#I forgot how much I love drawing merpeople
elmaxlys · 1 year
man i forgot how much i love drawing merpeople
(and how much i love f2r kjskdjcklk my shark boyyssss 😭)
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whatshername-please · 4 years
Out of the Water - Chapter IV
Synopsis: You were very proud to be a mermaid, thank you very much. You didn't want to be where the people were. Actually, you'd rather avoid it. Defending the merfolk was the biggest goal in your life... well, it was until you meet a certain pirate... it seems that your family really had a thing for humans, after all. Not that you'd ever admit it...
Pairing: Harry x reader
Warnings: none? Possibly grammar mistakes?
Part 4 of ?
Word Count: 2975
A/N: English isn't my first language, so I'll probably mess up some tenses, grammar and stuff. Go easy on me, please. Feedback is always appreciated
You weren't an expert, but you had already seen that tree twenty minutes ago, and that rock, and that berry bush. Either Dude had no idea where he was leading the group or Ben was moving around really fast. Maybe, you should go after Fairy Godmother's wand instead, it was the most powerful magical object in Auradon, after all. If it had turned a pumpkin into a golden carriage, it would help an angst teenager to overcome her evil phase.
Gil stopped to eat some berries, and he was completelty mesmerized by them. The blonde boy even suggested that you played the icebreaker, praising Jay right after. The compliment took Jafar's son by surprise but he went on with it, and, in a matter of instants, he and Gil started chatting like childhood friends. Someone didn't seem very thrilled with the boys new found connection, though. Harry, whose attitude showed that he couldn't bare being left out, didn't waste time on making a scoff comment about the conversation.
As for you, it was gold to see the Harry's expression when Jay and Gil kept talking like they didn't hear the pirate's bitter words.
"They completely ignored you" you glanced over him just to see his smirk fading away from his face and turning into a scowl. Harry Hook didn't like to be overlooked, you could tell for sure, and you'd take advantage of that to bother him a little.
He deserved it, anyway.
"They are not even paying attention to you, how sad" you added, just to push his buttons a bit further.
It worked, he glared at you in such a way that made you glad that looks couldn't kill, otherwise you would have burst into flames. You took no notice of him, evil faces didn't scare you.
Hary catched a berry with his hook and ate it in a very dramatic way, drawing all attention to him. That guy was all about aesthetic, wasn't he?
"PS, your mutt went that way" he told Carlos and it was only then that everybody noticed that Dude wasn't around anymore. The boys followed to where Harry had motioned, leaving you and Jay, who grabbed a few more berries, behind.
"Look at you, all sociable and making friends" you teased him.
"Weren't you talking to Harry like, a second minute ago?" he threw your little chitchat with the pirate right in your face.
"I only want to get to know Uma's friends" you defended yourself, shrugging your shoulders.
"Why?" he questioned, intrigued by your answer.
Damn, you forgot you weren't supposed to know Uma at all.
"Well... you said it yourself and I quote, 'I have this thing about protecting every mermaid of the world', so if Mal keeps her promise and really let the VKs off the Isle, it means Uma will be staying in Auradon, and she is the daughter of Ursula, therefore, she is part of the merpeople who are under the protection of Atlantica and..."
"Okay, okay! I get it" he put his hand over your mouth, knowing very well that when you started talking about this subject, nothing could stop you.
In other situation that, wouldn't have stopped you to adduce your speech about the Isle and the rules of the sea, but since this was exacttly the reaction you expected to draw from him, you just pushed his hand aside.
You went after Dude, who finally seemed to be on the trail of Ben's whereabouts. Or it was what you thought, because all you could see were trees and more trees, and...
You heard a loud growl and out of nowhere a buffalo monster jumped from behind a tree, pouncing on the little squad. Good thing you all had good reflexes, because with the size of the claws of this over-grown furry ball, he would have ripped your guts out in the blink of an eye.
Now, more than ever, you regretted not going back to Atlantica.
What the hell was this thing?
Oh wait...
The blue and yellow combinantion...
The clothes...
That thing was Ben.
Gosh, Audrey didn't take easily their break up, did she? You made a mental note of never ever dating her if this was how she treated her exes.
"Use your magic " Carlos cried out, urging you to do something about your beasty friend.
"My magic won't do any good. He needs true love kiss or something like that, and I am defenitely not a furry" you pratically shouted the last part, getting ready to defend yourself in case Ben decided to attack you again.
It was Gil who noticed something was wrong with the beast's hand.
"He's got a boo-boo that's why he is so cranky... My dad said his dad did not handle pain well, at all" he talked about his father's murder attempt on King Beast as if he was talking about the weather.
How precious was this boy?
Ben snarled at you again, and Carlos stepped in. Carefully, he approached the cursed boy, soothing him. You expected Ben to pluck out Carlos eyes or something, but the VK managed to pull the thorn out of Ben's furry hand with mastery, instead.
Now what?
Out of nowhere, a blast of water flew right past your head and splashed all over Ben's beasty body. Slowly, he started to look less like a beast and more like an ordinary human being. You looked over your shoulder and saw Jane, who was holding a water blaster, it became quite clear that the Fairy Godmother's daughter was the one responsible for undoing partially Ben's curse. Who needed a magical wand when you had enchanted lake water, right?
You and Jay rushed to help Ben, holding him up and taking him to sit down on a rock nearby. The poor boy seemed to just have woken up from a nightmare. However, not even the enchanted water was strong enought to lift the spell completely, but it was funny to watch Jane splashing another blast of water on Ben's face in hopes of making his new grown beard and fangs to disappear.
"Don't worry" you reassured him "I'm sure Mal won't mind"
"Do you like it?" Ben grinned cheerfully and ran his hand over his beard, expecting your approval.
You hummed, not sure if he wanted to hear the truth. You looked away from your friend and saw Harry hitting on Jane and a jealous and protective Carlos interceding on her behalf.
You rolled your eyes. Being in Auradon was always like entering into some cheesy soap opera. The drama, the angst, the musical numbers that came out of nowhere...
While Jay and Carlos explained to Jane and a very confused Ben everything that had happened up to that point, you decide to stay away from the conversation to avoid questions that could lead them to realize you had helped Uma. Not that you were afraid of them, but if your grandfather knew about that, he would have a fit and King Triton's rage was feared in all seven seas and beyond. So, there you were again, left to talk to the villain kids who, although you weren't sure why, appeared to be a little apprehensive since Ben joined the group. Then again, it could be just your impression.
"Are you enjoying Auradon so far?" you asked the boys.
Gil went on a rant about what he liked so far, giving examples and detalied descriptions of flowers, grapes, threes, berries and all the things that you had in Auaradon and they didn't have back on the Isle, which was basically everything. He also said something about penguins and going on a jungle cruise with Jay, but you didn't pay attention because Harry leaned over you with that stupid smug grin of his.
"It's not as boring as I thought it would be" did he really have to come this close just to say that? You were pretty sure that his life's mission was to be as annoying as he could.
"Really? Everybody is cursed..." you replied, but it only made his grin to grow wider.
You shook your head, what a weirdo.
"Hey" Gil called your name, making both you and Harry to turn your heads in his direction at the same time "Do you think Ben will kick us back to the Isle?"
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Harry stiffen up and his confident expression fade away.
Was it possible that they were worried that Ben wouldn't allow the kids to come off the Isle as Mal had promised?
"No!" you set their minds at rest "Ben may seem a bit innocent, but he is compassionate and very smart. The VK Program was idealized by him and even if people didn't agree with it, he put his foot down. I know Ben and I've annoyed him long enough about this matter, so I am sure he won't abandon the Isle. Also, Evie will kill him if he shuts down the program... Thus, I think you're good"
More than that, you would never let him put Uma back on the Isle and if he did that, it would become your personal goal to make him regret every decision he ever made in his life. Actually, if Ben dared to back down, you'd raise hell.
Finally, you arrived at Evie's home and in the right time! You've been walking on land for too long and starting to feel a little dehydrated. All you wanted to do was to come in and have a glass of water. Luckily, the girls were already waiting for you at the door and, as you got closer, they greeted the group, glad that everyone was alive and safe. Uma even teased Mal about Ben's fangs. Funny how a few hours earlier they were at each other's throats and now it was like they had always been friends.
"You okay?" you felt Uma's hand on your shoulder and looked at her, smiling.
"Yes, of course. Just feeling a bit dried. Have I mentioned how much I hate being ashore?"
"I don't know. Maybe a thousand times, just every single day since we met. 'Uma, the human world is a nightmare. Humans are so annoying and stinky, swimming with dolphings is so much better than anything else they have up there' " she made an impression of you, putting her hand on her forehead dramatically.
You groaned.
"Don't mock my pain, and I never said that. You know I much rather swim with rays, they're way more friendly than dolphins. Also, I do not speak like that".
"But the attitude is on point" she winked.
Then, it was decided that Jane, Gil and Doug would go after Fairy Godmother, who surely had become a stone statue like everybody else, otherwise she'd have appeared by now. Or maybe not, after a 16 years old boy was crowned King of Auradon you stopped believing adults had any idea what to do. Therefore, Fairy Godmother could very well be drinking tea while expecting that a bunch of teenagers would solve all the problems.
As soon as you entered Evie's cottage, you went straight to the kitchen. Getting the biggest cup you found, you filled it with water and, to give it an extra punch, you added some salt. It was the closest thing you had to ocean's water, anyway. The glass was almost touching your lips; unfortunately, everything went wrong.
Harry Hook literally came out of nowhere and took the glass from your hands, you tried to warn him against it but it was too late, the next moment he had already drunk all its content. You'd have laughed when his carefree expression changed into one of utter disgust as he swallowed the water, if he hadnt spitted out all of it on your face soon after.
You did what any sane person would have done: you started yelling at him.
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?" Harry screamed as loud as you "What kind of person drink salt water?" his pained expression showed that the taste still didn't have left his mouth.
"A mermaid, you barbarian!!" you shouted, doing your best to dry your face off.
"Were you trying to poison me?"
You scoffed at the pirate's words. Was he really accusing you? You had to give him kudos for his guts, because he lacked any commom sense.
"YOU STOLE MY FUCKING WATER!!" you shouted at the top of your lungs. If everyone in Auradon wasn't sleeping or a statue, they would have been able to hear all the nasty things you said to Harry, to which he replied accordingly.
It took you both a while to notice a third voice joining the riot, it was Uma's. Upon hearing the shouts and death threats, the girl entered the kitchen to find her best friends acting like angry sharks. It was almost amusing to see how fast Harry went quiet when he saw Uma there, asking if you two had gone mad.
"She tried to poison me, Uma!" he pointed at you accusingly.
"Excuse me!" you look at your friend, who couldn't be any less impressed by your petty explanations "He spit water on my face. MY WATER. I WAS GOING TO DRINK IT"
The sea witch's daughter rolled her eyes so hard that you could swear she saw her own brain.
"You know what, lass?" Harry got dangerously close to you, leaning slightly on the kitchen's table "I'm used to rotten food and sea water, but I have never tasted anything as dreadful as this. If this is what mermaids have to drink, I understand why so many of you want to leave the ocean".
You gasped and he grimmed, thinking he had finally gotten you. That pirate had just crossed the line and he had no idea who he was dealing with. You could put up with him stealing your drink and spitting it all over you, but talking bullshit about your beloved kin was something you weren't able to ignore. Uma would have to settle for having Gil as her first mate because you were about to kill Harry.
"You know what Hook" you said in your sweetest-sounding voice "You have the accent, the jacket, the hook, the smokey eyes... but you're still missing one thing... Better saying, you are not missing it..."
As quick as one could blink, you grabbed a small knife from the counter and stabbed it into the table close to where Harry's hand was lying.
Okay, you wanted the knife to land close to Harry's hand, but it was a little too close... Actually, you failed to hit it for a couple of inches, had you done it a little bit to the left, Harry Hook would be lacking a finger.
Maybe you were kind of moody, after all.
Harry Hook had big blue eyes that usually sparkled with a boyish malice (and a bit of insanity), but, right now, he was looking at you with bulging eyes, one part of him didn't believe in what you just had done and the other was a little bit impressed by it. Of course all these emotions washed off from his face in seconds.
"So, you can walk around spitting on people and threatening to hook them and that's okay? YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO JUDGE ME"
And the yelling started again, but Uma was having none of it and she knew both of you enough to understand that if someone did not step in, you wouldn't stop until one of you were dead.
"Stop both of you, right now!" she didn't even have to shout, just the look on her face was enough to make you shut up "We are on a very dangerous mission and we don't have time to deal with this silliness!"
"She started!"
"He started!"
You both cried out at the same time.
Uma took a deep breath, her patience running thin.
"I don't want to hear it. If you want to act like children, I'll treat you as such. Now, apologize to each other.
Harry and you exchanged looks of pure and sincere disgust.
"I won't do it" you threw your hands up.
"Neither will I" Harry declared, folding his arms.
"Great, so I'll call Evie and Gil and they can talk to you about the importance of friendship. I will personally ask them to sing about it"
Uma's threat was enough to make Harry turn to you and apologize.
Uma had real power over him. A true goddess, indeed.
"Okay, I'm sorry" the words that left his mouth were bitter and you knew he was dying inside for having to say them out loud, and that's why you enjoyed every single second of it.
In this moment, Mal called all of you to hurry up because they were about to go to Fairy Cottage, Uma gave you and Harry a warning look before leaving the kitchen and you went to fetch another glass of water. You were almost finishing to drink it when you notice Harry staring.
You took the last gulp and smiled innocently at him.
"I'm sorry, did you want some?" you asked.
"You didn't apologize" he raised an eyebrow and you put the glass down. Walking closer to him, you looked the pirate right in the eye.
"I just said I'm sorry, didn't I?"
"It doesn't count!"
"Yes, it does"
"No, it doesn't"
You hated to admit, but you were taking quite a liking to teasing him. Fortunately for you, Jay came into the kitchen to fetch you and Harry who were delaying the rest of the group. You couldn't help but notice the despleased look in the pirate's face.
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revengeworld · 5 years
The Circus VI
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Werewolf! Kylo x Reader Modern/Monster AU
Words: +3.100
Warnings: tiniest bit of scary stuff
AN: Feedback plz!
MASTERLIST: Can be found in my bio if you are interested in more! -
Even though Kylo had behaved in the Evening, he was quite demanding when he woke from his sleep. Having Y/Ns warm and sweet body pressed against his was too tempting for his desperate mind and body.
For a while he only watched her sleeping face that was pressed against his chest before he leaned closer and let his lips slowly graze over her exposed earlobe.
Her finger slightly dug into his back before she let out a sleepy huff and opened her eyes.
“Good Morning ...” Y/N yawned sweetly and started to nuzzle herself closer to him.
“Good Morning, my sweet Moonshine.” kissing along her neck, Y/N felt Kylos fingertips gently graze over the exposed skin from her waist.
“What time is it?” she asked tired and wanted to turn around to look at the clock, only to find it destroyed on their nightstand.
“Kylo what did you do?!” 
“I might have punched it … totally accidentally.” he whispered in her ear while gently pressing her down into the mattress again.
“Kylo, we need to get up, who knows how late we are...” laying her hands against his chest, Y/N wanted to push him off but when his teeth slightly grazed against the lobe of her ear the only thing she could do was to let out a deep sighed.
While Kylo kissed along her jaw, her arms slowly wrapped around his broad torso.
“You’re not playing fair …” she whispered against his lips before he silenced her with them.
He kissed her gently, trying to not get overwhelmed by his own instincts and the sweet smell from her that was lingering in his nose, but even he had problems to control himself.
The small breaths she let out between kisses, how her nails dug slightly in his skin and she pressed herself against him.
His hands that were resting on her hip carefully made their way up her sides under her shirt.
“Is this okay?” he asked while his lips traced along her neck.
Even now, she just nodded shyly before she cupped his face and kissed him again.
“B...but we can’t go too far, Ky...”
“Which doesn’t mean that I can’t at least please my sweet Moonshine.” helping her get rid of her shirt, Kylo immediately kissed along her collarbone and slowly made his way down her chest, along her stomach.
Her heart was fluttering in her chest like a hummingbird while she could feel Kylos lips kiss along the edge of her shorts.
Closing her eyes for a moment, Y/N relaxed until she heard a familiar hissing voice.
“Are you guys playing?”
Letting out a surprised scream Kylo quickly sat up to see what was wrong.
“Is everything alright?!” he asked before he noticed Koh on the edge of the bed.
“Awesome …” rolling with his eyes Kylo let out a frustrated scoff before sitting up. That moment was definitely ruined.
“What does he want?” he asked Y/N frustrated, since he couldn’t understand this annoying little snake.
Pulling over her T-Shirt again, she gently picked Koh up.
“Why are you here, sweety?” 
“Mama was wondering where you guys are. She was waiting so she sent me to look.” the small snake explained and Y/N only nodded.
Looking between the two, Kylo started to bounce with his leg. What the hell were they talking about? How could she even understand him. For him it still didn’t make any sense.
“So, what did he say?” he asked again and brushed a bit of hair behind Y/Ns ear.
Confused, she looked up at her boyfriend and he only raise his eyebrows in anticipation.
“Wait… you don’t understand him?” tilting her head slightly her brows furrowed.
“Of course not. Phasma is … was normally the only one.” he explained, pressing a gentle kiss against her temple.
“Oh … I thought ….” mumbling, almost to herself, she looked down at Koh again but he had already made his way from her hands to her hair.
“I thought everyone could… since Poe always reads to him… and you guys talk to him...” she looked up at Kylo who seemed to realise her thought process.
“No, my precious little Moonshine. Only you and Phasma can understand him. We only hear hissing or nothing.”
“B...but why can I? That doesn’t make any sense… I’m just human...” 
“We want to find that out… just give me a moment...” jumping from their bed he quickly ruffled through her hair before making his way to their bathroom, while Y/N tried to cool down her hot cheeks.
Being carried by Kylo, Y/N had her head leaned on his shoulder while she listened to Koh, who was telling her about the little adventure he had slithering around the circus all on his own.
“Why is he carrying you?” the small snake hissed while hanging on one of her strands of hair.
“I don’t know, he just did.” Y/N only shrugged her shoulder while cuddling closer against Kylos chest.
“Why are you carrying me, Darling?” 
“So he doesn’t have to fear a surprise attack from me!” Rey answered who suddenly appeared next to them.
“Exactly, so stay the fuck away from her.” Kylo immediately growled.
“Calm down, I’ll stay away… for now. I heard a few rumors though. That our sweet Y/N could be one of us.”
“That sweet Y/N can hear you guys! Just because I can talk to Koh you think that I’m not human anymore?” looking into Kylos eyes, he avoided them for a moment.
“It is a possibility… that you were never human to begin with.” as soon as she heard his words, Y/N started to struggle against his arms and landed on her feet.
“So you're telling me, that my parents lied to me my whole life about what I am?!” she almost shouted.
A bit ashamed she noticed that now everybody was looking at her, but when Kylo reached out to her, she slapped his hand away.
“We don’t know that yet… but we can find that out, together.” 
“And what if I don’t want to find that out? You didn’t even ask me!” she shook her head and held up her hands in defense before leaving them behind, walking back in the opposite direction. 
“Fuck...” Kylo cursed and ruffled through his hair. When he wanted to follow her Rey held him back.
“Give her a moment. She just needs to get over the first shock.”
“Don’t tell me what's best for MY mate, bitten!” pushing her arm away, Kylo stomped towards Phasmas tent. 
Immediately when the werewolf walked into the much warmer tent, hisses from every direction greeted him.
“Finally, where you guys too occupied or … where is Y/N?” Phasma had turned around a big Boa around her.
“She doesn't want to have anything to do with it.” he explained the current situation to the blonde woman who sighed.
“Why wouldn’t she want to find out the truth?” Phasma shook her head.
“Because if it is true that she is one of us, it means her whole life is a lie.” sitting down on the last free spot in this overfilled tent, Kylo ruffled through his hair again. He had been so curious himself that he didn’t think of Y/Ns feelings at all.
“Then what should we do? Do you still want to see if Poe and Finn found something out?” 
“Yeah… If they didn't find anything we just let it be.” he agreed.
“Then… let’s go. Where is Kou?” Phasma asked a bit worried that her child might have gone on another adventure.
“With her, she had him in her hair when she left.”
Only nodding, Phasma sat down the snake in her arms and both of them made their way to Finn and Poes tent.
Throwing a few things inside her bag, Y/N quickly shouldered it when Kou suddenly hung in her face.
“Where are we going?” he hissed excited and tried to hold onto the last strand of hair he could grab.
“Oh sweety. I forgot you were there.” Holding a hand under him he let himself fall and curled around her fingers.
“So no adventure?” 
“We can go on a little one… What do you say we go to the little waterfall nearby that we saw last time?” 
Seeing the little snakes excited nod, Y/N smiled and held onto him while she made her way into the nearby forest.
“Why are we not with the others?” the small snake asked after a while and Y/N sighed.
“I just wanted some time alone.” Y/N answered honestly and pushed some branches aside they could already hear the gurgling water nearby.
“Should I leave then?” the small snake asked a bit disappointed.
“Oh no my Darling. I love having you around.” with a light smile she kissed the top of Kous head who hissed delighted.
Wandering through the tall grass, Kou was constantly telling her about stuff that he encountered on his way to their tent or the stuff he wanted to do today.
Y/N listened intently, knowing that the little one loved to talk to someone other than his mother.
“And I stole some extra chicken, but don’t tell Mama.” he hissed while bouncing up and down on her hand.
“Don’t worry, your chicken secret's safe with me.” Y/N grinned, before she turned around the next big tree to see the waterfall from afar.
“Ready to go for a little swim?” smiling down at the white snake he seemed surprised.
“You don’t wanna draw first?” he asked back, pointing with his tail at her bag.
“No, let’s have some fun instead.” placing her bag onto the ground next to a few rocks, Y/N took a last look around before she started to undressed herself until she was just in her underwear.
“So, you found … basically nothing? Just a bunch of theories what she may or may not be?” Kylo scoffed annoyed while brushing his hair back.
“Well… we at least could eliminate a lot of what she couldn’t be. Definitely no vampire, werewolf, snake person or a shapeshifter. Same with merpeople, otherwise she would’ve known a long time ago. Sadly we don’t have any access to the ministry's register...” Finn mumbled, while listing all the things they had found out so far.
“You missed changeling, in the list of what she could be. In europe we had lots of them.” Rey was leaning against a pole at the entrance. “Didn’t I make it very clear that you should keep away?!” Kylo screamed at her but Rey only rolled her eyes.
“Your precious mate isn’t here right now, so calm your balls. Besides she is my friend too and I want to help her.” the smaller werewolf defended herself.
Phasma laid a hand on Kylos shoulder and for a moment he only growled before he closed his eyes and nodded slightly.
“Fine… and what exactly is a changeling?”
“The child of a fairy. Fairies often replaced a human child with their own so it had a better chance in the world and to rescue their bloodline.” she slowly explained and sat down with them.
“Some never find out what they really are and live their lives as normal humans. Or find out very late just like Y/N. It’s better if she finds it out now than later.”
Kylo bit his lower lip while listening to Reys words and automatically started to bounce with his leg.
“If she really is a fairy … how can we find that out?”
“Well… that depends on what kind of fairy she is...”
“Oh for fucks sake, how many are there?!”
“I’ll look it up.” Poe nodded and already started to type down on his laptop.
Slithering around her body, Kou seemed to have a fabulous time, while Y/N was just floating on the cool surface of the water.
“Do you think I can catch a fish?” the snake asked excited and looked down into the water.
“I think you are still a little too small for that.” she giggled in response and scratched the snake under his tiny chin.
“I’m not small! I’m still growing! I will be big and strong like Jörmungandr!”
“The world serpent? Of course you will my Darling. I have no doubt about it.” picking him out of the water she brushed over his scaled body.
“Can we go and see if a treasure hides behind the waterfall?”
“You really listen too many of Poe's pirate stories…” she sighed with a grin but still started to swim towards the waterfall when the ground suddenly started shaking.
“Earthquake?” the small snake hissed scared but Y/N shook her head while holding him close.
“No, it sounds more like footsteps...” seeing the ripples that the rhythmic rumbling did to the water, gave Y/N goosebumps.
Quickly diving into the water she swam under the waterfall to find a small cave behind it. Her whole body started to tremble and she wasn’t even able to say if it was from the cold in this cave or the supposed footsteps that seemed to come closer and closer.
Kou wanted to say something but she quickly held close his little snout.
Trying to listen closer, a dark shadow suddenly appeared in front of the wall of water. Since she was shivering so much, it was easy for Kou to slip through her fingers and back into the water, his curiosity getting the best of the little snake.
“No, Kou don’t!” Y/N shout whispered but the snake had already made it’s way past the waterfall.
“Hello friend!” she could hear a little hiss before a loud roar echoed through the whole forest.
Pressing her hands onto her ears, Y/N waited until it stopped a tear slowly streaming over her cheek.
“K...Kou?” even her voice was shaking.
Taking a deep breath, Y/N shut her eyes for a moment before she counted to five and jumped back into the water to look for her little friend.
Swimming back through the waterfall she quickly brushed the water out of her eyes, until she gasped at the creature that was standing in front of her.
“... Shadow Fairies, Thunder fairies, Gold fairies, Flower fairies, Animal fairies-”
“Okay stop!” Kylo mumbled defeated, exhausted from the long list poe was reading out to them.
“This is getting us nowhere if we don’t even know if she really is one or not.”
“But it would suit her.” Phasma chuckled lightly.
“Mhmm kind of ...” a light smile was tugging on Kylos lips when he thought about it until he suddenly sat up and took a whiff of the unfamiliar scent he was smelling, mixed with Y/Ns sweet scent.
“You smell that too, bitten?”
“Sure do...” she nodded her brows knitted in concentration until the rumbling footsteps brought the ground too shaking.
Sprinting outside Finn and Poes tent, Kylo changed into his wolf form to quickly make his way towards the bending trees that were announcing the approach of something big.
Stopping at the edge of the circus he saw Y/N who was slowly walking backwards, apparently leading whatever was coming their way.
“It’s okay, just a little more and we are home!” she called over and Kylo got a glimpse of glowing eyes.
“What the hell is that?” the others had caught up to him and were staring at the situation in front of them.
“No no, it’s okay. Nobody will hurt you here I promise.” taking a few more steps back, the creature slowly walked out between the trees.
“Definitely an Animal Fairy...” everyone suddenly agreed and Kylo only sighed while he looked at the creature that was at least 19 feet tall.
“Mama, look! We made a new friend!” Koh was already calling to Phasma.
“I can see that, sweety.” the blonde woman nodded but watched the whole scene with suspicion.
Suddenly the gigantic creature let out a loud roar before he leaned down his head so Y/N could reach and pet him.
With a chuckle she leaned against it’s big head and brushed through the grey fur before she noticed the others.
“Hey is the director here? Trico is hurt and needs medical attention.” she called over and Kylo nodded to Rey who made her way to the directors caravan.
“So his name is Trico?” he asked his girlfriend who nodded.
“Short for Toriko, I guess it’s more like the name of his species, but he was okay with this name.”
Slowly approaching them Kylo took a closer look at Trico. First he thought it was some kind of griffin or chimera, but he seemed like a complete different hybrid type.
“Hey big guy. What is your problem?” seeing the broken horns on the creatures forehead and the distraught state of his wings he could guess.
Kylo laid his big hand on the creatures head who let out a loud purr. 
“Does he have a family? Because I’m not sure if he can stay with us...” Kylo explained to Y/N who was immediately pouting.
“That should be fine, a shrinking rune and he can travel with us.” the director was standing behind them and inspected the big bird cat.
Trico flicked with his ears and squinted his eyes in relaxation.
“He is happy to not be alone anymore.” Y/N spoke the silent words of the creature that only she could understand.
“Would you stay here with him? We will prepare food, medication and a place for him to rest.” the director laid a hand on Y/Ns shoulder and she nodded with a smile.
“Sure, he is good company. Right Trico?”
Letting out another quieter roar the big creature rolled on his side. 
“Kylo follow me. You others help Sadie prepare his food. She should know what to do.” the director ordered and everyone scattered.
“I heard about your little research meet up this morning.” the tall director looked down at the werewolf.
“Did you know she wasn’t human?”
“Of course. After careful research. Even though she didn’t know herself and believed to be a human, I was first against it, but I trusted your and your friends decision, so you better not disappoint me. We had enough conflicts in the past.”
“Y/N would never do something that would harm us.” Kylo defended her and the tall Director nodded.
“That was my impression of her. Especially now that she is showing her real potential.” “So what is she exactly?” 
“An animal fairy wasn’t so far off from what she is. But her specialty seems to lie with our kind rather than normal animals. That is why Kou can speak with her but the other snakes can’t. That is also why this Toriko seaked her out. They don’t trust easily, because others will try to steal their horns and disable them. You can be proud of her.”
“I am.” Kylo smiled.
“Good, because I think she will make this group grow very fast if she finds a creature in every city.” the director laughed.
Tags: : @kyloren-supreme-ben​​   @celestiaelisia​​ @sdavid09​​  @ayatimascd​​ @acunningstargazer​​ @agirlwithlonelymusic​​ @ev3e​​
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enbycalicocat · 3 years
Day 11: 6th of February, 2021
A woman walks into the ocean in a red ball gown.
  That sounded like the beginning of a joke. Like the one that goes, 'why did the chicken try to cross the street?' The only thing that’s missing is a good punch line. I don’t know any, I’m not good at that, but I can throw a mean punch if anyone ever does try to make a joke about me.
  In the middle of the night, wearing a red ball gown, she decides to walk into the crashing waves in front of her.
  That one sounded like the start of a tragedy. Like this woman (me!) is walking into the ocean to commit suicide or something. And she’s not. I mean, I’m not. Ugh. Whatever. Nobody is dying tonight (unless you find a punch line for that earlier joke). And, more importantly, it’s not the middle of the night.
  Look, just let me do it. Clearly you don't know how.
Now, ahem, where were we?
Ah, right!
So, why did the woman in the red ball gown walk into the fierce water at 9 pm?
  Of course, because she is in fact a mermaid.
I’m a mermaid. And this red ball gown is my outfit for tonight’s dance.
  The waves enveloped me gently, even though they were forcefully striking the rocks around. Water would never hurt me. It knew me, it was my baby, my pet, my minion, my everything. So, walking to the point where the sea floor dropped down was easy.
  There, the dress stuck to my legs and my body, like a skin. Because it was part of me, it was my body, my tail.
  I swam leisurely, as I remembered my day.
  Today was the royal ball where I would be presented as the princess' peasant girlfriend. Therefore, I had to look stunning and show those jerks how I could be fabulous without spending a single penny. Those pompous title-riddled fishes would probably spend tons of gold coins to look their best tonight. And my appearing there looking like a bazillion gold coins without putting in any money would kill them from envy.
  Hence, very early in the morning, I walked out and went to the human buildings, to draw inspiration. That’s another thing the condescending shrimp that polluted our tribe with their hatred would never do, not even in a million years when the humans become extinct and the earth is empty.
  We are sea beings. We have no reason to mix with the inferior animals playing around in the dirt and the contaminated air.
  Yeah, well tell me then, intellectuals, why were we born with the ability to live on both the dirt and the water? Hmm? Why did our tails become legs and vice versa at will? Why could we breath the contaminated air as well as the water (which wasn't much cleaner than the air, to be honest)?
  But they would never admit to it.
  Well, better for me. They would never know how incredibly smart humans were and wouldn’t think of harming them. Separate societies and lives was the best for both of us. There were bad humans that could try to hunt us. And there were bad plankton-brained merpeople that could wish to keep them as pets.
  Me? I lived my life in both places at the same time.
  After walking around the shaped and stitched fabric stores in some human buildings, I finally had a design in mind. I never copied their… what’s it called? Clothes I think? Well, I never reenacted them exactly, because that was not nice. If it were me, I would be angry about someone stealing my ideas. Never mind if they didn’t even buy the thing in question, which was my case.
  The moon was out and it was already late. Zaf would murder me. But then she would see the way I looked, and then she would kiss me passionately.
  There was a public bathroom near the sea shore, and I locked the door with a flick of my finger as I walked in. What was about to happen couldn’t be seen by human eyes. For their own safety. They could not know. Or my people would hunt them. Even more as I was the only one so far that could do this. No one else in the tribe could.
  Standing in front of the mirrors, I began to move my fingers, wrists, and arms, eyes closed, mind focused, giving shape to the picture in my head. The matter that made the… hoodie was it called? The fabric reformed under invisible threads of magic controlled by me. The matter of my… jeans, united with the upper one, becoming one single thing.
First came the vivid red color, then the fluffy waves above the breast part, the curves as it molded to my bosom, the folds of the navel part, only to my waist though because there the lower bell part started. Sparkling lights that formed beautiful earth flora silhouettes appeared, wider folds that made the bell look like the pretty shells I found on the shore. The back had a gorgeous bow in the lower part of my back, and above that stripes of matter covered but also revealed the skin beneath.
Separating bits of matter, they flew to adorn my wrists, fingers, ears, and neck, pretty transparent stones placed in silver metal.
  Done! My eyes opened and I saw the vivid red color against my skin. Ah, this same color would look gorgeous when set upon Zaf's darker skin. Maybe tomorrow I would make her another beautiful outfit.
I smiled and began walking when I saw the point of my scruffy… Shoes? Oops. I forgot to change the stuff on my feet. Quickly it took shape under my scrutiny. My feet were revealed was thin silver strings crisscrossed them, I became a few centimeters taller as needle-looking matter under the heel of my foot separated me from the floor. These were called heels? Heals? Hills? Something like that.
  Now I was ready. Looking like I belonged in the high court and the royal bloodline, all done without money. Those schmucks would choke on their krill and fish eggs when I told my mother-in-law (loudly so everyone else could hear well!) how I could shape my scales (and everyone else's if I felt inclined) at will.
  See? It’s no joke. And it’s definitely no tragedy. It was the beginning of my life with Zaf. No more hiding. No more secrets. I would finally be acknowledged, and then I would ignore all their rules, all their stiffling mindsets, and all their prejudice.
  A smile curled my lips as I finally neared the air dome where the ball would be held. Walking in, my tail became my dress, my feet, in all their shiny crisscrossing-strings and needle-looking-thing-under-the-heels-of-my-feet glory, touched the ground with an elegant click. Gasps resounded around me and silence fell.
  I would love pissing them off and making their lives hell.
Prompt: 11. A woman walks into the ocean in a red ball gown.
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sam-writesstuff · 5 years
Merman (Crowley x Reader)
Summary: As you grow up, a man with Ariel’s hair keeps saving you. 
Warnings: Slight child abuse, Ignorant parents. 
Words: 3095
A/N: I did not think that this would turn out to be THIS long.. I really like the idea of Crowley liking children, and the thought lead me here. It also shows my love for mermaids ;) But because the reader is a child, there is no romance involved. It’s my first story ever and ohhh god I am so nervous. Please let me know if you’d like a continual story because it was originally planned to be longer😂
The first time you meet him, you are seven. You just moved to London, and you are exploring the streets with curious eyes. Your old home was a city too, but this is a bigger city. Much, much bigger city. Your parents were unpacking, and while they were they somehow started fighting. Distracted them enough to not notice you sneaking out to explore your new home. As much as nervous you were, this was also very exciting. A new adventure. There were a lot of people and a lot of noise. You have never seen a street so busy. A man pushes you as he walks by and you nearly fall. You struggle to keep your balance, then you see it. A bookshop. It looks old, probably for adults, but it has pretty aura coming out. It's tempting you to go inside. You decide to go explore to do what feels right in your heart. You are a child. The choices you make are simple. You cross the street, at least, you tried to. A hand appears and grabs your collar from the back, dragging you back onto the street. Just then, a car passes right in front of you, fast. Shocked, you turned to see who it is that saved you. It is a man. A very, very tall man. 
"That car almost hit you," the man says. You don't say anything back. You stay silent for a moment, too distracted by his bright red hair. The only person whom you knew with the kind of red hair was Ariel, the mermaid. You wonder if he too is a merman. 
"You want to cross the street?" The red-haired man asks you, letting go of his grip. You nod slowly. He looks slightly annoyed but reaches out his hand. "All right, kid. We'll cross it together." You look at his hand hesitantly whether to take it or not. He is a stranger you don't know, but he is offering help. Plus, he might be a merman. Merpeople can't harm, right? So you take the man's hand. 
Cars stop as you and he cross the street. Horns blew, but the men didn't stop. It gave you a rather strange feeling. However, he did mean no harm. When you two reached the other side, he lets go of your hand. 
"Careful, kid," then he adds, "Wha- What is it that they teach you at school? Oh yeah, look to your right and your left then raise your hand before you cross the street," the man rambles on before you can say you are not in school yet. They did teach you that in kindergarten, though. When he is finished, he looks at you. You realize he is expecting an answer. Your pose straightens up, nodding quickly. He gives you a satisfied look before turning around waving good-bye, entering the bookshop that stood in front of you which for some reason you did not want to go anymore. Instead, the curiosity that filled the exploration of the bookshop were all shifted towards the red-haired man. Or a merman. You think to yourself as you kept walking through the other side of the street. Suddenly, you remember that you didn't thank him for his aid. 
When you get back home, dinner is waiting for you. Surprisingly, your parents are not mad. You tell them what you have explored about the city earlier today. They mumble an 'Mm-hm' occasionally. You decide not to tell them about the merman. You promise to yourself, when you see him again, you'll thank him.
Months after you start school, you do see him again. You are a now proud first grader. It is a Sunday, you and your parents decide to take a stroll to the park. You are excited, maybe a little too much. No blame is made though, it has been a few months since the last time your family went out together. Only a moment your parents let your hands go, and you are already running around scaring away the pigeons. Your parents sigh as they go off to find somewhere to sit. You'll find them when you get tired of mocking the birds. But then you remember the pond. You jolted upwards and darting off to the pond. 
Your smile grows wider as you spot ducks on the water. "Quack-quack," you mumble to yourself. Wanting to see the ducks, you make your way over to the fence. You stand on your tiptoes, the sight of the happy duck family make you happy too. You tilt your head in various ways wanting to see the baby duck, still, you could only see its tail. You pull yourself up, your upper body leaning onto the fence to keep yourself from falling. There, now you could see the baby duck quite clearly. You begin to point at each one, not realizing how your body is leaning over the fence more and more in your effort to get your finger as close to the duck possible. "Mommy duck, Daddy duck, and Baby du-," You yelp as your body fell over the fence, or so you think. Your eyes shut tight, expecting a splash of water. Instead, your body lifts upwards by a force under your armpits. Someone is lifting you. 
"There, can you see the ducks better now?" 
The voice of the person sounds familiar to you. You instantly turn around, it is whom you expect. The merman. Then you spot something. A little snake. You notice that there is a drawing of a little snake drawn under the merman's ear. How weird. "My arms are getting tired, hurry up kid." The merman hurries you, bringing you back from your thoughts about the snake. He almost sounds annoyed, or is he? It is impossible to read him because of the sunglasses. Don't matter, you did want to see the ducks. You turn yourself back again, facing the water. The baby duck is very clearly visible now. 
"Mommy duck, Daddy duck, and Baby duck," your feet feel the ground again with the end of your sentence. Looking up at the merman, you open your mouth to speak to him but the merman speaks before you. 
"All right. Don't lean onto the fence too much, kid. It won't stop you when you fall," the merman states simply. He doesn't seem to remember you. For some reason, that disappoints you. It has been a couple of months since he saw you but your childish mind is disappointed anyways. You pout, and the merman looks down at you with his eyebrows cocked. "I'm just telling you to be careful. Go find your parents, now." With that, he turns his heels slowly walking away from you. "Angel! C'mon, let's go," he yells at another man who stood far back near the bench. The man is wearing a funny coat and has beautiful blonde hair, but that does not catch your attention. The merman's friend waves at you, but you don't wave back. You are too upset. You only realize that forgot to thank the merman again later when you went back to your parents. 
A couple of months has passed, but you don't see him. You made a little key chain for him at school when you went on a field trip. You planned to give it to him as a thank you present when you see him again. 
Two years have passed, and you are now ten. You now carried the key chain everywhere you go, in hopes of meeting the merman again. Two years wasn’t enough waiting for you to give up. Some said that you are now a girl too old to believe in Merpeople or miracles of such, but you still truly believed in them.
You rushed to outside, crying. It is raining, and you don't have an umbrella. Still, you don't want to go back home to get one. Your parents have fought again. Your mother has rushed out, and your father has just opened another can of beer. You followed your mother out, but you lost her already. She has disappeared into crowds of people. God, you hated London. Miracles don't exist. If it did, it wouldn't leave your family in this state. You stood in the rain, wondering what to do, where to go. Water is dripping onto your face, and your vision is blurry because of it, but you don't bother to wipe it. You shiver in cold, desperately wanting to go back in time, 2 hours ago, when you and your family were eating dinner peacefully. 
"What are you doing out in the rain?" 
You don't feel the cold water on you anymore. You look up to see the owner of the voice, and you can't help but be shocked. Your vision is blurry as it's covered with water, but you are sure that it is the merman who stands in front of you. A thousand years and still it would be impossible to not recognize that red hair. 
Despite how delightful you are to see him again, you can't bring yourself to say anything. First, your throat felt too sore. Second, you were hiccupping. Both are results from the crying. Not to mention it has been two years since you last saw him, and you were eight back then. You are older now, old enough to know how politeness is an important key when talking to adults. Also, you worry if your conditions seem as worse as it is. To be honest, it is quite detectable that you were crying. 
The merman grumbles before opening his mouth to question you, "Do you have an umbrella?" 
You nod sideways in answer. 
"Do you have somewhere to go?" 
"No," It is not a lie. You do not want to go back home. 
"Why are you out alone in the rain?"
"I..," You try to speak calmly, but you are on the barge of tears again. Really, why were you out in the rain? Stupid, you think to yourself. For you are only ten, it is the best harsh word you can come up to say it to yourself.
The merman seems taken aback by your tears. He tries to calm you down, but it merely does anything. You are too sad. Too angry. Too angry with your mother and father. Too angry with yourself for being so stupid. The merman murmurs something under his breath, with his hands on his hips andㅡwait, his hands were on his hips. He is carrying no umbrella. Nevertheless, there was no more rain dripping on you. You are about to say something when you are lifted from the ground. Your eyes widen in his sudden action. 
"All right, I'll get you dried. Then we'll find your parents, then you go home." the merman said, adjusting the way he held you. He thinks you have lost your parents. You know you should tell him that is not the case, but you don't. You let him carry you. For now, you want to go as far as possible from this place. You know you shouldn't follow a stranger, but he wasn't a stranger. He has saved you twice, and he is a merman. 
Although, the merman does not walk for long. He stops in front of the bookshop, which is just a few streets away from your home. To your confusion, the shop is closed, and you are pretty sure it is locked too, but the doors swung open with a snap from the merman. The door closes again when he walks right in. 
"Angel!" he yells, and the same man you saw two years ago walks out behind the curtains. 
"Crowley- Oh, dear. What did you do?" Crowley. That must be the merman's name. It is the first time you hear his name, and despite the situation, you can't help but smile at the silly name. All Merpeople had unusual names. Triton, Ariel, and Crowley. 
"Me? I didn't do anything. This kid was on the street crying!" 
"Oh. Well, you can lie her down here."
But before Crowley move, you pull yourself out of his embrace and hop onto the floor. You feel calmer now, and your childlike curiosity and wonder have come back to your entrance into the book shop. You didn't know Merpeople can do magic, but you do now. You look up to the blonde man. No, 'blonde' is not enough word to describe his hair. He has golden hair, almost white. Maybe he is also a merman. Then, a loud noise comes out from your neck and echoes through the room. It’s a hiccup. Your stomach rumbles along with the hiccup. Now that you were in a quiet, warm place, you hunger have come back. Dinner was unfinished due to your parents fighting. You are starving. Your cheeks blush a bright rose. Crowley doesn't seem to be amused, but the golden-haired man chuckles. 
"Come, you can sit here, my dear. I'll get you a towel and something to eat," he guides you to a chair, and you nod. You look around. It is the bookshop you longed to come. Most of the times, it was closed, unable to be visited. The inside is as fascinating as you thought it would've been. So much to explore. It is not like the library in your school. Not at all. The bookshop is messier. Books and papers are lying all around, and you like it that way. Your mother never lets you keep your room the state you want in. Your father will never let you in his room. You have been inside before secretly, disobeying your father, but you were too scared to touch anything. You do as your told by the golden-haired merman. He walks over to someplace where you cannot see from where you are sitting, but Crowley stands in front of you. He goes through his hair once, letting out a sigh. He then bends his knee, landing both of his hands on each of his knees, meeting your eyes. 
"Where was the last time you've seen your parents?"
"My mother is gone, I don't know where. My father is probably at home," You don't know what to say, so you tell the truth. Crowley looks confused. 
"Is your home far away from here?" You shake your head. You do not want to give the location of your home to him. Not for safety issues, but you simply did not want to go back. Surely, he was going to take you back if he knew. All adults are too busy for a child. 
"Where is it?" You don't answer. You look down, unsure of what to do. You do need to go back at some point. 
"There, there. We can discuss this after a warm cup of tea," the Golden-haired man appears again with a cup of tea and biscuits. He also hands you a towel to dry yourself. You carefully do so, not wanting to get anything wetter than it already is. There is a pond of water under where you stand. When you are done, you reach your arm out the grab a biscuit, but Crowley stops you, looking at you with his eyebrows raised. 
"What do you have to do before you eat?"
"I need to wash my hands," you let out a little gasp before answering.
"Good. Off you go," satisfactory looks spread over his face. 
You eat in silence. The two mermen do not seem to be bothered by it. They are discussing something on their own as well. When the last sip of the tea drunk, you decide to finally ask the question you waited so long to ask.
"Are you mermen?" The mermen are plural, but your question is more dedicated towards Crowley. They turn to look at you with confused looks. 
"I'm sorry?" The Golden-haired man does not know how to respond to the question. It gives a positive weight to your theory. If he is not a merman, what is the reason to be surprised by your question?  
"She thinks we are mermaids, angel," Unlike the other merman, Crowley does not seem to be surprised at all. He laughs. 
"Mermen," you correct him. "Are you a merman?" 
"What makes you say that, my dear?" 
"He has red hair. Like Ariel," you point to Crowley.
"Red hair? Is that all you need to call a person mermaid?" Crowley scoffs, for some reason, he finds the situation amusing. 
"Merman," you correct him again. "You are a merman." 
"Yeah, doesn't matter. I'm not a merman," he says. 
Disbelief look spread on your face. You are disappointed. For so long you've believed that the man was a merman, for so long he was a merman to you, you feel like you learned something you shouldn't have. 
"But we are not humans either," he adds quickly, noticing how upset you seem. This catches your interest again, immediately. "We are... Supernatural entities." 
You are not sure what that is. Even so, your eyes are already shining bright again, "And?"
 "And you can't tell this to anyone." His eyes lock in with yours, and although you can't see his eyes due to his sunglasses, you still feel greatly pressured. A good kind. You feel important. You feel trusted. 
With that, all your sadness goes away. Your body feels lighter, and you are ready to go home again. You stand up, folding your three fingers, only letting your pinky and thumb stand. "I pinky promise." Crowley smiles, and his pinky intertwines with yours, and thumbs meet as an approval to your promise. 
"Can I come back again?" You ask carefully to the Golden-haired men. He seemed to be the owner of the bookshop. 
"Certainly, dear. Come as often you like," he shows you a warm smile. The kind of smile you haven't seen a while. "And please, call me Aziraphale." 
"Bye-bye, Azirapelle!" You wave your hands at him, you are still a soul to young to properly pronounce an angel’s name who lived on this planet for 6000 years.  
When you walk out, the sky is clear. It is no longer raining. You wonder if the two men have performed magic again. You feel flowers bloom every step you take. Upon your arrival, your mother is back home too. You parents offer you ice cream, they must’ve felt guilty for what they’ve done. Only then you realize once again, that Crowley had saved you and that you forgot to thank him. But that’s okay, because you know you will see him again.
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karmanticmoved · 5 years
1-85 uwu
j esus okay
1. describe yourself.
uh,, emotional ig, dumbass, quiet, exhausted all of the time, v queer, healthy mix of feminine and masculine, insecure, and not tha t great tbh. kinda a pussy ass b itch
2. if you could go anywhere for a week all expenses paid where would it be?
idrk. maybe somewhere like a hella nice beach in another country, maybe somewhere in europe. i like travelling but i hate the travel to get there and have no money so i havent put thought into it. maybe hawaii or somewhere like that.
3. do you have siblings?
the one thats still alive is my half brother
4. what is your favorite constellation, why?
orion maybe bc i don't know a lot but i can see that one from my bedroom window even in the city n idk. its comforting. or scorpius cause i'm a scorpio
5. favorite color.
yellow, pink, or blue.
6. what kind of music do you listen to?
almost anything. whatever catches my interest.
7. favorite flower. (you can name as many as you want cause flowers are awesome)
forgot what i said last time but those
yellow carnations i think?
8. if you could do magic, what is the first spell you would learn?
maybe smth to put myself to sleep immediately bc f uCk
9. favorite childhood memory.
my summer camp memories are pretty great. also memories of my dad and i going fishing are good.
10. have you ever been cheated on?
i mean in theory i couldve been bc online relationships but no. n im polyam and have identified as such for a majority of my relationships so no.
11. if you could describe your perfect room, what would it be?
big but not too big, yknow? like big enough that it can be filled and have room to walk around and lay on the ground or whatever but not Empty. and a pretty big bed to stretch out on, n a closet in the room. multiple windows w blackout curtains so theres light but it can be blocked out. n fluffy rugs or carpeting but preferably rugs in case smth spills so we can get it out of at least Remove the rug. and probably a cat tree thing in corner for dipper. n a computer desk and actual lights that light up the whole room. but probably,, fairy lights too bc full lights too bright. and i kinda want a pink room but blue or yellow work also. a nd pride flags on the walls + posters and various other stuff bc plain walls are boring. and tons n tons of b ooks too.
12. favorite animal.
river otter
13. what was the last photo you took of?
Tumblr media
14. do you believe in soul mates?
i'm not sure. i do kinda think there are people who you will like. really really click with and who become so important in your life that they're like. apart of u yknow? but i don't think that anyone as an individual needs to keep those people in their life forever. they arent destined to stay with them, and they shouldnt force that relationship (platonic, familial, romantic, or whatever) even if they were close for years and years. screw destiny. youll have people you care about, and sometimes you have to break that bond to save yourself, and thats okay. there will be other people who can and will be just as important. that got kinda off topic skbsks. i don't think theres really like Destiny soulmates. but there could be like. soulmates in the sense of for however long we're together, we're soul bonded. even if its not forever. does that even make se nse skbsns
15. do you hang toilet paper over or under?
over is the one thats socially acceptable right
16. your go to place to eat & your favorite thing to get there.
idk theres a place near a movie theater closeish to my house and its a nice little cafe and i dont eat there bc i dont eat much in general but i get their bubble tea and i love. raspberry bubble tea w rose popping bubbles. its comfort drink.
17. do you believe everything happens for a reason?
no. sometimes shit happens for no reason, and its bullshit, but you can't reverse it, so you gotta figure out how to move on from it.
18. guilty pressures?
im assuming thats meant to be pleasures
umm,, idrk. i don't know what exactly i like that would count as a guilty pleasure so,,
19. favorite mythical creature, why?
merpeople are s o cool i fuckin. love funky aquatic pals hell yeah. maybe im just Water babey but. they're rad. dragons are also hella cool bc like dragons???? theyre scaly and prett y and can breathe fire or have wings and kill u?? also like selkies bc again. water. but i used to hear a lot of stories abt them and theyre so nea t
20. something most people don’t know about you.
i have the potential to be a huge asshole and also kinda Wish to fuckin murder someone sometimes but. i act nice most of the time anyway.
not murder murder but i can get angr y enough that i just wanna Stab smth
21. where did you grow up, what was it like?
grew up kinda near the edge of the city, still in it but not like the main city area. in western washington. it was kinda rly boring, i used to spend a lot more time outside or just by myself playing with leaves or toys or whatever. when i had friends i played make believe w them even when outside of school. so yeah. boring id say.
22. do you believe aliens exist?
23. what was your last google search?
other than names for some actors n stuff, i was looking up various star wars things
24. what did your last relationship teach you?
the one that like. ended? i guess thatd be. be careful with your own feelings and try to figure them out before jumping into anything, and also don't try to force smth that in reality isnt really working.
25. would you relocate for love?
honestly yeah
26. do you hold grudges or forgive easy?
both. it just depends on how badly i or someone i care about was hurt by it. more likely to hold a grudge if a friend was hurt by someone d eep enough to leave a lasting impact or if they don't get a genuine apology i will be 🔫🔫. or if the person keeps hurting them. even if that person is also my friend.
27. favorite book.
favorite graphic novel is bloom by kevin panetta
favorite books in general are autoboyography, more happy than not, and what if its us. all gay. i know. its okay. im a kinnie.
28. do you consider yourself an extrovert or introvert?
introvert by far
29. have you ever kept a journal, do you now?
i tried once. i probably will have to once i go see a therapist, or at least one for my Bad Thoughts
30. top 5 favorite movies.
in no particular order
little shop of horrors, love simon, coco, it (2017 and 1990), and shazam! ig? maybe others but i definitely Forgot all the shit ive watched
31. do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
32. what is your greatest fear?
definitely gotta be all of the people i love hating me and abandoning me or secretly hating me and then leaving me without saying anything. and the worst part is im always afraid its gonna happen babeyy
33. favorite alcoholic beverage.
im baby
34. most embarrassing thing you’ve done.
im embarrassed by my own existence. i don't remember the Most embarrassing thing
35. do you believe in ghosts?
not until i have proof that i can actually trust and believe in
36. what is the best and worst part of your personality?
idk ig im nice. but im also. very easily set off on certain emotions especially the bad ones which sucks like especially jealousy bc i dont wanna!! feel jealous!! tho i think that ties into my greatest fear bc my brain immediately tells me im useless to everyone and they hate me. but. sometimes i get jealous and then feel bad for that and then hate myself for all of it. bc my friends deserve to hang out w other people and care about other people im just fucking stupid babey !!
37. should you split the dinner bill?
i rly don't get why you wouldnt tbh like if u both wanna be there u should both pay. but if one person gonna pay it should be the person that asked.
38. are you a good liar?
most of the time. when it comes to my mental health i can either lie great or im literally breaking down in front of the person so
39. what keeps you up at night?
depressing thoughts. anxiety about everything. wishing i could cuddle and fall asleep w jay. sometimes i just cant sleep bc im too restless.
40. would you rather go without your phone or music?
music. i need my phone to text my friends and i Need my friends
41. do you believe in god?
what god would let the world get to the point its at. what god would allow people to do such fucked up shit.
no. i don't.
42. how do you relax when frustrated?
cry, take a nap, take a shower, listen to music, cuddle dipper
43. what’s something that offends you?
when people go "oh yeah i support gay rights but im still gonna eat at chick fil a bc its good" like i get so fucking. pissed off by that. youre not gonna fucking s ta rv e without their goddamn chicken. i know a bi person who goes there and says its okay bc they dont Directly Give Their money to Specifically anti gay organisations but im just. ugh. fucking pissed bc there are other places to get food just avoid the one place for fucks sake. their food is good it doesnt matter. its like saying yeah pewdiepie is a bad person and nazi and a racist asshole but his videos r funni haha so im gonna watch him anyway
44. favorite food
i hate myself whenever i eat food
45. if you were on a 10 hour flight and could sit and talk to any person the entire time, who would it be?
@destinedformuchmore or @pinaplelee
46. when do you feel the most confident?
never? but ig i feel confident when working on tech construction during theater tech. as long as i know what im doing.
47. what do you do in your free time?
sleep. draw. cry. play video games. talk to my friends.
48. is there anyone who has completely lost your respect
matpat did for being a dick abt neopronouns and making a transphobic joke and only apologizing when a cis person told him to. not when hundreds of trans people did. and also other jokes that are inherently offensive to various groups. a n d for making extremely not Child friendly jokes in his videos which are very much targeted towards kids. say what you will about the target audience, there are a lot of children who watch them. please stop making creepy nsfw jokes if you won't even swear, sir.
49. have you ever broken someone’s heart?
i guess so yeah. but she also broke mine first.
50. did/do you play sports in school?
i did. i don't anymore bc highschool sports are bullshit but. basketball, ultimate, and soccer.
51. when are you happiest?
talkin 2 jay prolly
52. coffee or tea?
53. what is one possession you own you wouldn’t want to live without?
my binder. or my stuffed cat puppet thing ive had since i was 7
54. what is the first thing you notice about a person?
their general emotions, mostly. like if theyre in a good mood or if theyre bored or distracted or whatever. or if they seem interested in actually talking to me
55. what is your favorite season, why?
fall. my birthday, the atmosphere is nice, it's pretty, its hoodie weather.
56. what makes you laugh?
stupid little comments or jokes my friends make tend to make me laugh a lot harder than i should but jabdn
57. are you a clean or messy person?
a mix. i Cannot have some things messy or i will ksjqkd. Die but i don't make my bed too often bc its ha rd when its against 3 walls.
58. what is important for a successful relationship?
communication communication communicati
talk about ur goddamn problems n keep talking to each other.
59. what was your upcoming like?
if thats supposed to be upbringing
idk, very relaxed. pretty easygoing and kinda boring.
60. favorite holiday?
any holiday in december rly. i don't celebrate a Lot but the atmosphere and others celebrating is nice to see. i kinda wish my parents did more to embrace the jewish part in our family blike. whatever. christmas is fun.
61. what is the first thing you’d do if you won the lottery?
give half of it to my parents. and then probably use it for plane ticket
62. what’s the best pizza topping combination?
hawaiian pizza. pinapple n canadian bacon ty
63. favorite outdoor activity.
64. how are you? honestly.
not great. i want highschool to end.
65. would you rather go camping in the woods or stay at a beach resort?
idk. camping is fun but if i get to stay at the resort for free i would rly love 2 stay at a resort tbh ive never done that
66. what is the most beautiful thing in nature?
waterfalls. or rivers or just. water in nature. and very green forests. aNd snow.
67. favorite type of candy?
68. if your life was a book, what would be the title?
i can and will do arson, an autobiography
69. what movie quotes do you use of a regular bases?
i quote john mulaney and whatever my obsessions are pretty regularly
70. what was cool when you were young but not cool now?
silly bandz. pokemon cards. these weird unicorn figures i collected
71. what’s the craziest conversation you have ever eves dropped on?
im mostly the one having the weird conversations
72. what’s the most interesting documentary you’ve ever watched?
i watched one about dogs and cats and their evolution which was lit
73. what’s the worst hairstyle you’ve had?
when i let the lady just go fuckin ham on my hair bc i was watching spirit that horse movie and didnt wanna stop so it was. rly bad bangs and hella short in back but not the sides
74. what do you like to cook?
whatever im hungry for. i don't have the energy to cook a lot
75. what’s the coolest animal you’ve seen in the wild?
really pretty tropical fish
76. what’s the funniest tv show you’ve ever seen?
idk. i rly like schitts creek its pretty amusing
77. do you usually follow your heart or your head?
heart at first but my head if things get bad
78. what is your favorite quote?
"i have a splitting headache and i think i'm dying. how are you?"
or a character just saying "try harder" when another failed to do smth.
this is supposed to be deep or whatever but im in a Mood
79. what’s the weirdest crush you have ever had?
once had a crush on a character in a minecraft parody lmao
80. what’s your love language?
sending shit that makes me think of them. n just. making tons of stuff for them both online and irl like bracelets.
81. do you ever feel alone?
oh yeah. all the time. im not but it feels like i am which sucks
82. ever been bullied?
83. are you usually early or late?
late bc of my parents rip
84. what kind of art do you enjoy most?
drawing, or writing. also theater.
85. what do you wish you knew more about?
i just wish i could remember everything ive learned more about. i know a lot i just forget all.
id like to know more about forensics tho
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kimerarts · 7 years
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“Look Sam! I did it!” (children practicing magic in the swamp)
Guess who did a new AU!! I did! I call it the Naga!Danny AU cause I can’t think of another name rn
I’ll put all the details I got so far under the link (oh and also 3 extra images cause I was very exited and i draw more hehe)
Takes place in a world where magic is real and humans live in a medieval-victorian like era, mythos (mythological creatures) and some humans can wield magic, humans have more variety in what kind of magic they can use but mythos are more specialized and stronger in their kind of magic. Humans separated the mythos into two categories: Monsters (the dangerous ones or ones that are more likely to attack humans, like werewolves) and benigns (the ones that prefer to be left alone, like centaurs)
Maddie and Jack are monster hunters, this gained them some enemies, one of those enemies is a shadow, a monster without form that is known for their unbreakable curses. In one of their hunts they somehow anger the shadow and it wants revenge, seeing that it couldn't come close enough to the hunters it decides to curse one of the hunters offspring, they had been fool to drag their children to the hunt. the shadow attacked the closer to it but before it could activate the curse completely it was interrupted by the hunters, but it didn’t matter the curse would activate by itself in some time.
The 12 years old Danny Fenton was lucky the shadow didn't completed its curse, his parents were worried for weeks after the incident but at seeing that Danny hadn't changed at all they concluded that the shadow didn't make any curse and that it was only taunting them.
For 2 years Danny felt weird,sometimes he could swore that he had escams in his arms or that his teeth felt a little too sharp, but when he saw himself in the mirror he saw nothing in his reflex and continued with his life.
The Fentons lived in the town of Amity, the town was located near the lake Erie and the Ghoul swap (yes humans aren't very creative with names), the river that feed the lake came from the Frozen mountains in the Kre’k mountain range and continued towards the ocean with the swamp following it, More to the mountains side there was a thick forest where humans could hunt deers, rabbits and was abundant in fruit trees.
The Fenton’s house was separated from the town and was ubicated near the swamp, the volatile experiments of the adults made it clear to the townspeople that it was safest for everyone if their house was far away from the others (fires were a very dangerous thing and nobody would have let them live in the town for fear of one). Even if the Fentons were appreciated for their services they were way too extravagant to have too much respect in the town, not that the Fenton parents care for that.
Maddie and Jack were hunters and inventors, their house was oddly constructed, the main part of the house was constructed with the same bricks as all the houses in the town, though they later added another part in the roof and some other rooms at the sides, the rooms weren't the same size so that the house was very asymmetric and it gave it an odd look to the outsiders, even so Danny loved his house.
Danny, Sam and Tucker were best friends since very young, Tucker was an inventor, though he invented things to make his life easier, Sam was a magic user, she learns everything from her grandma, her favorite magic was the plant and healing kinds, though she knew a little of shadow and fire magic to use in self defense. Magic users were not well seen by the humans because of they could wield magic like the monsters (they conveniently forgot that benigns could do magic too… jerks), so if discovered magic users were treated lower than dirt and were usually enslaved.
Danny learned how to hunt from his parents but he is not interested in killing monsters, he is only willing to kill animal for food and really hates when the other hunters kill for sport (when they kill a deer just for the antlers and leave the body behind), though he is an excellent tracker, he can track any animal or human in land and even the turtles and crocodiles in the swamp, nobody knows how he does it but don't complain when they have turtle to eat. Sam doesn't like that innocent animals are killed but she understands it’s for food (if it was for her she would live of only plants and fruit, but it is not possible in that era)
When Danny reached his 14 bday he was alone in the swamp near his house with only Sam and Tucker as company, his parents had gone to a hunt and would be away for a few days, and his sister was in town teaching to read to the children. The three friends were in search for any fish in the traps that Tucker had built and when the sun was at its highest point danny felt a great pain and screamed, then he passed out.
When Danny woke up his face was in the mud and his legs felt funny, well his everything felt funny, Danny then tried to stand up but for some reason he couldn't and when he saw his “legs” he knew why, he had no legs anymore in its place there was a long muscled snake body covered with black escames, then Danny saw his hands and those were covered with white escames that went as far as his forearm and his fingernails were now small white claws.
Danny then saw his reflection in the dirty water, his hair changed from black to white and his ears were more pointy than before but the thing that was most shocking were his eyes, they were completely green with two vertical slits as pupils. Danny knew that he had transformed somehow into a naga for what his parents told him nagas were one of the most dangerous monsters, nobody knew what kind of magic they were stronger but everybody knew nagas were the most poisonous creatures, their bite was mortal and even their meat and blood wasn't safe to eat for any animal.
When Sam and Tucker called for his name Danny didn't knew what to do, they have seen his transformation and had waited until he woke up to ask him what just happened, Danny told them that he didn't knew and then they agreed to go to Danny's house because maybe his parents have some information in this. Sam and Tucker had to help danny (half dragging him) towards the house (danny doesn't know how to move his snake body yet)
That's how all starts, Danny is now a half monster and after Danny mastered his transformation from human to naga and vice Sam teaches danny some of her shadow magic (they were experimenting what kind of magic Danny can do) and Danny is very good at it, he uses shadows to hide himself, it works better in the night, (this AU version of invisibility) Danny doesn't tell his parents for fear that they will experiment in his naga form and then kill him.
After 2 weeks of Danny transformation monsters start to appear in the town and cause problems in there, Danny Sam and Tucker decided to stop the monsters from causing too much damage to their town and end up saving most of them from the Fenton parents, later Sam teaches Danny fire magic, then Danny can use green fire to attack the most violent monsters (version of ectoblasts)
They later decide that Danny’s naga form should have the name Serpent, it was way better that the name the humans started calling him after someone saw a shadow of him, they were calling him Snaeky (like snake and sneaky fused toegether), Danny hates that name
Because I didn’t want all ghost to be monsters in this AU I made a list (ok 2 lists)
-Trollbox: this au version of the box ghost, he is a small troll that likes to do a mess everywhere he goes, mostly for attention, very weak and annoying
-Ember: she is a siren (humanoid creature, only merpeople have fish tails) her blue hair moves from her head like underwater, tho is so bright blue that some humans think is fire, she likes the attention of people when she sings, tho it has a little lure in it that made humans want to approach her and forget what they were doing
-Wulf: lone werewolf, he didn't like his previous pack’s ideology of eating humans and other mythos so he left them, bad side is that he’s hunted by humans, he makes Danny and his friends his new pack and then lives in the forest near Amity
-Nocturne: octopi (half human half octopus… like ursula in the little mermaid), lives in the ocean but like the octopus he can go to land if he wishes, he spacializes in mind magic, visits Amity one night out of curiosity, is neutral with Danny after the encounter
-Frostbite: he and his tribe are yetis (oh wow… shocking -_-... anyway) they live in the frozen mountain and is thanks to their magic over ice and snowstorms that the river that feeds Amity exists, Danny learns ice magic with them
-Pandora: arachni (half human half spider, it made sense with her four arms ok!) she is the queen of the Akr’us empire, they live underground in most of the Kre’k mountain range (that why the name) like canon danny become allies with them at returning a treasure that boxy stole
-Aragon and Dorathea: they are actually dragons that can speak human language, they have a kingdom (more like Aragon ate the king and stayed there as the new king), it’s full of humans but little or almost none mythos, the kingdom is in an islad near the beach where the swamp ends
-Vlad Masters/Plasmius: Vlad kew Maddie and Jack when they were young and he joined in their monster hunts too, in a incident similar at the one Danny had Vlad was cursed to be a half monster too, but he is half vampire so there isn't much he can offer to Danny to leave his father, only safety more information of magic that he could use and acceptance, tho Danny doesn't like his manipulative attitude and refuse. Vampires feed of blood (human or animal, no mythos cause magic does weird thing to their bodies) they have wings that hide them as a cape (yes he’s still the rich manipulative bastard that we all love)
-Vortex: weather spirit, likes to cause electric storms, Danny has to stop him before he creates fires in the town, after confrontation he is convinced to do his storms away from Amity.
-Undergrowth: forest spirit, after a big deforestation he awakes and wants revenge towards the humans, after confrontation he is asured that humans will not desforest more than they need, he then goes back to the forest (he will be busy reforesting)
-Poindexter: weak ghost looking for revenge in his abusers, after misunderstanding becomes friends with Danny
-Amorpho: shapeshifter, likes to prank people, neutral with Danny
-Observants: weird eyeballs with long thin tentacles, they live under the ocean and almost never leave it
-Clockwork: naga,especialized in time magic, (TUE happens as in canon changing some details), becomes teacher of Danny (fuck u vlad!) and kinda father figure
-Dan: mix of naga Danny and vampire Vlad (with the snake half, the wings and Vlad greenish skin), for his thirst of blood he had drank of humans and mythos, the magic in mythos blood make him insane and homicidal- stopped by Danny and erased from the timeline for Clockwork
-Spectra: leech of people's emotions, humanoid with wrinkled skin and pointy teeths she’s very manipulative, enemie of Danny and friends.
-bertrand: shapeshifter, follows Spectra like a puppy
-Cujo: shuck (big black ghostly dog that roams near the coast), he is feared for humans tho he is just a curious creature, becomes friend with Danny roams the swamp near his house, for some reason the Fenton parents never see him
-Hotep ra: mummy that cames to Amity thanks to merchants, wants to rebuild his lost kingdom, manipules Tucker like a puppet, enemie of Danny
-Klemper: ice spirit that is always looking for friends, tho he tends to freeze everything in his path, after becoming friend with Danny he roams the Frozen mountain with his new yeti friends
-Sojourn: air elemental, explorer, can wield lighting like whips to attack or defend himself, good friend with Clockwork and visits him sometimes, becomes a uncle figure to Danny, has way to many stories to share
-Skulker: monster hunter, wants danny cuase is very rare to even see a naga (duh), is in good terms with Vlad (tho he doesnt know about the half monster thing)
-Technus: inventor of skulker weapons, besides his best friend, extravagant like the Fentons but not interested in hunting
-Johnny and Kitty: horse riders, rebels, after confrontation they are friends with Danny (they adopted him as a little brother, yes they know about the naga thing when Danny tried to stop them for causing too much chaos)
-Walker: runs a prison, tho is very far from Amity, wants to imprison humans and mythos that go against the rules (his rules)
-Freakshow: slaves mythos for his cirqus (monsters and beings), Danny has to be saved by his friends
-Pharia Dark: enemy king, tries to invade the kingdom in where danny lives, Amity is his starting point in conquest, he uses magical artifacts of power created by some mages in his kingdom
-Fright knight: loyal knight (not really) of Pharia Dark, mounts a dark alicorn and has a magic sword, changes his loyalty towards the kingdom that defeated his king
-Desiree: magician slaved by some comerciants, Danny and friends free her and she becomes an allie, she hides in the swamp in a old abandoned house, Danny and friends bring her food and company, she teaches Danny and Sam what she knows of magic
-Dairy king: he is the king of the kingdom in which Amity is, good king doesnt have much enemies, prefers peace and daily products
-Ghost writer: he's known as writer, he teach the kids in the school, his favourite recreation is writing and reading
-Youngblood: little orphan that lives in amity, is friends with Danny since before the incident, they always put pranks in grown ups (probably will get adopted by Desiree)
-Lunch lady: ( have to give her a name!) the best cook of Amity, she’s the head chef in all parties and wants to feed the children, tho she can be scary if they refuse her food
That’s all I have so far, if you guys have any ideas or question u are free to ask (u can also ask in my main blog)
ok now the 3 pictures!!
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Naga Danny hissing in anger
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Blep with his bifed tounge (also testing the air but still looking adorable)
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He grabbed and started to eat a rat like any teen would do with snacks (he still ate the rat, Sam was not pleased and Tucker foud it to funny)
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missinghmmingbird · 7 years
A Regular Saturday
Amethyst had a simple agenda for the day: play games at the arcade, grab her lunch—a ham sandwich with chips—and then visit her mermaid friend.
A mermaid AU for the latest Amedotbomb.
Words: 2704
Also on Ao3!
Amethyst ordered her usual ham sandwich, also buying some chips on the side, grabbed the bag, and ran, the ocean just in view. Her sandals flapped against the boardwalk. The sun had began to set, and far less people populated the beach since the morning.
Teens certainly loved to check out the beach once the moon rose. It was early May, after all. Yes, there were plenty of visitors because the always delightful Summer Break had at last arrived for college students the previous week. Still, it was only at the start of June when the crowds really went wild. All that aside, however, this was a perfect time.
Amethyst's face lit up when she came to where the boardwalk diverged into another path deeper into the ocean. The boardwalk there held games and even a few small rides. And she would have been more than content with spending the rest of the afternoon—and her pocket cash—to play those water shooting games for a prize, and perhaps even surprise—
Not at the moment, though. She slid down the hill and walked onto the beach, then walked over a path of rocks that reached out toward the sea. She ended up under the boardwalk and walked into the very center, jumping back onto sand. She found a group of rocks and sat on one of the smoother ones.
Taking out her sandwich and chips from the bag, she put as many chips as possible in between the buns. It wasn't complete without them! She opened her mouth.
Then she heard it. A splash. A noise of surprise escaped her throat, and she put down her sandwich. Amethyst jumped to her feet, wearing a wicked grin at the sight of fins of a green tail peeking from the water. With a quick spin, she dug into her duffel bag and took out an old fishing pole she... borrowed from Pearl.
Amethyst hurled the line in the radius of where she sat the tail. The bait, which was a piece of ham, floated in the water. She leaned against a boardwalk support, whistling. When a blond head popped out from the water, she stopped.
"It stopped being funny the first time, Amethyst." Peridot grunted, eyebrows narrowing.
Amethyst burst out laughing, arms clutching her stomach and abandoning the fishing pole. "Dunno what you're on about. Still cracks me up," she said after recovering. She swung her feet to sit down again and again grabbed her sandwich. "Hey, girl! Wanna piece?"
"Thank you, I suppose, but we've discussed this already. I don't eat." Peridot shook off some seaweed that littered her hair and swam up to Amethyst. She rested her arms on the rocks.
"Have you ever tried? I'm sure you can?" Amethyst suggested.
"Well, we can. I've known merpeople whose curiosity beat their common sense and tried your human food. Whatever it was didn't go well with their systems." Peridot eyed the sandwich and stuck out her tongue. "We're picky, I suppose you can say."
"Pft, weird." Amethyst adjusted herself, dipping her feet into the water, and put the rest of her sandwich into her mouth. "More for me, then," she added, but the food in her mouth made it come out more mumbled than not.
Peridot squinted. "Humans require random pieces of substance in order to survive. How is that not weird?"
"Food's great! Don't knock it!" Amethyst defended, then leaned back. She sorted through her bag to retrieve a notebook and a pencil and pen. Placing the notebook nearly atop her legs, she said, "'Kay, what'd you do today, then? Besides not eat delicious food?"
Peridot shook her head. "Let's see... well, I did find an abandoned ship a few miles off."
Amethyst gawked, quickly distracted from her notebook. “Shut up! What was it like?”
“Well, abandoned—”
“So observant, Peri.” Amethyst fluttered her eyelids.
“And creepy,” Peridot added, completely dismissing Amethyst’s snarky remark. “It looks as if it sank centuries ago. Since I’ve only recently started journeying away from home, there’s so much I haven’t seen before.”
“Look at you, checkin’ stuff out. You gotta show me someday!” Amethyst exclaimed, leaning forward with excitement.
“Yes, let me just get my magical device where humans can breathe underwater,” Peridot teased, but still grinning.
“Oh, so you’re finally working on it. Great!”
"You'll have to be the first test subject."
"Worth it!"
Peridot rolled her eyes. "So what did you do today, then? See any abandoned ships out there?"
Amethyst shrugged as she scribbled into her notebook. "Hung out at the arcade, played some games, junk like that. Nothing special." Her voice was curt, eyes concentrated on her work which she angled so Peridot couldn't look. "My life's boring. If I was a mermaid, I'd probably... well, I dunno what exactly, but it'd still be cool!"
Peridot scoffed. "Oh, please. I've only been exploring recently, and I can only travel so far. Otherwise, my home has nothing to do! Humans have so much more, er, things to do! From what I've seen, you can do so much more!"
"I guess that's true, but do you ever talk to any other humans? 'Sides me?"
"Not really." Peridot shook her head after thinking it over. "At most, I come near the beach to see you and that's it."
"Aww, how sweet!" Amethyst feigned a moment of swooning.
"Anyway!" Peridot exclaimed, blush dusting her pale cheeks. "I don't meet a lot of humans, if not any at all. You might very well be the first, unless I met one and completely forgot. Which I doubt is the case. You're definitely the first one I've ever become friends with."
"... S-seriously?"
"Of course I'm serious."
Amethyst's gaze averted from Peridot, face feeling warm. In attempts to brush off her racing heart, she added hastily and with a burst of fake pride, "Aren't I special!"
"I-I guess! I mean, yes, but... you know what I mean."
"That's reassuring. Lemme have this one, P-dot."
"R-right." Peridot eyed Amethyst's notebook, which Amethyst returned her attention to and had kept it there for several minutes now. With a suspicious eye, she glanced back up at Amethyst. "What are you doing, exactly, with that tablet?"
Amethyst's body froze. "Uhh, nothing! Don't worry 'bout it!" she shouted quickly, face painted red.
"I'm not worried about it!" Peridot tossed her a lazy wave. "I'm just asking what it is."
"I don't want to show you..." Amethyst turned away, pouting.
Peridot pulled herself a few inches from the water. "Why not? What is it!? Amethyst! Come on!" she whined, clasping her hands together. "Please!"
"Oh, pft, now you know the word please! Fine!" Amethyst exhaled a loud breath, but pointed firmly at Peridot, who lowered herself back into the water. "But don't laugh!"
"So I'm not supposed to laugh?"
"Well, I'd rather you not."
Amethyst turned the notebook around and placed it on the ground. Peridot observed it, getting as close as she could with her limited movement. She squinted at it, almost grabbed it before Amethyst yanked it away, shouting she worried it would get all wet. Finally, Peridot hummed.
“Is that me? How did you do that?”
Amethyst stared at her, then back at her sketch of Peridot. Her eyes grew. “Are you kidding? Ya’ll don’t have drawing? Or just... art!? Tell me I’m reaching or something.”
“Art? No, that doesn't sound familiar. This sounds familiar to meep morps. They're basically things we make out of other things. But we don't have paper, for, well, obvious reasons.”
"Meep—'kay, not gonna bother with that." Amethyst shook her head. "But it's, ya know, close to that."
"Then you're making art of me?" Peridot's pitch elevated.
She bowed her head and placed her notebook neatly back onto her lap. "It's not that good." She glared at the way the eyes didn't align properly, and she could never get Peridot's hair right! She cleared her throat. "I mean, yeah, I am, but... eh, I like to do this junk in my spare time."
"I like it."
"You do?"
"It's me, so of course I do." Mischief sparked in Peridot's eyes.
Amethyst grinned back, snickering.
"But you haven't drawn just me, have you?"
Amethyst snickered. "Gosh, of course not. I've been drawing stuff before meeting you. I've got a couple in here. Wanna see?"
Peridot nodded, and Amethyst hesitantly offered her notebook to her, though giving her a small threat ("Get the pages soaked, and you owe me a new one... somehow."). Peridot began flipping through the pages, angling her body so that while she did so, Amethyst could see what drawings Peridot was looking at. "Wow," Peridot commented under her breath, making Amethyst blush.
There were a few simple drawings, like one of a frog that she had found and brought home with her on a walk one day (she named it Cthulhu because why not?), but Amethyst noticed the ones where she was most inspired to actually kind of try.
Peridot stopped at one of those and glanced over her shoulder at Amethyst. She pointed at the drawing of Amethyst's favorite animal. "Now what's this?"
"Oh, that's a puma!" Amethyst took back the notebook, quietly amazed it sustained no water damage. "I like me some tigers. They're pretty cool land creatures that run real fast. I should just bring a whole book of things humans with feet have that you nerds don't. Pearl probably has something. I can show you all kinds of things you're missing out on."
"That'll probably be a lot of things," Peridot grumbled, mood quickly and visibly deflated.
Amethyst sighed, staring at her mermaid friend for a moment. "I'm guessing the movies are wrong, then?"
Peridot glanced at her. “What movies?”
Amethyst smiled. She had explained what movies a while back, talking about her favorites—the House, though that was due to irony and irony alone, and anything with comic book heroes where they didn’t take everything so seriously! So she was glad Peridot remembered.
As for mermaid movies… Amethyst shrugged. “Ya know, the ones where they have mermaids, and they can magically have feet on land. The rules are different sometimes—can’t touch water, can’t be out after the moon rises, stuff like that. Either way, you'd be able to be sort of human and see a bunch of stuff you can't really enjoy as a mermaid.”
Peridot made a noise of distaste. “Then those are grossly inaccurate, at best! No, I’ve always been a mermaid. Never a human. I don’t know a single mermaid who could walk on land. There have certainly been myths, but they never have proven to be actually true. We've got fins, and that's it.”
“Well, there has to be a way, I'm sure,” Amethyst exclaimed, arms spread out, then lowered her voice with a paranoid look around. The sun had long since set, and the beach side had a tired feel to it. Not many walked the boardwalk at this time, but still! She pulled her legs back up to stand up. “I never knew mermaids existed until I met you! Ya’ll were just myths to me! Maybe there’s a-a-a witch or-or a alchemist who can give you the ability to walk on land whenever you want!”
“There’s never been anything like that," Peridot said sternly. "Don’t you think we’d know if mermaids could walk on land? Of course I’d want to be able to in order to… to…” Peridot stopped, voice growing quiet until Amethyst could hear nothing from her. Peridot just stared at Amethyst in a weird way that made Amethyst's chest flutter.
“To what?”
Peridot blinked. “Uh… experience, you know, human things,” she mumbled, much shyer than previously. "See what it's like in comparison to my world."
Amethyst smiled at her. “Heck, I’d love to show you everything... around here, at least. I mean, yeah, that kinda sucks, but… I still like hanging out with you, if it helps. Tail and all.”
“I would hope so.” Peridot flashed her a smug grin.
Amethyst laughed. Then her phone buzzed. She checked the time after retrieving it from her pocket. “Aww, shoot! Pearl’s gonna have my head if I’m late again! Ugh!” she groaned, grabbing everything and placing the pole and her notebook back inside her bag.
"You have to go already?" Peridot could not conceal her disappointment. "It feels like we just got here!"
Amethyst threw the bag around her shoulder and turned to Peridot. “Sadly, yup. I got stuff to do tomorrow, but maybe I can see you Monday?”
Peridot’s lower lip pouted out, but she nodded. “I'll be waiting. Don’t be late like this time.”
“I wasn’t late! How do you know how time works? You live underwater without any clocks! For all you know, I was ten minutes early.”
“We still have the concept of time, Amethyst.”
"I guess that's true." She paused, halfway turning to walk away, but she stopped. Her eyes grazed over the rocks she stood on. Water washed over them as the ocean levels rose. Tiny splashes of water tickled her feet. Something stuck to her mind, and she worried about saying anything…
“Is something wrong?”
Amethyst looked back at Peridot, flinching. Again, hesitating.
Peridot’s glare deepened. “I can tell that something's bothering you, so—”
“Why me?”
Peridot's eyebrow rose. “Why you… what?”
“It's just... I wanna know! How am I the only human you’ve ever been friends with? There’s gotta be way more interesting humans out there to talk to. And way smarter ones who could tell you about all kinds of things you'd probably like! People who, ya know, don't just waste their time doing nothing all week. Why is it me that you decided ‘hey, maybe we can be friends’?” Amethyst’s questions came out in a rush, but nothing was stopping her yet. She let out an awkward laugh and threw her head back. “Is it ‘cause we both have gem names or something? Something dumb like that, because I guess it could be worse but—”
Amethyst realized she was rambling and felt her face burn. She glanced down at Peridot, who had this determined look in her eyes. Amethyst sat back down, hand sitting in her lap.
Peridot sighed. “I don’t know why you’re the one that caught my attention out of other humans. After all, you aren’t the first one who saw me in the ocean by chance and tried to investigate like a typical nosy human.”
Amethyst rolled her eyes. “Great. That really helps,” she mumbled with a grimace.
“Wait!” Peridot hissed, as if afraid Amethyst would walk away then and there. She sighed heavily. “I don’t know why, but… I certainly don't regret that. You are much easier to talk to than anyone—or anything, really—so I kept coming back. I don't care about 'smarter' humans or ones who don't waste their time, whatever that refers to. I just... liked you. And still like you, I should clarify." Peridot pulled her gaze away when she finished, blush brushing her cheeks again.
Words failed Amethyst. She could tell her eyes were beginning to water and shook her head, hoping her hair could conceal her moment of weakness.
Peridot recoiled. "Oh, shells! Amethyst, I thought that would be at least a little reassuring, but—" Her hand awkwardly reached out toward Amethyst's lap, but never got there.
"S-stop, stop. Don't worry!" Amethyst interrupted her, shaking her hands. "I'm fine, I'm cool. I guess I'm just freakin' over nothing." She threw out a quick breath of laughter. "Typical Amethyst."
"Sure. Typical Amethyst," Peridot agreed but with a deadpan. Then she smirked. "You should probably leave or else that Pearl will take your head. I'd much prefer seeing you return with your head."
Amethyst giggled. "I make no promises." She leaned forward one last time to say inches from Peridot's face, "Night, Peri."
"Good night, Amethyst."
Amethyst turned and ran back up to the boardwalk. She took out her notebook one last time, flipping back to her portrait of Peridot. Her pace slowed, and she smiled. Being late became less of a concern because she couldn't stop staring. It wasn't that it was an amazing drawing, but...
It was certainly one of her favorites.
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