#I have no clue if this is readable :)
pinkmandias · 1 year
i was sifting through a bunch of jesse hate (for an edit not bc i’m obsessed😭) and the gist of what i got was just. a willful misunderstanding of his character, his trauma, and his naivety/innocence in regards to his age/the power imbalance present within his relationship with walt and like. almost everyone else on the show.
obviously all of the people that loathe him and have paragraphs upon paragraphs of misinterpretations & simplifications of his arc to spew online are all people that love & identify with walter (surprise surprise), but i feel like it’s also so very reminiscent of the shit i noticed these last two years with certain media where a large portion of audience is both too stupid to recognize nuances present in writing & leans heavily on their confirmation bias.
and on that note, what was not shocking to me was how many of these complaints could be boiled down to him getting in walt’s way, making things more difficult for walt, or subverting walt’s authority. it’s incredibly similar to the hatred for skyler that has only recently begun to taper off (or at least take different forms or been redirected to other characters - like jane). jesse shares significantly more similarities with female characters in brba than any male character, and i think it’s only because he is not a woman (whereas skyler is) that jesse hate was not more prevalent while the show was airing/i see more of it now than ever.
jesse is a pussy, he’s a little bitch, he’s weak, he cries too much - because it’s not “manly” for him to feel remorse and to be destroyed by guilt. when he self destructs it’s selfish and when he lashes out he’s ungrateful. never mind the fact that he has been through more than enough to deeply traumatize even the most well adjusted individual by s3, much less at the end of his captivity by s5. with no one to turn to, no one to talk to, no one to comfort him. he’s neglected time and time again by the man who, from the very beginning, violated & disrespected his boundaries, his belongings, his personal life, his home, his time & has (both intentionally and unintentionally) methodically chipped away at any meaningful relationship jesse had or could have & left him with nothing but Him, nurturing a deadly codependency. he has at least two members of walt’s family being projected onto him as well as the role of a student & business partner. perfect obedience & perfect fulfillment of these roles is expected, but not praised.
would you not also be a little bitchy sometimes? do impulsive & risky things to gain attention or love or some semblance of power in your otherwise powerless life? would you not fall prey to fleeting affection given by a dying man (with the same sickness as your late aunt that you shared a home with and loved so dearly that you spent her remaining time on this earth by her side, taking care of her) when that affection is so heady? when you have nothing and no one else??
it always circles back around to “he knew what he was getting into”, “he deserved xyz”, “he could have stopped at any time”, and “why didn’t he just leave” - just like with skyler. i don’t think i have to explain why those comments are so disturbing & i don’t think it’s difficult at all to understand why he cries or bitches so much…
anyway, i’ll conclude this post with these quotes because i think it says a lot that the only character vince remembers the audience hating so much is skyler -
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pyrriax · 10 months
I don't know if you've gotten this one yet but 28 I think? the favorite line/passage one!!!
Ask game!
28. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Oo this is so hard to choose.... I'm giving myself two, one from something published and one from something unpublished.
Published: Excerpt from Chapter 25 "Broken Hourglass" of Where the Dust Settles
[...] Somewhere along the way, he'd yanked his hand away from Accius, taking quick steps back, away from them, away from the thing he wants so desperately to run from. Back toward the only thing he even knows anymore. Back toward the constant of insecurity. At least, until his back hits one of the stone walls, and the air leaves his lungs. Panic makes his head swim and constricts his thoughts to the uncertainty and bad and blood. Blood on his tongue, flesh in his mouth, red clouding his vision and stinging his eyes. So much for not crying until he was safe again. [...]
Unpublished: Excerpt from "I'm Sure Silence Should Hurt Less Than This" from the Anhedonia AU
[...] The dog bites him that night, draws blood and threatens to tear out a chunk of his flesh, teeth puncturing deep enough he worries this won't heal without taking a heart with it. The dog has many hearts, more than Ro has ever had. Its earned those hearts, one way or another. Perhaps this is how it does it. Tonight he was supposed to meet with Zam and Spoke, to discuss something he can't remember with blunted teeth buried in his forearm. He won't be leaving tonight, and they'll ask where he was. He'll ignore their messages for another few weeks, until they stop trying. The dog growls and bites down harder, enough to bring tears to Ro's eyes. But instead of flinching away and trying to yank his arm from its mouth, he reaches out with his other hand and pets its head, promises he isn't going to hurt it. Its fur is softer than he expected, smooth and shedding more than it should. It thrashes for a moment, and he regrets treating it with such kindness. There will always be a dog in Ro's apartment, one that bites and snarls and wants him dead on the days he says too much. On the days he craves to leave this shell of a home behind and see if anyone would dare to take him in, it looks at him with the placid eyes of a dead dog, and he doesn't leave. If he leaves like Zam did, abandons the dog in favor of a new place, then the dog will escape the prison he's made of his home. [...]
I swear I'm normal about dogs as a metaphor/allegory. Also these are both pretty recent but also these are stuck in my head. The one from WTDS especially. Pandora will always have a special place in my heart because he's so fucking horrible and I love him to death.
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ancientmyrddin · 16 days
the struggle is coming from inside the house
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Any tips or guides on how you draw such wonderful mechanical/toy-like characters? It feels robust but not overwhelming, love it.
Thank you! So a lot of it is just knowing how to slap the joints on a normal humanoid body. If you research stuff like figma action figures and real life robots, you'll quickly build up a mental library of mechanical joints that correspond to different body parts. Many things that apply to robots apply to toys and things, though it always depends.
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Once you have this library built up, you can kinda just do Whatever. Answered a similar ask a long while back that goes into more detail as well.
Some robots are much more detailed than this though, and the main inspirations I have for Normal Robots in particular are from Portal 2, particularly in Atlas and P-Body; the trick they use is having all the mechanical bits (usually pistons) being colored black and dark-grays, with the shells and casings being white or some other contrasting color.
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This is an excellent way of having your cake and getting to eat it as well, because the colored casing draws your eye, and you get rewarded with taking in all the finer mechanical bits without getting distracted by them first.
This main principle is what I use for Kaita, who has mechanical parts, but often shows more subtly in her neck and torso/abdomen.
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If you just quickly glanced at this closeup of Kaita from this older bit of art I did here, you'd probably not completely realize she's a robot, but seeing the strange geometric shapes etched into those areas might clue you in. To reiterate: while robots like Kaita are more complicated than toys, they share a good deal of mechanisms for stuff like rotating the arms, turning wrists, etc.
It's also just kinda a character design thing in general, is using strong shape language and going for something... toyetic. Which sounds redundant, but you'd quickly understand what I mean when you look at something like, say, Fortnite characters, or the designs to Ben10 aliens. They're not toys, but they all kinda have that Look to em, and they look like that not just because they do in fact have merchandise, but because that kinda blocky look is really readable, and excellent for action scenes and poses. Just that blocky shape language and strong color-schemes can do a lot of heavy lifting on even the simplest designs.
My main inspirations are Sonic and TF2, which I feel is weirdly obvious when you look at someone like Victor if you look at the blockiness of his body and the way I stick to a limited color palette. As-is he wouldn't fit in either universe visually, but you can kinda see how the design principles bleed into how he looks now.
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physalian · 2 months
How to Make your Writing Less Stiff 4
Let’s keep this train rollin’! This time less down to line edits and more overall scope of your narrative
Part 3
1. Foreshadowing
Nothing quite like the catharsis of accurately predicting where something’s going to go. It doesn’t have to be a huge plot twist or a character death, it can (and should) be little things that reward your audience for paying attention. Double points if it adds to rewatch/re-readability.
Example: In The Dark Knight, this exchange happens:
Harvey: “You’ve known Rachel all her life.”
Alfred: “Oh, not yet, Sir.”
You won’t think anything of it on your first watch. Alfred is just making a witty joke that throws Harvey off. Watch the movie again, when Rachel dies, and it becomes some incredibly dark foreshadowing. Turns out Alfred has, actually, known Rachel all her life.
2. Chekhov’s Gun
Chekhov’s Gun is a narrative concept where a seemingly inconsequential element introduced at some point in the narrative (a gun) must “fire” by the end of the narrative. Sometimes this element leaves audiences uneasy or anxious, because they know something bad must come of it. Sometimes they think nothing of it until it’s about to fire and you get a one-two punch of the realization that it’s about to hit, and then the impact of the hit. It helps create tension, and tension is incredibly important (if you want a whole post of my take on it, lmk).
It also helps your narrative look more cohesive, where nothing is left on the table. Your set-ups and payoffs leave no threads dangling.
3. Repetition
The Rule of threes can apply on a micro and macro scale. I like doing lists of adjectives in threes, (e.g. My cat is soft, fluffy, and adorable) because the cadence and the flow of three is something we’re familiar with in spoken language. We like three supporting examples for an argument. Any less doesn’t feel strong enough, any more feels like you’re trying too hard. This is not a rule it’s a suggestion.
On a grander scale, you can look at the script of Curse of the Black Pearl for a masterclass in macro rules of three, like three parlays. Doing this helps your narrative look more cohesive and like every detail is thoroughly interwoven and nothing is coincidence. Your audience will get to the third instance and mimic that DiCaprio pointing meme—they will absolutely notice.
4. Motifs
Motifs as well, beyond threes, help. Colors are a huge one. For example every time you mention the color purple, you could attach it to an emotion, or a character, or an important plot beat, like how leitmotifs work for character themes in movies and TV shows.
Obvious examples in film are like lightsaber colors or dressing up the good guys in white and the bad guys in black. I did this whole post about color in fiction.
It’s a lot of other things too. Weather elements and times of day, or specific inconsequential objects popping up over and over again, like birds, or litter, fallen leaves, clothing items. Whenever the narrative mentions them, the author is trying to clue you in on some subtext within that scene.
My new novel is here!!! Do you like supernatural fantasy? How about queer vampires? How about acespec characters? Then Eternal Night of the Northern Sky is for you!
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wintersera · 10 months
study date? || futa!wonyoung x f!reader
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notes: first time ever writing futa and i feel like a hentai loving freak for doing so- anyways “hermaphrodite” futanari especially refers to pornographic characters in erotic manga or anime, known as hentai. basically wy has a pussy and a dick 😭 also happy belated birthday @wonysugar this was for u
cw: futanari, sub!wonyoung, dom!reader, dacryphilia, strap on (i say cock as well), overstimulation if you squint, praise(?), 100% not proofread leave me alone 😭
wc: 5k
“you know you’re about to be kicked off campus if you don’t pass right?”
your teacher had summoned you a mere 5 minutes ago to drop the most devastating news you had ever heard in your half assed school life. obviously you knew your grades weren’t the best- they were shit.
you had joined the university to get away from your annoying ass parents, and you were very VERY lucky to have been accepted into such a prestigious one, a university that would make your parents proud. only skimming the entry requirements by a passing grade.
anyways, you couldn’t have the risk of losing the good friends you had made, so you started thinking... if you were to study hard you could stay, maybe fuck around at parties and whatnot, but then again you and studying don’t go hand in hand, unfortunately. even if you tried to sit down in the lecture hall with a notebook and your laptop on the side you’d most likely forget the content in as soon as you step out.
groaning in frustration, you throw your hands up into the air dramatically “ughhhh… okay, i’ll make it up to you somehow. please don't kick me out just yet”
stumbling into your next class like the dramatic person you are, you mumble under your breath with a displeased look on your face obviously shown by furrowed brows and your persistent frown.
“fuck this class, this is so shitttt” uttering as you take your note book from out of your bag to scribble down some barely readable half assed notes, since your teacher was rambling about some topic you didn’t quite grasp.
it was extremely obvious that you had no clue on what was being taught. instead of embarrassing yourself in front of the whole entire class by extending your arm up in the air, it was only natural for you to ask the person next to you for help. the girl next to you was known as the most intelligent person in the class, maybe the most intelligent person on campus if you say so yourself.
“…hey” whispering while poking her shoulder “what exactly are we learning?” the girl carefully placed down her pen to turn her head in your direction, her hair doing that cliche slow motion sway as she adjusts her glasses, making sure that it was tucked behind her ears. it took her a while to speak up, maybe it was nerves. people often depicted you as an outgoing ‘popular’ person, but you didn’t believe that at all- i mean who uses school hierarchy at your big age. sure, you have a couple of close friends here and there and you easily become acquainted with people, yet that doesn’t really make you popular… you think. just a few drinks and you’re already chatting to everyone at the club.. you wouldn’t call that being popular, right? or maybe she was repulsed by you instead, you dont know why, but maybe she just didn’t fuck with your vibes- your personalities clashed severely, and although you weren’t a believer of those cliche stereotypes where the nerd is absolutely terrified of the avid partygoer- those cliches almost felt too real.
her eyes widened and it seemed like all the blood had rushed up to her cheeks as she stared at your face for a few seconds, completely forgetting what you had asked her before “uh.. um… what did you ask me again?” by her body language alone, you could sense that she was tensing up. okay maybe you were a little bit intimidating, who wouldn’t think you were by the way you waltzed into the lecture hall all dramatic like that.
“i’ve been behind on everything and i’m about to get kicked out so could you maybe help… please?”
“um- well, it’s kinda impossible to learn all the content in one sitting, since our professor kinda just talks for hours on end. so… uh if you’re okay with it, do you wanna do a little studying together?”
“yes?! oh my god perfect, you’re a lifesaver. just say where and i’ll be over” immediately accepting the offer just like that. you’d think that she would be more timid considering that she was literally paralysed when you poked her, but luckily enough, she had the balls to speak to you. god bless confident ass nerds.
being too enthusiastic about studying with her, she was a little bit caught off guard by the way you beamed “w-we could do it after class. i’m not busy and no ones gonna be in my dorm today apparently…” you thought about it. even though you were fine with studying at a local cafe, or the university library, a change of environment could possibly help you “that’s if you want to of course” fiddling with her pen as she softly added the last sentence.
“sure, why not. a change of environment wouldn’t hurt- and plus i might study better with someone as smart and cute as you”
“h-huh? what?”
you felt a little pang in your heart, her confused face made your pulse race a little too fast for your liking “ah… i didn’t mean that in a flirtatious way” sureeee “i meant it more like- you know what… i'm digging myself a hole. i meant you’re very very smart and i’d love for you to help me study” flashing her a quick smile.
“uh- um yeah.. ahaha. so my place is fine?”
after another painful hour of sitting impatiently in your seat, class finally ended with you still not understanding a single thing that came out of your professor's mouth.
“i have no idea what she was yapping about”
“it’s because you sleep at the back sometimes. you better stop taking naps or else she’s gonna kick you out for real”
“…you pay attention to me sleeping in class?” interrogating her seemed fun. she was always so quick to answer your questions with a funny flustered response. something along the lines of stuttering profusely everytime you ask her a simple question. it was like you knew her for a while, being so comfortable in her presence that you can easily toss banter around.
“NO- i mean.. it’s because you sleep so soundly and so obviously, probably because you’re partying almost every night, r-right?”
“you’re so cute when you stutter- also yes i do go out a lot but not that much” teasing her a bit more as you walk out of the lecture hall “so where’s your dorm at pretty girl?”
“oh! uh.. it’s just a 10 minute walk away”
you called her a pretty girl? out of nowhere? it was involuntary but it came out smoothly and without you thinking, plus it really messed with her head. score. what you failed to realise is that she walked a little funny, shuffling as she walked beside you. the tent in her pants being so obviously apparent that she covered it up with her bag, that was thankfully big enough.
that 10 minute walk to hers felt oddly familiar, until you realised that you lived in the same accommodation. what a shocker.
what's even more funnier is that she lived one floor above you
“y-yes?” she jumped in place as she reached for her keys in her bag, the keys almost falling out of her hands.
“it’s kind of funny how i live right below you” giggling about how silly you thought it was “how come i’ve never seen you around?”
“hmmm… too busy studying i guess”
“ah, that would make sense. anyways why are you just standing at the door, are we gonna go in or nah”
you waited as she lowkey struggled to insert the key into the door. watching her closely as she curses under her breath, she must’ve thought that she looked like a complete and utter loser. she was right. she was a mess in front of you-
“take your time babe”
“s-stop don’t call me that. you’re gonna make me mess up again” panicking as she missed the key hole.
the door finally opened and you were in. her room was, well, basically the same size as yours of course, but it was definitely much more organised in contrast to your hell hole of a room “god damn, i’m glad you didn’t offer to go to mine”
as you sat down on her bed, you scanned across her walls and other stuff, taking note of what types of posters she had on her wall just in case you felt generous one day and decided to give her a gift. not like you had any money for that though. it wasn’t surprising when you glanced over her desk to see a couple of shoujo anime figures still fresh in the box “hah wow you really are nerdy”
“s-shut up and come sit here”
“alright so that’s how you finish off this part… are you okay… you look out of it” she questions you while you slide down her conveniently placed extra chair that was placed right next to her.
“that felt like a fuck ton of cars just crashed simultaneously into my brain. wonyoung i know you’re smart, but can you dumb down the explanations plea-” you pause as she got up from her seat- your jaw swung wide open in shock laying your eyes upon something you guess wasn’t meant to be seen.
“how about we take little break. let me get you some.. um y/n? helloooo- are you good? is your brain fried?”
yeah it was. your focus was shifted onto something else. no thoughts, no words just..
you responded to her question with a nod- yeah yeah your brain was definitely fried, you even questioned if it was because the studying REALLY did fuck your head up, but my god it was as clear as day. the print in her pants was certainly real, there was no way that it was fake. her bulge being so unrealistically big that it looked like her pants were restricting all the space in there- no room for her cock to breathe at all.
“i… i uh- i don’t wanna be a creep or anything but… wonyoung i think you might have an issue down there”
“down where?” HOW did she not realise that she had a massive hard on right in front of you.
luckily she was cute, and thankfully you had a huge thing for nerds like her. you take a deep breath- praying to the skies that she doesn’t find you weird for asking this specific question.
“need help?” you breathe shakily, the sight of her cock begging for it to be released from her tight pants made you almost drool. heat spread to your face while she looked at you confused for a second until it hit her.
“ah, you meant t-that? aha i don't know how it got there um uh.. it’s definitely not because- i mean it’s like… well it seems like i have a hard on ahaha” there was an awkward silence that washed over the both of you.
“i- sorry i didn't mean to get turned on by you” shyly admitting whilst attempting to cover her hard on with her note book.
“oh, so i turned you on?” a smirk slowly appearing on your flushed face, a teasing hand brushed her cock ever so slightly as you crossed your legs.
“fuck… y-yeah you did.. sorry” she began to lose her balance as you cupped your hand around her bulge.
“no need to apologise” once again, silent washes over you- collecting your thoughts on how to approach her again “…wonyoung”
“take your pants off for me” you eyed her down like a predatory animal, crossing your arms as she slowly takes her pants, then her boxers off. her cock sprung out and hit her stomach with a thud. damn, she was hung-
telling a cute girl to strip in her own dorm room wasn’t really on your to do list today, or at all, but here you were. the cute girl in question having a massive cock and what seems to be the lack of balls.
wait pause? she doesn’t have any balls? interesting- now you’re equally intrigued and horny.
“sit down on the bed for me cutie” the sudden use of a pet name made her whine aloud. you guess she was weak towards those types of words- adorable. she sat down on her bed, legs shut from embarrassment “awww” you coo at her “how cute. come on, spread your legs for me baby”
“mmm.. wait wait you’re gonna be weirded out. i-i don’t think we shouldn’t do this”
“there’s nothing to be ashamed of. be proud of your dick wonyoung, people would die to have a cock this size” lifting yourself outta the chair to kneel in front of her “nowww, i did say i was gonna help- i promise i won’t be weirded out”
even though her dick was out, and you were so ready to suck it off. clearly nervous, you placed a reassuring hand on her thigh “it’s not like i’ve never seen a dick before- you’ll be fine with me, promise”
“it really isn’t about my dick. it’s more about the um… the… okay i don't have balls”
“huh?” you sat there perplexed- she has what? what do you mean she has no balls “n…none at all? well it’s not like i care anyway, dick is dick”
“okay so um- instead it’s just… actually just look for yourself” no words could explain how embarrassed wonyoung felt, her cheeks heated up- actually no, her whole entire face lit on fire. slowly spreading her legs apart, she revealed her sopping wet cunt.
yeah whatever, you weren’t opposed to the idea of nerd girl jang wonyoung having a massive fucking cock and a pretty tight pussy at the same time- more so, it turned you on severely knowing the nasty things you could do to her “you don’t need to worry about it baby, i’ll make you feel so good that you’ll forget about being embarrassed” you say after licking a strip up from the base of her cock to the very tip
“ah.. mhm… your tongue- warm” hands extending to grab your head gently, her long fingers tangling themselves in your messily tied hair.
“first time?” looking up from in between her legs. surprisingly, she shook her head with the bite of her lip “not a virgin? okay so i can do this” swooping one strand of hair to the back of your ears, you make haste, your mouth opening wide as you let her cock slide into your mouth, and a little into your throat.
“hngh s..so deep, sorry i lied ah- i am a virgin” it makes you giddy on how she always gave such honest answers, not a single drop in this woman's body could lie. even through pleasure she was true, her hips jolting upwards and never shying whenever you did something she enjoyed. you played with her tip, attentively listening to her whines gradually increasing in volume. for funsies, you then ease one finger into her needy pussy, her head thrown back- rolling her hips shamelessly.
releasing her cock from your mouth and resting your face next to it “feeling good?” you ask, just to make sure she’s actually good. she doesn’t answer, well she does, but in a series of whimpers and squeals. her response confirmed it for you, she felt more than good.
your pulse quickened, her once tense body relaxed under your control. to be an extra tease, you flashed her a cheeky smile before you take her cock back in your mouth. she gasps again, you watching her face contort; brows furrowing, biting her lip, her eyes occasionally rolling back as you curl your fingers inside- stretching her pussy by adding a second finger just so you can see her mouth fall open.
wonyoung felt like she was crumbling over the edge with your fingers pumping in and out of her hole without any breaks, and your tongue working magic around her throbbing cock. soon enough her legs were wide open for you and in return you giggled a little. an unknown feeling building at the pit of her stomach freaked her out yet it was oddly welcomed. you knew by the way her thighs trembled that she was close to finishing.
she couldn’t help but call out your name. she really tried her best to take her cock out of mouth while she came, but you refused to move even an inch, letting her load paint your throat white as you gulp down every last drop of it. you still kept fingering her until she couldn’t take it anymore, wriggling herself out of your hold and flopping onto the bed “that… felt… too good. i-i think i need to.. catch my breath” she says while blankly staring at the ceiling.
even in a situation like this you found her endearing, unlike the many hookups you’ve had where you’d leave after a good fuck. she was different from rest; a hidden gem “sorry i got carried away, you’re too cute wonyoung” like that her dick sprung back up “really, just by me calling you cute your cock is back up?”
“it has a mind of its own, leave it be” you giggle at her silly antics. with zero hesitation, you pull off your flimsy shirt exposing your bare skin to the air. it’s a little cold
still on the bed lying down, her eyes closed, you straddle over her hips “can we do it again, i didn’t get off. or maybe no… you know i don’t mind, i just wanted to see you flustered, and of course feel good”
she sprang up- which, to be honest, caught you off guard. huffing into the crook of your neck, peppering ticklish kisses alongside. there was a minor look of desperation on her face that you weren’t familiar with when it came to her. you’d usually see her around campus all calm and collected, looking so poised and shit and yet here she was, crumbling over a simple comment you made about her and her dick.
she switched between light pecks to open mouthed kisses, definitely leaving obvious bruises all over “you’re.. so.. pretty… wanna-”
“yeah? you want that dont you baby. wanna fuck my pussy don’t you” poor girl was flustered at your words. her lips grazed your neck again and whimpered as she kissed your jaw.
“yes please” your stomach twisted. so so cute begging to fuck your pussy. you complied, quickly discarding your underwear and tossing it somewhere. a hand took her shoulder, stabling yourself as you gradually let yourself sink onto her cock.
“hnggh… fuck. wonyoung you’re so? haaa- you’re really big” you felt a little lightheaded after fitting the entire length of her inside. you weren’t expecting her to reach that deep into you, maybe to the point of you losing yourself all over her dick. it was insane to you how much you could take. really really insane how she was able to stretch your pussy out so much to the point of your eyes rolling back.
fuck, why was she that big? you started tearing up and she wasn’t even moving “won… wonyoung, please i need you to start doing something” i think you might’ve driven her past processing because tell me why she wasn’t listening at all. she could be pussy drunk for all you care, actually no she was one hundred percent drunk off of your pussy. you were wet beyond comprehension, and the feeling of your walls clenching down on her cock made her moan so loud. thank god her flatmates weren’t because if they were, they’d hear the most filthiest things through the thin ass walls.
you gave her some time to adjust herself accordingly, waiting… for… quite a long time. it really looked like she was basking in the heat of your cunt and you honestly you thought that was quite endearing, but fuck, you needed her to ram into you or at least move around. she still hasn't done that still… good lord she was gone. so taking the situation into your own hands, you lifted yourself off of her hips just a tiny bit and harshly slammed down, both of you moaning at the overwhelming feeling “ah- fuck? wait wait..” you couldn’t wait any longer, you needed to be fucked crazy.
“mhm, just- just stay still like that. let me do what i need to do” you bounced once more, watching as wonyoung threw her head backwards, her mouth agape and everything.
even though you were mid fuck, wonyoungs glasses were still on. she needed to take them off for some reason, but you didn’t let her “hey don’t- keep those glasses on, you look so… mgh.. you look so fucking good” saying all of that while you increasingly sped up. now your thighs began to ache, worth it though. with each time her cock pumped inside, the closer you felt towards coming.
shit, you felt it so much, it was much stronger than usual and you felt like you were about to explode.
“come- fuck. wonyoung baby, are you close too?”
she nodded weakly. she was about to come again after the last- and so quickly too. her head was spinning, her thighs clenched, snapping back up to wrap her arms around your torso to keep you still; and to keep you close “close.. gonna…”
“me too… me too. keep- oh my god” your movements became frantic. then, not so shortly after, wonyoung lets out a long lasting moan. a mind breaking orgasm hits her so hard, her mind blanking out yet again while her thick semen fills you up. you followed straight after, your hand gripping her shoulder tightly until your knuckles turned white. a harsh groan reverberating inside of wonyoungs head as you moan straight into her ear.
awkward and weird as it may sound, but you immediately thought about hmmm… strap. you really wanted to try it. the thought of her with her ass high up in the air, with you dicking her down and jacking her off seemed something almost so pornographic and unrealistic that it excited you beyond comprehension.
why not give her the chance to cum all over you, and then get severely embarrassed about it. something about her just made you want to tease her until she’s crying. well that did sound like an appealing thing to do.
wonyoung laid down again. out of breath “made me… come again… i’m so…”
“cute… haa.. you’re really cute” you were equally as spent as she was but you HAD to try pounding her pussy. sure, your legs weren’t able to support you standing back up, after all you did use them to fuck yourself on her, but you were UP “can i go back to my room real quick? i’ll be back, it’s a pleasant surprise, i promise”
“uh, sure?” she was confused as to why you grabbed your pants and her shirt that she took off to then sprint outside of her room. quite strange don't you think? well whatever.
you hurried to your door, searching for your keys in your back pocket “come on- come onnnn” your thighs were so sore but you had to get that damn pink strap out of your closet. it was a need to fuck her perfect pussy.
there it was in its glory, a small rectangular box that concealed your strap. alright, time to speed back up the stairs.
i guess she wasn’t even bothered to check who it was, but she immediately opened the door as soon as she heard you knock once “hey i’m back, i got you a present” you heaved as you legitimately ran up a flight of stairs not too long ago.
“a present for me?” i mean she was bewildered, you had a box in your arms. no decoration, just a plain ass box.
“yeah- fuck, let me catch my breath… okay yes i know it doesn’t look like all that, but look-“ you opened the box to reveal your unused strap on “can i use it on you?”
you cannot stress this enough, but wonyoung’s face was violently red again. given the fact that you had made her cum twice and she was still this flustered about it had you drooling at the thought of making her a mess all over again.
“y/n do you think that can fit… in me?”
“we can try. i know your pretty pussy can take me whole” and with that she was soaked again. she felt that and got hard once more.
“g-get inside, you’re in the doorway”
“oh shit yeah okay”
wonyoung fell on top of her bed, cushions and blankets were still messed up. you closed the door behind you and opened up the box, a whole eight inches just for wonyoungs pussy “it’s so cute how you’re still soaked, were you thinking about me while i was gone?”
“it was five minutes… yeah, i was thinking about you” hiding her face behind her hands.
“aww cute, lean on your hands and knees for me babe”
“o-okay” she responded obediently to your words. wonyoung got onto her hands and knees and waited patiently for your next order. her back looked way too pretty, so you got up onto the bed, planted a kiss on her lower back making her twitch in response and cooed
“aww still so sensitive?” she didn’t realise it before, but you were behind her with your strap already fitted on you. she unintentionally arched her back, feeling your presence already there “god, you’re so desperate for me aren’t you?”
“please… just- i’m ready. just hurry up and take me” you giggle as you acknowledged her insatiable craving for your cock.
“you’re dripping.. and you’re so hard, tell me how much you want it” telling her just to be a tease “beg for it”
“…please…” her voice low, almost a whisper.
“good girl” you slowly buried yourself inside her cunt, letting her familiarise herself with the new sensation. her hands gripped the sheets tightly, a fist full of cloth was keeping her from losing her control.
“oh my go- so… fuck” she cried out your name a couple of times before spilling out incoherent sentences. something like “good, so good” and a few more unintelligible words followed with high pitched moans.
a girl this cute and needy deserved more than just this. you slowly paced your thrusting, making sure that she felt comfortable, and by also not shoving the entire strap inside of her. all though you wanted to go rough and abuse her tight hole, that was for another day or maybe even in a couple of seconds actually.
“you good?”
“nnghh- s… so good” she couldn’t even form sentences. there was no need to even ask. her body alone showed how much she yearned for your touch.
oh so now you needed to fuck her till she’s dumb. what happened to that little smart brain of hers? so spent out on being fucked till she’s dry made her behave like she’s out of her mind. you started thrusting your strap in even deeper, hoping that she can take the full thing. she did. with how wet she was, it wasn’t surprising that it slid in so easily. a choked moan coming straight from her mouth as soon as you finished pushing it all in “you’re taking me in so well. i knew you could do it babe”
it was like you didn't think but you started to pump in and out of her faster and harder. each guttural moan that came out of that pretty mouth of hers, the faster you went. the more ruthless you got. oh how hard you were going, giving wonyoung no time to settle. the sounds her pussy made were nothing but filthy, the sweet sounds of her squelching pussy was like music to your ears. she loved every single thing you did to her body, although she couldn’t express it through her words.
you grabbed her hips, moving them and slamming them straight back into your cock just to make her scream out your name “you like that? want me to pound into your pretty pussy like that again?” there was a slightly mean tone to your voice.
“mhmmm… again- do it again” she begged and cried for more.
this time you pulled straight out, leaving her whining until you slammed right back into her again, but this time with a twist. you leaned over wonyoung a little, resting almost on top of her back. you slithered your hand across and grabbed her cock, teasing the tip a little before snapping your hips that made her ass push into you. she sharply inhaled as you played with her cock, moving from her sensitive tip to stroking her length gently while you ravaged her insides
“too- too much.. feels so.. haaa… mmmmm” two sensations blending into one could be described as too overwhelming and extremely overstimulating. being fucked dumb made her sob a little, feeling as if her insides were about to collapse, and feeling as if her dick was about to erupt.
shit, it felt way too good.
her entire body convulsed, her hands were balled into a fist, clutching onto the sheets desperately, she screamed profanities into her pillow. her orgasm hit her harder than it did the other two times. you could say it even made her almost pass out. poor girl was seeing stars as you kept stroking her cock to help her ride out her climax. you never knew she could scream that loud… or even cum this much. beds being completely drenched with both her juices and her cum. you’d have to help her clean up for sure…
“stop- stop.. oh god… mmm oh my god”
and maybe you could do this again. another study date.
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heck-theo · 3 months
ROTTMNT Pride Flag Icons
The response to my last post about these was very encouraging so I finished them! Here are some examples using popular headcanons and/or headcanons that I like (so hard to pick cause there are so many great ones).
Below these examples are some rules for use and then below that are the blanks with the green flags for you!
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Rules: First I wanna acknowledge that there's nothing I can really do to stop people using these however they want, and while I would disapprove, I'm not going to get mad and fight you about it. I won't give you the attention.
If you have any good faith/genuine questions or criticisms about these rules please let me know.
TLDR:Keep it respectful and PG.
Who can use these? I don't mind anyone using these if it follows the rules. Please credit me in some way if you use (even if it's just a text post), and don't claim that they are your own. If you would like to use it in a way that isn't specified here or with a flag not mentioned, feel free to ask.
Editing? I don't mind if you want to add small details, adjust colours etc, but I'd rather you didn't make large adjustments that could really change the overall picture.
How do I use these? I actually have no clue how to mask over a colour in a flat image, these are all clipped over the flag colour layer. If you do know please feel free to leave a comment. If you would like to request a specific flag go ahead and ask. If I only get a few requests I probably won't mind doing them for you. This is not a guarantee though, and it just depends on what I have going on and how I feel at the time.
What flags can I use? This is intended for flags that represent or support LGBTQIA identities. To be clear this does NOT include anything like TERF, MAP or Zoo flags. Also please don't use any flags representing kink and stuff.
Country flags? That is not the intended use and I'd really rather you didn't, however in the end as long as the flag isn't being used in a way that supports war, genocide or bigotry I'm not toooo fussed.
I really hope I'm being paranoid and this won't be an issue but I feel the need to say it cause I've been on the internet long enough to know it's full of trolls, grifters and creeps. If you see anyone being problematic, bigoted or disrespectful with these feel free to let me know. Free block list.
One last thing: There is a more "fem" leaning/alt version and a more "masc" presenting version. I tried not to get too carried away with changing their designs in the alt version. Also I'm still trying to figure out this style so it's not perfect but I was flattered that you guys were interested so I wanted to finish them off. Also they were designed to read well on a small scale so a lot of choices were made specifically to try and increase readability when they're itty bitty and some things might look slightly odd on full scale? Anyway.
Ok without further ado here are the blanks (I hope you can get some use out of them and enjoy ^^):
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pascallllllll1 · 2 years
Simple pleasures
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Pedro Pascal x Reader
Summary: Reader doing Pedro’s make up and cute shared moments, really just wanted to write something sweet!
Word Count: 835
Warnings: smutty references? nothing else that I can think of, really just fluff lmk if not!
Pedro hears the pads of your fuzzy slipper covered feet thumping his way accompanied by the familiar clanking of your bulky make up bag and quickly finishes the paragraph of the novel he’s currently reading before nearly folding a corner or the page to mark where he left off. He’s sprawled out with his left leg on the couch and the right stretched out hanging off the side, Pedro lifts his chin up meeting your lips that now hover him the both of you smiling into the soft peck.
“Hi baby.” He grins up at you.
“Hi.” You gush back at him. “I love you P.” God you could just swoon looking into those gorgeous brown eyes. You feel blessed to be able to witness the spark in his eyes he gets when looking at you, beautiful and only for you. Always full of love and admiration, the man worships you like a divine goddess and makes you feel like the most precious woman in the world.
“I love you too princess.”
Next thing he knows you're climbing into his lap and situating your make up carefully off to the side of you both. Grabbing the primer you gently begin massaging it into Pedro’s face while simultaneously planting gentle kisses as you did. The little moans and noises of satisfaction leaving Pedro’s lips were beginning to distract you from your previously sought out task.
“You’re so good to me hun.” Praised Pedro.
“Only because you’re so good to me.” You sent him a sly smirk and wink. Pedro squeezed your hips in response then massaged up your sides and Pedro being the little shit he is, let his hands roam under your baggy t-shirt tracing his fingers back up your side and under your breasts before dropping his hold on you back down to your hips with a final squeeze.
“Are you trying to hurt me by putting this shit on?” He asks.
“No.” You shift your focus from his forehead to his eyes and let out a breathy laugh. “Now quiet while I blend out your foundation!”
“Sí! Sí! Mi amour, go back to work.” He laughs out. Holding his gaze you sweetly tell him;
“Be a good boy.” Which of course is responded to by your boyfriend sending you a knowing look and wink, slapping the side of your ass playfully.
Finishing up the final touches you sit back and grin at the result of your handy work like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in wonderland. Pedro definitely seemed to enjoy himself if his current touch dumb state is anything to go by. You’ll have to remember to give him a facial as well the next time you do one of your own, he really enjoys gentle massages and touches and you just so happen to love touching him. A win win, what can you say your boyfriend is a huge fan of physical touch. Most of the time he doesn't even clue into himself engaging in it, sort of like it’s just on instinct when he reaches for you.
“You look so good babe!!!” You squeal, sitting yourself up on your knees hovering over Pedro.
“Oh ya?” He leans up to capture your mouth into a passionate kiss. His hands move from your sides to cup your jaw and fist into your hair. On instinct you slowly begin to lower yourself back down on Pedro and roll your hips against his bucking ones adding more pressure with each grind until you’re both stopping to catch your breath after a few heated seconds pass.
“Ya.” Pedro leans forward and then dramatically gives you a big peck on the lips. The both of you pause to take the other in for a moment, fondness for each other readable plain as day across your faces.
“You’re so special to me (Y/N).” He whispers while looking at you, straight at you. The you he loves unconditionally and has waited over 47 years for and opens himself up to completely. Closing your eyes you rest your forehead against his;
“Pedro you’re my whole world, you mean everything to me.”
“I love you so much baby.”
“I love you too.” You breathe out emotionally.
“Now…” pulling yourself to your feet you hold your hands out in front of you offering Pedro a hand up. “Would you like some help removing all this gunk?” Accepting your help his joints crack and pop as he rises and straightens himself out, simultaneously sending you side eye for snorting at the sounds of his ageing body.
“Yes I would, thank you.” He answers. The both of you head to the bathroom to clean your man up for the night where he seductively whispers in you ear, his warm breath sending shiver down your spine in excitement;
“I might be getting older but I can still keep up with you baby, you keep me young.” And with that he slaps your ass handing you the make up remover.
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antiphilosophia · 1 year
Crowley's pre-fall name is BARAQIEL (THEORY)
Very well. Who doesn't love the Crowley is the Archangel Raphael theory (I am certainly of those people who do). During my first watch of Good Omens S2 I was even somehow almost confident that that was the case.
However, my second, more careful, viewing of this lovely (but equally heartbreaking) season made me change my mind, likely for good. In episode 4, Furfur's book "Demon's Guide To Angelic Beings Who Walk The Earth" shows us a name of a certain angel Baraqiel. (see photo below) Knowing Good Omens that can hardly be a coincidence.
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Unfortunately, the very text is quite unreadable. One thing, other than the name, which is pretty clear is the subheading "Angel of the Sky" and since the episode 1 lets us take a look at how Crowley did indeed take part in creation of what is to be seen in the night sky, one can hardly find that entirely non-fitting. One other sentence I was (at least I think) able to read is "Often draped in red."
(On a different note but certainly worth noticing are scribbles that generally just roast Crowley – his suspiciousness, hair and name (though I am not absolutely sure of the latter) "His hair is bad!" Wow, Furfur really does hate Crowley.)
Then there is something written above the name of Baraqiel, unfortunately in none of the picture frames does it get a bit readable. I wonder though, couldn't it be "former"? Since it comes precisely after mention of Crowley to whom should one report on Aziraphale.
Crowley is very powerful. Dominion
A word that is not exactly readable but can be deduced from its placement (it is situated just as Aziraphale's "Principality") is Baraqiel's rank – Dominion Angel. It should be noted here that I very much lack proper knowledge of either Jewish or Christian mythology and I would hate to provide any incorrect claims. I therefore think it is better for me not to overly state things, even more so since everyone can look into it on their own and figure out what that might mean for our beloved demon. What I will say, however, is that they are (as I understand it) very powerful and, placed within the 2nd triad in the angel hierarchy, ranked higher than the Archangels. This would go well along with the emphasis that was in my opinion laid on Crowley's powers quite a lot this season.
For example: "A miracle of enormous power happened last night. The kind of miracle only the mightiest of archangels could've performed," said Shax to Crowley, to which he replied: "How'd you know I didn't do it?" He didn't get an answer.
What I think (and I may be very wrong, obviously) is that a miracle of this vastness wouldn't have happened simply because of a regular angel and a regular demon did together half a miracle each. What is also worth noticing is that the tool with which Crowley created the Nebula is the same as the one he used to temporarily stop time at the end of season 1 right before Satan's arrival. So much to the size of his powers.
Baraqiel, lightning of God. Fallen angel
Finally, to Baraqiel himself. My lack of knowledge concerning this matter still stands and frankly I don't even know where to find valid information about angels and such on the internet. Baraqiel should, however, stand for "lightning of God" and is also regarded as the angel of lightning. In season 2 there are (as far as I remember) two occasions where Crowley is put in correlation with lightning. (1) His poor anger management issues in episode 1 and (2) his not at all better matchmaking in episode 3 ("I haven't done weather in ages"). Furthermore, Baraqiel is considered to be the one who taught astrology to people. Nevertheless, what points to Crowley and Baraqiel being one even more is that Baraqiel is indeed a fallen angel.
So... That is probably it. I usually tent to theorize about stuff in quiet, in fact, this is the first time I've used Tumblr for anything other than reading Neil Gaiman's posts. I didn't even think that I would actually post it but then I've searched on Twitter, TikTok and here on Tumblr if anyone else has already come up with this theory. The only post I could find (hopefully I haven't missed anything) was by @valaza_04 on Twitter (click here) where they refer to the same frame shot as I do here.
Now I know, we are still recovering from heartbreaking (but if you ask me, absolutely amazing) finale and the main thing currently on our minds is figuring out why would Aziraphale choose as he did and the many wonderful theories that come with it. However, considering the utterly virulent look that Metatron shot at Crowley before walking out of the bookshop with Aziraphale and also his "Well, [Crowley] always did want to go his own way. Always asking damn fool questions, too." makes me think that he absolutely does not care for Crowley and whichever angel he was before the Fall. And I reckon it won't remain unnoticed in season 3 and might even be really important (or that is just me wishing for more pre-fall Crowley scenes). Hence I decided that I will post this. And it doesn't matter if no one will see this in the end, it was quite fun to write. However, if there is someone who will read this all the way through, I hope they will accept my apology for the mistakes I have most possibly made (English is not my first language) and also for the ridiculous length this post has come to gather. It turns out, I am just as chatty of a writer as I am speaker.
Well maybe I will come around to write one more post about this theory, only with a proper research this time. Till then thank you and, please, support this season by streaming as much as you can so we can have season 3 of this masterpiece of a show. And be kind to those bringing it to us in your comments regarding the ending, even though it is very frustrating and heart-shattering, it is also maybe the best ending we could have hoped for with the prospects of season 3.
Thank you for letting me talk my heart out, Tumblr.
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p6tgel · 3 months
i'm having trouble finding any information on TA7 - what is it that's available in the files?
There's possibly more, since I haven't checked every single file, but I'll share what I have because gatekeeping = booo 🍅
Who's TA7?
In short, a third ghost that would haunt the Espiritu Estate in TS2PSP. His full name is Transit Administrator #7, and he is PT9's alien friend who gave him the picture book with his first family.
What can we find out through the script?
His character/object info (appearance + description)
Dialogues from other characters that talk about him.
First of all, Emily Emory introduces TA7 to us by unused dialogue. His ghost would be in the player's bedroom.
I tried to make it as readable as possible. The text in grey is that of the player and the underlined in yellow is what is important, in case you are too lazy to read it all :)
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I removed a part where Emily and the player talk about roommates, which is completely unrelated. Still, it feels like there's missing dialogue. And that is because there is! In a separate file, Emily Emory tells us more about him:
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Having these conversations would unlock a secret named 'Ghostly Secret'. Its description reads: "Soldiers at Division 47 brought down an alien spacecraft and its pilot!"
TA7's remains would be found on an operation table. The interaction would be 'Pick up Dead Alien' and you'd recieve 'Alien Remains', a not-sellable item with a description that reads: "Eww. The totally gross remains of a dead alien starship pilot."
Into his character file
Strangely, his character is named 'Alien Ghost' & 'Transit Admin #7' (in separate files) not TA7 or his full name. But a similar thing happens with PT9: in the code, he is referenced as PT9 and Polytech, but his character is actually named 'Mister Smith'.
social = -1, intimidation = -1, personality = 0,
These are also the same as Dennis Philips, Nervous Subject, the Night Beast, Beelzebeef, Tycho Curious, and every zombie.
The social and intimidation parameters determine how easy it is to chat or intimidate NPCs, and the personality parameter tells us that he would have a Fire personality. However, it might be more plausible that 0 (Fire) is the default personality.
His interests are alien, dresses, makeup, and birdbee (the latter is a generic interest). Here's a visual of those topics:
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He is an adult male alien (at least he has the alien skintone), he is bald, has the alien face archetype, wears white briefs, and ambodynaked-nude-autopsy-s5, whatever that is.
So imagine this guy with a messed up torso:
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Misc. info
Lincoln Broadsheed and Tank Grunt would've bought his secret for a better price than usual. On the contrary, Hoot Howell wouldn't be interested in it.
I could not find unused dialogue about PT9 talking about TA7, there is only what already appears in the game:
"Alien … FRIEND … came … to … give … me … PICTURE book." "And … humans … TAKE … PICTURE book." "HUMANS … SHOOT … HIM … DOWN … AND … TAKE … HIM … AWAY!"
3. Not only is it the first time that funeral traditions are talked about, but it also mentions alien autopsies, which were also present in TS2 for Nintendo DS!!
In that game, thanks to the metal detector, you could find mummified aliens in the desert (which gives us another clue to alien funerary traditions). They could be dissected in the laboratory of the hotel's basement, and their organs could be sold, which are very highly valued.
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arandomnerd810 · 3 months
personal TADC character analysis
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uh warning this is long lol
autism time let’s go (/not in a negative way i have autism) stretches hands * I’ll go in order of the character episodes cause why not we have it (see below) i’ll put periods but it will just be to make it more readable not to be intimidating lolll
btw im completely open to interpretations of characters changing throughout the series this is just for fun
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Gooseworx has said this series is mostly focused on characters rather than lore, and from what we know, i truly believe it. I don’t think any of the current characters will abstract because of this.
(I put a version of this in the glitch inn discord theory thing so if you recognize it that’s why)
Pomni: we already know her deal pretty well, as we’ve already had her episode. uuuh if anyone’s going to do something important lore wise it will probably be her as she’s the main character but can’t rlly tell what that may be. to review ep 2 though she’s an outcast who has felt like she was nothing and is a logical thinker.
(Kinger and Zooble will there their focus episode but i put it in order of who was revealed to be the ep 3 focus first)
Zooble: From their design (the entire motif is it can be changed at any time) and the fact she doesn’t know his gender, we’re dealing with some pretty clear identity issues. Friends with Gangle seems cool excited for next episode to learn more about them!
Kinger: One of the most interesting characters so far. I feel like we will get to learn more about abstraction though Queenie, the X-ed out door that looks like a female version of him. If i had to guess, since Gooseworx said they were not siblings, they were a couple. (Also judging by his age and the fact he could have been married, he may have been a father yeowch imagine that) I can see the common theory of the insect collection implying he was a coder before getting trapped, but i could also see him being some random guy who just likes bugs lol. He seems like really sweet guy behind his constant anxiety and disassociating.
 Gangle: (My faveorite human rn) Her mask design can be interpreted in a lot of ways but it’s clear that the happy mask isn’t her real personality. My take on it rn is she doesn’t wana bother people with her stuff so she pretends she’s happy? She seems easily embarrassed and def has self esteem lower than the last circle of hell. What’s interesting though is she’s willing to stand up for herself from time to time, even though she’s easily shot down after.
Ragatha: Waaaay too nice for her own good. Also probably has self esteem lower than the last circle of hell and bases her self worth of others approval.  Though she’s been here the second longest, she seems a lot more normal than Kinger. Makes me question how long apart their introductions have been. Probably copes via escapism.
Jax: I can see why everyone is very interested in him cause me too. He seems like the only fourth wall breaky guy (unless you count Caine cause of his intro at the pilot)which is rlly interesting how did he figure out more than everyone else? what’s with the keys? i have no clue lmao. He’s an asshole who makes the best of his situation by torturing everyone else. At the end of the day though, he’s a human and was sad at kaufmo’s abstraction but he probably isolates himself so it would probably be the same for anyone
but waAitTt a moment
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that’s 6 humans but Gooseworx said we would look into 7 (cause of the “other” part) in her twitter post talking about the character focus timeline so we know our fav character won’t be left behind ⁉️⁉️⁉️ I hear you not asking well my dear hypothetical person, who better to fill the 7th character than Caine?
Why you did not ask? Too bad i’m info dumping. First, he’s the main antagonist and alongside Pomni, the commercial face (or lack their of haha teeth and eye joke) of the series. he’s an important character and loved by many. (and hated equally if not more aside the point lmaooo)
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Yes, gooseworx can lie about stuff but I think she’s smarter than to lead this heavy into Caine depth/ angst territory if there wasn’t going to be anything On top of that, the entire purpose of the timeline post was so we know our faveorite characters weren’t getting treated poorly. It’s unlike for a character based show to suddenly drop such a major character for some random other guy were introduced to later or smth. i mean cmon there’s three episodes after all the humans at least one of them has to be focused on my boy.
Caine: I believe he really does have good intentions and wants to help but just does not understand people at all. This means he’s like an anxiety disorder; it wants to help, solves some issues but creates 500 more. Judging by the Tumblr post, loneliness may play a big part in what’s to come? I’ve always had a feeling his front was extremely fake and his VA saying “breaks keyfable” (an act that pretends it’s true) supports that theory. Episode two gives some insecurity vibes when Zooble didn’t want to go on the adventure. I find that pretty interesting cause he didn’t care at all if people went on the gloink adventure or not. Maybe he puts some adventures over others and he could have been proud of the candy adventure cause more time and care was put into it and he made a new AI. Why did he blue screen? i feel like he could have some blockages on what he can say built in though im not sure why he was blocked then if he even was. one of the biggest questions i have ab him currently tbh. what’s with him grabbing his cane like that in ep 2? if i had to guess simply be nervous = that? His VA also knows some depth to him even though his focus episode is likely going to be at least one of the last 3 episodes, which they have not gotten to recording yet. You know what this means Caine angst solidarity club? Sad Caine so more fan angst appetizers before the main cannon feast let’s friccin go‼️‼️⁉️⁉️
(try to guess my fav impossible /j)
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jkslipppiercing · 3 months
Bumblebee Announcement!
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hello loves 💌
after thoroughly thinking about it more than once, i have decided to take down and delete bumblebee, the series, for what it's worth...
if im being honest, i think bumblebee is my least fav fic out of the very few ive written, so it's safe to say im willing to delete and edit it to make it a better (readable 😂) version <3
for now, i think im going to keep it up for about a day/maybe 2, so until then tell me what you think! i mostly write for myself but you guys (my followers) play a very big part in pushing me forward 🩷
thank you to all supporters of me and Bumblebee 🩷
until then, ill be back!
@thalhad @btsnpniff @hehehehe100 @hrtsj1m @juju-227592 @skzthinker @nansasa @btsizlyfe @boyfriendtaekook @dearmyfavoritepeople-bts @hoseokteardrop @nochuel @kaitieskidmore97 @nays2112 @jksoftii @yu-justme @meadow-in-spring @bunnykoos @looneybleus @fushigurosdarling @alpha-mommy69 @junecat18 @xjiminsthighsx @tanniesdolls @winterbeartaehyungbestboy @whoa-jo @ahgasegotarmy116
@jksusawife @frgetmenotes @baechugff @partyparty-yah @army130613210521 @drugerlime @allisonstonex @hopekive @llallaaa @tarahardcore @hopetookmysoul
@Noonabts36 @misshale21 @iammeandmeisiam @piyuna @gwsjungkookie @kookoo-kachoo @mggv97 @chimsgoodgirl @zuzuhasablog @Wnteraez @roseda @svnbangtansworld @betysotelo18 @harmonic55 @ecrvea @awesomebabyyoda @peterstarkchrishiddleston @pinkrockstar19 @sweetestseoul @luv--youu @mochminnie @coletaehyung @whitelies22
and PLEASE PM (private message) me if you no longer want to be tagged in ALL of my posts and want to be tagged in bumblebee (or any other fic, be specific) alone, because i got the taglists mixed up and have no clue who wants to be tagged in what plsss 😭😭😭
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sonamytrash · 3 months
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Catch up, part two
Yuta Okkotsu x fem reader.
Warnings/tags: Slightly older reader implied, only slightly, Shy Yuta, Pining, mutual pining, reunion, kissing, fluff.
Next chapter will probably be smut. But I wanted to write some adorable dithering Yuta.
Part one, here
Banner by @cafekitsune
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A few years had gone by, and the school changed so much and yet so little each and every time Yuta passed through the establishment. New students arrived, while others graduated and set off on their own paths. The seasons shifted, the leaves on the trees turning from green to gold before falling away, only to be replaced by a fresh canopy each spring. Yet, in the quiet moments, Yuta's thoughts often drifted to you, to the promise you had left behind.
Yuta's power grew exponentially, as did his confidence. His feelings for you remained, a quiet constant in his otherwise chaotic life. The news of your return from England was met with a mix of excitement and anxiety. Would things be different? Would you still see him as that awkward, inexperienced student, or now being an actively working sorcerer, had he caught up?
Yuta waited anxiously by the gates, his heart racing in his chest. He had changed since you last saw him. His frame had filled out, and his eyes held a newfound strength. The young man who had once stuttered in your presence had become a force to be reckoned with. He had proven himself on countless missions, his name whispered with a mix of awe and respect.
The sleek black car pulled up, and the door opened. You stepped out, looking as radiant as ever. The years had been kind to you, adding a certain maturity to your beauty that only served to make you more alluring. He wasn't a complete shut in, he had seen your photos on social media these past few years, and you had kept in touch, but seeing you here and now was something else.
Yuta's heart skipped a beat as you looked around, your gaze eventually landing on him. You offered a small smile, the corners of your eyes crinkling with the warmth of recognition. He took a step forward, his hand reaching out to help you with your luggage. "Welcome back, Senpai," he said, his voice steady now.
You took his hand, your grip firm but gentle. "Thank you, Okkotsu-kun," you replied, your voice carrying the same melody that had captivated him all those years ago. "It's good to be back."
The first few days were a whirlwind of catch-ups and briefings. You were immediately thrown back into the fray of life as a sorcerer here in Tokyo, and Yuta found himself in awe of your unyielding dedication to your work and readability. It was as if no time had passed at all, yet everything felt different. Your interactions had a new depth to them, a knowing glance here, a lingering touch there.
It wasn't like you hadn't had time to talk and catch up since arriving back, but the right moment had yet to present itself for him to ask the questions he wanted to.
One evening, after the sun had set and the school was shrouded in a gentle blanket of twilight, Yuta mustered his courage to wait at the gates for you. "Senpai," he began upon seeing you. "Would you mind if I walked you home?"
You raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement playing on your lips. "It's not far," you said, your voice teasing. "But I wouldn't say no to the company."
The air was cool, a stark contrast to the heat of the day, and the crickets sang a soothing lullaby as you both walked. "How have you been, really?" you asked, your eyes searching his.
Yuta took a deep breath, the air carrying the scent of blooming flowers and the faint hint of incense from a nearby shrine. "I've been busy," he said, his eyes meeting yours. "But I've missed you."
You nodded, a soft smile playing on your lips. "I've missed you too," you admitted. You stepped closer, your gaze meeting his. "I've had some time to think about what you said before I left."
Yuta's heart raced as he looked into your eyes, searching for a clue to what you were feeling. The air between you was charged with tension, and the moonlight had begun to bathe your face in a soft, ethereal glow. Surely a goddess amongst men he thought. "And?" he prompted, his voice barely audible.
You took a deep breath, the silence stretching out like a tightrope between the two of you. "And," you began, "I think it's time we explore those feelings.
Yuta's heart felt like it might burst out of his chest, his eyes wide with surprise. "Really?" he whispered, his voice filled with hope.
You nodded, your eyes sparkling with a mix of affection and amusement. "We're both adults now, with more experience under our belts," you said. "We can handle the complexities of our situation better."
Yuta felt his heart soar, and he couldn't help but let out a nervous chuckle. "I suppose so," he agreed, his cheeks still flushed.
The confession he had held onto for so long had finally been heard, and you were willing to explore it. The weight of his unrequited love lifted from his shoulders, replaced by a flutter of excitement in his stomach. "What do we do now?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper, his thoughts escaping his lips before he had time to process what he was saying.
You laughed, the sound like a melody that danced in the stillness of the night. "Well, for a start, stop calling me 'Senpai' all the time," you teased, a playful glint in your eye. "It makes me feel old."
Yuta's cheeks flushed a deep shade of red, and he nodded, a grin spreading across his face. "y/n," he said, testing the sound of your name on his tongue. It felt right, intimate.
You chuckled at his reaction, taking a step towards him, the sound of your laughter sending shivers down his spine. "That's better," you said, your voice a gentle purr.
Without another word, you leaned in, your eyes closed. Yuta's eyes remained open, drinking in the sight of your face, your lips so close to his. And then, you kissed him. It was gentle, almost tentative, but it sent a jolt of electricity through his body. The world around you both seemed to fall away, leaving only the two of you standing under the stars.
Yuta's arms instinctively wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer, his heart thumpimg in his chest. He had dreamt of this moment, but the reality was so much more intoxicating than he could have ever imagined. You melted into the embrace, your hands coming up to cup his cheeks as you smiled into the kiss, your thumbs tracing the line of his jaw.
When you finally pulled away, Yuta's eyes searched yours, looking for any sign of regret. But what he found was something entirely different—desire, the same desire that was reflected by his own. "Let's not waste any more time," you murmured, your voice a sultry whisper.
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rye-in-a-coat · 9 months
The Number.
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Y'all remember when the ZCP told us to not call the phone number Rem gives to Bright? You should not, I'm not sure if it's an actual number in real life; but if it happens to be, no one who's on the other side of the line will be happy.
To avoid curious viewers to obliterate someone's phone, what usually is done in media ever since in the 1960's in the U.S. and Canada is to have the phone number's central office code to be 555 as it's almost* guaranteed no civilian person will have such number for personal use or will link to any business. This only applies in the North American Numbering Plan of course.
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Why didn't the ZCP use a 555 number then? They actually used one in the same volume, the phone number Lo dials to call the Citycountrytown Casting Agency is 555-2737.
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What I get from this is that, if they didn't use a 555 number for the number at the end, it is because the numbers in it themselves carry some kind of information.
Cross on blue and yellow background.
Such symbol has appeared before in Volume 1, where we see a escaped patient having it on a sign, and in Volume 2, where it is held by a protestor. As Eve mentioned once in this ask, such symbol which also appears in the blog, website and other stuff is NOT the hospital's logo. Then of what or who?
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An anti-Sparklecare group?
It is clear that this symbol as shown in these examples, represents a statement against Sparklecare. What I supose is that, because Kittycorn doesn't want to reveal any further information of the protestors seen in volume 2, they will be relevant in a future volume or series. If we link these clues together, perhaps this symbol doesn't just represent the movement in general, but a specific organized group against Sparklecare, making it their logo. Then this would make Rem part of it too, and so Rem then becomes a very important piece in the story, because she's the infiltrated secret agent in the hospital. Knowing how heavily implied Doctor Party is to be an ESPer, he surely knows about Rem's undercover identity and about this organized group. Perhaps he's part of it too, if so, then they have another great important character against Cuddles.
A cipher?
Going back to the phone number, if the numbers in it are important and relevant, perhaps a piece of code is ciphered in it. My first thought was A1Z26 cipher, a simple sustitution code in which each letter gets a number assigned, so A is 1, B is 2; and so on.
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The first six digits of the phone number, if you read them as 1-14-20-9 and decipher them using A1Z26, you get the word ANTI; which I really doubt this is just a coincidence knowing how it is implied this phone number belongs to an ANTI Sparklecare group.
The other four tho: 2425, are not that obvious. The possible combinations readable in A1Z26 are 2-4-2-5 (BDBE), 2-4-25 (BDY), 24-2-5 (XBE), and 24-25 (XY).
The only idea that comes to my mind is A-N-T-I-B-D-Y which is one letter off from "antibody". An antibody is protein belonging to the inmune system which will find, target and neutralize foreign and so-possibly harming bodies such as harmful bacteria and viruses.
An antibody's job is to protect the human body from what will harm it, and these anthries's hope seems to be to protect the patients from receiving any more harm from such heartless medical industry.
But Imma be honest, the four last digits are quite an stretch to analyze and I'm starting to doubt if the ANTI is a coincidence.
*A footnote.
If you want to use a 555 number in your media, DO NOT put as area codes 800, 888, 877, 866, 855, 844 or 833 before them. These area codes are reserved for toll-free dial numbers, to which the 555 office code is valid; so you may actually write a real phone number that who knows where that will link to.
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devotedlykoneshots · 11 months
Genre:🔞, minors dni, slight fake dating, best friend to lovers plot, nothing too crazy really
Word Count: 5182
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You heard a ring come from your laptop and immediately answered the call, knowing better than to keep chenle waiting for too long.
"Hey , what are you up to?"his voice sounded a little raspy , he must've just woken up.
"Getting packed for the holidays, my parents are dying to see me"you told him, you and chenle grew up together. You lived just across the street from each other, went to the same schools and hung around the same people.
He'd always been someone you could count on and he'd say the same for you but then college came around, you both became too busy for each other but he never forgot about you.
Always calling you every chance he could and you did the same, including him in your plans.
"Are you going home for the holidays this year ? "You asked and continued to walk around your room, chenle hums and nods.
" Yeah . My mum's pressing me about bringing someone home."He said and you gasped, turning your head towards the laptop.
" Mine too! Like we're just going to manifest dates in a month"You told him with an eye roll and then you saw a familiar look on his face.
" Wait ... what's that look?"You asked him and he scoffs.
"What look?"he asked as if he had no clue of what you were referring to.
"The look you always get when you're plotting"you told him , was he really that readable? He'd thought to himself.
If he asked , you would've told him he was pathetically readable or you just knew him too well.
Or both.
It was definitely both.
"I don't have a look"he brushed it off , hoping you'd let it go but he should've known better. You were as stubborn as they come.
"I can see the wheels turning in your head"you told him and he narrows his eyes at you but you knew better, chenle couldn't threaten you even if he tried.
"Stop looking at me"he huffed and you folded your arms and gave him a look, an unimpressed look.
"Then tell me what you're thinking"you told him and he sighs.
"Fine!, Okay I have a plan"he said and you raised your eyebrows, surprised it actually worked. You underestimated just how much of a hold you had on him.
"Is it something that's going to get us in trouble?"you asked him and he rolled his eyes at you with a scoff, now giving you his own look of disappointment.
"At this point you should know the answer to that"he said and your shoulders slumped.
" Yeah that's what I was afraid of"you mumbled and he chuckles, thinking of how cute could you possibly get.
"Do you wanna hear the plan or not?"he asked with as much sass as he could muster up at the moment.
"I'm listening"
Weeks go by and finally holiday season was in motion, some people were going home to see family and others were plotting something mischievous while everyone was away.
You're pretty sure you heard a guy named haechan talking about pranking some kids from the stray frat house.
"I cannot wait to see you , it's been forever. Talking on the phone isn't the same"Your best friend gushes excitedly over the phone and you agreed, you missed him lots.
"Hey , for Christmas , do you want to share a hotel room? I'm not staying at my parents house again , not doing it . "He tells you as you both prepared to get on the plane to head to your destination, you both would meet up at the station and catch a ride with your parents back to the house.
"You know what , yeah . That's actually a great idea and we can split the cost , why didn't we think about this before?"You exclaimed, slapping the palm of your hand against your forehead and wincing at the pain you just caused yourself.
"Hey! No injuries before we get there"he scolds you playfully and you rolled your eyes, unfortunately it was time for you to board the plane now so you had to say goodbye.
"Chenle!"you sprinted across the airport before dropping your things and nearly jumping on him, hugging him tightly and he laughs as he drops his own things to hug you back just as tight.
"I didn't think you missed me so much."he said and you smiled before pulling away , punching his arm and watching him wince dramatically.
"Are you kidding? It wasn't the same without you. I don't have anyone else to force to binge watch vampire diaries with, you know..."you told him and he rolls his eyes, picking up his things before pointing across the station to the parking lot where both of your mothers were waving frantically.
"Let's go and get settled in , then we can catch up later"you immediately agreed and looked at him.
"Last one to reach our moms sits in the trunk with the luggage"you both immediately start to run to your parents.
You lost.
"No dates again huh?"it was later that day after getting settled again when you entered the kitchen as your mother was just finishing up dinner.
"What?"the statement caught you off guard and she sighed, tucking her hair behind her ear and she turned to you.
"Sweetie you're in your prime right now and I didn't wanna say anything but I think it's time to explore"she said and your eyebrows furrowed.
"Oh dear God , mom please"you begged and rubbed your temples.
"I'm just saying, experience everything life has to offer"she said and folded her arms , you just looked at her with a blank expression.
"You mean sex"you deadpanned and she groans softly.
"Yes"she finally tells the truth.
"Oh my god, you're unbelievable"you shake your head and she huffs, you knew she was just trying to get you out of the house.
"At this point I'm questioning if you're a lesbian and you just haven't come out yet"She keeps going and if your jaw could drop to the floor it would be on the floor by now.
"What are you guys talking about?"your dad comes into the kitchen and you turn to him.
"Mom thinks I'm a lesbian"you tell him and he looks at his wife.
"Woah"he said and your mother doesn't look too pleased with you.
"You're still a virgin"she accused you, even though she was absolutely right.
"How would you know?!"you exclaimed.
"A mother knows"she tells you but by the time you could tell her off chenle shows up and wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you into his side.
"Actually, we're dating"he said and your head snaps in his direction.
"What?!"you, your mother and your father said in unison.
"Chenle , help me set the table"you tell him sweetly and he looks at you, with a look of fear.
"But-"you grab his arm and nearly drag him out of the kitchen.
"The table!"
"What are you doing?"you asked him once you get away from your parents.
"Helping you out, you remember my plan"he said and you groaned softly, that godforsaken plan.
"You said for Christmas"you tell him and he rolls his eyes.
"Well it looked like you needed help, you're welcome"he said and you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose.
"I know and thank you for helping me out but what now? we've been best friends since diapers, no one is going to believe this."you told him and he smiles at you, coming over to drape his arm over your shoulders.
"Everyone is going to believe this."he said and you looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows, he knew something you didn't.
"What are you talking about?"you asked him and he pulls away to grab the table cloth from behind you.
"Our parents have been secretly shipping us for the past 10 years"He said and your jaw dropped for the second time that night.
"You're joking"you tell him and he scoffed, looking at you as he set the table while you stand there and watch him.
"I wish, now help me set this table"he said and you rolled your eyes, so many questions running through your mind.
"do you think we should practice kissing? Is that....I don't know how this works"you sit on your bed and put your head in your hands, the sound of his voice calls for your attention.
"I mean sure...just promise me one thing."he said and you bit the sleeve of your hoodie.
" what's that?"you asked and he smirks.
" don't fall in love with me."and you grab a nearby pillow, using it to wack him and he laughs.
Neither of you aware of your mothers spying on you outside the door, having come over to the door upon hearing your laughs.
"Oh as if"you scoff and roll your eyes , he takes the pillow from you and grabs you by the neck to pull you into a kiss.
Successfully catching you off guard and tossing the pillow on the floor, you cup his face in shock and close your eyes as you kiss him back.
"We have company"he whispers into the kiss and you pull him into a kiss again, he leaves one last peck on your lips and pulls away.
"I'll go see if the food is ready"he announced and you both heard them scattering back down the stairs to finish the food.
"Just a bunch of peeping tom's"chenle chuckles and you look over at the photo of you and him on your bedside table, your parents must've put that there.
"They just want what's best for us, I think it's sweet"you told him and smiled, he smiles at you fondly.
"Of course you do, you're too innocent for this world"he plops down on your bed and rests his head on your lap, your fingers instantly massaging his scalp.
"I'm not as innocent as you think"you tell him and he lifts himself up off your lap, raising his eyebrows at you.
"What's that supposed to mean?"he asked you and you giggled.
"Nothing!"you say and skip out of the room, rushing downstairs to sit at the table.
"Yah! Get back here and explain"he chases after you.
The dinner table was unusually quiet which was rare for both of your families , your mind kept drifting back to the kiss.
You had no idea your best friend knew how to kiss like that , you had to play it off of course and you hoped he didn't notice.
"so when did this start?"your father asked , finally speaking up and you looked over at chenle.
"about 3 months ago"he replied smoothly, running his hand up and down your thigh to soothe you because he knew you were panicking.
"Why didn't you tell us, we would've understood?" Your mother speaks softly now, holding onto your fathers arm as she gushes.
"Its still pretty new and we were just trying to see where things could go before we told anyone" chenle really put on a show for both of your parents as his fingers massage your scalp , something only he knew calmed you down and you started to see him in a different light.
"As long as you're both happy"you smiled and looked over at chenle, he smiled as well.
"We are"you both said and dinner went on as usual, the liveliness returning and you sat there in your thoughts once again as you watched the people you loved dearly.
Dinner lasted for two hours before everyone started to pack up and say goodnight, you pulled chenle to the kitchen to speak privately and he let's you.
"I just wanted to thank you for tonight"you start off by saying as you fold your arms and he nods.
"You just looked so miserable and helpless, I had to save you"you rolled your eyes at that with a laugh , which made him laugh.
"You're so right, I don't know how I would've survived without you"you shake your head in disbelief and he catches you off guard when he places a hand on your cheek, stroking your soft skin.
"I'll see you tomorrow"he said and you nodded, tucking your hair behind your ear.
"Yeah of cou-"you gasp against his lips as he pulls you into another kiss and places your hands around his neck before his move to your hips, you kissed back and grabbed a fistful of his hair.
It felt too real, this was a bad idea. You pulled back as you pant lightly and look up at him.
"Was someone watching?" You asked confused and he shrugged.
"Yeah, sure" you weren't convinced but didn't stop him from kissing you again, grip tightening on your waist and your fingers running through his hair.
"No sex in the kitchen!"your mothers shrill voice made you and him jump apart, you covered your face in embarrassment.
"Goodnight, y/n"you lifted your head to wave chenle a goodnight.
That night you couldn't sleep and you tried your hardest really but your best friends lips wouldn't leave your mind, they felt so soft and the way he took control of the kiss.
The way he took care of you during dinner and the way he guided you in the kitchen, you couldn't be catching feelings for the guy who literally thinks not showering saves water and helps the planet.
This is the same guy who pulled your pig tails for shits and giggles, the same guy that farted under your shared blanket and told you " if you want to live , don't lift the blanket"
What the hell was your heart doing? What kind of short circuit , malfunction was this?
Unbeknownst to you he was in the same predicament , not being able to sleep because you wouldn't leave his mind and he sort of wished he'd pulled your pig tails harder when you were younger as if that would change how he felt when he didn't even know what he felt.
Was it infatuation, lust, or something deeper? It didn't matter because he found himself getting dressed and texting your phone.
He told you to come outside because he couldn't sleep and you found yourself doing so anyway despite your protests.
"Finally"he sighed and crossed the street to you, if anyone asked he'd say he wasn't in control of his body when he cupped your face and kissed your lips for the third time that night.
You kissed him back and grabbed the hands that cupped your face, this kiss was a lot different than the others. It was almost a frenzy, like he needed you and you were the only cure but time was running out.
He pulled away and buried his face in your neck with the both of you panting, holding onto each other tightly as if you'd slip away.
"chenle-"he cuts you off, pressing his forehead against your own and you breathe in his scent that's so uniquely him.
"I can't get you out of my head, its driving me crazy"he whispered even though you two were the only ones outside.
"neither can I"you agreed and you swear you saw a sparkle in his eyes, both of you just as hooked on each other.
"I wanna kiss you but not here"you grab his shirt in your hands and pull him closer, gulping down a whine that threatened to leave your lips.
"why not?" you ask and he smirks, thumb brushing across your bottom lip.
"you want me that bad?"he asked and you stepped back only to be pulled back against his chest a second later.
"not funny"you frown and he kisses your forehead , the simple gesture making you swoon more over this new side of chenle that no one had seen before but he just laughs at you.
"let's get out of here"he pulls out his car keys and grabs your hand, pulling you over to his new car.
"and go where?"you asked him and unlocks the car with just a click of a button, still talking as he does so.
"I'll get us a hotel room, don't want anyone else walking in on us"he explains and you freeze, stopping your strides and he immediately senses something off with you.
"what is it?"he asked turning to you and you just looked at the ground,stumbling over your words and trying to find a way to tell him this was your first time without saying too much.
"i- , I just-"chenle is so amazing at reading you that he completely understood, taking your hand in his and stroking your knuckles with his thumb.
That was something only you knew he did whenever he tried to comfort you, he was generally a very attentive guy and he could read you easily.
"we don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with" he assures you but that only made you want to kiss him more, but he dodges your lips and makes you kiss his cheek instead with a smirk on his face.
"I'm serious"he tells you and you nod, you just wanted his lips on yours again and you grabbed two fist fulls of his shirt before pulling him against you hard, you don't pay any mind to your back hitting the car and only cared about the lips pressing against your own.
You hum in content and his hands grab your waist, tightening their grip before pulling away opening the door to the backseat and guiding you inside, locking the door after before his lips are back on yours and situating himself between your legs as he ruts against your clothed cunt covered by a thin layer of leggings.
"Chenle , you don't have a boner right now"you whispered and as you went to slip your hand between your bodies, he groans at your hand cupping his definite boner.
"Oh my god"you whisper but he pulls back, from the kiss, pressing his forehead against your own.
"We can just make out for a bit and then leave"you shake your head and lock your legs around his waist, cupping his face to kiss his lips and deepen the kiss.
"y/n"he tries to speak but you deepen the kiss again, pressing his hips down against your core and bucking up against him.
"need you here , lele"you whine and he gulps, shaking his head to clear his mind.
"I want you to be comfortable, your first time shouldn't be in the back of my car"he said and you drag your nails up the skin of his back, underneath his shirt as you successfully send a wave of shivers down his spine and he groans.
"please"you beg, all sense of pride leaving out the window the moment your lips are together, kissing his mouth like a starved animal and you move as you switch places with him to straddle his lap.
His hands on your hips and yours on his shoulders as he scoots back up against the other car door , locking the car before tossing the keys on the floor and you don't hesitate to kiss his neck as his hands move to your waist.
You take off your jacket and toss it onto the floor, his hands immediately slip under your shirt to touch your warm skin and you shriek at his cold fingers pulling back.
"Your hands are freezing"he does nothing but laugh and you lean over the front seat to turn on the heat , his hands slip under your shirt again but this time his fingers brush against your nipples and your body jerks at the sudden cold touch.
"no bra? what did we say about walking around outside in the winter without a bra?"he starts to scold you all the while his fingers roll your nipples between them and your back arches, gripping his shoulders tightly and shaking your head.
"chenle"you gasp and roll your hips down against him , he groans softly and grips your hips before bringing his lips to your nipple for the first time.
"Fuck"you gasp and tangle your fingers in his hair as you continue to grind on his crotch, his lips lick and suck your nipple as you hold him close and lean your head back.
Fuck, his tongue felt amazing.
"lele, I need you now"you whine as your hips rut against him and he has to force your hips to stop as he pulls off of your nipple.
"not yet , I still need to taste you"you bite your bottom lip and move to lay down on the other side of the car as chenle moves between your legs, his hands pull off your pants and underwear before blowing air on your clit.
"chenle" you smack his head as a reflex and he laughs before he let's his saliva drip down from his mouth and onto your anxiously awaiting pussy, using his index finger to spread it around before throwing your legs over his shoulder.
Your heart is beating fast and he hasn't even done anything quite yet, just using his finger to explore all you had to offer and looking up at your bottom lip trapped between your teeth.
You bite your bottom lip harder and arch your back the second his tongue meets your flesh , hands pulling you closer to suck your clit into his mouth and you moan as you tangle your fingers in his hair.
"this is the longest you've ever been quiet"he laughs and you flick him off to which he sucks your clit harder, his head shaking as he sticks his tongue out and you cry out at the pleasure.
"Fuck-"he lifts your leg and rests your heel on the back of the drivers seat and licks at your entrance before he looks up at you , pulling back to stick his finger in his mouth and sucks on it , gathering some of his saliva before he's prodding at your entrance.
"I'm gonna add a finger now to open you up" he explains and intertwines your fingers with his unoccupied hand , you let out a whimper as he pushes his finger inside slowly and shushes you , kissing your fingers.
"fuck , have you never touched yourself before?" he asked , surprised at your tightness and you shake your head and look away embarrassed.
"Give me your hand" he tells you and you look at him for a moment before giving him your hand, he takes his finger out of your hole and takes your middle finger and his own, sticking them both in his mouth and sucking them as he lathers them up with his tongue.
"Chenle-"you had never seen someone do something like that and he amazes you more as he uses both of your fingers to push inside of your sopping wet entrance.
"fuck, you're so-"the car felt hot and it wasn't because of the heat, you never thought chenle was hiding this the entire time and here you were thinking he was a virgin like you.
" I feel weird"you pant and he licks your clit before sucking the flesh into his mouth, sucking softly and you run your fingers through your hair as you squirm underneath him.
"don't run, let it go" he said as he speeds his thrusts up and your body starts to tremble, your moans get louder until you start to call out his name as your mind goes blank and your hips started to buck against both of your fingers.
His lips return back to your pussy as he continues to lap at your clit and sucks on your folds, your hips bucking against his mouth as you try to grab anything that was closest to you and he hums as you grip onto his hair tightly.
"Chenle"you buck your hips faster as he only intensifies your orgasm and water starts to leak out of you, his tongue slurping it all up and you have to push his head away to get him to stop.
"oh fuck, sorry babe, you just tasted so good"he said and you whimper as you pull on his shirt, pulling him into another kiss and you push him back.
"I wanna make you feel good too" you tell him and he shakes his head, trying to sit up but you're already pulling down his joggers.
"This is about you, not me"he tries again gripping your hands but you still yank down his underwear and lick from the base of his length to the tip, swirling your tongue around it before sucking on his tip.
"Fuck, w-where did you learn that?" he asked and you smiled at him , moving down a bit to lick and suck on his balls as you stroke his length.
"porn"you shrug and he throws his head back, leaning back against the door and closing his eyes.
"I wanna learn how to deep throat , lele"your voice catches him off guard and you giggle at the look on his face.
"take it in your mouth"he starts and you do as you're told, taking him in your mouth and sucking the tip once again as you feel him twitch in your mouth and you hum.
"Keep doing that and I'll cum"he warns you and you nodded, his fingers tangle in your hair and he holds your head still as he thrusts into your mouth.
You hum and he accidentally bucks too deep into your mouth causing you to gag but he pulls back immediately.
"Fuck- maybe this isn't a good idea"he pulls sits his hips back down but you follow him and take him back in your mouth.
"Y/n-" you follow the movements he did earlier and slowly bobb your head along his shaft, he sighs and combs your hair back into a makeshift ponytail.
"fuck, you're good to me, you know. really good."he whispered as he guides your mouth along his cock and pushing you lower to have you take more of him into your mouth, trying your best to resist the urge to gag around him so you hum instead and he moans for the first time as he moves his hand faster.
You suck faster and harder, moaning at the feeling of his dick sliding against your tongue at such a pace and his hips buck up into your mouth slightly , you gag around his length and he groans again as he grips your hair tightly and pulls your head back.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum, that's enough"he pants once you let go and listen this time around, watching as he strokes his wet cock slowly and you straddle his waist now.
"I heard this is the best position for my first time" you tell him and bite your bottom lip but he doesnt answer and kisses you deeply, lifting your hips and dragging his tip through your folds before prodding at your entrance.
He grabs the back of your neck just like earlier that day and you take a leap of faith and lower yourself a little bit , a whimper leaves your mouth and he pulls you into a kiss.
"Move at your own pace" he whispers against your lips and let's you know to take your time, you deepen the kiss and wrap your arms around his neck as you slowly roll your hips to help get used to the size.
As you get comfortable with the first half you drop yourself down to take the rest of his length completely and he holds you against his chest as your body shakes at the intrusion, gasps and soft pants leaving you as you squeeze your eyes shut.
Chenle takes good care of you and plays music from his phone, hands also rub your back and kisses are littered on your temple ever so often.
"never thought I'd see the day that you would force yourself to take all of me, you must like me that bad" you roll your eyes and pull back with a scoff.
"Why do you always have to ruin the mood?"and just like that, it was as if today never happened and you sat there bickering as if you both weren't just sucking each other off not even five minutes prior.
"I insisted we wait to have sex but you couldn't wait, you're so obsessed with me at this-" a groan leaves his lips as you rolled your hips to test the waters, chenle had just reminded you of your goal and you wouldn't admit it to him but he felt amazing inside of you.
"what was that?"you asked with a smirk and roll your hips again, his head hits the window and his nails dig into your skin.
"oh, you play dirty" he comments and you only lift your hips before sinking back down on him, hands on your hips and guiding your movements faster, your hands grip his shoulder and you start to move at your own pace.
"fuck- y/n" Chenle groans and grabs two handfuls of your breasts, a whimper leaving your lips and you place your hand over his own at the immense pleasure coursing through your body.
"chenle-" you start to bounce on his cock as best as you could in the small space, your lips connecting again and his hips lifting to meet your pace.
"you feel so amazing"he groans into the kiss and you pull away to moan against his lips, his hands helping you bounce on his cock faster.
"oh fuck-" you cry out and bury your face in his neck , his hands spread your cheeks and his pace increases as your cunt tightens around him constantly.
"are you gonna cum?" he asked and you nodded, his hand grips your hair and brings you back to his lips.
"Cum for me, princess"you moan at the sudden pet name and bounce faster, chasing your orgasm and cum with a loud moan of his name.
"fuck, I'm Cumming" he pants, sweat trickling down his back and neck as he cums inside of you before collapsing onto the seat, holding you close against his chest.
"fuck, my mom is gonna kill me" he sighs and you looked up at him , eyebrows raised.
"why?"you asked genuinely curious.
"I didn't take you on a date first"he said and you snorted at that, rolling your eyes.
"is this your way of asking me on a date?"you asked , seeing right through him.
"you were gonna say yes anyway"he retorts and rolls his eyes.
"oh , shut up, I'm revoking your sex privileges"he just laughs at you because you both know you were definitely having sex again, most likely within the next 24 hours.
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brighter-by-the-daly · 10 months
Millie Bright x Reader
Part Two: Lover’s Auction
Millie’s perspective:
Sam grabbed my arm holding it out straight to display the phone number that was still visible on my skin, I’d scrubbed at it in the shower this morning which made it fade a little but was still clearly readable. I knew training would be a show and tell this morning so tried to cover it with a long sleeve under top, but in a blind haze after a rigorous training session I mindlessly pulled up the sleeves. “What’s this then Mills, you cheating on me?” the Aussie joked as I tried to pull the top back down to cover the writing, of course my friend wouldn’t let me as she continued with her probing questions. “I knew you were hiding something, you never wear long sleeves!” her voice became loud and squeaky in excitement, the way that it does when she’s making fun of me. “It’s just a phone number!” the enquiry made the smirk on my face hard to hide as it’s been years since my last relationship, I was kinda hopeful that this might lead to something good. “Is this what that dorky smile on your face has been about all day?” Sam poked my ribs as the commotion drew Erin nearer to the drama that followed us around everywhere. “Is it a giiiirlll?” Sam continued to tease until I broke my cover. “Maybeee” I couldn’t contain my smile at admitting it as I felt my cheeks grow a warmer shade of red. “Well, you gotta tell us all about it, weren’t you at that function last night?” they linked their arms together as they skipped back into the changing room, dragging me along with them. I didn’t have a choice but tell them all about the girl I had met last night at some random charity event I didn’t even want to go to - not if I wanted to get out of here alive anyway! They couldn’t believe she hates Chelsea and didn’t have a clue who I was! I said that maybe that’s for the best, since the World Cup it’s hard to find someone who doesn’t know who I am and it could be refreshing to not be on edge about ulterior motives. A lot of people I meet only want me for my money or to get into places for free, there tends to be people out there that think I earn a lot more money than I actually do, I’m able to live comfortably but still have to watch the pennies and save for the things I really want. Packing up my gear to leave my phone lit up with a message, “is that her?!” Erin pulled my arm in her direction as they peered over to look for a photo that wasn’t there, I explained they would have to wait and see what happens before I expose the identity behind the phone number. My friends made their annoyance known through loud groans as I left to go home, “bye sweeties!” I waved sarcastically leaving them in the lurch.
Your perspective:
The sun rise shining through your bedroom window made your eyelashes flutter open, shielding the sun from your eyes you squinted at the clock to see it was barely 8am. Mascara stained your hands as you rubbed your eyes, annoyed that you’d forgotten to do your skin care routine when your got home last night. Tapping your phone to light up the notifications you noticed a text from an unfamiliar number, “hello pretty girl, hope your head isn’t too sore!” You guessed it was from Millie but pulled the shirt she’d written her number on from under the bed to double check before replying which lead into texting all morning. Opening Google to search the footballer you noticed she was telling the truth - she is a defender for England and Chelsea! Looking at a few photos you had an epiphany and realised last night wasn’t the first time you had seen Millie. Wrapped in your duvet you shuffled to the sofa and re-downloaded episodes of Eastenders that you’d deleted from the Sky box, spotting the familiar blonde a few weeks ago on The One Show. Sending her a picture of the TV screen you laughed to yourself.
Y: knew that wasn’t the first time I’ve seen you! 🤭
M: you didn’t recognise me? 😂
Y: well no, my recording of Eastenders caught the last few minutes of it… I fast forwarded 🙈
M: Charming! 😳
Y: Next time you’re on TV, I’ll record it. Happy? 😇
M: Why don’t you come watch instead, I’ve got a game tomorrow?
Y: Oh.. idk, I haven’t watched football for two decades 😕
M: That’s okay, you record it then, you don’t have to watch 😘
Y: I’ll think about it 😉
Millie said she was off to training but would like to see you again, inviting you on a date tonight and saying she’ll pick you up on her way home. The next time you heard from her was when she called you walking out of the training ground. You’d barely said two words to each other before being interrupted by some of her teammates, “is that her!”, “let’s say hi!” you heard from down the phone. Millie groaned “bugger off guys! Stop embarrassing me!” she yelled making you pull the phone away from your ear as she argued with them, reluctantly telling you that they wanted to say hi and held the phone out towards them against her will. One grabbed her arm to pull the phone up to her mouth as the other tapped the speaker button. “Hi Millie’s girlfriend!” an Aussie accent called as you heard the phone be pulled away by another person. Millie could be heard in the background loudly contesting what was happening, “what’s your name, Millie won’t tell us!” a Scottish accent asked, you laughed and told them as they screeched with glee, there was a lot going on even if you couldn’t see them – the noises coming through the phone sounded like they were being attacked; the rummaging and fumbling of the phone between different hands, the laughs of the two girls and Millie getting more and more irate before hearing heavy footsteps run away. “Errgh, sorry they’re a nightmare!” she groaned then told you that was her best friends at the club Sam and Erin, usually Guro is around too but she’s injured and not at training today. “I haven’t told them you’re my girlfriend don’t panic, they just saw your number on my arm” she insisted as she threw her bags into the boot of the car and you heard the door slam shut. “Okay, I’m safe now. I’ll come pick you up.”
Waiting outside your house as she arrived you clambered into her car, “hey girlfriend” you joked as Millie’s cheeks turned bright red. “How’s the hangover?” she asked, shifting into first gear and pulling away. “Better for seeing you, where we going?” The blonde asked whether you had to be home by a certain time, you didn’t have work the next day so you were free to spend as long as you wanted with her and as long as she wanted you! It was mid afternoon and she was being very secretive about where she was taking you, knowing it wasn’t going to be a quick date when she joined the motorway heading towards Essex, you know the journey well but didn’t let on that you had an idea of where she was taking you. The longer you drove the more you were certain about where she was going, looking out of the window you saw how the scenery had changed since you were a little girl, the last time you drove this route was with dad in 2003. It’s like you remember every bump in the road, counting the bridges until you got to your destination, your mind fell back into that routine of counting the bridges until you reached the coast. Millie must have realised you had spaced out, placing a comforting hand on your thigh when you pulled into the seaside town and asked if you were okay. Smiling and nodding you pushed those thoughts to the back of your mind, you were right with the destination – Southend-on-Sea.
You walked hand in hand along the seafront, rode the train along the pier and shared chips on the beach while watching the sunset. You talked non-stop about yourselves that it felt like you’d know each other for years, not less than 24 hours! After eating your chips you took a wander down the beach towards the sea, kicking off your shoes Millie followed suite as you dipped your toes into the water. When the sky started to turn to pink hues she asked you the question you knew was going to come up sooner or later, “what were you thinking about in the car.. when you went quiet?” You took a deep breath before replying, “I used to play for Southend Girls” you said, plunging the conversation into a long silent pause. “I didn’t know that” Millie responded cautiously, anxiously looking down and playing with her thumb ring. Her response caused you to chuckle lightly, “how the hell could you have known that?” pushing her further into the sea so the cuffs of her rolled up jeans got a little wet. “Hey!” she shouted trying to drag you in with her but you were quick and slipped your arm from her grip, running back up the beach as she chased you. Seeing the lights of the arcades still glowing you kept running, stopping at a bench by the road before going any further to swipe the sand from your feet and replace your shoes as you waited for your date to join you. “You’re quick!” she puffed, breathless from the unexpected sprint. You asked her favourite game in the arcades as you took her hand and lead her to the cash machine, pulling your purse out to feed a £50 note into the machine so it spat out £1s in return. Splitting the money between two pots you handed hers over, “did you just put a fifty in there?!” seemingly astonished at the amount you were willing to waste on 2p machines! “It’d cost about that in petrol” you shrugged, seeing it as a fair swap, she drove and you pay for the plastic tat you’re about to win together! Millie darted straight to the basketball machine and you set yourself up at a 2p machine nearby so you could watch her top rise above her hips to show a little skin when she took her shots. It felt like she spent forever on that machine, glancing over to you every now and again between games as the tickets piled up at her feet. You floated between machines, collecting your prizes and tickets until you felt her arms wrap around you and her chin balance on the crown of your head. “Are you winning?” she asked, peering into your prize pot that was almost full, “there’s more in here!” you laughed, opening your bag to show off all your useless prizes. You had so much fun in the arcades but before you left you had to have a battle on the dance machine and swap your tickets for sweets to share on the journey home, you didn’t want the date to end!
Stumbling out of the arcade in fits of laughter and a handbag full of prizes the sky had turned dark, you wondered if Millie would suggest going home but she didn’t, instead spotting a pub close by that seemed lively and went to have a closer look, “there’s a band playing in there!” she chimed excitedly. It was The Chinneries, one of your old haunts as a teenager, you’d jump on the train and meet your friends to go and watch different bands nearly every month. As Millie spoke to the bouncer, you skimmed the posters on the wall and noticed that playing tonight is one of your old favourite bands. “Are there any tickets left?” you called over as Millie nodded in response, “can we go in?” she nodded again, reaching out her hand for you to run over and take. Shuffling into the small bar you stood near the back, you’d entered around the half way mark of their set and shuffled around the people to be able to order a drink. Millie was much taller than you and could easily see over people’s heads but made sure she found a space that you could enjoy the show from too. Right after you got comfortable they started to play one of your favourite songs, screaming in excitement you immediately started bouncing up and down singing the words at the top of your lungs. Millie had never heard of them before but she enjoyed watching you be happy, posting a short video of the back of you to her Instagram story with “she’s cute” written over the top. You couldn’t be identified by the video as it was just the back of you singing with your arm in the air but it made you happy when you spotted it on her insta later that night.
“I think this has been the best first date I’ve ever had Mills!” you gushed walking out of the pub, it was getting late and you really should be heading home soon. “Ohhhh, pet names already!” her voice squeaky and high pitch as she shoved herself into your side jokingly. Your hand slipped easily into hers when she draped her arm over your shoulder, crossing your arm over your chest to keep hold of her hand. “I agree.. (y/n/n)” teasingly using your nickname too. You asked who she was playing tomorrow and what time when you were driving home, you were astonished that you still found stuff to talk about! Her hand was on your thigh the entire drive and when you pulled up in front of your house the anticipation of whether you were going to kiss or not was overwhelming. You desperately wanted to but didn’t want to rush things, the date had been perfect and all the signs were there that Millie really liked you but you wouldn’t know for certain until.. “can I kiss you?” her soft words interrupted your overthinking.
The engine was purring as she unclipped your seatbelt, nodding your head gently as hers came closer, stroking your fringe behind your ear her hand lingered to cup your cheek as your lips touched in the softest entanglement. You could feel the goosebumps raise on your arms as your eyelashes fluttered against her skin, her nose grazing yours as the kiss sealed off a perfect day. “I’d love to see you again” she whispered, her forehead pressed softly against yours. Her blue eyes gazing deeply into your soul, willing you to answer her. “Me too, I’ll take you out next time” leaning forward to peck her lips one last time before leaving. Entering the home you share with your dad he was already at the front door waiting to hear all about your date. You’re still not convinced that he didn’t set this up on purpose but you’re thankful that the events at the auction had lead to a dark time in your life actually bringing you joy.
Part Three
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