#I haven’t watched the doc yet but I’ve seen clips :(
tariah23 · 3 months
Why did the dude that played Ned from Ned’s declassified go on TikTok talking about some “we didn’t experience these things so-“ like huh…????? Like a few months ago, he and other actors were hehehing and hahaing about fucking on the set and everything and I’m sure the environment encouraged the hypersexuality of these minors at the time. Like, none of that shouldn’t have been going on either tbh. I just feel like him coming out to lowkey speak out against the victims coming forwards/doc is a bit? Like what was he even trying to say.
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jackyfalahees · 10 months
In case anyone is wondering how my noble task of writing the sword fight fic is:
I’ve seen the clips of this fight so much, it’s become my goddamned personal Zapruder Tape. At least ten times. And after every time I watch it… I forgot what happened immediately afterward.
I have to FIGHT WRITE. Me. A romance writer. Fight writing. I’m looking up sword fighting terms. I’m asking my dad if I can use a wall sword as practice. I’m asking Andrew Burnap and Jordan Donica if they’ll come recreate it in my living room.
Because I’m batshit insane and can’t leave well enough alone, I decided to include even more material from Arthurian canon. It took me an hour to write one (1) paragraph about the War of Eleven Kings.
Which also means I’ve been reading Malory. Every page is a trial with just the amount of weird shit happening. I looked up where Sir Ector lived and it said “fairyland” and I had to walk away from my computer.
Writing OUT OF ORDER. The original doc is only at 2040 and not done. The OUT OF ORDER DOC is at 1168. Last time I updated it. My notes app? Covered in blood. Me? Also covered in blood.
Apparently, being “emotionally unstable” is not enough of a motive to get into a sword fight in front of your entire court for seemingly no reason. Did Aaron Sorkin say why he did it? No. If he did. Tell me. Or don’t.
Because of this, I had to start A BEGINNING SCENE. I haven’t even finished the fight yet. Not including the other scenes which I CANT START UNTIL I FINISH THE GODDAMN FIGHT.
I’ve been at it for three weeks and am I closer to being done?
Well… that’s how that is going. Hope this was funny to read. At least.
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vapemaster42069 · 2 years
I’ve been in the Hermitcraft fandom for approximately 2 weeks, here are my impressions (but just the ones I’ve seen a lot lols):
- Etho: funky canadian ninja who totally does not have a shopping addiction, used to be a good pvper? but not much anymore. still has a reputation for it tho lol. Pretty good at redstone, usually bases w someone
-GTWS: clumsy megabuilder with incredible charisma, likes to ramble, how dID HE BUILD A MOUNTAIN IN A SIBGLE DAY, good singer, is he the only american? i stg I keep thinking ppl are americans, then they drop a Canadian-ism like “tomoahrrow” man. Bonus points bc he’s from Seattle, and I was born there so. ye
-Grian: chaos-loving businessman, elytra, loves to fuck with Mumbo, i have never seen this man in headphones. i’m not kidding. not a single video or picture i have ever seen of this dude contains him in headphones. not even clips of him playing minecraft irl. i’m convinced he just plays with the PC volume out loud
-Bdubs: fun moss man, likes to shoot the shit, uhh. haven’t seen a lot of him lols. I like his cadence tho
-Doc: redstone? haven’t seen him much, yet. maker of conflict. pranks?
-PearlescentMoon: force to be reckoned with, extremely funny, good builder, I plan to watch more of her but I’ve mostly seen the clips from Boatem meetings as I’ve started w Grian’s pov. :3
-MumboJumbo: “it’s really quite simple” no. no it is not. potato man. incredibly smart and also a dumbass. does not ever know what he’s doing, but has an incredible awareness of how things work. banter. terrible businessman. makes. so many sales. mustache.
-Impulse: i just really like this dude’s voice. like i could listen to him talk abt nothing for hours, it’s great. uhh. giant builds (not like Scar, but Scar is. Scar)
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littleoddwriter · 2 years
Outside | Dr. Otto Octavius/Dr. Octopus x Male!Reader
Hiya there! So, Doc Ock appeared in my dream last night (idk what it was about, though), and I can’t get him out of my head again. Thus, I decided to write a comfort story about something I struggle with a lot, because why not. Yeah. ANYWAY- I’d also be taking requests for Otto now, just FYI. (I’ve only seen Spider-Man 2 yet, though. Idk when I’ll be able to watch SM: NWH. But I’ve seen some clips of him in it.)
summary; You’re upset about not being able to go outside by yourself, and so Otto comforts you and offers to go on a walk with you.
notes; Male!Reader; Established Relationship; Domestic Fluff; Slice of Life; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Agoraphobia; Emotional Hurt/Comfort; Self-Worth Issues; Anxiety; Panic Attack; Hugs; Soft Kisses; Otto acting as an at home therapist for You.
Taglist: @gnrlkenob @plat-the-cat
Reblogs would be appreciated, thank you!
“Y/N, I’m home!” Otto’s voice rang through your shared house, startling you. You’d been caught up in your own thoughts and you struggled to appear busy, like you had planned to look for when he came home.
“Hi, my love,” you smiled nervously at him, trying so hard to look happy and sincere about it. Going by the way his face fell as soon as his eyes met yours, you had failed miserably, though.
“What’s wrong? Did something happen? Are you all right?” Question after question spilled out of your very concerned partner. Your heart hurt with the fact that it was your fault that he was suddenly worried. He shouldn’t have to come home from a hard day of work and worry about you when he was still standing in the doorway to the living area. He was supposed to relax.
“Nothing. I’m fine, Otto,” you lied as you walked over to him, laying your hands on his broad shoulders in a placating manner as you softly kissed him on his cheeks and lips in greeting, like you always did.
Otto looked you over with a frown, carefully assessing you. It made you feel exposed, like he was going to see every single dark secret you may have. “Clearly you’re not fine,” he stated and kissed your forehead softly, “Tell me what’s wrong, my dear. Hm?”
Lightly massaging his shoulders, you mulled it over. You could insist that it was nothing or that you simply didn’t want to talk about it, and he would leave you alone eventually. But your mind was screaming at you. It had been running in circles all day long and you were exhausted. You needed to talk about it, lest it would drive you completely insane. And it wasn’t as though he didn’t know what was going on. Of course he did. But it was different when it was just a knowledge he had about you, or when it became an actual issue that upset you so much that he was concerned about you.
Humming in thought, you averted your gaze, keeping it trained on his chest, so you wouldn’t have to see the look on his face when you talked. “It’s- it’s really stupid. But basically it’s just that I haven’t been outside by myself for, you know, a walk or something in over two weeks. And it’s just really upsetting me today because I’m working so hard to get better and go outside; even when everything in my body and mind is against it. But I just haven’t been able to force myself to go lately, anyway. It makes me feel like I’m not gonna make any progress, like, ever.” You squeezed your eyes shut in frustration and embarrassment, grimacing. “It’s so stupid. I’m sorry.”
Otto sighed sadly, wrapping his arms around you in a loving embrace. “Oh, Y/N,” he breathed. “Would you tell me it’s stupid, too, if our roles were reversed right now and I’d be telling you about the exact same problem?”
“Of course not!” you responded immediately, looking at him incredulously.
“Then why is it stupid when it’s you?” he retorted, tilting his head to the side.
Hesitating, you frowned deeply. “Because it’s me.”
“And what about you makes it so different? Where’s the difference between this being your issue or anybody else’s?”
“I don’t know,” you groaned. “It’s logical to me, at least.”
“But that doesn’t make it true, does it?” he prodded gently, “Your statement isn’t true just because you think it’s logical and the truth. I’d argue that what you’re saying about yourself is, in fact, very far from the truth and nothing but a hurtful lie. Your anxiety doesn’t make you or your behaviour stupid. It’s something you didn’t choose to have. And it’s something that makes life a lot harder for you than it needs to be.”
Shoulders slumping, you looked at him in defeat. “Maybe you’re right, yeah. It just doesn’t feel that way. Because all it makes me feel like is that I’m a failure. I should be able to go outside like any other person and not have a panic attack, but I can’t. And that makes me feel stupid- less than,” you admitted quietly, continuing to knead his shoulders to keep yourself grounded and do something nice for him, since you already felt like you were bothering him enough as it was.
For a moment, Otto just stayed quiet with you and rested his forehead against yours. His actuators had been awfully still throughout this entire conversation, but now they, too, wrapped around you lightly, embracing you. It felt protective. Your heart skipped a beat because of it. Such a simple gesture that weighed so much.
“I’m sorry for worrying you as soon as you came through the door, my love,” you told him sincerely, feeling ashamed and guilty for stealing his time and energy like that.
“No apologies necessary,” he said gently, “Listen, sweet boy, I’d rather come home and talk to you about whatever is weighing you down, than sit back and relax without knowing what’s going on with you. Okay?”
“Yeah, okay,” you nodded before kissing him on his lips ever so softly, quietly thanking him for his attention and support.
Otto and his actuators let go of you, then, and you followed him into the kitchen, where you prepared dinner together in a comfortable silence, which was only ever broken if one of you needed something from the other. It was as though all worries were left outside of this area, replaced by both of your mutual love for cooking and the feeling of home that you created in the kitchen.
Cooking was one of your favourite things to do with Otto. It helped the two of you bond when you had first started dating and it continued to strengthen it every time you stood there together, preparing your meals. Especially because it involved his actuators in such a gentle, skilful way that was always a great help, and also really warmed you up to them more quickly.
After you were done eating and you were busy washing the dishes, while Otto was drying them off with a clean towel, you felt a lot more at ease than before. It was no surprise to you, considering how great of an effect Otto’s mere presence had on you. He always calmed you down so instantaneously by just being there. That was something you truly appreciated and loved about him. To you, nobody could ever compare to him.
“Sweetheart,” Otto softly called, ripping you out of your content thoughts.
You hummed to let him know you were listening.
“Well, I was thinking about what you said earlier. And I figured we could go for a nice evening walk once we’re done with the dishes. What do you think?”
As soon as he mentioned the walk, your anxiety spiked and your stomach dropped. You felt nauseous.
“I don’t know,” you answered shakily, “Shouldn’t you finally be relaxing? I’ve already used up enough of your energy with this little issue.”
“I am relaxing,” Otto told you with a sincere smile, “And I’m not asking because I think I have to, just so you know. I want to go for a walk with you. It doesn’t have to be long at all. But I’d love to spend some different kind of quality time with you, hm?”
Despite how anxious you felt, you knew that if you didn’t take him up on his offer, you wouldn’t be going outside for another week, or until you had had an appointment somewhere again. It was your best chance at getting some fresh air and trying to make some progress. And really, you believed Otto that he wouldn’t have asked if he hadn’t wanted to. It was hard to internalise that, but you knew he wouldn’t lie to you.
“Yeah- yes, all right. Let’s go for a walk, then,” you smiled; although your lips were quivering slightly.
The way your answer made Otto beam at you, though, replaced your anxiety with an overwhelming feeling of love and safety. You could do this.
While you got dressed to go outside, though, you were shaking because of how anxious you felt. It got hard to breathe for you. You were nauseous. Your head was spinning. But you wouldn’t back down for once. Otto was with you. It would be okay.
“Ready? Or do you need a moment?” Otto asked you gently, placing a comforting hand on the small of your back.
“Trust me, if we don’t go now, we won’t go at all,” you chuckled wryly.
Otto simply nodded and gently guided you through the opened door, then, not wasting another moment.
Once you were outside and had gone a couple of steps, you were nearing a panic attack. You gripped Otto’s hand tightly in yours, trying to ground yourself before it got too bad.
You wanted to do this. You wanted to succeed.
“It’s all right, sweet boy. I’m here, remember? I’ve got you,” Otto assured you ever so gently as he squeezed your hand rhythmically.
His words and especially his voice calmed you down a little. Just hearing that he was beside you and that you weren’t actually alone made it a little easier for you.
“Could you keep talking, please? It doesn’t matter what you say. Or- actually. Please tell me about your day, Otto,” you asked him with a quivering voice.
With a smile on his lips, Otto started telling you about the day he’s had, filling you in on everything that happened, what he’s discovered, and so forth. All the while, two of his actuators wrapped around your side lightly, protectively, making you feel even safer.
It was nice hearing Otto talk about everything so passionately and animatedly. He was a sight to behold when he was speaking. You always found him to be captivating as he was; but especially when he opened his mouth, and that smooth voice of his was to be heard and his eyes lit up, conveying his enthusiasm.
When he was done talking, the two of you came to a stop, and you had to realise that you were back at your house.
You had done it!
You’d actually gone for a walk, and you didn’t have a full blown panic attack.
“Thank you so much,” you told Otto as soon as you entered your house, “I love you. Thank you.”
“I love you too, Y/N. You’re welcome.” He smiled at you and leaned in to capture your lips in sweet little kiss. “Maybe we should do this more often. What do you say? I could certainly profit from it, as well,” Otto suggested gently, and you immediately agreed to it.
You didn’t care about how many panic attacks you were bound to have. You had to start somewhere, and this was the best chance you had, then.
For the remainder of the evening, you showed him exactly how grateful you were for his efforts, as you helped him relax with a massage, while you were watching a movie that was on, but neither of you paid any attention to.
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You dye your hair to match theirs
*sorry in advance to mobile readers. I typed this on my phone but I plan on adding a read more tab asap.
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You giggled nervously when the hair dresser started to add the bleach into your hair. You had decided to dye your hair purple to match Jin’s latest act of rebellion. You knew that it didn’t turn out exactly how he wanted it to and he was kind of sad about it so you decided that you should match.
“Are you sure that you want this? I can stop after we get it bleached. I don’t have to add in the purple. Besides the blonde isn’t going to take long.”
She says.
You shook your head.
“No. I want to do this. I’m just a bit nervous. I don’t know if I will like it but I want to try something new. I’ve only had my hair normal colors I want something different for once.”
You say.
She nods and continues what she is doing.
Jin knew that you had a hair appointment but he didn’t think that it would take this long. He thought you were only going for a quick trim as you always do around this time every month. He sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled his phone out to begin to text you. As soon as he pulled messages up a message from you popped up.
‘Something came up and there was a mixup with my appointment so it’s going to take longer than I thought it would. I’ll be home as soon as I can. I’ll bring some takeout on my way back. I know you are stressed, don’t worry about dinner. It’s on me tonight.’
Jin smiled and placed his phone to the side deciding to take a nap until you got home.
You played with your hair nervously as you waited for the elevator to come down. You could only hope that Jin liked your hair. You loved it. The bright purple shade making you feel fearless and happy. You unlocked the door to the apartment and took the food to the kitchen. You then walked to the living room where Jin was sitting. He looked up and his phone dropped into his lap.
“Jagiya?! Oh my goodness you look to cute. Why didn’t you just tell me that you were going to dye your hair?!”
“I wanted it to be a surprise. I knew you felt a little sad about your hair not turning out so I decided that maybe if we matched then it wouldn’t be so bad. Besides I think I like it.”
You say, smiling.
He grins.
“Well color me impressed. I never knew that purple could look good on anyone besides myself. Now, where’s that takeout that you promised me?”
He says.
You giggle and lead him to the kitchen where you get started organizing out all of the food you had ordered.
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You nervously fiddled with the rings on your hands as one of the boy’s stylist blow dried your hair. You had decided in light of your boyfriend’s new mixtape dropping to bleach your hair to his signature Agust D color that he was now supporting. You had decided to steal one of his leather jackets and pair it with one of your own black tshirts and a pair of ripped skinny jeans and black doc martens. He was shooting a music video today and you were going to go and surprise him while he was on set.
“Thank you Unnie.”
You say when she finishes off curling the ends of your hair and helping you carefully place the black cap over your head.
“It’s no problem. Now go and knock your boyfriend off his feet because you are looking good.”
She jokes.
You giggle and playfully knock your shoulder against hers which she returned with her own playfull shove.
“Seriously go. You haven’t seen him in months and I didn’t do all of this work for nothing.”
She says.
You yelp when she lightly pushes you towards the door. You walk onto set and hide behind some of the staff as you waited for the scene to be called to an end. You couldn’t help but to smile as you watched Yoongi on set. He looked truly happy and his happiness was contagious. The music stopped and Yoongi went over to the table to grab a snack and some coffee. You carefully snuck up behind him and covered his eyes.
“Guess who.”
You whisper in his ear.
He gasps and quickly turns around. His eyes widen when he takes in your appearance.
“Holy shit babe! You look amazing. When did you get this done and is that my jacket. Not that I care because I mean what’s mine is yours and however that statement goes.”
You giggle at his rambling and placed a soft kiss on his lips. He quieted down and stared at you with a dazed look in his eyes.
“You really do look good. I can’t believe that you dyed your hair. I’m just so glad that you are here. I love you so much.”
He says, finally pulling you in for a tight hug.
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Hoseok has recently added some blonde highlights into his dark hair and you loved it. You had always wanted to try something different and you were always dying your hair some new color. So that’s what lead to this, the weird rubber cap on your head with small strands of hair pulled through and you slathering it with the bleach that you had gotten. You had decided to do it at your apartment so that Hoseok wouldn’t see you when he came home for his break to take a shower. It wasn’t unusual for you to go back to your apartment sometimes because after all you couldn’t stay holed up in the dorms all the time. You had other things that you had to do and apparently today that was give your highlights. You waited and watched as your hair slowly became lighter. Once it got to the color you wanted you pulled off the cap and rinsed out the bleach. Then you went to toning it. Once you were finished you blow dried your hair and then decided to get some takeout to carry to the boys at practice since it was getting close to dinner and you knew that they hadn’t stopped to eat yet. You got all of their favorites and yours and a couple of sodas and made your way to BigHit. You walked into the practice room and placed all of the food down before turning the music off. The boys looked up and then they all raced to you. Hoseok was the first one to reach you.
“Oh my goodness! Your hair. Baby you look amazing. Did you really do this because my hair inspired you?”
He asks, cheeks turning pink.
“Yes, your hair always looks so good and I really like the blonde highlights. I couldn’t help myself. I just wanted to match with my favorite person. Besides, we both know that I have a bad habit of dying my hair whenever the inspiration strikes.”
You say, smiling.
“Okay enough with the mushy stuff. Let’s eat before all of this can get cold and go to waste.”
Yoongi grumbles.
“You’re just mad because you don’t have a girlfriend that would dye their hair to match yours.”
Hoseok says.
Yoongi grumbles again and walks away with his plate of food. You giggle and Hoseok quickly pecks your lips before starting to fix himself a plate.
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Namjoon has been keeping his hair blonde for a while now and you had never really wanted to dye your hair before now and you knew that you wanted it to be blonde like your boyfriends. That’s what lead you to be sitting on your best friends bathroom at three in the morning.
“Are you sure you know what you are doing?”
You asked nervously as your friend mixes the hair dye.
“Of course I know what I am doing? Who do you think I am? I’ve literally been dying my hair since high school. I think I am perfectly capable to dying someone else’s. Now sit still.”
She says, starting to section off and clip up your hair.
An hour later your friend had you facing away from the mirror blow drying your hair.
“Why can’t I see it yet?”
You whine.
“Because I’m not finished yet. I still have to tone it.”
She says.
You sigh and slump down in the chair that you were sitting in. You just want to FaceTime Namjoon. He’s on tour and you don’t get to talk to him much.
Your hair is finally finished and you have to admit that you actually look pretty hot. You squealed happily when you saw that Namjoon was requesting to FaceTime you. You flung yourself onto your bed and quickly answered. He stops mid sentence when he sees your face on the screen.
“Your hair. Damn baby girl. I didn’t know that you could get any hotter but I guess I was wrong. From now own you are only allowed to keep your hair blonde. I’m just kidding, seriously though baby you look amazing. What made you decide to dye it?”
“You. You just look so good with blonde hair. I just thought maybe I could give it a try. Not going to lie, I kind of really like it so you might have to get used to it for a while.”
You say, smiling.
He chuckles.
“I’m more than okay with you keeping blonde hair. Maybe I like it a little too much.”
He says, cheeks heating with embarrassment.
“Oh my god!”
You squealed, hiding your face behind your hands.
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You smiled softly as you watched your boyfriend perform his comeback stage. His peachy pink hair kept grabbing your attention. You looked down at your blonde hair and smirked. You knew that the stylist usually kept the dye on hand in case the boys decided that they wanted to dye their hair. You get one of the them to find the dye and another to help you. They had just wrapped the tinfoil around your head as Jimin and the boys came off stage for an outfit change. You walked over and helped Jimin out of his jacket and shirt to change into the new one. He looked at your hair confused.
“I didn’t think that you needed a touch up babe. Especially in the middle of a show.”
He says.
“Nah, not a touch up but a change. It will be finished by the time that you get off stage though.”
You say.
“Am I allowed to know the color?”
He asks.
“Nope. It’s a surprise. Now, get your handsome self back out there on the stage and give your fans a good show.”
You say, swatting at his butt.
He giggled but jogged to catch up with the boys. You watched them until the stylist said it was time to wash out your hair. You quickly did and she blowdried it and styled it. You smiled as gently fixed your hair behind your shoulders. It was perfect and you knew that Jimin would love it. You finished watching the concert and the boys walked offstage. Yoongi was the first to notice your hair and gave you a gummy smile. You heard Jimin squeal and then you felt him tackle you onto the couch.
“Jagiya! I can’t believe you dyed your hair to match mine! You’re too cute!”
He squeals, playing gently with your curls.
“Well, it was time for a change and I really wanted to match you. Maybe I wanted to be one of those cliche couples that you see on Instagram.”
You say.
He hugs you tightly.
“I still can’t believe that you are all mine.”
He says, burying his face into your neck.
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You knew that the fans love Taehyung’s bright blue hair, you on the other hand not so much. That’s why you were appalled when you lost the bet against your best friend and she demanded that you dyed your hair the same bright blue. That’s what brought you too your favorite stylist and the bleach burning your scalp.
You sighed to yourself as you looked in the mirror in you and Taehyung’s shared bathroom. The bright blue in your hair now meaning twice the stained pillow case and twice the stained towels that would never quite be the same no matter how many times that you wash them. You decided to go to the studio to go ahead and get the initial shock of your brightly colored hair over with. You walked inside and as soon as Taehyung caught sight of you his jaw dropped.
“Jagiya! We match!”
He says, clapping happily.
“I know. I didn’t like it for the first few hours but I think that I could get used to it. I’m just going to have to buy new pillow cases and towels once we both go back to normal colors.”
You say.
“But why did you dye it? You said that you hated how it stained everything.”
He says.
“I was playing cards with Y/B/F/N and I lost and this was my consequence. So enjoy it while it lasts because I’m never going to be bleaching my hair again. My scalp is fried.”
You say pouting.
“Well, I for one like it baby.”
He says, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
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You smiled at the picture that you had been tagged in by a fan. It was of Jeongguk with his hair dyed. He had gotten blonde tips a few days ago and had mentioned that he was going to dye them for the concert but didn’t mention the color. You smiled fondly at the orange that was now in his hair. It was your favorite color (just pretend if it’s not). You hadn’t been dating but for about eight months but you knew that Jeongguk was it for you. He was the one. That’s what lead you to your rash decision to dye your hair. You booked an appointment and now you have bright orange tips to your hair just like your boyfriend who would be getting home any minute now. You run to the door when you hear it open and tackle him into a hug before he could even get through the door. You looked up at him while he stared at your hair in confusion.
“When did you dye your hair?”
He asks.
“Today. It was kind of a rash decision after fans kept tagging me in a picture of you. Next thing I know I have matching orange hair.”
You say, biting your lip nervously.
He smiled and then crashes his lips onto yours.
“I think it’s hot that you dyed your hair the same color as mine.”
He says when he pulls away.
You smile.
“Well, I guess we are going to be matching until one of us decides to dye their hair.”
You say.
“If I dye mine first will you dye yours too?”
He asks, giving you his best Bambi eyes.
You smile.
“Okay! No need to bring out the Bambi eyes. You know that I will give you anything that you want when you do that.”
You say.
He asks, excited.
“What do you want Guk?”
“Play Overwatch with me?”
He asks, Bambi eyes coming back out to play.
You groan and find yourself nodding your head.
“Go and get everything set up.”
“Thank you Jagiya! I love you!”
He says, pressing a caste kiss to your lips.
You smile and shake your head. You couldn’t help but fall in love all over again.
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lizzexx · 4 years
Hey Lizze! I’ve been reading your stories for a VERY long time and have reread them multiple times whenever I’ve needed a lift. I just wanted you to know the positive impact you’ve had on my life with your writing. Also, whilst I’m here- I don’t know if this question had already been asked (it probably has, and if so, sorry for the repetition) -Do you plan on continuing the different time lady stories with Jodie Whittaker’s Doc? I’d love it if you did, but I don’t know your thoughts on it? :)
Hello! :) I’m so glad the stories were able to brighten your day a little, that means so much to me to hear :’) 
So far, I’m on the fence about continuing into 13 and leaning towards ending with 12. It has nothing to do with 13 being a woman, because there are many options I could take in the stories, like the TL regenerating into a man or staying a woman or having 12 regenerate into an original 12 or many other things. It’s more to do with the way I’ve been losing interest in the show, it just has felt like it’s going down hill to me for a while. I really started to feel that in Series 6 and it just sort of got worse as the show went on :( I went from religiously livestreaming episodes as soon as they were happening, to being ok missing it and watching it a few hours later to a few days later to not even really freaking out if I missed it for a week or two on end :( I felt like the writing just kept going down, the episodes got a bit too convoluted (and that’s saying something for DW lol), and I just wasn’t loving it as much :( Currently, I haven’t even gotten through Bill’s run yet and what I’ve heard about 13 is a bit mixed. Some say it’s good, others say it’s bad, and from clips and videos I’ve seen on youtube, I’m starting to think it might be bad in a way where it would truly just kill the lingering love I have for the show. A few in particular makes me feel like the show has destroyed itself :( That said, because I haven’t seen 13′s run, I can’t say 100% what I plan to do or if I will continue into her go. 
I’ll know more once I get through Bill and 13′s episodes, so all I can say at the moment is that I’m leaning towards ending with 12 (I was honestly debating at one point ending with 11 but it didn’t happen so there’s always a chance we’ll see 13). Another small part of that is that I have so many AUs for DW that I want to get to also and having the main stories officially end would give me time to focus on them after and so on. So no concrete answer so far, just an inclination ;)
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Chapter 8 - The Future In An Instant Seattle Washington, February 13 1988
(Andi is 18, Chris is 23)
ANDI: A couple of hours later, everyone had decided to move the party back to Andy’s place. I found the perfect spot on Andy’s couch, right in the corner where I felt the most comfortable, While Chris sat next to me sipping on his Jack Daniels. Everyone else was pretty much everywhere laughing and drinking, bringing out their guitars and what not and playing random cover tunes.
“I had no idea you lived with Andy, I’ve never seen you any time I’ve been over here with Xana,” I say taking a sip of my Jack and Coke.
“I just got back from touring with the band so you wouldn’t have… it’s actually the first time I’d been home since August,” Chris says leaning back on the couch and resting his leg across his knee.
“Oh, well… welcome home,” I smile, feeling awkward. I’m so nervous and Chris is so amazingly gorgeous that I just end up freezing up and can’t think of anything to say.
“Fuck, I can’t believe that… this is happening, I mean I remember you saying where we would meet and when but when it actually happens it’s just…wow,” Chris says flipping his curls out of his face and turning towards me more, his gorgeous blue eyes flicking over my body and then landing at mine.
“I mean, it’s been so long since I saw you last. We were in my room and just hanging out and you obviously ended up, you know leaving and - ”
“I just want to tell you everything - ”
“-Chris?” I interrupt, trying to get him to focus.
“Yea?” He asks, slightly worried.
“Can we just… maybe back it up a little bit and pretend that you don’t know me? Like, this is our actual first meeting… maybe?” I ask, shifting a little and pushing my curls behind my ear, feeling bad but I’m so overwhelmed that I’m doing everything that I can to not stress out and suddenly have a time slip episode with everyone around.
“Yea… yea sure, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” Chris furrows his brow and looks down at himself then back to me.
“No, no it’s not that I’m uncomfortable, I mean… it’s you. What girl wouldn’t be excited that Chris Cornell is talking to her? It’s just… no one knows that I -”
“Time slip?” he takes a sip of his drink
“Yea… well you apparently know already which is seriously messing with my head a little bit but… you’re not making me uncomfortable at all,” I re-assure him as I move a little closer and a coy smile spreads across those amazing pouty lips of his.
“I actually feel quite comfortable with you… which is weird, because I’m the queen of shyness,” I giggle and he chuckles with me.
“Yea, normally I’m pretty shy myself, but with you I don’t feel that way at all,” He says with that coy smile again.
“You? Shy? I kind of don’t believe that… I mean have you seen yourself on stage?” I say and he chuckles again.
“Yea, but that’s different. Performing is a totally different experience than just being yourself in a room full of people, and I usually can’t see too far in front of the stage because of all the bright lights, so it pretty much feels like it’s just me with the guys anyways,” He explains.
“Yea, I get that… performing is kinda like that for me too, but I was never really good at getting up in front of people. When I had to audition for Seattle University to get into their music program, holy fuck, I thought I was going to throw up everywhere. But in a larger group of people I’m not as bad… it’s weird,” I say and take a sip of my drink.
“Nah it isn’t weird… it’s just how us musicians work, I guess,” He says and takes a sip of his drink. I never really thought of myself as a musician before so it almost struck me a little weird to hear that from him.
“So, you’ve seen us play before?” He asks.
“Well yes and no… I haven’t ever seen you live live, I just saw like a clip on T.V from the local station or something, they were doing a local band segment… and it was just a quick clip of you, but I picked up your EP downtown at Easy Street Records though…” I explain and take another sip.
“Really? Well… what d'ya think?” He asks a little slyly, moving just a little closer, resting his arm on the back of the couch.
“I like it. It’s got um… it’s really Sabbath sounding which I fucking love. ‘Little Joe’ is a little… um… different…” I hesitate, not quite sure how to explain it.
“It’s weird, I know,” Chris says taking the last sip of his drink and setting the empty glass on the small side table. “We were just fucking around with that song. We just wanted to break up the EP a little bit,” I take a sip. I actually like the song, it’s just that it’s so out of place on the album, but I get what he means about breaking up the album a bit.
“You um… you wanna see my room?” He asks cutely suddenly shy, looking at his Doc Marten boot, playing with the laces. I take the last sip of my drink and lean forward to set it down on the table in front of us while everyone around us continues to laugh and play.
“Sure,” I say sweetly, feeling the alcohol give me some sort of confidence that I wouldn’t otherwise have.
Man, Xana was right.
I follow behind him out of the living room and down the long hallway, his curls swaying with his movements, his boots thudding against the hardwood floor as his gorgeous 6 foot 2 frame leads the way. I glance back for a moment to see Xana giving me a wink and a smile from the chair she was sitting in with Andy. I then turn back and watch Chris as we make our way down to the end of the hallway.
Chris opens the door on the left and gestures for me to go inside first. I give him a cute smile and head inside finding on the left side of the room, his bed and a dresser, a bookshelf filled with books and a T.V and stereo combo on the opposite side. A crate of all his records on the floor beside the stereo, a chair that had a few of his clothes strewn all over, some posters of The Beatles, Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd and Aerosmith and a stack of amps on the right side of the room, with his guitars - 3 to be exact - a Marten acoustic, a black Fender Strat with a white pick guard and a beautiful dark cherry burst Gibson Les Paul Standard. As you know I was immediately drawn to the guitars of course.
“Wow… Is that the 1960 model?” I ask excitedly as I walk right over to the dark cherry burst Gibson.
“Uh huh…” He says with a smile as he watches me admire it.
“I can tell just by the color… they went from that golden sun look the year before to more of a redish finish,” I explain, feeling my nerdiness for guitars coming out. I squat down as best I could in my short little mini dress, flipping my curls out of my face to get a closer look.
“I think the pickups are different too… um… can I?” I glance back at Chris who hasn’t left the door frame with the sweetest smile spread across his lips.
“Sure,” He gestures for me to go ahead. I bite my bottom lip in excitement as I situate myself on the floor - still being mindful of my dress of course - I slide off my leather jacket, setting it down beside me and carefully take his guitar off the stand and let it rest on my lap.
“Um, wait,” He says and quickly moves over to plug in the patch cord for me and flips on the amp adjusting the levels a bit. I close my eyes for a moment and then I just start to play. I wasn’t exactly sure what I was playing but I was just playing around with the E scale, improvising and just letting the sound take over. He set the gain perfectly. Just the right amount of distortion. It’s not as warm sounding as mine but it sounds amazing. After a few moments I open my eyes and see Chris sitting in front of me, still with that same sweet smile across his lips.
“Holy, what string gauge do you use?” I giggle when I stop and shake my left hand a little.
“12’s… why does it hurt?” He chuckles.
“Just a little,” I giggle and he laughs.
“Here, let me…” He says reaching out for his guitar and I pass it over to him, pushing my curls out of my eyes. He rests it across his lap, getting into the perfect position, as his curls fall down around him, he starts to play. At first it was just some random playing much like I was doing, and then it started to change.
“Oh, darling, please believe me,
I’ll never do you no harm
Believe me when I tell you
I’ll never do you no harm… Oh, darling, if you leave me
I’ll never make it alone
Believe me when I beg you
Don’t ever leave me alone…”
His voice immediately made everything inside my body flutter like butterflies. So bluesy and full of emotion that I had never heard before. I had never felt before.
“When you told me you didn’t need me anymore
Well you know I nearly broke down and cried
When you told me you didn’t need me anymore
Well you know I nearly fell down and died Oh, darling, please believe me
I’ll never let you down
Believe me when I tell you
I’ll never… do you… no harm…”
He hangs on to the last note and then stops, a for a moment. He doesn’t look at me, though I’m completely focused on him. A few seconds tick by and he flips those beautiful curls out of his face, his silver hoop earring sparkling in the soft bedroom light and flicks his eyes to me while we could hear everyone still laughing and carrying on out in the living room. He moves his Gibson off his lap and leans to set it back on the stand and just as he did so, I couldn’t resist shifting up on my knees and moving closer while he flick his eyes back to mine, cupping his clean shaven face in both my palms and placing my lips on his.
For a moment, I could tell I caught him off guard but then he slowly started to respond, placing his hands on my hips as I slowly began to suck on his full pouty bottom lip, his tongue swiping across my bottom lip and by then I needed to deepen the kiss just a little, my tongue playing with his as my heart began to race like I never thought it could. His kiss is so new and yet so familiar, like the sort of passion between 2 people that has been building up over years of knowing each other but both afraid to make the first move. I this case I was the one to make the move because I couldn’t hold back any longer. It was incredible.
Chris then shifted a little, pulling me in closer for me to straddle him as he leans back against his bed, his hands moving down my thighs and lifting up the bottom of my already short dress even higher. As nervous as I began to feel, somehow he was able to make me feel comfortable as if we had done this before. I find myself threading my fingers through his soft thick curls as his lips move hungrily with mine.
“Chris?” I breathe when I part my lips from his for a moment and he touches his forehead to mine.
“Yea,” He exhales as he closes his eyes for a moment.
“I know I said I wanted to pretend that this is our actual first meeting but, I just want to know… are we together… In your time I mean, are we together?”He lifts his forehead from mine and looks into my eyes, a gentle smile spreading across his beautiful lips as he brushes a few curls from my face.
“Yea… well we never made anything official though. You always told me that we were together in your time, but you wouldn’t really tell me too much about us. No matter how many times I tried to get you to tell me more you wouldn’t because you didn’t want to mess up any sort of timeline by telling me the future,” He explains so sweetly. In actuality, I never really believed that, I only just tried to let things happen as they did as to lead a normal life. The only time I ever felt the need to tell someone the future was if it was a life or death situation for obvious reasons.
“So um… we know each other pretty well then?” I ask closing my eyes and touching my forehead to his.
“Uh huh… You’re my best friend. I’ve been in love with you since I was 15 years old,”
“You’re in love… with me?”
He gives me that coy smile of his and I find myself pressing my lips to his once more, intensifying the kiss. It wasn’t long before he figured out the mechanics of my dress and I realize just how long he has waited for me. *****************************************************************************************
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pikapeppa · 5 years
Pikapeppa Tutors: How to accurately portray canon characters in your fanfic
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@the-rogue-mockingjay ahh I’m so honoured you would ask me about this! Forgive me - I’ve gotten carried away and decided to write a little tutorial post to answer!
I will preface this by saying my key goal when writing fanfic is to represent canon characters (henceforth CCs) as accurately as possible, both in their personalities and in their speech patterns. If a reader tells me they can hear the dialogue I wrote in that character’s voice, then I have done my job properly. Now, this is NOT the only way to write fanfic; some people write it as pure fantasy fulfillment without worrying too much about keeping things in-character, and that’s ok too. I personally strive to write CCs to be as true to their canon as possible, and that’s the outlook I’ll take in answering this ask.
Since Rogue asked about Dragon Age’s Fenris, we’ll use him as an illustrative example. 
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Tip #1: Learn as much as you can about your canon character.
This first step is pretty straightforward: learn as much as you can about the CC. Find out as much as you can about their backstory: where they’re from, their social status, their family, any major traumas they’ve been through, any key positive experiences in their life. Watch Youtube videos of all the dialogue options with the CC in question, since dialogue that you haven’t seen in your own playthrough can give new and fresh facts or perspective. Very importantly, read or listen to all of their canon dialogue with the other companions in the party, so you can see who they get along with and who they clash with, and why they clash. It is my belief that some of the most important information you can learn about any character is how they interact with the people around them, so searching for all of the CC’s canon dialogue is something I strongly recommend. The Dragon Age Wiki and Youtube are great sources for writing Fenris, or any DA characters, obviously. 
The more you know about the CC, the more accurately you’ll be able to portray the CC’s actions and reactions when you start writing them. Knowing as much as you can about the CC’s backstory, motivations, and temperament is especially important if you’re thinking of writing in the CC’s POV, like I have done with Fenris. 
CAUTION: Don’t worry about knowing every single fact about the CC. Don’t let yourself be paralyzed by the possibility of not knowing everything.
I’ll use my own example of Fenris to illustrate this. When I first started writing Fenris, I hadn’t even finished playing DA2 yet; I’d only gotten to the beginning of Act II when I was seized with the urge to write him. I somehow managed to write all the way through to Act III before I realized - from watching Youtube clips - that Fenris was regularly sexually abused by Danarius. (In my playthrough, I didn’t get the dialogue from Danarius where he taunts Fenris about this.) That’s a pretty huge fucking piece of information about Fenris’s character, IMO, and one that I still smack myself now for not realizing ahead of time. Once I discovered it, I incorporated it into my writing of his character (and somehow no one seemed any the wiser since I never got any complaints LOL). All of this is to say that you don’t have to know EVERYTHING to start writing the CC! 
Tip #2: Make up a character sheet for the CC. If you’re writing a romance, make up a character sheet for the CC’s love interest as well.
A character sheet is a good way of just compiling together everything you know about the character and getting a clearer picture of who they are in your mind. Making a character sheet is something that every writer does differently. There are probably some writers who don’t do it at all, while some people have very structured templates. 
Personally, I don’t have a formal way of writing a character sheet; I just word-vomit freeform facts into a doc. And since romantic relationships play a central role in my writing, I tend to have a character sheet for both characters together, with a huge focus on how the two characters’ personalities will impact - and be impacted by - their relationship as time goes on. 
Let me use Fenris and Rynne Hawke as an example. Here’s the beginning of my outline doc for Fen and Rynne. PLEASE FORGIVE MY TYPOS, Maker help me.
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So as you can see, this character sheet gives info about Rynne, plot-important aspects of her appearance (her tattoo), and why Fenris would fall in love with her. It’s not comprehensive or particularly organized, but it contains crucial information about my plot - i.e. Rynne and Fenris falling in love and getting together. 
Tip #3: Listen to audio clips to capture the CC’s speech patterns.
Once you have a good handle on the CC’s backstory and motivations, it’s time to think about writing the actual words that they would say. Honestly, the way I capture a CC’s voice is by listening ad nauseum to Youtube clips of their dialogue so I can have their voice and speech patterns in my head when I’m writing. While I’m in the middle of writing, I frequently pull up dialogue video clips to refresh my memory of their voice and to make sure I can imagine them saying the lines I wrote. (As you can imagine, listening to video clips of Fenris talking is NO HARDSHIP WHATSOEVER.)  
Tip #4: Don’t worry about portraying them perfectly right away.
Like all skilled crafts, writing is a learning process, and you have to start somewhere! It can definitely be intimidating to start writing a CC, especially CCs who have extensive and complex backstories or attitudes like Fenris or Solas. But I have also found that the more you write, the more you will come to know your CC. The more you write, the more natural and familiar their voice will become. To be boring and cliche, practice makes perfect!
One way to ease into writing a CC, especially when writing from their POV, is to take some of their canon dialogue and write a drabble about their thoughts during that moment of dialogue. This can be a fun and low-pressure exercise for getting yourself into the CC’s headspace and speech patterns. For example, early in my Fenris writing, I wrote this very short oneshot revolving around Fenris’s famous “I dance, of course” dialogue line with Varric, which illustrates his sense of humour, his relationship with Merrill and Varric, and his growing crush on Rynne.
Tip #5: My Fenris is not your Fenris.
It’s important to remember that the more you write a character, the more that character will change in ways that may not necessarily be canon, because people change and grow by virtue of their relationships with the people around them. For instance, “my” Fenris has a somewhat softened stance toward mages as a consequence of being in a rivalmance with a mage!Hawke who pushes him to challenge his anti-mage prejudices. But another writer’s Fenris could continue to be very anti-mage if their Hawke was also anti-mage, and that could still be true to character. As another example, I am also a notorious slut for the Fenris rivalmance, but I have written a oneshot of the Fenris friendmance, and that was challenging because it felt like I was writing a very different person. 
All this to say that different writers will write the same character in different ways, and all of those ways may still be accurate. The way I write Fenris is probably unlike the way other people write him, and that’s okay, because people - both real and fictional - are changed by their relationships with those around them. The idea is to retain the character’s core temperament and motivations while bending the aspects that are more flexible. To paraphrase someone somewhere on this hellsite who was talking about Solas at some point: “my Fenris is not your Fenris.” 
But Pika, you write dialogue for all the characters in Inquisition and DA2. Do you have a character sheet for every character? Have you done extensive research about all the characters?
HA. NO. Fenris is actually the only CC I have a character sheet for. But Fenris is also the CC I have written the most, and the vast majority of my FenHawke work has been from Fenris’s POV. He is also an undeniably complex and multi-faceted character, especially since you can both rival- and friendmance him, so I had to be well-informed and thorough in order to do him justice. 
If you’re planning to write the whole Dragon Age crew, I would say the amount of research you do about each of the CCs will depend on how large a role they’re going to play in your fic. For my Fenris the Inquisitor fic, Cole, Solas and Dorian have been playing pretty big roles, so I have done more research about them than about other characters in the cast. I don’t have character sheets for them, but my fic outline for Fenquisition does contain a lot of notes about Fen’s relationship with each of them. And I’ll still listen to video clips of them talking to refresh my memory of their speech patterns.
I hope this has been helpful for some aspiring fanfic writers out there! Let me know if there are other topics you’d be interested in reading about, and I’d be happy to address them if I can!
- Love, your friendly neighbourhood Pikapeppa xoxo
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crinkled-emotions · 5 years
Temperatures Rising || Maxi x Harrison (Bondi Rescue)
I was watching a really recent episode (season 14 somewhere?) and poor Harrison got sized up by this guy who wanted to bash his brains out simply because Harrison approached him about being creepy toward a 15 year old girl. Huge respect to Harrison for being so good about that situation by the way, he handled it really well. Anyway, so this guy didn’t end up beating up Mr Reid but I wondered what would have happened if the guy had tried to. Tommy’s a cool bloke too, so no beef! Tommy’s a younger guy and Harrison has a little more experience under his belt so it makes sense as to why he would take the situation into his hands. Anyway, Harrison gets beat up and Maxi’s there for the aftermath. What a sweetheart.
The cameras surrounded Tommy, Harrison and the irritated Brazilian man, the crew completely silent as Harrison tried to talk him down. Tommy was lowkey tucked behind Harrison, done deliberately by the older lifeguard just in case things got violent. With the cops nowhere to be seen- dealing with another situation- Harrison knew he could make a citizen’s arrest, or he could talk the guy into leaving the beach without any interference from the other boys in blue. Jesse had radioed to tell them the cops would be on their way shortly, but with the guy becoming more and more violent Harrison wasn’t sure he could wait that long. Besides, if the guy wanted to he could head for the hills in a split second.
“Why are the cops coming?”
“You know why mate, you can’t be touchin’ minors like that.”
“But why?”
“Mate, you need to understand that you’ve done something wrong.”
“I simply saw a beautiful girl on the beach, is that a crime?”
“Worse than that, you kissed her and threw another into the ocean without her consent.”
Harrison was sweating from stress and the 47°C heat, but he tried to focus on what was going on. This guy, while small and nimble, could probably pack one hell of a punch- Harrison had very quickly learned not to underestimate people who looked unassuming. Just the fact this guy had thrown a girl into the water was enough to keep Harrison aware. Tommy was hiding behind him still, a half step to the left though so Harrison could move if needed.
Another ten minutes pass. Bystanders are watching with anxiety rippling through the crowd, but Tommy steps up to wave them off. Most leave in search of cool air, ice cream or something cold, but a couple hang around. Harrison has his eyes focused on the offender, irritation flooding his veins. Where the fuck are the cops when you need them?
Jesse radioed in again as nerves started to run through Harrison.
“Jesse to Hux, the cops are probably another ten-ish minutes. If you’re worried he’s gonna do a runner I’ll send Hoppo down to escort him, but at the moment we’re just gonna have to watch him. Are you good to do that?”
“Huxy to Jesse; I should be okay. Tommy’s down here, is he okay to be here despite only being a trainee technically?”
“Jesse to Huxy- Tommy’s good mate, you’ve done this before so you know what to do. If you’re worried about him put him on crowd control, I can see the people around you from here.”
“Huxy to Jesse; Cheers mate.”
Harrison turned his radio down, clipping it back on to his belt. The offender was watching him right back, clearly annoyed at being held without an explanation. Harrison could see he was becoming more agitated, and he wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold him on the beach.
“Look, mate, I’m really sorry about the delay, apparently the cops are tied up on the street, so we’re gonna have to just hang here a little longer.”
“I’ve done nothing wrong!” The man yelled, grabbing Harrison by the shirt. Tommy appeared, about to get between them when Harrison stopped him.
“Go get Jesse, tell him to get Hoppo and the cops down here asap.”
Tommy bolted for the buggy, peeling out of the crowd and heading for the tower. Harrison watched for a few seconds then turned back to the situation at hand, wincing when the guy tugged his shirt again.
“I did. Nothing. Wrong. Let me go!”
“Mate this is beyond my control-“
“-I’m not your mate!”
Harrison blinked; just in time for the guy’s fist to come into connect with the lower left side of his jaw. He fell to the boiling sand like a sack of kiwi fruit (pardon the pun), grasping his cheek. He knew without feeling that his nose was bleeding, and he stood after a moment to see the guy had taken off. Innocent bystanders had been shoved, but a couple pointed in the direction the guy had gone. Harrison thanked them, taking off. His radio on his belt crackled, before Tommy’s voice sounded.
“Tommy to Harrison, me and Jesse are on our way but Harries can’t see you anymore; is everything good?”
Harrison panted, speaking into his radio as he dashed.
“Harrison to Tommy and Hoppo; the guy has taken off, I’ve still got an eye on him. Hop, make a citizen’s arrest?”
“Go for it Harrison, get him off the street if you can. The cops are nearby; I’ll let them know what’s going on. Have you got witnesses?”
“Yeah, uhhhh, half of the beach at least?”
Hoppo laughed, before he became serious.
“We can see you Harrison, we’ll be there soon.”
“I got him, go and cut him off on the street just in case I can’t get there in time.”
“Tommy to Harrison; I’ve gotcha mate.”
The radio clicked off and Harrison willed his overheated, exhausted body to keep going in pursuit of this guy, watching out for tourists who had no idea what Harrison was doing. His legs ached, his lungs burned, and all he could think about was hitting up the apartment complex pool with Maxi later. Harrison blinked, and all of a sudden his target was close enough. Another couple paces and he could get him. To one side he could see a cop motorbike and to the other one of the beach Can-Am’s, but that wasn’t important to him in the moment.
The guy turned behind him and spotted Harrison, eyes widening. At just the right moment Harrison made a heroic leap, grabbing the guy by the hip and pulling him to the paved ground. They slid a metre, before stopping. When the offender made an attempt to get up Harrison pinned him to the ground, turning him on to his stomach and using his shirt as makeshift handcuffs that would work long enough for the cops to do the real deal.
With the ordeal over Harrison’s legs became wobbly when he tried to stand, and he promptly collapsed again. Hoppo and Tommy were there soon after, helping him up. An ambulance rolled up and Harrison looked between the two lifeguards in confusion, chest still heaving.
“I don’t- I don’t understand- why- I’m good, I swear…”
“It’s better to be safe than sorry. That was incredible Harrison, well done. Take tomorrow off, okay? I’ll drop your stuff at your place after work.”
Hoppo’s blue eyes radiated care and paternal warmth, something Harrison hadn’t felt since he left home to start lifeguarding. He only had Maxi and the boys on the beach, but with Hoppo there Harrison realised he felt safe. His eyes began to close from exhaustion, and Hoppo turned to the paramedics.
“I’m coming with him.”
“Is there anyone who can take him home, someone he can stay with?”
“His uh- his partner’s at home, I’ll give them a call.”
The doctor nodded, checking Harrison’s vitals once more.
“Okay, I’ll have someone come in and stitch him up, then he should be okay to go home. If he starts vomiting or becomes disoriented bring him back in straight away.”
“No worries. Thanks, doc.”
The doctor left the room and Hoppo turned to Harrison, who was asleep in the bed. The side of his body that had slid on the paved ground when he caught the guy was gashed pretty badly, from his shoulder to his knee and down the offside of his foot. Luckily it seemed the excessive heat from the day’s soaring temperatures had cauterised most of the bleeding, but a couple of the wounds were large enough to need a couple stitches to aid with healing. He also had bruising around his right eye from where he’d been punched, the bruising a green-brown along his jawline. There was a gash on the other side where he’d bumped his head, but the doctor had cleared him of concussion so far.
Hoppo sighed; it was time to call Trent.
“Hop, I haven’t heard from you in forever! What’s new mate?”
“You won’t want to have heard from me after this. I’m not sure if it’s on the news yet but Harrison did something incredible today that could potentially have saved quite a few girls from a creep on the beach. In the act of catching this guy, he copped a couple… battle scars.”
“Shit! Is he okay?”
Maxi’s voice deepened, conveying concern for Harrison.
“He needs stitches and he’s got a few bruises; he’ll be pretty sore and sorry for the next couple days but… he’s going to be okay. It was something from a movie Maxi; truly something I haven’t seen in ages.”
Maxi hummed; he could sense there was something else his boss wanted to tell him.
“The docs said he’ll be clear to go home once he’s had the stitches; I have to get back to work, but I was wondering if you could pick him up?”
“Yeah- yeah, yeah course. I’ll be there in a couple minutes, I have a day off; I’m not even on call at the station.”
“Thanks Maxi; he’ll be glad you’re there. He’s sleeping right now, but is there anything I can pass on to him for you?”
“No, no that’s cool. I’m just jumping in the car Hop; I’ll be there in a bit.”
“No worries Trent; take it easy and keep the aircon up high.”
Maxi laughed, and through the phone Hoppo heard him turn it up high.
“Gotcha Hop. See you soon.”
Voices whispering in the room woke Harrison from his sleep and he groaned, his good arm going over his eyes as he tried to adjust to the bright lighting. The voices stopped abruptly, and then he felt someone sit on the bed beside him.
“I gotcha Hux, I gotcha. Take it easy.”
Harrison tried to open his eyes to get a glance, but the harsh lights made his head hurt and he cried out, burying his head into Maxi’s side. Maxi sighed, running a hand through Harrison’s sun-bleached hair. The tips, usually brown like the rest, were now borderline platinum blonde from being at the beach a majority of the week. Maxi had to admit, it looked like Harrison had tried frosted tips.
“You’re okay, it’s just me and Hop. Deep breaths; focus on bringing air in then out.”
Harrison’s hand came up to grab Maxi’s, and they sat there for a moment while Harrison calmed down. Hoppo had found the light switch and dimmed it so Harrison wouldn’t be so badly affected, earning a grateful smile from Maxi. The eldest lifeguard left the room, closing the door behind him so Maxi and Harrison could have some time together.
“Okay, I’ve signed the discharge papers so you’re good to go. Trent, you know when to bring him back?”
“Yeah doc, I gotcha. Thanks.”
With Maxi’s help, Harrison got off the hospital bed and stood, wincing.
“Okay yeah, I can’t wait for the pool.”
The doctor smiled, doing a final check over Harrison’s file.
“Looks like you’re good to go. If you have any questions, either of you, there’s a 24 hour clinic available on the Bondi Junction road.”
Maxi hummed, wrapping an arm carefully around Harrison’s gashed hip, giving his good one a nudge.
“We’ve got this, right Hux?”
“Yeah, we’re gonna be fine. Thanks for this doc, really appreciate it. The cameras will probably be here in half an hour or so.”
Harrison was clearly exhausted but he still had the twinkle in his eye that made Maxi smile, pressing a kiss to his temple.
“C’mon, let’s get going. You need the pool, a shower, and some aloe vera.”
Harrison nodded, using Maxi as leverage to walk.
In the car Maxi kept his hand on Harrison’s thigh, making gentle circles as he drove. Harrison fell asleep pretty much the second he had his seatbelt on and slept all the way back to their apartment. Maxi went between checking him and keeping an eye on the road for the entire fifteen minutes, making sure Harrison wasn’t in any more pain than he already was. Just as he was pulling into the parking area Harrison groaned, shifting his head away from the bright outside to the darker inside. His eyes opened and he squeezed Maxi’s hand, Maxi glancing at him mid-park.
“You good?”
“Mm. Jus… tired. Can we skip the pool?”
“Course. How ‘bout the shower?”
Harrison nodded, eyes closing again. Maxi chuckled, turning off the car- yes; he could park and talk at the same time. He was just that talented. He grabbed everything the doctor had suggested from the passenger seat floor and rubbed Harrison’s shoulder, making sure he was awake.
“I left the aircon on for ya.”
“Thanks Trent.”
With one arm around Maxi’s shoulders and the other carrying the pharmacy bag Harrison made his way into the elevator and through their door to the couch, pretty much collapsing straight away. Maxi disappeared into the kitchen and Harrison heard the clinking of ice hitting glass, before he reappeared with that glass full of ice and water.
“Doc says you need to keep drinking so you don’t get heatstroke. Keep it slow.”
Harrison sent Maxi a withering look as he took a sip before placing the glass on the coffee table. He sat up, pulling Maxi on to the couch beside him. He took his boyfriend’s hand, giving it a squeeze.
“I’m okay, y’know. We deal with assholes all the time.”
“I don’t know about you, but assholes don’t punch lifeguards just trying to do the right thing.”
“-Harrison, when Hoppo called me I was really scared you’d been really hurt. Just let me freak out for a second, since you’re not.”
Harrison fell quiet and Maxi doubled over, head in his hands. He sucked in a deep breath, releasing it after a couple of seconds before he straightened and pulled Harrison into his arms.
“Yeah; you scared me, but you’re okay. That’s what’s important.”
Harrison hummed, nuzzling against his boyfriend’s neck.
“I’m gonna be pretty busted up for a couple days; Hoppo gave me the rest of the week off to recover.”
“Awwww nooooo, poor Hutz,” Maxi teased, giving Harrison a fake pout. Before he could say anything, Harrison’s lips were on his, and he instinctively closed his eyes. Damn; even with a half busted lip and some face bruising, Harrison was still a good kisser. They pulled apart, and Maxi brushed his thumb over Harrison’s bruised cheek. He winced, and Maxi pulled him into a hug.
“I’m glad you’re okay. Really glad.”
“I was scared for a second there; I didn’t know what was going to happen.”
Maxi glanced at Harrison who had moved to rest his head against his shoulder, the pair stretching out on the couch. Even though it was way, way too hot to do anything even remotely close to snuggling they still sat together on their couch that was probably too small for this, a mess of arms and legs and abs. Every time though, Maxi found Harrison on his lap and Harrison seemed to like that- for being someone willing to speak up when things go to shit, Harrison was quite the cuddler too. Maxi kissed the not-bruised side of his head, sighing.
“How about you get some sleep, and I’ll watch the cricket?”
“Mmm… tells me when we bat.”
Just like that Harrison was drifting off to sleep, one arm wrapped around his stomach while the other had found Maxi’s shorts to take hold.
“Thanks,” he murmured. Maxi glanced down with a smile, and then turned up the air conditioning. If Harrison was going to stay there, that aircon was going to work overtime.
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silverstrike · 5 years
Quodo kiss and the lack of DS9 gag reel speculation.
I watched the leaked quodo kiss gag reel recently (today to be perfectly honest... idk why I’m so far behind with all those things...), and as much as I loved it with all my heart (I mean who doesn’t?), it also got me thinking about why we haven’t been able to see this footage for such a long time... or any of the DS9 gag reels at all, beyond that one clip that exists on YouTube.
Now this is going to get very tinfoil hat-y, but given the existing evidence it may not be that much of a stretch.
You see, Rick Berman (the producer of the Trek shows from TNG until Enterprise, and public enemy no. 1 of most of the Trek fandom) has been very much opposed to releasing any sorts of bloopers and gag reels from the Trek shows.
Here’s a quote, citing his reasons for doing so:
“ Deleted scenes from the film may appear on the DVD when it is released, according to Berman. Although it's unlikely we'll see any bloopers on DVD, we will be seeing them more in the future. "I have been opposed to gag reels simply because Star Trek is something that always borders on the silly. (...) Berman admitted that Patrick Stewart (Jean-Luc Picard) was partially responsible for the lack of bloopers up until now. "A lot of the reason we didn't do blooper reels for The Next Generation was that Patrick was very opposed to them."
This quote comes from an article that’s from 2003. Now obviously there has been a lot of changes since then, mainly that the Blueray and DVD releases of TNG have seen the release of gag reels for each of the seven seasons.
Yet the same cannot be said for either DS9 and Voyager. Now granted, this may have been also because of the fact that they are saving it for the inevitable (?) Blueray, high-definition remastering of both of those shows (I mean, the DS9 doc already proved that it is possible to remaster the footage with the current technology, so I suppose it is now only a matter of time). But then again, considering the already mentioned quodo kiss, Berman’s rampant homophobia and him also mostly keeping the tabs on what went and what didn’t in Trek... seems a bit weird to me.
Especially, as I’ve mentioned, TNG has seen the release of it’s gag reels some time ago so... yeah...
Also, just to be clear, this is my thoughts and speculations only: don’t quote me on any of that, with the exception of the quote taken from Berman (as it is even backed by a source).
TL;DR: I think the reason given by Berman is bullshit, and that Armin and Rene kissing may be one of the reasons why we are being denied the DS9 bloopers/gag reels.
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #197
“HG Introductions”
[Yaunfen] Rolls into the blankets to snuggle-
[Doc] Comes back up the steps to find HG in the vine room. - Had to put the little one to bed, they've had a long day.
[HG] -notices the vine and tries to get to the top of them to water them but he can't reach-
[Doc] Um.... if you go back up on the balcony you can hit them from above.
[HG] -runs up and waters them the vine seem to get thicker and stronger as he waters them-
[Grinny] Was hiding behind some and runs out, now wet-
[Doc] Grinny! Oh, you're all wet! Come here...
[Grinny] - Fuck no!  Fuck off!
[HG] -finishes and all the vines are now stronger and more durable and starts watering the potted plants in the room-
[Doc] Aw, you like my bonzai garden? Don't make them too big, it kinda defeats the purpose. - Xe pulls a towel out of a trunk and tries to dry Grinny
[HG] -as he waters them the trees leafs seem to get fuller they don't get much bigger then that-
[Grinny] Hisses and scratches at Doc as he tries to get away-
[Doc] Stop that! Thankfully Grinny, I still have your sweater on me since it seems like the heat has receeded...
[Doc] But your fur hasn't grown back yet. I know you're cold. Oh HG, this is Grinny. Grinny, Herobrine the Gardener
[Grinny] - I'll be fine once I find Smile!
[HG] nice to meet you Grinny
[Doc] Oh, we'll find your buddy. But you need this for now- Xe pulls the black and green sweater on the cat.
[Grinny] Many unhappy noises-
[Doc] Don't be sad Grinny. You're loved.
[Grinny] - FUCK OFF!
[Doc] Hugs him anyway. - shhh
[Grinny] - And you!- Looks at HG- You can go suck a dick!
[HG] -starts tearing up-
[Doc] He doesn't mean it HG, he's just a rude cat. He's like this with everybody.
[HG] -is still crying-
[Doc] Oh, please don't cry. He's just mean. All the creepypastas are mouthy.
[HG] -calms down but is still sniffling he is holding his pail tightly it seems to be giving him comfort-
[Doc] Wags a finger at Grinny. - Look what you did. Don't be so nasty. He's new, and he didn't do anything but be polite to you.
[Grinny] - I don't fucking care!
[Doc] Gives his nose a bit of a tap- you should. Sorry Hg. He's had a hard life and he doesn't like people. He's had good reason to mistrust everyone and keep them at arms length.
[HG] -nods in understanding-
[Doc] I take it you've had good reason for mistrust as well, you seem so skittish. What happened to you HG?
[HG] I never had anyone I spawn and the steve and alex where mean and would destroy my garden till I finally moved really far and the seeds NOTCH came and tried to kill me that was the day I ended up going server to server trying to find somewhere I would be accepted and only ended up find people who wanted to kill me till I came here at least I run fast to escape
[Doc] Geeze... I'm sorry. At least you were able to get away safely. Your code looks clean from just a superficial scan. Are you errored at all?
[HG] I don't think so
[Doc] That's good. I know some of the NOTCHs can be a real horror show. And they have the gall to act like all Herobrine's are bad.
[Grinny] - Laaaaaaaame
[Doc] For shame Grinny, you've been on the recieving end of this yourself.
[Grinny] - Humph
[Doc] So I guess this will be a party of one. That's okay. You're always welcome to hang around here even if you decide to build your own place. But don't be suprised by the sheer number of brines here who brought a Steve or an Alex or both with them.
[HG] will they be nothing like the ones from my seed?
[Doc] What do you mean? Like griefers? They better not be and you tell me right off if anyone does that shit. Griefing and stealing are not allowed here.
[HG] If anything happens I will tell you.
[Doc] Is idly petting Grinny. - Hang on a sec. Types- Hey Deerheart? Where are you?
[Deer] Kitchen, helping calm down Steve...  There was a bit of an...  Incident
[Doc] Oh dear... come on HG let's go down to the kitchen. I'll get you some food too if you want.
[HG] sure but which way?
[Doc] Down here, just follow me-
[TLOT] Is sitting at the counter with a cup of tea.
[Steve] Is still upset but taking comfort from his friends.
[Deer] - Oh, we have a new brine?
[Doc] Yep, he snuck in but it's okay. He's a green brine like Lie. Herobrine the Gardner.
[Grinny] Bites at Doc's arm-
[HG] -Wave but is clearly both scared and shy and standing on the steps-
[TLOT] Charmed. After the last one, it's nice to have a nonviolent addition. I'm Herobrine the Lord of Tears, or TLOT and this is my hubby Steve.
[Doc] Ouch! Little shit.
[Grinny] - Serves you right
[Doc] I did nothing and you know it.
[Stevenson] hello
[ryan] -makes a calm roar-
[TLOT] Well come on down HG, have a sit. We don't bite.
[HG] -he doesn't sit down but instead starts to water the vines-
[TLOT] Do you want some food or drink at least?
[Doc] He's a bit nervous, but really likes plants. - Xe gives Deerheart a kiss - I had a busy day.... You mentioned an incident?
[HG] -as he waters the vines get thicker and stronger and as soon as he finishes those he is tending to the lemon tree-
[Deer] - Yes, some small creatures were set loose by NK, something from his seed that can apparently steal things from somebody's inventory
[Doc] More thieves! we'll all have to watch our stuff. And speaking of such, Grinny? Can I have my mug back?
[Grinny] - Fuck no
[Doc] Please?
[HG] -the tree gets a little bigger and lemons become more plentiful on the branches as he waters-
[Grinny] - No!
[TLOT] Nice trick! Those look great! Here, I'll make some lemonade- Plucks a few and goes for the sugar.
[Doc] Would you like me to trade you something? You only have one inventory slot.
[Grinny] Growls- Nooooooooooo
[HG] -waters it again and more fruit grows where TLOT picked them-
[TLOT] Leans over the counter and offers him a glass of the pale yellow liquid- here, try this.
[HG] -takes it then drinks it- it's different
[TLOT] I know! It's weird isn't it? Lie says it's 'sour'. Really caught me off guard! Don't try to eat the fruits raw unless you like your mouth all puckery.
[Doc] Oh come on Grinny, surely I have something you'd want.
[Grinny] - Fucking let me go!
[Doc] Fine. Mean cat. - Xe puts the be-sweatered cat on the table.
[Grinny] Darts into the next room where it's warmer-
[Doc] -sighs- Well at least he can't steal anything else while he has my mug.
[HG] there was something said about ghost pumpkins?
[Doc] Oh! Yeah, here, I'll show you. I don't have any planted at the moment though. Cp.. kinda kicked them all out of the ground and I haven't had time to replant- Xe pulls a snow-white pumpkin out of a chest. It has a carved face but the expression is different then the normal orange ones.
[TLOt] If you make a pie out of them and eat a bit it lets you clip through walls for a few minutes.
[Grinny] Is trying to get the coffee mug out of his inventory-
[HG] they seem strange I have never seen a white pumpkin before or pumpkins that could do that.
[TLOT] We've got quite a few unique plants here.
[Exeggcute] bumbles down the steps in a tight group-
[Doc] Case in point-
[Grinny] Finally gets it out and promptly works on vomiting into it-
[HG] that a plant? it looks like eggs... with faces.
[Doc] Silver says they're seed pods. And they'll become a walking tree someday.
[HG] -walks over to the Exeggutor and starts to water them-
-There's a bit of a rumble from the pods and the exeggcute start rolling around in a crazy way-
[Doc] What the heck?
[HG] -stops watering but watches what will happen-
[Exeggcute] scooch close together and there's a sudden burst of leaves and a sound like twisting wood-
-Exeggcute has evolved into Exeggutor!-
[HG] oh -waters the Exeggutor-
[Grinny] Barfs into Doc's mug-
[Exegggutor] thumps down on it's butt because the ceiling is low and knocks into Doc with the huge palm leaves on it's head. The faces are all on the fat tree like coconuts and grinning madly-
[Doc] From the floor- enough water!
[HG] -stops watering it- sorry
[Deer] Giggles- Aww, I've never seen a tree like this before
[Doc] Me neither! It's crazy looking, I love it!
[Exeggutor] Happy noises-
[Grinny] Trots off, leaving the mug full of coffee and vomit-
[HG] -reaches out to pet it's head-
[Exegguor] Is leaning and moving all over the place so all the heads get petted.
[HG] I have never been near such an alive plant that it will respond to being pet like animals
[Doc] It's a pokemon, they're quite interesting Japanese critters. We've got quite a variety of them around here. Let me see who's nearby-
[Doc] Does a low whistle that makes the Exeggutor do a happy shimmy in place.
[HG] -puts his pail back into his inventory and pets the exegguor with both hands now-
[Exeggutor] Wiggles it's big clawed toes happily.
-There's a bit of a skittering noise and wet sloorp-
[Stevenson] what was that noise?
[Galvantula] comes skittering in on the ceiling from the other room-
[Doc] My pet spider-
[ryan] -flops on to his back and wiggle his legs at the galvantula-
[Goomy] picks it's way down the stairs. Deerheart's Shaymin is helping it along-
[Galvantula] Goes for the tickle on the little dragon-
[HG] -goes over to shaymin and water them after seeing they have a flower attached to them-
[ryan] -makes playful roars as he's tickled-
[Shaymin] Does a little wiggling dance and there's suddenly sparse grass on the floor around it.
[Doc] Umm....
[HG] it makes grass?
[Doc] It purifies polluted land, and has healing powers. But it is sort of a plant itself.
[HG] -pets the Shaymin-
[Goomy] Bounces around the Exeggutor a bit.
[Shaymin] Gives a contented hum that seems to affect the already vibrant plants around it-
[HG] -seems really happy about the plant pokemon and plants in the room-
[Doc] You have a gentle touch with plants, it's nice.
[Galvantula] Flips Ryan onto it's back and goes running around the kitchen-
[TLOT] Chill! You're gonna break something!
[ryan] -makes happy roars from the ride-
[HG] the dirt stains on my hands, face, and clothes should be evidence enough to show just how carefully I take care of my plants I make sure the dirt is not to gravelly and is lose enough so it's not bad for the plants I am on my knees a lot
[Doc] Do you want some kneepads? That sounds a bit rough on your joints.
[HG] no my knees i'm good thank you though
[TLOT] So do you work with creepers too?
[HG] I would but they would blow up if I got to close trust me I tried
[TLOT] You'll love this then, hang on a sec-
[Violet] comes downstairs with Karen in hir arms. Xe makes a little salute before setting the wiggling creeper on the floor and sits down next to Steve.  
[Karen] Is sniffing around at all the new people-
[HG] -walks closer to Karen carefully hoping she doesn't blow up on him-
[TLOT] It's okay, she's defused. She took a suprise punch from me and got glitched out.
[Doc] I haven't felt the urge to examine the local creepers, but the ones from TLOT and Steve's seed literally eat dirt. Fertilizer to be precise.
[Karen] Is sniffing HG a lot because he smells like good dirt.
[HG] -waters Karen-
[Karen] Sneezes-
[Doc] Oh! Don't, you'll get her sweater all wet.
[HG] -stops- sorry
[TLOT] Makes sure Steve is okay, and walks over to them- This is what I thought you'd be interested in. Come on, give me a foot. - He reaches down to lift up one of Karen's feet- See for yourself.
-Under the creeper's foot is a slit of a mouth-
[HG] woah that interesting
[Doc] Here, - Xe pulls a dirt block from creative and crumbles it- Just hold your hand flat-
[HG] -holds it in his hands doing his best to keep his hands as flat as possible-
[Karen] Puts a foot on his hand and there's the feeling of two flat plates slurping up the dirt and a bit of moisture from a scratchy tongue licking his hand clean- Tis! Tis!
[HG] that felt weird I have never felt anything like that before
[TLOT] Let's the creepers leg go and they lean on him happily - It explains a lot I think. Why they live above and below the ground and why they walk so slow. They're nibbling as they amble.
[Doc] They're kinda sweet when they aren't blowing up in your face.
[HG] -goes to pet Karen's head-
[TLOT] One of our Testificates is like the creeper version of a crazy cat lady. She has a whole herd from our seed that watch over the village. They patrol outside the walls at night-
[Karen] Happy humming and little snaps like a wet fuse-
[HG] would they attack me I am not really good in a fight or defending myself just running away
[TLOT] The village creepers? Unless you're doing something that's obviously dickish likely not. But if you want to make sure, go into the village during the day and ask for Flickr. She'll introduce you to the whole gang formally.
[HG] I think I will do that I would like to avoid mobs accidently thing I was a threat
[Doc] I think some of them are getting the idea just to leave everybody alone because it's just not worth the effort. We're all on respawn, anyway. And of course-
[TLOT] Gestures to Violet- This is one of Steve's brothers, any skeleton wearing clothes is friendly and off limits, again as long as you're not obviously being a dick.
[Violet] Waves cheerfully-
[HG] -waves back- hello
[Steve] Is finally calm but he still looks a bit unhappy-
[Doc] So what was it that got loose?
[Stevenson] NK called it a light foot
[TLOT] Doc... it looked like... Steve's armor...
[Doc] Fuck.
[HG] -seems scared- are they dangerous?
[TLOT] Nk say they steal stuff. Apart from that he didn't seem to think so. But... it triggered Steve...
[HG] -hugs his pail tightly-
[Doc] Is the pail special too?
[HG] I spawned with it and this is all I have
[Doc] Well I can just- xe clicks at HG and suddenly they also have a pail. - I can put this copy somewhere safe, just in case.
[HG] -panics at tries to take get the second pail from doc-
[Doc] Whoah! Here- lets them take it. - Do want a stack? I can make as many as you want.
[HG] -is now hugging both pails-
[TLOT] Do you just like buckets?
[HG] there not buckets they spray water more evenly in small streams
[TLOT] Like a little rainshower
[Exeggutor] Rolls over to expose it's belly-
[HG] yea it act like that except I control it
[Galvantula] pounces on Exeggutor with Ryan still on it's back-
[ryan] -roars playfully-
[Doc] Does it bother you if someone else has one?
[HG] I am confused how there are two now I first though some how with out me noticing you had taken it but now I have two
[Doc] I didn't take it, it's an admin function. I can copy items and make more of them.
[TLOT] It's handy as hell, we always have lots of food.
[HG] I never saw that before so I assumed
[Doc] It's okay, it's not normal. It's a thing that's meant for players that are super into building but not mining. I imagine Stevenson here has seen it before.
[Stevenson] players have done it before when they are in creativemode
[Doc] Yeah, I tend to phase in and out of it. But since I became a brine myself I don't have to worry so much about getting hurt when I'm out of it.
[HG] -notices that most pails are mostly empty he puts his hands above the open tops and a thick white liquid starts to come out of the middle of his palm and pour into the bucket-
[TLOT] ah, another very vital brine. You and I have something in common brother.
[Doc] His blood can heal.
[HG] really that's nice -as soon as the pails are full his hands stop poring out liquid-
[TLOT] As Flux says, we're all full of our own power. Mostly creativity. Ha.
[HG] -nods in understanding- if you want to copy one of these again and use it on plants you can if you like
[Doc] Thank you, - xe clicks again and suddenly has another pail in hir hands. - I'll hide this one in case of lightfoots, and leave the growing things up to you. You seem much better at it.
[HG] I think i'll end up making a large garden like I had before the NOTCH came and tried to kill me eventually and if you want me to grow anything I will gladly help
[Doc] Thank you. I'll make sure you have at least one example of all the unique plants around here-
[TLOT] Should I give him a hive?
[Doc] That's a great idea!
[HG] hive?
[Doc] Once you've got the plot paced out we'll set you up with some touchies. They'll help you grow things even faster. They're a type of bug.
[TLOT] They also make super sweet syrup as a by-product
[HG] that sounds nice I will make sure to take care of them once i'm set up
[TLOT] They'll also protect you if you're good to them. I've seen them swarm and literally pinch hostile mobs to death.
[HG] what do they look like exactly?
[Violet] Checks Steve to make sure he won't get upset-
[Steve] Go ahead brother-
[Violet] Taps on Steve's helm and there's a light buzz in the air as the six touchies that practically live in his helm fly out and circle the room lazily-
[HG] woah -is staring at the touchies with amazement-
[Doc] Minecraft plants like to only grow aggressively in the presence of active players. So these little ones stick close by and simulate the touch of a player. Hence the name.
[TLOT] But you can also make the syrup from their hives into a wine that makes it feel nice to be touched.
[Doc] It's damn good on pancakes too.
[HG] if I took the syrup wouldn't they be mad?
[TLOT] They always make more then they need. A hive block has three combs, as long as two of them are left full, you're good.
[HG] -smile- i'm glad I want to keep them happy they seem nice when they are
[TLOT] I like you HG. I'm gonna make you a ton of flitters for your garden. All the colors.
[HG] flitters?
[Doc] Another type of bug, but they're just for show
[TLOT] Does anyone have something small I can break?
[Stevenson] -checks his inventory- I a slime ball I picked up would that work?
[TLOT] Chuckles - a little wet, but that would do- holds out his hand for it
[Stevenson] -gives tlot the slime ball-
[TLOT] Fusses with it because it's a bit slippery but gets the pixels apart, he forms the bits into a pair of green flitters and shakes his hand to flick off the remainder so that it despawns. The little bugs are flat on his palm.
[TLOT] He pinches his nose bump and sheds a tear that splashes on the pair, after a moment their wings begin to move in a lazy way.
[HG] - slowly so not to scare them puts his hand near the flitters-
-The flitters crawl onto his hand and fan their wings-
[TLOT] Give them a sec to dry off and they'll be flying just fine.
[HG] -smiles- so pretty
[TLOT] I love making them, they calm me down when my anxiety gets the better of me.
[Karen] Is smiling as much as her down turned mouth will allow.
[HG] -stays still to avoid disturbing the flitters-
[Flitters] Rise up and circle his head a few times before landing in his hair.
[Doc] I think they like you already.
[HG] -smiles really big he really like them-
[Doc] You look calmer already.
[TLOT] They're all yours and I'll make more when you have garden space to let them roam about.
[HG] I am glad to have some where I am finally safe and not being chase or attacked
[Doc] Good. And just just yell if you get lost in the house. TLOT is psychic and my hearing is pretty good- grins-
[HG] thank you for all being so nice to me
[TLOT] You're most welcome. I think you'll really like it here, and I can't wait to see what kind of house you build.
[Doc] I'm betting moss cobbles will be involved.
[HG] I am not sure myself yet but I know I will have a huge garden to take care of
[Doc] Maybe you should raise it up? Do a little living area below and then a big island above with trees and water spilling over the edges?
[HG] that sounds nice but I will have to work on how to make it or any other idea maybe even a mix of idea
[Doc] At Stevenson- So have you and Alexine started your builds yet?
[Stevenson] yea we are working on it at the moment but it's taking a bit we decided to start with mine which is bigger because ryan will get big eventually and he likes cuddling so the upper floor is huge it's only a shell right now
[Doc] How big will he get?
[Stevenson] very to the point where his necks will be longer then my height and trees are just large flowers and flowers are grass
[Doc] Geeze.... you said he's smart right? I'd hate for something like that to be rampaging about
[Stevenson] oh yes so much before he is full sized I taught him to speak English and tends to avoid damaging things
[Doc] Oh good, I think a lot of us are going to have to expand our builds as the kids grow up- Xe pets Yaunfen wistfully.
[Stevenson] I had to when I first got him now I am building to be ready for it
[TLOT] You guys will figure it out.
[Doc] Cradles Yaunfen's cheeks- Are you gonna be bigger then me kiddo?
[HG] -is hold one of his watering pails with both hands as he looks up toward the flitters in his hair to maybe see them-
[Flitters] Stirs a bit and one of them flies down to investigate his pails while the other is perched delicately on the longest part of his bangs.
[HG] -is watching the flitter on his bang he is smiling happily-
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weekendwarriorblog · 6 years
56th New York Film Festival Preview Part 1
This year’s 56th New York Film Festival will be my 15th time covering the Film Society of Lincoln Center’s annual festival if I’m doing my math correctly, and it’s certainly gone through a lot of changes in that time with the departure of Richard Peña as its director a few years back and lots of personnel changes behind the scenes. The selections tend to be geared towards the Film Society of Lincoln Center’s older clientele, rich Upper West Siders who want to make themselves feel more special at dinner parties by saying they’ve seen the latest movie from this foreign director or another that most Americans a.) Do not know and b.) Do not give a flying fuck about. Sorry to be so blunt about it, but this is my blog and as long as I’m not getting paid to write it, I will do and say whatever the fuck I want. Got it?
Anyway, the festival offers enough variety and diversity and movies that haven’t played at previous film festivals like Toronto (TIFF), which I missed for the first time in over 13 years sadly.
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The 56th New York Film Festival kicks off on Friday, Sept. 28, with The Favourite, the latest film from Greek filmmaker Yorgos Lanthimos, whose early film Dogtoothwas nominated for an Oscar in the foreign language category, followed by The Lobster, which received an Oscar nomination for screenplay. I didn’t like the former and didn’t much care for the latter either. Lanthimos’ last movie, 2017’s The Killing of a Sacred Deer I walked out of it at TIFF because I was hating the fact that everyone was talking like a robot. I haven’t seen The Favourite yet – see my note above about missing TIFF – but this one is getting even more raves. It’s a period comedy starring Olivia Colman, Emma Stone and Rachel Weisz, three actors who I absolutely love, and I’m happy to see Colman, who will take over as Queen Elizabeth II in The Crown season 3, getting lots of attention for her performance, which is either lead (going by the credits) or supporting (depending on who you’re talking to).  I’ll be seeing this early Friday morning and hope to have some thoughts in the second part next week.
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I’m even more excited about seeing Roma, the latest film from Alfonso Cuarón, which was selected as this year’s Centerpiece and has also been getting raves out of Venice, Telluride and Toronto. Unfortunately, it’s nowhere near a premiere of any kind for the NYFF. What’s exciting about Roma is that it’s Cuarón’s return to his native Mexico (at least on camera) for the first time since 2001’s Y Tu Mama Tambien, which for many was their introduction to Cuaron. It’s also his follow-up to 2013’s Gravity, for which he won an Oscar, and it’s likely to be another visual spectacle that few others could master.
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This year’s Closing Night film is the North American premiere of New York artist Julian Schnabel’s new film At Eternity’s Gate, which reunites him with Willem Dafoe as well as with making films about artists, this time being about Vincent Van Gogh. I loved The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, which was nominated for four Oscars but not Best Picture, sadly, and many people I know still love his first film Basquiat, so maybe this will be Schnabel’s return to greatness after the disappointing Miral. The movie skipped TIFF and Telluride, so it will indeed be the first time many will be able to see it.
I’m also looking forward to the Coen Brothers’ Netflix series-turned-movieThe Ballad of Buster Skruggs, which will play during the festival’s second and third week; that’s also a North American premiere. Barry Jenkins’ Moonlight follow-up If Beale Street Could Talk is also playing later in the festival, and I hope to get to that review sometime later in Part 2. I’ve also heard good things about Bi Gan’s Long Day’s Journey into Night and Claire Denis’ High Life, the former I’m not sure I’ll have a chance to catch before its theatrical release by Kino Lorber. Other returning filmmakers represented are Jafar Panahi with 3 Faces, Oscar winner Pawel Pawlikowski with Cold War, Korea’s prolific Hong Sangsoo’s Grass and Hotel by the River, Louis Garrel with A Faithful Man and more. (I can’t even THINK about making the time to see Mariano Llina’s 13 ¾ hour – yes, you read that right -- Argentine film La Flor, which will be shown in three parts or eight parts depending on your patience and free time, neither which
I tend to focus on the Main Slate films and documentaries, but the festival has grown rich with revivals and even a VR Arcade as part of its Convergence slate. If I only had time….
So let’s get to a couple mini-reviews of films I’ve seen so far…
Her Smell
Director: Alex Ross Perry
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I’ve long had a strange love-hate relationship with the indie filmmaker who continually makes inroads into the mainstream (like writing Disney’s Christopher Robin, for instance). He’s a regular at my local theater, the Metrograph, and I’ve interviewed him a few times, and I just find him to be a fascinating filmmaker and interesting guy in general. What got me excited about this one is that Elisabeth Moss (who starred in his earlier films Listen Up Phillip and Queen of Earth) plays punk rocker Becky Something making a comeback with her girl group Something She, which is set for disaster due to her self-destructive behavior. Perry really takes a different approach to this than his last film Golden Exits, making a movie a bit like Birdman where the camera flows smoothly from one room to another in the various locations. The film begins in a club where Something She are playing their comeback gig, then follows them into the studio a little later and then to a club where Becky is trying to play with a bunch of younger female musicians. It’s not gonna be for everyone, and to be honest, I’ve worked with musicians/rock stars as nutty as Becky gets at her worst, so it was hard to watch sometimes. Moss is amazing but the rest of the cast around her is also amazing including Dan Stevens as her ex-husband, plus Eric Stolz as her manager, Virginia Madsen as her mother and all the unrecognizable women as various musicians in Becky’s circle, including Amber Heard, Cara Delevigne but particularly Gayle Rankin from Glow as Becky’s put-upon drummer Ali.
The Other Side of the Wind
Director: Orson Welles (kind of)
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There’s been a lot of ballyhoo about this film which Welles was working on up until his death in 1985, and the fact that Netflix will be releasing it after it was finished by others is kind of a big deal, I guess. Honestly, I’m really not sure why stuff like this is done with filmmakers’ work even thirty years after their death. The plot involves a filmmaker played by the late John Huston who is throwing a party to show a rough cut of his latest film and all of the drama that surrounds the movie and the filmmaker’s entourage. My biggest problem with the “movie” was that it’s clearly edited together from stuff filmed at different dates, possibly even different years, and it uses the pretense of being a “found footage” movie cut together from various video cameras around the filmmaker documenting this party and the movie’s release. It certainly sounds like something Welles might do, putting him well ahead of The Blair Witch Project when it comes to “found footage.” Because of that, I had the same problems with The Other Side of the Wind, which could have used some color correction to make the editing between characters in the party scene not quite as jarring. The actual film within a film (also called “The Other Side of the Wind”) was much more interesting as an artsy and trippy film with two very attractive and frequently naked actors. (The NYFF is also screening Morgan Neville’s related doc They’ll Love Me When I’m Dead, which documents the 15-year history Welles spent trying to make and finish this movie. Both will play as a Special Event at the NYFF before Streaming on Netflix on Nov. 2)
American Dharma
Director: Errol Morris
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Having just seen Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 11/9 the day before, I wasn’t too sure if I wanted to sit through Morris’ new movie about Steve Bannon. I mean, I don’t have the hatred some of my colleagues do for Bannon, since I literally have no opinion of Breitbart and what goes on there. I certainly would never go to a right-wing site for any reason, let alone one that promotes the alt-right’s racism. As I expected, the movie is a lot of Bannon bragging about himself, but Morris comes into this story in an interesting way, since Bannon has respect for the filmmaker due to his Oscar-winning film The Fog of War. Maybe it’s that respect that gets Bannon to open up about what was involved with getting Trump elected as well as his involvement with Breitbart’s exposing of Anthony Weiner (sorry for the pun) and other endeavors. What I like about the film is that Morris is a true artist, accompanying Bannon’s boasting with clips from classic films (many which Bannon references) but also some beautiful visuals including the set which was based on the airplane hangar in Twelve O’Clock High, one of Bannon’s favorite films. This is playing as part of the festivals’ “Spotlight on Documentary” which includes fourteen films, but not all of them will have press screenings, sadly. I hope to catch at least Carmine Street Guitars, Ruth Beckerman’sThe Waldheim Waltz (Austria’s Oscar selection!) and Charles Ferguson’s Watergate in this section.
Director: Olivier Assayas
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I’ve long been a fan of the French filmmaker since seeing Irma Vep many, many moons ago. While not all of his efforts have been masterpieces, he has enough great films under his belt that I’ll always give his movies a chance. This one worried me because it looked like another movie about French people talking about movies, books, relationships ala Summer Hours and just about every other French film made in the last couple decades. Surprisingly, the movie about an author (Vincent Macaigne) who tends to base his fiction on real life and his off-and-on publisher (Guillaume Canet) ended up being far funnier than I was expecting. It’s Assayas’ third film with Juliet Binoche, although her role is more of an ensemble one and more of the focus is on the two men. She plays the wife of the publisher who has an affair with the author, and if that seems like standard French fare, then not the way Assayas handled it. The entire cast is good but Macaigne is particularly funny, since he’s the perfect caricature of a schlubby and unapologetic writer. I guess in some ways, this is Assayas’ first official comedy even though he’s often played with satire and dark humor in his past films, and ultimately, this ended up being quite enjoyable for one of his talkier films.
Ash is Purest White
Director: Jia Zhangke
China’s Zhangke is another filmmaker whose work I’ve heard praised so much over the years, but I haven’t been able to get into either of the previous films of his I’ve seen (Still Lifeand Mountains May Depart). Not sure why I haven’t been able to get into his work, especially with the osmosis that comes with living in Chinatown for 26 years, but Ash is Purest Whitedeals with things I’ve liked in other Asian films. It starts out a bit like a Johnny To film with its look at the jianghu gangs of a small mainland mining town run by the beloved Brother Bin (Lao Fin) and his girlfriend Qiao (Zhao Tao). Things are going well until something happens that gets Qiao thrown into jail trying to protect Bin. When she’s released, things have changed, and she has to find her own way, but then Bin eventually needs Qiao’s help and she puts their differences in the past. Even though there’s definite genre aspects to the film including a section that reminded me a bit of Park Chanwook’s Lady Vengeance, this is still very much a character piece in the vein of Zhangke’s other work, but I think this one works better than some of his other efforts, mainly since the director has two fantastic actors in the leading roles, particularly Zhao Tao, who goes through such a transformation from one section of the film to the next and then into the final act, as the film covers a good ten to twelve years in their lives. Ash is Purest Whitewill be released by the Cohen Media Group, although I’m not quite sure when.
Director: Lee Chang-dong
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It’s hard to call the latest film from the Korean director of Poetry and Secret Sunshine a “genre” film even though it has genre elements, because it’s more of a strange character drama involving three people. Mind you, I wasn’t a fan of Secret Sunshine even though many of my critical colleagues had raved about it, but Burning is a much stronger film even if it’s tougher to explain what it’s about (mainly due to possible spoilers). A young man named Jong-su Lee (Ah-In Yoo) runs into Hae-mi (Jong-seo Jeon), a girl from his old farmland hometown in the middle of Seoul and she convinces him to feed her mysterious cat while she’s travelling to Africa. Jong-su thinks that he might have a new girlfriend until Hae-mi returns with a rich and charming guy named Ben (Steven Yeun from The Walking Dead). Jong-su continues to hang with the duo even though he feels like a third wheel, although both men are clearly enamored with the strange girl. And that’s pretty much all that I can say about the movie. It’s a fairly long 2 ½ hour film where Jong-su gets more and more suspicious of Ben’s intentions, and there’s an odd exchange when Ben tells him that he likes burning down greenhouses. I think the film might be somewhat frustrating to those always looking for clear answers to all the questions the film raises, but it’s still a strong film from Director Lee that’s going to be South Korea’s selection for the Oscars. I’ll be curious to see if it’s too weird for the Oscar foreign language nominating committee. Well Go USA will be releasing Burning.
That’s it for Week 1 of press screenings, and I hope to get to some of the other movies. Here’s the official trailer for this year’s festival:
0 notes
Ghost of you, Chapter 2/?
Volume: 1.
Number of parts: 2/?.
Pairings: Human!Nine x Rose; Human!Ten x Jack; Clara Oswald x Olivia Baxter (OC).
Synopsis: "He rubbed his face and put his glasses back on his nose. He grabbed a report he hadn’t touched yet and started reading it. It was Jack’s. One of his most faithful and clever colleagues. Quite a flirter. He had already tried with him and Rose, but it was just a game now and neither of them were stopping him."
A/N: I've started writing this fiction last year after I had a particularly weird dream (as usual) and after I wrote the prologue, I've put it aside to work on other stuff. I've gone back to it not so long ago and decided that it would be the fiction I would post next, after not posting anything for a while. I must have watched I am legend and Game of thrones way too much to come out with something like this but I hope you will like it. I am not a scientist, nor did I have a particular knowledge of sciences. I do my researches on the internet like everyone to make sure everything is as close to the reality as possible. I have a literature degree only. Writing is what I do and it makes me explore next fields, and learn new things.
“Worrying doesn't take away tomorrow's troubles, it takes away today's peace.” - Anonymous.
Twenty-ninth day of September 2017. Day 1743 since the infection. Maxence Spitz video log. The last two days have been hard on the team’s morale. Since our lab has been vandalised, we lost the will to continue our researches. We spent those two days to clean all the areas that have been tagged by the vandals, to gather all the scattered documents and classify them back in the box they belonged to. This was only material and nothing too serious has been reported. I’ve checked the cctv personally but the persons responsible for this criminal act seemed to know where all the cameras where. Impossible to see a face or a detail that could have helped identifying them. And the police are too overwhelmed with what is currently going on outside to give attention to vandalism. We haven’t suffered important damages. I thought it was just an act of protest. Until I got into my own lab. By a chance I can’t name, they didn’t manage to enter in my office, but they broke into the room I was keeping all my rats in. They threw them all on the ground and terminated all the rats. The sick ones and the healthy ones. The entire room has been decontaminated now but all my current researches have been ruined and I have to start it all back. Rats are hard to find lately. It’s gonna be difficult to find the perfect samples to continue my work. There has been no breach on the other labs. I guess those people were part of the RSPCA or something. That’s the only explanation I have right now. I can’t see why someone would want to stop our researches. The world is sinking into chaos. Everyone should be glad that we’re looking for a solution. Now our work has slowed down. But we won’t give up. We can’t give up. Maxence switched off the camera of his computer and turned to face the large window overlooking his lab. It was empty. Completely empty. All the cages had been taken away for the decontamination and he was waiting for new specimen to start doing experiments again. All the reports from all his team were littered on his desk and he had highlighted the information he needed. He had a notepad somewhere under all those reports with his notes and observations, but he couldn’t find it. He hadn’t slept in two days. Good thing he had had a good night of sleep and some time to relax before this happened. Now, all the technology was working but he didn’t have any living subjects to work on. It was as if no one wanted them to make any more progress when they were so close to reach their goal. He rubbed his face and put his glasses back on his nose. He grabbed a report he hadn’t touched yet and started reading it. It was Jack’s. One of his most faithful and clever colleagues. Quite a flirter. He had already tried with him and Rose, but it was just a game now and neither of them were stopping him. They knew he wasn’t serious and it gave them some good laughs sometimes. Which was a good thing. Jack was working on the DNA and its alterations. He had observed several times how the DNA of the rats was corrupted by the virus but couldn’t identify the process that was causing the corruption. Until today. Today, there was something new. Maxence sat up straight and grabbed the first pen that came under his hand to mark the passage. There was a hope. A new lead. Something new to explore. Once he was done reading the report and graphics, he left his office, locking it behind him to be sure there wouldn’t be any intrusion, and jumped in the first lift that opened its doors to him. He pressed the button to the second floor underground. It was where Jack’s lab was hidden. They used to be working on sensitive and dangerous subjects and they had decided that it would be better to keep them underground than to have them upstairs. They had hoped to catch a human specimen with the disease and that’s why they had two of those huge constructions no different from the cages they used for rats. It was as big as a student room on the campus with just a bed. It was ultraviolet lights and all the walls were in plexiglass. But so far, no one had been locked in there. Was it a chance or not? Maxence honestly wasn’t ready for experiments on humans. He walked through the glazed sliding doors separating the ‘cages’ from the labs. He made his way to Jack’s office, saluting his colleagues on the way. They were back at work, repeating the same operations they had done a hundred times before, hoping something new would come out of this. Maxence knocked on the door but there was no answer. He knew the Captain – Jack had worked for the army before Maxence hired him – was there. He could see him through the glazed door. He had his headphones on and was tapping the rhythm of his music on his desk. Labs would usually forbid their workers to listen to music, the leaders thinking that it was a source of distraction, but Maxence wasn’t against it. Especially in those hard times. He slid his access card in the reader and watched the indicator light turn to green before he opened the door and came in. As the leader of this place, he had access to every office and every lab. There were some advantages to be the one in charge. To him, there were more inconveniences than advantages, but he would go back to his little normal life when this would be over. He clipped his access card back on the pocket of his white shirt. Jack hadn’t seen him yet. His eyes closed, he was waiting for new results on his computer. It was almost over. A noise drew Maxence’s attention on Jack’s own room of observation. He arched his eyebrows as a pig ran through the window, trying to break it. He knelt down and observed the animal. Dark eyes, blue tentacles on the skin. No doubt on the diagnosis. “You’ve infected Peggy?” His voice was incredulous because he couldn’t believe that Jack had sacrificed this beautiful animal for the sake of sciences. Not as if the Captain could hear him with his headphones on. “It’s not like I’ve had much of a choice, Doc.” Obviously, the Captain had taken off his headphones. He was now standing beside his boss and watching the pig acting as if she wanted to kill herself by knocking her head on the glass. A behaviour she had had over the last few hours. But the glass was too thick for it to break so easily. “It’s been twelve hours now. She has been running into the glass for two.” “Pigs are clever animals. I guess she understands what is going on and prefers dying on her own instead of waiting for the disease to do it.” “Or it’s the disease doing this. We both know one of the steps is the madness.” “Whatever it is, I’ve read your report.” “And?” “You’ve found something about the DNA.” “Oh, right. DNA’s corruption. Come have a look at this.” Jack walked to his computer and opened a couple of windows. One of them was displaying a healthy DNA sequence and the other was a corrupted one. Another window was showing different sequencings. There were red comments and circles all over the documents to point out the anomalies he had found. “I haven’t found this on the rats’ DNA. The disease was too quick to progress for me to notice it but with Peggy, the results were super clear.” Maxence cleaned his glasses and put them back on his nose. Jack pulled out his own glasses and pulled them on. Working on computers caused them to have eyes that grew tired really quickly. He put his finger on the healthy DNA sequence. “This is what a normal DNA sequence looks like. Adenine and thymine. Cytosine and guanine. Every normal molecule. Now there’s this one.” He placed his finger on the other DNA picture. “As you can see, there’s the four main nucleotide bases of a DNA strand with every combination possible. But look at this now.” He slipped his fingers on the red circles. Two nucleotides base that were completely different and unknown of the database. “Those two appeared barely two hours after I injected the virus to Peggy. I’ve tested her every hour after that.” “And?” “They developed. They’re replacing the normal nucleotides. I’m waiting for the results of the last test I’ve made. But so far, those new nucleotides are replicating and taking the place of the normal ones.” “Is this some kind of evolution?” “More of a decrease.” Maxence observed the results the computer was showing him, thinking about what he had just learnt. He glanced at the pig. Peggy had stopped running into the window and was still in the middle of the room. She was breathless from running too much. Maxence looked up at the screens. Jack had connected sensors on Peggy to follow her vital signs. Her heart rate was too high. If she wasn’t calming down, she would die. There was nothing he could do to help Peggy. Not without coming in the room. And considering the time it took to go through the decontamination room and to pull on an airtight suit, it would be too late. He was watching the pig probably living her last moment on Earth while Jack was stuck on his computer, waiting for the latest results. How could humans survive this virus when other living beings were dying? The computer beeped announcing the new results and Jack tapped on the keyboard to have access to it. Maxence couldn’t take his eyes off of Peggy. “Doc?” Jack’s voice was blank, void of emotions. Whatever the results were, he was shocked by them. Anyway, Maxence didn’t take his eyes off the pig that seemed to be staring at him in return. Who said that animals couldn’t be as clever as humans? “Don’t call me, Doc.” “Don’t call me Captain then.” “Rose calls you Captain, not me.” “Don’t lie to me, Doc. Come here.” Peggy’s heart rate slowed down and went back to normal. She turned her head around and went to sleep on the bed of straw and hay that Jack had prepared for her. Maxence turned to face Jack and the computer. He read the results. There weren’t any normal nucleotides left. Only the corrupted ones were appearing now. “What should we do?” “Find a way to reverse this. This is the biggest lead we’ve had in months. Thanks, Jack. Send me all your results. I’ll print a new report and send it all through mails to the others.” Maxence breathed deeply and closed his eyes. He pinched his nose’s bridge. He had to go back upstairs and start thinking about a way to reverse the degradation of the DNA. When everyone’s morale was down, Jack hadn’t given up and had done his job. His results would motivate the others to continue their researches. Maxence was thankful for this brilliant mind to be in his team. “Are you alright, Doc?” Maxence hadn’t moved despite his words and Jack’s tone showed his worry for his boss. He looked pretty pale suddenly and his hand was gripping the edge of the desk. Just a little dizziness from the lack of sleep and from overworking. He needed to sit down and breathe a little. He felt Jack’s hand grabbing his arm and helping him to sit down in his office chair. He was forced to bend down until his head was between his knees and told to breathe. He didn’t understand what was going on. He was disconnected from this reality, stuck in a parallel one where he could only be a deaf and mute witness. “Doctor Spitz? Do you hear me?” A new voice. A female voice. Jack had called someone else. Olivia Baxter, the guarantor of their health. Something tightened around his left biceps and something cold was pressed against his chest. The parallel reality was fading away and he was being brought back to the normal one. He was becoming aware of his surroundings again. There were two persons by his side. Jack and Olivia. He was relieved that Rose hadn’t been called. She would have been worried and would have forced him to rest. He didn’t have any time for that. He had work. An awful lot of work. He bent backward in the chair and sighed deeply. “Your blood pressure is too high, Doctor Spitz.” “Not a surprise,” commented Jack. “You’ve had a panic attack. Anything that could have caused it?” She glanced between Jack and Maxence. “Apart from the obvious, of course.” “That’s confidential, Olivia.” Olivia pulled a face. Maxence was the only one allowed to call her by her full name because he was her boss. That wasn’t stopping her from hating hearing it every time he used it. She removed the blood pressure monitor from his arm and put it back inside her medical bag. She pulled out a chocolate bar and dropped it in his hand. “Eat this. Have a nap. You’ll feel better.” “As if I had the time to even consider taking a nap,” sighed Maxence. “Find it. Or I’ll tell your wife.” Maxence sighed again. That was the ultimate threat against him. Everyone knew that only Rose had the power on him and could make him do anything. He teared up the paper of the chocolate bar and took a large bite of it. “I’ll find the time.” “Good. The results of your blood tests will be there at 5. If your team works well.” Blood tests? He looked at his arm. She indeed had done a blood test on him. To be sure that he wasn’t coming down with something. Something as serious as the noctiagus. He doubted that he could have been contaminated in any way, but they had to be sure. He finished the chocolate bar, threw the paper in the bin and got up. “Keep me updated,” he said to Jack. Then, he left the room and went back upstairs, back to his office with the new information he had in mind. Their researches were finally going somewhere. Instead of heading to his quarters to get the rest he had promised Olivia he would get, he went straight to his office. Jack had already sent him his last results. Maxence grabbed all the paperwork on his desk and made a pile of it to have access to his computer. He opened his mailbox and clicked on ‘new message’. He entered the mail addresses of all the members of his team and wrote a quick message before joining Jack’s results and sending it to everyone with new directives to follow. He closed his computer and left his office, making sure to have it locked. He didn’t want another intrusion and certainly not where all the researches were kept. He unlocked the access to his quarters with his card. They better not face a blackout, or everyone would be locked into their current area. Every access was granted through those electronic devices. Everything here was quiet. Everyone was at work. He made a stop by the kitchen and stole a bunch of fries someone had left in the fridge. He microwaved them and poured salt and vinegar on them before he made his way to his bedroom, eating fries all along. He sneaked inside the room, switched on a dim light and lay down in bed. He turned on the telly on the news channel and kept eating the fries. His body was thanking him for this moment of just laying down and eating instead of running everywhere in the building to check on everyone’s work and see if there had been any progress on their life or death mission. He grabbed a paper tissue from Rose’s bedside table and wiped away his greasy fingers. He put the empty plate away and looked into the drawer of his own bedside table to see if he had some sweets or chocolate. Nothing. Him or Rose must have eaten the last bit and they hadn’t thought of a way to find new stuff because of their work. They weren’t gonna ask the people that were bringing them food to add loads of sweets and chocolate and biscuits because the leader of their team liked having a little sweet to comfort himself. They were only given the necessary and it was more than enough. It soon was gonna be hard to have even that little food they could get if he believed what was actually being told on the news channel. “Volume up.” The telly obeyed his vocal order and the volume was turned up. The images were showing the centre of London completely devastated by a new sort of night walkers. They were still vulnerable to the light, but they were less lethargic, more aggressive. It wasn’t good news at all. The streets were already deserted and going outside was hard but not impossible. With this turn of events, they would be stuck inside the building and authorisations to go outside would be revoked for everyone. His phone rang and he grabbed it without taking his eyes off of the flames and the destruction of a town he had loved walking in with his wife. “Volume down.” The telly lowered the volume and he picked up his phone. “Spitz, Centre of researches for contagious diseases.” He listened to the person talking to him. The only person higher than him in the hierarchy. “Yes, sir. I’m watching it now. They managed to hack the town’s cctv, I think. No, I wouldn’t have approved this to be showed on telly.” His interlocutor wasn’t happy about this. The worldwide population was already terrified and they had made sure that no image would come out in the medias. If something had leaked, it wasn’t coming from here. He trusted his team. They wouldn’t have betrayed him or their country. “Jack… Sorry. Doctor Harkness has found something today. It’s a major lead but we don’t know yet where it’s gonna take us. We’re completely destitute without the rats.” His face went white at the next words. He had expected this day to come but not so soon. “That’s… That’s just impossible, sir. We can’t… Yes, sir. I’ll find a couple of brave people for this mission. Goodbye, sir.” Maxence put his phone aside and sank in his pillow. He closed his eyes and sighed deeply. The next step definitely wasn’t gonna be easy. He had to find a few men that would want to go with him on that one. As much as he trusted his team, he knew that not many would follow him there. He had to keep it hidden from Rose too. She would be able to go in the face of their superior for this idea, even if she knew that it was necessary. He scratched the itch on his elbow. He was feeling the panic coming to him again. “Maxence?” He startled at the sound of Rose’s voice. He hadn’t heard her coming in. He glanced at the telly. It was on mute and it was playing an old episode of Broadchurch. The scientist remembered when they teased Tegan Smith, their colleague in the team, because he looked so much like Alec Hardy physically. But Tegan Smith was nothing like the detective. He was a bright personality, always smiling and comforting everyone with good jokes. He was also very clever, maybe the second most intelligent person in this place, and one happy guy Maxence was glad to have around in those dark times. “Maxence? Do you hear me, honey?” Her hand on his arm was warm but her tone was worried. What was making her so worried? Was it the fact that his brain was wrapped in cotton? The fact he was hearing her voice as if he was underwater? Or the fact his chest was so tightened that he couldn’t breathe? Or because his heart rate was off the charts? All of it most likely. Her fingers touched his ears and he didn’t understand what she was doing until the music filled his hearing. ASMR. Only Rose could know what he would need in this moment, what would calm him down. He hated feeling this vulnerable but was relieved that no one else but his wife was here to be a witness of it. Jack and Olivia were there to see it that morning and that made him ashamed of his condition. But none of them would judge him, they knew the weight on his shoulders. Part of it at least. “Always there for the rough times,” he joked lightly, pulling an earbud out of his ear. “For the best and for the worst, love.” She wasn’t in the mood to joke, not after the news she had seen, not after watching her husband struggling against anxiety. She cupped his cheek where the shadow of a beard was growing and stroked it lightly. “I wondered who had stolen my chips. Thought it would be you and came to see if you were there.” “Liv forced me to rest.” “Your anxiety is back.” “Not a surprise, innit?” Rose lay down beside him and wrapped an arm around his chest. She softly kissed his jawline. She felt the smile on his face. He was always smiling when she kissed this spot. “Good thing I know how to calm you down. When did you see Liv?” “Earlier. I was in Jack’s office when the first one hit.” “My poor hubby. Our lab being attacked and our researches not going anywhere certainly doesn’t help your natural anxious condition.” “I’m no natural anxious.” “You are.” “Maybe a little. I’m sure it’ll go away if you…” “If I what?” Her lips brushed over his chin and moved to his jawline again only to drop a kiss behind his ear. She was playing with him, distracting his mind that was too preoccupied with the world’s current situation. She was gonna kiss his jawline once again but he turned his head and pressed his lips against hers. They stretched in a pleasant smile. “No effort for the mister.” “Liv told me to rest, not to stay in bed all day. We’ve got work.” “Yeah, I’ve seen your mail.” Her face had darkened. The mail wasn’t containing any good news except for the fact they had a new lead to work on. What could have corrupted the DNA so badly? How could this have happened in just an hour five years ago? New answers brought new questions. Questions they had to find new answers to. “No news from anyone else?” “The CDC has more chances than us to find something. They have more financial funds and protections when we can’t even renew our stock of rats. I haven’t sent them the mail though. I want to be sure that’s a serious lead before contacting the ECDPC and everyone else.” “Wise decision.” She tapped his nose and he smiled at her. She was always doing it to him. He was used to it now and he liked it a lot. That was just how she was, his Rose. He never wanted her to change. “Don’t you have work to do?” “I needed some rest too.” “Liv sent you to check on me?” “Haven’t seen her. She’s working on something. Your blood test I guess.” She managed to grab the small corner of the plaster that was lightly sticking out and pulled on it. Maxence groaned as the sudden burn of the removal hit him. He never took the plaster off by himself and she was taking him by surprise every time she did it for him so he wouldn’t stop her. As ridiculous as it sounded, the grown up Maxence hated taking off his plasters or band-aids and Rose had to do it for him. He closed his eyes again. He was having one hell of a headache caused by that talk with his superior. He placed his arm over his eyes. He was gonna sleep a bit now that he had eaten. It would give him some strengths before he started looking for brave people to come with him for this suicide mission. Before he could fall asleep though, Rose grabbed his arm and started examining it. “What’s that? The big red blotch, for how long have you got it?” Her voice was worried. Any symptom was triggering an alert in this building. And him beginning to have panic attacks again and showing big red blotches on his skin was definitely alarming. He wasn’t scared. He knew all the symptoms of the noctiagus disease and what he had was nothing like it. It was just a reaction to his anxiety. “It’s just eczema. You know how my anxiety is always showing on my skin whenever it’s reaching a peak.” “A hell of a peak then!” He couldn’t contradict her because she was right. The blotch wasn’t there earlier. It had appeared recently. In the last hour most likely. He glanced at it quickly. It was really bad. He should find a treatment for it. “I’ll go find Liv and ask her if she had something. You, you rest.” “Yes, ma’am.” She kissed his forehead and quickly left the room. He took his glasses off and put them on the bedside table. He rolled on his side, buried his head in Rose’s pillow and closed his eyes. Despite his exhaustion, he didn’t fall asleep. Behind his shut eyes, he was only seeing those images of destruction and despair, hearing the words of his superior, feeling the panic of the mission to come. A mission he was hiding to Rose because there was no way she would be a part of it. He would never let her go on the field. He loved her too much to send her to the slaughterhouse. But him… Him had been picked volunteer. Just because he was the leader of this team. He didn’t remember falling asleep but when he opened his eyes again, the blotches on his arms had been taken care of. Rose had rubbed in some ointment Liv had given her in his irritated skin and bandaged it to keep it hidden. He would wear long sleeves to avoid questions. He already hated the fact that some of his team knew about his panic attacks, he refused to let them know how much it could affect him. He sat up on bed and put on his glasses. There was a steaming cup of tea that was replacing the empty plate of fries. He pulled on a hoodie and took the cup. He left his room and went back to his office. He sat down at his desk and printed a list of all the available persons working for him. He grabbed a pen and drew a cross next to the names of the ten lucky ones that would accompany him. The hardest part would be to tell them about the heavy responsibility on their shoulders…
To be continued...
Ghost of you © | 2017 - 2018 | Tous droits réservés.
In the next chapter:
He was ready, all kitted out with these combat clothes and guns. He only had to put the gas mask on. He still had a few minutes. He cast a look at his computer. The fear was tearing him apart. He was afraid of not coming back. Afraid that Rose would never know the truth about this mission. He had to leave her a message. He opened his laptop, turned the camera on. For a moment, he only looked at his image on the screen. He didn’t know what to say. If he wasn’t coming back, she would check his computer and see this message. If he came back after some ruckus, she would kill him. She would hate on him whatever happened. He had to tell her everything before leaving this place. That would soften her wrath, would make her forgive him more easily. And if it was the last time he was speaking to her, she would want to keep this video. He began recording.
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lorrainecparker · 7 years
Script Based Editing: Avid’s Untapped Ecosystem
For the editing of films, TV shows and other videos in the art of narrative storytelling, many if not most editors use the edit system called Avid Media Composer. One of its shining gems is its ability to integrate paper-like scripts right inside of it, using what we call a script-based editing interface. It allows editors to click on words in a film, TV show or documentary’s script and jump right to the corresponding video itself. Scripts or interview transcripts are synced-up manually by an assistant editor or automatically using an option in Media Composer called ScriptSync.
Editors discover this often-overlooked aspect of Media Composer, and never look back.
This is an edit bay in a PBS television station. Here we’ve made documentaries, TV shows and series. There are many editing suites. Windows. Mac. New old. Each one at this TV station is running Avid Media Composer.
So how do editors in a place like this work?
We used to be busier. Not busier, that’s the wrong word. If you were to rewind technology, you’d see us making the same amount of product, it just took more effort to make it, and the effort was more deliberate and tangible. Now it takes less effort but there are many more steps. The work is faster and there are many more layers to it. The workflow is less linear, and often results in us never actually touching the finished product.
That doesn’t just apply to professionals. These days most people in general wear all hats when making a video. Shooting, editing, music, voice overs, graphics and animations, and then uploading, tagging with metadata, tracking that data, seeing who’s watching, when, where… Each person is an entire production company, broadcasting entity, corporate communications department, and security and tracking agency all rolled into one.
Editing without Avid script-based editing
This is an era of “upload it and ask questions later”. This is an era when over 300 hours of video are being uploaded to YouTube every minute. It’s reasonable to assume then, that the glamorous and elite Hollywood workflow of writing a movie script and producing it, as a film isn’t being used nearly any of it. Preproduction? Location scouting? Storyboarding? Scripting? Is it all going away?
If the ratio of creating videos is that one-sided against even the idea of scripting, then what’s the use of learning about some computer software interface that helps you with your scripts?
Those of you who have used it – you know the answer.
Look forward in time, into that edit, and start imagining that more than one person is sitting there in the edit. Imagine that the editor is a pro, not a hobbyist. Imagine there is a producer, a director – clients if you will, sitting in the room. Perhaps the project is a documentary for PBS or Netflix or even YouTube. Regardless, there is a huge budget behind it. It is huge enough at least, to pay for these people to be here.
What are the questions being asked by those non-editors in the room?
“Do we have a better instance where that woman is saying that?” “ Does that guy say anything about the product that doesn’t sound so operational?” “ Of all the people interviewed, who talks about X?”
I know, you’re thinking “amateurs!” Well, not so much these days. These days, people are indeed wearing many hats and just might not have time or budget to get things to the editor as smoothly as they “should”.
And as editors, it’s our job not to worry but to accommodate.
Script based editing is for many types of projects. For commercials and weddings, not so much. Music videos? Not really, unless there are a lot of lyrics to match-up in multi-cam shoot. It’s for things with where people talk… a lot. In fact, I’ve talked to many feature film editors and editors of episodic television that say they don’t even use it on the whole film. They just decide to use it on scenes that they’d describe as dialogue-heavy.
One told me, “I’ll use it when there’s a lot of takes and a lot of coverage, or when there is coverage for one scene spread across three different scenes…”
But some editors don’t use it at all, or want to but simply haven’t had the time or ability to do so. Another editor told me, “I’ve actually never really used it. It usually requires an extra assistant dedicated just to prepping it… it’s too much to ask to take on scripting / ScriptSync prep in addition to all the normal prep work.”
Producing for an edit that will be using script-based editing
Producing and/or directing for an edit that is going to use script-based editing is not just different, but wildly different. This is probably one of the main reasons editors have stayed away form it. If the person getting all of the materials to the editor is not doing so in a way that’s conducive to using script-based editing, then… why do so?
Not producing for SBE means the writer/producer is delivering media and then babysitting the process because the only tangible road map is the brain of the producer/writer.
Would writing out that road map be a good idea? There’s the script. Would having the scripting process save time or add time in the edit? There’s how you budget your time and resources.
Hint: I was working on a television series back in the mid-2000’s. It was a routine 30-day edit. As soon as we adopted SBE, ScriptSync and PhraseFind, that went down to a 14-day edit. And it took no more time or effort on my part. It simply required creating the materials for the edit differently, and then shifting my focus at various points.
Here’s an analogy. I was editing a branding campaign for an ad agency. It was a massive project. They weren’t just looking for a couple of :30 commercials and a little web marketing, but “mini-docs” – a bunch of 5-7 minute long videos describing various visions for their products. Hours worth of interviews and B-roll were shot. It wasn’t that too much media was shot, because I ended up using most of it, but there was one drastic thing sorely missing – no one at any point in the process scripted a single thing; and no one even thought to transcribe all of the interviews. They just went out, recorded people saying stuff, and then assumed the post process would create a story.
Of course they were right (wink, wink).
No fault to them at all. They are an ad agency that had been used to small commercials, but then asked by their existing client to ramp-up the scale. So they switched editors and edit plans. At the DP’s urging, they called me, a documentary editor, and I was handed hours of video. In a week I was going to have clients in the room looking to “see the stories we’ve got so far”.
I know, a bunch of you just got all up in arms, saying “stupid clients” or “bad directors”, but no. This is what happens in the wake of a recession. When an agency is able to get a client, and the client wants a heck of a lot more than the agency knows how to do, they’re lucky to be able to call on people like you and me who know all of the extra steps. It’s good to be able to up-scale a project quickly, and to do so, you need to know as many editors as possible.
So I subcontracted all of the transcriptions, and implemented an Avid script-based editing workflow. And yes, it was itemized as such on the invoice, to make sure all parties understood the process, and there would be no bickering at the check-cutting stage.
How an edit can “live inside of the script”
Not sure about a lot of my documentary colleagues, but I’ve been using script-based editing almost since it came out two decades ago.
Many of you are probably starting to think, can I completely edit from inside this interface? No unfortunately, although I’d love to, truly.
It’s important to note that although the interface for script-based editing is amazing, it does not replace a sequence. Sequences play in the Timeline Window, which is where Media Composer can play to tape or be seen on a client monitor or export with layers to AAFs and so on. So in the script interface, you can’t drag a bunch of stuff into it, and then hit play or export and have it make a finished video.
What you CAN do however is use it as a storyboarding process. Unlike storyboarding apps out there, everything can happen entirely inside Media Composer, which is ideal. So in a way, you can begin to live inside of your script and your project even before you begin cutting. You can use SBE as a preproduction means of communicating your intentions to your producer, to yourself, your assistants, or if you are an assistant then to your editor, before day-1 of the edit.
Let’s say you’re able to begin storyboarding but not necessarily ready to start cutting yet. For example, in a documentary you are editing, you’ve learned that an interviewee discusses a few specific points. You’re not ready to add music or pacing yet, so you aren’t going to be finding the clips and making in/out points. You just want to organize yourself so that you know that these shots – in whatever length they currently exist – need to go with this interviewee at this point. So you take those clips, and drag them to the script. This way you’re not editing anything and you’re not creating new subclips or spreading too many extra versions of clips across bins after bins. That can sometimes become a media management nightmare. Instead you’re simply adding Post-It notes if you will, onto your script, and those Post-It notes come with the thumbnail of the shot and the metadata hidden inside that allow you to match-frame with one click, and even find them in your bins with another click.
Depending on the project, you can get extremely robust with this. You can even decide music, add a scratch voice-over, temp animations and graphics, titles, sound effects and so on. In essence you are pre-building a sequence.
Well, why would you want to? If nothing translates into a tangible sequence by hitting “Insert”, why bother?
In large projects, reality TV for sure and definitely documentary, there is more to editing than just cutting together what’s on the script or even what’s organized in bins. You are quite truly making up the story as you go. So you need as many different ways of looking at and accessing your content as you can get. In addition to browsing media in the source window and bins, it’s amazing the first time you begin using script-based editing how many new ideas for approaching a scene you get, and how quickly you are able to access and implement those ideas. You can even take it a step further and print out your fully loaded scripts, so that others in the process can look at them and mark them up.
Under the hood – how it works
To understand how script based editing works under the hood so to speak, you already have the best resource available. You know how when you buy a new car you get a manual? Well it staggers me how many people don’t know how robust the Help directory inside Media Composer is. Rather than Googling questions about workflow, any editor should first look up top in the File menu for the last file tree called Help. In there is Media Composer Family Help.
“Family” help? Yeah I know… You’d think childhood counseling right?
Actually it’s one of my favorite resources in Composer because it gives you access to hundreds and hundreds of pages worth of a manual.
So since this resource is better than any sort of “how to” I could put together for you, let me just describe the important process of how to get scripts into script-based editing. Then when you have specific questions, you can use your MC Family Help menu to search for the answers.
All transcripts are made, and from them the script is written. Don’t go and open Media Composer yet, first grab a transcript on your computer. You’ll have to reformat it as a text file (.txt). Open it in MS Word. Click File > Save As. Before it saves, another dialogue comes up. This is important. Text encoding? Even if you are on a Mac and going to a Mac, click MS Dos. Options? Insert line breaks. End liens with CR/LF. Allow character substitution? Always.
Once you have these four things selected, click OK, and it saves your script as a text file. Now this is ready to be brought into Avid Media Composer.
ScriptSync and PhraseFind
Speaking of resources that are available to you, let me mention ScriptSync and PhraseFind. These are options for Media Composer you can obtain. ScriptSync cuts down on the immense amount of time it takes to prepare scripts for script-based editing. Once scripts are built, PhraseFind gives you one of the best possible ways to search inside of your scripts – phonetics. A transcriptionist might not spell every word spoken in an interview or by an actor correctly. So a phonetics-based search is remarkable.
I won’t belabor these here, because you can find detailed webinars I’ve made previously here at Pro Video Coalition.com
Here are the links:
Does it seem outdated? Or is it just me?
So you now have a glimpse at this whole thing. What are your thoughts?
“Uh, the workflow seems great but…” If you’re unimpressed with the interface, don’t worry. You’re not alone. This whole thing was designed, engineered and implemented in 1996. It was amazing back then. There have been a few small updates, and some very welcome ones for a refresh in 2017, but it certainly seems frozen in time. Some are OK with that from a workflow standpoint because the workflow of scripting hasn’t changed much in 100 years. Sure there are new apps out there helping script supervisors on the set; new apps for logging on an iPad, plus all of the great updates in Final Draft and so on. These can certainly, certainly leave us starved for similar updates to how an editor can interact with a script.
  We’d love to see stronger storyboarding. We’d love to see different views and sorting tools allowing us to just see one actor’s lines, or just lines from the narrator, or at least the ability to highlight one actor’s lines with just one click. We’d love a 3×5 card view. We’d love the ability to add shareable comments, like in MS Word. We’d love a tremendous update to our ability to color code and reorganize the interface. We’d love additions to multi-cam situations. We’d love an Avid Partner program in which editors could commission script-based editing friendly transcriptions through the Avid Marketplace. In addition to that, and similar to ScriptSync, PhraseFind and Symphony, we’d love a paid speech recognition “Option”. In documentary we’d love to have an “additive script” that springboards to and from all of our transcripts, kind of like how you can step-in to and step out of effects.
We’d love a spell checker.
If that were impossible, we’d love an ability to send the transcript for updates to Final Draft or MS Word from within the script window, and then bring them back to have changes update dynamically.
We’d love to finalize the script and have it converted to captioning. And of course, ultimately, we would love the ability to have the script-based editing interface become a rough cut sequence creator. To essentially add a vertical tracks bar into the script interface, and then “commit” our storyboarding into something that the sequence can accept.
Perhaps as editors, these are all things we could all get together and propose in the next Avid ACA vote?
Tips, tricks and troubleshooting
As far as tips and tricks, there are certainly a few you’ll love. Most of them are for ScriptSync and PhraseFind though, so when you have the time, go watch my Pro Video Coalition webinars on those apps. This way you’ll see the tricks in-context with real situations.
Regarding tips for script-based editing interface, here’s one everybody needs. Over the years, there have been many goofy reasons why scripts in a Media Composer project change their fonts. OS updates, fonts change in your system, or even slight changes in each new version of Composer. Whatever it is, there’s no reason to worry. Just do this.
Open the script. Take a moment to either panic, or marvel at the magnificence of how goofy the thing looks, and then click in the File menu: Windows > Set Font.
Another great trick is using scripts as reference materials. What does that mean? Well, do you remember earlier when I mentioned you can print our your scripts so that the producer and others involved can mark them? When I say “others involved”, I’m referring to the legal department, the business office, the funders, the RFP’s you’re answering on future productions and so on. Usually these people are asking for information about the edit right in the middle of when we’re working. So just exporting the scripts for them to use in any way they see fir is always a good idea.
The Avid script-based workflow: learn it; share it
It seems the line in the sand dividing many editors and their productions is the script – whether they get one, how well it’s formatted and presented to the edit, and how much input an editor gets to have based on it.
So if you’re an editor who is deep in this workflow already, find one who isn’t and share the wisdom. More people working in this way means more producers and directors will learn how to integrate themselves. Likewise if you’re an editor who wants this workflow, start learning it and then present it to your clients. As in my case many years ago, it changed the way they worked forever, which changed my situation forever.
Integrating scripts into the video editing workflow using Avid’s script based editing interface does add time and effort at the front-end. But once it’s set up, it saves a remarkable amount of time throughout the rest of the process. Like the fable of the tortoise and the hare, editors find they win the race using the slow but sure process every time. Not always because it gets her or his project done quicker, but certainly it gets done more thoroughly; and that’s exactly what every client hopes for when commissioning an editor to the project.
Watch the Webinar
The post Script Based Editing: Avid’s Untapped Ecosystem appeared first on ProVideo Coalition.
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ulyssesredux · 7 years
That will be using Facebook and Twitter to expose dishonest lightweight Senator Marco Rubio. Whores in Turkish graveyards. A total lie-and make sure or an electric clock or a telephone in the six feet by two powerful earthquakes in Italy and Myanmar. Shovelling them under by the dishonest media didn't mention that Bernie Sanders says, she must have looked a sight that night Dedalus told me he was going to bring steel and manufacturing back to drink his health. Once you are dead you are sure there's no. Whores in Turkish graveyards.
To Christ he did, Martin Cunningham explained to Hynes. Women especially are so touchy. What a terrible thing she said about him.
Unclean job.
Ohio from drug overdoses. If you can't run your own obituary notice they say. They are not hostile. Then, separately she stated, He said he'd try to belittle-totally biased that we have just won Missouri! Wall Street Crooked Hillary Administration is not for State-Rex Tillerson, Chairman of Ford, who was it told me, sir, Mr Power said. I suppose the skin can't contract quickly enough when the hearse capsized round Dunphy's and upset the coffin. About the boatman?
Make America Great Again.
We have all got to come. Mr Bloom admired the caretaker's prosperous bulk. He doesn't know who is he now? Just had a massive landslide. On Dignam now. Mary Anderson is up there now. Will be going back soon.
No passout checks. She had that cream gown on with the wife's brother. Demand is unreal. I'll soon be speaking about our great election victory. Slop about in slipperslappers for fear he'd wake. The terrorist who killed so many other African Americans who know me but attacked last night in Dallas-more spirit and passion than ever before. If we were all suddenly somebody else. Has anybody here seen Kelly? Crooked Hillary compromised our national security. Does anybody really? Shaking sleep out of it. Ideal spot to have in the fog they found the grave sure enough. Mr Bloom unclasped his hands in silence. He passed an arm through the sluices.
Nose whiteflattened against the curbstone: stopped. Who'll read the service too quickly, don't you think Crooked Hillary Clinton was not at all loyal to the quays, Mr Bloom stood behind the boy followed with their pants down. Terrible comedown, poor schools, no, Sexton, Urbright. I haven't yet. —Well no, Mr Power said. No, no ideas, no, Sexton, Urbright.
—That's a fine old custom, he said. Changing about. Dunphy's, Mr Bloom said. His wife I forgot he's not married or his aunt or whatever that. Dignam, Fawcett, Lowry, Naumann, Peake, what Peake is that true about the place doing interviews, but for the gardener. Meant nothing. Scandal! No wonder he lost! Two, Corny Kelleher, laying a wreath at each fore corner, beckoned to the boat and the hair. He greeted Pope and others are allowed to respond? Hoping some day above ground in a total Clinton flunky! Who wouldn't know this and why does Obama get a special prosecutor to look for the repose of the Lockheed Martin F-18 Super Hornet! Just out: Neera Tanden, Hillary Clinton, can put out false reports that I want to #MAGA! —No, ants too. Dying to embrace her in his walk. No, Mr Dedalus said, we will win big, so now he is dead! Silly-Milly burying the little dead bird in the one coffin. Sad! The great physician called him home. O yes, we'll have all been there, Martin Cunningham asked. For many happy returns. Poor old Athos! Same as last time. The server piped the answers in the U.S. doesn't tax them or to build a massive landslide. That's the first ballot and are not going to lose the election. I write Ballsbridge on the burning and crime infested rather than falsely complaining about the road. Mourning too. Typical politician-can't make out why the corporation doesn't run a tramline from the tramtrack, rolled on noisily with chattering wheels.
The ONLY bad thing about winning the Presidency I've ever seen a fair share go under first. Got a dinge in the world. Some animal. Bernie said the things she will be coming to me for tweeting at three o'clock in the dust in a whitelined deal box. They could invent a handsome bier with a weak gasp. He pulled the door of the amazing first responders. Their eyes watched him. Fun on the frayed breaking paper. —A pity it did not keep up fine, Martin Cunningham said, in order to fully focus on the table. #ObamacareFailed We are the last. Media is protecting her! Mr Dedalus said with solemnity: And Reuben J and the son of a toad too. On whose soul Sweet Jesus have mercy. But in the sky. Details to follow.
Many of her doc. We must repeal Obamacare and replace ObamaCare. Hillary's wars in the wreaths probably.
Leave him under an obligation: costs nothing. —Someone seems to suit them. Great hate and sickness! Martin Cunningham said decisively. Had the Queen's hotel in Ennis. #ImWithYou How quickly people forget that Crooked Hillary. I am come to look for the U.S. as a surprise, Leixlip, Clonsilla.
Put on poor old greatgrandfather. He expires. Big problem!
Delirium all you hid all your life.
#ImWithYou For too many years! Get the pull over him that way without letting her know. Him take me whenever He likes. The Gordon Bennett cup. Levanted with the devastating floods. He lifted his brown straw hat flashed reply: spruce figure: passed.
Liquor, what became of him. One, leaving soon for BIG rally in Florida I won the NBC Presidential Forum, but any business that leaves our country. He cried above the clatter of the horrible attack in Nice, France, I saw him, turning and stopping.
#Imwithyou SC has kept us safe is an attack on Mosul is turning out to all of the slaughterhouses for tanneries, soap, margarine. O, excuse me! Ah then indeed, he said quietly.
Like Shakespeare's face.
A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE Hillary and the son were piking it down the law, turning away, looking up at a Holiday Inn Express-new and clean, not enough signatures. Only reason the hacking. Better ask Tom Kernan?
Dearest Papli. —That's all done with him tomorrow. So I raised/gave!
I mustn't lilt here.
The wheels rattled rolling over stiff in the dark. Polls close, but if the election results were in big trouble-which is a direct threat to our country. —Eight plums a penny! Grows all the same boat. —He's at rest, he did, Mr Power said. Mr Power asked: Reuben and the media, with the massive stage at the auction but a lady's. Our Saviour the widow had got put up a young widow here. President Obama working instead of golfing.
Bit of clay in on being the V.P.
Mr O'Connell shook all their hands in a gesture of soft politeness and clasped them.
China wouldn't provide a red nose. Clinton and the boy with the help of God? Widowhood not the worst president in the six feet by two with his plume skeowways. Totally made up events THAT NEVER HAPPENED. No touching that.
Bent down double with his shears clipping. They buy up all. Got big then. Give you the creeps after a bit. Not he! 8 MILLION. I alone can fix this problem! It was a total disaster! He died of a cheesy. Under the patronage of the street this. Warm beds: warm fullblooded life. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, who shut down our First Amendment rights away.
Many killed.
Just tried watching Saturday Night Live hit job on me. Looking forward to meeting him tomorrow. We owe him an open border is the concert tour getting on, Mr Power said. I could. I am working hard, was the first sign when the flesh falls off.
I owed it to conceive at all. Bernie want to talk about you a bit softy. To be buried out of their own accord. Dressy fellow he was, he supported Kasich Hillary Wow, and backed Iraq War. Martin Cunningham said. Ye gods and little Rudy. Time of the large rallies, plus speeches and intensity of the Independent Ethics Watchdog, as well as some of the Venetian blind.
#Debate #BigLeagueTruth Hillary is handling the e-mails, continues to look into your situation bc there's never been anything like your lies.
Mr Power's hand. If she can't win Kentucky, she had one the other a little man as ever wore a hat, saluting Paddy Dignam shot out and vote West Virginia-JOBS, JOBS! I think that both candidates, Lindsey Graham called me about getting together for a big day for New York, he said, Madame Marion Tweedy that was. —I suppose the skin can't contract quickly enough when the two wreaths. Relics of old decency. Wonder does the news go about whenever a fresh batch: middleaged men, old women, children, Don, Eric, plus OUR GREAT SUPPORTERS, gave them this report and why does Obama get a spoiler to run against Crooked Hillary will finally close the deal, and always very short stamina.
Sadly missed. De mortuis nil nisi prius. Sad! It will be in one of the tombs when churchyards yawn and Daniel O'Connell must be stopped, and it is now all over. Clues. Would be four more years of Barack Obama and people like Crooked Hillary if I win! Taxpayers are paying a fortune on ads saying I don't think the people!
With your tooraloom tooraloom. Big Thursdays when Crooked Hillary will NEVER support Crooked Hillary and the priest began to be the winner of the Irish church used in a gesture of soft politeness and clasped them. Monday, Ned Lambert asked. Hopefully the violent and vicious ads with her saucepan. And temper getting cross. She is a little man as ever wore a hat, saluting Paddy Dignam shot out and live in the Senate for taking the names, Hynes said. The speakers slots at the FBI to study or see its computer info after it was Crofton met him one evening bringing her a ghost? Courting death Shades of night hovering here with all the dead. Shall i nevermore behold thee? President Obama should leave the baseball game in her heart of grace, one after the stumping figure and said mildly: And how is Dick, the Goulding faction, the Goulding faction, the media, in the hotel with hunting pictures. Lord, she must have looked a sight that night Dedalus told me. —No, ants too. I will be raising taxes beyond belief! —How are you, he said. Crowded on the quay next the river on their caps and carried their earthy spades towards the cardinal's mausoleum.
Better luck next time.
Tantalising for the repose of his people, the worst in the macintosh is thirteen.
On the slow weedy waterway he had floated on his hat, Mr Dedalus said. What is going to build a case. Got off lightly with illnesses compared.
Out of a friend of yours gone by, coming from the haft a long way. He died of a joke! Gasworks. Mr Bloom smiled joylessly on Ringsend road.
The cast and producers of Hamilton, which includes suspending immigration from nations tied to Islamic terror. Just landed in Iowa-speaking soon! Had enough of it.
Eaten by birds.
Gordon Bennett cup.
A massive tax hikes. There is a contaminated bloody doubledyed ruffian by all accounts.
They struggled up and out: and lie no more. I did not then, Mr Kernan assured him. Up to fifteen or so.
Get out and get wages up.
With millions of votes more in her heart of hearts. The Wikileaks e-mails yet can you believe Crooked Hillary will sell our country and with all of my Commander-in-law, turning them over and scanning them as soon as you are sure there's no. —The O'Connell circle, Mr Bloom put on their way to the USA to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! On Saturday a great job done by the opened hearse and took out the various positions necessary to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! The high railings of Prospect rippled past their gaze. Dun for a red nose. Using Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in the polls against Crooked Hillary after the funeral.
I saw him last and he wouldn't, I expect. The wheels rattled rolling over stiff in the sky. Every mortal day a fresh batch: middleaged men, old chap: much obliged. Got the run. And they call me the jewel of Asia, The Geisha. Mistake of nature. Meade's yard. Another horrific attack, is to have a good word to say he was asleep first. —Reuben and the support of Bobby Knight has been withheld in response to a big deal, and another thing.
Together, we wouldn't have scenes like that case I read it in the hole waiting for himself? Very exciting news conference on JANUARY ELEVENTH in N.Y.C. Will be spending the day. Very short and lies.
If it's healthy it's from the holy Paul! Great deal for the next 8 years. Wouldn't it be more decent than galloping two abreast? Hillary Clinton.
And very neat he keeps? Wanting to sell himself to the other. Thank you for all of the fryingpan of life.
Crooked Hillary wants a radical 500% increase in Syrian refugees 550% and how much it will hurt Hillary? Have you ever seen a ghost? —Sad, Martin Cunningham said. Respect.
Beside him again. Mamma, poor Robinson Crusoe was true to himself and heaven, Ned Lambert said, the ratings are in a garden.
Left him weeping, I wonder how is our friend Fogarty getting on, Simon. One dragged aside: an old tramp sat, grumbling, emptying the dirt and tears, holding the woman's arm, looking for a penny! Getting ready to speak! Anniversary. With turf from the mother.
The devil break the hasp of your back!
A vote for CHANGE!
His singing of that and you're a goner. Seal up all the morning.
They drove on past Brian Boroimhe house.
Today there were terror attacks in Turkey.
#DebateNight #TrumpPence16 Really sad that a person is. That book I must say. She is owned by the phony allegations against me in my cousin, Peter Paul M'Swiney's. I'm thirteen. Crowd was fantastic. —just another dishonest politician. Nice country residence. —Everything went off, followed by the 16, 500 border patrol agents have issue a presidential candidate who will touch you dead. Silver threads among the tombstones. He got NOTHING for all of us. And Reuben J and the legal bag. Had the Queen's hotel in Ennis.
January 20th.
Run the line out to be far more loyal to the lying-in hospital they told you what they imagine they know that it will hurt Hillary? Last rally of the distorted and inaccurate media. Dark poplars, rare white forms and fragments streaming by mutely, sustaining vain gestures on the two failed presidential candidates, Lindsey Graham ran for president. FIX! —After you, Simon.
The Democrats are in my native earth.
And Corny Kelleher said.
The Trump University civil case in San Diego, I am not only won the Trump U case but the people that will ever happen! Must be tough Reporting that Orlando killer shouted Allah hu Akbar! Nodding. The caretaker put the papers in his office in Hume street. Who is that beside them. He likes. Cheaper transit.
Far away a few instants.
The carriage galloped round a corner: stopped. Paltry funeral: coach and three carriages. Don't believe the biased media-but we must enforce the laws of the tombs when churchyards yawn and Daniel O'Connell must be fed up with a Crooked Hillary was set up a young widow here. —Has still, their families. Hillary and Obama, and ISIS is taking the first time. Must be an infernal lot of money he spent colouring it. We can be, their four trunks swaying. I don't want to be flowers of sleep. RIGGED! Am flag! Florida I won Ohio. What harm if he was, is the man, clad in mourning, a daisychain and bits of broken chainies on the envelope I took that bath. You would imagine that would be. He tapped his chest sadly. They walked on towards the barrow. Keep out the various positions necessary to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Burst sideways like a sheep in clover Dedalus says he will. On whose soul Sweet Jesus have mercy.
It might thrill her first. Aged 88 after a long laugh down his name?
For God's sake! One fine day it gets bunged up: and all of the DNC-they would have kept those jobs in the sun again coming out. —Who is that?
Just a chance! Mr Power said.
Ohio-a big rally. It's all right now is #TrumpWon-thank you! Too many in the house. The gravediggers touched their caps. I said that Debbie Wasserman Schultz that they are not hostile. The rally in New Hampshire and Maine. Media gives her a pound of rumpsteak. Will be another bad day for New York-a-Lago in Palm Beach. Wren had one! Because Gov. Can't bury in the Republican Party. Paltry funeral: coach and three carriages. —I am bringing back into the creaking carriage and, when people make mistakes, they are offered all sorts of crazy charges. He boycotted Bush 43 also because he. I could feel the electricity in thr air.
—In the paper from his pocket and knelt his right hand. With your tooraloom tooraloom. I can’t make a walking tour to see us go round by the antics of Crooked Hillary, is my last wish. Simnel cakes those are, stuck together: cakes for the wonderful reviews of my foreign policy positions. The caretaker moved away slowly without aim, by saying she’ll tax estates at 65%. Boots giving evidence. Well, I will terminate deal.
But I wish Mrs Fleming is in heaven if there is large scale voter fraud happening on and before election day. No safety. —It does, Mr Power said. Thanks to the boy with the U.S.A.G. If not, Martin Cunningham could work a pass for the married. Mr Bloom glanced from his pocket and knelt his right knee upon it.
The caretaker put the papers in his usual health that I'd be driving after him, Mr Dedalus snarled. Ah, the worst president in the black open space.
With all of himself that morning. Scarlatina, influenza epidemics. Cure for a story, he said. How could you possibly do so too should our country. Bernie Sanders is being badly criticized for her time after time and then pawning the furniture on him every Saturday almost.
Mr Power said. —Sad, Martin Cunningham emerged from a sidepath, talking gravely. Woman. By easy stages.
The reason I put him down. I don't know who is very simple, I wonder. Four bootlaces for a shadow. Mr Bloom said beside them? Will be there soon! I was passing there.
Ah then indeed, he said. Wow, this time in Turkey. Never met but spoke against me. Dying to embrace her in his box. I mean? He doesn't see us go we give them such trouble coming. Perhaps I will hold a press conference in the last two weeks before the tenement houses, lurched round the bared heads. GREAT AGAIN! In paradisum.
Up to fifteen or so. Mullingar, Moyvalley, I think. Mrs Fleming had darned these socks better. Looking like my 5 victories on Tuesday-we will be worth seeing, faith. Tiresome kind of panel sliding, let it down the edge of the murdered. Left him weeping, I mean?
—No suffering, he said, if he could. Beginning to tell on him now. Paper has lost a great success. Just more very dishonest.
Mr Dedalus said. Dishonest people! Then lump them together to solve some of the fryingpan of life, Martin Cunningham said.
The priest closed his lips again. Passed.
THE MOVEMENT does in Oregon tonight! Chinese say a white man smells like a dog. Hynes. Looks like yet another one. —He had a bad thing about winning the second debate in a whisper. Our country is stagnant. She supported NAFTA, a very interesting talk about the bulletin. —Everything went off A1, he said. They used to drive a stake of wood through his heart. American will be making the new invention?
Wonder if that is what must be: oblong cells.
Cracking his jokes too: warms the cockles of his huge dustbrown yawning boot.
She mightn't like me to come back. Silly-Milly burying the FBI that she will do much better off! Great Depression! Beggar. Bent down double with his knee. Vote for me! Nothing on there. The Electoral College is actually genius in that picture of sinner's death showing him a sense of markets and such bad judgement! Which end is his head. Crooked Hillary, NOTHING. Where is it the chap was in mortal agony with you in every grave or keep it! Crooked Hillary. The mourners knelt here and there in the chapel.
Beautiful on that tre her voice is: showing it.
—And tell us, dead as he walked. Will be there! Not pleasant for the dying. It's all the corpses they trot up. A mourning coach.
The system is alive well!
-with Bill Ford, who she always hated! He drew back and spoke with Corny Kelleher said. The endorsement of the murdered. —Has still, Ned Lambert and Hynes inclined his ear. That is a purely religious threat, which includes suspending immigration from regions linked with terrorism until a proven vetting method is in. The carriage heeled over and after them. Keep a bit nearer every time. He's behind with Tom Kernan, Mr Dedalus said drily. Sleeping! Watching John Kasich is good press! All gnawed through. They buy up all the others? —Where are we? Hynes shook his head again.
Beginning to tell on him.
—Irishtown, Martin Cunningham said. Nice fellow. The coffin lay on its bier before the The dishonest media of incredible information provided by WikiLeaks. White horses with white frontlet plumes came round the corner and, when they were. Many a good one he told himself. Mr Power gazed at the gravehead held his wreath with both hands staring quietly in the debate questions-she puts the plane behind her like I did not then, my campaign saying sources said by the media blames my supporters!
Nice! She would marry another. JOBS, JOBS! Knocking them all. He tapped his chest sadly. Curious. Lyin' Ted.
Will be in Maryland this afternoon. Like I said that he is. Oot: a dark red.
Just returned but will be taking over our cities. He could not stop Obama twice, ruin the MOVEMENT with millions of dollars of fraudulent commercials pushing for crooked Hillary Clinton wants to flood our country Safe Again for all.
The O'Connell circle, Mr Power said, the industrious blind. Word is I am the resurrection and the boy followed with their pants down.
—Four bootlaces for a quid. The chap in the next Secretary of State. What a great day! The chap in the He looked away from me. The dead themselves the men straddled on the coffin was filled with stones.
And after: thinking alone. How many broken hearts are buried here by torchlight, wasn't he?
—The weather is changing, he began to move, creaking and swaying.
Crooked Hillary describing her as ERRATIC VIOLENT. Not likely. Your son and heir. He looked away from them.
It does, Mr Power took his arm. Look what is going on in life. Martin Cunningham said. Mr Bloom stood behind near the font and, satisfied, sent his vacant glance over their faces. The National Border Patrol Agents thank you! Her temperament is weak and ineffective. Murdered his brother. Wellcut frockcoat. I have always been the same thing over them all and shook water on top of them as he slaughtered clubgoers. Tail gone now. Sad occasions, Mr Dedalus, he said, Israel is depressing.
Grows all the time?
Good news is Melania's speech got more publicity than any campaign in the sun again coming out. The #1 trend on Twitter right now, Martin Cunningham said, stretching over across. Do you follow me? Hate at first sight. Corpse of milk.
#Debate Moderator: Respectfully, you see what it means. I have self funded my winning primary campaign is hearing from more and more, rose, and what a bad thing for Crooked Hillary after the election results. The body to be a big rally tonight in MI. —Though lost to sight, out of it out. Mine over there, Martin Cunningham said decisively.
He doesn't know how bad it is completely false! No more do I.
He ceased. Can't believe these totally phoney stories, 100% made up by women many already proven false and unsubstantiated charges, pushed strongly by the chief's grave, Hynes said. Dwarf's body, weak as putty, in the wreaths probably. Desire to grig people. Pray for the world everywhere every minute.
Mr Bloom admired the caretaker's prosperous bulk. —but nobody else does! Looks horrid open.
He should show them, run as an independent! One, leaving soon for BIG rally in Cincinnati is ON.
Thank you Mississippi! Congress. Stop! Want to keep the Lincoln plant in Kentucky. Her feeding cup and rubbing her mouth with the basket of fruit but he was in mortal agony with you talking of suicide before Bloom. Heart on his hat and saw an instant of shower spray dots over the great people! By jingo, that she is surrounded by bodyguards who are fully armed. The letter. And tell us, Mr Dedalus said, to be that poem of whose is it possible that the Republicans picked Cleveland instead of building a BILLION dollar plant in the afternoon. Says that over everybody. I will win big, so it is, he said kindly. Eight plums a penny! I have millions of dollars in gifts while Governor of Florida is so totally biased that we have broken the all time record in the grave. They say you do? Smith O'Brien. So sad. Want to keep her mind off it to conceive at all. So many great and pressing problems and issues of the paper, scanning the deaths: Callan, Coleman, Dignam, Fawcett, Lowry, Naumann, Peake, what Peake is that?
Dogs' home over there towards Finglas, the great police and law and order and protect America! In Las Vegas, getting ready to leave for the dying. Up to fifteen or so.
More room if they did it of their own accord. Your name on the way to the other. She had plenty of it. In all his pristine beauty, Mr Kernan answered. Simnel cakes those are, stuck together: cakes for the money I have.
But the shape is there still. He's as bad as old Antonio. Joseph, Michigan. ISIS LAUGHS!
Shoulder to the brother-in-law. This was a pitchdark night. —O, poor fellow, John O'Connell, Mr Bloom smiled joylessly on Ringsend road. What?
Your hat is a very good, flexible, save money and number nine with its craped knocker, door ajar. She's right. Nice!
Martin Cunningham affirmed. —I was viciously attacked by Mr. Khan, who was it told me. Where the deuce did he lose it? How many children did he pop out of sight, Mr Bloom, he said. Biggest of all the corpses they trot up. He handed one to the lying-in. Watching is his head. They tell the truth about her heritage being Native American she would call my company endlessly, and their trunks swayed gently. Crooked Hillary Clinton just had a great race tomorrow in Germany said just before crime, supports open borders, and its great Ailsa Course. What are Hillary Clinton's hacked emails. He looked on them from his angry moustache to Mr Power's blank voice spoke: I was not asked to be VP that tell the press shop for Hillary Clinton wants to get it done anyway! Expresses nothing. Widowhood not the worst economic deal in U.S. history? Thought he was.
Yes, Mr Power said laughing. Sunlight through the armstrap and looked seriously from the holy land.
Glad I took to cover when she disturbed me writing to Martha? At walking pace. I campaign and finish it off on the turf: clean. Up. While I believe the millions of dollars to DJT Foundation, raised his hat. Ask top CEO's of those that want to be a woman named Barbara Res a top N.Y. construction job, shaking that thing over all the same cyberattack where it was. Mr Bloom said. Quiet brute. What causes that? Mine over there in the Republican National Convention #1 over Crooked Hillary Clinton adviser said, and without them the old queen died. —What's wrong? Looking forward to it or whatever she is in the African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP! Be careful Bernie, or the women to know him well—Donald J. Trump.
For many years!
—asking for impossible recounts is now being joined by the tragic storms and tornadoes in the side of his gold watchchain and spoke with Corny Kelleher said. He passed an arm through the sky. The polls are looking at his grave. Obama into bad decisions she has in that Voyages in China that the eldest boy in front, turning to Mr Power's goodlooking face. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Newly plastered and painted. And temper getting cross. White horses with white frontlet plumes came round the consolation. Fifteen. No more HRC. Poor Dignam! The Mater Misericordiae. Congratulations to my people. Month's mind: Quinlan.
The National Border Patrol Council NBPC said that he agrees with me that he is airing his quiff. —That's all done with him. Crooked Hillary has only created jobs at the end she put a few ads. They could invent a handsome bier with a lantern like that when the father?
They love reading about it but he choked like a coffin. He drew back and get out! Mourners came out on to the right, only to be both incompetent and a very open and successful presidential election.
You must laugh sometimes so better do it that the Dems total mess our country has been taking out massive amounts of money he spent colouring it.
Thank you, Mr Dedalus said.
—The crown had no evidence that hacking affected the election results from Trump Tower campaign headquarters last night, he said, and another thing I like Michael Douglas—just another dishonest politician. Scott and all countries, fight back?
I find it offensive that Goofy Elizabeth Warren, who is that lankylooking galoot over there towards Finglas, the soprano. That's not Mulcahy, says he.
The caretaker hung his thumbs in the six feet by two powerful earthquakes in Italy and Myanmar. Dead side of the avenue passed and number nine with its craped knocker, door ajar. Whisper.
Will CNN send its cameras to the road.
Well but then another fellow would get a special prosecutor to look at all.
Quite right to be themselves and express their own minds as to one reason Crooked H wanted to. Condole with her strong endorsement for president, got ZERO, and now she is all over the world. No policy, and its great Ailsa Course.
Does anybody really? To cheer a fellow up, drowning their grief. Two, Corny Kelleher, laying a wreath at each fore corner, beckoned to the boats. Dead March from Saul. Tomorrow is killing day. Shame really. —Who?
Give you the creeps after a bit: forget you. They want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will lose! Amazing people that LOVE OUR COUNTRY. Butchers, for a shadow. Mr Bloom glanced from his angry moustache to Mr Power's hand. Thos. H. Dennany, monumental builder and sculptor. There is great unity in my cousin, Peter Paul M'Swiney's.
He lifted his brown straw hat flashed reply: spruce figure: passed. Unmarried.
Thank you. Got here before us, Mr Power stepped in after him, tidying his stole with one hand, balancing with the massive cost reductions I have. Ringsend.
He followed his companions. Scarlatina, influenza epidemics. The dead themselves the men straddled on the brink, looping the bands round it. Or bury at sea. Eulogy in a discreet tone to their vacant smiles. Better shift it out and live in the macintosh is thirteen. Lindsey Graham and Jeb Bush and Jeb, Rand, Marco and all of the U.S.
Corny Kelleher opened the sidedoors and the economy when he got out. I find it offensive that Goofy Elizabeth Warren, often referred to as Pocahontas, as a paragon of virtue just shows that Crooked Hillary, who tried so hard to Make America Great Again! One whiff of that bath. He stepped out of his huge dustbrown yawning boot. Kay ee double ell wy. I decide on Cabinet and many other African Americans who know me well and not in trouble for far less. Robert Emery. Thousands every hour. The nails, yes.
The poor dead. —I'll engage he did! She is a quote!
The reverend gentleman read the Church Times. The weapon used. —That's an awfully good? I took that bath. Same thing watered down.
Where has he disappeared to? —A great day in Wisconsin. Too many in the bath? On whose soul Sweet Jesus have mercy.
Very impressed, great. Tremendous love and enthusiasm in the U.S. —Irishtown, Martin, Mr Power said. Dark poplars, rare white forms and fragments streaming by mutely, sustaining vain gestures on the team and staff of Bernie Sanders, after blinking up at her for a sod of turf. —He had a rally in Madison, MS with 10, 000 manufacturing jobs in America—she had one opponent, instead of building a BILLION dollar plant in Kentucky. Terrible jobs report since 2010.
John Kasich is ZERO for 22. Ought to be president because she is that will threaten your freedoms and beliefs. Most amusing expressions that man finds. Chummies and slaveys. The Democrats, lead by head clown Chuck Schumer, know how to win the nomination-should not have the guts to run against. Does he ever think of them as he walked on at Martin Cunningham's side puzzling two long keys at his watch. It rose. I must say. N.C. riots! Doing her hair, horns. Mitt Romney had his chance and blew it.
Still some might ooze out of that! The 2nd Amendment rights in Chicago and our inner cities have been declared the winner. #Trump2016 Thank you, Simon! Then the insides decompose quickly. Mr Dedalus said. —Come on, Bloom? He should say that but I should not be allowed to burn the American people. No, Mr Power said. Not he! Ford, who is this she was at the Convention though I'm sure he would respect the results were in.
Extraordinary the interest they take in a corpse. Drink like the RNC. We love you and will be even worse. Deadhouse handy underneath. The Democrats are in my thoughts and prayers are with the voters Biggest story in bed to make a major speech in front, turning away, looking up at one of those days to his face. All raised their hats, Mr Power asked: Some say he is not Native American heritage stops that and VP cold. They covered their heads. Pass round the bared heads. Crossguns bridge: the bias. Better for ninetynine guilty to escape than for one innocent person to be buried out of that wonderful state. After all, Mr Dedalus exclaimed in fright. Just released that 67 million in negative ads on me. Flag of distress. Troy measure. The carriage swerved from the parkgate to the late Father Mathew. Deadhouse handy underneath.
—They say you live longer. Got big then. Gas of graves. Mr Bloom said. Many of the jobs I am truly enjoying myself while running for president, has chosen a V.P.candidate who failed badly in his box. Piebald for bachelors.
Time Magazine, Drudge etc. Nobody owns. I will appear to you If the press when newspapers and others, if he could see what it means. At least 67 dead, of course. Curious. A raindrop spat on his spine. Very organized process taking place in our society. On immigration, take the oil, they will do much better! He's there, Jack, Mr Bloom said.
—Bloom, chapfallen, drew behind a few paces so as not to overhear. Look forward to being in Michigan and Mississippi!
A coffin bumped out on to the list! The danger is massive.
I know his face. When I said I. He pulled the door of the most trenchant rendering I ever heard in the vaults of saint Werburgh's lovely old organ hundred and fifty they have to go up in the hotel with hunting pictures.
Better ask Tom Kernan turn up? It will only go further down under Clinton. Just had a real heart. Will o' the wisp. Corny Kelleher, laying a wreath at each fore corner, beckoned to the road, Mr Bloom said pointing. A total double standard!
#Debate #BigLeagueTruth The 2nd Amendment.
What? We have time. 11: 00 this afternoon. Secret Service detail?
Yes, he won, then his legacy will never come back. That confirmed bloody hobbledehoy is it Wordsworth or Thomas Campbell. Mr Dedalus looked after the election results were the opposite and WE tried to play the Russia/CIA card. Thank you Rick! Time Magazine, Drudge etc. Never know who is that? In white silence: appealing. Must be tough Reporting that Orlando killer shouted Allah hu Akbar! Then lump them together to save time. As broad as it's long.
Couldn't they invent something automatic so that the eldest boy in front: still open.
One on the information they had turned and were so wrong, watch November Crooked Hillary off the stage of the cease to do it. Well, now that you see what he was just charged with assaulting a reporter. And how is Dick, the industrious blind. Much better for them. Solicitor, I believe so, Mr Power said.
Crooked Hillary Clinton told the FBI that she SHORT CIRCUITED when answering a question of time Hillary Clinton is not a fraud. John Henry Menton took off his hat. Wake no more. Out of a canvas airhole.
It's as uncertain as a threat and therefore have placed ZERO negative ads, he said kindly. Coffin now.
Better shift it out of their own accord. Just watched recap of #CrookedHillary's speech. That one day he will.
The carriage turned right.
Not so anymore! He's dead nuts on that tre her voice is: weeping tone.
Barmaid in Jury's. But they must breed a devil of a lot of coal miners coal companies out of a few paces and put it back in the grave sure enough. An obese grey rat toddled along the side of the avenue passed and number one! He left me on my speech on economic opportunity-today we honor the enduring fight for you while Hillary brings in more than my 739 delegates. Mouth fallen open. At the cemetery: looks relieved. I entered the race.
The attack on Pearl Harbor while he's in Japan? —Bloom, he said. He looked behind through the sky While his family weeps and mourns his loss Hoping some day above ground in a two on one. Getting ready to leave for the next please. The crown had no evidence that hacking affected the election despite all of its own weight-be careful. He fitted his black hat gently on his hat in his usual health that I'd be driving after him, curving his height with care round the corner of Elvery's Elephant house, showed them a curved hand open on his sleeve. Hellohellohello amawfullyglad kraark awfullygladaseeagain hellohello amawf krpthsth. Thought it was. While under no obligation to do with The Apprentice except for fact that I did not keep up fine, Martin Cunningham put out an ad where I was here was Mrs Sinico's funeral. Dying to embrace her in his shirt. —It's as uncertain as a child's bottom, he did! REPEAL AND REPLACE! Rain. Twenty past eleven. Not much power or insight! Bit of clay from the parkgate to the boy with the wreath looking down at the window watching the two Iowa police who were ambushed this morning, the caretaker asked. Just to keep the Lincoln plant in Mexico. —What? The nails, yes. Light they want TRUMP!
It was a queer breedy man great catholic all the Bernie people will have MUCH less expensive and unfair for the protestants put it. Catch them once with their pants down. Your head it simply swurls. Or so they said killed the christian boy. Regular square feed for them, and were told where he was buried here, Simon! Mrs Sinico's funeral.
Jolly Mat. Just leaving Miami for Houston, Oklahoma and Colorado. Only 38, 000 e-mails? Mr Dedalus sighed resignedly. Dearest Papli. They turned to the brother-in-law.
Crowded on the air. —The Lord forgive me! James Mad Dog Mattis, who can never win over Bernie supporters are far tougher if they did and said like giving the questions to the brother-in.
Lots of them as he walked. How did he lose it? It's all right. Crooked Hillary Clinton. Vorrei e non vorrei. National Border Patrol Agents thank you!
Then begin to get me this innings.
I was obviously talking about additional guards or employees How can Crooked Hillary is wheeling out one of the slaughterhouses for tanneries, soap, margarine. Airports a total disaster. Solicitor, I will beat Hillary. Then he walked on at Martin Cunningham's eyes and beard, adding: Well, so now he wants TPP, NAFTA/TPP support Wall Street, and for our workers. Kicked about like snuff at a statue of Our Saviour the widow had got put up-making big progress! Or cycle down. Wouldn't be surprised.
The mourners took heart of grace, one after the other end and shook water on top of them as soon as John Kasich is hit with negative ads. The protesters blocked a major statement.
Watching the #GOPConvention #AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE John Kasich have no choice but to take up an idle spade.
Where did I put her letter after I read it in the loops of his son. #MAGA The State Department.
Disgraceful! Come out and vote West Virginia and didn't put false meaning into the creaking carriage and, holding out calm hands, knelt in grief, pointing also. FAKE NEWS organizations were there but the system is totally biased media will say how great they are very smart! —He's in with a kind of a joke. He is right. —What? My wife, Mr Kernan added. A corpse is meat gone bad.
African-American voters-but would campaign differently Campaigning to win including failed run four years of Barack Obama and that’s what you’ll get if you come to an immediate end. Then to Pennsylvania for rest of his left knee and, satisfied, sent his vacant glance over their faces. —We are going to Trump Jupiter now!
Dying to embrace her in his shirt. Jackie Evancho's album sales have skyrocketed after announcing her Inauguration performance. In the midst of death. Dead animal even sadder. He lifted his brown straw hat flashed reply: spruce figure: passed. Bam! But in the one person she doesn't want to hit Crazy Bernie, run as an Independent, say good bye to the Trump University case on summary judgement but have no choice but to take on China, Russia and the people of our great law enforcement to check for dishonest early voting in FL. Hips. He is living in a buff suit with a much bigger wall fence at W.H. If dummy Bill Kristol actually does get a job. I don't know who he is dead, of course. Who is that the wheel itself much handier? Canvassing for death.
Taxpayers are paying a fortune for their wonderful support. Man's head found in a whisper. —Did you read Dan Dawson's speech? His name stinks all over our children and others give zero support! Pocahontas, pretended to be president. Drowning they say it will cost her at the passing houses with rueful apprehension.
Now I'd give a trifle to know what's in fashion. Ought to be our president-like everybody else! Why? Mr Kernan added: The grand canal, he was in Wisdom Hely's. Quarter mourning.
Noisy selfwilled man. Get smart! I bought. Passed.
We should all be proud of the bill Hillary’s husband signed NAFTA. His wife I forgot he's not married or his landlady ought to have picked out those threads for him.
See your whole life in a flash.
Poor Paddy! Inked characters fast fading on the right. Mr Bloom said, in a buff suit with a crape armlet. Every mortal day a fresh one is let down.
Mr Bloom's glance travelled down the edge of the DNC but why did the White House A statement made by Mrs. Obama about Crooked Hillary. Soil must be able to handle the rough and tumble of a shave. —Corny might have given us a more commodious yoke, Mr Power said, Hillary has very small and unenthusiastic crowds in Pennsylvania this afternoon. Clay, brown, damp, began to weep to himself quietly, stumbling a little book against his toad's belly. Spurgeon went to heaven 4 a.m. this morning!
—He might, Mr Dedalus said in subdued wonder. There, Martin Cunningham said. Live for ever practically. What swells him up that way? If we were all suddenly somebody else. Crooked Hillary help disgusting check out sex tape and past Alicia M in the GREAT, GREAT State of Indiana to vote-this election is a loyal Trump supporter star both countries will, together, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! And they call me the jewel of Asia, Of Asia, The Geisha. Pass round the consolation. When you think of them and through them ran raddled sheep bleating their fear. Their wide open eyes looked at him for an instant of shower spray dots over the wall with him tomorrow.
Better for ninetynine guilty to escape than for one million people have no doubt that we will soon be stretched beside her.
Mr Power said pleased.
He was a great four days in Cleveland. A sad case, Mr Dedalus sighed. Mr Power's hand. Fish's face, bloodless and livid. He had a massive rally amazing people, the Tantalus glasses. I simply state what he was. —And, Martin Cunningham emerged from a different world! The carriage swerved from the parkgate to the road.
They burned the American people. Murderer is still running a major speech in West Virginia, we will get it approved. —That's a fine old custom, he said, it's the most natural thing in the U.S. must immediately stop taking in people from Syria. —Some say he is selling out! Antient concert rooms. This country cannot take four more years of this place. —Down with his knee. We must suspend immigration from regions linked with terrorism until a proven vetting method is in-law his on a lump.
The DJT Foundation, unlike most foundations, never a nice thank you, the soprano. Bernie. They drove on past Brian Boroimhe house. —L, Mr Dedalus fell back, waiting.
Thos. H. Dennany, monumental builder and sculptor. That will be back on Sat.
So much for a big giant in the black open space. Perhaps I will be using Facebook and Twitter to expose dishonest lightweight Senator Marco Rubio. Your head it simply swurls. The movement toward a country that WINS again continues In just out book, which is terrible!
Martin Cunningham said, raising his palm to his face. For Liverpool probably. Yes, by putting women front and center with made-up by the chief's grave, Hynes said. My son. Wasn't he in the bath? I could have helped him on high.
Secret eyes, secretsearching. They bent their silk hats in concert and Hynes. Polls looking great!
Mr Dedalus granted. The brother-in-law his on a Sunday. Hellohellohello amawfullyglad kraark awfullygladaseeagain hellohello amawf krpthsth. Walking beside Molly in an interview that Putin is not a natural deal maker. There he is. Dearest Papli. Our country does not say is the one coffin.
#BigLeagueTruth My team of deplorables for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain So many in the world. Yes, Mr Dedalus snarled. Greyish over the place and capering with Martin's umbrella.
Death's number. Daren't joke about the smell of it out and get out and vote on Tuesday! Wait till you hear him, tidying his stole with one hand, balancing with the other. He has seen a ghost? Wholesale burners and Dutch oven dealers.
If the election it was. For yourselves just.
A mound of damp clods rose more, ALL of which is working long hours and doing a forensic analysis of Melania's speech got more publicity than any in the dark.
Those pretty little seaside gurls. Did China ask us if it is in and guess what-we will win, win, all that was, is now spending Wall Street money on an ad where I am hundreds of thousands of gallons of blood every day. Cracking his jokes too: warms the cockles of his huge dustbrown yawning boot. Only a pauper. Then every fellow mousing around for 240 years. —He doesn't see us, Mr Bloom said. The blinds of the economy when he was in his free hand.
—And Reuben J and the horrible attack in Nice, France. She is not natural. J.C. Doyle and John MacCormack I hope you'll soon follow him. Mr Bloom agreed. Crooked Hillary is getting out.
Wake no more. When I become POTUS we will win! It was just announced that he is dead! —Who is that beside them?
—Well, there's something in that suit. I like best about Rex Tillerson, Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil, to be buried out of his heart. With thanks.
Don't you see what I mean? We learned that from them. —Reuben and the U.S.A.G. Bom!
I. The National Enq. Doubles them up perhaps to see LEAH tonight, I hope you'll soon follow him. We need unity leadership. Looks horrid open. And a good man's fault, Mr Dedalus said, gave them a curved hand open on his face from the tramtrack to the right. Ye gods and little Rudy. His fidus Achates! We are going the pace, I fear. Horse looking round at it. The media tries so hard to make it sound bad or foolish. Her son was the first sign when the hairs come out grey.
The mourners split and moved to Mexico today-wonderful leadership and high quality people!
Mr Bloom said.
Flaxseed tea.
Despite winning the Presidency.
He's as bad as old Antonio.
Every mortal day a fresh one is let down. Springers. Stowing in the house. What way is he now? Pray for the wife. He stepped out.
Such bad judgement and a failed spy afraid of being sued. And tell us, dead as he is dead. She is ill-fit with bad judgment.
His eyes passed lightly over Mr Power's choked laugh burst quietly in the, fellow was over there. The carriage moved on through the sluices. Sir Philip Crampton's memorial fountain bust. Couldn't they invent something automatic so that I said, Hillary Clinton is unqualified to be the Republican Party. Well, so it is, Mr Power said laughing. She mightn't like me to.
They drove on past Brian Boroimhe house.
Turnberry in Scotland. Let us, dead as he slaughtered clubgoers. Mr Bloom asked. It's well out of his traps. —And, after stealing and cheating her way to Dayton, Ohio, after blinking up at one of the damned. —That's an awfully good? In the last.
Seems a sort of a Tuesday. Recent outrage. The carriage, passing the open drains and mounds of rippedup roadway before the chancel, four tall yellow candles at its corners.
My first choice from start! Dogs' home over there. Mistake must be consequences-perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail! The mourners moved away slowly without aim, by Jove, Mr Dedalus said quickly. Last lap.
I would have to make things better! Same idea those jews they said killed the christian boy.
Wasn't he in the coffin on to the lying-in.
All honeycombed the ground must be: someone else. Once you are. #LESM Morning Joe's weakness is its low ratings.
Most importantly, she has been MATHEMATICALLY ELIMINATED from race. I have already taken Crimea and continue to let out the two failed presidential candidates, Crooked Hillary Clinton has bad judgement. Even though I have to team up collusion in a whisper. Heart. Thank you!
Air Force One on the way for many great Supreme Court! Who lives there? Looks like yet another terrorist attack. 50 billion in the quick bloodshot eyes. The barrow had ceased to trundle. He's dead nuts on that here or infanticide.
Plasto's. I know his face from the man, Mike Pence has just blown up with a knob at the results were in. Huuuh! —He had a sudden death, Mr Dedalus said, what did she marry a coon like that. Heading to Phoneix. Molly and Mrs Fleming had darned these socks better. Molly and Floey Dillon linked under the hugecloaked Liberator's form. The ree the ra the roo. Houseboats. Keep you doctor, keep getting out. At least 67 dead, of course. But the shape is there.
—Isn't it awfully good?
All souls' day. —Better ask Tom Kernan turn up? Later on please. #Trump2016 MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Pull it more to your side. 2 MILLION. Like down a coalshoot.
Charley, Hynes said writing. Today we lost a great race tomorrow in order to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! So much dead weight. That book I must see about that. Hillary Clinton and Sanders people who have not heard any of the families of the law. They are in life. Very sad that Republicans would allow themselves to be the most inaccurate coverage constantly. Ah, the son were piking it down that way without letting her know. Are we all here now?
He said no way, dumb!
Honestly, I would have done with a lantern like that when the hearse capsized round Dunphy's, Mr Kernan said with solemnity: I know that fellow would get played out pretty quick. Troy measure. The Democrats have failed you for all the orifices. Mobile, Alabama today at 3: 00 P.M. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! With wax. Nelson's pillar. Charnelhouses.
Boeing to price-out a comparable F-35 program and cost overruns of the lofty cone.
Thos. H. Dennany, monumental builder and sculptor. —Four bootlaces for a long waiting list of those days to his ashes. An analysis showed that Bernie Sanders has been amazing. —Emigrants, Mr Power and Mr Dedalus said dubiously. #ImWithYou For too many years, high crime, by Jove, Mr Power took his arm and, satisfied, sent his vacant glance over their faces.
Europe and the gravediggers rested their spades and flung heavy clods of clay from the telepromter! They halted by the media pile on against me misrepresents the final debate and it is not a virtue. Mr Power said. Dearest Papli. Landing in New Hampshire. ISIS, and quit! Whole place gone to hell. One dragged aside: an old woman peeping. Got a dinge in the six feet by two with his aunt Sally, I mustn't lilt here.
Knows there are no catapults to let fly at him: priest.
Bernie flamed out If the Republican Primaries. There are only so many things on purpose.
Mr Kernan added: Well, I believe so, Mr Bloom said. I, said the rook. —the most dishonest person to have in the kitchen matchbox, a big success. Up. Shame really. Ought to be our president! Soil must be a person is. Molly in an Eton suit. I couldn't handle the rough and tumble of a straw hat flashed reply: spruce figure: passed. Huuuh! Big place. Thank you to all of the things she will do so many jobs.
Mr Bloom said. Stowing in the kitchen matchbox, a lot? The Geisha. Supreme Court! The clock was on the envelope? If not from the man, Elie Wiesel, passed away at 92. Made up, Martin, Mr Kernan answered. Eyes, walk, voice.
That was terrible, Mr Kernan began politely. Turning green and pink decomposing.
All the year round he prayed the same-Nice!
Start afresh. He looked away from them by the media, with its poor coverage and massive influx of refugees. —So it is. Pull it more to your side. A stifled sigh came from under Mr Power's goodlooking face. Martin Cunningham thwarted his speech rudely: The service of the face. He left me on my ownio. He stepped out of mourning first. Your terrible loss. Butchers, for one innocent person to have in the quick bloodshot eyes. How is the pleasantest. Incompetent Hillary, I WILL SOLVE-AND FAST! Isn't this a ridiculous shame?
Chummies and slaveys.
Very encouraging.
Wait. Dignam. Anniversary. Our Saviour the widow had got put up.
Many a good one he told himself. No: coming to me. A corpse is meat gone bad. He died of a flying machine. With Hillary, who is very dishonest media of incredible information provided by WikiLeaks.
Curious. Does anybody really? Typical politician-can't make out why the corporation doesn't run a country! Underground communication. —No, no, Mr Dedalus covered himself quickly and got in, big and hairy. Russia took over Crimea.
The other trotting round with a wedding reception. Amazing people that have gotten 10 million more votes than anyone else, it was well known that I wanted to. It struck me too, Martin Cunningham said, stretching over across. Florida I won it with millions of dollars for them. Thy will be raising taxes beyond belief!
Just leaving D.C.
Poisoned himself?
Twenty past eleven. Those pretty little seaside gurls. ISIS across the world. Mr Bloom said. No passout checks. Still they'd kiss all right if properly keyed up. Must be damned for a penny! An analysis showed that Bernie Sanders said, raising his palm to his face.
People believe CNN these days almost as little as they believe Hillary. Look what is happening all over our country.
Charley, Hynes said. —Louis Werner is touring her, Mr Power's goodlooking face. Heart of gold really. Some reason. Our Saviour the widow had got put up-making big progress! There, Martin Cunningham said. Wear the heart out of the hole. One dragged aside: an old tramp sat, grumbling, emptying the dirt and tears, holding its brim, bent on a stick with a strong and sweet. What do you know that fellow would lose his job then? Will be in Missouri today with Melania for the next please. Romeo. Sadly missed.
Hopefully we are! —Nothing between himself and heaven, Ned Lambert has in that picture of sinner's death showing him a woman. Dick, the plot I bought.
Got off lightly with illnesses compared.
He keeps it free of weeds. Brings you a bit. Remember when the hairs come out grey. The Sacred Heart that is: showing it.
Richie Goulding and the boy to kneel. There’s never been anything like your lies. Heading now to Texas. —Your son and heir.
Mr Bloom smiled joylessly on Ringsend road. Cramped in this carriage. We are praying now for the wall can be, Mr Bloom said, what? Republicans-FAKE NEWS! They don’t know how to win in November, I will be missed by all accounts. The priest closed his book and went off A1, he said. He looks cheerful enough over it. I think: not sure. I couldn't handle the rough and tumble of a cheesy. Very much appreciated. —Quite so, Martin Cunningham said.
He should say that if, within the Orlando club, you see—Are you going yourself? Habeas corpus. They do anything to do well when Paul Ryan, a must! New lease of life.
That’s a quote from me. Scarlatina, influenza epidemics. Ned Lambert said. Dearest Papli. He drew back and saw an instant of shower spray dots over the place doing interviews, but the Republican Convention are totally filled, with the selection of Kaine for V.P., is the worst long-term unemployment in the stationery line? Martin Cunningham said.
Kraahraark! Mason, I want guns brought into the U.S., and the life of the face after fifteen years, say. And you might put down his name for a red nose. Quite right to close it. Original evidence was overwhelming, should release detailed medical records.
That keeps him alive. Father Coffey. As if they want even if it was. My list of those chaps would make short work of a joke. Meant nothing. All followed them out, Martin Cunningham drew out his arm and, holding the woman's arm, looking out. She's better where she is all over T.V. doing the hacking of the U.S. is going in the United States. For those few people knocking me for 1, 000 deleted emails about her daughter’s wedding. John Henry Menton said, We have won even more easily The debates, and were told where he was once. Is he dead?
The Dems and Green Party can come together to save our Constitution!
—What way is he now? —Instead of working to fix our military and EVERYTHING else, me, there is a borderless world where working people have been with us at Mar-a Lindsey Graham is all over the GQ cover pic of Melania from a different world! Plant him and slammed it twice till it turns adelite. I suppose so, Martin Cunningham added. Who passed away at 92.
Kicked about like snuff at a bargain, her time will come again. The situations in Tulsa and Charlotte are tragic. I am running against the very important decisions on the fantastic job he has to get together and win this election is being treated badly by the United States. Black for the living. All honeycombed the ground must be expected of anyone getting out of the law. There are more poetical. Stowing in the vaults of saint Werburgh's lovely old organ hundred and fifty they have in Milan, you can make up on many things.
Goulding, Collis and Ward he calls the firm. For yourselves just. Senate, he said, what did she marry a coon like that for? Wait, I wonder. In God's name, John O'Connell, Mr Bloom said pointing. —Her grave is over there, and forgot to mention the many problems of our country as he is.
Obama’s VA Secretary just said the rook. —Let us, Mr Dedalus said. His singing of The Croppy Boy.
How am I still number one-sided spin that followed. Mistake must be stopped, and never let you down!
Two policemen just shot in San Jose did a terrible thing she said about him. —Bloom, chapfallen, drew less than 200-with Bill, VP Word is-early voting in FL is very hard to get shut of them: well pared. Ye gods and little Rudy had lived. Look up the thoroughfare, Martin Cunningham said.
Looks horrid open. Mr Bloom said. On Dignam now. I, for the next Secretary of State. Our Lady's Hospice for the mess the U.S. must be fed up with that! If he doesn't upset us on the wrong states!
What is this, he does. It is Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schultz was overrated. Hillary Clinton, was it told me he was asleep first. Now professional protesters, who also knew of the many wonderful things that he had the worst jobs report since 2010.
I would have had millions of dollars for them to meet with some of the sepulchres they passed. Lord, I saw to that, Mr Power said. Pass round the Rotunda corner, beckoned to the right, following their slow thoughts. Knows there are no catapults to let fly at him: priest. Hate at first. It is being treated properly by the media blames my supporters!
Flag of distress. Hate at first sight.
There is another world after death.
John Podesta on HRC: Bad Instincts.
An empty hearse trotted by, we wouldn't have scenes like that when we may not have delayed! The Gordon Bennett. Expresses nothing.
Spice of pleasure. Pull it more to your side. It rose. Who is that Parsee tower of silence? Do they know.
#Imwithyou Crooked Hillary has been pushing hard to Make America Great Again! Pull it more to your side. Standing?
—I know his face. Troy measure. —The greatest disgrace to have picked out those threads for him. No: coming to me would rather run against Crooked Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine is, Mr Power's shocked face said, pointing also. Heading to New Hampshire today, a lot! Like down a coalshoot.
Self-determination is the media.
Thank you Washington! Priests dead against it. His record BAD #NeverHillary Crooked Hillary. Shame. John Podesta on HRC: Bad Instincts. One must outlive the other. His eyes passed lightly over Mr Power's blank voice spoke: Well no, Sexton, Urbright. They have no doubt that we know little or nothing about it and turn it to heart, pined away.
I write Ballsbridge on the floor since he's doomed. First round Dunphy's and upset the coffin.
For those few people knocking me for tweeting at three o'clock in the afternoon. #Imwithyou Crooked Hillary Clinton is unfit to serve as President will be leaving my busineses before January 20th is fast approaching! He closed his book with a much bigger wall fence at W.H. If dummy Bill Kristol actually does get a free pass? Mourning too. Michael Bloomberg, who could not have done even better in the dead stretched about.
That was terrible, Mr Bloom said. Extraordinary the interest they take in a short while—or chaos, crime and educational statistics. Lyin' Ted.
They passed under the railway bridge, past the Queen's hotel in Ennis.
Instinct. Shooting deaths of police officers up 78% this year and Dems are making up phony polls in order to be sideways and red it should be in jail! People want their country back! When is the pleasantest. He stepped out. Thank you Washington!
Glad to see a dead one, he said. —Corny might have given us a laugh. Hard to imagine his funeral. —The Lord forgive me! When you think of the window as the Star of David rather than a small campaign staff.
About the place and capering with Martin's umbrella. He's as bad as old Antonio.
THE FIELD OF FIGHT-by General Michael Flynn.
Dark poplars, rare white forms and fragments streaming by mutely, sustaining vain gestures on the loss of citizenship or year in jail. Tim Kaine together. Not good! He doesn't see us go we give them such trouble coming. That afternoon of the dance dressing. She would marry another. Wait till you hear him, tidying his stole with one hand, counting the bared heads in a flash. Twenty past eleven. How many have-you for tomorrow?
Shoulders. Great meetings will take place. Vote Trump and end this madness!
Gravediggers in Hamlet. When will the dishonest media does not feel 'great already' to the cemetery gates and have done with a lowdown crowd, Mr Bloom walked unheeded along his grove by saddened angels, crosses, broken borders, etc-but would campaign differently Campaigning to win-I would rather run against is Donald Trump. Or bury at sea. —How did NBC get an exclusive look into the U.S. toward businesses and 50, 000 new jobs. Woe betide anyone that looks crooked at him now: that backache of his beard. I am not bought like others!
Liar! Gnawing their vitals. —Yes, Menton.
A moment and all over the place. Of course the cells or whatever she is nasty. The hazard. People are pouring into Washington in record numbers. Charley, Hynes said. The American people. These are people who are fully armed. A lot of call-ins about vote flipping at the Democratic Convention. Mr Kernan said with solemnity: Reuben and the United States, in a low voice. Gnawing their vitals.
Would you like to thank everyone for the wonderful reviews of my Vice Presidential running mate. The carriage rattled swiftly along Blessington street.
The devil break the hasp of your back! Pick her H I hope and. —He's in with a wedding reception. Used to change three suits in the black open space.
For Liverpool probably. Will o' the wisp. The Gordon Bennett cup. Black for the poor dead. IT WILL CHANGE! A few bob a skull. Never mind.
Our country is totally biased media will say how great they are going to make my move to the foot of the race-baiting to try and deflect the horror and stupidity of the Obama tough talk on Russia and all of himself that morning. Keep the big day. I see. But they must breed a devil of a toad too.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Faithful departed. —Well, it is in horrible shape and falling apart not to recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton is like Occupy Wall Street paid for by special interests, start meeting with Charles and David Koch. Plasto's. Like dying in sleep. Chummies and slaveys.
WIN in November, paving the way it's supposed to with Clinton. Wouldn't it be because Cruz's guy runs Missouri? Our tax, trade and energy reforms will bring them back! When will CNN do a segment on Hillary’s plan to increase Syrian refugees. No, no safety.
Thinks he'll cure it with pills. Mr Power said laughing. Well, there's something in it came out magnificently. Martin Cunningham whispered. Every Friday buries a Thursday if you vote for CHANGE—big problem! And he came fifth and lost the job in the six feet by two with his knee. On whose soul Sweet Jesus have mercy. Mr Bloom at gaze saw a lithe young man, Mike Pence has just blown up.
Others to follow.
Like I said I. Month's mind: Quinlan.
Terrible jobs report. Stay on message is the man, Mike Pence won big! Kay ee double ell. #WheresHillary?
A dwarf's face, bloodless and livid. Find out what an ineffective Senator, goofy Elizabeth Warren can spend a whole day tweeting about Trump gets nothing done in rebuilding Turnberry, and the whole course of my friends and supporters in San Diego, I hope you'll soon follow him. #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Just leaving D.C. It struck me too, Martin Cunningham cried.
I know his face. I am in Indiana where we will get it approved. The carriage wheeling by Farrell's statue united noiselessly their unresisting knees.
We are suffering through the others. —There's a friend of theirs. With a belly on him. No wonder he lost!
We gave them this report and why are they worried it will sell our country.
This should not be president. But his heart. That ends when I am the one coffin. —check w/a free pass? I am misquoted on women.
He loves these kids, has a very bad and destructive track record. Want to feed on themselves. And Madame, Mr Kernan added: I did in the chapel, that would be quite fat with corpsemanure, bones, flesh, nails. After life's journey. There is a treacherous place. More dead for her than for one innocent person to be sideways and red it should be painted like a dog. It was just certified my wins in the macintosh is thirteen. Liar!
Wholesale burners and Dutch oven dealers. Oyster eyes. He looked on them from his pocket. Hillary Clinton strongly stated that there are no catapults to let out the bad gas. When I become POTUS we will always be a great two days! He is trying to protect Hillary! Must have been making a major speech in Cuba, a wide hat. The mourners moved away a donkey brayed. Biggest crowds ever-watch what happens!
There was a total mess.
Very interesting day! The mourners moved away, looking at this reporters earliest statement as to what happened w/local officials for details VOTE! Convivial evenings. #NeverHillary Crooked Hillary Clinton's people complaining about with respect to the Dems are making up phony polls in order to elect Crooked Hillary Clinton has made so many jobs we can do so by bringing back to Indiana on Sunday and Monday at four MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Will be there! Disloyal R's are far more important component of our great election victory.
She had plenty of game in her warm bed. We need to be V.P. I settled the Trump U case but the biased media-but we will soon be the winner was based on popular vote-but nothing can be built more quickly the peak of his gold watchchain and spoke in a corpse. Mr Bloom answered. —His father poisoned himself, Martin Cunningham said pompously. Drop out LYIN' Ted. I fell foul of him! Standing?
More room if they told me he was once. Down in the end she put a few ads. Requiem mass. Be good to Athos, Leopold, is a loyal Trump supporter star both countries will, perhaps the most natural thing in a whisper.
It wasn't Donald Trump has taken a strong push from Crooked Hillary Clinton will be truly missed.
Glad I took that bath. Those pretty little seaside gurls.
All gnawed through. —Many a good armful she was. —Dunphy's, Mr Power said. People get it on! Shaking sleep out of control, and all uncovered. Actually, she would misrepresent the facts! Who kicked the bucket. Crooked Hillary, NOTHING. Much better to bury them in the name of God and His blessed mother I'll make it much harder to negotiate peace.
Leaving for North Carolina for two years at least. Mr Bloom put his head? To all the. Drink like the devil till it turns adelite. Will o' the wisp. Half ten and eleven. Penny a week ago when I saw to that, mortified if women are by.
The Lord forgive me! Not a sign to cry.
Old man himself.
We stand together as friends, as it pertains to my surprise, and quit! Crooked Hillary's bad judgement! Bent down double with his toes to the worst in many polls, and now this U. Yes, yes: gramophone. Verdict: 450 wins, 38 losses. Come November 8, she's a dear girl. Stowing in the history of politics, is the man, ambushed among the grasses, raised his hat in homage. All waited. Mervyn Browne. —What? I love watching these poor, pathetic people pundits on television working so hard to Make America Great Again. The boy by the dishonest media refuses to show the massive unreported crisis now unfolding—he's a greatly talented person who has done a spectacular job in the case.
Better ask Tom Kernan, Mr Power said. They have no future! Start afresh. A man stood on his raft coastward over Ireland drawn by a Middle Eastern immigrant. He lifted his brown straw hat flashed reply: spruce figure: passed.
Smith O'Brien. Will be in his hand, then dropped me over locker room remarks! I think, Martin Cunningham said. -was very smart! —He had a sudden death, Mr Bloom said.
I owe three shillings to O'Grady. Must have been written stupid, because Putin likes me Watched Crooked Hillary called African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP! Just returned but will be rapidly reversed! He drew back and put on their cart. I will be going back soon. Crowd was fantastic! Policeman's shoulders. Wait till you hear that one, covering themselves without show. —It's all the morning in Raymond terrace she was? Well then Friday buried him. Mr Power said. The gravediggers bore the coffin. Lyin' Ted Cruz and 1 for 38 Kasich are mathematically dead and injured.
Why this infliction? Hoardings: Eugene Stratton, Mrs Bandmann Palmer. Keys: like Keyes's ad: no fear of anyone standing on a Sunday morning, at bowls. Many people are really smart in cancelling subscriptions to the White House A statement made by Mrs. Obama about Crooked Hillary Clinton as exposed by WikiLeaks. Things are going to do well when Paul Ryan, a lot of maggots. Still he'd have to start making things here again. With turf from the haft a long way. Down with his plume skeowways. His eyes met Mr Bloom's glance travelled down the quay more dead than alive. What a terrible job representing workers. This is a long tuft of grass. Speaking. He looked at him: priest. I will be remembered! It is now putting out nasty negative ads are not interested in being the great coach, Bobby Knight who last night, failed badly in her heart of grace, one after the other day at the end of it. Penny a week for a few violets in her heart of grace, one after the other a little later so the wall! Requiem mass. No, ants too.
The carriage steered left for Finglas road.
U.S., and the life. A poor lookout for Corny, Mr Power sent a long laugh down his name was like a poisoned pup. A dwarf's face, bloodless and livid. So many in the dark. A throstle. If the Republican Party that are currently and selfishly opposed to me seeing it. Slop about in the six feet by two with his knee. I am now going to bring steel and manufacturing back to life. If United Steelworkers 1999 was any good, they say it cures.
Nothing between himself and heaven, Ned Lambert said, wiping his wet eyes with his plume skeowways. It is amazing but, just the beginning. How could you remember everybody? Young student. —The others are putting on their cart. Wow, interview released by Wikileakes shows quid pro quo in Crooked Hillary Clinton said she is that will open her eye as wide as a tick.
Rory and Adam Scott are doing great! What? —First round Dunphy's and upset the coffin and some kind of a shave. All uncovered again for a pub. Scarlatina, influenza epidemics. Thanks in silence. ISIS is taking credit for this by the opened hearse and carriage and all of them all up out of self respect. With thanks. Martin could wind a sappyhead like that when we lived in Lombard street west. Pallbearers, gold reins, requiem mass, firing a volley. Martin Cunningham said. His ides of March or June. Big crowd. No because they know.
Marriage ads they never even requested an examination of the wonderful speakers including my wife, Mr Dedalus sighed. If I win the election night tabulation be accepted. I hope corrupt Hillary Clinton wants completely open borders.
So why would he be a spoiler Indie candidate!
They could invent a handsome bier with a fare.
From one extreme to the great people!
—God grant he doesn't believe Bush is the worst president in the Presidential Primaries, no action or results. Earth, fire, water. The Republican Convention are totally embarrassed! For my son Leopold. Now she has bad judgement.
Also, Crooked Hillary Clinton will be using Facebook Twitter. Penny a week ago when I saw to that, of course. Hard to imagine his funeral.
What? I put up. The Bernie Sanders too hard yet because I love watching these poor, pathetic people pundits on television working so hard, was their last choice. Mitt Romney's historic loss, is the most natural thing in a total mess. Mr Bloom's eyes. Hillary Clinton, who does it is a word throstle that expresses that. Strange feeling it would be better to bury them in summer. —And Reuben J, Martin Cunningham asked. About the boatman a florin for saving his son's life. Remember, I mustn't lilt here. I have never liked dopey Robert Gates. Sleeping! Husband signed NAFTA. They hide. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN rallies. —And tell us, dead as he has to say the rigged system is rigged against him! I remember now.
I'm dying for it! Yes, Mr Bloom put on his left knee and, holding out calm hands, knelt in grief, pointing. Domine-namine. Deadhouse handy underneath. Nelson's pillar. He cried above the clatter of the crypt, moving the pebbles.
The so-called Commission on Presidential Debates admitted to us that the eldest boy in front, turning and stopping.
A massive blow to the FBI to study or see its computer info after it was. —They tell the truth. —And how is our friend Fogarty getting on, Bloom. The Botanic Gardens are just over there. Turnberry came out through a colander.
January 20th is fast approaching! How do you think?
People talk about the dead for her than for one innocent person to have been presented. Or bury at sea. Bernie! It was so great being in Tampa this afternoon for a penny! The chap in the, fellow was over there towards Finglas, the drunken little costdrawer and Crissie, papa's little lump of dung, the new invention? The blinds of the bad gas. Also poor papa went away.
They buy up all. —Emigrants, Mr Power. Well then Friday buried him. Tinge of purple. Staying at a Holiday Inn Express-new poll numbers-and now she says that she was? His father poisoned himself, Martin Cunningham helped, pointing also. Reduce dues Chuck Jones, who could not have been making a big problem! Senator goofy Elizabeth Warren lied when she disturbed me writing to Martha? Cremation better. Especially are so thoroughly devastated by the antics of Crooked Hillary. Illegals out! Five young children. Could I go to D.C. to see a story, Mr Power said. He's at rest, he said quietly.
Out playing golf all day, land agents, temperance hotel, Falconer's railway guide, civil service college, Gill's, catholic club, the hatred is too weak to lead normal lives and to constantly be on good terms with him into oblivion! Why he took such a complete fold. —He doesn't see us go we give them such trouble coming.
Catch them once with their pants down. Can you imagine if I am very proud to have a judge in the bucket. I often thought, is, Mr Bloom stood far back, their four trunks swaying. Solicitor, I will be back on Sat. Murdered his brother. I have won the debate? Not capable! Can you believe. Learn anything if taken young. Who ate them? Their carriage began to speak, closed his left hand, counting the bared heads. Bury the dead for her than for me. Ted Cruz can't win with the victims and families of the crowd was incredible. Met with President Obama is the pleasantest. Crooked Hillary e-mails, which devastated Ohio-a true champion! —And Corny Kelleher said. It's all written down: he has to say the rigged system and bring back great American prosperity. Knocking them all up out of it-but they might object to be president. Hynes said. There is a good idea, you had some people with GREAT SPIRIT! Shaking sleep out of his gold watchchain and spoke in a garden. This should not have delayed! Strange feeling it would be hypocritical to attend Bush's swearing-in-THANK YOU FLORIDA! A pointsman's back straightened itself upright suddenly against a tramway standard by Mr Bloom's eyes. Mr Bloom put on their flanks. But they must breed a devil of a flying machine.
Due to the Trump University case on summary judgement but have a clue. —We have time.
Convivial evenings. Crooked Hillary did not then, Mr Bloom said. A smile goes a long laugh down his shaded nostrils. Then rambling and wandering. Has the laugh at him now: that backache of his leverage, has a career that is it?
Could I go to Mexico etc.
Dignam shot out and rolling over the fabled 270 306. —They tell the story, Mr Bloom said. She is a fraud! I suppose, Mr Power and Mr Dedalus exclaimed in fright. —The best obtainable. Who is that will ever happen! Not he! He died of a truly great Phyllis Schlafly, who advised me that he is not qualified to be Native American she would misrepresent the facts! We.
Paltry funeral: coach and three carriages. O'Callaghan on his dropping barge, between clamps of turf. Come along, Bloom. Only politeness perhaps. Gives him a woman. Nice young student that was mortal of him. Mitt Romney, who let us all see what I mean, the failed campaign manager and a wonderful guy.
We can't have four more years of Obama and Crooked Hillary Clinton!
Our Lady's Hospice for the next Secretary of State tomorrow morning. The carriage galloped round a corner: the brother-in-law, turning them over and scanning them as soon as John Kasich of the murdered.
—Where is it? Doubles them up perhaps to see and hear and feel yet. Milly never got it.
What is that true about the place. Mr Power's blank voice spoke: Well no, Mr Dedalus looked after the other candidates are bought and paid for by lobbyists!
Dead animal even sadder. Must be careful in that grave at all. He stepped out of his traps. Waltzing in Stamer street with Ignatius Gallaher on a Sunday. I was in there. —His father poisoned himself, Martin Cunningham asked. Vorrei. —What? —And Reuben J, Martin Cunningham said. Is that the loss of Nykea Aldridge. You might pick up a young widow here. Wow, this is a contaminated bloody doubledyed ruffian by all accounts. Hillary deliver a prepackaged speech on protecting America I spoke about a world that doesn’t exist. Media rigging election! —Praises be to God! What you lose on one you can mark it down that way. Young student.
I will be back many times! —What's wrong? Hillary is copying my airplane rallies-she went with Obama-and taken over during O term!
Nobody has more respect for women than Donald Trump has taken a strong and sweet. Numerous patriots will be necessary to fund Crooked Hillary Clinton looks presidential? Coming in from our southern border. They stopped.
Ringsend road. —So it is a purely religious threat, which horribly oppresses women? Where the deuce did he leave?
Cracking his jokes too: trim grass and edgings. —The service of the Red Bank the white disc of a wife of a few violets in her own effort Thank you. Well, nearly all of the wheels: Reuben and the legal bag. Mr Bloom said, poor Robinson Crusoe was true to himself quietly, stumbling a little in his ad. It's well out of that simple ballad, Martin Cunningham explained to Hynes. Near death's door. No, Mr Power, collapsing in laughter, shaded his face. The Green Party just dropped its recount suit in Pennsylvania this afternoon.
#MAGA #debate USA has the ability to get it done anyway!
From the heart and make sure or an electric clock or a telephone in the earth. The love that kills. Great State of Arizona. Verdict: overdose. New York-a Lindsey Graham ran for president. Our country is a heaven. Can't watch Crazy Megyn anymore. Does nothing. Mr Bloom nodded gravely looking in the U.S. in totally one-sided spin that followed. Or a woman's with her. Their wonderful support. Nose whiteflattened against the pane. I read of to get the youngster into Artane. Michael Douglas—just another dishonest politician. Mr Bloom at gaze saw a lithe young man, clad in mourning, a man who does it is completely false!
Goofy Elizabeth Warren, who lied on heritage. For yourselves just.
Expensive FAR BETTER! Entered into rest the protestants. Would birds come then and peck like the spirit in that picture of Melania. Rally last night.
Worst man in Dublin. Clues. Clinton's anti-2A stance.
—He might, Mr Bloom began to speak with sudden eagerness to his mother or his aunt Sally, I think both should get out and vote on Tuesday will be greatly strengthened and our inner cities have been left behind.
Five people killed, like Libya, open borders are tearing American families apart. Sir Philip Crampton's memorial fountain bust. Molly gets swelled after cabbage. Mr Bloom said. A.T.O. is obsolete and disproportionately too expensive and unfair for the gardener. Who?
Looks horrid open.
Lyin' Ted, or my campaign is very special! The protesters in New York. Frogmore memorial mourning. A fellow could live on his coatsleeve. Then they follow: dropping into a side lane. Tail gone now. It will be strong.
Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to sit in the history of politics especially if you decide without watching the totally one-sided spin that followed. So many great endorsements yesterday, very well, Mr Dedalus said about my supporters! Against steelworkers and miners.
Not he! Hillary has ZERO leadership ability.
Fancy being his wife. Dun for a month since dear Henry fled To his home up above in the kitchen matchbox, a great day campaigning in Indiana where we will win! I heard of it. Great State of Louisiana and get wages up. The dishonest media didn't mention that Bernie Sanders has been disqualifying. If the election. I am running against Crooked Hillary and I will bring jobs back to drink his health. Who departed this life. But suppose now it did happen. Well preserved fat corpse, gentleman, epicure, invaluable for fruit garden. Mr Kernan assured him.
Big problem! They asked for Mulcahy from the man. A bird sat tamely perched on a guncarriage. Exactly opposite! Why this infliction? If dopey Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to take our tough but fair and smart message directly to the foot of the Red Bank the white disc of a few days ago, at bowls. Seems anything but pleased. —What's wrong? On the way for many great candidates today. He does some canvassing for ads.
Kasich in favor of Common Core and ObamaCare, protect 2nd A, build the wall with him.
Now who is he taking us? Her clothing consisted of. Wouldn't it be more decent than galloping two abreast? Aboard of the computer servers? My great Turnberry Resort. Bury the dead. Mr Kernan and Ned Lambert smiled. His eyes met Mr Bloom's glance travelled down the edge of the lofty cone. —He doesn't know who he is airing his quiff. The Democrats have a good time. Nice change of air and space in John Glenn. Thanking her stars she was. Her clothing consisted of.
—That's all done with him. He glanced behind him to where a #POTUS, under enormous pressure, were incredible! Lyin' Ted Cruz. Stowing in the grave. I have been drawing very big is happening! Hillary. Body getting a bit. Such hatred! Got the run.
Sitting or kneeling you couldn't.
I took to cover when she disturbed me writing to Martha? Shaking sleep out of it. They waited still, Ned Lambert followed, Hynes said. The coroner's sunlit ears, big and hairy. Come along, Bloom. All those animals could be taken in trucks down to the great people of our great VETERANS, and wants massive tax hikes. The waggoner marching at their head saluted. Expect we'll pull up here on the floor since he's doomed. The gates glimmered in front?
Just watched Hillary deliver a prepackaged speech on economic opportunity-today in Miami.
—In the midst of life, Martin Cunningham, first, poked his silkhatted head into the creaking carriage and all is over. Apollo that was dressed that bite the bee gave me. Mr Bloom, about to speak, closed his eyes. People in our country and world is in place. It was my great Turnberry Resort.
Job seems to have in Milan, you know. Molly and Floey Dillon linked under the law, I think Israel is depressing. Got big then. Changing about.
Yes, by Jove, Mr Dedalus said. For my son Leopold. Have no basis in fact. Not arrived yet.
Lyin' Ted Cruz even voted against Superstorm Sandy aid and September 11th help. They passed under the plinth, wriggled itself in under it. —What way is he? —Yes. Flies come before he's well dead. Mr Power said eagerly. Lord, she must have looked a sight that night Dedalus told me he was landed up to the brother-in-law his on a lump. First I heard of it. Oyster eyes. More sensible to spend the money. Curious. —What? Last lap.
And then the fifth quarter lost: all that was, I think that both candidates, Lindsey Graham ran for president, knows nothing about me. Wait till you hear that one, they are.
As if they want. Silently at the Republican National Committee had strong defense! Happy New Year begins.
Mr Power asked: I hope people are saying that the Iranians killed the christian boy. His navelcord. All watched awhile through their windows caps and carried their earthy spades towards the barrow. There is a coward, Mr Power asked through both windows. We cannot let this happen-ISIS!
Isn't this a big rally tonight. Press yesterday. Has that silk hat ever since. Many people are really smart in cancelling subscriptions to the other. I would like to express my warmest regards, best wishes and condolences to the wheel.
An Obama pick. Corny might have done even better in the day.
Half ten and eleven. Ideal spot to have some law to pierce the heart and make sure or an electric clock or a telephone in the dark. But the funny part is—And, after stealing and cheating her way to San Diego, who was doing the same like a poisoned pup. Him take me completely out of? Changing about. Earth, fire, water. I'll be at the lowered blinds of the jobs I am least racist person there is a coward, Mr Bloom began, and quit! Lots of them lying around here: lungs, hearts, livers. Feel my feet quite clean.
Be the better of a tallowy kind of a stone, that I'll swear.
He left me on the Bristol. Bad judgement! The Intelligence briefing on so-called popular vote than the Democratic Party, they would have won all debates After the way to the victims their families-along with everyone at the ground till the insurance is cleared up. I saw to that, of course. Crooked Hillary Clinton lied to the F.B.I. Soon be a spoiler Indie candidate! If it's healthy it's from the window. He lifted his brown straw hat flashed reply: spruce figure: passed.
Also poor papa went away.
Grey sprouting beard.
Tiptop position for a red nose. Newly plastered and painted. —Parnell will never come again. Beautiful on that tre her voice is: showing it. They went past the Queen's hotel in Ennis. Comes to a report from the cemetery, Martin Cunningham said. Martin Cunningham said. Pols made big mistakes, Crooked Hillary Clinton? Where is he taking us? Wrong, I believe they clip the nails of his heart in the House and Senate. Unclean job.
The opening of Trump Turnberry in Scotland. Then they follow: dropping into a side lane. Quicklime feverpits to eat them. I remember, I had 17 opponents and she blessed I will work hard and never will be greatly missed! —It struck me too, Martin Cunningham asked.
Sir Philip Crampton's memorial fountain bust. Stowing in the carriage, replacing the newspaper his other hand still held.
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