#I have like.... an attachment to Mirio
shxtodxroki · 11 months
Spoilers for MHA Season 6!!!!!
Without a doubt the two times I've cried hardest in all of MHA (the anime, not counting anything in the manga) were when Mirio lost his powers and when he got them back
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faulty-writes · 1 year
Maybe some headcanons where Bakugou, Tamaki, and Mirio are hit by a quirk that makes them behave mostly the opposite of themselves for a few days to a week.
Bakugou is kind and gentle towards the reader and so visibly in love. He's become quite the gentleman!
Tamaki is super energetic, extremely romantic, and declares his affections in front of at least his entire class.
And Mirio is so very, very gloomy but he's practically attached to the reader and says they're, "One of the precious few rays of light left in this gray, gray world."
[ I really like this request. Hah, personality changes are the best! ]
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Katsuki's behavior shocked everyone, including you. Being his usual hot-headed self, he ended up in a quirk accident that changed his personality. When Mr. Aizawa assured you, the effects would be only temporary, you were grateful because Katsuki acting so…sweet, and gentle was just as frightful as when he was his usual self.
Normally, he would be protective of you, but now it's different. "Here, I don't want you to get wet," he said, holding the umbrella over you while he got soaked. "Nothing will happen to me, but someone like you shouldn't be caught out in the rain," he smiled sweetly at you while you trembled in response.
If someone talked to you in the wrong way, he'd pull you close and say, "Please don't speak that way to Y/n, they mean a lot to me, yeah?" Despite this, his loving gaze resembled his angry one and you tried to believe that the real Katsuki Bakugou was still somewhere inside him.
"Let's cuddle!" he would announce bluntly, no matter who was around. If you didn't respond fast enough, he'd pull you into his lap by force. He'd have his arms wrapped tightly around your waist as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck.
There was more thought put into your dates and he showed a greater interest in your hobbies. He would take you to your favorite restaurant or spend the evening in the dorm reading or watching a movie. He didn't get angry when others commented on how romantic or sappy he was, unlike before.
He could only react in anger when the effects of the quirk wore off and everyone shared the stories of what he did. "What the hell do you mean I did all that!?" He demanded, explosions sounding from his hands. It was only natural for you to smile because you missed the hotheaded Katsuki.
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"Stay close to me, I love you so much…you're so kind and sweet and I can't bear to be apart from you!" To say Tamaki's reaction was surprising would be an understatement. It was like his hero persona times a thousand when he talked so bluntly about his affection for you. But his sudden personality change was credited to a quirk incident.
"I got these for you! They're so gorgeous, just like you. I…I just wanted to thank you for being my biggest fan and….love. I love you so much! I don't care who knows it!" He said after marching over to your desk in the morning and presenting you with the largest bouquet of flowers you had ever seen.
"Wow, another love letter for you! Guess this quirk accident brought out the more loving side of Amajiki, huh?" Nejire teased. It was clear she meant no harm, but Tamaki's love letters were beginning to get out of control. Since the incident, you must have found one to two in your locker every day.
During training exercises, it was normal for friends to cheer for you, but Tamaki took that to another level. The fact that he shouted your name enthusiastically and formed letters with his tentacles was endearing, but it was also distracting.
"Don't rub it off this time, okay!" He said, pressing a small kiss against your cheek. "I just want to kiss you forever!" he exclaimed trailing kisses across your reddened face. You hoped you wouldn't have to adjust to his lack of shame when it came to public affection.
"T-that's horrifying! W-why would I d-do all that!?" He squeaked out, hiding his face behind his hands as he appeared to be close to a panic attack. While part of you missed the proud and outspoken Tamaki, this version was the one you loved.
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A quirk incident transformed Mirio into an emotional rollercoaster in a whole new way, and all the good parts of his personality vanished, leaving only doom and gloom behind.
As a result, he lost all his confidence and motivation, not to mention he questioned his purpose as a hero. "Don't get me wrong…having a quirk is great…but…my quirk is just so lame compared to others and if I don't have a cool, flashy quirk..then what's the point?" You wondered whether those were his real thoughts or if his mind was also thrown back to middle school.
"You're truly my only source of sunshine…the rest of this world is…dull and gray to me…" Mirio sought your company whenever and wherever he could, he didn't care if others were watching when he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close, almost as if he was trying to hide from the gray world he described.
As his self-confidence dwindled, he refused to attend class and skipped hero training. To your surprise, he began discussing new dreams unrelated to his previous lifelong dream of becoming a hero. These included exploring new interests and hobbies and you could only remain supportive.
"I can't stand this gloomy world without you. If you left…I don't know what I'd do…I'd just wither away," you assumed this was his way of expressing his gratitude that you hadn't abandoned him during the long week following the quirk accident.
"Hah! Wow, really? I can't believe that quirk accident made me think so negatively about becoming a hero and yes, my quirk may not be flashy but I can still save the world," he said after all the quirk effects wore off. Then he poked your nose and with a cheesy grin said, "Thanks for putting up with me! I totally owe you one!"
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dancingbabya-notes · 9 months
Their name for you
Your partner didn’t always call you by the nickname he has for you now, but there was a reason that he started referring to you that way.
Characters: Togata Mirio, Amajiki Tamaki, Shinso Hitoshi, Bakugo Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Kaminari Denki, Kirishima Eijiro, Shoji Mezo, Todoroki Shoto
!!!this version is fixed and has the rest of todoroki's part!!!
You simply shook the snow that was covering your wings and quickly melted sending a terrible chill up your spine. “Fuck it’s freezing.”
“Oh, come on L/N, it’s not that cold.” Yuyu laughs as she throws another snowball at your back.
Squeaking when the snow slides down your skin between your wings. “Yuyu!” Your quirk picked up making the immediate section around you colder.
Suddenly someone’s hands were on your shoulders. “Now Birdy, calm down a little bit. If you’re cold I can just keep your warm.”
You nearly shoved your classmate away with your wings, but the bandage that was holding two of the four in splints prevented that. “Mirio, I’d beat you if I could.”
“Awe come on Sunshine, don’t pout.”
Sighing a bit, you lean back into his hold. “Fuck off.”
“That’s my Birdy.”
You quirked a brow. “You know if anyone, but you called me birdy I’d probably get suspended.”
Feeling his chest as he hums you roll your eyes before continuing the walk to class.
“Y/N.” you whip around completely forgetting where you were and the pile of fabric that your classmates had stacked on your head to see how much weight could be put on your head before you stopped working-- which was a lot more than they thought so they stopped mid-way.
Your body teetered as you tried to adjust it, so you sat properly-- not a poor example of a shrimp while you were working on your projects-- and you also fell backward because a lot of the fabric was still attached to the bolts. Before you could fall back into the precariously placed bag of sewing supplies, arms pulled you up, so you were at least on the tips of your feet as Amajiki kept you from sustaining further injury than was allowed.
“Sorry Amajiki,” you chuckle a little bit glancing at the mess behind you. “Damn I could have sworn I told them to clean up everything after they were done.”
“Are you okay Lovely?” His face was red, and he would probably pass out if he didn’t calm down soon.
“Yes, I’m fine, but why the nick name all of a sudden?” you chuckle making sure you had a clear space to stand.
You could just see his head practically burning up from how red he was getting. “ I- I
Smiling, you give him a quick hug. “I like it, Tamaki.”
He stood there for a moment before pulling his tall form into a ball on the ground, incoherent rambling comes out, but you did hear a mention of your name and how he thought lovely suited you which made your ears burn as you tried to busy yourself with cleaning up the mess.
He could have been stereotypical and called you “Kitten” or “kitty” but no. You didn’t remember a cat in his eyes, and no matter how much he argued that he was a cat person, your personality was not cat like.
“Puppy, are we out of the cat treats again?” Hitoshi asked one day while you were busy cleaning the bathroom.
You nearly took out the tub spout with the speed with which your head came up, recoiling from impact you fell face first into the cloth you were using to clean the tub. There was no worry about chemical burn you were rinsing the tub which made how you hit the tub spout even more confusing. Hitoshi runs into the bathroom to see what happened and if you were okay.
Although it was a bit strained you managed to speak. “Y-yeah we ran out a few days ago I wrote it on the fridge.”
Shutting off the water and checking the back of your head for any sign of blood Hitoshi groans. “Thats not important are you okay puppy?”
There it was again. You look up at him, eyes big as you point to yourself. “You mean me puppy?”
“Yes, you’re…
He didn’t get a chance to finish his explanation as you ignored the slight throbbing in the back of your head as you practically tackled him to the ground into a hug. Defeated and tired, his hand rubs your back as he doesn’t even bother getting off the still very wet floor, he’d have to take a long bath later and he’d be lucky if you let him have that long before you complained that you wanted his attention again.
“Yup, definitely a puppy.” he sighs, as you hug him a little tighter. It was a wonder you weren’t in any specialized field with how much strength you had, but it was mainly due to working at your family’s pet shelter and being the only one confident enough to handle the more playful dogs.
You’d called your boyfriend many different terms of affection depending on how you were feeling. But he very rarely used one for you. It didn’t matter to you because you knew he showed affection differently.
“Tsuki!” You shout from the second floor of your house, you both decided early on to buy a house and whoever wanted to keep it could not that it mattered he had absolutely no plans of leaving you alone at any time.
When you were met with silence you leaned out of the doorway. “Tsuki!” being a little bit louder.
Thinking that he was wearing headphones or something you were about to scream for him. Only for him to tap you on the shoulder. Nearly jumping from your skin, you leaned a little too far on the banister. His arm catching you before you can fall over.
“I just keep catching you don’t I, happy?”
You nearly narrow your eyes at him, but he just pulls you closer before kissing the top of your head.
“Happiness needs someone to be Happy.” he mumbles.
You smile as you hug him tightly. “We gotta replace the banister now, don’t we?”
“Yes, we do, the hell were you yelling about anyway?” he frowns looking into the room you were just in.
You pull him in and point. “Ah, um… we should probably call an exterminator.”
You roll your eyes as Midoriya was once again showing off during agency training, everyone was doing their best to get stronger and not everyone had the correct conditions to train their quirks-- you included, seeing as every time you tried to train you regenerative quirk you were practically grounded to the school. IT wasn’t like you didn’t understand why he was praised, there was more to it than simply training. But you still found yourself saying: “Congratulations do you want a cookie?”
Midoriya smiles as he pulls you into a tight hug. “Yes, I do Cookie.”
Your heart leapt a bit as he did this, but deciding to be a bit of a menace he bites your cheek. Pushing him away you huff. “That’s not sanitary I’m covered in sweat.”
Suddenly he was pushed off you. “For fucks sake keep your damn hands to yourself.” Bakugo groans as he nudges you a bit too.
Which was a bit of an alarm for you since he was not one to pull his punches with any of them. You grab his arm watching as he seemed to relax a bit. “How long have you been avoiding me Blasty?”
“None of your damn business mind reader.”
“Awe come on, Kacchan, Cookie is as sweet on you as they are on me,” Midoriya pouts a bit as he pushes against Bakugo’s still extended arm.
Bakugo rolls his eyes a bit as he doesn’t budge. “I don’t want any part of your sappy relationship.”
“Are you sure? Puppy would probably be much more excited if you were a part of it,” you tease as you wait for your quirk to stop patching him up.
Bouncing from one foot to the other you hated waiting for Power-loader to allow you into the lab, it wasn’t like you were banned from it you simply were given time limits. With your quirks it was kind of like a cooldown because who knew how dazed you’d be if you spent the entire day using your flame breath. Once allowed inside you zip from one space to another quickly grabbing your things and returning to your earlier tasks. Kaminari, who needed you to recalibrate his disk shooters.
“You look like a little bumblebee buzzing about.” He chuckles.
Pausing in your tracks you look directly at him. “Thank you for the compliment. Now put your disk shooters on my table space so I can start fixing them.”
“Of course, bumblebee,” He beams before getting hit with something.
“No. No.” You frown covering your face, because now your heart was in your ears. Great you’ll have to face the consequences of this later because this idiot decided to say something like that. Making fall a little bit more in love with him.
Hearing a sharp. “L/N!” before trying to clean up the mess you’d just made.
Since you had a harder time with Japanese than you’d like to admit so early on in your relationship you called your friend Kirishima “Edgy” because for some reason his name just made you think that was the right way to say his name on top if his quirk.
“Eiji, where are my extra weights?” It wasn’t uncommon for him to be in your apartment at any moment simply because he enjoyed being in your company.
He looks around. “Uh, I dunno Babe do you think you forgot them?”
“No, I haven’t even used them yet.” You mumble trying to think.
As you pace around the mini gym you had in your apartment you look for the missing weights.
Not finding them in the closet you cross your arms.
“The light of my life.”
Glaring at the ground you try to wrack your brain for where you could have placed them coming up blank when your face is picked up and squished in a hand that was rather large.
Blinking you look at Eijiro confused as you felt embarrassed for ignoring him this whole time before a sharp smile is in your face.
“You left them by the door rosebud.” he chuckles a bit before planting a kiss on your nose and pulling away.
“You’re the worst you know that right?”
He simply laughs before pulling you into a hug and preparing your face with kisses.
Dating was difficult with your quirk. Eyes constantly glued to the ground and never looking at another if you can help yourself. So, when your current partner started referring to you by a pet name you couldn’t help but look up at him. Towering over you small frame as he crossed his arms.
“Stardust when was the last time you took a break?” Mezo wasn’t mad and you knew that, but your head hung down a little bit.
“I can’t remember,” was all you could muster before he plucked you up from your computer chair like he normally would.
Pouting a little bit, it was hard for you to even fathom why he called you this, even as you were being placed on the couch.
As if reading your mind Mezo chuckles as he pulls a blanket from the nearby chair. “I call you stardust because of the performance from school.”
“Because the first time you really looked up your eyes sparkled like stars.”
You pull the blanket over your head not even wanting to look at him. “Mezo that’s not fair.”
“Sho?” you felt like every time you visited this man, you’d lose him somewhere in the maze that was his childhood home. Not that there were any happy memories left from the large place, but you found that for his other family members sakes he returned.
You were surprised by how accommodating the entire building was, though you had to gently remind yourself that not everyone was the same height as Enji. Not finding the dual quirk user anywhere near where you’d been, you began hunting for him. Because the moment you left without telling him first you could only imagine the problems that would cause and the abuse of money that would start.
As you looked around for your boyfriend you wondered about something for a while now, Shoto had never referred to you by your given name, he’d often tap you or stood behind you-- often giving you a near heart attack when you’d turn and almost smack him with your wing.
“Sho, where are you?” you call out a bit as you kept looking around.
Fuyumi waves as she notices you in the hall. “Oh, y/n I was wondering where were, have you seen Shoto?”
Shaking your head, you sigh. “I was just looking for him so I can let him know I was gonna head home.”
“Huh.” his sister crosses her arms trying to pinpoint where in the house her youngest brother would be.
Before you realize you felt the temperature change behind you seeing your breath a bit. “Oh there you are Sho.”
He pulls you into a hug and from how tight his hands were against you there much be something wrong.
“Hey? Do you need me to stay the night?” you ask as you try to hug him back.
He nods against your shoulder, and his hold gets tighter.
Fuyumi waves a bit. “I’ll make you some extra dinner let me know if anything changes.”
Nodding a bit you follow Shoto as he pulls you along his grip on your hand as if the moment he let go you’d disappear, but he wasn’t dragging you. Once you got to his room you sit down and hold your arms open for him to cuddle into you. Your wings going up to kind of create a slight separation between the two of you and the rest of the world.
“My love you’ll never leave me right?” he whispers.
You look down at him and hug him tightly. “Did you have a bad dream?”
He nods.
“Of course as long as you want me next to you I will never leave,” you state.
“Thank you my love.” He states.
Chuckling a bit you rub his back to sooth him a little bit. “Is that your name for me now?”
“Yes because you are my love.”
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hitoshiyoshi · 2 years
bunnies can moo? | amajiki tamaki
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synopsis ↬ mirio's bunny tamaki needs help with his heat
warnings ↬ hybrids, reader is a cow!hybrid, tamaki is a bunny!hybrid, nejire is the reader's owner, mirio is tamaki's owner, mirio and nejire are both pro-heroes, i made the reader chubby because fuck it why not, however some parts I might describe body shape vaguely, reader is literally treated like a pet, some nejire x reader but you can skip over that if you'd like, collars, thigh-riding, some mentions of insecurities, reader says 'moo' sometimes, reader is innocent and a bit dumb, breeding k-nk, or-l (receiving), unprotected s-x, milk but no milking, lactation(?), mentions of pregnancy but no actual pregnancy, a lot of c-mming scenes, just a disclaimer i know nothing about the heat cycles of bunnies and cows, all i know is what i googled, I'm sorry if this sounds crap or if there are typos, this exhausted me so much, let me know if I’ve missed anything :)
pairings ↬ bunny-hybrid!amajiki tamaki x cow-hybrid!fem!chubby!reader
word count ↬ 5.5k
fun fact ↬ did you know that bunny babies are called kits/kittens ? 🐰
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Nejire anxiously ran her fingers through her hair as she listened intently to Mirio over the phone. Her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to fathom some of the nonsensical words that left his lips. When her turn to speak came, she stumbled over her words. Desperately trying to find coherent sentences as her feet tapped against the flooring of her apartment. Finally, piecing her string of words together, she said:
"This month's been the worst, Mirio," She tensed for a bit and exhaled before deciding to continue. "I feel so bad... There's nothing I can do to help her."
She peered behind and searched the room, trying to see if you were sneakingly eavesdropping on their conversation. She knew you all too well; whenever you realized how stressed she was, you would always try to cheer her up. In the worst situation, you would mirror her emotions. Nejire knew the last thing you needed right now was more stress. Mirio hummed in a concerned tone; he sympathized with her as he was enduring the same predicament.
"I know how you feel," Nejire calms briefly, at least she has someone that could understand her. "My Tamaki is going through the same problem." His throat hitched over the last word.
"I don't know what to do. She's been following me everywhere I go... I don't wanna be rude, it's not her fault," Nejire's palm rested on her forehead. As the seconds passed, she'd grown more upset.
Indeed, you had been attached to her hip since the very start of your torturous heat. Today was no exception; Nejire sat in the living room with her back facing you. Only a few feet away, you stood and listened in to her conversation. You hurried downstairs before she could see you, clear essence dripping down your bare and plump thighs. Earlier, you stripped out of your bottoms and panties; your skin felt so hot and icky, it was unbearable.
She was the only sense of relief you had. Your previous heats were manageable; the feeling of Nejire's skin against yours seemed to calm you enough. Yet, for the past few days, it's been different.
'Embarrassed' was the wrong word to describe how she felt during the start of your heat. It came so suddenly, the same day you two visited Taishiro and his bull, Kirishima. You kept grasping onto him, trying to coerce him into mounting you in the middle of Taishiro's office. Nejire quickly pulled you off before the redhead complied, and he certainly would have.
As you two were leaving, you must've caught the attention of another hybrid. This time, a blonde-haired hawk with the brightest crimson wings who wanted to approach you, before she shooed him away
At home, there was not much of an improvement. Somehow, traces of your wetness would leak from your cunt and drip onto nearly every fabric of the home. Nejire's already changed your bedsheets twice and cleaned the mess from the couch each time you sat. Always complaining that wearing clothes makes you feel "too sticky and warm!" whenever she would scold you.
"Just have some patience," Mirio coos over the phone. "I'm sure it'll be over soon. I've been busy trying to find Tamaki a new partner, but he doesn't like the ones I show him. I tried using toys once, but he hates them. He's gotten so stressed, won't even let me tend to him."
"Oh, poor Tamaki..."
"Yeah... You know, you could always try that with (Y/N). Using toys or finding her a mate. She's such a cute doll, it won't be hard."
"I don't know if a mate is a good idea... I'll consider using some toys on her, though. Maybe that will help..." Nejire pauses on the phone, staring out into space while in deep thought.
"Hmm... a mate?" Mirio chuckles to himself quietly before continuing. "My Tamaki really needs one right now. Why don't we kill two birds with one stone? C'mon, it'll be convenient for both of us..!"
"You mean... make them mates?" Nejire lets out a soft gasp at the thought, startling herself. "But—But they aren't the same... Is that even okay?"
"Don't stress over it. Different hybrids do it all the time," Mirio says, a little too confident and comfortable for Nejire's liking.
Hearing your whimpers behind her, Nejire turns to stare at you. Her eyes widen at your state: clutching the lower half of your body as your slick coats your inner thighs. You stared at Nejire with puppy eyes, expecting her to fix your problem. She already knew what your actions meant, as you two have been through this ordeal numerous times. She shifted in her seat on the couch, stuttering over her words to a confused Mirio.
"Oh—Oh, sorry! I gotta go. Let's talk more tomorrow, okay?" Nejire exchanges her 'goodbyes' with him and quickly hangs up. "What's the matter, babydoll? Pain?"
"Moo..." You say while nodding. Your heavy head soon falls, staring at the ground before Nejire's soft voice calls to you.
"C'mere," She pats a free space on her thighs and coaxes you to her.
You move, taking a few cautious steps toward the couch and stopping once you are in front of her. Still staring down, this time at her lap, your hold on your tummy eases for a bit. She pats her exposed thighs again and looks up at you, ready for you to sit. Nejire seems a bit saddened and confused when you remain still.
"You want me to sit?” You ask, to which she nods. “But— What if I’m too heavy?”
“Don’t say that, princess. You're perfect,” She holds your waist and ushers you to her lap, making you sit over one of her thighs while facing her.
Your hands instinctively more to wrap around her neck as Nejire beams at you with bright and welcoming eyes. "i know what you want," she coos once feeling your warmth pressing deeply into her thigh. Her hands move to lock around your hips, holding you still while gently rocking you against her skin. One of them moves to your upper back, caressing it while you nuzzle into her neck. The other grazed down to your ass, cupping your full flesh in her palms.
"Hah~..!" Mewling into her ear and rolling your hips softly into her thigh. Nejire smiled to herself as she helped to guide the movement of your body, not minding that her thigh was covered in your mess. Her thigh softly bucked upwards, pressing your swollen clit deeper and relishing at your needy whimpers.
"Did that feel good?" Neijire mumbles quietly yet loud enough for you to hear. You could only respond with a soft moan, rocking your hips back and forth into her skin for some relief. "Yeah? You're such a cutie,"
Her hand moved from your back to gently caress your swooshing tail. Stroking and tugging at it lightly, the way you always enjoyed it. With every pass along her thigh, a warmth pooled in your lower region. Walls twitching as you rubbed on her body, your dripping slick lubed up your cunt. Desperate for more friction, your hips quickened their pace with Nejire's firm hold aiding you.
Rutting your clit against her and panting, she recognized the familiar hitching of your voice. The same sounds she'd been hearing since morning. "gonna cum soon, doll?" She said, relishing in the sweet wet sounds of your pussy on her legs. Her knee bucked into you once more, making you quiver and gasp. Both hands returned to cup your ass as she coaxed your body nearer to a climax.
Feeling you twitch on her skin, she softly laughed to herself. Nejire knew what would happen next, she'd been studying your movements after every heat. Soon, you stilled in her hold before pressing yourself into her with your nails digging into her skin. You released one final moan before your muscles soon quivered along with the frequent flicking of your tail. Your warm juices gushed onto her skin as you panted onto her neck.
"You made a mess... Hmm, you came faster than last time too," She says, staring down at the glistening clear nectar coating her thigh.
"Oh no... 'm sorry," Whispering while clinging to her arms, you lifted yourself up to peer down with her.
"It's okay, don't worry. But hey," Nejire pinches your chubby cheeks, forcing you to look up at her. "Tomorrow, I have a surprise coming... It'll make you feel all better again."
"Really? A surprise?" She smiles brightly seeing your tail flick back and forth. "What is it..?"
"Ah, I can't tell you, or else that'll ruin the surprise..." Unfazed by your pouting lips, she gives you a light tap on the nose. She's not sure whether her plans will work, but still, Nejire decides to stay hopeful. "Now, let's clean up. We've gotta get to bed soon."
Nejire tries to untangle your bodies from each other, except your hands refuse to move. She sighs, not in the mood to deal with any defiance until she feels you nuzzle closer into her neck.
"What's the matter?" She asks but is only met with incoherent whispers and your needy touches. Finally, it clicks in her head.
"Ah, I see... Wanna go again?"
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Nejire takes a step back from you, making you twirl while examining your attire. Releasing a pleased hum, she asks if you like the clothes. You nod along and stare at yourself in the full-body mirror. It wasn't the best, but certainly different from the usual style you wear on special occasions. She takes a pink and gold collar and wraps it around your neck; your name is carved into the leather. A small silver cowbell is attached at the center, ringing with every movement of your head.
You wore a white long-sleeve shirt paired with a denim overall dress that flows past your thighs, stopping at your knees. It's loose on certain parts of your body, letting you roam and move freely.
Nejire thought it would've been best to have you all dolled up and make you feel special for this big day. But with Mirio's advice, she decided to go for something simple. He said, "Tamaki won't care about what she has on, that's not what matters," in a tone that made her second-guess agreeing to this meeting.
"I really didn't want to do this, babydoll," She murmured anxiously but seems to regret it once she sees you become nervous as well.
She went out of her way to avoid it until there wasn't much left for her to do.
The same night as Nejire's first phone call with Mirio, she ordered some toys that she thought would be enough — mostly vibrators and dildos in different sizes. She even paid for ultra-fast delivery, making it arrive the next day. You watched as she unboxed each of the toys, presenting them to you as if it was Christmas Day. A bubbling excitement to try out your new gifts seemed to overtake you that night.
It went well, but only for a few minutes.
After helping you strip out of your stuffy clothes, she makes you lie down on your bed. Nejire held up two toys, both vibrators, and asks which is your favorite. They’re quite large; at least bigger than you expected, since Nejire mentioned something about wanting to “start off slow.”
One in the shape of a bullet and fully colored in magenta. While the other was a pastel pink wand with the image of a rabbit carved into its plastic covering. You pointed to the wand; she smiled at your choice and placed the other toy away. There wasn’t any particular reason why you chose it, you just liked how it looked.
Nejire nestled herself to your side before turning on the wand, hovering it over the hood of your clit. Pressing it into your sex on the lowest setting seemed to be enough; the pulsating head sent waves of pleasure through your core. She glides the wand across your folds as wet sputtering noises echoed through the walls.
She leaned downward, her hot mouth enveloped around your hardened nipple. Suckling at the bud and making your moans grow louder in your bedroom. Nejire swears she’s read something online about milking cow hybrids on their heat; it makes them feel so much better. It was only to help you and nothing else, she repeats to herself as the rich and sweet taste of your milk coats her tongue.
With your approving mewls, she pulls her head back and watches as your white liquid cascades down your breast and onto your duvet. Perhaps it was the feeling of her tongue darting against your bud, trying to lap up any milk that came out. Or the feeling of the wand on your swollen clit, making your hips buck upwards desperately. Soon, you felt it fast approaching; ready to unwind and release on the pastel head, more than just once that night.
Until your hands cling onto Nejire again. It’s not your fault, you just need to touch something… anything. To feel, kiss, and hold. You did just that. It must’ve caught her by surprise — your lips pressing a warm kiss into her neck as your hands groped her breast. Nejire pulled away in an instant, just before you could climax.
Nejire tries to convince herself that she’s not into cowgirl pussy. Or maybe she is — no, she isn’t… right? Well, maybe she could try just once. No. No. She isn’t. She’s made you cum all those times, sullying her perfectly clean panties when reminiscing. But she swears on her life, she isn’t.
She mutters a soft “sorry…” before hightailing out of the room, so fast you couldn’t reach out to her in time. Pulled apart with so much force as you watch her leave, visibly confused and slightly pissed.
Nejire grabs her phone, reluctantly yet anxiously dialing Mirio’s number. Praying that he answers soon, which he does. She takes a deep breath and says, “alright, fine… let’s do it tomorrow,” to which he laughs and agrees.
That’s how you two ended up here.
Standing by the front door and waiting for Mirio to arrive, Nejire caresses your horns and strokes your ears. She believes she's trying to relax you, but she seems to be the only one nervous. Her hands touch your collar and smooth out any wrinkles in your clothing. Leaning down, she whispers countless times about how beautiful you are. It wasn't unusual for her to give you compliments, but with each affirmation, she seems to calm down.
Nejire jumps at the sound of the doorbell, startled by the noise. She curses under her breath before holding your hand and guiding you to the front door. Her hands seem to tremble as she unlocks it, not even bothering to ask who's at the door. She already knows, they've arrived exactly on time.
When she opens the door, a tall blonde man appears — the brightest smile is plastered across his face. He greets Nejire with an upbeat voice and pulls her into an embrace, which she more than happily returns. His muscular arms flex through his tight long sleeve shirt, you almost miss it with his blinding smile.
As soon as they separate, his round doll-like eyes land on you. His hands move to his hips, in a superman stance. He arches his back, leaning lower until you two are face-to-face with each other.
"So, you must be (Y/N)," His large palm pats your head, stroking your ears rougher than Nejire. "Aren't you the cutest?"
"...Thank you," You sheepishly say to the man, who doesn't appreciate your shyness.
"Oh, c'mon..." He pinches your round cheeks softly, "Don't you remember me? Lemillion? Say it with me... the future's gonna be..?"
"...Grim!" He says, but you remain unfazed which makes him a little disappointed. "That's what you're supposed to say, but don't worry... it's me, Mirio! I guess it's been a while since the last time we saw each other.”
“Yeah, about a year,” Nejire says while caressing your shoulder. “I don’t think she still remembers… hopefully,”
“It was when we rescued her from that awful farm," Mirio’s face grimaces in disgust before he continues. “From those terrible owners… I can’t believe it’s been a year, it still feels like yesterday.”
"The vet said it wasn't a good idea to bring it up again, Mirio," Nejire frantically says, not wanting to discuss your bad memories. “She doesn’t— uh, we’re starting to move on from that…”
"She doesn't seem too bothered, right?" Mirio glances at you once more but continues speaking, obviously not caring about your input. "She was so sick when we found her and the others, it's a miracle she survived."
"Yeah..." Nejire mumbles with glossy eyes, you swear it looks like she's holding back tears.
"You know," Mirio's deep blue eyes lock with you again. "You should be thankful for Nejire. She helped nurse you back to health and took you in from the shelter. She raised you well! Just perfect for my precious Tamaki!"
Tamaki? You try and peer behind Mirio's frame to see another man with indigo hair standing with his body towards a wall. You can't see his face too well, his large bunny ears cover his reddening cheeks. He's almost as tall as Mirio but his hunching back makes him seem smaller than he actually is.
"Tamaki's still as shy as ever,"
"Sorry, he's been like that since we got here..." Mirio stares back to examine Tamaki who sinks further into himself once feeling all the eyes on him.
He proceeds to ramble about finding Tamaki on the same farm; injured and walking around, a few feet away from the cowshed where you stayed with the other cows. Your previous owner never let any of you outside to graze or play around, so you never saw Tamaki or anyone else. Mirio proclaims this to be fate, perhaps it is as your eyes are transfixed on the bunny.
The way his ears flop down into his face is so... adorable? It makes your heart swell at his actions. Tamaki feels the same way about you too, except it's a different "swelling" — the aroma of your lingering heat travels through his lungs and shoots to his length with every breath. Tightening in his sweatpants into a noticeable bulge that he can't hide anymore, and no one bothers mentioning. You only notice the cute twitching of his nose at the scent.
"Well, come inside," Nejire steps back away from the door to let Mirio in. He grasps Tamaki’s arm and tugs him inside. “I prepared everything just as you asked.”
She walks them to your bedroom and opens the door for Mirio to see. Your bed is neatly made and covered in a fresh pink duvet — specifically used for this occasion. Various toys are left out on a small table; Nejire thought it would be best to have them, just in case. Mirio only laughed and said you would never need to use it. She warned you not to touch them, luckily there was no need since she’d brought you to another orgasm only a few hours prior. Quenching whatever needs you had for a short time.
“It looks perfect,” Mirio takes a step inside, only to glance around the room. “You did better than I thought you would,”
“Really? Does the design look alright? Are the bedsheets too thin? Is the room too cold?” She spews questions at Mirio, just like her usual behavior but he only responds with a deep chuckle.
“You worry too much, Nejire… Now,” He turns to Tamaki who still has his face aimed towards the ground with no interest in looking. “Why don’t we get started? We have a playdate with Yagi’s bunny tonight.”
“I think Tamaki’s getting excited already,” Nejire laughs to herself before leading you into the room.
“Are you, boy?” He scratches the back of Tamaki’s ears, making them twitch in surprise while his feet thump on the ground. Mirio nudges him into your bedroom and turns to you while saying, “now, take care of my precious sun,”
Nejire gives you a warm smile; a visible hint of concern covers her face as she says, “come and call us if you need anything.” Mirio winks at you and shuts the door.
“Hi..!” You say, maybe a little too excited. Your voice causes Tamaki to retreat further away from you.
“Hi…” Tamaki mumbles back, battling between trying to find somewhere to hide or devouring your scent.
Tamaki’s shoulder slumped inwards, too standoffish and cowardly. He wore a plain t-shirt and loose sweatpants, it seemed like he had something large inside? He stood awkwardly in your room, not knowing where to stand. He seemed too scared to look up and face you properly, he hadn’t even gotten a good look at you since he arrived.
“Are you okay? You look scared…” Concerned, you took a step closer to him but it only makes him tense. "You don't have to be scared of me. Do you want me to show you around my room? C'mon, I have some new toys..!"
You pointed over to the small table where an array of toys was laid out. Tamaki shyly looked up to glance at them; his eyes soon landed on a pink wand that was marked by your scent. Oh god, as if he needed more temptations to battle. With every passing second, trying to avoid you became impossible. Well, Nejire hasn't shown you around your friends often during your heat. It must be nice seeing a new face.
"Huh..?" Tamaki stares down at you, just briefly. You reach upwards and scratch at his ears. He releases a pretty loud groan and thumps his feet against the ground.
"Bunny, you're so adorable! Won't you play with me?" You take another step closer, and the scent of your heat engulfs his lungs.
"W- Wait, I can't..." He moves another step backward, making you move in his direction.
"What's wrong?" Your eyes scan over his body and notice the tent in his loose sweatpants. "Is it this? Does it hurt, bunny?" Pointing at the bulge, your palm soon instinctively moves to palm him through the fabric.
Tamaki's breath hitches, startled by your touch as he shudders at your hands on him. As a whine leaves his lips, you pull away, thinking that he is in pain, "'m sorry, did that hurt..?"
He sharply exhales and nods, "yeah..." while his rosy cheeks deepen in their color. Perhaps it was the way your hand curiously touched him, trying to explore his new territories. Or maybe it did "hurt"? He'd been “hurting” since he stepped into your home. Tamaki knew the perfect solution to take the pain away; he'd done it so many times before, why did he feel shy now? He seemed to accept your scent and the need to make his claim over you. It was only primal. It was only natural. With your lingering touches, you must want it too, he thought.
"Oh, I can get Mirio to help," You say while facing the direction of the door. Tamaki reaches out to hold you back from walking; his grip on your arm is tight, too desperate and needy.
"No, no. Please don't go," He pleads, giving you a strange expression.
"But you said you're in pain?"
"Yeah, I am, but—" He stares down and smiles to himself, still blushing. "You smell really good..."
"I do..?" Your eyes trail down to his, Tamaki's looking at your tummy — or at least that's what you think. His nose twitches again, inhaling you another time this evening.
You lean into Tamaki, breathing in his scent just as he did yours. Oh, how did you miss it? To any normal person, they would've been indifferent. But, to you, it was a sweet-smelling musk that sent a tingle to your core. You wanted more, your pupils dilated as you locked eyes with Tamaki. He smiled before reaching down to hold your hand. Until you feel warmth return to the pit of your stomach. Oh no, it was starting again.
Tamaki's hand intertwines with yours, afraid to let you go now that he senses your heat intensifying. You thought it would be fine for a few more hours, at least that's what Nejire claimed.
His other hand presses against your soft tummy, trailing down each dip and curve before stopping at your mound. Somehow he acts with a bit more confidence, too mesmerized by your scent now. With a strong need to touch, hold and feel. Anything to get close to your body. You need Nejire, now.
"I—I have to call Nejire... Oh no..." Not yet, not when you haven't gotten the chance to spend time with him. It seems like Tamaki has different plans in store for you.
"I can take care of it for you..." He kneels until he's at eye level with your heat and hikes up the hem of your skirt.
Marveling at the sight of your exposed heat, he peered up with glee. His nose and ears twitched simultaneously as Tamaki remained eager to sink in and devour you. Flattening his tongue, he takes long licks against your slick covered skin. His tongue moved from your inner thighs right to the warmth erupting in your core. Your hands instinctively grasped his indigo hair, trying to hold something but pushing him closer. Until you feel his nose rubbing against your clit, taking in your scent and wanting to melt into your body.
"T—Tama...Ki~" You mewled out as you felt him glide across your folds, collecting and tasting everything on his tongue. A new sensation you've never felt before; it was different from Nejire or any of the toys she'd used on you.
He happily maneuvered his warm muscle to your swollen clit. Darting his tongue across your bud, he feels your thighs tremble in his hands. Soon, Tamaki held your plump hips closer as he stopped you from falling. It didn't take long before you no longer want Nejire's help anymore. You'd forgotten all about her when you saw saliva and your juices covering Tamaki's chin. Attaching his lips to your bud, he suckled on the nub as wet sounds echoed through the room.
Bucking your hips against Tamaki’s tongue, you felt him slip his warm muscle past your folds. He trailed along your delicate skin, soon dipping the tip of his tongue inside your entrance, just briefly before slipping out. His lips curled into a sly smirk against your skin as you shuddered. Peering up, he becomes so enamored at your reactions — at every twitch your body makes and the not-so-soft yelps that messily escape through the grit of your teeth. His tongue soon finds your clit again, this time focusing deeper on your sex.
"O—Oh... Hah... Bunny— Slow down... Or 'm gonna..." You tried to say, instead stuttering over nearly every word as Tamaki quickened his movements on your clit. He didn't seem to care, his ears no longer hung low instead they protruded. Your walls clenched on his tongue as they gushed clear nectar that he soon greedily lapped up.
Panting, you tried to take a step away until his hands grip deeper into your skin. Tamaki's not done just yet, "where ya going, doll?" he dribbled past his lips, "i've gotta clean you up first." He licks your folds clean until only his saliva remains. With each pass of his tongue on your sensitive heat, you tremble softly.
When he's satisfied he pulls away, quickly standing and helping you sit on the end of your bed. Tamaki uses his hands to wipe any of your mess on his mouth, he blushes a deep pink as he realizes what he's just done.
"Oh fuck... I'm so sorry," He says with an earnest and genuine expression on his face. This time, Tamaki can stare at you — at least he doesn't seem too embarrassed. "I mean— You just looked really nice... You probably hate me, I'm sorry..."
"No, I don't," You offer him a warm smile that calms him. "Is that why you were so shy around me?" Tamaki nods to your question. "I—I really liked it too... Can we— Can we do it again?"
“Yeah,” Tamaki takes a few steps closer until he stands directly in front of you.
His hands fumble with the straps of your overall skirt, not used to the clothing. After a few tries, you help him unbuckle each strap and slip out of them. He helps you out of your shirt and carefully places your clothing neatly in your room. When he’s in front of you again, you reach for the waistband of his sweatpants. He stops you with his hand halting your movements.
“Can I touch?” You ask with puppy eyes but Tamaki isn’t fazed by you at all.
“No… don’t worry about me,” He says while gently nudging you on your back. “Wanna save it for later. But now, I just wanna taste you again…”
Tamaki’s hands softly caressed your hips, gently raising and spreading your legs before dipping into your inner thighs. He stared lovingly at your slick as a blush covered his cheeks again, proud at the sight. He lowered his head until he disappeared between your legs, holding them tightly to keep you still.
You can feel his hot and heavy breath against your skin. Tamaki’s lips trail soft kisses along your thighs, stopping once he’s arrived at your swollen clit again. He places one last kiss on your bud before using his flat tongue to lap at any essence that leaked from your entrance. Still sensitive from your orgasm, you quiver and moan with each touch on your clit.
Soon, he removes his tongue from your folds and eases up briefly. His middle finger glides along your slick, teasing your clit gently before plunging inside your warm entrance as you release a soft moan at the feeling. Your walls clench around his finger, sucking him deeper as he moved in and out. Tamaki’s hips buck into your mattress as he tried to build friction on his aching cock. Each roll of his hips matched the movement of his fingers, trying desperately to mimic as if he was actually fucking you.
Leaning down once again, you feel his tongue flick against your clit. Delicate yet sharp touches before he’s attached to it, suckling on your bud. Tamaki’s middle finger curls into your velvety walls, trying to find the spot that makes you clench around his fingers. As he does, your hands claw at his scalp, not too rough but enough for his hips to roll deeper into the plush mattress.
“Mmph~ Hah..! Tama—” You try to call his name, but a sudden warm feeling returns — a flood of ecstasy threatening to spill over again.
Your walls quiver around Tamaki’s finger as he slows his pace to help you cool down after your climax. “fu—fuck,” he says while slipping his finger out of your cunt. He’s too busy peeping down at the annoying tent inside his sweatpants. Of course, he wouldn’t let the opportunity pass. He placed his middle finger inside his mouth, although he knew your taste well, Tamaki suckles on his finger until it was glossy and only stained with his saliva.
“Fuck..!” He hisses under his breath when he’s done. Easing up off the mattress, you see it. A wet spot in the fabric of his pants, right over his clothed tip. The lightest damp patch stained your mattress sheets.
Tamaki’s eyebrows furrow and he seems agitated at the sight. It took you some time to realize as you were still dazed. He’s disappointed; what a waste of perfectly good seed. It’d been so long since he’d done this with someone, maybe he got a little carried away? God, he wanted it inside you so bad. He couldn’t wait any longer, or else it would’ve driven him mad. Tamaki needed to be inside, feel your walls on his cock just as they did with his fingers. If he got really lucky, you could cum on his shaft.
When you asked if he was alright, he simply chuckled and nodded, “yeah, yeah… even better since you tasted so good.” Tamaki eases up off the mattress, he fumbles with his shirt and sweats before throwing them on the ground — hastily and with no care. You follow and sit up just as he returns to his original position. Tamaki raises his hand to gently push you back onto the soft duvet until you stop him…
“Will you let me touch now?” You ask while flashing puppy eyes at Tamaki who can’t resist them.
He nods again, opening his arms as an invitation for you to come closer. Loosely holding onto one of your hands, Tamaki pulls you closer to him. He gazed away shyly as he heard your breath hitch in surprise. His mushroom tip, the same color as his pink cheeks, leaked his clear precum. Veins adorned his protruding shaft as it nestled high with patches of indigo hair covering the base.
Tamaki guides your hand to wrap around his length. He places his fingers over yours, helping you pump along his foreskin. It felt so uncomfortably stiff in your palms. Almost brimming with impatience despite speckles of white along his pink head. You cheekily traced your thumb along his oozing slit, to which Tamaki responds with a sharp gasp.
“Lay back down, doll,” He whispers but ushers you along impatiently. His hand replaces yours as he strokes his cock. Staring down at your heat while nestling in the space between your legs.
Soon, Tamaki presses his tip against the hood of your clit; he closes his eyes briefly and prepares as if it’s his first time. His tip prods your entrance as he enters you, hips easing closer inch by inch. Expletives leave his lips as he stretches you out; you fit so snugly and tight, coaxing him deeper inside you. He caresses along your sides before stopping at your hips and grasping your plump skin.
The sudden pressure invites pain through your entrance despite his skillful tongue making you climax. As he bottoms out — tip kissing your cervix — he holds himself up with one of his arms with the other still attached to your skin. Positioning himself so that you two are face-to-face. Tamaki smiles and stares down at you with unwavering and lovestruck eyes. Until he notices your furrowed eyebrows as you wince through your teeth.
Seeing this, his lips curl into a frown. Now, you're his mate — or you will be very soon, Tamaki hopes it's for life — and the only being of importance on his mind right now. When he asks what's wrong in a caring and tender voice, you trail your hand down to your lower stomach and say, "pain..." He presses his lips against yours, trying to shush any cries that leave your throat.
As a minute passes, he starts moving his kisses along your neck and chest to make you relax. Waiting until your face begins to soften, he starts to move and shifts backward before his hips connect with yours. Tamaki's kisses soon become harsh; suckles and nips into your skin leaves behind light bruises. His teeth sink into a small space on your neck, not too painful but enough for you to release a quiet gasp. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, urging him closer to your body until he nuzzles into the crook of your shoulder. Tamaki's hips move languidly, gently rocking as his cock massages your velvety walls. His breath hitches in his throat as he moans; raspy and hushed, it tickles the hairs on your neck
His sweet touches on your body replaced any pain, soon making your tense muscles loosen. Placing his lips along your jaw, Tamaki tries desperately to hold off the primal urges in him wanting to devour you whole. The way you squeeze tight around his cock nearly makes him uncoil and spill his seed inside, completely swallowed by your slick warmth. His hips start to slow; lifting his head upwards as he slides out of you until only the head of his cock is inside. He peers down at your essence coating his cock, making his foreskin shine under the light of your bedroom.
Tamaki lets out an exasperated sigh, still pissed off from releasing it too early. He can't waste anything this time. You're too distracted by the sight of his ears sticking up that you notice him adjusting your legs too late. He tightly grasps the back of your thighs before pushing them up to your chest. "sh—shit...", he swears as he presses you further into the bedsheets. Burying deep inside you with every sharp thrust of his hips, Tamaki picks up his pace. His gasps became louder, incoherent whines that bounced off the walls of the room. His voice easily surpassed yours with the wave of ecstasy coursing through his shaft.
One of his hands moves from your legs and travels to your chest. Tamaki's palm gropes your breast, squeezing around your flesh until sweet, rich milk starts to flow from your nipple. He leans down, attaching his lips to your bud and suckling as your milk squirts out and onto his tongue. His other hand tweaks your next bud with two of his fingers making more of your milk spew out; the tiny amount that failed to touch his tongue dripped along your breast and onto your bedsheets. Darting across your nipple with the same rhythm of his hips, warmth returning to the core makes you call to him:
"Tama—ki..! Mmph~..." Stuttering out his name must have triggered something in him. As if you were coaxing him closer and accepting him as your mate. Plant his seed, to breed and mark his territory inside your aching walls.
His thrusts become sloppy, balls slapping onto your dripping cunt and soft ass. Slick trickles down your cheeks and splatters onto your sheets as your bodies melt together into one. Tamaki starts thinking of your belly even fuller with his kits and babies growing inside, your tits swollen and plump leaking with milk. The nonexistent images running through his mind made his hips pump into you with vigor. His face, flushed and covered by his wet hair, lifts up as his hands cage either side of your body. Your nails claw into his shoulders and litter his with red indents, marking him just as he did to you.
Tamaki presses his forehead against yours, closing his eyes shut and gritting his teeth. His body stills and then shudders over yours, he loudly grunts as his cock twitches inside your walls. Draining all of his seed and coating you in his scalding white cum. His grasp on your body tightens as if he's worried that you'll run away, he keeps a lock on your body. You give gentle pats on his back, trying to calm him while his chest rose and lowered heavily.
He catches his breath for a few brief moments, reluctant to pull away until he's done. But, like the energetic bunny he is, he can't seem to stay still. Tamaki slips out of you and covers his hand over your heat, careful not to make anything spill. He wraps his arm around your waist and gently turns you over until you're on your tummy with your ass up.
"What—What are you do—doing?" You croak, thighs quivering and weakened with your ass up. You can't kneel on the bed completely so you lay flat on your tummy and peer back at him.
"J—Just one more time..." Tamaki says, already sinking into your warm heat. "Please," Yet, he doesn't give you any time to answer.
His hips piston into you, smacking against your full ass while his hands find their way to your love handles. He grips your flesh in his palms and guides your ass to his cock, just right. "oh fuck—fuck... can't wait, babydoll... full with my— our kits... we'll—nngh... we'll be a big hap—happy family..." Tamaki pants while rambling over you, each thrust pushing you further into the mattress. "don't you want my—my cubs, doll? a big litter..."
Perhaps it was in the moment or your heat making you want more of him, "please... tamaki, i want it—fill me up..." You stutter over your words, but it pleases him. Your walls begin to flutter around his cock, pulsating and squeezing around him. You can't see it, too enamored by bliss, but you feel Tamaki's nails dig into your sides and hear the hiss of his teeth. The whites of his eyes flash briefly as they roll to the back of his head. Mouth agape, a painful whine flees his throat. He does as you ask, filling you up to the brim with more of his creamy cum.
As he calms from his high, he doesn't notice the trickle of his essence that leaves your entrance and runs down your thigh. "you're so perfect for me... i can't wait..." Tamaki's reluctant to pull out, not yet... Instead, he maneuvers your body until he can spoon you. Cock still nestled deep inside you, he wraps his arm around your side and tummy. Exhausted, his warm body lulls you to sleep.
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The closing credits of their final movie flashed across the screen as Nejire and Mirio sat on the couch. Mirio's eyes drifted off as he yawned, taking a sip of his beer. Nejire's feet anxiously tapped against the mahogany flooring. Her hands would constantly play with her phone, too worried to actually use it besides checking the time.
It was getting late and the once loud noises made between you and Tamaki had died down quite a bit. She wasn't sure if she had heard anything for the past hour. Her eyes went to Mirio who seemed like he was close to passing out from exhaustion from waiting for Tamaki. Nejire cleared her throat, wanting to dump her racing thoughts, and said:
"Mirio," The blonde's gaze moved from the television screen to Nejire once hearing her call him. "Don't you think we should check on them now? It's getting really late and I'm a little worried..."
"I told you, there's nothing to worry about," He sets his nearly empty beer can on the coffee table. "But sure, we've gotta get going soon."
With little patience, Nejire stands from her seat and begins walking in the direction of your room. A drowsy Mirio follows behind her, stumbling along the way with the amount of beer in his system. It's oddly quiet, not that you were a loud person, but it made Nejire restless regardless of this.
As she approaches, Nejire notices the dim light coming from your room. She knocks on the door and calls your name. There's no response.
"Just open it," Mirio says bluntly while shrugging his shoulders.
Nejire hesitates as she twists open the doorknob, instead choosing to peer through a small gap. It’s a little dark, she doesn’t see you immediately but when she does, her heart melts.
You and Tamaki lay in bed together with bodies intertwined with him holding you in a protective embrace. Maybe this wasn’t a bad idea after all?
“Ha… I’ll just call Yagi and cancel our plans,” Mirio laughs, joining Nejire as she stares.
She almost forgets that you’re both nude until she sees the cum-stained sheets. Squeaking in surprise, Nejire hurries backward and shuts the door lightly.
“She—She won’t get pregnant, right? Right?” Nejire frantically asks, not amused by Mirio’s calmness.
“I dunno… maybe? Maybe not? We’ll see in nine months.”
“Maybe?” Nejire bubbles with anxiety, praying that you’re not. “I thought you said it was fine!”
“Uh—” Mirio scratches the back of his neck with a guilty expression shown on his face. “That was a lie… I kinda got desperate. Tamaki was being a little difficult.”
“But—But we won’t have the time to take care of them…”
“Well, you should’ve thought about that before you agreed,” As Nejire was about to respond, he shushes her. “Shh, don’t raise your voice, it’ll be fine. Cheer up…” Mirio pats Nejire’s shoulders before taking a few steps away from the door.
“Where are you going?”
“You don’t mind if we sleep over, do you? Wouldn’t wanna disturb our new lovebirds…”
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| ✎ hitoshiyoshi’s kinktober masterlist |
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weirdbookweeb · 3 months
Tamaki Amajiki Headcanons
Yep, still rolling down the list of fictional crushes. My inbox is always open for any kind of character you want headcanons for. I'll pick any i recognize, whether or not i have romantic interest in the character or not <3
Tamaki finds comfort in thunderstorms. He likes that it's something big that makes the world goes silents for merely moments, leading into hours of strength and silence.
Tamaki's bed is completely perfect. It's loaded with blankets of all kinds and comfortable pillows. His room is always just cold enough that you can get under enough blankets to be comfortable and warm.
He loves little love notes. Sticky notes on the mirror reminding him about groceries or meetings. Letters tucked under his pillow. Long text messages. He loves them all.
He absolutely hates how tight a lot of places sidewalks are. Like, he'll absolutely follow the sidewalk rule! No doubt about it! But he also doesn't like how squished against the person beside him he has to be.
Another thing he hates: elbows touching. Tamaki was definitely raised with a lot of siblings which meant that he was raised in the middle seat of vehicles and used to being pressed against people and is completely fine with it. Completely fine with it up until the point that someone touches him with their elbow. He doesn't know why but that particular thing bother him /so very much/ and he doesnt know why.
Tamaki has a tomogachi attached to his backpack that has been alive for years at this poitnt. The little tomogachi is super well taken care of, well loved, and well fed and rested. Tamaki is secretly super proud of it and will show it off whenever prompted.
He goes blank-minded in car rides when he's not the one driving. He looks out the window, sticks his hand out to feel the wind and just watches the world go by. He doesn't ever really think about any particular thing, just admires the world. And always really quietly. Mirio thought Tamaki was mad the first few times he drove Tamaki anywhere.
Tamaki loves hugs where he can hold you completely. The ones where you can wrap your arms around his neck, your legs around his waist and nuzzle your face into his neck. He'll happily walk around like that for hours on end.
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tiktowafel · 4 months
hi and hello i'm back from the dead here are some 1b quirk headcanons (that may or may not contradict canon but i'm too lazy to check everything)
dad had a very limited phasing quirk, mom had an ink quirk. neither had #000000 skin that part kinda came out of nowhere
despite obviously being connected to his ability it's just a mutation that appeared along with it and isn't required for the quirk to be usable -what i mean by this is that Monoma's skin doesn't turn black when he copies it
it's. a really confusing quirk mechanics wise. Kuroiro himself isn't exactly sure how it works, it just does and thinking about it too hard makes his head hurt lol
he can merge into dark surfaces. doing so doesn't increase the weight of the object he's merged into. it's like he straight up disappears.
when he fully submerges himself in a shadow, he finds himself in kind of a black void in which he can move freely (without using his muscles, i think. just zooms around somehow...) and which he can leave whenever he wants through the same surface he used to enter or another one connected to it. is it some sort of super limited alternate dimension that he can enter through shadows?? PERHAPS
since he doesn't lose his clothes when he uses his quirk, he has to be able to bring objects into the darkness with him. i imagine he can do it with all things that aren't living (them being black is not necessary because it seems to work with white shoes and bracelets) and as long as they're touching him - if he lets go of an object while in a shadow, it will just fall out. therefore his quirk can be used for transporting things, but not for storing them.
you can also explain him not losing his clothes by them being mirio style dna fabric but that's the more boring option so screw that
when jumping out of a shadow, his speed matches that at which he was moving inside of it. i think it would be cool if he could build up speed while moving through a shadow and then just SHOOT out of it and kick someone real hard
Pony actually has "two quirks" - the one that gives her horns and the ability to shoot them (inherited from her dad) and the one that gives her the appearance of a horse/pony (inherited from her mom). it's registered as "horn cannon" for the same reason why Tokoyami's quirk isn't "raven" and Mina's isn't "pink alien thing" - it's a passive mutation quirk so it gets "overwritten" by horn cannon, which is more "active" - does this make sense?
thanks to her secondary quirk Pony is much stronger than the average person and can run really fast when on all fours. she can also neigh like a horse, digest celulose a bit better than average and sleep while standing. it's... not much besides that
Pony's horn cannon quirk requires keratin to function, because it's what her horns are made of. regrowing her horns too many times causes her to suffer from keratin deficiency, worsening the condition of her hair, skin, nails and hooves
most telekinetic quirks cause headaches when overused, but Pony's ability to control her horns is very minor so that drawback doesn't really affect her
her quirk is a mix of her parents quirks - her mom can extend her fingers and her dad has superhuman strength in his arms
enlarging her hands increases their weight a lot, but Kendo's abilities don't suffer from that because her back and arms are naturally extremely strong as an adaptation to her quirk (she can beat everyone in the class at quirkless hand wrestling - it's highkey unfair, but she can)
however, she still sometimes ends up with lower back pains if she uses her quirk too much
her dad does have a lizard quirk (that actually gives him a tail that he's able to detach and regenerate), but her mom's quirk is actually more similar to Setsuna's. it basically lets her detach and re-attach parts of her body along predetermined lines, and lacks the regenerative abilities
her quirk makes her basically indestructible because it lets her regenerate any destroyed or injured body part, plus she seemingly doesn't even need any of her organs to be connected to each other. her only weak point is her head, attacking it is the only way to knock her out (or kill her)
her head/brain is also her "core" - she can only regenerate body parts that are connected to her brain. i'll use the final exams as an example - if she managed to get her whole head outside the gate, she would be able to regenerate her whole body around it and pass (she would probably pass out from exhaustion, but still). however if she only got some other body part, like one of her arms outside the gate she wouldn't be able to do that because the arm isn't connected to the brain. hope you get what i mean lol
in-universe, her quirk probably isn't censored with black, so i'm guessing it looks quite gory and tends to freak people out when they see it for the first time. an upside to this is that thanks to having to deal with the sight of it on a daily basis, no one in class 1-B has to worry about the shock of first seeing gruesome injuries during hero work. they're all desensitized through safe means👍
a drawback that is shared by most regeneration quirks is that due to the rapid cell division that occurs when regenerating body parts, she is at a high risk of developing cancer. however that's far less troublesome than it sounds, as she can always just painlessly detach the cancerous part and grow a new healthy one. doctors hate this one weird trick or something
as you can probably tell from my art, i really like the headcanon that her skin looks kinda patchwork-y because her regenerated pieces are never exactly the same as the original body parts
due to those imperfections, she's extra careful about her brain pieces bc it's such a complicated organ that the tiniest change in its structure can seriously mess things up. like cause memory loss or personality changes, setsuna finds that terrifying and honestly who wouldn't!!
another 50/50 mix - his mom can create colorful smoke/mist with her breath and his dad can produce a glass-like liquid from his skin and solidify it at will
i gotta admit that i'm not sure what the "solid air" actually should be. if it was actual solid air, it would be incredibly cold, unless there's some pressure fuckery happening here. and since i kind of don't understand that hypothetical pressure fuckery i generally prefer to think that it's some different substance that's a solid in normal conditions and was just named "solid air" because the way it's created makes it seem like it.
while the amount of solid air he can create does depend on his lung capacity, the quirk itself doesn't give him any extra amount of it. in other words he has the lungs of a regular athletic teenage boy, nothing special
his actual "quirk factor" is his throat, using his quirk too much first dries it up, then proceeds to damage its walls, which can result in him not being able to use his quirk for a while. throat damage due to external factors does the same thing
he can make the stuctures created with his quirk disappear at will. it's not required, but he likes to snap his fingers when doing so. makes it look cooler.
he's only ever been shown to create stationary structures, but i like to think that he can also make mobile ones (in other words i think he should be able to make solid air weapons and tools because that's cool)
exact copy of his mom's quirk. gotta go with the joke
along with the temperature resistance, inability to regulate his hardness and dependence on iron consumption, another difference between his quirk and Kirishima's is that turning into steel also significantly increases his weight, which allows him to hit harder at the cost of slowing him down a little
the wiki says that it was never clarified what "iron consumption" means, so it's up to me to decide - i think they meant that he needs to eat food that contains iron, judging by the fact that the (stereotypically!) rich in iron spinach is his favorite food. i don't think he eats the actual metal, lol
even when his quirk is off, his hair is slightly affected by it at all times, which makes it resemble thin metal wires. he styles it by bending it with his hands
since it's an extremely basic quirk, i think she also directly inherited it from one of her parents i don't have concepts for them so idk which one oof
she can only use her quirk on entire objects, not parts of them
while she doesn't have to always keep the objects she's manipulating in her field of view, she has to see them in order to "pick them up" in the first place
i believe that the "can only lift things that weigh less than an average person" limitation she has in canon is supposed to explain why she doesn't just use it to throw people around, and yeah that makes sense. what doesn't make sense is why she can't pull them by their clothes instead, so i'm going to make up an explanation for that too - clothes are usually pretty thin, so trying to grab them without also grabbing the person themselves and therefore exceeding the weight limit usually requires quite a lot of precision, which Reiko doesn't have (yet - one day she'll learn, i imagine)
the term "weight limit" is a simplification, it's actually a mass limit. in other words when she can't lift something it's not because can't exert a strong enough force to counteract its weight, but because she can't manipulate this much matter at once. she wouldn't be all-powerful in space or when cooperating with ochako
speaking of the force that she can apply to objects, it can be pretty insane if she concentrates hard enough for a long enough time
she doesn't actually need to move her hands to use her quirk, but it helps her focus and visualize its effect better
as it's a major telekinetic ability, overusing her quirk gives Reiko headaches
(i'm making up so many rules and limitations because telekinesis is a BROKEN ability if you think about it enough lol)
mix of her dad's ability to speed up plant growth and her mom's ability to manipulate her hair
since her vines are green, it's safe to assume they contain chlorophyl and therefore are able to photosynthetize. however, due to the way they're shaped, i doubt it's very efficient (bad surface area to volume ratio), so i suppose Ibara has to provide most of the nutrients herself. in other words i think she eats way more than the average person and drinks more water, too
failing to provide those will cause her ability to extend and move her vines to suffer, and in more extreme cases, they will just fall off. she can regrow them when that happens, but it takes time.
while theirs are obviously very different from ours, plants do have senses, and Ibara can use those plant senses of her vines as kind of an extension of her own
another exact copy, of his mom's quirk this time. she actually used to be a pro hero, too (one day i might elaborate on this)
it does come with the innate desire to cut things, however thanks to his mom sharing the same quirk he received proper support so it never grew into a problem. on the other hand despite seeming scary, it's not that much to handle. he just satisfies that desire by cutting vegetables lol
by default his blades are extremely sharp, but if he focuses hard enough he can make them more blunt and less lethal
unrelated to the blades, but due to part-bug biology, he's much lighter than you'd expect someone of his posture to be.
and that's it for today~ i do have thoughts about the others' quirks but i felt like they weren't coherent enough to put here lol. maybe another day? also if anything here directly contradicts canon or if you just have other ideas, you are more than welcome to share your thoughts, i really like discussing quirks :]
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kitthepurplepotato · 7 months
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Chapter 19 - Cards against humanity.
Part 2 of Winter Wonderland!
Summary: The gang makes it to the cabins. Izuku and Y/N tries out the fluffy rug in front of the fireplace. The heroes play Cards Against Humanity (MHA version) while drunk. Things get out of hand really quickly.
Warnings: Swear words, suggestive, drinking, drunk shenanigans, absolutely vile Cards Against Humanity cards so please, be aware that this chapter contains a lot of uhm… stuff. 16 +
First Chapter Master List KO-FI page
“I won, motherfuckers!” Katsuki yells victoriously as he makes it to the top of the mountain with Eijirou in his tail. Needless to say, everyone is in pieces; there’s so much panting going on, Rody is meters behind everyone, actually hyperventilating, you, Kyouka and Izuku are somewhere in the middle but only because Izuku gave you a piggy back ride (with black whip because he’s a good boy and he knows his limits.)
“I’m never… going camping with… heroes… ever again.” Rody pants, his legs shaking like a leaf.
“Who asked you to run with us, huh?” Katsuki retorts with a devilish smirk. “Know your place, weakling!”
“I thought… we are done … hating each other?!” Rody pants.
“This is how he loves, Rody.” Kirishima sighs.
“Jesus, stop fucking talking and sit the fuck down for a second, do you want to die or something?!” Katsuki yells with a red face, from embarrassment or just from the cold, no one will ever know.
The view is absolutely stunning up here; you can see the whole city underneath, the fairy lights connected to the street lights are sparkling happily, the snowflakes are massive but their flow is quite sparse at the moment so you can see everything perfectly as the snow doesn’t obstruct the view too much. Up on the mountain where you are standing right now, the snow is fresh and crisp, completely untouched except for the few imprints of your own shoes, the cabins are also covered in white, fairly lights attached to every single one of them, all sparkling in different colors to make the cabins distinguishable (probably in case someone gets too drunk to remember which cabin they rented. Haha).
“I’m sure I don’t really need to tell you who stays with who but I will do it anyway.” Shouto speaks up as well, clearly excited to be able to do his usual shenanigans. “First cabin: Hitoshi, Denki and Kyouka.” Kyouka and Denki cheers happily. Hitoshi looks… a little bit gobsmacked.
“You guys are getting the bigger cabin which has three separate rooms, so you can sleep alone if you need privacy or you can just use the massive master bedroom and have a sleepover!” Rody chimes in, picking up on the grumpy vibes coming from the lilac haired man.
“Oh, Rody! Do you mind sharing the other big cabin with us?” Yaomomo smiles.
“Yeah, that’s perfect for me!”
“With that said.” Shouto continues. “Momo, Rody and I will share the second cabin. Tamaki and Mirio will get the third one, Katsuki and Eijirou the fourth, which has a massive common space apparently, and Izuku and Y/N are getting the last cabin.”
“If there are any invisible individuals hiding in a bushes, please speak up now. The cabins will be locked overnight and it’s freezing outside.” Yaomomo adds, looking around with clear suspicion.
“Hagakure is not here.” Kyouka speaks up. “I personally asked if she would like to come but she’s away on a mission in America.”
“Splendid.” Momo mutters. “Please make sure to take some pictures for the people who couldn’t make it today. They might not be here in person but let’s make them feel included by sending them selfies and pictures of the place.”
“There’s no reception up here but there is wi-fi in the cabins! Don’t ask how they made that happen, but… yeah.” Rody scratches the back of his head sheepishly.
“Okay, so...” Momo continues. “This is where we usually give warnings, but seeing your faces, I think there is no need to do this today. But please, drink responsibly and don’t do stupid things. Only go outside in groups during the night.”
“Don’t go into the attached onsen while drunk. Trust me, it doesn’t end well if you do.” Rody chimes in, embarrassed. “Hot water and alcohol are a really bad combination.”
“Thank you for your helpful input, Rody! I’m glad to have another reasonable person in this group!”
“You guys know he only knows that because he fucking tried, right?” Katsuki mutters, rolling his eyes aggressively.
“That’s a fair point. But he learnt his lesson!” Mirio, the symbol of positivity adds.
“Hey, can you do something about that rainbow coming out of your ass? It hurts my eyes.” Katsuki makes a snarky comment, trying his best to sound menacing but he can barely hide his smile.
“Stop looking at my juicy peach then!” Mirio turns away, showing off his indeed juicy butt to the “audience” by bending over. The whole gang roars.
“Is this another gay thing I don’t understand?” Shouto asks his girlfriend with a bamboozled look on his face.
“I think it’s just a Mirio thing, to be absolutely honest.” Momo giggles with a fond look on her face. “Let’s go, guys!” She yells once more and everyone makes their way towards their respective cabin.
Izuku takes your hand in his and pulls you towards the cabin excitedly; you go without a single retort.
“This is so cute!” You yell excitedly right as you go through the main door.
This cabin looks so homey it makes you want to cry. Everything is wood and it’s just how you imagined it in your daydreams; there is a massive, cosy sofa full of blankets, almost the size of a normal living room, yellow fairy lights everywhere on the ceiling. There is a massive fireplace built into the wall, heat emanating from the fire that the staff has started before you arrived, filling the room with warmth and that lovely scent of burning wood.
“The fluffy rug!” Izuku points at the pure white rug by the fireplace exitedly. “It has a fluffy rug!” He doesn’t even let you put your backpack down before he pulls you towards it with childish glee.
“Izuku, we only have half an hour!”
“Shut up, wifey.”
“Izuku, what the hell?!” You giggle to yourself, given up on resisting quite quickly; Izuku takes that as a win and pulls you into his lap, slowly taking the backpack off your shoulders. He throws it on the massive sofa with the help of black whip, then lies down on the fluffy rug with you on top of him. Huh. This position is quite… uhm… suggestive. Huh, take a few deep breaths, will ya?!
You look down to see Izuku’s face and damn, that was a mistake; his hair is splayed out on the rug, his pine green hair even brighter in the sunlight coming in from the massive windows behind him; his face is pink from the cold, his eyes full of wonder as he looks up at you. You can’t help but lower yourself down, leaning on your elbows so you can look into those emerald eyes with nothing but love.
“Hi.” You mutter, your eyes slowly moving down to his puffy lips.
“Kiss me.”
That’s all it took to loose your composure. One sentence.
You kiss him with all you’ve got while Izuku’s hands snake inside your coat and your shirt and the touch sets your whole body ablaze; you slowly open Izuku’s own coat to be able to touch him properly, you hate all these layers, it’s way too hot in here, way too much for your little heart to take in, knowing it can’t go anywhere right now, but you can’t stop, you just can’t, his scent is so addicting, that citrusy pine, that hint of wood and sweat, it’s so Izuku…
You make a small whimper when you feel Izuku’s tongue dancing with yours while he pulls you closer and closer until every single one of your body parts touch.
“Calm down.” You mutter to him (and to yourself), your actions saying the opposite as you deepen the kiss even more. You’ll never get used to being able to this, to kiss the man of your dreams. Needless to say the half an hour passes before you can even put your stuff down properly; you can’t stop enjoying each other on the fluffy rug, probably smelly from all the sweat because heavily kissing in five layers of clothing is the stupidest thing you two could have done right before Katsuki’s grill party. Both of you start laughing as your alarm goes off.
“Well, uhm… should we roll in the snow for a few minutes before we go?” You snicker with your nose in Izuku’s neck.
“Should we just skip it and uhm… continue this?” Izuku retorts back. You can’t help but giggle once again.
“Do you want to die a slow, torturous death?”
“I’m quite sure I’ll be beaten to pulp the second we go through that door while looking like this anyway.”
“Fair point. Let’s go.” You try to pull yourself up but Izuku is not having it.
“One more kiss.”
… you got there half an hour late. I know, shocking.
“Today we are playing… drum beats please…” Denki’s body is about to burst from all the energy. Katsuki, still busy plating the food, stops for a second and beats on his thighs. “Thank you! We are playing… cards against humanity!”
The whole gang yells “NOOOOOOOO!”. Except for Denki and Katsuki. They look fucking thrilled.
“And I thought today will be easy.” Momo sighs exasperatedly.
“I want to go home.” Tamaki mutters to Mirio who only smiles at him.
“Okay guys, you don’t need to play if you don’t want to!” Denki retreats. “You guys can be the judges! So who’s playing?”
“Fuck yes!” Katsuki yells.
“I’m in!” Kirishima also joins.
“Hmm…” Izuku mutters then his smile changes into a shit-eating grin. “Fuck yeah.”
“Oh my god, Izuku swore! Hell yeah, man!”
You swear you see some electricity crackling around Denki. Bro must me really excited.
“I think I want to try this game.” Shouto mutters as well.
“Amajiki and I will play together if that’s okay!” Mirio chimes in; bless him, he’s such a sweetheart for trying to keep the shy man in the loop without him being in the centre of attention, knowing way too much that he would probably shit himself if he’d need to read the cards out loud in front of all these people.
Momo, Rody, you and Hitoshi became the judges of the game. You have a feeling this will be a lot of fun.
“What would Granma find disturbing, yet oddly charming?” Rody reads out the question loud, buzzing from energy. “Come on, don’t disappoint me.”
The players are already laughing their ass off as they look through their cards. Rody collects the cards and can barely stop laughing.
“All Might’s massive thighs on your face. Wow. Kinky.”
“Shigaraki’s five hundred broken fingers.” Hitoshi reads the next one. “Wow. That’s a good one.”
“Deku’s Big, weird eyes.” You giggle as you read the next card. “That was Katsuki’s. Hundred percent.”
“Oh my god, I really don’t want to read this…. Hawk’s out of control blowjob parties.” Momo’s whole face flushes. The whole gang roars.
“Fat Gum’s soft belly. Awww!”
“Communism. This card is so dry it must have come from Shouto.”
“Fuck you, Rody.”
“Bonus features include never-before-seen footage of…” Momo reads the next question.
This game is getting out of hand already.
“A severed horse penis being hurled at a politician. Okay who the fuck was that?” You giggle to yourself.
“Who the fuck do you think?” Katsuki replies with a shit eating grin.
“A sad, old man. Is that supposed to be an All Might reference?”
“You can NOT just call All Might a sad old man!” Izuku gawks, offended. Everyone ignores him.
“Wigs made of executed LOV members. That’s… wow.”
“All for One riding a baby horse. I need to see that.”
“You need to sit here and think about…” You read out the next question. The boys look more and more drunk as the game goes. Izuku is giggling to himself like an idiot the whole time and it’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen.
“Stabbing a guy in the eye with an arrow, pulling it out and shooting another guy with it.”
Everyone looks at Katsuki. It’s just so obvious that it’s him.
“Casually suggesting a threesome. Someone needs to get laid.” Rody comments and Kyouka grins like an idiot.
“Throwing your dad into a dumpster and yelling “who’s the daddy now?”” You can’t help but literally snort out loudly at this one. “Okay, I don’t even care about the rest, this one wins.”
“It was me.” Shouto admits and the whole gang gawks at him.
“Damn, I’m impressed.” Even Katsuki can’t help but comment on this one.
“Momo says I have daddy issues.” He mumbles back with a straight face, his cheeks blushed from the alcohol.
Half of the team ends up on the floor, dying.
Kaminari resigns from the game and stays on the floor for the rest of the night.
“This year, I’m going to dedicate 100% of my energy to:” Hitoshi reads the card and takes one of the answer cards into his hand. “A Nomu wearing a tiny raincoat and booties. Okay, that’s quite disturbing but kinda cute.”
“You are cute.” Kaminari giggles, still on the floor, completely wasted. An exasperated sigh leaves Hitoshi’s mouth.
“You always talk nonsense when you are drunk.”
“You are cute though. Don’t sell yourself short buddy!” Rody smiles at the purple haired man who flushes aggressively.
“He can’t sell himself short. He’s tall.” Kaminari mutters and goes back to sleep. Your tummy hurts so much from all the laughing but you can’t help but laugh once again.
“Worshipping Stain’s right ear hole.” Momo snort sat this one. “This game has no filter.”
“Sucking Dynamight’s dick until it explodes.” You read the next card, flushing like a virgin.
“I like this game.” Katsuki laughs proudly. “The creator has a good taste.”
“Oh my god, Katsuki.” Eijirou giggles next him with an incredulous look on his face.
“What?” Katsuki retorts. “Feels nice to be appreciated!”
“Time to stop drinking, Kats. Your soft side is coming out.”
“Licking shoes.” Everyone looks at Shouto. Shouto just shrugs.
“Last round because you all had too much to drink.” Rody reprimands, looking at the pile of people on the floor. The only ones still paying are Mirio, Katsuki, Shouto and Izuku. Tamaki is still sober but he decided to sit in the corner, right next to the pile of people to “keep an eye on them”. It’s absolutely hilarious. You can’t help but take a picture of it. Hitoshi looks like he’s ready to kill as he stares at Denki and Kyouka snuggled up on the floor, right next to the fireplace. No one comments on it. They are too terrified of drunk Hitoshi to do so. “Who’s hot and smelly and about to die?”
“A fucked up alien fish from the deep.” You read the first card.
“All for one’s hope for a “better” future. Damn.” Rody laughs.
“Red Riot’s popularity.” At that, Katsuki smirks right at his drunk fiancé who gives him a side glare for being an asshole. “Oi, it was a joke, you are literally the hottest man walking on Earth.”
When Momo reads the last card, she almost chokes on their saliva.
“We have a winner, guys.” She smirks and shows the card to the rest of the team.
The card simply says…
“Jesus fuck, I’m dying.” Katsuki laughs like a maniac, reading out the card out loud. Even Kaminari wakes up to the loud laughter that seems to never end. Izuku is literally crying at this point.
“Oh my god, I will burn in hell for laughing at this but… I can’t stop!”
“Izuku, take a deep breath!” You whine, still laughing your ass off.
“One extra round?” Katsuki smirks at the his friends and he completely ignores the group’s loud “NOOOOOO!” And takes a card from the pile. It’s a two card one, this time. “Okay fuckers, let’s take 5 more extra cards and let’s have some fun with it.” Katsuki gives the card to you to read it out loud.
“Dying from - something - is painless, but I would still prefer -something-. Three, two, one, go!”
This time, everyone reads their own cards out loud because the drunk idiots forgot how to play this game. It’s only Katsuki, Shouto and Mirio in the game now, Izuku laughed so much he made himself sick and now he’s resting in your lap, trying not to throw up. He’s so silly sometimes, honestly.
“They say dying from a tiny dick is painless, but I would still prefer sex with a blindfold.” Katsuki smirks, clearly proud of his own creation.
“Not today, babe.” Kirishima mumbles from the floor and that’s when the whole team roars. Katsuki looks like he’s about to explode.
“They say dying from shame is painless but I would still prefer another war with All for One.” Mirio reads his own answer with a massive smile on his face.
“They say dying from a firm tofu is painless, but I would still prefer choking on pro hero Deku’s humongous dick.” Shouto KILLS everyone with his his answer. At least half of the gang has tears in their eyes.
Izuku chokes on his own saliva then laughs for a few minutes with his hands on his belly and… runs to the toilet to throw up.
“Emotional damage.” Hitoshi mumbles, smiling like an idiot.
Shouto somehow wins the game. His reward is one of Kaminari’s concoctions that was left on the kitchen counter. Shouto joins Izuku in the toilet a few minutes later.
“Why can’t you guys party like normal people?” Momo sighs, already sobered up.
“Why can’t you pull that stick out of your ass and relax for once?”
“Oh, you mean this one?” Momo creates a random stick from her lower back instead of her tummy, making the whole gang roar once again. It really looked like she just took that out of her ass, bless her creativity for that.
“Katsuki, I can’t laugh anymore. I’m in agony.” Eijirou whimpers on the floor, completely, utterly done with life. You must admit, he looks extremely hot, disheveled like that. Like damn, that guy is a fucking snack. Good job, Katsuki. Good fucking job.
Okay, you definitely had way too much to drink today.
“I’ll get Izu-Izu from the toilet.” You mutter as you stand up from the sofa.
“I’ll take the three bozos home then come back for Shouto.” Momo sighs as he makes his way towards the pile of people on the floor.
“I’ll help!” Tamaki SMILES at her and the whole team gawks. “What? I had fun. And Denki gave me his drink to finish.”
“Oh no, he’s been tainted with the Denki juice.” Hitoshi mumbles. Tamaki answers by growing a potato on his arm. “Huh. I guess there was vodka in it.”
Needless to say, NO ONE makes it home after that. At least the floor is nice and warm, thanks to the lovely fireplace in the wall. Katsuki doesn’t even look surprised, he just throws a bunch of blankets on everyone and lies down next to Eijirou, giggling to himself happily.
“Best party ever.”
… Next Chapter!
TL: @garfieldthomas @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @aei-sedai-moiraine @aymasakusa @katsuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @themultifandomgirl @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore @angelsdemonsmonsters @norvacaine @rei165 @unofficialmuilover @yao-ai @happydragonfrog @eeerreehhh @vinivave @alyss-eiz @sleepisfortheweakpooh
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shifterae · 2 months
changes in my mha drs
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okay so first and foremost, my dr is very much NOT the canon. pretty much all of the little details are changed but i think it helps it from feeling like a "and bumblebee" type of dr :)
ALSOOO sorry if there are a bunch of typos 😭😭
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so first! in my student drs, the classes are made of 24 students rather than 20.
i never liked the idea of taking someone out of 1a bc im just attached to them (looking at everyone but mineta) and so i opted to make the class bigger since i also wanted a few other canon characters to be in my class :)
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added students, my minimight dr is the only dr where i scripted who specifically would fill those extra spots
with me, we only need 3 more students and i chose for Hitoshi Shinso, Inasa Yoarashi, and Himiko Toga, to fill those spots.
Shinso was able to make it into the hero course bc i scripted that he is Eraserheads nephew who is in his care and has already been trained by him (i luv shinso)
Togaaa! I scripted her in by changing the way her quirk affected her and the way she used it, she is a lot different than her canon self but im okay with that bc i just wanna see her be happy (i luv togachako) (their relationship isn't scripted but i have hope that it will occur on its own🙏🙏🙏) (i adore them)
the Inasa one can be explained by the next change
(basically he doesn't have bad interactions w endeavor and shoto)
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so basically the only reason Inasa didn't go to UA is bc he thought endeavor and shoto were both like, pretentious and mean or something (i lowkey forgot bc it doesn't register to me that he isn't at UA in canon😭) and i scripted sooo much change for the todo family guys.
i luv the todorokis :(((
okay so first of all, OBVIOUS change, enji is not toxically obsessed with all might! they're actually friends!!!
their dynamic is inspired by mirio and midoriyas bc i think it's just so cute like the idea of enji just being so amazed and inspired by AM
enji tho is still reaching for #1 it's just not toxic and doesn't cause him to become abusive and neglectful...
rei and enji fall in love organically!
touyas quirk is not as self destructive! and he becomes a hero and goes by Dabi
since enji isn't toxic and abusive, natsuo, shoto, fuyumi, and touya, all get along well and over all they have a good (normal) family dynamic!
with AM and Enji being close, i grew up with them and they have become my family!!!!! like touya and natsuo are my big brothers, fuyumi my sister, and as for sho, he's genuinely my bestest friend ever
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Moving on from people, i scripted that junior hero academies exist!
they range from hero prep school and just kids of heroes schools!
The hero prep schools are competitive to get into and generally, the classes are small and made of just the kids of elite heroes
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whoops we're going back to people...
okay so first sorry tokoyami, im interning w hawks 🫶🫶🫶
shotos with touya!
bakugo is with MIRKO bc hello that is an iconic duo waiting to happen
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as for school life,
we do a lot more of joint training with 1b!! (I adore them)
and we do media days like they do for athletes!!
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that's all i wanna type for now bc my phone is genuinely lagging so much soooo
byeee, rae
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anisespice · 2 years
How about walking around in booty shorts to get your man’s attention❤️❤️
you got it, anon! thank you so much for your patience and for requesting !! i took wayyyyy too long to do this lol wasn't sure who you wanted for this, so i figured i'd just make it into an "insert who you want" kind of scenario. hope you enjoy :))
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pairing: various x fem!reader
warnings: mature language, MDI. talks about posteriors (lol), suggestive themes, and i think that's all.
notes: been sick these past few days, so had to put a hold on the next part of "the fuck it list" :((( but hopefully i'll have it up sometime tomorrow, didn't want to leave you guys high and dry sooo !! hope you enjoy ♡♡♡
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐞𝐜𝐤𝐬 ∵ The ones who are caught completely by surprise, needing to do a double-take at them double-stacks attached to your spine to make sure his eyes were playing tricks. You didn’t normally wear them around the house, at least not without a big shirt that usually covered everything, so clearly you were baiting him for something; and consider him hooked. It didn't matter what he was doing before you walked into the room, consider it DROPPED + IGORNERED + NONEXISTENT. On the game with the guys? Dropped. Typing up a work email? Ignored. Watching a show? Nonexistent. Won't put his hands on you right away, his mama raised him better than that, and he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. But he will side-eye tf out your ass until you eventually have to say something—He looked like he was finna pass out if you didn’t.
"You know you’re allowed to touch me, right?"
"Thank FUCK, I thought you were gonna torture me forever - please come over here now please, thank you.”
TAKEMICHI, kakucho, chifuyu, angry, SHINICHIRO, kazutora, kyotani, kenma, aran, kageyama, deku, kirishima, tamaki, twice, [insert anyone you want ].
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 ∵ DOWN BAD AND PROUD OF IT. Utterly shameless, eyes waste no time honing in on your ass the second you walk past him, indulging his intrusive thoughts by giving you a light smack on that thang just to watch it jiggle. Wearing a shit-eating grin when you turn to playfully glare at him; he fucking knows you love it. Doesn't even care if y'all got company either, I mean shittt - you didn't when you decided to walk around with them shorts on. Absolutely will follow you around, feel you up and everything, homie cannot keep his hands to himself to save his life. Not his fault you look so damn tempting, he just couldn't resist. Good luck trying to get anything done now, and prepare to be absolutely SICK of him. You wanted his attention, you got it.
"Oh my goddd, boy, leave me aloneee."
"Nah, don’t get shy on me now, babe. Nowhere close to being done with you."
SANZU, hanma, rindou, RAN, smiley, baji, mikey, MATTSUN, maki, tanaka, nishinoya, SUNA, ATSUMU, HINATA, bokuto, sero, denki, mirio, HAWKS, [insert anyone you want ].
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝-𝐥𝐲 𝐁𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 ∵ Won't look like he's phased at all, you could be walking around in your underwear and he won't break a sweat. Honestly, he'll have you feeling stupid at first, thinking you weren't as irresistible as you thought. Fret not you sexy thing, that's just how it appeared on the outside. On the inside tho, that man was having some rather... depraved thoughts. He wasn't born yesterday, he knew you were trying to get a rise outta him, but he really needed to focus on his work right now. But, don't worry...once he's done, he got something for that ass later.
"You didn't think I was gonna let your little stunt slide, did you?"
kokonoi, WAKASA, izana, draken, MITSUYA, ushijima, KITA, daichi, kuroo, iwaizumi, akaashi, osamu, sugawara, oikawa, TODOROKI, bakugou, shinshou, shigaraki, dabi, [ insert anyone you want ].
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© 2023-2024 anisespice ッ all rights reserved. likes, comments & reblogs much appreciated!
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loveing-eyes · 2 years
i NEED what dating tamaki would include
i love him so much you dont even know
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dating tamaki amajiki would include
• mirio being grateful his best friend found someone who loves him for him and has patience for when he has his meltdowns
• he freaks out over the top PDA so no long hugs or lingering kisses which you'd be fine with cause you don't want to push him over the top
• but he also freaks out in crowds if he's not holding your hand the most he's ok with in public on a normal day is just holding hands
•though in private is a different story he will practically be attached by the hip to you cuddles kisses just holding each other
• being an honorary big 3 member even if quirkless cause they know how much you mean to Tamaki
•late night hangouts with the big three is one of the only times near other people he would truly hold onto you and kiss you
• the only other time possible would be if you got hurt during a villain attack he would be on the verge of a mental breakdown for the entire time and somehow blame himself for it
•if you were to get hurt so bad you had to be in the hospital he would now live in your hospital bed until they kicked him out
• during mental breakdowns and panic attacks you just try to keep calm and make sure he knows you are there and there is nothing to be afraid of
• if he was ever to get insecure about your relationship thinking you deserved better or someone whose more stable you would just sit in a chair next to him staring at the wall and holding hands with him till he realized how much you loved him
•dates would most likely be at-home movie nights or game nights or just spending quality time together which honestly is way better than near people
•being besties with nejire and her always having a weekly friends' day
•forehead kisses very rarely during hangouts along with neck kisses when your alone
•as someone who has many boundaries he would never ever try to push past his s/o's boundaries
•him in absolute amazement, he found someone as great as you who loved him without any weird reasons just you loved him for him
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yanderelionwrites · 1 year
MHA Yandere Lists: Love Languages
Trying something different with this format. I was inspired by a blog that I think was deactivated but had really good lists 🥲
Content Warning: yandere, stalking, obsessive behavior, non-consensual touching
Giving Gifts - If they could give you the world, they’d do it in a heartbeat. These yanderes love showering you with gifts; whatever your heart desires, they’ll get it to you no matter what. Those shoes you’ve been eyeing? Appears at your doorstep the next day. That new game coming out that’s part of your favorite franchise? It’s in your hands before it’s even been released to the public. All you have to do is show the slightest bit of interest in something, and they’ll give it to you without a second thought, no matter the expense. You deserve only the best after all. The only thing they want in return is your love 💝
| All For One, All Might, Dabi, DENKI KAMINARI, Endeavor, HAWKS, Mirio Togata, MOMO YAOYOROZU, Present Mic, Re-Destro, Sero Hanta, Shoto Todoroki
Words of Affirmation - Non-stop admiring and word vomit is what you’ll get from these yanderes. They love complimenting you and watching you get all flustered over their words. It only fuels their desire and admiration for you, and they’ll never let you forget how much you mean to them. They’ll tell you everything you don’t want to hear too, quickly reminding you why you shouldn’t fall for their sweet words in the first place 💘
| Denki Kaminari, Eijiro Kirishima, HAWKS, Himiko Toga, IZUKU MIDORIYA, Mina Ashido, MIRIO TOGATA, Mirko, Mr. Compress, Nejire Hado, Tamaki Amajiki, TWICE
Acts of Service -  These yanderes insist on doing everything for you, whether you want them to or not. You won’t even need to lift a finger with them around; just let them take care of you and pamper you to their heart’s content. Have some errands to do? They’re on it. Don’t know what to do for dinner? They’ll get your favorite takeout as well as whatever kind of food you like from restaurants all over. See how good they are at providing for you? Admit it. You need them 🖤
| Eijiro Kirishima, FAT GUM, Fumikage Tokoyami, Hawks, Hitoshi Shinso, IZUKU MIDORIYA, Katsuki Bakugo, Kyouka Jiro, MEZO SHOJI, Natsuo Todoroki, Ochako Uraraka, Present Mic, Sero Hanta, Shoto Todoroki, Spinner, TENYA IIDA, Tsuyu Asui, Twice
Quality Time - The yanderes that need to be attached to your hip at all times. They’re always wanting to spend time with you; it can be any activity you want, just let them be in your presence. Even if you don’t invite them to hang out with you, they’ll come anyway, just without you knowing. They’ll pout as they watch you behind a nearby wall, frown growing deeper as they see you enjoy yourself, without them. Don’t you like their company? Don’t you have more fun when they’re around? Yeah, clingy is an understatement with these ones 💞
| DENKI KAMINARI, Hawks, Himiko Toga, IZUKU MIDORIYA, MINA ASHIDO, Mirio Togata, Momo Yaoyorozu, NEJIRE HADO, Ochako Uraraka, Present Mic, Shoto Todoroki, Tamaki Amajiki, Tomura Shigaraki, Twice
Physical Touch - Nothing conveys how these yanderes feel better than their actions. They need to touch you, need to feel your skin against theirs. Protest and resist all you want, but nothing is going to stop them from loving on you with their hugs and kisses. The more you try to squirm out of their hold, the tighter their grip will become. They know you’re just as touch starved as they are. Just relax, honey. You’re safe right here in their arms ⛓️
| Dabi, DENKI KAMINARI, Eijiro Kirishima, Endeavor, FAT GUM, HAWKS, Hitoshi Shinso, Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Midnight, Mina Ashido, MIRIO TOGATA, Mirko, Nejire Hado, Ochako Uraraka, PRESENT MIC, Sero Hanta, Shota Aizawa, SHOTO TODOROKI, Spinner, Tamaki Amajiki, Tomura Shigaraki, Tsuyu Asui, Twice
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adabird · 2 months
MIRIO TOGATA - oneshot!
characters aged up!
you are at risk for your own internet consumption!
This is my first ever, oneshot!! I apologize if this isn’t as good as my headcannons, but I’m working on it!
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x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x.
You stood in front of the mirror whipping off the condensation from the steamy shower. You had only stepped out of it moment ago, leaving you in a towel wrapped snugly around your body, with another wrapped around your head to help dry your hair faster. You stepped out of the bathroom, immediately walking into your bedroom before flopping down on the side of your bed.
The silence left you to think about your outfit, wondering if it was maybe too dull for the upcoming evening. Or maybe was it to bright? Maybe you should just change your outfit entirely ? A ringtone brought you out of your thoughts, the buzzing came from your side table.
You quickly answered the call, hearing a jittery voice stutter out to you, you immediately knew who it was. Tamaki began to ask you about when he should come over, and when should Nejire join. You had to lower your voice in fear that your boyfriend was lurking ready to phase through the wall.
Before you could answer his question you called out for your boyfriend, not once, but twice.. That only meant one thing. He must have been here lurking about. You told Tamaki to give you a second as you went scrolling to find the “Find My” app. You started to track your boyfriend’s work phone, since he never took that off of him.
But, you were wrong, he was at the store, most likely grabbing his improved hero suit. Once that was confirmed, you started to whisper Tamaki your cordanits, as well as where the cake and party store was. You made sure to tell him that you have everything already paid for and it was under your name. You had decided to change into your outfit and get started on your hair and makeup.
You had just gotten dressed, and finished your hair. You were about to finish off your make up when a knock came from your door. You slowly peaked your head out, eyes widening as you smiled inviting your two close friend in. The second they had came in, you had taken all the items and supplies from their hands and had gotten to work setting up.
You had texted Mirio to come in through the front door, since he had the tendency to phase through it. You wanted to hear the keys jingle, that way you knew it was time to jump out and yell surprise! Time had moved faster then you had thought, becuase right when you were placing in the finishing touches the three of you heard Mirios keys jingle.
Both you and Nejire hid behind the couch while Tamaki hid behind the curtains. You had set streamers by the door, attached a ‘Happy Birthday ‘ banner to the common wall, blown up balloons, brought all his favorite snack and placed them in fancy bowls setting them on the living room coffee table, you had placed drinks on the kitchen counter, the cake in the middle of the coffee table, and gotten Mirios favorite movie ready to watch.
Mirio had open the door, both you and Nejire popped up yelling ‘SUPRISE’ ! As Tamaki fought his way out of the curtains..
Mirio jumped back watching as his two best friends and the love of his life wish him a happy birthday! God he’s never been that happy. He loves the way your cheeks ball up with laughter and your eyes squint from your wide smile. Goodness he loved you!
Happy Birthday Mirio!
I hope you like this, I feel like it was a little flat but i’ll continue to make more until I get better!
(Let me know if you have any requests!)
-Onie out!
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majoyosei · 3 months
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🌞🌻 Togata Kids 🌻🌞
After several months of designed them, I can finally upload my 'fanbabies' Mitsuo and Himari Togata, the children of Mirio Togata (Lemillion), from "My Hero Academia" and my avatar, Majo Pearce (Yōsei) ☀️🧚‍♀️
When I created my ship, I had the idea that they would only have a child but some months ago I had a sleepless night in which Himari showed up in my mind and I had to bring her to life 💭✨
Since her birth, I have made several changes, I had to make several adjustments to their quirks being now two kids, but I think I've done, so here's some information about my kids 🥰💗
🌞 Mitsuo Togata: Mirio and Majo's firstborn. He inherited his father's enthusiasm and energy, as well as a great physical resemblance, except for the color of his hair and eyes. His name refers to 'shine' and the concept of sun related to Mirio. Mitsuo is a funny, enthusiastic, mischievous and full of light boy. He admires his father a lot. He also loves his mother and protects his little sister, Himari. He is 8 years old and wants to be a professional hero like his parents. He inherited Mirio's quirk, "Permeation", being able to become intangible and pass through any matter and objects, including light, sound and air 🌅🕳️
🌻 Himari Togata: The second daughter of Mirio and Majo and younger sister of Mitsuo, who is four years older than her. Unlike her brother, she inherited Majo's large western eyes. She has her mother's hair but a little lighter due to the influence of Mirio, from whom she inherited her eyes color, smile and nose, as well as skin tone and sense of humor. Her name, like her brother's, refers to the sun. She is quite tender and innocent and a bit attached to her mother, although her hero is her father, of whom she has a plushie that she carries everywhere. Her quirk is called "Ground Permeation", it is a combination of her parents' quirks and allows her to make any inanimate object intangible as long as it is composed of rocks or minerals 🦄🪨
And well, that's all for now, without more to say, I hope you like it!! 🪻
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animeomegas · 1 year
What if the alpha in MHA isn't a hero or famous person in general? And they met their omega when they already are an adult. How would the omega show their alpha to the paparazzi? OR MAYBE they try to hide their private life?
Oooh, interesting!
Keeps his alpha as far away from the paparazzi as possible. Never mentions anything in interviews, only picks dates at home or places you won't be disturbed, either no or heavily edited social media
Bakugou, for sure. The world knows he has an alpha that he's committed to, and they probably know what the alpha looks like, but that's it. It's his business, no one else's.
Shinsou. He's an underground hero, so he doesn't mess with paparazzi at all. For his and his alpha's safety, they both keep a very low profile.
Aizawa for much the same reasons as above.
Toshinori (post-retirement) loves to keep his relationship and family as lowkey as possible. He doesn't want any media outlet to know he's even mated. It's too risky for their safety, but also, he thrives being Toshinori, not All Might, in his own home and he doesn't want those lines to start blending.
Tamaki clams up when the public start prying into his personal life.
Finds a happy medium. Likes to brag about and post photos of their alpha sometimes, but still enjoys the privacy that comes come keeping strict boundaries.
Midoriya falls into this category, for sure. As number one, keeping his alpha a secret would be near impossible, so instead he tries to maintain healthy boundaries. He enjoys gushing over his partner in interview and getting fan art with his alpha in it, so he likes this balance.
Mic. I know it might seem like he should go in the 'no privacy' category, but I actually think that Mic is really good at saying a lot, but also not saying anything at all. Like he gushes about his partner all the time on the radio, but when you go to the partner section of his wiki, it's surprisingly empty, because he keeps a lot of information to his chest. It helps that he doesn't get recognised much when he's out of costume too.
I think Iida falls here too. His whole family are famous heroes and I think his PR team at the very least would play on that a lot with an active (but well curated) social media about Iida's life. Fancy events, birthdays, family gatherings, things like that, so his alpha would definitely pop up. He like to keep interviews on his heroics though.
Never stops talking about their alpha for even a moment. Constant pictures, videos, social media all the time, interviewers kind of end up hating their alpha because they can't get the hero in question to tal about anything else.
Denki, of course, is anyone surprised? His relationship is only one step away from being a YouTube couple lmaoo. He gushes and talks about his alpha, he gets caught with hickeys, he posts lovey dovey photos of lazy mornings and fancy dinners. The world is very invested in the 'couple goals'.
Kirishima slips into this category because he thanks his alpha for their support in every interview and lavishes them with praise about how supportive and amazing they are. He's also the kind of person to give out relationship advice to his fans lol. It's not as non-stop as Denki, but everyone knows about his alpha.
Mirio would 100% have the 'golden couple' image attached to him. Him and his partner are couple goals, but in a different way to Denki. Denki and his alpha are relatable, but Mirio's relationship is perfect (to outsiders.) I'm talking charity appearances together, pictures of their elaborate proposal and wedding, wholesome pet pictures, the whole works.
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sugoi-and-spice · 11 months
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Like my work? Please consider commissioning me or contributing to my Ko-Fi!
Chapter Twenty-Three - I’m Not Okay (I Promise)
Summary: Tomura Shigaraki was her dad’s boss’s son. He was the creep that stole girls’ underwear and tried to grope her in his room. But it’s not like he could get her Dad fired just because she wouldn’t sleep with him, right? …right?
CW: Quirkless!AU, Explicit Smut, Dub-Con, Coercion, Blackmail, Cheating, Sexual Guilt, Humiliation, Unhealthy Relationships, Virginity Kink, Groping, Power Play, Hate to Love, Emotional Manipulation, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Animal Death, Slow Burn, Misogyny
Read Full Chapter on AO3
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Even for a Friday afternoon the arcade was way more crowded than she had expected. The group had originally planned on grabbing a bite at the attached restaurant before gaming, but their new addition had created a bit of a logistical problem.
“I’m so sorry,” the Hostess bowed repeatedly and apologetically, “All of our larger party tables are booked for at least another hour. The most we could fit is a chair on the end of a four person booth.”
“Awww, really? I mean how small are the booths? We’re all friends, we can squeeze!” Nejire insisted, pulling Amajiki into a tight hug at the waist to prove her point, much to the quickly reddening boy’s chagrin.
“That’s against our fire code,” she bowed again, “I’m really so sorry.”
Yuyu, ever the pragmatic one, turned to suggest, “I guess we’re gonna have to split up?”
Nejire pouted, “That’s not really festive.”
Mirio, more than happy to put on a show to either sacrifice one of his friends to table with Shigaraki, or make show of how much he didn’t belong there at the moment, put a hand on Nejire’s shoulder, “Hey, we gotta do what we gotta do, right?”
Shigaraki was feeling itchier and pricklier by the second. He didn’t particularly enjoy being the center of gawking attention even under the best of circumstances. And this moment — standing awkwardly to the side as a group of kids already way cooler than he could ever hope to be were actively discussing the logistics as to why he was a complete inconvenience to all of them — was far from the best of circumstances.
He leaned into his one spider’s thread of a tie to it all, whispering nervously, “I’ll just go, this is stupid…”
Mirio, somehow hearing him, as if he’d been waiting for those words frowned “sympathetically” at him, “Awww? Are you sure?”
“Uh, y-yeah…” Shigaraki said, even he was a bit taken aback by how quick Mr. ‘Let’s Make Everyone Smile At All Times” was willing to kick him to the curb, “I-I’m making this weird anyway, right?”
Nobody really wanted to answer. That’s what the group of friends did think, after all.
But then she put a hand, a perfectly manicured lifeline, on his shoulder.
“Don’t be silly,” she pointed out, “Look, there’s a two seater right by that booth. Shigaraki and I will take that and then we won’t have to squeeze anywhere.”
The group all looked about each other, shrugging and mumbling positively. That really did seem like the best option. The group that needed to be altogether — the friends since elementary school — were indeed, altogether, and Shigaraki was neither ostracized nor isolated with people he didn’t know. It was a perfectly fine solution for all.
All except Mirio.
“H-Hey, those big party tables aren’t reserved for the night or anything right?” Mirio asked the hostess, and upon a confirming nod, he offered back to the group, “I don’t know about you guys, but I’m not starving or anything — why don’t we just put our name down and play some games in the meantime? Then nobody has to squeeze or split, you know?” 
Another chorus of shrugs and “Yeah, that’s work”’s — and Mirio had his, admittedly, small victory over the situation. 
Though it’s not like it lasted long.
Continue on AO3
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zukazukazuka · 21 days
Serika Toa to Retire on April 27, 2025
Long reflective navel-gazing and emotional processing under the cut.
tl;dr: If I had a nickel for every time I inadvertently planned a trip during a Soragumi taidan, I'd have two nickels.
Second nickel hurts way worse.
Inevitably, living on the opposite side of the world means I usually wake up to messages about these things before I actually see them for myself. I remember waking up on July 7, 2017 to things like "wow...hope you like Soragumi!" when her transfer was announced. It feels oddly prophetic that that year we inadvertently planned our trip to catch Asaka Manato's taidan show as well as Kiki's last Grand Theater show with Hanagumi. I cried a lot on that trip, honestly.
Once you start to immerse yourself, it's easy to get attached to your first round of top stars. We'd gotten to see Maasama and Soragumi in Elisabeth the year before, and I was sad she was leaving. Hanagumi was our home troupe, and my favorite actress was transferring. Both shows were incredible, and to this day SANTE!! remains my favorite revue of all time. I think we saw it some ridiculous amount of eight times, back when it was possible to have the privilege of satisfying your brainrot by waiting outside the Tokyo Theater at 5 AM in hopes of getting same-day tickets. I remember the utter devastation of seeing that show from the 4th row, of getting arrowed with a Kukochihiko stare from the silver bridge during her duet with Mirio that made me squirm in my seat. I remember how loud the audience was on senshuuraku in Tokyo, it felt like we were at a rock concert rather than a Takarazuka show, and how satisfying that was, despite the tears.
It's hard to believe that was seven years ago, which feels both so close (literally to a degree, as you don't have to scroll very far down this blog to get my live reaction posts lol) and somehow yet so far away (thanks COVID).
Two months ago, we bought tickets to go back to Japan in January, our first trip since 2019.
This morning I woke up to messages again.
And now apparently I've stumbled yet again into a Soragumi taidan, "my" taidan, which of course I knew ultimately was on the nearer horizon since June 2023, but could never have guessed how fraught everything in between would become.
I can't help but feel exceptionally, heartbreakingly sad.
I fell in love with Kiki from the very first time I set foot in Quatre Reves and saw her photo as Rudolf in 2014. She has always been my favorite since that day, and by the time she goes it will have been effectively 10 and a half years. 10 years, nibante under two long-running top stars, through pandemic closures and changes, and effectively 1.5 GT shows as top. In truth, I'd always prepared myself for a short run. 3 shows would've been just enough to give her 'decent' time without really feeling like they were just shoveling her off after so long as #2, although I would've been cranky about it. 4 or 5 would have been an ideal sweet spot. At this point, I'm sure 3 was always the initial plan, and I hope that had been satisfying for her going into things.
It just extra fucking sucks now.
Today I can't help but feel regret for falling off as much as I did after her transfer. I was able to see her in both of those 2019 trips, thankfully at least once on stage, but the double whammy of Mirio leaving and COVID closures made it feel a lot hard to stay connected to Takarazuka in general - which is ironic, given that I will never, ever not find it surreal to watch a raku livestream on my fucking couch at 12 AM. But I didn't watch as many as I could have. One of my favorite things had always been seeing iride photos on twitter, and it made me feel like even if I couldn't be there, I could still "keep up" with what was happening day to day. Unfortunately (or rather fortunately, given this last year) I am famously too lazy to make a lot of effort to read things in Japanese, even if Takarazuka helped improve it for a time. I have limited space and desire to buy dozens of GRAPHs or other magazines for interviews. I moved on to other interests, but always kept one finger on the pulse of things. At one point, as things went on longer and longer, I thought so many times "hey girl, if you wanna pull a MiyaRuri and bounce without making top, I fully respect and support that, even if I won't get to see you one last time."
I don't have much I want to say here about what happened last year, except that I hope such a horrendous tragedy does ultimately lead to a lot of reform at the revue. Unlike apparently most everyone, I didn't go digging around the internet for names and 'what really' happened (see: lazy, also not my fucking business). I don't know, I don't want to know, and at this point frankly I don't really care about anyone's particular opinion about the people involved, or whatever outcome they think should have happened.
But we are where we are, now.
Last week, in my naive hope that after we got through Escalier's break with no taidan announcement, I was guessing that she might yet go later next year. I'd been reading the schedule wrong and complaining about the possibility of a late summer taidan, because Japan is fucking horrendous in summer, only to realize that it would've really been October, which would be ideal, although truthfully I'm not sure I could have swung a second trip in one year. I'd been sad about not getting to see her possible ohirome during my favorite time of year, since I couldn't swing a trip last year. In hindsight, I'm glad it turned out as "lucking" into actually seeing taidan rather than potentially have booking a trip last fall and "wasting" it, and that I no longer have to worry about whether or not I get to see it. But it still really fucking sucks.
Part of what helps offset the hurt of an actress retiring, especially your actress, especially a top star, is the celebration of all that's come before. Coming in as a fan in 2014, I saw all of the photos and videos of the last day festivities of Teru and Chie, which continued through all of the others that left in subsequent years. I felt devastated for the top stars who left during the height of pandemic closures, who couldn't have that, and for fans who couldn't get to see it. I'm not even sure what taidans look like these days, as I'm sorry to say a consequence of only trailing vaguely along on the hype train for the past several years is that I haven't seen any taidan shows or bothered with social media to know if they do even a semblance of those last day activities, even for the troupe. It makes me sad to think that maybe those sorts of things are perhaps long gone, just generally. Even if they aren't, though, I doubt we'd get any of that, anyway.
So in absence of that element or really any other joy, all I can really feel is bitterly sad.
In truth, I have a lot of complex feelings about her whole run, and have for many years, but those aren't things I care to lay out here. Suffice it to say, this whole situation feels like icing on that whole cake, I guess.
As I was writing all of this, I realized that just because of timing and that we usually prioritized seeing grand theater shows over small ones, the only time I will have seen Kiki live in a lead show will be her last one. I realize that compared to many people I'm privileged to go at all, let alone the number of times I've already done so in the past, but I'm still utterly heartbroken.
At the end of Escalier last weekend, I'd been so happy to see a semblance of her old self again. Her jokes, her smile, which has always felt like sunshine to me. I can't ever know her real feelings, but I hope that maybe there is some relief for her, knowing there's an end in sight. I hope that despite everything, she can find a satisfying life after the fact, that she'll still be able to perform, if she wishes. At the end of it all, I do feel thankful for the things we do have, the experiences I've had up to this point. My one tiny silver lining is that Sakura is (supposedly, maybe, fingers crossed) hanging around, hopefully for a while, because she's an incredible powerhouse and deserves the world. I'm grateful to her for being Kiki's partner and radiating love at her on stage, and terribly looking forward to seeing that in person.
Anyway, time to go cry some more, and eventually write a letter.
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