#I don't know if that's how it actually works but fucking hellfire man what is this
monty-glasses-roxy · 9 months
Sleepy and bored how's it going?
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fuctacles · 2 months
you guys are feral for silly wereshifter Steve AU and I love that
Some meatheads are calling Eddie names again. The dog that's been tailing him appears out of nowhere and makes eye contact with him as it struts over to the group and lifts his leg, pissing all over the fresh wax on their BMW with the determination and focus of a dog that hasn't been outside for the whole day.
"Hey, get your fucking dog off my car!" One of the guys jumps up, but the warning show of canines stops him from shooing the dog away himself.
Eddie shrugs, though he's restraining a smile.
"It's not mine."
Later the dog finds him again as it always does, and he makes amends.
"You are my dog though, right? My good doggie. Who's my good boy?" he asks, scratching the overjoyed dog all over its furry body.
At home, Steve asks Robin to call him a good boy when he shifts, to see if it feels as good. It doesn't. Well, it does, but not in the same way.
It comes to the point when dog Steve spends more time with Eddie than human Steve. To soak in the happiness and love Eddie shows him.
"Is Steve okay?" Eddie asks one day, petting the dog beside him while they take a break from band practice. The rest of Hellfire is hanging out in the garage, with Mike jumping on every opportunity to learn guitar from Jeff and the rest usually following.
"Yeah?" Dustin cocks his head. "Why wouldn't he be?"
"I don't know." Eddie shrugs. "Haven't seen him in a while and you're never mentioning him anymore."
Dustin looks at the dog.
"He's fine. You're overthinking it."
Eddie thinks that might be it, but...
"I know we're not friends-friends but I don't even see him in passing! Hell, Buckley is there to hang out, and he's not!"
Dustin throws his hands up in the air, annoyed with the questions.
"Don't ask me, man! Ask him yourself! And, to be honest," he crosses his arms, glaring at the dog, for some reason. "I don't understand what's going on with him either."
Eddie frowns, looks at the dog that huffs loudly, and looks away with a grunt. He pats its fluffy fur.
"How am I supposed to ask him if he's never here?" he sighs. "I don't want to just corner him at his place."
Dusting looks at him like he failed elementary two times, not high school.
"There's this thing called phones?"
"Oh. Right."
"Jesus it's like you'd die without me."
"Not what I meant!" Dustin goes pale instantly, mortified by his own words.
"I know, kid." Eddie pulls his head down in reassurance and leans into a side hug. "Don't worry."
"He's not picking up," he tells the dog while biting at a hangnail. "Maybe he's at work?" He wonders out loud and goes to the magazine pile on the coffee table. The dog struts behind him. He rummages through the papers under its watchful eye until he finds the Family Video pamphlet. He runs back to the phone with it and dials the number on the back.
"Hi, I'm looking for Steve? Oh, hi Buckley. Do you know if he's home? Okay. Can you tell him to call me when he's free? No, I just wanted to ask him something. Thanks. Bye."
When he hangs up, he's alone in the room.
There's a bark from the front of the trailer.
"Sure, sorry!"
He runs up to open the door for the dog already waiting there. But before it leaves, it nuzzles up into his hand, the wet nose and hesitance to leave reassuring Eddie that he'll be back sooner or later. He smiles at the dog, giving him one last scratch between the ears.
"Such a good boy. See you later, buddy."
Steve calls him not even an hour later.
"Eddie?" He sounds out of breath.
"Steve, hi!" He's relieved to hear him and suddenly realizes he doesn't remember the last time they actually talked. "Has Buckley talked to you already?"
"Dustin then?"
"No- ah, yeah! He's mentioned you wanted to talk."
He's a bit disappointed Steve hasn't thought to reach out himself but it's better than nothing.
"Yeah, I Haven't seen you in a while, man. What have you been up to?"
"Uh, you know, just... This and that. Doing a lot of... Running. Exercises. You know."
Eddie doesn't know, but he's willing to nod along to keep the conversation going.
"Yeah, totally, you've been busy. Do you want to hang out maybe? Movie night, or, or..." He tries to come up with anything they could do together. "I got a new strain of weed we could test?" He offers.
Steve laughs at that, genuine and relaxed and Eddie relaxes at the sound himself.
"Sure, why not? Is tonight alright? I have a day off anyway."
Eddie's not prepared mentally and neither is his room but he agrees immediately.
"Sure, come over anytime."
"Okay I'll take a shower and I'm off."
When they meet up, everything seems normal. For about fifteen minutes.
Steve jumps whenever Eddie touches him, and his face is red, making Eddie look at him worriedly and ask if he's alright.
But all Steve can think about is “good boy” and belly scratches. When his leg twitches when Eddie touches his shoulder, he jumps off the couch, mortified by his body's reactions.
"Do you have a dog?!" he almost yells, looking around in panic.
Eddie blinks at him.
"Uh, no?" But then he frowns. "I mean, there is a dog," he corrects, and his brows crease in worry. "Wait, are you allergic?"
"Yes!" Steve points his finger at him. "I gotta go, man, sorry, I'm itching all over," he spits out fast, walking backward toward the exit and almost running into a wall. "But it was great seeing you, uh, bye!"
The doors slam shut and Eddie's left alone and confused, the reality show host still yelling from the screen.
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joekeeryswife · 2 years
Clingy - e.m
hello loves i hope you’re all okay. angst to fluff with Eddie- shitty ending with a lot of mistakes but other than that- enjoy x
taglist (feel free to add yourself🤍): @eddieamoremio @theshireisonfire @livsters
your love language was physical touch. touching them in some sort of way always put your mind at ease. whether it was holding hands or resting your head on your lovers shoulder, that was enough for you. from what you saw, Eddie didn't mind you being affectionate with him, in fact it seemed like he loved you being affectionate.
if you didn't hold his hand he would softly grab ahold of your wrist and lace your fingers together. whenever you were at his trailer and it was just the two of you and you'd be in his bedroom, cuddled closely together. you being clingy and cuddly never ever seemed to bother Eddie.
you'd never heard him complain to anyone about how clingy you were and Robin would say 'you guys make me sick' from how close the two of you were, every second you were together you were touching in some sort of way. but you always knew she was joking, it was never said with malice or spite.
it was Friday and school had just finished. Fridays meant hellfire. you were still coming to terms with the game so when Eddie said you could sit next to him you didn't think anything of it. he was always willing to help you and he didn't seem to care if you asked a question during the game, until you heard him speaking to whoever was in the drama studio. the drama studio door was slightly open, meaning you could hear every little thing he said.
"no man, i just can't do it anymore. it's every single day she's there clinging onto me. i understand she's an affectionate person but jesus christ it's like i can never catch a break. even when i'm here doing hellfire, the one time i do have a break she's here pestering me about how to play. she's just so fucking annoying. i don't know, maybe i should say something to her. she needs to learn boundaries. just for one day i'd love some space, just one day with her leaving me alone."
your breathing stuttered as your eyes filled with tears, Eddie found you annoying? if you'd known you would of stopped but hearing him speak about you like this just broke your heart. the last time you heard someone speak about your clingy-ness in a bad way was your ex, he hated you being touchy and his last words to you before you broke up were "you don't know when to leave someone alone. your affection isn't needed or wanted. it's weird, you touching me all the time is weird"
"i don't know man, you know how she is. she's just showing you love-" Dustin. Dustin was always the one to stick up for you and you appreciated it. "no. her love is too much. i don't think i can do it anymore honestly." Eddie interrupted. you couldn't help me choke on a sob before deciding you'd heard enough and left them to their conversation.
how could you have been so blind, Eddie didn't want the affection you were giving him and you should of realised that. you made your way through the halls of Hawkins High and realised Eddie was your ride home. there was no way you were going back there to ask him for a lift so walking it was.
you opened one of the double doors and held your books closer to your chest as a sob escaped your throat. you would have never ever thought Eddie would speak about you in that way. he was always so loving and hearing him call you annoying hurt. a lot. now you knew how he really felt, you were 100% going to distance yourself. if Eddie felt like this imagine how your friends felt? did they all speak about you like Eddie did? starting today there would be no more affection coming from you.
it was now Saturday meaning you had work. work with Steve and Robin which was fine, it was better than working work Keith. a lot better actually. but you were getting nervous. Eddie had been calling your home phone non stop and leaving voice mails. most of them were asking if you were okay and why you didn't turn up to hellfire. he had called you at least 40 times and when you didn't answer he drove to your house and begged to see you but your mum wouldn't let him in.
you hadn't told her what Eddie had said but you had hinted to her that if anyone did turn up at the house asking for you to not let them in because you wanted to be alone. you knew Eddie would turn up at your work, he always did and never missed a shift. but you just prayed that something would distract him enough so he didn't turn up.
facing Robin and Steve was hard. usually you'd greet them with a hug and a kiss on the cheek but not today. you'd just walked to the staff room and put your stuff away. you'd obviously said hello, you weren't that rude, but you just didn't want to annoy them like you were annoying Eddie. 
you were sat on the counter, picking at your nails as you listened to Steve and Robin complain about how boring it was because the shop was so quiet. about three hours after you'd all started work Robin decided to go on break, leaving you and Steve alone. you hadn't realised but both Robin and Steve had been taking sneaky glances at you and mouthing to each other trying to figure out the problem.
"honey" you heard Steve say. he never called you by your first name. it was just something you both never used. you looked up from your nails and saw him staring right at you. "is there something wrong?" you shook your head and looked down at your lap. you didn't really want him to know you were worried about being annoying but there was something about Steve that made you never able to keep a secret from him.
"'m not stupid honey. you can tell me, i won't tell anyone" you looked up at him again and sighed, feeling your chin quiver and your lips downturned as you tried to stop yourself from crying. you knew if you cried Steve would take you in his arms and hug you until you couldn't breathe but you didn't want that, you didn't want to receive or give affection.
Steve frowned as he watched you try not to cry, what the hell had happened? "do you think i'm annoying?" his frown deepened as he listened to you speak, where the hell had this come from? "what? absolutely not. who the hell called you-" Steve was cut off by the bell above the door ringing, indicating someone had entered the store.
you looked over and saw it was Eddie. shit. "i'm gonna go on break" you whispered to Steve and made your way to the back quickly. "hey sweetheart where are you going?" Eddie had just got here and now you were leaving? no kiss? no cuddle? he was frowned. you were going out of your way to purposely ignore him. "what the hell is the matter with her?" Eddie asked, annoyed. Steve sighed "i honestly have no idea."
Monday rolled around quicker then you would have liked and waking up for school gave you the worst anxiety. you'd have to face Eddie. you were semi popular in school so it wasn't like you had no where else to sit but you liked sitting with Eddie and his friends, they were all nice to you and that was a bonus.
but today was different, you were definitely not going to sit with them and decided to sit with Robin instead. but it also wasn't as simple as just sitting with Robin. you had a lot of classes with Eddie so you couldn't avoid him. maybe in the corridors but not in class, you were stuck in one place and that was with him.
you had asked Steve if he could take you to school and he was more than happy to pick you up before he got Robin and you were grateful he agreed. usually Eddie would pick you up but you didn't even want to face him. maybe what you were doing was wrong and maybe you should just speak to him about it. but you were scared, you were giving him what he wanted right? he said he wanted space and that was exactly what you were giving him.
Steve had picked you up a lot earlier than Eddie would even arrive at your house which meant you didn't have to face him. once Eddie did finally arrive at your house he was confused. every morning without fail you'd be sat on your porch steps waiting for him but today it seemed like you were no where to be seen.
Eddie saw your mums car in the drive way which meant she hadn't taken you to school so he quickly made his way up your drive and knocked on the door. your mum answered with a smile and a reciprocated confused look. "hi Eddie. what can i do for you?" were you not coming to school today? "is y/n home? she's usually out here because i take her to school" your mum frowned, you had left for school ages ago.
"oh uhh i thought she would have told you. she left for school early, she told me she had to catch up on some extra school work" Eddie frowned but nodded. "she must of forgotten to tell me. thank you anyway" he replied as he made his way back to his van. now he knew for certain you were avoiding him. but he had no idea why. what had he done for you to ignore him like this?
he arrived at Hawkins high pretty quickly and made his way to your locker, seeing you speaking to Robin with a huge smile on your face. he hadn't seen you smile in what felt like years. he approached you cautiously, not wanting you to run away from him before he could talk to you.
"hey" he said as you took your English book from your locker. "hi" Robin had found out what Eddie had said and was fuming. you being an affectionate person was one of your best qualities, you always made new people feel welcome (if they were new to the friendship group) by giving them a reassuring hug and a smile.
the fact he had called you annoying pissed her off so she quickly left the two of you before she said something she'd regret. Eddie sighed before running a hand through his hair in annoyance "i went to your house this morning. you weren't there" he took ahold of your hand and rubbed his thumb on the back of it.
"oh sorry. i forgot to say, Steve drove me here. i had to catch up-" you let go if Eddie hand quickly, making his hand drop. "why are you lying to me? you've been avoiding me for days. just stop lying to me y/n, im your boyfriend i'm meant to know how you're feeling" you looked in his eyes and saw his were full of confusion and anger. you definitely should have said something.
"Eddie you are one to talk, you can't say you're meant to know how im feeling if i have no clue how you're really feeling" you snapped back, to be honest you didn't mean for it to come out so harshly. "what are you on about?" you sighed, you didn't want to do this now in front of everyone. people were starting to stare.
"im not gonna get into this with you now. i've got to go to class" a class which Eddie was in unfortunately. "okay fine. i'll come with you" you shook your head and his frown deepened. "i wanna walk on my own" and with that you closed your locker and made your way to your English class. Eddie needed to know what was going on with you because it was like something in you had switched. you let go of his hand which you never ever did.
at lunch it was the same, you had made awkward eye contact with him after ignoring him in English and quickly put your head down and rushed over to where Robin was sat, thank god she saved you a seat. Eddie groaned as he watched you walk over to Robin instead of him.
"what's got you all grumpy Ed's?" Jeff said as Eddie put his head in his hands. "y/n is completely avoiding me. i have no idea what i've done wrong" Dustin swallowed and turned to Eddie. "you don't think she heard what you said before hellfire do you?" Eddies head shot up as he quickly remembered what he had said.
"what?" Dustin looked down at his lap, and guilt filled Eddie's body. "oh god. she's probably heartbroken" he wanted to slap himself for being so stupid. what he said before hellfire was just a spare of the moment thing and he wanted nothing more than your love and affection, it was killing him honestly. "maybe she's just worried about 'annoying' you Eddie. i did tell you what you said was harsh. you wanted to break up with her" Dustin quoted.
"i would never. i'm such an idiot" Eddie quickly got his lunch box and started making his way to you. he saw you laughing with Robin and a few kids from band and just the thought of hurting you killed him. "y/n" he said as he got to your table, making you look up at him. "hi Eddie" Robins smile turned sour as soon as he approached the table. "can i speak to you?"
Eddie knew about your last boyfriend and what he had said to you before you broke up and Eddie promised he would never be like him. but he realised he turned out just like him. you sighed but knew you probably should speak to him. you grabbed your bag and followed Eddie. it seemed like he was taking you to his van so you could speak in private. now there were three ways Eddie could approach- he could just come out and ask if you heard him or he could let you talk to him about it or he could ask in a discreet way and hope you tell him.
he didn’t know what he was going to do until you were both settled in the van. you were silent, waiting for Eddie to speak. you didn't want to be the first to talk because it was Eddie who was in the wrong, not you. you were giving him exactly what he wanted. the silence was awkward. very awkward. you could honestly cut the tension with a knife it was so awkward.
"so" Eddie finally broke it. but he was met with the same silence. how were you meant to respond to that? "i didn't mean to snap at you earlier. i am just worried about you. you never avoid me like this" Eddies voice was soft and filled with love but also worry. you'd never done this before. Eddie sighed when you stayed silent. he really fucked up. "did you hear what i said to Dustin?"
you looked down at your lap and nodded your head. you felt your eyes fill with tears as a relief was taken off of your shoulders. you heard Eddie whisper a small 'fuck' as he realised his fear of you hearing him came true. "baby you know i didn't mean it. i would never-"
"you know what happened when i was in my last relationship Eddie and you promised you'd be nothing like him. if my affection was making you uncomfortable you should of said it to me, not to Dustin" Eddie knew you were right, now you were looking directly at him. he shifted uncomfortably under your gaze. "i know i know and i'm sorry. i was just having a rough day" you scoffed through your tears.
"what you said hurt me Eddie don't you get that? you can't blame it on a rough day. the way you said it was enough for me to know you meant it. you said i was annoying and that 'you couldn't do this anymore' and if that's how you feel Eddie then i don't want to be with you" Eddies heart dropped as he looked at the mascara lines streaking down your cheeks. he knew he'd fucked up and he hurt you.
he sighed and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, bringing you into him so he could just hold you. he didn't mean anything he said and if he could take it all back so you would be affectionate with him again he would. you let him hug you, you missed him. he kissed your forehead as you cried into his hellfire shirt. “i’m really sorry sweetheart”
your crying was silent. a sincere apology was all you wanted to hear. “i don’t know why i said it, i think maybe it scared me a little that you love me so much to even show me affection but it’s not an excuse for the way i spoke about you. i really am sorry, i love your affection and i missed it so much when you were ignoring me” he rubbed his hand up and down your back as he tried to calm you down.
you looked up at him with bloodshot eyes and tear marks on your cheeks. even though he hurt you, the sympathetic look on his face almost melted you. “promise me if it’s too much for you you’ll come to me” Eddie lent down and place a small kiss on your lips before rubbing his hand over your cheeks to clear any stains away. “i promise”
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 1 year
Eddie thinking he's a suave ladies' man as he tries to talk to you but realising he has no game whatsoever. You find it endearing.
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Minors dni, Eddie being adorable and flustered, fluffy fic.
Don't copy, reuse or repost my work.
In his head, he thinks he's suave, charming and a ladies' man but in reality, he blushes and makes a doofus of himself in front of pretty girls.
Eddie has a major crush on you and he doesn't know what to do. He couldn't stop thinking about you.
He spends most of his time talking to Uncle Wayne or the guys, they are used to his chaotic energy and goofball shit.
Most girls ignore, roll their eyes at him or call him "freak"
The small few that do notice him, who have flirted back, who he's met at shitty dive bars don't stick around long.
You were talking to Chrissy, he opened his mouth to say hello but his voice came out all squeaky and made him curse himself out in his head.
So when he saw you for the first time he acted like he was confident, cool and shit but in reality he was a mess inside.
To him, you were beautiful, sweet and an angel on earth, some mythical type of elven princess from LOTR, a goddess.
Chrissy looked at him all sympathetic and introduced you to him while he called himself several names in his head.
He missed the shy smile you sent his way, the intrigued look as he skulked off in the opposite direction hoping to forget the disaster of a first meeting.
After that Eddie attempted to show off while he was near your vicinity. Hoped you would notice him while he was strutting around like a peacock on the Hellfire lunch table and throwing his daily insult at Jason.
It might have worked in theory if he didn't notice you actually staring over at him one time and he froze, like a deer in headlights.
Kinda like this.
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Then as he jumped off the table he managed to trip over his own feet, face plant on the floor and shoot back up like nothing had happened.
He really hoped you didn't notice that.
But you did, the Hellfire boys snickered in the background until he gave them one of his death glares and they shut up immediately.
He was so pathetic at this. In his mind, he was certain he was all cool and suave but in real life he was having no luck wooing you.
Rock stars wouldn't have this problem he told himself sullenly with a pout on his face.
A pout that you thought was cute as fuck, however Eddie didn't know that yet.
After a little while Eddie was ready to give up, he tried speaking to you but got all tongue-tied and overacted to show that he wasn't sweating his ass off while you looked at him with your pretty eyes.
He was forced to realise he didn't have much game as he thought he did and was considering asking Steve for help. The chicks all loved him right?
Stupid, stupid son of a bitch he berated himself as he stomped to away from his usual spot in the woods still sulking.
With minutes to spare until he had to get to class, he grudgingly gets up.
Just one week left until he graduated this hellhole he consoles himself.
His army crawling to a D in Miss O'Donnell's class finally paid off.
Then you walked up to him as he got to the school entrance and he felt his heart stutter in his chest.
"Hi, Eddie" you murmur and you sound like you are nervous, shy too just like how he feels.
Why were you nervous? Did your friends tell you he was mean and scary or something?
"Hi, uh sweetheart" Yeah, nice going doofus he scolds himself.
"I was wondering if you had a date for prom?" he blinks, once, twice, then shakes his head.
He planned on avoiding prom like the plague, conformist bullshit he told himself. Though if he was honest he would have sucked it up and gone for you. If you wanted.
Not that you would ever ask but he would.
"Nah, not my thing sweetheart" is it his imagination or did you look disappointed? You had guys ask you for weeks but you turned them down much to the relief Eddie felt when he saw it happen.
"Oh, okay. I just thought if it was your type of thing then maybe we could have gone together but it's not so uh cool" You look up at him through your lashes and he thinks his brain short circuits.
You, the most beautiful girl he had ever met in his life wanted to go with him.
"Why would you want to go with me?" he asks stunned because hasn't he been making an ass of himself for weeks and weeks now? Months even.
"Because you're cute, endearing, actually to me you're super fucking hot and I struggle to know what to say around you"
Did he end up getting to class after all and he was daydreaming? No... no this was very real and he shrugged off the nerves he was feeling and grinned.
"Milady, I would love to go to prom with you" The look on your face, the joy makes his heart ping in delight.
"Great, I really like you, Eddie" You move closer to him and before he knows it he's kissing you and you're kissing him back and everything is fucking incredible.
The rest of Hellfire was stunned as you joined their table and settled on Eddie's knee while kissing his cheek.
He heard Jason's shout of shock and lazily flipped him the bird, he was too into his girl to notice.
His, you were his. He couldn't believe it.
"Dude, how??" Lucas asked him stunned, mirroring Dustin and Mike's look, he winked at his sheeples and shrugged.
"Couldn't resist the Eddie Munson game could you princess?" you giggle and press a kiss to his lips and he basks in the glow of your beaming smile and that gorgeous giggle.
Eddie felt like a rockstar, 86 was his year, just like he suspected.
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matchingbatbites · 1 year
pretty baby (got a funny feelin')
Okay so here's the deal. I haven't been able to write anything consistently for the last month, and then yesterday A Demon possessed me and made me write 3k of Steddie + Gareth, and it's surprisingly helping me get out of my funk, so here's the first 1.1k which is all just Steddie fantasizing about fucking Gareth while getting off. And since it's not actually mentioned in the story, Gareth is 18 and Steve/Eddie are 21/22.
This fic is 18+ | CW: Includes cis female Steve, heavy daddy kink & splash of mommy kink, Dom Eddie & princess Stevie, vaginal fingering, fantasizing about someone, a singular affectionate use of slut, and a shit ton of dirty talk.
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“Hey Teddy, do you think Gareth is cute?”
Eddie looks up from his laptop, from the campaign notes he’s been working on for the upcoming Hellfire session, just as his girlfriend drops down next to him on the couch and asks the question from out of nowhere.
“I mean, yeah? He reminds me of you, actually, with the baby face and the nice hair. Why?”
Stevie grins and bites into her lip, and she has that sparkle in her eye that usually means trouble. Eddie braces himself for whatever could possibly come out of her mouth next, but he isn't expecting it to be “We should fuck him. Like, invite him to join us.”
The man blinks and lets that process for just a moment, before he asks a simple “Huh?”
“Baby, he obviously likes you,��� the girl replies with a shrug and a grin. “And he clearly thinks I'm hot; I've caught him staring at me during pool parties more than once.”
She leans forward to rest her chin on Eddie's shoulder, hitting him with the full force of her gleaming hazel eyes. “He's such a darling, and gets flustered so easily. It could be so much fun, daddy, having a sweet baby to play with.”
Here’s the thing. Eddie won't lie and say he hasn't thought about it before, not when the boy is so clearly in the range of Eddie's type. It's not something he's ever lingered on, Gareth's age always being a deterrent, and then Eddie's relationship with Stevie. Still, he meant it when he said that Gareth reminds him of Stevie; their soft faces and gently curling hair, their bright smiles and sweet pouts.
Just the suggestion is enough to kick Eddie's overactive imagination into gear, instantly conjuring the image of the two of them, of Eddie's sweet, pretty babies spread out on messy sheets, babbling and begging him for more more more. He inhales sharply and pushes a hand into Stevie's hair, tugging just enough to make her gasp.
“Is that what you want, sweetheart? You don't just wanna be daddy's babygirl anymore? Wanna be a mommy with your own sweet baby?”
That must strike a chord with Stevie, because she whines high and shakes her head as best as she can. “Our baby, not just mine. Want us to fucking wreck him, wanna see him cry and beg for us, daddy.”
Holy fuck. Eddie's princess seems to have a sadistic streak that he wasn't aware of. Knowing how bitchy and condescending she can be in the right scenario, it's something he can't wait to cultivate and grow, to teach her how to wield it to wring pleasure out of someone else. 
Eddie moves his laptop to the side so he can grab Stevie and pull her into his lap, her gorgeous, plush thighs straddling his own. The shorts she’s wearing are fucking tiny, and he uses that to his advantage as he slides his hand into them - no underwear today, god what a sweet, eager slut she is - and pushes two fingers into her without preamble.
“Shit, babylove, you're so fucking wet. You've been thinking about this a lot, huh? Thinking dirty things about our little Gare Bear?” he asks, and grins when she nods. “Yeah, you have. C'me on, tell daddy what you've been thinking about.”
Stevie hums and pushes her hips down, grinding her pussy onto his fingers as her hands find a home on Eddie's shoulders. “Been thinkin' about lots of things. I want him to come in me, then I want you to fuck him while he eats me out, cleans out my pussy. Wanna watch him choke on your dick while I jerk him off, make sure he doesn't come until you do. Want him to ride you while I sit on your face, daddy.”
Jesus fucking Christ, she's really out to kill him. Eddie uses his grip on Stevie's hair to pull her into a searing kiss, needing to taste the inside of her filthy mouth. He pushes his fingers deeper into her, rubbing up against the spot that makes her whole body jerk in pleasure and swallowing the needy moan it earns him. 
Nails scrape over his neck and Stevie gives a sharp bite into his lower lip before pulling back. “'m not done yet, daddy. Thought you wanted to hear all of my ideas?”
“Oh, I do, baby, I do. Tell me what other naughty things you've been thinking about Gareth, sweetheart.”
She grins and keens when Eddie adds another finger, finally fucking her properly with them as she goes on, “Want you both in me at the same time, want you to fuck me and come in me, stuff me full. Want him between us, our own lil’ daisy chain, want him so fucked out he can’t even think.” Fuck shit fuck.
Eddie can tell that she's close, the way her nails dig into his shoulders and her thighs start to shake are all the warning he needs. He doesn’t let up at all, and the sound of skin meeting skin rings though the room under the sound of their talking. “You gonna let Gare fuck your pretty tits, princess? Gonna be a good mommy and let him suck on them while he fucks you?”
The nod she gives is eager, perfectly matching her needy “Good, I’ll be so good, daddy. Gonna come, can I? Please let me come, daddy.”
"Yeah, Stevie, come for me. Come on daddy's fingers, baby."
The girl gasps as she peaks, then lets out a long, high whine as Eddie fucks her through it, drawing out her orgasm until she's trembling in his hands. Eddie could probably wring another one out of her if he wanted to, but he's so high strung himself that he's dangerously close to coming in his pants. Instead he pulls his fingers from her and scrambles to get his sweatpants down far enough to grab his dick with his slick-covered hand, needing to come as soon as possible.
Stevie whines again and drops her forehead to his shoulder, watching as he fucks into his fist. "Fuck, give it to me, daddy. Love your cock, can't wait to see Gareth crying on it like I do, all whiny and needy. You're gonna fuck our pretty baby so good right? Fuck him good for me?"
That's all Eddie needs, the mental image of his dick filling the younger boy up so good, stretching him open, and he's fucking gone. He spills over his fist with a punched out groan, stroking himself through it until he's completely wrung out. Stevie is pressing a line of kisses along his jaw as he comes down, and he hums, leaning into the touch.
"So, I think you're just as into that as I am, huh daddy?"
Eddie just chuckles weakly and wipes his hand on his pants, knowing they're probably about to head up to the shower. "You know what that means, right?" Stevie gives her own questioning hum and Eddie turns his face to kiss her. 
"We need a plan."
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obey-me-disaster · 1 year
Lucifer: A B D H I L M W
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I have decided to combine the two asks cause it's for the same character and some letters repeat too!
Warning: NSFW
Lucifer x gn!MC
A=After care
Your comfort is his top priority, especially after he is done with you. His touch is so soft and the way he carries you is so gentle. He usually prefers to run a bath for the two of you to relax. Both for his after care and for yours he loves to relax and take a bath with you. If you feel like any part of your body is sore he will give you a massage while in the bath.
B=Body part
I just know as an angel he used to love his wings. They were bigger than anyone else wings, they were powerfull and beautiful. While he learned to love his black wings for what they are(especially if you pay special attention to them) they are not his favourite part of him anymore. If he had to pick another part of himself, he would say he likes his hands mainly cause they are strong and honestly really nice looking, especially that he holds them hidden behind his gloves most of that times. I headcanon he has a scare over his left hand but even with that, they still look really good.
On you, I feel really loves your shoulders and neck since he likes to leave kisses and marks all over them. He finds it so easy to burry his face into the crook of your neck to leave small bites or to kiss your shoulders whenever he hugs you from behind that he just can't help himself.
D=Dirty secret
He wants you to use your pact on him during sex. He never thought he would be into this sort of stuff but he also didn't think he would ever make a pact with a human so there's that. He really started to think about it after the Gold Hellfire Newt Syrup incident, to be more precise, after the "Master, give me an order..." .Yeah, that awakened something in him. The thought of being at your mercy and receiving orders for you turns him on to no end.
Everything about Lucifer is well taken care off and that of course includes his body hair. He takes pride in how he looks and has an image to upkeep, so he will make sure he keeps it trimmed even if no one will see it. He is even more careful about keeping himself well taken care of when he is in a relationship if that's even possible
He is actually really intimate during sex. Mainly cause it's he is left vulnerable during it and also considers it a romantic activity. It's not easy for him to let go of his worries and let himself be vulnerable, so he really needs to trust for that. He is also aware how vulnerable you are in the moment so his soft side really gets to shine during these times and he has an easier time expressing how he feels.
J=Jack off
Despite being the avatar of horny He pushes jacking off in the favour of finishing his work so he is often left pent up. Even if he would have more free time, he still tries to avoid doing it cause it never satisfies him properly and he is left frustrated more often than not.
Lucifer is an extremely private person, the only places you two are doing it are his bedroom and maybe his study room. Your room is usually a no cause he knows his brothers don't offer you no privacy. At least with his room and study room he knows he will have his privacy and have you all to himself.
He lives for the time you are assertive and taking the lead. He will even encourage you to keep going and become bolder in your attempts to flirt with him and tease him. Pulling him into your lap is one way to get his attention his intimacy bar did go up when MC did that in the game after all
W=Wild card
He wants you to stop him from working be either bending over his desk and fucking his brains out or tease him with your touches to the point he can't focus on his work anymore. All he wants is to leave his work behind and devote all of his attention to you.
This man has shitty sleeping schedule and probably has coffee and demonus running through his veins instead of blood. He is not going to sleep after sex not matter how much you think you can tire him out. He would rather focus on your after care and take his time to relax with you if he has the time for it.
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So season 3. Let's do this!
This took so so so long and is not quite where/what I wanted it to be soooo... I am so sorry 😅🥲 this will most likely be 2 parts cause... Yeah, just life man.
Actually some dialogue in this one? Sure, a line or two, as a treat.
(Part1) (part2)
Steve had been working at Scoops Ahoy for a few weeks now and he feels like he's built a decent rapport with his coworker Robin. She's witty and snarky and opinionated and when Steve wears a more tinted lipgloss than he intended resulting in a customer clocking it and saying something rude that he can't help but smile his dead-eyed customer service smile at, she clocks out for her lunch early (and takes an extra 15 minutes) and comes back with a full face of makeup and shoos him into the back with the mascara she bought from the shop a couple stores over. They both start coming to work with at least mascara, eyeliner and lipstick and Steve loves it. He compliments the hand-drawn designs on her shoes and she asks where he got his rainbow heart pin. They mostly disagree on music they listen to -she still lets him drag her to a couple live music nights at The Hideout with him and Billy every now and then anyway- but their politics and basic life philosophies line up pretty well.
He could do without the 'You Rule / You Suck' board, especially when Billy gets in on it and adds tallies from a little notebook he starts keeping when he and Steve hang out outside of kids and work. And the jokes about his kids (and occasionally Billy) when they come through for free passage to the movies. And the jabs about his parents' money like he still has access to that or their house.
He doesn't tell her that he was cut off and disowned and kicked out. He doesn't tell her that he had to get a job to help pay for his community college courses because he was a disappointment that couldn't get into a pre-approved 4-year university and that meant no college fund and he was still a few years away from being 21 and having access to the trust fund his grandparents set up for him when he was still just a lump of forming cells. And even then anything in that will probably be blown on buying himself his own permanent place instead of just a hand-me-down trailer in the middle of the woods so he needs to save for things like bills and a mortgage.
He doesn't tell her that the reason he lets the kids get away with so much is because they're *his* and they've already seen more fucked up shit than the cops in this town (save Hop) and he'll be damned if they don't get to just be kids. He'll be damned if they decide he's someone they need to hide from and sneak around like they hide and sneak from Joyce and Hop cause that's how they didn't know about half the shit the kids got up to while the adults were doing their best to take care of things themselves. He doesn't tell her that he's paying "rent" to the chief of police (it's way less than he should be but it's all Hop would take).
He doesn't tell Robin a lot of things.
Then sometime after Robin finally warmed up to him but before Dustin comes back from camp, Eddie Munson walks into Scoops Ahoy, his metalhead nerdy entourage in tow. He orders a plain scoop of vanilla with sprinkles in a cup and one of the others also orders something small and simple (while longingly eyeing their diabetes-inducing, horribly artificial tasting, bubblegum flavor when Munson turns away) before all of them are squeezing into one of the largest booths, emptying out messenger bags and backpacks of overstuffed binders and scuffed up versions of very familiar looking textbooks. It's like looking at an older -slightly grungier- version of his kids.
"Gentlemen, now that 🎶school's out for summer🎶-" There's a musical lilt as he says it that sounds vaguely familiar to Steve, "-and it has been confirmed that I will in fact be held captive for yet another stint in the hell they call Hawkins High School it is time we confer and conspire for the next year of Hellfire and the little sheep that will be joining our flock." He kinda loses track of it after that because then his kids are rushing in demanding tasters of everything and edging towards the lifting part of the counter with a look in their eyes that speaks of mischief. He puts up the initial fuss about them only visiting him for his backrooms access and that they promised to only come over when there were no customers around. He lets them through anyway.
He notices Munson eyeing him as he puts the partition back in place shaking his head and Robin laughing at him as she washed their ice cream scoops. The one that's vaguely more familiar looking than the rest and reminds him of a taller, angrier, Dustin with a better hair regimen isn't quite glaring at him but is definitely paying more attention than the rest of Munson's posse and seems more suspicious than Eddie's curious.
The metalheads are still there when Billy shows up stinking of chlorine in clothes that are damp where they cling to his frame. The group loosens up a little when he shoots Steve his signature smug smirk as he shrugs on his denim jacket that -like Steve's own jacket hanging out of sight in the staffroom- had begun accumulating patches and pins since Neil's incarceration. Unlike Steve's, Billy's has homages to bands like Mötley Crue, Deff Leppard, Twisted Sister and Guns N' Roses with little trails of shakily embroidered flowers and constellations on the collar and hems and filling the spaces between the patches and pins. Billy also has a small pink triangle on the lapel where Steve has a rainbow. Steve pretends not to notice the way the group goes a little quiet as Billy starts his usual routine of sunnily demanding tasters of all the available flavors and then again with sprinkles to "-really get an idea of their ✨nuance✨, prettyboy" before deciding on a scoop of double chocolate with a scoop of raspberry vanilla in a cup with sprinkles and one of their fresh waffle cones on top. Like always.
"Really branching out there aren't ya, tough guy?" Steve keeps his face as stoney as possible but he can't help the humored edge to his voice.
Billy just winks at him running his tongue over his teeth as he gives Steve an exaggerated leer, "Gotta keep you on your toes, handsome." Robin fake gags and Steve laughs and Eddie Munson turns red as he stares at the two joking jocks. Billy goes quiet as he stares at his ice cream and Steve recognizes the look on his face, tells the blonde to go sit down in their usual booth and he'd be taking his break soon and they can talk about whatever's bothering him.
What's bothering him is Neill getting parole for 'good behavior', Jim only telling the Mayfield-Hargroves almost a week after he was let out because that was actually the same day he himself found out. Billy found out just before a summer basketball practice session and thinks he snapped at an underclassmen he's been trying to get to open up about what Billy is 90% certain is going on in the kid's home, but he knows that cops can't do much if the victim(s) refuse to trust in those trying to help them. He's worried about the kid he snapped at. Worried about Susan and Max. Worried that even with the restraining order Neill will try something. Billy tells Steve he had thought he saw Neill around the outskirts of town during errands or during his turn to haul the kids around a couple of times before Hop told them and now he's sure it wasn't just paranoia. Steve tells him they'll figure it out, reminds him he's not alone in this
That makes Billy smile, small and tired but real and grateful. His shoulders are still tense and there's still a wariness in the smallest crease between his eyebrows that makes Steve ask if there's anything else. They talk about some of the weird dreams Billy's been having that makes Steve encourage him to talk to El. Just to make sure Billy isn't going through what happened to Will the last alternate-dimension-go-around.
They make plans to head out to see the two Hoppers after Steve's shift. Come up with a basic timeline of when and where Billy thinks he saw Neil so they have something to start with for Hop. Put together an idea of how involved Billy wants to be in whatever plan Hop comes up with. They're interrupted by a group of girls swanning into the shop and Steve being yelled at by Robin to get himself back to work. As he gets up from the table Steve levels Billy with a look that makes the blond think about the way Max and the kids described Steve when they talked about how he fought off the pack of demodogs in the junkyard, planting himself between them and snarling snapping danger like Galahad himself.
Steve looks him in the eyes and says "I swear Billy, we're going to get through this, we'll take care of it and keep you and the girls safe. Hop knows what's going on and even Callahan can't get away with letting that piece of shit fall through the cracks after what he pulled." He leans in close and bites out probably louder than he should for the amount of people in the shop, "And if that fucker gets near any of you I've got Darling in Baby's trunk and I am not afraid to use her on a human shaped monster instead."
Author's (rambler's) Notes:
So, that's all I have for season 3 rn I am so sorry. 😭 I'm working on the next bit but I am so burnt out recently and now I'm unemployed cause of the ceiling at my job caving in which does not help the stress. So I unfortunately do not have a timeframe for you. 🥲 A couple of folks asked to be tagged so... Here you are? To be fair I'm not making any promises in regards to the taglist in the future, I will do my damnedest and y'all will have to bear with me.
I'm glad people are liking this and tbh this has gotten more attention than I expected so thanks? I appreciate the appreciation of my ramblings. Feel free to scream at/with me about this au in my asks box and I'll respond when/as I can. I'm just glad people are enjoying this. 🙃
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sidekick-hero · 2 years
Being in a long-term relationship has many perks, Steve finds out, almost 2 years into dating Eddie. There is someone to share your days (and nights) with. Someone to support you. Someone who can pick up milk when you run out of it and only notice when you’re already at work. Someone to hold you on your bad days and celebrate the good ones with you.
Another benefit is that you get to know them inside and out. Their tells, their quirks, their likes and dislikes.
Steve learns that Eddie is a restless sleeper, all flailing limbs that tend to hit Steve in the face and other sensitive places. He learns that Eddie loves ketchup and tomato sauce but hates tomatoes. That he secretly loves country music and can play every Dolly Parton song on his acoustic guitar (he found this out when they had their first big fight and Eddie serenaded him with I will always love you to apologize). And that his most sensitive area is the place right under his ear, which gets him hard in seconds when Steve so much as breathes on it.
Steve also learns that Eddie is not only a picky eater, but also gets hangry frighteningly fast. One moment they’re joking around, the next his remarks get biting and mean. At first, Steve was taken aback, hurt even. They go more than a few days without talking after one of what Steve later learns is a hangry diva attack.
It’s Wayne who brings him up to speed after Eddie all but stormed out when Steve asked him if he could drive Dustin, Lucas and Mike home after their hellfire session because Steve had the late shift at the store that day.
He tells Steve, “Eddie gets mad when he’s hungry, y’know. The kid has to have a snack every two hours or else he starts throwing hands. Even as a toddler, he was all giggles and sunshine before all hell broke loose. First time, I thought boy got possessed by a demon.”
The thing is, Steve likes taking care of people, likes taking care of Eddie. So, he starts packing snacks. And when Eddie starts to get bitchy with him, he just shoves a granola bar in his mouth. Works like a charm, every single time.
Until it doesn’t. Because, as mentioned, Eddie is also a picky eater. He hates vegetables with the fire of a thousand suns (Eddie’s words, not his, because he is not a drama queen like his boyfriend).
Steve is afraid he's going to get scurvy, and Robin told him all about it one day when his only meal was the candy on the counter at the family video store. He'll never forget what she told him that day.
That’s why Steve is trying to change Eddie’s eating habits. He does it out of love. Eddie doesn’t agree.
"Steve, what snack did you bring today? Please tell me it’s Twinkies."
Steve fishes in his jacket for the bag he stored there before he left the house this morning. "It’s actually carrot sticks. They’re really good?" It comes out as a question and Steve wants to kick himself.
This is not going to go over well.
Eddie looks at him with a look of utter betrayal. "You monster."
Steve changes tactics. "If you're really hungry, you'll eat the carrots."
"And if you really loved me, you'd have brought a Twinkie. Who do you think I am? Bugs fucking bunny?"
Steve refrains from rolling his eyes at Eddie. “You got to eat something healthy once in a while, goddammit. You get scurvy, you lose your teeth or your eyesight. Do you want that?”
"What if I don't want to keep my eyes healthy, huh? I've seen enough."
Max, who sits next to Eddie during their movie night, punches him, hard, her eyes never leaving the screen.
Now it’s Eddie’s turn to change tactics.
"You know how fickle life can be, Steve. What if something happens and my last meal is some fucking carrot? Do you want that on your conscience, dude?"
Steve's patience is wearing thin. Maybe he should have eaten something. Except for the carrots, which didn't do shit for his mood. Not that he'd admit it out loud. This is about Eddie, who is being a big baby right now.
Always a man of action, he decides to take matters into his own hands. He takes one of the carrot sticks and tries to shove it between Eddie’s lips.
"I swear to God, I will bite off your carrot stick if you don't take that away from me!"
"Small cucumber at best." Eddie says in a stage whisper to a bunch of traumatized 16-year-olds.
That’s enough. Steve gets up with an exasperated huff and storms into the kitchen. You know, like an adult.
After about five minutes, Eddie follows.
"Y’know, if you want to see me go down on some stick I got a better idea, big boy."
Steve smiles in spite of himself. He always folds up way too fast. Love sucks that way. He hands Eddie a goddamn Twinkie.
They share it.
As they munch on their scurvy-inducing snack, Eddie says, his cheeks stuffed with cake, "You don't get this fine physique from carrots, Steve. I'm a growing boy."
Something that Eddie has learned about Steve in the last two years? He can be a little bitch, too.
"If by fine physique you mean a saggy ass, be my guest, Eddie."
The kids burst into the kitchen seconds later, alerted by an indignant scream, and find them in the middle of a food fight. They see Eddie shoving a Twinkie down Steve's pants and yelling, "Have a saggy ass yourself!"
After everyone leaves, they lie in bed and make out like the horny teenagers they no longer are. As Steve's hand moves from Eddie's stomach to his groin, Eddie gasps with pleasure. "Yeah, baby. I want your hand on me."
“I have another idea.” Steve breathes into his ear, having made sure to lick a strip up Eddie’s neck up to his ear to do so. He lets his hand travel down further south.
Steve should have known better. One more thing he learned about Eddie? He never lets anything go.
"Oh, now you want to top, huh? What about my saggy ass? HUH WHAT ABOUT THAT STEVEN."
Thank you, @legitcookie and @yournowheregirl for being silly with me! This is like 33.3333 percent mine, the rest is from those two evil geniuses 💜💜💜💜
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positivelybeastly · 8 months
Is the krakoan era X-Men the most unlikable interation of X-Men?
"I - don't think that's fair to say about them. From what I understand, they put all of their hopes on the establishment of a new country, joined everyone together under one roof, and then . . ."
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He'd never seen anything like it. The sheer amount of carnage. He didn't even know most of the people he'd seen being torn apart in the footage, but that hadn't stopped him wanting to throw up when he'd seen them being . . . God, and then, when Bobby . . . he'd dragged his hands down his face and wanted to wail.
Who could do that to Bobby of all people?
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The short, glib answer is that Chuck Austen's run of X-Men continues to exist, so by default, no-one can be as unlikable as them.
But the long answer is that the Krakoan X-Men aren't really the X-Men for a lot of that era, and, in their hurry to enjoy the fanfic-esque tropical island paradise setting that Krakoa presents, the fandom forgets just how . . . weird, and culty, the island actually is.
Hey, do you wanna know something semi-embarrassing about me? I only read House of X yesterday. I've only ever read the finer details on other Wiki pages and the occasional plot synopses, never actually read the issues themselves, and . . .
It's fucking creepy, man.
I had an instant negative reaction to the weird shit to do with resurrection, and I just, was not comfortable. The way Cyclops was all creepy about Franklin Richards, acting like they have more claim on him than his actual birth family? I'm sorry, dude, that's fucking whacked out.
Like, I'm sorry, I think that mutant sovereignty is an absolute must and a mutant nation is a narrative necessity, but Krakoa's been fucking creepy and weird and cult-y since moment one.
The weird rituals about resurrection, the whole dying in combat to earn your powers back bullshit, the vilification of Scarlet Witch, everything that went down in LaVelle's Sabretooth books, the Quiet Council and X-Force (full stop, just - in general), the casual sex leading to popping out babies you just LEAVE ON THE FUCKING GROUND?
It's a fucked up society. It's dystopian. You conquered death, and guess what? That never ends well. Suddenly you have to redefine life's meaning, and they chose to make it just fucking around and being weirdos, and, like, sure, that's a mood, but it's also not particularly heroic, and it's very significant that it takes a while for the X-Men to reform as an actual hero team because, well, they decided to give up on protecting a world that hated and fear them for a bit there.
But that's in-universe. Out of universe?
They just aren't putting in the time to service the relationships between the characters properly, and a lot of the time, when those moments do happen, it's become extremely clear that almost everyone on Krakoa is a self-obsessed narcissist with increasingly toxic levels of coping with it.
Think about Kate Pryde just completely fucking flubbing her chance to spot that Piotr Rasputin was under mind control, think about Storm just fucking off to Mars and abandoning everything on Earth, think about what happens to Orphan-Maker at the end of Hellions, think about LITERALLY EVERYTHING to do with X-Force - this is not a healthy society.
And that's a good story.
But it feels like at some point, they just kinda forgot about the fucked up shit and decided nah, this is just paradise, this is great, let's sand off the edges. Like, when Jean tells Firestar to just throw X-Force Beast under the bus to make her cover better during the Hellfire Gala, it's read by so many people as this girlboss OMG SLAAAAAAY moment, but . . . you . . . guys do realise that, like . . . that's fucked up, right? You do realise what that moment means?
"You should invoke Beast's reputation as a butcher of humans and a genocidal maniac and a massive lying piece of shit, WHICH I KNOW ABOUT AND HAVE DONE NOTHING ABOUT, and in fact, I'm going to validate his work because it's useful to me now!"
Like, X-Force Beast would tell Jean that she did EXACTLY the right thing in that moment, would welcome it, compliment her on her cunning, and if that's not a sign that you fucked up, that your moral priorities are completely and utterly fucked, then I don't know what to tell you, man.
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sovaharbor · 1 year
still thinking about the hellfire gala . spoilers obviously. this turned into a massive fucking rant LOL
quite frankly ive gone off before about how much i hate shock value writing because i consider it to be lazy and the utmost sign of a writer who doesn't know what they're fucking doing, and that's. exactly. what this felt like. like reading it just felt insulting honestly. like i won't pretend that i didn't expect the krakoan era to end. i KNEW at some point they'd either get rid of it completely or just fuck them over somehow and taint the whole thing. but like, this was just......too much. and it was awful. lol. i keep using that word because it really was.
like 1) the deaths were graphic in a way i would not have expected for mainline x-men honestly. like that was a step beneath x-force imo. and it felt so ... idk. mean???? like it just felt like a slap in the face, "lol your fave that you voted for has just been violently eviscerated on panel the immediate next page after you were told they'd be part of the most diverse mainline x-men team we've had in recent years" anD THEN ALL THE OTHER ONES AFTER????? BOBBY MELTING TO DEATH IN FRONT OF HIS BOYFRIEND???? JEAN A PILE OF BONES IN THE WRECKAGE???? FUCKED UP FOR LITERALLY NO REASON OTHER THAN SHOCK VALUE
2) most of the deaths could have been entirely preventable, some of them didnt even make SENSE. illyana was not the only mutant capable of teleportation in the entire fucking gala, why did jean not stop everything sooner, why was lourdes the only one who died to the gunfire, etc etc etc. i mean it's a suspension of disbelief that's just. lazy. lmfao. because you HAVE to suspend your disbelief to not imagine this going any other way that didn't end in a literal massacre.
3) there were multiple plot points within this that just had zero build-up and were just thrown in to make things work, so, again, Lazy Writing. and again, we're supposed to just Roll With It.
4) i can't explain how fucked up it is to give the minority allegory people their own safe place to live and then absolutely DUNK ON IT the way they did in this. the x-men deserve a break. mutants deserve a break. this was just uniquely awful and i cannot explain how GROSS it just feels to see it happen.
ALSO SPEAKING OF MINORITY ALLEGORY PEOPLE????? the way they handwaved kamala being a mutant is also very fucking lazy and if they're really going to commit to it she deserved something better than the explanation we were given. her death was similarly handwaved in a way i *personally* really hate , like that should be legitimately traumatizing to her, she's just a teenager, idc about her being a superhero. she just pops out of an egg, finds out she's apparently a mutant, and is just .... chill with it??? also emma saying she's going to erase the memories of her being dead from her parents' minds is INSANE??? EMMA AND CHARLES PRESSURING A BROWN GIRL INTO ""COMING OUT"" AS A MUTANT WHEN SHE'S ONLY JUST LEARNED SHE'S ONE AND DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT HER POWERS ARE YET IS EVEN MORE INSANE AND SO SO SO WEIRD??????? LIKE DON'T YOU TWO HAVE JOBS, STOP IT
and like i don't know man! i don't know!!! i feel like none of this is very succinct and it's because i'm still SO upset over it but i legitimately was grossed out by this. it felt so awful to read. i had to force myself through the second half of it and i am pretty sure i had a mild panic attack over it. i don't understand how something like this could get continuously greenlit to the point of it going to print. it feels uniquely awful and if the krakoan era genuinely ends with another mutant genocide i really don't think i'm going to ever buy another marvel comic lol. or even if they somehow reverse said genocide, or it turns out it never actually happened, i still don't think i will honestly.
like granted i haven't read a ton outside of x-men stuff, but within the bubble of comics i have read, what other "group" of superheroes so routinely gets storylines that end with things like genocide and decimation and on-panel evisceration? the shock value in this is so disgusting and lazy and i don't even want to acknowledge it. there were such better ways to go about this and it's just disheartening to know they genuinely thought this was...a good idea? and i can't tell if they LEGITIMATELY thought it was good or if they thought the shock value -> everyone hates it -> "bad press is good press" pipeline was worth it... either option is not good, though. so idk.
there are parts of modern x-men i've really enjoyed, and i love the CONCEPT of krakoa, but i think the problem is you get a bunch of (usually) cishet white male culturally-christian writers trying to tackle the Minority Allegory™ characters and you end up with things like this. krakoa could have been so beautiful and meaningful if they weren't so liberal (and i mean this in a derogatory Democratic Liberal sort of way) with it. i wish we got more. i wish we got something better. and i'm not planning to read fall of x to be so for real, i'm gonna read About it like i have been ASM because i value my sanity much more than forcing myself to read awful garbage.
those are my thoughts, thank you!
edit: no actually one more thought. why the fuck was duggan so insistent on inserting kingpin into shit. why did he even matter. i don't give a fuck about kingpin i do't give a fuck about mary THIS IS THE X-MEN AND HE'S A FUCKING DAREDEVIL/SPIDER-MAN VILLAIN WHY ARE WE PAYING ANY AMOUNT OF ATTENTION TO HIM!!!! WHO FUCKING CARES!!!!!! WHY ARE WE WASTING DIALOGUE AND PAGE SPACE ON KINGPIN. WHY DO YOU HAVE SUCH A HARD-ON FOR KINGPIN, DUGGAN. WHAT THE FUCK
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sashaforthewin · 1 year
Fuck it, here is a very small excerpt from a long fic I'm hoping I'll someday actually finish and post. But just in case I never post the fic, I at least want to share this backstory because I think it was a pretty good one.
CW: period-typical homophobia and slur mention
When Eddie saw his entire torso bare for the first time, completely uncovered from bandages, he lamented.
"Ah, no, my Hellfire demon!"
Only the bottom and very edge of his tattoo remained, the rest lost to the grotesque mass of flesh trying to knit itself together in any way it could. There were weird shiny stretched areas from skin grafts, and uneven lumpy areas from stitches and all of the tattoos on Eddie’s torso had taken damage of some sort, but he only focused on the hip tattoo.
"Probably can't even get this redone if this skin isn't gonna smooth out."
"Look, I know that club was important to you but-"
"-This wasn't a tattoo of a club logo, Steve; the club had a logo of my tattoo. Look, I know I'm being way too pissy about this but this was my first tattoo and it meant a lot to me.
"You know those little chick tracks religious people hand you? Just little zines basically but with absolute nonsense judgemental over-the-top Christian crap in them. Well, so obviously I am like a prime target for people trying to 'save me' or whatever, so I get handed them all the time. But one day this guy just started harassing me and wouldn't fucking let up. He's yelling at me and following me for blocks and finally I got fed up and turned around to tell him off and he gives me this chick track called Hellfire, which I thought was a pretty fucking cool title, actually, and it was all about how Dungeons and Dragons was summoning actual demons and turning the kids gay and making them like heavy metal and wear jewelry and grow their hair out and all this other badass shit. Like, this list was basically everything that makes me me, and there was this actually really badass drawing of a demon and the guy just wouldn't stop so I told him he was entirely right and that a demon made me this way and then I walked right over to the tattoo parlor to get the demon from the chick track tattooed on my arm.
"But then when I got in there and showed the asshole working there, he said 'you gonna get this somewhere cool or somewhere faggy like your hip' so I said 'faggy hip' obviously because fuck that guy, too. It was my first real step to sort of claiming my body for myself and specifically choosing to be the things about me that everyone wanted me to hide or not be. So, yeah, Hellfire chick track demon on my hip."
Steve watched Eddie, imagining all of this happening, and his heart broke for what he'd had to go through in life just for being authentically himself. 
Unable to think of how to respond, Steve kneeled down and very gently kissed the very bottom of the Hellfire demon tattoo that remained, careful to not touch any of the angry scarred skin. 
"Stevie, that is real sweet and all but also I'm gonna need you to knock it off unless you want to change your mind about the no-fooling-around-in-the-hospital rule."
"Never apologize for kneeling in front of me. But also, get up, I don't want to have an erection in front of Blanche when she comes back in."
Blushing more than he thought himself possible, Steve got up and tried to calm down. He hadn't really thought about what he was doing until he was doing it, but once it was pointed out to him, Steve realized he was in over his head. He didn't know how to do any of this stuff with guys. 
But he's not a guy, he's Eddie. He isn't some random man, he's Steve's favorite person. And besides, they had already agreed to have no expectations about sexual activity. Obviously he knew he had just gotten close to blow job territory, but Steve wasn't sure if that was why he was feeling a bit hot; if the tension was why, or if he was just nervous about the situation. But once again he remembered this was Eddie, not just some guy, and he decided that he would at some point try to give a blowjob. Definitely not in the hospital, though. Probably not in the hospital. 
Steve snapped back to the present and watched Eddie examine the rest of his torso, trying to will away the erection he had at some point gotten while thinking of blowing Eddie. 
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
When love and hate Collide
Summary; Eddie and yn can't stand each other and it drives the Hellfire boys crazy...
There's a thin line between love and hate... Right?
Warnings; illusion to smut, arguing, enemies to lovers.
If you enjoyed this story please consider giving it a reblog, comment, etc.
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I don't give anyone permission to copy my work.
I might make a part two if anyone wants that 💞
Eddie stalked into Hellfire Club with a sour look on his face, an epic rant was coming and Dustin, Lucas, and Mike exchanged knowing looks at who could put Eddie in such a mood.
Gareth sighs and counts under his breath.
"Do you know what yn did this time" Eddie explodes and Gareth grins. It was like clockwork with Eddie and his favorite cheerleader.
"Not really but I'm sure you'll tell us," Jeff says rolling his eyes. Eddie either misses the sarcastic tone or ignores it completely.
He paces the floor, playing with the rings on his hand as he mutters to himself.
"Who does she think she is? Running around in that stupid little cheer skirt, all sweet smiles and shit. She's a viper!"
Dustin frowns.
"Dude what did she do?" Eddie turns to Dustin his big brown eyes wide.
"She said... words fail Eddie for a moment, she implied that I pick fights with her and not the other way around! She gets under my fucking skin! She's everywhere I look and it's driving me nuts. I can't stand her"
They heard the same argument from Eddie every day, sometimes twice. Heard the arguments in the halls, seen the tension and the way Eddie and yn were like magnets that drew them together.
They saw how anytime the other was distracted by something or someone else how annoyed they would get.
They noticed Eddie staring at her all the time and they noticed the way yn would flounce around in front of Eddie and get his attention.
The two of them drove each other crazy and were beginning to have the same effect on the Hellfire Club.
"Can we lock them in an empty room and they can just argue it all out?" Lucas suggests and Gareth whispers to Jeff so the younger members don't hear.
"Lock them in Eddie's trailer so they can fuck it out more like" Eddie glares at him.
"What was that?" Gareth shrugs.
"Nothing, can't we start with the campaign now man? Get your mind off yn?" to all their relief he agrees.
All Mike wanted to do was ask Eddie about the new campaign but the metalhead's attention was elsewhere.
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His burning gaze was directed to the cheerleading table and on yn and Eric one of the basketball team's star players.
Eric was gazing at her with a glazed look in his eyes, eyeing her up and down and looking like he was in some amazing dream.
"It's pathetic, Eddie snaps. Look at the asshole. He's practically eye fucking her. It's nauseating when I'm trying to eat"
"Well don't look," Mike tells him annoyed and Eddie huffs.
"How can I not Wheeler? It's so bad I can't tear my eyes away" thankfully his attention is eventually drawn away by one of his heavy metal magazines.
All is quiet.
Gareth has a shit-eating grin on his face and turns to Eddie.
"Dude, oh my God. She's kissing him" Eddie turns around so fast he almost hurts his neck and finds yn and Eric in the same position, not kissing and glares at Gareth.
"Not cool douchebag" he then begins to draw or write in his Hellfire notebook then tears out the page, scrunches it up, and throws it over to yn.
It lands on her lunch tray and she opens it and then turns to Eddie her attention firmly on him.
"Eddie Munson!" to Mike's bafflement Eddie is trying to hide his smile and is it just him or does yn look secretly relieved that Eddie threw that note?
Girls were weird, he adored Eddie but sometimes Mike couldn't understand the Dungeon Master either.
Did they actually like fighting? Did Eddie secretly just want all of her attention on him?
El was a superhero, super-powered and she was less complicated than these two.
Eddie was late for the team meeting. He was never late. On top of the worry about their DM, Dustin had overhead Chrissy ask Robin worriedly if she had seen yn anywhere.
With both of them missing alarm filled the Hellfire boys.
"You don't think they actually killed each other do you?" Lucas asks in horror and Jeff calms him down.
"No, Eddie would never hurt her, and vice versa, it's all words and annoying the hell out of each other, they'll show up"
Meanwhile in the woods...
They had been arguing again, she wasn't sure what over this time. Eddie said something sarcastic, she replied, and then they were fighting.
Now they were lost in the woods near the school, and due to the yelling at each other, neither of them noticed how far in the woods they were.
"This is all your fault," she tells Eddie who stops pacing and rolls his eyes.
"My fault! I was in the middle of a deal when you came marching up to me and accused me of stealing your precious boyfriend's letterman jacket"
"Eric is not my boyfriend" she replies and feels a headache coming on. He was impossible, he never listened.
"Whatever princess" the princess nickname made her fume and she stalks up to him.
"Why do I have to be stuck in the woods with you of all people? You are arrogant, rude, mean" he chimes in.
"Oh like you're a Saint? Remember Nicola Brown? She sat beside me and asked me if I would like to hang out and you got all angry because my attention wasn't on you for five minutes, you're bitchy, you're mean and dramatic"
"Says you? Eddie Munson who makes a scene every day in the cafeteria. God, I can't stand you"
Eddie smirks, he's so close to her now and her whole body feels like it's on fire.
"Feelings very mutual princess" the tension between them explodes and before she can even think about what she's doing she kisses him or maybe he kisses her?
Either way, fireworks go off in her head and Eddie is moaning softly he backs her up against a tree, her legs wrap around his waist and it feels so good that she doesn't want to stop.
Their clothes begin to litter the forest ground and she can't think of anything except Eddie being buried deep inside her and their moans that fill the air.
Eddie walks into the club meeting with a strange look on his face. It's a mix of being totally blissed out and freaked out.
"What the fuck happened to you man?" Jeff asks and he shakes his head.
"Woods, got lost"
"What and you got tangled up in a bush?" Gareth jokes and motions to the twigs and leaves in Eddie's hair.
"I got tangled up in something" he replies dazed and sits down leaving the boys at a loss to what the hell happened in the woods.
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I'd do anything to find out how Eddie would feel about ME. Not the one I display at work, not the one I display in front of my parents, but the me who is let out when I'm all alone in my bedroom.
The one who smiles so hard at the sight of Ozzy that she cries, squeals and hides her face in her shirt, curling in on herself. The one who almost screams in excitement every time there's an Ozzy song on a randomised playlist, the one who tells herself she's a stubborn bitch whose got a cold, dead and shrivelled black heart, but actually that's not even remotely true because she loves so hard and so quietly it hurts. The one who falls asleep watching horror films but has to have a nightlight because she's also scared of the dark and watches horror films when she studies and finds comfort in horror but also cries when an animal gets hurt even when it's obviously fake. The one who cries when she has to put her Hellfire Club shirt in the wash and then cries again when it comes out and dances around her room when she digs her flannel like Uncle Wayne's out because she only ever wears those shirts together because you can't have one Munson without the other.
The me who always always works as hard as she can but never feels like she's doing enough, like she's working hard enough. So she keeps pushing until her body gets so exhausted that she sleeps for over twelve hours solid, wakes up and immediately keeps working to make up for the time she rested. The me who was relentlessly bullied all through school, almost fifteen years, who was only ever asked out as a dare or as a joke and so now she's 25 and hasn't dated since she was 17 and romantically wrote herself off at 20 because fictional men can't tell her they wouldn't love her and she's learned to love this part of her but fuck, sometimes she looks at pictures of Eddie and cries because she'd do anything to know how he would feel about her. The me who drinks 18 cups of coffee a day and jokes that if coffee was a man, she'd be in trouble, who slams her head against her desk when she doesn't understand something the first time and often thinks she's too stupid for what she's studying but she keeps trying because like Ozzy said, "kicking back don't make it".
Who tries and tries and tries and tries and pretends she's okay in front of people but cries when she's alone and doesn't understand why she won't let people comfort her until she's at the point where she has to because she can't handle herself anymore and needs help to help herself. The me whose thoughts are always racing, anxiety always high, her mind pushing her body to work harder harder harder faster until she's stumbling over her own feet having cut back on sleep trying to satisfy her mind's high self-expectations but she physically can't do it and she knows it but she still hates herself for it, her thoughts mean and her trauma always in the back of her head, affecting her daily but she never shows it overtly because she learned how to be her own therapist. At the time, she had no choice, and now it's just common nature.
The me who wears boots and black skinny jeans and an Ozzy or Dio or Metallica or Iron Maiden shirt with a skull cardigan and a leather jacket and a black backpack with a huge heavy metal warning label every day and blasts those same bands all day but still doesn't know if she gets to call herself a metalhead. But wants to because it feels right to her but what if she's wrong and then she's a poser and Eddie would hate that! Or would he? Her self-critical ways drive her insane but she keeps it all inside and channels it into this blog or her studying because if she keeps busy, that's one less thing she can rip into herself for. The me who loves Eddie so much it HURTS but she's never seen episode nine and wants reassurance on if, does that mean she doesn't really love Eddie if she's too scared to watch it because she knows it's gonna hurt? What if it means she doesn't love Eddie? The me who cries hard and often and it's a mental health red flag if she goes days without crying from any emotion because she's a crier and always has been and if Ozzy doesn't make her smile then that's a serious red flag. The me who is getting nervous to write this but just wants Eddie.
The me who looked for Eddie all through her school years but never ever found him and so learned to love being herself by herself but fuck, sometimes she just wants Eddie. But she never found him so she's trying to become someone he would be proud of, someone he would love. The me who just wants to help people, no ulterior motive, the me who has zoned out in a store writing this while her 293 holiday photos develop. The me who wants to show Eddie every part of her and see his reaction or lack thereof because she doesn't know. She tells others he would love them because he would but she's the exception to his love and why? She doesn't know. She just loves Eddie a whole damn lot and it hurts. She was never wanted by anyone in school, though she dated but it was only because she was expected to or because they were after something or one of her friends or for something she wasn't prepared to give and she was discarded when she wouldn't do those things. The me who never even fit in with someone in her friend group, she always felt like there was a glass wall between herself and her friends and she wanted so badly to fit in but just didn't know how.
The me who is trying so so hard to make her dreams come true even though daily she considers giving up but she doesn't because Eddie wouldn't, Eddie wouldn't and he never did so she won't, she finds strength in him, the me who got home from her trauma and prayed for someone to live her life for her because she just couldn't do it anymore, but she realised that no one was coming to save her and put her life back together so she figured out how to stand back up and for it for herself by herself. And now she's here years later doing her best but feeling all the while like she's barely trying and she's been treading mud for years and she really should just give up because her dream of becoming a neuropsychologist and finally moving out of her parents' house is never gonna happen and she's turning into them, she fears, but she hopes she won't she won't she won't.
She'd do anything to find out if she, as she is right now, is someone Eddie would love, but she's too scared to ask. She learned the hard way not to ask questions unless you're 100% sure you want the answer.
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larrytimelines · 2 years
Olivia's speech for ELLE Women in Hollywood - Oct 17 2022
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Olivia Wilde would be the first to say her journey to becoming one of Hollywood’s leading actresses and female directors has been far different from any man’s. The Women in Hollywood nominee spoke at ELLE’s Getty Center celebration about just that: “the burning hellfire of the misogyny that defines this business.”
Her remarks came after Don't Worry Darling co-star Kate Berlant introduced her, noting how Wilde’s filmmaking style stands out in what is still a very male-dominated industry. “We need more voices like Olivia Wilde’s in Hollywood,” Berlant said. “She’s an artist and a visionary. And the women in her movies actually drive the action. They’re not just window dressing for men’s desires.”
Although Wilde only playfully alluded to the drama surrounding her film, she nevertheless used it as a jumping-off point, joking, “You are not a woman in Hollywood until you’ve begged to be placed into a medically induced coma until your press tour is finished.”
Read Wilde’s full speech below:
"Wow. I’ve learned so much from all of you tonight—mostly that there are apparently other covers with other women on them. Which is a real curveball. I was so honored and, frankly, shocked that you all showed up for my cover party, but this makes more sense. It tracks; it’s fine.
I’ve known some of you for a really, really long time, I believe it’s been 20 minutes. Some of you I could’ve even met when I was a casting assistant; I was the one who over-served you coffee for three hours and then told you we had no bathroom or parking validation. Sorry about that. You were great; we just went another direction. So, for those of you I’ve known forever, hi again. Still me. For those of you I haven’t met yet, it’s a pleasure. I am Olivia, member of the Sigourney sisterhood. I was an actress who started producing and then finally got the courage to start directing, and I wouldn’t have started any of it at all if I knew Twitter would be invented. But here I am. It’s a real thrill to have what is undeniably the greatest job on the planet.
I’m here tonight because the wonderful Nina Garcia did me the honor of adding me to a truly extraordinary list of women who have not only inspired me forever—forever—but who forged the very shape of this industry through their hard work, bold choices, and resilience. I am gobsmacked by this moment. I am deeply grateful for the support that it represents. These opportunities like tonight, to gather as women, are crucial. They’re extremely impactful. They offer us a chance to look into each other’s eyes and say, ‘Keep going.’ Because, let’s face it, it’s not always easy to keep going. In fact, sometimes it’s tempting to excuse ourselves from the burning hellfire of the misogyny that defines this business and say, ‘Good night, good luck, I’d rather eat glass for a living.’
But we won’t let each other give up. Recently, I’ve had several opportunities to personally experience this power of encouragement from other women in this business. It often takes the form of a tight grip of your shoulders and an intense stare into your eyes and a defiant ‘Do not let them fuck with you.’ And it’s always really tempting to reply, ‘Well, if I didn’t know things were bad before, I do now.’ Just kidding; it’s always very much appreciated.
But, you know, these moments are profound. Because they’re maybe our most honest acknowledgement of a constant battle we are all fighting, in which we are allies. Relying on each other not to fall back and stop advancing because we are up against a seriously massive force of opposition that has, for centuries, tried to rein us in. If one of us steps back, we all step back.
So, no matter how much the patriarchy relies on us to cut each other down in order to weaken our collective power, we have to resist the urge to play by their self-serving rules. Remind the world and specifically our daughters that we aren’t so easily manipulated. So this evening, here tonight, thanks to Nina and to everyone at ELLE, this is one of those moments. I feel energized by you all, and I feel motivated to keep fighting through the hellfire. In some ways, the challenges are all a part of it, right? Real badges of honor, par for the course. Let’s face it: You are not a woman in Hollywood until you’ve begged to be placed into a medically induced coma until your press tour is finished. Until then, you are just a woman residing in or around the Hollywood area.
I love my life. I love my job. What more could I ask for except to be the only cover, but that’s another conversation I’ll have with Nina privately. Thank you so much. I’m deeply honored.
-Full speech transcript, Oct 17 2022. Link
Watch it here
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not-alien-girl-v · 2 years
hi love ur work!!! could u write an eddie munson x reader where reader tells him she’s pregnant and he kills himself in the upside down instead of being a parent. also could y/n be secretly vecna? thanks 🤩🤩
I'm on my way to tell my boyfriend, eddie munson, that i'm pregnant. i'm so scared he will be upset, but i know he loves me, and deep down i know that he would never hate me for anything. i'm just so scared for such a big change. a baby is a huge responsibility! i hope we can make it through this endeavor!
i knock on his door.
he opens it and i see him, wearing his iconic hellfire t-shirt and jean jacket, hair a frizzy mess, but that was my man! i lunge forward and trap him in a hug, pee stick in hand.
"why are you so happy? especially when vecna is going around killing everyone!" eddie warns me. little does he know... hehehe.
i show him the pregnancy test in my hand. he jumps back. "EW DON'T TOUCH ME WITH IT!" he exclaims as he wipes the peepee off of his clothes.
"sorry! i'm just so happy! we're gonna have a baby!" i smile big at him but he doesn't smile back. what's wrong, i wonder.
"i-is it mine?" he asks me like a dumbass.
"of course it's yours! i'm not a slut, munson!" i poke fun at him. he still doesn't smile back.
suddenly, over a walkie talkie, a frantic voice starts talking. i think it's dustin, his weird little friend. he's already basically a father figure to those young boys in his dnd club. i don't get why he isn't happier to be a real dad!
"listen... y/n... you should probably go... don't call me... don't come by my house... we're done"
"EDDIE NOOOOOO!" i scream but it is too late. he kicks me out of his trailer, and i land hard on my ass on the cold, hard, ground.
i'm so fucked!
on the boat at lover's lake, above the entrance to the upside down
"so, how are things between you and y/n, eddie?" steve asks him, looking wearily down at the glowing portal below. no one knows where exactly it could magically transport them.
"she told me she was pregnant, so i dumped her ass!" steve high fives him at this.
"nice one man!" steve is happy at this.
"shut up you two! we have to jump down there to the portal! we have no idea what might happen to us, though! what are we going to do?" nancy worries like the worrying bitch she is.
"i'll go first" eddie volunteers.
"eddie no! it coul dbe dangerous!!!" robin warns like the hot bitch she is.
"girl. danger is literally my middle name!" eddie tells her sexily then jumps off the boat into the unknown. they all follow soon, hoping eddie doesn't lead them to certain death.
as sooon as eddie wakes up, he is face to face with y/n, his pregnant ex-girlfriend. "w-what?"
"hi eddie" she says
"this can't be real!" he says but looks around and sees the rest of the gang down there with him.
"you bet your ass it is! if you don't want to be a father, then all your friends will have to die! also blarg!! i'm vecna! i'm actually evil and stuff and you r baby will be half vecna half munson!"
"noooooooo!" eddie curses the heavens above for his terrible fate. "it's a good thing i always carry around a rope!"
eddie takes out his pocket-rope and walks to a vecna tree, which is like a regular tree but it's in vecnas house and thats scary!
he ties a noose with the rope, and gets up on a chair.
"omg eddie nooooooooo!" steve cries but it is too late, eddie has tied the rope around his neck and jumped off.
he is now dead!
"noo! how will i ever raise my baby now!"
"omg girl he's dead..." robin whispers to nancy and nancy agrees bevcause its true.
"now you all have to go! prepare to die, teens!" y/n/vecna says in her vecna voice and she does the clock thing and then robin and nancy and steve all die from the vecna curse of whatever scares them or something.
"haha!" y/n/vecna exclaims in victory!
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lovecatsys · 1 year
okay since everything except for Uncanny Spider-Man is out now I'm gonna go ahead and give my reviews of Fall of X so far
First off, Immortal and Red continue to be masterpieces, no surprises there, both books however are clearly taking a turn in a different direction and I'm loving it for both of them.
Jean Grey is not what I expected it to be at all, but still an amazing character study of Jean, I expected nothing less from Simonson of course.
Invincible Iron Man and X Men are decent, not a fan of exactly whats going on with Kate, the Emma stuff is great though. Kamala should not be in this book. I hate the avengers by default but I don't exactly hate whats going on between Emma and Tony, though that might change. The "wedding" is going to be exactly what I expected it would be of course. Overall not Duggan's worst writing but I don't love it.
Uncanny Avengers is... meh, so far, Pietro is super OOC which is :/ but maybe he'll get some more focus later on, god I hope he does. But it's frustrating how little effort is going into portraying him as a visible person of color when a much greater effort is going into his sister. Monet used her telepathy which gives me hope for her! I'm down for more of her teaming up with Kwannon tbh, they make a good team.
Astonishing Iceman is a bit of an anomoly to me. It's very good writing so far, I'm loving how Orlando writes Bobby, but I'm really pissed that they've chosen to stick with Romeo as his love interest after he got aged up just to come back and fuck Bobby and for them to throw Christian to the side. No mention of Christian at all at the hellfire gala, Emma is not concerned with where he is like she is with the Cuckoos which :/. I'm honestly afraid he's being dropped as a character which fucking sucks. The thing I hate the most about how Romeo is there is that Christian could literally be in his place and it would be perfect to me. He has a power set that could absolutely work for this situation just how Romeo's is working! Who knows, maybe this relationship will grow on me. We'll see.
Alpha Flight is really good, I haven't delved into the world of AF comics yet but from everything I know it seems perfect. My man was only there for two seconds in the first issue but we'll see if he gets any panel time as it goes on. Even if he doesn't though, yeah I'll be a little pissed but it'll still probably be a good read, and at least he'll have made any appearance at all since Marauders. Oh and Puck making fun of his new codename was funny. Fang really is a dumb name.
X-Force is still garbage, but this weird plot twist with Quentin (whatever it is??) has me gritting my teeth. fucking get your hands off my boy Percy he does not deserve this. Curious to see whats going on with the Colossus plotline, just wish it was happening in a better book.
Children of the Vault is amazing, never cared for Bishop and haven't read much Cable yet but I'm still all in on it. One of those books where you don't have to care much for the characters to recognize its quality. also fun fact: its written by the comic writing mentor of my comic writing mentor. lol
Dark X-Men wasn't as good as I had hoped it would be, but its still good. Though it kinda feels like it has too many characters in it so far, I'm loving the Maddie content and it had some great dark humor in it. LOVED the children of the atom bits, im so curious whats going to go down with Carmen and I'm just glad her friends and her relationship with Buddy got some panel time tbh.
last and the actual best: Realm of X was SO FUCKING GOOD. I've had a little soft spot in my heart for Curse since her story started in X-Men Green, and it seems like she's going to be a huge part of this arc rather than just tagging along as a little kid which is great. Sooraya fucking stole the show, this new take on her power signature is amazing. In general love all these women (Typhoid Mary is growing on me, I'm going to call the awful things she's done that made me want to hate her poor writing choices, especially since shes a survivor of such acts in the first place.) SO curious with what's going on with Yana, and I love how devoted she is to keeping Curse safe. DID NOT expect Saturnyne to be the main villain but im down for it tbh. This book is my favorite already and i just cant wait for hte next issue!
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