#I feel like The House should have been mentioned in this too...
woso-dreamzzz · 16 hours
Injured (Alexia's Version): Future II
Alexia Putellas x Daughter!Reader
Summary: You go to Manuelas
TW: using sex to reinforce ideas of low self-worth, mentions of eating disorder
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You didn't come to Manuelas often.
It was a bad idea, drinking in the club Olga owned. All of the workers knew who you were, dragged out on staff dinners and in the background of Olga's video meetings.
There's no way you could get in without someone noticing who you were.
It's not that you were banned. If anything, Mami and Olga would probably prefer it if you did your drinking in the safe walls of Manuelas where the staff would call them if you needed a pick up.
It would be fine if drinking was all that you were doing.
But you don't go to clubs for the drinks. In fact, you don't even really like the taste of alcohol all that much. It was a means to an end, getting you tipsy enough to approach someone in the crowd. But that was only if you weren't approached first.
And you were almost always approached first.
It was easy now, a practiced routine.
You'd go into a club, hang around at the bar for a bit before going onto the dance floor where, no doubt, some older woman would come over and offer to buy you a drink.
It was practiced. It was easy.
It was self destructive.
You knew why you came to these clubs. You knew what you came there for.
You wanted it quick and rough. You wanted to be demeaned and talked down to because it made you feel better that you weren't the only one that saw yourself like that.
Hooking up in club toilets with a woman double your age that couldn't care less about you made you feel better at yourself.
You couldn't do that Manuelas.
Or, you couldn't do that at Manuelas on days when Olga or her close circle were skulking around, which was almost every weekend.
The only reason you were here now was because your usual club wasn't open today and after another day of brutal practice with no end in sight, you needed to feel something.
Even if it was some woman's hand around you as she took you hard and rough and whispered filthy things in your ear.
You should go home, you know. You should go home to your Mami and let her wrap you up in a warm hug and let her tell you that you were worth something and that she loved you.
But you were here.
At Manuelas on a day you knew Olga was at home and her closest staff were busy in a meeting in the back room.
Or, at least, they should be.
Alexia sighs as Olga pulls her in through the open backdoor.
"I am old, amor," She says with a small huff of laughter," My old bones cannot take going to the club anymore."
It's a joke, nothing more than teasing and Olga rolls her eyes.
"Not even my club?"
"Well," Alexia says," If it's your club..."
With Jaume at a youth camp for the week and you staying over at your friend's, the house had been blissfully silent and all too empty.
She and Olga had a nice dinner before growing restless. It didn't suit the family, Alexia thinks, to have the house devoid of her kids.
Olga wasn't due to go in to the meeting at Manuelas but that didn't mean she thought going there was a bad idea which was how Alexia found herself there now, nursing a drink in one hand and holding whatever fruity cocktail Olga had chosen in the other.
Manuelas had come a long way from the pop up club it used to be, now boasting several permanent bases in the country. Alexia was still glad though that one thing stayed the same - namely the fact that she got free drinks.
It certainly payed to be the wife of the owner.
Olga's gone off to greet a few people upstairs, despite denying the fact that this was all a ploy to see how the meeting was going.
Alexia's left downstairs by herself and does what she does best.
People watch.
Manuelas is still exactly like it was when it was first opened, a throng of dancers grinding and making out on the dancefloor.
The same as practically every other lesbian club in the city.
There's nothing unusual about it but Alexia still leans against the bar and surveys the crowd.
There's movement (or rather more movement than normal) to the left of the crowd as a pair breaks out of the dancing.
It's hard to see in the low light but Alexia feels a bolt of lightning shoot down her spine before she's even computed what she's looking at.
You're pressed up against the wall, head tilted to the side as a woman kisses your neck.
You're meant to be at a friend's house. That's what you've told Alexia.
You were going over to a friend's house after practice and you would be staying the night.
But clearly, you're not because you're here.
At Olga's club with a woman that is so clearly not your age whispering filthy things to you.
Alexia's moving towards you without a second thought and you open half lidded eyes to look at her.
You jolt suddenly, straightening up and pushing the woman away from your neck when you notice Alexia there.
She's not meant to be here and you look around wildly because you know if Mami's here then Olga's around here somewhere too.
Your face floods with embarrassment and you leave your partner for the evening.
Even now, Alexia's angry face makes you feel like a little girl again. Like that same little girl who sat in her car seat after another failed football training.
Like the same stupid teenager who starved herself to fit into a shirt that Alexia accidentally bought one size too small.
"Mami..." You say, throat bobbing," I-"
"Are you okay?" Alexia asks you, cupping your face," Are you safe?"
"Bambi," Alexia says, her eyes boring into yours," Talk to me. Are you alright?"
"I..." Your throat bobs and you're right back to that little girl again, the one staring up at Alexia as she grins down at you, that stupid teenager that had once sobbed in her arms after hurting your ankle during practice. "I want to go home, Mami. Please take me home."
Alexia looks into your eyes. You're not drunk, maybe a little tipsy but definitely not drunk. You're not high either. No one's laced anything you've taken.
You're still trembling though and your head falls forward onto Alexia's shoulder, to hide the way tears fall down your cheeks.
You don't know why you're crying. You don't know why you're suddenly so emotional.
You'd set out this evening to hook up with someone, feeling so bad and wrong in your own skin that you needed someone's body pressed up against yours to feel good about yourself again.
You still want that. Just not with a partner.
You want a hug from Mami, curled up next to her in bed at home. You want her to hold you and tell you how much she loves you and how she's never going to let anything bad happen to you.
You're an adult now.
You shouldn't feel this way.
But you're always going to be that little girl that craved love from your Mami.
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alotofpockets · 19 hours
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When your heart stops beating | Part 2 | Leah Williamson x Lioness!Reader
Where you go down on the pitch and go into cardiac arrest
Warnings: previous cardiac arrest, medical talk, short mention of ptsd A/n: thank you to the woso writers fanfic club for your ideas on this one & @dyke-medic for your advice on the medical aspect of the recovery!
Read part 1 here
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.7k
As a person who is generally very active, always on their feet, and doing one thing or another, bedrest has been hard for you. You knew it was what your body needed to rest, so you listened to the doctor’s advice, still it was a struggle to not just slip out of bed and go on small adventures inside of your home.
Leah had been absolutely amazing. Without a second thought she had called Sarina to tell her that she was pulling out of camp to take care of you. Sarina had completely understood, she had been there on the pitch when it happened, and was just glad to still have you and that Leah was there to take care of you.
Your girlfriend also knew how much of a struggle bedrest for you would be, so she had been distracting you with all kinds of light activity things to pass the time. You had started with movies like on the day that you came back from the hospital, but Leah quickly realised that your brain needed more stimulation than watching a movie, to get through this bedrest. 
So, while you were sleeping, she got her mum to help her get a few things to the house. Within an hour, Amanda had been at the door with a few puzzles, two lego sets you had been wanting, some canvasses and an array of painting supplies. 
“How is she doing?” Amanda asked when Leah handed her a cup of tea and sat down on the couch with her mom. “Other than struggling to stay put, I think she’s doing fine. She hasn’t complained about any pain, though I know she has to be in some. The doctors said her chest can feel sore for up to a month from the CPR.” Amanda didn’t miss the way her daughter’s eyes turned glossy for a second.
“And how are you holding up, sweetheart?” Her mom’s concerned voice got to her. So, when she looked up to her mom, tears welled in her eyes. “I just keep seeing her down on the field and-” She had been trying to stay strong through everything for you, but now that it was just her and her mom, she broke down. Amanda was quick to pull Leah into her. “Oh baby, I know that must have been so scary. It’s okay, let it all out.”
After Leah had shared all her troubles with her mom, and cried all the tears she had been holding back, she heard something behind her. “What are you doing out of bed?” Her eyes widen when she sees you standing at the bottom of the stairs. “Baby, you shouldn’t be walking the stairs all on your own.” She rushed to your side to stabilise you. “Love, I’m allowed to do light activity if I feel good enough, which I do. So, really it’s fine.” 
Amanda saw by her daughter’s body language that everything was moving too fast for her, so she stepped in. “Sweetheart, why don’t you take a shower? I’ll keep y/n company in the meantime.” Leah sighs reluctantly. “Fine,” She turned to you next, “but you, you will sit down while doing light activities.” You knew she was just worried about you and that she meant well. “Alright love, I will. Now go take a shower, I’ll be right here until you come back, I promise.” You sat down at the kitchen table. 
“I know it might seem like she’s being too overprotective, but our girl means well.” You smile when Amanda puts a sandwich down in front of you. “Yeah, I know she means well. I was a mess after seeing her do her ACL, so I can only imagine what it’s like for her, you know?” Amanda nods, “Yeah, maybe you two should stay away from injuries for the rest of your careers.” Her joke makes you chuckle, “Trust me, I am not planning to do anything like this ever again.”
When Leah gets back down she watches from the door frame as you’re laughing with her mom, at the dining table where you had promised to stay put, now with a puzzle in front of you on the table. She knew you were in good hands with her mom, still she worried that something would happen when she wasn’t there and she wouldn’t be able to do anything.
A big part of the afternoon was spent finishing the puzzle with the two Williamson women. For the first time since you left the hospital you had felt normal. Leah also noticed that you were way more relaxed like how she had thought something more interactive would do. 
Leah saw you physically getting stronger again, and it was helping ease her worries little by little. Today was the second full day at home, and you were ready to get some fresh air. It took some convincing for Leah to be okay with you going on a walk, but with her hand tightly wrapped around your hand, you were finally outside again. The fresh air did wonders to your mood, and having Leah with you was always an added bonus.
Though the walk was nice, you were exhausted after. This time it was Leah who had to do some convincing. It didn’t take much though, to get you to lay down and take a nap. She laid with you, and let you fall asleep in her arms.
After a good nap, you felt much better again, and Leah had lined up another activity. While she intended these for your recovery, she found herself enjoying them a lot. It wasn’t often when you had the time to do stuff like this during the football season. With both of you being starters for Arsenal and the Lionesses, your schedules were rather full, and when there was some free space, you were often found hanging out with friends and family. While this time stemmed from a bad situation, you made the best of it and enjoyed the time you got to spend together.
You were putting the finishing touches on your painting while Leah was staring at you lovingly. “Stop, you’re distracting me!” You chuckled. “Hm, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You rolled your eyes in a joking manner, while you got your painting done. Leah had seen a few TikTok videos where couples would paint each other and then revealed them to each other at the end. 
“Please don’t be mad.” You looked over your canvas and to say it kindly, you were not artistically inclined enough to make your girlfriend look as beautiful as she was. “Oh, now I am very intrigued.” You showed off your masterpiece first. Leah tried to hold back her laughter, but failed miserably. “How does that look like me?” She said between tears. “Ehm, a blonde with Gunner earrings, there is no one else it could be.” You both had a laugh before it was Leah’s turn to show off her painting. “Oh my god, what are you complaining about, that doesn’t look any more like me than my painting looks like you!” 
You had also started on building the lego sets together, but you decided to do a couple pages a day to make the activity last a bit longer.
Over the next couple of days, you were able to walk further and further again. You wanted to try running again, but Leah managed to talk you down from that. “Let’s wait for the physios to be there, shall we?” You knew she was right, but you just wanted to get back out there. 
Another activity you had picked up was cooking together. Everyone knew that Leah was no chef and that you were a pretty decent home cook. So, you used the injury card to get to teach Leah some new things.
You were walking around the kitchen again as if nothing happened, and that is exactly how you felt. No more pain and no more energy loss. You were ready to get back to training, and tomorrow was finally that day.
“How are you feeling about tomorrow?” Leah asked as she plopped herself down on the counter. “I'm a little nervous, but I am ready to get back out there.” You get a bit of the pasta sauce you made from scratch on a spoon and feed it to Leah. “Hm, tastes amazing, love.” Stepping forwards, you stand between her legs. “How are you feeling about tomorrow?” She puts her arms around your waste. “It should be about you.” You shake your head, “It might be my comeback, but you and the team were the ones that experienced the scary part. Your feelings are valid too, and I want to know them.” Leah told you she was nervous too, but that she was confident that the physios and the rest of the medical team would take great care of you.
The next day you felt nervous on your way to the training centre, Leah tried her best to comfort you, but nerves were bound to happen. While the doctors said everything should be fine, it was still your heart you were talking about, so every precaution would be taken. 
The moment you walk into the dinning hall, you are hugged by your teammates, who are all happy to see you. All of them had come by on short visits over the past week, but nothing compared to seeing you decked out in your full training kit.
Leah’s eyes did not leave you for even a second, as you were training to the side with the physios. With a cardiac monitor to track everything properly, you were starting training slowly. Building up step by step, and you couldn’t be happier to be working on your comeback.
During a small break, Leah was by your side instantly to ask you how you were feeling. You hugged her and kissed her on her cheek. “I feel great.” Leah smiled at your enthusiasm. “I am so proud of you baby.”
Lionesses just posted
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Lionesses: Things we love to see! After being diagnosed with commotio cordis following a blunt trauma to the chest last week, Y/n has made her comeback to training. She will be training seperately from the team, so we can monitor her well. A full return doesn't seem far away!
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sagesskies · 19 hours
ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴅᴇɪᴛʏ
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✒ ᴄᴜᴘɪᴅ ᴍɪꜱꜱᴇᴅ ʜɪꜱ ꜱʜᴏᴛ
ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇꜱ: ᴏʙꜱᴇꜱꜱɪᴠᴇ ʙᴇʜᴀᴠɪᴏʀ, ꜱᴛᴀʟᴋɪɴɢ (ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜ ʏᴏᴜ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴀ ꜱᴄʀʏɪɴɢ ʙᴏᴡʟ), ᴍᴀᴊᴏʀ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ, ᴜʜ. ʀᴀᴄɪꜱᴍ (ᴛʜɪꜱ ɢᴏᴅ ʟᴏᴏᴋꜱ ᴅᴏᴡɴ ᴏɴ ᴍᴏʀᴛᴀʟꜱ!), ᴇxᴘʟɪᴄɪᴛ ɢᴏʀᴇ, ᴍᴜʀᴅᴇʀ, ʀᴇʟɪɢɪᴏɴ, ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴡᴀʀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ, ᴇxᴘʟɪᴄɪᴛ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ, Qʜᴇᴛᴏʜʀ ᴊᴜᴍᴘꜱᴄᴀʀᴇ, [ɴᴀᴍᴇ] ɪꜱ ᴀ ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ ꜱᴀᴄʀɪꜰɪᴄᴇ, ᴛᴇʟʟ ᴍᴇ ɪꜰ ɪ ᴍɪꜱꜱᴇᴅ ᴀɴʏ!
Yandere Love Deity whose temple you grew up in; Intricate paintings and marble sculptures depicting their ethereal figure surrounding you as the years pass and you go from being one of the children raised within the temple’s immaculate halls, to the most devoted priest serving Luvarin. 
You firmly believe that love goes beyond just romance, the love between two partners in union, but extends to a love that matters just as much; the love between family, between friends, or even the simple love for your neighbour. It shows in how you preach, emphasising the importance of that connection and teaching the children that just as they should pursue the kind of love depicted in the sacred partnerships of the Gods, they should search for the love between two great friends, like that of the Merciful One and his sibling Qhetohr. 
Yandere Love Deity who hears your name in only a few months after your induction into priesthood. But really, they took notice of your presence before that. It was hard not to. Not when your offerings were always of the highest quality: Intricate carvings of sparrows, wines brewed with the strawberries grown in the temple, and not to mention the hymns you sang and wrote for them which were always a delight to listen to. 
But what really drew them to your offerings was not merely the quality, no, no, they had no shortage of extravagant offerings from their wealthy followers. It was the fact that you had taken the time to create them yourself. Now, handcrafted gifts weren’t uncommon either, but really it was the dedication. To truly devote yourself to creating such impeccable displays of faith… why, it was enough to make their heart flutter. And that was no small feat. Luvarin decides that it’s high time that they reward you. 
It’s small at first. Little things that build progressively till you realise that life has been treating you suspiciously too well recently. Your recently published text debating the moral lesson one should take from the fall of the house of Arus has taken off to unforeseen heights. You’ve been promoted in the temple. You managed to avoid getting hit by a vase dropped right on top of you, unintentionally of course, because it somehow, miraculously, got blown away by the wind. 
Yandere Love Deity, who is of course, the one responsible for it all. It’s almost like you know that, because your prayers become more intimate and personal. Truly grateful for everything Luvarin is doing for you– Well you don’t exactly address it to Luvarin, you’re praying to the Gods in general, but still. They’re the reason why you’re so lucky in the first place, and hearing you passionately thanking them so genuinely, is enough to have them giggle and kick their feet with absolute delight. 
‘O Children of Kases, hear my call, I offer you my deepest gratitude, for the countless blessings you bestow upon my path, For the love that surrounds me, both seen and unseen, for the beauty of the world and the kindness of hearts.
Thank you for the lessons, both gentle and harsh, that shape me, mold me, and help me grow. For the strength to overcome challenges, And the wisdom to see the truth within. 
In the quiet whisper of the leaves, In the gentle glow of the moon, I feel your essence, ever near, Guiding me, loving me, holding me….’
Laying in the fluffy, warm, and comfortable surface of their bed, Luvarin sighs. Truly, they were amazing. They’re aware that your prayer is not just for them, but for all their siblings as well, but sheesh, who were they kidding? Of course, this prayer was meant for them! Who else has been aiding you so much? Giving you such powerful blessings and bountiful gifts, their merciful brother had competition!
Luvarin sits up, and summons their scrying bowl. It was a new one that they haven’t used yet, it was a gift from you, one of your beautiful wood carvings. 
They don’t usually like using wood in their equipment, it was for commoner mortals. But this bowl was of a perfect shape, the width was of their exact preference, it wasn’t flimsy and easily scratched or damaged, and it was designed with carved drawings of myths that centred around Luvarin themself. 
Seriously, how lucky could they be, to have a follower as devoted and as considerate with his offerings as you are. Compared to the rough and unpolished quality of the mere commoners and the superficial and needlessly gaudy level the nobles reached, yours were a breath of fresh air in how much care was placed into them. 
Thinking about it is enough for Luvarin's already present smile to widen further.
Luvarin waves their hand in a delicate flourish, and the bowl fills itself with a clear, mystical water, the surface shimmering with images of the activity below the heavens. They press one tawny finger, and it pauses. 
Their brow furrows in concentration, Luvarin purses their lip, and close their eyes as they search for your presence. 
“Aha!” There you are darling.
Luvarin's eyes open, gleaming purple, and they clap their hands with delight as the water morphs to show them the familiar sight of your room in the temple. The bed on the right, blanket strewn haphazardly on the soft mattress. Your desk is on the left covered in the drafts for your latest text. Then there's you, on your knees in front of the window, hands held in prayerful position, head bowed submissively and your eyes closed in concentration. The moonlight pouring in and shining down on you.
Despite being one of Kases’ powerful children, a literal god, Luvarin was a mere afterthought to the mortals. Unlike mighty Uren, or their fearsome twin Qhetohr, why should one concern themself with the deity of Love for anything more than matters of romance? They were a joke in the Heavens, mortals literally painted them as a cherub with a pathetically small bow and a heart tipped arrow. 
Not to mention that a lot of their priests were nothing better than scammers who tricked desperate and lonely people and naive mortals who believed that serving in Luvarin's temple could give them luck in their love life. 
But, then there was you. [Name]. Sweet, genuine [Name]. 
Luvarin traces their finger around your face, enjoying each and every detail. Sometimes, when they watch you, from the scrying bowl or in the form of a sparrow, they have the desire to just reach out and touch you. To truly feel the warmth that you radiated. To know that you're real, and not just something that their mind has come up with. 
A wisp blows in. Luvarin clicks their tongue, less than pleased about the interruption. They snatch it out of the air, it wiggles and tries to escape from their grasp, but eventually it tires. 
“Speak,” Luvarin drawls, tapping on their leg impatiently. 
Wisps, little creatures born from the mist of the Jaurdenia River and used by Luvarin and their siblings as messengers. Round, bouncy, balls of wind that glowed far too brightly for Luvarin's keen eyes. They were cute and Luvarin loved to throw them around their palace and watch them zip and crash into the walls, but right now it was [Name] time, and [Name] time was as sacred to them as the annual Luvercalia ritual. 
The wisp squirms a bit, their golden centre glowing darker in concentration, before relaxing as the honey-like smoke pours out of it. The whispers of their merciful brother carried by the fumes, “Luvarin, please do know that I will be visiting you soon to discuss some matters.” 
Luvarin groans, frustration rolling off of them in waves. They loved their merciful brother. Really who didn't? But they'd much rather get back to watching you from the scrying bowl and listening to you sing their praises. 
However deep down Luvarin knows that if they were to not show up, then he would worry and tell Qhetohr to check on them, and then Qhetohr would find about you and then– 
To the deepest pits of Demorta, why are they dreading the mere idea of Qhetohr discovering you? Their beautiful, precious, fragile mortal. Oh, it's precisely because of that. You're mortal, you're fragile, and Qhetohr would delight in absolutely tearing you to shreds if they found out you're the reason why Luvarin stood up their merciful brother. 
Luvarin gnashed their teeth, their hand squeezed the wisp so tightly in their stress, they're snapped out of their furious thoughts by a sharp pop and the cool mist that seeps through their closed fist; the remains of the unfortunate wisp. 
Fine. Fine! If that is what must be done to keep you a secret, safe from Qhetohr’s blade. Then they'll do it. 
Luvarin waves away the scrying bowl, and with a flourish of their hand, a regal purple chlamys settles over their shoulders and they rub at the cool, golden brooch holding it in place. 
Their steps echo through the lavish, empty halls of their palace. A bird flies through the nearby garden, sunlight seeping in through the gaps between the chiselled pillar, and the smell of rain-soaked leaves pervades the air. Last night they forgot to renew the barriers that prevented the rain from getting in. Usually they would just flick their wrist to get the job done, but they were watching you work away at your latest text on Uren's Rebellion. 
Luvarin halts as a realisation dawns on them. When did they start to care for you? If they paused and took a look at the situation, it was strange. It shouldn’t even be possible. 
Them, a Love God. Twin to Destruction and Insanity themself. One of Kases’ powerful children. A literal living legend, responsible for the Fall of the House of Arus. And here they are, pouring their time and attention into a simple priest, their very own servant, and practically mooning over him instead of doing literally anything else. 
Before they can ponder further on this topic, a familiar figure enters their view. He waves, and flashes them a smile that Qhetohr would kill to keep for themself. Luvarin beams, pretty portrait perfect smile reserved for greeting guests and people they would rather not deal with at the current moment. 
They’ll deal with you later. They have all the time in the world, after all. 
Yandere Love Deity who starts to fall in love with you. They would like to say that it’s a slow and gradual process. But honestly, it’s not. It’s humiliating how quickly it all happens. One day they’re watching you writing your newest text, one moment you’re pondering your next sentence, then your eyes light up with a brilliant idea and Luvarin can’t help but genuinely smile, because they’re happy for you, for your breakthrough, because it’s something that you wanted, and what you want they want you to get and when that thought pops into their head that’s when they realise what the burning flame in their heart actually is. 
Yandere Love Deity who has had mortal lovers. They were all the same; Bold, filthy little creatures full of hubris that thought they could surpass the children of Kases. Luvarin’s infatuation with them never lasted long, they weren't meant to. They were all only mortal after all. And they completely expect the same to be true with you. Yes, they know what they’re feeling is love, but really what is the difference between loving something and desiring it?
So they descend to earth in human form, ready to charm you, have a bit of fun, and then leave like it’s nothing. It should be easy, right? 
Yandere Love Deity who disguises themself as a wandering traveller, settling into the town for a short while. After all, Luvercalia is coming soon, what traveler wouldn't want to take this opportunity to partake in the festival right in the town that Luvarin had once used as their base of operations during the rebellion? Mortals were weird, but they get it. To witness the sacred ritual dedicated to Luvarin take place on the very soil their holy blood was once spilled on, any god worshipping mortal worth their salt would not hesitate to take this opportunity. They are simply as one would say, blending in with the locals. 
Yandere Love Deity whose first meeting with you is not like what they imagined at first. They imagined that they'd charm you first, then they would sweep you off of your feet and seduce you into breaking your vow of chastity, pardon you from whatever punishment they dished out nowadays and then leave. 
Yandere Love Deity who barely even  gets to say since you're running through the town, making preparations for the upcoming Luvercalia festival and the ritual. Instead of a proper introduction where the two of you exchange pleasantries and get to know each other, all you get to say is: “Ah, hello traveler. Please, make yourself welcome here.” Before being pulled away to select a sparrow to sacrifice for the ritual.
But then they manage to catch you in your downtime, and you look at them for a moment as if you're trying to figure out where you've seen them before, and then you snap your fingers and you smile, your eyes creasing and wrinkling a bit at the edges and you apologize for not getting to introduce yourself properly earlier, but you remember them. You remember them even if they were probably nothing more than just one nameless face in your hectic day, and that… for some reason the mere fact that they were still important enough for you to remember amidst everything else that was going on, it just… 
Yandere Love Deity who isn’t prepared for how you make them feel. Holy.. the way you have their heart racing has them thinking you are the one who’s the god of love here, and they’re the one who should be worshipping you and singing your praises. Just seeing your smile has them weak in the knees. It shouldn’t be possible, you’re just some mortal destined to die out and fade away while they are a literal God, who has seen kingdoms and empires fall and rise in what to you is centuries, but to them is merely a small drop of water in the vast ocean of their existence. 
Yandere Love Deity, who still thinks that they can get out of this. Just like their destructive twin, they’re as stubborn as a mule. An immovable object that refuses to budge no matter how hard you push them. 
Yandere Love Deity who changes their mind so quickly it’s embarrassing. They try to distance themselves from you and pull themself out of whatever hold you have on them, but each and every attempt is foiled, not even on purpose, by you. You and your natural charms that has them caught, hook line and sinker. How can they not fall deeper in their love for you when you make it so easy to just descend deeper? 
Yandere Love Deity who continues to interact with you in mortal form. Slowly they become as much of a daily fixture in your life as you are in theirs, and they can't be more pleased about it. However their joy is short-lived when their greatest fear comes true; Qhetohr finds out. 
Cruel, wicked Qhetohr. Obsidian eyes curling with a malicious delight as they remind Luvarin that though beings such as them, deities, will continue to exist even when they will be forgotten and turn from reality to mere myth, that you will return to the dust and dirt that Uren used to mould your kind into shape.
Yandere Love Deity who comes to the realisation that a life without you is no life at all. And so they waste no time in ordering the clouds to part, for the sun to shine down right in front of you, and then descend down to you in their godly form, their entrance announced by pale rose petals gently floating down from the heavens.
Yandere Love Deity who does everything properly. They had a ring forged by Ularus, encrusted with small, absolutely dazzling rubies. They've wrapped it in a pure white cloth, with sparrows and roses embroidered into it. 
They get down on one knee and unveil the ring, and say those four famous words. 
“Will you marry me?”
Your eyes are wide and your mouth is gaping. Clearly you're shocked. They understand. You've just learned that sly, mischievous Erasmus is the very God you worship, serve, and mention in each prayer— and now they're proposing to you! It would be mind blowing for any mortal. 
But they let you calm down and process everything, they're patient like that, and they wait with bated breath and an eager grin for your response and the words that leave your lips are–
“I– Forgive me, Lord,” You take a shaky step back, your eyes dart around– People are staring– you purse your lips, “But I cannot accept your proposal. You're a god and I'm a mortal and it just– It won't work!”
“[Name], darling, please,” Luvarin laughs, clearly you're not thinking straight, still in shock they suppose, “In all the years that I have walked this earth, I have had many, and I am not joking when I say many, lovers. And many were just like you my love: Mortal. With crimson blood running through their veins and fragile bodies doomed to age.” 
They stand up and reach for your hand. You flinch and try to pull away, and even if their heart twinges, they soften their smile– Remember Luvarin, mortals are sensitive creatures. Be patient– and grip it tighter. 
You wince and they swear they can feel a phantom around their own hand in response.
Luvarin slips the ring on your finger. They wrap an arm around your waist, they ignore how you whimper and the fear in your eyes, and they bring you closer. 
“But you… darling, you are special. Compared to all those shallow creatures, your soul is vast, as wide as the earth, and the only one able to captivate me in the way that only you are uniquely capable of.”
“None of them can compare to you. Nobody can,” Luvarin can feel you shaking as they press a kiss to your temple, “And that is why I want– no need to marry you. I need you in my life [Name], and it's because you're mortal that we need to get married as soon as possible.”
You push them away, and this time they let you just so they can see the look on your face. 
Your brows are knit, and your lip is stiff. They've never seen this expression on you before. But they've seen it on Uren. On their merciful brother. On countless other gods and mortals through the ages. 
It was an expression that told Luvarin that they were about to hear something they didn't want to hear. 
Yandere Love Deity who thinks that you made an attempt to be gentle in your rejection, at least at first. But then it was their persistence that got to you. 
They saw glimpses of it in their time masquerading as a mortal. Your anger. It simmered underneath your skin and has been burning since you were young and pure. 
Their merciful brother told them, he knew you before when you barely reached their mortal form's waist, that you came from a pagan land. A land that was ransacked and pillaged and absorbed into Uren’s ruling. You came in, resentful and bitter with no desire to listen and obey to the people who killed your family. 
They know that you don't like the gods. Even now that you're a priest. But they thought that they were an exception, you got to know them as not a god after all, as Erasmus and not as Luvarin. 
Yandere Love Deity who is met with your frigid glare and… Gods, they can't bring themselves to remember the words you wielded like sharp blades. All they remember you telling them before they allow themselves to be swept away by the wind is that they should find another god to marry instead
Yandere Love Deity who weeps with such force that the skies turn grey, the oceans crash and churn, and the wind blows so violently it's nearly enough to have you whisked away from the earth's surface. It's enough to draw the attention of Qhetohr who cackles at the sight of Luvarin’s tear-stricken face. 
“I told you so!” Qhetohr’s obsidian eyes flash menacingly, “Mortals are fools. Arrogant, bumbling, fools. You could promise him the world and he would still turn up his nose at the thought of spending an eternity with you.” 
Luvarin clicks their tongue and avoids Qhetohr’s gaze, they wipe away their tears before facing their twin with a burning glare, its force lessened with the redness of their eyes, “Are you done?” 
Qhetohr snickers, they plop down on the kline beside Luvarin and hook an arm around their shoulders, ignoring their protests as they bring them closer, “Don’t be like that. After all,” Qhetohr smirks, “I’m here to help you.” 
Yandere Love Deity whose love for you turns bitter, it’s still there but it’s tinged with resentment, and Qhetohr only fans the flames higher till Luvarin doesn't think twice before saying yes to whatever Qhetohr has cooked up for you.
Yandere Love Deity who continues to watch you, watching as you experience misfortune. It starts with you injuring yourself more frequently. You struggle to think of what else to write in your latest text. The roses you've been growing in the temples wilt. If your public rejection of them wasn't enough already, this was enough to convince the town you're bad news. The temple's head priestess who once told you she understood why you refused Luvarin now glares at you coldly as she hands you your things and tells you you are no longer welcome within their walls.
Then it intensifies, your bad luck bleeding out into your surroundings. The food in the stores turn foul and rot. The animals start dying, flies surrounding their corpses and crows picking away at the meat. The village falls to unidentifiable sickness that the physicians and priests are not able to cure. It all comes to a head when the waters become infected and run black. 
Who else could be responsible other than the ex-priest who rejected his own god? 
They scream at you, they curse you out as your ‘brothers and sisters’ hold you down with flinty stares on top of the stone table. Your bare skin pressing on the cold surface. They stripped you down to your loincloth and doused you in the freezing waters of the Yulerine River all in preparation for this moment.  
One acolytes light the candles at the feet of the altar, and another one pours wine into a bowl and sets it in front of the statue of Luvarin behind you. A priestess lights the incense sticks and the air is filled with the scent of smoke tinged with roses.
The head priestess holds a hand up and closes it, the crowd goes quiet. You can see them, their purple eyes framed by their golden locks, royal and cold, narrowing with what you can only describe as a sadistic glee.
“We stand here today,” The head priestess bellows, “To witness the execution of a traitor to the temple, to our patron and god: Lord Luvarin.”
“Sister, please–”
“He has offended our Lord!” Her voice drowns out your pitiful voice, “And by his death, we shall rectify his foolish mistake. We shall offer his life as an offering to our Lord and beg for their forgiveness by giving them the man who has refused their love that which he does not deserve to have!”
You search the masses for somebody, anybody who can see past this farce and save you. But amidst the mass of people who you have grown up with, who you have helped, who you have supported through the hardest of times only to find aggression and rage that should not be directed at you. 
The head priestess starts to chant the prayers for ritual. The damn Luvercalia ritual. You want to laugh. You spent weeks planning everything meticulously down to the tiniest detail, and you don't even get to see the fruit of your labour because now instead of the sparrow you picked out from the town's aviary, the adorable little bird you've spent so much time grooming and preparing for this exact moment, you are now lying here, being rushed through the sacrifice preparations that should've been done over the course of two weeks. 
You want to laugh, and so you do because now that you're going to die you don't have to care about maintaining appearances. 
One of the acolytes holding you down, a teen boy with freckles and mousy hair named Kreo, glares at you, “Shut your mouth, swine.” 
You only laugh harder, because this little boy is trying to act tough when you've already seen him bawl his eyes out when he broke an ankle trying to save a cat from a tree. 
A balled up piece of cloth is shoved into your mouth and you choke on your own spit and gag as it touches the entrance of your throat.
Usually you love it when it rains, but when it starts to fall in slow drops, building up till eventually you're shivering from the rain, you want to cry because when you died, you at least wished for golden haired Ebris to grant you the mercy of letting the sun shine down on you in your final moments.
As the head priestess starts reciting the prayers, and the men and women who you grew up with in the temple anoint with you oils and salts for the sacrifice, you search for them in the sea of faces and you find them easily. Their lips spread into a devious grin, teeth shining from beneath their hood, and they mouth to you: This is your fault.
“This is your fault!” A grieving father screamed at you as he held his dying daughter. 
“This is your fault,” Your friend hissed at you from between her teeth when the cows on her family's farm began to drop like flies. 
“This is your fault,” The head priestess spoke with a measured tone when you were removed from the temple and your position as priest, “And that is why you are no longer welcome here.” 
The head priestess lifts her head from her prayer, and she spreads her arms wide, “Let the ritual begin!”
The people cheer as your eyes widen and you struggle against the hands holding you down. You try to find somebody with even a hint of pity in their face, but all you see is disgust and resentment.
Despite your struggle and the clear panic and fear in your eyes, an acolyte holds out a wooden box decorated with intricate carvings of flora and sparrows, too pretty to be holding the deadly sharp blade forged from Ofriedian metal that you had personally shined and sharpened to perfection. 
The head priestess plucks it out daintily, holding it with reverence. She weighs it in her hand, before gripping the hilt and pressing it against your bare skin. 
She leans down into your ear, you can barely hear her voice amidst the raucous noise of the eagerly awaiting villagers, “You have cursed us all with your actions,” Her breath that smells like citrus and ice fans against your sweaty face, “But today… today you can repent [Name]. What we are doing may seem wicked and cruel, but I assure you. This is for the greater good. By your death the village will be saved and our Lord Luvarin will forgive you.”
“You will thank me for this. You will thank us all.” 
The head priestess rises from where she bent down, and then she lifts the blade and presses it back down on the area of your upper abdomen, the cold blade digs into your skin, and the blood starts to seep out. 
At first as the knife pierces your skin, the pain is equivalent to an ant bite, if the ant's mandibles were aflame. Then she drags it across his skin like she's making one long stroke with a paintbrush, and a guttural scream is wrenched from your throat but is muffled by the gag and drowned out by the people's cheers.
Luvarin felt suffocated within the large mass of people, mortals. Sweaty, ailment stricken mortals burning with rage and righteous fury. Despite how sickening this was, they had to be here. 
They meet your gaze that is resentful and full of fear at the same time, and despite the tension between you two their heart flutters and their face breaks into a lovesick smile. Though it quickly morphs into a frown when you turn away. 
People keep jostling them and the mortal woman with grey streaks in her blonde hair is speaking, but the only thing that Luvarin cares about right now is you. 
You who have the kindest eyes they've ever seen. You who held them in your arms when on the nights they'd visit and pretend to be cold. You who despite your past continued to respect the gods and adhere to the strict rules that came with being a priest. 
Then they remember Qhetohr's words. And Luvarin remembers your other side.
Your other side. The you who looked at the ring, their genuine feelings, and listened to their heartfelt confession, who they allowed to see their vulnerabilities. The you who chose to turn your back to them just like he did all those years ago. 
Luvarin's hands clenched into fists, and their immaculate nails dug into their divine skin. They can hear you laughing from the altar, and that is enough to fan the flames of anger higher. Their skin breaks and golden ichor drips to the earth. 
Eventually your laughter is cut short when you are gagged, and somehow that only infuriates them even further. Emotions they can't understand are brewing inside of them, and it reflects in how the earth responds to them; the sky darkens, and the sound of distant thunder approaches. 
Rain starts to pour from the sky, and they can hear some of the mortals around them start murmuring about how Luvarin must be watching them. Yes, they're watching alright.
Luvarin flinches when you look at them again, they hope you don't notice. Looking at your eyes again, the fear seems to have only increased, and the anger is slowly being replaced by… regret. They smirk, and slowly it turns into a grin. 
Their lips move quicker than their brain, “Yes. This is your fault. Regret it. Regret it and wish that you had just come to me instead.”
They can see that as the rain runs down your face, so do tears. Tears that despite whatever they may want right now, they feel the need to wipe away with gentle kisses.
No! They curse in their head, You can't be thinking this again. Remember what Qhetohr told you. 
You could give him the world and he still wouldn't choose you. 
Before Luvarin knows it, the woman with greying hair lifts her arms to the sky and exclaims, “Let the ritual begin!”
Despite Luvarin's superior senses already being overrun by the harsh sound of ecstatic cheers, they can still hear your pitiful whimpering, like you're a wounded animal. 
The woman is handed an Ofriedian dagger and then–
Thunder strikes the same time you scream. 
Luvarin can't look away. It's like cold hands are digging into the sides of their head and are forcing them to witness consequences of their action.
The Luvercalia ritual traditionally has them cutting open the stomach of a fattened sparrow, removing the organs, and then cleaning it with purified water and then filling it with herbs before wrapping it with a rope soaked in purified oil and tied to a stick before it is lit on fire. 
You kick and fight, tears streaming down your face, indistinguishable from the rain. The woman cuts your stomach open, stopping when the blade reaches the beginning of your loincloth. Blood starts to seep from the wound, the flow intensifying when two acolytes dig their hands in your wound, ignoring your thrashing, and pull the wound open wider. Luvarin feels as if their own stomach is being ripped open as they continue to watch this.
The woman's face is calm and serene, but her eyes have a satisfied gleam as she rolls up the sleeves of her pristine white robes. She reaches a hand in and starts to pull out your organs. The way she goes about can only be described as methodical. First she cuts out the liver, then the gallbladder. She's unbothered by the crimson that begins to stain her skin and bleed into her soul that no amount of prayers or bathing would remove. Hair falls in front of her face as she is pulling out the stomach and a priestess immediately steps in to tuck it behind her ears. 
Luvarin has seen no small amount of blood in their lifetime, before they were an adorable cherub, they were a war hero who walked a road soaked in gore and ichor but this… They… They can't bear the sight of your violent but ultimately futile attempts to break free that only grow weaker as the light begins… Oh gods. 
Luvarin shoves a hand over their mouth and pushes their way out of the crowd, ignoring the protests of those pulled out of the trance the ritual placed on them. 
They barely step foot out before their immortal body is no longer able to hold any of it in. 
As they heave, they try to grasp your heartbeat and stabilise it. You don't deserve this. They made a mistake, but they could still fix this. But just as they're trying to anchor you in the land of the living, something else, a deity or something of equal power, is dragging you to Demorta. 
No, they weren't going to let you leave them, you were going to stay with them and they were going to fight harder than before, and this time they won't accept any rejection you may have ready for them. 
However maybe it was the vomiting, or the opposing force was simply that powerful. Whatever it was, when they whip their head around as soon as they can no longer hear your already fading heartbeat, they use their enhanced eyesight and you– You've stopped moving. The blood is slowly pouring down the altar, moving slowly, oozing even. 
They are already cleaning the now hollowed out stomach of your body and reciting the blessings to purify the herbs. Rosemary. Basil. Sage. Lavender. Thyme.
Luvarin is still as they watch the woman, hands cleaned but forever dirtied with your innocence, place the herbs inside, and then sew up your chest before closing your eyes. 
She claps her hands, and they tie you to a large wooden pillar with the rope. They recognize the wood, they– they can see the little carving you etched into its surface when the two of you visited the grove. 
You smiled as you sheathed the dagger back on the strap in your leg, satisfied with your work.
The first letter of both of your names with a + sign in between the two of them. 
“Some of my finest work yet,” You chuckled, but the look in your eyes tells them it's more than just a joke. 
They brush their hand against the letters, and they smile. It's not perfect, but it's.. it's human. 
“Do you like it?”
“I… I love it.” 
The woman recites prayers before your body as an acolyte waves a golden thurible around your body, letting the smoke curl itself around your corpse and purifying the body these so called holy servants of theirs have sullied with their cruel, filthy hands. 
A man, the village chief, steps forward with a burning torch that struggles to remain lit against the rain that has only grown stronger. He turns to the woman, “Priestess, are you sure that this will work? The rain–”
“The fact that it is still lit is a sign Xander,” She nods toward the unlit pyre, “Please, get on with  it.” 
He nods, and lights the pyre. It is weak, sputtering, and despite the muttered prayers of the temple’s servants and the mortals watching, the flames die out. Killed by the rain. 
“Priestess…” The village chief starts, but the priestess raises a hand. 
“This is… It is an issue with [Name],” She looks to the sky, “Luvarin may not want anything to do with him anymore.” 
Those words cause something to snap inside of them, and as if in response lightning strikes the pyre. The priestess gasps, the village chief falls on his ass, and the people are struck with fear. However the lightning does not set the body aflame, instead the fire lights the earth and it spreads faster than the rain can extinguish it. It bites at the feet of the acolytes trying to put it out and burns them with all the strength of Luvarin's rage.
What happens next is a blur. 
Qhetohr's told them about this before. When your body becomes nothing more than an extension of your weapon and it's like you're not in control of it. 
Everything you do in this state is controlled by instinct alone. 
When they wake up, one of Luvarin's hands is caked in blood and bits of flesh are stuck beneath the nails. They are standing over that woman's corpse and her neck has been punctured with holes that could have only been made by their hand.
Her body is floating, half submerged, and they are knee deep in water. The rain has stopped, and they're no longer wearing their robes. They see that it's wrapped around the village chief's neck like a noose. The village in the distance has been ruined by the flood, and there are more bodies floating around them. 
The only thing unaffected? Your body. The grey clouds have parted and there's a beam of sunlight shining down on you. Your eyes are closed, your head is slumped, and your wet hair sticks to your face. 
You're still beautiful, even as your skin begins to grow pale with death. 
Luvarin sees the Ofriedian knife, they pick it up and sever the ropes. They catch your body when it falls, they drop the blade, and they wrap both arms around you. 
They inhale whatever remains of your scent that hasn't been washed away by the rain and the ointments. 
Luvarin frowns when they feel the unfamiliar sensation of tears stinging the corners of their eyes. They burrow their nose in the crook of your neck and mumble into your skin, “I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen.” Their voice is like a sputtering torch about to succumb to the harsh rain. 
If they strain their ears and focus on the wind, they swear they can hear you. 
They can hear your voice, but they don't know what you're saying. 
“I'm sorry,” Luvarin croaks once more, “I didn't want to hurt you. I never did. I just wanted you to notice me. Not Erasmus. Not Luvarin the Deity of Love. Just me.” 
“A- And I couldn't take it when you said no. I need you in my life [Name], and I still do. But I'm not so selfish tha- that I'd do something stupid. It was Qhetohr,” They can't stop their voice from quavering, “Qhetohr made me do this, s- so if you're gonna be mad at anybody just be mad at them okay?” 
Your silence is deafening but they press on, “I'll do anything,” They look up to the sky, as if begging for any of their siblings to help them. Dignity be damned, “I'll do anything.” 
But nobody answers. Not Qhetohr. Not their merciful brother. Not Uren. The only response is the quiet, occasionally interrupted by the sound of rain dripping from nearby leaves. 
Yandere Love Deity who fixes your body. They place back your organs, mend your skin, and make everything normal again. Or as normal as it can be now that there's a gaping hole left in their existence.
Yandere Love Deity who keeps your body in a coffin they make from their own hands. You have made them countless gifts, but their favourites were always the adorable wood carvings that they can tell you poured more time and effort into than they would ever deserve. 
It is imperfect and made of mistakes, but it is sturdy, and it is genuine. Ularus volunteers to help, he insisted, but a flinty glance is enough to discourage him from continuing further. They need to do this. This is the least they can do for you after all you've done for them. 
Yandere Love Deity who is visited by their merciful brother the day that they lay your body to rest in the coffin. 
“He was always such a bold child.” 
“Oh, of course! He may not seem like it now, but well, you remember what I told you.”
“Who else would, if not us? We're the only ones who know now. We're the only ones who will ever remember him.”
“He loved you.” 
“He loved Erasmus.”
“Are you not also Erasmus?” 
“Dear brother, no. Erasmus is the mysterious charming mortal. I am Luvarin, to him I am nothing more than the master he hates– hated and would have never had to serve if he had the choice.” 
“He loved you Luvarin. He was simply confused. He can respect the gods but that does not mean he likes them, and well– to love the god he detests the most is not the easiest thing to come to terms with.” 
“What are you trying to say here?” 
“I'm saying that the two of you could have worked if there was simply time, time that you no longer have.”
“...” “My condolences to you, Luvarin. He was a good man.”
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☏ - ᴠᴏɪᴄ���ᴍᴀɪʟ: ᴍʀ. ꜱᴀɢᴇ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴍɪɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʟʟ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ᴏᴘᴇɴ, ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ'ᴅ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴇᴇ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛʜɪꜱ.
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kodathings · 3 days
𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀 𝓎𝑜𝓊
Drunk!Ning x gf!reader
Warnings: Mention of drinks, drunk Ning, mention of cigarettes and teenagers making out.
Gender: Fluff
a/n: An anonymous person asked me for this before so I hope it's good since it's the first request I've received. And I couldn't put an image on it, I don't know why and I gave up.
You never imagined that just one party would cause problems for you, you weren't even there to see what happened.
It started with Ning just being invited to a party at Giselle's house and she obviously accepted the invitation since it's been so long since she had fun like that. You can't protest for not being able to go with her, you just left her alone that night hoping she would show responsibility, but that's not how things ended.
"Honey, I'm going to the party, okay? I'll help Aeri and the girls pack the missing things" She gave you a kiss on the cheek and picked up the bag she left next to you on the couch. "Call me if you need to and be careful, don't drink too much" you saw the girl playfully roll her eyes at your concern "Okay, mom" "Hey, stop it, I'm just worrying about you"
She gave a wave and was quick to leave quickly because according to her she was too late and needed to get there soon. The apartment felt a little empty without her with the sun she always carried with herself, but you could get used to not going places with her for the first time. She always asked you to come along, but this time you were too busy and she understood that.
With a prolonged sigh, your body melted into the sofa and you stood there like an old woman typing things into the notebook on your lap without moving anything other than your fingers and eyes. The worst thing about all this is that she didn't tell you when she was going to come back, of course it's a party and she wouldn't have a time, but anyway it was good to leave an estimate and she didn't even leave that.
Leaving her alone in the world is harder than you thought. Were you really feeling like a mother letting her daughter go out for the first time to an unfamiliar place, It wasn't that Giselle's house was unfamiliar, but sometimes things could get out of hand at a party. A party with mostly teenagers to be more specific, that is, everything will go wrong at some point and you knew it from the beginning. Everyone knows it.
As the night went on you found yourself checking your phone a few times, the time seemed to pass too slowly for you but not for Ning who was having fun. You just wanted a text that she was okay or a call. What does it cost to just say she was alive???Should you worry that much? Maybe...yes...
It was already past midnight and you started to give up waiting for her, well she wasn't going to come back early so all I had to do was go to sleep and hope for the best for her. As a precaution, your cell phone didn't stay silent tonight to listen to calls and messages if she sends something. Finally you lay in bed, without your girlfriend your side seemed much harder, it's strange that there isn't an extra weight on your side to serve as a pillow. What hell would that be.
It was like a teen movie: the sound of the phone ringing woke you up with a shock because it was too loud. You can't focus to see who was calling you, it seemed like an unknown number but it was just Karina, one of Ningning's friends calling you, and also one of the people who were at the party.
Your head was too sleepy to think about the worst, so your reaction was the least likely, until you slowly gave up your cell phone without even remembering that you had a girlfriend running around alone at a party. "Who is this? I was sleeping, man..." your head lay down once again on the soft pillow while on the other end of the line you could only hear 3 people talking and background music "If this is a prank I will-" "You’re Ning’s girlfriend right?”
It would be terrifying for anyone to see how his eyes opened now, his mind retraced all the memories of his day and especially that his girlfriend was out of the house "Yes it's me. Did something happen? She is fine?" an awkward silence remained on both sides.
"She's fine...she just drank too much" it was as if Karina wanted to tell you something else but left it aside, but left without success when suddenly Giselle started talking "She mixed drinks with no meaning and now she only talks about you. Can you come get her? I swear to God Winter can't stand listening to her anymore, no offense."
You know it's not the intention to offend or anything, but you still felt a little upset with the way she spoke about it, it would have been better for Karina to have spoken out straight away. "I'm coming" and you were actually arriving, you didn't even bother to change your clothes, you just took off your slippers with drawings and walked out in your pajamas to the car.
Giselle's house wasn't that far making her life easier and lessening her worry about leaving Yizhuo with the three girls, the only one responsible was Karina and she seemed more drunk than the others two. Arriving at the house, his eyes swept over the teenagers and adults smoking or kissing in front. This felt more like a nightclub than a party to you. "Where did that girl get herself?" When I say there were a lot of people making out I say A LOT, no joke.
You left the car parked just before Aeri's house, you didn't want someone to mistake you for an Uber and start having sex in their car that would be fucking disgusting. With her cell phone in her hand, Karina's number was being called, this was repeated more than once as it took her so long to understand and she looked for her head even more. "Hey, where are you? I thought you said you were coming" this time it was Winter speaking.
"I'm already here at the front. You can bring her here, right? I'm..." her eyes went to her pajamas with a big unicorn on the print "... in some trouble here". More and more complaints appeared in the background as minjeong tried to talk to you "Are you serious? Okay, I'm already going with her"
"Ning, just let me out of the car, why is it so hard to let go?"
"I don't want to lose you, stay here..."
It was so cute but so irritating to deal with Ning in his drunken self. She was very emotional and very clingy thinking that something will happen when you let her go. She stayed the whole way home grabbing your arm and never letting go — she almost caused an accident, but we won't talk about that. It was for these reasons that you couldn't let her go out to parties alone, especially when it was at Giselle's house.
"We're just going to get out of the car, I promise you can hold my arm again after this." There were so many attempts and the silliest one made her loosen her grip on his arm. "Promise?" her half-closed but still striking eyes went to you as if you were a puppy afraid of being abandoned, despite showing her tiredness it still looked cute somehow "Promise". It was so relieving not to have your arm being held so tightly as if it were a rope squeezing your arm.
The difficulty of taking care of her was only getting worse when you entered the apartment you missed so much. Still feeling like a tree and your koala, you tried walking around the room with her on your arm, the strong tightness returning to give you slight pain that you would have to endure.
"You had fun tonight, didn't you?" you said as you walked with her down the hall towards the bedroom, your mission was to distract her while trying to at least let her sleep in comfortable clothes tonight. "Yes" a drunken smile appears on her lips along with a low laugh. "The party was cool, there were a lot of people there and I didn't even know them all" Ningning seemed to have fun talking about it, her eyes closing in sleep.
"I'm glad you had fun" In those moments it seemed like so much patience and affection in your voice, if not just one thing different would make her doubt you or even cry. "Sit here, let's take those high heels off of you" she could barely walk straight with her drunkenness. Crouching in front of her, You spent a while trying to figure out how to get those high heels off her and they were really high for some reason.
Your girlfriend can't help you, she's too busy lying in bed without making any effort to formulate meaningful words, they were just drunken mumblings, nothing you should pay attention to.
Your help was with everything as if she were a big baby, from taking off her shoes to helping her take a bath. During this she grumbled angrily at every thing she didn't want to do and was soon sleeping in her arms or just staring at you meaninglessly.
Ning was already lying in bed in her own less drunk world as, with great difficulty, she took a cold shower right after getting rid of her clothes that smelled like cigarettes and drinks.
The lights were turned off, you lay down next to her in bed with a tired sigh after everything you had to do tonight, everything was too hectic. "Thank you for taking care of me" a voice appeared right next to her along with a pair of arms and a leg coming over hers "I don't know where I would be right now if it weren't for you"
Your body turns to her side only to see those beautiful eyes looking at you in the dim light of the night, there were more words than in a dictionary "I was worried about my girlfriend, you're still like a baby" a light slap was transferred to your arm as a joke "Stop it, silly".
Both laughter was breaking the silence of the night, listening to her laugh was like seeing her singing the softest melody that could exist. You liked her laugh in the same way you liked hearing her talk, even if it was the stupidest thing she could imagine. Spending this time with her was sacred for you, it would be for anyone because of the way she naturally is.
Little by little you calmed down, Ning getting lost in your eyes more and more and you in the same state as her. The weight of sleep you lost worrying about her began to appear so suddenly, both for you and for her. The silence felt so comfortable, the annoying noise of the party was no longer looping in Ningning's head.
The weight in her eyes caused them to close quickly without any action. She hugged you a little tighter than usual, letting you know that she didn't want to leave you in your sleep. And she wouldn't, not now that the two of them were cuddling together, feeling and taking comfort in each other's warmth for a likely long night's sleep.
"I love you, Y/n…" a soft murmur came out before she fell asleep in your arms.
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cwritesforfun · 3 days
So, I'm so desperate for a Emma D'arcy x Fem Reader fic!!
Ok here you go: hope you enjoy!!!
Emma D'Arcy x Fem!Reader: Co-Workers or Something More? (Request)
Y/N = Your Name using She/Her/Hers pronouns Emma's pronouns are They/Them ** I do not own any House of Dragon plot points briefly mentioned
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Getting the role of Alicent on House of Dragon was nerve-wracking. You were a huge fan of Game of Thrones and even read all the released books. You've been working for years towards getting a role in any TV show or movie. You have been in some indie films and when you got the call to be Alicent, you thought you were dreaming. It was amazing. It was probably one of your favorite days to ever exist.
At the table read for the first season, you were pouring a cup of coffee for yourself when you heard, "So you're playing Alicent?" You turn and see someone beautiful staring at you. You felt lost in their soft blue eyes for years if you could. You instead say, "Yes I am, my name is Y/N. Nice to meet you, what's your name?" The person standing opposite you says, "It's lovely to meet you, Y/N. Y/N is such a beautiful name. I'm Emma D'Arcy and I'm playing Rhaenyra." You reply, "Emma is a beautiful name for a beautiful person. Rhaenyra is a Targaryen, so I am jealous." Emma lets out a laugh and says, "I'm flattered. Say, do you want to grab a bite to eat after this?" You nod and answer, "Sounds great." You both take your seats next to each other, and the table read begins. It lasts several hours.
Afterward, you and Emma make your way out to a restaurant that claims to have great cocktails. You arrive, get seated in a booth, and both order drinks. Emma orders a Negroni Sbagliato with prosecco in it and you order a Gin Martini with a twist. (If you know, you know.)
The night carries on with you two discussing your career, your lack of a love life, and dragons. It's a great night with even better company.
The next 10 months as you film season 1, you become close with the cast, especially Emma. You both hang out outside of filming time and you really like Emma. You find yourself dreaming of Emma some nights and you can barely meet their eyes. It's so embarrassing to have a crush, especially on a coworker. Emma also flirts when they get drunk and it's always directed to you. You don't know if they're just drunk or actually like you.
Season One finishes filming and the whole cast is at an open bar. You're sitting sipping your second gin martini and you are starting to feel tipsy. You hear, "Is this seat taken?" You see Emma standing there in all their glory and you shake your head. Emma sits next to you, leans back, and puts an arm around the back of your seat. Should you lean back... or what...? You lean back and Emma's hand finds your shoulder. Emma exclaims, "I was wondering if you were going to move closer." You reply, "Sorry, what was that? I keep getting lost in your eyes, what too cheesy?" Emma laughs and asks, "Is that why you've been avoiding me on set?" You shrug and answer, "Yes, you exist in my daily life and in my dreams. It's hard to look at you after I dream about you." Emma raises an eyebrow, places their other hand on your thigh, smirks, and asks, "And what are we doing in those dreams, may I ask?" You place one of your hands on Emma's hand on your thigh and answer, "Oh you know hot stuff." Emma smiles and asks, "Wanna get out of here?" You nod.
You both leave the party together and head to Emma's place.
When you get there, Emma complains about being hungry so you agree to cook with them. You both cook pasta, listen to music, and dance together. You both eat dinner so fast while laughing whenever you make eye contact.
You both walk to the couch and Emma asks, "Just a question, but when you said hot stuff in your dream with me, does that mean you have a crush on me?" You answer, "It's so embarrassing being a 30-year-old with a crush, but yes I do like you like that." Emma says, "I think the only embarrassing thing would be if I didn't feel the same way... I like you too. I really like you. I want to kiss you, but I know we're both really tipsy." You reply, "We can still kiss tipsy. I give my consent." Emma smirks and replies, "I think if we kiss, I won't be able to stop." You smirk and ask, "OK then what should we do?" Emma answers, "We could just watch a show or sleep."
You both watch a part of a movie until you both start falling asleep and waking each other up. You go to the bedroom to sleep and you wear one of Emma's shirts to bed. Emma is the big spoon and cuddles you as you drift off to sleep.
You wake up cozy and with a raging headache. You groan and twist a little. You hear Emma groan next to you and they say, "Morning. Is it just me or did those drinks really break your head?" You say, "I'm in pain. Yeah... but I liked waking up next to you." Emma replies, "I liked waking up to you too. You're a good cuddle buddy."
You both get up, you borrow clothes from Emma, and you go out to eat breakfast. You eat breakfast sandwiches and start to feel like a human. You go back to Emma's place, get back into pajamas, and turn on the TV to watch something.
Emma exclaims, "Let's kiss." You smile and say, "OK." Emma cups your face gently and you kiss. It's even better than in your dreams when you kiss them.
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runningfrom2am · 1 day
requiem // part two
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summary: according to coriolanus snow, his best friend had the most beautiful voice in all of panem. she had been training her whole life constantly to get where she was; being up for a residency at the most elite opera house in all of panem. singing was her passion. her true love; and when that got stripped from her in a second, his world became a whole lot quieter. he loathed every minute of it.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 2.7k
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: opera singer!mentor!reader (blink and you'll miss it), she's kind of a prodigy!! p cool imo, mute!reader, bestfriend!coryo, friends to lovers trope ooo, mentions of graphic violence early on (particularly the prologue) but after that it's pretty safe, depictions of ptsd/trauma, mental illness and minor suicidal ideation but at least she's not entirely alone, descriptions of minor medical treatments and use of medication.
a/n: the playlist is up now and i think it's cute so far!! if you have any song suggestions that should go on it please let me know!
the songs in this part are "Into the Unknown" by Idina Menzel, "Never Enough" by Loren Allred, and "It's All Coming Back to Me Now" by Celine Dion !!
my asks are also open to talk about this series! (i do have emoji anons open now too!)
send me any and all of your thoughts! here!
series masterlist // playlist // pinterest board
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four months earlier
"Hey, what did I say about breathing, hun?" You turn on your piano bench, stopping your playing abruptly. "You sound strained."
The little girl giggles, shaking her head. "I'm sorry! I always forget!"
"Okay, well, forgetting to breathe won't do you much good, will it?" You ask, smile on your face as you raise an eyebrow at her.
"Probably not, miss."
"Definitely not!" You laugh, placing your hands on your knees to push yourself up from your seated position. "Here's what we'll do. No music, we'll just go through the first verses together without breathing. Go as long as we can, yeah?"
The little girl nods, and you take a deep, dramatic breath before you start your part with the three big interjections so she would know when to start. You smile as you watch her take a big deep breath too before her part comes in, and you continue with her.
"You're not a voice, you're just a ringing in my ear. And if I heard you, which I don't," She giggles at the spoken line, which you know is her favorite. You smile and motion for her to keep going with you. "I'm spoken for, I fear. Everyone I've ever loved is here within these walls. I'm sorry, secret siren, but I'm blocking out your calls."
That's the part where she can't continue, her singing voice fading into a strained whisper as she tries to get it out, but you can keep going.
"I've had my adventure, I don't need something new. I'm afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you..." You don't make it much farther, considering you had started much sooner and had some belted interjections, but you try your best. You both laugh as you gasp for a deep breath when you're done, chest feeling tight.
"Even you can't sing for long without breathing!" She laughs, and you nod.
"See? That's what I'm saying! I lasted just a little longer, but that comes with years of practice, so you've gotta focus on your breathing now, and you'll outsing me in no time."
"Now," You start, walking up to her and grabbing her hand, molding it to be held out flat in front of her. "Hold your hand right here, and every time you breathe, you should be feeling your tummy hit your hand. Big, quick breaths. You got it?" You ask the little blonde girl.
Coryo watches from the crack in the door as she tries it out, and you make sure her hand is in the right place. He smiles a little to himself, seeing how good you are with her. You had just started teaching a few months ago, and you told him you loved it, but he had never stopped by during your lessons before.
"Yes, just like that. Are we ready for music again?" You smile, and she nods, arm held out firmly in front of herself exactly where you placed it.
You gently pat her shoulders and head back over to your piano seat, flipping back to the first page of the old yellowed sheet music in front of you.
He watches your hands as you play at the same time as you sing, looking back over your shoulder to cue her and play her in.
"Big, big voice!" You remind her as she reaches the chorus, wanting her to really push.
"I'm afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you, into the unknown!"
"Yes, good! You're an angel!" You smile when she nails it, pushing into the piano keys.
"Keep going, let's do the whole thing." You encourage her, normally you would do it in small sections to work on little bits and pieces, but you wanted her to try out the full thing at least once before her lesson was done for the day.
With your waiting room at the academy just a little ways down the hall, Coryo is sure he could still hear your accompaniments from there, so he goes to sit and wait for you to be done.
"Alright, you did amazing today! What are we going to work on tomorrow?" You ask, holding the door for the little girl as she walks out with her backpack.
"Yes, good. Now remember your hand, where does it go?" Coryo assumes she's showing you when he hears you praise her. "Yes! Good girl. Go through the whole thing ten times tomorrow with your mother, and I'll see you on Thursday, okay?" He stands up when he hears you say your goodbye, grabbing his bag and preparing to go.
"Thank you, miss! See you on Thursday!" He can hear her skipping off down the hall, followed by the main doors opening and closing before he walks over to your training room.
He peeks through the open doorway, watching you gather up your sheet music and put it carefully into your book bag.
"What song was that? I've never heard it before."
You jump, turning quickly and staring at him with wide eyes, which quickly relax when you see your best friend. "Coryo." You laugh softly, shaking your head. "You scared me!"
"Sorry." He chuckles, taking that as permission to come in, stepping in and looking around.
"It's from an old, old movie. I've never heard of it, but the company that composed them for the films had tons of pieces more suited for children." You explain, holding out the unpacked bit of sheet music to him. He takes it carefully from your hand, flipping through the old book, labeled 'Disney' across the front. "Those ones are harder, a bit above her level, but I wanted to try pushing her, and she likes it, which helps." You explain, holding your hand out for him to pass it back when he's done.
"Did you learn many of these?" He asks, tilting his head at you as he hands it back.
"Oh, all of them." You laugh, carefully tucking it into your bag. "I performed one from that same film when I was about... twelve? Yes. Twelve. My teacher accompanied me for the sirens' part."
"Is that what you were singing in hers?" Coryo asks. He's sure he must be annoying, laying into you with question after question, but he was truly interested. He loved hearing you sing- he wanted to know everything you were willing to share about your life. Especially the massive part of it he knew he would never quite fully understand; your music.
"Yes, it is." You nod, cheeks flushing as you close up the piano. "It's so beautiful, I've always wanted to try that part. If she excels at it, maybe I'll accompany her at the gala."
"Oh, right. Where can I buy tickets again?" The music academy had a gala at the end of every year, and the students would all perform something- you were one of very few who got a solo. You'd gotten one every year since you had enrolled officially at five, and every year the people of the Capitol looked forward to it. Tickets were hard to come by, but that's because they were held for family and friends of the students. This year would be your last, and next year, no one doubted you would have a residency performing for the elites. You had done so a few times before, but Coryo could never afford a ticket- though, that never stopped you from offering them up first. Another benefit to be added to the list of things he can afford after he wins the Plinth Prize.
"I have spares, they're all yours if you want them." You smile at him, heading for the door and flicking off the lights. "But you don't have to come."
"It's your last gala, of course I'll come." He insists, closing the door behind himself as he follows you out.
"Yay! Then I'll get you the tickets." You grin, heels clicking as you walk alongside him down the hallway.
"Thank you." Coryo grins. "Hey, do you want to work on that English assignment together tonight? We could go to that coffee shop you like."
"I have rehearsals." You sigh. "Sorry, but maybe tomorrow? After I practice?"
"Rehearsals? Already?"
You raise an eyebrow at him. That was a stupid question and he knew it.
"You're right. That was dumb." He laughs. "Can I come?"
"To rehearsals?" You ask, stopping as he opens the door for you. He nods. "I guess so. You'll just have to hide in the back so Miss Cornelia doesn't see you."
"Alright, guess I'll be hiding then." He smiles.
It doesn't take long to walk across campus to the theater, and you and Coryo part ways when you take the stage entrance.
He walks around to the side of the building, sneaking in through an emergency exit. He can hear you warming up already, your voice carrying through every hall and stairwell in the theater.
When the door at the very back upper level of the theater creaks open slowly, you have to keep yourself from looking or drawing attention to your friend's entrance as you continue with your scale. You were already warmed up from your lesson, but Miss Cornelia always insists you do anyway. Realistically, there was rarely a moment when you weren't asleep that you weren't "warmed up."
"We're starting with 'Never Enough,' " Your instructor tells you, and you nod slightly, taking a final sip of water while she signals for whoever was in the booth today to start the instrumental record. If you were to perform this live, you would have the orchestra there, but it was difficult to get forty people to agree to come practice just for your rehearsals. By now, everyone knew you didn't need it anyway.
You didn't want to start with this song- you didn't even want to perform it anymore, but she liked it. It was below your skill level, by this point, but people liked to hear it. It was a beautiful piece, but ironically, it wasn't enough anymore if you wanted to progress your career.
Coryo pulls out his homework on his lap, finding the sound of your voice very relaxing to work behind.
"Stop- stop!" Miss Cornelia calls out, and you're hardly past the first chorus. The music cuts out, and Coryo looks up from his book. You look at her with a furrowed brow. "You're listening to yourself. Stop that. You know better. Now, start again."
The piano starts, but your argument makes it halt again. "I'm listening because I want to hear something different. I've been doing this song for years, I want to at least improve somehow if I must keep beating this dead horse."
Your instructor raises an eyebrow at you. "Oh?" She asks, dropping her pen down on her notepad. "You think you've perfected it, have you?"
You swallow your fear, nodding slightly.
"Okay, well, you still sound stiff in the bridge, and the final chorus is still under-supported." She critiques you, challenging you with her stare.
Coryo watches the interaction, confused as to what on earth this woman was talking about. He knew little about the technical terms and what she meant, but to him, it sounded perfect. He had heard it before several times- you definitely knew what you were doing.
"I'm not performing this." You reply simply, shaking your head as you reach for your water bottle. You had enough self confidence with your singing to know she was just letting the music fall on deaf ears- so familiar with the piece and your particular voice that she would never find it perfect. "Let me do something else."
"Not until this is perfect."
"Sorry, allow me to rephrase: I won't be performing this. I'll be doing something else." You insist, bringing the bottle to your lips and Coryo wants to cheer you on for standing up for yourself, but he stays silent.
"Okay." Miss Cornelia replies, clapping her hands together. "What do you suggest? Since you're the professional."
"I Will Always Love You." you offer, placing your water bottle back down, screwing the lid back on. "Or Skyfall, or Human, or Time to Say Goodbye, Memory, With or Without You, Mandy, Praying, I don't know- any of these other songs that I have been working on for years!" you exclaim, speed and volume increasing with every title you throw at her. "Don't you think any of those could be more representative of my range?"
"No." Your instructor shuts you down quickly, pushing her glasses up her nose. "We have been preparing this for your final gala for too long to change it now. That's not fair to the orchestra or the board. The university is expecting it as well."
"It's All Coming Back to Me Now." You demand, and the theater gets so silent in the moment that follows that Coryo is sure you could hear his breathing from the stage if he wasn't already holding it back.
He doesn't know the song, but the deafening silence that followed your suggestion led him to believe it was something difficult or different than what he's used to hearing from you.
"That piece isn't difficult, the orchestra doesn't even have to learn it. I can play for myself on the piano and they will be that much more impressed, no? The hardest part is the vocals and I know I can do it- I've been practicing it for years. My family says it's outstanding." You continue, determined in your every word.
"Your family? Oh, well, that's wonderful. Maybe they should coach you, then. Since they're experts." She scoffs in response. "Like I said, the university scouts are expecting 'Never Enough.' We couldn't change our submission now if we wished to- and even if we could, the unprofessionalism you'd be displaying would be astounding. So no, absolutely not."
You sigh. You don't need that stupid scholarship- you probably won't even need to go to university for anything more than the title you'd get after you graduate. You were essentially promised a residency at the opera house already, but she was right. It wasn't fair to the orchestra to throw something new at them only one semester away from the gala, or remove them from the plan altogether.
"Again." She says, not giving you the chance to fight with her before the music meets your ears again.
You shake your head, waving a hand dismissively at the sound booth. "Let me play it for you, then decide."
Coriolanus could feel the tensity of the situation somehow increase as your coach nodded in unenthused approval.
She was willing to hear you out, that was good.
You take a deep breath, turning on your heel to go over to the piano on the stage. Every footstep masks the pounding of your heart at the small victory, your nerves only spiking when you remembered your best friend was there to listen today.
Oh, but when he hears you play...
He did not expect the intensity at which your voice came in as he tried to make out your hands moving across the keys, eyes straining from the back of the large auditorium to try and hold on to your every word and note. You didn't even have any sheet music, and your eyes were closed as you played. You had certainly been practicing this piece for quite some time.
This was unlike anything he had ever heard you perform before.
"There were nights of endless pleasure, it was more than any laws would allow..."
Particularly, he realized, in subject matter.
You were not kids anymore, that much he had to come to terms with very suddenly. He didn't expect you to be so comfortable with the verses leaving your lips, but if you were nervous by them, it was unreadable.
God, this song must be like ten minutes long.
Every time he thinks you're done you're not, and with every high note, every borderline scandalous line, he's not sure how you haven't fainted. Well, no. He knows better than that, but he knows for certain that he definitely would have.
No one in Panem can sing quite like you.
"The flesh and the fantasies, all coming back to me.
I can barely recall, but it's all coming back to me now."
Coryo wonders if you even know the implications of every word. If you understood and just didn't care, or if you were innocently ignorant. The idea of sex wasn't something you ever spoke of, but he figures himself foolish to hear you sing this with such clear passion and assume that you didn't understand. To sing about heartbreak and lovemaking and complex emotions all in one song and belt it like you felt every word, well, he didn't even realize he was holding his breath until he couldn't hold it anymore.
Coryo, you're both eighteen. If you get it, she gets it. Be realistic.
Maybe that day, homework long abandoned in his lap, your best friend started looking at you just a little bit differently.
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no taglist this time around!! my fics usually get over a hundred requests to be added to the taglist so instead i made a library! follow me over on @runningfrom2am-library and turn on notifs to get updates when i post new parts!!
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nocturnalnewsiestrash · 19 hours
I was thinking more about this lovely post from the lovely @shaylogic, specifically the why of Charles' shirt changing to black immediately after Crystal talks to him about them staying friends.
And I think it has less to do with the fact that it's her telling him they should remain friends since she can't handle a relationship right now with all her trauma from David. I think this part, the "from her trauma from David", is really really important. Because from Crystal's perspective, she's essentially saying she cannot deal with romantic involvement so soon after David while he's still massively messing with her head and is in no way trying to say that it's because Charles is too similar to David, it's just that all her romantic memories are completely entirely filled with memories of David and when she's put back in the headspace of romantic feelings it brings up all the trauma of him and she needs more time to work through her trauma before she can revisit romantic feelings again.
Now from Charles perspective, he hears her saying that she can't handle a romantic relationship with him right now because of David being so in her head still. And Charles, ever the Reading People's Emotions boy that he is (built from his own trauma mind you) can tell that there's more to why she's saying it now. Like she quite literally just woke up screaming from a nightmare as she puts it and immediately says she's "fine" with an earnest nod to. With this context Charles is reading into why this conversation is immediately following this nightmare, which he has no details about so of course he's analyzing it and why she's saying this after it. Not to mention the fact that she pulled his specific move of brushing of concerns about your well-being. And we have to remember that this is following all the events of the Devlin house shaking his trauma to the forefront of his mind, everyone's look in their eyes following his attacking of the Night Nurse, and all the shaking of all his uncertainty about him being a Good Person and being Needed by the people he loves into the ruminating focus. So with all of this fresh in his mind, with him and David being referred to in the same sentence both with the same romantic context, even though it's entirely NOT what Crystal was saying, Charles still hears this, already in overanalyzing mode out of his worry for her and his own worries that are bouncing around in his mind so easily attach themselves to her worries and twist them until they look alike as overthinking anxiety often does. And to HIS brain he's now worried that he's like David. That now he has some "proof" that he might be a bad person in Crystal connecting him to David, at least enough proof for his own trauma induced "what if" anxiety to think that maybe these fears he's always had and repressed that are now being brought into reality somewhat actually ARE true. No matter what Crystal could have said in this scene he heard David and him in the same context and it became his own worry spiral even with his ever-present smile masking it.
So essentially in Crystal's attempt to explain without revealing her own trauma too much because she can't bear to do that yet she set off Charles own trauma response from dealing with his father of reading into every minute emotion and action to figure out how to understand so he can help her (and himself from the past) and this instinctive trauma response brings out his overthinking which then brings out his worries that he was already recently overthinking and they then got all mashed together in an overthinking sandwich and grew his what if I'm not a good person worries enough to take him down an entire shirt shade. His emotional well-being has been knocked down a whole nother peg from his new worries over any similarity to David. So that's why this conversation was the catalyst for the burgundy to black transition.
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lunargrapejuice · 22 hours
family + loyalty
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chapter three: different | 9.9k+ words
satoru gojo x fem!reader | mafia au
chapter warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, angst, talk of murder and other mafia related work, mentions of blood/injury (not to reader), angst, comfort, explicit sexual content, oral, fingering, masturbation
series masterlist
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loose gravel crunches under heavy rolling tires, the radio in the suv usually playing music turned down to barely audible noises now that they were pulling up to their destination, preparing for a less favorable part of their job. it certainly hadn’t helped that suguru was in a foul mood and had hardly said a word since being told to head out but satoru knew it was because he wasn’t happy that it is the hasaba estate they were rolling up to tonight.
having been the one to be working with mr. hasaba on behalf of the boss as of late, suguru had seen much of their family and had grown a soft spot for the twin daughters. the last time they were here together, satoru had watched them, like plenty of ladies of all ages, be drawn into the pretty dark haired man with a gentle smile.
neither says a word as they step out of the car and easily fall in line. suguru slouching in his stride with his hands in his suit pockets, satoru standing obnoxiously tall, wearing his dark sunglasses despite it already being past sundown.
the house is dark, almost eerie in its silence and not at all how it should have been. while this visit wasn’t planned, today was the deadline the boss had extended for mr. hasaba, and it was to be the last extension, so it should have been excepted, awaited, but there wasn’t a sign of anyone else around.
suguru knocks on the door anyways and when there’s no answer he knocks again, louder this time for good measure but still they are met with nothing in return, the three story house staring back at them silently.
“what a pain,” satorus says, his words a grumble through his tight jaw. the unpleasant now becoming a full blown mess.
“let's check it out,” his partner suggests. 
in long strides satoru walks past geto and kicks in the door, hearing the wood splinter and give way around the lock and the next second the door is flinging away from the press of his foot and crashing into the wall behind it, the crashing sound echoing in the quiet estate.
with a place this large, they take off in different directions. every wall is cast in shadow or barely there moonlight and as satoru walks through the house, he uses his phone light to illuminate the way, not seeing a thing out of place. every piece of art, every decorative pillow and porcelain on display sits like it always had, the table set as if dinner was expected soon. it feels like a ghost town, like maybe no one had ever been here and never would be again. 
the phone in his hand vibrates and the screen lights up, the name displaying there making his lips tug upwards.
you: you know i was thinking about what you said earlier and decided you and ‘everyone else’ are still wrong satoru: so you were thinking about me? ;) you: all i’m saying is faramir may be the better brother but boromir gets way too much hate, he’s not bad and he was redeemed! satoru: i can’t believe you're defending boromir right now you: i am!
he watches the three dots fade and light up and fade again as you type away. he imagines the bakery is pretty slow right now, it’s almost closing time and it makes him wonder if they wrap this up quick, maybe he could make it to see you again. somehow the visit he made there earlier today, where this lord of the rings conversation had started, and honestly every day since your date, had not felt like enough of you. 
so many new and different emotions and thoughts have been swirling in his mind and every inch of his body. unlike he ever had been before and ones he could hardly ignore. not when he felt them so strongly. he couldn’t stop thinking about you and it had taken all of his will power to not lean over the counter as you rang him up this morning and capture your lips in front of everyone. he wouldn’t have cared what anyone thought, except for you and had it not been for that, he absolutely would have done it with the words that had been at the back of his mind since you were at his apartment echoing in his ears.
just do what feels right. because when faced with the fact that he was, perhaps, certainly, feeling for you in a way he never had anyone else, he didn’t know what the fuck else to do. and while kissing you felt right, maybe even more than right, he didn’t want to mess this up by kissing you in your place of business like that when you hadn’t told him it was okay, when you hadn’t kissed since back at his apartment. 
yet another unusual feeling because satoru gojo did not worry about messing things up. usually, the situation was already in the palm of his hands and even if it wasn’t, he had the strength and means to adapt and turn the situation back around in his favor. but is it possible to do that with matters of the heart? when the consequence was losing something that money and means couldn’t replace?
he’s pulled from his phone screen, from his thoughts of you, at the feeling of a hand shoving his shoulder lightly and like he was a child doing something he shouldn’t have been, he quickly pockets his phone.
“satoru,” sugurus voice is quiet and serious. “why’re you just standing around?”
ignoring the question, gojo asks, “what did you find?”
“there’s someone upstairs.”
the second floor does tell a different story than what they had seen in the house thus far. every closet, drawer and box in all the rooms are opened or overturned, pieces of clothes and accessories thrown around carelessly and in the master bedrooms adjoining bathroom is where they hear muffled sounds.
with their guns in hand and ready, through the silver moon lit room their steps are cautious and steady, their breaths shallow but calm. like a dance they’d practiced a dozen times and knew by muscle memory alone. without talking they take their respective sides of the closed door and satoru turns the knob, throwing it open.
screeching cries bounce off of the bathroom tile and before satoru can register what’s happening, geto is putting his gun back in its place under his jacket and hurrying through the door with a terrible look on his face.
satoru wasn’t sure what he was expecting. in this life he saw, and at times even inflicted, more than most people should have to but he had never seen a father leave his daughters, with barely their clothes on their back, to the mercy of the mafia family he owes money to. 
family was supposed to mean something. he was taught that from a young age, even if the lines and terms of family were screwed up and jagged and not always from the same blood. though he didn’t know how true some of that actually was the older he got. maybe he was skewed and rough as well but the things he had witnessed family do to each other he would never put the people he cares about through. of that he had no doubt.
there isn’t anything he wouldn’t do for the few he held close and even if they weren’t his family, but maybe the closest thing he’d ever have to one, you would never find geto and ieriri or yuji and yuta left behind like this. never.
it makes him sick to his stomach. your own fucking children left like this.. their futures stolen from them whether it was death or a life with nothing all because of their fathers stupid choices.
suguru soothes the girls, promising them that they are safe with gentle pats to their heads as they cling to him and sob and gojo steps out of the bathroom to move towards the large window in the bedroom, knowing what he has to do next.
“what is it?” as usual, his fathers voice is curt and worn by years of smoking on the other side of the phone.
“hasaba’s fled,” eyes lost in the moonless night, satoru gets directly to the point, not wanting to prolong this conversation any more than he has to.
“mother fucker,” he can hear the slamming of his fathers fist against his desk, the heaving of his breaths for the long moment the older man takes to process this and decide what he’ll have his son do next. “sweep the house-”
“already did. there's nothing here,” satoru doesn’t hesitate to lie.
“of course,” his father hisses, taking another long moment before speaking again. “fine. we’ll do it his way. him and his family are finished.”
“not his girls,” he’s quick and cold to add, his tone telling that he wouldn’t accept anything less.
“you’re not in any place to bargain with me boy.”
“they haven’t done anything,” he argues, his patience slipping quickly. “they’re children.”
neither of them were ever good at backing down, least of all from each other. strength verses authority because that’s really all his father had over him, the authority to tell him what to do. 
“i don't care,” the older man punctualtes every word. “their father knew what was at stake when he borrowed money from me.”
“i don’t kill children,” he can feel the heat in his chest bubbling over, sharpening his words, making his every breath heavy, his eyes dark.
“you will do what i tell you and it doesn’t matter if you won’t. whether or not you’re the one to pull the trigger, they’re already dead.”
as if it was as easy as breathing in the scent of morning coffee, he speaks their death sentence into existence and doesn’t wait a moment longer to hang up the phone like it might stop his son from doing what he wants.
gojo was trying to contain his anger, not do something stupid like simply kill his father and anyone that might take his place - it would be so easy especially with geto by his side - or just leave japan altogether and never look back. 
he had been right all those months ago when he questioned if staying was right. if this is where his future and loyalties lay. if he deserved better.
that night hadn’t been all that bad though, he remembers with a small smile. after all, it had brought something into his life that is better.
“hello? .. satoru?”
when he hears your voice he swears he's imagining it, his mind conjuring it simply to remind him of the night he met you, but he looks down to see he has indeed called your number, the picture he took of you the morning after your date with your sleepy bed head and dressed in his sweater, trying to get him to stop despite the big smile on your face, staring back at him. it's blurry and out of focus but it makes him forget about the mess inside his head.
“satoru? is everything alright?” your voice is soft, full of concern. 
“hey sweets,” he picks up the phone like you hadn’t spent the first ten seconds of your call with him totally silent and he wasn’t feeling a pang in his chest, not entirely knowing what for. “whatcha up to?”
“i’m just closing up the bakery. miwa had to leave early so it’s been a little slower going,” it’s quiet for a beat, like you’re hesitating to say what you want while satoru is focused on your voice, hoping you’ll say more. “are you okay?”
no but he wouldn’t say it outloud. “can i see you tonight?” 
“y-yeah. of course,” god you were so cute when you were all bashful but quick to answer. “i can head over to your place once-”
“i’ll come pick you up,” he still has things to do tonight but that isn’t why he interrupted you. he just.. wanted to see you as soon as possible.
“oh, okay. i’ll see you soon then?”
“see ya soon, sugar plum.”
feeling a little lighter but ready for this to be over, though it will likely follow him for days or weeks to come until they could find hasaba, he heads back towards the bathroom to talk with geto about what they were going to do from here.
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the first thing you notice about satoru when he picks you up from the bakery nearly an hour later are his eyes. they’re somber, void of that galaxy-like sparkle that’s normally swirling within them and unusually vulnerable through the smile he plasters on his face that doesn’t pull at the corners of his eyes like it usually does.
the second thing you notice is that he can’t keep his hands off of you. maybe it was too bold of you from the start but after your phone call and your first glance at him walking through the bakery doors, you couldn’t stop yourself from pulling him into a hug as you said your hellos. something told you that he needed it and he had hardly stopped touching you since.
from the walk from the bakery to his car at the curbside, he held your hand, your other holding onto a to go back full of goodies the entire way and only let go as he went to close the passenger door for you after helping you inside the tall vehicle. the entire car ride with his arm resting over the center console, fingers brushing along your thigh and arm, feather light but still making your skin tingle. and now, on the way up to his apartment from his parking spot and in the moving elevator with his arm around your middle keeping you close to him like he had that night at the club. 
he’s been unusually quiet and even when he does try to play it off with a laugh or teasing comment, you can hear the difference in his voice. it hadn’t gotten past you that both times you asked him if he was okay he completely deflected but he didn’t need to say it outloud and you didn’t need him to tell you what it was.
you just hoped you might be able to make him feel a little better.
“what do you want to do tonight?” you ask, looking up at him with a smile, the elevator quietly dinging with each floor it passes.
“whatever you’d like,” he replies, glancing down at you with a soft expression, his fingers flexing against where they rested on your side.
you think for a moment, focusing on the buttons of his jacket before looking back up at him. “maybe we can play another game? i think i could afford to bet you another kiss,” you give him a little wink and nudge with your shoulder as you giggle.
that got him to smile, real and big and breath stealing.
“oh yeah?” a bit of that sparkle comes back to his eyes that don’t break away from yours. he leans down closer to your height, crowding you with his presence. “you know sweetheart, if you want to kiss me so bad all you have to do is ask.”
you had started this but so quickly he took control and had you all flustered and shy. not fair at all satoru gojo. 
biting your bottom lip, watching his eyes fall to your mouth, trying to keep the butterflies in your chest to not come up through your throat, you breath out quietly, “.. will you-”
his lips are pressing against yours before you can get the words out, your hands immediately finding purchase bunched up on his jacket at the way it felt like your knees were going to give way under the tender way he kisses you. he keeps you pressed close to him but unlike your first kiss, there was no tongue or any notion of the possibility of it being more than just this.
when he pulls away, slow and not yet letting you go, you can see the pretty pink dusting his cheeks and a look in his eyes that you feel mirrors your own. it's a look that you once might have considered to be trouble, scary even, because it was one you wanted to see again and again from satoru. but it was also one you could possibly lose.
“c’mon,” he says quietly, pulling you along with him out of the elevator you hadn’t noticed opened and so easily you followed, still holding onto his jacket and staying pressed to his side.
his apartment is quiet and warm and just as you remember it from the last time you were here. when he lets go of you to shrug off his jacket and head upstairs to his bedroom to change out of his work clothes, you walk towards the kitchen and put down the goodies you had brought along with you, wondering what else you might be able to do to help lift his spirits.
a memory flashes through your mind, bittersweet and aching but you’re thankful for it all the same; an afternoon in highschool when you came home in tears. mom asked what was wrong the moment she saw you but you had only snapped at her, yelling nothing! before slamming your bedroom door shut and falling into your bed in a fit of tears. a little while later she peeked into your room with a plate of onigiri in hand and a gentle smile. 
she didn’t make you tell her what was wrong, she hadn’t even asked about it again, but she had climbed into your bed with you and together you shared what she made. it wasn’t fancy or extravagant but you swore every bite of rice and different fillings tasted like heaven with the way it filled your body with warmth and the love she poured into it until you forgot about your horrible day and could smile again.
it’s been so long since you experienced anything like that and you had never had anyone to care for like that yourself. 
dressed in a white long sleeve shirt that displays his collarbones and a pair of black pants, satoru hurries back down the stairs, looking around for you just to see you still standing where he had left you, no doubt seeing the complicated expression on your face at the memory of your mother but it melts into something softer, almost sanguine, at the sight of him.
“have you eaten yet?” you ask with a heartfelt smile as he approaches you.
“not yet.” he looks cute like this, you think the closer he gets to you. comfortable, his undercut a bit messy, that sparkle slowly returning to his eyes, even if they are a bit tired. “what should we order?”
“how about i make something instead?”
✧˚ · .
it shouldn’t come to a surprise that satoru had next to nothing for actual cooking ingredients in his kitchen but as you dug through his nearly empty pantry and saw the even few things in his fridge, there was enough for you to make do with what you had in mind.
he played music from the t.v., avicii that you noticed him playing in the car too, but sat on a stool at the kitchen island next to where you cut pickled plums and spam into smaller pieces, the rice cooker steaming on the counter behind you. your shared giggles and demands for him to stop snacking on everything so you’d have enough for when the rice was done filling the kitchen in a warm glow that seemed to bring satoru back to his normal self.
in order to keep his hands occupied and not poking at you or grabbing food right from the cutting board without a care in the world, dangerously close to the knife you were using, you have him mix together mayo and tuna.
“yes chef,” he teases, and with a roll of your eyes, you watch him reaching to grab the items he had laid out when you told him what you needed and being sure to brush against your hand in the process. “it’s been a long time since i’ve had a home cooked meal,” he admits quietly as he squeezes mayo into the bowl. 
“have you ever had an actual meal instead of just sweets?” your tone is playful even though you’re half convinced it is true. “next time we can get more ingredients and i can make you something better than just onigiri.”
“next time, huh? already want to see me again, sugar?” you don’t need to look at him to know he’s got the devil in his smile. 
grateful you can keep your focus on what you were cutting versus his gaze that you know is on you, with heated cheeks you try to get him back, feigning innocence when you say, “i suppose i could ask another handsome customer if he’d like me to cook for him.”
turning your head only a little, you peek over at him and see an adorable pout on his face that makes you feel a tiny bit bad for saying it, his pink lips in a frown that brought attention to his bottom lip, his brows furrowed that somehow made his azure eyes look even more striking.
after a blink it’s gone, replaced with a mischievous smirk and a quirk of his brow. “so you think i’m handsome?”
“obviously. anyone with eyes thinks that.”
“true but i’ve never heard what your eyes thought.”
you’re left a little speechless at that. you suppose you hadn’t voiced it out loud but you had thought it more than plenty. when you find your voice again you let the words you’d thought a million times come tumbling out. “i think you’re very handsome satoru.” your tone is a bit shy but you meet his gaze through the tips of his white locks and add, “gorgeous even.”
suddenly he’s standing, all rosy cheeks and tender eyes, his tall figure towering over you, not leaving any room between your body the closer he draws into you. instinctively you turn towards him, not wanting to back away even with your heart thrumming in your chest to an unsteady beat. 
he says your name just above a whisper, as if he hadn’t already had your full attention. “do you have any idea how breathtaking you are?”
“satoru-” you tear your gaze from his, not sure where else to look besides down at your chests nearly touching with every breath he takes. you don’t know if you’re breathing too, his words leave you feeling overwhelmed in the best of ways but so unlike anyone else had before.
long and slender fingers rest underneath your chin, bringing your eyes back to his with a gentle pull that you so easily follow, his lips parting to speak and you are ready to hang onto every word but before anything comes out the front door to his apartment bursts open with a loud bang!
you tear apart quickly and you try to ignore the ache in your chest at the distance suddenly put between you. you can’t see to the entryway with satorus large body in the way but you can hear heavy breathing followed by the call of a title you had never heard gojo be referred to as.
satoru doesn’t seem to be in a hurry as he stuffs his hands in his pockets and makes his way to the door. when you’re able to see past him, you spot two teenage boys. one with pink hair, bloody and bruised and the other with dark hair and a half hearted smile helping keep him upright. the dark haired boy is a little banged up too but not nearly as bad as the younger looking one. 
quickly you’re on satorus heels following after him.
“wow, you two got into quite the fight huh?” satoru stops right in front of them, speaking as though they aren’t practically bleeding all over his entry way but to your surprise, both of them are laughing and smiling in reply like this was just a normal day.
“satoru!” you chide, hoping he would take this more seriously when these poor boys are beaten up. you have no clue who they are but clearly satoru does and still.. regardless of whether you knew them or not, you didn’t want to see anyone in pain.
all three of them look over at you at the same moment, satoru with that easy smile that tells you it’s all okay, the boys like they have never seen a woman before. perhaps they hadn’t, at least not here of all places.
“don’t worry,” satoru says, his voice a calming, playful melody directed at you when you were worried these boys needed it more. turning back around to them, he rests each of his large hands atop their heads, ruffling their hair in unison, both of them beaming at the action. “they’re just fine.”
you aren’t as convinced as he is. “where’s your first aid kit?”
ushering both boys into the large bathroom on the first floor, you tell satoru what to grab and instruct the boys to sit at the edge of the tub. for whatever reason satoru only seems to own white towels but he didn’t seem to care that they’d get stained with blood when he pulled them from a drawer on the vanity and left to go get the rest of what you asked for.
with your lips in a frown and a warm wet cloth in hand, you start with the pink haired boy since he seems the worst off of the two and gently pat at his cheek, moving to his busted lip and the cut on the side of his jaw. while you wipe away the majority of the blood on him, he sits still and you take the chance to introduce yourself.
“i’m yuji,” he replies with a big toothy smile, seemingly unbothered with the cloth rubbing on his injuries. you’re glad to see he's at least not in much pain. 
“and i’m yuta,” the other chimes in with a shy smile.
“it’s nice to meet you both.”
“are you gojo-senseis girlfriend?” yuji asks with excited curiosity.
right to the point huh? “uhm.. no,” you hesitate to answer even though the answer should be easy. you aren’t his girlfriend, not really anyway, but..
“you run the bakery, right?” yutas voice stops your thoughts from running too far but brings new fleeting questions into mind. you’ve never seen satoru bring them in.. but you guess it wouldn’t be a surprise for people that know him to be aware he frequented one place more than any sane person should.
moving to yujis ear covered in blood you aren’t sure is his, you reply with a smile. “yeah, i do. has satoru brought you any treats?” 
both of them boyishly giggle in unison. 
“i’ve never seen gojo-sensei share anything with anyone,” yuta says, still laughing from behind his hand.
shaking your head, you silently laugh with them. yeah, that sounds like him but another part of it flares something in your chest you try to ignore.
you listen contently as the boys chat among themselves about satoru, finishing wiping the rest of yujis wounds and going back to the vanity to wash your hands and grab a fresh towel for yuta. he’s quieter than the pink haired boy, sits more still and hums or chuckles at yujis words while you clean his few wounds, his eyes closing as you clean just above his brow, his pale skin reddening under your touch.
after a bit, both of them fall quiet and you take the chance to ask, “why do you call satoru sensei? he never mentioned being a teacher.”
it was a bit difficult to even see him in that role. he certainly never looked the part.
“sensei is..” yuta starts but he seems unsure of the right words to use. 
“he is our teacher,” yuji adds, like it explains it all and was the easiest answer. he shifts against the bathtub and leans back, balancing himself from falling into the tub. “sensei said teachers are people who protect us and help us become strong while still getting to be kids.”
“is that who he is to you?” your voice is quieter than you had hoped it would be but there’s something blooming in your chest, making it hard to take in air. 
“yeah,” they both answer at the same time and you see yuta smiling softly as you pull away from him.
“here you are, doctor,” satoru startles you when he enters the bathroom without you having heard his footsteps. he places the wound cleaning solution and ointment on the counter along with every kind of cotton round and swab you can think of that they make and a huge box of bandages. not exactly a first aid kit but it will do. 
the three of them talk and laugh as you bandage yuji and then yuta, smoothing the bandages over their skin delicately and smiling sweetly when you get them the okay. you giggle quietly along with them, thinking about yujis words describing their sensei and though plenty of the things satoru does and says aren’t in line with any teacher you’ve known, you can feel the bond they’ve developed and when you see satoru rub their heads as they leave the bathroom one right after the other, you can see how much he cares about them.
“you know i think i was also hurt,” satoru closes the distance between you once you’re alone, pulling you against his chest with a smile that makes the butterflies in your stomach awaken in an instant. 
“oh, yeah?” you ask with a chuckle, finding it to be the easiest thing to wrap your arms around him, be in his space, and look up to see his handsome features.
“mhm, when we were making dinner.”
“you mean when you couldn’t keep your hands off the cutting board?”
“c’mon sweetheart- i’m already injured.” his adorable pout and puppy dog eyes are quite hard to resist but even without it, you think you would have given in to him. he was so hard to resist. 
“where were you hurt?” your voice drops into something more sultry and playful and he smiles cheekily in reply, wordlessly pointing towards his lips. giggling, you reach up to touch his lips with the same gentleness you had used on yuji and yutas wounds. “it must be serious then.”
“oh, it is,” satoru says seriously, his warm breath against your skin.
“let me see,” your words are barely above a whisper as you stand on your toes to reach him, your fingers still lingering on his face when you kiss him so very tenderly.
the world seems to slow then. the bright lights of the bathroom against the dark tile like a cocoon meant to capture this moment, let you basket in it and feel your hearts beating in sync without any fears or worries or anything to interrupt. it was just you two and this feeling filling a void in your chest that you had learned to ignore for so long.
“better?” you ask, pulling away from him and falling flat to your feet. you watch him slowly open his eyes, the ethereal blue of his eyes so unbelievably striking against his white lashes and when they crinkle with the smile spreading across his face, you can feel your breath catch.
“much better,” he hums contently, pulling you into his embrace and with the same tenderness you displayed, his lips meet the crown of your head.
you stay like that for a few moments that felt too long and not long enough but when you hear yuji and yuta out in the living room, you know you can’t stay in here forever. 
“we should probably make some more rice, huh?” you break the silence and take a step away from satoru, though his arms don’t let you go far. “plus i still think you need to eat a real meal for once.”
hand in hand, ‘healed’ for his ‘injury’, he walks back to the kitchen with you and helps you shape onigiri, a task he’s terrible at but looks adorable attempting and failing at. eventually he gives up and lets you do the rest but not without him sitting on a stool right next to you, his hands still so hesitant to stop touching you but you didn’t want them too either.
it’s more of the same with the four of you gathered around the table, satoru sticking to the not so spicy ingredients while yuta and yuji ate a lot of everything but under the table his foot is rubbing against your own and any chance he gets he reaches for your face, whether he’s claiming there’s rice on the side of your lip or trying to feed you.
when all the plates are cleared, not a single onigiri left and everyone with full bellies, you and satoru gather the dishes, the boys returning to the game they had started playing on the large tv, but not a single dish gets cleaned before satoru is lifting you on the counter top and standing between your legs.
not giving you a chance to speak or say anything, he kisses you again and again, like he had been waiting all of dinner to do so and was making up for the lost time while you ate. each one is sticky sweet and soft and you can’t help but smile into them, every one drawing out more than the last. 
only when you’re both smiling, breathless fools, do you pull away from one another. you see his eyes drop back to you lips before he looks behind him at the clock on the stove that shows just how late it’s gotten.
“we should probably get you home,” he says but doesn’t make any move to help or let you off the counter just yet. turning his attention back to you, he leans in for one more kiss, using a palm at your back and his other hand pulling at your thigh to bring you closer to him. so easily you melt into him, cling to him. 
“yeah..” you agree breathlessly when he pulls away from your lips but really, the last thing you want to do is go. 
satoru takes his time letting you leave too, still keeping you seated on the counter with his forehead now resting on yours, the breath of his words brushing against your cheek, the warmth of which you’d feel long after he bid you goodnight at your front door. “thank you for being with me tonight.”
✧˚ · .
with four glorious hours of sleep to your name, you’d expect to feel more like a zombie as you got ready for the day, slipping on one of your favorite casual dresses, and headed to the bakery but after last night with satoru and falling asleep with his scent all over your clothes, you were practically floating through the street and leaving bubbles of pink hearts in your wake the closer you got to the bakery.
you’d have a lot to consider and overthink about when you came back down to reality but you can’t deny how different, how.. good everything feels with satoru either. how he’s already making a permanent place in your heart. how much you’re falling for him and everything you continue to learn about him only seems to make it more clear to you that you are indeed falling.
as you round the corner the entrance to the shop is on, you can’t help but wonder if maybe you are still dreaming when you see satoru leaning against the glass door, his dark sunglasses on despite the early hour, and two coffees in hand. you blink, not realizing you had stopped walking but satoru must have heard you coming and straightened as he turns towards you, now standing at his full height with a goofy smile on face, somewhere between the sleepiness you had no doubt he was feeling and the way your reaction had clearly inflated his ego.
“surprised to see me sugar?” his tone is all playful and teasing but really, you’re happy to see him acting like his normal self after how he arrived here last night.
you feel your gaze soften, your heart stop and start and just because it’s him, stop again. “a little, yeah,” you admit with a bashful smile. “it’s so early.” taking a step closer to him, he takes two until he’s right in front of you, handing you a warm cup of coffee that you don’t hesitate to take a sip of. “mmm, thank you.”
“well i couldn’t go to work without something to eat, could i?”
you don’t mention the box of pastries and other goodies you left at his apartment last night or the food he could have gotten at the coffee shop. “that’s true,” you giggle, feeling your cheeks warm as you break your eyes from his, taking a step past his incredibly tall frame towards the doors of the bakery. “come on then.”
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suguru: headed to you satoru: not at home satoru: [pin dropped] suguru: seriously? it’s barely 5 and didn’t you see her last night? satoru: :p
locking his phone, satoru tucks it back into his inner suit pocket, ignoring when it vibrates again, and instantly his attention is back on you. he likes the space of the back kitchen, it’s easy enough for one person to move around freely but with both of you in here, you’re almost always within arms reach. and how was he possibly supposed to resist you? 
“you really have work this early, huh?” you question, looking like you were getting ready to pull the items you needed today from the metal shelves lining one of the walls in front of where satoru stood resting the back of his thighs against the counter but he doesn’t let you get far into your morning routine before he’s reaching for your hand to bring you into his space, into his arms.
“yeah, i’ll be gone for a few days. maybe more,” he says, having to peer down to fully see you and he can’t get enough of how pretty you look in his embrace, how easily and quickly you wrap your arms around his waist.
“oh.” he loves and hates the disappointment in your tone. he fully pulls you into a hug, pressing you against his body, and the rest of your words are muffled against his chest. “that sucks.”
“hehe. will you miss me?” 
your hands cling to the fabric of his suit jacket, making his chest swell with mirth. “and what if i will?” 
gods you were so cute when you were all shy.
“i’ll miss you.” it’s the first time he’s admitting it to himself too even if it’s not the first time he’s felt it. 
except this time he’s got you in his arms and doesn’t want to let go, much like last night and especially after seeing you dote on yuji and yuta when he wanted your full attention. though there’s no denying what seeing you take care of them, children you didn’t even know, did to him. you handled him with the same care, and then some, like a soothing balm over wounds he had only ignored or slapped a half assed mental bandaid over up until now but they’re getting more impossible to pay no mind to when they itch and ache and even bleed, when it’s only been you that eases them.
“i’ll miss you too.” your confession makes his heart stutter.
“can i have some kisses for the road?” he asks near your ear, smiling into your hair at the way your body shakes with quiet laughter.
“of course.”
satoru keeps you flush against him as he leans down to capture your lips in a slow kiss, addicted to the way you hold onto him for purchase. each kiss after is deeper than the last, so intoxicating, sweet, and when your tongue licks along his bottom lip and he can feel the heat of your cheeks, he leans forward, his hands smoothing over the fabric of your dress until they’re holding onto it and sinking into your soft skin that lay beneath. effortlessly he lifts you off the ground and around his waist.
adorably you yelp into his mouth at the loss of ground and he holds you there while his tongue explores yours without hurry. satoru wants to keep feeling your legs around him and thinks he would carry you everywhere if you let him but he might also insist you kiss him just like this the entire time, rolling his tongue over yours and into your mouth and having your hands brushing along the short hairs of his undercut, tugging at the ends of the longer snowy strands.
he can feel himself getting hard with every swipe of your tongues, each little noise you try not to let out that he swallows, and when he shifts his hold on you, your dress slipping from his grasp and with his hands now on your bare thighs as your dress rides up to your hips, you’re nearly pressed against his growing bulge.
“so soft..” he groans quietly into your lips at the squish of his thumbs against your plush thighs when he holds you tighter.
“satoru-” your voice trembles with want, feathery and breathless.
his own is no better, each breath he tries to take in heaving with desire and heady with your sweet scent, but it’s not as though he’s ashamed of it. he wants you, in more ways than he can admit out loud right now, but hopes you won't deny him when he asks with a warm flush to his cheeks, “can i taste you sweetheart?”
your legs squeeze around his waist and you let out a desperate little sound when he doesn’t give you time to answer before he kisses you again. but you nod anyway, eagerly, clinging to him tighter and he smiles against your lips. “please.” 
taking a step closer to the counter so he can place you down on top of it, he’s quick to gather the fabric of your dress so it won’t get in his way or get dirty before your bum meets the cool wood. quick he takes off his jacket and sets it next to you without breaking away from your lips., satoru kisses slow, becoming sweet, almost chaste, until he backs slightly away from you with a whimper of protest from your lips and is dropping to his knees between your legs that you in return spread wider to accommodate for his broad shoulders. he wants to look up, see the expression you wear as you look down at him but his glacier blue eyes are unable to be taken off the thin lace of your panties that are soaking through with your arousal. 
“you’re so beautiful,” he breathes, kissing high up on your inner thigh and loving the way you sigh under his lips. his next kiss is over your panties, right over your hidden clit, followed by the tip of his tongue traveling down the wet fabric that makes both of you groan.
your hands quickly find their way to his hair, brushing the locks away from his eyes and he can’t help but lean into it, chase after it, want more of it. it’s an odd feeling, one that makes a lump rise in his throat. your touch, even in such a heated setting, was so tender and loving, more than he deserved but he wanted to be selfish, unworthy, and bask in you for as long as you’d have him.
moving in sync with him, your delicate fingers brush along the shell of his ear and cup his cheek as he looks up at you. it’s not often gojo finds himself speechless or helpless but right now, seeing your lovely features and how you look at him with more than just lust filled want but something more, something he was scared to put a name to, made him feel utterly powerless.
“did you.. want to stop?” your question and the hand you suddenly lay on top of his own that hadn’t moved from your thighs breaks him from his trance.
with his heart still hammering inside his chest, he swallows the lump in his throat, loving how sweet and warm it tasted despite how unfamiliar it is. would it be so bad to want more of that too? 
slowly his long lashes flutter closed and he tilts his head so he can kiss your palm that lingers with the warmth of his cheek. “not unless you want to sweetheart,” he says against your skin, his eyes flickering back to your face.
satoru grins into your hand at the bashfulness of your pretty face as you shake your head and avoid his gaze, gripping onto your dress and keeping it pressed close to you, leaving you still so exposed to him.
“i wouldn’t want to go without breakfast after all,” he teases and dips his head to nuzzle into your other thigh, kissing it like he had the first moments before. his hands finally move from where they had laid claim over the tops of your thigh and travel up to the hem on your panties where they delicately dip below the fabric and give them a tug.
moving your hand from his face, you lift your hips and brace it on the counter behind you to help keep you up right and satoru shamelessly takes in the sight with a lick of his lips at the string of slick that still connects you to your panties until it breaks and glistens against your folds. he takes great care as he guides them the rest of the way off of your legs and over your shoes before he puts it into his pocket for safe keeping.
the taste of you melts against his tongue as he dips his tongue into you at your entrance but not deep enough to feel him inside of you, parting your sweet cunt as he moves up to your clit and takes the sensitive bud between his lips with a lewd groan and a twitch of his cock.
your fingers tangle into his hair and tug at the roots, your hips lifting with a mewl you try to hold back at a particularly hard suck and a roll of his tongue over your clit. he does it again and again and is addicted to the way your legs spread in a silent beg for more.
“you taste s’ good baby,” he murmurs into your pussy, his eyes nearly rolling to the back of his head, and delves deeper in you.
the tip of his nose is buried in your wetness as he fucks you on his tongue. every deep breath he takes when his drooling tongue isn’t stuffed inside of your tight hole is full of your scent but he’s not worried about air when his lips are unable to leave your sweet essence. 
he can feel the mess he’s making between your legs, the mix of saliva and slick that coats his chin and down the globe of your ass, can hear the wetness accompany your little noises in the otherwise quiet bakery, but it only makes him feel more of a starving man than he already is for you, his cock aching and leaking in his boxers.
you leave your legs spread for him when his hands move from your thighs but he can feel your eyes on him as he quickly unzips his slacks and adjusts them along with his boxers in a swift motion that's just enough to free his cock. he starts to pump it slowly in his fist, up and down in the new movements he sets with his tongue, thick and hot, he licks from your entrance and back to your clit, teasing in his kisses that linger on your bundle of nerves.
“s-satoru..” it’s a sweet plea that burns the tips of his ears and further fuels his desire to make you feel good, so good, show you he’s good. 
“is this okay?” he pulls away from your pussy in order to look at you, bringing his hand not holding onto his cock towards your sex, waiting for your permission before he touches you further.
the hand wrapped around himself stops too, heavy in his hand and unbelievably hard seeing your disheveled state. all because of him.. your lips kiss swollen and panting, your half aladdin eyes that look down at him like you want him in your mouth just as badly as he wants to keep kissing you like this until you cum on his tongue, until all you knew was his name.
“gods yes,” you can barely get the words out and satoru doesn’t wait a beat to sink his middle finger into you slow, knuckle by knuckle, all while watching your face fall into bliss and starting to pump himself again until he couldn’t stand not to have his mouth on you.
he does his best to watch you then too but it’s so hard to do at the feeling of your velvety walls around his singular finger, the way you clench around it when he finds and curls into that perfect spot inside of you and the buck of your hips at every suckle on your sensitive clit. it’s all too much and not enough and he can’t help but close his eyes and moan against you when you pull him ever closer to you.
adding another finger, he hears you in that same pleading tone, calling his name from above him over and over like it might stop you from falling over the edge that crept closer and closer with every thrust and curl of his fingers. but he was so keen on getting you there, needed it just as much as you did, and would undoubtedly fall right after you.
your legs begin to shake, trying so hard not to close around his head, though he’d happily welcome it. he’s so close too, his fist getting tighter and messier over the length of his cock and across his weeping slit. 
your hand in his hair tugs harder when he massage your g spot and his teeth graze your clit but then softens, as if you had realized how hard it was but he wants to feel you, wants to feel how badly you want him too and encourages you to do it again by repeating his actions but for longer this time, a relentless touch and hungry tongue that has you screaming his name in seconds, the tug on his hair harder than before.
the groan he lets out vibrates through you both as he tries to cum in his palm so as to not make a mess of his suit or your kitchen but it’s so much and electrifies his body for so long. like it had with no one else before. there's a part of him that already knew that would be the case. he had never met anyone like you or that affected him the way you do.
he hardly leaves from between your legs as you both come down, the ministrations of his fingers easing but ensuring you ride out every single second of your pleasure, his lips on your clit becoming sweet kisses rather than devouring licks and sucks. he feels your legs shiver and hears your breath hitch at the removal of his fingers from your cunt and with one last kiss and a kitten lick to your clit, he looks up at you, unable to hold back the goofy and delighted smile on his face.
the evidence of your pleasure lingers on your features and in the unsteadiness of your breaths, your adorable shyness coming back as you pull your dress over your pantiless pussy and see the mess you’ve made on his face. and it comes even more so when your eyes travel down to both of his hands sticky with cum and his half hard cock that lay between them. 
your eyes follow their movement as he stands in front of you, that bashfulness turning to something akin to worry but at the call of your name, tender and sugar sweet, you look up and so easily he leans into your lips, smothering that anxiousness.
“i can’t get enough of you,” he says, unable to stop the words from bubbling upwards when it's all he can think about, all he can feel, but he thinks he’d admit much more just to have you keep smiling against his lips like you are now.
with your help his cock gets tucked back into his slacks and the warm water from the metal sink washes away your releases that coat both of his hands. seeing the time on his watch, he quickly dries his hands on a nearby cloth and searches for his phone, patting his pants pockets and feeling your panties but no phone. 
it can wait another minute, he tells himself, pulling your lacie underwear from his pocket and walking to where you were not far away, wiping the little pooling mess he had left on the floor with a rag. he was never really one to be on time anyways.
like it was the easiest thing in the world, he’s on his knees before you once again and you gasp when you turn around to see him in such a position, nearly tripping over him. not that he would let you fall, not without catching you.
“c’mere pretty girl,” he coos, holding your panties in front of you to help you back into them. 
“thank you..” 
you use his shoulders for purchase, stepping one foot after the other, and from under your dress he pulls them up your legs, savoring the feeling of your soft skin until it rests securely on your hips and he hears his phone ding from somewhere to his right where he had left his jacket.
“work?” you ask with a pout as he stands to his full height, towering over you.
he wasn’t ready to part from you either and takes his time before retrieving his phone, instead pulling you into his arms and kissing you softly, the taste of you still lingering on his lips.
“afraid so sugar,” satoru presses his lips to your again, hesitant to move but knowing he doesn’t have much more time. another breathless moment passes and he pulls away from you, the sound of a text coming through just as your lips break apart. 
“what do you do for work as a ‘businessman’? anyway” you ask, using the title he had given you all those months ago and he isn’t quite sure what to say. not when it feels like there’s something on the line, something to lose, if he gives the wrong answer. 
he’s never been in this position before. though he can’t say it's the first time these questions have popped into his mind. he was just usually better at ignoring them as quickly as they came. could you still accept him if you knew? would you still look at him like you do, like you see the good in him and think he can still be loved? does he dare try? his mind is running a million miles an hour but it only takes him a moment to recover and he slaps on an easy grin on his face.
“i’ll have to tell you in more detail next time,” is all he can say for now and he’s grateful when you tease him in return and use his words from the night before against him.
“next time? already want to see me again?”
his reply comes in the form of a deep chuckle and a slow kiss that has you clinging to him and staring after him when he goes to grab his jacket. just as he’s pulling his arm through the last sleeve of his suit jacket, the bell above the store door jingles.
“it’s probably miwa,” you note and head for the front of the store, smoothing over your dress like it might help cover up what happened back here. there’s hardly any evidence aside from satoru himself but he thinks it’s cute nonetheless and unlocks his phone as he watches you walk away.
a couple of texts from suguru show on his home screen and as if on queue, he hears the voice of the man himself from the store front. impatient bastard. pocketing his phone, he stuffs his hands in his pants pockets and makes his way to see his best friend meeting.. his what? crush? that hadn’t quite seemed to fit right but he couldn’t compare you to one of his flings that geto may or may not have met before.
wearing that kind smile and friendly eyes that most could not ignore, suguru is near the front of the store, giving you his full charm. his face shows over your shoulder as he talks to you and offers you his hand, along with his name, but he finds gojos eyes quickly. 
“satoru,” he greets wearing that face that says ‘you shit head, i know what you were doing’ but gojo pays no mind to it as he takes a place next to you.
“suguru, you’re always so impatient,” satoru whines and throws his arm around his friend and scolds him for how he better not have scared you coming in like this. “this is my business partner and best friend,” satoru introduces you with a smile.
“nice to meet another one of satorus friends,” you greet sweetly and he feels his stomach flutter at your honest smile as you give your name to suguru and shake hands. “i know you’re in a hurry but i’m gonna go get something from the back for you to take with you since you.. ahem.. satoru said he hadn’t eaten breakfast yet.”
as if you were trying to hide your flustered state at the remembrance of what he absolutely would have considered a meal, you hurry into the back, flashing a smile at satoru before leaving them standing alone, the atmosphere between them growing cold in the morning light shining through the large windows.
suguru shrugs off satorus touch and looks at him seriously, like he’s trying to see through his friend, find out what some secret that gojos keeping close to his chest. one he no doubt already suspected. “what do you think you’re doing with her satoru? it’s not like you to get so hung up on some girl you’re fucking-”
“that’s not what this is,” satoru replies sharply before he can stop the words or pick better ones that help him pretend it's not more. what's the point of denying it to geto anyways? his voice quiets. “we haven’t slept together.” well not really anyway. “she’s.. different.”
“that’s dangerous satoru,” suguru warns, his gaze moving towards the rustling coming from the kitchen beyond them and gojos follows. “you need to be careful. for both your sakes.”
✧˚ · .
main masterlist | chapter four (coming soon) ➮➮➮
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transcript under cut : )
Paelford House
July 8th, 1818
*Aurelia sniffling and starts softly crying*
*Aurelia starts violently sobbing*
July 8th, 1808
Auglire Castle
Robert: Sugarplum?
Robert: Sugarplum, where are you?
Robert: And why is it so damn dark in here?
Robert: Sugar?
Robert: Aurelia, please come out. It's your birthday and I have a surprise since nobody else in this damn castle seems to care.
Robert: Aurelia..?
*Aurelia sniffles*
Robert: There you are my dear. Whatever is the matter?
Aurelia: Leave me be Uncle Bertie. I wish to be alone today.
Robert: No, no I won't do that. It's your birthday and your foolish da-forgive me, your foolish parents can't seem to remember. Your mother is still in her bed and not dressed and your fool of a father has been off riding since the crack of dawn, which is never good, he always does that when something is troubling him.
Aurelia: He's been going off riding for long periods every morning since....you know.
Robert: Yes, I know how he reacts to death but he has other children to attend to as well. Mama says he's worse than when our Father died. Had I known it was this bad here I wouldn't have been in the city so long...
Aurelia: *wiping eyes* Well, if you should know, I asked that for my birthday nobody did anything or mentioned it, so it's not their fault. All I asked for was to be alone.
Robert: Well, I'm not respecting that wish. You don't need to be alone, especially on your birthday. None of them have any sense to realize that.
Aurelia: *sniffles* But I WANT to be alone. No birthday will ever be the same again without her. I hate my birthday.
Robert: Well I love your birthday and would like to celebrate it with you and that's why I've came all the way from Winshire. Since those fools haven't prepared you a cake, you and I will go to the sweet shop and get sorbet.
Aurelia: Why should I enjoy any sweets if she never will again? It's my fault, I-
Robert: No, sugar, quit saying that. If you'd like to blame anyone then let it be me, I can bear it. I can't bear you thinking it's your fault though.
Aurelia: But it is…
Robert: *sitting down* No, no its n-*back cracks* NOT!
Aurelia: *softly giggling*
Robert: I'm glad my pain amuses you. If I could break every bone in my body a million times just for you to be happy, I would.
Aurelia: You don't mean that.
Robert: I mean it with my whole heart.
I love you, and I do hate seeing you sad. I too, know how it feels to lose a sister, you know?
Aurelia: *sniffles* Yes, yes I know.
Granny doesn't speak about her that much, neither does Papa.
Robert: They do that because it's easier for them. It's been nearly thirty years, and I assure you not a day goes by where they don't think of her. I think of her everyday, and was only eight when she passed.
Aurelia: *softly* What was she like?
Robert: *smiling* Georgiana was a lot like you, believe it or not. She was kind, compassionate, and a little shy. But she didn't really prefer naturally feminine hobbies such as embroidery, cross stitching, or anything to deal with music and that upset our Mama a lot. My Father adored her, because she shared his interests. Before bed, she would often scare your Papa and I with silly ghost stories and don't tell him I told you this, but he once got so scared he wet himself in his nightgown.
Aurelia: *hysterically laughing* Really?
Robert: Yes sugarplum, really. He was around your age when this happened.
Aurelia: *sitting on lap* Uncle Bertie?
Robert: Yes sugarplum?
Aurelia: Does it get any better?
Robert: What do you mean?
Aurelia: Will I ever stop feeling so…sad?
Robert: The pain won't go away, but in time, you'll learn how to manage it better. You won't feel so sad everyday when you're older, it'll just be some days.
Aurelia: But will I ever feel happy again?
Robert: Of course you will sugarplum! You will have many happy memories in your lifetime, trust me. The happy ones outweigh the bad ones, I know it's hard right now, but I promise you eventually it'll get better, *kisses cheek* alright?
Aurelia: Alright. Can we still maybe get sorbet..?
Robert: We will go right now. *picking up* I'll even buy you a whole cake for yourself, how does that sound?
Aurelia: *gasp* Really? But what will Papa say?
Robert: He won't know. Perhaps we will buy him one too, he might need it.
Aurelia: I think Papa needs more than a cake!
Robert: At this rate...I think he does too. We will worry about him tomorrow though, today is your birthday, not his.
Bridget: Aurelia…?
Bridget: *grabbing face* Aurelia.?
Aurelia: *pushing away* Why are you in here..?
Bridget: I couldn't sleep well, my room is too hot. Yours is always cooler...
Aurelia: *sniffling* You always say this when you want to sleep with me.
Bridget: Well, perhaps I do, but I can't because you're upset! What's wrong?
Aurelia: Why does everyone have to die?
Bridget: Is this about Harriet?
Aurelia: Uncle Bertie.
Bridget: Oh, I miss him too Aurelia. What made you think of him today?
Aurelia: I remembered how he took me for sorbet on my birthday ten years ago.
Bridget: Aurelia, it's alright. *caressing cheek* You know he wouldn't want you to be like this, you can't say he would.
Aurelia: No, *wiping eyes* no he wouldn't.
Bridget: It'll be alright Aurelia. Tonight will be the best birthday of your life and I'll make sure of it!
Aurelia: *sniffles* Oh please don't say this will be the best one. I'm already sad today, I would like to at least hope for one birthday in the future where I wake up happy and not cry.
Bridget: Fine. It will be ONE of the best birthdays of your life. *grinning* Is that better?
Aurelia: A little.
Bridget: You shall dance with your future husband, and all is well!
Aurelia: *smirking* I do hope you’re right.
Bridget: When am I not?
Aurelia: Well..
Bridget: *giggling* No do not answer that.
Now, let us both go back to sleep!
Aurelia: I suppose you mean not to sleep in your own bed?
Bridget: Yes! *climbing in bed* It's too much trouble to walk back.
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starsreminisce · 3 days
What is with Elain and hearing a lot of people's heartbeats? Is that the usual fae physiology or something else?
I feel like it's a mix of both. Feyre was still trying to get used to her body three months after she turned fae, and since Nesta showed she was able to resist the effects of the glamour as a human, perhaps her transformation didn’t take as much of a toll compared to Elain’s.
Feyre was not only dealing with her transformation, but she was also showing exceptional strength when she threw her shoe at Rhys, hinting at her getting powers gifted to her from the other High Lords.
With that, Elain was getting visions that should have been disorienting for her to figure out what was real and what wasn’t, considering she was getting dreams of Vassa. Feyre described Elain speaking in riddles and hearing other things besides heartbeats.
She said, “I can hear the sea. Even at night. Even in my dreams. The crashing sea—and the screams of a bird made of fire.” It was an effort not to glance to Nesta. Even the town house was too far to hear anything from the nearby coast. And as for some fire-bird … “There is a garden—at my other house,” I said. “I’d like for you to come tend it, if you’re willing.” Elain only turned toward the sunny windows again, the light dancing in her hair. “Will I hear the earthworms writhing through the soil? Or the stretching of roots? Will the bird of fire come to sit in the trees and watch me?”
I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I wonder if Elain is hearing all of these things because she’s connected to the earth. I believe her powers are connected to Lucien, considering that when he arrived, she started getting better and her visions started getting clearer. One possibility is that it's similar to how the Oracle of Delphi was connected to the Sun God Apollo through the visions he sent her, considering how SJM loves to pull inspiration from different sources. Another is the whole Cthona and Solas dynamic, which I am hoping will apply to Elain and Lucien.
I also think its to give angst for this line from Lucien, considering she said that she heard his heartbeat through the stone to end up in the library.
“There was no magic spell, no miracle to bring her back. There were no gathered High Lords to resurrect her. I watched, and she died, and I will never forget that moment when I heard her heart stop beating.” My eyes burned. “Tamlin got what I didn’t,” Lucien said softly, his breathing ragged.
Thanks for the ask!
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muchmossymess · 2 days
A Revali Fanfic Recommendation
I urge you all to put your life on hold for a moment and go read this brilliant fanfiction:
A hundred years after the fall of Hyrule to Calamity Ganon, and the hero Link has finally sealed the darkness and freed the Divine Beasts of their curse - and with it, their pilots are finally free. But not just as spirits. Awake once again, the four Champions of old have a second chance at life and must re-adjust to this future world with their decendants. Well - all except for one Champion, who doesn't have a decentant. Or even anyone left alive that knew him. Teba is happy to take in his revived ancient idol as one of his own, but sharing a living space with a hundred year old Champion with an ego the size of his divine beast and who might have some issues he's not willing to share can be a lot sometimes and they don't always see eye to eye. Revali thinks he should return to leading the new generation of Rito warriors. Teba thinks this actual child should never have been leading warriors or fighting a war in the first place. Tulin is just excited to have the infamous Rito Champion in his house.
Beautifully written and lovingly crafted, this baby can fit so much trauma and whump into the most gut-wrenching and heat-breakingly found family story you may ever read. 130,000 words, 36 chapters (and still regularly updating!), and a CRIMINALLY low number of kudos. If that doesn't sway you, here is some gushing under the cut <3
You think you've read a champions revival fic before? This will have you saying "how the FUCK have I not seen this before" and completely change the way you view everything (mild exaggeration. m i l d). We have all of your favourite revali tropes: being a dick and getting owned, being a dick and being right, getting own and never showing those feelings to the light of day, getting killed, getting unkilled and loved, showing emotions but being super weird and revali about it, bonding with tulin!!, bonding with teba and the rest of rito village, bonding with the champions, having panic attacks and trauma, vah medoh being the best ever, being a terrifying force of nature, being an idiot kid, and so much more!
Do you like grumpy dad teba? Do you like revali swallowing his pride? Do you like revali immediately spitting his pride back up and being a bitchy bird? Do you like mipha and revali as gossip buddies? Do you like the complete and utter fool revali makes of himself everytime he so much as hears the name link? Do you like people seeing right through his facade and calling him out on it?
AND NOT TO MENTION THE WORLD BUILDING??? this fic is so in depth of the political climates, racism, lore, changes in culture during times of war, colonisation, biology of the races and just fucking everything?? It adds so much life to the world of hyrule I am genuinely shocked at how much this person clearly loves these games (botw/totk/aoc) and they are able to incorporate all of this amazing information in a way that flows so naturally and just hhrnngngg I am fucking insane about it. THE SCIENCE, oh my god how did I forget all the wonderous thoughts surrounding the divine beasts and the sheikah tech, oh god and how they write the magic system? Guys I swear it's so good.
Characterisation is on point, everyone feels so full of life and that they are reacting exactly how you would expect them too, and they just seem so real, like they are right beside you as you're reading. The author does an IMMACULATE job of drawing you in and making you feel a part of the story, all the while being just beautifully written?
Don't get me started on the attention to rito culture. I have never seen someone pour so much love into something before, genuinely on of the greatest things I've seen. I've always had a fascination over how the races of hyrule view each other, similarities and differences, how their cultures and histories intertwine, and conflicts that may arise. But oh. my. god. My jaw was on the floor every time, it's so rich and beautiful but not without the horrors (and oh god, they are Horrors tm) and again it's just so real!!!
Be warned, however, that there is gore and viscera and terror and hurt and war crimes and death (duh), but for each terrible thing to happen it is repaid tenfold in love and kindness somewhere down the line. (Unless you are into hurt no comfort, then sorry buddy!) It is a beautiful narrative and the exploration of trauma and self is mind boggling and just go read it!!! 😭 😭 😭 I just love this fic so much, it has instantly sky-rocketed to one of my top 3 favourite fics I've ever read, and I'm so grateful to have found it and now be along for the ride that if I could bring that to one more person then by god I will fucking do it
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tuulikannel · 9 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
So I already got this twice so I guess I should try to get an answer out ^^;; It's... really a tough task though, but here we go! I can’t really pick a clear favorite of them all, so they’re just in random order. (Or actually, I guess they're in the order in which they've last been updated/posted.)
1. Caught Between, my Hikaru no Go fic where Sai's a real kid with dreams of turning go pro, an intersex condition, and not... the greatest parents in the world, I guess. (His mom has grown on me though.) I've talked about this fic a lot before, so I'll just say that I'm so glad I finally started posting it and that I've managed to nearly reach the end - still need to wrap things up, but at Sai's finally where he wants to be in live, so in that regard, all's fine.
2. blind alley, Assassination Classroom fic which, as usual for me, is basically about Shuu's relationship with his dad. The summary is rather short: "One day, Gakushuu decides to end it all. Just, all does not end that easily." I've said it before, I don't even know why I like this fic so much. Maybe I'm just a sucker for sad things? I don't think I've ever said anything about the title, have I? Cause this is a rare case where I didn't have to struggle to come up with a title only to end up with something mediocre. I was originally going to name this Dead End, cause stupid puns & Shuu being in a sense stuck in one, but then realized that blind alley refers to the same thing, plus it has the word "blind" in it... and you could say Shuu is blind to the truth for a good while there. (why I decided not to capitalize it, I don't know. Sometimes things just look better like that to me.)
3. oneironautics, AssClass & The Sandman crossover (no knowledge of Sandman required.) Again, Shuu and his dad are in the spotlight. It's just that I like Gakushuu, I found Gakuhou simply... intriguing. What's going on his brain? How did he really go so crazy? I've never felt like Ikeda's death would have been quite enough for that. They hadn't even been in touch for years! So, yeah, I guess one goal for me in this fic was to create him one potential background where all the problems have their roots. Also, writing dreams is fun. ^^
4. Ok, those first three were clear, but now it's getting hard. I've two random Hikaru no Go fics in mind here... maybe I'll pick the one that showcases my fic-naming abilities, It’s the Zombie Apocalypse! XD Its birth was absolute randomness, once upon a time in the hikago community on Dreamwidth people were playing Let’s Five on Hikago Day. Someone asked who'd be the five characters who'd survive the zombie apocalypse, and reading the answers I was attacked by a rabid plotbunny. This fic... it was just so fun to write. And I like how it's got a true ending and a bad ending (the reader's choice determines which you get.) (And, dammit, I'll mention the other fic I was just considering too: Chika-go, the Hikago & Dresden Filess crossover. Another fic that was really fun to write. And it has my first ever battle scenes. XD Also, I like the title for various reasons. ^^)
5. Then, finally: The End of Silence (The All Paths Lead to God of Go Remix), yet one more Hikago fic. This is perhaps a bit surprising choice, but I can’t help it… there’s something about this little fic I really like. It’s a remix, as you see (tho in all honesty it’s more like a sequel than a real remix, I feel), of Flonnebonne’s drabble The Silent Path where Akari, not Hikaru, was the one to end up with Sai. I had always wanted to write about Akari more, but somehow never had any inspiration. This (though I'm sure it's not exactly what anyone expects XD) fixed that.
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Shit That I Wrote As A Kid That Was Objectively Horrifying And Should Not Have Been Written By A Child #1:
A story where every four generations on the same land sixteen girls are murdered brutally in close succession due to a girl named Felicity being cursed two thousand years ago. Felicity Burrows is reborn every four generations and made to live out the same fate, watching her friends die around her, inevitably failing to warn the next generation, and being slaughtered. Her best friend Megan looks on in horror, knowing what's happening but powerless to stop it.
I was ten.
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astrxealis · 2 years
arghh w dynamis data center coming out (having my fave dc name and world names!! esp seraph!!) i am even more. ahbjdjhgd. i want to be more active in na dc
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#most filipinos are actually on na too tbh. or elemental still. but i see a lot on na#and i know a lot of people online on na!#funny bcs i've only ever been mostly active on eu and oce#but yeah... i have an alt on dynamis now but i'm in somewhat of a dilemma between my main & alts#i don't want to leave materia until i get a proper pc/vpn but also idk if i do want to even leave#bcs na wld be my biggest choice then but oce is def more chill i feel. but na has the most of stuff i think!#also bcs i want to move elsewhere so oce/jp might not be most ideal but mostly w jp. i think i might go to aus so that's that#so ig it depends on my future tbh. and when i'll get a pc & ffxiv on pc & vpn! bcs currently i play on ps4 and just play on oce#bcs i started on eu and used the free world move for better ping ^^; and the thing is i NEED good ping bcs otherwise#it's a huge bother esp bcs i do raiding :]#i think the best thing to do esp bcs there's not much i can do. best thing to do rn is just let things be#bcs w house & fc i know what to do w that (relinquish to an alt or smth like that) !! tho there's the fact alt leveling takes so long#and so that wld mean i have an alt on all regions aside from my main. so that would be 3 alts that should be up to ENDWALKER...#and only one so far has finished BASE ARR. so yeah </3 :') not to mention college soon and i'm a young student still#so hm yeah ... i'll focus on the present ^____^ aka my chem and filipino hw <//3#i think ultimately i want to be more active on dynamis/na#esp w vpn... but also be very active on oce? bcs i think it's likely i'll go to australia (hopefully)#n then there's my friends on eu! <333 and jp is Yeah too hehe so yes yes yes#so yeah. ultimately between dynamis/materia (na/oce). ig i'll see as time goes by bcs oce is still so small-seeming it kinda sucks ???#wish that dynamis was oce ngl ...... it fits better w the feel of na yeah but i think more people would have been willing to move to oce#but also na suffers from overpopulation so. yeah. but ghsbgjhbdhhgb yeah </3
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thebuttsmcgee · 2 years
sometimes I will see opinions, and I just have to live with that. It gets to me sometimes tho
#this is specifically about owl house tho#saw someone not too long ago call Luz's character bland and compared her to Anne Boonchuy#and today I saw someone say that mcu is the same as toh since there arent any risks taken and the dialogue isnt great#so first off Id like to say nuh uh. wrong. quit that#secondly toh literally got an ENTIRE Season prematurely cut to a significant amount of time BECAUSE the risks taken for the show#meanwhile the mcu's biggest risk is having a gay person on screen for a solid 5 seconds only to cut them in other countries#literally right now there are posts on here talking about the vfx workers who were incredibly mistreated by marvel and disney#yet marvel will still get whatever it wants.#gunna be completely honest that actually pissed me off LMAO. the show itself since the beginning has always been a risk#a show that has an actual older woman as a main character who is meant to represent people with illnesses and is also bisexual is way more#than anything mcu has done. they couldnt even stick with one of their main blonde boys being fat without making it seem pathetic#not to mention toh is all about not conforming to not only society but those in power meanwhile mcu is literally government funded#alright. got. got a bit too heated LMAO#it just really like feels a slap to the face that they compared 2 disney products that are completely treated differently for different#reasons. I know a good proportion of mcu views are stuff for casual viewers who dont care for comics and just wanna see a movie#but still!!! fuck all that lmao#anyways this post is also for other shit tho. I see sonic takes that should probably be punishable by cringe#not that Im blaming anyone ofc not hggghgcoughcoughfandubcoughbekb.#but yea. god. what a fucking day.
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on-my-vigilante-sht · 6 months
Competing With Gods
Luke Castellan x Aphrodite!Reader, Apollo x uninterested!Reader
Request: Hi could you write luke castellan x reader, where Luke gets jealous of a guy who tries with y/n? How would he react if y/n is at the game? Thank you
Summary: When Apollo is sent to camp as a punishment, he sets his sights on Luke's girlfriend.
Warning: Fighting, jealousy, making out, the slightest allusions to/implied smut, Apollo being a dick
Word Count: 3k
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A/N So instead of another camper or whatever, I’m making the other guy Apollo.
Apollo crashed into the ground of Camp Half-Blood. Right in the middle of all the cabins. Great. He briefly cursed Zeus for this. He was being punished for flirting with a nymph the big guy was interested in. And when Apollo had told his father to maybe focus on his wife, Zeus banished him to Camp Half-Blood for a few weeks as a “warning.”
The Half-Bloods began to peek out of their cabins but one girl was already rushing over. Her hair fell over her shoulder so nicely as she kneeled over him. Okay, maybe camp wouldn’t be so bad. She gave him a concerned look. “Are you alright?”
“Now that you’re here,” he immediately started flirting. He enjoyed the way she immediately became flustered and jumped to his feet. She looked up at him in bewilderment. She saw him fall. She wasn’t a daughter of Apollo but he should have been suffering from at least a few broken bones. “I’m Apollo,” he clarified with a proud smirk. By now all the other campers within the vicinity were near enough to hear and kneeled. The girl did too, kneeling with a lowered head. He reached out a hand to her. She took it hesitantly, standing up. “Who are you, gorgeous?”
She became further embarrassed. How do I bring up Luke? She briefly wondered. “Y/N. Daughter of Aphrodite.”
“I should have known,” the god flirted. “What with those mesmerizing eyes.”
“Lord Apollo,” a voice interrupted him. He turned, finding Chiron trotting over. “My apologies, I was just notified of your arrival.”
“No worries,” the god smiled. The nice thing about not being around gods is that you get called things like Lord.
“Please,” Chiron began, gesturing over to a big house, “let me show you around. Your father has a few requests for you whilst here.”
“Of course he does,” he rolled his eyes. He turned back to the girl. “I’ll see you around, gorgeous,” he winked.
As he left all the campers were left in shock. Especially Y/N. And even more so, her boyfriend. Luke went up to her, finding her still in astonishment. “Sooo… that was weird,” he began, trying to not show his jealousy.
“Yeah,” she breathed. “Was Apollo just flirting with me?”
“Yes!” Silena gushed as she ran up to her best friend/half-sister. “Oh my gods, a god is interested in you!” She then seemed to notice Luke and remember their relationship. “Oh- uh. Sorry, Luke.”
He just gave her a tight lipped smile.
“Oh my gods, what am I gonna do?” Y/N asked, clearly stressed out.
Luke shrugged, again trying not to show his jealousy. “Not much you can do. It’s not like you can tell him to leave you alone.”
“If you really don’t want him then you can tell him you have a boyfriend. And a sister,” Silena suggested with a raised eyebrow.
Her sister laughed. “I was trying to think of a way to mention Luke. And Silena, you’re 16.”
“He looks 18!” she insisted.
“Even if he was actually 18 I’d say he’s too old for you. Come on, the bathroom still needs to be cleaned after Drew decided she wanted to dye her hair black.”
“Yeah well, she’s crying now because she wants to be blonde again,” Silena explained as the sisters walked back to their cabin.
Feeling mildly ignored, Luke yelled after them. “I’ll see you at dinner!”
Remembering her boyfriend, Y/N ran back to him, pressing a peck on her lips. “Sorry. I’ll see you later.” He watched her go, trying to not think about it too much. She never forgot to kiss him goodbye but he tried to chalk it up to the fact that she was shocked by Apollo’s appearance.
That evening at dinner everyone had noticed the “new camper” sitting at the Apollo table looking very unhappy. Chiron stood up and called everyone’s attention. “As you all know, we have a very honored guest staying with us for a while. Lord Zeus had requested that we treat him as we would any other camper.” As he finished he gave us all a long, hard look as if to say, “Don’t get yourself killed when his immortality is restored.”
Once dinner finished, everyone was at the bonfire. Luke sat on the ground, his back resting up against a log. His girlfriend was leaning up against his shoulder, her legs over his lap. His free arm would occasionally swipe the mosquitos away from her with his other arm supporting her weight. They were talking to a few other campers when Luke let his gaze fall onto Apollo. Some campers, mostly girls from Aphrodite, sat around the god, looking at him with cartoon hearts in their eyes. He knew for a fact Y/N had told them to stay away as a. they were all minors and b. he was a god and she didn’t want to deal with their broken hearts.
When Apollo’s gaze fell on the girl in his lap, Luke tightened his grip protectively. He knew it was ridiculous. Y/N would never cheat on him and he knew she’d slap any guy who tried anything, immortal deity or not. But he couldn’t help but be worried. Hell, he had nearly punched an Ares camper last year and that kid wasn’t a god. And Apollo was known for his womanizing ways.
He tried to shake it off and go back to his conversation but his brain was still stuck on Apollo. “Hey,” he whispered so softly that only the girl in his lap could hear. She turned and he immediately kissed her. She kissed him back briefly but pulled away, not a huge fan of PDA especially in front of the entire camp. But Luke persisted, gently holding her cheek and kissing her deeply.
When she finally pulled away for breath she looked at him quizzically. “What was that for?”
He smiled and shrugged. “What? I can’t kiss my girlfriend?” She just smiled, pushing his head away jokingly before going back to her conversation. But he was looking at Apollo again, hoping the god saw that kiss. If he did, he was playing it off.
Later that night, when the fire was extinguished and he had kissed the Aphrodite counselor goodnight several times, Luke was trying to sleep. Keyword: trying. Normally the several snores or creeks of the Hermes cabin didn’t bother him, but he was so on edge thinking about Apollo’s flirting, that every noise jolted him awake. He couldn’t stop thinking about how Apollo had immediately begun to flirt with Y/N and how she had seemed to forget him for a moment.
Frustrated, Luke crept out of bed. As he opened the cabin door, he checked for harpies keeping watch but found none. So he went to the Aphrodite cabin, knocking on the window right above Y/N’s bed. It took a few tries but eventually, she poked her head up, gesturing to shut up and that she’d be out in a minute.
So Luke waited until she came around the side. “What?” she asked, still rubbing sleep from her eyes. But her hair was already falling back to the way its usual flawless look, courtesy of being Aphrodite’s daughter.
“I just wanted to see you,” Luke smiled sheepishly. And make sure Apollo isn’t sniffing around. He realized he didn’t have a reason to be out here that didn’t stem from insane jealousy. She looked mildly annoyed at that so he did the only thing he could think of. He kissed her. If he couldn’t get rid of Apollo, he could completely occupy her mind. So he did the only thing he could think of. He was pushing her up against the side of the cabin, one hand on her jaw, the other around her waist.
She had no clue where this came from but she gave in nonetheless. She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him deeply.
After a few minutes of making out, she finally managed to push him away enough to get a deep breath in. “What was that for?” she asked, both of them still gasping for air.
Luke smiled, grabbing her by the hips to pull her closer. “‘Cause I love you.” He pressed the lightest kiss to her nose before stepping away abruptly. “Night, see you in the morning.” And with that, he walked away the happiest demigod in all of camp.
The daughter of Aphrodite still just stood there, completely taken off guard. The only thing that snapped her out of her daze was the faint caw of a harpy, making her quickly scramble inside. Luke ended up getting his wish as that night, the only thing on her mind was that kiss.
The next day was Capture the Flag day. When Chiron announced it at dinner that night, everyone lost their minds. It was Athena, Hermes, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, and Poseidon vs. Ares, Apollo, Demeter, and Dionysus.
As the couple was walking over to their cabins to get their armor, Apollo caught up with them. “See you out there, Y/N,” he said as he passed with a wink.
“S-see yah?” she called back hesitantly.
Luke was frustrated but at least she didn’t seem flattered by his flirtations. Now she was just confused.
Once they grabbed their chest plates, then went back to the creek where they’d be starting the games. As Luke put his on, she was struggling to get hers tightened. “Hold on, I’ll help you in a sec,” he said, finishing strapping his onto his body.
“I got it,” a voice interrupted. Apollo seemingly appeared out of nowhere. He was standing in front of Y/N, tightening the strap.
“Hey!” Luke yelled without thinking.
Apollo held up one hand in surrender, the other still on her shoulder. “Chill man, I’m just helping.” Luke didn’t say anything else as Apollo walked away with a slight smirk.
“Hey,” Y/N said softly, stepping closer to him. “What was that about?”
Luke gritted his teeth. “Nothing. C’mon, I need to assign everyone and talk strategy.” He took her hand gently, reminding himself to not let his anger get the better of him. He headed over, gathering the team. “Alright, Cabins 6, 3, and 11 will be offense. Cabins 9, 10, and 12 will be defense. Except for Y/N, you’re with me. Beckendorf, you’ll also be offense.” He pointed out a few Athena and Hermes campers, directing them to defense as well.
After a few minutes, the conch blew and everyone was in their places. The couple quickly jumped over the creek, slipping through the Apollo cabin’s defenses. They had done this so many times, their routine was well practiced. They ran through the woods, searching for any opposing defense.
The other teams had learned that Y/N and Luke always worked as a pair so they started also pairing defensive players. That is when Hermes and Aphrodite were on the same side. If they weren’t, Capture the Flag could go on for hours since they knew all of each others’ tricks.
They continued on, occasionally making quick work of disarming opposing campers until they reached the flag. It was only guarded by one person. Apollo. Clarisse must have figured that everyone else would be too afraid to offend a god. But Luke was honestly looking for this opportunity.
So while Y/N fell back, hesitating, Luke was jumping at the god. Apollo blocked him with a sword but he was clearly not very good with it. Archery had been banned since before Luke got to camp. Even though the arrows were enchanted not to kill, someone had been blinded so Chiron banned them forever. He didn’t even make an exception for the god of archery.
While Luke fought Apollo, Y/N was grabbing the flag. “Luke!” she yelled, waving the flag. She then took off, heading for their territory. Because of Apollo’s inexperience with the sword, Luke was easily beating him. After a few slashes on the god’s arms, legs, and even face—nothing major, they were honestly just cuts a band aid could fix—Luke was disarming him. He didn’t have to be as brutal as he was or knock him over but he did, throwing the god’s sword far away before following after Y/N.
Luke was still a few feet behind her when she hopped over the creek into safety. He watched proudly as she ripped the helmet off her head and held the flag up triumphantly. The members of their team around her cheered triumphantly as the conch blew and their team was announced the winners.
Luke was still in enemy territory, watching her have her moment when Apollo showed up. “She’s really something,” the god announced, his smile focused on her.
“Yeah, my girlfriend really is incredible,” Luke said pointedly.
The god was still smiling. “I know she’s your girlfriend. I saw you making out with her last night.”
“What were you doing out at two a.m.?”
The god looked even more smug, his arms crossed over his chest. “I don’t have to answer to you. But if you must know, I had the same idea as you but you got there first.” Luke finally looked at him, rage once again filling his body. So he wasn’t paranoid. “How long have you been together?”
Luke was confused but answered nonetheless. “Uh three years,” he answered suspiciously.
“Aw, three years down the drain. I’m sorry in advance,” the god said in exaggerated regret.
Luke tried not to let his fury show. This is why he hated gods. They thought they could do whatever they wanted without regard for mortals. “Well, she loves me. At night she swears we were made for each other,” he said, recalling sweaty nights during the school year when every other Aphrodite kid was home. And how they’d make breathless promises of eternity.
Apollo gave him an almost pitiful look. “I’m sorry about your relationship but you can’t actually believe she’ll pick you when she could have a literal god?” he gestured to himself arrogantly.
Now it was Luke’s turn to gloat. He just shrugged, “I’m the one she calls for. She doesn’t call for the gods like most others would. She only ever says my name.”
Apollo was a little taken aback by the kid’s boldness. “Well, that’s the nice thing about being a god. I can make anyone mine.” And with that Apollo headed over to the capture the flag winner of the night. It took everything in him not to race up to her but he kept his composure. She’d have to reject him on her own, he couldn’t keep running defense.
He watched in surprised satisfaction as Apollo reached her. He congratulated her before pulling her into a hug. His arms were around her waist and creeping kind of low but Luke once again kept his resolve. He didn’t realize he was holding his breath until she pulled away quickly, pointing over at him. What was she saying? Was she praising him for fighting the god? Or telling him that she had a boyfriend?
Apollo tried to hug her again but she ducked under his arm, running over to him. He immediately broke out into a smile. Her arms were opened to hug him but he just grabbed her face to kiss her instead. He turned her towards the tree he had been leaning on, pressing her up against it again. He only pulled away slightly to whisper a congratulations but then their lips were connected again. When he finally pulled away, he threw an arm around her shoulder, shooting a look to the god before heading off to their celebration.
That night as they were celebrating, Luke was glued to Y/N’s side. It wasn’t until some of the other Hermes boys needed help getting their illegal video game working again that Luke left her side. “I’ll be back,” he promised her, pressing a quick kiss to her forehead.
As soon as Luke was gone, Apollo was swooping in. “Congratulations again,” he said, handing her a drink.
“Thanks,” she smiled nervously, taking the drink. “How are the cuts?”
Apollo shrugged. “They sting more than I would’ve thought but they’re fine. Your boyfriend’s a hell of a fighter.”
“Yeah,” she chuckled, relieved that he was acknowledging she had a boyfriend.
“I mean, he’s good for a mortal. He’s certainly no god,” Apollo flirted.
“Well, none of us are. Present company excluded,” she laughed nervously, gesturing to him.
Apollo casually threw an arm around her shoulder. “There’s other things we’re better at,” he said, letting the implication hang in the air. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. “Have you ever been with a god, Y/N?”
She was immediately pulling out of his grasp. “I- uh… um no. I’m flattered but…” She had no clue what to say. She couldn’t just say no to Apollo. If this were any other man she’d throw her drink in his face but this was a god.
She didn’t have to say anything because Luke had seen the whole thing. As he came back he saw Apollo throw his arm around his girlfriend’s shoulder and subsequently watched her back away quickly. “I told you she loves me,” he smirked before tugging her away. She gratefully pressed herself into his body.
“Thanks,” she mumbled, careful that Apollo couldn’t hear.
“Hey, you don’t have to thank me. This is kind of my job as your boyfriend.”
“Still, you basically told him to back off. Kind of bold to deny a god.”
“Yeah, well,” he began, brushing a hair back from her face, “if he smites me we’ll just have to make up for the lost time in Elysium.” She giggled, hugging him closer as they headed off to bed.
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