#I hate the lack of depth
lediz-watches · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel: Season One
Because I basically implied I was gonna do it.
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I have watched the first season. If you've found my fics you know I had a lot of fun with it. So now let's talk about it for what it is... so far. Because Alastor's semifinal scene... -gestures vaguely in mild frustration-
That annoyed me more than the end of Squid Game season one, now I think about it. But let's come back to it after we talk about the show as a whole.
Because I did really love it!
So the basic story, as per the pilot, is that the Princess of Hell is sick of Heaven killing her people every year, and so dreams up a rehabilitation centre, with the idea that sinners can redeem themselves and get into Heaven. But unfortunately, Heaven has their own agenda, and has actually decided to completely wipe out every sinner instead. The first season covers six months as the princess desperately tries to prove her hotel works before the next time Heaven's exterminators arrive. Spoiler that isn't a spoiler because the trailers said so: she does not.
And the fact that's not a spoiler is ultimately the flaw of the show. In eight episodes, they couldn't afford for that to be a spoiler - it was just an inevitable fact.
The long and the short of it is that the story of Hazbin Hotel's season one should have been at least eighteen episodes. I'm not saying that as a hater - I understand that this show was a risky, expensive sell, and eight episodes would've been tough to convince anyone to produce. They did great with what they got.
The animation on this show is genuinely amazing for its style. They skip the details in weird sections, but there's movement when it matters, there's character work, there's gorgeous little DETAILS. The soundtrack is great. There's only a few songs I didn't love, and the actual voice work is amazing. This was a well produced show.
But it was too short for what it was doing.
We needed an episode for each individual character, instead of sharing each one between two. I actually didn't mind Alastor not being in half the episodes, because of his whole deal, but when he was, we should have learned more about the overlords and gotten more foreshadowing. But we just didn't have TIME. So we got these snapshots of amazing characters and I just honestly couldn't bring myself to care about them.
Like Sir Pentious. I actually loved his story, and especially his final episode, but I'm pretty sure we spent like ten minutes with him IN TOTAL, so like... who the hell cares?
And I said in my post about the pilot that the show was going to hinge on Charlie for me, and... it didn't. It really didn't. Because she's... not developed enough. I simply didn't understand her motivation - or perhaps the word is 'believe' her motivation. She's this all-loving princess... from Hell. She loves her people... and wants to kick them all out of her kingdom? Not once in this series did I genuinely see an example of Charlie LIKING Hell. She LOVES Heaven when she goes, and she SAYS she loves her people, but... frikking show it, woman.
And the annoying thing about that is that because we didn't have enough time to develop her character, I don't know if that was intentional. Because there are a couple of instances that make me think it WAS. There's a subtle sort of cruelty in Charlie that could have been very, very interesting if I could trust that it was intentional. She rakes Angel Dust over the coals without noticing, she lovingly goes along with Alastor tearing strips off her Dad's already fragile emotional state, her way of saying that Heaven is going along with her is to gleefully point out "they're at each other's throats!", she's got nastiness in her, and... yet no one mentions it. So maybe it's not supposed to be cruelty, maybe it's just the writers are kind of nasty, and maybe I'm just looking for something outside her physical form that marks her as the princess of Hell.
Instead, I was sold on Hazbin Hotel by Vaggie, of all characters. Who in the pilot, was just THERE, as far as I was concerned. But her story of redemption and being saved by her ability to love, and having to confront who she was versus who she wants to be? That was lovely. I bought that. I would have liked more time with her to see how she used that love, but it was beautiful for what it was. I enjoyed Vaggie's character.
Husk and Angel were a nice little love story, but as I said in the other post, I wasn't there for it. I respect their episode, it was technically amazing, and I am in awe of everyone involved in the creation of the Poison sequence, while Loser, Baby has joined multiple of my spotify playlists, but... yeah, that's all I have to say about them. Enjoy, fandom, I know you love them. But I don't care. Their contracts are way more interesting to me than their characters, I'm sorry.
Niffty, the little darling. I love her. I love what she did. But she's comic relief and that's it. I have no further feelings about her. I am actually okay with that, as long as that's all the show wants me to feel about her.
But then... Alastor.
Oh, Alastor. You fucked up sacrifice to Heaven, Hell, and Fandom.
I mean, obviously I love him. Amir Talai is amazing, Alastor's design choices are fascinating, and the titbits of legitimate character we get from him, verbal or not (THOSE STITCHES) are sweet ambrosia, but... But.
I wouldn't mind if Alastor wasn't actually important. If he was just there to provide world building - if his whole deal was just sitting in the radio tower to introduce and close off each episode like the Greek Chorus, occasionally descending to connect the characters with people outside the Hotel, I would be very happy.
I would also be happy if he was actually a main character, working either for or against Charlie. I loved his scenes with Vaggie, and Charlie, and his duet with Lucifer was amazing, BUT.
As of episode eight, I'm not even convinced Alastor is actually a character! At this point I wonder if Alastor isn't actually a mask that Eve, of all people, is WEARING, and the man we think we've been getting to know sold himself to her to protect someone he cared about and hasn't been sentient since the day he died. GOD I hope that's just a crackpot theory borne of frustration because I AM FRUSTRATED with the hints and bits and pieces. And THAT is how I left the series as a whole. Frustrated.
Because just as the show IS amazing despite its pacing, Alastor IS a great character. I love Chaotic Neutral chaos goblins that save the universe because they're one of the idiots that live there. But by episode eight, I wanted some kind of closure. By the end of that episode, I wanted to be sure of whether I was rooting for Alastor to knock Hell out from under Lucifer's depressed feet, or for Charlie to save him from himself.
And like I said, right now, I'm no longer even sure he's REAL. And if all this just turns out to be Charlie's legitimately good intentions against Eve's revenge scheme... That's... egh.
That's less interesting to me. That's not a story of choice and redemption, that's just yet another love conquers all story and guys, I grew up on Sailor Moon too, but... can we try a new one?
Give me Charlie being confronted with her own motivations, and learning how to actually LEAD. Not just... repeat Vaggie's story of fighting for the people she loves on a grander scale.
(Oh god... I just realised how much that would cheapen Vaggie's story. Oh god, please don't do that!)
There's a theory that I saw that I'm a little in love with, about Alastor actually having been sold to Heaven AND Hell by his mother and father respectively, and that his arc is legitimately about him trying desperately to free himself from both. And THAT is an interesting story, and an interesting way for Charlie to grow, as she has to learn to realise that sometimes you get put in crappy situations and you can dig, and fight, and struggle, and all it does is drag you down deeper. Recovering from THAT is rehabilitation.
And that's the story I want at this point.
And I just don't think we're gonna get it in another eight episodes. Not when the Huskerdust nation must be appeased and Lilith's whole story needs to play out, and...
But. Whatever. I did love this series, and I will be watching it again, and if they release the soundtrack on CD I will be buying it, and if the show gets a DVD release I'll be buying that too.
But yeah. It was not long enough to be deep enough, and I end it frustrated.
...I'm gonna go listen to the soundtrack again.
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strawglicks · 6 months
huge fan of the idea that flint cant handle what he dishes out.
they are too shy to be confrontational so as a result they let ppl walk all over them which i imagine results in pent up anger that they release thru talking shit behind ppls back .
and i get this impression from this exchange right here:
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flint talking poorly of the satellites, followed by "oh no i shouldnt have said that" implies he KNOWS he shouldnt be saying it and will get confronted for it, further implying hes done it before. cosmo's rant also implies this is a common occurrence that, tbh, he is rightfully angry for. and most of the things he points out abt flint in said rant arent wrong at all.
flint can talk big all they want, but never to someone's face bc they cant handle the confrontation that comes with it. it's cowardly, there's no self-respect to be had there. its just flints attempt to feel confident/better abt themselves. and i really hope to see more of this aspect of his character, ESPECIALLY in canon since, apparently, this 1.3 blogpost isnt explicitly canon (which saddens me every time i think about it.)
btw i feel the need to add on that i dont think flint's wrong or lying abt the satellites. What I'm condemning them for is the fact they're talking shit but then cant handle the consequences. If ur gonna talk behind peoples backs and stir the pot, you should be able to say the same shit to their face as well. Cosmo certainly doesnt appreciate how flint views his boys, but i feel like even HE would have a little more respect if flint just had enough courage to say it to his face.
But they dont, because they look up to Cosmo and dont want to be on his bad side, making it even more difficult for Flint to be confrontational . he has no desire to start problems with cosmo HIMSELF, just the satellites. (ppl forget this and treat it like flint has issues with cosmo, but thats not true . flint admires cosmo, likely due to his confidence and leadership skills since its smth flint craves having for himself, and erasing that aspect is a HUGE injustice to a really fun and interesting dynamic !)
i feel like the detail that flint likes drama ALSO plays a part in all this. enjoys drama, probably watches it from afar, but the moment it involves him, hes a total coward lmao
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mintpopz · 10 months
its honestly really disappointing to me at least that Adam is just gonna end up as a Mammon reskin. Like, I dunno I saw his design and I had some interesting thoughts about the first Man, yknow? I found it interesting that they have him demon like features, suggesting that maybe underneath his holier-than-thou appearance and attitude, he really isn't that different from the sinners he kills. But he hides that part away, acting formal and polite and as much of a good little Christian boy under the eyes of God. When God isn't looking though? He would show his true colours instantly....
But no. They just made the angel say fuck.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
My disability-adjacent hot take is that subtitles alone aren't really enough. I have trouble differentiating where sound comes from, for instance, so it's wildly helpful to have clarification on where sound is supposed to be coming from (right versus left, ect).
On a related note, if your subtitles are not clear, accurate, or translated in the case of foreign language, your subtitles aren't good. I don't want to read a paraphrased, censored version of what people are saying. I want to know exactly what they're saying because omitting even one word can dramatically change the tone, implication, and the entire meaning of what is said.
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gay-artificer · 6 months
I've seen people be like downpour ruined how people see five pebbles and im gonna be honest if you were here for any number of years pre-downpour the fandom was always god-awful with the nuance in his character. thats not a downpour thing thats a fandom thing
#niche comparison but if any of you know angela from lobotomy corporation/library of ruina#in the years prior to LOR angela was probably one of the most demonized characters ive ever seen in my goddamn LIFE#NO ONE was going to bat for this girl as anything other than a absolute villain and bitch#i was and im sure some others were too but the vast vast majority fucking hated her#because she spends most of the game being mean to you and then betrays you at the end#and you had to read between the lines to get to “wait a minute whats happening to her is kinda immensely fucked up”#and this is someone betraying you at the end of a very /very/ hard game to 100% and beat proper#then LOR came out and fully explored the depths of her trauma and anger at the situation she was put into#how desperate she was too take something for herself and how little she cared about how the effected others because she was not given that#and suddenly it clicked for everyone!#suddenly she wasnt a heartless bitch anymore! but of course now you had the#'literal infant' crowd because it also explored some ideas of parental trauma/lack of experience with the world#but god it was way more refreshing to see people actually move on from 'theyre an evil bitch' even if it came with 'so shes like a kid?'#and i feel that way about pebbles tbh#i dont get super super into the iterator lore so i cant speak much for the quality across downpour#and its higher focus on them and their stuff#im sure it carries plenty of issues as many things will#but god people sucking at reading the room on the iterators is not new lmao#actually five pebbles and angela are shockingly similar....#huh?
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paging-possum · 2 months
3.5 hours of sleep does crazy things to ones brain and by that I mean. Murderbot gender thoughts
#I need to sleep so I can actually DO THINGS tomorrow#[I typed some stuff here but I hated it and deleted it]#and also (like as an it/its user) its very refreshing to see a character who’s gender is just like. don’t care.#and have the lack of care be a tangible stated thing#like its definitely GOOD to have books with trans/non-binary charactwrs where gender is discussed more explicitly#but they always just make me feel vaguely uncomfortable lmao??#so it is nice to have a character who is STATED in the text not to have a gender#but to not have it be a whole big elaborated upon beating dead horse gender discussion#it doesn’t care. that’s it. it uses these pronouns because it does not feel any connection to human gender and doesn’t WANT to#I’m definitely not analyzing this as deeply or as well as other people can for many reasons (one being. I am on 3.4 hours of sleep at 1am)#but just as a genderless person it feels very natural and comfortable to read#it’s the sort of thing where yes if it got discussed more plainly in text then maybe it wouldn’t get misgendered#but 1) it is already so obvious and 2) it won’t even talk about it’s FEELINGS#it explicitly says it doesn’t care about gender at ALL. in what world is MB going to have an in-depth talk about it’s identity like that#also idk I think it’s interesting to have it humanized in ways other than ‘we gave it human gender’ you know. feels like a cop out.#have it fuck up big time like an actual person
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unheavenly · 3 days
꒰ა ໒꒱
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no1ryomafan · 2 months
Thinking more about umbraclaw and while there’s stuff to critique from the gameplay side I think probably the biggest flaw of it is like everything to do with the writing, and I don’t mean just plot.
It’s one of those things where it’s like- The basic narrative of the story is got across well regardless of what ending you get-yes I did look it there being multiple endings lol-and it’s the first entry of a series so the story not being the best can be forgiven but it’s a shame NOTHING is super fleshed out. Not just the soul plane but the characters don’t get much at all, they kinda just exist as set pieces to move the narrative forward. Kuon, the mc oddly never talks that the characters always acknowledge it so she’s basically a blank slate and I’m unsure if it’s because we’re meant to project onto her/interpret her whoever we please or if it’s just to reflect she’s not like the others and she’s a normal animal.
We also don’t get to know enough about her owner that it’s actually hard to care about her other then “well she seems nice ig” since you can’t say you want to care about Kuon because she’s blank unless you really put yourself in her shoes or your own pet into her place ig. And don’t even get me on how LOCKE is so weirdly interrogated into the plot and clearly has more to him yet is left off being so vague, like we get teased he’s like you but never are directly shown or hinted at that. He’s just there as a rival but he’s not at ALL fleshed out enough or placed right into the plot even if he’s spared at the end which doesn’t amount to anything, he’s just there yet again to be a set piece that’s just a bit different from the others. (And also how he hints at a deeper theme of losing control of yourself in terms make you forget who you are but it’s not explored ENOUGH even if he’s there to reinforce it it only comes up in one ending)
Like this story doesn’t make me super angry to hate the game as I’m still gonna do another ending and overall playing it is a really interesting experience I won’t get from anything else, but maaan if we get a sequel I hope the plot is reworked significantly cause it sucks how it’s “not a bad story but also a story with no substance”.
Its something that’s satisfying only because it’s a what you see is what you get thing but doesn’t have anything deeper to really pick at.
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You are seriously my favorite blog right now. You opinions and meta for ikevamp are so spot on. You somehow are able to flush the characters more than the canon. I just wanted to say I appreciate all the time you put into your writings and I love everything you have written so far!!!!
In Comte and Leo we trust 🫡
Aww, thank you so much! 💛💛💛
Honestly I have no control over the brainworms, I feel like Ikevamp is so saturated with implications that extrapolating becomes so much natural fun for me. I started writing and analyzing (with no supervision to stop me, big mistake) and I'm still so fascinated with it. I can't believe it's been almost what...four years? Five years? Since I started playing the Japanese version where this all began. I'm frankly flattered a lot of people agree/like my takes, it makes sharing my work really rewarding in ways I never expected~
I don't always have time for more than Comte thirsting and silly quotes these days, but you're more than welcome to enjoy what I've curated here! I imagine I won't stop shitposting until the app is discontinued, and even then I'm not confident I'll shut up 🤣🤣🤣 Comte's the best baby girl I've ever known lmfao
#tysm for such a kind ask! this made my day <333#pureblood propaganda#(people need to stop validating my breaching containment it only makes me more powerful /j)#sometimes I wish the eng ver implemented more of the depth and hank pank from the og more consistently but alas#localizations are a bit of a hit or miss business im afraid#i also love how i've inadvertently created a sad pureblood fan club over the years (not you vlad)#(you can join after you've had your time out like a good boy)#but in all seriousness i find their lives strikingly saturated with complex emotion and subtle tragedy/melancholy#ig for a lack of a better description i just feel like they're relatable?#like yeah if i was leonardo and my abusive family could harass me forever#i would also be incredibly guarded and set in my ways to protect myself and probably hate vampires and their power plays#if--like comte--i felt a sense of identification with the people i was pressured to subjugate#i'd feel lost and empty too; unable to co-exist with my own kind but also inevitably at a distance from humans#both scenarios create an emotional and relational quagmire#and i think what's even harder about it for both of them is that they just have no choice--and rather few allies besides each other#all they can really choose is duplicity if they wish to remain true to themselves and reasonably survive#and i think that's a really exhausting/somewhat self-impoverishing position to be in#comte tries to subsist on ephemeral moments he shares with people--with varying levels of success (little)#leonardo forces himself into stasis bc if he doesn't he'll keep making the same mistakes#aka getting too close to people and getting hurt when their time ends#ive prbly said all this before but idk in light of so much i've learned since starting this blog#the allusions to vampirism being a vehicle for certain 'othered' identities seems boundless to me (domestic abuse/class structures/nd etc.)#vlad is a pureblood but he seems like one of those flat movie vampires pandering to the aesthetic obsessions of a v particular audience#any story needs both flat and round characters--so naturally his existence serves a purpose/function; nothing wrong with that#but i find myself to be too Shrek to be v invested in him (FAVES HAVE L A Y E R S)#ig i just think its very easy and a bit bland to associate vampires with horror/gore/unmitigated violence/extreme emotionality#but much more engaging to explore the status of monstrosity as it relates to oppressed identities and unconventional kindness#or maybe that's just the monsterfker in me--in which case sorry everyone being cringe on main (it will happen again)
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windupaidoneus · 1 year
ok ive finished the dlc so now i can properly say my least favourite thing about dragon age awakening is that the women feel like an afterthought & don't fit in the group at all. & i want to care about them & their banter so much. but i really don't because the game is giving me fucking nothing
#dragonageposting#IM SO FUCKING UPSET ABOUT THIS. i was thinking abt it so hard last night.#(crying) please join my polycule why wont you fit in my polycule videogame why didnt you let the women fit in my polycule#it doesnt help that anders & oghren's banter w them is insufferable. especially oghren#sigrun is SUCH a sweetheart & i adore her i really do but her & velanna are just so... lacking compared to everyone else#& it's by design! & i fucking hate that it is!#did i fuck up something? did i miss quests that would've made them better? even then i don't know if it would fix the issue#with oghren you already know him beforehand hes got a whole plotline & everything in origins so its like. it fits within the plot#anders shows up at the centre of the main plotline. at the start too. he integrates himself as part of the group very easily bc of that#nathaniel also has very good reason to be there! you killed his father! he hates your guts but hes not a bad person! he has depth!#he is given the opportunity to fit in a group whose leader he comes in loathing#justice would be part of the 'you're making it hard for me to care abt this character' group if i didnt know abt him showing up in da2 prob#but even then his quest just. felt longer. he was given more to do than both velanna & sigrun#not only that but hes a spirit possessing a corpse which makes his deal very unique#i was elated to meet sigrun bc i love the legion of the dead but they just. didn't give her much.#& the whole thing w velanna wrt seranni is like;.. barely touched on. i was so disappointed the quest was so short#the women are just given nothing compared to the men & i fucking hate it i wanna care about them so bad. i want to care. so bad.#they didnt even allow me to have either of them do their joining like??? what?? it mightve been a glitched thing or w/e but??#i was just forced into the climax of the game without either of them doing their joining. and it fucking sucked#idk the later parts of awakening feel rushed. like they didnt plan to actually wrap it up & had to do it hastily.#the beginning was so interesting & i was genuinely having such a good time but by the end of it i was just tired#we barely got anything on the architect i was also hyped for him but then it was kind of nothing.
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poptartmochi · 1 year
your honor. how am i supposed to process 40 boxes of books...
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sapphic-storm69 · 1 year
POV: you’re staring at the person who made the saddest, most depressing movie you’ve ever seen, into a meme
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#this is about joker (2019) btw#like sorry you didn’t have the mental capacity to understand it but like….. you don’t have to understand the underlying themes and metaphors#to understand that this was a sad movie#ain’t no way bitches looked at this movie and said ‘yeah this shit hilarious haha’ how ignorant you gotta be to think that#joker 2019#‘the world does not shrink to your size just because you lack the depth to understand it’ said wonderfully by jaboukie on twitter#like I fucking hate everyone who participated in the meme bc like…… idk I think it’s disrespectful to all the wonderful people who worked on#it#also bc it’s fucking annoying and I loved the movie and it’s reduced to what? a fucking meme?#you look at a man who struggles all throughout the movie. who obviously needs mental help yet is denied by everyone who has the power#TO HELP HIM!!!!! don’t tell me this doesn’t remind you of something?#and NO!! you’re NOT just like him!#and yes you can relate to him but it’s the fucking incels on Reddit who sit on their ass all day and argue with random people#on the internet who say it.#it’s the bitches who victimize theirselves when they have no right to do so that say ‘he just like me’#he’s been made into this fucking caricature by people who lack the ability to analyze and understand media#I know for a fucking FACT that those people said ‘why do wr even need English class lol we SPEAK english 😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣’ ain’t no way….#people who have been pushed and prodded and abused by the system#who have suffered and not given a chance to fight back#THEY’RE the ones who at allowed to say ‘he just like me’#NOT the people who have no idea what that’s like!!!!!!!#sorry I’m passionate#lol#rant post#rant
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jvzebel-x · 1 year
#theres something viciously... the word for it seems immature-- about the attitude of#'kindness&happiness is the result of inexperience or a total lack of bitterness at life for the conditions of existing' lmao.#maybe its bc the vast majority of the ppl ive met who openly hold these views are not only snide&selfabsorbed#they v clearly have not actually dealt w anything that isnt actually laughable in the grand scheme of things lmao.#like sorry mommy&daddy were mean to you growing up. sorry ppl picked on your or whatever so now you think its your godgiven right#to be shitty to everyone you feel didnt have it as hard as you did lmao. sorry you had to go to church for a couple years#&then when your parents let you leave the religion they didnt abandon it w you out of solidarity lmao.#sorry that someone cheated on you or whatever&now every person youre attracted to needs to put up w your abuse bc you cant#be a grown up&grow the fuck up lmao.#truly the only thing im REALLY sorry about is the fact that these ppl are so fucking loud for no fucking reason LMAO.#like if you hate everyone so much then pls by all means DONT MAKE ANYONE DEAL W YOUR LAME ASS.#trust no one is actually interested in hearing about how much more advanced you are as a person bc you tripped one time&ppl laughed#or whatever other extremely pathetic thing that you not only think gives you the right to be shitty to ppl you dont know#you ALSO think that it makes you fucking special when really if your entire identity is based off how much more enlightened you are#bc youre an asshole you dont actually have a personality or any form of depth.#youre one of those cardboard cut-outs that has preset vocal recordings that go off w motion detection#&hopefully someone puts you out w the trash to save everyone else the trouble lmao.#... ppl have not been appreciating how much effort i put into self control recently lmao.#&that isnt necessarily a bad thing or even a thing worth noting most times but like.#i have been in the mood for Blood lately&i will eventually stop choosing my own if continues to seem to be way more useful#to go for the throat lmao.
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arcadeghozt · 2 years
trying soo hard to shut up abt the way barry’s character was handled in the post-coma seasons but the more i think abt it the more pissed off i get what in gods name were they thinkingggg
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#i wanna move on bc i know im getting annoying but :/ this sucks so bad. they massacred my boy LITERALLY </3#👻.evp#like its not even just the lack of him getting anything in s13#but also them never further exploring his redemption arc in any actual depth#or taking time to explore his new dynamics w the team or even just any of the wider implications this character shift of his brings#hell even his friendship w archer is ridiculously underdeveloped for how much history they have. wheres the nuance. wheres the flavor.#itz soo frustrating this is such an interesting new direction to take him so why dont they do ANYTHTJNG WITH HIM#AND 12x8 DONT GET ME STARTED. barry’s repressed resentment towards archer was finally given some more focus#yet it wasnt rly. touched on. in any depth or detail.#like they just parroted the same shit we’ve known for years#instead of actually delving into what this means for them now that they’ve grown as friends#there were instances here and there where it felt like they were going to get into it but they never committed#i keep saying it but my god he was sooooo lazily integrated into this episode it drives me crazy. what was the point.#like it genuinely feels like they only included him here to heighten the stakes rather than out of an actual desire to continue his arc#which like. ok fine if that was the initial plan but also u can do both its not that hard i prommy#makes me so mad i was SOO EXCITED for this episode when it was set to air#and it ended up being one of the biggest disappointments in this shows run to me. mission: difficult my detested i HATE UUUUUUUUU 👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹#like if thats truly the last we’ll ever see or hear from him again thats rly fuckin disappointing :[ what a lame way to send him off#on top of that there’s zero followup to any of this shit in s13#like i dont expect him to be a primary character or whatever but like. why didnt they even attempt to provide any closure#let the man haunt the narrative a lil or SOMETHING#archer watched him die in his arms and now he has to work under the man who’s indirectly responsible for it#and u have NOTHING to say on that??? HUH????#like. aauuuuuuugh idk man this shows so annoyinggggg#there was sooo much potential here but the execution of it all was just so boringgg IT COULDA BEEN GOOD IF THEY CARED MORE THAN NOT AT ALL#whatever i guess who fucking cares. anyway cookie batter
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myrfing · 1 year
you ever give someones video essay you sort of disagree with a shot and then You still disagree with them. Thats crazy
#she said Us was a movie about middle class fears of the envy of the working class. which yes. but no. but that like.#it cant be about the working class because of its depiction of them as growling horror villains#which. also removing the aspect of. the tenderness and understanding in the film between the protagonist and the supposed antagonist#and the narrative weirdness that makes you question who is who and who was there first being a thing#to feed into the argument that contempt is the sublimation of envy and Explains a lot about society.com#anyway this is just one part of the video and other bits actively spun the is this ME question i kept afloat while watching it#but is it the truth that envy drives moralistic thinking just because it sounds more self aware and enlightened 6_9#after all even before religion and before masters and slaves people did have a sense of good or bad#based more around pain pleasure and functionality right#and can envy explain the contempt of people who dont want what they contempt.#i think its easy for some people in some positions to say like oh well they’re just envious and lying to themselves to feel better about it#and it’s hard for these same people to imagine i guess the depth of a contempt without desire. they must not truly hate me#they only want what I have and bemoan their lack of it.#but does everyone want the same thing. i.e. if you are disgusted by extravagance consumption opulence whatever is it always just envy#if you believe wealth and excess power robs everyone within it of something you actually desire#or is that just envious self-delusion. who knows#in this way of thinking some things are never possible or mutable because once the tables are turned and the envious desire is fulfilled#then people only will ever become corrupt because the substance of it always mattered less than emotional gratification#which maybe has been the pattern but is that it is that just ze human condition forever#?_?. i get the video wants to focus so it discards a lot of these things but i just dont think they can be extricable#also she said flaunting wealth is an american phenomenon LMAO. I was chinese once#also that black swan was about the sublimation of envy into artistic perfection (yes) but also not about the humanity it robs#in the proccess.
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aquarium is arguably the worst fucking haken album and it kind of sucks but its the kind of thing where if anyone else says it sucks theyre wrong
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