjin, who is laughing so hard you think he may lose his voice.
Chris is trying not to choke on the piece of steak in his mouth as he looks at Jisung's face. "I knew it!" Minho cheers through a smile, "Jisung is a sub."
"Nuh uh!" Jisung is quick to try and defend himself.
"Power bottom at most," Changbin snorts from his seat across from you.
"Oh God," Seungmin is laughing so hard he's crying, wiping a tear from his eye, "Lix is one too I just know it."
"I'm not," Felix defends himself, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
"Power bottom at most," you copy Changbin.
Your remark has the boys cackling, getting weird looks from others at the restaurant.
You're sandwiched between Jisung and Felix as the three of you walk back to your apartment, Felix's right hand in the back pocket of your jeans, Jisung's left arm hugging around your waist. "That whole stunt you pulled back there was amusing," Felix whispers so that only you and Jisung can hear him, "if only they knew what a slut you are for us."
It feels like all the air was knocked out of your lungs, "I-I," you stumble over your words.
"Why are you so quiet, jagi?" Jisung hums, "I thought you were the one in charge?"
When you stay silent Felix speaks again, "don't worry, darling, we'll remind you of your place tonight."
The thought of what they're going to do to you has you whimpering.
As soon as you're inside your apartment Jisung has you shoved against the wall, his lips on your own. You can feel him grinding his semi-hard cock on your leg, "Ji," Felix's voice is deeper than usual, "come on, have some kind of resolve," Felix is scolding the older boy.
"Look at her, Lix," Jisung is moaning, "can't help it."
"Maybe Changbin hyung was right, maybe you are just a power bottom," Felix rolls his eyes, "because you're just a brain-dead cum dump, I guess I'll be the one deciding what to do to you," he degrades.
A whimper comes from your throat. "You're gonna go sit on the bed and take off your clothes, you have five minutes," Felix dismisses you.
You swiftly obey his orders, you peel your clothes off and undo your shoes, throwing them into the abyss of your bedroom.
"What's the safeword?" Felix says as he's opening the door, Jisung following after him.
"Red," you blurt.
Jisung is smiling at you softly, "remember you say that anytime you want and we stop, mkay? Remember, we both love you so much."
You knew you were in for it when Jisung said that, one of them always made sure to remind you that they love you before they fuck your brains out.
"Open your legs," Felix commands.
You uncross your legs and shyly begin opening them, however, Felix who had grown impatient of your shyness, roughly spreads your legs wide open. Revealing your sopping wet cunt.
"God, you're such a whore," he runs a finger through your folds, pushing his pointer finger in your hole.
He grins and pushes another finger in your dripping hole, before quickly pulling them out. "Open," he is talking about your mouth.
Your jaw drops and he puts his pointer and middle finger slick with your juices in your mouth. And you taste your essence while sucking on Felix's fingers like they're an ice pop. "That's it," Felix praises.
The thumb on Felix's spare hand rubs your clit so softly, making you jolt with every feather-like motion of his finger. "Such a sensitive little pussy," he coos above you.
He removes his fingers from your mouth and kneels down so he is eye level with your cunt. He keeps eye contact when he softly kisses your clit. A moan rips from your throat at the jolt of electricity that runs through your body.
"Such a messy little pussy," Jisung tuts.
Felix sucks on your clit while expertly fingering your dripping hole. The whole sensation making your body contort from pleasure. Your eyes travel over to Jisung who is watching you get your pussy eaten with an almost dehumanizing gaze. A gaze that has your cunt clenching.
You are chanting a matra of their names as Felix plays with you like you're a toy. "I think you're wet enough now," Felix figures before you can cum.
You whine at the withdraw of his mouth and fingers to your cunt. "Aw last time I checked, desperate sluts like yourself aren't allowed to complain," he spits.
"C'mon, want you on all fours," Felix taps your inner thigh, signalling you to get up.
You eagerly flip over onto all fours, and Felix's fingers push into your hole again. The feeling catches you off guard and makes you yelp from the sudden jolt of pleasure.
"That's it honey, just focus on feeling good," Felix coos with faux sympathy.
Felix removes his fingers and lines his cock up with your entrance. He slowly pushes in, letting you feel every vein and curve of his dick. "Mommy! It-it oh my God!" you cry.
He doesn't stay still for long, before giving you time to adjust he is slamming back into you. His cock hits the spot that makes you go cross-eyed and moan out. "Open," Jisung is tapping your cheek, his hard cock in front of your face.
Your jaw drops and he is quick to stick his dick down your throat, "isn't she cute like this, Lix? Full of cock like a stupid pocket pussy," Jisung is groaning, pushing your head at the rhythm he chooses.
His degrading words have your cunt clenching around Felix's cock, "she is," Felix agrees through a moan, "such a good cum dump, just for us."
You're gagging on Jisung's cock as it hits the back of your throat, tears spilling down your face. "Oh look at this, she's crying on my cock," Jisung's voice is condescending, "I know, I know, it just feels so good with mommy fucking your little cunt and daddy fucking your throat."
Felix's pace is fucking hypnotizing, hitting every spot inside you that has you gushing. Each thrust sending you closer and closer to your orgasm. Toppling over the edge once Felix's hand reaches down to rub your clit.
You barely have time to revel in the feeling of your orgasm because Jisung is cumming down your throat, "swallow it like a good girl," he commands.
You have no more brain power at this point, happily swallowing Jisung's cum. "You gonna cum, Lixie?" Jisung asks the younger man.
Jisung is pulling his cock out of your mouth and walking back behind you, and you can hear the unmistakable sound of Jisung making out with Felix while Felix is still fucking your cunt.
"Mommy! Please!" you yelp.
Felix cums with a heavenly groan and you feel his cum seeping into your swollen pussy. "Who's the submissive one now?" Felix taunts with a blissful smile.
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oh-meretseger · 6 months
part 7 - Date Me
attack on titan modern college au // Jean Kirstein x fem!reader
notes: fluff (your first date🥹) with a little more dialogue with the others <3, kind of 18+! [a prequel to the smut that comes in the next chapter hehe], explicit language, making out, groping, dry humping
word count: 5,3k
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"Look, I know him. I can see he adores you. You shouldn't worry about it" Sasha glanced up at you for a second, then turned her attention right back at the work she was crocheting, comfortably propped up by a bunch of her fluffy pillows.
"I just— I thought the same when I talked to Marco, but he's been avoiding me like the fucking plague"
"Oh my god, quit being so dramatic" Ymir rolled her eyes with an insufferable agony on her face. She wasn't the most supportive when it came to boy drama, but you still considered her a good friend after this short time you've known her - so when she came over to your dorm on her way to meet up with Historia, you decided to cry out all your pent-up frustration to the girls. "I just saw you two talking after morning class"
"AND he literally agreed to the movie night with us tomorrow, just us three" Sasha added.
"Yeah but— Y'know, I mentioned the night of the party and he instantly changed the subject" you replied quietly as your eyes dropped to your lap. "He doesn't even look at me like it happened, he doesn't joke with me or touch me—"
"What, do you expect him to finger you in front of the whole class?" Sasha frowned, pointing at you with her crochet hook.
"EEWWW" Ymir yelled out, wrinkling her freckled nose in utter disgust, and you shook your head as you tried to bite back your chuckle. You kinda started to regret telling them.
"NO, but— do you understand what I'm saying?"
"No" Ymir bluntly replied as she kept pushing herself off the desk, spinning on Sasha's swivel chair with an ungodly speed.
"I do, but again, I don't think he feels any differently about you" Sasha said without looking up from her work. "Just talk to him, pookie"
"For real. Y'all are like two mentally handicapped middle schoolers" Ymir pulled a face at you, then looked up at the ceiling, opening her arms theatrically. "Just kill them, dear God, don't make them suffer anymore"
"Get lost" you grinned as you grabbed the closest pillow on your bed to toss it right against her head. "You're right though, I should've just initiated... Jean's just always so straightforward, him being so awkward about it catches me off guard"
It's almost been a week since Connie's party and as soon as you ran into Jean on Monday, something instantly felt off. 'Missed my dumb ass?' you asked and he looked away sheepishly 'I don't really miss any body parts', seeming flustered before swiftly changing the subject to civil law (ok, great move, Jean). You had no idea what could be going on, you've never seen Jean being so awkward. Maybe even embarrassed. But why is he embarrassed? Maybe he regrets it..?
Even though you were originally the one to kick against the vulnerable moments happening between you two, you still felt like your subconscious hopes were shattered into pieces.
"Pfft, awkward" Ymir snorted. "I still can't believe the king of arrogance himself is acting sheepish about this shit"
"He's not arrogant" Sasha smirked up at her and you smiled. Kind of the same conversation happened between you when you were the one despising Jean's cocky attitude, just a few months ago. "You just don't know him that well"
Ymir huffed condescendingly.
"Who knows anyway what them stupid men have sloshing around in their ugly skulls" she grimaced as she momentarily stopped spinning, hugging her pulled up knees. "Instead of a brain"
"Jean has a pretty skull though" you pouted, but you knew there was no use arguing. You could point your finger at any man, and Ymir would wrinkle her nose in disgust at every one of them.
"Bruh" Ymir glared at you. "That man looks like a ponderosa pine with limbs, you're a dumbass for crying about him"
"BAHHHAHAHA" laughter bursted out of Sasha uncontrollably, and you stared at her squeezing her eyes, mouth wide open as she screamed hysterically, as if Ymir just dropped the most hilarious joke on planet Earth.
"What on earth is a ponderosa" you gazed blankly, then scoffed at Sasha as she wiped her tears. "And what the hell are you laughing at? A few days ago she told you Niccolo looked like a dumpling with a blonde mop on top of it"
"I like dumplings" Sasha shrugged as her shoulders shook with laughter and a satisfied grin grew on Ymir's face.
"See?" Ymir raised her eyebrow at you, then started pushing herself again to get the swivel chair to reach a space shuttle's centripetal force. "I think you should quit thinking about his praying mantis lookin' ass, like, altogether"
A small chuckle bursted out of you but you tried your best to bite it back, wanting to keep the situation serious, even though Sasha was still wheezing in the background.
"What? He should actually be grateful a girl like you let him touch her princess parts" Ymir sneered at you scornfully. "I mean, I'm not trying to judge your taste in men, but girl—"
"Yeah, I can see that" you grimaced at her. "You're not judging, I'm just naturally attracted to pine trees and you support my fetish"
"Hey, all the way" Ymir started spinning herself the other way. "If that's what you're into"
"Thanks a lot"
"You know I understand you girls, I just don't condone you crying after all these athletes that are gross and stink like a skunk after practice, and act like dickheads after you touch their pickle"
"Fair" Sasha glanced up, and you continued your game trying to hit Ymir in the head with all the pillows and stuffies you could find in the room as she swivelled with the speed of a tumble dryer.
Until Sasha bursted out laughing once again.
"What's so funny?"
"If I told you a few months ago you were gonna be all lovey-dovey about Jean you would've decked me" Sasha chuckled and you felt your stomach flip at her words. Lovey-dovey, huh?
"I'd never deck you, Sasha"
"I would" Ymir chimed in.
"You'd deck anyone" you chuckled, holding your arms up to your head to protect yourself from Ymir's vengeful blow as she launched a pillow back at you with the force of her insane spinning.
"Indeed" she replied, then stopped the swivel chair, finger gunning at you as she got up. "And now if you'll forgive me, I have an angel to meet who absolutely never stinks like a skunk"
"My brother in Christ, only God can forgive you for the shit you've said in this room" Sasha said without looking up and you laughed as Ymir stumbled to the door, obviously feeling dizzy from turning about three million times in the last twenty minutes.
"Tell Hisu we're saying hi!"
"Ight, see ya fools!" the door slammed shut behind Ymir and you looked at Sasha's skilled hands moving for a few silent seconds. Jean filled your mind like a heavy, intoxicating fog at all times, making every single cell in your body tingle with excitement. You wanted more. So much more of him.
"Look!" Sasha jumped to her feet as she finished her work, the crochet hook hanging from the piece of clothing she just made herself. She held the skirt up to her hips as she stood in front of the mirror. "What do you think?"
"It's really cute" you grinned at her reflection. "Colorful and pretty, just like you"
Although your dilemma seemingly dissolved, you still wasn't a hundred percent sure that Sasha was right. Your mind told you to believe her, considering how she was one of the few people who truly knew Jean - but your curiosity still got the best of you. That day, while Sasha went lurking around in the kitchen to watch Niccolo cook, you turned to Connie above your half eaten lunch in the canteen.
"That's me" he replied, mouth full of food as he glanced at you, earning a quick roll of your eyes.
"Did Jean tell you anything about being mad at me?"
"Nah, why?"
"He's avoiding me" you said as your eyes dropped to your fork, jumbling the food around in your plate.
"He's trying his best not to fuck you, probably" Connie shrugged and you almost choked on your own saliva.
"You mean like— Did he—tell you?" you asked as you felt your cheeks burn with embarrassment. You absolutely didn't calculate on the possibility of Connie knowing all about your naughty business when you opened this topic.
"Tell me what" he furrowed his eyebrows and your heart almost jumped out of your chest. Fuck. You basically just told on yourself.
"Nothing, forget it" you muttered, but looking at Connie's expression, you already knew it was too late. The bright red tint of your face probably told him everything he needed to know.
"NO" Connie slammed his fists on the table, cutlery clattering against your plates with the devastating sound of his realization. You squeezed your eyes.  "Say sike right now"
"You FUCKED?!" he yelled as he stared at you, jaw hanging open in utter shock, and your hands instantly moved to your eyes as a few turning heads around you caught your eye.
"Connie!" you hissed angrily, but there was no amount of sternness that could jolt him out of his shocked state.
"I can't believe that little dipshit didn't tell me" his eyes stared at you widened. "Was it good?"
"What?! No—I mean yeah, but—Connie, no, you don't get it" you stuttered as you tried to calm and collect your thoughts. "I talked to Marco beforehand and—"
"About fucking Jean?"
"No, about us, and how he feels—or, like—how he assumes he feels, and how I feel—"
"Huh?" Connie blinked at you. "Who feels what?"
"HIM. I mean, us both. I don't know what, but— I thought we both felt it, but now I'm not sure anymore and I'm starting to think he just misunderstood him, and all he felt was something temporary and completely different from what I feel" you gabbled in one breath, but looking at Connie's motionless face, you quickly realized it only made sense in your head. "You know?"
"You are on so many drugs" Connie said blankly and you sighed, defeated.
"Nevermind, forget it"
"So... You banged, but it was bad?"
You and Connie gazed at each other for a good few moments before you opened your mouth to reply, still not sure you were talking to an actual cognitive being. "Where's the factory reset button on you?"
He was at least considerate enough to drop the stupid questions when Reiner appeared at your table, grinning and happy to see your now familiar faces, then joined you having lunch - while ditching his teammates at the other table who wore the same varsity jackets as him, seemingly confused as to why Reiner chose to sit with you two randos.
But you didn't mind, moreover, were glad you finally got to talk to him a little more after just a few exchanged sentences at Connie's party. From the outside, Reiner looked exactly like your typical buff, intimidating jock type, but as soon as he spoke to you and Connie with that soft smile, a joyful warmth filled your chest at the realization: he was just a sweetheart in a huge, scary body.
"'Aight, I'll see you guys around" you grabbed your tray as you prepared to leave, but Reiner's hand stopped you in your tracks as it reached for your arm.
"Wait, which way y'going?"
"To the library" you smiled at him and he immediately returned it, a grin plastered on his face as he threw his gym bag over his shoulder.
"You can walk me to my class, then"
"Yeah? Should I drop you off on my way there?" you laughed and Reiner's warm eyes glared into yours as he winked at you.
"I know I'm in safe hands with you"
As you said bye to Connie and you felt Reiner softly place his hand on your waist to guide you to the way out of the canteen, you raised your eyes to suddenly meet a pair of familiarly intense hazel ones. Jean sauntered your way and you muttered a quiet 'hi' as he shook hands with Reiner while passing. His scent hit your nose and you felt dizzy all of a sudden, but he seemed so nonchalant and absolutely not touched by seeing Reiner by your side that you quickly shook the feeling off. He doesn't care.
Oh, but he did, very much so.
He had to force himself to relieve the clench of his jaw to save his teeth from breaking. Why did Reiner touch your waist like that? Who the fuck does he think he is? You barely even know him. And where the fuck are you going with him, just you two? Jean felt his muscles tense up, making great effort not to look back as he walked towards Connie, and away from you.
"What the fuck was that?" a growl bursted out of Jean as soon as he reached Connie's table.
"Dude, how can you fuck it up this bad? You have it so easy" Connie immediately complained in response and Jean sat down with a confused frown.
"What are you talking about?"
"You're all she talked about, she actually went fucking nuts about ten minutes ago—"
"What? Why?" Jean cut him off, the tension of his muscles increasing as he got more impatient.
"She asked me if you were mad at her, and I said no, and she told me you two fucked—" Connie jabbered, but Jean's frustration took over again.
"Okay, she most definitely did not tell you that" he shook his head.
"Whatever, you kept it a secret from me anyway, so I'm quite disappointed in you at the moment, don't cut me off" Connie replied like the assertive gentleman he was. "Anyways, now she thinks you just wanted to get her laid and dip cause you avoid her, or whatever"
"What?! That's stupid" Jean's eyebrows furrowed and he felt his heartbeat intensify. Is that really what you think? The exact opposite was what he was trying to do. After that drunken night, Jean was scared you'll get the wrong impression and think he just wants to fool around. However, after talking to Marco, he was certain in one thing: he didn't want the two of you to stay casual, and he wanted you on the same page as him. "Why the hell would I dip?"
"THAT'S what I'm saying, you have it so easy, man. She's infatuated with you. Don't fuck it up"
"Where did that word come from?" one of Jean's eyebrows raised in suspicion and Connie shrugged.
"I was reading Sasha's magazine in class earlier" he replied and Jean shook his head with a smile. The nervous beating of his heart and the uneasy feeling in his stomach remained - an awful guilt started to twist his mind as he imagined you having these stupid thoughts. The last thing he wanted was for you to feel like he didn't cherish all the intimate moments that'd happened between you like the most precious little treasure in his heart. He wanted more, so much more, but he was so scared of you believing sex was all he wanted from you.
"I don't want to fuck it up, but—" Jean nervously rubbed his temple. "I was thinking earlier—"
"Wow, impressive" Connie said bluntly and Jean's face dropped.
"Shut the fuck up" he growled, then slapped Connie's hand away as he poked his hand.
"You're holding the knife in the wrong hand, by the way"
Jean stared at him for a few moments, contemplating if he should just stab that knife into his own neck.
"I'm left-handed, you fucking dumbass"
You smiled at Reiner one last time before you parted ways in front of his class, then continued your way to the library. Reiner was a sweet guy - he gave you the impression of a seemingly confident, but secretly timid man who mastered the art of flirting, yet still became flustered when the same flirty comments were thrown right back at him. Although they were light-hearted, you didn't take them seriously. He probably flirted like that with most of the girls around campus.
You turned left at the familiar bookshelf, making your way to your favorite quiet corner of the library. Though it looked like the single table there was already occupied. You gazed at the back of the black jacket that had hand-painted lettering on it, dark strands of hair falling to his shoulder and moving with a familiar shine as he turned his head to the sound of your steps.
"Eren" you smiled at him, trying not to spontaneously burst into flames at the intensity of his bright greenish eyes piercing through yours. Eren closed the book in his hand, kindly removing his crossed legs from the other chair and moving over so you could get seated. "What are you reading?"
You grabbed the book handed to you, examining the dark cover of The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe. Your eyes flicking to the other two books lying on the table, you instantly realized Eren didn't pick them for himself - you knew Mikasa was mad about gothic literature. A smile curved your lips at the thought of Eren browsing around for hours, looking for books that'd make Mikasa happy.
How sweet.
"Where did you leave your mullet-man?" Eren asked with a smirk and you lifted your gaze at the metallic sound hitting your ear. A balisong was spinning and turning smoothly between Eren's fingers, the insane speed of his effortless movements catching you off guard. It could've been interpreted as kind of a threat, but you knew Eren.
You didn't expect any less from a man who regularly visited bars around campus to find dudes that harassed vulnerable, drunk girls, and beat those dudes up just for fun.
"I don't have any cash, if you're trying to threaten me" you said and Eren laughed as your eyes were glued to the effortless flicking of his wrist, the butterfly knife swinging around in the air like a toy. "But I—I don't know, his business is not mine"
"Ah, right" Eren all-knowingly smiled as he closed the balisong. "That's why he's followed you here"
"What?" you turned your head to follow Eren's eyes with a confused frown and your heart skipped a beat as you saw Jean's tall frame walking towards you.
"Your business is his, apparently" Eren winked at you and put his knife in his pocket, then grabbed the books as he stood up. "I'll leave you two lovebirds alone"
You felt your cheeks heat up at his comment. He knew exactly how to make you flustered in just seconds.
"I know those are for Mikasa, ya big ass lovebird" you said to quickly snap back at him, earning a roll of his eyes and an irritated huff. Eren didn't like you knowing about the existance of his emotions, apparently. It was never fully obvious to you whether him and Mikasa were together or not, but they basically lived their lives attached at the hip, so it wasn't hard to figure.
"Look who decided to finally get into a six foot radius of a book" Eren turned to Jean to greet him with a huge grin.
"What are you doing here?" Jean frowned at Eren. "You're not illiterate anymore?! You could've told us, we would've thrown a party or something"
You chuckled, although you tried to keep it quiet. These stand-offs between Jean and Eren could get brutal and usually, the more you gave voice to your amusement, the more hostile they got.
"There was a party, I just timed it to coincide with the hockey team's twentyseventh lost game of this season, that must be why you missed it" Eren deadpanned. "Sorry"
You bursted out laughing this time, the honest hurt on Jean's face at Eren's stupid remark was just too much to bear.
"Your girl laughs at my jokes harder than yours" Eren grinned, and you immediately blushed at the title. You're not even 'his girl'. Though you weren't so quick to correct him. "Get your shit together, my man"
"Alright Jäger, we get it, your balls finally dropped" Jean sat down next to you as his hand motioned for Eren to go away. "Now walk. And never stop"
"Oof, did someone feed you after midnight, Kirstein?" Eren smiled as he looked to you, then winked at you one more time before turning to leave. "Bye, little birds"
"Bye, Romeo!" you sneered at him and looked at his head shaking as he walked away.
Your eyes darted to Jean as a moment of silence set between you and he felt himself get flustered right away. He felt unbelievably weak for a second as he realized how he always melted under the twinkle in your beautiful big eyes. He liked to think he's got his emotions under control at all times, but the way he became bewitched by how pretty you are every single time told him otherwise. Your soft lips curved into a slight smile, pretty little freckles on your nose moving with the movements of your face, your eyelashes slowly blinking, alluring Jean to breathlessly lose himself in the endless depth of your eyes. He just couldn't not stare.
"You love each other, just admit it" you smirked at him and Jean snapped out of his trance, gritting his teeth.
"He's an idiot"
"Sure" you smiled to yourself, knowing exactly what was actually hidden behind Eren and Jean's whole hating-each-other's-guts facade.
"Hey, I wanted to ask you something—" Jean's eyes dropped to his hands on the table, his fingers nervously fidgeting as he tried to gather all his strength to force the words out. "I just—I don't want you to feel like fooling around is all I'm interested in"
"Is it not?" you cheekily raised an eyebrow as you bit back your smile, secretly loving the way this big and gruffy man got so shy and timid all of a sudden.
"No, it's not. And you know that" Jean replied bluntly as his eyes shot to yours and your heart jumped in your chest at the intense eye contact. He was right, you did. Your eyes flicked to his again as you heard your name roll off his tongue, sounding so beautifully sweet. "I’m taking you out on a date"
"Do I have a say in it?" you chuckled, and although it sounded more like a demand, your heart still started fluttering with pure happiness.
"No" he smirked, his heart unknowingly matching the fluttering of yours as he looked at you smile. "Date me, it's a command"
"Yes, sir!" you nodded. You didn't want to further force a conversation about his exact thoughts and feelings, you just felt happy to see where things were going. "So no fooling around, you said?"
"Uh-uh" he shook his head, then smirked as his eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint. "For now, at least. What do you say?"
"Sounds good" you returned his playful smile. You'll be curious to see how long he'd obey his rule. "Tomorrow night?"
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The key turned in the lock, the door slowly opened and your hand quickly started to fumble around to find the light switch. You walked into the empty dorm as it lit up, then swiftly reached out to your night lamp to switch to that light instead. It was more friendly.
The room was empty, but that didn't take you by surprise. After you and Jean cancelled on you three's movie night, Sasha was more than happy to go home for the weekend instead, leaving the dorm empty for you on accident. She was internally in hysterics as soon as she heard about your little date, but you tried your best to convince her it was just a "casual hangout, nothing special", so she left it to you.
Jean stepped in the dorm after you, closing the door behind him. A comfortable silence filled the room as he shook his jacket off of his shoulders, laying it on Sasha's swivel chair. Warmth spread in your chest as you felt his scent fill your nose, his presence making the butterflies in your stomach flap around in ecstasy.
"Can I use your charger?" he grabbed the cable lying on your bed.
"Sure" you replied as you kicked off your shoes, then watched as he plugged his phone in. The dark band shirt fit loose on his broad shoulders, soft strands of ashy brown hair fell to his neck, and the way the warm light grazed the side profile of his pretty face made you melt.
Jean flopped down on your bed, making you immediately jump to push him off.
"NO!" you pressed your palms on his back as hard as you could, but he just chuckled, not flinching one bit. "Get your outside clothes off my bed!"
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot you're clinically insane"
"Take these off" you tugged on Jean's cargos with a frown. He just sat on the bus with those pants, you couldn't have all the nasty bus-germs all over your clean bed.
"Hey, cool it. I told you, no naughty stuff" he smirked up at you and you chuckled. Right, no naughty stuff. We’ll see.
“Take it off”
Jean felt the blood in his body start to wander to a different place from his brain as memories flooded his mind at hearing your demanding tone. He couldn’t be more confident in his decision to slow things down with you - but he felt his presence of mind fading as your eyes blinked at him with that playful glint.
“Your wish is my command, smartass” Jean kicked off his shoes and you bit down on your lower lip as you watched his hands move to fumble with the buckle of his belt. You felt a familiar heat spread in your core as you looked at him and you hesitated for a moment before reaching for the button of your own jeans.
Neither of you really overdressed for your cute little date. You agreed that a simple milkshake in the café near the campus and a walk in the park would perfectly fit for a first date, eliminating any excessive pressure and frustration of a fancier one. Jean told you to dress ‘sleazy’ and ‘preferably like a homeless person’, so you did just that, you even kinda matched with him in your baggy jeans and big hoodie. Jean secretly hoped it’d be easier to keep his composure this way, but homeless-you mesmerized him just as much as if you dressed up, maybe even a little more. He found your smaller frame in those huge clothes adorable - especially now that he knew what you were hiding under them.
The plan worked, with some of the pressure lifted off, it felt amazing to be in his presence. An unknown kind of happiness filled both of your brains as hours flew by, your conversation only stopping when your eyes sank too deep into each other, erasing all existing thoughts in your hazy minds.
“You won’t make me take a shower this time?” Jean smirked as he pulled his legs out of his cargo pants, then quickly squeezed his eyes shut when his eyes flicked up to you just as your baggy jeans fell to your ankles. He already felt himself getting hard as the soft skin of your beautiful legs caught his eye. Oh, no.
“No, not this time” you smiled, then pulled your hoodie to take it off. Jean sat there spellbound as he watched you lay your clothes on a chair, then put your glasses on the desk, light grazing the round ouline of your ass in your cute little panties, a tight cropped top letting the skin on the curve of your beautiful waist show. He felt the blood rush to his groin and you turned around, your hard nipples of your perfect tits showing through the small top, letting him know you had no bra on all along.
You bit your lower lip as you looked at Jean, his pretty lips parted as he stared at you, a growing bulge in his boxers between his deliciously spread thighs telling you he liked the view just as much as you did.
“This is not a good idea”
“Why? We’re not gonna do anything” you replied softly while you stepped closer to Jean, standing between his legs as he looked up to you with already flushed cheeks. His lashes fluttered as your fingers found their way through his hair. “You said it yourself, right?”
“Right” Jean mumbled as his eyes closed at the heavenly feeling of your touch. His face looked so beautiful like this, him melting between your hands, you just couldn’t help leaning down to press a soft kiss on his lips.
The kiss was sweet and slow, full of tender emotions. Although it still sent a burning heat through both of your cores, this time it also felt so delicately warm and affectionate.
Your lips started moving in perfect sync as you laid down on your bed, hands slowly roaming each other’s bodies, gentle strokes and deep, passionate kisses heating them up. Your sense of time vanished as you made out and the wet noises of your lips filled the room, along with your desperate whimpers and Jean’s quiet groans as your hips slowly rolled into his, one of your legs wrapped around him as you laid on your sides. The wet spot on your panties rubbed on his aching bulge so well, Jean couldn’t help his fingers digging into your hips, driving them to grind into him harder.
“You feel so good, baby” he moaned into your mouth and another whimper fell from yours in response. His warm tongue in your mouth, his strong hands groping you and the friction of grinding on his bulge was enough to already push you to the edge.
“Y—you too, Jean” you moaned back, but neither of you moved your hands to each other’s desperately aching, sensitive parts. Neither of you took it further.
Jean meant what he said - even if you both knew you weren’t going to endure very long, he wanted you to know he’s not there for the fun only. He felt like listening to your laughter and looking into your sparkling eyes above your milkshakes was just as fun as your hands brushing, then gently intertwining while you walked in the park, or as pulling on your hair to leave sloppy kisses all over your neck while you moaned in pleasure.
“D’you wanna stay the night?” you asked quietly as your hands cupped each side of his jaw, admiring the golden glint of his beautiful hazel eyes. “Please”
“Of course” he softly smiled at you.
Jean felt like he was on cloud nine. For him, fun was the way your muffled laughing sounded and how radiant your pretty face looked in the mirror while you both brushed your teeth in the bathroom, or the tingling he felt as your bare skin brushed against each other, and also watching you do your nightly routine before lying down in your bed and having the silliest, most stupid coversations as you laughed together. Fun was also the intense eye contact before tangling into each other again, sloppily making out and grinding heavily until both of your underwear was soaked with the mixture of your wetness and the precum leaking from his sensitive tip.
But the most fun part was hugging you tightly, feeling the warmth of your body and inhaling the sweet scent of your hair as you pressed your ass into Jean’s hard-on before quickly drifting off in the safe embrace of his strong arms. Even like this, he felt so full, so at peace.
Jean couldn’t have been happier.
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littlestardude · 1 year
⏤͟͟͞͞☆Dating Kyle HCs || Kyle Broflovski x Reader
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✰ - SFW & NSFW - ✰
Summary: Kyle Bf HCs!
Note: I'm so in love with Kyle it's unreal, he's so pookie, college kiddos :)) also sorry for being SO slow with reqs :(( I unfortunately lose motivation very quickly, so by the time I start it by then end I'm just.,. Trudging thru 😔 I HAVE SOME KENJORINE I'VE BEEN TRYING TO GET OUT! BUT ARGHHHH, also some Stan bf headcanons
TW: Smut at the end
Gender: AFAB Gen!Neutral
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✰ - SFW - ✰
I feel like sumtimes he'd be unintentionally possessive of you 😔
He can't help it, he feels like you're too perfect for him so he tries to keep you to himself
If you ever bring it up to him he'd feel rlly bad about it, and then tell you that
He's insecure, hold him :((
And when you do, tell him how pretty he is bcs
He's literally the prettiest boy ever I'm gonna fucking sob
His curls are so vibrant, and coily and long, I could get lost playing in his hair forever
We already know he hid it before
But you were talking to your friends and he was somewhere in the vicinity and you were just like,
"HIS HAIR IS SO PRETTY I COULD CRY, AND HE HIDES IT :,(( I just wanna play with it all the time but I don't wanna like... Accidentally make him self-conscious or something :((("
He stopped wearing his hat as much after that.
You noticed it too and you weren't sure if he heard you but you were happy his hair was free
Also his eyes are so pretty
He could be so pissed and ranting and u could just be. Staring into his eyes and he'd be like,
"What are you looking at. "
"Your eyes are so pretty, Ky :)) "
He calmed down pretty quickly after that.
The first time you used that nickname on him he. He melted. He turned so red like,
"W-what did you just call me"
He looked cute as hell tho :3
You started easing him into the nicknames and he got used to it, he even started using some nicknames for you too!!
He's so cute when he does to, because you can tell he's trying!
Sometimes when his temper gets really bad you just hold him to your chest and lay down and play with his hair, he calls down pretty quickly
And if you're in public you just bring him somewhere private and just hug him, and then you guys can walk around while you hold hands
He's not the biggest fan of PDA but likes holding your hand :))
But when he's in private he's all over you, just hugging and kissing you
He's not the best with words, at least words he says out loud bcs
He does poetry! Actual good poetry!
But he loves just hugging you, he likes you on top of him because the pressure feels nice
He's got autism! And he's got that unintentional autistic rizz, if yknow what I mean
Sometimes he'll just say something, you'll just stare at him and blush like crazy and he's just like,
"What'd I say"
You just stare bcs theres no words left...
Very unintentionally blunt as well
You two enjoy silent company a lot! esp Kyle
Sometimes his friends and family and school just get too overwhelming, so he'll just ask you to come over while he does his homework and sometimes you'll do yours and you guys just get to be close 🥰
There's been some times when... Yknow what I'll save it for the NSFW part :3
He's definitely a cat person and you guys would look forward to getting a cat together! Maybe 2 :)))
He really is a well intentioned person, he's just so sweet :((
I feel like this poor boy got SO nervous to meet your parents
Like, y'all went to a restaurant together and he dressed all fancy and was just. So awkward
He worries so much about what to say that he ends up speaking like a robot, and then would randomly follow it with awkward laughter 💀
He was so embarrassed 😭 but you cuddled him and told him it was fine
And you later got a text from your parents saying he was a good guy! Bcs he is!
He's so cat boy too like... When he just needs to recharge he just hobbles over to you and just. Flops.
Doesnt matter what you're doing, because now you're cuddling Kyle.
It's cute tho, because he's definitely learned how to recognize when he needs a break from college work
Bonus points if you play with his hair and kiss him all over 🥰
You guys used to, keyword, used to. Play games together, he would try so hard not to get competitive about it ,but let's just say you both said some things about each other's mothers, and it's just been awhile since you've played.
He likes sharing his music with you! And let's just say you were surprised to find out he was a The Cure fan, you just wouldn't expect it from his dorky self!
But they're one of the few artists he can freely stim to
You guys will listen to loud music together just to scream the lyrics bcs, MAN sometimes u just wanna scream, yknow?
He only likes to sing stuff he can scream, if it's something that requires vocal control he's outta there
But you heard him sing normally one time and he was so cute ☹️❤❤ he was cleaning around his dorm and had his headphones on and you arrive without him noticing and you just heard him singing his lil tune in his soft voice... Dead on the spot, there were no survivors.
Eventually learns that when partners complain about things he just has to listen, he's too logical and learnt the hard way that you just want to vent rather than actually solve the problem
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✰ - NSFW - ✰
So, "studying"?
The "both" of you were focusing on homework, just Kyle really. He was at his desk and he seemed to be focusing, he looked so intense. You found yourself staring at him for awhile, you just couldn't help it. You check the time on your phone.
"He has time." , you thought to yourself.
You closed the book you had stopped paying attention to 20 minutes ago and faced his turned back. You carefully tiptoed over and gave his back a tap, he turned around, still looking at his book and papers.
"Yeah, what's up? ", he said, not really paying attention.
You carefully grabbed his chin and turned his face toward you, giving him a soft kiss on the lips.
"Kyleeee, I'm bored, can't we do something else? " you whined.
"I'm sorry, y/n but I really have to finish these assignments..."
You pulled out your phone and showed him the time and date.
"But Kyleee, you still have a few days before you need to finish them, I know you like to finish them before they're due but can't you take a little break? For some fun at least? ", you speaking the last words in a suggestive tone made him turn red, he seemed to be contemplating it but he had already made up his mind.
"Alright then, come here, " he sat you down on his lap and began kissing you. The both of your lips meshing together, slowly becoming more filled with passion.
"Do you wanna stay here or move to your bed? "
"Anything beats sitting in this chair... ", he picked you up and set you on the bed, not before stretching his back and cracking it, " that felt so good... I hate that fucking chair, man, "
He laid back down on the bed and continued kissing you, you slowly positioned yourself on top of him. He was so distracted, he didn't even notice.
You were about to take off your shirt, but we're stopped.
"What's wrong, Ky? "
"C-Can you keep the shirt on? I like seeing you in my clothes... "
The shirt in question was an oversized shirt he let you borrow after sleeping over the night prior.
You kissed him and smiled softly, "Okay, Kyle... I'll keep it on, but if I can't take off anything else I'll go crazy... " you laughed a bit and he laughed with you.
"Don't worry, I won't stop you anymore... "
"Good, " even before you finished speaking you shifted both of your legs to the side of him to easily take off the boxers he'd also lent you. You moved back and began kissing him again, this time with more heat than before.
As the two of your lips clashed together you began to gently palm at his hardening member, and as you did he let out a shakey breath.
You positioned yourself right above and began grinding into him, the two of you softly moaning into each other's kisses. He slowly traced his hand over your thigh and gave it a squeeze, a squeeze that would get increasingly tighter the more you played with him.
You could tell he was getting antsy with the way he squeezed your thigh so you figured it was finally time to set him free. You moved you hand to the waistband of his sweats and pulled them down, his hard cock springing free. The cold air down there made him grimace, but was soon changed as you slowly parted yourself on it.
You both fell out of the kiss as you two moaned as you slid down, your already dripping pussy making it easy to. It took a few moments until you were down at his base; his size was always something you had to adjust to.
Just as you were about to start moving his eagerness got the better of him and grabbed now the both of your thighs and moved you up and down. You moaned loudly at the sudden friction and bounced along with his help.
The two of you were moaning messes, which only increased the faster you moved. You once again found his lips in a hungry kiss, the room becoming much quieter when you did as you muffled each other's moans.
"Y-Y/N, I'm.. Ngh... Close, " he moaned out, you were barely able to form words and just breathlessly told him you were too.
The speed increased and you were seeing stars, which you saw more of as he placed his thumb on your clit and started to rub it.
The two of you quickly finished after that.
Kyle's confidence during sex has improved MASSIVELY
The first time y'all did it, he had NO clue what to do
He was so scared about where to put his hands, or if he grabbed you in the wrong place, especially if he grabbed too tightly
It also took you guys awhile to eventually lead up to it, the second Kyle felt it getting too heated he'd gently pull you off
You actually started to worry that he didn't like you anymore the more he did it
You asked him why he always did it and he, as red as his hair, told you he was a virgin and was too scared, and that he wouldn't know what to do
You softened on him and told him that you didn't care he was a virgin and that you would lead him the whole way
You two did it soon after. :p
Once he eventually gets the hang of everything he's good. So fucking good.
Definitely a switch but leans more towards sub
You find his hands so fucking attractive because they're so perfect,,, and pale,, and long
You love him fingering you because he reaches SO far and you're just on the highway to heaven 😍
Also as shown before, he's VERY vocal and he's so cute when he moans and whimpers...
It's something he DEF tried to hide but you were not letting him get away with it
Has a bit of a mommy kink tbh
Sometime dabbles into a bit of a breeding kink... 😗
Kyle 🤝 Kenny
Having beautiful, milky thighs
The first time you sucked him off you were just mesmerized with his thighs... Can u tell I like men's thighs 😔
Pull his hair please!
You've probably pegged him once or twice ngl... :3
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roosterforme · 2 years
We Broke the Bed | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You and Bradley manage to break your Queen bed. Time to upgrade to a King.
Warnings: Fluff, smut, swearing, angst
Length: 1800 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You?
Check my masterlist.
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Bradley was helpless to tell you no. He found it almost impossible to deny you anything you wanted. When you told him you wanted ice cream after dinner? He took you out to your favorite neighborhood place for a scoop. When you mentioned you wanted to go to the beach? He started packing towels and sunblock. When you told him you wanted to see the new movie coming out? He was purchasing tickets on his phone.
Literally the only thing that he was unable to override for you was the deployment paperwork currently hanging on the refrigerator. He was leaving in a few days, no matter what.
So anything you asked for before then? He gave it to you.
"Harder," you moaned as he slammed you from behind. You were on your hands and knees at the edge of the bed, and Bradley was gripping your hips. He drove himself harder into you, giving your ass a little slap in response.
"Oh, God! Harder!" you demanded, your hair coming loose from your ponytail and flying all over the place. He watched your ass bouncing against him as he braced his feet on the floor and fucked you with everything he had.
Soon you were whining and crying out, chanting his name in time with his hard thrusts. He was grinning wildly when he suddenly heard the sound of wood splintering.
"What the?" he mumbled and slowed down a tiny bit to check out the bed frame, but you started moaning again.
"Bradley! Don't stop! I'm sooo so so soooo close." So he focused on the task at hand; getting you off exactly how you wanted him to. You were moaning and whining and shouting his name, and he came hard when you clamped down around him. He pushed you flat onto your stomach and collapsed mostly on top of you, still inside your pussy. And that's when the bed broke. 
Neither of you spoke for a moment after you suddenly dropped several inches. "What just happened?" you mumbled, your mouth buried in the bedding. "Did I come that hard? Or did I imagine that?"
Bradley chuckled next to your ear. He pushed himself off of you and groaned as he withdrew from inside you, gazing at the pretty mess oozing out of your pussy. 
"Baby Girl, we broke the bed," he told you, kneeling down to examine the spot where the bed frame had splintered and then broke in half.
"You're joking," you gasped, pushing yourself off the bed as well. "Bradley! We broke the bed!" 
"I'm sorry, Sweetheart. I didn't think that was even possible, and I know you really liked your bed frame," he told you as he winced. But you started cracking up. 
"We broke a fucking bed, Roo!" you said, howling with laughter. You knelt on the floor next to him and climbed into his arms, shaking from laughter. "This is epic!" Soon you had both collapsed onto the floor, holding each other through your giggles. 
"I'll buy us a new one," he finally managed to say, pulling you on top of him.
You wiped tears from your eyes and kissed Bradley's lips. "Well that's going to be a story for grandkids someday," you said as you gasped for air.
Bradley felt his face light up and his smile grow wide. He pulled you down against him for another kiss, slipping his tongue into your mouth. He kissed you like this for a while. The combination of knowing he was going to miss you while he was deployed, and the idea that you might even possibly want to have kids with him made him needy. He wanted to hold you all day long. But there wasn't time for that.
"We need to get to Mav's," he muttered eventually. Maverick had invited you both over to check out his hangar. Bradley knew he needed some help with a mechanical problem he was having with one of his planes, and it would also be the first time you got to see the space. "And then we can buy a new bed on the way home."
That triggered another round of laughter before you both managed to get dressed.
"I don't know, but let's grab the wrenches and see if that works," Maverick told Bradley. They had been working on Mav's plane for awhile as you explored the hangar. 
"Y/N, can you grab us that wrench set, Baby Girl? It's on the toolbench," Bradley called to you. They both had their hands propping up the engine mount, so you scurried over to help them. The back of the toolbench was lined with photos that you wanted to examine more closely. But first you grabbed the tools that they needed and took them over.
"Let me know if you need anything else," you told them. Bradley leaned down and kissed you on the cheek and Maverick thanked you with a smile.
You wandered back over to check out all of the pictures. There were some of Bradley at varying ages, and he had been an adorable child. One was taken at a Little League baseball game when Bradley must have been about ten years old. There was another of him as a teenager wearing a suit. Perhaps he was dressed for a school dance? There was one of Maverick with Bradley and a blonde haired woman. That must have been Carole. You had been dying to see some photos of his parents, but Bradley still hadn't gone back to get everything out of his storage unit yet, including some promised photo albums. 
Bradley looked a lot like his mom, but then you caught sight of a photo of a much younger Maverick with his arm around another, taller man. That man looked like the spitting image of Bradley; it must have been Nick Bradshaw. You pulled all the photos of Carole and Nick down from the wall and studied them. Carole was beautiful, petite and always smiling brightly. Nick was tall, handsome and had a crooked grin. Bradley looked so much like his dad, it took your breath away. 
You took a few minutes to really soak in all of the details. Bradley had Carole's smile and facial expressions, but everything else came from Nick. As you were about to put the photos back up on the wall, you could hear Bradley speaking softly to Maverick.
"I'm just a little worried, since it's going to be my first time away from her."
"Worried? You told me you trust her," Mav responded. Your heart was hammering in your chest as you listened.
"I do," Bradley replied quietly. "I trust her completely. I'm not worried about that. I just think it's going to be hard on her. Six weeks is a long time when you've never done it before."
You pretended to be extremely interested in the aviation memorabilia near the workbench as you intently listened to what they said.
"If you love her, then she needs to get used to this. And you'll need to get used to the idea of having someone who loves you missing you while you're away. It's hard on both ends, I'm sure."
"Shit," Bradley mumbled. "You're right. It's going to be different for me this time too."
"It's obvious the two of you are crazy about each other, but this is going to be an equalizer. You be good to her. Don't you dare make her worry over nothing, Bradley. She's really sweet, and probably out of your league."
Bradley chuckled. "Don't I know it. You'll keep an eye on her while I'm away? Help her if she needs anything?"
"Of course I will."
After he had finished helping Maverick pack his tools up, Bradley watched as Mav took you on a little tour of the interiors of some of his planes parked in the hangar. He could hear your laughter as Maverick got you settled in the pilot's seat of his Cessna and outfitted you with a pair of massive headphones. You looked so happy. You always did. He snapped a photo of you waving to him from the cockpit so he'd have it for later.
"You two want to stay for dinner? We could pick up a pizza," Maverick offered. 
"Thanks, Mav, but we need to get out of here so we have time to stop at a furniture store on the way home," Bradley told him, grabbing your hand in his. 
"Oh yeah? Still getting stuff for the new place?"
"Just upgrading to a king sized bed," you said with a shrug as you glanced up at Bradley coyly. 
Bradley felt momentarily mesmerized by you, and his mind drifted back to this morning. "Yeah... we broke the bed."
Maverick choked on a laugh, and you smacked Bradley's arm, hard. 
"What the hell, Bradley?" you muttered, trying to hide your face behind your hands.
"Oh, shit." Bradley hadn't meant to say that, but the look on Maverick's face had him laughing as well. "I'm sorry, Sweetheart!" 
But you were already several feet away, hiding your face. "Bye, Mav!" you called over your shoulder as you power walked outside toward the Bronco.
Maverick pulled Bradley into a hug, both men still laughing. "Hey, you be safe on your deployment. I'll keep an eye out for your girl." They released each other, and Bradley was once again so happy to have his dad's best friend back in his life.
"Thanks, Mav," Bradley replied, shaking his hand.
Maverick nodded and waved goodbye. "And Bradley? Pick out a solid wood bed frame this time, okay?"
Bradley pulled the old queen mattress off of the broken bed frame, and started taking it apart to put it out with the trash. 
"Thankfully the new bed and mattress will be delivered tomorrow," you said, as you got the queen mattress ready for bedtime. You and Bradley would just have to sleep on it on the floor for the night. He didn't mind where he slept, as long as it was with you, and frankly anything was better than when he shared the twin bed with you at the barracks. 
"Yeah, just one night isn't too bad, Sweetheart. Not a long wait for the new one."
You smiled at him as he was disassembling the broken side. "I mean, I was referring more to the fact that we'll still have a few days to break in the new bed before you leave."
Bradley's gaze met yours and he smirked. "I love the way you think."
Up next for Bradley and Baby Girl is the Deployment Diaries series! I'm not sure exactly how long it will end up being, but it will chronicle three of Bradley's deployments! I hope you'll keep reading! Masterlist
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milogreer · 5 months
touched on this in my top ten list, but i wanted to expand on it separately because i've been thinking about morgan and the seer obscura a lot lately 💭
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so. "time is a song." morgan kinda blew up after its release, i feel like, and it's with good reason; the atmosphere of that audio is calm and sleepy but also, like… to me there's this longing for connection throughout the whole thing, ykwim?
like. we already know that the seer obscura is sort of at odds with their powers, given how they waited so long to go to the department, how they suppress their sight, and how they go radio silent after their first meeting with morgan. the seer obscura is clearly uncertain about all of this - morgan even calls them standoffish in "consulting with a seer." but they keep going back to him. being the only two known seer obscuras is naturally going to pull them together; the seer obscura is struggling to live with their unique type of sight after the inversion, and morgan is the only one who understands what they're going through.
(and he's gotta kinda pry them open because the seer obscura is notably a reserved person, but he's very gentle about it, he's understanding and patient and does his best to explain their shared sight even though he's never had to before because a) normal seers don't wanna hear it and b) he never thought there would be another seer obscura in his lifetime (much less one his own age) to talk to about it. and then giving them his own personal view of time when the typical water allegory doesn't work is just further building that connection between them.)
anyway, given the end of "learning about your magical abilities" and the fact that there's a year between its release and "time is a song," i'm sure they've gotten together at least a handful of times to work on the seer obscura's control. morgan to this point has consistently been open about wanting to help any way he can, but you can still kinda tell in "time is a song" that they aren't exactly friends yet, and that's why this one really gets me.
the setting for "time is a song" is so intimate - it's his home, in the middle of the night, with not a lot of time to make things presentable before someone he hardly knows outside of work comes over. the seer obscura needed help and comfort and even when they tried to backtrack out of asking for that, morgan invites them over anyway. he says he specifically focused on tidying up the apartment rather than himself, which means he’s looking like he just out rolled out of bed because he literally did. and that's just such a vulnerable thing to me, and it allows the rest of the audio to settle into this quiet, comfortable space that the seer obscura needs.
"when i said you can call anytime, i meant that." "another seer obscura like me[.]" "then there's you and me." "but you've got me. i'm here." "i want to know you." "it takes two to tango; you asked, and i said 'let's dance.'" like it's all just. i feel like i'm going to cry right now just thinking about this LMAO the seer obscura feels so lonely to me and morgan is constantly reassuring them that they aren't alone in this anymore, and i think that means a great deal to them.
to me this entire audio is thick with tension, but it really ramps up when they move out onto the balcony and morgan starts listing things he likes, because it's a shift from obscura lore dump to a personal heart-to-heart. he opened up his home to them and now he's opening himself up too. he gets a little silly! and then he drops the "i want to know you. you won't know that unless i tell you, so i'm telling you. [...] we can just be people with one another, too." and it is genuinely one of the most insane things i've heard in the entirety of the redactedverse. the period of silence after his laughter trails off where you can feel him gearing up to say something, the sincerity with which he says it, the relaxed atmosphere, the mental image of the only two seer obscuras on earth standing together on a balcony in the early morning hours...
(there's more to be said wrt the seer obscura backpedaling in the beginning and later apologizing for "wasting" morgan's time after he's already told them he wants to get to know them, but this post is long enough without me theorizing about that. i'm really interested to see if it gets touched on again; i'd like to know more about them.)
um. anyway. i'm driven insane by the audio every single time. all of the insane lore gained from all three audios so far aside (<- refusing to think about how morgan brought having your threads cut into the prime timeline instead of leaving it in cataclysm), the relationship these two have already is just captivating. the end
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bangchansgirlsblog · 11 months
I have a request, you could pick which ever <3!! stray kids (idm the member) making a bet on the reader to get with them, stray kids comforting reader thinking they’re cheating but the reader isn’t. I’m
I saw someone else do this and it was so good, but your one of my favorite stray kids writer , but if your not wanting to I totally understand ><
- 🌷
Silly bet
Warning: None
Pairing: Han x reader
Summary: ^^
!kinda proof read!
Thank you for the request love ☺️
Hope you enjoy the story!
It wasn't like I should have found out but the truth comes out at the end.
today was a long day at work. There was no lie there. Everything was so frustrating. The day started with my co-worker spilling coffee all over my brand new shoes, then losing the earring Han had just got me for our 2 year Anniversary and then lastly falling down and twisting my ankle when I was rushing down the stairs because my ignorant boss thought it would be "funny" to make me run with stacks of papers in my hand trying to see if I can make it for one side to the other. So yeah my day wasn't going great. At all.
"Han?" I call for my boyfriend but I hear no response. The house was quiet. Was he not home yet?
I put my shoes by the rack and limp over to our room to put everything away before I could start on dinner. All the rooms were dark and had no sign of human activity.
I put my bag down and changed into something more comfortable and head back out to the kitchen.
"What should I cook today?" The thought run through my head but after some time I just realized how tired I was so I just decided to order some Chinese. 
I grab my phone to call my boyfriend to see what he would want from the shop,
"Hey baby?" I say into the phone after he picks up after a few rings.
"Hey my love!" He beams. I could hear a few voices behind. The boys must be with him.
"I've had a long day, I don't think I'm going to cook." A sigh leaves my lips as I play with the collar of my...well his hoodie.
"Awe my love, do you want talk about it now or when I get back home?" His voice is laced with worry, I can hear it.
"When you get back home please, but don’t worry it’s not that bad," I explain to him knowing Han he would literally leave work at that moment just to come home.
"Okay…rehearsals are almost done anyways so I'll see you in like and hour yeah?"
"Okay but I'm ordering Chinese. What do you want? Should I get the usual?"
"Yeah let's do the usual yeah," I hear some laughter and a few screams which cause me to chuckle. “All of you shut up!”
"Okay I'll see you in a bit,"
"I love you,"
"I love you too baby doll,"
A small smile plays on my lips as I wait for him to hung up.
"Who was that?" I hear through the phone. My curiosity took the best of me. Plus he hadn't hanged up yet so I technically wasn't breaking boundaries?
"Just Y/n, she's had a long day at work," Han softly says and rummages through something probably in the studio. "I'm worried about her, she's been so stressed lately,"
"Dude I can't believe you’re actually in a 2 year relationship, remember how this all started?" The other voice says, it was hard to tell who is was.
"Chan, I still haven't told her about it and I don't think I ever will, it'll just ruin things," Han replies to him. What will ruin things? And what hasn't he told me yet?
Was he cheating? Is he doing something behind my back?
"I'm just saying Han, she was a stupid bet I don't think she'll really care if you tell her sooner rather than later. Plus your in LOVE for crying out loud. You guys have been together for 2 years! I don't think she'll care about a stupid bet,"
My body freezes as I listened in on the conversation even more. I was a bet? A bet? What the hell? I knew Han was out of my league when we first started to get to know eachother but I thought maybe he liked girls like me….i was wrong the whole time? I was just a bet?
"I know I know but it still feels wrong and she's been so stressed lately so no I don't think I'll ever tell her,"
I remain silent as a screeching sound runs through my ear. A bet? I was a bet….
I had no words literally and the constant voices were running through my head in all directions. Heartbroken was in understatement.
Nausea hits me really hard as the thought of my 2 year relationship was being based on a bet. 
"Anyways what time is it anyway, I need to get home to the wifey,"
The phone goes quiet until I hear Han's panicked voice. Probably realizing I was still on the phone.
"Y/n? You're still there?"
I small 'fuck' in the background made my Chan and whispers start to echo through the room.
"Y/n baby? Did you hear any of that?" He asks again. Panic was very visible in his voice. His breathing getting heavy.
"I was a bet?" Is the only thing I could say and ask. Nothing else could come out. My brain couldn’t scrape anything at all.
"No- I mean- baby- let me explain-" I hung up the phone and drop it to the ground. Everything was a lie.
My heart was aching with pain and the room seemed to become very very shaky.
A heavy breath leaves my mouth before a sob escapes. The vibrations make my body shake and the ground feeling like it was swallowing me.
The floor was cold and the room felt hot. The clothes in my bidy were slowly suffocaying me. i didnt know what to think or what to do.
My phone vibrates over and over. The picture of me and Han popping up with each ring. The feeling of throwing up coming now and again as I clutched my body trying to make sense of everything.
How could a person affect you so much Y/n? Han knew how much I loved him he knew how much I cared for him, if he really did love me why didn’t he just tell me? Why didn’t he just explain it to me?
My stomach started to hurt due to how hard I was crying. As each sob left my mouth a shiver went down my spine.
“Baby?!” A voice causes my neck to snap towards the direction of the door. The love of myself stood before me as he quickly shut the door and put his shoes away.
“Han?” My sore throat is able to make a sound but my voice is hoarse and breaking.
“Babe, don’t cry my love please?” He takes a few steps before he is right infront of me. His hands reach out but my body dodges his touch.
“How could you?” Was all I could say through sobs. “I thought you loved me..”
“I do love you mama, I really do. I just- we were just young and stupid. Please let me hold you. Please let me carry you onto the couch. You’re gonna get a cold.” His eyes are soft. His lips were plump and worry was painted all over his face. He was wearing a hoodie and some sweatpants with a beanie on his head.
I nod my head slowly and his hands work quickly . He pulls me into his embrace. His scent filling my nostrils.
“Are you okay?” He softly asks. I nod in response. It’s all I could do.
We were sat on the couch now. My knees were against my chest as I watched him move back and forth around the house before sitting down beside’s me.
“Can I please explain now?” He asks, “I hate seeing you like this my love. Look at me please?” I refuse to look at him. I was afraid that I would fold, I wouldn’t be strong.
He lets out a sigh before beginning, “Y/n the bet was stupid. The bet was almost 3 years ago my love you have to believe me when I say it only last a month before I noticed I was actually in love with you. I told the boys that I didn’t want the money and that I had fallen for you. They told me it was okay and that we would never have to speak about it again but guilt was eating me alive-“
“Then why did you just tell me?” I look at him looking for answers.
“I- I was so scared of losing you…” he pauses and takes a deep breath in before wiping the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes, “ You are my first love, my first everything, I didn’t want to lose you because of some stupid mistake,”
“Oh…but what about the trust? Has everything been a lie?”
“No no no no, you have to believe me there Y/n. That’s the only thing I haven’t told you. I swear, you know everything about me, more than the boys do-“
“Oh…” a silence falls upon us as I play with the promise ring he had given me when we had gone on vacation to Greece. He had gotten down on one knee when we were on the beach and I started to freak out thinking that he was going to propose but it was a relief when I heard his question. Don’t get me wrong I will marry him one day I just thought we were still too young to get married plus he has his career still building up. It was just horrible timing.
“It hurts, you know?” I break the silence.
“I know my love, please let me make it up to you? Don’t give up on me please. I was stupid and young and my action has no excuse but please forgive me. I love you with everything in me.”
A little sigh leaves my lips as I study his face. His hand was on my lap. The silence fell upon us again. The panic attack that had happened a few minutes ago had now died down.
“I- I forgive you Han but I don’t know maybe it’ll take time to fully forgive you for lying to me,”
“That’s totally okay my love,” a small smile plays on his lips, “I’ll wait for you but just know I really do love you okay? And your my everything,”
“I love you too Han, so much it hurts.”
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martiny0rk · 1 year
Trevor! What did you do?
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Summary:Jamie leaves Brecken with Trevor unsupervised and something happens
Request: No
Word counter:702
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Trevor never thought he would be in the situation where he would have his best friend's six year old child crying on the ice after getting a little to hard slap shot to his left eye.
Trevor was literally in a fight or flight response. He didn't know whether he should comfort the child and risk Jamie finding out what he did to Brecken or He could run off and leave the poor little sobbing drysdale on the ice where his dad would find him and be more pissed at his best friend.
Jamie had called Trevor to see if He wanted to come with him and Brecken to work on some hockey tactics and try different positions as Trevor is a center and Jamie is a defenseman.
Even though in Jamie's heart he wanted brecken to follow in his footsteps and be a defenseman but he just wanted to see what he would be like in different areas.
Jamie had just left a few minutes prior to the accident to go grab something from the car knowing he would feel okay with leave his son with the taller guy.
He has left Brecken with Trevor tons of times before, but never on the ice. This made Jamie a bit anxious as He knows how Trevor gets on the ice and he didn't know if his son was ready to face that.
Trevor skates over to the little boy guilt washing over him choosing the first options he thought of and get down on the ice.
"I'm sorry bud you know uncle trev didn't mean to. may i see your eye i promise i wont touch it" Trevor spoke calmly to the blue eyed blue he had injured.
Brecken looked so much like his father. He had his bright big blue eyes but had your nose which was covered in freckles just like his dad he was covered in freckles.
Trevor felt his heart hurt when he saw the little boy lift his head up seeing a bruise form around his left eye. He knew it would be a bad bruise as sometimes he doesn't know his own strength.
"Shit, Your dad is going to be so pissed at me for giving you that, but that does make you look pretty tuff" He wipes the little boys tears.
Breckon lets out one of those loud childish laughs that just brings warmth to a room like a freshly lit fireplace to which this is when Trevor joins in on the laughter.
Jamie walks in with the thing he needs to get from the car walking back into the rink hearing the laughter. He almost grins immediately because the sounds of his son laugh is music to his ears , because it sound like yours which he loves.
He starts putting his skates back on making his way on the ice onto the ice seeing his best friend laughing with his giggling son, but then he noticed the bruise forming around his left eye which made his smile fade.
Brecken notices his dad turning to his dad carefully standing up grinning big with a hit of pride saying " Look Daddy I got my first puck to the face! I didn't get a tooth knocked out but i got a bruise"
Jamie seeing his son's big smile about the whole thing made him smile knowing he was being very positive about it as he knew his son he noticed the tears in his eyes.
"I see that bec but how are we going to tell mama about this? you know how she is when daddy gets injured. what will she do when she finds out her little boy got hit" Jamie spoke softly ruffing his sons hair.
"do you see how happy he is? I don't think she will be that mad about it and it comes with the sport. All he needs is some ice and rest." Trevor spoke softly but still felt bad about what he did.
Jamie looks at him making complete eye contact with him saying "have fun telling my wife that". He already knew you would be somewhat calm about it as it was an accident and its trevor.
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moonswolfie · 1 year
HQ!! Boys with a poet S/O
hey hey hey guess who's back with a super self indulgent piece of shit fic (i am joking, this is my humour)
also let's just say the reader does not write about cute lightearted things (but if you'd like to see a version where the reader writes cute stuff lmk!!)
so, yk TW for implied mental turmoil and an overall angsty hurt/comfort mood for these
Characters featured: Oikawa, Akaashi, Kageyama, Bokuto, Iwa chan
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OIKAWA honestly wouldn't believe that those poems were written by you at first. When you excitedly gave him some of your poems to read, he thought they would be cutesy love poems dedicated to him and only him, not this. "What...? Are they bad?" You seemed worried at his wide-eyed expression. "Baby, are you ...okay?" He asked out of the blue, the genuine worry in his tone knocking the wind out of you. "Hahaha, it feels so weird hearing you say that...!" You tried your best to not let any more laughter escape you. "What?! Am I not allowed to be a good boyfriend now?!" He was offended by your reaction, slightly clutching the poems in his hands. "No, it's just... unusual to see you this concerned about me." You said with a half-smile. You had gotten so used to Oikawa's light-hearted flirty attitude, that you sort of forgot just what kind of person he is. "Just what do you think of me?" He sighed, suddenly pulling you in for a hug. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" All you did was nod, feeling relieved that he understands.
AKAASHI 's eyes would widen gradually as he read the contents of your poem. You gave him 5, but he already feels horrible, and he's only on the first one. He almost doesn't want to believe you wrote this. He becomes worried about you, doing a deep analysis on your poem since he wants to understand every part before approaching you with his worries. The next day when you greet him happily, he simply hugs you. "I'm sorry for not noticing..." is all he says, and though it takes you a bit to understand what he means, you feel overwhelmingly relieved he isn't judging you for what happened. "It's okay, I didn't tell you, you couldn't have known..." you assured him, knowing your boyfriend's tendency to overthink, he would beat himself up if you said nothing. "Next time, please please tell me about things like this. I can't stand the thought of you suffering alone." He squeezed you tighter.
KAGEYAMA is confused. Reading and understanding poems was never his strong suit, but yours are especially confusing to him. You laughed a little at his concentration face, and he handed you your poem back, still confused. "What does this even mean...?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed. "Ahaha, don't worry about it too much... I wrote it like that on purpose." You made your poem vague and messy on purpouse, something you knew Kageyama probably couldn't understand properly. Awkward silence filled the room, and Kageyama silently hugged you all of a sudden. "I don't get why, but I got the random urge to hug you just now..." he mumbled silently, squeezing you in his grip. He must have noticed the sadness behind your voice and just doesn't know how to properly comfort you. "You said that out loud, Tobio." You smiled. "Shit..."
BOKUTO 's smile drops suddenly as he reads your poem. When he found you writing it, he insisted that he must read it no matter what. But what in the world was this? Why were you writing about all this sad stuff? "Babe...." his hands trembled slightly as he looked at you while you were smiling as you usually do. "Why would you say that about yourself?" He was very very saddened right now, and you weren't sure who's going to end up comforting who. You felt your bones being crushed in his impulsive hug. "It isn't true!! You're literally the best person I know!! So don't you dare say that again!!" He put his forearm over his eyes, tears stinging at his eyes. He has to be strong for you, he can't cry now. "Kou-" "I've decided! From today on, you're getting complimented every day!! No excuses!!" He looked very determined.
IWAIZUMI understood the content of your poems very well. And it angered him. Why didn't you tell him this happened?! "Idiot." He let the word escape his lips, clutching the paper in his hands. "You should have told me. I would have protected you." He looked to you. You weren't scared since you knew that your boyfriend was genuinely concerned right now, and that was just his way of expressing it. "Dammit, why do you always insist on keeping your problems to yourself..." he pulled you to his side, looking ahead. "I'll tell you next time..." you looked down to the ground. "You better. Or I'll beat you up." He huffed, but you saw the relief flashing in his eyes. He didn't really show it, but somehow, you could tell his heart sank when he read it.
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I'm okay :)
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ahlyasimps · 2 years
A Shoulder to Cry On [O.G.]
Pairing: Ominis Gaunt x GN Reader
Summary: His presence brings a peace to you that you haven't felt in weeks.
A/N: Requested by Anon! I'm trash at comforting people irl so writing this was hard haha. Hope the ending was fluffy enough.
Started the final battle yesterday with a sick ass outfit, 0 Wiggenweld potions and a whole lot of hopes and dreams. Ended the fight with literally 1 hp but at least I was stylish.
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You stand alone in the office, staring blankly at the empty desk where Professor Fig used to sit. It's been a few weeks since his death but you can still hear him cheekily discuss how terrible Professor Black is at holding his liquor. Can vividly recall his laughter when you mentioned that the dear esteemed headmaster was suffering from a bad case of boils. Remembering it just makes his absence hurt all the more. The weight of his death is heavy on your heart, and you can't help but feel lost without him. You hear a soft knock at the door and turn to see Ominis, the boy who had become a dear friend to you over the year you've been at Hogwarts.
He approaches you with a concerned look on his face, "I heard what happened. I'm so sorry." His words bring fresh tears to your eyes, and you run over so he can pull you into his warm embrace. "Let it all out. It's okay to grieve."
You cling to him as you sob, feeling the weight of his comforting presence grounding you. "Professor Fig was like a father to me," you manage to choke out between sobs. "I don't know what I'm going to do without him."
Omnis strokes your hair gently, his soothing touch bringing you some comfort. "I know it hurts right now, but you're not alone. You have me and everyone else here who cares about you. We'll get through this together."
As he continues to hold you, you begin to feel a sense of peace wash over you. His words bring you some comfort and you feel grateful for the warmth of his embrace.
"You know, I overheard Professor Fig talking to the headmaster about you once," Omnis says, breaking the silence. "When the headmaster was questioning your worthiness to even be here due to your frequent absences, Professor Fig was arguing about how skilled you were despite coming here late."
You sniffle and wipe your tears, feeling a small sense of pride at his words. Professor Fig truly was the best mentor you could ever ask for. "Really?"
"Yes, really," Omnis nods. "And I agree with him. You have a bright future ahead of you, and I'll be here every step of the way to help you."
You smile weakly, feeling grateful for his support. "Thank you, Omnis. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"You'll never have to find out," he says with a reassuring smile. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what."
As you pull away from the embrace, Omnis feels down your arm so he can take your hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. "Come on, let's get out of here. We can go for a walk or something, get some fresh air. It might help clear your head."
You nod, feeling a sense of comfort and gratitude wash over you. As you walk with Omnis, you begin to feel a sense of hope for the future. Even though Professor Fig may be gone, you know that you have the support of those who care about you, and that's enough to get you through anything.
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esmedelacroix · 7 months
"I hate it when you make me laugh,"
husband!miguel x f!reader ♡
10 Things I Hate About You ← mini-series masterlist
"I hate it when you lie" ← previous part
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You could choose to be a nice mature partner and just communicate why you were angry with Miguel with him. But he decided to be a terrible lying cheating husband last night so you decided to be childish and be mad at him all day.
That started with breakfast. Usually whoever woke up first made breakfast. Unfortunately, that person was you. It was one of his sleep-in days where he didn't have to work until later in the day. You weren't going to starve him just because you were mad at him so you did the next best thing.
You made him something he hated. He didn't tell you he hated it when you made it but you knew he forced himself to eat it. So you had a banana-themed breakfast. Banana bread, banana pancakes, banana smoothies, you name it.
"Buen día, mi amor[Good morning, my love]," Miguel grumbled rubbing his eyes.
You hummed in response and plated the last of breakfast. "Since you ate them all the last time I made it, I thought I'd make banana pancakes again," you said, sliding him a plate.
"Oh, you really didn't have to," he said as he dug in with a neutral facial expression. Miguel ate anything he was giving. But that didn't mean he didn't have an opinion about the food he ate. He still ate it. It didn't seem to visibly bother him but you knew he was suffering on the inside.
You focused on keeping your facial expression on a permanent scowl as you ate. Miguek kept looking up at you whenever he wasn't eating his breakfast. He stared. You could already tell he was analyzing you. God, you hated it when he did that. He probably knew exactly what we were thinking.
"Since you're upset with me about yesterday night, I took the day off. We could go anywhere you want, let me make it up to you," he said.
Darn it, how did he already figure me out? You asked yourself. You hummed in response masking your shock.
"We can even go to the rodeo-themed male strip club you went to at your bachelorette party, but you lied to me about just having a spa night," he smirked. You couldn't wipe the smile off your face and soon you were laughing out loud.
"There's that smile I love," he hummed to himself.
"How do you know about that?" you breathed out after almost doubling over with laughter.
"Who do you think paid for it?" he responded as he sipped his coffee. That made you laugh again.
"Aw, this sucks. I was supposed to be mad all day," you sighed.
"I know but I don't like seeing you upset. Why are you upset?" he asked like he didn't know he fully lied to you about being with another woman late at night.
"Well, I don't know, ask Justine," you replied.
"Oh god," Miguel said, rubbing his eyes.
"Why didn't you just tell me you were with her instead of spending the night with your wife," you asked.
"Because I knew you were going to be upset about it so I planned to tell you today, the last thing I want you thinking is that anything is going on between me and Justine. Babe, I get that she's "young and pretty" or whatever but respectfully I would never cheat on you with someone who is literally in college," He explained.
"She's like a little sister, even a daughter to me," he continued.
"I know, I just can't help myself. I've never been so jealous before. Like in my whole life, I think," you said.
"That's not true," he interjected.
"Okay whatever but you get what I'm saying," you sighed, rolling your eyes.
"Is everything cleared up now?" he asked.
"Not exactly but we can talk more about it today," you answered.
"At the strip club?" he teased, giving you a nudge."Oh shut up," you snapped blushing. How the hell did he find out about that seriously? You asked yourself. Jess would definitely be getting an interrogating phone all later today.
. . .
next part → "Even worse when you make me cry"
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taglist: @lilscast @lazyjellyfish300 @safixiovi @saaaaaaaaaaaamiiiiiiiiiiira @aktenati @straw-berry-ghoul @vera4luv
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 10 months
Hi, just wanted to let you know that I am obsessed with werewolf Bruce just like I am with literally every other character you write??? Your work has a power over me that I can’t fight (not that I want to lmao)
I really hope this is one of the good days (since healing is never linear) 💛 please take whatever time you need and do whatever you need to do to prioritize yourself rn
"Let us see you home," Cass said, taking your arm. "It's too late to call a cab."
"Oh no I couldn't, I have-"
"Don't be silly," Steph said, taking your other arm. "Jason would you go and get wraps and-"
"I think Dick has already gone to get them," he said easily. He'd tried to stop Steph from running over you a few times but, in this case, he agreed. A sweet-faced young miss should not be seeing herself home.
"Wonderful," she said. "I'll just go make our excuses before they have time to bring out more of that dreadful cake."
Stephanie made her way through the crush easily, dragging Cass with her to make her way to the host and hostess, ready to smile and dimple and plead exhaustion after a lovely evening of dancing.
"I really can make my own way home," you tell Jason, not looking at him. "It isn't necessary."
"We'll humor Stephanie," he said, smiling just a little. "Besides, if word got back to our father that we didn't accompany you home after we monopolized your time all evening, he'd be furious."
"I don't- I- I had a lovely time," you assure him, feeling too warm suddenly. You aren't looking at him but you can feel him looking at you.
Before Jason could respond, he's saved by a sudden surge in the crowd. Some rowdy boys home from college. Pulling some sort of escapade, if the giggles and shrieks and raucous laughter were any indication. But when it sent a gentleman,a rather portly man a full head shorter than you toppling into you, spilling his drink down the bosom of your dress- as his face pressed into your chest- it was all he could do you pull you out of the way. Letting him hit the floor as you fumbled with your handkerchief, dabbing uselessly at the port that was staining the rose-pink fabric.
"Here," he said quickly, taking his jacket off and wrapping it around your shoulders. "Good grief," he said to the man on the floor,"what's the matter with you?" Please don't cry, he thought, when he heard you sniffle. He hated it when women cried.
"Sorry, my boy-"
"I'm not the one you should apologize to," he said gruffly. "Ladies don't come to parties to be-"
"Mr. Todd," you say quietly, "I don't think anyone saw."
"That's not the point," he hissed.
"Please- I- I'd like to go home. I- just. Before the stain has time to set."
"Alright," he said, taking your arm gently, and ushering you through the crowd. It wasn't often he was grateful for his size- he felt like a brute compared to his brothers. Or even the other men who were well- smaller. But. In this case, it was an advantage. Even in your gown, so long as he kept you by the wall and moved quickly, everyone was too busy looking at him to notice you.
"I'm sorry, you must think I'm very foolish," you murmur, accepting the clean handkerchief he offered.
"No," he protested. "It's not often-"
"Jason!" Steph said demanded Arriving with Cass and Dick, "What have you done to my new friend?"
"Nothing!" he protested, "I-"
"He rescued me from what could have been a very ugly scene if anyone had seen Genevieve's uncle fall into my well- and he spilled his drink on me."
"Ugh," Steph huffed, "People who can't hold their liquor should not be allowed to drink in public."
"And on that note," Dick said, noting Stephanie's latest pronouncement had attracted attention, "I think it's time to see the ladies home before father starts sending out telegrams."
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Hobie x DiscoSpider!Diane have a normal, calm night on the town. 'The usual', if you will.
Hobie, trying to be the reasonable one here: Di-dove, you're plastered. We need to get your arse home, get your co-
Diane, screaming Hobies own lyrics in his face in a bad British accent because someone gave her six pints of beer:
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If he hears her say 'Oi' one more time he's gonna scream 😭😭 This is why he can't take her to punk bars.
Pint 1 and she's acting like 'she's never drank this much before'. Or how she 'usually don't like beer'. Hobie has to resist rolling his eyes. He knows better.
'Now ain't that the perfect lie.'
Pint 2, she's trying to arm wrestle every guy who looks even remotely in her direction. Hobie has to start telling the guys to tell her no cause she'll end up hurting them 😭😭. It's as of she forgets she has GREAT POWER that comes with the great responsibility of not breaking dudes wrists cause you got too overexcited about winning.
Pint 3, she starts gaining a Liverpool accent for some reason that will stay the rest of the night. Now she's so drunk she keeps telling people she was born in Manchester (no where near Liverpool) and Hobie has to tell people that she means Manhattan. Not Manchester. She was born in Manhattan.
Everytime he does, she goes 'Oh, yeah!!' in her actually accent before breaking into laughter.
Pint 4, she starts doing that thing where she waves him aside and leans in his ear to yell
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She did this roughly every five or ten minutes. He'll ask 'You gonna say the same thing?' she says no. He leans in. She says the same thing. 😭😭
Sometimes it'll be too loud to hear her. Or he'll be too drunk himself, or that shitty accent she's putting on is just That Bad so it's just them standing there going
'Huh?' - 'I SAID you look so hot!!!' - 'You what???' - 'You look really hot right now!!' - 'You want to smoke pot right now?' - 'NO! Well, YES. BUT I SAID-'
On and on and on.
Pint 5, she's just fucking missing.
Pint 6, she's back (she was at the TESCO stealing). She now wants to arm wrestle HIM. Also she wants to go home now cause the food she stole is nasty and she wants him to cook for her.
He already says he will cause for fucks sake it 3:30 he wants to go home 😭😭 He's like 'I'll cook you whatever-'
And for some reason she finds the words to moving she almost starts to cry. Reportedly cause 'I love you and I'm so fucking hungry'.
'I want a Kraft dinner. Make me a Kraft dinner.'
'You gonna explain to me what that is?' Hobie asked, watching as Diane stumbled over to his couch, tossing herself on it in a heap.
Had she not been able to literally stick to the floor, he almost doubted she'd make it, the gently sway of the houseboat an enemy of nausea.
'Explain what?' she mumbled, face down in the cushions.
'Kraft Dinner.'
Diane popped her head up. 'You have some?'
'I don't know what 'some' is, Di. You have to explain it.'
'Explain what?'
'Diane, I'm too drunk for this.'
'Drunk for what?! You're making no sense!'
'Kraft Dinner!'
'What about it?!'
'What the bloody hell does that mean?!'
'Oh!!! Dinner means supper.'
'Then what are you asking me?'
'What's Kraft?? Witchcraft??? You want me to conjure you up a meal like a spell? Want me to craft you a dinner like I'm crafting a sword? 😭😭'
'What are you bugging for??!! I asked for food! Why are you talking like a old timey orphan!!??'
'And WHY!!! ARE THE TWO OF YOU YELLING ABOUT MACARONI!!! AT 4 AM!!!' Gwen yells from upstairs.
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8turning · 1 year
HII can u do a 8turn headcannon abt how they r like crushing on the reader and what they do to show the reader their love for them ?
thank you for this request!! apologies that it took me so long 💔
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☆⠀⠀8TURN — when they're pining for you !
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hyung line + jangshinz (separately) x gn ! reader ★ fluff. mutual pining. ★ headcannon
warnings: swearing. physical affection. let me know if i missed anything!
n. i have a similar headcannon here about how they'd show their love; this fic will focus more on how they pine for reader since a lot of my thoughts are already shared on that post!! ♡ also this derailed a bit,,, there's implied confessions HELP sorry 🤒
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⁰⁰¹ : JAEYUN.
wouldn't realize he liked you until someone pointed it out to him 1/2 🤕
^ he would regret thinking deeper about what yoonsung had told him: "are you sure you don't feel anything for them?" . . . queue a montage of every single memory he has with you where his stomach did a "weird flip" that he never chose to acknowledge.
basically. jaeyun was fucked LOL
BUT despite his revelation, he managed to keep himself composed pretty well. he was never overly affectionate with the members so him suddenly getting lost in his thoughts a lot wasn't exactly foreign.
what was foreign, though, was his very apparent distance.
to be fair, he wasn't fully aware he was doing it. it was more so "when i'm around them i get this Feeling. i cant handle that Feeling right now," then he kinda just. goes somewhere else for the time being.
you'd realize it, overthink it all, and text him on a whim that you needed to talk to him.
he'd get so nervous and only then would he really think about his behavior and . . . yeah you deserved an explanation, even if it resulted in rejection for him :(
he wouldn't speak first. he'd want you to feel welcomed to let out any emotion you were feeling; you were the one who wanted to talk, it wouldn't be right of him to take over.
he'd know that no matter his reason, him suddenly avoiding you and saying "i didn't realize" wasn't going to cut it, so swallowing whatever anxiety he had, he confessed then and there. it wasn't too in depth, of course, but it didn't feel right for him to hide it any longer - especially after everything.
but, the silence that followed his confession made all the anxiety bubble up again, only for you to speak about your reciprocated feelings.
in an unknown way, him pulling back from you is what brought you two together in the end; strange how that works.
⁰⁰² : MYUNGHO.
he's not shy in the slightest LMFAOO 💀 it'd be more shocking if you didn't know he liked you.
it doesn't even matter if you two were hanging out with other people either, he'd make a point to sit by you during a movie. even if it wasn't a horror movie, he'd still tell you that if you're scared, you can cling to him (as if he is any better with scary movies . . . his arm ends up around your shoulder anyways).
he's not usually one for talking during a movie, but he cant help but crack jokes here and there, using that as an excuse to lean in closer to you and watch as you try to hold your laughter in, his eyes watching you adoringly.
myungho would pull you into your own little world when you're with one another,,, he'd literally be so obvious about his feelings for you i'm crying.
openly flirting and complimenting you non-stop,,, holding eye contact if you ever caught him looking at you,,,
myungho would literally tell you how much he liked you straight up 🤭 "i like you a lot, y'know that?" "i'm so glad i met you." "you'll let me stay with you, right?"
the only time EVER he'd get shy if it was you who initiated something. he'd actually lose his mind.
it'd be such a stark contrast to the myungho you knew previously that you couldn't help but laugh a bit whenever you caught him like that.
holding his hand out of nowhere or leaning your head on his shoulder is a surefire way to make heat rise along his neck and make him go speechless.
he's so open about it and talks about you so much. his members are SICK OF HIM!!!! /j
minho probably threatened that if he doesn't make a move soon that he'll ask you out himself . . . you'd get a message from myungho the next morning ♡
⁰⁰³ : MINHO.
bye he's so so playful and he'd be able to cover up how he truly felt pretty well, which was both a positive and a negative for him.
positive: he'd be able to hug you nonchalantly or tap his cheek asking for a kiss and you'd think nothing of it.
negative: you'd think nothing of it.
since minho often acts this way with his friends as well, he slowly becomes self-conscious of his actions, worrying that that's all you saw him as - a friend.
he'd probably slowly try to either a: be more forward with you, or b: reserve certain actions for you only.
minho would stop blowing kisses to myungho and asking seungheon to kiss his cheek. he might even go as far as to not be as physically affectionate with his members anymore.
slowly letting you come to the conclusion yourself that the way he treats you is different from his members.
if you weren't the type to fight against him when he acted this way, if you suddenly started reciprocating the same actions towards him, his head would start spinning.
if it was a normal occurrence for you to return his energy, he'd start to wonder if you treated your friends like this as well.
but . . . he never saw you cling onto jaeyun's arms like you do with him . . . and you don't look at haemin the same way you look at him . . . hm . . .
minho crushing on you would be hard to detect until he made more of an effort to let his guard down about it.
you'd pick up on his behavior change pretty quickly which only opened the conversation of "why are you suddenly treating me like i'm special?"
(hint: its because you are special to him).
he is taking this to his GRAVE!!! he'd try to be so so so secretive and discreet.
yoonsung falls hard and doesn't want to overwhelm you with how he feels and everything :( wants to try and soak in the feeling of crushing on you but every time he sees you he just gets so overjoyed and just wants to confess right then and there.
which is why he feels he needs to take this to his grave 😭 he's not sure if he will ever be able to fully "calm down" around you enough to properly confess to you the way you deserve to be confessed (he thinks you deserve the world).
tries to act as Normal as he can around you, but most of the time i think he'd fall kind of silent.
whether you're with a group of friends or just talking one-on-one, he'd get so wrapped up in his thoughts and become uncharacteristically quiet.
it was a constant internal battle for yoonsung. he wanted to be near you but also knew he likely couldn't hide how he felt for much longer.
unlike minho, yoonsung wasn't going to hug you or hold your hand out of no where. he did this with his friends, sure, but he didn't see you as just a friend, which made physical affection towards you that much harder.
the lines would get blurred in his brain and he feared if you reciprocated, even if it was platonic, he'd make an assumption that could end up hurting him.
of course, yoonsung was unaware of your feelings towards him as well, and seeing him seemingly pulling away from you, you subconsciously do the same :(
he doesn't realize just how different he was acting towards you until that moment, and as if his heart took control over his brain, he'd spill all of his feelings for you, doing his best to explain away his behavior.
and it worked - who could stay mad at him for too long?
⁰⁰⁵ : HAEMIN.
wouldn't realize he liked you until someone pointed it out to him 2/2 💔
everything would be going perfectly fine for haemin,,, until minho jokingly commented about how much he liked you. then that became all he thought about.
begin haemin's internal debate of if he liked you romantically or not! and if it was true (it was), how long? upon actually giving it a lot of thought . . . he's liked you for a while without really processing his feelings effectively.
and now,,, he cannot properly face you!! at least, not in the beginning.
everything hits him so fast and he's forced to process his emotions at a rapid pace now. he does a decent job at hiding his inner turmoil about the topic, but he eventually confides in kyungmin about it (though it wasn't on purpose),, kyungmin just caught him while he was dazed!! totally not like he went to kyungmin stressing about possibly ruining your friendship hahaha . . .
once he was able to fully "recover" and process everything, he's a goner. heart eyes are permanent.
just so absolutely infatuated with everything you do and say. comes around more often and always manages to take the spot next to you if you're with a group of people.
always always always joking around with you because he loves the sound of your laugher and how happy you seem when you smile, especially when you smile because of him.
in a twisted ending, haemin is grateful that minho made him fall into a crisis. if he hadn't, he wouldn't have been able to have these moments with you.
once you end up together, minho rightfully takes full credits for the relationship starting, kyungmin taking credit for helping haemin get over his fear of ruining everything between you two.
so - albeit his disagreement - haemin accepts that they should get some credit for their help.
but how it all came to be doesn't matter much, as long as in the end, he ended up with you.
i'm not usually fond of the trope of someone who brings up the person they like every time they can but,,,, kyungmin does exactly that. his members get so tired of him for it too HELP (he's gotten into the practice of just,, thinking of you instead of verbally bringing you up so often).
his members' anger (/j) doesn't stop him though!! every chance he gets he talks about you,, the only time that stops is when you're around 🧍‍♂️
you BET the members are gonna poke fun at him for that too LMFAO
when you're around, he'd be much more into listening rather than speaking himself.
"platonic" kisses on the backs of your hands. "platonic" hand holding. (nothing about it is platonic).
kyungmin would love love love to rest his head on your shoulder!! whether he's standing behind you while talking with a group of friends or sitting next to each other watching a movie, he just likes the feeling (bonus points if his arm is looped under yours to play with your fingers).
he'd be in his own head a lot,,, daydreaming and such,,, even though you're right next to him 🧍‍♂️
if you were to nudge him while he was like this, he'd look at you with the most love-filled gaze.
he didn't have to say anything to you, just from the way he looked at you and the light blush forming on his cheeks, you knew. the way your stomach filled with butterflies as you held his gaze was also a great indicator that his look meant something more.
it was then when he saw how your gaze changed too - it changed to one that matched his own. with a deep breath, he'd squeeze your hand before a smile spread across his face.
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© 8turning 2023.
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tewwor · 3 months
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🧍 you know how long that'd take me to list out??? anyways, i'll limit the ones that have made me the most feral over the years —
@huntershowl + litho : yall want to talk about slow burn? that moment where we both clapped and they mushed faces together will forever be ingrained in my brain. 4 entire years worth of waiting....
@hnjwn / @cordoliae + chanyeol : insane. they're insane! the sheer depth they somehow fumbled into is just.. outstanding tbh. even though they're both hibernating, i had to mention them
i'm personally only comfortable with romantic age gaps of around 10ish years. and, yes, i'll admit that does bleed into my characters a lot.
just before sexual foreplay + more. not that i really delve into that a lot anymore. but hey! if the stars align and the mood's right, then it still might happen.
with mutuals? no..... god no........ granted, chemistry is still a very big thing. not every random pair of muses will stick and that's okay! but if you have even an inkling of joy with a romantic ship between our muses, i'm almost always on the same exact boat. so please never, ever be afraid to voice that!
**please know that i probably missed a ton ( rip my work shocked brain ), but these are just the first ships i can think of where we've had in threads or yapped ooc!**
currently established:
@huntershowl / @icarusplunged + seph/litho & seph/jie/ricochet & seph/adal/lior & rusa/ricochet — need i say more? the original marked dating sim hard launch tbh OHGAWOIGH anyways, doesn't matter how long either of us go on hiatus. one of us keeps crawling back
@miidnighters + bella/jie & hartley/cruor/iris — the way both of them just stuck? it's amazing, jaw dropping, heart warming!!! every aspect of a robust, well rounded relationship can be hit in either, i love them both so, so much.
just starting ( and super excited for ):
@xinxiins + jie — don't get me started on how many times my heart's ached already. there's such a cultural connection that guts me Every Time 😭
@chth0nia + cruor — every time i think of them, i think of that crying dog pic you sent. exactly how i feel about them!!!!
@bloodykneestm + whoever you want lbr — i've yet to write those starters for iggy and alastair but just you Wait……
@interxstitial + literally anyone — like, okay yeah there's ravi sure ( i do love them though ), but if there's anyone else that piques your interest... you just let me know and i'll fedex express ship them over. i'll even cover the cost dw
@temporalobjects + botan/clarence/pildo & iwai + chanyeol : i don't think i've ever had a canon latch onto a ship so quickly before? and the fact that it's technically post canon and he's lumped with two sunshiny loveable dorks! then there's... yknow.. the other two that keep dancing around each other. shed many tears from angst and laughter over both ships, drawn at least 1 or 2 things for each ♡
@womanlives + mercy/jie & dez/clarence : my 'missing you' letter. i hope you know that those two ships have brought me such immense joy and tears at the same time. truly have a special place in my heart ♡♡♡
more like showing interest, i feel like? asking can be sooooo anxiety inducing ( i know it can be the same with just mentioning it ), but there's a very good chance i'm already jumping up and down in glee with the exact same thought so! just let me know!!
it's toned down a bit ( barely ) ever since i've been overtaken with how dear and important other types of connections are. but yeah, still love ships with all my heart
just let a clown know. yall know where to find me in my lil' clown corner. if you're more plot heavy, then hell yeah! we can chat up a storm! if you're more 'throw things at the wall and see what sticks' intensive, then hell yeah! i love punting these idiots out and see what happens in the weirdest ( or saddest ) situations. applies to both monogamous and polyamorous ships!
tagged by : i was tagged... in it so that counts right? ( thnkx @huntershowl muah muah )
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