#I had to take my inhaler
canisalbus · 6 months
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A friend of mine sent me your latest post and I couldn't stop thinking about how perfectly Vasco would fit into the role of a coat of arms supporter. It got to the point that I just sat down and made a mock-up of the idea; turns out actually, both of them do a great job at it, together. Literally made this account to share the discovery (Extra funny points for them fitting the original colour scheme)
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albus "I hope I die first, because I can't live without you" potter
scorpius "I hope I die second, so I can save you from that grief" malfoy
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9ofspades · 3 months
It’s disability pride month, and if you are disabled in the U.S. from Long Covid I want you to know that you’re not alone, and you’re valid in whatever you feel. Whether that’s sorrow at your new problems or rage at society for failing you, you are valid, and it is truly messed up that society is continuing to fail you.
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ladykyriaa · 7 months
Jinshi always having his favourite things taken away is such a fucked up memory actually can we talk about it more please???
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slippery-minghus · 1 year
happy disability pride month to disabled folks who were medically neglected as children.
happy disability pride month to people who were disabled as kids, but told their disabilities weren't "really disabling" or enough to stop them from reaching their "potential".
happy disability pride month to people who were never taken to the doctor as kids, never given adequate care for their disabilities (even when it was accessible).
happy disability pride month to people who were only taught about their disabilities as a method of fear mongering. "that kid over there, who obviously has it worse? that could be you."
happy disability pride month to people who were told as children that it was their own fault they were disabled.
happy disability pride month to the people who sat alone in the nurse's office at school when their disability flared.
happy disability pride month to the people who could have had a wildly better quality of life as children, if only their guardians had bothered to care.
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massivementalitynut · 5 months
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My Rainy Day Comm from @ruiaes
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really channeled my inner yassified!howdy today via being practically comatose all day due to Migraine, then as soon as i woke up i demolished so many tacos in one sitting. he's just like me fr
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The cycle continues...
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birdantlers · 7 months
can people stop fuckin bricking amazon for the tiktok water bottle I'm not a consumerist trendygirl I just live in texas.
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devondespresso · 7 months
might have to dip my toes into the marmalade fandom because looking back the whole movie feels like a thrilling engaging act 1 to a whole 3 act series. I desperately want to follow Otis through the arc he could be having after that ending. I want those handful of shots with gears clearly turning to be the story, the possible implications of every hesitation. It feels like we stopped at the beginning of act 2, screw kung fu panda 4 or moana 2 i want a marmalade trilogy
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homicidal-slvt · 5 months
I can't eat spaghetti unsupervised.
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tj-crochets · 1 year
Hey y'all! I am once again in health insurance hell, and could really use some help. I have a specific US health insurance question, but it might get long so it's below a read more
My employer offers two health plan options, and they are both absolutely terrible. I want to get my own health insurance, but the insurance broker lady I used when I worked part time says I can't, because I can get health insurance through my employer, even if I opt out. I spoke to another health insurance person today, and she said if I get a letter on company letterhead saying I'll lose health insurance on [date], as long as it's 60 days or less from now, it counts as a qualifying event and I can buy my own health insurance. She said opting out counted as losing health insurance. Do you know anything about this? How do I get health insurance as an individual NOT through my employer even though my employer offers it? The plans my employer is offering are Aetna, and Aetna is the absolute worst and I despise them as a company so much one of my long term goals is to warn people against them. They suck! They refused to pay for my inhaler until I got my doctor to fill out a form like three times, and also I had to email them A LOT and fill out a LOT of surveys with an emphasis on how horrifying I found it that they as a company clearly valued profit over their customer's lives, and would in fact prefer their customers die before they could reach the ER in case of an emergency, as evidenced by their refusing to pay for my rescue inhaler, a necessary life-saving medication. They also require I fill that form out every year, just in case I magically stop being in the small minority of people who get severe adverse reactions to albuterol and levalbuterol
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screambirdscreaming · 1 month
what if there were drugs that worked and were not bad. Would that be cool or what.
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roaringheat · 6 months
just took my first dose of testosterone wheres my dick
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Asthma in media: *gentle cough cough* oh no 🥺 I'm having an asthma attack 🥺 🥺 *cough cough* 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 it's very hard 🥺 🥺 🥺
Asthma in real life: *on the floor, chest hurting from coughing, coughs sound like you have the black plague, wheezing after fits are over, still sticks out hand with thumbs up once it fades* "...I'm fine I swear"
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scissors-barbie · 2 months
Always great to know that my cleaning supplies could kill me if it really tried
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