#I hope whatever happened wasn't smth bad
rainofthetwilight · 9 months
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guys??? tara deactivated????
does anyone know what happened??? I'm worried for her and I really hope she's okay D:
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spncrscasey · 2 months
One Chance (k.s.)
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Fandom/Characters: Chicago Fire - Kelly Severide x Fem!Reader, Leslie Shay
Word Count: 1k
Summary: Kelly Severide. The man who hasn’t stopped asking you out since you joined 51. But now, you have a date and his time is up.
Warnings: flirting, fluff, tiniest bit of angst? (idk if this would even be considered angst,) happy ending
a/n: i don’t rlly like this but it’s smth quick and short cuz i was bored. i literally saw this gif and the idea came to me, idk what it was about the gif but it resulted in this so here you go ! enjoy reading <3
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“Hey gorgeous,” You heard him say as you walked in, winking at you.
“Morning, Severide.” You reply, rolling your eyes.
“When are you going to let me take you out?” He asked like clockwork.
This had been going on since the week you'd joined the firehouse. Each day, he’d ask if you wanted to go on a date with him. And every time, your response would be the same,
Yet he still hadn't given up, “Never say never, m’lady.” His answer earned a chuckle from you, causing a grin to form on his face.
Truth be told, you really liked him. He was not only an excellent leader but also a great friend. And let's face it, he wasn't bad looking either. Who were you kidding? You could get lost in those mesmerizing blue eyes for hours. He was beautiful.
But you also knew him. You knew his reputation. A ladies’ man, a womanizer, a playboy— you could go on and on. You were aware of the multiple women he'd take home weekly and you didn’t want to be one of them. You weren't the kind of girl who regularly has one-night stands. There's nothing wrong with them, it just wasn't who you were.
The point is, you didn't want to just be someone he was one and done with. Which is why you were continuously rejecting his advances. You couldn't lie though, it was fun watching him flirt with you in hopes of one day, getting your attention.
As you entered the kitchen in search of coffee, you noticed that he had quietly followed you inside.
“So. Any plans for this weekend?” He questioned, as you poured yourself a cup.
“Actually, yes. You want one?” You asked, pointing the mug at him.
“No thanks, but do tell.” He inquires.
“I have a date.”
“With who?” He instantly questions.
“Not that it's any of your business, but this guy I met at a coffee shop down the street a few days ago,” You reply, smiling.
He rolls his eyes in annoyance but tries once more, “How about you ditch him and go on a date with me instead, beautiful?”
“Once again Severide, not happening.” You shut him down for the umpteenth time, walking away.
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Shay was currently at your apartment helping you get ready for the date you had tonight.
“I'm just saying, I've never seen him so into a girl before.” She tells you, lying on your bed as you rummage through your closet for something to wear.
For the last hour, she has been persistently trying to convince you that Kelly has suddenly developed a romantic interest in you.
“Leslie, I know he's your best friend and roommate and that you have to be on his side or whatever- but come on, we both know how he is. Which one?” You ask, revealing two black dresses you were struggling to choose between.
“The one on the left.” She answers before going back to the topic at hand, “He’s changed Y/N- he hasn't brought home a single girl in the last month! If that doesn't tell you something then I don't know what will.” She exclaimed.
“Just because he hasn't brought them home doesn't mean he hasn't been to their places instead.” You point out, putting on the dress.
She sighs. “Just give him a chance Y/N, he's a great guy.”
“I know he is, but being a great man doesn't also necessarily make you a great boyfriend.” You say while beginning your hair and makeup.
“You’re so difficult.” She counters, earning a giggle from you.
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Shay had gone home and since you were done getting ready with 30 minutes to spare, you decided to watch some TV.
You were flipping through the channels when you heard a knock at your door. Assuming your date had arrived early, you hurriedly went to answer it.
“Hey, you made it-” You speak excitedly before looking up and noticing who it is, “Severide?” You furrow your brows, not expecting him to be here.
“You look absolutely breathtaking.” He says, looking you up and down.
His words quickened the pace of your heart. And the way his gaze slowly roamed down the outline of your body caused a shiver to run down your spine, electrifying every nerve along the way.
“Uhh, thanks… But what are you doing here? If you're looking for Shay, she left a while ago-” You quickly answer, pushing aside the way his compliment made you feel before he cuts you off.
“I'm not here for her, I’m here to talk to you.”
“Well, you better make it quick because I'm sure my date will be here soon.” You open the door further, letting him into your space.
“Screw that guy!” He says turning to face you towards the door, “How many times do I have to ask you- go out with me. Please.”
If you didn't know him any better, you'd almost think he was desperate with the way he was pleading.
“Kelly,” You pause, noticing the way his breath hitches at your use of his first name. “I don't want to be just another name you add to your list of girls you've slept with.”
“You won't be! I like you Y/N and if you let me, I can prove it to you. I’m done with all the women- all I want is you.” He lets out exasperated.
“You mean that?” Still unsure of his motives, you look into his eyes searching for anything to prove to you that he’s being honest.
He nods before repeating his earlier statement while taking a step closer to you, “So how about, you call up your coffee shop man, tell him you're canceling and let me take you on this date instead?”
You laugh, “You drive a hard bargain Kelly Severide.”
“Is that a yes?”
You nod, not being able to contain your ear-to-ear grin, loving the way he beams back at you. That smile is something you could definitely get used to.
“Don't make me regret this Severide.” You say in a teasing manner.
“God no.” He says relieved before swiftly pulling you into a bone-crushing hug, causing you to erupt into a fit of giggles.
Maybe Shay was right, maybe he really had changed for the better.
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amomentsescape · 3 months
hello! may i please request a hurt to comfort oneshot of Victor meeting the reader for the first time? he's just out on the town post-job, getting a milkshake or smth and sees reader in a really nice, pretty outfit crying quietly alone on a bench. for whatever reason, he goes up to them and asks why they're crying and they explain that it's their first birthday party ever and all their friends cancelled/ghosted on them.
i'm in a similar situation where i'm about to have my first birthday party ever and i'm really nervous that something is gonna happen. every other time i've tried, something comes up and people either cancel on me or just ghost me complately :,)
Birthday Wishes
Victor Zsasz x Reader
Summary: Victor finds Reader alone on their birthday.
Warnings: Reader being called "pretty," mentions of bad friends
Word Count: 1,018
A/N: Happy, happy birthday <3 I wish you the best day and hope that things were different this time. P.S. I wrote this in a sleep deprived stupor, so I hope this all came out to your liking still :)
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Victor literally never catches a break. And honestly, he liked it that way.
He's spent so much of his life "working" that he doesn't know what to do with himself when he's not assigned a hit. And this is clearly why he found himself walking the busy streets of Gotham with a half melted vanilla shake in his hand.
Isn't this what the normal people do when they're off work? Not that Victor has ever been normal, but he is currently trying to find any way to keep his mind off of the fact that he isn't working.
Honestly, not having someone to kill was more stressful than the opposite. If he's not killing, then what's his purpose?
He looked down at the sad shake in his hand and let out a sigh, feeling conflicted on what to do.
His mind raced with thoughts on tomorrow when he would finally be back to his calling, stalking along the roofs of the tallest buildings with the prettiest views.
He tossed his shake into a nearby trashcan and continued to walk, ignoring the odd glances from those he passed along the street.
Victor kept up his pace and barely noticed how the crowd was beginning to thin out.
The quieter environment was welcomed, but this moment of peace was quickly shaken to the sound of pitiful cries coming from around the corner.
He would have normally relished in this sound, but something about the sobs and sniffles triggered an unfamiliar feeling in Victor's chest: worry.
He poked his head around the corner and saw you curled up on a bench, your face shoved in your hands.
He was quick to notice your elaborate outfit, immediately wondering if this was some type of date gone wrong. But he was quick to shake that thought away. You were much too pretty to have been stood up. At least, that's what he thought. Hell knows he wouldn't have stood someone like you up, hitman or not.
He hesitated for a moment, debating whether talking to you would be a good idea. He wasn't exactly a warm and welcoming sort of person to most, and the last thing he wanted to do was worsen the state you were already in. But at the same time, who cared? He was likely never going to see you again anyways unless your gorgeous self showed up on tomorrow's hit list.
He approached you, his heavy footsteps enough to quiet your crying, your head carefully rising to see who was near.
And the moment his eyes saw yours, he knew he had been right; you were very pretty, and he could almost immediately feel his usual confidence waver ever so slightly at the confirmation.
"What seems to be the matter?" he asked softly, not wanting to startle you.
And to his surprise, you casually rolled your eyes, not even slightly uncomfortable by his looks or presence.
"It's stupid," your voice broke.
You grimaced at how hoarse you sounded, looking away from his gaze quickly.
"I wouldn't consider this stupid," he quickly responded.
He nodded his head to the empty space beside you. You scooted over a bit and allowed him to sit despite still being a stranger to you.
Victor just sat there and watched you for a bit. He was silently hoping you would eventually open up to what was going on. But of course, he wasn't one to pry. In fact, he wasn't one to even engage in a situation like this to begin with.
In a city like Gotham, you were obviously not the first person he came across crying by themselves. But you were certainly the first person to catch his attention.
Finally, with a shaky breath, you spoke up.
"My friends..." you scoffed at yourself. "I can't even call them that anymore. What kind of friends aren't there for your own birthday?" you sniffled.
The realization dawned on him as he took in your words. Well this was even more upsetting of a situation than he had originally planned.
"They canceled?" he asked.
You let out a dry laugh. "Some did. Others weren't even kind enough to send me a text saying they couldn't make it."
You shook your head as you stared into your lap.
"You know, I spent every year of my life not celebrating my birthday because I was scared of this exact thing happening. And of course, the one time I felt confident enough to do it, my nightmare became real. Is there something wrong with me?"
The moment the words left your mouth, your eyes widened, shifting up immediately to meet his gaze.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn’t be spewing my trauma on a stranger."
You could already feel your eyes burning with tears again, the sensation making you angry. It was one thing to be pathetically crying on a random bench out in the open, but it was an entirely different thing to be doing this in front of some handsome man.
"Victor," his voice broke you from your thoughts.
You looked back up at him.
You were surprised to see him smile softly at you.
"My name is Victor. So now we're not strangers, hmm?"
His smile was contagious as you found your body relaxing at his friendliness.
"(Y/N)," you finally responded after a moment.
"Well, happy birthday, (Y/N)."
Victor began to stand at this, a feeling of disappointment weighing in your chest.
You assumed he was leaving until he paused and looked down at you, his hand reaching out.
"Shall we?"
You tilted your head in confusion. "What-"
"It's your birthday. About time you finally got to celebrate it, hmm?"
A smile broke out on your face as you took his hand, following him away from that lonely bench.
This may not have been how you planned the day going originally, but there was no way you were going to argue with it. If you would have known some handsome man was going to show up and sweep you off your feet, you would have happily cut your "friends" off a lot sooner.
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angellurgy2 · 3 months
Something I noticed is that you respond to well wishes with something like "if I deserved nice things then these bad things wouldn't be happening to me" but I often see incredibly bad things happen to good people all the time. Very frequently I see nice people treated like shit and institutions fail to protect the most vulnerable. In fact, this is often a recurring trend. The idea that what is happening to you right now and people treating you badly is reflection on you is something that people often feel in the moment, but is often not the case. People very rarely aren't treated the way they're deserved to be treated and I wonder if you would apply this logic to a stranger: have you never seen someone be mean to someone else? Have you never heard a news story where whatever happened wasn't the victim's fault? Have you never seen or heard of someone being bullied?
Often we can admit that strangers do experience these things, that other people with a lack of support don't deserve the shit they go through, but we don't extend this kindness to ourselves. Why?
I think it can feel hard to be gentle with yourself because if what's happening isn't a reflection on you, then how can you control it? But the truth is, sometimes people are unlucky or misunderstood or don't have the support they need and it sucks. But you never get a chance to be understood and gain more luck if you're not here to try again. There is nothing intrinsic to you that makes you worth less than anyone else--you deserve to get the chance to experience gentleness and I hope you can spare some for yourself. I know this might seem random, but I hope you can have hope? At the very least, whatever happens, I hope you don't end up thinking that this is happening because you deserve it, because I don't think this is your fault
i guess you're right, yeah. i kind of know its just depressed speak but when all i get from almost everyone is telling me the same or doing bad things to me idk why react in any other way. being angry is so tiring. i just wanted some affection before the end bc deep down i know i deserve it and i know i was failed. but everytime i say it someone whos sposed to be one of my own comes in to tell me im evil for saying so. even if im not intrinsically bad there is smth about me that makes most ppl not relate or feel anything for me, and that im not quite able to fix bc its of biological nature. idk. ty
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forevfangirlwrites · 16 days
Hiii saw the reply you made to my prompt (copy pasted the prompt in quotes below for a reminder):
"Hi! Saw the recent hthf and haircuts prompt and had an idea on that for a one shot. Truth or dare but Annabeth gets dared to let Percy cut her hair and he messes up cutting too much or smth but Piper sees potential in it and takes over and it ends up good. Think it'd be a nice moment of Annabeth both being mad at Percy but also worried and self conscious that she'll look ugly but Percy and Piper keeps reassuring it her whilst also apologising a lot for him messing up. Hope u enjoy the idea!"
When I said saw the recent hthf and haircuts prompt and had an idea for a one shot I meant that I'd be inspired by the hthf story and had an idea for a one shot prompt cause of it. Wasn't suggesting the prompt for the hthf series, wouldn't make sense cause as u said, her appearance is key for her job. Apologies for not being clear enough😅 Hope u like the idea still👍🏽 (also will say I absolutely loved the new hthf chapter and looking forward to whatever ur next work is😁)
It’s rare that Annabeth Chase loses a bet. It’s also rare that anyone would bet against her. But Leo Valdez is a brave soul. Or, more likely though Annabeth does not have proof, he cheated.
“Never,” Leo says with a grin that’s too wide for her liking. She wants to push him on it but a combination of still just being happy the dude is alive and the fact that Percy chooses that moment to walk up to them, stops her.
“Hey guys, what’s…” Percy’s smile fades as he looks at her. Which probably means she’s doing a bad job at hiding her frown. “What happened?”
“I need you to cut my hair,” she replies through gritted teeth.
Before Leo can open his mouth to gloat (he would probably call it explaining) she buts in.
“Don’t worry about it, just cut off a little at the ends.”
Percy looks confused, which is almost cute enough to make her smile but then Leo opens his mouth and ruins it.
“A little?”
She allows a smug smile at that. At least when she loses, she tries to keep it in her favor. “We never specified how much of a haircut.”
Leo frowns. “Yeah, but it also needs to be an actual haircut. I was picturing Beauty Queen style. You don’t want to wimp out over a measly inch?” He says the last part in a slightly more teasing tone.
She knows he’s trying to bait her, Percy looks rightly concerned, but she’s not going to fall for it.
Shrugging, she replies casually enough. “It’s called strategy, next time set a better bet.”
Plus, just because Piper can pull off the messy haircut look doesn’t mean she can. Piper can pull of basically anything, and Annabeth knows she needs to play to her strengths to look good.
Unfortunately, one of those strengths is her hair.
Leo shrugs. “Alright, whatever, let’s see Percy try to only cut a little.” He pulls scissors out of his toolbelt and hands them over to Percy who takes them unsurely.
Her anxiety spikes now that the scissors are in Percy’s hand. She loves the guy, but she is not confident in his ability to do this well.
“Wait, hold on, can someone please explain what’s going on?” Percy asks. He also waves the scissors as he says this and she ducks away, mostly to prove a point.
“Sorry,” he says, forcing his hands down when he realizes. This is already not going well.
A/N: No worries, sorry I misunderstood! Hope you liked how the prompt turned out! Thanks again and sorry for the wait!
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ozentheimmovable10 · 14 days
Pheewwwww I need to breathe. okay. So. The current Wuwa event right? I was a bit cocky, had only 40 pulls saved thinking I'd get lucky like last event and get Zhezhi in like 20 pulls or smth. Well that didn't happen. I grinded a little and did another 10 pull hoping soft pick would lock in. Nope. Nothing. So I'm like, "Okay, whatever. I guess I just won't get zhezhi". I wasn't feeling motivated to grind some more for her.
After I pulled for her I pulled for her weapon like 30 pulls? I had nothing saved for the weapon besides those 30 pulls so I was like okay whatever. I was sad bcs I wanted her but I didnt feel like putting in the work.
The last 2 days I started to doubt myself, feeling like I really want Zhezhi. I felt bad that I didn't put in the effort since I like her so I decided to do the impossible. Grind the last 2 days for her and her weapon😭😭. I got the podcast to give me a boost in asterites otherwise I wouldn't have made it but besides those like 650 asterites (close enough), I had saved before giving up only 4 pulls on her character banner and 11 pulls on her weapon.
It was PAINFUL. But I was able to finish grinding for 30 more pulls on her character banner (so that I would get to 80 since soft pity didn't happen) and unfortunately, only 3 more additional pulls on her weapon banner (so 14). I literally finished grinding like 20 minutes ago.
I was feeling confident that zhezhi would come home, felt it in my gut that I wouldn't be trolled by encore or another 5 star. And I DID get my beautiful princess with a disorder >_<!!!
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Now, the only thing left was her weapon. Wasn't feeling at all confident about getting it honestly. My tablet was low on battery, its late here too so these 2 things just made me feel like I wouldn't have time at all to grind for 6 more pulls. I was considering paying again but I don't have enough anymore for another considerate boost. I was unsure if I should use the pulls I had for her weapon since I wasn't even sure I'd get it. I decided to gamble it. It was a 50/50 chance I'd get it, I really wanted the weapon; it's so pretty, just look at it🥺. I got nothing besides a 4 star weapon in the 10 pull. I thought all was lost until I decided to use those last 4 pulls I had too...I honestly didn't expect to get the weapon. I was just banking on that 50/50. On my third 1 pull I got her weapon baby🥹.
Thank you so much Zhezhi for coming home. You and your weapon. I knew you'd understand me😭😭🤭
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Sorry for the long ass rant, but I went through it these past 2 days and I needed to get this off my chest
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moonlightknightess · 1 year
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So... do y'all remember that time I said I wanted to write smth featuring EreHisu x YumiKasa? Welp, it's finally here lol Took me really long to deliver it huh I tried to do them both equally right, but since I did this as Hisu-centric I think it ended up mostly as EreHisu with background YumiKasa 😅 Maybe I will try to give it another go in the future, this time more centered in Ymir, whether I get too bothered about it or whether I get asked for it, whatever happens first lol
Anyways, not proof read! Hope you enjoy! CW: Swingers/EreMika Open Relationship
. Ever since she met Ymir back in high school, Historias has always thought of her as a carefree soul that wouldn't let herself be caged down by anything or anyone, the kind of person who always took every decision for their own contentment and nothing more And in a way, it attracted her, it made her feel down bad for her in a way that no one was able to, she was everything that she desired to be after all
It was the reason why when she hit rock bottom and she went out of her way to raise her with just the mere use of those damn words, she couldn't help but see her as the only person she would willingly live life with
No matter how her life changed in ways that could never be undone, no matter of much her father loathed her for defying his will, nor how much she had to endure for becoming the "worst girl in the world", nothing mattered as long as she was along her side, not even how wild she was as a person and partner
And yet, she can't help but think about how come she let Ymir convince her to try foursome swingers
Now, this wasn't the first time they have ever brought someone else to their bed, quite the opposite actually, it has been quite recurrent ever since her lover came out with the idea for the first time a few months ago
It was certainly shocking at first, though, nothing she has ever thought about before at all, but it wouldn't be a lie to say that she started to get more interested in it the more she pondered about it, sooner than not ending up with the two of them bringing this girl from Ymir's workplace to their bed and having their first ever experience with someone other than each other
The more the merrier, right?
Still, she can't help but think about drawing the line at some point As much as she loves this side of Ymir that brings her freedom and a nice 180-degree turn to her life as a whole, there is so much mess she was willing to let her girlfriend drag her into Especially when, instead of calling it a day the moment she realizes that said girl won't make it to their monthly night, Ymir decides that it would be a good idea to invite Mikasa out of all the girls they both know The fact that Eren, her boyfriend, came along too, heightened things to the next level
She can only blame Ymir's fixation on the Asiatic girl here, her desire strong enough to make her agree to drag her into this madness regardless of Erens presence, something she knows Ymir wouldn't allow even if her life depended on it
Nonetheless, here she was, her queen-sized bed creaking in pain at the combined weights of four people on top at the same time, the main event coming in the form of tosses and turns from Mikasa's and Ymir's bodies fighting for dominance, making her fear it will break to the ground at any second, at the same time it provided her a sight to behold, the performance they both seemed lost into sending shivers through her body
It was simply too mesmerizing spectacle, to see Ymir subdue herself to someone else's will in a way that she never saw her do even once, the very snarky persona that she showed off on her daily life and every time they were in bed crumpling down at the mere intrusion of Mikasa's fingers in her nether regions, the nasty sound of wet slippery skin being stirred mixing so well along her breathy moans, the ones she tried so hard to cover up and yet managed to blurt out of her almost as a plea of mercy
Maybe it was because it was so foreign to her, how unusual it is for her to see her lover's toned, glistening legs twitch so hard by the furious finger pumps Mikasa forces on her bottom to the point it starts to make her concerned of her well being, to see her make those huge gasps of air that show just how desperate she was getting Whether from wanting her to stop or keep going, she doesn't know
-Not so tough now, huh? - She hears Mikasa say, a soft whisper that didn't match the intensity of her gaze on her, the intensity in which he stirred Ymir's insides as mere putty in her hands, the intensity in which she overcovered all her senses in every way she could, from sneaky hands tearing her down to hot scorching hickeys on her neck, all the way through a hot embrace that served more as a way for Mikasa to be in full control, rather than a show of affection - So much of boasting about showing me "how to please a woman properly" -
- S-shut up! - Ymir fought back, or at least tried to, her attempt to respond coming short and instantly threw down, Mikasa's instincts snapping instantly at the slightest hint of rebellion Ymir seemed too fond of, her skilled fingers caressing all the right spots for Ymir to let out the loudest moan she made so far, her opened mouth offering an invitation for Mikasa to take, her tongue already savoring everything she had to offer
She really can’t point out when this tension between the two started, for all she could tell from their interactions, it almost felt like it has always been like this, ever since she met both in High School a few years ago, the brunette already well-known by their current group of friends for taking a liking  in the Asiatic girl and making it know with bold innuendos and daring suggestions that were responded with mere indifference by her part, making everyone wonder whether she enjoyed being the object of her attention secretly or maybe just she didn’t want to bother giving her the satisfaction of getting a reaction out of her Still, she just knows there was something about them two that just started to unfold right there, and the more she thinks about it, the more It turns her on in such a powerful, terrifying way, beyond what should be the norm, quick, sharp jolts of pleasure coursing through her spine all the way up to her lustful drunken head, lithe fingers rubbing her aroused core in other to get rid of this hellish feeling that starts to grow stronger the more she dwells into the marvelous sight they offer.
The sight in which moonlight collides with her lover's tannish, sweat-shinning skin, landing perfectly on her shaking bosom, erratically moving by the combined effort of her laboring breath expanding her chest, struggling to send oxygen up her head, Mikasa’s bottomless hunger for her lips taking the best out of her, lips so flushed together to the point it starts to get swollen bright red, teeth clashing together occasionally as they do so
It makes her close her thighs on reflex, her gummy walls tightening at the phallic-like obstruction settled right on her deepness in hopes of relieving themselves in any kind of way, and it’s only when she hears a - Jesus fuck - muttered right against the shell of her ear that she suddenly realizes that she wasn’t alone here, Eren’s presence making itself present as the hold of reality she seemed to lose so long ago 
- Enjoying the view? - He mocks, words once again muffled against her skin, this time basking itself in his hot breath, a cheeky bite right on the crook of her neck that sends shivers down her spine, settling right where he is buried inside her and increasing her arousal to limits that shouldn’t be reachable, his hand rubbing soothing circles right on her core, worsening her state
It embarrasses her just how much she got lost in the flow of the moment to the point where she forgot about his presence altogether, the sudden realization of his proximity raising goosebumps all around her body, the sudden itch of where he is stabbing her coming stronger than ever, toes curling just at the mere movement of his hips trying to reposition himself robbing the air out of her
Truth be told, it’s not like Eren made any effort into participating at all, instead choosing to be a mere spectator and dragging her along as he did, piercing her on his shaft as he forced her to sit down on his lap, the initial thrust sending her into a blissful turmoil that sooner than later became pure torture
The kind of torture that raises your hopes up to deliberately shatter them down right after
The kind of torture that has her enjoying the wonders and unique experiences that brings sharing herself with other people outside her partner, but at the same time not really fulfilling those fantasies yet
The kind of torture that is all about teasing relentlessly, to arouse her from the inside, his manhood reaching so deep in her guts and stirring them with such an ease that it bothers her just how little he has to do in order to make her lose her mind, the sole notion of his possessive hands roaming around her body turning her nerves on fire and the blood running through her veins boil like molten lava, slowly melting her alive from the inside to the point where it destroys all her walls, the restrictions she put herself crumpling down and caution thew to the wind as she decides she can’t take this anymore 
That’s why, the moment she sees Mikasa make her downtown, wrapping her hands around Ymir’s quivering thighs as she does so, she has to turn her head away, face pressed against the wall of hard muscles right behind her as she hears the sharp moan her girl made, her own doubts becoming true as her deepness becomes moister at the sound of her girlfriend being serviced, the sound of her moans making her shudder on reflex, just as she is used to
There is simply no way she is enduring this anymore, at least not without finding some kind of comfort in hopes to bear with it, her own hips moving on their own as they decide that there is nothing stopping them from getting what she wants, wobbly legs trembling as she unsheathes herself from Eren and-
- What are you doing? - He whispers once again against her frail skin, turning it rosy pink when it meets the warmth his mouth emanates, voice so eerie calm and gentle it contrasts so well with the blazing hold that his hand pressures on her jaw, snatching her out of her hideout and forcing her to look just how much of a mess she did on her own To make her witness just how wet she made him, his crotch swallowed in a puddle of her release, so shiny in her arousal it makes his manhood so red in lustful rage, perfectly aligned with her slit despite her quivering legs threatening to fall at any second, the whole thing making her ponder whether even all of this was too much for him to stand anymore
- Eren… - She whines, her legs rubbing up and down on his shaft and getting a breathless moan out of him, and for a second it feels like she has gone back to her old Christa self again, the one that was good at playing pretend, and the one that made (almost) everyone fall for her, sending him a pleading gaze as she did everything she could just so she can get what she wants - Please… - - Please what? -  He asks right back, yet again playing oblivious as one of his hands plays forces her bottom half down, the tortuous ache she feels on her crotch worsening the more he starts to pressure it down, stealing the very breath out of her - Use your words, sweetheart, tell me exactly what do you want -
And she can’t help but find herself at a loss for words when confronted about her desires, the very tone of finality that send his voice making her aware now more than ever just how much she wishes for Mikasa to make her feel at least a fraction of the mind-blowing bliss Ymir must be feeling at the moment, with her half libbed eyes and her labored breath and her sweat-slicked skin and- Jesus fuck, she would kill if that meant letting her feel something- anything at this point Would do anything to be in Mikasa’s position, to be oh so gracefully collected and yet so wrapped up in endless desire, to make her love feel the things she is always used to doing for her, to make her crumple down in the same way she did, to be able to stare at Ymir right in the eyes and make her choke on her words with the slightest flick of her finger, to dwell herself in the heightened ego she would cause with her little whimpers and her throaty moans But most importantly, right now, she only wants Eren to give her the best dicking she has ever experienced, just wants him to make the last half an hour's worth of teasing and foreplay successfully end in the aching legs and the fuzzy mind that she deserved getting for bearing with him for this long Because even if it meant to beg him in the most adsurdly theatrical way possible, just in the way his sadistic ass can deem decent enough, she just can’t bear any minute if this torture anymore, her mind just filled with the thought of him finally holding her by the hips hips and mercilessly spearing her on his manhood once and for all The last thing she wants is to get nothing out of this experience after all - …Please - She couldn’t hide the want in her voice even if she tried to, her mind state just bothering to let her true thoughts come out for once, her sweat covered body spinning easily against his own, hands placed firmnly against his pecs and back arching so dexterous it make her hips raise once again, careless of the view she must be creating for their partners right in front of them - Please fuck me, Eren -- Fuck me Hard -
And for a moment it seems enough, the wicked smile he dedicates to her making her blood run through her body faster, the hold he forces on her rear making her flinch and the way he spreads her lower lips apart deluling her into thinking they were finally getting started, the tell tale of his engorged tip finally meeting her moist and- - What do you think, Miks? - 
She can’t help but feel her heart stop for a second when she hears him call for his lover's attention, suddenly all the shame and embarrassment she was so foreign to moments ago washing over her as an ice bucket that suddenly brings her back to reality, the air impregnated in a deadly silence as she can tell perfectly the slurping and smooching sounds dying little by little until there is nothing, only her heart beats drumming against her ear and the tell-tale of Ymir’s panting lungs recovering their breath
And even when she tries to delude herself into thinking that Mikasa and Eren were probably just locking gaze into each other and that Ymir wasn’t totally seeking her exposed self- losing herself in the sight of her exposed center, her slit oozing already in lustful want and denied desire as his hands ever so slightly knead her mounds, prying them further open, she can’t help but feel a certain kind of arousment the moment she is placed in the spotlight like this- Harshly, out of the blue, without her intake taken in consideration at all, but at the same time a new kind of hot scorching sensation filling her to the brim And against her better judgement (and against her own mental estability, for that matter), even when she is aware that it would be a terrible idea if she were to do it, she can’t help but to turn her head back in their direction again, being met with the sight of two pair of eyes looking right back at her, the mix of uncertainty and curiosity both combined with something akin to eagerness, Ymir’s gaze once at the verge of tears and exhaustion softening cutely and shinning bright when it met hers, at the same time Mikasa seemed to fan herself into her attention, rosy pink tongue licking the remnants of her doings right on the outer lines of her plump lips, a solid gulp from her part preparing her for what she was about to say 
- You heard her, Eren - True to herself, her voice betrays no emotion, always straight to the point and stutterless as she says what is on her mind, a small fire kindled in her eyes as she locks gazes with her for a flash of a second, enough to send the message - Fuck her, Hard -And it takes no time for him to fulfill her request It takes him nothing to grab her by the hips up like she weighs less than the air, and shove her right back down It takes him nothing to make her beg to be more gentler, to make her beg him to let her take a break- to make her beg him to have mercy for her It takes him nothing to make her lose all the strength- to make legs shake like jelly and to make all the muscles in her body go taut at the same time It takes him no time to make her lose her voice, making her scream for more whenever she felt she was starting to slack and making her beg him to stop once he was overstimulating her on purpose It takes him no time to make her addicted to him in every sense of the world, the sheer power of his experience showing in the several times he has made her get off, making her go delirious on his cock, drool coming out of the corners of her mouth as he mercilessly pounds her from below, ballsack constantly clapping on her entrance and arms constricting her like a python, her small hands no match to his unyielding force, only feeling like loosening his hold once he makes sure she is fucked up in the only way he deems right, with her limbs scrambled all over him and her minds in only occupied with his name, way too exhausted to lift a single finger or let out a single word
And it's only there when she is so high and drunk in lust, that she is soo making sure to convince them to give it another go Hopefully, sooner than not…
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cdbabymp3 · 6 months
yap sesh w jules time !!
tldr ; 5th grade crush follows me on ig 10 yrs later (real not clickbait)
okay making these is so silly bc literally no one gives a fuck 😭 but i have a very strong urge to yap rn bc smth really good just happened and i have no life whatever okay BASICALLY
i had this crush in 5th grade and i was IN LOVE WITH THIS MF like on my fucking soullll y'all. we sat next to each other the whole year and were really good friends. we had the same sense of humor and he always had me giggling (humor is the way to my heart). i talked abt him all the time to my family at dinner always yapping abt what joke he told me that day just running my mouth it was so cute and they'd always smile and nod (nothings changed🎀) he wasn't even super attractive in a conventional sense but we were also like 10 so i wasn't concerned with looks back then. he was dorky but idk he just got me so well and i would make our moms talk after school and they got close. i was scheming fr like ready to plan our wedding and everything lmao anyway he ended up going to a diff middle school and i never saw him again which broke my middle school heart as you can imagine. i moved on and liked other ppl but tbh i never really moved on yk? so fast forward 10 years later today i'm talking abt him with my brother and he looks him up on insta. ALSO WHY DIDN'T I JUST DO THAT SOONER?? i'm an idiot wbk anyway HE GOT HOT ???? he plays guitar in a punk band and has a lip piercing ....... and his hair is shoulder length and majestic asf .... 🐺 so i'm freaking out naturally and MY BROTHER TAKES MY PHONE AND FOLLOWS HIM bc i'm too pussy to do that on my own and y'all he fucking requested to follow me back ...... i'm not kidding i screamed into my pillow...i'm terrified praying that he remembers me IDK i just don't wanna spring a convo out of nowhere on him bc i've never even talked to a guy like that before i'm so shy and bad abt initiating shit but THE OPPORTUNITY IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME LIKE ???? i'm just imagining how cute we'd look together now bc he's super ragged alt skater boy and i'm girly princess cunt core .... sigh. i can't get my hopes up like this guys lord this whole post is a mess but yeah i just had to share sorry
if anyone reads this whole thing and has advice on what to do lmk gang 🙏
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sukiitoru · 2 years
can i pls request levi comforting and reminding reader that they're safe here with him? any pronouns ok
i just remembered smth awful from my past, it happens often but i've been kinda wanting to be comforted by levi :( sucks he's not real you know i think just by being held gently by him would make me feel a lot better so thank u if u write smth <3
Hey anon I'm so sorry you're feeling this way I completely understand you I hope this helps you feel a little better 💙
If you want me to fix anything about this please tell me I hope you enjoy reading it 💙
Mc is non-binary pronounce is they/them
Fandom: Obey me!
Pairing: leviathan x mc
Category: comfort, fluff.
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The moon lit the sky up as mc looked out of their window hugging their pillow for some comfort
Mc wasn't feeling their best they were reminded of something that happened in their past and they just couldn't stop thinking about it
They wanted to forget all about it but their head couldn't stop thinking about it they wanted to be with someone but they didn't want to bother anyone
Their eyes filled with tears as they sniffled pressing their face into their pillow they hated when this happens they would be having a great day then their head ruins everything and reminds them of their past
"mc?" Levi says in a soft voice opening Mc's door he noticed mc wasn't feeling that well at supper so he decided after really hard thinking to check up on mc
Mc quickly rubbed their teary eyes and looked behind them at Levi who had a concerned face
"yeah Levi? Is everything okay" mc asked in a quiet voice feeling as if they would start crying if they said anything else
"is everything okay I noticed you weren't feeling so well at supper so I wanted to check if your okay and......um If you were up for it maybe we can hang out and yk do whatever?" Levi said stammering at the last sentence his cheeks flushing a bright red
Mc smiled softly at the boy nodding their head Levi quickly getting inside the room and sitting next to mc
"you didn't answer my first question tho" Levi says looking at mc while getting comfortable on their bed
"I don't know I just feel like crying" mc says staring at their bed their eyes filling up with tears
Levi's eyes widen in shock as he quickly placed his switch grabbing Mc's hand pulling them into his arms
Levi knew how mc was feeling he felt like that most of time he loves and cares about mc he doesn't want them to feel the way he does
He wants to give them what he wants most when he feels like that a hug a shoulder to cry on someone to be there for them
Mc sniffled softly as Levi held them close rubbing their back his face was bright red but he only cares about mc right now
Mc held tightly onto Levi snuggling into his shoulder starting to feel better trying to focus of how warm he is and how nice his hands feel as he rubbed soft circles on their back
"it's okay you're safe and loved here we all love you and we'll protect you no matter what no one will ever hurt you" Levi says softly patting Mc's head
Levi felt as if he was going to pass out from too much physical contact but he tried to only focus on mc
After a while mc stopped crying Levi went to his room and got them some snacks and his laptop to watch anime together
Levi and mc decided on watching some anime together as they cuddled under a blanket together
Eventually they both fell asleep together feeling safe in each others arms forgetting all about their bad past
Mc dreamt about the happy memories they made in devildom with their new family in their new home their past can't hurt them anymore when they're here
Thank you for reading all support is highly appreciated 💙
This is my writing please don't repost copy or claim as your own
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oleander-nin · 2 months
Okay continuation now lmao
"How'd you find it wasn't my name? Did you look it up or smth? I'm just curious lol."
Nope! Just heard people (and yourself) call you Ollie and never once call you Oleander, so I just assumed. Also part of it is because I didn't know Oleander was an actual name until now. Damn that is a sick name.
"Uhhhhh Mikey would keep a snake if he could. He seems like a snake guy to me."
WAIT I can see that! I don't think he'd like feeding them live mice or anything though, he'd probably get one with a different diet.
I may be thinking a little too hard here but he would ALSO get one that's low maintenance. Or at least he should. In that scrapped episode "T-hex" splinter alludes to Mikey having electronic pets before and I remember hearing SOMEWHERE that Mikey always ends up forgetting to take care of them after the initial excitement dies down? I don't remember where I heard that or if it was another person just theorizing but either way that seems in character lol.
WAIT ANALYSIS TIME maybe Mikey wouldn't like the idea of a super low maintenance pet? Because maybe if he DID have to pay attention to caring for one it would give him a sense of purpose and responsibility that he feels robbed of being so babied all the time. I think he'd be a little sick of being too taken care of all the time and maybe he'd want to provide that for a pet to even that out and make him feel independent. (even if he's bad at it. He really doesn't mean to be).
Or maybe I'm projecting. Idk I'm always nervous that maybe my "analysis" for characters is entirely wrong but WHATEVER I'm anon so I fear nothing (lying)
"Twoal Donnie is into botany, actually! He grows all the flowers he sends. I've had it planned like this for a long time lol, and he'll show off his garden a lot in later chapters(once I get to writing them-)"
Imagining MC looking over everything and thinking: "Hey this guy grows a lot of the same flowers that I happen to receive from Von Ryan... Hm... Eh it's probably a coincidence, they're popular flowers."
"THANK YOU FOR NOTICING THE FLOWER THING. I think you're the first person on Tumblr to point it out so far and I'm giddy. When I re-write it for the final time once I finish this draft, I'm gonna try and integrate more flowers."
I was checking the notes like "Anyone else seeing this?? No?? Okay well I'M going to be crazy about it then." I was pulling up Google to search all the flower meanings chapter by chapter and would freak out a little every time hdjdjshsj
Sorry for long asks again. These are always longer than I want them to be lmao. Have a nice day Ollie! I am sending you good vibes. You have no choice. There is no escape from them <3
- ☄️
Ah, that makes sense lol. I think I've only had two people ever call me Oleander on the server.
Ooo, I like your analysis! I forgot snakes were high-maintenance pets. If I'm honest, I just liked the mental image of Mikey laying on the floor w/ a snake coiled on his back. I agree w/ the 'he'd like taking care of something for once' idea though.
heheh this is making me want to finish this draft of TWOAL so y'all can see what I have planned.
Yeah, I think only Wattpad noticed the flowers so far. Someone commented what the flowers mean on every chapter, and it's been great fun watching them dissect it lol. Very glad to hear you caught it too!
Long asks are completely fine! I really don't mind, it just took me a while to answer this once because I got a bit busy. Thanks for the good vibes, I needed them. Have a swell day, and I hope yesterday was good to you. Thank you for the ask!
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k I don’t really care MUCH about cvlur’s past actions in the hobby with her preorder & shit, cuz I wasn't directly affected. it was one of those things where everyone was talking bout it but i didn't order/want a doll so it wasn’t personal to me. It sucked/etc/hope the victims got compensated/etc. That's a disclaimer cuz I'm neither a cvlur fan or hater. This ain’t about her directly. It’s about her fans/haters who like to debate this constantly lately. Which I seem to fuckin be surrounded by. Also, my tone is kinda aggro to some people cuz I curse but i don’t actually lose sleep over this shit lmfao.
what DOES annoy me anytime someone brings this up like that last confession crying about how ppl are so mad she fucked up when she was “young” - girl is ALMOST 30 NOW if I understand correctly. If it happened 10 yrs ago she wouldnt have been in her early 20s, she’d been like 16-19 and THAT would be WAY more understandable to say “she was young and didn’t know any better.” this shit happened LESS than 10 yrs, she was like, college age, which for US is 18-22 TYPICALLY if you go to college fresh outta highschool for a 4 year degree. ppl in their early 20s, while yeah, in the grand scheme of LIFE are young, are still ADULTS, capable of running complex fuckin tasks from working at a company to managing money for a group order. ppl in their early 20s include 20-24. stop infantilizing people. People can make mistakes at ANY age and severely misjudge a situation (intentional or not what she did). cvlur and I are roughly the same iirc, at the time of sending this im 28, turning 29. If she’s younger than me, she was running an order as a highschooler, which she wasn’t.
There were SO fucking many ppl in college in their “early 20s” who, mature or not, worked with large sums of money, complex organizational structures, etc. some ppl are suited for that shit, some ain’t. You can straight up just say “she was under prepared for the situation” instead of “oh poor bby she was so young 🥺 she just didn’t know!!!” you sound like a fuckin moron, anon. Do you treat every 20yr old who makes a simple mistake at the grocery store like that too? You better tip ur waiters extra who are under 25 even if they spill your drink or make you wait bc they were just too young to know better, they can’t be blamed for that
and for the other person in the comments too, “adults obsessing over her” or whatever …… she’s an adult she’s an adult she’s an adult no wonder why she avoids talking to ppl both haters and fans alike take away her fucking agency SO much. OFF THE SUBJECT OF CVLUR but relating to scammers rn tho, the same can STILL be said about it. Their age doesn’t = not knowing enough about running a good thing. Look at ppl complaining abt dxg1rly, is she worse than everyone younger bc she’s said she’s almost 40, so she only went in with bad intents and not a mistake like cvlur? same with bvmf?
Not sayin dx or bvmf or anyone else who’s been late on shipping/etc etc is absolved of anything, or that they’ve done smth, and same with cvlur, cuz i’ve never ordered from any of these ppl. but don’t give ppl the weak ass get outta jail “oh i was 21 I was just too young to know!”to keep using esp if they really did do something bad. Also, anon, late shipping is absolutely scam territory, and if it happened to you I bet you'd cry scam too by year 2 or whatever lmfaooooo. Thanks for coming to my “I don’t like that the community infantilizes so much shit about this hobby for grown adults” ted talk, I’m off to go scam someone or smth cuz i’m in my 20s so I’m young and don’t know any better lmfao
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eerna · 1 year
Anytime I see a book recommendation i be like :) and go to goodreads to add it to my list then I see your 1 star with a review on it and I become oh :( it’s not really that “I can like a book she doesn’t like” but more like a “I’ve hated every book she hated and loved every book she loved” basically I trust your taste if you know what I mean. Ok to put it together what I wanna ask is DO YOU HAVE ANY IMMACULATE SERIES REC?? Cause every damn time I trust people’s taste and read a popular thing it turns out to be a shitty book that was trying to be dystopian or smth I read this shatter me series the other week cause it was soooooooooo big on social media and I HATED IT I wanted to burn the book but the thing is I was reading it on iPad so that wasn’t a choice to heal my anger. Cause like everytime I wanted to drop it they convinced me that it gets better by the next book and I just dropped it with a hard review after reading the third book. It’s sad cause popular things aren’t even good anymore. I remember back in time popular stuff was like LOTR, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, hunger games idk stuff that was worth your time y’know. Now either the art is fucking dead or people just became tasteless over time
FJKBjkvsbkjavbdkja glad to be saving you from bad recs! And sorry for your bad experiences, I relate :((( After a couple situations where a summary sounded fantastic when given in a tiktok video and then the book was shit, I just completely gave up on trusting any of the Internet's faves nowadays. I mean, not that popularity was ever a quality guarantee, but at least I used to enjoy SOME trendy stuff, even if it wasn't the best writing ever. The shift happened with tiktok, that app rotted everyone's brains and now 99% of the most popular media just don't work for me. I def suggest branching out and not relying on bestsellers, there's a lot of gems to find in the wild! I use Scribd and browse whatever is available at the time, but libraries and youtubers who don't rely only on what's popular are also a good source (usually it's the smaller channels, but some bigger ones might work as well).
As for an immaculate rec, I am so sorry but I simply don't have anything, there's fault in everything I love and that's totally cool! But I'll still rec the closest thing, The Locked Tomb, which you probably read already and I am sorry for that but honestly no other fantasy series comes close for me dbjsavbakj.
Hope you have fun~~
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bullshit-bulltrue · 1 year
☆ hawk talk 8/17/23 ☆
today wasn't the best day per se
um so as i was getting out of the car to go to school i spilled my coffee all over my pants and my fucking DOC MARTENS
but my dad got my water bottle and a towel and wiped em up
and the coffee got on my bag too.. i want to cry bc it's stained
but it gives character so whatever
and like i act like i'm completely fine until i'm out of the view range of my parents and i cussed repeatedly very loud and it was therapeutic
and then uh what else happened
*thinky face*
so there's like this ledge by the front of the school like a brick wall thingy that goes just above my waist and i put my water bottle and bag there
and then i put my earbuds in and listen to music to keep myself from wanting to die
and then ben walks up to me and i just like blurt out "God i hope i don't smell like coffee" AND IT WAS SO EMBARRASSING BC I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY IT,, I WAS JUST THINKIJG IT TO MYSELF AND THEN I WAS LIKE FUCK SHIT NO
and he looked so caught off guard 😭😭
and he was like "uhh no"
so then i was like well fuck i can't just ask someone if i smell like coffee and give them no context 😭😭
so then i tell him about my dumbassery and he sees the coffee stain on my thigh and he's like "ohh yikes. but no, you can't smell it"
but like i'm self conscious so i stil sprayed some perfume bc i dont wanna smell like coffee which was 99% creamer because my FUCKING MOM DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO FUCKING DRING THE DAMN BEVERAGE
so yeah i'm making my own coffee from now on fuck her
a beetle that i thought was a cicada turned out to be,, yk a beetle started flying around my head and i was like "aww it's so pretty" BC IT WAS
but like ig my face didn't say that?? idk i flinch a lot without meaning to
and he's like "do you want me to kill it?" so like ig my face was scared or smth idk 😭😭
and just for shits and giggles i was like "yeah sure"
and then after a while he just gave up and let out a sigh that was like yeah fuck that bug
oh and then he offered me some gum ♡
it was Extra: Peppermint
i'm a spearmint girlie but Extra gum is Extra gum, i will never turn it down
and idk if he offered me some out of kindness or if he remembered that mints and mint gum help me with anxiety
and ik for sure my breath didn't smell so it wouldn't be that either
idk i'm trying not to over analyze everything that happens but i am strUggling right now lmao
so anyway we walk into the building and he asked me if i eat the school breakfast (we were coming up to the cafeteria ish)
and i'm like "no i'm not hungry in the mornings" yk, like a liar
and here's how the rest of the interaction went: (m = me, b = ben)
b: really?
m: yeah idk i just don't really pay attention to when i'm hungry i guess? like i don't really notice when my stomach is empty anymore (this was actually the truth)
b: then how do you know when you need to eat?
m: when i get lightheaded.
b: wha- well what if you get lightheaded during class? we aren't allowed to eat during class periods.
m: i eat a mint or sneak some gum
b: *still doesn't understand all the way but sorta gets it*
b: yeah i get that. if the food is bad i just get the juice (talking bout school breakfast) well, see ya later! *goes into the mess hall*
m: yeah, bye!
(that wasn't our entire convo, i'm too lazy to put everything in)
and then i sorta just went into this one little corner to wait until they let us into the hallway buildings
and then i popped my earbuds back in and started to vibe to rock and then i sorta start singing to myself
and then guess what
HE FUCKING WAS LIKE SAYING "hey let's get breakfast" (again, i was too lazy to type out rhe whole convo and didn't add in vital parts bc laziness and my tummy hurts)
but like also i get it so it's not that big of a deal
so right in the middle of my angry posting on tumblr and kicking myself for being oblivious till the last minute,, it turns out HE WAITS IN THE SAME CORNER UNTIL THE STAFF LETS US IN THE HALLWAYS
fr hoping he didn't see my emotional roller-coaster that would be hella embarrassing
so yea
and then like him and his friends started playfighting and like bro it was lowkey hilarious
so anyway i go into the building, i get to science
and one of my science projects partners isn't there
so thats fucking great
so the partner that is there, let's call her Emers, does the drawing portion of the project while i did the writing
and yeah
i'm like not going in too much detail bc i have to get this hawk talk done quick bc i have to wake up at 5am tmrw and it's already 11:23pm
and i don't wanna look like a zombie in english bc the people at my table will be facing my sleep deprived bitchy mood
so anyway
i get done with science after a while
and then it's math
i am missing my first 3 assignments and currently have an F <3
so fun 😍
/sarc,, for the dumbasses who just started following me
um nothing interesting happened
LANIE GOT BACK FROM VISITING FAMILY!! AND WHILE ON HER TRIP SHE STARTED READING MY COPY OF THE OUTSIDERS THAT I LENDED HER !!!!!!!!!!¡!!!!!¡! (i don't care if that was an unreasonable amount of exclamation points, i am happy)
so yeah ♡
and then i had to eat lunch by myself
but then guess who i see?
*suspenseful mid 1950s detective film music starts playing in the background*
i see ben.
i was not happy.
he told me earlier that he didn't have 1st lunch on even days. AND THERE HE WAS. HAVING 1ST LUNCH ON GUESS WHICH DAY? AN EVEN ONE.
and like if you don't want me eating lunch with you and your friends everyday you can literally just say that . like dude there's literally no reason to lie
so then i told my friend rik about it and he's fr such the best hype man cus he was like yeah screw him don't make yourself worry about that shit
and i was like FUCK YEAH
and then lunch ended
and i went to broadcast and wanted to cry and yeah if you saw the other little posts thru out the day you know why and shit lol
too tired to explain
so then science lab!
well the science and science lab rooms are connected so when i was 100% done with my science project essay i went to the science room and i saw ben
and then after asking the science teacher smth i went back to the science lab room
and i sorta just yk sat there being sad for a while bc i have no friends in that class and i started talking to my teacher bc i always sit close to her desk
yes, i am that student. i sit by the teacher, and this is why i have no real friends.
Ben comes in the room and is just like oh i just wanted to see who's here
bitch go do your work
but i acted nice because nobody at school knows that i'm a bitch
and i'm like oh hi!
and then i just listen to my music while i try to take a nap bc my science lab teacher is cool like that
and yeah that's my whole sad day for you guys <3
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
Yup I'm the same person! I wasn't sure what alias I went by before so I used smth that sounded rather similar in hopes that that was it, thank you for being able to recognise me www. A bigger thank you for your kind words and I hope y'all break free from exam/coding hell soon! Best of luck!!
ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ thank you!!! (Un)fortunately my university moved my midterms to next week and I absolutely have no idea wtf I should be doing lolol–
Also, for your other ask:
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I aligned everything so that you wouldn't know Tighnari's affection meter hehe. You wouldn't be able to find out how he feels about you either way. Alhaitham's either unconscious or dead so you can't get any hints from the terminal. You gotta admire Tighnari's bravery tho, man really called everyone "replaceable", and his bloody leg was literally hanging by the barrier before he flooded the theater lmaoooo
jsiaia uGh same I swear my fricking shock when I saw the poll change was Some Experience ™️ hAHAHAHAH. idk what I was feeling. Shock, disbelief, happiness, anger??? I have no clue, it was an emotional rollercoaster lmao
The chemistry between "Deshret" and "(N/n)" are pure angst material for me and I will keep making y'all feel bad for him lmao. This is why during your visit to Diluc's house, Alhaitham feels absolutely repulsed about the Visconti. He doesn't like the idea of caging you when he truly does respect you. Yan!Alhaitham can't see himself selfishly taking your limited freedom away from you like Diluc. Relish in the angst with me–
I'm pretty satisfied with how I executed that ngl, if I wrote it as crudely as my "alhaitham knew capo because they were friends, he still waits for them like a dog with separation anxiety by the morepesok fountain. He still stalks them for 6 years even though the reader doesn't even know his face." outline it'd probably give a more creepy and less romantic vibe than whatever's in the final product even though they're the same story. The guilt trip worked huh?
If no one reaches 50%... Well, that's just a bad ending– and I'd be incredibly shocked if no one reaches at least 50% considering how generous I'm gonna be with points lol (Cyno's was around 30%+ but you guys chose not to invite him lol.) Then again, I do have ideas in case that happens lmao
You do get a short route with a certain character (still a bad ending.) if that happens but the entire ride will be painful. I'm not telling you guys who that is but I'm pretty sure you can guess who's the LI lmao. Everything goes downhill with him and I wanna fricking high five him for it
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arklayraven · 2 months
Hey Jay, I've read all of the accident and.. "what" is all I can say. that message was stupid and the way you handled is wasn't that bad? like, it was a pretty normal reaction to such a harmful message.
I think they expected smth like "Ohh my sweet nonnie ofc you can block me :pleading:" or "noo" or whatever :l
people can be pretty annoying these days.... dude, just block.. no one needs to know. I'm sorry for what happend, I really hope you're doing better now.
Also those rings! pretty rings. I love the green one sm.. I hope you'll be able to buy them if you want to <3
It was, and the second one sent to me soon after was just as stupid and annoying and just ruined it all for me for that fandom.
Mhm, I think that's what they wanted...But what they were saying and all wasn't cool to me at all. As well selfish at that. It wasn't necessary. They could of easily done without sending me that message.(and same goes for the other anon too who just made the previous anon look worse I feel.)
Exactly, just block and move on. I dunno why its so hard for some people to understand this.
I'm still a tiny annoyed but as expected since this did just happen. But I'm trying to focus on other stuff here and there. But will be venting/ranting my frustrations whenever they come again. Else it'll be eating me alive.
Aaaaa they are very pretty! I don't think I can buy any of them tho even if I wanted. First, no idea about my ring size, and two, very pricey pffft.
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ritsusakumawife · 7 months
Elyria here. First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for the past seven months. (I can't believe this blog is that old already. I still think it's been a month or so.)
While I've only written like two? Three? Fics, it's still been a great time. I got to release some of my delusions somewhere, haha.
There's still so much I want to write about and improve on, but unfortunately, my journey ends here. It may have been short, but it was still memorable.
This next part is kind of like a TMI or might even be triggering for some people.
The whole reason we started this blog was, honestly, just for me. I've been struggling a bit and wanted a way to release some stress, and since we all liked fictional characters and bonded over them and stuff, we eventually came up with the idea of the Ritsusakumawife blog.
Rin handled the blog creation (Hence why this blog ended up being a side blog and not like a main one lol. She messed up on that part but it’s alright)
After the masterlist and etc were done came the writing..I wasn't sure how to do it at first, so I let someone post something first, that being Valerie, since she had more experience in writing and I just felt like seeing her in action and watching her write, would give me pointers?? An idea on how to start writing? and then I kind of built up on that. If that makes sense??
But I still couldn't build up the courage to post smth so the burger fic came to life.
It was written by "N" or 🍔 to show me that I didn't have to write anything serious/good. It can be something silly, stupid, outrageous, etc.
And I really appreciate them doing all this for me. Everyone went out of their way to try and help me. And I'm very grateful for that.
(We even had little therapy sessions where I basically just vent lmao)
Unfortunately, some things are just out of my control, so I'm choosing to leave this little blog project. Things are just too overwhelming right now, and I can't release my stress, etc., into writing like I want to. (Dw too much though, I’m not depressed depressed just a bit overwhelmed with life rn)
I've already talked about this decision with the others and about what will happen to this blog since its "main purpose" will be somewhat useless now.
Will this blog be deactivated or deleted? The answer is no.
It'll still be up and running; the only difference is that I'm gone. Maybe I will come back and leave behind online footprints, or whatever you call them, but for now, I just want to take a break from online and try to get my life together. Because while I may be perfectly healthy physically, the stress and stuff are taking a toll on my mental health, so yeah, I'm taking an indefinite break online(ofc also meaning that I won’t be in contact with any of my online friends) and will work on obtaining a much healthier mental health.
Of course, my mental health isn’t just the reason I’m leaving.
The truth is, I’m moving back to my hometown (due to personal reasons), which is in another country than the one I’m currently residing in.
At most, the only one who'll know about my well-being will be "N" (because we're siblings lol) and my family.
Note from the other mods:
Since Elyria is leaving, this blog may or may not be abandoned until her return. (If she ever decides to return, that is. If not, we'll respect her decision and wish her the best of luck with whatever challenges face her.)
Also, like said above, Elyria will be moving to her hometown, and since she wishes to remove her presence in the online world, that means we (Valerie and Rin) won't be in contact with her for an indefinite time.
It's a bit hard knowing that your friend is going through a bad time and you won't be there to check in on them, but we want to respect her wishes.
For now, all we can do is hope and pray that she'll overcome these challenges and take on life with a smile. It will be a hard journey, but we have faith that she'll get through it, especially with the support of her family.
P.S you better take good care of her N or I swear we will fly over there and give you the scolding of a life time >:(
Extra info for those that might wonder:
Since Elyria and N are siblings and Elyria is leaving the blog, will N leave too? The answer is yes and no.
He won’t be leaving the blog completely, and he will still be one of the "mods,” but he won’t post fics since he also mostly just got dragged here to be a mod lol.
And lastly, the Ayato fic
Like said before, if I(Val) were to discontinue it, I was planning on handing the project over to Elyria but seeing as that’s not possible it’ll be either discontinued or be in an indefinite hiatus. If I do decide to continue it someday, it’ll just be posted on my main blog
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