#I hope you dont mind the little changes!
emmybeearts · 1 month
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Request done for @choijesoo of their beautiful OC! 🪽
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sorry guys they finally showed me peak fiction . Its called “phantom of the paradise”
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secretuncle · 4 months
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How could I resist drawing @where-does-the-heart-lie 's Sabo
Such a wonderful mad lad
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saga of "what if spader was Unnamed Baby". i dont think he is cuz he isnt the same color. but it would be, really funny. it would add such a fun LAYER to his reactions to dark magic AND TO PEP. “THOSE ARE ALL RUMORS. but he WAS a powerful dark wizard” <- guy whose siblings actually got cursed by that guy.
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dolorousvale · 1 month
❦ a reintroduction to shape and color
closed starter | @thomasicism
Perhaps Dolasach should’ve known better when she agreed to be play bodyguard for a rather… eccentric personality.
She wasn’t a stranger to world-renowned artist Rafayel’s odd quirks, or to his occasional apathy towards coming off as unreasonable. Whispers of those facets of his personality made rounds among her circles in university and never failed to be mentioned in his interviews—artists are stereotyped as strange and anti-social for a reason. Even in her brief encounters with him prior to the arrangement, she could already tell that he wasn’t an exception to the trope.
So why then, she asked herself, did I agree to be his bodyguard?
The answer echoed in her mind in the form of a coral stone and a dark blue envelope. She sighed and kept walking along the city sidewalk, paying little mind to the passing cars or passersby.
Almost as if in mockery, today’s weather brought a slight drizzle, too. The soft pitter-patter of the rain making contact with Dolasach’s umbrella did little to soothe her mood.
Nearing her destination, Flux Arts, she pulled out her phone and reviewed her conversation with her employer from last night.
Noisy Oarfish: im still saddened by the fact that my own bodyguard cant identify my work at a glance. if word gets out and youre called “incompetent,” ill be devastated
Noisy Oarfish: you need to improve your artistic sensitivity
Noisy Oarfish: tell you what. ill leave those forgeries at flux with the original and you need to tell me which one is the real one
Noisy Oarfish: but not only do you have to pick the correct painting, i need you to analyze. no point in this if you just get it right by guessing or asking thomas
Noisy Oarfish: think you can get it done by friday?
Me: Fine.
Something about the whole situation sparked such a deep annoyance in Dolasach that had her determined to get the assignment done as soon as possible. Rereading the messages rekindled that flame, and she felt all the more eager to get started as soon as she entered Flux Arts.
Thomas better be here.
The sudden shift from noisy city sidewalk to quiet white cube gallery made her feel a little too aware of how upset she was. After taking a moment to try and collect herself, she approached the receptionist.
“Excuse me.” Her tone was calm and even. “Is Thomas around? I’m here to run an errand for Rafayel.”
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daughterthethird · 1 month
OKOK HALLOO!! <33 sry this is a bit late i had to go out
How do we think,, mango would look as,, a warrior cat,, 🐈
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A lot of their info is in the ref sheet, and idk what else to say other than they’re a bit cuckoo tbh ☹️☹️ and they’re based on a Great Potoo! Mostly js with the smile tho </33 my other ask probs had more on it i just forgot what i put lmaoo mbmb but tysm for the offer!! Have a great day <33
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Warrior-fication under the cut:
“Potoo” is a rogue “cat” that wanders the clan territories and sometimes make patrols really fucking scared when they catch a glimpse of them, considering how elusive they are. You could SWEAR someone was there but when you go back to check theres just. nothing. nothing but a faint unnatural, alien, scent that lingers. Spooky! They’re basically the local Clan Cryptid™ that queens would use to scare their kits into not leaving the camp LMAO. Wether or not they’re actually real is up for debate among the clan cats.
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twipsai · 1 year
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bof of them,,, @bugsinspace
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Yeah, I don't want to make it a big thing but like.. Aside from the obvious things that were wrong with Underlust, as someone on the acearo spectrum and a nonbinary indivual, I do wanna point out the sort of general queerphobia that's attached to Underlust? Obviously there's more nuance to be had, but here's just some things I've been sitting on for a while.
The biggest thing in my mind was definitely the issue of how morality and sexuality were handled, because this has just always been something so glaringly obvious to me. All the quote on quote "good" characters are less sexual or not sexual at all, and the "bad" characters are overly sexual. Blah blah blah it's not up to the author to tell you what is good and what is bad, be critical... But it has always been very disconcerting to me how the character we're guided to sympathise with, Mettaton, blatantly calls the characters who are more sexual (and also portrayed as kinda unlikeable), "gross". There's a general vibe that sexuality is bad, sexuality is gross, and also that it's not the most real or goodest form of love. It's up to the asexual character to go to through the Underground and snap these goddamn heathens out of their lustful trance! And like wow?? What can I say but yikes.
Also, the issue of libido. Libido being heavily conflated with a lack of restraint and also being presented as something that makes you attracted to everyone all the time? It's not a very flattering image of sexuality, and it's also sorta misinformed. To put it shortly, libido (sexual arousal), sex acts (e.g sex), and sexual attraction (if and who you're attracted to) are different things. All the monsters in Underlust have high libidos, have a lot of sex, and wanna have it with everyone. And the asexual character we got, Frisk, probably was gonna have low or no libido, never have sex, and be sexually attracted to nobody. You had all three or you didn't, which is very reductive to say the least. It's good that asexuals were acknowledged and I love ace Frisk with all my heart.. But this is a very narrow, misguided and unfortunately common way people understand sexuality. High libido and bisexuality aren't intrinsically attached to one another. High libido and allosexuality aren't intrinsically attached to one another. High libido and sexual acts aren't intrinsically attached to one another <- being aroused doesn't make you a jerk that crosses people's boundaries, and being aroused is not always expressed openly by said person. Again, it's all just a very reductionist way to look at sexuality.
Also, this is just a teeny weeny thing, but aging up is a bit complicated of a topic for me. Having a character be of consenting age is important if they're going to be sexualised for obvious reasons, but the complete absence of children from any story featuring or discussing sex can be troublesome in its own right. Making sure kids are educated about sex from a young age and letting them be a part of discussions is important for protecting kids from sexual abuse and ensuring their sexual health. Removing children from the conversation makes them ignorant, it makes them feel ashamed, isolated, and puts them at greater risk of harm. Also, Underlust is just so obviously queer, and I'm sure I don't need to get into a conversation about how some people think that children can't be queer, or think exposing them to queerness is inappropriate. This is all wayyy beyond the scope of the original work, but I think it's important to think about.
And the last thing on my mind doesn't have to do with the au itself actually, but I'm looking towards people in the UTMV fandom. Some of y'all with your shipping are just.. Uhh.. Well. I've said it before and I'll say it again, but being overly sexual or flamboyant does NOT make you feminine. If you think being promiscuous is an inherently feminine trait, you are partaking in the sexism my guy. If you think that a gay ship NEEDS to have someone be assigned 'the guy' and someone be assigned 'the girl', you are partaking in homophobia my guy. And if you think that LUST should be the GIRL in a relationship when paired with someone else, double whammy, that is both sexism AND homophobia!! I'm bonking you on the head, cut that out. (If a gay man wants to call themselves the 'wife' in a relationship, that's their own business, but treating it like that's the standard is not okay.)
Maybe I didn't go over everything as thoroughly as I could have here, but I've been typing for a bit and I'm sure you guys get the picture. If you have commited any of the cardinal sins here (joke), that's okay. I honestly don't think the creator meant to portray this, and I don't think anyone in the fandom has bad intentions, but it's still important to examine our own prejudices and misunderstandings and learn to be better. Just because you did a bad thing or didnt know better before doesn't mean that you're a bad person. Peace and love on planet earth, let's make Underlust best au in the whole world, okay?
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arqueervist · 2 years
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Tried out @noctude 's DTIYS, just for funsies. It was a delight to try and paint something after so long :)
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falled-over · 8 months
since pepper was asking for it something that girls do that always makes me think 'cool gender' is not change their names despite it being historically masculine and re-defining the name through their identity and relationship to it.
#dylan mulvaney springs to mind. of course. along with some less famous examples.#shes a great example to give because a lot of things about her align with ideals of cishet feminine ideals and she could've changed her nam#to match. but chose to keep dylan. great gender moment#another thing that i always think is a cool gender is girls who understand femininity as non-necessary addition and arent afraid of#masculinity being a detractor in their appearance#this includes things like girls who talk openly about their dick or dont tuck or a girl i saw recently who rocked a full beard with#lashes a wig and a full beat#and donning a butch identity as a trans girl is always a 'cool gender' moment. especially if she feels little to no need to change much#about herself. the pressures to change yourself as even a cis woman are so high that cis women earn 'cool gender' points from other cis#women for openly combatting them by not performing. the same should be extended to trans sisters#i feel like the 'cool gender' moments most often live in autistic transmasc communities. who are more interested in the metaphysical.#(and there are less fun masculine compliments out there to give so cool gender exists to fill that hole)#but i agree with her. more trans girls and transfeminine people should be seen as people with 'cool genders'#not thinking of donning femininity when thinking of cool genders is indeed misogynistic. dare i say transmisogynistic#hope you guys enjoy me dickriding (so to speak) for the girls every few months. as pippa has pointed out to me many times its a core part o#who i am#what did she just send me hold on#'i prefer “niche enjoyer” to chaser actually'#(in response to me saying something about trans women being the niche in the lgbt im most drawn to. theres no way to say that without#it sounding weird. something something fetishisation often means genuine appreciation reads as predatory making uncomplicated love seem#impossible which further marginalises the fetishised community etc... im just chatting shit u get what i mean)#im like a platonic chaser. unless youre interested in doing something unlabelled with an emphasis on the psycho of psychosexual in the note#i would say that that role has already been filled but who is interested in upholding monogamy in this day and age
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silvertherogue715 · 9 months
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Venus concept art
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narsh-potatoes · 7 months
DOES ANYONE ELSE WANT TO BITE OFF HEADS WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#i mean this in the most excited affectionate and loving and tism filled way possible#i have no anger in my heart all i have is the love for 15 billion different characters that im currently thinking about#thinking about the 3 dnd characters i do and will play#thinking about the protomen and RRAAAAA#thinking about one piece cuz it makes me want to lose my mind#there's this one other song from a semi obscure vr game that is the opening/title theme and it makes me insane#it was also made into a fake anime opening for warrior cats if you know you know and if you don't i will gladly link it it's amazing#thinkin about dragonball music#thinking about protoman (singular) (not a band)#thinking about ace attorney and wanting to get back into it#thinking about specifically the great ace attorney and how every character in there makes me want to lose my mind#like i would do anything for them i love every character in there#back to ace attorney why is penix right so ffggfGggrghgrgrrrGRGGRRGRGRGRGRRGHAHAAGAGRRGRAGARG#not in That way in a his character development makes me go physically insane way#you affect so many people around you and you give so so much asking very little in return and then youre a snarky bitch in your head!!!!!!!#love that for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#in dgs when [REDACTED AMBI DONT LOOK] and he's the one who changed and aahksljdfhasdlkjfhasdkfjlhsdafhfFGRGGRGRGRAGAGGGAGAA#PROTOMEN ACT 3 THAT ISN'T HERE YET BUT IM SO EXCITED BECAUSE WE HAVE THE FIGHT AND LIKE????#yknow at first i wasn't completely keen on the song but it DID grow on me and THE HOPE OF MAN#IS NO MACHINE IT'S WEARING HANDS OF SKIN AND BONE#THE SUN WILL RISE I SWEAR IT#I KNOW THATS HOW THE FIGHT ENDS#THE SUN!!! WILL RISE!!!! I!!! SWEAR!!! IT!!!!!#i have an art piece that just sprung into my mind about that song (again) and i need to draw it cuz RRRAAAGAGAAHAHFDKJGHSKAGFAJDSHGFASDF#i don't just need to listen to this song i need to be IN IT#MAN and im also fucking!!!!!!!!!!!!! working on a little 8page comic for class (assignment is already finished but i wanna finish the 8page#anyways) and THAT is also making me excited#that one drawing i did of roll post that song lives rent free in my mind and i wanted to animate her getting up but i didn't finish that so#whatever!!!!! new piece time
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ncytiri · 10 months
✦ last line / wip day
tagged by the lovely @nuclearstorms, thank you bones!!!! so i decided to go about this a little bit differently because i have not written anything in the past year or so, and as such, i genuinely have no last lines or wips to share sooooo i am instead gonna take the wip day prompt and use it to showcase some new ocs i made 💓
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thanks to state of decay 2 community creation, they give you completely generated characters to start your community with and they all come with built in stats and traits and names so it makes fleshing out characters fairly easy!!! this is my new community i started a few days ago called "the ones left behind" (the communities are all given names too which is fun!)
so from left to right we have sergio "checo" may, farooq "brain cleaner" tarabey, and ángel "cupido" fuentes!!! they are currently residing in trumbull valley in a small military fort at the edge of the map.
santa maya resident
college student before the outbreak (he was studying environmental sciences)
absolutely adores gardening shows and thus gains a morale boost if the base has a garden and he has the gardening skill!
tells bad jokes and is often the target of conflicts in the community (this gives the community a -3 morale 😭)
but he laughs easily which gives the community +4 morale boost so he makes up for it KDKLFJDS
him and farooq get into arguments a lot during the early days because of low resources and close quarters :/
old sequelones resident
psychiatrist before the outbreak
leader of the community!
one cute trait he has is the "kind eyes" trait so i like to imagine he can just stare at people if they are overwhelmed or stressed out and it will help them center themselves (he definitely used this a lot during his psychiatrist days) which comes in handy with the world they are living in now (this gives him a 25% standing reward boost which helps towards how he is viewed by the group!)
he also has the medicine skill so i figure he probably gained a knowledge of first aid while in college because a close friend of his was studying to become a nurse. so he has basically taken on the role of doctor, nurse, pathologist, phlebotomist, and psychiatrist for the community 😭
he got the nickname "brain cleaner" not because of his penchant for knocking zombies heads off, but from college when he was the main person ppl came to to talk about their problems with and left their brains feeling "clean" after... dumb nickname, he knows :/
turtle ridge resident
high school graduate (he played for his high school's basketball team)
during high school and the summer breaks, when he was free from sports and school, he was a dog walker for the rich residents of turtle ridge and nearby neighborhoods of whitney junction and squelones so he made BANK because he liked upcharge them DFJLSJD he also likes to brag that he could walk 10 dogs on one leash but never seems to tell the full story where they fully dragged him down the sidewalk and also dislocated his shoulder :/
a major basketball fan, he even thought about going to college on a scholarship since he was one of the best players in his high school's league! he misses the sounds of the court so much :(
he has the sports trivia skill which always comes in handy when doing their weekly game nights when they get to trivia time!!
got the nickname "cupido" because he was essentially the matchmaker at his high school???? he doesn't know how but every time someone asked to be introduced to a friend of his, that couple stayed together for at least 2 years and more. so people just took to calling him cupido because of his matchmaking abilities SLKFSLJDK
so that's my wip prompt fill and my little introduction to my new sod2 community!!!!! feel free to ask any questions abt them because i love them so much 🫶
tagging - whoever that wants to do this!!!
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llitchilitchi · 3 months
Oblivion did such a great job with its UI, the choice of fonts was phenomenal, the constant presence of kingthings petrock as subtitles and as the player's journal evoking medieval books, the quest updates framed with floral ornaments that look right out of manuscripts, the little icons tied to specific quests and questlines and the different crests that appear in your log to signify your rank in different factions
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stupidusernamepolicy · 9 months
The nd urge to think you can fix a situation if you just explained it more and better and more and better and mo
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dolla-dolla-yeah · 1 year
So they're really keeping those names huh 😔. Like they're cute in the way all AG dolls are cute, but they're pretty basic especially for new character dolls.
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