#I hc that he knew how to play the guitar and they’d lie on his lap while he played for them and hummed them to sleep
blutomindpretzel · 2 years
Hc that Lovely was really close with Xavier when they first enrolled at DAMN. Xavier was super outgoing and friendly, and made an effort to show Lovely around and invite them to his games. He helped Lovely gain more confidence in their powers (alongside Vincent ofc), and they grew to be super close friends. (They’d have nights in his dorm playing Mario kart and eating gummies after Seven-Eleven runs.)
So when Lovely finally decided to check out the night-classes at DAMN post-Inversion, and looked for Xavier, only to ask around and find out he had died during Inversion. Their heart completely dropped before they quietly thanked the person for their time and zipped home.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 4 years
Random Characters with Singer S/O HC (...cause I can...):
Characters: Dick Grayson (YJ Robin), Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Bart Allen, Garfield Logan (YJ), Kon Kent (90’s), Random One (Batsib)
Dick Grayson (YJ Robin):
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·      You were John Constantine’s apprentice and daughter
·      Since it’s cannon that he was in a band, imma say it, you can probably sing
·      You grew up searching the world for your father since you were raised some by your mother until you fled her (demon mom) and ended up searching the world and practicing your magic with people that knew who you were based on your parents
·      You gained skills playing all sorts of things
·      The first time that John heard you was in your bedroom listening to music
·      Well he thought you were listening to music
·      You were actually playing guitar and singing
·      He was shocked and eventually you got to show him all of the songs you were actually playing guitar in
·      He took you to a recording studio one day for the hell of it and BOOM
·      You were off
·      Now about the team, you wore a mask just because of who you were
·      It was technically a magic mask and just kind of like a mind blur thing where if people already knew both sides of you, they’d know who you are but if it was someone new, they would just know you by your hero name
·      Pretty practical
·      So, when you had gotten big, you made sure not to sing or do anything that would give it off
·      But one day when you thought that the cave was empty, you had an idea for a song and just sang it into your phone
·      Then you started singing one of your own songs while making lunch cause you were bored
·      Robin heard
·      “Wait... WAIT”
·      You had that look that John does when he wants to roll his eyes and throw his head back in exasperation but if he did he’d die
·      “bullocks.” That was all that came out of your mouth
·      You told him, he knew, it was kind of just a thing
·      Now once you guys were dating, and even before, he’d go to every. single. concert (that you played near Gotham or where he was at least)
·      Loudest in the crowd
·      Got VIP seating
·      He’d be the one that knew ALL of the lyrics
·      Definitely not because he was a big fan before he knew .... oh no... “totally not”
·      He’s your date to every single event
·      Interviews together
·      When he takes you to galas, you’re both outshining everyone
·      You let him listen to every single song that you put on albums first since it’s important
·      John got jealous over that
·      Dick knows that some of the pyro that you have at shows is actually magic and that’s why it’s so cool
·      If there’s anything that’s like a hologram that flies over the crowd, he knows that that’s you
·      I think as a given, everyone in this wears your merch even if it’s a bit
·      If I say anything about it it’s cause they wear it a lot
Tim Drake:
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·      You two met at one of your own concerts
·      You were on tour and he got a VIP meet and greet pass
·      He was so nervous but really excited at the same time cause he didn’t want to screw up and look like an idiot
·      You two talked longer than you were supposed to actually
·      In the end, the two of you managed to exchange numbers
·      He almost died
·      When he got home he was smiling so wide Dick had to know what happened
·      Even Bruce commented on it
·      Dick squealed when he found out
·      BIGGGG time
·      You and Tim immediately started texting back and forth
·      First of all, you texted first since Tim was too nervous he’d bother you
·      You didn’t really know where to start so you guys just talked
·      That night you just knew this was going to be something good
·      You kept the relationship under wraps for a few months
·      Not until the two of you were comfortable with everything
·      Eventually, you went out for a gala and the media was blowing up
·      It was like an explosion
·      Tim was hesitant to take you to meet his family but you all got along very well
·      Even you and Damian
·      He complimented your skill
·      Everyone almost fell over dead
·      He loves to listen to your music
·      You are both up at inhuman hours working
·      Tim likes to have you by humming or quietly singing to something in your earbuds
·      Sometimes you’ll just interrupt the silence and ask if a line sounds good
·      He almost always says yes and if he doesn’t, he gives a suggestion on a change
·      He’ll come and watch videos be filmed which is always cool to him
·      Comes to every show
·      You guys hate being far away from each other for too long anyways
·      Eventually, you’ll get a penthouse in Gotham and move in together
·      Has the best security just in-case
·      It also has a recording studio built in
·      It isn’t uncommon for one of his brothers to drop in
·      He is always a blushing mess when a song is about him
·      It’s pretty funny to you
·      Likes to listen to you play an acoustic version
·      Those are his favorite no matter how much he likes the original
·      He will also help you pick out singles
·      Sometimes if you’re playing one he’ll just stop and say single and you know what he means
·      One time you were at the studio and doing a soundtrack song for a movie with another singer and the two of you killed it
·      The high notes were your best and Tim was floored
·      You laughed a ton at his reaction
·      “I didn’t know you could do that.”
“Surprise Timmy.”
·      You have sweatpants in your merch just because you know he’ll always wear them
·      You also have coffee mugs and tumblers because you know he’ll use them
Damian Wayne:
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·      You both grew up in the LoA
·      You were his second hand from the start and also a top general
·      Got to leave to go on tons of missions
·      Before you’d leave, his only demand or request (after some time) was that you came back with a song that played from the outside
·      You always did
·      At night, you’d softly sing them on the rooftops looking out at the stars at night
·      He wouldn’t admit it but those were his favorite nights
·      After a mission, that was when the compound was attacked
·      You and Damian were swept off your feet
·      Into this new place with Bruce
·      You had learned to play piano very well so once you found that there was one, you were attached to it if it wasn’t training
·      Coping mechanism for you
·      Damian would hear it sometimes
·      Eventually you made your first record and skyrocketed
·      You were lo-key kind of terrified from the attention thinking it would get you killed somehow
·      Spoiler alert
·      It didn’t
·      Some of the songs you wrote were so sad and dark that in interviews when you’d be asked about it, you’d have to just straight up lie
·      You can’t just talk about being an assassin for your entire life and the repercussions of that
·      You’d say it was inspired by the moral compass of characters you read about
·      Damian knows what all of the songs are about since he grew up with you
·      In school, you got tons of attention and hated it
·      That was because you knew that none of those people were real
·      Not at all
·      When you and Damian went public a good percentage of the population at Gotham Academy was mad since they wanted to date you
·      Not for any reason but money a lot of the times of course
·      The press thought you two were really cute
·      You both also intimidated the hell out of everyone
·      No one really knew why it was just your demeanor
·      Late at night on the rooftops of the manor or even just the fields outside of Gotham is where you sing new songs to him
·      He loves it and admits it
·      You guys have the best conversations there
·      It’s something you look forward to every day
·      At shows, he sings along to the songs
·      When you wave to or wink at him he blushes and tries to hold in a smile but fails terribly
·      There’s always a video of it somewhere
·      If you get even a tiny bit of emotional on stage, he gets that way too
·      He understands all too well
·      Loves to go to the studio with you if you invite him
·      He says he likes every single song but you can tell which ones he likes best by his reactions
·      Those are a dead giveaway
·      If he gets that sad look, you know you’ve written a good song
·      If he gets a gleam in his eyes, you know you’ve written a good single or peppy song and it goes like that for everything
Bart Allen:
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·      You met right before the Outsiders phase
·      Just joining the team, you were a seriously famous singer and a metahuman
·      Everyone knew since you were open about it
·      Bart thinks you’re really cool
·      Listens to your music all the time but will never admit it and if he’s caught especially by you, he’ll be an embarrassed mess
·      When you were dating it was pretty public
·      He loves going out with you and showing off
·      It’s just kind of his thing to do that
·      You always think it’s funny or you roll your eyes jokingly
·      Either way he will do it without fail
·      Goes to all of your shows
·      You know that one person at big concerts that are lit up in lights screaming the lyrics?
·      That’s Bart
·      You cannot change my mind otherwise
·      Will actively try and make you laugh onstage but not mess up
·      Oh no
·      He would never
·      Now he just openly jams out to your music which at first was kind of awkward walking into but you got used to it
·      He likes it when you just randomly start singing
·      When you two leave the base, you end up getting your own place pretty close to it
·      Just not too close
·      Team listening parties to new songs
·      Some are just really sad and no one has dry eyes since they might be about missions or the aftermath of them
·      Watching the number of buys just sky rocket on an album’s release day is the most fun
·      Once you hit every thousand or so it gets really fun
·      It’s like a race in the sense that everyone is just pumped and wants it to surpass the last number of buys and streams from your last album
·      If Lex or someone criticizes the Outsiders for whatever reason, your fans are on it like crazy
·      You started an organization and another safe house for meta teens
·      Helped give funds to add another wing to the Star Labs base for the kids
·      Everything got updated with that as well
·      Benefit concerts for them
·      Once the meta teens get a grip on their powers, they get free passes to the concerts and VIP passes
·      You also drop by often to hang out with them
Garfield Logan (YJ):
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·      You had both known each other before Outsiders
·      You got along really well and were best friends
·      M shipped you guys along with everyone else and when that ship sailed, she was over the moon
·      Okay so when you got big, it was a bit before his acting career kicked off
·      The two of you paved the way for meta teens coming out as metas
·      It was a MASSIVE deal to have someone like you in the music industry and then Gar in the film world
·      Both go to award shows together
·      It’s pretty fun
·      When he decided that he wanted to cut back from acting more and more, you were supporting him through and through
·      He thinks that it’s cool that there are songs about it
·      They’re not too unobvious either
·      You have interviews together but have both decided that Grant is annoying and she is pretty obnoxious sometimes
·      Same with a lot of the other interviewers
·      They just want to know about EVERYTHING
·      No stone left unturned
·      You got to do music for one of the movies he was in which was really cool
·      You were both at the premier walking the carpet
·      Met galas anyone?
·      The public’s favorite couple of all time
·      There’s no doubt about it
·      You wear each other’s merch
Kon Kent (90’s):
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·      You probably did more indie and alternative which he thought was really cool
·      You were one of the only newer artists that he really liked
·      One day you just run into each other
·      He doesn’t know what to do for a second cause internally, he’s freaking out
·      Eventually, you pull him into a different building to avoid the mob of people
·      Of course, people see but it didn’t headline the next day which was amazing
·      “Sorry about that. I just figure the mob of people and pap aren’t worth standing outside for.” You said looking outside from behind a shelf of the store.
“N-no, it’s fine.” He replied running a hand through his hair.
“Oh, you’re Superboy, I’m Y/N.”
“You can just call me Kon.”
·      While he was at it, he got your number too
·      You guys actually spent a decent amount of time talking in the store before leaving separately
·      He texted first telling you he liked the album that you had dropped
·      From there, after a few days he asked you out which you were totally down for
·      Then when everything went public, there was no breathing room if you left your place or any other private property
·      He would go to all of your shows and be hit on by the locals
·      Not your fans though
·      Ohhhhhhhhh no
·      You’d tease him about it sometimes but if you could tell he was just dying in the crowd because of girls or boys, you jokingly call it out from stage
·      Think Harry Styles kind of calling it out
·      It’s those vibes and attitude
·      SOMETIMES he might loudly call a thank you or something funny that makes everyone laugh
·      Then the show goes on as normal
·      He sits in your dressing room during meet and greets most of the time
·      You’ve got his favorite snacks in there because of this
·      When you go to events like the Grammys or Teen Choice, you take over the red carpet
·      Everyone goes wild
·      It’s kind of nerve wracking but easier when he’s having to go through the same deal lol
·      The couple that wears disguises sometimes
·      It’s nothing too big, it is enough however
·      He teases you if you wear a wig or something
·      Vacations with no press or anything are amazing
·      They also keep you sane
·      Wears your merch
Random One (Batsib):
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·      Your entire family is on board with this
·      They support you throughout the entire thing
·      You have a hit debut album and tour for the next one
·      Eventually, Bruce will let you homeschool which is amazing for you since the people at Gotham Academy know no limits to weird
·      Someone literally tried to ghost write a song for you and then stuffed it into your locker before you were there
·      You knew immediately
·      It’s not that hard
·      During interviews they’re in the background as moral support
·      Extra attention from press at galas
·      Thankfully not really the old rich people though
·      Bruce and the entire family wear your merch
·      You have coffee mugs just for Timmy
·      Dick and the girls wear the merch the most
·      Steph and Cass are squealing if you win an award or drop anything
·      They and your oldest brother are publicly your biggest fans
·      Bruce is secretly your number 1 fan though
·      Plays the songs at the watchtower when he’s working sometimes
·      You know this
·      Everyone does
·      It just happens and you’re not complaining
·      Especially when Billy Batson found out about you
·      Part of Batman’s group AND a superstar
·      You do still typically do the vigilante thing but not as much on tour
·      It’s hard since you actively are trying NOT to die even harder since you kind of are a world -wide sensation
·      On tours, your family is the LOUDEST group in the crowd
·      No doubt
·      They try and make you laugh on stage
·      When you do, you’ll call them for it sometimes
·      *Brothers yelling something at the stage when you respond trying to roast you*
·      “That’s pretty rich coming from batarang ass lookin hairline over there.”
·      Or it might be something like, “Wait, what did you say? Sorry I can’t hear you over the 15,000 other people that are here watching my show.”
·      Those are the best moments
·      Hands down
·      If anyone goes after you on Twitter or something, they’re goners
·      They’re going to have a million other Batfam members and even leaguers coming for them
·      It’s pretty hilarious to see Clark Kent write an editorial on why a person was wrong and why your album was superior to all
·      Wonder Woman saying she listened to your music
·      *passes out*
·      Not that you didn’t already, know, you were just in awe of her lol
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