#but then again thats what these requests are for to learn and grow as an artist
emmybeearts · 1 month
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Request done for @choijesoo of their beautiful OC! 🪽
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animeshotsh · 4 months
I would know | Husk x Child!Reader | Small AngelDust x Child!Reader |
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Summary: Your life in hearth was not good and your learned too fast to know when someone its hurting
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, death, suicide. HuskxAngel ship too. Grammar mistakes.
You were never too sure why you ended in hell or how. First, you were just a child, a regular one, you wondered what sins you could have done to end here. Was life not hard enough on you that you did not deserve eternal peace?
Was because of your death? But even that was a mistery to you. You cant remember if you were killed or if you took away your life. Then again, your life was a hell more than what the actual hell was. You would tremble when thinking of it.
Thats why you faked your emotions, the happy smile, the jokes, everything was a mask so no one would think what had happened to you. But one day after one exterminator day you met Charlie the princess of Hell. And she saw you, the Real you, she soon took you under her wings and roof, her dream of redemtion for sinners filled your heart.
So you stayed and met others along the way.
Husk was at first a grummpy sinner. With no Real care of what was happening in the hotel or with the others. However you found him interesting and started to follow him around (letting Vaggie breath alone for once). It was not a suprise Husk was not in for the task of taking care of a child specially one that could move without making a noise.
Some said it must be demonic power but you are sure you mastered this from the time you were alive.
Sneaking behind Husk was now your personal activity. Alastor found it better than the average comedy and would alwasy be around when you were doing it.
So far you had sneaked behind Husk at least 29 times. And over these times you two kind of got close. Husk never had kids when being alive, so he was not sure if you saw him as a father figure or a older brother, whatever it was he made sure you were on the right path. As right it could be in hell, at least he would make sure you were safe outside and inside the hotel.
He found what happened to you one night. His left ear twitched as movement came, he caught you getting a pissed look from you.
"You are losing your touch kid" he said letting you down "and you should be asleep, the princess will know if you passed your bed time"
"Well, im not tired so lets do something!! We can watch tv all night"
"Alastor said that he would destroy the hotel if there was one single tv in here" Husk reminded them
"Oh right....then teach me to play poke!"
"And why would you like to learn that?" Husk asked looking down on you who was looking away from him
"I dont want to think now, If my mind its in another task...or seeing something...then I dont think"
Husk could hear the sad tone in your voice. He got down to your eye level making you face him.
"And what is it that you dont want to think about?"
You kept your eyes on him then tackled him for a hug. Husk hissed in suprise but stopped when he started to hear your cries. He slowly moved you, making you sit on him so he could wrap his amrs and wings around you.
"Shh kid, no one is going to hurt you in here, im gonna make sure of it"
After that time Husk and you got closer, others noticed it but said nothing about it. Charlie went "aww" once she saw you being carried by Husk on his shoulders while he serverd drinks.
You also grow to be close with Angel Dust, at first he too was not too happy about having a kid around but soon your jokes and personality got him. He also loved to see you pranking Husk.
And his little piggy loves you!! He wants to get you one too.
But you soon noted, something was off about Angel. You started to see times when his persona would change, how he would ignore others worries over him and just smile it off.
Oh....that was what you used to do. But you never had to face someone doing it too.
Of course you went to Husk later on. Him and Angel seemed close so you were 100% sure that Husk would help you.
"You gotta be blunt" Husk said after you explained the situation.
"But...that would hurt him..."
Taking a deep breath Husk faced you.
"Listen kid, people have issues and how they face them its up to them, and how they do it sometimes backfires. Not everybody its going to listen to sweet talk and honey words. You have to be direct and end it there. Its up to them how to act afterwards"
"But...you were not like that to me" you said confused
"Because you are you and Angel its his own persona. You two are different" he responded "listen, i know you want to help him...i want to do it too. Let me try my way and if nothing happens...then we can try yours"
Your eyes got bright with emotion as you nodded.
"Yes!! Lets do it, lets help your boyfriend!!"
Blushing Husk responded "he is not-"
"I see it in the way you look at him" you stated getting a defeated sound from Husk.
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lemonandlime22 · 1 year
I LOVE your bitey child series!!!
Please I NEED bitey child yuu calling Malleus, Jack, Rook, and Sebek big brother💖😭💖
Malleus, Jack, Rook, and Sebek's reaction to bitey child!Yuu's calling them big brother
A/N: Omg!!! this is so cute!!! tysm for requesting I hope you like it!
[Bitey child!Yuu Masterlist]
Mal and Lilia were having a nice conversation in the Diasomnia lounge abt whatever they talk abt
then you just waltzed in, tugged at Malleus's coat, and said,
"Come with me big brother, i needa' show you somethin'..."
He was in shock but followed you anyway
leaving Lilia behind to almost have a heart attack from how cute that was
You two ended up in the backyard of Ramshackle where there was a small patch of dirt lined with many rocks that all very in size
you had shown him your very own garden that Ruggie and Deuce helped you start
nothing had grown yet but you were still quite proud and puffed your chest as you awaited Mal's response.
Malleus chuckled in amusement,
you had come all the way to Diasomnia just to show him your garden
it warmed his heart, especially since he knew how much you hated going through the mirror gates alone
yet you still did just to come to get him
you must truly see him as your big brother then...
He patted your head and said,
"This is very impressive, little sibling. Please do tell me about all of what you are growing."
Jack was just minding his own business, happily eating his lunch
when you came out of nowhere and clung onto his tail with no warning
this was far from the first time though
so he just sighed and continued eating
and you, still with your arms locked around his tail, plopped onto the empty bench area next to him
"*sigh* what are you doing Yuu?"
you just inaudibly mumbled into his tail with a yawn and curled onto yourself, using his fluff as a makeshift pillow
"Really Yuu? Common, you shouldn't be taking naps in the middle of-"
he was cut off by more of your mumbling, but this time he caught on to a certain sentence
"Noooo, big brotheerrrr, lemmee sleeep"
Jack instantly stopped in his tracks
he got hit with a massive wave of nostalgia from when his little sibling called him that for the first time while they were learning to talk.
He didn't have the heart because it was now a pile of mush to stop you and ended up being late for his next class
its rly hard to carry a child thats clinging onto your tail.
You were once again trying to steal Rook's hat
he was hunting a certain eel when you just popped out of nowhere a took his hat
he found it quite amusing
and was very proud that you had managed to sneak up on him.
He playfully chased you all throughout the campus
which lead to you climbing up a rather tall tree
and Rook knew almost instantly something bad was going to happen
and just as he was going to warn you, you slipped and ended up falling
Rook was quick to catch you
and you clung onto him while crying with your face shoved into his shoulder
he was sat under the tree while rubbing you back and reassuring you everything was ok now
when you had mostly calmed down you looked up at him and said,
"*sniff* Thank you, big brother..."
"Hehe, it was my pleasure, dear little trickster!"
Rook stood up, picked up his hat that landed a little ways away, placed it on your little head,
and took you to Pomefiore to get you cleaned up.
He's quite pleased with the nickname you gave him, though he is interested to see who else you refer to that as, there must be many.
Sebek had been dragged to yet another sleepover at Ramshackle by the rest of the first years
they do this at least once a month.
Rn, he was pouting on the couch while everyone was just talking and hanging out a lil ways away
you had gotten board so you grabbed a chair to prop up behind the couch
Sebek was already well aware of your plan, you had done this hundreds of times and were never able to stay too quiet abt it
you quickly wrapped your arms around his neck and yelled,
"Sneak attack!"
ok- its not rly yelling but its loud for you.
and Sebek stood up, with you still hanging on, and took your little arms to propel you forward as he shot down
you were thrown onto the couch with Sebek still holding your arms waiting for you to tap out.
You loved trying to wrestle with him when you were hyper, it's where you learned this cool barrel roll trick.
When you didn't tap out just kept trying to do said barrel roll, so Sebek opted to tickle you
which worked, after a minute you just started trying to tap out while saying
"Ok-Ok-Ok!! You win big brother! You win!!"
He just huffed and sat back down with a victory smile
It wasn't until 3 days later that he realized what you had called him while he was recounting the incident to Lilia
and he had no clue what to feel.
And Lilia had another heart attack
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diejager · 4 months
Hi i love all your stepdad konig and dbf horangi stories🩷 I wanted to ask if you could do a follow up on the pregnancy story where the reader gives births to twins(boy nd girl) and she ends up moving out to this big penthouse with horangi that he and konig paid for,,,,i dont know if thats too much this is my first time requesting,,again you're really amazing and talented🩷💕
Cw: forced pregnancy, DUB-CON/NON-CON, DARKFIC, STEPCEST, child birth, kidnapping, isolation, threat of taking custody, forced marriage, mention of divorce, tell me if I missed any,
Pregnancy was a stressful thing, weighing on your conscience and body, it was a difficult affair for any mother, but yours especially, with your underlying living condition and situation. You provided your baby - babies, you learned after your first ultrasound, seeing two small embryos curled inside your womb - with nourishment, time and energy, your time wasting away to keep them safe and alive, supporting two lives in your womb rather than one. That put a bigger strain on your health, adding to your stress and terror —a bigger risk to your life and theirs.
You doubted your life could get any harder than it was, the constant touching, the fussing, the looming and the shadowing would eventually get to you, but what you hadn’t expected was for König to hold them against you. You should have, honestly, looking back to their streak of cruelty and selfishness, expected that one of them would hold your sweet babies’s custody over you to have you bend to their will.
Who would side with a young and broken mother when she had a strong and more mature father to nurture the kids, retired and respected by his old coworkers and bosses. They would win this battle over their custody, taking away your little rays of sunshine in your dark times, the ones who held your fingers in their soft and tiny hands when you cried at night and their coos making you smile. They were products of rape, a physical proof of your mistreatment, you knew that, but you loved them so, so much.
Your little girl and little boy were everything you would’ve asked for, quiet and easy to manage, they were good kids, even at six months old. You would take care of them on your own if you could, you knew you could be a good mother if you had the chance, but König and Horangi didn’t give you much time. They would take your angels away if you didn’t agree to marry one of them. It was a cruel act of power and sheer dominance, showing you what they could do to have you submit without actually acting on it.
You lost contact with your mom, your last memory of her was her frantic and tearful ramble, locking all doors and trying to do her best to separate the men from you, trying her best to build a shield between you three. She tried her best to protect you and your babies from them, but they had connection, power and a name for themselves, there was little she or you could do against determined men.
That was the last time you saw her, your contacts with the outside world controlled by your two wardens, anything had to go through them in case of dangers towards you and the twin. You lived in a gilded cage, a pretty penthouse and a cabin in the Austrian Alps, a comfortable bed, and a relaxed lifestyle. It was all any person would give to have - a life you dreamed to live - if you weren’t forcefully married to two men, uprooted from your home and taken away to be locked up at the top of a building.
The light in this dark situation was that the twins would have a comfortable life, living a life of luxury without getting spoiled if you taught them right, if you watched them grow up with a strict but fair way. You wouldn’t want them growing up as selfish and cruel as their fathers, your adorable Yoon-Suh with her blue eyes and black mop of hair, and your excitable Leon with his auburn hair and warm, brown eyes. They were your sole priority.
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @danielle143 @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @randominstake @cassiecasluciluce @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi @lucienbarkbark @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @223princess
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lunargrapejuice · 2 months
Hiya Luna, I hope you’re doing well 🥰! I saw your requests were open and decided to send one in, I hope thats alright! If I may, may I ask for Sephiroth and the prompt “It’s weird. I never thought I could feel like this, but you showed up. Now, it’s like I don’t wanna go on knowing I might lose the feeling.” please? Ngl I was going to ask for Cloud or Zack because they’re my faves, but I got too nervous 🙈!
Thank you so much and I hope you have a lovely weekend 🥰!
lyra!!! it is more than alright! i am so so happy that you did🥰🩷 and PLEASE LOVELY YOU CAN ABSOLUTELY ASK FOR ZACK OR CLOUD!! - I'D LOVE TO TRY WRITING SOMETHING FOR THEM💕 thank you so much for submitting this one🥺 - i'm down bad bad this also got longer than i planned whoops 🤭
🌙 prompt event
“it’s weird. i never thought i could feel like this, but you showed up. now, it’s like i don’t wanna go on knowing i might lose the feeling.” | sephiroth x reader with no pronouns used
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it’s safe to admit to himself that love is very unfamiliar. 
growing up sephiroth was taught that such feelings make you weak, softens the heart that should be hardened and cold and calculating. over time he had learned for himself how not necessarily true that was. maybe it wasn’t love, at least not in the capacity in which he feels it now, but he’s cared for comrades and friends even when others might argue it made him weak. but what’s before him now, and slipping through his fingers each day that passes, is something he has never experienced. 
something he never saw coming and hasn’t known what to do with but also doesn’t know what to do without. 
and he was going without considering you were actively avoiding him and hadn't spoken a word to him in what felt like weeks. even in meetings you were forced to attend together, you always left swiftly and without another glance his way, finding one reason or another to deny him a moment of your time and when he almost caught you alone in the hallway, your eyes meeting for but a moment, you were gone as quickly as he had blinked. 
he has been wrecking his brain on what he had done wrong that would make you avoid him, his mind wandering to the chest aching distance between you every chance it got. he had almost lost to angeal in training two days because of it and nearly again to genesis today before his friend looked knowingly into his eyes and recited loveless; ‘the wandering soul knows no rest’
the words echo in his mind, in genesis’ voice no less, when he spots you in the distance. restlessness doesn’t quite begin to describe what your absence was doing to him. it was an uncomfortableness he had never felt before. one he had to do something about because every day it grows worse and if it stays like this he fears you’ll be torn from him entirely. 
it already feels like you are. he looks as collected as he always does but inside his heart stirs and he knows he cannot let this go any longer. 
you swear you saw him down the hall in your side view. he was impossible to miss for so many reasons but the most prominent of them all being your eyes were always evidently drawn to him, just like your heart had been and you cursed them both when they made you stall in your sprint to run away and avoid him right now.
it’s not as though it’s what you wanted but it is what you felt was best when you could feel yourself not being able to hold back your emotions. he couldn’t know, even though you’re sure it was written all over your face everytime you stole a glance but stolen looks weren’t the same as saying the words i love you and being rejected by someone you couldn’t bear to lose. 
so you started your plan of avoiding him until those feelings disappeared. except the distance had not made them go anywhere, leaving them to simmer uncomfortably in your chest like they might burn you. when you saw his lips fall each time you made an excuse to get out of his vicinity, you felt nauseous for upsetting him. it wouldn’t be forever, you keep telling yourself but you don’t know how true that actually is. you cannot picture a life without these feelings; without the way his smile makes your insides buzz with warm incomparable to the sun, with how safe and cared for you feel in his proximity and how utterly gentle shinras strongest soldier is whenever he touches you.
you turn around to make your escape just in case your peripheral vision is not playing tricks on you but before you can make it two steps, you’re staring at his half hidden chest, hardened leather around soft skin your hand aches to touch. so it’s like that, using his actual speed to not let you get away. perhaps you had made him more upset than you initially thought..
“sephiroth!” you smile up at him and it nearly reaches your eyes if it weren’t for the shake of your voice that accompanies your eagerly beating heart. 
“you’ve been avoiding me.” it’s not a question but a very obvious observation that fills you with guilt, though he hadn’t said it in an accusing tone.
your smile falls and you swallow the lump building in your throat, unable to meet his eyes but you don’t try to deny it. “.. i’m sorry. i just..” you can’t find any words that aren’t just the truth.
taking a step back, to run or just put a little more distance between you and find your strength to push back the emotions, you really aren’t sure for which but within an instant his hands are on your face, cupping your jaw like you’re made of glass but in a steady hold that told you he didn’t want to let go, bringing your gaze up to his. you could pull away if you really wanted, you knew he’d let go without you having to ask but you don’t do anything of the sort.
thin slitted pupils stare back at you, swirling in a sea of blue and green and glowing with mako and your brain screams for you to bite your tongue while your heart urges the words forward but he looks at you like he’s going to say something, staring at you with an expression you can’t decipher nor look away from while he pauses.
he says your name, breaking the silence between you, and you hope he can’t feel the heat of your cheeks and neck with the way your body reacts to the way he says it. then he chuckles a bit breathlessly, like it’s helping him let go of something that was holding him back before. 
“i cannot stand being away from you. it’s weird..” he says, his thumbs brush along your cheeks and you swear the world around you stops, like the goddess is leaving this moment only for the two of you. “i never thought i could feel like this,” he smiles fondly and you feel your eyes soften in time with his, your hearts beating with sync. “like i have something to care for. someone i can be my true self with. but you showed up and now, it’s like i don’t want to go on knowing i might lose the feeling.” 
your heart is somehow tearing and mending itself back together at his words and you finally let yourself touch him in return, feeling the wetness of your tears dripping from your lashes before you realize you’re crying. 
his expression falls to worry as he wipes every tear that falls but all you can do is smile and shake your head, closing the distance between you and letting your worries crash to the ground as you reply to him in earnest.
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lili863 · 6 months
Do you think you can do one where reader is really shy (not innocent) but starting to exploring herself to the point she asks Ominis if he could teach her how to self-touch as she feels weird not having a proper structure to learn... to the point Omnis begin and keeps on teasing reader while seducing her to touch him and their supposed 'one-side lesson' soon turn into loss of virginity where Ominis let his dark side takes control of him while making love to MC both gentle and dominant at the same time?
Touch me
Ominis x MC
🔞 NSFW! Minors DNI
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Ominis Gaunt x Reader, extreme smut, MDNI, NSFW
AN: Yall this was based off a request I got wayyy too into it. This poor anonymous persn sent this request ages ago and I hope if they are still active that they get to read it. I have beeen superr busy so havnt been active for a while but hopefully yall enjoy much love!
It all started after 7th year of howarts. You were finally in the last stretch of your academic career with big dreams, high hopes and a fresh start in the world of magic after living your whole life with the muggles. After successfully defeating Rankrok and his followers, you found yourself with free time you'd never had before—not that you were complaining.
Yet it was Ominis Gaunt who took up most of your newly available hours. He wasn't like anyone else you'd met before. A true gentleman, he defied your expectations for how young men typically behaved. He'd been your rock, guiding you through the maze of challenges that filled your fifth year at Hogwarts.
Being with Ominis felt honest and effortless. He could be a worrybody sometimes, but you would be lying if you said you hadn't come to rely on it, it was endearing if anything. And now that the whirlwind of secret missions and dangerous adventures had subsided, you started noticing little things about him you'd overlooked before.
And today was no exception. As you watched Ominis alight from his carriage just beyond the castle grounds, your breath caught. "Ominis!"
His head whipped around at the sound of his name, a warm smile lighting up his face. Abandoning your bags, you sprinted towards him, your heart pounding in time with your footsteps. As if expecting the enthusiasm in your dash, Ominis opened his arms wide. You hurled yourself into them, confirming, once again, how right everything felt when he was around.
With an "Oof!" the tall Slytherin absorbed the force of your hug, your arms locking around his neck.
"MC," he breathed your name, hugging you back tightly. An involuntary sigh of contentment escaped his lips as he felt the comforting contours of your body meld against his.
"God, I've missed you. This summer felt like an eternity."
"It did," he agreed softly.
You pulled back before gently cradling his face, examining his features, oblivious to his hands lingering on your waist. As you studied his cloudy eyes, pronounced jawline, and distinct beauty marks, surprise flickered through your eyes.
He had changed, grown. The boyish softness from last year had given way to a more defined, mature appearance, leaving you momentarily taken aback by the transformation.
"Wow.." You softly chuckled."You look different. In a good way, of course. "
His gaze lowered, emitting the comforting warmth you craved every time you looked into those intriguing eyes before a small smirk made its way to his face.
"I suppose you haven't changed one bit, still standing on the tips of your toes"? He quipped, a teasing note coloring his words.
Your smile dropped, and you had to look down momentarily, embarrassed that you were indeed doing exactly that.
You quickly set your heels to the ground, causing his fingers to brush against your curves tightening ever so slightly.
"Excuse me?! For the record, I'm still growing. My healer insists that a growth spurt is right around the corner—'
"And perhaps you'll gain a hard-earned inch. I wouldnt worry darling, thats what the accio charm is for"
Your hands flew to his collars as you tugged him towards your face.
"Accio isn't the only charm I've got up my sleeve, Gaunt"
Ominis looked caught off gaurd for moment, feeling the warmth of your face and breath.
"In fact, I've been meaning to show you all the other spells I've learned. Only if you care to finally join me at Crossed Wands"
Raising an eyebrow, the slytherin huffed a laugh, "I've got better things to do than go to a children's club?"
"Afraid of a little public humiliation?"
You watched as his hands rose to meet yours, clasped firmly around his collar. With a swift motion, he unlatched your grip.
"I'm sparing you the public embarrassment of defeat dear". Your face flushed a deep red when he gently turned your hands over, his lips planting a searing kiss on the palm.
"No need to remind you of our last game, do I"? his low voice vibrated in the little bubble you two were stuck in, unaware of the looks other people were giving you two. You caught your breath, the softness of his lips lingering on your skin
His words triggered memories of your past dueling defeat. A defeat you'd hoped he'd let slide, especially after you'd arrogantly challenged him again. So much for thinking the 'blind kid' wasn't a threat. In truth, he could've been an excellent Auror if he'd wanted to.
""I—it was just one time, Ominis," you stammered, your words mirroring the erratic beat of your heart. As the amusement on his face faded, he smiled his hand sliding past yours, "I'm just teasing"
The air between you thickened as he gently pulled you closer, his hands thumbs circling the curve of your waist. Your cheeks blushed fiercely under his gaze. "I've missed you, MC," he whispered, his voice deep and laden with an intimate huskiness.
Caught off guard, you stayed slient. "The summer was a nightmare at my parents' house," he continued, "but thoughts of you were my escape, my quiet refuge."
You gulped not recognizing this kind of intensity in his eyes, almost as if they could suck you in and trap you in them for eternity.
"Are you two about to kiss"? Both of you jumped at the intruding voice of your firend.
Ominis sighed, now turning to the voice of his firend.
Sebastian flinched playfully. "Oops, should I come back later?" His teasing had you huffing a laugh, a welcomed break from the tension. You licked your lips nervously, watching the two with a small, nervous smile, secretly grateful that Ominis couldn't see the flush on your face.
But the moment's intensity was far from forgotten. That night, as you lay in bed, the scenes with Ominis replayed in your mind, each one leaving you more restless than the last. Your thoughts were a whirlwind of emotions, each memory with your best friend intensifying your inner turmoil.
Ominis had filled out, a lot more than you expected. His physique had blossomed, revealing a strikingly defined muscle tone that commanded attention. It was impossible to overlook the way his biceps seemed to strain against the fabric of his pristine white shirt. Though not bulky, the undeniable truth was that he no longer resembled a slender, lithe boy – his presence now exuded a captivating aura of strength and maturity.
You caught your breath, an instinctive reaction as your thighs rubbed together subtly. The lingering sensation of his arms wrapped around you remained, an imprint of solid muscle and strength. And those fingers—Merlin, those fingers. Their ethereal paleness was etched with a web of green veins, elevating their beauty. Always impeccably manicured, they were long enough to make even the largest textbooks look small when held in his grasp
An irresistible curiosity welled within you, envisioning the sight of those digits gliding across your bare skin. Imagining their journey from your chest, down to your stomach, and delicately tracing the contours of your hip. As desire consumed you, your chest heaved with anticipation. You moistened your parched lips, feeling a bead of sweat forming on your flushed skin. And then, finally, his fingers would trace over the delicate mound of flesh and delve right to your-
Instantly, your hands flew to cover your mouth in shock at the noise that just flew out of your lips.
Suddenly, you found yourself in the midst of soemthing very intimate with your hands stuffed down your panties hovering over your aching core.
With quiet pants, you stayed still listening for any shifts from the other girls across the room. Fortunately, only silence ensued as you tried to swallow down your humiliation before slowly resuming, feeling the folds in between your fingers.
With a nervous heart, you began to rub your folds in a clockwise motion. A small flicker of something awakened in the pit of your stomach, causing you to gasp at the unfamiliar sensation. Your heart raced as you continued your ministrations.
However, as quickly as the feeling came, it soon subsided, leaving you perplexed as your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Without hesitation, you switched to a faster state.
Soon, you began swiping, dragging, and pinching before you finally gave up in frustration.
Nothing. You felt nothing.
Were you doing something wrong? You weren't entirely naive. You had heard other girls talking about touching themselves down there, and they all claimed it was a euphoric sensation like no other.
Maybe this was a mistake..
What were you thinking? Touching yourself to the thought of your best friend.
Your arm swung over to cover your eyes in embarrassment, followed by disappointment. Perhaps it was best to just go to sleep now...
A week passed, and you held onto the hope that the strange feelings you had for him would fade. But fate had other plans.
Professor Hecat's class was always rowdy. Flying spells were common, and both you and Ominis were accustomed to them. But today, Leander Prewitt and his cronies chose to act up.
Seated beside Ominis, your jaws clenched as Prewitt initiated a verbal confrontation, belittling Ominis and doubting his dueling abilities. Sebastian retaliated swiftly, but an inexplicable surge of rage coursed through your veins in response to Prewitt's petty taunts at Ominis, and you promptly decided Leander was going to learn today.
Just as you began to rise from your chair, Ominis seemed to read your intentions. With a sudden, commanding grip, he seized your thigh, pulling you back into your seat with a force you couldn't ignore.
Your eyes widened, muscles tensing under the sensation of his fingers digging into the soft flesh of your thigh. Your gaze met his for a fleeting moment before drifting down to where his grip tightened, locking you in place.
"I've got this, MC. Save your energy," he murmured, his voice low but clear. His words weren’t a boast, but a quiet assurance.
Rising gracefully, Ominis shed his robe with a fluid motion, placing it neatly aside. He then proceeded to loosen his tie, the emerald fabric slipping through his fingers with practiced ease. Rolling up his sleeves,
You watched mesmerized at the sight that unfolded before you, captivated by the visual of his forearms, adorned with prominent veins that seemed to pulsate with intensity, emanating an aura of restrained power.
Clenching your thighs, you swallowed hard, forcing yourself to look away.
"Care to duel, Prewitt?" Ominis asked, a hint of malice lacing his voice. "You seem to have plenty of time to spew nonsense."
Ominis would never waste the time of his day on someone like leander. But here he was, standing before you with a look in eyes that had your stomach doing flips.
Prewitt snorted, exuding arrogance. "Don't go crying to Black when I best you, Gaunt."
The entire class excitey swarmed past you more than intrigued to see this fight. And eventually, even you couldn't help it.
The duel was a spectacle. Ominis dominated the arena. You knew he was powerful, but seeing him dismantle Prewitt—a seventh-year known for his formidable dueling skills—left you a little breathless. The calculated dodges, the crackling spells—each move he made sent a thrilling pulse through you, stirring something you hadn't felt before
You'd never openly admit it, but ever since that duel, only thoughts of Ominis managed to ignite even the faintest sparks of pleasure within you. Everything else left you feeling disconcertingly numb, as if disconnected from your own sensations.
You'd imagined his fingers tracing patterns on your skin, the timbre of his voice urging you toward the edge, the warmth of his lips promising release. And yet, frustratingly, that elusive climax remained just out of reach.
The experience was as maddening as it was mortifying—each moment teetering on the cusp, only for the feeling to dissipate into nothingness.
Days later, you saw him leave class, chatting amicably with Sebastian, a playful smile gracing his gorgeous lips. As you leaned against the hallway wall, you found yourself at an emotional crossroads, wrestling with whether or not to take the next step.
The young Gaunt walking beside Sebastian slowed in his steps, letting Sebastian walk ahead with Garreth when he suddenly sensed your unmistakable magical presence.
His head turned your way as you stood up straighter, caught off gaurd.
Before you were able to think, Ominis called out your name.
You sucked in a breath before forcibly smiling, not that he could see.
"Hey....can we talk for a second..."?
You sat nervously in your room of requirement after sending Deek off for the night. You were expecting Ominis to walk down those stairs into the room any moment now.
Today, when he beckoned you over, you couldn't resist inviting him to meet you tonight—despite your internal protests. Restlessness had overtaken you, and if there was anyone who wouldn't judge your upcoming request, it was Ominis. As you pondered your own audacity in calling him here, a tight knot formed in your heart at the mere thought, causing a flood of second thoughts to assail your mind.
But just as they threatened to spiral out of control, a surge of panic gripped your gaze, capturing sight of Ominis descending the staircase.
Shit. Your shaky hands now fell to your sides as you stood from the couch to acknowledge his presence as normally as you could.
"Good evening Ominis".
The moment your voice reached his ears, a soft smile played on Ominis's lips. "Evening, darling,"
You tried to ignore the way his smooth tone cut through the quiet air of the room.
As Ominis strolled towards the couch, your gaze inevitably followed him. His shirt, a few buttons undone, subtly revealed his well-defined chest, adorned with a smattering of black beauty marks.
Strands of hair that were usually slicked back had fallen forward, adding a touch of casual charisma to his look. With one hand nonchalantly tucked in his pocket and the other holding his wand, he moved with a confidence that was both understated and captivating.
'Had he always been this striking?' you wondered.
He gracefully took a seat on the couch next to where you stood. Heart pounding, you took a seat beside him and offered the tea you'd meticulously prepared earlier.
The room was thick with silence for a few beats before Ominis finally spoke, cutting through the tension.
"So," he started, a hint of playfulness in his tone, "caught a cold, have you?"
"You sound as if you're speaking from the other end of the room," he observed with a slight, teasing tilt of his head.
In that moment, you became acutely aware of your own timidity, practically recoiling from him, from where he sat. Your tongue flicked nervously over dry lips, a gesture you had repeated countless times throughout the day.
"Oh..."Before a single word escaped your lips, his keen intuition sensed that something was amiss.
"MC, is there something wrong?"
You shook your head, perhaps too vigorously, "No, not at all! I didn't call you here for anything bad," you assured him, lowering your voice on the last part.
You notice his eyebrow tense with a slight scrunch "Well with that tone you're not exactly putting my concerns to rest," he noted, patting the cushion next to him. "Come here; I'm not going to yell across the room to talk to you."
A moment went by before a soft chuckle escaped you as you inched closer to Ominis. "The couch isn't exactly spacious," you remarked, but the playful tone in your voice dwindled to a hush when his fingers delicately found yours. With a gentle tug, he erased the scant distance left between you.
Your breath caught in your throat, the heat of his body radiating against yours in a comforting yet unsettling way.
"Alright, whats on your mind"?
You bit your lip, a nervous habit that not even the daunting OWL exams had provoked. 'I'm... it's hard to find the right words.' You hesitated, feeling the weight of your own vulnerability. 'This is...embarrassing, something I've never had to voice before. Yet, with you, it feels different. It feels safe" The sincerity in your voice was as clear as the mixed emotions that danced in your eyes
Ominis listened intently, his features softening.
"The thing is I have been struggling with something that I didn't quite expect to struggle with, actually even you would be surprised if you knew"
"Perhaphs, as long as I get it hear it" The small smile his face did no such thing to help the nervous one diminish on yours.
“In fact, it’s almost laughable when I think about it. No other girl seems to be troubled by it. In fact, I might be the sole person in this entire school befuddled by something so trivial. It’s ironic, considering all of the feats I’ve accomplished with far less trouble—”
You halted abruptly, feeling his hands gently squeezing yours.
“What is it” Ominis pointed out softly.
Swallowing hard, you murmured almost inaudibly, "Could you... help me find... pleasure?"
Silence lingered for a moment, each second intensifying your unease.
It was as if time itself paused when you noticed the subtle change in his demeanor. His breath hitched, momentarily caught in his throat, as his eyes widened ever so slightly. The usual confidence in his gaze gave way to a flicker of surprise, or perhaps realization. "Oh..." he uttered softly, the word barely more than a whisper, yet it resonated with unspoken understanding.
Upon hearing Ominis's reply, your heart sank. In a rush of emotion, you stood up abruptly, mumbling apologies as you prepared to retreat. Your eyes, unable to meet his intense gaze, shifted downwards, while internal doubts echoed that perhaps this was all a mistake.
Just as you were about to suggest ending the evening, a gasp slipped from your lips. Ominis, his grip still firm on your hand, drew you back with a swift pull, causing you to tumble unexpectedly into his lap. Your heart pounded wildly as you looked up at him, your eyes wide with surprise. "Don’t go," he whispered softly, his voice soothing yet firm, his hands securing you at your waist as if fearing you might flee.
"I don’t want to make you uncomfortable," you stammered, your voice barely above a whisper.
He shook his head gently, his hand cupping your face. "Trust me, you aren’t," he reassured, his thumb softly tracing your cheek. His fingers tenderly explored your face, a faint smile playing on his lips. "It’s been so long since you let me touch you," he murmured, his voice tinged with a mix of nostalgia and relief.
Your stomach fluttered, acknowledging the truth in his words. You had been avoiding him, distancing yourself in a futile attempt to evade the complexity of your feelings.
"Is this why you’ve been so distant these past few weeks?" he inquired, his tone laced with curiosity.
"You noticed?" you replied, a hint of surprise in your voice.
Ominis would have been a fool not to. Despite his attempts to feign indifference, the absence of your presence, the lack of even a fleeting conversation each day, weighed heavily on him. The way you would hastily exit a room upon his arrival haunted his nights.
He had always harbored a silent obsession with you, yet he considered himself too cowardly to confess it. After all, you were perfection personified in his eyes—the savior of Hogwarts, his savior. He had thought your kindness in befriending him, a blind student, was the pinnacle of your generosity.
But now, he realized he might have underestimated the depths of your caring nature.
"I have" He answered.
"Oh, was I that obvious"? You tried to hide your embarrassment but it was all out in the open now.
Leaning closer, he whispered teasingly, "Quite so. Can I assume that I am to blame for this delightful situation?"
Your nervous laughter filled the room. "Delightful isn’t the word I’d use for the sleepless nights you’ve given me," you confessed, immediately wondering if you had revealed too much.
His smirk grew slowly, a knowing glint in his eyes. "Sleepless nights, you say? How troubling. I wasn’t aware I had such an effect.'"
But of course, he knew. His courtship had been subtle yet deliberate: anonymous bouquets, offers to help with your studies, each a breadcrumb leading you unknowingly back to him. He noticed the other suitors too, drawn like moths to your flame, each trying to surpass the others with their affectionate gestures
Realizing this, Ominis's tactics shifted. He was no longer just a smitten boy; he became a calculated seducer. His methods were more than just charms and touch; they were whispered promises, the intentional caress of his fingers against your cheek, and his hand's firm yet reassuring grip at precisely the right moments.
He had never seen himself as that kind of man until he felt you envelop yourself in every sense he ever had.
It was torturous to be able to smell you, hear you, or even touch but just never enough to satiate his growing obsession with you. At one point he even considered secretly wedding you under his name just so he could have you without question.
You had sensed a hesitance from him, perhaps because of the gentleman he was. So gathering the remaining bits of your courage you slowly shifted, draping your legs across his lap, pressing your back against his solid chest. A flush of heat rose to your cheeks, and your heart thundered in your chest as you leaned into his embrace.
Ominis's breath hitched as he felt your weight settle against him, the faint scent of you enveloping him. For a moment, he was motionless, as if caught in a dream. Then, instinctively, his hands found their way to your hips, anchoring you.
Your voice, barely above a whisper, broke the charged silence. "What are you waiting for, then?"
"Touch me"
His world seemed to shift at your request, opening a door to a path he never imagined traversing. Heart hammering against his chest, Ominis drew you closer, his breath a soft murmur in your ear. "With the utmost pleasure".
As you nervously bit your lip, Ominis's fingers had already begun to glide toward the hem of your dress, delicately folding it back to reveal your lower half.
His fingers danced cautiously across your abdomen, "Use my hands, he whispered softly, "show me how you touch yourself."
The words were complete filth, but how he made it sound so angelic was beyond your comprehension.
Aligning your shaky fingers on top of his, you guided his pretty hands that you daydreamed about so much right down to your core already aching in anticipation.
Ominis suppressed a noise and nearly cursed out loud at the feeling of the warmth of your clothed cunt that bled through to his fingers.
The soft fleshy feeling had his cock twitching in his trousers already beginning to harden.
He began to rub you hearing the shaky breaths leave your mouth. A smirk slowly etched on his face as he realized how sexually innocent you were. He barely started and you already were writhing at his touches
"Lift your hips for me"
Your eyes that closed shut snapped open at the gentle command.
As you turned slightly to look at him, he mirrored your movement, his lips brushing against your cheek intimately. "Trust me..." he murmured. Your eyes fluttered at the fuzzy feelings that engulfed you.
Using your hands, you pushed against his thigh lifting your hips. Ominis smiled faintly pleased at how well you listened before feeling for your soft lacy undergarments and hooking his fingers under the hem. It all bit took him a few seconds as he delicately peeled the thin material down your legs.
Discreetly, he slipped the tiny undergarment into his pocket and then lightly tapped your hips, a silent cue for you to sit back down.
You hadn't bothered with a bra, assuming it was unnecessary since Ominis couldn't see. Yet, sitting bare in your thin, flimsy nightgown, you felt starkly exposed.
His other hand slid around your waist, adjusting as he leaned back against the couch, seeking a more comfortable position. In response, you unconsciously shifted, spreading your legs wider. The movement caused your nightgown to gather up, its fabric bunching around your hip.
Red crept up your cheeks and you prayed Deek didn't leave anything behind after he left because you were completely exposed at this point.
"You feel so warm." Ominis slid his fingers through your folds, exploring every crevice of you shamelessly as you gasped and flinched.
"It..ng- it feels a little strange. I've never felt like this before".
The young Slytherin caressed your bare thighs, addicted to the smoothness of it "Perhpahs we can fix that"
Ominis glided his digits up your folds feeling a delicate arch, before uncovering your clit. With a smirk he applied firm pressure on the nub causing you to gasp, tensing in his lap.
"W-what was ..that" You whispered breathlessly.
"There we go… feels good doesn't it"?
You could barely respond to his question as he began circling the nub rhythmically.
Ominis smileding feeling your body wrack from the hard breaths you were giving. He didn't expect you to be this inexperienced.
"Darling..give me your hand"
You obeyed with a whimpers before feeling his damp fingers take in yours. Taking them to your clit, he encorugae you as you curiusly circled it, flicnhing at the waves of electricty shotting through at very momvemnt. Ominis chuckled quietly, turned on by the reactions you were feeding him.
"This..is so strange" You spoke. New was the word, but to explore such a vulneraable moment with someone like him, it felt..embarressing. Almost as if you should know this by now.
Ominis took a breath, before taking over. "No. Not strange. It's natural".
You bit your lips. fighting not to close your legs at the way he was touching you "Is it natural to get this..wet"?
"Well if I do this correctly" he began "Pretty soon you'll be soaking" His sultry voice shot straight to your pussy causing to you clench.
"I feel..hot ughn-"! Another wave of pleasure washes over you as he works his magic, teasing and swiping you repeatedly.
This is… too much," you whimpered, overwhelmed by the intensity.
Ominis grunted feeling you bounce slightly over his strained cock. Without a second thought his other hand grabbed the straps of your slik nightgown, sliding it off your shoulders and doing the same with the other. You were clouded in a haze far too high to notice as he continued assaulting your clit. The room soon began to be filled with the sounds of squelches.
The gown slid off, exposing you entirely. Ominins traced his fingers down your collarbone relishing the warm smooth skin before feeling your the flesh of you plump breasts.
With a quiet groan he cupped you, his thump circling your nub and swiping over them, causing them to perk up.
You whined arching your back pushing all your weight on his cock.
"Fuck MC, you're driving me crazy".
As his ring finger delicately circled your entrance, a sharp intake of breath escaped you.
"O-Ominis! Please, ugh—!" your plea broke through the thick air.
"Come on, love, you can take it," he coaxed, his voice a mix of encouragement and desire.
"No! I can't!" Your voice escalated, edging towards a cry as a wave of intense sensations began to coil deep in your belly.
To Ominis, you were a vision of breathtaking beauty in this state of abandonment. The sounds you made were so intensely arousing that it took all his self-control to focus on your pleasure first, rather than his own.
Your hips involuntarily began to buck against him, seeking friction against the growing bulge in his pants. The young Slytherin grunted, using his free arm to steady you while his fingers worked relentlessly, intensifying the pleasure.
As his fingers rhythmically flicked your clit, his command broke through your haze. "Face me."
The simple instruction barely penetrated your overwhelmed senses, but you managed to obey, turning to face him.
"Lean forward… and kiss me," he whispered, his voice laced with a mix of longing and hesitation.
As soon as the words left his mouth, Ominis was seized by a sudden fear that he had asked for too much.
But before he could retract his words, you silenced his doubts. Your lips crashed onto his with an urgency that left no room for second-guessing. Your hand found its way to his hair, gripping and pulling with a desperation that matched the intensity of your kiss.
The two of you shared each others breaths, as he groaned into the kiss, pressing himself closer to you. Not even a moment passed by before he suck his tingue to swipe over your bottom lips before intruding your mouth. Both of you groaned at the taste of each other, rocking and bucking your hips.
Had it not been for the single thread of sanity his mind was desperately clinging on to, he would have completely forgotten that you were a virgin and plunge his cock into you as deep as he could go.
However, nothing fed his ego quite like this. Nothing in his years of living could compare besides you spreading on his lap and letting him defile you like this. And he would be damned if he would let another man try now.
Quickly you grabbed his other arm and shoved it to your perked nipples beggin for some atention.
Breaking the kiss in desperation, you gasped, "T-touch me here…"
His touch in response became rougher, rolling your nipples between his fingers, as you gushed onto his digits.
"You're making a mess, sweetheart," he murmured against you, his hips subtly rolling to meet yours.
You could feel the smug smirk of his lips against yours. Licking your swollen lips, you tasted him again, your senses torn between the overwhelming touches and his intoxicating flavor. "Its all your fault" you managed to say between ragged breaths
"My trousers are soaked, and yet it's my fault?" he teased knowing damn well you were right. In response to your attitude, his fingers tightened around your plump flesh, nearly drooling at the thought of taking them into his mouth.
Frustration mingled with your desire as you retorted, "Yeah? Well, why don't you do something about it, then?"
Ominis briefly stopped his minitrations taking in your words.
You panted eyes darting back and forth between his.
"I will."
In an impulsive motion, Ominis drew back and slid his hands beneath each of your legs. With an effortless strength, he lifted you, responding to the unspoken urgency between you. Simultaneously, the Room of Requirement seemed to attune itself to the escalating intensity, morphing subtly to accommodate the unfolding desires
Looking ahead, the room suddenly turned pitch black.The once-lit fireplace, which had filled the room with a comforting orange glow, was now extinguished, plunging everything into the deep dark, you saw a stunning vision materialize
Floating candles flickered to life, encircling a bed draped in rich black satin sheets. Their light cast an ethereal glow, creating an island of illumination in the otherwise dark room, with the bed as its sole focus.
It was..ominous. Yet seductive.
A surge of realization quickened your heartbeat. This daunting setting wasn't conjured from your fantasies. It was a manifestation of someone else's.
Just as you had realized it was Ominis, he released you into the bed conveniently placed in front of you as you fell back with a bounce.
"Omi-" You gasped as he grabbed your thighs and pushed them apart, exposing your gushing pussy, dripping from your juices onto the satin sheets.
Your eyes widened, you never saw him like this before. Jaw clenched, eyes dark, and towering over you like a menace.
It was a far cry to the shy and reserved guy you were us to seeing.
Ominis inhaled your scent, with his throbbing cock already leaking precum into his trousers. Qucikly removing his shirt he dove in, feeling abdomen and pressing searing kisses down until he felt your wetness press agaisnt his nose. Without hesitation he slicked a solid stripe up your puffy folds before taking in your clit into his wet hot mouth.
"Ahhg- fuck!" you cried out, the world spinning as Ominis continued his fervent ministrations. He sucked on your swollen numb catching your dripping jucies on his chin
Your eyes rolled back as you arched your back crying loud enough for the whole Castle to hear. Your hands shot to his head gripping his soft hair unconciously rolling your hips into his face.
"Nghh-feels so go-good"!
Words failed you, your mind whittled down to incoherent babbles under his relentless ministrations.
He groaned against your cunt, swirling his tongue around the nub, repeating the motions over and over as you convulsed.
One of his hands slowly unwrapped itself from your thighs before rimming your entrance. Just as another load of juices spilled, Ominis seized the opportunity to slowly insert a finger causing you to flinch at the intrusion and clench around his long digit.
"That's it Darling..just relax" He whispered.
Your eyes began to flutter as Ominis pumped his finger back and forth/
"Can you take another, Darling?" His husky voice cut through the haze, demanding your attention. You whimpered shaking your head, overwhelmed by the sensation of his finger. "I dont think so"
"Yes, you can, sweet thing. Just relax," he coaxed, his whispers punctuated by a kiss on your clit before he climbed up to hover over you, caging you in.
"Merlin, Ominis," you gasped, breathless, "This isn't what I… asked for, uggnh—" Your words struggled to form as you felt his finger curl inside you, deftly stroking your sensitive walls.
"Pretty soon, you'll be nothing but a babbling mess, and I'll barely understand a word," he teased, his voice a blend of amusement and desire.
Frowning at his smug demeanor, you reached up to his neck, pulling him closer to your face. "Careful, Gaunt, I can still—ugh," you tried to warn, your words faltering, "I-I can still hex you."
Licking his lips, Ominis's eyes darkened, a devilish smirk playing on his lips. "Is that supposed to be a threat?"
"Yes. And one you'd do well to—agh!" Your protest was cut short as he slid another finger inside you, stretching you further.
His smile was a triumph as he leaned down "I'd take every hex you could ever throw at me if it means I can touch you like you this again".
You swore your stomach did a flip as redness took over your face.
A reply just sat on the tip of your tongue but before you had a chance to reply, his hands slid to the back of your neck pulling your hair at its root to expose your neck before sucking and kissing the sensitive skin.
You grunted at the feeling of his canines pressed to your throat while he plunged his long fingers mercilessly. "Fuck" You murmured. It felt so good.
You were so slick he was easily able to finger your squelching core, clenching around his digits every chance it got.
Ominis didn't want to go too hard on you yet, but unable to control his speed much longer. His fingers began to fully thrust into you, curling and hitting a squishy spot.
Suddenly he hissed as felt you rake your nails down his back while you cried out in pleasure. Grabbing the back of your neck, he muffled your cries, shoving his tongue down your throat while fingering you harder.
He wanted to be gentle, but clearly, you were going to make it impossible.
You moaned feeling a tear slide down your cheek at the overwhelming feeling. Truthfully, it stung a little, but a tight coil building up in your stomach overrode every sting you felt.
Breaking the kiss, his forehead rested against yours panting from the kiss "I can feel it. Your close".
"I..I feel something in my stomach. I don't think I can take it-anymore" You whispered, barely able to catch your breathe.
"Go ahead darling" The young Slytherin peck on the lips again smiling against them "Come for me"
You whimpered fisting the sheets beside your bed, arching onto his fingers. Suddenly, the coil in your stomach snapped as white hot blinding pleasure flew over you. Your muscles began to contract before you felt your pulsing walls close in on his digits still buried inside you. You gasped, mouth wide open eyes squeezed shut unable to make a sound from the pure bliss.
Ominis felt every wrack of your body, hearing every silent little noise you made, quietly observing your state. Nothing could compare to the beauty he was witnessing. Nothing made his pride swell up in his chest before like you did. And nothing very made him regret the state of his eyesight like you did. Even blind, you were so beautiful.
"Still quivering from the aftershocks of his touch, you gradually relaxed into the soft sheets, each breath a conscious effort to steady yourself. Ominis, tender in his movements, leaned down to plant a gentle kiss on your forehead. A smile tugged at your lips, and you wrapped your arms around his neck, drawing him closer in a silent invitation for more intimacy.
In the quiet that followed, a subtle shift brought your legs to encircle his waist, and you could feel the pronounced tension against you from his trousers.
'Ominis?' your voice was soft, yet laden with unspoken desire.
"Yes, love".
A boldness took hold of you. "Please, make love to me. Here, in this bed."
With a sharp intake of breath, Ominis jumped up and grabbed your hips, pulling them to meet his hips causing you to yelp. His tone was low but reverberated throughout the air leaving the place silent under its domineering tone" With the utmost pleasure"
There you lay as Ominis slows his pace, feeling your uncontrollable clenching pussy squirt onto his cock like a hose.
Your entire body shook from the intense pleasure, your thighs trembling as you back arched. Ominis sinster's smirk was a strong indication if any that he felt no remorse for bringing you to your 3rd orgasm as tears slid down your already dampened cheeks, absolutely in love with how greedy your pussy clamped down on his cock.
But he was far from done. In the time he spent with you tonight in this room, somewhere he tried to be accommodating and doting as he usually was but that option flew far out the window as soon as you decided to make him cum faster by topping him.
You learned a hard lesson today. Ominis doesn't like brats.
It wasn't long before Ominis started railing you again, taking it to new heights
“wait—slow d-down Omi’—hngg!” you moan, nails clawing at his back, scraping the pale skin. He was sure he was full of marks by now that Sebastian was going to interrogate him about later, but he couldn't a give damn right now.
You felt your body recoil, pushing up against the bed with each sharp thrust as he pounded into your worn-out pussy, dragging every inch of his length in and out. Your knees were bent at your ears this time, feet dangling by his head as his hips slammed into the back of your thighs.
"Such a pretty slut aren't you? Look at how well you take my cock". You couldn't understand a thing before realizing Ominis had slipped in pareceltongue while he was plowing into you.
The forbidden language only had gush aroused even further.
“Fuck baby” he sighs “Bet that pretty pussy is just begging to be filled again”
"I cant-" your cry comes out strangled already feeling another orgasm coming. It was painful how much you clenched around his girth of cock by now.
In response, Ominis leans in, trailing a path of wet kisses up your chest. As he approaches your mouth, you instinctively lean forward, anticipating another kiss. But instead, he releases your thighs, his hands moving to grasp your hips firmly. 'One more round, darling,' he whispers against your lips. 'I'll make you come so intensely, you won't have any more sleepless nights. How does that sound?'"
At this point, you were sure Ominis was lost in the pleasure as he grounded up your saturated pussy.
"And what if I do" You whispered breathlessly
He chuckled leaning in and giving you another heart-melting kiss. You knew you were done for.
"Now that you belong to me, I can assure you you won't"
Before you had a chance to reply, Ominis deftly maneuvered you, effortlessly turning you around in the bed. You landed softly on your stomach, the sheets cool against your heated skin. His hands traced a path down your back, pausing at your ass to grasp and squeeze your flesh firmly, followed by a sharp slap that made you squeal in a mixture of surprise and arousal.
Then, without any warning, you felt him align himself, and he plunged back into you, his entry swift and decisive
Before long he's drilling into your sopping cunt, his tip kissing your womb, whispering vulgarities into your ear. The lewd sound of his balls slapping against your ass and both your groans fill the room as your eyes watered at the sheer width of him.
One hand firmly gripped your hip, while his other slid up your lower back, pressing you firmly into the bed. He angled your body, creating a deep arch that allowed him to drive into you with relentless force prying your cunt open with his cock slamming into you at a bullying speed.
Your ass recoiled with every snap of his hips and soon you felt another orgasm hitting you like a spell. As it overtook you, you found yourself crying out his name, your fingers clenching the bedsheets as you convulsed around him.
Ominis grunted bringing you up to press a searing kiss as he pounded his seed into you, unleashing his load enough for it to drip down your thighs.
As the kiss broke, you both lay there, chests heaving, caught in the aftermath of the storm of passion and connection you had just weathered together
You felt utterly exhausted, and Ominis, perceiving your fatigue, showed a hint of concern. He hadn't intended to be so fervent, and despite your lack of complaints, he wondered if he had gone too far. Then, you turned towards him, gently tugging at his arms, urging him into the bed with you.
"MC—" he started, but you cut him off.
"I'm sleepy. And I don't think I'll be able to walk for a while, so the least you could do is stay the night," you murmured, your voice a mix of fatigue and affection.
Ominis's initially surprised expression softened into a smile at your words. He leaned down, placing a tender kiss on your forehead. "I did make a promise, didn't I?" he said softly.
You couldn’t help but grin, pulling him down for one last gentle kiss.
'Keep your word, Ominis.'
His smile mingled with yours in the kiss, and he drew you closer, his embrace a comforting presence. 'You know I will,'
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solarrclxud · 7 months
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pairing : wriothesley x reader
genre: fluff
warnings : not proofread , french is used as a reference to the language of fontaine . i do not speak french so this is google translated .
a/n: google translate my love . I dont think this is my best work but-
requested by : @awn0ther
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It was a sunny Wednesday afternoon when you and Wriothesley roamed around a local market , stopping occasionally to look at the goods being sold. Contrary to what the public thought , Wriothesley loved shopping with you , barely needing any persuasion to accompany you and insisting that he could hold the day's shopping .
He was also great to have around when talking to locals , French rolling off his tongue with ease as you tried to stop yourself from staring in awe . However , he caught you staring once, bringing it up once he was done talking to a Melusine stationed near the elevator . As you both passed by a park , he brought it up " I saw you staring , my love..is there something bothering you?" , you looked up to see genuine concern on his face. " Oh , nothing i just..." you paused for a moment " well i want to learn french" . He hummed in response " Well lucky for you , i am proficient" he boasted , the tone of his voice laced with slight laughter.
A week later , you'd assumed he had forgotten the encounter. You definitely hadn't expected him to sit you down with a stack of school level French notebooks , claiming to be your self proclaimed tutor . " Im a tough master though i warn you " he said , wagging his finger in your face , you slapped his hand aside jokingly , " We'll see about that" .
You had always been a fast learner , but trying to concentrate with Wriothesley so (SO) close to you was a feat you could not manage . Eventually , after 2 hours of struggling you huffed in defeat , leaning back in your chair . He laughed heartily , " Beat already? Thats fine we'll try again tomorrow."
Another sunny Wednesday , another local market . This time you both were stationed at a grocery merchant . As you tried to ask him about the price of the apples , you stuttered out the question in in broken french , " combien pour les ..." you paused , looking up at Wriothesley and holding the apple to his face to enquire about the word. He was grinning when he said " pommes...combien pour les pommes". " po...mmes?" You enquired , trying to figure out how to pronouce the foreign word . He nodded , his grin growing indefinately at your attempts . how cute.
Later on your walk home he brought up the topic again , " You've been learning well , could it be thanks to the wonderful teacher you have?"
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thank you!
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novistarplanet · 11 months
Daddy's Girl
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ExDrugDealer!Connie x BlackReader
a/n; hope yall don't get offended by this only read this over once this is also for my fllwers 🩷 + requests are open
Growing up you were raised with a very religious background your furthest memory to date was your mom making you sing in the choir.
You didn't mind at all you actually liked going to church at times with your father being the pastor you were inspected to be modest all the time since you had a reputation to uphold.
Which means no growing up. No parties, No skimpy clothing, and most importantly No boyfriends.
You could never wrap your head around it.
"Y/N pull out your bible and pay attention maybe kids your age can learn something from it" Your Auntie Ruthie smacks your arm with her hand fan.
pulling out your pink bible turning the page to the scripture.
It felt like forever of your dad preaching about the same things but with different words.
Each time he finishes reciting the stories a string of "hallelujahs" and "amen" flooded the medium-sized church.
it was going just like every Sunday went it was just about time for offering when you noticed a man well boy with a collection of tattoos that marked his neck and entire two arms standing beside your father
"Brothers and sisters ill like to introduce a new family member of our church Brother Springer"
looking around you it's clear as day not everyone was with the idea of him joining.
His full name was Connie Springer or "Constance" as people called him in the streets. He was a big-known drug dealer in the area who was recently shot.
Who now found himself in your daddy's church ranting about him finding God.
Did you believe him? Hell No. But as a Christian, you have to see the good in people.... so who are you to judge?
“Now folks I want you to open him with open arms lets all bow our heads and say a prayer towards this young brotha!” on cue, everyone bowed their head as your father recites the words.
You could feel eyes watching you while each word was spoken. slowly opening your eyes up you see Connie smirking at you biting his lip
you couldn't help but stare he was oddly attractive your aunties warned you to stay away from thugs and deadbeats.
but something about him made your heart skipped.
closing your eyes again focusing on the prayer and blocking him out but it wasn't too long before negative thoughts filled your mind.
dirty ones.
you have been having dreams of someone buried deep between your plush dark toned thighs slopping all over your messy cunt while one of his hands is wrapped around your neck.
rising up from your two soft pillows your clear juices dripping from he’s barely visible stubble beard.
His hands soon found home around your jaw shaking it roughly
“open your fucking mouth bitch” the dark figure huffed out.
quickly opening your mouth obeying his command
he used the hand that was wrapped around your jaw lifting it up and shoving it back down.
“you know what to do stop actin dumb” he takes his other hand that was originally holding your thigh to slap you across the face till your pink little tongue came out.
“ m’imma reward you for being so good” he hurtles a gob of spit down your throat forcing you to swallow it.
“yea thats it you really want daddy’s dick huh? you fuckin dirty whore” he lets go of the placements of hands as now they found their way towards his pants.
unzipping them revealing dark blue boxers with a large bulge
slowly pulling the-
“Y/N! You better not be sleep!” your auntie hits your side again slightly shoving you.
by the time you opened your eyes, everyone was on their way out probably going to red lobster or olive garden.
“now this is my first and only daughter y/n” You look over to see your dad talking to Connie looking directly at you.
connie still had the look in his eyes he did before
“well look at gawd y/n come over here and say hi to our new member”
you walk over gripping at your coral-colored dress.
“Hola hermosa, ¿cómo estás?” he spoke his spanish fast and you couldn’t lie you found it attractive especially the way hes tongue moves
“huh?? sorry im not very fluent in spanish” heat flooded your cheeks quickly. maybe you should have paid attention in spanish.
“ahh it’s okay Cariño i was either at first” followed by that he opened hes mouth displaying hes pearlie white teeth shiny teeth and me you guess.
“well good news baby connie here is coming to bible study”
okay what does that have to do with you???
“and you’re gonna help him find the way of god”
Today was the day you and connie were having a one on prayer session. You didn’t even know the boys last name.
and here you are wearing a simple peach shade dress with white stockings underneath.
not to mention the black lace bra that cups your breasts perfectly
you walked in to see Connie already there reading over the bible
he was wearing a wife beater tattoos marked all over hes two arms depictions of guns,skulls and you even spotted prayer hands.
you quickly rush towards your seat right in front of him he slowly raises he's head up meeting you in the eye.
"how long have you been staring at me hermosa?"
you quickly bended your head down shying away from he's grazed as he chuckles.
"im just joking with your baby"
despite the lingering sexual tension in the air you continue preaching
"uh okay so in Matthew 4:1 it talks about temptation from the devil and"
as you continue with the verse you can feel hes eyes lingering across your stockings you couldn't help but to look towards hes peeking becip.
during the session Constance lip bites , winking and even hes hand traveling too far down your cleavage
" and we drink the grape juice to symbolize Jesus’s purity an-“
“your not pure are you”
your head whips up with quickness as the words left hes mouth”
“what are you talking about?”
“i know you we’re having a wet dream about me sunday”
he arises from hes chair and puts your right leg over hes shoulder
he pulled up your skirt exposing your white dolly panties with a small bow on top with a small patch of wetness on the soft cloth.
“the only name i respond to is daddy” his hands found comfort around your throat. testing the waters he squeezed tightly.
“ is that clear whore?”
“yes daddy” small tears begin to prick from the corner of your eyes.
everything happened so fast your skirt and panties fully removed with your left breast making an appearance out.
“ do i have permission?”
you noticed his pants were ready off leaving him in his boxers in the short time you came to terms with everything.
slowly nodding your head up and down in agreement
“words hermosa”
“yes daddy”
he , mischievously grins down at you pulling off in boxers in a swift motion revealing he's length in all its greatness
you never seen a dick face to face this was all new
the tip of he’s head lined up to your entrance making its way inside of you
you can feel your body being rigid with inch length goes in
“Dios mío why didn’t you tell me you were this fucking tight”
he started moving in and out of you at a slow pace. You can tell by the look on his face he was holding himself back
he made soft movements as he kept going in and out
the pain on its own was unbearable it was like someone stabbing your uterus over and over again it didn't make it no better that you can feel him knocking at the entrance of your Cervix.
after a while of bad after bad thumps pleasure develops in your tummy.
"ohhhhh my god"
your hands went down and gripped the base of the chair despite the loud sounds the chair constantly makes. he stops for a minute repositioning himself into a better angle and striking himself back in you. His movements came with practice and skill as he continuously flicker your G-spot. You breathes were uneven and lost in the noises that your pussy made.
you could tell he was close he's movements became more sloppier with each stroke.
"im cumming oh my fucking god im cumming"
he's fingers found their place on your clit going in a circular motion.
you too both groan loudly together while the waves of pleasure passed you as he spills himself inside you he speaks again with he's deep voice.
"same time next Wednesday?"
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Pt: 2 <--
Summary: You're out on your balcony taking care of your wide range of plants, and suddenly, our leader in blue quite literally falls into your life.
Warnings: Minor injuries, and some swearing.
Requested: Nuh uh!
GN Reader!
You unlocked the door to your apartment sluggishly.
You had just gotten off work, and couldn't wait to take a shower and relax. Your boss was an asshole, as ususal, and today's customer's were super snobby.
Kicking off your shoe's, you walked into the kitchen and started some coffee, since, even though it was late, you had some house work you needed to get done. Some of which incuded taking care of your plants.
You practically had a mini green house on your balcony, and you'd be damned if you accidentally killed one of your babies because you were half asleep.
You walked into your bathroom and turned on the shower. After waiting for the water to heat up, you shed off your work clothes and stepped into the tub, sighing in contenment as the water cascaded down your body.
Once you finshed your shower, you wrapped a towel around your hair and body, and made your way to your bedroom.
You put on your favorite pair of pajamas, then walked into the kitchen to pour your now finished coffee.
You pull your favorite mug from the cabinet, pouring the liquid gold into it.
Once you were back in your bedroom, you went about brushing your hair, then cleaning your room, making you bed, etc.
After smoothing out your blanket, You walk over to your balcony door, sliding it open.
You grab your watering can from the ground, and begin to water your flower's and fern's. The last thing on your list was picking the cherries from the small tree you had. You had a neighbor who enjoyed cherry pie, and after she had helped you carry in your things the day you moved in, you learned to make it with the cherry's you grew.
She and her kids loved it, and they always made you cookies in return. So you kept growing cherries.
You walked back into your bedroom, leaving the balcony open, to grab the bowl you had left on your nightstand.
You turned around, about to walk back outside into the not-so-fresh city air, when you heard shouting.
You froze. Then you shook your head. This was New York for god sake, yelling wasn't uncommon, well it was around here, but thats besides the point!
After you rationalized with yourself, you continued onto the balcony, walking over to your precious cherry tree, you began to pick the small fruits, humming to yourself.
Suddenly, there was a loud thump!, followed by a low groan behind you. You jumped and spun around. Your heart sped up when you saw what made the noise.
"What the hell?"
Laying on the ground near the glass door, was a very, very, large turtle. It- he, was wear a blue mask around his face and he had friggin swords.
You set down the bowl slowly, and quietly as possible, approaching him with caution. Keeping as much distance as you could, you poked him on the arm.
he didn't move.
You poked him again.
Letting out a small, "huh." , you looked up to where he had fallen from. Seeing nothing, you sighed, now facing a very large dillema.
You could take your cherries, go inside, and pretend you never saw anything. Or you coukd drag the turtle inside, and make sure he was ok.
You could already hear your granny scolding you for even thinking of leaving the turtle. The old bat was still making you choose morals, even in death. Gotta love granny.
With one last sigh, you slowly stepped over the turtle, picking up his dropped swords. You took them inside and placed them on your desk.
Then, with a silent apology to your arms, you attempted to haul the large terrapin into your apartment.
It took fifteen minutes of intense struggle, but eventually, you were able to put him on your bed.
Breathing heavily, you gave the turtle a once over, and it took you a moment to realize there were some minor wounds on his arms.
You left quickly for your bathroom, returning shortly with the medical kit you kept. You began to clean each small wound, then bandage them. Once you were finished, you grabbed an extra blanket from your closet, then threw it over the turtle.
After that, you walked back out to your balcony to retreive your forgotten cherries.
You closed and locked your balcony, throwing one last glance at the turtle, before leaving for your kitchen.
The full gravity of your current situation didn't seem to hit you untill you were washing your freshly picked fruit.
There was a giant turtle in your bedroom.
Laying in your bed.
There was a giant turtle in your apartment.
"I am so confused right now." you muttered.
You shook your head, oppting to check on your new friend before you crashed for the night. After ensuring he didn't have a fever, you closed your bedroom door, and layed on your couch.
You had a feeling tommorow was going to be even weirder.
I woke with a groan.
Those purple dragons sure packed a punch, there was no way I was going to hear the end of this from Raph.
I blinked open my eyes, expecting to see the infirmary, but instead, I was greeted by the sight of light blue walls.
"Great." I thought
Just as I sat up in the bed that was definitly not mine, the door across the room opened.
I froze and looked at the person in the doorway, they froze as well. Looking at me with wide eyes.
I had no clue how long we'd been looking at each other, but before it could last any longer, they spoke, "I uh- I didn't think you'd be awake yet. you fell pretty far..."
They had a nice voice, it was kind, obviously there was a nervous tone to it, but still.
They slowly walked further into the room, I finally noticed the tray that they had. I looked down at it then back at up at them as they set the tray on the nightstand.
"I made some soup. I wasn't sure what kind you liked, so I just made the chicken noodle kind, my granny always said it helped with migrains so..."
I gingerly picked up the tray, "Thank you."
They nodded, then asked, "So, who are you?"
My heart skipped a beat.
Who are you.
Not what, who.
I cleared my throat, "My name is Leonardo, but everyone calls me Leo."
"Nice to meet you, Leonardo. I'm (Name)."
I chuckled, sipping some of the soup, "I thought I just said everyone calls me Leo."
I smiled at the slightly embarrased look on their face. They cleared their throat, "H-how are you feeling?"
I finished off the soup, rolling my shoukders as I set the tray back on the nightstand, "I feel great actually, thank you." I looked at the band-aids on my arm then did a double take, "Is that- are these Hello Kitty band-aids?"
They blushed an even darker shade of red, "Those were the only ones I had, sorry-"
"No, no it's fine! I- it just caught me a little off guard is all!"
They chuckled slightly, then they seemed to remember something, "Oh, I found these next to you, I dunno if their your's or not, I just assumed."
They gestured to my katana's that rested on their desk. I nodded, letting them know tgat the blades did, infact, belong to me.
"What time is it?" I asked.
They pulled out their phone, "10:30 am."
My eyes widened, I jumped up from the bed, quickly grabbing my katana's and sheathing them, "Well, I must be going. Great to meet you Mx. (Name). Thank you for helping me and everything, the soup was amazing, but I really do need to go."
"Wait!" they grabbed my arm as I reached for the handle on the balcony door, "Here, take these. I had extra anyway."
They handed me a bag of red cherries. I accepted them with a smile, "Thank you, really you're to kind. Hopefully, we'll meet again."
"Uh- y-yeah. Hopefully."
"Oh, and- uh, don't... tell anyone about this. or me. ok? it's like a really big secret."
"Didn't plan on it, Leo."
With one last smile, I stepped out into the New York air. Jumping away onto the rooftops.
Arriving home was just as annoying as I thought it would be, Donnie was worried as to where I had been all night, Mikey immediatly stole the cherries (Name) had given me, and Raph was practically out of breath from laughing at the Hello Kitty band-aids still on my arms.
With my back turned to take back the cherries from Mikey, I guess I missed the knowing look Master Splinter gave me.
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forlorn-crows · 6 months
I have a question...questions? Request? Maybe a little bit of both...?
I am a (relative) newcomer to the fandom, I've been hyper-focused on Ghost for the last year and my heart's completely, irreparably and quite blissfully gone on all of the Era IV Ghouls (Phantom and Aurora included), but, in particular, on our beloved Earth Ghoul Mountain (Mmmmmountain...💕)
HOWEVER, recently, I've begun trying to learn more about the previous era's Ghouls, and although I already have a growing appreciation for Omega, there's another that I find myself circling back to again and again and again...
Unfortunately, there seems to be a distressingly small amount of information on him in terms of HC's and fandom lore which really does make it harder to get a feel for his character and personality, so, I was wondering if you could help with that.
How do you see him in your head?
What is he like?
Who is he to you?
Please help me add a tenth Ghoul to the nine I already love...
hi, welcome!
ive got lots of headcanons about them so i'd love to go through some of those for you. i'll drop some great zephyr photos first and then we'll continue under the cut :3
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firstly, i cant tell you where the name zephyr originated. maybe fanfiction or other fan circles. zephyr is more commonly known as "chAir", because they were almost always sitting down to play. sort of like cowbell is named after the instrument he appeared for two seconds to play lmao
you'll notice i use they/them pronouns for zeph. thats something i picked up from @gayrickgrimes when i first started interacting more with ghost fanfic. but lots of people also use he/him. not sure why nonbinary zeph has really stuck with me since then, but i quite enjoy it!
i would say the most commonly shared headcanons about zephyr are as follows:
older in age, like omega or alpha often are portrayed
has chronic back and/or joint pain (there's lots of clips of them walking off stage holding their back, thus the headcanon)
has light or white hair, commonly portrayed as longish and wavy.
reserved. maybe a little "old mannish" at times. less spontaneous than other ghouls.
however! they like groovin' on stage. can be seen doing some wiggles during their keytar solo or jamming out on their stool.
some artistic portrayals i love are @endopyre's, @turbodrawn's, and @kamonart's :3 also for a portrayal that doesnt necessarily fit those 'common' appearance hc's above is @joeynihil's zeph, whom i LOVEEE.
i also love @divine-misfortune's depictions of them, but i have indeed given void the zephyr brainrot soooo....oopsies sorry not sorry.
so, now onto the things i specifically headcanon about zephyr. i dont know if youve read any of my ficlets with them yet, but i do have a few! generally, i hc pretty similar to the above bullet points. some other thoughts i have are as follows:
i think zeph has a more antiquated way of speaking. doesnt use a lot of slang or 'modern' words. is very precise, refined in the way that they speak.
very amicable with and well-loved by their pack (aether, ifrit, dew, mountain).
has an 'air' about them, if you will (pardon the pun haha). some may say its too much like they're looking down their nose at you, but i think they're clever, smooth, and teasing in equal measure. has a way with words, in more ways than one.
they really do like to have fun on stage, and i think they like to 'let loose' a little bit that way. that ghoul can groove and move when they want to! and i do enjoy watching ritual footage of them, would recommend <3
not sure if you're interested in unglamoured hc's, but i think they turn very gangly, resembling something like a vulture or other long-legged birds. taloned feet and hands. hocked legs. feathers sticking out behind their ears and tattered, crooked wings. bright eyes that glow in the dark and can see for miles. razor sharp teeth. literally terrifying if you catch them peering at you from high in the trees.
likes when the others offer to help with their back pains. ifrit with his warm hands. aether with his quintessence. maybe mountain with weed or dew taking them to the lake to take some weight of their joints. always very kind, thankful in return.
i think the abbey has a chapel with an organ that zeph likes to play. i think that's what they learned on originally, and transferred that knowledge to the keyboard. when they retired from the band they still enjoyed playing for midnight mass or special occasions.
lastly, i think zeph is a quiet dom. very controlled of a ghoul in normal situations, but very good at controlling and directing others. has a silver tongue and can absolutely take mountain down to studs with just words. i have many feelings about mountzeph in general, and how their dynamic works, which ive explored a little bit. but in general, i think zeph likes to have that control, either because they have pain that doesnt allow them the freedom to explore certain pleasures, and/or because thats what they like. its natural and fun for them. and its certainly fun for everyone else involved lmao. i just think of them as a very elegant ghoul in all aspects of their life.
all in all, im very fond of zephyr as a character, at least how i see them in my head and how i've seen them portrayed by others thus far! hopefully that can serve as some inspiration for you in 'getting to know' this air ghoul :3
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rzyraffek · 2 years
I made one cute post about slashers(ghostface and yautja) finding random child in forest. Its still in my head so imma do part 2. Its pure platonic made to be cute and funny😊. (By kid i mean she can talk walk normaly already ect)
Request open
Yaujta with human child
Yall this is part 2 but I know that not everyone seen part 1 so basicly what u missed: he finds kid in forest, looks for her perents, turns out they are bab people, he temporary takes kid to his ship...
Yeaaah Temporary, thats what he thought, he rly hoped to find some good place for her but He kinda failed? Lol
He will be grumpy, well no suprise! He didnt plan having random alien kid in his ship! But he cant Just leave her too
He has No clue about perentship so he will probably fail miseribly (trying to feed kid with raw food or trying to train her isnt top tier parent stuff)
But he tires okay! He may stalk some acuall human families to see how bebis work (misspelling bebi is my job)
Wait till he finds out that humans in fact dont train their kids in hunting/killing
Duble points in cutness if kid loves aliens! Like yknow every kid has phases dinosaurs/ponies/aliens/dolls idk what else its been 11years since i was kid idk what kids do this days (I was dinosaur kid myself)
I can imagine kid being like: 🤯alien dad😊 while hes like: 👽we woo *alien noises*👽
No but He will melt if kid calls him alien dad/ space dad/ just dad. He will be suprisingly very happy and proud
Okay okay he wont train his kid🙄 but dont make him cook pls😩. As long as yall are on earth He will steal some food(he is the reason why take out food you ordered 2hours ago never came)
"How are bebis made?" "uh eh they hatch from eggs?(has No clue how to human)"
Kid is very shmol (in comparison) and the ship is verrry big. Kid gets lost a lot. Yautja panics a lot. wheWHERE IS SHE I- EE NOT AGAIN
They love playing hide and seek, tag is cool too but He never knows if he should let kid win or make them loose in 0.23 seconds
He brings her a lot of stuff, mostly paper crayons, toys(dino plushies pls), clothes ofc, stickers. He will kinda love if she draws him or put stickers on his armor. I mean she shoudlnt be in armory and she is banned from going there due to sharp objects but awwwwe cute stickers on his armor
Mostly He is too busy to multi-task (taking care of kid while doing other stuff is difficult) so he just lets kid vibe on his lap or around him overall.
Yautja is very good in learning kid how to deal with emotions (both positive and negative) and overall respect, self defence ect
When kid grows up(teenager) he is doing his best to support her and show empathy (and yautjas arent know for being very emphatic) but please on love of God do not be mean to him he will be heartbroken. As the kid grows he will kinda try to train them with sertain weapons of just simple self-defence. Its not like kid will ever be in danger but its more like dad trying to show his favorite hobbie to his kid in hope that the kid will like it too
Funfact out of context! I liked yautjas before i saw any movies and I thought they had tails :( u can imagine my disapointment
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princess-ibri · 9 months
How would you incorporate Mizrabel from the Castle of Illusion games into the Disneyverse?
Ok, I've been thinking on this for weeks now trying to figure out a good idea for this, i've thought out soooo many different things xD And I think I finally got one that I like:
Link to the fairytale mentioned in this so it makes sense if you don't already know it
Oh also Trigger Warning for Body Horror. Thats a first for this blog I think xD
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Mizrabel is originally the adopted daughter in the Nordic faitytale Tatterhood. The child taken in by the childless king and queen, who only serves the purpose of befriending a wise woman's daughter so that the wise woman can tell the queen how to gain two biological daughters, who go one to be the actual main characters of the faitytale, and then the adopted one is never heard from again. I've ways wondered what happened to that poor girl...
And what happened was that, her heart broken by grief over her adopted mother basically abandoning her once her own twins were born, the young adopted princess Mirja goes back to the wise woman herself, demanding she be given something that will make her beautiful, powerful, noticed, loved.
The wise woman warns her of the dangers of such a request. Her mother asked for a child of her own, disregarding the one she had, and for the greed in her heart she did not follow the wise woman's rules and gained more then she asked for, and did not appreciate what she gained besides.
For the Queen ate, not one, but both of the magical flowers she had grown with the wise woman's guidance. She was warned to eat only one, but she hungered to ensure the spell would take, and so gained one beautiful daugher--and one wild one.
But the cast off princess doesn't care about the warning. For she wants to be More than both of the children the queen has gained combined.
The wise woman sighs, seeing the heartache of her child's friend, and gives her a seed to take and plant, which over the next year will grow into an apple tree that will bear a single fruit, a black apple that shines with all the colors of the rainbow. If she takes one bite of it, she will outshine both the children the queen carries, both in beauty and power.
But, like her adopted mother before her, Mirja does not heed the rules. Fearful that one bite will not be enough, she eats the full apple.
Her bones begin to crack, her skin to melt and merge. She has gained the ability to shift forms, to become anyone and anything. But she cannot yet fully control it, and horrified by the mass of shifting flesh she has become , she flees into the mountains.
There, she meets the witches and troll-folk of the mountain, who teach her greater magics, and she becomes a fearsome sorceress. Finally, after seven years she returns to her old home with her troll and witch companions to wreck havok on her mother's new daughters.
She did not count on the wild one being so fiercly protective of her beautiful sister.
Defeated by young Tatterhood, bound within the mountain, the witch-princess, now having cast off her old name for the name of Mizrabel--for so young Tatterhood taunted that she was--lives in lonely seclusion in the mountains, biding her time, learning deeper lore and magic that will allow her to escape and fulfill her obsesseion of outshining every princess in the lands of the EverRealm.
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lavender-at-heart · 2 years
Hey! So i saw your "Dating Legolas would include" with a human. Do you think you could do it but with an elf? Sorry if your requests are closed.
Thanks, bye bye!😊
Legolas dating a elf hc's:
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Pairing: Legolas x fem!reader
Warnings: mentions of death, heartbreak, having children lol
words: 1.5k
Notes: tysm for the request! i didnt know if you wanted fem or gn reader so i went with fem but i can make a gn!reader one too. also im so sorry i didnt get the notification for the ask so i didnt see it until very recently<3 my requests are open and id love to recieve more! also theres a part that mention kids and if your someone that doesnt want kids or doesnt like them then you can go right ahead and pretend it doesnt exist. And remember to eat , drink water and get some good rest today, you deserve it(and shannah tovah to any jewish ppl out there:])<3
being a elf and dating Leggo boy definitely has its perks
for one : his dad might approve of you
and secondly you never have to have the mortal and immortal talk, so yay!
growing up as the daughter of lord elrond meant you knew who Legolas was since you were born(if you dont look like Elrond's family just pretend ur adopted woop :] ).
you and every eleth in middle earth fawned over him
when you were younger you day dreamed of being a princess locked in a tower, one day he'll come and rescue you and take you away from the seemingly measly life you lived
he paid visits to Rivendell quite often , enjoying the company of you and your siblings
you had grown up with him around, always willing to teach you the art of archery or how to fend off any scary looking spiders.
but after the battle of the five armies he stopped fisiting Rivendell, something about finding the Dunedain rangers.
you grew up, and you missed him yes- but you convinced yourself that he was just a family friend- no one special.
boy you were wrong because then you meet him again when the council of Elrond happens and its like a freight train of emotions hit you in the heart
elves only fall in love once- its a very serious and dramatic ordeal, and you knew this was it.
you also knew that you could possibly die of heartbreak if he didnt return your feelings.
you assumed he saw you as a little sister, or had completely forgotten about you.
but then both of you had a talk in Rivendell, the night before you planed to head off.
he explained that he had fallen in love with you, he had always loved you but when he saw you again he knew it was romantic.
but he knew that the chances of either of you dying on this journey were very real and very possible
and although it would be very hard for the both of you, you decided to stay friends until the fight was over. it would save you a lot of pain and suffer if one of you did die though
but even just being really really friendly was not helping either, you still had a very strong connection.
he'll always make sure you keep up your health when on the road
"the key to staying healthy is to drink lots of water dear one"
"surely thats not enough food for you mellon"
always covering for you when its your turn to keep watch so you can get better sleep
and that all seems like very normal friend stuff but then...
the hair braiding
he will insist to braid your hair so you dont have to waist time doing it
he'll learn how you do your style and might even try some new designs he think would look pretty on you
you dont even know what to say, because elvish hair braiding is a sacred thing, usually you only braid the hair of your significant other or family members.
but legolas can be a bit dense at times, maybe he doesnt realize hes making this harder than it needs to be
you two always end up together , walking, rowing, wherever you are you two usually stray from the fellowship to have some alone time
you often find it hard to relate to the rest of the fellowship, being so diferent from them
but Legolas was the same as you, sometimes you feel like your the same person. so connected to eachother , finding such a peacful familiarity when your with him
gandalf thinks your friendship is absolute bs and he sees right through the both of you, hes practically your matchmaker always trying to get you together.
when you reach Lothlorian your grandmother, Galadriel knocks some sense into you
she tells you that your future will be bright and full of happiness if you can just get over your stupid friend-zone rule, but she does agree that the futre is uncertain and that you would probably die if he gets killed and vice versa.
the battles are rough but you never falter, you and leggy enjoy showing off your elven strength and beauty to the humans
you get hit on about a million times in Rohan and you can see its driving the elven prince bonkers.
if Legolas is ever injured which rarely ever happens, you are there to tend to the wounds
if he is restless you'll read or sing some elvish hymns for him to fall asleep to.
there's is nothing that can dampen your spirits when the two of you are together, even without the romantic side your happy just to be near him as often as you are.
you spend you wandering days discussing elven philosophers, teaching gimli elvish or connecting to the forests together.
when the final battle comes, you are plauged with fear
you pray and pray and pray that both of you stay safe.
legolas is the best warrior in middle earth , but you were not.
not to say you werent a skilled warrior, you were better than any man, hobbit or dwarf- but you were not Legolas.
what if something were to happen and he was left alone?
well you didnt have much time to dwell on that fact because you had won the battle and both of you must imidiatley return home to your fathers.
it wasnt fair, you were finally able to be together but noooooooooooo you just had to be separated until Aragorns corination
when you got home your father knew about you and Legolas, he said he had already had a vision of of your future together and he gave you his blessing
Arwen and your brothers were very very happy for you. arwen told you about her own romantic struggles and you bonded over the fact that you had been separated by your loves.
arwen said that the four of you should get married together, while unorthodox it sounds very exiting
you spend the few months at home planing to see Legolas again, weaving a new dress to impress him, finding a new hair braiding technique, picking apart yourself and making sure your perfect for your reunion.
you and Arwen are so nervous at Aragorns corination you can barley stand.
seeing Aragorn and your sister ruinite made you almost as happy as reuniting with Legolas
you cried, you hugged, you kissed
you met his dad and that was a traumatic experience in itself
but he seemed to like you, he respected your father and therefore he must respect you. Even though he thinks Elrond is senile.
getting married in Lothlorien, surrounded by the beautiful lights and trees, married by your grandmother and officially named the princess of Eryn Lasgalen.
you leave your family with sadness but your beyond exited to see the greenwood
Legolas' kingdom welcomes you as one of their own and they are thrilled about having a princess
you spend a lot of time with Legolas but you also make sure to get to know your new home and its peoples
Legolas took you on a grand tour of the palace and the woods
you were amazed by the grand architecture, thinking you could spend eternity in Eryn Lasgalen, and you would.
you read up on the history of the Greenwood, learning about their customs and traditions.
you also make sure to visit the smaller less grand part of the kingdoms, visiting schools and hospitals.
to say Legolas is proud of you is an understatement
Legolas has to go to a lot of meetings and is busy a lot of the time, he feels so bad and the apologies never stop
but no matter how long he is gone he always makes it up to you
hell take you horseback riding and pack a picnic lunch to make it up to you
his father is honestly surprised at how in love the two of you are, you have been married for decades and still act as though you are in your honeymoon phase
when the two of you have your first child, a boy named Oropher[named after legolas' grandfather], Thranduil cant help but get reminded of him and his wife[and baby leggo too ofc]
Thanduil enjoys your conversations, thinking of you as a daughter he never had, and a good friend
he also lets you in on all the embarrassing baby Legolas stories he never got to tell anyone.
you end up having 5 children in all your years, three girls and two boys
some take after you more, others Legolas
you make excellent parents, teaching them the arts, sciences and ways of battle.
Legolas spends time with his children as often as he possibly can and is an amazing father
you love your life in the greenwood, its your home
but eventually the time of the elves is over and you and your family sail for Valinor, to be together forever<3
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veronicarogue · 2 months
I will try not to make this too long.
What I, personally, am looking most forward to in S2:
1. Charlie & Alastor!
Opposites in nearly every way but with those few important similarities. Their dynamic (to me) is the most intriguing and exciting and complex and, and, and! (Also more 🩷Charlastor♥️ content and I will be vacuuming up those crumbs and the fan content that follows! [Sigh] Fanon is such tremendous fun😊)
2. Alastor.
This serial killing, cannibalistic, voodoo(i think thats what his magic is called), deer demon, Overlord is drenched in charm and mystery and I am on the edge of my metaphorical seat to learn more and more about him. [Eying my stack of pages filled with questions, theories and character analysis]
3. Charlie.
She's over 200 years old. Was she always like this - happy and optimistic or was there some point in her life she where was, idk, like Alastor to a lesser extent? What made her spring into action on her dream of rehabilitating souls? I just really wanna know more about Charlie. [Eying my smaller stack of pages with Charlie sketches and character analysis]
4. Lilith, Lucifer, Alastor, Adam and Lute. There's so much to unpack here.
Why did Lilith and Lucifer split?
Liliths (implied)deal with Adam??
Could it really be her that has Alastor on a chain?
Is Lilith going to stand in Charlies way? (I'm really hoping she was a decent mother who loves Charlie and will instead go down to warn her)
What is the direction for Lute's character? How much or little has the loss of Adam affected her?
Also, the beef between Lucifer and Alastor will undoubtedly be hilarious😂 The angel and demon on Charlie's shoulders.
Do the heavenly souls now know about the exterminations? Do they know about Sir Pentious; that Sinners can be redeemed? - side note: when the hazbins find out about Pentious I am probably going to cry😭 - how do the heavenly souls feel about that? Heaven is meant to be perfect but they've been lied to for decades and ruled by a corrupt system.
I'd like to think the heaven souls will be happy and requesting to send letters or something to their loved ones down in Hell. (now I'm imagining Molly being the first and writing a letter to her brother Anthony!😭)
Also, Emily and Sir Pentious friendship! That'll be so F-ing cute!
6. Vaggie.
Anticipating how the writers will go about Vaggie becoming her own person with her own personality. I'm excited for her to grow beyond her identity as whatever Charlie needs because that, currently, is all there is to her. Which makes sense considering all her life has been a militaristic upbringing with other angels who didn't like her(ep8) and Extermination Days and who knows what she got up to the remaining 364 days of the year. AND upon losing her entire purpose as an exorcist, she gains Charlie, who has become her everything and the hotel is also Vaggies way of making up for her past. But Vaggie also measures her entire self-worth, once again, around Charlie (ep3, 7, and bit of 6 and 8)
Who in the hotel will she form connections with? - I did like her and Angel's bickering in the Pilot and I see her and Cherri beings friends.
(Side note because some people cannot comprehend what they read: I AM NOT HATING ON VAGGIE! I'm critiquing her as a character and her lack of a personality besides her one big secret and one special person, which is a GREAT foundation for a character to build up from. All these characters are flawed, some downright F-ed up and that's what makes them so lovable. Organic growth of flawed characters. Love to see it, love the journey)
7. The Vees.
They're no angelic beings or ring lords but they do have massive influence within and over the Sinners of the Pride ring, so yes, I do believe they will be a serious threat to the hotel.
Vox with his one-sided rivalry, deeply rooted hatred (and maybe something more) toward Alastor.
Need I go into detail about the F-ed up Valentino and Angel situation that we all want to save our precious spiderboy from?
And Velvette, I think she'll either have a rivalry with Charlie and/or Vaggie. I hope its Vaggie especially if she's going to have a mentor/Student dynamic with Carmilla! (AWWW. Now I'm imagining Vaggie becoming friends with Clara and Odette Carmine (even though we don't know much about them yet) I just want nice things for Vaggie and that includes good friendships!)
8. Charlie & Angel AND Charlie & Husk (This could go with point 3 but I want more of these two pairs specifically)
9. Anything about Angel, Husk, Niffty, or Cherris human lives and/or their afterlives.
10. 🐈‍⬛️🎲Huskerdust🕸💗 (platonic or romantic. Both is good. Slow Burn is my poison though)
11. MORE SONGS accompanied by fabulous animation!
Thank you for reading through my little rant😊
Pleasant day further🌆/Sweet dreams🌃
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ashdreams2023 · 1 year
May i request a gn or male reader whos basically the child of loki thats being on Shield’s watch for a long time since [reader] is literally the child of Loki, thr man who basically struck an attack on new york. The reason as too why [reader] was on midguard was too take a break from all that was happening on asgard, on earth [reader] ends up getting too know peter parker, even goes to peter’s school. So one day [reader] takes peter to asgard too show himaround asgard amd peter ends up meeting Loki, [reader]’s father.
How fun!, I twisted it a little at the beginning but I hope you like it
You’ve been staring the letter from almost 30 minutes and all you could think about it is how dreadful it would be to leave mid exams.
You’re smart that’s something you inherited from your dear father Loki, but the studying part you despised with passion.
"Hey what you looking at?" Peter Parker, aka spider man was looming over your head to look at the nice hand writing on the letter, he couldn’t read it obviously but he was curious neither the less.
"I’m invited to Asgard for lunch with grandmother and father"
Peter blinked at you confused, why would seeing your family be awful you sounded like you adored them.
"Peter time works differently on Asgard, a day there is a month on Midgard"
"Exactly, it has to be fast and quick…"
Peter nodded then looked down at his wrist watch, a spider man one, Ned had got it for him as a funny birthday present.
"I have algebra next, I’m not gonna learn anything on my own so how about I go with you?"
"Really? You want to come with me? Wouldn’t your aunt be worried though…" Peter shook his head before pulling out his phone.
"There, texted her I’m staying with a friend after school" you jumped to your feet immediately, with a swift hand move your earthly clothes changed into something more appropriate for Asgard, peter panicked a bit but you assured him it was only mandatory on you as a prince.
The leave to your surprise wasn’t that easy, a couple of the police force were waiting in the park and questioned you visitation and needed you to inform the stark tower that you’re leaving with peter.
After all of that you two went on your way.
The journey was short all thanks to your powers and a little something you stool from your sweet family but what they didn’t know didn’t hurt them.
"Wow…you live here?"
"Yeah not too shabby ha!" You joked. Peter practically sprinted with you, hand in hand until both of you reached the inside of the palace.
The guard directed you to the gardens where your family was already waiting for you.
Upon seeing both your grandmother and father you gave a little bow out of respect to the queen, petter immediately followed suit.
"I did not know you’ll be bringing company my child" said Loki. You tugged peter in front of you.
"This is peter Parker sir, spider-man" you introduced peter who looked a few seconds away from having a panic attack. Peter only heard of Loki and knew of he did obviously but still didn’t want to make a fool of himself in front of him.
"Spider child…my son seems very fond of you young man" you coughed into your fist awkwardly, Loki only gave one of his up to no good grins.
"Any friend of my grandson, is a friend of ours, sit down child" frigga please her heart sat peter down next to her and change the subject before Loki could embarrass you.
Frigga asked about your education and what peter did on the side with his spider man actives, Loki did the same but managed to embarrass you each time, Peter was never gonna let you live it down.
"Father, would you mind if I showed peter around asgard?"
"I see no harm, but don’t go bothering the horses you don’t want to get kicked in the crotch again"
"That was long ago!" Loki just chuckled with your grandmother while Peter tried to hide his growing smile. Yup definitely a trip to remember this one was.
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hiiii!! congrats on 1.5k thats amazing!! if youre still taking requests for the event. could i get ☠️🦖 “I’m trying to do the right thing! Don’t you see that?” with Arcade? (romanced or not) thank you!!
Yessssss, Arcade! And angst! This is so fun!
It's not too crazy angst fest, like some of the others, but hopefully still along the lines of what you were looking for. And I'm not quite sure how I feel about my writing in this one, but.... I've looked at it enough times that I just need to send it out into the world, lol.
Anyway, I hope you like it! 😁
"I'm trying to do the right thing, can't you see that?" Arcade pleaded as genuinely as Six had seen him, his green eyes shining brightly with the conviction of his beliefs. "That's why I joined the Followers, why I spend my days trying to help people to the best of my abilities. Or did you think that was all part of some big, Enclave plot?"
He waved his hands about dramatically, and Six's nostrils flared in annoyance.
"No, that, I'm okay with." They ignored his snide question, "Helping people isn't a problem, obviously, and... I know that you aren't a part of that group anymore, but... it's your clear idolization of your former faction that I-- I just can't stand it, Arcade." Their voice nearly broke at that, their fingers curling and tensing into fists where they held their hands at their sides. "After everything I've heard about the Enclave, everything they've done... They were fascists, they were self-centered and cruel and so fanciful and grandiose with their beliefs of re-creating the world from before the war that they consistently committed crimes against humanity without any sort of consideration, without a second thought!"
"While that interpretation was a bit dramatic for my taste, still, I'm not denying any of that." He said coolly, "But I also can't deny the fact that they were my family. Whether or not I agreed with their ideologies, well... what choice did I have? I was a kid."
"And what about now?" Six had calmed themselves, but still, an urgency remained in their voice.
He nearly rolled his eyes at it.
"Now?" Arcade scoffed, "What do you think?"
"I'm asking you, Arcade." They punctuated their words with a firm step forwards, challenging.
"Very well, Six, let's examine this." His eyes blazed as, he too, moved forward in response, his hands coming together in a definitive clap, acting as punctuation.
"So, to start off, fleeing my home and faction with my mother after my father was killed, laying low and hiding from, well, pretty much everyone given how the Brotherhood and the NCR felt about this 'family business' of mine. Would you say, I mean, are my actions aligning with Enclave ideals so far? I'm not sure, but I'll go on anyway." Six's nostrils flared once more at the dry ire accompanying his words, but they remained silent.
"Growing up around the remnants of the Enclave," He continued, "while remaining as hidden as we could on the outskirts of NCR land. Doing some farming, foraging, learning what we could from those around us, now that we were out of our small community and entering into the great, wide wasteland, sure, yeah, that might have been pretty fascist of us, I could give you that--"
"Arcade, this isn't what I meant, and you know it. I was talking about how you're--"
"Now. Okay yeah, you're right. All of that was just about ancient history at this point, huh? Given that you can only recall... what? Your life for the past year? Yeah, I was going too far back. Let's stop and consider your place in all this."
"Arc--" Their fists clenched, but he tried to ignore it as he held up a finger to keep from being interrupted again.
"Ah, ah. I'm working on it, tenere vos equos." His voice and expression were wild with vicious sarcasm as he carried on his speech. "When you met me, I was working for the Followers of the Apocalypse, after being trained as a doctor, trying to find the cures to certain ailments through the use of local plants, which, while gloriously and ironically unfruitful work, it was-- in my fascist opinion-- a noble pursuit."
Six was silent as he finished, their deadpan expression difficult to read.
Which is the preferable alternative to being outwardly pissed off, so I suppose I'll take it.
"I was doing that, anyway." Arcade continued, the smallest tinge of humor creeping back into his voice after it's previous indignation, "Until some dusty nobody stumbled in and said they needed a handsome doctor to help them, what was it? Be a 'better person' and 'save the Mojave' and become 'much more charming' with said doctor's assistance."
Their lips twitched, a telltale sign that he almost had them.
"Look, I know how it looks. I know my past is as checkered as your crazy would-be murderer's tacky suit jacket, but... I wouldn't have even bothered telling you about it if I didn't think I could trust you."
Six looked down at that, their eyebrows scrunching together, wrinkling their forehead slightly, and shifting the remaining scarred skin left from the bullets that nearly killed them.
Arcade's own chest gave a brief ache of sympathy.
We both have scars. Their's are just out here for all to see.
"It's not something I go around advertising, you know? Like you said, the Enclave weren't the most, ah, popular group."
"Then..." They spoke up finally, their voice quiet, but sincere. "Why did you tell me?"
Arcade's brows rose.
"You need your ears checked? Because I've got the special stethoscope and everything, we could do it right now."
Now a soft laugh left them, and the doctor's eyes crinkled a bit with his returned hint of a grin.
"Okay, you trust me... but..."
"Why?" He repeated for them.
Six nodded.
"Do you really want to stand out here in the sun all day? Because, well, it's a pretty long list. What do you say we just do the short version, save from being sunburnt, you know, non perdis tempus nec meum." They nodded like they did know, even though Arcade doubted that they did, he continued on without bothering to translate.
"But I've known you a year now, which, yeah, not too long, but still... we've stuck together longer than I've been around anyone but a few... choice affiliates and family members in my life, and you've... You've accepted me. As cheesy as that sounds," He chuckled, losing himself briefly to the sincerity of his confession, "You've pretty much been the first one. No one else has gotten here, to this point. They all leave before it can happen. But you... well, obviously you didn't. I figured... If you can put up with the rest of me, why not one last-ditch effort? See how handsome and charming you really think I am. See if it's enough to keep you around, despite everything else about me. Despite my fascism and perceived affiliation to crimes against humanity, my boring personality..."
"Well... It was." Six said quietly, and Arcade's eyes snapped to theirs. "I know that... That I might've reacted a little harshly to you telling me about your past, about your family and... and the Enclave, but... All that you've done, for others and for me, it all speaks volumes. And it speaks volumes in Latin, so it's also unfalteringly charming."
"Ahh, yes. Just like the rest of me, right?" Arcade winked, and Six only shook their head.
"Don't make me redact my statement, doctor." They said with a grin, "Because I reserve my right to do so."
"But you wouldn't." He shot back, his eyes narrowing playfully, "Else, you would have done it by now. Ne minaris quod facere non potes, Six."
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