#I hope all the writers who took part in it know how talented and amazing they are
vodika-vibes · 7 months
(You know who this is)
May I have Sev x female IT Ambrosia and Corriander a nsfw/steamy scenario for Sev's reaction and thoughts to what he sees and what he reads in the filthy sketchbook/journal please? 🥺🥺🥺🙏
(Lol, I keep picturing him just holed up somewhere for three days, reading, sketching and getting off and it makes me giggle x3)
Thank you either way hun.💛
You are an amazing writer and I hope to be as good as you someday! 🌻
The Journal pt II
Summary: Sev's thoughts when he has the journal, and then his first time with you.
Pairing: Clone Commando Sev x F!Reader
Word Count: 953
Warnings: Smut
Prompts: Ambrosia - love is reciprocated, Coriander - lust
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: Sorry that this took so long...and that it's so short. Sev didn't want to agree with me here.
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Sev absently runs his fingers over the fine leather cover of the borrowed notebook, the images etched on the paper flashing through his memory as he settles back in his bed and opens the book to the first page. 
The first couple of pages are rough sketches.
Rough sketches of her, his pretty little artist. Some of the sketches are more detailed than others, others are much more rough, just outlines, but even so, Sev can’t look away.
How someone so talented is living her life as an IT specialist for the GAR is beyond him. 
He flips past the sketches, pausing every now and then to admire some of the sketches of his brothers, or plants or buildings, before he gets to the first image of him.
Well. The first image of them together.
It is a very good drawing, very detailed, though he knows that she would have had to use her imagination on some parts. Even so, the image on the page could have come from his own imagination…or his own fantasies.
He skims the words written on the opposite page, but Sev quickly finds himself unable to focus on the written words in favor of the images on the pages. 
And here he thought that his crush was wholly one-sided.
He’ll have to do something about that. Later.
Sev flips through the notebook quickly, glancing at the pictures and skimming the half story that she’s written, a small smirk crossing his face as he looks at the pictures.
His cute little cyar’ika is kinkier than he thought, at least, she is if these pictures are accurate depictions of her fantasies. 
He wants to fulfill all of them.
Sev shifts, uncomfortable with how tight his blacks have gotten due to his arousal. That’s something else that he’ll handle at some other point in time. Later tonight, maybe, when he’s in the shower.
It’s the only place he gets any damned privacy after all.
He scans one of the images one more time, and then reaches for a sheet of paper and a pencil. If his cute little cyare is going to fill an entire notebook with her fantasies, the least he can do is share one of his own.
It’s only fair after all.
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Sev is crowding into your space, his arm is folded over your head, and his free hand is resting gently on your hip. You know that your face is flushed, with embarrassment, yes, but also arousal. 
He leans in and catches your lips in a deep, hungry kiss. And you eagerly lean into the kiss, into him. 
Roughly he nips your lower lip, and then pulls away, but only far enough that he’s able to speak. “Where’s your room, cyar’ika?” He all but growls against your lips, and you really shouldn’t find that so attractive, but you really, really do.
Wordlessly, you take his hand and tug him further into your home, until you’re standing in the door to your bedroom. 
And that’s when Sev takes over again. 
He crashes his lips against yours again, and walks you backwards until you topple on the bed, landing with a startled squeak. A squeak that’s swallowed by him, as he follows you down to the bed.
Everything about Sev is intense.
You know this. You’ve known this. It’s part of the reason that you were so attracted to him from the start.
But now that he’s here, pressed against you, his hands sliding under your shirt to remove the material from your body, you’re finding yourself a little overwhelmed.
Sev pulls away and peppers kisses across your face, and then he pulls away a little more to strip your shirt off, and he tosses it to the side. And then he stops for a moment, and he lightly presses his hand against your cheek.
Something soft and adoring crosses his face, “Beautiful,” He murmurs, “I’m going to make you feel amazing,” Sev promises, “I bet you’ll be gorgeous when you fall apart around my cock, angel.”
Your face heats, and you turn your head to press your face against his forearm.
“Aww…my sweet girl is feeling shy?” He presses a kiss to your neck, down to your collar, and then kisses down between your breast and lets his lips linger on your stomach.
Your gaze meets his, and you smile softly as you reach out to thread your fingers through his hair. 
Sev hooks his fingers around the waist of your pants, and slowly tugs them down, “I need you to know, cyare.” He murmurs as he presses light kisses to the newly exposed skin, “I must have gotten myself off to those images five or six times.”
You giggle softly and then gasp when he nips your hip.
“Kept imagining you with me in the shower.” He murmurs, his gaze remains locked with yours as he slides down your body, “Your pretty lips wrapped around my cock, looking up at me with your pretty eyes.” Sev groans at the memory, “Soaking wet…and not just because of the water.”
His name slips from your lips in a breathy moan, and he chuckles, “Kept imagining you getting off on getting me off. Getting yourself all worked up because of me and my cock-”
“Sev, stop teasing-” You whine.
He laughs, “I haven’t even started teasing you yet, cyare.” Sev slides up your body, and kisses you, slowly and deeply. “I’m going to make you feel amazing.”
“Please.” You whisper to him.
“Well,” Sev kisses you one more time, “How can I deny you when you ask so nicely.” And then he pulls back and strips his shirt off, tossing it to the side. “I’m going to ruin you, cyar’ika.”
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something-tofightfor · 9 months
2023 Year End Summary
I usually use this post as a way to wrap up my year, and this one's no different.
See beneath the cut for some of the highlights of my year - and some thank you notes.
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First story post of 2023: Competing For Christmas 6.2 - Let It Snow (The Scavenger Hunt)
Last story post of 2023: The Epilogue of Snow and Mistletoe (which will be posted later tonight)
Most Surprising Thing I Wrote in 2023: Wing Pit Daniel. Who the hell thought this would be a thing? Certainly not me.
Daniel + Vacation /First and 10  / Daniel + Beer / Daniel - Distracting Kiss / Smutsgiving: Sweet Potato Casserole
Something I never thought I'd write in 2023: Sex Pollen for Marcus Pike.
Things I'm proud of writing in 2023:
Tim Rockford Headcanons and the resulting Black Days
Joel Miller: NSFW ABC's / All I Ever Needed / Everybody's Waiting For The Next Surprise 1 + 2
Over the course of the year, I wrote just under 434k words on a total of 23 series/stories/events.
This is 65k below where I wanted to be - but I definitely got sidetracked during a few months - including a few where I took vacations or my mental health was in the toilet.
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My goal for next year will be 500k words again, but I'm going to set some specific goals for my writing, including finishing a few things that I've neglected for far too long. That includes:
Locked Down
Caught On
It's Dangerous To Fall In Love
I'm also going to finally release Baseball Jack in his entirety on you in 2024... get ready. I'm not going to lie - 2023 was disheartening from a writing standpoint for a lot of reasons.
Engagement was way down, the same small group of authors and stories seemed to be the only ones getting any sort of traction in the Pedro fandom, plotlines and characterization that I have no interest in writing or reading were the craze - especially for Joel, and actual feedback on things was almost nonexistent.
But that doesn't mean that I'm not proud of what I wrote, how I wrote it or why I wrote it.
I've said it before and I'll say it again - I'd rather have smaller numbers overall and be absolutely happy with what I've put out and how long it took me to do so than rush things to hop in on current popularity or hope for instant success with a story.
My writing process hasn't changed - and while I appreciate and have respect for people that can and do post things without editing or rereading or sitting on their work and letting it settle, I've never done that, and I never will. I'll also never hold my stories 'hostage' or threaten to keep new chapters under wraps until engagement improves or I hit a certain number of likes/followers/etc. That's unfair - and for something that's supposed to be fun for both writers and readers, it's baffling to me when people do this.
And now on to the fun part: I read some amazing work from some amazing authors this year. The list includes but is not limited to:
@the-blind-assassin-12 @oonajaeadira @littlemisspascal @wildemaven @trulybetty @morallyinept @prolix-yuy @tessa-quayle @grogusmum @whataperfectwasteoftime @keldabe-kriff @katareyoudrilling @undercoverpena ... and so many more. You're able to do things with words and storylines that is SO impressive. We're all lucky to see and read your work. If I didn't include you, please know it's not on purpose. And it's not only writing: it's art, too. @stealyourblorbos @valkblue @thekawaiifruitworld @versatileginger @saminadorazahi @be-an-echo ... your talent is endless. thank you for sharing.
There are so many talented people in this fandom that I wish I had more time to read and admire their work. That's one of my goals for 2024: to consume more content from people on tumblr and A03 and share it. I know I need to do better with this. I know I've been slacking. I don't want to do that anymore. My goal for 2024 is also to make some new friends on here, because to be truthful, I feel a little on the outskirts of so many friend groups, and that's no fun. So if you'd like to message me or say hello or interact, please feel free to do so. I'm also on Discord - somethingtofightfor is my username there. If we've interacted in any way throughout this year, please know that I appreciate you. I thank you for taking the time to read my work or reach out to me. I see all of the comments and messages even if I don't reply right away (something else I'm going to work on getting better about in 2024!!!) Happy New Year to all of you - I hope 2024 is bright and warm and filled with love and support. You deserve it.
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hongthoven · 5 months
hiii i saw your requests are open and omfg- off topic but youre so pretty😞🫵 hongjoong would deffo be proud of himself for having you as his stan. NO JOKE.
Ahh also I've read almost every work youve done and your writing style, everything just- HOW YOU WRITE IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING, I could go on reading everything written from you for hours!
Anywayy- again, I saw your requests are open and ahaha since Im not a writer, and I admire you like A LOT i really wanna share one of my scenarios these days and mayyybeee you could writeeee abouuuuttt itttt hehe (ofc if you want --I wont be mad if you never make it lol ill continue support your work!)
So- IM SO WHIPPED FOR SEONGHWA. Been loving my man for years now lmfao so you already know whos this aboutt~, anyway hehe, i was thinking maybe writing 9th member fem!reader ! Ateez (and reader included ofc ofc) are going on vacation in a really nice hotel, with beach outside, everything's perfect for the members to relax a bit from their busy schedule! Reader is also kind of bf and gfs with seonghwa? I mean everyone in the industry AND out of the industry ships them, call them power dynamic and stuff and, even before that, reader and hwa always had that tense. Yk, reader is prettt close with all of her members, they feel like big brothers to her but fucking Park Seonghwa is driving her AND HIM insane since training day. Reader though, is mostly closer with Mingi if not Seonghwa and they are so so touchy with each other, flirting but for fun and nuh uh girl Seonghwa is POSSESSED. Hes so jealous and he doesnt even hide it. Doesnt even try to hide it. He doesnt have a problem with Mingi but when he sees his hands all over you gosh he really wants to make him watch you getting railed by him.
+ its beach day and ateez decide to play shoulder fights? Chicken fight? Lol idk how to say it and Reader get paired with Mingi which causes Seonghwa watching her thighs all over Mingis face. Ahhh- JEALOUS MUCH. Let me add also that of course Seonghwa and reader share the same room so in their way back from the beach it was so tense. Lol- kind of vers2 from your hongjoong jealous bf fanfic. (I RLY LOVED IT BTW🥲)
Im so so sorry if I didn't give you my exact thoughts but- i trust you enough to make it your own~ adding your little details and everything. Youre so talented I dont think you need my details- I think i gave out the main parts!
Thank you so much for your time and I hope you have, will have and had a nice day<33 im so excited for your new works!
(English is not my first language btw so excuse me if something did not make sense)
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(actual representation of me reading the beginning of that message-- please??? what if I'm kicking my feet in the air and squealing right now? that was adorable! thank you so much ♥ I'm nowhere near beautiful, what you see is the disgusting reflection of my neverending love for Kim Hongjoong, nothing moooore...!)
I'm so sorry it took me AGES to get this request done but it is finally posted ♥ here ♥ !
I hope you enjoy! Thank you so much for requesting and for your lovely words! ♥
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look-at-the-soul · 2 years
Look at the soul- Part 5 I run to you
Cillian Murphy x reader
Series Master list
🎭 These two are getting closer! I hope you like this story and if you do, your feedback is highly appreciated.
Thank you @heidimoreton once more for the moodboard you created for this story! 🥰 I wish you could know for real how much it means to me, you captured the essence perfectly and your theater input has been a great help!
And we get to meet a new character today too! Please note using the readers names, is as a thank you! For your constant support and encouragement to this or any other of my stories and it doesn’t reflect the reader/writer’s reality or background 💕 I’m just adapting their names to fit the storyline.
Song: I run to you by Lady A
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Marianne adjusted her coat over her chest, the weather seemed to change a lot during the day, now it looked like the rain would start to fall at any minute.
“Hello Marianne!” Greeted the owner of the café leaning against the brick wall, she was finishing her cigarette.
“Hi Alex -I-know-your-name’s-not-Alex.” She joked, anticipating the usual reply the girl with rebel hair gave.
“Oh, damn you won my answer now I can’t use it.” Both girls laughed at the inside joke they started to share every time she visited the coffee shop. “Are you getting your usual?”
“Yeah, I’m just dropping my bag at the theater first, and then I’ll come back.”
“Perfect then, can’t wait to show you the new mugs with quotes I got, it was a great idea!”
Marianne smiled at her, they clearly spent a good amount of time chatting. “I’m sure you’ll have to order more.”
And with that she walked one more block, until she was in front of the theater, in an unusual turns of event, that venue ended up feeling so close to home, giving her the opportunity to learn new things, meet incredible people and do something she never imagined she would be doing, she now knew her spot, learned a bunch of things and terms she had never seen in her life, how to move on stage… Marianne kept staring at it for a few minutes until she reached the steps and noticed a couple of people waiting outside.
“Are you here for the auditions too?” A girl pulled her from her thoughts.
Marianne shook her head. “No, I already got a part.” She felt like saying she had the leading role was a bit presumptuous, it still felt surreal.
“Really? That’s so cool! This is the first audition I go to, took some time off, so I’m freaking about it.”
“I’m sure you’ll do it amazing, trust your talent.” She tried to help her ease her nerves, just like Cillian and everyone else had helped her. “I’m Marianne.”
“Lee.” The girl answered. “Thanks.”
“What role are you auditioning for?”
“One of the women, you know.” She added moving her fingers as the quote marks.
“You’ll get the role, I’m sure. Best of luck, even though I’m sure you don’t need any.”
Lee thanked her as Marianne walked into the theater, the door to the stage was closed so she walked through another way, stopping midway as she found a photo that caught her attention, one she hadn’t seen before.
“You’ll probably say you won and arrived earlier, but I’m sure I won this time.” Cillian joked about an inside joke they had of who arrived earlier to rehearsal and approached her. “How was school?”
And her face lit up. “Great! In one of my clases we already got a business case of a company with all the financial information, each week we’ll get different balances like the Cash Flow statement, revenue, expenses… to build a financial strategy that fits their needs better.”
“That’s amazing.” She talked about it as if he knew a shit about the meaning, but he smiled and asked more about her assignments. And he loved to learn more about her world.
“One of my Professors won the Economic Nobel Price a few years ago.” She stated, excitement oozing through every pore.
“That’s impressive, I’m sure you’ll make the most out every course.”
Cillian had invited her to see the auditions, he mentioned it was one of the greatest way to learn acting tricks and tips from each performance, so she was really excited and willing to do anything in the books to improve.
“You kept this a secret.” Marianne pointed at the photo hanging from the wall, with a younger Cillian.
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He blushed and looked down, hiding his hands in the pockets of his jeans, too self conscious, avoiding his portrait staring back at them.
“You know, Heidi recommended me watching a few plays could help me… your performances are out of this world. Remarkable.” She didn’t want to overdo with the compliments, but his performances weren’t just completely different from one character to another, but also he seemed to be like a different person. “I’ve a lot to learn from you.”
He was truly an institution in theater, a great mentor to her, she was really grateful for all the time he was dedicating to help her improve.
“Thank you, it means a lot.” He looked at her, feeling so humble about her words.
But Marianne disliked uncomfortable silences and as she stared back at the photograph, one thing kept running in her mind…
“In this photo you look like you’re part of the movie Interview with a vampire.” She couldn’t stop the words flying out of her mouth.
And Cillian couldn’t stop the laugh that was produced from the deepest part of his soul.
“I can’t remember the last time I saw him laughing like that.” Heidi pointed out to Enda as the pair stepped into the theater.
Enda squinted his eyes while he cleaned his glasses with his shirt. “Yup, it’s been a while.”
“I’ve bad news… Laureen, I tried to talk to her about the leading role, but she was adamant to be in LATS* with the main role.”
The screenplay writer shook his head. “We got that role covered.”
“I tried to make her understand she would get a good role here and she could get back her leading role for the next play, but she said no.” Heidi looked between Enda and Cillian and Marianne, a few meters away.
“Most of the people from the previous play are staying right?”
“Yes, but we need to choose soon to complete the cast, so I booked all the castings already, we start in twenty.”
“My Adria.” Enda left all his worries behind as the pair walked towards them.
“Sorry I didn’t get the memo.” Marianne looked from Cillian to Enda, both dressed in striped tshirts and black jeans.
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Heidi snorted.
“Are you teaching her about theater or how to tease like you?” Enda faked an insulted look and turned to Cillian.
“Man I didn’t say anything!”
As Heidi left them to organize the audition, Marianne asked if she could see the performances from one of the seats in the boxes.
Taking the opportunity that they were left alone, Cillian took the chance to speak with his friend about something that had been running in his mind.
“I need to ask you for a favor.”
“I don’t babysit.” Enda jumped to declare.
Cillian rolled his eyes. “It’s about the contract, I need you to switch Marianne’s salary with mine.”
“Are you out of your fucking mind?” Enda’s head snapped to look at his friend. “It’s the amount we’ve agreed for you.”
Crossing his arms in front of his chest, Cillian lowered his voice. “She has offers from Google and Amazon for her grades, what makes you think what you’re paying her is enough? It barely covers for expenses.”
“I can’t compete with companies like that, you know it.”
“All I’m saying is, if she gets a better offer and decides to take it, what will you do with her character? We’re weeks away from the big opening.” Cillian pondered.
Enda seemed stressed out with every second passing by. “Why?” Enda wanted to ask why was he willing to cut down his own salary over someone who wasn’t a professional actress. But he left those words hanging in the air.
Internally, Cillian was asking himself the same question.
“Because I want her in this play as much as you do. And you need to remember how you trusted me back then for a play nobody believed in years ago.”
“This is indescribable.” Marianne whispered watching the actors move across the stage as Cillian joined her in the box. “They’re so professionals.”
Her point of view was so refreshing, for him it was like rediscovering theater for the first time.
“Can’t wait till the cast is complete, to finally do a proper rehearsal, you’ll love it.” Cillian could already imagine the venue full of people, the lights off…
She took notes and asked him endless questions during the auditions, until they came down, ready to go to the café to keep working on her character. But Marianne stopped a few rows behind Enda, looking at the woman on stage.
“Do you know her?” Asked Cillian in a low voice.
“I just met her earlier today, but she was really nice… she seems to be more the type for the role of the waitress if you ask me.” That role was fundamental for Adria, since the character would be the one suggesting her to use her beauty to get the money she needs to help the prostitutes, and she would be also Adria’s confident.
“Because that role needs to reflect someone you can trust, someone who helps Adria to see the positive side when she’s struggling with her demons.”
Cillian stared silently at the woman on stage, reading the lines for one of the prostitutes complaining about not finding anything.
Trying to not disturb the process, he took a seat behind Enda, leaning against the row of seats in front of him. “Did you find the waitress already?”
Enda shook his head first, then let out a loud sigh, still taking notes about the on going audition.
“Why don’t you try her for the role? Maybe you’ll find your Rebeca.”
Turning around in his seat, Enda gave him a long look, then looked back at Marianne, who was making him a pleading sign with her hands.
“Just do it.”
Mumbling something to himself, Enda stopped the lecture and asked Lee to change her character. She immediately moved to gather the tray and empty glasses focused as the man leaning on the bar of the club complained about not getting Adria’s attention.
“Barry, Barry…” she shook her head dramatically, pretending to pour him a drink. “You don’t understand what a woman needs.”
“What does she wants then? I gave her a sapphire!”
“If I’ve to explain her… then Adria’s not the one for you.”
Later after finishing her shift a the bar, Rebeca rushed to Adria’s flat.
“Barry told me he gave you a gift.” She poured them the remaining of the bottle of wine, a luxury these days and accepted one of the sandwiches Adria prepared.
“Yes.” Adria sighed. “But why do I want that for? I gave it to the doctor who attended Rainbow, I didn’t have any money to help her, he told me he’d give it to his wife and he would pay Rainbow’s hospital bill.”
“God, she got a terrible beating.” Rebeca stated. “I don’t know how you do it… after all the troubles you’ve been through.”
“Someone once told me that no matter how much damage the world causes, you shouldn’t let your heart turn into stone.” Marianne murmured Adria’s words, most of the script now in the back of her mind, and watching it through Lee’s performance was a completely different turn.
Enda turned around in his seat, staring at Cillian with open eyes, a big smile on display. Standing up from his place in the front row, he rushed to the stairs on the side of the stage.
Cillian turned then, to look at Marianne, a wide smile reaching his eyes, “looks like we found Adria’s best friend. Well done.”
It was now Marianne’s turn to blush. Sometimes the intensity of his eyes was too much, so she decided to suggest a visit to their regular café to keep practicing her lines, tones, she had a lot of things to keep up, to learn…
“How are you enjoying Ireland?” Cillian asked as she took a sip of her coffee. “Have you done the beer tour yet?”
But she shook her head. “I mean, I’ve been to the factories and done the tour, but I skipped the tasting.”
Cillian leaned back as if he had been hit by a truck.
“You don’t drink?”
“Occasionally, yeah a glass of wine or a martini, but I don’t like beer.” She scrunched up her nose in a way that made Cillian laugh, but his good mood quickly changed as his phone interrupted their chat.
“’Lo?” Marianne saw his features tense suddenly, followed by a firm no. He walked then to the back of the café, to an empty spot, during a few minutes, Marianne decided to focus on the script and the notes she had been doing, but her eyes decided to do something different and she found herself sending quick glances at Cillian, the man who had been helping her build a confidence on stage she didn’t know she had, showing her how to articulate properly so the soul siting in the last row of the theater would be able to understand her dialogue… but that was just one side of him, the other part was a complete mystery.
I run from prejudice
I run from pessimists
“Sorry, you were saying?” He took his place in front of her one more time, thanking the boy who arrived to pick up their empty cups.
“Everything alright?”
But I run too late
I run my life
Or is it running me?
Run from my past
In an instant, his eyes screamed that no, things weren’t fine. And he found himself shaking his head, after taking a deep breath, Cillian intertwined his fingers over the table and decided to open a door he rarely held open for other people, he told her that his wife passed away a little over a year ago and how he had completely focused in his sons ever since, canceling several projects in the process, he talked about how his family didn’t think twice to help him with everything; school runs, food, everything they needed, sometimes even stepping on the line, making him feel useless, he talked about his sons and the things they liked to do and for a brief moment, his eyes seemed to sparkle.
This world keeps spinning faster
Into a new disaster, so I run to you
But then he mentioned Andrew wanted to go somewhere on a school night, that was the call he just got, and by saying no, he was automatically the worst parent of the year.
She now was able to understand the sadness she found occasionally in his eyes, rare moments like flashes, but she definitely had seen them there, in the surface.
“I’m really sorry.” She offered her sincere condolences and an apologetic look.
“The hardest part is… thinking am I doing it right? Am I educating them well? I’m torn between been too soft or too strict, there’s no point in the middle.”
And she listened as he expressed out loud for the first time his fears and doubts of being a good parent, of not being there enough for his kids, for dropping his career to focus on his family, he might even had been a bit rude to his sisters and mother at some point.
“I’m sure you’re doing it great, you probably worry more than you should, but that’s part of being a parent.” Marianne tried to comfort.
And when it all starts coming undone
Baby you’re the only one I run to
Cillian leaned his head against his palm, over the table and finally, looked at her.
By the look of his eyes, he didn’t believe her.
“If you give yourself to your kids the same way you’re giving it all into this play, I can assure you, you’re doing a good job.” She insisted. “And I think you should accept all the help you can get… you shouldn’t carry out all of it by yourself.”
Cillian realized then, that he never talked to anyone like this.
He stared at her, directly into her eyes. How did he end up talking to her about such an intimate thing like his grief? When did he open up his heart to her like that? To trust her with things he didn’t dare to say to anyone else?
“I can’t just break right in front of them.” He shuddered, used to the constant pressure now. “Like what will happen when my family stops helping? What the fuck am I supposed to feed them 24/7?”
“Cillian one day it will blow up. Right in your face.”
He sighed. “I just want to raise them right.”
“I’m sure they are good people, having you as the role to follow…”
Cillian gave her a sad smile. “All they say is yeah, whatever,” he imitated, “and then their noses are glued to their phones.”
“If you’ve been a good father, which I’m sure… sooner or later they’ll go back to you.”
Having someone tell him he was doing a good job was a balm to his heart, in a non cocky way, he was relieved to hear some positive words.
“Thank you for listening to my shit,” he now felt slightly embarrassed, “I feel a lot lighter now.”
He really did, she didn’t seem to be judging him despite his sudden outburst of parental panic, no, she helped him put his feet on the ground and focus on things that really mattered.
Placing her palm over his arm in a soothing motion, she wanted to give him back all the things he was helping her with, but this was different. Oblivious to her worries, Cillian stared at her hand still on his arm as he felt a comfort he didn’t found in anyone before, something ignited.
But when Marianne removed her hand, he had to stop himself from reaching out and place it back to where it was. Instead he saw her looking at the window, it had been enough of him, so he decided to change the topic. “Are you ready to do the lecture with the whole cast?”
“Ugh, don’t tell me or I’ll get nervous.”
Cillian chuckled, easing her nerves. “You’ve nothing to worry about, you’ll do it amazingly!”
“Ow stop flattering me, I’m just a rookie.”
“You’re learning everything at a surprisingly pace, trust me… now I’m going to tell you something that might help you bring to life Adria and take her to the next level.” He leaned forwards as if he would be sharing a secret.
Marianne mirrored his move.
“Take a look at photographs, magazines… anything that makes you think of Adria.” Cillian smiled when he saw the way she was processing his words. “Think of a mirror breaking, pearls, a lioness… that’s how I see her protecting the prostitutes just as they will later protect her back, quotes also can help you, the more visual you can make it, the better.”
“As some kind of collage?” Marianne asked enthusiastically, already seeing it in her mind. Cillian nodded. “I like it!”
“It might sound simple, but small things like that can help you get in the right mindset of your character, you’ll focus Adria better…” he encouraged her. “Actually, I can already see her already in the back of your mind, you just need to bring her to the front row.”
Surprised, Marianne leaned back, crossing her leg she asked; “do you think so?” A head tilt and holding his gaze and Cillian felt goosebumps running up and down his body.
“That,” Cillian snapped his fingers and then pointed one at her, “that’s Adria’s look.”
He knew it from the start, Marianne just needed a little push.
Next part
A/N: LATS= short version for Look at the soul ☺️ the title got long haha 😆 hope you enjoyed this part 🎭♥️
Tag list: @lyarr24 @gypsy-girl-08 @cillmequick @zablife @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @kettlechips3 @heidimoreton @forbidden-forest-witch @kaitebugg03 @thenattitude @forgottenpeakywriter @onlydeadcells @babaohhhriley @lonelyweeb0044 @lovemissyhoneybee @ange-thoughts @already-broken144 @midnightmagpiemama @shelbydelrey @cutecurly-hair @winchestergirl22 @moral-terpitude @elenavampire21 @lespendy @kittycatcait219 @stevie75 @esposadomd @sloanexx @shaddixlife @rangerelik @peakyscillian @woofgocows @cillianlove @imichelle-l-rigby @emmanuelle19
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clown-demon · 1 year
Follower Forever (part one)
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Just wanna do one of these cuz I just??? Adore y'all... I may not have EVERYONE included cuz I had bad brain and Tumblr does NOT show all my followers when I want it.. cuz it sucks.. But under the read more I'll list a bunch of peeps that mean stuff to me, and then some peeps I WANT to know / admire / wish to talk to...
The besties: People who I deem as close friends / friends. People I chat to often.
@the-reddish-muse - You are my beeb. My wonderful beeb that I forever will cherish. I look forward to talking to you everyday. You're one of the bestest friends I have ever made. You def make my days brighter, even if we're just passing around pictures or something. I still LOVE our thread and our story we had going. You mean the world to me. You are a wonderful friend and I lobbu very much. You're in my mind a lot, and I am always wishing you the best. <3
@nurturing-starlight - It's been like... two years since we've known each other? I KNOW we met when I started RPing Eleanor. I saw Damien on my dash and I'm like 'huh that's a cool character' and I followed and I NEVER REGRETTED IT. You are an AMAZING person, you are a talented artist and writer! I always look forward to seeing your threads on my dash. I LOVE and ADORE Nimue with all my heart. She's just such a well thought out OC, and I think it's amazing how you're able to mesh her so well with other verses. She's def one of my all time favorite OCs. I wanna squish her.
@pcrplevenom - You are the LONGEST moot I have had. We've been mutuals for AT LEAST seven years. I met you when I was on my Warden blog. And we've been mutuals ever since. You are one of my dearest friends and I love when we chat! I LOVE Soldan. I say it from time to time again, I have NEVER read Homestuck and I actually really do not like it?? (Had an ex constantly shove it down my throat and nag me.) But I adore your little troll you have. Also it's VERY admirable that you have stuck with a muse for SO long. I bounce a lot between muses but you have stuck to the same muse for YEARS. It really shows how much you love your character!
@blackstardiopside - YOU'RE a long time mutual too! We met when I got into Steven Universe and RPed Peridot! AAH I STILL ADORED OUR SHIP. I honestly love your little bean you have. She's so thought out and adorbs, I LOVE her design and her characterization! I also love when we chat! We don't chat as much anymore, but I still adore the times when we do! You're such nice and kind person, never forget that!
@nulfy - I know we haven't like, known each other for very long. But you are someone I have warmed up VERY quickly to! I love chatting with you, although I sometimes get paranoid I am being a bother. .w. But you are a very kind person, I do NOT care what anyone else says about you-- you have proven me to me from time to time AGAIN that you are a kind and deserve all the love in the world. I absolutely HATE what has happened to you-- you do NOT deserve any of that shit. I only hope for the best for you, always. If you ever need someone to chat to-- my discord messages are ALWAYS open to you. Mwah!
@gonnachasethestars - IT HONESTLY FEELS LIKE WE'VE KNOWN EACH OTHER FOR LONGER. Man I was SO happy when we exchanged discords cuz I REALLY wanted to talk to you! You are an EPIC writer, I love the detail you put into your writing! You REALLY give characters life! Kounosuke will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart because of you! You're one of my dearest friends and I will always cherish our friendship. <3
@lambfated - I CAN'T BELIEVE WE'VE KNOWN EACH OTHER FOR A YEAR NOW. We met up the last time I RPed Narinder and that was like, a year ago. Man, time flies doesn't it? You are SUCH a lovely person and I ADORE all our interactions! I admire the fact you've stuck with ol Lamby for SO long and put so much detail into your character! You took a character with NO dialogue and turned them into something INCREDIBLE. Your Lamb will always be canon to me. I also adore when we chat, you're such a nice person! Zzzzz buddies!
@swordduels - You are probably one of the friendliest people I have met! You give off such energetic vibes and I LOVE it! You're so kind and I adore our chats! I love the fact you can strike up a convo with me at anytime! Cuz sometimes-- I just don't know how to reply??? And it fills me with joy when I see a message from you pop up!
@yoxngmadnxss - YOU'RE A long time mutual that I have had around for a few years! I LOVE the fact we've started to chat more!! You're SO much fun to talk to, and I am SO thrilled we talk now! You're such a talented writer, and I ADORE your art. I am SO excited to see more of your art for when you start digitally with a tablet! You're so kind and nice to me, it makes me SUPER happy. I love RPing with you all the time! And I love the fact you've stuck with me for so long! <3
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So it's my birthday and that means it's also the two year anniversary of me coming onto Tumblr :D it's been a blast and as this is what I did yesterday I want to shout out some of the wonderful people I met and friends I made on the way.
@supremestrangeness whose a brilliant writer and always seems to know how to carry a story endlessly yes...anding my silly whims and ideas. Nat loves the eldritch mess (in all his forms) and I am incredibly glad and ever greatful for your friendship!!
@cherryfinolahobbes anyone who says OC's shouldn't be part of fandoms should go and check out this blog right here. I don't think I've ever seen a muse woven through a fandom with so much care. The mun is just as wonderful, ever patient and happy to listen to my antics while go tackling house hold tasks. I wish we would chat more. I need to make more time for that!! (Also she's got brilliant recepies and food tips, honestly how can you not love that?)
@strxngemxgick I know this muse and mum haven't been around for a while. But they are such an infinitely wonderful and talented person. They've sparked my joy for artistic language and long form posts when there's a partner that matches the enthusiasm and length. I got to explore a softer side and more tragic stories with Nat in all our writing ant it is truly delightful. I hope they will one day decide to come back but even outside of Tumblr the mun is always considerate and so supportive. I'm always happy when they have a minute to chat.
@prplhawk As a fellow country person I am so happy you go along with all the silly AU ideas with a snap of the finger. The mun is amazing and such a flexible writer they catch their muse from silly moments to full fledged angst blood and gore. I miss you!!!! Let's write more crazy AU things!!!
@resignedworkaholics I've literally known nothing about James Bond when I met this lovely Q. And somehow a whole new spy world AU was born. I love the adorable sillyness of these two so much and I'm truly happy we get to write these stories. I know you've got tons going on. But I hope you're well and know you can reach out at anytime.
@ssolessurvivor If you ever need a friend. Logan is the one to call. Again. An amazing OC built and laced into so many worlds with a flexibility that still makes my head spin. I'm having so much fun with this wonderful little flirty friendship thing we have created and I can't wait for you to come back. I hope your wedding goes amazingly and you have the best honeymoon!!!
@seesbetterfromadistance My very first writing partner on this platform. Then he forgot about me XD but that's fine. Part of a very big platform and coming back after a while. I adore your Clint and the way you capture him so effortlessly! The mun is also amazingly talented in his craft and I love it when you share all your fotographs in an excited spam even though I can't always answer simultaneously. I hope that whatever is happening you keep that joy alive :) I don't think I've ever met a person this excited about a cactus in bloom and I am so glad you took me along for the ride (because I was very excited about that cactus then too!!!) I wish you well and hope you return for more writing shenanigans sometime :)
@smertzimy I miss our found fur family. Especially with these two tragic characters. They deserve all the love (and pets) they can get. Watching Eurovision this year has been a blast with the great commentary provided XD and I hope that it will be just as great next year. The mun always finds the greatest memes and pictures and the icons are on point!! I hope you have the grandest time and we find more of it to write again.
@esotericdescent / @thiefofcrows Is absolutely amazing! Please go check out his multimuse if you are even remotely interested in the eldritch and supernatural. But on top of that he is my Main Kaz Brekker (yes I write Inej Ghada on a different blog but this is my blog and my birthday and I get to shout about how much I love whomever I want for as much as I want here.) He is incredibly talented and I adore plotting with him. I am a massive Crows / Literature fan / overall nerd and this mun gets to suffer through it all and meets it with the greatest enthusiasm. I love the stories we built and the complexity I get to write without ever having to think twice if 'its alright to write this' because fuck yes it is!!! Thank you for your friendship and support of all the fun ideas and picture spams you get :)
Regardless of this up there. Thank you if you've stuck around, written, discussed, interacted and lived with me through another crazy year. The world isn't any easier but I know there are safe spaces and people to escape too. Be kind to each other and have a great day. I'm certainly planning on enjoying today to it's fullest (as I try with other days even if it isn't always easy)
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duckprintspress · 1 year
Celebrate Small Press Month with Duck Prints Press
March was National Small Press Month, and Duck Prints Press celebrated by collecting 12 questions from press contributors, recording the answers, and posting them on Tiktok and Instagram! Curious about the Q&A? This post includes a link to all the videos, and transcripts of each one for those who aren’t inclined to watch a mess of recordings.
Transcription: Howdy everyone, I’m Claire. I go by Nina Waters and unforth, and I’m the owner of Duck Prints Press, and I am very very very very much not accustomed to being a talking head in a Tiktok video, so I hope that this will be okay and that everything is awesome. So we are here at Duck Prints Press celebrating Small Press Month, and for that we had a bunch of our folks suggest questions that they might like me to answer and so over the next couple weeks (I expect) we’ll be answering those. So now you know what the basic idea is, and I hope you enjoy the answers.
What inspired you to start your own press?
Transcription: Hey folks, it’s unforth again from Duck Prints Press and here answering some questions about the press for Small Press Month. The first question that we got was “what inspired you to start your own press?” There were definitely a lot of factors that went into it, but I would say that the sort of most immediate big one is that when I started writing fanfiction I found that I was surrounded by all these really really amazingly skilled writers and many of them dreamed of being involved in publishing and didn’t really know where to start, how to get involved, who to talk to, blah blah blah, all that stuff, and I had just enough connections in publishing to think I had some idea of what I was doing and some qualifications for filling that space. And then it took 7 years to actually do it, so yeah it was a pretty big job. But here we are!
What distinguishes Duck Prints Press from other small presses?
Transcription: Hello again, here’s unforth/Claire/Nina, depends on what you want to call me I guess. Unforth is online, Claire is my actual name, Nina is my pen name. Once again here to talk about Duck Prints Press as part of our feature for Small Press Month, and our second question is “what distinguishes Duck Prints Press from other small presses?” Answering this well would require knowing a lot more about other small presses than I actually do, but I would say a lot of it’s different because of – well, for several reasons. We are much less top-down, in that we have a much more collaborative process for basically everything we do. We’re also much less of a black box, which is to say that it’s not like “send in submission, get answer back, that’s all you ever really know.” We try to be really really transparent and open about our process, what we’re doing, our timelines, our reasons for picking some people and not others, all of that jazz. We also are different in that we focus very strongly on LGBTQIA+ and queer stories and characters. I try not to say writers and creators and authors also because I’m not here to out anybody, but many of us are queer. I’m queer, hi! Yeah, that’s just a few of the ways, there’s way more, but I’m trying not to turn this into video essays. Have a good one, guys.
What is the best thing and what is the hardest thing about running a small press?
Transcription: Hi! Unforth here again for Small Press Week – Month – with Duck Prints Press, and we are answering questions we got from our contributors about the Press, and I am the owner/founder/manager/almost everything. “What is the best thing and what is the hardest thing about running a small press?” The best thing is the people. That one is really easy. I have met so many amazing creators who I would never have gotten to know otherwise, and everybody is just brilliant, talented, skilled, wonderful, y’all are amazing. I do this for you, and I do it for all of us, and I want to see us all succeed and be awesome and show everybody that a press modeled like this can work. You guys make it worth it every single day. The hardest thing is all of the not-fun parts. You know, everybody’s going to enjoy different parts of running a business. I find fiscal stuff to be challenging and a drag and it takes forever. I spent 3 hours doing our taxes last week. Don’t even get me started on collecting sales tax. It would bore you to tears, and it bores me to tears and I have to do it anyway. And marketing. Marketing takes so much time and so much work for so little reward that’s visible immediately. Like, the reward’s coming. It goes – little by little we get there, but it’s – man, it feels like you take baby steps for months to get, like, 5 feet closer to where you want to be. So I would say, the parts I find hardest are the actually “being a business” parts.
A word of advice to people wanting to start their own press.
Transcription: Hi hi, unforth here again from Duck Prints Press, filming some questions – sorry, filming some answers to questions we got from people involved in the press about how Duck Prints Press came to be as part of our features for Small Press Month. And our next question is, oh – it’s, well. “A word of advice to people wanting to start their own press.” One word: don’t. No, I’m kidding. It’s way more work than I ever thought it would be, but perhaps more importantly, you’ve got to be ready to be a jack of all trades. You’ve got to be ready to think that you can learn anything you need to learn, because you’re gonna have to. I know more about tax law than I ever would have imagined myself capable of learning because there’s never enough money to hire all the professionals you need who are experts and there’s never enough resources to recruit the people who have that information so you need to figure it out yourself, or at least that’s what my situation has been. Maybe if you have a lot more starting capital than I do you’ll be in a better position in that regard. Just, don’t be afraid of it, but be ready to learn all kinds of things you thought you’d never learn. And also if you think you’re gonna have time for your own writing, haha good luck with that. I hope you have a better time of it than I’ve had.
What is the best way for people to support small presses?
Transcription: Hi! It’s unforth/Claire/Nina Waters here again. I’m the owner and founder of Duck Prints Press, a small press that focuses on working with fanfiction authors to publish their original work, and we are answering questions we got from our contributors about things about the press as part of Small Press Week. And the next question is – “what is the best way for people to support small presses like Duck Prints Press?” Money. The answer is money. I can’t imagine this is a surprise. I mean – this is best way, mind you, I’m not saying only way. But I mean – there is never enough sales. It would be, you know, back our Patreon, support us on ko-fi, buy our books, review our books on Storygraph, Goodreads, our website, any place else you can think of. Your personal blogs. I don’t know – anywhere. Instagram. Tiktok, hi! But I know money is in short supply for basically everybody. If you’re looking at this and going “well, duh, money, but how can I do that?” That’s fine. Signal boost us. Talking about us. I mean, even just literally, just hitting a reblog/retweet/share button really, really, really helps. Because even if you don’t have money, when the posts spread through social media if they find – if they spread through 100 people and one of those people has money, then we make a sale. And that helps us, because in the end, this can only be a passion project for us, and we need to make money if we’re really going to succeed and show people that we can do this. And I think and know and believe that we can. And so help us out!
Why do small presses matter?
Transcription: Hi, it’s unforth/Claire again, here for another Small Press Month update from Duck Prints Press, and I just realized – I decided to do all of these on a day I’m wearing a ducky shirt. I didn’t plan that or anything, just worked out. I only own one ducky shirt – it’s not even like there’s a lot of them. And our next questions is, “In your opinion, why do small presses matter?” Small presses matter because traditional publication – trad pub – is really obsessed with marketing and success and corporation stuff and making huge profits, and they don’t have time for small voices and taking risks and margin – you know – marginalized people and publishing stories stories that they don’t think will succeed. And they’re wrong. I think those stories absolutely can succeed, but also, you know, there needs to be somebody out there taking those chances and that’s what small presses do. And a lot of small press don’t succeed, but even when we fail, stories have still been published, they’ve still been out there, the stories have still gotten told. So even when we fail fiscally, we’ve still succeeded in the core goal, which is to tell these stories to as wide an audience as possible. And that’s why small presses matter.
What are the common misconceptions about small presses, either internal or external?
Transcription: Hey hey, unforth here again with another of Duck Prints Press’s Q and A session answers to questions from our contributors that we’re doing for Small Press Month. And the next one is the first one that I’m sort of like “I don’t have any idea what I’m gonna say.” “What are common misconceptions about small presses, either internal or external?” I can answer internal I guess. I think people have a – well, maybe external too – I think people have a much inflated idea of our earnings and sales. They’re – they’re very low. Hi, I’m the owner. I’ve been running this for over 2 years and I have never taken a paycheck. One of these days I need to get paid. That would be nice. But I think there’s this idea that “if you build it they will come,” which is to say that if you write the book and put it out there, then people are going to magically appear to buy it. And that’s really, really not the case. It is so much work to get books into people’s hands or onto their devices as the case may be. In terms of other misconceptions from an external standpoint, I have no idea. You know, everybody comes to a job from a direction when they start a business. There’s gonna be things that they knew ahead of time and things that they didn’t. I came to this with a lot of experience in writing and editing and things like running web pages and organizing fandom events and things like that. I have no press experience. I haven’t worked for other presses. I am not traditionally published. I know some people in the industry, that’s about the closest that I get. And so what their point of view might be, I could not begin to tell you. But you know, we manage.
What are your biggest non-monetary victories?
Transcription: Unforth from Duck Prints Press here again answering questions we got from our contributors about Small Press Month and what running a small press is like. So our next question is, “what are your biggest non-monetary victories?” I guess it sort of depends what you consider a victory. I really appreciate the buy-in we’ve gotten from fandoms that know about us. Every time we get a lot of reblogs and a lot of boosts, it feels good because these are our people. We are fans. That’s the whole point is that we’re fans doing this in the hopes that we can get other fans involved as readers and writers and artists and graphic designers and website people and like every single person is a fan. The only person involved who isn’t a fan is my – is the lawyer I hire. And for all I know he is a fan, I haven’t asked. It’s really none of my business. It’s also – it always feels good when somebody big notices us, so, you know, the owner of another small press backed our first Kickstarter. I don’t care about the money – it’s cool that this person noticed, that’s what I was excited about. Cecilia Tan reblogged – sorry, retweeted us. A few other, you know, people who you’re like “hey, I know that name! I know who they are!” saw that we existed, and that feels good. I also feel like it’s essential. So yeah, I would say that most of our biggest non-monetary ones have been, like, “senpai noticed me” moments, haha. But you know, we’re getting there. I feel like I keep ending them with things like that so let me trying tying this off a little bit more intelligently. I think that in order to succeed ultimately, we need that kind of attention on us, and so every time it happens, it feels like a small victory because I figure – I think I read somewhere, and this might be total nonsense, that you need to, like, see a word at least 20 times before you actually know it. Like, before you can remember it, spell it, use it correctly in context, blah blah blah. And so I tend to perhaps inappropriately use that as my metric for, like, what it takes to succeed. Which is to say that, any given person is going to need to see Duck Prints Press and know we exist at least 20 times before that actually means something to them and they maybe think of us when they go, “Hey what am I going to read next? What book should I buy?” So, you know, that those – when those big people see us, that’s a lot of people’s one time finding out that we exist, so that means a lot. And somehow this has ended up the longest video. Funny how that works out.
What are the core ideas behind Duck Prints Press?
Transcription: Hey hey! Unforth here yet again with another of our Q&A questions from Small Press Month. We asked people on our Discord if they had questions about running a small press that would work well for videos during Small Press Month and these were the results. And I’m sorry I keep swiveling my chair, I’m trying to find an angle where the snow falling outside doesn’t reflect horribly off of my glasses. That’s why this keeps happening. Anyway, the next question is: “What are the core ideas behind Duck Prints Press?” The core idea behind Duck Prints Press is to work with people in fandom communities – fan authors, fan artists, etc. – to help them to bring their original work from concept to fruition. You know – we love it when those people publish with us, but we do actually offer consulting, so if those people don’t want to publish with us, they can just have us edit and then publish it someplace else, and that would be fine too. The core of it is helping people create, encouraging people to create, and helping all – helping individuals succeed by helping all of us succeed. Because many of us have individual followings for our fan works, and I think that if we – I really believe, and it’s one of the core tenants of the press – that if we pool all of that together, we can help all of us to get to where we want to be in terms of – as writers, as artists, as creators, you know, as published people. So, yeah, that’s the core idea. That comes with a heavy queer/LGBTQIA+ flavor. Nobody has to be queer, no story has to be queer, but the general gist is all very, very not straight or cis, or you know any combination thereof. We’re not that picky. We’re not outing anybody “own voices” style here. Helping fan creators to get more attention for their original work and lifting all – lifting each other up to do it. That’s our core idea.
What would you do differently if you had to start over?
Transcription: Unforth from Duck Prints Press here again answering questions for Small Press Week – Small Press Month. I keep making that mistake. Small Press Month about Duck Prints Press, the fan-oriented small press that works to help fan creators publish their original works. And our next question is: “What would you do differently if you had to start all over?” That is a really good question. Because if I’m honest, I don’t think we screwed anything up all that bad. And the things that got most messed up were kind of outside of our control to some extent. Like a lot of our year-2 plans just got delayed and put on hiatus because I ended up needing back surgery. I would do that differently. I would not try to run a business that was only 7 or 8 months old while suffering from increasingly severe spinal stenosis. That sucked. Don’t do that. In terms of things that I could control… I don’t know if it would have gone better because it’s really impossible to say, but doing a model where we had a lot more starting capital would have been very different and potentially could have gone a lot better. I think of Big Bang Press, which tried to do something very similar to us. They launched with a Kickstarter that raised $55,000, and what happened after that is best left to various fan wank webpages. But when I think about, sort of, what I could have done differently if we had started with $55,000, that would have been really different and I think potentially really helpful. We could have gotten a lot more input from professional than we’ve been able to really afford so far – like, by that I mean a CPA, a lawyer. Like, obviously we’ve spoken to those people, but I have to always try to keep it brief and do as much myself as possible because there’s just not enough money to go around. But if I’d had – if we’d gone a direction where instead of , sort of, shoestringing it from the beginning and trying to build from small to big, if we’d instead gone a “let’s collect investors and make this work from the – you know – build everything at once with a big starting investment” – I wonder how sustainable that would have been once the initial investment ran out? But it certainly would have made a lot of things different early on, and a lot of those things could have been easier. So, yeah, I know the reasons I didn’t do it that way, so I can’t actually say for sure I would do it differently or do it that way if I had to start over. But I do think that it’s a very different approach that could have had a very different outcome and might be interesting if we had a multiverse that we could test hypotheses in. 
Where do you see Duck Prints Press in 5 years?
Transcription: Unforth here! I also go by Claire, which is my real name, and Nina, which is my pen name – Nina Waters. And I am the owner of Duck Prints Press, and I am here answering questions from our Discord…Discord members, that’s a good word…Discord members about the press as part of a celebration for Small Press Month. And our next question is, “Where do you see Duck Prints Press in 5 years?” And I’ll own, I actually usually don’t project out quite that far. By the time I go to 5 years, it feels a little too pipe-dreamy and I tend to look at more like one to two years as more like my goal. Like, I’m in planning for 2024 right now in March of 2023. But I would say, 5 years, I’d love to see us breaking even consistently and making enough of a profit. I’d love to see our Patreon bringing in about a thousand dollars a month, which would be a bit – a little over double what we’ve got now, we’re about $400. And when I say Patreon, and I mean Patreon and ko-fi combined, I always short-hand it. I’d love to us having a really steady stream of novels coming out, like, maybe 10 novels a year, as well as 4 anthologies and all the short stories, novellas, and novelettes. I would definitely like to see our books on some bookshelves. I think that that’s achievable and probably – I mean, honestly, I think all of this is achievable, or most of this is achievable in a shorter time frame than five years. Like, I think I can probably have books on bookshelves sometime in 2024 – bookstore bookshelves, I mean. And I also – I think I’d love to see a pretty solid cadre of artists and authors who are working with us consistently. I’d love to be doing several major art projects a year, so like – tarot decks, art books, card books – I feel like there’s a lot of other really obviously stuff and my brain is just totally blank right now. But you get the idea. So not just author projects, but also projects that are sort of the artist equivalent of a novel as it were. And…yeah. I’d just really like to see us keep growing and keep doing what we’re doing. I think we’re on a good track.
How do small presses in general (and Duck Prints Press specifically) differ from tradpub?
Transcription: Unforth here again from Duck Prints Press, answering questions about the press for Small Press Month. I’m going to try filming this one with my right hand holding the camera, which for some reason seems much harder. And this is our last question for small press – Small Press Month. How is one 3-word phrase something bumbling in so many of these videos? The world will never know. “How do small presses in general, or Duck Prints Press in particular, differ from traditional public – tradpub – traditional publication presses?” I mean, certainly size. I mean, those places that have entire departments to do things that I do all of myself or do all of, do most of with the support or 2 or 3 other people. I mean, we’re almost up to having an editing department. We’ve got 12 or 13 people now helping with editing. But, I mean, we still only have on lead editor, like for things like anthologies, it’s still – I’m still the last say. Nobody else has yet been able to step up and be a lead editor, though I’m looking forward to that as something we might do maybe next year. Things like, I mean, selection process, transparency, I mean obviously we’re not a public company, we’re not traded. We don’t have investors. We don’t have stockholders. Things like that. So, yeah, I mean, it’s honestly it’s so different that it’s hard to say how different all of it is. I would say this is not about presses in general, I think we’re pretty atypical in how we handle these things even among presses – small presses, I should say. I’m not trying to exceptionalize us, like, I’m sure there are other places doing things similar to what we’re doing. But I certainly don’t know what they are, so I can’t like shout them out like “hey that place does what we’re doing!” Yeah, it’s sort of different on every level. In ways, like, we don’t work through agents at all. We don’t take unsolicited manuscripts ever. Our recruitment strategies are totally different. Our marketing strategies are totally different. You know, we’re – we really came at this as fans, first, and we looked at kind of what – what makes a fan thing succeed, whether that this is a new fanwork, or a zine, or a pay-for-production campaign, whatever it is. What are the things we’ve seen and been involved in that have worked that have done that. We tried to emulate that because we’re fans and we expect our audience to be fans, so we decided to take an approach using methods that are tried-and-true in fandom, and applying them to our original work. And, yeah, from bottom to top, that is just totally different than what trad pub does.
Transcription: Hey hey, so one last time here with unforth. That’s me. My real name is Claire, my pen name is Nina Waters. I am the owner and founder of Duck Prints Press, which is a small press that works with fan authors and fan artists and fan creators to publish and share our original work. We’ve been celebrating Small Press Month all through March, answering a whole mess of questions that we got from our Discord members. We hope that you’ve found these interviews interesting. I’ve honestly never done anything like this before. I have no idea if I’m doing a good job. But I hope you’ve enjoyed them. They’ve been interesting questions to think about and to answer, and I look forward to sort of opening up dialogues about any of these topics. If you’ve seen anything, heard anything, read anything in any of our posts on this topic that got you thinking, we would love to hear more about that. So, probably you know – I expect I’m gonna use this last video in a master post that links to all the others, check them out! We answered a bunch of questions about why we exists, what we do, who we work with, how we’re different, and we’d love you to get more involved. So don’t be a stranger, okay? And yeah, that’s again, I’m Claire/unforth, this has been all about Duck Prints Press, duckprintspress.com, in case that wasn’t really obvious, and um. Yeah. I hope you have a great day. And in conclusion, you guys – you guys want to see the snow? It’s been snowing the whole time I did this. It’s really pretty outside, take a look. Hopefully you’re not just seeing, like, tons of bug wire right now cause I can’t really see how good a view you’re getting, but yeah it’s really snowy outside of my office right now. Hopefully that wasn’t just, like, 10 seconds of just like glaring white light. If it was, I’m really sorry. Have a good one, everyone. Bye!
Thanks for joining us for Small Press Month, y’all, and if you’ve got any questions we didn’t answer, we encourage you to check out our FAQ, comment on this post, or drop us an ask on Tumblr!
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 1 year
how tf to start
hi babes, first *big fan big fan*. i used to write a bit on here and honestly just got too out of it but your works high key kinda inspired me to get back into it. i've had this idea for a whiskey fic and like started an obnoxiously detailed outline but since i'm not rly in the fic space, i'm hoping to find someone that i could bounce ideas off of. could i ask what you did when you first started? i want to be able to continue to motivate myself, and obviously while external validation is not the most important, it is a part of it lmao. i appreciate you and hope you're enjoying your august, you talented thing, you!
Hi lovely! Thank you for your kind words, I'm seriously blushing so hard and so happy for you that you're getting back into writing! I got a bit nostalgic looking back at my Tumblr journey, but here it goes -
I started off on Tumblr the same way many did - by lurking 😂 Coming from FF.net and a few years away from fic in general, I was amazed by the community I saw. It took me a few months to work up the courage to reblog and comment on the fics that I was silently reading, and I was amazed when writers replied! It was such an adrenaline rush, being part of a community, which I've never experienced before.
When I posted my first fic, a Din oneshot, I didn't have any friends or mutuals. The fic got mostly likes, and I was so happy about it because I used to get so little interaction on FF. Everything changed when I posted Consent. It gained a readership thanks to all my wonderful readers who reblogged it, and I was very fortunate that a couple of established writers very very kindly read and reblogged it.
One thing that I've always done from day one is to respond to every single person who interacts with my fics. It's so important to me that my readers know that I appreciate them so so much. It's through interacting that I met my first friends - both fellow writers and readers - most of whom I'm still friends with today.
So what I'm trying to say, very ineloquently, is that I got started by getting involved in the community, and I still do my best to be as active as I can. I (try to) read fics (sorry time is so tight lol), I reblog fics/art/gifs, I signal boost fics that I don't have time to read, I chat to my friends. Interaction is the bedrock of our community, and especially for creators, it's the way to meet like-minded people. And in building your community, hopefully you'll find people who will become friends who will cheer you on, and you will cheer on.
Having said all that, everyone goes about Tumblr differently, this is just my experience. I didn't go into Tumblr with a 'plan' either, this is just the way things panned out for me over the past year and a half. I hope you have fun getting into the community! If you do end up writing that Jack fic, let me know, I would love to signal boost 😘
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onlyjaeyun · 5 months
daddy’s home part 2 🗣️ greetings my dear zadie :D popping back after cold hearts ended and no amount of words could possibly articulate the emotions and feelings that i’m feeling right now.
first of all i’d like to start off with the story itself, ever since the letter got revealed i feel like that was the chapter that really engraved this story into my heart. in the written chapter where you were able to write every emotion and scene really made me panic and feel like i was in the room with them as well. your written chapters never disappoint and there are absolutely no words that could describe the way they make me feel. (fyi. i took more than 7 breaks and each of them lasted 10-25 mins while reading the written chap.)
now after that seeing the way hoon & yn forgave each other and began to get closer again and actually not hide their feelings anymore and act on them instead made me feel like a proud parent :,) honestly out of all the previous smaus or stories that i’ve ever read this one captured the enemies to lovers trope so perfectly and i will think about this one for the rest of my life 😁🙏🏼.
now onto the final part of the story, i found it so so beautiful how you have a thing for happy endings because they always are the cherry on top for the story for me, the fact that they had such a beautiful wedding with heeseung as the best man (sorry riki & yunie) and tsuki as the maid of honour was such a sentimental and wonderful touch i adored it so much. and getting to know that they had a daughter which will be raised by everyone in the story is so :0 like i can’t even imagine how entertaining and funny the moments with the younger triples and the older triplets are 😭 anywho before this gets too long i would just like to say that i absolutely loved the way you ended this beautiful story. cold hearts was the actual definition of an emotional rollercoaster, i don’t think i read a chapter that didn’t have me gasping in shock like ever and i think that speaks volumes about you and your work.
anywho, this was one of thee most stunning stories ever. one that captured so many human-like emotions and genuinely didn’t feel like a fan fiction anymore, it was so clear and obvious that you poured a whole entire precious part of yourself for this story and dedicated so so so much to create this masterpiece and words cannot describe how proud i am of you as someone who’s been with you since hype boy ☹️ your talent of having the perfect balance between describing and capturing emotions in the prettiest words in your written chapters and then having thee best humour and hilarious jokes in your texting & smau chapters is so impressive and admirable you genuinely are one of thee best writers on enhablr.
now with that whole part being said, i really hope that anon comes back to their senses and realise that you don’t owe anyone anything. cold hearts is another perfect smau that you’ve written and completed with one of the most emotional storylines and if they’re not happy with that they can just scroll away. anywho, im very proud of you zadie :) you did amazing and put in so much effort and dedicated all parts of yourself and more to this smau and anyone who can’t tell that is completely blind. the all nighters that you’ve pulled the amount of mental and physical and emotional hard work that you went through to push out such a heartfelt smau is so insane. you deserve all the love and praise the world has to offer and more my dearest <3
anywho this got way too long but i love you a lot zadie :D sorry for disappearing constantly and always remember that we love and care for you so so much <3 good job on doing such an incredible job on finishing cold hearts :D sending u thee biggest smooch and the warmest hug <3 (i will be back soon !!)
- ⁉️ <33
oh my GOD GUYS LOOK WHO'S BACK ITS MY BABYYYY😭😭😭😭😭 hi there my sweet love 🥺 i hope life's been treating you well snd that you've been taking care of yourself, pls accept all my kisses ☹️☹️🤍
i've been super emo lately so this ask made me tear up and maybe even shed one i cant lie 🤕🤕 thank you SO much baby. for literally everything. your constant feedback, your reactions and reassurance, your kind words and just how much you care about me. i hold everything you send my way so close to my heart and will forever chrish it. thank you so much 🥺
i love and appreciate you with my whole heart and cant wait to chat more regularly again, please take care of yourself my sweet angel!!!🤍
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lucky-peenut · 2 years
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Recently been obsessed with Durin’s Garage, and that little photo they talk about on the cork board gives me such good feels I had to draw it! Thanks @laurfilijames for putting up with all my questions 💛
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dandelionwhisp · 2 years
An Automaton AU ft. Azul
Automaton Au by @jackplushie !!
I hope I’ve done some justice to all the amazing writers I’ve seen writing this au. Enjoy and thank you for reading! <3
“Oh wow- Your files are so well organized!” A fellow scavenger friend of yours came over to hang out and talk about your recent finds.
“Everything is in a specific place and labeled too! Blueprints, notes, maps and diagrams, even costs of machinery!”
You had shut down your automatons for the day so they wouldn’t cause a ruckus, after all yours were known to be a bit... unpredictable around other people.
“Hm? Oh- nah none of that was me. Azul, organized those stuff. Like all of it. He’s incredibly skilled.” You shrugged honestly, smiling to yourself as you remembered jolting awake at night, only to see Azul copying all your papers and placing them in neat folders despite you never asking for it. “He works pretty hard.”
“Azul?... Oh- oh your bot? You give credit to your bots..?”
“I mean- yeah? I didn’t do any of it after all.”
Your friend hummed. “I guess that makes sense. Sorry I’m just so used to people taking full credit of what their bot did.”
You shook your head irritably. “Credit should be given where credit is due.” You both made soft conversation as an onlooker gazed at you in shock. Not that it showed on his face. After all. He was supposed to be completely shut down.
Azul often scoffed at his masters, those who believed they had any power over him and took the credit for his hard work. Once information was handed over, Azul was the one in control now. Despite this, he is still just a bot. Humans had created many failsafes in case of malfunctions and to think with a mind of your own as an automaton made to serve, was definitely considered a malfunction.
Everything would be wiped and taken away from him and like trash, he was thrown aside. He would never feel that stability of power again.
Until you came along. Eyes shining, you were perfect for him. Easy to manipulate, naive and excited over every little thing you found rotting in abandonment within the dump outside your home. You were his savior, his client. His victim.
But he had learned his lesson. This time, he would be more cautious. He would do things for you without being asked to under the pretense of “repaying a debt” as he called it, he would let you become dependent and cocky like every human does. He would suck it up when you took the credit for his efforts in order to benefit him in the long run.
But you didn’t. No none of his past experiences could prepare him for the way you checked in on him as he worked, asking if he wasn’t burning himself out (literally) or the way you thanked him sincerely for his hard work. Azul was never worried over, never thanked.
He suffered to take revenge on those who wronged him. But how was he supposed to take revenge on someone who only did him right? For now, at least.
So as he waited, hidden behind a curtain, Azul trained his eyes on you and your friend conversing happily.
‘Credit should be given where credit is due.’ you had said.
It wasn’t the first time you exercised that belief. Even as you received strange looks from others who would’ve done differently, you always gave credit where it was due.
“Ruggie found those parts for me actually. He’s got a sharp eye!”
“No, no, I didn’t make that- Trey did. Pretty good right? Let me tell you about the time he made some brownies...”
“I didn’t put this together on my own. Jamil and Jade gave a lot of guidance too. They’re really helpful with repairs and stuff.”
“Kalim and Epel had a hand in cleaning the house with me the other day! There were some stumbles but it was probably the most fun I had cleaning my garage ever.”
“Isn’t my makeup amazing?? Vil is so good with it and I can’t believe how talented he is— yes I know he’s a bot it’s still cool though!”
To be praised. To be referred to as an equal. It is unheard of for automatons to receive that kind of treatment. Ever. Until they met you. And they would do anything to keep you.
“Thanks for having me over! Haha if you ever don’t need your Azul bot, then send him over to my house- I could use that hardworking efficiency.”
“Pfft alright I’ll ask him about it.” Your friend rolled their eyes with a laugh and waved goodbye.
You picked up the food remnants of your friend’s visit and put everything away in the rare silence of your home. There was usually always some machinery whirring or clicking coming from your bots- if not the endless chatter from the more talkative ones.
Making your way over to the translucent curtain draped over the bots you thought so fondly of, you dusted Azul off and fixed his glasses with a gentle smile. The same one you wore when he was nothing but broken scraps with nothing to offer.
“Azul, you could probably be assigned to someone really rich and powerful with better living conditions than a scavenger like me.” You touched his face gently. “I’m sorry you’re stuck with me for now.”
Just as you powered him on, his hand shot out to grab your wrist. Yelping in surprise, your eyes met with his periwinkle ones glimmering with something unknown.
You wince as his grip becomes tighter and more unforgiving, sure to leave a mark. Just as he wants.
He brings your hand up, pressing your palm to his lips in a manner too intimate for an automaton to be capable of. Tears welled up in your eyes at the sensation of pain and tenderness from him as he whispers against your skin.
“I will never serve any one else but you. No one. Not even you can tear me away from being yours. Or you mine.”
You gave this poor little octobot a chance to experience something he had never even dreamed was possible before, and you can’t possibly think about letting him go anytime soon because you were different. So he would treat you differently.
The day you took him in, you made a deal. A deal that enabled equal and opposite care between the two of you.
Credit should be given where credit is due, and Azul feels as though he hasn’t given enough credit for all the kindness you’ve shown him.
The automaton intertwines his fingers with your own, sending shivers down your spine, and flashes a smile similar to that of a businessman who scored a good deal.
Hitched breathing and heart thumping, he brings you to his chest. Somehow cold yet burning against your skin.
“You’re mine.” he repeated, commandingly. desperately.
You signed the contract marked upon his manmade heart, so won’t you let him stick around? Don’t worry, it’s just until the contract ends.
And as for how long it stays active?
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disneymarina · 3 years
not sure if you still doing requests. but if u are can do u wesker, leon, rebecca, jill and chris with a reader who has some top secret skill? like for example wesker finds out the reader is a badass with archery and does archery competitions .
ur last request i asked for was sooo gosh damnn good that i readed like four times already.
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Hello @selenedeathdealer sorry for the late reply I has huge writer bock and count figure out What to write but I do hope you love this request I made for you ^^ ________________________________________________ (Here the Masterlist to Headcanons!) Title of headcanon:  Wesker, Leon, Rebecca, Jill and Chris with a reader who has some top secret skill  _________________________________________________ Albert Wesker :
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- Wesker discover your hidden talent was totally by accident.  - He was going to the umbrella training ground when he saw you using Archer mannequin. - He didn't know you can use an bow and arrow - He was really impress by your skills  and happy that your part his corporation. - he took notes about your hidden talent in your files. - He smile whisper to himself “dearheart, Your so important to me that you gave a reason to keep you forever.”
__________________________________________________Leon s. Kennedy :
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- one day at home Leon was heading to your share bedroom When he heard a lovely sound. - He follows that’s sound until it stop to your share bathroom and hear you singing a tune. - you were sitting on a stool in front of vanity mirror singing your heart out with a hair brush. - giggles to himself and whisper to himself “My My what a lovely songbird we got here.” pleased by your song.
__________________________________________________Rebecca Chamber:
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- Rebecca was going asks you for help but when she enter your room and seeing you streaming and playing video game. -  you said“ yo! what up crew?! it’s time to finish this match! on 1v1.″ - Rebecca smile and slowly close the door let you have fun with your hobby and talent.  - She really is happy that you found something fun and exciting that will make you happy. - She will ask that help later. 
__________________________________________________Jill Valentine:
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- one night Jill came home Late and she was bit stress and hungry and wondering if your still up.  - She unlock the door and call for your name and she heard a reply “ I am in the kitchen Jill.” you said. - Jill went towards the kitchen and smell most wonderful smell of homemade bread. - She said “ Are you making what I think your making?” she smile at you. - you said “ yes I am making you a Jill Sandwich.”  - Jill is bless by your hidden talent of cooking and baking.
__________________________________________________Chris Redfield: 
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- When Chris was calling for you and he look everywhere in the house but he didn't check is there home gym. - He when into the home gym and saw something so amazing thing that happen to him. - He saw you training like badass with a katana. you did flips and slash on the mannequins. - He asks you “ Wow! When did you learn all those badass move?” he smirk and laugh. - you told him you been doing since your father taught you how to use it. - Chris is really impress about  your hidden talent.
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demonlamb666 · 3 years
‘Kay, so I got this idea from Austin and Ally, my FAVE shows of all time, my childhood lol. So how would yanderes TodoBakuDeku (poly) react to the reader having a friend who’s a singer like Austin and they both spend time with each other coming up with songs, and singing together. Reader can be a songwriter, and I hope this wasn’t too confusing
Singer reader has a friend who they write songs with (yandere TodoBakuDeku)
Warnings: yandere themes, mentions of stalking, jealousy, possessive behaviour, clingy behaviour, mentions of violence, mentions of death, guilt tripping, manipulation, delusional behaviour.
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•They might have found out about you being a singer song writer through Izuku’s stalking or you mentioned it when they were getting to know you. They all react positively, even though Bakugo is a little shy about admitting how beautiful he thinks your voice is. They love the songs you wrote, or at least they do until you start gushing about how amazing and talented your friend who you wrote them with is. Bakugo is already silently fuming. Shoto is sad and trying to resist the urge to bury his face in the crook of you neck and hug you and Izuku is worrying about all the different ways this guy could be manipulating his poor bunny.
•You have a possessive boi and two clingy boi’s who all desperately crave time with you. Luckily for your friend they are all pro hero’s and none of them are very comfortable with the idea of killing someone, especially if it’s someone you care about, and who doesn’t pose a threat to you. But they all definitively decide they don’t like this guy and will try to get you to spend less time with him. Shoto will just cling to you and not let go, Izuku will tear up and guilt trip you and Bakugo will straight up make up “important” things you have to do to distract you. They probably won’t try to completely remove him from your life unless something changes (more about this later.)
•Bakugo is possessive over you even a little bit with his own boyfriends so when he finds out there’s some extra who takes up a bunch of your time he’s pissed. Whenever he sees the guy he’ll hold you by the waist and scowls at the guy every time he gets a little to friendly. He’s like a possessive guard dog and almost growls if your friend tries to hug you goodbye or make physical contact with you. Bakugo is less expressive about how much he loves your music and voice, he can be a little embarrassed and his cheeks will burn if you ask him if he likes your song or dedicate a song to him. Most of the time he just listens to you sing without saying anything but if you don’t sing around him for a while he will start to really miss it and demand you sing something. If you play an instrument then Katsuki will get a high quality one, he might even get a drum kit for himself and see what he remembers from the lessons he took as a kid and join you.
•Shoto wants to be around you constantly and feels so happy when he’s around you and his boyfriends so he is very reluctant to let you go. He can get a little clingy when you’re around your friend and will be holding your hand and trying to subtly pull you away from him. He will literally get in between you two if you try to hug the guy and will literally drag you away from him if he starts getting too friendly. Shoto is honestly fascinated with whatever you like doing and it’s the same with music. He loves listening to you singing and always sticks to your side incase you start humming or singing. His all time favourite thing is when you let him lay his head on your lap and sing to him while you stroke his hair, it never fails to make him tired and he’ll sleep like a baby. (Sleepy Shoto is the cutest thing.) He really wants to be able to join in the things you do so if you play an instrument he wants to play one too. Even if he doesn’t play an instrument he doesn’t need a big part, he can just play one note on the triangle at the very end of the song and he will give the most adorable smile.
•Izuku actually hates dislikes your friend the most because he’s delusional and thinks everyone who isn’t him or his boyfriends are trying to take advantage of your kind and trusting nature (you can literally be the most paranoid person in the world and he will still think you’re naive.) He can be simultaneously passive aggressive to your friend while being affectionate to you. He says seemingly innocent things to your friend that prod at his insecurities, Izuku will keep doing it until they get the message and leave if you don’t stop him. Your friend probably won’t get the chance to be physically affectionate with you because when that guy is around Izuku will wrap his arms around you and whisper affectionate words in your ear. He doesn’t trust your friend at all and believes he’s trying to take you away from your soulmates. Izuku adores your singing and the songs you write and is the most obvious with how much he enjoys it, he’s also the most likely to ask you to sing for him (and does…constantly.) It increases his delusional side, if you ever sing a love song or sweet song he’ll take it as a sign you love them and will happily gush to his boyfriends about how cute you are and how much you love them. Same goes for if you sing something sad except he’ll think they haven’t been giving you enough attention and coddle you. If you play an instrument Izuku will be determined to learn one as well, he’ll practise like crazy and will honestly get really good so you might want him to play with you. He might decide to play the same instrument as you and ask you to teach him. If you compliment him about music he will be on cloud nine.
•TodoBakuDeku are not a super violent trio so your friend should be safe and they can deal with him being a part of your life because he makes you happy. But every yandere does have a breaking point. They only really decide to completely stop you from seeing him if he tries to take you away from them somehow, it could be be that he has romantic feelings for you and wants to confess, or he tries to break you up. Izuku always distrusted your friend and thought he would try to manipulate you so he encourages his boyfriends that this friend is bad for you. They will try to seperate you both more naturally before starting to threaten the guy. If nothing works they might get more violent. It has to be really bad for them to decide to “take care of him permanently.”
•Having a darling who sings or writes songs is a positive for all of them and they will all enjoy being able to hear you and will support you doing what you love. None of them like your friend but as long as you don’t spend to much time with them they can all handle their jealousy (even if they don’t want to) and will just be extra needy afterwards. They all honestly think your voice is the most beautiful thing, whether you’re just talking or singing they can’t imagine not being able to hear it everyday.
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Hi everyone, I know it took me a while to finish my part of my lovely joint venture with @nashibirne ... Please don't be mad at me because life was a bit of a whirlwind lately. So now I just hope you will enjoy it.
PART 2: Hidden Treasure
Pairing: Henry Cavill x reader
Summary: you are trapped in writers block but as you saw Henry's new post on Instagram your wheels start to turn
Words: appr. 2500
Warnings: smut, dirty thoughts, sextoys, pleasuring yourself
Featured stories:
The Widow and the Witcher
No Beta! English is not our mother tongue, so there will be mistakes and they're all ours
Part 1
Writers block sucks so damn much. Y/N was sitting on her sofa trying to write on her WIPs but it didn’t work. She had to face the truth "witchersgirl91" was out of order at the moment.
She felt bad about it. All those followers she had gained since she joined Tumblr that waited for the next chapters. Frustrated Y/N took her phone and started to scroll through her dashboard, hoping that some of her favourite blogs could give her some comfort. Soon she found a story that she loved dearly, "Close-Up/ Up-Close" from nashibirne. Damn was she talented, all her stories were so amazing and well written that Y/N could just wish for being as good as her one day. There were so many super talented writers in that fandom... Which fandom you might ask yourself now... well "witchersgirl91" was obviously a part of Henry Cavill's fandom. She was part of it since she saw the mighty white wolf on Netflix in 2019.
Intrigued and fascinated by his acting skills she digged deeper and soon found fanfics about him, something she read the last time in her teens. Inevitably Y/N fell down the Tumblr rabbit hole and what started as silent reader led soon into a "writing career". Well sometimes she had to remind herself, that she was writing for herself at first hand and that besides the number of likes and reblogs the most important thing was that she herself liked her stories. Up until now Y/N made quite a decent number of followers and found some incredible friends online. One of them she even talked to daily and Y/N was happy to have her in her live because she came close to an older sister she never had. Scrolling further down her dash Y/N found another gem she had already read before but "henryobsessed" "The Widow and the Witcher" was totally worth another go through. In contrast to Y/N many of the writers on Tumblr wrote not just only rpf about Henry himself but also fics about his many characters. Especially diegosbutt who wrote incredible stories about Henry's Captain Syverson. After half an hour into reading about The Witcher and his romance with the handsome widow Y/Ns Instagram notifications came to life. The object of desire, Mr. Cavill himself finally had posted something again. Damn him... such a tease Y/N thought to herself as she looked at the pictures. At first there was a sweet pic of Kal sniffing at some grapes at a vineyard, so gorgeous and heart-warming. Mr. C knew exactly how much in love his fans were with his fury companion. But the third slide made Y/N gasp in shock... "Holy crap these motherfu*****" The photo showed Henry on a boat in nothing else but swimming shorts. His hair all natural and curly, his strong hairy chest nicely on display, a Caipirinha in his hand and the most beautiful smile on his lips. He looked so stunning, relaxed and sexy as hell. So here comes the thirst trap Y/N thought. As she scrolled through the comments below the post she saw that the thirst had already begun. Well who was she to judge anyone, she wasn’t any better. Henry Cavill lived rent free in her mind most of all time and honestly these swimming trunks and his body did things to her and she involuntarily clenched her thighs together, heat spreading through her core. Y/N let her mind flow for a bit and then BANG "plot bunny alert". She was exited, for the first time in weeks she had an idea for a story. Y/N stood up, nearly spilled her coffee and walked over to her desk where her sketchbook laid. Yes, a sketchbook, Y/N was a little old-fashioned when it came to creativity, she had to write down her ideas onto paper, just let the words flow and make them persistent with ink.
Ok so this one will be pure pwp, but that’s a good start to go back to business and the cavillry will hopefully love it anyways. And so Hidden Treasure came to live.
Hidden Treasure:
you were finally living your dream and made it to be a part of the second season of the Witcher. Even if you were just an extra with just a short amount of screen time, it did not matter to you, you were extremely grateful for this opportunity. It was your sixth week on set now and you were still completely mesmerized by the detailed work and the fantastic world the producers had created. what made your work all the more exciting was the fact that you had a massive crush on the lead actor Henry Cavill. Up until now caught glimpses of him during lunch breaks and when you saw him leaving the hair and makeup trailer. Admiring him from afar was more than you had ever hoped for. He lived rent free in your mind for quite a while now and was one of the reasons why you fell in love with the series. To see him in real life now did things to you. Nearly every night you laid in your trailer and got off to thinking about Henry in his Geralt costume. You were fully content with that situation because you would never even consider that Henry would notice you. But in the last two weeks you had the strange feeling that he watched you during your small scenes and your fight training... but honestly that must have been your mind playing a trick… never would THE Henry Cavill look out for a small nobody like you but nonetheless you enjoyed the feeling of being seen and important.
Today you got a notice from the producers that you needed to go to another filming area with just a small part of the team. Just the two other extras, the producers and camera crew and Henry. As you heard them talk about it your heart nearly stopped... how should you survive this? Watching Henry from afar was one thing but being in the same space as him for nearly two days was something completely different. You knew you would be constantly aroused by his presence and just hoped that you could hide it to not embarrass yourself in front of your bosses.
When you reached your destination it soon became clear that there weren’t enough bedrooms for everyone. So, you needed to share a room with the two other extras. That was no problem for you because you liked your female colleagues very much and the three of you had much fun together, they even made fun of your crush sometimes. After you put your bags in your room you already had to go to hair and make up to get ready for the scene. As you opened the door you thought you must faint. Henry himself sat in one of the chairs... topless, his broad chest on display... his wig already on his head... without thinking you clenched your legs together as a heat started to spread from your centre "get your fucking act together..." you scolded yourself silently and stepped into the trailer and greeted Henry with a short and shy Hello. He looked up to you and met your eyes with one of his Hollywood smiles... "gosh that jawline “As you sat down in your chair you felt how wet your panties already were and started to shift uncomfortably. As subtle as possible you tried to clench your thighs to get some release. From the corner of your eye you thought you saw Henry smirking but you tried not to think about it too much. You grabbed the script in front of you and started to read through the scene for today ... and that hit you hard. Now you knew why Henry was topless... it was another bathing scene in a pond in the woods. great now you had to endure your arousal for the whole goddamn day and you couldn’t do anything about it.
In between the several takes it felt like Henry could smell and sense your arousal and the slick between your folds because every once in a while, he looked at you with an undefinable spark in his eyes...and if you wouldn’t know it better you could have thought that his eyes seemed to be blown by lust... that thought alone nearly drove you mad. You prayed for the day to find an end so that you could finally provide yourself some relief.
Which wasn’t as easy as you thought it would be because obviously you had to share your bedroom and the bathroom too. so, you had to wait until everyone fell asleep and slip into the empty and dark bathroom on the 2nd floor. Fortunately, you had packed your pink dildo so you were able to fill yourself up while dreaming of Henry. As you stepped into the dark room you wasted no more time and placed the dildo onto the wall in the shower and dropped your panties to the floor, they were of course soaking wet from all day’s arousal. You started to play with yourself slowly, stroking your sensitive folds and your clit gently. But you were already so worked up that you needed a quick release. In one swift move you pushed your tight cunt against the dildo on the wall, closed your eyes and imagined Henry grabbing you by your hips and pounding into you relentlessly. You started to moan and shiver... the feeling of Henrys cock inside of you made you dizzy ... he felt so good hitting your cervix with each deep thrust "Oh fuck Henry...harder... deeper...fuck me please" escaped your lips without thinking. You circled your clit to the rhythm of your slapping hips already near the edge to earth-shaking pleasure. You felt your own juices flow down your thighs and kept on fucking yourself with the toy, throwing your head back your moans grew louder and louder. You already lost it now but what was your undoing was your imagination playing you the trick of Henrys deep guttural growl while he pounded even deeper and harder than before "fuck... ahh.. Henry ... I am Cumming" with shaking limps you fell over the edge and your release gushed down between you. With closed eyes you rode out your orgasm not aware of the fact that the growl you heard wasn’t born out of your imagination... not in the slightest.
What you didn’t know was the fact that Henry was as worked up from the day as were you. What you didn’t know was the fact that Henry had a crush on you since he saw you first. What you didn’t know was the fact that he needed his sweet release as well and came to the empty bathroom for the exact same reason as you...with the only difference that he didn’t find it empty. In your haste you did not close the door properly and as Henry stood in front of the door he heard your silent moans and the squelching sound of your wet pussy around the dildo. He slowly and carefully pushed the door a little more open and nearly lost his mind seeing you standing there pleasuring yourself in the most sinful but sexiest way. He pulled down his briefs a bit so his already hard cock sprang free and started to stroke himself. Precum dripping down his length. He knew it would not take long for him to cum with the sight you provided and he had to bite his lip hard not to make a sound. but as he heard you moan his name he could not hold back his deep growl ... which surprisingly sent you over the edge hard and fast... that sight alone brought him to ecstasy as well and he spilled himself over his fist. As he came down from his high he was sure about one thing... he needed to have you... he needed to search this hidden treasure.
She dropped her pen, leaned back in her chair and could feel the adrenaline rush...yes that’s it... that’s a good piece to come back into action. Now the only thing was to post again. Hopefully her old followers would like what she wrote and maybe she could gain some more. Half an hour later she already had the first notifications on her story and could fall asleep grateful and with of course Henry in mind.
Taglist: @lunedelorient @inlovewithhisblueeyes @willkatfanfromasia @mis-lil-red @agniavateira @kebabgirl67 @omgkatinka @summersong69 @taebfada @xxxkatxo @artandotherdelights @notabronte @littlefreya @eldarwen333 @marantha @liliumdream @enchantedbytomandhenry @greensleeves888 @witcherfan @radaofrivia @a-little-counter-esperanto @starstruckkittyangel @sillyrabbit81 @wheretheriversrunintothesea @kingliam2019 @pandaxnienke
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kiribaku-queen · 3 years
Sexercise [18+]
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TW: rough sex, multiple partners, overstimulation, oral sex, penetration, spanking, choking, hair pulling, smacking (face), fingering, bruising
Word count: 6.8K
Summary: When you go to a new gym for special workouts but you aren't getting your needs met. Your trainer is here to help, offering special sessions to help get both of your sexual frustrations out.
A/N: Okay, shit writing BUT just think about the concept. I took the liberty of writing this piece because I couldn't get it out of my head!! This collab was really fun to do! Although stressful, I would love to do it again! Check out all the other writer's work for this collab! They are all so talented and just W O W
Inspired by the Korean Webtoon: Sexercise! It's actually really good and I was so obsessed with it. Here's my version but with Bakugou <3
Also, sorry if I tag the trigger warnings wrong >< I'm so new to this!
You stepped out of the freshly, hot shower, carefully drying every inch of your body before putting on the exercise clothes the gym had provided you.
You know. You didn’t bring your own clothes and the gym gave you some to wear? Well, this isn’t your typical gym.
It all started when you saw their promotion flyer hidden behind many others on the bulletin board on your way home. You’ve been meaning to get back to the gym and this one looked promising. A new form of exercise that’ll make you come back for more? Curiosity got the best of you and you headed to the gym to check it out.
Upon arriving, it looked like a regular gym. They had all the necessary equipment that you see in any gym. What’s so special about this gym? And what ‘new form’ of exercise were they talking about, you asked yourself.
“Hi, are you new here?” you hear a voice from behind you. You spun around to see a beautiful, fit woman greet you.
“Ah, yes I’m actually looking to sign up for that new form of exercise written on this flyer,” you explained, showing the lady the flyer you picked up. She grabbed it from you, shocked and disbelief written all over her face.
“Who the fuck did this?” she grumbled under her breath. But she did it right in front of you so you heard everything she said. She didn’t sound too happy, by the way her eyebrows crunched in rage. Her reaction made you back away, feeling uncomfortable. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to come to this gym after all. The lady noticed how you were shifting in your stance and cleared her throat, fixing her posture to look professional.
“Sorry if I scared you,” she laughed embarrassedly. “We just don’t promote this gym very much so it was a surprise to see this flyer. I’m guessing you’re not familiar with the workouts we do here?”
“Uhm, not really,” you say shyly. She looks you up and down and thinks for a moment. Then, she goes behind her desk and pulls out this thick contract.
“Well, before we get started, I’m going to need you to sign this nondisclosure agreement and fill out your personal information here. After all this is completed, I can take you around for a tour!” she exclaimed. You were a bit reluctant to even sign this and was about to walk out the door. What kind of gym is this that you need to sign an NDA? But it couldn’t hurt right?
When you signed the last line of that NDA form, she took you on your tour right away. And that’s when you found out the through about this gym.
“Ah, fuck~!”
“HNGH, hah!”
“Good, I wanna see 10 more reps.”
This gym helps their members enjoy working out through the pleasure of sex.
So here you were, stretching your muscles out in your assigned room for your first session. You felt that familiar feeling at the bottom of your stomach due to nervousness and excitement. You’ve always loved having sex. Having multiple partners? Eh, not so much. But you’ve been single for way too long and it’s been a while since you’ve had a good sex experience. Plus, you’ve been meaning to start exercising again so this was such a perfect gym for you. You’re just hoping that it’ll meet your expectations.
You heard two voices coming in your direction. A muscular man with dark green hair and similar clothes to what you were wearing and an angry, blondie with a trainer outfit on were entering the room, chatting away like they knew each other.
“(y/n)?” the blonde one spoke up.
“Ah, yes. That’s me,” you wiped your sweaty palms on your pants and reached out your hand to shake the trainer’s hand.
“Bakugou. I’ll be your trainer today,” he introduced himself. His palm in yours felt so heavy andstrong. He gripped your hand firmly, but only for a second and let go, his presence leaving you empty. Who knew that someone could have that kind of effect on you. You wanted so badly to take his large hands and have them roam all around your bod- You shook your head out of these naughty thoughts. What were you thinking? Sure, you were having sex but this was your workout, not some hookup. Plus, he’s your trainer. He’s not the one you were going to have sex with. It was that handsome hunk beside him.
“Introduce yourself,” Bakugou nudged the man. The green-haired man gave you a shy smile and a small wave.
“Midoriya Izuku. Most people call me Deku, but you can call me by what makes you most comfortable,” Deku says. You smile. His personality and demeanor reminded you of a puppy. But not a small puppy. He was more like a Great Dane: sweet but large in size. Looking at both of them now, they were both very muscular, almost towering over your small figure. You looked over at your trainer who was writing something down on his clipboard. Now he was very attractive. He’s got the face, the voice, the body. God, he was your type. Your partner was also good looking. No matter how much you wanted to have this session with someone else, your partner will do for now. With a build like that, you were sure you were going to enjoy this sex session.
“Alright, (y/n). Since this is your first time here, I’ll run over the basics. Before every session, each partner will give the other a massage to loosen up. If you could lay on the mat, please,” he instructs, pointing over to the mat that was laying on the floor.
You nodded in understand, laying on your stomach and resting your chin on your arms. Deku comes up behind you, sitting on top of the back of your legs. You jump in surprise, but Deku hushes you and gently pushes you back down.
“I’ll make you feel good, don’t worry,” he leans down to whisper in your ear.
Deku starts his massage by pressing both of his thumbs in the middle of your back, going up your spine. You almost let out a moan of pleasure from how good you felt. His large hands felt amazing on your back. Damn, forget about the sex. You’ll gladly be content with this. His hands skillfully rubbed your entire back, switching between a firm and soft pressure. You definitely felt relaxed and comfortable now. So this is why they start off every session with a massage. You were about to fully succumb to his touch, that is, until your trainer interrupted you.
“Okay, you can switch now. Sir, please lay on your stomach,” he instructed. Ah, right. You were still being talked through everything by Mr. Grumpy Pants here. Deku was used to this, so he laid down and you were the one to get on top now.
You started your massage off slow. Your touch was soft and gently, trying to touch every part of his body and get him to relax as much as possible. You tried copying a few of his moves, improvising here and there. So far, so good. You could feel Deku’s muscles loosen under you and he sighed in satisfaction.
“Alright, sir. Now I’m gonna have you lay on your back. Ma’am, go ahead and massage his chest,” Bakugou instructed. Swiftly and skillfully, Deku maneuvered his body around so that you were straddling his waist from the front.
“Oh!” you made a sound of surprise. You could have gotten up and let him take his time turning around, but he had his own plans. You could tell he’s done this many times before.
You were shy about giving him the massage at first. It’s not the first time you’ve touched a man’s chest, but it was your first time giving a massage with the man looking at you with such intense eyes. Deku’s hands were crossed behind his head, enjoying the show he was given. His eyes never left yours for a second, making sure he mapped every inch, every curve of your body and imprinted in his brain. You didn’t know where to look. While he was staring at with you eyes of lust, you were looking anywhere else but him; his chest, the floor, your hands. How could you concentrate when he’s looking at you like that?
You couldn’t help but shift in your position to get more comfortable, but in doing so, you sat right on his crotch. A bolt of electricity shot through your body when you felt his hard on growing larger with each passing second. It took you everything in your power not to moan right then and there. You didn’t want to look desperate so soon in the session. But Deku was making it so hard. Bakugou looked up from his clipboard to see a very obvious tent in the male’s pants.
“Hard already? It’s only the beginning of the massage,” Bakugou pointed out. Deku smirks and puts one hand on your thigh, caressing firmly.
“What can I say? She’s a beautiful girl,” Deku compliments. Bakugou doesn’t respond to his comment and instead, instructs him to do something else.
“Sir, please massage her breasts in this position,�� Bakugou says. Without hesitation, Deku gropes your breasts with his massive hands. Every time he squeezed a bit too tightly, every time he readjusts his pose, it was all driving you mad. The heat between your thighs was telling you that you wanted, needed, to be touched. You bit your lips to stop another moan from coming out. Deku takes notice of your small action and decides, with a devilish smirk, to take matters into his own hands. He grabs a hold of your waist and juts his hips upwards so that his boner rubbed against your sopping, wet cunt. With so much force he put into that thrust, your body got pushed forward, allowing Deku to grab your breasts even more tightly. Finally, that long awaited moan escapes your lips.
“There we go,” Deku whispers, continuing his movements. You closed your eyes, enjoying the friction he was supplying you with. But before anything could get too heated, Bakugou, once again, interrupts.
“You probably already know what to do but I’ll explain just in case,” Bakugou starts, putting down his clipboard and goes to the draw that was sitting on the side. He brings out a bottle of oil and kneels behind you. “May I?” he asks while pointing to your top.
“Ah, yes,” you softly say. With his rough, calloused hands, he rakes his fingers up your side before removing your top. Your breasts spill out with a flop, making Deku’s eyes widen in thirst. Bakugou disregards his reaction, continues to put oil on his hands and starts to massage your breasts.
“Be careful when massaging women’s breasts. You don’t want to be too rough that it hurts or too soft that she can’t feel anything. The closer you get to the nipple, the more sensitive she is so be careful when touching them,” Bakugou explains. Like a pro, he starts to play around and twists your sensitive nipples. But just like in his explanation, he used different pressures in different areas to give you the ultimate pleasure. You moan in ecstasy, allowing yourself to submit to his touch. The back of your head landed on his shoulder and you just laid it there while he played with your breasts. Bakugou chuckled softly in your ear and gently pushed you up.
“Okay, give it a try,” he was addressing Deku. Deku nodded with excitement, eager to continue the session. Bakugou guides you to your partner, but his touch lingered on your back for a second too long. You looked back at your trainer and made eye contact with those fiery, crimson eyes. But your attention was stolen by the green-haired man under you. Deku had this talk to many times before that he goes right in to touch your soft, naked tits. It doesn’t take long for his tongue to find its way to your nipple. His wet tongue sliding against your sensitive buds excited you and only made you want more. You started griding your hips downwards to meet his upwards thrusts.
Very quickly, the chemistry between you two started getting more heated. Clothes were coming off one by one. Deku moves so that he is sitting up while you straddle. You cupped his face and brought him in for a kiss. As you guys were making out, you pull his shirt up to reveal part of his abs. At first, you just wanted to tease and feel his body but your horniess was off the charts and just touching caused you to want more of him.
For a moment, Izuku separates from you to take his shirt off and then his lips are right back on yours. Then he leans you back so you’re laying on your back and he’s leaning over you. He quickly disposes of his clothes and then rips your pants off. He sees that you’re already so wet and don’t need prepping. Neither does Deku apparently. When you looked down, he dick was so erect that precum was already leaking out.
Deku leans over you, panting slightly from your make out session, and lines his dick up with your entrance while pumping it a few times. Before he’s right about to stick it in, Bakugou slaps the back of his head. A now agitated Deku springs up, but before he could say anything, Bakugou just throws a condom at him.
“Slow down. Don’t forget that this is an exercise session. Now I want to see 50 reps,” Bakugou scolded.
“Fuckin hell,” he complains. He looks back at you and smirks. “Ready?” You nod eagerly wanting more than anything to just be fucked right now.
Deku slides his throbbing cock inside your long awaited pussy and you swear you could see stars. The stretch from his thick, veiny dick felt so amazing that your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Deku stayed still to let you adjust to his size. The feeling of being stuffed by a fat cock, and by a handsome guy at that, is already making your pussy clench tightly around him.
Deku lets out a sigh of pleasure and starts thrusting. The numbing feeling caused all his hairs to stand on end.
God, when he put his dick in, man did it feel good. But as soon as he started fucking you, you didn’t feel fully… satisfied. The initial stretch was the best feeling you’ve had yet. For some reason, the sex didn’t feel as good as you wanted it to be. Maybe you were too into your head? Maybe you just had to relax and just have a good time. But that was hard to do when your partner was whispering the countdown to himself.
There was no doubt that Izuku was enjoying his time with you, but he was so concentrated on the 50 reps that he wasn’t thinking about making you feel good. He thrusted inside you, not taking into consideration of where inside you he was hitting. Heat rushed to your cheeks in embarrassment. This wasn’t what you had in mind for your first session. You felt bad that you weren’t enjoying it, but you didn’t want to show it. With each snap of his hips, you forced out a moan to make it believe that you were having a good time. Every now and then, you’d let out a bigger, more convincing moan to change it up a bit.
This sucks. What’s the different between this and having sex with some stranger after a night out? They both can’t hit the right spot. He isn’t even going the speed you want him to. You wanted to be pounded into. You wanted him to fuck you so hard and so rough that you can’t walk the next morning. You wanted him to leave dark bruises all over your body but he wasn’t giving it to you.
You started getting bored midway through his reps and opened your eyes to look around the room. Maybe you could entertain yourself some other way while Deku was having his fun. You happened to look at your trainer who was looking at his own clipboard. He wasn’t even paying attention to you guys at all. He was writing down notes. What was he really writing though? Bakugou glanced away from his notes and made eye contact with you for a quick second. It was only for a second but it was enough to make you feel embarrassed that you got caught. You immediately closed your eyes to pretend that that small little eye contact didn’t happen.
“…48…49….50!” Izuku finally finished, giving you a nice, deep, hard thrust to finish it all off. That was good, but not enough. You eventually got fed up and flipped him over so that now you were on top. You were going to ride him until you were satisfied and full. But before you could lower yourself onto him, Deku holds your shoulders to stop you. He became a little flustered that you decided to take control because this wasn’t a part of the session. He looked at Bakugou for approval and he sighed, but eventually nodded his head.
“We can change it up,” Bakugou allowed. “But, (y/n). Now I want to see 50 reps from you.” He instructed.
“Yes sir,” you replied quickly. You just wanted him inside you, you didn’t have time for this chit-chat. So slowly but surely, you lowered yourself onto his dick, gasping the way he filled you up. You were able to fully sit, his dick disappearing completely inside you. The tip finally hit you where you wanted. Using your heels as leverage, you moved in the way you wanted. You made sure that pull all the way out before slamming into his dick again, loving the way he just fills you up. You loved how you were in control, shaking your ass up and down, hearing your sloppy cunt slap against his skin, how wet it must be down there.
God, but you wanted more. You guided Deku’s hands to grab your ass but all he does it grab onto it. Maybe a squeeze here and there. He was so entranced in the sex, his head was tilted back with his eyes shut closed, constant moans escaped his mouth. He loved the feeling of your pussy clenched around him to even think about anything. But you bit your lip in frustration. You didn’t want his hands just laying on you. You wanted him smack it with as much force as he could. He could put those muscles to use and man handle you a little. But you were here to fend for yourself. A visible pout was permanent on your lips but your partner wasn’t able to see it because he was enjoying himself below you.
But your trainer did. Bakugou was paying close attention to you. From the moment Izuku’s cock entered you to your little pout, he noted every movement and every expression you made. He raised an eyebrow, noting that small action and saving it for later.
Deku’s moans were growing louder and more inconsistent. He bucked his hips up, trying to be in motion with you but was getting sloppier by the second. It soon became too much for him and hot, white cum exploded inside the condom.
“Fuuuuck,” Izuku let out one last breath and flopped his arm out in exhaustion. He took a minute to catch his breath while you were getting off him and already started cleaning yourself up. Dammit, you didn’t even cum.
You were gathering your belongings, meanwhile, Izuku was chatting it up with Bakugou again. Before he leaves, Izuku comes up to you, places a hand on your lower back and gave you a genuine smile.
“Thanks for the amazing session,” he said. You gave him your best, fakest smile.
“Back at ya,” you reply. Your smile dropped the moment you turned around and you sighed in annoyance. You hated to think that you’d have to go home to finish yourself off but it looks like that’s exactly what you were going to have to do. Bakugou came up behind you and cleared his throat, causing you to jump in place.
“How was your first session?” he asked. You took a sip of your water to give it a bit of thought. Was this a fun experience? Oh, most definitely. Would you do it again? Probably. Did you cum? Hard no.
“It was good,” you lied. The experience was definitely new and refreshing but the sex was so mediocre that it was almost a little boring. But you couldn’t tell your trainer that. So you gave a sweet smile and picked up your bag. “I’ll see you at the next session!”
But the next session felt exactly the same as the first. You had a different partner this time. A big, scruffy dude with semi-long red hair that was pulled in a ponytail. He was just as built as Izuku, if not bigger. He had the cutest and sweetest personality. And just seeing him, you’d think this cute puppy would turn into a hungry wolf but you were wrong. As per usual.
Bakugou had made you kneel on this couch that he had provided. Kirishima was fucking you from behind but not hitting any of the right spots. His large hands were placed on your hips but they were glued there and he wasn’t touching you anywhere else.
Again, you faked your moans to mask the image of you not having a good time. Though, when you peeked behind you to get a look at your partner, he was in pure bliss. Eyes closed, mouth hung open, eyebrows furrowed in concentration, sweat trickling down his forehead. Damn, was it a sexy sight. At least he was having a fun time.
Every now and then, your mind would wander. It could be many things: you could think about what you were going to eat for dinner, or what your partner was like in bed with a lover, or if you forgot to turn the light off in your bathroom. Oh shit, what were you doing again? You opened one eye and Kirishima was focused solely on slamming his dick in your vagina. Sighing, you had to remind yourself that this was meant for exercise, not for pleasure. Although, it would be nice if you could feel nice too once in a while. Exercise was the prime reason you signed up but like… you thought it would be a win-win situation.
Your mind continued to wander for the rest of the session until you mind was set on a certain trainer you have the hots for. You could see his muscles through his tight fitted shirt, making him look even more buff than he already was. He looked so strong, you could only imagine what having sex with him was like.
You could imagine it now; face twisted in pleasure as he pounds into mercilessly, just like how you want it. You could feel that familiar butterfly feeling in the pit of your stomach just thinking about it. But then, you thought that he must be like all the other men; only chasing their own high instead of pleasuring their partner.
Session after session was exactly the same. You can pleasure that dick, but he can’t even find the clit. But honestly, you were okay with it because at least you could exercise while doing your favorite sport.
You were wiping yourself up after one session, drinking from a bottled water as your trainer, Bakugou, comes up behind you.
“How was the session?” Bakugou asked after your partner has just left the room. You took another sip of water before answering.
“Mhm, it was okay,” you tried your best to sound positive. You thought your conversation was going to end there, like it always has but something in Bakugou decided to investigate a little further.
“How do you really feel?” he questions you, stepping a little closer and observing your facial features for any lies. “I could tell that you weren’t enjoying it. Off day?” You put your water bottle away, thinking of how to respond to him. Did you really want to tell him how you were really feeling? You didn’t want to seem like a freak to him. Did you really want to tell him how you like to be choked, so much so that you feel like you can’t breath. Or that you want someone to just spank you until there’s bruises because you love the idea of being marked. Or that you want to feel stuffed to the brim but still beg for more?
“I just like it a little rough,” you explained. Bakugou nods his head and hums in understanding.
“I thought they were going pretty rough on you,” he thought. But you just groaned and rolled your eyes.
“I guess, but I want more!” you exclaim, letting out an exasperated sigh. “This is why I have such a hard time with my sex life because every guy is too busy chasing after their own high that they forget that I need to feel good too. Not every guy is into rough sex. I know that. But I just want someone to blow my back out for once! Like not holding back and just fuck me until I’m in tears… but one can only dream, right?” you chuckled at the end. You didn’t mean to go on a tangent but fuck it, why not? He’s your trainer anyway. He’s supposed to know everything about you if he wants to tend to your needs. Bakugou just looks at you in silence. You take that as a sign to continue.
“I mean, don’t get me wrong. This whole program is fun and I really love the idea but just once in a while, I want to have good sex, too,” you continued to open up to your trainer. You finally turned your head to get a look at his reaction to your rant and you saw those crimson getting closer and closer to you until you were right under him, looking up. Your heart skips a beat having him so close to you. You could smell his burnt vanilla caramel cologne, his scent filling all of your senses at once.
“Then would you like a private session?” he asks you in a whisper, his head tilted down at you. You were so mesmerized by him that you followed his every move.
“With who?” you asked.
“Me.” He responded in that sexy, raspy voice of his.
“Now.” Bakugou pushes you against the cold mirror as a form of intimidation. Bakugou knows that he shouldn’t be doing this. Taking advantage of your weakness, suggesting private sessions when he’s strictly not allowed to, especially not on company’s time. It was wrong. But he’s had his eyes on you since the moment you walked in the gym for the very first time. And when you said what you said earlier, it was practically fate that you became one of his students.
The cold mirror touching your back sent you into shock, but the warmness of his body touching your chest made up for it all. He tilts your chin up so you could look in his half closed eyes full of lust. And then you couldn’t take it anymore.
You grabbed him by the neck and pulled him in for a hungry kiss. Your lips smashed together, causing your teeth to crash but you didn’t care. And neither did Bakugou because he was just as hungry as you, kissing you with the same amount of passion.
He wraps his arm your waist, pulling you closer to him, if that was even possible at this point. With one swift handful of ass, he lifts you off your feet so that your legs were wrapped around his waist. The moment you became stable, Bakugou gives your ass a smack, making you jolt up.
“Mhm!” you made a surprised noise through the kiss but didn’t stop kissing him. God, you didn’t want to stop. When you came back down, you could feel his erection resting right on top of your clit. He carries you to one of the equipment stored in the room, a couch, while you grind on him, hopping to get more friction to stimulate your needs.
As soon as your back hit the couch, clothes were already being stripped off of you. There goes your shirt, then your sports bra. Finally, your pants. Last but not least, your lace panties that were already wet from your previous session are now even more soaked from his teasing. Wasting no time in discarding your panties, he pulls your waist I so that you’re laying flat on your back, your pussy right in his face I all of its glory.
“Fuck, you’re already so wet for me. I haven’t even done anything yet,” he says. You could feel his beath tickling your wet folds. He was so close yet so far. Just having his breath on you made your pussy clench over nothing. Bakugou puts his nose right on your clit, taking a good whiff of your after workout sex. God, it was intoxicating and he couldn’t wait to dig right in.
“Thank you for the food,” he says before completely devouring you. He took no time in exploring every fold, every inch of your pussy, eating you out like there was no tomorrow. He was rough around your entrance but soft and gentle around your clit. It was like light feather licks, barely touching you but sending you into sensory overload. When he got closer to your entrance, that’s when he started to get rough. Slurping and devouring your wetness, getting every last drop and leaving no leftovers.
Bakugou grabbed hold of your thighs, squeezing them and pulling your body even closer to his face so he could tongue fuck you. His tongue enters you, pushing its way through to get a better taste of your sweet cunt. At the same time, your mouth is hung open in pleasure, moans spilling out of your mouth and you couldn’t stop. Bakugou took this opportunity to stick three fingers in your mouth.
“Noisy bitch. Suck,” he commanded. And so you sucked on his fingers, like a little girl eating her lollipop. He only had three fingers in your mouth, but they were so thick that you couldn’t possibly put any more in. Yet you still covered his fingers in your thick saliva, making sure each finger was coated and wet enough so he could fuck you.
You looked up at him, purposefully making a sultry face, with your big, innocent eyes. You wanted to give him a small show, making sure that he was watching every move that you made. Your tongue found its way in between each finger, licking up and down, sucking each individual finger, and letting go with a loud ‘pop’. You got disappointed when Bakugou removed his hands from you mouth. But was pleasantly surprised when he stuck all three fingers in your throbbing cunt without warning. It’s not like you needed the prepping anyway when you were already soaking wet. Your back arched and chills ran down your spine. You didn’t know how this was possible, but the moment he entered his fingers, it was pure bliss. You already felt like you wanted to cum because he just managed to hit that magical spot in one go. You couldn’t even imagine what it would feel like when he fucks you with his fat cock.
“God, you’re so fucking tight. I can feel you clenching around me,” Bakugou watched as he slides his fingers in and out of your slick folds. He gives you a minute to adjust before picking up the pace. Every thrust of his hand, he keeps getting deeper and is always right the perfect damn spot. It was driving you mad. He hasn’t even fucked you yet and you were already a moaning mess. You couldn’t even form any words, you were such in a trance. It wasn’t before long until you had that familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach. The feeling gradually and rapidly escalated. Bakugou could feel it too: the way your walls clenched around his fingers a little too tight, he knew you were going to cum anytime soon.
“Bakugou~” you whined, holding onto his forearms for dear life. You needed to prepare yourself for this one.
“Gonna cum, princess?” Bakugou teased. You couldn’t answer him. More like you weren’t able to hear his question because you were so focused on this intense feeling that was going to explode any minute. Bakugou took his free hand and pushed your legs up so that they were pressed against your chest. He, then, leaned on them so weren’t able to move or squirm out of his grasp. And he went even faster, the sound of your juices was sinful.
“AH!” you screamed, letting your orgasm take over and wash over you. You thought he would stop once you had your first orgasm but he wasn’t stopping. He continued his fast pace. You wanted to make him stop, the overstimulation was getting too much for you. You tried moving your legs but Bakugou’s grip on you was nailed down. You weren’t going anywhere. You just had to take it but it still felt so good. The moment you felt like it was all too much to handle, Bakugou took his fingers out. And they were covered in a thick, white consistency. If he spread his fingers out, your cum would string along each finger. Bakugou didn’t hesitate to lick it all off with one swipe of his tongue.
“On all fours,” he demanded, standing up while pumping his cock for you. You didn’t have to be asked twice. Despite the numb feeling in between your legs, you enthusiastically got on your hands and knees, ready to be penetrated by your trainer. Bakugou gave your ass a small smack before lining his cock in front of your entrance. That small smack was enough for you to have hearts in your eyes. You let out a small mewl of delight and Bakugou smirked.
“Yeah? You like it when I smack your ass?” Bakugou asked.
“I love when you smack my ass. Please spank me again,” you begged. Bakugou took his hand and gave you cheek another blow, this time harder than the last. Bakugou made sure to look for any change in your expression, careful not to hurt you. But you wanted more. You wanted him to hit your harder.
“Spank me harder, sir,” you pleaded, moving lower so that your ass was hanging in the air. You wiggled your butt, wanting more from the strong blonde. He smirks even bigger, almost animalistic like.
“That’s a good girl,” his voice became raspy and wasted no time in giving you a nice, hard smack to your right cheek. You cried out in a pleasurable pain. You smiled into your moans, drool starting to come out from the sides of your mouth. The sound of his hand making contact to your bare cheek was so loud that it could be heard from outside the closed room. Bakugou spanked you until your cheek was red and raw from his large hands. This. This was what you wanted. This is what you’ve been wanting for so long and you were finally going to get it.
Oh sweetie, the main course hasn’t even started yet. How could you feel this good when he hasn’t even fucked you yet? You could feel the tip of his dick teasing your entrance. You wanted to lean into him yourself, not wanting to wait any longer, but Bakugou had a strong hold on your hips. He gave his cock a few more pumps before slowly sliding his cock inside your ready, wet pussy.
You both moaned in sync at the feeling: his fat cock throbbing inside you and your tight pussy clenching around his cock. Bakugou started thrusting at a good pace. But just like how his fingers felt, he was hitting that sweet spot of yours perfectly. Every thrust was making you see stars.
“Mhm~ Bakugou, faster!” you whined in between moans. Bakugou grabs a fistful of hair before pulling you up so that your back was arched.
“Needy, aren’t we? And what if I say no?” Bakugou asked in your ear. You just whimpered, reaching behind you to grasp his waist and force him to go faster as you try to back into him at the same time. Bakugou didn’t like this too much. He let go out your hair and went straight to your neck, cutting off your air momentarily.
“Did I say you could do that?” he questioned through gritted teeth. You quickly shook your head.
“No, sir,” you barely managed to say due to your lack of oxygen. He gave you another squeeze before a few smacks to the cheek.
“There we go. Now let’s try that again. What if I say no?” he asks again. You bit your lip trying to come up with an answer. But it was hard to think with a hand was at your throat.
“Please! God, I want you so bad. I want you to fuck me, please!” you practically screamed.
“Good girl,” he said and let go of your neck. You gasped for air, coughing in the process but Bakugou didn’t allow you to fully recover. He pounded into you with no mercy. You couldn’t stop your ahego expression from happening, your tongue hung out and your eyes crossed.
He stopped pounding into you to slowly slide his cock fully out of you before slamming into you again. It felt heavenly but a naughty thought came to your mind. You were probably going to get punished for it later, but you were feeling rebellious in the moment. When he slide his cock out, before he could enter you again, you got up and pushed him on the couch. Midair, Bakugou sensed what you were doing. So instead of being victorious and pining him down, he flipped you so that you were pined against the couch, your hands pined above your head.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he gets close to you. You giggle and look away playfully.
“Not playing by the rules,” you laughed. Bakugou couldn’t help but break a smile as well.
“Naughty, naughty. I’ll show you who’s the dominant one,” he said and smashed his cock back inside you, not giving you time to breath or adjust to him in this new position.
You could feel another wave coming and it was fast approaching. Bakugou was being even more vocal now, huffing and groaning into your neck. His hips rutted into you sloppier each second and more frantic. He was getting close too.
You whined loudly, not being able to hold onto anything as your orgasm hit you like a tsunami so you arched your back and fumbled with your legs. The clenching of your walls caused Bakugou to reach his limit. He pulled out, spraying his cum all over your stomach and chest. His hot cum felt sticky on your skin. Despite being covered in his specimen, Bakugou pulled you close to his sweaty body, your foreheads resting together while you both catch your breath.
You entered the gym with a smile and a skip to your walk. You got a little surprised when you saw that your trainer and new partner were inside the room before you. Puffing out a cheek in disappointment, you scold yourself for not leaving earlier. You were always early to get a good stretch in. But as soon as you saw your handsome trainer, a smile came back to your face.
You rushed to his side, jumping into his arms and giving him a kiss on the lips.
“Hi, baby!” you greeted him. He smiles back at you.
“Ready for your session?” he asks and you just give him a lovey dovey smile and a nod.
“Ah, this is one of my good friends. He’ll be your partner for today,” Bakugou sets you down to introduce you to yet another partner. The two toned hair guy gives you a shy wave.
“Todoroki. You can call me Shouto,” he introduces himself. Aw, he seems really sweet. Shy, but hopefully he’s not like that in bed. Todoroki leads to you the mat on the floor to get your session started. You glanced back at your trainer and give him a wink. He shakes his head at you but you didn’t miss that smile he was trying to hide. Because you know that he was going to make up for this session later tonight.
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yutaholic · 2 years
Thank you so much! This means the world to me! Okay so I’ve got a lot of asks that have spoilers in them (totally understandable given the ending lol) and I am going to respond to them beneath the cut here. If you have not read the final part of Smashing the Six, do NOT read the rest of this post! 😅
It means the dragon aint dead, it’s just sleeping. 😈
@mangomotif asked: omg i knew it had something to do w the members of blackpink
I knew I wanted the admins to be at least 2 that you could suspect and then 1 that had never been encountered during the whole story because that just showed how well she had everyone fooled. And I’ve been listening to lots of Blackpink and aespa lately so lol
anonymous asked: i was on ur page an hr ago and was excited for the last chapter and came back not long after and yay it’s up!!!!! omg the ending!!!! What a wild ride, I looked forward to each chapter so much. thanks for writing such a captivating series!!!!
Thank you for joining me on this ride! 😊
anonymous asked: im the anon from the other day that guessed rosé was apart of neonet because of how she handed the reader yuta and… I KNEW IT! but that ending? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN WAS I RIGHT ABOUT DOYOUNG TOO? honestly I feel like it was too good to be true like was it really that easy? all that aside, this series has been a rollercoaster and i’m forever grateful you took the time to make it. like it will seriously always have a place in my heart. i was anxiously reading the whole time
You were right about Doyoung. He’s the real leader. It’s been such a fun rollercoaster!
Did he send it to her? Or Jisoo? Or maybe even Ten? 🙃
anonymous asked: Please tell me there’s gonna be another part you can’t just leave it there!!! GIVE US A SEASON 2 !!!!!!!
There will not be a season 2 sadly lol neonet will go underground for a few years and come back maybe in a different form and with all knew admins for a whole new generation of students. Who knows? 😉
@specialagentchoso asked: Please, why does the last part of smashing the six have me tearing up!!! I swear I've never been so emotionally invested in a story before! You did the damn thing with this series, I can't wait to see what you do next!!
Thank you for being invested in it! It was so bittersweet finally finishing it I’ve had a blast with you guys. It’s the end of an era. Now on to Euphoria era 🤧
@cnvs-defs asked: Tha last chapter was so freaking good, it had me on the edge of my seat the entire time!!!! Wtf Thank you for writing such amazing story, you're an incredible writer!! I voted for Winter in the pole and I'm happy I was (partially) right lol. She gave me weird vibes throughout the whole series.
I love suspense lol I hope I made her redeemable as well. She was a complex character in this story. Thank you for reading! 😘
anonymous asked: just finished reading the final chapter of smashing the six i just. i cant even begin to explain how incredible of a series this was. you are so amazingly talented, i wish i could express it better but wow. you have left me speechless, thank you for this, i loved it so much. it was truly incredible, every singe one of them and the whole series/story itself. you're amazing wow
I want to cry thank you so much! I was really nervous yall wouldn’t be happy with the ending and I’m honestly so relieved 😭
anonymous asked: AHHHHH i just read the final part, now that i was stalking or anything 🤭 but the final (and the series in fact) was sooooo good!!! the final final reveal was soooo perfect! A+ writing mwah 😽
You can stalk my stories anytime 😁
anonymous asked: LUNA YOU HAVE DONE IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! I accidentally stayed up til 4am and realised final chapter must be posted by now so naturally I read it as slow as possible for the suspense and the REVEAL!!! I’m so pleased that I was kind of right on at least one person haha. That ending?? I reread it like five times just whispering wtf wtf wtf oh and that yuta scene was so heartwarming 🥺 alternate ending with yuta x mc WHEN? That was so good I’ve rlly loved being a part of this from first chap to now
I feel so bad about time zones! I was really happy with her final scene with Yuta. It was a good and happy moment. In an alternate universe they ride off into the sunset together lol
anonymous asked: HUHHH THE ENDING OH MY GOD
hehehehe my beta reader called me and didn’t even say hello she just said BITCH WHAT lol
anonymous asked: Ran out of space in my last ask but - it has been SUCH an experience reading this alongside everyone from the first chapter, seeing everyone’s theories and creating my own, changing them after every chapter, becoming a part of yuta hive (love you mark but lonely boy yuta 🥺💖), the suspense from the uploads and everything has been SO fun. I seriously pity the people who read it later bc whilst they get to read it in one go, they won’t have the same STRESS we went through lol
Seriously half the fun of this story was reading yalls theories because I think I already mentioned this I wrote the first chapter and the ending on the same day. It was so hard not to spoil everything along the way because I was so excited for the big reveal! 😂
anonymous asked: I tried to keep spoilers out of my last 2asks so that they’re publishable so I’ll put here. I LOVED the part where mc went to hand the boys back the photos, they were so close to danger and they didn’t even know, but that’s such a good thing of her. And the thing with HC ab doing better was so sweet bc she got so consumed it was nice to see her out of it. And when the pieces added up I was SHOCKED but it all fell into place, now to reread for clues! ALSO WTF DOYOUNG WDYM ITS BEEN FUN? JAWDROP
Her giving them back the photos was my favorite and also something I wrote at the very beginning. I love character development and when things fall into place 😭
anonymous asked: DOYOUNG????????????
Yall were right all along but nobody told me what it was that made yall so suspicious of him. What gave him away from the very beginning?? 🤣
anonymous asked: holy fuckballs. the end of smashing the six was elite. it’s great how you started a series and the series did SO GOOD. you bagged the title as my favorite writer on tumblr. the final chapter was a rollercoaster. my heart was beating out of my chest as yn and haechan connected all the dots. i felt victorious as yn was in the library with jisoo (yes! blackpink *is* the villain here). lastly, i felt sappy as yn approached the six, even more when it came mark’s turn. AND THEN. oh god i love open endings. I KNEW DOYOUNG WAS IN ON THIS. the school paper has no place for exposes and HE. HE TOLERATED THAT SHIT SO IT MADE SENSE THAT HE WAS CONMECTED. he was shaping yn into *perfect* shape for her future position in neonet. the series was wonderful and i’m so very proud of you. i simply cannot put into words how pleased i am with how well you wrote Smashing the Six. i wish you well in your future writing endeavors. — guia (an anon who posts every other day on your page but today i’ve given myself a name) 
I’m cracking up at ‘holy fuckballs’ lol but also ‘you bagged the title as my favorite writer on tumblr’ like excuse me I need to do my happy dance real quick! It’s ironic Doyoung is one of the people most suspected of being neonet but there isn’t a shred of evidence against him. Thank you for interacting with me often it means a lot! ❤️
@yutiddies asked: I unconditionally support the 6 and Doyoung in smashing the six. I especially unconditionally support Yuta and want to be the one he makes happy some day 😭
You and me need to talk about our attraction to villains because the next series after Euphoria will be Beast Mode and I’ve decided it’s going to be a villain au with a domestic twist. (Like the boys are villains trying to live everyday lives. I’ve already started working on Jeno’s chapter and whew I may have to start handing out holy water) 🔥
anonymous asked: No. Honestly, I'm just soooo glad I came across your blog. You are an amazing writer, and it has been an immense pleasure reading your work. It's gotten me through tough days. What a treat to be able to escape to the worlds you create. I hope you continue to write for as long as it brings you joy. Thank you for taking the time to share with us! That last chapter of Smashing the Six was just great. Amazing series!!! Looking forward to your next work! Thank you again 💚
I’m so glad you found me too! My writing getting someone through a tough time is the only reason I keep posting tbh that is everything to me. Take care dear ❤️
One of my fave parts 😍
He’s neonet. He has all the dirt. 😈
anonymous asked: Literally in tears right now huhu I am so happy with how everything ended up for everyone in Smashing The Six 😭😭😭 YUTA PLS 😭😭😭 Also, THAT LAST LINE THO I STILL THINK DOYOUNG SUS hahaha jk. I would've commented on every part of the story that I like but then that would take me forever to finish because I ATE UP EVERY PIECE OF THAT STORY IT'S SO GOOD IT IS JUST WHAT I NEEDED TO GET MY WEEK STARTED. Thank you so much for this amazing series. Wonderful stories from you as always 🥺 I will always look forward to your works, you are my favorite writer here in Tumblr and probably the only reason I am not yet deleting this sht of an app 🤭 I am excited for your new Johnny and Doyoung one shots and the Euphoria and Dreamies series!! I hope you're sleeping well right now and when you wake up you'll be greeted with all the comments on how smashing your story is (see what I did there *wink wink*)- Dyochi Anon
And yall are the reason I haven’t deleted this obnoxious app either lol and with all their constant ads to buy their ugly ass t-shirts and chasing off gif makers with their stupid changes I keep coming REAL close. Hopping online after work and reading all these comments has made my entire month. I hope you know your kind and supportive words always go a long way. There have been times I’ve wanted to quit writing because I just don’t feel good enough but knowing there are sweet people like you reading and enjoying my stuff keeps me writing. Thank you 😊
anonymous asked: DOYOUNG???? HELLO!!?
Doyoung can’t come to the phone right now. He’s gotta find someone else to take over neonet. 😜
anonymous asked: Every time I read something you write I'm in awe!! What an amazing writer you are, truly!! I don't even realize how long some fics are because I'm so immersed in the story, you really know how to keep us hooked! Thank you so much for this series, the twists, the friendships, betrayals, and omg!! that ending! I knew it! fucking Doyoung dude, being the leader from the shadows and sending the girls to do the nasty job.... but who was he texting?.... once again, amazing work, thank you!
Thank you so much!! Yep. The three girls answered to him. They are busted (as they should be) but he gets away clean. At the end, it is open to interpretation who he was texting (which I did on purpose).
@natattack1997 asked: wait so if y/n had accepted the editor in chief position she would’ve been the ACTUAL head of neonet?!?! 🤯 that was absolutely wild.
Yes. In the very first chapter you get a tiny glimpse into Doyoung’s thoughts and he already decided to name her the next editor in chief, but he was really on the hunt for who would replace him as the head of neonet.
anoymous asked: wait... so Doyoung was sending mc the anonymous texts? what about Ten - who sent him? also,, do the girls know doyoung is the real leader?
The texts were from Jisoo (notice she kept texting during their meeting.) Ten has been hooking up with Lisa (confirmed in chapter 5) and Lisa is close with Jisoo and Rose for obvious reasons and that’s how Ten knew about them. Lisa said reader exposed her for hooking up with a teacher. Not neonet. That kinda gave away that they were lenient with her. Ten does their bidding because they have dirt on him.
Doyoung is the spider weaving the web. The girls are the admins and run the site. Doyoung is the boss (which is why Jisoo was panicking when reader didn’t fall in line because she knew she failed to recruit her and Doyoung will not be pleased.) The girls were in charge of blackmail and Doyoung was in charge of the girls and manipulating everyone from a distance.
They do NOT know that it’s Doyoung. He does everything anonymously that way no one can ever roll on him. The real alpha of neonet has to survive or the site dies. He will have to find a replacement, but he said NCTU deserves some peace so he’s not mad about the site going underground for a while. They’ll come back with a vengeance with a new ruler and admins, but reader and her boys will be long gone by then.
anonymous asked: rosè breaking major cybercrime laws by filming LMFAOOOOO why are you proud? anyways, i know how you introduced a new character instead of making you-know-who neonet (even if he is technically) you should have added jinyoung so it’s a jinjido reunion - guia
Blackmail is also very illegal. But they’ve got rich daddies. They’ll get a slap on the wrist because that’s how our criminal justice system works. The more money you have, the less punishment you get. But they will be effectively ostracized from NCTU. They will take the fall for now. 😅
Yes, he is the true head of neonet. OMG when I got your first message about confessing to your crush I was with my bff and read it to her because I was DYING! I was like oh no this anon is right and will have to confess to their crush!! 🤣
anonymous asked: THE ENDING PARRTTTT IDK WHY I WAS SHOCKED BC I LITERALLY VOTED DOYOUNG😭😭 this series was definitely a ride but i’m glad and definitely satisfied with the ending u did amazing
I’m so glad you’re satisfied with the ending. That was my main goal. 😘
anonymous asked: HAECHAN’S CHARACTER IN SMASHING THE SIX😭😭😭😭 so precious i want to smash my head into a wall
I love him so much!  😍
Yep. In chapter one he had already picked her to be editor in chief (but didn’t tell her yet) so everything after that was a test to see if she could run neonet. Someone asked me if neonet was run by a person or a group and I said both. The 3 girls were the admins, but Doyoung was running it. Neonet survives because they will take all the heat but no one caught him.
anonymous asked: Hiiii I just wanted to say that I finished reading smashing the six and every step along the way was incredible!! The ending was so mind blowing and I had GOOSEBUMPS from your writing…. It’s been long since I felt that way from a great story & I’m so excited for your new fics to come! Thank you for blessing us with such a well thought out masterpiece 🥺
Thank you so much for this message! I’m glad you enjoyed it! 🙏
anonymous asked: THE PLOT TWIST?! i was smiling the whole entire time (when she discovered neonet and making peace) that rly caught me off guard. oh my god now idk what to do😭😭 i rly have no words I NEED THIS TO BE A MOVIE better a series😩 omg now i cant wait for euphoria
Thank you! I need a movie too for science and for the Yuta shower scene lol jk 😂
anonymous asked: the layers to this story and how human reader was I am in awe I rly was skeptical how she would be able to beat neonet but you nailed it
Thank you! She won because neonet underestimated her. She was never hungry for power, she was trying to mend a broken heart. The boys inadvertently helped her do that and with her finally allowing herself to heal and move on, lust for power had no more sway over her. She was never ruthless enough to rule neonet. 😁
anonymous asked: how in the fuck did you pull this off? you gave me closure but also suspense with that ending? you cant do that its not possible!!
I worked very hard to do exactly that! 😂
@the-borahae-jj asked: OKOKOK SO FIRST OF ALL I LOVE YOU LAMO SECOND OF ALL THAT WAS SUCH A GREAT RIDE THANK YOU SO MUCH I was looking forward to every single chapter and I absolutly loved the plot and your writing and I could go on and on. I MUST SAY THO I HAD sooo many THEORIES AND I WORKED IT OUTTTTT EVEN Doyoung. Girl I knew, like I knew, and it made it so much more fun for me. Also give me Haechan; you were right about us loving him. I need him now. And YOU KNOW I FIGURED OUT WINTER YOUR RESPONSE GAVE IT AWAY LMAOOO, I hope you enjoyed yourself as much as I did and I’m ready to figure out anything else/more you create cuz let's be real. it's amazing. Loved interacting with you like this too. Seriously. You brought so much joy. As always have a great day/night <3 (2/2) NO BUT REALLY I FIGURED IT OUT HAHA <3 I really want to hug you now haha fr you did such amazing job and I'm so glad I could look forward to your writing  ok imma dip now MWAH
Thank you so much! I love that some of you figured it out but I was still able to surprise you. I left hints for yall to find and I always smiled so hard when you found them! Bring it in for a long distance digital hug! 🤗
anonymous asked: i love that she walked away. i love that she won. i love that she protected the boys. i love who she ended up with. i love the ending. I LOVE YOU.
I love you too and I love this story. I just saw that the story masterpost got 3k+ notes holy shit! Thank you all for reading and enjoying this fic! ❤️
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