#I have no idea what the oc and Alastor have but I'm tagging it as romantic. A lot of their scenes /are/ written sexually though
whimsywillowwrites · 23 days
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Thank you for the tag @winekita!
I'm a little worried about spoiling the upcoming chapter, so I'll share something new! 💖
This is an OC who sells her soul to Nora Jean. I'm not too sure if she will show up in the actual fic or not since she doesn't really serve any purpose for the story. DSaONPT already has a lot going on, and I'm worried including her would make the story too cluttered? I love the idea of her annoying Alastor to death though lmao. She may end up getting her own oneshot in the future, who knows. ┐(°ヮ°)┌ Anyway, here you go!
“What do you want to call yourself?” “Chaos.” The receptionist snorts. “What?” Rebecca demands, defensive. “What’s so funny?” “Nothing. It’s just a popular name.” "You’re lying,” Rebecca says. "Kid, we got over a thousand Sinners down here who decided to call themselves Chaos.” Well that won’t do. How will Rebecca stand out amongst this cesspool of sinners if she has a name just like everyone else? “Okay, what else is popular?” “For goth kids like you? Ebony, Sabrina, Bella, Shade, Shadow, Bloody Rose 666 ..." “Damn, okay. How about Nightshade?” "Pretty common too.” "Belladonna? Malice? Dark Angel of Woe?” "All taken.” Rebecca should have known better. She is now in a world full of like-minded folk who have all staked their claims on unique and menacing titles. She will have to think harder. Her eyes drift to an assortment of confiscated weapons behind the receptionist. A bloody bone saw sticks straight up from the pile. “Okay,” Rebecca says. “How about … Raven Bloodysaw.” The receptionist squints at her. “Raven is also pretty popular but … Bloodsaw is different.” "Oooh, I like that. Dropping the y! Bloodsaw.” Rebecca makes a wide sweeping gesture as though envisioning the name spread out before her big bold letters. “Strikes fear into your heart, right?” "Sure.” “Sweet. Maybe I should spell Raven with a y.” “No,” the receptionist says. “Okay, fine. How about we add a cool sounding middle name then?" Rebecca's middle name is Bernice which she hates more than anything. Seriously, what demon wants to bang a Bernice? "I've always liked the name Amethyst. Let's go with that."  The receptionist grunts and goes to write it down, but Rebecca immediately stops her. "WAIT!" she screeches. "It has to be spelled differently. We’ll spell A-Y-M-E-T-H-I-S-T!” A wide grin spreads across her face. “Unique, right?” “That’s one word for it.” “The other word you’re thinking of is sexy, isn’t it?”  A demon in the back pipes up. "Hurry up, you Edgar Allan Poe-wannabe. I got places to be!" A lightbulb goes off. "That's it!" Rebecca says.  "What's it?" the receptionist says. "Edgar Allan Poe. My new name is Raven, so I must honor him by adding him into my new title." A collective groan is heard from the line. "Fine," the receptionist says. "Your name shall be Raven Edgar Allan—" "No," Rebecca Who Is Now Called Raven says. "My name shall be... Raven Aymethist Evermore Bloodsaw." "Uh-huh," the receptionist says. "And you're sure that's what you want to be called for the rest of eternity?" "Hell yeah."
Tagging any other Helluva-verse writers who wanna join! ( ˊᵕˋ )ノ~♡
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iomadachd · 24 days
SHIPPING INFO:// Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog
What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
Uh... I mean, I don't have any true OTPs although I adore Dru/Spike and Diego/Lila. Otherwise I'm such a multishipper I'll go for most anything as long as there's chemistry.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Almost anything, although there are aspects to relationships I'm not generally comfortable with. The main ones are pregnancy and ships where one party is underage. Otherwise, I can make most things work if they get my interest. It just has to be plotted.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
Babycakes, half my muses have mommy/daddy issues. The age gaps can and will be extensive by decades to centuries.
Are you selective when shipping?
Yes and no. I love experimenting with ships, but there has to be feasible chemistry. At the very least, I have to vibe with my writing partner in order to write it. Sometimes I also have to warm up to the idea of a ship and let it be proved in a friendship first.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
Probably once hands are under clothes or clothing is coming off. I tend to fade to black more than anything, and might conservatively tag something as suggestive long before it truly is.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
More and less than you think. I'll just list here who I've got active ships with, or have ships I liked even if they've fallen by the wayside for whatever reason. Not all are romantic/sexual in nature. I have probably forgotten something
Adramalech - @suffcring
Cowbell - @suffcring
Dean - @suffcring, @big-d-little-i-big-n-little-ozzo, @agentbrompton, @shieldretired
Dewdrop - @alastors-radioshow, @suffcring, @tooxldtorememxer, @p0pestar
Leila - @ifyoucatchacriminal, @suffcring, @southern-belle-outcasts
Phantom - @tooxldtorememxer, @suffcring
Primo - @suffcring
Secondo - @suffcring, @tooxldtorememxer, @divinehr
Terzo - @tooxldtorememxer, @alastors-radioshow
Copia - @tooxldtorememxer, @suffcring
Rain - @tooxldtorememxer
Vessel - @thedxckpond
Viktor - @southern-belle-outcasts
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
Please and thank you. You can send shippy ask memes, but I might not treat it as a ship right off the bat.
How often do you like to ship?
So many.
Are you multiship?
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
More-or-less. I’m here for juicy writing of all types. {<-stolen x2}
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
I... really really love my ship with @suffcring's Copia and my OC Leila. It might be a common ship in the fandom, but I love the multitudes of layers of story we've woven together and there's so much more to weave that we haven't gotten to show.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Asks, DMs, smoke signals, bat your eyelashes. Jump in and hold up two muses and tell me you want them to kiss! I'm so open to experimenting that I'll hear you out at the very least.
tagged by: taken from @southern-belle-outcasts
tagging: you!
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mydisenchantedeulogy · 8 months
On Air [Chapter Two] Radio Lover [Alastor]
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A/n: a change I made already was stating that Aelia becomes a Succubus. She does not, however, her promiscuous nature attributed to her demon form, giving her a Succubus-like appearance and nature. When I created her, I made her loosely based on Albedo from Overlord, appearance-wise. I'm new to the fandom, so I am bound to make mistakes.
Regardless, I hope you all enjoy the story.
Warning(s): mentions of death and execution, pain, Hazbin Hotel lore, public sexual themes, gun usage, language, mention of cannibals, magic, demons/sinners, original female character, the OC is a serial killer, blood consumption (in a potion), dark content.
Tag list: @dndmaniac
No Minors Allowed!!
The pain of death was intense, so much so, that Aelia could not move. All of the air around her had faded away and no matter how hard she tried, she could not fill her lungs. Slowly she suffocated, sinking in what felt like a sea of molasses until her vision faded to black. 
Then, as though it had all been a dream, Aelia suddenly came to and gasped for air, greedily taking in as much as she could. Her lungs burned and her head felt congested, as though it might burst at any given moment. She had no idea what was going on, but one thing was certain, she was not in Tennessee anymore. 
As she lay on the cold, concrete ground between two tall buildings, she stared weakly up at the dark red sky. She had never seen such a color. It was ominous. For a moment, Aelia considered closing her eyes and letting her mind fade back into darkness, but the sound of moaning caught her attention. Someone was near.
Despite the pain, Aelia sat up. Her body felt heavy but she dismissed it as fatigue and stood on her trembling feet. A groan of pain left her. Why did her veins feel like they were on fire? 
I was executed, wasn't I? 
The last thing she remembered before she woke up was staring up at the ceiling in the execution chamber before she was knocked unconscious. It figures. Aelia felt every bit of what the injections did to her. So, how did she wind up in an alleyway?
Tottering toward the muffled voice, Aelia felt as though she was dragging something behind her, but upon witnessing the source of the former noise, her eyes grew wide in shock. A man with a cyclopean eye was being blown by in public as onlookers at the entrance to the alley watched on in awe and pleasure.
What the fuck? 
And stranger than that, the onlookers were beings straight out of a fantasy world. Anthropomorphic animals, humans with multi-hued skin, and gelatinous creatures; the list went on. Aelia must be dreaming. Or having a nightmare. 
She considered waiting until the alley was clear to leave, but she wanted more than ever just to escape the awkward situation before it got worse. As she wandered closer, the one-eyed man took note of her and grinned.
“Ya want a taste, darling? Make this a threesome.”
Aelia narrowed her eyes in disgust. 
“Not a chance in hell.” 
Besides, her heart belonged to someone else. The thought of his name alone made her heart race. 
“Where do ya think you are?” The man remarked. 
What the hell did that mean? Aelia shook her head and stormed past him.
“Ain't neva seen a succubus turn down cock. It's your loss, bitch.”
Again, she was left in wonder, but as she passed through the crowd of onlookers, evading the wandering hands of a pig-like man, she came to realize that she was soon to dismiss the man’s remark. 
The area she woke up in was in utter disarray. People were running around out of control; she saw one person shoot another right across the street. 
Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore. 
Or Earth for that matter.
A sudden sharp pain shot up Aelia’s side, and upon turning her head, she realized that someone had bumped into her. Yet, she did not feel them brush her. To her horror, a light gray wing with light blue tipped feathers rose into view. Aelia gasped. 
Hurrying over to a store window, she looked at her reflection, unfamiliar with the person she saw. Was this her? It couldn't be. Her hair was long, wavy, and light gray. The hazel-green eyes that she got from her mother were now light blue and the sclera surrounding them was black. Then to matters worse, she had two pairs of wings on her lower back and a set of white horns that enveloped her head like a circlet.
This has got to be a nightmare. 
Running her hand along one of the wings, it flinched to Aelia’s touch. It felt as though it were an extension of her body, though she reckoned it was. What was she? The one-eyed man’s slur drifted back to her; a succubus. Strange…she did not look or feel like one. 
Aelia took an uneasy breath and raised her hand to brush back the fringe covering her right eye, but as she did, she noticed a tattoo of red symbols circling her wrist. They looked almost like vèvès, but why were they around her wrist?
“Where am I?”
“Pardon me,” a feminine voice cooed. “But did I hear correctly? You do not know where you are.”
Aelia diverted her eyes from the shop window to a woman with a wide shark-like smile and pitch-black eyes. Her elegant yet ghostly features startled the winged woman, but regardless, she shook her head in agreement. 
“Why dear, take a look around, you are in Hell,” she chuckled while placing her hand against your chest. 
Aelia paled at the thought, but honestly, it made sense. With her sins, she did not expect to go to Heaven. 
I thought I would be with him though. 
Her heart raced but at the same time, it ached.
“Close your eyes, my dear, and do not sulk. You will see me soon enough.”
Alastor’s last words Aelia took to heart. Was Hell where he had intended her to go? Perhaps he had lied to her. She felt faint.
The pale woman, Rosie, raised a thin brow in curiosity. Leaning her long neck forward, she eagerly took in her scent. It had been a long time since she had smelled the living world on a person; of petrichor and slightly sweet earth. She smelled delicious. 
Mixed in, however, was the familiar scent of blood and magic.  
“I see now,” Rosie stated. She had made a deal. And with Alastor to her shock. Shame. 
A realization suddenly dawned on the Overlord. 
“Oh my, where are my manners? My name is Rosie.”
She extended her hand which Aelia hesitantly took, giving her a good look at the vèvès around her wrist; the Radio Demon’s magic.
“Do a lady a favor and escort her home, would you? I'll make it worth your while,” Rosie offered. 
Aelia was not certain she could trust the wide-smiling woman, but there was an air of kindliness about her that put her a little at ease. Besides, she was more than capable of protecting herself if she needed to.
“Of course.”
Rosie chuckled and continued down the street. Cannibal Colony was not far. As the two walked in silence, Aelia took a moment to steal herself. There was a lot to take in, and honestly, all of it felt like a bad dream. Who knew Hell was so colorful? It was a bit frightening, to be honest. 
“Don't lose your pluck, my dear. I still need you.”
Did she fail him? Surely this is not where he wanted her to end up. Though, thinking about it, Alastor being a denizen of Hell made sense. Aelia knew he was not a product of the abuse; he was real. An angel or a demon, the former is what she believed, however. But hell, angels did not condone murder. Did they?
“Stay close to me, Miss Aelia,” Rosie ordered. “As quaint as it is here, you do not want to wander off on your own, especially dressed like that.” 
Aelia raised a brow. What was wrong with the way she was dressed? She still had on her prison attire, so she reckoned Rosie had a point. 
An old-timey town came into view, plucked straight from the early 1900s. It was quaint, as Rosie had stated, but what concerned Aelia the most was the town sign, which declared that she was in ‘Cannibal Colony’. Fuck. Where did she let Rosie take her? 
The few people who passed her by, dressed in elegant attire, gave Rosie and her a wide berth, but that did not stop them from eyeing the winged woman like a piece of raw meat.
“Morning, Miss Rosie,” a wide-smiling gentleman greeted her as he approached. “I see you brought back a succulent-looking guest.”
Rosie chuckled, resting her hand against her chest. 
“And a guest she is. Treat her as such.”
The man’s smile faltered a bit, but he took his hat off to Aelia and then hastened down the street. The latter found this weird but she did not comment on it. Whoever Rosie was, the denizens of ‘Cannibal Colony’ did not look down on her. She was not sure if this was a good thing or not. 
“And here we are,” the said woman declared, raising a pale hand toward a charming little store with a striped awning. 
The sign above the door read: Franklin and Rosie, Emporium.
“You live here?” Aelia asked. 
“Mixed-use property is beneficial,” Rosie remarked. “And I like to look after my assets.”
Aelia could understand that. But what sort of investments did the elegant woman own? Emporiums often cover a wide range of products. 
As they approached, Rosie snapped her fingers and the double doors opened. Aelia was in awe, even more so when she saw the interior of the establishment. It was gorgeous with a wide variety of different goods; everything from clothing to vintage radios. 
A familiar style caught her eye, and Aelia narrowed her eyes in fondness. Much to her dismay, the Atwood Kent brand she owned was confiscated by the authorities when she was arrested. But during her final hours, instead of a last meal, she requested it back, getting to speak to Alastor one last time. 
Unbeknownst to her, Rosie was watching in interest, taking note of the neon pink heart that replaced the pupil in her right eye. 
How curious.
Her wings even raised in elation. It was sort of cute. 
“You know, at first I thought you were a succubus or a fallen angel, but you don't look much like either up close,” Rosie mentioned. 
Her wings were placed at her center of gravity and feathered. No, she was not a Hellborn Succubus, but she looked like one. Her body even reacted to arousal as though she was one. There was only one more explanation Rosie could think of. 
“What I have come to learn here is that a sinner such as you takes on the appearance and abilities of whatever aspects they had during their former life. You must have been a promiscuous one.”
Aelia hummed.
“I suppose. But after a while, someone stole my heart. 
Rosie chuckled. What did the Radio Demon say to her? He wormed himself deep into her head, it seemed. The overseer of Cannibal Colony raised a brow in interest. While she was curious as to what Alastor had been up to - his seven-year absence was a thing of mystery - she did not pry. The incurable romantic he made a deal with probably did not know either. 
The clack of heels on the floor diverted Aelia’s attention to a woman similar in appearance to Rosie with brown hair. Her smile widened as she saw the newcomer. 
“You brought home a treat, I see.”
“A guest, Franklin,” Rosie corrected. She sauntered behind the counter. “What were you up to?”
Franklin eyed the winged sinner a moment then turned to her business partner.
“Counting the stock before extermination day. Lucifer only knows how chaotic the colony gets before then, buying up everything on the shelves.” 
Aelia raised a brow. What was extermination day? 
“It's business,” Rosie chuckled. “If you are not currently busy, I need you to retrieve something for me; that red vile on my desk.”
Franklin left without a word to retrieve it. After all, the two could finally be rid of it. 
A month ago, one of Alastor’s minions wandered into the shop and gave Rosie a potion in a red vial. The minion stated that a lost soul would soon come to Pentagram City, one that could be recognized by the Radio Demon’s mark. It was not certain whether Rosie would meet them before Alastor’s return, but if she happened to, then as a favor to him, he asked that she give them the vial. 
It was after all just a simple means to transport Aelia to wherever he currently was. Rosie could easily transport her, but she did not know where Alastor was staying. 
Once Franklin returned, she handed the Overlord the vial and hurried off to finish her current job not knowing that soon her number would be up.
Rosie turned the glass vial and sat it upright on its pointed base, chuckling as Aelia stared in awe. 
“This is a gift.”
Reminded to never look a gift horse in the face, Aelia picked the vial up and widened her eyes as the vèvès around her wrist began to glow.
“What is in this?” She asked. 
“A little magic mixed with blood and some water to help it go down easier,” Rosie answered honestly.
Aelia nearly groaned in disgust.
“Thank you. I guess.” 
Rosie chuckled. 
“You are most welcome. It was not me who wanted you to have this vial though.”
Aelia thought so. 
“Who? Was it the one who put the vèvès on me?”
It made the most logical sense, considering the symbols reacted to the potion. 
“There is only one way to find out. You need to drink it,” Rosie remarked. She reached over the counter and brushed the sinner’s hair behind her ear. “But first, let's make you more presentable.”
Snapping her fingers, the clothes that Aelia wore manifested into a navy blue evening gown with white lace. She was not much of a dress person, but she appreciated being out of her prison clothes. Her wings even fit through holes in the back.
“Thank you, Miss Rosie.”
The said woman motioned with her hand for Aelia to continue. With hesitation, she did so, removing the stopper from the top and putting the vial to her lips. As she drank, Rosie tilted it back making sure she consumed it all. The taste made her want to gag.
“Now what?” Aelia asked with a grimace.
She did not feel any different, though her tattoo was glowing. 
“Goodbye, dear. I do hope we meet again,” Rosie remarked with a wide grin. 
Before Aelia could attempt a response, the world around her vanished. Then in the blink of an eye, she materialized in the living room of a lodge. 
That was…quick.
But where was she?
Aeila sauntered over to the closest window and looked outside. The sky still appeared red, so she assumed she was still within the city limits, though she could not see a single house in either direction; all she could see were leafless dead trees. She had not noticed it before, but the sky had a large pentagram in it.
As she took in the scenery, a sudden dark and ominous shadow loomed over her. Then all at once, the buzzing sound of radio static filled the air. 
“Salutations,” a voice greeted. “I admit, I was not expecting you so soon.”
Aelia felt faint. Her wings raised in elation and she turned quickly in the hope that her mind was not playing tricks on her. 
In the doorway to the kitchen, a slim well-dressed man with a shark-like smile stood. He tilted his head to the side, observing her. Based on her appearance and the fact she was standing before him, he reckoned Rosie had found her. 
“Didn't I tell you not to fret?” 
Aelia widened her eyes, unaware of the hearts in her pupils. It was him; he was standing before her.
“You're not just a voice on the radio?”
“Indeed I'm not. But let's not sweat the details,” Alastor remarked. “Tell me, how do you feel about Jambalaya?”
Aelia licked her lips. A strange yet pleasing heat consumed her. 
“I'm starving.” 
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irkimatsu · 7 months
I saw another person ask about this for someone else for husk dating Alastor's sister
Your writing is so good I'd love u see ur take on it
First off, fun fact, Alastor's an only child! (Source!) I know things can change over years in show development, but it's something I'll take as canon unless proven otherwise, and I'm a real stickler for canon. So, while I didn't write about a sister by blood, I decided to give him a childhood friend who views him as a brother.
Maybe that view is too rosy for her to see what kind of person Alastor really is and always has been... that's going to make things difficult for Husk...
Third-person; sorry if you wanted reader-insert, I wasn't sure! I wanted to give the sister more detail than I typically give reader-inserts anyway. Kind of Husk/OC, but more for establishing that a relationship like this is going to be rocky as hell. SFW. About 1.5k words.
Her name was Clara.
Husk didn’t believe in love at first sight - that was a fairy tale he left behind long ago, along with all his other dreams from when he was young and stupid. Still, even if he wouldn’t call it love right away, something about her struck his interest the instant she walked into the hotel and sat at his bar. She was a short, black bear demon, her soft facial features reminiscent of a teddy bear. She wore a green floral dress, and had the heart of a charming Southern belle. Her bright smile and light voice even made Husk almost not care when she scolded him for swearing for the twentieth time. She’d only been here for about an hour, and already Husk was looking forward to how things would progress over her stay…
…and then Alastor showed up.
“Clara, my dear, it’s been ages! How has my darling little sister been?”
She happily ran into Alastor’s arms and accepted some affectionate scritches on the head from him, and Husk had no idea what to make of the situation.
Further conversation revealed that she wasn’t really his sister, not by blood, but their bond during life was no weaker for it. She was about five years younger than Alastor in life, though she’d died over a decade after Alastor had. She’d often jokingly comment that she was technically the older sibling now, but as Alastor always insisted, “once a little sister, always a little sister!” In their youth, she had tagged along with him for woodland excursions for as long as she could remember. He was always happy to have her along for the ride and teach her everything he knew about outdoor survival. 
Husk couldn’t help but notice that Alastor never brought up certain other activities from his life whenever Clara was in listening distance.
God, Husk hated the way he’d steal her attention. He’d be having a nice chat with her, managing to forget exactly who she was, only for Alastor to butt in and ruin the mood. As they reminisced about living experiences that Husk had no input for, he couldn’t help but wonder if Alastor was trying to distance them on purpose.
Was it to punish Husk, or to protect his reputation from Clara?
Whatever the reason, Husk’s eventual solution was to start meeting Clara in her room. Not for any inappropriate reasons, he insisted to a scandalized Charlie and an intrigued Angel; he simply knew Alastor’s manners wouldn’t let him burst into his own “sister’s” room unwanted, granting them some privacy as long as Alastor had no suspicions of whatever they spoke about.
Husk promised him to keep certain things secret. Alastor’s leash on him forced him to make that promise loudly and clearly.
Why would he want to spend his time talking about Alastor, anyway? He got enough of that asshole in his daily life. He just wanted someone to talk to about music and films from his time period and to share opinions on food and drink with. She was a very cultured woman, and could follow a conversation about anything Husk could imagine; if she didn’t know something, her curious mind knew which questions to ask to keep the topic interesting. The hours melted away whenever Husk got a moment uninterrupted with her.
Over time, maybe he did consider taking things a little further. To take her hand and invite her to dance, to kiss her at the perfect moment over the swelling strings of a strategically chosen song…
But before he could ever make that happen, a subject couldn’t be avoided anymore.
“Why do you put up with Alastor?”
Husk’s question was sudden, breaking a brief silence before Clara could cover it with more interesting but overall irrelevant conversation. He lazily swirled his glass of whiskey as he spoke, a glass he so desperately needed right then after another argument with his “owner” had gone poorly.
“What are you talking about?” Clara asked. “I’ve known him for almost all my life. He’s practically my brother. Why wouldn’t I want to ‘put up’ with him?”
“I’m sure you’ve heard the stories of what he’s been up to since he got here?” Husk asked before gulping down his glass and topping it off again.
“...okay, well…” Clara said, laughing nervously. “I know he’s built up a bit of a… reputation down here…”
“And you’ve seen how he treats me.” No, she hadn’t seen the worst of it; as far as Clara knew, Alastor’s comments about keeping his pet Husker on a leash were purely metaphorical. But she’d heard all the condescending nicknames, seen all the condescending touches that Husk would growl and pull away from. Husk’s disdain for the man wasn’t exactly subtle.
“Oh, he teases everyone,” Clara said, laughing and waving away Husk’s concern. “You just gotta grow a thick skin!”
Husk growled. “You saying I’m thin skinned?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that-”
Husk huffed before draining another glass of whiskey as quickly as he could pour it. “Did he ever tell you about how he died?”
“Why would he need to tell me?” Clara asked. “I was alive when it happened. A hunter saw him in the woods, thought he was a deer, and shot him. The hunter ran back to town to get the police, they found his body right where the hunter said, and the whole thing was wrapped up as a tragic accident. What else is there to know?”
“Did he ever tell you why he was in those woods that day?” Husk pressed further.
“He never needed a reason. He always loved those woods, ever since we were kids. Knew them inside out. Knew all the places to hide, whether he wanted to hide himself or bury a treasure.”
Husk couldn’t help but scoff at how far this was going over her head. “He’s told me what he was doing in the woods that day plenty of times. Sounds real damn proud of it every time, too.” Another chug of whiskey; his brain was starting to shut down, and good for it. “Someone oughta dig that place up if they haven’t already…”
“...I don’t understand…” Clara’s voice trembled enough to make Husk wonder if she understood more than she wanted to admit.
“If it came to it, and you had to choose. Who would it be?” Husk asked.
“Me or Alastor?”
“Why would I have to choose? I care about Alastor, but he may as well be my brother, and even if he wasn’t he’s never cared about relationships anyway. But you, Husk…” Clara smiled, her damned gentle smile, as she rested her paw over Husk’s. “You mean something different to me. Something special…”
Husk’s heart thumped against his own judgment as her soft, warm paw closed around his own. “I was actually thinking that maybe we could… if you were interested…” Her coy act was so rehearsed, but in different circumstances, it may have won Husk over.
These were not those circumstances. He growled as he yanked his hand away. “No. Not if being with you means I have to keep putting up with that fuckhead.”
“If you really care about me, then why can’t you accept someone who’s so important to me, who I’ve had since I was alive?” Clara asks. Husk was too drunk to decide whether or not the tears in her eyes were genuine or not.
He truly wished he could care more, but without the whiskey doing its job at numbing his emotions, this conversation might have turned even uglier than it already had.
“There’s a lot he’s keeping from you, Clara, and I’m pretty sure you know more than he realizes you do. And until you can come to terms with who that bastard really is, this ain’t gonna work between us.”
“Husk…” she pleaded, gazing at him with dark, tear-filled eyes. “Please… please understand my situation… no matter what he’s done, you can’t really expect me to let go of someone who’s taken care of me for so long…”
“And you can’t expect me to forgive someone who’s been treating me as badly as he has for so long.” Husk went to pour himself another drink, but found to his irritation that the bottle was empty. “Fuck it. I’m going back to the bar.” He moved to stand up from her bed, but with those eyes still transfixed on him, he found it difficult to move.
…fuck. Fine. Just one more thing.
“Before I go…” He rested a paw on Clara’s cheek, and slowly leaned in for a kiss. She accepted his mouth on hers, firmly holding still for a few seconds before he pulled back. She tried to place her paws on the back of his head and pull him back in for more, but he resisted and finally stood up.
“If you want me to do that again, then figure shit out.” With that, Husk was gone from the room, headed back to the bar in the hopes that he could drink her taste out of his memory.
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amusingmusie · 6 months
Hello Musie! I hope you are doing well on this out of touch Thursday. Would you be comfortable with sharing what inspired you to begin writing? Do you have a muse of your own that inspires the way you build dynamics between your characters? I was curious if you had anything that you had outside of source material (ie Hazbin) that helped motivate you?
I've always loved to write, but always burned myself out before the ideas manifested into something more substantial than daydreams. You have inspired me to at least focus that energy into comments and questions! I just wanted to say that you have a fresh approach to building meaningful conflict between characters and developing background YT. You've got me researching New Orleans history so I can further the immersion as I read! I still cannot get over how fleshed out Nel is. I can absolutely go on, but yeah!
Thanks a million :)
Hello! Sorry I answered this so late (it's Monday for me whoops!). I can't lie, I got really excited to answer this so I can nerd the hell out and YAP PROFUSELY.
What inspired me to write- With every single piece of media consume, I immediately (and I mean immediately) begin to construct some kind of OC to throw into that universe, and Nel was no exception! I got very attached to human Alastor since one of my favorite things about Hazbin is the tradegy of the human lives the characters lived, and Alastor's death in particular seemed incredibly tragic (but deserved) that I ended up fixating on it. I think something I asked myself was "Goddamn, I wonder how people who knew him reacted to his end?". That, combined with how much I loved Al's dynamic with Husk/Vaggie (the sterner characters) birthed Nel pretty quickly after I watched the pilot.
I NEVER thought I'd post a fic. Like ever. I did not think I could do it. I've been writing for myself for years and I would write on the job (I was doing secretary work at the time), so this story slowly started building and building until I had the whole thing drafted. It wasn't going to be posted until I started casually going through the Al/reader tag and saw that there was BARELY any human Alastor. And I sorta thought weeeellll I guess I gotta be the change I wish to see, I've got the whole thing drafted, why not? I'll see how long I stick with it. The fandom was super dead at the time, so I figured my fic wouldn't be exposed to a lot of people anyway, so why not?
Then you insane (/pos) people got invested in my silly shit and I am still in fucking awe that everyone is so supportive!
As for other muses (heehee) that give me inspiration- READ DEAD REDEMPTION 2. I love the RDR series, I am obsessed with it, and I think the storytelling is so beautiful. The setting gave me a small amount of inspiration (the wilderness and the country, rugged characters) but mostly the impact of the story and writing has had a lot of influence on my creativity if that makes sense? The dialogue feels insanely natural, they use old-timey slang without it dominating the conversations, and the story flows deliciously. Like, the game has had a huge impact on my life and I think if I had half the effect on you guys with my fic as that had on me, I could die somewhat happily.
And finally, I'm glad my work has a bit of a motivator for you! I'm not the best at giving advice to get motivated to start writing (I live in hyperfixation hell), but what I can say is that when something sticks, nurture it :) Try writing for yourself and see what feels right first. You never know what it can turn into!
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mysterybooks-world · 5 months
Say hello to Vox's friend
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I settled on this idea instead of My original idea
When I was thinking about Vox's friend OC I was thinking of making a young man with a Venetian Mask
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Like a mix between Joker and Kaitou Kid
Joker from: (Persona Records) and Kaitou Kid from (Detective Conan)
a True gentleman More than Alastor and Valentino
And he sang a song Did I Mention (From "Descendants") Dove Cameron - Boyfriend
But I changed my mind or I can put him in another au
I was thinking about her appearance As you can see she is between stars and plants witch.
Because Sinners have their own appearance in different shapes and sizes And a different design
As for her store or Shop is (Antique store) aka (MystiKraft) Not only Antique store It is the place of everything, without Anything related to sex and drugs.
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From the outside it is like a small store but from the inside it is big
she is like wandering merchant, She sells things and items
What is special about her store?
Her store Like pocket dimensions can go anywhere to other Rings of Hell & heaven & earth
You could say something similar to (Howl's Moving Castle)
No one can enter the store without her permission.
Anything that happens inside the store, no one can use magic to see it inside Or use magic to enter. Even Lucifer and Seven Deadly Sins & Angels, they magic doesn't work in a store.
(My mind whispering: A perfect place for someone to hide If you get my meaning)
Her powers are like a witch's -she can mess with reality -has the power to mess with time Like stopping time or turning it back
-her tail is like fire, but it does not sting If she want to, Sometimes, her tail becomes like a street lamp
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Back story: She was there from the beginning, anomaly, She's just there seeing it all, She saw everything The fight God & angels and Roo aka ROOT OF ALL EVIL. And you know the rest of the story.
She was interested in humanity But she did not interfere in many people's lives, only telling them her advice and wisdom. and She listens to their stories. She loved playing the role wandering merchant.
she appeared in front of humans At different ages Sometimes she is an adult, a teenager, an old woman or a child,
And one day, years ago, When she was child, she met child Vox, They became friends, They began to grow together from children to teenagers then Adults,
when Vox died and fell into hell, His friend was already there, she Guide him to her store and she offered him sweet tea, After he calmed his nerves and realized that he was dead and in hell, After she told him everything About hell, and she Give him some stuff and money, Both of them went their separate ways, Sometimes Vox would visit her,
My OC: Wait a minute I think I forgot to tell him I'm not human and She smiles OH well I'll let him figure this out for himself, Plus His reaction will be funny
And here the story begins Like I mentioned in my poster before
was returning from his back from his supposed date with Valentino But Valentino didn't show up and forgot about their date, He is busy with Angel Dust.
When Vox was passing by a store. He stopped where he was and stepped back, This store wasn't here when he walked in this morning, But when he read the shop sign (MystiKraft) Vox realized who the shop owner was And he entered the place, Vox meets his best friend again
I feel like this is a song for them
she sing (Flying Solo) from Julie and the Phantoms
So Vox spends time with her again.
now the important thing What name should I choose for her? There are four names with their meaning of Flowers and stars
First name: Aster: Greek in origin, this uncommon name's literal meaning is 'star.' Aster flowers, which bear brightly-colored, star-shaped blooms, are the official flower of September and according to myth, are the tears of the Goddess Astraea, also known as Virgo — September's ruling constellation.
Second name Calla: comes from Greek roots, is a type of lily, and means “beautiful.” With Latin origins, this name means “starflower.” This name is inspired by the relaxing flowering herb commonly found in teas
Third name Calytrix. 'Calytrix' has a Latin origin and the meaning of the name is 'star flower'
Fourth name Ahana. This pretty Japanese name means “sky flower.” Anan. This one has Hebrew roots, too, and means “cloud” or “vapor.
I was thinking about choosing Aster or Calytrix.
What do you guys think? Which one of names suits her the most?
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the-mystical-phoenix · 2 months
I've seen many posts about people missing how common asks used to be so I have been trying to send about an ask a week. Now I send this ask first anytime I follow someone as I really don't want to bother anyone, so I'd love to know if you enjoy receiving asks and if so what kind of asks. Not having energy for asks or being comfortable with them is perfectly okay.
The categories I have in my ask notebook that I file under are in colour. Please feel free to make your response as long as you want or private (the asker cannot directly respond to private responses).
Self, Job/Work: please let me know what you are comfortable with from eh idk just ask it to nothing personal at all.
Baggishield/Tolkien, Dragon Age, Johnlock/Sherlock, ineffable spouses, other fandom: Please let me know what fandoms. I think my main fandoms and ships are Bagginshield/The Hobbit, Sherlock/Johnlock, Dragon Age Inquisition, {Pippin/Faramir Merry/Eowyn}/The Lord of the Rings and I dip my toes in a few that I currently can't remember but ships I don't engage with the canon of at all are: Good Omens but only for Crowley/Azirapheal, Stranger Things but only for Steve/Eddie , The Witcher but only for Geralt/Jaskier.
OC's, art/drawing, their writing, blog specific only
Story snippets ideas and prompts: Do you like receiving them?
Pets: I'd love to know all about them
Garden and Hobbies: What type of gardening and/or hobbies?
Like being tagged in things: If so what kinds of things?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
Ooooooo I love this style, let's get to answering shall we!
Self, Job/Work: Meh, usually fine about most stuff, but I'm iffy about locations, politics, and other similar categories. Nsfw stuff is alright I guess, if possible try to keep it to a minimum
Main fandoms and ships that come with them:
The Hobbit
Bagginshield/Thilbo/Oakensting (Bilbo/Thorin)
Kiliel (Kili/Tauriel)
Bilbo & Any of the Company, Bilbo & Thranduil, Dwalin and Balin, Fili and Kili, Dis and Thorin, etc.
Hazbin Hotel
Chaggie (Charlie/Vaggie)
Huskerdust (Husker/Angel Dust)
CherriSnake (Cherri Bomb/Sir Pentious)
Zestmilla (Zestial/Carmilla Carmine)
Lucilith (Lucifer/Lilith)
Don't actively ship but aren't opposed to: RadioApple (Lucifer/Alastor), RadioRose (Alastor/Rosie), RadioDust (Alastor/Angel Dust)
Pretty much good on everything but have a certain fondness for Lucifer & Husk, Lucifer & Alastor, and Angel Dust & Cherri
DSMP (on and off, mostly off now it's over)
Open to other fandoms/ships
OC's: Many, but would most likely never post on here
Art/Drawing: I mostly draw traditional, but have been trying digital, and am at the very least willing to try drawing any requests
Writing: I love writing and write for any of the ships listed above, as well as others (maybe, it depends)
I might write requests, don't be scared to share, will write nsfw to an extent but if you wish for that you will get a list of yes's/no's about what I will and will not write
Story snippets ideas and prompts: Love. Them. They give me smth to focus on, and even if it's not smth I would usually write/entertain on my own, I like to hear them
Pets: An 8-ish yearold void kitty named Tara, last of the original litter we had; a 14/15-ish year old beagle/malamute mix named Butterball, recently passed over the rainbow bridge 🐕🪽🌈
Hobbies: Mainly writing, occasional drawing, love D&D
Tags: Stuff like the ships mentioned (art/story/hc/etc.), writing critiques
Thank you very much for this ask, it gave me something to do and helped clear things up :)
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findroleplay · 4 months
Literacy: At least 2-4 sentences, But I'm good with multi-para's too. I'll match your energy/writing length
Fandom: Trailer Park boys, Grimsburg, Hazbin Hotel, OC roleplay(Fantasy/Horror/Etc)
Tags for the mod: TPB, TPB Julian, TPB Ricky, Trailer Park Boys, Trailer Park Boys Julian, Trailer Park Boys Ricky, TPB animated (I don't know the other tags sorry my bad)
Pair: We can do any type of pairing
None of the pairs are required, Just what I'd like on my half
Character(s): I'm willing to play any/all characters needed, But I can't guarantee that all of them will be accurate
Commas will stand for 'and/or'
Ship(s): Ricky x Julian, Ricky x Oc, Oc x Julian, Julian x Oc x Ricky (or we could do a normal non-ship/oc x oc rp, This applies for all) || (I don't have any ships for Grimsburg but we can always discuss) || Adam x Oc, Alastor x Oc, Sir Pentious x Oc ||
Triggers: None, Anything is on the table
Genres: Any
Plot ideas: We'll discuss
Where: Deeztastic on Discord
I'd prefer if only 18+ interacted with this post, Even if we don't rp NSFW rping with minors gives me a bit of an ick
We can discuss everything in messages, Mine are open if anyone is interested, And if you don't have discord leave a like and I'll reach out.
Dark topics allowed, Including anything related to gore/death/nsfw
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e-m-p-error · 5 months
Tagged By: Stole This
Tagging: Anyone That Wants To Do It!
Man, I write so many characters, but I'll do the ones that are awake the most often. Assume that any of these can be threesomes/moresomes.
Valentino - Vox, Angel Dust, Vox's Assistant
Velvette - Vox, Valentino, Chaz
Niffty - Husk, Valentino, Alastor
Alastor - Valentino, Angel Dust, Niffty
Ostello - Valentino, Vox, Alastor
Anya - So far she's only ever been shipped with other OCs! I don't have canon ideas for her as of now, but she is bi!
Mammon - Ozzie, Fizzarolli, RoboFizz
Ozzie - Fizzarolli, Mammon, Beelzebub
Andrealphus - Striker, Stolas, Stella's Male Friend
Paimon - Barbie, Cash, Mr. Butler
Charlie - Vaggie, Velvette, Cherri Bomb
Barbie - Paimon, Chaz, Fizzarolli
Chazz - Velvette, Glitz/Glam, Valentino
Glitz - Mammon, Chaz, Verosika
Adam - Lucifer, Lute, Sera
It depends for me. In Hazbin, with Sinners, I don't care too much about the age gap on when people were born. That said, if the younger character is under 18 I won't write any usft with them, but I am open to letting Teens Date Teens. Teenagers date, and that's perfectly acceptable. I don't care as long as they're within two or three years of each other as teens. If they could share a biology class in high school I'm okay with it.
I would say once pants are coming off or things go beyond second base, usually. I'll put things in a community thing for sexual content. I will put things under a read more only if my partner does.
Not usually! My muse may be low for certain ships, though.
Going with the same list as before! Assume that OCs are welcome with everyone provided there is chemistry! Any of these can be threesomes/moresomes.
Valentino - I will literally ship him with anyone but Vaggie. I don't like erasing canon LGBTQ+ characters' sexualities due to trauma I have personally with that. Val's type is vaguely bipedal and possibly a heartbeat.
Velvette - I am willing to throw her at anyone, but I really like Cherri Bomb/Velvette and I would LOVE to play with it.
Niffty - Literally will throw her at any man period, minus Angel for the same reason as Val/Vaggie. Love her with Pentious, too.
Alastor - Rosie, Mimzy, Vox (Tentatively)
Ostello - Literally any man that likes men and will give him attention lol
Anya - Anyone of any gender. She is particularly fond of Val but mine won't give her the time of day.
Mammon - Beelzebub, any of the Sins really, Adam
Ozzie - Stella, Stolas, Paimon, Charlie
Andrealphus - Any male character, though he prefers either a Distinguished Gentleman or a Wild Man.
Paimon - Anyone that isn't Poor (minus Barbie and Cash, they are exceptions)
Charlie - I'm hesitant to say 'no' to ships for her. I'm most interested in Valentino, Niffty, and Emily (and OTPs).
Barbie - I'll throw her at anyone that isn't Moxxie and Millie, tbh. I've shipped her with Mammon before, that's a fun ship. I'm hesitant to ship with Verosikas, however. That is one we have to work up to/I MUST trust you to write.
Chazz - He's a slut, I'll ship him with anything twice.
Glitz - She'll ship with anyone pretty much, though preferences for OTP/3 is important here.
Adam - I'm willing to try him with anyone, though he may need time to warm up to people.
I prefer that we talk a little outside of the rp before we assume we're shipping, but most of the time I will say 'yes' even if we haven't written much/at all. I'm pretty flexible with shipping and I always love seeing how dynamics grow!
Obsessed. I am so not normal about shipping. I will ship all the things, please hit me up if you want to try a ship. I will most likely say yes, even if it is a crackship. Sometimes even especially then.
Honestly, I cannot lie and say it isn't VoxVal. I love them, and I always have the most muse to write them. Val's muse can be finicky but he's always up for writing with Vox.
¯\ _(ツ)_/¯
I'm quite literally a ship whore and a collector of ships I really like. I have like, twelve Voxes and Angels for Valentino, for example. It's not hard to ship with me, really, just follow these guidelines.
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theotherdeerinhell · 5 months
Not liking genderqueer headcanons is not transphobic
I recently saw a post that had a footnote saying "if you think that Alastor being a transgender man makes no sense, you're transphobic."
The rest of the post was just a collection of cute headcanons regarding an AFAB Alastor and doe antlers, and there is nothing wrong with headcanoning Alastor as an AFAB man. But what takes it a step too far is calling people who don't like that headcanon or find it nonsensical transphobic taking it too far. People disliking it for transphobic reasons may exist, I'm not denying that, but there are many more reasons.
An argument I have against it is that there is no in-show or meta evidence of him being transgender. Apparently doe antlers (which are possible in many species) are tiny like Alastor's, but we do have to keep in mind that he is a demon, and his antlers can get huge if he wills them to be. He could be keeping them small in his default form for weight and/or practicality reasons. (Even half size could lead to problems with normal things such as going though doorways, especially since Alastor's antlers grow horizontal) Deer biology is not going to completely apply to Alastor due to him being a magical being, just like how spider biology wouldn't completely apply to Angel Dust due to the same reason.
But even though I'm not a believer myself, I do adore it as a transmasc, and as someone who made a transmasc OC who is meant to be his adopted son. I think it would make the dynamic between them cuter if Alastor's been through the same type of shit Rabo goes through. Plus, even if Vivziepop's intention is that Alastor is a cis male, that doesn't invalidate alternative interpretations people have. If they are not hurting anybody, having fun, and it's affirming to them? Then I wouldn't yell at them for being "technically incorrect."
I shall say that Alastor is cis in Rabo's main fanfiction. It's always been the intention in the timeline where Rabo as a character exists, though it would be fun to write a short story taking place in a timeline where Alastor is a transgender man. There is a lot of great potential, and it would be a waste if it isn't explored.
And also, if you're someone who doesn't like the interpretation and you're harassing people for it, kindly move on to a space you'd enjoy being in, and block people who have this interpretation along with its associated tags. (This goes both ways: don't be an asshole)
Click read more for Rabo's comment on it. Because why not?
"The idea of my father being transgender would make me so happy if it's true. Unfortunately in my timeline, it isn't. But I welcome most Alastors as my father, and those who are trans are included. My love for my dad is unconditional, and he is perfect no matter what genitalia he had when he was born. <3"
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phoenixborn · 2 years
9, 10, 11, 12, and 14?
Spicy mun asks
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9: What has been the biggest mistake you’ve made since you started RPing?
Maybe that on an another site before coming to Tumblr I wrote smut when I was a minor. Before the witch hunt begins along with callout posts: I learned 75% of my English through reading fanfictions then roleplaying. NOBODY during that time told me it was forbidden and I was like it's fiction, it's not even me who is having sex in the story so I didn't see any problems with this. I'm Hungarian. Here the age of consent is 14. Before Tumblr, I had no idea that people can get into legal trouble because of this and when I learned about it at first I thought it's a joke. Those who I written with also knew my age, I never made it a secret. Now I've grown up and realized long before this is indeed a mistake & I made all of my blogs +18 even to interact with due to my muses nature, backstories, topics.
And of course I have not and will not write smut with a minor.
I would like to add that I don't feel assaulted or exploited because of my inexperience and probably most of my past roleplay partners were minors too. The irl sexual harassment was much worse & impactful than writing stories with sex in them.
10: What’s something you really hate seeing on your dash that seems to be popular with almost everyone else?
I don't think there's a thing like this? If someone's writing doesn't entertain/excite/inspire me I simply don't follow. So my dash is perfect💖
11: What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to RPing?
Tumblr's inconsistency with notifications hands down. I get notifications of being tagged in something literal months ago. Or that my ask got answered. So far I haven't noticed a delay with reblogs.
Oh and people who shit on female OCs because, idk think before even reading the info that they are self inserts and only want to fuck the canon characters. That's not why I slowly built up a historical noble house woven so deep into Hungarian history, not why I spent more research for my pirate blog than I did for my literal matura exams combined, not why I watched hours of singing explaining by vocal coaches, not why I studied Scott Adkins' borderline impossible movements which are not CGI.
12: What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to the fandom you RP in?
As @winters-club has touched on the subject, those who are 'You MUST portray this character's CANON sexuality otherwise it's ERASURE and you're a terrible/homophobic person.'
Especially if those people actively harass writers instead of minding their own fucking business.
The most common victims of this are those who write Vaggie (also how come that I haven't seen many complaints that Alastor fucks when he's supposed to be asexual? This is NOT an attack on any Alastor muns, you write him however you want, I just noticed this.), Winter is not the only person I know who had a struggle with it. Curate your own dash if you don't want to see it, don't follow people who dare to defy canon, block tags and don't harass them. And as a bisexual who only felt romantic desire towards women irl, I find myself not giving a flying fuck. It's called creativity and so what if the writers want to explore other possible romantic plotlines? Let me tell you a secret: there's no erasure the slightest. Why? Because the sexuality of the character in question is CANON. A few independent writers on a site will not change that.
14: Without naming anyone specific, have you ever avoided someone simply because they RP with one of your RP partners? If so, why?
I didn't and don't avoid anyone just because they write with my rp partners. I actually don't even understand this question, everyone is free to interact, be friends with as much people as they want, it's not a choosing game and two people go to a separate corner to play.
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ask-mrradiodemon · 5 years
//Are you open to roleplaying w/ true!alastor? I'd love to ask for a starter usin my oc but I'm nervous as crap. sksks sorry
//heck yes, always, hes gonna be like this for a while and I wanna explore writing him like this more- just tag me in somethin or give an idea of what you wanna do and ill start, have fun
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hazbinhostess · 4 years
Questions for the Mun!
1. What made you decide to roleplay this muse?
I figured I just really clicked with Charlie. We both just try to see the good in people.
2. Do you roleplay other muses?
I do. A lot, actually. And I'm thinking of making more accounts if this is successful.
3. Are there other characters you’re interested in rping or wish to?
There's 2p Charlie, human Charlie, and even human Alastor or some ocs I wanna try. Unfortunately, I'm not the best at these layouts though. So I'll stick to just Charlie for now. ;
4. What made you decide on your URL name?
It's the same as my old Twitter handle. But I left to get away from the negativity. This is clean slate for me. Plus, I wanted something easy to find. Catchy.
5.What made you decide on your blog title?
Same story. I just like the sound of it.
6. Other characters/muns you’re interested in roleplaying with?
Alastor is my top one put I'm cool with Husk and other characters like Niffty, Angel, and Vaggie. Any interaction with ocs sounds nice too!
7. Do you overthink your tag descriptions or keep it simple?
Simple. I like to make sure it's easy to find/use.
8. Text format or nah? What’s your opinion on that?
Fancy text adds more depth but I do get lazy at times.
9. Favorite three icons of your muse.
I'm new so, dunno yet. ^^
10. How do you feel about the interpretation of your character vs the fandom?
I feel like my version of Charlie is a little less naive. And she stands up for herself but is also quite insecure at times. Especially when Apple daddy is involved.
11. What’s a thread you’d like to do in the near future?
Hmm... Well, I would definitely like to do a story with depth. Angst and romance. Something plot heavy and dialogue heavy. Something that makes my heart Happy or ache.
12. Do you have fun RPing?
Yes! It's one of my favorite hobbies. I love writing stories with people.
13. Three of your favorite threads.
I haven't had any yet. I'll update this when I do.
14. Would you get along with your muse?
Yes! Definitely!
15. What’s an M!A that would be fun to try out?
Again, I'm a noob. No idea what this means. 😂
16. What’s the relationship status of your muse? Single? Taken?
Single! Mun is happily taken though. 💕
17. Are you selective?
Not really. I try to be open.
18. Your muse’s theme song.
Judy Garland- Always Chasing Rainbows
19. What’s your opinion on blog themes? How do you feel about your own?
They're really cool! I'm still trying to figure out an aesthetic. I want something neon.
20. Three big no-nos to do or say to your muse. (their ‘berserk button’)
DON'T call her Charlotte unless you're really close with her.
Don't shit on her dream and the hotel.
21. What’s something that would make you unfollow a mutual?
Drama, excessive lewd. Soliciting of nude photos or just plain being rude.
22. Three interesting little tidbits or facts of your muse.
Charlie is not as innocent as she looks.
She can and will fight back, if cornered.
Don't ask about Vaggie, it's a sensitive topic. (They broke up for my portrayal but she is upset about it. Unless you want an angst plot, don't mention her.
23. Where are you typing right now and where do you usually type?
I type on my phone. I'll probably alternate with my laptop though. It depends on the situation.
24. Send ✍ for the mun to take a crack at imitating your muse. Can be a small silly reply or a more in-depth take. ( Add + plus a scenario or who they’re talking to if you’d like to be more specific)
25. Send ☝ for the mun to give a word to your character on the muse’s behalf. Any advice? A secret the the muse is hiding? Do tell.
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