#I don't love the gameplay but it is a pretty darn good game
sapphire-drawings · 8 months
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If there's one thing I'm interested about Baldur's Gate 3 is this man's sassy ass, and his voice acting is 10/10 Not like I'll ever play the game, I just like him
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inventors-fair · 6 days
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Secondary Effect: Modal Flavor Runners-Up ~
Our runners-up for last week are @bergdg, @feyd-rautha-apologist, and @piccadilly-blue!
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@bergdg — Clearance Sale
I would never have thought about this kind of flavor, but having both of these options on this kind of card is oddly wholesome? Or should I say, wholesale! Ha. ... But I really like this card, actually. Having these go-wide effects are oddly decent in Limited in the right environment, and having the impulse effect on top of them makes this a great uncommon indeed. I think that it's probably okay at uncommon to make it attacking creatures, and I think the question of what kind of push you can do to make the pump slightly more powerful is...negligible. Which is good! I think that Trumpet Blast vs. Burn Bright effects is super niche, so that's the nitpicky portion of me wanting to make an excellent card perfect.
And the second effect mirrors the flavor pretty excellently as well! I think you can simplify the wording, but I think that it brings up the question of what exactly you want this effect to do. I'm not sure right now if you want nonland cards to cost {1} less, OR if they only cost less if both cards exiled this way were nonland cards. If it's the former, you can say "Spells you cast this way cost {1} less to cast." after the second sentence. If it's the latter, you can say "Those spells cost {1} less to cast if two or more nonland cards were exiled this way." I...think? Maybe the "if" should come first, like Bonehoard Dracosaur. That said, I'd also get rid of the second line of FT, and then...yeah! Pretty darn perfect for the sides of the sale that you described: mad rushes and hot deals. Great work.
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@feyd-rautha-apologist — The First Empire
I honestly didn't think that something like this could work. Looking at this, the more that I read, the more I'm enjoying it, and the more that I can't help but feel that this would be too much for a premier product but would be excellent for a supplemental product. Possibly, anyway. The mechanics of myth and truth are interesting here. If I follow the myth, then if someone takes the monarchy it's kinda representative of the kingdom being lost forever. If I follow the truth, the empire doesn't have the same permanence as the myth, but the temporary gains may still be impactful. Isn't that just plain cool?
It's still a lot of text, honestly, and I don't know if there would be a cycle of these things, but I imagine there could be a deciding factor between myth and truth that makes a world of these cards quite flavorful and interesting at the same time. What do choices matter when everything is destroyed to dust in the end? Choices matter because one has an effect that lasts forever and one does not. Like, the enduring myth is a fantastic way of going about these two options, and I love that. Monarch and its related abilities, having been a frustration in constructed sixty-card formats before, is probably not coming to standard anytime soon. I want to still highlight this card as an excellent design exercise and a neat boardwipe to boot.
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@piccadilly-blue — Time Gentlemen, Please!
You know, as a translation of real-world action and gameplay mood, this one is a lighthearted play that I feel works oddly well. (For those unaware, the name is essentially "Last call" for bartending purposes.) Either everyone vacates, or everyone goes for another round. That's really the gist of it! Mechanically, this card's quite the upper end of control pieces. If this was printed in a premier set, hell, I'd even start investing in control again. Extra turns allow for big finishers like Teferi to lock the game down, but on the aggro receiving end you get to wipe everything away. Boom goes the readiness for Sphinx's Rev (RIP).
And then we get to this notion of comparable MTG in-world mechanics. The mood is so lighthearted, and the effects would be almost ironic compared to what they usually depict. "Yeah, there are two cards in my deck that wipe the board. One depicts the descent of a corrupted god annihilating the innocent—and one's about a bartender kicking folks out 'cause the night's over." And that's, like, not out of the ordinary for the game. Sometimes Naturalize removes the horrors of the Eldrazi, and sometimes it's a broken piece of pottery. Effects like these are a little more grandiose, of course, and I think it's my own preconceived notions of what massive effects 'have to' look like that's the stumbling block. Maybe we're not going to see bar-themed references in the game anytime soon, but as for levity? I'm not too opposed, oddly enough.
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And finishing soon, double-prommy. @abelzumi
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ppgxrrblove · 11 months
.... After seeing full fledge "gameplay" for fashion dreamer y'all unseasoned chicken consumers can keep this bland walking simulator.. i am done, listen i wanted to give this game a chance even though i knew myself that the red flags were there but i still wanted to wait patiently..
... after witnessing this atrocity i just wanna express myself to the group of overly toxic positive people that kept pushing out how great this game is, ignoring the signs, told me that i was wrong, its gonna be good.. day came for gameplay and its not. look, i know you were all thirsty(same here not gonna lie 💀) , dried as a prun for a new fashion genre related game but please do not taint yourself like this.. please don't. cause this is sad... i have so much expression of hate towards the fact this dung was dumped on this hybrid switch, i can take cruddy pc ports but this is beyond that.
and do not tell me that the game has potential just because "pretty graphics (etc) i go brrrr" - no, sit down and think what the heck you are even playing..compare it to any darn fashion application out there that does it better, cause i CANNOT..... it crossed the line 😭..
i am disappointed... all i wanted was another girls mode)(style savvy) entry.. not a new dang ip..
if you like this crap, i dont care.. the only postive i can give it is some of the clothes are cute, accessories, make up and hair lovely, off topic but working with a real trashy phones touch screen being wonky is not fun here but i digress, love the graphics, the mannequin room was a nice touch, stages looked cute some not all.. or whatever is the limit of the loop this "game" has.
thats all i got.. i am gonna go die inside.. i dont know who gave them this idea at syn sophia but this ain't it man.. i wouldn't even have a problem with a new ip if it wasn't this bad.. i will be trying out model debut3 #nicola when it gets dumped.
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otakween · 7 months
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Digital Monsters Card Game Ver. WonderSwan Color
Another stupidly named Digimon game. This one was so fun!! I technically started it exactly a month ago, but there was also a week break in there, so it took me around 3 weeks to finish.
Difficulty-wise this game was kind of strange. I feel like it was like 40% strategy and 60% luck. I guess a lot of card games are like that. I will admit, I did use some save state trickery to get through a few battles, but only because each one took like 20 minutes (real time) to beat and having to start from scratch because of one stupid move was devastating at times. In the end though, I got pretty darn good at the game and could hold my own without relying too much on emulator tricks.
I'm totally not a TCG person IRL, so it's such a pleasant surprise to me that I'm loving these card-based video games! Of course they're not going to win in terms of things like story or visuals, but the gameplay is so satisfying! Most games let me zone out, but these really require focus and brain power.
Not a lot of people are talking about this game, but the gamefaqs are still really good, so kudos to the people on there. I also watched a bit of a German let's play lol
Not gonna lie, this game has a VERY steep learning curve at the start. It was my first vertical Wonderswan game so just figuring out the controls was tricky. I then had to learn a whole new TCG system because this Digimon game is different from past digimon games. I think I was most confused with what to do with the cards that assist in digivolving, even now I don't fully get them. I basically lost a lot at first while I was figuring things out. No perfect score for me!
You get a decent starter deck at the start of the game and you can auto-build decks which helps things be less overwhelming. I chose Terriermon because I love him. He served me well.
The UI for this game was really nice once I got the hang of things. I felt that decks were a lot easier to edit than past games and the cards were organized very nicely. I loved being able to pull up the card art which perfectly fit the vertical Wonderswan and the holo-cards were also a nice touch.
I never ended up beating Impmon...oops. This game has a lot of "optional" battles. There's one you can only beat after you've beat 80 battles but like...I have a life, so no thanks (I left the game at 25 battles).
Takeru was randomly the hardest opponent in the game and he was like...very early in the game. He was the one I had to use save states on the most I think. Tricky bastard.
You can obtain cards via passwords found on the actual IRL cards themselves and I think that's pretty genius. Of course, I just pulled the cards up online lol.
The option cards in this game allowed for a lot of interesting strategies. I liked that I could beat an ultimate at champion level by playing my cards right. It was also satisfying that if you beat a digimon of a higher level, their "loss points" would go down faster.
I think I'm done with the Wonderswan games, woohoo!! It will be interesting to see what other card games are out there on more modern systems. I give this one (not typing that name out again lol) a 7 out of 10!
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smbhax · 7 months
Quick plays of a bunch of Neo Geo Pocket and Neo Geo Pocket Color games in Mednafen!
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Kikou Seiki Unitron JP-only RPG sequel by SNK 2nd party Yumekobo. My old notes say this came bundled with a Japanese "slim" NGPC I wanted, that I had only played the first game, Biomotor Unitron, very briefly, and that I wasn't impressed with the "Pokemonesque" gameplay here, greatly preferring the likes of Card Fighter's Clash. That will probably still be the case. Nice presentation though. Translation patch from romhacking.net only does 1st few minutes of intro, and menus. Could be a decent RPG.
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Neo Turf Masters Saurus' (SNK 2nd party?) version of Nazca's Neo Geo golf game. Doesn't have RPG stuff like Mario Golf but I was getting into the actual golf part. Some wild course stuff like being atop a huge waterfall. Can't save mid-course in-game? Emulator solves that I suppose. Want to play this more. Waitasec, I have MVS/AES version from the Humble Bundle NEOGEO collection. Well now I gotta try that (I think I thought at some point MVS/AES ver had flashing FX? Not seeing them at the moment).
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The King of Fighters: Battle de Paradise Your avatar hops around a board triggering King of Fighters-themed button mash minigames, most of which aren't very fun. (There's a pretty fun hidden game if you put the cart in a b&w NGP, haven't done that yet, need to use an older emulator.)
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Cotton: Fantastic Night Dreams Amusingly drawn cutscenes with a silly young witch; boring horizontal shooting.
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Faselei! Rather lovely solo mech tactical strategy by Sacnoth. "Program" your mech's next series of moves by socketing action-specific, upgradeable "chips," then watch them play out alongside the enemy's moves. Lush presentation.
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Neo 21 The card game in slightly jank graphics.
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NeoGeo Cup '98 Plus Initial, b&w version of…
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NeoGeo Cup '98 Plus Color Kinda cute national team tournament soccer w/ absurd clothing stat-boost items to collect (don't get too attached--thieves will steal them). Gameplay's a bit maddening as it seems nearly impossible to pass to your CPU teammates, who a) are usually offscreen and b) always seem to run the other way than you'd expected; meanwhile, the CPU always has 2-3 players right on you. Back in the day I found a spot to shoot from pretty far out and to the side that goalies couldn't block; darned if I remember where it was. ; )
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Dynamite Slugger Seems like a pretty good baseball game by ADK and I am terrible at them, specifically here the very streamlined pitching, and the fielding where I always press the wrong base button to throw to. Not as flash-screen heavy as the "Baseball Stars" games (Saurus did the NGPC version of those), but there is a strobing effect for a home run. : P Nice graphics. Maybe some day I'll have an inning where I hold the CPU scoreless…
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Pocket Tennis Earlier, more challenging version with fewer characters and less animation--more challenging because serving is touchier and your character has a shorter reach. : P
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Pocket Tennis Color By Yumekobo. Movement feels good until you try to coordinate it with hitting the ball, at which point I encounter mysterious whiffs, dives that take me away from the ball, and hits that often don't go in the direction I wanted. Feels more like ping pong than tennis a lot of the time. Some weird courts with hard-to-read nets. : P My old notes point out that the CPU doesn't move on defense, so you just hit it past them.
Of these, the games I have marked to come back to are Neo Turf Masters (the MVS one, at least, and possibly this one to compare), KOF:BdP for the b&w hidden game, and Dynamite Slugger.
Session: https://youtu.be/NXEMPA2eMR0
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slade-neko · 2 years
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Against my better judgement, I played the new Pokémon game! ~ My Initial Thoughts
I wasn't feeling Pokémon Scarlet & Violet before release. The games just looked off to me. The art style, the gameplay, the characters, the world design, all of it really. Now that I some hands on time with it well... ehhh, I kinda feel the same way haha. I'm typically a pretty easy going dude that can have fun in about any game I play, but I dunno, this game just doesn't do much for me. It doesn't feel like a true Pokémon game. I've been playing since Gen 1 and yeah sure Sword & Shield wasn't perfect, but I still had an enjoyable time with them. Here's the key points I noticed in my time with the game.
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Character Customization:
Character customization is a HUGE driving factor for me in video games. Pokémon SwSh had amazing trainer customization aside from the gym battle uniforms. Now imagine being forced to wear the gym uniform through the entire game! That's Scarlet and Violet. In SwSh I could dress my character up in so many cool outfits and that was probably my favorite aspect of that game. In Scarlet & Violet, you can only change accessories and shoes, no changing your outfit... you're stuck with that ugly school uniform the ENTIRE game! All you get is 4 seasonal styles of the same school crap. I just want my leather biker jacket and ripped jeans, darn it!
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Character Designs & Art Style:
Pokémon games always had hit or miss characters for me. Typically there's more characters that I like than dislike in a game, but not really the case for Scarlet & Violet's characters. Nemona's pretty cool though, I do like her, but lotta of them feel boring and fall kinda flat for me. And to be completely honest some of them give me nightmares...
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Then there's the actual art style. I don't really think Pokémon needed alpha transparency hairstyles. The solid meshed style fits better in my opinion. Feels like they tried adding some realism to the graphics with alpha hairs and more detailed skins & eye textures, but its still kinda toony looking, so its like this off putting in between style.
The World:
From what I saw, the world didn't really feel very believable or all too well designed. Just tons of huge mountains and steep cliffs. Not necessarily the prettiest scenery in a 2022 video game. None of the towns or anything really stuck out to me neither. Again, the whole thing feels kinda bland.
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The Pokémon:
Not much to say on the Pokémon as every generation has had some weird designs after all. Heck even 1st Gen had some weird Pokémon that I still question today. For the most part, I did like majority of the new ones. Wish the cat starter didn't stand on TWO LEGS though! Lets please try to keep them animalistic and less humanoid GameFreak. Oh, also I played Scarlet. I wanted to play Violet with the Tron bike Pokémon, but instead I had the Flintstones one... still don't understand why does it have wheels if it just runs with it's legs instead?
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Terastallization?/ The Gimmick:
Every Pokémon game since 6th gen has to have a gimmick these days. 6th Gen had Mega Evolutions, 7th Gen had Z-Moves, 8th Gen had Dynamax/ Gigantamax, and now 9th Gen's got Terastallizing? Basically your Pokémon goes into a crystalized form... boring! My personal favorite is still Mega Evolution. Having your Pokémon transform into a powerful 4th evolution temporarily was awesome. It was basically Pokémon's version of Super Saiyan 4 and I loved it.
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Rushed development?!
The game was rushed and the internet's been tearing it to shreds because of that. Bugs, glitches, a complete mess. Not much I can add to that. I don't put all the blame GameFreak for that, since I'm sure there's factors out of their control for pushing the game out within the given deadlines, but seriously I feel like Pokémon games are coming out too frequently. As Miyamoto once said, "A delayed game is eventually a good game, but a bad game is bad forever."
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The Good/ Open World & Multiplayer:
Lotta negatives, but hey, some positive things too! The open world, I loved it. I love being able to immediately pick where I want to go right after I start my journey. Which Gym do I challenge first or if I even want to do Gym battles or pursue a different goal entirely like hunt down the Titans or wipe out Team Star. Now that I like! Also the Multiplayer! While I didn't get to check it out myself, I know how it works. Being able to form a group with friends and explore the world together. That's a huge step in the right direction and how I wished it was in Sword & Shield.
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Final Thoughts
All-in-all, I wanted to give the game a chance and I'm glad I did, but it just doesn't hook me personally. I'm not trying to sound negative with the game, but I do feel like Pokémon is losing itself as a series. A trend I've been noticing more and more with each passing year. Not just Pokémon in specific, but tons of series that go on too long begin to weaken and water down with time. Ideas run stale, monotonous, and begin to lose their luster. Too many IPs are being milked these days until there's nothing left. That's why there's been so many remasters, remakes, and even reboots happening now. They need more spacing/ time between releases.
TL;DR Game's a bit of a mess, but knowing that it's still worth trying for yourself. Maybe you will enjoy it. I have friends who are and I'm glad they're having fun. For me though, I'll be passing on this one.
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sainzinnorris · 10 months
Another one joins the darkside (football). Watching Liverpool brings me so much joy (sometimes) especially the game against city on Sunday and trent's goal I was living. I've got so many questions (if you want to answer only ofcourse) what'd tour favourite team aside from Liverpool and favourite players and and do you only watch the premier league or also other leagues and who are your favourites from there ?
anon, please text me , you're literally so darn sweet, and im embracing the dark side, as smoothly as i possibly can 🫶🏾. TRENT'S goal in the man city match was fantastic. lord. so darn amazing. the celebration? LITERAL chills. i'm a huge arsenal girlie rn, like. i don't know how it actually happened , but the chokehold martin odegaard had on me was enough to get me to devote everything to arsenal. they're my number one! 🫶🏾. saka is fantastic– phenomenal. it's beautiful the way he plays, declan rice is so darn good– ofc i haven't know his gameplay in west ham , but he's a dope transfer, literally worth it! 💕. i literally love almost every arsenal and liverpool player, odegaard and trent are just my favs from both my fav teams. 🫶🏾
i've just started this year..like half way through this year, so i don't know much, my football knowledge was only restricted to fifa world cup matches. so, as of now, i'm trying to watch the premier league and la liga. and i'm a barca fan. but. real madrid is fantastic. i know it's really controversial to like both these teams, but they're both pretty dope and i adore both of them very decently. 🫶🏾. my favourite players in la liga would be pedri, joao felix, gavi, luka modric and jude. had a whole era of liking griezmann before i found out how problematic he was.
that's the thing about football, you need to do your research before being a fan of the player. cause so many of them are so problematic.
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tailsrevane · 2 years
my favorite video game sidequests
this was originally a patreon-exclusive post voted on by patrons back in june of 2022, but i thought i would start posting these elsewhere since i don't have a patreon anymore? so, yeah!
to be honest i’m a filthy casual gamer, so i do apologize if this isn’t the most interesting topic i’ve written about? but i did my best!
1. loyalty missions (mass effect 2)
i was going to do separate entries for all of these, but then i realized i would be covering almost all of them anyway if i did that. mass effect 2 really pulls out all the stops for its loyalty missions. almost all of them are as good as or better than the vast majority of the main quest, and i’m not just saying that because i’m a slut for character development. they’re some of the most varied quests in the game, some of them are dialogue-heavy, some of them are very combat-heavy, and some of them are so vital to understanding the overarching plot of the series that it is wild to me that they’re technically optional.
but oh yeah i’m also a slut for character development! so on top of them just being pretty darn amazing quests from a gameplay standpoint they also develop characters and relationships and open up new dialogue options and do all that great stuff. some of them even contribute to romantic subplots! woo!
2. the dark brotherhood (elder scrolls oblivion)
again this is technically a collection of quests, and in this case there are definitely some i like better than others, but the overarching story of these quests is just so brilliant it’s kind of hard to leave out. so, one of the things about oblivion is that you can join and rise to the top of the ranks of basically all the major guilds in it, and i do kind of wish the game locked you into only picking one guild and that that had some bearing on your character and the progression of the larger story, but y’know i’m a weirdo like that who wants that kinda garbage.
but yeah, the dark brotherhood gets introduced to you when you go to sleep after doing a murder. you wake up to discover an emperor palpatine-looking motherfucker who gives you the most hilariously creepy recruiting pitch ever, and yeah obviously i was hooked right there and then. going down this route will give you access to a kickass creepy lair with lots of creepy books and pamphlets scattered about, plenty of awesome creepy coworkers, a few great quests (my favorite probably being whodunit), cool gear to deck yourself out in, and when you beat the last quest and become the leader of the dark brotherhood (spoilers!), access to minions to follow you around and beat things up for you.
i actually developed a pretty big crush on a particularly twinky follower you can acquire, and whenever i lost him i would cycle through the other minions as quickly as possible to get him back. yeah, there may have been some fanfic going on in my head between that minion and my character. needless to say, while he might’ve been polite and deferential in the field, i imagined him otherwise in bed.
3. the sandral/matale feud (star wars: knights of the old republic)
this is a very long sidequest with quite a few elements to it. first of all it’s introduced by one of the belligerents just barging into the jedi council chamber and pleading his case which is always a great start. you also can’t really start making progress on the quest until you’re out exploring dantooine’s prairie and you’re gonna run into a bunch of smaller, unrelated quests on the way so that already makes it feel a lot bigger.
the quest itself is some romeo & juliet-esque shit with two feuding families only they’re space farmers with robot armies. there’s a kidnapped boy and a bunch of sneaking around and a huge confrontation at the end. all in all a staggering amount of effort was put into a quest that the player can just say “nah” and skip if they’re some kind of dumb idiot who doesn’t like fun.
4. canvas the castle (elder scrolls: oblivion)
it’s well-established that i love a good detective story, and consequently i love a good detective sidequest. i also love a good punny title for a sidequest, for that matter. so this quest in elder scrolls: oblivion where you’re helping a countess locate a missing painting ticks a lot of boxes for me. you have to interview suspects, gather clues, and it’s totally up to you what you do and in what order. a lot of times investigation sidequests like this are like talk to one person, your objective updates to talk to a different person, talk to that person, rinse, repeat. this one puts you in the driver’s seat in a way that’s very satisfying, and gives you a satisfyingly large area to investigate at that.
5. getting the horse epona (legend of zelda: ocarina of time)
i dig this one both because of the reward (you get a horse friend!!! and exploring hyrule becomes a lot easier) and because the quest itself is fun and has some interesting storyline behind it! and there’s just some fantastic character work with malon, who is just a terrific character all around. you really feel for her and want everything to work out okay for her!!
6. planetary storylines (star wars: the old republic)
so the way swtor works is that you have your main story which is tied to your class, and then each planet you visit as part of the main story also has some kind of overarching quest tied to your faction (republic or imperial). these are all pretty massive quests and doing them isn’t usually much trouble because they usually nicely line up with the locations the main story of the game is taking you, with few exceptions.
anyway, i’ll just run through a few of my favorites. one that immediately jumps out is on the imperial homeworld of dromund-kaas, you are tasked with infiltrating a cult that has formed around darth revan, the main character from knights of the old republic. you have the option of giving the cult up to your imperial superiors (or paying customers if you’re a bounty hunter), or actually joining them for real. considering that a lot of players almost certainly found their way over to swtor from kotor, i love this connection!
the imperial planetary storyline on balmora has you infiltrating the resistance movement there, and also brings you into contact with new planetary governor darth lachris, a tyrannical and sharp-tongued sith lady who nevertheless has a certain charm to her? (i’m saying she would probably dom the fuck out of you given the slightest provocation.) when you meet her she’s actually in the process of executing her predecessor, which you can try to convince her not to, but where’s the fun in that?
the alderaanian planetary quest for the republic is also kinda nuts because you’re basically intervening in a plot by one house to do a coup and install their patriarch as the king of alderaan??? so that obviously has some pretty huge implications for planetary politics. plus they’re weaponizing the killiks (they’re these giant bug things on alderaan that you probably already know about if you’re super into eu lore), and you fight a bunch of those, so yeah kind of a lot going on there!
7. murdered settler & sunry murder trial (star wars: knights of the old republic)
these are two murder investigations–one of them taking place at the scene of the alleged crime, the other taking the form of a courtroom drama. they’re both pretty great in terms of offering a lot of story and multiple good and bad outcomes, and they’ve got plenty of neat star warsy details. what has me rank them a bit lower is that, unlike oblivion’s canvas the castle they railroad you quite a bit more rather than being freeform. still, i always enjoy a good murder mystery.
8. citadel: asari consort (mass effect)
this is a pretty easy side quest, but it has lots of cool dialogue scenes. you talk to the asari consort, who is a sort of extremely high class courtesan who will probably step on you if you ask her nicely. apparently an ex-client of hers–a retired turian general–has been spreading rumors about her because she has rejected his advances. so you get to go confront a drunk turian and tell him off for being a creep, and if you play your cards right when you turn the quest in later you can get some asari nookie! so pretty good all around imo.
9. unc: rogue vi (mass effect)
the quest itself is actually pretty pedestrian. you drive your mako to a base, blow up its turrets, go inside, blow up some drones, blow up some vi units, drive to the next base, rinse and repeat. each base gets progressively harder as the vi is actually an ai that’s learning from each combat, but it’s an early quest and it’s nothing you can’t handle. what makes it make this list, though, is that i literally always make sure i don’t miss this sidequest because you get to land on the fucking moon and drive around on it and it’s just so cool.
anyway, yeah! that’s my list! i know i pulled these from like three game series, but i just don’t play a ton of games, even though story-heavy rpgs really are kind of my jam! so if anyone has any recommendations for me please feel free to chime in!
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nocturnalazure · 3 years
2, 4, 5, 7, 11, 15, 19 (for Erik), 28 aand 31 for the storytelling asks :3
Really gotta pull myself together with the amount of questions XDD
Thank you for the questions! *_* I don't mind how many!!
2. describe your story in three words or less
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I couldn’t even describe it if I had a thousand words.
Okay. 3 words. I can do this.
Mafia, that’s 1.
Character-driven? I guess? Certainly not plot-driven, lulz.
The rest of the answers is under the cut because... long.
4. how did you choose the name of your story?
I chose to call it « as far as the world goes » because it wasn’t really supposed to have an end. :D I initially thought I could keep on writing as many generations as I liked (so... as far as the Sims world could go, which is pretty much infinite). Turned out I kind of spent MUCH longer on some generations than others. And I used time travel, which sort of forces me to have a specific ending.
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Now the direction is... well, « to the edge of time », where Sam and Ash are still waiting for me to pick them up.
5. how do you choose your characters’ names?
I used to have a list of names that I like (mostly characters from books) but almost all of my characters are named now, even those who will only make an appearance in about 200 years. When I need a specific name, I make a quick and dirty Google search.
Names don’t hold any big meaning for me. And after all, you don’t get to choose your name in real life, you just have to make do with the one your parents gave you. So I don’t want to spend too much time thinking about THE perfect name.
That being said, I racked my brains over the name of Laurie’s future kid (yeah, he’ll have at least one, is that a spoiler?) because the name I had initially chosen came from a book that has been adapted in a series since then. And it’s a bit too recognizable. But I have now found an even better name. :3
7. whats the biggest risk you’ve taken with your story? did it pay off?
Killing off Nathaniel, Ivy and Seth in one fell swoop. I’m not over it yet, tbh. I need those flashbacks to be able to see them again.
Did it pay off? I don’t know, you tell me! It definitely brought Laurie and Erik closer than I expected.
11. why have you decided to tell this story? are there any messages or meanings within it?
I’m telling this story by accident. :D
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WAIT!! What I mean is... it started off as a gameplay story, then quickly evolved into something I kept under control but still let the game make most big decisions and now...
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So I have to deal with many background stories, and there are no beautiful messages about peace or love to be found in that mess. It’s just me and about a gazillion puzzle pieces, trying to make something that looks vaguely structured.
The below gif is a pretty accurate representation of me working on my story.
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15. what have been the highlights of creating your story?
Honestly, I sometimes miss the time when I just let the game surprise me. Now everything is planned out and it’s so much more limiting. BUT! Even within that frame, my characters always seem to have a life of their own. The biggest example being Laurie whose personality is in direct conflict with everthing I had planned. As frustrating as it can be because it forces me to constantly make plot adjustments, I also love it because my characters feel... alive. And that’s a pretty darn good feeling.
19. choose a song that reminds you of Erik
Answers to the last two questions will have to be in a separate post because stupid Tumblr no longer allows me to edit my post other than on the app and that's really not convenient...
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starry-bugz · 2 years
I'm a bit late, but I think it's time for a one month re-review of Enstars!!
It's good! I can't count the amount of time "the genesis" has gotten stuck in my head. And "crazy roulette" oh my stars. I also really like watching the MVs. I really like both the ra*bits songs and "valentines eve's nightmere" as well
It's fun! I still have a bit of trouble with missing the notes on the very side but I'll get used to it. I've tried every song at least once and have and S rank on hard for most of them. But I will say. Those gosh darn flick notes. They're the worst I've ever put with >:(
Also omg are the cards pretty. I love the art!
I've read the first chapter and some of the second and it's pretty interesting! I'm still a bit confused as to what's going on but I'll figure it out the more I read.
I already picked favorite teams 😅. So far it's undead and ra*bits. But nobody has topped Aira for my fav character yet. I'm really interested into seeing what happens to everyone! Sidenote: in every rhythm game I have, I form an rivalry with someone. Right now it's Eichi and Rinne. Actually almost all of crazy B (expect niki) I don't like the bee theme sorry.
Overall it's a very fun game and I'm glad I tried it out. I can't wait to keep playing and see where this goes!
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jaxonkreide · 7 years
one of my friends has been slowly pushing me towards Kingdom Hearts, but I still don't know much about the games ;u; still, i'm gonna shove into your inbox 7, 18, 20, 27, and 36!
You should definitely give Kingdom Hearts a try haha :D The story is really confusing and cheesy from time to time, but just??? So good????
hey so like
if you ask me things about kingdom hearts I’m like 100% guaranteed to ramble so like
everything under the cut
7. when did you first start playing kh
ohhhhhh a hard question!! I think I first found out about Kingdom Hearts in 2010?? Well, it was the time I started watching LPs. Two to be exactly precise. By two different people. One of them was FFX and the other FFXII. At one point I had seen the LPs of the two guys until the most current parts and so I grew bored and I checked what other games they had played, because I just really liked those guys. Both had LPs of this game named “Kingdom Hearts”?? I had no idea what that meant at all, so I google translated the title lol and decided that if both of those guys had decided to do an LP of this game it just HAD to be good. Yep yep. That’s not how I first “played” it per se, but that’s how I got to know it.
I don’t even know which Kingdom Hearts game was the first one I played??? I think I might have gotten 1 and 2 after those LPs I saw…. and when I got my 3DS I bought Re:coded with it……. the first Kingdom Hearts game I played when it came out tho was DDD in 2012
18.favorite game in the series
ok, so there are multiple ones for me here rip
So I’d like to say that 358/2 Days is my kh game overall, but I gotta face that the combat is this one is pretty shit compared to others. I feel like I still like the combat system of it more than the rest of the fandom and am quite good with it, but there are better ones than that. But Days definitely wins when it comes to story for me #RIPXion ;n; I’ll never forget her……..
Then there is KH re:coded. Which is probably the worst when it comes to the story, but I remember playing this game for hours on end, just because I thought of the gameplay of that one to be so enjoyable? I don’t really know if I’ll count it to my faves tho, I haven’t played it in a long time and I feel like my nostalgia is counting towards this too much
Honestly if it comes to gameplay my favorite is probably Kingdom Hearts 2. It’s just a solid thing that lets you basically play through the game without really having to do anything else than pressing X and I really like that simplicity. (I’m looking at you chain of memories and your really complicated card system >:c also partly at Birth by Sleep and DDD, because in those games you’re pretty much forced to always care about your skills and it’s no thing to just casually play without any thought)
So yeah, Days is my story favorite while KH2 is my gameplay favorite as well as story 2nd fave. Third favorite story is BbS
20.hopes for kingdom hearts 3
27.favourite boss theme
First there is Darkness of the Unknown which is the boss battle for the final boss of KH2, Xemnas (here’s a link) (ALSO there is this cool rock version someone made that I really like so I’m gonna link that one as well lol I remember really loving that one in the past;;)
And Vector to the Heavens which is Xions final boss theme from days! (Here’s a link to that)
(and basically all the other final boss themes rip, but those two are my favorite!)
36.favourite song
Two again, haha :’D This series has too great music!!!
Well so the first is most definitely Dearly Beloved!!! Any of the versions honestly, but if I had to choose my favorite dearly beloved is probably the one from DDD?? (here’s a link to all the versions)
And secondly!!! Musique pour la Tristesse de Xion which is Xion’s theme :P Do you notice that I like Xion like A LOT? (here’s a link to that!!) (+ a version where someone wrote lyrics for it and I could cry everytime rip)
But honestly it’s hard to choose, because the music is just overall really great??? The Other Promise is also really great……. Rikus theme is definitely also 100% top notch. I remember just starting to play re:coded, going in the riku boss fight and then just listening to the music…. honestly same with the roxas boss fight and the other promise lol
These games just have to good music and I didn’t even talk about Passion and Simple and Clean yet. Which are also like two real good songs??? And let’s not forget the Simple and Clean - Ray of Hope MIX??????????? THAT WAS SUCH A GOOD ONE GOSH DARN I REMEMBER FIRST SEEING THAT 0.2 OPENING NOT TO LONG AGO AND JUST LOVING EVERY SECOND OF THIS SONG??????
Currently I’ve been playing a lot of KH Union Cross (the KH mobile game)……………….
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