#I hope I can see a living person some day.
discopaddock · 3 days
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SUMMARY: school trips are always a pleasure. a biggest pleasure is being at the school trip with your crush.
PAIRING: joost klein x fem!reader
GENRE: fluff mostly, IDIOTS IN LOVE! also a boy nextdoor kinda:p
WARINGS: none!
AUTHOR'S NOTE: hi...! i know ive been offline for some time but im doing everything to be back now, okay?! so this fic is based in the time joost was going to the high school:) based on this and this request.
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“He will never like me back, Stunjte,” Y/N said and wrote another question in the quiz for their presentation. “I'm healing over him, really,” she added. “I'm a better person than I was in September, I swear” she told him and let him look at the laptop to see what she had written.
“Joost really likes you” Stuntje said, looking at her face.
“He's dating Elena now, I'm not the homewrecker” Y/N answered, taking a deep breath. She really wanted this conversation to end. Voice messages she was sending to her friends from music school weren't enough at that point. “But I wish he could see me one day” she said only.
Stuntje knew about her crush on Joost since September, when everything started. He understood her, Joost was a cool and handsome guy. It hurt him deeply knowing that Joost didn't like her in the romantic way as she did.
“Wanna go to kebab?” Stuntje asked, when they finished the project. He loved working with her. Her ideas were always so brilliant and she was such a clever person.
She only smiled at his proposal and grabbed her keys with wallet. They went for Apson as well, who loved the idea. But they didn't invite Joost. And it's because he was on date with Elena.
As they were eating, Appie's phone rang. He only sighed when he saw Joost's name displayed. He passed his food to the girl and answered the call. Apson truly wanted this date to be a failure. He hated Elena and he couldn't stand her being in their group. His smile only grew bigger and bigger as he listened to Joost talking.
“I can't meet you right now, I'm out with Stuntje and Y/N” he said to the phone. He ended the call and said: “He will be there in fifteen minutes”. The girl's smile faded when he announced it. She really didn't wanna see Joost. Of course she liked him, but he was also a crazy guy and you never knew what he was going to do next.
Stuntje tried to assure her that everything will be okay and that there's no need to worry. But she lived in the same area as Joost did and they always went home together. She was scared she would say something stupid and that all chances she had to win his heart would fade.
Joost finally arrived. He didn't look happy as he usually did after his dates with Elena. No, this time he was pissed.
“Gonna tell us what happened?” Apson asked, making the blonde guy sigh.
“She said I'm in love with someone else” he answered only and stood up to get his food. Y/N looked at Stuntje, wondering who he was talking about. And Appie only smiled. Because he knew who his best friend was talking about. And that ‘who’ was sitting at the same table as he did.
Stuntje of course knew too, there was only one person wondering who Joost was talking about. And she really hoped it was about her.
“How are we sitting in the bus to Prague?” Apson asked to change the topic. All four of them could look forward to that one school trip. Three days in Czechia, but what three days.
“Definitely not in the back,” Joost said. He knew who was sitting there and he didn't want to step there.
“I was thinking about the seats by the toilet. It can be easily spread” Y/N smiled at them. Her ideas were again brilliant.
“Gonna take your Niall pillow?” Apson asked, making everyone laugh. Yeah, all of them knew about her weird parasocial relationship with the Irish singer. And that her mother gave her that pillow as a present for her birthday.
“Of course,” she answered. Her eyes were sparkling as she was laughing, dimples showing up. Joost was staring at her as he was chewing his kebab. Oh, it wasn't regular watching your friend having fun. No, he was STARING.
“I gotta go, I need to make some dinner for mum” Y/N said after a while and checked the time on her phone. Joost, who just finished eating, got up, saying that he would walk her home. The girl only smiled and looked at Stuntje terrified, making Apson chuckle. They quickly said goodbyes and left the boys, who only started to cheer and hope they would get together.
“How's your project? Stuntje was saying that your teacher is still a bitch” he laughed, his hands in pockets as they were walking on the sidewalk. She looked at him, not sure what to think about his question. She didn't think that Stuntje would tell him about what they were doing and so that he would ask about it.
“Yeah, she is. We had already finished it” Y/N answered and looked at his face for the first time since they left the boys. He was staring at her. Again. “I really can't look forward to our trip” she announced, making him smile.
“Me too” he said and they stood in front of her family house. “Tell your mum I said hi, okay?” he said and she only nodded. Joost was already on his way to turn around and walk away to his home but then he grabbed her by arms delicately to put a kiss on her cheek. He mumbled a quick “good night” and left, leaving her alone in the driveway.
The girl only touched her cheek where he had put his lips before and sighed. With shaking hands she opened the door and entered the house. There the realisation hit her harder. Joost Klein had kissed her. Joost Klein liked her.
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Next few days were odd. Y/N was nervous about the trip, same as her girlfriends, with whom she was in the room. She never told Stuntje or Apson about the kiss, nor did Joost. But she couldn't stay quiet about that and told the girls. They told her that she shouldn't take it as any love confession. And with that she distanced from Joost and it was sure that she probably won't sit with him at the bus but something encouraged her to do it.
Finding a way to sleep on the bus is difficult. And because of that they ended up hugging each other and wrapped up in one pink blanket.
Because of that everyone started to set them up in every situation they could.
Prague might not be the city of love as Paris was, but it was definitely the city of Y/N and Joost.
They were holding hands, smiling, laughing - doing literally everything that couples do. And yet they became one. It happened during the last day of the trip, when they were looking for the souvenirs (well only Y/N was doing it, because Joost was only walking with her and smiling at her as she was having fun). They didn't even notice that they were walking alone, without their friends, until they entered some bookstore.
It was small but had tons of books.
“Okay, so what if we take a book and open it at a random page and do what the first sentence on that page says?” the girl asked, looking at him. She recently saw something like this on the internet and thought that it would be a nice activity. He didn't say anything but grabbed a book from a bookshelf that was nearest to him.
He flipped through the pages and stopped at page 260 and read the first sentence. He didn't let her see it but kissed her and when he finished he showed her the book.
“And he kissed her,” it read.
The girl only mumbled quiet “oh” that made him laugh a little and wrap his arm around her waist.
“Gonna buy it” he chuckled and grabbed her to the cash till. “You know, we can do more things from books if you want to” he proposed and opened the book at another page, this time at 267th. “She was looking at him as she was confessing her feelings and he was smiling, staring at her” he read out loud. He looked at her and her cheeks were all red.
“I really like you, Joost. N-not in the friend way, more in the romantic way, you know” she chuckled at the end. There was no other confession from her. She captured her feelings in those two sentences.
“I really like you too, Y/N. I made a mistake by not asking you out earlier” he started. He could see the stars in her eyes that he loved. He couldn't be happier that he was the cause of them. “Do you want to be my girlfriend?” he asked finally and the girl only nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck. He only let out a sigh of relief and hugged her back, then lifting her up a little bit. “I adore you, Y/N, I really do.”
“I adore you too, Joost” she answered and they kissed again.
She was in love and so he was in love. Prague was definitely the city of love for them.
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Hi! Hope you're having a nice, wonderful even, day or noon or evening or night; love your work and how quick you are with it but please don't forget to take care of yourself!
Can I ask for Furina and Wanderer (my two kinnies) with a s/o who usually acts cheerful with them and is the sunshine of the relationship except they have secretly been developing insecurities over time, either because of Wanderer making some comments that didn't really have much meaning to them like her eating a bit more than usual or her hair growing long or from them not being able to cheer up Furina after the whole Fontaine thing blew over and finally; they break down all together, not eating anything, not saying anything most of the time for fear of annoying or boring them and constantly telling them that they can break up with them any time they want as they don't want to force them into this relationship
I am and I hope you're having a wonderful day or noon or evening or night too! Thank you! You’re so sweet!
Furina and Wanderer with sunshine!s/o who usually acts cheerful with them except they have insecurities
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In the days following the Fontaine prophecy coming true Furina could see you were particularly down and she didn’t know why. She tried her best to cheer you up but it was hard when she herself was still recovering from the prophecy coming true and being able to finally relax. To stop pretending to be someone she wasn’t.
Finding her identity and recovering from the disaster while trying to help out her normally peppy now solemn lover was difficult. Furina had tried so many things before it became really bad and turned into a very alarming situation. She brought the both of you to her favorite dessert place which put a smile on her face and faintly saw one grace yours before returning to your normal expressionless one.
Slowly she took a forkful of her cake and brought it up to your lips, smiling hopefully at you now that she would be happy if you were happy and enjoy the new freedom she had to live completely relaxed with you.
“Look I know I’ve been depressed for a while and you probably felt bad about being unable to cheer me up but you were the most important reason for me to try and live my life now. So I want nothing more than for us to have fun and enjoy living so wanna try a bite of my cake? It’s sweet and then we can make macaroni after with your favorite drink.”
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Wanderer knows that he makes comments to people that seem insensitive and harsh but people closer to him (or people he didn’t push away) know they almost never had any real bite to them. One or more of his comments must have gotten to you because you haven’t been eating or drinking much and what you have been eating is what he’s been heavily encouraging. He was a bit unsettled at first but as days passed, days he thought would result in your return to your usual bright happy self, you didn’t return to your previous self if anything you got worse.
Your hair had grown not that you cared and you’ve been muttering how you don’t want him to be forced into a relationship, how you’d be okay if he broke up with you which sounded insane. Wanderer had found the person who genuinely cared for him and who he cared about as well and now you were suddenly alright with abandoning him again. No! He wasn’t at all going to leave you or let you leave him!
So one night he had enough of his half-assed plans and dragged you out to Sumeru City, gathering ripe fruit and tea leaves that catered to both of your tastes. He then helped you up the great tree to a sizable platform that stuck up and had a great view of the sky, something he knew was fake but it was just as beautiful as you.
“I don’t I probably said something dumb that might have offended you but I hope you know I didn’t mean it at all. You have stayed with me despite how harsh I come off as and like hell I want this relationship to end. Not when you’ve stayed with me and I care about you a lot. I’m sorry I said something that hurt you.”
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Happy Birthday, Saeran and Saeyoung! I am losing my mind over this picture because the two of them look so cute together. Saeran is indulging in some strawberry cake, and you know he saved the best part of it for you.
It's his favorite part of the cake, but you're his favorite person in the world, so having you indulge in something he loves makes the kiss that comes afterwards that much sweeter. I will fall for it every time and I will happily do so.
Being with you makes the day feel like it was always meant to. As if his existence was a blessing and never what they wanted him to believe it to be. He knows what it feels like to have peace in his heart because he's faced his Father and survived to see the next day. Seeing you on his birthday shows that wishes can come true even if it takes time to get there, and he would do it all over again if you were always on the other side.
Saeyoung is finally at peace. He looks relaxed, and there is no tension in his shoulders. He doesn't have to look to see if somebody is going to ruin this moment of happiness, he gets to look at the camera and smile. He doesn't have to be afraid anymore, he just gets to live with his brother, and what more could he want?
This is the exact wish he always had on his birthday. Him looking at you with love in his eyes is finally seeing him where he always wanted to be. It's what he talked about on those sleepless nights you spent together trying to find the best way to rescue his brother. Those nights were the reason why he could experience hope again. Seeing you on his birthday makes him grateful for having known you because you helped him break free of an endless cycle of sacrifice.
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silenzahra · 1 day
Chronicle of an announced concert ✨
June 8th was an important day for me. In other circumstances, I would've been in Madrid for the Book Fair with my bookish friends, but this year was different.
And I wouldn't trade it for anything.
I had been waiting for this date since December last year, when a concert of my favorite band in Sevilla, close to where I live, was announced. I immediately ran to grab my tickets, but I swear, that day, the whole of Spain was on that website and the tickets flew. I could manage to get two for the stands at least, even if this is a group that always makes me wanna dance and jump with their rhythm, but I'd seen them from the stands in the past and the people would stand up during the concert, so I was happy. I was gonna see Estopa after all.
Now, this wasn't going to be my first time seeing them live, as I've been "estopera" since I was 10 (according to my mom; I actually thought I'd been since I was 8, when their first album came out back in 1999 🤭). This, actually, was going to be my 9th time seeing Estopa live, being the first one back in 2006, when they came to my very city. I was 14 back then and I immediately became addicted to Estopa's concerts.
And finally, after long months waiting... the day came! 🤩
As I warned here, this post is mostly gonna be me fangirling over Estopa, though I'll also mention the Mario Brothers as I intend to take inspiration from my experience to write a story based on my musicians headcanons. Obviously, you're totally free to read everything or just the parts that focus on Super Mario! (or ignore this post too ofc 😂)
If you choose to read everything, make sure to grab a snack and a drink and make yourself comfortable, because this is gonna be VERY long. Here we go! 👏
The concert was held in Sevilla, so I traveled there with my mom and we spent the day together touring a bit around the city and such. At 7.30PM more or less, we headed to the place where the concert would take place, and it was funny because literally every single person on that bus was going to the exact same place 😂 After all, tickets were sold out! So you best believe, when we reached the place at last, the bus was left empty 😂
We found our places easily and were happy that we could be seated in the end, mostly for my mom. And a bit for me too... I'm not a young teen anymore 😅 Age does take its toll, and even if I LOVE jumping and dancing during a concert, I'm glad I can be seated at times and rest a bit.
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I obviously had to take some pics before the concert started, and I also went and bought some merch as a good estopera 😁 I already had a couple of these bracelets from previous concerts (the two on the bottom), and I added two more to my collection! ✨
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This is what I mean when I tell you I'm a hardcore Estopa fan 😂
If I may add, I did record some videos of the concert, but it's mostly me "singing" (I can't sing lol 😂), and since I got up and jumped and danced most of the time, the videos don't have quality whatsoever. So instead of showing them, what I'll do is share some videos I've found on the internet by some other people who were there too! Mostly this youtube channel but also this one for the last videos. Hope that's okay and that you enjoy the videos if you see them! 💖
Now, ever since the very first time I saw Estopa live, they always make us wait a little bit more past the starting time. This means it was 10.15PM when the Muñoz Brothers finally came on stage and started singing the very first song of their very first album! 🤩
Yes, they do like big special effects, and yes, there's a Stop signal on stage, as their name is, after all "Stop" but with an E at the beginning and an A at the end 😂 It's even part of their trademark! Jump to 2.21 if you wanna se the moment they finally appear and to 2.36 for the actual beginning of the song! (and see how the people immediately start singing, you BET I was doing the exact same thing 😁).
Also, 3.49 for a silly moment of David "playing" with the Stop signal, and 4.05 to see them singing together face to face... and then do this 👇 (source)
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THE FREAKING BEGINNING OF THE FREAKING CONCERT AND THEY WERE ALREADY DOING THIS. I saw it through the big screens on the sides and I MELTED AND SCREAMED 😭😭😭 These two doing the forehead touch like Mario and Luigi, I seriously cannot get over it, and especially with those faces, the knowing look they're sharing, the LOVE. David and Jose are SO Mario and Luigi coded and I love the four of them SO MUCH 🥹🥹🥹
Besides, in that part of the song, they were literally singing "And I'm still here by your side until the wind takes me away." Isn't that fitting for them sharing this beautiful moment right afterwards??? 🥹🥹🥹 (Also, in case you're wondering... yes, that's my new lockscreen 🤭🥹)
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You know, this tour is to celebrate not only the release of their latest album, but also their 25th anniversary since they started in music. And, as David said after this and another song (they usually start with one and then link to a second before they make a short stop to say hello and breathe a bit), this concert in Sevilla happened to be the most crowded one of their entire career 🤩 The whole place was filled to the brim and they couldn't believe it! They kept on thanking everyone for coming, and David literally said while laughing: "We're gonna give a concert with all the songs that we know" 😂
They certainly gave an amazing concert! 🤩🤩🤩 They brought back many old songs they hadn't played live in a few years, as well as their greatest and best known bangers, of course, and it was truly a delight for me! 😁😁😁 As I said, I've seen them live 9 times counting this one, and I believe some of the songs they played last Saturday, I hadn't heard them live in more than a decade! So it truly was a pleasure that they decided to bring them back 😁
This one is an example! I literally hadn't heard it live since my very first concert back in 2006, so you bet I was singing and clapping and dancing to the fullest 😁😁😁 Especially during the last instrumental part, it literally had me jumping, and I couldn't stop thinking of my dear bestie @bberetd! 💖💖💖
Oh, and that little moment of the brothers singing as if they were talking to each other (2.33)... you BET I'm grabbing that for the future story I wanna write with Mario and Luigi 🥹🥹🥹 It fits so well!
Also, in that video, you'll se that many people are wearing some bracelets we were given at the entrance. We thought at first they were broken, because they wouldn't turn on, and it turns out they were all connected and they started to light up during the sixth song they played, one of my favorites! 🤩🤩🤩
Jump to 2.08 to see the bracelets lighting for the first time! And also to see all the people gathered there and vibing with Estopa, this is one of their best and most loved songs and everyone knows the lyrics 🤩 After all, you can see David letting us sing some lines in his stead during the entire video! 😁
Also... at the beginning of it, he was mentioning Taylor Swift 🤭 You see, this artist came to Spain and performed in Madrid on May 30th, and it was such a big event that it was even on the news! They know many people like her, and David couldn't help but mention her sometimes. In this video he was saying, "We're not as good-looking as Taylor Swift, but a little bit we are" 😂😂😂
In between songs, the brothers usually joked with each other, tell some silly stories, and sometimes they also took matters seriously. There was a point in the concert where David saw someone holding the flag of Extremadura, a region in Spain from where their parents are from and that they both hold close to their hearts. The flag happens to resemble another one, and David didn't hesitate to say: "You know, we didn't want to get into politics and shit, but I'm seeing the flag of Extremadura, which reminds me a lot of the Palestinian one, and I can't help but think of the thousands of children that are being massacred in Palestine. We know we can't really do much from here, but we'd like to show our support."
And, you know, considering Estopa is one of the biggest and most well-known groups in my country and many other Spanish-speaking places, I believe it's wonderful that David decided to say this. He knows they have a great audience, that their voices are truly heard, and he decided to do something good with it (aside from their music of course). Not many famous people dare to openly speak about such issues and I couldn't be more thankful that they did 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
Another big moment on stage was when they brought a car on stage. Yes, a freaking car 😂 As David explained, he had heard Ricky Martin say something like "You can't bring a car on stage," and according to David's own words, he immediately turned to his brother and said, "Hold my beer, Jose." And they brought the freaking car on stage 😂😂😂 Isn't that something that our beloved Mario would do??? Being told you can't do something and then doing it??? David is SO MUCH like him OMG ❤️❤️❤️
I'm not an expert whatsoever, but apparently, this is a Seat Panda! It's a very old kind of car, I believe it's not even made anymore, but it has its history with Estopa 🤭 First of all, they used to work at a factory that made car pieces for Seat (Wrecking Crew, anyone? Only not car pieces 😂), and a specific Seat Panda is mentioned in their absolute most famous song. Literally every single Spanish person knows this song even if they can't remember who sings it, but believe me when I say it's the GREATEST banger in my country. Perhaps even you have heard it, if you happen to know someone who speaks Spanish! It's their most well-known song after all 👏👏👏
Yes, at the beginning they are, again, joking and being silly 😂 And having a great time! I just love how they both have lots of fun in their concerts, whether they're singing or chatting between songs 🥰 Then David starts listing a few things they like referring to the typical village festivals, and please, just look at how the people immediately starts vibing as soon as David finally begins to sing!
And the chorus!!! They literally let us sing the chorus, they even stopped the music 😂 La raja de tu falda, my dear friends. THE banger. The very first song that launched them to fame back in 1999. A fucking anthem I swear. Even more famous than the Spanish actual anthem (which has no lyrics btw 😂😂😂).
Back to the car on stage, I cracked up, because Jose was inside as if he were driving, but David was pushing the car from behind 😂😂😂 And they wouldn't stop signaling at each other as if they were like "Move on a little more!" "Stop right there!" "Go on, go on!" and David even went like "Push, Jose!" They're so silly, I swear 😂😂😂 My mom and I couldn't stop laughing 😂😂😂
And then David jumped onto the car to sing the next song! Unfortunately I couldn't find any long videos for this one, but I did see a couple of Instagram stories and recorded a little bit 🤭 They both ended up on top of the car singing together like the amazing team they are, and then Jose jumped down of it and offered his hand to David to help him down. Mario and Luigi, I say 💚❤️✨
I tried to go and edit two different videos (Instagram stories, which means both of them are short). The first one doesn't have a very good quality and whoever recorded it was singing just like I was during the entire concert 😂 And the second one is also very short (again, Instagram story), but still I hope you can get to see them singing together even if for a few seconds! 💖
Also, something I'm also including in my story is a line that has become very famous in the history of Estopa 🤭 You see, in a couple of songs, right before the beats go high and hard, David sometimes says "Come on, Jose!" and he also does it during the concerts, although the audience is always faster and start saying it before David has the chance to 😂 And something that I love is that, once David finally says it while laughing and looking at his brother, then Jose goes "Come on, Andalucía!" and oh GOSH I AM including this in the future fic 😍😍😍 Mario telling Luigi "Come on, Lu!" to go on singing and playing, and then Luigi turning to the audience and screaming back "Come on, Mushroom Kingdom!" or Sarasaland or wherever they're playing 😍😍😍
Unfortunately I could only find this video from last Saturday's concert, but it's SO long and it includes a flamenco-centered part at first that I didn't want to add it here, but if you follow the link, you can go to 8.22 to hear David saying "Come on, Jose!" first and then Jose adding "Come on, Andalucía!" You'll see David laughing because all of Sevilla has already said his line before he did 😂
A few more pics that I'm definitely taking as inspiration! 😁😁😁 (source)
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I especially LOVED when David cheered us on with things like "Come on, Andalucía!" or "Keep clapping!" or even "Those horns to the sky of Sevilla!" during the entire concert, as well as turning the mic towards the audience like he's doing on the last pic! You certainly cannot be bored at a concert of these two, they won't let you take a breath for even a second 😁😂 (also, the look Jose is giving David on the second to last pic 😍😍😍)
There were a couple of funny moments where David forgot the lyrics and his brother immediately looked at him like, "That's not how it goes!" 😂 Heck, David even had to stop a song for a second and ask his brother for help, and neither of them could stop laughing 😂😂😂 You BET I'm also including something like that, I like the thought of Mario being so devoted to the music and the concert and the audience clapping and cheering that he forgets the lyrics, and he immediately runs to Luigi for help, and again, they're both cracking up 😂😂😂
Also! Jose, the main guitarist, has a few songs that he sings mostly alone with his brother backing him (they normally do it backwards: David is the lead singer and Jose plays the guitar and backs his brother). The most famous one is Ya no me acuerdo, a very beautiful ballad that everybody sings along with him, but in this case, I'd like to show you the videoclip instead of a video from the concert, as it's also gonna be a great source of inspiration. I mean, just look at it! 👇
Right at the eighth second they do something that I included in my headcanon post! They put their index fingers on each other's brow to help concentrate right before going on stage. And, please, don't miss 1.56: David jumping right next to his brother and staring proudly and happily at him as he sings 🥹🥹🥹 Mario, Mario, MARIO doing that while Luigi sings, I'm literally SCREAMING AAAAHHHH 😭😭😭
Also. 2.46. The look David gives Jose. The pride. THE LOVE. AW I swear I have CHILLS just by rewatching this videoclip, it's been FOREVER since I last saw it and some of these parts, I had forgotten about them 🥹🥹🥹
But I hadn't forgotten about the hug at the end (3.19), and the way they sing together, and David screaming "¡Ole mi hermano!" 🥹 It could be translated as "Bravo, my brother!" or something like that, "Ole" really has no translation as it's the way we Spaniards express our support, something we say as we clap or to congratulate someone 😂 Actually, I was screaming "Ole" every single time they finished a song as I clapped 😂 I guess it could be our equivalent to "Bravo", which is why I chose that specific word to give it some sort of translation 😅
But yeah, the thing is: Mario looking at Luigi while he sings alone, joining him in some parts of the song, and then going like "Bravo!" or "That's my bro!" right before they hug. Also, the part where David is pressing his fist against Jose's arm (2.27), the line he's singing says: "They say time and oblivion are like twin brothers." SO PERFECT. They may not be specifically twins, but they've stated many times that they feel as if they were, and we all know two brothers who are actual twins, so more inspiration!!! 😁😁😁 My gosh, how I LOVE that my favorite band is inspiring me so much 🥹🥹🥹
Actually, they've inspired me a lot throughout my life! The first two novels I wrote, I owe them not only to Mario and Luigi, but also to Estopa. The first one starred two brothers who travelled in time, and the second one was inspired by this videoclip that they made as if it were the trailer for an action movie. They also played this song, btw, and it was SO GREAT to hear it live again after so many years 🥹 Yeah, these videos are old, the song Ya no me acuerdo turns 20 this year and Cuando amanece is 16. And... I am old too 😅
I would've liked to show you a video of the ending of the concert, but unfortunately, I haven't been able to find any that has enough quality so you can see them singing together and a silly dance they do right as they say goodbye. So I had to go to a different concert! This one took place in Cádiz back in 2022 and I was also among the crowd 😁 This video is from then, and this is the last song they always play, another FREAKING anthem: Como Camarón.
Something that I LOVE and that David also did in the concert in Sevilla from two days ago is including everyone. In case you don't know, Spanish is a language that marks the gender a lot, and because of patriarchy, it tends to be very male-centric, being "todos" the word that has always been used to refer to everyone no matter their gender. Something that we've started to do recently is adding not only "todas", which is the female form, but also "todes", which refers mostly to nb people but is also a way to include everybody regardless their gender. And David said in both concerts, both when greeting and when saying goodbye, "todos, todas y todes". Inclusive brothers. I love them even more 💖💖💖
But yeah! This is their goodbye song. I LOVE IT 🤩🤩🤩 Como Camarón is one of my absolute favorites, and I LOVE listening to it live, but it always gives me a feeling of bitterness, as the fact that they're singing it means the concert is coming to an end. So you bet I always jump and scream to the top of my lungs, as I LOVE the lyrics, and I obviously did it both in the concert from 2022 and in the one from last Saturday 😁
It can't be seen very clearly, but at 3.43 they start hugging 🥹 They always hug at the end of the concerts, they also did it in Sevilla and I was melting 😭😭😭 Also, 4.28! What they do there after waving at the audience and such, that silly dance in which they grab each other's hands and make the other spin to pretend a silly dance, they also did it this past weekend! 😂 Again, I saw it through the big screens, but it's something that has been etched in my mind and, guess what... I'm also adding it to my story with Mario and Luigi 😌 After all, they're two silly goobers like Estopa, so of course they're also gonna be dancing 🤭
And referring to that concert from 2022, in my musicians post I also shared this video in which they also dance! So... more inspiration!!! 😁😁😁
Go to 3.28 to see how David beckons his brother to come closer, as that part of this song (yet another very famous banger) always has the audience screaming ESTOPA, and immediately, they start dancing again 😂 And David even pretends to fall at 3.49 so that Jose has to grab him, I swear I can never have enough of these two sillies making these dances on stage 😂😂😂 They're but another proof that they're having the time of their lives while playing, and I obviously intend to reflect that with Mario and Luigi! 😁😁😁
So this is it! I know this post got even longer than expected, but I didn't want to leave anything out. I know seeing this through a screen is not the same as actually seeing your favorite band live, because that's certainly a feeling that can't be described with words. You have to experience it firsthand in order to fully understand what it truly means, at least that's my case with Estopa.
More than half of my life being their fan and they never, ever disappoint. I could never get tired of going to concert after concert of the Muñoz Brothers. I simply cannot put down to words what I feel when I see them there, in front of me, so close yet so far, giving it all while they throw banger after banger to your face and continue to joke between songs.
Saying that they're great, that their concerts are one of the most powerful and intense things you'll ever experience in your life, would be an understatement. Estopa is simply another level. It's not having time to breathe between songs and, even so, never wanting it to end. It's having the chance to sing along to your favorite songs with a crowd of other fans and, moreover, the artists themselves. It's not knowing what they'll come up with next, what surprises they're keeping in store with their jokes, their songs, the staging, and enjoying everything to the fullest.
For me, this concert meant nostalgia. It meant having the chance not only to see again my favorite band live, but, as I said, to enjoy some old songs that I hadn't heard live in a very long time. And the feeling of hearing them again... I swear, in most of the videos I recorded, at the beginning of the songs I'm like "OH MY FREAKING GOD THEY'RE SINGING THIS ONE!!!!!! 🤩🤩🤩"
And you know the best part? After so many years going to Estopa concerts, I've already learned to recognize what songs they're about to play just by the very first notes or something they say at the beginning 🤭 For instance, when Jose starts narrating a story in the video of Partiendo la pana I shared (the last one), I immediately know this is what's coming next. When David refers to the working-class people and says that they're dedicating their next song to them, I automatically know Pastillas de freno is coming (another freaking banger that makes me jump A LOT and that refers to their time working at the Seat factory). And when he starts saying goodbye, I'm always like, "No, please, don't start singing Como Camarón, not yet" 😂
But yeah... all good things come to an end. Luckily, I did enjoy this concert to the absolute fullest, and the best part is they're coming also very close to my city in August. So guess who's repeating the Estopa experience later this summer 😁😁😁 That one will be my 10th Estopa concert OMG... When I say I can never get enough of these two and their music I'm not exaggerating even a little bit 😂😂😂
Also! This is the merch that I bought! 🤩
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Estopía is the name of their latest album, as alluding to the word utopia. The pork on the back appeared on their second album, Destrangis, and they brought it back to commemorate their 25 years being Estopa (Extremadura, their parents' homeland, is famous for raising these porks). The other t-shirt, as you can see, actually celebrates this fact, and displays the whole list of places they're visiting or have visited during this tour. Actually the shirt I was wearing for this concert, I bought it at the Cádiz concert in 2022 and it also includes the list of that year's tour on the back, so of course I had to have the one for this year too 😁
Also, the keychain is a pick! They mostly play the Spanish guitar just with their fingers, but sometimes they use a pick, and other times they switch to an electric guitar so, again, pick! And the bracelets, I showed them at the beginning of this post, but to sum up: now I have four 😂
Gosh, thank you so much if you read it to the end 😂 I know this isn't directly related to the Super Mario franchise, but as this is also a pair of brothers, as you see, they're constantly inspiring me 😁 First the post I made back in March, and now the story that I'm planning 😁😁😁 I love love LOVE Estopa, and I love that they never stop inspiring me no matter how many years go by 💖💖💖
And I obviously LOVE seeing them live! Hope you enjoyed the songs if you gave them a listen, and I also hope you'll like the story once it's ready! (I don't know when it'll be though 😂 I have a very long list of WIPs, but we'll get there! 💪)
And before I go, if I may... This is before they made the forehead touch 👇 (source)
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And this is right after they made it 👇 (source)
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Estopa even went and made a thank you video that they posted on Instagram yesterday, they said this was the BEST concert in their entire career and their most-crowded one to date. And I honestly cannot believe that I was there with them 😭😭😭 I'm literally CRYING writing this, gosh, this band is so so SO important in my life. I owe them so much 🥹🥹🥹
Again, thank you if you read everything. I hope I could make you at least feel half the excitement and LOVE I feel for these two brothers from Barcelona. Long live Estopa 🤘🔥
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olivianyx · 2 days
hi love! i see so many similarities in your story w mine. Thank you for being so open and honest about it. I too had many troubling thoughts as i am trying to enter the void still. I know death is not the option. I know i want to live, live my best life. I’m glad your brother was able to save you. I’m in a terrible situation currently and sadly can only think of the void to make all of it go away so i had a few questions, i hope you can answer them
Can you go in detail as to what you were doing before you entered the void? like the affs u used, subs u listened to
“I just did my affs, persisted in it, and listened to subs, and on Christmas Eve, I got into it successfully. “
and how did you get into the void? did you meditate or wake up in it? could you also please share how you entered the void for the first time as well?
thank you for your time❤️
Heyy! First of all, your welcome sweetheart, I just wanted to share how naive I was before just like some people struggling to apply the law. If I did it, anyone can.
Second of all, deciding that the void is the ultimate solution will put your own life at risk. I've experienced it. Let's not use it as a method of escapism. The void is you. You are the void. It's not something that you need to achieve. It's just you in your purest form of your awareness. So I need you to understand it my love.
Coming to your questions,
🫶 what was I doing before I entered the void?
I first researched about the void and it seemed like a light at the end of the tunnel honestly. I read success stories and was really eager to try it. I tried it and I did not enter (actually we all enter the void everytime, we just need to be aware of it) so the more I tried and failed being aware, the more depressed I became. Like literally I only used to think of it as a way for escapism.
So I learnt to apply the law first. What does the law of assumption say? What you assume to be true, is the truth. So what was my assumption? I always enter the void being aware. So I started acting like the person who always enter the void. Like I would robotic affirm on my off days. Then after doing this for like a few days, I saw a change in my mindset and I eventually entered the void.
I personally used guided meditations abd sats at night. Subliminals and robotic affirming in the day time. That's it! It was hard for me to change my mind, but I didn't give up. I persisted in my assumptions.
On Christmas Eve, I just laid down and did lullaby method. My aff was 'I'm a master at void' and slowly I felt myself drifting away. And I entered the void that night.
Hope this helps 🤍🤍
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A little something about Evelyn and Callum at the screening in LA last weekend xoxo
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“Do you want to go to the Dodgers game tomorrow night?” Ev had been daydreaming out the window of the Escalade currently taking them to a screening and reception of Masters of the Air.
“Sure that’d be fun.” He held her hand in between them and brought it to his lips.
“You feeling ok? You’ve been quiet the whole ride.”
“Just preemptively tired. I have to fly to New York Monday morning for the premiere.” More and more recently she had just wanted to cocoon herself in blankets at their home, wherever that may be, and never leave. She hoped it wasn’t another bout of depression rearing its ugly head. “I’ve just been feeling a little different lately. Like I’m back in the same headspace I was before we started filming. I don’t know. I can’t explain it.” While he hadn’t known her well before Masters of the Air, he had only met her a few times at parties, he had known she was not herself that first day of their chemistry read.
“You’ve been super fucking busy between press for dragon and press for this and the fact that you insist you can try to be in New York and Scotland in the same day-“ that got a smile across her face “-maybe your body is just telling you it needs to rest a little bit.”
“You forgot that I’m the best girlfriend ever and have been flying to Vancouver every chance to see you,” she teased. “Please add that to your list.” Callum laughed and threw his arm around her should to pull her in close.
“I love you. Wouldn’t want you any other way but want you to take care of yourself. If you need a break, you need a break.” But breaks meant silence and Evelyn had never really been good in the silence.
“Having you back in LA this weekend is kind of like a break.” They’d spent the day lounging in bed before walking Golo to a farmers market, buying flowers and bagels and plants for the herb garden Evelyn had started tending to in their back yard. No one had stopped them for selfies and if people were taking photos, she hadn’t bothered to notice. It had felt good and normal to hold his hand and live her life if only for a few hours.
“You made me pinky promise to still spend every weekend with you while filming!” She giggled as the car pulled up to the curb to drop them off, her publicist, assistant and representatives from the Apple PR department waiting to greet them.
“I did and so far that’s meant me going to Canada and not the other way around. So technically I only encumbered myself with that one.” The longer they were together, the more horrible being apart felt. They were both committed to not letting distance get the best of them during the busiest year of their life. Every weekend one of them was on a plane to go be with the other. They were two halves of the same whole and wouldn’t survive if kept apart. “Hi Tracy,” she greeted as Callum held her hand to help her out of the car.
“Hi you two.” Evelyn wrapped her in a hug and then gripped his hand tightly as he led them in the direction of the party. She made sure to wave to fans that had collected on the sidewalk and posed for some photos from afar as they held their phones up. “Let’s make sure you get an individual shot with all the other actors here for from the other shows and then we can do all the cast group shots at once, okay?” Ev nodded as she took a welcome drink and smiled, a line of people already forming to talk to her and try and snap a selfie for their social media. She greeted all of them with a practiced ease that had them feeling like they were the only person in the world with her for those few moments. It was a skill that she had honed early in her career and had fared her very well.
“I got to go check on that handsome lad over there but I’ll find you after!” She kissed Maya Rudolph’s cheeks and did her best to not get pulled aside too many times on her way to Callum.
“Must be hard to be so popular,” Gary teased as Ev hugged him tightly.
“Can’t take you anywhere,” Cal mumbled as he leaned down to kiss her. She smiled against his lips and used her hand on his neck to keep him there for an extra peck.
“I can’t hide when I’ve got a bean stalk following me around so I might as well embrace the attention.” Gary laughed, her arms wrapping around Callum’s waist and cheek resting on his chest.
“You two are so good together. I take all the credit.” Gary had been there when they’d met at the chemistry. Had watched the infatuation only increase from that moment forward. Not so subtlety, Evelyn noticed his eyes flicker to her bare ring finger and deflate a little. “I’m going to go make sure everything’s set in the theater. I’ll see you both in there.” She kissed his cheek in farewell and Cal offered him a one handed hug.
“You good? Need another drink?” Evelyn shook her head and rested her chin on her chest so she could look up at him.
“I love you. Just happy to be here with you. Happy that we can keep celebrating this show that brought us together.” He dropped a kiss to her nose.
“I love you even more, how about that?” It earned him a giggle as she turned to remove herself from his embrace, Callum kissing the top of her head as she sighed.
“I’ve got a few more people to get photos with before Tracy yells at me. I’ll find you before the cast photos.”
“Love you, baby.” An arm around her shoulders pulled her back into his orbit so he could kiss her again.
“Love you, Cali Wali.” He blushed at the little nickname she normally saved for the privacy of one of their homes. “Handsome when you blush.”
“Good thing you think so cause I seem to do it a lot around you.” She almost let it slip that she hoped their future kids inherited his propensity for handsome blushing. But she bit her tongue just in time. Since their pregnancy scare a couple weeks ago, Evelyn hadn’t been able to stop thinking about a baby. Like the moment in time where it might have been true had opened a door inside of her. There was still no strong desire in her bones to get married again but now there was one to become a mother. To share in that honor with the man in front of her. “Where’d you go, Ev?” He furrowed his brows and brushed some hair from her cheek.
“Sorry. Just thinking for a minute. I’ll see you in a little bit.” With a final kiss to his cheek, she was off before he could reel her back in. She didn’t know how to broach the conversation. Didn’t know how he’d react to her rejection of his attempts at proposing but her desire to have a child. Would he feel confused? Betrayed? Like he couldn’t have what he wanted but was expected to give her what she wanted? Her hand shook as she made her way towards Karen and Josiah with a smile. The more distractions, the better.
Anthony gave her the loudest kiss on the cheek she had ever received and Evelyn giggled at the tickling sensation.
“Missed you, pretty girl,” he smiled as she hugged him and the cameras snapped endlessly.
“Anto, what the fuck is on your face?” she teased as she poked the facial hair.
“Swoon all you want.”
“Bel and I show up looking like ladies, Cal and Nate even shaved for this and you brought that.” Cal rested his arm around her shoulders and her hand reached up to twine their fingers together.
“You loved the mustache when Cal had it!”
“Not a great argument,” Bel cautioned.
“Okay let’s gather round and smile at the camera.” They all set their laughing aside to smile professionally, Evelyn not allowing Callum to move his hand, her arm around his waist where she stood on the end. Fully in his embrace exactly where she liked to be.
“Everyone make sure you come to the screening. Evelyn will be giving a speech!” Anthony announced to laughs from the crowd and a loving roll of Evelyn’s eyes.
“I’ll give one to spare you the pain, baby,” Callum offered.
“I’m claiming the Emmy speech, Anthony. And you won’t be mentioned if you keep up this behavior.” Anthony stuck his tongue out as she chased after him towards the theater. Everyone laughing at their sibling banter the entire way.
“Don’t let that one go.” Callum looked over at Gary.
“I’m trying my best,” he joked back. “Doesn’t get any better than her. Than this.”
He caught her gaze over her shoulder as she looked to make sure he was coming up behind her. Yeah. This. This was once in a lifetime.
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panda-writes-kpop · 12 hours
Jihyo Fluff Alphabet (Requested!)
a/n: hi everyone! apologizes for a later fic, I had been feeling a bit under the weather but I'm starting to feel better now! sorry for those who were looking for the return of these fluff alphabets - I didn't mean to take a month and a half off 0_0 anyways I hope you enjoy this and thank you to the person who requested this!
tw: none!
♡ Masterlist ♡
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Affection (How do they show their affection? What love language(s) do they use?)
Jihyo shows most of her affection for you via acts of service and words of affirmation. She’s always the first to wipe your tears when you’re feeling down, and the first to tell you how amazing you are when it feels like you’re nothing but.
Beauty (What do they admire about their S/O? What makes their S/O beautiful?)
Jihyo admires your compassion for people (and animals, if you’re an animal lover!). You always find a way to help others, whenever possible, and it warms your heart. In terms of physical appearance, she loves your smile… especially if she caused it with a bad joke or some mutual teasing!
Comfort (How would they help their S/O if they were having a rough day?)
Jihyo will race to your side if she doesn’t have any schedules for the day. She will gently rub your back and hold you in her arms as long as you need her to. If Jihyo can’t be there, she’ll FaceTime you and comfort you with her sweet words as long as she can.
Dreams (How do they picture their future with their S/O?)
Jihyo definitely dreams of a “stereotypical” life for the two of you - settling down someplace quiet, getting married, and introducing kids into your lives. Of course, you both have career ambitions and need time to figure out what you both want out of life, so she’s in no rush. As long as you’re together, you’ll figure it out with time.
Equal (Do they tend to be more dominant or passive in the relationship?)
Jihyo tends to be the more dominant person in the relationship - she’s very chivalrous towards you and she’s often the one planning dates due to her busy schedule. If she’s busy with work or is worn out from a long day, Jihyo will happily let you take care of her instead.
Fight (Would they easily forgive their S/O after a fight? How would a typical fight go?)
You two don’t get into big fights, but your bickering can get on each other’s nerves at times. Jihyo can be a little headstrong, so she has to take a moment to calm down before apologizing to you if things go too far. If you apologize first, she’ll admit her fault and apologize back to you if needed.
Gratitude (How grateful are they for everything that their S/O does for them?)
Jihyo always expresses her gratitude for you with actions or words. If you prepare lunch for her the next day because she’s busy, she makes sure to buy you lunch some time during the week. She’s all about reciprocating the love she receives.
Honesty (Do they tend to keep secrets from their S/O, or do they share everything?)
Jihyo definitely shares everything with you, her partner, and it may be overwhelming if you’re someone who is a bit more reserved. She’s totally understanding towards your reserved nature and will give you space, but she’s also happy to learn lots about you if you want to reveal more about yourself.
Inspiration (Did their S/O change them, or was it the other way around?)
You definitely are inspired by Jihyo because she’s a hardworking, passionate woman - who wouldn’t be? She puts her all into everything, and it makes you want to do the same. She rubs off on you so much that improves you as a person, even if your paths aren’t destined to be intertwined forever.
Jealousy  (Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?)
Jihyo swears up and down that she doesn’t get jealous, but if she sees someone flirting with you, her jaw clenches and she’s folding her arms with a disappointed look on her face. Not towards you, of course, but the other person - you and her had walked in together, how could they have not noticed? Jihyo fights with herself for a bit before deciding to confront the person - kindly, of course - before they run away in embarrassment after realizing what they’ve done.
Kiss (How often do they kiss you? Where do they like to kiss you?)
Jihyo likes to kiss your cheeks and lips the most. Cheek kisses are an easy greeting/goodbye between the two of you, and kissing you on the lips is an easy romantic gesture that the both of you enjoy. She will often kiss you on the cheek, in public or not, but kisses on the lips are saved for times when the two of you are alone.
Lazy Day (How do they like to spend days off with their S/O?)
Jihyo doesn’t mind going out or staying in - either are fine with her, as long as you’re spending time together. If you go out, you’ll go to dinner together and see a movie/show before heading home. If you stay in, you’ll order food from her favorite place and spend the night playing board/video games and catching up on your favorite shows.
Marriage (Do they want to get married? How often do they think about marrying their S/O?)
Jihyo definitely thinks about marrying you quite often - in the more domesticated moments, where you’re making dinner together, folding laundry, or just cuddling under the couch on a cold winter’s night. It feels so natural between the two of you, like you’re meant to be together like this for the rest of your lives.
Nicknames (What do they call their S/O?)
Babe, dear, love
Jihyo is a mix of old-fashioned and new-fashioned nicknames. She’ll often call you the one that makes you the most flustered because she thinks it’s funny to see you so flustered. (and she hopes that you’ll do it back to her).
On Cloud Nine (What are they like when they are in love? Is it extremely obvious to others?)
Jihyo mostly goes about her business as per usual - she won’t be too revealing of your relationship or of you. She says your name in passing, as she would a friend, until the two of you are serious enough to introduce each other to family and friends. Once you do, she talks about you lovingly and constantly until the other person has to change the topic of conversation.
PDA (Are they very upfront with their relationship, or do they prefer to keep things quiet?)
Jihyo gives you moderate amounts of affection in public - cheek kisses, a warm hug, or holding hands. She wants you to feel comfortable around her, so she won’t be more affectionate in public unless you are more affectionate towards her in public.
Quirk (Some random personality trait that makes them an excellent partner.)
Her loud voice is something that she uses to help you and herself. If you’re being talked over or simply not listened to, Jihyo will command people’s attention with a few words before lovingly looking at you and asking you to continue talking so she can listen to you, along with everyone else.
Romance (Are they a born romantic ready to woo their S/O at any moment, or do they struggle to spark romantic moments with their S/O?)
Jihyo leans more towards being a natural romantic. She doesn’t struggle to make you blush with her words, or to “sweep you off your feet” with a sweet date or kind action.
Support (How do they help support their S/O to reach their goals?)
If you’re passionate about your goals, then Jihyo is also passionate about your goals. She’s supporting you by being physically there for you - picking you up if there’s a bump in the road, or celebrating with you if things go right.
Thrill (Do they like trying out new things to spice up their relationship, or do they prefer to stick to a routine?)
Jihyo likes to try out new things, together with you. It’s always fun to explore the world around you with a willing partner who wants to learn and grow with you.
Understanding (How well do they know their partner?)
Jihyo understands you when it comes to your emotions. If you’re feeling upset, she knows how to comfort you. If you’re happy, she knows how to keep the good mood going.
Value (How important is the relationship to the person versus other relationships and things in their life?)
She values your relationship as much as she values her platonic and familial relationships. You’ve become an important part of her life over the years, just as her family and friends have, and you all should have equal importance to her.
Wild Card (A random fluffy headcanon that you have about the relationship?)
I’ve talked about this in another fic, but Jihyo is the best hype woman. She’s always there to support you, however she possibly can. If you’re feeling down, she’s immediately at your side so she can comfort you so you can feel better as soon as possible.
XOXO (Do they like to kiss, hug, and cuddle you? How often do they do so?)
Jihyo loves to hug, kiss, and cuddle you, but she understands place and time. You probably don’t want her all over you when you’re in public, so she saves the cuddling and lingering kisses for times when the two of you are alone.
Yearning (How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?)
Jihyo calls/FaceTimes you whenever you’re apart due to work or other plans. She always works off of your time zone, if your time zones are different. It’s sweet of her, especially since she falls asleep on camera and you have plenty of screenshots to show her when she wakes up.
Zeal (Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?)
Jihyo will definitely go to great lengths for the relationship, given that you will do the same for the relationship. When she puts all of herself in the relationship, she expects you to do the same. It’s about balance between the two of you - sometimes one has to do a bit more to make up for the partner who may be feeling a little down.
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savebylou · 3 days
love louis with all my heart but acknowledging that he doesnt know the words to the songs he’s performing and doing nothing about it is just so unprofessional especially since he has said many times how grateful he is that he gets to perform as a solo artist
i just don’t see him making a huge effort in being a better performer for his fans as a huge part of his shows is just him letting the crowd sing. i dont know i just want to rant and express my disappointment. i love him i really do and i want him to succeed in every way but he needs to do better
Hi anon. Sorry to not answer yestarday I think your comment required more time to write something decent, I was barely functioning during the show. This was a really long answer, sorry in advanced for that:
You have the right to feel this way, I always respect every opinion (as long as is respectful), I just don't see him forgetting part of the song as such a problem as you. I guess it was a combination of the emotions of the last show, him not performing the song in a while and just being nervous. I think the reaction for this is completely opposite with you and me, you get frustrated and I think he is endearing and just honest, but I could see your pov if you want a more structure performance.
About him being a better performer, again that is you opinion if you see that way, I just have to disagree with you on this one. I think he is always becoming a better performer each show and each tour.
About the crowd singing, do you mean it for Drag Me Down or when he was sick that they sing some of his parts? If it was with dmd well he forgot the lyrics so he ask for help lol, but again my reaction is opposite as you. If you mean the second option I mean he was sick and didn't feel great, he is making the crowd help him. I don't see that as a bad thing, he can't take a day off if he feels sick (unless is really bad) so he put that feeling aside and still makes an effort to give the best that he can and he is smart enough to know when to sing so he can still have a voice and when to ask for help from the audience.
In my show in Mexico City he didn't sing the last bridge of HOTH, he make the audience sing it and we were so excited singing super loud, we didn't mind. And you could hear it in the livestream him coughing and he still did the best he can, he was amazing at my show and push pass that feeling of being sick to give us to the audience in person and online the best show he can.
If you are talking about in general letting the fans sing, I mean is part of the shows to let the crowd sing or at least in the shows I had been for other artists and it makes it better to have parts when fans can be the chorus for the singer and is also a smart move so the singer can catch a break and breath a little. I guess if for you is important that the singer is always singing without letting the crowd sing or have less moments like that I supposed that could play a huge role of how you see Louis.
About Louis as a performer I just see the whole picture. If you see videos of Louis during 2019 even the first show during 2020 before covid in comparison to 2024 it's insane the difference. In those years Louis was standing in the mic for the most part, he didn't move that much. Even at the beginning of LTWT and at the end of that tour you could see how his confidence as performer grow.
Same with FITFWT at the beginning an the end or comparing LTWT and this last tour. Louis was a different person really. His performance and confidence he shows was incredible to see. He owns the stage, he ask for more energy to the crowd, he interacts with fans, he moves in the stage (in the catwalk he needs to be more there but I hope he does it on the next tour), he has the audience in the palm of his hand when he performs.
I think creating the setlist he did this tour is part of making that much effort to be a better performer as well, to give the best songs as possible and have a different version of the songs live. The live album is also part of that for me, is a huge effort to record shows over 3 years and select a few ones to make an album. He didn't had the need to put a live album, but fans ask for it and he gave us that beautiful gift.
I will always appreciate Louis and the effort he puts in his shows, in his setlists, his sneaky surprises of songs, his beautiful speeches, his mesmerizing performances.
I think besides his speeches this is how he show how grateful he is: the man has tour over 3 consecutive years, we always get content of him, he doesn't have a lot of breaks, he has done a lot of promo for the album and for the latam tour, he is always working to give us so many amazing things, he give us a documentary, premieres of aotv, a livestream etc. For me that is a huge effort, is a lot of work, a lot of him he is putting to the world, is a lot of energy and could be really draining at times, specially going on tour with so many times changes with back to back shows, traveling etc. He still manages to do it and give the best he can and thanks the audience every single time.I will be always thankful for that.
I guess if knowing part of the lyrics for a song and letting the crowd sing are very important for you it could be frustrating to see that. I just don't see that as a problem and I see Louis as performer different than you and that is okay too, we can have different opinions.
I hope you have a lovely day.
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sequinsnstars · 11 hours
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𝜗𝜚 ⊹ ‧₊˚ i’d do anything just to be with you 🪽˚⋅
ingredients; frank zhang and scrapbooks
fyi; fem reader, loads of fluff, references to mothers laufey and beabadoobee, not proofread whoops
notes; hiii this is a little blurb ab frank’s birthday :) i had finals last week so this is late but hope u like this bbies!! was sooo fun to write
wc; 715... is this still a blurb
food mood; a nice piece of chocolate cake. made with oat milk and topped with dairy-free chocolate buttercream frosting.
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“You let me win, didn’t you?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Frank’s grin said otherwise.
You two had been playing a game to see who could name every song, in order, off Laufey’s album Bewitched faster. When you started, Frank was whizzing through writing down the tracklist on his paper, but after getting closer to the end, his pace mysteriously slowed down.
You rolled your eyes in mock annoyance, trying to hide your amusement. “I refuse to believe you suddenly forgot ‘Letter to My 13 Year Old Self’ was on the album. That’s your favorite Laufey song of all time.”
Frank shrugged and replied, “It’s really very possible I did. Even if I didn’t, sacrifices can be made for my pretty girlfriend.”
Moments like these with your boyfriend were always your favorite. You loved that you could truly be yourself with Frank and he could truly be himself with you. He knew and understood you better than anyone, which was why it was initially your idea to throw him a birthday party. Nothing big, just with the seven demigods, plus Reyna, Grover, Will, and Nico. Annabeth and Percy had also suggested having a double-birthday-bash at Camp Half-Blood, since Grover’s and Frank’s big days were both today.
The party started off pretty emotional, what with the satyr bawling about the fact that his friends had taken so much time to do this for him. (You’d have done the same, honestly.) Frank shed a few tears as well – you knew you’d made the right decision throwing him a birthday party when he told you he hadn’t had one in years. Afterwards, Grover ate his personalized grassy, aluminum-flavored cake while Frank had his chocolate, dairy-free one that you’d baked with Hazel and the others gave him their presents.
They were currently going for a swim at the beach. You suspected Percy had been using his powers, as there were frequent water splashing sounds and exclamations of “Dude, not cool!” from Jason. Annabeth was the one who led all the others outside, picking up that you wanted some time alone with Frank. (Thank the gods for that woman.)
You brought yourself back to the present moment. “You’ve really got a way with words, don’t you?”
Leaning in, you kissed Frank on the cheek. Regardless of how many times you’d done it before, his face still grew warm at the gesture. 
You remembered something and grinned. “That reminds me, I still have to give you your present.” Before Frank could protest with some nonsense about not needing any gifts, you pulled out a beige book that had a cover adorned with photos of you and your boyfriend from over the course of your relationship. The time you both went to the photo booth, the time you went to see beabadoobee perform live, the time Frank got stuck as a bunny for a few hours and you took gentle care of him.
A little nervous, you handed the book to him. Frank silently flipped through the pages, which contained even more photos of your memories with little doodles, notes, and messages on the sides. He stared at the page where you’d written a list of things you loved about him. About half a minute passed without any comments.
“Sorry if you don’t like it. I know it’s not as glamorous as some of the other stuff people got you. It’s totally fine if you maybe want something else–”
Frank put the book on the table and grabbed your wrists, bringing your forehead to his in one smooth move.
His voice was deep and quiet as he spoke. “This is… the most meaningful thing anyone’s ever done for me.” A pause. “If you thought for one damn second that I wouldn’t fall in love with you even more after you gave me that book, you were wrong.”
You whispered, “So does that mean you liked it?”
Frank kissed you almost immediately after your question.
His lips were soft and warm and tasted like the cake you’d made, sweet and chocolate-rich. When he pulled away, your eyes fluttered open. Frank’s dark brown eyes shone, and you realized his pupils were dilated. You remembered reading something about that, but you couldn’t remember what.
He smiled softly. “Did I answer your question, princess?”
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hope you enjoyed the meal!
thank you for your order and your waitress siara hopes you come again soon 💌
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babeeangel · 2 days
i saw ur post asking for blue lock requests! what about fake dating with shidou? 💕
What Could Be
↬fake dating Shidou
Thank you for giving me a prompt ! I hope this satisfies u ! This is my first time actually writing for Shidou so prayin this isn’t ooc… And mainly i hope that you're okay with a series instead of a one shot...
This will be a multiple chapter story !! And i will post them whenever they are ready !! So please enjoy chapter one as i air my first "chapter" writing !! Yayyy 😎 Shidou x fem!manager!reader. Fake dating. 700w.
Chapter 1, Any Other Name
[no warnings]
It’s the first of the month and as every first of the month you receive your paycheck. It was your fourth one, meaning it had been four months since you started working at blue lock. You wish you could say you were a manager there, but your paycheck said otherwise. Assistant to auxiliary tasks. Yeah, that has a lesser of a ring to it. But still, you enjoyed your job, maybe because you got to be around cute boys all day, but mostly because it meant you could get away from your parents a bit. You had freshly graduated when you received a mysterious job offer, from an acquaintance of your former employer. You decided it could be a good idea to leave the family house to get some air. It was indeed ! Because you go to reinvent yourself, even make up a fake name 'cause you felt like it. So here you were Vivi.
Well you were Vivi to most people. Except for this stupid boy that always mockingly despised you, so much you weren't sure if it was a joke anymore. To Shidou, you were maid-vivi. As if the only task you did was cleaning. Well, he was kinda right but you would have never admitted it to him. You still had paperwork and PR work to do sometimes...
You took your paycheck and exited Ego's office. And as you made your way to your staff room (your personal bedroom if you may) you bumped into him, yet again. It seemed like your paths always crossed, you could swear you saw him more than your own reflection these days. “Maid-viviiii” he sang as he walked towards the cafeteria. “Shidou.” Suddenly a crazy thought came to you. You could blackmail him. And win money with it. Obviously you wouldn't extort it out of him, but more at the situation. You grinned. When was it you became evil ? 
“Are you holding up well ?” You turned around before he was too far away. He stopped and turned around too, to see your face. You could see his incomprehension at your concerned face. “What do you mean, maid vivi ? I’m always well, and I recovered perfectly from yesterday's match as a U-20, as I always do”. You wanted to mock him so badly: “even though you lost ?”. But you said instead: “Oh.. So you haven't seen then ?” God you started feeling bad for being this machiavellian. “People online, they found out about, you know… You swinging that way. I’m sorry they outed you to everyone this way. But worry not Shidou, I'll still treat you the same as I am actually an ally to ga–" "I’M NOT GAY !”. Damn he got started fast. Perfect. “WHO THE FUCK SAID THAT”. “Uhm, netizens, but as I said every sexuality is fine and–”. “I’m not a fucking gay ! I respect them obviously but I'm not like… Like them !” He was still shouting. “Oh… they lied then ? But they showed old tweets you had on your profile and–” “Impossible, I’ve never done anything like that. I swear i will find these fuckers and make them pay”. “Well they can pay all they want but now everyone knows- uh i mean thinks you’re a homosexual”. “Why do you put it that way ?! Pfff I need to prove ‘em I'm not. Maybe if i retweet hetero porn it’ll convinc–”. “Ooh i don’t think you need to go that far”. As you said the sentence, another lightbulb appeared and lit in your head. This whole prank –cause yeah it was a prank, no netizens ever found any tweet– was solely to piss him off. But now you could get something else out of it. “I think dating a girl would be enough. Good luck on finding someone while you live here 24/7 tho. Anyway I need to go now ! Good luck !”. Both these sentences were not complete lies. “Fuck…” you heard him hiss down low as you left. 
What did you get out of this crazy man stunt ? The satisfaction of seeing him suffer AND something that will most likely bring new audiences to Blue Lock TV. BLTV had already started unbeknownst to the boys. If Shidou, one of the most populars contestants, had a girlfriend, it would create new drama that’d bring a new audience. And you being the start of that would most likely mean a raise ! Double homicide. 
That was your ideal without actually thinking things through. Because who was the only girl Shidou could turn to, while living here 247 as you said ? Yup. 
[ y o u ]
A/N: AHH I NEVER MEAN FOR THIS TO BE A SERIES ??!!! but it just came naturally... This will be a new exercise so I'm actually keen to see how it goes, how i'll do !! Also i forced myself to be concise cause i always do the longessttt (almost annoying i feel like) writings so i hope it's still comprehensible. FEEDBACK IS SO GREATLY APPRECIATED !!! hehe love u, u reading this...
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auspicioustidings · 3 days
Hello, I'm not sure if you're taking requests for COD headcannons, but I would like to know if you can do headcannons for 141 x reader and/or Kortac x reader (which ever you prefer) in which the solider/medic reader has a major sweet tooth. Like the reader is seen almost always having something to snack on, having to ask the reader if they can have some, and a couple of members finds out that they have a hidden stash of various types of candy, cakes and any sweet there is.
I hope this make sense, and you can any other aspects that comes to mind. Thank you for reading and it's alright if you're unable to do these headcannons.
Have a great day and I luv your work! <3
I have never had anyone ask before but I can certainly give it a bash!
Treats you the exact same way he treats the K-9 team meaning he has at least once been dragged into an office to get an absolute bollicking for feeding you too many treats
To him the job basically ruins any chance at a good life so anyone choosing to do it should be allowed anything that makes them happy and doesn't affect their ability to work
He has his cigars, you have your sweets and he about died laughing when you whipped out a chocolate cigar so you could "smoke with him"
Doesn't really notice because he's not super into sweets until Johnny starts whining at him because you keep hiding your stash
He uses this as a training opportunity because his men shouldn't be getting outfoxed by a medic with an affinity for sweets
Eventually you cut a deal with him and he gets Johnny off your back in exchange for helping him hook up with one of the IT people (it's a total mess in the end because the IT person is into you, you are trying to get them to sleep with Ghost and Ghost made you promise - he absolutely did it on purpose and takes great joy in watching the whole debacle)
Finds out immediately and found it cute at the start because you were always so happy when he'd give you little sweets
Finds it less cute when everyone else starts giving you sweets because he is both jealous and competitive, so he's out to find your stash and wreck it so his gifts reign supreme
Winds up going into an absolute spiral when one of the other medics brings fucking home made brownies into work and proceeds to spend a ridiculous amount of money and time doing an intensive bakery course on leave
Still sucks at it because he just doesn't enjoy following instructions so instead begs Ghost to bake things that he then passes off as his own (Ghost of course delighted because my my Johnny, what are you willing to do for me in exchange?)
Has been your PT since basic, is well aware of your habits and has been trying to curb them for years
Like it's fine you are eating sweets ONLY IF you are meeting your protein goals and not going wildly overboard so he isn't inclined to stop you unless he sees you are starting to eat way too much
Once a week the last ten minutes of your gym sesh are spent trying some healthier substitutes to see what ones you enjoy and could start subbing in and which just won't cut it
In general when you are working on their base Kortac are strict with you. Konig takes nutrition pretty seriously so he expects that when people are on base they are eating well. The rest are used to all eating the same meals and sticking to the snacks stocked in the mess while they are on base so they only tease you when you complain.
Los Vaqueros
Absolute riot, they love feeding you. Rudy's grandma is constantly sending home made desserts. Alejandro hand feeds you. It's like when you are babysitting and just give a kid sweets because it won't be your problem in an hour. No issue to them sending you back to the 141 all hyper.
Ghost Team
All out war. Everyone is stealing one another's sweets, alliances live and die on a single bar of chocolate. Game of Thrones could never hope to match the levels of bitter political manoeuvring.
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cactus-ler · 10 months
Hope you're not the huggy type, Cactus guy.
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I would love to hug someone someday! Have you seen Ponyo before? You know that scene where Ponyo hugs Sosuke?! I would love to hug someone like that.
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*wistful sigh* I wonder what it’s like.
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keepthetension · 6 months
still thinking about grief and recovery and support on this show because oh boy did the shows airing this weekend put me in my dead parent feelings i said before i was concerned about how porjai is dealing with her own grief, and this episode we saw her easily talking about rung, and even casually yelling to rung that she misses her! maybe this is me projecting, because i can't do that, but this seems like a pretty healthy place to be, especially contrasted with mhok's relative silence, and i'm glad!
and mhok's silence doesn't come from anger or resentment (which are valid ofc, but i did wonder if imprisonment gave him time to work through this to some degree) but out of protectiveness. i fucking loved this, because it felt so realistic and lived-in. i lost a parent to intimate partner violence, and i NEVER open up about it; people sure have Opinions, and it makes me insane
but day finding out about rung offscreen wasn't on my bingo card, tbh. because we've been with mhok through everything he's found out about day
it doesn't bother me, exactly, but it feels slightly unbalanced, and i suppose what i'm thinking is: knowing what happened to someone doesn't actually tell you how they feel about it, or how it affects them, or how you can support them
mhok found out from that lady sharing personal medical info she had no business sharing about day losing his eyesight in the accident, but he put in the work to understand what it actually meant for day. and in most cases, we've seen day telling mhok about what troubles him in his own words (his crush on auggy, why he was avoiding his friends, etc)
bereavement is probably statistically more common, so i suppose it may not need to be spelled out for an audience? but i am wary, because there have been so many shows where characters are visibly — to me! — struggling with grief and everything else matryoshka-ed in it, but audience reaction simply doesn't factor this in
i'm also thinking about how often mhok tells day a story about himself with the intent of making him smile ("i bought two bracelets just because i had money to spend" "i found this rooftop when i needed to sober up" "my sister called this false rice". i'm certain there are more!). because this is what a caretaker does, or because this is what mhok does, or both?
because this always made me wonder what it would take for mhok to talk about something that wouldn't make day smile, or because he wanted to share. in the former case, it'd have to be something pretty bad!
of course, talking isn't the only way to recovery or intimacy. and mhok going from "i'm breaking up with my devoted gf because i don't want to drag her down with me" to "i'm going to ask you to be my bf" is pretty significant!
but as they navigate the journey from being caretaker and client to being boyfies, the balance has to shift around a bit to them supporting each other, consciously choosing to be there for each other
in this episode what we got was: you only want money to buy that car. and i'm not even mad about this, because this kind of comment is very in line with day's character. but wow. day, i know you're feeling big feelings, but throwing one of the few things you know about mhok's life in his face is. not it!
#last twilight the series#i know this is a “trustworthy” director. and i will happily eat my words! but#it's always bothered me when couples fall into this pattern of ONE person doing the bulk of the supporting and caring and accommodating#and i am HOPING WISHING PRAYING this show doesn't do the same you know?#also like the imbalance makes sense if they're only caretaker and client of course! i'm just SO curious how this will be addressed#thinking a lot lately about characters society puts into a certain box because social status or because they're Manly or Tough or some shit#and there isn't a space for them to be soft and goofy and playful and tender. and people assume they don't need to be cared for#ten from cooking crush and babe from pit babe and top from only friends. for example.#and “there's zero tenderness in you” mhok#and i desperately want to see these characters get to be more than they're “allowed” to be#patriarchy is a curse#oh also i suspect mhok's “healing journey” will come to a head once he buys the car or whatever ends up happening there#ALSO GOD how many people would move the fuck out of that house afterward IF THEY HAVE THE MONEY TO DO SO#and maybe it doesn't feel like this for mhok and porjai but living in the same place afterward can be intensely suffocating#but they can't just move and start over like moneyed individuals might be able to!#recovery and healing simply looks different for the rich#anyway next ep will probably foreground mhok caring for day. and there are not many eps left!! i am wary but still fairly optimistic
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rowenabean · 11 months
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#the wedding was lovely and i am so sad#managed to get most of the sad out of the way Friday and Sunday so i could be glad for them on the actual wedding day#but still. i'm going to miss her.#we always talked about living together and we never did and now we probably never will#i've got a model of married folk living together in community but i don't think they do and it has to be something you choose#her family are lovely and i was really glad to meet her friends and cousins that she talks about so often but they don't really get it#they get to have her!!! she's moving somewhere that's more convenient for literally everyone other than me! (this is not hard to do)#really good to get home and hug my dad and my little sister and have people who are my people around#was actually really good at the reception that there were a few other folk from my current town - i wasn't the only person who was#mixed joy and tears#i said something about us giving her over in my speech and they said yes that's exactly how we're feeling#but it wasn't till her husband responded to that in his speech that i started crying#everyone has been so kind to me but it has been SO good to get home#hoping i can get a bit more sleep as well. emotions are bigger when tired even though they're real still#(her cousins invited me to come stay any time and tbh i can see that living in Auckland could be actually really nice if you live where they#do. but i couldn't live where they do and do the work i want to do it is quite far away from the places in Auckland i could imagine working)#rowena adventures#btw no photos of me currently but probably some later??? not that we took many the groom had been sick the previous week and was#still pretty wiped so they got like two photos with the bridal party and ten with just them and that was it
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
Being a leftist does not mean you are immune to the things you criticize rightists for. All too often, I see fellow lefties who act as though being a leftist by itself is enough to make them "better than" political opponents. In truth, it makes you unapproachable if somebody is a minority.
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murobrown · 14 days
#hello i just found out my dad might be getting another divorce and he's not telling me :))))#he might be already separated from his wife living back in my hometown with who knows who :))))))))#so he left a woman who he has cheated with on my mom and basically destroyed whole family :))))))))))))))#i don't have any reliable sources for this ans I can't ask him but it is eating me inside#and I had my suspicions since Christmas but I just thought they are having some tough period#so whenever I called him I tried to check of everything is okay and everything seemed okay#and I just hope they're still maybe just going through something but they will end up back together again#and i won't know because we don't talk about our problems in my family you need to be always happy#and god forbid you bother someone with your problems#i am sorry of this is too personal but it's making me freak out a little bit#i just can't stop thinking about it#and is it bad that I actually feel sad that I won't ever see his cats again if his wife keeps them?#ugh how the fuck can you divorce twice in your life?????#and does this mean that I also have some fucked up genes in me????#i was kinda hoping he would come to visit me for my birthday because I don't want to be alone but I doubt it will happen now#i just miss him and i want that he's hapy#okay that's enough i just needed to get this out of me#have a wonderful day everyone I'm going to take a shower because I ran 5km today so at least that's something positive
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