#I genuinely forgot to fucking save bro I noticed after i fucking GOT TO THE MINES
crimescrimson · 1 month
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Rebecca Chambers in Resident Evil Remastered (2002)
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
Hands of Time 3-4
Jay: (wearing the snake samurai helmet)
Nya: It doesnt do anything?
Jay: Other than make me look cool ;)
Jay: What! Ik how to accessorize 😒
Wus so old 😭
Yes kai. Go ask Dr Saunder for help. Youll totally not find exactly what your looking for…..
Okay… so Krux BRED snakes and made a new species of serpentine????
Thats… something.
The funniest thing is Wu just randomly falling asleep when hes halfway giving wisdom/advice
Wus doing this on purpose istg 💀
I remember it being this exact season where I started to legitimately like Kai as a character
Im never getting over this
I love little kid Kai so much I NEED to hold him.
Im never shutting up about this
Lmaoooo the time brothers put Kai at undeserving high standards 😭
Like no. He didnt figure out your plan. Hes just here for advice.
Cole: Acronix! But I thought- I thought he got finished off!
No. He didnt.
You guys didnt think for one MINUTE that he mightve escaped and were very willing to believe he just died then and there.
Nya, Jay, and Cole (after watching Zanes memory footage and seeing Dr Saunders and Acronix): DR SAUNDERS?!?!?!?
Jay: Oooooh I always knew there was something snakey about that guy!
Nya: No there wasnt! Dr Saunders was such a kind old man. Remember all those school field trips to the museum?
I forgot they were teachers once.
Jay: EXACTLY! And how boring were those!
Cole (quietly and shyly): I kinda liked them…
Im being fed so much mudshock content rn that its honestly shocking (no pun intended)
Kais so oblivious😭
At least the mudshock team is gonna save him
☹️ she wasnt able to
Kai (refusing to leave because he might find some interesting info but completely unaware of everything around him) But you never know what will open a door to secret information…
Kai: (sits on a chair and opens a secret passageway and doesnt notice AT ALL)
Kai (suddenly becomes intelligent and cracks a piece of the puzzle): The helmet is just like the time brothers! That means Krux must still be around somewhere!
Krux/Dr Saunders: Thats ridiculous! I told you- (mustache rips and falls off)
Okay but Kai can actually be legitimately smart when he wants to be.
Jay: Wish we had the others to help us fight these snake samurais.
Cole: Well, say hello to our newest members! (Uses lava punch hands)
Cole (looking at his fists): Lefty! And righty!
Cole (does the punch thing wrong and has both him and Jay fall back from the force): Woah! My bad!
Jay (addressing Coles fists): Lefty, Righty. Nice to meet you!
Jay: Also, DO BETTER.
Theyre so goofy I love them
Okay but how does Coles magic hands actually work.
Im a huge fan of their Hands of Time ninja suits. I genuinely love how detailed every ninjas suit design is.
I dont like this ☹️
Hes sounds so distressed
I promise you Kai your parents helped the time brothers against their will
This is actually reminding me of The Tournament of Elements.
Why is Kai so easily manipulated.
That doesnt mean hes not smart tho.
Props to the writers tho, theyre very consistent with his character.
Kai: (about to get time punched)
Nya: (water surges Acronix)
Nya: awww gee, what a mess! And to think we just cleaned up the museum.
I love her so much
Im used to Kai calling Nya ‘sis’ but I physically recoiled when she said “back at ya BRO.”
Kinda sucks to be in love with your brothers wife :/
This is directed at Wu btw
I kinda liked that scene, it showed that Wu doesnt know everything. That hes just as scared as the ninja sometimes.
Aaand hes talking gibberish
Pixals so pissed at Nya that she can’t figure out whats wrong with Zane 😭
Nya: Maybe what you need issss…
Pixal: Please dont say a new binary cord….
Nya: A new binary cord!!!!
Pixal: NO.
Misako: Tell them, they might be able to help.
Jay and Cole: (trying to figure out why the time brothers are taking citizens)
Kai: (trying to figure out how to kill his dad)
Cole: Did acronix do something to you?
Kai: More like what he said…
Kai: Dont worry about it, im fine.
Cole: Good! Cause its time to start-
That was the most least convincing ‘im fine’ ever and Cole just straight up shrugged and took it
Cole: Its time to start fighting!
Kai (seriously): So your saying we should kidnap one of those snake warriors for Wu to interrogate?
Cole:… well, I just wanna fight something- but sure!
Imagine if your little sibling was given legit authority and power over you as a ‘master’
This is about Lloyd being given temporary power over the ninja
Theyre acting so weird about it too 😭 which is hilarious bc i would act the same way
The ninja are like: are you being fr right now 🤨
Cole: Okay! temporary master lloyd in training, we mere ninja await your answers 😌
Okay but WHY are the time brothers vermillion warriors stealing all the metal?????
Ronin: wait.
Ronin: Why would anyone steal your fake trophies?
Dareth: I know!!! They were irreplaceable. Thats why im here to buy replacements :)
Ronin: …
Ronin: You want world championships this time or just intercontinental?
They’re genuinely so cute 😭
My new fav ship dynamic might be incompetent x too competent
Jay looks so punchable right now. Hes always punchable but like, his punchable meter is flying off the charts right now.
Jay: (slurping extremely loudly)
Cole: What are you doing!?!?
Jay: Im bored so im messing with Lloyd 😌
Kai: Yeah, well, now hes gonna start his plan all over-
Ronin: Sorry to interrupt what looks to be the most boring party game ever but the cities being attacked!
The ninja: YES!!!!
Lloyds actually making sense. They should listen to him…
Lloyd: Im ordering you to stay!
Kai: And we’re ignoring that order.
Be nicer to him :((((
My favorite reoccurring battle move is probably Pixal rerouting all of Zanes eletrical surges to his chest so he can electrocute his opponents
The time brothers getting lost in the tunnels leading to their own lair is so funny to me 😭
Ronin knowing EXACTLY what to say to get Dareth to fight is great
Hot strong vermillion warrior woman my beloved 😍
Lloyd: You heard Master Wu, he wished I was there for him when he fought Acronix. I wont disappoint him again.
Wu: You did not disappoint me Lloyd…
Wu: When I said I wished you were there, I was speaking you- the team. If I had brought you all, maybe things would have been different.
See, this is what they need to do. They need to reassure Lloyd bc just LOOK at everything he’s shouldering.
Misako: Can I tell you a secret? Wu makes mistakes, a lot of them.
Yeah. No shit.
Wu, I get that you want Lloyd to learn to make his own decisions but my guy, NOWS NOT THE TIME. Maybe, idk casually have him ease into independency. BUT RIGHT NOW THEY NEED SOME SORT OF ADVICE OR HELP. LITERALLY, ANYTHING.
Zane (still speaking gibberish): The treadmill was invented in 1818!
…. Im googling that.
Is Zane gonna be either offline, rebooting, or speaking gibberish most of this season-
Give my boy his character back. Show him cooking, being intelligent or just enjoying his life. Anything.
Zane: HOG KNOCK!!!
… did they really just…
I CANNOT believe they used up Zanes electricity, making him unconscious again. WHEN JAY IS RIGHT THERE.
Not to mention. After Zane passed out, they asked Jay for help. WHY DIDNT YOU DO THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Oh thank god Zanes FINALLY back fr now.
Zane: What have I missed?
Jay: Oh nothing much! Just missing people and snakes trying to steal your metal skin :D
Everyones going to save the people at the amusement park and Jays gonna be there all alone
Damn. Why cant villains leave Jays parents alone FOR ONE MINUTE.
Its as if other scrapyards don’t exist
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obeiii-mee · 3 years
To celebrate his birthday, I’ve done a few HCs for Satan because I’ve got nothing else planned for him at the moment and I’m still spending most of my time editing my last self sacrificing MC being saved post which should be out before Halloween. And I’m salty I missed Mammon’s bday event too but I do have something in regards to that waiting around in my inbox so I probably just need to start being more motivated lol-
Satan, the Avatar of Wrath:
>The demon that has tried to sneak strays into the House of Lamentation on multiple occasions. Whether they’d be cats from DevilDom or the Human Realm, he would whisk them off the streets and let them loose around the house on a daily basis. It was living hell for you and the rest of the brothers because even the smallest of the kittens wreaked absolute havoc everywhere they went; vases and plates were broken, there were paw prints all over the place (including the ceiling somehow), most of Asmo’s make up was left in ruins after a particularly bad incident. Lucifer had to put his foot down after he found cat hair in his coffee one morning.
>His book addiction is also getting almost as taxing as Beel’s midnight raids. Most of his purchases on Akuzon are expensive, ancient, leather-bound books and scrolls and not only are they not cheap-he also buys heaps of them at a time which started taking a toll on the bills Lucifer has to pay. It’s unclear whether he’s doing it on purpose to spite his brother or if it’s because he’s genuinely interested in such old literature. Everyone else guesses that it’s a mixture of both.
>You let him drive one time when he was visiting you in the Human Realm. Thank fuck you had such a good car warranty because the road rage he feels when behind the wheel is real. Bro probably broke your pedals and gearstick with how aggressive he was being and that was BEFORE some asshole decided to cut him off really abruptly in the middle of a traffic jam. Mf lost it after that-almost forgot you were in there with him, he was about ready to turn people’s bones into mashed potatoes with how many times he intended to run them over once he had the chance. Never again💀
>Satan volunteers to be his brothers’ tutor from time to time, with the exception of Lucifer since the eldest doesn’t really need it and he would not offer his services to him in the first place lol. He figured it wouldn’t do him any good to allow his siblings to drag his perfect scores down with their disgusting, averagely low grades so he decided they would all need a helping hand. Mammon especially, who are we kidding? Ah, turns out he’s pretty good at it too, even if studying with him is a little scary every now and then (both him and Lucifer give off ‘doing homework with your dad at the kitchen table and crying while doing it because he’s yelling’ vibes, but them and their brothers-)
>He’s responsible for most of the paintings in the house. Ngl, he shows up every few weeks with some really fancy masterpiece that just got released and proceeds to hang it randomly around the halls. Most of his siblings haven’t noticed. Neither have you. And he hasn’t said anything. Every once in a while, you look up and notice some dramatic ass painting that you swear you’ve never laid eyes on before, and then you shrug it off and assume it’s always been there and that your memory is just failing you. Mammon has stolen a few and sold them online because it’s Mammon. They were always back by the second day or so though (can imagine Satan buying all that shit back from the black market Mammon was selling it on, lmao)
>I said this before, but he smells really nice. Like…firewood….and books…and just homely stuff in general. That’s it. That’s the headcanon.
>Secretly loves hanging out with his family. He makes it seem like he always has better things to do but he doesn’t want to admit he enjoys spending time with any of his brothers, and this especially applies to Lucifer because who’d want to be around that prideful prick, huh? But the fourth born is usually the first to start planning out things like movies nights and family gatherings and he seems so excited to do it as well. By that I mean that he gets proper into it and works really hard on a family date for weeks! Is not very outwards with his feelings but he’s really happy to see everyone having a good time when he knows that he put so much effort into it. Bonus points if you decide to help him sort everything out-
>(Mammon made him a cat-shaped cake for his birthday and it didn’t come out the best-at least not compared to everyone else’s-but Satan proceeded to eat the whole thing and didn’t even say anything about it besides a ‘thank you’. Mammon bawled his eyes out in your room afterwards but don’t tell a soul. Also, you found out Satan knew his brother spend like 8 hours in the kitchen trying to make the damn thing and that’s why he barely even touched the rest of the desserts just so he could eat his even if the cake itself looked pretty dreadful. Ahhhhhhhh-)
-K, I’m done now. I need more brotherly headcanons between the bros cuz it’s adorable——
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musings-from-mars · 3 years
Welp, part 5 is a must now
Freelance Love Triangle AU - Part 5
Blake wasn’t sure why she’d been so curious about hard seltzer when she already knew she hated sparkling water. But here she was drinking what vaguely suggested that it might be cherry flavored, yet Ruby seemed to like hers, and Blake had already said she liked it. Gotta finish it now…
Cinder was right about it being quaint. Blake usually shied away from late night trips to the bar because the ones she’d been to were the “loud music, pick up chicks” types. This, however, was more easy going, softer music and people here to chat with friends more than anything else. And since it was a weekday evening, it wasn’t very busy (also a rare treat for a city like Vale).
The three of them sat at the bar, the bow tie and vest wearing barman leisurely drying a glass with a fiber cloth as he handed Cinder her cheap glass of red wine. Blake wasn’t sure what she’d been expecting, maybe that Cinder would order something from higher in the big wooden cabinet behind the bar, perhaps to show off her sophisticated tastes. But no, it was just a glass from an already opened bottle of something dark and astringent. At least she was being seemingly authentic.
Blake needed the occasional reminders that Cinder wasn’t the highbrow, high class villainess she made her out to be in her head. She was Blake’s coworker and made no more than she did. Maybe Blake just had a complex, imagining her as an opponent. And Ruby was the prize she felt like they were warring over.
I’m a fucking piece of shit. And dumb. She took another sip of alcohol soda water, accepting it as her punishment.
“Want a taste?” Cinder asked Ruby, sliding her glass to her.
The photographer eyed the dark red liquid skeptically, but she grabbed the stem of the glass anyway. “I’ll try.” She took the smallest of sips, then came away with an expression like she had just bitten into a lemon. “Heghhh…”
Cinder giggled, seeming to be genuinely amused. “It’s an acquired taste.”
Blake reached over, but looked to Cinder for permission to try. Cinder noticed, and for half a second seemed surprised, but then she smiled and nodded. Blake took a sip, and yep, it felt like all the moisture had been zapped from her mouth the moment the wine passed her tongue. She slid the glass back to Cinder. “I don’t think I’ll acquire it.”
Cinder rolled her eye, but continued to smile. Blake took a drink of her seltzer. At least now she knew it could be worse.
“So, uhm…” Ruby began, pausing to sip her drink. “When did you two, like…how’d you become writers.”
Blake looked across to Cinder, and Cinder went first. “It wasn’t my plan initially, but I eventually figured out that I wanted to write for a living. But I didn’t figure that out until I was a third year physics student at my university. Had an identity crisis, had a financial crisis, had a crisis crisis, I’m a journalist now.” She punctuated that with a sip of wine, and both Ruby and Blake laughed. “Blake had a slightly less stressful go at it, if I remember correctly.”
Blake blushed at that, but nodded in agreement. “College was the easy part. It was the after college part that was hard. Urban Valean is, like, the fifth publication I’ve written for in the past two years and it’s the first one I’ve actually enjoyed.”
“I can agree with that,” Cinder added.
“Huh.” Ruby bowed her head a bit. “So I kinda got lucky, huh?”
“Got lucky because of the magazine you’re working for? Or lucky because you’re working with us?” Cinder asked. Blake felt her face warm, both because of Cinder’s obvious flirting, but also because of her use of the word “us.”
Ruby chuckled bashfully and shrugged. Cute. “Both, I guess. You two are really cool, and…nowhere near as mean as I was worried you would be.”
“You thought we’d be mean?” Blake asked, concerned.
Ruby’s back straightened and she shook her head. “I mean, uhh…not you two specifically! I just mean, like, I always imagined I’d get teased, or like, not taken seriously at my first gig. But I liked you both pretty much right away. I’m really enjoying working on this project.” She smiled genuinely, and it made Blake’s heart soar.
“Yeah, you are pretty lucky to be working with us,” Cinder assured her with a chuckle. “And that’s not me being an ass, I mean that. There are a lot of high-strung jerks out there.”
“Yeah,” Blake agreed, then felt her breath catch in her throat. Was she talking about her?
“Blake and I are the types who…you know, we enjoy what we do, but we don’t take ourselves too seriously. At least, most of the time.” And then she winked at Blake. It was a little hard to tell at first because, well, one eye, but that was definitely a wink. She tipped her head in her direction and everything.
At least Blake wasn’t one of those high-strung jerks, then.
“Thank you both, seriously,” Ruby told them, then took the last sip of her drink. “I was so scared when I graduated, because I didn’t know what to do, but…now I feel like I’m on a good track, of some sort. I…” She paused and flinched a bit, then she pulled out her phone, and she went a bit paler. “Oh, shit! I totally forgot!”
“What?” Blake asked.
“Did you leave your other laptop in the oven?” Cinder joked.
“No no, it’s my sister. She invited me over tonight and I completely forgot. I…” She suddenly got to her feet and started fumbling around in her pockets. She finally pulled out her wallet and left a few Lien on the bar. “I am so sorry that I’m leaving so quick, I really would love to stay, but…”
“Don’t worry about it, Ruby. This won’t be our last time hanging out,” Cinder assured her. “We’ll see you in the morning, okay?”
Ruby sighed and nodded. “Thanks.” She turned towards Blake and grinned as she began to leave. “Bye! Thanks again!”
Blake and Cinder both watched her leave, and then a relative silence fell over them, with an awkward empty seat now separating the two.
Blake heard Cinder take in a deep breath, then hopped into the seat Ruby had just vacated. “Blake, can I ask you something?”
Blake’s heart was suddenly hammering in her chest, both due to the open-ended question, and the sudden reduction in distance between them. “Uhh…you just did.”
Cinder huffed the faintest laugh. “Blake, I feel like we should probably talk about this like a couple of adults.”
“Talk about what?” Blake asked, apparently deciding to play dumb.
“About Ruby,” Cinder deadpanned. “About how obviously we both seem to like her. Unless I’m misreading things horribly.”
Blake sighed and shook her head. “No, you’re just about spot on,” she admitted.
“I figured. I can’t help but feel like you view this as us both competing for her affections, but as much as I’d normally appreciate drama like that, when I’m involved, I’d prefer we handle it like real people rather than like rom-com characters.”
Cinder’s eloquence got on Blake’s nerves as usual, only now she was beginning to examine why. Cinder was so irritatingly attractive, and yet she was exactly right about the whole competing thing. Why did Blake have to view her as an opponent all the time, when they had just told Ruby how they were both just a couple of stressed out freelance writers? She took another sip of hard seltzer, realized her glass was empty, and despite her disdain for the taste, signaled the bartender for a refill.
“I am most concerned about Ruby herself,” Cinder continued. “Whether she’s even interested in either of us in that way, or if she is interested in such a relationship at all. So I believe that’s our most important concern right now. Let’s be upfront with her as well, right?”
“You want us to tell her that we both fancy her,” Blake asked, as a statement rather than as a question. The bartender slid another pint glass of fresh-from-the-can hard seltzer. “I can’t imagine that going well.” Nor could she imagine her blood pressure handling such a situation well.
“But at least then we’d know early on whether our feelings are misplaced or not,” Cinder pointed out, and finished off her glass. She signaled for another, probably mirroring Blake’s failure to adhere to her “only one drink” declaration from earlier. “It would save us the anxiety.”
“For you, maybe,” Blake said with a dry laugh. “I can’t imagine telling her something like that, especially since we’re supposed to be keeping things professional. Imagine if she freaks out and tells Robyn? She’d be in the right if she did.”
“I doubt she would, I have a good feeling, if I’m being honest,” Cinder admitted as the bartender finished refilling her glass.
“I don’t!” Blake said, an incredulous smile on her face.
“It’s up to you, Blake,” Cinder assured her and took a sip of her wine. Blake noticed a faint red tint to her cheeks. “I won’t make a move without your…input?”
“What, like, some sort of bro code?” Blake asked, raising an eyebrow at her. She took a few hasty sips from her drink, as if that would calm her down at all. “We’re not frat boys.”
“As I said, I want us to handle this like adults,” Cinder reiterated, eying Blake’s glass with faint concern. “And I think going behind your back, undercutting you…” She let that linger.
Blake sighed, her shoulders slumping a bit. “Would be shitty, yeah, I got that.”
“You don’t give yourself enough credit, Blake.”
Blake held her breath and looked at her, studying her face as she drank more wine. That came out of nowhere. “What do you mean?”
“You compare yourself to others, or most notably, to me all too often,” Cinder told her, setting her glass back down. “You are a woman of merit, and you shouldn’t hamper yourself with the expectations that other people already deal with. You are just one person. You need to do what you can, and less of what you feel like I can. You’ll stress yourself out far less once you do.”
Blake tried to take in all of that, but at this point, her head was a little too foggy to accept new information for archiving. This hard seltzer wash was more potent than she expected. Or maybe she was more of a lightweight than she thought. “Easy for you to say. You get cover so often…”
“I’ve also been doing this longer than you have,” Cinder pointed out. “You’re putting the expectations I deal with on top of your own by comparing yourself to me. I used to do that all the time, hence the crisis crisis I mentioned earlier? Once I stopped giving two fucks about everyone else, life got easier.”
Blake shook her head. She knew Cinder had a point, but she just couldn’t fathom the full breadth of her testimony. “Well, I guess I’ll start working on giving fewer fucks moving forward.” She finished her second glass all too soon. She shook her head when the bartender asked if she wanted another as he took her glass.
Cinder laughed, which weirdly made Blake feel a little better. “Everyone starts somewhere.”
“Yeah.” It certainly sounded nice, no longer caring what other people thought, or even ignoring her own head and just doing what felt right. But how did that relate to the Ruby situation? The thing that would feel right would be to go find wherever she was right now and proclaim her affections, but even that felt like too much right now. The alcohol wasn’t helping.
Cinder seemed to recognize that and took a few more sips of wine before sliding the almost-empty glass away and pushed herself off of the barstool. “Just put it on my tab, thanks.”
“Are we leaving?” Blake asked, not noticing Cinder had gotten up until she’d gently taken her by the wrist.
“You are, anyway. You need to get home.” Cinder told her as she helped her off her stool. “Lightweight.”
Blake would have argued if standing didn’t make her even woozier. She was in that odd in-betweenness of buzzed and drunk. She felt completely aware of her surroundings but felt like she was controlling all of her body’s movements manually, as if letting something go unnoticed would result in her falling over. Thankfully, Cinder kept ahold of her, though the feeling of her faintly cold hand on Blake’s wrist proved to be a distraction all on its own.
They started down the street. Blake walked as normally as she could, save for the occasional sway that Cinder would correct for her. She felt so stupid for having more than one drink despite what she said before. At least Cinder was being nice. “Wait…”
“Hm?” Cinder asked.
“My laptop,” Blake said. “I left my laptop at the office.”
“It’ll be there where you get there in the morning.”
“No, I need it tonight. I gotta take down my notes and do some preliminary searching for contact information for the artists.”
“It can wait, hun,” Cinder assured her.
“It’s on the way,” Blake half-lied. It wasn’t tremendously out of the way, but going straight home would be quicker and easier, not that Cinder knew that.
Cinder sighed and shook her head. “Fine, dumbass, let’s go to the office.”
Blake might have taken offense, but felt too victorious at successfully convincing her.
Cinder buzzed them both in with her ID card, and sure enough, Blake’s laptop bag was still on her chair. They were the only ones at the office at this late an hour. It felt eerily quiet, considering how noisy it could be during the day. In Blake’s slightly intoxicated state, it was especially surreal.
“Do you…do you need to sit down for a moment?” Cinder asked, her voice lulling.
Blake hadn’t put her bag over her shoulder yet, instead holding the shoulder strap as it rested on the floor. She considered Cinder’s suggestion, then shook her head. “No, I’m fine. Just tired.” Then she swayed a little too far in one direction, overcorrected in the other, and began to stumble. “Huh-!”
Cinder stepped forward quickly and caught her, wrapping her arms securely around Blake’s shoulders in an awkward embrace. “Careful!”
Blake groaned in annoyance, then held her breath when she fully recognized her position, held tightly in Cinder’s arms, face-to-face with her. “Sorry,” she whispered. “I just lost my balance for a bit, I’m fine.”
Cinder shook her head at her. She licked her lips before speaking, as if it was difficult to find the words. “No, you need to sit down.”
“Why?” Blake asked, finding herself unable to look away from Cinder’s lips.
“You’re not fit to walk home yet,” Cinder told her, her voice quieter than before, almost a whisper. She began to slowly lead Blake to her desk chair without letting go of her. “Just sit until you feel better.”
“But…no,” Blake said, almost a mumble.
“Why not?”
“I don’t want you to let go of me yet.”
Blake didn’t realize what she said until noticing the look on Cinder’s face, her eye wide and her mouth hanging open slightly. Blake’s face got so hot she thought she might break out into a sweat.
“You want me to keep holding you?” Cinder asked quietly.
Blake couldn’t meet her face, instead staring at the collar of Cinder’s jacket. At first she wanted to double back and correct herself, but then again…
She let her head drift forward until her forehead rested on Cinder’s shoulder, and she did her best to wrap her arms around her despite Cinder pinning them to her sides. Cinder felt tense, but Blake let herself relax within her embrace, letting out a slow sigh.
“Blake?” Cinder whispered to her, but didn’t continue.
“Just hold me,” Blake said back, voice muffled by Cinder’s jacket.
“Do you like it when I hold you?” Cinder asked.
Cinder let out a shaky breath, then chuckled softly. She shook her head as she allowed Blake to sink further into the embrace. “Yeah. I like it too.”
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matchasprouts · 3 years
Listen Closer - Chapter 5
[ can't stop won't stop. when will Lawrence not get cockblocked by Nar <///3 ]
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Luckily for all of them, Garrett did finish that furnace before the day was over. He managed to check the trigger on the fire right before passing out face down on his bed. He told them they’d just move it to the house in the morning.
It wasn’t morning when they moved it, but it got moved out of his room at the very least before he was running out to get to his real job. He was definitely going to be late, but at least he wouldn’t have to deal with that giant machine in his living space anymore. Mark and Amanda could figure out how to get it to the house themselves.
“You’re late,” one of his coworkers teased as he clocked in and he just rolled his eyes. “And you look like shit. How do you live like this?” they continued, receiving a short glare from Garrett.
He didn’t necessarily hate his coworkers, but he wasn’t friends with them either. “Easily,” he replied shortly, leaving no more room for conversation as he clipped his nametag on his shirt and got to work.
Normally he wasn’t so short with them, but he was tired and wanted to get on with the day so he could help with the final preparations for the game.
The day went by quickly, especially because Nar remembered he had his phone number and would occasionally send him pictures of Amanda working, or a joking picture of Hoffman’s ass. He even received a picture of Lawrence ranting about something, probably a bad hospital show. Stuff like that always got him through the day.
“Is that your new boyfriend?” The coworker from earlier, Nadia, asked when they got a glimpse of one of the Hoffman ass pics. They backed off at the look Garrett gave them.
“No.” That was where he left it, putting his phone in his pocket and getting back to work. He was very lucky that Nadia didn’t get the chance to see him turn bright red at the mere idea of Hoffman being his boyfriend.
It was around 5pm when Garrett finally got off, practically running out of the bookstore and heading directly for his car. He was kind of aware of Nadia trying to talk to him as he sped out of the door, but didn’t care enough to stay put.
He was partly rushing so much because he needed to help finish the trap, but mostly because right before his shift ended, he’d gotten a text from Nar:
‘help gordon is trying to walk and idk what to do, he’s just hobbling around with his lil prosthetic help-’
He TOLD Gordon to wait until he could help him, and now he was speeding toward the base, two miles away from being pulled over for how fast he was driving. Plus there was the fact that the other two apprentices weren’t supposed to know about him, according to John, and the picture attached to the text showed him one of the main work rooms.
Fucking idiot, Gordon was supposed to be smart and here he was, being the dumbest bitch in the Jigsaw house, stepping way too close to getting killed.
… Apparently the other apprentices weren’t home.
Amanda was already at the Nerve Gas House to help with finishing touches, and Hoffman was at the precinct to “help” with the newest Jigsaw case, meaning Gordon was not in danger of being killed.
Garrett still scolded him.
“I can’t believe you!” He hissed as Gordon leaned into his side, trapped by the arm across his back and the hand placed on his midriff. “I told you! I told you not to try to move around without my help! You know Nar can’t support your weight!!”
Gordon just chuckled at him, the gravelly sound just pissing him off more rather than flustering him like usual.
“Lawrence!! This isn’t a joke!!! I’m genuinely worried about your dumb ass!!!!” Garrett continued, his voice slightly more high pitched in annoyance. Gordon just laughed at him again, making him huff as he practically dragged the doctor back to his room.
It was when he was finally sat down that Gordon said something. “I know you’re worried, but I wasn’t going to call you out of work just so I can walk around.”
“Wh- That’s what I expected you to do!!” Garrett countered, almost offended at the idea that Gordon thought his job was more important than him. “You literally can’t walk without help, and you’ve been bedridden for months! You don’t even have a cane yet!”
Gordon was just watching him at this point as he continued to list off reasons he should have been called, a small smile on his face at how animated Garrett got when he was passionate about something.
“... Why are you staring at me like that?” Garrett asked once he noticed Gordon’s gaze, his hands frozen midair in one of his wild gestures.
“You called me Lawrence.” Garrett’s eyes widened, he hadn’t even noticed. “And I like listening to your voice. I know you’re busy, but I wish you would visit more often, even if it was just to talk.”
Bro stop you’re scaring the hoes with attachment issues who are afraid of relationships (Garrett).
“Wh- I don’t-” Garrett’s stammering was cut off by Gordon’s lip suddenly connecting with his, and he mentally cursed himself for almost immediately melting into it.
The kiss didn’t last long because Gordon had stood up to reach Garrett, and he pulled back to sit back down on the bed, but that didn’t last long either.
As if he’d been waiting for it his whole life, Garrett practically lunged at the doctor, pulling him into another, slightly more desperate kiss. His hands were gripping Gordon’s shirt hard enough that it would definitely be forever wrinkled like that, and he was pretty much in the other man’s lap.
He was worried he was coming off too strong for all of two seconds, the concern dissipating when Gordon’s hands found his hips, holding him there in a tight grip.
Garrett had just begun to thread his fingers through Gordon’s hair- two seconds away from pulling at it- when there was a knock on the door.
Both of them jumped, Garrett shooting back like he’d been shocked. “I forgot we weren’t alone,” he whispered to Gordon, gaining a soft laugh from the doctor. Both of them took a moment to put themselves back together (when had Gordon started unbuttoning Garrett’s shirt?) before answering the door.
Nar glanced between the two of them, seemingly surprised that they looked like they had when they went in- luckily, the room was dark enough to conceal their flushed faces and Garrett’s very red lips.
“You done yelling at him?” he asked Garrett, who nodded in reply. “Good. John wants you at the Nerve Gas House, he wants you to set up the razor box.” Right. Garrett had forgotten about that.
He took one last glance at Gordon before sighing. “I’m so sick of that box,” he muttered, though he accepted his fate and headed out in far less of a frenzy than before. To be completely honest, he didn’t want to leave. He wanted to finish what he started with Gordon. But… the others needed his help, and he needed to give it.
That didn’t mean he didn’t spend the whole drive there thinking about the feeling of Gordon’s lips on his, and what else he could do to the good doctor the next time they were alone.
“Does that look good?” Garrett asked Hoffman once the razor box was attached to the ceiling, taking a few steps back to stand next to the detective.
He’d been having trouble with getting the box to hang evenly, which was a struggle he was no stranger to, so he’d brought Hoffman in to take a look at it.
The detective tilted his head slightly to the side as he inspected it, before letting out a soft hum. “You finally got it,” he confirmed, straightening back up. He didn’t flinch when Garrett let out a triumphant whoop, which was proof that one could get used to him quickly.
“You’re a godsend,” Garrett told him, slapping him on the shoulder before leaving the room, running down the hall to tell John and Amanda the good news. He could hear Hoffman following him, but absolutely did not slow down.
He skidded into the main room where John and Amanda were going over the plan for the thousandth time, almost tripping over his own foot and sending himself crashing into the ground. His only saving grace was Hoffman grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him back onto his feet.
John and Amanda stared at him like he was crazy for all of two seconds, before completely ignoring the fact that he almost just curbstomped himself into the floor. “I finally got the razor box straight,” Garrett spoke up, also acting as if he did not almost just die. “All my traps are good to go. Now, I desperately need sleep, so I’m gonna go home and take a two hour nap.”
He wasn’t. He was going to go back to his apartment and frantically draw up plans until he passed out from sleep deprivation at 2am. That was his permanent Jigsaw trap, one he could never escape from.
Wow. That was the most emo thought he’d had since middle school.
“Anyway. Good-bye.” With that, he turned on his heel and walked out of the house, but not after patting Hoffman- who had still been awkwardly standing behind him- on the chest, slipping a piece of paper into the front pocket of his shirt.
What was on it, you ask? A gay little doodle of Hoffman setting up the door gun. Why did he give it to him? He doesn’t know how to flirt. This is the best he’s got.
He went straight ‘home’ after that, a little annoyed he couldn’t go back to the base but also knowing that his neighbours were weirdly nosy and would “get concerned” if he didn’t show up to his apartment regularly.
Plus, his couch there was a really comfortable bed.
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missjackil · 6 years
A Dose of SPN Positivity!
For those who know me, they know I love this show.... flaws and all! im critical sometimes, but not overly. Bottom line, I am addicted to the story and Im in love with Sam and Dean.  With Season 14 about to start, and we’re all getting antsy, too much negativity has been flying around, so I want to share some things i love most about the show, and maybe make some of you reflect for a moment and think “Yeah, that is pretty great” and smile.  Supernatural has been referred to as “The Little Show That Could” and to me, its such a fitting description. Logically, on the surface, it looks like it just can’t. I mean, how can a fantasy/horror show, survive with such a low budget, light special effects, and not very scary most of the time. I mean hell, they dont even have that many monsters that look like monsters, so why has it lasted longer than a season or 2? Let alone, 14 seasons with no signs of stopping yet. First and foremost is obvious. Sam and Dean and the actors who play them.  This essay will be full of gushing about these boys, so if you dont feel like enduring such a hardship, scroll on past. if that interests you.....
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Yes these 2 fabulous men are the life blood of this show. Without them, we’d have nothing. THEY are the reason, this little show can, and does. Even those who like one and not the other, even if they dont realize it, the one they prefer is who they are because of the other. Both of their qualities and flaws can be directly linked to their influence on each other. If for some reason the other was gone for good, the one left will change drastically. As we see when one is dead or in grave danger, albeit temporarily, the other changes. Sam is no longer sweet, laid back and practical, and Dean is no longer funny, charming, and nurturing.  In fact, they both seem to become an amplified version of their brother. When Sam dies, Dean gets quiet, sometimes too quiet. He also gets methodical and focused. You may get lucky and just get shot in the back, but if he chooses to speak, he chooses his words to let you know shits gonna hit the fan. “You have my brother, and you have one chance, just one, to hand him over, and if he isnt in one peice, when I find you, and I WILL find you, I will take you apart” Sam on the other hand is boiling over with emotion. My boy becomes savage. He doesnt always choose a lot of words to say, he gets his whole point across most of the time with “WHERES MY BROTHER???!!!!” This... my friends, is good stuff! These things couldnt be done with such beauty without Jared and Jensen. Their offscreen relationship, whatever it may be, is wonderful. Theres no denying the love and respect they have for each other. They are very supportive of each other, and help make the other better at their job. They’re not typical actors who have a work relationship but otherwise spend time with each other. They genuinely enjoy being together, and this shows on screen. When two people are this good at their jobs, and with each other, you just have to keep watching. Other things I love about the show, are kinda small. Some maybe youve never noticed, but maybe now you will and enjoy them too, like... Brains vs Brawn: At first glance, we all go Sam=brains, Dean=brawn right? But thats not actually the case. Dean is far from stupid, and Sam is nowheres near a wimp. Dean teases Sam about being a nerd, and Sam doesnt mind, he kinda wears his nerdiness like a badge of honor. Dean will never admit to being a nerd, but he is. He’s read Vonnegut, knows every old west cowboy statistic, and likes LARPing. Sam, though a bookworm, is one tough mofo. hes tall and muscular and has shown to be a little freakishly strong. He can also take a great deal of pain. And though Dean is known more to be the fighter, he can be very warm and nurturing. And nerdy Sam can make you shit your pants with just a look if you piss him off just right. I absolutely LOVE this balance!! Its one of my favorite things! Old school vs New; A lot has changed in 14 seasons. The brothers have grown, as well as the story, but their roots are never forgotten. They’re still driving around in the same car. Hell. Baby has become the 3rd lead! Even though they have mom back, they never forgot her, or dad, and both were spoken of often throughout the series. They refer back to old days often, so we can all get a feel of nostalgia when we remember too. Most episodes bring the deep past up in one way or another, I love this! Loss and Death: I know so many of us complain that they die and come back too much, but I have a real appreciation for it, The circumstances are always different, and so are the methonds of coming back. Sometimes the death isnt serious, or they dont “seem” dead, like in First Blood or Dark Side of the Moon, when there may have been an initial “wtf?” we got to see them in heaven, and in first blood, they came right back. However there was deep seriousness in All Hell Breaks Loose, No Rest for the Wicked,  Do You Believe in Miracles, Swan Song, Red Meat and Beat The Devil that you felt the dying brother’s physical pain, and then the emotional pain of the surviving brother.  No matter how many times they die, they still hit these types of episodes out of the park. WE may know theyre coming back, but they dont. it still crushes them and I love this! Sam and Dean’s Sexuality: I love that their sexual natures are different, but theyre both okay. Dean is sexually active, enjoys porn and vocalizes some fantasies, Though Sam can tease him a little, its just brotherly ribbing, its not judgemental or trying to make Dean feel bad. Sam isnt overly sexual, he’s gone many seasons without sex at all. He doesnt appear to enjoy porn, we know he doesnt like strip clubs, and its NOT because he’s unattractive!! Dean teases him but he doesnt try to make him feel bad. When he has heavily suggested that Sam get laid, its just because he wants him to have fun. Dean even said he appreciated that Sam wanted to stay pure and waited. Otherwise, its okay that Sam is (at least kinda) asexual. Neither are shunned or judged because of their sexuality. Winsync: This is one of the greatest things. if they didnt do this, we wouldnt care, we would never say “It would be a much better show if the brothers mirrored each other, or did the same thing at the same time” but for whatever reason, TPTB wanted this, and it works so well! Its an intimacy we can see without the show going OTT bromantic. Its the connection, the closeness, and being soulmates. I LOVE this! Soulmates and Brothers: Normally a show will make soulmates out of lovers. It’s not often they do it with siblings. It helps justify their deep love and devotion. It adds an additional layer to their relationship. It makes them so tied together that they will share eternity in heaven together, and not just in their memories. This was a very good decision made by Kripke and crew, so we will all know they cant live without each other, even if they just lived in different homes. I love this! Meta Madness: Though I dont like all the meta episodes, I do love the fact they can do them, and DO do them. Because the whole premise is the supernatural, nothing is impossible, even AUs and cartoon worlds. Sometimes I might roll my eyes, but its awesome to me that they can experiment this way and see how it goes. I Love this!! The Bros are Oblivious: Sam and Dean have been through basically everything, and have seen and done everything, yet they seem shocked when people say theyre famous, or when they heard people tell stories about them. Occasionally they grasp their importance, like when they tell people they save the world, but they were impressed that Asa fixed killed 5 Wendigo, and had an Angel Blade, and Father Luca met the Pope. I mean God hung out at the bunker and made them pancakes! Their Heads Dont Get Too Big: Every once in a while, TPTB make sure we, and the boys, remember that they are only human. Even if they lock away Satan, kill Death, save God’s life, they’re just men. Remember when Bobby died and Dean was sure he wouldnt because “its just one bullet!” ? I can see how it would seem so silly to Dean, and even to us, that someone who has lived through so much, could die from a stupid little bullet. I think that one of the smartest things the show has done in ages, was to have Sam tortured by Toni and friend. Sam was so bold and cocky (and need I say sexy?) telling Toni he’d been tortured by the devil himself, and what could she do to him... He soon learned Hell torture or not,  cold showers still suck, blow torches to the feet still hurt like hell, and a mortal human can still fuck with his head. And Dean, well he can still be put on the injured reserve list from a jacked up leg. IMO S12 was great for re-humanizing the Winchesters. I love this! Comedy to Tragedy: Some of the best episodes, started out funny and ended in a tear jerker. Mystery Spot, Just My Imagination, and Beat The Devil top my list. I love the emotional rollar coaster, Coming away exhausted from an episode is the bestthing I can ask for! They havent tried it the other way around, tragedy to comedy, and thats good. If you are crying at the beginning and laughing later, it doesnt justify the grief and you may feel let down and hollow after. SPN is great with having some humor in even the most depressing episodes, but they know when using it and leaving it out is best. I love this! Brohugs: My #1 favorite thing, aside from the hug in 6.1, they have all been beautiful. Not once, have the boys lost the love, or even repeated the same hug. Each one conveys a different message, a different emotion, but all say “I love you more than everything” and I wont ever get tired of them! I would do anything for a single hug in my whole life that had such love in it, as any Winchester bro hug! I.LOVE.THIS!! Now I hope if you read this far, you got to smile a few times, and a spark was added to the fire that you fell in love with 14 seasons ago. Here’s to S14, i hope its filled with all of these wonderful things!
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moonlights0nata · 6 years
Through rose colored lenses [Bakukami]
I have no idea how it happened but now I’m heavily invested in this ship. It sneaked up on me and I had to write something for them askdjas And of course this is super mushy and fluffy because I cannot contain myself.
Anyways! Here it is ! This 6000+ mess !
Also on AO3 !!
Kaminari wears reading glasses.
It’s such an insignificant, casual fact, but Bakugou only finds out about it when he knocks on Kaminari’s door and he opens up, blinking behind a pair of yellow rimmed lenses. Bakugou is momentarily distracted by this and he can’t help but stare because Kaminari looks stupidly cute wearing them and Bakugou’s heart does the tiniest leap thanks to this fact.
“Bakugou--” Kaminari speaks up, already a small, expectant smile curling up on lips, as he leans against the door frame. “Hey!” He arches an eyebrow in question. “Whatcha doing here? Thought you were hanging out with Kiri.”
“ Was .” Bakugou drawls. “Idiot forgot he’d made plans with Deku and his group.”
Kaminari crosses his arms, tilting his head to gesture Bakugou in the room. “Aw, you could have gone with them.”
“No fucking thanks .” He shoulders past Kaminari into the room, hands stuffed in his pockets. “Don’t want to go out with that noisy bunch.”
Kaminari chuckles, shutting the door and catching up with Bakugou, nudging his side playfully with a wink. “You say that like you are so quiet, babe .”
“Who’s your babe --” Bakugou shoves him with a huff and a scowl before unceremoniously plopping down on Kaminari’s bed. He grunts in discomfort when his back meets something solid and he rummages under him to pull out a book. He blinks at it, turning it around to look at the cover.
“... Poetry ?”
“Ah, yeah.” Kaminari settles down next to Bakugou on the bed. “I was reading a bit.” He unconsciously fixes his glasses and Bakugou blatantly staring again. Kaminari seems to notice and fiddles with them again, bashful. “I-I just need these for reading so I don’t bring them to class.” He meets Bakugou’s eyes and goes for a confident smirk as he tilts the glasses forward a little. “Since you’re staring so much I take you like them?~”
Bakugou ignores the heat in his cheeks, averting his gaze and propping the book open on a random page to distract himself. “You just look different with them, it’s not that big a deal.”
“Aw, come on~” Kaminari props his chin on Bakugou’s shoulder, peering up at him. “Different good or different bad?” He nudges Bakugou’s cheek with the top of his head when he doesn’t answer, whining. “Bakugooooooooou-- Kacchaaaaan ---”
“Different diferent , quit your whining.” Bakugou shrugs his shoulder to get Kaminari off him, leaning back against the headboard of the bed, shutting the book and tossing it to him. Kaminari flails to catch it before pouting, leaning next to Bakugou and propping it open where he’d left a bookmark.
“You’re no fun.”
Bakugou snorts, crossing his arms behind his head and shutting his eyes for a moment. “ Live with it. ”
After that, It’s quiet for a few beats, save for passing of a page or, Bakugou finally notices, music playing faintly from Kaminari’s phone charging on the nightstand. Instead of the loud upbeat music that he usually has on, this one is mellow, atmospheric. It speaks truth with how far and wide his tastes go.
Bakugou opens his eyes and his gaze trails back to Kaminari, whose eyes are focused on the pages, one hand fiddling with the corner of the next. Bakugou might be loud and explosive, but even he has quiet moments of pause like this, where he stops to look at the details, particularly when it comes to Kaminari these days. The way his hair falls on his face, not bothering to fix it, or his glasses sliding down his nose, or the slight part of his lips, jaw and shoulders relaxed as he reads.
It’s hard to rewind and find the one thing that caught Bakugou’s attention first about Kaminari, because now he gets drawn in whenever he looks at him. Much like Kirishima, Kaminari found a way into his daily routine, a seat at their usual lunch table, a spot at his side when they walk back to the dorms, took a very present place in his mind, at the corner of his eye, in his heart. It’s cheesy to just think about it and his pulse quickens, Bakugou cursing these stupid, mushy feelings that he caught for the electric boy next to him.
It’s so much like being a dumb teenager boy in lov e, something Bakugou had never in his whole life thought he’d come close to. Because there were supposed to be more important things than crushes and dating, specially in their situation, trying to become heroes while watching their backs every turn for the next villain plot. But his feelings had chosen to betray him.
It’d been much like a lightning bolt, the realization that Bakugou’s in love with Kaminari striking him down all of a sudden. Or perhaps it had been more gradual than that, without him noticing; one moment Bakugou was thinking Kaminari looked like a fool, having choked on his own milkshake at a joke Sero made, spilling it all over himself and making a mess, and the next he was thinking the sound of his embarrassed laugh and his toothy grin were extremely nice.
And that was the catalyst, with just the thundering of his heart against his rib cage as warning, echoing in his head,  letting him know that he was already in too deep to swim back up.
Bakugou and love-- feelings in general--had never seen eye to eye. He didn’t know what to do with this feeling,  squishing and twisting it in his hands to try and take it apart so he could analyse it and give it reason, to know what to do with it, but it had proven to be futile. It slipped away from his grasp and his control, making his palms sweatier than usual and for the room to feel a little too warm whenever Kaminari’s loud laugh reached his ears or, worse, when that blinding smile was directed his way, even if it was just because he was trying to show Bakugou some silly picture in his phone.
He wasn’t planning on acting on it. No, rather, he didn’t know how he would act on it. Dating had been the last thing on his mind when he entered U.A, and in his life in general he had never given it serious thought.
He thought he was doing a good job at camouflaging it with his usual explosive temperament but Kirishima somehow noticed. He always noticed.
“You’re not subtle, dude.” He had said, cheek propped up in his hand and grinning. “It’s sooo obvious, I dunno how Kami hasn’t noticed yet.” Said person was talking about some comic with Ashido on the other side of the classroom, his voice excited and clear. Bakugou had to fight the urge to look his way.
“ Shut your fucking mouth. ” Had been Bakugou’s smart reply to Kirishima, scowling and fighting off a wave of embarrassment. “He’s a dumbass of course he’s not noticed I--I’m in--” Kirishia smiled wider and Bakugou slammed a fist on the desk, palms warming up. “Wipe that disgusting grin off your face!!!!”
“You what?~” Kirishima batted his eyelashes at him, speaking in a sing song voice, the face of innocence.
Bakugou was already fuming, palms cracking with tiny explosions as he stood up. “I’m going to blow your face off, that’s what!! Shut it !!”
Kirishima laughed out loud, not taking him seriously. “Sorry, sorry, don’t get embarrassed !”
“I ain’t embarrassed !! You’re being a little shit !”
“Whatcha guys yelling about here?” Kaminari chose that exact moment to drop by, looking amused. “I can hear your voice all the way from over there.”
“Ask Bakugou.” Kirishima shot him a look, which prompted Kaminari to arch an eyebrow at him, smiling lopsidedly.
“None of your business!” He barked, dropping back on his seat and crossing his arms. “Everyone could hear you talking, you don’t get to complain.”
“I’m not complaining.” Kaminari shrugged, sliding a seat his way and plopping down on it. He smiled. “I’m used to it by now...It’s like your charm point?”
“Which?” Kirishima prodded. “His yelling or his voice?”
“Mmmm….” Kaminari cupped his chin in thought, looking up at the ceiling. “Now that you ask, his voice is more of a charm point. His yelling is just...so like Bakugou!”
“So…” Bakugou did not like what Kirishima’s face was doing as he slid closer to Kaminari, grin almost cat like. “You like Bakugou’s voice?”
Kaminari didn’t even stop to think why he’d been asked, he looked like he was really thinking about it. “I mean it is a little too much for my ears when he’s yelling, but…” And here he looked Bakugou in the eye, making his heart catch in his throat. “You do have a nice voice, when you are talking normally. It’s like--kinda raspy, in a nice way? Deep, too. I like it.” He snickered. “Bet girls would find that super sexy , man!”
Bakugou was too busy combusting from the inside out to form a coherent reply. Kirishima took full chance of that.
“I think you broke him bro.”
“Oh damn--Bakugou you alive in there?” Kaminari leaned forward, tilting his head. There was clear mirth in his eyes. “Didn’t know all it took to shut you up was a compliment --”
That finally got a reaction out of him, face flaming much like his hands. “Oh I’ll shut YOU up!!!”
Somehow that one moment was all the queue Kaminari had needed to find excuses to shoot casual compliments his way. Kirishima had a shit eating grin whenever he was around to witness it because he could see the exact moment Bakugou’s brain collapsed and embarrassment took reign.
He hated it because Kaminari was clearly only teasing him and unaware of why it affected Bakugou so much. It was stupid and ridiculous and made his insides twist and flutter. But at other, rarer times, it seemed like Kaminari was genuinely complimenting him.
“Seriously, though.” Kaminari had been saying once, lying on the couches of the common room upside down, legs hooked on the back of it and letting his head dangle off the edge of the seat. His phone lay on the table, forgotten. “I think you are pretty amazing, Bakugou.”
“ Duh .” Bakugou had been fiddling with a rubix cube, brow pinched in focus. “I know that already.”
Kaminari chuckled, fingers drumming in his belly. “Yeah, I know you do but...I’m not talking about your quirk.” At this Bakugou’s movements slowed down, listening. “I mean, your quirk is strong but that means nothing if you can’t control it. Take me, for example.” He fiddled with a little electricity between his thumb and forefinger’s pads, watching it. “My quirk is pretty strong. But I go stupid whenever I use it too much and I can’t really control which way I direct it unless I use support items...And I panic so much during fights I don’t really think through what to do.”
He looked back up at the ceiling, hand falling down. “But you manage to keep calm during a fight and come up with a strategy in the middle of it. Even when you are going head first into the danger.” He tilted his head towards Bakugou.
“...I’ll admit back when I first met you I didn’t know why a guy like you would want to be a hero.” Bakugou tensed at this, face already scrunching up to retort, but Kaminari kept going. “Now, though.. I realize you fit right in.” He grinned, something soft about his gaze. “People can talk shit all they want but you are one of the most dedicated and determined people to be a Hero out there. I like that about you.”
Whatever comeback he’d had ready died in his mouth, blinking down at Kaminari in a daze.
“Oh.” He really didn’t know what to say, the words ‘I like that about you’ echoing in his head. His neck was starting to feel a little too hot and he cursed these inconvenient feelings for it. But for once the compliment Kaminari threw his way felt genuine, and it was making his insides feel warm in a different way. “...Thanks.” He settled for in the end, in a low grumble, making Kaminari laugh while he reached backwards for his phone.
“Don’t mention it man.” He messed with the touch screen for a moment, still smiling. “I just said what was on my mind. Taking a page off Tsuyu’s book.”
There’s a pause, Bakugou trying and failing to get back to his cube before he groaned, letting it dangle loosely off his hands.
“Then I’ll just say what’s on mine .” At that Kaminari looked up, meeting Bakugou’s scowl. “You give yourself too little credit.” His eyes went wide but Bakugou went on. “Don’t give me that incredulous look. You are so focused on others you forget what you are already fucking good at. Using support items to use your quirk more effectively isn’t a weakness . You are obviously a team player and work better when others are involved. You are just shitty at working on your own because you forget you have a brain in there to think .”  
“Wow, you’re so sweet.”
“ Shut up , my point is--” He’s glaring, even when he’s clearly trying to pay the other a compliment. “You--are plenty fucking cool .” Kaminari’s eyes seem like they are going to bulge out of his head, mouth agape,and Bakugou couldn’t stand looking at him, shoving his hand on the other’s face and making him let out a startled noise. “You know what you have to work on already so instead of comparing yourself go do that, dumbass!”
Kaminari pushed at Bakugou’s hand to get it off his face and after a moment Bakugou removed it, Kaminari taking a big gulp of air and beaming up at him. “I can’t believe you just paid me a compliment--!”
“Don’t get used to it.”
“You think I’m coooool---”
Bakugou groaned. Why had he even spoken up? Kaminari was going to hold this over his head all day.
But, well...maybe it was worth it, given how genuinely happy he looked about it.
It caught Bakugou off guard each time, how comfortable he found himself in Kaminari’s presence. Even with the flame in his chest constantly present, feeling like it’d consume and burn him, it was easy being around Kaminari. The hard part was swallowing down the feelings bubbling up every time, still a tangled mess, still something Bakugou didn’t know how to act on.
“You’re scared.” Kirishima, the ever voice of reason, commented casually while they were doing homework, eyes fixed on his homework.
Bakugou’s hands curled into fists over his own work. “What kind of shit are you talking out of your ass?! I’m not--”
“Isn’t that why you haven’t done anything yet?” Kirishima finally looked up to him, pointing a pencil his way, making Bakugou flinch. “You’re a straightforward guy. You could have gone up front and said it so many times but you haven’t.” His smile turned understanding. “And hey, it’s alright. Confessing to your crush is scary stuff. You never know how things are going to change.”
Bakugou was fuming, teeth gritting and fists curling and uncurling, choosing an innocent page filed with formulas to fiddle with between his hands. He hunched his shoulders, face pinched as he looked down. He didn’t want to admit that maybe Kirishima was right, on some level. Because blurting out his feelings would make things complicated and maybe, just maybe , he was afraid of things changing.
Nowadays unpredictable things were the norm for them all, never knowing if tomorrow would bring another villain assault. Before, his only constant had been the praise of people, the knowledge that he was strong, the expectations on his shoulders. So much of that had crumbled or changed by now; his world had shifted so much ever since walking into U.A, and now having this one new constant in his life, something like friendship , it was too good to let go off.
Sensing his inner turmoil by how he was crushing the poor page, Kirishima sighed. “Look, I’m just saying, you never know until you take that leap. Kaminari’s not the kind of guy who’d stop hanging out with you because of that.” He patted his chest confidently with a fist. “A true man confesses his feelings even when it’s scary !!! That’s what I believe !!” He grinned. “And I believe in you .”
After a moment Bakugou sighed deeply, letting go off the page he’d crushed beyond recognition. “Save me the pep talk, Kirishima.” He scowled up at him, but there was no bite behind it. One corned of his mouth was even curled up, like he was fighting to smile back. “I ain’t scared , just you fucking wait.”
He wondered why it was so much easier dealing with villain attacks or the crazy challenges U.A would throw at them sometimes than doing something as simple as telling your crush you liked them. Curse being a teenager in love.
But even if the fear was present, perhaps taking that leap was more important; when everything felt like it could change any minute, maybe it was best to use the chances given to him, to have a silly sense of normalcy by letting Kaminari know how he felt.
Which brings him back to the present time, Kaminari waving a hand in front of his face, close to swatting him.
“Uh, Bakugou? You okay? You look like you’ve been spacing out.”
Bakugou catches the hand, lowering it away from his face. “I’m fine.”
Kaminari looks unconvinced but shrugs, turning back to what he was reading. “And here I thought you got distracted by my handsome face.”
Bakugou huffs but Kaminari isn’t exactly wrong. He crosses his arms, tilting his head to peek at what Kaminari is reading. Noticing, Kaminari shifts a little closer, shoulders bumping together and putting the book in the middle. The initial touch of their shoulders almost makes him flinch but he eases into it, subtly pressing closer.
“You like poetry too, Bakugou?”
“Not really.” He has never been drawn to it, preferring more direct and action packed reading rather than poetry’s usual flowery and metaphorical language. Somehow it doesn’t surprise him Kaminari enjoys it, though. It’s just like him. “‘m not a sappy romantic like you.”
“Figures.” Kaminari chuckles, idly passing to the next page. His eyes skim the words before he parts his lips to speak again, voice mellow as he recites.
  “...His very being is like a bonfire lighting up the night
burning brightly and brashly.
He is like a scarlet rose in the middle of a the garden
blooming beautifully, but cautiously.
He is everything you long for,
he is everything you cannot touch;
for the mere grace of his skin would hurt you,
for the smallest brush of his lips would burn you.
But for him, oh, for him,
you would gladly ache and burn.”
  Bakugou did not imagine the way Kaminari leaned more against him as he talked, or the way his eyes shifted to look at him as he spoke the last words. His heart is hammering in his chest and there’s a familiar warmth at the back of his neck and ears, hand curling tightly on his pant leg.
He doesn’t see a reason why he should be so flustered over some cheesy little poem Kaminari choose to read out loud, but it’s impossible not to when it felt like he was dedicating it to him with the way he looked almost expectantly up at him. The space between them is nonexistent by now, arms pressed flush together. If he bends down the few centimeters that separate them, he could even--
“What do you think?” Kaminari’s question makes him blink, sitting up straighter. His brow scrunches up, letting out a puff of air.
“I’m going to barf from how fucking corny it is.” But he can’t deny that hearing the way Kaminari’s voice lowered and softened as he recited it was nice, words flowing naturally out of his mouth.
Kaminari traces the words with his fingers and looking closely, there’s a hint of pink on his cheeks. “It...makes me think of you, actually.”
It takes a moment for it to sink in. And then Bakugou freezes, palms becoming sweaty.
How is he supposed to take that?
Does this mean Kaminari had been reading it for him after all? He doesn’t get wonder much longer because Kaminari keeps talking after one look at the utter bewilderment in his face.
“It’s like--It fits you? It’s a metaphor, obviously, but well. You do make me think of a bonfire, the way the fire crackles and it brightens up a night...The way people gather around you. It’s hard not to be a little drawn in by you, even when you can be a bit of a loner.” He chuckles. “Or when you get all prickly. A rose is beautiful and eye catching but it is cautious with people who come near it.”  He’d been speaking calmly, keeping his cool, but he is starting to seem flustered now, not realizing Bakugou is about to catch on fire where he’s sitting with every word.
“And the rest--Well, um.” He throws a bashful look Bakugou’s way before he averts his gaze. It’s quiet, awkwardly so for a few beats before Bakugou swallows, deciding to act. Because damn it, Kaminari can’t be sitting here spewing poetry at him and not know what he’s doing to him.
“What about the rest.” He somehow manages to keep his voice even, low, and it makes Kaminari look up, eyes wide. Bakugou swallows the lump in his throat, knowing he shouldn’t get hopeful but he’s not so blind to see there’s something in the air around them, something Kaminari left out, and the way his cheeks heat up is enough proof.
Ever so subtly, they had moved closer again. He wonders if this close, Kaminari can hear the rush of his blood, loud in his own ears.
“...He is everything you long for…” Kaminari recites again, quietly, looking him up and down, before mustering up a sheepish smile. “I...Would you consider that a love confession?”
There’s a pause.
Bakugou groans , running a hand over his face in exasperation, knowing it is flushed red by now. A love confession . “Are. Are you fucking really --”
“Listen listen, okay--” Kaminari flails with his hands, laughing in embarrassment and perhaps a hint of panic. “I didn’t think it through ! I saw the poem, thought of you and It just--happened ! It’s out, okay I--” He settles down a little, smiling up at Bakugou. “I...really like you .” He only manages to maintain eye contact for two seconds before his face reddens and he covers it with both hands under his glasses, whining and flopping on his pillow.
“Shit. I said it.”
Bakugou is still in a bit of a daze that his big, silly crush just confessed to him, and what’s more, he did so in one of the sappiest ways possibles.
But more importantly .
“I can’t believe you beat me to it and with a fucking sappy poem of all things.”
It takes a second for Kaminari to react and then his hands fly away from his face, crooking his glasses, and looking up at him with hope, eyes shining.
“You--” He scrambles to sit up again, suddenly getting all up in Bakugou’s face and unable to form a sentence. “What do you--I beat you to---”
Bakugou grips his arms and and puts some distance between them, frowning. “Exactly what you heard or are you deaf ?!” He huffs, shutting his eyes and taking a moment to breathe deeply and count to ten, trying to calm the fireworks in his belly. When he opens his eyes again, Kaminari has an expectant soft look and Bakugou sighs, hold loosening on Kaminari, letting the words finally slip free, even if his own voice sounds too quiet to be his, even if the words taste foreign yet sweet in his mouth.
“I...like you too.”
It takes a moment before Kaminari’s face is splitting in a grin. “Oh my god. You like meeeeeee---”
Bakugou grimaces. He should have known. “Don’t be insufferable about this---”
“You liiiike me~” Even when he’s chiming teasingly, he looks terribly happy and Bakugou’s heart is practically doing somersaults in his chest.
“Yeah and you like me , smart ass, congratulations!”
“I do!” Kaminari beams, startling Bakugou when his hands grab his, giving them a squeeze.“...I do.” He repeats, more quietly, eyes glinting with affection. Bakugou is drawn in by that look, frown relaxing. He wonders what kind of face he’s making, if Kaminari can see the fondness he holds for him in his eyes too.
He sighs heavily, slumping forward and resting his head against Kaminari’s shoulder, closing his eyes. He needs a moment. He lightly squeezes Kaminari’s hands back, delighting at the contact, even though his palms--or perhaps both of them--are a little sweaty.
“Hey…” Kaminari speaks hushedly after a few beats and Bakugou grunts in acknowledgement. “Be honest with me here, wasn’t the poem super romantic? I totally made your heart skip a beat didn’t I?”
Bakugou opens his eyes and lifts his head just to level him with an incredulous stare.
“No.” Kaminari pouts at this, disappointed. Bakugou rolls his eyes, averting his eyes. “...Maybe a little.”
Kaminari grins, tilting his head up. “ Just a little?~”
Bakugou’s reply is in the form of a scrunched up nose and pink cheeks, making Kaminari giggle. When he shifts his gaze back to him, he realizes they have once more moved into each other’s space, faces just a few inches apart. Bakugou’s eyes can’t help but wander to Kaminari’s lips for a moment, which are slightly parted and curled up at the corners.
He can’t really count all the times he has wondered if Kaminari’s lips are as soft as they look.
Subtly he leans forward some more, eyes shifting back up to gauge Kaminari’s reaction. His heart catches in his throat as he’s just in time to see Kaminari look up from Bakugou’s lips, face reddening when their eyes meet. He’s so close he can see his throat bob as he swallows.
Bakugou lifts up a tentative hand, brushing his fingers over Kaminari’s cheek before cupping his face with a gentleness no one would expect of him. Kaminari’s breath hitches and Bakugou can’t help a small, satisfied smirk.
“Whose heart skipped a beat just now , huh?”
Kaminari huffs out a laugh, hands reaching up to hold onto the front of Bakugou’s shirt and pulling. “Shut up and kiss me already.”
That’s all the prompting Bakugou needs to bend down the last stretch between them, kissing Kaminari like he’d wanted to do for so long. The kiss is chaste and a little uncomfortable, Kaminari’s glasses too far down his nose, crooked and bumping against Bakugou’s nose, but it makes Bakugou feel tingly all over nevertheless. He wonders if that’s Kaminari’s quirk at effect here.
He pulls away minutely to slide the glasses off Kaminari’s face. “They look nice but get in the way.”
Kaminari perks up. “So you do like th--Hmph--” Bakugou doesn’t let him finish, pulling him in by the back of his head to resume kissing, tilting his head to the side this time to slot their lips better. He feels Kaminari shiver, kissing back eagerly, before Bakugou feels like a small electric shock just went through him, making his hair stand on end and his skin to really feel tingly. He lets out a surprised grunt and Kaminari leans back first, looking embarrassed.
“Did you--” Bakugou blinks dazedly at him and notices his hair is poofier, standing up a little. Kaminari nods, hands rising up to pat down Bakugou’s hair which had also stood up.
“Sorry, I--didn’t think my quirk would do that.” When Kaminari lowers his hands from his hair and brushes past his cheeks his touch feels, literally, electric, but not in an unpleasant way. It almost just... tickles .
To brush away his embarrassment Kaminari throws him a grin and a wink. “Guess I just can’t control myself around you--You could say that kiss.. .shocked me--”
If possibly Kaminari’s grin only grew, wiggling his eyebrow at Bakugou. “Babe, your lips are electrifying , you make me feel all tingly-- ”
“Oh my god, shut the fuck up--” Bakugou groans, lifting up his hands to ruffle Kaminari’s hair back down, feeling the static under his fingers. It’s kinda nice, actually. “You’re the one with the electric quirk dumbass, it should be the other way around--”
“So...I make you feel all tingly?”
“You make me feel shockingly annoyed.”
Kaminari pouts. “Mean. I can’t believe my boyfriend would say that--Ah.” He covers his mouth as soon as he finishes, face flushing and eyes widening. Bakugou wears a matching look. “I mean.”
Would it be too sudden to call each other that? They really had just laid the cards on the table and acknowledge they like each other.
And yet Bakugou kind of likes how that rings in his ears.
Fuck it.
“Kaminari.” The mentioned blinks at him. Bakugou knows what his face must look like--brow furrowed, tense, almost like he’s going to ask Kaminari to fight him in the back of the school, but his voice comes out surprisingly soft. “...Go out with me.”
There’s the slightest shift in the air again, like it’s charged with electricity, and Kaminari’s hair puffs out, hair standing in all directions. He grins from ear to ear, practically vibrating with energy.
“Yeah! Yes, yes, yes--” Bakugou is too slow to react and Kaminari effectively tackles him down on the bed, arms wrapped around him. He pushes himself up on his elbows to smile down at him, eyes creased. “Never thought I’d see the day you asked someone out. I’m honored ?”
Bakugou huffs, his chest feeling light, making his lips curl at the corners. “Damn right, you better be.”
“If we are going out…” Kaminari hums, something glinting in his eyes. “Does that mean I get to call you Katsuki ?”
Bakugou splutters, letting out incoherent noises. He doesn’t really dislike the way his name sounds in Kaminari’s mouth.
Kaminari looks even more devious upon managing to fluster him. “ Katsuki you’re so cute when you get embarrassed like that--”
“I’m going to kill you--” Kaminari laughs and yelps as a very embarrassed Bakugou wrestles him down on the mattress, glaring down at him but effectively failing to look threatening even when he’s got Kaminari pinned down by the wrists. Kaminari arches an eyebrow at him, tilting his head to the side.
“Are you going to kiss me to my death, is that what’s going on here?” He chuckles, eyes shining with mirth, but fondness. “That wouldn’t be a bad way to go.”
Bakugou grumbles before letting go off Kaminari’s wrists and simple plopping down on top of him, making him let out a wheeze. “Wait, Bakugou, babe, you’re crushing me--” With his hands now free he pats and pushes at Bakugou’s chest. “Okay, I’m dying, you win, I won’t call you Katsuki.”
“...I didn’t say you couldn’t.. .” He mumbles as he lifts up on his elbows, pushing their faces close. Their noses brush before he plants another kiss on Kaminari’s lips, speaking against his mouth as he pulls away. “... Denki .”
Kaminari whines, curling up sideways and hiding his reddening face on the pillow. “ Now I’m dead, yep. We haven’t even gone on one date and you already killed me. My ghost will haunt you !”
“You’re so dramatic--” Bakugou rolls his eyes, sitting up. He glances at the glasses he’d taken off Kaminari’s face, close to the edge of the bed now from all their shifting and grabs them to put them away. But he looks at them curiously and without thinking slips them on, blinking. The lenses are actually a pinkish hue in color.
“Eugh, it’s like looking at the world with a pink filter, what the fuck.”
Kaminari looks up at him then, eyes widening. “ Cute .” He blurts out and Bakugou startles, quickly taking the glasses off.
“Shut up. Here.” As Kaminari sits up, he shoves the glasses back in his hands. Kaminari chuckles, shaking his head as he settles them on the desk.
“Don’t need them now. ‘sides--” He smiles, crooning. “When I’m with you I always see la vie en rose ~”
Bakugou rolls his eyes but Kaminari decides to go on, catching Bakugou’s hands and pressing one of his cheeks to Bakugou’s, humming quietly against his ear. “ When you press me to your heart, I'm in a world apart~A world where roses bloom~”
“First, you recite poetry to me, next you serenade me?” Bakugou sounds exasperated but there’s fondness in the way he smiles a little, tilting his head, nose brushing the side of Kaminari’s temple.
“Do you know how long I’ve liked you ?” Is what Kaminari answers with, pushing himself back to pout at Bakugou. “I can’t help myself now ! I have so many romantic moves I’ve wanted to pull out !”
Bakugou can’t deny he is curious about that first question. But he’s going to save it for another time. He ultimately sighs. “You’re ridiculous .”
“Ridiculously romantic !” He lifts his hands in the air. “Guilty as charged.”
Before he can retort, an alarm goes off from Kaminari’s phone. He watches him as he stands up to check, with an arched brow before his eyes widen in realization.
“Oh shoot! I forgot I promised Mina we’d hang out in a few.” He scratches the top of his head. “Bet she set this alarm herself when I wasn’t lookin’. She knows me.”
Bakugou stands up from the bed as well. “Scatter brain.” Kaminari sticks his tongue out at him for that, dropping the phone back on the bedside table.
“I think this time I have a good excuse for forgetting.” He hip-checks Bakugou as he moves to his wardrobe, pulling out several pieces of clothing at once and laying them out on the bed to choose from.
“Don’t let me distract you, then.” Bakugou snorts. He’s perhaps disappointed their moment got cut short, but he should probably let Kaminari be. He stuffs his hands in his pockets and goes for the door. “Get ready and don’t keep Ashido waiting.”
“Yeah, yeah--Ah, wait !” Just as Bakugou is stepping out into the hall, Kaminari leans one hand on the doorframe. Bakugou turns. He looks giddy, but Bakugou can see the nervous and expectant edge to his smile. “Hey, um--A-Are you free on Sunday?”
Bakugou blinks, thinking back for a moment before nodding. Kaminari fidgets in place, taking in a small breath. “You...You wanna go on a date then?”
Bakugou imperceptible straightens in place at that, caught off guard.
A date. Like a real one .
Without his consent, his heart flutters wildly at the thought.
“...No good?” Kaminari murmurs when he takes too long to reply and he frowns, because Kaminari is looking down at his feet, unsure, and it just doesn’t fit him.
“ Yes .” He blurts out, too loudly, startling Kaminari. Bakugou clicks his tongue, feeling his face flush. “I mean--Yeah, let’s go on a damn date. Sunday.”
Kaminari’s eyes brighten at that. “Great ! I--I’ll text you later and we can decide where to go, yeah?”
There’s a pause, a moment of hesitation before Kaminari takes a step forward and leans a little on his tip toes, pressing a kiss to Bakugou’s lips. It’s too quick for Bakugou to react to but when Kaminari pulls away he can feel the static between them, lips parted and tingly. Kaminari’s smile is radiant as he leans back into the room.
“Sunday, then.”
Bakugou can only nod dumbly and stare at the door as Kaminari disappears behind it. It takes him a moment before he turns on his heel towards the elevators to get back to his room.
He lifts a hand to his mouth, fingers brushing his lips. He’s glad he’s alone in the halls so no one can ask about the grin that he fails to fight off.
Life for them is colored in hues of unpredictability, every day could represent a new challenge, a new danger.
But when he pictures Kaminari’s smile, the shine on his eyes, or replays the feeling of his lips on his, it really feels like he is looking through rose colored lenses, for a few simple, quiet moments.
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alright so we’re back with chapter three - the Great Witch
i wonder how much of their memories Nick and Maya have actually recuperated 
the whole thing seems a little dodgy...
“This bench looks like a torture tool– shall we try it out on you, Nick?”
why is Maya so bloodthirsty in the game?? i mean she’s mischievous, but...
ahhh their widdle walking sprites are so cuuuute!
hang on– is that a picture-picture of Barnham with his dog?? if so, that should raise a lot of questions...
also why is the only person who *doesnt* comment on the painting Phoenix? he’s the art major.
you know, ive seen plenty of Phoenix X Barnham, and Darklaw X Barnham, but I’ve never seen any Phoenix X Darklaw 
i wonder why...
maybe Ive just never come across it
“Mr Wright, are you alright?”
(no response)
he's dead guys the fucking dog killed phoenix wright 
luke: I can talk to animals maya: haha omg cool! phoenix, laying in a pool of his own blood: hurgle
wait did maya just call Barnham adorable by proxy 
things layton likes: puzzles, stone lanterns 
oh fuck i forgot about the puzzles
also what the FUCK muffet
Patty: I believe in your Phoenix
Phoenix, trying not to cry: cool cool cool
aww. its nice to have a moment to just talk about feelings, especially between the sidekicks. 
...dont go into the forest you little fuckers
maya likes helms..??
“I used to come here with Nick. He’d carry the water pots, and I’d cheer him on!”
that reminds me, theres no plumbing. in fact, since its the middle ages, theres not even any outhouses. maya and phoenix have canonically shit in the streets
its 12:30 on a school night and I've spent over an hour trying to help a dog deliver mail 
oh maya solved that one! thats the first AA solve of the game. ...er, to me.
i dont understand how piccarats work
like, the previous puzzle was 30 piccarats and it was ridiculously easy. this one’ twenty and ive already lost ten points
maybe its to do with how my brain works– the 30 one was a pattern/colour puzzle, and I'm an artist. this one’s about directions, and I'm ASS at directions.
darklaw what are you WEARING
you look like a skimpy medieval furry
seriously what is with the metal skirt on bare thighs 
is that supposed to be comfy 
man these backgrounds are so beautiful 
why did she specifically tell Maya to be wary of witches
“You certainly both love your food. Personally, I’d just like a little more sleep...”
amen bro
oh fuck
Drosselmeyer wants to see Layton. dont let him brainwash ya!
“So this is the deathknell dungeon? Looks more like solitary confinement to me.”
considering the fact that she can see out the door, i doubt its solitary nick. solitary is a sealed box from hell.
Maya: you were just scared that nick would fuck up like always!! because he's an enormous fuck up haha!! Espella: i... no, i think he's really great
Phoenix: ...hey can i change assistants please
one does not simply
visit the storyteller
“come to think of it, during that parade, the storyteller did seem to be held in high esteem by all the townsfolk...”
guys have you not realized that youre literally meeting god yet???
ah see Layton’s got it
c’mon luke keep up
pfft they think Layton’s a hatter 
just wearing a tophat does not a hatter make 
ah the knights garrison
this is where Chucky stopped playing on his second third-space save 
I wonder why...
“And so the travellers finally arrived...”
yeah well first of all??? if you wanted me to get in there faster maybe dont make your door a fucking puzzle maybe 
fuck you old man you aint shit 
(btw i managed to solve it accidentally in the recommended 4 turns by pressing 3 random buttons and then realizing id somehow succeeded)
Storyteller: [farts suspiciously]
Storyteller: you guys are bad because you stopped me killing children
Espella: it’s true... that the towns folk look at me in a different way
well for one thing youre a different art style than most of them without being anything usually associated with said art style 
oh ok that i was not expecting 
she’s,,, jesus???
Maya spitting truths here 
wait hang on a second 
first of all– “the great witch is just a character of myth” yeah well EVERYONE is a character, Espella
also, she says she came to live with Patty 5 years ago... which is also what Phoenix and Maya said
when their memories all got altered to include phoenix and maya, does that mean they like, had a whole growing-up-together for five years roster of memories?
13 y/o Espella and Maya meeting, bonding over stuff, wondering why only Maya had to make bread and Espella didnt 
Phoenix–– hell, in the time frame, he’d be ‘Pheenie’ being their older brother. Acting like his 25 y/o self, or harkening back to those days and acting accordingly??
and how shitty it must’ve been when they realized none of it ever happened.
“Were these things... My memories?”
well probably not considering im pretty sure that tiny kid being flown over was you
i feel bad for nick’s... wherever is getting bitten, but this does lend credence to my headcanon that animals hate phoenix so 
also the inquisitor office theme needs to chill the fuck out
“Exactly what are you doing over there on all fours”
dont do that 
“He just sits back and lets his dog bite people, err... I mean, me”
he’s lucky nobody flips the fuck out and bites back. i suppose nobody would dare if they knew it was his dog, but still. not very responsible.
“Dr. Delduke” eh
well now
“He was no witch.” “Why?”
“HE was a man.”
( Welp, can’t argue with that. )
hey!!! equality to witches!! boys can be witches too!!
“Maya... can you get this mutt away from me? I can’t feel my leg.”
“Aww... So soon? I was hoping he’d use you as a blue chew toy just one more time.”
ok, seriously, what is UP with Maya? I can’t remember her ever being this violent in the original series. Like, she hit Nick over the head with the shichishito that one time, but she wasn’t constantly wishing harm on him??
as much as i appreciate seeing a tiny maya model i fucking hate the cloud puzzle fuck you for doubling up on it
oh i lucked into the answer awesome
this seems to be a running theme...
every time someone looks at the bell tower, they always comment on the bell never being heard. it must be foreshadowing.
wow Jean is very short
...also I'm calling it now, HE DID IT
hmm Greyerl’s voice actress is a little more noticeable than Luke’s...
also OH OK. the fucking bell tower just MANIFESTED OUT OF PURE FLAMES
“He reacted in a moster peculiar way. Unlike others who saw it, he seemed unsettled, as if he was truly afraid of something” 
oh i dunno, maybe the DEMON BELL TOWER???
Maya: only YOU can fuck up that badly, nick!
ok... genuinely, utterly, seriously, why is Maya so malicious in this game? She does tease Nick a lot throughout the series, but its usually in a more playful or goofy manner. A lot of the things she says in this game seem sort of unnecessary or weirdly hurtful... especially since phoenix hasn’t done much to warrant any of them.
well, I know what happens to Maya
but what the hell is he doing to Nick?
also I do hope there’s a reeeeeaaaaally good reason for all this...
layton flings out his arm to shut luke up skdgkafajkf
wait why did the owl bring them that
“Luke, my boy... We have the need... to rent a steed.”
oh and they fucking did
“You think that’s bad? You should see Nick try and do the laundry– Now that’s a major blunder!”
see that seems a little more in character somehow
especially since its something that seems like he would fail at.
still, weirdly insult heavy...
hey hey 
100 coins
“in an alchemy sense”
shouldn’t that be an ‘alchemical’ sense?
“I guess you’re more suited to small, dark, damp places.”
is that a reference to the mushroom thing??
phoenix, in someone else’s abandoned basement: oh no their house plants are dying :( ill water them 
this man??? is pure??
“Well well well. If it isn't a well.”
“Come to think of it... I haven’t noticed any plumbing here in Laborynthia.”
“As things stand, Mr. Wright is in serious danger!”
uh the story said Maya would die, not Phoenix. It said he’d be cursed, but Maya would be tried and burnt. You should probably be more worried about her...
great witch: sup guys I'm gonna fuck shit up
game: the following is too horrifying to look directly at; here, have some shenanigans with Luke and that other bard Bardly was complaining about.
fuck you perhaps
also hi Layton you’re looking a bit uh 
a bit 
...well this hardly makes any sense
doesn’t Layton appear not long after this? also, it’s easy enough to prove Maya’s not a witch; just hand her the staff and ask her to politely turn Layton back. 
that or just cry on him real quick; worked for Ash
bweuuuhhh dont cry luke pls
its ok luke magic isn’t real luke
...though from what I’ve heard of your universe, someone could have used Science to turn him into gold and that could be totally real so
c’mon in for a hug lil guy
also see yuh all next time for part... four? i think?
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Alec found himself waking up with a start heart racing,head aching and hands in fists pushed himself into a sitting position. Aware of the sweat,all of it pointed to the evidence of one really long nightmare which had been so real and vivid that the emotions still caused adrenaline to course through his veins. Well he had gone a good while without one of these episodes running a hand through damp hair as if would cool him down or slow his brain back down. 
Knees tucked up to his bare chest glancing over at Magnus who was curled up head buried under a pillow. Shifting gently remembering the nightmare which was still tearing open the fear section of his brain,emotions. Watching the steady fall of his boyfriend’s chest but really nothing was going to calm him back down apparently. Even the peaceful image of the person he loved most sleeping so he slid out of bed grabbing his phone a bit violently maybe from where it was plugged in charging. 
Tiptoeing quietly out of the room before heading out onto the balcony hadn’t been out there in a while,not with how busy his life tended to be or the fact it brought up the occasional memory. Collapsing on a couch hand trembling as he called up his sister,even if just to hear the voicemail meanwhile buttoning up the shirt he grabbed to tug on. Dial tone really got on his nerves but then to his surprise Izzy answered. “Alec shouldn’t you be sleeping?” 
Silence,he never was fond of it but created it more than his better judgement could appreciate. “I uh yeah doesn’t matter,thought you were getting that beauty sleep you claim’s needed just was going to leave a message.” Somehow keeping his tone,breathing consistent even though probably was some unspoken notice from Izzy could swear she read his thoughts. “But since you’re up quick question,could you bring by my backpack?” Pausing a moment,”Via fire escape of course I just need something in it.” 
“Sure big bro won’t even question what,but it’ll cost you.” He must have given off some slight annoyance because she laughed afterwards,”Okay look I’ll be there soon stealth included and no questions asked just please tell me this isn’t going to come back to haunt me.” Of course she’d just casually ask that trying to get more details though he knew how to reply. 
“Iz it won’t just bring my backpack,thank you.” The last part a bit sarcastic but hey he wasn’t doing that great so needed to save up some energy to deal with her face to face. Hanging up before dropping his phone onto his chest rubbing at his eyes staring up at the sky figuring out what time it was,estimating her arrival but really trying to not feel too wiped out. 
When Izzy came it was in the form of nearly thudding loudly on the balcony except he caught the bag and shot a glare at her like ‘if you wake Magnus you’re dead’. Before setting his bag down on the couch,”Thanks Iz forgot spare clothes you just saved me walking in tomorrow smelling like demon from our hunt last night.” Close enough to the truth she seemed to buy it,unaware of his trembling and exhaustion explained away easily. Flashing a smile before glancing towards the doors inside really hoping hadn’t disturbed his boyfriend. 
“Yeah well big bro this is a one time deal,and I was on my way to a date anyways.” He raised a brow and she readjusted her whip calmly as if he wasn’t quietly inquiring what was implied there. “A party,wait are you actually worried come on Alec you know me if any worry should be whether anybody who messes with me survives.” Coughing he gave a shrug trying to deflect whatever had just shown on his face. 
Much she exaggerated the one time deal part,he knew really she would again if was important and he didn’t care to point it out. “Right in that case,pick your battles wisely and we’re not related.” A grin spread across her face which looking at her in the faint light she was dressed for a downworld get together most likely or a fancy mundane club he never was good at guessing. Purposely ignoring his fear but couldn’t shake his stupid nightmare. 
In a mocking salute which actually made him genuinely smile for a moment,Izzy was gone just like that off to her party. Waiting a good amount of time before grabbing his bag digging around in it urgently. “Come on,where the fuck is it.”  Shadowhunter’s generally lived with very little at least the major stuff could be packed into a bag or two because did move around and so maybe he rather picked the habit up. More than he needed to could be since never felt belonged anywhere anyways. 
There was a noise from some cat,an accusatory tone which made him realize it was coming from inside. Pausing as if the cat which possibly was Church he could assume would understand the glare and whisper,”Shh just do what you usually do and ignore me.” Rifling through the bag again getting more frustrated as time went on before dumping the contents well it’s current ones onto the couch turning on a flashlight on his phone before digging around. 
Nope nothing no potion,no sleep aides,and no treasured stele the one he usually didn’t have on him because had been his first one ever. Shoving everything unceremoniously back into the bag right as he heard the door open. There was a meow which clearly meant whichever cat had snitched on him,or just woke Magnus up remembering he didn’t shut the door behind him. “Alexander what are you doing up,out here?” 
Magnus seemed to wake up so entirely it was strange at times,he was in some robe that just looked black with next to no light because he’d switched off the flashlight and phone screen had gone pitch black. “Uh woke up,Izzy brought by some spare clothes.” Holding up the backpack a moment before shrugging it via one strap,”So which of your cats woke you?” For future reference if he ever was alone,and the cat was around what a snitch he thought childishly. 
His boyfriend walked up to him,”Church he decided to get my attention,and you can’t be mad was clearly a rare moment not about him.” Eyes glancing at the couch picking up the stele that must have hidden underneath everything offering it to his boyfriend after studying it,”This one’s not your usual,looks like has been through a lot.” He calmed down a bit seeing it taking it tracing a thumb against it hand to his side. “What’s wrong?” 
Guess it was obvious he really didn’t want to bother Magnus with it,knowledge that would only add to existing worries and he realized just how stubborn he was being. “It’s uh my oldest,retired except emergencies.” Mainly in terms of being a comfort object. Feeling the hand cup his face a thumb tracing gently on his cheek sighed,”Just had a nightmare happens couldn’t fall back asleep that’s all.” Sliding his old stele carefully in a secure pocket so wouldn’t lose it. “Didn’t want to wake you.” 
Could already tell the response to what he said at least he thought still was trying to shake the high emotions,and everything. “So probably not up to coming back to bed yet,and you do know would have been fine to wake me.” A gentle,sleepy smile before the hand cupping his face tangled up into his that had been holding the stele. “Can talk when you want,in the meantime maybe a bad comedy movie and cuddles on the couch?” 
Alec gave a nod,”That would be great.” Letting Magnus lead the way back inside dropping his bag on the floor after they got inside could grab it on his way back to bed whenever that was. 
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sapphicalexaandra · 7 years
Impossibility Is a Kiss Away from Reality (7/?)
Pairing: Jace/Alec
Rating: E
Summary: It was just that…he couldn’t help but obsessively ponder the pros and cons of actually going to someone and explaining to them this brand-new kind of madness, all the while it sucked him in more and more each day, not only with his mind, but with his entire being…
Notes: Chapter 7 of Sense8 AU...this story will be so long oh my god. 
What’s Going On?
Alec had to lean on the wall in front of him to not collapse under his own weight. He knew that he had let out a sound in the end, so he started coughing to mask it. That, however, only added to the strain that he was putting on his bruised body, so much so that, after getting his pants back on as slowly as he could, he went back to the bed creaking and wheezing like an old man.
It had been worth it. When he laid down, Alec could swear he still felt that mind-blowing orgasm. As he looked up at the ceiling, he was still shell-shocked.
He had tried to just fall asleep; to breathe normally and ignore the rising heat gripping his body, his groin, because he was not going to masturbate in a damn hospital. But when, after more than an hour of immobility and stubbornly closing his eyes in search of sleep, his erection hadn’t given any sign of wanting to cool the fuck down…he would’ve gone mad if he didn’t slip a hand under his waistband. The light strokes had felt like heaven at first, but Alec was sure that it wouldn’t have taken long before he lost himself and forgot where he was, so he quickly – as quickly as he could in his condition – went to the bathroom to not make a mess in the bed.
If anyone ever learned about what he had done he would die of embarrassment, but, in that moment, he couldn’t have cared less that he was half naked and fucking himself a thin wall away from the other patients. Nor could he care about the utter madness that was finding himself entirely naked in a shower, with no pain accompanying his pleasure…because that gave him the possibility to let himself go. And oh, did he go off in that shower; he didn’t think he had ever been so wild, so desperate in his movements, or in the sounds he made, not even when he had been with someone else. He had slipped in and out of that hallucination, putting everything that he couldn’t do in the hospital into what ironically turned out to be the best sex of his life. And he let out a shout that he could still hear even when he got back in his own body, spilling himself into the toilet while he saw only red on the back of his eyelids. Mind-blowing.
He had been back in bed for a just few minutes before the doctor came to check up on him. Alec hoped the flush on his face wasn’t that obvious. Once Pangborn went away again, however, Alec fell asleep almost immediately, truly exhausted, so that he didn’t even have the time to wonder about what the fuck had just happened.
He asked himself that quite enough the next day. Almost obsessively, one could say, so that he more than made up for it. As soon as he woke up, he waited for the results of his scan literally with his heart in his throat.
“Well, then, Officer Lightwood, you ready to go home?” Doctor Pangborn greeted him early in the morning.
Alec blinked. “Ehm…don’t I have to wait for my results?”
“I have them here already.” The doctor smiled as Alec looked at him wide-eyed. “Oh, it’s all alright, see?”
Pangborn was handed a folder by one of the nurses accompanying him, from which he took a few papers. He showed them to Alec and pointed at a few different places on his brain scan.
“Everything’s normal. And you don’t have a concussion, it seems, so nothing to worry about.”
Alec was still blinking, uncomprehending, weirdly irritated by the smile still not leaving the doctor’s face. “B-but…forgive me, doctor, but are you sure? Nothing weird at all?”
“One-hundred percent sure. After a few weeks of rest, you’ll be back to normal.” Pangborn stared at him pointedly. “Why, do you have doubts? Are you not feeling well, Officer?”
Alec stared right back, and a few long moments passed in total impasse. Alec, for some reason, was liking the doctor’s jovial expression less and less by the second…
But he shrugged the feeling off, as Pangborn was an old friend of his father’s. He had treated their family for years, so there was no reason at all to feel suspicious. It was just his paranoia over recent events…events that he’d have to investigate most likely at a psychiatrist’s, not here.
“Of course not,” Alec said lightly. “Thank you, doctor. I’ll gladly go home.”
Alec was surprised when he saw that it was his father picking him up outside. He placed his bag on the backseat before getting in the car.
“Hey, hi, dad,” Alec greeted, trying to mask his unease.
“Alec. Everyone was at work,” Robert said back. The explanation had been unprompted, so he had noticed it. “How are you feeling?”
“Fine,” Alec said simply.  
Silence fell as Robert started up the car.
Alec was still utterly puzzled by his father. Robert had never been a warm person, and Alec remembered a childhood when he was barely home. Then, he remembered him as the one who looked ashamed to have a gay son, when he had come out in high school. Robert had never actively said anything bad about it, but Alec knew. Otherwise, when his mother had finally divorced his father, he wouldn’t have lost contact with him for the following ten years.
Then, one day, Robert had simply come back into their lives and had asked to see his children weekly. Alec and Izzy had been adults already, but they had reluctantly agreed, for Max’s sake, and for their own, even though they hadn’t had much hope. But now, Robert seemed entirely genuine in his attempt at mending the past; he never missed their dinners, he asked about their lives and their aspirations, he was supportive of Izzy’s relationship, and had even told Alec that he was proud of him.
Still, if he was asked about his father’s reasons or what had made him change, Alec wouldn’t be able to give an answer.
He did appreciate it either way. Even if he didn’t quite know how to let his father in quite yet, after all this time, he was trying.
“Alec, if you take my wallet in the the glove box, I have something there for you,” Robert finally broke the silence.
“I don’t need money, dad…”
“No, it’s not that. Please.”
Alec was even more puzzled, but he reluctantly did as he was told.
“In one of the folders you’ll find a white business card,” Robert told him.
Alec found it and read it.
Dr. Tessa Gray, Psychologist.
Alec closed his eyes.
“Dad…” he started, a lump forming in his throat. He didn’t know if he felt touched or embarrassed. Probably the latter. He surely didn’t want his father to think that he was incapable of doing his job now, or that he was weak…
“Listen to me, son.” Robert cleared his throat, his eyes fixed on the road. “I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, and I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Doctor Gray. She gave me the incentive that I needed, to finally realize what the important things in my life are. My children. Hope, and seeing the, the good in the world…”
Alec was holding his breath. He had never heard him talk so openly, especially not about his family.
“This is just a suggestion, okay?” Robert went on, glancing at him. “What happened yesterday is none of my business, but it is your business, and I don’t want to see you in a hospital again, since you might not be as lucky next time. You promise me that you’ll give it some thought? I bet they’ll have you do a psychic evaluation anyway, so at least I’ll know that you’re in good hands.”
Alec nodded mutely, and he had to swallow down a bigger lump, before he could speak again, “Yeah, dad. Thank you…really.”
He might have an answer now, after all.
“You need help bringing your things up?” his father asked him, once he parked by Alec’s apartment building.
“No, I’ve got it,” Alec said, smiling as he hugged his father. He groaned as his ribs gave a sign of protest.
“Sorry,” his father apologized, quickly breaking apart, but Alec shook his head, still smiling.
“See you, dad.”
“See you…get well.”
Alec did feel a bit lighter after that, but it still didn’t stop him, as soon as he entered his apartment, from letting out a big sigh. And that only because he couldn’t very well scream.
He’d go to that doctor, yes; he had to. And, hopefully, she’d be able to tell him if he was going crazy.
In the meanwhile, he wanted to sleep for ten thousand years.
He went to the bathroom first…and he wasn’t even that surprised when, after splashing his face with cold water, the reflection he saw in the mirror wasn’t his. Alec’s eyes widened, as him and the vision, Jace, stared at each other. And Alec’s mouth wordlessly moved, as if he wanted to say to his own hallucination that the fact that he hadn’t disliked their…dance, and that he had been about to kiss him, didn’t mean anything. Because, apparently, that was the state he was in; even knowing that this wasn’t real, his face still became flushed as he struggled to justify his attraction as if to an actual crush.
He was saved by the trill of his phone, and he looked down at it sitting on the sink. When he raised his eyes back to the mirror and saw only himself, however, Alec had to call himself stupid as he felt a pang of disappointment.
“Hey, Iz,” he answered, clicking on loudspeaker.
“Big bro! How are you feeling? I’m so sorry I couldn’t come to pick you up earlier, but I’m buried in work. Literally. My hands are in a body right now.”
“Gross. TMI.”
“I’m doing the autopsies of the victims of yesterday.”
Alec’s heart sank. “Oh. Yeah. I didn’t…how many?”
Alec sighed. “I should be at work too right now, instead of…”
“Hey, I don’t want to hear it. You need to take care of yourself first, okay? What are your plans?”
Alec knew what she meant. “Sleep…then, dad gave me his therapist’s number.”
Izzy paused. “Dad?” There was as much surprise in her voice as he had felt. “Wow.”
“Are you going to go?”
Alec bit his lower lip. “Yeah, I think so.”
“I think I’ll really go sleep, now, though.”
“Yeah, go do that. I’ll come by when I can.”
“You don’t have-”
“Of course I will, I don’t want you to face all this alone. You hear me?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“Are you sure you’ll be fine in the meantime? Don’t say yes if it’s not real, I-”
“Iz, I’m fine, really. It was just one incident, I haven’t suddenly lost all ability to take care of myself. I’m an adult. I won’t fall into depression if I’m alone for a bit, okay?”
Izzy paused, and Alec heard a sigh. “Love you, Alec.”
“Love you, too.”
“I’ll still come by.”
“Okay. You’ll have to bring food, though.”
“Bye, Iz.”
Alec ended the call. He looked back at the mirror. His face was still partly swollen. No blond guy. No Jace.
He sighed.
Despite his good intentions, two weeks would end up passing before he could talk himself into calling that psychologist. All through it, he knew that he needed to go, and desperately. It was just that…he couldn’t help but obsessively ponder the pros and cons of actually going to someone and explaining to them this brand-new kind of madness, all the while it sucked him in more and more each day, not only with his mind, but with his entire being…  
As it stayed, two days earlier he had been a normal guy; now, one hour couldn’t pass without Alec catching a glimpse of him.
Jace taking a nap in the bed next to him; Alec turned on his side, his eyes opening, and he jumped, a spark of pain hitting his chest, upon seeing that beautiful sleeping face right in front of his nose, looking so peaceful in slumber. Jace’s breath hit him softly like a faraway breeze, and Alec’s heart started beating furiously, a hand rising to brush some hair away from Jace’s forehead before he could stop himself. When Jace disappeared a second later, Alec could’ve kicked himself, as his fingers tingled for far longer than that.
Jace walking on a busy street; Alec was in the kitchen, about to make himself lunch, and the next moment he was by Jace’s side. The loud sounds split his head in half, as he walked barefooted without feeling any pain, no cold, no hard ground. He looked up at the buildings around them, and he couldn’t help but be a little in awe… When he lowered his gaze again, Jace was staring at him with those peculiar eyes of his, and Alec forgot everything that he wanted to say, as his heart missed a beat. Then, he had to curse the smell of a burned burger that brought him back home…only because Jace had caused him to ruin his food, no other reason.
And the music…he heard it constantly. As he sat on his bed resting against a mountain of pillows, ice-pack placed on his swollen torso, and he went through his e-mails and get-well messages from colleagues, friends and family members (refraining himself from watching the news, if he didn’t only want to start biting his nails in frustration…), he found himself singing under his breath. He had never even heard that song .
“Twenty-five years, and my life is still…”
He was sitting behind the counter of a shop - a music shop, by the looks of it. Of course. And the song was playing at the radio. As Alec kept singing it, the voice coming out of him wasn’t his…
Then, Alec was sitting on the counter, watching Jace twirl his pen and sing. “I realized quickly when I knew I should…” Jace looked up at him, and there was a glint in his eyes that the smile playing on his lips only brightened. “And so I cry sometimes when I'm lying in bed just to get it all out…”
They were in Alec’s bed, Jace sitting right next to him, still singing, still with that stupid smile on his face.
“And so I wake in the morning and I step outside…c’mon, Alec, sing with me!”
Alec jumped, starting to draw away until he was at the edge of the bed. “What? No!”
“And I scream from the top of my lungs, what's going on?!” Jace stood up on the bed, and he looked down at Alec, his smile positively blindingnow. “Isn’t that just fitting?” he laughed, his arms stretched towards Alec, inviting him. “And I say, hey yeah yeah, hey yeah yeah…”
“I said hey, what's going on?” Alec flinched, but the words had already come out of his mouth.
Jace only laughed louder (how could even that sound be musical?). And what was the point of fighting it any longer? Alec had already let Jace take his hands, and he slowly managed to get himself upright with Jace’s help.
That was how he found himself singing badly, crazily, with the man in his head.
“And I say, hey yeah yeah, hey yeah yeah, I said hey, what's going on?”
“Jace? I appreciate your enthusiasm, but we have customers?” a shouted whisper reached them, and Jace, stunned, looked up at Alec, their faces exhilaratingly a few inches apart, before he disappeared.
Alec would’ve thrown himself back on the bed, but he had to resort to getting down carefully. His groan of frustration was telling anyway.  
So how could he just go and let this out into the world? He’d be locked up the next day.
Even if that might’ve been a bit extreme, Alec still had his reservations; because, if he was entirely honest with himself, a part of him also didn’t want to deal with it…quite yet.
It was just so, so, so damn…fun? Maddening in more ways than one. The frustration and the fear only one side of a coin, only the opposite to a thrill and excitement that he had never felt, except for every new time he saw Jace.
If he got rid of it…Alec truly feared that reality would start paling in comparison to that never-ending dream. So, with all the knowledge of how bad procrastinating the inevitable would be for him in the end, he slipped and fell right into it, unable, unwilling, to tune it out.
When Izzy and Lydia came over for dinner and to watch a movie, Alec plastered a big smile on his face the entire evening, just as Jace appeared intermittently through all of it.
“Ah! I love Harry Potter!” Jace exclaimed, landing next to him and staring at the screen.
Alec had to stuff pop-corn into his mouth to not respond to him.
“I’m going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed, or worse, expelled,” Jace recited Hermione’s line in the most high-pitched tone and the goofiest smile. “Such a great line.”
Alec rolled his eyes.
Alec turned around, only to find both girls looking at him weirdly. “What?”
“You…” Lydia raised an eyebrow. “You just did a perfect British accent, like…perfect. When the hell did you learn that and how? You can’t hold back on me like this!”
“Truly, that was awesome!” Izzy echoed.
Alec’s mouth fell open, and he couldn’t help but sneak a glance at Jace, who was listening, surprised just as well. “I - I’m a field agent, I know many languages, thank you very much!”
“You’re a terrible liar, how come you’re a cop?” Jace told him bemusedly.  
“I know that,” Lydia pressed on, frowning, “but accents are always the worst thing? And you never did it so well?”
Alec huffed, almost feeling like swatting Jace away like a fly, as his leg kept bouncing up and down. “Well, it just happened. Can we go back to the movie?”
Izzy and Lydia shrugged and turned their heads away from him, snuggling closer under their blanket.
“A perfect accent just happened to you just as I’m a troll dancing in a tutu,” Jace whispered in his ear.
Alec snorted so bad that he choked on a popcorn.
“What, now, big bro? Didn’t you say to go back to the movie?” Izzy reprimanded him.
Alec was still coughing, stings of pain riddling his chest. “Sorry.”
Jace would truly be the death of him. The next day he would call that psychologist, he promised himself.
He went back to bed, after the girls left without any more incidents, and he fell asleep hoping that this bad dream would end when he woke up in the morning. Only half hoping, really…
He was woken up, instead, by the ear-splitting sound of an electric guitar. Alec opened his eyes with a gasp, his hands flying to cover his ears, but the sound didn’t stop at all. It only kept going and going, as Alec struggled to turn his phone’s light on…only to see that it was five in the bloody morning.
“Can’t you stop?! Must you practice at this hour?!” Alec yelled as soon as he saw Jace, who was tuning his guitar in what looked like a garage.
Jace raised his eyes. “It’s ten.”
“No, it’s not! I’m trying to sleep here, are you not done annoying me, like last night at my apartment?”
“What? You wanted me to miss the movie? That’s just rude. And you’re the one annoying me right now, this is my job.”
Alec huffed. He called that noise a job?
Two people entered the room; Alec had already briefly seen them, when Jace had been on stage. One was the guy with glasses at the piano who had sang with him, and the other was the guitarist.
“Hey, Simon, Maureen.” Jace waved at them, before handing the guitar to who must be Maureen.
“Bro, I’m surprised that you called a rehearsal on a Sunday morning?” the one who should then be Simon said, rubbing his eyes.
“Art never sleeps,” Jace shot back.
“You sleep plenty, if you ask me, I see you during the shifts at the shop!”
“We stay up late!”
“Guys, c’mon,” Maureen reprimanded them.
Alec was fuming during that entire exchange. He crossed his arms, letting out a sound that he hoped Jace heard, before he went back to his bed. Jace, however, just had to be Jace, and he appeared in his room a moment later.
“Hey, I’m sorry, you know it’s not my fault,” Jace said.
Alec turned off the light, closing his eyes.
“Hey, c’mon. Don’t you think we should…talk? About all of this?”
“There is nothing to talk about. You just need to get out of my head, smoke man.”
“Stop calling me that. And I don’t know how to do that, that’s why we should talk.”
Alec turned on the light again. “Right, have a conversation with the voice in my head. How very sane of me.”
“Are you still on about that?” Jace crossed his arms, his eyes darting around the room. “Do you still think this isn’t real?”
Alec’s entire face frowned. “What do you mean, am I still on about that? It’s been two days. I was perfectly normal before, and now I’ve gone crazy hallucinating you. Yes, this isn’t real.”
Jace didn’t say anything for a long while, and they just kept on staring at each other. The silence was deafening, a heartbeat the only thing to be heard. For a moment, Alec wondered whose that was.
“Whatever, I need to get back,” Jace finally said, averting his eyes.
Alec groaned. “Can you turn off the volume, at least?” Because that didn’t sound even more crazy at all.
“I’m not a tv!”
Alec groaned again, bringing an arm to cover his face. He just wanted to sleep. “Don’t you ever get tired? Of music? You’re surrounded by it every hour of the day!”
Jace opened his mouth, and Alec had to wonder why the hell he was still talking to him. Why was he even keeping him there? But every question vanished as soon as Jace started talking again, “No. I don’t get tired of music, that’s…”
“How did you get into it?” Alec asked, genuinely curious. (Wait, what the fuck?)
Jace shrugged. “I needed an outlet besides punching things when I was a teen.”
“Punching things?”
“I’m a black belt in Krav Maga.”
Alec paused. “Oh. Me, too.”
Jace grinned. “Of course you are, Officer.” Then he turned serious again. “But yeah, I mean, it started like that, but then I fell in love with it. And music is just one of those things that you don’t ever fall out of love with, you know? You only ever…fall more and more for it every day, if you know what I mean?”
“Yeah,” Alec answered before he could think about it. That had come out more like a sigh…and Alec had to clear his throat, shrugging himself off from just staring at Jace’s mouth as it moved.
“You have something like that?” Jace asked him softly, oblivious to Alec’s sudden discomfort.
Alec stayed quiet for a long moment, before he came to a decision. He threw off the covers from over himself, and he struggled to get up.
“Hey, careful…” Jace said, his arms outstretched towards him, suddenly far closer to Alec that he had been.
Alec swatted him away. “Follow me.” (As if he needed to say it.)
Alec put on a hoodie, grabbed his apartment keys, and went out the door and to the elevator.
“Where the hell are you going? It’s late, and you’re in your pyjamas…”
Alec didn’t respond, he simply pressed the button to the top floor.
Jace stayed wordlessly by his side until they reached the rooftop, and then Alec’s telescope, where Alec removed the sheet covering it.
“You know what, I will thank you for reminding me that I haven’t been up here in far too long.” Alec traced the length of his telescope with nimble fingers, and the chills he got weren’t just from the cold night air. “I don’t know if it can compare, but it was always something I loved to do.”
“Watching the stars?” Jace said.
Alec looked back at him, a smirk playing on his lips. “Surprised? Am I too cranky for such a calm hobby?”
“No, actually.” Jace smiled. “It fits you quite right.”
Alec caught himself studying Jace’s face once more. He averted his eyes. “Shouldn’t you be at your rehearsal?”
“I am. Somehow, I’m doing both things.”
Alec shook his head. Right. He needed to stop asking him questions as if he was a real person. He brought his eye to the lens.
“Show me something,” Jace demanded, his voice almost lost in the sudden wind.
Alec sighed. “Here, if you see that group on the right…”
Jace leaned closer, and Alec felt his breath grazing against his skin. More chills that weren’t caused by the cold.
What was going on, indeed?
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nicknchris09 · 7 years
Once In A Lifetime Chapter 51 Own Terms
Melissa's POV
Our trip finally came to an end.  Seth and I decided we should leave.  My mother asked if I would come back soon.  I told her I would.  I knew when he got worse, I would want to see him one more time and say goodbye.  I wish I could have stayed longer but knew it wouldn't be good for my children to see him get worse and they had school to go back to.  We all were outside as the children said goodbye to their grandparents.  Once they did, Seth walked up and my mother said goodbye to him as she hugged him.  He walked over to my dad and he shook my father's hand.  My dad looked at him almost with sad eyes, "Please, take care of them.  They will need you once I am gone."
I became sad when I heard this.  Seth looked at him and said, sincerely, "I plan on it.  I'm not going anywhere.  I promise you."
My dad smiled at him and said, "I know you will."  He still had a hold of his hand and he pulled Seth into him.  He hugged him.  I was shocked to see this.  My dad wasn't particularly affectionate.  But to see this was warming.  Seth seemed shocked by it as well.  But he did give him a hug back.  My dad said to him, "You are a good man, Seth."
They pulled away and Seth nodded as he smiled.  I walked up to my mom and she hugged my quickly.  I then walked over to my dad, sad, knowing this would be the last time I would see him like this.  Tears build up in my eyes and he noticed.  He said, sweetly, "I love you, princess."
I hugged him as I cried.  "I love you too, daddy."
I stayed that way for a moment as a few tears fell.  I finally pulled away and dried my tears up.  Then my dad said, "It will be okay.  It suppose to be this way.  Parents suppose to go before their children, it’s only right."
I nodded but it didn't make me feel better.  We hugged one more time and I finally left.  We got into the vehicle and left.  As we drove away, Seth briefly looked over to me as he asked, "You okay?"
I exhaled.  "I just wish I had more time."
He smiled, softly.  "Baby, I think no amount time would be enough for you."
"I know."  I only said, softly.
A couple weeks past and I talked to my parents everyday.  I checked in with dad and mom to see how he was.  He just now started to show signs of the cancer spreading.  It broke my heart.  Seth had to work but him and I decided to go to lunch.  I got to the parking lot of his job when my phone rang.  I quickly parked it and looked at my phone.  It was Max.  I picked up and said, cheerfully, "Hey, bro, what you up to?"
"Hey, Lissa."  Max didn't sound right.  
I knew instantly something was wrong.  "What's wrong, Max?  Is it dad?"
"Um, yeah."  He sounded really upset.
"Did he already take a turn to the worse?  How bad is he?"  I was almost freaking out.
"Lissa, dad is gone."  He almost choked out.
"What?"  I was shocked.  I didn't expect this.  I thought we would have more of an idea about when he would go.  But this, this was sudden.  No getting really bad before he passed.  I said as I didn't know how to process this.  "I don't understand.  I thought he was suppose to go slowly.  How...how did this happen?"
"Lissa, dad didn't want to be in pain.  He didn't want us to watch him in pain.  So, he decided to take it upon himself to end it.  He left a note saying he didn't want none of this for us.  He wanted us to remember him how he was.  Not dying and sick."  He explained.
This hit me harder as I realized he took his own life.  "How...how did he do it?"  The realization started to hit me as tears flowed down my cheeks.
I heard Max crying at this point.  "He took a bunch of pain pills.  He did it when he went to bed.  When mom woke up, she found him dead."
"Oh, god!"  I was shocked.
"Lissa, I have to go.  Mom isn't doing so good and someone has to talk to the doctor."   He told me.
"No, I understand.  Go.  Give mom my love.  And I will try to come back as soon as I can."  I said to him as I tried to hold back the pain.
"Okay, sis.  I love you."  He said to me.
"I love you too, Max."  I said, then hung up the phone.
I sat back in my seat as I was really shocked at what my father did.  I felt zoned out and everything around me didn’t feel real.
A few minutes later, I was inside the building. I was almost in a daze as I walked to Seth's office.  Everything sounded so far away and distanced as I was too dazed by the news.  I felt someone touch my arm as I was focused on the floor, only thinking about my father.  I looked up to see Mila.  She said, "I tried calling out to you, Lissa.  Is everything okay?"
I still felt daze and said, "Um, yeah.  Where, uh, where is Seth?"
"I think in his office."  Then she looked at me in concern.  "Are you sure you are okay?  You do not look so good."
I just nodded.  Just then I heard my husband's voice, "There you are.  I thought you were standing me up."  I just looked at him as my eyes filled with tears.  He made me feel safe and okay to be vulnerable.  He noticed the tears.  "What's wrong?"
I only cried and ran into him arms.  He hugged me tightly.  I finally choked out, "My dad is gone."
"What?  I thought he had more time."  He seemed shocked.
"He took his own life.  He left a note saying he rather us remembering him like that then him sick.  So, he ended it so we would never have to see him like that."  I sobbed out.
"Fuck, baby!  I'm so sorry."  I could tell this shocked him.
I forgot Mila was still there.  But I heard her gasped when I told Seth.  I felt her hand on my back and I looked over at her through the tears.  "I'm so sorry, Lissa."  Mila said, sincerely.
I just nodded but didn't move away from Seth.  Seth didn't stop holding me.  "Come on, let's get you to my office."
He held onto me as he moved us to the office.  We walked in and sat on the couch in the office.  I didn't let go of Seth as I didn't want to be away from him.  He was actually stopping the pain from being worse.  Seth didn't say anything, just held me closely.  My tears subsided.  "We have to go back."  I almost breathed.
"I know."  I heard him say.  "I will handle everything."
Then it hit me.  My children.  I looked up at Seth in pain, "What do we tell the boys?  I don't want them to know their grandfather killed himself."
"Then don't tell them.  Just tell them he died peacefully in his sleep.  That really isn't a lie."  He said to me.
I said to him, "I can't lie to them."
"Then I will.  It's only to save them from the horrible truth.  I would say we could tell KJ as he is old enough.  But I don't know how he would handle it."  He said.
"His grandfather's death is going to be hard on him."  I said as the tears build back up.
"I know and that worries me."  Seth breathed.
I said in my tears, "Me too."
Neither of us said a word, just stayed there as he held me.  I just stayed still as I thought about everything.  I knew what my dad did was for us and for himself but I was angry with him.  For cutting it too short.  Even if it was only for by a couple more months.  That was a couple more months he could have had.  But he ended it.  He ended it before I could say goodbye.  I was angry at him for that.
Seth's POV
I felt for Lissa so much but at the same time I felt sadness.  I finally got the man to genuinely like me and now he was gone.  We knew this was coming, but not like this.  I was in shock by what he did.  I didn't think he would do that.  I also knew Lissa didn't expect it either.  After sometime of holding her and having her calm, I decided we should head home.  We quickly and quietly left the office.  She broke the news where people heard it, so as we walked out, I saw people looking at us as they whispered.  It pissed me off.  She didn't need that just then.  We finally left the office and we got in my car.  We left her truck there as I knew she was in no condition to drive home.  I would have someone bring it home later.  After I got her home, I put her to bed as I knew she needed to get some rest.  She was emotionally drained.  When I checked on her before I got Josh and James from school, I found her sleeping.  I quickly left and made sure to get them quickly.  I got us home and waited for KJ and Jacob to get home.  Once they did, I told KJ, "Get your other brothers, I need to talk to all of you."
He then asked, concerned, "Is everything okay, dad?"
"No, son.  Please do as I asked."  I said to him.
He nodded and did it.  Shortly all four of the boys were in the living room sitting down on the couch.  I sat on the coffee table and said as I signed, "I have some bad news, boys.  Your grandfather passed away last night in his sleep."
None of the boys reacted right away.  Finally Jacob asked, "He's dead?"
I only answered as I signed, "Yes."
They seemed sad but not surprised.  They knew there grandfather was going to pass away so I think they didn't take it so hard.  I asked them as I signed, "Are you guys okay?"
They all nodded sadly and James signed, "Grandpa is in heaven.  He isn't in pain anymore."
I just smiled at the young boy.  Then I told them, "We will be going back in a couple days.  You do not have to go to school tomorrow."
They understood and they all parted ways.  Before KJ walked out, I called after him, "KJ."
He stopped as the rest of the boys left.  "Yeah, dad?"
"Come here.  I needed to talk to you."  I said to him.
He stayed back and sat back down.  I made sure the coast was clear from the other boys.  I then looked at him and said, "I have to tell you more of what happened as I feel you are old enough to really understand it all.  But you have to promise me you will not freak out or get angry.  I know your mother cannot deal with you going to that bad place again like you did when your father died."
He seemed to understand and said, "I promise, dad."
I signed and said, slowly, "I didn't tell the rest of them as I feel they will not understand."
"What is it, dad?"  He seemed to be scared at what I had to tell him.
"Look, your grandfather didn't die cause of the cancer."  I told him.
"What?"  He seemed shocked.  "Then how?"  He asked.
I looked at him as I licked my lips.  "He took a bunch of pills and went peacefully during the night."
"He killed himself?"  He asked in shocked.  I nodded.  Then he began to freak.  "But why?  Why would he do that?  I don't understand."
"Calm down, please."  I almost begged.  I didn't want him to go to a bad place.  I saw him calm himself and I finally said, "He felt it was best.  He wanted everyone to remember him okay, not sick.  Once his illness began to progress, he decided this was the best way.  He also didn't want to be in pain.  He wanted to go on his own terms."
I saw KJ's expression change.  He seemed to understand and was seemingly okay with it.  "I get it.  He wanted to die peacefully.  He was going to die anyways, he just wanted to do it his way."
I nodded and said, "I figured you understand.  But please do not tell your brothers.  They do not need to know and they will not understand."
He quickly said, "I promise, dad.  I get why you don't want them to know.  They aren't ready for stuff like this."
I moved over and hugged him.  I asked as I did, "Are you okay?"
We pulled away and he said with a small smile, "Yeah, I actually am.  I am glad grandpa did it the way he wanted to.  I know he was probably happier this way.  Actually makes me feel better to know that he wasn't in pain when he passed."
I smiled softly and nodded.  KJ then said, "I'm going to go to my room.  I promise, I am okay, dad."
"I'm glad."  I told him.
He got up and started to walk out.  He stopped and looked back.  "Dad."  I looked up at him.  "I love you."
I smiled at him and said, "I love you too, son."
He smiled back at me and walked away.  I got up and went to check on Lissa.  I walked to our room and opened the door.  Her back was to the door but I heard her crying.  I moved in as I closed the door.  I walked over to the bed and laid down.  I pulled her close to me.  She quickly turned her body to me and clung onto my shirt.  "Baby, it's okay.  It will be okay."
"I still can't believe he did this.  Why would he do this?"  She sounded mad.
I tried to calm her.  "Baby, don't overthink it, please.  Let's just get through this, together.  Okay?"
She didn't say anything at first.  Then she asked, "Did you tell the boys?"
I breathed, "Yeah."  Then I said, "But I told KJ everything.  He seemed okay.  He understood."
She looked at me in surprise.  "How?  I don't even understand.  He killed himself, Seth.  He was so selfish.  No one got to say goodbye.  He just let his death hit us harder.  He was so selfish."
I noticed anger in her voice.  "Baby, what is going on?"
"Are you not listening?  The man was selfish.  I didn't get to say goodbye!"  It hit me what was bothering her.  She thought she would be able to go back and say goodbye to her father, but now it was robbed from her.  She broke down in tears.  "I wanted to say goodbye."
I held her tightly.  "Baby, I know you didn't get to say goodbye the way you wanted to.  But you still get to say goodbye.  It's never too late."
All she did was cry in my arms.  I didn't know what else to say at this point.  I just knew she needed me.  So I just held her as I let her cry in my arms.
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notthetoothfairy · 7 years
He’s Got You High
For @a-simple-rainbow. ♥♥♥
She wanted something based on this post: Kurt sends an email to his TA while high on pain meds after a wisdom teeth extraction.
read on AO3
Blaine is in the middle of his theatre history class when his phone signals a new email in his inbox. Discreetly hiding the phone from his instructor’s view by keeping his hands behind a stack of textbooks on his desk, he goes to his email folder and checks the sender.
It reads, Kurt Hummel.
He has to bite his tongue to stop the smile forming on his lips. Kurt is a sophomore, only a year behind Blaine, and takes improv and stage combat class with Blaine. He’s also a student in one of Mme Tibideaux’s more advanced voice studio classes that Blaine miraculously got to be the TA for this year.
To say that Kurt is Blaine’s favorite student would be an understatement – in fact, hopelessly crushing on him is probably more accurate.
It’s not like Blaine is planning to do anything about it, at least not while he’s Kurt’s TA. It would be inappropriate, unprofessional, and probably also really awkward, especially if Kurt isn’t interested.
So, he’s not fooling himself into thinking that Kurt’s email will be anything out of the ordinary. Probably a note of absence or questions about the final exam… though, as Blaine notices with a frown, the subject reads “Paper Eggstension”. Autocorrect maybe? There’s no way Kurt’s spelling is that bad, Blaine has read and graded most of his MUS105 papers.
Glancing at the teacher to ensure he’s still unobserved, Blaine opens the email, intrigued and a bit concerned now. He scans the first few lines and – oh, wow.
Everyone at NYADA knows Kurt is full of surprises and he’s certainly made an impression on Blaine more than once but this…? This has Blaine blushing, giggling under his breath, shaking his head fondly and wanting to check up on Kurt all at once.
To: Blaine Anderson
From: Kurt Hummel
Subject: Paper Eggstension
Dear Mr. Blaine,
sry, I forgot your last name because Rachel calls you Mr. Dreamboat! And y would I use your last name anyway? You told us to call you Blaine. Thats a nice name. Blaiiiine.
You said other stuff too. Like that we could send you our MUS105 paper before we send it to Mme Tibidibideaux (I wish she let us call her Blaine too) but only if we dont miss the deadline. Now I gotta tell you: No can-do. But I have an excuse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you don’t believe. But you should. Cuz Blaine, u see – I got my teeth removed. The smarty ones. The wisdom teat. Anyway. I got them out. It was brutality. So much pain, worse than when I watched you unfairly lose Midmight Madnesssss against that senior douche, whatever the fuck his name is again. You should have won Blaine. You were better. I think Rachel bribe the judge bc she went out with senior douche… what is hid name? Bobby? Barney?
But PLEASE could I get a few more days, could you ask Mme T.…??? I really wanna do well bc… you see, Mme T., she scares the hell out of me. Ha that rhymes, triple! Cuz I’m awesome. Yes, I am. You can just accept that as fact or you can also go out wih me and see how awesome I am for yourself, your choice (but pick the latter!). But anyway please please pls pls pls can I hand it the paper a bit later? I really cant submit something bad -- and Im afraid they pulled out my brain with the teeth!!!!!!!! I can’t write a well paper without a brain!
My doctor says Ill regret writing emails while Im hai (thats German for shark, funny fact) so I’m gonna stop and hope that you will say yes! Please bro? Oh! Brody. Brodouche. Midnight Madman. Destroy him next time! (He broke up with Rach, he deserves it.)
Thank you, Mr. Blaineboat. I really like you.
Kurt xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Blaine reads the email three times before deciding that he should wait until after class to type out a response. In the state he’s in right now, he’ll probably do something stupid and just write back, Yes to all.
He wants to, of course. He’d give Kurt an extension on his paper and say yes to a date with him in a heartbeat but… he knows he’ll have to convince Mme Tibideaux, sort out his personal TA-student dating policy (and maybe ask around if NYADA has an official take on it) and make sure Kurt really meant to type this and didn’t just do so in the spur of the painkiller-induced moment.
The class can’t end fast enough but as soon as it’s over and Blaine finds a quiet corner in the library to think of what to respond, he blanks, drafting several replies but ending up deleting all of them.
“Goddammit,” he mutters to himself. “Just write something.”
In the end, “something” doesn’t really compare to Shakespeare but Blaine figures that at least he won’t risk his job over it, either.
And maybe, just maybe, Kurt will catch the ambiguity in his words.
“What are you working on?” Rachel asks when she comes back to the loft, arms full of grocery bags that Kurt hopes are filled with veggies for him to make soup with. He seriously craves eating something that isn’t liquid but mushy veggies drowning in hot water really is the maximum of cheating when it comes to his pained cheeks. He knew it was a bad idea to get both upper wisdom teeth out the same day. But it’s too late to complain. At least he has a best friend who brings him soup.
Kurt sighs at the laptop in front of him.
“My paper for Mme Tibideaux,” he responds. “You know I love Sondheim but interpreting his work while physically injured makes me want to kill him.”
“He’s in his mid-eighties, Kurt,” Rachel tells him. “Let an old man be.”
“Ugh.” Kurt rubs his eyes. “The meds are making me tired, though.”
“Why do you even bother writing the paper when you got an extension from Mr. Dreamboat?”
Kurt frowns at Rachel. “Extension? When would I have gotten that?”
“In your email?” Rachel frowns back. “Come on, don’t tell me you chickened out just because you’re in love with him. He’s still our TA, he could probably do something about that deadline, so-”
“I don’t remember writing an email.” Kurt goes to student email and punches in his username and password. “Or getting one back, for that matter. Like, wouldn’t I rem-” He blinks in surprise, catching Blaine’s name in his inbox – twice, even. How high was he, exactly? “Wait, what did I…?” Clicking on the email, bits and pieces come back to him, and he suddenly grabs the couch cushion next to him, holding onto it for dear life. “Oh my god, no.”
“Rachel.” Kurt feels the blood draining from his face. “Oh, Jesus, please tell me I didn’t write that…”
He scrolls through the quoted email below Blaine’s short responses (Dear Kurt, thank you for telling me! And yes, of course! I’ll talk to Mme Tibideaux, and get back to you once I know more. Get well soon! All the best, Blaine, and the more recent Dear Kurt, I got a yes from Mme Tibideaux, you’re getting one more week! Best, Blaine) and cringes when he reads the first line.
“I did. Fuuuuuck. Oh god, now I wish Sondheim could kill me.”
“Again, the guy’s, like, 85…” Rachel says slowly. “And why would you- whoa, is that your email to Blaine?”
Kurt doesn’t answer, instead opting to hide his face in his hands.
“You did not tell him we call him Mr. Dreamboat.”
Kurt whimpers.
“You did not ask him out!” Rachel squeals.
Kurt lets out a miserable whine.
“Oh my god, Kurt, you did not tell him you like him and signed the email with a dozen kissing faces!!!”
“WHAT?!” Kurt’s hands fly back to his laptop. He didn’t re-read that part. “Oh my god! I ju- Rachel, I can never go back to that school. I’m such a failure at life, Jesus Christ.”
“You’re very religious all of a sudden.”
“Don’t just sit there mocking me,” Kurt begs. “Tell me it was all just a bad dream.”
Rachel gives him a look of deep, genuine pity. “I really wish I could but I doubt my eyes can never unsee that email. Also, I know you wrote that while you were high on pain meds but I am a bit upset you never told me you didn’t like Brody. Might have saved me some trouble.”
Kurt rolls his eyes at her. “You honestly believe I never brought it up? What do you think we were we having that flea-market chair argument for? And don’t even pretend like you would have called it off with him just because I said something.” Rachel opens her mouth to speak but Kurt shakes his head violently. “It doesn’t matter, anyway – what am I going to do about this?!”
Rachel shrugs. “Kurt, it’s out there. All you can do now is roll with it.”
“In my grave, you mean?”
“In class. To which we’re going tomorrow since you’re so much better already,” Rachel tells him sternly. “Judging by Mr. Dreamb-”
“We can’t call him that anymore,” Kurt says quickly.
“Fine.” She sighs. “Judging by Blaine’s reply, he’s not bothered by it. Who knows, maybe he’s flattered. Or happy about it. It’s not every day you get an email from a cute guy confessing he’s crushing on you.”
“Yeah, right,” Kurt mumbles into the sleeve of his sweater. “As if I stand a chance with him.”
“No time like the present to find out,” Rachel says with finality. “Now, I’m making you soup, and you’re going to put on some Sondheim so you can work on your paper with some fresh insights and maximum concentration.”
It’s a nice thought – but Kurt doesn’t get anything done that night.
Blaine carefully keeps his eyes on his notebook when Rachel and Kurt walk into his class.
He was expecting Kurt to come back today (and no, he did not google how long it takes for people to recover from wisdom teeth extraction – he just asked Sam, who had gotten it done right before moving to New York), and he might have put a little extra effort into looking good today. He never got a response from Kurt, so he figures the guy has either silently acknowledged the paper extension, avoided Blaine for a number of possible reasons or forgotten about the exchange entirely.
Whatever the motivation behind it, Blaine will not despair over it. He’s Kurt’s TA, and as such won’t try anything anyway. NYADA doesn’t seem to have any policy against TAs dating students but nevertheless, he doesn’t want to put either them in an awkward position.
Which doesn’t even take into account the fact that he still doesn’t know whether Kurt remembers asking him out, whether he actually meant it, or whether he intends to ask again.
He might want to wait until Blaine’s no longer his TA as well. That’s alright with Blaine. After all, there’s a month left to this semester, so he can wait. He totally can.
He looks up from his notebook with a smile.
“Hi everyone,” he greets the class. “How are you doing? So, the deadline for your papers is Friday so I hope you’ve all sent me your drafts in case you want me to read them.” He can’t help but let his eyes wander to where Kurt is sitting. “Unless there were any reasons to hand them in late.”
Kurt blinks really quickly at the sudden eye contact, and lets out a nervous laugh.
And Blaine realizes he really totally cannot wait a whole month to get answers to his questions.
Before he can stop himself, he adds, “Everyone with extensions on their papers, please come see me after class.”
Of course, that’s just Kurt, but the class won’t know. Okay, Rachel might know, seeing as she elbows Kurt so hard it almost sends him flying off his seat. Kurt almost doesn’t seem to notice it as he’s busy staring at Blaine with a bit of a twitch in his eye.
Blaine suppresses a groan. This isn’t the plan. What is he doing?
“Blaine, I am so sorry!” Kurt exclaims in misery when the rest of the students slip away after class is over.
He’s beyond glad that Blaine didn’t make him sing any of his pieces today because apart from already being nervous whenever Blaine does ask him to do that, today his anxiety probably would have been the final straw. He might have run off or broken out into tears in front of everyone.
Blaine looks at him with a small smile. “You’ve got nothing to apologize.”
“Uh, yes, I do,” Kurt says stubbornly. He’s beyond mortified; the least Blaine can do is let him apologize properly. “I really didn’t mean to-”
“Oh.” Blaine looks down on the pile of sheet music he was stacking. “Yeah, right. Uhm, seriously though, I know how bad pain killers can be, I don’t blame you for-”
“Oh thank god, you know it was the pain meds,” Kurt breathes out in relief. “I was afraid you’d think-”
“No worries,” Blaine cuts him off. “It’s alright if you didn’t mean any of it.”
Kurt hesitates for a second, and gulps as he takes in Blaine’s slightly shaky hand movement as he stuffs the sheet music into his messenger bag.
“If…?” he asks quietly.
“I mean that,” Blaine says, eyebrows furrowing slightly. “Sorry, that, of course.”
Kurt’s at a loss. He’s getting mixed signals, and just judging by the last bit of the exchange – if that was the only thing that had happened, his stupid email and the fact that Blaine is his freaking TA forgotten – he might even be encouraged to inquire further.
But he can’t just admit to meaning all of it, right?
He settles for the safer topic. “So you wanted to speak to me about my paper?” he asks.
“Uh, yes.” Blaine smiles, though he still looks distracted. “I just wanted to ask you whether you had any questions about the material since you couldn’t join us for the last two sessions.”
“I…” Kurt shakes his head. “No, I think I’ve got it covered. Rachel caught me up.”
“Alright. Well, if you have any questions, you can send me an email.”
“Or not,” Kurt says quickly. “I think I’m swearing off emails for a while.”
Blaine laughs, the sound warm and pleasant in Kurt’s ear.
“Right,” he says. “I know this is a bit awkward but… it could have been worse. You could have written that to Mme Tibideaux or Miss July.”
Kurt is so relieved that Blaine is able to joke about it that he replies with a mindless, “Yeah, except I wouldn’t have told them I liked them, so…”
Blaine gapes at him, and Kurt realizes a second to late what he’s implying yet again.
“Oh,” Blaine says. “I, uh-”
“I’ve got to go,” Kurt cuts in, ears burning. “Can I go?”
“Uh, uhm, well, yeah, of course,” Blaine stutters.
As Kurt turns around and gathers his stuff, he can hear Blaine mutter something to himself. Kurt’s almost out the door, when Blaine calls out, “Kurt?”
Kurt turns around gingerly. “Yeah?”
“I really didn’t mind.”
“Like, really really.”
Kurt wants to scream, But what does that mean?! Instead, he takes a deep breath, collects his thoughts, and says, “Okay… see you in improv, I guess?”
Blaine nods quickly. “Yeah. Later, Kurt.”
“Later, Blaine.”
Blaine is early to improv class, even though it’s all the way across campus. But he didn’t stop for his usual coffee, grabbed a salad to-go instead of lunch with his friends from his dorm, and also maybe, possibly hurried to get to class because Kurt is usually early to everything.
Blaine is the first to arrive, though, so he grabs his usual seat and gets out his salad. He’s about to slice the egg when he hears Kurt’s voice from outside the classroom.
“Talk to you later, Rachel.”
“Okay. And, Kurt, remember to ask-”
“Bye now!”
As soon as Kurt’s through the door, his eyes land on Blaine and he freezes.
“Uh, hi,” he says. His cheeks are slightly red, probably from the cold weather outside. “You’re – uhm, early.”
“Yeah.” Blaine looks down briefly, willing himself to just go for it this time. “I wanted to talk to you.”
“Again?” Kurt bites his lip. “I thought-”
“Kurt, when I said yes in the email, I meant yes to both.”
“Both?” Kurt frowns. “I don’t-”
“Both questions. Or requests, I guess.”
Kurt’s eyes widen. “You mean…”
“Yeah, I mean,” Blaine says with as much conviction as possible. “At first, I didn’t want to say anything because, you know, TA and all, but… seeing you in class, knowing, or well, hoping that you meant it, and… I don’t know, I couldn’t wait those four weeks until the semester is over. So I asked you to stay after class but then that felt super shady, too, so… I don’t even really know what I’m doing right now.”
“Do you know what you’re saying, though?” Kurt asks breathlessly.
“Well…” Blaine can’t suppress a grin. “Unlike some people, I’m not on pain meds right now, so, yeah, I’m pretty sure I have full control over my words.”
Kurt glares at him but it’s mostly façade, especially considering he’s still looking like Christmas came a bit early this year, and Blaine… well, Blaine is floored at the thought of being the one to actually make him look like that.
“Well, apparently those pain meds at least made me confess something neither of us could admit to sober, so…”
“Hey, for the record,” Blaine says, getting up to stand in front of Kurt, “I fully intended to ask you out once the semester was over.”
Kurt’s eyes are locked on Blaine with sheer intensity, and Blaine isn’t proud to admit it makes his knees a bit weak.
“Really?” Kurt asks, clearly intrigued, then sighs. “So my email was completely unnecessary.”
“I wouldn’t say that,” Blaine says. “I got so many laughs out of it.”
“Oh god, shut up.”
“No, I mean, it – eggstension?” Blaine chuckles. “Wisdom teat? There were some good ones there.”
“What part of shut up-”
Waiting really isn’t Blaine’s strong suit, he realizes, as he leans in to kiss Kurt, four weeks too early to be completely professional, yet about half a year too late considering how long he’s had his eye on him.
Kurt’s protest is muffled against Blaine’s lips, and dies down completely once they press closer together to get better access. They part for air briefly, and Kurt whispers, “When I got up this morning, I would have sworn this would be the last thing I’d ever say, but I’m pretty proud of myself for writing that email now.”
Blaine licks his bottom lip, chasing the faint taste of Kurt there. “I’m glad you wrote it, too.” This whole thing between them has lasted about a minute but he wants more so badly he feels like he’s physically incapable from drawing Kurt back in and kissing him again.
They keep at it until other students start to trickle into the room, and even then they share meaningful glances and press their ankles together between their chairs.
Between all the talking and kissing, Blaine didn’t get to eat his salad, so about halfway through the lecture, his stomach starts growling.
Kurt turns to him with a grin. “Forgot to eat?”
“I guess I was distracted.”
“Hm, by what, I wonder?” Kurt asks cheekily.
Blaine eyes his untouched salad in amusement. “I guess I got pretty egg-sited over this boy I like.”
It’s totally worth all the frustrated elbowing he gets in response.
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cratersofme-blog · 4 years
August 14, 2016
When we left high school I was lost, and I didnt have any hop of meeting friends. I didnt want to get close to anyone because I was too mad at you for not being there. Little did I know that you were looking out for me by keeping your distance. Although I felt as if I deserved to know, I still carried on. So much, that I even Tattooed “Dont ever change” because you told me not too. And I did change. I became something I wasnt. Ask everyone at JJAY, they always knew something was off about me. It was the fact that I didnt have you. And they all noticed that when you came, you were all I needed and the empty void was filled. You talk about that picture, it wasnt even about the picture. It was the fact that for once I felt like you were pulling away from me because of Riyad, and I still do. One day you guys will get close because that’s how you are. You tend to care. I hated seeing that you kept trying to make sure he ate and all of that because it took years for us to get to that level and it took him less than a month. So when I got shut down I felt shut out. Like you have no clue what it means to me that I even get to experience it. You send these vibes that cause all my muscles to contract, and slowly release into a peace I cant get anywhere else.
You talk about suicide, and believe me I know we all have our moments. But after what I told you? You feel guilty bringing it up? Yes I love her. But cant you see how much I need you. Suicide has been on my mind for years, everytime I drink. I want to hit things to make sure I can feel. You feel worthless? You have parents and a family who care. I do to, but not like that. Imagine all of this, Farishta, my ten year secret, everything Ive done, school, friends, my bros, videogames, work, and the gym. Do you know what kind of burden that puts on you? No, but thats not my point. My point is, that regardless of how heavy the burden may get, you keep me in check. I do it for you. I keep going because thats what you would want. And im sad because I cant do the same for you. May allah take your life today? I look up, and say “ see you soon” to Vinny, my grandfather, and even Farishta.
You have no idea what you mean to me. The pain? I dont care if it never subsides. Aslong as I have you. So I’m fucking sorry im acting like this.. because I feel like.. im losing you.
Alvin you don’t understand how much I get this. I feel just the way you feel. But you’re not understanding what our conversation was about. You bringing up high school and college is what we’ve built on. This is something what we’ve been through. Your tattoo and everything you mentioned is the base of our relationship. What you’re telling me is something I’ve been appreciated and still do. And I understand where you’re coming from. I feel like you’re making me feel so bad by mentioning our past. Our past is beautiful and we’ve built from it and what you’ve done for me is what I’ve built on. For you to bring this up right now though during our argument has no correlation. You’re brining up our past and then brining up Riyad the next second. You mentioned how easy it was for Riyad and I to get close in a month. One month with me is nothing. Four to five years with you means everything. We’ve literally attached our lives together. That’s where our effort is. That’s what will always bring me back to you. Riyad and I have nothing, and I haven’t even spoken to him all day and it’s funny because I actually forgot until I went though my messages. Its not about one month. It’s about the history and depth that we have that I will never have with Riyad.
I guess I should’ve spoken to you about it. I wish I would’ve seen that but just understand that I saw it in a different point of view. You got the idea that I shut you down but I wish you can see the amount of respect I was giving to Raveena and you breaking the promise. Now that I know it’s okay to bring it up I will do so. Each time we go through something like these we learn from each other and where our comfort zones are. We’re still learning from each other and you’re teaching me how to get to you in better ways and that’s what I want. It put me in such a position where you broke a promise and here is a girl who went though something a human should never have to go through. I was in such a position I didn’t know if I should bring it up. But now I know that I can. We hadn’t gone through a specific situation where it’s our significant other involved. And trust me you don’t need feel shut downed because I have literally had this in the back of my mind since you told me.
And honestly the only reason why I keep going and I’m strong each day is because I know at the end of day I want to spend it by speaking to you and not ever missing another moment of ours together. That’s what I hold onto. So don’t be sad that you can’t do the same for me when in fact you are. And that’s the honest truth. And for the record. You’re not loosing me. You never will. Even when I die. I’ll be haunting you.
———————— On the phone:
I’m jealous. You know that. Didn’t know what to do. Jealousy caused me to be funny with everyone. Bothered me. Brushing it off. Tried to. It’s not that serious told myself to relax. I can’t lie. It bothers me. I can’t find a way around it. Something I have to deal with on my own. Can’t say anything to change how I feel. I don’t get it. So I don’t except me to get it. Idk makes me feel like you want to talk him. I’m not gonna lie. This is going to put a wedge between us until I figure it out. It wasn’t about the picture. That’s the way my mind was working. Convincing myself to be different. Kept being disappointing. You’re everything I’ve always want. Hard to admit. But it’s true. It’s me. I don’t think anyone else had an impact the kind you have on me. It’s so foreign. I get what you have to say. The message you’re conveying I get. Idk what else you can say to change what I feel. I can’t do much else. Who I’m with you is someone you wouldn’t want. When I was distant there was way more. What happened when you become uninteresting. I can’t say that you can say that to me and mean it. I was mad at myself. Can’t change how I feel.
The whole thing with raveena. I don’t want to talk about it. I learned today about a person in a position of power can only understand his life if he looks at two directions at once. Past and presence and future. I get it. I told you that stuff in confidence. The reason I drank is not only you. It was everything else. No one saved me. Not even you. I was gone.
Suicide. At a point you don’t know what it’s like and know that they did that because they felt unloved. You’re not unloved you know that. I’ll give you a 110 and all if you needed it. I’ll give you all. I really don’t know. I decided this Riyad thing distant thing if it puts a wedge between us I can’t do anything about. What’s done is done. I’m exhausted. Don’t have time to be mad. Don’t have time to think about this problem I’ll think she lied she’ll keep me from being hurt don’t keep things from me. I don’t want you here if you’ll keep things from me. I just don’t. That’s not how I work. I give you 110 all the time. I only did it with you. I kept my distant from all these people because only one gained my trust.
You’re not some hoe. I genuinely love you. There’s a feeling when I think of you I can’t explain. It was a test for the picture. I wanted you at the same time. When I look at you I close my eyes or where ever I am I think of us I get goosebumps. Feelings that make my muscles contract cause it consumes and I’ve never felt it with anyone else but you. I gave up once I felt like you were pulling away. If I feel like this insecure worrying about texting Riyad or not I guess it’s worth it if I have you right that’s all I gotta say for myself. Not much you can say because it won’t change anything.
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njawaidofficial · 6 years
17 Behind-The-Scenes Movie Facts That Are So Freakin' Weird, They Sound Made Up
17 Behind-The-Scenes Movie Facts That Are So Freakin' Weird, They Sound Made Up
Jim Carrey needed CIA torture-endurance training for How The Grinch Stole Christmas.
Warner Brothers HATED the original title, Beetlejuice
The studio wanted the title to be House Ghosts (no, seriously). The story goes that director Tim Burton, AS A JOKE, suggested the title Scared Sheetless (Get it? Because ghosts and sheets) as an alternate title, and the studio LOVED the suggestion. To Burton’s horror they tried to change it to that terrible pun, but Burton put his foot down.
Warner Bros.
The filmmakers weren’t convinced Patrick Swayze had a soft side, Ghost
Though he had previously appeared in Dirty Dancing, both the screenwriter and director for Ghost were not completely convinced that Swayze had a genuine “soft side,” given his action-star roles in Road House and Next of Kin. However, that changed after the screenwriter saw Swayze sob over his recently-deceased father in an interview, which convinced him he was capable of showing the emotion required for the role.
Paramount Pictures
Samuel L. Jackson only took the job because of the title, Snakes on a Plane
In the middle of filming, the title for Snakes on a Plane was changed to Pacific Air Flight 121. This is not an uncommon practice in filmmaking, but Samuel L. Jackson INSISTED that they change it back to the original title immediately. He later admitted, “That’s the only reason I took the job: I read the title.”
New Line Cinema
Tom Cruise improvised a famous kiss, Top Gun
Cruise forgot his line after a car chase scene where he was supposed to face-off with Kelly McGillis’ character in a heated argument about her treatment of him, so he kissed her instead. This improvised kiss stayed in the final cut, and ended up becoming one of the movie’s most iconic moments.
Paramount Pictures
Tina Fey’s mom inspired one of Regina George’s quips, Mean Girls
In an interview Fey said, “My mom has this habit that if she sees a lady in a really ugly hat or a glittery sweatshirt, she’ll go, ‘I love your shirt’ and I’ll say, ‘Mom, that’s really mean.’ And she’ll say, ‘clearly she wanted someone to notice that shirt. She picked it out. It has a huge teddy bear on it!’” This habit was so mean, Fey decided it would 100% be something Regina George would do.
Paramount Pictures
Ridley Scott’s children appeared in the movie so as to make the set look bigger, Alien
When the crew first discovers the massive “Space Jokey” in the film, the reason it looks so big in comparison to them is because it was actually Scott’s pre-teen children in the spacesuits. Apparently, the production company originally wanted to cut the scene because they believed it would be too expensive to create the towering structure, so Scott got crafty to create the illusion.
20th Century Fox
Stanley Kubrick banned Tom Cruise from the set to make him jealous, Eyes Wide Shut
In order to instill a genuine sense of jealousy in Cruise during shooting, Kubrick banned him from set all six days his then-wife, Nicole Kidman, was shooting her sex scene with a young male model. Kubrick also barred Kidman from discussing the scene with Cruise to create further tension between the characters.
Warner Bros.
One line saved the production $150,000, The Big Lebowski
The Rolling Stone’s “Dead Flowers” plays over the credits of the movie; however, Allen Klein, the Rolling Stone’s manager, demanded the movie pay them $150,000 for use of the song. This changed after Klein saw a screening of the film and allegedly stood up after The Dude’s line, “I hate the fucking Eagles, man” and declared, “That’s it! You can have the song.”
Working Title Films
in Diesel had a fake Dungeons and Dragons tattoo put on him because he loves D & D, xXx
Vin Diesel is obsessed with the role-playing adventure game Dungeons and Dragons, and has stated multiple times that he’s played the game for 20+ years. So, as an acknowledgement of this dedication, he had a HUGE fake tattoo of his D & D character’s name, “Melkor,” on his lower abdomen as a part of his MANY fake tattoos during the filming of this action flick.
Columbia Pictures
Alex only has a pet snake because the actor was terrified of them, A Clockwork Orange
Director Stanley Kubrick was infamous for making actors as uncomfortable as possible on set in hopes of getting their most authentic performance (see #5 on this list alone), and his most controversial movie was no exception. When he found out actor Malcom McDowell had a paralyzing fear of reptiles, he decided (for absolutely no reason given, as it was not a part of the book or original script) to give his character Alex a pet snake.
Warner Bros.
Jim Carrey needed torture-endurance training because the make-up was too much, How The Grinch Stole Christmas
Carrey noted that the make-up took eight-and-a-half hours to complete and felt like “being buried alive.” He stated that, after the first exhausting day of shooting, he walked into his trailer, put his “leg through the wall” in anger, and told director Ron Howard he couldn’t do the movie. In disaster relief mode, producer Brian Grazer came up with the idea of hiring a gentleman who trained CIA operatives how to endure torture to help Carrey deal with the make-up. “And that’s how I got through The Grinch,” Carrey stated.
Mark Ralston / AFP / Getty Images
Benicio Del Toro’s persistent farts made for an iconic moment, The Usual Suspects
One of the most iconic scenes in cinema came from a completely improvised, almost comically childish moment between a group of grown-ass men. In an interview on the Special Edition DVD for the movie, Kevin Pollak stated that the laughter in the famous line-up sequence was completely genuine and unscripted, and started when Del Toro “farted, like, 12 times in a row” as soon as they walked out. The director liked it so much, he ended up choosing that take over all the super-serious ones.
Gramercy Pictures
Sean Connery had his wrist broken by an intense (and, now, infamous) instructor, Never Say Never Again
In the midst of filming the James Bond film Never Say Never Again, Connery was taking intensive martial arts classes for the role. In the process, Connery ended up actually breaking his wrist when the instructor went a little TOO hard on him. The instructor? Oh, it was Steven Seagal.
Warner Bros.
Mandy Patinkin’s personal tragedy gave way to an iconic performance, The Princess Bride
When director Rob Reiner gave Patinkin the script for The Princess Bride, he gave him his pick of the litter as far as which character he’d like to play. After finishing the script, Patinkin knew he wanted to play Inigo Montoya, a bumbling pirate on a desperate revenge-fueled search for “the six-fingered man” who killed his father. Patinkin admitted that he identified with the character, having lost his own father early to cancer. In the moment his character finally kills the six-fingered man, Patinkin admitted his passionate delivery of the line came from his pretending he had actually destroyed the cancer that killed his father.
20th Century Fox
Sigourney Weaver made the “impossible” basketball shot for real, Alien Resurrection
In case you ever question if Weaver is truly as badass IRL as she is in all of her movies, just take a seat for this one. In the script for the fourth Alien movie, she was required to throw a basketball behind her into the net, without ever looking. While the production team had completely planned on using CGI for the trick, they still needed to film her throwing it…and she ACTUALLY MADE IT IN. TBH, the smile on Ron Perlman’s face tells the whole story.
20th Century Fox / Via youtube.com
The director had to prove in court that the actors were still alive, Cannibal Holocaust
One of the first films ever to utilize the mockumentary style, this 1980 gore-fest follows a group of people to the Amazon where things go horrifically wrong. The movie was so realistic, many believed it was actually a snuff film, and that the deaths depicted happened IRL. It also didn’t help that the actors had signed a contract, agreeing not to appear in the media for one full year to maintain the realness. The movie was confiscated a mere 10 days after its premiere, and the director was forced to appear in an Italian court with the actors to prove it was all fake, breaking their contract.
United Artists Europa
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