#I got tired towards the end
smthaboutuss · 1 month
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Quick comic about Rosie and Vox lol… I keep thinking about their possible dynamic it’s so interesting to me? They have very different goals (good business and cannibalism)
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 234
More of the Tiamat Au? More of the Tiamat Au! 
Sharing a body was strange. Ten limbs split between the nine of them- thirteen if one counted the tails and seventeen if one counted the fact that their cloak… skirt… whatever could mimic the wings of their other form. 
One which they would change back to after a few moments- there was much less stumbling when it was all fours. Not to mention that if not for the tails they’d have easily toppled over with how many arms they had making them slightly top heavy. Okay more than slightly, it was taking a bit to adjust. 
Honestly the fields of wheat and other crops did nothing to hide them with how tall even this body was, but it was still better than nothing, and they were using the fact it was the middle of nowhere to their shared advantage. 
At least the humanoid- not human, even now their shared power thrummed through the air, leaking from them- form was smaller than their true draconic one. Well, perhaps they shouldn’t call it their true form, when they were once all human, halfa and liminal alike, but they’d long since stopped being such. So perhaps it was in fact true to call the form they had become as their normal state now. 
Actually, could they even separate now? Or had their power melded together so much that it was impossible now, and an attempt would end them? It would at the very least crack their core- 
“What the fuck.” 
Their head lurched, a little too far if the jolt of pain was anything before it melted away. They were all too used to moving their own necks separately. But all of them agreed that discovery could not happen-
It was a child. A preteen with red-orange hair, blue-green eyes, expensive clothing, and most damming of all, large swaths of bruising across his arms. Bruising that did not come from usual play, and looked far too much like hand prints for any of their comfort. 
Someone had very much not been taking care of this child. And that really made them quite angry. 
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marsobars · 6 months
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~Triumphant Dance~ Wanted to go a little out of my comfort zone and try some new things with this one
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bandy-andy · 1 year
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Odie Leigh dropped a teaser of her new song, and I blacked out
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dietmimo · 3 months
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"Look! It's a butterfly!"
"Oh wow! Hello there Butterfly"
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ghostsanddolls · 10 months
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One of my favourite headcanons I've seen floating around
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dailudannos · 3 months
Some animation of Bullet (He saw Walker at the end)
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corntort · 7 months
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gpas arent exactly trusted after clarity ^_^ silly thumbnails under the cut
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i just wanted to make something a little neater in comic format for once but im so so against making things super clean i just roughly sketched it both in thumbnailing and the actual thing LOL!
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gwyns · 1 month
“Elain & Az have a story that's already rolling. It's been building since the moment they met.”
I just don’t see it. Idk if Moriel was originally planned or not, but I do not think for one moment that Sarah ever thought of having three brothers & three sisters as a thing. Of course we can have our own opinions, I just don’t see the chemistry, or buildup, or tension with E/riel.
not to be mean (i'm about to be mean, i'm sorry) but everytime i think i'm dumb, i just remember that after nearly a decade, e/riels still can't wrap their minds around the fact that there has been no long-term buildup for their ship and that what they're high off of is their shared delusions. god i wish i had nothing but rocks bouncing around in my brain so i could just spout nonsense and actually believe it
the general consensus is that yes, moriel was originally intended to be endgame. i, personally, never really saw it or shipped them but sjm did save some pins she labeled as mor and az saved to her old pinterest so... she probably had them in mind, at least for a little bit. i'd argue that e/riel wasn't even a thought for sjm until acofas. most people say acowar but nah, i call bullshit. all of their interactions in that book give off heavy platonic energy
not saying you couldn't ship them romantically during acowar, hell i've shipped things that were intended as platonic, but yeah i don't think sjm ever planned for them in acomaf or acowar. i think she only truly began to consider it when she needed more time/reasons to keep elucien apart and in the background while she set other things up, but that's just my silly little opinion that i know some people think i'm stupid for! so what do i know!! absolutely nothing just like the rest of the fandom lol
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fairybluedreams · 1 year
Vote Bird That Carries You Over a Disproportionately Small Gap in the 2023 @ut-side-character-showdown!!
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Let's review in-game actions:
The Bird notably struggles to get us across the gab due to it's small size, but continues to work hard and do it as many times as a person or monster may need anyways! Makes travel in Waterfall so much more convenient, and provides this service Free of Charge!! The Bird's theme song also fills our heart with determination to accomplish goals and do the amazing!!
Speaking of theme songs -- our precious bird's song can make sooo many awesome remixes too, case in point::
Headcanons for why the Bird carries us over to train are so wholesome ::
So as a final reminder:
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adarkrainbow · 8 months
Did you know that, after World War II, the Grimm fairytales could have been banned forever?
I am asking this question because I wanted to do some sort of closing post on the "Hansel and Gretel is antisemitic" question, while also bringing a point that I haven't seen brought up too often.
I saw a lot of people repeat around Tumblr, reblog across accounts and sheeply rewrite again and again that "Hansel and Gretel" was an antisemitic tale - sometimes they couldn't even bring an explanation as to why, and just said "X person said it, so that must be true". If you ask me, my answer is "No, Hansel and Gretel is not an antisemitic story", and I made several posts trying to explain why there's no antisemitism in there, just folkloric motifs and fears born of the witch-hunts. No, Hansel and Gretel is not antisemitic. But it isn't because my answer is "No" and because the fairytale isn't antisemitic that it can't be MADE antisemitic. And this is a very important point that I think can't be stressed enough.
You already saw how easily people could be convinced that the story is antisemitic given the wave on Tumblr of people who decried tit as such - notably by assimilating the witch trying to eat the children with the "blood label" antisemitic beliefs. A look at the text, at fairytales of the same nature, at the origins of such a story, can easily disprove such a reading. The witch fattens up children and eat them - there is no mention of blood, or of using said blood for occult or religious rituals. It's just good ol' cannibalism and a Sweeney Todd-flavored story. (That's actually the reverse, since the Sweeney Todd legend ended up influenced by the Hansel and Gretel fairytale, thanks to the musical, but I digress). And similarly people point out that the witch is a "Jewish caricature", invoking common witch traits in popular folklore such as a hooked nose - but the witch in the story doesn't have a hooked nose or any trait usually used to caricature Jews. She is just an old woman with red eyes walking on crutches, and that's it, nothing about any other particularity. Old + red eyes + crutches and that's it. So no, Hansel and Gretel is not antisemitic in itself, didn't start as an antisemitic tale, was not formulated as such when the brothers Grimm noted it down.
However, as I said, it doesn't mean the story cannot be "infested" by antisemitic elements a posteriori. Two points:
Point 1. There is a legitimate doubt to have when it comes to antisemitism in the Grimm fairytales, as in, it is legitimate to start wonderng "Maybe it isn't an innocent tale and maybe there's antisemitic elements in there". Because the Brothers Grimm did collect antisemitic stories among their numerous traditional fairytales - such as the infamous "The Jew in the Thorns" story. Not only were these stories collected in the 19th century, a time where racism and discriminations of all kinds were much more widespread and accepted than today, but antisemitism was a particularly strong German tradition for a long time. You could say it was the dark side of Jewish culture - and while it was everywhere in Europe, it was especially present in Germany. The fact the ones who orchestrated the greatest Jewish genocide in history were German is no coincidence.
However there is a difference between having a legitimate suspicion and just forcing onto a story a reading that is clearly grasping at the last straw, so to speak. For example, while it is understandable some people would think of Hansel and Gretel as antisemitic, it doesn't mean one shouldn't look at the text and the story and realize that it isn't antisemitic at all. It is especially important because by focusing on stories wrongly accused of antisemitism, one could pass by or hide the ACTUAL antisemitic tales of the Grimm that must be recognized and identified as such (again, The Jew among the Thorns is the most famous example).
But here is my point 2, which is the most important one and the entire reason this post was made. It is also important to recognize when someone is enforcing antisemitism in a story that wasn't antisemitic to begin with - it is important to know when someone warps a tale to fit their own ideologies or hatred. And I am not speaking about the Tumblr-folks here - but about the Nazis.
Yes the freacking Nazis. They're really to blame for everything. You see, this is the root of my original question, the opening line. Why did people consider maybe banning forever the Grimm fairytales after World War II? Because of the Nazis! One of the numerous scars the Nazis left on Germany was one upon German culture, since Hitler and his minions worked intensely on taking part some of the greatest pieces of German culture and twisted, reused them for their own sick purposes. Wagner's operas, for example, were forever soiled by the fact that it was Hitler's favorite pieces of music.
And the brothers Grimm fairytales did not escape the Nazi filfth. The Grimm fairytales were the emblematic folktales of Germany, collected by German nationalists, in their effort to rebuild a purely German culture after the foreign invasions of Napoleonian France. Of coursemad and fanatic fascists like the Nazis would reuse them! And they did, oh yes. They did some despicable use of the Grimm fairytales in their propaganda, and teaching programs. And no doubt, not only did they resurrect actual antisemitic tales in the brothers' book, but they certainly also added numerous antisemitic meanings which weren't there before.
If you ask me "Is Hansel and Gretel an inherently antisemitic fairytale, or was conceived as such?" I would answer you: no. If you ask me, "Did Hansel and Gretel become antisemitic during World War II", I would answer you: "Probably, yes". There is little doubt that the Nazis wouldn't have used the tale as anti-Jewish propaganda and depicted the wicked witch (and the wicked stepmother) as Jewish. The only reason I do not say a full and firm yes is because I do not have textual evidence of them using THIS specific fairytales - but it is attested they used the brothers Grimm work as a whole in their insane war crimes.
Which led to the serious question of what to do with these stories, once the war was over. Should Germany stop using them as childhood literature, remove them from their list of great cultural works? Or should they be kept, but by removing all the Nazis had done to them and trying to focus on the most non-antisemitic-parts? You can tell today the solution taken was the second.
And so this would be my last important message about this subject. Why is it important to know that Hansel and Gretel isn't antisemitic? To be able to denounce and decry those that want to make it antisemitic. To prevent antisemites from using it as some sort of cultural weapon. And this is true for ALL fairytales.
Fairytales are unfortunately all inherently racist or discriminatory at one point or another, because they come from a much older and different time. The Pentamerone is filled with racist stories. Madame d'Aulnoy's stories have some casual racism. Some Grimm stories are antisemitic. These are facts that cannot be ignored and have to be dealt with. But it is important to recognize the parts of these tales that DID NOT have racist elements to them, and to also recognize the racist parts for what they were, so that we can move forward by protecting them from any misuse or to prevent their use by the wrong people. Sometimes it isn't about "cancelling" stories - sometimes it is about making sure they cannot end up in the hands of those we fight, or denouncing how they read a tale that does not actually exist except in their mind.
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sirtadcooper · 1 month
@eohwyyn very kindly sent me maths homework some questions from the list of soft asks - but when I went to answer them, Tumblr ate the ask! So it's lucky that I was asked to answer multiples of four, now isn't it?
4. what flower would you like to be given?
I love flowers a lot, how colourful they are. I, however, know absolutely nothing about them. Just give me a pretty flower and I'll be happy. I'm not fussy.
8. tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good.
Oh there are so many people I could tag - those two mutuals I call on Discord every week spring to mind, but no, I am going to shout-out @mordred because she's still here, I'm still here - we've been mutuals for what? Ten years? Amazing! Look at us! I'm always happy to see you pop up on my dash. @matbaynton, because whatever you make, whether it's icons or fancy gifs, it's always full of colour and fun. Always lovely to see you too.
12. how are you?
Answered here, but since this is the sort of question that can have a new answer every time, here we go again: I'm grand, thank you. I had my first Chinese takeaway of the year today - I realised earlier this week that it had been a while, and then I checked my phone and I hadn't had chicken fried rice since 29th December! I don't know how that happened. So I sat down with my Chinese and the final part of Spearhead From Space and had a lovely time. Now I'm stuffed!
16. compliment the person who sent you this number.
Oh, that's very easy to do! You come across as such a lovely person every time we interact. I love how engaged you are - if there's an ask game, you take the time to send something in. Things like that are much appreciated. And you love Doctor Who so that's another plus point. <3
20. what do you want most in the world right now?
Hmm. Probably a good night's sleep to be honest - I am a bit tired.
24. what’s something you do to de-stress?
There are two main ways. I go and sit in a field with my pet sheep, or I watch something, ideally while lying in bed. Both excellent ways to de-stress.
28. hugs or hand-holding?
Hugs, I think. I haven't had much experience of hand-holding, but hugs are lovely.
soft asks to get to know people | send me an ask
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shevr · 1 year
i keep bein the lamest loneliest transgal in the concert venue
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teddysgrahms · 1 year
my anderperry playlist and song explanations because I am gay
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• Those magic changes by sha na na
One of my favorite songs from grease and also about the night and moment of falling in love and the blissful joy of that moment. The song has an element of angst to it but I look past it. like that is so anderperry I’m sorry? me when I fell in love to those magic changes?
• I melt with you by modern English
this song is about having s3x during a nuclear apocalypse but for my intents and purposes it’s about being with your lover at the end of the world and melting together metaphorically (and physically!) I just think they would die for each other idk
• (Feels like) heaven by fiction factory
the vibes are so excellent in this song + spending time with your lover is heaven in and of itself. they just. really like being together.
• la vie en rose by louis armstrong
this song makes me um explode I imagine them dancing poorly to this in their living room and stepping on each other’s feet and giggling and stumbling over one another and they are the most precious things ever?
• thirteen by big star
this song gives off the vibe of school age crushes and young romance and first love nerves and that’s just so them. it’s literally them your honor
• electric blue by icehouse
i think of this song as neil’s initial feelings for todd, lord of nerves and uncertainty and jitters because wow this boy is cute
• futile devices
a long-lasting love that’s become so natural it’s hard to put into words. I associate this one strongly with todd and how he handles his feelings about neil. sometimes words are not enough, and that is okay
• good old-fashioned lover boy by Queen
Neil is THE good old-fashioned loverboy and I will not hear otherwise. he’d be such a little gentleman and plan cute dates and do everything in his power to make things amazing and even when things aren’t great his effort is duly noted and appreciated
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• put your head on my shoulder by Paul anka
I don’t think I need to explain myself. they enjoy a good cuddle. they’re in love. what more must i say
• dream a little dream of me by Doris day
hail Queen Doris Day this song is so adorable just the vibes alone are so anderperry core. like dream of me when you sleep tonight. we could stay up all night but you will see me in your dreams anyhow I love you <3
• i can dream, can’t i? by the andrews sisters
this one is a bit sad because the speaker is convinced they have no chance with their romantic interest. this is very todd core to me. he’d think he has no shot with neil but he can always dream (we are dreaming of tomorrow but tomorrow isn’t coming?)
• my romance by doris day
very neil coded. he doesn’t need anything special he just needs Todd and that’s good enough for him.
• time after time by iron & wine
beautiful cover by an all-time classic. they will always be there for each other, to find one another when they’re lost and catch the other when they fall
• old black train by the blasting company
the vibes are delectable. It feels like running away from home and searching for something unknown, a sort of yearning for a better life than the one you have. I imagine them running away together and being frightful and uncertain yet assured knowing they have each other. (but that lingering sense of “You can’t go back” is ever present and it’s nearly dreadful!)
• dear wormwood by the oh hellos
so. um. if u know me u know I’m a neil kinnie and uh. girlies this song is so him it actually makes me sick. I’ve put some songs in this playlist that are more specific to either Neil or todd individually and this is one of them. the self-discovery. the growth to demand better for yourself and refuse to be treated as less than by a parental figure. so fucking delicious. ugh.
• you’re the one by the vogues
adorable vibes and an overall cute song about loving your partner wholeheartedly. upbeat and catchy. I can imagine them dancing to this one also but in a more upbeat way
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• thursday by asobi seksu
ngl this song changed me as a person I think ummm this just gives me todd vibes? something about losing your way, feeling lost and searching for anything to latch onto, holding on to the people closest to you out of fear they may leave at any moment….
• amoeba by clairo
the second todd song. are you a man or an amoeba? damn what if he felt more like an amoeba, like he just goes with how things are and never speaks or acts to how he feels and wants to do things? what if he was barely living?
• the book of love by the magnetic fields
This song makes me INSANE it’s so CUTE they are just so in love and they love each other and hearing the other read or sing or do anything asgghhhurufuh
• satellite by guster
they see each other almost like beacons or lifelines to look to, constants that are safe and reassuring. they are each other’s home.
• im a fool to want you by Frank Sinatra
again that idea of “I have no chance I’m stupid for liking you” but still being unable to change how you feel and just having to live with this heartbreak that has yet to occur
• it only takes a moment from hello, dolly!
Fun fact: this song got me through costume making. this song is in wall-e and aside from being one of the most beautiful songs ever in existence it is SO….I can’t even begin to describe. something about being loved enough for a whole lifetime in only a brief moment….do you think that even though the time neil and todd had together was short it was some of if not the best time of their lives?
• dancing in the moonlight by king harvest
another dancing song! I can see all the poets dancing to this truthfully. very cute song and I just adore the vibes and rhythm
• hopelessly devoted to you by olivia newton-john
this one is a bit dramatic for them but I can see Neil performing this with theatrical effort and intense dramatics
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• love me as though there were no tomorrow by nat king cole
euggahhhhhhhhh love me like this is the last chance we’ll ever have……
• earth angel by the penguins
i think they both see each other as like blessings or miracles because their meeting improved both of their lives immensely and may quite possibly have been the best thing to happen to either of them
• you, my love by frank sinatra
i think this one aligns with how Todd feels about neil and how grateful he is to have him in his life. idk man they’re in love
• love letters by nat king cole
can’t remember how this one goes but I know the vibes are good and very them
• when I fall in love by Doris day
This Song is so gorgeous and ggrhehehhhaa I’m gonna break something it’s just so???? they????
• you send me by sam cooke
they both get flustered by how loving the other is and they’re just so damn adorable
• in the still of the night by the five satins
they . they’re in love.
okay that’s all thank youuuu
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kerval · 8 months
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rivulet painting im never finishing
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siennaditbot · 10 months
Idk if I'll get motivated enough to finish this but here's somewhat of an outline synopsis thing for another KP So the Drama rewrite but this time inverted :>
• Both mutter over how sappy the school is getting cuz of the prom. Kim's dropping hints and Ron's just jealous no one is paying attention to him (open your eyes dude!!)
• When Bonnie tries to bully her about going with Ron, Kim tells her it's better to go to prom with someone who actually cares than an on-off partner
• Kim's casually shopping with Ron when she notices a new ad for cuddle buddies. She gets excited (since there's no picture) but tries to hide it. Ron tells her it's ok to like the things she Iikes. She can't wait for them to come out!
• Wade calls about Killigan who's trying to get the Centurion project again. Kim and Ron go to him and manage to stop him, but someone (Eric?) swoops in, winks at them, and disappears after stealing it. Killigan is mad at them. "And ye call yerselves heroes?!" Wade tries to dig where it went and who took it, but to no avail.
• Kim's really trying to hint about going to prom with Ron, maybe not even hinting and blatantly talking about going, but he doesn't think much of it. Or seems like he doesn't at least. Not like they haven't gone before, even to date-like places like the wedding. "It might be a bit awk-weird but why wouldn't we go? We've gone to dances together before." (He's in denial, too scared to think of actually going with her. Thinks he shouldn't have hope of anything more. Also change is scary.)
• When Kim stops him to properly ask him about going (the mood is perfect for confessing at a quiet corner or smth) but then Piper appears and trips, dropping her stuff around. She has some nerdy stuff that grabs Ron's attention, and the three continue walking and two of them continue talking. Kim's immediately annoyed.
• They talk about her later. Ron's smug about Kim's jealousy over "his friend Piper", enjoying the attention
• Later Kim and Ron run into Piper at Bueno Nacho as well, and the two get into it again. Kim's very suspicious due to her jealousy, so she starts asking her questions, acting innocent. Her mom is a teacher, her dad has a radio show (but she never listens to it cuz he's embarrassing), she loves video games and comics and does some freelance coding/design to get money?
• Ron's impressed and Kim's even more annoyed. She later asks Wade to do a bg check on her, insisting she's not jealous. Wade doesn't believe her cuz of that, but agrees to do it anyway. Drakken asked Big Daddy for info on fake identity making people and they made her a small profile. She's from Europe? British?? (Piper cuz of Billie Piper lol, maybe Billie's her second name? Or even first but she goes by Piper?)
• Nothing suspicious at first glance so Wade just tells Kim she's overreacting again. She still keeps her eyes open and goes along with their nerdy plans for a while, trying to keep up and not lose him
• Some time later Piper meets them at school and obviously starts flirting with him. Again, he's enjoying the attention, but trying to explain to Kim that they're just friends. Piper counterfires and confesses then and there.
• Ron looks between the girls (who are glaring at each other) and runs away, yelling that he'll think about it. Cue epic monologue with Rufus.
• He's been over the unwritten rules, and he says that Piper seems like someone he could actually be himself with - down to earth, nerdy and chill. He did try to act cooler than he was at first (a habit with girls, it's gotten better but still), but she told him he's fine just as he is. Maybe he should go for it so he could get back to normal with Kim? He says that he does have feelings for her but it's just made things more awkward lately. He's doing this to get over Kim and back into the safety of the friend zone. Change is scary and he doesn't want to take the first step.
• And so Ron and Piper start dating. It's barely different from how they were (casual gaming and chilling and eating) but now there's more physical contact. Piper's all over him and it's making Kim sad instead of angry.
• To make things worse for her, the new Cuddle Buddies were revealed (she forgot due to Ron stuff), and 1. They're super ugly and 2. Merch of them will be sold at Club Banana. Kim dashes over to see necklaces, bracelets and rings with designs of these ugly creatures, and the store is getting filled with tweens, hipsters who love ugly stuff, and enthusiastic collectors who want every Cuddle Buddy thing ever. She's pushed out of the store. "This feels familiar", or smth.
• She's sulking with Monique at BN. Ron and Piper are there too, and the girls are giving them the side eye. They don't notice.
• Kim wonders if she should have taken the first step after all. Monique tells her she could have, but Ron taking it would've meant he's more ready for it. She reminds him of the moodulator stuff, which embarrasses and frustrates Kim. She wouldn't be as over the top when she's herself! Kim says that she's scared too. She's already been rejected once, after all, and everything's been a bit more awkward since then. There's tension. There's clearly something there.
• Then Kim starts ranting about the plushies and the merch and Monique's just as mad. She has to deal with the barrage of annoying customers every day after all.
• Meanwhile Piper's either feeding Ron or doing some stupid food stunts with him. Surprisingly, he's not that into it after a while. "Kim would try to stop me", but he immediately shakes the thought off and gets more into it and closer to her. He was supposed to get over her. Rufus is doing his thing and enjoying their new pal, but looks at Kim a bit sadly.
• At school Kim's giving space to Ron and his apparent new gf, so she hangs more with Monique. They do get called on a weird mission together as usual. Shego's been spotted at a local supermarket trying to grab every teen magazine there is. They stop her, but Drakken drops in and they escape. They work fine as usual, but Kim's a bit more snappy and distant? Ron's trying not to gravitate towards her, since he misses her a lot. He ends up teasing her and boasting?
• Another similar occurrence to the BN one happens when Ron and Piper are gaming and he laughs to himself about how Kim sucks at video games. He has to reprimand himself again. He's feeling guilty about missing their usual chill night. Meanwhile Kim's just at home, studying, reading or watching tv or smth. Lonely "Ron-night"?
• Later at school Wade calls Kim and tells her not to call Ron yet. He thinks Piper is sus after all. Kim tries to wave it off and let the two have fun, blaming everything on her jealousy, but Wade insists. He could not find her parents anywhere, no records on them. No radio show. Her record is miniscule as well. He hasn't dealt with fake identities that much but can recognise one. She's sus.
• Kim's conflicted. Happy that maybe things can still be fixed, sad that things have gotten this far. Should they look into it? Should they tell Ron? She asks Wade what they should do. He will do more digging for now.
• Prom night is approaching, and Kim's stressing out. She's sad she's gonna end up going dateless, sure, but she wonders how she should tell Ron something's off with his date without it sounding too jealous. She confronts him before he leaves in his dumb blue suit.
• He's a bit taken aback, yeah, and smugly comments that she seems jelly, but Wade beeps in, confirming Kim's suspicions. "Ok, cool. Now what?" They start throwing around ideas to figure out who or what she is and what's going on.
• Wade also brings up the Centurion project. It hasn't resurfaced since they first lost it, and Piper didn't seem to wear anything like it. When they think about what Drakken's doing, Kim points out the magazine stuff. Ron notes that he has no idea where she lives. Wade says that he's been tracking her (Ron raises an eyebrow at Kim at that), and that she disappears at the mall every day. They decide to follow her the next day. Kim's wondering why Ron's so fine with it all.
• They try to act normal at school, Ron's still dealing with Piper to the best of his acting ability, and after school they say their byes (she gives Ron a kiss on the cheek) and act like they're leaving only to hide and follow Piper. She goes to the mall, straight into Club Banana. Kim follows her in, but loses her in the crowd.
• "What if she just loves to shop or works there?' "She doesn't come out unless you ask her to or she has to go to school." "Oh."
• Wade says that while they were following her, he's been digging into CB stuff, and found out that Shego has somehow become the CEO/president or whatever. He finds a clip of the obviously mind controlled previous boss who's signing some papers in front of a snickering Shego. They get ready to meet the new boss. Kim gets out her yet to be tested battle suit.
• They're wondering about the evil plan, but that clears up as they drive past several children and some adults wearing Centurion-like battle armor. They're still unsure about what Piper's role is in this. Wade tells them that there must be some sort of a command signal since the armored people don't seem to be able to control themselves.
• They head over to the CB HQ, and are met with Shego, Drakken, some new goons and people wearing the armor. Kim recognizes one of the goons as the one who winked at them before. "Oh, you like this one? 901, get the girl!"
• Epic fight stuffs, Ron accidentally makes the armored people shoot the new goons, revealing that they're syntho-drones. Ew.
• Kim's asking for the usual villain monologue, and Drakken starts going. They just wanted to ruin everything she cares about, but she was too jealous and nosy and ruined everything too soon. He points at Eric, saying that they had one prepared for her, too. Both Kim and Ron are disgusted. Ron: "Piper's a syntho-drone??! Ew!!!" Kim: "I knew there was something off about her from the beginning!" Shego: "Just admit that you were jealous and how lucky it was that you ended up being right." Ron kinda looks at Kim hopefully, but she just shrugs somewhat casually, adrenaline covering her nerves. Not like Shego needs to know.
• More fighting, even Piper appears, and she and Eric start throwing punches at Kim and Ron. They manage to stop them, causing them to fall in top of each other. They look at each other in surprise, get up, move to hold hands, and leave. "That's why I was worried about the AI with these things, D." "Oh shut up." While that's going on Wade tells Ron to dig through Kim's backpack and he fishes out a USB killer, tosses it to Kim, and they run into what seems like the main office. She jams the stick in and the whole system goes down, which seemed to work on the armored people as well, based on Drakken's cursing. "I knew we should have gone with 901 instead!"
• Shego and Drakken are soon arrested, and Kim and Ron drive back quietly, until Kim asks why he wasn't devastated by Piper's "backstabbing". She would have been if she was in his shoes. "I did have fun with her, don't get me wrong, but... (leans forehead on her back?) it all made me constantly think of you instead. Heh, would have been real scummy of me if she wasn't a syntho thing." Kim's baffled, and when Ron doesn't elaborate, she determinedly drives back home. She tells him to go get ready for prom.
• They get there, awkwardly hold hands and are pushed onto the dance floor, and they continue their chat. "I was super jealous btw." "I noticed. Actually made me kinda happy, sorry." "Pffft. I'm sorry too. I was too scared to take the first step." "So was I, I never actually really took it." "Well, close enough." They do a silly dance move like a spin and/or a dip, and look at each other, giggling. Kim then gets more serious. "What would you have done if she was real?" Ron: "I could ask you the same, you were so green eyed they almost started to change colors." She just rolls her obviously natural green eyes affectionately as Ron places a hand on her cheek, leans in and they finally kiss.
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