#I don't like debating bc these people don't debate; they manipulate
aifasdoesthings · 7 months
Ngl for a long time when I was a kid, a teenager and for a bit in my twenties, I gave an opportunity to most people and to a lot of media that made me feel unease for reasons I wasn't able to understand at the time. Unbeknownst to me, that made me a target for the worst kind of creeps and assholes bc they thought I was malleable enough, easy to manipulate.
I'm not saying be intolerant; I'm saying be careful with who tells you what and remember that the creations of human beings are unavoidably permeated by subjectivity. Also if you feel uncomfortable or your instinct, your gut, tells you something is off, take it into account, don't shrug it off. If necessary and possible, leave. Even if they're close people. Don't be afraid to block.
Also as a personal addition: I will be blocking a couple shows/books/etc I don't want to hear from anymore. I'm tired and I want peace and I refuse to add to the talk pile that ensures these products have success.
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hellpupp · 1 year
Big Sad
#kicks dirt#idk how many times i can openly ask for what i need & just. not get it. before i've just gotta Stop bc it starts feeling pathetic#and potentially even bordering on emotionally manipulative.#debating the Morality of even tag-venting on my own blog bc i don't want anyone to assume this is targeted#i just feel Deeply Lonely and like i have absolutely nothing going on in my life except work#and just lowkey like.... Unseen.#sometimes i try So Fucking Hard to have a conversation with people only to have 100% of what i say completely ignored me#* in favor of a random meme.#it starts to fuck with you after a while! makes you feel Uninteresting and Foolish and Annoying#idk.#i mean i also ran out of my (Extremely Rough Withdrawal) SNRI last week so like. that isn't helping.#but it's more than that. i've been feeling like this for a while.#it just. really sucks when you move & have no irl friends. no energy to make any new ones.#and all of your long distance friends have A Lot of shit on their plates so you feel shitty and inconsiderate for even thinking of asking#for. well Anything really. let alone some of their extremely limited time & energy & attention.#like who tf am i to ask anyone#let alone people who are all Very busy and struggling w/ their own shit#for their undivided attention for a chunk of time they could be using to take care of themselves#i don't want to feel invisible anymore#but i also don't want to be a drain on the people i care about#i hate Needing things#i wish the depth of my love and devotion to the people i've chosen to care for was fulfilling enough on its own#so i'd never need to ask for things#having emotional needs is like. sooo gross & selfish of me tbh. :/' go the fuck to therapy holy shit u would Never say this abt Anyone else#anyway. watch me delete this in 5 seconds bc the need to be seen & the mortification of being Perceived can & do coexist#χ.txt
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mixelation · 8 months
reborn au: sometimes tori should be allowed to win. as a little treat
iwa fails team 4, which is just funny. i was debating minato just promoting itachi bc he'd have the missions for it, but actually i think it'd be funnier if he went and took a formal exam in a way that somehow pre-empts deidara from doing it? idk how that could work, but i think it would be Fun if both deidara and itachi won the tournament in their exams, and for that they'd have to take them separately
(it might make more sense logistically if itachi was like "why do i care? i'm an ANBU captain. i already have the paycheck/security clearances" and then deidara solos the next exam and itachi is like ".....wait i can't let him win" and solos the NEXT one. but also i think the laws of the universe are such that itachi should advance first, because it would piss deidara off)
anyway the point is. tori applies for R&D immediately and spends all her free time slinking around & then complaining she's not allowed to do her own projects
minato after she's tried some insane manipulations to take over R&D: (squints at her) yeah, because you're a genin. just apply to be a chunin?
it has not once occurred to tori she could be promoted the regular way. she's used to just like.... infecting a space, like a fungus. and then people get used to her enough that she gets to do what she wants.
tori: what is rank to a fungus?
deidara: what the fuck are you talking about? just take the exam. you'll get a raise and then we can afford a nice ass apartment together
anyway tori signs up for the next chunin exam feeling extraordinarily like she's doing some sort of weird undercover mission. she's not a ninja in her mind, she just plays one on tv. then kushina is like "ohohoho so are you going to keep up the team reputation and win the tournament???" and tori is like ".....no?" but both deidara AND itachi make the same joke
tori: i think you're really overestimating me 8|
it's not that tori doesn't think she can't take on any task they might throw at a chunin, or that she won't pass. akatsuki had her doing missions as a civilian, okay, she can handle chaos and responsibility and the associated danger. she just never, ever picks "fight" as her first solution to a problem... and the chunin exam tournament is just a fight. there's no changing parameters or redefining your win condition to force the outcome in your favor. it's just.... a fight. which she's iffy at
kushina: oh, i get your problem. your baseline is whack
tori: no no, i'm pretty sure there's lots of thirteen year olds that could beat me up
kushina: do you know what makes a ninja good-- like, actually good? it's not being the strongest. it's being able to go up against someone who's stronger than you and winning anyway. and a lot of people won't ever be able to do that, but you definitely could
so tori goes and takes her exam and it turns out the average thirteen year old sucks!!! she wins easy!!!
tori: what the FUCK
then she goes home and is like "i won? i don't get it??" and two weeks later she's a special jounin* because minato wants her to have the associated permissions
minato: go on, go do fuinjutsu reearch to your heart's content
tori: ;^; i am going to make the MOST forbidden technique
minato: please don't
*special jounin in my mind is for people who have a specialized jounin-level skill but don't qualify for a full jounin promotion, because those people need increased security clearances and shit compared to a standard chunin. it's not EXACTLY a rank between chunin and jounin because there's a lot of variation in abilities within in it... like at this point tori would basically be an average chunin in terms of combat but also capable of making up s-rank techniques on the fly
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Annabeth stans - Do Not Interact. This post is not for you. Keep Scrolling.
The Annabeth apologism is real guys. People really be like "Annabeth has the most tragic backstory in PJO!" And forget about nearly every single other character in PJO and HoO
I'm sorry did you forget about:
Tyson: homeless at 7-8 years old, and bullied/terrorized by everyone in his life aside from Percy and Sally
Hazel: literally died to right her mother's wrongs at 13 years old. Not to mention how her mother treated her, and her curse. There's more but I forget it.
Nico: lost his sister at either 10 or 11(?), was stuck in the lotus casino for decades, was homeless and manipulated by a ghost for months, abandoned by his father - only for his father to start acknowledging him by manipulating him to give up the 1 person who cared about Nico to him on a silver platter
Luke: his mother was cursed and used to terrify him with her oracle episodes. he ran away young and was living homeless or in shelters for years.
Thalia: lost her little brother pretty young, also lost her mother to drunk driving, was living homeless or in shelters for years, died to protect a 6 year old and 14 year old at 12 years old, was resurrected at 16 years old within months had a great prophecy almost forced on her
Percy: lived with a man that threatened to "knock his lights out," (aka. severe physical abuse), humiliated him bc of his learning disabilities, the same guy also abused his mom physically emotionally and financially to the point where she thought her only option was to kill him
Jason: was given to a goddess at like 3 years old, was forced to live with terrifying wolves at 3 years old (he thought they would kill them) and then was forced to become a child soldier after that (starting at age 3-5 years old) and never got to live his own life before he was killed at 15-16 years old. Not to mention his mother is dead, and his sister a stranger.
I don't remember Leo's story, but didn't his powers accidentally overwhelm him and kill his entire foster family? Didn't Gaea torment him for years?
Like. Annabeth eavesdropped (aka listen to a convo she has no context on) a convo where her dad was struggling to tell his wife how he had Annabeth (how tf is he suppose to explain her showing up in a golden cradle after not having sex with Annabeth's mother without sounding insane), was bitten by regular spiders for 3ish days and then chose to ran away before her dad got home - her dad who'd actually know the problem and what to do, spent a few days away from home by choice, 2 weeks or so on the run with two powerful demigods protecting her, and then she got to camp where Chiron could parent her. Everytime she wrote to Frederick he replied immediately telling her that he loved her, he was sorry for failing her and he welcomed her back home. And when she couldn't keep up with the monsters? He built a machine gun with celestial bronze bullets and loaded it onto a helicopter to protect her.
And somehow Annabeth has the worst backstory. She actually has a home to return to. A mortal parent, who isn't the best but still tries and tells her he loves her. Half the other demigods/beings on this list don't even have that.
Also, this is a rant about Annabeth stans, not a debate, not Annabeth Chase hate. It's a commentary about how annoying her fans are. If you respond with anger and insults you will be blocked immediately.
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anonymous-dentist · 8 months
I want more people to talk about how Roier and Jaiden are not besties anymore. If they ever truly were. Everyone’s like “oh familoier, Jaiden Roier and cellbit are such an iconic trio. You got a man his husband and his partner!” But like Roier and Jaiden do not have that connection anymore. I’m unsure if they would even think about sharing to each other about their deepest secrets like they did back then. Plus the whole lack of trust between Jaiden and cellbit that goes both ways. I think the fandom wants him to care so much about her Bc of Roier but like. She’s not even that high on his list anymore and I think cellbit can tell.
To be clear. I would love them to all get along. I would love family dinners. And visits to Bobby’s grave together. And Jaiden helping Melissa with her makeup. I would’ve loved for cellbit to offer her a room in the castle like he did to mouse but like. Even mouse was a stranger when cellbit offered it to her. Their connection is more estranged than a strangers.
I can’t even think of anything that would bring Roier and jaidens friendship back to the bond it was.
And it's absolutely heartbreaking because Jaiden was Roier's best friend for so fucking long. But then Bobby died, and she didn't see room for herself in Roier's life anymore.
She's always had problem with her self-esteem and self-worth. She never really seemed to include herself in Roier's life. She was Bobby's mother, and she legitimately didn't see a purpose for herself after Bobby died. She looked at Roier and saw all those friends of his, friends he quite literally didn't consider his friends outside of Cellbit, and she went. Well. He doesn't need me anymore.
He was the first person she showed Bobby Fields to, and he followed her around all that night trying to protect her from Cucurucho.
But after the wedding, they really haven't talked much. She thinks he's happy now that he has Cellbit, so she's been hanging out with other people. He doesn't need her anymore.
But he and Cellbit were the first to finally notice her missing, and Roier's immediate response was "We need to save her".
But, weirdly enough, the last time they really have had any sort of conversation was at the election dinner in I think August. This was after he spent the debates cheering her on as she moderated, but it was before she really properly started getting manipulated by the Federation via the :) Units (aka the Cucuruchos.)
They saw the Code Bobby and Jaiden stayed by him while Roier immediately realized it wasn't his son and left to get his items from his corpse from earlier. They haven't talked about it since.
They haven't really spoken at all since then. It's gotten to the point where, when thinking of people Roier knew he could count on, it was "Me and Cellbit against the world" where, even just a few months ago before the elections, Roier would've counted her as one of the people he 100% had in his corner.
He says hi when she logs in, and she says hi back, but I don't know if she's seen every building in Bobby's City, or if she's visited Bobby's grave, and I don't think Roier has seen Jaiden's new house or even her new wings.
And it's sad because they were so close when Bobby was alive. Jaiden is currently the only person on that island who knows about his betrayal. They shared a house. I think they even shared a bed on the first floor. She's one of the few people to know about his basement storage system. He was the first person to get to see Bobby Fields, and he remains as one of only four or so people she's ever actually invited to see it.
But the thing is... Jaiden hasn't really ever believed herself worthy of being his best friend the way he considered her his best friend. First, she felt bad about using all his extra gear and living in his house and eating his food. Then, she saw all these people showing up to "save Bobby" and she thought they were there for him and not for her despite them being there for the both of them. She saw Cellbit and thought, well, Roier doesn't need me anymore. And now that he's married to Cellbit and she's being manipulated by the Cucuruchos (and she knows that she's being manipulated, thank you), she probably thinks and knows that she can't trust him with the fact that she's friends with the Cucuruchos because he'll just tell Cellbit about it. She can't trust him anymore, and it's been so long since he's seen her that he might not trust her, either.
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storm-priestess · 2 years
just some random short messages -
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(all images are taken from weheartit)
♤ Pile 1 ♤
they crave a genuine connection, full of support and love, but they've been robbed of that thus far--starting with their family
they've been the victim of manipulation and abuse in their past, and have learned to fend for themselves
as such, try not to be too put off if they seem a bit detached upon first meeting. don't be afraid to tell them what you want and need from this relationship later on (as they may try and just bypass all the deep work they need to do to be in a healthy relationship), but be aware that this is hard for them. be honest and clear, especially when expressing affection
bc of their wounds, they may be afraid of commitment; part of them won't believe that this could be real, and they may run away from their feelings at times to avoid what they believe to be another heartbreak
words of affirmation would go a long way with this person, but they will be dubious and a bit uncomfortable for a bit while they adjust to this new version of love
♤ Pile 2 ♤
wild at heart, may have some commitment issues but appears to be working on them. you may have to give them a nudge
very into their work, could have a creative profession or something that involves travel
leo, aries and sag are shown here
with a water moon or venus
they have such a light about them, they glow when they're doing what they love
this may cause some jealousy on your end bc they put so much time into their work, but for this relationship to thrive you're going to need to let them keep their freedom and passion for their work/hobbies
they do like alone time… maybe they've dealt with clingy partners in the past? there's a soreness and sensitivity regarding that. they hate control
they definitely have a soft spot for you… allow them their freedom and they will come running back to you every time. you need to be secure for this relationship to work
they worry that you won't be down with this; past partners have probably broken up with them over their dedication to things outside the relationship
I was debating adding this, but it could also be something regarding their personal preferences? for example, they may be asexual, and worry that you wouldn't be down with that? or bisexual, pansexual, etc
there is something (safe!!!) about them that sometimes turns people away, and they're a bit insecure about it but ultimately know that they're not willing to compromise and this is what's best for them (good for them!!!)
♤ Pile 3 ♤
um, total badass???
they seem like the full package
they may appear to have everything–a good job, funny, people begging for their attention… but they're a bit sensitive, tbh
they have a tendency to hide behind a facade, people pleasing and cracking jokes and being the one people look to for a good time
but they feel like they have a hard time expressing themselves, and as a result find difficulty in relationships
they attract people who like their persona more so than their actual selves
very intuitive and can sniff out attention-seekers or gold diggers from a mile away
very intelligent, tho may not appear that way. they tend to smile a lot, so people may think that they're more easy-going than they actually are, and that those who approach them can get away with a lot more than they actually can
very conservative with their energy; life of the party but only have a few CLOSE friends that they tell their real feelings too
they seem to have taken a break from the serious dating scene for the time being, instead focusing on other things bc they're sick of the relationships they find themselves in
they're just not the right people for them, or not looking for the same things out of the relationship
a bit of a dark past, but that's pretty vague
good relationship with their family and a total softie at heart
it's giving very rom com vibes where the (suspected) playboy brings the love interest home and she sees the caring way he treats his family and discovers the side of him he's always been hiding
if there's anything bad about them, it's that they have a tendency to push others away before really knowing them, bc they anticipate the worst occasionally
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
As an ace person it was incredible to see aroace characters on screen (GO). Just bc non-ace/aro people don't see it that way doesn't mean it wasn't good rep. We (ace and/or aro) people should get to be the ones who decide what is or isn't good rep for us, not you who aren't. And the majority of aroace people who watched GO that I've seen talk about it have had positive views of it (I've actually never seen anyone say it was bad rep, but I'm sure those people exist).
I am getting quite annoyed at non aro/&ace people trying to decide what constitutes good rep for us. Please stop and listen to us instead. This is a genuine request.
I debated whether to respond to this at all.
Do you get just how manipulative this is?
Do you get that you sound like a child?
"Liiiiiisten to [group]" is such bullshit when what you're trying to say is "I speak for any and all members of this group." It's also idiotic when you're saying "I believe something factually untrue, so you have to believe it too."
It's one thing to say "LOL, it's not my fault the homophobes are in denial about so-and-so coming out on screen in the most recent installment of canon".
It's quite another to say that because you identify with a show that was not intended to be aroace rep and that never canonically states that it's aroace rep and that isn't even word of god aroace rep (no, "interpret it as you will, yay" does not count), it totally is rep and how dare anyone not see this.
The importance of actual representation in media is both that people of a certain group can unambiguously see themselves on screen and that everyone else can too. It's about taking up space. It's about saying "We're here! Get used to it!"
GO has no such aim and no such mainstream interpretation outside of tumblr.
Identifying with a thing—loving a thing—doesn't make it representation.
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Y'know, I really like that Akari in oop is mostly a researcher and just kind of mid at battling. It's refreshing! And it makes a lot of sense if we consider that arceus prob just wanted the pokedex to begin with, and didn't realize there'd be a crisis that she needed to deal with. Even with its ability to yoink her from the future, I still think that if it had known its chosen human was going to immediately be met with frenzied nobles that it'd have warned her about that rather than just saying it wanted a catalog of its creations. Forewarned is forearmed after all. It's always just seemed out of place for it to not say anything about the impending fights for their life if it knew. So Akari being a very average, albeit modern pokemon trainer whose interests lie elsewhere is pretty neat! I also think it'd be kind of funny if arceus just kind of picked her at random. It knew it wanted from the future + interested in pokemon research and spun the lotto wheel. Didn't specify when in the future, didn't specify age, didn't specify battling experience, just got her mostly by chance. I think that since palkia and dialga are specifically in charge of space and time that they're able to be precise, while arceus only has a broad, but narrow reach. It can do stuff to manipulate time and space, but not very well. Anyway, got a little lost in the weeds there, but yeah I like that she's just Some Kid. It's a good contrast to Rei, who starts off being pretty garbage at battling, and Ingo and Emmet who are Very, Very Good at what they do. These kids need protection, and luckily they have some adults who are willing and able to provide it. I'm counting Cyllene and Laventon in that too, even though their ability to help is far more limited.
thank you!!!! yeah i think the kids being actually invested in dex work is really good and i wanna do more of it because. i like it. because the unown report in hgss was one of my fav things like ever. cause i think it's cute if it isn't just A Task to them, bc the game really gives that feeling, yanno? the protagonist IS actively updating their dex over time, recording things they catch, i think they really are interested in the research! plus it's fun if they're excited about it right alongside laventon. whole surveyfam gathered around the wallflower table having a heated debate about whether the spacetime distortion sneasel evolution should be called a regional sneasler variant or if it's different enough to be its own thing.
anyway. yeah this is a thing that i think is gonna be a fun challenge for oop in the future, is like, power scaling for all the different groups floating around. bc like. you have such a MASSIVE range in skill levels between them. where on the one side you've got people who are barely aware of battling as a concept, and then you've got people who only recently started practicing it, and then you've got akari, with this modern knowledge about it but not really a ton of time investment, and then over on the other side of the scale are these two pros. and even if people are at the same aggregate power level they're not necessarily good at the same things? like, i would place irida and rei to be roughly the same skill level at battling, but the key difference is a bunch of rei's knowledge is being pulled from his survey work and knowing a lot about the pokemon he's facing. whereas irida does not have nearly as many of them memorized, because why would she? that's not really a thing she's ever needed to know? but what she does have is ingo's training, which she applies in a more general way with strategies that don't depend as strictly on type matchups or special abilities, like turning powder snow into visual cover.
anyway point being it's gonna be kind of tough to make challenges that actually feel challenging for all these different groups, lol. like, something that is an intimidating but doable task for the miss fortunes is barely even enrichment for ingo and emmet. conversely, something that could challenge those two with their whole team plus tagalongs should rightly curbstomp any of the other smaller groups. this was sort of an angle when i was still trying to figure out how to write the vespiquen fight actionwise. asking "ok, how would you do this fight if you were perfect at it?" and then following that up with "what parts of that plan can't irida do, and what can she do instead?"
[ ftr the answer is bait out power gem -> leafeon mimic -> shotgun it while glaceon runs circles around it to hold its attention. once you've got that 4x effective move in your pocket you clean up much easier. but irida didn't know leafeon had mimic, and also doesn't know that power gem is so effective on vespiquen, a pokemon she's barely had contact with before now, and has a hard time splitting her attention between two different battle partners to the degree required to have one of them just monkeying around being distracting without it getting ko'd. so scaling those things back gets you a mimicked air slash and glaceon playing offense alongside leafeon. ]
...i'm just rambling now whoops. ANYWAY UH. what was the original topic. yeah i really like my akari too!! she's just very curious and loves pokemon a whole lot and really likes being helpful, but isn't necessarily so into battling specifically. that's more of an incidental "way to bond with my partners" than anything. so you get someone with a ton of knowledge but not a ton of experience in applying it, yanno? there's obviously more here abt battling conceptually and the vast array of interactions one can have with it, but, y'know. this is already really long. uh. thanks!
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professorspork · 7 months
debated with myself whether to ask about a happy scene in order to spare myself the agony but: since it has haunted me unceasingly since the first time i read it i would love to hear the commentary on the scene in newsbees where adam. well i can't say cuts off because that happens later but. destroys yang's arm? i consider myself to have a pretty high tolerance for dark/disturbing stuff in fiction but that scene made me feel physically ill (positive? as in insanely well written) so i would love to hear what went into writing it because it is a fucking Achievement. (i have not picked out a smaller passage but if you want to pick a specific section to talk about go crazy)
well first of all thank you for the incredible compliment, gosh
and second of all-- to talk about the genesis of this scene we actually have to rewind the clock pretty much all the way back, because it wasn't entirely clear to me how all this would work for uh... a really good percentage of the drafting process, tbh
[warning for squeamish readers this will eventually get... a little intense bc I'm describing some very violent shit under the read more]
figuring out how Adam would fit into the basic framework of the Newsies film plot was a major hurdle in my planning process before I could actually start writing the fic. Blake and Yang don't map perfectly onto David and Jack, they're sort of constantly swapping who carries which beats, but Jack's on the run because he knows the cops will give him back to Snyder, the warden of the juvenile hall. Jack has systemic issues that ultimately have systemic solutions, resolved by the dismantling of The Refuge as an institution. so in the very earliest versions, when I was figuring out my antagonistic forces, I considered all sorts of ways for Clover to be chasing Blake, too, or for Adam to somehow be manipulating the Atlesian carceral state as a way to get Blake on the run.
one of the reasons I thought I had to use the cops was because I wanted to capture the visceral fear that happens in Newsies when the police break up the union's rally. I wish there were a youtube clip I could link to, but the basic outline is that Jack, having been outed by Snyder as a ~runaway outlaw~ to the chief of police, is slated to talk on stage at this massive rally of all the striking newsies. The cops surround the concert hall, and then storm in as Jack's speaking. Jack's friends try to help him get away, but it's chaos. there are mounted officers inside the lobby, and that terrifying moment-- a horse rearing up and the desperate scramble to get out of the way of its falling hooves-- is the true kernel of what ultimately became the Yang's arm scene. the violence of it is so distinctive and outsized to the situation, and felt true to both source materials in a way I was eager to keep.
so the stomp was kind of there from the beginning, because Newsies gave it to me... though it took me a while to realize it. I knew I didn't want Adam to have a sword, because that felt like it broke the world and was a little too cartoon-y. that meant I had to choose between Adam cutting her arm some other way (cleaner, but requires a lot more context to pull off in terms of what he'd have access to), or issuing such a catastrophic injury that amputation was the only option (much more achievable no matter how I wrote the scene, and brutal). I read up a lot about like, what does and does not constitute an irreparable break, and the bones in Yang's arm being crushed was the most "this is inarguable, they'd just do it" solution. the idea of Adam warning Blake resisting just makes the boot come down harder was something that I'd already had floating around my notes, and so the idea of using that as a parallel and him saying it again while actually stomping down was just... once I had the thought, I knew I had to.
figuring out how that scene would work took a lot more doing, though. as you'll notice, newsbees doesn't actually have a rally scene; the people Blake and Yang are talking to are the press, not their fellow strikers. for a long time, the rally was going to be played much more straight, and I was going to use that moment for Adam to out Blake as a Faunus and insinuate her as a member of the White Fang (something something "great job darling, you fooled them" "what the fuck are you talking about??? he's lying!" sort of thing) and there would be some kind of reveal about the crowd being filled with White Fang plants. I got.... really far into the draft, before I let go of that being the shape of the scene. it really wasn't until I reached the part after Blake and Yang's arrest and the gang had to come up with a plan that it all finally fell together organically, based on this idea of "Ruby should talk to the press" being the script that goes sideways.
so once I had the venue, it all kind of came together. the pieces fell into place; I knew I needed to blow up the Schnee garage to cause damage to the property that wouldn't threaten any of the cast in the manor, and to get Ilia access to a getaway car. having Adam hit Yang to start the scene then laid out the players on the board the way I'd wanted them (Blake surrounded, Yang largely incapacitated).
and as for the actual writing of the scene itself... the vast majority of what's published was the very first draft, which I wrote in one feverish sitting just trying to get my own, like, revulsion at Adam's actions down on the page. Blake's anxiety manifests as nausea often throughout the story, and this was always intended to show why--he's just absolutely stomach-turning, in the things he's willing to do and say. I tend to be adjective- and adverb-heavy in my writing even at the best of times, but I really tried to maximalize my descriptive language to always land back on violence, here: it's not just that he's menacing, it's not just that Blake is scared out of her mind, it's that he's purposefully doing everything he can to make this hurt (physically, emotionally, mentally) as much as possible and they both know it. it's why one stomp was never going to be enough for him; it's why he goes out of his way to make Blake parrot that it's her fault, which immediately back-fills in all the millions of times the reader knows he must have done that throughout their relationship. in his head, this is Blake's punishment for defying him: look what you made me do, this wouldn't have happened if you'd just behaved. and for a punishment to stick, Blake has to FEEL it.
which: the cruelty here, just like in the show, is that this is a pivotal moment in Yang's life and it doesn't get to be about her. Adam's not hurting Yang to hurt Yang; he's doing it to hurt Blake. Yang's just a prop, and useful or important to him only as a way of showing there's no part of Blake, nothing she holds precious, that she can protect from him. he hurts Yang for the same reason he'd punch a wall next to Blake's head, or tear pages out of her diary and break her pencils or something. he doesn't see Yang as a person. he doesn't see Yang AT ALL. he's making eye contact with Blake, talking to Blake, putting pressure on Blake the entire time he's doing this. the only time he addresses Yang, period, is to reveal that Blake used to be in the White Fang and hid it from her-- which, again, was a dig to make Blake feel like shit. he couldn't care less what that meant for Yang.
which, you know, is exactly what Blake was afraid of and knew would happen and was trying desperately to avoid :)
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sporesgalaxy · 1 year
since i dont want an entire "zim age debate" on your blog im keeping this off anon so you can answer this privately if you want
im ALSO not trying to "convince you" to change your interpretation of zim because thats stupid and completely defeats my entire point that its up in the air. thatd also be pretty mean of me!
but my main point is that i think different writers on the show have different ideas for how they see him, considering jhonen is not the sole opinion-haver there and his favorite thing to do is make shit up. like richard and andy((zim and dibs voice actors, respectively)) im pretty sure dont think hes an old man otherwise the puppet kiss incident or the "i love you zim" wouldnt have happened. ((not that i want this to be About shipping but thats a big example)) and then theres advertisements calling zim an "alien kid" or jhonen himself calling zim a child in the old pilot bible
i understand what you mean with tak the hideous new girl however thats also the episode where he tries to Date tak under the impression that shes a human child and id rather not see my funny greenboy as a predator. i just always thought that the 60 years joke was "haha isnt it funny that were using ridiculously long periods of time and theyre still children"
not to mention mopiness of doom where it shows that zim and dib are grossly codependent enemies and i just dont really want to imagine a 60+ year old man and a child depending on eachother like that,,,,,
theres more "evidence" but i think this ask has gone on long enough
ALL OF THAT BEING SAID!!!!! theres no definitive proof either way and i find that unless youre shipping or really want to dig into the child soldier angle((which i personally find interesting)) it doesnt really matter. again this isnt supposed to be a persuasive essay just like,, idek. i like discussing this show and the characters in it! theres story benefits to either interpretation of zim and i like your art either way
uhh,, cheers and also sorry i think!!
eh. I had to write so much to respond to all this, it seems wasteful not to post.
There is no way for me to 100% guarantee that zadr will be read the same way by everyone, because it won't be, as is the nature of all media. That is exactly why I don't think that everyone who interprets Zim as a child necessarily has ill or manipulative intentions.
But I can provide arguments like the following for why I think zadr and kids who ship it would be a likely target for groomers, and therefore why I feel it is a good idea to discourage this ship.
As I mentioned in the previous ask, I think that said discouragement should be approached with the mindset that not everyone involved is malicious or arguing in bad faith. It is necessary to determine how best to act depending on the situation.
Personally, I'm going to continue pointing out the problems I see with the ship as much as I can in hopes of changing peoples' minds, whenever I have the time and energy to do so.
re: the VAs: This does not refute my point about Zim being easily read as an adult bc of the 50 years comment/ many other contextual implications made by the show. If anything the vagueness about Zim's age because of his alien society could make this a more useful grooming tool. I feel the same way about Bill Cipher x Dipper. Bill has just as much childish adult coding and just as little certainty about his age within the context of his alien species.
re: the pilot bible: the show changes lots of things from the pilot bible so this is no more reliable than any other "word of god" (input from creators of the show rather than material within the show) from Jhonen.
That said, I think the VAs were joking around and did not put much thought into it. Joking around by making characters act the opposite of normal (hating each other -> liking each other) is common.
That said, I think the unprovable nature of the intentions behind the VAs comments is a good argument for excluding word of god from the Zim age conversation entirely. I think that zadr is still Not Good and should be Discouraged even if you only look at the show with no additional outside input, for all the reasons I explained in the first ask and have added here.
re: advertisements calling Zim an alien kid: a bunch of characters in the show call him a kid because they are genuinely convinced he is one, so it doesnt surprise me that advertisement/bumper writers who arent really paying attention would call him that.
re: trying to date Tak: in that episode it is made VERY clear that Zim does not understand romance at all, and does not care to beyond what's necessary to blend in. He clearly does not genuinely want to date her and only wants to use it to seem more socially normal. The Keef episode established a precedent for how Zim treats human relationships he's unfamiliar with, and it's by doing the bare minimum and then ditching them immediately. It's not GOOD behavior by any stretch, but he isn't acting with genuine predatory intentions.
re: 60 years joke: yeah sure that is a joke the show might make. But the additional cultural context we have for Zim's life (that he has been a soldier for a long time + that he trained to become a soldier for a long time, as we see in The Trial) gives Tak being a janitor for 50 years more potential to be taken literally.
re: mopiness of doom: yeah honestly I just personally don't like that episode script. But also, as codependant as they are and as weird as that is, nothing about it is inherently romantic. My frenemies argument from the end of the original post still stands, as do all of my arguments about the ship being potentially useful for grooming because of the lack of clarity.
re: your conclusion: The fact that Irkens HAVE child soldiers IS interesting, yes, and we see in The Trial that Zim has been trained to be a soldier basically since birth, which is also interesting to consider for Zim's character.
However, I explained in the previous ask how I think reading Zim as a child during the current events of the show weakens some of the show's core themes about incompetent, unquestioning adults. I think the whole show just makes more sense if it is centered around a socially shunned child and socially shunned adult fighting against each other. The fact that Zim is old and still a loser further highlights how futile both his and Dib's aspirations to greatness are within their respective societies-- and they are CLEARLY meant to be seen as futile.
I cannot think of a theme or character arc that would be served by Zim's age being unclear, so I do not think it comes across as intentional, even if you rule out word of god. But still, even if nothing I've read into here was intentional, what matters is that it is lends itself to being interpreted as an adult/child ship, or being interpreted as an age gap that "doesnt count" for superficial reasons. And NO I am not claiming that there is any way to conclusively determine that a ship with an unclear age gap has crossed the line into potentially harmful territory. It HAS to be considered on a case-by-case basis. And you've made it clear that there are muddling factors to sift through for this one in particular!
But I feel very strongly that these muddling factors are more circumstantial than, less intuitive than, and ultimately outweighed by, the parts of the text which contextually place Zim as an adult, and will continue providing examples supporting this conclusionc whenever I am able to.
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reblogging4thewin · 2 years
Just some The Winchesters thoughts
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So, Millie told Mary offscreen that John's anger issues stem from childhood, and Mary recognizes that she and hunting are excuses for him to act on that anger.
Well, there are a couple of dimensions to unpack here...part of which is going to bring in my psychology degree...
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And then I also have some thoughts on angel interference in their relationship- bc I do think we're already seeing it happen on screen.
Nature vs Nurture and John's fate
So, one of the main things I learned when studying psychology was a disturbing fact that sounds wrong coming from an optimist like me, but it's true, and John is a shining example.
I chose to focus on twin studies whenever I had freedom to choose essay topics, because twins fascinate me. I found more than I bargained for. The nature vs nurture debate is the most contested, never settled, debate in psychology, and well - prior to ethics rules prohibiting such, there were some twin studies that really really seem to show that Nature wins out (the short reductive version is they separated twins from a broken home at birth and gave one a lesser/fucked up upbringing and gave the other a cushy upbringing, and they both turned out poorly). That is not to say that nurture has no effect, and it doesn't mean that people cannot change. But if it's in your blood, then it's a verrry verrry uphill battle to say the least.
This is part of why Millie saying John had an anger issue from the start doesn't surprise me. It also is reinforced by the fact that he is surrounded by people who are encouraging him otherwise, and he tries, but it just isn't enough at this point (and as we know, ultimately isn't enough in the end).
John volunteering for Vietnam is partially about being lost without his dad, sure yeah. But it's also a license to channel the violence.
In a way, after getting back from the war, the letter from Henry was basically the fucked-up Hogwarts letter John had been waiting for, wanting for. It lead him on a quest (giving purpose) and to hunting (means of channeling the violence).
2. The Draw of Mary
His need for purpose and connection to this life is a major draw. The letter allegedly from Henry brought him here, but what's keeping him here? He found out the truth. So....
Saving the world is one, but he said it in this scene - that's kind of an afterthought. He and Mary both recognize here that he's using her as an excuse to stay in this. But why?
Because he needs hunting as a license for violence. He can't get that outside of war - so he's found a war to fight in.
3. Angel interference
Have you noticed how everyone is needling them about getting with each other? You could argue Millie doing that is normal bc she's his mom.
But what about Tracy doing that with Mary?
Or Ada encouraging her?
I don't think any of them are possessed or anything like that, but that they themselves have been influenced.
The effect is more powerful if they can make it come from trusted sources rather trying to brute force it. So of course they would try that route first.
Just like the Akreida have manipulated them into feeding them power, the angels can manipulate them into feeding the relationship.
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thegeminisage · 10 days
dead dad episode anon here (what a name), glad to hear you survived!! I barely did I had no warning and I was just genuinely MAD about how much I cried but not because it was saying anything profound it was just like direct emotional manipulation with no catharsis. if I wanted to cry about a dead parent while watching 90s genre tv I would go re-watch btvs The Body.
hi my answer got long you DONT have to read it but god see i TOTALLY GET THAT! and it's so funny bc my friend and i were actually debating whether the "worst" in your ask meant "lowest quality" or "toughest to get through" and your answer was literally both. i am literally so fucking sorry it happened to you like that and you deserve it the least of anyone bc it is HORRIBLE to have to deal w all of that out of nowhere. but you SAVED MY LIFE! if i had randomly had to deal w that after the day i had tuesday (the day we were supposed to have watched it) i COULD NOT HAVE COPED. like, for example, i actually had to quit the tng episode where geordi's mom dies (7.03 interface) like halfway through because it totally blindsided me and i was just so, so, SO angry at it, i felt like it was stringing me/geordi along for nothing - i googled whether or not they found her alive and when i got a "nope" i too noped. absolutely the fuck not. hard pass.
but then i go back and read the transcript, and like...yes, i still think the episode has too much technobabble, and i personally find tng clunky on all but its very best day, and geordi's "goodbye"/catharsis felt extremely rushed/like an afterthought, but we also have this speech from riker:
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and i think if i had met that in a better headspace, having been warned about the episode in advance, i would have received it a LOT better, because it speaks (albeit indirectly) to my own personal shit yk. i actually quit before this speech and then watched the rest of the episode on 2x speed to get it over with, and had to stop and play it normally during this moment. it ruined the effect for me and in my mind this episode is still a dud for me, even though with the passage of time i have come to conclude it is not TOTALLY without merit.
so i do totally get why you don't like the visitor, i absolutely respect your experience w it, AND I OWE YOU HUGE ONEEE, but i do have to humbly disagree about the episode. this is mostly to get my own thots out so absolutely zero offense if you wanna stop reading here lol. but like i think it has a slightly different vibe than the body, which involves like, the sheer shock of it happening out of nowhere, and those first few hours of denial and grief just like. trying to comprehend the nature of death and how someone can just be GONE. i don't even really like btvs (i mostly don't like wh*don, it's complicated) and i think it's high art. like, the pinnacle of tv.
but i think the visitor was saying something different. or actually i think it was saying the same thing the pilot did, in a way. this isn't the first few hours after finding joyce dead in the living room, this is weeks and months and years and DECADES later, and jake Still Exists Here. sisko, quite literally, still exists here, has NO CHOICE but to exist in the moment of the accident forever. (for him, this entire episode lasted like ten minutes at MOST - and shoutout to him for being able to roll with the punches and put jake first anyway through all of that - when he gets back to his own time, it's going to feel like a bad trip or a bad dream.) and because sisko literally can't move on, and is stuck to jake, jake ALSO can't move on.
jake had begun to heal - he had a wife and a career and he was thinking about kids - when he accepted that sisko was gone for good. he healed after his mother's death because he was able to accept her death and because he had the support of people like his father. but once he realized his dad's ghost would be showing up every so often, that there was a possibility he WASN'T gone for good, he threw himself at that problem with everything he had...and lost everything he had. wife, career, hope for his future, all of it. the episode was saying something: that if you don't move on you won't move on. if you can't let go then you can't let go. if you don't heal then you won't heal. jake exists HERE and he is pulling his dad, and his grief, forward into the future with him like a LITERAL ball and fucking chain. i mean, he's got the baseball and photograph ON his writing desk. sisko gets only a few minutes of life at a time, and he uses every second of them to be in the moment with jake and ask about his life and comfort him. jake gets DECADES and he lets them pass him by without so much as "popping his head up," and misses his OWN LIFE, because he is burning his years like pocket money hoping to use them to buy back SISKO'S life.
i do have slightly mixed feelings on the ending - does jake committing suicide to get his father back nail the point home, that it'll kill you if you let it, or does his starting to work on his stories again before he died tell us that he figured out the secret was to live life while you had it, if even for just a few minutes? is "cutting the cord" jake throwing away the last thing he has into the insatiable black hole of his grief, or is it him letting go and/or doing something selfless? maybe both, which is nuanced, but it also muddies the waters/message a little. like, i def can't think of a cleaner solution to set the situation back to status quo - i just wish we'd had time for a slightly cleaner ending, and/or one more scene after the end, where we acknowledge that sisko is now stuck with knowledge of something jake will never have*. bc there IS catharsis when sisko gets back to jake (wish fulfillment? in fiction, unlike reality, you someday get to be done having a dead dad if you do enough aging and grieving and growing) but!! it only lasts for .5 seconds :/
*also, he watched his child die. i can't get into interst*llar too much on here cuz thats bad for me (dead parent people dont watch it Ever) but the bit about "no parent should have to watch their child die" acting as justification for cooper leaving murph AGAIN when the whole film all she asked of him was to STAY was flimsy there, and a miss for me, and definitely lacked catharsis. but this episode is better than interstellar bc even though it's true that no parent should have to watch their child die sisko DID stay and did it anyway even though it was awful to have to do. separated by time and space they DID find each other again...we just didn't to enjoy that reunion, really.
anyway, i do think this was You Exist Here, Dead Parent Version but i do fully completely 110% understand that if this episode had blindsided me i would think it was garbage and would want to kill the people who wrote it with a fucking hammer. so i actually enjoyed this episode because of you, specifically. a perhaps unwilling (at the very least unknowing) gift from you to me. thank you <3
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
Can you talk more about Luke being a good parent,please❓ I've seen many hc's about him,but that one is new.
This ask is from Jan 19, I'm deeply sorry it took me so long to reply to this. 😭😭😭 Please know that it's nothing personal, anon. I'm just being a snail mail as usual. 💀🙈
Anyway, when I said that Luke could have been a good parent, I meant I could see, in him, the traits that I deemed necessary for parenting. It's hard to tell because frankly, even I can't comprehend my thoughts that well, but generally, it revolves around his kindness and charisma as a counselor.
It is canon that Luke Castellan, as a character, was loved widely amongst the campers, Percy included. And most of them were teenagers. I don't know about the others but I always find it hard to fully earn a teenager's liking, but Luke seemed to be doing it just fine, even earning himself clout.
Luke had worked as the head counselor of Cabin Eleven for quite a while, so I'd say he at least knew how to deal with the youngsters' common problems and did it well - something I know parents have to struggle with. Have you ever been the head of a group of rebellious ADHD dyslexic half-god gremlins because I'm pretty sure that's like. a nightmare. (not mentioning it's Hermes' spawns) Luke seems to know his way tho.
Luke is, with all respect (which is a lot), portrayed as a manipulative person.
Now, this really depends on how you see it, but I think it's quite a useful skill when it comes to dealing with children - those whose comprehension and emotional regulation skills are yet to develop fully and whose feelings are more often than not all over the place. It requires an ocean of effort to seriously educate a child - you need to guide them but not block their ways; you need to regulate them but not limit them, all the while your children don't even know what they want either bc their brains haven't been fully wired for that yet. It's a challenge. If it was Luke though, he seemed to know how to see through people's feelings and work his way through them - as shown by how he convinced Silena, for instance. To manipulate someone means you know how they work first, and Luke appears in my eyes as someone who can guide people's thoughts, make them willing without outright threatening - which is an invaluable skill bc your children wouldn't want to feel threatened now would they?
Of all people, I just feel like Luke is the first to know how to deal with a child's tantrum in the best way possible - without actually losing/succumbing to their childish requests. He's gentle. He's funny. He's easy to like. I think the children would adore him.
What I'm trying to say is that: I think Luke knows how to deal with children and teenagers and he does it well enough.
Furthermore, when I say kindness, I'm referring to the fact that Luke's rebellion is, well, a rebellion. He did it for the demigods like him - because he thought they needed to get away from their parents: the gods - and when he failed, he made Percy promise the same thing. It is kindness - at least, in my book: the love and compassion for other misfortunes, those so deep that it enables Luke to do many things beyond.
I have talked about this once - about how Luke's motivation for evil plans actually stems from his kindness and it's admirable - and I do think it's an essential trait for a parent. It's love, pal. He loves so much. He would do everything for that love.
The last one: I'd like to mention the neglection Luke felt from Hermes' absence. This is debatable still because systematically if you are hurt, you would either 1/want to do the same thing to others or 2/extremely hate to inflict the same on others. It depends a lot on yourself.
That is to say: Luke, with all his childhood devoid of fatherly affection and later motherly one too, may have the tendency to prevent a similar fate for his children/the younger ones - provided with the fact that he made Percy promise. If Luke had his chance, I can imagine he would try his best to ensure that the children don't feel the abandonment and loneliness he once experienced. He would go out of his way to provide them with love and welcome - be there when they need, protect them, let them know they're loved; all the things a parent can do for their children. Because Luke - more than anyone - understood how hurtful it was to not have that.
That's everything to it, I suppose. I intended to write a few things and I turned out like this. I'm desperate lolol hope this helps anw!!!!
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Seasurfacefullofclouds (the ex big larrie blog) said that Louis is bisexual since she can't deny that Freddie is Louis son any longer and now all the rad louies follow her doctrine and declare one by one that Louis is bisexual and he is Freddie's father. A lot of larries are doing the same. So he cheated on Harry with Briana, Danielle and Eleanor now? Hahahahhahaha. Thanks for your contribution, your doubts, your silence. See how it spreads like wildfire
i know i probably shouldn't reply to this, especially bc of your tone at the end and the way you're manipulating me into a reply, and that this is a copy-paste message sent to many other blogs. my relative silence on the stunts is plainly because i would rather spend my time thinking about other things, especially if i've long made up my mind about it.
i think one of the most toxic things that has this fandom in a chokehold is the desperation to have people's opinion on everything be known, and put on others. if someone doesn't contribute to the drama, that suddenly becomes meaningful too? the absence of me spouting my every opinion is a lack of dedication?
i know the anon who sent this won't come back to read, but maybe someone else on the dash here will read it and maybe take a moment to consider this obsession with opinions and drama. we're literally just hanging out on the internet because we're fans of two people. we're not politicians having a debate. what is it to you if someone has a different opinion than you? does that affect you personally? does it really lessen your enjoyment? and, furthermore, does it really ruin your life if louis does something you don't agree with? or is this a matter of personal priorities and perspective?
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tododeku-or-bust · 1 year
Details on my oc: Kairos!
(I'm approaching these details from my modern AU perspective, though most hold overall)
Son of Orpheus and Eurydice; his name means "opportune moment". Because, you know, THIS TIME it'll go the way we want-
He's biracial, and his hair texture is thicker like Eurydice's (in the Hades AU, it is tree branches and leaves like hers)
Kai is very musically and artistically inclined from an early age! They encouraged him to follow his heart from the time he started clapping and fingerpainting as a baby.
He has an affinity for different types of guitars/string instruments and can sing beautifully! His humming is incredibly soothing to his friends, almost mesmerizing.
In the Hades AU, his currently realized power is that he can manipulate sound waves. His undiscovered power (i.e., something i had in store) is that his singing, like Orpheus', has the power to manipulate people's emotions. It has the potential for good, but could also be very dark if he were to ever choose malice. Neither he nor his parents know he can do this (yet 👀)
Kai's confidence around people grows as he ages. When he was a toddler, you could barely get this kid to stand in front of people. If he didn't want to talk to you, he Was Not Doing It. Please Exit Stage Left Or I Will. It helped that his parents encouraged him to say how he felt, that it was okay to have boundaries and speak them. So as scared as he might be, he's still very brave and will speak his truth.
Truly, people will ask Philia how she's best friends with him when he's so quiet and she's not, and she's like "What do you mean? Kai talks all the time! He's so funny!" So if you see him and he don't speak, that means... 😬🤷🏾‍♀️
Kairos is very logical in comparison to his best friends (which, to be fair, is a low bar to clear). He will be the one to say "i think this is not a good idea". However, this does not mean that he is not constantly convinced into Shenanigans by Phi and Calix, bc he adores his friends. But he's got a "That Shit was Stupid" Face (got it from his Mommy) and it comes out often.
He is very caring, and tears up a little easily. He and Phi will hold each other and cry over everything lmao; loving a show, a new song's vibes are too immaculate, she scraped her knee, he messed up a painting... Yeah they gone have a tiny cry about it.
He's also secretly messy when it comes to gossip; he's that person that you think doesn't care or didn't notice but TRUST he heard the tea 👀
He loves bugs (shout-out to @fuzzycatbelly for this one!) Like that's his interest. He's always finds time to talk about bug fun facts, loves bug themed clothes and items, incorporating it into his indie, artsy style alongside the music. He's always sending fun facts to Phi about them; she hates bugs but she loves him, so-
He likes to wear baggy cargo pants and long, sturdy skirts with sewn on pockets! He likes all the pockets, and can put whatever he wants in them. Super pockets! He also likes tiny bookbags.
I debated having Kairos, Philia, and Calix as an OT3 for a while, because it would work! but i settled on not doing it. I really thought it would be important to show that Philia has a solid, platonic relationship with someone that means just as much as her familial and romantic ones. In my writing I try to emphasize this where i can; that yeah these people have heartstopping romances, but some of them also have good friends that hold their heart in another way. Friends are important, you know? But the three are still inseparable!
I'm so happy to say all of this, like 😖 half of this is from future planning and the other is just i never get to really dive into him.
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If we're talking about Taylor swift and young royals for the midnights album
Lavender haze X wlimon?? "I've been under scrutiny/ you handle it beautifully" that part in particular really fits to me but idk about the rest of the song, I think this song would fit them in like S3 when they're dealing with the fallout of being a public couple and suddenly Simon's thrust into the royal life and into wille's world and ends up learning a bunch of stuff he had no idea of before and learning what it's like being a royal and being with a royal and also learning more about wille and wille's life?? If that's the route S3 goes this would be the song for them
Umm I haven't seen anyone say this but midnight rain X sircus? 💀 "I broke his heart cause he was nice" ofc there's a lot of debate about whether Marcus really was nice or not bc a lot of the things he did were manipulative, whether intentionally or not, but we can all agree he's the poster boy for nice guys. "He wanted it comfortable/ I wanted that pain" how Simon's relationship w Marcus was nice and sweet and comfortable but he still yearned to be with wille even tho it was more difficult and painful and he'd have to deal with being a secret
I've already seen "you're on your kid" edits with wille specifically the part where it goes "you're on your own kid you always have been" accompanied by a bunch of shots of wille alone looking sad and those make my heart hurt lmao
Oh and both karma and vigilante shit fit wille I feel like. Vigilante shit bc he was taking revenge on August and entering his reputation era and all that "don't get sad get even" I think he took it a little far with pointing a gun at his head but I do not mind 💀 and karma would fit really well for the next season bc wille and Simon would be happy thriving and together while August would be in prison ❤️❤️❤️
What ab the other songs on the album? Do you think they could fit?
OHHH this is gonna be a long discussion so buckle up🤝
I can totally see Lavender Haze as S3 Wilmon. Like, "The 1950s shit they want from me", Wille being expected to be a conventional Crown Prince like the old times(especially the heteronormative aspect)but he's here to bring change baby😌🤚 and "I'm damned if I do give a damn what people say" like he won't be giving a SHIT about people are saying about him because he's finally with the person he loves, and he's already done giving shit about unnecessary opinions, S2 showed us that.
I agree with Midnight Rain being a Simon-Marcus song.
"My town was a wasteland / Full of cages, full of fences / Pageant queens and big pretenders / But for some, it was paradise" like it screams of Simon's desire of leaving Bjästard and how much he hates the vanity he sees everyday in Hillerska.
"I guess sometimes we all get /Just what we wanted, just what we wanted / And he never thinks of me /Except for when I'm on TV /I guess sometimes we all get /Some kind of haunted, some kind of haunted /And I never think of him /Except on midnights like this"
In the end, Simon got what he wanted(being with Wille), and he can't be any happier, but the way he treated Marcus still haunts him sometimes. Like the "except when I'm on TV" line is so on point for them because after Wille admitting he was in the video, Simon would be in the limelight again and Marcus would be reminded of everything quite a lot because of that.
Also, I totally agree that it's debatable that whether Marcus was actually nice or not, but if we think from Simon's perspective, Marcus was pretty nice to him, so yeah.
I've also seen the YOYOK edits with Wilhelm, but it's a Simon song in my mind all the way. Like "I didn't choose this town, I dream of getting out" , "Something different bloomed, writing in my room/ I play my songs in the parking lot /I'll run away" IT'S SO SIMON CODED. I think Anti-Hero fits Wilhelm way more than YOYOK.
Vigilante Shit and Karma are so bad bitch Wille and Bejeweled is Felice's song😌🤚
Sweet Nothing is also such a S3 Wilmon song for me like Simon wanting nothing from him in a world where everyone wants to derive benefit from him because he's the Crown Prince, and especially the bridge makes me wanna cry: Industry disruptors and soul deconstructors/ And smooth-talking hucksters out glad-handing each other/And the voices that implore, "You should be doing more"/To you, I can admit that I'm just too soft for all of it"
Labyrinth was already S2 Simon song in my mind and I'm glad I was right😌
Mastermind is such a Wilhelm- coded song like every line SCREAMS of Wilhelm pursing Simon in S1 and the bridge drives me INSANE like "No one wanted to play with me as a little kid/ So I've been scheming like a criminal ever since /To make them love me and make it seem effortless/This is the first time I've felt the need to confess/And I swear/I'm only cryptic and Machiavellian /'Cause I care"
Anyway I'm never gonna stop so I'm just gonna end this ask here. 😭😭 thanks for sending this, btw!
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