#I have to do hera and baylan too at least
loreensdarling · 8 months
i've completed the set of silly 10-20 minutes sticker blorbos
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(I have the single blorbos under the cut)
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soka <33
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blueberry boy
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stabby jedi murder girl
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stabby jedi murder girls stubborn Mandalorian girlfriend
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hecckyeah · 1 year
Listen. I know, I KNOW we all have mixed feelings about the finale. Just in the last hour, I’ve read at least five posts on each side, some saying it was the best thing filoni’s ever created, and some literally cursing his guts. As I watched it, I was leaning much more to the how dare you, I waited two years for this and this sucks side, but I had a good night of sleep and some thought, and. I think everyone is overreacting.
Some thoughts.
First, I do think it should have been an animated Rebels season 5. I am partial to live action in general and I’m so glad we got such fantastic casting. But Filoni really shines in the animated world. Live action has limits that animation laughs at, and with all of Dave’s creativity and parallels and callbacks and history in animation, it would have suited this show better. Granted, the viewership might have been worse than it already was, but who’s to say?
Secondly, of course the whole thing was a setup for future movies/shows. It would have been near impossible for this to be a standalone series, with only 8 episodes and so much at stake. I still have absolutely zero idea how this fits in with the s*quels, but I hope it’s all part of the plan to safely extract our (Filoni’s) favorite characters before all hell breaks loose on the narrative.
BUT. Just because it was a setup doesn’t make the story any less meaningful. Dave is the master of arcs within arcs within arcs within arcs. There was the mini arc of Ahsoka and Anakin, reconciling very (very very) complicated feelings and Ahsoka coming to grips with her past as a child soldier and forgiving Anakin for the choices and mistakes he made. There was the mini arc of Hera in the New Republic and how she has to balance her loyalty to the government that she helped to establish with her loyalty to her family (something I don’t think we’ve seen the last of). There was the mini arc of (obviously) finding Ezra!!!! HE’S HOME, YOU GUYS. Sabine did the selfless thing and sent him home after a decade to have a fighting chance to reunite with his family. And to meet Kanan’s son and to see the beauty that Lothal has turned into and to hug his adoptive mom. And she has full faith in him that he will be back to get her, or that she’ll find a way to go back. Because she now has knowledge that he didn’t before, and with Ahsoka’s help and probably Shin and Baylan too, there’s no way they won’t Jedi their way out of this. (*cough* world between worlds *cough*) Also seeing Morai was a HUGE plot twist. I, for one, can’t WAIT to see what’s up with that.
FINALLY. and I think this is something that Star Wars fans (dare I call them fans anymore?) seem to always forget is that Star Wars……. Kinda sucks. It always has. No one in their right mind would say that Star Wars is a literary masterpiece or anything close to that. Star Wars is great because you are literally required to take it all with a grain of salt. Nothing goes at face value. You have to overlook things for the rest to make sense. You cherry pick your favorite parts and ignore the rest. Do I know absolutely anything about mandalore and their political history?? Not one single thing. But could I explain to you the nuances of the aptly-named Disaster Lineage and how generation trauma comes in more ways than by blood?? I could write PAGES. There’s so much history and lore and side characters and branches of story and nuance that no one can ever fit it all together perfectly, no matter how good of a storyteller they are. You have to pick a niche and run with it, and that’s exactly what Dave Filoni is doing. AND that’s what we as fans need to do. If you’re mad that he didn’t address the chiss as a whole or delve into the mysteries of the nightsisters or expand on what happened between Ahsoka and Sabine in depth, then I’m sorry, but you’ve come to the wrong place. Put on a pair of rose colored glasses and cry at Ezra’s reunions with the rest of us.
I’ve stopped expecting perfection from any major franchise (haven’t watched a marvel show or movie since TF&TWS) because the bigger they get, the less they’re going to appeal to the general fan base. And Ahsoka was no different. But it did accomplish one thing: bringing Ezra Bridger home after 10 years, and I think that is all we actually need to worry about for now.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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antianakin · 7 months
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First off, don't watch the Ahsoka show and even if you do, it's immensely anti-Jedi so none of it should be considered worthwhile content in figuring out how relationships work between the Jedi normally, especially since Ahsoka herself doesn't consider herself OR Sabine Jedi (she doesn't even WANT Sabine to be a Jedi). The only other Master/Padawan relationship in the Ahsoka show is Baylan and Shin who also don't consider themselves to be Jedi.
Here's the thing with "found family" as a concept. A lot of people like putting people into certain labels and going for a basic nuclear family mom/dad/kids kind of set up. But it does not HAVE to be that way. A "found family" can be a bunch of people who consider each other friends, with no familial feelings at all. It can be literally anything.
Rebels does go for more of a sort-of mom/dad/kids deal, particularly with Kanan, Hera, Sabine, and Ezra. Zeb however lives in a somewhat more nebulous gray area where you COULD see him as a fellow "child" in the dynamic, but he doesn't really care for being considered a child during the episode where he and the other Lasat find Lira San and he's clearly older and more experienced than either Ezra or Sabine, so he could just as easily be considered an "uncle" of sorts if you wanted to, or an older cousin or something maybe.
The other thing to consider with Rebels is that, while the group does include two Jedi, none of these relationships would necessarily be typical representations of how Prequels Jedi relationships would have looked or how they would've thought of each other. Kanan and Ezra's relationships to the rest of Ghost crew is impacted by that difference, especially since Ezra specifically did not grow up in the Temple among other Jedi and spent most of his childhood and early teens in a very different situation. And Kanan, by Rebels, would've spent more time WITHOUT any relationships with other Jedi than he would've had WITH them.
So with all of that in mind, I think that the Jedi's relationships aren't NEARLY as clear cut as people seem to want them to be. They're a family, yes, but they're a family that is 10,000 strong at least. I don't know about you, but I have a hard time keeping like less than 50 members of my family straight, what their names are and who they're related to, much less ten thousand people. I think it's very likely that all Jedi would feel a kinship to fellow Jedi, but that they probably don't personally know every single Jedi. In TCW, Ahsoka seems to need to be introduced to Tera Sinube for the first time when she's 14 years old. So while she might see someone like Plo Koon as a closer parental figure, she's not going to feel the same way about Tera Sinube who she barely knows.
I think any Master/Padawan relationship is going to sort-of vary depending on the individuals involved. Some of them might be quite close, some might be more professional. Some might be pretty close in age and so their dynamic leans closer to friends and siblings than it would parent and child. Others might have a larger age gap and so the dynamic could lead closer to parent/child or even grandparent/grandchild. Some of them might shift over time, too, or have layers of more than one of these dynamics. For example, Anakin calls Obi-Wan "the closest thing he's ever had to a father" in AOTC, but Obi-Wan calls him a brother twice in ROTS. So their relationship may have had shades of both dynamics given the age difference, the relationship dynamic could have shifted over time from a more parent/child relationship to a more sibling relationship, or they each may have seen the relationship slightly differently with Anakin looking more for a parental dynamic while Obi-Wan is perhaps going more for a relationship of equals (at least by ROTS). It could be any of these three things combined, too.
There's a comic where Obi-Wan is asked whether Anakin is his son and Obi-Wan responds that no, Anakin is his Padawan, his student. While this isn't strictly canon, I think it fits quite nicely into my interpretation that the Master/Padawan relationship is its own specific kind of dynamic and while it can be SIMILAR to other kinds of relationships, it is very much its own thing. It's not a static relationship, it's not just the Jedi version of parents and children, it is a distinct relationship that changes and grows with the individuals. There is no 1:1 comparison for all Master/Padawan relationships.
As for Ezra and Jacen, you could apply a similar concept. Kanan, much like Obi-Wan with Anakin, fills a parental role for Ezra, but he's also growing and developing ALONGSIDE Ezra and could be considered a younger brother of sorts, too. Jacen is family to Ezra, but I don't think you HAVE to place a particular label on what that dynamic is, whether they'd consider each other like brothers or whether Ezra would be more of an uncle. And it doesn't even have to specifically be defined by their respective relationships to KANAN, either. Jacen and Ezra might come up with their own dynamic that has nothing to do with how they each feel about Kanan and is specific to their own relationship. I don't think you have to be super specific about saying that because Kanan was Ezra's Master, this automatically makes Ezra basically his son and so Ezra and Jacen should consider themselves like brothers and never have an uncle/nephew dynamic. I think Ezra and Jacen can be whatever you want them to be to each other.
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isagrimorie · 1 year
You know what I've wanted but I never thought they'd address in Star Wars Ahsoka?
Ahsoka's tendency to be just as lethal as Anakin. Obi-Wan could never kill Anakin but I believe with all my heart despite loving Anakin and maybe even because she loves Anakin, Ahsoka would have killed Anakin if she were in Mustafar too.
It would have broken Ahsoka but she would have gone through with it -- I believe she'd have done it too in Malachor, she'd die trying at least.
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(source: @padawan-tano from this gifset)
But also at 16 years old, she beheaded 4 Death Watch members SIMULTANEOUSLY.
Even if Obi-Wan can do this move, he wouldn't choose to do this move because he wasn't a Wartime Jedi. I don't remember if this is before or after the Citadel arc. Looking it up, yeah, the Citadel arc happened in season 3, the Citadel mission was one of the hardest missions she's been on in her young life.
There was a reason neither Obi-Wan and Anakin wanted her there, so Plo-Koon, what the hell!? (I love you Plo-Koon but you spoil Ahsoka).
As this meta points out the Citadel arc is when the war gets real for Ahsoka in a way she can't just push away.
It's subtle and it's not called out but Ahsoka basically does something that Anakin did where Anakin stabs a bad guy in the back and the first notes of the imperial march begin to sound.
And ironically it's to save Tarkin.
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Ahsoka had to stab an enemy in the back to save Tarkin (of all people, I bet Ahsoka regrets saving Tarkin years later).
The way Ahsoka stares dazedly at the man she killed by stabbing him in the back... The Citadel arc was rough on Ahsoka.
And then Tarkin tells Anakin: "You've trained her well."
No wonder Ahsoka's afraid she was a little too much like Anakin.
It doesn't help that a ghost of a potential future tells her:
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(source by @mlmanakin)
“There is a wildness to you, young one. Seeds of the dark side planted by your master. Do you feel it?”
and then later: "There are many contradictions in you... and in him."
And I am so, so excited that we might be delving into Ahsoka's contradictions. She can be the warmest person in the room but god, can she also make the coldest, most pragmatic decisions for war.
Easily one of the coldest was her decision to set Maul free and use him as a distraction during the Siege of Mandalore - Shattered.
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(source by @manny-jacinto)
Ahsoka doesn't want to directly kill or maim the Clone Troopers herself, but it doesn't mean she won't use someone else to do it.
If Maul dies in this, it would be one more thing off her hands.
And I don't think people really get what function Ahsoka served in the fledgling rebellion-- she was basically in Luthen's role in Andor. She's not as quick to go to the most expedient solution, but it doesn't mean she won't.
In season 1 of Star Wars Rebels Ahsoka, as Fulcrum, told Hera to leave Kanaan in the hands of the inquisitor, knowing full well what would be done to Kanaan. She was in the Citadel arc where Jedi were imprisoned, tortured, and killed. Ahsoka knew. But she did the cold math in her head -- but if it weren't for Ezra's message that reminded Ahsoka who she was fighting for and why....)
Ahsoka basically did the cold math in her head at the start of 1x04, Fallen Jedi, when she told Sabine they might have to destroy the map and strand Ezra in another universe in order to keep Thrawn from entering their galaxy and restarting another war.
This is why Baylan's condemnations:
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Really, really got to Ahsoka.
When Ahsoka told Sabine in 1x03, that anger unbalances her -- it's extra true of Ahsoka.
But I also don't want to discount what Ahsoka's mother taught her about death, how one must respect death but not fear it, and how that might have influenced Ahsoka's understanding of death as a warrior.
Still, I feel Ahsoka has the same fear as Buffy did -- that all this killing has made her cold with a bonus fear that she might be too like her old Master and fall into the dark side.
I'm so excited for 1x05 and see how this will all tie together now that she's seeing Anakin again. Snips and Skyguy have a lot to talk about and resolve.
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illuminatedquill · 1 year
Well, that was certainly a finale.
Initial thoughts below (SPOILERS AHEAD):
Ahsoka 1x08:
I’m a bundle of many emotions but first -
Look, nothing’s over. Okay? Filoni is clearly playing a long game here with these characters. So let’s all calm down and wait for the next season.
There was simply too much to show in this final episode for it to be satisfying on every front. I think, for the most part, he succeeded in ending this first season and setting up What Comes Next.
But I do feel like some of the character stuff was resolved a little too neatly, in my opinion.
There’s such potential in these relationships and I feel like Filoni was laser focused on getting the groundwork laid down for the future. And it’s Big.
I’m not 100% pleased with where Sabine ended up and the fact that she just irrevocably altered the fabric of her home galaxy due to her decision seemed to have been glossed over by Ahsoka and STILL not found out by Ezra.
I mean, there’s HUGE ramifications from what she did. And I’m worried that none of it will be played out to it’s proper devastating conclusion.
Yet, I’m willing to let it slide because it’s clear that there will be more. So, we just have to wait.
Also, the exploration of why Sabine made her choice was never addressed. At least, not in a way that was satisfactory to me. Again, I’m hoping that’s explored in the future . . . but I don’t know.
Even Thrawn was confused about her decision! He couldn’t understand it. And this is Thrawn we’re talking about.
How can you not interpret everything Sabine did in this season as being driven by something more than just friendship. Even the casual fans picked up on it.
(It’s me! I’m the casual fan. Didn’t ship it before and then I saw the first Ahsoka trailer and it suddenly clicked.)
She officially cemented her place in the Disaster Lineage when she made the choice to hand over the map to Baylan! Gambled the fate of an entire galaxy just for the chance to see Ezra again!
That’s peak romance! Literally have not seen a character’s choice forever alter the future on a galactic scale of this magnitude since the main man, Anakin Skywalker, himself!
All for love!
And, yeah, I know the Wolfwren fans are pleased with Shin also being on Peridea. I know Filoni is on the record being against an Ezra/Sabine romance (at least during Rebels, which made sense at the time to me) but I don’t see that pairing being a thing.
We’ve gotten prime examples of healthy, loving, supportive romance from him: Sabine’s parents, Kanan and Hera, Ezra’s parents.
Shin would need to mellow out her murderous nature by 100% to be friends with Sabine. If that happens, I would be cool with it.
Don’t see her doing that anytime soon with her last scene being that. She’s too power hungry.
Other thoughts:
Fantastic battle scenes - highlight being the final duel between Morgan and Ashoka. She went out like a fighter.
Thrawn was excellent, as always. Lars Mikkelsen was born to play this role. His cold, calculating menace is balanced perfectly by some flickers of emotion here and there; the regret when he asked Morgan to stay and his annoyance at Ahsoka escaping his hellfire.
Eman is Ezra. Fantastic casting.
As for Natasha as Sabine . . .
I want more from her. Just more of her as Sabine, forever and always. Still my favorite character on the show. I think there’s more emotional depths to be explored (LIKE HER FEELINGS FOR EZRA) but I’m putting that on Filoni.
(. . . This post is a mess. Sorry for rambling. I’m sure a lot of you feel the same.)
Just want to emphasize that it’ll probably be fine. Nothing’s been decided, one way or the other. And the success of this season should hopefully guarantee more of these beloved characters on our screens soon enough.
And, well, there’s nothing a good fanfic can’t fix. I expect we’ll be seeing plenty of those after this.
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oh-three · 1 year
Ahsoka S1E7
Oh, hello, Coruscant.
Oh no, Hera's on trial.
"I protected the New Republic by ignoring you." Lmfao.
AYY, Mando S3 mention. Thanks, Teva.
THREEPIO! Talk about unexpected cameos. Nice to see that Anthony Daniels is still hard at work.
Leia is such a lifesaver oh my god.
Hera, you are so lucky.
"How real is the threat of Thrawn's return?" Yeahhhhh, you don't wanna know.
"Practice these forms often...Or at least more than I do." Lmao Anakin.
Anakin had so much faith in Ahsoka, I love him.
"He made twenty more of these recordings." Lmao. Why am I not surprised.
Huyang has no faith in the purrgil navigation lol. 😂
I forgot how cool it is to watch purrgil come out of hyperspace.
WELP. I mean, Thrawn did want the purrgil wiped out. At least they know they're in the right place now? lol
Question: how did Thrawn deploy so many mines so quickly?
What are the chances Ahsoka & Huyang pull an Obi-Wan and fake their destruction to get those fighters off their backs?
The way Ahsoka realized that Morgan found Thrawn
Ooooh, Sabine's told Ezra about the fall of the Empire.
"The usual level [of complicated] or worse?" Always a good question.
"Great Mothers, I'm in need of your assistance." He's so scared lmao.
Ahsoka talking to Sabine through the Force >>>
"Friends of yours?" The best sarcastic line ever.
Oooof, Baylan's leaving Shin. Sound last advice though.
"If Lord Baylan proves capable-" Sir, Lord Baylan has abandoned you.
Omg, Ezra made the Noti slingshots. How adorable. (Seriously, the callback here, though)
Why. does this. remind me of cattle herding.
"Oh, not this again!" Ayyyy!
I don't see how fighting Baylan is currently helpful, but okay.
Ezra is back in action!! He doesn't even need a lightsaber, look at him.
Yeah, okay, ouch. That's a headache.
I thought Baylan just died for a sec there. He is way too accepting of the fact he just lost
The look on Thrawn's face when he realized Baylan abandoned them.
Ezra is a horrible negotiator
Well, Huyang's happy for once.
And Thrawn was worried about losses before. Rip, yeah, there go two crews.
"Acceptable" ???
Ahhh, it was a distraction, I see. Time was definitely lost, oh boy.
The way the night troopers are running to get on the ships and totally leaving Shin, the look on Shin's face as she realizes that they never cared about her.
All these reunions make me wanna cry, man. These last few episodes have been everything.
"I think I might be going home after all." 😭
I am so happy for Ezra rn.
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fandoomrants · 1 year
Said I'll write my thoughts on the relationship between Sabine and Ezra and here it is.
This post is not anti any ship, it's just how I see the characters and their dynamics.
I gotta admit, when I started watching the Ahsoka series I was familiar with the majority of the Clone Wars and I had a vague idea what Rebels is about. I hadn't watched it though, and didn't know too much about the characters and how important it is for this show (I fixed this mistake after ep 2 and this was the best thing. Like honestly, I watched it all in a few days and I'm obsessed with it ever since, omg, I love them all).
So, basically I knew who the characters were in general, not really what the relationships between were, only that basically this guy Ezra and Thrawn had somehow went to another Galaxy with the help of Space whales. And I knew Sabine wanted to bring him back, no idea what they were.
And tbh, I just found this so logical. Like, I watched the first two episodes of Ahsoka, saw her watching the hologram and them all discussing the map and all and I wondered whether they were a thing or not. In any case, I totally understood her and her willingness to do anything to find him.
Then I watched Rebels and I could see from the first episodes that it was hinted he sorta had a crush on her, which later somewhat faded, or at least they actually became very close friends and he wasn't just the younger boy that she would tease anymore.
And then I continued watching Ahsoka. And I could still understand why she wanted to find him, even though they weren't a thing.
And I also didn't blame her one bit when she gave the map to Baylan. It made lots of sense to me. She had lost Ahsoka and thought she's all alone. If she hadn't given it, she would have been probably killed anyway and she would have never had the chance to see him again and that's all that was left for her, literally, as it later got revealed that her family was dead. Like, sure, Hera was still out there and they kept in touch but while I've always seen the whole Ghost crew as a family, I somewhat think they all had different dynamics. While Ezra was literally the child and Hera was almost like his second mother, I've always seen the relationship between Sabine and Hera more like a younger/older sister rather than mother/daughter. And Ezra was the heart of this crew. He had a different relationship with each of them yet I believe because he was the youngest and just so... witty, mischievous, brave, you know, Ezra, they all cared for him so deeply. And because they all had different dynamics between each other and the two of them were so close in age, their bond compared to them and anyone else (maybe except Ezra and Kanan, but again, different dynamics there) was really one of the strongest. They understood and cared for each other on a bit of a different level because they could see each other as equals. They didn't feel the other as if an older relative, mentor or something like that. They were two teenagers and friends who had gotten to be so close and care for each other. And the rest of the crew had found one or another purpose in their life and thing to do while Sabine had remained where Ezra had lived, hoping to find him one day. So, in that moment, he was all Sabine has left for real. He told her he counted on her. Directly turning to her. Years of not knowing where he is and finally having the chance to see him again vs dying and not knowing what even happened to him was basically failing him. If I were here, I wouldn't have even hesitated for someone so close to me.
And then the show proceeded, they got reunited and they just had this cute and sweet banters all the time. And Ezra's "I missed you" in the last episode. That's the cutest thing he could have said. At first I thought this was what meant as "his excuse", then I gave it a second thought and it could have been just him saying he missed her witty and slightly sarcastic comments but still, it showed just how much he had thought of her and relied on her all these years.
What I've been trying to say is, honestly, I don't really ship them actively but from all Sabine ships, this one based on all the interactions makes the most sense to me, if she had to end up with anyone. I feel they'd be healthy for each other. No hate for any ships as I said bit it's just making the most sense. And I won't be mad if they decided to make them get together. And I also wouldn't be mad if they just let them be very close friends. Honestly, I think it can work as a very deep friendship too. I love close non-romantic bonds between characters too. I'll be mad only if they never met again. Because they have so much potential to support each other and help each other heal and grow. They can be each other's support and strength.
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ylojgtr · 1 year
ive just been thinking about it so here are my initial thoughts
fucking marrok man. like wtf. i was legitimately excited for this guy, even though he kinda seemed like a one-note character, i was so excited to see what being an inquisitor was like after the empire was defeated, like it's almost a reversal of order 66 and now the hunters become the hunted. and if filoni has proven one thing, it's that making one-note characters more complex is kind of his specialty. but i GUESS NOT
the ahsoka-baylan duel...it was just not enjoyable for me. my interpretation is that they were trying for something similar to what obi-wan and maul did on tatooine in rebels, where they used lightsaber stances as non-verbal communication. in rebels it was obi-wan assuming his prequels/cw pose, then his original trilogy pose, then the pose that qui-gon used when maul killed him. maul thought he could use the same attack he did when he killed qui-gon, and his immediate defeat shows how obi-wan has thought about that day for years and years, and how he's always learning from his past, whereas maul only thinks about his past as a source of anger and motivation for revenge. in ahsoka they might have been using the stances to sort of gauge each other's knowledge of the jedi traditions, and i appreciate the different uses of this heavy reliance on star wars lore, but the payoff doesn't seem so satisfying. ahsoka dismisses talking about her past (and tbf, why wouldnt she, like this guy is trying to start another galaxy wide war) so we don't really get anything out of it all *SO FAR* i really hope the relationship between her and baylan evolves and this lightsaber thing becomes more important, but on the surface right now it just felt like another sorta boring lightsaber fight. but i would absolutely love to hear other people's thoughts on this and ill probably edit this once more people have seen it and posted about it
also where's zeb. we saw him in the mandalorian, we know he's there. where are you hiding him. we know he knows paul sun-hyung lee (i forgot his characters name). he would absolutely have come with hera. also morai
im usually a pretty conservative shipper, like i don't really care about ships (as long as they're ethical lmao) i just don't really engage with that part of fandom. i could get behind luke and ezra being together, there's some cool sun and moon imagery there and they sort of have contrasting stories, as @hashtagloveloses said once. zeb and kallus i don't mind either. but barrissoka is my everything. it is the one ship that i want to see SOOO BADLY FUCCCKK PLEASE DAVE YOU SAID YOU HAVE PLANS FOR BARRISS LIKE TEN YEARS AGO PLEASEE
but yeah shin and sabine would be pretty cool too, there's definitely a lot of tension there and even though we don't know much about her (i really want to learn more) it would be cool to see shin have someone truly care about her, not be her boss or anything, and have sabine learn to lean more into honesty expressing her affection, since she's always been really stoic and i think shin would need that sincerity in a relationship
and i already mentioned anakin in another post but fuck im so happy to see hayden chritsensen again man. even if his story is lackluster (which oh my god i hope it's not) im so happy to see him again ❤️
i also really hope anakin brings up some character development/exploration for ahsoka cause like. what has she been doing. this is probably the biggest problem i have with this show so far, or at least second biggest lmao. i like that they're taking time to explore different characters and relationships in the universe, but i really want to see ahsoka get more time to shine. when put in a leadership position, she's always been a little more serious (character development from that one time she led a while squad to their deaths cause she was careless), like when she was with the younglings when they got their kyber crystals, but that doesn't mean she's invincible/unfeeling. she has lots of feelings about anakin and obi-wan and ezra and sabine, and i really want to see them!! when she said it's better to destroy the map and lose ezra than let thrawn return and start a war, i want to see her struggle with that like sabine does because she misses ezra too! i get that she didn't want to talk about anakin with baylan but let her talk about him with someone else! hopefully her world between worlds experience will help with that. some of the most solid development we've seen with her so far is being upset by how much she's let people down, ie anakin, sabine. and baylan tries to play into that to make her feel bad. i feel like that certainly will be explored more but fuck. it's about time.
i also want to see her relationship with the jedi more fully explored. i had always assumed that, while she was deeply affected by order 66, she didn't regret her decision to leave the jedi order. i thought that barriss had shown her some of the problems with it, and that her supporting the siege of mandalore showed that she was able to pursue what she thought was important, not the jedi order who were being heavily controlled by the senate and the politics of the time. but she seems to feel guilty about the fact that she's not a jedi? that she somehow let them down by not confirming to a system she no longer believed in? idk if i just made that up in my head cause i like to think of it that way and that my hradcanon is interfering with my enjoyment of this show lmao, someone please tell me if it is
another big problem i have with the show so far is how much it relies on the audience being invested in these stories to supply dramatic weight. and i don't mean in the way that it doesn't explain who sabine, ahsoka, hera, jacen, etc. are, this is obviously a show specifically for cw and rebels fans and im all the way here for it. i mean theres very little substance here, it feels like mostly biding time until ezra and thrawn show up. like we're 4 episodes in and we've seen some relationship development for ahsoka and sabine, a bit of hinting at a backstory for baylan, and...a lot of good guy v bad guy race for the special map, which just isn't very enthralling cause we know someone's gonna get to thrawn and ezra, we all saw lars mikkelson in the trailer. what i really want to see developed is his response to him being seen as a sort of messiah that will bring the empire back. or why baylan is so certain thrawn will start another war, or still be loyal to the empire at all with their power, and therefore political value to the chiss, as well as palpatine, who was sort of keeping him in line, gone. i want something substantial out of these stories were invested in, not just fodder for "ooh who are we gonna see next?"
also how much you wanna bet that ahsoka uses the world between worlds to get to thrawn. like its lines and shit appear in the credits so it's probably important
but yeah that's about all im thinking about right now hopefully next episode is crazy, cause it sure is shaping up to be a doozy
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noddytheornithopod · 1 year
Ahsoka news:
Really happy about Lars Mikkelsen still being the actor to play Thrawn. Don't know how I'll fare with the series, but I'm almost certain Lars will give a memorable performance if his Rebels work is anything to go by.
Also, Filoni still talks with Timothy Zahn! I'm still not expecting the character to be exactly like the canon novels unless Filoni pleasantly surprises us, but it's nice to know he's still looking for his input regardless of what happens.
Kevin Kiner composing? Was kind of expecting Joseph Shirley/Ludwig Goransson as like a through line for the Mandoverse stuff, but Kevin Kiner being a Filoni collaborator makes sense. At least the score is bound to be good!
No idea what to make of Baylan and Shin. I guess there's a Jorus C'Baoth parallel with the former? IDK. Shin does have some Ventress vibes, especially with the older master. Wonder what their deal is if they're Dark Side users presumably working with Thrawn.
Seeing speculation the Inquisitor might be the 8th Brother. Could totally see something like him surviving and following Ahsoka off Malachor, lol.
IDK how I feel on Hera or Sabine yet. They mostly look fine, though I do think there's valid arguments that Bordizzo might be too light skinned for Sabine, like at least she IS ethnically East Asian, but mixed white background means she looks a lil uh pale :v Probably will need to get used to their performances though. (I will say Natasha Liu Bordizzo is pretty regardless of how I feel with other stuff however hfcejdks)
Oh yeah Chopper is around. As long as he's still Chopper that's cool.
For other trailer stuff, guess having Mon Mothma around is cool.
Anyway, IDK how I feel yet. Got some trepidation based on some casting (especially the possibly transphobic lead, don't @ me, not here to argue :v) and how the Mandoverse is going, but there's stuff to look forward to too.
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thecleverqueer · 1 year
imma bombard you with questions for scientific research (don’t feel pressured to answer though)
what are your thoughts on ahsoka so far? how would you rate the show out of 10? what’s your favorite episode so far? what’s your least favorite? who’s your favorite character? what is your favorite scene? what are your thoughts on episode 6? 
please tag me if you answer so i get the notification! <3 
bonus: what’s your favorite star wars movie and character? 
Hi @byler-is-endgame7 !
I’ll gladly answer your questions for scientific research.
First, what do I think of Ahsoka so far?
So far, I’ve been quite pleased with the story… it feels like a spiritual continuation of Rebels which I though was a lovely series. Once more, it primarily focuses on three of my favorite characters in all of Star Wars media (Ahsoka, Hera and Sabine)… with that being said, I may be bias.
I have really enjoyed the lightsaber battles. I have enjoyed the world building aspect of the show. I think, visually, they’ve done a great job. I like the fact that they brought back Huyang. He was an underutilized character in The Clone Wars, and it’s cool to see him in live action. A lot of folks have complained endlessly about the actors, but I think they’ve done a great job translating the characters into live action. If I had one complaint, it would be that the dialogue has come off as sort of clunky and awkward at times. It’s not terrible. It’s something that I can look over mostly.
How would I rate the show?
Eh. I kind of hate to do that. My friends often ask me to do this, and my answer has always been, “so far, I’ve really enjoyed it, but I’m going to hold off my final judgement because Filoni still has plenty of time to blow the whole story for me.” So, I’m going to hold off on rating it overall.
Favorite and least favorite episodes?
Tell you what, I’ll rank the episodes out of 10 for you:
Episode 1: 9.0.
Episode 2: 9.0.
Episode 3: 8.0.
Episode 4: 10.
Episode 5: 10.
Episode 6: 8.5.
With that being said, four or five are probably my favorites thus far (I would probably lean towards five). The action sequences were fantastic, and I love that Ahsoka has turned a corner emotionally. Three was probably my least favorite. It wasn’t bad. The space battle was awesome.
My favorite character?
Ahsoka. Absolutely Ahsoka. I’m a self-proclaimed simp.
Favorite scene?
I honestly liked the entire sequence post-pulling Ahsoka out of the water in episode five. If I could chose only one scene though, it would be the moment Ahsoka hugs Jacen, and has the conversation with Hera about where she thinks Sabine has gone. Ahsoka’s really soft with both of them, and I think it’s sweet. I also like that Ahsoka is wearing those ragged jammies with that white shawl.
Thoughts on Episode 6?
It was okay, but not my favorite. I didn’t like that there wasn’t much Ahsoka in it. I do get why. I did think it was cute that Ahsoka had Huyang tell her a children’s story to try and get her mind off of everything. I’m honestly also sort of mad at Sabine. I wanted them to find Ezra too, but not like this. Once worse, I’m anxious because I’m starting to think that the heroes may end up getting stranded out there because how TF are they going to get home without the whales and without the hyperspace coordinates to jump back? I did like the fact that we got a little more character development surrounding Shin and Baylan. I think that they’re fascinating characters, and I want to know more. I liked the Noti. And, ultimately, I was happy to see Ezra again. It’s been a while.
Favorite Star Wars move?
Definitely the Empire Strikes Back. That’s actually my comfort film (despite it ending badly for the good guys which I don’t typically like).
Favorite Star Wars character?
My most favorite is Ahsoka Tano, but Obi-Wan Kenobi is a very, VERY close second.
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Ahsoka 1x04 Thoughts
I’m very late to the party, I know. Anyway. Below the cut be spoilers.
First of all, we found out Sabine’s family died on Mandalore in the Mandalorian Purge. I’m so sad. RIP Tristan, Ursa, and Alrich.
The fact that I have to clarify “the Mandalorian Purge” because there’s been more than one purge now? Fuck the Empire. I’m literally losing count of how many genocides Palpatine caused that we explicitly know of. We’re up to like 5. The Jedi, Nightsisters, Lasat, Mandalorians, the Whills… I might be missing one. And who knows how many happened offscreen? Probably a lot.
DAVE why did you have to kill the Wrens off? They didn’t even live on Mandalore?? Unless they moved while it was under Bo-Katan’s rule.
Ahsoka struggling to fight Baylan makes sense story-wise, but is one of those things that I think plays much differently in live action than in animation so it’s a little jarring. It’s odd to see Ahsoka struggle so much in a fight. Heck, it’s odd to see Ahsoka not towering over her opponents, in animation she’s basically the same height as Vader. Hera and Ahsoka next to each other a few episodes ago and Hera being taller was disconcerting.
Shin knocking Sabine’s helmet off somehow also felt weird. I know it’s because they wanted her face exposed, but it felt off. I wish they’d had her take the helmet off.
Sabine doesn’t have her jetpack. :( Budget reasons I assume.
Sabine has a Rebel symbol on the pauldron where her number 5 used to be, and a purrgil on the one that she kept painting with various animals. It started with an anooba, it had a convor on it at one point, presumably for Ahsoka, and there’s definitely at least one version I’m blanking on. Now there’s a purrgil for Ezra.
I’m assuming the reason Sabine feels like Ezra’s the only family she has left is because her biological family died, Hera is busy being a general with Chopper and Jacen, and Zeb’s also off working for the New Republic. Sabine tried to train with Ahsoka but it didn’t seem to work out too well. She wound up kind of stuck in a rut unable to do anything while everyone else moved on. Not mention she’s likely grieving for her family and the rest of Mandalore. That short where Sabine and her brother dismantle an Imperial outpost built on a statue of Tarre Viszla is hitting a bit different now. :( Her dad took her to see that statue so she could see Mandalorian artwork, and now everything is gone.
Every week I forget David Tennant is in this and every week Huyang shows up onscreen and I go “David Tennant!!”
Loving both Baylan and Shin so far. Baylan’s so different from any other Order 66 survivor we’ve seen, and it’s neat to see a Darkside former Jedi who doesn’t go nuts with it. Shin’s emo-ness is fun too. They make a good foil to Ahsoka and Sabine, and I’m curious how Baylan found Shin and ended up taking her as an apprentice. So sad Ray isn’t here to see the reception his performance is getting.
Shin and Baylan’s costuming is also really interesting. It feels like an old/ancient kind of design, like robes and armor- but different from the kind we’ve previously seen in Star Wars. I love that Shin has a padawan braid, too.
Marrok exploding into smoke with one good lightsaber hit- I’m assuming that Morgan was puppeting his corpse? But 1. Don’t Nightsister corpses have to be specially prepared for reanimation? 2. He was talking? I don’t remember the Nightsister zombies doing that? (*whispers* 3. Why is Morgan human, and a Merrin knockoff)
All that theorizing about who Marrok was and he just exploded into a cloud of smoke. Lol.
Jacen getting to pull the lever for the Ghost to go was adorable. Shows how much of a team Hera and Jacen are with one simple action.
Also Jacen saying he has a bad feeling about this! He got to say the thing, and it was so like his father. 💚
Hearing Hera being called “Phoenix Leader” made me happy. I hope at least some of her squad survived the Eye of Sion’s jump to hyperspace.
(Eye of Sion? Is this an Old Republic nod?)
Ahsoka in the World Between Worlds!!!!
Ahsoka talking to Anakin!!! I’m going to combust when we get Ahsoka and Anakin interactions next episode, I live for them.
I think this ride’s finally getting underway next episode, it’s very exciting! I have a feeling things are going to get crazy.
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fandoomrants · 1 year
Okay, so it's time for some ep 7 thoughts.
Just finished it so it's still settling in my mind so if you decide to read this, please excuse my possible misunderstanding of some of the events.
So, warning, might be kinda random at places, a bit weird, and of course, spoiler-y. Might add to it later as well but this is what I have to say for now.
-First of all, I'm so happy the episode opened with Hera and what happened with her! And I just loved how a certain (droid-)someone came to the rescue more or less, and Leia was mentioned once again. I also love her last exchange with Mon Mothma and how she totally didn't buy the whole thing about the approved mission but still kinda took her side and didn't call it out in front of the rest. But also this question about Thrawn. I really hope they're going to finally listen to Hera and see the potential danger of Thrawn's return.
-Speaking of that, I'm wondering what's going to happen in the last episode because we're kinda nowhere near the end of the story. But I think that Thrawn is going to return for sure, and maybe they won't confront him in this last episode bit he's going to play bigger role in future productions, maybe a next season of Ahsoka (which I sorta think might not happen, I sorta see it as a stand alone like some other shows) or maybe the Mandalorian. I think in the last episode, it's gonna be some confrontation between Ahsoka, Sabine and Ezra, and Baylan and Shin. Especially between them and Baylan as Shin seems to be a bit confused herself. I think there are still many things that are yet to be explained about Baylan though, and his actions and plans and I'm worried there's not enough time. However, I also somehow see some parallel between him and Ahsoka fighting, and Sabine and Shin. Like some master-apprentice against master-apprentice thing. So, I hope that in the end there's going to be some epic scene with that involved. But more about this later.
-Mentioning the Mandalorian, there was a line in the beginning by Teva which sort of made the time period of when the series are taking place a bit clearer. Mandalore and Moff Gideon were mentioned, which sets these series after season 3 of the Mandalorian. But it sounds like it's quite close to where we are now. Like, maybe a few weeks or months. That's the vibe I got at least. And Thrawn was also mentioned in the Mandalorian too so it means the two shows are happening close to one another time-wise. Which confronts some of the theories about how Sabine wasn't present there because she was busy with finding Ezra. But also sorta presents the new question - why wasn't Sabine involved? But I have my small theory of how she doesn't fully see herself as a Mandalorian anymore. Nor a Jedi. I think in the beginning of the series, she was really kinda lost as to what she is because in the second episode, she took both the lightsaber and the helmet and she cut her hair and we kinda know Mandalorians keep their hair shorter because of the helmet (or I think it's established? I still liked her longer hair, tho). So who knows. Also, who knows what caused her to turn her back on her roots. I believe her possibly dead family might have something to do with that.
-Some small details I also noticed and liked from the episode were: Zeb's mention! I still haven't checked the tags and other people's thoughts on the episode because I wanted to first share my own thoughts without them being clouded by anything else I read but I'm sure the hype is gonna be as big as when Kanan and Leia were mentioned in episode 5. And there's a good reason! As I mentioned in a previous rant, I hoped they'll mention him at least. And they finally did! That's honestly all I hoped for because he was part of the crew. However, Ezra still doesn't know Hera has a son from Kanan? Or at least this wasn't mentioned as one of the things he learned from Sabine. Which makes his eventual reunion with Hera even more exciting!
-Also, for a moment I was worried Sabine had just left her Howler (I might have misspelled this or simply not remember how these were called but I mean the big animal she was riding in the previous episode, lol) but then I saw it's with them and for whatever reason this made me so happy, lol.
-Another thing is how Ezra is so... well, Ezra! Again, great casting! Such a positive and hilarious ray of sunshine even after 10 years of isolation. His playful exchanges with Sabine and also the "Wait! Wait, you can take us as... prisoners?" now I think it's a shame that everyone knows who he is so he can't introduce himself as Jabba the Hutt (does he know he's dead? And that this princess he met once killed him? And that her planet was destroyed and she's a Senator now? And that her father was Darth Vader? Probably not...) also loved how he fought only using the Force! There were some theories he might have turned to the dark side or something but the way I see it, he spent these years connecting with nature through the Force, thus making his bond with it and the light side even stronger than before. He's so much more like his early-Rebels self, before Maul and his temptations to the Dark Side.
-Another thing about Ezra is how I find it a tiny bit hilarious how he just... asks a question, doesn't get an answer, and just decides to change the topic without pressing too much. Honestly, a bit naive in a cute way but also maybe it's him sensing there's something huge going on and he just doesn't want to have his reunion with Sabine ruined by bad news. Still, I think it's about time they finally tell him what actually happened. I want to see his reaction and he also deserves to hear of all the possible threats. But he also has a lot of sharing to do! He said these creatures helped him when he needed it the most but nothing about what happened when he and Thrawn initially got to the planet. Or what was he actually up to in these years. I still think he might have had some deal with Thrawn or something because we saw how if he wants to, Thrawn can quickly find somebody's location on that planet. Why not look for Ezra? Thought he's not a threat? After the guy literally called a small army of space whales that took them through hyperspace to another galaxy? Somehow I'm not convinced. Even if he doesn't see him as a threat, he could have tried to get rid of him out of spite because of it... (Yeah, don't ever let me direct something, lol).
-About Ezra and his "eventual" reunion with Hera and everyone else. So, I had my worries about how it might turn out Ezra is dead before the previous episode. But now I have another worry which has been fed by a friend of mine who's also watching the series. We've been talking about how someone from the "good guys" might possibly die and she's really convinced it's gonna be Ezra (I just know she doesn't like him even though she insists she does after this episode, ok? Hasn't seen Rebels and doesn't know how amazing he is). I wasn't too convinced at first and constantly said they can't kill him just when they finally brought him back but tbh, for his not too much of a screen time these two episodes, he already mentioned how he can't wait to go home/thinks he'll finally come home/generally home-related stuff three whole times. And especially his last line... it really makes me think about it and how this is some dark foreshadowing and that it's not gonna happen. And I really hope I'm wrong. I don't see Ahsoka (obviously) or Sabine dying.
-And speaking of possible deaths, Baylan and Shin and their parallels between them and Ahsoka and Sabine come to the picture. So, correct me if I'm wrong but Thrawn just noticed that Baylan's not where the rest are and decided to withdraw his troopers because he just hoped to get rid of all Jedi/Force users at the same time, right? I mean, he wants Sabine and Ezra dead, he wanted Ahsoka dead too but he also sent these two squads to make sure Baylan and Shin are gonna be dealt with too, right? Or did I misinterpreted his words in both last and this episode too? I think Thrawn's main priority is to just get away from this place and leave all of them behind, hoping they'll be too busy fighting each other until it's too late to notice his departure. Which I can see happening. But I'm pretty sure Ahsoka's gonna find a way to return them back with the help of the Force or something. I don't think all of them are dying. I think Baylan might possibly die in a duel against Ahsoka as they've already had a few one-to-one fights, and same goes for Sabine and Shin, with Shin eventually being defeated by Sabine after a few previous encounters where Shin managed to defeat her. These parallels I mentioned seem to me like they're each other's mirrors and main... not sure what to call it, responsibilities? I think that if Baylan dies, it's going to be Ahsoka killing him, or vice versa (but I'm not seeing Ahsoka dying so he's more likely to), as well as Sabine killing Shin (here I have this really awful theory of how Ezra might eventually die, maybe Shin is going to kill him, thus making Sabine kill her. But again, let's hope Ezra is not going to die. Also, it'll really pull Sabine's dark side out. She's not strong with the Force so it won't be really like her turning to *the* Dark side but it's still not gonna be pretty and maybe won't be approved by Ahsoka. Might be an interesting plot line to be further developed, tho. Anyway, hopes and prayers we don't get to see any of this). Master against master and apprentice against apprentice. Honestly, I'll be kinda disappointed if something else happens, if we go with the route of these two dying.
-Now, there's something else, though. As I said, we're not fully aware of what Baylan is up to, and we're going to finally find out. We saw he's interested in the planet and has some plans to do something there. Also, we saw a few occasions in the last two episodes where Shin was a bit confused and unsure of him and his words towards her + Ahsoka offering to help her. So I think there might be a slight chance of Shin deciding to turn sides and join the others, thus surviving (or still getting killed but by her previous master or something else). And I think there might be a chance Baylan doesn't die as well but just... do something. Not sure what but he might do something... Which might be the reason Ezra doesn't, after all, go home. I'm still thinking of how often he mentioned home and how it might be a foreshadowing he doesn't get to do that. So, if it's not because he dies, I think it might be because he chooses to stay behind. But there must be a good reason for that as he really wants to. So maybe he willingly decides to stay back, maybe prevent something bad from happening and also to protect his new friends from whatever.
Andd that's it for now. Might add some other things later. If you read this, first of all, thank you! Second of all, sorry if it wasn't coherent at times or there were typos.
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