#I had to listen to people get engaged/prepare wedding/visit friends weddings for the last few weeks
anemoflower · 30 days
Is *checks calendar* 3 months too soon to think about marrying Elias
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tact-and-impulse · 3 years
Shinkane Week 2021 Day 5
For the “arranged marriage” prompt, I went for the Sengoku era.
In Place
Akane hoped that at the very least, he would be kind.
She set her mirror down, unable to look at her reflection any longer. The heavy embroidered robes, the cosmetics on her face, her hair hidden away under white silk. The guilt in her eyes.
Yuki had been the charming one, the one who was supposed to marry a general aligned with their closest neighbor. She had cheerfully shown her wedding garments to Akane during her last visit, that she had only met her betrothed once but liked him immensely and he had been pleased with her in turn. It seemed a fitting fate for Yuki, who wanted nothing more than to have a happy marriage.
Then, Sasayama Mitsuru had died on the battlefield.
The news had been delivered, along with the fact that the engagement would now be with a different general instead. Yuki had fainted and then grew feverish. It was believed that she had been weakened by the sudden upheaval of events, it was too much for her frail spirit to bear. But whatever the truth was, it would forever remain a mystery. Her dear cousin was gone too quickly, in the span of a night that left Akane numb and paralyzed.
At the funeral, she learned that the wedding would be occurring anyway. With her, in place of Yuki. She barely registered anything after that. The sewing alterations, the packing of her belongings, the trousseau moved to her room, that would only remain so for another two weeks.
Most of the ceremony passed in a blur. She kept her eyes downcast, sensing that her new husband was taller than she was and catching the aroma of kizami when he moved. He must have smoked the shredded tobacco, and she racked her mind for what else she knew about him. He was a little younger than Sasayama had been, but he had already cultivated a favorable reputation. Had he ever met with Yuki?
She glanced up at him, and though she didn’t recognize his handsome features, she couldn’t complain. His expression was stoic, serious. Then, his gaze slid to her, and she immediately turned back to the proceedings. She was much more aware of her surroundings, than she had been since Yuki’s death.
She actually tasted her food at the celebratory dinner, though her appetite hadn’t fully returned yet. Her husband wasn’t faring any better, and in her periphery, he was frowning. As the guests descended into merrymaking and she sipped her sake, he spoke for the first time.
“Do you want to leave?”
Oh. Well, there was that part to a wedding, and she hurriedly downed the rest of her drink. Swallowing the burn, she agreed. “Y-yes.”
His hand was larger than hers, callused and strong, but he touched her gently and she appreciated that. Her face flamed at the cheering and his grip tightened. The hallway was quieter, the party’s sounds muffled, and she felt like she could breathe.
“I hope everyone will behave.” She said aloud, as he presumably led the way to the chamber. Their chamber.
“They’re only pleased about the alliance. It would have been the same, whether it was us or your cousin and my friend. We’re a couple of shogi pieces, that’s all.” His voice was dark with resentment, but it wasn’t bad to listen to.
“I’m sorry about your friend. General Sasayama was kind enough, from what I remember. He and Yuki could have been happy together. Not that it matters now…” The grief opened up again, the cloudiness returning.
“No, it doesn’t. He was too reckless, he got himself killed because he wasn’t satisfied, and his death took your cousin with him.” Outwardly, he sounded angry, and he slammed the door a little too hard. Inside the room, a lantern illuminated the sparse interior. One futon, with two pillows. He pulled her inside, before taking hold of the sliding door again. She wasn’t sure where to look, what to do. Of course, the basic instructions had been provided, but she was too nervous to start anything. She flinched as his sleeve brushed hers, and he must have noticed.
He walked around her, taking one of the pillows and tucking it under his arm. “Are you tired?”
“A little. It’s been a long day.” She let out a shaky laugh.
“Then, get some rest.” He blew out the lantern, the room plunging into darkness. She clutched her embroidered outer kimono, trying to still her trembling fingers. But he never approached, his footsteps drifting away. “That’s your side. This is mine.” A pause. “Good night.”
“…Good night?”
The silence crept up, and when she realized nothing would happen tonight, she smiled.
They still hadn’t consummated the marriage, when she traveled with him. He explained that until winter, they would be residing with his lord’s family and she would be assisting the lady, while he was on campaign.
“Do you know how to use a naginata?”
“I have some training.”
“Rely on it. We get attacked on a regular basis.”
“Eh?” She hadn’t heard of that before. “What about the castle’s defenses?”
“They’re adequate, but you should be prepared, in case there’s a spy. Don’t trust anyone easily.”
“Not even you?”
“If I act dishonorably, you shouldn’t hesitate.”
“I don’t think you will.”
His gaze might have softened, but he never responded.
Within the castle town, she was introduced to a variety of people. The lord, who seemed rather easygoing, and his demure, proper wife accompanied by her ladies-in-waiting. The metsuke, Ginoza. The seasoned general, Masaoka, and the recently promoted Kagari. There was even a warrior woman, Kunizuka. They all seemed pleasant, addressing her as the wife of General Kougami. It was strange at first, but she did her best to be just as kind.
Meanwhile, she and her husband slept apart from each other, as much as they could with one bed. He hadn’t made a move yet. She considered that he had a mistress, but from what Kagari told her, he only trained in his spare time. And although it was commonplace, she didn’t like the idea that there was another woman. He always came back to her anyway.
He had seen the books she brought with her and skimmed through each one. He genuinely seemed interested in her tastes and didn’t belittle her opinions. His questions were direct, calculating, and purposeful. He shared his books too, marked with his notes. Her husband had neat handwriting, she thought. In the evenings, he smoked his pipe as he read his own papers, and she found the sight comforting.
Not long after her arrival, an enemy clan drew too close. The entire household mobilized, and she saw him off. Along with his armor, he had a mask to resemble a wolf’s open mouth, but she didn’t feel any terror. It was only her husband, who was resolute and intelligent. She had faith in him.
“Be careful. I hope you’ll win.”
“Ah.” His hand lifted and for a moment, she thought he was going to touch her face. Instead, he ruffled her hair. “I’ll return soon.”
She watched him leave, feeling oddly empty.
It was a harder fight than expected, and the news came that they had been breached. The lady was newly pregnant, and after ensuring her safety, Akane took up her naginata and headed for the battlements. She could barely see past the drizzling rain, and the clamor was deafening. An arrow whizzed past her hair, and she felt pain and a warm trickle past her temple. But she kept going, searching for any unfamiliar faces.
At one corner, there were two figures, one readying to finish off his prone opponent. It was hard to discern who they were, but the man who was down seemed to have a mask. In the dim torchlight, she spotted the painted fangs on porcelain. She lunged forward and drove her naginata into the stranger, who tumbled over the wall.
“Akane!” Her husband was surprised to see her, and he struggled to rise. With her aid, he was able to stand. He’d suffered a few minor wounds, but he was still speaking and breathing. “You’re here.”
“Yes, I couldn’t stand by and wait.”
He blinked, the rain in his eyes. “Where’s the lady?”
“She’s in hiding. I’m glad you’re alright.”
“So are you.” He gripped her shoulder, and he gave a strained smile. “Stay safe!” Before she could reply, he was running off. She sincerely prayed he wouldn’t die, and she lifted her spear with renewed determination.
By dawn, the enemy had been subjugated. She had returned to their room, examining her head wound. Thankfully, the bleeding had stopped and it wasn’t very deep. She had finished bandaging it again, when the door opened.
“Shinya-san!” She rushed to him. He looked tired, but the dried blood had been cleaned off, and strips of white cloth covered his chest. She pulled him to the futon, urging him to sit and rest. “Are you hungry? Thirsty?”
“No.” He seemed distracted, not quite meeting her eyes.
“If you need to sleep, I’ll leave you alone.” She was about to leave, but he grabbed her wrist. He stared at his own grasp, his thumb slowly bending. She ignored the heat overcoming her, lowering her voice. “Please, tell me what you need. I’m your wife, I want to help you.”
“Don’t regret saying that.” And he kissed her, with unrestrained ferocity. She was too stunned to react, and when he parted from her, his eyes were completely dark. “Did you not like it?”
“I don’t know. One more time?”
He leaned towards her again, and she tried to meet him. Gentler than before, but his fingers twining through hers demonstrated that the passion hadn’t subsided. Breaking for air, he asked. “So? Should we stop?”
“No. Never.” And she initiated, claiming his mouth. He pulled her down and for a while, there was no need for words.
Neither of them were intended to be in this marriage at first, but they were now and the life that stretched ahead wasn’t terrible at all.
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illfoandillfie · 4 years
5 Simple Rules for a Successful Relationship: Blurb
This wasn’t requested by anyone but the idea has been kicking around my head basically since I wrote the Ben POV chapter
Warnings for fluff and smut but it’s all very soft
5 Simple Rules Series Masterlist
Blurb Advent Day 1
Taglist since it’s part of a series: @vee-ndetta @atomic-watermelon @kellypenac @labessieisallama @deakyclicks @jennyggggrrr @drowseoftaylor @hannafuckingsucks @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming @queenmylovely @taron-egrotten @johndeaconshands @borhapbois @stardust-galaxies 
@coni-martina @hardforbenhardy @cubedtriangle @vicouscirce @arianabrashierstuff @pattieboydwannabe @maggieroseevans @theprettyandthereckless @friccinfricks 
Ben had it all planned out. He’d known how he was going to ask for a while, before he’d even picked out the ring. But, so far, he hadn’t been able to put his plan into action. As much as he wanted to ask it never quite felt like the right time. There was always something going on, somewhere to be – work or dinner with friends or general errands to sort out. But he knew how he wanted it to happen. He’d cook dinner, your favourite meal of course, followed by dessert made from scratch, really bring out the big guns. Afterwards he’d put on some music, a playlist of love songs he’d been adding to for months now, maybe ask you to dance. It was a little corny but sometimes corny was okay. Later on he’d pop into the kitchen and pull out your two mugs and place the ring in the bottom of yours before returning to the couch to sit with you. And then, at the usual time, he’d say he could really go with a hot drink before bed. He knew you’d volunteer to make them since he’d made dinner so he’d wait for you to leave the room before following. He’d listen for the gasp of surprise when you checked the mugs and saw the ring. That would be his cue to step into the room and get down on one knee and ask you to marry him. He had the speech ready to go too, knew what he wanted to say. How fast he’d fallen for you, how glad he was you were with him, how much he loved you.
Thinking about actually popping the question made Ben nervous. But the good kind of nervous. Of course the topic of weddings and marriage had come up before, abstractly. It was nearly unavoidable when his mum would not-so-subtly check for an engagement ring every time you visited, and then even less so when Gwilym got engaged and invited you both to the party. So he’d asked you about it, whether you had ever considered the whole settling down thing – marriage, kids, white picket fence, the lot. He was pleased to find out you liked the idea, had even imagined what the future might be like with him. The only thing you didn’t want was a public proposal which Ben fully supported. After all the attention you’d received as a result of the relationship, all the magazine articles and snapped photos while you were just trying to buy milk and bread, it felt wrong to voluntarily make such a private situation public. Ben was sure you’d be asked about it in future interviews and on social media and he wouldn’t mind sharing the story then, after he was sure you’d say yes. He had no reason to believe you wouldn’t but there was always that slight uncertainty, that intrusive doubt that made him wonder if you’d just tell him to bugger off instead. He found comfort in the plan though. Knowing exactly what he would do was reassuring. But even the best laid plans weren’t guaranteed.
Ben’s actual proposal caught him off guard as much as it did you. It was early on a Saturday, sometime between two and three. Usually you’d both be fast asleep but instead you were stumbling into the house, lit only by the grey light of the morning. You hadn’t meant to stay at the afterparty for so long but people kept handing you drinks and drawing you into conversations and music was still pumping through the speakers and before you knew it five more minutes had become a couple of extra hours. Ben emptied his pockets onto the hall stand as he watched you lean against the front door and kick off your shoes. He couldn’t resist catching you in a quick kiss before he wrapped his arm around you with a soft, “C’mon cuddle bunny,” and lead you towards the bathroom. Both of you set about brushing teeth and washing faces and changing into pyjamas. He chuckled as he watched you extract an almost obscene amount of bobby pins from your hair before you retied it to sleep in. But, even after everything was done and you’d both climbed under the covers, sleep didn’t come. Ben, eyes closed in an attempt to trick sleep into taking him, felt you move under his arm and peeked through his lashes to find you facing him.
“You okay?” His voice was hushed though there was no real need and when you responded yours was too.“Yeah just not really tired,” “Me neither,” “Do you wanna…?” “Now?” “Well just lying here waiting to drop off is a bit boring but I also don’t really feel like getting up,” “Alright then, why not.” “If you fall asleep half way through I won’t hold it against you,” “Shut up and take your pants off,” Ben laughed, already wriggling out of his. “You just didn’t sound very enthusiastic,” “I am always enthusiastic about this,” Ben forgot everything else he might have said as you pulled him into a kiss.
The sex itself was okay. Nothing special really. You’d had better sex plenty of other times, though you’d also had worse. The best way to describe it was fine. It wasn’t mind blowing but it was comfortable and reliable and fine. Ben felt a little clumsy as he kissed you back, his hand roaming over your side and down to your arse. He supposed the dark of the room and the drinks you’d both put down over the course of the night were having an impact, but, by the way you giggled against his lips, it seemed you found it cute more than anything else. To compensate for his inelegant fingers, Ben moved slowly, enjoying kissing you as much as he could. He hummed when you slid your hand down between your bodies and found his dick, stroking it unhurriedly. There wasn’t a need to go faster, no built up passion to release. The sex was a way to kill some time. Even when you hooked your leg over his and he sank into you, nothing really changed. But Ben knew what you liked and did his best to hit those spots as he wrapped his arms around you and kissed you again. He decided he must be doing something right based off the small keening noises you made. All the same he didn’t expect your next outburst, said softly right against his lips.
“God Ben, I want you inside me forever,” It slipped out before he could second guess himself, “Then marry me,” “What?” Ben paused his movement, not totally sure he’d actually said it until he drew back enough to look at you and saw the stunned expression you wore. His heart pounded as he realised this was it, this was the moment, “Might be easier to do that if we’re married is all. So, will you? Will you marry me?” It took a few moments for the question to sink in but once it had you nodded in agreement. You felt the same. “Yes?” “Yes.” “Yeah? You’ll marry me?” “Yes, yes, I’ll marry you,” Ben broke out into a grin and swept you into another kiss though he cut it off abruptly, “Wait, hold on,” somewhat ungracefully Ben pulled out of you and rolled out of the bed, switching on a lamp and heading over to his chest of draws. He dug around in one for a moment before he pulled out a small box which he brought back to the bed. Kneeling in front of you, he popped the box open to show you the ring before taking it and sliding it onto your finger.
You couldn’t help but stare, holding you hand out in front of you to see how it looked. It was beautiful, not too over the top but not exactly understated either, and it fit perfectly. When you raised you eyes back to Ben’s face you noticed his eyes glistening. “I love it Ben, I love you,” “I love you too Y/N,” he whispered back, kissing you again and laying you back down.
As Ben sank back into you, you placed your hand on his chest, picking up his body heat except where the cool metal of the ring lay. You could feel his heart beating under your palm as he rolled his hips against you, trying to finish what you’d started. It took a little while longer, though things moved less slowly than they had before the interruption of the proposal. Ben dropped his fingers to your clit as he felt you getting closer, drawing gentle circles until the warm wave rolled through you, pulling a soft sigh from your lips. He kept his fingers there as if to try to give you another orgasm, maybe one not quite so soft, but you pulled his hand away, linking his fingers with yours as you kissed his throat and encouraged him to finish too. It didn’t matter that your orgasm hadn’t been particularly powerful. All that mattered was that Ben was with you and he always would be.
Afterwards you curled up, leaning your head on Ben’s chest, his arm around you. He sighed contentedly and kissed the top of your head. “So much for sleeping,” he chuckled. “What we did was better than sleep,” “Definitely. And if we hold out for a little longer we could watch the sunrise,” “I don’t know if I’ll last that long,” “No, me neither. It’d be nice though,” You agreed and lapsed into a comfortable silence. And then a thought struck you, “You know, we’re going to need a cover story,” “What?” “People are going to want to hear the story of how you proposed. Felicity, Joe, Gwil, the rest of our friends, our families, not to mention paparazzi and the press, they’ll all ask.”  “Fuck.” “So you don’t want to look your mother in the eye and explain it happened mid shag either? Good to know we’re on the same page,” Ben laughed, “Funnily enough, that was very unplanned. I had something much more romantic and better prepared in mind when I thought about how I’d do it. A whole big speech about you being the love of my life and how I want to spend every day of my life making you feel happy and safe and loved,” “Go on then, what was it,” Ben explained his original idea, about the dinner and the mugs, all the while playing with your fingers as if he didn’t want to break contact.  “That does sound wonderful, but I have to admit, I really love how it actually happened,” “Me too,” he laughed, “But that’s good. Because now we have a story to tell everyone and a slightly more accurate story just for ourselves.”
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henryobsessed · 4 years
The Widow and the Witcher  Chapter 4
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Summery, Budding friendship, A wedding and possibly something more
Word Count: 2600
Warning: Fluff
A/N Thank you for the amazing engagement and encouragement  
Chapter 4
4 weeks had past and the household of Julia of Wolnosci was full of excitement. Julia had begun to feel like she was getting closer to finding a place of peace. Her clients were beginning to see the changes in her, causing her clinic to begin to make a name for itself again. The estate was also thriving, each of the new servants were adding there skills to the benefit of the family.
Geralt had begun to feel like he was gaining his strength back. He had been working hard with his sword training and was finding working with the horses very therapeutic. Each day Julia continued to work with him in the spring, and using remedial massage to help aid his recovery after each training session. Julia was sure he was well on the way to a full recovery, there were still some scars that were healing but they would fade in time.
Every evening Geralt would come and visit Julia in her library. Some nights the room would be silent as they were both lost in the worlds painted in their books. Some nights the room would be filled with animated discussion debating monsters, politics, and everything in between . The surprising part for Julia was that a real bond of trust and friendship was growing between them. Many night the servants could hear as they went about their chores, deep discussion and laughter coming from the library.
Today there was an air of expectation on the minds of every member of the estate as preparations for a grand wedding celebration were in full swing. Tobias and Renee would be man and wife in just under 3 hours, followed by a huge celebration. The first one to be held at the estate since Wilfred had died. Julia once again looked at the great room, this time the colours were of soft pinks, rose gold and white, Renee's favourite colours. The columns were wrapped with green Ivy and white roses, the tables adorned with pink silk, white and pink roses, rose gold goblets and rose gold and white crockery.
Julia narrowed her eyes and gazed around the room critically looking for anything that was out of place. Just one last look, although knew she didn't really need to. She knew that it had been  lovingly done by the servants for their favourite couple, and as she suspected it was perfect. Julia was so grateful for Renee; she had come to be invaluable at the estate. She had refused to return to her family until yesterday. Only leaving to full fill the tradition of her Husband coming to claim her before the ceremony. Not only had she endeared herself to the servants, but she had become a great friend to Julia. They shared many similar passions, hospitality, reading, and Renee had even shared a longing to learn the art of healing from Julia. The unnamed God surely had a hand in bringing Renee to her family, not only for Tobias, but for her as well.
As the sun hit the room a rainbow danced across the wall reflecting off one of the crystal vases. It was only a small rainbow but it was enough to trigger a wall of sadness in Julia, as if a cloud had moved over the sun, suffocating her joy making her heart ache. Her mind remembering the last party she and Wilfred had shared with the village. He should be here. Wilfred would have loved this; He would have loved seeing Tobias married to such a beautiful bride. Allowing herself to dwell on the grief of one more thing that had been stolen from them, Julia began to silently weep.
Geralt was heading to the kitchen to get some apples, his favorite food to give as treats to the horses. As he passed the great room he spotted Julia standing in the middle of the explosion of flowers and finery. Something caught at his heart as he noticed Julia was weeping. Without a thought he quickly moved into the room, and without a word pulled her into his arms. Julia stiffened for just a moment then melted into his chest sobbing as Geralt held her tighter.
After a few minutes her sobs turned into small hiccups, and then she calmed. They stood in each others embrace for what seemed a lifetime. Geralt did not want to let her go, he was surprisingly enjoying the feel of her body against his. Julia also felt surprised, her body enveloped by the warmth of his body and security she felt in his arms. Eventually, Julia pulled back and looked up into his now softened eyes "Thank you" she whispered unsure of what she was feeling she stepped away.
Geralt felt the loss of her body. An ache he had not felt for a very long time spreading through his chest caused him to want more.  Silently he reached a hand out to brushed a stray tear from her face, before saying with a low whisper "will you be ok? I sense today might be hard for you." Julia overwhelmed by the compassion this man was showing her, and amazing that he had read her emotions so accurately stood silent. "Mistress?" Tobias stood at the door a bunch of flowers in the crook of his arm. His words broke the spell over Julia, stepping away from Geralt she turned to Tobias answer. "yes my boy?"
Tobias had been nervously pacing the gardens, his task was to make the perfect bouquet to present his bride. This evening when he went to claim her from her father, it would he his gift to her. He had found a beautiful array of her favourite flowers, baby's breath, gardenias, and roses in pink and white. Their beautiful aroma's filling his nostrils, all that was left was to find something special to bind them together. Julia would have just the right touch to make it perfect had been his thought as he strode towards the house. Moving down the corridor, he heard the sound of Geralt's voice coming from the grand room, and on inspection had seen him hovering over Julia who looked like she had been crying.
"Mistress?," he voiced with concern, Julia turned away from Geralt looking at him and replied with a soft voice, "yes my boy?" that endearment never grew old filling him with a familiar warmth. Not sure of what had transpired he entered the room intent of protecting her. "are you ok?" he looked at Geralt who now looked at him with a stony stare. "yes, Tobias I'm ok, I just had a sad moment and Geralt came to my aid. All is well now." Julia wondered at the change in Geralt's face the softness had disappeared replaced with a hard frown, but she decided to ask him about it later. For now, her faithful servant, her Son, had an arm full of flowers, and if he was seeking her out it could mean only one thing, he needed her help.
Tobias sat tall on his horse; he was dressed in the finest ivory silk suit his dark brown hair curled atop his head. In his arms, the bouquet of flowers sat now tied together with an ivory ribbon with two crystals hanging from the ends. Even though it was a cold night Tobias was oblivious to it, his body full of nervous energy right now. All that was on his mind as he kicked his mare into a gallop was that he was going to fetch his bride.
Standing at the doorway to her house Renee stood ready, she too was adorned in a beautiful ivory silk dress that was edged with rose gold satin. Her headdress dripped with crystals across her forehead securing the long shear Vale that covered her face and hair. She held her lantern up peering into the distance, not knowing the hour that Tobias would come as was custom but hoping with nervous expectation that it would not be too much longer.
Her feet tapped the earth in an expectant rhythm, her mind filled with thoughts of the night to come when she felt an soft hand on her arm. Her mother's smile calmed her beating heart as she heard her whisper, "Peace my child. The waiting, the giving and the sharing will all be over in the blink of an eye. So cherish each moment. The waiting is important, there will be many times in your life when you will be waiting for him to return, learn to be content in the waiting." She knew her mother was true, the life of a merchants wife was filled with waiting.
She could hear her father chuckle beside her mother "listen to your mother my daughter, she speaks wisdom from experience." He drew her mother into his arms and kissed her cheek, the love between them was tangible and she hoped that when she and Tobias were their age they would still cherish each other in the same way. Together they waited enjoying the peace, it was her parents who would hand Renee to her betrothed tonight, signifying their agreement of the joining of the two in marriage.
As Tobias approached the city he slowed his horse to a walk. His heart hammered in his chest as he began to see the streets lined with their friends and family. Each holding a lantern to light the way, he smiled at each one until he could see her. Even from a distance she stood out from the rest. There she was holding her lamp a symbol of the love she had for him, it glow illuminating her satin gown creating a vision the brought him to tears. His beloved was waiting for him.
He dismounted and walked to her father and kneeling at his feet, lowered his head and asked "I have come to humble myself before you and your wife. I love your daughter, and ask that you give us your blessing to become husband and wife" He felt a hand reach under his chin and lift his face up, so he could see her father's eyes shinning with tear as he gazed at him replying. "Tobias of the house of Wilfred and Julia of Wolnosci, we have watched the way you care for our daughter. We have seen your character as you deal fairly in the marketplace, and we have witnessed your compassion and loyalty to your mistress, and to the people of this town. Yes, we gladly give our blessing to you and our precious daughter. We welcome you as our Son" helping Tobias to his feet Renee's father brought him to face Renee. "Daughter, do you take this man to be your husband. To love him, and honour him no matter what life's difficulties bring to your house?"
Renee peered up at Tobias through her vale, she could see his handsome face staring at her with a soft look of love, and tears shining in his eyes. She had no doubt in her mind that she would love this man for the rest of her life. So with a strong voice, she said "yes". At this, the street erupted with celebration as Tobias lifted her vale and kissed her sweetly on the lips. Releasing Tobias from the kiss Renee turned and hugged her Mother and Father, as did Tobias then together they walked to his horse. Tobias lifted her into the saddle and jumped up behind her. Together with the rest of their family and friends began a procession back to the estate.
Julia shivered as she stood at the archway to the estate. The road to the house was lined with the servant's, lanterns in hand. Standing in place of Tobias's mother it was her job to accept and welcome the bride and groom to her estate. She had spent the evening with Hannah and Ruth "getting pretty" as Wilfred had called it. She wore a lavender silk dress adorned with crystals that caught the lantern light. Her hair, curled, was half up and half down covering her shoulders with a ring of crystals in her hair. She knew this night would be a wonderful celebration, and she would be happy for this beautiful couple, but there was still an element of sadness.
As she shivered again, Julia felt a warm hand place a shawl over her shoulders. Looking up she found herself lost in a warm gaze of amber-yellow eyes looking down at her. The softness she saw in his eyes caused a quivering in her stomach. An awareness that this man was becoming more to her than she was ready to accept. She shifted her eyes as the intensity of his gaze was becoming unnerving moving to his body. She could see he had washed and his white hair was pulled up into a bun at the back of his neck making him look even taller than his 6ft 1inch height. He was dressed in a simple black outfit that befitted his station and made his silver medallion of a wolf even more prominent on his large chest.
Geralt sensing her discomfort leant down to her ear so only she could hear, "I can leave if you want, but I would prefer to stay by your side tonight. One because I sense you need it, and two I am not great in crowds and would prefer to be near someone I know." Julia felt it took a lot for Geralt to admit this, and realised she was actually comforted by his close presence. Returning his quiet statement with her own whisper "No, don't go, I would be happy for your escort tonight. Thank you for the shawl, I didn't realise how cold it was."
Emboldened by her words Geralt wrapped one arm around Julia pulling her into his side, a soft smile forming on his lips as he teased, "it's even warmer here." Before she had time to protest, she heard the sound of an army of people singing and laughing, she looked into the distance seeing an ocean of glowing lanterns following a lone horse with its two riders. Stepping out from his warmth Julia walked forward in anticipation of greeting her Son and his Bride.
Julia walked to Tobias as they dismounted, her heart bursting with joy as she spoke "Son of my house, I welcome you and your bride to this estate, I pray blessings on this union" Lowering her head as she took each of their hands, she prayed "to the unnamed God, we ask you bring many blessings to this beautiful couple, may you bring them peace and many years of joy" with tears in her eyes she kissed them both on the cheeks, turning together to walk the illuminated road she felt Geralt come up to her side, his presence felt right, filling her with a foreshadowing of something new uncurling in her heart as they walked with the bride and groom to the main dwelling.
Tobias and Renee were standing on the balcony of their apartment at the estate. The sound of music and laughter floating up to them as the celebrations raged on. The love Julia had shown to Tobias and his bride had touched him deeply. The evening had been more than he could have ever imagined. Now with Renee tucked against his side he felt complete, as they looked at the stars. This was their favourite place to be, and it helped to calm his nerves being in this familiar embrace . "are you happy Renee, is this how you imagine it would be?" turning to face Tobias Renee reached up and cupped his face her thumb tracing the line of his cheekbone as she spoke softly. "I would have been happy if we were in feed sacks and it was just my family and yours downstairs. But this" her face held an overwhelmed awe.
"This was beyond any expectations; Julia truly loves you and  it has been made even more evident by how  lavishly she had blessed us." Tobias smiled down at her chuckling at the dimples the were deepening as her smile echoed his "I think she also loves you; I have seen how close you have gotten over the last few weeks." Tobias tucked a strand of her sandy hair behind her ear, his pulse racing at the intimacy he felt as his voice deepened "and I am glad for it. For whom could not love my sweet and beautiful wife" at this he bent and kissed Renee softly, she responded gently at first then deepened their kiss with more intensity, together they moved to the bridal bed both nervous but happy to explore this new journey together.
Back at the celebrations, Julia found herself lounging against a very warm and firm chest, as the night had progressed, and the wine had flowed she had found herself becoming more and more comfortable with Geralt's touch. So, when he saw how tired she was and suggested she rest against him there was no hesitation. Feeling snug and secure she looked around the room with satisfaction. Once again, her house would be known for its celebrations, and it warmed her heart to see the happy faces, people dancing to the minstrel's tunes, and people lounging engaged in discussion. Contentment filled her heart as her body began to slip into unconsciousness.
Geralt was relaxed, and thanks to his gentle coaxing he had Julia in his arms. He could smell her honeysuckle scented hair as her head rested just below his chin. His eyes strayed allowing himself to look closely at the woman in his arms. Julia didn't seem to know what her very presence did to him. Her hair tonight was a mass of curls, and it took all his self-control not to reach out and play with it. Her dress hugged her figure in all the right places, and ..... What was he doing? He pulled his mind back from where his thoughts were headed. The last time he had allowed himself to get close to a woman other than the ones he paid for was Yennefer. She was like night and day with Julia. Where Julia was compassion, warmth and peace. Yennefer was passion, anger and chaos. Could he, would he risk opening his heart to Julia? subtle as it was her relaxed body now snuggled even further into his chest, and if he judged her weight right, she was falling asleep.
Knowing that the celebration would continue till sunrise he shifted his body so he could pick Julia up in his arms. Carrying her down the marble corridor to her room he placed her on the bed. Tucking her in he went to move away but she captured his hand. "stay with me, I'm cold" Julia whispered. Not sure if she would feel the same way in the morning but not willing to ignore such an invitation Geralt took off his sandals and slipped in beside her pulling her close. She buried her back against his chest and sighed before even breathing showed she had fallen asleep. Geralt, however, did not sleep for a long time. Holding this precious woman in his arms was comforting and at the same time torcher. In the still of the moment watching her sleep he decided she was too special to ignore, tomorrow he would tell her how he felt. Mind made up he fell into a deep sleep.  
Previous Chapter Three                                                         Next Chapter Five
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iplaymatchmaker · 3 years
hello and good day! i would like a matchup for a3! and ikerev, please! she/her pronouns. you can call me juice, though! hm i think a good description of me personality wise would be im usually cheerful, friendly, childish but i tend to hide a lot of my negative feelings and overthink quite a lot. towards others i'm always curious about the littlest details of someone's hobbies or interest and sometimes i talk more than i listen. love literature and things like fashion or games (1)
Hello, thanks for requesting juice! Sorry for the long wait but I hope you enjoy it! I was pretty excited to write a match up for a3! since it’s been living rent free in my head for the last few weeks. I got a little carried away with the last prompt cause it was so fun to write, but I hope you like it! Also, the ikerev one might take some time but I’ll try to not take too long. Have fun!
I match you with
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The two of you first meet after you watch one of their plays, “A Clockwork Heart.” When you realize that the lead and writer is a classmate of yours from college you can’t help but approach him a few days later to discuss the play further.
He seems self conscious at first but quickly opens up as the two of you discuss his script and before you know it one conversation has turned into an in-depth discussion over lunch.
After that first encounter, both of you start talking more often, quickly growing closer. Tsuzuru appreciates your cheerful attitude, making it easy for him to be comfortable around you.
Considering your love for literature, you often help him brainstorm for new ideas, always looking forward to seeing how he brings it to life on stage.
It is easy for you to fit in with the rest of the boys from Mankai, despite their constant prying on your relationship with Tsuzuru. After all the time the two of you spend together, it is no surprise when none of the boys (except Azami) bat an eyelash when you make it official, after a lot of back and forth between friendship and romance.
Prompt: Bonding
“The reason S was created in the first place was because Luke needed a companion. It’s tragic that he was the one who left him in the end.”
“Well, yes, but he also taught him to open up to people, insuring that he wouldn’t be alone when he was gone.”
You and Tsuzuru had been discussing the end of his latest play “A Clockwork Heart” for a while, arguing over whether or not the ending was tragic. When you approached him to offer your praise for his work earlier that day you hadn’t been expecting him to engage in your opinions on a play he wrote, but he was actually deeply invested in the conversation, despite the matter at hand being trivial to the actual substance of the story.
“He couldn’t have known though. He also put his own wishes aside to protect him. That alone makes the ending tragic.” You vividly remembered the tears you had shed when the show reached its climax, a result of both his script and his acting.
“It depends on your idea of what the ending was. S was a machine, so as long as Luke was alive they could meet again, when it was safe for the both of them. That makes the ending-“
Ring Ring
You almost chucked at the generic sound his phone made as it vibrated.
“Give me a sec.” he moved away from the bench before answering. It wasn’t long before he returned, a flush expression on his face.
“Sorry, I didn’t realize I had kept you for so long. I actually need to get going.” He ran a hand through his hair, smiling shyly. It was only then that you noticed what time it was.
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to bother you for that long!” Now you were both flushed, the realization dawning on you that you had spent two hours talking.
“I-it’s fine. Um, we can continue this tomorrow, if you’d like?” you were surprised he actually wanted to talk again, a smile spreading over your face.
“Definitely. “
“Okay. See you then!” he waved as he ran off while simultaneously trying to dial someone, resulting in him almost falling on his face. You looked forward to tomorrow.
After that first encounter, you continued to meet during lunch to talk about other works, quickly realizing you had a similar taste in books and movies. It was an easy transition, going from acquaintances to friends.
“How’s the summer troupe’s play coming along?” It was easy to tell that he had been losing sleep again from the – almost – comical black circle under his eyes, but you asked anyway, hoping that you could offer some help.
“I know what I want to write, the words are just refusing to form and settle themselves on the page.” The frustration was evident on his face as he tried to put the pieces flying around his head in order. You tried to think of a way to help him but you knew that he needed to figure this out on his own.
“Come on.” You forcefully pulled him out of his chair, carefully shutting his laptop.
“W-wait. Where are we going?” you pushed him along, despite his protesting.
“Trust me.” You flashed him your biggest smile before setting of, only mildly aware that your hand was still around his wrist.
“The movies?” he seemed confused over what your objective was but you were confident it would help him out of his slump.
“Yes. Come on, I’ll even get us popcorn!” you were beaming as you led him inside.
“What are we watching?” Tsuzuru, finally resigned to his fate, flipped through the leaflet, looking at the moves currently playing.
“Your choice, I’m fine with whatever.” You hurried to the bar to pick up snacks, leaving him at the ticket booth.
“Look at those effects.”
“The acting is top notch.”
Tsuzuru had been so immersed in the movie he seemed to have forgotten all about his tiredness. When you exited the theatre you could practically see the gears turning in his head.”
“It’s a very different take on pirates than the summer troupe’s play, but if I exaggerate the characters even more then there would be great opportunity for comedy.” You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you as you observed him, completely lost in his own mind.
“So I take it the creative juices are flowing again?” he looked back at you, as if seeing you clearly for the first time in days.
“Yes! Thank you!” He put his arms around you, too far lost in his excitement to feel any awkwardness.
“I-I have to go write! I’ll see you tomorrow.” He continued shouting thank you over his shoulder as he run off with newfound energy. You expected you wouldn’t see him the next day, considering he’d probably be passed out by then, but you smiled anyway.
“See you later!”
Prompt : Cinderella:
“So, you’re thinking of doing Cinderella for the next play?” You and Tsuzuru were hanging out in his room, taking full advantage of Masumi’s absence that weekend.
“Yeah… I’m not sure how to go about it though. Everyone in the Spring Troupe agreed that I should be lead this time around but I just don’t see myself in the shoes of a prince… Itaru would probably be a better fit for the role.” You couldn’t help throwing a pillow his way.
“Hey! What was that for?” You sat up a little straighter, tempted to glare at him until he picked up on your annoyance.
“I can definitely picture you in the role of the prince.” You cleared your throat before switching to your best narrator voice.
A long, long time ago there lived a boy and a girl. They were the best of friends when they were children. The boy would often sneak out to meet with her and they would play for hours. But their happiness would not last long.
You see, the girl grew up to be the maid of one of the less-fortunate royal families in the kingdom. She had been forced into that position by her father’s latest wedding. It would also turn out to be his last, for he died a few years later, leaving her in the care of a wicked stepmother.
One the other hand, the boy grew up to be the most charming prince in the land. The women fawned over him and he always had everything his heart could desire.”
“I’m literally none of those things.”
“Fine then.”
The prince was an idiot who didn’t know how to take care of himself and never asked for help. He constantly worried his friends over his health but they loved him anyway.
“That’s not any better…”
“Shh, let me continue the story.”
Their difference in class ripped the two friends apart, putting an end to their relationship. While they weren’t allowed to meet again, they promised to never forget about each other. To keep that promise, the made matching bracelets and agreed to never take them off until they could meet again.
“Friendship bracelets? Who does that?”
“They were kids! Would you have preferred rings?”
“Wouldn’t those basically be promise rings?”
“I’m coming up with this on the spot, give me a break!”
That bracelet was what gave the girl the strength to continue living, despite her struggles.
When news of a ball arrived at the estate, her step-sisters were quick to start preparations, eager to have a chance at the prince’s hand in marriage. The girl was simply happy at the prospect of seeing her friend again.
When her family found out she was planning to attend the ball, they locked her in the cellar, not willing to risk any competition. The girl wept and wept, until suddenly a kind seeming lady appeared in front of her.
“Isn’t this just the movie?”
“Give it a second!”
The lady promised she would help her get to the ball if that was what she wished. Despite her suspicions, the girl earnestly declared that all she wanted was to see her friend again. And so the kind woman flicked her wrist and the rags the girl had been wearing were replace by a rich ball gown, paired with a glass slippers. The girl thanked her again and again before heading off in search of her lost friend.
“She doesn’t warn her about the time limit?”
“There’s no curfew here, it’s a stupid conflict anyway.”
You couldn’t contain the excitement and adrenaline that flowed through you as you went up the steps of the grand palace. You hadn’t been here since you were a child, when the king’s father still allowed you to visit, and childhood memories flooded your mind. It was difficult to keep your nerves at a reasonable level as you approached the guards at the front gate. By the time you had arrived at the palace, most of the guests were already inside, so you were completely alone when you handed the invitation, hoping the witch had done her work well.
“Enjoy your evening.” They smiled before urging you to step inside. A sense of awe filled you as you walked through the somewhat familiar halls, remembering all the places you and Tsuzuru would hide from the servants, before his title meant anything to you.
You weren’t sure you remembered the way to the main hall, so you followed the noise, hoping you could make your way there.
When you finally stood outside what seemed to be the entrance, you took a few deep breaths before walking forward, determined to see your friend again. When you stepped though the door you quickly realized that the door wasn’t the room’s main entrance, but the top of the grand staircase. Dread filled you as everyone’s eyes fell on you. If it wasn’t for the railing you thought you have fainted right then and there. You breathed in, allowing you hand to wrap around the bracelet the two of you had made so long ago, letting the warm feelings it carried spread through you.
You bowed once before making your way down the stairs, hoping you wouldn’t trip on your dress and make a fool of yourself before the night even started.
The moment you were off the last step, your eyes fell on your step-mother, eyeing you with absolute envy and disgust. You hoped the mask would be enough to conceal your identity.
You walked around the room for a bit, keeping to the less populated areas, hoping to catch a glimpse of Tsuzuru, disappointed to find that he was nowhere to be found.
“Please let this not be for nothing…”
You were about to make your way to the balcony, but a swarm of guests was suddenly in your path, dancing to the waltz the band had just started playing. You frantically looked around, searching for a way out when two arms wrapped around you, pulling you along with the rest of the dancers.
“I guess you’re my partner?” the face of the man that stood before you made your jaw drop. You had thought of so many things to say, but now that Tsuzuru was standing before you, the words seemed to catch in your throat.
“So, uh, are you having fun?” he was as awkward as you remembered. Something about the familiarity filled you with a sense of calm. I found him.
“I am now.” It was hard to contain the smile quickly spreading around your face.
“Actually I was-“that was when it was time to switch partners. When you felt his hand slip from yours, panic flooded through you. No… I didn’t have the chance to tell him.
As he pulled his hand away, his fingers brushed the bracelet on your wrist, eyes widening as he was whisked away by another partygoer, realization evident in his features. You tried to get closer, but were quickly taken away by another guest. Your eyes landed on Tsuzuru a few times but the hall was too crowded. It was almost suffocating. You took the first chance to slip out on the balcony, eager to get away from the crowds.
You stood at the railing, letting the air cool down your heated face. He had seen you, but you weren’t sure he would care enough to search. Negative thoughts occupied your mind as you gazed at the land beyond. Maybe this was foolish… He probably barely remembers me… He’s a prince after all. He was more important matter to attend to than a peasant he used to spend his free time with. You felt tears gathering at the corners of your eyes, your own loneliness catching up with you.
“Please don’t cry!” You were shocked to find Tsuzuru standing a few feet away from you, his face flushed and his knees bent. He must’ve been running.
“You’re the girl from back then, aren’t you?” he glanced down at your wrist, pulling up his own sleeve to reveal a bracelet identical to yours.
“Y-you kept it.” Your voice cracked, barely audible in the midst of the ongoing celebrations.
“Of course I did! It meant a lot to me.” The words seemed to call to something inside you and so you let the tears fall.
“W-what did I do? Please don’t cry!” he took a step closer, still unsure of what boundaries existed between you.
“I-I can’t help it. I’m just so happy!” you wrapped your arms around him, not caring who saw you. All that mattered in that moment was that the two of you were reunited at last.
“I missed you.” You couldn’t see his face, but you could tell he was crying too, by the way his heart beat against your, the way his hands shook, still wrapped around you in a tight embrace. Year’s worth of loneliness and regret spilled out of the both of you in a single moment.
You stayed like that for quite some time, allowing the relief to wash over you. When you looked at each other again, you couldn’t help but laugh at your state. You knew the scene must look ridiculous to any outside spectators, but none of them mattered. It felt like you were alone in the world, no barriers between you. Your class didn’t matter. You were just a boy and a girl who had been reunited.
“ The king was skeptical at first, knowing a commoner queen wouldn’t create any new alliances, but he could see the love his son had for the girl. And so they married. It’s said that the pair practically run down the stairs of the palace after their wedding, eager to get to their honeymoon, their laughter echoing through the streets.”
“That’s an ending befitting a prince Muku reads about in manga… I still don’t see where I fit into this… ”
“Fine. As they descended the staircase, the prince fell on his ass, causing even more laughter from the girl. A moment she would never let him forget.” You couldn’t help but laugh at the earnest look on Tsuzuru’s face. He may be clumsy, but he has always been kind.
“It will need a lot modifications, especially considering the fact that none of us can exactly pull off female roles, but it could work.” At some point through the story Tsuzuru seemed to have pulled out a notebook, in which he was now scribbling away.
“Are you seriously taking notes?” he was still focused on the story, not letting the inspiration go to waste.
“Of course I am. You’re brilliant!” he pulled you in for a kiss, taking you completely by surprise.
“You’re the best.” He turned back to his note taking, leaving you with flushed cheeks and a bright smile.
“You too.”
And they lived happily ever after.
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
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“Careful the spell you cast, not just on children: Sometimes a spell may last past what you can see And turn against you...! Careful the tale you tell -- that is the spell. Children will listen...listen... Nothing's gonna harm you, not while I'm around... Nothing's gonna harm you, no sir -- not while I'm around... Demons are prowling everywhere nowadays... I'll send 'em howling -- I don't care -- I've got ways...”
~“Children Will Listen / Not While I’m Around,” by Josh Groban
When the vampire called Bat Varney first found himself becoming attached to Adelia Selwyn @that-ravenpuff-witch​, it intimidated him quite a bit. Having already seen his wife Loretta and daughter Irene die long before him and knowing full well how many vampires ended up going insane due to the grief of watching all the people they loved die before them, Bat had come to the practical decision that there was little point in putting himself through more pain than he had to go through -- and so, even though he knew his life would have no point at all if he had to live in complete isolation, Bat began to treat every human he encountered in a very impersonal sense, like anonymous customers coming to him for his services before disappearing into the void never to be seen again, rather than individuals. This made it so that when he inevitably heard about any of the people he’d met having died, it hurt less than if he’d made any sort of real human connection with them.
Therefore, as one can imagine, after spending so many years actively detaching from the people around him, it was very troubling to Bat when he looked at the young Selwyn and found himself being reminded of his daughter Irene, who he’d only ever been able to watch grow up from a distance. It troubled Bat all the more when Adelia started dating Teddy Ellison @cursebreakerfarrier​​, who Bat had to concede was also a very engaging young man. There were several times during their school careers and after where Adelia and Teddy would be able to sense that Bat was pulling away from them -- not because he didn’t care, but rather because of how much he cared, and how much that frightened him. Fortunately, even though Bat sometimes disappeared without any warning, he would always eventually return -- and as the years went by and Bat slowly became more comfortable with the people who’d nestled their way into his heart, he’d disappear less and less often.
The last time Bat disappeared abruptly without warning was right after he learned that Adelia was pregnant with her and Teddy’s first child. As happy as Bat was for both of the Selwyn-Ellisons, the thought of these two young people (who, in Bat’s mind, had just been studying at Hogwarts) suddenly already being full-grown adults starting a family was a grim reminder of how much faster time moved for Adelia and Teddy than it did for him...and therefore of how little time he truly had with them and any children they might have. And that was the other thing -- they were having children of their own! Did Bat even dare get attached to them too? How could he function, staying completely the same and static while a child was born and died before his eyes? Would the child remind him even more of Irene than their mother did?
Eventually Bat agreed to visit Adelia a few weeks after the baby was born, from a distance. Just like at the Selwyn-Ellisons’ wedding, Bat didn’t trust himself to get too close, considering his blood lust -- and so he’d pointedly kept to the door frame at the far end of the nursery when Teddy went over to the crib and scooped his newborn son Lawrence (or “Bertie”) up into his arms so that Bat could see him. The sight of the tiny baby in Teddy’s arms made Bat’s heart swell to three times its usual size, and he couldn’t fight back some tears as he regarded Teddy with more pride than he ever had. He could tell how much Teddy loved his son -- just as Bat himself had loved Irene -- and, as much as the thought hurt Bat...Teddy would be able to be there for his child, the way he never could...the way he should’ve been. The thought hurt so much, and yet...there was some joy in it too.
Not long after Bertie was born, Honeydukes pioneered the Blood Pop, which allowed Bat to interact with people a bit more safely than he had previously. Not only did it allow him to spend a lot more quality time with his close companion Atticus Grimsley, but it also made Bat feel that bit more secure to be around the Selwyn-Ellisons, especially their young son. Bertie Selwyn-Ellison was a precocious little boy from the off-set, eternally curious and enamored of both his mother’s bedtime stories and his father’s fluffy Belgian Shepherd Animagus form. Over time Bat’s fondness for the small boy became more apparent, from how he’d frequently sit on the floor while Bertie played with his toys so as to be more on his level to how he’d read Bertie Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol aloud every Yuletide season, complete with different voices for all of the characters. Before long, Bat had gone into full-fledged “uncle” mode on little Bertie, coddling him even more than he had Adelia and Teddy. And when Adelia gave birth to her and Teddy’s second child, Violet, Bat instantly projected the same level of protectiveness and favoritism he’d shown toward Bertie onto her as well.
Once when Bertie was about four, the little boy got it in his head to “watch over” his infant sister while she was sleeping, only to fall asleep on top of Bat, who’d laid down in his Irish Wolfhound form with Bertie on the floor next to Violet’s crib so as to supervise them. Bat only turned back into his real form when his blood lust became strong enough that he had to take a sip from his flask, stick a Blood Pop in his mouth, and then carry the sleeping Bertie over to the chair so he could tuck him in under a spare blanket. The vampire then proceeded to sit on the floor next to the chair for another half-hour, until Teddy came home from work and found them in the nursery after checking for Bertie in his room and not finding him there.
As Bertie and Violet got older, they became diligent students of their “Uncle Bat,” who rather determinedly resolved to make sure that they’d both be ahead of the game in all of the core subjects before starting at Hogwarts, so that it’d be easier for them to make friends. (Kind of an understandable position for someone who was both a Ravenclaw and the only Muggle-born in his class back in the day to adopt!) This resulted in both Bertie and Violet being among the top of their class and very well-respected for their entire school careers. And whenever the Selwyn-Ellisons went to visit Bat in his home of Hogsmeade, they’d always bring their “uncle” a pack of Blood Pops, and Bat would always take the time to spoil Bertie and Violet by helping them prepare for a pop quiz he’d caught wind of or for a Quidditch match Bertie was set to fly in.
Never question the power that someone -- even a child -- can have, in bringing out the best in someone else.
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n8thegr8 · 4 years
Heroes Never Die
Today’s the day.
The first thing that crosses Ochaco Uraraka’s mind as she is pulled from her deep slumber was those four words. Everything that she accomplished these past three years all was leading up to this very special day. Graduation. All of the blood, sweat, and tears were all worth it in her eyes. She’s finally going to walk across that stage, get handed her diploma by Principal Nezu, and walk her happy self back to her seat.
And damn that’s gonna feel so good.
She pulls herself from the comfort of her bed and commences her usual morning routine. As she’s finishing putting on her clothes, she notices that her phone has a notification. As she grabs it off her bedside table, she remembers that she doesn’t have a cheap flip-phone anymore, but a new-ish smartphone, courtesy of Momo. She fumbles with it, not used to how heavy and how big smartphones can be until the screen turns on and shows her that she has two new messages from her boyfriend of two years: Izuku Midoriya. One text was the usual good morning message, while the other was a question about their fellow classmate Yuga Aoyama. She giggles at the following text as she shoots off her good morning message.
We never really found out if he’s really French, haven’t we?
Another message pops up on her screen. It’s from her close friend and classmate, Mina Ashido. When she read the text, a giant doofy smile crept on her face. She sends back: “Yeah, today is the day! In more ways than one (^0^)”
Mina’s energetic message reminded her about the small red velvet box sitting on her bedside table. When opened, it reveals a beautiful gold ring. Nothing fancy. No diamond. No special writing. Just a golden engagement ring. A very expensive golden engagement ring. Ochaco can still hear her wallet wail in pain. Before she leaves her dorm room, she opens the box to take a quick look.
Anxiety waterfalls through her body, and her knees dare to crumble beneath herself as she gazes upon the ring. She hasn’t even asked the question yet, and she’s still nervous.
These past few weeks were hell for her. Constantly trying to hide the box whenever Deku would visit her room. Keeping Mina’s mouth shut. The sudden bouts of anxiety and stress whenever she thought of proposing. Keeping Toru’s mouth shut. Graduation. Keeping both Mina’s and Toru’s mouths shut. Needless to say, Ochaco feels extremely exhausted, but she remains determined.
There is no big villain.
There is nobody in need of saving.
No burning building.
No hurricane.
The only thing standing in her way is herself.
She finishes her morning routine and prepares herself for the day ahead of her. Graduation is at 4:00 PM, and the after-party is at 7:00 PM. Eight hours until she walks across the stage in front of all of her classmates and loved ones, and eleven hours until she asks the most stress-inducing and important questions of her life.
Before she steps outside her room, she takes one last look at the place she called home for three years. With a smile and a confident attitude, she closes the door behind her.
However, just as she steps outside her room, disaster strikes. In a blink of an eye, her legs entangled with each other, and she loses balance. Gravity takes over. Instead of facing the wall, she now finds herself facing the floor. She closes her eyes, and anxiously waits for impact.
You gotta be fu-
Rather than having her nose break when her face mercilessly hits the floor, Ochaco realizes that she had been falling for quite a while. Or at least she thought she was. She opens her eyes and sees that the floor is not getting closer, rather it stays static.
“Ochaco! Are you okay?”
A familiar voice brings her to finally notice the two muscular arms holding her torso and waist. She’s been held by these arms enough times to deduce who they belong to. If this was two years ago, she would have blushed madly, and he would follow suit. But now, she just smiles.
Today is going to be a very good day.
Only three senses that the leader of the League of Villains, Tomura Shigaraki, still retained. His taste, hearing, and touch. In his mouth, all he could taste is the metal of his own blood. Darkness blinds him. He doesn’t know if he’s just in a dark room, or if that crazy bitch removed his eyes. His hands and feet ache, but even he knows that it’s just phantom pain. He remembers when she meticulously cut his limbs off. The sounds as the knife grind and cut against his bones.
The horrific glee in her voice as she sang to herself. And the sickening crunches and slurps as she consumed every ounce of his blood as she could. He can’t even scream, she sewed his mouth shut. She said that she doesn’t want any backtalk during her meals.
He doesn’t know what time it is. He has lost all sense of spatial awareness. And that’s why he tries to scream whenever he hears that door open. The echoes of footsteps bounce off the walls and stimulate Tomura’s eardrums. Giggling circles around him. He feels his heart thump in his chest, desperately attempting to break free of its boney prison.
The giggling stops right in front of him, and Tomura can feel her breath on his face.
“Oh, Tomura~” the demon taunted. “Today’s the day.”
All Tomura can do is groan and moan in response.
“Oh, you don’t know what today is? Haven’t you been listening to me, dummy? I always talk about it during dinner.”
He feels her presence inch ever so closer. A murderous intent fills the air. A sharp pain stings his neck. He can feel his blood steadily flow out of the wound and run down the knife.
The hellish woman whispers in Tomura’s ear. “Today’s the day where I start spending the rest of my life with the two people that I love. Which means…” Her voice changes from being playful to serious. “... I’m finally done with you.”
Tomura failed to scream as he felt the knife quickly slash his throat and blood splashes everywhere. He becomes light-headed as no matter how many times he gasps for precious air, the oxygen just escapes through his open trachea. There is no coming back from this.
Throughout all of this, she laughs as if she’s watching a standup comedy show.
Eventually, his body stops writhing in a desperate attempt to save himself. His muscles relax, and his chest falls. Before his hearing fails him, he can hear his killer say something that would have made his skin crawl if his nerves weren’t dead.
“You had such a wonderful Quirk, Shiggy. It’s a shame you were such a disappointment.”
After she utters those words, Tomura Shigaraki becomes deaf to the world around him. The only thing he can hear is his own mental screams as he is collected by the Reaper and enters the great unknown.
The rest of the day flew by Ochaco faster than she anticipated. First, she ate breakfast, and the next thing she knew, she was already in the UA girl’s locker room, sitting down on a bench in her traditional yukata. Her fellow classmates' voices conversing with each other become muffled to her as she focuses on the open red velvet box in front of her.
Can I really do this?
A sudden tap on her shoulder pulls her out of her dazing, and she turns around to see a certain green-haired, frog-quirked girl. Ochaco smiles at her close friend, and Tsuyu Asui returns the smile with a small “ribbit.” Ochaco remembers the first time she really talked to Tsuyu when they were only first years. Small fledgling heroes in training. Not knowing what the next three years would bring to the table. Talking about who they looked up to, getting to know each other, and, most importantly: why they want to be heroes.
And if Ochaco knew anything, it’s that Tsuyu can read people like open books.
“Cold feet? Ribbit,” she asked.
Case in point.
In the past, such a question from her would elicit an extreme reaction. She would usually bury her face in her hands and accidentally activate her Zero Gravity and float towards the ceiling. But now, the only thing that Tsuyu would get out of her was a small blush, or if the question caught Ochaco off guard: some mild stuttering.
“Isn’t cold feet supposed to be before the wedding?”
Tsuyu shrugged and took a seat next to Ochaco.
“Same idea. Are you having second thoughts?” Tsuyu asks her friend.
Ochaco just sighs and shakes her head. “No, it isn’t that, not at all. I know… I know I want to do this.” The box in Ochaco’s hand starts to shake as her body fills with anxiety. “I love him. I really really do, and I want to spend the rest of my life with him, but…”
Tsuyu tilts her head in curiosity.
“But…? Ribbit.”
Ochaco faces Tsuyu and looks at her directly in her eyes. A serious look adorns her face.
“What if he says no?”
This one sentence stops all activity in the locker room. Everyone looks at Ochaco as if she suddenly grew two heads. Not uncommon for someone in their society, but certainly different. Ochaco felt all eyes on her and sheepishly closes the ring box. Embarrassment filling every fiber of her being. Desperately trying to escape the silent judgment from everyone in that room, she quickly put the ring box in her bag and gets up and fast-walks her way to the door.
Still feeling the gaze of every girl in the room, she turns around and faces her baffled audience. Everyone had a different reaction. Mina just keeps letting out small chuckles and laughs, holding her hand to her mouth as if holding back a monster from getting into a medieval city. Having her mouth hang open as if to say something, Momo Yayorozou did not find the words to which to object the objectively insane question she just heard. Ochaco cannot figure out what emotion that Toru expressed. Jiro just rolls her eyes and continues to idly play with her ear jacks. Finally, Tsuyu’s eyes transform from a deep green to a sheet-white.
Ochaco laughs and scratches the back of her head. “Ha, um, stupid question?”
“Very,” all the girls said at the same time with varying tones.
“Right, right,” Ochaco mutters to herself.
At 3:45 PM, Ochaco sits in the hallway directly outside the reception hall. Just fifteen minutes, she and the rest of her class will walk out and officially become alumni UA. She originally thought that proposing to Izuku would be the most stomach-churning and world-flipping event of that day. But, the thought of going onto that stage in front of all those people made Ochaco’s legs wobble and turn into gelatine. She fiddles with the ring box as she thinks about the next few hours.
She’s a hero! Why is she getting stage fright of all things?! She’s taken down bigger and badder villains that any normal person can dream of. She’s gotten her arms broken, ribs cracked, brain rocked, jaw dislocated, and so much more, and this is what is doing her in. She’s so focused on making that inevitable walk across the stage that she doesn’t even realize that Izuku Midoriya is right behind her.
“Ochaco, are you feeling okay?”
For the second time that day, Ochaco is caught off guard. She faces her boyfriend, wearing his hero uniform, and with speed never seen before, she hides the ring box in the folds of her yukata's breast.
She replies, “Oh, D-Deku! Just experiencing some stage fright, that’s all.”
Izuku tilts his head downward, his gaze aiming at Ochaco’s covered chest, and puts his hand on his chin. Ochaco notices this, and the internal struggle begins.
Did he see the box?!
She snaps her fingers, reeling Izuku out of his deep thought.
“Hey, hey. Eyes are up here, Mister,” she says as she points her index and middle fingers to her eyes.
Izuku’s face turns a deep red and waves his hands in front of him. He stammers out, “N-no! I-I wasn’t…!” He stumbles on his words and desperately tries to explain his mistaken lecherous gaze. Ochaco, however, just smirks and crosses her arms across her chest.
She giggles and punches Izuku’s arm, holding back her true strength by a large margin. “I’m joking, you dork.”
However, rather than returning a less than witty comeback, Izuku’s eyes narrow, and he goes silent.
Ochaco frowns. “Aw, come on, Izuku, I didn’t punch you that hard…”
As if just realizing that she was standing next to him, Izuku snaps back into reality. Confused, he looks around the hallway, as if he is looking for someone.
“Something’s happening…” he mutters.
Ochaco’s head tilts to the side, perplexion written on her face like words on a page.
“Um, Deku?”
Izuku doesn’t say anything.
“Izuku, is it cold again?” she asks.
Izuku turns his body to face Ochaco, his face panicked and tense. When seeing the look of utter anxiety on his face, Ochaco finally starts to put the pieces together. She recognizes that look, the way his body shakes, his eerily silent panic, the small flickers of green lightning enveloping his body.
It’s the way he reacts when All for One is near.
Joining him, Ochaco scans the immediate area as well. Her gaze bouncing off the doors, crawling through the floor and touching the ceiling. The two didn’t speak to each other, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t communicating. They position themselves back-to-back and hold hands. As careful and as silent they can be, they make their way down the hall. They have to warn the others. Ochaco feels Izuku’s hand squeeze hers, and she squeezes back, reaffirming that they’re in this together.
Izuku’s presence only calmed Ochaco to a certain point, however. Her heart beat like a giant gorilla striking a wooden gate over and over again. It dared to burst out of her chest. She still fears All for One. Facing Tomura Shigaraki at the end of her first year left her scarred and horrified at the power of the madman.
Her gaze went everywhere, making sure that nothing moved. Floor. Doors. Ceiling. She repeats this routine. Floor. Doors. Ceiling. Again. Floors. Doors. Ceiling. Again. Floors. Doors. Toga. Ceiling. Once mor-
“Hi, Ochaco baby~” Himiko Toga’s face had always been described by documentations by heroes to represent the dark side of the human condition. That face is currently smiling with its sharp vampiric-like teeth and bright golden eyes directly at Ochaco.
Not having time to be scared, Ochaco’s hand glows pink and activates Zero Gravity on Izuku.
“Deku!” she yells.
Izuku’s body lights up with his signature green lightning. With a swing of her arm, Ochaco flings Izuku around her body like a whip. With his leg bent to deliver a devastating kick, Izuku flies through the air and screams, “Smash!”
Himiko should have been sent flying through the wall with at least a few broken bones. She should have been knocked out from the force of the kick. Instead, there stood Himiko, her face still cracked with the same deranged smile, holding Izuku’s leg in midair.
“What the-“Snatching her hand, Himiko interrupts Ochaco’s train of horrified thought.
“Ochaco, run!” Izuku screams.
Himiko screeches out a laugh that makes nightmares seem like fluffy teddy bears in comparison. “Let’s go, my loves, to a place where…”
The hallway began to twist and turn around the three. Ochaco’s soul feels the hammer of dread striking it over and over again as she sees the world around her literally revolve around her.
“... we can…”
Ochaco feels the temperature around her rise to levels higher than normal. Her forehead produces beads of sweat.
“... be alone forever!”
The building around them crumbles and withers away into nothingness. The sun shines in through the cracks, and Ochaco finds herself in an unfamiliar place.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it, my loves?” Himiko’s voice slithered its way into Ochaco’s ear. “A place where nobody will bother us ever again.”
Ochaco, becoming tired of this three-way dance, finally sees her opening. With a swift kick to Himiko’s gut, she finally freed her hand from the devilish villain, pulling Izuku, still stranded in mid-air as his leg is still held hostage Himiko, from her grasp as well. Ochaco and Izuku then gained some distance from Himiko, hearing her cackle as they dash away.
Spotting a desolated wall, Ochaco, and Izuku mad-dashed to take advantage of their newly discovered cover. Once there, the duo slammed their backs to the wall and took a moment to catch their breaths. Other than her lungs hurting like hell, Ochaco felt a sense of pure fear emanating from Himiko. When she smiled at her and called her “baby” she swore she would have fainted if Izuku wasn’t there. But it wasn’t just that. There was something else...
“Deku,” Ochaco finally got out between deep breaths, “What percentage was that kick?”
Clutching his chest, he lets out an exasperated, “40%.”
Ochaco’s widened her eyes at this revelation. A 40% charged kick from him would incapacitate any villain that didn’t have some sort of defensive Quirk.
Ochaco felt her entire body shiver and quake. “Izuku, she shouldn’t be standing. She shouldn’t even be conscious, how did she even-”
“She has it…” Izuku cut her off. “She has All for One.”
Ochaco couldn’t believe what he just said.
“But, Shigaraki…”
“Shigaraki’s dead. She killed him and consumed his blood. I can feel it in her, but… where are we?”
Ochaco hadn’t even thought about it, but when she looked up, her head felt weightless. The sky wasn’t blue as one would expect, it was a fiery red as if it was set ablaze. And the white things floating high up in the air weren’t clouds, they were ash. Her gaze then scanned her environments, she couldn’t stand to keep looking at such an unnatural sky. Buildings were scattered about, but most of them were dilapidated and destroyed. She can recognize some of the buildings like the ones found in Shibuya, but what bothered her was the lack of life. No human in sight, not even any animals.
“Deku… I don’t think we’re home,” she said with a small crack in her voice.
“... A man with a unique Quirk was on the news the other week… he went missing, and there was only a pile of dust left at his apartment.”
“Shigaraki went Quirk hunting?”
Izuku nodded. “Yeah, after graduation, I was gonna start following the case. But… the Quirk always bothered me. It allowed the man to go to alternate universes.”
Ochaco peered over the wall to see if Himiko was in sight. “Okay, but Toga didn’t turn into Shigaraki or that guy when she brought us here.” Her eyes bolting left and right, vigilantly keeping a lookout.
“But what if it was enhanced?” inquired Izuku.
“But All for One doesn’t enhance power, right? That’s One for All,” shot back Ochaco.
Ochaco jumps back down from her lookout position and lands on her bottom. In turn, Izuku jumps in to take over lookout duty.
“That’s true, and she ran out of my blood a long time ago. I think she’s been using Quirk Enhanc-!”
“Okay, but could an enhancement drug do that?” Ochaco asked. “And even so-gah!”
A deep stabbing pain penetrates Ochaco’s shoulder. A pain she is well familiar with. Currently lodged into her shoulder is a knife, and perching on the wall, grabbing Izuku by the throat, is the knife’s owner.
“Wow, Izuku baby, you hit the nail on the head.”
Seeing her boyfriend in the madwoman's clutches, the thought of Himiko using Tomura Shigaraki’s Quirk, Decay, races through her mind. Ochaco dashes to Himiko, arms outstretched, and her mind on autopilot. She needs to free Izuku from her grasp and fast. Himiko flashes her a smile and hurls Izuku at her. Ochaco hears the whump of Izuku colliding with her abdomen. The pain settles in only less than a second later. Her momentum and direction reverse. As if instinct, she wraps her arms around Izuku’s body, ignoring her body’s own cries of pain as she holds him close. They both hit the ground and groan in pain.
“I chose this universe just for us, my loves!” Ochaco hears Himiko scream out. “Nobody will ever bother us!”
Whistling fills the air, and Ochaco observes as eight knives fly through the air. With a tug on her arm, she is pulled away from airborne assailants by Izuku. One only grazing her calf, producing small traces of blood. She then watches as Izuku makes a mad-dash towards Himiko. Ochaco can only make out the traces of his lightning trail as she follows his lead. Ochaco touches every pebble, rock, and brick and activates her Zero Gravity on them. They all float behind her as she wills them to follow her. She catches up to the fight and watches on as Izuku and Himiko exchange blow after blow.
“Smash!” Izuku yells as he lands a direct hit on Himiko’s face. She laughs in response and returns his strike with a swift swipe with her knife. Himiko dances around the battlefield making wide swings and swipes with her knife. Ochaco can tell that this fight is all a dance to her. A duet in a theatrical production between the main character and his lover. While Izuku bounces back and forth, dodging left and right repeatedly, only making precise strikes where he has an opening. None of these strikes makes a difference, however. Himiko just laughs them off as his fist would bury itself into her flanks. Ochaco is getting really sick of that damn laugh.
Ochaco yells out Izuku’s name and puts her fingers together and shouts, “Meteor Smash!” Then, the debris that she touched come flying at Himiko at exactly 9.8 meters-per-second. Izuku takes heed of Ochaco’s warning and bolts out of the battlefield like a bat out of Hell before the onslaught from Heaven destroys the ground that Himiko stands on. The sound of metal and concrete hitting earth fills Izuku and Ochaco’s ears. The dust from the impact rushes to Ochaco and Izuku. Izuku returns to Ochaco's side just seconds after impact.
“She’s alive, right?” Ochaco asks, a hint of uncertainness plaguing her voice.
Izuku nods his head. “A 50% hit from me only inconvenienced her. She should be alive.”
Then, an explosion from the rubble shakes the earth beneath their feet, and from said rubble rose Himiko Toga, still with her everlasting grin.
“Damn it, she isn’t dead.” Ochaco sighs.
Izuku looks at her incredulously. “You do know we need her to get back, right?”
Ochaco waves her hand, dismissing his question. “Yeah, yeah. I just really hate her.”
By the time Ochaco turns back to face Himiko, she discovers that she disappeared. Gone without a trace. The two then go back-to-back once again, covering each other’s blind spots.
“Oh, Ochaco baby. I’m hurt.” Himiko’s voice surrounded Ochaco and Izuku. “You know just how much I love you, baby.”
They look all around, trying to pinpoint her position. Where is her voice coming from? Where the hell is she? These questions keep invading Ochaco’s mind as she scours the wasteland of this dead Tokyo.
“I love you so much, Ochaco baby~ I knew this from the first day we met! At any chance I got, I would drink your blood just so I can be the person who I admire most. It was so lonely just having your blood, though. I also need Izuku baby’s blood. We’ll all be together forever!”
Ochaco grits her teeth and stomps her foot. “You’re delusional, Toga!” she bellows, “Even if you do kill us and drink our blood, you’ll run out eventually!”
Once again, Himiko's laughter echoes off of the abandoned buildings around them. “Oh please, Ochaco baby. With this amazing Quirk, I can go to any universe I want to and find you two again and again. If I run out of Quirk Enhancers, I’ll just hop on over to another universe and get more! I can’t lose. Especially not to you! My enhancers give me a boost for twenty-four hours, so I’m never losing this fight! We will be together forever, all because of your Quirk, Ochaco baby.”
My Quirk?
Ochaco’s life flashes before her eyes as she looks up towards the sky and realizes what exactly Himiko meant. There, floating directly above her, are many knives. Before she can even gasp, gravity regains control. The cloud of knives descends at exactly 9.8 meters per second. Each knife looks like a raindrop, and all Ochaco can do is stare. Her body screams at her to move, to do anything. But just like a deer in the headlights, all she can do is stay put as her brain tries to comprehend the situation.
It all happened so fast.
Her mind blanks at the memories of the past few seconds.
She doesn’t know why Izuku Midoriya is kissing her, and she doesn’t know why he says, “I’m so sorry. I love you, Uravity,” in such a weak and diminished tone when he pulls away. She sees his eyes welling up in tears as they usually do, but the green in his eyes… they were soulless. His hand on her cheek releases its grip, and his head slumps forward, allowing Ochaco to see eighteen knives buried in his back. She puts the pieces together.
She inches closer to him.
No response.
“Deku, please. Izuku, honey. Please.”
She reaches out and brings him closer. His head lies on her lap. When she strokes his cheek, she finds no warmth.
“No. No. No. Y-you can’t do this, Izuku. Izuku, you can’t- you just can’t.”
She shakes him.
“Deku. Wake up.”
She shakes him more.
“Deku, please. Wake up.”
His eyes never open.
Ochaco’s sight blurs from the tears welling in her eyes. A scream escapes from her throat, and it dares to shake the Earth beneath her, only because her world has been shaken to its core. Something in her chest leaves, but she doesn’t know what. A small thump to her left, and she sees the red velvet box open in the corner of her eye. The ring no longer shone like before. No light reflected off of its magnificent surface. Only dust and rubble stuck itself onto its golden sheen, like a cancer.
Her head feels light, and her stomach turns because of the gravity and reality of the situation. Her eyesight becomes even blurrier, but it’s not because of the tears. She’s starting to lose consciousness.
Her head hangs. Her eyes become heavy. The last thing she sees before the world turns dark is Izuku’s soulless face. She succumbs, not even caring that Himiko could be anywhere around her.
When Ochaco opens her eyes up, she can’t lie and say that the situation she found herself in isn’t confusing. There, in front of her, is Izuku Midoriya. There is no blood dripping out of his mouth. No knives lodged into his back. His eyes are a bright green rather than dim and soulless. He smiles at her.
He greets her with a simple, “Hey.”
“Wh-wh-what the hell…?” she replies, astounded by the scene in front of her.
She takes her time to look around her. For as far as she can see, there is only darkness all around her. She turns back to Izuku and asks, “Am I… dead?”
He shakes his head. “No, you’re still alive.”
Ochaco’s face becomes dark. “But… you are, right?” She can feel the tears rearing its ugly head again. She tackles Izuku, but he doesn’t fall over. She wraps her arms around his torso and buries her face into his chest. “This wasn’t supposed to happen!” she screams. “W-w-w-w-we were supposed to graduate today, I was going to propose to you at Momo’s party, and-and-and we were going to get good jobs and then we were supposed to get married at the botanical gardens and-!” She tilts her head up to meet his eyes. “You were supposed to be the new Symbol of Peace. Deku, you were going to save the world. We were gonna be the greatest hero couple, remember?! H-how am I supposed to do this alone? I need you! The world needs you!”
Izuku hugs her back. She can feel how warm he is.
“I know, Ochaco, but… things change. You know? We knew this on our first date, remember? Hero life is unpredictable. We put our life on the line to save others. I’m just…” She sees that he’s starting to cry as well. “I’m so sorry. I’m sorry that I can’t be with you anymore.” His embrace tightens around her. “You have to be the Symbol of Peace now, Ochaco.”
Ochaco’s eyes widen in shock. All of the puzzle pieces fall into place. Izuku used to tell her about the plane of existence that One for All resided in. Talking to past users.
She remembers how One for All is transferred from user to user.
She remembers the kiss that Izuku gave her before he died.
“Izuku…” she mutters.
“I’m sorry, Ochaco. I’m sorry for putting this burden on you.”
She feels breathless, but somehow, she feels safe. Even in this ethereal plane, she can feel the power flowing within her veins.
“It’s okay.” Her voice cracks just slightly. “Is... is there anything I need to know? How to use it?”
Izuku stays silent but only for a moment. “It’s different for everyone, Ochaco. But you’ll find out.”
He smiles at her and then hugs her tighter without any warning.
“Thank you so much for always saving me, Ochaco.”
A beat of silence permeates through the endless void until Izuku lets go of Ochaco. His face is shaded with a deep red. Ochaco chuckles a bit, she hasn’t seen him like this in years.
“Oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m so sorry Ochaco was that too creepy or cheesy I really don’t know it was like in the moment and I don’t know and just-”
Ochaco’s eyes once again well up with tears, but happy ones. She cuts him off with a smile.
“No, Izuku. It wasn’t creepy at all! Or cheesy! I’m glad you think so. Because I do too,” she says.
Izuku stops his worrisome look and smiles back at her.
“Thank goodness,” he says back.
Ochaco can feel the space around her start to break and dwindle. The world is changing once again. She feels like she’s waking up. She gazes upon Izuku’s face, who was still smiling.
“Ochaco,” he says, “You’re the Symbol of Peace now.”
Ochaco must have blinked. Because Izuku wasn’t there anymore. His smiling face transformed into a calm and lifeless frown. She knows where she is.
She isn’t with Izuku anymore. She’s awake.
She’s with her again. She can feel her presence looming over her.
“You feel it now, don’t you, Ochaco?” Himiko’s words drip from her mouth like venom from a snake. “You fought so, so hard, and for what?”
Ochaco doesn’t even look up to face her. Not even to confirm her position.
She doesn’t have to.
She already knows where she is.
She stands seven meters from her. She is standing straight up. There is a knife in her hand.
She knows where everything is.
384,400 kilometers away directly above her head is the moon, and 151.52 million kilometers away at a 45-degree angle is the sun. She feels them. Every planet in the solar system and every star in the sky. Every galaxy in the universe. She knows where they are.
She feels everything.
She feels their gravity.
She feels Himiko’s gravity.
Himiko continues. “To live in a world where everything is taken away for no reason? No reason at all?” Ochaco feels her getting closer. Ochaco feels Himiko raise her arm that she holds the knife in. “Don’t you think it’s so unfair?!”
She throws the knife. It flies through the air. Cutting the small oxygen particles in its path. However, before it can hit its target, it stops. Ochaco’s tears stop flowing down her face, and her eyes stop producing tears. Now, they produce energy. Her brown irises struggle to escape their prison and bleed into her corneas. Streaks of green and pink lightning escape her body. The ground around her cracks and crumbles, and the rubble floats around her body.
“I trust your decision, Deku,” she whispers to the body she holds in her arms. She carefully lays Izuku’s former vessel in this physical world down and kisses its forehead. She then stands up and faces her opponent.
Toga’s look on her face is a mix of bewilderment and terror.
“What the fuck?! What did he do to you?!” she screams at Ochaco.
Ochaco says nothing and grabs the knife that is still floating in midair. She winds up and throws it back at incredible speed. She sees it lodge itself in Himiko’s hand. She watches her scream and clutches her hand in pain.
“What happened to you?!” she continues to scream at her. She produces another knife and throws it at Ochaco, and once again, it stops right before it could slice into Ochaco’s face and skull.
Ochaco looks at the rubble, flying around her like a shield. She nudges one of the rocks slightly, and from that touch, that rock falls to the earth and craters the small patch of dirt it landed on. It continues to bury itself deeper inside the earth and shows no sign of stopping.
She looks up and faces Himiko once again.
“I’m the Symbol of Peace now, and gravity is mine to control.” With lightning speed, she snatches a rock from her shield and hurls it at the sky. As she feels the rock’s gravity gets farther and farther away, she feels Himiko’s gravity is closer and closer. Before Himiko could reach out and touch Ochaco, reducing her to dust, she suddenly becomes weightless. Along with the rubble around her, she floats precariously in midair.
“It’s no use, Himiko,” she says to her in a cold voice, “You can’t win anymore.” She gets close to her face. Looking her into her crazed yellow eyes. “You said, there isn’t anybody living on this Earth, right?”
“Yes, Ochaco, baby! This was the only one I could find! We can be alone here! Please, baby. Just let me put my knife into your heart and drink your blood. Please, baby. We can be alone together. Forever. Please…” Himiko didn’t stop her insane ramblings.
Ochaco grinned. “Good.”
384,400 kilometers above her, she feels a new gravitational pull. It’s strong. Just the way she planned it to be. Himiko suddenly stops her ramblings, and her eyes look up in horror. Ochaco feels a sense of excitement and pride at how scared Himiko is. Ochaco doesn’t need to turn around and see what she’s looking at. She already knows what’s happening.
“You see it, right? The moon? It’s disappearing. Warping. Being crushed into a small one-dimensional strand. All because of that rock that I threw. I don’t know if you dropped out of school before you learned this, Toga, but everything has their own gravitational pull. You. Me. Everything.”
Ochaco continues, “The smallest rock can become a black hole if its gravitational pull was powerful enough.”
Himiko’s eyes widen. “You bitch…”
Ochaco grabbed Himiko by the arm, her vice grip threatening to break it.
“Now, listen here, Toga. You’re going to bring us back to our original universe, and if you don’t…” Her grip tightens. “I will make your life a living hell, okay? Make your decision quick. We only have seven minutes before the black hole destroys the Earth.”
Ochaco sees Himiko’s face twist and contorts in anger before; finally, the light in her eyes gives in. “Okay…” Any confidence, any bravado she once had in her voice, has sucked into a black hole. “You win.”
Satisfied, Ochaco turns around and walks back towards Izuku’s body. She picks him up and curls him inward. For a second, she hopes that Deku isn’t truly gone. That despite all of the reality saying that Izuku is dead, he would get right back up.
Reality, however, doesn’t work that way. It is cruel and unforgiving, and Ochaco knows that. Ochaco stops and picks up the ring box as well. To her, it is the heaviest object she’s ever had to lift. She walks back to Himiko, who is staring daggers at her. Himiko then rolls her eyes and activates the Quirk.
Once again, the world twisted, turned, and spun around them. Buildings restructure themselves. The air cools down, no longer the oppressive heat on the other Earth. The gravities that she felt on the other Earth disappeared, and new, familiar ones took their places. Once the world stops spinning, she looks around and finds herself on her graduation stage.
Murmurs and gasps deliver from the audience in the stands and Ochaco’s classmates in the seats. Toshinori Yagi, the former Symbol of Peace, runs up to her.
“Young Uraraka, what happened?” he asks, gazing upon Izuku’s body.
Ochaco simply looks up and meets his eyes. Toshinori’s expression goes from surprised to saddened in a split second. He does not say anything else. He only nods. She gives him Izuku’s body and turns to Himiko, who is still floating.
“You lost. You’re going to Tartarus,” she tells the madwoman. Himiko grins, however.
“Don’t think that our fight is done, Ochaco baby. I’m still enhanced. I could just touch you, and your head will just disintegrate!” Himiko’s arm lunges forward and grabs Ochaco’s face. “Die!”
Nothing happens.
Himiko’s eyes widen once again. “Wh-what?”
Ochaco grabs Himiko’s arm once again and pulls her hand away from her face.
“You’re twenty-four hours are up. When I grabbed you, I intensified your personal gravity. Time sped up for you.” Ochaco tightens her grip around her arm. She feels the bones crack in its grasp. Himiko screams in pain. “You’re never going to hurt me or anyone else again!” Ochaco feels her body light itself on fire with rage. This person. This villain. This monster took away the world’s greatest hero. Her hero. Green lightning crackles around Ochaco; she can feel the immense power flow through her body and into her fist. With her free hand, she throws a devastating punch, connecting with Himiko’s face. Himiko flies towards the ground and is buried into the stage.
Ochaco looks into the crater with disdain and disgust. She sees Himiko, laying there, chuckling to herself and whining in pain. She closes her hands together and says, “Release,” lifting her gravity spell off of Himiko. She doesn’t even react to her teachers, who run up to her and try to talk to her. She looks down at the velvet box, opens it, sees the ring sitting there alone, and trembles to her knees. She clutches the ring box close to her and cries as tears roll down her face.
“Miss Uravity? Who’s this?”
Ochaco looks down at her protege, Atarabo, and smiles. She’s only fifteen and just about to graduate middle school. Her Quirk? She can lift anything smaller than her. An odd Quirk for sure, but Ochaco saw the potential in her. A fiery go-getter who believes in making people happy. It reminds her of the person who they’re currently visiting.
Ochaco’s gaze switched from Atarabo to the gravestone in front of her. There it reads: Here lies Midoriya “Deku” Izuku. A loving son, boyfriend, and classmate. The greatest hero who has ever lived.
“This… this is the greatest hero who’s ever walked this Earth, young Atarabo.” She kneels down and places her hand on the stone.
“But, Miss Uravity! You’re the greatest hero in the world! You top popularity charts, like, every week!” Atarabo exclaims.
Ochaco laughs at the eagerness of her young protege. “Atarabo, I’m only the most popular hero because of him, and he became the greatest hero of all time because of me.”
“Who is he, Miss Uravity?” she asks.
“He was my friend. My best friend, actually. We met on the day of our entrance exams. I saved him from,” she takes a second to chuckle to herself, “Embarrassing himself. And he saved me that same day. Then we went to class together. We trained together. He saved me. I saved him…”
“Did you love him?”
Ochaco turns to Atarabo. “Yes. I love him very much, and he loves me too. He… died on our graduation day, and he gave me One for All. Atarabo, do you still want to be a hero?”
Atarabo nods her head with extreme vigor. “Yes, ma’am! More than anything!”
Ochaco smiles at her enthusiasm. “Then I won’t lie to you. Heroism is a dangerous job. You can easily lose your life. And one day, I will too. Once I give you One for All, my body will start to wither away. I’ll lose my Quirk. I’ll become weak, and then I’ll die. Leaving you to become the next Symbol of Peace.” She can tell that Atarabo is about to cry, another thing that reminds her of Izuku. She reaches out and grabs her shoulders. “But, Atarabo, it’s okay. I’ll never truly die. You will carry on my Quirk, my legacy, as I do with One for All's past wielders. I will always be with you, just like Izuku is always with me. Heroes never die, Atarabo. The memories of us live forever. In the heads of our family and friends, and in the static time that those memories live in.”
At this point, Atarabo’s face is an ugly mess of tears and snot. “But… but when you die, will I see you again?”
Ochaco only smiles at her. “You will. One day.” She pulls Atarabo into a tight hug, letting the tears flow down her green and pink hero outfit. As she hugs her, she pulls out an old and withered red velvet box. She opens it, and the ring inside almost blinds her, but she doesn’t flinch. However, her tears do start to blur her vision.
I will see him again. I still have to ask him one last question, and that is going to feel damn good.
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allie1804-fan · 3 years
Malaise (Chapter 3 Just Friends No Benefits)
Chapter 1, 2
Warnings Brief mentions of sex
A couple of weeks after the appointment with Tara, Keanu found himself at a loose end and really needing to “scratch the itch” as it were. He called Lucy, one of his “friends”
“Oh hey Ke” she said somewhat hesitantly “How are you doing?”
“ah I’m good thanks, just had some free time at last and thought maybe we could re-connect?”
“uh,errm, well that sounds great ……………but I should tell you, things have changed for me in the past few months”
“Oh, how so?”
The phone went quiet at her end for a few seconds.
 “I’m engaged!”
Now there was a pause his end while he sought to process this news, tamp down his personal disappointment and muster some happiness for her!
“Oh my god, congrats, that’s amazing news, who’s the lucky guy?”
Lucy proceeded to tell him how she’d met her new love Jamie and when the wedding was scheduled etc and they concluded the call with her agreeing to a celebratory lunch date with Keanu the following week, somewhere suitably fancy – he was nothing if not chivalrous even as he was letting go of one of his options for sex in future.
He made the next call straight away, figuring that if there was going to be more disappointment, then he might as well get it all done in one go and if there was a chance that one of his “friends” was free, then it would lift him out of the funk Lucy’s news had left him in. Karen agreed to come over later, saying she could tell he was lonely from the tone of his voice but she also said she’d been meaning to talk to him, just talk, for ages so he already felt that the shutters were coming down there too and that hanging out was all they would be doing.
As they tucked into a take-out pizza and beers that evening, they stuck to small talk but when she wiped her mouth after her last piece, Keanu could feel that she was holding back from making a pronouncement.
“Keanu, if I had to guess why I’m here right now, I’d put my money on you being lonely ……..  and horny and hopeful of moving onto the sofa shortly and working your charm on me”
His eyes widened and he took a swig of his beer.
“My, you’re awfully forthright tonight hun!”
“Well it’s true isn’t it, how many times in the past year have we hung out and not had sex?!”
“errrm, none”
“Correct, and the things is, Keanu, much as I love you and much as you are  fun to be around, so  giving and sexy as hell, I need to move on from being, well, one of your fuck buddies basically. Yes, that’s right, I know that I’m not the only one and I know no promises were ever made, that wasn’t the deal, but I want, no, I need a relationship with a man that gives me more. And the longer I am jumping to your tune like some child following the Pied Piper, the less I’m able to be open to a proper grown-up relationship. One where I prioritise what I want and need, something longer term with commitment on both sides. One where that person can give me time and not just occasional fun and  gifts but strictly on his terms. I’m honestly not complaining about what we had. We were both honest about it and it worked then, but not now. I’m sorry.”
Keanu smiled, a sad smile that didn’t reach his eyes
“Good while it lasted though huh?”
“Yes!” she grinned “and I’m not breaking up with you, not as a friend, I hope I can always be your friend”
“Sure, of course, no chance of one final send off huh?” he asked, eyes twinkling mischievously
She pushed him in the chest “no way, that’s just a slippery slope right back where we came from, you cheeky boy!”
They hugged and spent another hour or so chatting and getting used to being ‘just friends’, Keanu trying to avoid staring at her breasts like he would normally.
After she’d gone, he called his third option.
“what a glutton for punishment!” he thought. “Might as well choose between becoming a monk or taking out a direct payment to the agency each month if this one doesn’t work out!
It turned out that Martha, his third girl was out of town on a 6 month work placement. When he called, he recognised a European dial tone and she picked up speaking with a sleepy voice. It was about 7am where she was in Italy.  The opportunity had come up out of the blue and she’d only been there a week and hadn’t gotten round to telling people who weren’t in her immediate circle that she was going.
They talked briefly and he said he would try and tie in a visit if he was in Europe whilst she was still there. He might have movie promo or a bike related trip to make. He hung up feeling utterly dejected. Two of his options were done for good and he wouldn’t mind betting that Martha would meet some gorgeous Italian stallion while she was there and that would be that, finished.
 “God you’re pathetic Reeves” he said out loud to no-one. “The world is your oyster, you’re single - check, rich – check, OK looking – check, what the hell is your problem?”
He took himself off to bed, found some porn to watch and jerked off angrily but despite the ejaculation, the satisfied sleep that should follow eluded him, and when he awoke as dawn was breaking through, he felt a grey malaise shrouding his senses, dulling his movements and fogging his brain.
He had a new film starting in a month’s time but he couldn’t concentrate on any of the character research he should have been doing, learning his lines or working out to make sure he looked the part.  He would look at his phone and think about calling the agency but he didn’t want to get hooked and for that to be his only sexual outlet just seemed kind of tragic. For a couple of weeks  he’d spend his days either sleeping or drinking or tooling  around on his bike for hours up in the mountains. None of that helped him to shake the sense of emptiness and foreboding that filled his spirit.
First his mother noticed he was being slightly morose when they met for lunch one day. He was usually charming with her but he was monosyllabic and not the least bit enthused about their meal, his new film or the latest bike launch with Arch. Patricia flagged her worries to Karina who called round on spec a few days after to find him lolling on the sofa, listening to John Coltrane. His hair was unwashed, he smelled of whiskey and cigarettes and he’d clearly told his housekeeper to stay away for at least 2 weeks.
Alex was next to join the list of people telling him they were worried about him and begging him to share his worries. Even Rob, his band mate who was often a bit oblivious to others’ problems, could tell just from the flatness in his voice when he spoke to him on the phone.
Keanu assured them all that he just needed to get back to work.  
A week before he was due back, with little done to prepare still, he made a decision and called the agency again for Tara. He left instructions about repeating something they had done before that fell into the ‘unusual’ category. It wasn’t that weird but certainly outside the realms of straight sex. When Tara saw the request, she wondered if something was wrong too. That last time he had this request, he had been out of sorts mentally. When he messaged her about dinner, she chose Ramen noodles thinking that would be light and vaguely healthy. She didn’t imagine burgers or pizzas would do him good if he was in a funk about something.  She chose a cosy, close fitting woollen dress in cream for their “date” and hoped she could sooth him if he was troubled.
Keanu greeted her at the door bare foot and freshly showered. Truth be told he hadn’t showered for days before that and, since he had shunned the housekeeper for 2 weeks, just half an hour before her arrival he had cleared up and shoved a load of rubbish and dirty clothes in the garage where she wouldn’t see. The ramen arrived soon after her and they ate in comfortable silence.
 “You OK, Keanu. You look a little tired if you don’t mind me saying. Are you on a shoot again? You don’t usually see me when you’re shooting”
 “naaah, next week,  shooting starts next week and I’m so not ready!”
 “That’s not like you”
“I know, I know, I dunno what’s wrong really, so I figured ……………….”
“Do you really think THAT will help?”
“Well , yeah, don’t you?”
“Not sure to be honest, I’m pretty sure sex would help but that kind of sex???”
What he had asked was for her to tie him up and take him. They had not done that in a long while. The last time her feeling was that it was driven by a deep inner need to submit all control and give up calling the shots. She hadn’t understood then what brought it on but afterwards, he’d gone off to New York, filmed John Wick and made an absolutely cracking film. Maybe this would work for him this time too.
Tara enjoyed the feeling of power at bringing him very slowly to a powerful release and she could feast her eyes on him the whole time and tease him, frustrated as he was not to be able to touch her breasts, lying totally at her mercy.
Afterwards she stayed much longer for the aftercare, making them both a cocoa and trying to get him to open up. He confessed about the friends with benefits situation and she posed the idea that maybe, faced with escorts being his only option and finding that lacking, just maybe his needs emotionally were changing.
“Maybe  it’s time to let your guard down again and let someone in”
“dangerous territory” he muttered
“for who?” she pushed, arching an eye-brow.
“no good has ever come of it, not for me and not for them”
“and how many tries have there been?” she pushed. “how many in the last 10 years say”
He formed his fingers into a 0
“thought so” she said smugly “you don’t even know how it would go if you don’t try”
@penwieldingdreamer @fortheloveoffanfic @kindainlovewithkeanu @ladyreapermc @witty-wallflower @gatsbynouvel @bitchyslut99 @keanureevesisbae @omg-imagine @iworshipkeanureeves @fics-not-tragedies @ficsnroses @kindainlovewithkeanu @paperplanesandwallflowers
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She-Ra Fluff Bang is here!!!
Intergalactic Humanitarian Aid 101
There was a shriek from the other room that had Adora leaping to her feet, chair clattering behind her, sword starting to come into existence in her hand. The civilian administrators and diplomats around her all take involuntary steps back as her eyes start to glow. Energy crackles in the air around her as the magic of She-Ra starts to surface.
That noise was most definitely Bow. She’d spent too much time, too many dangerous missions with him to not recognize it. And no matter how much diplomacy Queen Glimmer and the rest of the Princess Alliance had put into laying the groundwork for this mission, if anything, anything, happened to her friends, Adora would not hesitate to bring the whole planet down. She’s halfway out the door, when there’s a follow up shriek, though this time, there are words that she can make out.
“Oh my gosh Catra!” Again, Bow’s voice. And now Adora’s sprinting, the words to fully summon She-Ra’s magic on the tip of her tongue. Bow being in danger is bad enough, but he can at least handle himself through most non-magical threats (and quite a few magical ones as well). Something threatening both her best friend and her girlfriend, enough that Bow is crying out for Catra? Whatever it is, it had better prepare to face her wrath. The people behind her can only stare as she goes charging out.
“Bow! Catra! Hold on!” Adora yells, skidding around a bend in the hallway. She knows where they are. Unless whatever it is has tried to kidnap them, her team is still in the loading bay. They’re here delivering medicine! And food! This was supposed to be a peaceful mission! The planet they’re visiting has been nearly destroyed by Horde Prime and they’re here to help rebuild. Diplomacy! Peace treaties! Humanitarian aid! All that stuff that Glimmer and surprisingly Catra are really good at! Who would try to ambush them?
She makes it to the door to the loading bay, currently half open. Adora kicks it all the way open with enough force for the knob to shatter upon contact with the wall. She raises the now fully-formed sword above her head and begins to speak.
“For the honor of Gray- wait what?”
For as much combat training as she has, and as she would like to be able to process the scene in front of her, Adora’s brain comes crashing to a halt.
“Adora! Tell him to stop laughing at me!” Catra cries in indignation.
“But you’re just too,” Bow pauses, and instead of actually describing Catra, settles for the squeal he reserves for puppies trying to walk and bouncing off each other and babies trying to have conversations despite not being able to do more than babble
“I am not!”
“Yes you are!”
“No! I’m not!”
“You totally are!”
“Adora! Make him stop!”
“Adora! Just look at her!”
Adora manages to process and act upon Bow’s last statement. Lowering her hand and releasing her magic, she finally is able to focus on and process the scene in the loading bay.
Most of the boxes of supplies have been emptied and moved to wherever the locals want them. A few are still sitting in the bay of Mara’s ship, which is still docked exactly as it was two hours ago when she left for the meeting and Bow and Catra started working with the dock crew to offload.
The local crew is not presently anywhere to be seen. Moving supplies, probably. Not kidnapping her team, definitely. Bow has collapsed to the ground, half-sitting and half-falling over, staring at Catra with massive eyes. His hands are covering his mouth, like he’s trying to contain his laughter. He’s only half succeeding. Catra is sitting. Squatting, actually.
No, Adora thinks to herself. Half-squatting, half sitting. Squitting? Sauting?
It takes her doing a full double-take to realize that Catra is sit/squatting in an empty crate. No wonder she’s in such an awkward position, Adora adds to her previous train of thought. She’s trying to cram her body into a space maybe a quarter of what she would need to succeed.
“Catra?” Her voice comes out a little strangled. “What, um, what’re you doing?” Catra glares at Adora, eyes filled with even more indignation than her voice had held moments before.
“Well obviously I’m, um, I’m trying to, um,” Catra peters out as she looks down at the box she has jammed her feet and hands into. She tilts her head and wiggles one of her arms.
“You don’t know, do you?”
“No! I don’t! Okay? There was an empty box and I needed to sit in it!” She stops moving her arm and tries to sit back with mixed results.
Bow giggles. “And you’re just so cute in there!”
“I am not cute! I’m vicious! And terrifying! I was a Force Captain in the Horde and I was a Colonel in the Brightmoon Armed Forces and now I’m a renowned diplomat who people recognize across the universe! I am not cute!”
Adora glances at Bow, who has not stopped fawning over her girlfriend. It also appears he did not pay attention to a single word Catra said.
“Catra, you know I love you, right?” Adora asks, eyes not leaving Bow.
“Of course I know that! Now tell Bow to stop making that face at me!”
“And I’ll stand with you through anything life may throw at us? You know this, right?”
“Yes!” Catra groans out. “I love you too, Adora!” Despite the rage in her voice, Adora can’t help but smile. Catra always means it when she tells Adora she loves her. “Now get Bow to stop!”
“I’m glad you understand how much I love you. But, um, you are totally adorable right now. Like, a new level of adorable I didn’t think you could reach.”
“You too?” Catra shouts this time, betrayal written in every feature. She begins rocking the crate back and forth ”How could you? I trusted you Adora! I swear, when I get out, I’m going to come for you!” Adora coughs to cover a laugh. Bow perks up.
“When you get out?” he asks. “Are you- no! You’re totally stuck!”
“I am not!” Catra cries.
“Oh my gosh, you’re stuck!” Adora whispers through her hands, which are now covering her mouth in the same adorably surprised manner Bow’s were when she walked in. “You tried to sit in the crate and now you’re stuck!”
The crate topples over, Catra falling with it. No one speaks for a few seconds. Adora is about to ask Catra if she needs help, when Catra sighs.
“Okay, maybe I’m a little stuck.” Bow squeals again. Catra hisses at him, and then turns her head to Adora. “Can you, maybe, possibly, help get me out?”
“Of course! Just, um, Bow? Do you have a camera on you?” Adora asks, glancing over to where Bow has practically melted into a puddle. Catra’s eyes go wide.
“No! No no no no no! You do not get proof of this! No one else shall ever hear of this!” Catra resumes her squirming, but her luck hasn’t changed. Bow manages to stand up and reaches into his pocket. “Bow! Don’t you dare!”
“I love you Catra, but I’m with Adora on this,” Bow whispers from behind the camera. Adora can see the effort it’s taking for him to not go and start cooing over her girlfriend again. “How about this? I won’t show anyone these photos until your wedding?”
“No! You never get to show anyone these photos! This never happened! Adora! Make him stop!”
“Our wedding?” Adora asks.
“Not the important part, Adora! Ugh! Stupid box! Release me!”
“Glimmer and I have a whole album of embarrassing photos that we’re gonna show.” Bow doesn’t even look up from his camera. “Scorpia’s even thrown a few in that she found of the two of you when you were younger. Evidently your teammates in the Horde had, um, blackmail material, as she put it,” Bow finishes and starts looking over the pictures.
“Hey! Those photos also don’t exist. Just like there will be no proof of this. Now Adora! Can you please help me get out?”
“Of course, love. Um, okay, here.” Adora scrunches her face up in concentration, and then she’s holding a golden crowbar with a slight glow to it. “Hold still.”
Catra slowly closes the door after Adora leaves, the concerned officials following after her. They’d been standing just outside in the hallway the whole time, but hadn’t said anything. Evidently they were just as confused as Adora had been. 
The door doesn’t line up with the frame, so Catra pokes her head out into the hallway quickly. After confirming that Adora is far enough away, she turns back into the loading bay and stalks right up to Bow.
“You!” Her whispered shout is accentuated by a single finger pointing right at Bow’s nose, maybe an inch off of contact. “You almost just ruined it!”
“What? The photos? If it really means that much, I’ll delete-”
“Not that, Bow,” Despite being the only two people in the large room, Catra glances around and leans in close. “I haven’t proposed yet!” she whispers.
“You haven’t-”
“No!” She’s back to full volume now, arms thrown up in the air. “We’re having a picnic the night after we get back from this, and I’ve got this whole thing planned.”
“Wait, but, she’s wearing your pin today-”
“Bow,” Catra pauses and pinches her nose. “Bow, listen. I love Adora, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her, but she can be totally oblivious. Pretty much every day, she ends up wearing something of mine entirely by accident.”
“Maybe she thinks you’re already engaged.” Bow steps away from Catra, who upon realizing how close to his face she was, stumbles back a few steps as well. 
“Well I haven’t proposed! And I don’t think she has. I would know if she had, probably. Right? No! Unimportant! The pin’s not the engagement gift, it’s that cuff you and Glimmer helped me pick out.”
“I know, I know. But at least she didn’t get stuck on that for too long, right?”
“Yeah. I should be fine. She doesn’t know, right? It’ll be fine. Everything will be just fine. Well, um, I guess we better finish unloading.” Catra turns back towards Mara’s ship and begins to climb back inside.
“And hey, Catra,” Bow calls after her, following into the bowels of the ship. “Look on the bright side! I sent the pictures back to Glimmer, and she’s already put them in the slideshow we’re making! Everyone you two invite is gonna get to see!” 
“Ugh! I am so going to end you!” Catra shouts from deeper in the ship. Bow can’t help but smile at the empty threat.
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Frankenstein: The Story
Before Frankenstein even starts, the movie wants you to know that it isn’t messing around.  This isn’t a horror-comedy, or a mildly spooky drama.  This is a horror story, make no mistake.
The film opens up in a rather unconventional way.  Edward Van Sloan, who plays Dr. Waldman in the film, appears from behind a curtain in order to directly address the audience:
“How do you do? Mr. Carl Laemmle feels it would be a little unkind to present this picture without just a word of friendly warning. We’re about to unfold the story of Frankenstein, a man of science who sought to create a man after his own image without reckoning upon God. It is one of the strangest tales ever told. It deals with the two great mysteries of creation: life and death. I think it will thrill you. It may shock you. It might even horrify you. So if any of you feel that you do not care to subject your nerves to such a strain, now is your chance to, uh… Well, we’ve warned you.”
After this genial warning, Mr. Van Sloan steps back behind the curtain, and the music starts over the credits.  (This is the only time music will play during the film.)
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The film opens proper this time, appropriately enough, in a graveyard.
The scene is a funeral, a sad occasion over which church bells are heard ringing.  Fittingly enough, the story of Frankenstein already is focused on death, and so is our possible main character.
Enter Dr. Henry Frankenstein. (Colin Clive) (Spoilers below)
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Frankenstein waits outside the graveyard, alongside his hunchback assistant, Fritz (Dwight Frye), for the mourners to leave, and for the gravedigger to finish up.  As soon as the cemetery is deserted, the gruesome twosome move in, using their own tools to dig up the grave again, removing the coffin.  As they do, Frankenstein manically murmurs this:
“He’s just resting. Waiting for a new life to come.”
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With that, the pair put the coffin on a wheelbarrow, and head off.  They stop at a gallows, where Frankenstein tells Fritz to clamber up and cut the body down.  Reluctantly, Fritz obeys.  The doctor examines the body, before proclaiming it useless.
“The neck’s broken. The brain is useless. We must find another brain.”
He’s 2 for 2 on the ominous foreshadowing, despite the fact that that’s not how neuroscience works.
Fritz, in a quest to find another brain, hides outside a medical college, where he listens to Dr. Waldman (Edward Van Sloan) teaching a seminar about brains.  He has two specimens: one, a perfect example of a model brain, and the other, the brain of a criminal.
After class is dismissed, Fritz sneaks into the classroom, intending to steal the well-adjusted brain.  At first, it looks like success, but a loud noise startles him, and he drops it.  Panicked, Fritz grabs the brain labeled: ‘Abnormal Brain’ and takes off.
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Meanwhile, we are introduced to a few new characters: Elizabeth (Mae Clark), Henry’s fiancee, and Victor (John Boles), friend of Henry and Elizabeth.  Elizabeth has just received word from Henry for the first time in four months.  She reads the letter out loud to Victor, who explains that he is in the middle of an amazing discovery, and is working on his experiments in hiding in an abandoned watchtower, where they can remain secret.  
Elizabeth explains that she sent for Victor because she is worried about Henry, saying that he’s talking as though he’s crazy.  She also says that she’s heard him talk about these experiments before, and that when they were first engaged, Henry was happy to tell her about them, but now acts as though everything is a great mystery.  
Victor agrees that Henry’s acting strangely.  He tells Elizabeth that the last time he ran into Henry and asked to see the lab, Henry got very defensive.
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So far, the movie really isn’t selling the audience on Henry.  Not many good traits for this guy if we’re being honest.
At this moment, Victor tells Elizabeth that he is in love with her, which doesn’t help the situation at all.  This is not the first time he has done this, but Elizabeth is already engaged to aforementioned mad-scientist.  
Victor also says that he will go track down Dr. Waldman (remember him?) who was Henry’s mentor, to see if he knows anything about Henry’s behavior.  Elizabeth runs after him, determined to go along, and the two set off.
The two arrive at Waldman’s office and begin discussing Henry and his odd behavior.  Waldman admits that Henry is brilliant, but he’s also erratic, possessing an “insane ambition to create life”.  Waldman also explains that Henry had wanted actual human corpses for his experiments
“You do not quite get what I mean. Herr Frankenstein was interested only in human life. First, to destroy it; then, recreate it. There you have his - mad dream.”
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The university obviously wouldn’t allow the use of human corpses, and so Henry left, in order to pursue graverobbing for his experiments.  More worried than ever, Elizabeth convinces Waldman to accompany them to find Henry and bring him to his senses.
Henry, as it turns out, is inside his watchtower where a mighty storm is brewing.  It’s dark, there’s a thunder and lightning storm growing, and inside, Henry is busy about his laboratory, full of crackling electric gadgets and a table, on which lies a figure, with a cloth lying over it and bandages wrapped around its head, inside which is the brain that Fritz had stolen.
“The brain you stole, Fritz. Think of it. The brain of a dead man waiting to live again in a body I made with my own hands! With my own hands.”
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As Henry prepares his experiment (powered by electricity, hence the storm), there is a knock at the door, interrupting him at his work.  Irritated, he sends Fritz down to send whoever is there away.  Upon realizing that Elizabeth is at the door, Henry changes his mind, and lets her, Victor, and Waldman in, albeit reluctantly.  He tries to persuade them to leave, but is stopped short when Victor accuses him of being crazy.
“Crazy, am I? We’ll see whether I’m crazy or not.”
Taking the accusation as a challenge, Henry brings his unexpected guests upstairs to the lab to witness his experiment.  He forces Victor and Elizabeth to sit, chases Waldman away from the hidden body, and describes his experiment.
In short, Henry has discovered a ray that is the foundation of life, and that he has created a body, stitched together from other corpses, super large, super strong.
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Without further ado, Henry launches into the most famous scene of cinema history.  He starts up the equipment as the storm begins to rage, and the table holding Henry’s creation rises up the tower towards a skylight, where the thunder and lightning crash and flash.  Slowly, Henry brings the body back down, and the hand of his creation begins to move.
Say it with me:
“Look! It’s moving. It’s alive. It’s alive… It’s alive, it’s moving, it’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive, IT’S ALIVE!”
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In his euphoria, Henry compares himself to God, and in shock and horror, the others restrain him.
Weirdly enough, at this point, the movie decides to put itself on hold.
After an emotional, tension filled high point, one of the most famous scenes in movie history, the film decides that, rather than show you Frankenstein’s creation, to take you instead to the home of Baron Frankenstein, Henry’s father, and a conversation with Elizabeth and Victor.
The movie has been moving at a pretty good clip up to this point, albeit with rather sparse ‘monster’ action.  We don’t see Frankenstein putting his creature together, we only see the before and after, and now we don’t even get to see the after.  The sequence interrupting the ‘good stuff’ seems to come in, interrupting a continuous flow.
Henry’s father is also worried about him (it seems to be a pattern), but refuses to believe Elizabeth’s claims that he’s just tired.  The Baron believes there’s something legitimately wrong with him, and that he’s involved with another woman.  At this point, the Baron isn’t sure if there’s even going to be a wedding between his son and Elizabeth, which is unfortunate, since the whole town is preparing for it.
The Baron makes a decision: he’s going to go visit Henry now, too.
See, as it turns out, Henry hasn’t left the watchtower.  He’s still with his experiment, and so is Waldman.
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Waldman, for his part, isn’t in the slightest happy about Henry’s experiment.  He explains that the ‘monster’ is dangerous, but Henry isn’t buying it.
“Dangerous? Poor old Waldman. Have you never wanted to do anything that was dangerous? Where should we be if no one tried to find out what lies beyond? Have you never wanted to look beyond the clouds and the stars, or to know what causes the trees to bud? And what changes the darkness into light? But if you talk like that, people call you crazy. Well, if I could discover just one of these things, what eternity is, for example, I wouldn’t care if they did think I was crazy.”
Waldman explains that the brain that Henry used was a criminal brain.  Henry looks disconcerted for a moment, but brushes it off, ignoring Waldman’s pleas to stop experimenting.
“I’ve got to experiment further. He’s only a few days old, remember. So far he’s been kept in complete darkness. Wait till I bring him into the light.”
As he finishes speaking, heavy footsteps are heard in the hallway.  Henry shuts off the light, casting the dark room into further shadow, as a towering figure steps, backwards, through the doorway.  It turns, slowly, facing the camera, with a dead, blank expression.
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You already know what he looks like.
Henry tells the creature (Boris Karloff) to come in and sit down.  The creature, although mute, seems to understand him, obeying as Henry rolls back the skylight.
The monster stands, looking up, and raises his hands to the sky, trying to touch the light.  The expression comes to life, full of curiosity-
And Henry closes the light again.
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The monster halts, looking dejected, as Henry gleefully brags about his creation.
Right here, we as an audience have been told a lot of information about a lot of people.
There’s Elizabeth, the loving fiancee, Victor, the concerned friend, Waldman, the dismayed mentor, and Baron Frankenstein, blustering father, but when you boil it right down, the audience’s concern lies with two characters: Henry and the monster.
We know that Henry is a raging egomaniac, who is determined to make his mark on scientific discovery.  He is proud of what he has done, to the point of hysteria, and has become so absorbed with his work that he has neglected family, friends, and his fiancee, to the point where he has driven them all to worry about him.  He’s obsessed with his creation, with his apparent success.
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And the creature?
As famous and magnificent as the laboratory scene is, the scene where the monster first sees the light is almost as well-known, and with good reason.  Arguably just as important, this sequence gives the audience some very important information about the creature: he is not inherently a ‘monster’.  His expression is not that of a vicious beast, but a curious child.  His backwards lumber into the room and straining to touch the light stirs an emotion out of the audience: not fear, but pity.
Hold onto that, we’ll be coming back to that shortly.
After the monster sits back down, Fritz comes tearing into the room with a lighted torch, brandishing it at the creature.  The creature, naturally frightened, goes into a bit of a frenzy, barely restrained by Henry and Waldman.  The two scientists tie him up, and Waldman, more resolute than ever in his stance that the creature is dangerous, tells Frankenstein that he must destroy the monster.
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The two scientists move the creature to the cellar, where Fritz continues to torment him, beating him with a whip and antagonizing him with the torch.
Upstairs, Henry and Waldman hear a bloodcurdling shriek, and rush downstairs, where they discover the monster, free, and Fritz, strangled.
The pair manage to get out of the cellar and close the door behind them, but it won’t hold for long.  The monster’s superior strength comes to bear as he struggles to smash down the door.
Henry, horrified at his own creation, reluctantly agrees with Waldman’s assertion that the monster must be destroyed, and allows Waldman to go up for a needle for a hypodermic injection.  After Waldman returns, the pair open the door, and as the creature attacks Henry, Waldman injects the monster in the back with the needle.  After a tense moment, the drug takes effect, and the monster slumps to the ground, unconscious.
Waldman and Frankenstein hide the body of the creature as they hear a banging on the door: Victor, warning Henry that Elizabeth and Henry’s father are on the way, right behind him.  Henry goes upstairs to clean the blood off of him.
When Elizabeth and Baron Frankenstein do arrive, they find Henry, collapsed from exhaustion in his lab, muttering mournfully about Fritz.  They decide to take him home, and Waldman promises Henry that he will preserve Henry’s research, and destroy the monster.
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While Henry is taken home and helped to recover, Waldman sets about dissecting the creature.  Before he can get started, the sedative wears off, and the creature wakes up.  Seeing the doctor bending over him with sharp tools, the creature strangles Waldman, gets up, and wanders out of the watchtower, now loose across the countryside.
The story takes a little bit of a skip now.  Henry is recovered, and it is the day of his wedding to Elizabeth.  His father, the Baron, hands Henry and Victor orange blossoms, family tradition for weddings, and toasts the wedding, remarking about his hope for a future son of Frankenstein.
An interesting comment.  More on that later.
Meanwhile, the creature’s wanderings have taken him to a forest, relatively close to civilization.  There, he stumbles upon a girl named Maria, who is playing by the side of a lake.
Instead of being frightened at his appearance, the girl approaches the creature and invites him to play with her, bringing him down by the water as well.  She gives him a flower, which he reacts to with a look of genuine happiness.
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Maria offers up an interesting look at how people approach the creature.  Up until this moment, he has been contained, tortured, and treated as an experiment at best, and a monster at worst.  This is the first time that anyone has treated him as anything close to ‘human’, and it’s a touching moment.
Unfortunately, this is a horror film, and we have to take a sharp left turn into disaster.  Or at least, tragedy.
See, Maria teaches the creature a game where they toss flowers into the water, demonstrating how they float.  Once the creature runs out of flowers, he tosses Maria in, not really understanding why that’s not acceptable.  As it turns out, Maria can’t swim.
Her floundering in the water frightens the creature, and, clearly upset, he runs away.
The scene switches once more to wedding preparations.  Elizabeth, already in her wedding gown, asks to speak to Henry privately, as she’s feeling rather uneasy.  As a matter of fact, she’s downright afraid.  She explains to Henry that she’s not sure why she’s afraid, but she is concerned for Waldman, and asks why he’s late.  She adds that she’s very afraid of losing Henry, but he reassures her that he’s not going anywhere.
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The touching moment is interrupted by Victor, banging on the door, shouting about Waldman.  He’s been found, dead, in the watchtower where Henry had been working.  Henry locks Elizabeth in a room and rushes out, knowing that the monster must be loose.  He and Victor begin searching the house for the creature, all the while thinking that at least Elizabeth is somewhat safe.
Elizabeth is pacing the room, very nervous.  I can’t blame her.
As she paces, the monster comes through the window of the house, stalking her down.  Elizabeth screams, and tries to escape, but of course, Henry locked the door in his most brilliant move since reanimating the dead.  The monster gets out the way he came in, and Henry bursts in to find Elizabeth unhurt, but hysterical.
Henry proclaims that he cannot get married until his creation is destroyed, and leaves Elizabeth in Victor’s care while he leaves to track down the monster.
“I made him with these hands, and with these hands I will destroy him. I must find him.”
Meanwhile, interrupting the wedding festivities outside, a grief-stricken father carries the body of his little girl, Maria, into the town.  The townspeople, now subdued, follow him as the father approaches the Burgomaster, proclaiming that his daughter has been murdered.  (This is perhaps the one plot hole that I have the hardest time getting around, as if she’d been drowned, there’s no way the father could have figured she’d have been murdered.)
Still, it’s enough to get the townspeople in a riot.
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The Burgomaster organizes the mob, splitting it into three groups and putting Henry in charge of one.  The mob storms off, armed with torches and pitchforks (what else?).
Henry’s group spots the monster, and stumbles upon an injured man who points them in the direction of the creature.  
Naturally, Henry gets separated from the rest of the group while up on a mountain, and, of course, runs into his creation.
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Frankenstein tries to scare the creature with his torch, but the monster is well past the fear of fire by now.  He lunges at Henry, they struggle, and the monster knocks him unconscious, dragging him away.  
The creature takes Henry into a windmill, pursued by the mob of angry villagers.  As the monster lugs Henry up to the second story, the search party tries to break the door down.
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Henry wakes up, and narrowly escapes another attack by the creature, hiding behind mill machinery before entering another losing grappling match with the creature.  After a brief struggle, Henry falls from the mill, unconscious.
Some of the search party stop to take Henry home, as the rest light the mill on fire.
The monster remains trapped in the flaming building, under a fallen beam, terrified and alone.
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With the monster presumed dead, Henry begins recovering again, under the care of Elizabeth at his home.  His father, the Baron Frankenstein, breaks out the old wine for the wedding and makes another toast: a toast to the son of Frankenstein.
Cue closing credits.
The story of Frankenstein is not a long one, clocking in at just over an hour and ten minutes.  On a rewatch, it can seem like there isn’t even that much of the monster.  Instead, we spend a lot of time with the creator of the creature, watching him prepare for his wedding.  We even get a few scenes with Elizabeth and other supporting characters.  
At first, these scenes really seem to slow the story down.  The odd placement of a few scenes with Henry’s friends and family worrying about his sanity sprinkled in-between the monster’s creation sequences can seem to abruptly grind the movie to a halt as the audience is forced to sit back from the edge of their seats.  I mean, what is this story about, anyway?  Reanimating the dead or Henry’s wedding?
More specifically, who is this story supposed to be about?
That’s kind of the problem, isn’t it?  
The easy answer is to say that Frankenstein as a film is focused on Frankenstein as a man.  The scientist, bent on playing God, creating a monster and forced to destroy it.  Frankenstein, the son, the fiance, the student, the friend.
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By the same token, it’s equally as simple to claim that the focus of the story is on the monster.
The mute creation of a madman, the childish brute who never asked to be made, who was never shown any kindness.  The lonely monster, tortured and brutalized for being ugly, condemned for the sins of his creator.  The monster, the son of Frankenstein.
Typically, finding the protagonist of a film isn’t that hard.  Luke Skywalker, Rocky Balboa, Dorothy Gale, are all easily presented as who the story is about, the person who pushes the action forward.  But unfortunately, protagonists aren’t as easy to spot in every case.
Protagonists, as it turns out, aren’t always at the center of the story.  In our study of Ladyhawke (nearly a year ago!), we discovered that sometimes, the protagonist and the character that the audience spends the most time with aren’t necessarily the same person.  In Running Scared, there are two protagonists, but only one major one.  In our analysis of Psycho, we discussed the fact that the protagonist doesn’t even have to be a hero.  
That’s certainly the case with Frankenstein.
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Whichever way you slice it, there is no ‘hero’ in Frankenstein.  Neither monster nor man saves the day.  The climax, presented as a victory to the townspeople, is a tragedy: the creature, beaten and hated for his entire short life, is seemingly burnt alive, trapped, rejected by his creator.
This is not a happy ending.  But then again, it’s not a happy story.  It started with digging up corpses in a graveyard, remember?
It turns out, when you think back over the events of the film, it’s actually pretty easy to spot the protagonist.
When it comes to ‘spotting’ the protagonist in Frankenstein, it’s less an analysis of the actions taken by specific characters, and more the ‘blame game’.  Who’s fault is most of the story?  Is it the monster, for killing?  Is it Fritz, for antagonizing him unprovoked?  Waldman’s, for mentoring Henry in the first place?
Rather grimly, looking back over the course of events in the story and determining who is to blame gives us our protagonist.  It is, of course, Henry Frankenstein.
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Henry Frankenstein is far from heroic, but he is responsible for nearly every action taken by every character in the story, from his friends checking up on him to his creation wreaking havoc.  It is his blind arrogance and refusal to take into account the consequences of his actions that lead to so much suffering, and, ironically, death.  Henry is bent on achieving the impossible, and in doing so, nearly dooms much of the main cast.  He digs up the graves.  He creates the monster.
Worst of all, he’s the one who won’t give the creature what he needs most: love.
For all intents and purposes, the creature is the son of Frankenstein, his creation.  Henry has been nothing but an active character up until the point where he creates the monster, and after that, he suddenly becomes passive.  His goal accomplished, he doesn’t treat the monster like a person, but a successful experiment.  He halfheartedly scolds Fritz for tormenting him, but doesn’t actively try to stop him.  Through his carelessness, he gives the monster none of the attention he needs, and as a result, the monster is treated terribly at worst, and with indifference or scientific curiosity at best.
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Once people start dying, Henry wakes up a little bit.  His growth, his character arc, comes in the form of self-realization, of owning up and accepting blame for what he’s done.  After he realizes his guilt, he does something about it, going after the monster and trying to ‘right’ his wrong by destroying it.  
While still not exactly a heroic figure, at the very least, Henry does change by the end of the story.  And isn’t that what protagonists are supposed to do?
Yes, it is.
But there’s another character we’re leaving out of this equation.
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The idea of the monster being a reflection, or another side, of Frankenstein is not a new one.  It’s an idea that’s frequently discussed and analyzed by plenty of experts.  Right now, though, we’re not looking at the monster as a reflection of Frankenstein.  We’re looking at him as a creation, as a son.
See, Henry isn’t the only person that changes throughout the story.  While Henry goes from mad monster to man, the creature has a reverse progression.
Throughout the first part of his existence, the creature is a passive character.  He is acted upon, created through no will of his own, and then tormented for no good reason.  He is a curious creature, a being that demonstrates a childlike joy at the world around him.
The creature doesn’t truly become a ‘monster’ until more than halfway through the film.  He kills Fritz, only because he tormented him.  He kills Waldman while the doctor is trying to dissect him.  In his early moments, the monster reacts to people trying to harm him, rather than lashing out, unprovoked.  His interaction with light, and people who aren’t cruel to him, demonstrate the monster’s potential true nature: a gentle giant.
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When the monster breaks out of the tower and meets Maria, there is no hostility.  He is genuinely happy, enjoying interaction with the first person to show him genuine kindness.  Her death is an accident, the result of his misunderstanding, causing him great distress.
After that, a switch is flipped.  It is here that he goes after Elizabeth, (though not harming her) and attacks Henry after Henry pursues him.  At this point, it can be argued that the creature truly becomes the monster…but it’s hard to say that it’s his fault.
We as an audience don’t know what’s going on in the monster’s head at this point.  He can’t speak to tell us.  But it’s not a large leap of logic to wonder if the monster might be blaming his misery on Henry and the others in his life as well.  And in the end, he is seemingly killed, abandoned by his uncaring creator and shunned by a world who mistreated him without cause.
No matter who Frankenstein is about, it’s a sad story.  It’s also a good story.
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Frankenstein learns his lesson, repents from playing God, and fixes his mistake.  The monster dies.  All of the human, ‘non monster’ characters live happily ever after.  (Until Bride of Frankenstein.)  Good…wins?
There’s no line drawn, no sides of ‘good or evil’ in Frankenstein.  The story is not good guy vs. bad guy, no good vs. evil, just a creator and his creation, the tragedy of a man too arrogant to realize the blasphemy of his actions, and the creature he made, turned into a monster due to mistreatment and misunderstanding.  
It’s sad, yes.  It’s also a satisfying ending.
It ties up loose ends.  It answers the questions.  It gives everyone an ending, happy or not.
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While Frankenstein does have some plot holes, overall, it’s a tight story.  More importantly, it’s an emotional story, and a smart story.  It brings up questions of morality, of nature vs. nurture, and of what we perceive as monstrous.  It’s a gripping story with a great atmosphere, an iconic look, and immortal characters, setpieces, scenes and dialogue that have been remembered for almost ninety years for a reason.  It’s an iconic film, a memorable masterpiece of simple, but smart, storytelling, constantly driving at an emotional core that still holds up to this day.
A toast to the son of Frankenstein.
In the articles ahead, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the other important elements to the story of Frankenstein, so if you enjoyed this one, stick around and join us!  Don’t forget that my ask box is always open for questions, requests, comments, or just a conversation.  Thanks so much for reading, and I hope to see you in the next article.
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Coming home
This is my contribution to @emceesynonymroll​​​​​​​​ wacky drabbles. The prompt is: I’ll be home in an hour. 
 I’m also using prompt 15 of @choicesfebruarychallenge​​​​​​​ hosted by @bi-cookie​ and @cxld-play the prompt is Heartbreak. Sorry this is day late. 
Paring: Drake x OC (Lily Rys)  
Word count: 5, 792 (I went a tad bit over 1,000 words) 
Warnings: Car crash, angst. 
A/N: All characters belong to Pixelberry other than Lily.
Permatag: @desiree---1986​​​​​
Drake and lily tags: @addictedtodrakefanfic​​​, @msjr0119​​​​ @drakewalker04​​​
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Lily was roused by her slumber by that god awful, high pitched, screeching alarm blaring from her phone. She felt Drake also stir next to her, she grumbled some profanities under her breath and rolled out of Drake’s embrace to pick up her phone off the bedside table. 
She quickly pressed the button to turn the horrible thing off then went into the alarm app to disable the alarm altogether- there were much better ways to wake up. 
She yanked and turned back on to get side to look at her fiance. “Can you believe we’re getting married in two days?” she asked, with the biggest grin on her face she had ever had. 
“What between the interviews and preparations? Yeah, I can.”
“Bit early for sarcasm,” she teased. 
“It’s never too early. I can’t wait to marry you either, soon to be Mrs. Walker.” 
“Lily Walker,” she said, “I like it.” 
Drake nodded, “Good. That’ll be your name in the next forty eight hours.”
“I can’t wait,” she grinned. “We better get up,” she told him, “There’s a lot to do today.” 
“Are you still going to Liv’s tonight?” 
“Yep,” she nodded, “I’m going to come back late tonight though. There’s a few things I want to do tomorrow and I won't have time to do them on our wedding day,” she explained, throwing the covers off of her and climbing out of the bed. 
Drake and Lily both took a shower, got dressed then headed down to the dining room for breakfast. 
When they arrived her brothers and Regina were already sitting at the table having a conversation over breakfast. They all looked up at her when they ended the dining room. 
“Morning,” Lily smiled. Her eyes widened when they set hers on her eldest brother. “What are you doing here?” she asked. 
“As if i’d miss my little sister’s wedding,” Leo grinned, as he got to his feet and pulled her into a hug then turned and greeted Drake. 
After the pleasantries were done with the couple and Leo sat down. 
She turned to Leo. “I wanted to ask you something” 
“Oh yeah?” he joked , his eyebrow raised. 
She took a deep breath, suddenly very nervous. “Erm...I- Because Dad isn't here anymore,” She started, feeling the tears starting to well. 
“I’ll do it,” Leo smiled at her, knowing what she was asking him to do. 
“Really?” she asked. 
“Of course,” he nodded, “It’s either me or Liam: i’m obviously the better choice.” 
She shook her head at him with a grin.
“Good,” she said, clapping her hands together and ignoring her brother’s comment. “At least that’s sorted but there’s still so many things to do and-” 
She felt Drake put his hand on her arm which made her stop rambling, “Chillax a bit,” he advised, “It’s all going to be fine.”
She twisted her head to look at him, glaring she said, “You say that now but what if it doesn't go all according to plan? There’s so many things that can go wrong…” 
“Lil,” Leo said, prompting her to look at him, “Get a grip.” 
She scowled at him and then nodded. “So, what are you guys doing tonight?” 
Lily knew for Drake’s bachelor was going to be having a drink with Liam and the rest of his friends but she assumed that because Maxwell had planned the evening it was going to be a little bit more exciting than that. 
“What are you doing?” Leo asked. 
“Going to Lithikos to see Liv and some friends from school.”
Leo grimaced, “Yeah, your rich, stuffy, noble friends.” 
She smirked at him, “At least I have friends.” 
He stuck his tongue out at her. Regina shook her head, taking a sip of her tea then placed the cup back onto the saucer. “Must you two behave though you are children?” she asked. 
The siblings face’s fell. “Sorry,” Leo mumbled. 
“I’m sorry too. Of course you have friends,” Lily apologised, “They’re just imaginary,” she mumbled under her breath.
For the most part, the rest of breakfast went smoothly. They all changed meaningless small talk with one another, trying to stay clear of talking about the wedding because they were all very, very aware of  how stressed the princess was over it. 
After they had finished they each went their separate ways. Lily had a engagement to read to some kids at a library so she headed to the boutique, deciding on a floral dress and some black high heels to match. After she was all ready she headed out to the waiting SUV. 
This would be the last engagement she would be having before her wedding in two days time and for another two weeks after. 
The entire Cordonian public and beyond were ecstatic about the wedding. The couple were getting so much support from worldwide. It seemed to be becoming a very common thing amongst royal families across the world, for the prince or princess to marry a commoner. There was some backlash about Lily marrying a commoner, but that was inevitable. She was sure even if she was marrying somebody of nobility there would be some negative comments. Lily loved Drake and really that was the only thing that mattered.
Lily’s job was to support her people, to listen to them, above all else. She was to do her duty and put it above any other desire and she had spent many, many years putting the country first but now it was time to put herself first. 
Anton made out that her brother having emotions, feeling love and empathy and all the rest of it made him weak, but lily had started to learn that having someone to fight for makes you all the stronger, makes you fight harder. Without it because what’s the point of fighting, especially if you don't know what you’re doing it for? 
The couple had been dating for a long time now, nearly six years, because she didn't want to drag him into the royal life if he wasn’t ready. She wanted to give him a chance to leave if he wanted but he didn't. 
Lily arrived at the place. She looked out the window as the car pulled to a stop at the crowd behind barriers and the cameras flashing. Her door was opened and she stopped out, being immediately greeted with people screaming and cheering and camera after camera clicking. 
She gave the onlookers a smile and a wave then headed in- her bodyguard, Mike, trailing a respectful distance behind her. 
She met with the owner who thanked her endlessly for coming to do this. Lily thought she was a sweet woman, she had met her when she was a child when her mother, Queen Eleanor, took her and Liam to the library. 
Lily had told the woman it really was no problem and she was so very happy to do it. The children that were there were from a school in the capital and were learning all about Cordonian history. 
Their teacher knew Lily. She had worked at the all girls school that Lily attended growing up. Miss Murphy was her favourite teacher she ever had and when she asked very nicely if Lily would come and read with her class, she agreed. 
She could have easily said ‘no’ given she was forty-eight hours  away from her wedding but Lily always put people first.  
Lily had seen all the hard work the children had been doing. They were asked to make a poster each about The Royal Family,  which Lily thought were amazing. One girl, Liliana, had drawn a picture of Lily which was incredible. She was taken aback just by how talented that little girl was. 
Lily had also agreed, with the her brother’s blessing, to go and visit the other schools  after the wedding and everything had settled down so it would be fair. 
The kids didn't know who was coming to see them. 
Their mouths dropped when they saw the princess make her way in, greeting Miss Murphy then the TA’s from the class and took a seat, picking up the book the class had selected. 
“Hello,” Lily smiled, giving the class a wave who all still looked quite unsure of themselves. “I promise i don't bite.”
Liliana stood and curtsied to the princess. The girl stood there and looked around at her friends, “She’s a princess, you have to curtsy to her,” she told them. 
“Liliana, isn't it?” Lily asked, prompting the girl to look at her. She nodded, gulping. “It’s amazing you know the proper protocol but you don't have to. You can sit down.” 
The girl looked at Lily and she nodded. With a nod of her own she took a seat back down on the floor. “How do you know my name?” She asked. 
“I know all of your names. I wanted to learn them before I came to see you all,” Lily explained. 
“Do you know what my name is?” A little boy asked. His cheeks flushed red when Lily turned to him. 
“Rupert,” She said. In fairness there were only fifteen children in the class but Lily wanted to know their names. She always prepared for engagements. She was viewed as one of the most hardworking royals. 
“You’re getting married soon,” A little girl with pigtails and freckles called out. Lily turned to her, trying to remember her name. 
“That’s right, Jane.” The girl’s mouth widened. “I told you I knew all your names. Now, I said to Miss Murphy before I read I would answer some questions, so go ahead, but remember to put your hand up and wait your turn.” 
All the classes hands shot up. Lily pointed to a little girl with red hair and wearing some rectangular framed glasses. “What’s it like to be a princess?” she asked. 
Lily smiled, “I’ll tell you all a secret: being a princess is amazing but it comes with a lot of responsibility and you have to work hard.”
Jane smiled and Lily turned to a black haired boy sitting in the front row, “Rhys?” 
“You really do know everyone’s names,” the boy gushed. “I wanted to know how many rooms are in the palace?” 
“That’s a hard one,” Lily said, thinking over the question,”There are about 743 rooms- I think. Don't quote me on that, although I've only been in an fraction of them, not even that. The palace is huge, if you wander around you run the risk of getting lost,” she explained. 
Next Lily called on another boy, who looked as if he was bursting to ask his question. “Were you scared when the bad people broke into the palace?” 
Although the smile stayed on Lily’s face that’s no longer how she felt on the inside. Flashes of her father dying crossed in her mind. Miss Murphy was about to jump in but Lily answered, “Yeah, I was,” she nodded, “I was very, very scared but i had lots of guards to protect me.” 
“Don't you think that is kind of selfish? Having people risk their lives to save yours?” A boy, who spoke rather posh asked. She turned to him, watching him pushing his glasses back up his nose. Suddenly with the Princess’s eye’s on him he seemed to become quite nervous. 
“Yes,” she nodded, “I would, of course, prefer nobody to risk their lives to save mine, but I also think they are very, very brave to do something like that. I’m not sure if I would be brave enough. What the guards do is formidable and I don't think we appreciate them as much as we should. Take Mike for example,” she said, nodding to her guard, “He risks everything to protect me, he’s brave, honourable and is generally a very nice guy. The guards appear tough and everything else but at the end of the day they’re human, they are amazing human beings to do what they do-” 
“Drake saved the queen,” a girl called out.
“He did. Drake is brave. He didn't have to do that, he didn't need to push the Queen out the way but he did it because he is selfless, because he is willing to do whatever he needs to do to protect people he cares about and i think that is one of the most phenomenal qualities people can have,” she explained, “Now let’s have one more question and then we’ll read and if we have time, we can have some more at the end.” 
The group's hands all shot back up. Lily this time turned to Liliana. The girl smiled and nodded gratefully, clearing her throat.  “Most people go through their lives with only one monarch but that all changed when King Liam was crowned. You, Princess Lily, have lived through quite a few things that will go down in history, Prince Leo abdicating, Prince Liam becoming the King, I wanted to know how differently you think the new king will reign. I know we’re nearly seven years into his reign but i wanted to know what you think he’s doing differently to King Father Constantine?” The girl asked. Lily was taken aback by the question, by how well spoken the girl was. 
“I think every Monarch takes something from their predecessor but it’s up to them how they wish to rule. My brother is kind, where my father was cruel, he’s loving but my father was not. What you have to understand is that no one waits around to become King or Queen, it's not a job people want but that person takes it in their stride and rules to the best of their ability. It’s like an art in a sense or any skill, it takes time to master, it takes attempt after attempt, failure after failure, until you learn what works and what doesn't, but it’s something you have to master quickly because it’s people’s lives you’re playing with, this is where you take the things you learned from watching others rule and adapt it to your own rein. I’m not a monarch, nor will i ever be  but i watched two extraordinary men take on the reigns of being king, of ruling this country and I know my father did everything he could and like i know my brother will too,” she explained, receiving an applause from the adults and children alike in the room. 
Lily looked down at the book- it was the twits by Roald Dahl. She grinned down at it, she loved this book when she was a kid, she wondered if she and Drake would end up pranking each other. 
Lily read through the entire book, the children jumping in now and again reading parts of their own. After they had finished the book Lily answered some more questions. They were just mostly about what it was like being a princess and growing up in the palace, how many balls there are in a months, what her favourite ball gown she had ever worn and trivial things like that. 
After she was done, Lily and Mike headed back outside to the waiting SUV. The driver, Graham, who was an absolutely lovely man opened Lily’s car door for her, with one last sweet wave at the crowd she climbed into the car and buckled up her seat belt. 
They were on the way back to the palace when Mike turned to look back at her, “I really appreciate everything you said back there, Your Highness.” 
Lily smiled at him, “We’ve talked about this, Mike. You can call me Lily. We’ve worked together for a long time, I think we’re okay to be on a first name basis, don't you?” 
The guard nodded and turned back to face forward. 
Soon they arrived back at the palace and Lily headed straight to her quarters to get changed for her night with Olivia. 
She went straight to her closet looking at her dresses. For a princess she didn't actually own many dresses, she really didn't like wearing them if not for a public engagement or ball, but her bachelorette party definitely called for one. 
She pulled down a simple little black dress, a Gcui belt and some shimmery black heels and matching clutch. 
She laid her outfit down on the bed then headed to do her makeup. 
Yes, getting changed after doing her makeup ran the risk of her messing it up but she had learned if she was wearing black it was for the best she got changed afterwards. She was messy and it was a nice dress. 
Lily soon got changed, nearly having an argument with  her zipper that she couldn't  quite reach, but other than that the process went off without a hitch. 
By the time she had arrived back at the palace it was late afternoon, so she needed to hurry if she was going to stick to the schedule Olivia had made and she had learned it’s best not to piss Olivia Nevrakis off. She was scary and owned a lot of daggers that she didn't really want to be impaled with. 
With one last look in the mirror and running her fingers through her golden locks, she headed on out and down the grand staircase. 
Answering the kids questions earlier that day really had made her realise how incredibly fortunate she was. She really was lucky, not just because she was a princess but because she had an incredible family, her job was phenomenal- she loved helping people and she was marrying the love of her life in less than forty-eight hours, it just couldn't get much better than that. 
She knew Drake, her brothers and their friends were in the dining room and she wanted to say bye before she went, so that’s where she headed. 
She was confused when she arrived at the open doors and could only hear Leo’s voice   coming from inside, “...hurt her and I will kill you…” 
She headed in, glaring up at her brother, “Touch him and I’ll kick your ass,” she smirked up at her brother. 
She walked over to Drake who wrapped an arm around her waist as she leaned up and placed a kiss on his lips, then pulled back. “I was just coming to say bye. Where is everyone?” 
Leo shrugged, “Li is finishing up a meeting, Maxwell said something about an incessant amount of alcohol, Ri is god knows where and Hana is getting changed- apparently she threw a drink at Neville and he threw one back at her.”
Lily let out a laugh,” Seriously?” 
Drake nodded, “Yeah, it was funny. Serves him right for being a prat though. Who knew council meetings were that fun?” 
“Why was Neville there?”
“He was pitching something, I think. It’s either that or he wanted to annoy everyone. Maybe both,” Drake pondered. 
Lily looked down at her watch and Drake actually looked at her since she came in, noticing just how beautiful she was. Just then- Mike came in, greeted the boys and turned to Lily. 
They exchanged a quick conversation and drake continued to stare at her. Leo stepped closer to him, “That’s my sister.” 
“My fiance,” Drake said, smirking up at the oldest Rys sibling.  
“Fair enough,” Leo mumbled. Lily finished her conversation with Mike, who quickly retreated out the room and she turned back to her brother and fiance. Leo unexpectedly pulled her into a hug, she tapped him on the back. 
“What’s this for?”
Leo pulled back, looking down at her, “What a guy can’t give his sister a hug now and again?” 
“What have you done?” She asked, looking up at him seriously. 
He rolled his eyes at her.
“Nothing, i’m just happy for you.”
Lily grinned at him and turned to look down at her watch, “I need to get going. So ‘bye’ to Li and everyone for me?”
Leo nodded, “Yep. Go, you don't want to piss Liv off.” 
After giving Drake one last kiss and giving her brother another hug she headed out and into the waiting SUV.
She arrived in Lithikos later that evening, after a nearly two hour drive, making her way out the SUV quickly and into the warmth  sanctuary of Olivia’s imposing yet stunning home. 
Olivia answered the door and welcomed the young princess into her home. Mike and Graham, since they were not needed headed to a local pub for a meal while Lily had some fun. 
Olivia and Lily walked into the drawing room where three other women were already sitting drinking. They all halted their conversation and seemed to perk up at seeing Lily. The three of the stood up and hugged Lily. 
The women had all attended Lily’s school. Leo had a point when he called them rich and stuffy- they were but much less pompous than Neville. 
Lily turned to a blonde woman wearing a purple off the shoulder dress. Her name was Mira, they got along well and they were in all the same classes with each other. They met in preschool, hitting it off almost immediately and they had been friends ever since. Lily smiled and said hello. 
The next woman she turned too was a brunette haired woman with her hair tied up into a bun, wearing a black pantsuit and some matching heels. Her name was Veronica, but preferred Ronnie. 
The third was a red haired woman wearing a royal blue shiny knee-length, off the shoulder dress with some matching heels. Her name was Catherine. They had only met during Lily’s final year of school, when Catherine’s family moved to Cordonia, when her father was offered a job. All three women came from very wealthy and respected families. 
The five women took a seat and Ronnie topped up her, Catherine, Mira and Olivia’s glasses of champagne then poured Lily a  fresh one. They all clinked their flutes together. 
“To Lily!” Mira, Catherine and Veronica cheered.
Veronica turned to Olivia, noticing she didn't join in. “Liv you have to”
Olivia sighed, turning to the princess, “To Lily,” she said, holding up her glass before taking a sip from it. 
Lily smiled and gave her friend an appreciative nod.
The rest of the evening went smoothly, the women all caught up and talked about the upcoming royal wedding.
A few hours and a lot of alcohol later, Mike came back to inform the princess of the time and that they should probably leave then if she didn't want to get back to the palace too late.
 Lily said goodbye to Mira, Catherine and Veronica saying she’d see them tomorrow as the three of them were to be her bridesmaids at Applewood where the ceremony was going to be performed. It was a little unethical and against royal tradition but that place meant a lot to Lily and so her brother allowed it. She already had some many memories there and this was just going to add to them. 
An hour later,  Lily and Olivia sat in the back of the SUV giggling Graham and Mike exchanged a look as the princess and duchess continued their laughing fit. 
Lily unclipped her seat belt and leaned forward, “Mike,” she said, her voice slurred. 
He turned to face her, “Yes?” 
“Where’s my phone?” She asked, leaning forward on her elbows. 
“It’s in your purse,”he told her, “I think you should put your seat belt back on,” the guard advised. 
“Yeah,” she nodded, tapping him on the nose then leaned back, struggling to clip her belt back into place. She huffed when she couldn't do it letting it go and reaching for her purse, unclipping the buckle and rummaging for her phone instead. 
“What are you doing?” Olivia asked. As Lily shook her phone trying to get it open, the duchess laughed, taking the phone from her and grabbing Lily’s thumb pressing it down onto the home button.
“Oh,” Lily mumbled, “That’s how you do it.” 
Lily took the phone back from Olivia tapping the contacts button but it didn't open straight away. She started tapping at it with more force getting frustrated. “It’s broken,” Lily slurred, looking to Olivia for help. 
Olivia sighed and took the phone back from her again, “Who do you want to phone?” 
“Drakey,” Lily said, giving her friend a smile as Liv cringed at the nickname. She scrolled down to Drake’s name and pressed the call button. She held it against Lily’s ear, not trusting her not to mess it up. 
“He’s not picking up,” Lily mumbled. 
It rang a few more times until Drake answered. “Lil?” 
“Hello Drakey,” She said, Drake not missing how her voice slurred. 
“Hello,” Drake said, trying to hold back his laughter as he put his phone on speaker. 
“I’ll be home in an hour.” 
“Two hours,” Mike corrected. 
“Two hours apparently,” Lily said, glaring at her guard, “According to erm…” 
“Mike?” Drake suggested, recognising the man's voice in the background. 
“Yeah, that's it,” Lily yelled, pumping her fists into the air, “You’re so clever!” She heard Drake start to chuckle and her brother’s in the background.  “What are you doing?” Lily asked, once again slurring her words. 
“Are you drunk Lil?” 
“No,” she insisted, shaking her head even though Drake wouldn't be able to see it. “Maybe you’re drunk.”
Drake laughed, “Maybe a little bit,” he agreed. “You’re on the way back?” Lily hummed her answer. “I’ll see you soon.” 
“I love you Drakey.” 
They were driving along narrow country lanes, making all the twists and turns as rain pitter-pattered against the car, making the journey along the road more treacherous, the headlights being the only thing to light their way as they went. 
“I love you too,” Drake said after a second.
 Lily heard her oldest brother in the background saying ‘awww’ and laughing, then heard Drake tell him to shut up. 
Lily leaned back, taking the phone from Olivia and holding it against her own ear. “I can’t wait to marry you.” 
“I can't wait to marry you either,” Drake replied, Lily able to tell he was smiling as he said so. 
Graham rounded a sharp bend, the right back wheel clipping a pothole sending the car out of  balance and set it careering towards a grass embankment . He fought with the wheel to regain control but the already wet roads made that nearly impossible as soon as the wheel clipped the embankment it through his hands off the steering wheel with an extremely jarring force. Lily screamed, dropping her phone as Graham continued to fight for control, grabbing the wheel and turning it with all of his strength, somehow managing to get it back onto the road and not take it over the railing that was separating the road and the 60ft drop on the other side. 
The car skidded back onto the tarmac as another car came around the next corner heading straight for their car but he managed to swerve out of the way slamming into a nearby tree. 
The force from it sent Lily straight through the windscreen narrowly missing Graham and Mike as she slammed through the glass and falling down a hill, feeling thorns scratch her skin and the cuts all over her body sting. 
Finally she stopped rolling, tangled in roots and thorns, laying unmoving. Her whole body hurt. She tried to move but couldn't.  She could hear the horn blaring from the distance but soon that faded into nothing as her eyes closed. 
Meanwhile, Drake was starting to panic, he had heard Lily scream...then nothing. A million things were racing through his head. He looked up at his friends- his soon to be brother in laws, everyone having an equally worried expression on their faces. 
“Drake?” Riley asked, stepping toward her friend. 
Drake turned away from her, his heart hammering in his ear as he ran out the dining room, yelling for Bastien. He rounded a corner, stopping in his tracks when he noticed tears running down his cheeks. 
“S-something’s happened. I- I don't know what-I- Lily- She and then….” he stuttered, he looked up meeting Bastien’s steely grey eyes.  
“It's okay,” Bastien told him, “I’m going to go and find out what happened okay?” Drake nodded and then the guard took off, presumably  heading to his office. 
Drake turned around facing all his friend. 
“I’m sure she’s okay,” Maxwell said, trying but failing to reassure his friend. Drake glared at Maxwell telling him now wasn't the time. 
Riley stepped forward, placing a hand on his shoulder, surprised when he didn't shrug it off. “We’re supposed to be getting married in two days,” Drake whispered but Riley heard. 
She pulled one of her best friends into a hug. They all heard Lily scream and then some kind of thud then, like Drake had said, nothing. 
Nearly half an hour later Bastien returned. The guard could hide his emotions well but not this time. Drake stopped pacing to face him. Bastien struggled to meet his gaze. 
“I think you should all sit down,” Bastien advised. 
Leo stepped forward, “Bas, what are you trying to say?” 
“I really think-”
 “JUST SAY IT!” Drake bellowed, “Just- just tell us. Please,” he begged. 
“Okay,” Bastien nodded, “Lily’s car was involved in a collision.”
“And?” Liam encouraged. 
“And I don't have all the details yet. Graham, Lily’s driver is talking with the police now.” 
“Is she okay?” Drake cut him off, “Is my fiancee okay?” 
“It’s believed she wasn't wearing her seat belt but that’s yet to be confirmed as i said, Graham is speaking with the police currently.” Drake looked at him with pleading eyes. Bastien chose his next words carefully, knowing that the news was going to change Drake’s life forever. “Lily was thrown from the vehicle when it hit a tree. She was found a little way down a nearby embankment. The paramedics announced her DOA,” he explained. 
Drake shook his head, “No,” he mumbled, turning back to glaring at Bastien. “No! You’re lying! Please, please tell me you’re lying Bastien.” 
“I wish that I were,” Bastien said calmly.
“W-we’re getting married! We’re supposed to spend the rest of our lives together!” Bastien stepped towards Drake but he stepped back. “Please.” 
“I’m sorry, Drake.” 
Maxwell looked up at Bastien, tears falling down his cheeks, “How’s liv and Mike? You said Graham was talking with the police?” 
“Yes,” Bastien nodded, “Duchess Olivia has refused to be treated at the scene and has requested a car to bring her back here. Mike, however, is on his way to the hospital as we speak, he was unconscious when the medics arrived. Graham too is on his way to the hospital to get checked out and hopefully continue to give a statement to the police.” 
“I want to see her,” Drake demanded. 
“Drake, I really don't think that’s such a good idea. From what i’ve been told-” 
“I DON’T CARE!” he interrupted, “I want to see her.” 
Bastien looked at Liam who was being held up by his wife. This was his little sister. Liam nodded, taking in a breath, “Let him see her.” 
“Okay,” Bastien nodded, turning to glance at Leo then back to Drake. “Are you sure about this?” He nodded. 
He knew he’d never be ready but this was something he needed to do. 
Soon Drake, Liam, Leo and Bastien made the drive to   Lythikos general where Lily’s body was being taken too, along with Mike and Graham but Drake didn't really care about them. 
He was angry at Mike, his job was literally to protect her and he failed to do that. Failed to keep the love of his life safe. Deep, deep down he knew it wasn't his fault but...he wanted someone to blame.
The four men were led in through the back entrance. None of them were exactly inconspicuous and they really didn't want the press to be getting involved. They all knew that the people deserved to know but they all deserved time to mourn their family member. 
Once they were in they were led to the chapel by a lovely nurse that only Bastien acknowledged but she understood they were grieving. 
Everyone decided that Drake should be the first one to go and see her. It was only right. 
He hesitated to open the door. This wasn't right in less than forty eight hour she was supposed to be walking down an aisle to him and that’d be the start of their happily ever after. Their life together. 
Bastien stepped forward and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. “You don't have to do this.” 
“I know.” Drake took in a deep, steadying breath and pushed the heavy wooden door opened, letting it fling shut behind him. 
He kept his eyes on the floor, scared of what he might see, scared to look at her. He was still holding on to the tiniest bit of hope that there’d been a mistake, that it wasn't his Lily laying on the table in front of him. 
Slowly he looked up, his chocolate brown eyes landing on her lifeless body. He choked out a sob as he made his way towards her. As he got closer he could see cuts and bruises scattered across her bare arms. He found himself wondering what was beneath the white sheet covering the rest of her if just her arms looked that bad. 
He hadn't looked at her face yet. He couldn’t. Just her arms looked as if they’d taken a hell of a battering. After he’d braced himself he glanced up at her beautiful face except it wasn't like it was earlier that day. All the blood had been cleaned from the multiple deep lacerations on her face. He could tell she’d gone through the windscreen head first, lets just put it that way. But beneath all of that, beneath the cuts and bruises it was her. His lily. The love of his life. 
Drake let out another sob as he grabbed her hand, it feeling colt in his grasp. She’d been dead for nearly three hours now. He thought that he’d have felt something, maybe and ache in his chest when she died but he didn't. He felt nothing when she was taken from him. 
He gripped her small hand in both of his, willing it to warm up, to squeeze his hand back. He let go of it with one hand, stroking his hand through her hair, noticing that she had lacerations on her head too as he tried to avoid them. He knew she wouldn’t feel it but...it made him feel better. 
“It’s okay, Lil, I’m here now,” he whispered, “It’s all going to be okay. I’m here.” 
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helloalycia · 5 years
fake dating [one] // brie larson
summary: your mum decides to visit you after so long, causing you to seek approval in ways that are... unorthodox.
warning/s: none.
author's note: this turned into like a 6 part-ish mini fic lol so prepare yourselves! (if y'all don't like, I won't post the rest lol)
two | three | four | five | six | seven | masterlist 
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     "Mum! What are you– why– huh?"
    "Lovely to see you too, dear," my mum said, inviting herself into my flat. "It's been a while."
    I blinked several times, shutting the door behind her. "It has... how did you even know where I lived?"
    She took off her expensive-looking coat and I watched as her eyes scanned the room, searching for a place to hang it. She decided on hanging it on her arm, holding it to her chest, as if there was nowhere good enough for it.
    "It wasn't very difficult," she said, a judgemental expression on her face, eyeballing my flat. "No help from you, might I add. You've never invited me over."
    "I didn't think you'd want to come," I admitted, leading her to the kitchen.
    I motioned for her to take a seat on the stool as I put the kettle on, knowing she'd want a cup of tea.
    "You never asked, so how would you know?" she countered, resting her hands on the countertop hesitantly. "Besides, I didn't come here to make you feel bad–"
    "Oh, that was just a plus..."
    "–I came to invite you to my wedding," she finished, making me stop my actions for a moment. My back was to her, so I couldn't see her face, but I was taken aback myself and tried not to show it.
    "You're marrying Isaac?" I asked, finally turning around, my face expressionless.
    "I am," she said, a small smile on her lips. "He proposed a few days ago."
    I nodded and my mouth formed an 'O' shape. I wasn't sure why I was feeling weird about this whole thing. It's not like I didn't like Isaac – he was a lovely man who cared about my mother. In fact, he was the only person who could set her down from her high horse and make her seem more human-like. It was just so random, I guess.
    "I thought it would be fitting, seeing as you're my only child, for you to be my maid of honour," she said, meeting my eyes.
    I heard the kettle whistle and accepted the distraction, deciding to fill our mugs with water. I was adding the milk when she cleared her throat.
    "It's rude not to respond, Y/N," she said, making me roll my eyes. Same old mum.
    "Congratulations," I answered, turning around and setting a cup of tea before her. "When's the wedding?"
    "Next week," she said, making me raise my eyebrows with surprise. "Being wealthy has its perks. We've already planned most things. It's in Hawaii. A week long. I'm hoping you can make it?"
    My jaw dropped. "Hawaii?!"
    My mum rolled her eyes. "Yes, dear. I've already got everything sorted out. Including your tickets. Will you come?"
    "I guess that wouldn't be so bad, but you said tickets as in more than one. Who are you expecting me to bring?"
    "I know you don't tell me much on our weekly phone calls, but I'm assuming you're with someone," she said, sure of herself.
    "Well, actually I'm–"
    "Bring them with you," she said sternly. "I don't want you to show up–"
    "Alone and embarrass all of your rich upper-class friends?" I finished, holding my mug and smiling knowingly at my mum.
    "Don't put words into my mouth, Y/N," she said, narrowing her gaze before wrapping her hands around her own mug. "I just want everyone to know you're doing well. Even if it means bringing that blonde-headed girl with you."
    I furrowed my eyebrows. "What– Who are you talking about? What girl?"
    She pointed a finger over her shoulder. "The framed photo? Of you and that blonde? She's your girlfriend, right?"
    I almost choked on my tea. "You mean Brie? She's not–"
    "I'll try not to be too offended by the fact that you hid this from me," she interrupted, once again not listening to a word I was saying. "It's very like you to not tell me anything important happening in your life–"
    "Mum! That's completely–"
    "–but I'm happy for you, Y/N. And I'm excited to meet her. I know I'll probably only be introduced at the actual wedding but–"
    "Mum, she's not–!"
    "–I'd appreciate it if you arranged a meeting before then," she finished.
    I sighed through gritted teeth. This was one of the reasons she was so infuriating to me. She never listened to a word I said, instead choosing to listen to what she wanted. This was one of the reasons I distanced myself from her.
     “You know, it's good that you're with someone," she added as an afterthought. "I wasn't sure you would be, considering..."
    "Considering what exactly?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
    "Well, you've not exactly achieved a lot, have you?" she said knowingly.
    "I'm a school councillor and I help teenagers get through difficult times," I said proudly. "I think I've achieved quite a bit if it means making someone's day easier. It's a rewarding career."
    She stifled a smile. "If you say so, Y/N... look, I know I don't say it much, but I'm proud of you. Technically I haven't seen you both together, but to know that you're in a relationship is a good thing. I'm excited to meet this 'Brie' woman."
    I paused, finding it odd to see her staring at me with a sense of pride. She suddenly chose to express her feelings when she thought I was in a relationship? I hated that I felt like that little girl I once was, trying her very hardest to make her mum proud. Because now I felt the need to do it again, even though I knew I didn't need to.
    "Darling, I'm home!" Brie's familiar voice called through the flat, followed by the sound of the front door shutting and her laughter.
    "I wasn't aware that you shared flat with her," my mum noted, smiling over the rim of her cup before taking a sip.
    I facepalmed at the sound of Brie's footsteps nearing us. It was a bit between us – pretending we were a married couple because we'd been living together for two years now. Right now though, I could see how my mum thought otherwise...
    "Y/N, I have the funniest– oh! I'm sorry, I wasn't aware we had company," Brie said upon entering the kitchen. A friendly smile was on her lips as she dropped her bag by the counter and stood by my side, opposite my mum.
    "Brie, this is my... mum," I mumbled, gripping my mug. "Mum, this is Brie..."
    Brie gave my mum her perfectly angelic smile and outstretched her hand over the counter.
    "Lovely to finally meet you, Brie," my mum said, and it was the first time I'd seen her smile without it being because of something business-related or Isaac. She shook Brie's hand, saying, "Y/N here never mentioned your existence, but it's a pleasure."
    Brie chuckled, looping her arm through mine and pulling me close. "I'm not surprised. It took me a while to dig basic facts out of this one when we first met. It's a pleasure to meet you, too, though, Miss Y/L/N. Y/N's actually mentioned you a few times, so it's nice to put a face to a name."
    My mum seemed surprised at this, as she shot me a look. She looked back to Brie, smiling.
    "Please, call me Y/M/N, Brie."
    I looked between the two, the agitation I was feeling towards my mum slowly disappearing as I saw her looking genuinely happy and, dare I say it... proud? Was this finally a way to make her actually see me?
    "...Y/N will share the details with you but you must attend our wedding next week."
    Brie raised her eyebrows. "Wow, really? I mean, we've only just met and–"
    "You're important to Y/N, so you're now important to me," my mum cut her off, before standing up. I won't accept anything other than a yes." She was adamant, though her tone was lighthearted.
    Brie laughed. "Okay, I guess that's a yes. Especially if it means I get to see this one in a dress." She nudged me playfully, making me smile a little.
    "Tickets are already taken care of," my mum said, reaching into her coat pocket before setting two sets of tickets on the counter. Brie looked to me with surprise. I didn't know what to say at this point. "I must get going now, but thank you for the tea, Y/N," my mum said, finishing her last sip before standing up. She looked to me with a genuine smile and sense of pride, making me feel lighter. Was I actually impressing her? Just because I had a (what she thought to be) girlfriend?
    "Er, yeah, no problem, mum," I said, letting go of Brie and leading my mum to the door.
    "It was a pleasure to meet you, too, Brie," my mum added as I opened the door.
    "Congratulations on your engagement, Y/M/N," Brie said, smiling. "Thank you again, for inviting us."
    My mum returned the smile, making me do a double take. She was actually happy. She stopped at the doorway, looking between us both, before nodding at me.
    "You're a lovely couple," she complimented, and it was probably the third time in my life she'd paid me a compliment. "I can't wait for my friends to see you both."
    Brie chuckled. "What? Wait, d'you think–"
    "Thanks, mum," I interrupted Brie, instead intertwining our fingers for my mum to see. I looked to Brie, giving her a look. "D'you want to say thank you, darling?"
    Brie seemed to understand, though I could sense her confusion. Nonetheless, she plastered a smile on her face and pulled me close, looking to my mum.
    "Thank you, Y/M/N," she said, flashing my mum her signature Brie smile, though her cheeks were now a little pink. "And thank you for stopping by."
    My mum pulled us both in for a brief hug, making me freeze up with shock. She wasn't the touchiest of people, so this was definitely a rarity.
    "I think we should meet up before the wedding," she said when she pulled away. "How would you girls like to come to dinner at mine? Tomorrow night? Y/N, you know the address."
    I was taken aback at her invite. She was thinking about me. Wanting to know me. What alternate universe was I on?
    "Sure thing, mum, we'll be there," I said to her. Was I that desperate for an ounce of my mum's attention that I'd lie to her? I guess so.
    "Yeah, we'll see you then," Brie added, smiling, though I saw her spare me a confused glance.
    "Perfect. I'll see you then." My mum gave me one last look over before turning to leave.
    I closed the door behind her before releasing a breath, feeling the tension in my chest unknot. Same effect, as always.
    "Care to share what just happened, sweetie?" Brie said in a teasing high-pitched voice, raising our intertwined hands.
    "My mum happened," I groaned, going to the couch to flop onto it face-first.
    "Y/N, why does your mum think we're dating? It now makes sense why she would suddenly invite me to Hawaii when I just met her, but yeah, I'm a little lost still."
    I heard Brie's voice get closer and I assumed she was sat on the chair beside me.
    "Because she likes to think she has the perfect daughter when she doesn't," I said, my voice slightly muffled.
    I sighed before sitting up, meeting Brie's concerned gaze. "I'm sorry... she just came out of nowhere. She's never even been here. She's getting married and wants me to be the maid of honour so she can impress all of her rich snobby friends. And she thinks we're dating because she saw a photo of us and didn't listen to me when I tried to tell her we weren't."
    "Well, you might want to tell her otherwise because she thinks we're going to her wedding..."
    I smiled awkwardly. "Maybe because we are...?"
    Brie raised her eyebrows. "Y/N?"
    "Oh, come on," I said, trying to sound convincing, "it won't be bad! She already thinks we're together and I've never seen her look so proud of me before. Did you know that was the first hug she's given me in three years?"
    Brie widened her eyes. "Really?"
    I nodded. "She and I aren't very close... she cares too much about what other people think of her. Of me. I left as soon as I could afford to and have been fine ever since. We talk every now and then, but nothing meaningful... she's my mum, though, and I guess I want her to be proud of me. This is the first time she's been remotely interested in my life. She invited me to dinner tomorrow! She's never done that!"
    "Y/N, that sucks and I'm really sorry," Brie started, a frown on her lips, "but this is crazy. We can't just be girlfriends to impress her. You can't lie to her." She avoided my eyes, her cheeks growing pink, making me wonder why she was suddenly so embarrassed.
    "Oh, I can," I said, nodding my head. "Look, it won't be long. Just her engagement party and the wedding and it's done. Plus it's in Hawaii, so it'll be like a holiday! I just want her to be proud of me. It won't be hard, I mean, we're already close and how many times have people thought we're a couple?"
    She quirked an eyebrow. "Never?"
    "The mail man!" I pointed out, a little unconvincingly. "Remember? He thought we were girlfriends."
    "He was also sent to prison for perving on the neighbours," she added, studying me curiously.
    I waved my hand dismissively. "Prison, shmison. Look, I'll love you forever if you do this one thing for me."
    "Oh, so you don't love me forever now?" she asked teasingly, a smile tugging at her lips.
    "You know I do," I said, returning the smile. "Come on. What could go wrong?"
    She pursed her lips, watching me. I smiled hopefully, moving closer to her and resting my hands on hers. She sighed, rolling her eyes, as if to distract from her now red cheeks.
    "Fine, I'll do it," she gave in, making me grin and jump on her, pulling her in for a hug.
    "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said, kissing her face several times.
    She laughed, shoving me off her. "You're welcome, idiot. Now. I need the rundown on your mother. She's a... unique character."
    I nodded, a grin on my lips. "You got it.
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gamerwoo · 5 years
Seonghwa: Facade (Part 1)
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Characters: Seonghwa x female reader
Genre/warnings: royalty au, sorta arranged marriage au, slowburn, fluff with kind of angsty undertones since....y’know inevitable death
Word count: 2,045
Summary: Being an assassin, you’ll do anything for anybody as long as they can pay for it. However, you might’ve met your match after meeting your next target, Park Seonghwa, the prince of the kingdom. It’s not that his fighting skills match yours or that he’s even a little suspicious of you – it’s how he has a heart of gold, cares so deeply for his kingdom, and would do anything for you despite the fact he has only just met you. So now you have to make a choice: fail your orders and accept death…or kill the man you’ve fallen in love with.
a/n: alright kids I’ve decided I’ll update every Wednesday, hopefully around the same time. ALSO biggest biggest thank you to @nervousatthenightclub and @neverknewgrey2016 for looking everything over and helping me split it up into parts I appreciate it s o much 
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Day 1; 9:00 -- 90 days until deadline.
An arranged marriage was something Seonghwa had already accepted as his fate. Being a prince, he knew the odds of him marrying out of love were slim, so he got angry when he first came to that realization so he could accept it later down the road when he would have to finally marry. And today was the day he’d meet his future bride.
When his uncle had entered and announced that he’d found Seonghwa his bride, the prince had made a mental promise to himself: do whatever it takes to make her happy. It didn’t matter if he didn’t fall in love right away, he was determined to fall in love with her over time. He would enjoy his life with his wife, and he would make sure to make her feel safe, loved, and happy as well. He had no other choice but to make the most of it, so that was what he would do.
Seonghwa paced the room, waiting for his fiancee to be brought to him to meet her for the first time. Despite the fact he didn’t pick her, he was still nervous to meet her. Would she be kind? Tough? quiet? Outspoken? Would she be tall or short? Younger or older than him?
“Seonghwa, you must sit down,” his uncle sighed. “You’re going to ruin your hair and wrinkle your clothes.”
“Wouldn’t you be nervous, uncle?” Seonghwa chuckled, continuing his movements.
“It’s just a girl, Seonghwa.”
Seonghwa stopped, staring at his uncle, “The girl I’m to marry. That’s a lot uncle. Therefore, I will continue to be nervous.”
His uncle just sighed and rolled his eyes while the prince carried on with his pacing and mumbling words of encouragement to calm himself down.
The doors opened, one of the guards standing in the doorway, “Excuse me, your highness.”
Seonghwa came to a halt, his head whipping around to look at the guard.
“She’s here,” he stated.
Seonghwa felt a hand on his shoulder, glancing next to him to see his uncle with almost a smirk on his face, “Bring her in, please.”
The guard stepped to the side, allowing you into the room. You kept your eyes on the floor, trying to focus on walking in heels rather than gawking at the prince -- you already knew he was handsome. However, when you finally lifted your eyes as you stood before him, you couldn’t believe how absolutely breathtaking he was up close. His porcelain skin was flawless, his platinum hair was perfectly styled to cradle the crown on his head, and the smile he flashed you was dazzling.
Truthfully, Seonghwa felt the same looking at you. At first glance as you walked into the room, you looked like any other rich girl that he’d seen, but up close was something different. He thought you were absolutely beautiful -- a little plain because you looked just like every other woman he’d been shown, but still beautiful. He was glad he would have a bride as nice to look at as you.
But looks weren’t what mattered. He was curious if your heart would be just as nice.
You suddenly remembered you were supposed to introduce yourself and act like an actual suitor.
“Hello,” you curtsied just how you’d practiced, “I’m--”
Seonghwa’s uncle cleared his throat loudly, making your eyes flash up to his. He gave you a stern look, reminding you that you weren’t supposed to speak unless spoken to.
You quickly closed your mouth, casting your eyes down to the floor.
Seonghwa tossed his uncle an eye roll.
“This is Kwon Areum,” his uncle stated, using the fake name you’d given to keep your identity hidden -- you always switched what alias you used, but you decided Areum was a decent name for a girl who was going to be a princess. “She’s from the Seventh Kingdom.”
Seonghwa was vaguely familiar with the Seventh Kingdom, but he’d never been, which was perfect for your excuse. He couldn’t fact check the credentials his uncle listed off for you, and he couldn’t claim he didn’t recognize you. Everything for your story was completely taken care of.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Seonghwa smiled, taking your hand before he bowed at a perfect 90 degrees. “I’m Prince Park Seonghwa -- but you,” his looked up at you through his lashes before pressing a soft kiss to the back of your gloved hand, “can just call me Seonghwa.”
You had to admit, the guy was charming.
“When is the wedding?” one of the men on Seonghwa’s court suddenly asked.
You were suddenly even more alert, listening carefully for the answer to know your time frame to complete your mission. Yes, you may have gotten a bit distracted by Seonghwa’s smile and beautiful eyes, but you still had a job to do, and you were still going to do it -- no matter how dazzling the prince seemed on the outside.
“Exactly three months from now, Seonghwa will marry her,” his uncle proclaimed. “That should be more than enough time for them to prepare for the wedding.”
That meant you had a day less than three months to kill Seonghwa. But with how trusting he already seemed toward a stranger he was simply instructed to marry, you figured it would be easy. You wouldn’t do it right away because that would definitely be too obvious as to who had done it, but you would be sure to get it done.
Day 7; 12:13 -- 83 days until deadline.
You were moved into the castle immediately. Everyone was told it was because you lived so far away and moving you and Seonghwa back and forth to see each other was too much, but it was really so you could familiarize yourself with the castle and the people in it. The better you were with the layout and schedules of the prince, the better you could get away with the murder.
Your room was in the opposite wing. Even if you were engaged, you were not to sleep in the same room until after the wedding -- which would never come. But still, you were told your room was just as luxurious as his since you were his bride-to-be. Within only a week, your room was filled with expensive furniture that seemed to be your your taste, -- at least, from the information Seonghwa had gathered over the last week -- clothing, and flowers that your ‘fiance’ had all bought you. You didn’t think you’d have to leave your room ever again.
Of course, that wasn’t true since you still had to meet with Seonghwa during the day. He was busy with whatever duties a prince had, but he always made at least an hour of free time for you. The first few days, he usually sat with you in his throne room and talked. He asked a lot of questions about you, and you’d ask him the same questions. He was very polite about the whole thing, which was good because you were afraid that maybe he’d be handsy since you were already ‘engaged’.
Today, however, he decided to take a stroll in the garden outside. He claimed the both of you needed fresh air -- which was true since you hadn’t been able to sneak out of the castle yet. Until you learned more of the castle layout and the people inside, you couldn’t sneak away. So going outside actually made you feel more at ease and a lot less tense.
“How do you like everything?” Seonghwa wondered now that you’d stayed in the castle for the last week. The two of you were strolling around the spacious garden with various shrubs and trees and flowers that were all perfectly kept, your hand put through his arm and holding the bend of it. “I do hope everything is to your liking. If anything is wrong or if you need something else, I’d be more than happy to--”
“Everything is more than enough, Seonghwa,” you promised. You couldn’t believe this poor idiot was spending so much money on you when you weren’t even really engaged, and you were going to turn around and kill him soon -- of course, he didn’t know either of those things, though. “You don’t have to fuss over me so much.”
He chuckled, nodding as the two of you walked through the short grass, “I’ve come to notice you’re much more laid back than the men and women of your status that I’ve met. Things must be a little different back in your kingdom. I should take you there to visit sometime so I can see what the Seventh Kingdom is like for myself -- and so you can see your loved ones, of course.”
“But it’s nice here,” you told him, trying to protect your secret. “You’ve made everything so wonderful for me that I don’t want to leave. Besides, my family is very uptight, and I hardly had any friends -- I wasn’t allowed to make any.”
Seonghwa frowned, “No friends? Even I have friends!”
“You do? They allow that?”
“They’re mostly in the castle, but I still consider my court and the people of my kingdom my friends. Does that count?”
You shrugged at the sappy statement, “Can you be friends with a whole kingdom? You don’t know all of them personally, do you?”
“Well...no,” Seonghwa frowned with a sigh, his eyes casting down to his feet as he walked. “I wish I could get to know them well, but I don’t have the time. I rarely get to leave the castle, anyway. I only see them when they come to me with their problems or when we have events happening.”
You noticed that Seonghwa seemed sincere -- not like he had any reason to lie. But you assumed if he were a prince that he would be snobby and stuck up. You figured all of this kindness and charm would be a front he put up -- and maybe it was since it was only a week that you’d been with him -- but so far, everything seemed sincere. You were fantastic at catching lies, but nothing thus far had seemed to be such.
Seonghwa suddenly lifted his head, looking over at you with a soft smile, “I apologize, I’ve just been complaining since we got out here. You’re so far away from your home and I’m-- Ah, anyway, I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s okay,” you told him, shaking your head. “Everybody has their problems -- there’s no reason to say somebody can’t complain about their problems just because they’re not as bad as somebody else’s in comparison. That’s like telling a man who found a piece of gold that he can’t be happy just because the man down the street found two.”
“That’s a good way to look at it,” he decided with a smile, staring ahead at the pathway in front of you. “I think that’s a good mindset to have.”
You chuckled, “I’m glad we agree, then. So complain away.”
‘Might as well give him the chance,’ you thought to yourself, ‘Poor guy will be dead in three months max.’
“Why complain when I can get to know my beautiful fiancee?” he asked with a grin, looking down at you. “Actually, do you mind if I’m brutally honest with you?”
You just shrugged in reply.
“I was afraid I’d hate you,” he admitted, stopping where you were and turning to take both of your hands in his, “but so far, you’re absolutely wonderful. I don’t think my uncle could’ve picked a better person for me to marry.”
You ignored the fact your cheeks were beginning to heat up at the compliment, and you also tried to push the fact you were being completely real with him personality and opinion-wise to the back of your head. You couldn’t think about how the prince actually liked you.
“I-it’s only been a week, Seonghwa,” you reminded him. “You barely know me.”
“I know,” he sighed, but it didn’t sound tired or stressed -- it sounded almost happy. He kept one of your hands in his as he carried on walking, “but I’m excited to know more.”
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aviationfiction · 6 years
Autumn Dupont
Have you ever had someone continuously make your dreams come true, whether big or small?
I don’t pride myself on being a superficial or materialistic girl, especially on someone else’s dime or time, and yet as I sit here basking in this moment, I find myself ogling over the man responsible for making it happen rather than all that is happening around me. Despite the amazing Kim Kimble’s fingers being intertwined with my hair as she pulls it into a specific lowered bun that she assured me I’d look stunning in or the powder brush of celebrity make up artist Keita Moore being stroked over my face, my eyes continued to pan back and forth in an effort to follow Dante’s every move around his apartment even though it was more than obvious that he was doing his best to stay out the way of this entire glam situation happening in the middle of his living room. Though neither one of us showcased natural excitement about this renowned event due to bad nerves and his personal disdain towards those who share his last name, his interest in making sure the preparations for myself were precise took precedence over anything else that was supposed to be planned for this evening. Stacey placed herself in charge of putting together this costly glam squad though I protested against it and of course, he financed it without a single question asked or a concern about the possibility of her going overboard with all of it. If it were up to me, I would have gone to my usual hairstylist in Brooklyn and sat in front of the mirror in his bathroom applying my own make up. She used an excuse of supporting black business by hiring Kim and Keita but I’m a million percent sure their actual celebrity clientele needs their presence far more than I do. Though discomfort filled my core at their acknowledgement of who I am, I’m still a nobody and I damn sure don’t want to be known for who I used to be involved with. The less people who knows about and associates me with that, the better.
“You’re nervous. Why?” She’d been watching my hand and the fist I kept it clench into, to control the faint tremor. As her body relaxed on the couch with her lean legs daintily crossed at the ankles, I glanced at my mother as she calmly flipped through a Harper’s Bazaar magazine while awaiting the hair and make up process to be over. She arrived to Dante’s apartment just as it all began and offered just a bit of her motherly input as she looked on in anticipation of seeing me in the gown I chose for the evening. She refused to miss this though I continued to assure her that it’s not that big of a deal. As soon as the words Zac Posen spilled from my lips, she urgently asked for Dante’s address and gave me a specific time for her arrival. Her prompt nature didn’t fail to meet the time.
“I’m going to walk into a room full of people who I don’t know and that type of thing always makes me nervous. I’m a creature of habit often time, so I wouldn’t necessarily call myself a social butterfly. It’s why I don’t have too many friends in the first place.”
“Oh I know that, but you’ve also never been the type of person to allow that to hold you back from anything. Don’t let it start now. Sure, you’ll be in a room full of people you aren’t familiar with, but you know who you are and that’s the most important aspect of tonight and any other night when you’re in the midst of situations like this. Additionally, you’ll be with the man you love. Sounds like a great time to me either way.” She can make the toughest obstacle challenge sound like the most facile victory if you listen to her long enough. Her confidence has always bordered on being admirable and unbelievable for me. In the midst of my efforts to tuck myself in some corner to be unnoticed and most of all, unbothered, I’d watch her stand in one spot and have damn near a room full of people gravitate towards her in the snap of a finger. Her presence is prominent and yet it never overpowers my father whether he’s near or far. She’s a leader within her own right and yet she still allows him to be lead in just about everything. In all of the years I lived under their roof, I’ve never once heard or witnessed an argument in reference to a power struggle between the two. If anything, they occasionally bickered about which one of them were being too soft on Isaac, Shane, and myself when we tested their limits.
“I plan to have a good time. I always have an amazing time when I’m out with him.”
“Good. That’s what I want to hear. Everything went well at the doctors yesterday?”
“Yes. All is well.” Typically, I never enjoy doctor’s visits, even if they’re just routine checkups. The anxiety of bad news eats at me like a flesh eating disease and I wallow in pessimism the entire time. That particular timeframe, my anxiety had absolutely nothing to do with the doctors visit and the usual pelvic examination. My relief also didn’t come after I stepped out of the doors and hopped back inside of Glen’s truck. A negative result in a routine pregnancy test ceased the sweat nipping at my forehead and the butterflies tormenting my belly. In a confusing slip up, I missed my appointment to renew my birth control and a few days of an upset stomach and one morning of vomiting took a toll on my mental space far more than it did on my exhausted body. To soothe my panicking, I summed up my bellyaches to the everyday greed for Thanksgiving leftovers. Black people don’t put a limit on how many days those leftovers are to be eaten. We’ll not only eat it until it’s gone, but we also have a tendency to take whatever is left and create new dishes out of them. I certainly did. After a few days of doing that, I began to have an uneasiness and nausea that I could not shake and finally, coming across the reality of that missed confirmation phone call and appointment, I felt like I wanted to combust. I’ve wondered about motherhood many times, but not as much as I did within those few days. Despite the many conversations we’ve had about kids, the thought of a baby ignited a bit of fear within me because not only do I not have my shit together just yet, but I don’t know what kind of a mother I’ll be. And Dante? Dear God. Given his indifference with his family and the journey he’s getting ready to embark on to exit his position at A&M for a move to the West Coast, I can only imagine how bewildered he would have been if I were to blurt out that I have a gut full of human in the midst of all of it. I don’t think he’s in a place to deal with the pressure he already has weighing on his shoulders, in addition to all that comes with me and finally, a baby. I was relieved when that usual negative result casually slipped out in the nurses run down of my vitals. After we’ve jumped the broom, settled in Malibu, and I’ve finally figured out just what the hell I’m going to do with myself, is when I’ll be comfortable with that test result being the opposite.
“How does that feel? Too tight?” Kim stuck yet another pin into my hair and though it slightly grazed my scalp, the tightness of the bun and the way she chose to pin pieces of it hadn’t reached uncomfortable levels just yet. Anything more than this and I’ll be snatching it out before we even leave the venue tonight.
“It’s feels fine. Do you have to put any more pins in it?”
“Nope. That was the last one I needed. I’m just going to do a bit of holding spray and you’re good to go gorgeous.”
“Thank you.”
“Lauren really wanted to be here, but she’s experiencing that first trimester exhaustion. She just messaged me to remind me to take a ton of photos. Your father sends his love. He’s still in D.C. and feeling crappy because he’s going to miss this moment.”
“It’s a gala. It’s not the prom. You two can be so dramatic sometimes.”
“If it’s up to me, I wouldn’t miss anything that you do, my child.” She flipped yet another page of the magazine and finally came across the Gwyneth Paltrow cover story and just like I suspected, she flipped right on past it. If the magazine were in my hand, I too, would have done the same thing.
“I flip through a lot of these magazines and every once in a while I look at red carpet events because I enjoy great fashion moments, but I must say I don’t think I’ve ever seen any celebrity wife or wife period with a ring as gorgeous as yours.” While stretching my fingers out, my engagement ring came into view. I still stare at it like the rarity that it is. I’ve never seen anything quite like it myself and knowing that he designed every single detail about it makes it all the more special. It’s magnitude is a bonus that makes me bashful and nervous because it’s an attention grabber. I wore it to therapy and it became all that everyone could talk about in the waiting room, from the receptionist to the two awaiting patients and Dr. Jill? I believe we spent more than a half an hour of the session just gushing over it and the details of the proposal. All that’s left for me to do is to get over my fear of wearing it around the company. Before I do that, I have to get over my fear of everyone actually knowing about he and I. Privacy has been beneficial to everything that we’ve built thus far and I’m not sure what we’re going to face if we step outside of the bubble that we’ve been blissfully living in.
“Mom, please.” She has two sets of rings, the originals and the new set given to her on their last wedding anniversary, that are gorgeous and so sentimental in meaning. Dad look her love of Princess Diana and the Titanic film into consideration when heading to Tiffany’s and purchasing a 5.4 carat princess cut diamond ring and it’s matching eternity band. The centered diamond is set between two rich and velvety sapphire stones which makes it a stand out. He presented it to her at the restaurant they had their first date in.
“It is beautiful girl. I can’t even front, it’s all I’ve been looking at while doing your hair.” Kim’s admission turned a snicker into full on laughter because I noticed it as soon as she arrived and began to pull products out of her kit. At least she’s not ashamed to admit it.
“Thank you.”
“Baby, which ones?” Dante’s sock clad feet swiftly marched in my direction and he held up two pairs of shoes in my line of view for my judgement. The ombre effect of black fading into blue and the brogueing details on the shoe in his left hand instantly caught my attention. I was already thrilled with him taking my advice and going with a midnight blue tuxedo instead of the traditional black one, so of course the shoes drew me in just as much. Even the golden double buckles looked good. In the right hand was the traditional patent leather, Oxford style, evening lace up shoe that you see all over the Oscar red carpet when some famous actor is walking down in Tom’s designs. It’s clean, straight to the point, and yet complimentary to the entire look. Though the blue shoes were stronger in appeal, I couldn’t deny the sophistication of the other pair. They’re the superior choice for tonight.
“Do the patent leather oxfords. They’re traditional and sleek. They’ll be perfect.” I’m not even sure what else could be done to make him look any more perfect than he already does. With his bow tie loosely hanging over his neck, his shirt untucked from his pants, and two pair of shoes in his hands, he’s still undoubtedly is the sexiest man I’ve ever encountered. If my mother weren’t sitting on the couch and I didn’t have my two person glam team standing in front and behind me, I absolutely would have blurted out a few of the vulgar thoughts crossing my mind. This man in a suit is my kryptonite and he wears them more often than he wears anything else, so I am constantly going through phases of feeling tempted and aroused daily. Occasionally, I’m damn near embarrassed at how much I always want him.
“I agree. They’re refined.” As my mother chimed in, he nodded to signify that he heard both suggestions.
“Thank you.”
As quickly as he appeared is as quickly as he disappeared back into the guest room. In yet another selfless act, he chose to use the guest room as the space to ready himself just in case I needed the bedroom and I probably will. That’s where the gown and shoes are.
“Nude lip tonight?”
“Yeah, the gown is the statement. No need for anything bold.” Besides that, it’s typically my go to whenever I’m putting something on my lips.
“You know, this year, I am struggling to figure out what to get you for Christmas. For the past couple of years you’ve been home more, so I’ve been able to eavesdrop on a few conversations to figure out a few ideas for what you may want, but it seems like this year, it’s going to be a struggle.”
“I don’t really have anything that I particularly want. I’ve already gotten two gifts for you though.” I smirked in satisfaction knowing that I may end up being the gift queen this year. She has and will always love vintage Chanel bags, so I scored two that I know she’ll be gasping over in surprise and clutching her chest in love for. One in particular cost me over thirteen thousand dollars and is coming all the way from Japan. Though I nearly choked at the price tag, I didn’t hesitate to purchase it for her. She’s beyond worth it and that doesn’t even touch the surface of all that I owe her.
“Have you? Well look who isn’t last minute shopping this year.” After closing the magazine, she placed it down on her lap. “I was in Saks the other day and I saw the cutest Gucci diaper bags. I think I’m going to grab two of them as gifts for Lauren because I just can’t wait until the baby shower to start shopping. I’m too excited. We’re finally going to have a baby in the family.” Her excitement has been relentless since the announcement as I expected it to be and it will eventually reach a point of overkill and I suppose that’s understandable to. Being a grandmother is something she’s been looking forward to since we were children. Unlike other mothers who do their best to hold onto their younger days, she has no “glam-ma” or “GiGi” rule. She intends to be a good ol’ grandmother who has her grandchildren running around her house all summer long while they’re being spoiled rotten by both she and my father. I can also sense the pride she feels in the timing of this baby given that Isaac is in a much better place and will actually handle fatherhood in a manner that’ll make her proud. He did things the right way and that’s something to be applauded. I’m just as proud of him as they are. Not only do he and Lauren deserve this, but so does my parents. A new life to ease out some of the pain from the loss of one is a blessing to be celebrated. Eventually, brother and sister-in-law will have half of a football roster worth of them for our parents to love all over.
“I think she’ll like that.”
I’ll never forget coming across this Zac Posen gown while skimming through the runway section of Vogue’s website to view all of the New York Fashion Week collections. Naomi Campbell, in all of her goddess nature, came sauntering down the runway and left me completely breathless as the dim lighting in the Vanderbilt Hall in Grand Central Terminal cascaded over the glittering taffeta gown. It instantly became a social media viral moment and I fantasized about myself in that gown for months. I’d even gone as far as using the gown as inspiration for my own ideas and sketches. Never in a million years plus a million more would I ever think that I’d be standing in my now fiancé’s bedroom with my mother zipping up the exact gown onto my frame. I have to give credit to Stacey for reaching out to the fashion house and making the connection. I’m quite sure that Dante’s name was the clout needed for them to agree to it, but it’s happening and I’m beyond grateful. I may not have a terrible step-mother and ugly step-sisters but I do have a prince charming, so this is somewhat of a Cinderella moment for me.
“How do you feel in it?” Her question nearly went into one ear and right out of the other as I slowly ran my hands over the material. A blissful sigh eased past my lips as the reality of the moment sunk in.
“Good. So good.” I only had one fitting for it and I could barely contain my excitement as Zac himself put a few pins in the upper bodice to mark the points for alterations. He had to take it in just a bit so it’d clasp my bosom slightly more than it did. If you ask me, it was perfect then…but it’s damn sure perfect now.
“You look absolutely stunning sweetheart.” Rather than allowing me to turn in a circle for her, she circled me with a smile of pride and gleam within her watering eyes. Her hand met the skin of my arm in a gentle touch and with a nod of her head, her approval was sealed. “Just perfect.”
“Thanks mom.”
“The belle of the ball.”
“I’m sure there are going to be plenty of belles of the ball tonight. Lets not get cocky here.” I’m expecting the matriarch of the St. James Family to stop the show in only a manner that both she and her husband know how to. How could she not?
“You’re my child. I’ll be as arrogant as I want to be. Now let me get a picture for your dad.”
What she called a picture, felt like hundreds that Dante eventually became apart of. We had no time to compliment one another or to even speak about what tonight’s festivities may hold for the both of us because of the domineering Lillian Dupont. The best photos were taken in the lobby of the condominium. The lavish decor served as the perfect background for my mother, who had suddenly morphed into Cecil Beaton while we served as the royalty in front of her lens. Marvin’s SUV was our awaiting carriage and she saw us off with words of encouragement to have a good time and a joy filled wave as she stood on the Manhattan curb.
The humans zipping along the sidewalks and jay walking into traffic along with the ubiquitous skyscrapers captured my attention in the same essence that it always does. The juxtaposition of affluence and poverty wasn’t as obvious tonight as it is when you’re walking down the streets of congested Times Square. The looming question of where I fit in amongst all of this isn’t tormenting my mind like it has been since the death of my brother. Despite my nervousness, I can sense the peace in being here within this moment without my brother and yet with Dante. This city continues to give me love.
“Hm?” A hitched breath left me faintly pulling for my oxygen as I took in his sight. There is no one feature that makes him so handsome. I can mention his soft lips and their perfect rosy hue that I can kiss until we’re experiencing numbness. Maybe it’s structure of his jaw and the way it immaculately curves to form the symmetry of his face. Maybe it’s the curve of his smile and the way it melts my soul and makes me fall deeper in love. His eyes. Dear God, the eyes.  From them comes an intensity that leaves me breathless, an honesty that has yet to fail me, and a vulnerability that embraces and showers me with adoration, and lastly a strength that rids me of my deepest fears. I still stop in my tracks at the sight of him. I still shrink and blush when his gaze washes over me. He is the embodiment of secure masculinity that leaves me on an endless high. Tonight is all of that times a million. I can barely contain myself.
“You look like a dream.” No, that’s you Dante. It’s you.
“So do you.”
“No, really. I can’t even put it into words. Perfection isn’t even a good enough word. Shit. I….” His dark chocolate eyes widened as his tongue became tied in his mental search for the perfect adjective. If I wasn’t already blushing before, he’s certainly drawn it out of me now.
“Thank you. You amazing yourself. I’m always obsessed with you in a suit, but in a tux? It makes me want to give you a couple of babies.”
“So you’re saying that I should wear these everyday then?” Even Marvin had to laugh at his response. I knew it was coming. If he wears a tux everyday, I’ll be like those women who are walking around pushing a double stroller with a toddler walking along side it, twin babies inside of it, and a very pregnant belly peaking out from behind it. I don’t even think the Malibu home would be big enough to house a family of that magnitude.
“Look at you starting early. Are you excited about tonight?” I had to ask because he hasn’t said much about it beyond the occasional responses here and there to my general questions.
“I’m excited that you’re with me.”
“But you aren’t excited about the event itself?”
“It’s a gala with a bunch of wealthy people and A&M employees, drinking, dancing, mingling and flexing their checkbooks with donations. I can’t really pinpoint what the exciting part is suppose to be. I usually just sit at a table and count the hours until it’s over. Occasionally, Stacey will make me get out of my seat and dance with her. Fredrick came last year, but he’s having a get away weekend with Erica.”
“And Mike?”
“He’s down in North Carolina for his grandmother’s birthday party. He’ll be back in a day or two. We’re going to meet up to play ball as soon as they get back to the city.”
“Will you save a dance for me tonight?” The question was a tease and his smirk told me that he knew it. “I don’t think Stacey will mind.”
“I’ll absolutely save you a dance.”
“More importantly, I don’t want you to stress tonight. I care about that far more than a dance. I’ve noticed how much you tense up whenever you’re in a room with your parents and brother. I’m sure that reaction is beyond your control at this point but still, even if it’s just for tonight, try and have some kind of fun. Don’t worry about them or anything that can possibly be said or done to take you into a negative space. No matter what, everything’s going to be alright. I won’t make you promise me because I know what it’s like when someone is testing your cool and shit does happen, but I just want you to know that either way I’m going to be by your side whether we’re having a blast or whooping ass.” In the midst of our laughter, I knew my words couldn’t be truer. We’re not on a wild ride like Bonnie and Clyde, but I’ll still step up to whatever challenge with him if necessary because I know at any given moment he’ll either do the same for me or move me to the side and take it all on by himself.
“I’m down with that. No stress. No fighting because you look too gorgeous for all of that. We’re going to go, enjoy it as best as we can, and go about our business.” He’s right about the fighting part. Though I’m willing to defend his honor if necessary, I’d rather not do so with a hundred million dollars worth of borrowed Harry Winston jewelry on my body. My eyes nearly bulged out of my head and fell onto the floor as Dante opened up the jewelry boxes and insisted that they were perfect for the tonight’s festivities and the gown I’d be wearing. He specifically chose pieces from the jewelry house’s iconic collection of cluster diamonds. Around my neck is over a hundred and thirty carats of marquise and pear shaped diamonds. On my wrist is eighty carats of marquise and pear shaped diamonds. My ears? Thirteen carats. Thankfully, they’re not as dramatic in weight because they certainly would have ripped through my holes if they were any heavier. If I lose any one of these pieces, it might as well be considered purchased. Lord only knows why he’s trusting me to walk around with that much of his money at stake as a fashion statement.
“Sounds like a plan to me Suga.” As soon as he leaned in for a kiss, I quickly turned my head so he could catch my cheek.
“Did you just swerve me?”
“I can’t have you messing up my lipstick this early, come on now.”
“The early part of your response means that I have permission to mess it up later and I’m holding you to that.”
“St. James, please.”
“Soon to be St. James, I’m holding you to that.” My future last name rolling off of his tongue sent a faint chill down my spine as I turned to glance at the side of his face. All thoughts to preserve my lipstick went out of the window as I pressed my lips into his cheek. I’ll always be the float like the wind, slightly reserved, nurturing, and hopeless romantic Dupont but I’m looking forward to my journey as a St. James.
The last time I attended a corporate event, it was a birthday party thrown from Andreas in Miami by Micky Arison and Pat Riley. The reason why I label it corporate is because I had absolutely nothing to do with it and for the most part, I didn’t know a single person on the guest list aside from a handful of the player’s wives. Just about all of the attendees were involved in either playing the sport or being a central piece behind the scenes of it. It was on the rooftop of Miami’s 1 Hotel South Beach and much like damn near every outdoor party in Miami, it was an all white affair. I wore Versace from head to toe that night. We both did. All it was flown in literally the day of and made it just in time for a fitting and a slight alteration to the upper strap of my dress. Though I was in no mood for it, I had a role to play and the most important part of it is looking the part. If I did nothing else right, I’d like to think that’s the one area that I upheld myself in even if I didn’t internally feel like what people complimented me for when referencing to the external.
We argued inside of his Ferrari the entire drive to the event. That was a routine for us whenever we were within an enclosed space with no where else to go for an extended period of time. My boisterous pleas were all about being seen and heard by him while his were ones of dismissal and disdain at my neediness. The same man who once told me that I didn’t need to worry about anything and to allow him to take care of me, condescendingly told me that I needed to find an occupation so that I wouldn’t take my self induced misery out on him. When we arrived to the party, though we walked in hand in hand, we were only along side one another for twenty minutes or less. He glued Amber to his side and I glued myself to a seat at the bar, where I threw back shots of my favorite tequila and looked on at an interaction that I knew was more than just friendship. She’d been screwing him long before that party and I knew it. That evening they didn’t seem to have a problem with everyone else figuring it out as well. A rage that I hadn’t felt before set in as I looked on and reality set in about the unraveling of our marriage. When we arrived home in the wee hours of the morning, I took a bat and smashed the windshield of the same Ferrari we left in. I suppose his guilt stopped him from having me arrested for vandalizing his property.
Though he nor Stacey mentioned anything about a specific theme, the Prohibition era or rather the Roaring 20s, was intertwined with the event’s decor. Much like Gatsby, the glitz and glamour of the high society was on full display with it’s black and white color scheme and golden and silvery metallics to further accentuate it. Swinging from the chandeliers were women dressed as flappers in their art deco style dresses with feathered and jeweled hair pieces and headbands that I’d love to add to my accessories collection. The bespoke floral arrangements of white Avalanche roses and Lilies softened the darkened atmosphere and towering centerpieces placed on every table dripped Swarovski crystals down their frames and glimmered in the dim lighting. Given the time of the year, I expected to see something along the lines of a winter wonderland but I suppose this makes sense. It actually makes a ton of sense.
“Yeah, I know. Beautiful event thrown by shitty people.”
We skipped the red carpet. It took up the entire block and was rolled out for the attendance of their celebrity clientele and anyone else who was bold enough to walk it. The discussion and decision between he and I was a swift one once we were within five minutes of arriving. Though he had no concern or fear of trekking down it’s red surface with me along side him, I deemed it to be unnecessary. No matter how much he’s trying to mask it, he’s already uneasy about being here and the flashes of those cameras may have taken him over the edge.
“How much does something like this cost to throw?”
“Millions. Anywhere between two and five.” The aloof response was followed by him drawing me closer to the side of his body while we maneuvered past all of the gazing eyes. I’m a stranger amongst this crowd and it is more than obvious by the glances and whispers.
“There you two are. I’ve been waiting at this bar for about forty five minutes. I didn’t want to sit down without you.” Stacey stood before us looking absolutely stunning, just as I expected her to. She has such a timeless and ageless beauty about her that enhances day by day, and then there’s her warming and playful smile that immediately lights up a room when she walks into it. I’m all for a woman taking her time when it comes to snapping back after childbirth. It’s what they deserve after nine long months of nesting a child and then going through the beautiful yet taxing experience of childbirth. Stacey? If I didn’t already know she had a baby, I wouldn’t have been able to guess it. There isn’t anything out of place or shape. And tonight? She’s outshining everyone in the room in her deep teal Zuhair Murad gown.
“Autumn, oh my God.” In the same manner as she had done in Dante’s office the first time we met, her eyes bulged out of her head and she grabbed both of her hips as she playfully ogled over my attire for the evening. I too, was doing the same thing to her. With the way her body looks in that gown, I need to get back on my running schedule to get these extra ten pounds of relationship weight off of me.
“No. I should be the one saying that. You look amazing.”
“Girl. You literally look like a black holiday Barbie. My mother started collecting them for me ever since I was a little girl and I’ve kept the tradition going because I plan to give them all to my daughter. That’s what you are serving tonight. This gala hasn’t had a moment like this ever before and you know I don’t lie. These white women waltzing around here barely know how to put on some damn color. Wow.” I could only wrap her up into my arms for a tight hug. There’s something extremely beautiful about women celebrating one another and whenever I have a moment like that I enjoy it. Our compliments for one another have a tendency to be far more important and uplifting than anything a man can tell us and I wish more women would understand that. We’re at our best and strongest point when we’re standing together and behind one another.
“You look dapper too Tae.” As her arm slapped into his shoulders, he drew her in for his own hug.
“You look incredible Stace. The traffic made us slightly late, but as far as I’m concerned we aren’t late enough.”
“Oh, I know.” The knowing look they gave one another left me in the dark. “At least the checkbooks are already out. The more we see those, the quicker all of this dwindles down. Rich folks, alcohol, and money. It’s always bullshit in the making. I moved your seat by the way. It took a lot of sneaky shit to get it done, but I did.”
“Same table as you?”
“Yeah, same table.”
I thought he’d avoid speaking with people at all costs, but he opted not to and held a number of short conversations after being sure to properly introduce me with the proper title. The difference between he and I and the men walking around with their wives on their arms is respect and partnership. There’s this stench of fragile masculinity and sexism suffocating the place and every single time I catch a glimpse of it, my stomach turns. Out of the multiple conversations that he’s had with fellow co-workers and a few clients, only two men properly introduced their wives to him and allowed him to shake their hands. Then there are the disrespectful lust filled glares that their wives are deliberately ignoring for the sake of keeping their status and being kept. Most of all, I can only reflect back on the harsh reality that I used to be in the same exact place and predicament that they’re in. How can I judge?
“I’ve been awaiting my turn to embrace my son and my future daughter-in-law.” Elizabeth’s soft voice filled my ears from behind us. A small sigh of anxiety escaped my lips as my eyes flickered towards Dante and silence loomed between us. Despite what I requested of him on Thanksgiving Eve, I know it won’t be easy for him to bite his tongue, mask those pain filled emotions, and to began to work towards that healed and healthy relationship that she is pleading for when it comes to him. I can see it in his eyes and the manner in which they darken and narrow whenever she’s near. I can feel it in his tensed arm and the way it’s firmly locked around my waist as if she has the capability to do me any harm. Despite how I’m soothingly running my arm across his back, it’s not helping him.
“Autumn, you look absolutely stunning.” Her open arms lingered longer than they were supposed to due to his grip. A reassuring brush of my hand over his was what allowed an embrace with my future mother-in-law to happen. The aroma of her floral perfume filled my nose as she placed a soft kiss on my cheek. The mistiness in her eyes is what took the short moment from nice to confusing. “I just want to say congratulations and welcome to the family.”
I’m not even sure I can explain to Dante the guilt that filled my thoughts as I listened to her speak. He may look at me like I have the heads of Medusa or laugh it off and call me soft for falling for what he describes as pure antics for the sake of manipulation. I’m sure that’s a moment that she not only would have wanted to share with her son before hand, but of course she wanted to be there to witness him make such a momentous step within his manhood. Do I apologize? Do I explain? There’s not only an elephant in the room, but the entire damn zoo has shown up.
“Thank you Elizabeth.” I’d like to think that’s fair enough, right?
“Congratulations to you as well son. I’m proud of you.” I didn’t necessarily intend to visually scold him but it was instinctive. Had I not done it, he would have avoided that hug and nonchalantly nodded his head at her words meanwhile keeping his eyes locked on me, as if I actually matter in this brief heart to heart moment between mother and son.
“It’s good to see you, mom.”
“My God, you look just like your grandfather as you stand there in that tuxedo. You resemble him so much that it’s scary. Autumn, I have to show you pictures one day. He’s my dad through and though. He gets his mannerisms from his father. Their strength is identical. He loves hard, like me.”
“I believe it. From the moment we shook hands, I could pick up on certain qualities that he’s inherited from his dad.” The dominance and the way an entire room falls at their mercy is identical. It feels more hereditary than taught.
“I don’t see it.” Of course he’d disagree.
“I know you don’t. You’ve always felt like you are your own man and I cannot argue with that, despite what I do see of your father and grandfather within you. Your unique qualities shine bright.” The compliment went right over his head. His stoic facial expression never once shifted or even forced somewhat of a smirk. If anything, the panning of his eyes wreaked of impatience and pending dismissal.
“So a wedding date. Is there one set? I’d love to help out.”
“No. Not yet.” His lie flew out quicker than the truth could from my end.
“Well when there is, please don’t hesitate to call. Also, Autumn, I’d love to have your family over for dinner whenever you’re ready. If you’d rather us come and join them for dinner, I’m more than willing to do that as well. I figure it’d be nice to get to know them before everything takes place.”
“Of course. We’ll set something up. I’m sure my mom would love that, actually.” And she would. She’s a people person, but I fear her intuitive nature will be able to pick up on what Dante despises about them and then her fears will set in about how much of that will be inflicted upon me. If she didn’t have class and a reputation to protect, she would have already lunged at Joanne, so the last thing that I need is her being on the edge over some slick remark coming from the St. James men. She’d have their heads before my father or brother could.
“Good. I’m looking forward to it.” The fur stole wrapped around her upper frame complimented her twinkling brown eyes as they washed over her son’s dapper appearance in pride. Despite how he may feel about her, he’s a prize in her eyes and I can see it whenever she looks at him. Why wouldn’t he be? He’s the son that came from her womb and he’s done more than enough to make anyone who knows him proud. “Tony Bennett’s performing tonight. Save me a dance tonight if you can son.”
She didn’t bother to wait for his response and it may have been the most intelligent decision she’s made since addressing him this evening. She wouldn’t have gotten one.
“I’m trying. I promise, I am.”
“Try a little bit harder, my love.”
“Then I’d be forcing it.”
“Please don’t have us get married without her being there. I am pleading this, genuinely. Please.” He allowed that to linger as he guided me to and helped me into my seat. Even as he sat down along side me and took in the ambiance, I didn’t receive an answer. There manner in which his eyes, which were once inseparable from me, were avoiding me said it all.
“Okay. Whatever you want, baby.” He half ass meant it. His eyes were locked on the stage as this evening’s host, Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks, took the stage and began an onslaught of commentary and jokes that weren’t as hilarious as he thought they were. His mixture of sarcasm and financial flexing oozed of arrogance and a superiority complex if you ask me, but what do I know? If the bulk of the room finds it funny, maybe it’s me with the stick up my ass.
“Here he comes.” Stacey announced Richard loud enough for us to hear. His suave demeanor moved across that stage like a professional and he grabbed the microphone to welcome his audience. At the head table was his wife, Matthew and Camille, who we’ve yet to speak to and two empty seats that I’m sure were reserved for us. I should have prayed before we left home, but I’m going to get it done now. If God is on our side, the hours we spend here are going to flash by us like nanoseconds.  
“Good evening and welcome to the fifth annual A&M Gala. It’s incredible be within our fifth year of hosting such a  prominent event to be able to enhance STEM programs at our very own New York City’s schools and to further research for children’s cancer. My wife, who was once an educator, has been a long time advocate for the future of children and immediately brought me onboard with her efforts upon the two of us meeting one of another. It is one of the reasons why I fell in love with such a beautiful woman. Please, give my loving wife Mrs. Elizabeth St. James a hand.”  As she stood, I could sense how much she lives for moments of gratification from the man who is the apple of her eye. The gleam in her eyes could make one believe that they’re new lovers and the pageant like wave at the attendees around the room as they applaud her efforts solidifies how huge her importance feels internally though it may be small on the grand scale of things. In her eyes, she’s the first lady of this city and her husband seemingly does his best to keep up with that illusion for her.
“I like to call this event the CCC. Cocktails, checks, and then cut them loose.” Though the laughter was loud, I nodded in agreement because that’s exactly what these events at all about; the drinks and the money. No one gives a damn about the meal.
“Tonight we’re going to auction off some incredible donations to the A&M Foundation from some of our well renowned high profile clients and others who have taken a liking to our initiative and decided to reach out with a helping hand. I believe in the concept of it takes a village. I was raised right here on these New York City streets, I attended the same schools that your donations will be going to, and I know what it’s like to be within a school that doesn’t have enough resources to further engage the student’s interests. It is because of that, that I made sure to put my boys in the best schools that I could find and I’m sure a lot of you have done and are doing the same thing for your children. Our inner city parents do not have capability to offer their children the same luxuries but that doesn’t mean that they should go without the proper aid to brighten their educational journeys. So tonight, it’s all about those students and the children who are fighting for their lives in children’s hospitals so that they are capable of having the opportunity to make a difference in this country in the same manner that the students we’re going to help tonight will do. That’s a fight that I can stand behind every single day of my life and I hope that you all are just as passionate about it as the St. James Family is. I’d like to personally thank my son Matthew St. James who was able to network and create a number of study abroad opportunities for our graduating STEM students next year. A number of them will be going to study in places like Singapore, Osaka, Dublin, Sweden, and Glasgow for two semesters before returning to the states and entering four year universities. Give him a hand please.” A muscle involuntarily twitched at the corner of my eye once he stood to his feet and Dante’s mouth formed into a grimace at the lie that earned Matthew the applause. What was once his initiative, turned into Dante’s as he made those phone calls to get students into those prestigious programs. I remember him speaking with the chancellor of the university in Dublin for over an hour while we were in London. Suddenly, I have the urge to slap the smug expression off of Richard’s face as he gives his incompetent piece of shit of a son the credit for the work that he didn’t do.
“And then there’s my baby boy, who is the heart of A&M. He’s the vessel. It is because of him that every single school we donate to has advanced technology inside of the classrooms; the latest being Apple products. This gala isn’t where his donations start and stop. He is our first donor every year and on his own, he donates to cancer research and to our local Boys and Girls Clubs. He is also a donor to after school programs and summer camps throughout the city. So we thank you Dante. Please, give me baby boy a round of applause. Stand son.” As quickly as he stood and waved is as quickly as he sat back down, instead of basking in the moment like the others. Modesty wasn’t at play, but his moodiness certainly was.
“And I don’t know if everyone knows, but my youngest is finally taking the step that all of the other men in the family have taken. It’s been a long time coming, a damn long time coming when you think about it, but Dante is engaged to be married to the lovely woman to the right of him. I’ve spent some years wondering when he’d find the one to settle down with. Hell, out of every intern pool we get every two years, I mentally pick out at least three who may be capable of grabbing his attention and locking him down but it never happens. One year, I lost twenty five thousand dollars because I bet on the hottest one out of the group and not even she could catch his eye.” I wonder if she’s here tonight and if she is, her boss not only embarrassed her but it just made note of himself being far more concerned with getting his son laid than what great skill set and work ethic she could bring to his company. How degrading and unfair. The glass ceiling never moves.
“But now I can see why. His absolutely breathtaking bride-to-be was already out there in the world waiting for him to find her and he did. So Autumn, I want to formally welcome you to the St. James Family. We are thrilled to have you come and be apart of our strong foundation and tight knit bond. Congratulations to both you and Dante on your engagement and we’re all looking forward to everything leading up to your nuptials and all of the great things that are to come after them. I suppose this grey I’m growing in means it’s time for a couple of grandchildren to make sense of it.” The applause was thunderous, though neither one of us stood up for the ovation. Dante’s hands remained clasped tightly upon the table and he fiddled with his knuckles while waiting for it to end. Unlike Lillian, his praise felt cynical and it unnerved me far more than anything he had done tonight. My stomach writhed about as Matthew’s gaze ripped through me and the growing tension within the man along side me felt like it was going to wreak havoc within this place at any given moment. I’m not sure if we’re going to last another hour.
The bidding was done over dinner and though I didn’t particularly want anything, Dante won a thirty thousand dollar yellow and white diamond cuff by Tiffany’s that shapes itself around the wrist like a crown. I have a feeling it’s a Christmas gift for his mother. It’ll save him the time of having to look for one and certain suits her glitzy taste. Despite his offer to pay for anything I wanted to raise my auction paddle for, I declined and instead enjoyed the sultry and soothing crooning of the legendary Tony Bennett. I’d been waiting for him to take the stage most of the night and when he did, I wasn’t left disappointed. In the midst of my tipsy fiancé gulping down glasses of champagne to sooth his nerves and his distance from all in the room, including myself, I swayed in my seat for what felt like a personal performance just for me to the classics I’ve known and fell in love with because of my mother. Though Elizabeth’s request for a dance with him was never obliged, Stacey forcefully got one out of him. It was attempt at lightening his mood and I’m sure their purposeful and yet silly off beat dancing successfully did so.
“He hates attending this.” Camille broke my trance as she plopped down into Dante’s seat and gave me a nudge of lighthearted acknowledgement. She too, must have been watching his behavior throughout the night.
“I know. We didn’t have go if he didn’t want to. I thought my being here would help him, but I guess I jumped the gun.”
“Oh no, your being here is helping him plenty. He would have been gone by now. He usually sneaks out before we’re even halfway through the night. Right now, the night is just about over and look who’s still here.”
“He’s unhappy though.”
“With them, not you Autumn.”
“But that’s the thing. Am I enough? I wonder about that sometimes. He’s been tense since we woke up this morning and it’s only worsened since we’ve been here. There’s nothing that I’ve been able to do to help that. That’s his family. I’m just a woman that he happened to fall for. If he doesn’t feel loved by them, then I have fears that my love may not be enough.” That has interrupted and tormented my thoughts throughout the night. I love him with every fiber of my being but there’s nothing like the love of your parents and siblings. My love is what was supposed to come in and complete everything. I want to fill that void for him, but I’m not sure if I’m capable of doing so because I can only be one pivotal role in his life. I can’t be Elizabeth, Richard, or Matthew for him.
“It’s to the point that you’re so more than enough for him that he’s willing to and eventually is going to walk away from all of this to protect the both of you and your future together. You don’t have to doubt anything. If anyone in this room should be filled with doubt, it’s them. All of them hope, in some capacity, that he’ll fold and conform to what they want and need him to be but their worst nightmares are happening instead. He’s going to be okay though. He’ll be the victor at the end of the pending war. You just have to protect him Autumn, because he’s been protecting you since he set his eyes on you.” Victor? War? Her choice of words were not only alarming but perplexing.
“And what about you?” I had to ask. Her marriage is a disaster at this point and yet she holds onto it for dear life. Even I, at some point, had to let go through it felt like another experience with death right after losing my brother.
“I love him and he already needs me more than I need him. Soon enough, that’s going to worsen and he’s going to need somebody more than he needs anything else. I intend to be that somebody in some type of manner, whether I’m his wife or not. I’m going to be fine. The more pray about it, the more I realize what God has planned for me. That man out there on the dance floor, he’s apart of God’s plans for you. Don’t ever forget that.”
“I won’t.”
“You look beautiful, by the way. The belle of the ball.” It rolled off her tongue in the same manner that it did my mother’s. I pray one of these days she’s able to say those exact words to her own child.
“Thank you. You as well Camille.” I lightly nudged her with a smile as the beading of her black Ralph and Russo gown brushed against my shoulder. “You know, you can always give me a call if you ever want to talk.”
“Thank you for that and please don’t hesitate to do the same.”
And with a kiss to my cheek, I was once again left alone at the table to swoon over Tony’s voice as the night began to close out.
Oddly, Richard didn’t speak to me but I have a feeling that the brief conversation between he and Dante that I noticed out of the corner of my eye is the cause of that. I didn’t have to hear it to know that their exchange wasn’t filled with words of love and adoration for one another. Rather than approaching me, during the auction, we locked eyes with one another and he raised his glass of scotch in acknowledgement and tossed all of the contents inside of the glass down his throat in one swift motion. He would repeat that gesture an additional time as he walked past this table while I sat alone and yet he never said a word. I’m not sure if I should be alarmed or appreciative of that.
“I have a surprise for you.”
His excuse for us remaining at the table until the crowd cleared out made sense initially but after an hour wait and even Stacey leaving us to get home to her husband and daughter, my impatience heightened along with his amusement over my growing attitude. Suddenly, all of the tension had gone out of the door with the St. James’ and the crowd of attendees and the often times silly nature of the man I’ve fallen in love with was back in full swing as he excitedly tapped his fingers on the table in anticipation for this surprise. I don’t understand why he can’t give it to me back at the apartment.
“Is it the cuff? Because if so, it’s absolutely beautiful and Lord knows I’m appreciative but you can present it to me at home babe.” Though I felt like Cinderella at the ball, the clock has strike beyond two a.m. and I’m ready to get home and take all of this off. Enough is enough.
“The cuff is yours. It’s not that though.” I’m too tired to scold him for bidding on that for me, but tomorrow? It’s on. “It’s a nicer surprise. Something that I owe you.”
“What do you owe me? I can’t image a single thing you owe me tonight.”
“But I do owe you something. You notice how the band hasn’t left yet?” His index finger pointed towards the stage and I took notice of what he mentioned. I figured they were waiting until everyone was gone to pack up and get out of here and that he and I were their hold up. Well, it turns out the latter is true.
“Also do you remember when I disappeared for a few minutes earlier in the evening?”
“Well, I asked my man Tony for a favor and he happily obliged. I owe you a dance. So before we get out of here, we must dance.” I thought the champagne trickled his tipsiness into the drunken territory as he revealed his surprised but a ripple of laughter left me as the one and only Tony Bennett took his place on the stage once again for an impromptu performance just for two.
“So.” As he stood to his feet, my bashful laughter only worsened. I’ve watched scenes like this in some of my favorite romance films and like every other woman who enjoys them, I’ve imagined moments like this for myself with a man made up in the figment of my imagination. Is this real life?
“May I have this dance?” There was no hesitation as I latched my hand onto his and allowed him to pull me out of the chair. The journey to the dance floor was a short one and yet as he stood before me, the giggles wouldn’t cease.
“I cannot believe this.”
“Why not?” Nearly every breath within me made their exit as he drew me as close as possible and wrapped an arm around my waist.
“Because you’re a dream.” And the beautiful lyrics from “The Way You Look Tonight” further solidified that. I’ve watched Fred Astaire sing that song so many times in “Swing Time”. It’s such a timeless scene and I can’t help but to rewind it multiple times before I move on to the next. He may not be Fred Astaire, but having Tony Bennett is absolutely the next best thing.
“You look like a dream.” His lips meshed into my own to began his process of ruining my lipstick and I welcomed what I’d been craving for most of the night. The one he stuck during the auction wasn’t enough.
“You feel like one.” He pulled my hand in for a kiss as he held it. The pressure of his warm hand on the small of my back subdued the tingling along it.
“Thank you for being here with me tonight. I can admit that I wasn’t the best date. I spent more time walking around to remain calm than tending to you.”
“There’s no need to thank me.” I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I’m not supposed to be anywhere else. “I know being here tonight came with difficulty. You haven’t done anything wrong.”
“And I want you to know that I am taking your words into consideration. I hear you. I’m going to do my best to allow myself to open up to her but I just have to do it in a way that makes sense for me. I just need some answers before all of it happens.”
“There’s nothing wrong with wanting answers. You deserve them. I just don’t want you go to any further in life without mending your issues with all of them, if possible. Even if you have to love them from a distance, at least your conscious will be clear. There won’t be any questions lingering in the back of your mind and regret replacing the pain that you’re experiencing now when it comes to them. This healing is for the sake of yourself and your mental health going forward. That’s what I’m advocating for.”
“I won’t let you down. I’m going to work on it.”
“Thank you.”
“I love you Autumn. In all of my choices, whether bad or good, you’re the best one that I’ve made.” I wasn’t expecting that to come next and yet as it did, I could no longer hear Tony nor could I see him from out of the corner of my eye. The man whose arms I’m wrapped up into had completely drowned me in his love and left me drunken off of all of him. As I bore into his intoxicating glare, I wasn’t capable of swiftly reflecting on every good or bad decision that I’ve ever made because within this moment, none of them matter. My decision to accept and be with him changed my life. That decision serves as a new beginning and the foundation for all that will further catapult me to being the Autumn that I’ve always dreamt of being. It taught me a language that only we can speak to one another. It has shown me the calm after the storm. It was a decision that I needed to make, not for the sake of being able to have a man and be smothered with love, but for the friendship that I gained from it and someone so beautiful promising me that he’ll be there to laugh and even cry with me for all of my days.
“I love you too.”
That I do. Beyond what words can say.
I’d gone from sizzling to full on scorching; my soul crying out in a separate desperation and thrill from my body.
I’m not sure how we’d gone from listening to John Coltrane with no words spoken to one another as fatigue left our frames lazily resting against the backseat of Marvin’s SUV, to stolen glances in the stainless steel elevator as we rode up to the privacy of his home, to pieces of our evening attire being scattered in a trail from the door, through the living room and finally, inside of the bedroom. Our eyes spoke the words that our mouths wouldn’t. The fire burning between the two of us conjoined in a enthralling blaze and it turned our hushed yearning into need.
My limps sprawled in the manner that he wanted them to as fervor filled every one of them in sync with his beckoning for me. As his fingers spread the silk of my flesh, his warm tongue laved at me in a ravenousness that left my hips rising to meet him and yet drawing away for the sake of my sanity. He savored me in a ceaseless longing, using what was made his to quench his thirst to further torment me.
“Please.” My hands pulled at his shoulders, to draw him away from his mission. If I didn’t, I will have fallen into an abyss that I wouldn’t be able to come back from.
“You’re so impatient.” The huskiness of his voice and the warm kisses he trailed along my belly to oblige and yet goad me left me mentally scolding myself for having drawn him away from his desires and yet the lathering of his tongue across my skin enticed me to fulfill mine. My impatience had gotten the best and worst of me as soon as our lips met for a kiss at that door and now I want to be filled with him more than I want anything else right now.
“Come here.”
I gave no explanation as his body hit the empty spot next to me and I swung my leg over the opposite side of his waist to hover over him. He didn’t hesitate to meet my lips with his, using his tongue to tempt and damn near dare me to continue on with whatever I intended to do for him. I looked away, as if anything else within the room mattered, and through his kisses to my neck and upper bosom, he read me like his favorite book and used a gentle finger to reorient my face so that our gazes would meet once again. The manner in which he caressed the skin of my face and intensified the passion within our gaze, withdrew my insecurity and destroyed any fears lingering within my conscious. Our breaths hitched as I wrapped my fingers around his bulging flesh and I guided him into my throbbing haven. As his hands clasped my hips, he deepened that plunge and mercilessly withdrew a vicious gasp out of me as my hips began to rise and lower to meet him. It all felt so raw and yet so sensual; so furious and yet unbelievably amorous.
Everything I thought I knew and should do has gone out of the window with every experience we have intertwined in his sheets. He’s studied me and briskly mastered the art of what it takes to drive me to the point of madness and then to bring me back down to this perplexing planet only to send me back to a euphoria that he has created for me and only me. A celebration of his birth open up the door for our exploration and it has only intensified since then. The costly flimsy materials that serve as a barrier between what he’s made the centerpiece of his studies and himself spends more time on the floor of this bedroom than they do on my body if we’re not out in the world dealing with our responsibilities. Our love making is a wake up call that opens up my day with blissfulness and our cries for one another serves as the lullaby before our nightly slumber. Am I enamored of him? Irrevocably.
I could no longer see him as my eyes remained tightly shut in unison with every nerve in my form as they continued to take me through a frenzy of unruly emotions. The rhythm teased him and yet it did not outdo him as he pulled at me to make sure I took all of him. The walls surrounding us captured every piercing yelp as my tightness clenched around him in need and every hiss of his to signify his undoing. The arch in my back deepened as the adrenaline intensified. Our shivers were in unison and the impulses trickling along my spine were a sign that I’d soon be surrendering to him.
With his arm tightly wrapped around my waist, his might turned me onto my back and his arms hiked my thighs up for his unwavering drive. His deep grunts were muffled into the nape of my neck and a spell of dizziness washed over me as sightlessness followed. The fluttering within my core worsened as the tips of my nails dug into the soft skin of his back and drove me to delirium through every twitch and tremble rattling against his frame. I’d beaten him this time but he wasn’t far behind. He became undone with a hoarse whisper of his love for me and his hands tangled in my now loosened long tresses.
“You know, I’ve put on the relationship ten because of you.” As my fingers locked into the thickness of his slightly grown out mane, he snickered against the dewy skin of my chest.
“I’m enjoying it.” Indeed he is. Grabbing, smacking, gripping, and sometimes all of the above, one right after the other.
“I bet you are.”
“You’re perfect.” Of course he’d say that. He says it more than enough for anyone to believe it to be a valid statement. I doubt he’ll ever stop telling me that. “This is perfect.”
Silence fell upon us while we used soft caresses to soothe our calming bodies. As the moonlight glimmered against our bare and glistening skin, it also cascaded over every diamond scintillating from my ears, neck, wrist, and most important of all, my hand. He removed everything else except those pieces.
“Hm.” The nuzzling of his nose was suddenly replaced by his supple lips bringing some warmth to my nipple.
“Lets sleep later.”
Later means the sun will be somewhere in the sky and I am absolutely going to greet it with him.
Surprisingly, I woke up to the sight of cloudiness in the New York City skies and a perfect gloominess in the darkened bedroom that allowed our slumber to be plentiful and useful. Though I awoken before him, I continued to lay there tightly nested in his embrace, basking in his warm while obliging my lazy limbs need for continued rest. He hadn’t flinched, yawned, or made any type of move to warn me that his slumber was coming to an end. His heavy breathing and deep breaths blew against the back of my neck and nearly coaxed me into closing my eyes and resting just a bit more, but I denied myself of having a lazy day for the sake of finalizing everything for the Bluestar and Meridian holiday party. Glen’s supposed to pick me up at two o’clock so that I can make one more run to the florist about the table’s centerpieces. They’re a focal point of my Winter Wonderland theme and I need one more look at the mock up before the actual decorating begins. To say I’ll be glad when that party happens and is over is an understatement.
Once I pulled away from his body, I carefully slid out of bed in a failed effort not to awake him. Though he didn’t open his eyes or spoke, I knew I interrupted him because he turned over on his back and let out a heavy exhale. His Tom Ford button up shirt would serve as my robe once I tossed it over my nudity and I used my hands to clasp it close as I maneuvered into the living room in search of my clutch bag. The ravishing Zac Posen gown was safely laying across the blackened sofa and my bag? On the floor leading into the hall.
On my trek to the kitchen, I slid my phone out of the inside pocket and pressed the home button to light up my lock screen. Twelve missed calls. Twenty four text messages. Nine Twitter direct messages. Fifteen hundred mentions. Seven voicemails. My heart thrashed against my chest as my fingers slowly tapped at the screen to open up whatever world of trouble awaited me within those alerts. I could only think of one person; Andreas. Though I’m not sure what he could possible have to say about me at this point in time, I know that he can dig deep enough within himself and our past to find anything that I’ve done to make him tick with aggravation and despise me simply for existing. He never felt compelled to speak of our union to the media and often dodged any specific questions about me when meddling journalists took their questions in a far too personal route. He’d claim that his personal life is off limits and basketball is all that matters. After our interaction at Heather’s wedding, it’d be of no surprise if he finally did open up about our toxicity to further dig under my skin.
Before I clicked on any social media, I went straight to my inbox and opened Heather’s messages. If there’s anyone who’ll be able to cheer me up in the midst of any adversity, it’s her.
“What the fuck?” It slithered out of my mouth in a whisper as my thumb enlarged the first imagine she sent. The New York Post. On page five, inside of the infamous newspaper that has filtered throughout the New York City streets since the early eighteen hundreds was an enlarged photograph of Dante and I sharing what was a quick peck of the lips during the auction last night. My fingers swiped so I’d see the entirety of what is an entire two pages right in the middle of the paper. Though one brief paragraph mentioned the event and all that it entailed, the rest of the write up and the entire page five were of he and I basking in the presence of one another at many different timeframes of the night. The images of the celebrity attendees pointlessly donned page six. Though they were there, the sensationalized page before it was the eye catcher. Hell, even I would sip my caramel latte while taking a deep dive into it as I sit in a Starbucks or commute to Brooklyn on the four train.
“From WAG to riches. Former wife of decorated Miami Heat coach Andreas Harrington bounces back onto the scene of love with one of New York City’s most eligible bachelors.” I had to read it aloud to worsen the already bewildered expression on my face and a cringe followed as I skimmed through the four short paragraphs of sourced information about my former life in Miami and my now “bounced back” life with the “soon to be billionaire” Dante St. James. Beads of perspiration tickled the crevices of my skin as the back surface of my phone crashed into the counter top and my hands instantly went to my head as I tried to make sense of every detail.
“Dante!” Whatever rest he may have been trying to savor had to end. I suddenly feel like I haven’t had any.
As I approached the doorway of his bedroom, he was sitting on the edge of his bed with his phone resting in his right hand.
“I know. I see it.”  
And yet he remained calm. There wasn’t a single part of me unnerved by it all and yet here he is, with no signs of tension or irritation. The muscles in his back were calmer than they usually are when he has to get out of bed and head into the office. His lazy and slouched position is no where near as straight forward and tightened as he tends to be when he’s going to face those that he has no taste for. Every bit of enmity is all me and though not purposeful, I’m left to deal with it alone.
“I’m so confused right now. I don’t remember us taking pictures last night aside from the ones my mom took and the selfies on my phone.”
“They were taking pictures all night long. That’s what happens at events like that. This is all Richard. The gala has always had coverage the next day but with my name meddled in it? No. Whatever source they’re speaking of is him.” We’ve spoken about the encouragement from his father that he broadens his presence amongst the masses and how Stacey is trying to help him do so without him feeling like he has to sacrifice his personal and mental space, but never did I think gossip about what’s happening within his personal life would be within any of it. I’m guilty of Googling him early on and every piece I came across was written by some prominent business publication. Even the Forbes articles were all business and accomplishments, nothing personal, unlike the ones that are written today. More so for him than myself, I’m beyond irate that it has come to this. On my end, the undertone overtly alludes to gold digging. This is my sophomore year of college all over again.
“Your father does not like me. From WAG to riches? Soon to be billionaire? You do realize how that sounds right?”
“He doesn’t like anybody. It’s all business and playing politics when it comes to him. That aside, this is retaliation for me not including he and his wife in on the proposal.”
“So this is what you guys do? Get revenge on one another?” His head swung in my direction as a scowl donned his face. It’s the first time he’s looked at me since I returned to the bedroom and it’s rather alarming. Despite his unruffled posture, there’s something discerning about his reaction.  
“This is what who does? This isn’t a you guys thing. I didn’t do this shit.”
“I’m not saying that you did.”
“I don’t care about this Autumn. I’ve never been a person who feeds into gossip, even if it’s about myself. None of that matters. It’ll be talked about today and disregarded tomorrow. People are fickle and become bored easily. It’s my job to know that for a living. Richard will have his day. I’m going to make sure of that.”
“Okay.” What more is there to say? As easily as it flowed from his lips is as easily as he’s going to let it go. Fine by me.
“Where are you going?”
“Work. Unlike what your folks and the rest of the world may think of me, I have a job.”
“Autumn. What do you want me to do?”
And with that said, I walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind myself.
There was nothing else to be discussed.
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crisspezmemories · 5 years
ring on her finger
a/n: woo first fic in a long time! this is my third time trying to post this, so this better work. this is a four part fic, but I put it all in one post for convenience. you can also find it split into chapters on ao3 here.
this fic was based on a request including the song marry me by thomas rhett, requested by @crisspezorwtv! the fic goes along the course of the song, so i’d only listen to it after you’re done reading to avoid spoilers.
i’ve only had the time to skim through and make minor edits, but i hope you guys enjoy!
Night eased onto the city as the pair of lovers gazed on the decorated balcony. Few stars dotted the sky in the midst of the urban setting, but the ones that did burned bright.
Darren fumbled with the inside pocket of his coat for the umpteenth time- briefly securing a square object in his palm. He was certain that he’d brought his romantic scenario to life.
The light from the candles behind them illuminated Lauren’s figure in such a way that she appeared chiseled; a carved sculpture of a goddess standing before him. Darren couldn’t help but be proud of his successful setup, especially taking note of how Lauren’s favorite flowers in a vase by the dinner table was a nice touch.
The scene seemed as if it was ripped from a romance novel, but in Darren’s defense, it’s where he did a good amount of researching.
He inhaled, making sure to take a mental picture of the sight in front of him.
Breathe out.
“It’s pretty cool how much power the stars hold”, he started, locking eyes with Lauren to ensure her attention.
“There’s the sun, giving us light, giving us warmth, giving us life...In fact, one could say you do the same for me”.
Lauren chuckled nervously, flashing an uneasy smile. “Darren, what are you-”
Tension rose in the air, causing Lauren to worriedly glance around the balcony.
Darren grinned, getting on one knee and quickly retrieving the small box from his jacket and presenting it in front of her. Realization dawned on Lauren’s complexion, arms hugging her chest as the gears shifted in her head.
“Lauren, in more ways than one, you are the muse in my life...I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone else, and that’s the only way it’ll ever be. Cheesy, I know…” he admitted, letting out a small laugh. He gradually opened the velvet box, his hands shaking, to reveal an artisan diamond ring embedded inside the cushions.
“Lauren Elizabeth Lopez, will you marry me?”
One beat.
Two beats.
Three beats.
“Darren, I can’t do this.”, she quietly said, her voice broken.
He hears the words, but it doesn’t hit.
“I’m not ready- we’re not ready for this, Darren, I-”
“There’s too much pressure- too much stress, I just...when’s the next time I’ll even get to see you after this?”, she argued, breathing rapidly as she closed her eyes to think.
Darren stood up, reaching to cup her face in his hands.”We can make this work, I promise.”
An uncomfortable pause settles as they acknowledge it wasn’t a promise he knew he could keep, existing to be broken like the others.
She opened her eyes, avoiding his own. “I’m sorry Darren, I just- I can’t be with you anymore.”
She was gone in a minute, as if the wind swept her away.
And then there was only Darren, left in the remnants of the evening.
Guests chattered and champagne glasses clinked.
The party had begun just moments ago, visitors pooling into the modest apartment. It was a smaller party, confined of people from local distances and a few close friends from afar. Excitement is present in the air for the new beginnings that were to come, the environment light and pleasant.
Several congratulations are echoed across the room by friends and family alike- only rejoice for the new engagement that had only occurred a few weeks prior.
It’s only when Lauren steps out that Darren does also, closing the door behind him.
“Hi,” she says shyly, preferring to look at the ground or anywhere else.
“Hey,” he replies, planting his arms on the railing as he leans back.
“Congratulations”, he says, a crooked smile suited on his face.
“Thanks”, Lauren responds with a half-hearted smile.
Darren can’t help but notice the silver ring on her finger, frowning at the fact that it could’ve been his.
“Soon to be Mrs. Richter, huh? I wouldn’t have seen that coming if you asked me back in college.”
“It is what it is,” she jokes, attempting to filter the unsettling tension. “and are you Mr. Best man?”
Darren shook his head, crossing his arms. “Figured I shouldn’t take it since I’m lined up for Walker’s. Either way, I couldn’t bring myself to...I think you know.”
Lauren nods, and it’s silent for a moment.
“Did you bring Mia with you?”
Darren sighs, turning to look at Lauren. “We broke up about a month ago. It didn’t feel right. Shitty or not, I can’t say I miss it”, he admits, a twinge of guilt his voice. “Two years running. It felt like a chore at this point.”
“I could tell she didn’t make you happy.”, she says, regretting them the words as they were delivered. It was testing the waters, if anyone were cross them.
The words wanting to be heard are left unsaid, if they were even worth saying at all. It’s quiet for a moment before Darren responds.
“About earlier...I always thought it would be Criss,” he says sheepishly, avoiding her gaze.
“God, I…Don’t take that the wrong way. I’m really happy for you, Lo. You found someone that makes you happier than I ever could, and that’s all that really matters to me.”
“I’m sorry for that night, Darren. If I could go back, make things different…” She blinks back the tears, looking in his eyes and finds them looking for answers.
“Don’t be.”
He gives her a sad smile, nodding a quick goodbye as he ducks back inside.
It’s when Lauren and Joey are herded back together for celebration when she realizes Darren wasn’t among the faces in the crowd.
Darren double-checked the address of the wedding, adjusting his tie as he stepped out of his car.
It’s a last-minute decision to go.
His excuse that work may prevent him had gone to waste, but it allowed him to dodge the role as a groomsman at the very least. He grabs his present his gift from the passenger seat, shutting the door and navigating his way towards the location.
Darren stops when he sees Lauren in her wedding dress, a bright smile on her face as she greets the guests.
It doesn’t hit him, and then it does.
It’s as if conscience takes over him as he realizes what’s taking place.
He wants to spit out every little feeling he’s had, every thought, every question.  Only moments left to tell her everything he never said, and everything he wishes he did. It’s now or never, and the I still love you at the tip of his tongue never felt so right.
It’s one of his best friend’s weddings.
Instead, he walks back towards his car.
The unease only strikes Lauren before it’s almost too late.
Lauren’s father flashes a worried smile, locking arms with her as they prepare for her entrance.
“Are you sure this is what you want?” he whispers in her ear.
“It’s just cold feet,” she reassures.
“I don’t want you to regret this, or find out that you’d rather have someone else”, he warns, noticing something off in his daughter’s attitude.
“It might be more than cold feet”, she confesses, “but I’m already here.”
Before he can respond, the bride entrance song begins. Lauren fakes a smile, her mind set on a million things, but not the clean-cut groom ahead of her. She notices that Darren didn’t show up after all, and tries to dismiss the fact from her mind as she reaches the altar.
There’s a large momentum as Lauren finally turns to face Joey. She expected to feel excitement- happiness, as she prepared to marry the love of her life.
But it wasn’t him.
The smile melted off her face as reality sunk in. She was forcing herself to want this, or maybe anything that ever came with this relationship.
“I can’t do this.”
It seems as if the world pauses for a moment as Lauren realizes what she says, and she runs.
Lauren receives a single text from Joe Walker.
Darren’s at his house.
There isn’t anything left that he could say, or anything left he could do. It’s Darren versus a bottle of scotch tonight, and there was nowhere else he’d have to be.
He tries to convince himself that he feels okay, attempting to comb through the heartache and headache. It was all useless, feelings that no longer mattered.
He pours his glass, bringing it up to his lips.
There’s a knock on the door.
Darren tightly grips the glass in his hand, walking to open the door.
He cautiously opens the door, wary of who would visit.
He drops his glass.
“Lauren?” he stammers, eyes widening in shock at the sight in front of him.
She responds with a kiss, falling into his arms as she used to so long ago.
Stars ornamented the sky as Darren and Lauren sat perched on a blanket over the hill. She nestles his head in the crook of his neck, murmuring the different constellations
It was inside jokes and philosophies shared to the world and to themselves, nothing left unspoken.
A moment came in the night where Darren discreetly slid his hand into the depths of his backpack, securing a small object with it.
“I’ve got a fun fact about stars for you,” he begins. He grabs Lauren’s hand and leads her to stand. He motions toward the sky. “A lot of these stars- it’s possible they’re long gone. Yet, we see them, bright and burning, and so have the many people before us...I’m thinking it’s a pretty good analogy for what I’m about to say.”
It’s the second time in Darren’s life that he gets on one knee to propose.
“It doesn’t matter whether something happens to us, to me, to you, or anyone. I cross my heart, Lauren Lopez, because no matter what, my love for you will burn brighter than any star. No matter what happens, I swear on it... There’s no one else I’d rather commit my life, which is why I have to ask...” He takes a deep breath before the next words, slowly opening the small box and praying for the answer he wanted five years ago. He squeezes his eyes shut, allowing his other senses to interpret the answer.
“Will you marry me?”
There’s no wait before he hears a yes .
He stands up, tears of relief and happiness painting his face as he engulfs his fiancée in a hug. He fits the ring onto her finger, tilting up her chin before kissing her.
“I guess you were right.” Lauren teases, looking up at Darren.
“Mhm”, he hums, wrapping her in his arms. “I think Mrs. Criss has a nice ring to it.”
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The Lyin’ King
This is the 99 percent true* story of a friendship that was at least 50 percent false.
Surprising, because I never thought of myself as a gullible person. Shouldn’t a newspaper reporter have the strongest bullshit detector imaginable? (Yes, there was the time my colleagues convinced me the boss was forcing us into “treadmill meetings,” but in all fairness, she seemed to have some body image issues, and the company gym was right there.) In situations where things seem ideal, though, I’m often the first to Google that shit and start finding the flaws.
Except for with Leo. **
I met him through my ex-husband, but after a handful of happy hours, he was more my friend that my ex’s. We had something in common: Upbringing in ultra-conservative Christian families followed by fallout when we left those systems. He was coming out as gay and leaving the church, I could help him navigate that and, being newly divorced, I had a lot of time on my hands. We bonded over mutual rejection and our newfound addiction to online dating.
I try not to use the word “perfect,” because a Buddhist friend reminds me that nothing on this earthly plane fits that description. But Leo was perfect: young, model-gorgeous with a wardrobe to match. Charming in any social situation. Wickedly funny, useful in a crisis, an attentive listener. Go places with Leo and, over time, you will meet literally hundreds of people drawn into his light. Some of them get to stay. It’s intoxicating.
He barely made an effort at work and won employee of the year consecutively. Eventually, he earned a lofty position that absolutely nothing on his resume would demonstrate he could fill, and his bosses loved him there, too. He sang beautifully, danced sexily, painted passably. He ran marathons and lifted weights. Leo even perfectly curated his imperfection, to wit, a scar that came with a hilarious story about a brown recluse hiding in old pants.
He lived with my husband and me briefly, between men, but there were usually men. Never as attractive, typically more accomplished, although that second requirement could be suspended if it looked like the other option was extended singleness. So when Leo started talking about the man he would marry, I burst out laughing and told him he was full of shit. He started crying because I didn’t believe him. I begged him to forgive me.
Looking back, that should have told me something.
Because if Leo had been sitting on a computer in Nigeria emailing me that he was a displaced prince and needed my bank account number so he could reclaim his lost wealth, I’m not completely sure I wouldn’t be bankrupt right now.
The new boyfriend was close to becoming a doctor. The Doctor told me his medical specialty was hugging — that’s how earnest this guy was. He and Leo moved to another state for a residency and, sure enough, got engaged soon after that move. I spoke at their wedding.
Their marriage didn’t last long. Something was always wrong with The Doctor. He wasn’t attentive enough. He walked funny. He overspent. Leo had to take a second job — working weekends at conferences around the globe — to pay the bills. He texted me pictures of scenery in exotic locales. “This looks fun, but you seem angry all the time now,” I told him. Of course he was angry, living with all the stress of keeping them afloat, Leo said.
They got divorced, and Leo announced he was moving home to Nashville, but first he had to move in with a co-worker suffering from a brain tumor to see her through it, plus he was getting more involved in church and going to therapy. No more men, he said, just work, caretaking and the spritual journey of self-discovery for him. Every single phone call came back to the church, therapy or the friend with cancer. I started to feel petty, wanting Leo to come home when there was such important work where he was. Our conversations got awkward.
“Leo always reminds me we’re best friends, but I don’t think I know him at all anymore,” I told my husband. He shrugged. Friendships change, he said.
Instead of Leo moving back to Nashville, The Doctor moved back. Leo called, frantic, with the news. Turns out the doctor had been cheating on him all along with a colleague! He stole all Leo’s money! Leo was ruined! Wasn’t it awful?
So when The Doctor, who worked less than a quarter-mile from my office, texted that we should have coffee now that he was back, I ignored that asshole. A few months later, when he texted that he was thinking about me and asked how I was, I wrote back, “Fine, thanks.” This slow thaw went on for about a year, and eventually it seemed nuts NOT to just forgive him and have coffee. Let he among us who hasn’t cheated for the length of a marriage and then left our spouse destitute cast the first stone, right?
The first half-hour our visit, we discussed weather and work. The Doctor finally introduced the elephant.
“Why do you think Leo and I got divorced?” he asked.
“That’s not important,” I said. “Water under the bridge.”
“I seriously want to know,” he said.
I considered for a moment. “Because you’re a compulsive philanderer and thief?”
The Doctor looked prepared for that answer. No, he said. Just the opposite.
And through a series of lunches with The Doctor plus light stalking, I learned that many things Leo told me since he moved were lies. The weekend conference job was a cover for an affair that predated the marriage — The Doctor figured that out thanks to an unexpected credit card statement. It was a man The Doctor knew as a family friend, a straight husband and father. That meant the pictures sent to me were probably from Google Images. Leo’s co-worker with cancer probably never actually had cancer, and if she did, her daughter already lived in the same apartment.
There really was a church, turns out, because Leo and his lover joined it on the same day, according to an online bulletin.
I started to investigate some stories that didn’t have to do with Leo’s marriage. More lies. The timing on my Nancy Drew act was bad, because Leo was hopping a plane home to see a concert with me the next week.
I emailed him what I’d found out, too afraid I’d fall apart during a phone call, and apologized for the times I came off as judgmental about other people’s affairs. It was none of my business, I wrote, and I could see where it made it impossible to tell me what was going on. We set a time to talk, and Leo tearfully copped to the affair, but nothing else.
“What made you think you couldn’t just tell me the truth?” I asked.
“I always wanted to be so perfect.” He was crying, struggling to get the words out. “I was afraid you wouldn’t be my friend anymore.”
We were silent for a moment, and then I heard a muffled, cheerful greeting. “I’ll be in there in a sec!” Leo shouted. No tears.
“Where are you?” I asked.
He was outside a wedding shower and had to go. “I assume, in light of all this, I shouldn’t come to Nashville,” he said.
“Of course you should still come!” I said. “You need to come now more than ever so we can figure out what the hell happened between us.”
He sent the text a few hours before I was supposed to pick him up from the airport: I’m being called last minute to work one of those conferences, and with my financial situation, I can’t afford to say no.
Even with the truth in the open — realizing that I knew the conferences never existed and The Doctor hadn’t stolen from him — he retreated into the lie. It was like he had no choice. I couldn’t stop staring at my phone.
The way my decade-long friendship with Leo ended shook me for about a year. Now that he was gone, my friends who knew him could step forward with their own experiences. I could look back on things he said and see the cracks. I’ve never felt more stupid. Mostly, my feeling was that because he was so beautiful and charming and talented, and because I am a fat, middle-aged lady with a few jokes and decent writing ability, I never allowed myself to be skeptical with him for fear he’d stop talking to me. I believed someone else with more self-esteem who was a little brighter would have seen right through Leo. This isn’t me being self-deprecating, this is how I actually saw it.
With a few years’ perspective and after meeting a couple more Leos subsequently, I have a theory. I think there may be a lot of Leos out there among us.
Those of us raised ultra conservative, who wake up to the damage that extremism does, face a choice. The day comes where we either speak our truths and stop accommodating the family system, or we always keep a little bit of a lie going so we can keep their favor. Leo was like that. Once he told his family he was gay and they could live with that, he had to construct a perfect gay marriage to a perfect candidate. It couldn’t be troubled like other marriages. There couldn’t be an affair. It had to be perfect.
But those of us who stop accommodating, who say you’re wrong and refuse to support even the slightest vestige of that system, who take our lumps and live with the displeasure ... we get to be rigorously honest. Once we’ve made a stand that life-changing, it no longer matters what our friends, or our boss, or anyone thinks.
We’ve earned our truth. And we may live so strongly in that truth, it seems impossible for someone we love to be enmeshed in lies. We may be completely taken in by that person.
And that’s OK. Maybe even beautiful.
* I’ve changed one name.
** That’s the name.
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