#and dress up dolls like other otome games
lilirot · 11 months
Now all the devs have to do is add some form of accessibility mode to ruri tunes and lower the amount of tasks needed to complete dailies and all my gameplay complaints that CAN be addressed will have been addressed. Now CGs and Full voice acting in the main story :)
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imagineanime2022 · 2 years
It's A Promise
Asmodeus X FTM!Reader
Word Count: 772
Requested: @your-next-daydream @tiddyanon-official
Request: Hello darling!!! Me again! I have a bit of an odd request but I'll do my best to word it. May I have Asmodeus from obey me with an insecure reader? Here's the context. Reader plays otome games as well because it's fun, none of us can lie they are fun. And reader will see the characters they interact with and see how perfect they are compared to them and will just get in their head about how they don't look good at all. I do this unfortunately it's more of a bodily dysphoria with the fact that I am trans (ftm) and I also don't particularly like myself. But you don't have to write all of that. I also hope you aren't getting tired of obey me…the fandom has seem to found your page quite well. Anyway thank you for reading I hope you are doing well in your studies! <3 AND Obey me with a closeted FTM reader that looks like a masculine Lilith? And one day, they're hanging out with one of the brothers, and they accidentally call him "sister." And at first the brother's just upset because they're reminded of their youngest sister's passing, but then they're surprised as MC just bursts into sobs at the (ACCIDENTAL) misgendering.
Warning: Accidental Misgendering, Insecurity, Slight body dysphoria
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You had been coming to terms with who you were and what you wanted for yourself before you were teleported to Devildom. The demons there helped somewhat because of the fact that there was very rarely a gender normal for them. You found yourself growing closer to Asmo for that very reason, you felt that he was less likely to judge you should he ever find out about your gender identity. Levi was the other brother that you had found yourself growing closer to due to your interest in otome games.
That being said you were still hiding your transgender status and with no support system things started to get the better of you, you’d often found yourself focusing on problems that others may not have even noticed and in most cases don’t notice. Like most things these observations mounted until you couldn’t ignore it when you walked past a mirror. You spent more time playing otome games which didn’t help as you found yourself comparing yourself to all of the characters and greater defining your problems.
Asmo became a welcome distraction as he would spend time talking and messing around with you but today wanted to play dress up and you were his doll and it started out well he complimented you and you thought that it was going to get better but then he stopped his hands resting on your shoulder “you look amazing… Like Lilith did, the perfect little sister.” He said. Asmo didn’t realise that you were upset by the sentence, only snapping out of his sadness when he felt tears on his hands. “Hey what’s wrong..? Hey.” He slowly moved your face so that you were looking at him. “Sorry.” You said softly and he shook his head. “What are you sorry for?” He asked. “You haven’t done anything.” “I know you didn’t mean it.” You informed him and now he really was confused and you could see it. “You're going to have to explain.” Asmo finally said and you looked at him and nodded, you knew that he was right there was no way that you were going to be able to get passed this without telling him what was going on. “I’ve never told anyone this, so you have to bear with me.” You said voice shaking with the nerves that you were feeling, he nodded relocating you both to the bed where it was more comfortable, you had taken to playing with his fingers as he waited patiently for you to talk. “Alright…” You took a deep breath “before I came here I was in the process of figuring out something about myself.” You informed him and he nodded along with what you were saying but you had a feeling he knew where it was going and you thanked him silently for still letting you say it “I’m Transgender from female to male so when you referred to me as the perfect sister earlier.” “I’m sorry, I never meant for that.” He said as he squeezed your hands in reassurance. “I know, you didn’t know, it was difficult for me to tell you all, you were all so happy with the way that you are, you know… All demons seemed comfortable in their own skin. I started comparing myself to characters in the games that I was playing and fell further into this self deprecating hole.” You explained, it was easy to talk to him, there was nothing about him that said that he was judging you. “You my love after perfect as you are now and will continue to be perfect if you change. Do you know why?” He asked, you frowned as you waited for him to continue hanging on to every soft spoken word. “Because it’s a choice you made to make yourself happy, I want to see you smile, I want to see you choose something because you want it.” “Asmo… Thank you.” You said softly. “Can I hug you?” He asked, your heart swelled at him seeking permission. “Yes.” You nodded and he pulled you into his lap wrapping his arms around you. “You come to me when you are ready, okay… we can go shopping, get you new clothes and we can tell the others, I’ll be right by your side no matter how long it takes or who you decide to be.” He said. “You promise?” You asked. “It’s a promise.” He said softly, tightening his hold on you and hoping that it conveyed how safe you were with him and that no matter what you’d look back and see that he was ready to catch you.
Request Here!!
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smol-grey-tea · 1 year
For the ask game thingie: top 5 fictional characters? From any media, or if that is too broad, you can choose a specific piece of media!! :)
First of all thank you for sending ask 😎 second of all, you have been warned, this post is incredibly long and infodumpy.
I was going to include other media but as I started I just got more and more invested in Nameless
If you don't know who these characters are or where they're from I'll take this post to strongly recommend checking out the otome visual novel Nameless the One Thing You Must Recall, made by a collaboration between dating sim company Cheritz and ball joint doll company Crobi Doll. You can play the demo(?) or buy the full game on Steam or watch a variety of play throughs available on YouTube but since this post is about the characters instead of the game I will stick to just that- this is my main blog and therefore spam blog but it is first and foremost a Nameless blog ;)
This is long so I'll put it under the cut ^^
Up first of all is him, the one, the only, the man, the myth, the legend, the hero of the hour: Red from Nameless the One Thing You Must Recall :) could anyone have possibly predicted this? /s
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He is the character ever, I will not apologise. He is the perfect man. He is everything I am and aspire to be. Number one himbo and most precious being in existence. My bpd bestie and husband, til death do us part.
I cannot possibly relate to him or his struggles anymore than I already do, he is so fucking unbelievably underrated in what little fandom this game has, he deserves so much more. He literally just does his best and never does anything wrong and the very little he does do wrong he sincerely apologises for and never does again ❤
He is the knight in shining armor who tries constantly to achieve an impossible goal because he believes himself worthless otherwise and slowly comes to realise that all he needs to do is stay right by Eri's side to be enough because, in her words "you are great as you are right now", a quote I will never forget
Coming up next-
It's her. The her of the game ever. It's Eri.
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She is the main character, she is literally me.
I think her character especially is such a good protagonist for a game like Nameless cuz I also appreciate just how fleshed out she is, with her relationships - to her grandpa, her parents, Nameless (the character), her friends and the dolls - especially with how she holds every single one of them so dear to her.
Nameless' such strong themes of abandonment and grief are shown in her character really well cuz for some of the dolls their reactions to their own abandonment can be sort of abnormal or extreme (ex. Tei, Nameless), but I think Eri's reaction is so so human and childish (in a good way) cuz it's almost like she never grows up because of it. Her parents work overseas so her grandfather looked after her until he passed away and she began to just live on her own in his apartment. Her parents very rarely ever visited and she struggled to make friends so she only has 2, so as she grew and learned how to live on her own she developed a hobby of collecting ball joint dolls from the company Crobi Doll which makes dolls with souls so they feel alive.
She deals with the abandonment of her parents and the loss of her grandfather by escaping reality with playing with her dolls and dressing them up but I think another way she copes with it of note is how she doesn't ask for help when she needs it cuz she doesn't wanna bother people. It's never explicitly stated in the game in comparison to how the doll's issues are so explicit but you can definitely infer that how she learned not to ask for her parents to give attention to her cuz she didn't wanna bother them bled into her future interactions with ppl and not asking for help when it's needed. The wording of that feels incoherent but I hope the point gets across??
Anyway I love her so much, I hope you can tell 😅
In third place I have selected the Ice Prince, Lance :)
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He's pretty funny. Lol.
Ok but I really really love how good of an introduction he is to the game. There isn't a set order to play all of the routes in but the recommended order is: Lance -> Yeonho -> Yuri -> Tei -> Red -> Nameless. With the themes of not only grief and abandonment but the empathy/connection to inanimate objects, his route really really compliments those themes well, especially in the chapter in which he and Eri search for her lost phone and especially his rain scene.
His route as a whole is quite sweet, his growth is very cute and the end to the festival scene is absolutely hucking filarious. Ooh and I love his relationship with Red and how they compliment each other so well but are in constant competition at the same time. I feel like they would be the stars of a romcom or something, I would love to see some kind of dlc or spinoff which solely focuses on them trying to tolerate being roommates with each other 😂😂
In fourth place I am choosing Mr Yuri :3
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I think out of all the other characters he's slightly misplaced? I've played the game over multiple times and his route still confuses me a bit since I'm not really sure what struggles his character arch is supposed to be a comments of. He's a bit of a difficult character to read and he can even come off as quite unlikeable because of his flirty and carefree attitude but despite all of the confusion I really can't help but love him and his route - I can do nothing but find it incredibly sweet and cute :)
Out of the whole game my favourite scene is the one pictured above, his rain scene. I love how different it is to Lance and Yeonho's rain scenes because theirs revolved around Eri rushing to find them in the rain and comfort them thru whatever they were dealing with, but Yuri's rain scene involves Eri rushing to save him from the rain only to find that he is warm and dry and calmly playing the piano whilst Eri is the one who needs comforting after being in the cold and storm.
He's very flirtatious and boasts about how much women love him and he loves them in return but Eri learns that he's actually quite an empty person who only gives back as much love as he is given from others. He lacks the understanding of sincerity because he is so used to giving love only to be polite and so is overwhelmed upon realising his sincere feelings for Eri.
I suppose on further inspection he's more like a person who surrounds themself with fake and shallow love to feel whole whilst lacking any deep true connections and understanding of other people? He understands love through flattery and money instead of the intimacy of personal connection.
Because of this I think that the title of Red's opposite is less fitting of Lance as it is Yuri to be honest. Lance is too similar to Red to be his true opposite, they're only opposite on the outside. Red is someone who doesn't particularly understand empty love like that, he is someone who only understand sincerity, whose character is defined by his unabashed and unapologetic empathy.
Also I love him cuz he's funny. For a competition on the funniest Nameless character he is up there. Seriously.
In last place it's kind of tie between Soi and Shinbi.
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^ edit by @welcome-to-banjul - will reblog original post after uploading this one
It's a little bit cheating to put 2 characters into the 5th spot but okkkk they don't count as 2 different people, they are a package deal ok??? 😂😂😂
Both Soi and Shinbi so cute just look at their designs alone!! They are amazing :)
They compliment each other so well and are so supportive of Eri it's adorable. I especially love their interactions at the end of Lance's route when Eri finally gets the courage to share with them her passion for dolls and to her surprise they react so well and accept her wholeheartedly and even seem to show an interest in it themselves :)
They're both really nice palette cleansers from the insanity and depression of the boys' routes as the majority of their scenes are very lighthearted and wholesome as well as hilarious especially around exam time. Soi's over the top dramatic reactions blend really well with Shinbi's cool and calm attitude. Did you know Shinbi's name can translate to mystery? Quite fitting for her :)
One thing though that I don't like about them is that I wished they played a bit more of a role in the story and although they do serve more purpose in Red and Tei's routes I wish their roles were more positive than conflicting. Plus I wish that Shinbi played more of a role too. And!!! They were done so dirty when Yujin of all people was given a dlc but for Soi and Shinbi??? Nothing!!! Come on!!! >:(
And. You cannot convince me that they aren't in some kind of relationship. Romantic, platonic or what, I don't know, but I do know for sure that those two share everything with each other and I have a relationship more intimate than a married couple.
Thank you so much for sending the ask!! ^^ I really appreciate it and I hope you enjoyed the word vomit 😅 I shall end this with a poll
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dreamkidddream · 4 years
I’d like to request hc’s of the Brothers and Diavolo reacting to an MC that’s so cute, she could pass off as a doll. If she stands perfectly still, she could pass off as a full sized doll until she moves again. She has adorable doe eyes, wears cute clothes (Lolita fashion or just has an anime girl style), and even makes cute desserts. If the usual MC was weak and frail to them already, Doll!MC seems so dainty, precious, and fragile; these guys would ban paper if she ever got a paper cut.
Oooooo this is really interesting! I can just imagine Doll!MC just making everyone so scared every time she moves because they could probably hurt themselves just bumping into a wall because they look so fragile lol. These were short, so hope you enjoy!
Update: here’s part 2 with the other Undateables!
The Brothers and Diavolo Reacting to Doll!MC
...maybe he made a mistake in picking you for the exchange program after all
You just look so delicate, and just so pure. 
You have definitely made cute little snacks and brought it to him while he locked himself in the office with paperwork
He lowkey highkey likes it no matter how he brushes it off with the usual thanks. Keep doing it, MC, he really appreciates it
When you get in trouble and he gives you the usual lectures, he can’t look into your eyes for long
Geez, he already can’t stay mad at you for long but now he can just feel his resolve cracking
If you get hurt oh Diavolo prepare for helicopter parent Lucifer
As soon as you accidently cut yourself in the kitchen (it would be the tiniest cut, barely noticeable),  you’re no longer allowed in the kitchen unsupervised and can’t handle anything with a sharp end (whether its a butter knife or kid proof scissors that would be safe for Luke to use unsupervised)
“Let me do it for you, I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“Lucifer, thank you but I’ll be okay. It’s just a frosting spatula it’s not sharp-”
Will punish his brothers 10x worse and demons 100x more if he finds out you got hurt (doesn’t matter what the injury is, could be so much as a paper cut there will be hell to pay)
Constantly checks on you when he can’t see you in person
Handles you so lightly that you barely feel his touch
Move over Belphie, you’re the baby of the house now 
Protective x100000
Is still tsudere around you, but doesn’t insult you as much
Who are you kidding as soon as he looks into your cute doe eyes, he forgets what he’s saying 
Complains about having to do stuff for you but doesn’t mind at all really. He loves it because it feels like you’re depending on him, and that makes him feel worth something.
“C’mon human, let the Great Mammon carry your books! You’re gonna hurt yourself and I don’t feel like hearing Lucifer’s mouth today!”
It was just your planner and a small recipe book that Luke gave you, and it weighed less than 10 pounds but okay. You don’t complain either when you see that he genuinely wants to help and do these things
Basically your loud guard dog and secret service agent rolled into one
He’s gotten into trouble more than once for “protecting you”. A student barely bumped your shoulder and Mammon already tackled him. Lucifer was not pleased (but he secretly understood)
He can’t help it that you’re weak and surrounded by hungry demons! It’s a pain to go through this much effort to just protect you, since you look so helpless
MC he’s just worried that you easily break if a demon so much as breathes on you but he likes that he can protect you because he knows that he can keep you safe. You’re just too cute and sweet okay??
Also stand in his room after watching a horror movie to freak him out and he’ll be sounding like Mariah Carey lmao
Is for sure having an otaku/weaboo freakout moment
You blend in with figurines so well, every time you come into his room he asks you to stand next to them so he can feel that his collection is complete 
He does it sometimes when he streams so people can think he has a rare limited-edition life sized doll that they can’t get. Makes him feel superior 
You’re like an anime character but in real life and he does not know how to handle it 
Can’t stare into your eyes, it makes them too flustered because he’s used to seeing it in his otome games and not from an actual person that he likes
Who needs maid cafes when he has you? You even dress and make anime themed desserts (once he built up the courage to ask you to make it for him)
Has to calm his beating heart every time he talks to you, you’re too precious for him MC! 
Your like his very own idol, minus the singing and dancing. However, if you can sing and dance....
Levi.exe has stopped working 
Thought you were a real doll until you introduced yourself
He really thought that someone brought you to life Pinocchio style
You looked like a princess from the many stories that he read, and he was smitten
Treated you so graceful and elegant like until he had his rage moments, which he told you to stay far, far, far away from him until he calmed down completely
Secretly placed a hex on you to where if someone tried to attack you or touch you with harmful intentions, they would be somehow be subjected to looking at their worst fear
You were wondering why that random stranger was just staring wide at you with extensive terror, but then you saw Satan grinning, so you left it alone. You thought it was just some weird demon thing
Loved when you made him cat-themed desserts
If you wore cat ears while doing it, he will turn extremely red
If you meow for him, he won’t know how to handle himself 
You are just the cutest thing he has ever laid his eyes on!!
Besides from himself of course, don’t get it twisted he’s still #1
He has most definitely had more than one photoshoot done with you both. And you guys have been trending on the Devilgram a couple of times already
Really you guys trend at least twice a month, and his fans love you!
They always ask where he got the doll from but he always laughs and says that “it’s a secret”
Imagine their shock when they see you walking and talking at RAD, some are amazed and some are downright scared
Fashion shows! 
He lives for dressing you up in cute clothes. Your style already suited you and he had great tastes so the new outfits he got you were just *chef’s kiss*
The cute little desserts that you made for him, he always posted it on the Devilgram before he ate it. They were just so cute MC and he couldn’t not show his fans!
Is the most careful brother when it comes to keeping you out of danger. He refused to let his body or skin damaged, and he wasn’t about to let it happen to you either! You are both way too dainty and fragile to let anything happen
Also spa days and self-care nights weekly!
You’re the perfect match made just for him MC
He finally has someone that can understand his struggle of being beautiful, bless you MC
Soft boy is scared of touching you :(
He towers over you, and he’s scared to even be near you
It takes some time, but he starts to warm up to you
Is always gentle with you, no matter the scenario
Holding hands? He is hardly gripping your hand, said hand fitting loosely in his
Getting hugs? He’s meagerly holding you, not wanting to crush you
You once complained to Beel that it wasn’t fair to get half done hugs (if you were hugging, you were getting a real hug, not a scared one). 
He made you swear that if he was hurting you to let him know, so now you have your very own signal to use for him just in case
He was very tempted to wrap you in bubble wrap and just carry you around like that
He LOVES your sweets, even more than Luke’s and Barbatos’
No matter the size, he loves them, mainly because you made them and it was made with love, just for him
It always makes him feel so warm inside, and he doesn’t feel his appetite gnawing at him like usual
No one is dumb enough to try anything with you both in his presence and not, unless they want to end up either a: deep into the ground or b: into his stomach
You just make him feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and he just loves everything about you. He just loves you
Hm, you look cute 
For a human
Acts like he doesn’t care, but you’ve caught him blushing before (he still does it too)
Won’t outright admit that you’re charming in your own little way, but he does in his sarcastic way like usual
“MC, you’re such a half-pint. You’re like my personal sized teddy bear.”
Has cuddled with you like you were his personal teddy bear (and still does, but you don’t complain at all)
Has a secret sweet tooth and eat your desserts whenever you make it just for him (and he doesn’t even share it with Beel, that monster)
Demons just have to look Belphie in the eyes, watch him flex his claws, and they all of a sudden forget about whatever they were planning. Good
He hates that you look so fragile, but at the same time he kinda likes it
You just look so soft, and you’re just so kind
It makes him feel like he’s protecting and caring for you, and that makes him feel calm and peaceful 
Please make sure that he’s okay MC, he’s scared that he’s gonna mess up again
The Prince of Hell is both surprised and pleased at your appearance
Do all humans look this charming or is it just you??
If someone as soft as you can survive living and going to school with demons, then this is great
Knew that you weren’t a doll, but still liked to admire you like one
Has asked more than once for pictures, you are just too enchanting!
Wants to have a portrait painted of you so he can hang it up in the castle
LOVES you baking for him! Loves when Barbatos does it too (even though it is kinda part of his job), but it feels different with you. It feels...domestic in a sense. Makes him feel like Diavolo, your friend and very interested in being your boyfriend, instead of Lord Diavolo, the prince that will be residing over Hell in the future
No one would be foolish enough to hurt you. If someone was, they wouldn’t even get the chance to lift a finger before they were directly dealing with him. Don’t take his kindness for weakness, he still is a demon after all, the future King of Hell to be exact
Was scared of touching you at first, but quickly grew out of it! He can handle his own strength, and you guys also have a signal to use just in case he does squeeze a little too tight
Will want to dress you up in royal clothes (if you were okay with it). Nothing is wrong with your current style, as a matter of fact it suits you! He basically just wants to play a fancy game of dress up/have a fashion show with royal clothing
Will take 100s of photos, no exaggeration
Asmo will be jealous, so be warned
Plus, he wants to know how his future lover/ruler would look in a crown so he can start taking measurements. You can never be too ready, right MC?
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plumbeat · 3 years
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faye here! she/her, 20 and i'm bringing everyone little miss ume here who is what i like to call, in her flop era at hansung uni. it's honestly just her and her water bottle against the world... she's a bit of a work in progress as i've planned on exploring her while writing (everyone throws tomatoes) so she's a bit bare-bones, but the general vibe i'm going for is your loner, wet-wipe of a personality (think: rei ayanami from nge) but somehow very unhinged and not that insufferable to be around in the process? under the cut are some of the tidbits i've managed to muster up for her. again, she's very much formative and how all of your muses interact with her will shape her further down the line :3 you can contact me on discord as well since i’m much faster on there: ghost.#8131
tw: parental death, mentions of mental illness
think: try-hard, almost a puppet for her maternal figure after her dad (maybe the only person that she liked, really) decided to go out to get her favorite 7/11 ice only to died while out. so, you’re majorly traumatized, but you don’t have the proper tools to even compartmentalize nor process it, so you continue to live your life only to please your mother who is also traumatized in a way, so you can’t exactly be MAD at her for traumatizing you more? generational trauma, much? oh! your mother also is the head of your major at your college, so whatever neglect you receive at home also transfers into your academic life... what’s a girl to do?
you’ve always been... quirky. a girl far above all the rest. “gifted” they’d say as you rank in every certificate after certificate, but only merit-based, of course. your classmates will jest and quip back at each other about who had received “best dressed” or “class clown” while you stood in the corner with the highest lexile reading level. you have no sense of personality; your clothes are bland, albeit pristine from your mother’s hard-earned money, your hair is tied back into two perfect twin-tails. you’re boring. but also quirky. quirky in a way that you have the personality of a brick wall.
you hit puberty! your “personality” starts to form finally and you’re excited to experience the thrilling adventures of acne, cringey k-dramas, hair-rollers, but your mom is... embarrassed? almost? what happened to her doll? she didn’t buy a self-expressing expansion pack is what she’ll think as you try to dye your hair milk tea brown for the 6th time that week. 
and so you live your life sheathed in books, tattered notebook pages while your interpersonal life falls apart and you rely on embarrassing otome games for some sort of emotional fulfillment until you eventually hit rock bottom in your second year of college, you decide you’re going to be... entirely unhinged. balls to the wall insane. 
some plots ideas (i’m always up to personalizing and brainstorming more, ofc <3
the asuka to her rei, someone who absolutely hates how spineless she can be. feel free to project all of your insecurities onto her!!! 
someone who actually fr wants to help her... like genuinely, wholeheartedly thinks she needs help and wants to be that person for her
like my last post, ume lives in the trenches and i feel like it would a funny, lighthearted thread in the midst of her suffering 
she has beef with blue house for stealing money from her during the worst weeks of her life... maybe your muse just REALLY needed a sandwich that day? 
i have absolutely no brain juice so the regular study buddies, flings, situtionships, “her computer is having a seizure on the quiet floor and i accidentally laughed” awkward stares during lectures, anything can be worked out! 
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romance2d-otomegame · 4 years
The Route Thief
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Sumary: Everybody used to tell me to stop playing those games, but what can I do? An otome game is pretty addictive and specially if is one like Wizardess Heart. This game is my life! Wait, I didn't mean literally... Then, why I'm suddenly inside on my game!? Is that Hiro and Zeus? When I said this game is my life I didn't mean to want that this game BE my life!
Pairing: Hiro x Marian
Chapter 2
It's been three days since I woke up and find myself in a totally different place. Regardless to say that I haven't get up from bed since then, and I just stayed here in a fetal position whit the covers over my head. I've been waiting for me to really wake up but... This not seems to be a dream. Times pass just like a normal day of 24 hours, I sleep, feel hungry and get thirsty just like the real life. The food got taste, I can feel pain and touch the staff like always. This... Doesn't feel like a dream anymore. Whatever happened to me on that airplane, it took me to this enchanted place. But... Not any place, I've been joining points and... It seems that I'm in a place identical as is describe on my favorite otome game, Wizardess Heart. Apparently, I live at the Kingdom of Queensblade, and of course, when I asked, there's actually a neighbor kingdom named Gedonelune. The Queen of this kingdom is named Sherazade. And... It does exist a place called Gedonelune Royal Magic Academy. Now you know why I've been waiting to actually wake up, but, three days have been enough, I think, I finally have stared to accepted. I probably die on my past life and now I was reincarnated on a character of a game just like those animes where you're hit by a truck and then send to another world so you can fight a demon lord whit a sword and the help of a useless goddess.
"Young lady? Are you awake?"
I don't know anymore.
"Please rise, breakfast is ready. Then, you could... Take a bath perhaps?"
I lazily took off the soft covers and sit. This young maid is Clarisse, she attends me. She cleans and brings food an medicine for me. Is not that I've been treated bad, they actually treat me like a princess. A bath uh? When I said that I haven't left bed on three days I wasn't kidding. Take the count whit the three days I spend sleeping after falling from the horse. Yeah, probably Clarisse is worried for me. A bath wouldn't be that bad.
"I think I'll take a bath. "
I get up from bed and went to the bathroom
"I - I'll get ready your clothes then young lady!"
You don't have to sound so happy you know. A bath surely do wonders, I feel so refreshed. I took a look of myself on the mirror, long blond hair, eyes so blue like sapphires, perfect pink lips... This is, my new look uh? Is not that bad. I look cute. Clarisse handed me a beautiful blue dress whit a military stile and a blouse underneath. She brushed my hair and put a ribbon on it. She also do my make up.
"okay! I'm done! Hehe, it finally seems that the young lady is back!"
She laughed and I look myself on the mirror. Wait that is... Really me? Oh my God! I look SO CUTE! What is this!? This is how I look right? I look like a porcelain doll!
"he hehe heh... "
"You-young lady? Are you felling well?"
She snapped me back to reality and I felt embarrassed that she saw me admiring myself on the mirror.
"ah! I-I'm fine, I'm sorry I make you feel worried. "
"Ah! No! If the young lady feels nice enough to laugh then I feel happy for you. "
You said that but you definitely thought I was crazy right?
"if the young lady feels better today, then why don't take a walk by the garden after breakfast? A little sun will do you good. "
Since I'm not a prisoner here and probably this is my new life then why no?
"Okay, I'll do as you say. "
I eat my breakfast and then I went on a round for all the mansion. This place is like a castle! Big chandeliers hanging, beautiful paintings, golden vases and marble floors. Through a crystal door I saw the outsides shimmering whit beautiful flowers.
"Oh my god that place look so beautiful!"
I was so lost on myself and the walk, that I totally forgot that I was living another life. There were flowers and trees I've nerve saw in my life. A gorgeous fountain was sending a fresh breeze. And that pergola on the middle if the garden is just like something out of a dream, I always thought on how cool it be to have one, you can sit here whit a set of tea and a good book and relax. Everything was so gorgeous!
"Hehe, are you enjoying your walk young lady?"
"Eh? Ah, of course. This place is beautiful, I've never been in a mansion this huge!"
"Uh, so, did you not, remember something?"
Ah, I see, she make me do this walk to see if I can remember something. I guess, I can't tell them that I'm not lady Marian. And even if they believe, I doubt they'll treat me good.
"Well... "
"For your own good you better remember. "
A severe voice surprise us. It was that woman that was yelling at me the other day. Later I knew she was actually... Marian's mother.
"Thanks goodness that at least you finally leave that room and look decent today. "
That's the nicest thing you can say to your daughter?
"We are going to have visits today, so you better behave understood?"
"Visitors? Who is coming? A noble?"
"He is more that just that. He is your fiance. We couldn't hide from him that you had an incident, and since he's on Queensblade on vacations, he have to come and see you. I hope that you'll remember something from your interaction whit him."
"Oh, I see. "
So now I have to act like a lady perhaps? Uh?... Wait a moment...
"Wait, did you said fiance!?"
"Oh heavens! Keep your voice low! A lady shouldn't scream like that. "
"But you really said fiance? I have a fiance!?"
"Of course you have. And that's why you must behave in the best way. And keep in secret that you lost your memories, we don't want the son of the House of Brundle think of you like you're defective. "
She leave saying no more. My mind went blank for a moment, Did I hear well?
"Did she said House of Brundle?"
"Yes young lady, that was what she said. "
"Wait, then, what's the name of my fiance?"
"His name is Zeus young lady, Zeus Brundle."
"... "
"... "
"Hold on a second!!"
I grab Clarisse shoulders
"Are you talking about Zeus Brundle!? You know, tall boy, light brown skin, bluish hair and eyes that have the attitude of a peacock and always wears a stupid scarf!?"
"Wha- What? Co-Could it be... Do the young lady remember young master Zeus?"
You're kidding... You're kidding right? I dropped my hands from Clarisse shoulders and let myself fall on the ground.
"Yo-Young lady?"
This is impossible... Do I'm really on the world of Wizardess Heart!?
To be continued...
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I gotta ask, in case nobody else has yet. (Maybe it just hasn't been posted. Who knows~?) Anyway, the lovely Alcor, for the ask meme~?
The alien of many names himself. Saiduq, The anguish one, Alcor.
First impression: Dang this game is pulling out not one but two magical white haired anime boys.
Impression now: He was way more sweet than I ever thought he could be. My first playthrough I didn’t get to talk to him much which made him come off all mysterious but then when I actually got around to doing his fate events I was surprised how easy it was to mess with him. He trusts Hibiki way too much and it’s hilarious. He’s so dreadfully enamored with humanity but he really has no clue how they function. His naivety and attempts to help people are endearing.
Favorite moment: When Yamato finally calls him Sai Duq and he gets like super duper excited about it. That warmed my heart.
Idea for a Story: Please someone give me Alcor trying to teach the young hotsuin Twins about humanity, because the twins doubt what he’s saying but they really don’t know enough about civilians to disprove any of the nonsense he’s spewing. That or the shenanigans that has to be the Yamato, Hibiki, Alcor roadtrip. There is no way with those three people that went smoothly at all.
Favorite relationship: I actually really like the drama between Yamato and Alcor, especially with the hinted (in game) confirmed (in anime) past friendship they had. The bitterness on both sides makes for some good conflict and watching them slowly go back to being comfortable with each other was a nice progression to watch.
Unpopular Opinion: Alcor isn’t as much of a cinnamon roll as everyone portrays him to be. Like of course he’s a sweet alien who loves humanity but he also was willing to straight up leave Yamato to die by trapping him in Sopporo and let Otome get roasted to death. This isn’t a diss on his character, I find it fascinating what he’s willing to justify for the “greater good of humanity” but I’m baffled people just gloss over that. Alcor looks like a cinnamon roll but can and will kill you
Favorite Headcannon: Alcor had no clue how human bodies worked when he made one. He’s just void under the fancy dress shirt. His skin feels the wrong texture. His eyelashes are like that because they’re all fused together. He may or may not be a Ken doll. It’s a horrifying mess and both the Hotsuin’s are scared for life.
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smallersocksx · 6 years
10 Favourite Females Tag
So I was tagged by @mythicamagic this was really hard to narrow down but I tried!!!
Rules: Name your top ten female characters from different fandoms. Then tag ten people
1) Haruhi Fujioka (Ouran High School Host Club)
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Ouran is an anime that will always have a special place in my heart and Haruhi was an amazing protagonist. Not only was she funny and half the time pretty relatable but she was kind and caring and tried to help those that came to her when they had a problem. Haruhi's not perfect she can be pretty reckless at times but she knew when she was in the wrong and apologised for it. Additionally, anyone is pretty amazing to have to put up with half the crap they do at the host club.
2) Yona (Akatsuki no Yona)
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At the beginning of Akatsuki no Yona, Yona was a sheltered and spoiled princess who was then forced to leave her home after her father was murdered by the man she loved. After leaving home, Yona was forced to face the reality that not everybody benefited from her father's reign as King. However, instead of running away from this reality Yona wanted to atone for being blind to the truth, she learnt to use a weapon against her later father's wishes and chose to protect her country as she was still it's princess. As you can see I love Yona's character development going from a spoiled and sheltered princess to a badass warrior.
3) Ochaco Uraraka/ Uravity (Boku no Hero Academia)
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What can I say about Uraraka? She's funny and adorable (plus I wanted an excuse to use a funny gif) however I love how she also wanted to be a hero for her parents' sake in order to make their lives a little bit easier. She knows she has weaknesses and during her internship she learned to compensate for those weaknesses. I love how she doesn't stray from her goal of being a hero even when she starts to get feelings for Midoriya (I love these two and I ship them so bad)
4) Mikoto Kuga (Norn9)
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I love how all three of Norn9's heroines are their own person with their own unique quirks and personalities. For the sake of this post, I'll just write about Mikoto. I mean Mikoto isn't perfect she can be very stubborn and reckless putting her own health at risk to fufill her duty. However, I feel sorry for Mikoto in the sense that her family thrust the duty of protecting others onto her because of her ability saying it was a gift from the gods and put her on this pedestal in which she feels she can't afford to show any weaknesses. However, her love interest provides her with the support she needs and allows her to be weak. However, I also love how Mikoto acts like an older sister towards Nanami and Koharu and tries to provide them with advice and emotional support when she can. Part of Mikoto's character development meant she started to show weakness and rely on others more but I also love how she maintains her strength and courage to protect those she cares about.
5) Cardia Beckford (Code Realize)
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In the beginning of Code Realize, Cardia was in a sense like a doll she didn't display or truly understand emotion and had a low opinion of herself calling herself a "monster". However, as the game goes on Cardia goes from being this "emotionless doll" to a ordinary and very kindhearted young girl whose one simple wish is to touch another person. I love how in all routes of the game, whilst learning and still trying to understand emotions Cardia becomes an emotional support for her love interest. Additionally, do you realise how much of a badass Cardia becomes in the game and anime?!
6) Ani Inako (Dame x Prince)
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Ani is probably one of the best characters of 2018 for me. She is a kind princess who was raised to be very pragmatic however given the cast of Damepri the contrast between them and her personality could not be more hilarious. I love Ani's commentary both mentally and out loud, as well as how doesn't take any sort of crap from anyone! Plus I also really love her design, she's so cute!
7) Chizuru Yukimura (Hakuouki)
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Anyone who says Chizuru is weak can shut up now! You have to remember Chizuru lives in a time where women were just basically expected to cook, clean and be childbearers. Therefore, she had to dress up as a man so she wouldn't be hassled as she travelled from Edo to Kyoto in search of her missing father. Chizuru can use a sword and has received some training however in comparison to the members of the Shinsengumi and rogue samurai out there her skills are a lot weaker by comparison which of course means she does need to be saved sometimes. However, what I love about Chizuru is her loyalty and bravery. Chizuru is fully aware she cannot fight as well as the men in the Shinsengumi but her loyalty means she wants to help in the one way she knows how by being a medic during the war. Which does require Chizuru to be out by the front lines. What I love is Chizuru is aware of her limitations but she doesn't want that from preventing her helping those she cares about. Additionally, no matter the route Chizuru wants to support her love interest in any way she can whether that means she has to take up arms as well or give her blood or just being their emotional support.
8) Hinako Nakayama (Kenka Bancho Otome)
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First things first this game needs to be localised!!! But I really love Hinako, she is forced by her long lost twin brother to attend his school in his place, what he fails to tell her is that the school basically trains future gangsters and that the only way to make it to the top is to beat people up...thankfully Hinako can defend herself thanks to training she received at the orphanage. Although, thanks to her fighting skills this has left Hinako leading an isolated life as she struggled to make friends and also caused her to worry about her femininity. Don't worry Hinako your cute in my eyes >o<. Additionally, like the older brother figure she had at the orphanage Hinako stands up for the weak and is willing to do anything to protect her friends.
9) Tsugumi Kuze (Nil Admirari no Tenbin)
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Yes! Someone from the last season of anime not like I've been waiting two years for this anime adaptation. The anime only touches the surface of Tsugumi's character development, in the beginning she is a sheltered young woman born into nobility however due to her family struggling her father has arranged for her to marry into the Yashiro family however after discovering his sister's engagement her brother attempts to commit suicide. Tsugumi later learns that a book known as a cursed tome caused her brother's suicide attempt and that due to the emotional stress of seeing the event Tsugumi gained the ability to see auras which eminate from cursed tome. After moving away from home to Fukuro, Tsugumi does face some harsh realities and learns how narrow the world she saw was. During the first game, Tsugumi becomes a strong and independent young woman who is capable of defending herself *cough* like stabbing Nabari in Hayato's route to escape with her brother *cough*. Additionally, Tsugumi is very caring and kind, she does her best to support her love interest overcome their dark past and anyone whose watched or played or knows the game knows that every character's past in the game is dark. Sunshine and rainbows is a foreign concept in Nil Admirari. Also, can we appreciate Tsugumi preaching women's right to work in Shougo's route. This game needs to be localised as well, just so people can appreciate Tsugumi's character development plus I really want to play the game *weeps*
10) Ritsuka Tachibana (Dance with Devils)
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How can you not love Ritsuka?! She is brave, kind and determined. Her mother was kidnapped by vampires and to top it off the school's devil council have taken an interest in her. Both groups are hoping to use her to find the grimoire and Ritsuka refuses to accept that, she refuses to be seen and used as a pawn by anyone. Furthermore, she takes no crap from anyone not even the vampire king, like trying to stab him with a pair of scissors. Need I say more!
I spent way too long on this and most of them are otome/reverse harem heroines...What does that say about me?! I'm sorry for those I didn't include ToT know I still love you!!!
Anyways I will tag: @otome-is-heaven, @psycho-alchemist, @kah0hinata, @alicethefatflounder, @feelingeclectic, @cleaetpauline60 and anyone else who wants to have a go!
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starlitsummermoon · 7 years
The MidCin Suitors’ Date to Build-A-Bear Workshop
This is my very first headcanon... I don’t know if this particular one has been done and I don’t care. I’ve been going to Build-A-Bear lately and so this idea has been in the back of my head... so I hope it’s good especially since I’m terrible at headcanons and I’ve never done them before and will never do them again because aaaaah! The real queens of headcanons: @oh-my-otome @acrispyapple @rizosrojizos @queenmarchella @princessdiarymdc
Alyn: He’s not excited. At all. Even though he’s never been, he doesn’t find “building” a stuffed animal enjoyable, but nonetheless, he agreed to go with you.The entire time, he’s cringing as you pick out the cutest bear you can find, rubbing the tiny heart against your chest, and brushing off all the little loose ends. He starts to wonder why he even bothered to come, until he realizes that you’re picking out clothes for the bear that match his uniform. You tell him it’s because when he’s gone, you’ll always have a little Alyn to hold until he gets back. For the first time since he’s walked into the store, he smiles, helping you pick out the rest of tiny pieces of clothing, right down to the underwear. Of course, if it’s going to look like him, then it needs to LOOK LIKE HIM! As you two playfully bicker over tiny articles of clothing, he’s pulling you into an embrace as you both dress the little bear, whispering in your ear that you save the undressing part for the real Alyn.
Louis: The laughter and excitement of all the children running around instantly puts a smile on his face. Hearing rumors about the store, it was actually his idea to bring you here, prepared to pay for any kind of stuffed animal you wanted. Dragging him by the hand all throughout the store, you had trouble picking out the right one. A bear? A dog? A cat? Too bad there weren’t any birds.. You wanted it to be worth his time, so you had to find just the right one. Finally, you find a handsome little black dragon, Toothless. Not at all surprised with your choice, Louis is a little overjoyed that you found something that would make you so happy. Planting a small kiss on your forehead, he tells you to go get him ready so you two can pick out any accessories you may want. Giddy with joy, you run over to pick out the deflated pillow of Toothless. Meanwhile, he’s picking out a heart, recording himself saying “I love you so much”, telling the bear-stuffer to sneak it inside the stuffed animal while you weren’t looking.
Giles: In utter disbelief at how many pieces of clothing they have for these tiny toys, he takes his time examining each one. You had convinced him to get a couple’s pair, one for him and one for you. He wasn’t sure how to feel about that idea, but he went along with it anyways. Nothing was really catching his eye until he spotted the Princess collection. Calling you over, he was more than happy to go over each dress with you, picking out the right one, but something still didn’t feel right. Happy that he was finally turning around and enjoying himself, but now you were starting to get worried that he was going to go a bit overboard. You suggest that perhaps they just get the stuffed animal, no clothing, no accessories. Just a simple bear, or cat, in his case. Yes, sometimes simple is the best path. It took a lot of hassle out of the process, and in the end, he agreed with your choice, as it was the best one. From time to time, while he’s working, he’ll glance over at the teddy cat he chose for himself, always thinking of you when he did, secretly planning another trip there when they release more characters to choose from.
Leo: This wasn’t his first time taking a girl to Build-A-Bear, so he knew his way around. His cute little princess needed a cute little cuddle buddy for her bed at night. Unfortunately, today was a busy day to be at the tiny little store, making it hard to even see your choices, let alone get a good look at them. It wasn’t just kids, either, it was other couples, too. Valentine’s Day was just not a good day to be there. You ask to leave, overwhelmed by the crowd, and frankly, you were starting to loose interest. A little disappointed, Leo agrees, not wanting you to feel uncomfortable or out of place. Days pass, and you’re busy with your work. Forgetting all about the failed date, you head back into your office to see a little white cardboard “house” sitting on your desk with a large red bow. Opening it up, you pull out a gorgeous red bear, holding a sweet love note from Leo, stating that he hoped this would hold you off until the next time he can take you. No one had ever really done this for your before, and you’re a little caught off guard as your cheeks ache from your large smile. Sighing as your heart elevates, you pull the sweet bear into your arms, feeling as if he were the one you were hugging.
Byron: Unfamiliar with the idea of “stuffed animals” as toys for children, he’s more than eager to go exploring. There are so many choices to choose from, each animal with its own personality! You’re happy to see that you’re not the only one enjoying themselves. After careful consideration, Bryon hints at a blue bear with a star pattern. You can’t get over how cute he’s being as he helps you make a wish with the heart before it gets stuffed inside. Toting the bear around, to carry the load for you, of course, Byron even manages to find a little eye-patch and cape to go along with your new furry friend, or his “temporary hug replacement,” you assumed. Even down to the little black boots. Leaving the store, Byron finally hands over “Little Byron” (as you so promptly named it) to you, telling you he always wants you to keep him close, especially when work keeps him busy. Touched, and even a little teary eyed, you stand up on your tippy-toes to give him a quick kiss as thanks. One night, you hug the bear, realizing that he had a scent badge inside, lavender, to help lull you to sleep as you thought of him. Missing Byron had never been so easy and so difficult.
Robert: The last time he had been to this store was when you were both younger, when he took you as your tutor. Teddy bears, to Robert, were a very important staple to childhood, and even to love, of all shapes and sizes. They had a reputation of giving warmth and love, a precious gift. This place even offered more than just teddy bears, a spectacle on its own. It amazed him that anyone could create any kind of little companion they wanted, but for his precious love, he was drawn to the horses. Confused, you weren’t sure why he was so dead set on getting you a horse. The bears, cats, dogs, and other animals were just as cute, if not, cuter. It didn’t seem as cuddly as a bear, but it was still adorable. Taking notice to your expression, Robert wraps you up in warm embrace, resting his cheek against your head as he explained that every princess should have a valiant steed to take her where she desired, even in her dreams. You can’t help but smile at his strange, somewhat cheesy, reasoning. Convinced, you picked out the unicorn, rainbow mane and all, naming it “Robert.” He had mixed feelings about that, but was happy nonetheless.
Sid: You practically had to DRAG him here by the ankles as he dug his fingers into the floor, nearly kicking and screaming the whole way. Promising him it wasn’t as bad as it sounds, he still didn’t want to be seen at a place like this... until he opened his eyes and took in the magic. They had Pokédolls... POKEMON DOLLS! Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charmander, Eevee, Vulpix, Meowth! He had to have them all. Just as excited as he was, while he was drooling over the adorable Bulbasaur and Vulpix, you were squealing over the Pokemon outfits they had for them all! Almost melting into a puddle on the spot, Sid realizes he’s more attracted to you as you release your inner nerd, but the feelings were mutual. It just seemed like the more time you spent with each other, the more you found out how much you had in common, building on the love you two had. Hours later, the two of your are walking out with AT LEAST two of each one, outfits and all. Finally arriving home, you notice that there’s an extra set of Vulpix and Eevee, no outfits or anything. While he’s busy setting them all up atop your vanity, you sneak away with the odd ball dolls, just outside your bedroom door, hoping he wouldn’t notice. They both smelled good, Vulpix like bubblegum and Eevee like honey. Squeezing the Vulpix, your face turns red as you hear “I love you, my sweet little vixen.”
Nico: You were starting to think Nico was enjoying this date a lot more than you as he ravaged through the store. Picking out your couple’s pair, he convinced you to put the cotton candy scent inside yours while he put the chocolate scent inside his. Afterwards, he was determined to make his doll look as cute and cool as possible. Little sunglasses, a rockin’ shirt, leather jacket, anything he could get his grabby little paws on. You two were having fun, and you were happy that this date turned out to be successful. Getting back in line, he choose the cutest bunny doll he could find. Perplexed, you ask him what he was up to; you didn’t think he was going to want ANOTHER one so soon. He said he would feel bad coming to a place this great and not getting one for Albert. Eyes sparkling, you get back in line to choose one for Byron. Together, you two made a dashing little Al and little King Byron, later deciding they were too good to give away. Despite taking the time to make the perfect teddy bear, Nico still prefers to hold and cuddle you at night.
Rayvis: This was no game. You made the mistake of telling him you wanted to make a little teddy bear that would remind you of him, especially if he ever got too busy or went away. Every suggestion you made was responded with “No” or “I don’t look like that” or “That’s... no.” It was starting to drain the fun out of everything, but then you spotted the Beast. You two had just watched the movie recently, and he enjoyed it with you. Pulling the ragged base out of the bin, you put on your best sparkling face, to BEG, as you present it to him. Eyeing down the flat thing, he picks it up and rubs the material between his fingers as he examines the face before whispering “It’s perfect.” Glee overtakes you as you get the little furry Beast stuffed. When you’re done, you see him scouring the store for the outfit, which was perfect as he plucked it from the hanger. He even found the little rose to match. Drafting up the birth certificate, you name him “My Little Beast Rayvis.” When you get home, you take the doll into your arms and begin to waltz with it, giggling the entire time, but not for too long before the real Rayvis cuts in, apologizing to his teddy bear form, and finishes off the dance with you, pulling you close.
Albert: Naturally, Al was immediately drawn to the brown bunnies, commenting on how much they look like little Benjamin. So, of course, you pick it. Stuffing it, giving him a little heart, you go to the clothes. Finding little glasses, little trousers, and even a little jacket, Al becomes suspicious. This bunny was starting to look awfully like a little Albert. You assure him that you’re not making it look like him, lying through your teeth as you picked out a little stuffed sword. Convinced you were making it look like him, he suggests a different jacket, even different trousers, but you don’t budge. This little bunny was going to stay like this. Playing along, Al suggest getting a horse, because a valiant little knight needs his trusted steed, especially if he was going to protect his princess. Giggling, you say that this little knight is all she needs, no steed required. A little envious, Al pulls you into a quick hug. In a way, he’s touched that you would want a little bunny knight by your side, but deep down, he’s worried that someone just butted him out of nightly cuddles.
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gyrozepelliofficial · 4 years
Unita Speciale/extra characters as an otome game
Bucci gang here | La Squadra here
[same disclaimer as always, everyone is 18+, mc is gn, mc= main character/reader, Diavolo isn’t included just because I can’t imagine him romancing someone]
Cioccolata’s mc is his apprentice, training in his special kind of surgery alongside him, and their morbid curiosity eventually gets him thinking about them more and more often, until he realizes he regards them in a similar light as his precious Secco. Of course he asks Secco how he feels about having another pet to play with, and of course Secco enthusiastically agrees. so Cio begins to bring mc into their world, and they fall into rhythm with two of them.
Secco’s mc is a victim of Cioccolata’s experimentation just like him, and when they survive his treatment, and Secco is in charge of their rehabilitation so Cioccolata doesn’t have to deal with it. Secco and mc grow very close in this time together, and out of gratitude mc jumps in front of Secco when Cioccolata attempts to slap him for bringing mc extra food, taking the hit instead. Cioccolata flies into a rage, seeing Secco realizes mc is the one showing him true kindness as they heal, and take care of him in return, and they plan to escape from Cioccolata together, and live out the rest of their lives in peace
Sorbet and Gelato’s mc is someone they both seek out, probably through a dating app or service of some sort, and they’re excited to find another person as compatible with each other as they are. Mc gets all of their attention and affections, and everything is in perfect sync with the three of them, the way Sorbet and Gelato make room for them in their life. The seamless transition makes mc feel like they’ve always been a part of their relationship, and they love to spoil mc “to make up for lost time”, and mc is a welcome guest when they go party and hang at clubs, mc is happy to be in the dance floor sandwich they create. They absolutely dress up their little doll of an mc in the most stylish outfits, indulging in their tastes in expensive fashion and of course horrible matching Christmas sweaters
Squalo and Tiziano have mc under their wing as an assassin in training, and when they find themselves both catching feelings for their gunslinging companion, they obviously ask them if they want to be a part of their lives. It’s a bit of an adjustment for all of them, Squalo and Tiziano often bickering over who loves mc more or who takes better care of mc, but overall they work together to make their lives mesh well and mc feel loved and adored. Mc often gets pulled into their drama, asked to settle petty disagreements between the two, and playfully reprimands them for being silly. Squalo and Tiziano are warm, intimate, caring lovers, and they love to spoil their mc in every way possible. they absolutely have matching outfits
Doppio’s mc is someone brought on by the boss to help him complete his orders without getting so stressed and overworked. Their attentiveness and detail oriented nature leads Doppio to find them almost as strong and admirable as the boss! So naturally he has a little crush on them (it’s a huge crush okay), which turns into him ‘needing’ mc’s help with more tasks so that they can spend more time together, and with the bosses permission, Doppio works up the courage to ask them on a proper date, where he dotes on them for a change. Doppio is so happy to have someone in his life the boss approves of and he likes letting them take control so he doesn’t have to overthink so much!
[part 5]Polnareff met his mc at the market while picking up food for the week, spying them across the way, arguing in broken Italian before sighing and asking them to repeat in English. Polnareff wheels in, speaks quickly to the merchant and the merchant is apologizing and fixing mc’s problem. They call to him to wait to thank him for whatever he said, and offer him dinner as thanks. He enthusiastically accepts the offer, and mc can’t help but want to dote on him, which he TOTALLY finds sweet. He probably feels like he doesn’t deserve them or that he’s a burden because of the state he’s in but mc quickly reassures him that they adore him just how he is, and that his scars are from fighting a noble cause, and they think that’s magnificent and that they feel like they don’t deserve someone so kind and loving and patient. He’s grateful they’re so understanding and his admiration grows tenfold. Pol and Mc marry in the Italian countryside, and he says some beautiful cheesy line like “mon cher, my arms may not be as big as they once were but I promise they’ll never let go of you!”
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