#I drew this last night cause I was like ‘I miss figure skating. lets take a break and DRAW FIGURE SKATERS’
ratislatis · 1 year
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miss-pearlescent · 6 years
A Work in Progress
This was a draft that I never got around to finishing until I was moved by all the support you guys were giving me...AND IT’S STILL NOT ACTUALLY COMPETE but I figured I would “talk” you all through the ending LOL Read on and you’ll understand.
Oh, and happy holidays!
“I would move a mountain for you.”
The tears started flowing and she couldn’t stop them. An ache settled deep within her chest as the book she was reading began to get blurry before her watery eyes. She lived for the pain and angst of romance novels, but she could never live through the misery of unrequited love herself.
Speaking of...
She felt heavy fingers brush through her fine hair as the naked body behind her began to stir.
She wiped at the tears with the heavy sheets. “Hmm?” she asked, though her voice squeaked at the end.
“Sona, are you crying?”
“No,” she lied, even as she craned her neck back to see the sleepy demon prince rise from his sleep.
He rested his chin on her shoulder as he watched her with concern in his eyes. “What happened?”
Sona shook her head. “Nothing. Go back to sleep.”
“It’s not nothing if you’re crying.” He grabbed her by the waist and turned her around so she was resting on his chest. “Now tell me what Kai, the mighty Prince of Hell, can do for you.”
She rolled her eyes in amusement but closed her book to settle closer to him. “I was just reading a book.”
“Ah,” Kai murmured as if that told him everything. “What happened this time? The dragon ate the knight in shining armour and now the princess has to marry the big, scary beast?”
She cut him a look. “No, worse.”
“Worse?” he asked in an exaggerated voice. “What’s worse than being forced to marry a dragon?”
Burying her face into his chest, Sona took a deep breath. “Not knowing if the one you love loves you back,” she whispered. “The hero is about to die and he thinks the heroine is in love with somebody else. All he wants is for her to feel loved and do you know what he said just now, right as he was about to take his last dying breath?” She punctuated her words with tiny jabs at his chest.
Kai was tracing little circles along the back of her neck, comforting her. “What did he say?” he asked softly.
“He said he would move a mountain for her.” Sona sniffled and squeezed her eyes shut to hold back the tears. “A whole mountain!”
He let her wallow in her own sorrow for a moment. She clung to his chest, relishing in the comfort he provided but also wishing she could finish her novel at the same time. There was quite a bit left and she knew there were twists and turns around the corner. She just had to get through those to reach the happy ending.
Sona felt the little scoff that came from Kai. She rose her head and narrowed her eyes, daring him to laugh at her emotions.
He didn’t look at her, just continued to watch the spot on her shoulder where he drew shapes and lines. “He said he would move a mountain? Just one?” The corner of his lips kicked up as he gave her a sly look. “I’d part the seas and move a whole mountain range to create its own island if my woman wanted it.”
She snorted and laid her head back down. “This isn’t a competition.” She began tracing her own little drawings on his palm. “Besides, he’s a human, Mr. Mighty Prince of Hell. You’re not allowed to compare your powers to us.”
“You’re a pretty strong human yourself, Little Miss Wicked Witch of the West,” he teased. “I’m sure you could move a mountain or two yourself if you wanted.”
“I just got lucky at birth,” she said, referring to her ability to cast spells that influenced the weather. Then she thought about how her abilities got her to this place, running from her King straight into the arms and bed of the “enemy.” “Or maybe I got unlucky,” she mumbled with a shrug.
Kai gave a deep sigh but he kept his mouth shut. Sona knew how much he hated it when she disliked her own powers, but she had only started learning to contain the self-hate.
Growing up, Sona was raised in a kingdom of humans, where everybody was the same and nobody knew about the supernatural. Then her mom gave birth to a daughter who, at the age of 6, could ask a cloud to rain upon her mother’s crops in the middle of a drought that had originally caused a mass famine.
At first, the villagers had been frightened of Sona...until hunger took over and they knocked on her mother’s door to ask for rain on their own lands.
Though her mother had started with lies, saying there was no such thing as magic, Sona saw the desperation in her neighbours’ eyes and gave the farmers some rain during the night when nobody could see.
Her village flourished and things were great as Sona grew older. There was only one summer where officials were suspicious. It was hard enough to grow produce on the side of the mountain, but Sona’s mother was bringing carts and carts of crops to the market everyday.
After they had a suspicious official search their home, Sona knew she couldn’t overdo it with the weather anymore. She kept low until a second drought hit her kingdom years later.
The new King had heard of the remarkable growth of Sona’s village and sent soldiers to interrogate the people.
She didn’t like to think about that day because it was the last time she saw her mother before being dragged away to the King’s court.
There, her powers were honed and abused. She was locked up for days until she could cause floods that filled all the rice paddies, till she could bring the sun out in the middle of the night.
And she was forced into an engagement with the King.
It wasn’t until one of her guards saw her plans for an escape that he helped her leave the walls of the kingdom. She walked for days and days until she came upon a town inhabited by what she thought were monsters.
She remembered blacking out before waking up to see Kai’s face.
“What are your plans for today?” he asked, changing the subject and pulling her out of her reverie.
She smiled to herself, thinking of the past month where he patched her up and introduced her to a spellcaster in his outcast town who helped build her skills. Kai was the leader of this town on the other side of the mountain and she grew to love him day by day.
Which was why she wasn’t surprised when he told her he was a demon prince, banished from hell to live out his life on Earth.
Sona played with the chain around his neck. “I think I’ll go visit Mr. Oh this afternoon and bring his family some cake. It’s his grandson’s birthday.” Mr. Oh was the spellcaster who was surprised by Sona’s powers and excited to work with her. He was like a father figure to her. “What’s this?” she asked, pointing at the clover on Kai’s chain.
“It’s the protection charm you gave me,” he explained. She had given Kai a coin with a protection spell on it the day Mr. Oh had taught it to her. “I didn’t know where to keep the coin so I got it melted down into a clover and attached it to my neck. Now I won’t be able to lose it.”
She felt a smile cracking through her lips. “I like it.” She leaned up to give him a quick kiss on the lips.
He rolled her over to deepen it. “You’ll like this too.”
Sona moaned as a hand skated up her side, brushing her nipple in a tease.
And this was where her conscious fought with her.
The relationship she shared with Kai was so perfect, yet neither of them knew where they stood. When she had first climbed into his bed, it was like a magnet had brought them together. After that, they were unable to spend a night apart. And during the day, she longed to be close to him. She wanted to share all her thoughts and ideas with him.
But she knew his greatest wish was to go back home. Things were difficult on Earth, especially in a town where it rained often. And many days were a gloomy grey. In the middle of a week of rain, Sona broke her own rules just to part the clouds and let the sun peak through a bit.
She didn’t realize her heart would be the one to warm up when she saw Kai watching her with awe and pride.
So, selfishly, she tried everything she could to make him happy. She wanted him to stay despite knowing it was futile. He deserved to go back home, where he could be treated like the prince he was.
And where humans weren’t allowed unless they were dead.
OK I’ve let this “first chapter” sit here for a long while and I’ve tried to come back to it but I can’t so here is the rest of the plot:
The next day, they wake up to their village being seized by Sona’s kingdom’s army. Kai fights them and wins, but a soldier named Baekhyun finds Sona. Baekhyun is the one who freed Sona in the first place so even though Kai is like “WTFFFF IMMA KILL YOU,” Sona is like “lemme talk to Baekhyun.” Baek is like “yo, I admit defeat but like...you gotta come back with me to your kingdom.”
Kai is pissed.
Sona (the reasonable person she is) asks “why?”
Baekhyun: If you don’t, the king is gonna burn down the whole kingdom.
The kingdom is on the other side of the mountain. The inland side, so it doesn’t get much rain.
In comparison, Kai’s village is on the side of the mountain that faces the ocean and therefore gets hella rain.
The proper term for all of this is “rain shadow.” For reference, think of North America’s Rocky Mountains LOOOL
ANYWAY, Sona’s kingdom is dying once again because it’s a desert and only she was able to grow FUCKEN RICE IN A DESERT. So the king is calling her back or else he’s gonna set fire to a kingdom of starving people.
And why is Baekhyun so worried? BECAUSE HE’S GOT A GIRL BACK THERE ;______; He was ready to wife her!!!!!
Sona is like “nooooo :( moral duties!”
Sona’s like “no the humans hate demons. they’re gonna kill you :(((((((((( This is my fight.”
Kai’s like “LISTEN. TO. ME. LINDA.”
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Ofc he has to be heroic and shit so Sona’s like “FINE. But you are only gonna be chaperoning me. I am NOT risking ur ass by taking you into a kingdom that hates anything ~magical~”
Kai agrees but more like “k watever”
Here is where I had a dilemma LOL I wanted them to go on a motorcycle because KIM JONGIN IS SO HOT ON A MOTORCYCLE LMFAO but why would a demon from a poor wittle village have a motorcycle....
So in my head, they rode on some motorcycle thingy that had a big black cloud veil and whatnot while Baekhyun rode his horse with the other nearly-dead soldiers behind them lol
They arrive at the kingdom and Kai is pissed af because he’s worried :( Yeah I hate when men do this because it’s a really bad way to channel your emotions but men are dumb and never change ALAS!
They get in a big fight and Sona has to leave to go into the kingdom while they’re still angry/ignoring each other.
Kai is all haughty and fuming, waiting in a tree and shit while he watches Sona be escorted past the gates of the kingdom....and the moment she is gone, HE STARTS REGRETTING EVERYTHING LMFAO
jokes on you!
Sona agrees to whatever the king says (idk what he says, lol my imagination didn’t care about this king) BUT THE KING GOES BACK ON HIS WORD BECAUSE HE’S SMART ENOUGH TO KNOW THAT HIS KINGDOM IS PERISHING DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCES OUT OF HIS CONTROL YET EVERYBODY THINKS IT’S HIS OWN FAULT so he sets fire to everything including himself. I feel like his brain’s going “If I can’t rule this kingdom, THEN NOBODY SHALL!”
He dies, but his orders were to have soldiers scattered around the kingdom so that once the king’s castle was lit on fire, these soldiers would know to start fires in their own places too.
Thankfully, they’re not ALL dumb as shit. Some decide that this is actually a bad idea, so they help evacuate whoever they can.
Ofc, our heroine helps too :’) She brings whoever she can out past the gates and then tries to bring some rain from the ocean.
While she’s working, she realizes that Kai is not at their meeting spot. She doesn’t see him at all, actually.
She’s scared but SHE HAS WORK TO DO!
So she’s all busy concentrating on bringing the rain past the mountains (she cannot gather enough water from the land around her to create a mass of precipitation because it’s a desert.......yes, i think about these things too)
Then she sees Kai running towards her carrying a whole cart of people (indeed, our man found a CART!)
She’s about to call him but then he runs back in and she’s like “OMFG I’M GONNA LOSE HIM” but that thought only stays for a split second cuz she still has to get the rain over here lol
The fire’s basically burned down the kingdom at this point. Kai has brought out many people (he’s fine in the fire because he’s a demon AND he has a cute protection charm hehehe) but then he sees Sona struggling and he looks up and sees the dark clouds forming on the other side of the mountain.
Guess what he does?
Sona is like “O_O” when she suddenly looks over and KAI IS PUSHING THE MOUNTAIN RANGE OVER.
biiiitch he did that!
Rain pooooooooours down the mountain and starts dousing the fire. Problem is, everything is suddenly dark and the ground is slippery lol DIDN’T THINK OF THAT, HUH?
So they’re still scrambling to get survivors out. Towards the end, Sona is helping a family out when suddenly she slips because she’s human and there’s mud everywhere. Her ankle twists and she just sits there for a second as she sees Baekhyun call off the search. It’s been hours and everyone’s exhausted.
Kai turns back and starts walking towards Sona, and she’s shook because 1) HE’S HOT AF and 2) his eyes are blue and his hair is white...sound familiar??
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Anyway, he takes off his hat and holds out his hand with a smirk on his face and goes “Did I move enough mountains for you?”
He pulls Sona up off the ground and sees that shes limping and suddenly drops his smirk. She’s like “no, it’s nothing” but ofc Kai has to be heroic and shit so he picks her up and VROOM VROOM they go off in their motorcycle back to the village LOOOOOOOOOOOOL
The whole way back though, they’re silent but for different reasons. Sona is hella sad because she’s sooooo in love with Kai but knows that she’s just drawing out something that’s gonna end badly. She wants to protect her heart, ya know!
Whereas Kai....has different reasons :)
So we get back to Kai’s place and Sona is washing up while Kai just sits on his little settee. When Sona’s done, she tells him to go wash up but he just grunts.
We love grunting. Why? CUZ HE’S BROODING?
Sona is thinking the same thing LOL but Kai directs her to lay down on the settee (isn’t it dirty, Kai??) and props her foot up on a couple pillows.
“Why do you still look like this?” she asks in a whisper, gently fingering through the strands of white on his head.
(a/n: sorry I had to /write/ that part out because it sets the mood a lot but DAMN i wanna barf at my own writing LOL just imagine everything is warm and candlelit, and Kai is attentively catering to Sona while she lounges on the settee)
Kai doesn’t meet her eyes. Just shrugs.
Okkkkkkk so obviously it’s a sensitive topic???
She continues to comb through his hair cuz it’s cute. And because he’s a wittle puppy (see: demon prince from hell), HE BREAKS WHEN SHE SCRATCHES THAT ONE SPOT ON HIS HEAD.
He grabs her wrist and takes deep gulping breaths.
Meanwhile, she holds her breath.
“I was banished from hell for not taking a mate.”
Her brows furrow and she starts to sit up but Kai pins her down with his hands. His blue eyes reflect the fire in the hearth.
“It was during mating season, and everyone was in a frenzy. My father found a girl for me. I remember she was so scared when she was brought into court.”
Kai takes a breath. Sona uses her other hand to stroke his hair, offering whatever comfort she could.
“I couldn’t do it.” He choked on his last syllable. “I couldn’t do such a horrible thing to a little girl who had screamed and cried until her voice was gone. They brought her to me when she barely had any fight left in her.”
Kai put his forehead against Sona’s shoulder. “Mating season meant you lost yourself. You had the hair and eyes of your inner demon, along with its mindset. But I refused to do anything to the poor girl, so I hid her away and sent her to the outskirts of the land.”
Sona let out the breath she didn’t know she was holding. “You did what was right,” she whispered.
He shook his head. “She couldn’t go back to her parents who would sell her again. She didn’t have anywhere to go. I was banished before I could find her again.” His body was shaking with grief. “She could be dead because of me.”
Sona cried for him. Cried for the man that tried to do the right thing and still had everything turn out wrong. Cried for the young girl that had no choice in what was done to her. Cried for the fact that Sona herself could not turn back time and undo all of it.
They stayed like that on the settee—Kai crouching on the rug in front of her—for what seemed like hours.
When he rose, his eyes were bloodshot and glassy.
Sona pushed him toward the tub, insisting he’d feel better after having a wash.
He came out looking ragged still, but cleaner. He took a seat on the ground in front of her again, staring into the fire.
“So it’s mating season for you again?”
He nodded. “It comes every five to seven years. That’s another reason why my father banished me. He needed an heir and I was unwilling to produce one, so he turned to my next brother.”
“You don’t seem...” Sona searched for the word, “animalistic to me.”
Kai shrugged. “I don’t like to let the demon rule me. It’s hard to control my body once instinct takes over.”
“I see.” She stared at the ceiling and fought a blush creeping across her cheeks, trying not to think of all the inappropriate things Kai would do to her if “instinct” had taken over.
Except, he wasn’t letting it, was he? He didn’t want to have sex right now. He didn’t want a mate right now.
Sona tamped down her disappointment and put on a smile, turning her head to look at him. “Well, if—” She bit off her sentence with a squeak when she saw Kai’s blazing blue eyes staring back at her.
His nostrils flared. “Why do I smell your arousal, Sona?”
She opens her mouth but closes it again when he rises above her.
“What are you thinking about?” he asks in a growl.
That just made the ache between her legs even worse. “I-I was just wondering about the demon side of you.”
His eyes glinted and she swore she saw fangs as he cracked a devilish grin. “What would you like to know?”
“Oh, just general stuff.” She waved her hands in the air. “Like what you eat in Hell, how you communicate with other demons, how you—”
He cut her off by pressing the calf of her broken ankle against the back of the settee. “How we mate?” He hiked up her nightgown and grinned at the sight before him. “Keep your bad leg still and I’ll show you.”
Sona almost came just from the hunger in his eyes, but she snapped out of her haze and clamped her hands down between her legs. “No.”
Kai blinked and looked up. “No?”
“No,” she bit out. Her body was so ready, but she couldn’t keep hurting the both of them like this. “I can’t mate with you.”
The fire in Kai’s eyes died as he backed away, still holding onto her leg so it wouldn’t drop forcefully onto the pillows.
Talking felt like pushing lead from her throat. “We can’t do this anymore, Kai. We are torturing ourselves.” She took a deep breath. “You have to know that I love you so much and you are the best person I’ve ever met, but I can’t be the right mate for you.”
A line set between his brows. “Why not?” he bit out.
“Because I can’t be what you need. You need a queen to go with you into Hell and run a whole Hell-dom there. Someone who can bring you back home where you belong, where your powers can flourish.” She couldn’t stop the whimper that followed. “Not a human who holds you back on Earth.”
His thumb stroked her calf, a kindness she didn’t deserve. Her heart was breaking into two and he was still her providing comfort.
Next thing she knew, he was kissing her. Gently on the cheek at first and then slowly grazing her lips.
“Kai,” she whispered between pecks. “Didn’t you hear what I said?”
“Mhmm,” he nodded. “So do you want to be my mate?”
“Kai!” She pushed against his shoulders.
He caught her hand and kissed it. “I heard what you said and I still want you. I want you whether you can come to Hell or not. It doesn’t matter, because I feel at home when I’m with you.”
Sona shook her head through the tears. “That doesn’t make sense.”
He kissed her, hard. “If I left this village, would it still feel like a home to you?”
“Of course not.”
“Would you go back to your kingdom?”
She vehemently shook her head.
“Then where would you go?”
Sona licked her lips. “I...I don’t know.”
“Me neither.” He kissed her again, crawling between her legs. “I would try to find you. I would want to be with you for the rest of my life, if you would have me.”
She wrapped her good leg around his waist. “Then please take me.”
He chuckled and nipped her on the shoulder. “Then promise not to move your bad leg.”
OK that’s enough /writing/ LOL so they do the dirty and suddenly they’re mated and Sona’s ankle is healed. Why? BECAUSE SHE GOT SOME POWERS FROM HER MAN. And Kai suddenly has a purple aura around him and he can move a couple clouds with just a thought. How? BECAUSE HE GOT POWERS FROM HIS WOMAN.
And they can both transcend into hell cuz she’s no longer human-human, CUZ WHY? CUZ SHE’S GOT A DEMON BABY BAKING INSIDE OF HER MWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA
the end.
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ok now it’s time for a quick shameless plug :3 Red Velvet came back so of course I had to cover it! Please check it out and give us a like if you can :’’‘‘)
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forthestarprinces · 7 years
Heacanon Idea. 💕
Hello! <3 So excited to see more SCM posts from you. I have a headcannon in mind, perhaps of one where the gods react to after watching MC play during a sport event? (Cheerleading, Soccer, Figure Skating, Etc)I think that this would be a very humorous and sweet headcannon to do. Thank you.😊
sure can! thanks so much for being interested and i hope i don’t disappoint! enjoy!! and the first ever blog posts goes to you!!! ;)
Leon: To say watching your ballet was enticing would be an understatement. You had asked him to come to your opening night at the theater, and he had agreed. He figured you would be a blushing mess on the stage, fumbling through the motions of the dances, like when you snuck into the ball in the heavens. How wrong he was; when he saw your face, expressive though not in the least bit nervous, he was shocked. You actually looked…what was the word you had used when describing seeing him at work? Ah, yes, cool. Your movements were graceful, and the way that your body bends and twists and leaps to the piece was shocking. For someone so clumsy, who knew you could manage to actually be limber?
“Wow! The ballerina in the swan costume is so beautiful, I’ve never seen anything like her before!” exclaimed one excited patron, causing Leon to zero in on you. He felt a surge of pride go through him at the compliment. That’s my goddess, you foolish goldfish. Of course she’s beautiful; she is my one and only love.
He continued to watch your play with adoring eyes, his gaze pinned to you. You never once faltered. His grip on the flowers he got for you tightened as the show drew to a close. During bows he watched as your eyes search the crowd, eventually meeting his. He smirks and claps for you, and you blush scarlet as flowers are thrown onto the stage and shouts of your name rise in the theater.
And well, if he tested your flexibility later, it was your own fault for not telling him sooner.
Scorpio: He sat on the bench as you glided across the ice, leaping and twirling backwards to face him and grin as you landed on one foot. He rolled his eyes but couldn’t deny how silly you looked with your eyes trained on him.
“Come on, Scorpio,” you call from the ice, skating across the ice towards him. You grab onto the wall and pout. “It’s boring to be here all alone. Come in and skate with me.”
“No.” Was his automatic reply.
“Pretty please?”
“No means no, woman.”
“Pretty pretty please with an bunny-shaped apple on top?”
“Absolutely not.”
You sigh and shove yourself off the wall, turning around. You knew exactly how to get on his nerves. And so without looking back, you say, “You know, if only Ichthys was here. He’d definitely skate with me.”
Scorpio glared at you, seething. “Stupid fucking woman, always testing me and spewin’ bullshit,” he mutters as he takes off his shoes. He continues to grumble and keep an eye on you as he ties the skates on and makes his way to the entrance. He holds tightly on the wall and calls out to you. “Are you happy now? Is this what it takes for you to shut your trap?”
You whirl around, your eyes sparkling as you quickly make your way over to him. You grip on to his arm and pull him out.
“W-wait! You stupid woman!” he cries as he holds tightly onto your forearms as he almost falls over. You giggle and meet his gaze.
“Why, do my eyes deceive me?” you ask in a dramatic tone. “The great, renowned, truly inspiring Vice Minister of the Punishments Department, all-powerful god of the zodiac, ruler of Scorpio, doesn’t know how to skate? Is scared to fall?”
He glares at you and shoves off, only to quickly regret it as he falls on his face automatically. You howl with laughter, and skate off laughing, all the while mocking him.
“Tsk! You’ll pay for this, you damn idiot!” he roars as he tries to get up and fails, falling back onto the ice. You skate by and kick artificial ice onto his face.
Regardless of how graceful or cute you looked, he was going to kill you. As soon as he could get up and catch you.
Teorus: Teorus had to admit, horses were pretty cute. Cows were obviously cuter, but your little outfit made his heart race. He always thought of himself as the Knight in Shining Armor, and yet when you came out from the changing rooms in your tight riding pants and high boots, your hair pulled away from your face in french braids – why, he felt like he had died and gone to heaven.
“You’re gonna do so good! And you look so cute,” he coos over you. You laugh as he helps you put on your gloves. You turn to the mirror to give yourself a once-over, and he takes the opportunity to grab your ass. “Do we have time to do it before you have to leave?” You watch him pout through the mirror and shake your head.
“No, Teo, and we can’t anyways. We’re in public,” your face flushes. You open your mouth to continue when a trumpet sounds over the intercom, telling all riders to make their way to the stables. “I gotta go, and you should head back out to the stands.”
He catches your chin with his hand and turns your face up to his and presses a sensual kiss to your lips. “Alright,” he mumbles against your lips. “Don’t let anyone else see you look cute as you go get your horse, though!”
You roll your eyes and grab your hat, placing it on your head as you exit the room, Teorus following. My goddess should really wear pants more often, he muses as he watches you walk. She looks so sexy, and it’s unfair! I can’t have anyone else see that!
He eventually finds his place in the bleachers, and once the race begins, is practically leaning over the boundary of the track, his eyes focusing on your form, pressed against your horse. The announcer’s voice fades into the background and he can only see the carefree smile on your face, the look of pure childlike joy as your guide your horse around the track expertly. “Go (Y/n)!” he cries, bouncing as the race continues. You were neck and neck for first place, and oh, how Teorus wishes you never told him not to use his powers to help you – it was so obvious you should win!
And the finish line was only 500 feet away from you and your competitor. It was as if you stopped breathing and could only focus on the clomp-clomp-clomp of your horse’s feet on the dirt track. You turn around, seeing a flash of the stands and your competitor, when you see a flash of golden hair. And you knew it was Teorus. It was the final push you needed before you cry, “Come on, boy,” and give your horse one final push in order to cross the finish line first. The whole crowd cries in approval and shock, as this was your first year as a jockey. You were the underdog, and yet you had just won a national horse racing competition. You couldn’t believe your eyes.
And Teorus screams along the crowd. He knew you could do it, because you were the one who taught him to love. You were his goddess, and you could do anything you set your mind to. He watches as tears stream down your face and thinks about how lucky he was to have met you.
Dui: The excitement of the entire crowd was tangible as he enters the softball field. He could see you practicing with your catcher, each one of your throws easily going 70 miles per hour. He takes his place in the stands, watching the umpire blow the whistle, signaling the start of the game. As you walk back to your dugout you see Dui and wave at him. He enthusiastically waves back, a warm feeling entering his body. The two teams shake hands and then the coin is thrown to see who bats first.
It ended up in the other team’s favor, yet Dui was not worried about your abilities. He knew you, and knew you wouldn’t give up. You take your place on the mound, and breathe deeply before winding up. The batter, bulky and arrogant, had taken her place and was taunting you. Dui could see your eyes narrow from where he was, and hid a smirk.
That’s my girl, Shadow Dui laughs maniacally from within. Dui shushes him, and the two somehow remain in union throughout the game, both focused on you.
It was the final inning and your team was back at the field. This pitch could mean you win. You kiss the ball and pray, gaining a few chuckles from the crowd.  Dui was mesmerized at how charismatic you were without even realizing, how you had an affect on everyone around you.
Of course she does, Shadow Dui answers smugly. That’s what makes her ours. The very fact no one can touch her except us. She’s ours.
The final pitch was made, and it was as Teorus had slowed down time. The ball clocked 92 miles, and the crowd was amazed as the best batter on the rival team missed, the ball going straight into the catcher’s hand.
Screams erupted, and the whole team rushed the field, picking you up. The crowd applauded, Dui laughing at your expression from being held midair.
He knew you were the only one for him. And watching you play a sport you clearly loved, and sharing the experience with him, made him happier than he’s ever been. He would always support you, and was always shocked when he found out new talents of yours every day. He could feel himself falling for you all over again.
And later, when you’re packing up, he kisses the black warrior streaks placed under your eyes. You lean into him, wrapping your arms around him.
Your voice was muffled through his shirt. “I really need to take a shower.”
The two of you burst out laughing, walking back to your apartment.
Huedhaut: “Oh, dear,” the god of Aquarius sighs as he watches your team struggling to catch up with the three other teams. As of now, your team was in last place out of four. He knew you would win, yet he was wondering if his predictions were wrong for the first time. He watched as you shouted encouragements to your teammate as she tosses the button through the air. Your other three competitors had already taken off, and you fumble as you catch the button. The whole crowd goes wild.
“There is no way that girl is going to win,” he hears one man say to another. “Did you see the way she caught it? Like how the hell does she run if she can’t even catch a fucking stick.” The two men guffaw and shake their heads. Huehaut shoots the two of them a glare, turning his eyes back to the race. You can do this, (Y/n).
You take off running.The look of pure concentration and determination of your face was admirable. The other three runners were taller – as tall as Hue himself, actually – and had longer limbs. Yet to see your cute little face get scrunched up was amusing to say the least. He felt a smile tug at his lips as he watched you speed up.
Your arms swing and your feet slam against the track. You zero in on the track in front of you, pushing yourself to the limit as you lean forward a little and test your body. You continued, and caught a glimpse of a passing rival from your peripheral. Come on, (Y/n), you got this! Don’t let your team or Hue down!
And you pass another rival. Shouts of surprise rise from the crowd, and you could vaguely recognize your teammates’ voices alongside your coach. That was all the encouragement you needed as you race beside your last rival for first place. And finally, the finish line banner was only 10 feet in front of the two of you. You grit your teeth and lengthen your stride, and throw up both hands as your midsection made contact with the ribbon a millisecond before your opponent.  
You slow down to a finish, and raise your hands in the air, screaming as you race to meet with your team. Your coach grabs you and swings you around as the award comes out. You felt tears stream down your cheeks. Months of hard work finally paid off. You felt immortal in that moment.
Huehaut claps for you, and slowly turns back to the two men who dared to challenge you. They were speechless and weren’t clapping, simply staring at the track in shock. He taps the closest one on the shoulder and they both slowly turn to him.
“Yes, I believe you two are the gentlemen who said my girlfriend wouldn’t come close to winning before, right? Tell me, how does it feel to know how wrong you were?” Hue snorts and crosses his arms. “You two goldfish have a lot of nerve to go against her like that. She may look weak but she never loses. And it’s a good thing I’m in such a forgiving mood. I could’ve just ruined the two of you beforehand, but it looks like I didn’t have to do that. Because she did that all by herself. Next time, watch who you’re speaking of before you open your imprudent, clueless, moronic mouths.”
And he leaves to go congratulate you, leaving the two idiots behind.
He had never been prouder.
Ichthys: Your teams were tied, and you dribble the soccer ball between your feet. You were the only team member free, and you race along the side. A girl from the other team rushes up and tries to kick the ball out of the boundaries, but you simply give the ball a high kick and make it to the other side of her in time to catch the ball with a chest bump. You refocus the ball on the ground and race away.
The crowd screams in excitement at this site of skill, the other girl left behind in shock. You race towards the goal, dodging the ball and giving it one long kick outside of the opponent’s radius. You chase after it, zeroing in on the ball.
“HELL YEAH! THAT’S MY GIRLFRIEND!” you hear Ichthys scream from the sidelines. “GO GET THEM BABE!”
An official walks up to him, and the god of Pisces doesn’t look away from the game. “Sir, we’re going to have to ask you to calm down.”
“I WILL NOT CALM DOWN! THAT’S MY GIRLFRIEND!” he cries in excitement, pointing at your form. The goal could be yours with one kick, and you could get your team ahead. He pushes past the guard and jumps up and down, yelling and pumping his fists, when suddenly his demeanor changes in a second. His hands fall to his side and he closes his mouth, scowling as he watches the undesirable scene in front of him.
The goalie had decided to tackle slide you – and everything slowed down as you saw her legs kicking out threateningly at you. Ichthys quickly snapped his fingers discreetly, and the goalie ended up falling in the mud, her back hitting the ground first. You watch in shock at the pure stroke of luck that had happened before your very eyes. You quickly kick the ball, the ball rocketing off the webbed lining and falling inside. The scoreboard lets out a noise, as it did with every score, but was quickly drowned out by your own screaming and the crowd’s.
Ichthys laughs and turns around to head back to the actual stands, when he sees a little boy with an ice cream cone. He meets eyes with the kid, who looks at the god with horrified interest. His ice cream cone falls to the ground in shock, though the little boy doesn’t care. He just continues to watch Ichthys like he just witnessed a murder.
Ichthys swears under his breathe and looks around before refocusing on the child. He grins at the kid, trying to mask his concern for being caught. “Hey there, kiddo, dropped your cone.”
“You just…!” the kid sputters, face flushing as he points at Ichthys’s hand. “You just cheated!”
Ichthys furrows his eyebrows. “Did not.”
“Did too!”
“Did not!”
“Did too!”
“Did not!”
“Did too!”
“Did too!” Ichthys says, changing his approach.
“Did not!” the kid screams in anger and frustration, and then realizes his mistake of playing right into the God of Pisces plan. He slaps his hands over his mouth. “Wait! I didn’t mean that, I meant-”
“No taksie-backsies!” Ichthys sing-songs, grinning at his win. He checks if the coast is clear and then squats in front of the kid. “Tell you what,” he hums, snapping his fingers. Two taiyaki appear, one in the kid’s hand and one in Ichthys’ hand. “I’ll give ya this if you promise not to tell anyone about what you saw.”
The kid swallows, weighing his options very seriously despite being six years old. He finally meets the god’s eyes after a moment of pondering. “Make it two and I won’t tell anyone.” Ichthys sighs but snaps his fingers, another taiyaki appearing in the kid’s unoccupied hand.
“You run a hard bargain,” he grins. “I like that. Now scram.”
The kid runs. And Ichthys whistles as he makes his way back to the stands, satisfied with his negotiating. As long as she doesn’t know, there’s no harm. I mean, it’s not like I couldn’t do anything! Imagine her sad face if she lost, or worse – if she got hurt! These human women are scary!
And he is content watching the rest of the game play out without helping again. He knew if you found out you wouldn’t forgive him ever. He giggles to himself at the thought of you angry face. She’s so cute when she gets frustrated and yells at me.
But later, he decides as he watches your team rush the field, he likes you smiling after winning much better.
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kuroko-on-ice · 7 years
Hello! It's nice to see a new blog and I hope you'll do well and be happy in general! Could you do a scenario or hdc where Viktor gets back to Russia (with Yuuri ofcourse^^) he meets a friend who's been gone for few years. As in they were very close but at some point a rumor made her leave. Sorry if it's too detailed!
Thanks a lot! :3
Don’t worry, your request was perfectly fine. I hope the scenario is to your liking :)
Pairing: [Platonic] Viktor x Reader
Words: ~ 1630
                                                                                                          ~ Chiyo
“How come we haven’t met any of your acquaintances so far?” Yuuri asked, sitting down on a free chair in the café. They had arrived in Russia a couple of days ago. However, Viktor didn’t go to meet up with old friends like Yuuri expected him to do but instead spent time guiding him around Saint Petersburg.
“Not many people were able to endure my selfish behaviour and being neglected because I was entirely focusing on figure skating.”
“Come on, Viktor. Are you telling me in a roundabout way that you have no friends at all?” It was difficult to imagine Viktor as a lonely guy even though he attracted all kind of people.
“Turning a blind eye on the people you know, there actually was one girl I spent quite a lot time with. Because our parents used to be really close, we almost grew up like siblings.”
Yuuri listened closely, not daring to interrupt him. It was quite rare to hear Viktor talking about his early childhood days without him pestering him to do so. Though, his answers were brusquely as usual on this topic.
“Well, she was one of those few people who still treated me like a human being and kept me on the ground. In fact, she really enjoyed to make fun of me. But someday she suddenly disappeared and I’d give almost anything in the world to meet her one more time.”
The very second he voiced his wish he could feel somebody tugging his hair. Makkachin started to bark excitedly.
“Getting old, aren’t we?” A girl asked, twirling one strand of his hair between her fingers. “I’ve always been wondering when I was watching your interviews, but waved it of as one of the cameras’ faults not being able to catch your handsomeness. However, seeing you in reality I am afraid to admit that I have been mistaken. Are you going to try to do something against your hair loss?” she asked in a jokingly manner.
“_______?!” Viktor exclaimed, causing the whole café to turn their attention towards them. “Where have you been all this time?”
She frowned, not having expected such a surprised reaction. “By any chance, didn’t you read the letter I left on your desk?”
“Which letter?”
No wonder her gut told her that day she should have decided on another way to inform him about her plans. She sighed. “Apparently, you didn’t.”
Viktor gave some thought to it, putting his index finger on his lips. To which letter she was referring to?
“Forget it. Considering your forgetfulness you probably don’t even remember the date I left.”
“I do!” he objected. How he suddenly couldn’t get in touch with her, how her parents refused to give him a clue about her whereabouts – he still remembers every single moment. It has been painful to find out that he has been left behind without any kind of information, without knowing the reason. Sleepless nights were the consequence, wondering what he did wrong to make her leave. Even his training had been affected, as he had made more careless mistakes during that time than someone would have expected him to do. However, in order to calm himself down he decided at some point that she must have had a good reason and that she would return to him when the right time was right. “I really do …”
Not knowing what to say in this situation, she kept quiet, her fingers endlessly stroking through his hair. She had heard the pain in his voice, causing her heart to ache. Viktor has never been one to lose his coolness; he had always had a good handle on his temper since their childhood. But in her case, he wouldn’t need to utter even one syllable because she understood him even without words, solely reading his facial expressions or gestures to get a grip on how he feels. If she had known that her sudden disappearance would affect him so much, she would have definitely contacted him in another way.
Yuuri curiously watched the scenario. The two of them were talking way to fast in their mother language – Yuuri was only able to make out a few bits and pieces of their conversation. Yet, he was quite sure that the two of them were making up with each other in a way, nobody else would ever be able to. Though, if he hadn’t known better, he would have mistaken them as a couple …
“So, why did you leave?” Viktor questioned while poking her arms every few seconds to make sure she was the real thing after all. Albeit, seeing Makkachin happily resting her head on her lap, his worries evaporated quickly.
“You probably still remember that my kidneys don’t work properly anymore, don’t you?” She shrugged when she saw a glint of concern in his eyes. “Don’t worry, Viktor. I’m going to the hospital and getting an erythropoietin treatment for my renal anaemia on a regular basis. However, this treatment was actually the cause for my leave.”
Viktor frowned, missing the link between those two points.
“You see,” she explained, “what kind of effects does erythropoietin have?”
“Erythropoietin stimulates the bone marrow to produce more red blood cells. The resulting rise in red cells increases the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood,” he repeated what he often had heard in the hospital.
“Exactly, and because of that it’s often abused as a doping substance in sport.” Viktor’s face brightened, apparently he understood. “Because you often accompanied me to the hospital, you were actually quite a well-known face. My doctor and his colleagues trusted you enough to get a bottle of erythropoietin for me when the nurses were busy. One day, some people saw you carrying around a bottle and promptly assumed you would take it, given your impressive career.”
“I see your point there,” he conceded. “But why did you need that kind of drastic measure?”
“I wanted the rumours to die down as quickly as possible in order not to endanger your future. However, they were more persistent than I’ve thought. I never imagined it to be so exhausting to be friends with a celebrity.” She sighed. “Hey, don’t judge me. Afterwards, I realized that my method of handling things was quite stupid and I could have slapped myself because it would have existed so many easier ways.”
“It still doesn’t explain why I couldn’t get in touch with you any more,” Viktor kept pondering.
“My phone was stolen a few days after I arrived at my new place and due to that I lost all my contacts. I didn’t want to call my parents for help because it would have been the same as admitting defeat.”
She felt a look of disappointed being directed towards her which drew a smirk on her lips.
“Viktor, you might be my best friend but don’t expect me to memorize your phone number. Moreover, I saw you were doing fine during your interviews, so I was content. Though, I couldn’t help but think you were behaving … not like you. Nevertheless, I cannot believe that a couple of years without me were enough to make you completely lose the ability to interact with other people.” She pulled her phone out of her pocket and after typing her password, she laid it down in front of Viktor. “We have to work on your interactions with people. Please save your number in my contacts,” she stole a glance towards his companion, “and while you are at it, please save this cutie’s number as well.”
Raising an eyebrow at her words, he eyed her for a couple of seconds before breaking into a smile. “He is truly adorable, isn’t he?” he commented before keeping himself busy with her phone again. It would be no surprise for her, if she would find thousands of pictures of him and his friends on her phone later.
  Not wanting to bother with Viktor any more, she turned to his friend and introduced herself in English: “Hello, how are you doing? My name is ______  ______. I’ve known Viktor since forever.”
“Hello, _______. My name is Yuuri,” he shyly responded in Russian, his voice almost inaudible due to his insecurity to speak in a foreign language – as well as the fact that Russia was known for not being really fond of homosexual relationships. It would be quite a blow, if ______, as one of Viktor’s best friends, were going to reject him. “I’m Viktor’s f … fi … fi … ancé.”
He lost himself in his nervousness, only leaving a stuttering mess behind; though, he did not fail to make her smile.
“Adorable indeed,” she giggled and moved her chair closer to him. She rested her elbows on the table, putting her face into the palms of her hand.  “If you ever get bored with Viktor, don’t hesitate to ca-”
  A loud yelp escaped her lips when she suddenly felt her head painfully throbbing. Quickly she turned around to find the culprit of her pain – Who would it dare to flick their finger against her head like that?! – only to meet a familiar pair of eyes.  Nervously, she bit her lips and desperately tried to avoid eye contact.
“You’re going around flirting again?” The girl standing at the table asked, one eyebrow critically raised. She let out a dry laugh before she spun around her heel, aiming for another table in the café. “The last time I checked, we were in a relationship. Correct me, if I am wrong.”
“I am sorry! Don’t misunderstand!” She yanked her phone out of Viktor’s hands, causing him to mutter words of protest. Hurriedly, she followed her friend, only turning around one more time to say: “Let’s keep in touch, guys!”
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