#I forced myself to finish once upon a time instead of just giving up partway through
fluffyllamas-23 · 11 months
I’m finally watching “Good Omens” because I keep seeing gif sets and text posts and wanna know what the cool kids are talking about
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imperiuswrecked · 4 years
A fanfic idea I don't have enough plot to make work is Namor and Spock swap places in time and space. So Jim Hammond finds himself with a completely different pointy-eared, black-haired, half-human. And Kirk is completely baffled when what appears to be Spock's buff shirtless cousin is running around loudly bellowing "Jim! Jim! Where are you?"
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(art by Nick Perks)
The Trouble with Transporters (and Sorcerer Supremes) 
Jim Kirk turns to his first officer after Jim finished materializing on the deck of the transporter room aboard the Enterprise, his mouth already partway open to ask a question but instead of the cool Vulcan science officer in his blue uniform Kirk is surprised to find a man, with dark hair, pointed ears, and unusually impressive eyebrows. Oh the man was also nearly naked, his well muscled body showed off a strong body and glistening abs as though he had just popped out of the nearest ocean. Only the small green scaled swim trunks preserved any modestly. The other difference between his Vulcan and this near look alike was the sheer unrestrained anger on the man’s face.
“STRANGE. YOU SON OF A- the universal translator was unable properly reference the language the man’s tongue slipped into, it sounded like a siren shrieking with the bass rumble of whale sounds aiding by clicks like a dolphin would use. It seemed the man knew English as well as this foreign language. Kirk reasoned that the words were insults but he was more concerned with where Spock was and who this man was. The man in question stopped his angry speech and gesticulating to finally noticed his surroundings.
“You are not Strange.”
Jim gives Scotty a look and then turns back to the man, “No, but it would seem you are... very strange. Tell me, who are you and where is Spock?”
The man ignores him and instead looks around, “Jim!”
Startled that the man knew his name though he could swear that he had never seen him before Jim responds, “How-”
Too late, the man was walking away, calling out “Jim” over and over again, Kirk hurries after him followed by Scotty and it’s only then that he notices the small white wings on the strangers ankles. Catching up to him in the halls Jim puts his hand on the man’s shoulder, “Say just wait-” the next thing Jim knows he is looking up at Scotty’s face from the floor of the hallway, stunned he wheezes a bit before taking Scotty’s hand and standing up to find the almost naked alien, for surely he must be one with those features, ranting at him.
“You would DARE to touch a Prince of the Blood?!”
“I would dare that and a lot more if you don’t tell me where Spock is you pointy eared bastard.” Jim yells back at him, his blood racing. 
The alien was strong and could probably snap him like a twig but if Spock was in danger then Jim would do anything to find him and bring him home. Jim rushes the alien, intending to give him a quick punch in the face but Namor meets him and they fight. Bones arrives on sight and stuns the both of them. Jim goes down, but Namor roars “Imperius Rex!” before turning to face the new threat to his person.
- Meanwhile on Earth, some distant time in the past -
“Fascinating. You say that your magic, the magic that has brought me here through time and space, was intended for another? Somehow the Enterprise’s transporter and you drawing on the energies of the universe have collided and yielded unexpected results.” Spock contemplates his tea and the two men he was sitting with, one called Strange, a doctor and a magician, and the other called Jim, an Android and a hero. The similarities between this Jim and his own were their names and that they both had fair hair, yet their demeanors were entirely different. He was in a place called the  Sanctum Sanctorum, where Jim had come to find Namor after Stephen was supposed to have magically transported him to the Sanctum from Jim’s side.
“Very much so,” Stephen Strange replies, “Oh the studies I could do with this. Learning how to switch others’s places could come in handy when dealing with the dark forces of the multiiverse.” The Doctor sips his own cup of tea.
“As intriguing as this is, don’t you think we should work on switching them back?” Jim says, the slightest unease hinting his words, worried about what mess Namor would have gotten into during the time they were puzzling this out.
“I suppose I must work now to return you Mr. Spock, to your place and Namor to his, he won’t be very happy about this.” Stephen sighed, “It will take a few hours for my magical strength to return.”
“Indeed, I would imagine that my Jim would not be welcoming to what he would perceive as an intruder aboard the Enterprise.”
- Meanwhile aboard the Enterprise some distant time in the future -
War raged on as Jim and Namor fought over the captains chair.
“I say that I should sit here, I am a Prince!” Namor crosses his arms and stays sitting in the chair.
“Prince or pauper, that is the captains chair and you are not the captain, nor are you one of my officers, so move before I-.”
Bones pulls Kirk aside, “Jim for once in your life THINK, we need his cooperation. You saw what happened when we tried to stun him it only made him angrier. If Uhura had not calmed him down and spoken to Namor in his language then we might still be trying to patch holes in the ships hull. We’ll find Spock and get this sorted out, so what if he wants to sit in the chair!”
“Principle of the matter Bones, its the principle of the matter!” Jim hissed. Bones gives him a look and Jim presses his lips together before turning back and speaking to Namor, “Since you are our... guest, I suppose you may have the chair.”
Namor smirks, Kirk calculates how many ways Namor could hurt him if Jim were to haul the smug sea bastard from his chair to the nearest airlock. Chekov groans and hands over some units to Sulu, losing the bet they had made. Uhura rolls her eyes before returning to her console trying to find a way to get a message to Spock. Bones sighed, wishing he had a drink. 
After the pair had been calmed down from their earlier fight, and taken to the medical bay to be checked over Bones had found that while Prince Namor wasn’t human, he was not fully alien either, or rather Atlantean, he was a half of both much like how Spock was a hybrid of Vulcans and Humans. He wished he could have studied Namor more but the Prince’s patience was short and Uhura was needed on the command deck. Namor followed her here and now he sits in Jim’s chair and flirts with Uhura, she seemed to be flattered by the Prince’s words, the man wasn’t hard to look at either. Uhura intercepts a message from Doctor Strange claiming that he had Spock and was going to attempt to switch them back, Strange’s voice was verified by Namor and a few moments later Scotty’s voice crackles on the intercoms, “Captain! Something is happening in the transporter room, I would suggest you all get down here.” 
In the transporter room Uhura bids a farewell to Prince Namor, whom had already pledged his undying love to her with promises of her becoming his Princess in Atlantis with a marriage proposal and promises of all the riches in the sea, she refuses politely and his dejection is clear. Namor presses her hand to his lips in a gentlemanly manner, brushing a soft kiss across her knuckles, “My Lady, if you should ever find yourself in my time then do not hesitate to come find me, and if you should ever find yourself in any peril merely call upon me and I shall come to your aid.”
“I can take of myself, my star crossed Prince, but do take care of yourself.” Her voice stern but not unkind.
“My lady, I apologize if you feel I have offended you. I can see you are a very capable and beautiful woman. However it is the time for me to leave... alone, unless I can convince you to join-”.
Jim cuts in and steers Namor towards the teleporters, “Yes, yes, yes, good bye Prince Namor, let’s hope you never have issues with teleportation again.” He shoves Namor into the shifting lights, unspoken is the words “good bye and good riddance”.
As Namor’s form is replaces with Spock’s, Jim breathes a sigh of relief, then throws his arms around the Vulcan in a hug, “SPOCK.”
Spock’s eyebrows rose with surprise, “I was barely gone a few hours, I would not think my presence would be that missed.”
The crew laughs, Kirk’s voice is muffled against Spock’s shirt, “You have no idea.”
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powerovernothing · 5 years
Lucien and Cass in "If you break his heart I'll tear off your limbs." "Bold of you to assume I'm scared of you."
Thank you so much for the wonderfully adorable prompt, my dear! I super appreciate it, and I hope you enjoy the final outcome! Sorry for taking so long to get around to this, but I believe you can clearly see why it did when you notice the length! But in any case, thanks again~
Introducing your family to the one you are dating is never easy foranyone; but for some, it is even more of an ordeal when your family consists ofseveral high ranking members of the local mafia faction, and the one you aredating is actually a respected policewoman, who was, in fact, personallyresponsible for throwing your ass – the very same ass who was equally andhappily apart of said mafia faction – into the nearest jail cell following acrucial contract gone horribly awry.
So, to say Korbin was concerned with the concept of bringing homeand introducing his girlfriend Cassandra to his adoptive eldest brother Lucien,was indeed the greatest of understatement in the history of all known understatements.
After practically sweating large enough bullets to be used in hisactual pistol throughout the course of the uncomfortable dinner together, of whichhe spent most of it complimenting Lucien’s cooking, and trying not to noticethe glare his brother and his girlfriend were giving one another in the midstof his pitiful attempts to somehow break through their shared silence, Korbinfelt himself go lightheaded and nearly topple out of his chair when Luciensuddenly asked for a moment with Cassandra alone.
Grasping onto the table to steady himself, he forced a painfulsmile. “Oh, but of course, brother! Whatever you want!” He tells himwith an air of cheerfulness, and yet both his heart and his stomach were in theprocess of doing duel somersaults together as he pulled himself up from thechair and gathered their empty plates. Oh, that pot roast was certainly notgoing to be nearly as delicious the second time around.
Rounding the corner and making his way towards the stairs, hewondered just what on earth Lucien would say to her, what he would do, and ifhe would even have a girlfriend to make plans for a future apology date with bythe end of the night.
For several moments, they simply stared at one another with the verysame expressions they wore during dinner. Lucien’s hands were neatly foldedunderneath his chin, Cassandra leaned partway onto the table with one hand, andtheir darkened gazes priced the other harsh and judgmental frowns. Neithermoved an inch, neither spoke a word, and neither dared to turn their back onthe other.
They simply watched, and waited, until Lucien finally broke thesilence between them at long last.
“I couldn’t help but take notice of the badge hanging upon yourbelt when you walked arm in arm with my brother,” Lucien acknowledges in asmooth tone. “Thus, meaning you are of the police force, something I findrather surprising considering –”
“–Considering that Korbin, much like yourself, are part of theungodly criminal syndicate me and my fellow law enforcers have been seeking toabolish for several months, now?” Cassandra interrupts before he is ableto finish, reaching down with her other hand and placing her badge upon thesurface of the table in clear sight without breaking eye contact.
Lucien’s frown tightens, and a slight edge overtakes his words.“Mafia, actually,” He corrects, and Cassandra smiles inwardly whenshe hears the newfound tone in his voice as he waves a dismissive hand. “Ishall have you know that those you seek, and still fail to locate time andagain, have nothing to do with the family in which myself or Korbininhabit.”
“And I shall have you know I am no mere rookie policewomanfresh off the streets,” She says with a chin nod towards her badge.“If you turn your eyes to the golden lettering in front of you, you wouldsee I am, in fact, acting deputy chief of the jurisdiction. Unless, of course,your sinister glare is forbidden to even gaze upon an item born ofjustice?”
Lucien pauses briefly, not allowing her the pleasure of knowing hisreaction to such silver-tongued words, and then slowly pushes the badge to theside as though it was nothing more than a mere trinket. Leaning more heavilyupon the table, his voice shifts back into its natural composure.
“Where did you first meet my brother?” He asks simply.
Cassandra laughs, and leans back in her chair with an amused smile.“I’m truly surprised you do not already know.”
“Perhaps, I do; but for the sake of our discussion –”
“—I do believe the more proper term would be interrogation, actually.” Shequips in a playful voice that seems almost natural.
Lucien doesn’t flinch, only breathes in carefully before beginninghis sentence once again. “But for the sake of our discussion”– He places a tight emphasis upon the word –“Simply regale me with the details of your first encounter.”
“If you must know, our first legitimate interaction was fromthe other side of iron bars. When I first drug him into the police departmentin handcuffs and quite literally threw him into a cramped holding cell…”She turns her head as she explains, absentmindedly tracing her fingers over thetexture of the wooden chair as her voice trails; and although her words arefirm, even harsh in nature, there is a gentleness lurking just beneath thesurface.
Turning back around in her chair, she bends forward and places herhead in her hands, and Lucien easily sees the smile spreading out over herhidden features from between her fingers.
“Can you believe the darling fool had the audacity to flirtwith me? Even whilst I was threatening to silence him with every law known toman, he still attempted to win me over in the vain hope of a shorter sentencing!”
Lucien resists the urge to smile himself. “And were you… wonover in the end?”
Cassandra looks up and her smile swiftly turns into a smirk inresponse. “I do believe you already know the answer to that question, orelse I surely would not be here this night.” She readjusts her posture andgives Lucien a once over with her eyes. “And you? What is your story,then?”
“My story?”
“Come now, I gave you the information you so desired, thus do Inot have the pleasure of knowing every intimate detail of yours and Korbin’sfirst meeting?” She questions with a light shrugging of her shoulders; hervoice now softer and genuinely curious.
Lucien runs a hand over his chin. “And how do you not know ourfirst meeting was not in the delivery room after he was born?”
Cassandra laughs, but her eyes are slightly offended. “Do nottake me for a fool, Lachance!” She shouts between tickled breaths. “Iknow very well you and Korbin are not of blood relation.”
“Do you? And just what is it that gave it away?” He museswith a raised eyebrow, his voice light and filled with humor. “Was it theheight difference? The hair color, perhaps? Or maybe –”
“—The way he canhardly go a single conversation without gushing in some way in regards to his ’beloved adoptive siblings’,” She interrupts once more,using her fingers to place air quotes around the phrase of choice. “Hiswords, of course, not mine.”
Both Lucien and Cassandra share a laugh on behalf of Korbin’s endearingeccentricities, and neither think to question just how utterly peculiar theconcept is, or the fact that Lucien did not actually answer her question whenasked. After a moment, the laughter between them fade backinto a familiar silence, and while their smiles surely linger upon their lipsand there is a far more relaxed air between them, they slowly go back topricing one another with equally inquisitive stares.
Watching carefully, and waiting, and wondering who would dare tomake the next move; be it in words, or in actions, neither were truly certain.But before long, it was Lucien that once again chose to step forth and throwdown the hypothetical gauntlet… by placing his hand upon her badge andpushing it towards her end of the dinner table.
She instantly slapped her hand down and caught it before it slid offthe table completely. When she had finished fasting it back to its place uponher belt, and looked back up, she saw that Lucien had placed his own hands backunderneath his chin, and he was grinning from ear to ear.
To most people, perhaps such a sight would have been a cause forgreat concern, or even prompted them to feel a cold chill run up the base oftheir spin and choose to turn on their heel before rushing to the nearest meansof safety they could find, but she was not most people.
She simply mirrored his stance and grinned just as widely in turn.Whatever it was he wanted, whatever his reasoning for such a display, she wasmore than prepared for it and whatever else would surely follow in its place. And perhaps, insome way, she was even slightly eager for it.
However, instead of the over the top sight she expected to befallher, it was nothing more than a single drawn out, and quietly spoken threat.
“You should know, my dear girl… if you even consider the ideaof somehow breaking his heart at any given point in this relationship, I willnot hesitate to track you to the most remote corner of the world and tear everylimb from your miserable little body,” His eyes narrow, and his voicedarkens considerably.
“Understand there would be nowhere you could possibly hide frommy unending wrath if I find out you did not do everything within your power tokeep his childish smile perfectly in place and care for him as he rightfullydeserves. In an effort to make myself more plain: If you think to hurt him,know I will do the very same to you, but tenfold. Do I make myself clear?”
Cassandra simply scoffs with a wry smile. “Quite the boldassumption to actually believe I am somehow frightened of you in any possibleway.”
Another pause spreads between them when Cassandra finishes speaking,and then just as quickly as the silence falls, it is interrupted and then brokenby the sound of Lucien suddenly clapping his hands together and standing fromhis chair to his full height.
“Well now, with all of that properly settled, I do believe thatour business together is concluded for the time being!” He holds out hishand, and carefully helps Cassandra – who is not even remotely shocked by thisdramatic change in personality, and rather takes it all in stride, for shebelieved her darling had to have gotten such habits from somewhere – to herfeet, and wraps an arm around her shoulder as he slowly leads her out of thekitchen, and towards the living room to regroup with Korbin.
Before they are able to fully cross over the threshold, Korbin comesrushing down the stairs two at a time, and nearly tackles Cassandra fromLucien’s grip.
“Oh, dear sweet Sithis, you are actually stillalive after all!” He cries emotionally, pulling her into her arms with arelieved smile.
Cassandra hands tremble in surprise from the sudden embrace, and shereaches to wrap one around part of Korbin’s back, and the other to carefullygrip the arm of the couch and keep her from tumbling from the extent of hisweight. Her voice stammers in an attempt to make sense of everything, and whena faint flush overtakes her cheeks when she at last realizes, Lucien finds itwonderfully amusing.
Of all things she endured this evening, it was his brother’s owntouch that ultimately caught her off guard and became her undoing.
He politely clears his throat to make his presence known and tries notto chuckle in fondness upon seeing the two of them lost within their own worldfor a brief moment.
Pulling back – after planting a gentle kiss to Cassandra’s cheek – Korbinlooks over at his brother by the staircase with a hidden smile upon his lips,and down to his girlfriend still enveloped within his arms with a wide-eyedstare, and giggles boyishly.
“So, do I dare ask how it went between the two of you? I mean,when I heard the sudden noise, I honestly feared the worse, but…” Hepoints a finger at Lucien and narrows his eyes in contemplation. “…Fromwhere I’m standing you don’t seem furious, nor in the process of emptying theentirety of your clip to somehow vent your emotions, and you"—he placeshis finger upon Cassandra’s forehead—"thankfully don’t seem sprawled outand dead from being caught up in the aftermath of a literal explosion of anger,so… so, that certainly must mean it went well! Or, at the very least, farbetter than I first expected it to!”
He quiets down and awaits the reply to all his rambling with aneager smile over his lips; and yet, when one does not come from neither lovedone, Korbin’s expression sobers, and he winches uncomfortably.
“It… did go well… didn’t it?”
With a shake of her head, Cassandra bends her knees and slipsout of Korbin’s hold; making her way to the front door of his and his sibling’sshared home with a chuckle all her own.
“Ah now, my love, I do believe if you are searching for an answerto that specific question, you would do best by asking your brother’s opinion directly…”She halts her step, remaining halfway out the door and thinking back overeverything she had learned, and everything she intentionally did not, throughout the surprisinglyentertaining dinner, and then turns her to address Korbin more easily – eventhough the warm smile following her words were actually to both the youngestand eldest at once.
“…I shall be awaiting your return to my side within the comfortsof my car. So, do try your best not to linger too long.”
As she leaves his sight, Korbin feels himself go lightheaded and nearlytopple over once again, but for an entirely different reason than before. Hisgrin spreads, and his boyish chuckle returns, and it is only when the familiartouch of a warm hand coming to rest over his shoulder that he is finallybrought back down to earth.
Shifting his gaze to the side, he looks at Lucien with a mixture ofworry and embarrassment flickering in his eyes, and he unconsciously runs hishands over his knuckles; his voice softening into a whisper.
“…Lucien, please tellme it went well.”
Lucien tightens his grip upon Korbin’s shoulder as a means ofreassurance, and closes whatever distance is between them. His voice equally asquiet, and yet with just the faintest hint of playfulness in his tone.
“Icould surely do that, my Silencer, but instead I shall ask for you to tell me how you believe it went.”
Korbin blinks in surprise to his words, and his hands fall limp at hissides. “W-Wait… wait, what?” He sputters in confusion. “Why wouldyou want me to do something like that?”
“You were listening the entire time, weren’t you?” Lucienasks with a knowing smile. “Or am I somehow mistaken?”
Korbin’s eyes widen, and heraises his hand in objection to what he is hearing; opening his mouth to voicehis argument, and prove to Lucien that he is, without a doubt, very muchmistaken, and how dare his brother think to accuse him of such childishbehavior when this evening was anything but.
However, instead of the profoundwords which would silence Lucien in an instant, all that actually falls fromhis lips is simply a flustered squeak, and the dark tint that accompanies the sound, and spreads over his cheeks only causes Lucien’s smile to grow.
“Ah, just exactly as Ithought,” Lucien tells him, and smooths over the creases of Korbin’s dressjacket with his hands. “Thank you for confirming it for me, Korbin; now, backonto our prior discussion of yourthoughts on the matter?”
Korbin steps away from hisbrother’s touch and runs a nervous hand over the back of his neck.“Lucien, I’m not sure what it is you want me to –”
“—You heard our failedattempts at pleasantries, did you not?” Lucien interrupts the oncomingramble before it has a chance to begin. “And how I then shifted theconversation into inquiring about yours and hers first proper meeting?”
“Yes, I was actually quitesurprised to hear she was so open about it, especially considering –”
“—Considering Iintentionally was not when she asked for the same about ourselves?” Luciencuts him off once more, waving a hand to Korbin’s silent nod, as he then folds themboth over his chest.
“I merely believed if she was indeed as curious asshe seemed, I would stand aside as to not overshadow the chance of bestowingthe overly exaggerated details yourself. After all, it is not every day whenyou are able to learn of a fourteen-year old’s theft of a high-quality pistolfrom said pickpocket’s mouth directly.”
Korbin chuckles at his phrasing.“You are never going to let me live that down, are you?”
“Absolutely not, mybrother,” Lucien answers him with a smile, before moving onto a change ofsubject outside of fond memories from long ago. “In any case, if you wereable to hear all of that from your place atop the staircase, then you soclearly heard what followed soon thereafter.”
“Do you mean when youthreatened to, quite literally, rip her limbs off if she broke my heart in anyway, shape, or form?”
Lucien’s smile turns into a devious smirk.“The very same.”
“Oh, believe me, I definitely heard that part.” Korbintells him with a sharper tone than he had intended. His expression twists, and he lets out a careful sigh when he realizes; uncertain as to whether he shouldbe flattered for his brother caring so dearly about his emotional wellbeing, orsimply be exasperated with Lucien’s unwavering determination to adhere to hisown personal definition of the term ‘protective’.
“And yet, somehow, youstill remain rather unsure as to how you believe the evening went, or how Ifelt regarding the company you choose to keep?”
Korbin’s eyebrow twitches asLucien unknowingly makes his decision for him. Exasperation, it was mostcertainly exasperation he felt while listening to his brother’s words.
“Lachance,if I have learned anything in all my years of knowing you, I know droppinga body full of holes in our backyard could mean you’re feeling positively ecstatic, whereas a veiled threat could mean you are only seconds away from anuclear explosion of anger,” Korbin places a hand over his head,and rubs over his temples with an uncomfortable frown.
“So, you will just have toforgive me if, at this point, I honestly don’t know what to think anymore.”
Lucien barks a laugh. “Verywell Korbin, then allow me save you from the oncoming headache,” He movesforward and places his hands back upon his brother’s shoulders, the genuinesmile spreading over his lips matching the softness in his eyes. “I likeher.”
“Wait… you… you do?” Korbin’sannoyance instantly fades, and his eyes begin to sparkle at how incrediblywonderful those words sound in his ears. “Really?”
“Really.” Lucienrepeats in a gentle tone, reaching up and patting the side of Korbin’s cheekwith his hand.
Gasping in response, Korbin quicklywraps his arms around Lucien’s shoulders and lifts him into a crushing embrace.“My dear brother, you truly have no idea how much hearing you say thatmeans to me!” He twirls in a small circle as his voice amplifies until it becomes nothing more than a joyous scream born ofappreciation.
He squeezes Lucien to his chestone final time before placing him back upon the, thankfully very still, carpet, and then quickly rushes for the front door without hardly a second glancetowards the slightly dizzy brother over his shoulder.
“This is wonderful, absolutelywonderful! I knew it would all work out in the end – I never had any doubt, ofcourse – but this is far better than I could have ever dreamed!” He babbles onmostly to himself, forgetting to shut the door behind him as his voice echoesloudly from the driveway.
“I cannot wait to explain this to Cassandra! She isgoing to be just as overjoyed to learn that you actually like her, that youaccept her! I can already see her sweet smile in my mind, and it is simplybeautiful! Oh, darling! We were just talking about you! You will never in amillion years guess what happened!”
And as Korbin’s voice eventually fades into silence followed by, rather ironically, the slamming of a car door, Lucien simply leans against the wood and watches the two of them speed off from sight with a smile.
#astrydryder#The Knight The Emperor And The Assassin~#The Knight The Emperor And The Assassin Modern AU~#My Fan Fiction~#Korbin and Lucien Related Things~#Korbin and Cassandra Related Things~#Oh goodness this took simply far too long and I want to apologize for having to make you wait so long my dear!#But even despite the fact that you had to wait a little while for me to get around to writing this up -- I hope you enjoy the final result!#I honestly adored the prompt to pieces and I really enjoyed coming up with this scene!#Originally it was just meant to be nothing more than a humorous little dialogue only scene with Lucien and Cassandra threatening the other#but as you may be able to see it turned into something far bigger and packed with various feelings!#It's been a hot minute since the last time I wrote anything based around my Modern Universe and this is actually the first time#I ever really wrote anything related to Cassandra's role in Korbin and the boy's lives so I wound up getting just a bit carried away!#But I wanted to make sure that I covered all my bases -- protective Lucien feelings Korbin and Lucien feelings and Cass and Korbin feelings!#So that's pretty much why this thing mutated and turned into a three thousand and a half monster of emotion!#But I hope that it's a good and enjoyable monster when you get around to reading it~#Thank you so much again for sending this my way and all the kisses and hugs and all the best sent your way!#Lots of love and thanks for reading~! ♥
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