#I get baptized
babythegod · 9 months
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bathroomtrapped · 1 year
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oh yes, there will be blood
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drugbinges · 11 months
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st. amalberga's lamb
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friendrat · 6 months
The problem with the church today is that so many "Christians" do not actually believe in redemption.
#unironically christian#i say this because of all the people who make comments about people's testimony#like saying they don't believe that only fans girl who was saved and baptized was really saved#like... reading through the comments it becomes clear that the “Christians” don't actually accept her#like... my brother in Christ... your good deeds are as worthy as my used pad#that is straight up in the bible#you are not better than her and you do not deserve redemption more than her#her salvation is between her and God#and yes... you say that time will reveal her fruit and you are correct#but guess what#ananias was called to extend a hand to paul *before* his fruit showed#and he was a frigging serial killer who was out for ananias's blood the week before#you do not get to pick and choose which converts you get to except#you are not God and thank heavens for it because if you were we would all be doomed#*deep breath*#i am just so sick of this... farse... that Christianity has become#Christians need a wake up call#oh! and and when you act like its impossible to accept that she could be saved you belittle God's power#you call into question Jesus's blood and it's ability to cleanse and if that is false your salvation is worthless!#also also you go against the things clearly written in the Bible while wearing the title of Christian#which means you are misrepresenting God's nature and intentions which means you are breaking the command to not take the lord's name in vain#wow... i thought i was done at the deep breath... guess not😅#rat rants
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chartedrights · 1 year
There is nothing better in a romance than a man falling in love with a woman not in spite of her ridiculous quirks and massive issues but because of them. This is why Grace/Max will always be a winner for me. He doesn’t want to change her. She is literally unhinged and he loves it. He loves that she is like that and it’s so funny.
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armeniuslaurant · 4 months
Maybe it's my atheism jumping out or maybe it's everyone else's not atheism jumping out but whenever I see someone go "It's so stupid that Kristen and Ben still don't Believe after all of the unexplainable things they've witnessed!" I'm just 🙄
That's not how that works! Even David, who mostly believes, is still regularly and healthily skeptical! The skepticism works! Science works! Not once, in my viewing, has science *failed*. It doesn't answer every question, but that's the point. The show is literally about people assessing supernatural events to see if a supernatural solution, ie Catholicism, is warranted. The second any of the trio defaults to a supernatural explanation, they would lose all value. The Catholic church is, surprisingly, full of people who know the Catholic way to combat Evil.
But the Catholic Way hasn't defeated Evil. The exorcisms that seem to have work could still be plausibly explains as "the placebo effect" or some extreme form of therapy. The demons shown never do anything tangible that a human couldn't do. So what if Leland's therapist is Demonic Michael Cerveris? He just talks to him. Sister Andrea is seeing demons and smashing them to a pulp, and getting David to put mosquito netting around his bed because she say a parasitic demon feeding on him.
But Kristen's household is just as dysfunctional after the demon smashing as before it. David is still having demonic visitations at night even with the netting. The one "supernatural" thing other people detected about Andrea is she seemed to bless holy water to burn Leland, but then it turned out she had filled the flask with bleach.
And even if they bought into the supernatural fully, and the demons... why would they buy into the Catholic church? The church is still racist, and homophobic, and misogynistic, and *corrupt*. The existence of a supernatural Evil doesn't mean you should immediately look to Catholicism as the solution.
The one case where an angel supposedly possessed someone lead to vigilantism and apparent femicide. They didn't seem nearly as invested in dealing with that possession than a Satanic one.
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i was pagan before i decided to convert to christianity, and for a bit I felt a bit nervous because I still had faith in some pagan gods, but I also had faith in Jesus
and then I discovered christo-paganism and was like "ME 🫵"
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eraserhappy · 11 months
What if Crowley is worried that Aziraphale is going Heaven because of the second coming BUT the reason is, he’s jealous because he thinks Aziraphale is going to fall for Jesus? Crowley is all “omfg Aziraphale looooves to judge ppl and that’s gonna be Jesus’ whole schtick.” And Aziraphale loves wine and Jesus is REALLY good at making it. And they’ll be chatting about their day at the office over wine and Jesus is all “I was created to forgive all sins. Forgiveness is, like, my jam, ya’know?” And Aziraphale is like “OMG meeeee too! I’m VERY good at forgiveness. It’s one of my favourite things” and Crowley can’t stop imagining Jesus falling on a bed crucifixion style, asking Aziraphale to “nail” him…
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ginshariboy · 1 month
tagged by @summersquashpatch (thank u! 🙏💖)
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you like).
last line i wrote (rewriting the same story for the something-hundredth time lets gooooooooooooooooooooo 😭)
"Shouldn't be too bad. The trail's pretty cleaned up now."
last line i drew was for her earrings lol
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do the tag if u want to lol
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what-the-fuck-god · 3 months
i opened up a little too much to my mother and now i might be getting a shepherding call 🧍
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dawnthefluffyduck · 2 months
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Sunday doodles
#you ever just *puts feet on the wall*#or sit upside down off the side of your bed#i saw a post earlier this week I've been trying to find about fearing god#i read it but didn't have time to share my thoughts and i forgot to save it to my drafts so i lost it#anyway they talked about fearing god in service today#the overlap of related events like this scares me all the time#like... i know this stuff just happens and they had this sermon planned for months and it's coincidental#''but what if god is actually real and this is him trying to talk to me? what if he's trying to move me back on track?''#that's something i can't help but think#i'm starting to think I'll never know what is real and whether there's a god and if i really am setting myself up to burn in hell#i have to make a choice whether to leave my friends and hide who I am and go back to the church#or be myself and enjoy my time alive knowing what could be waiting for me when I go#I know that sounds extremely dramatic but it's something I think about a lot#it's one thing for someone to have never gotten to known God#but some say that the one unforgivable sin - the only thing that can keep you out of heaven forever...#...is knowing god and accepting him in your heart but then turning your back on him#I've done those rituals; been baptized and taken communion and said the famous prayer#if that unforgivable sin is true then I guess i've already made my choice; there really is no going back for me haha#damn right that god is scary lol#not tagging the game because I monolouged too much lmao#doodles#sunday doodles#depressing sunday doodle posts have arrived once again#dw im chilling today just lost in thought#was able to put in pto so i get the day to reflect on the very important things 21 year olds think about#things like ''what could've been'' and ''how do i want to draw my next fluffy boy''
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non-un-topo · 1 year
Kind of obsessed with this nickname actually
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givemearmstopraywith · 9 months
pls feel free to not answer this but the quaker ask made me curious: what do u religiously identify as now? i remember you used to describe yourself as a theologian first before anything else and i wonder if you hold the same thoughts to this day
for the sake of being someone who talks about god on the internet, i still consider myself a theologian first and religious second- there's an element of anthropology in my relationship to god and religion, something exploratory and perhaps not quite wholesome. god is meaty to me in a way that religion isn't; familiar like a body. religion is familiar too, but more like a house. i have to stretch out inside religion whether i like it or not, whereas i stretch out alongside god and he invites me in. if god is theory, religion is praxis. religion, especially christianity, is other people. it can become tribal, it can nourish a sense of party mentality that supersedes good sense or personal morality. i don't hate religion though, not at all: i gripe at it, and when i do god says if you love humanity with all its imperfections, why do you not love my church also? so i love religion like a brother, and i love god like a lover. i am not quite ready to profess my adoration for him in public. it's too intimate. i'm happy to stretch out next to him for now. good theology is a love letter to god. religion is like a marriage: an institution. it can be good or bad. so i am still seeking religion.
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do disregard this if you're uncomfortable with it but i'm really interested in your thoughts on christianity. and god.
man you sound like my grandma/j (she asked me that once and i got Scared)
ive always kinda been an atheist, raised that way, so all my thoughts come from an outsiders perspective. i think its interesting? which is honestly about how i feel about most religions. but its different with christianity, mostly because i dont feel bad disrespecting it? if yknow what i mean. not like too a person who is religious, but like. god why is the only thing im thinking about priest kink i swear i have more thoughts than that. but like. using christian and biblical imagery in a way that is. not religious. but kinda. yknow. gay or sad or horny or whatever. i think i am rambling because i do not have. too many thoughts.
anyway uh. god. i know i said ive always been an atheist but honestly im a lot more agnostic, i really dont know what or if there is anything like a god, and honestly. i dont exactly care? does that sound mean. idc whatever. its comforting to think that theres something after death but. most of the christian ideas of the afterlife sound kinda shitty honestly, even if i didnt go to hell for the many many reasons that ive been told i would lmao
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atopvisenyashill · 4 months
in light of spoilers should i say i don’t care about most lancelot and guinevere romances actually aksjdj
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cheapcheapfaker · 4 months
-It’s 110% true that it’s different when it’s your own. I was an only child who did not like being around my little cousins as babies. I still don’t really care about other babies? Mine has impeccable vibes.
-I thought I’d hate the newborn stage but I actually love it. He’s just a little bean who naps on me. I’m obsessed. He is entirely a little creature. I now get why people have multiple newborns and then neglect their children as soon as they get older this is such a sweet stage. He Is This:
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-it also 110% helps we have what is known as a unicorn baby. whenever he cries it’s for a know reason (mostly hungry this boy EATS) and he’s easy to soothe and sleeps every and anywhere
-as a gross person especially baby farts are HILARIOUS. He has these massive thunder farts. He burped so loud yesterday I thought he exploded. His poop looks like a fancy whole grain mustard. I love making up silly songs about the poop on his balls
-waking up at 3am/ multiple times a night is surprisingly easier than expected cause I just want to make him stop crying. (But not in a frustrated way but in a ‘im sorry you’re hungry lemme help’ way?) I’m tired but not too much and haven’t even upped my caffeine intake from pregnancy.
-actually I’d argue pregnancy is the ultimate infant pregame because no matter what kind of sleep I’m getting I’m not waking up ten times a night to piss a thimble and the melon headed monster isn’t eating my blood. Pregnancy exhaustion is uniquely all encompassing and terrible. Even recovering from my guts being rearranged on oxy I felt better because I just wasn’t damn pregnant anymore. And I had a relatively uneventful easy one!! being pregnant sucks!
-caveat: I am breastfeeding and boob is cheat code. Baby sad? Boob time. No bottle washing, no formula mixing, just pop that sucker on there. I was also told by multiple nurses I have “perfect breast feeding nipples” which is one of the weirder compliments I’ve ever gotten but I’ll take it
-I’ve also had no problem breastfeeding (bc of my perfect nipples. ofc.) and it’s so weirdly… nice? I love waking up early and watching bean do his lil stretch and then he just nurses as I hold him. I wasn’t sure if I’d hate it or what but it’s a v calming bonding experienfe
-when he’s hungry he “roots” which means mouth open he goes harrrgarrblwarbl and shakes his head back and forth like a dog. Sometimes a forceful head thrust. Love when he tries to find a nipple on your neck 😭 it’s adorable.
-technically you are not supposed to kiss your baby and I think by this point I have had his entire head in my mouth.
- you catch on so quick on how to diaper change. Same w burping or holding. I could count on one hand how many babies I held before the Bean. They’re sturdier than you think
-EXCEPT the soft spots on the back of their head like a moldy peach I fear every time I touch where the plates have yet to connect my finger will go thru. It’s so gross. Disgostan why do you not have a solid noggin bean
-the umbilical cord stump is a mass of rotting flesh and I lovingly call it his smelly button.
-huge caveat to all this: he’s a healthy baby who sleeps well and breastfeeds like a champ. I also have an equal attentive partner. I don’t know how people decide to do this solo it sounds unpleasant and ultimately stupid unless possibly there’s a village of grandparents/ others living w you willing to take on that responsibility. If you have a deadbeat partner or no village abort that thang.
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