#I don't usually like hurt/no comfort but like. It's Wanderer. He's not going to accept any comfort from anyone atm. Let him be sad.
kazeokami · 1 year
Wanderer did not often sleep - he had no need to, and as such it served no purpose. Even so, every now and then he would engage in it for pleasure - like eating; and tonight he decided he wanted to sleep. Dreams, fragmented and fractured memories swirled in his head, and he woke, startled and cheeks wet.
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When his memories had returned, he'd simply shoved them to the back of his mind as hard as he could - the past was over and done with, what good was there to dwell on it?? But ignoring things didn't simply make them go away. He knew that, he knew that, so why did he - though he has no need to breathe, his chest heaves with emotion and he puts a hand to his temple, distressed. He's alone, and no one will find him here. .so for the first time in decades, Wanderer allows himself to cry properly- it feels wrong and it gives him uncomfortable shivers and he feels weak, BROKEN, hollow (just like him inside); but at least no one will see.
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aperrywilliams · 3 months
My Lover Boy (Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!Reader)
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Author Masterlist
Request: "Can you write something super angsty, like the reader and Spencer have something going on, but technically, they're just friends, and then everything with Lila Archer happens? She's sad but tries not to show it to him, and he is mad at himself for getting with Lila. Derek is teasing him, and it's super angsty, but it all ends up okay."
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!Reader.
Summary: You think something is going on with Spencer, something beyond friendship. But you start to question it when a case in LA pushes Spencer to spend time with Lila Archer.
Word Count: 4.6k
TW: Angst with a happy ending. Use of some strong words. Some suggestive comments. Mention of having sex. If I forgot something, let me know.
A/N: Thanks for the request! Keep sending them to me.
"Hey, did you get something?" You ask Spencer when he returns to the precinct. He and Gideon were at a gallery open to obtain information for the case you are working on in LA.
Spencer shrugs. "Not really. They all were more interested in photos and the press."
"Celebrities," you huff playfully, and Spencer chuckles.
"Yeah. Something like that," Spencer agrees.
"I'm going to grab some coffee. Do you want some?" You offer, standing from where you were checking the case folders.
"Sure," Spencer accepts, sitting and grabbing a folder for himself to inspect. You pass by him and squeeze his shoulders in a gentle gesture, subtly kissing his head.
"I'll be right back," you murmur before leaving the room.
Things with Spencer have been kind of odd for a while. Sure, you still are coworkers and friends, but ultimately, it is like you both are getting to terms with the idea that something else is going on. You don't know what it is really, and neither of you has sat to talk about it.
Why? Lack of time, maybe? Fear of being misreading the signals? Both?
Whatever it is, you have been acting like nothing is happening, although you almost kissed after a bar outing two weeks ago. You would have if Morgan hadn't called Spencer when you were about to kiss outside your apartment.
After the interruption, neither of you brought up the topic again.
Now you are stuck in LA, trying to solve a case involving celebrity killings. So, of course, the media and the locals have been nailing your asses for answers.
There is no time for anything else but to try to catch the unsub as soon as possible. Hotch asked you to narrow the unsub comfort zone. It's a task that's usually assigned to Spencer, but Hotch has him tracking information from one of the possible unsub's targets: Lila Archer, an actress with a promising career ahead.
"Pretty boy now has the best assignment in this case," Derek sighs as he slumps into one of the chairs in the meeting room.
Elle and you scoff at his dramatics. Morgan points an accusing finger at you.
"If you have seen her, I'm sure you would agree with me."
Neither of you pays too much attention to Derek's tantrum and keeps working instead.
It's almost night, and when Hotch returns to the precinct with Gideon and no Spencer in sight, you raise an eyebrow.
"Where is the genius?" Elle asks.
"With Miss Archer. We need to keep an eye on her, and Reid has the rapport already," Hotch explains before asking for your progress in the task you were assigned.
How does Spencer suddenly become a bodyguard? You don't know, but don't question it. You assume Hotch knows what he's doing.
An hour later, Garcia calls, saying the cameras at Lila's property show a strange person wandering around. The fact Spencer is not answering his phone makes everyone flock out of the police station, and all of you think the unsub is trying to get into the house.
What if the unsub is already inside and hurt Spencer? Shit, you are a nervous wreck, although you try to mask it to the rest of the team.
When arriving at the house, Hotch split everyone: Morgan and Elle are assigned to the front. Hotch and you take the backyard. Gideon, with the patrols, canvass the main street.
As you approach, your heart beats faster and faster. With your gun aimed, you're ready for anything but the fact you hear laughing coming from the pool.
You are covering Hotch's back, and he is as confused as you after opening the gate.
You both see Lila getting out of the pool in a fit of laughs and Spencer, entirely clothed, inside the pool.
"Are you okay, Miss Archer?" Hotch asks, holstering his gun and checking the surroundings with his gaze.
"Oh, Agent Hotchner. I didn't know you were coming," she mentions casually, wrapping a towel around her torso.
Realizing danger isn't imminent, you holster your gun, too, and reach a hand to help Spencer.
"What the hell happened?" You ask him as you take in his drenched clothes and wet gun resting at the edge of the pool. Spencer doesn't look at you, only mumbling, "I fell."
Well, weird but not implausible, considering Spencer isn't the best-coordinated man in the world.
You help him, grabbing a towel from a chair and handing it to him. You take his gun and remove the bullets from the soaked chamber.
You want to know more about the whole situation, but before you have the chance to ask Spencer, you see Derek, Elle, and Gideon coming.
Finally, the alert came from a paparazzi who was around the house and wanted to take photographs of Lila. And regarding the pool? Lila said that she wanted a dip, and unfortunately, Dr. Reid tripped and fell.
No one says anything about it, but the looks Elle and Derek give Spencer catch your attention, as does the way Spencer avoids talking to you until you are called to return to the precinct.
Despite the incident, Lila insists Spencer stay as you continue investigating the evidence.
So you all come back to the station, minus Spencer.
You don't know why Elle instructs you to check the camera roll recovered from the paparazzi, but there you are, in a dark room, revealing what could be pieces of evidence.
What you do not expect is the kind of images that are showing before your eyes: Spencer and Lila Archer making out in the pool.
Now, the scene you found when you arrived at the place with Hotch makes a little more sense. Spencer was entirely soaked while Lila, with a smug expression, walked into the house with a towel around her torso.
You don't know what reaction comes first. But you can recognize the deception and the way your heart shatters into a million pieces.
They were kissing. In the pool. At night. Like nothing is happening around them.
You have been working your ass to catch an unsub, and the doctor is enjoying himself with a movie star. In addition, they lied about the whole ordeal.
The tears pool in your eyes, but you are fighting not to let them fall. Not here. Not for Spencer. Not for anyone.
Why bother, anyway? You are just friends.
What? Will you ask him for an explanation?
It's not your place, even if you thought something was going on between you both.
How stupid you are. You don't stand a chance with him. Spencer only sees you as friend material.
With the entire film revealed, you shove the photos into a manila folder and leave the dark room.
Elle raises an eyebrow when she spots you walking toward her. You throw the folder over the table.
"Here's what you asked me for," you say in a harsh tone before turning around and walking out of the precinct. Elle doesn't say anything and doesn't need to open the folder to know what's going on.
When the team moves to Lila's house again a few hours later, already knowing who the unsub is, you stay behind in connection to Garcia to coordinate at the police station. You don't need to be there again.
You won't get exposed to see Spencer and Lila together.
Early in the morning, with the killer in custody and Lila Archer safe, you are ready to come back to Virginia.
During the flight, you seclude yourself in the farthest seat, headphones on and eyes closed. It works. No one disturbs you.
But you fail to notice Spencer's eyes on you the entire time.
After touching down, Hotch gathers you in the office to do the debriefing when you only want to go home.
Spencer tries to talk to you a few times, but you slip away from him every time, using whatever excuse not to speak.
Finally, Hotch officially closes the case and sends you home with two days off. Without saying goodbye to anyone, and with your heart broken, you run out of the BAU.
Spencer looks for you when he exits the conference room, but you're already gone. His guts tell him something happened to you, and he is worried. Usually, you're open to talking to him, and with this thing going on between you both, Spencer doesn't know how to ask you about it. But even if he wants to do that, he needs to have you in the same room first.
And that will only happen once you are back at the BAU in two days.
He thinks maybe he should go to your place but refrains from the idea. Perhaps you're just tired, and he doesn't want to make it worse.
He doesn't know you sulked in your apartment the entire time, and when you all return to work two days later, you are not still talking to him.
Spencer trails behind you like a lost puppy. He tries to make some conversation with you every chance he gets, but you avoid him like the plague. Spencer still doesn't know why you're acting so cold with him, so he goes to someone who might know: Elle.
Spencer walks to her desk, ready to get some kind of answers.
"What is it, Reid?" Elle asks without looking at him. Spencer clears his throat.
"Do you know if something happened to her?" he questions, referring to you. Elle rolls her eyes in annoyance before lifting her gaze to him.
"Are you kidding me right now, Reid?"
Spencer frowns in confusion.
"What do you mean?"
Huffing, Elle digs through the stack of folders on her desk, pulls out the one with the photos you developed, and passes it on to Spencer.
"Serve yourself, genius."
Spencer proceeds to check what is inside, and his cheeks immediately start to burn.
"She - she saw these?" Spencer stutters. Elle pulls a face.
"If she saw these? She developed the camera roll and gave these to me."
Spencer wants to die. It makes perfect sense, but that means he screwed it up.
"Why did she do that?! I mean, no one else could have done it?"
"I asked her to," Elle says, folding her arms over her chest.
"Why did you do that?!" Spencer squeals.
It doesn't matter why, but he still can't believe you saw everything. Spencer knows it was wrong to kiss Lila back, but for him, it didn't mean anything. His heart already belongs to you, even if he hasn't told you yet.
"What did I know that she would find out photos of you and Lila sucking each other's faces? I thought there were only pictures of Miss Startlet swimming and you stupidly falling into the pool. Isn't that you told me happened?"
Spencer Reid has rarely been left speechless, but this is one of them. A mixture of shame, regret, and anger at himself makes his stomach churn, and he wants to dig a hole to disappear.
He needs to explain to you what happened. But how could he approach the subject? You and Spencer are friends in the first place, and he didn't tell you what really happened in that pool. You had to see it for yourself in those pictures.
And thinking about your 'situationship' makes it even worse.
Spencer leaves Elle's desk, thinking about what to say and looking for the best moment to talk to you. But luck isn't by his side: in mid-morning, Hotch announced there is a case.
At least it's local this time.
In the afternoon, he spots you walking alone in one of the hallways. It's now or never, he thinks.
"(Y/N), wait!"
Hearing your name, you reluctantly turn only to see Spencer jogging to catch up with you. You want to turn again and leave, but it won't be subtle if you do that.
"What is it, Spencer? There is something about the case?" You ask flatly. Spencer knows you know it isn't about the case, but he has to assume you don't.
"I - uh. No. It's not the case. I - I just want to make sure you are okay?" His voice is wary, and the fidgeting of his hands is a tale-telling that he's nervous.
"I'm okay. I'm great, actually," you say, faking cheerfulness. Your patience runs thin, and Spencer isn't helping.
He frowns, knowing what you are doing.
"Don't be like that. I really wanted to make sure you are okay," he mumbles shyly. You cross your arms over your chest—a defiant look in your eyes.
"And why I wouldn't, uh? Something bad happened to me? There is a single reason why I shouldn't be okay?"
Spencer contemplates his response for a second. How does he say it in a way that does not sound self-centered?
"I don't know. You haven't talked to me since the last case in LA."
Spencer opts to bring up the obvious and let the overwhelming evidence out of this for now.
"And that bothers you?" You ask in a disbelief tone.
Spencer knows this isn't working.
Damn to his inability to lead meaningful interactions when he needs to.
"Yes! I mean, we - we're friends. You can tell me if something is going on."
The friend card. Spencer thinks it's the safest approach. But he's wrong. You laugh humorlessly.
"Honestly, Spencer? I don't know if we are friends anymore."
Your tone tries to be cold, but behind it, there is a tiny wavering you try to suppress at all costs.
"What? Why are you saying that?"
That's the limit Spencer reaches and pushes you to snap.
"Because friends don't lie to each other! When I asked you what happened at Lila's house, you lied to me!"
Spencer gulps because he knows you are right.
That is what he needed to say first, and not have to wait until you were who threw it at him.
"I'm sorry," he mumbles, gazing at his feet.
And then again, the guilt, the embarrassment.
Why did he do it? He isn't attracted to Lila. Why did he kiss her back?
"Yeah, me too. But you know? I'm glad. I'm glad you finally found someone and that now I know where I stand."
It hurts you to say the words. Spencer can see the crack in your demeanor, and he is the one to blame.
"What? No! No, I'm not- I didn't find someone," he chimes in an attempt to clear this up. "It's not what you think."
"Isn't? I saw the pictures, Spencer. I developed them myself. I know what I saw."
"She kissed me!" Spencer exclaims, trying to get afloat because he feels he's drowning.
"So what? If that's the case, you kissed her back!" You spat, angry at the lame explanation coming from Spencer's mouth.
"It was a mistake! I shouldn't have done that! You have to believe me."
Spencer tries to take hold of your hand, but you don't let him, yanking your arm and keeping your distance from him.
"Why do you think it's a mistake? Uh? She's pretty, almost famous, she's into you. I don't think it is," you start, and Spencer frowns. "What I can't understand is why you didn't tell me the truth before I could find out from those goddamn photos. What did you expect? That I would criticize you? What would bother me about your love adventures in Hollywood? You said it yourself: we're just friends."
"(Y/N), please," Spencer tries to get to you but is to no avail.
"It's your fucking life, Spencer. Do what you want with it! But let me out of it."
Without another word, you storm out to who knows where but far away from him.
Spencer knows he fucked up big this time. And his attempt at apology made things only worse.
He didn't see you for the rest of the case. Spencer assumed you secluded yourself in Garcia's office.
From his spot at his desk, he can only see Elle's disapproving look.
There is no reasonable reason for what he did, and that consumes Spencer's brain. He doesn't like Lila. He has been pining for you long enough to be sure he loves you.
'Men are men,' Elle usually says when Derek brags about his conquests. Spencer always felt proud of not being that way. And what happens when a pretty actress jumps at him? He goes with it. Elle is right, then. He is like any other man.
The question is if he will do something to gain your trust - and affection - back. How can he fix this?
A whole week has passed since the case in LA. The BAU looks pretty much the same as always, if not for the fact you only talk to Spencer when it is strictly necessary. The team doesn't pick up much of it, though. Only Elle knows what's going on, but she won't pester you with questions or unrequited advice.
Spencer is doing nothing extra to call your attention, although you can feel his eyes on you sometimes during the day. But you assume he got your message, and he'll go on with his life.
The problem is you can't bring yourself to do the same. You know your chances with Spencer are a past thing, but your heart still doesn't get the memo. And you try, really try to be neutral, professional, and collected. It works in the majority because nobody asks questions or refers to what happened in LA.
But the state of 'everything is fine' in you is fragile, and you know that.
It's Friday afternoon, and everyone wants to end their reports to go finally home. You see Spencer from the corner of your eyes. He is deep-writing in what you assume are the details from the last case. Elle is doing the same. You are trying to focus on your work, but the tiredness makes you go slower than you want.
Suddenly, the glass doors open to reveal a grinning Derek Morgan walking straight to Spencer's desk with something under his arm. It looks like a newspaper.
"Hey, lover boy!" Derek claps Spencer's back with a shit-eaten smirk plastered on his face. Spencer looks up at Derek with a frown. "Don't look at me like that Casanova. You are the one who didn't tell me about your little something with Miss Starlet."
Morgan places a newspaper he's carrying on Reid's desk. The cover is a photo of him making out with Lila Archer.
"W- what?" Spencer stutters as his cheeks redden. His eyes quickly move from the newspaper to find yours, and you only want to disappear. Averting his gaze, you try to focus again on the file you are reading. Elle rolls her eyes from her desk.
"My man! You slept with her that night, didn't you?"
"Morgan, stop," Spencer pleads, but Derek doesn't relent, even when the air in the room becomes way thick in instants.
"You can tell me! Is she good? I bet she is-"
"Morgan, no!" Spencer's high-pitched voice tries to make Morgan shut up.
"Come on, give me something pretty boy. She is wild in bed, doesn't she? How many hickeys did she leave on you?"
You actually cringe at Morgan's words. The sole idea of Lila and Spencer sleeping together makes you sick to your stomach.
You're about seconds to stand and get out.
Elle, who is observing the whole scenario - thing Derek doesn't - huffs in irritation.
"Why don't you and lover boy go to spill your gut about your sex life out of here? We are trying to work if you didn't notice."
Morgan frowns. Usually, Elle backs up his teasing to Spencer. But when he is about to say something again, you're - not so subtly - grabbing your things and storming out from the bullpen.
Your collected attitude goes out of the window.
All of them be damned, you think.
Spencer is standing right away to chase after you, leaving Morgan with a confused look, silently asking Elle what the hell just happened.
"I am only going to say that you are a total asshole, Derek Morgan," Elle states before returning to her files.
Meanwhile, you're pressing the elevator button, and you can feel Spencer rapidly nearing you.
“(Y/N)! Please, wait!"
When he's by your side, you intentionally look to another way.
"Not now, Spencer. Just let me go."
Just let me go. That statement has more meaning than the explicit one you're voicing.
"Morgan is only messing with me. I didn't sleep with her."
Spencer thinks blurting the truth will be enough to stop you from running away from him. But things are already more complicated than that.
"It doesn't matter, Spencer. Now, let me go."
Your insistence is more like an agonizing plea. You're so tired. There is no fight you want to engage in right now. You think you won this time when the elevator doors open, but it's short-lived as you see Spencer stepping inside as well.
"No! It does matter!"
The elevator doors close, and now only are you and him.
"Why? Uh? Why is it so important for you to tell me this?"
Your sudden raised voice takes Spencer aback. You're pissed off.
"Because - because it is the truth!" He defends.
And maybe he's right. Perhaps he didn't sleep with Lila, but your heart is already broken, and you only need space to get used to the idea and heal.
"Spencer. I already told you you don't owe me an explanation. Truth or not, it is not my business anyway."
Your tone is not angry but deflated, exhausted. Your gaze drops to the floor.
Spencer wants to scream; there is so much in his chest to say, but his brain doesn't cooperate in spilling something coherent.
"But I want it to be!" He decides to say, and he gets you to look at him again.
"What? are you talking about?"
"I want it - I want it to be your business," Spencer repeats, and you don't know what to say; you don't even know what he means.
The elevator dings and the door opens. You both stand there for a second, frozen after what looks like a confession. Or not. You're not sure.
"You don't know what you are saying," you mumble, deciding to move and pass him to walk into the parking garage.
"I know I should have said this before," Spencer continues walking after you. "I know I should have said something that night when we almost kissed. I regret I didn't."
You stop when he mentions that night. At this point, you thought he didn't care, and it didn't mean anything to him.
"Nothing happened that night," you say bitterly.
"But it should have. Don't tell me you didn't feel it," Spencer poses a hand on your shoulder to stop you from turning away again. Your eyes fill with tears, but you're fighting not to let them fall.
"And what if I did? It doesn't change anything," you shrug, a painful look in your eyes.
"It does! Because I love you and I do really want to make it up to you. I want you back. I want to amend the hurt I caused you for my stupidity."
Did he say 'I love you'? That takes you aback.
"I know I messed up. I know it was stupid to kiss Lila back. It doesn't matter if she did it first or not; you're right. But believe me, it didn't mean anything to me because she was not you. She is not you and will never be."
"You're confusing things," you shake your head, still not giving credit to his confession.
"After our fight the other day, I really thought about stepping back and leaving you alone. I have been torturing myself all week trying to conceive a life without you on it, mourning the lost of our friendship, and above all, mourning the lost of the prospect of to be your person, and you to be mine."
You can't keep your tears at bay anymore, so you let them free. Spencer cups your cheeks, and you can see tears in his eyes, too.
"But I can't. I can't let you go. Not without telling you the truth. And if you don't feel the same, that's okay; I won't push any further, and I'll leave you alone."
You can't tell him that you don't feel the same way because that would be the biggest lie in the universe. You are also sure that you love him, and that is why this situation has broken you so much.
You blink away some of your tears as Spencer looks at you, trying to read the truth in you.
"I think I have been in love with you since ever," you blurt out, with a half sob and half chuckle. "And I felt so heartbroken seeing you kissing her, and now Derek comes suggesting-" you trail off.
"Hey, don't think about that. I messed up, and I didn't say anything earlier because, to me, it didn't mean anything. I'm so sorry," Spencer apologizes, running his thumbs under your eyes to wipe some of your tears.
"How can - how can we start over?" you ask him shyly but hopefully. Spencer hastens to reply.
"The way you want it. If you want time to think, or if you want us to go slow, we can do that. If you wish to, can we go on a date first? Officially, a date? We can do that," Spencer rambles, and you smile for real for the first time in weeks.
"Yeah, we can go on a date, officially a date," you concede, and Spencer can't contain his excitement. "But, can I ask you for something first?"
"Of course. Just name it," Spencer says as his hands rub your shoulders lovingly.
"Can you kiss me now?" You request, with the most faked innocent look you can muster, making Spencer laugh.
"I can do that," he nods, looking at you intensely, gaze flicking between your eyes and your lips. Then Spencer leans down, closing his eyes at midway. You wait with batted breath until finally, his lips softly touch yours.
It's a tentative, sweet kiss. Your arms go up Spencer's shoulders until they land on his neck. His hands fall to your hips to pull you closer as the kiss deepens. It's no longer exploratory; it's hungry, messy, passionate, and you couldn't have wanted it any other way. You're sure this kiss is a thousand times better than the one he had with Lila, and Spencer completely agrees with that assessment because it's you.
That makes it perfect.
It's the need for air that makes you part after a while.
"Wow," you both say at the same time, starting to laugh like teenagers and trying to catch your breath.
When the laugh subsides, you narrow your eyes in contemplation and Spencer's eyebrow furrow.
"What?" he asks, and you look at him—a mischievous glint in your eyes.
"We agreed to a date first, right?" you ask, and Spencer nods.
"What if we skip that and make up for the lost time? What do you say, my lover boy?" you suggest, with a playful smirk on your face. Spencer's cheeks flush, but he is definitively excited with the idea. He quickly grabs your hand and runs with you to your car.
There is a lot to make it up, he agrees.
Spencer Reid's Taglist: @dreatine @nomajdetective @jayyeahthatsme @rosalinasam2 @averyhotchner @lovelyxtom @princessmiaelicia @pastelbabygirl19 @reidsbookclub @alexxavicry @gspenc @spencerreidisbae123 @calmspencer @pauline5525mgg @anamiad00msday @milivanili99 @laylasbunbunny @leahblackk @miaxx03 @missabsey @taintedstranger @khxna @hiireadstuff @pleasantwitchgarden @dysphoricsanity @levi-of-starz @themoonchildwhofell @silver138 @lovelybaka @shinytinywhispers 
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kykyonthemoon · 4 months
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Rain On The Way Home
Zayne takes you home after an argument between the two of you.
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ಇ. Zayne x Reader/MC
ಇ. Tags & warnings: since there's a bit spicy at the end I shall put 16+, MDNI here, fluff, short and sweet, kiss and make up, making out, argument, hurt/comfort, established relationship, character might be a bit ooc idk.
ಇ. Word count: ~1k9
ಇ. Based on a request by YNhi.
ಇ. Masterlist ♡ Request a fic
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Your lips were pursed tightly. Hands placed on your thighs were clenched so tightly that you could feel the nails digging into your skin. You did your hardest to keep back the tears that threatened to fall, but failed. Warm drops dripped on the back of your hands, and you brushed them away as soon as you noticed a familiar figure approaching from afar.
Zayne opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat. He did not glance at you or say anything. You turned entirely to face the window, observing the soft drizzle fall outside. All you wanted to do was kick the car door open, run out into the rain and scream your lungs out.
The atmosphere between the two of you had never been this stuffy. You could have left alone, but because your body was injured and your emotions were all over the place, you lacked the strength to oppose Zayne's decision. So you let him do anything he wanted. Perhaps that was best for both.
Just a second ago, you fought to reject him and ended up sitting here with bitterness in your heart, allowing him to take you home, allowing him to control you like a puppet again.
The third time you had been hospitalized in one short month, you had also reached Zayne's limit.
People at the hospital claimed that when Dr. Zayne was upset, he became quite frightening. They thought he would explode and anyone unlucky enough to get in his way would suffer. On the contrary, Zayne's rage was like a blizzard on the horizon. You might believe it would not find you, but when it did, no matter where you hid, you would never be secure. 
And that day, for the first time ever, Doctor Zayne was seen losing his usual composure.
His lengthy and fast steps resembled racing through long and busy corridors. The hospital room door opened in such a way that it was about to come off its hinges. Zayne's face solidified. Without a word, he confiscated your medical documents and commanded everyone to go, in such a frightening manner that the nurse caring for you had to shiver from the cold after leaving.
Zayne looked at the documents and then at the wound on your shoulder. It was treated in time but remained painful. The injury had left you quite weak, but after nearly a day of medical care, what distressed you the most was Zayne's attitude.
Before he could say anything, you spoke up and explained:
“It was just an incident… It wasn't like I took the initiative to accept this mission. It's just that there were no other Hunters closer to the attack area than I was…”
“That's why, despite the fact that you hadn't completely recovered and were resting, you hurried to the scene, dismissing your prior injuries. Dismissing your doctor's orders?"
One corner of the file in Zayne's hand was so tight that it became wrinkled when he let go and threw it hard on the nearby table. He turned his back on you and looked out the window. One hand on his hip, the other hand to bury his face. He acted as if he was trying his best to retain the last bit of composure. 
"I'm fine." You said. "I honestly felt no discomfort. I have been able to move properly for a week now. Staying at home constantly is boring. I needed to stretch a little so I could get back to work quickly."
Zayne slowly turned around to look at you. He was still standing in the corner of the room, and you noticed the window glass behind him starting to freeze. 
“You were bored? If you feel bored, call your friends. If you feel bored, go shopping or hang out where you like to go. You were bored so you decided to jump right into a group of Wanderers?"
“Zayne…” You grimaced. “I don't like you this way… You… are acting so strange…”
“Do you think I'd like to see you lying here? Do you think I'd like to see you being carried to the hospital?"
"I'm sorry…" You murmured. You knew it was you to blame for not listening to him and instead running to the scene of the attack. But you were conscious of your own strength and wanted to fulfill the commitment you made when you decided to become a Hunter.
"You've said sorry for the third time this month." Zayne responded. His face was rigid, yet his fists were clasped firmly. "I've heard enough."
"Oh, just quit it!" You abruptly raised your voice. "I told you I didn't like you acting this way. As a Hunter, it's normal for me to get hurt!"
Zayne opened his eyes wide. He was astonished by your response. He stayed silent so you could pour out your feelings.
“I am capable of taking care of myself! I don't like being told what to eat or drink. I don't like being told what time I must  go to bed. Or being compelled to stay at home even though I have completely recovered and ready to battle! I'm not a child for you to order around, or tell me to do this and that!”
“You're saying, I'm too controlling over you?”
“I…” You halted. It seemed that was true. Even while you knew Zayne had good intentions and genuinely cared for you, you were unable to avoid feeling as if he was in charge of every part of your life, controlling every meal and sleep. 
Silence permeated the hospital room for a long moment. Zayne gazed at you as if he was considering something, then he started to pack up your clothes and belongings that remained in the room.
“What are you doing?” 
Zayne responded: “I don't want to be the one who controls you. You will be discharged from the hospital and free to do as you please.”
“What do you mean by that?” Free? It sounded like he did not care about you anymore. It sounded like he was going to give you your freedom back by not getting involved in anything related to you anymore.
“I will not force you to stay here. No one can do that. In roughly ten minutes, someone will come and take you to my car. I only ask you to do this for me once more.”
Having said that, Zayne turned and left. The door closed behind his broad back and you swore you were about to cry right from that moment.
The nurse came to inform you that Dr. Zayne had directly requested your discharge from the hospital. They let you go since your situation was not too serious and they believed Zayne would care for you discreetly at home. Zayne waited for you in the parking lot. He unlocked the door for you to enter first and returned to fetch a few more medical supplies before driving you home.  
All along the way, you kept wondering if you had made a big mistake. You were exceptionally disrespectful and became frustrated with Zayne for no reason. However, he did not give in to you as he always did. Confused, you simply wanted to lie down on your pleasant mattress at home and weep loudly. However, as the car came to a halt in front of your flat, Zayne refused to let you get out.
You turned to look at him. He looked exhausted and miserable. He gripped the steering wheel tightly, then your eyes met for a moment. You were the first to break that connection.
"I'm home now. Can I leave yet? Or do I still have to wait for your permission?"
"Just stay a little more." Zayne's deep voice rang out. He was considerably more relaxed now than he had been previously. "I'm sorry…"
That was the first time you had heard an apology from him. How strange! Usually, you were the one making trouble, and Zayne was the one who looked after you. You were the one who said sorry. Hearing those words coming out of his mouth made you feel so odd.
“I'm sorry if I become too controlling and that makes you feel uncomfortable.”
You were astonished for a second. You still wanted to weep, but your emotions had settled down considerably.
Zayne slipped his hand down from the steering wheel to seize yours and turned it over. He said:
“When I saw you almost unconscious from the poison, being carried into the hospital room, my heart seemed to stop beating. That is not something I want to see at all.”
Zayne's eyes were quite sorrowful. You subconsciously imagined that if you switched roles and the injured person was him, you definitely would not be able to remain calm in such a situation.
“I know you can take care of yourself,” Zayne continued. “But I still want to help you do that and protect you. In my own way.”
After he finished speaking, there was a moment of calmness. The street lights were illuminated, and the rain stopped pouring. You softly clutched his hand.
“I'm sorry too, because what I said was not true… I didn't mean to call you a dictator who controls this relationship…”
You smiled at him. The corners of Zayne's lips also loosened somewhat. He took your hand and tenderly pressed a kiss on.
“I'm really okay.” You added. “The doctor also said that the poison from the Wanderers had been purified. I don't feel too much pain anymore."
Zayne gave a slight nod. He understood this from the moment he read your record. That was why he boldly asked for you to be discharged from the hospital. Even though he was upset, your safety would come first in any case.
"You said you were fine?" Zayne inquired out of the blue. "How do you prove it then?"
You exhaled. After all, he still had reservations about your ability to care for yourself. You leaned in to offer him a passionate kiss. The resentment in your heart melted away in his warmth.
As your lips withdrew from Zayne's, he whispered:
"Good enough. However, in the future, if there is an issue between us, or if you are dissatisfied with something I do,... can I trust you to talk to me directly about it?"
You gave a modest nod. Zayne kissed you, deep. He caressed you but only so gently, as if afraid that you would melt into rain bubbles if he became too greedy. A while later, perhaps since your head was hazy from the injury, you had no clue how you ended up sitting on top of Zayne in the driver's seat, your lips locked with him while your hands constantly touching his flesh underneath the shirt. His delicate but searing kisses fell on your shoulder, around the bandaged area that had just been revealed to his sight as he pulled your shirt down. He kissed your wounds, new and old. He asked softly, would you feel pain if he touched them? And you replied that there was only pain if he did not do so.
Rain began pouring again; it might last all night long. How convenient, since he did not intend to let you get out of the car in such a condition.
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mikwaa · 1 year
I'll always miss you, you will shine like gold in my memory.
Zhongli x Reader
Wc: 2.7k
Warnings: Angst, hurt no comfort, reader dies. Toxic relationship, Morax is an idiot brute, this is set in the Archon war, reader is a warrior.
A/n: I had this draft written here a while ago, decided to post it because it's one I really like. As the old Morax is described as a more rough and ruthless person, I imagine that for him to change there had to be a major event. And so I ended up writing this, maybe I'll do another ending because I genuinely don't like sad endings, but it went together so well I decided to leave it like this.
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"Morax, please listen to me." And there you were, in one of those endless fights with your husband.
The reason this time was that you had found a group of people, begging for a place to stay, since they were wandering around. This group had been exiled from Sumeru, the reasons were not yet clear, nor did they know why. There were children, elders, even young pregnant women, you couldn't just ignore them and let them die.
And you had offered them a home in the Guili Plains, the place where the Liyue population was housed. But Morax did not accept, nor did he seem to want to change his mind.
"I've said what I think, and I'm not going to change it." And he didn't even look at you, on the contrary, he walked even faster to distance more from you.
"Can you stop being so irreverent?" You quicken your steps and stand in front of him, stopping him from moving forward.
He narrowed his eyes in your direction, his face turning into an angry frown, "I told you, don't make me repeat myself. If you choose to save those people, you can forget about coming back. I don't want you around." His words were sharp as blades, wounding as such.
And seeing his face without a drop of expression, without a single regret. How could he say such impactful things as if they were nothing?
"How can you talk like that? I'm your spouse, I'm just trying to help." You could already feel tears forming in your eyes, he always acted like a brute, but there were times you couldn't even handle it.
"You can help me by protecting my people, not by harboring strangers." The coldness with which he spoke to you was abysmal, it didn't even seem like you had any kind of relationship.
"They are people too, they have feelings too. They are afraid to die, they are simply out in the open."
"I care what's mine, we're in a war, we can't save everyone. And I chose to take care of what is mine, my territory together with my people". He states, with that usual stoic face. With that arrogance and selfishness that would drive anyone crazy with rage.
"So that's still a no?" Breathing heavily you ask him one last time, the hope you had of him giving in had simply vanished.
"It was always a no. If you're going to keep talking about it, you can save both your time and mine." Snide and sharp, he never seemed to change.
"Then you won't want me here anymore, I suppose." To his surprise, you wouldn't give up. You would keep your word no matter what.
"Go ahead." Nothing more, not a sentimentality, nothing. Just treating you like you were just another one of his pawns, like you were just another one in the crowd.
A hot tear ran down your face, your heart burning as if it had been recently scalded.
"Are you really going to treat me like this? Like I'm nothing to you, and this ring means nothing?" You removed the ring, holding it with trembling hands.
The engagement ring, which he had made for you himself, was so beautiful. With jade detailing all over the ring, and even more precious was the message it had, 'It will always be you'. According to him, it was to show how much you meant to him.
And now? Were those beautiful words just thrown to the wind?
He huffed, looking incredibly upset and tired of this situation, but he didn't show you anything, he wasn't sad, sorry, guilty, nothing. As if none of this mattered.
"Have it your way." Completely indifferent he mumbles.
"Okay." You threw the ring away, without even looking at where it went," If it meant nothing to you, it meant nothing to me."
Now he seemed to take some notice of you, but was clearly displeased.
But there was no time for him to talk or complain to you, you ran out of there. He wanted to go after you, but the pride he carried in his chest was stronger.
A feeling of guilt invaded his heart, but he still wouldn't let his feelings get the better of him, because he believed that you would go back on your decision.
You wouldn't exchange him for a group of people you barely know, but that was exactly the point he didn't understand. It wasn't that he wouldn't help you, it was the way he dealt with certain issues. He was so focused and objective, that should be good, but it wasn't the case with him.
He always complained that you think too much about others, just as you complain that his behavior is often harsh and hostile. He believed that you would come back, but he was wrong, very wrong.
it had been three weeks since you had even dared to look at each other. He couldn't swallow his pride, and neither could you. That arrogance and selfishness he possessed could get on anyone's nerves, and you were not immune to it.
No matter how many times you tried to make him understand that things were not practical as he claimed they were, he would never understand, he was a real brute.
And that was the last straw for you, people were not objects that he could control as and when he wanted, and he didn't seem to want to understand that.
You had left the village, and had no desire to return. You had tucked yourself away in a simpler hut and in a place you suspected Morax wouldn't go near. Even though you loved him so much, you doubted if he would ever change.
It was so many doubts mixed with the anger you felt about the things he said, you took it out on the monsters you met in front of you, without letting a single one escape.
With quick and precise blows, you used your blade with an unmistakable dexterity. But even this was not enough for what would happen next. A monster that you didn't even know what it was hit you, and ended up hurting you.
You didn't even know where it came from, you didn't even have time to react. Your body heaved and you fell to the grass abruptly, as you felt a sharp pain run through your entire body.
And when you managed to stabilize yourself and look at the monster, it was no longer there. It had already turned to dust.
"You with this stubbornness. You can't even take care of yourself." From the familiarity in his voice, it wasn't hard to guess that it was your husband.
"Shut up." You mustered the strength to speak, it seemed as if your strength was draining away second by second.
Even in such a state, the weakness and frailty you were in didn't seem to make any commotion in Morax.
"If you knew you wouldn't be like this." So cold, so distant. Every word of his hurt so much.
How could he be so indifferent? So cruel.
"You won't even see your spouse? You won't even try to take care of me?" Even though you tried to sound strong and imposing, all that came out was a shaky, tired voice.
"I'm no specialist in this. Go find help somewhere else, I told you I don't want you around." It wasn't just anger, it was a feeling of someone who had been defied, you hadn't followed his orders, and he was hating you for it.
You had traded him, that's what he had in mind, but you didn't leave because of that. You loved him like crazy, and you had helped him in many ways. But he still needed to think more about others, trust humans more.
To learn to understand that people were not just pawns that he moved when and how he wanted, it was far from that. And now he was experiencing the fact that someone might not follow his orders, and that someone was you.
He went to look over his shoulder one last time, as he began to notice a pool of blood starting to form around you, he hurried his steps over to you.
"I have to take you, the healers will help." Bending down close to you he whispers. The sudden change in behavior that soon showed his desperation.
"You know they won't, there's nothing else to do." You couldn't control the tear that welled up in your eye.
It had been a very deep wound, you didn't need any healer to tell you that you were hopeless, the village was far away, there would be no time to get there. Several other warriors had died like this, and it would be no different with you.
His stoic expression turned to one of terror, his pride gone in a matter of minutes.
"Don't talk foolishness." He nestles you in his arms, carrying you so gingerly that it seemed he was afraid of hurting you with the slightest touch.
"Leave me here," he opened his mouth to protest, and you continued, "Please."
He propped you up on his chest, wrapping you in the clothes of his own body, so that you were properly protected.
"Why are you so stubborn? I can't understand you." For the first time you heard him speak in a broken voice, he was trying not to cry.
"I just want to save time, you know you don't have much to do." You gently caress his face.
He wanted to tell you so much, but he couldn't put it into words, ever.
"I shouldn't have acted like that." Finally, he admitted it. But now it was too late for any regrets.
You intertwined your fingers with his, smiling faintly. He could feel your strength fading little by little, and he could do nothing.
You were too fragile, just like all humans. And he could do nothing.
He couldn't believe it, how could a being as powerful as him be so powerless like that? That shouldn't be right, but it was.
"Please stay." He pleads, but how could you fulfill that request? His voice was so shaken it sounded almost unrecognizable.
For the first time he was losing one of his partners, he had always protected them all as best he could, and none of them had gone so far. But the first was you, his first big loss was you. How would he be able to handle it? No, he couldn't.
"I will never forget your eyes, they are so beautiful." You say softly, almost inaudible.
And he let a tear escape, all the armor he had made in his heart had broken, and he couldn't control it. It was the love of his life leaving, all he could do was watch, how could he be so useless at a time like this?
"Stay, keep your eyes open, I'll get help, I'll…" Not even he himself believed his own words, much less believed that you could save yourself.
He felt so much guilt, how could he have been so negligent? He had never been very sentimental, but now he felt it all at once.
He could hardly describe his exact feeling, because he had no exact feeling. Now he understood all the human emotions you spoke of, a pity he could only understand now, on your deathbed.
The birds were singing, it was a beautiful day, the sun had the most beautiful glow. And yet Morax was there, on the grass with you in his arms, crying in despair like never before. The blood that stained the green of the vegetation, and the pain that remained impregnated in Morax's soul.
And then, like one of those tricks played by fate, everything fell silent. Morax sobbed softly, and made one last plea, "Don't leave me, I really care for you. I love you, stay here." He held your hand tightly, seeing how small it was compared to his.
It was the first time he had been that clear, he had never really opened his heart to you, a shame that the first time he said 'I love you', you were no longer there to hear it.
And as soon as he realized it, a faint cry was all that came out of Morax's mouth, followed by an audible sob. He realized that you died there, nestled in his arms, holding his hand, so angelic.
His beloved had left him, eternally.
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Millennia had passed since your death, 3.800 years to be exact. Yet this hurt Morax so much that he was never able to forget you.
Even though he left the Archon life aside, now going by another name, Zhongli, and leading a more modest life as a simple Liyue citizen, the memories he had with you were vivid, shining like gold in his memory.
He martyred himself every day, he blamed himself, a guilt that he would never be able to eliminate from his chest, he would give everything, even his life for you to come back.
And today this feeling was stronger than ever, because it was the day of your death, the day you left him alone in this world. Another year had passed, and even so it seemed like yesterday when you died, at least that's how Morax felt.
And as he did every year, he bought your favorite flowers, picked them carefully to make sure that you would like them. Plus he provided the wine of his choice, it was the only thing that made his mind clear on a day like this, even if he wasn't very used to all that drinking.
When he was ready, he went to your tomb, which was made in the Guili Plains, the place where everything began, and also where everything ended. He always kept your grave clean, after all he visited you every day, no matter how hectic his routine could be, he would always come to your grave daily.
"I missed you, my dear." He says these words to the wind, anyone passing by would think he was crazy, but he didn't care.
He always spent hours talking to you, talking about everything that had changed, and how he had changed. He always thought that no matter where you were, you could always hear him.
Gently he put the flowers on the grave, and sat down on the floor, while pouring himself some wine. "I just wanted to remind you that I love you, more than anything else."
On a day like today, he wouldn't even try to hold back the tears, or the pain in his chest. He caught himself thinking how proud you would be to see the progress Liyue had made, how beautiful the city looked now.
He wanted to show you that he understood what you said in the last minutes of your life, he wanted to show you that you had become a better person. This was due to a great influence of yours, who now was not here to accompany him on this journey.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything I did, my beloved. You would think it magnificent the way everything has progressed, how humans could achieve so much." His voice choked, his face red as the tears came down without stopping.
'His beloved' , was so sweet when it came out of his lips, but so melancholy by the look in his eyes, those gentle golden eyes that expressed so much sorrow.
A love ended in such a way could hurt so much, and Morax knew it. He had experienced it so harshly, but he stood firm to keep the nation you two had fought so hard for standing, and he would keep fighting because he thought it was the way to repay you for all you had done for him.
Every time he remembered you crumbling in his arms, his heart squeezed in such a way. Your face paled along with your frail body, looking as if it would break at any moment. And with that he remembered how much he missed you in his arms, your laughter, the warmth of your body, your beautiful face.
He missed it all, and remembered these moments bitterly, but also joyfully, because he remembered when you were still with him.
He would protect the people at all costs, and keep everything safe as long as he was alive, he would watch over everything you believed in. He would gladly do this for the rest of his days.
Now all he could do was wait, wait for him to take his last breath. And then finally, finally he could meet you, and tell you everything that happened during those years.
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illubean · 3 months
ooo idea for the unaligned experiment!reader (same guys as last time)
so reader gets bored during a job and wanders off once they know their favorite free meal human isn't going to die or something.
they go outside and find a stray cat, and when their favorite human comes to find them reader unprompted says "you're like this cat to me. you'll die before me and you'd be easy to kill, but I don't speed up that process because i like the fuzzy feelings you both give me. plus you're both kinda cute. :3"
like that's kinda just reader's usual rambling but it does cement that:
reader's actively thought about how easy it'd be to kill him
they don't do that because they (on some level) like being around him at this point
they're consciously aware they'll outlive him
they think he's cute
Also possible angst/comfort at the thought they've gotten bored and left him. also the reminder that reader's fully willing to wander off without him if they're not provided enrichment, but then they find out they consciously decided to stay where they could be found because they (on some level) grew to like him.
Unaligned!OP!Reader pt. 2
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Characters: Illumi Zoldyck, Chrollo Lucilfer, Feitan Portor Type: Headcanons, Gn!reader
Couldn't really think of a hurt/comfort aspect because of these characters' personalities...
Warnings: mentions of death, a little angsty? idk
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Illumi Zoldyck
Illumi of course already knows that you could easily take him out
it's why he kept you around in the first place
he originally only kept you around as some sort of Zoldyck super weapon
but YOU are beginning to develop FEELINGS? for HIM???
he probs just uses that to his advantage tbh
Illumi is worried when you wander off though, because what if someone else finds you and you take a liking to them? what if you leave him?
he doesn't care all that much about it from an emotional standpoint but he can't afford to lose such a valuable weapon
so he would accept your affections if it meant keeping you under wraps
you're willing to do whatever he tells you if it means keeping him around
since you don't really want him to die soon you're quick to attack anything or anyone he asks you to
even if you don't completely understand your emotions and even if it's one sided, you decide to stick around
you couldn't have your favorite human be lonely, could you?
Chrollo Lucilfer
he lets out an amused chuckle at your revelation
he too often thinks about his own mortality and that of others
so he's not as put off by your comment as he should be
"Maybe you're a lot more human than you think you are."
and his statement offers you some peace of mind
even though your immortal and were quite literally created to be a ruthless killing machine it felt good to know that you could actually experience human emotions
after this you are a lot more willing to express your affinity for him, weather physically or verbally
and you don't wander off as often as you used to
you still don't really grasp the concept of love but Chrollo understands what you mean
since you know you'll outlive him you become very protective over him
you decided it's better to keep him around as long as possible
so...I guess Chrollo did kind of get what he wanted
you were like his personal guard...dog? demon? idk you were his guard something
I'm not sure he would develop any sort of romantic feelings for you (at least not very quickly) but he does care for you to an extent
he doesn't have to worry much about losing you since yk you CANT DIE
but he does like seeing you happy :))
Feitan Portor
he's not sure how he feels about being compared to a cat
normally he would be offended but his brain skips over all the morbid parts and is like wait did they just call me CUTE!?
he's mildy flustered by this but he plays it off as annoyance
but also he's offended that you think he's so weak
he knows he technically can't beat you because you're immortal but like...give him some credit
it wouldn't bee THAT easy to kill him
he could give you a run for your money
he probably just scoffs and tells you to shut up before walking away
even when you do wander you still end up finding and following him in the end
Feitan would never admit it but he enjoys having you around <3
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If your still taking requests I would like to make one. It's Modern AU Dadvi is taking you and your son out for lunch. Your son just learned how to walk and is trying to walk up to the entrance of the cafe your good to and your son falls on his butt. He starts to cry and Levi comforts him
levi would be such a good dad i'm sobbing
Restless and Clumsy | 2K Follower Event | Modern!AU Dadvi Drabble
✧ word count ➼ 700 ✧ notes ➼ modern!au, fluff
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You couldn't understand why it was taking so long for your food to arrive.
There weren't a lot of people at the restaurant and the kitchen didn't seem particularly busy. However, you figured that it was due to you arriving at a time in which there was low-staffing.
You looked over at Levi, who was currently poking your restless child, trying to keep him distracted by conversing with him or trying to get your son to try to catch his finger that he was hovering around him. It was a relaxing sight to behold—if it was working.
You could already see Levi's jaw clench as he struggled to keep the frown from appearing on his face. He was starting to get flustered and frustrated with the fact that he was unable to calm your child down, something he was usually proficient at.
Levi sighed and leaned back in his booth, his eyes glancing over at you.
"Should let him wander a bit."
You raised an eyebrow as you sipped at your water. "He can barely walk. You sure?"
"He'll be fine," he reasoned with a small shrug. "He's a strong kid."
"He can barely wobble forward without falling if we don't catch him."
"He's not going to learn if you're just hovering over him all the time."
You parted your lips to speak, but couldn't find a good comeback to fight against Levi's logic. You knew he was right. You needed to let your kid actually try walking on his own.
"I'll go with him if you're really that worried about it," Levi offered as he heard you sigh in defeat.
You nodded, accepting the compromise, and watched as Levi picked your child up off the high chair and set him down onto the ground, holding his hand as he slowly wobbled up to the entrance of the cafe.
The more that your child found his footing, the faster he was going, eventually leaving Levi's grasp, running at full speed towards the other side of the door.
Given his lack of coordination and the uneven flooring, it wasn't long before he went tumbling to the ground, doing a mini-roll forward from the gathered momentum. Your heart broke the minute you heard your child crying while sitting on the ground, barely reacting when Levi picked him up and rested him on his arm.
"Tch," he tutted as he patted your son's back, slightly bouncing him up and down in an attempt to soothe his distress. "I look away for one second and you decide to start going off on a mission, huh?"
Although the tears were still streaming down his face, he immediately calmed as soon as Levi started talking, with his crying dying down so you couldn't hear him anymore from your seat in the booth.
It wasn't too surprising. You remembered that Levi regularly chatted to your belly when you were pregnant, so of course he was going to draw comfort from Levi's voice alone.
Levi began chatting with him about completely random things, complaining about how annoying work was, or how he had yet to find a good teashop. Levi's lips slightly downturned into a frown as he pulled out a handkerchief and wiped away your child's tears, noticing that he bit his lip as he was falling.
"You're going to be a fierce competitor with your mother in terms of accidentally hurting yourself, huh?" he mumbled as he ran his finger around the wound, noticing that it wasn't actively bleeding.
Before long, your kid began babbling incoherently back to his father, responding to Levi's discontent with the state of the cleanliness of the house as if he was offering legitimate solutions. Levi was nodding in response, providing feedback as he continued chatting.
They came back as soon as your food arrived, and by that point, your child seemed to have completely recovered, immediately reaching out for you, and would have fallen again with how much he was wriggling if it wasn't for Levi's firm grip on him.
Levi sighed as he sat down, slightly exasperated, but clearly not showing any signs of significant discontent as he looked over at you.
"Looks like he inherited your clumsiness."
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livewireprojects · 4 months
Nikki & Reala(Bootleg Sonadow)
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I admit my addiction is bad but this isn't the first time I've made shit based on other interests/characters I like. So I decided to make some characters inspired by a ship I like along with AU ideas I saw in the past that I tried messing with before scrapping at one point or another.
This is Reala & Nikki who like the title jokes are inspired by Shadow & Sonic, it might not look like it(not helped by lack of color) especially if you have seen how I draw Shadow & Sonic but when I eventually work on showing their backstories it'll make more sense. Also yeah I named Reala after a certain nightmare clown, I'm not original. These two are also meant to be connected to my OCs Terry & Arthur(Nikki makes that kinda clear) which I'll talk about at another time.
Also these two aren't meant to be in the Sonic universe, they're in their own thing but you can joke that they're alternate Shadow & Sonic if you want cause I find that funny
Reala is a bit of a distant person, he seems a lot like a loner with only some people managing to be around him but in reality he's just an introvert that isn't good with people especially given he's lost people he's cared about in the past. Reala was born in a lab on a space station, there were a few people he cared about & was sadly in two incidents that led to the lose of people important to him with one person's existence being erased from records & their partner's info being corrupted so no one could find anything on them. Though grieving the lose of his family/those close to him along with dealing with changes/the new world he now lives in Reala has slowly accepted he's in a better time & takes comfort in Nikki's help/companionship. He's slowly learning to live for himself & get into hobbies he hadn't gotten the chance to try in the past, he's also gotten help from Nikki to learn about the world they live on as Nikki knows more about it than he does.
Nikki is a friendly person that likes to run around & explore, he can often be seen sky gazing at night before bed staring out a the stars. He does his best to keep up with/understand his friends as he doesn't always understand what they're talking about, despite this he does his best to listen cause he knows it's important to have a shoulder to lean on or someone to talk to. Nikki in the past has struggled especially due to being alone for a long time but is slowly coming to terms with having people that care surround him, it also helps that Reala has been growing closer to him as Nikki use to feel like something was missing but now feels like that feeling is gone as if Reala was what was missing. Nikki can often be seen wearing star themed stuff along with his hat & hoodie poncho, he doesn't always but he's usually seen in them. Nikki isn't affected by temperature, he can feel it & can get hurt depending on what's going(like touching a heated stove or something) but it doesn't effect him much all of this is just to say he doesn't really need to wear these warm clothes. Nikki sometimes says that the poncho feels like someone is hugging him which might be due to being alone in the past. His hat & poncho often make it hard to tell what species of animal he is, not helped by Nikki kind of being unsure himself.
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Drew this a little after drawing Reala & Nikki, here's Nikki with out his hat/poncho that usually cover him. I think I made a mistake drawing the hat in his hand cause I don't exactly like how it looks like that.
Like I mentioned in the first pic Nikki is often seen wandering around in a hat & poncho that make it hard to tell what species he is & makes it seem like he's not to sure either.(He's mostly hedgehog) Nikki has a few outfits he can put on but he usually is in tanks & sports shorts, he also has sports shoes on & some socks/stockings that are rolled at the ankles, I drew one of them slightly unrolled to show they're longer.(Was tempted to have the unrolled one be above the knee but I dunno what to put so it's just partly unrolled) Nikki has one large glove on & one normal sized glove, for some reason I got inspired by this one red ridding hood design I found once & can't find anymore.(Google Image Search failed) Probably doesn't help that I use to have an obsession with red riding hood themed stuff.
I was almost tempted to draw him without his shoes but meh. He also has a few markings on him like his ears, under his eyes, neck & legs.
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pianocat939 · 2 years
Guys I’m sorry but I had to. The demons have come back to haunt me once more.
Tw: breaking-in, death, violence, obsessive behaviour, honestly this guy is literally so cute help-
Yandere Methuselah General Hcs
Introduction: For those of you who don’t know, Methuselah was a Galapagos Tortoise who died at the age of 130. He was one of the oldest tortoises in the world when he died. His death was caused by a shoe getting thrown at his head by a ginger 4 year old, which was me. After the incident, he succumbed to his injury two weeks later.
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(I got so lazy with the shading lmao-)
(And now we start make Yan content of his mutant self-)
(He’s not 130 years old as a mutant, it is up to interpretation.)
Type: Violent + Affectionate
Before his mutation, he roamed the habitat of a reptile zoo, munching on plants and strolling around. He would sunbathe and nap all around the perimeter.
On one summer day, he wandered around as the people watched him: as per usual. He could hear the excited little chirps from the children as they pointed and waved at him.
Then when he turned around, something hard hit him in the head, right on the bullseye. It hurt a lot, but he paid no mind to the thrower.
Instead, his eye was caught by another human. A human watching him from afar, silently observing him. How interesting.
The next few days, everything was mundane. But suddenly, he started growing weak. He was the biggest one of the tortoises and still going strong. So why is his body failing him?
Two weeks after the incident, his body gave out on him. He died, pitifully so.
Then he wakes up once more. But no longer as a tortoise but rather as a humanoid version of himself. He was taller, much taller. His muscles enlargened, so much bigger than an average human's.
Nature has given him a second chance at life! With his current body much more complex than his old one.
He knew humanity wouldn't accept his appearance. So, he hid through the shadows, watching through the cracks.
One night, he spotted a human from afar. And not just any human, the one who watched him on the day of the injury. You were so fascinating! The way you act was adorable, cute, one might say.
Since then, he's snuck into your home every night.
Despite being 11'6, he manages to fit himself on your bed and snuggle up to you; without waking you up. Of course. He holds you firmly but gently, with little nuzzles to the top of your head.
"My dear~ you're always so nice to hold."
In his free time, he writes you love letters. All with love and sick thoughts. And along with said letters, he leaves stuffies with recorders in them so he can listen to you.
He 100% will walk into your house and wait for you to come home. And no I doubt you could kill his monstrosity of a size. He'll be all lovey-dovey, saying he's cooked food for you. He loves anything domestic, like seriously.
He plans to marry you, kidnap you wanting to be bound together. And if you're up to it, children as well (the memories from being at the zoo oddly bring comfort).
Now that we're done with most of the wholesome things, the reason he's listed as the violent type is that he will kill anyone that touches you. He hates it, he hates anybody interacting with his lovely future spouse.
"Let's not do such disrespectful things, alright?"
It isn't just you either, it could be your guys' pet dog or something and he'll be protective of it. No one is touching his family, no one.
Overall just very cute and wholesome...Minus the violent part.
Oh and he's got the Canadian/Northern Midwest accent.
I don't know how to feel anymore. Like, this tortoise I killed all those years ago has now become a mutant OC? Where did things take a weird turn?
- Celina
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my-reality-my-rules · 2 years
Hi, I know you’re on hiatus so no rush, but I’ve been trying to shift for close to a year now and the one time that I did was a night that I didn’t go through any methods and routines, but I haven’t been able to get back. The problem that I have with method shifting is that I feel like I get really close to it, but then my heart rate starts to spike and I feel like I’m floating, which I’ve been told is a normal thing that happens in the process of entering your DR, but it honestly kind of freaks me out and pulls me out of it every single time. I was just wondering if you had any advice or tips on how to handle this/if there’s a way I can avoid it? I really want to shift, I just can’t get passed that :\ anyway, thank you for taking the time to read this and I wish you all the best xx
[thanks for this ask!]
first of all—holy fuck. this was sent around early june, wasn't it? HOLY FUCK THAT WAS LIKE STILL MY PRE-GRAD ERA I AM SO SORRY IT TOOK THIS LONG FOR ME TO RESPOND-
and i don't know if you still need my answer, but I'm going to do so anyway, because it's still a shifter in need 0:<
*cue me repeating Bad Dobby over and over to myself*
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I've been seeing a lot of posts on social media go around telling people to simply 'accept' the symptoms that they're having, because in a sense, it would help them focus on that instead of having their mind wander. and, well, alright—i see where it's coming from, it makes sense to a certain degree. but it doesn't make actually dealing with them easier, does it?
as a general start; have you tried altering the method? from what i know, it's a common way of dealing with the more annoying shifting symptoms. while it doesn't always exactly get rid of them, you can be able to tailor the method to your comfort and preference. symptoms like that (the increased heart rate) are common, as you've mentioned, but never forget your own priority.
one thing i recommend when making/altering a method is to simply take inspiration from more popular ones and break them down to your liking. for instance, raven gives me horrible cramps sometimes, and the complete stillness of it makes me incredibly twitchy. so, i tweaked it in something still resembling a starfish, although a bit more lopsided, with thought in my own physical satisfaction.
i don't know if i could help with the floating sensation, as for the most part, i actually don't mind getting that symptom in particular. usually, i simply try to roll with it, like I'm floating on the shores of a beach. try to liken it to something you're comfortable with, and focus on what's good instead of what's going wrong.
for the increased heart rate issue, though; i do have two suggestions: meditation, and diaphragmatic breathing.
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here's my take on that:
(1) meditation
i don't get to practice it as much as i want to these days, so the rarity of it in itself makes me treasure the times i did do it. meditation not only clears my mind, it helps me compartmentalise [that's not to say you have to do that exact same thing—I'm only mentioning it as an example]. it has the added benefit of helping me practice breathing control exercises. when i do meditate, i distance myself from most distractions (yes, that includes your phone, it doesn't hurt so much if you lay off the guided music even just for a moment). when you're left alone with the silence of your mind, you do your best to fill it in with noise. meditation helps me redirect my thought process. when a stray emotion coincides with my line of thinking, i don't immediately shove it away, i try to understand it and work with it. i suppose it's also a self-reflection in that manner. in relation to your question, however; it's an analogy for slowing down. even while shifting, most people still tend to rush into getting into their DR's—and that's not inherently a bad thing. what makes it challenging is when you trip over your own feet in your haste to actually making it there. on that note, meditation might not only help with giving you the chance to practice a way of coping with the increased heart rate, but also a way of living in the present moment.
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(2) diaphragmatic breathing
this is actually something I've learned in my naruto DR lmao. but it's incredibly helpful to me in my CR, so i wanted to share it with you. here's a quick read for you to familiarise yourself with the concept. when this was first introduced to me by one of my DR cousins, i didn't put much stock in it—by way of the fact that i didn't think I'd actually need or want it. it had been out of habit that i did it again in my CR, when i was preparing for a live class participation that i could barely prepare for. an hour before class started, i practiced the exercise, and while it didn't completely remove my anxiety, it eased me into a calmer disposition. for those who didn't want to read the article, it's basically this: you position yourself to be comfortable, then put a hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen; focus on the sensation of inhaling and exhaling, and on how it physically affects your body. personally, the actual counting doesn't really matter (the number of breaths to take and so), because i usually centre more on how I'm feeling rather than how i get to the feeling—although i suppose it's different for everyone. it's also something of an instinctual thing for me. i do this whenever i receive patrolling duty in my DR. now, how can it be related to the question asked? again, it's a breathing exercise. it, at the very least, reduces the amount of tension in your body. try incorporating it into a method, perhaps? you can lay in a position where you have your hands on your chest and diaphragm, and do the instructions at the same time that you're affirming.
- - -
that's it for now. i might add on to this in the future (since i get a lot of messages about tips for symptoms), but for the moment, this is all i could think of. i hope it helps???
much love, and happy shifting ❤️❤️
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redandblackpoetry · 4 months
and onto my favorite part of ur answers: eldritch ghost crumbs (⁠つ⁠✧⁠ω⁠✧⁠)⁠つ
i'm v interested in ghost's past with roach, like the entirety of their relationship? hows and whys and whens!!! but i shall keep my silence for the sake of the sequel...... but!! ghost's issues keep increasing (well i keep learning there's even more baggage than i expected) with each of my asks/comments that u answer and i am Enjoying It. like yes. make him Suffer. hurt/comfort is a very superior trope and he is my sacrificial lamb to the angst gods
so idk much abt lovecraftian eldritch monsters (i know of the lore pretty vaguely) bc i am a Fool so idk how much u based ur plot on it but basically any eldritch lore dump is appreciated either way bc of that.
also ghost crumbling at peer pressure? now i feel that. well i think u meant more like a threatening sort of pressure rather than friendly jabbing but it's a lot more funnier when u consider ghost being exposed to peer pressuring and going. uh, ok. LMAO anyway it's also a v beautiful irony that a being that feeds off of fear doesn't welcome it in the parts of his life that he is the most vulnerable in so chefs kiss for that
his true form!!!! i was already guessing this bc it's pretty much implied i feel like but!!! does this mean, when ghost got captured by zaragoza he was in his true form? what are the dimensions even? and!!!! simon saw him like that? could 141 ever get a chance to see him like that, like can he leave simon's body and then come back? (i won't accept the answer of they will but he'll have to completely leave simons body, no sir. simon is along for the ride alive or dead, whether he wants to or not) (talk abt ride or die but die is optional while ride is mandatory)
more importantly, i'm like v v v obsessed with thinking abt simon's pov on first seeing ghost and how his opinion would've changed had the situation been more normal when they first met? like... is he also inherently a monsterfucker? (that's such an iconic question out of context btw, pls acknowledge my brilliance) but like soap sees the tongue and goes. hm. would simon also. ok no my brain is overheating at this point i'll shut up.
(i'm just thinking another au of an au yet again. thanks for the brainrot. it's branching and GROWING how do i stop it????? but like i'm imagining like timeline being different and ghost being captured by the opportunistic fuck shepherd and they try to use ghost in usual military fashion and simon maybe meets him like that and. wow now that i'm getting into it this has the vibes of those merfics of mer being caltured and the scientist seeing them and slowly getting to know them and it's then an epic save-the-mer adventure but mer is an eldritch monster and the pretty scientist is actually a built like a shit brickhouse, gruff military man simon who is Ver Reluctantly starting to get fond of ghost and is not happy abt it)
(i'm dying. why is my brain doing this to me. whyyyyyy)
anyway i have yet again wrote walls of text abt this fic so. i'll wander off and touch some grass before my brain explodes. i'm just. obsessed with all this. a tad too much perhaps so this ask is now ur problem. have fun
The hows and the whys and the whens of Roach and Ghost's relationship have pretty similar answers actually, it'll make sense when I get there hopefully. And I hope that it's as good as you're imagining!
Hurt/comfort ngl is one of my favorite tropes, and I love giving characters trauma and breaking them down and mending them back together and seeing how I can mend them
And don't worry about knowing the lore, as with most fanfiction I'm taking Lovecraft and his genre's works and kinda ripping it apart for juicy bits, though I'm trying to keep the overall impressions. The feeding on different emotions/things is entirely my own idea because I honestly needed some way to nerf Ghost since Lovecraft never elaborates on how his eldritch beings function, so I gave them a food source. The whole possession aspect is actually based on one of Lovecraft's characters though I filled in my own blanks (LC loves being vague for The Horror) and Ghost's parents are also eldritch horrors that are mentioned in his and others' works. Cthulhu also exists in this fic and is actually Ghost's nephew geneology wise! Thats gonna become important in the next chapter ;)
And yesss the fact that Ghost feeds on fear doesnt make him immune to it
And yes! Ghost was in his true form when he was captured by the cartel, though since he was weak he was smaller than normal (he stretches like silly putty). I put a lot of lore and background into each chapter so I'm never sure how much readers remember/understand especially if its spread out. Size wise during the cartel he was probably at least the size of a car, normally he's maybe the size of a six story building? He's actually pretty small compared to some of his kind
And yes, Simon saw him like that and was like "neat, I'm gonna make a deal with this thing because I was the cartel to Burn" and Ghost immediately vibed with that
Would you believe that I'm toying with the idea of the 141 seeing his true form in the main fic? Its gonna be very near the end, and there's a lot of angsty implications regarding it because remember, Simon's dead. Without Ghost to keep his body, well, alive and functioning what happens to a dead body?
Absolutely iconic question and I'd very much believe that Simon is definitely a monsterfucker. He's seen so many human monsters that it imagine its somewhat of a relief and very attractive for him to see a monster not trying to hide what they are. You're also giving me very naughty threesome Ghost/Simon/Soap ideas
And friend, dear mutual, I have absolutely no clue how to fix the brainrot as its infected me as well! And again with giving me ideas!! I was soo close to starting a new 141 fic focusing on Roach for mermay you have no idea, might come to your ask box and ramble at you about it
You know Venom, yes? This idea is giving very Venom movie vibes. Because Ghost is a hardass and he'd cave eventually and end up possessing the people that Shepherd brought in as cannon fodder but he wouldn't gel with them and since he's very prideful he's end up ripping them to shreds over and over. Until Simon. Until Shepherd captured Simon and they gel and Simon and Ghost bond and the 141 come to save them. The team finds out about Ghost and they just slowly introduce him to the world and help him heal and take him on missions
Welp this has been my wall of text, hope you enjoyed! I also need to touch grass but sadly its a beautiful day and I'm stuck at work
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narancias-headband · 2 years
Imagine your La Squadra F/O...
Whenever you'd ask what he did for work, he'd brush it off. "All that matters is that I can buy you dinner tonight, right?"
You knew he must have had mafia ties. You weren't stupid, nor were you blind to the underground dealings that dominated the area. It's not like he could be doing anything that bad, right?
Once, you see him out and about, wandering the streets of a huge festival. You excitedly wave him down, calling him over through the crowds.
You expect to see his eyes light up, warm and loving, like they usually do when he sees you. But they don't. He looks terrified, annoyed, and angry all at once.
He swears under his breath as he runs your way.
"You can't be here, [Y/N]," he hisses, "You're the last person I want to see here right now." His words cut deep and sting like rubbing alcohol in a paper cut.
You can't even form a rebuttal. You bite back your tears and turn on your heel. If he hated to see you so much, you'd just appease him.
The next day, your phone rings with a handful of phonecalls, but you ignore each one. It wasn't until a text came through, something you couldn't entirely ignore...
Please [Y/N]. We need to talk. I have so much to explain.
You set up a date, a night a few days in the future, to sit and talk.
When you meet, he's nervous, much more than you've ever seen. He's fidgety and can't seem to get comfortable. You can't pin down what exactly could make him so nervous...
"I have a confession to make," he says, the words spilling out quickly. You raise your eyebrows expectantly, still bitter over what had happened a few days before.
He looks towards his lap and takes a deep breath before continuing. "I'm a member of Passione, [Y/N]. I'm a mafioso." He looks deep into your eyes to judge your reaction.
"Yeah? And?" Your words are biting. Of course he was. Did he think you were stupid?
"Okay, yeah. I'm sure you did know that..." He wrings his hands, eyes nervously flitting around, focusing on anything but you. "[Y/N], it's not just that, though. I... The reason that I was so harsh the other day was for your safety. You couldn't be there. There's a high possibility that you would have gotten hurt... Or worse."
You sit quietly, brow still knitted in a look of anger. Did he think you couldn't handle yourself? Before you can speak again, he heaves a deep sigh.
"Full transparency? I'm part of the hitman team." He gives you a sad look as if telling you this broke his heart right in two. "I kill for a living, [Y/N]."
He looked down to his lap and his shoulders quaked. Was he crying? No... Not quite. But his eyes glistened in a way that made it seem inevitable.
"I understand if that messes everything up between us two. Hell, I understand if me being an ass the other night was what did it..." His words trail off as he looks back up to you, eyes warm and loving. "But... I'd do anything to keep you happy and safe. And if that means we're over, then I'll just have to accept that."
You just barely manage to mumble out his name, shocked by his genuine sweetness. He forces a half smile and moves to stand up. You catch him by the arm, holding on tightly in fear of losing him.
"I don't care what you do for a living... You're still the same man I fell in love with. Don't go." You felt him relax, a weight lifted off of his shoulders.
He wraps his arms around you, squeezing you tight. He really did think he was about to lose you.
"I won't go, [Y/N]. Never."
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greycaelum · 2 years
Hi Grey! Can I submit a request for Chain Series. Scene #90 and #97.
[Gentle Affection Collections]
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo Satoru X Reader [Shiba Y/n]
[Gentle Affection Collections]
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Request 90 & 97 [ List is here ]
holding his/her waist + soft whispers
Notes & Warning: hurt to comfort, Satoru's inner thoughts, Word Count: 1k
"Hi! Thank you for joining and my heart is torn while writing for these two. They're my dose of pain and comfort combined. Amazing choice!" —Grey,
Song used: Arcade (Loving You is a Losing Game) by Duncan Laurence
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Satoru doesn't know where and when it started. The disturbing gentle throb of his heart whenever his eyes wandered in your direction. So far as he looks back it has always been like this since you came to Jujutsu Tech. He always thought that it was the sense of familiarity and similarity of your situations that these urges of his keep him gravitating to your company.
The small things of his youth that he used to think will fade away as time pass proves him wrong. Not when the disturbing gentle throb of his heart over time develops into a burning heat seated in the pit of his gut always pushing him to seek you out. Antsy to feel your presence nearby.
He keeps making himself believe it's just that you're his best friend. But it came slapping him hard after a casual visit to the morgue.
"You," Shoko stub the butt of her cigarette in the ashtray and look straight into Satoru with amusement layered behind the doctor's exhausted eyes. "Do you like Y/n?"
Does he like you? He tried to rebut his former classmate with his usual haphazard antics. Only to receive a scoff and be kicked out of Shoko's morgue.
It didn't hit him hard until things starts flowing in his brain, connecting the strange sensation he feels years ago until now.
Does he like you? Is that the explanation for the excruciating pain punching his heart whenever he sees you getting close to men? He never felt this kind of sensation with Shoko who he knows longer than you. No, he never felt the same thing to anyone else other than you.
From the edges of the college's training ground, he silently watches over as you teach your two brats about the cursed tools and how to use them.
He has a formulated theory over the years of working as a sorcerer, a theory that he was both blessed and cursed to be aware of.
There's nothing more twisted curse than love.
Yet he's here, day by day cursing himself. A curse that you'll never accept.
"Love me?" There was no trace of shock in your face or any sign of emotion after his almost inaudible confession. "You're saying something crazy Satoru."
Both of you understand that throwing away and masking emotions is easier in the line of job you're tied in. Love manifests the most twisted curse. Such things like that have no place in your lives.
"Are you saying that because you're afraid that I will leave someday?" Are you saying that because you see a glimpse of that once happy past whenever I'm around? The past we want to rewind even for one day. The words remained stuck in your throat. The ghost of the past won't simply leave you alone.
You shake your head and cup Satoru's cheek to look at you in the eyes.
"I'm not going anywhere, don't be afraid. Stop saying such ominous words Satoru."
Ominous. Truly, when you stare in the dark for too long, everything around you gets divided between black and white. And the love that you once thought was pure, has turned black in your vision. The same as your pure promise to the man who just bared a crack of his soul to you, will one day also be a lie painted in black.
"You don't have to say it back. I was not expecting it in the first place." Satoru's hand found your waist and rested his forehead against yours. "I just wanna let you know, that's all." He whispered oddly gently as if you'd break if he add an octave to his voice.
"You're just confused. We've lost so much along the way so we cling to what's left that reminds us of the past." You vehemently denied it. "It will fade away Satoru." You said with confidence that it makes Satoru laugh bitterly.
"You think so?" He whispered with his eyes closed. Perhaps loving you is a losing game.
"Yes," you whispered back.
I don't think so... He pressed his lips on the space of your brows and just held your waist tightly as he draw you into his arms. His feet sway to a piece of nonexistent music in the kitchen space while you follow blindly, letting him lead you in.
This is fine. Satoru is contented with this. He smiled and nod his head to convince himself. In the silence and dark, with you. He's fine.
For a minute, give him a minute to let it sink his heart break apart and piece together again before he reverts to the usual lackadaisical Gojo everyone knows.
"Won't you ask me how I knew?" His voice is hoarse and quiet.
Does it matter? Everything change over time, it will soon be buried in memories as well.
Satoru leaned over the shell of your ear and whispered the hushed secret he's been dying to tell you.
"Because from then until now, it's always you..."
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Check out the Masterlist for more
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned image(s) and song(s) used belongs to their respective owner(s)
General Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya
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offantasiesandreams · 2 years
Hello dear, may I request taking care of Batter who pushes himself far beyond his limits. He's doing his mission without sleeping eating resting or anything. I want reader who will say him to rest and he tries to decline the offer but then accepts it. You can use this idea and add and remove any part I don't mind. As always no pressure write it whenever and however you want or don't write it at all. Have a great day!
This is actually the third time I've written about something like this! But I don't mind, it's a really cute idea! If I could, I would straight up put him inside a blanket burrito and place him on a bed so he would sleep comfortably, but alas! Anyway, here you go!
Overworked Batter
If there was one thing he could say for certain, it was the fact that not a single blow from any spectre or royal guardian had hurt that bad. The scratches and the wounds were nothing that wouldn’t heal immediately with a Fortune Ticket or him using one of his skills. Only the failure of executing his holy mission could lead to something more severe, but such was unlikely to the point where the probability might as well have been zero. A rest was not necessary in the slightest, for as soon as he had fulfilled his destiny, he could likely rest forever.
A swing here and there, aided by his trusty Add-Ons and you, truly, there was not a single obstacle impassable in his eyes. For as long as he kept moving without break, the task was going to be accomplished, no matter the sacrifices made. You noticed his rather resolute commitment. Although admirable, you had to admit it had taken to the extreme. Food was necessary, but you hadn’t seen him eat any in a while. Neither could you remember a recent time when he simply sat down and took a breather.
“Don’t you wanna sit down for a while? You know, to replenish your strength and all.” The question was genuine, who knew what was going to happen if he didn’t. Even so, all you were met with was an empty stare. His eyes were simply looking through you as the awaited response took longer than usual to be said out loud.
“No. I am alright. Let us move forward.” Humble and determined as usual, it seemed. He may have been strong, but surely, not even Batter could keep doing this forever, right? While good at keeping his composure, it was evident he was less than okay at that point, slightly wobbling around as the two of you paced towards your next destination.
As awe striking as the amusement park may have been with its attractions, or lack thereof, your attention was on your companion more so than anything else. When standing around idly for a few moments, his gaze wouldn’t wander to scan the area for anything of interest, focusing on the sign right in front of him instead. Whether or not he was trying to read and make sense of its contents was a different question, however.
With a sigh you got his attention: “I think it’s time for you to take a break, you’re sleeping while standing.” Your voice made him ultimately snap out of his trance. Contemplating your words, he treated them as an offer more than anything else.
“We must purify these lands first.”
“No, we do not. Sit down!” You had never been this stern with him before, but it seemed to have been the only language he understood in that moment. It was for his well-being, he better did as you told him to.
Much to your surprise, he actually did sit down, leaning against the wall. Naturally, you took a seat next to him, searching your inventory for a few pieces of meat and handing them to him. Almost grateful, he took them from you, biting into one. The way he chewed it as though it was his first meal in a week was very telling of his situation. “Batter, you can’t keep going like this. It’s not going to get you the desired result. Please, take a rest every once in a while, or at least when I’m telling you to.”
Given how he scarfed the food, it was astonishing you could make out his words at all. “I am aware of this. But the mission needs to be accomplished.”
You heaved another sigh. At that point he was genuinely just trying to get himself killed. Watching him wolf down the final piece, you decided to try and reason with him. If nothing else, you could at least stall for time and have him sit still for another moment. “I know, and it will be, trust me. We’ll work on it together. Well, we already are, considering we’re here, aren’t we? So, surely, there has to be something of use here, we just have to look for it. But, uh, please take it-”
Interrupted by a weight falling on your figure, you stopped your little soliloquy. Batter had fallen asleep, it seemed, as he wasn’t responding to you, nor moving, only his chest rising and falling with every breath of his. Slowly, you wrapped an arm around him, holding him closer to make sure he was at least a bit more comfortable. This may not have been what you had planned, but you weren’t complaining. If anything, he was going to get some rest now.
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charliedawn · 3 years
OKAY!! YAY! Okay I have a request. Reader is bestfriends with Freddy and really likes Freddy just to realize he doesn't like her back the same way she does and it breaks readers heart and it causes her to go into a depressive mode. During that she sees him with someone else kissing them and being intimate and affectionate with them and it hurts them even more. She has mental breakdowns whenever shes alone and since their bestfriends he always asks her to hang out and stuff and she makes up lies/excuses to not see him bc of her broken heart. It ends up pissing Freddy off more than usual so he confronts her about it and sees her crying and tries to comfort her.
Freddy was always good to you, or at least he thought he was ? He tried to be patient and as understanding as he could be..But, he wanted more than just a friend. He had thought about asking you out ? But, the thought itself made him laugh each time. Yeah..Old, decaying and murdering a**hole ?! Who could possibly refuse ?! This is why he decided to accept a random hooker's offer when he was drunk in the street and could barely stand on his own. He just wanted to forget his sh*tty life for just a moment and have a good time. And, then he saw you. How you knew where to find him ? He didn't have a clue. He just knew that he f*cked up badly when he saw you ran away with tears in your eyes.
He shouted after you. He wanted to stop you and say that he was sorry..but he fell on his face instead. He couldn't catch up to you, not like that anyway..He groaned and fell asleep on the concrete, only to be woken up by the woman who he was kissing a second ago.
"Hey ! You need to pay me !"
He stood up and put some cash in the woman's hand before wobbling to his car. He knew he couldn't come back to you like this, and he was too scared to even face you so, he just kept drinking and hoped to be drunk enough for all of his problems to just disappear. It usually worked. Alcool is the best medicine to mistakes. He crashed the car, unsurprisingly not dying in the process and spent the rest of the night wandering, until he finally got to his home and collapsed on the couch, wondering what kind of excuse he would come up with tomorrow ?
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A week later :
He knew that you would be upset..But it never crossed his mind that you could actually be so mad at him that you would stop talking to him completely. He tried to get into your dreams at night, but he failed the few times he tried and had left enough messages on your phone for it to have no space anymore.
"Hey, sweetheart..It's me again ? I don't know if you'll listen to this message but, please call me ? I don't know what I've done to make you so angry. But, I really don't like it when we're fighting. It's your buddy, Freddy. Please..Pick up."
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But, you don't. You're too upset to talk or even see him. You've been eating take-out for three days, just so you wouldn't see him at the local store or in the street..You even tried to stay awake so he wouldn't try to get into your head ! You know that Freddy is your best friend and you should be happy for him..but the pain remains. It hurts. It hurts so much because you know that—if you only asked—he wouldn't hesitate to give you what you want..but would it really be what you want ? The man would flirt, kiss and fool around with you..but, would he love you ? The answer is so obvious it hurts you even more. Freddy is many things, and predictable is one of them. You can already see his awkward smile when you would confess as he would try to sound genuine in his apology when he would eventually dump you..You wouldn't be able to handle it. You can feel your heart racing in your chest and tears threatening to spill at the corner of your eyes as exhaustion and pain take their toll on you. You scream your frustration out and grip the sides of your head tightly and curl up into a ball on your bed, wrapped in your blankets as you try not to think about Freddy. However, you eventually fall asleep.
When you wake up, you're in his nightmare realm. Suddenly, an arm wraps around you from behind.
"Gotcha !"
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You would recognize that heavy accent anywhere. You try to get out of his grip, but he is stronger than you and you can only stand still while he waits for you to calm down.
"Are ya gonna explain yo' self or am I supposed to read your mind and find out why you've been ignoring me for a week by myself ?"
You're so angry..You usually don't mind when he threatens you of intruding your mind, since you know he won't really do it. But, it only fuels the fire in your chest as you give him a kick where the sun doesn't shine with the heel of your foot. The man finally releases you to hold his family jewels rather comically, but his eyes clearly show that he isn't amused as he spats.
"What the f*ck was that for ?!"
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You bite your lower lip and pinch yourself to wake up, but realize with horror that you can't, as you're too tired to wake up and Freddy stands up to grab you by the back of the neck, forcing you to look at him in the eyes.
"Listen here, b*tch..I don't know what made you think that it was okay to mess with me ?! But, I'm tired of you game of hide and seek and I think it's high time you tell what the f*ck you want ?!"
Suddenly, the pain and anger you feel come tumbling down your lips as you scream, outraged.
"What I want..WHAT I WANT, FREDDY ?!"
He is surprised by your sudden outburst as you suddenly slap his arm away.
"I'll tell you what I want, Freddy ! I want you to stop being a jerk ! I want you to get your sh*t together and ask me out ! I want my ol' pal Freddy to stop fooling around behind my back because he doesn't want to hurt my feelings ! I want you to tell me what you feel about me, Freddy ! I'm tired of waiting, and so is my heart ! And I...!"
You don't get to finish that sentence as you feel a panic attack taking over you. You have trouble breathing and you hyperventilate as you grip the fabric over your heart tightly. Sh*t..It's your last thought before you pass out, which is pretty funny since you're already technically sleeping ? However, Freddy quickly understands that you're not faking and quickly gets out of your head to appear right next to you.
"Ssh..It's okay. I'm here. Ain't going anywhere..Just, please wake up love. Breathe. Do something !"
He starts looking around frantically for a solution and considers calling an ambulance when you wake up with a loud gasp and look up to see Freddy's worried face.
"Ya alright there, sweetheart ?"
Unbeknownst to him that the mere sight of him succeeds in making you panic again and your heart beat widely in your chest as you stammer.
"I..I don't..I don't know what..What just happened ?!"
At your question, Freddy pretends to think about it before answering you with a small smile.
"Huh...? Pretty sure you just confessed to me ? It was one hell of a speech. Very eloquent.."
You groan in annoyance at his sarcasm as he chuckles, still holding you in his arms as you try to turn away in order not to face him. But, Freddy has other plans as he stands up and lays on your bed, patting the space next to him.
"Come on, you're too tired to have this discussion. I'm pretty sure the dark circles underneath your eyes are not normal for a human. It's nap nap time. What ? Never had a man in your bed before, is that it ?"
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His joke would have made you laugh if you didn't feel so bad, knowing that you can't escape this time. Plus, he's right. You're exhausted and your bed looks heavenly from where you're standing. You sit down next to him and try to lay down as far as you can from him, but he doesn't let you as he pulls you towards him so your back is right against his torso as he nuzzles your neck and whispers.
"So..Wanna talk about it ?"
You don't respond and Freddy sighs before wrapping his arms around you.
"Come on..Why didn't you want me to find out anyways ? Aren't I the one who's supposed to ask you out ? Why didn't you tell me ? Would have spared us both some time.."
You close your eyes and think of all the things that could go wrong and the many many ways you could end up heartbroken.
"I..I don't want you to leave me.."
His eyes widen at your confession and he dares laugh as you glare at him from over your shoulder. He quickly explains.
"Me ? Leaving you ? Are you serious ?! I would never..I mean—I probably would with anyone else—never with you. Heck, you may be the only human being I find decent !"
You grin at the compliment, but the image of the woman from before comes back to mind and your mood sours as you ask.
"And her ? Who was she ?"
He arks an eyebrow, having completely forgotten about the hooker.
"Who ?"
You eyes darken as you remember them making out in the alley closest to your place of work.
"Seriously ? You don't remember..The woman I saw you with !"
He seems to finally get it and shakes his head in disbelief.
"The hooker ?! Come on ! Give me a break ! A man's gotta have some kind of relief sometimes ! You didn't look interested, so I had to go somewhere else !"
You flush at the implication and ask sheepishly, suddenly lacking words.
"Did you..Hum..You know ?"
He deadpans for a second before bursting out laughing and releasing you in the process to sit up and tilt his head to look at you, his eyes almost shining with mirth in the dark of your room.
"Really ?! Yes..I did have s*x before. I wasn't always disfigured and ugly as a rat's a** ! I'm not a prude and I've had s*x with plenty of people before !"
He seems proud of it, but it only makes you more nervous.
"How can I be sure that you won't leave me then ? I'm not your first anything. I'm not special.."
He frowns as you seem to really be worried that he would leave you at some point ? Not that he blames you..He wouldn't trust himself either. He lays back down with a loud thud, staring at the ceiling to search for an answer to give you.
"I mean..You're my first human friend since I came back to life ? That must count for something, right ?"
You smile at that and turn around to look him in the eyes as he seems more nervous than you now. You put your hand on his arm and squeeze it lightly to reassure him a bit.
"Hey..I'm glad that I got to meet you..You're my friend. You will always be..No matter if you love me or not ? I'll be there."
He looks at your hand on his arm and can’t help the warm feeling from invading his whole being as he tries to understand what he should do next ? Should he ask you out now ? Embrace you and never let you go ? Kiss you ? His eyes linger on your lips for a second and he wets his with his tongue, groaning when he sees you do the same. He leans forward and you don't back away. However, he looks away at the last moment and rest his hands on your hips before putting his forehead against yours.
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“Sh*t..I’m not good at this. Caring for someone is hard. What am I supposed to do ? I never truly cared about anyone before. I don't want to screw this up..”
You smile fondly and take him by surprise when you kiss the tip of his nose.
"How about we get to discover that together ? I won't let you screw this up."
You wrap your arms around him and nestle your face in the crook of his neck before muttering.
"But, right now ? I want to sleep..And since it's your fault I've been unable to sleep for the past few days ? You're gonna lay there and let me use you as a pillow.."
Freddy should be mad..You're the one who kept him at bay for the past few days ! But, he just humphs in approval before closing his eyes..He's tired too.
"Goodnight, pain in the ass.."
You snort before replying.
"Yeah..Love you too."
He waits a few seconds before smiling to himself and whispering.
"Yeah..That too.."
You then both fall asleep in each other's arms.
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johnsamericano · 3 years
𝔖𝔲𝔤𝔞𝔯 ℜ𝔲𝔰𝔥 𝔧.𝔧.𝔥
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Hi everyone! As promised, here’s one of the two most voted fic continuations. There will be more chapters to this story though I'm not sure how many yet. Thank you for reading!
warnings: sugar daddy jae, mentions of injuries and hospitals, language.
taglist: @thoreeo @trustmahluv
Sugar rush m.list.
The machine monitoring your father’s heartbeat was the only sound filling the quiet hospital room, where your once healthy father laid unconscious, his perfect, chiseled cheeks adorned with cuts and bruises. Would they leave a mark?
The machine monitoring your father’s heartbeat was the only sound filling the quiet hospital room, where your once healthy father laid unconscious, his perfect, chiseled cheeks adorned with cuts and bruises. Would they leave a mark?
The machine monitoring your father’s heartbeat was the only sound filling the quiet hospital room, where your once healthy father laid unconscious, his perfect, chiseled cheeks adorned with cuts and bruises. Would they leave a mark?
The machine monitoring your father’s heartbeat was the only sound filling the hospital room, where your once healthy father laid unconscious, his perfect, chiseled cheeks adorned with cuts and bruises. Would they leave a mark?
The machine monitoring your father’s heartbeat was the only sound filling the hospital room, where your once healthy father laid unconscious, his perfect, chiseled cheeks adorned with cuts and bruises. Would they leave a mark?
Where did everything go wrong?
Your string of thoughts was cut off by a call from your aunt.
Your string of thoughts was cut off by a call from your aunt.
“Hello?” Your voice was raspy from not using it. There was no one to talk to in the quiet, hospital room but the nurses, who weren't especially keen on chatting.
“How’s your dad, sweetie?”
“They let him out of ICU, but he doesn't look good to me.” Your fingers traced the cuts in his chiseled cheeks that would soon turn into scars, ruining his perfect skin. Your eyes then diverted to his head, thoroughly covered in bandages to protect his damaged skull.
“Honey, I've got bad news...”
“They rejected the case, didn't they?”
“Not precisely.” She deeply inhaled before continuing. “It’s a tough case, almost impossible to win, nonetheless, they're willing to take it. But their fee is a little...”
As expected from the best firm in town, they wouldn't take less than $8,000. Your bank account didn't have enough money to even cover half of it, and with your job at the convenience store, you'd only earn so much to cover your expenses.
“We can take the lawyer that the government provides us with, it would be free.”
“But then I'm sure we’d lose.” You groaned in frustration, using your free hand to rub your forehead. “Don’t worry, I'll find a way to get the money.”
“Why don't we just accept the compensation they're offering? It could pay for the hospital bills and you'd still have some left to pay for your tuition.”
“That would be like putting a price on my father's life. I don't want their money, I want them to make themselves responsible for what they've caused.” The sound of wheels approached the door of your father's room, signaling the nurse was outside with his meds. “It’s okay, Auntie, I'll take care of everything. You can go back home, I know my uncle isn't doing so well.”
“Are you sure, darling?” It was undeniable that she wanted to head back to her little ranch fat away from the hectic city life to take care of her sick husband, but still, her brother was laying down on a hospital bed, fighting for his life.
“Yes, I'm an adult, I'll find a way.”
“Take care of yourself, and don't hesitate to call me if you're having any difficulties. I'll be there in the blink of an eye.” She said before sending a kiss into the speaker, proceeding to hang up.
You sighed. It was never usual for you to ask for help, as you were an extremely prideful and independent person, and you doubted this time would be different.
“Don’t worry, dad. Everything will be alright.”
Three failed job interviews and one more to go. Your feet were killing you, the high heels covering them already worn out from walking to avoid taking the bus. Every penny counted, and as long as your legs worked, you weren't spending any more money than what was necessary.
You sat down in the waiting room of the company, massaging your neck to relieve some tension. College was becoming a burden. Maybe you'd take a semester off to focus on working, that is if someone wanted to hire an inexperienced student.
“Y/n, Y/l/n?”
“Here.” You darted up, gathering your belongings to enter the room on which your life almost literally depended.
You gave all the right answers, earning a polite ‘we’ll contact you’ in return. But you could see that they weren't convinced with your lack of experience, no company in their right mind would be.
As soon as you arrived at your apartment, you slid out of the uncomfortable pencil skirt, tucking yourself under the covers with your phone screen almost hitting your nose.
To take your mind off things, you decided to watch some videos. Halfway in, an ad popped up, interrupting the interior deco video you were watching.
A picture of a girl about your age hugging an older man was right in the middle of your screen. Written with fancy letters, the words ‘make your life simpler’ could be read, followed by what you guessed was the title of the app. Sugar rush.
Out of pure curiosity, your finger tapped at the small icon that led to the app store, absentmindedly clicking the download button. A few seconds later, an icon with the letters ‘SR’ was added to your home screen.
“Log in?” You murmured out loud, squinting your eyes to adjust your eyes to the bright, white homepage.
Just as you were about to click out, the phrase from the ad reappeared, stopping your finger from moving any further.
You could always delete your account if something went wrong, right? Nonetheless, you decided to use a false name, and that's how Melanie Kim’s profile was created. You left the circle of your profile picture empty for now, only filling the spaces that asked about your likes, dislikes, age, and all that stuff that people care about so much.
You knew what the app was for, but that didn't stop you from being surprised when a list of men and women of different ages greeted you. Right then, a small rectangle obstructed your sight, two buttons offering opposite things.
‘Pick the role you'd like to develop.’
Sugar daddy/mommy / Sugar baby.
Clearly, you didn’t have nor the money or the years to be the first, so you clicked the opposite button without giving it more thought.
‘Welcome. You've been registered as a sugar baby at Sugar rush. Meet thousands of men and women willing to finance you for free!’
You hummed.
‘As we're always looking to make our users’ experience better, we've developed Sugar Rush premium, a membership to meet the richest and hottest people in your surroundings. Get the premium version for only $5.95 a month. Click here to get Sugar Rush premium.’
Your finger pad was dangerously close to the blue button, almost grazing the screen of the phone. It was then when you were pulled out of your trance, blinking as if just then you'd realized what you were doing.
“I must be crazy.” You turned off your phone, not bothering to turn on an alarm for the next day. You had no interviews left. You had nowhere to go.
Waking up was getting harder with every passing day. Not being able to call your dad to go out for breakfast or even sending a simple good morning message hurt you deeply. You missed him. But seeing him laying down on a hospital bed, unable to do anything by himself, was even worse.
A notification filled the silence in your room.
‘Come back, you haven't finished setting up your account yet!’
You scoffed at your past self. What were you even thinking when you downloaded the app?
You simply turned off the phone before standing up to take a relaxing shower. As the water soaked up your tense body, your mind started wandering off back to the app. A million what-ifs filled your head, nonetheless, there was one that remained the most persistent.
‘What if this can pay for a lawyer?’
Your part-time job surely couldn't, and you had no one to assist you financially speaking. The whole idea of paying that ridiculous membership seemed more tempting as your fingers started getting wrinkly under the showerhead.
You decided to take some time to consider it, after all, you still had a week to give the lawyers an answer.
Hot soup seemed like a good option to comfort you, and thankfully, there was a store right in front of your place that claimed to sell the best soups in town.
It wasn't bad, but not nearly as good as the one your dad cooked when you were a kid. You sighed, wondering if you'd ever be able to eat it again. Just then, a woman about your age came into the shop, carrying a couple of bags where names of popular brands could be read. A pinch of jealousy made your heart stir as you glanced at yourself through the reflection in the glass at your side. You looked devastated, your skin pale and your cheekbones slightly sunken, a sign of the lack of rest and food you'd been getting.
Out of pure impulse, you pulled out your phone, clicked on the app you'd recently downloaded, and finally accepted the charges for a premium membership.
‘Welcome, new member of our wide community, click ok to get started!’
Well, no turning back now.
Right after pressing the blue letters with your thumb, you were presented with a list of potential prospects, some of them including pictures, some of them only including name and a brief description of what they were looking for. The minority included their ages, but most left the space blank.
A bunch of old men looking for a youthful, pretty woman to be by their sides, some of them even went as far as writing the weight and height their ideal partner should have. Of course, there were also some women in the look for young meat, but the number of men overpassed them.
About to exit the app in defeat, a profile caught your eye. His pale pink hair was parted, allowing his thick eyebrows to stand out. His high cheekbones made him look like a statue, the details in his face almost too perfect for a mere human. He must be the incarnation of a Greek God, you thought.
‘Jung Yoonoh. 41 years old. Owner of N & C.’
“Should I...?” You asked yourself in a voice lower than a whisper.
He has probably gotten hundreds of messages, so what would be the point of sending one yourself? Your eyes scanned the picture over and over again as the remains of your soup started getting cold.
He was probably the only acceptable man in the whole app, so why not give it a try?
You already spent five whole dollars on it, might as well make it worth the money.
‘Hi.’ Sent.
“Holy crap.” You breathed out, regretting every single action that led you to take such a stupid decision. “Ah!” You squeaked as three small dots appeared beside his profile picture, signaling he was writing a reply.
What if he rejected you right from the beginning? God, that would be so humiliating. His message stopped your train of thought.
Followed by:
‘How are you?’
Sweating like a pig, thank you for asking.
‘Fine. You?’ Read.
‘Thrilled. No one had messaged me since I created my account two weeks ago.’
‘How is that possible?’ You imprinted your thoughts on a message.
‘It’s hard to trust people nowadays. I guess people might think either my picture is photoshopped or I'm lying about my job.’
‘Their loss, ig.’ Read.
He was taking some time to answer. Had you said something inappropriate?
The conversation stopped there, as you didn't know how exactly to answer his message. But a few minutes later, another text from him popped up at your chat.
‘If you're okay with it, we can start talking about a possible arrangement.’
Already? You've known each other for like five minutes. But then again, arrangements were the whole purpose of the app.
‘May I ask your reasons for joining the app?’
‘I need urgent money, but my job doesn't pay nearly enough.’ You omitted the part of your agonizing father, he didn't need to know that. ‘And you?’
‘I need someone to be my partner at public spaces.’
‘Alright.’ Read.
‘Do you happen to have some free time tomorrow at lunchtime? I think it’d be better to meet first before making any decisions.’
‘Yeah, I'm free.’
‘Great, I’ll send you the address.’
You thought a day would be enough to prepare yourself, but time passed by quicker than usual, and soon enough, it was time to get ready for your meeting with Mr. Jung. He was only a few years younger than your father, and calling him by his first name wouldn't feel right.
Unsure if you should wear something formal, you threw on a beige (the color you'd agreed on wearing so it’d be easier to recognize each other) summer dress, pairing it with the gold hoops you'd inherited from your grandma to make it look more elegant.
The hardest part of your routine was makeup. Your sunken cheeks couldn't be covered, and only after a few layers of blush and highlighter, you could bring your skin back to life.
On your way to the cafe, you went through the things you'd say when you met him. It was your chance to get your father what he needed.
You stood at the entrance with wide, scared eyes, shyly scanning through the place to look for your date.
“Melanie?” A hand on your shoulder had you jolting. “I’m Jung Yoonoh, nice to meet you.”
What you saw after turning around was breathtaking. A handsome, healthy man, with the most beautiful pair of dimples.
“Nice to meet you.” You managed to blurt out without stuttering, extending your hand to make the greeting more formal. The fake name didn’t seem necessary anymore. “It’s actually y/n, I didn't want to use my real name.”
“I understand. Let’s take a seat.” He offered with a kind smile.
He left you seating at the terrace while he made your order, a latte, and a chocolate cookie. Your fingers played with your hoops anxiously, trying to regulate your breath.
“They’ll bring our food in just a sec.” He offered a warm smile. “Your dress is pretty.” Yoonoh said out of nowhere.
“Thank you.”
“I see you're not a chatty person.” You were about to object, but he started speaking again. “It's not a bad thing! I usually talk a lot, so it’s a nice way to balance things.”
You nodded, seemingly uncomfortable with the man sitting in front of you.
“So, uhm, this is my first time doing this, so I'm not really sure where to begin.” He pulled out a folded paper from the front pocket of his dressing pants. “It’s a bit creased, but I can always print another one. I brought it so you could take a look and let me know if you wanted to change anything. I don't mean to pressure you, but you said it was urgent, so...”
You read the paper under his attentive gaze, making sure not to miss a single word. Everything seemed correct, except...
“Six months?”
“Is that too much?” A small wrinkle formed between his eyebrows, a sign of deep concentration. “Okay, so let's do this instead.”
He took back the contract, pulling out a pen from the pocket in his dressing shirt to correct the original stipulations.
“Four months, and if by the end of them you don't absolutely hate me, we can extend the time. Deal?”
“Just one more thing.”
You cleared your throat, conscious that your following words might jeopardize the whole arrangement.
“Are you sure you want to make it official already?” You had to stop for a moment as the waiter left your orders on top of the wooden table. “I mean, it's not that I have a problem with it, but it's your money and maybe you'd like to give it a better thought.” You resumed.
“The fact that you're concerned about me proves I'm making the right choice. Now, tell me, how much would you like to receive as a weekly allowance?”
Would it be too reckless to ask him straight up for the $8,000?
“H-how much are you willing to give me?” You felt dirty, accepting a stranger’s money like that.
“Whatever you need.” His hand suddenly reached forward to yours, causing every ounce of blood in your body to rush to your face. “There’s no need to be embarrassed, I'm here to help you.” His voice tone dropped, acquiring an almost soothing feeling.
“I need eight thousand by Thursday, next week.” His eyes were wide open, mouth having difficulties remaining closed. “I-I know it's too much, but...”
“I can find a way to give you that money, but I'd like to know the reason why you need it. Just to make sure it's nothing illegal.”
You puffed your cheeks, trying to find an excuse good enough to justify the amount of money you were asking for.
“It isn’t illegal, is it?”
“No!” You retrieved your hand from below his, now embarrassed at the possibility of him having a bad image of you. “I need it for my father.”
“I suppose you don't want to talk about it.” He started at his palm, lips pressed in a thin life. “But when it comes to arrangements like this, we need to trust each other, alright?” You barely knew each other, yet, he demanded to know a very personal detail of your life. Not that he didn't have a good reason for wanting to know, it wasn't a particularly small amount of money.
“He had an accident at work...” You started, fearful of looking up to find pity in his eyes. “I need a lawyer to make his company legally responsible. They intend to throw it under the rug and pay a somewhat decent amount of money to make it go away. The firm I intend to hire is supposedly the best in town, probably my only chance of getting justice.”
“And why don't you just accept it? There's no guarantee that your lawyer will win the case.” You fisted the delicate fabric of your dress, eyes watering as you tried to hold back your anger.
“My father’s life is priceless, and if you think what I'm doing is a waste of money, then fine, we can both look for someone else to help us.” It sounded more aggressive than you'd first intended, but you meant every word that came out of your mouth.
Before you could even stand up, his slim fingers had already wrapped themselves around your wrist.
“I never said that.” He whispered with an almost sad tone. “Come on, sit down.”
He tugged at your arm the slightest, showing off his charming dimples once again.
“I’ll give you the money on one condition...” He raised one of his thick eyebrows. “I’ll go with you to see the lawyer.”
“That’s my condition, take it or leave it.”
The days before your meeting with your potential lawyer were nerve-wracking. You'd seen Yoonoh another time to sign the contract, which finally made your arrangement official.
You’d visit your father every day, always hoping he'd be sitting with his arms wide open, ready to hug you. But nothing had changed ever since he first came into that room.
“I’m here to see Mr. Kim.” The secretary's gaze lingered on Jaehyun a few seconds before he finally snapped out of it. “Y/n Y/l/n.”
“Just a second.” He opened his agenda and quickly found your appointment. With a warm smile, he guided you through the corridors of the building, all the way to the elevator. “It’s the only office on the last floor, I'll be at my desk if you need anything.”
Once again, he shot Jae an uneasy glance before the metal doors slid close.
“What was all that?” To be honest, you couldn't care less. But a small chat might calm your nerves and prevent you from throwing up all over the place.
“What do you mean?” He grinned, pressing the button to the top floor.
“You know what I mean.” You scoffed, annoyed at his evasive behavior.
“We just happen to know each other, nothing special.” Before the conversation could continue, a loud ding resonated through the metal cubicle. “Let’s go.” His hand found its place at the small of your back, pushing you towards the glass door. Through it, you could see a black-haired man reading a pile of documents, occasionally raising a photo to examine it with his gold-rimmed glasses supported at the bridge of his elegant nose.
Jaehyun extended his arm over your shoulder to knock on the door, earning an almost annoyed ‘come in’ from the man inside.
“Let’s go.” Once again invading your personal space, he reached for the doorknob with you trapped between his arms.
As soon as the door opened, the man raised his eyes from the documents he was checking.
“What are you doing here, Jung?”
“I knew something was off...” You murmured, loud enough for the man at your side to chuckle.
“I brought you a client, you should be happy.”
“Miss y/n, I suppose. Have a seat.” His demeanor completely changed while speaking directly to you. “I spoke with your aunt last week, she explained the details of the lawsuit, but I must say, it isn't an easy case.”
“I know that, but I've been told you're the best firm in town, I know I'll have more possibilities of winning if you're my lawyer.”
“Best firm in town my ass.”
“Be silent or I’ll kick you out of the building.”
That was enough for Yoonoh to zip his mouth. For a while at least.
“I suppose she also told you about our fee.” He pushed his glasses up using his thumb. “We’d also keep 25% of the lawsuit money assuming we win the case, is that okay with you?”
“Okay, stop.”
“I’ll call security, Jung.”
“Look at me, y/n.” He squeezed your arms. “This clown is trying to scam you...” He pointed his finger at the lawyer without breaking eye contact. “You’d be spending loads of money for someone who isn't even confident in his abilities. It isn't worth it.”
“And I suppose you'd do better than me, then.” The black-haired man scoffed. “If that's the case, then you can both leave. I'm quite busy at the moment.” With a turn of his wrist, he signaled you to leave the room.
You were fuming, stomping out of the building with Jaehyun right behind you.
“I found a great restaurant nearby, we can go there and-”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Calm down-”
“Don’t tell me to calm down when you just fucked up my only chance to give those bastards what they deserve.” The sun was starting to set, yellow light casting shadows over his tender cheeks.
“Can you listen to me for a second?”
“Are you laughing right now?” You bit your lip, hard, trying to hold back the tsunami of tears threatening to come out of your eyes. “Asshole.”
“Ouch.” He furrowed his eyebrows mockingly. Oh, how close you were to punch that pretty face of his. “Can I explain now?”
You remained silent, staring at the ground with the smallest frown between your eyebrows.
“How do you think I know Kim Doyoung?” Before even giving you a chance to answer, he continued. “That son of a bitch has been stealing my clients for ages.”
“Your clients...?”
“He isn't even that good of a lawyer compared to me.” He scoffed with fake arrogance.
“You're a lawyer?!” You slammed your palms into your face, whining at the newly acquired information. “Why didn't you tell me from the beginning?”
“Just wanted to swing by and annoy him a bit. Don't worry, I wasn't gonna let you accept his deal.” He winked playfully.
The sun was now hidden, the sky darkening as the moon rose to take its shift.
“Though I gotta say, I'm kinda offended I wasn't even an option. I'm a pretty great lawyer, you know?”
“I’ll forgive you if you join me for dinner. What do you say?”
As you walked into the darkness of the streets, his shoulder occasionally bumping yours, you wondered if meeting him was a casualty. Maybe the world was finally smiling at you.
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duckugou · 3 years
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Kenma x GN!reader
Im trying to stray away from my comfort zone of just writing readers that use she/her so bear with me
sorry if this lowkey sucks but it was inspired by harry styles song golden
cw: big cursing, huge fluff, strangers to friends to lovers, comfort, aged up!
come to my asks to be a part of my taglist! just let me know what kinds of fics/ what fandom/ what characters/ etc you want to be tagged in!
Requests are open!!
Being a streamer comes with perks. Being comfy at home, not having to face people in real life every day, playing games, typical shit. Another perk is making good friends.
Meeting people on a voice chat is common for Kenma -guys and gals alike. What he wasnt expecting one night was the sweetest voice on the other end of his headphones.
"You're all fucks- I'm better at this game than all of you combined. Try me."
To think that was the sentence that made Kenma's ears perk up and burn.
"What the hell ever- we have the great Kodzuken on our side." One of the guys said, half joking half dead serious.
"Oh yeah, he isn't even speaking up to defend your pussy asses- probably knows I could beat him too." You could hear the smirk in that last part.
"U-uh, no. You can't beat me. Nobody can actually. Not at this game." Kenma rebutted , confident in his gaming skills but not so much his speaking skills to this stranger.
"Oh man, you certainly sound confident. Come on, Kodzuken- 1v1 me then. Show me who the best really is."
Kenma suddenly felt nervous. Should he really demolish this stranger? Isn't it polite to let the person you like win? He didn't like this person yet but god their voice was attractive.
"Fine. Send the request." He decided.
"Sent, fucker."
The game resulted in a tie because this stranger actually knew what they were doing. They both threw friendly insults at each other the whole time of course, making each of them laugh a little.
"Okay fine. The great Kodzuken himself almost beat me. Im almost honored to have a great streamer almost beat me."
"Well you almost beat me too- uh-" Kenma stuttered over the fact that he didn't know how to address this stranger.
"Oh! Call me Y/n." The person giggled.
"You can uh, call me Kenma."
"Oh you don't want me to repeat your title over and over like everyone else?" They laughed.
"No, friends don't call me that. They use my name name." His ears were burning.
"Friends, huh? Guess that means you owe me your number so we can schedule a rematch where I can properly beat your ass."
"Huh, guess so."
A few months had gone by and Y/n and Kenma were as close as they could be. They found out they live close by each other and began hanging out a lot.
Y/n would be in the back of his streams on occasion and wouldn't hesitate to speak up during them. Thats the thing about Y/n. They've always been so outspoken. Since the start. Everything they talk about comes so easy to Y/n. Nothing is held back. Kenma knows everything about them. He on the other hand is still a bit closed off. Quiet. The two are so opposite yet so alike. Kenma doesn't speak much about himself, opting to listen.
Especially when talking about past relationships.
One night, they were sat in Kenmas room in separate chairs, letting conversations flow.
"So, you've dated but why have the relationships ended?" Y/n asked.
"Ah, I dont know- its not important. Why did yours end?" Kenma flipped the question as he always does.
"One guy cheated," Y/n tossed a piece of popcorn in the air, missing their mouth and brushing it off. "One girl left because she was leaving for school, and one guy just didn't mesh with me. Your turn." Y/n pushed the question back.
"Uh- well. I don't click with people easily. I'm pretty closed off so when I date it usually ends in hurt feelings by accident or they get sick of me." Kenma finally admitted.
"Huh." Y/n flopped onto their stomach on the bed after setting down the popcorn. "Don't you like anyone though? Like- if you liked someone enough, do you think you would give opening up a shot?"
"I mean I guess. Nobody ever takes the time to...pry me open." That got a laugh out of Y/n. Good. "But yeah I do like someone."
Sitting up suddenly, Y/n became visibly excited.
"No god no- it isnt important." Kenmas ears burned again.
"Come onnnnn. Its gotta be someone big time cool to earn your heart. I have to approve."
Y/n pulled Kenma from his chair to the bed, not letting go of his hand as he sat down.
"Theyre very cool- and very sweet. Understanding. Someone who stands up for me and makes me comfortable-" Kenma began gushing.
"Do I know them?" Y/n interrupted.
"Y-yeah. You sure do." Kenma scratched the back of his neck.
"Oooh ok, a guessing game. Describe them more- their looks!" Y/n held his hand tighter, bouncing up and down with excitement.
"Well- ok." Kenma took a deep breath and decided he could be vague enough. "Theyre short. As short if not shorter than me. Competitive. Very cute smile-"
"TOO VAGUE give me the JUICY DETAILS" Y/n pushed.
"They uh- they have..pretty eyes." He was staring at this point, eyes wandering around Y/ns face to find more things to describe. "cute nose too I guess. Squishy cheeks. Glasse-"
"WHO THE HELL IS IT KENMA- its starting to sound like youre describing me." Y/n laughed.
"No- I'm totally not!" Kenma rushed.
"Tell this person you like them. You look so happy when you talk about them. Its kind of sickening."
"I can't just do that." Kenma stated flatly.
"Yeah you can."
"DO ITTTT. Nothing to be scared of- it's CUTE. They would be dumb to not like you."
Kenma sighed, knowing he couldn't tell Y/n the truth about who he liked. What does he usually do when he's put in a corner like this? Oh thats right-
"Who do you like then Y/n?" He asked, proud of himself for deflecting again.
"Oh thats easy. You." Y/n said, letting go of his hand and laying back on the bed, leaving Kenma sitting up and stunned.
"What? No I mean a crush idiot. Who do you liiikkkeee?" Kenma pushed, hoping he didn't hear Y/n wrong.
"You, Kenma. I've had a crush since our first tie in a game. Thought that was obvious-"
Kenma flopped back on the bed as well. The both of them looking at each other.
"Oh. My person is uh... really... open and honest." Kenma said quietly.
"Is that why you wont tell them?" Y/n asked just as hushed.
"Yeah... what if right now they say yes but then their feelings change one day? That would hurt so bad. Worse than not telling them ever." He whispered.
There was silence. They knew what they both just admitted. Kenmas heart started racing. This might've fucked everything up. He might lose them. But they like him too so why is he so scared?
Y/n held his hand again.
"I know that youre scared because I'm so open...but hey... If you wanna give it a try..." Y/n whispered, scared about whether or not their honesty fucked them over.
"You might be right this time Y/n." Kenma whispered.
The space between them was closed due to both of them being drawn together like magnets in that moment. A sweet kiss.
"Let's try it then. I'll work on... being more open if you'd like." Kenma said.
"Kenma. I dont want you to change one bit. I like you the way you are."
Acceptance. It was the best thing Kenma has ever felt.
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