#I don't need exclusive/different scenes I'd just like the option
lilirot · 11 months
Now all the devs have to do is add some form of accessibility mode to ruri tunes and lower the amount of tasks needed to complete dailies and all my gameplay complaints that CAN be addressed will have been addressed. Now CGs and Full voice acting in the main story :)
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topazadine · 2 months
Writerly Questionnaire
Thanks to @the-golden-comet for the tag! I enjoyed reading your answers, especially the part about your characters!
Alright, here goes.
About Me
When did you first start writing?
I wrote my first story at age 7, started my first book at age 12 (no you can't read it, it's terrible) and published my first poem at age 15.
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
Despite writing fantasy, I actually don't read much of it myself. My undergrad career focused most on British literature (specializing in Victorian lit) so that's what I'm most familiar with and what I like the most.
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
I don't really seek to emulate anyone because I have my own unique voice, and I don't really get compared to anyone else either. If you have suggestions of what I might sound like, fire away lmao, because I don't really know who I emulate. However, I take a lot of inspiration from Willa Cather for atmosphere and Emile Zola for realism.
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.)
I exclusively write at my desk. My setup looks like this:
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I need my little guys and my Emotional Support Stuffed Cow (her name is Bluebell the Moobell because she has a little bell in her). Note the knitting I'm procrastinating on at the bottom right lmao.
What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
Funnily enough, I often get inspiration from my day job as an SEO writer, even though it has absolutely nothing to do with the types of stuff I write. Sometimes I'll just be hammering away at a Construction Accident Personal Injury Lawyer page and it strikes me that I need to kill one of my characters.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
Sort of. I have this thing I do where I like to mentally walk through buildings I used to visit as a relaxation activity, like my childhood elementary school, so that's given me a good memory of how places are laid out. As for actual settings? No, most of those are just made up of pictures I've seen of different places that I've never visited.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
Some of my recurring themes include: Degradation/transformation of memory Struggling against fate/the unknowability of fate Found family Abusive relationships Moral relativism Satisficing (choosing between multiple suboptimal outcomes to pick the least harmful option) None of them surprise me; I recognize where they come from. For example, my obsession with the degradation and transformation of memory comes from my own struggles with dissociative amnesia, and my interest in satisficing comes from my International Relations degree. My concerns about the unknowability of fate come from the fact that I had a premonition that I'd die of a heart attack at 42. And I'm 32 right now. You can imagine that this influences my process lmao.
My Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
As a lesbian, I am not ashamed to say that I am deeply and passionately horny for Uileac (who you can meet in "Cachaille" or read about in 9 Years Yearning). Like how can you not go crazy for a man who thinks this is the perfect declaration of love?
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He's so scary and so devoted, yet also very chill and laid-back? And funny? And athletic? And protective of his lil sis? He's just ... (screams into pillow)
Which of your characters do you think you’d be friends with in real life?
Ono. He's a Sinan royal guard who is just so sweet but also kinda dumb.
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There's a scene where he has to ask Cerie what kind of menstrual products she needs for their trip, which is both mortifying and really adorable. He's just a really gentle and nice guy who I think would get along with damn near everyone.
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
I think Mordrek would scare the absolute shit out of me ngl. Like ... bro just ... does this kind of shit on the regular
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Tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters.
Uileac, Orrinir, and Ono were heavily inspired by Uguisumaru, Ookanehira, and Omokage from Touken Ranbu and I don't apologize for that. Obviously they are a bit different, but their personalities are quite similar. Cerie was developed from a roleplay where I was playing as Uguisumaru's made-up sister, so that's why she's Uileac's sister in Poesyverse. Haniya, Cerie's love interest, was made up by using personality testing and astrology to come up with Cerie's Perfect Match. No one knows where Mordrek came from. He just kinda showed up.
Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
They all have daddy issues. Every single fucking one of them.
How do you picture them? (As real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc.)
All the art I have for my characters was made with AI before I realized AI was absolute garbage shit, so I'm not showing it, but I did commission a painting of Cerie from the amazing artist Caleb over on Twitter:
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My Writing
What’s your reason for writing?
For me, that's kind of like asking why a bird sings. It's just what I do and what I have always done.
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
Definitely when someone says that my writing helped them or resonated with them. My writing gives me catharsis and it feels really good when other people say they got that same sense of catharsis.
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who “gets” the human condition; as a talented worldbuilder, as a role model, etc.)
As someone who takes risks that pay off.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Depicting trauma without being melodramatic.
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
People have told me they like how meticulous and carefully set up my stories are without infodumping or being boring. They appreciate the work that goes into planning things, how it all pays off in the end and comes together nicely without plot holes.
How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question.)
I think I've come a long way and continue to improve, which is what is most important.
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
The last Kauaʻi ʻōʻō still sang until the end. So yes.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it’s a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
I write whatever the hell I feel like when I feel like it. People tend to like it, but if they don't, I enjoyed making it anyway.
Open tag!
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
Hello dear, I hope everything is fine 😌.
I'm not sure if you still want to have this but I've failed to comment on TNSATSI/chapter 20 🥲 so I do it now.
I can't with y/n and Loki, they're too cute.🥰😍 They should definitely talk about the fact that they're in love with each other. I hope they'll do it soon. She definitely dreamt about the things she wants most: Loki and to love him and to be loved by him.
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So Loki stayed with her ? 🥲😍...he's really everything. It hurts me so much that this will prolong his punishment but it's also the evidence of his endless love for y/n. It will break her heart too when once she will know the truth.
Loki getting jealous when she talked to Steve isn't enough for her to believe that Loki loves her. She can't believe that a god could choose her...
'...how could a god choose to love you? You were nothing...so why would he love you?'
'...he told that he needed you close to him and that you were his priority but did he love you? He never said that. '
I get that, I wouldn't believe it either 😅🥺
"Are you going to look at me like that every morning? If so darling then I'd never get out of this bed ever again " he smiled... it wasn't your fault though, he looked so pretty all the time...so pretty but the beauty was skin deep, the heart he carried outshined every other aspect of his physicality.
Awwwwwe...I'm melting 😍 ♥️ and it's so true.
'He was perfect but you weren't, you looked swollen first in the morning and you definitely didn't want him to kiss you...'
😂😂😂 literally me !
Loki wants to make breakfast "for you" and she answered "for us"... I'm crying, sobbing, melting because of the cuteness, this scene had me on my knees 😍😍😍😍...and yes please, let us take him to the waterfall for another date 😏❣️💚...and he called her 'princess' 🤗😍..
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I'm so proud of y/n, she's so brave. The way she tricked Steve to make him drunken and horny so he would tell her the truth, how she touched him 😝😝🤢🤢🤮🤮...she really has my deepest respect. I could never do that and I know she wouldn't have done it without Loki at her side. He's her light in the darkness, her anchor and and her saviour... and right so.
"I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't have you "..
"You have me I promise "...
"I don't want to hurt you Lo." You didn't want him to feel hurt, you both had never talked about exclusivity, you didn't think that was an option, you hardly understood the status of the relationship you shared with him.
"Then don't hurt me" he mumbled...
"I feel nothing for him...his touch disgusts me ...I only want you to touch me"
"I'll be here to touch you once he leaves, darling, I will take away all the bad touches I promise "
I had so many goosebumps when I read this, there's already so much love between them 🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️
And then you made me nearly cry 😢. What had Loki's ex done to him? Why did she treat him so badly. He's the sweetest man ever and she treated him like shit. And now him helping y/n to 'doll up' for Steve must really break his heart. All those bad memories and bad feelings 😪 . His ex didn't deserve him she was never worth of him.
'He has been here before with her. She often dolled up in front of him...he never should have agreed to such an agreement that bought him so much of humiliation and so many insecurities. Was he not enough? He had spent several sleepless nights just thinking about it. You turned around to look at him, he seemed hurt, you had never seen him this way before and it worried you.
I hope he trusts and believes in y/n that she is different and that she would never do things like this to him.
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Finally y/n got to know the truth about the sea banshee and Minola. I'm really sorry for her. Her so called friends were never real friends. Real friends wouldn't have done it to her. One of my theories was right: Minola never wanted to harm y/n, she wanted to protect her...Minola is a good one 😊
I love how Loki assured y/n that she hasn't to feel bad or sorry for the incident with Steve...
It's lovely how y/n cares about Loki and his feelings too. It feels like she can give him something back for everything he had done for her since he saved her life. And I think it was really important for y/n to see that Loki had the same emotions like her and feelings of insecurity. I loved their whole conversation here and how Loki said that he loves y/n without saying it 😉🤗...
and I loved what followed next... Queen, the smut 🥵❤️‍🔥... it was so wholesome, sexy, cute and hot 😏🌶🌶...I really enjoyed it 😏😏❤️
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I'm really excited what's going to happen next, which decisions y/n will make and to get the answer if she will lose Loki forever.
'...and you couldn't have that, you won't survive losing him too."....me neither 🥺😪
I really loved this chapter my Queen 👑 it was so heartwarming and full of emotions and developments 💖... and of course I love you 😍❤️
I always want to read your thoughts and comments about every chapter dear. Thank you for sending me this, it really made my day. 💚
The waterfall date is in the next chapter so I really wanted to share this lovely thoughtful ask before I update.
I love you my dear ❤️💚😘
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takamakisu · 5 years
『♥🖤Akira X Ann: Why I Support It.🖤♥』
In honor of the upcoming ShuAnn week, I have decided to contribute by writing a long post about why I love these dorks so much. I haven't seen a meta for them yet, so I figured I'd try my hand at it. (Which will be updated and expanded as I find more content) Without further ado, let us begin! Tagging the wonderful @shuann-week for this one.
1. The first encounter.
In media, the first interaction that two characters have with one another, regardless of relationship; lays the groundwork for said relationship and therefore is absolutely vital. When Akira first meets Ann, he's casually texting away on his phone and not really paying attention to much, but when she walks by he looks up. Already his curiosity is piqued, as is the player's; and then when she removes her hood, even then we don't get to see her face. But we DO see Akira's reaction, and he seems absolutely dumbstruck.
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This is when things get interesting. Ann takes a few moments and sort of surveys her surroundings, and then she senses Akira's eyes and turns to him. And he doesn't look away, or get flustered; Akira keeps looking at her with that flabbergasted expression. He doesn't even blink. He is so taken aback by her he can't even greet her, and Ann just smiles at him and looks away- but even then, he doesn't break his gaze, and he never does until she actually leaves: Ann leaves him absolutely spellbound. And the music that plays during this encounter is exclusive to this encounter and this encounter alone. It never plays before this scene, nor does it ever play again after. There are heavy romantic undertones in this encounter, from the body language to the background music, and only Ann receives this treatment. It screams "attraction at first sight", and now with the groundwork laid, the relationship can begin to blossom.
 This is very important. Even before we get to see Ann's face, we already know from Akira's viewpoint that she must be pretty, at least in his eyes. And when we finally do get to see her face, she is indeed beautiful.
2. Her closeness to him.
First off, she's with you from essentially the beginning of the game, so you get a lot of time to get to know her and become closer to her. Ann is the third member to join your party and the first female member and therefore the first available romance option as well! (That's pretty big.) She's also your classmate, so you get to see her literally every day and there's a sense of familiarity that is built on from the beginning. 
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Ann was the first to see Akira for who he truly was, and she looked past the rumors of him and got to know him for herself. Because she understands being an outsider and being mistreated, there's a level of understanding Ann has with you that the other girls simply do not. That's not to say they're bad, but Ann just connects better with the protagonist on that level. Let it also be remembered that before she met Akira, and by association the rest of the Phantom Thieves; Ann didn't have any friends, besides Shiho. Due to being a foreigner (and a very pretty one, at that) and the rumors surrounding her with Kamoshida, no one talks to her. While having a two-parent household, they are rarely home; and so Ann's lonely as well as bullied. Akira saving her from Kamoshida and then giving his genuine friendship then allows her to open up and be vulnerable to other people and that's very healthy. 
Another interesting interaction is during the Kamoshida arc, Makoto will ask you in essence what's the relationship between you and Ann, if there's something between you. If you say "there's nothing", her reply is "Didn't seem that way yesterday" and if you tell her you're classmates she'll say "But do friends get that close?"
3. How she falls for him.
For these reasons, I support these two. Lemme know in the comments what won you over to this pairing and any other moments that get your heart warm and fuzzy! 
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In addition, Ann gets an on-screen kiss with the protagonist; a luxury only two other Persona girls have received (from 3-5, Maki kisses Naoya in P1): Margaret and Marie from Persona 4. The fact that Ann gets an explicit kiss (and possibly an implicit one as well because in Rank 9 her reaction to Joker hugging her hints he MIGHT have kissed her too) screams that while she's not 'canon' (nobody is) it sure does seem Atlus is sneakily pushing her towards Joker. They even match costumes in the dancing games! Oh yes, and Ann doesn't go home on Valentine's Day + Sojiro literally just "ayyyy" when she walks in- XD
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Her Confidant has the protagonist and Ann getting closer as friends and also helping Shiho recover and you get to be a part of a few of Ann's interpersonal relationships. Shiho, as stated before, was Ann's closest and only friend before she met the player; and so earning her trust and helping her heal is significant. Suzui also hints to the player Ann seems to be attracted to them, talking about how her best friend talks highly of you and then the blonde gets flustered.
Her confession shot me through the heart. With Ann you don't have to increase your Knowledge or your Guts; just Kindness. To her, it doesn't matter if you get the best grades in the class or how brave you are, she just wants a friend who'll be there for her when she needs them, and that's what Ann falls for in the protagonist: his genuineness and his willingness to stick by her side. She falls in love with you for who you are and it feels the most natural and realistic. Something that's also very interesting about Ann's rank 9 event in Japanese is instead of saying “I guess we’re more than friends now...” she actually says, “I just realized it,” referring to her feelings for him (when she said “I love you”) in the original dialogue. And this is so so important. This hints at a love that developed slowly over a friendship and Ann wasn't even really aware it was there at first, until the only friend she'd had moved away and she felt alone and abandoned again. Akira being her pillar in that moment was the paradigm shift from platonic feelings to romantic ones and that is absolutely beautiful. But she ALREADY loved him, did you catch it? She just realized and became aware of it in that situation. Ann's been in love with the protagonist for who knows how long before she even confesses. And at the end of her confidant she calls you her light.. that just speaks volumes to me. The protagonist basically saved her, and because of that she wants to become stronger and encourage other people as well. It's beautiful. 
5. Other characters reactions to them.
There's a specific scene where the protagonist is in the bathhouse with Ryuji and Yusuke, and Ryuji will ask you what you think of Ann. If you admit you think she's pretty, he gets extremely excited ("Ooh, you straight up said it!")
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Another very interesting thing that's different in the original language is when Akira gets home from interrogation. In English, Ann just chirps "Hey there!" No big deal, right? But in Japanese, she says, “okaeri”, which means “welcome home”. This greeting is said amongst family or couples in Japan, hinting a deeper level of closeness than the translation. 
(It's also something of note that when Ann got locked out of her room in Hawaii she went to Akira's room first. )
Additionally, after the school festival; Ann will talk to you about how she thinks about your future together! And if you tell her in another instance that you'd like to get married, she gets extremely excited whereas some of the other romance options become all flustered and blushy; a cute and interesting contrast.
A Mementos conversation also has Ann absentmindedly talking about how coffee goes well with sweets, to which Ryuji immediately replies 'Joker always smells like coffee, doesn't he?'
Now, I may be looking too deeply into this, but this could possibly be Ryuji "hint hint-ing" he thinks Akira and Ann are a good pair for each other. Ryuji also flat out refuses to date Ann during a scene in the gym when she offers to let him take her out. I don't know about you, but if I had a crush on somebody and they offered to let me go out with them, I don't think I'd turn it down as quickly and explicitly as Ryuji did (He tells her 'hell no, quit acting like you're some sexy anime character'). Personally I think Ryuji supports Ann with Akira and so he tries to gently nudge her over like "Okay, this guy? He's a good fit for you." Sakamoto's a great friend for Ann but I personally believe he's better as just that: a friend. 
4.  Their personalities blend well.
Ann's bubbly personality contrasts wonderfully with the protagonist's more introverted, reserved side. They're sort of like Robin and Starfire, just to less extremes. Ann is very pleasant and tender and she's got a big heart and it shows; consistently. She's a great friend to Ryuji and Shiho and big sister to Futaba, while at the same time tolerating nonsense from absolutely no one, regardless of status. I now want to cast attention to Meyer-Brigg's personality types. These are headcanons, but after analyzing Akira and Ann's characters Joker seems to be an ISTJ, while Panther is an ENFP. These are abbreviations for Introversion, Sensing, Thinking, Judging (ISTJ) and Extroversion, Intuition, Feeling, Percieving (ENFP) respectfully. Ann, at her core; is the heart of the Phantom Thieves honestly. She is very sensitive to others' emotions and feelings, and very emotionally intelligent. Being an extrovert, Ann also needs interaction and validation from other people: it energizes her and fufills her. And, in return she's a caregiver; Ann wants to support others and help them become stronger. She's a wonderful sister figure and just a comforter in general, and very amiable and chirpy. Contrast that with Akira, who makes decisions based on facts and logic rather than feelings and intuition (although in the Metaverse he seems to throw caution to the wind, quite frankly) and analyzes situations from a logical rather than emotional angle; (and there are exceptions to this like helping the woman Shido was assaulting and chasing Ann down to talk to her) and they seem on completely opposite ends of the spectrum. However, their differing personalities balance one another. While Akira keeps Ann grounded logically, she keeps him grounded emotionally and the bounce off is extremely healthy. 
In Yusuke's Confidant, saying Ann is the definition of beauty nets the most points. 
Atlus seems to like putting these two together as well, from giving them matching songs and outfits in the dancing games to putting them together in advertisements. It's pretty cute and though it's subtle, it's a nice little nod. 
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