#I honest to god was so damn surprised at the wiki
mamashenanigans · 5 months
So, I’m revisiting something I’ve already discussed. I took a gander at the My Hero Academia Wiki’s All for One page and was quite surprised at the skewed view on his relationship with Yoichi, most notably when he killed him.
The wiki states that he killed Yoichi “without hesitation or remorse”, but leaves out the visual and narrative context of what’s happening. It also conveniently leaves out AFO’s thoughts on Yoichi before he blips out of existence.
I’m going to break it down since it’s quite apparent people either A.) have no reading comprehension concerning comics and/or B.) they so want AFO to be a “born evil” character and disregard the subtext and context of what’s occurring.
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Here we have the last two panels of the chapter prior to the reveal of Yoichi’s death. AFO is focused on Kudo and Yoichi’s hands. His attack only leaves Yoichi’s hand, but that doesn’t appear to be what he was aiming for, especially when examining the first few pages of the following chapter.
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In the first panel, AFO looks surprised at what he’s done. His mouth is slightly open and his eyes wide as Yoichi’s blood splatters onto his face. The next panel is AFO just standing there, hand still outstretched, almost like he’s trying to process what just happened. Given the look of surprise and how he freezes, allowing the one that stole his brother away to be able to flee, it’s clear that this was the result of a possessive rage and AFO only meant to attack their hands instead of obliterating Yoichi.
We also have the narrative subtext.
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When we first see Yoichi being ripped apart, the narration tells us that AFO named his brother after the fact he was the first thing given to him in life. This hints that Yoichi is more substantial than other people. The word “precious” is used to describe Yoichi after AFO kills him. This narration juxtaposed to AFO killing Yoichi clearly suggests that AFO didn’t mean to kill Yoichi, but probably only maim him.
If he truly cared so little for Yoichi as to purposefully murder him, then he would have quickly moved on to killing Kudo and Bruce who are shown still in the water and trying to get away. Instead, he just stands there, frozen in his initial position, looking like his brain just glitched.
Furthermore, we have AFO keeping Yoichi’s hand, all that remains of him, and is even eating dinner with it as shown here…
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If all he wanted to do was take back the Quirk and move on(before finding out that Yoichi still exists) then why even embalm the hand? Instead, he seems to be sitting there, with a glass of wine and a plate of food, just contemplating his brother’s hand. Once he concludes that Yoichi “still exists”, he goes on a huge conquest to get him back.
We also have prior flashbacks to work with here. The first one we got had AFO telling Yoichi he loves him and asks his bodyguard to go easy on him. Next, there’s the flashback in the vault and AFO’s monologue is to convince Yoichi to stand by his side. He calls him “dear little brother” earlier and then tells him while giving him the stockpiling Quirk that he matters to him/so dear to him. Once he finds Kudo, he also presumably (due to Kudo’s retort) asked where Yoichi was as he considers the Quirk to be his brother.
Now, don’t get me wrong. AFO’s “love” for Yoichi was very possessive. When his conquest to get back OFA is shown, AFO claims his tears were just “alligator tears” and that all he wants is to make Yoichi his.
However, the last thoughts about Yoichi that AFO has, and is conveniently left out of his wiki page, is that he needs Yoichi/without him everything is for nothing. This could definitely mean that AFO’s thoughts during his killing of the holders of OFA were of an unreliable narrator and more him trying to convince himself that the tears meant nothing.
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This is such an important line. AFO finally admits that it was all about Yoichi and that nothing matters if he isn’t by his side. That refutes the idea that AFO didn’t care about Yoichi and only wanted to possess him. The original translation only has “Yoichi, I need you” and of course the official English translation has to say it differently, but that right there changes the entire perspective of what he was trying to achieve. It’s no longer a “I want to make you mine”, but a clear “I need you”. Which makes sense given that they only had each other growing up.
It’s also pertinent to remember that AFO often “talks” to Yoichi in his inner thoughts, particularly during battle. Following his admittance of needing Yoichi, he continues to “speak” to him about what he was trying to achieve.
With AFO blaming Kudo for everything, it’s pretty obvious that AFO can’t accept the fact that he messed up and accidentally killed his brother. It has to be Kudo’s fault for taking him in the first place.
So, in closing, the idea that Yoichi meant nothing to AFO and was just another toy or that he purposefully killed him doesn’t add up when taking into consideration all the context. Yoichi did mean something to AFO and that’s why he did everything.
He’s still a bastard, but my god, don’t leave out all this important stuff.
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exocynraku · 7 months
thunder spoilers under the cut!!! read at your own risk!!! here are my opinions on the book!!! i wrote this right after reading originally on the 4th and planned 2 post it on the 7th. it's not the 7th exactly where i live but the wiki updated with spoilers since it's the 7th over there so whatever
okay, so, overall, i liked it. i didnt LOVE it, but i liked it. sunbeams chapters were all great, and with nightheart travelling with frostpaw, he finally had the chance to not be an ass, and he wasn't as bad! i actually read his chapters this time, and oh my god frostpaws chapters were INCREDIBLE!!!! i loved her interactions with whistlepaw and smoky, and wow. she did get spayed, LOL! got spoiled for that early (thanks, assholes!) i was NOT expecting to meet the new cats of the park! i totally thought we'd encounter warriorclan! i'm a little bummed about that, but the cats of the park were all super nice to read about which was super nice. especially bee! thought i'm upset she has the same name as another cat.. wails the reveal of splashtail i totally expected, but i'm a little surprised over curlfeather. i know that there's been suspect she was a villain, but damn! i wanted to hold onto hope! but hey, her being evil is super interesting. plus, wow! she's in the dark forest! i guess i shouldve expected that, but it's felt like forever since a cat got sent there. (which i dont think is rlly true? juniperclaw went i think that was tbc? whatever, still feels so long ago) also i didnt mind that it was a travelling book! i know a lot of ppl HATEEEE travelling books, but i think there was still enough substance to make it interesting! now, that ending... er, hard to explain my feelings. i like cliffhangers because they make me really excited for the next book, but man! this one hurt bad! i want frostpaw to jump out !!!! raugh!!! also, waffle and wasp are cute! i'm happy theyre coming to the clans! we NEED more genetic diversity SOBS and honestly, with frostpaws thoughts right before leaving the park, with the clans needing to become less harsh and fighty, and more open, especially to outsiders? that was incredible! genuinely, genuinely incredible! and i hope they go through with it, i really do! berryheart is also an interesting character. if i'm being honest, i hope she leaves. not becaues i dont like her (i think she's one of the most interesting characters we've had in the series for a long time, even if she sucks), but because like i said earlier we NEED more genetic diversity in the clans! more cats with long blood lines need to leave or die, and new cats w/o long blood lines, or none at all need to start existing. all of the incest is pissing me off. so i'm glad that somecat with not a particularly long bloodline, but a big one (berryheart has like 70 siblings) is leaving. plus those other cats. last misc things, finally, some tree action! it's a miracle! i also like how there were mentions of 1: thunderclan being overcrowded (please please please mass exctinction event GO) and 2: tree being mediator, but never really having the chance to shine. also, cherryfall sucks. jeez louise! i used to like her for gods sake! spotfur and her kits were adorable, i liked ivypool in this book, and oh my god, brambleclaw finally gets less of a spotlight! overall, i liked it. not the most amazing book to ever exist ever, but it definitely got my excited for the next books!!! really happy with ASC so far and i'm pumped to see what's going to happen with it in the future.
also, with the cats of the park cats being introduced, i'll have to draw them! oh boy more work for me to do
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radi0activec0smos · 1 year
It's 8am and I have a THOUGHT. Yes it's about Wounded Warrior again and yes I'm posting this to my art blog because my main is too much of a mess to be useable.
What if Wounded Warrior was a soldier who defected from the side of the king?
How did I come up with this? The symbol on their chest.
"But the majority of the soldiers have a diamond symbol on their chest no matter what side they're on" Oh I'm well aware. But a) Wounded's is different and b) it's what the shape seems oddly similar to that's intriguing me.
You wanna know what this shape reminds me of?
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King Resh.
Don't see it yet? Take a look at the symbol, and then the art for Alef/Resh. They look pretty damn similar to me.
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However, there's a single other fact that convinces me that Wounded Warrior was a defected soldier from the King's side. And that's the fact that the shield with the sun symbol on it is present on their side of the memory. Which is, notably, the symbol used on the Wasteland Elder Tsadi's shield. (Screenshots of Tsadi's shield grabbed from Sky Wiki's video with their cutscene)
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Honest to god I wouldn't be surprised if Wounded was a soldier who a) defected and b) rejoined the fight on the side of the elders. Wouldn't put it past them, either.
What makes me curious now is why they continued to wear their old armour if that was the case, though considering the circumstances, I wouldn't be surprised if a shortage of materials meant they had to resort to continuing to use it.
I am going to be making up so many hcs for them and nobody can STOP ME /hj
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ladynightlark · 11 months
Hii I just finished reading your fic and let me tell you it was fantastic!! I read it expecting another fun swap au, which it was, but damn the amount of feels in this fic hurts...
I also wanted to encourage you to take all the time you need with the fic!! I’ll be delighted to be able to read it whenever it comes out so please dont put pressure on yourself to finish it…It gives me more time to make completely wrong theories abt it anyway lol. 
Speaking of theories I’ve already spent an embarrassing amount of time on the demon slayer wiki trying to find the identity of the muscular girl to no avail :( 
Hmm despite that I have another theory I don't think anyones mentioned yet…is the flute player in the infinity fortress Himejima?? I know this sounds ludicrous but he’s the only guy I can think of besides Yorichi who is associated with a flute. I also remember another commenter pointing out the smell of Wisteria in the infinity fortress…Shinobu is that you?? I’m pretty sure the flower pillar isn’t Kanae in this au so maybe the butterfly girls are all demons now…oh god demon Shinobu and Himejima what terrifying concepts…Don’t worry I don’t expect you to confirm anything now I just really enjoy overthinking things haha 
On a side note I really loved reading abt your thoughts on Genya!! (I’m the Genya anon lol) I agree he’s such a unique character and his abilities are very cool! 
…Out of curiosity tho what do you think of Genya and Sanemi’s relationship?? I recently reread the manga and it brought me nothing but pain so I’d love to hear your thoughts on them! 
Thank you so much! I’m glad you’ve been enjoying the fic (and apologies for the heartbreaking moments). I appreciate your patience with the wait, I definitely needed the break and I’m really excited about writing the next parts, especially once mission start taking place!
I know a lot of people have been asking and trying to figure out who muscular girl is, but I’m gonna stay quiet on this until she comes back later. I will say, I may or may not have to tweak a few things about her design to fit the wiki better because…well…she’s appeared in the anime and I got a small detail about her wrong (that I’m fixing soon, no worries!).
Ooh, and same goes for your theories! You have SOME ideas correct, and though we won’t be seeing the Upper Moons in this AU again until MUCH later, the subtle hints are there.
To give a hint as to who certain characters may be and who could be involved in the future (especially the demons), I will say all KNY spin-offs, short stories/light novels, and gaiden books are fair game.
Thank you, I’m glad you liked my little rant about Genya! He’s honestly one of my favorite characters and I could go on and on about him. And that love has certainly been reignited by Season 3, so don’t be surprised if you see that Genya has a bigger role in the AU too!
(Major Manga Spoilers Ahead)
As for his relationship with Sanemi, I think it has to be one of the most heartbreaking storylines of the entire series.
I’ll be honest, at first during my initial read-through of the series, I didn’t really like Sanemi. I’m typically not a fan of characters that bully others and are needlessly cruel, especially when they know it’s wrong and acknowledge that it hurts others and do nothing to change.
It especially frustrated me because I’m pretty close with my siblings, and doing something like that (even for good intentions) just rubbed me the wrong way.
It wasn’t until I read somewhere that in a way, Sanemi was meant to parallel Tanjiro’s story/tragedy that I finally started to understand and appreciate the complexity of his character more.
The fact that both the Kamados and Shinazugawas came from big families (which were killed by a demon), had a loved one turned who the older brother fought, and had said older sibling join the Corps to protect their only remaining younger sibling will never fail to blow my mind. That is high-tier storytelling that I will never get over.
It took a few rereadings of the manga (specifically on Sanemi’s backstory) and watching Genya’s POV on their backstory recently for Season 3 (along with the extra scenes that absolutely crushed me) that I began to understand both the Shinazugawa brothers better.
Deep down, both brothers wanted to mend their relationship with each other, but Sanemi had lost so many good people in his life even after he left home, and rationalized that they needed to be kept at arms length so he could protect them.
He was a marechi, and naturally drew demons to him. Sanemi was fully prepared to embrace that life and what fighting them would entail, but that meant keeping loved ones away so they wouldn’t get tangled in with what he had to do.
Again, I’m not the biggest fan of Sanemi, but I have a lot of respect for the development and symbolism his character is meant to represent. Even if he went about it the wrong way, I can see why he acted the way he did and respect the lengths he would go to to protect Genya when the chips were down in the Infonity Castle Arc. He and Genya truly capture the tragic siblings trope KNY loves to use, and their story will forever be one of my biggest takeaways from the series.
Sanemi perfectly embodies the “you don’t realize what you had until you’ve lost it” quote, and the fact that he’s one of the last survivors of the demon war says a lot.
I will say, I DEFINITELY have plans on how I want to tackle their relationship (and how it may change due to changed events) in my AU, so be on the lookout for that as well!
Thank you so much for asking! Let me know if you’d like me to go a little more in-depth on anything or if you would like me to talk about any more characters, storylines, or headcanons/theories!
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studiob487 · 1 year
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Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954)
Directed by: Stanley Donen
Starring: Jane Powell, Howard Keel, Jeff Richards, Julie Newmar, Matt Mattox, Ruta Lee, Marc Platt, Norma Doggett, Jacques d'Amboise, Virginia Gibson, Tommy Rall, Betty Carr, Russ Tamblyn, Nancy Kilgas
Genre: musical, comedy
Six brothers go to town to find wives after their eldest brother gets married.
Warning- so much misogyny!
I watched this movie July '22 and my head was spinning. I can't describe what I was feeling - I was laughing so hard at what I was seeing though certainly not for the intended reasons. I can't say I was totally surprised, because of where the story started and seemed to be leading. Still, I hoped by the time the kidnapping happened things would turn around but I was still baffled. I was yelling at my screen, "Oh please, don't - you aren't seriously going to-! Oh my god, you are! no, NO, NOOOoooO!" I remember feeling like, "damn, I really wish someone was watching this with me", and they could feel as ridiculous as I was feeling. I was gonna put this movie out of my memory because even sharing about it to friends the vibe I generally got back was, "...and you watch this shit?"
DomoDraperr@tiktok watches Seven Brides for Seven Brothers pt. 3
Saw the reaction above (love his 'Watching [_] being uncomfortable but not knowing why' series) and I was crying laughing. So yes, memories came flooding back. And here we are.
Yep, a bunch of brothers kidnap several women. Milly condemns it, and the movie itself sort of says it was a bad thing but only so far as, "boys will be boys" you know what I mean? And all the girls forgive and marry them by the end. This wasn't a few awkward comments; they kidnapped several women and even clobbered one of their suitors. Even though the lead male character, Adam (played by Howard Keel), finally learns what he did was wrong, it was in that typical "if it were my daughter-~" reasoning. Not so much as you shouldn't be taking away the agency of another human being. ... progress, I guess? ...
This movie was a surprise success at the time - as MGM was putting their money on Brigadoon. Critic reviews were positive, it was the 5th most popular film at British box office in 1955, AFI in 2001 ranked it #21 on a list for best musicals, and so on. Yes, quick wiki summary for you and the point is: a movie about a bunch of brothers kidnapping women wasn't controversial. My point is audiences were walking out on Sylvia Scarlett (1935) for a bit of "crossdressing" and more recently Rope (1948) was banned in some cities for being too gay (without ever directly referencing to homosexuality). I think that pretty much sums up US' priorities right now too.
This movie was based on a short story by Stephen Vincent Benet, "The Sobbin' Women", which itself was based on "The Rape of the Sabine Women" myth.
Anyhow, I'm not saying you can't enjoy it or you should feel bad if you do (let's just not try to pretend it isn't what it is). The music about the sobbing women is pretty damn catchy, if I'm being begrudgingly honest. The dancing is fun - even one rare negative contemporary review would admit. And another in '85 describes it as "profoundly sexist and eminently hummable".
I was definitely entertained - eyes wide open the whole way through. Whether it's for the right reasons or not, whether the 'right' reasons matter... up to you if you wanna see for yourself.
McSweeney's Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Explainer by Devorah Blachor (2020)
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a-weird-writer · 2 years
What are your honest thoughts on the thing I found on Asura and Taishakuten?
(A TLDR is at the end, this very quickly turned into a rant, hope you don't mind. I said some things.)
Ashura - Japanese Wiki Corpus (japanese-wiki-corpus.org)
Lots of shit to unpack there I'll say that first XD.
Reading articles like this is one of my favorite pastimes but damn, know what I mean? Shouldn't be surprised at the numerous symbolism and religious references, how long it really stretches back; Buddhism has loads to unravel, and the lore is miles long thanks to the historical "changes" throughout the centuries. Makes sense, things change and slowly get lost to time, bound for some grey areas.
Taishakuten seems to act douche supreme both in game and canon mythology. Surprised to find out he was a high-class god of war himself, I can already tell its complicated, like how a majority of myths like to be.
I respect how the original stories reflect in game, intentional or not, they did good research. Gotta gets some things correct.
Despite this, its overall logic is pretty ridiculous. And I am not talking about magic.
The betrayal for one thing, is weird. From how it was set up, the deities were on decent terms, until the whole, Taishakuten stealing Asura's daughter incident. From what I understand he just took her out of the blue? What is the reason exactly? Because Asura wanted her to marry Taishakuten? Asura already wanted her to marry him, it looks like he already knew that too. So, what was the purpose of the sudden kidnapping? It was absolutely useless, the idol master of your people, a literal leader of heaven just outright taking you like that. Away from your loving family and household. I am doubtful Sachi much appreciated it. And what about her feelings as well? No say at all. It doesn't mention anywhere she didn't want to marry Taishakuten, and I'm confident it was hammered in her head how glamorous of a god he is. I don't know how it works in Hindu or India, my knowledge on their cultures and structure is very vague (I know their gender roles are different from America's), but really?
Seems to mention it as a law thing in their realm.
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It barely makes any sense. Because Asura did permit him? Did he have second thoughts at the last minute? Read everything I said above.
On another hand what is up with myths and abducting people? Stealing and shitting on brides like what the fuck? Crazy mythos. I don't blame Asura for his anger, Taishakuten asked for war on that one.
But man, I quickly cringed when I was nearing toward the end.
The part about ants confused me the most. So what? Asura, seriously, this man stole your child and raised a whole ass army against you for next to no justifiable reason when you understandably tried to return her home, but now you're magically showing him "sympathy" when he "mercifully" stopped to avoid stomping on ants?
Stomping on ants? On ants?!
Asura, I love you; I really do, your characterization is one of the most interesting and expressive plots in the series. And myths are far from realistic, that is why they called them myths. But they all run on some sort of common ground and humane moral telling, making them a joy to read and relatable enough. Kidnapping is evil, your child was taken, ok that's bad. We all agree you know that's some evil stuff, even for a "demon". And now, you're going after the King who wronged you, perfectly logical and fair. Well-deserved on Taishakuten's part in all this.
But while your daughter was being kidnapped (A victim of "indecent conduct" in other versions of the story mind you), you stopped in the middle of a damn war after her...because you considered ant life more valuable...literally just fucking ants.
You were more afraid of crushing ants, mere bugs who literally got no beef with you, then rescuing and saving your daughter. Your own flesh and blood.
Wow, I never thought I'd drop all interest in a character from only a single sentence.
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Maybe it is best for Sachi to stay far as fuck away from every single one of you. Ya'll got issues. Issues she doesn't need to deal with.
TLDR; Asura did nothing wrong, all he wants is his family back together and Taishakuten needs a wakeup call to rot in hell. But everything is ok now because an ant colony saved the world. Somehow.
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hismercytomyjustice · 1 month
I got curious and looked up what some of the hardest pieces to play for violin. I was surprised at first to see Erlkonig on there. It’s a favorite song of mine.
My fave rendition is this one:
She is just so fucking good.
So then I looked up the violin version. LMAO. What the actual fuck. Imma be honest with you, I played violin for like 12 years (I’ve been bad at keeping up with it since I got out of college) and I didn’t know the violin could fucking do that.
Like, my god. Needless to say, I’m a believer now. Like, DAMN.
Man is doing the part of an entire orchestra. It’s fucking wild. And it makes my brain go brrrr.
Highly recommend giving at least the top one a listen if you aren’t into purely orchestral strings.
More info and translation below:
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Ok with creeps put aside for a second I'm about to show you characters in my opinon deserves better that's mixed fandom because fucking hell I'm bored 10 being the least one being the most;
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Motherfucking grossman - dumb and blonde or is he oblivious (* very*) he * from my understanding * found his parents dead and instead of going for help because hey ' what if they find my horror collection and think I'm the murder ' (*facepalm*) he made a deal with a demon to be the greatest killer the world and the underworld has ever seen...even tho he's a dumbass sorry sweetie love you tho <3
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We literally don't know much about her ( thank you newer volumes for finally talking about the queen) other then she's ruby's mom and yang adopted mother who raised both girls better then raven ever could ( don't say anything about the DC comics I hadn't read those yet!!!) Amd how she went into a mission by ozpin and mysteriously died * starts playing red like roses two*
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....she actually does deserve the worse but at the sametime...she lost her lover way to fucking soon, the gods were trying to obey the laws of nature ( which made say say push even more) and as punishment turn salem immortal where she try to commit suicide multiple times. At least until she jump into the puddle of darkness like Anthony did. God damn it what is with edgy characters and jumping into puddles of darkness I couldn't decide to put her at ten or nine. Because let's be honest she lost EVERYTHING even her sanity!
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Junior..babe...why the FUCK DID YOU FUCK MANDY??? I MEAN SERIOUSLY! LOOK WHAT THE BITCH DID TO YOUR daughter/neice?? I feel like it's my family situation where I thought my uncle was just a family friend but oop plot twist my uncle is my biological dad (* user note; I have sever daddyissues help*) LIKE CMON WHY QUEEN BIT- well actually woth how much of a whore mandy is in the comic....I'm not surprised you'd fuck her BUT STILL!? can't believe you don't have good standards AND ILL SAY WHY IN
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Abused by her mother to become a weapon minnie actually stole back her power from junior because he proved to ' not be worthy of such power ' when he showed more mercy and sympathy towards the nergal species * or as I call em on the blog symbiotes * this is most likely to show proof to her mother she's not a failure or whatever
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Fuck you I'm bringing GIR rip off into this; Chuck is literally one of the best characters in PASWG because well..its Chuck! But poor guy every episode gets killed off/beaten up for comical relief reasons. He's basically the Kenny *south park* to the show
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Ahh my two favorite girls; Satsuki Kiryuin and her baby sister Ryuko Matoi. Force to split up as babies ( isshine taking ryuko faking their deaths to escape and Ragyo keeping satsuki) to later become pawns to a war they shouldn't be apart of to begin with was used as testaments to fuel with life fibers ( worked 100% for ryuko and 1-99 % for Satsuki) Satsuki grew in a abusive household ( ragyo touching her daughter) while in the matois home isshine neglects ryuko so he could make senketsu in his lab, grew into two different households and lives one was stuck thinking her sister died while the other was not aware her future rival was her sister all along. Im so proud of these two girls at the end
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I'm gonna be real woth you guys; I was gonna put him at two and frankie three since hey His FATHER LITERALLY STOLE HIS SEMBLANCE AND ABUSED HIM 24/7 TO TURN HIM INTI A WEAPON but honestly with how much wasted potential * I still love my husband tho* RT gave him I'm putting frankie at the honorable mentions
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You guys have NO idea how happy it makes me to have THIS SPECIFIC CHARACTER APPEAR ON THIS BLOG spoiler as to why; hehe daddy Kurosaki Like yeah sure idk much about him since I hadn't played birthnight ( I want too so fucking badly) but I know enough of him thanks to the wiki and crosstag to put him in 2; Gordeu is one of the most laid back and carefree characters you'll ever meet; however there's a Darkside about this King of Greed * wasn't kidding when I said to some that he's important* he was a former member of team Amnesia and a highly skilled mercenary ( or in this blog; one of the most powerful Reapers out in the underworld realm) that actually also works at the bar had actually lost his best friend and end up having sever suicide thoughts and depression
1 * this is gonna shock you *
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Fuuck you this man deserve to be happy. I mean cmon he lost THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE!! and if anyone watch no where home you all know why I'm sobbing even more. HIS brilliance is incredible and everything about him is. So. Fucking. Cool. I'm so happy they had his original actor play him ;^;
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keelywolfe · 3 years
FIC: Just Swimmingly ch.4 (BAON)
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Summary:  Jeff doesn't know where they are or where they're going, but he knows one thing. It's probably not good.
Tags:  Spicyhoney, Established Relationships,  Hurt/Comfort, Additional Tags To Come
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
By the time the van came to a stop, Stretch still hadn’t woken up. Not that it mattered very much, there wasn’t a thing Jeff could have done to change their situation. At the moment, they were very much outnumbered, overpowered, and even if he’d had a clue where they were, it wouldn’t have done them any good. Before they dragged him out of the van, one of the thugs yanked a bag over his head. Blinded, he struggled to stumble along as two guys pulled him out, trying not to cry out as they led him barefoot across crumbling asphalt into a building with rough carpet.
He kept as quiet as he could, trying to not only listen in case they said anything useful, but also for Stretch, praying to a God he hadn’t spoken to since he was fifteen and his father threw him out that they didn't hurt Stretch. Jeff could survive a few bumps and bruises, but he didn't know how much Stretch could withstand. Intent was key when it came to Monsters, he knew that much, and these guys seemed to have plenty.
At first, he tried to keep track of where he was being led. An impossible effort when the twists and turns of being dragged along left him too disoriented to know his way up or down. They seemed to walk forever until his captors suddenly stopped and Jeff was shoved down into a chair. Rough hands grabbed at him, rope suddenly binding his wrists and ankles. He didn’t struggle as he was tied, only tried to tense his muscles as much as possible, some shitty internet meme he vaguely remembered reading said that it could help slip free later.
Turned out memes weren’t the best source for escape plans. When they were done, Jeff subtly tried to move and the best he could manage was a painful rope burn. The ropes felt like they were wound through the slats in the chair and unless Houdini decided to make good on his possible return from the other side, Jeff was going nowhere fast.
He could hear their captors moving around, muttering too low to be understood and the other sounds might have been more rope. Tying up Stretch, maybe, he hoped that’s what it was; at least if they were together, that was something, hell, that was everything right now.
The bag suddenly getting ripped off his head made him gasp, flinching from the glaring light pointed directly into his face. Squinting, he could barely see the shadowy figures standing behind it, but he was sure he could see a cell phone pointed in his direction.
“Say your name,” a rough voice demanded.
“Andy—” he began automatically. “No, Jeff, I’m sorry, Jeff! My name is Jeff!” There was nothing else and Jeff shifted, grimacing as the ropes dug in. It was on the tip of his tongue to go on, to blurt that he worked in public relations, that he was nobody important and not worth ransoming. He bit the inside of his lip to keep those rambles from pouring out. Partly because it was probably stupid to tell kidnappers your value or lack thereof, and partly because of Edge. He’d always told them to never offer more information than was necessary and yeah, he’d been talking about board games at the time, but Jeff doubted that Clue was where Edge learned that particular rule. If these assholes wanted more info, they could damn well ask.
Either his name was all they wanted or they already had whatever other info they needed. Jeff didn’t even have a chance to try squinting through the too-bright light when one of them came towards him and yanked the bag back over his head. He sat there, sweat beading on his face and his own breath threatening to smother him as he listened to their captors moving around next to him.
“He can’t talk,” one of them said disgustedly. “He’s still wasted.”
Stretch. That meant he was right next to him, thank fucking god.
The rough sound of a slap made Jeff tense, protests bitten off when the same voice cursed and there came the sound of someone rubbing their head, “What the fuck, man!”
“That’s exactly how we want him, dumbass! He doesn’t need to talk, all they need is a good look at him. Come on, they’re waiting.”
Footsteps and then the sound of a door closing. Jeff strained to hear if anyone was still in there with them around his own breathing loud in his ears, his pulse thundering. There was nothing, no shuffle of feet against the floor or the creak of a chair. Jeff waited a little longer, curling his chilly toes against the rough carpet.
Nothing. Jeff took a long, slow breathing, trying to calm his racing pulse. He needed to be cool right now so he could try to think of something. Even if the Embassy was willing to give these assholes whatever they wanted, they sure as hell couldn’t count on that saving their lives. He was no strategist, his degree was in sociology, for fuck’s sake, but. Stretch always called him Handy Andy and it made him feel like someone different, someone braver who could stand up to a violent asshole on a bus and help Stretch with crazy experiments involving swinging bottles of Diet Coke rigged with automatic mentos dispensers. Jeff might not be the best for this situation, but Andy was sure as hell gonna try.
“Stretch,” Jeff said softly. He waited for someone to shout or a slap followed by a demand that he shut up. When none came, he went on, soft and urgent, “I know you can't hear me, but, just in case you can. It's gonna be okay. I know you're big on promises and I'm promising you right now we're getting out of this. I promise you." If he could glean anything of what Jeff was saying, he hoped he could hear that much. At least maybe he wouldn't be afraid.
"i sure hope so, i didn't get this far in life to get dusted by a low rent group of third rate scooby doo level villains. seriously, they tied us up with rope, were they out of packing tape at ‘kidnappers ‘r’ us’ or were they just eager to try the knots they learned in boy scouts before they got kicked out."
Okay, that wasn’t quite the last thing he’d expected, but it was close.
"Stretch?" Jeff gasped out. He couldn’t see a damn thing through the bag, but he could hear a muted popping sound. Suddenly, the bag was gone, far gentler than before and then he was blinking up into Stretch’s smirking face.
Jeff looked around a little wildly and next to him was another chair, the still-tied ropes hanging from the rungs in loose coils.
“yeah, sorry. i woke up back in the van, didn’t want to tip them off. wherever they buy their roofies must not have given them a dosage chart.” Stretch settled his hands on Jeff’s shoulders. “hold still, this is a lot easier than fighting with knots.”
It was the gentlest and shortest teleport he’d ever felt. Only a brief disorientation and when his vision cleared, he was sitting on top of the ropes that had just been binding him.
Jeff scrambled to his feet, swiping his sleeve across his sweaty forehead. Holy shit, maybe he should take up praying again more regularly, this was the fastest service he’d ever gotten. “Can you get us outside?”
His heart sank as Stretch shook his head. “that's gonna be a no. with the bags on our heads, i couldn't see where we are. shortcutting is tricky, it's dangerous to teleport blind. that's how you end up stuck in walls or halfway inside a table or some shit.” Stretch waved a slender hand at the chairs. “dangerous, not impossible. a few inches above where i was sitting was a pretty safe bet to get out of the ropes, but anything else is more likely to get us dead than on the street.” He frowned, glancing around the room thoughtfully. “plus, i'm not going anywhere without a little intel. they’re fucking idiots, but they knew enough to drug me and how to do it. that's not information you can just look up on a wiki-how.”
“Okay,” Jeff took a deep, steadying breath. "So, what do we do, then?” He glanced at the door. “Can you pick locks?"
"sure,” Stretch said absently. He was looking around the room. It was a storage room of some sort, there was more dusty furniture aside from the chairs, including a rickety desk, and metal cabinets lined the walls. “but i can't do much about the door being barred. i heard something get braced against it when they went out.
"Oh. Right."
“yeah,” Stretch agreed, “at least one of them has a brain cell or two rolling around up top, enough to get them this far. but the road trip is over and it’s time to pay the tolls.” Stretch shook his head disgustedly. "first rule of kidnapping is never leave the kidnappees alone. seriously, i'm getting my cues from netflix and even i know that.”
His eye lights paused in their survey of the room, brightening. Jeff followed his gaze and saw in one corner there was an honest to god old-fashioned rotary telephone pushed into the far corner of the desk, nearly buried under the clutter.
"can't be that easy, can it?” Stretch marveled. He picked it up the handset and held to his skull, then sighed unhappily. “nope. no dial tone, no surprise there, no one has a landline anymore. don’t you worry though, little phone.” Stretch gave it a soft pat. “you’re gonna be real useful in just a minute. seriously, this is just embarrassing. my first kidnapping attempt and they locked us in a room with an entire arsenal.”
“I must be missing the vendor in the corner willing to hand over gear if we do a mission for them,” Jeff joked weakly.
“everything is an arsenal if you’ve got the skills.” Stretch rummaged through the desk and came up triumphantly with…a paperclip? He set it on the desk, adding a pencil, some scotch tape, and what looked to Jeff like an old tube of superglue. “kidnapped by the ebott equivalent of the america’s dumbest criminals, fuck me. edge is going to be up my ass for a month.”
“I don’t think you’re giving him enough credit.” It was easier to be calm in the face of Stretch’s ease. “I think six months is the bare minimum.”
“i really wish you weren’t right.” Stretch glanced around the room again, this time directing his gaze upward. “hm, that’ll work.” Tall as he was, the ceiling was still out of reach even for him. Stretch pulled one of the chairs over, ropes trailing behind it like tentacles, and stood on it, reaching for the smoke detector. Jeff could only blink in confusion as he yanked it right off the ceiling.
"You're going to burn down the building?” Jeff asked. Not that he didn’t trust Stretch, but, uh, that seemed extreme for a first escape attempt. “That’d get us out, but I don't think we'll be any more alive."
"nah, just need some parts,” Stretch jerked his head towards the door. “keep an ear on the hallway, will ya, in case they remember that leaving us alone is probably stupid."
“Got it.” Jeff went to the door but before he could press his ear to it, Stretch called his name.
"hey, kiddo, i'm gonna get us out of this." Stretch offered him a familiar, lopsided smile. "i know i don't look like much, but i've been known to keep my head in a bad situation."
"You already saved me once,” Jeff said honestly, "why wouldn't I believe you now?"
Stretch’s pale eye lights flickered with memory, his expression briefly tightening. How did he remember that horrible night in that parking lot, Jeff wondered, what nightmares haunted Stretch’s sleep? He knew something happened after the ambulance took him away, but he’d never heard the entire story. After he’d been released from the hospital, he’d been wrapped up in healing enough to start his new job at the Embassy and as time passed, he hated to ask, didn’t want to dredge it all up again, not when everyone was slowly getting past it. Besides, the others had their own shit to deal with, what with the attack in California and everything happening in Ebott. His trauma was his to handle and that was the end of it.
At the desk, Stretch got to work, humming the ‘mission impossible’ theme under his breath as he dissected the phone and smoke detector with a makeshift screwdriver made from a bent paperclip taped to a pencil. His hands were as deft and easy as any demonstration he’d done for the local kids and Jeff could only marvel at his ease.
“How can you be so calm?” Jeff blurted, wincing even as the words escaped. He hadn’t meant to say it, didn’t want to distract him. Stretch only flicked a glance his way, both browbones raised.
“me?” Stretch snorted, “i am not calm. beneath this gorgeous cookie crust exterior is a honey pie of a person who would start shitting themselves if i could grow the prerequisite equipment. but we're gonna be okay.”
“How do you know?” Jeff hated the faint pleading in his own voice, he shouldn’t be distracting; Stretch was as stuck here as he was and with his HP, it was even worse. He was supposed to be the one helping Stretch, he’d promised, and the best he could do was lookout.
“you seriously think red isn't already on it?” Stretch asked and as terrifying as Red could be, thinking about him right now eased some of the aching fear that was settled in Jeff’s stomach. “all he needs is a clue and we’re gonna get him one. i only hope he can keep edge from razing the city and salting the earth beneath it until then. people might be a little tetchy about that and i’m not even sure you can come up with a press release that’d cover ‘sorry about starting city-wide armageddon, my bad.’”
Before Jeff could think of a reply to that, either an agreement, or a protest that a little chaos could be excused considering the circumstances, he heard footsteps coming from down the hallway. Panicked, he hissed out, “They're coming!”
“fuck, okay, okay.” Stretch scrambled over and set some kind of contraption on the floor near the door that was all waggling wires and circuit boards. He grabbed Jeff by the wrist and dragged him along. “over here, come on, this a harder trick, but you can do it. i need you to hold as still as you can. if you move, they might see you, you get me?"
Jeff managed a hasty nod as Stretch shoved him into a corner, cramming them both in tight, out of the way. "don't move, don't talk,” Stretch reminded him, a low murmur close to his ear. The slim, bony arms around him were comforting and even knowing that Stretch couldn’t physically protect him, having him towering overhead as he caged Jeff against the wall felt oddly safe.
Then something happened. He didn’t know how to describe it. It felt like a heavy curtain fell over the world, everything going distant and muffled, even his vision greying like he was about to faint, only he’d never felt so awake. There was a sudden popping explosion as the door swung open and collided with Stretch’s contraption, but it sounded miles away, the kidnappers’ curses as muffled as if they were speaking from another world.
He didn’t move, held perfectly still even as that curtain slowly grew claustrophobic, nausea starting to churn. Jeff closed his eyes, swallowing convulsively and just went he thought he couldn’t stand it a moment longer, that he either needed to move or he’d start screaming, it was suddenly gone and Stretch was stepping back.
When he opened his eyes, he saw Stretch was pale, sweat showing visibly on his skull. "are you okay?" Stretch asked.
“Me?” Jeff blurted. He caught hold of Stretch’s arms to brace him as he wobbled on his feet. “I’m fine, what about you!”
"i’ll be okay.” Stretch wiped his face on the sleeve of the crummy shirt he’d been forced into with a grimace. “i pulled us halfway into the void. it works, but it burns a lot of juice. the assholes booked it out of here, but more importantly, they left the door open."
The door was opened, they could leave, and yet, Jeff found himself blurting out, “They’ll get away!”
“no,” Stretch said grimly. “they’ll look for us first, thinking we couldn’t have gotten too far. these guys aren’t gonna ditch and run that fast, they know too much. think about it. drugs work on monsters but how do they know what kind and how much? lucky for me, skeleton monsters are different. our systems are finicky, we’re hard to drug. whoever tipped them off about how to roofie me didn’t know that.”
His sockets narrowed suddenly, Stretch turning away to look in the rusty cabinet next to them. “oh, honey,” he said gleefully, “jackpot.”
Jeff joined him, peering into the cabinet as Stretch cautiously wrenched it open. “What did you find?”
He held up a bottle of bleach and said, smugly, “just some nice, normal household chemicals. they can be lots of fun if you know how to mix 'em up and i'm a one hell of a bartender. but first.”
On the desk was another little contraption that was mostly wires and tape. Stretch picked it up and walked over to squat next to a wall outlet. Carefully, he pushed it into the socket. There was a sputtering spark and a tiny red light blinked to life.
“there we go.” Stretch stood, dusting off his hands. “i don’t even want to think about how pants-shittingly angry edge probably is right now, but we can’t let them get the ransom that asgore is probably going to pay and we sure as hell can’t let them get away.”
He grinned then, wickedly sharp for all that his teeth were blunt. “so, how’s about we have some fun, yeah?”
Jeff nodded determinedly. Fuck, yes. If he was going to add to his repertoire of nightmares, he was damn well going to make sure someone else paid for it, in spades.
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I was on Arthur’s wiki a while back and one of the secrets said that Arthur doesn’t actually like Dazai. I’ve only just started Arthur’s route so I was wondering if that was true or not?
Sure thing! I can offer what I know about the two up to this point!
To my knowledge it is indeed true that Arthur harbors a great deal of disdain for Dazai, though in other routes he can be more subtle about his feelings towards the man. Before I can really speak to why Arthur dislikes him so much, I feel like we need to establish two really important reference points in terms of their understanding/view of the world.
Arthur, like it or not, has one fundamental belief about the world he inhabits. And that is that the world is an evil place. It is a place where good cannot survive, and as such that means every single person he comes into contact with must be marred by some kind of wrongdoing or ill intent. It is his justification for his largely selfish behavior, the reason why he deems it okay that he lives with no thought for the future or hope for better. 
Dazai, believe it or not, does not exist far away from this understanding of the world. For all of the man’s silliness, he does not live in some kind of la la land where everything is perfect and fun all the time. To the contrary, he has seen and known a great deal of tragedy; he knows how unforgiving the world can be, how unfair and overwhelming the weight of everything is. 
Knowing this, one might not be so surprised. After all, they both deal with so much of their trauma/pain with humor--the classic comedic misdirection to force attention elsewhere. Why then, does Arthur feel so much dislike? Aren’t they kindred spirits, in a way?
This is where one absolutely key difference comes into play.
The difference is that Dazai does not take a deterministic stance in regards to the misconduct and cruelty that tends to plague human society. The difference, in other words, is surprisingly simple: hope. Dazai may feel hopeless about all of the difficult things that exist in the world, and in the ways people hurt each other--but he still wants people to be happy. He still wants to work to alleviate people’s unhappiness, show them ways to smile and laugh, to forget their pain and ease disagreements. It’s...a little cliche, but if I’m being honest, Dazai understands one of the hardest things a person has to learn when they reach their lowest points.
Hope is something that you give yourself. You have to be the one to decide to want better, to work for better. And when things don’t improve fast enough, you have to carry those broken pieces with as much courage and grace as you can muster. Dazai I must admit, does this with more finesse than anyone gives him credit for. He is something of a chameleon, taking on the colors of others as he weaves in and out of their view, never betraying his true desolation. (The problem in that, however, is that he never asks for help until it’s far too late--and in the case of Ikevamp, never asks for help at all for the vast majority of his screentime.) 
This isn’t to play a game of moral superiority. Dazai’s approach isn’t a perfect one by any means; it is simply the only way he knew how to engage with the world and remain true to himself and his love for others (whether he is consciously aware of this fact or not is none of my concern, he’s an idiot and I love him). Arthur’s approach is flawed as well, but it’s flawed in a much more harmful way. To assume that every course of action you take is a justified one without taking into account the people you are engaging with is just asking to step on people’s comfort zones. You fundamentally cannot be sensitive without context; it is the prerequisite of any form of compassion or kindness. The reason people like Leonardo or Comte succeed at making friends and gathering others around them is that they are very active and attentive when it comes to interacting with other people. They pay close attention to a person’s sensitivities. What subjects bother them? What is their body language telling me? How do the circumstances contribute to what they’re feeling, and how can I distract or alleviate in a way that is productive? While this seems like a robotic process--an obvious one--when laid out like this, it’s much more complicated and requires a great deal of experience to perfect in real time. Their charisma is absolutely hard won; it took them hundreds of years of trial and error to get there.
And, more than anything, Comte and Leonardo and Dazai practically exude good will. They aren’t just skilled at dealing with people and that’s why they don’t debacle as much as Arthur does in his attempts to reach out. Those three truly want nothing more than to see people at ease. When others are in distress, they feel it as though it were their own. They don’t assess pain in terms of false equivalence, to my understanding--they think that everyone’s experience is different, but no less troubling for that fact. Arthur, on the other hand, tends to be a lot more focused on himself. I’m in so much pain, I’m so upset about how the world is overwhelming me, I’m the one that should be angry/crying/upset right now not you. One thing I want to highlight here is that I don’t mean to belittle Arthur’s suffering; I have no doubt that he’s seen his share of heartache and that he needs real help (therapy for the love of god). But that doesn’t make his constant insistence on making things about him okay. It doesn’t make his bitterness with people that choose to look after the feelings of others okay.
And here, is where we get to the crux of this reply. It is my understanding that the reason Arthur harbors so much resentment towards Dazai is what I have just stated two sentences ago. Arthur sees how Dazai copes with similar crippling fear of the world’s difficulties, and not only does he manage to conceal it better--he also just sincerely gives a damn about people. And not only does it show, it makes people feel a great deal of warmth for Dazai, even if he’s crazy weird. I think Arthur really does envy this capacity for flexibility, the impressive way Dazai can move with the flow of things. Arthur is so set in the past, is so desperate to find happiness that he will strangle what little he has between his own two hands. Dazai knows happiness is never guaranteed, and has given up trying to claim it. Instead he just does his best every day, even if he feels like a failure by the end of it all. 
Perhaps yet another reason Arthur is upset at Dazai could be Dazai’s easy willingness to give up on himself without listening to the protests of others in regards to the subject, much like how Dazai hates it when Isaac gives up despite so much well-meaning potential...
So yeah! That’s how I understand their similarities and differences c:
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ghostjellyfishheart · 3 years
@transiconlink​ what follows is me fighting the urge to scream over the powerpuff girl script
My expectations were low.  Screenshots I had seen of the script lowered them.  Somehow this is worse than I imagined.
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Starting off strong with once upon a time.  But unlike regular once upon a time stories, this one is set in the early two-thousands.
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I dont know if this is a warning not to worry because we will get to see more of the three-headed pegasus monster or a “don’t worry the monster isn’t actually scary we only see it briefly.”  I also don’t know which is funnier
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So Mojo Jojo was the professor’s lab partner.  The powerpuff girls were born seven years old.  Sure, why not.
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Powers he’d use for good, like Elon Musk, but also for his own personal gain, like Elon Musk.  This is an actual line.  Someone was paid to write this.
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Bubbles broke into the zoo to make the flamingos get drunk.  This was not the first time she has done this.
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I had seen this line in screenshots before.  I was not prepared to read it in the actual script.
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Since I do not know what a character bible is I am going to pretend it is the character wiki page.
Sara seems like a decent person.  She feels bad for the teenagers who regularly fight giant swamps.  Can’t wait to see what plot twist cw has in store to make her a monster.
Drake then proceeds to tell his girlfriend he has been living with for over a decade that she is not part of the family.
The powerpuff girls accidentally kill mojo and the band breaks up.
Buttercup is a firefighter.  Good for her.  Shame this is going to get ruined very shortly.  Bubbles tries to make it in Hollywood.  It does not work.  Blossom goes and gets a bunch of degrees.
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I would rather watch Bubbles With a Chance of Bubbles then this show.
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Jojo is doing well.  He took over as mayor and helped improve Townsville.  He will become a villain, not to avenge his father’s death, but because of reverse discrimination and a lack of free gelato.
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Again these are actual lines that people were paid to write.
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After failing to conquer Hollywood, Bubbles decided to become a professional vlogger.  Not what actually happened, but if they wanted Bubbles to be doing all the “do it for the camera” stuff it would be funnier if she was telling people to like comment and subscribe.
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Good for Sara.  I’m glad she got away from that.  I am going to hope she’s out there living her best life and not about to get dragged back into this bullshit.
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Another classic screenshot that I saw before deciding to read the script.
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Chem X prevents people from camping.
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This right here is the first image I saw of this god forsaken script.
I looked it up.  moveon.org is an actual website.
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Blossom: I hope I don’t have a panic attack
*has a panic attack almost immediately*
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I don’t know why I decided to make a reaction post when the entire script just makes my brain do static noises.
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The Monster Mash deserves better than this.
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I’m not even halfway through the script.  I’m going to cry.
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No thoughts.  Head in great pain.
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Buttercup is done wearing dresses of compulsory heterosexuality and playing straight for the cameras.
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Gonna be honest, realizing the Volcano is a dive-bar and not an actual volcano has been the most disappointing part of this script so far.
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Bubbles sells engagement rings for drug money.  Y/n’s mom could never.
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When I first saw this screenshot I didn’t know Drake was the professor and assumed Blossom was avoiding the rapper.  I did not question this.
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This is the second time the script has mentioned gogurt.  This means the gogurt is almost certainly product placement.  I am disappointed in gogurt.
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I would rather read fanfiction written in first person than watch this show.
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Jojo is worried about his political career.  He decides that breaking into the homes of little girls will help solve the problem.
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Crazy dude with Scorpio energy.  Seems about right.
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I can feel my brain turning to mush.
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The cells are dying.  My brain goes smoother with each line I read.
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I have to live with the knowledge that there will be fans of this show who will ship Buttercup and Macy and create a bunch of fan content where they take a u-haul to buy a three acre farm and raise chickens.  I can see it.
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If you want a show about child heroes learning to cope with their trauma, watch Steven Universe Future.
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Sara makes a comeback.  I am sad that the life I had imagined for her where she got out of Townsville and avoided the cw’s plans for her is ruined.
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I can see the cw’s plan.  It involves Sara getting back together with Drake.  I am furious.
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The first guess these people make when they don’t find an evil lab is a mass hallucination.  The second is aliens.
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Drake invested the trust fund in fidget spinners.  I wish I was surprised.
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Is... is this trying to say the original cartoon was a whitewashed version of this story?   Is that what’s happening here??????
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This makes the wattpad fics I used to read look good.
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I appreciate the use of exclamation points to try and get me excited.
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HOW IS THIS REAL??????????
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The puff-mobile sprinter van.  Someone wrote those words.  Other people read those words and approved them.
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If they kill Drake that means Sara can’t get back with him.  Come on Jojo.
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They didn’t reject you for misogynistic reasons.  They rejected you because they were tired of rebuilding downtown every week.
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I am losing my mind.  The way this is set up makes it sound like owning furniture from West Elm is what prevents Blossom from being a Powerpuff Girl.
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If a quick conversation with an imaginary version of her younger self cures Blossom’s ptsd I am going to through a riot.
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Damn it.
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i can no longer form coherent thoughts
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No.  Absolutely not.  You will stay away from Sara and let her move on with her life.
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I have reached the end.  Reading this took years off my life.
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shadows-twilight · 3 years
RWBY Volume 8 Chapter 13
May various thoughts and opinions on the penultimate episode of RWBY Volume 8, “Worthy”.
Jesus Christ
Another Light Sensitivity warning. Oh boy.
Of course Jaune gets to be the guinea pig. Poor guy.
“If anyone will need help, it’s them” I don’t know, after all the shit that went down at the end of “Before the Dawn”, this might actually be a cakewalk in comparison.
Nora looks like a witch on a broomstick riding Magnhild like that and I kind of love it.
Can we get Penny some shoes. Poor girl’s going to be in the desert with bare feet.
I was very excited to get our first look at Vacuo and Shade. Should’ve figured they wouldn’t be spoiling us THAT hard. Though, to be fair, you couldn’t ask for a more Vacuan welcome.
Well, on the bright side, whoever ends up falling is going to have the company of about two dozen randos. Cinder definitely knows how to make an entrance.
I’m going to take a wild guess that Cinder’s not being all that sincere with her regret towards Neo? I mean, her acting isn’t exactly Oscar-worthy (Cinder’s, not Jessica’s. She’s actually gotten really good over the years).
Of all the things I expected the last question to be used on, this was not one of them.
Jinn looks genuinely upset to have to answer this. Aww, she likes them. But, you know, a genie-allegory’s got to do what a genie-allegory’s got to do.
Cinder officially knows that Emerald is on the side of the angels. The fact that her reaction wasn’t bigger is actually quite telling.
Damn, that cold cut between the people looking surprised and all of them being dead. Brutal. RIP, Bill.
“You deserve this, Arthur”. Oh boy, he’s going to die!
You know, it’s subtle, since their faces can’t move much, but I think Elm properly heard Robyn when she made the point about the kingdom being it’s people, not the city. Good on you, Elm.
The bomber robot is giving me serious Terminator vibes.
Marrow is just raking in those “good boy” points this volume, isn’t he? Dud just took a bomb to the face for these people.
So, umm, did Watts let Ironwood out on purpose? Particularly for the purpose of stirring the pot? That certainly seems like something he would do.
Well, uh, RIP Jacques, I guess. Not gonna lie, I figured that would have been more satisfying than it was. Oh well, rot in hell, dirt bag.
And there we have it, the first of our characters to fall. I mean, on one hand, no way in hell would they have one of the titular characters die in such a fashion, so this all but confirms that there’s something waiting on the other side of this abyss, but on the other hand they do a really good job of selling the shock and grief of “losing” someone. Damn, this show is good.
I like that for a brief second, Penny forgot that she no longer had Floating Array, thought me likey the replacements she constructed.
Almost thought Weiss was going to fall there, too, to be honest.
Ok, I was officially too hasty in writing Vine off. I’m ok with being wrong on this one.
Sadly, we were all too correct in giving up on Harriet. I mean, principle? Loyalty? She’s trying to blow up thousands of innocent people and for what? Clover’s memory? He’d be ok with slaughtering all of these people in his honor? Because if that’s true, than I’m now officially ok with him going out the way he did.
Sadly, while it looks like Vine might have actually been getting through to her, Robyn has arrived to shatter the mood. Can’t really blame her, since she had no way of knowing how that conversation was going, but still. Timing could have been better.
That is the second time Qrow has ambushed a confused person using his bird form, and it was just as funny as the first time.
Yep, there’s the reaction from Ironwood I was hoping for. God, every time you think this man’s hit rock bottom, bastard’s gotta go and pull out a pickaxe.
“I've never wavered in fighting the enemies of this kingdom. And I won’t start now.” If that is not the page quote on Winter’s wiki page after this, I am going to be SEVERELY disappointed.
If Ironwood was trying to garner sympathy with that tear, he has ridiculously missed the mark.
Yeah, I was wondering if that was going to be the case with those portals. Granted, I originally thought it was intended feature rather than a bug, but still.
Hey, we got our first look in-show look at the Ravagers! Now please, for the love of god, show me a Ziraph.
The end is near, and we have our final battles. Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Penny vs Cinder and Neo, Qrow, Robyn, Vine, and possibly Elm vs Harriet (and, to an extent, Watts), Winter vs Ironwood, and Ren, Emerald, and Oscar vs a bunch of Ravagers. Things have gone all kinds of insane, and emotions are running high! I’m equal parts scared and excited going into next week’s finale, and while i have no idea how it’s going to go, damn, is it going to be a ride. Until then, pardon me while I go scream into the void for a week. Excuse me, Yang.
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smolbeandrabbles · 5 years
Science & Faith Pt.2 - Talos/Keller (Captain Marvel: AU)
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Part 1
Authors Note: I could have left it as just the first part. If I’m honest I would have. But I wanted a definitive ending. There are three distinct pieces. This is only the second.
Disclaimer: I basically nicked the entire Pegasus hangar thing*, switched it to a S.H.I.E.L.D hangar and went - yeah that makes sense for this part. So #Context for where they are and what is happening. Only, obviously we’re following S&F universe here...
*Note: I wrote some of this, again, before watching the movie.
Keller is the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D according to the Wiki... Director!? Gosh darn that gives me a lot of feels... Anyway, that means we’re obviously incorporating this fact...
Premise: Discoveries are made. Hearts are broken. This love will never be the same...
Word Count: 2317
Warnings: Oh. Look. I wrote Angst again.
Alternate Universe Used. NOT READER INSERT.
Well you really did it this time. Everyone watched as you took the stars right out of my sky The light out of my eyes I’m broken embarrassed… I know there’s nowhere I can go All I know is that I need Space
If it takes a rocket, Ok. Somewhere more than a planet away… Put a light year between me and you - How does he sleep at night? Momma, the nerve of this guy Am I gonna be alright? I wanna kick myself for falling so hard Momma, can you die from a broken heart?
--- "What is a joyride?" "Aha...!" He laughed, wondering exactly how to explain that, she was paying too much attention to lyrics on the radio in the car these days. And Talos didn't know everything, much as he tried; "It's like... Going very fast in a car. Like you would take a car for a joy ride..." used in its proper terms anyhow… Not in the context of THIS song though. He found himself turning the radio down before she figured that one out. She tilted her head, like she wouldn't call this drive a joyride, he drove far too carefully. "Why would you want to do it in the car if you had a ship?" then she smirked "Oh yeah. You don't have a ship." "No. But you do." Her eyes suddenly lit up, like he had made a suggestion... That he didn't actually mean to make "Can we!?" "Can we what?" "Take it out?" "Don't see why not... It’s in a hangar not too far from here..." As director of S.H.I.E.L.D Jonathan Keller could do whatever he damn well wanted – meaning Talos could do whatever he damn well wanted. She grinned "So… I get to take you on a joyride?" He shook his head, looking across to her with a smile; "Maliyah every minute with you is a joyride..."  * He couldn’t keep the smile off his face as he watched her run towards the blue and yellow star-shaped ship. It was mostly intact, despite the crash – every so often there was a score across the metal, but, clearly the Xandarian’s knew what they were doing whilst constructing it… She danced around it for a minute… Her skin lighting up in warm, happier tones, as if he didn’t know that already. She turned back to him as he made his way slowly over, content to watch her a little longer. Talos adored her. For every life he’d lived – and as a shapeshifter he’d lived many – he’d never encountered another quite like her. “Hurry up!” She called him, turning back to her ship “…I think my engines could be out… But it’s certainly nothing we can’t fix.” He also couldn’t help the way she made him laugh again; “You can’t fix.” She ran back; rounding him and nudging his back, forcing him to walk faster – “I’ve seen your schematics! You know how to fix a ship like this!” This time it was his turn to learn. What he was learning he didn’t really know; because Talos spent his time studying her. Not what she was doing. The intensity and passion with which she talked about the ship – and which wires went where to spark this and start up that… It was all lost on him. But he nodded where appropriate and gave her smiles of encouragement. And every so often asked a question of her where she wanted him to – even though he wasn’t sure exactly what he was saying. It made her happy; and all he ever wanted was to see her happy. His pager had beeped more than once; each time she asked if he needed to check it. Each time he’d silenced it with a ‘No’ and focused back on her. This time she stopped working and turned to him; “Someone really wants to contact you.” “It can wait…” “…Jonathan… You should get it…” He only checked because of the insistence on her face; and immediately wished he hadn’t. She watched his face fall and the way his eyebrows furrowed. It was important. Her heart sank; that meant he had to leave… “…What?” He looked to her, hesitation in those beautiful blue eyes; “…I…” “Do you need to leave…?” “…No…” He checked it again and his voice held the significance of something she could never understand; “…It’s here.” She looked confused “It? What?” He shook his head, because to her it didn’t matter. It couldn’t matter. “…I just… give me a few minutes…” “…You don’t want me to come?” “NO… No Maliyah… Continue doing what you’re doing… I’ll be back I promise…!” He gave a smile; “This won’t take long…” She gave a nod as he began to walk away… Then he paused… Turning back, Talos gathered her in his arms. If it was urgent, the minute he spent staring into her eyes without a word was wasting precious time… Still in silence he placed his forehead gently against hers and closed his eyes, prompting her to do the same. Once again Keller’s colours reflected back to him from her skin… and he took her hands in his. He made a sound, insignificant if she missed it… But she didn’t… Akin to an Earth cat. He pulled away from her, still staring into her eyes, and bit his lips together; she knew right then what he was saying, without him even having to say it; I love you… * Maliyah winced at the sudden pain in her chest... What?! She looked down as it began to course over her abdomen. Then her eyes widened; red streams of light pulsed from the middle - lightly at first, but she cried out in pain as they became angrier. Jonathan was in trouble. A lot of trouble. Taking a hit this painful? For a human?! She took a few steps away from her ship half in panic, adrenaline already rushing through her veins at her species’ instinct to rescue her lover. He needed her - now.
Multiple shots rang out from the hangar above hers, almost making her jump in the relative silence, her eyes flicked to the ceiling. Guns. So much for him wearing it as a precaution only. God... Keller... please be Ok! She was still cautious as she approached the hangar as quickly as possible. Every fiber in her body was telling her to move quickly... But, even she wasn't sure how much of Earth's weaponry she could take on at once...
She heard shouting and footsteps bouncing down the hangar as people approached, and hung back. Her chest still smarted making her place a hand against it to somehow calm herself down, and his signature was here somewhere. She pressed herself further into the wall and tried to ignore the urgency... Jonathan just hold on... They passed as a large group and all looking like S.H.I.E.L.D agents. They were supposed to be his kind – but he had warned Maliyah they wouldn’t understand what she was. She was curious, but no less fearful; why did it not surprise her that humans would turn on one of their own... 
Now the majority had gone she sprinted across the landing strip to the strength of his signal, calling his name more than once. But as she neared him she went from panicked to horrified... Maliyah stopped. The colours flowing on her skin ceased. Her blood began to run cold and an involuntary shiver ran over her body that made her feel sick. It wasn’t even that he was standing there. It was that he wasn’t even bleeding...At the sound of footsteps behind him Talos turned away from watching the ship take off, forming fast calculations in his head as to where it could be going. The information he so desperately needed now inboard. Of course, he wished he hadn't.
Maliyah was about 10 good paces from him. The red colouration of her light now dissipating over her chest, signalling to her that he had been hurt, the very reason she was standing here. Only he was, for a human, miraculously intact. And he was dismayed to realise very quickly that that was no good thing. There was no coming back from this. A pain like that would leave Keller as a human broken... At least heavily bleeding. And Talos was doing just fine. And the look in her eyes - which wouldn't leave his - of betrayal. They became watery, the purple-blue lightening by several shades, and he knew that not only was she about to cry. But by her stance, and her choice of weaponry, he was now in trouble. She didn't even give him time to explain himself. He'd just told her he loved her. Now he was standing here, by his presence alone, letting her know plain and simple - Jonathan was a lie.  The Yaka arrow danced in the air, hovering just in front of Maliyah above her left shoulder. She wouldn't even need to move to kill him and he knew that. Her eyes were brimming with tears; it was everything he had always feared but it was so much worse. Every so often flashes of orange would flicker through her and pulse across the arrow. He’d known that whatever she had with Yondu was more than just a disagreement…. That didn’t stop him from being insanely jealous every moment he saw it happen.
"Don't you dare take another step!! Don't come ANYWHERE near me!!" She knew how much she had told him; about both a powerful dying race AND Xandar. Whatever he was, Maliyah knew this, if he wasn’t human he knew her universe. He could travel through her universe. And do God knows what damage with all the information she had imparted to him. That made her instantly more terrified of him than she should be. And it showed on her face. "Maliyah... Just let me..." Talos took a step forward, making the arrow glow ominously. He hesitated, swallowing. She looked angry. "WHAT ARE YOU!?!" She shook her head "Who Are You!?!" Tears blurred her vision and she was only glad because she couldn't see him clearly. He wasn't real. He had deceived her all this time. Jonathan Keller wasn't human. HELL, for lying to her for so long he was barely a man... "Maliyah please... You don't have to do this... It doesn't have to be this way..." He was reluctant, at the look in her eyes, to tell her what she so badly wanted to know. But the illusion of Jonathan was well and truly shattered. He only hoped that staying in this form would make it so much harder for her to walk away from him. Tears poured from her eyes like rain, and neither of them could stop the downpour; "I trusted you!!!" It was the first time ever he had wanted the ground to swallow him. It was the first time in any form he'd ever felt anything like this. "WHAT ARE YOU!?" she screamed it this time. "... Jonathan... I LOVED you...! Is that - is that even your name!? TELL ME!!" He couldn't take that. Loved, in the past tense. Suddenly he realised just how human he was, the blue eyes he fashioned himself with blurred as if he wasn't wearing glasses... But not for that reason. "Maliyah... Please... Hear me out..."   She took a couple of steps back as he reached for her, shaking her head - she looked completely broken. She was. And she could see he was starting to break too. "You're breaking my heart." She said it so concrete. So final. "So let me fix this!" Because he wanted nothing more than that. "You can't." Her voice broke, and more tears spilled - her skin lighting up in a multitude of blues... It hurt even more that he now had a feeling he'd never see her display Keller’s colours again... She took a few steps back, still crying. "Maliyah... Please you can't..." She shook her head "Stop it! Stop it! Stop talking!" She couldn't take it. Everything about her hurt; this was a different kind of heartbreak, because it wasn't even Jonathan breaking it. She didn't even know who was breaking it. It was now or never. He decided. He could walk over, take her in his arms and apologise and try to explain and hope against hope she would listen, and understand and stay... That was a mistake. He took three steps forward and she screamed "NO!" the Yaka arrow responded and shot at him, and for once Talos was glad he wasn't human as his reflexes would have had no way of saving him. The arrow hit the metal plating of the hangar and sparked instead, coming at him twice more before it streaked away in a purple flash of light. Following it with his eyes, he realised she'd also gone. 
"No... No, no, no...!" He took off running as fast as he could, knowing exactly where she was heading. He'd brought her here to see her ship. Because she was going to show "Keller" how it worked... Talos didn't know a lot about the Nova Corp ships either, and the star shape seemed inconvenient and not in the least bit aerodynamic. No amount of study could ever compare to someone piloting the thing, after all. The hangar was directly below the one he was in and when he found nearly every door barring his way locked, on strength alone he was also grateful he wasn't human. She was quick. Too quick. And he damned himself for not being quicker. "MALIYAH!!! WAIT!!!" In vain, though, as the engines of her ship had flickered into life. It didn't stop him sprinting for it "You can't leave!!! Stop!! Let me explain... I want to explain..!!" The starship left the hangar. And he watched. Heart breaking as it didn't just leave the USA, it left the atmosphere, and then it left orbit. He was breathless and in tears... Placing his hands on his knees, the echoes of his breathing bounced off the now empty structure. That was twice in the space of minutes he'd watched two ships with everything he cared about leave... He wiped his eyes and stared back into the sky; the wake of her ship streaking the sky like the shooting star she was. 
She'd left and she didn't even know who he was. Hell, now he felt like he didn't either... @my-world-of-imagines @morganadarkladyofall Question; is it more cliche that she doesn’t accept who he is? Or would it be more cliche if she did?
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geek-gem · 6 years
Halloween 2018
Missed clicking here and tags dealt with and this is copied from DeviantArt. Was gonna thinking of putting Jamie Lee Curtis in tags but decided not to fine I will. Dealt with but please understand this and I'm sorry if you don't or someone can help or...damn man. Spaces dealt with this is a weird post.
I've just gotten out of the shower so basically I guess an hour ago or so I've seen the movie. This will be spoiler free and it's not gonna be detailed and I wanna talk about some stuff.
I'll be honest as the movie was getting closer to it's release date I became more hyped. I felt weirdly excited because it was a Halloween film. My first Halloween film to see in theaters. My bro and his friend came along and my bro says I invited them and before all this mainly today or something.
I had in my mindset already I was gonna praise this film so much and it's as great as the original me speaking in all caps or whatever.
But I honestly liked it. Especially told people around me like my bro and his friend, my mom, and my dad I liked it and it was surprising. Yet what I also told my bro and his friend I was confused.
Let me be honest it's a great film or a very good film. It's one of the better Halloween sequels and I sincerely liked films like the original Halloween 2 and H20. I haven't liked a lot of the other films despite I haven't seen the third yet.
Honestly Michael and Laurie we're the best things about the film. Seeing Michael back portrayed well basically or whatever and Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie Strode is wonderful as hell. The score was good and just........
I'll be honest I was thinking in my head.....am I disappointed with this film? Is it The Last Jedi like how people react to that and me personally and others The Predator 2018 no especially this film is better then other Halloween films like the Thorn trilogy, Resurrection, and the Rob Zombie films it's miles better then those.
But back to the confused part and I wonder if I felt this with It 2017 and I really enjoyed that film but I was surprised by it.
Yet this film I even told my bro and his friend I think my hype might of I don't know how I worded it but it got me. Seriously I weirdly felt like a kid being excited for this film.
I think I was expecting a weirdly epic movie. Especially the third act of the film is really real.
But despite I guess some parts or whatever and certain jump scares that seem stupid because they aren't Michael some what spoiler.....I didn't I'm trying to be honest.....seeing the film I don't feel as scared.
Honestly it might be my first time seeing the film that's why but just...........it could me and I hope to God it's a film I like as time goes on.
Yet I did seriously think and think I almost said it before the shower or something I forgot. But I feel like I could be understand this.
I could be really....really.... absolutely fucking stupid of not knowing what a good horror film is. Despite I love classics like the original Halloween, the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the original A Nightmare On Elm Street, the original Evil Dead, and especially Jaws and other films.
The idea I could be so used to slasher films or just......that's why It 2017 surprised me. Despite that's a whole different film.
Especially I'm gonna be honest and I feel like some Halloween fans might disown me for saying this. The reason why I say that because their are folks who don't like the idea the original Halloween 2 introduced was the revelation Laurie was Michael's younger sister.
I miss that concept..
I'd might regret it or not......no this film isn't disappointing I might be seriously fucking stupid. That's what I wanted to say.
Seriously.....fucking stupid is how I feel.
You know what else I think it's because of the ending. The ending mostly and the movie some scenes we're cut but not a whole lot it seems. Me, my bro, and his friend I asked if we could stay....
Their was nothing after the credits...absolutely nothing.
I remember seeing this maybe on a wiki maybe the Friday The 13th wiki(or Halloween but no most likely) if I remembered it was recommended or just whatever....then pic said John Carpenter said Halloween is done......
I'm not spoiling anything and despite I remember talks about a sequel......damn I'm just...wow and....I hope to God I'm just going crazy after this shit or it's a good movie my stupid negative head it's not shit.
It just....the ending I think and other shit. My God I think I'm being crazy.
Edit honestly I don't mind their not siblings anymore but the movie is a weird case because I guess it wasn't like I expected. Just after reading yes it makes Michael more scary he's not her sibling and my stupid head but just I wasn't expecting certain stuff. Edit this is a weird case of a film.
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dlamp-dictator · 6 years
Allen’s Rambling: My First (Person) Experience (Mary Skelter: Nightmares)
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Sorry this took so long folks, Blazblue Cross Tag Battle has been taking over my life recently and I also got back into the grind-fest that is Disgaea 5 again, not to mention a personal project of mine for this month has been happening, so needless to say I’ve been both busy and distracted lately. But moving on, I’m finally making another opinion piece, this time on Mary Skelter Nightmares, a first-person dungeon crawler that I was a bit hesitant to buy at first due to my distaste for the genre. However, the character designs of the cute girls, hearing a bit of the OST, and knowing that voice actresses like Cristina Vee and Kira Buckland were taking the lead roles got me interested. So I caved and bought the game, praying that I’d get my money’s worth. After about 30 hours of play time I think I can safely say that this game was worth the purchase but allow me to go on in more detail about this. 
But first, that plot synopsis:
The game is set in the underground prison known as "the Jail". Monstrous creatures called Marchen act as the wardens of the Jail, capturing humans and bringing them inside to perform various tortures.
The story's protagonist is Jack, a boy who is imprisoned in the Jail with his childhood friend Alice. The two cling to each other for stability in this hell, trying to survive for that one opportunity to escape. Until finally, a mysterious girl appears wielding an absurdly large pair of scissors. Destroying the cells that hold the prisoners, she introduces herself as Red Riding Hood. And so begins Jack's journey.…
That’s the basic premise copied straight from the wiki, but the story expands from there, going into more about the world-building and culture of the Jail. But anyway, as I tend to do in these Ramblings, let me address the elephant in the room… the gameplay one specifically…
First-Person Dungeon Crawler
I’ll be upfront about this, I don’t like first-person dungeon crawlers, I never have. I find them restrictive, I find them as a lazy way to save on doing character models, and I find the overall design to be either insultingly simple, or annoyingly complicated. However, after playing this game for about 30 hours I’m slowly warming up to this style of game. Let me just go over some of the good points of this game.
This kind of perspective makes the game very immersive. Actually walking through these dungeons, actually running away from the Nightmares, actually pushing all the buttons and pulling all the switches. This kind of stuff is where the first person view shines, especially with some of the sound design. You can hear traps springing in the distance, the utterly bone-chilling growls and laughs of the Nightmares as they close in, the fact that you can hear each footstep you take, the atmosphere is done very well in my opinion, and I highly recommend playing with headphones for maximum immersion.
The Monster Designs
Another aspect of first-person dungeon crawlers that can be compelling are the monster designs. If I can’t look at cute girls then you better have some interesting monsters to look at. And thankfully (or unfortunately, depending on your view) Mary Skelter delivers on that. Some of these monsters look down right disturbing. I have to praise the designers for these creatures because damn do they look disturbing. Especially the Nightmares. 
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And these guys only get freakier as you take apart their armor.
However… those design tend to wear out their welcome when you see recolored versions on the first damn chapter. 
This is honestly something I just can’t let go of. When I was seeing reskins of the enemies on the second floor of the first level I had to put down the game for a moment. I decided to just shrug it off and continued playing regardless, and then proceeded to lose my mind screaming on the second chapter when I was seeing reskins of the enemies of the first dungeon in the new Graveyard area. To be fair to the game, these reskins are likely to keep every zone with the same theme of enemy types, but this really made me shake my head when I saw them. I just… can’t let go of this.
The Puzzles
Now this is where I think the first-person really shined. When you lose your ability to reliably see from a top-down perspective or in third person it can do wonders for puzzles. I think all the puzzles I’ve played so far were done well. I loved the puzzle in the Temple where you had to shoot a flaming arrow through flammable walls to proceed, pushing blocks through the path of your arrow that would change its trajectory. Some of the switch puzzles were interesting as well to turn off certain traps, if a bit tedious. I’m only on chapter 6 as of writing this, so I’m hoping to see so more interesting puzzles.
And since I’m talking about the puzzles, I’ll move onto… 
The Actual Gameplay
So, the game is turn-based, much like Final Fantasy and Persona. There’s not much more to say there. The main issue I have with the game is the difficulty. Some enemies can two-shot you in the first and second chapter, and while Mary Skelter thankfully has something of a quick save option, getting use to that difficulty and high damage isn’t exactly a fun time when you’re constantly dying from a surprise attack or just when you’re on enemy phase. This isn’t like Epic Battle Fantasy 4 or Persona 5 where it’s a matter of having proper buffs and equipment, these enemies can just annihilate you for existing. I’d say this game was almost as annoying as Fate/Extra in that regard if not for the ability to lower difficulties mid-game. This game has it out for you. There’s not a lot of room for trial and error here unless the trial and error comes from you constantly dying and losing party members mid-battle. This and a few other issues I had with this game’s difficulty made me go straight to easy mode after Chapter 2. Doing this lowers the amount of EXP I get which makes grinding a pain, but honestly… I know I’m not the only one that did this, so it might be worth the price.
But moving on from that, something I found interesting was the class system. Every character has about 6 different classes they can go into. Certain characters have a specific class type such as Physical DPS, Magical DPS, Ranged Attackers, Support, and All-Rounders, but those types have different classes. Physical DPS classes can become tanks or berserkers, Magical DPS classes can focus on element damage or healing. Support units can become Mimics/Blue Mages or Item Classes, the All-Rounders can slightly specialize themselves for different tasks, the list goes on. And each class changes comes with a cute new outfit for the character as well. I was honestly tempted to keep Alice in her Marshal class solely for how cute she looked until I got Cinderella what came equip with the Marshal class, but then I realized the Marshal class grants reliable first-turn advantage and just kept her there, with Cinderella being use to experience with the classes of that type.
If there’s one major piece of advice I can give for this game it’s to focus on getting AoE skills that attack/debuff every enemy at once or buff/heal every party member, and leveling those skills up. You constantly get attack in mobs, and bosses have several parts to target until their second phase. Just save yourself the trouble and get AoE skills to make those random encounters a bit less of a pain. Seriously, even on easy mode this enemies pack a punch and can three-shot you. This wouldn’t be too much of an issue, but remember that I said these guys attack in mobs that range from 4 to 6 enemies.
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But moving on, another interesting aspect of this game is Massacre Mode and Blood Skelter. Much like in Senran Kagura Deep Crimson’s Frantic Mode, by bathing yourself in the blood of your enemies you gain power. When enough blood is on you it triggers Massacre Mode, a powered-up mode that transforms your Blood Maiden. They have higher stats and access to game-breaking Massacre Skills that do heavy damage for minimal SP. However, this is a double edged sword. If you take heavy damage that blood will become corrupted, and you have a chance of going into Blood Skelter Mode the more corrupted that blood gets. This mode jacks up your character’s stats through the roof, but they also make you unable to command them and they attack both enemies and allies. You can purify the corrupt blood and even get them out of Blood Skelter mid-battle thanks to Jack, but this is why I recommend Easy Mode. When the enemies can one or two-shot you and corrupt that blood often, and this game gets frustrating.
Ah, speaking of Jack, he has a place in the party too. While the girls are all fighting Jack is in the back managing the girls’ corruption and healing them with items, as he’s the only one that can use items outside of a specific item class. He can also get girls out of Blood Skelter too, but doing these things usually cost him blood, and if he loses consciousness if he loses too much. He’s able to do other things like take a single hit for one of the Blood Maidens, or heal their SP as well, but as of the point I’m at in the game that’s really it for Jack as a function.
Another issue I have with this game is how tedious it is to get better weapons and armor. You either do this by random drops, or more likely through the wandering merchant you’ll see through the dungeons. He shows up randomly (of course), but his prices are… well, what you’d expect from a random shop in a dungeon, expensive. Again, this game is frustrating, and I don’t know if it should be. Some other tedious parts of the game can honestly be traveling through the gargantuan dungeons. There may be a map, but that means jack when it takes forever to get to the next floor, and even then you might have to search through all of a floor just to find a key item.
On a lighter note, the side quests in this game, much like in Fairy Fencer are honest to god side quest that are optional. And you can take on as many as you want. The rewards are nice, but nothing feels mandatory, which is how I like it. 
Another nice touch I like are the Nightmares. These bastards can randomly show up at certain points in a Dungeon. They’re basically like the Reaper in the Persona series, but when they show up you lose map visibility (on normal mode or higher anyway), the ability to even pause the game, and they can only be stunned in combat so you can run away, at least until you get to the end of the dungeon and destroy that dungeon’s core.
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Again, these guys look terrifying, and for damn good reason. You want to run away from these things, and beating them at the end of each chapter is very satisfying from both a story and gameplay perspective, as these are the only challenges when playing on easy mode.
So… now that I’ve given my opinion on the gameplay, let’s talk about…
Idea Factory/Compile Heart Games
So what I said about the gameplay might sound a little familiar to you guys if you’ve read my last Rambling talking about Idea Factory and Compile Heart. Just to recap on my opinion:
“…Both these companies tend to make the focus on grinding a bit too much for my liking. Well, a better way of putting it is that Compile Heart/Idea Factory games really depend on your numbers being bigger than your enemies. A lot of JRPGs do this, but even in Disgaea, the game that parodies this concept, can still be won with proper strategy if done right.  Compile Heart/Idea Factory games… they don’t really give you that chance, you just need higher levels or you’re screw or need to play on easy mode, something I have little shame in doing at times… The long and short of it is that a lot of  Compile Heart/Idea Factory games don’t know how to properly scale enemies and characters with their leveling systems.”
You might realize that quote fits for Mary Skelter as well given what I’ve said about the gameplay. As I’ve said before, these kinds of games are only really fun if you can break them or have the option of breaking them. I say this because trying to play a game likes this seriously only to be rewarded with enemies that one-shot you doesn’t feel fun, and winning doesn’t feel rewarding, it feels like a lucky break before you have to go through the nightmare again. Now, that might just be the point of Mary Skelter specifically, as the atmosphere and story are very oppressive, but I honestly don’t feel that the gameplay compliments the story in this regard. But anyway, breaking these kinds of games feels rewarding, a sort of “Hah! I don’t have to trudge through this difficult game anymore because I found a loophole!” way. The ability to breeze through the later half of a game after suffering through the difficult early game is something of a right of passage. 
Just to say this now, You can break Mary Skelter to an extent, but not in the way you’re thinking. You see, much like in Trillion, Mary Skelter has its character come with an affection level. You raise this by giving each girl gifts that suit their taste. The better/more tailored the gift, the more their affection goes up. When you increase it enough you’ll trigger events that’ll advance their social and grant them a new Massacre Skill. Like I said before, these skills can one-shot enemies on mass if you have the right one, so it’s only a matter of finding the right gift to spam and waiting for the events to happen. The only issue with this is that some events are tied to story progression, so even if you’ve maxed out affection by chapter 2, the girls won’t go through their events until the beginning of chapter 5, which can be annoying at times.
Continuing with the Trillion comparisons, let’s talk about Jack for a bit. He’s no Takt (thank God), but he’s a far cry from Zeabolos. Jack was made to be something of a self-insert character, he’s light on personality, and the only thing separating him from the player is his obliviousness to the girls’ feelings about him (something that I’m sure you’re rolling your eyes at as I am), but he’s got a good heart, wants to protect the Blood Maidens, and wants to be useful. He’s someone I can root, but he does lack the maturity and charisma of Zeabolos, making his moments with the Blood Maidens feel less impactful and more… pandering, especially when those harem elements come up, but more on that late.
There’s also more voice acting than in Trillion. Something I always wanted in Trillion was for the events that followed CG images to at least be voice, and Mary Skelter delivered on that point. However… the game’s writing has one too many harem elements in it for me to say I appreciate it. Don’t get my wrong, I love the fact that Alice is voiced by Cristina Vee. In fact, the whole cast is notable for those familiar with English voice acting. Cristina Vee, Kira Buckland, Sarah Williams, Casandra Lee, Christine Marie Cabanos, this is quite the cast. However, when I have to deal with Jack “accidentally” seeing characters in a state of undress I’m rolling my eyes. 
But while we’re on story, let’s talk about that for a bit. I’d say this game is very similar to Tales of Berseria in a way, where there’s a pretty good mix of character development and world building. You slowly learn more and more about The Jail and The Tower, learn about each character and their motives, about society within The Jail and The Dawn, the resistance group that rescues Jack and Alice. These are all good things. In fact, the limited edition version of the game came with a novel about the world of this game. I’m going to read it once I finish the game as it has spoiler content in it, but something I’ve always appreciated about Idea Factory/Compile Heart games is how much they love the worlds they create and how much they want to explore them. From this game, to Trillion, to Omega Quintet, each game has a well thought-out world and characters that really explore. The only exception to this being Fairy Fencer, but I hear the updated re-release has some more content in that regard.
And just mention it, I love a lot of these characters. Alice, Red Riding Hood, and Gretel are my favorites so far. I like them a bunch. I wish I could go into detail about them, but it’d lead to some heavy spoilers I’d rather not give.
Something I will admit about the story is that I don’t think the writing is as strong as in Trillion. The character events play more to a harem anime than the more down-to-earth and almost melancholic tones in Trillion. That might just be because this game is more light-hearted by comparison and less character-focused since all of the cast is alive throughout the game, but that’s just my opinion.
I’ll also add that the music is fantastic. I didn’t know you could shred on a violin until I heard some of these tunes. And I’ll also give props to the open, as I think it’s a bit better than Trillion’s.
So... I think I got everything out the way that I wanted to talk about, so I’ll move onto...
The Conclusion
Overall, while I think Mary Skelter has its issues, it has a lot of good points too. The girls are nicely designed and decently written, the voice acting is solid and more plentiful, the story holds up so far, and for as apathetic I am to the gameplay it isn’t boring... at least during the boss fights. The only real issues I have are the size of dungeons, the difficulty in gaining resources like weapons and armor, and the enemy damage scaling. I think I’m going to try and get through the rest of this game on normal difficulty and see if my opinion changes… if I can avoid getting two-shot-ed anyway…
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What’s an Omega?
Character: Dean x Reader  Author: Dean-imagine-reblogs Word Count: 7000-ish (it’s very long but it’s complete!)  Meanings: Y/N=First Name L/N=Last Name H/C=Hair Colour B/S = Body Shape Y/H = Your Height O/H/C = Other Hair Colour Y/A=Your Age  “”=speaking  ‘’=thinking
A/N: I hope you enjoy it, there is some s*x/smut in it. This story changes between your and dean’s POV. 
If you want to know more about the A/B/O genre then follow the link (Seems that spn is the start of this fanlore haha kind of funny to find out about it  ) https://fanlore.org/wiki/Alpha/Beta/Omega
  Enjoy and leave a comment!     Masterlist   ------------   *Y/N POV* You had been taking the pill since before you came here. Luckily you had just picked up two new packets of the pill from the pharmacy before you arrived here, in the SPN world. So you've been here for…maybe six months? You're still trying to find a way to get you home, but specifically to the right dimension.   In the meantime Dean and Sam had finally excepted where you were from and that you "knew" them but they didn't know you. It is a weird environment to be in! But they were getting more and more used to you… but so were you. They weren't the same as in the show. It w­as the small things like… Sam actually liked junk food and Dean didn't really love pie. You know the little things.   Anyway you were busy with research while the guys were getting ready for a new case on.   Before they left Dean came up to you with a cellphone. "If anything happens, call us immediately. If we don't pick up then leave a message. If you need someone immediately then call Garth, he'll help you." Dean said with his serious face. You just smiled. "Don't worry I'm staying here at the bunker, doing some research. Just be careful, okay?" He turned around and walked towards the exit. "Dean?" "Yeah, yeah. We've been doing this our whole lives you know." He said turning around to face you, you pulled a face and said. "Stop being a smartass and just tell me you'll watch out." He raised his eyebrow a bit. "Yeah, yeah." He said as he turned back to the door. You caught a glimmer of a faint smile as he closed it behind him. You just chuckled and went back to the library to continue your research.
  It had been 3 days since they left and you were going crazy with all this research with only dead-ends. It was discouraging but back to your pill ‘problem’.   You've continued to take them since you got here but two days before the guys left you ran out. So you thought ‘oh well’ and decided just to let the blood-bath hit you while the guys were gone.   On the second day you started to get really bad cramps. Which wasn't weird but you've never had them this bad before. On the third day it seemed like you were getting a fever and to your surprise, there was no blood-bath, just the horrible cramps and slick. Which again, you found weird.   By the fourth day you were in pure agony. The cramps were getting unbearable and your fever was rising. You decided to stay in your bed for the day with enough painkillers to make you pass out. Unfortunately, of course, you were nearly out of painkillers.   At the end of the fourth day you decided to call Dean, finding it to annoying to type a message.   “Hello?” you heard Dean’s rough voice. Why did you find him sound so sexy at the moment? “Dean? It's Y/N.” “Wow, have you been drinking? You sound a bit…rough?” Dean asked but you didn't respond. It was as if when Dean spoke the cramps got worse.   “Y/N, are you okay?” Dean asked. "Yeah I'm okay but I think I'm getting the flu, could you pick up some pain killers on your way back?" You though you could hear a sigh of relief? "Sure, we'll be there in two days. Think you can last until then?" “Asif I've got a choice.” You said with a soft chuckle. How you could laugh in a situation like this was beyond you. “We'll be there as soon as we ca-” you cut him off “Don't, like I said before be careful and I'll see you soon.” You could hear him chuckle. “Yeah, yeah.” and you hung up.   You put on your oversized sleeping shirt and got into bed after taking like 7 painkillers. Which is not the advised dose but you are feeling like you are dying and just want the lights to go out for a couple of hours.   When you woke up the pain was even worse, if that was even possible. The cramps were coming in heavy waves, you were feeling abnormally hot and your vision was blurry.   After a while you realized that were fading in and out of consciousness and that you were moaning. You don't know how long you've been lying there but every so often you could hear a sound, your cellphone. Every time you tried to move towards it, you either moaned out in those horrible cramps or blacked out again. It didn't take long either for you to feel something wet on your face, only to realize you were crying.   After what you think were another couple of hours, you could hear some rushed noises and your door slamming open. You felt like you were hit by a wall, a relieving wall, that made you moan again. One figure just stood there and then another figure showed up. You didn't hear what they were saying and you didn't care since you were preoccupied by a massive wave of cramps anyway.     *Dean's POV* We’re on the road, heading back towards the bunker. We had finished the job earlier than expected, plus I wanted to get back to Y/N. She hasn't text me back, which for some reason caused the alpha inside me started to get protective.   It had been a quiet ride back. We were nearly home when Sam turned the music off. “What do you think you are doing?”   “What’s the deal between you and Y/N?” He said, ignoring me. “What are you talking about? There is nothing ‘between’ me and her.” Sam started to laugh. “You’re joking, right?” “No.” “Dude, you are totally falling for her.” “Am not.” “Uhm, yes you are.” “Shut up.” ‘Just drop it Sammy, I don’t want to talk about it.’   It was dead silent in the car and even now I could hear his silent bitchin. He won’t let this go, I looked at him and he was staring back at me in his bitchin, judging manner. I looked at the road again and speeded up. I wanted to get out of this car as soon as possible. “You know what, you keep out of my love life and I’ll keep out of yours.” “Love life huh?” He said in a smug way. I love my brother but right now I want to kill him for his bitchin, I swear. “I don’t need to explain anything to you.”   ---   I called her several times on the ride here but she hadn’t answered. This didn’t feel right, there was something wrong. I jumped out of the car and ran inside to check on her.   I ran into the library and kitchen but she wasn’t there. “Y/N?” She didn’t respond either. “Where is she?” I mumbled to myself. “I don’t know but… do you smell that?” Sam asked. He was right there was a smell, very faint, a sweet scent.   I ran towards the stairs, going to the bedrooms. The smell was getting stronger, I opened her bedroom door and there she was. In bed, crying and in heat. Her scent was so strong, so intoxicating… it can’t be.   “Omg, Y/N?” I faintly heard Sam say.   She started to moan. I could feel my chest rise and hurt. I was ready to march towards her when I realized Sam had his hand on my chest and was holding me back. Making me growl in responds, Sam needed to back off.   "Stop" Sam said, I didn’t take my eyes off her. "She asked for pain killers." Sam said. “So?” I said in an annoyed grunt, jaw clenched, fixated on Y/N. "She doesn't know."   He was right but I just couldn't think straight. Her scent was so strong, it was obviously her first heat! “Dean, go.” he pulled me at my arm, closing the door. "Now.” It was only then that I really saw Sam, he was also having a hard time too. He was right, we had to go. 
---   “Dean, what are we going to do?” I looked at Sam but I didn’t have an answer either, not really. "I don’t know man but we can't leave her there, you saw her." I said rubbing into my eyes.   “Well, what are we supposed to do then?! Nearly everybody we know are alpha’s except for Charlie but she's somewhere chasing flying monkeys, Jody is unreachable and we can't go in there. I am not going in there and especially you cannot go in there!” I felt attacked by Sam, saying I couldn't see Y/N but he was right. “This is not good.” I said as I pinch the bridge of my nose. It was silent for a moment.   “We can leave her? I'm sure she'll pull through.” I can’t believe what I’m hearing. “No, no way.” I looked at Sammy. “What are we supposed to do then, Dean?” He raised his voice and hands in question.   I thought for a moment. “Well I know one thing for damn sure and that’s that I’m not just leaving her like that to 'sick it out'! C’mon Sammy, like you said, she thinks this is the flu for god’s sake. She doesn't know what’s happening and this could last another week!”   “Whatever Dean but besides that… I just can’t believe she's an omega. How did we miss that?” Sam finished quietly. Sammy was right. To be honest, I was just as surprised as him, omegas are rare. Usually an alpha would end up with a feminine Beta just because of the lack of omega’s.   I could see Sam thinking again. “What?” He looked a bit doubtful but said it anyway. “Well… this isn’t going away anytime soon and since her heat started already, suppressants won’t work anymore so… you should knot her.”   “What?!” I did NOT hear that right.   “Knot her.” I now just snorted at that. “Yeah right.” And looked away. “Why not Dean?” I looked back at him. “Why not? Are you friggin kidding me?!” I can’t believe he was seriously asking me that. “You like her, don't you? I've seen the way you've looked at her for the last 4 months.” I can’t believe this.   “Dude I'm not gonna knot some girl who doesn't even know that's she's a friggin omega. Hell, I bet ya she doesn't even know what it is or means” “But-” He was just not gonna let this go! “No! I'm not gonna knot her because… the way she is now I might end up mating her, without her consent.”   Sam fell silent at that. He was a good brother but he just didn’t understand it. Alpha senses are very different when it came to omega’s, at least compared to beta’s like Sam.   “So the answer is no and that's final.” Sam got this look, I could feel the alpha in me rise. “And neither are you!” Sam raised his hand in defense. “Dude I'm not going down there until her heat is over. I’ll be honest even as a beta, I won't be able to handle an omegas first heat. I barely got away from there to begin with.”   I let my hand slide over my face again, this was so not good.   I then got sick of waiting around. I went to the bags and took the painkillers. I made my way towards the door that leads to all our bedrooms.   “What are you doing?!” I could hear the fear in Sam’s voice. “I’m going down there and don't you dare to follow me. Keep your phone with you, I might call you with a list of stuff that you might have to get.” As I closed the door I could hear Sammy say. “Doesn’t love her, huh?”   I quickly dashed downstairs and into my room. I went through the drawers and found my suppressants shots. Lucky me, I had been in rut just a week ago so the suppressant should have a better effect on me now that I’m ‘normal’. I took two shots just to be sure and sat there in my room for a couple of minutes to let’s effect work.   ‘She didn’t look well, I need to get close to her.’ I looked at my watch, it’s been 20 minutes since I saw her. “I'm not going to leave her.” I tell myself as I exit my room.   As I walk down the hallway I can smell her scent, it smells like heaven. ‘And it could be mine’ I stopped himself. I should have waited longer for the suppressant to have worked. ‘What am I even doing? Why won’t I just leave her?’ Unfortunately the answer to that was quite simple. Sammy was right.   In the beginning I didn't like Y/N, she knew too much but as time passed she turned out to be really awesome and sweet. I actually started to appreciate her more and recently I caught myself thinking about stuff and wondering what Y/N’s opinion would be.   To be honest, that scared the crap out of me.   But on another subject, I don’t understand why this is happening now. Why hadn't I smelled it on her before? I didn’t even know she was an omega and I was the alpha in this home. How did I not notice?   I collected my thoughts again and continued my way to Y/N's bedroom. I took a deep breath and opened the door. Her scent hit me again like a giant brick wall.   She was lying on the bed, cramped up and moaning which must be because of my alpha scent. I looked at her face, her eyes screwed shut and crying.   She was crying.   I could feel my chest raising and my shoulders broadening in a defensive manner. I had to calm myself down again. After a minute I set a first step into the room, I took another step and another and another. I looked at Y/N, she looked flushed and out of breath. She opened her eyes, looking at me with her hazed E/C eyes.   “Dean?” she asked in a pleading manner and it took everything in me not to respond to the alpha within. “Dean, I don't know how I got sick.” Tears rolling down her cheek and her hands grasping onto her stomach. “I’m sorry.” She begged for help.   She did not beg for me or an alpha and in a very far corner in my mind that pissed off the alpha in me because this meant that she was not begging for me to breed her. But as I heard her crying, I could feel something break inside me. She genuinely didn't know what this was and instead of a typical heat breading scent, she let out a scared and confused one which made it an easier for me to suppress the instinctive alpha inside me.   “Dean?” I went over to her and cautiously sat on the bed next to her. She then really started to moan, her body going into shocks because of the cramps.   What happened next, I didn't want to but I had to. I started to get nervous, I hadn’t done that in a long time, I used my alpha voice to make her listen. “Y/N, stop shaking.” Her body stopped shaking. “Sit up.” and she did, slowly but still. “Look at me.” and she looked at me and I looked straight into her eyes. She looked in pain and confused.   “Dean?” she moaned. I swallowed at that, forcing myself not to imagine hearing her say my name like that as I would knot her. I desperately pushed that thought away. “Yes?” “Do you know what's going on with me?” Her eyes begging me, nearly hypnotizing, I couldn’t lie. “Yes.” “Can you help me, Dean?” I swallowed even harder at that one and couldn’t suppress a growl. Y/N moaned at that. This was not going well, I have to take care of her and quick before I have to run out of this room again. “I’m going to help you get through this and when you're better I'll let you decide.” She nodded her head in agreement.   I put my hand on her forehead, she was having a serious fever, even for an omega in heat. I grabbed her shoulders to guide her to the shower but she blacked out. “Y/N? Y/N?!” I lightly tapped her cheeks, trying to wake her up but it didn’t work. “Damnit!” I was starting to get panicked, this was not good. I pulled the sheet off of her being hit with another wave of her scent. She wasn't wearing any pants, only her panties, which were soaked through with her slick.   I clenched my jaw and took her bridal-style into the bathrooms and put her into the bath and let the water run. Hopefully this would lower her body temperature.   I took my cellphone and called Sammy, he picked up very quickly. “How are you doing?” “Awesome.” I answered sarcastically. “That bad, huh?” He said and he has no idea. Let’s just say that I’m glad I had the 2 suppressants. “I need you to get some stuff.” I said as I cupped some water with my hand and rinsed it over Y/N’s face. “Sure”   I was glad Sam didn’t make a fuss about the list. The only annoying question he asked was how I knew what exact stuff I needed. I didn’t even respond to that. “Just hurry up Sam.” I barked at him, right my patience was running thin. This was about the wellbeing of my ome- I mean Y/N.   I took the hose and let the water run over her body. After, I think, 45min her fever finally started to drop a bit.   After a while Sam quickly brought the supplies and after the shower I dried Y/N off. She was still warm but that was normal. I carried her to the bed but every time I wanted to leave She’d moan out in pain again. So I decided to give her some medicine and lie next to her in bed. It didn’t take long for her to crawl against me.   I’ve been on edge ever since I got in this room, not knowing how I would react to an omega and having her lie on my chest soothed her but it also soothed me. As she took hold of my shirt, with her head lying on my chest, occasionally moaning, her breath becoming more regular as I stroked her hair and she fell asleep.   I felt proude for having soothed her, it’s something I hadn’t felt in a long time. For now I let her sleep, I intended on going and having some sleep myself but it felt wrong so I stayed and watched over her for now.   --   This continued for a couple of days. Sam brought supplies and Y/N was in and out of consciousness. Every time I wanted to leave I just couldn’t, my instinct wouldn’t let me, I felt to protective of her. So during these days, the only times I left was when I absolutely had to for hygiene, food or drinks.   I felt Y/N stir under my touch. I then felt her body language change into surprise, shock. She suddenly shot up, I held her arms so she wouldn’t fall of the bed. “Dean? What’s happening?” She asked me confused.   There’s no getting around this anymore. She seems to be clear now and I don’t know how else to explain this. Here it goes, let’s see how she’s going to react.     *Y/N POV*   Dean had given me the explanation and I was trying to sum up the main things.   "So basically my only choice is to lock myself up and go through that pain or to find myself a mate? Because if I don’t find a mate then that means that any random alpha can boss me around." I stated questionably. “Basically, yes.” Dean answered. “And the person has to be an alpha.” I asked skeptical, shaking my head, trying to wrap my head around this weird world.   Dean answered very serious. “You can go for a beta but if you’re unlucky and run into a very dominant alpha, the ruling of the beta won’t stand a chance. An alpha scent quiet surely will keep you safe and will make sure that the other alpha’s don’t bother you because it’ll be clear that you’re already taken.” Dean explained calmly. I didn’t respond, I didn’t know how to. This was just so much bullshit but real information at once.   It was silent for a long time. This is so frustrating, what kind of world creates this crap! It’s like going back to the stone ages with primates and shit but even worse than I ever could imagine… aargh!   “Great. So I've got to mate somebody… and once that is done that person will be my partner… FOREVER and secondly I have to make sure that that person isn’t a total asshole who will intent to use me as some kind of slave because if so I’m simply not able to disobey that person?! And next to that every month and a half or so, instead of bleeding I’m just going to go crazy with pain, cramps, heat and become delusional.” I ranted nearly hysterical towards Dean. I couldn’t figure out his expression as he nodded yes. I then stared at my hands.   I can’t believe this. This is NOT happening to me! I’m not going to be some good little damsel in destress and let all those alpha’s walk over me, I can’t live like that! I then really looked at my hands and saw that they were shaking. I only then noticed that my cheeks were wet and I was having trouble breathing.   I felt a hand on my shoulder and slowly looked up. Dean was so close, I could feel his breath brushing my cheeks and my breath halted at that. Dean then spoke normal but for some reason it seemed so soothing to me, like I was in some kind of trance. “Don’t worry about it. For now you've just had your first heat. That will give you about a month and a half before you have the next. So for now take some rest.” He said as he stroked his thumb across my cheek, whipping the tears away.   Again, why did it feel so soothing when Dean spoke? But besides that, if he was right then I’d have to find a solution within a month. ONE MONTH. Dean let go of my cheek. I groaned at the loss of touch and at the thought of having to go through this all over again.   You’d think a month is long, trust me, it’ll be around the corner before I even freaking know it. My thoughts were then interrupted by Dean. “Besides maybe we'll find a way to get you home and you won’t have to.” He said. ‘God I hope not.’ Before I knew it I’d thought that. I should want to go home. I looked at Dean, looking him straight into his green eyes, feeling a bit sad. “I guess.” Dean gave a small smile and put his hand on my head and ruffled my hair.   He stood up and walked towards the door. “Dean?” He turned around. “hmm” “Thank you, ya know… for being here.” He didn’t say anything he just gave me a soft smile and nod and left the room.     *1,5 months later* Sam left on a hunt with Garth and Dean just came back from a hunt with Jody.   “You’re in heat again.” He stated, dropping his bag on the table. “Why hello there Dean, nice to see you too. How was your day?” I said overfriendly and sarcastic. He just snorted at that, which in return made me sigh. “Is it that obvious?” I asked softly.   “Well your scent is getting pretty strong.” He said, taking his guns out of his bag and putting them on the table. I put my book aside. “This is ridiculous, I didn’t have any cramps or feel heated until you walked in.” I moaned annoyed.   It was very faint but I could hear Dean mumble. “There will be more where that came from.” It seriously pissed me off. “This isn't funny Dean!” He gave an annoyed sigh himself. “Oh believe me, I’m not laughing and if you can’t handle it then lock yourself up like the other omega’s!” His annoyance being very clear and it made me feel attacked.   Against my feelings, which said that I shouldn’t speak against him, I carefully mumbled. “I don’t want to.” My mumble with a hint of shame. I could feel the tension in the air and hear Dean get really agitated as he made a heavy annoyed sigh. When he spoke, it made me flinch. “Well then you should have found yourself an alpha. I warned you this was going to happen.” Tears started to form in my eyes as he said that and I looked at the door that went downstairs.   I had to swallow at the thought of it, I couldn’t help it. I didn't want this. I didn't want to be locked up and be in pain for a week maybe even two. Dean had given me some magazines that explained this stuff and I bought myself some toys but I read online that even that wasn’t really satisfying and could be ineffective… even though the dildo’s were huge at the tip.   So conclusion was that even with the toys, I would still be out of it and in pain for like a week. Dean was right, I still didn’t have an alpha. I hadn’t even really tried. I didn’t want to be mated for life to some guy that I’d met and know for barely 3 weeks. This was only my second heat! I guess I just had to suck it up and get my toys…   “You’re right. I’ll go down in a minute.” I said, not looking away from the door as I felt tears falling down my cheeks again.     *Dean's POV* I looked at Y/N as she said that and saw the tears falling down her cheek. I’m such an idiot. This is just her second heat. It’s just, her scent drives me crazy. Right now I lose my temper so easily around her but seeing her cry, I just can’t take it to see her like that. Before I even realized what I said, I had already spoken it out loud.   “I'm an alpha” I said, looking at her and getting my hopes up… what the HELL am I saying?!   It took her a little while before she even looked at me and when she did I saw her giving me a sad smile. “Why doesn't that surprise me?” She answered.   It stayed silent for a little while. Y/N continued to stare at the door, I looked at my bag and took out a few things and laid them onto the table. The silence was killing me, so I started to babble on. “We could… you know.” I’m not even sure if she’d heard me. When I look up I see her looking back at me but instead of laughing or cringing like I expected her to, she gave me this sad smile.   “I don't want to ask that from you.” I felt my alpha pride being offended. “Why not?” Even I could hear the offence in my voice. I could see her flinch at my tone of voice. She hesitantly answered. “Uhm I don’t know about you but I thought we were talking about ‘mating’ not ‘knotting’.” I looked at her confused. “Yeah, I know what we were talking about.” I said seriously.   She slightly turned her head in disbelieve, still looking at me. “Mating.” She said again articulating it very clearly. “Yeah, I get that.” I said. “Do you?” I couldn’t help myself and started to laugh. “Yes, I understand the meaning of mating Y/N.” I raised one eyebrow, she looked unsure and scared at my proposal. I don’t get it. “I’d thought you’d jump at an opportunity like this.” I said carefully, not daring to make a sudden move.   It stayed silent for a while. I could actually see the gears turning in her head. I didn’t dare disturb her. I was surprised at myself for suggesting it but now that the cat was out of the box, I didn’t care anymore. And deep down I finally realized I actually loved her. I had actually know since the first time I smelled her scent. Sweetheart, please don’t break my heart.   “We’re friends right?” She said, taking me by surprise. “At least I thinks so… right?” She continued carefully. I nearly cut her off, I responded so fast. “We are.” I couldn’t help but look her in the eyes. She didn’t look away and it had turned into a quite intense stare. After a while I broke the ice “So what’s the problem?”   She sighed. “Because in my eyes you are amazing and you deserve better than some ‘friend’ from another dimension who wants to ‘solve this problem’ in order for her to behave ‘normal’.” She started to fiddle with her hands, staring at them. “You should be with an omega that you actually want to be with.”   Her word were kind and yet hurtful at the same time. She was looking towards the floor. I walked towards her and with every step I moved closer I could feel her become tenser, her scent becoming stronger, her breath heavier. As for me, I didn’t notice anything else in the room, it was only her. It annoyed me that she didn’t look at me. I gently held her chin and guided it so that she couldn’t avoid my gaze any longer.   It also became clear to me that Y/N didn’t recognize the effect my scent had on her but seeing her react to my touch, sound etc. it was obvious, she was my mate and I was hers. Just because of her lack of experience she didn’t notice. I’d have to make it clear to her in another way.   “First of all.” I took a step closer. “I decide whether or not you're good enough for me and if I didn't like you then I wouldn't have said I was an alpha or suggested this in the first place.” She seemed speechless at the moment, her cheeks flushed, I couldn’t help but tease her a little bit. “And besides we’ll only be stuck to each other for a little while, literally.” I said while smirking.   “Literally?” She asked almost shocked. I can’t believe this and started to get annoyed again. “Didn’t you look any of this up?” I asked annoyed and she flinched but to my own arousal and surprise she bite back. “I’ve been a bit busy!” She said pointing at the stacks of books and paperwork scattered over the two tables. Which were mainly researches for me and Sam’s cases and also some lore about getting her home. ‘Hn, feisty omega.’ I looked from her to the table, back and forth and noticed certain books about dimensions and time travel.   ‘Home, her home.’ I felt my gut falling, she’s been searching for a way home so even if I’ve found my mate there is still a chance she’ll leave me. That would be just my luck. Even the thought of it already hurt worse than hell. Having found not just an omega but my true mate and from another dimension none other the less and then this might happen.   I looked at her and she seemed to still wait for an answer. “Yeah I guess.” I answered carefully. Y/N stayed quiet for a bit until I heard her whisper something. “What?” I asked. She looked up at me with her bright E/C eyes. “Does that mean you like me? Even just a little bit.” She asked shyly. I couldn’t help but let out an aroused grunt. “Yes.”   There was another long silence, her scent became stronger, as I held my breath. She then carefully spoke again. “Are you sure? I don’t want this to get weird between us.” Her scent was getting stronger and stronger by the second. I briefly closed my eyes, focused and then looked straight into her eyes without a doubt in my mind. “Yes, I’m sure.” Not realizing I was using my alpha voice to reassure her. I could see and feel the tension leave her and she smiled at me as I gave her a small smile back.   I took a step back before I would completely lose control. “You go ahead downstairs. I’ll have a quick shower, by then you should have reached your peak, it will be more effective then.” I explained. She nodded and started to walk towards the door when I thought of something. “You have been taking the anti-conception shots, right?” I asked concerned. She turned around and was blown away by the confident, cheeky smile and tone she responded with. “Yes, why? Afraid you’ll get me pregnant?” She giggled in a nearly sadistic and daring way. I don’t even think I’d have to wait too long to reach my peak. The way she is right now, I could take her on the spot. ‘MY omega.’   ----   *Y/N POV*   I followed dean’s instructions, thinking about him, his scent still hung around me. I only got warmer and warmer, the cramps came again in stronger waves. It’s as if the further away dean was the worse I got. I went into my room, laid down on the bed and waited for dean as I held my stomach in pain.   It was odd, before, Dean’s words had soothed me and I couldn’t wind my mind around the fact that Dean would be my mate. I’m going to have sex with Dean Winchester and not ‘normal’ sex either. I started to get nervous, feeling like some kind of virgin, because I didn’t know what to expect really. I’d never done it as an omega. I was never so out of it, horney, warm and desperate like I was now.   I had closed my eyes and couldn’t keep my breathing under control, the cramps felt unbearable. I heard someone moaning only to realize that it was me. It then became dark, I didn’t notice anything until I felt a hand on my arm, the hand feeling intense warm on my skin.   “Dean?” I moaned and was met with lips touching mine. I tried to slowly opened my eyes but they felt so heavy, I could only open them half way. I saw dean, flushed as well with a wild look in his eyes. There was this smell around him, it must have been his scent. It was so strong, it felt like a soothing, numbing fog. He let out a heavy like animal grunt. I stopped overthinking it.   I let my hand go over his chest, he didn’t have a shirt on. It was so hot and electrifying. My other hand went to the back of his neck as his hands went to my lower back, pulling us closer together, feeling him rubbing against me.   Dean’s lips hungrily and rough went from my mouth to my jawline and going over my neck. Biting at it but not breaking skin. He pulled back and I let out a frustrated moan and let out a grunt in response. “My omega.” He said as he took off all his clothes. “Dean” I moaned as his scent became stronger and he helped me take off my clothes.   We were now completely naked, with me pinned down under him. He grabbed my wrists and pinned them down over my head, he kissed and nibbled my neck as he said with his rough voice. “I’m your alpha” As he said the word ‘alpha’ he slightly bit my skin, making me gasp out. Feeling myself become slick, trying to rub my thighs to stop the throbbing but dean stopped me.   Dean bit my skin again and I moaned out. “Dean” He bit again but harder. I let out a gasp and moaned again. “Alpha…” He licked this time and then bite again. “my alpha” I moaned. He bit harder, nearly drawing blood and let out another animal like moan. His manhood throbbing against my lower body, twitching. I let out an even louder moan. Indicating that I wanted more, I needed more and I needed it now. “Alpha!”   You quickly felt yourself being filled. You let out moans as dean whispered in your ear. “My omega” “Good omega” “Mine” “Breed” “I’m going to knot you” “Mine” “My omega” over and over again.   As he whispered his pace got faster until he was really pounding into you. With every thrust you let out a moan of pleasure and want. He let go of your wrists and immediately your hands went to the back of his shoulders, clawing into them. Receiving a heavy grunt from Dean.   You had no idea how long Dean had been pounding into you or how long you had been clawing at his back, moaning for him. He seemed to get close, he suddenly pulled out of you. Before you could complain he had turned you around, face down, lifted up your backside and filled you up again. Going at a merciless pounding speed. Making you literally cry out of bliss as Dean kept going and kissed your back.   You felt him getting bigger inside you, feeling him throb, knowing he was close you started calling for him. “Alpha, fill me. Make me whole.” Dean started having difficulty moving inside you. “Omega. Knotting you. Fill you up. My Omega.” Dean pushed inside you as far as he could, feeling yourself being filled to the max by his knot and Dean letting out a big grunt as he filled you up with his semen. You went over the edge as he bit your neck but not like the previous times, he bit deep, drawing blood.   Your entire body shook, overloaded with sensations. It felt like forever that you were being filled up by him and with his teeth still sinking into your shoulder. Your suddenly felt weak, heavy, like a rage doll. You felt Dean letting go of your shoulder and nuzzling your neck, whispering all kinds of things. He was still inside you when he carefully turned you two to the side and held you tight in his arms. He kissed and licked your bite mark as you fell asleep satisfied.   Half hour later you woke up and you were still connected to Dean. He quickly explained and made some smartass comments.   “You are pretty awesome, for an alien.” Dean said snorting the last bit. I playfully slapped him and offendedly answered. “Says the guy biting my neck like a vampire and having his dick stuck inside me while pumping me full with… his semen.” Just saying it out loud made my cheeks heat up while moaning it out and having it throb down below. Dean automatically responded by growling and biting my neck once more, again drawing blood. Making me yelp in surprise, feeling him tense and fill me up once more.   We stayed like that for a while until dean let go of my neck. I let myself go limp in his embrace but I still wondered. “Dean?” He kissed my neck as he responded “hmmm”.   “I've been wondering, is it always like this here?” He stopped kissing me “What do you mean?” I could feel my cheeks heat up with embarrassment. “I-I mean is the sex always so intense and… good.” He stayed silent for a minute and then answered. “No.” I tensed, did I just embarrass myself, am I the onl- “That only happens with mates, my omega” he growled, nibbling and kissing your neck. “You were amazing.” You felt such relief and aroused hearing that.   “I’ve been wondering” Dean asked and you hummed in acknowledgment. “How does it go at your place then? Don’t you people knot or something?” You started to giggle a bit, thinking about the situation you are in and answered. “No, dicks don't usually swell up until they get themselves stuck inside someone.” You could just feel him rolling his eyes and you continued. “And no, there are no alpha’s, betas or omegas.” It then became quiet and you looked over your shoulder at Dean. He looked in thought before asking. “But how do you know if you've found your mate?” You smirked and gave him a light peck on the lips. “We don't, we need to work hard for our relationships and hope that the person you love is truly your other half. Only time will tell.” You saw Dean thinking as he nodded in understanding.   It only then occurred to you what he had actually said and asked. You to turn around to look at him as best as you could without hurting each other since you were still stuck together. “Wait a second! Do alpha’s or omega’s know who their true partner or mate is?” Your surprise clearly noticeable in your voice.   “Well it’s different for everybody but you can usually smell it from there scent.” You looked at him surprised as his answer dawned on you. Your eyes grew wide and you started to mumble without real words coming out. Dean sighed. “I smelled it. The first time you went into heat.” You were still surprised as Dean knowingly smirked and gloated over you. “Me?” You asked the obvious. He nodded at first and then shook his head. “You didn’t notice a thing did you.” He said and slightly raised his eyebrow as if he wanted to say ‘you idiot’.   “I-I-I didn’t know. I-I just always thought you smelled good.” He grabbed your chin and kissed you passionately. When we were both out of breath, we looked at each other. “My alpha” You moaned “My omega.”   “Stay with me.” Dean asked you, his voice sounding like a plea. Without a doubt in your mind. You didn’t want to leave. You wanted to stay here with Dean. “I’m not going anywhere.” You stroke his scruffy cheek, him leaning into your hand.   “But do you even like me?” You teased him. “Obviously” he mumbled into your hand while rolling his eyes. ”Obviously? As if you’re captain-obvious about stuff like this.” You laughed. He pulls you closer and whispered in your ear. “Let me put it this way. Even if you had my mating scent, I wouldn’t have agreed to mating you if I didn’t love you. Unlike some people in this relationship, I know the extent and meaning of mating.” He ended trying to tease you. But you were just smiling from ear to ear which made Dean confused.   You gave him a peck on the mouth and said teasingly. “You said you love me.” He was surprised himself and had a ‘busted’ look on his face. He pulls you closer, holding you tight while teasing you down below, making you moan as roughly groaned into your ear. “Shut up and let me love you.”
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