#I feel like the fanart is generally spot on with my vision
crispyjenkins · 4 years
Convince me, CJ! Make me an Obi Wan stan!
dunno if you were wanting headcanons or facts, so have some of both
1. tragedy
these posts which are too long to screenshot but say things better than my dumb ass:
duel of the fates analysis by @panharmonium
obi’s sticking to the code even through tragedy by @tarantula-hawk-wasp​ and @jedi-order-apologist​
comparing duel of the fates with the maul duel in rebels by @princeobiwan and @padawanakin​
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( @panharmonium ) with a wonderful comic here
“Contemplation of death brought only one slight sting of regret, and more than a bit of puzzlement. Until this very moment, he had never realized he’d always expected, for no discernible reason, that when he died, Anakin would be with him.” ― from the Revenge of the Sith novel by Matthew Stover
and his entire story from the jedi apprentice books by Jude Watson (and Dave Wolverton) it makes me weep.
2. worth
this boi just?? doesn’t believe himself? (thanks qui-gon but that’s another post) 
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from the Revenge of the Sith novel by Matthew Stover
(side note, he’s one of the youngest council members ever?)
and another quote 
“He is respected throughout the Jedi Order for his insight as well as his warrior skills. He has become the hero of the next generation of Padawans; he is the Jedi their Masters hold up as a model. He is the being that the Council assigns to their most important missions. He is modest, centered and always kind. He is the ultimate Jedi. It is characteristic of Obi-Wan that he is entirely unaware of this.” — Matthew Stover
didn’t mean for all of those to be stover quotes but here we are
(somewhat related is this excellent post by @gffa​ discussing obi-wan being a terrifyingly competent fighter)
3. shippable
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( @yeahyeahyeaaah​ )
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( @padawansuggest​ ) and this ship needs more fanart *cries*
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( @amiro-art​ )
this comic for obirex by @jaegervega​ (cries in rarepairs) 
and more that i don’t ship for squick reasons (QuiObi, ObiMaul, MaceObi, ObiTine, etc.)
4. he’s. so. feckin. light?
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( @phsmas​ )
this post from @panharmonium talking about the quote:
“And you, Master. What does your heart tell you you’re meant for?” “Infinite sadness,” Obi-Wan said, even while smiling.”
5. him cute??
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(can’t find the original source 😭)
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( @lightasthesun​ i think??)
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( @saeseetiin​ ) like?????? thumb loops?????
and many more instances that i seem to have lost because i fecked up and tagged obi stuff with a hyphen and url coding doesn’t like that
6. him flirt. him never stop flirt.
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i’m also having trouble finding pics/gifs of this and i’m sort of too hungry to keep trying, but he flirts while fighting pretty much everybody, which i find very brave and endearing, and love when he doesn’t even realise he’s doing it. i just. he’s so willing to sass. 
9. ewan mcgreggor put SO MUCH WORK INTO OBI-WAN, he put so much of himself into that role and those movies that i really don’t think you can seperate love for them. 
this gif set about him picking his ‘saber in phantom menace ( @kenobi-wxn​ )
this one where he’s just!! so excited!! to be doing star wars!! (  @manny-jacinto )
him talking about the cultural impact of duel of the fates ( @princeobiwan )
some bloopers from revenge of the sith ( @greenarrow )
him doing george lucas’ job helping daniel logan (boba) in attack of the clones   ( @glittergreedo​ )
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( @clubjade​ ) with an emphasis on 
“Now, many years later, the prequels meant a lot to the generation that were kids then. So from smirking, cynical opinions, now I’m getting feedback from the kids they were made for. I’m really happy about that.”
10. some misc. stuff i collected that i didn’t know where else to put
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( @theravenjedi​ )
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( @animymind​ )
and my favourite fucking obi thing of all time:
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( @luvvewan​ ) i just. i have no words for this post. i love him so much.
stuff i can’t find pic/quote evidence for ‘cause i’m too hungry:
he loves the clones. so much. would literally rather die than lose men needlessly
is padmé’s most trusted jedi (even over anakin) and their friendship drives me to tears
had to be told to stop promoting cody
is super strong in the unifying force and has/had lots of visions which i think is underutilised in canon and fanon (so i end up putting it in almost all my writing whoops i love him being an anxious boy so much)
got yelled at by owen lars for trying to help luke from afar and i will FIGHT—
him baby blues
how fecking confused he is when he first lands on kamino
whatever the fuck is happening in this post
came so. fecking. far. from how he was as a padawan, mastered his emotions and found his spot in the universe, no matter how tragic it was
blames himself for both anakin’s fall and the clone chips (even if he never learned about them, which i don’t know what’s canon anymore whether he did or not)
he just?? has so much love in his big ol’ heart? and forgives and grieves and sighs and lives and trusts and dies. and then helps anakin become a force ghost because he can’t imagine death without him.
and now for some headcanons
he likes really realllly bitter tea, partly because qui-gon liked lighter teas so when he starts picking his own after being knighted, he goes with more flavourful ones
his immune system is shot after the clone wars ‘cause he uses so many stims/adrenaline shots/whatever they call them in the gffa because he’s in charge of a third of the GAR and he already worked himself too hard before the wars and boy howdy do those fuck up your immune system
cut his own padawan braid after qui-gon’s death
even though he almost left he order for Satine, he WOULD have if Anakin asked
was lowkey devastated that anakin did not give him his padawan braid after his knighting during the clone wars (no clue what’s canon anymore? but i grew up on the 2003 clone wars, and anakin gives it to padmé and i’m still having feelings about it)
is the council’s baby, in that everyone on the council either saw/helped him grow up, or grew up with him.
while canon says he could never kill anakin, he would have killed vader to protect luke
so in conclusion:
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( @left-leggus )
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This is supposed to be during Cable & X-Force, because that has both de-powered Nate with pre-cog visions that are slowly turning his brains to jelly and Hope chasing after her dad, but no sign of Wade and that made me sad. :( And there’s this fanart by aortdn on Tumblr somewhere with Nate sprawled on Wade’s couch with his head in Wade’s lap and Wade’s holding a gun with this absolutely mystified expression......
Also, I hate how most comics writers make Nate really mean to Wade.  :C 
Oh yes, this was written before it became canon that Hope is vehemently opposed to Wade.  ;P  Stupid canon.
 A lot of my WIP ideas like this get abandoned because I decide I’m being overly dramatic and I feel a little ridiculous.  Plus they end up full of plot holes.  So this is something I wrote myself in a spurt of romanticism and never bothered to move out of the WIP directory.  Mindless self-indulgence.
If you think I should go ahead and post this snippet on ao3, leave a comment.  Otherwise it’s probably going to just live here and nowhere else.
Nate, Wade, Hope, hurt/comfort, angst, incomplete, probably not entirely canon compliant
Some nights start off like all the others, until one thing changes.
Wade Wilson is watching television in t-shirt, boxers, and bunny slippers from one end of his dirty, stabbed-in-places, shot-in-other-places couch.  When there’s a soft knock at the door, that’s surprising.  When whoever knocks just goes ahead and turns the handle a second later, like he or she has the right to just waltz on in, that’s even more surprising.
Wade isn’t used to anyone visiting his hellhole of an apartment.  Visiting him.  At least, he doesn’t think he is.
Except maybe Bob, but he doesn’t count.
Especially not visiting and letting themselves in.
So when Cable walks through the door, Wade’s got a gun aimed right between his eyes.
“Hello, Wade.”  It sounds tired.  Resigned.  And of course not the least bit intimidated, because his time-traveling best whatever-the-hell-he-is certainly is never intimidated by Wade.  Unclear if that’s comforting to his soul or insulting to his ego.
Reflex keeps the gun trained on Nate while Wade’s brain is struggling to catch up, finally flicks on the safety and shoves it back down the couch cushions after watching Nate close and lock the door and start carefully setting down his larger guns.
“Staying for a bit?” he asks with attempted nonchalance.
“For a couple hours, if you’ll let me.”
He looks tired.  He looks different.  New: mechanical right eye, working left eye.  Gone: techno-organic mesh.  New: actual flesh left arm and some sort of mecha robotic prosthetic surrounding it.
Still huge and muscled.  Still scars over his right eye.  Still all grizzled and old, military, GI-Joe look.  His hair is really short this time--Wade misses the slightly longer Nate hair.  Better for the running-fingers-through-it stuff.
Wade just watches, brain still trying to catch up, as Nate does something up by his left shoulder and suddenly Mr. Robot Arm opens up, slides off and gets unceremoniously tossed by the guns.
“Why?”  It comes out a little too forceful, and it doesn’t say all the why are you here? and why me? and why now? explicitly, but they’re there all the same.
Nate just shakes his head and that might have been the ghost of a sigh.  The couch shakes when he drops onto it.  For a moment he’s not quite looking at Wade but everything about the tension and line of his body says all his attention is on him.
“Can I … lie down?”
“Lie … what?”  Wade has no clue what’s going on.  “I mean, sure, there’s a bed--”
But before he can get further, Nate just gives a quiet little sigh and a shake of his head, and he’s turning and slinging his legs around over the arm of the couch and lying down along the length of it, settling his head in Wade’s lap with a tired grunt.
“Jesus Christ, Nate!  Are you dying?!”  Because honestly, he can’t think of anything else that would make big tough mutant savior do this.
Nate’s eyes close and he turns his head toward Wade’s stomach, shifting in the little ways someone does when they’re getting comfortable.
“Maybe,” is the rumbled answer.  “Telepathy and telekinesis crapping out.  Precog visions.  Tearing my head apart.  I just want a couple hours where I can pretend everything’s fine.”  Unspoken: everything between us is fine and I’m going to be fine and I’m not dying ... again.  And then, before Wade can call him any of that unspoken stuff, “Hold on.” He taps a headset in one ear. “Cable to base.  …  Yes, I’m fine, just taking a couple of hours to sleep.  …  No, extraction unnecessary.  …  I’m …” Now he sounds aggravated. ”Hope, I’m fine.  None of my visions are happening in the next 8 hours, so let me sleep before I drop dead. … You keep telling me to trust my team, so that’s what I’m trying to do.  Keep watch, deal with any shit that comes up, and don’t screw up!  Cable out.”
He taps the headset again, then pulls it off and throws it in the general direction of his guns and arm.
“Hope?” Wade tries to keep his voice neutral.  “She’s working with you?”
“Yeah.” Nate’s got his eyes closed again, head turned toward Wade. “She battered her way in, wouldn’t take no for an answer.”
“How old is she again?”
A sigh.  “Sixteen.”
Wade feels it all over again like it was the first time he heard it, like someone punched him in the gut, punched the breath right out of him.  Fists clench.  Anger rising.  It’s long seconds before he can find the voice to speak.
“I hate time travel.  I still can’t believe you ran around without me for sixteen years.”
Because, seriously?  Sixteen years.  Sixteen years of being chased, shot at, shot up, getting blown up, getting older and grumpier, doing who knows what in bed with who knows who, raising a kid, and all without him?  Without giving him anything aside from a quick stopover in Alaska to say see you later?  Not dropping by for a proper reunion when he got back? And yet having the gall to walk into his apartment and flop in his lap like they’d just seen each other last week?
“It wasn’t quite that long.  We got separated along the way.”
“Still a hell of a long time!”
“I know,” said softly.  “You deserve better.”  Then, “I’m tired.”
“Dammit, Nate.”  Wade lets his head fall back, staring at the ceiling.  Because he is not going to get emotional.  And his eyes are totally not springing a leak right now.  Instead of saying anything else, he settles for lightly running a hand through Nate’s hair over and over, feeling the fuzz and prickle of it, the occasional ridge of a hidden scar on his scalp.
Nate sighs, a long, quiet thing as if tension is flowing out of him, and wraps an arm around Wade’s back, then stills.
Wade keeps letting his fingers ghost over Nate’s hair, and when he finally has it together enough to look down, Nate’s lips are slightly parted and he’s pretty obviously asleep.  Chest and stomach rising and falling slowly and regularly.
Wade frowns.  Nate must be exhausted to fall asleep that fast.
This universe fucking sucks, running Nate around like this, chasing him into other times for something like a decade and a half.  Wade doesn’t want to think about it anymore, so he picks up the remote and resumes channel surfing, other hand still gently resting on Nate’s hair.
He does turn down the sound.  If Nate needs to pass out like this, Wade doesn’t want him disturbed.
Wade isn’t used to anyone visiting his hellhole of an apartment.
He certainly isn’t used to two visitors in one night.
He’s nodded off in the earliness of pre-dawn, head propped on a hand on the back of the couch, dozing in place so Nate can keep sleeping.  Who cares if his leg is asleep.  If it falls off--can legs fall off from going to sleep for too long?--he’ll just grow a new one anyway.
And then the door knob rattles quietly.  Just the little sound of someone testing it to see if it’s locked.
Wade is instantly awake and pulling the handgun out of the couch for the second time.  There’s a long pause and then the lock glows blue and twists on the inside, unlocking with a click.  The handle twists and the door is pushed open a couple inches.
“Step in where I can see you,” he growls quietly.  “Hands come through first and stay up the whole time.  Or I’m going to shoot a hell of a lot of holes in my door and send you the bill.”
There’s a long pause, then a pair of slender hands, gloved in green poke through, fingers wiggle as if to say see, no weapons and then a head pokes around the door.  Red hair.  Green eyes.
“Oh fucking hell,” Wade swears, flicks on the safety, and savagely shoves the gun back down into its hiding spot.  Again.
The green eyes blink in surprise and then their owner sidles through the door, pushing it quietly closed behind her.  She’s dressed in the usual skin tight superhero outfit, except with a Nate-worthy big gun strapped to her back. Eyes wide, just staring.
Hope.  He doesn’t know her very well.  Barely at all. That hurts too, that Nate hadn’t bothered to get them together, to have him properly meet his adopted daughter.
“Whaaaaat?” Wade asks defensively.  Quietly and defensively.  Quietly because don’t wake Nate.  And defensively because so what if he has multiple hundred pounds of X-Force leader stretched across his couch and lap?  Manly, brawny, probably never-admits-weakness-in-front-of-his-kid leader?
“Sorry, I didn’t know what was--  I borrowed some of his powers to get-- I could feel him but I couldn’t read you--”
“Yeah, telepaths have trouble with me.”
“Is he okay?” she breathes, edging closer, and the ridiculousness of it all almost makes him laugh, that they both figure Cable has to be damn near done for before he does this sort of thing and sleeps through a conversation about him happening right next to him.
Wade shrugs.  “I asked him if he was dying.  He said maybe.”
And there.  That’s definitely a kid Cable raised.  Because the flash of guilt quickly covered up and the squaring of the shoulders, taking responsibility for and internalizing problems and failures, that’s all Nate.
She nods, and now she’s looking him over more carefully, scrutiny from head to toe, gaze lingering on his face as if she really wishes she knew what he was thinking.  Wade really wishes he had his mask, but it’s across the room and he’s sure as hell not going to ask her to hand it to him.
“Who are you?”
Wade hates being trapped in one place like this, so he pulls the gun back out and starts twirling it around a finger.  Most people don’t fidget with guns, but then mostly people aren’t him.  She almost doesn’t twitch a hand toward her gun in response.
“Wade Wilson.  Your dad and I were kinda sorta best buds back when he was building a floating island utopia.”  She just looks at him blankly.  “Also known as Deadpool?”  And now her eyes get really wide.
“I do know you,” she says cautiously.  “A future you saved me from Stryfe.”
“Oh.  Do I?  Good for future-me.  Did Nate see it?  ‘Cause it’s always nice when he realizes I have a good side.”
“He … uh.  Yes.  He also told me not to trust you.  And worse.”  She gives sleeping Nate a hard look tinged with disbelief, as if to say, you hypocrite.
Wade gently sets down the gun before he shoots something or someone.  Hunches forward a little because he really doesn’t need her seeing the hurt he’s sure is all over his face.  “Nate,” he says softly toward the man in his lap, “you suck.”
That appears to actually get through, because Nate frowns, makes a frustrated grumbling sound.  His eyes squeeze tight as a tremor of clenching and unclenching muscles runs through him, a morning stretch.  His arm tightens around Wade and pulls him closer, forehead resting on stomach.
“Hey, Nate.”  Wade pokes him in the shoulder.  “You might want to wake up.  Your girl’s here.”
Nate makes an unhappy noise along the lines of “nnnngg”, but rolls and sits up, blinking blearily at Wade’s second unwelcome visitor.  “Hope.  What the hell are you doing here?”
Hope gets a stubborn look on her face. “You weren’t answering your com.”
“I was asleep.”
“You still weren’t answering.  You always answer, even if you’re catnapping.”
A groan, rubbing a hand over his face.  “I wasn’t catnapping.  Wanted to really sleep for once.”
The curiosity and disbelief are almost palpable, rolling off her.  “Why here?  You told me Deadpool couldn’t be trusted!  You told X-Force to ‘gut him and dump him!’”
That causes double flinches for very different reasons, and Nate glances guiltily sideways at the other man on the couch.
“Yeah, Nate,” Wade says with deceptively calm.  “That's even meaner than usual. What’s up with that when Hope was telling me this future-me saved her ass?”
“Wade, you couldn’t be trusted,” and he sounds deeply pained.  “How many times have you backstabbed me?  Tried to kill me?  Lost your mind or your memories so bad who knows if you’d even remember what side you’re on?  It… you… he was roughly a thousand years in the future. Not just crazy. Mad.  Falling apart, healing factor running out, a dead man walking.  Working for Stryfe.  Lost.”
It hurts.  He’s only looking at his clenched fists when he says, “I never backstabbed you in a way you couldn’t recover from, Mr. Hypocrite Who Exploded My Head Multiple Times.  I haven’t tried to kill you in years, aside from being brainwashed, but that wasn’t really me trying to kill you.  And...”  He swallows, wishes he had something smartass and irrelevant to say instead. Finally looks Nate in the face long enough to say, “I don’t care what I remember or how crazy I am.  I’m always on your side.”
Nate drops his head, folds his hands over the back of his head, elbows on his knees.  Not looking at either of them, blocking them out.  Hope is hovering, looking unsure if she should get further away or come closer to comfort her dad.  Wade is just watching--what he just said was as exhausting as an entire fight.  Nate’s shoulders shake with the slightest tremor, but his voice is steady.
“Wade, I can’t trust you.  I’m sorry.  I can’t trust anyone.  Maybe Hope.  It never goes right.  Plans, intentions, it all leads to weaknesses.  I can’t even trust myself.”
“Nate.”  He puts out a hand, very carefully settles it on a shoulder.  Because he’s pretty damn mad at Nate right now, but it’s also obvious Nate’s got some messed up head stuff going on here.  “Listen to yourself.  When the hell did you get so lost?  You used to trust people.  Irene.  Gareb.  Forge.  Prestor John.  Johann.  Maybe you didn’t tell them everything, but you were a team.  Six Pack and X-Force before that.  I think you even trusted me, until I screwed up and you kicked me off the island.  For god’s sake, you cared about other people enough that you burned your powers out fixing my screwed up, useless head!  How’d you get from that to this?”
“This?” It sounds hollow.
“Mean and untrusting.”
“Wait, what?” That’s Hope. Wade flinches again.  He’d almost forgotten she was there.  “What do you mean, burned himself out?”
Wade glares at her, taps the side of his forehead.  “My brain’s a mess.  Between cancer, my head getting constantly stabbed and shot, and my healing factor, it ends up as ugly on the inside as the outside of me.  Last time I was actually sane and able to remember everything was because your dad went inside my head and fixed it.  He could have stayed an omega-level telepath and telekinetic again, but instead he wasted it on me.  And it didn’t even stick.”  And that totally was not almost a sob, Wade is denying it forever if anyone asks.
Hope stares at him, then her dad.  “Is he telling the truth?!”
“Yes.”  Nate’s still hunched over, not looking at either of them.  “He’d just saved my life. Twice. He had holes in his mind.”
“I told you to walk away!” Wade snarls, hand on Nate’s shoulder clenching.
“Like hell,” Nate snaps back, starting to straighten.
Hope just stares at them, like they’re the world’s biggest idiots and confusing her by being unable to see to what’s obvious.
“Dad, if you care that much but you can’t trust him when he’s broken, why don’t we just fix him again?”
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thelittlehansy · 4 years
Ranking website by hans hostility 😜
I thought about that subject of post that could be fun since i go everywhere on internet this is based on my experience but I honestly don’t know how my ranking are right. (When I mean hostlity I really mean people who exagereted their hate for the character way to much emotional consider him as a real person who kill their mom and end up biased. Not people who just dislike the character. There is of course nothing wrong to disliking that character even more since he is still the villain of frozen.
9- Every forum about the Disney fandom and not specially the frozen fandom
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I noticed this ! People who tend to hate the character extremely in a emotional way are the one who are connect the most to Anna and Elsa and once you move a little away from it then when the character is brought up this is too discuss about how they didn’t like the twist or love it ,the writing of the character like they don’t see him as real person who try to kill their mother haha XD they actually talk about the character in a sense of who he is a fictional character and usually this poeple are nice to the fans of the character maybe because some hate frozen and have heard way to much about the movie 😂 the only place where I see some of these emotional irrational hate is on Disney wiki sometimes.
8- Fanpop 💕 ( Disney princess spot)
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Ok I cheat for this one this is technically belong to the Disney fandom but I go a lot on the Disney princess club and I love that website so I just noticed just like for the forum of the Disney fandom , the Disney princess club on fanpop generally are like him neutral or just dislike the character in a normal way. I created a tumblr blog after years on being on that club and after reading all about the hans hate on tumblr when I go back on that website and search some hans poll and article related it feel...weird 😂😂
7- Instagram
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Hummm i need to go more on Instagram i feel I can put here there idk 🧐 ?
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There are several very amazing fanart of hans so I got the feeling he got some of his fan there and I didn’t a see a lot of extremely negative comment but then I don’t remember if the fanart where only on prince hans club
5- YouTube
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I m each times very surprised by the amount of people who enjoy the character on YouTube so I feel like there is some prince hans positivity there 😂😂😂that surprised me after being on tumblr. But what I really notice on YouTube is how popular the troll theory is and still on 2020.😂
4-archive of our own/FanFiction.net/watppad
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hans got some big love from fan and shipper but there are also fanfic where he rape Anna Elsa.....because you know he is villain so that’s totally make sense 🙄🙄🙄 or others who give traits that were not in the movie to elevate the ship of the fànfiction.
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Hans got his his little community of fans and fanart 😅 but also a lot of people who don’t just hate the character but are very biased and exggerated his evilness and from everything that I read because I m only very recently on the fandom several are abusive to the fan saying they are awful people if they ship him with Elsa and Anna insult them and bully them. ( post from 2014 2015 i read on tumblr ) So tumblr is there but a the same time there is also neutral person and fans.
2- Reddit
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Just went on it yesterday and they are still blocked on 2014. What if hans lied to Anna zbout his brothers to make her relate ? So first explain me how this is possible to want to make someone relate to you on a topic you still don’t know about ( hans is the first to talk about his brothers not Anna ) but that argument is not specific to Reddit but i sense a lot of denied about hans life in his kingdom we have lee confirmation it was true lee vision of hans he grew up In a unloving environment a whole book a short comic. Four confirmation that yeah hans was treat bad by his family but you know for people on redit hans is still in 2020 maybe a pathological liar. But I really sense a lot of hans hate on reddit.
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Yeah maybe I don’t have saw the good place but this is mainly where i have see plenty people willing to makes what hans did ( political coup temptative of regicide ) a gender issues emotional people where ladies see hans as their ex and father got all protective of their daughter which doesn’t make any sense because their daughter are not princess with powerful influence you know the reasons why hans got after Elsa and Anna.to be king I mean if we talk about character we have to take the character motivation completely ...I have not see neutral commentary or very few commentary of people who like hans as a character.
I have no idea how accurate this is after all plenty of poeple can have different opinion on a same website but I did saw some tendencies 🧐🧐 this is also possible I see special stiff and thought they were more general honestly that the strangest post I ever did 😂😂 but in a world where poeple are allow love all the Disney villain even Gaston aka the most real villain you can get in a Disney movie the hans extreme hates can seems strange
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ivefoundmygoldfish · 7 years
Fandom: Sherlock BBC Pairing: Mycroft/Lestrade Word Count: 1351 AO3: [x] Summary:  It only takes a handful of minutes under the rays of the sun to turn Mycroft into an alarming shade of red, or, as he has found out more recently—and with increasing frequency—one of Gregory’s well-placed, cheeky comments.
day 21: Are dragon-trainers, or otherwise live in a world alongside dragons
As this is part of a series, I recommend reading at least the first one for this to make more sense. This is based off @platypushko‘s fanart that she so kindly drew for the first work of this series :'D
“Where are you taking me?” Mycroft gasps, doubled over as he struggles to catch his breath.
Although Mycroft enjoys going out with his dragon, even in his small form, Gregory sets a brutally fast pace.
You’ll see. Just a bit more.
Gregory circles around Mycroft, wings flapping lazily to provide a welcoming, cool breeze until the young prince has recovered enough to stand upright once more.
Come on! And to think you’re supposed to be the young one here.
“You have wings,” accuses Mycroft.
And you have legs that work perfectly fine. Perfectly fine legs.
Mycroft flushes. Not for the first time, he laments his pale complexion. It only takes a handful of minutes under the rays of the sun to turn Mycroft into an alarming shade of red, or, as he has found out more recently—and with increasing frequency—one of Gregory’s well-placed, cheeky comments.
I’m just being honest.
“Honest. Right.”
And that’s another thing he doesn’t think he’d ever become accustomed to—having someone speak their mind so openly, whether it be to him or about him, or a combination of both. Growing up as a prince has exposed him to all sorts of people, many of whom only speak to him with the hopes of reaching deep into the kingdom’s pockets. Gregory, however, has no need for human power or wealth. There’s no sugar-coating; actions are done and words are spoken because he honestly means it. It’s refreshing. Different. But more often than not, utterly embarrassing.  
Is that a sliver of doubt I hear? I could compose a song of praise if you need convincing. Let’s see: oh, legs that are fine, like your shapely behind—
“Gregory!” Under normal circumstances, Mycroft would be interested in hearing Gregory sing. After all, the smooth, melodic voice is most pleasing to the ear. Still, he doesn't think he can make it through one more line, let alone an entire song about his... attributes, at least not without his face bursting into flames.  
Yes? He cheerfully hums a few more notes, then his ears perk up. Do you think Sherlock would accompany me on that fiddle of his?
“Heavens, no,” Mycroft replies instantly, eyes wide with mortification. “Perish the thought.”
Don’t worry, I’m joking.
“Thank goodness for that.”
After all, some of the things I want to say aren’t fit for children’s ears.
And if Mycroft’s face wasn’t bright red before, it certainly is now for reasons that have little to do with the sun or exercise.
“Have you no shame—mmmph.”
The sudden weight of Gregory settling on his shoulder is familiar and welcome. The wing pressed over his face, muffling his words and impeding his vision, is not. Instinctively, his hand is raised to pry Gregory’s wing away from his face when the dragon stops him.
Wait, not yet. Take, hm, ten steps forward—ah, big step here ‘cause there’s a log. Right, now shuffle a bit to the right.
He leads Mycroft for another five minutes and then brings them to a halt. Okay, we’re here.
With his vision returned, Mycroft can fully appreciate the sight in front of them—the place his dragon has chosen to share with him.  
I thought a spot under the weeping willow would be good. Shade and all. I mean, you can read your book without getting sunburnt, and there’s a beautiful view of the lake in the foreground and mountains in the background and—
“You’re right,” Mycroft reassures, recognising Gregory’s tendency to ramble when he’s nervous. Given the easy confidence he generally exudes, this side of him awfully endearing. “It’s lovely. Far enough from the castle to relax without being interrupted, too. Now I understand why you urged me to bring my book.” Mycroft gently strokes the tail draped around his neck, all the way down to his chest. “Perhaps you would like to—”
Before Mycroft can fully articulate his suggestion, his dragon has transformed. The accompanying gust of wind causes the leaves around them to rustle pleasantly, and ripples extend from the shoreline, reaching out into the lake as far as Mycroft can see.
Way ahead of you.  
Mycroft smiles, taking a moment to marvel at the large, wingless, four-legged dragon in front of him. Out of Gregory’s three preferred forms, he sees this one the least, simply because the immense size is too noticeable to be inconspicuous around the castle grounds. On rare occasions like today, he relishes every moment of it, thanking whatever deities orchestrated the unexpected circumstances that brought the dragon into his life.
Come, let’s sit, Gregory says, situating himself at the base of the willow tree’s trunk.
Once Mycroft is sitting cross-legged with his back reclined against the dragon, Gregory gently flicks his tail in and brings his head closer, his body forming a protective circle around the prince. He playfully nudges his snout against Mycroft’s knee before resting his head on the lush grass.
“You’re a magnificent creature, you know that?” Setting his book down on his lap, Mycroft reaches for the ear closest to him and strokes the soft, downy fur covering it. “Thank you for sharing this place with me.”
Gregory rumbles appreciatively, and the gentle vibrations passing through his body tickles Mycroft’s back. It’s an odd sensation.
Wake me up when you’ve finished reading, Gregory murmurs, and then the eye visible to Mycroft slowly slides shut.
He doesn’t remember falling asleep, and he certainly doesn’t remember snuggling up to Gregory. Knowing how insufferably smug his dragon would be if he ever found out, Mycroft sits up, carefully tucking away the warm feelings of safety and affection washing over him from being ensconced in the protective circle of Gregory’s body. Looking at their positions, he chuckles softly at the role reversal – usually it’s the small dragon curled up against him in the early hours of the morning, unconsciously chasing the warmth whenever Mycroft moves away.
Mmmph, Prince Phillip?
The large tail twitches in the grass, yet Gregory’s eyes remain shut.
Mycroft snorts. “Do you mean to infer that you are Sleeping Beauty?”
The one and only, eagerly waiting for true love’s kiss to wake me up.
“Then you shall be waiting forever.”
Drat. Maybe I should go back to sleep, then, since my dreams are more pleasant than reality.
Raising an eyebrow, Mycroft says, “Very well, I will leave you here to do as you wish.”
You wouldn’t dare. As Mycroft moves to stand up, Gregory outstretches a strategically placed leg, causing Mycroft to stumble and fall back against his scales. With utmost innocence, he adds, Oops.
“You play dirty,” Mycroft accuses as he rights himself, but the corners of his mouth are upturned in amusement.
I can talk dirty too.
The dragon laughs, a low rumble that starts deep in his belly and comes out in uneven huffs. He allows himself a moment to calm down before taking pity on the poor prince, who looks like he’s spent the afternoon in the sun, what with the way the red flush has steadily crept up his neck, reaching to the tips of his ears.
Though maybe I’ll save it for another time. Judging from where the sun hangs low in the sky, they have approximately another half hour before it dips below the mountains and greatly reduces their visibility. For now, we’d best leave here before nightfall.
Welcoming the sudden change in topic, Mycroft switches his focus to their surroundings. His mind is already sketching the towering mountains, the willow’s leaves drooping over the water, the endless ripples in the lake into his memory, but his heart—his heart is busy carving out an alcove just for today. Wistfully, he asks, “We will come here again, won’t we?”
If that’s what you wish, my Prince.
“I do.” Content in the knowledge that this won’t be their last time here, Mycroft squares his shoulders and straightens his back. Gregory reverts to his small form, settling himself on his usual perch on Mycroft’s shoulder, preening tenderly at a lock of Mycroft’s sleep-tousled hair. “Well then, shall we return home?”
Yeah, home sounds perfect.
8 notes · View notes
Ron/Hermione Awards - Nominees 2016
This is the definitive list of nominated works that will make it to the voting polls. The works crossed out on the original list here were taken off on the basis of the author or artist declining their nomination/s or failure to contact us back as of today.
We had no entries for “Best Smut Drabble”, and there’s one art category where only one work made the final count. In those cases, there won’t be a poll, but the only nominee in that category will be considered amongst the winners.
Feel free to reblog this list, and join us in congratulating the contestants! 😊👏🎉
Please do not send us your votes! The voting stage will be announced soon and the polls will be released on that day. We suggest that you take this time to go through the nominees, enjoy the fanworks, and give the authors and artists some love before you get to vote for your favourites :)
Fanfiction - General categories
Best One-shot:
Wish fulfillment - theperksofshippingromione
Firelight - RonaldAndMione
Confess - TMBlue
Answers - honouraryweasley12
No hyphens needed - aloemilk
Dawning - gryffindormischief
Best Multi-chapter:
Love me forever - aloemilk
A quiet mind -  coyotelaughingsoftly
In search of Hermione - AzaleaBlue
Reunited - MsBinns
Warmth - thesecondshelf
Reconciling accounts - wildegreenlight
Best Drabble:
February - hawthornblood141
Bleeding - quillsand
Like a river - jenahid
Best Overall 2016 fic:
Wish fulfillment - theperksofshippingromione
Firelight - RonaldAndMione
Confess - TMBlue
Answers - honouraryweasley12
No hyphens needed - aloemilk
Dawning - gryffindormischief
Love me forever - aloemilk
A quiet mind -  coyotelaughingsoftly
In search of Hermione - AzaleaBlue
Reunited - MsBinns
Warmth - thesecondshelf
Reconciling accounts - wildegreenlight
February - hawthornblood141
Bleeding - quillsand
Like a river - jenahid
Fanfiction - Specific categories
Best Romance:
Reconciling accounts - wildegreenlight
Hey little bump - quillsand
Questions - honouraryweasley12
Last Granger standing - TinkerLi
Love me forever - aloemilk
Heart of a champion - idearlylovealaugh
What’s in a name - GingerWitchWriter
As pure as the driven snow - RonaldandMione
Best Angst:
The story of us - sarcasma
Things you said with too many miles between us - otterandterrier
The Christmas Cat-astrophe - ladyknightley
Things you said over the phone - RonaldandMione
Visions - TMBlue
Eavesdropping - honouraryweasley12
Life in death - lydias-martin
Everything’s fair in love and war - AzaleaBlue
Best Humour:
Misadventures in babysitting - idearlylovealaugh
Away from the covers - diva-gonzo
A knight with freckles - siriusbarks
Wish fulfillment - theperksofshippingromione
A lust for literature - coyotelaughingsoftly
Valentines - aloemilk
The babbling brook - holly1492
Best Smut:
Reflection - TMBlue
Rolling like thunder - diva-gonzo
Most Intriguing Plot:
The second prophecy - Zalini
In search of Hermione - AzaleaBlue
Three years later - scarletprophecy14
From out and beyond - MysteriousWitch64
Best Alternate Universe:
The Dark Lord never died - starfox5
The Teenage Wasteland - Carmen’s Daughter
All in - holly1492
Ron Weasley and the Curse - MysteriousWitch64
The world is broken - quillsand
Best Kiss:
Second kiss - mypatronusisacupcake
Untitled - ladyknightley
Best Depiction of Hermione:
No hyphens needed - aloemilk
Rumor has it - romione-nowornever
To know you is to love you - coyotelaughingsoftly
Best Depiction of Ron:
A pesky little thought - AzaleaBlue
Stay standing - windschild8178
A quiet mind - coyotelaughingsoftly
The food of love - ladyknightley
Things you said through your teeth - otterandterrier
I saw the light - holly1492
Best Romance Drabble:
Things you said too quietly - RonaldandMione
January - hawthornblood141
Careful - TMBlue
Words - ffictionrec
Best Angst Drabble:
March - hawthornblood141
Worst love ever - aloemilk
Things you said when you were crying - RonaldandMione
Best Humour Drabble:
Things you said after it was over - otterandterrier
Friends - quillsand
The too tight jeans - ffictionrec
Like a river - jenahid
Fanart - General category
Best Overall 2016 artwork:
Tickles - upthehillart
Day 127 - zippityzaparoo
Untitled - atalienart
A fateful day - stopblushingemma
Spot of sunshine - vanscribbles
Mornings with you - Davina
Fanart - Specific categories
Best Romance:
Merry Christmas! - upthehillart
Snowy night - arishynya
Best Angst:
Ron & Hermione - Lberghol
At Shell Cottage - toerning
After the war - tiny-gorilla
Little Lion Man - drawitdownchristina
Best Humour:
Angry Hermione’s Birds - danmizelle
I think Ron is just doing it purposely, Hermione ;) - eirienshaman
Untitled - fleamontpotter
Best Smut:
Sunny Romione - upthehillart
The chair -  stopblushingemma
You’re the fire and the flood - ruebarb
Best Kiss:
Untitled - lilabeanz
Untitled - atalienart
Romione kiss -fredrosesart
Black and white kiss - emmilinne
It’s late already - upthehillart
Kiss on a cheek - YellowClovers
Best Alternate Universe:
Relief - upthehillart
Best Depiction of Hermione:
Warm Romione snuggles - emmilinne
Ron and Hermione (for Valentine’s Day) - michelle-winer
Ron and Hermione being sweet - claudthecat
The babes dressed like true 90s kids - koryandr
Romione - anymsare
Perfect pair! - barbesz
Best Depiction of Ron:
Ron and Hermione - atalienart
My best friend - stopblushingemma
Weasley sweaters - upthehillart
Mornings with you - Davina
448 notes · View notes
Miraculous Ladybug Version of CAH
Black Cards
v  Ladybug’s suit is made of (              ).
v  Plot twist! The real villain of the show is (              ).
v  Who is Chat Noir’s greatest admirer?
v  I got arrested by Robocop for (             ).
v  What is the function of Chat Noir’s bell?
v  I’m Marinette, just a normal (             ), with normal (            ).
v  Chloe could only stare when she saw (              ).
v  What item of mine would an Akuma possess?
v  Where was Ladybug keeping that textbook?
v  Coming up in Season 2: (              )!
v  (             )? What am I supposed to do with this?!
v  Jagged Stone’s new hit single (          ), is about            .
v  Adrien’s go to excuse is “I had to (              )”.
v  Adrien and Nino aren’t (           ), they’re just (            ).
v  In an unexpected twist Hawkmoth is revealed to be (           ).
v  Marinette and Alya gave each other matching stares. Why?
v  The real reason Marinette doesn’t like Chat ‘like that’ is because (             ).
v  Ladybug’s Lucky Charm has produced (            ).
v  Kim dared Alix to (           ).
v  (            ): The no.1 reason people are Akumatised.
v  Adrien falsely believes that (             ), is Ladybug.
v  Jackady should have hypnotised (            ), to believe that they are (           ).
v  ROCK &  (               ), BABY!!!!
v  Adrien’s bodyguard is secretly  (            ).
v  Gabriel has designed something completely new. What is it?
v  Kim once stated he could (           ), better than (            ).
v  Where is Chat Noir now?
v  Mister Pigeon, but instead of pigeons it’s (             ).
v  What does Gabriel do in his office all day?
v  What is Adrien’s favourite Anime?
v  Chloe caused an Akuma by (            ).
v  Chat will finally woo his lady with (           ).
v  Hawkmoth secretly enjoys (              ).
v  In the last fight, Chat Noir got distracted by (            ).
v  The biggest difference between sub and dub is (             ).
v  Ladybug likes to scratch Chat Noir’s neck when he (              ).
v  Look up! It’s (              )!
v  Miraculous, Simply the Best, Up to the Test, (                    )!
v  Chloe always knew how to make the worst Akuma’s. What is her newest one?
v  Why is Lyla such a lying bitch?
v  Gabriel Agreste has decided to become a better father by (            ).
v  What is the newest addition to Chat Noir’s costume?
v  Kwami’s like to (             ), in their spare time.
v  What is Marinette’s new nickname?
v  Why don’t Ladybug and Chat Noir recognise each other?
v  What is the newest power of the Cat miraculous?
v  What is the newest Akuma?
v  Why is Natalie so apathetic all the time?
v  Where do the Miraculous’s come from?
v  (              ), & (            ), the hottest new ship in Miraculous Ladybug.
White Cards
v  The love of your life being 5000 years to old for you. (Supposedly)
v  That one Adrien/Plagg fic we’re all afraid of.
v  A laser pointer.
v  Chat Noir in heels.
v  Evil laughter, courtesy of Hawkmoth.
v  Being repeatedly beaten by 2 teenagers.
v  The word ‘Evilise’.
v  A birthday lunch break to remember.
v  Sending all the adults into space.
v  Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur, happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr…
v  “I feel no pain when I am with you, because you are my ibuBROphen”. -Nino to Adrien at some point, probably
v  Chat’s night vision.
v  A Venus flytrap diary case.
v  Standing in a dark room surrounded by butterflies until someone gets sad.
v  Throw Chat Noir at the problem.
v  Chat Noir’s clumsy cuteness.
v  Plagg’s inability to do his job.
v  Losing by ‘only’ half a million votes.
v  Weather girls.
v  Chat Noir’s sweet dance moves.
v  Years of butterfly paranoia.
v  A Chat on a hot tin roof.
v  Getting high off catnip.
v  Chat’s sass.
v  The Umbrella scene.
v  The Christmas special.
v  The inability to remember a kiss.
v  Marinette’s inability to articulate a sentence around Adrien.
v  Gabriel’s resting bitchface.
v  Boyfriend material.
v  A love square with only 2 people.
v  Girls smell better than cheese.
v  Chat Blanc.
v  The entire fandom forgetting that the main characters are minors.
v  A magical cat-boy who wears leather.
v  The blue scarf.
v  The fandom hating certain sides of the love square. (Even though they’re the same people)
v  Tomas Astruc reading your poorly written Ladynoir fanfiction right now.
v  Combining the Miraculous’.
v  Chat Noir flexing.
v  Felix’s thigh high boots.
v  Feather allergies.
v  Dragging Chat Noir by his tail.
v  Blaming Chloe.
v  Transforming out in the open.
v  The Shower Scene.
v  Marinette’s eye makeup that’s always on fleek.
v  Chat Noir sniffing Ladybug.
v  Chat Noir’s domanatrix cat suit.
v  The plot twist we can all see coming.
v  She didn’t SIGN the FREAKING CARD!!!!
v  Pound it!
v  Pastries from the Dupain-Cheng bakery.
v  A shrine to the Ladynoir ship.
v  Adrien sitting like a cat.
v  Antibug.
v  Croissants.
v  Basically, French Sailor Moon.
v  Adrien’s fantasies.
v  A giant hairdryer.
v  Everyone forgetting Felix.
v  The secret purpose of Chat Noir’s zipper.
v  Nino the Awesome.
v  “2 Ladybugs, I’m in Heaven”.
v  Cat ears.
v  A billboard with Adrien’s face on it.
v  Waltzing right in and taking the Mona Lisa.
v  Becoming a superhero before you turn 18.
v  A magical unicorn from the planet, Rispa.
v  Trying to get a spider-man kiss, but being dropped on your head instead.
v  That crazy Pharaoh guy and his dumb motivation.
v  Ineffective villains.
v  A magical yo-yo.
v  Horrificator’s slime.
v  Mr Pigeon.
v  Trying to literally kill people because a teenager insulted your partner.
v  Forcing people to dance at a birthday party.
v  A glitch in the CGI.
v  Huffing perfume.
v  Magical, all-knowing Ladybug vision.
v  A near reveal.
v  Attacking Paris with bubbles.
v  Designing.
v  Adrien’s “missing” mother.
v  Tom Dupain’s sick biceps.
v  Licking yourself like a cat.
v  Abandonment issues.
v  An elderly Chinese match-maker in a Hawaiian shirt.
v  Bad parenting.
v  Camembert.
v  Alya blatantly disregarding her safety for Ladyblog footage.
v  Keeping a copy of your crushes schedule in your room at all times.
v  Copious amounts of sexual tension.
v  Edgy Black lipstick.
v  Felix in general.
v  The Break-Dance AU.
v  Having to be saved by 2 teenagers wearing spandex.
v  Tom Dupain-Cheng.
v  Chloe’s designer purse.
v  Jagged Stone.
v  Gabriel’s parenting.
v  Alya being a saint.
v  Chloe ruining everything.
v  A skin-tight catsuit.
v  Horrible and painful cat puns.
v  NSFW fanart.
v  Nathanael's cuteness.
v  Preying on the emotional insecurities of teenagers.
v  Stealing people’s phones.
v  Chat’s leather-clad ass.
v  Adrien buying a bunch of Ladybug body pillows.
v  Nino and Adrien’s bromance.
v  The love square.
v  Using your stick as a selfie camera.
v  The fact that the Gorilla totally knows.
v  Magic jewellery.
v  Adrien teaching Nino about puns.
v  Meow!
v  Chat Noir in general.
v  Feed Adrien 2K16.
v  Chat Noir purring.
v  Chat Noir body pillows.
v  Locking 2 of your friends in a cage together.
v  Hitting Chloe with a book.
v  Well played, Kitty.
v  Casually destroying the Eiffel Tower.
v  The blessed shoulder tap of friendship from Adrien.
v  Ladrien Vs Marichat.
v  Bugaboo.
v  Puppeteer.
v  Princess Fragrance.
v  There’s a giant dinosaur!
v  Chloe being a bitch.
v  Fang’s adorableness.
v  “Look into the lens”.
v  You are the Nail Filer!
v  “I want that DOLL!!!”
v  Nooroo’s unresolved drinking problem.
v  The fact that a domino mask can hide your identity.
v  Pastry Bug.
v  Plagg’s addiction to cheese.
v  Hawkmoth in general.
v  Catbug.
v  Punching a small child in the face because Hawkmoth turned them into a supervillain.
v  Attacking 2 innocent teenagers because Hawkmoth said to.
AN: Just to be clear I don’t own Miraculous Ladybug, but me and my friends created our own version of Cards Against Humanity and I wanted to share them. They take a while to make and coming up with the ideas was a process. I encourage you to enjoy and if you wish to make your own, you are totally allowed to use these or simply take ideas. It is a long post as it has 50 Black and 150 White cards.
Have a good one!
-Claire Bear & Friends
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cardsagainstanme · 7 years
Miraculous Ladybug Version
Black Cards
v  Ladybug’s suit is made of (           ).
v  Plot twist! The real villain of the show is (           ).
v  Who is Chat Noir’s greatest admirer?
v  I got arrested by Robocop for (           ).
v  What is the function of Chat Noir’s bell?
v  I’m Marinette, just a normal (             ), with normal (            ).
v  Chloe could only stare when she saw (             ).
v  What item of mine would an Akuma possess?
v  Where was Ladybug keeping that textbook?
v  Coming up in Season 2: (              )!
v (              )? What am I supposed to do with this?!
v  Jagged Stone’s new hit single (          ), is about (           ).
v  Adrien’s go to excuse is “I had to (              )”.
v  Adrien and Nino aren’t (           ), they’re just (            ).
v  In an unexpected twist Hawkmoth is revealed to be (           ).
v  Marinette and Alya gave each other matching stares. Why?
v  The real reason Marinette doesn’t like Chat ‘like that’ is because (             ).
v  Ladybug’s Lucky Charm has produced (            ).
v  Kim dared Alix to (           ).
v  (             ): The no.1 reason people are Akumatised.
v  Adrien falsely believes that (             ), is Ladybug.
v  Jackady should have hypnotised (            ), to believe that they are (           ).
v  ROCK & (             ), BABY!!!!
v  Adrien’s bodyguard is secretly (            ).
v  Gabriel has designed something completely new. What is it?
v  Kim once stated he could (           ), better than (            ).
v  Where is Chat Noir now?
v  Mister Pigeon, but instead of pigeons it’s (            ).
v  What does Gabriel do in his office all day?
v  What is Adrien’s favourite Anime?
v  Chloe caused an Akuma by (            ).
v  Chat will finally woo his lady with (           ).
v  Hawkmoth secretly enjoys (              ).
v  In the last fight, Chat Noir got distracted by (            ).
v  The biggest difference between sub and dub is (             ).
v  Ladybug likes to scratch Chat Noir’s neck when he (              ).
v  Look up! It’s (              )!
v  Miraculous, Simply the Best, Up to the Test, (                  )!
v  Chloe always knew how to make the worst Akuma’s. What is her newest one?
v  Why is Lyla such a lying bitch?
v  Gabriel Agreste has decided to become a better father by (            ).
v  What is the newest addition to Chat Noir’s costume?
v  Kwami’s like to (             ), in their spare time.
v  What is Marinette’s new nickname?
v  Why don’t Ladybug and Chat Noir recognise each other?
v  What is the newest power of the Cat miraculous?
v  What is the newest Akuma?
v  Why is Natalie so apathetic all the time?
v  Where do the Miraculous’s come from?
v (               ), & (            ), the hottest new ship in Miraculous Ladybug.
White Cards
v  The love of your life being 5000 years to old for you. (Supposedly)
v  That one Adrien/Plagg fic we’re all afraid of.
v  A laser pointer.
v  Chat Noir in heels.
v  Evil laughter, courtesy of Hawkmoth.
v  Being repeatedly beaten by 2 teenagers.
v  The word ‘Evilise’.
v  A birthday lunch break to remember.
v  Sending all the adults into space.
v  Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur, happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr…
v  “I feel no pain when I am with you, because you are my ibuBROphen”. -Nino to Adrien at some point, probably
v  Chat’s night vision.
v  A Venus flytrap diary case.
v  Standing in a dark room surrounded by butterflies until someone gets sad.
v  Throw Chat Noir at the problem.
v  Chat Noir’s clumsy cuteness.
v  Plagg’s inability to do his job.
v  Losing by ‘only’ half a million votes.
v  Weather girls.
v  Chat Noir’s sweet dance moves.
v  Years of butterfly paranoia.
v  A Chat on a hot tin roof.
v  Getting high off catnip.
v  Chat’s sass.
v  The Umbrella scene.
v  The Christmas special.
v  The inability to remember a kiss.
v  Marinette’s inability to articulate a sentence around Adrien.
v  Gabriel’s resting bitchface.
v  Boyfriend material.
v  A love square with only 2 people.
v  Girls smell better than cheese.
v  Chat Blanc.
v  The entire fandom forgetting that the main characters are minors.
v  A magical cat-boy who wears leather.
v  The blue scarf.
v  The fandom hating certain sides of the love square. (Even though they’re the same people)
v  Tomas Astruc reading your poorly written Ladynoir fanfiction right now.
v  Combining the Miraculous’.
v  Chat Noir flexing.
v  Felix’s thigh high boots.
v  Feather allergies.
v  Dragging Chat Noir by his tail.
v  Blaming Chloe.
v  Transforming out in the open.
v  The Shower Scene.
v  Marinette’s eye makeup that’s always on fleek.
v  Chat Noir sniffing Ladybug.
v  Chat Noir’s domanatrix cat suit.
v  The plot twist we can all see coming.
v  She didn’t SIGN the FREAKING CARD!!!!
v  Pound it!
v  Pastries from the Dupain-Cheng bakery.
v  A shrine to the Ladynoir ship.
v  Adrien sitting like a cat.
v  Antibug.
v  Croissants.
v  Basically, French Sailor Moon.
v  Adrien’s fantasies.
v  A giant hairdryer.
v  Everyone forgetting Felix.
v  The secret purpose of Chat Noir’s zipper.
v  Nino the Awesome.
v  “2 Ladybugs, I’m in Heaven”.
v  Cat ears.
v  A billboard with Adrien’s face on it.
v  Waltzing right in and taking the Mona Lisa.
v  Becoming a superhero before you turn 18.
v  A magical unicorn from the planet, Rispa.
v  Trying to get a spider-man kiss, but being dropped on your head instead.
v  That crazy Pharaoh guy and his dumb motivation.
v  Ineffective villains.
v  A magical yo-yo.
v  Horrificator’s slime.
v  Mr Pigeon.
v  Trying to literally kill people because a teenager insulted your partner.
v  Forcing people to dance at a birthday party.
v  A glitch in the CGI.
v  Huffing perfume.
v  Magical, all-knowing Ladybug vision.
v  A near reveal.
v  Attacking Paris with bubbles.
v  Designing.
v  Adrien’s “missing” mother.
v  Tom Dupain’s sick biceps.
v  Licking yourself like a cat.
v  Abandonment issues.
v  An elderly Chinese match-maker in a Hawaiian shirt.
v  Bad parenting.
v  Camembert.
v  Alya blatantly disregarding her safety for Ladyblog footage.
v  Keeping a copy of your crushes schedule in your room at all times.
v  Copious amounts of sexual tension.
v  Edgy Black lipstick.
v  Felix in general.
v  The Break-Dance AU.
v  Having to be saved by 2 teenagers wearing spandex.
v  Tom Dupain-Cheng.
v  Chloe’s designer purse.
v  Jagged Stone.
v  Gabriel’s parenting.
v  Alya being a saint.
v  Chloe ruining everything.
v  A skin-tight catsuit.
v  Horrible and painful cat puns.
v  NSFW fanart.
v  Nathanael's cuteness.
v  Preying on the emotional insecurities of teenagers.
v  Stealing people’s phones.
v  Chat’s leather-clad ass.
v  Adrien buying a bunch of Ladybug body pillows.
v  Nino and Adrien’s bromance.
v  The love square.
v  Using your stick as a selfie camera.
v  The fact that the Gorilla totally knows.
v  Magic jewellery.
v  Adrien teaching Nino about puns.
v  Meow!
v  Chat Noir in general.
v  Feed Adrien 2K16.
v  Chat Noir purring.
v  Chat Noir body pillows.
v  Locking 2 of your friends in a cage together.
v  Hitting Chloe with a book.
v  Well played, Kitty.
v  Casually destroying the Eiffel Tower.
v  The blessed shoulder tap of friendship from Adrien.
v  Ladrien Vs Marichat.
v  Bugaboo.
v  Puppeteer.
v  Princess Fragrance.
v  There’s a giant dinosaur!
v  Chloe being a bitch.
v  Fang’s adorableness.
v  “Look into the lens”.
v  You are the Nail Filer!
v  “I want that DOLL!!!”
v  Nooroo’s unresolved drinking problem.
v  The fact that a domino mask can hide your identity.
v  Pastry Bug.
v  Plagg’s addiction to cheese.
v  Hawkmoth in general.
v  Catbug.
v  Punching a small child in the face because Hawkmoth turned them into a supervillain.
v  Attacking 2 innocent teenagers because Hawkmoth said to.
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Second Gift for Miss Raven!
Hi Raven (@raven-at-the-writing-desk)! Happy One-Year Blog Anniversary to you! 
I was inspired by that one fanart with Jade and Azul and flowers you sent me when we talked about it! You know the one. Originally, this story was shorter but then Jade demanded details so it turned out longer than I anticipated. 
This is my second gift to you because I wanted to make sure you feel appreciated for all the work you do and your blog anniversary felt like the right time to gift it! I hope this works out! Enjoy!
Tagged: @raven-at-the-writing-desk
Fic under the cut! 
It all started out when a flower rested on your desk. Specifically, a branch of flowers. Specifically, a flower that you were searching for for your new inks. A jasmine blossom that would bring out the hope (one of the meanings of jasmines) in your new ink: Gallantry. You picked up the branch and held it up to your face, inspecting it. There was nothing to indicate how and why it would have gotten onto your desk. You look around your room to find no other person or clue. Whoever was here before had clearly departed from the scene.
You brought the branch back up for another inspection. Whoever left had to have known you were searching for it. Five white petals perfectly distanced from the other in a star shape. The remaining jasmines were of equal caliber. Flawless, fresh, and velvety under your touch. The mysterious benefactor could probably be solved later. You grinned and allowed yourself a breath of the jasmine scent. 
The next time you found a flower, it was made up of origami. Paper shaped into a lily. The white paper folded perfectly with crisp edges and impeccable corners. Scattered along your desk and even strung up the back of your chair with string, the flowers coated most of the surface of your desk. When you took a step back from the desk to find some kind of container to place the origami lilies in, the image of a wave made itself known to you. 
Instead of a frenzy of scattered lilies, the flowers had been artfully arranged as if a wave was cresting across your desk. Unfortunately, you needed to access your workspace so the display had to be taken down. Not without taking a couple pictures with your phone for prosperity.  
You knew it wasn’t a coincidence when, next, you found a frosted violet peony in a terrarium with frosted feathers littering the bottom of the jar. You pressed against the cold ice dotting the petal to watch the flower unfold. Cold crystals of ice even coated the inside of the peony, marking the purple surface glitter like diamonds. 
Raven feathers equally coated in the ice crystals arranged like two interlinked circles laying atop dirt made up the rest of the glass. Every way you turned the vase, the light caught the frost, erupting in a rainbow shine. 
You carefully set the terrarium in a place of honor in the corner of your desk, right next to the inks that were currently in use. Although the terrarium rested on your desk all day and all night, whatever frost magic was at work retained its form throughout the day. Your gift remained unmelted. 
It wasn’t until you were exhausted and ready to roost in your nest that you noticed another particular detail. Under the lights of the candles you had lit to assist you in your writing (for the atmosphere), you spotted images etched in the frost. Images of a raven and an eel were etched within the interconnected circles.
You pulled back and away from the terrarium to launch yourself across the room, putting as much distance as possible between you and the incriminating images. Pink transformed into red on your cheeks as you buried your head in your hands. If the terrarium itself wasn’t obvious enough, the identity of your gift giver certainly was evident now! 
Taking a deep breath and smoothing down any wrinkles on your dress, you brought your shoulders back and steadied your stance. If that was how he wanted to play, you wouldn’t lose. You would give as good as you got. 
Your chance to bestow a gift in return came sooner than you’d expected because Jade found you first. Of course he did. 
The (unfairly) tall Octavinelle vice dorm leader stopped you in the middle of the courtyard. A grin (without any of those sharp teefies visible—what a shame) stretched across his face. “Miss Raven,” he purred, “what a fortunate opportunity I have stumbled upon. I was just looking for you.”
You bristled at his polite tone. “Yes, you have found me. It’s not as if I was hiding.” No, he didn’t give you the chance to hide. Nor clean up from your morning excursion. 
Your dress had dirt visible in lots of patches. Your trademark hat was eschew. Feathers poked out in random places. It was hardly an acceptable state to be seen in public. You had woken up early to collect wild, edible mushrooms in the hills around your home. You even went through the trouble to wrangle them into a bouquet. Not that you’d actually say that to him. 
Determined to not call his attention to your wardrobe any further, you asked, “What is it you wanted?” 
It had not escaped your notice that Jade’s hands were behind his back, shielding your vision from whatever was hidden back there. 
Jade continued to play coy. He asked, “Is your uncle well?”
Your eyebrow raised in response. “My uncle’s health is in great condition. But that is none of your concern.” 
Jade hummed at your response. “And are you planning on visiting Mostro Lounge again soon? Your presence has been dearly missed.” 
You harrumphed, resisting the urge to stomp your foot. Jade knew exactly what he was doing, drawing out the conversation to extend your curiosity. “Is there a point to these questions? Surely that is not the true reason you sought me out?”
A glitter in Jade’s eyes. “Oya, oya. What a perceptive little bird you are, Miss Raven.” Finally drawing his hidden hands from behind his back, the sight of at least a dozen bushels of lilacs greeted you.
Lilacs, of every color possible for lilacs to be, bundled in turquoise tissue paper were presented to you and you could only gape at the lovely blossoms. 
“A gift for you, my darling with wings and wit. I found myself fascinated by flowers when Azul mentioned one restaurant recently had placed flowers on their tables for color. With a little more research, I found flowers are often used as gifts of courtship.” He leaned down closer to you. “I experimented a little and have perfected a preservation spell for the flowers. They will never wilt nor fade. Similar to my feelings for you.”
You continued gaping at the preserved flowers outstretched to you.  
Jade pushed the flowers slightly closer to you. “I take it my gifts have been well received then.”
At once, you shoved your own reciprocal gift in his face. The sudden sight forced Jade to draw back, giving you room to breathe. 
Jade blinked at the assortment of wild mushrooms, carefully tied to sticks to be presented as if a bouquet. Soon, the astonishment that his features wore transformed into a softer expression. One that you weren’t privy to witness given the fact the mushroom bouquet covered Jade’s face. 
He exchanged his bouquet for yours. 
While there was even dirt mixed with sweat upon your brow, Jade didn’t hesitate to place a kiss there. Your breath hitched. 
“I thank you for your generous gift, Miss Raven.” Jade withdrew to tilt your chin up. Your eyes were locked onto his as soon as he pierced you with his heterochromia eyes. “Perhaps I can express my thanks to you in a better way.” With the same hand used to tilt your head up, Jade cups your cheek and brings you closer for a kiss. Not on the brow, not on the cheek, not on the nose. Right. On. The. Lips!
Jade pressed even closer, almost crushing the bouquets between your chests. You break the kiss to take a breath before Jade surges forward to recapture your lips with his. He presses you back until you reach a wall. You feel the bouquets being slipped out of your grasp as Jade picks you up, bringing you closer to him. You could not stop the assault of kisses that devoured your lips. 
Eventually, Jade pulls away from you. In a sort of embarrassing display, you chased after his lips as soon as he pulled away. You open your eyes to see Jade’s smirk present before you feel the rush of heat to your cheeks. You instantly peel away from his hold, setting your dress and hat back upright. 
You can feel Jade’s smirk grow behind you but you refuse to acknowledge him as you gathered your flowers. You pick up his own bouquet of mushrooms, and shove it into his chest (gently), still refusing to look at him. With a quick “Here!” you quickly run out of the courtyard. 
Once you are out of sight, knowing Jade had let you leave (curse his tall height and long legs), you take a chance to look at the preserved bundles of lilacs wrapped in turquoise tissue paper. Your hand runs through the pink lilacs and eventually zoned in on one blossom. You bring the blossom to your nose and inhale the scent, almost rubbing your nose against the petals.  
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ozarkgobbler · 11 months
Jonathan Sims from The Magnus Archives looks exactly like Dr. Julian Bashir from Deep Space Nine and no one can convince me otherwise
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