#and then everyone on the planet was trying to buy one ffs
birdantlers · 4 months
can people stop fuckin bricking amazon for the tiktok water bottle I'm not a consumerist trendygirl I just live in texas.
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silver-wield · 4 months
Sorry for the length.
Tbh, the only mistake here is the perception of the viewers. Not all friendship are immense or beautiful. Sometimes it's just comradery.
You know why they specifically chose NAKAMA instead of TOMODACHI? Because tomodachi is much closer bond. The latter is not. You can be nakama with someone you're neutral with.
Someone on TLS shared this.
"expand...I'll add that nakama differs from tomodachi (the standard word for friends), and translates to something like close comrades who've shared sufferings / struggled / journeyed together. Like the LOTR fellowship or Ino-Shika-Cho type friends. But yeah, a very strong friendship, nothing romantic. Cloud's heart belongs to Tifa."
What does aerith and cloud have that is real and unique to them? Only two things. ZACK and saving the planet/fighting sephiroth. That's it. I'm sorry but, that's really it.
How come? When aerith was alive, cloud actually tried his best go befriend EVERYONE, in a cute way it could be that he doesn't want to be left out of the circle like when he was a stubborn kid. He's a kind person. But aerith doesn't let him be. He responds to her negatively because she keeps trying to make inappropriate advances on him. Making him act as her stand in boyfriend when he does not consent at all. Aerith took cloud for granted, not the other way around AT ALL.
Now, what does that platonic handhold that's an AC reference about? A line written there , still not sure yet, but it says, "you only think about is yourself, but I will be here for you" coming from aerith. I assume she's the one who held his hand like that. Now KEEP NOTE. Cloud thinks this handhold is platonic, maybe through madam m / the world of FF. I believe aerith still believed that what he did in her gsd is romantic, I really think so. But after being called a NAKAMA, she knows where she stands and the TRUE NATURE of that handhold from cloud. It is just cloud passing on support, giving her strength when she was mopping about Zack" that's why in that scene he looks at her in a way that says "it will be okay, be strong, you got this". Nothing shippy, like ZERO. So the same could be about that AC reference. She is here afterall to pass on what she can give to fight sephiroth and save the planet. Well I sure hope that final handhold comes FROM HER. Otherwise it won't make any sense.
Now, to address all the gsd. Some can say all HA are canon. It shows his progress with everyone. But Cloti gsd is the canon progression of the story.
But let's look here. During aerith's confession, if you get her HA gsd, cloud says "wanting to make more memories" instead of just Nakama. But personally, while that's cool and all, I just find it so out of character because his 2 main bond with her isn't enough to inspire this at all. So I can think it's from the player's perspective. They want to spend more time with her. Like fr, if he really did, how come he almost looks so sick of her in AC? Shouldn't he be glad and excited to see her again? Yet all it is , is just wanting forgiveness? Maybe they'll retcon AC but as of now, it's a bit out of nowhere.
Now, for my last point.
How does aerith become a friend here? Like at all?
-> Well, she said she wanted to get to know him= she realizes he thinks only of her as a comrade
-> "you only think of yourself" during that AC pose = finally awknowledging cloud's rude attitude in HER POV. Even tho she doesn't know he tried his best actually!!!! I guess she was uber BITTER with the word WEIRD. I assume she ignored his rudeness because she was escapist in denial that he can't be her Zack 2.0
-> She says shell be there for him after death, and like I said she should be the one to relay the handhold. This is just her being a comrade-in-arms, they have a huge battle. This is it.
That's it. I can't say it's a beautiful nor deep one, no offense to whoever wants to sprinkle this dynamic with so you can enjoy c/a platonically and have brownie points. I just don't buy it because she never got to be a decent friend to cloud AT ALL. While he's like mostly there because he feels sorry for her. Like no joke.
So what is it then? In his pov? I think it's like Zack. He's also not as close with Zack but his death was painful. Both of these deaths triggers a trauma of NUMEROUS afflictions of cloud. But this two is more painful because it was through specifically their deaths that made him have the life he always wanted with Tifa. Hence the survival 's guilt. So I can say that c/a bond is IMPORTANT, but not as deep nor beautiful. I'm sorry, it really isn't meant to downplay them. But just look at aerith's LSW line, it feels so detached af. Personally I think in AC, he was closer to Zack the most. He is cloud's idol and he knew him while he was real cloud, plus zack didn't try to get in his pants, nor only tried to be a friend after her died. NOPE.
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Normally I'd delete this because it's filled with tons of spoilers, but it's just too on point and everybody should read it 👏👏👏
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hi can i get roasted pls
rohini sun
mrigashira moon
jyeshta lagna
thank you
♉♏🍭 Taurus sun, moon, Scorpio rising🐂🦂
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We have the same moon💙🥰🌛 this should be fun. If you're offended you could just reblog this with the Spiderman meme or Uno Reverse card. But I'm guessing with your Scorpio rising you're comfortable with unsavory truths. Just don't come @ me like 3 years later please, thanks 😚
Trigger warning :
money, self worth, oink boink 💶💖 💦
♏Listen, we get it. Shit was. ~hard~ 🥲 and you didn't always have the luxuries others your age enjoyed. But must you work so hard and make making money your sole focus?
But maybe it's right that you do because everyone u draw in just wants to spend everything u make 🤑
On a scale of 1 to impossibly so, how posessive are you
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🖤💶 I know you're almost always the one paying bills when u go out with your family. Or are u the broke one. For someone as resistant to change as you are you sure do oscillate between broke and rich a lotttt. Is Money come, money go your motto?
🦌🌛I think divorce lawyers would really love you ( *mwaaah, Chef's kiss 💋😚*) since you're already Telling your friends to Breakup with their girlfriend/ better. If you're good at something why do it for free amirite 🙄
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🦌🌛Don't be mad at me if some angry ex comes for you
You could have an overspending problem. Can u even spell budget
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💅🦹Also don't wear your witch robes to a Valentines dinner ffs. Vampires don't advertise their status to their prey beforehand do they 👀
If you only take away one thing from the roast, it's this:
They look at you for confidence, so don't ever shy away from epxressing your brilliance cuz people are, literally, asking for it #DishIt
The world doesn't need more mystery, it needs you to have more fun 🥳
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♏Crows are not appropriate pets. They're ominous 🙄
☀️Stop being so magnetic. Inspiring jealousy isn't cute ya know 🚫
☀️♉🌛I am mommy but also I am daddy energy
Buy me gifts.
You're like so rudeee? I may be off here, because Scorpio is a water sign and has good people skills. It is however ruled by Mars the planet of direct approach, thr fro tliner soldier rules your moon in Mrigashira. (is that in the Taurus or Gemini part? )
Major sugarbaby / pampered princess energy
Nope, with the sun in Rohini, you're probably the sugar daddy / momma. That Mrigashira moon tells me you're always looking for a better baby to indulge smh
If you Don't have sex for too long you think your partner doesn't love you anymore
🤯You put on a brave front but inside you're probably really Skittish
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♌💃☀️You're secretly turned on being the centre of attention. You could be a burlesque dancer with that Leo tenth house
Do conversations hush when u pass? Maybe you should try smiling a bit more. And by smiling I don't mean cackling like a witch who just hexed someone's genitals off 🙂🙃🙂
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On a serious note though, paying for people won't make them stay. Beauty fades. Touch is a great way to manipulate someone. With your sun+moon in the 7th house I'd watch out for that. Taurus being an earth sign, focus on building things that last. I know u didn't come here for a sermon buttt...
As always, I hope this was fun. Feel free to compliment the legitimacy of this or completely dismiss every single burn that Came your way
Untill next time,
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of-house-atreides · 3 years
This article is breaking my brain
Have you read this article ?
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TW: mentions of suicide and also I’m an angry petty bitch
Yes I know this article is from like three weeks ago but I just found it... and I have things to say.
I swear I can’t handle this anymore...
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“But today, Loki steps out of his brother’s shadow”... to step in another one. It be the TVA or Sylvie, just... take your pick.
“resuming his role as the God of Mischief” um where? when?
The comedy part is debatable but fine, whatever... I must have missed the noir crime-thriller bit maybe it was between two scenes of Loki getting his ass kicked by literally everyone in this show.
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Yeah you forgot that end-credit scene showing Loki alive and well in IW/Endgame.
And no, alternate/variant Loki doesn’t count, he’s not the same person/character.
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Because of course when you think of Loki you instantly think his story should take place in a “bureaucratic nightmare” -
And why not hire competent experienced people for Multiverse of Madness and Loki? Is this Marvel’s way of telling us they don’t really care about these projects?
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Kevin really said “no experienced writers on this project, let’s just hire whoever” - or maybe it’s a budget thing? Less experience means less zeros on the pay checks?
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Wow, ok.
So not a fan of the movies nor a fan of the character, just a fan of the genre, that explains a lot...
“what was really important to me was stripping away all the fantastical elements” ... ?? I’m sorry?? What?? So removing all the fantastical elements from a show titled after who is supposed to be the main character who is a GOD and a prince from another realm/planet was what was important?? The Trickster God of Mischief, magic wielder, master of illusions NEEDED to be stripped from his FANTASTICAL ELEMENTS???
“find the heart of this story” - is the heart of this story Loki becoming best friends with his (mental and physical) torturer after what? 2 days? Was it falling in love with the ‘superior’ version of himself after only 13 hours together? I’m still looking for the heart of this story.
“what is the relatable message at the center?” - well apparently it’s ‘you can be a God and a warrior with magical powers but still get your ass kicked by literally everyone all the time and never use your strength and skills to fight back’. Or it’s the power of love, idk -
Oh wait, is it falling in love with the female version of himself? For a weird ‘love yourself’ metaphor? That must be it.
Or maybe it’s jet skis.
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Ah yes, the ‘you can be good, actually’ message of this series that is so subtly presented to us...
They really missed the whole fucking point of Loki.
They missed it so bad they made him call himself a narcissist (which he isn’t btw).
For the record, Loki is a prince of Asgard who learnt one day he was adopted and in fact taken from one of Asgard’s worst enemies, the King of the Jotuns, aka Frost Giants “the monsters parents tell their children about at night”. He found out he was not only adopted but also abducted and not out of love. He feels not only betrayed but he thinks he understands now why Odin always favoured Thor and why he’d never have the same love from Odin that Thor has had his whole life. He thinks of himself as a monster and wants to be worthy of Odin’s love. So he tries to get it. And sure, he doesn’t do it in the best way, and yes, he is the villain of that story. But Loki isn’t a villain. He doesn’t like to make people suffer, he did it out of pain, out of hurt. The events in Avengers was after he was thoroughly tortured and coerced by Thanos to invade Earth. There is even a moment in the end when Thor asks him if he thinks this ‘madness would stop under his rule’ (or something along those lines) and he looks unsure and regretful. But due to the fear of Thanos and insecurity about himself (love is weakness or whatever) he keeps going. He redeems himself in Dark World, again in Ragnarok and yet again in IW and he was thrown in the trash for it.
Yes, Loki’s story is complex, but it really isn’t that complex... So maybe Loki is a “scared little boy” but his way of acting out makes sense and there’s a legitimate reason for it that was not explored in the show. And his backstory is probably what she called the “bells and the whistles”... 
“we literally delete his universe” - and apparently you deleted his personality too
“it’s a story of reinvention ... can Loki find goodness in himself?” - again, you’re missing the point. Loki is insecure, but not about his ability to do what’s right, but about whether or not he is worthy of love! Finding goodness within himself comes AFTER!
“Loki’s journey, to me, is really about acceptance of himself” - several questions here, um, first, what about himself does he need to accept? That he’s a Jotun? The show never mentions it. That he’s done bad shit and should forgive himself for it? Give him a reason to. Self-love doesn’t come after being mentally and physically tortured by some guy who acts like he’s your best friend after 2 days of working together and being yelled out that “he can be anyone he wants, even something good”.
Show, don’t tell, isn’t that the point of your job?? The job you begged for??
Loki’s journey should have been about self-love and no, falling in love with the female version of yourself (who keeps saying they have nothing in common (because they don’t!)) doesn’t count!
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“a more mature and darker path” ...
well this is interesting... was making Loki a clown and the butt of every joke part of making the show mature and dark? Were the terrible attempts at humour? Him being beaten up every two seconds? Having him say lines he’d never say in a million years just to be funny but since it’s out of character for him it fails completely? Was making him incompetent and a complete idiot part of that attempt of making the show mature and dark?
Is that why there’s no magic? You cut off the magician so your show would be more “mature and dark”?
Having him cry every episode doesn’t make your show mature and dark.
Loki from Thor, Avengers, the Dark World and even IW is mature and dark. Your Loki from your series is just a pathetic clown.
“don’t give viewers the story they are expecting” - I personally wasn’t expecting any story, I just wanted Loki, you know, in this Loki series, supposedly all about Loki, and you guys couldn’t even do that.
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So this is the author of the article speaking here, I’m guessing, and I think they’re giving a summary of the show so far, so let’s break this down:
“This is Loki as we’ve never seen him before” - I 100% agree -
“Stripped of his self-proclaimed majesty” - ok, first of all, Loki is a prince, that’s a fact, he didn’t make that up, and for the few years he was King of Asgard disguised as Odin, he seemingly did a great job, so...
“but with his ego still intact” - ah, yes, his ego, you know, because he’s such a narcissist... oh wait -
yes he has an ego, but he has a regal one, not misplaced entirely either - his ego in the show is basically him underestimating the TVA and Mobius (as well as the Time Keepers) - his ego is him getting offended by the variant: the ‘superior Loki’ - his ego in the show is used as a weapon to humiliate and belittle him.
“he faces consequences he never thought could happen to such a supreme being as himself” - he literally tried to k*ll himself in the first Thor - literally a result of his own actions - when he returned to Asgard in Dark World, he didn’t try to pretend he hadn’t fucked up. He didn’t try to hide what he had done (he tries to deny to Mobius in episode 2 that he was manipulating them at the fair) - he sacrifices himself in IW... but sure, Loki from the series is indeed surprised that he is powerless (even when he doesn’t need to/shouldn’t be)
“there is a lot of humour ... he is taken down a few pegs by the TVA” ... he is humiliated by the TVA - definitely not what we were expecting, I’ll give you that.
“sentenced to a lifetime of bureaucracy” - definitely did not expect that either
and here comes my favorite quote: “it’s a sad Loki without any mischief”
yes - yes - yes
that is a good summary of this goddamn show, a sad, pathetic, powerless Loki without any personality 
“fallen God” - yeah that’s definitely not what I was expecting either from the Loki series so good job on subverting expectations I guess...
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“who is going to win out in this match between them?”
there is no match - Loki is powerless - he’s been turned into a pathetic docile harmless wet dog - Mobius literally mentally (episode 1 and 4) and physically (episode 4) tortures him, both time in an attempt to have Loki do his bidding - Loki is the dog and Mobius is the master - even when Loki ‘tries’ to manipulate him it fails because he’s underestimating them (by overestimating himself) - he uses obvious techniques to manipulate the TVA (episode 2) and nobody buys it because it’s not subtle at all! Loki is smarter than that, he is a TRICKSTER GOD FFS!
“there is an interesting dynamic between them that maybe you haven’t seen with Loki in the Marvel movies” - yeah, maybe there’s a reason for that... like... he wouldn’t... submit so easily... he’d be wary, cautious, cunning... he’d be... himself...
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Sans déconner ?
It’s like whoever wrote the series didn’t actually know shit about Loki... like that wasn’t fucking obvious...
And those lectures were apparently done after the script was written so... again, no surprise there... we can see that
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“we wanted the show to be imbued with mischief” vs “sad Loki without any mischief” choose your fighter
“Loki has this very sensitive, damaged, broken heart with an enormous capacity to feel emotion on the biggest scale.”
Are surprised that only Tom so far has portrayed and talked about Loki accurately?
“loneliness, sadness, anger and grief and loss”
I love this man.
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I do wonder what Mr. Branagh thinks of the show...
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I’m of the people who see a vulnerability beneath those layers of charm and playfulness. I love Loki because he’s smart and cunning and regal, and elegant and sophisticated. I love him cause at the end of the day, he just wants to be loved, and he deserves to be loved.
And in the end, the only Loki I can’t stand is the one from the series.
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bumblybeebounce · 4 years
Full-Contact Flirt
Pairing: Mando x f!Reader Rating: R Warnings: Sparring, finger-fucking, dirty talk, swearing.
Author’s note: Okay so I’m not necessarily entirely pleased with this but fuck it have it anyways, I hope you guys enjoy! :’D (Also it’s been so long I’ve forgotten if I had a taglist ffs)
"Look, I understand the need for training, but in armour?" You looked at Mando, frowning as you nodded at the pile next to him. Instead of answering he simply picked up a piece that looked like a breastplate.
"Concidering the situation, you need to learn how to move and fight in armour." He was right, of course. The Child was under threat, and as good as Mando was, he couldn't be everywhere. Which meant that in the event of a fight, you'd have to be able to put up a decent resistance, not necessarily to win, but to buy enough time for Mando to intervene. It wasn't a slight to your own skills, but fact of the matter was that Mando had quite a bit more experience on you in a fight.
Things had been... A little strange since what you mentally labelled as the Incident. It wasn't uncomfortably so, but it felt like something was getting pulled tighter and tighter between you and Mando, and you weren't entirely sure what would happen when it snapped. 
He had been watching you more. Especially when you were handling the Child. No matter what you were doing, if he wasn't focused on piloting or shooting or whatever else, it was like he deliberately got himself into a position where you were in his field of vision. Maybe. It was hard to tell sometimes with the visor, and maybe it was hormones or something, but at this point you were so finely tuned to his gaze that it felt like an actual physical touch. 
Sometimes it was comforting. More often, it was an awful, awful distraction of the highest order and made it feel like he was actually, physically running his fingers up and down your spine and the amount of shivering you were doing because of it was causing him to stroll by and off-handedly cover you with a blanket every now and then. Which was incredibly sweet and made your heart squeeze in a very certain way but it was also a little embarrassing because in reality, the shivering was because his very presence is making your bits squeeze in a very different way.
And now this. Now you were up for a spar with him. As in, close combat spar. As in, possibly (and most likely) getting pinned down by him one way or another. And it was really making it difficult to concentrate on literally anything but the thought of him pressed against- 
"I know you can handle yourself, but I need to know for how long." He interrupted your musings as he proffed the breastplate towards you. You eyed it before reaching towards it, uncrossing one arm as you did. "Is... Is this even allowed? Wouldn't this qualify as Mandalorian training?" You squinted at the breastplate. "Wait, isn't this your-" "Yeah, it's light armour." He interrupted you. You were pretty sure this was some of his old stuff, before the beskar upgrade, and even then you were pretty sure what he used to wear qualified as at least medium weight armour for any non-Mandalorian. While you were focusing on the breastplate (How was this light armour when it weighed so much?!) you missed the slight tremor of Mando's hand as he busied himself with the rest of the- his old armour. You were already wearing a long-sleeved under-armour shirt in preparation for this, and he was very pleased that it was one of his. He was even more pleased that the armour he was about to give you was his. 
It was a weird thing to get worked up about, but at the same time, you were wearing his clothes. And soon, his armour. And something about the very idea of it all, you wearing his clothes, his armour, on his ship, caring for his child, working with him... It all felt like a weirdly dirty fantasy, for him to have something like this. Something this domestic, amidst all the violence and bounties and running. Especially after what happened in the cockpit. 
It's like he'd become hyper-aware all of a sudden about everything you did. Every time you sang to the Child, the times you gave him his privacy like it was perfectly normal for him to eat separately, every time you simply made things run smoother without missing a beat, every Maker-damned shift in the co-pilot's chair... It was absolutely maddening. 
And he was pretty sure it was about to get worse. 
"Mando, I don't- I don't know how to put these on." You mumbled as you fiddled with the straps of the plate. You'd gotten it over your head, sure, but it didn't fit right and you didn't know how to tighten the straps to fit. Wordlessly, he left the other pieces where they were and stepped up to you, and right into your personal space. 
"Here." He checked the top straps, which he seemed to deem adequate, and then motioned with his hands towards your side. You lifted your arm to give him better access. His fingers deftly tugged at the straps, and then repeated the process on the other side. During all of it, you tried really hard to focus on what he was doing but he smelled really good today and all you really wanted was to tilt forward and crash into him for a better sniff. Like leather and blaster rounds, and something very mindscrambling. You kind of hoped it was some kind of soap he used that you weren't able to get your hands on. Because you might actually steal it. 
"Turn around." Mando pushed at your shoulder and you pivoted, keeping both of your arms up. His hand stayed at your shoulder as his other tugged and placed the armour better. You tried to remember how to breathe as his palm and fingers brushed your ribs and back, maybe a little too heavily to be entirely utilitarian, and it was giving a lot more fuel to the part of you that really hoped Mando was feeling the humming tension too. And even better, reciprocated. 
The mercenary was quickly reaching the point where his touching went from "only what's necessary" to "indulgent", and as he tugged at the straps on your sides as if to test the armor, he let them stay there, just... Holding you along your ribs. Warm, and firm, and strong... 
"How's it feel?" Like you really should push your hands under the plate and squeeze my-
"It- Uh, it good- Feels good. Uh, fits." You stumbled along and hoped he didn't twirl you around just yet so you could avoid letting him see the colour on your cheeks. Maker, gods, spirits and all that was holy, this is only going to get worse and your hormones were already pinging around your body like it was an angry swarm of Nabooan bees. 
"Good." His touch lingered just a fraction longer, before he let go and retrieved the other parts. He handed you one of the gauntlets, which you slip on and he adjusted, then the other. He glanced at the pieces that were supposed to protect your thighs before he set them back. 
"So-" "We'll start light." He motioned towards the open ramp and started walking outside. He also tried very hard not to think about touching your thighs, running his hands over them or up towards your hips, and swallowed thickly, realising he very much failed at that. 
You followed Mando out after glancing at the kid's pram. The both of you had very deliberately let the Child tucker himself out for this so he would snooze in this closed pram for a few hours. Concidering how his tantrums rattled things off the walls, and how protective he was of Mando, you both felt it was probably better he didn't see you sparring. It was true that the little mite seemed to like you very much, but it felt like a good idea to not put yourself in a position where he might... Remotely try and choke you if he thought you were hurting Mando. He had told about a few incidents. 
Stepping out and into the grassy area you shielded your eyes briefly from the sunlight. You were a little ways from the outskirts of some small town on this forest planet, having landed there a few days ago for some rest and supplies. You would stock up where you could and leave in another two or so, unless you were suddenly attacked by other mercenaries or worse, Imperials. Which would've been a shame, because the air was clean here, the forests smelled absolutely divine and there was an air of calm around, especially at sunrise and sunset. 
Mando scanned the area before stepping up to a little circle he had made before. It was a little crude, lined with temporary non-toxic dye that would wash away in the next rainfall, or if someone happened to walk through it when the morning dew was still fresh. You stepped to the other side of the circle from where he was, sweet nostalgia of your own training days washing over you. Not like you had been a professional soldier or anything, but you had decided to train in some hand-to-hand combat as a precaution. The galaxy was big, and not everyone was benign. It seemed like a decent precaution. 
"Okay, I want to see your skills better, and you need to get used to the weight of the armour." He paused and turned his head towards you. "Come at me like you mean it." 
"... Uh-" You started, then paused. You... Honestly didn't want to? But at the same time, if anyone could take it it would be Mando. You, on the other hand, you were probably gonna come out of this worse than him, as much as you disliked admitting it to yourself. At least you'd warmed up and wrapped your hands before this. You probably should find some kind of fighter gloves soon as well. 
"I... Okay." You tested your movements with the armour on and gave a few jabs. The extra added weight wasn't super great, to be honest, and you'd probably tire out sooner than usual, but that's what this was for, right? To gain experience and stamina? 
"I get the feeling this is gonna hurt me more than it'll hurt you." Muttering to yourself, you pressed your hands together and bowed towards Mando, out of muscle memory, and he inclined his head at you in turn. And then, after drawing a breath, you moved. 
Crossing the distance was simple, but he easily dodged your first few punches, even deflecting one with his hand almost dismissively before he tried to grab your sleeve, possibly for a grapple or a throw. Instead, you rotated your arm over his and back under, forcing him to let go of you and gripped at his elbow as you brought your knee up towards his ribs on the opposing side. He deflected the knee with a grunt and stepped forward, causing you to jump back and let go of him again to avoid getting unbalanced and hitting the dirt. 
You dropped your shoulders, adjusted your feet and went forward with a punch aimed at his helmet. At the last moment, when it looked like he was about to block it, you shot out with your other fist and amazingly, it connected with his side. And it was probably the shock of landing a hit that got you distracted enough that when he roughly shoved at your chest, you did stumbled and fall flat on your ass onto the grass with a very undignified squeak, only barely avoiding hitting the back of your head with the ground by a timely tucking of your chin. 
"That was good, but not enough." Alright, him giving you praise should honestly have no right to travel that fast down your spine and hit you right in the bits- "Stand up." He motioned and didn't even have the decency to sound affected. With a sour huff and a pout, you got back up and dropped back into the stance. As distracted as you were, that good old competitive streak was starting to rear its little head. 
With another deep breath, you moved again. 
So you continued to spar, you occasionally landing a hit here and there but apparently not enough to really wind him in any way, and the fact that he was smoothly, almost nonchalantly defending against your attacks was really fucking frustrating. The rational part of you told you that you were up against someone who had been trained to take down people smarter than you, stronger than you and more skilled than you, of course it would be like this. But the feral part of you was gaining ground and screaming angrily that you were apparently doing less than nothing despite all the time and effort you had put into your training, and it was starting to show with how you were actually fighting a little more purposefully and with less hesitation. 
On the other side, Mando was breathing a bit harder, but not out of excercise. Oh, no, it was worse, the sight of you, in his clothes, in his armour, coming at him a little aggressively, intent on knocking him back, a determined look on your face, was very much doing things to him on a level he didn't even know existed. Truthfully, he should've seen it coming, after being sworn in to the Creed, the ability to flirt was vastly diminished, all the while the hormones were raging for many teenaged initiates. A lot of the time, sparring was the only time when you could have any physical contact with people without anyone yelling at your for unnecessary fraternization. For many Mandalorians in his covert, it had replaced the usual smooth talking and charming smiles as the best way to get to know the other person, to feel them out. In many definitions of that phrase, in some cases.
Din wasn't a stranger to it, he remembers how it felt back then, the tingling and the feeling that you were doing something forbidden under the watchful eyes of the instructors. But even when he had felt attracted to his sparring partner more than usual, it hadn't quite felt like this. 
It hadn't felt like his blood was running too warm, like the adrenaline was making him feel high, like he wanted to knock you down, get between your legs and slip your pants down and shove a hand between your legs, to see if you were as gushingly wet as he always hoped in his fantasies, like this turned you on too, before fumbling with his own belt and pants so he could tug out his cock and hear you mewl and see you arch your back, you welcoming and wet and warm as he sank inside and- 
He grunted when your kick hit him right in the stomach. The fantasy evaporated in an instant as he gripped your leg to keep it from slipping down and potentially hitting something more sensitive. 
You shifted precariously on one foot as you tried to tug your leg out from Mando's grip. It was suspicious that he wasn't actually doing anything aside from holding on to your shoe and your calf, which felt really nice actually to have him squeeze the flesh there, but since he wasn't letting go you bent the leg he was holding at the knee, hopped a bit closer to him and tried to push into his abdomen with a growl, but the infuriating bastard barely even swayed back and all you did was get closer to his form with your leg folded between you two, knee pointing to the side. 
As you glared into his visor, you realized that his hand was now trapped between the meat of your calf and your thigh, and as you tried to settle your heavy breathing, you realized how uncomfortably fucking wet you were now that your underwear had stretched tighter and the middle seam of your pants was pressing down over your clit. Fuck, if he freed his hand and slid it a little more inwards he'd be right there, yes-
"Getting there, but not enough." He nudged at you to make you take a step back, and in your mounting frustration you failed to notice the somewhat strained and breathless quality of his voice. With sharp movements you hopped back, released his hand and turned around to get some distance. Not enough? Not fucking enough?! Fucking- 
In a fit of anger you made a possibly reckless decision as you turned around. Mando was seemingly fiddling with one of his bracers, not looking at you. And now it was your chance. 
"You need to-" Before Mando could finish, you took a running start and with a grunt, tackled him with your shoulder colliding square into his midsection (and his beskar plate, ow) and taking him down to the ground. He made a winded grunt as he hit the ground and as you scrambled to sit on his stomach, he tried to buck you off and punch with his fists. Somehow you managed to get one of his arms trapped between your arm and ribs as you tried to use your foot to pin his other arm to the ground, wrestling with his remaining arm. While you couldn't help but feel like he was going easy on you, you also couldn't help the vicious grin on your face as you growled at him struggling below you. 
Mando could admit that he didn't expect you to tackle him or tackle him that hard, but Maker save him, he couldn't find it in himself to break out of it as fast as he honestly could. You above him, growling at him to stay still, trying to pin him as best you could? Fuck. If you shimmied any more down you'd be rubbing right against his cock- 
You squeaked as Mando threw you off, and before you could react he was above you, holding your wrists down and hovering over you on low his knees, breathing heavier. 
"That's better, but you have to-" He pressed harder on your arm as it lifted off the ground. "Come on, try harder." You settled down a bit, breathing hard and glaring up at him. "Oh, oh harder?" He nodded, personally distracted by the sound of your breathy voice but none of it showing in his body language. "Okay then-" With a heavy grunt, you brought your legs up (thankfully he was sitting high enough on your hip that you didn't have to contort yourself too much) and slid them under his arms, crossed them over his chest and with a sound as close to a roar you could make, slammed him back onto the ground and used the momentum to get back on top of him, managing to trap one of his legs up and bend it towards his chest while the other tried to get purchase on the ground, the thigh pressed against your ass. 
The Mandalorian below you seemed stunned, going by the lack of struggle, and you let out a breathless chuckle as you realized the position. Maybe it was the high of finally pinning him for longer than a few seconds or something, or the constant state of feral horny you've worked yourself up to in the last few moments, but you couldn't help the words that slipped out of your mouth as you leaned forward to grab his shoulder. 
"Well, this is an interesting position, huh Mand-oh." The taunting quickly dissolved into a breathless little moan as Mando moved just enough to jostle you down and right on top of something hard. And big. Well, kriff- 
Sitting on Mando's cock even for a moment effectively blew most of the thoughts in your head right out and whatever move Mando pulled next made your view tumble several different ways before you realized you were lying on the ground on your front, knees holding your hips up just enough to feel Mando drag his hard cock, purposefully and fully along your cunt as he restrained your arms behind your back. You let out a high pitched, long moan as you felt his movement pull your panties just enough to stimulate your clit and causing your hips to follow his movements in an effort to get more of the feeling. 
One of Mando's hands shifted, fully grabbing at your thigh near the junction of the pelvis and pulled you tighter against him as he rutted into you again, slowly, and groaned at the whimper it produced. 
"This what you wanted? Huh?" He leaned forwards, closer to your head and growled his question, officially too fucking gone to care about much anything beyond the compliant body under him. Sweet Maker and stars above, please let her want this as badly as he did, want him to push into her and claim her, make her cum hard and wet on his cock and beg him for more- 
"This what you wanted, sweet girl?" His hand moved from your thigh and between your legs, harshly rubbing at the junction as you keened under him. 
“Yes, kriff Mando pleasemore-" You didn't care. You didn't fucking care how you ended up here, you just wanted him to do something because you were ready to combust and he wasn't letting your arms down. You vaguely heard him swear and after some rustling, he returned to you. 
"You want me to touch you? Want me to see how f-fucking wet-" You wailed a yes as he fumbled with the front of your pants for a moment before slipping his hand- fuck he wasn't wearing a glove that was skin-
The moan he let out when his fingers dipped into your underwear was absolutely filthy, the close proximity of his head to your ears letting you hear both a modulated voice and his real voice underneath that as he let go of your hands to support himself on the ground, is cock digging into the back of your thigh and ass cheek. 
"S-sparring got you this wet for me, sweet girl? Huh?" There was nothing light about his touch at all, and thanks to the tight quarters, every single time his fingers moved in and out of you they dragged along your clit, making your hips jolt in his grip as you tried to hold on to something, anything to ground yourself. One hand pulled up handfuls of grass while the other grabbed hold of his leg and you moaned, already most of the way to cumming. Fucking fuck this was so much better, so much hotter than you had ever imagined and he was rough, like he couldn't get you off fast enough for his liking. 
"Mando please, need you, need you to-" "I know what you need-" 
Mando pulled at the armour along your back, dragged you up to your knees against him and crossed his arm over your shoulders, holding you against him as he worked your core and rutted his cock against you. 
"Need to fuck you like this, in m-my armour, like the fucking warrior you are-" He grunted as you pulled at pantleg and moved with him, whimpering at his stream of filth as he sped up his hand movement. 
"Make you cum, you've been so good for me, you f-fought so well, good girl, like that-" His arm shifted to hold your middle and keep you tight against him as you startled to unravel. Your orgasm was on you so fast, the usual electric tingle suddenly crashing into an explosion so hot and powerful that it curled your toes, arched your back and made you moan deeply, violently tightening your fingers about the fabric of his pants and pounding your other fist against the hip and meat of his thigh when the orgasm just kept fucking going and going and your hips shook and twitched in his grip as he groaned something in your ear that you just could not spare the braincells to decipher. 
Mando didn't even slow his ministrations until you sagged against him, boneless and brainless as you whimpered at every pass his fingers made along your clit, vaguely wondering if you'd actually soaked through your pants at this point as you clumsily pawed at the hand down the front of your pants. 
You were both breathing hard as he finally stopped moving his hand, his fingers curling into and around your cunt warmly, occasionally squeezing as his own hips shifted against you, his cock still painfully hard and digging into your ass.
"Mando, fuck-" "C-can I-" He started extracting his hand, almost reluctantly, as he dragged your slick along your skin while his other hand took hold of your hip and he bucked against you. You didn't know how big he might be but he felt big and you wanted it inside you real fucking soon.  "Can I- Do you want me to-" All of a sudden he seemed almost shy and at a loss of words for someone who just made you cum so hard the sole of your foot was actually hurting from the tensing the muscles so hard. 
"Yes, yes Mando, please." You gasped out, fully understanding what he was asking. He growled and reached for his own pants and- 
 A high shriek floated from inside the Crest and you almost sobbed in anguish. Of all the times for the Child to wake the fuck up, he woke up now?! 
Mando dropped his head, the front of his helmet gently hitting the back of your head as he tried to swallow both the saliva in his mouth and the groan that threatened to break through. He listened to the sound coming from the Crest and it sounded like the kid was worried no one was around. Wouldn't even take too long until the little creature would be toddling down the ramp to where they were. 
"He's awake." You mumbled in a hoarse voice and tried to fix your pants. Which was a bit of a task considering you were only vaguely aware of which direction was up in the aftermath of what just happened. "Yeah." Mando grunted and his thumb brushed along your ribs, almost reluctant to stop touching now that he knew he was... Allowed. 
You finally managed to fix your pants as you watched the kid wobble at the entrance, making his way down the ramp slowly, looking very angry at the world for some reason. 
"We..." You started, hesitantly. "We could... Continue later?" Mando swallowed again and his dick jumped at the thought. "... Yeah." He offered and you nodded, muttering an "Okay." as you unsteadily climbed to your feet and after a few shaky steps, went to meet the wee angry one to calm him down. While picking him up and fussing over him, you failed to see Mando get up, turn his back to you and slide his fingers into his mouth, getting a good taste of you with a soft whimper before aggressively tugging his glove back on and trying to adjust his... Problem.
Fuck. You would continue this later.
@equalstrashflavoredtrash @just-add-butter @beskars @duamuteffe 
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kimmimaru · 3 years
I am forever haunted by the knowledge of how long it takes for certain ff7 characters to style their hair. I mean, logically, if they were real people they would HAVE to style it to make it spikey like that but I just...SE are trying to tell us that Cloud Strife goes on a journey across the planet but somehow remembers to take hair products with him? At least with the Turks you can say yeah ok, they could stop in hotels and stuff. Makes sense they’d have time in the mornings to spend 30+ mins doing their HAIR but CLOUD??? WHERE??? HOW??? I mean in the OG you can get an item called a tent ffs. I assume that means literally a tent. Somehow Cloud spends weeks on the road, staying in tents and somehow manages to walk away looking like a fucking model. No. No I’m sorry. This is infuriating. Does he take a mirror with him? Does everyone else have to sit around doing nothing but wait for Cloud to do his hair every morning? Like, yeah we’re being chased by Shinra but we’ll still waste time waiting for Cloud to spike up his hair, because we must focus on what’s really important here. Omfg. It’s so wrong but also fucking hilarious. Also, they’re not made of money. Where is Cloud getting the gil from to buy the hair products??? Is he using valuable funds that could be spent on essentials like potions on his hair wax??? I am surprised no one slapped him. Even Tifa looks like she takes less time to do her hair. Just brush it, tie it up. Done. It is possible Aerith takes longer, and she could have hair curlers with her, those ringlets are way too perfect to be natural. Vincent looks like he took kitchen scissors to his hair and just went ‘meh, good enough’ (it does suit him though somehow). And the rest of the guys seem to be much more practical about it all. So I mean, wouldn’t YOU get annoyed having to wait around while someone spends half an hour styling their hair to perfection? Just...why??? I keep adding to this post, sorry. I would also like to give an honourable mention to Reno’s hair because I am pretty sure that if he left it unstyled it would be a mullet and I just...I can’t process that. It’s wrong. I feel betrayed. Why would they do this?
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suhnnyskiess · 4 years
Life is really complicated sometimes. With recent events going around (health crisis, human rights activism, feminist activism too, etc) Idk i feel with a whole lot of mixed feelings.
When i was still in school (15-16 y/o at best) i was SO blinded by my privilege lmao, i used to believe everyone grew up in a big house with TV and cable, WiFi and had takeout at least once a week. I am not ashamed of who i was, because it was part of me and i can’t just pretend it did not exist, but i gre out of that pahse and now as a 19 y/o going on 20 i feel really confused. I’m sorry if i make typos, this is a self indulgent post bc i never post stuff here and its too long to be a tweet lmao.
For example, Capitalism. 
In school i finally paid some attention in my hs senior year and i grew aware of how awful the system we live in is. Which now makes me have mixed feelings with the music i lisent to, like take KPOP idols for example, the kpop industry is such a wasteful in materials and non sustainable for the planet its such a peak of capitalism and how they exploit their idols just because most of them genuinly want to make music so they go and sell their souls to the capitalism world we live in. Which makes me sometimes feel bad about supporting them, becuase me supporting them (by buying things that are one use only for example: posters, stickers, photocards, etc)
So i always end up rethinking if i should really be supporting them, bc if i do it means i support the system when in reality i just want to support them alone bc i like them as artist, i like the persona they portray (bc lets be real Korea would never let them be as truthfull as they want to be) 
Korea is such a conservative country i can’t believe i wanted to study there, i would just be stared @ by old ladies bc i’m brown and latina. Like Korea is so full of male chauvinism and so homophobic too like ??? Capitalism gave birth to male chauvisnm and you cant change my mind.  Which leads to the next point.
Feminist movement
I actually am thankfull of paying attetion in my senior year, learned so much more of the feminist movement and even started to actually speak up sometimes. So, having to deconstruct myself these past years haven’t been easy but i’m still conflicted.
I have friends that are way into the privilege bubble or in their micro male chauvinism bubble, bc they sometimes make some “jokes” about womans bodies or how girls “are such aslut for doing ____” and i’m still scared to speak up.
Shouldn’t i be able to speak up? Knowing what they are saying is wrong? Because the times i have done it they always and up with the “You take everything so seriously” or how can we forget the “You can’t take a joke” 
Luckly, my closest friends were never that kind of way, but some of them still live in their bubble and i try to leave hints like “Hi ur dad is a jack ass, you should know that” with a lowkey tone because i do understand they grew up in adifferent enviroment BUT thats not an excuse to be a jackass lmao we are in the 21th century FFS
Technically speaking my country is not neccesarry into the criteria of racism (completly) because what i see more here is the clacism. 
People feel entitled to be superior to tohers just bc their families live in the richer areas or have more money than others or whatever.
I feel kinda sad i wanted to fit in in that kind of world when i was a kid, i saw many others with new phones or brand new clothes and i wanted that so bad, i was so envious for material objects lmao clown
Ofc now i am ware that no matter where i come from and what i have im not either superior nor inferior to anyone, bc we all are equal.
MY POINT HERE IS THAT, even in 2020 i see many being classist, saying white wome are prettier (becuase if you are tan it means you work in the sun, you are poor) or how someone “Could never use public transportation bc its disgusting” (and yes i heard that from a classmate) and it makes me think y’know, how many people are out there being judged just bc of their income, their job, their neighborhood, etc. Its just DUMB
In conclusion:
I’m still lost and i never know what should i believe in or even if the things i believe in are okay or things i support, we all are equal, we all deserve the same things and please remember that.
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hellyeahomeland · 4 years
“Chalk Two Down”: an HYH recap
“Chalk Two Down” picks up right where “Chalk One Up” left off, which is that everyone is sort of running like chickens with their heads cut off. At the combat post, the soldiers are all scrambling. One of them asks Max for his “shit.” They need encrypted devices to send pictures back up to the ops and situation rooms. Max valiantly volunteers to come along and handle the equipment himself.
In the ops room, HEV is like, WE’RE SENDING IN THE JV SQUAD? WHERE THE FUCK IS OUR MILITARY, THE GREATEST IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE. CO Owens is like, hi, pls chill. We’re bringing in a QRF ASAP ACRONYM ACRONYM. HEV offers some more racist commentary and everyone sort of stares blankly at their hands because in 20 minutes this guy’s about to be the president so….
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Saul cautions them all that a) we don’t know the president is dead and b) we don’t know the Taliban did it. HEV calls him out and again everyone sort of stares blankly at their hands. Carrie tries to soothe his ego, because apparently that’s now Her Job.
Carrie: Are you ok? Let me get you a danish. Saul: I don’t want a danish and no I’m not ok. Carrie: Try to see it from their side. They all hate you because this was sort of your idea. Saul: Actually it was sort of your idea. Anyway they don’t give a fuck what actually happened, they just want to kill more brown people. Carrie: That’s not what I heard. Saul: You weren’t listening then. Carrie: Let’s try to have some perspective, a thing I’m really good at. Saul: Perspective? Look, if the Taliban did it, cool. If the ISI did it, coolio. If G’ulom did it, cooliest. I’m explicitly leaving out whether the Russians did it, but …. y’know. Or maybe the pilot saw Jesus and flew the helicopter into the mountain! All that stuff matters. It determines what we do next. Carrie: Not ~realistically~. Saul: We’re really about to repeat the same mistakes as after 9/11, huh? Ten years from now are you gonna come onto me again in your apartment with the blue walls and tell me you missed something TWICE before? Carrie: Wow, I thought we were never mentioning that again. Also there’s no way both of us will still be alive in ten years. If we are, I certainly won’t be speaking to you.
Back at the presidential palace, Not Martha Boyd is telling everyone that the two presidents have been slightly delayed. Tasneem and G’ulom aren’t buying it. They whisper about the rumors that the helicopter is actually down. Based on the reactions here, they’re either extremely good actors, or neither of them had anything to do with this. A few moments later, resident hottie Scott Ryan cuts the bullshit with G’ulom and tells him the truth. The helicopters are both down and no one knows anything.
Carrie goes back to Bagram because Saul told her to I guess. She is immediately stopped by one of the majors there and her response is “I’m Carrie Mathison,” as if that should mean anything to him. You gotta admire the swagger though. Carrie asks to see the books … again, this is her job now, I don’t know, man. She ends up doing a good job because she realizes that the helicopters were actually switched out. By whom? Some dude named Worley. Where is he? He’s *cough cough* sick. Take me to his room? Not there. But his car? Also not there. Carrie looks like she honestly wants to scream at the situation and I am so with you, girl. Luckily one of the other Army officers thinks he knows where he is. So it’s off to Kabul for another field trip. 
Out in the field, Max and the Hot Marines have made their way to the crash site. There are “large conifers.” In the situation room, HEV shouts at the TV, “What about the President??” Linus is like, “Uh… they can’t hear you dummy,” and at home while watching I actually snorted. Anyway they begin recovering evidence from Chalk Two. No survivors. The president is dead. HEV has now become HEP so he has to take a minute.
Saul calls G’ulom to tell him that he and Not Martha will be preparing a speech and they have to work on it together. G’ulom is not here for this group project. He orders his men to find Haqqani and then tells Tasneem what’s happened. She’s got to get out of Kabul because he can’t guarantee her safety, on account of the ISI basically being in cahoots with the Taliban.
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Back on the Kabul field trip, they’re trying to figure out where Worley might be. The Army officer can’t remember since it was dark the last time he came and also he wasn’t much paying attention to street landmarks because “I was getting laid” and “we were drunk, sir.” They find the one thing he can remember, which is a large mural of two eyes, the meaning of which Carrie then dutifully explains to the audience. They finally find Worley’s car and roll up to this house and charge in. Someone uses a periscope and it’s hilarious.
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Surprise! There’s a pregnant woman inside and Worley’s there because, well, he impregnated her. And why did they switch the helicopters last minute? Nothing sinister there either. They switch them all the time. They’re way past capacity, the weather always sucks, etc. The Homeland writers sure are pulling the curtain back on the Greatest Fighting Force In the History of the Planet. All of this makes Carrie believe it might have just been a freakish accident, which she relays to Saul over the phone. He tells her to come back to the station.
Mike tells Saul that G’ulom has just ordered two battalions out into the streets to find Haqqani. Because Haqqani is apparently now his BFF, Saul gives him the ol’ heads up. Haqqani swears he wasn’t responsible, he’s been observing the ceasefire. “I believe you,” Saul says. “No one else will.” Everyone’s heads explode because we were sure Saul was gonna say that to Carrie.
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Anyhoozles, the Taliban is also threatening to overtake the crash site. This is Not Good. Mike is emphatic that they get as many of their guys out as they can and then drop a thousand-pound bomb on it.
Owens: You want me to obliterate the body of an American President? Mike: Unless you want to see his body dragged through the streets with his dick in his mouth, yeah, I do. Saul: First, gross. Second, we can’t drop a bomb on anything. What about evidence? Mike: FFS, Saul, this isn’t an episode of SVU. No one gives a shit about evidence. Saul: Sorry, I forgot.
At the White House, HEP decided now is a great time to move offices. He’s having his stuff transferred to the Oval Office. Linus’ eyes nearly fall out of his head from rolling so hard. Anyway, he tells HEP he’s got to make a decision.
HEP: Wow, have you ever noticed the carpet in here? It’s really ugly. Linus: Focus, please. Our guys are about to lose control of the site from the Taliban. HEP: What about the uh.. the uh… the rapid— Linus: The QRF won’t arrive in time, even though “quick” is literally a part of their name. HEP: So…? Linus: Jesus Christ, I have to explain everything to you. We gotta drop a bomb. But we need your ok. HEP: This is a military matter. I’m not equipped to make this decision. Linus: I mean, obviously. But also, you’re the commander in chief. The buck stops with you. HEP: Fuck. Linus: Well? HEP: Please make this decision for me. Linus: Ugh, fine. We’re dropping the bomb. Also I’m changing your name to Hot In Over His Head President. See ya later, HIOHHP.
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So that’s that I guess. But that is never that with Carrie Mathison. She arrives back at the ops room, incredulous.
Carrie: They’re gonna drop a bomb? Saul: Yep. Carrie: Even though you told them about the problems with the air frames and how this might be an accident and in order to prove that we definitely need the evidence from the crash site?? Saul: That’s right. But we’re out of time. Carrie: Why are we letting this happen? This morning you were lecturing me about “it matters, it matters.” God, you are insufferable. Saul: No one is listening to me now. Carrie: Yeah, how does that feel? Just let me talk to Max. Saul: Fine, here’s the sat phone. Carrie: Max? Max? It’s me. Max: Who is “me”? Oh, Carrie?! Carrie: Listen, you have to get the black box. Saul: Oh my god I just had a deja vu moment of 3.10.
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They really are all seriously running out of time. The drone is 90 seconds out, and Max has to get the black box with the flight recording. Because Max is… what’s the word… an angel, he obliges and then gets the fuck out of there. He’s hauling ass when the bomb drops, leveling the whole thing. In the quietest, most haunting voice, Carrie speaks into the phone. “Max?” There’s no answer.
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G’ulom never saw an opportunity he didn’t want to take advantage of and marches right up to the lectern at the presidential palace and tells everyone that the presidents are dead, Haqqani was responsible, and he’s just enacted martial law and is currently rounding up everyone that looks like they might be in the Taliban on the streets of Kabul. From a distance, Haqqani sees the checkpoints and roadblocks barring his exit from Kabul and has a momentary car freakout.
Carrie and Saul are sitting dejectedly on the steps of the ops room. Mike informs them that pretty much everyone is dead. Which—they dropped a fucking bomb on the site, what did they expect? Cut to Max and Soto, miraculously both alive. Max decides it’s time to check in with Carrie. Carrie exhales, says “Thank God” over and over again. “Tell me you have the black box,” she says. “It’s orange,” Max deadpans. It’s the greatest exchange to ever happen on this show.
Suddenly, shots come hailing down on them. Carrie’s still on the line but can’t figure out what’s happening. Max turns around to see blood flowing out from Soto’s neck, his eyes still wide open. He rises slowly, puts his hands up, stares down the barrel of a gun and the Taliban soldier holding it. “Max?” Carrie calls. “Max?”
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imacetra · 6 years
Unpopular FF Opinion
Sephiroth isn’t a good person just because he’s “so hot!!!! UwU”
Love him all you want, but he wasn’t a good pure marshmallow cinnamon roll boy some people make him out to be. He’s an interesting character, but he did horrible things that can’t just be swept under the rug. If Sephiroth somehow came back for good, and suddenly switched from “I’m going to summon Meteor and become a god” to a hero, no one would accept him as a friend, ally, or good person. And even if someone did, it sure as hell wouldn’t happen for awhile. Sephiroth tried to kill everyone on several occasions. He’s made a kebab out of Cloud twice, murdered Tifa’s father, and nearly killed her minutes later, destroyed Cloud and Tifa’s hometown, and murdered Aerith. Yet a lot of people ignore this, and so we get a lot of fanfics and fan art where Sephiroth shows up and everyone’s immediately cool with it.
“Oh yeah, you burnt my hometown to the ground, nearly killed my childhood friend, nearly killed me, murdered countless innocent people, killed one of my best friends, and nearly destroyed the planet, but yeah, it’s cool. Lemme buy you a beer.”
If Sephiroth showed up claiming to be a good guy, none of the main cast would give a shit. They’d attack him on sight.
And this isn’t an attack on any ships, or Sephiroth as a character. I genuinely like Sephiroth’s story and can see why people love him. In fact, Sephiroth was awesome before he freaked out and went on a killing spree. I loved him in Crisis Core.
But he isn’t a good person.
Yes, we can understand why he went crazy and started to hate everything, because we’ve seen his backstory. We know what made him snap. But that doesn’t excuse his actions. He’s not an innocent sunshine boy who did nothing wrong.
And that’s something that’s extremely annoying about fandoms, especially FFVII’s fandom.
If you’re pretty, you can get away with things.
Take Reno for example. He’s one of my favorite characters, and I love him.
But he’s a fucked up character.
Advent Children kind of made the Turks out to be nothing but the comedic relief. Reno and Rude specifically. Which probably contributes to a lot of people thinking that Reno did nothing wrong.
This is the guy who Mufassa’d Don Corneo off a mountain, set the bomb that destroyed Sector 7, killing millions in the process, and chased after Aerith for years, trying to drag her back to the ShinRa. But apparently, because he looks like THIS
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it’s all okay. 
Reno ain’t a “sexy widdle baby” who does no wrong. So don’t act like it. I love him, but he’s done HORRIBLE things.
Another perfect example of “pretty bois are perfect in every way” is Vincent. Now I love Vincent to death. He’s one of my absolute favorites.
But he’s fucked up too!
Vincent was a Turk. The Turks do some pretty shady stuff. Assassinations, kidnappings, etc. Who knows how many people he killed when he was a Turk.  Not to mention, Vincent canonically walked away from innocent people getting kidnapped/murdered in Dirge of Cerberus.
But hey. He looks like THIS
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so iT’S aLl OkAY
It’s seriously annoying how wrong doings are just tossed out the window because a character is pretty. Sephiroth, Reno, Vincent, they get special treatment because they’re pretty boys.
But guy characters who aren’t conventionally pretty, or lady characters in general, oh ho, if they do something wrong, they’re THE W O R S T.
Take Cid for example.
When you first meet Cid in the OG, he’s extremely stressed out. His dreams were previously crushed, making him spiral into anger and depression. He’s pissed at himself because he had to THINK about choosing between saving Shera’s life or going through with the launch to achieve his dream of making it to space. He hesistated to save his friend’s life. Shera even tells us that Cid’s “not normally like this” when he's acting up in his introduction. He’s freaking out because Rufus is on his way, and the President is his only hope of getting the Space Program going again.
But no, because Cid shouts at her (he shouts at everyone, wtf are you people on), he’s the worst. An awful person. A sexist abusive asshole who doesn’t deserve to live.
OOH, bad man say mean word to woman. Shera’s clearly a victim who must be saved from this disgusting brute.
Seriously? Where are you people getting this? Shera CHOSE to stay with Cid, guilt complex or no. When it turns out she was right about the oxygen tanks, Shera doesn’t rub it in Cid’s face. And Cid doesn’t fucking badmouth Shera. He yells at her, just like he yells at E V E R Y O N E. And he does so with more aggression when he’s stressed, like when you first meet him.
I’m not excusing Cid’s actions, or Shera’s. The whole point of this post is “don’t excuse a character’s actions just because you love them”. But Cid is constantly trashed, berated, spat on, and misjudged, mainly because he’s not pretty like Vincent, Sephiroth and many other anime looking FF boys. Cid shouldn’t have taken his anger out on Shera by yelling at her. But he’s not an awful person.
He’s just a big dorky space gay who wants his goddamn tea.
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Now onto another character who gets a ton of undeserved hate: Lucrecia.
Like many characters in FFVII, Lucrecia made some big fucking mistakes. But hey.
There isn’t a single main character in this game who hasn’t made at least ONE mistake. But oh, because Lucrecia is extremely emotional and not a pretty anime boy, she’s unforgivable, horrible, and deserves to be spat on for existing.
Guys, Lucrecia apologizes time and time again, and even tries (and fails) to kill herself she feels so bad about what she did. She regrets experimenting on her baby and she feels at fault for what happened to Vincent.
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But hey.
SHe’S nOT a pRettY bOI sO iT’s aLl OkAy
The point I’m trying to make here is this.
Sephiroth (and most of the pretty men in FFVII) are constantly being woobified and forgiven of literally all their wrong doings just because of their looks, and it’s stupid. They’re forgiven for mass murder for god’s sake. Don’t you think that’s at least a little fucked up???
I’m not hating on characters. I’m hating on shitty representation. And portraying Sephiroth as some heroic hottie who Did No Wrong is stupid and inaccurate.
So love Sephiroth all you want. But don’t forgive him for murder just because he’s pretty.
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davaia · 6 years
hmmm... would you ever write a fic where... Qui-Gon is horribly disappointed by the Order (à la Patrician, but instead of hearing it from Obi-Wan—members of the Council try to persuade Qui to ignore some nefarious dealings); he leaves, becoming an independent negotiator? would this happen before or after Obi-Wan's apprenticeship? or his knighting? does Obi stick to him like glue, or does he stay in the Order growing, more and more disillusioned with it, then run into Jinn one day on the outside?
In typical Saner fashion, you’ve pretty much written the whole dang thing for me. :D Forgive typos--I’m only through nine of my fourteen cups of morning coffee. OKAY. Here’s how I’d tackle this scenario. Thoroughly disillusioned Qui-Gon leaves the Order after Xanatos (the proverbial straw on the tired-ass camel’s back). The Order flips out because Qui-Gon is their toptoptoptop best A+++ guns a’blazin’ negotiator THEY CANNOT LOSE HIM FFS. But nah. FUCK ALL Y’ALL, the Maverick it OUT. Done. Tapped out. Mama-needs-a-DRINK-and-a-XANAX level tapped out. He’s doesn’t even go into independent negotiating. He scrapes and gambles and wheedles enough credits together to buy himself a nice little cottage and garden plot out on the coast on Scarif or some nice-ass relaxing tropical planet. Fruit trees and shit. SO MUCH BETTER. Meanwhile, the Order is LOSING THEIR MINDS. So year after year after year after year they send Jedi to convince him to come back. Fail, fail, fail, fail, fail. Master? Fuck you. Knight? I mean you can TRY. Senior Padawan? You poor misguided thing--let me make you some delicious, home-grown tea while we have a chat on the porch and I Plant The Seed Of Doubt Forever In Your Mind Going Forward, Also Please Take This Fruity Coconut Shell Umbrella Drink Back To Mace He Just Loves That Shit. Qui-Gon probably sends some kitschy souvenir back with everyone they send his way--palm tree keychains, sunset holo postcards, dancing hula-banthas for the speeder dash, etc. etc. etc. Finally. FINALLY. The Order brings out the Big Guns: their rising-star negotiator, absolute stellar and unblemished mission record, Perfect-Padawan-Turned-Model-Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi. Even better: HE WAS MACE’S PADAWAN. Obi-Wan shows up expecting some sort of grizzly, angry, bitter beach-wampa but nah. It’s a giant, handsome, friendly, perfectly rational beach-mountain who invites him in for tea. Something something something talking something witty banter something oops sex???? something something OH SHIT OBI-WAN LEAVES THE ORDER TO LIVE IN A CHARMING BEACH-SHANTY WITH THE HANDSOME BEACH-MOUNTAIN. The Order’s collective heads explode. It’s messy. Do they give up? Or do they double-down on their desperation and keep sending Jedi after Jedi to convince Qui-Gon and now Obi-Wan to re-join the Order? I dunno. I haven’t thought that far ahead. I do know that Mace is getting TWO dancing hula-banthas this year. THE END. There ‘ya go.
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Last Jedi first reactions
So I saw The Last Jedi. I have to write down some thoughts in order to process so that I’ll even be able to fall asleep tonight! MAJOR GIANT HUGE SPOILERS BELOW
You guys, I’m not sure I liked it. And I really thought I was going to like it. I was expecting to be blown away, which I try not to do because nothing is worse than high expectations that aren’t met. In some ways, this effects how I see The Force Awakens too. I liked TFA a lot, but I’ll admit some of my affection was reliant on the fact that the pay off would be exceptional, at least in the second installment. 
To me, the Sequel Trilogy has had some missed opportunities in world building. For some reason, I don’t buy that it’s the same Star Wars galaxy we saw in the Original and even the Prequel Trilogies. It’s been driving me crazy trying to pinpoint why that is. 
Ok I’m rambling. 
Things I LOVED:
Ben and Rey teaming up against the Praetorian guards was the best action scene in the movie hands down.
Also the Finn and Phasma fight (and Phasma in general) but it was way too short
Felt great to see Leia holding a blaster again! 
I loved a lot of the Luke and Rey scenes. 
Thank Christ Luke and Leia had a scene together. That’s the only time a got choked up.
Snoke looked great I thought
I’m sorry but it was great to see Yoda and I did not expect that
Space Ellie Sattler (RIP wtf)
Kylo/Leia Force connection during the battle gave me chills. Goddamn right he didn’t pull the trigger
I kinda dug the Rey/Kylo Force bond which I didn’t think I would
Yes Billie Lourd was ALL OVER that movie! 
Poe in general
Crait looked amazing
Carrie would have been amazing in IX. I’m so, so sad we won’t get to see that.
Things I LIKED:
Poe and Rey met! Would’ve loved for more than a few words between them. Same with her and Finn. Great reunion but I would’ve loved another scene with them.
I found Kylo Ren 10x more interesting in this movie
Porgs were porgs. Any more of them and I think I would have gotten annoyed I think
Crystal foxes were dope
Intrigued by the Jedi Academy stuff. Looking forward to the inevitable novel/animated series
I can see why Mark Hamill fundamentally disagreed with where Rian took the character of Luke. Leia and Han have been spot on. I rarely saw of glimpse of Luke in that character. I’m sure that’s intentional, I just would not have made that choice. And FUCK THIS MOVIE FOR KILLING LUKE SKYWALKER
ALSO- Phasma is officially the new Boba Fett/Darth Maul. She looks so fucking cool, gets one goddam badass moment and then instantly dies. I can’t believe they killed her AND Snoke. You have 4 villains, movie. You killed half of them. I’d much rather see Phasma as Kylo’s 2nd in command than Hux. I’m so annoyed by her being killed. And she was introduced 2 hours into the movie ffs. Idk maybe JJ will resurrect her.
Leia’s space adventure....there would have been a multitude of much cooler, more realistic, effective ways for Leia to use the Force to survive that explosion. I’m not sure space flight was the right choice. 
I didn’t feel like Rose and Finn’s kiss was earned. Actually most of their whole thing didn’t work for me. Wasn’t super crazy about Canto Bight either
ALSO you put a CASINO PLANET in your movie and you STILL don’t write Lando Calrissian into it????
DJ was awful. Not a fan of DJ
Deus Ex BB-8
There were almost too many creatures? It felt like Fantastic Beasts sometimes
I wanted more of Kylo and Rey working together. That should have taken us into the final act only for something to happen that causes him to break away again. Rey hardly does anything in the back end of the movie (other than save everyone of course)
IF REY’S PARENTS ARE NOBODY JUNK TRADERS THAN WHY IS IT A MYSTERY IN THE FIRST PLACE...so many hours of listening to theories and that’s it lolol
Same with Snoke everyone thought he’d be some big baddie and he’s dead in a second like what were all the theories for 
Liked Amilyn Holdo quite a bit  actually. Was sad she died but it was in the most boss ass way possible
Sorry I need more First Order backstory where’ve they been hiding all of these GIANT WEAPONS. Every action scene they had a giant new weapon. Not to mention that planet they turned into a giant Death Star 
Loved the badass walkers, too bad they didn’t do anything
More Chewie plz
More R2-D2 please 
Ok I have to go to bed. Maybe I’m being too hard on it. If you liked it, please tell me why. I want to like it so badly. 
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Down to Earth
Volume: 1.
Number of parts: 0 / ?.
Pairings: Human!Nine x Rose.
Synopsis: "Instead of killing himself, he could rewrite his whole life and have a better one. He only had to use the Chameleon arch. And maybe finally be happy in a life where his past as killer wouldn’t weight so much on his shoulders."
A/N: Written for the @timepetalsprompts : Ninth Doctor fob watch AU.
“That has been my entire life story, running against the current and running with the current. Sometimes, running with the current is underestimated.” - Rem Koolhaas.
Once upon a time, there was a man traveling through all of time and space to satisfy his curiosity. Born in one of the most prestigious families of Gallifrey, he refused to follow the rules and codes of his own people to live his lives the way he wanted. Staying still and being the simple witness of all the course of Time wasn’t just something he could do. He would rather steal a TARDIS and discover the universe, and stick his oar in all the conflicts he could find. He wasn’t much of a fighter. He was just intervening here and there and fixing the small troubles that could have a repercussion on Time. Time Lords were only watching over Time and never went outside their planet. That’s probably why he had quickly become their special agent, their puppet. They had all control on his TARDIS and were sending him wherever they wanted him to be. Until he saved the galaxy from Omega. As much as they hated it, the Doctor remained a complete free spirit and never decided to stay on Gallifrey to take his responsibilities, to do his duty the right way. He had always been different from them, always had gone against the rules. He had always been an outcast, and now he had a reason to be considered that way. And he didn’t care anymore. He was doing what he had always wanted to do, and he was happy with that life. Whenever he was feeling alone, he found someone pretty interesting as his companion – they were mostly human – and was traveling with them. Oh, the great adventures! Well, until the Time War began. Until he was forced to come back and fought for his people and planet. But once again, he wasn’t much of a fighter. He had taken so many lives in that War. The lives of his enemies, but also the lives of his own kind. In the end, he had taken everyone’s lives but his. He had exterminated Gallifrey, the Daleks and the Time Lords and had run away like the freaking coward he had always been. Now, he was left alone in a universe he didn’t belong to anymore. He was hurt and bleeding and completely beaten. He didn’t see the point of fighting or traveling anymore but couldn’t find the courage to end his life. He had regenerated into a new man, hoping it would change something, but it didn’t. He was living with the remorse and grief and guilt of everything he had done to protect the universe. And he still didn’t have the courage of ending his life. So he had another idea. Instead of killing himself, he could rewrite his whole life and have a better one. He only had to use the Chameleon arch. He found his fob watch somewhere in his bedroom. He could say goodbye to his Time Lord life without any regret. He wouldn’t bear the weight to be the only survivor of an extinct race. He would turn himself as a human and try to fit in on Earth, a planet he had always been attached too. And maybe finally be happy in a life where his past as killer wouldn’t weight so much on his shoulders. The process was really painful but he didn’t regret it at any moment. The TARDIS was rewriting his whole life, creating a new ID for him along with a human past. Only then, his ship crashed on Earth, leaving him completely lost in London. From now on, he was Maxence Spitz, a science teacher, with a better future coming for him. It was to hope.
To be continued...
Down to Earth © | 2017 | Tous droits réservés.
In the next chapter:
But her questions were falling on deaf ears. No one wanted to answer her. The panic was increasing with every second she was left without an answer. [...] She was about to faint: something had happened to her Maxence, something that was really wrong.
Next →
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Buy me a coffee?
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seriouslyhooked · 7 years
Some Call It Magic (A CS AU) Part 12/?
When Killian Jones moves to Storybrooke he instantly senses something strange about this little town in Maine but he’s willing to overlook all the bizarre signs for one reason: the single Mum living next door to him. There’s only one problem. Killian is nearly positive she’s a witch, a brewing potions and casting spells witch. But when true love is involved, does a little thing like magical powers really matter? Story rated M.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9,Part 10, Part 11. Also On FF Here.
A/N: Hey everyone! So after a little mini vacation I am back with another chapter and this one picks up a few weeks after the magical reveal. It is all told from Killian’s POV and, as in the past, there will be a responding chapter from Emma’s POV next time. Not to worry though, because this installment packs all of the same cuteness I usually include and adds some elements I’ve been waiting to have in this AU since the beginning. Anyway hope you all enjoy and thanks as always for reading!
It amazed Killian every day just how much there was to love about Emma Swan.
Of course he’d realized since their first introduction that Emma was different. She was clearly a woman with depth and layers and intricacies that couldn’t all be garnered from a single meeting, but for there to still be so much to learn after months spent by her side was intriguing to Killian. Every day was new and different because of it, and every time they were together Killian glimpsed more and more into the heart of the person she was and the life she’d created for herself.
The more that Killian saw the more he found to love, and in every area of her world, from the home that she’d built for her and her son, to the business she’d created with her best friend, there was much to admire. For as guarded as she had been at one time, Emma was the kind of person who poured her whole heart into the things she valued. Everything she touched bore her unique and incredible mark and was made better for her presence. She was a true ray of light in a world without enough goodness, and it was impossible not to feel that sense of rightness this afternoon a few weeks after the storm with Henry had come and gone.
Currently the two of them were tucked away in the far alcove of the kitchen at Stay a Spell, stealing a moment of seclusion in the midst of a rather busy workday. It hadn’t taken much convincing on Killian’s part to get them here either. All he had to do was get his hands on her and whisper in her ear that he’d missed her and Emma was with him one hundred percent. Without hesitation she gave into the feeling of pure heaven that came every time the two of them were reunited and she put her other agenda items for the afternoon on hold for the short window of time that they could be together. But truth be told Killian had never doubted that she would be amiable to this suggestion to slip away for a moment with him.
These impromptu visits of theirs were fast becoming an every day kind of habit, so much so that Killian had begun to just slip into the café through the back door so as to find Emma faster as he had this afternoon. In fact, he was becoming so well acquainted with the schedule and the patterns of this place that he knew at exactly what hours of the day she’d have a fleeting span of time alone, and he’d made good use of that the moment he walked in today, whisking Emma over to a more private corner and bringing her in for an embrace he’d been yearning for all morning since they said goodbye.
“How do you do it?” Emma asked as they came up for air from a series of kisses that were right on the edge of all the heat and passion Killian wanted while still being restrained enough for their given setting. After all, they might be out of direct sight of everyone else back here in the alcove by the office, but this was still Emma’s place of business and Killian would never put her at risk by taking things further here than public acceptability would allow.
That didn’t mean he wasn’t sorely tempted to do so, and with Emma’s curves pressed against him and her fingertips at the nape of his neck tracing dizzyingly erotic lines across his skin and then along his jaw, it took everything in Killian not to lead her away from the hustle and bustle to somewhere they could truly be alone. He even grappled with the thought of taking her into the office just beside them and discarding the papers that he knew always littered the desk. They could lock the door, and though it wouldn’t be easy, they could try to keep things as quiet as possible… but no, Killian shook the thought away knowing it wasn’t in the cards, at least not at this moment.
“How do I do what, love?” Killian asked finally, his grin ticking up to one side as his gaze darted from Emma’s lust filled eyes to where her tongue poked out to wet her lips, prompting him to want to taste them all over again.
“How do you walk in here every damn time and send all my good intentions flying out the window?”
Killian chuckled at her question, knowing that even if Emma feigned frustration at these interludes she was hardly angry. Much as she might like to tease otherwise, his Swan loved these blips of time together just as much as he did. They were hardly enough, but they were anchors to get them through the long afternoon until they’d have more time together in the evenings. The promise of these moments when he held Emma in his arms was more invigorating than any other thing Killian had ever experienced, and though there was that old saying that said absence made the heart grow fonder, Killian didn’t buy it. He’d be happy as could be to spend the hours here with her and the last thing he wanted when it came to Emma was distance. He didn’t need space from her to realize how lucky he was or understand what a gift he’d been granted by earning her love, and he only accepted their time apart because it was a necessity of duty on her part and his.
“I don’t think they are good intentions love. Not if they’re based on a premise of me being denied a taste of you.”
The softness that settled on Emma’s features at his words mingled with the lingering desire in her expression was the perfect mix to have him wanting more. God it felt good to know that she was with him in this, and from the look of love on her face there was no doubt that Killian held claim to a large part of Emma’s heart. She wasn’t hiding any of what she felt for him or shielding her affections. Instead she leaned into him more and pressed another kiss to his lips that was softer and more gentle but somehow even more intimate than the previous ones.
“Do you always have to be so charming?” Emma asked, not seeming to mind the words she deemed ‘charming’ in the slightest.
“Aye, love. I’ve plans to keep you happy always, and I happen to know for a fact that you love my honest compliments just as you love me.”
At that cocky level of self-assurance Emma rolled her eyes, but she didn’t argue and from the beautiful smile on her face Killian knew he was right. Meanwhile he was merely thrilled that he could say things like this and it wasn’t throwing their whole relationship in jeopardy. Once upon a time not so long ago an expression of feeling like this might have been too much for Emma to embrace, especially when she was concealing the truth of her magic from him, but now it was their normal, as was her reply that she did love him and he loved her too that came with another kiss.
“Much as I might like to stay tucked away here all day, Swan, I think we’ve got about two minutes before reality comes calling again,” Killian said finally as they broke apart and Emma sighed before nodding and pulling him back into the center of the kitchen by the hand.
“You’re probably right. Ruby’s been awful quiet this afternoon, which means that she’s probably got something up her sleeve.” Wasn’t that an understatement? Killian thought to himself.
“She always does, that one,” Killian agreed as Emma laughed, filling him with a sense of joy so profound it couldn’t be diluted by anything in the world. Nothing could compare to that sweet melodic tone of Emma’s enjoyment, and he’d never tire of hearing it as long as he lived.
“Are you heading back to write some more?” Emma asked, pivoting to his plans from more discussion of her friend. Killian nodded, which prompted another smile and a look that told him his Swan was about to ask for a favor. Whatever it was he would happily do it for her, but still she asked like it wasn’t a given. “Would you mind dropping something off for me? It’s for Elsa and I was supposed to bring it to her office this afternoon…”
“But the roguish scoundrel who has seized your heart in recent months distracted you from your duties?” Killian filled in and Emma chuckled again at the hyperbolic narrative before handing him the box that was all packed and ready to go and patting his chest lightly.
“Yeah, something like that,” she replied as she bit her lip absentmindedly and the barest tint of pink flushed across her cheeks.
Damn if Emma wasn’t the most enticing thing on the planet when she looked at him this way, grateful and comfortable but still wanting him as he wanted her. It was the ultimate mixture of good things and impossible to resist, but just as he had suspected, interruption from Ruby did come in that moment as Emma’s fierce and feisty friend strolled into the kitchen from the front of the shop. This time, however, Ruby looked less thrilled at catching them so close to a kiss (though Killian could tell that underneath the air of command Ruby carried with her that she was still pleased as punch) and more fixated on an actual issue having to do with the café.
“All right, love birds. I gave you your quiet, cozy moment, but we’ve got no time to waste. We’ve got to get all of today’s orders done by three so I need Emma’s full attention.  I can’t ever get this ‘happy high brownie’ spell quite right and we need a dozen of them pronto.”
“We are so not calling them that,” Emma said with a stern look to Ruby, though it made Killian feel fantastic that Emma wasn’t shying away from the discussion of her gifts in front of him.
After everything they’d gone through weeks ago with Henry and the more extensive discussions about particulars of her magic that Emma and Killian had shared, there was nothing for Emma to fear and she knew that. But it still made Killian’s heart skip in a pleasant way to know he had her trust and the absolute openness that he’d always wanted with her. Since telling him the truth she’d fully let him in and over the past few weeks he’d gotten a crash course in all things supernatural as Emma went about attending the magical needs of the town with her friends and Henry began his ‘lessons’ with Belle and the others to learn to control his gifts and use them for good.
It was still shocking at times to live in a world where all of this was possible, and there were moments when Killian questioned if this could all be real. But then he’d witness first hand what the magic Emma had could really do and how beautiful it could be and he was convinced that this was something to embrace. He’d totally leaned into this new facet of his world and in the end he knew he was more than proud of both Emma and her son for all they could accomplish and their desire to use their amazing talents for a greater good.
“Why not? I thought a little alliteration was the right move. It’s cutesy, and you know nothing sells better in a small town than cutesy,” Ruby proclaimed, clearly not seeing the slightly problematic implications of referring to a series of baked goods as providing any kind of ‘high.’
“No one is saying we can’t be cutesy, but your name makes it sound like we’re spiking the brownies, Ruby,” Emma replied.
“Well we kind of are…” Ruby said and Emma groaned which made her friend grin.
Killian knew in the face of that smile that Ruby was just giving Emma a hard time, and he saw through the acted out innocence of just a moment ago, but he decided he should leave them to it. No doubt they would hash this naming business out amongst themselves and get everything they needed done as soon as he departed, but it was hard to say farewell and to leave Emma with one last kiss to her cheek and a soft goodbye.
“See you tonight?” Emma asked and Killian beamed down at her, more than happy at the way Emma’s question made no attempt at hiding how much she wanted to see him herself.
“Aye, love. See you tonight.”
With that vow and with a wave in parting to Ruby, Killian was off through the back door once more carrying the parcel in hand that needed to make it to Elsa. The walk wasn’t long to get there (though there were the typical friendly neighbors who would like to take a greeting on the street and make it a half an hour’s talk), and soon enough he was at the door of the very same office that had been his first real point of contact in this town all those months ago.
It was almost comical how much things had changed for Killian since that day, and on that fateful morning when he’d first arrived in Maine Killian never would have imagined that signing the forms to claim his new home would be such a hugely impactful move. But as he walked into the tiny office space Elsa used that listed the few properties available in Storybrooke, Killian couldn’t keep the grin off his face. He was just so glad he’d ended up here, and he’d always see Elsa’s help and her business as a touchstone that made everything else possible.
“Oh hi, Killian!” Elsa greeted as she came into the waiting space from the back office with a look of surprise that turned into a smile. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”
Killian shuffled around the parcel in his hand, bringing it up for Elsa to see and he watched as Emma’s friend began to understand why he’d come. Her once soft and curious smile turned even warmer, and a look of knowing crept into her blue eyes, which was at once playful and clearly happy for him and for Emma. Yet where Ruby was the kind of friend that felt the need to call out all things romantic between Emma and Killian at any given moment, Elsa was a tad more understated in her observations of her best friend’s relationship.
“Emma would have liked to come and bring you these herself but things are a little hectic over there today,” Killian filled in and Elsa laughed a bit as she took the box from Killian’s outstretched hand.
“Uh huh. And here I was thinking you might have volunteered just for an excuse to look for a new place.”
Killian was surprised at the mention of his possibly moving again. Why on earth would he want to be any farther away from Emma or from Henry? As it was it felt like living under a separate roof was painful enough even if they were right next door, and on the nights that he was at his house instead of curled up beside Emma he found himself wanting so badly to just be there in the place that felt more like home than any other. But from the kindness in Elsa’s gaze, Killian assumed there must be something on her mind that he wasn’t seeing, something that wouldn’t result in heartbreak at all.
“You know…” Elsa began a little awkwardly as she waved her hand around in a fidgeting gesture. “Because you and Emma are in love, and eventually, someday, you might be moving towards more than the admittedly cute set up you guys have going now.”
It was impossible to hear those words and not get flashes of exactly the kind of future Elsa was hinting at. A larger space would only be necessary for one reason, and that would be if Emma and Killian had tied themselves to each other fully and were on the road to expanding their family. His current place could fit any new additions, at least two or three to be sure, but there was something so desirable about envisioning a new home that didn’t harbor any previous memories. It could be a spot where Killian, Emma, Henry and any other children could build a life together all on equal footing and he had to admit now that the seed of this idea had been planted that it was taking root rather quickly.
“There’s no might about it, love,” Killian stated with certainty. “At least not on my end.”
Elsa smiled and nodded as if those words exactly proved her point. “Right, and I know it’s the same way for Emma. She’s not the kind of person to let go of real love now that she’s finally found it, so it stands to reason that someday you two might want the perfect place for all those next steps. Since you guys are moving pretty quickly it didn’t seem totally crazy that you might be ready for that now. Though to be fair you just bought a house three months ago… I’m not sure if you could justify moving quite so fast, true love or not.”
Considering the fact that his mind had latched onto this whole potential future life only seconds ago and was already running with it a mile a minute, it wasn’t crazy to Killian at all. He could just imagine the possibilities of that happy ending he and Emma might have, and while their current system worked for them now, it never hurt to be prepared. He wasn’t interested in rushing Emma into something she wasn’t ready for, and he would always follow her lead when it came to their love, but whenever the day did come that she and her boy were ready for a move like this Killian wanted to have all doors open and ready. He needed all paths cleared so there were no obstacles standing in their way because Killian never wanted anything to come between him and these two people who had swiftly become his family.
“Do you have some listings you could show me now? You know… just in case.”
Killian didn’t bother trying to be coy about the question and though Elsa chuckled to herself like she’d had him totally figured out from the start, he didn’t mind. He was just eager to see what hidden gems might be in Storybrooke and available should those next steps come as swiftly as he might wish.
“There are a few. To be honest though you’re catching me in the off-season, which definitely limits options. Storybrooke isn’t exactly flush with properties on the market to begin with, but by the holidays people aren’t really looking to relocate.”
“What about that older house on Winters Way?” Killian inquired recalling one specific property closer to the shoreline. “The blue one with the white trim. I thought I heard Mr. and Mrs. Hanson were considering a sale when I was at Granny’s last week.”
A blush crept over Elsa’s cheeks and she seemed a bit embarrassed at the mention of this house though Killian couldn’t understand why she would be. He certainly didn’t think any less of her for not mentioning that lovely home right away, but eventually she filled him in on her reasons for not listing that particular place or trying to push it on him.
“They are… but Emma wouldn’t ever want that house. Not when she knows it’s mine.”
“Yours?” Killian asked, knowing there was a story here somewhere.
“It’s a thing we all did a few years back. We all picked our favorite houses in town and made a dream list where we all called dibs. Anna and Ruby managed to snag their places already, and I think Mary Margaret and David might be in luck next spring since I’ve heard the Carlsons might be moving to be closer to family in Boston. But that house on Winters Way has been my ideal since I was a little girl.”
Ah. Well that changed things didn’t it? Now that he knew Killian most certainly did not want to tread on any toes, and Elsa was right there was no way Emma would ever want a house that was a dream of her friend’s. But that begged a question Killian found himself compelled to ask:
“And Emma? Does she have a favorite as well?”
“She might,” Elsa said with another grin as she rattled off the address to an older Victorian home in town that Killian was familiar with and liked very well too.
At the mention of it he could immediately sense why it would be Emma’s favorite, and now that he thought back he could think of a number of times when they’d walked by the stately yellow house where she commented on it or cast a lingering glance at the older estate. He knew in his heart now with Elsa’s guidance that this would be the house for Emma, especially if he could add some personal touches that he knew his Swan would enjoy, yet Elsa delivered some slightly disappointing news to dull his sense of victory.
“Unfortunately it’s not on the market at the moment. Trust me, if it was I already would have told you. Wouldn’t want anyone else ending up with Emma’s dream.”
“Definitely not,” Killian agreed. “But if it should ever come onto the market…”
“Trust me, you’ll be the first person I call,” Elsa said, but his face must have appeared still unsatisfied since she quickly clarified. “Only. You’ll be the only person I call.”
“Right then,” Killian replied, comfortable that Elsa would keep her promise and that this was probably for the best. He had a tendency, after all, of getting carried away when it came to all things Emma and he didn’t want to get too far ahead of himself at the risk that it might put undue pressure on the woman he loved. “But if you don’t mind me asking, Elsa, why haven’t you made your move yet? On the house I mean. It’s as you said, you wouldn’t want anyone else ending up with your dream.”
“It’s silly,” Elsa qualified as she cast her eyes to the ground, avoiding eye contact as she said it. “It’s just that in that dream I have, the fantasy where I live there and actually get to feel at home there, I always have someone to share it with and he hasn’t come yet.”
It was a vulnerable moment for Elsa to share with him, but Killian could understand that sentiment most profoundly. The truth was he had never given much thought for a dream home before moving here, but now that he was he knew none of it would matter without Emma. A house was really just a house, amazing as it might be, but home was defined by the family you kept and the people you loved who were closest to you. For Killian that meant Emma and now Henry, but if he didn’t have them he never would have tasted what home could even mean.
“I’ve no doubts your somebody is coming, Elsa,” Killian said kindly and Elsa smiled appreciatively though she still looked a little uncomfortable at how much she’d confessed so Killian tried to lighten the moment with some humor. “I mean now that Emma’s spoken for I can only imagine all of that boundless matchmaking energy will be devoted to you and Belle. Something has to come of that, doesn’t it?”
“Yeah,” Elsa laughed as she thought of her friends and Killian knew she was probably picturing the exact same scene in her head that he was where Ruby and Mary Margaret were leading the charge in finding Elsa her own happiness through any means necessary. “My friends never take no from an answer, and where there’s a will they always find a way.”
Killian agreed with that whole-heartedly and he was confident that whether it was through the determination of her friends or fate’s own interference Elsa would find her way to happiness. He had to believe that, especially now after he’d found his own so unexpectedly, and as he left her offices Killian was sure that good things would make their way to Elsa. Actually, if his instincts were right, they’d be here sooner than she thought.
Having now completed his duty to Emma, Killian could have headed back to his place to get some more work done around the house or with his writing, but he couldn’t bring himself to return just yet. It would likely feel too empty at the house without Emma or Henry to keep him company this afternoon, and he didn’t want to face that quiet right now. So instead he headed towards one of his favorite spots in town where solitude didn’t mean feeling alone.
The shoreline in Storybrooke wasn’t remarkable in many ways, especially on a calmer afternoon like this one. It was a place of sand and rock along the coast with the same cool breezes and light winds as any other stretch of sea he’d ever known, but its calming properties were never lost on Killian and today they were needed. After all of this talk with Elsa about futures and houses and further building on the life that he wanted, Killian was caught up in a trance of sorts where the only thing on his mind was how to take the happiness he’d found with Emma and secure it forever.
He’d been contemplating this very objective for some time now and in doing so he’d stumbled on the next logical step: marriage. In his heart Killian knew he was already bound to Emma in every way possible. This was a forever kind of love, a love that had tattooed itself onto his very soul and that would never fade. He would be hers for now and always, and though he didn’t need rings or a ceremony to tell him that, he couldn’t help but picture it in his mind. He wanted more than anything to give Emma everything and part of that meant proposing and then getting her down the aisle to be his wife once and for all. Which was why, not too long ago, he’d retrieved one of his family’s most precious heirlooms from where it had been in a box up in his attic and brought it down to have on hand whenever the right time did appear.
His grandmother’s wedding ring was something that Killian had kept in his possession since he was only a child of about Henry’s age. It was one of the few things he had left from his mum other than childhood memories that had dulled and grown hazy from all that time apart, but he remembered clear as day what she’d told him when she gave this precious heirloom to him just before her death. This was a ring that had been made for lasting love, she said, the kind of love that never bowed and never broke no matter what came.
Killian’s mother had told him all kinds of stories about his grandparents and how perfect they’d been for each other, and because Killian had been a boy and didn’t realize it would hurt her, he’d asked his mother why she didn’t have a ring like that from his father. She’d offered a sad smile at the question (and now all these years later Killian knew it was because his father had been nothing more than a right ass who abandoned all honor and notion of family) but she hugged him close and said that his Dad’s best gift to her had been Liam and Killian and she didn’t need anything else. But even after that sad mention of her own failed love, his mother also had one last piece of knowledge she wanted to impart on Killian.
“Wait for a love that changes you, son. Love that heals you, love that makes you strong and sure; that’s the kind of love you have to look for. Don’t settle for anything but that, and when you find it you never ever let it go.”
He’d been too young to really understand the sincerity of that request and as he grew older he’d started to doubt that his mother had really known what she was saying. No one he met ever instilled such feelings in him and he began to believe it was unrealistic that that perfect kind of love would ever find him. But then he landed here in the town Emma called home and he realized his mother was wiser than he once knew. She’d been right, even if to Killian’s knowledge she never experienced such a love herself, and it was her assurances from the past that helped Killian to know he’d made the right choice in loving Emma so absolutely and giving all of himself to her.
“Something on your mind there, stranger?” a voice asked from further along the sands and Killian swore it had to be a dream or a hallucination of some kind.
He knew that voice, had known it for years and years, and in some version or other he’d been privy to it his whole life. But the owner of that voice should be thousands of miles away, not just up the beach from where he currently stood. This had to be a trick of Killian’s overactive imagination, a final sign that Killian was indeed breaking mentally from the weight of all that he wanted but didn’t yet have. In fact Killian was so convinced that it couldn’t actually be the man he believed it to be that he almost didn’t look up, but then he did and sure enough his elder brother was there on the sands of the Storybrooke beach with a huge grin on his face and his arms crossed over his broad chest in a strong but also playful pose.
“Liam,” Killian said amazedly, not believing it as he rushed towards his brother and the two met in a warm embrace, one that had taken far too long to get too.
It had been so long since Liam was last on leave, and even longer since Killian and him had the chance to reunite. It was a sad reality of his life that he didn’t see his brother as often as he wished, and so this had to be one of the best surprises Killian had ever experienced. His older brother was really here in the flesh. He was safe from combat. For all intents and purposes he was home, and this was a great thing indeed.
“Missed me, did you?” Liam joked as he slapped Killian on the back to end the hug and Killian barked out a sound of shock and good humor, not bothering to answer when he obviously had missed Liam something fierce.
“You didn’t tell me last we spoke that you were getting leave soon,” Killian said, thinking to himself that he would have picked his brother up and planned some kind of real welcome for him, but Liam just grinned and nodded.
“That’s because I’m not on leave. I’ve turned in my papers and officially retired.”
“You did what?!” Killian asked and Liam laughed heartily at the outburst.
“You heard me.”
“Well that’s… well it’s crazy. You didn’t even tell me. For God’s sake you didn’t tell me anything! When did you get into town? And more importantly, how the bloody hell did you know where to find me?” Killian asked, though to be honest he didn’t care much for the particulars. He was just glad that his brother was here at all and he was still so shocked that this could be happening.
“Oh about ten minutes ago or so. Slow as molasses that bus from Boston was. I could have walked here faster if I’d only known the way. So imagine my dismay when I finally get to the house my brother’s procured only to find him absent.”
“Which begs the question yet again: how exactly did you find me?” Killian asked grinning as he wondered how his brother could have been in tune with him enough to end up out here on the beach on a chilly and otherwise uninviting day.
“You might not have been home, Killian, but that didn’t mean I went without a welcome party,” Liam stated and Killian’s mind flashed to an image of the whole town on his doorstep waiting to greet Liam. It would be just like Storybrooke for everyone to come out of the woodwork and introduce themselves, and with Emma’s friends in particular Killian could just imagine the interactions that could be had, but then Liam filled him in before his thoughts could run away much further. “I met one of your favorite neighbors and the lad told me where you might be.”
Killian should have guessed that was the case. Of course Henry would get a whiff of something like this. From what Emma had told him there was a long time when the only gift Henry ever had was sensing when big events were coming. It would also explain why for the last few days specifically Henry had been in such a good mood. Killian thought it might be because of the break that was about to start from school for the Thanksgiving holiday, but now he knew it had to be this. Henry was always wondering about Liam and when Liam would come, but he’d kept his arrival a secret to serve as the best kind of surprise for Killian. Killian knew he loved that lad, and here was just another bit of proof as to why he did.
“And Emma?” Killian asked, wondering if his elder brother had already met the woman Killian loved more than anything. It didn’t sit right with him that that might have happened, after all he should be the one to make the introduction, but then Liam smiled again and shook his head.
“Unfortunately no. I’ve yet to meet the woman that could steal my little brother’s heart, just the precocious boy she calls a son who I expect to call nephew someday.”
Killian should have experienced a sense of embarrassment at being found out so quickly, and if he were any less wrapped up in Emma and his hopes for their future he might have wondered how his brother could be here all of two minutes and know the innermost workings of Killian’s mind. But as it was he merely grinned and shrugged. What could he say except that he had the same wish too? There was nothing more to say unless he planned to confess everything to his brother right out here on the sands.
“I still can’t believe you’re here, brother,” Killian said as he shook his head, taking in Liam’s appearance once more.
There were all the usual tells that the older man carried of his time in the military. His hair was still cut short (though it had inched just past where it should be if Liam were active duty) and his posture was pristine. He looked bigger than even Killian remembered, and his undeniable presence had only grown more obvious since the last time they’d met. But there was also a softness to Liam right now that Killian wasn’t used to. His brother loved him he knew, and he’d always been almost like a father to him as well as best mate, but there was a gruffness and a command Liam always carried with him, one that seemed to be on hiatus so far on his trip to Maine.
“Well believe it because I am, and I’m thinking of sticking around a while if you’ll let me.”
“So you’re really out then?” Killian asked, still coming to grips with the fact that Liam had left the service. Sailing in the Queen’s navy was Liam’s life. He took pride in it, found his purpose in it, and had devoted himself in every way. He was a Captain and an honorable man but Liam Jones was synonymous with the word sailor, and this would definitely signify a change in the way he’d once been living.
“Aye. It was time. Hell it was more than time,” Liam confessed.
“So you’re ready for retirement then?”
“I’m ready for real life,” Liam countered seriously. “I’m ready to get to all the parts of life I’ve missed up to now. It’s like I looked up one day and I realized I forgot the navy wasn’t everything I needed. And since you’ve found what you needed here, it seems a bloody good place to start.”
“Well I can’t pretend I’m not glad to hear it,” Killian said eagerly as they began moving from the beach back towards his house where Killian wanted Liam to feel free to stay as long as he wanted.
“Are you? And you’re not the least bit worried that now that I’m here I’ll be questioning your choices? You’ve certainly hyped up the place and the people… would be a shame if they don’t meet expectations.”
Killian’s feet stopped at the implication and his body went tense. Though his brother had sounded passive in his tone when he said the words it made something in Killian run cold. The idea that somehow Storybrooke, and by extension Emma and Henry, would be on some sort of trial really got to him. Couldn’t his brother just trust his judgment? What did he think, that Killian just gave his love away to unworthy people without a care? No. He’d gone his whole life keeping himself from being emotionally entangled and at a distance from anything like real love. The woman who would entice him to giving it a chance was a marvel, and he didn’t like the idea that his brother would give Emma or her son something even remotely close to a hard time.
“Listen, Liam. Before we go anywhere I think you need to realize something: Emma Swan does not owe you anything. She’s not here to meet some standard or impress you. She’s so far out of the realm of possibility. Frankly she’s amazing. There’s no other word for it. But all you need to know is that I love her and I’m always going to love her. That’s not going to change. So if you’ve even a shred of a thought in your mind that you’re coming in here to interrogate or try and ruffle feathers I’m telling you it’s not happening.”
A beat past of silence where the two brothers just stared at each other and Killian felt like the air was too charged. He’d gone from so happy about everything to a frayed mess in an instant, but then the tension broke just as quickly as it set in when Liam caved to a shit-eating grin. Suddenly Killian realized he’d been had and he’d taken the bait all too quickly. Looking back there hadn’t even been anything in Liam’s tone to suggest he was serious, but here was Killian defending Emma’s honor to the bitter end.
“Even though it appears your sense of humor has taken a hit since moving here, I’m smart enough to know that any woman who can inspire happiness like the kind you’ve found the past few months is a true gem. You’re a lucky man, Killian, and if anything I fully expect that you will be the one I find unworthy of Emma when all is said and done.”
The sigh of relief that Killian expelled then was profound and he couldn’t help shoving his brother’s shoulder. Liam was an ass for toying with him in that way, but then again Killian hadn’t needed to rise to that challenge like that. He could have followed reason, but it seemed in light of everything that reason was overrated when he could follow his heart instead.
And as the two brothers made their way back to Killian’s home once more, this time with an understanding between them that this evening’s introductions would be positive instead of tense or uncomfortable, Killian felt that his heart truly was leading the charge. For everything he was doing now was in service of keeping this love alive and well, and he would not be thwarted by anything in his quest to procure a happy ending for him and Emma and Henry that would last all their days from here on out.
Post-Note: So to say I’m still thoroughly enjoying writing this AU is an understatement. I can’t explain how much fun it is to explore this story, and bringing Liam into the fray this week when I have wanted to do that since the beginning only added to that. Next chapter, as I said before, is going to bring Emma’s responding POV of meeting Liam and what that means for her to know Killian’s family approves of her. I’m not sure exactly when it will be updated, but I do still have hope that I can get this story written by the end of the summer and then maybe published on a once a week basis even after I’ve started my fall semester. Anyway thanks so much to all of you for reading and I hope you all enjoyed!
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yetanotheremptypage · 5 years
Happy Fanfiction Writers’ Appreciation Day!
It’s another fic rec list! Here’s last year’s, and here’s the masterpost with links to previous years’ lists. They are all amazing, so you should definitely check them out, but in the mean time, here’s some more. I tried to tag most of the ships and/or fandoms, so if you ship any of those or are in the fandom, check out the recs below the cut. Of course, there are plenty more amazing fanfictions/writers out there, and to them, I give a huge THANK YOU! Finally, for the shameless plug, if you have any interest in any of my stories, links can be found here.
all of my wrongs they lead me right to you series (Lara Jean x Peter, To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before) AO3 [In-progress]
Lara Jean and Peter Kavinsky reconnect 6 years after breaking up.
Peter's hiding a secret that could change everything.
A great look at relationships and the happy ever after we all want for these two. Plus Peter as a single dad. Perfection in every story, from courtship to parenting.
And All The Devils Are Here (Rosaline x Benvolio, Still Star-Crossed) AO3 [Complete]
It's a simple story, really: Girl meets Boy. Girl hates Boy. Girl and Boy infiltrate the most popular reality dating show on television to expose its unethical treatment of contestants and have to act like they're falling in love... And suddenly, the lines get blurred between the sparks flying on screen - and the real thing that grows when the cameras stop rolling.
Did you know you needed a Rosaline x Benvolio undercover Bachelor AU? No. But you do. Trust me. It’s by the same author as Falser Than Vows Made In Wine, which I rec’ed another year, and it is just as perfect.
Close To The Ground (MCU) AO3 [Complete]
“Not done,” Tony slices a hand through the air, and Peter shuts his mouth immediately. “Because you must have done something. Last I remember, your mother wasn’t an insect.”
Peter winces, but he can’t help mumbling an “Arachnid,” under his voice.
“Excuse me?”
“Spiders are arachnids, not insects.” Mask clutched in his hands, staring at the floor, Peter decides this might just be one of the worst moments of his young, ever persisting life.
(...or the civil war biodad au that no one asked for.)
Need to recover after the Starkson feels of the recent MCU films and/or the Marvel-Sony battle? Try this on for size. It’s so well-written, though, that it could make things worse. But probably not.
Elegance Cannot Kill A Man series (Sansa x Tyrion, Games of Thrones) AO3 [In-progress]
What if a good deed resulted in Sansa and Tyrion being married before Ned Stark's death? How would this change the Game of Thrones?
A series featuring a Sansa who is strong and smart, a Varys with a plan, and a Tyrion who has no idea what he's gotten himself in for.
This series gives me SO MUCH LIFE. In a recent review, I described it as the political fantasy epic the TV series wished it could be. Everything about it is amazing. Everything. I’m on the fourth one right now and literally everything is amazing, even the sad stuff. Just do it.
Happiness Can’t Be Arranged series (Regina x Robin, Once Upon A Time) AO3 || FF [In-progress]
Set during the Regency Period, Henry and Cora arrange a marriage for their daughter in an effort to save their family’s name and estate.
I accidentally stumbled across this series due to a OUAT hyperfixation relapse, and I think the relapse occurred so I would find this fic. The characters are so well written to the point that I hear the actors’ voices in my head, guys. It’s got everything: friends to lovers, arranged marriage, mutual pining. Also, we were robbed of Henry and Roland interaction and I didn’t know it until this fic.
Home (Sybil x Tom, Downton Abbey) FF [In-progress]
The lives of Tom and Sybil Branson, both in Dublin and Yorkshire, as told through an anthology of stories. Proudly AU from 3x05 onward.
I don’t remember how I found this, but in excitement over the Downton Abbey movie, why not read a brilliant AU where Sybil Lives and she and Tom get to be happy? It is a one/two-shot series and is complete perfection.
I Wanna Mash-Up With You (Brittany x Santana, Glee) FF [In-progress]
"People think that she and Britt just fall together when they're drunk at parties, maybe in between boyfriends. And Santana lets them believe it because she isn't ready for them to know its not the falling together that does her in, it's the fact she feels like without her, she would fall apart." Brittana & Quick. Lots of Unholy Trinity & Pucktana friendship too. Canon couples.
Full disclosure: I came for the Quick, stayed for the amazing Holy Trinity relationship, and wait with bated breath for the Brittana I know will soon come alive (For realz, at least). The characterizations are on point, and I love how it explores motivations for these early Season 1 moments.
Identity series (Leia x Han, Star Wars) AO3 || FF [Complete]
A distress signal reaches Coruscant after the Empire's demise, claiming to be the beacon of Bail Organa. what would the reappearance of Leia's adoptive father mean for her life in a post ROTJ context. What would he think of Han Solo, and what could he tell her about the dark shadow of her heritage? H/L; significantly AU, I suppose.
Kindle (Harry x Ginny, Harry Potter) AO3 || FF [Complete]
Life throws a lot of unexpected things Harry Potter's way, but his luck has been pretty good so far.
THE Hinny Modern Single Dad-Ish AU you must read. We’ve got Weasley shenanigans, Sirius/Jily alive and well, Teddy as the Ultimate Shipper, and Harry and Ginny being super adorable and amazing all over the place. Plus, Harry as his awkward relatable self. A 10/10 must-read.
made weak by time and fate, but strong in will (Harry Potter) AO3 [In-progress]
In one world, James Potter is wandless when he faces Voldemort.
In another, he’s not, and everything changes.
*incoherent screaming for years about how absolutely perfect this fic is: the A+ characterization, the magnificent world building, and the fantastic pacing*
Poe Organa-Solo series (Star Wars) AO3 || FF [In-progress]
“You’re Han Solo’s kid, aren’t you?” he asks.Poe has no idea how to answer that, on a foreign planet no less. There are two types of people in the galaxy - those who hear yes and want to buy him a drink, and those who hear yes and want to kill him. He doesn’t feel like finding out which type this guy is, but then again does he really have a choice?
Hi, did you know that Poe Dameron was adopted by Han and Leia after Shara and Kes’ tragic demise, Luke is Kylo Ren’s father, and Kylo Ren is directly responsible for the death of Han and Leia’s biological daughter, Breha, and deserves to die for it? No? Then you haven’t read this masterpiece. Please correct yourself.
the santiago-peralta family stories series (Amy x Jake, Brooklyn 9-9) AO3 [In-progress]
This series is goddamn amazing and follows the two most amazing detectives raising some of the most amazing kids. It’s so well written and so FLUFFY and just amazing.
we’ve been together as long as i can remember (but we only make love in the spring) (Sansa x Tyrion, Game of Thrones) AO3 [In-progress]
She is always cold. And thin, so thin. He feels her bones protruding under her pale, marble skin, even with the layer of her clothes in his way: ribs and hipbone and the sharp angles of her shoulders, shoulder-blades, the notches of her spine. He ran a finger over them, once, in one of his braver moods, almost down to the small of her back, and felt her shivering lightly under the touch. Made of steel, he had thought, then. Today, he rests one modest hand on her shoulder. She's not drunk, he knows she's not, but he won't risk her resentment in the morning.
Still, even with the privilege that is to know her bones, he wishes he had a whole harvest for her.
This whole marriage is winterbound. He wouldn't call it love.
"Thank you", she mumbles, eyes closed and face hidden on his chest. "You're a good husband".
He reaches for the tip of the nearest blanket to cover her and bows his head down to puts his lips to her forehead. "You're drunk", he answers, and she chuckles briefly, too tired to argue.
[Where all the wars are over; the Starks are starting again; and everyone waits for news of spring.]
This might be one of the absolute best versions of Sansa and Tyrion coming back to each other, with all their demons, and making something beautiful out of it, that I have ever read.
0 notes
moiraineswife · 7 years
um can you please babble on any thoughts regarding the inner circle + gifts both recieving and giving?? it's something my mind keeps bouncing back and forth cause i remembered rhys gives amren sparkly jewellry from time to time - just think abt who Suffers ('please just fuckin tell me I Need Help' vs who's flawless or who has too many things they could buy) or if any of them get emotional (my poor deprived bbys when it's their first gift ever) PLS give me your thoughts if u wil
okay okay let me see, let me see. Some of this is from past fics I’ve written that I’m shamelessly stealing (can you steal from yourself??) and some of it is just on the spot babble but okay. 
Feyre: Does not like giving gifts.  Does not like giving gifts because no matter what she does or how hard she thinks about it and spends hunting....Somehow it’s never quite right. And she tries, she tries so damn hard but, well, the Circle gets good at pretending they like whatever she’s bought. (She is not fooled. But she is touched that they try. And forever pissed that she can’t just give them money because ffs Rhys did you have to pay them so much all these years!?) 
Does not like receiving gifts either. It’s just....It always generates this Fuss and she does not like Fuss. She insists every year that they don’t have to do anything or get her anything she’s fine, really, she doesn’t want them all going out of their way to get things for her. Unfortunately for her she’s mated to Rhys and there is no way on this planet isn’t taking the opportunity to celebrate every single tiny thing he can about his mate. (”For the last time, Rhys, we are not making celebrating the first time you made me come with just my wings as an annual anniversary.” (Half-horrified, half-delighted Cassian in the background, “That’s what this is about!?”)) 
So she keeps getting plied with really good gifts which makes her hate giving them even more because she just feels guilty she can never find anything that good. She forcibly puts her foot down one year and puts a blanket ban on all gift giving. Rhys ignores it but everyone else obeys (just about....she’s sure that’s a new dress in her wardrobe..and she didn’t have that bow last week....and her paints have definitely been topped up....she hates them all.) 
Rhys: Loves giving gifts. Delights in it. Will use genuinely any excuse to buy gifts for everyone. Also loves shopping for gifts. (Feyre loves Velaris she really and truly does but there’s only so much she can tolerate wandering aimlessly around ‘RHYS. JUST KNOW WHAT YOU’RE GOING OUT FOR. GO INTO THE STORE THAT SELLS IT. BUY IT. COME HOME. IT’S NOT THAT DIFFICULT.’) Mor typically ends up going with him and Feyre is just, yes, take him, ridiculous male. Anyway, Rhys is one of those annoying pricks who just knows instinctively what people want and then he goes and gets them. 
A bit like Feyre on the gift receiving thing (his Circle have been ignoring him on this for years) He protests. They ignore him. Gifts are exchanged and it’s lovely. They don’t really do the whole party thing but they do make sure they all get him something and take him out for a nice meal or what have you so they can give it to him. 
Mor: would happily spend the rest of her existence buying gifts for other people and giving them to them just because. She and Rhys kind of have a friendly competition going to like out-shop each other. So every year they’re always trying to out-do one another on birthday/solstice gifts and see who can make the other happier with their gift. (They’re utter nerds, seriously) Mor gets the things people don’t know they need until they’re opening it and then oh yes, we need this. Rhys’ gifts can sometimes be more practical but Mor’s are always just ‘yes you definitely need a dress made of nothing but diamonds and starlight, have at it’ and they typically go down well. 
Shamelessly loves getting gifts. But it’s not so much for the stuff she just...Likes having everyone gathered together and opening things and seeing what it is and she’s like a child at Christmas every single year for her birthday. Really does subscribe to the whole ‘it’s the thought that counts’ type thing. She has a lot of stuff but her family going out of their way to find things she doesn’t have and might like touches her. Especially when they give her food. Which they inevitably do. 
Cassian: A bit more like Feyre but he has the benefit of centuries worth of experience. Hates shopping for things. Literally despises it. Very predictable in his gift giving, they can all tell what he’s going to have bought for them (it’s a game - guess the gift before they even open it and they have like a 95% success rate with Cass.) He doesn’t mind, his gifts are practical and pragmatic, he wants to give them something they’ll actually use and enjoy. Big fan of making things - weapons, food (Mor gets cake every year. Mor enthusiastically rips into the box every year and before she’s even tasted it announces they’re all having cake for breakfast. Mor loves these cakes more than some people) the occasional roughly carved decoration. 
Likes getting gifts. Opens them all in approximately 0.2 seconds but then spends a long time afterwards examining them and testing them and properly thanking everyone. Has definitely cried over well chosen gifts in the past. People are torn between wanting to get him something great because it makes him so happy and...Not because they’d rather keep their ribs intact and his happy bear hugs are infamous. 
Azriel: It is widely assumed that Azriel uses his network of spies and his shadows to deduce what his friends deepest, darkest gift desires are. He doesn’t. He’s just that good. Bit like a fusion of Mor and Rhys in that his gifts are always absolutely perfect but not at all what the person thought they wanted/needed. Quite subtle, understated little things but it’s always the gift that people pause over, that they linger when examining while he sits there just a little bit smug, basking in their shocked delight. 
Hates receiving gifts. Hates it. Always manages to somehow wiggle out of attending parties for him. Really doesn’t like people making a fuss over him at all. Like Feyre but jacked up to a million. Most of them just leave his presents somewhere he’ll find them later (because they might finally concede in not giving him a party/making a fuss over him but they are not just going to ignore his birthday and not get him anyway) Mor however takes it as her personal challenge in life to be able to properly give Azriel his present. Has definitely sat on him in the past and she always insists on taking him out somewhere for a meal so he can have a night to himself (usually does this within a months window of his birthday so he doesn’t realise she’s doing it (he does but he lets her pretend)) Feyre surprises him in being almost as persistent as Mor and the two of them team up to get him a small meal out with everyone on bigger birthdays. 
Amren: Too old for this shit. Very rarely bothers giving people gifts for special occasions. She’ll come to parties and things but doesn’t have time for all that nonsense. She will give people gifts if she sees something that she knows she needs to get that they’ll like but there’s never an occasion for it. The Circle all treasures the few gifts they’ve been given by Amren over the centuries. Mor still wears the diadem Amren gave her before her first visit to the Court of Nightmares as its queen whenever she goes. It gives her strength. Cassian has never dared use the jewelled hunting knife in battle for fear of losing it but it’s always strapped somewhere on his person at all times. Az wears the ear cuff she gave him whenever he wants to destroy Mor. Feyre keeps the amulet she gave her before going to The Prison for the rest of her days. She still wears it whenever she needs a bit of extra courage. 
The only person people actually don’t bother buying gifts for when she tells them to. They kind of subscribe to her idea on gift giving - if they see something she has to have immediately they buy it for her and just give it regardless of occasion but otherwise they don’t bother. 
Here u go friend, these are my thoughts. I hope they were okay??? 
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vermiliondrug · 7 years
Review: Mass Effect Andromeda (spoilers ahoy!)
This review is based on my personal experience with the game, I am open to discuss the game and its content as well as my opinions stated in the review, but please respect this is my opinions and my experience with the game.
This review contains spoilers! Read at your own risk!
I spent over 80 hours playing this game and I spent a lot of time doing side quests for everyone and their mother, didn’t bother doing the traditional “fetch” quests or those that require me to drive around like an idiot to find the objectives. Needless to say, the game is fucking huge and there are so much more depth to it than people think/know.
I thought that it was a good idea to spend so much time on the side quests before doing more of the story quests, that I ended up with 100% viability on ALL the planets and suddenly had a cutscene where Habitat-7 was named after my Ryder and they even mentioned “Meridian” as one of the channels they would hook me up to to tell of my accomplishments, when I hadn’t even heard or known of Meridian until at that point. A bug, I guess? Oh well.
Anyway, the game is really huge and the explorative part of the game is pretty satisfying. You can searach for minerals, craft weapons and armors and shite and you can upgrade the Nomad so it has the awesomeness level of the MAKO from ME1.
And speaking of ME1, the game is very much a better predecessor to ME1 than ME2 and ME3 were, because the game resembles it so much in style, gameplay and in overall feel than the proper sequels. The story itself is also kind of alike, with the exception that there are no reapers, but just… A tonne of kett and other dickbags making everyones life miserable.
 I really enjoyed the companions a lot. Both those you could bring on missions and those that you just had as crewmemebers on the Tempest. They felt much more part of the whole mission than before, they were part of the things you did and they were involved in some of the quests, both minor and major. The loyalty missions were somewhat okay, could have been… well, a lot more personal? But I loved the development the characters had afterwards when they finally trusted and felt comfortable with Ryder. PeeBee was probably the one that surprised me the most as I hadn’t thought that she was that much caring and the scene with her telling the rest of the crew that she saw them as family, warmed my heart so much. Vetra grew on me too, as well as Dreck, however, Cora was probably the one I felt was the most lacking? She was very … stiff and not very interesting, I liked her background story, but I felt like I was missing out on something with her due to the fact that I wasn’t BroRyder who romanced her, or maybe I just missed out on something?
Speaking of Romance, I chose to romance Jaal and I just… I must say that his romance was so sweet and nice. It was very romantic and he was such a nerd. :’) Just perfect for my Ryder and the sex scene was also pretty sweet and perfect. Totally get what people meant when they said that it was like softcore porn, but I guess it depends on who you romanced? Either way, they did a pretty damned good job and I loved it. Definitely going to try and romance someone else in another playthrough someday.
Storywise, the game is … okay. It is pretty much the same as ME1, with some exceptions and more twists and turns, but its nothing ground breaking. The game is probably meant to mostly introduce you to the new setting and characters and I can imagine that it would be way more fleshed out in a coming sequel. Most o the cutscenes looked really good, but the thing that probably have made most people hate the game before they even tried it, is the damned animation. Yes, it sucks, it isn’t really that good, but I honestly felt it was rather okay on my play through. Not sure if it is due to the fact that I used a custom SisRyder and used the default BroRyder, but most of the time it was pretty okay. The only thing I would say that bothered me A LOT were the eyes looking so distant and flat and not really creating a connection with you? Like, when you speak to some random NPC, it looks like they avoid looking at you while you talk to them and it looks a bit wrong too when Ryder is like “OMGOGMOGMO WHAT HAPPENED HERE” and their eyes are all over the damned place. If they just had a bit more life to their eyes, it would make the scenes so much better, to be fair.
With that said, I really don’t understand why people hate THAT much on the animation. I call it BioWare Quality because they aren’t exactly known for making groundbreaking amazing animation. Just look at the old games, why would you even think that they would make something “perfect” in any way? The original ME trilogy wasn’t perfect either, but it didn’t have the same type of open world feeling, except ME1, as ME:A has.
 So, all in all I would say the game is pretty damned good! It has it flaws and problems, yes, but I think we need to remember that we’re comparing ME:A with a trilogy that obviously had much more time to develop itself and it is also the “original” series, rather than the “new” game on the block like ME:A.
The animation is not that good, but is animation the ONLY thing in a game like this? No, there is so much more to it than that. The fact that I spent 80 hours playing this game and doing A LOT of side quests and yet have some left still to do, says how vast this game is and how much it can offer. People hating on the game before playing it or hating it for trivial things is just… stupid IMO.
The game IS good and if you’re on the edge whether you should buy it or not I would say BUY IT FFS. You don’t have to have played the original trilogy to understand what is going on, but you do get a brief explanation of what happened in the trilogy at some point so you got the general idea. However, when you collect all of the memory nodes, you will unlock sound clips that gives insight to your Dad’s work and how everything started with the Andromeda Initiative… It leaves me with SO many questions, but it also gives you a proper idea of the ties between ME:A and the original trilogy and why it all happened in the first place.
Considering how things ended in the game, it is fairly obvious that there will be more story related DLCs AND hopefully a sequel to the game. There are so many things that they have mentioned but not properly answered through the main story nor side quests, so I really want to see if they would take it up and actually come with an answer to everything like… Who are the Benefactors? What is the true purpose of the Andromeda Initiative? What is truly the story behind the Scourge? AAHH!H!!!! I need to know all of this!!
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