#I feel like this barely counts as fluff but solomons feeling Emotions by the end so
strange-pass · 7 months
Hello! I saw you had requests open! I was wondering if you could write something that's like... just domestic life fluff. Maybe they're in the human world together and just chilling. I don't know. But just some nice domestic life fluff. Either with Barbatos, Solomon, or Simeon. I cannot decide as my heart is longing for all three of them right now 😂
Up in the Human World
Domestic life Headcanons
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Pairing: Simeon, Barbatos, Solomon x GN! Reader (separately)
Synopsis: Simeon, Barbatos, and solomon go to the human world to visit MC
A/N: These were so adorable to write. I was so excited that anon requested these because I haven’t written fan fiction in a bit so I’m glad people want to see more work! I decided to try out a new divider because I find this one so cute honestly. I may try out a couple depending on what I’m writing. This was written as romantic by the way! Have a lovely day 🫶
Requesting here
genre: Romantic fluff, no warnings!
word count: 1270+ altogether
💐 Simeon:
-Simeon loves visiting you in the human world because he barely gets to go, he’s either in the celestial realm or in the devildom. When he does go, he stays with you for a month or two before he absolutely needs to go back. This visit is considered his break and he loves spending it with you.
-You and Simeon have a movie night every week, just you two in order to spend time together. There are some human movies that are available in the celestial realm, but rarely. He suggests two types of movies, bad movies, and romantic movies. Since he’s a writer, he likes to criticize the direction and story telling of the movies, he cannot believe how bad and cliche some of the movies you have, get. He tends to gravitate towards romance movies when suggesting a genuine movie, this is because he likes the emotional closeness to you. When he’s watching these movies though, he sometimes thinks that you two have way better chemistry than the main characters in these story lines and thinks of how you two would handle situations in the movie. He likes when you pick a movie though, he likes to explore different options and styles of writing. One thing that will never change is how he loves to cuddle you, if you’re alright with it of course.
-Since he has a garden in the celestial realm, he grows various flowers outside of the home. He grows the, outside because he thinks direct sunlight is better for the flowers. This is also for your own good in case you have an allergy to the pollen. On occasions, he grows plants inside that don’t smell in case the weather isn’t ideal. He’s still a bit naive since the celestial realm has the same kind of weather every day. When he brings seeds to your home, sometimes you need to tell him that they don’t grow in this region of the world. Once he gets used to the technology you use, he makes sure to check what grows in your part of the world. He tries to grow your favourite kind of plant, and gets you to water the plants with him.
-The first time he’s asked to sleep in your bed, he’s a bit red in the face. He insists that you don’t need to offer him the bed.. the real reason is because he’s nervous of being so close to you, he’s not sure of the habits he does in his sleep, or how you’ll react if he accidentally pulls the blankets off of you, or something bolder like pulling you closer to him. No matter what, he’s happy that you wanted to sleep in the same bed as him since it shows you trust him.
💐 Barbatos:
-Barbatos asks for permission to visit you in the human world when he has a vacation. The downside is that he can’t stay for very long since he serves Diavolo, but comes as often as he can.
-Whenever he visits you, he has a habit of serving you like he would Diavolo. He does not mean to do this, but since he cares about you, he automates to his butler personality to show how he feels about you. You need to remind him that he can sit and relax around you. He listens to your advice for a while, until he gets antsy and ends up cleaning so you have a perfectly tidy place without any worries.
-He loves baking together, it’s not just a way to spend time with you, but both of you can sit at a table and enjoy your handiwork. Depending on your baking level, he will pick a recipe that’s a bit above your level so he can teach you how to bake it properly. He finds it to be a fun challenge for both of you, his part of the challenge is making sure that it’s fun for him and you to do.
-You have different foods in the human world, and he wants to make sure he tries all kinds of cuisines. This gives him new ideas for his own cooking, and a fun date idea. He suggests something new for dinner every night he’s there, so you go to different restaurants in order to try dishes. The thing is… going to new places all of the time can be a bit exhausting, so you ask him about delivery and he’s a bit surprised by it because he’s never tried ordering food through an app. They have akuber in the devildom, but Barbatos always makes supper, so he never needs to order out. After some time, the money adds up so Barbatos just makes the food himself since it’s cheaper for you and he makes excellent food, even if he’s never cooked the dish before.
-Barbatos always sleeps by himself, so he seems like he is glad to be joining you for sleep. In reality he’s a bit hesitant BECAUSE he always sleeps by himself. It’s a bit of a vulnerable position for him, but as long as he keeps reminding himself that it’s just you, he’s having the most comfortable sleep of his life alongside the person he cares about the most.
💐 Solomon:
-Solomon visits you a-lot since he doesn’t technically work anywhere, he goes wherever he’s needed. The downtime between him going somewhere is spent with you, at your home in the human world.
-He loves cooking for you! Mostly to your detriment… He has so much passion for what he makes for you, but you can’t tell what he was trying to make most of the time. He says that he put his own spin on the original dish, and then questions why you look so shocked as to what recipe he was trying to replicate. He always thanks you for making food or ordering though, just as long as he’s no where near the kitchen.
-When you’re doing something in your home, you’ll find little love notes in random places from Solomon, he leaves these in hopes that you’ll find them and feel loved. They are always in little envelopes that are stamped with a red rose to signify his love. He hides them in the weirdest places though, in a shoe, the back of the freezer, between the cushions of a couch, and the pocket of a coat you haven’t worn in a while.
-Whenever he goes out, he almost always comes back with a game for you to play with him. It could be a game as big as monopoly, or a dice game like Yahtzee. What he doesn’t want you to know is that he is great at all types of games because he’s been alive for so long. The only thing that gives him away is how overly confident he is, sometimes a bit cocky as well. This can also be his loss because he doesn’t replay games for long periods of time since he doesn’t have many people to play them with. When he loses, he feints being sad, but loves seeing the smile on your face when you win.
-Solomon is actually the first one to suggest sleeping in the same bed, he’s a bit cheeky like that. He has absolutely no problem in sleeping beside you, but he never shows just how excited he is. This is his own little dream, being beside you and making sure you’re safe through the night. Maybe in the morning he’ll surprise you with breakfast as well, made with all his heart, of course! Seeing you is his motivation for working, and he glad he visited.
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otome-on-the-side · 4 years
What’s Your Deal, Solomon? 
Solomon & GN! reader 
word count: 1,364 
Ao3 version 
MC & Solomon talk over drinks they shouldn’t, technically, have                           ______________________________________________________________  
    Adjusting to your new living conditions took time.      You were more than a little disappointed when you learned that alcohol wasn’t allowed in the house of lamentation. “Wasn’t allowed,” meaning Lucifer immediately shot down the suggestion when you proposed it, threatening to provide something with an alcohol percentage high enough to dissolve your frail, human skin if you insisted. 
     You knew the brothers got drunk off of something, but they did it well away from the eldest’s supervision. You didn’t really want to ask them what they drank, or to hook you up- getting mocked or, worse, dragged to a bar and left alone in the devildom, wasn’t all that appealing to you.         With the implication that booze wasn’t smiled upon in the dorms, your eyes nearly popped out of your skull when you witnessed your fellow human exchange student discreetly sipping out of a flask. It was the end of the day, so couldn’t really judge him for imbibing.  
   Solomon caught you staring and smiled, putting a finger over his lips.     Panicking, you copy the gesture, trying to silently convey that you won’t snitch on him. At this, his smile deepens, and he opens his D.D.D.      Your pocket buzzes, and you pull out your own device to see that he’s texting you.  
‘I’m assuming you can keep a secret?’  
     And with that, you arrange to “study” at the purgatory hall with your “close friend” Solomon. Lucifer was less than pleased to hear this, and was reluctant to drop you off. You weren’t thrilled to take the equivalent of the demon fuzz to your ‘illegal’ hooch rendezvous either, but safety prevailed over a possibly disappointed and huffy Lucifer. It wasn’t your fault Mammon had work that evening. But you had planned for this meeting with that in mind.        Witnessing the awkward standoff between Simeon and the avatar of pride at the purgatory hall’s front door almost made it worth it.        There was something deeply amusing about an angel delighted with Lucifer’s presence, while the demon seemed like he couldn’t leave (politely, these exchanges were always frigidly polite) fast enough.      
    You try to tamp down the amused grin on your face as you slip past the two, Lucifer calling after you to inform you that Mammon will be picking you up after he’s done working. You don’t even turn to respond as you wave behind you, wordlessly signaling that you’ve heard him and ushering him to leave as you disappear from sight.     
    You’re overjoyed to easily find Solomon in the front hall, waiting for you.     “Any trouble getting here?” He asks politely, making small talk as he leads you further into the dorm.     You answer with no, that you had no trouble and you both continue with your polite chatter as you enter his room.      It’s pretty similar to your own, though the color scheme is wildly different, the lighting is dimmer, and with a sturdy desk over the table you have; clearly meant for a single person to study at.  Solomon opens a drawer from the desk and pulls out a bottle of Amber liquid, and glasses from within a cabinet.    “Whiskey?” You ask.  
   “Rum, actually. I do have some Whisky if you prefer, but…” He trails off, his smile, while still polite, is knowing. 
   “Rum’s good.” You affirm. “I don’t think I have the refined palette for casual Whiskey drinking, if I’m honest.”  
   “I only really use it when I need to trade favors, if I’m honest,” he speaks as he pours your glass.    When he hands you your glass, he remains standing. You politely remain standing as well, chatting with him as time passes, going through a couple glasses.      As he goes to pour you a third, he seems to notice you awkwardly shifting your  weight from foot to foot- you’ve begun to tire, your drunken state becoming obvious. He pulls one of his more cozy chairs towards the desk after he hands back your glass. You only sit after he does, placing your glass on the desk next to his own.             “So,” you settle down on the seat Solomon has offered. “What’s your, like, deal?” 
    He can’t help chuckling in response. “My, like, deal?” He asks, incredulous.       “Yeah!” You rock back, bringing your knees up and planting your heels into the seat cushion, promptly spreading your legs and wresting your elbows on your knees as you lean forward again.    “Are you, like, THE Solomon the wise, or just some yutz using the name?”  His eyes are glittering with amusement, but he doesn’t respond; his answer is a grin over the rim of his glass before he takes a sip of his “illegal” wares.  
    “Names have power, you know.” You warn.  
   He doesn’t stop smiling- if anything, he looks even more pleased. “I know.”  
   You give him a hard look, thoroughly sloshed. “So.”  
   “Have you been body hopping then?”  
   He pauses mid-sip at that. He puts his glass down, eyes widening a fraction as you go on.  
   “ ‘Cuz like. You are waaaay too pale and snowy lookin’ to be from the Middle East as you are.”  
  “That’s all?”  
  “Well,” you pause to take a sip of hooch, throat dry from your drunken chatter. “You’re so cold, Solomon.”  
  He raises an eyebrow.  
  You don’t notice as you ramble on. “It’s not just from wonky blood circulation either, ‘cause your entire body radiates a lack of heat.”  
  “When did you notice this?”  
   “Crashing into you was like, walking into a fridge but like. Meaty, I guess?” You pause, trying to think of a better description, and your drunken mind knows there’s a better one, but gives up under the alcoholic haze. “An’ like. You’ve been drinking since before I got here.”  
  “I could just be very good at seeming sober.” He posits.  
  “Nah!” You chuck something small from your pocket- a single grimm- in his direction, with the intention for him to catch it.  
   That coin does not fly anywhere remotely near Solomon, and clatters against a wall. You point at him. “Pretend you caught that.”  
  He laughs again. “No, I don’t think I will. So, any more evidence for your accusation?”  
   “Mm!” You slap the desk table, getting your train of thought back on track. “You have like, over ninety demonic pacts, and. Both the demons who really care about my safety are wary of you.”  
  “It’s not just them,” he posits.  
  “You’ve gotta know some demon magic.”  
   “More than some.” For Solomon, he’s dropping an insane amount of details- but you’re too far gone to care. Solomon knows this, enjoying the wiggle room it’s giving him.  
  “And if I’m honest? I don’t like the idea of it simply bleaching you and sand blasting your possible wrinkles away. Seems too easy for magic. The themes of immortality AND using magic to solve your problems is too prevalent in any folklore or mythology for it to NOT have an obnoxious cost.”  
  “I’m shocked you would imply that the use of a corpse would merely be ‘obnoxious’,” he’s trying to seem incredulous, but he can’t hide how his voice hitches as he barely holds in another laugh.  
   You don’t notice, but you’re too sure of yourself to back down from your hypothesis. “It’s not like finding a body is hard when you’re a king. Or in possession of demon pacts. And it’s not like it’d be hard to find someone in a coma or suicidal enough to give up their body, these days.”  
  “Touché.” He sips at his drink again.  
  “I know what you are.”  
  “Say it.” Even you can tell he’s barely holding in laughter.  
  “Yourra lich.” You slur out.  
   You’re both losing your collective shit, feeding off of each other’s laughter at the stupid joke when Simeon pokes his head into the common room, calling your name. “Mammon’s come to pick you up.” 
   You clap with joy and swing out of the chair; happy to see your first. You don’t really care if he sees you like this, and you doubt he could criticize you for cutting a little loose.  
   “Good luck.” Solomon says, as way of a farewell.    “You too!” You enthusiastically reply. “Have a good night!”   “You too.” His response is soft, spoken only after you've turned your back.
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everlasting-elegy · 3 years
Lesson 16.5: Obey Me Brothers x GN!MC
How I think Lesson 16 should’ve ended, with the MC returning to their original timeline.
Genre: Angst, Fluff Word Count: 3.1k TW: Mentions of violence/death
It was jarring to see yourself die. It was even more jarring to experience it. Your body had no bruises but the crushing pressure of Belphegor’s grip was painfully squeezing your heart. It numbed your body, barely registering how you were led to the living room and sat down on a chair by the brothers. They were bickering about you, which was no new occurrence but the words went in one ear and out the other. Their piercing voices couldn’t knock you out of your daze. Only one voice did.
“There must have been so many things you’ve all wanted to do for Lillith over the years!”
It was an innocent comment from Diavolo who stood before you, waking you out of your stupor. Ah yes, Lilith. The one you’re descended from, the one who saved you. The one whose blood coursed through your veins.
“Do you think I’ve warped history?” You murmured to no one in particular. But Barbatos’ keen ears picked up on your query and he stepped forward. He explained his immense powers to pick a sole reality. You asked why this timeline specifically and he simply said it was more advantageous. And how could you complain? You were a mere mortal whose experience paled in comparison to Barbatos’ experiences spanning not only thousands of lifetimes but thousands of timelines. If this ending was for the best, then so be it.
You slipped back to dwell in your empty mind as the brothers fought over who would provide you tea.
The following days, the sinking feeling in your stomach would not go away. Everyday was the same, with every waking - and non-waking - moment with a brother beside you. You were escorted everywhere by at least one if not all the brothers. In class you were hastily seated in the corner, the only available desks around you being taken by the brothers. You saw how Simeon and Solomon’s faces would drop at you clearly being occupied with the demons. One day you slipped up and Luke saw your solemn expression. He was personally dragged away by Lucifer as the little angel demanded to be with you, barking about how you were clearly unhappy. Of course, the brothers quickly turned to you for reassurance. There was no way you could be unhappy, they adored you to all the layers of Devildom and back. Were you not feeling their love? They assured you they’ll be more diligent with earnest smiles.
You didn’t smile back.
As the brothers eagerly greeted you for breakfast, you explained how you forgot to do schoolwork last night and you’ll quickly do it before class today. Before they could complain or try to go with you, you left. Every moment with the brothers hurt your heart. The brothers bickered over who spent time with you before but it was no longer endearing and you didn’t know why. But you’d get your answer sooner enough.
You were about to settle in bed one night, calling it a day until there was a knock on the door. Grumbling to yourself, you opened it to see Beelzebub with a shy smile on his face. He always treated you respectfully since day one as long as his appetite wasn’t overtaking him, so you responded in kind with a small smile of your own, albeit void of emotion.
“I was wondering if you could join us and sleepover?”
You didn’t reply instantly. Us? But with every passing second you watched the smile on Beelzebub’s face fall until he held a puppy-like pout. Unable to bring yourself to turn him down even now, you agreed. Like a switch the smile returned to his face and he took your hand, bringing you… not to his room? You frowned, taking a step back as you passed his bedroom but Beelzebub’s grip only tightened at the feel of you slipping away. You were dragged up the stairs and into the attic, the slight gnawing in your stomach growing into an unmistakable pain. Your heart dropped to see the youngest waiting for you with an innocent smile.
“It was my idea,” Belphegor said proudly as Beelzebub led you to the bed. Once you sat Beelzebub immediately wrapped his arms around you, gently leaning you back until you felt the mattress on your back. To your right, another pair wrapped around you as Belphegor snuggled into you, deciding to have you as his pillow as he rested his head on your chest. He didn’t comment on your heart which pounded unbelievably fast against your ribcage but you did see the teasing smirk on his face. As he slipped further into slumber his arms naturally tightened around you. It was far too tight. Even though there was plenty of space to breathe you held your breath, the last time he embraced you like this had different motives and very different outcomes.
You didn’t sleep a wink that night.
Another day you heard a distant bang as you were scrolling through your D.D.D. in your room. Figuring you’d likely be called with the fallout of whatever happened, you took the initiative to head down to the kitchen to see what the commotion was. Although the kitchen was a mess, before you was a beaming Asmodeus who giggled sweetly.
“MC, my dear! I tried cooking something for you. Quick, have a try before Beelzebub comes and eats it all.”
He took a spoonful and held it out to you.
“Say ‘ah’...”
You complied as Asmodeus rambled on and on about how excited he was to make the dish as well as apologising for the mess which was some food exploding.
“It’s just been so long since I last had it. But I just knew you’d love it! It has all the ingredients you like!”
When you asked what the dish was called, you hesitated as Asmodeus offered another bite to you. You knew of the dish, many of the brothers reminisced about it and told you all about it.
It was Lilith’s favourite dish.
You headed back to your room without another bite, despite Asmodeus’ distant protests.
A theory was growing in your mind and you dreaded how it was becoming more and more plausible with every interaction you had with the brothers. It had been so long since you had a meaningful conversation with anyone besides the seven demons and even then, you doubted the conversation was ever truly about you.
So, you tested your theory. You refused to study for the next test on magical potions, even going so far as to purposely put answers down wrong to end up with an abysmal score which inevitably got you called to Lucifer’s office. When you entered the room, Lucifer was standing expectantly behind his desk, test results in hand. He dropped them on the desk for you to see the bold red score. He inhaled deeply before exhaling in a drawn sigh. The demon looked at you, face unreadable. Your back straightened in anticipation. For some semblance of normalcy, you were ready for him to chastise you on your tardiness, then command you to find Mammon for a similar talk.
“It’s rather unfortunate, isn’t it?”
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, your jaw dropped as Lucifer tilted his head down to your test. There was a ghost of a smile on his face.
“You’ve always been hard working. I trust next time your score will be more impressive. If there is ever content that is troubling, do come to me and I’ll assist you.”
You nodded numbly in response before snatching the test scores off of his desk. Lucifer asked you to send Mammon up to his office, his voice immediately losing its warmth. When you agreed, you won’t forget his crucial mistake.
“Thank you, Lil- MC.”
Immediately sending him a glare, your heart dropped as Lucifer regarded you plainly. He saw no error in his ways, or just how devastating his blunder was. Likely because to him it was no mistake. Your theory was proven. You were no longer MC. You were Lilith.
You decided to take a brief respite to watch a horror movie with Mammon. Purely by association, you found yourself drifting away from him but he was the most tolerable of the brothers. The one who cared about you since practically day one. Despite his words, his actions always showed just how much he cared about you. When you entered his room, even he brought up your absence from him in his round-about way. You couldn’t help but chuckle. You couldn’t remember the last time you made that sound.
The movie reached the peak, a crucial jumpscare and Mammon was clutching onto you like his life depended on it. The volume was turned up to the max so that the monsters in the movie were blasting your eardrums, so much you could barely hear Mammon’s cries beside you, even with his face pressed against yours. Even still, his stubborn self tried to keep a brave front before you, his trembling voice spouting reassurance to you.
“Oi, the Great Mammon is here, you’ve got nothing to worry about, Lilith!”
“I’m not Lilith.”
The demon froze and the movie went quiet as the jumpscare passed. He stared at you, wide eyed and you responded with a challenging look. You tried to harden your gaze but you figured even he, as blunt as he could be, saw the hurt in your eyes. Even the Avatar of Greed, greedy for your attention, prideful over the fact he was your first, forgot who you were.
“S-sorry, human... don’t know why I said that.”
But you knew why. The rest of the movie flew past you, you couldn’t care less. Mammon tried to make a quip or two but you never responded. Your eyes drifted around the room until it landed on a door. The very same door you exited out of that made you enter this damned timeline. Would the door still work? You lost track of time, you couldn’t care less what happened in this world. If you missed meetups with the brothers they’d just brush it off and compromise, still spending time with you. At this rate you could steal the grimoire and Lucifer would only give you a slap on the wrist. You could tear all of Satans’ books to shreds and he’d find a way to repress his rage. You could shame all of Leviathan’s interests and passions and he’d agree just because he didn’t want to go against you. No, he didn’t want to go against Lilith.
You organised another movie marathon with Mammon. He was noticeably relieved that you seemed to overlook his past slip up. You entered his room and waited until he needed the restroom for you to approach his closet. Hands wrapping around the doorknob, the cold metal sent a shiver down your body, freezing all your muscles.
Was this really the right decision? Barbatos’ himself said this timeline was advantageous. Although you were hurting, in truth everyone else seemed to be doing excellently. At least, that was what you assumed from the brief glimpses of people who weren’t the brothers. Was it really worth resetting a whole timeline for some mere mortal who would become irrelevant in a century? Then again, with how these brothers were acting, they’d likely find a way or convince you to become immortal so you’d never leave their side. They’d treat you with the same sugary sweetness they have been in this timeline but you loathed it. As daunting as the arguments were, as terrifying as it was to be on the verge of death multiple times by the very demons you lived with, there was a certain pride to it wasn’t it? You survived those hardships and most importantly, you grew closer to them after it. They were a testament to your hard work and your efforts, how you managed to make a bond and unite the demon brothers. Not Lilith.
“MC? What’re you doin’?”
You whipped your head around to see Mammon watching you. Without a second thought, you made your decision, twisting the doorknob and falling through the doorway…
… and into the cold, decrepit room of Barbatos.
The door worked.
Leaving Barbatos’ room, you couldn’t hear anything in the Demon Lord’s Castle. Surely Barbatos was aware of your departure from the other timeline. You didn’t dwell on it, leaving the castle and heading to the House of Lamentation. Despite you teleporting from Mammon’s closet to Barbatos’ room, there was always a chance that the door’s magic had worn off and you were still in the same timeline.
The sun high in the sky, you estimated it was around lunchtime but when you approached the House of Lamentation it was eerily quiet. Usually the place would be bustling, even outside you’d be able to hear the shouts of the brothers as they messed about. You silently entered the building. Approaching the dining room you could hear the gentle clicks and scrapes of utensils against plates. Mealtime was so quiet, you couldn’t even hear Beelzebub unintentionally eat the dinnerware. The brothers were solemnly eating, none of them making a peep. Only when Mammon got up with a finished plate did he freeze at the sight of you. Hands opening, he dropped his plate, shattering on the floor.
“Mammon, what are you-” Lucifer lifted his head in annoyance but he also froze. The brothers followed Lucifer’s gaze and now eating was the last thing on their minds.
“I’m back,” you said simply but you doubted they heard as Mammon yelled your name, leaping over the mess of porcelain he left on the floor and tackling you into a hug. Even though you were sure you’ll wake up with a bruise on your backside, you laughed as you hugged Mammon back.
“Did you miss me?” You asked softly, covering up your genuine concern with a teasing lilt.
“N-no,” Mammon shot back, but his wavering voice and the wetness where he dug his face into your neck told otherwise. “I just felt bad because I’m responsible for ya!”
“You went to MC’s room everyday,” Leviathan stated.
“I was keepin’ the room spick ‘n’ span.”
“I could hear your wails from my room,” Satan deadpanned.
“Those were sneezes! Room’s a dusty mess,” Mammon muttered as you led the both of you to stand back up. His arms still loosely around you, he refused to look you in the face.
“Oh cutie, if only you told us you’d be coming back today I’d have worn waterproof makeup,” Asmodeus whined as he used his fingers to delicately remove the tears from his eyes. He gently pulled you away from Mammon and into his arms despite the second oldest’s protests.
“MC! All these normies were so annoying, you’re the only one I can handle,” Leviathan complained. You took the initiative and hugged him instead. He yelped in surprise, spending a second to flail before accepting his fate. He mumbled to you about the new game he bought, waiting for your return before he played it.
You felt a tap on your shoulder and you parted from Leviathan to be given a one-sided embrace from Beelzebub. With his other hand he brought up a plate of mounted food to eye level.
“You must be hungry.”
“Beelzebub? Offering food instead of taking it?” Asmo exclaimed with wide eyes but Beel just smiled.
“I presume your trip to the past was successful?” Satan asked you as he placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
Everyone turned to the front door where Diavolo responded, with Barbatos standing faithfully beside him. “Barbatos has informed me of your ventures, MC. It’s good to have you back.”
“I thought you said the other timeline was more advantageous,” you challenged Barbatos.
“Only because you were there,” he admitted with a light smile. “Even if you had no magic, you underestimate just how powerful your presence alone can be. The moment you left the potential benefits of that timeline left with you.”
He discreetly tilted his head, gesturing to the brothers surrounding you. Before you could think further on his statement, Diavolo clapped his hands to grab everyone’s attention.
“Ah, and since MC’s task was an overwhelming success, as promised…”
Diavolo stepped to the side to reveal Belphegor. There were audible gasps of excitement by the brothers but you held your breath. The youngest’s eyes immediately landed on you and in that moment time seemed to freeze. He took a slow step forward but your legs were like lead and you couldn’t keep the distance between you. As he got closer and closer, you tried to read his face. Would it contort to the maniacal laughter moments before he killed you? Will he scowl at your very existence? Will he whisper ominous words of how you should be careful around him, especially if you’re alone?
He reached a timid hand forward, getting higher and higher until it landed on top of your head.
“I guess… Lilith wasn’t the only good human,” he mumbled. His voice was strained, his muscles tensed and you were just the same. But still, he gave your hair a ruffle.
“... thanks…”
You accepted his gratitude, a silent but mutual understanding now between you two. Behind you, Lucifer audibly cleared his throat.
“I understand these are exceptional circumstances, but in two days there’s a test on curses and hexes. I can’t have a lacklustre score reflect on this family-”
Lucifer was interrupted by the appalled groans of his brothers. As he sent glares to all of them he lost his composed demeanour as you went up to hug him.
“Don’t worry, I’ll get it done,” you reassured. Lucifer blinked once, then twice to register what was happening. He let out a quiet sigh before putting his hands on your back, reciprocating your affection.
“It’s good to have you back, MC,” Lucifer stated simply. Although you couldn’t see his face, you could hear the smile in his voice.
“I also suggest that you pay a visit to Purgatory Hall,” Satan piped up. “I’m sure Solomon and Simeon miss you but Luke in particular is not fun to bully- I mean, have light-hearted banter with anymore.”
“Of course,” you chuckled as you pulled away from Lucifer to look at the demon brothers before you through your blurring sight. Even as you wiped your tears of joy away, you recognised the familiar look the brothers held. Not the obsessive infatuation you had to put up with for so long, but the genuine look of companionship. You are the one who argued and fought with them. You are the one who pushed past their rough exteriors and developed bonds with them. You are MC, and you’re back home.
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Obey Me! Masterlist
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boogiewrites · 6 years
Choking On Sapphires 64
Title & Song: Love Is Blindness
Characters: Alfie Solomons x Genevieve (OFC)
Word Count: 6400+
Summary: With the rest of their time in Paris spent in a dream, the harsh reality of their lives comes crashing back in as Gen and Alfie return home. The backlash to their coupling begins.
Warnings/Tags: Language. Canon-typical violence. Possessiveness. Fluff. Angst. Alfie and Gen teaming up against someone. Business turns personal. Defending each other. 
**Chapter song is Love is Blindness by Jack White.**
Click on my icon then go to my Mobile Masterlist in my bio for my other works and chapters. (Had to do this since Tumblr killed links, sorry.)
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You wake up in the dim morning light, his head to the side as you murmur and look up at him. The unfocused glow of the sun falling across his face, freckles that are barely visible across his nose and cheeks, the warm light making the red in his hair more prominent. It made him glow like the cinders of a dying fire, reminding you of the burning emotion that lay just beneath the surface. 
You rise to turn your upper body to lay on his chest more so you can kiss his jaw. He grumbles and winces, nose twitching as his lips pout, pulling himself out of sleep. You kiss him again, your hand on his cheek, a simple press to his cheek, watching his eyes disappearing under his heavy hooded lids as his brow dips low, shifting before finally opening. A deep grunt rises from his chest.
"Mornin' love." his rumbling voice carries out into the breezy, open room.
"Matin, mon Fie." you coo, a kiss to his chest that makes him happily hum.  You peck your way up to his cheek again, his arm moving taught around you, bringing you up against him. "Did we really finally say all those things last night?" you ask with a soft smile.
His brow shifts, narrowed eyes still heavy with sleep look down to you curled up like a kitten against him. "I dunno. Did we?" he smirks and reaches up to stroke your hair.
"You really do love me, Alfie?" you ask for purely selfish reasons, wanting to hear it, to see it on his face again.
"Do you love me?" he asks in rebuttal, a charismatic lazy smile playing across his plush lips.
"I asked you first." you say with a wrinkle of your nose.
He chest shakes with a laugh before it carries out of his mouth, stopping when he presses his lips to your head. "Bloody ridiculous." he chuckles. "Asked me first..." he muses and shakes his head, rubbing his face with his hand. "How could I not with that sort 'a response. Cheeky little girl." he grins and moves to squeeze you with both arms. "'Course I love you, you ridiculous creature." he hums happily as your fingers play in his beard, eyes closing again, his body relaxing under yours.
"I love you too." you whisper, nuzzling into his neck. You let out a content sigh against him, fingers lazily stroking his chest hair, setting the tone for the rest of your time in Paris.
Your days in Paris were spent in the most ideal of ways, together. You ate until it forces you back to your place to nap, you spent mornings in the marketplace, picking out ingredients for your meals, flowers for the apartment and browsing the young artists work, buying pieces to join your growing wall of paintings. You spend your nights at shows, taking in the opera and the Moulin Rouge. Which wasn't Alfie's cup of tea. You dance by the edge of the Seine to live music, violins accompanying your slow-moving feet as he dips you down in his arms, your laughter disrupting the kisses you share. You walk home across bridges and stopping to kiss at the peaks of their arches, taking your time to look out at the water,  the reflections of the city in the moonlight upon it.
Almost every morning and night you make your declarations of love in some form. Some mornings your hands roam and you keep it simple, bringing each other over the edge sloAwly, staying warm under the covers. Your nights are varied, some fast and desperate, him taking you on top of your piano, in the tub before you make it to bed. Others are slow, some with a constant spinning of affectionate words between the two of you, others in silence and always ending in each other's arms as you fell asleep.
The last night he gives you to earrings he'd bought. You felt disappointed in yourself for not having the foresight to get him something in return. He expresses the symbolism of teardrop stones. He promises not to bring you any more tears, save for those made of precious stones. You put them on, and promptly take everything else off, and proceed to have him tell you all the things he wishes for you both. Everything he promises to do, the things he'll never do and ending with the things he wanted to do to you tonight.
The dreamlike escape had to come to an end, and after the long journey back you both crash in bed together for one more night at your home, the next morning the real world awaited you. You see him off to work like you used to and it felt right to spend your mornings together in such a way. You put his hat on his head before he walked out the door, sharing a kiss under the wide brim with both your hands on his face before you let him go. As you watched his car shrink into nothing you feel the weight of worry grow, as the gravity of reality set in once again.
It doesn’t take you long to get back into the swing of things, it wasn’t as if you’d been gone that long. The deep immersion you’d given yourselves over to had only led you to feel as if it’d been months when it was not even a full week. But the good it had done for you both couldn’t really be measured in any tangible way. A scale wouldn’t reflect the lightness you felt now, it could only be felt.
So as Abeille falls back into place, so does Alfies work. And with it, things started to move forward and you were now looking at the first job you’d be working together as a couple. And wasn’t it suited this job would be a dirty one.
You wait in Alfie's office, leaned against his desk as he oversees the placement of the tables for the false truce meeting that would be going down within the hour. You had all the routes ran, knew who was shooting who and all that was left was to set up was the meal and wait for the Greeks to arrive. You weren’t exactly nervous, but you weren’t unbothered by it either. Shooting the head of a crime family was never something to be taken lightly, even if it was premeditated by that heads son.  You were placing a lot of trust in Niko to make sure this ran smoothly and that was what was making you apprehensive.
Alfie’s voice breaks your train of thought as your foot bounces with the crossing of your leg, sat back in his chair. “I ‘ave to say, I thought I was Alfie Solomons but it seems that innit right as a body is surely sittin' in the chair only he sits in, yeah?” He muses, shutting the door behind him as you give him a smirk and rise. “But I gotta say, Alfie, ya lookin' bloody good these days.” He lets out a chuckle as he greets you with a kiss to the cheek first, then the back of your hand. “‘Ello love.” He says in a softer voice. “Punctual as always.” He says in his more usual gruff voice.
“I could’ve been late but you wouldn't have known since you are.” you tease.
“Well, it's work innit?” He says in playful defense. “Someone’s gotta tell these boys what to do. Like they were raised by wolves, none can set a table.” He Shakes his head in disappointment.
“I could’ve overseen that, you know.” You offer, letting him take his rightful place in his chair, leaning on his desk next to him.
“I'll let ya next time, yeah? I ain't got the patience to when fuckin' deals like 'is are afoot.” He says with a vague gesturing of his hand.
“Do you want me to go deal with them now?” You offer.
“No, no, love.” He groans, reaching out and taking your hand to pull you closer. “Here’s where I need ya right now.” He says softly, pulling you into his lap.
“Has he had a rough day already?” You coo, scratching your fingers in his beard.
“Aye.” He nods.
“After this are you free? It’s not our usual night spent together but could we have some tea or something? I’d love a chance to give you a pick me up to get you through the rest of the week.” You speak sweetly, seeing his crows feet grow and shift, the weight of his brow low from worry and work.
“You wanna go to my place after 'is? Have a real meal 'n cozy up?” He replies with closed eyes as your soft fingertips work away at his temples and into his slicked back hair. He hums contently at the loving touch he’d missed this week.
“Sounds wonderful darling.” You kiss his temple first, then lightly on the mouth. He grunts and reaches up to hold your hand as it stroked the hair sticking out of his shirt. You're sharing a series of small affectionate kisses when you’re interrupted.
“They’re arriving.” Ollie announces, a head peeking through the door with an indifferent face to finding you two together. Everyone knew about you now, Alfie's men and anyone else who had their eyes and ears on the gossip of London it seemed. You couldn’t blame them for talking though, it wasn’t exactly a match anyone but the two of you had seen coming. A gangster and a businesswoman. Not a likely pairing with the social circles you ran but no one had anything bad to say. Not to your face anyway. Plenty of nosy questions at the gala you’d attended without him but you didn’t mind providing a thrill to the women who dared ask about being with a gangster. It shocked most, as you seemed so polite and well-bred within the art community but you curtly explained he was nothing but a gentleman to you, and as you saw it his business was just that, his, and you would keep to yours. The answer satisfied most of the gossips as it was just vague enough to make any further questions seem suspicious.
“Right.” Alfie grunts, patting the back of your hand. “Let’s get the evenin’ started shall we then Miss Durand?” He asks, his arm swooping out in an ‘after you’ gesture.
“Certainly Mr. Solomons.” You chuckle and rise.
“Ollie see em in 'n pat 'em down.” He gruffs out and nods for him to get to it.
He begins to walk past you out the door and you grab his wrist, causing him to turn towards you with a raised brow.
“Before we do something dangerous...” you begin, putting his hand behind your back. “I wanted to have a proper goodbye. Traditions are important. Can’t be too careful.” You playfully scold.
“Aren’t you just a soft little thing?” He teases.
“I love you darling.” You say with a single press of your lips to his.
“And I love you.” His voice is soft and sweet, the last of it being as such that you’ll hear tonight. “Rejoice not at thine enemy’s fall...” he begins with a smile.
“But don’t rush to pick him up either.” You finish the proverb and chuckle against his lips.
You leave his office and begin the walk towards the main door. “You are a quick mind, love. You’ll be havin’ that bat mitzvah any day now innit ya?” He says walking down the long dusty lane to greet the men at the other end.
“I have still have plenty left to learn.”
“Quick and brilliant as she knows she is not ever finished learning.” He says, his body language and face turning harder. You transform from his little Chanah to Miss Genevieve Durand. He evolved back into Alfie Solomons from your gentle mon Fie. His shoulders shift with guarded body language. All the traces of love wiped from your presentations as you meet the men with indifferent faces, ready to work.
Customary greetings ensue, a too tight hug from Demitri for either you or Alfies comfort. He had already been eager to off the man but the way he looked at you and touched you in his presence was so disrespectful he felt his fingers twitch to pull the trigger himself.
You stay in the back of the group and let Alfie lead the men into the other wing.
“You and Solomons huh?” Niko says, standing still and refusing to move on with the other men.
“He and I what?” You demand him to not be vague.
“You’re together. I’ve heard about it.”
“Yes, we are.” You give a nod of acknowledgment.
“So you were lying to me then?” his tone accusatory and you did not appreciate it one bit.
“What?” You ask with a tilt of your head and innocence to your voice.
“You said you couldn’t be with anyone when I tried to kiss you. Were you with him the whole time?” He asks flatly, his tone concerning.
“I have never lied to you Niko. We were not together when you accompanied me to those parties. Which I thank you for.” You give him a more friendly nod.  
“Why him?” He bluntly asks, his eyes looking over you in a predatory way.
You’re surprised by the brashness of the question. “We are here on business tonight Niko, not pleasure. I’m a lady who doesn’t discuss her personal life. Especially in a setting like this. If you are worried about our being professional I assure you we take nothing as seriously as we do our work.” You say walking forward and trying to catch up to the other men.
“No, I know you do.” He says quietly. “But I thought we had something. Next thing I know I hear you’re with Solomons.” He says gesturing towards the doorway.
“It was not something that was foreseen by either of us. It just... happened.” You say with your lips in a tight line. “It is nothing personal against you. I hope you don’t take it so.” You say with bigger eyes to lure him into your softness.
“Hard not to...” He says with wandering eyes.
He was being so bloody difficult and leaving Alfie without you with the men was making you nervous. “You’re a lovely bloke Niko, but the heart wants what the hearts wants. That’s the saying, right? I wasn’t looking for anyone. That was not a lie. I never mislead you, or I tried my best not to. If I came off as anything but sincere you have my deepest apologies.” You say with your hands clasped and a polite nod.
“You have never lied in business I do not know why that would not translate to your personal life as well.”
“Thank you.” You kindly accept. “Shall we?” You ask motioning toward the doorway.
“I will ask only once... but is there any chance I could steal you away from him?” He comes close and leans in, the nerve of him surprising you but you don’t let it show. “You need a young man who can keep up with you. Someone coming up in the world, not sitting idle on bookies and... bread.” He says through gritted teeth.
You’d like to slap him for the insults on behalf of you and Alfie. But you do not, as it wouldn’t make for a good business relationship move. “I would like to say first and foremost I do not NEED a MAN at all.” You state clearly. “I would appreciate it if during business meetings you kept the conversation to business and not make assumptions about me or my personal life. It’s rude. And no. You may not steal me away as I am not a thing to be won or taken.” You say with more bite.
“God, you are feisty aren’t you?” He gives you a wolfish grin. “Solomons....” He says as he walks past you. “He’s a lucky man.” He lilts and you wrinkle up your nose at the tone.
As you follow him into the room he takes up as much space as he can, moving slowly to his seat. Alfie gives you a concerned glance that you can read in his eyes and you give him a nod and a polite smile to continue.
“Ah, lovely Genevieve!” Demitri says, moving his hand to point towards the seat in front of him. “Sit! Sit here so I may look at you it has been so long.” He says with a seemingly genuine smile. But you know his intentions. “I promise not to touch!” He laughs. “But even a blind man wouldn’t help but look eh?” He laughs loudly. “How are you little Genevieve? Is this man treating you well?”He says gesturing to Alfie who sits next to you.
“Yes, he is.” You say in a short time and a nod. “But I believe we are here to discuss business aren’t we Demitri?” You ask with a tilt of your head, your chin rating in your hand and a playful smile on your face. “I can’t have all my best boys fighting now can I?” You pout and play up to him. “You know it upsets me.”
“We must’ve upset the fairer sex must we? Fragile little flowers... they cannot stand the cruelty of the world bless them!” He speaks loudly, as usual, big lungs enclosed in a large barrel chest push his voice around the room.
“You were kind enough to spare Alfie for me before. And you have my endless thanks for that, you know this.” You nod and delicately touch his hand. “But might we come to something more permanent? Seems two minds as terribly clever as yours can see the benefits of a truce?”
“My sons have shown me these reasons yes.” He nods. ”But I am Afraid Solomons has gone beyond business and insulted me. I feel disrespected and I do not want to do business with someone who would speak to me in such a way.” His tone shifts, darker and playing the victim.
“Would an apology work? Could a peace offering be the first step to moving forward?” You ask sweetly.
“Perhaps.” He nods and his bottom lip pouts out over the salt and pepper stubble in his round face. “What would you like to offer?” He asks.
“A showing of peace as is customary for our people. You have the gift of bread and salt here, the best wine as well. We have a grand meal with a ceremonial sacrificial lamb to be  prepared as well should you wish you accept the truce.”
“That is what you offer?” He asks almost literally turning his nose up at it.
“This is customary and symbolic of an agreement made.” You say earnestly. “It is sacred and very serious.” You add softly.
“It's a holy order of things to be done to show thanks. This thanks bein’ to you, from the Jews to the Greeks for not finishin’ the job with offin’ me ‘n and for agreein’ to peace between us. It is usually reserved for holy days but we made an exception as Genevieve here felt it was important to conduct the business before Passover.” Alfie chimes in.
“Ah. I see.” He nods.
“Could we agree to not destroy each other? You and Alfie can discuss your contracts under a new leaf turned. You can both conduct your fair business and nothing is lost.”
“Except a part of me fuckin’ shoulder bone. Thanks for that mate.” Alfie raises an eyebrow at the older man.
“I do not like the way he speaks, Geneveive. He is as disrespectful as ever!” He announces.
You were glad you were planning on killing him because it was clear he had no intentions of accepting. “It is a part of his personality and not personal.” You say with a dismissive shake of your head.
“Why are you with him?” He blatantly asks, Niko smirks and crosses his arms.
You can sense Alfie prickling up next to you. "What sort a fuckin' question is that?" he scoffs.
“I’m afraid that’s rather personal and not what we’re discussing here.” You say sheepishly.
“Answer me honestly and I might agree to this truce.” He declares haughtily.
You tap Alfie's foot to let him know you were ready. You look to Niko and he raises his brows and you mirror the gesture, letting him know these were the final moments. He nods and so do you. His eyes cast downward to the table and beginning to look miles away. You sit back in your chair and take a deep breath.
“Because unlike you, he has always been respectful of me Demitri.” You say with an entirely different, colder tone. The man’s face contorts in confusion. “He never once groped or pinched me like some animal with no manners. He never abused his status in society as a man to hold things over my head.” Your tone turns more biting and your face grows angrier. “He never insulted me, and never alluded to the insinuation I was lesser than in ANY way. He sees how smart I am. How clever and ruthless and manipulative. You only ever saw a little doll playing with boys toys and you laughed, never taking me seriously. But you should have Demitri. You should have and since you cannot play the game by the new rules... we’re kicking you out of the game altogether.” Your tone low and sinister.
“How dare you! I have done nothing but help you! A woman in a man’s game! I entertained your enthusiasm because you are clever and pretty but that mouth of yours! What’s the meaning of this?” his back straightening and his tone deeply offended.
“It’s time to step down, father.” Niko says, not making eye contact and shaking his head.
“Is that what this is about?! I’ll never do it! Over my dead body!”
“That can be arranged.” Alfie snidely says.
It all happens quickly. Demitri reaches into his boot for a gun, but his overgrown gut keeps him from executing the movement smoothly. The man standing behind you is set to shoot him, but as you watch Demitri's second, you see him doing the same. This was not part of the plan. You react quickly and pull the snub nose from your chest and shoot him in the face as his arm starts to whip around toward Alfie. The man behind you shoots quickly after that and its impact sprays you with blood and visceral, it wasn’t pleasant but it was part of the plan.
You stand immediately and point your gun at Niko's face. “WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!” You demand, shouting at him.
“What was what?” He asks with wide eyes.
“Roma was pulling a gun on Alfie! I fucking saw it!” You shake the gun in anger. Then everyone, including Alfie stands and aims at the Greeks that were left. Alfie directly at Niko. They were severely outnumbered and would not be fast enough even if they did have guns.
“He was hesitant to the idea of him stepping down.” He says with broad gesturing hands, his voice too collected for your liking.
“So you were going to let him shoot him?! You conniving sack of shit! You don’t get your way and you think you can just go bloody shooting everyone? Did you think if you killed him you’d get me then? Did you, you blubbering fool?!” You shout and feel Alfie's hand on your back, grounding you. Even in the middle of you screaming threats at a man that had perhaps not actively tried to kill him, but also was all too casual in his acceptance of the fact, he felt protective over you. Letting you know you should consider what comes out of your mouth next.
Niko stands with his brother and the other second, both of which clearly weren’t in on the plan from the looks on their faces. “I didn’t PLAN it, no but I knew it might be possible he tried to retaliate. And you took care of it didn’t you?” He snarls back.
“Get the fuck out.” Alfie says gesturing to the back door with his gun. “Ya pay Ollie the rest of the fuckin' money and ya get the fuck out. Our workin' together is fuckin' over, you understand me?” He asks with that supernatural ability to intimidate. The two others are already at the door paying. Niko walks backward slowly. “You come anywhere near my Genevieve again and I’ll fucking shoot you. I don’t care if it’s in the middle of the fucking market in broad daylight. You don’t come near her.”
“Oh, you hear that Gen? You’re HIS now eh? Like some Property?” He tries to counter.
“THAT'S BECAUSE I FUCKING AM HIS!” You boom out before Alfie can respond with something besides a snort. “You wouldn’t know a thing about love though would you? You selfish dog.”
“Would I not Gen? Or perhaps I do and that’s the problem?” He counters before exiting.
”You aren’t capable of it! You have shown that tonight with no doubt! You have no one to blame but yourself for your loneliness now. You miserable, egotistical little prick!” You spit out, lowering your gun.
“As you wish sweetheart.” He says, bowing out of the door.
You hand the gun to the man who shot Demitri without taking your eyes off the doorway, your blood still boiling hot.
“Police are on their way.” He says with a solemn nod to you and Alfie puts his gun back into his trousers.
“Ya alright love?” He asks, holding your face. “What did that fucker say before you came in 'ere?”He asks with narrowed eyes, making your flushed, furious face focus.  
You struggle to control the having of your chest. “He asked if he could steal me away from you.” You grit out.
“Fuck me.” He growls, staring at the now empty doorway. “I knew I couldn’t trust that little bastard.” He whispers. “I’m sorry love.” He says sincerely. There’s a bang at the metal doors. “Ya capable of doin' 'is?” He asks with a face that didn't show sweetness but of concern for business.
“Of course I fucking am.” You growl, jerking out of his grasp and he feels a thrill of lust surprise him. You take a deep breath, teeth bared as you let out a blood-curdling scream before collapsing to the ground in tears, hands touching your face and chest in disbelief as Alfie dropped to comfort you.
He gives the nod to the men to open the doors. “We was havin’ a meal together when they just bloody opened fire on us!” He exclaims. “Scared me missus absolutely silly. Poor things in fits! Look at her!” His voice inflecting high and wildly, gesturing to you as you sob and gasp and choke and look at your shaking hands and try to frantically wipe the blood off.
“Get her out of here, no lady should have to see this.” The policeman says as he helps you to your feet, and Alfie walks you back to his office with you stumbling along beside him. You sob and carry on until the doors are closed and he’s led you to the couch.
I will now wonder if anything you say or do again is genuine.” He says in a light-hearted way, placing a washcloth in the basin and wringing it out as he eyeballs you from across the table.
“I told you I could do it.” You say with a less angry face, taking the cloth offered and wiping your face.
“I never doubted ya.” He says, pulling a chair up as he helps pick pieces of brain and skull from your hair. You pick under your nails and he wipes the rest of your face off for you, rubbing at your pulled back hairline to clean you up. “There she is.” He says, resting the cloth back into the now pink water. “Although even covered in blood I admit you’re gorgeous.”
“Maybe even particularly covered in it.” You huffed out a small laugh.
“Now let's trudge through what happened back there, yeah?” He says more seriously. “Clearly somefin' happened before you came into 'at room.” He rests his elbows on his knees and leans in to speak quietly.
“Don’t you need to go talk to the police?” You ask, rubbing away at a spot on your dress.
“If they need me they’ll come get me. Best we play it safe while we can, eh? Now stop distractin' me and tell me.” his face wearing a knowing smirk at your attempts to avoid this conversation.
“He asked about us. It was simple really. He asked if you and I were together when he went to those parties with me.” You let out a heavy sigh. “Because he tried to kiss me” you begin.
“Fuckin' knew it” he groans and turns his head away, mouth in a tight line.
“He didn’t get anywhere near close to doing it. And we weren’t speaking so...” you scold him before he gets needlessly territorial.
“Don’t matter to me, love. Any man that tried to come at ya when I’s away is someone I’m gonna have my eye on, yeah?”
“Then add all the single Jewish men in London to that list.” You roll your eyes and slouch.
“Full of ourselves are we?” He asks with an amused expression.
“No, I mean that literally.” You say with pursed lips. “After I was in the paper and began speaking at places I received so many letters inquiring about courtship. The lines they wrote. Oi vey.” You stick out your tongue to show your distaste and sigh.
“Ya serious?” his brows raise with his inquiry.
“Yes! It was a free for all. They all descended with their flowers and their gifts and letters. Some even showed up to the house but I had Claire shoo them away for poor manners.” you shake your head in annoyance to the thought.
“Fuckin ell” he shakes his head. “And you didn’t reply to none of 'em?”
“Absolutely not.” You Shake your head fast. “I didn’t want them did I?” You tilt your head obviously at him.
He gives you a warm smile before tapping your nose. “You are trying to distract me with sweet words and it innit gonna work pet.” he pouts his lips at you.
“All of those men, I had Niko go with me on three occasions to events so I wouldn’t be bombarded like I was at my first because I was alone. The only other man that spoke to me of having me to my face was Cyrus Horne but you know how bloody disgusting that man is.” You wrinkle your nose.
“Horne? What the fuck did he do? Ya never mentioned no Horne before.” His eyes narrow.
“Because he was being entirely gross and I left the conversation when he tried to tell me he’d have me. And of course, he only had lovely things to say about you.” You roll your eyes.
“He’s dangerous love. If he speaks to you again you tell me, yeah? He’s a crafty bastard and I don’t want 'im anywhere near you.”
“Understood. I don’t want him near me either. He gives me a headache and nausea. He’s entirely awful.” your face a clear show of your distaste for the man.
“Entirely.” He says seriously. “Now what of the lad Niko? I need to know where we stand.”
“He told me I didn’t need you that I should be with him, all that sort of shite. I told him I never lied to him... and I did not. I was very clear and said I was not looking to be with anyone. But he seemed to take it personally when I told him. He thought I’d lied about being with you while I went out with him. And not “went out” You know what I mean. But why on earth would I go somewhere with him while with you? Makes no sense.” your voice shoots upward in your irritation.
“Seems the apple don't fall far from the tree in 'at family. Perhaps he’s not as level headed as he appeared.” his voice lower and more thoughtful.
“I’m disappointed in myself for not seeing it. But he behaved himself entirely when we went out. His behavior was very surprising to me tonight.” You enthuse. “I got a little carried away yelling at him but the thought of him trying to shoot you over me just made my blood boil something fierce.” your lips tense and your head shakes quickly.
“You were wild. I saw it in your eyes.” He nods.
“I won’t stand by while someone tries to hurt you darling. I won’t.” You say, taking his hands I to yours.
“And I you love. Believe me. If they’d pulled the gun on you instead we’d be knee deep in dead fuckin' Greeks.” He says with a quirk of his brow.
“So you see why I was so volatile. His words beforehand caught me off guard, but I’ll be damned if I don’t see a bastard twitch and try to draw.”
“I believe the reaction to not be past what was warranted. A bit strong from the get but...” he shrugs. “This is you we’re talking about. Raw heart you are.”
“The only way I know. Either open totally and exposed or closed entirely.”
“Ya okay now? Not goin' to have any spells of residual hysteria?” He asks, rubbing his hand across your cheek.
“The screaming and crying helped get it all out.” You nod. “I feel oddly calm for what happened back there.”
“Good.” He kisses your forehead. “Then might I say you were bloody brilliant out there?” He gives you a soft smile. “Better actin' than what he saw in Paris, that.” He grins.
“I have a flair for the dramatic.” you give a soft smile.
“I bloody know!” He chuckles. "At first I didn't' care that much for it, but then I saw it weren't comin' from a place of demandin' attention like a child. You are just naturally... big." he gestures with his hands. "A lot of heart to contain in such a small body." he says with an affectionate nod.
"It comes in handy in situations like these."
"And we will need it again." he nods. "Seems as though you being off the market has gathered more unwanted attention than I anticipated. I had assumed there would be other's  in the life that wouldn't be happy about us."
"I was prepared for it as well," you say quietly. "Or I thought I was. I'll be raising my guard now." you say with a harder expression. "I've had to soften myself to allow the expression and acceptance of love. But I will need to work on separating the two."
"It is an unfortunate reality for us." he says in agreement. "Those that didn't care for me before, they certainly aren't gonna like that I'm with a woman like you." his lips purse and he looks out into the warehouse and sighs.
"A woman like me?"
"You have your money and power and skills. You have a name that can be used to influence and penetrate in places a man like me can't. You have the community on your side, and having a people behind you in a dangerous thing for your enemies. Especially when we share the same heritage, religion. It all forms strong bonds and if things were to happen to you, people would demand answers. You can't so easily be discarded."
"Ruling with love and fear." you say with a slow nod.
"Precisely. You are the love, I am the fear. And with that combination, we are a threat. Outside of the most basic instincts of men of jealousy. Which I will be happy to address alone, believe me." he raises his brows, the possessiveness he feels for you coming over his face. "Any bloke what thinks he can take you from me will be met with retaliation, darling. And it will be fuckin' heavy-handed." his voice dips lower, his nature to be dominant showing.
"We will now have the same shared enemies, Alfie. I will protect myself as well as you. People will try to tear us apart. You know this." you whisper, leaning in close.
"I do, love. I do." he nods solemnly. "It is nothin' I ain't already pondered." he sighs.
"But we are smarter. Stronger than they are together. They only know one way. The way of violence and fear. We have love. We have something more than they do. We have a women's intuition and the thousands of years of our ancestors surviving despite the odds. We have more than greed and lust to fuel us, things deeper than they understand." you speak with such certainty that he smiles and brushes his hand across your cheek. "As long as we have each other we'll never be defeated." you whisper, placing your hand over his on your cheek.
Ollie knocks before he enters, another poke of his head into the room to see you being so surprisingly tender with each other. He was warmed by it, Alfie was much easier to work with when he had you in his life. "The police have left. I'll have the boys clean up the mess then?" he asks.
"Yeah, mate, of course." Alfie nods and turns his face towards him.
"Should I call the car for you?" he inquires.
"Yeah, call it on up. I believe we've had enough for the night." he turns to face you. "'Aven't we love?"
"Certainly." you agree.
Ollie leaves with a polite bow out of the room.
"Let's go home, Genevieve." Alfie sighs out, kissing you softly on the lips.
"We can celebrate by doing the one thing all our enemies can't." you suggest sweetly.
"What's'at?" he asks with an amused purse of his lips.
"Be happy." you say with an almost childlike smile beaming at him.
"Then we shall do exactly that." he nods and stands, holding out his hand to help you up. "And allow me to indulge in workin' out me anger for what unplanned events went down tonight in ways that would make the offender weep." he lets out a dark chuckle, pulling you to his chest.
"Oh yes." you let out a girlish laugh at his flirting, his hand sliding down to cup your bum. "You are welcome to remind me how I am yours." you purr with a cheeky wrinkle of your nose. "And I insist you be heavy-handed." your voice dips low and you share a laugh that ends with a content hum against each other's lips.
@fangirlfreakingout @jaegeeeeer @cosettewinchester @lookuptheskyisfalling-blog @brianaisasongbird @cry5t4l-w4rri0r @iliveonchocolateandnetflix @jess2464 @hardygal69 @thegarrisonpublichouse @a-flock-of-angry-pigeons @pootle @negansdirtygirl22 @musingsby-night@wtf-is-wrong-with-this @shine-dont-shadow @inkinterrupted @vale0413 @lafayettes-baguettes-1 @sxlomons @aphnxrising @emerald-bijou @elaenom @give-jack-a-lightsaber @anrm1 @ultrablackwidower @tinastarkandco @arrowswithwifi   @marvelgirl7 @they-are-not-just-stories 
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sceawere · 8 years
My Fic Masterlist
Alfie Solomons:
ar maidin | alfie solomons/reader | fluffy as all get out, give that boy a nap, also mild sexual suggestion just ya know [wc:1466]
truce | alfie solomons/shelby!reader | set after ‘ar maidin’ | talk of feelings, angstyness, everyone gets cuteness in the end, also mild sexual suggestion bc ya know [wc:1825]
an oíche | alfie solomons/shelby!reader | set after ‘ar maidin’ and ‘truce’ | it’s important to share traditions and make your big gangster husbands sleep in a field sometimes k [wc:1332]
mo mhadra | alfie solomons/reader | they get a puppy in a typical alfie way (mild mention of animal abuse just a heads up) [wc:1065]
an post | alfie solomons/reader | anon request, worker!reader, bigsister!reader, domestic!alfie | you start working for alfie to support your siblings, end up falling in love [wc:5667]
uncail | alfie solomons/reader | set after ‘an post’, domestic goodness, mild sexual suggestion [wc:1359]
an leanbh | alfie solomons/reader | dad!alfie basking in the glow of newborness, you’ll weep and then ovulate [wc:465]
feicim tú | alfie solomons | request: childhood friend/love returns from absence, witnesses his violence [wc:3875]
live in | alfie solomons/reader | thelandattheendofourtoesgoeson requested maid!reader | alfie doing business stuff, cuteness, everyone who works for him is best friends, mention of dogs, presence of dogs, oh woah surprise they’re endgame, there is a cute nana who bosses alfie around, domestic!alfie is the best kind, just get married and grow old together already [wc: 1527]
fáilte abhaile | dad!alfie | who left this man alone with children? pls protect this giant gruff gangster and his sassy offspring [wc: 799]
an deireadh seachtaine | alfie solomons | anon wanted more sleepy alfie, doggies, domesticity, polly putting him in his place [wc: 1123]
battle plans | alfie solomons | anon wanted alfie angst | killed in the line of duty, crime boss wife holding up her end, let me speak to you some truth, bear thy soul, bear thy soul [wc: 1313]
snippet: dad!alfie |  a combination of an @ATELIEFLORESDAPRIMAVERA headcanon and the fact that my dad always used to call me ‘his poor little wounded soldier’ when i was ill as a child | alfie is alfie, alcohol is medicinal, right? cuteness but also seriously pls supervise this man [wc:152]
bosses | alfie solomons | the bakerstreetdragon requested boss wife | what else do you expect from a woman who would marry alfie? i mean [wc: 433]
the other one | alfie solomons | anon requested tommy’s twin, who is a nurse, and alfie | she doesn’t take no shit but she does enjoy herself, if tommy is sassy then so is she, alfie needs looking after, tommy is unimpressed as usual, oh well would you look at that we’re stuck in this flat together better get comfy hey buddy [wc: 2202]
the peace process | alfie solomons/twin!reader | set in the same verse as ‘the other one’, tommy’s twin is a little shit, knows exactly how to work a room, polly taught this girl good, wait woops looks like we have to fake a relaTIONSHIP, hold ma hand, oh buddy oh pal is alfie blushing? [wc: 1927]
diamonds | alfie solomons/shelby!reader | anon wanted irl jeweller alfie | awkward big brother tommy doing his best prom night shtick, alfie is a flustered cutie pie [wc: 1342]
tell me all about it | alfie + polly are best friends and also founding members of the ‘tommy shelby ain’t shit’ club [wc: 311]
reassurance |  anon wanted alfie being looked after and also being a cute little shit [wc: 567]
domestic!alfie snippets | thinemineours wanted more domestic alfie - ranges of verses that reference ‘mo mhadra’ and ‘fáilte abhaile’ [wc: 1000]
birthday | ateliefloresdaprimavera requested alfie and the kids being cute to reader on her birthday and also there’s a how did you meet story time - ties the  ‘FÁILTE ABHAILE’ verse to ‘THE OTHER ONE’ and ‘THE PEACE PROCESS’ [wc: 1119]
razor blades | alfie and arthur fall victim to mischievous kids and clumsy wives [wc: 502]
the keepsake | samascara requested a good old bag-of-flour baby test [wc: 1828]
the proposal | anon requested stumbling alfie trying to propose and i did it in what i think would be typical alfie fashion: go big or go dig a grave. or both [wc: 1716]
soulmates snippet | alfie/shelby!reader | cute couple chat abt murdering each other woops [wc: 227]
the races | alfie/reader | alfie’s girlfriend is smarter than he is or at least has better inside knowledge [wc: 535]
kids and pups | alfie/reader | anon requested alfie/reader babysitting johns kids and also the dog is here, alfie dishes out some male role model wisdom, katty continues to be a delight [wc: 926]
dad!alfie snippets | alfie really isn’t sure about this whole offspring thing, reggie has truly been a little shit since utero [wc: 692]
protector | alfie/reader | thunderstorms can get scary and alfie can get soft [wc: 905]
warm milk | alfie + daisy | alfie being a dad makes me want to weep, daisy has a nightmare, alfie makes it better [wc: 1083]
crush | alfie/reader | age difference gives alfie the temporary heebie-jeebies, reader tells him to take a running jump [wc: 3455]
another time pt. 1 | alfie/reader | girllostinthewoods requested time travel fic - first in a series tbc [wc: 1276]
rsvps | alfie/reader | weddings are stressful, brothers are dicks, and turns out warehouses are flammable[wc: 1493]
halves | alfie/reader | oh buddy alfie pal is really not sure about this offspring thing [wc: 1567]
Finn Shelby:
an leabharlann | finn shelby/librarian | fluffyluffy teenage crush shit woah buddy my small son [wc:2736]
an leabharlann - part 2 | finn shelby/librarian | fluff with brothers taking the piss [wc:2578]
an leabharlann - part 3 | finny shelby/librarian | *weeping* i just want them to be happy and in love [wc:1442]
Michael Gray:
ask me again in the morning | michael gray/reader | you get drunk with polly and then we delve into the marshmallow fluff just a whole jar of the stuff [wc:1836]
twin snippets - kind of a sequel to iníon? | anyway sibling squabbling and michael being cute
athair | michael gray/reader | theaqueenakaspeedy requested: you’re Father Hughes daughter and you date Michael (after months he founds out who’s your dad), when Charlie is kidnapped he ask where your dad is he tells u what the priest does to kids what he did to him, them when he’s arrested you heard the officer saying that Michael kill your dad. | we’ve got angst, we’ve got angst, we’ve got annnggsstttt | also warning for vague mentions of child abuse [wc: 2666]
toast | michael gray/reader | drunk!michael fluff [wc: 773]
flower crowns | michael gray/reader | michael somehow bagged a delightful flower child and oh buddy are they cutesy [wc: 529]
finders keepers | michael gray/reader | anon requested tommy’s errand girl and michael sharing similar pasts finding each other [wc: 2158]
John Shelby:
these moments | request: happy marriage, polly’s surrogate daughter | badass wife, dad!john, ppl genuinely in love, their daughter katie is a polly in training and there’s a vv cute leanbh beag bc why not also i used john’s canon aversion to gendered slurs bc yes my son get it boy [wc:2435]
come home safe | anon wanted reader calming john down after a murder [wc: 966]
sister-in-law | anon requested john and ada’s best friend, pre-war bbs who don’t know what’s gonna hit them, cute dreaming of the future, only half joking about spending the rest of our damn lives together [wc: 1631]
schooldays | john shelby | prequel to ‘these moments’, explains a reference in ‘tm’, tiny john being cute but also a little shit [wc: 797]
three rings | set between schooldays and these moments | [wc: 977]
what could have been | tied to schooldays, these moments, and three rings, buy a damn gunsafe people | [wc: 1826]
sister | john + reader + daughter | anon requested john’s daughter not talking to reader bc she’s afraid their new baby will be a girl, cutesy parental stuff [wc: 938]
Polly Gray:
iníon | polly gray+daughter!reader | anon request: reader is michael’s twin, separated from family/adopted separately, goes to search for polly | search for adoptive mother, mild criminal activity involving records, arthur is a teddy bear, tommy is himself, michael is tommy jr, long long twins pissing each other off in their quest for emotional fulfilment, is it day drinking or midnight snacks?, polly is getting a babe for a son-in-law i can see it happening [wc: 4579]
untitled snippet | anon wanted more polly/alfie [wc: 168]
settle | polly gray+daughter!reader | drabble cos i’m sick and polly is lovely [wc: 298]
considerations | polly gray+shelby!reader | [wc: 869]
Tommy Shelby:
táimid naimhde sa chathair | tommy shelby/reader | anon request: childhood love, broken apart, reader moves to london, works in sabini’s club, engaged to his son, tommy decides to walk back in and cause shit as usual [wc:2656]
táimid naimhde sa chathair | tommy shelby/reader part 2 | reader bins a guy who does not deserve her, hailee steinfield’s ‘love myself’ plays heavily in the background, cool girls who don’t let a stupid boy get in the way of their friendship, she just wants tommy to be happy bc she’s a goddamn grown up [wc:1624]
táimid naimhde sa chathair | tommy shelby/reader part 3 | alfie turns up and comments on relationships and now i want to read his agony aunt column, getting drunk with cute russians is my favourite thing to do too!, soul baring, soul baring, SOUL BARING, i loved you once, i’ll love you forever, boy get your head together cos if you wanna be my lover oh no wait that song doesn’t work but the sentiment if thereord count [wc: 1458]
welcome home soldier | tommy shelby/reader | request: reader meets tommy through letter during the war, wartime letter romance, my sad soldiers sons let me hold you, tommy being a little shit, military antics, polly manages to be present yet again bc i will work her into ANY prompt possible, pls just let everyone be happy [wc: 3366]
snippet: dad!tommy | anon wanted more of the guys as dads so i’m going to write snippets | tommy’s kids get creative, their mother is not impressed [wc: 213]
sun + sums: dad!tommy snippets | the babies have a name now! also they’re delightful. etta does sums and also eats sand. violet is on this shit work work work work work work. tommy’s ya know. [wc: 756]
sense | tommy/reader, lil bit of alfie | childhood sweethearts, war feelings, alfie obliviously flirting, tommy’s wife is a spitfire [wc: 1246]
Isaiah Jesus:
do dheartháireacha | isaiah/shelby!reader | anon request: isaiah is crushing on shelby sister, her brothers get his act together | cute drunken-ness, are we friends or are we gonna make out? just asking for a friend?, john being john, mentions of pol being a bamf, isaiah is a cutie pls protect him [wc: 1737]
get real | isaiah/reader | anon wanted isaiah fluff and sneaking around/getting caught | cute domesticity, deal with your feelings ppl, i just want to snuggle?, polly doing her thing [wc: 1433]
surprises | isaiah/reader | the course of trying to turn up to your boyfriends house in fancy underwear never did run smooth [wc: 567]
miracle | isaiah/reader | imagine the bbs though [wc: 798]
Arthur Shelby:
read to me | arthur shelby/reader | anon request: librarian!reader, helps arthur with his ptsd, mentions of philosophy bc i have to use that qualification for something, my sad sonhusband pls be happy and find peace, mistreatment of books, cute bathtimes, mild sexual suggestion? [wc: 822]
the garrison | arthur shelby/nurse!reader | yjrevolution requested arthur and his nurse, boss lady who is also v sad, we found love in a hopeless place, here let us bond over trauma, cutesyness, polly approves, i just want my poor love to be happy [wc: 2926]
dad!arthur snippets | samascara requested dad!arthur snippets and since my true otp is arthur+happiness i obliged [wc: 629]
Ada Shelby:
no-name | samascara wanted ada and her girl friend *sitting in a tree, k i s s-*, anyway cute artist girlfriend antics and lovely domesticity [wc: 2001]
also: |my writing tag| |my headcanons tag| |my aes/moodboard tag| |my nav page|
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