#I haven’t thought about Romy in ages
peninkwrites · 6 months
I got a short research stay grant so I’m now in France and I’m going to be re-reading you’d scisaac series in the tram every day 😁
Yooo that’s awesome!! Congrats! Hope it goes well for you :D That fic is loosely researched at best, so have fun reading about my fake France while you’re in the real one lmao
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heatwayve · 2 years
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“ are you sending something to the other villa ? maybe it should be my mugshot, 'cause seriously, i’ll go off. ” 
who did you share a bed with last night ? how did you sleep ?
“ i shared with stella, or tried to. i didn’t really get much sleep, but that’s not because of her. i couldn’t turn my brain off and i was pretty worried about romi, so . . . yeah, i eventually just got over myself and reached out to her, and we talked through a lot of the night. would it kill you guys to send in someone nice that’s going to treat her right ? surely that’s what the viewers want at this point, too. but, um, yeah, it was really nice to just hang out with her again. i missed her – after, like, an hour, i missed her. it was so pathetic. ” 
are you getting on with any of the bombshells ? who’s at the top of your list ?
“ i don’t really have a list – which, talking about it is sort of mortifying, considering i don’t think i was at the top of anyone’s when they came in here. the past few days . . . you guys sure know how to humble a girl, don’t 'cha ? ” a wry grin crosses her features.  “ i’d say jude is the only one i don’t get on with, but even that feels complicated. like, i don’t hate him, but i don’t think we’ll ever be besties. stella’s like, one of my girls, she’s someone i could see myself getting along with on the outside, she’d fit right in with my friends. angel’s like, the opposite of that in a good way. he’s nothing like what i’m used to with my friends back home, but i feel like we clicked so well so fast ? i could talk to him for ages. it’s really comfortable. this is going to be really embarrassing if he comes in here after this to the cameras, like, fuck that bitch, she didn’t know how to dap or whatever, ” naomi monologues. “ zeke’s pretty cute, but he’s pretty aloof, too. and dante’s really fun – so gorgeous. i think he’s like, waffling a bit between jenny and romi. pretty curious to see how that whole thing plays out, shoutout to someone else’s love triangle. and charlene’s sweet, i think she could tell i had a late night, so she made me breakfast this morning, ” she smiles in spite of herself, “ i really liked that. ” 
do you see yourself starting to focus on one person or are you still exploring ?
“ well, i guess i’m still ‘exploring.’ ” naomi draws air quotes around the word. “ i do really want to focus on one person, though. i think the past few days have really made me realize that. i thought i would be making a more definitive decision about that at the end of this week, but . . . maybe it’s been made for me anyway. i think the hardest part is not knowing. ” 
how was the beer pong game ? what was most memorable about it ?
“ i’m so shit, but after seeing those dares, it’s probably for the best that i didn’t manage to sink a single shot, ” naomi laughs, dropping her head into her hands before she emerges with a sheepish grin. “ i guess the romi, jude and jenny drama is what sticks out the most. i don’t know. i haven’t been jude’s biggest fan, but i would’ve liked to see things work out for romi. obviously a lot of the bombshells don’t see what the big deal was as much, it was a little lost on angel at first, but i’ve been in here with romi since the start, and i’m getting pretty fucking sick and tired of seeing her get shit on – and, yeah, i’m still getting my family’s lawyer involved about the dejan thing, count on it. ”
what was it like seeing the postcard ? what was the most shocking part of it ?
“ right, ” naomi presses her lips together, “ well, it didn’t feel good, so thanks for that. ” her gaze drops down toward her hands, and she releases a gentle sigh. “ i know i’ve been telling you guys that i think dylan should get to explore his options – and i still think that he’s justified. he definitely deserves to, like, i don’t need the lecture on how my feelings have been divided. but it was still jarring to see that before we’ve even had the chance to speak about it, i don’t know. i guess i didn’t expect it to be as easy for him, ” she wipes the corner of her eyes with her palm, gritting her teeth, “ and josh – yeah, i know, everyone and their mother warned me. i’m not surprised. trust me, it’s not like i expected him to be chaste, especially when i didn’t give him an answer last time we spoke. but i really didn’t like looking at it. ” naomi clears her throat, “ can we take a break ? ” 
did the postcard change anything about your perspective moving forward ?
“ well, ” an exasperated sigh escapes her lips and she reaches to apply her lip gloss, a knowing look at the camera, “ i guess i’ve got to crack on for real, don’t i ? what choice do i have ? ” 
who did you vote for the hideaway ? why ?
“ i voted for angel. if i had the option, i probably would’ve voted for callie, too. i think out of everyone, they could probably most benefit from the alone time away from everyone else ? i don’t know if they’ve really talked about frankie or the more serious stuff. and he’s so into her, it’s really cute. it’s nice to see someone that’s actually all about callie and angel seems like he wants the same things she does out of this, like he’s just as serious about a real relationship. they seem like a good match. ” there’s a wistful, almost nostalgic smile on her lips, “ i was so fucking stubborn coming into this whole thing, and callie’s really made me look at shit differently than i normally would, like, several times in here. she’s a fucking force. i’ve never met anyone like her. so, okay, yeah, even if callie and i aren’t ever on the same page again . . . i’m always going to be rooting for her to find that, ” naomi adds. 
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cruelsxmmcr · 2 years
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♡ beach hut prompt 06: dylan michaels
what are your thoughts on max & dejan’s exit last night? why didn’t you vote for them?
"Good fucking riddance, mate. I can’t remember the last time I’ve been this happy about a dumping. Dejan deserved to go home, and well, after everything between Max and Naomi, I can’t say I’m not happy to see him go. It was a no-brainer voting for Rhys and Bash, they’re good people and they both deserve a chance to stay here and try to find something genuine with each other. Besides, I owe Bash one, you know? I wouldn’t even be here if he hadn’t saved me when I was vulnerable.”
how are you feeling about the start of casa amor?
Dylan blows on his cheeks. “Come on, mate. It couldn’t have come at a worse time and you know it.” He gives the producers a look, pointing at them. “I know Naomi and I made up, but it wasn’t the time to separate us into different villas when we just decided to give things a more serious shot.” A sigh. “But it’s okay, it’ll be okay. Meeting bombshells is fun. It’s just weird not having everyone else around. It’s the first time in ages we’re not all under the same roof, and most of the people I trust are in the other villa. That’s not fun.”
are there any new islanders that have caught your attention? who?
He usually enjoys beach huts, but this one’s getting real tiring real quick. "They’re all smoke shows. Aren’t they always? Phoebe’s really cute and easy to talk to... Mali and Adela are gorgeous and interesting. It’s nice seeing Layla back, too. I like Miles too, he’s a decent bloke. I don’t know, they’re all hot and beauts. That’s all. Does that mean there will be more ex islanders coming in the future?”
are there any new islanders you don’t see yourself vibing with?
“No, I don’t reckon that. They’re all cool people. You know me, I’m easy going. I haven’t talked to Valerie yet, but still. I stand by what I said.”
do you think that your head could be turned?
“Probably not, I don’t really see that happening. I was serious about what I told Naomi yesterday. I mean, I’ll talk to everyone and I won’t shut people down if they want to talk to me. I’m not that type of guy. I know what it’s like being a bombshell. And I was lucky enough to come a little early on in the show, so it was easier back then.” A pause. “But I don’t know, mate, they’re casa amor bombshells. It’s kinda tough knowing who you can and can’t trust. Who knows anymore.”
what do you think your ‘other half’ is up to in the other villa right now? how are you feeling about them?
He is so tired of these questions and this one is the worst of them all. He rubs the nape of his neck, a silence hanging before he answers. “I like to think that she’s missing me and my amazing hugs and kisses,” he says with a dimpled grin, though there’s a warzone happening in his head at the same time. He imagines the bombshells in that other villa are easy on the eyes, too, and will be presenting their best selves to the islanders. And Naomi’s always been one of the most sought after in the villa. That, coupled up with everything that has happened in the past two days has Dylan a bit anxious. “Though, I’m pretty sure Naomi’s chilling and enjoying her time. She’s the center of attention wherever she goes.” He smiles at the thought before he sighs. Another pause. “I’m still thinking about what Romi said, too, and then my chat with Naomi at night before we went to sleep. But, hey, at least Josh is in the same villa as I am, huh?” It’s an attempt at a joke, to defuse the anxiety. “I have to hope for the best, right, whatever it may be. That’s all I can do. I don’t want to stay too in my head about this.”
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remuscore · 4 years
Parent au:
King meets Roman and Remus for the first time.
fyi first I use Elijah as King’s name. Anyways—
Patton surely meant well inviting Remus over to his place for a little dinner get together and introducing him to an old friend of his and Logan’s. He had kids Roman and Janus ages— a girl a few years older and a girl a few years younger— so he said to bring along his kid. 
He doubts Patton knew what he was doing. 
Remus could only stare as his brother slapped him on his shoulder and brought him into a rough hug. Just as fast as it happened he pulled back and grabbed Remus by the  nape of his neck with both hands.
“I should’ve known it was you Patty was talking about! Taking in a wayward lost teen! Of course!”
“Elijah,” Remus breathed out. He glances over at his 12 year old son, Roman watching in surprise. “Eli, you’re in town? With Eliza and—“
“Lily yeah!” Eli grinned. Stupid fucking grin. “Joanna is at Pa and Mari’s place.” His eyes finally caught onto Roman. “And this is…?”
“Oh! Fuck, right,” Remus slaps Eli’s hands off him and turns to Roman. He tries smiling at him, but he’s pretty sure it’s a little too shaky. He gestured widely towards him. “This is my son, Roman. Roman, this is… my older brother Elijah.”
“You said you killed your brother in the womb.” Roman said, narrowing his eyes at him. 
“That was Roman, Roman,” Eli chuckles. “And he didn’t kill him in the womb, he died a few hours afterwards. Guess he named you after him, that’s sweet.”
“Eli’s my half-brother. 13 year difference.” Maybe they should just turn back around and leave. Remus and Roman see enough of their friends anyways, what’s one less night. Roman doesn’t need to know his uncle or his cousins or his aunt, he especially doesn’t need to know any stories about his grandparents or when Remus was a kid. 
“You did mention having a brother when we were younger,” Oh, thank God. Patton saved him for the millionth time in their short friendship. Eli steps away from the door to let Patton come into view. He smiles at Remus and Roman, oblivious to the tension. “I thought you two looked familiar!”
“Blame that on our Papa,” Eli tuts. He claps Roman on his shoulder and pulls him into the house. Remus had to actively stop himself from pulling him back by clenching his fist, letting out a small whine. “He’s got strong genetics. Roman is almost the spitting image of him! If it wasn’t for his tanner skin, I would’ve thought I was looking at him in one of our photo albums.”
“Really?” Roman followed his uncle further into the house, Remus straggling after them, nervous to stray too far off. “Do you have any of those albums with you? Dad told me my grandparents were dead.”
“Dead? They aren’t dead?”
“I said they were dead to me. Keywords there are to and me.”
Eli leaned close to Roman’s ear. Remus tenses. “Your dad never liked our parents. He was always a bit of a problem child.”
“They kicked me out of the house?!” Eli started at Remus’ shout. All of them jumped at that. Remus pursed his lips. Eli laughed, depleting the tension in the room.
“Oh, you ran away as soon as you heard the news about Audri!” Leaning over Roman again. “That’s what our parents told me the Christmas that year. Said he ran away to be her and then she dumped him and left you with him. Lovely gal otherwise.”
"That’s a total lie,” Remus laughed. He was fighting the urge to start yelling. “Can’t believe they would lie about this shit.”
“You always accused them of lying.”
“Alright, Romy, that’s enough fun with uncle Eli,” Remus grabs his son's arm, ignoring his complaints to stay, and dragging him back to the door. “Dinner was nice, Pat, but look at the time. Roman probably has some homework and I’m thinking of getting up early tomorrow and open the shop up—“
“But— but you guys just got here?! You haven’t even talked to Logan or—”
“I talked to him two days ago, he can hold up until then.”
“But I want to talk to Uncle Eli!”
“No, no more talking with Uncle Eli,” Remus opens the door and throws a quick wave over his shoulder at everyone. “Bye bye, now!”
Remus shuts the door behind him and Roman tears himself from his grip. He turns back around and sees him fuming. 
Great, now Roman has more shit to fuel his growing hatred for him. This is why he didn’t say anything about Eli. He knew this shit was going to happen. He just knew.
“Why didn’t you tell me about him? Why did you lie to me about your family?” He shouted. 
Remus passed a hand over his face. “I didn’t lie technically. My twin did die and you misunderstood me when I told you about grandpa and grandma—”
“So why didn’t you mention having an older brother? And that he’s friends with Patton and Logan?”
“That I didn’t know about—“
“Why don’t you want me to have a relationship with him?!”
“Romy, I’m not talking about this right here, right now,” Remus presses the heel of his hand against his head as he hisses through his teeth, squeezing his eyes shut. “We still haven’t had any dinner; why don’t we go out to like, Wendy’s or something? You like Wendy’s.”
Roman grits his teeth and his eyes narrowed into slits. After a few moments of tense silence, he stomps his foot and lets out a frustrated shout. He storms past his dad and towards the car, slamming the passenger side door closed behind him and pouting in his seat. Remus sighed. 
This was going to be a fucking terrible drive to Wendy’s. 
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susoftjockau · 5 years
The Plan - Part Three (Ophelia)
Ophelia had a simple home. Well, an apartment. From what Connie could tell — through the rambles she endured and how Ophelia would stumble into the living room with a giddy languid nature — is that she stayed with her mother, kept the chores three-fourths on her, and she loved baking.
And baking was a pastime that made itself very apparent.
In the small kitchen, cornered by a bookshelf and a stack of beanbag chairs, the cabinets were filled to the brim with flour, bags, chocolate and white chip sacks, and cocoa powder en masse. The oven had trays with baking paper already in place — dabs of cookie dough, other pans filled with chocolate mix under the searing orange through the compartment window. Connie never knew someone's enthusiasm for baking could outweigh how logic for working in such a small kitchen. She noticed the surfaces, the amount of ingredients just for it, where only a few packages of vegetables, eggs, and a cheese slab made their home inside of the main contents of the apartment fridge.
How long had this been going on? Was it a passion? A hobby?
"You hanging out fine?" Ophelia, smile dazed and ready, lounged right next to her on the couch as music from her radio fizzled with pop and R&B. Both of them had their hair held up by scrunchies — a precaution, knowing how it wasn’t that tasty finding hair in one’s own baked goods "You look sore, or whacked out, or something."
The word choices put her off for a second, but she answered, "I'm okay. I'm just surprised you prepared all this just to hang out." She rubbed her neck. The preparation was an understatement. The cheerleader, while cooking, would cradle the mixing bowls like they were children, keeping everything in-check, peering at a wrinkled notepad decked with sticky notes on an open space between the utensils and ingredients; she got Connie involved from the very beginning, leaving her to help with measurements, pouring powder and sugar and cracking eggs till they covered their fingers in batter. It surprised her they could clean themselves up so well in the aftermath, but the main shocker came from the passion, the fixed wanting for it.
"Aw man, it's nothing. Well, actually, cooking's pretty gnarly stuff when you come down to measurements and everything, but I wanted to make you feel okay with me." Ophelia grinned at her, flexing her bicep a bit — she didn’t know why. "Cause when you think of cheerleaders, what do you see?”
Connie blinked at that. “Well, I’d expect them to be talkative and charismatic.”
“But have you seen those old flicks where they were seen as bimbos or the cruelest sons of bitches in the world?”
“Heathers. Mean Girls. Glee. Bring It On. Romy and Michele’s Highschool Reunion. Pretty in Pink. Always perceived as the promiscuous bunch, the mean ones, the rowdy socialites?”
She pressed her lips. She did see those stereotypes before. In fact, she still saw the cheerleaders in that way; it wasn’t out of malice, but it was hard to relate to a talkative bunch of people like them without drowning somehow. “Yeah.”
Ophelia nodded to herself, clicking her tongue. “People always see cheerleaders as preppy mall types, so I wanted to ease you out of that with something nice, so why not baking? It’s something that I’m into, no doubt, but isn’t it just nice to focus on an activity where you’re busy and the only goal was to just chow down or be satisfied — to be happy with one’s progress rather than speak much and make it a lil’ awkward?” Eye contact. “Ya’ feel me?”
She had a point. It definitely did get her to ease up over this whole ordeal, especially at the waft of chocolate and vanilla. It had a quality, charming overall, but she couldn't put her finger on it. Maybe it was the ease of something calming and focus-oriented? Something she could just work on without allowing her brain to focus so much on something that could leave her anxious and terrified? It probably was that. Maybe. "Well, I had fun with it," she couldn't help a smile, just a small one. "I haven't done baking in a long time so it’s a nice recap."
"Then when the oven’s finished, feel free to chow down on the grindage." She leaned more into the cushions, the smell of old wood and flour becoming a bit more intoxicating — a dance of two worlds, of homely delight. "We deserve a good day's work."
It took hours of batter creation, but it was worth it. "All right, I will." But there was a question on her mind. Before they started their entire process, she always wondered why they didn't touch the brownies under the baking paper — the one that laid aside from the rest, the wafting of a keen smell that made her lick her lips at the thought. It was the usual smell of chocolate, but with a specific drift in it that left her intrigued over why such a platter was left alone. "But why didn't we just eat the ones you'd left alone?"
Ophelia looked at her. "What?"
"The ones near the microwave. Were they for your mother or?"
"Oh, don't eat those."
"Why not?"
"They're edibles."
Well, that explained everything. However, the fact that Ophelia indulged in that type of drug wasn't something that made her feel...quite reassured, to be frank.
"It's not like I take this stuff like it's crack or something," the cheerleader piped up, voice going a tad higher. She looked relaxed before but now there's a wearing plagueness — probably from her own reaction, which didn't help the sliver of guilt. "I only take it when I have to relax. If I can give you the skinny about this whole deal, I just take CBD if the stress spikes; recreation is just that, keep a schedule on me so I don't just," she made a hand motion, a little explosion (sound effect included), "get into the weird statistics people like to harp about."
“Oh.” Statistics. The type schools would always harp about over the safety of ‘the youth’, even if they go a blind eye to many other things and become hypocritical of their own stances. “You won’t be part of it.”
Ophelia hummed. She left her body reclined, eyes closed to the world — a little beat in her shoes still there with its small rocking back and forth, pressing against the coffee table. “I keep myself healthy. I know the risks, it’s not like I’m an idiot. So I’m glad ya’ think so too.”
There was still uncertainty, but yet, there was the question of how far Connie could question this. Ophelia was responsible; Steven kept telling her back at the taco truck that she was a tank; always exercised on the daily and kept her own visual schedule to make sure her habits were intact rather than crumbling from lack of strong will. She saw the workout cords up on the walls, the dumbbells at the door. She couldn't just notch her as someone who didn't know what she was doing. It felt unfair to peg her like that at all. “I’m sorry about that. I’ve never considered that, I’m just—”
“Not use to recreation?”
Connie gazed at her. Then gave a relieved sigh. “Yeah, I’ve never had the opportunity to take these types of drugs. Never had someone tell me that they used it before, edible or otherwise.”
“And, don’t want to assume much,” Ophelia asked, “but you’re thinking I’m going to peer-pressure you too, huh?”
Silence. Then a nod.
“Well, no worries on my end, Constance.”
“It’s Connie.”
“Connie.” She coughed to herself, giving a nervous chuckle. Ophelia looked more relaxed, however, something Connie could look at as a good thing, better than just awkward chit-chat on a couch with nothing really that simple to fawn over. “I only give the edibles to people who want to go to the max on this stuff, and that’s that. I’m not going to be that weird guy who forces it at a dead-end party, basically any PSA villain that’s falling off the deep-end; it’s all up to the person and nothing else.” Her voice softened more, almost motherly in its tone. “The people who’ve done this do it than just for pleasure, sometimes it’s hard to cope with the fact we have tuition up the wazoo and sometimes we can’t handle the anxiety of problems we can’t handle. I could go on and on, but who needs a lil’ preaching in this day and age? Not me, even if it’s fun.”
She could finally feel herself calm down, relaxing into the cushions like a weight had been pulled. Ophelia wasn’t going to do anything wrong. She harbored a soft personality; she wasn’t going to coerce her or be intimidating about the whole thing. She was just Ophelia, and Connie was Connie. She didn’t have to be weird about it anymore. “Thank you.”
The cheerleader raised an eyebrow. “Why are ya’ thanking me?”
“For...educating me.” It was a simple answer. Nothing else had to be said.
Ophelia rang up in a giggle, eyes cracking open from their rest. “No problem.”
A ding went off. After a moment, both of them turned and peered at the kitchen entrance — the smell of chocolate so thick in presence, enough to overwhelm and please the senses. "Welp, the brownies are done." She stood up, bringing out a hand to her. "Ready to get stuffed?"
Connie smiled up at her finally. She grabbed her hand, allowing herself to be pulled up onto her feet. "I’d love to."
And maybe she could bring some courage to try out the edibles. But for now, she was okay as is.
- @morkthebork
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miniwolfsbane · 3 years
Random: Gambit and women’s weight
(I had energy drink and it’s wearing off, so here I am! 0_o) Edit: Also, forgot Remy was married to Rogue, but let’s backtrack and hypothesize and all that.
Okay, since I’m not on The Gambit guild forums anymore, I have to have somewhere to put this random thought that’s been bouncing in my head since 2010-ish:
Would Gambit date a woman that’s morbidly obese and not be embarrassed about it?
I also have to dissect this thought, so here it goes.
My first instinct says no. He would flirt with her hard, all day long, no question. In fact, let’s just forget most women in the X-universe all look the same. Say there was a significant amount of overweight women that admired him. I think he would think twice before saying yes to a date, if at all.
I saw a fan art on DA making Rogue overweight (I obviously wasn’t looking for it, it just showed up in a group I was in at the time), claiming that Gambit would love big women. (This conversation did not involve me, I just read it.) The thought alone made me laugh internally because a) We don’t know that for sure B) it was coming from someone apparently in support of either accepting yourself as you are, (Not always bad until your health is in jeopardy),  or in the fat acceptance crowd. (She called Rogue calling herself fat in one episode “fat shaming” or something. Ummm...?)  Headdesk. Can’t find it and looks like the artist left DA. Edit: Somehow I found it? And the whole thing is in two separate pieces. (Not linking so the artist can have some anonymity) One piece, the artist had a conversation with someone who didn’t like they made Rogue fat, and said in response to Rogue complaining she was fat in one episode “ Just some good-old-fashioned sizeist writing”. OMG, really? Girls can complain they’re fat. Not everyone wants to be fat. (Holding metaphorical mouth shut to not go on a tangent.) And then they made another piece in response to the complaint after a conversation, and that was the whole thing about Gambit would love big women. Okay, whatever. I’m sure no one cares and it’s years after the fact. This is all from 2017. I’m not insulting them, I just highly disagree with the whole fat acceptance thing. (Probably because I’m overweight and other reasons and I’m a worrier. It’s not always going to kill you, but being fat can impact your health and shorten your lifespan. Not always, but in most cases.) Sorry, ranting again.
Let me just say, I’m not in the fat acceptance camp. Won’t go on a tangent. I’m fat, but I’m not going to say being fat is great and it’s blah blah blah. So, there’s that. You can be fat and healthy on the inside, I will say that, but being overweight can take it’s toll, there’s no getting around that. Edit: I DO post pics of big women in my imagines, yes. That’s because, in my view, you’re not going to lose the weight overnight and we’re not all shaped the same. I never promote obesity purposely. (Maybe an unhealthy recipe here and there, but everything in moderation.) I also believe in representation for different body types, fat, skinny or otherwise. Edit: So I’m more in the ‘You’re not going to lose weight overnight, fat shouldn’t be fetishized, treat your body with love and respect, people that care about you want you to be your best self, all body types need representation, but that doesn’t mean the consequences that may come with weight gain should be treated lightly, not everyone can lose weight easily, and no one has to be super skinny, but we just shouldn’t let ourselves go either, we all have our own journeys to go through, you should lose weight for yourself and for your health if it’s effecting your quality of life.’ camp. Yes, that was a lot.  
Back to Gambit, he’s got all the confidence he can muster and usually doesn’t give a crap what other people think of him, right? I can’t help but think/believe he’d have reservations about dating someone very overweight. Nevermind if he’s attracted to a woman that looks like that or not. (I’m trying my best to word things carefully, but I’m bound to offend someone. I get cursed out again or something, I’m just going to ignore you. Have a nice life.) I think back on the Guild forum, someone said that Remy sees all women as unique, and I have no doubt that’s true. He isn’t so lustful he’ll just chase after any woman, no. And I don’t think like in the Deadpool series, he’s JUST attracted to women with a white streak. Like, ew. Makes it sound like he’s fetishizing Rogue’s hair for goodness sake. Remy is attracted to strong, (emotionally, physically or both), powerful women. 
It’s really easy to write off who/what kind of woman a fit, masculine character is attracted to. Especially if we see it several times in cannon or, like in X-Men comics/TAS, most (but not all) women look the same. (Thank glob X-Men:Evo had the girls have unique body types and not look like clones of each other. Thank you, Mr. Gordon! WATXM...not so much. >_>) Going back to the Guild forums, I kicked off an interesting discussion once asking if Remy would be comfortable dating someone significantly taller or shorter than he was. The answer was a resounding positive, that he’d be okay with it either way.  Point is, I just don’t think he’s canonically attracted to a big woman.
Now, if he were, great (sort-of?). I don’t think he’d get squick about it either. (Dirty minded, um, wouldn’t put it past him, even if I don’t approve.)   He’d probably call her a beautiful figure, curvy, majestic, blah blah. He’d stick up for her when others talk about her, and just be that cool guy we love about it. Granted, Remy wouldn’t be able to pick her up, but there’s cute stuff he could do, and would probably make a lot of remarks and stuff. *Blushes* 
Now, if he had to be convinced or talk himself into a date, that’s a whole other topic. Probably more suited to a fan fic than a fast paced comic, but we’re only speculating while the energy drink wears off here. The other X-Men would probably point out the woman’s good qualities, as well as be honest and point out what a fluff hat piece of slime Remy is being. (Can’t think of good not swear words right now, don’t bother me, I’m busy.) He’d give in to one date, be charmed, then two...and so on. It would catch him off guard, next thing he knows, he’s dating and falling in love with someone who wasn’t originally his type. Dude is open to things and has a big heart after giving his love to a woman he couldn’t touch, so it’s not impossible in theory. He’d just go into it skeptical, maybe even figuratively kicking and screaming, or not at all. He IS an all or nothing man after all.
OMG, this things is getting long. He’d probably be a bit crushed if she let him go if he REALLY loved her. Or at least I like to think so. Could be wrong, who knows? We’ll never know, because this hasn’t and probably won’t happen in cannon. If they retcon the Romy marriage at some point and this does happen, just let me know? I haven’t read comics in ages and would sleep on this.
So...yeah. (*Jumpy*) I’m sure Remy and said big woman would bond over Cajun food and cooking. He’d snuggle with her. Now I’m just rambling. Kinda wonder if he’d try and buy her clothes or not? Make-up for sure, big girls are pros with make-up. Definitely the usual jewelry. He’d have a whole new world to navigate, that’s for sure. (Like, Do or don’t buy her chocolates? Invite her to the gym? He’d probably avoid bringing up how much she weighed in the beginning. And etc.)
...Now I just want to write fan-fic, but I am/was at the half-way point with this with Molly’s stories. Molly was never huge, but same concept, similar reaction with Remy. And I’ve got something I’m writing for my own enjoyment (crazy 500 page live-action Molly/Remy fic-yes, it got out of hand and I have no life) that has the same feel and concepts. So, I may have answered my own question a bit already. Well, thanks for reading this insanity. Have a good day.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by egooverdose
Do you like the smell of coffee? Yessssssssss so much. I feel productive when I start to smell it, and I also simply find the scent very pleasant.
Do you have a favorite vocalist? Who? Sure. My obvious picks would be Beyoncé and Hayley Williams but I love others as well, like Romy Madley Croft of The xx and Amber Bain aka The Japanese House.
If you have a favorite photographer, can you describe their work? I don’t have one. I do love Richard Avedon’s work with Audrey Hepburn, but I don’t think it’d be fair to call him my favorite when I’m only familiar with one subject of his.
When was the last time you stayed up throughout the entire night? Like two or three weeks ago when I had a video call with my college friends.
How often do you watch television? Is this more or less than most others? I do not watch TV anymore, but I’ll occasionally go on Netflix if that counts. I’m not hooked to it though and for the most part I still prefer to be on YouTube and find stuff to watch over there.
Were you the last person in your house to watch TV? My family watched mass earlier tonight, so it was all of us. But earlier today when we were still checked in at our Tagaytay accommodation, I was the last person in the family to use the TV before we left, yes.
Have you ever compared yourself to someone else? In what way? I mean, haven’t we all done this in one way or another? It goes both ways for me; sometimes I’ll analyze in what ways I’m doing better than someone, and sometimes I’ll be on the insecure end.
Do you or have you ever had a pen-pal? How long did the exchange last? Never had one.
Have you ever considered a foreign-exchange program? Indeed I have, because so many of my friends/batchmates did an exchange program for a semester throughout my stay in college. Most went to South Korea but others were able to study in Sweden, Spain, France, etc. The move automatically made them delayed for one semester, which was ultimately my main factor in not pushing through with it myself. It never seemed worth it to me to be delayed just to travel the world out of my parents’ pocket; I could always tour the world when I’m older and have earned it for myself.
How did you choose your particular Bzoink icon? I don’t have a Bzoink account; I just go there to look for surveys.
Are you a private person, or someone who is very open? I’ve gotten increasingly private as I get older. For instance, high school me was very open and vocal about my first breakup and the heartbreak that went with it yadda yadda. Fast forward to the present day I’ve only made one main post referencing my breakup and made it as subtle as possible, and I also made it a point to make it a simple footnote in that post which was talking about a different thing altogether. 
If you lie, is there a particular reason why? I will sometimes lie if it will make a conversation easier or end sooner.
Who was the last person to pay you a compliment/praise? I’m not so sure.
What is one thought you have regarding the subject of love? Show it simply because you want to, not because you are expecting anything back. That alone makes loving worth it to me.
Do you think that it is possible to fall in love at a young age (11-12)? Sure, I’m not taking that feeling away from them. The experience and range of emotions may be different, but they’re valid feelings nonetheless.
Are sex and sexual activities something you enjoy? Not really. I have no problem having sex if a partner wanted to, but I personally never seek it.
What is an interesting fact about the state in which you were born? We don’t have states.
What is one aspect of your life that did not turn out as you expected? Literally the period I’m living in today. I didn’t expect my now-ex to walk away as rapidly as she did because I always thought our relationship was serious and that there was nothing to doubt anymore. It was a big curveball, buttttt idk I’m actively taking steps to heal from it and that’s what matters.
What was the last event to cause you any sort of heartache? A relative died shortly before Christmas. I never knew nor met her because she’s a distant family member and migrated to the US even before I was born, but she was still family.
Is there a subject about which you know a great deal? I read a lot about the British royal family lol so that.
Outside of school, have you ever used a thesaurus? Of course.
What do you think of the Emo stereotype? I don’t really have an opinion. I only remember it vaguely.
Have you ever worked with the program Dreamweaver? We had to use this program in high school when we were being taught how to make websites, yes.
What is one website aside from Bzoink upon which you spend a lot of time? I mean, I don’t spend a lot of time on Bzoink lmao but I’m on YouTube, Twiiter, Facebook, and Reddit most of the time.
What was the last thing that you put off doing? Changing into my home clothes, which I am putting off right now. I’m still in the outfit I went out with, but will be changing once I head to bed.
What did you do instead of that activity? I went up to the rooftop and am currently vaping and taking this survey.
Are you quick to point out the flaws in other people? No because when is that ever a good idea?
When you see a good-looking girl in skimpy clothing, what is your initial thought? That she looks great and her outfit fucking slaps and that I wish I looked as great as her.
Have you ever grossly underestimated someone's intellectual abilities? I don’t think so.
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sigritandtheelves · 5 years
What’s a movie you thought you’d hate but ended up really liking? A song you haven’t listened to in a while but was really meaningful? Back in elementary/middle/high school, what would you have said was the best day of your life so far? A book you think everyone should read? Opinions about olives? Go to breakfast food? (Feel free to pick and choose from these!)
Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion. I expected it to be a kinda dumb-funny comedy, not a CINEMATIC MASTERPIECE.
Everyone should read A Mercy by Toni Morrison because Beloved gets all the attention, but this one is also brilliant.
I am obsessed with olives. So is my kid. She has 5 of them in her lunch every ay (and has since age 3).
For breakfast, I make grits with tomato and kale (or broccoli) and a little bit of cheese melted in them, then put a fried egg on top. I do this once or twice a week, it is my favorite breakfast. 🤤
Thank you!!!! 
Ask me things!
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krismusings · 2 years
HELLO! And welcome to my mess of a blog. This is mostly just for my musings, but because I also do a lot of discord roleplay, I would like to list my rules, and active muses here as well.
About me OOC:
Name: (Kris)tin
Age: 32
Timezone: EST
I am obsessed with Harry Styles, Austin Butler, Dua Lipa, Avan Jogia, and other pretty people that I excessively post about, so if you don’t like any of my faceclaims, I would suggest not following my mental breakdown tumblr journey.
I roleplay on discord now because tumblr sucks, and I also like the privacy of being able to reply as I can, or have time. I am not someone who is able to always reply at a speedy pace every day. Sometimes I can crank out several replies one after another when I have muse - but keep in mind I do have a life, and a lot of threads, and severe carpal tunnel. I will do my very besty best!
1. Don’t pressure me, guilt me for replies, or take anything personal. I’m a pretty chill partner, just be patient and I in turn of course will be patient with you!
2. Please no short one sentence replies. I put a lot of thought into my replies, a lot of inner dialogue and painting the scene. I don’t expect writing perfection, or exact length matching, but I do want something to work off of.
3. If we haven’t roleplayed before, and you’re open to new writing, just message me and introduce yourself. Maybe give some writing examples, and I’ll exchange with you as well - just to make sure we’re compatible!
4. Smut is perfectly fine with me, I write a lot of it, but I also enjoy a balance! If you’re not comfortable with writing smut though, I’m prob not the best partner for you. I’m a heathen. 😂
5. I do not have any banned faceclaims, but I do have a few I’ve had bad experiences with, or may not particularly care for in real life. I’ll let you know if I’m uncomfortable with a certain FC.
6. I do use discord only now, it’s just easier to keep everything organized. Please be familiar with the format and understanding of my preference! I can still use gifs there as well, but they’re not required.
7. Have fun and love you 🥺
(way more to come, just lazy adding bios lol)
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Top Five Kana Hanazawa Roles
Does anyone know whether she’s still dating Kensho Ono? I’m kind of curious now. I hope everything worked out for the both of them. If they get married, they will be an iconic seiyuu duo for sure. 
I won’t be including anime that I haven’t watched in its entirety, so that means I will be excluding Nadeko Sengoku from the Monogatari series (that means no Renai Circulation), Naho Takamiya from Orange, Akane Tsunemori from Psycho-Pass (I’ll watch that eventually), and Mayuri Shiina from Steins;Gate. And by “entirety”, I mean I have watched at least one season.
I even had to narrow down my honourable mentions. Kana Hanazawa has that many good roles. A lot of the ones I took out were either because I didn’t like the anime themselves (ex. Danganronpa’s Chiaki Nanami) or I didn’t like the characters themselves (ex. Zetsuen no Tempest’s Aika Fuwa). Actually, I didn’t like Zetsuen no Tempest at all in both characters and stories. Bones can only do so much to animate their way out of a garbage can.
Honourable Mentions (That I Have Watched)
Seryuu Ubiquitous - Akame Ga Kill
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Nobody likes this character, and that’s okay. I have a soft spot for some crazy anime characters when they’re done right, so I didn’t mind her at all. Twisted as she is, I don’t think you’re supposed to like this character, but I’ve got to admit, she was a badass. Sure, she killed a lot of people, but that dog was kind of cute when it wasn’t committing a massacre. Also, she had some awesome fight scenes and a great death scene paired with it. That’s barely even a spoiler. We all knew where this anime was going. It rivals AOT with its death count. Here are “All Deaths Under 15 Minutes”.
Kougyoku Ren - Magi 
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At the end of it all, she’s just a teenage girl who had a crush on a guy that didn’t like her back and was notorious for being a f***boi. That’s okay though. Here’s another badass with awesome powers that can kill a lot of people. She’s responsible for one of the most iconic moments in the series despite being a supporting character, and she has a lot of cute moments. She’s one of those girls who can make flower crowns and beat you in a fight. She’s also a princess. Here’s a video (it’s basically a compilation of her relationship with Alibaba in the anime) and here’s another with a fight scene.
Shiemi Moriyama - Ao no Exorcist
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(This moment alone makes me want to watch the anime again even though it wasn’t very good)
Shiemi may not be the best character, but she’s way better than poop eyebrows (I have a feeling no one knows who I’m talking about, but she’s her classmate who’s an absolute bitch). Here are some ship moments, and here’s some brutal friendzoning.
Anri Sonohara - Durarara!! 
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(She’s the girl on the right. I couldn’t just not use this gif.)
Durarara is a weirdly enjoyable random hodgepodge of random ideas put together. Her, Mikado, and Kida get stuck in a whole lot of weird stuff, but I definitely didn’t expect some of those turns. 
Natsume Tsuchimikado - Tokyo Ravens 
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Okay, maybe this anime was a pile of crap from a critical perspective, but I still enjoyed it besides some of the cringy moments. I was expecting Natsume to be more of a badass, but at least she can summon a dragon, right? She also did some stuff near the end... I guess.
Top Five
5. Rize Kamishiro - Tokyo Ghoul
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Name a worse first date. Kaneki ended up nearly getting killed by her, but that doesn’t matter. A bunch of other shady stuff happens, and it doesn’t make sense until you read the manga. Isn’t that nice? Anyway, it’s just nice to see the insane range in this role, and even though Tokyo Ghoul (anime) is kind of dumb, at least we know there’s a good cast backing it up.
4. Kanade Tachibana - Angel Beats!!
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I haven’t watched this in ages since it was one of the first anime I watched, but this role is kind of feels-worthy, so yeah, it’s going to be on the list. Sure, she has no emotion most of the time, but she’s oddly mysterious and has some things going for her. I mean, she’s one of the only characters to get proper development out of that large cast. And that last scene with her and Otonashi is known to be quite the moment.
3. Kosaki Onodera - Nisekoi 
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Because casting is so important, somehow this role made it all the way up here. While I didn’t like Kouki Uchiyama being cast as Raku (I don’t like Raku as a character either), I thought Kana as Onodera was a good choice, and she did it well. I didn’t like Nisekoi. A lot of its humour was derived from Raku getting the crap beat out of him, and the romance part is just utter torture. If you’re keeping track who the “best girl” is (between Chitoge and Kosaki) I would choose Kosaki any day of the week. I would prefer not to get beat to a pulp. But at the end of the day, I still can’t believe Raku made the wrong decision.
2. Roka Shibasaki - D-Frag
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Wow. Two harems back to back. You know, this one didn’t even say it was a harem, and to be fair, that’s because the majority of the series is surrounded by the game club and the comedy writing of the show. I actually liked the cast of this show, and it did make me laugh. I didn’t like the romance part of it too much because I felt like they shouldn’t have included it if they weren’t going to go beyond where they did. But Roka is still a funny character. Who knew that a loli would be the underground boss that can intimidate delinquents?
1. Shiro - Deadman Wonderland
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Deadman Wonderland is not as bad as people make it out to be. Sure, there is a rough beginning that makes practically no sense, but I’m sure they explain it further in the manga somewhere. Shiro is a weirdly insane girl who just wants to be with Ganta. She may or may not have committed mass and/or serial murders, but when has that ever stopped her? Kana Hanazawa was great in this role, and I wouldn’t want to watch the dub just because I feel like the original duo (Romi Park and Kana Hanazawa) are great the way they are.
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diogomlacerda · 7 years
Summer Shenanigans
Summertime has always been my favourite time of the year! In Portugal, I find everything I need: endless beach days, endless nights and of course – amazing experiences at music festivals. After my first year of university that went amazingly well, I was ready to go back home to be with my friends and family and enjoy our time together.
My parents always took me to music events since an early age even though they’re not that much into music as I am. I always loved the energy that exists in concerts, especially in festivals, and I always wondered how it should be to put one of these together. This summer though, and very unfortunately, it wasn’t the time to find out either! Not that I didn’t I try!
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I got some interviews with the biggest concert promoters in my country, but unfortunately it didn’t work out for various reasons, sometimes it was that I would come back from England too late to start working (Since festivals are normally from May until July), or they didn’t had more internship vacancies. Even when I was working at the International Live Music Conference, an event in London last February, I found some people that interviewed me for placements and I found out there that they wanted me to work with them, but unfortunately when we looked at the dates it was impossible. I was quite sad about this but it’s still good that I made the right contacts and that I put myself out there. Now that they know who I am and know that I am interested to work with them, I am ready to start trying again for next summer!
With all these opportunities disappearing in front of me, I realised that this summer I would do again what I know and what I love the most, enjoy the festivals as being part of the audience and not as a part of the team.
The first artist I saw live this summer – this may sound weird – but it was Ariana Grande! Aahaha! My friend got free tickets with open bar access, so he invited me on the day to go, and obviously my immediate thought was: Free booze and music from the voice of the beautiful Ariana, what else do you want for a Sunday night?
Obviously, the audience was mainly young teenagers and screaming girls, but I found myself surprised by the amount of songs that I knew! The concert was the first one she did after the ones she had to cancel after the Manchester attack. She sang the tribute song “Over the Rainbow” but other than that she didn’t talk with the audience and the show was very monitored, looking very unemotional and like she could be in any other city, instead of making the show a little different and making the fans feel special. Anyways, I wasn’t expecting that much so it I didn’t leave disappointed.
After this, the next festival I had in sight was the one I had the interview for, it was NOS Alive: the coolest, most fun festival in Portugal and in Europe! I’ve attended this festival a few times, and have seen amazing acts there: Arcade Fire, Depeche Mode, Mumford and Sons, Sam Smith, Green day, Tame Impala, Foals, Two door cinema club, the list is endless! It is amazing how they always manage to get my favourite acts to perform there, so this year wasn’t any different.
The festival is usually three days, but this year I only attended two of them because the second day didn’t interest me that much. It felt like they decided to put the best acts all in the same night, (at least in my opinion) which meant I had to make choices and sacrifice some bands!
I arrived there in the afternoon late for the first band I wanted to see: Alt J!!! I had already seen them in past years but they are one of my favourite bands. They were promoting they’re new album, but they didn’t play many songs from it which was weird and kind of disappointing. I know if it was because the show was during daylight, or what it was but it they’re other show a few years back was much more epic and mysterious! This one felt very “weak” and indifferent! Anyways, I am ready to see them perform again in Lisbon for an arena show in January, hoping that they perform the new album like it deserves. The second show of the night was Blossoms, which was the one I choose to see over Phoenix! They were great, but the show was very empty in terms of audience, it seemed like the Portuguese haven’t yet found out about this amazing band, so this made the show look a bit dead.
After this, it was time for the incredible and my all-time favourite band, The XX! I love they’re new album as well as they’re old stuff, and I had never seen them live so I was very excited for this one. The concert didn’t disappoint, and it was one of my favourites this summer. Jamie XX beats with the voices of Oliver and Romy is something everyone should experience in their lives. Although some of their new stuff is more electronic, they seemed so genuine happy and thankful to be performing in Portugal, which always has a good impact in the audience. And the way they complemented they’re sounds with the creative visuals on stage made it even better!
After The XX, it was time for the commercial hit maker The Weeknd. His concert was everything I expected, jumping around and singing all his hits whilst fireworks were in the air. It was very fun and he had the show well put up, always speaking with the audience and turning the festival site into a huge party! But the biggest party for myself was yet to come.
At 3:00 am, I was still hyped to see Glass Animals, one of my favourite new acts from this year, and it sure didn’t disappoint. The show wasn’t on the main stage and I think because it was that late it only brought people that actually wanted to be there or people that were too drunk so they just wanted to party. It made the vibe of the show incredible with everyone dancing while pineapples were thrown in the air!
After this epic night, it was time to go home and get some rest before the next day of party started. At the second night of the festival, it was time to see some bands that I didn’t enjoy as much as I did in the first night, but that doenst mean I couldn’t have a good time. The fist band was Kodaline which was ok, and the second was Imagine Dragons, that surprised me a lot! I knew a few of they’re songs because they play whole the time on the radio, but the vibe of the band and the speeches the vocalist made added some “personality” to their commercial songs, and therefore more meaningful and enjoyable.
After accidentally skipping Fleet Foxes, one of my favourite bands and being very annoyed about it, I went to see a band that I had heard about but didn’t really knew: Cage the Elephant! This was probably the best discovery of the whole summer. The energy of Matt Shultz while singing they’re American rock anthems made me enjoy the whole show even without knowning the songs!!
In the middle of July I went to another festival that I had also an interview with, Super Bock Super Rock! This festival is held in Lisbon’s biggest concert arena where the biggest concerts are at, so it doesn’t really have that good summer vibe that I enjoy in festivals. Before it was held in this site, it woust to be in the middle of the fields near a beach outside Lisbon. The environment there was totally different, and I was lucky enough to go there twice, one to see Lana Del Rey with my mother and another one to see Azealia Banks! In this same festival last year, I saw Kendrick Lamar which was amazing, and this time I went to see Pearl Jam, a band that hadn´t perform in Portugal for 17 years. So everyone was crazy about it!! It was my friend’s birthday so she got me tickets and that’s why I went, because I am not that into them, at least before the concert. I was surprised by the amount of songs I knew and I now get why they are such a big band, on top of having incredibly good and catchy songs, it was one of the most fun concerts I’ve been to this summer! After this it was time to see good DJ’s perform all night!
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The third and last festival I attended is called Sudoeste. This one was outside Lisbon, in Portugal’s west coast of Alentejo, a beautiful area full of beaches to go during the day. For this festival, it was the first one I camped at! I’m not into camping, so that part wasn’t so great because me and my friends just wanted to enjoy the concerts and not worry about logistics and having to drink warm beer wasn’t so good. The things you do to save some money!
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I only went because there were a lot of acts that I wanted to see such as Crystal Fighters, Two Door Cinema Club and Mac Miller. The firsts two are one of my favourite bands (I know I have a lot of favourite bands) The festival overall was good, I had a great time, mainly because we could go to incredible beaches during the day and because a lot of my friends went so it was fun. The festival itself wasn’t really my style, mainly because of the people who were attending! The festival runs for a lot of years now and it was more a rap, hip hop and electronic dedicated festival, except for this year that they were trying to turn it into something more different and bring other acts, such as the ones I wanted to see. Because of this, the audience wasn’t really interested in Crystal Fighters and Two Door Cinema Club, and both of them were the first bands to perform of the night, which made the crowd a lot dead and the overall energy of the concerts somehow boring. I was a bit disappointed when comparing to previous concerts of the same bands in other places, which were 100x more fun! Anyway, the bands themselves were amazing like always, and I still enjoyed them, even though I seemed like the only one. One night after Crystal Fighters I saw Dua Lipa, a british singer that made waves this year with her new self-entitled album. I was surprised by this act because she had an amazing voice and from what I heard from her before it was all too commercial and fabricated-for-the-radio songs for me, but has soon as I listened to her live and saw her perform she added so much personality to the songs that they didn’t seem so meaningless! She even made me believe that she wrote all of her songs alone for. I’m not even talking about her being beautiful and cool, but she gained a fan that night for sure. What happened after all the acts I wanted to see perform, was that a DJ came to stage and play terrible electronic music that is not my style, it’s just tiring and it doesn’t have any art or interest into it, in my opinion. Not that every song needs to have a deep meaning obviously, but I don’t find that sound interesting!
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After attending three different type of festivals, I can see now that what I find important in concerts is the energy of the crowd, and if the artist is in anyway real, has a personality and is somehow grateful for being there playing. This are the things that I enjoy the most when seeing someone perform, apart from the music that is being played.
Next year I hope I have the opportunity to finally work at some of these festivals, because sometimes even though I was enjoying my time, I was thinking in the back of my mind if I didn’t had more fun working at some of these instead.
Music was not only in my summer through festivals! In September I went to Bali, Indonesia, and I got an Ukelele, which I am having lots of fun learning how to play! Already have my next instrument that I want to learn on sight: the piano! And some festivals that I want to go to next summer as well, some in the UK (Even though there’s no Glastonbury next year) and in Portugal, like Boom Festival on sight.
Make sure you keep following my blog, because I just started my second year of university and hopefully will have lots of news and accomplishments to share here! Until next time, Diogo!
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dancesontheedge · 7 years
I was just tagged in the 10 characters in 10 fandoms thing again, this time by @sagiow.  If you’ll recall, last time I was tagged I chose ten male characters from ten fandoms, with explanations. FIND IT HERE.  This time, it’s the ladies’ turn!  Again, there may be fic recs coming, and most of them will probably route you to ffn.  Again, these characters are presented in no particular order. Again, have a cut, because this is getting long.
Sandriline (Sandry) Fa Toren (Circle of Magic, Tamora Pierce)
Sandry is what I aspire to be.  She’s a community builder, who is able to pull people from all walks of life together into a shared purpose.  She is also quiet, and if somebody wasn’t paying attention they wouldn’t notice her there, doing what needs to be done.  She is careful and always brave, looking to make connections between people and unafraid to protect those she loves.  She is the Tamora Pierce heroine who is most like me as well, in several ways.  She is fine-boned and has light brown hair (which pleased 10-year-old me).  She feels the pull of duty strongly.  She also sews; as a stitch witch her talents lay in the traditionally feminine.  It was also recently confirmed, by Tammy herself, that Sandry is asexual, just like me.
Sybil Crawley (Downton Abbey)
Sybil is a force of nature.  I fell for Sybil when she decided that she was going to help Gwen get a secretary job, come hell or high water.  That sort of solidarity and lack of concern for “propriety” made me love her.  That she turned out to be a little rebel with little patience for nonsensical societal rules was just icing on the cake.  What enchants me about Sybil is how much she cares for others, and her lack of selfishness in doing so.  It would have been far easier for Sybil to allow Gwen to give up-- that way, Gwen would always be there as a friend.  It would have been far easier for Sybil to not even try to be a nurse.  It would have been far easier for Sybil to not fight at all, but she fought.
The Clover Among the Poppies. By The Yankee Countess.  Sybil is a nurse on the western front instead of at Downton.  She meets Tom while he serves as an ambulance driver. Where Women Roll and Men Thunder. By foojules.  Modern AU.  Sybil is on Holiday in Australia when she meets Tom, a car mechanic, in the middle of nowhere. Driving Lessons by MrsTater.  Tom teaches Sybil to drive, s1. Hollowing Stone by shuofthewind.  Soulmate AU, with much introspection, angst, and friendship-- exactly as it should be.  s1.
Emma Green (Mercy Street)
From episode 1, I knew that Emma was going to be my favorite.  She is such a complicated character, and I think her growth over the course of the two seasons we have of Mercy Street is quite realistic.  She goes from naive and willful daughter of the Confederacy to a practiced Union nurse, struggling to overcome the prejudices that have been ingrained in her since birth.  She has setbacks, and wants things to go back to the way they were before, when she was comfortable and her family was happy.  She spends a large amount of time trying to deny that everything has changed. The Emma that we see is wracked with growing pains as she realizes that things are not as she thought.  I can’t let this turn into an Emma Green meta.  Just.  I love her.
This fandom is sufficiently small that you can find all of it pretty quickly.  If you want to read some of my takes though, you can find me on AO3 as dancingontheedge
Natasha Romanoff (MCU)
Natasha Romanoff is fascinating.  She’s a chameleon, a spy trying to work for the good of others and sometimes failing.  She is determined and witty and *sad*.  It’s so sad, she has lost everything.  Her tragic backstory is so truly tragic, and that she still has the faith to even try to do good is impressive.  Also, she’s amazingly badass.
A Widow’s Tale Series by Mhalachai.  Basically a long, plotty character study, all about Natasha.  Minor crossover with Stargate.  Nat/Bucky.  Not WS compliant. Bringing the War Home Series by dirgewithoutmusic.  I’m gonna go ahead and rec the entire series, even though only two of the fics are about Nat.  Because everyone needs women of the MCU character studies in their life. Freezer Burn series by Domenika Marzione.  Comics/MCU mashup that follows a different Avenger in each of the major stories. Freezer Burn follows Steve, Thaw follows Clint, Revenant follows Nat.
Leia Organa (Star Wars)
I could hardly make this list without discussing my first love, Leia Organa.  Leia who was funny and witty and smart.  Leia who fought the empire and won.  Leia who was always on top of her game, even when she wasn’t.  Looking at her now, I can see that she triumphed over incredible personal loss, survived torture, and still continued to lead.  She never lost faith or hope that anyone could see.  She didn’t have the luxury.  Five-year-old me didn’t see that.  Didn’t see Leia’s struggle.  She only saw the strong, smart, kind, beautiful princess that Leia projected.  And that was enough.  Leia was a leader, and she was never afraid.  And what more could a five year old hope for in a role model?
Chloe Sullivan (Smallville)
I haven’t much to say about Chloe, but she was the best thing about Smallville.  Well, her and the naming of “Chronic Good Guy Disease.”  Chloe was curious and smart and always on top of everything.  She was ambitious, and when her ambition to be an investigative journalist was derailed she didn’t let it slow her down for long.  She kept using her skills to do good in the world, even if it wasn’t the way she intended.
Everything by BlueSuedeShoes, but especially Extraordinarily Ordinary and Never a Bride
Aly Homewood (Tortall, Tamora Pierce)
What a badass.  She is the perfect spymaster, poised to take down the corrupt imperialist regime and replace them with the true leaders.  Her story is a rollicking good time, if you like revolutionary intrigue.  And she’s just so smart and calculating and fabulous?  One of the first things that we see her do, for example, is get in a fight in the slave pen, before the auction.  Her purpose: to look like trouble and appear less pretty, to avoid being purchased as a pleasure slave.  She’s lucky, and it works. That’s what I’m talking about.  She’s brilliant. (read about Aly in Trickster’s Choice and Trickster’s Queen by Tamora Pierce)
Veronica Mars (Veronica Mars)
What happened to Veronica before season 1 scares me to my bones.  It’s up there in worst nightmare territory.  But you know, she handled it.  She got tough, and she got even.  It’s not a particularly healthy way to live, but it’s a good way to survive the hellscape that was Neptune High.  I’m more like long-hair, pale-pink Veronica than biting, vengeful Veronica, but she’s smart, she’s tough, she’s good at what she does.  And what she does is *good.*  Veronica Mars helps people, she solves their problems.  So even though she’s jaded and bitter and angry, she’s still good.  And that makes her fascinating.
Death Becomes Him by Mediancat.  AU in which Aaron Echolls dies in Echolls Family Christmas, with requisite ripples. LoVe His Friend Too by arbailey.  AU in which Veronica discovers Lilly with Aaron before the events of the series.  Focus on Logan and Veronica as friends (then more) and how Veronica confronts Lilly’s bad behavior with Lilly still alive. Some Truths Hurt by jenwin23.  AU in which Veronica gets Duncan’s journals in Echolls Family Christmas, with requisite reveals and ripples.  Only fic I’ve ever enjoyed reading in script format.
Rogue (X-Men)
Rogue can’t touch anyone.  That’s it, that’s her schtick.  And it’s heartbreaking, and heartrendingly relatable.  That’s why I love Rogue.  She can’t touch anyone, and it hurts my heart.  Also, it makes for some suuuper USTy romy fic, and that’s the best thing ever.
Absolutely Maybe by Tamarai.  Arranged Marriage AU.  Wolverine and the X-Men ‘verse Collision of Coincidence by Tamarai.  Rogue hires Remy to be her boyfriend after Bobby insists they make their relationship an open one.  Movie ‘verse, non-cure ending, not Origins Wolverine compliant Squeaky and Stripes by Chellerbelle.  In order to save the life of a rapidly de-aging Remy, Rogue absorbs him.  When they wake up, they are both thirteen years old.  They go through puberty again, together, and wind up falling in love.  Slow burn.  Movie ‘verse, Origins Wolverine compliant. Queen’s High by PrettyGothGirl.  To prevent Rogue from killing a cheating Bobby, Logan sends her on a recruiting mission-- convince Remy to join the x-men.  Movie ‘verse, non-cure ending, not Origins Wolverine compliant.
Mulan (Disney’s Mulan)
Everyone knows who Mulan is, yes?  Good.  I like her because she’s tough, because she doesn’t quite fit, she feels compelled by duty and honor to do things, she loves her family.  And she dresses up as a soldier and is a complete badass.
Soldier by FearandLoathingXIX.  Takes place during the “Be a Man” musical number.  An exploration of thoughts, feelings, character growth, and badassery
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littlestooge · 8 years
Dear author
Hello, Writer!
I am so excited for Chocolate Box! Thank you so very much for writing something for me. I cannot wait to read it!
Yep: happy endings that doin’t fall into syrupy sap, loyalty, domesticity, downtime where the characters just hang out and bond, still waters running deep in terms of emotions (some characters may have trouble expressing emotions but they certainly have them), found families, friendship, emotional bonding, loyalty. If you want to write smut, that’s fine by me! If you don’t, that’s also more than okay. I do prefer sex with an emotional bond present, and that all parties have a good time (winkwink).
Nope: rape/dubious consent, fusions, crossovers, BDSM, scat, sex with people aged under 18, sex with animals, sex with more than two people involved in a single encounter, OT3s, dom/sub, A/B/O-verses or A/B/O dynamics (or similar) in genenral, trans/pansexual/demisexual/asexual headcanons.
Thank you so much for writing for me!
The X-Files
Fox Mulder/Dana Scully; Mulder/Scully & William (their son) My very, very first OTP from when I was just a little girl is Mulder/Scully. I ship them. And I ship them HARD.
Was I utterly thrilled that the shw came back for six new episodes in 2016? Yes! Was I disappointed in episodes 1, 5 and 6? Sure! Was I annoyed that Mulder and Scully had broken up for reasons unknown? Definitely!
But, sadly, I was willing to forgive Chris Carter for writing three terrible episodes (and whoever the hell let him do it!) just for some more time with these two awesome people, and some new information about their feelings about their much longed-for son. And I am looking forward to the new episodes Fox has indicated will land in 2018. Which I very much hope will not suck.
But until then, I would love absolutely anything written about these two crazy kids, at any point of the series (from the Pilot all the way through til now, and anywhere in between). I’d also love to see anything featuring either or both of them and their son. If you’d like to write smut, that’d be great, but I would ask you to remember two things, please: the desperately deep feelings Scully and Mulder have for each other, and the fact that Mulder has an oral fixation...which I’m sure keeps Scully very happy. Ahem.
Star Trek: Voyager
Chakotay/Janeway; Janeway & Q; Janeway & Tuvok; Janeway & Kes; Janeway & Seven of Nine  Chakotay and Janeway are an OTP of mine from way, way back, and few lazy canon additions have annoyed me as much as the tacked-on Seven of Nine/Chakotay ‘romance’ in the finale episode (which I already have plenty of issues with).
I don’t think I’m alone in loving their trapped-on-a-planet-together episode, Resolutions, back in Season 2. I also doubt I’m alone in thinking the likely original intentions of The Powers That Be were to put Janeway and Chakotay together as a couple at some point.
So I’d be down with a fix-it that gets rid of the stupid Chakotay/Seven pairing (Seven is probably best with the Doctor, to be honest), and puts Janeway and Chakotay together. I’d just really like some shipfic of these two, please. Anytime in the series (or after it) is fine. And a fic that ignores the finale is fine. And fic that refers to Resolutions would be awesome. An AU where they’re on New Earth for longer, or an AU where they get together at some point after the episode once they’re back on the ship, or anything along those lines? Awesome!
I also love Janeway’s long, deep friendship with Tuvok, her frindly yet antagonistic friendship with Q, and her affectionate, maternal friendships with Kes (who should have never been written out of the series) and Seven.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Kira/Odo; Kira & Odo I admit that DS9 is not my favourite Trek series. It’s not that I hate it, it’s just that I haven’t made the time to sit down and watch all of it the way I have with most of the other bits of the Trek universe. So I’m nowhere near as familiar with the intricacies of the overarching plots and story arcs.
But one part of DS9 I love is how badass Kira Nerys is. I also really love Odo, and how well his confusion and isolation is represented and acted. But most of all, I love the relationship between Kira and Odo, and how it grows and changes throughout the series. 
I especially like season five’s Children of Time (and not just because I love time travel as a trope, which I totally do). Odo’s love for Kira is shown as being both a strength and a weakness: the Odo who was trapped on the planet after the Defiant crashed has been able to grow and develop as as a person because of his love for Kira, but he is also driven to extreme lengths (which includes sacrificing his own existence) just so that Kira will live. Kira’s reaction to this news is far more realistic than usually allowed on TV: she is conflicted, touched that Odo loves her, but more than anything, horrified by what that love has caused him to do, especially as she had said she was at peace with her supposedly fated death.
That’s not to say that the writers handled this relationship as well as they could have (a mishandling which I’m almost certain had a lot to do with executive meddling, rather than the writers not knowing what they were doing). 
But I’d love to see any fic featuring these guys, during or after the series. Preferably either when they are a couple (perhaps one or both considering the reality of the romantic relationship versus what they thought it would be, especially for Odo), or perhaps just before they take the plunge. When did Kira realise she loved Odo? How did she feel about his feelings for her? 
Star Trek: The Original Series
Kirk/Spock; Kirk/Spock & McCoy Ah, Kirk and Spcok! The granddaddy of slash pairings. Who invented slash, damnit. So I love these two. So, so much. And I ship them HARD. I love these two, and I don’t care when any fic about them is set: before the series, during the series, between the series and the films, during the films, after them. Kirk was likely Spock’ first real, close friend, and definitely helped Spock out of his shell, and helped him with his loneliness. And Spock also became friends with McCoy through Kirk, of course. So the three of them could be awesome together!
Christine Chapel & Nyota Uhura & Janice Rand Some of the original awesome sci-fi ladies! I love these three, and I loved them even more when I found out Majel Barrett (who plays Christine Chapel) was originally meant to play the ship’s first officer. So Gene Roddenberry, for all his faults, was certainly a progressive! So I’d love to see some fic featuring any or all of these ladies being BAMFs, please. As they likely would have been presented all the damn time, had executive meddling not got in the way.
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Picard/Guinan; Picard & Guinan
Why did we never get any real insight into this relationship, goddamn it?! How did these two first meet? (And no, not in Time’s Arrow; how did Picard first meet Guinan?) And why is their relationship “beyond family”? Genfic or shipfic both very much appreciated!
Picard & Tasha Yar; Guinan & Tasha Yar
There are few pointless deaths in canon that shit me more than Tasha Yar’s. I know Denise Crosby wanted to leave the series because she felt the character was being under-utilised. But goddamn it, that should have promoted The Powers That Be to fic the issue, not let her walk away when Tasha was such a fab, kickass BAMF of a female character. Christ! 
I liked the growing relationship between Picard and Tasha: Picard obviously felt very fatherly toward Tasha, which was lovely. And Tasha, who was orphaned at a young age and had to struggle to survive when the colony world she lived on went to shit, obviously held Picard in high regard. So I’d love to hear more about them! I’m more than down for an AU fic where Tasha doesn’t die, too.
And while we only saw Guinan interact with an alternate timeline Tasha in the truly epicYesterday’s Enterprise, it’s still an intriguing realtionship between two awesome women. Would love to see what friendship they could have had had Tasha survived!
Picard & Data; Data & Spot I admit it. I love Data, and the way in which he struggles to understand humans and our emotions. And that shows a lot in his relationships with Picard (who he sacrifices himself for in Nemesis - that’s love!) and Spot, who he clearly loves.
Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion (1997)  
Romy White/Michele Weinberger; Romy White & Michele Weinberger; Romy White & Michele Weinberger and Heather Mooney; Heather Mooney/Sandy Frink Near the beginning of the film, Michele asks Romy if they should “have sex sometime” to check if they’re actually lesbians. Romy says no, but to “ask me again” if they reach 30 and are still single.
What happens when these two awesome ladies get to 30? They’re obviously successful business women (for real!) by the time they’re 30, but they’re still single. Do they decide to check if they’re lesbians after all? What happens?
I also really love Heather and Sandy as characters. What happens to them next? Do they get together? And what LA adventures do Romy, Michele and Heather get up together?
Frozen (2013)  
Anna & Elsa Finally! A wildly popular, money-spinning animated Disney movie featuring a strong female protagonist who doesn’t have even a potential future love interest in the form of some dude hanging around her by the end of the film!
I love the relationship between Anna and Elsa, and the fact that this familial love (and between two women! Who aren’t competing with each other over who is prettier or over some dude or whatever!) was the main love story of the film. And was the love that saved the day.
I understand why some people would like Elsa to be lesbian or bi or ace or whatever in the sequel: there is just so little representation, especially in mainstream media. But simply that she is presented as a female character whose main goal in life isn’t to find someone to shack up with is incredibly refreshing. Which I loved.
(I liked Brave for the same reason: the bond between Merida and her mother. But remember, there were those Scottish lads who were competing for her hand at the start of the film. And Frozen made a hell of a lot more money.)
I’d love to see some more Anna and Elsa bonding, please. I don’t care what they’re doing or talking about. I don’t mind if it’s during the film or after it. As long as it’s not incest (which I admit squicks me), I’m happy! 
The Martian - All Media Types
Mark Watney & Ares III Crew This movie also really surprised me with how awesome it was. I admit I have yet to read the book, although it’s on my list!
I just love the bond between Mark and the crew, and would love to see what happens when he gets back to the ship at the end of the film. How do the crew - another chosen family - help Mark put himself back together?
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (movies)
I need to say, firstly, that I was really surprised by how much I loved this movie. I loved the Harry Potter book series growing up (and still do), but I was always “meh” about the movies. But this movie was great!
Well-rounded, non-stereotypical characters, all of whom are actual adults (read: I am so sick of seeing movies and other media featuring characters who are all 24 and under. I’m in my twenties and I couldn’t care less for these brainless stereotypes! Give us some real, complex people who are all at least a decade out of puberty! Please! Jeez.) and have actual personalities. 
Tina, for one, is neither played by an anorexic 21 year old, nor is she inappropriately attired for either the time period or HER GODDAMN JOB AS AN AUROR. WHICH SHE COULDN’T DO IN HEELS. THAT YOU VERY MUCH, BRYCE DALLKAS HOWARD IN JURASSIC WORLD. FFS. Even Queenie, who is far “girlier” is still wearing clothes and shoes she can comfortably move around in, and both women have actual depth to their characters. Awesome!
Queenie Goldstein & Tina Goldstein
Just like Anna and Elsa above, I adore the sisterly relationship presented between these two. These two appear to have been on their own for a while, so I’d love to see any genfic featuring these two, please. Before the movie, after it, during it. I don’t mind! They’re both such asskicking BAMFs, and I’d love to see more of it.
Queenie Goldstein & Tina Goldstein & Jacob Kowalski & Newt Scamander
Do I love the found family/family of choice trope? Why yes. Yes I do. All four of these characters are interesting separately, and lose none of that depth when they come together as a little tribe, taking on the world together. And I love the bond these grown ups (who have all lived, at least a little bit, and experienced love, loss, and war, and have grown from it) form. And I’d love to see more of it!
They’re all great characters, and it’s so nice to see such kind characters find each other, and to be able to help the others. They’re all a bit damaged, after all, but they try their very best to rise above it and live the best lives they can.
Newt Scamander & Newt Scamander's Magical Beasts;  Frank The Thunderbird & Newt Scamander
To say that Newt cares for his animal friends is putting it mildly. Much was made of the fact that Newt is a true Hufflepuff and attempts to settle his battles with his wits and mind rather than his fists, which was just awesome to see in a mainstream film.
Before Newt finds Jacob, Tina and Queenie, his magical beasts are very much his family of choice, and it’s clear they love him. After all, he travels to America purely to free Frank! So any fic featuring them all being awesome together would be great. How did he find Frank? How did he know where Frank originally came from? How did he begin to collect these animals?
Queenie Goldstein/Jacob Kowalski
I truly surprised myself with how much I ship these two. The affection between them felt so deep and real, and they (surprisingly) completely avert the schlubby-guy-and-beautiful-woman-fall-in-love trope. I really did buy it when psychic Queenie told Jacob she was intrigued by who he was as a person, and that she knew he wasn’t just attracted to her because she’s pretty. The friendship between them felt real, and I’d love to see more of it.
I was actually a bit teary when Jacob stepped out into the amnesia rain at the end of the film, and actually smiled when Queenie came into his bakery at the end of the film. This pairing is just begging for reunion fic. Pretty please? Jacob might get his memory back, or he might not. But I’d love to know what happens next!
Jacob Kowalski & Newt Scamander; Jacob Kowalski/Newt Scamander
I just love these guys. I both ship them and like them as BFFs, so would be happy with them being presented as either.  This pairing is just begging for reunion fic. Pretty please? Jacob might get his memory back, or he might not. But I’d love to know what happens next!
Tina Goldstein & Newt Scamander; Tina Goldstein/Newt Scamander
We all already know that, in canon, these two end up married: Luna Lovegood marries their grandson, and they have twin boys. And I have a feeling Luna and her dad would get on gangbusters with Newt and Tina.
I really like how the film ended with these two as friends, rather than with their damn wedding. Tina is a grown ass woman, and she has better things to do than go moping after some English dude with floppy hair. And I love how polite and non-douchebaggy Newt is (both in general, and in the way he doesn’t crack on to Tina like a fucking stalker, whining about how he’s “such a nice guy!”). 
They clearly are good friends before they ever become a couple, so I’d love to see either genfic featuring these two as friends, or shippy fic with them as a couple, or pre-relationship UST fic, please. Or whatever you’d like to write! Maybe a flash forward to what they got up to during WWII? Or either of the wars with Voldemort?
Leta Lestrange & Newt Scamander; Albus Dumbledore & Newt Scamander
I don’t think you need magical powers to know that these two relationships from Newt’s Hogwarts days will play a larger role in future films. So any exploration of these relationships would be wonderful!
Harry Potter (book series)
Dumbledore/Grindelwald I’ve long found this relationship fascinating, and the news (from J.K. Rowling herself!) that Dumbledore was gay and in love with Grindelwald was most intriguing. Did Grindelwald return those feelings? Did he not? Did he never know Albus loved him?
Oh, the possibilities! I am also really pleased that JKR herself is writing the Fantastic Beasts movies (rather than the hodge-podge mess the original movies often were, scripted by other people) because we may finally have some light shed on this relationship, which is obviously so crucial to everything that follows it in the wizarding world. So I’d love to read more about it!
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demitgibbs · 6 years
Justin Theroux: The Spy You Wouldn’t Mind Being Dumped By
No straight man has ever offered to make me a crop top, but Justin Theroux is no ordinary straight man. If you’ve seen him in all his shirtless, ripped, oiled glory in 2003’s Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle or bore witness to all that was bouncing around in his grey sweatpants in HBO’s The Leftovers (I know you saw that; you haven’t stopped seeing that), you have likely wished him gay.
The vers 46-year-old actor is, at least, the closest a straight man can get to being gay, palling around with the new Queer Eye posse and portraying a deep well of gay characters during his two-decade career, from Marshall in 2000’s The Broken Hearts Club to an assortment of gay Englishmen in numerous New York theater productions. Significant gay cred aside, his acting instincts have resulted in an impressive mix of unpredictable career choices rooted in pathos and humor, David Lynchian mystery and Herculean ruggedness: from 1997’s Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion on through Mulholland Drive, Strangers with Candy, Sex and the City, Zoolander and, most recently, The Spy Who Dumped Me. Directed by Susanna Fogel, the action-comedy caper stars Theroux as Drew, an on-the-run spy who inadvertently gets his ex (Mila Kunis) and her best gal pal (Kate McKinnon) embroiled in his messy assassin-fighting mission.
Things are tamer in a hotel suite in New York City on the day Theroux sits across from me with his rescue pit bull Kuma. Theroux – imagine if he dumped you; what an honor – is not wearing sweatpants. But my mock disappointment isn’t sweatpants-related; it’s knowing that he made Queer Eye guy Jonathan Van Ness a crop top but didn’t bring me one. And do I let Justin Theroux wreck the shirt on my back? I do, right? “I would so do it,” he politely insists. “If you have a t-shirt and a pair of scissors, I’m happy to quickly fashion you one.”
Let’s talk about how you invented sweatpants.
(Laughs) I invented the grey sweatpants! I brought them back, I know! You know, I was the one who made a shirt for Jonathan. We were going to gay Pride and he was like, “F*ck, I gotta go out,” and so I made him a shirt. I was like, “I wanna make one of those crop top t-shirts with the tassels,” and he ended up wearing that.
Do you regularly make crop tops for your gay friends?
No, that was the first one I’ve done. It was just like, “It’s a perfect moment in time. I’m with Jonathan and I have a t-shirt and we have scissors and I think I could pull it off.”
We’ve become a good little clutch. Tan, Antoni and Jonathan have come over a bunch of times and we’ve gone back and forth, and I’ve disappeared into the bathroom with Jonathan and we’ve talked products.
Can a straight guy have a queer eye?
Keeping my fingers crossed. Season 3! Maybe we should do a whole thing where it’s like, “Straight Eye for the Gay Guy.” Find some gay guy who’s not got his shit together and I can go and help him out. I don’t know if I’d be that helpful.
I must say, you’ve got your shit together.
I put a little effort in sometimes. (Queer Eye guy) Tan’s trying to get me to wear some color. I’m pretty much blacks and greys. White is technically a color for me.
We need to get you in floral.
I don’t think it’s gonna happen! I just can’t pull it off. I keep looking for a Hawaiian shirt that’s 95 percent black with just a little pop of color in the flowers.
Recently, Jonathan was obsessing over your shirtlessness in Charlie’s Angels. Is that the role most gay men fangirl over when they meet you?
I mean, the first one was actually The Broken Hearts Club, which was a movie I did years and years ago. I remember being at gay Pride and people being like, “Oh my god, this is the guy from Broken Hearts Club!” (Playing gay) was kind of my bread and butter in New York on stage. I would do Joe Orton plays, or Shopping and Fucking. I’d do all these gay Englishmen. That was my thing that was my calling card.
Why go for the gay roles?
It was something that just happened. It wasn’t like I was seeking them out. It was just something that presented itself. At the time, there was that kind of question when you’d go into the audition: “Are you comfortable kissing a guy?” “Yeah, of course.”
In 2000, some actors were being told not to play gay characters for the sake of preserving their careers. Was there any pressure on you not to play that role?
No. My agent at the time was gay, so it was never a discussion. It always boils down to, is the part good or is the play good? If the material is good, I’m happy to do it. If it’s bad, then I don’t wanna do it. But I wouldn’t want do it for a straight part either.
Did it feel like an important movie at the time for the LGBTQ community?
It didn’t, because it’s not necessarily my community. But it was one of those I was happy (about). It was the first (LGBTQ) movie that showed – at least that I had been a part of, or had seen – just a normal relationship. No one’s dying of a disease, no one’s fighting with their parents. It felt like a great episode of Thirtysomething or a great episode of This Is Us.  (Its gay themes were) just built into the fabric of the movie, as opposed to being the fabric of the movie. There weren’t big red arrows pointing at each character going, “Oh, and by the way, they’re gay!” They were functioning, normal people in their lives, which is reality. In a weird way, its normalcy was the thing that made it special and that felt like a good reason to do it.
Growing up in Washington D.C., what was your introduction to the LGBTQ community?
God, you could argue it was probably Catholic school and noticing the priests. Not their behavior; I didn’t think anything nefarious was going on. I don’t think they were doing anything horrible to the boys of the school, but I remember thinking, “These men seem effeminate and they carry themselves in a different way, and I think these guys like other men, like other gay men I’ve seen.”
They didn’t fit the typical heteronormative archetype. 
Yeah, exactly. And it was an odd kind of thing, where I thought, “Oh.” I’ve since come to think maybe the priesthood is like an enclave for people who aren’t comfortable with their sexuality and they wanna shut it down and they think, “Please make it go away. I’m just gonna go to this place and go to seminary school and hope that this feeling leaves me,” which is a shame.
You strike me as the kind of guy who’s surrounded by gay men for various reasons.
Yeah, of course. I went to a very progressive high school that had gay boys in it. In college, it becomes quickly normalized. But you can’t live in New York and not be friends with every kind of person, whether they’re gay, trans, straight, whatever.
You were ahead of the game?
Well, I think most people in the city or in pockets of the country were kind of ahead of the game. It felt like, “Wait, this conversation is still happening? Oh yeah, I guess it still is. I guess we do need to keep having this discussion.” (I) marvel at people who are still made uncomfortable by it. Like, how on earth? It’s like being made uncomfortable by a sofa; you’re like, “It’s a sofa.” It couldn’t be more normal.
You should know that you’ve been called a “gay men’s dream” by the National Enquirer, probably their most accurate reporting.
Cut to 10 years later: Ew, who’s that old guy? (Laughs)
No way. Our gay icons never age.
Oh yeah, that’s right!
So this movie: Was the title The Spy Who Dumped On Me ever considered?
(Laughs) It’s the James Bond they never made! Idris Elba, Daniel Craig, why wouldn’t you do that movie?
Susanna’s friends call her the “lesbian whisperer.” And, of course, Kate McKinnon is queer and one of two leading ladies in this film.
It’s so cool.
Did you get a lesbian read on Kate McKinnon’s character, Morgan, in the movie?
Yeah. But what I liked about her character: again, it wasn’t the focal (point). It’s kind of ambiguous. What she brought to the part was super hilarious. She works really hard on specific jokes, beats, alternate lines, trying to come up with other stuff that isn’t necessarily on the page or in the direction. Kate really goes in and scribbles on the sides (of her script) and it looks like A Beautiful Mind on her script. She approaches her work (in) really sort of (an) academic way.
You’re long overdue for a gay role.
What’s the last one I’ve done? Maybe (my character) Kevin Garvey from The Leftovers is, who knows. Don’t tell anybody. No, I’m joking. (Laughs) You could argue he was really put-upon and maybe that was the reason why, ’cause he was in a hetero marriage.
(Theroux’s handler peeks in to say, “One last question.” “Two more,” Theroux whispers, giving me two fingers.)
What would you look for in a gay role now?
I don’t know. It’s really always the story. I want the story to be good and compelling. I want the character to be good and compelling, and that could be anything. A la Broken Hearts Club, you do sort of hope that eventually these all become just the background to the characters, because it’s way more interesting just playing the relationship and playing the story than it is playing the orientation.
If you were to date any of the guys you have played in your career, which ones might you go for? Personally, I’d shack up with Joe from Six Feet Under.
Joe in Six Feet Under was a sweetheart. But if I dated Joe, he was straight, and so I think that would be problematic.
He’s only straight till he drinks four beers.
Until he drinks four beers, then all bets are off! The bondage gear comes out. Like, we all know Joe liked being tied to the bed. (Laughs) I don’t know if there’s anyone I’d really wanna date. And it’s weird to think about dating yourself. Just visually awkward.
Actually, Matt McGrath’s Broken Hearts character was an adorable character. But I don’t know, I played some pretty f*cked up guys, so they all seem like they’re not great relationship material.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/08/16/justin-theroux-the-spy-you-wouldnt-mind-being-dumped-by/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.tumblr.com/post/177060262410
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hotspotsmagazine · 6 years
Justin Theroux: The Spy You Wouldn’t Mind Being Dumped By
No straight man has ever offered to make me a crop top, but Justin Theroux is no ordinary straight man. If you’ve seen him in all his shirtless, ripped, oiled glory in 2003’s Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle or bore witness to all that was bouncing around in his grey sweatpants in HBO’s The Leftovers (I know you saw that; you haven’t stopped seeing that), you have likely wished him gay.
The vers 46-year-old actor is, at least, the closest a straight man can get to being gay, palling around with the new Queer Eye posse and portraying a deep well of gay characters during his two-decade career, from Marshall in 2000’s The Broken Hearts Club to an assortment of gay Englishmen in numerous New York theater productions. Significant gay cred aside, his acting instincts have resulted in an impressive mix of unpredictable career choices rooted in pathos and humor, David Lynchian mystery and Herculean ruggedness: from 1997’s Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion on through Mulholland Drive, Strangers with Candy, Sex and the City, Zoolander and, most recently, The Spy Who Dumped Me. Directed by Susanna Fogel, the action-comedy caper stars Theroux as Drew, an on-the-run spy who inadvertently gets his ex (Mila Kunis) and her best gal pal (Kate McKinnon) embroiled in his messy assassin-fighting mission.
Things are tamer in a hotel suite in New York City on the day Theroux sits across from me with his rescue pit bull Kuma. Theroux – imagine if he dumped you; what an honor – is not wearing sweatpants. But my mock disappointment isn’t sweatpants-related; it’s knowing that he made Queer Eye guy Jonathan Van Ness a crop top but didn’t bring me one. And do I let Justin Theroux wreck the shirt on my back? I do, right? “I would so do it,” he politely insists. “If you have a t-shirt and a pair of scissors, I’m happy to quickly fashion you one.”
Let’s talk about how you invented sweatpants.
(Laughs) I invented the grey sweatpants! I brought them back, I know! You know, I was the one who made a shirt for Jonathan. We were going to gay Pride and he was like, “F*ck, I gotta go out,” and so I made him a shirt. I was like, “I wanna make one of those crop top t-shirts with the tassels,” and he ended up wearing that. 
Do you regularly make crop tops for your gay friends?
No, that was the first one I’ve done. It was just like, “It’s a perfect moment in time. I’m with Jonathan and I have a t-shirt and we have scissors and I think I could pull it off.”
We’ve become a good little clutch. Tan, Antoni and Jonathan have come over a bunch of times and we’ve gone back and forth, and I’ve disappeared into the bathroom with Jonathan and we’ve talked products.
Can a straight guy have a queer eye?
Keeping my fingers crossed. Season 3! Maybe we should do a whole thing where it’s like, “Straight Eye for the Gay Guy.” Find some gay guy who’s not got his shit together and I can go and help him out. I don’t know if I’d be that helpful.
I must say, you’ve got your shit together.
I put a little effort in sometimes. (Queer Eye guy) Tan’s trying to get me to wear some color. I’m pretty much blacks and greys. White is technically a color for me. 
We need to get you in floral.
I don’t think it’s gonna happen! I just can’t pull it off. I keep looking for a Hawaiian shirt that’s 95 percent black with just a little pop of color in the flowers. 
Recently, Jonathan was obsessing over your shirtlessness in Charlie’s Angels. Is that the role most gay men fangirl over when they meet you?
I mean, the first one was actually The Broken Hearts Club, which was a movie I did years and years ago. I remember being at gay Pride and people being like, “Oh my god, this is the guy from Broken Hearts Club!” (Playing gay) was kind of my bread and butter in New York on stage. I would do Joe Orton plays, or Shopping and Fucking. I’d do all these gay Englishmen. That was my thing that was my calling card. 
Why go for the gay roles?
It was something that just happened. It wasn’t like I was seeking them out. It was just something that presented itself. At the time, there was that kind of question when you’d go into the audition: “Are you comfortable kissing a guy?” “Yeah, of course.” 
In 2000, some actors were being told not to play gay characters for the sake of preserving their careers. Was there any pressure on you not to play that role?
No. My agent at the time was gay, so it was never a discussion. It always boils down to, is the part good or is the play good? If the material is good, I’m happy to do it. If it’s bad, then I don’t wanna do it. But I wouldn’t want do it for a straight part either. 
Did it feel like an important movie at the time for the LGBTQ community?
It didn’t, because it’s not necessarily my community. But it was one of those I was happy (about). It was the first (LGBTQ) movie that showed – at least that I had been a part of, or had seen – just a normal relationship. No one’s dying of a disease, no one’s fighting with their parents. It felt like a great episode of Thirtysomething or a great episode of This Is Us.  (Its gay themes were) just built into the fabric of the movie, as opposed to being the fabric of the movie. There weren’t big red arrows pointing at each character going, “Oh, and by the way, they’re gay!” They were functioning, normal people in their lives, which is reality. In a weird way, its normalcy was the thing that made it special and that felt like a good reason to do it. 
Growing up in Washington D.C., what was your introduction to the LGBTQ community?
God, you could argue it was probably Catholic school and noticing the priests. Not their behavior; I didn’t think anything nefarious was going on. I don’t think they were doing anything horrible to the boys of the school, but I remember thinking, “These men seem effeminate and they carry themselves in a different way, and I think these guys like other men, like other gay men I’ve seen.” 
They didn’t fit the typical heteronormative archetype. 
Yeah, exactly. And it was an odd kind of thing, where I thought, “Oh.” I’ve since come to think maybe the priesthood is like an enclave for people who aren’t comfortable with their sexuality and they wanna shut it down and they think, “Please make it go away. I’m just gonna go to this place and go to seminary school and hope that this feeling leaves me,” which is a shame. 
You strike me as the kind of guy who’s surrounded by gay men for various reasons.
Yeah, of course. I went to a very progressive high school that had gay boys in it. In college, it becomes quickly normalized. But you can’t live in New York and not be friends with every kind of person, whether they’re gay, trans, straight, whatever. 
You were ahead of the game?
Well, I think most people in the city or in pockets of the country were kind of ahead of the game. It felt like, “Wait, this conversation is still happening? Oh yeah, I guess it still is. I guess we do need to keep having this discussion.” (I) marvel at people who are still made uncomfortable by it. Like, how on earth? It’s like being made uncomfortable by a sofa; you’re like, “It’s a sofa.” It couldn’t be more normal. 
You should know that you’ve been called a “gay men’s dream” by the National Enquirer, probably their most accurate reporting.
Cut to 10 years later: Ew, who’s that old guy? (Laughs) 
No way. Our gay icons never age.
Oh yeah, that’s right!
So this movie: Was the title The Spy Who Dumped On Me ever considered?
(Laughs) It’s the James Bond they never made! Idris Elba, Daniel Craig, why wouldn’t you do that movie? 
Susanna’s friends call her the “lesbian whisperer.” And, of course, Kate McKinnon is queer and one of two leading ladies in this film.
It’s so cool. 
Did you get a lesbian read on Kate McKinnon’s character, Morgan, in the movie?
Yeah. But what I liked about her character: again, it wasn’t the focal (point). It’s kind of ambiguous. What she brought to the part was super hilarious. She works really hard on specific jokes, beats, alternate lines, trying to come up with other stuff that isn’t necessarily on the page or in the direction. Kate really goes in and scribbles on the sides (of her script) and it looks like A Beautiful Mind on her script. She approaches her work (in) really sort of (an) academic way. 
You’re long overdue for a gay role.
What’s the last one I’ve done? Maybe (my character) Kevin Garvey from The Leftovers is, who knows. Don’t tell anybody. No, I’m joking. (Laughs) You could argue he was really put-upon and maybe that was the reason why, ’cause he was in a hetero marriage.
(Theroux’s handler peeks in to say, “One last question.” “Two more,” Theroux whispers, giving me two fingers.)
What would you look for in a gay role now?
I don’t know. It’s really always the story. I want the story to be good and compelling. I want the character to be good and compelling, and that could be anything. A la Broken Hearts Club, you do sort of hope that eventually these all become just the background to the characters, because it’s way more interesting just playing the relationship and playing the story than it is playing the orientation.
If you were to date any of the guys you have played in your career, which ones might you go for? Personally, I’d shack up with Joe from Six Feet Under.
Joe in Six Feet Under was a sweetheart. But if I dated Joe, he was straight, and so I think that would be problematic.
He’s only straight till he drinks four beers.
Until he drinks four beers, then all bets are off! The bondage gear comes out. Like, we all know Joe liked being tied to the bed. (Laughs) I don’t know if there’s anyone I’d really wanna date. And it’s weird to think about dating yourself. Just visually awkward.
Actually, Matt McGrath’s Broken Hearts character was an adorable character. But I don’t know, I played some pretty f*cked up guys, so they all seem like they’re not great relationship material.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/08/16/justin-theroux-the-spy-you-wouldnt-mind-being-dumped-by/
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miniwolfsbane · 6 years
Copied from @andalite-angel post. Edited slightly.
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, etc. are allowed.
Biospecialist, Marco/Rachel, Sam/Rahne, all cannon Disney Princess pairings, the two young kids Pacific Rim Uprising,  Lancitty, Evo Kurt/ Amanda,  Jott in Evo. Skyward??
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or ***** that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Fanfic writers and Evo romy, adult Jubilee x Gambit, others.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
Never gonna be big on Evo Romy ever again, will forever hate Rahne x Roberto, Sam and Rahne with anyone but each other!!
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
Evo Romy...somtimes. Because it does sorta make sense IN FANNON, but not in cannon. And Jean x Scott, because it’s so iconic, but I only like them in Evo, so...yah.
E - Have you added anything cracky crazy/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what? 
See my fan fiction.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
The Little Mermaid and Star Trek have been there for 95% of my life.
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask, Sam/Rahne, Ariel and Eric (first when I was 5, even though I wanted to be Ariel), Rachel Tobias (first when I was actually gettin into fandom), Jake/Cassie (Animorphs), Clark/Lana, Clark/Lois (I think??) and Chloe/Ollie, Romy (even in Evo at a point!), and now Eliza and Goliath in Gargoyles. I keep saying I’m not a shipper, but I think I’m just a subtle one that pines and doesn’t read a lot of fanfic, but my heart swells over seeing my OTP on screen
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
TV Shows and Western (superhero) Animation mostly, but also a few animes.
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
I was annoyed by the Agents Of Shield fandoms behavior for a while, but I’ve never stopped liking any fandoms because of Tumblr. 
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
SuperWhoLock, Riverdale...some other popular teen shows.
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Tie between Sailor Moon and Gambit I guess, but I’m sure there are lots of others. Sailor Jupiter has a good arc as well, even though she doesn’t have a lot of character development TBH.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
Roberto Dacosta’s super strength power is pretty cool and he’s a chill guy. And rich. (I just realized that a lot of X-Men characters are rich, actually. Gambit, Xavier, Warren and him. Holy crap.)
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Moon. TAS Rogue too, because she seems fun to hang with, and who wouldn’t like to be called “Sugah” all the time?
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
MORE GAMBIT (and comic Nightcrawler) IMAGINES!! And just more love and less fan wars across all fandoms, really.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
Hero by Chad Kroger. Ship: Romy or Mollyx Remy. Character: Gambit or Angel.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
For any fandom? A mad scientist and a famous baker get together after the scientist contacts aliens, resulting in a warring invasion on earth.
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
To be perfectly honest, The Smurfs because we’re a Christain household and we found it had stuff in it we didn’t agree with. I was three.  Other than that, I’ve only given up one other fandom permenantly that wasn’t what I thought it was and chosen at a bad time. 
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Kurt and Kitty in Evo, and Logan and Kurt is cool, but I don’t actually pay much attention to it.
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Hmmm. One that isn’t too boring? Remy isn’t (wasn’t? He is married now) particular about a woman’s height and is comfortable enough with himself to date a woman much taller or shorter than he is. (Remember, Frenzy was freaking 6′7 before she got rebooted to a normal height and it was implied they had history.) For a while it was a wish of mine they’d pair him with a short gal, because all X-women are physically clones of each other, minus Rahne, Kitty and Jubilee. Blargh. Oooh, just had an idea for a new art project to make the girls look individual! ^_^
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
Besides the above? Uh...headcannon that Remy smells good and his hair is silky to the touch and yes I’m a sick, weird little person, I know. Haha, not really. I’m not much of a headcannon person. 
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
* Gambit: Hot, suave, lit, accent, good cook, romantic, my fictional ideal man (told you, I’m sick and weird). * Sailor Jupiter: Sweet, loyal, living on her own at bloody 14 years old, strong physically and emotionally, had trouble believing/finding her feminity like me, tall (not like me!), brunette character, thunder powers. * Tuvok (Star Trek): My second crush ever, calm, reflective, hot grandpa, sarcasm galore, strong, suffers emotionally and physically, POC and like the only black vulcan that I know of, cute little boy chest, that butt (XD), frakin’ hot.
V - Which character do you relate to most?
Surprisingly, one I haven’t talked about yet and that I’m not really fandom-y about. Rapunzel from Tangled. When I saw the movie, I was attached to her immediately. I’d grown up homeschooled and at that point I’d been caregiving for one of my parents for six years at that point, unable to move out and get married and have much of a life, so I was always metaphorically in a tower too. I have childish interests, am artistic and creative, have done LOTS of self-insert art like her, and am a generally happy person (even if I don’t always show it and don’t smile enough). So, out of every character in my many fandoms, I relate to Rapunzel the most. Also, I have only 2 things of Tangled merch-the movie, the soundtrack, and a gorgeous bedspread that’s actually based on the show, but doesn’t look like it. (I don’t like it’s animation/character designs, so it’s been hard to get into it.)
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
OMG, do we have to go here? Anything over-sexualized or kinky or just plain gross/weird. (v***, gore, ect.) There’s this one X-Men:Evo artist on DA that would be brilliant, but I can’t stomach their gallery because they feel the need to do a few  v*** and bondage pics amongst otherwise G-rated pictures. *throws up* IT’S A SHOW FOR 7-YEAR OLDS!! 
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Huge guy, Tiny girl! (but it looks...weird...in live action. *Good Luck Charlie flashbacks*.) Also age differences. Some people are put off by Usagi and Mamo’s age difference in Classic, but I think it’s cute and they were really chaste about it. Specifically, I liked the part where he told her to do well in school for some reason. 
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)? Holy crap, Pride and Prejudice and Anne of Green Gables. No one on my dash is into them though, it’s a real life thing. Long story.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
I have written more self-inserts than is probably healthy, but at least I’ve mostly gotten past my teenage phase of thinking anime guys are hot and it’s extended to Gambit as well. I’d much rather see him be portrayed by a living, breathing actor semi-bringing my fantasies to life than as a drawn character. Well, not that I’m not happy seeing him animated and his voice in Evo is still super hot, but that’s another thing. Anyway, on that note, I wish XM:E weren’t a dead fandom and I could get more reviews instead of just faves/follows. I get so frustrated, because I’m not writing my fics for myself, I’m writing them to finish the story and for the fans. I know OCs/SI aren’t everyones bread and butter, but when you work hard on something, you want people to enjoy and appreciate it on it’s own merits. My regulars dropped off the planet and the fandom is just not that active online. (It’s still kind of active though, otherwise the Gambit and other prints on Steven Gordon’s online store wouldn’t have sold out so fast.) I wish it had been as creative as the MLP fandom, but even that wouldn’t have saved it. Thankfully, there are a few people “keeping the faith”, like Coldfusion180 and some others. They haven’t abandoned it and people have made AMVs for it in recent years, long after the shows cancellation. I know we’ve all moved on in one way or another, but it’s still nice to see the love for the show and it’s characters going strong, even if we’re now a niche fandom, tiny, but there. And even if I don’t get another single review up until the last in the series, at least I can say I finished it, if nothing else. Even if your fandom is dead, keep supporting it. If we don’t keep the characters alive, they die and are forgotten. They need us.
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