#I hope this helps you nonnie!
reginrokkr · 1 year
Hello! If it is not too much to ask, would you be willing to share some of your favourite writers blogs?
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Hello there, nonnie! Yes of course, I'm more than glad to share a few blogs that I love seeing on my dash. I must preface, however, that what might work for me might not work for you as I'm aware and it would feel wrong to me to just drop here blogs without offering at least something worth noting so you can have a more solid idea of what I enjoy about them or what I can highlight about them as to not go blindly, so excuse me if the post might be a bit on the longer side! It's also worth mentioning that I will keep it small so I can focus on those I've been mutuals with for a longer time. Now, without further ado here's a modest list:
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@inavagrant & @starsdescent
I feel like it's appropriate to mention the two of them as a pair because, while individually they have their own fortes and specific particularities, it's great to read their novella-style interactions together and see how beautifully they weave solid relationships between their muses. As someone who sees that is more likely to see time skips in different muses' relationships rather than going through it and see their development up to the moment where they currently stand, I have to say that seeing them doing the opposite of that and putting care and patient in the way their muses develop together is a rare yet beautiful gem.
Furthermore, I have to say that @inavagrant makes great lore analyses and reasonable observations and @starsdescent has interesting insights of the characters they write and something I particularly appreciate and love is that common fandom perceptions of them that might not be as sensible are discarded and they have no fear in voicing it out and make it clear.
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I've known Jace for years and I can say easily that it shows how much he loves the lore and how seamlessly he makes use of it for Thoma in ways that are adventurous, explorative but also sensible to his character. Let it to him to be the brains of how to introduce Thoma in a plethora of situations or other characters' lives that at first one wouldn't know how to make it happen and you'll receive great results. He's super friendly to talk with and it's great to see firsthand how he works to improve his writing each time.
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As with Jace, I have the pleasure to have known G for years also. While he's pretty busy with work and that restricts and limits his time to RP, the love he has for the characters he writes and the passion with which he not only interprets them but also learns about the game's lore and puts it together in his writing is simply mesmerizing. Rather than being someone who writes headcanons often, he lets his writing do the talk in order to see glimpses of the prism from which he sees Diluc and specially Al-Haitham now.
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I'd be lying if I said that I don't love Steph to bits. While she isn't too active, the writing she pulls when she does is worth the way. She has a beautiful way of writing poetically and there is no doubt the love she has for the muses she writes, be it writing them or actually doing breathtaking art of them and more. One thing I like about unique takes of the muses she writes is that you can tell them apart from others and she doesn't cater to what part of the fandom in general says, which can be biased for multiple reasons, tastes, etc. Despite this uniqueness, you can recognize the muses she writes as said muses.
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Xue deserves her moment of spotlight for multiple reasons. Although we met when I moved to the Genshin fandom, these years with her have been great. She's really easy to talk with, reasonable and she has a special way of making people cherished in the fandom, it's a light of her own hard to find, truly. Although she also has a multimuse with a far lower activity, her love for Aether is astonishing. That feeling when someone makes you love a character from their writing is great to stumble upon and that's exactly what she does with him considering the hardships of writing a character like Aether (and Lumine too), the opinions everyone has about them, what have you. She stands her ground in her portrayal of Aether and be it smaller things that are easy and rapid-fire to respond to or longer and meaningful threads, she can pull both easily.
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Charline and I have been mutuals for a significantly shorter time, but I have to say that she's a joy and I'm really happy that we crossed ways. She's really easy to talk with, kind and patient. The love she displays for her characters is obvious with every post and even tags she writes and she has great personal insights about Genshin's lore and her own characters. As I mentioned with a few before, she doesn't fear to vocalize when she isn't into some takes that the fandom in general might have about some of the muses she writes. Something I appreciate deeply is how easy it is to plot with her and exchange huge ass paragraphs back and forth of answers.
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There are more blogs that I enjoy deeply being mutuals with that unfortunately I don't know what to say without making it a line short, as most of who I gushed about I have deeper ties with that I hardly have with anyone else with an exception (although that can change in the future, I'm sure), I will be referencing them here for you to peek into their blogs, nonnie:
@dilucisms / @aalberich ; @narvvhal ; @lumitris ; @hydroglia ; @goldenpeng ; @frozenambiguity ; @galactia ; @ninebow
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Hello!! First your Tumblr and edits are so gorgeous! Second I was wondering if you were willing to share how you did the second gif of this edit please? Have a great day! (Or night)
hi nonny, thanks for the nice words! really appreciated. ♥️ so, you're looking for this grid effect:
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you're starting off with two gifs. i'd recommend choosing scenes that are not too close up because otherwise they'll overlap too much and you won't be able to delete enough parts to make the most of this effect.
so, here's my base gif that i just did in black and white with some minor purple brush strokes set to screen:
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i then chose my second gif and coloured it with a purple gradient map and a purple colour fill set to multiply. the colouring of the gifs is entirely up to you and what you think looks best. so here's my second gif, still without the grid:
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this is where the fun part starts - the grid layout. i created that with a new guide layout. this is a super neat tool in photoshop that helps you align shapes or selections on your image. the guide lines basically float over it and help you set up symmetric shapes or layouts. you can define how many columns and rows you want to have and then photoshop creates the guide layout for you. for this gif i chose 4 columns and 4 rows:
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with this set up, i started creating the rectangles to make the purple gif visible on top of the black and white one. this is my final layout for my shapes:
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you can move around the shapes to your liking and what works best with your gifs. i didn't want to cover too much of my base gif but also tried to make their faces in the top gif all be in the gif as much as possible.
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this step is just a lot of moving around your shapes and seeing what looks good tbh.
i then grouped my shapes and clipped my top gif (including all layers for the colouring) to my shapes group:
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looking good so far. the only thing missing are the lines for the grid. this is where your guide layout comes in again. i just reopened it and then traced the guide lines with my line tool to create the white grid overlay:
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(for editing purposes i turned all of the line layers into a single smart object at the end. this is why you only see one layer for all the lines in this screenshot.)
finally, i used a gaussian blur (0,5 px radius, 100% fill for the filter, 40% fill for the overall layer) on the smart layer to make the lines a little bit smoother and softer looking. this is totally optional and again, up to what looks best to you.
added some text et voilà:
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mars-mystic · 5 months
Hiii Glance is something I hadn't considered before at all, wanna share some of the appeal?
I am very confused but intrigued
I’m gonna let you in on a little secret nonny, follow me. *takes you by the hand and leads you through many well lit corridors, ending with a final door. It is simple, but welcoming, already propped open for you.*
This is where the magic happens. *you step into a room. It is brightly lit, and filled with animate conversation. However, neither George nor Lance is anywhere to be found*
What’s this, you say. I thought you were gonna show me the appeal of glance. *I nod, cryptically*
I am. *as we walk around the room you begin to notice a large group forming around one corner. As we walk by, a massive cheer goes up, turning everybody’s heads*
What was that, you ask.
They did a thing, I say, grinning. We’ll come back once you’ve finished your tour. *we walk around the room in companionable silence, a few eyes on us, watching me, watching you.*
Do you get it now?
It’s just a bunch of people in a room, you say, confused. I wanted the appeal. Tell me about their history, their canon events. Do they even interact at all?
Oh that doesn’t matter, I say with a smile. It’s all about the people. The community. We built this place for ourselves, for our stories. So that we could share them with each other, and you. That’s the appeal. Glance is whatever you want to make of it.
Ok but listen up. They do have history. The raced together all the time as kids. They have a rivalry. They were somehow always around each other. They share a birth year. They never talk to each other anymore. Doesn’t it make you curious? Don’t you wonder what happened? What’s going on?
That’s the beauty of glance, how little we know about them. We don’t know their full history, but we know enough to be compelled. The rest is all guesswork babeyy, and it’s FUN. (I’m sure there are people out there who could give you a better idea of their history, but that’s not me. I’m not the historian, I’m the propaganda department).
Their capacity for rivals to lovers is unMATCHED. One sided hatred, one sided rivalries. They are opposites. They are the same. Uptight vs laidback. Cares sooooooo much vs doesn’t give a shit. It shouldn’t work but it DOES.
They are both insane, but in different ways. Insane4Insane. It’s about balance.
Shall we peruse the bookshelf? When I got here we only had one (maybe two) pages on ao3. Now we’re at five and counting (let’s go squad!). List is obviously abridged and also woefully incomplete. (I’m not saying this is y’all’s BEST fic (i mean it might be), I’m saying I’m just a girl. Also don’t ask what the categories mean. They are based vaguely on publishing dates but also vibes.
Early works
1. Parallel Players by crimandclove (@parallelplayers). This TOME was my first intro to glance and let me just say… it was convincing. Compelling. Some would say life changing (I would). This is THE glance bible. Pretty sure all of us have drawn at least a little bit of inspo from it for our own fics (I know I have).
2. cheque please by weegreenbean (@weegreenbean)
I would be remiss in talking about glance without mentioning my beloved. Doing god’s work over in strollonso but also over here in glance nation. Shoutout to this one because I read it last night, and it is textbook Early Glance™️. And because you couldn’t pay me to pick a favourite, there are too many to choose from.
3. Kamikaze by pitconfirm (@pitconfirm). Now with sequel. And both make me want to scream. One of the first fics I read when I got here.
4. The Worst Way to Love Somebody is Quietly by LilShiro (@lil-shiro). Ok I also read this one last night. But it’s soooooooooo them.
Post-modern Reformation (or whatever)
1. off-schedule by Anonymous. Always worth a reread. Always making me insane
2. good luck, babe! by Anonymous. Another fic I read last night. This might just be a list of fics I read last night, now that I think of it.
3. Superposition by girlcowboy3 (@girlcowboy3)
4. I tried so hard to remember where, when, why, how- by abovecalamity (@abovecalamity)
Special Notes
- There is an abundance of girl!george and/or girl!lance fics around. I mean… it is rule 63. Only fair. They are ALL amazing, go check them out
- glance is where I first found out about the soulmate goose trope. That was an… odd but fun period in my life.
- some of you guys have a lot to say (which I love), but you only get ONE mention. HOWEVER I would highly recommend clicking on the little author name button and seeing where that gets you.
Thank you for the ask nonny, hope to see you around (whoever you may be). My inbox is open if you ever wanna chat <3
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tavina-writes · 3 months
So I started The Legend of Heroes and I'm a little lost. I don't really get how small gio jing killed meng ziyi's evil husband. Should I go watch a different version(2017?) or will all be explained in this one?
Hi Nonny!
So originally, this show was supposed to air in this configuration and order:
Part 1: Eastern Heretic & Western Venom (Ashes of Time): 8 episodes
Part 2: Northern Beggar & Southern Emperor: 8 episodes
Part 3: Sword Meet at Mount Hua: 6 episodes
Part 4: The 9 Yin Manual: 8 episodes <- where the backstory of how small Guo Jing killed Evil Meng Ziyi's Evil Husband happens for realsies instead of a brief flashback
Part 5: Iron Hearted Loyalists (Hot Blooded) <- where we are at the start of what we have currently been watching
They changed the order of airing from it's original configuration to I think Part 5 -> Part 1-4, so that's why some of the editing choices here don't quite make a ton of sense based on seeing only Part 5. I do think it helps a ton to have seen a version of LOCH prior to this due to the way that it's airing, but after all the parts have aired, watching it in the originally intended order will likely clear up a whole ton.
The reason there are five parts instead of just one 60 episode part is bc they're trying to explain to the censors that no really, this is five different dramas! not one drama wearing five trench coats trying to sneak past the censors! really! they've even got different directors and everything! ignore how uhhh all the same actors and yeah yeah.
I think because this is such a popular story in China, they figured it'd be totally okay for us to just see part 5 first without the other parts because part 5 had the most hype/excitement and is where the bulk of the novel is and that no one would be confused, but for people who have never experienced a LOCH before, they are, understandably, extremely confused!
The tldr of why small Guo Jing killed Meng Ziyi's evil husband though is that he tripped over small Guo Jing during a life and death fight with the 7 shifus, picked up small Guo Jing and went "what the fuck" and small Guo Jing stabbed him by accident in the one place he could actually be stabbed to death with a very sharp dagger. It was all kind of a dreadful mistake. And terribly embarrassing for Chen Xuanfeng honestly.
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butwhatifidothis · 1 year
Tbf to Dorothea's hypocrisy on CF, couldn't that be blamed more on the fact that the vast majority of the optional recruits in that route are written heavily out-of-character so they can side with Edelgard, including Dorothea herself?
It doesn't fix 3H not realizing that she's much more priviliged than an average commoner, but i feel like Dorothea being hypocritical on CF is is more an example of that route's generally clownish character writing than something specifically wrong with her imo.
character hate under the cut it goes
If it weren't for Ferdinand I'd say sure, but that specific aspect of her hypocrisy stays with her no matter the route. She's never angry at Edelgard. Ever. She's only ever regretful that they have to fight each other, and never shows off that she feels betrayed by Edelgard's actions. She can stay pissed at Ferdinand for what he did as a fuckin' NINE YEAR OLD CHILD put into AN INSANELY FLUSTERING SITUATION for a child to be randomly put into out of nowhere - and stay mad at him FOR OVER A DECADE - because it hurt her feelings, but she had a chill year with Edelgard (that gets revealed to her to be built on a foundation of lies and blood) so that means she's chill with Edelgard's
and will NEVER bring that event up, and will NEVER get pissed at her for doing it. Even though HER LIFE WAS NEARLY ENDED because of it.
And also, she still does explicitly hate nobility on all routes - she will lambast them for crawling back to the player's army once Edelgard is defeated out of self-interest. She'll praise and cry for Bergliez for giving up his life to spare his men, and that and hating nobles would all be just fine... except she does all this without ever acknowledging who exactly it was that caused Bergliez's sacrifice to be a necessity in the first place. You know, the one who threw everyone into war? For her own benefit? That thing Dorothea literally just got finished showing off she didn't like nobles doing? But it's fine if her bestie does it!
So, not really - while CF certainly does exacerbate these issues in Dorothea, they are always there to some degree regardless of where she's at
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endious · 1 year
Kinda wholesale jeff mason though but imagine his s/o wanting to hold his hand while out together (pre night of murder) and he's just like "ew no what if people see" but he finally gives in after seeing how sad you are and he just shoves his hand into yours and he's just like "fine whatever". He secretly enjoys it no matter what he says. This might be super ooc but I thought it was cute
THE IDEA OF HIM EVENTUALLY GIVING INNNNN OH MY GOD listen ion write sfw stuff im not good at fluff or anything LMFAOAO BUT ! its so cute wthh
“Pleaseeee?” “No.” It’s instant the way he shoots down your question, tone flat and void of any emotion as he keeps his eyes on ahead.
You deflate momentarily before trying again. “C’mon! It’s cold and my hands are freezing!” “‘m not doing it.”
“Jeff…” You pout, casting your eyes to the sidewalk and hanging your head low as silence fell over the two of you accompanied by the sound of both your footsteps.
. . . God you were such a handful.
“For fucks sake, fine.” And he is annoyed with your persistence. He really doesn’t like the idea of his hand touching someone else’s, it makes his face scrunch up in disgust and if it were anyone else he would’ve told them to fuck off and kick rocks. But of course he had to be with the biggest baby in all of Forest Lawn.
The way you seem to have a skip in your step afterwards makes him feel irritated that you’re so happy go lucky all the time (and especially when you’re around him. He doesn’t understand where your joy comes from consider he sucks the happiness out of everything and everyone around him.) But the corners of his lips tug up slightly and he lets out a slight chuckle as he drops his head for a second.
“What’s wrong?” You ask, always so genuine and caring. It’s fucking weird to experience and deal with someone besides his annoying family worrying about him, but you aren’t obnoxious about it. It’s as if you’re slowly “understanding” him and what gets on his nerves the most. The thought makes him chuckle again.
“‘s nothin’.” He grins to himself, shaking your hand exaggeratedly in his own as if he’s trying to shake the foreign feeling he got away.
You giggle at the action, all smiley with heart eyes at him as you step a little closer and squeeze his larger hand gently before talking on about a creepy shop you thought he’d like to look at and his fingers ever so slightly push into your hand more.
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baeshijima · 6 months
Hello! Would it be okay to ask you for advice on how to build some characters in Honkai star rail?
hi nonnie and ofc !! this will go very bare-bones into character building so, uh, buckle up 🧍‍♀️
the main principle is to prioritise one or two characters at a time. if you go for more than one, then preferably ones that either share the same trace material or their relics are in the same domain to make farming a lot easier and less tedious !!
the next question is: which character(s) will be the one built, and what are their stat focuses? for example, are they a dps who requires atk%, or one that needs a different main stat like hp%? are they a sustain (healer & shielders)? are they a general or a niche (specific for certain characters/situations) support?
once you know these, then you can narrow down what you need.
light cone
this will be a very short section in comparison to relics, as the main thing you really need to make sure of is that the light cone path matches the character path (i.e. a hunt light cone for a hunt character will allow you to make the most use out of it compared to, say, a destruction character, as they won't be able to use the passive ability and only gain the flat atk, hp, and def stats).
the next thing is to make sure the passive ability works with your character. for five stars, their signature light cones are of course the best and easiest tell, but if you don't have them then you will have see the effects. for example, support characters will want light cones that either help boost the team (i.e. dance! dance! dance! gives action forward to all allies when the wearer uses their ultimate), sustains will want something that boosts their defensive/healing capabilities, damage dealers will want something that increases their overall output (can either but dmg%, atk% or a crit/crit dmg% boost), etc.
of course, some may have specific needs (like ruan mei who would want memories of the past as her light cone for both the extra break effect & energy, especially at high(er) superimpositions), but it will always be found in the same path and are easily identifiable. there will also be more coming out in the future, so better options are still yet to come!
the relic pieces have set main stats;
cavern relics:
head piece is always flat hp
hand piece is always flat atk
body piece can be: atk%, hp%, def%, effect hit rate, break effect, outgoing healing bonus, crit rate, crit dmg
feet piece can be: atk%, hp%, def%, speed
planar ornaments:
planar sphere can be: atk%, hp%, def%, type dmg bonus
link rope can be: atk%, hp%, def%, break effect, energy regeneration rate
cavern relics are what can be farmed in overworld domains. they have four pieces which can give you the full set effect, or you can have two pieces for the two piece effect and mix it with another two piece set effect (i.e. this is usually put on supports/sustains, but can also be used on damage dealers if needed).
planar ornaments are farmed from within simulated universe after each elite boss + from the final boss. these ones only have a two piece effect, and cannot be mix-and-matched.
generally, each archetype/class/role will follow the same or similar principle;
the main/sub dps/damage dealer role will want:
body piece: crit rate or crit dmg
feet piece: atk%/hp%/def%/speed
planar sphere: type dmg bonus
link rope: atk%/hp%/def%
certain main stats will depend on what they scale off of. some dps (like dan heng il) will want atk% if they can afford to be slower or have a support that can bump them up, other dps (like jingliu) will want speed to be faster to get more out of their kit, and some will scale off other stats such as hp% (blade) or def% (afaik we dont have a def% scaling dps, but we will probably get one soon).
the best cavern relics will be ones where the set effect benefits them. this can include ones with type dmg bonus as a two piece to mix-and-match with another that has the stat they scale off of, a full four piece that helps their overall output, or one a bit more specific which tailors to how their kit works, such as increased follow-up damage (jing yuan, topaz, blade (inert salsotto ornament only), dr. ratio, and possibly clara with the inert salsotto ornament), increased dot (damage over time) damage (kafka, black swan, sampo, and guinaifen) and increased damage against debuffed enemies (acheron and dr. ratio).
the ideal planar ornaments would be ones that focus on increasing damage output, and it usually again depends on the character's kit for what they need, much like the cavern relics, and with factors such as whether they primarily use their skill and/or basic attacks (rutilant arena would be best in this case), if they use follow-up attacks or have a high ultimate damage (inert salsotto), or if you want an overall damage output from high speed (firmament frontline: glamoth, though so far only characters like seele can really make use of it due to her high base speed + her bonus from her kit, but you can also have supports which buff the speed to meet the threshold) to name a few.
the sustain role will want:
body piece: hp%/def%/outgoing healing bonus
feet piece: hp%/def%/speed
planar sphere: hp%/def%
link rope: energy regeneration rate
the role has two sub-categories; the healer (abundance) and the tanks (preservation).
healers would want (sub)stats that prioritise hp% with an outgoing healing bonus body piece + speed + hp% orb + either a hp% or energery regeneration rate rope. (luocha however is an exception, as he scales off atk, so replace the hp% stats with atk% where you can.)
the best cavern relic sets would either be passerby of wandering cloud for the outgoing healing bonus (the extra skill point is nice, but usually the two piece + either another with a speed or hp% two piece is better) two piece longevous disciple for the bonus hp%, messenger traversing hackerspace is good for the increased speed two piece and party action advance four piece if the ultimate can be used on an ally, but the full set is better for supports rather than healers.
planar ornaments that either boost the character's scaling stat or buff the party are ideal (broken keel and penacony, land of dreams can be good ones, primarily broken keel if you can reach the effect resistance threshold).
tanks/shielders would want (sub)stats that prioritise def% and follow the same general set-up as healers, substituting the hp% for def%, and for the body piece to also have def%. (fu xuan is another exception, as she scales off hp for her sustain as she mitigates damage to herself.)
the best cavern relics would either be knight of purity palace for the def% increase two piece and shield absorption increase four piece (the full set is mainly for characters who provide shields), guard of wuthering snow is mainly good for the damage reduction two piece, but even then you would mainly use this for fu xuan with two piece longevous. there aren't any options, but there will probably be more in the future.
and the ideal planar ornaments would be either belobog of the architects for the increase def% and effect hit rate, broken keel if you want to buff your party + have some effect resistance, and possibly penacony, land of dreams if you want to have multiple/mono-typing (i.e. mono quantum with fu xuan as the quantum sustain).
the support role will want:
body piece: hp%/def%/effect hit rate/break effect/crit damage
feet piece: hp%/def%/speed
planar sphere: hp%/def%/type damage bonus
link rope: energy regeneration rate
general supports will usually have a defensive stats such as hp% or def% for survivability + speed boots + a sustain sphere. their main job is to buff a character/the party, so the priority is to keep them alive without having them be one-shot by the enemy.
the best cavern relics will be messenger traversing hackerspace four piece if they can use their ult on an ally/all allies (which is more often than not a yes since their purpose is to buff). there isn't really much else other than this set, as you want to boost your team and you will get a lot of survivability stats from your rolls, so you don't need anything that offers more.
the best planar ornament sets will be either fleet of the ageless for the bonus hp% + teamwide atk% boost after getting 120 speed, broken keel (arguably the best set), and penacony, land of dreams (again, good for mono teams).
niche supports will follow a similar set-up to general supports, with the exception of the body piece. this could either be break effect (such as ruan mei, whose kit relies on it despite being a general support) or crit damage (such as sparkle or bronya who need a high crit dmg to boost others). their role is to work with a specific kit archetype or boost a certain mechanic. topaz can technically fall in this category (especially with her light cone), but she would want more dps-centred sets as listed previously.
the relic sets are basically the same as those of general supports. the only difference are characters like ruan mei, who will want the thief of shooting meteor cavern relic for the increased break effect (messenger traversing hackerspace can still be used but isn't recommended unless you roll a lot of break effect stats to reach 160%, which can be lessened if you use the light cone memories of the past or the planar ornament set talia: kingdom of banditry for the extra break effect at 145 speed.
the planar ornaments will also be the same, unless future sets come out and are more in-demand.
debuffers (nihility) can be a bit more on the offensive side with the stats, but will mainly depend on the effect hit rate body piece + extra sub-stats of that where possible (could be from light cone as well). their main job is to apply debuffs to the enemy, so having a high effect hit rate is ideal in case some bosses have a high resistance.
the best cavern relic sets can vary, and you will typically use ones that increase their damage. for example, welt would want either the full set of wastelander of banditry desert, pela would usually want the full piece of musketeer of wild wheat or maybe even hunter of glacial forest if you want her to smack more, and silver wolf would want the full set of genius of brilliant stars. a recent set that came out is pioneer diver of dead waters, which can be good on them as the four piece (silver wolf especially), or you can use the two piece with their type bonus two piece.
the best planar ornaments will usually be pan-cosmic commercial enterprise, which increases their effect hit rate as well as increases their atk% based on 25% fo their effect hit rate. however, if needed, they can also make use of penacony, land of dreams and/or broken keel, but pan-cosmic is typically a better all-rounder for them. the debuffers will usually be the ones to have a type damage bonus sphere if you want them to do more damage.
another thing to take into consideration is speed. while there is a lot of back and forth about whether speed is necessary and when, i think it really just depends on whether you
a) actively participate in/complete end-game content and need the speed in order to be fast enough to have your characters take their turn at least twice in a cycle (i.e. forgotten hall/memory of chaos, pure fiction, swarm disaster, gold & gears, etc.)
or b) have a character who needs to meet a certain speed threshold in order to make use of a set's passive ability. there are currently five planar ornament sets that have this requirement:
space sealing station - Increases the wearer's ATK by 12%. When the wearer's SPD reaches 120 or higher, the wearer's ATK increases by an extra 12%.
fleet of the ageless - Increases the wearer's Max HP by 12%. When the wearer's SPD reaches 120 or higher, all allies' ATK increases by 8%.
talia: kingdom of banditry - Increases the wearer's Break Effect by 16%. When the wearer's SPD reaches 145 or higher, the wearer's Break Effect increases by an extra 20%.
sprightly vonwacq - Increases the wearer's Energy Regeneration Rate by 5%. When the wearer's SPD reaches 120 or higher, the wearer's action is Advanced Forward by 40% immediately upon entering battle.
firmament frontline: glamoth - Increases the wearer's ATK by 12%. When the wearer's SPD is equal to or higher than 135/160, the wearer deals 12%/18% more DMG.
this is just a general comment: of course there are other sets that people may use on their builds, but we will also get more sets in the future updates, so it really just ultimately depends on which sets you have the best rolls on, and you can always farm more later if you feel you need to!
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kissinkou · 5 months
What app do you use for your Smau story's ♥️♥️♥️♥️
EEEP hihi ml !! ( ˘ᵕ˘͈) for my smau’s, i actually use my own number and text myself !! i just change the profile picture & name for each character i do <3
for a more in depth explanation, you can check out my smau faq here* which has tutorials !!
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homosociallyyours · 1 year
saw your instacart thing, what does that even cost for a year? maybe someone would just cover it for you
HI NONNY, i am so late in answering this because I took a wee Tumblr break thanks to getting my covid booster. It really threw me for a loop 😅 hopefully I'm on the mend now, and will be back to just my normal levels of fatigue instead of what I've been at the past few days.
My instacart membership ends this week and it's $99 to renew it. Since I'm unable to go to the store, it's essential that I get groceries delivered, and not having to add in a fee each time (in addition to other savings) REALLY makes a difference for what I'm able to get.
Idk if it's possible for one person to cover it, but I'm dropping my venmo and paypal below if anyone wants to kick in to help me cover the cost!!
Venmo: Megan-Beene
Paypal: homosocial
Thank you to anyone who feels like they can help out!!
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stunie · 1 month
I started selfshipping with Hoshina from Kaiju no.8 recently. It's my first selfship, I feel so insecure 🫣 how do you do it? like where did you start?
HOSHINA !!! how cute is that ?! selfships are really fun because you can do whatever you want with them. i think i started mine with selfship art! i saw an artist i really liked on here and wanted to see me and ume in their art style so bad > < so i think your start point depends on what u like!!
for some ideas umm, you can always come up with some lore !! how did you two meet, the trope ? enemies to lovers ? friends to lovers ? there’s a lot of prompts on tumblr. i just go to safari and google selfship questions and it’ll show the popular ones!!
you can also do selfship ask games!! there’s a lot you can reblog and people can send you asks…. i’ll always send them when i see them + you can always talk to me about them too!! i love to hear about selfships. um i had a little event earlier where i raided everyone’s inbox to ask about their selfship (i really need to catch up on the rest of those actually!! i haven’t checked that in a bit but ill try and do them tn!!! ).
THATS OFF TOPIC. moodboards !! you can make those!!! (: it’s fun cuz it shows like…. the vibes of u two … it’s fun to look for all the pics too !! i think most people look on pinterest for those > < OH !!! you know what i think would be fun ??? i haven’t seen ppl do it yet but matching minecraft skins ? if u make those ?!
that would be so cute aaa!! people also do like .. the instagram thing? you could edit some pics and make it look like hoshina’s insta.. what it would look like after meeting u etc !!!
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purple-beans · 3 months
How do I tell this girl I’m friends with, that I love her?
Anon I have no idea why you decided to ask me for advice, I've never been very good at that myself either. But uhh I'll just say what I wish someone would've told me. (Also I'm going to assume you mean love in the romantic sense cuz I already normally tell my friends I love them that's just, second nature)
The best thing I can say is to just, do it? You're probably thinking about "what's the perfect way and the perfect moment to tell her"because you want it to be perfect. But for me, that becomes an excuse to keep putting it off. To keep saying "no this moment is not quite right." And use that as an excuse to not tell them. to not face your fear. The moment won't be perfect as long as you don't want it to be. So don't wait for the perfect moment. Take your own moment and make it perfect by telling her.
As for how to tell her? Well that's your choice. If I i was in your shoes part of me would want to tell them in person. It feels more personal, you can see their reply, and have your hallmark movie moment when they feel the same and you kiss. But also telling them in person might be too scary and that's okay. You can just as well say it over text. Or maybe write a letter. Whatever way feels best to you, will be the right way to say it.
In the end, you're just gonna have to do it anon. You can keep thinking of it and worrying. But at some point you gotta tell her. It will probably be scary and that's okay. But really if this girl is a good friend to you then no matter what, even if she doesn't feel the same, you'll still be friends, and it'll be okay. So go out there, and tell her you love her. And feel free to tell me how it goes. I'll have my fingers crossed she loves you too.
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kentopedia · 1 year
omg rylie Your newest fic made me weep a little, it was so fuzzy and soft ❤️❤️❤️
if you don’t mind, can you drop any writing tips? i struggle a lot with formulating ideas and making dialogue :<
if you don’t want to answer, no worries at all !! have a good weekend !!!
hi lovely!!! <3 thank you very much, i’m so happy to hear that! and omg omg of course!! i would love to share some tips, i am so honored you asked me o(≧◇≦)o
my number one tip is such a cliché, but it’s to write as much as you can! writing is just like any art, you’ll only get better & better with practice. and be patient with yourself! some days i write things that i don’t really like, and some days, i know i don’t feel up to it, so i won’t force myself to write just for the sake of it.
also, another basic tip, but something i struggle with a lot is comparing myself to others. the thing about art is everyone has a different voice & reading would be so boring if everyone’s writing sounded the same! so even if your writing isn’t just like your favorite writers’, it’s still valuable & beautiful because it’s a little part of yourself!! <;3
as for specifics! i formulate a lot of ideas from getting inspired by things around me & other media i’m consuming. some of my writing has been inspired by songs i love, some of them by books, etc. or just things that happen in my daily life! i think just getting in that mindset and thinking abt the world that way can be difficult, but so helpful to coming up with ideas!
when i really struggle with ideas, i usually take a step back & write small things like headcanons or short little drabbles about basic scenarios like first kisses or something! that way, i can get the creativity going, but i'm usually less worried about making those kinds of things perfect, opposed to my longer fics that are more fleshed out.
i’m so happy you asked about dialogue bc it is my favorite thing to write! i actually have a good tip for this. so whenever i write dialogue, i have that conversation in my head, like i’m speaking to that character, without worrying about any of the action that follows. that way you can see if it sounds natural or strange! i find that’s the easiest way to do it, as you’re just thinking ok, what would a normal person say to this kind of statement, how would they go about it? and then you’ve got a baseline that you can kind of tailor to the specific character or situation.
sometimes it helps if i write all the dialogue out first, and go back and add description and action later. that way, you can read it without any interruption. also, if dialogue sometimes feels clunky, it might not need to be changed! sometimes, i find that my writing just needs to be broken up by an action. it could literally a simple change like "hi. you look nice today." to "hi." he smiled. "you look nice today." and that can make all the difference!!
also, i know everyone says this, but reading actual books is such a valuable thing. it helps my writing soo much!! i'm not really sure why it is, but the more i read, the easier it becomes to write and come up with ideas!!
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stagefoureddiediaz · 4 months
Pretty please don't ignore my ask 🙏 are u still gonna write the post about similarities about Taylor and Tommy? I really want to know. I love your blog 💕
Hey Nonnie
I just went back through my inbox and don't have any asks in my inbox about this, so maybe you didn't send it to me, or tumblr has glitched and its lost in the either?!!
I'm not promising anything in the near future - I have a huge amount of other stuff going on and I'd like to focus on that for a bit - everything going down with Tommy after that finale has been draining and lots of other blogs have made posts about the similarities between Tommy and Taylor and the other love interests of both Buck and Eddie so at this point I'm not sure what I could add to the conversaton - I have reblogged many of them so if you want a read then scroll back through my blog and you should find them.
For now I want to focus on more positive things, like being involved in a couple of fests - the fanworks fest and the podfic fest (which I hope you'll enjoy what I create for both), as well as writing my costume metas (I'm not putting a timeline on the metas for 7x09 and 10 - they'll come out but it may not be in the next week or so - I've been very busy at work and haven't had much time to write them (alongside my brain being full of feelings over the finale) but they will appear down the line once I've regained some spoons!) and getting to go back to my creative pursuits such as my writing, art and my sewing.
I am so glad you enjoy my blog, thats really lovely to hear - especially when I've had so much hate in my inbox recently - so I hope you enjoy what I put out over the hiatus and if I can find an angle on the similarities between Tommy and Taylor et al, I will write a post about it I promise, but right now I can't promise anything and I hope you can understand. Please feel free to pop into my inbox at any time with any thoughts you might have and I'll be happy to answer you 💜💜💜
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zestys-stuff · 1 year
HIIII *with rizz* How have you been ?? :D
IM IN LOVE WITH YOUR ART‼️‼️ I wanted ask if you have any tips on how to draw and render na'vi bc no matter how hard I try I can’t do it 😔 🫸🏾
*in a rather deep voice* Hello🌚💕
I’ve been doing pretty well, a bit busy rn, my schedule is a bit filled but overall pretty well, thanks for asking 😅 How have you been doing, love? 👀💕 I’m so happy to hear you enjoy my stuff 🙈❤️ Thank you!
Also tips? Hmmm well… If you’re talking about the stripes then I usually mark them with a color and then, with a slightly darker color, i outline the first ones, if you’re talking about how i make the skin and the glows and stuff, i take one thing at the time
1. Basic skin color
2. Shading
3. Stripes and markings (fade them a bit)
4. Highlights and glow points (pinpoints on the face = nose, mouth corners, eyelids, under eyes etc)
I hope this helps! ❤️
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sumeruin · 1 year
angel help!! everyone keeps talking about everything showers but idk what they are and i feel like u are one of the only ppl who won’t judge me for it will u explain pls 😭
omg girl don’t worry i had the exact same problem a while ago. so, there’s three types of showers, the first is one where you wash your hair, the second is one where you wash your body, and the third is one where you just hop in quickly to shave and do stuff like that. well, everything showers are basically combining all three of those, it’s doing everything you possibly can in a shower. hair masks, face masks, shaving, washing hair, washing body, exfoliating, literally everything. part of everything showers is also what you do before and what you do after, like hair oils, leave in treatments, hair styling, body oils, lotions, body butters, skin care, anything you can think of. it’s super tiring, but i enjoy doing it!! i actually just finished doing my weekly one <3
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snickerdoodlles · 1 year
hi! i just read some of your ask responses about chan while I love the take some people have in fanfic with Chan being like a father figure to the Theerapanyakul boys, i definitely agree with you more. he's korns right hand man, and likely the person that oversaw the boys' training as well. I mostly write kim-fic and ive thought a lot about his training and his "leaving the family" and personally hc that he hates Chan almost as much as he hates Korn, and probably has a good deal of trauma relating to him and his training! do you have any headcanons on a scenario where he survives the coup, and his role in the family later on (even after Korns death?)? I'd love to hear your thoughts !
(prev: 1, 2)
this isn't quite what you asked nonny, but i have a lot of thoughts about Chan's canon relationships and won't know where to go for post-canon Chan thoughts without talking about them first. so! post-canon thoughts towards the end, but first i will annoy you all with a mini rant on why i Do Not Like the "Chan is close to the Theerapanyakul boys" headcanon* 😂
(*this is not shade on that fanon or people who like it, this is just why i personally back out at the speed of light for anything that has them on good terms)
my first problem with this particular premise is that it makes zero sense to me. Korn would never in a billion years allow his sons to cultivate a close father-like relationship with anyone besides him. if Chan was close to any of his sons in a parental way, he'd shoot him and tell his son(s) it was their fault. Korn wants complete control over his kids, he wouldn't let them cultivate that sort of loyalty outside of family.
but also i just...why the fuck would Khun, Kinn, or Kim WANT a good fatherly relationship? they don't know good fathers. Korn is terrible, Gun is awful, Granddad is worse. there is one (1) good father in all of kp and he got killed in front of his son.
i get that people want these boys to have a good parent relationship. so do i! that's half the basis of my mama theerapanyakul characterization! but why do they have to have a good father relationship with anyone? this just screams of fandom forcing found-family dynamics into het nuclear roles again. why is it so prevalent that the true sign of a good relationship between these boys and any older man is a fatherly nature. ugh.
it's also just very OOC to me. Chan responds to the bodyguards bickering with Extreme Irritation. he looks so fucking annoyed when Big's upset during episode 6. any time someone brings him an emotion, Chan's mentally running through his escape route options. and that's with adults! Chan doesn't want to deal with kids, he'd be awful at it!
anyways, with that ~spicy~ pre-rant preramble out of the way, i don't actually have any headcanons about Chan and the boys specifically in regards to him training them. because with the exception of Khun, i don't think any of the boys' trauma comes specifically from violence.
Khun is personally very affected by violence i think, and i don't think he can overcome his aversion to it without a lot of distance from it and it being in the name of protection (see: his big reaction to Ken, but his ability to send out motorized cars with bombs) (tho i also point to how those bombs were distraction, and any kills from them were mostly by coincidence). but other than him, Kinn doesn't like violence but he doesn't have any issue with it and Kim almost relishes in it.
like, this is personal preferences, but i don't think the boys ever had physical training that was bad enough to give them trauma. 1) that is a terrible message for Korn to send to anyone, and Korn cares a lot about images. 2) in show, Korn never physically punishes Kinn when he's upset with him. he punishes Kinn's guards. Porsche's punishment in episode 5 was 100% directed at Kinn, and it fucks him up worse than any physical punishment Korn could've inflicted directly onto him, and Korn knows this.
for Kim specifically, Kim likes violence. and given how good he is at it, he's the driving force behind his own training and likely always has been, especially since Khun was likely kidnapped when Kim was very young. i don't think Korn ever had to 'encourage' Kim to violence.
Kim ran away from Korn's control, not the family violence. i think Kim looked at the role his uncle had forced Vegas into and realized that it, or something very similar, was his destination if he didn't run as fast as he could. he loves his brothers dearly and while he probably does fear them reacting to his love of violence the way they do to Vegas, i think his bigger concern was Korn turning him into a weapon against Kinn. because Korn certainly tries to. and with someone like Korn, who sees the world in terms of things (including people) that are and are not beneficial to him, there's no playing against his games. the only win is leaving the game completely.
this wound up being all about the boys ajfjf, back to Chan! i think all three brothers see Chan as an extension of Korn's control. they trust him...kind of. it's less of "we feel safe around you" and more of "you're familiar." in a turbulent time (like Korn's fake death), having Chan around at least feels safer because it's one less unknown to juggle. but there's not really space for him if Korn's gone. i think in any situation where Chan lives past the finale's fight, he's right back to being Korn's shadow and right-hand man, and if he can take a bullet for Korn, he will. but in a situation where Korn dies first...Chan wouldn't act out against the brothers. it's not advantageous to him. but there's nowhere for him to go. Kinn would keep him around, because of the above reasons and Kinn is extremely loyal to anyone he sees as 'his', even the ones that don't deserve it, but Chan's duties would still slowly siphon away to other people Kinn trusts more imo. Chan's still there, but he just...has nothing. Korn is his everything, and without Korn, he has nothing.
(personally, i'd have Kim kill Chan in any post-Korn survival situations. not because Kim has it out for Chan, i just really like the idea of Kim running a risk probability on him and deciding he doesn't like those risks for Kinn.)
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